#they are in a unrequited love triangle
mimidroolz · 2 years
Take them away from me
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comatosebunny09 · 2 months
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Imagine being longtime friends with Zayne and harboring deep feelings for him, but having no idea how he feels about you because he keeps you at what feels like arm’s length.
Sometimes, you feel like a nuisance.
An annoying sister-figure Zayne deals with because he has to. Because he’s known you since you were children, and now he’s your doctor, so he’s obligated to be nice.
But sometimes, he confuses you because did he just compliment you unprovoked? Go out of his way to meet you for dinner? Give you his coat when the cold whisper of the breeze touches your spine? Stay in your living room late into the night talking with you, knowing he has to be up early tomorrow for work?
Whatever’s going on, it’s confusing as all hell. His signals are jumbled like spilled jigsaw pieces, and the accidental touches and the fleeting glances and the way he murmurs unguarded things to you in the dead of night makes your head fill with static, and—
You don’t think your heart can take much more of this push-and-pull, this game of hot and cold.
Besides, who would Zayne be to give someone as plain as you a shot in hell at him? He’s all big-time cardiac surgeon. All modelesque and incredibly smart and made of money, and you’re just a humble, nameless Hunter.
Enter Sylus.
Damn, he’s an asshole at first.
Sure, his beauty is otherworldly, and his voice makes your knees all wobbly. And he’s tall and masculine in every sense of the word, and fuck, he smells good.
But you typically wouldn’t give someone like him the time of day. He’s a criminal. Damn near mafia-affiliated. Talks too much shit, and your morals warn you against falling for him.
But, well…
You kinda…
With time you notice, hey, this guy isn’t too bad. He’s still the leader of Onychinus. Still a murderer and a thief and you’re still low-key traumatized from your first encounter with him.
But he’s not all jagged around the edges like he initially let on. Doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to what he wants. Wears his heart on his cuffed, designer sleeves when it comes to you.
There’s no riddle to his words. No mistaking how his hand sits possessively at the small of your back when he takes you with him to conduct business. No missing how he blatantly flirts and has even come close to kissing you once or twice.
He likes you, goddamit, if the PDA and the unguarded smiles and overprotectiveness are anything to go by.
And when you’re tucked away all safe in your bedroom, tuckered out from killing Wanderers and battling with your own emotions…
When you’re clad in your soft PJs and hugging your pillow to your bosom with your brain all fizzy as the sun seeks refuge beneath the horizon…
When, in your peripheral, your phone glows on your nightstand. And you worry your bottom with your teeth, scrutinizing the picture flooding your screen—sea-green eyes, kohl black hair, a name flanked in big red hearts.
He’s calling you. Again. Texting you, filling your watch with notifications, filling up the idle space of your home with the insistent hum of your phone, and it’s uncharacteristic of him to be so active.
As your phone forwards him to voicemail and he becomes another missed call in your notifications, you realize.
You fitfully realize that Sylus is everything you want.
Everything you want from Zayne.
You fall back into the serenity of your bedsheets with a wail, muffling such a pitiful sound behind your pillow.
Maybe, just maybe Sylus is your punishment for being too pussy to confront Zayne.
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twstbookclub · 5 months
Sharp Teeth, Tough Love
Summary: You caught Floyd's interest the moment fire and chaos erupted in the Mirror Chamber. One chance meeting gave you the nickname Shrimpy, and another left Floyd sinking deeper into the depths. POV: 2nd Person Pronouns: Gender-neutral Admin/Writer: Cressa🦋 Tags: Romance, Angst, No happy ending, sorry folks, Floyd Being Floyd, Slow Burn, Minor ADeuce and Grim Shenanigans again, Unrequited Feelings, Floyd's POV (I hope yall remember whose nickname belongs to who) Word Count: 3, 044 If yall needed to know, I wrote this on the same day I wrote the Riddle fic. My brain is spent on these two, and I couldn't be any happier. I wish I could end this another way, though. Poor terrifying and violent Floyd. One thing to note, it's really fascinating how he only calls someone by name if he really respected them. Also, if yall catch that reference to one of Floyd's lesson chats, I will love you forever. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy again 💕
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Floyd could never forget the first time he saw you.
Your face was twisted into a flabbergasted frown, mingled with distress, confusion, and exasperation. The cat monster—he’ll call it Baby Seal since its tiny height and gray fur reminded him of one—ran amok and spewed fire everywhere. Kalim’s screams rang in the air, followed by Crowley’s indignant shouts. He watched the chaos unfold with intrigued eyes and a widening grin, revealing sharp teeth and a thirst for more wreckage.
Amidst the smoke that billowed and swirled in the Mirror Chamber, you stood in the middle of it. The harsh glow of the fire pierced Floyd’s eyes, but all he saw was your silhouette surrounded by dying embers and crackling flames. Just as his gaze landed on you, your head swiveled around to look back at him. As if some invisible force compelled you to find the eyes that burned into your figure.
He wanted to see you again.
The next time he saw you, you were with Baby Seal and those two freshmen in Heartslabyul: Crabby and Little Mackerel. Even Goldfish and Sea Bream were with you. The six of you lurked in the courtyard, as if trying to spy on something. Whatever you were doing, it caught his attention.
“Careful, Floyd,” Jade simpered after he followed his brother’s line of sight, “don’t scare the fish away.”
Of course, Jade already knew what Floyd was thinking with one look. There was a reason why they chose each other and survived the coldest, harshest waters.
“Yeah, yeah.” Floyd flippantly waved away Jade’s words with a languid grin, before he snuck on the group. It was laughable, how they didn’t notice his tall and gangly figure slink in front of them. The six students spoke in hushed whispers, too engrossed in their conversation to see the shadow that loomed over them. His eyes roamed each freshman, checking the fresh meat, but they lingered on you.
You looked so small, and he had to tilt his head down to see your eyes. Back then, during the entrance ceremony, you hunched over as if to curl into yourself. Small and weak and afraid.
Floyd’s lips stretched from one ear to the other. He’ll call you Shrimpy.
“Oh ho ho! What is up, Lil’ Goldfish?”
Goldfish jumped, sputtering and floundering like a fish caught by its prey. The rest showed varying degrees of surprise. Sea Bream’s smile became strained, and Floyd could see the junior sweat a little. Crabby flinched, while Little Mackerel took a step back with wide eyes. His fists were raised to his chest, and Floyd’s eyes narrowed at that.
Huh, one of them was ready for a fight. Interesting.
His attention shifted to you, wide eyes fluttering in disbelief. You craned your neck to look up at him with parted lips. As Floyd engaged Goldfish in a conversation more like interrogation, he felt like he was floating. It’s as if he could run around the track field without breaking a sweat from the look you gave him.
He wanted to see more of that. He wanted to see you more.
Your gaze drifted to Jade, and you froze. Floyd brushed it off as fear. That was how people usually reacted to them, anyway. It was nothing new. He focused on the conversation with Goldfish without sparing your reaction another thought.
One sunny day, a few days after that chance meeting, Floyd saw you in the courtyard again. You were with Baby Seal—he always was—along with Crabby and Little Mackerel. The latter two stood in front of you, who sat on the edge of the fountain. Baby Seal was standing next to you with this annoyed look. Meanwhile, the Leech brother was lounging on the grass. Alchemy class bored him, so he decided to skip and bathe in the sunlight on the courtyard.
None of them seemed to notice him. Floyd watched, still bored out of his mind. He was debating on whether to spook the group or otherwise, when he heard you laugh.
You tilted your head back, letting the sun illuminate the smile on your face. It was a toothy grin, one that crinkled your eyes and emphasized the chub of your cheeks. He barely saw the color of your irises, and your unrestrained laugh echoed in the desolate courtyard. You even snorted.
You tilted your head back so much that you tipped over and fell into the fountain with a loud splash. Floyd snickered, ignoring the warmth in his chest and the flutter of his heart. Howling laughter followed your fall. Crabby clutched his stomach and doubled over. Little Mackerel held back a smile as he flailed, unsure of how to help you, in front of the fountain. Baby Seal was laughing his ass off, belly flopping on the edge of the fountain.
He decided to stand from his spot and help you, since the entire thing entertained him. Although, when he stood tall and took a step towards the fountain, he paused. You were drenched in water, from the top of your head to the tip of your leather shoes. Locks of hair stuck to your forehead and cheeks. Your uniform clung to your skin, and it looked uncomfortable. Despite all that, your smile remained.
“You assholes!” You laughed with a loud wheeze, happy and carefree with that toothy and blinding grin. He could clearly hear you laugh and sputter, even with Crabby’s and Baby Seal’s loud snickers and laughter. As he watched Little Mackerel help you—and fail, because you slipped back into the fountain—a thought nagged at his mind. 
What should I do to make Shrimpy laugh like that again?
“Hey, Shrimpy!” Floyd chirped, grin too wide and sharp to be considered friendly. Little Mackerel and Crabby stepped back, as the sophomore grabbed your arm and tugged you out of the fountain. Your hand shot out to grip the edge, while you stood from the water.
“Need a lil’ help?”
“Oh merciful Seven—” Floyd pretended not to notice how your vocabulary changed in just a few months— “thanks, but how much did you see?”
The fact that you nonchalantly accepted his help, that you didn’t flinch from him, made Floyd’s heart do somersaults and cartwheels. The corners of his lips stretched towards his ears. He squeezed your arm and watched you step out of the fountain.
Water dripped from your uniform, and Floyd observed the droplets fall from your hair and fingertips. He briefly wondered what you’d look like if he dragged you into the sea. Would you be surprised? Would you scream?
Would you laugh and call him an asshole, like what you did earlier?
“What answer do you wanna hear, Shrimpy?” He teased, still grinning and holding your arm. For some reason, Floyd didn’t want to let go.
“The one that doesn’t embarrass me, thanks.” You chuckled, despite the other three freshmen being silent spectators of this interaction. As you thanked him again and flicked the water off your hands, Floyd couldn’t help but grin wider.
Another month passed. After that admittedly hilarious outburst from Azul, you became a regular at Mostro Lounge. You visited during the weekends, even if you were wary at first. You fell into a routine, just as fast as how you picked up on the lingo in Twisted Wonderland.
You walked in during the weekends and stayed for as long as an hour and thirty minutes. (Yes, Floyd kept count.) You’d talk to either Jade or himself, depending on whoever was waiting tables at the time. Azul passed by at times to make sure you were having a good time, obviously to maintain Mostro Lounge’s good reputation. After a few visits, Floyd began to monopolize your attention by literally taking over server duty during the days you visited.
Even if he had to subtly threaten Azul with profit loss via property destruction and sabotage.
“Hey Shrimpy,” Floyd drawled, sitting across from you in one of the booths. It was a slow day today, and all you ordered was a fruit shake. A history book was opened to some page Floyd didn’t care to know. Notes littered your table, and your penmanship occupied his attention a little.
That was, until he grew bored of the sounds of pen scratching paper and the clinking dishes in Mostro Lounge.
“Hm? Yeah, Floyd?” You asked, flipping a page and jotting down something on your notebook. The tall merman pouted, before he reached over and snapped your book shut. Before you could even react, he snatched it away and lifted it far from you.
“I’m boooored. C’mon, play with me!”
Floyd grinned when you stuttered and glared at him. Your reactions always amused him, moreso whenever you were irritated or angry. Something about the way your brows furrowed and your nose scrunched made him want to tease you more. When you began to flail your arms and make animated gestures, that was when he knew you were really fed up.
“You—” You sighed and stood up, trying to reach for the book. Floyd only lifted it higher, and he didn’t even need to stand up. The corner of his lips twitched, while he watched you struggle and stretch to snatch the book back.
“Floyd, give it back! Please? I promise I’ll—”
There was a reason why he always tried to annoy you. You’d always promise him something in the end: treat him to lunch, hang out with him in the Lounge, watch his basketball matches (even if you were there for Crabby, too). It was the only way he could spend time with you without outright asking for it.
Floyd wasn’t an idiot. He knew he liked you, and it all began with that incident involving the fountain. Even Jade pointed out the many times Floyd’s face lit up every time you were around. He couldn’t ignore how much his heart pitter-pattered every time he saw you. He couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t grinning every time he caught sight of you. The way his name rolled off your tongue made him giddy enough to want to throw you over his shoulder and skip class with you.
If he had a choice, he’d drag you to the deepest parts of the sea and keep you to himself.
The book was plucked out of his hand, but your own hands were empty. You owlishly blinked, and so did Floyd. Both of you stilled, until another voice broke through the quiet hustle and bustle of the Lounge.
“It’s not nice to play with the food in front of you, Floyd.” Jade smiled, the kind he usually wore that fooled anyone into thinking he was the safer option between the two brothers. It was still funny to Floyd how everyone gravitated towards Jade, only to realize the jagged teeth behind that fake smile of his.
You took your book from Jade with an awkward smile. “Ah, thanks, even if you said something subtly backhanded…”
“It’s my pleasure, Prefect,” Jade answered, his smile never wavering in that moment. Careful hands gripped the book and slipped it off his gloved one.
Without missing a beat, you set the book aside and asked, “How are you then, Jade? You and Floyd are usually together, but I haven’t seen you in a while.”
The book remained shut, as if you weren’t trying to get it back from Floyd to study earlier. The lazy smile he had dropped into a thin line. His eyes drooped as he watched the conversation between you and his brother. On the other hand, Jade still wore that perfected smile of his with a hand over his heart.
“I’ve been doing fine. Thank you for asking.” Jade hummed before adding, “I found this lovely new specimen—another species of fungi—while on a hike recently. You were interested in mountain hiking and foraging, am I correct?”
“Oh, yeah.” You laughed, light like tinkling bells. It was a stark contrast to the boisterous laugh you usually had. Floyd’s chest tightened, and his hands clenched into fists under the table.
Letting your laughter die down, you continued with a smile, “Can I join you next time? If not that, you have terrariums, right? Can I see them some time?”
Your smile was small and practiced. Whenever you smiled, it was always toothy and the corners pushed your cheeks up. Now, it reminded Floyd of a prissy princess who had been sheltered all her life. You smiled like a noble that faced the aristocrats in hopes of a good impression. You smiled like the guests his parents had, trying to curry their favor, while he and Jade grew up.
You solely focused on his brother, as if Floyd wasn’t sitting right in front of you for the last hour. Your book and notes laid forgotten on the table. Condensed droplets began to drip from the glass, and the fruit shake was forgotten as well. Even when the edge of one of your transcripts became wet, you didn’t bother moving it away from the glass.
Floyd wasn’t an idiot. Of course, he wasn’t.
His eyes flitted towards the smile you had, softened with an emotion he didn’t want to see. Your own eyes appeared brighter, livelier than whenever you were with him. Even when you sat down, your body was angled towards Jade as you leaned on the table with crossed arms.
His mood soured in that instant, and the pitter-patter of his heart dulled into silence.
Floyd scowled, standing from the booth and shoving his hands in his pockets. You jumped a little, while Jade watched him with that carefully crafted smile. He didn’t bother explaining himself. Jade knew already, and he didn’t owe you anything. You’d only take this as Floyd sulking because his brother ruined his fun.
“Whatever,” he mumbled and trudged out of the restaurant with an air of annoyance. Everyone who happened to be in his way immediately skirted around the Leech brother. One wasn’t fast enough, and Floyd’s arm knocked the tray out of the poor student’s hands.
His scowl deepened. He loomed over the terrified boy with his jaw clenched and eyes glinting ominously. The aggravated tone rang clear in his voice when he threatened, “Watch it, or do you want me to squeeze ya, huh?”
The Heartslabyul student silently despaired about his lunch. He was too intimidated and afraid of Floyd to even squeak. The merman left Mostro Lounge with a scowl and his fists in his pockets, like a child throwing a tantrum. He didn’t bother looking over to see your reaction.
Floyd was growing irritated at the thought that you’d give all your attention to Jade. He’d rather not see you make goo-goo eyes at his own brother. He didn’t want to think too much of it. Maybe he’d find something to do; something to get rid of this itch in his chest and fists.
If he couldn’t, then Azul would just have to deal with Crowley later. He wasn’t going to sit in that cramped office and get lectured by a headmaster that preened over his and the academy’s reputation.
As Floyd stomped through the portal that led back to Night Raven College, his thoughts veered towards you and Jade. His mind conjured every memory he had of you: how you perked up every time you saw Jade; how you always asked about him, even if you thought you were subtle about it; how you subconsciously gravitated towards Jade every time he was there—
A pair of Pomefiore students skittered towards the wall as Floyd passed by. A shadow loomed over his scowling face, which accentuated the dips and curve of his mouth. His blood boiled, and his footfalls grew heavier with each step. If he went on like this, Floyd would dig potholes in the corridors with his feet alone.
He always saw your smile brighten and look dainty around Jade. Your laugh grew softer, restrained and freakishly refined. It was as if you deliberately controlled yourself to look more appealing to his brother. It was annoying Floyd more than it should.
He liked you, even when your body tipped back and doubled over from laughing so much. He liked you, even if your laugh sounded like a dying whale. He liked you, even when you snorted so hard that it hurt your nose. He liked you, even when you smacked him on the shoulder out of exasperation. He liked you so much that he was tempted to tickle you in front of Jade—just so he could hear your loud and carefree laugh again.
He wanted all of you, even if you were weak and frail and helpless. He just wanted you.
He already hated how cheesy he sounded, but his heart called out for you with each waking moment. The image of your smile overlapped with his memory of your laugh. Your name was scrawled in his mind, his heart, his lips, his very soul. Floyd already knew it was bad if he was being poetic, sappy, and romantic like Seagull.
So, why’d you like Jade? His brother could care less about you in that sense. Floyd was already annoyed that Jade moved things behind the scenes: making sure that you were alone with Floyd as much as possible. They were brothers, but none of them would ever admit that they cared for each other out loud. That didn’t stop people from thinking Jade was the more capable and reliable brother than Floyd, cunning and mischief aside.
Floyd was the one who helped you out whenever he could. He was the one who spent the most time with you in Mostro Lounge. He was the one who made a beeline towards you every time he saw even a glimpse of your head. He was the one who made you laugh and smile, especially whenever he noticed that you were down in the dumps.
He found himself in the courtyard, and his mood soured more at the sight of the fountain. The memory of you, laughing and sitting like a drenched duck in the water, overlapped with the image. Grumbling, he kicked a pebble off the path and clenched his jaw.
“Ah…” Floyd sighed and ran a hand through his hair, before ruffling the locks on the back of his head. His feet halted right in front of the fountain, with its clear and burbling water. Looking down at his reflection, he saw your face beside his—all smiles and eyes hiding behind your cheeks. His heart felt weird, as if being strangled by some invisible force that Floyd couldn’t punch nor squeeze.
He clicked his tongue and looked away from his reflection. With a frustrated groan, he mumbled to himself, “Why did it have to be Jade, Shrimpy? I’d fight tooth and nail for ya, but it’s Jade.”
With that, Floyd kicked the base of the fountain like a petulant child. A dull crack echoed in the desolate courtyard, before water gushed out of the broken stone. It spilled through the fissure, and Floyd took a step back to keep his shoes from getting drenched.
He frowned again and stalked off to find something else to occupy his time with. The afternoon sun showered the courtyard with a golden glow, which only reminded him of the time the sunlight illuminated your grinning face as you laughed.
“Why’d it have to be you, Prefect?” Floyd mumbled, shoulders sagging and foot kicking another pebble in the way. Maybe, in the near future, he’d get bored and forget about you. His heart wouldn’t do that weird pitter-patter, and his lips wouldn’t twitch into a grin with one look at you. His chest wouldn’t grow fuzzy and warm. He wouldn’t get the urge to run to where you were whenever he wanted to see you—which was every day, honestly.
Floyd hoped he would forget about you, but you were so difficult to forget. He’d never find someone else who captured his interest this much. He’d never find someone who looked so beautiful, even if the noises that left them were unattractive and childish. Even if their smile was too wide to be natural. Even if they were fascinated by him at first sight, rather than scared and intimidated.
No one else would be like you, but you just had to like his brother instead.
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dreadheadmadi · 18 days
No disrespect ofc but some people wanna abuse/preach about the whole “Logan, Jean, reader” love triangle trope but are too scared to make Jean in love with the reader 🥴
Edit: “Jean isn’t gay!” And canonically, neither is Logan, but if it was up to y’all, that man would be walking around with a dick in his mouth and a butt plug up his asshole. Return the energy, that’s all I’m saying.
Edit 2: My bad, I’m excluding MCU’s Wolverine (and that one au with Hercules), that mf is 100% taking Wade’s katana down his throat and his baby knife up his ass
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Baki Angst Stories: Triangle
Hanayama Kaoru x Female Reader x Jack Hanma
Could be slightly yandere if you squint
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The tournament air was chillier than normal. (Your name) swore she could feel a cool breeze rake its fingers down her spine to make the hairs stand up on her arms and legs. She hadn’t realized she had convulsed in shivers until a white suit jacket was bundled around her.
(Your name)’s eyes widened and she turned her gaze upon Hanayama Kaoru. The stoic man gave her the faintest of smiles as he snuggly wrapped his warm jacket around her.
Hanayama was a man of few words but his actions were loud. Ever since she had saved his life in an alleyway, he had latched himself to her like a loyal dog. It was strange to see such a soft side to the scarred giant, but she wasn’t opposed to it.
“You’ll catch a cold.” Hanayama simply stated, his obsidian eye gave her a once over. “The temperature has dropped significantly this week so you should be more prepared.”
(Your name) gave Hanayama a soft smile. The giant often cared for her in his own way, usually with act of service or in the form of gifts. It was charming.
“You’re always so sweet to me. Thank you.” (Your name) secured the jacket around her and inhaled the light tobacco and rose scent. It was oddly comforting…
Hanayama wasn’t competing in the tournament today but he knew (your name) would be here so he came regardless. Hanayama was enamored with the sweet, young woman and he was determined to court her.
Ever since she kneeled in that dirty alleyway to try to stop his bleeding with fragments of her dress, Hanayama was smitten. To dirty herself for someone like him of all people amazed him. Hanayama was a criminal, a dangerous crime boss, and yet (your name) treated him with some much kindness… Hanayama had to have her. It did not matter what means he had to turn to, to achieve her hand, but Hanayama wanted her. And Hanayama would have her.
Hanayama sat himself beside her in the stands. His side pressed against hers for more warmth. Hanayama fidgeted for a minute until he hesitantly wrapped an arm around her like one of those romance movies he’s seen a few times.
(Your name) was surprised by the gesture but she didn’t reject it. She just gave Hanayama an even brighter smile, her body curled into his like a cat’s.
“How about after the tournament is over, I can take you somewhere to eat? And if you’d like, I have a surprise for you.” Hanayama muttered softly, his heart drummed in his ears.
“A surprise?” (Your name) smiled up at Hanayama who blushed a bit. “What kind?”
Hanayama turned his head away which made (your name) chuckle. He was so cute in his own way.
“Okay, keep your secrets then.” (Your name) placed a kiss on his hand which made Hanayama nearly explode with the color. “I’ll go out with you tonight.”
Hanayama placed his hand on the small of her back while his heart raced in his chest. He was so happy she didn’t reject him… perhaps he had a chance after all?
Hanayama turned his focus back to the arena where Jack Hanna fought like a wild animal.
Hanayama didn’t know what (your name) saw in the blonde, but he was hopeful to take her away. She deserved to be treated like a princess…
Hanayama glanced down at (your name) who watched the fight with her utmost attention. Oh what he would do to only have her eyes on him… but he’d be patient for now.
Good things always came to those who wait.
Jack’s opponent suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Jack. The blonde stood tall and proud while the arena chanted his name. He may not have been about the glory and fame, but at times he enjoyed to hear praise.
Jack’s eyes scanned the audience until they landed on his childhood friend. His eyes wide in shock when he saw her and Hanayama in amorous conversation with one another. There was not a doubt in his mind that the two were flirting.
Jack narrowed his eyes in resentment. As of the last two months, he had noticed the scarred yakuza linger around (your name) like a shadow. And Jack admitted that at first he was happy her undivided attention on him had been uplifted but now he hated it.
Jack hated that (your name) no longer catered to his every need like a mother. That she no longer made him meals and cleaned his apartment for him. That her attention was now on Hanayama of all people. A dangerous crime boss.
Jack made his way toward the stands after he left the arena, the blonde determined not to lose the only person he had in his life. Jack didn’t want to lose (your name)… his beacon of light.
Jack sat behind (your name) and Hanayama, the young woman gave him a small smile. Jack didn’t like that her smiles were longer wide and bright like a ray of sunlight to him. They seemed more of a curtesy now… she slowly turned a stranger.
“Congratulations on your win, Jack.” (Your name) smiled at Jack, her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes like the used to. It left a bitter taste in Jack’s mouth and that wasn’t just from his opponents blood.
Jack hummed, his cinnamon eyes glanced Hanayama up and down. The yakuza’s arm still wrapped around (your name) like he was her lover. His signature white jacket wrapped around (your name) in a loud declaration to all that Hanayama had claimed his stake on her.
Jack bit his lip, he knew he had no right to interfere in her personal life… and yet he didn’t want her to be with Hanayama. Anyone but Hanayama.
“Would you like to get dinner after the tournament?” Jackie quietly asked (your name) which made her raise a brow. Jack never invited her places…
Before she could answer, Hanayama replied for her.
“Sorry but (your name) and I will be going out to eat and then to see an opera after this.” Hanayama stiffly answered Jack, his eye stared into Jack’s very soul with veiled vehemence. Jack could feel the distaste Hanayama had for him in that simple look.
(Your name) blinked a few times at Hanayama before she smiled brightly at him.
“I thought you said it was a surprise?” Hanayama felt realization sink in and he quickly deflated like a balloon. “Oh don’t be so sad, I didn’t think you were the type to be interested in the arts.”
“Well what kind of man do you think I am then?” Hanayama asked (your name) in a hushed tone.
“An enigma.”
Jack clenched his jaw when the two lovebirds ignored him. When had they become so close? Was this his fault?
“Sorry, Jack. I’ll be out with Hanayama tonight.” (Your name) told her emotionally constipated childhood friend. “Another time perhaps?”
(Your name) was then lead out of the stands by Hanayama who had her arm wrapped around his. The pair gave Jack a small farewell before they left to enjoy their time together.
Jack simply sat there in place. His hands clenched into fists.
This couldn’t be the end, right? (Your name) would come back… she always came back.
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thronesoldaccido · 23 days
Love From Afar
Pairing: Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x Fem!Reader x Simon “Ghost” Riley TW: Angst, Romance, Love Triangle, reader injured, hurt/no comfort, “stalking?” WC: 2.6K a/n: didn't really know how to end this one icl i hope you enjoy it not proofread
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The base was always quieter at night, a stillness settling over the barracks that felt both peaceful and suffocating. Simon often found himself alone during these hours, taking solace in the shadows where he felt the most at home. The darkness was a refuge for him, a place where he could exist without the weight of his past or the expectations of those around him. But lately, that solace had been slipping away eroded by the presence of someone who had managed to slip past his carefully constructed defences, you.
You had been with the team for over a year now, and in that time, you had become indispensable. Not just because of your skills in the field, they were formidable, but because of your spirit. You were strong but also kind, a combination that was rare in their line of work. You had a way of making everyone around you feel seen, feel valued. Even Simon, who had spent years perfecting the art of emotional detachment, couldn’t help but be drawn to you.
At first, he had dismissed his feelings as a passing infatuation, something he could easily ignore. But as time went on, those feelings only grew stronger, more insistent. He found himself gravitating toward you, seeking her out in the rare moments of downtime they had. It wasn’t just your beauty that captivated him, though you were undeniably beautiful, it was the way you treated him, like he was more than just the mask he wore.
But there was a problem, a problem with a name…. Kyle
Kyle and you had a connection that ghost couldn’t ignore. You were close in a way that Simon had never been with anyone. You shared jokes, whispered conversations and a bond that was palpable even in a room full of people. Simon could see it in the way Kyle looked at you, the way you smiled back at him. It was clear that you cared deeply for Seach other and as much as Simon hated to admit it. You fit together perfectly.
Simon was always on the outside, looking in. he was the one in the shadows, watching as Kyle made you laugh, as you leaned into him for comfort after a tough mission. And it hurt. But he kept his distance, telling himself it was for the best. You deserved someone who could offer stability and warmth, a future and that wasn’t him. He was a soldier, a “Ghost” and he didn’t belong in the light where you shone. You picked Kyle Afterall.
But no matter how hard he tried to distance himself, he couldn’t escape you. You seemed to have a way of finding him, even in the darkest corners of the base. You would sit with him in silence, sometimes talking about nothing in particular, other times just being there. It was in those moments that Simon allowed himself to hope, just for a second, that maybe there was something between them.
That hope was dangerous. It gnawed at him, growing stronger with each passing day until it became almost unbearable. He couldn’t stop thinking about you, couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like if things were different, if he was the one making you laugh, the one you turned to for comfort.
That day, the mission had started like any other, but something in the air felt different that day. The team moved through enemy territory with their usual precision, but the tension was palpable, an undercurrent of unease that none of them could shake. Simon led the way, as he often did, his senses honed to a razors edge. Beside him was you, always steady, always focused. Behind them, Kyle, his gaze ever watchful, not just the surroundings but of you.
Kyle had fallen for you a few weeks after you joined the team. He simply fell in love with you. He admired your skill he admired your intelligence. You would laugh at his jokes even the horrible ones. You were everything that he hadn’t known he was looking for. Kyle loved you with sincerity. But with that love came fear. fear that he couldn’t protect you that the dangerous life they led would take you from him. He kept it buried, knowing that you were more capable of taking care of yourself. Still the thought of losing you was something he couldn’t bear.
And then, the ambush happened
They were close to the extraction point when the first shots rang out, the sharp cracks of gunfire shattering the quiet. The enemy had been waiting for them, and within seconds, the team was pinned down, bullets ripping through the air. Simon’s instincts kicked in immediately. He moved with deadly precision, returning fire as he called out orders to the rest of the team. You were beside Kyle, paranoid, eyes darting, moving as swifty as you could. But before you could even raise your firearm to save yourself. You were hit.
Simon turned seeing you fall before his eyes. Your body crumpling to the ground as blood blossomed across her side.
“NO!” Kyles voice was a broken cry as he rushed to your side. His heart racing with a fear unlike anything he’d ever known. He dropped to his knees beside you, his hands trembling as he tried to stop the bleeding, panic gripped him. His thoughts a chaotic whirlwind of disbelief and terror. “Stay with me, love” Kyle begged, pressing down on the wound. “Please, stay with me. You’re going to be okay. You have to be okay.”
Your eyes fluttered open, pain etched across your features, but you managed a weak smile. “I’m fine, Kyle… don’t worry.”
But you weren’t  fine. The wound was serious, the blood loss too great. Kyle could see the colour draining from your face, could feel you slipping away, and it terrified him. All he could think about was how he had failed to protect you, how he might lose the woman he loved more than anything.
Simon saw the whole thing, his heart freezing as he watched you fall. Rage and fear surged through him as he fought to clear a path to the extraction point, his focus split between the battle and the sight of Kyle, desperately trying to keep you alive. A part of him was consumed with guilt, but another part—darker, more dangerous—began to resent Kyle for not protecting you.
“Get her to the extraction point!” Simon ordered, his voice a harsh bark as he cut down the last of the enemy fighters. “Now!”
The team rallied around them, forming a protective barrier as they moved toward the extraction point. Simon took point, his movements mechanical, driven by a cold fury that made him even more lethal. Every second felt like a lifetime, every breath a reminder of how close you were to death. And all he could think about was how Kyle had let this happen.
The chopper ride back to base was filled with a heavy, suffocating silence. The medics worked frantically to stabilize you, shouting orders to the pilot to get them back as fast as possible. Kyle sat beside you, his hands gripping yours tightly, his face a mask of anguish and desperation. Simon sat across from them, his eyes locked on your pale face, his heart a storm of conflicting emotions. When they finally landed, you were rushed into the med bay, leaving Simon and Kyle standing on the tarmac. The weight of everything that had happened crashed down on Simon, and he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He turned on Kyle, his voice low and seething with resentment.
“You were supposed to protect her,” Simon growled, stepping closer to Kyle, his eyes burning with anger.
Kyle looked up, his face pale and drawn, still reeling from the fear of losing you “What are you talking about, Simon?”
Simon’s hands clenched into fists, the rage that had been building inside him for hours finally breaking free. “You were right there, Kyle. You were supposed to have her back. And now she’s in there fighting for her life because you couldn’t do your damn job!”
Kyle blinked, the shock of Simon’s accusation momentarily stunning him. “I did everything I could! We were under fire, Simon! There was nothing I could do to stop that bullet!”
“Bullshit!” Simon snapped, his voice rising with each word. “You let her get hurt! You were too busy being her damn boyfriend to do what needed to be done!”
Kyle’s face twisted with anger, his own emotions finally boiling over. “How dare you say that? You think I don’t care? You think I’m not tearing myself apart over this? I love her, Simon! I’d die for her!”
“You didn’t do enough,” Simon spat, his voice filled with venom. “You say you love her, but you couldn’t even keep her safe. And now she’s lying in there because you failed.”
Kyle’s hands balled into fists. He took a step toward Simon, his voice trembling with fury. “You don’t get to judge me, Simon. You think you know what love is? You think you understand what it’s like to care about someone so much it tears you apart?”
“I care about her more than you could ever know,” Simon snarled, his eyes dark with emotion. “I’ve cared about her since the day she joined this team. But unlike you, I’ve kept it in check because I know what’s at stake. And now look where your so-called love has gotten her.”
Kyle’s eyes widened, the realization of Simon’s words hitting him like a physical blow. “You… you have feelings for her?”
Simon’s jaw tightened, the truth hanging in the air between them like a blade. “Yes, Kyle. I do. But I’ve respected her, respected you, because I knew she was yours. But now, because of you, she’s lying on a table, bleeding out.”
Kyle’s face twisted in a mix of shock and anger. “You think this is my fault? You think she’d ever choose you over me? You’re just a coward, Simon—a coward who hides behind a mask and a rifle because you’re too afraid to let anyone in!”
Simon’s patience snapped. Without thinking, he swung, his fist connecting with Kyle’s jaw with a sickening thud. The force of the blow sent Kyle staggering back, but he quickly regained his footing, his own anger flaring as he launched himself at Ghost.
They collided with a fury that had been building for months, fists flying as they grappled with each other. Kyle landed a solid punch to Ghost’s ribs, but Ghost retaliated, slamming his fist into Kyle’s stomach with enough force to knock the wind out of him.
“You’re not good enough for her,” Simon growled, his voice filled with years of repressed anger and pain. “You let her get hurt. You let her bleed.”
Before Kyle could respond, strong hands grabbed both men, yanking them apart with a force that broke their grip on each other.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Captain Price’s voice was like a gunshot, sharp and filled with authority. He shoved Simon back, his gaze hard and unforgiving as he looked between the two men. “This is how you handle things? Brawling like a couple of schoolboys while She’s in there fighting for her life?”
“You’re both out of line,” Price continued, his voice tight with barely controlled anger. “I don’t care what’s going on between you two, but this? This isn’t how you solve it. You think this is what she needs right now? You think this is going to help her?”
Kyle’s eyes dropped to the floor, the shame and guilt weighing heavily on him. Simon stood rigid, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tried to control the storm of emotions raging inside him.
Price looked between them, his voice softening just a fraction. “You both care about her. I get that. But right now, what she needs is to know that her team is behind her. That means all of us. You two need to get your heads on straight, because she’s the one that matters right now. Not this bullshit between you.”
Kyle nodded; Simon already walked away.
The days following the mission were heavy with tension, the kind that everyone felt but no one dared to address. Your condition was stable, but you remained in the med bay, recovering from your injuries. The team was grateful that you had survived, but the incident had left scars on more than just her body. Simon couldn’t shake the anger that had consumed him during the mission. The fight with Kyle had been inevitable, a culmination of months of pent-up emotions and unspoken feelings. But even after Captain Price had forced them to back down, the rage and guilt still simmered beneath the surface. Ghost couldn’t forgive Kyle for what had happened to you, but more than that, he couldn’t forgive himself.
It was late one night, long after most of the base had gone to sleep, when Simon found himself standing outside the med bay. He hadn’t been able to sleep since the mission, his thoughts plagued by images of you lying on that stretcher, pale and bleeding. The guilt was a constant, gnawing presence, but it was the fear that truly terrified him—the fear of losing you, the realization that he might never have the chance to tell you how he really felt.
He hadn’t seen you since that day, choosing to stay away out of respect for Kyle, and because he couldn’t bear to face you after everything that had happened. But now, something pulled him toward the med bay, a need to see you, to make sure you were okay. He told himself it was just to check on you, just to see with his own eyes that you were healing, but deep down, he knew it was more than that.
The med bay was dimly lit, the quiet hum of machines the only sound as Simon stepped inside. you were there, lying on the narrow bed, your eyes closed in sleep. Even in the Bright light, you looked so fragile, so different from the strong, confident woman he had come to admire. The sight of you like this, vulnerable and wounded, twisted something inside him.
Simon stood at the edge of the bed, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked down at you. you were safe. you were alive. But all he could think about was how close he had come to losing you, how close he had come to losing the one person who had ever made him feel like more than just a soldier, more than just a ghost.
He didn’t know how long he stood there, just watching you breathe, the rise and fall of your chest the only thing grounding him. But then, as if sensing his presence, you stirred, your eyes slowly fluttering open.
“Simon?” your voice was soft, still heavy with sleep, but there was a warmth in it that sent a jolt through him.
Simon froze, his heart in his throat. He hadn’t expected you to wake up, hadn’t prepared himself for the possibility of having to speak to you, to explain why he was there. But now that  you were looking at him, those familiar brown eyes filled with a softness that made his heart ache, he couldn’t bring himself to leave.
“Hey,” he said quietly, his voice rough with emotion. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You offered him a small, tired smile. “It’s okay. I’m glad you’re here.”
Your words hit him harder than they should have, a mixture of relief and something deeper that he didn’t want to acknowledge. He swallowed hard, trying to push down the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore,” you admitted, your hand moving to rest gently over the bandage on your side. “But better. The doctors said I should be back on my feet in no time.”
“That’s good,” Ghost said, but his voice was distant, his mind racing with thoughts he couldn’t control.
They fell into a silence, the weight of everything unsaid hanging between them. Ghost’s eyes traced the contours of your face. the way your lips curved into that soft, familiar smile. He knew he shouldn’t be there, that he should leave before he did something he would regret, but he couldn’t make himself move.
“Simon, what’s wrong?” Lolade’s voice was gentle, filled with concern.
Simon looked away, trying to gather his thoughts, but it was no use. The emotions he had been fighting for so long came rushing to the surface, and before he could stop himself, he spoke. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
Your expression softened, your eyes searching his. “I’m still here.”
“I know,” Simon said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But when I saw you get hit… I’ve never been so scared in my life.”
The words came out unbidden, a raw confession of the fear and guilt that had been tearing at him since the mission. He hadn’t meant to say them, hadn’t meant to open himself up like this, but now that the words were out, he couldn’t take them back.
You reached out, your hand finding his. The touch was warm, comforting, and it sent a shiver through him. “Simon, you don’t have to carry this alone. You’ve always been there for me, for all of us. But you don’t have to be the strong one all the time.”
Simon looked down at your hand in his, the softness of your skin against his calloused fingers. It was too much—your kindness, your understanding, the way you always seemed to see right through him. And before he knew what he was doing, before he could think about the consequences, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.
The kiss was soft, tentative, filled with all the emotions he had kept buried for so long. For a brief, fleeting moment, the world faded away, and there was only Lolade, her warmth, her softness, everything he had ever wanted but knew he could never have.
But then, reality came crashing down.
You stiffened under his touch; your eyes wide with shock as you pulled back.
“Simon…” you whispered, your voice trembling. “What are you doing?”
Simon recoiled, the weight of his mistake hitting him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“No, Simon,” you interrupted, your voice stronger now, though still tinged with shock and disbelief. “You shouldn’t have.” you pulled your hand away from his, your expression a mix of confusion and hurt. “You need to leave. Now.”
Ghost felt his heart sink, the rejection cutting deeper than he had imagined. “I, please, I—”
“Go,” you repeated, your voice firm, even as your eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “Kyle will be here any minute. You need to leave.”
The mention of Kyle’s name was like a punch to the gut. Simo knew you were right, knew that staying would only make things worse, but it didn’t make it any easier. He had crossed a line, a line that could never be uncrossed, and now everything was ruined. He took a step back, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he forced himself to turn away. The silence in the room was deafening as he walked to the door, his heart pounding with a mixture of guilt, shame, and a deep, aching sadness.
Simon knew he could only love you from afar.
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softpine · 4 months
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𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚕𝚞𝚌𝚔, 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎!
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hermslore · 1 month
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evanorphia · 2 months
For as long as Evan could remember he had liked Barty.
He’d spend classes paying more attention to the way Barty didn’t pay attention than he did to the actual lesson, spending the hours infatuated with Barty’s slender fingers as they gripped the quill and when Barty would lean over to tell Evan a joke, already laughing that rich laugh of his before it had even left his lips. He’d watch as Barty rolled his eyes when someone got an answer wrong and how his hair would fall back into place after he messed it up with his hand.
Evan wasn’t too sure when his feelings for Barty had progressed to be more than just platonic, but the shift was undeniable. There was no way else to explain how he’d stay up at night staring at the ceiling of his four poster bed and imagining what it would be like to have Barty’s body heat next to him on a cold winter’s night. He’d imagine Barty’s lanky frame wrapping around him, boney and uncomfortable but Evan wouldn’t care because at the end of the day it was Barty who was next to him.
And it wasn’t like Evan had intentionally fallen for Barty.
Just like how Barty hadn’t intentionally fallen for Regulus.
It was just something that happened and honestly, Barty wasn’t sure how anyone couldn’t fall for Regulus. How they couldn’t become so enraptured with those eyes like summer storms; shades of aegean, spruce, and slate merging into an amalgamation of blue that shouldn’t have worked so well but created a fusion so vivid and heavenly Barty would happily drown in them. In fact, Barty longed for that. He longed to be tossed by the crashing waves, dragged by the current, and thrown into the jagged rocks in such vigor that the pain became all he knew.
Barty would watch as Regulus wrote his poetry every night, the way his porcelain skin would gain a warmth to it under the flicker of the candle and Barty would imagine what it would be like to touch his face — would his skin feel as warm as it looked? He’d try and peer over into Regulus’ notebook, get a glimpse of the poems, but Regulus would never let him. Which, all in all sucked because of how curious Barty was, but he wasn’t going to force Regulus into showing him and accidentally push him away.
The last thing Barty would ever want was to push Regulus away.
Just like how the last thing Regulus would ever want was to push Evan away.
Regulus would spend his evenings writing poetry about those blond locs of Evan’s, how they always seemed to turn a strawberry colour under the glow of flames and would occasionally have crystals woven into them. He’d write about the way Evan’s lips turned up at the corners ever so slightly whenever he was trying not to smile with everything in him but failing miserably, he always ended up looking like the happiest man alive and Regulus was in awe of it.
He spent more time thinking about Evan than he did himself at this point. Be damned with his family or his brother, Regulus would lose everything if it meant he got even a minute knowing what it would be like to feel Evan’s lips against his. He wanted to know what it was like to be loved by the softest boy he knew and he wanted to crack him open and find out who he was beneath the surface of the firm exterior walls he subtly put up to keep everyone else. Regulus wanted to be the one to pry him open, but with care.
The only thing was, they all knew there wasn’t ever going to be a chance in the entirety of time that the other would like them back. So everything stayed within the confines of their minds, tucked safely away from everyone else’s judgemental gazes and remained their own personal secrets.
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pinkroseblooms · 8 months
Bizarre Love Triangle
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Kumatani Mitsuo/f!Reader/Usahara Tobikichi in a love triangle; since Usahara has more experience with dating he knows what's up but Kumatani is currently still in the dark about his own feelings. No real resolutions, just fluff and some angst and a My Best Friend's Wedding reference for funsies. Summary: For once Kumatani is the one oblivious and Usahara is all too aware of the dynamic that's developed between the three of you. Pining!Usahara, Obliviously Crushing!Kumatani, and Oblivious!Reader; let the needless drama begin! word count: 3.4k Playlist: I listened to a lot of Hot Freaks writing this and they deserve more attention (I also played Bizarre Love Triangle cover by Stabbing Westward on loop, hence the title :D ) Puppy Princess Write Me Letters Heartache I Want to Be Your Boyfriend End of the Night I Want You to Be My Daddy
Usahara sits to your left as Kumatani takes the seat to your right without really thinking about it. He’s noticed lately that keeps happening; when Kumatani and him started getting you to come out with them, you were still unfamiliar and it was natural for the two men to sit next to each other. 
In a restaurant, a bar, the movies, or even just going over to one another’s places for food and conversation, Usahara gravitated to sitting next to his friend and vice versa. He isn’t able to recall when Kumatani started occupying the space next to you. Kumatani doesn’t make a big show of it, but Usahara has noticed, every single time. Ironic, considering how people categorize him as the oblivious one, and they had a point, but this is different.
Kumatani’s never even been on a date; obligatory mixers and being pressured into joining “not date” group events don’t count. As long as Usahara has known him, Kumatani’s been single and not ready to mingle. 
“Careful.” Kumatani moves the pitcher of ice water out of your way as you reach for the sugar packets. “You’ll spill.”
“I saw it.” You roll your eyes with good humor, ripping open the packet with your teeth. “I’m not as clumsy as some people when I drink.”
“Who are you referring to, huh?” Usahara grabs the bowl of sugar packets away from your side of the table. “I resent that.”
“Yet you somehow knew she was talking about you.” Kumatani sips his water before pouring himself a cup of strong black coffee without any to add. 
“Oh, don’t you want some cream?” You were just about to hand him the smaller pitcher next to the coffee pot. “I thought you didn’t like plain black coffee.”
“Not usually.”
The three of you had come from a bar a few minutes away, varying levels of buzzed and starving, having not realized the bar didn’t have much in the way of food before stopping in to drink the stress of the day away. Usahara remembered this diner was nearby enough to walk to and open late just for these occasions. He guesses a good amount of business came from drunk people out and about with limited options. 
You had chosen a booth and the seat near the window; Kumatani had sat himself down next to you, leaving Usahara, once again, the odd man out. 
“You guys suck. Always ganging up on me.” Usahara still feels pretty drunk; he’s not known for holding his liquor but even he recognizes tonight was too much. “I feel bad enough. Can you pass me the coffee?”
“I told you to pace yourself.” You sigh, but can’t help smile at his lopsided grin. “You’re so goofy; here, let me pour you a cup. If anyone’s going to spill something, it’s you…”
“Thanks.” Usahara grins wider as you take his mug, pour in a generous helping of hot coffee and stir in three sugars and a splash of cream without needing prompting. “You’re the best; you’d make a great wife.”
“I don’t know if being able to pour coffee translates to being wife material.” You laugh, snorting a little. “I didn’t even make it.”
“It’s more like something you’d do as an unpaid intern.” Kumatani remarks cynically, shooting Usahara a stern look. “I’d say be careful burning your tongue, but it might actually be an improvement.”
“Ugh, next time I’m only going out with her.” Usahara gratefully takes the mug from your hand, fingertips barely brushing against yours; the steam heats up his face and he blows over the coffee to cool it down some. “What should we do for food? I’m still kinda queasy.”
“Hm, they have a sample platter option.” You’re glancing over the menu, lips pressed together as you read the list. “I’m not super hungry though; Kumatani, if I get this do you want to share with me?”
Usahara brings the mug back to his lips, wondering what his expression must be; Kumatani has scooted closer to your end of the bench, ostensibly to get a closer look at the platter you’re referring to, except he has his own menu, untouched and closed by his cup of coffee. You point out something and look over briefly with a smile in his direction, somehow missing the way Kumatani edges over until his shoulder all but touches yours. He’s glancing from the menu to your face, his own expression as blank as ever; Usahara might have believed everything was exactly the same as it had been last year. That was when you started working on the set as a script doctor after Amon had a particularly harrowing mental breakdown over ideas of the newest season. You actually worked more with Derekida and Furode directly, but had naturally gravitated to the cast members; you appreciated their input without demanding they do your job for you. 
Usahara had thought you were cute before you spoke a word; he was beyond excited to have you join him and the other staff on work trips and after hours social hour. It was way more fun to chat with a cutie pie who laughed at his jokes, so when things progressed to a friendship outside of the job, Usahara didn’t have any complaints.
The three of you have a good thing going on. You’re both Usahara and Kumatani’s friend. Sometimes you go with Usahara to karaoke or leisurely rides on his motorcycle around the expanse of the oceanside roads and other days you go with Kumatani to watch a cheesy B movie or browse pet stores for cat treats. You’ve helped Usahara’s parents move a couch and treated Kumatani’s brother to snacks. 
Usahara is almost completely certain Kumatani has no idea. He doesn’t seem to be cognizant of the way he instinctively goes to make sure you’re okay, almost tending to you, even though you don’t need it. Pulling you away from the traffic side of the walkway, asking if you got enough sleep when you’re yawning a lot, always offering unprompted advice and a sympathetic ear. If you were someone more like Hachita or even Iketeru, Usahara would understand the perpetual need to oversee you, like a magnetic pull. That’s just the type of person Kumatani is. 
“You should have ordered the honey lemon tea.” You’re nudging Kumatani’s arm with your elbow. “Get it?”
“Uh huh.”
“Cause bears.”
“Bears? Honey?” You smile at Usahara conspiratorially. “You get it, right?”
“I got it.” Usahara doesn’t want to laugh, but he can’t help it; you’re in a silly mood and it’s adorable. He’s not laughing at you; there’s a bubbling, tingling in his chest. It’s too much, he has to do something about it, and his gut says to laugh. “What should I order?”
“Carrot cake.”
Usahara doubles over and now you’re in hysterics too, giggling like a madwoman; you’re still buzzed and off balance, so you teeter to the side. As you place your hand over your mouth in an attempt to muffle the sound, your head rests lightly against Kumatani’s shoulder. The pleasant sensation in Usahara’s chest squeezes his heart painfully at the way Kumatani goes utterly still as you bury your face into his shoulder when you can’t force the giggles to stop. Usahara may as well cease to exist in this shared space; nothing else is visible in Kumatani’s field of vision. His jaw goes slack, his shoulders slump, and his eyes lose any trace of weary skepticism. 
“You’re drunk.” Kumatani’s voice is strangely hushed; gently props you up and only looks away so he can top off your glass of water. “Go on, have some more water.”
“I will, thank you.” You wipe your eyes and obediently take the glass from Kumatani. “I’m not that drunk though.”
“You’re gonna have a nasty hangover and I’m the one who’s going to have to bring you breakfast because you’re too incapacitated to go grocery shopping.”
“I’ll do it.”
Both you and Kumatani look up suddenly in Usahara’s direction; it takes a second for him to realize how loudly he had spoken.
“We’ll both be dealing with some gnarly hangovers, so let’s grab a late breakfast together.” Usahara continues, undeterred by the embarrassment creeping up on him. “You wanted to try that crepe place, yeah?”
“Oh my gosh yes!” You say excitedly, practically shooting up on your seat. “Let’s do that! Whoever wakes up last pays!”
“Aw, no fair, you know I’m a heavy sleeper-”
“How would she know that?”
It’s Usahara’s turn to look taken aback: Kumatani isn’t giving him a death glare per say, but the look in his eyes has gone from soft and mushy to cold steel. 
“This lightweight crashed at my place last week; I almost broke my back dragging him out of the road.” You explain casually as you fold your menu and place it on top of the table. “Does everyone know what they want?”
“Good question.” Usahara mumbles.
“We’re splitting the sample platter.” Kumatani puts his menu and yours together. “What about you?”
“Carrot cake.” Usahara winks at you, twitching his nose like a rabbit might. 
You return his smile somewhat exasperated. “Be serious: you should eat something too. How about a sandwich? Or soup?”
“Soup is good.” 
Usahara doubts he can handle anything heavier right now; his stomach is churning. Why do you have to be so sweet and funny and smart and perfect? And why did Kumatani have to be so dense? Usahara almost wants to clue him in, just so he can get this over with and you can put them both out of their misery. 
But, what if you pick one of them? What if they both confess and you decide to choose one and the other person is left to be the third wheel? It’s possible that time will overtake both his and Kumatani’s silly, stupid crushes.
Except, this isn’t a crush anymore. Usahara might even be falling in love with you, the same woman one of his best friends is unknowingly, hopelessly fawning over. Staring at you, Kumatani looks more drunk than he has all night. It’s a shame: if Usahara wasn’t so terrified of Kumatani becoming self aware, he would be teasing him relentlessly. 
By the time the late, late dinner is over, Usahara doesn’t feel much better; he spent an hour, sitting all by himself on the other end of the table, essentially forced to watch Kumatani fuss and you, drunkenly, foolishly, humoring him as Kumatani did everything short of hand feeding you. At one point a bit of sauce had smeared near the corner of your mouth; Usahara didn’t know how he managed to stop himself from sweeping all the plates to the floor and vaulting over the table when Kumatani took a napkin to dab at your mouth. 
Once more, you’re in the middle, Kumatani and Usahara on either side, lagging behind you by a step or two. Usahara, with an unearned satisfaction, smiles at the way you sway a little from side to side, humming some melody over and over. 
“Aw, I wanna do karaoke. Usahara? Can you do me a favor?” 
You pout and look over your shoulder at Usahara with the biggest doe eyes, as though you need to even try to act cute to sway him into doing anything; his heart is throbbing against his rib cage. Yes, please, look at him, ask him for something, any little thing your brain can think up. Usahara needs you to look at him first. He knows Kumatani, the strong, quiet, reliable one, he’s the one who's boyfriend material, the guy you take home to meet your family and build a future with. Usahara’s the goofy buddy, cracking jokes and one liners, good company for a fun time and he’s eager to please. 
Unlike Kumatani, Usahara is painfully aware of how he comes off and wouldn't be surprised in the least if you had him all figured out already. He scrambles to be at your beck and call, incessantly following you around like a lost puppy for scraps of attention and praise. It doesn’t matter if you’re asking for his opinion on a script or inquiring about a good spot for grilled meat; it’s an opportunity to prove something to you, to finally make something click in your head and somehow, realize he was always the one. 
"Pick me." Usahara can't stop his own train of thought as you hesitate. You always make his mind go to mush like this. "Choose me. Let me make you happy."
“What’s up?” Usahara grins like it’s all some big joke but he could drown in those big eyes, melt against your pouting lips. “Your wish is my command.”
“What’s that band called? The one we heard on the radio yesterday on your bike?”
“Hot Freaks?” 
“Yeah that’s it! Man, that was bugging me, I hate when I forget stuff like that. Thanks.”
“Sure thing.” Usahara doesn’t stop smiling. Pathetic. He’s so pathetic. “Weather’s supposed to be pretty decent tomorrow; want to go for a ride after breakfast? Lunch? Brunch?”
“Is it? Alright, I’m game.” You give him a knowing look. “No funny business, no driving like a maniac. You nearly gave me a heart attack last time when you-oh!”
“Watch it!”
There doesn’t seem to be anything to trip over, but all the same, you had wobbled and lurched back. The only reason you’re not laying flat on your back and looking up at the starry sky is because Usahara and Kumatani had sprung into action; there’s two sets of hands on both your shoulders, steadying you so you can stand upright. There’s no telling who reached you first.
“Dammit, pay attention to where you’re walking.” Kumantani’s hand grips onto your shoulder, firm and assuring. “Do you need to lean on me?”
“I got her.” Usahara hasn’t let go of your shoulder and his other hand takes yours gently. “I can take her home with me; we are gonna hang out tomorrow anyway.”
“You’re drunk too; why don’t you go home and sleep it off?” Kumatani says pointedly. “I’ll make sure she’s alright.”
“Dude, she doesn’t need a babysitter.” 
“I’m the one who’s the most sober, it makes sense if I take her back.”
“We’re closer to my place.”
“I don’t trust you!”
“What?” Usahara stares incredulously. “What the hell does that mean?”
“I-I didn’t mean, wait,” Kumatani looks just as taken aback by his outburst. “I’m only saying, you’ve been drinking a lot.”
“Uh, guys?” You look back and forth between them; your head's spinning. “Guys?”
“So that means I’d take her back to my place and…do what exactly?” Usahara could punch someone. “Take advantage of her?”
“I didn’t say that.” Kumatani shakes his head earnestly. “Look, I don’t know what got into me, okay? I’m sorry.”
Kumatani isn’t lying; Usahara knows it, but it doesn’t mean he’s any less pissed. What Kumatani actually meant by “I don’t trust you” is he doesn’t trust Usahara to be alone with you, not when he’s drunk and loose lipped and liable to say something to finally tip the scales in his favor. If Kumatani heads out and leaves the two of you alone now, will there be sparks? The line could finally be crossed and what could Kumatani do but be left to the wayside, the official third wheel, and it’s too little too late for him. 
Usahara knows something of the sort is running through Kumatani’s racing mind, because that’s how he feels every time the three of you are together now.
“Forget it.” Usahara releases your arm. “You’re right, I’m really drunk; I can walk back to my place. You should take her home.”
“Hey, Usahara, Kumatani?” You speak up tentatively. “Is something…like, going on? You two have been acting off all night. Did something happen between you two?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Kumatani also retracts his hand, but stays close to you. “We’re tired, that’s all.”
“Cause seriously, I know Usahara; you don’t think he’d try to take advantage of a drunk girl, do you?” You ask Kumatani directly. “He’s your friend.”
“I know, that’s not it, I was just…I get overprotective sometimes. I had a few too many myself earlier.” Kumatani seems to shrink under your critical eye. “I went into big brother mode, I guess. I’m sorry.”
“Well, thanks, but you don’t need to apologize. I never have to worry about anything around you, Kumatani.” You tell him with a warm smile. “I know you don’t mean to overdo it; and anyway, it’s what I like about you.”
“Don’t oversell it.” Kumatani rubs the back of his neck. “Either way, I’d feel weird making you go home alone. Let us walk you back.”
“I appreciate you two looking out for me.” You say gratefully and pat Kumatani’s head. “You know, you’re like the big brother I always wanted, but tone it down a notch, alright? We’re all just hanging out having fun, right?”
“Yeah, right.” 
Kumatani watches dumbly as you start walking once more, eyes forward this time to avoid any unexpected trips to the ground. He looks lost and Usahara can’t stop the pangs of sympathy that go out to his friend. 
“Oh wow dude.” Usahara mutters, clapping a hand to Kumatani’s shoulder. “That’s rough.”
“Shut. Up.”
There’s mostly silence on the way back to your apartment with occasional attempts on your end to get a conversation going again. After the exchanges of goodbyes and goodnights, Usahara and Kumatani wait at your door, making sure you get inside and lock it behind you. They stand outside your door for a few seconds before turning around.
“I need a freaking drink.”
“Want to get a nightcap?”
“Sure, whatever.” Kumatani’s expression softens. “Hey, I am sorry about earlier. I honestly didn’t mean it that way. I know you wouldn’t...”
“Yeah, I figured.” Usahara sighs. “Still, you thought we might end up doing something if it was just us alone.”
“I don’t know what I thought.”
“Dude, playing dumb is my thing.”
“You are dumb.”
Usahara smiles. “So, what do we do?”
“What do you mean?” Kumatani looks genuinely confused. “About drinks?”
“Ugh, man, you’re depressing me.” Usahara whines. “Just be straight with me: are you going to ask her out or not?”
Kumatani scowls. “None of your business.”
“Fine, be that way.” Usahara's smile falls. “Hypothetically, what if she decides to date one of us?”
“I doubt it.”
“I mean, you might be the cool one, but girls like a good sense of humor.” Usahara says lightly, folding his hands behind his head. “And you’re about as dry as seaweed paper.”
“Can you take anything seriously?”
“I’m serious about her.” 
Usahara stops in his tracks; the bunny’s already out of the hutch. He’s never been one to bite his tongue and keep his thoughts to himself anyway. 
“I’m pretty sure when I tell her, she’s gonna laugh in my face, but I don’t care. If there’s even a small chance, I’m going for it. She’s worth it.” Usahara frowns. “Are we going to be okay?”
Kumatani’s mouth is downturned, considering the question sincerely. After years of knowing each other, Usahara can’t name an instance where they’ve fought. Bickering, sure, and plenty of times where Kumatani’s wrath has been activated or Usahara’s been irritated, but it’s never gotten serious. 
“I don’t think so.”
“You hesitated.”
“Well, what about you?” Kumatani asks defensively. “Are you going to cry if she starts dating someone?”
“...honestly?” Usahara chuckles sheepishly. “Probably. This really sucks.”
“No arguments there.” Kumatani concedes with a wry smile. “We have to be cool; we can’t count on Uramichi or Nekota to offer any sympathy about this, can we?”
“Yeah right; if she picks me, I’m going to rub it in your face.”
“I’m going to go back to her place right now and tell her that.”
“No! I’m sorry Kumatani, it was a joke, just a joke!”
“Hey, I like her too.”
“I get it now.” Kumatani says quietly. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”
Usahara’s stomach drops; this is exactly what he was dreading, but what is he going to do? Tell Kumatani to knock it off? Say “But I liked her first!” and call dibs? He feels childish enough; when Kumatani had so innocently put his hands on you to keep you propped upright, Usahara had to fight off another pesky impulse, this time to yank you into his arms and never let go.
“Took ya long enough.” Usahara yawns. “I changed my mind; I’m gonna go to bed so I can get up early.”
“Early?” Kumatani looks vaguely disbelieving. “You really don’t want to pay for breakfast, huh?”
“I’m paying either way.” Usahara shrugs. “Shouldn’t the guy pay on dates?”
Kumatani stands under the street light and Usahara can see the resolve in his gaze. 
“Does she know it’s a date?”
“Call it a test run.” Usahara shrugs his shoulders again. “See you later, Kumatani.”
Kumatani nods stiffly; they walk away in opposite directions, satisfied to leave things on a tentative truce of sorts. Usahara knows he’s being a little sneaky, but he believes whatever happens, their friendship can survive the fall out. Ultimately the final decision is yours alone.
Until then, all's fair in love and war. 
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plutonicbees · 1 year
so I'm obsessed with this scene from across the spider-verse
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and I was looking through some saved panels of miles and kamala and noticed some familiar wording and visuals..
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the "we're the same" line. the shoulder lean. the sitting somewhere up high where no one will see them :')
whether or not this parallel was intentional, and although the situation at hand is different, I still think it's sweet <3 miles and kamala are one of my favorite dynamics in the comics and I really enjoyed the gwen & miles pairing in this movie. this scene was a lot of emotions in both mediums.
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ninapi · 1 year
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Snake Pillar ╝
Premise: Love isn't always something beautiful, wanted, expected. Iguro had always been in love with Mitsuri, but that didn't stop his Tsuguko from falling for him.
Word Count: 3686
Warning: Main character death, spoilers of the main manga timeline.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Spring, everyone’s favorite season was now here.
The Sakura trees were in full bloom in the capital, the streets filled with beautiful petals flocking around the chilly wind.
Animals and humans alike were now getting intimate to bring new life to this world.
The perfect season for demons to go rampage in town.
After a two weeks long mission along the fire pillar, you were summoned by Oyakata-sama and his wife, the reason was unknown to you but the messenger didn’t seem to be carrying bad news.
“(Y/N) my child. You’ve proven to be the best of your generation; we’ve both been talking, and we think you should be upgraded to Tsuguko. I believe you have the potential to be our next pillar.”
That caught you off guard, yes, the mission was very intense, but if it wasn’t for Rengoku-san you would have died, at least four times. You considered yourself just one more of the bunch, nothing special, besides your bond with the fire pillar that is. You both got more than along, were in complete sync, and everybody knew about this, even your master.
“That would be an honor, Oyakata-sama. If I may ask for something selfish, is it possible to…”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The pillars were summoned for a brief meeting a few days later, the crows didn’t elaborate on the reason, but it didn’t seem urgent, so they all arrived at their own pace.
Once Oyakata-sama arrived, they all took their respective place around the leader, excited to see their master.
“My beloved children. Sorry to call you with such a short notice, I have some good news that wanted to share with you.” this didn’t happen often, usually the meetings were about important upcoming missions or bigger troubles, but he looked awfully calm this time around.
“(Y/N) has proven her worth in countless missions and the last one was her last trial; she will be officially our new Tsuguko starting tomorrow.” Rengoku’s smile was so bright even Gyomei could feel it. He was radiating fire at this point, as proud as one could be.
“Sanemi, I think you’re the perfect match for our little (Y/N).” this caused said smile to drop to the floor in seconds, he was sure he would be the chosen one.
“With all due respect, Oyakata-sama. I can see the logic behind it, she does have great wind affinity, but I honestly don’t think she can withstand my harsh training, wouldn’t it be better to send her over to Rengoku?” Ah... Shinazugawa…such a lovely man, thought Rengoku as his smile was slowly returning to its rightful place.
“Yes, I thought so too, they do have amazing chemistry. But you know I always listen to my wife; she insists she’d be better off with you.” that left Sanemi speechless and a little bothered, he really didn’t want to train a little spoiled brat, he was already busy at it is.
“I can sense your discomfort, Sanemi. And let me lift those worries out right now, even if we both agreed you should be the one, (Y/N) herself came to us asking if it was possible to be trained under Obanai’s lead, she didn’t even know who she would be sent to by then, but she made her preferences known, and I respect that.” Iguro had a coughing attack at the news, having to place a hand on the ground to recover.
“She did what?” Rengoku was beyond heartbroken, he even forgot Oyakata-sama was the one delivering the news, he would never disrespect him in any way, but this was shocking.
“Rengoku.” Himejima clapped his hands loudly, making Rengoku realize what he had done, throwing himself on the floor at once. “I’m sorry for my behavior, Oyakata-sama. Are you sure…she said that?”
“Lift your head Kyojuro. She did, it sounded like she had a reason though. Why don’t you try asking her?” with a short nod, he went back to his seat, crestfallen.
“Obanai, I know you didn’t want a Tsuguko. But she’s the best we have right now, please make sure to train her properly and don’t be too harsh on her, she asked nicely, must really want to be under your care.”
Iguro was losing his cool. He wasn’t only getting a Tsuguko against his will, it was a girl at that. And not just any girl, the girl majority of the guys around the corps had a crush on, even the almighty fire pillar. He didn’t want this, not in the slightest.
“Iguro-san, Iguro-san! (Y/N) is so, so, so, cute! You’re so lucky! I envy you so much!” Kanroji was pulling from her braids in despair, she had been begging for a Tsuguko and had wished for a cute girl to dot on and talk about boys, you were the perfect candidate.
“Oyakata-sama, as I’m sure you know, I’m not good with girls. How can I have a female Tsuguko?” his breath was ragged, his head was spinning, he really didn’t want any of this. “Can’t you give her over to Kanroji?”
“My children,” his tone wasn’t as loving as it usually is anymore, sending chills down everyone’s spine, “This is not an auction, Rengoku and Kanroji might want her, I wanted her under Sanemi myself, but she wants you, Obanai. I’m being as fair as I can be, she’s the one who must be trained by you, the one who will suffer the consequences of this decision, and it has been made, there’s nothing more to argue about. You are all dismissed.”
They all got up from their seat, walking out to the garden as soon as he spoke, Sanemi collapsing on the floor with a satisfied long sigh, “Safe.”
Rengoku on the other hand was quietly sulking behind a wooden post.
Iguro was just there, trying to regain some air back to his lungs and to process what had happened, his loyal friend hissing on his ear trying to offer some sort of comfort.
“Iguro-san! Don’t doubt to call me if you need help! I’m a girl too, we get each other. Maybe I can even steal from time to time and smother her with love after your harsh training! Ahw! So exciting!” Mitsuri was swaying on her feet, daydreaming happily of who knows what atrocities.
“Will do….” his voice was nothing but a whisper, his feet safely guiding him back to his state. Life wasn’t on his side, he’s always been aware of this since he was a child, but this, this was just too much.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were in the serpent state with your bags by sunrise, ready to fully immerse yourself in the experience, a bright smile on your face.
Iguro, who just woke up was definitely not ready for this, not even saying good morning he jumped right into the matter that barely allowed him to sleep last night, “(L/N) why did you ask to be my Tsuguko? Wasn’t Rengoku a better fit? I’m sure we can get Oyakata-sama to reassign you if we both go toge-“
“I want to be trained by you, Iguro-san. Is that a bad thing?” your eyes were glossy, disappointment painting your features. He wasn’t trying to make you cry, he was just not the right man for the job.
“Why would you want that? You know my training is rough right? I won’t slow down just because you are a girl.”
“I am not expecting you to slow down. I just thought Tsugukos were chosen by affinity. I think you are the coolest Iguro-san…I would like to inherit the snake breathing techniques one day…” this was the first time someone called him cool, this was specially surprising coming from someone who’s been near Rengoku for the longest time.
“Not everyone can do this. You have to have a connection with the species-“ your eyes were glued to the beautiful snake around his shoulders, a childlike expression on your face. “You just want to touch Kaburamaru, don’t you?” his eyes were full of realization, he caught you.
This made you giggle, the snake skillfully wrapping around your arm on its own, quickly enamored by you. “Maybe…”
The ridiculousness of it all made Iguro accept his fate, his snake friend seemed comfortable enough with your presence, he is always friendly but not to this level, you probably had potential for his breathing style by the looks of it, he had to give you a chance to prove yourself.
“Go drop your stuff in the empty room by the entrance, I’ll see you in the training grounds in ten.” He’s never seen such a bright smile before, Kanroji had the most beautiful there is, but your smile was different, it felt warm, you were probably rubbing on Rengoku for too long, it had to be that.
Throwing it to the back of his mind, he moved on with his day.
He had a Tsuguko now, training would be his priority for a while.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Rengoku was still in shock, even if an entire day had gone by. He was sure you guys had a thing, or was it just his imagination?
You don’t just hold hands with random people, right? He wasn’t the most experienced in the love department, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t just him, the longing in your eyes each time you saw him, the way you smiled at him so brightly, so tenderly, it couldn’t be all in his head.
He wanted to see it with his own eyes, so he headed to Iguro’s training grounds, he needed to hear it from you, the reason why.
You were exhausted, panting on the floor after a very long training morning with your favorite pillar. Kaburamaru was laying on you, sunbathing on your belly, making you giggle as you caressed his beautiful scales. Iguro was watching the interaction from up a tree, you didn’t know he was there, but you knew he had to be close otherwise the snake would have left after him already.
He was about to leave when Rengoku arrived, his worried expression made him want to stay a little more. In all truth, he was still wishing you would change your mind and go with the fire pillar, but after training you all morning he wasn’t as discouraged to train you anymore, you had more than enough potential to be a pillar and Kaburamaru loved you, it wasn’t easy to find someone so compatible with his own skills, it would honestly be a shame, even if he didn’t want to accept it.
“(Y/N) dear, is your training for the day over? I wanted to have a word with you…” getting up gently, you set the little snake down on a patch of grass before heading your way over to him. “Sure, Kyo-san. What’s up?”
“I…I was wondering why you chose to come to Iguro instead of being with me. We have such an awesome connection, having you teaming with him instead will be devastating for me.” he was more heartbroken than anything else, he couldn’t care less for the missions, he could do it all by himself, he just enjoyed them so much more since you started tagging along, he misses you already.
“We do, yes.. I just…well you know how everyone’s scared of him? I just think he deserves a chance; nobody wants to be his Tsuguko and I think we could potentially get along one day, he’s great with animals, and so am I. Don’t you think I could be a good serpent breathing representative? I don’t think I could do cool things with fire like you do.” your heart was so big, it was one of the things he loved about you, he couldn’t be upset anymore after hearing your reasoning.
“And what about good old Rengoku? He needs a Tsuguko too you know? I will miss you…” his voice dropped along with his hand which now rested on your waist.
“Good old Kyo-san has a cute little brother that will eventually come to be in his care, he doesn’t need me.” your cute giggles were music to his ears, he really did like you, a lot.
Iguro on the other hand felt uncomfortable watching this whole thing. So you felt pity? Was that it? You wanted to be with him so he wouldn’t end up being the only pillar without an apprentice? He didn’t know how to feel about this, it didn’t feel good, but it also made something fuzzy bloom in his chest.
“Oh? So he’s cute, huh? Is he cuter than me? Am in troubles?” a low chuckle rumbled in his chest, his hand tugging you closer to him.
“You might be~” poking your tongue out at him in a teasing manner, you ran away from him and headed inside the serpent state, “Gotta take a bath, see you later Kyo-san!”
Iguro came out of the tree to pick sleeping Kaburamaru up, Rengoku glaring in his direction. “Didn’t peg you as a stalker, Iguro.”
“Sorry to disappoint you, but this is my state. Now, I would like to make it clear from the start that I expect you to stop clinging to my Tsuguko. She needs to train hard; distractions are not welcomed.” he didn’t know why he was saying all this, words were just coming out of his mouth on their own.
“Weren’t you into Kanroji? Why does it matter to you if I cling to her or not?” raising one of his intimidating eyebrows up, he scoffed. “I well, what? No, I’m not. But she has nothing to do with this. I just don’t want you parading around my state all day, that’s all.”
“I’m not here to see you, so I don’t see why it bothers you this much. But ok, I will leave my time with her reserved for after training hours, then I get to have her all to myself.” without another word, he headed to his own state, his heart felt a bit lighter now that he cleared things up with you, but he’s never heard Iguro talk this much, it was a bit concerning.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
One thing about Obanai is that he wakes up early every morning, even before the sun’s up.
The reason why being he just didn’t want anybody to get a the slightest glimpse of his unwrapped self as he takes a bath, other members of the corpse share the space and he didn’t want anybody to be even more on edge because of him.
You were the contrary, always late, falling asleep was your worse flaw and he hated it deep down in his guts, but he was glad in a way as he never had to encounter you bright and early when he is most tense.
That was until this day.
You weren’t what you would consider ‘early’ you just didn’t sleep at all, there were a lot of things in your head and coming from a difficult mission with lots of death plaguing it would of course cause you to lose sleep. So you decided to take a bath and start stretching while you waited for your training session to start.
You bumped into him on his way out of the bathing area, making both of your towels fall to the ground. Crouching to pick both up you apologized profusely. “I’m so sorry Iguro-san, I didn’t know there was someone in the bath already!”
He was paralyzed with fear, his face out in the open for everyone to see.
You tried not to stare, but this was your first time seeing his face properly. “Don’t look, I’m hideous…” he tried to cover his face with a bucket nearby, your hand reaching over to stop him from doing so.
“There’s no such thing as a hideous person, Iguro-san. I can understand you being self-conscious about the scar, we all obsess over something in our body, I personally don’t like my thighs, that’s why I cover them, but people say they’re nothing out of the ordinary, even if to me they’re awful.”
Mumbling behind his sleeve, he peeked one eye out to look down to your succulent thighs, “They’re fine…why would you hate them?”
“And why would you hate your beautiful face? Makes no sense to me~” giggling past him, you went inside the bathing area, needing to hurry as your trainer was up already.
“B-beautiful? What-…” scoffing, he headed over to his room, quickly wrapping his face away from the world as he usually does. You were indeed a weird one, always seeing the best out of every situation, it was honestly refreshing, but difficult to handle for someone like him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Time skip~
You’ve been under Iguro’s care for over a year now. You’ve perfected the first three breathing techniques, surprising him with your progress.
You were good, he was even fearing Kaburamaru would leave him and become your partner full time. Who can blame him though? After all this time seeing you around every day, he gets now what people see in you. Not only were you pretty, but you were strong, considerate, kind, selfless. Definitely a match for Rengoku, not him.
You were now sure of his undying love for Kanroji, she would visit him often, eat lunch together, he even bought stuff for her constantly, it was painstakingly obvious they both liked each other. As it was how much Rengoku liked you.
You on the other hand had mixed feelings.
Of course, Rengoku is lovely, he wanted to pursue you officially, but you had a hard time accepting his feelings. You spend all your day with Iguro, you’ve got to truly see him for what he really is, learned to accept him, entertain him, be in sync with him. You now made a great team. It was him you thought about before going to bed and as soon as you woke up. It was him who you wished to receive praises from, it was him you wanted to make proud.
Even if he was clearly in love with someone else, your feelings shifted his way without anyone’s consent.
The way he would bring you a cup of tea after a harsh training routine, the way he would sit quietly next to you eating sweets peacefully, you’ve seen his face already and wasn’t disgusted by it, he could eat around you comfortably.
The way he would let you hold onto his arm if the missions were tough. The way his eyes soften now in your presence.
You were deep in love with a man who’s heart belonged to someone else…
A mission came around for you two, a particularly tough demon had come out very near a village booming with tourists. It needed to be contained and destroyed as fast as possible.
You’ve seen the way his demeanor towards you had changed every time you talk, you know he didn’t think of you as a nuisance anymore, but you also knew he wouldn’t accept your feelings, and as hard as that might be, you decided to keep your feelings to yourself and treasure the relationship you currently had with him.
The demon was tougher than you two expected, even with a pillar there you were having a hard time killing him. Three women had already lost their life to his rampage, you needed to do something.
Since he seemed to like killing women, you were trying to devise a plan to lure him in and give Iguro time to cut his head off, but your head turned blank when you saw the demon sneaking behind Iguro and about to stab him right through the heart.
Panic surged through your body, inhuman speed possessing you as you rushed to his aid, receiving the blow instead.
Iguro saw it all in slow motion, how you fell to the ground, covered in blood, how the wound had pierced a vital organ dooming your recovery. His rage served as the means necessary to cut the demon’s head and send him to oblivion. But the cut was too deep, he didn’t know how to help you.
You could barely keep your eyes open when he gathered you to his chest, tears unexpectedly coming down his face slowly, one after the other, “(Y/N), no, why? Why?? You’re so stupid, how many times have I told you I’m stronger than you? I can take a blow like that! But you….just look at you….why, just why would you do this…?” your hand reached over to his face wrappings, undoing them so you got to see a glimpse of his face one last time.
“Because I love you. I couldn’t just let you die Iguro-san...” his hand came over to stop yours from fully removing the wraps, his entire being too shaken by the situation to comprehend your words.
“C’mon…let me see your beautiful face one last time…I don’t have much left…” your soft smile and trembling hand made him forgo his stubbornness, letting you remove the wraps.
“Thank you for letting me be your Tusuguko…even when you didn’t like me.” you chuckled slightly, coughing out blood while doing so, alerting Iguro and making him tighten his grip around your faint body. “I know you don’t like your face, but I will always think of it as the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I hope you felt loved while being around me, even if it was just a little…” he nodded, collapsing to the ground fully with you in his arms. He really liked Mitsuri, everyone knew about this, but you had loved him like no one else had, openly, abundantly, and he couldn’t give you any of it back.
“Would you…remember me…?”
“Of course I will, what are you saying…you’re my only Tsuguko, I will never have another one, the techniques will die with us…” nuzzling his chest, you gave one last shaky breath, “Thank you…Igu-….” Leaving this world in the hands of a loved one has no price, makes time living among others worthwhile.
With a smile on his teary face, he bid goodbye to his only apprentice, the woman that loved him to her own demise.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The serpent state was never to be the same and he made sure of it.
He made everyone leave and remained there on his own, never taking another Tsuguko as he promised he would.
He likes Mitsuri, everybody knows that, even her, and he did till his very last breath, but he always carried with him the load you left him, the unshared feelings, the overwhelming amount of love you had towards him and Kaburamaru and always lived within him, being his companions until his arrival in the afterlife.
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mirisss · 6 months
Wait & Wish
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Kim Jiwoong x reader x Zhang Hao
warnings: unrequited love, partying, I think that’s it. 
wordcount ≈ 5.5k 
Please reblog!
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The first day of senior year was both exciting and nerve-wracking. As I entered the classroom, my eyes caught sight of him – Zhang Hao. His mere presence seemed to illuminate the room, and my heart skipped a beat. I found an empty seat near the back, but my gaze lingered on him as he engaged in conversation with classmates, effortlessly blending into the vibrant tapestry of high school life.
Days turned into weeks, and my infatuation with Zhang Hao only deepened. He was not just a face in the crowd; he was a magnetic force that drew my attention like a moth to a flame. I admired him from afar, appreciating the way he treated everyone with kindness, his laughter echoing through the halls.
One day, summoning every ounce of courage, I decided it was time to break free from my silent admiration. After all, how could I ever know if there was a chance for something more if I didn't try? I approached him after class, my palms sweating with nervous anticipation.
"Hey, Hao, right?" I mustered a smile, hoping it didn't come off as awkward. "I'm (Y/n), we're in the same class."
His warm brown eyes met mine, and a friendly grin lit up his face. "Yeah, (Y/n)! I've seen you around. What's up?"
I stumbled through some small talk, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Hao, true to his nature, was easy to talk to. We discussed classes, hobbies, and before I knew it, we were laughing about something silly.
Days turned into weeks of this routine – shared conversations, stolen glances, and an ever-growing bond. Yet, despite our connection, I couldn't shake the uncertainty about his feelings. Sometimes, he'd look at me with a gaze that hinted at something more, while other times, his friendliness seemed to extend to everyone equally.
As our friendship blossomed, so did my feelings. I found myself yearning for more, caught in the delicate dance of teenage emotions. The question lingered in the air like an unspoken secret: Did Zhang Hao feel the same way, or was I merely another friend in his life?
Summer break felt like an eternity. I scrolled through my social media feed, catching glimpses of Hao's life through the snippets he shared online. As the days turned into weeks, I told myself that the infatuation I harbored for him would dissipate with time. After all, how could a crush survive the absence of its subject?
But as I walked through the school doors on the first day of the second year, my heart betrayed my rational thoughts. There he was, Zhang Hao, with that infectious smile that could light up the darkest room. It had been weeks since I'd seen him, yet the sight of him ignited a familiar flutter in my chest.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Hao's voice reached me, and I turned to find him approaching with that trademark friendliness. "How was your summer?"
"Oh, it was good," I stammered, attempting to sound casual while my heart raced. "Yours?"
He animatedly shared tales of his summer adventures, and I couldn't help but hang on to every word. The casual conversations continued, and we fell back into the rhythm of friendship as if the break had never happened.
Throughout the second year, Hao and I became inseparable. We shared inside jokes, studied together, and attended school events as a pair. It felt like a dream, and yet, my heart couldn't escape the reality that lurked beneath the surface. The more time we spent together, the deeper my feelings for him grew.
One day, as we sat in the library, surrounded by the hushed whispers of students engrossed in their studies, I mustered the courage to address the elephant in the room. "Hao, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, (Y/n)! Anything," he replied, his eyes sincere.
I hesitated, then blurted out, "Do you ever feel like... I don't know, there's something more between us?"
His brows furrowed slightly, a hint of confusion in his expression. "What do you mean?"
I stumbled through my words, trying to convey the complexity of my emotions. "I mean, sometimes it feels like you might... like me more than just a friend, but then other times, I'm not so sure. Am I reading too much into things?"
Hao's eyes softened, and he sighed. "I never want to lead you on, (Y/n). You're an amazing friend, and I care about you a lot. But..."
"But?" I pressed, my heart pounding in my ears.
"It's just... relationships are complicated, you know? I value our friendship too much to risk losing it."
The words hung in the air, a bittersweet acknowledgment of unspoken feelings. As the school year progressed, our friendship endured, but the tension of unrequited emotions lingered, casting a shadow over the moments we shared.
The awkwardness between Hao and me dissipated with time, like a passing storm leaving behind a clear sky. We fell back into our friendly routine, laughter echoing through the hallways, shared jokes lightening up even the dullest classes. But beneath the surface, a silent struggle persisted.
I couldn't shake the dreams that lingered in the corners of my mind – dreams of a connection that went beyond friendship. The subtle touches and affectionate words from Hao fueled the flame of hope within me, a flame that refused to be extinguished. It was as if he were sending mixed signals deliberately, leaving me suspended in a state of perpetual uncertainty.
Weeks turned into months, and I found myself caught in the paradox of our relationship. Hao was my confidant, the person with whom I shared my hopes and fears, yet I couldn't escape the nagging feeling that I was merely a side character in his story. The warmth of his friendship contrasted with the chill of unspoken truths, creating a delicate balance that threatened to tip at any moment.
One evening, as we sat in his room, surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights, I couldn't hold back the weight on my chest any longer. "Hao, can I talk to you about something?" I asked, my voice hesitant.
"Of course, (Y/n)." Hao's eyes met mine, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of understanding in his gaze.
"I... I appreciate our friendship, I really do," I began, choosing my words carefully. "But sometimes, it feels like there's something unsaid between us. Am I just imagining things, or is there something more?"
Hao sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I knew this conversation would come eventually. Look, (Y/n), you mean a lot to me. I've never met anyone as special as you, but relationships... they complicate things. I don't want to risk losing you by taking that step."
The words hit me like a wave, crashing over my carefully constructed hopes. I nodded, my heart heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions. "I understand," I whispered, a forced smile on my lips.
From that moment, our friendship continued, but a subtle shift had occurred. I navigated the halls of high school, living in Hao's presence yet feeling like a spectator in his life, a character who yearned for a different role in the narrative. The lingering touches and loving words persisted, but their meaning remained elusive, leaving me trapped in a story that seemed to have no clear resolution.
The approaching graduation day hung in the air like a bittersweet melody. Hao and I were both headed to the same university, an exciting prospect that, at the same time, carried an unspoken weight. We had chosen different majors, branching into separate paths that mirrored the growing distance I felt between us.
As we navigated the final months of high school, I couldn't escape the realization that our connection was evolving, not in the direction I had hoped. Hao remained friendly and happy in my presence, yet there was an intangible shift, like the ebb and flow of tides gently pulling us apart. We were heading toward different horizons, and I couldn't ignore the sense that I was becoming a footnote in his story.
The nights became a canvas for my unspoken desires. Each dream painted with hues of his laughter and the warmth of moments we shared. Love songs transformed into a soundtrack that echoed the symphony of my unrequited feelings. I found myself wondering if he ever thought of me, if the thought of our friendship slipping away ever crossed his mind.
The dilemma weighed heavily on my heart – should I persist in preserving the fragments of our friendship, or should I accept the inevitability of becoming a distant memory in his past? It was a question that echoed in the silence of my thoughts, a question with no easy answer.
As we donned our graduation gowns and tossed our caps into the air, I stood at the crossroads of uncertainty. The future stretched before us like an unexplored landscape, and the prospect of clinging to the familiarity of our friendship warred with the ache of unfulfilled longing. The truth was, I wasn't sure if I could continue pretending that my feelings for Hao were just a fleeting chapter of my life.
The decision loomed, and as we hugged in a farewell embrace, the unspoken words lingered in the air. "Keep in touch, (Y/n)," he said, his smile genuine but tinged with the awareness that we were venturing into separate worlds.
As I watched him walk away, disappearing into the crowd of graduates, I grappled with the choice ahead. Should I hold onto the threads of our connection, even if they threatened to unravel, or should I allow myself to become a distant echo in the corridors of his past? The answers remained elusive, shrouded in the uncertainty of the future.
The summer breeze carried with it a sense of change, and as I packed my belongings, preparing to embark on the journey to university, the anticipation of a new chapter in my life consumed my thoughts. Surprisingly, amidst the chaos of preparation, Zhang Hao's name didn't cross my mind even once. It seemed the whirlwind of excitement and nerves had swept away the lingering echoes of unspoken feelings.
The first day at university brought a mix of emotions—nervousness, excitement, and the thrill of new beginnings. Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, I found myself at the orientation, navigating the maze of information about classes, campus life, and dormitory rules. It was there that I met Jiwoong, a guy a year above me in the same major.
Jiwoong was a striking figure, almost god-like in his appearance. His handsome features were complemented by a warm and welcoming demeanor. He exuded confidence, and as we struck up a conversation, I couldn't help but notice the striking contrast between him and Zhang Hao. Jiwoong's humor was infectious, and in some inexplicable way, he reminded me of Hao, yet there was an undeniable difference.
As the days unfolded, Jiwoong became a reassuring presence in the whirlwind of new experiences. We attended classes together, explored the campus, and shared laughter that echoed through the hallways of the dormitory. It was a friendship that developed effortlessly, as if the universe had orchestrated our meeting to ease the transition into this new phase of life.
In Jiwoong, I found solace and companionship. He made the unfamiliar feel familiar, and his humor became a beacon of light in the occasionally overwhelming landscape of university life. Yet, in the quiet moments before sleep claimed my consciousness, Zhang Hao's face would sometimes flicker in my mind, a ghost of a memory that refused to fade entirely.
The duality of my emotions remained, the past and the present entwined as I navigated the intricacies of university life. Jiwoong was a breath of fresh air, a new chapter unfolding, but the shadow of unspoken feelings and the memories of Zhang Hao lingered like subtle echoes, reminders of a time that felt simultaneously distant and near.
Two months into university, Jiwoong extended an invitation that promised to add a spark of excitement to my freshman experience—an invitation to a party hosted by the upperclassmen. The exclusivity of the event, where freshmen could only attend if invited by someone from the second year or above, fueled my anticipation. I eagerly accepted, thrilled at the prospect of attending my first university party.
As the night of the party approached, a mix of nerves and excitement bubbled within me. What do you wear to a university party? I spent hours deliberating before settling on a cute yet slightly sexy top paired with my favorite pair of jeans. The outfit struck a balance between casual and stylish, and I hoped it conveyed the perfect mix of confidence and approachability.
The night finally arrived, and I stood before the mirror, assessing my appearance with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The top hugged my figure just right, and the jeans accentuated my curves. A hint of nervousness fluttered in my stomach, but I took a deep breath, reminding myself that this was an opportunity to step outside my comfort zone.
Jiwoong arrived in his car, and as I stepped out to join him, a rush of confidence washed over me. His eyes lingered on my outfit, and a genuine compliment escaped his lips, making my heart flutter. The night had an air of possibility, and the sound of laughter and music drifted through the air as we made our way to the party.
The venue buzzed with energy as we entered, the rhythmic beats of the music vibrating through the air. The dim lighting cast a playful ambiance, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and celebration. Jiwoong guided me through the crowd, introducing me to his friends and fellow students from different majors.
As the night unfolded, the initial nervousness melted away, replaced by the joy of newfound friendships and shared experiences. Jiwoong and I danced, laughed, and immersed ourselves in the vibrant tapestry of university life. The party marked a significant moment in my freshman year, a memorable chapter illuminated by the glow of laughter, music, and the camaraderie that blossomed under the neon lights.
As the music pulsed through the crowded room, Jiwoong and I found ourselves lost in the rhythm, dancing for hours as if time had slowed just for us. The world around us faded into a blur, and for a while, it felt like there was no one else in the room but him and me.
As the DJ transitioned into a more sensual song, the atmosphere shifted. The lights dimmed, casting a soft glow over the dance floor. Jiwoong, with a subtle yet confident move, placed his hand on my waist. The touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I met his gaze, finding a depth of emotion in his eyes that mirrored the unspoken connection we had been building.
In that intimate moment, the distance between us closed. Jiwoong leaned in, and the world around us seemed to vanish. The music became a mere backdrop to the soft, lingering touch of his lips against mine. Time stood still as the kiss unfolded, a gentle exploration of emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface.
The sensation was electrifying, a blend of passion and uncertainty that hung in the air. As the music played on, we pulled away, our eyes meeting in a shared acknowledgment of the uncharted territory we had just entered. The crowded room, the pulsating music, and the whirlwind of the party all faded into the background, leaving us in a suspended moment, caught between the reality of the party and the newfound awareness of something changing between us.
The magical kiss left my heart pounding, and as we broke away, I found myself gazing into Jiwoong's eyes. In that moment, I felt seen in a way I had never experienced before. Confidence surged through me, and the world seemed to sparkle with newfound happiness, especially when Jiwoong's smile hinted at a shared joy.
As he leaned in for another kiss, my anticipation mirrored his. I moved closer, eager to capture the enchantment of the moment. However, just as our lips were about to meet once more, a sudden wave of anxiety washed over me. My eyes, which had been locked onto Jiwoong's, nervously wandered away and landed on a figure standing a few steps behind him.
My heart sank as I registered the familiar face – Zhang Hao. A jolt of panic surged through me, and I instinctively jerked away from Jiwoong. My body, overtaken by the unwelcome anxiety of the unexpected encounter, left me caught between the joy of the present and the shadows of the past.
Jiwoong, sensing the abrupt shift in my demeanor, gazed at me with a questioning expression. Confusion flickered in his eyes as he sought to understand the sudden change. "Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
My eyes flickered between Jiwoong and Zhang Hao, torn between the conflicting emotions that swirled within me. "I... I just saw someone I know," I stammered, attempting to mask the unease that gripped me.
Jiwoong turned to follow my gaze, his eyes narrowing as he noticed Hao standing a few steps away. The atmosphere shifted, and an unspoken tension settled between us. Jiwoong's gaze returned to mine, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. The weight of the unspoken past hung in the air, leaving me grappling with the unexpected collision of two worlds that, until that moment, had existed in separate realms of my life.
As Zhang Hao walked closer, his gaze locked onto mine, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions enveloped me. It had been months since we last saw each other, and there he stood, seemingly better than ever. His appearance was impeccable, as always, but the usual bright smile that adorned his lips was notably absent, replaced by an unfamiliar frown.
The air thickened with an unspoken tension as Hao stopped in front of me. His eyes, once warm and inviting, now carried a hint of hurt and confusion. "Hey, (Y/n)," he greeted, the words tinged with a touch of uncertainty.
"Hi, Hao," I replied, my voice betraying the mixture of emotions that churned within me. The unexpected reunion intensified the unease that had settled over me since our eyes first met.
Jiwoong, sensing the weight of the situation, glanced between Hao and me. The atmosphere around us became charged with an unspoken history, a narrative that seemed to transcend time and space. As Hao continued to gaze at me, a thousand unspoken words lingered between us.
"I didn't expect to see you here," he finally spoke, his tone carrying a subtle undercurrent of emotion.
"Yeah, well, things change," I replied, attempting to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil within.
Hao's frown deepened, and for a moment, the silence hung in the air like a heavy cloud. The energy shifted, and I found myself caught between the past and the present, torn between the familiar warmth of our shared history and the uncertainty of the future. As the party continued around us, the reunion with Zhang Hao marked a pivotal moment, a collision of worlds that forced me to confront the complexities of emotions that lingered beneath the surface.
As Zhang Hao requested a private conversation, Jiwoong, sensing the tension, intervened with a cautious inquiry. "Are you sure about this, (Y/n)? Everything okay?" he asked, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.
I hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire to address the unresolved emotions with Hao and the potential impact on my budding connection with Jiwoong. "Yeah, I'll be okay. Let's meet up again in 15 minutes," I assured Jiwoong, sensing his reluctance but also his respect for my decision.
Reluctantly, Jiwoong agreed, his gaze lingering on me for a moment before he disappeared back into the pulsating energy of the party. I followed Hao outside, the cool night air a stark contrast to the warmth and intensity of the party.
Once we were alone, the atmosphere thickened with unspoken emotions. Hao's gaze bore into mine, and with a tinge of anger, he demanded, "Who was that guy, (Y/n)?"
I took a deep breath, the weight of the past and the present converging in that moment. "His name is Jiwoong. We met here at university. He's a friend," I explained, choosing my words carefully.
Hao's expression shifted between frustration and confusion. "A friend? That didn't look like just friendship back there," he remarked, his voice tinged with an edge of bitterness.
"We're just friends," I insisted, feeling the need to defend the newfound connection with Jiwoong.
Hao's gaze softened, and a hint of hurt crossed his features. "I didn't expect to see you with someone else, especially like that," he admitted, his vulnerability breaking through the façade of anger.
The complexity of emotions hung in the air as we navigated the delicate dance of addressing the unspoken history between us. The reunion outside the party became a confrontation of feelings, a moment where the past and the present collided in a tangled web of unresolved emotions.
The anger surged through me, an intense wave that broke the surface of composed emotions. "Maybe I wouldn't be here with someone else if you had given us a chance, or done something, months, even years ago!" The words burst forth from my lips, carrying the weight of pent-up frustration and unspoken feelings.
Hao's eyes widened momentarily, as if taken aback by the force of my words. Then, a mix of emotions flickered across his face – surprise, guilt, and a touch of defensiveness. "What are you talking about, (Y/n)? We were friends," he responded, his tone tinged with a hint of confusion.
I took a step closer, my frustration refusing to be contained. "Friends? Is that all you ever wanted us to be, Hao?" I shot back, my voice sharp with the sting of disappointment. "You never made a move?, never showed any sign that you wanted more? Hao, you constantly kept leaning in, saying loving things, touches that seemed like more than something you would give to just a friend,"
Hao's brows furrowed, and a subtle tension hung in the air as we faced each other in the dimly lit space outside the party. "I... I didn't want to ruin our friendship," he admitted, his gaze dropping to the ground.
"Ruin our friendship? Do you know how much it hurt, watching you send me mixed signals, never knowing where I stood with you?" I continued, my frustration fueling the words that poured out. "I waited, Hao. I waited for a sign, for anything, but it never came."
He looked up, and the vulnerability in his eyes momentarily softened the edges of my anger. "I didn't realize you felt that way," he confessed, a touch of regret in his voice.
"Of course you didn't. Because the two times I asked you if we were more than friends, wasn't clear enough?" I retorted, the bitterness of unspoken words hanging heavily between us. "Now, seeing you upset because I'm with someone else – it's too little, too late."
Hao's expression hardened, a mix of frustration and realization. "So, what? You've moved on just like that?" he questioned, the hurt evident in his eyes.
"I had to," I replied, my voice quieter but no less resolute. "I can't keep waiting for something that might never happen."
The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of unspoken regrets, a poignant reminder of the complexities that had driven a wedge between us. As the argument lingered in the night air, the echoes of our words carried the unresolved emotions that had defined our relationship, leaving us standing in the shadows of what could have been.
The heaviness of the argument lingered, settling like an unwelcome weight on my shoulders. In the midst of the tension, I found a moment of clarity, and the words spilled out, each one laden with the pain of unspoken truths.
"I silently begged for you to love me," I admitted, my voice a fragile whisper in the night. "I wanted it so badly, Hao, yet I knew deep down that it could never happen. You made that clear. But I stayed, and I tried because I loved you, and you gave me hope, even though you hurt me each time."
Hao's eyes, a mix of regret and realization, met mine. The vulnerability that flickered in his gaze didn't erase the years of heartache, but it spoke to a shared history that neither of us could escape.
"Now that I'm finally happy, when I finally found someone who makes me smile and who likes me back, you suddenly want me?" I continued, my frustration and disbelief underscoring each word. "I can't keep living in the shadows of what could have been, Hao. I deserve to be happy, too."
He took a step forward, a plea in his eyes. "I didn't realize how much you meant to me until now," he confessed, his voice tinged with remorse.
I shook my head, tears threatening to spill. "You had your chance, Hao. I can't keep holding on to what might be. Jiwoong... he makes me happy. He sees me, he wants to be with me, and he doesn't keep me hanging in uncertainty. For once, I'm not living in the shadow of someone,"
Hao's expression shifted, a mixture of understanding and regret. "I messed up, (Y/n). I should have been more honest, more open about my feelings. But it's not too late, is it?"
I took a step back, the space between us filled with the weight of the past and the present. "It's too late for us, Hao. I can't go back to the pain and uncertainty. I've moved on, and I need to see where this new path takes me."
As I turned away, the echoes of our shared history lingered in the air, a poignant reminder of the choices that had shaped our journey. The tears that had been held back finally escaped, a mix of sorrow for what could have been and relief for the possibility of a new beginning.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I met Jiwoong's gaze. His eyes reflected concern, and then anger as he directed his attention toward Hao. Jiwoong wasted no time, sensing my vulnerability. Without a word, he removed his jacket and gently draped it over my shoulders, his protective gesture providing both warmth and comfort.
As the jacket enveloped my frame, I became acutely aware of the chill in the night air. The contrast between the cold reality of the situation and the warmth offered by Jiwoong's gesture highlighted the emotional tumult I was experiencing.
Hao, standing a few steps away, observed the exchange with a mix of regret and realization. The tension between the three of us lingered in the air, a tangible force that underscored the complexities of the moment.
Jiwoong, still wearing the anger on his face, spoke in a calm yet firm tone. "I think it's best if we go back inside," he suggested, his gaze never leaving Hao. With a protective arm around me, Jiwoong led the way, leaving the unresolved emotions of the confrontation behind us.
The jacket draped over my shoulders, a physical manifestation of Jiwoong's care, brought a soothing sense of reassurance. The warmth of the fabric, combined with Jiwoong's steady presence, provided a shield against the emotional storm that had unfolded outside.
As we returned to the party, the night continued, but the encounter with Hao lingered in the background. The jacket served as a tangible reminder of the protective embrace I had found in Jiwoong, and as we navigated through the pulsating music and laughter, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the newfound warmth that had entered my life.
Jiwoong led me into a quiet corner, concern etched across his face. "Do you want to talk about what happened out there?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care.
I took a deep breath, the weight of the recent encounter with Zhang Hao lingering in the air. "Yeah, I think I should," I replied, appreciating Jiwoong's willingness to navigate the complexities of the moment.
As we found a secluded spot away from the pulsating rhythm of the party, Jiwoong's eyes met mine, awaiting an explanation. "Who is Zhang Hao?" he inquired gently.
I hesitated for a moment before deciding to open up. "He's someone from my past, Jiwoong. We were friends, but it was complicated. I had feelings for him, and it never really went anywhere. Tonight was unexpected, and I just needed to confront some unresolved emotions," I explained, my voice carrying the weight of the unspoken history.
Jiwoong listened attentively, his expression understanding. "I appreciate you sharing that with me. You don't have to face these things alone," he reassured, his hand reaching for mine.
As his fingers intertwined with mine, I felt a sense of comfort. The honesty between us became a bridge, connecting the past with the present. The quiet corner, once filled with uncertainty, transformed into a space where two people navigated the complexities of their histories, laying the foundation for a shared narrative yet to unfold.
In the quiet corner, as Jiwoong's understanding gaze held mine, he leaned in once more. His hand cradled my cheek, a gentle touch that felt like a reassurance in the midst of emotional echoes. Our lips met again in a soft, lingering kiss, a shared moment that spoke of comfort and connection.
I kissed him back, the warmth of the embrace dissipating the residual tension from the earlier encounter. In that simple exchange of affection, the unspoken promises of a new beginning emerged, overshadowing the shadows of the past. The quiet corner became a sanctuary where two hearts, entwined in the dance of shared emotions, found solace in the language of a kiss.
As our lips parted, a subtle blush painted my cheeks. Jiwoong, with a playful glint in his eyes, smiled at me. "Guess I needed that second kiss I didn't get earlier," he remarked, his tone light and teasing.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his playful comment, the tension from earlier dissipating further. Jiwoong's easygoing nature and sense of humor added a layer of comfort to the moment, turning what could have been an emotionally charged night into a shared experience filled with laughter and newfound connections.
Feeling a sense of vulnerability, I knew I needed clarity about where Jiwoong stood in this evolving connection. The fear of uncertainty, born from past experiences, gnawed at the edges of my emotions. Sensing my unease, Jiwoong looked into my eyes with a reassuring understanding.
"You're not alone in this, (Y/n)," he said, his voice carrying a genuine sincerity. "I don't want you to feel like you're in the dark about us."
Relief washed over me at his words, and before I could articulate my concerns, Jiwoong easily erased the lingering fear. With a soft smile, he took my hand in his and said, "How about we make this official? Will you be my girlfriend?"
His simple yet heartfelt question dissolved the lingering uncertainties, replacing them with a warmth that blossomed in my chest. I met his gaze, and with a smile of my own, I nodded. "Yes, Jiwoong. I would love that." The weight of the past began to lift, and in that moment, a new chapter unfolded, marked by shared laughter, understanding, and the promise of a connection that held the potential to rewrite the narrative of my heart.
Later in the night, as the party's lively atmosphere began to wind down, (Y/n) and Jiwoong, the new couple that had emerged from the emotional whirlwind, prepared to leave. Amidst the fading music and the soft glow of fairy lights, Zhang Hao found Jiwoong standing alone, a somber expression on his face.
Approaching with a heavy heart, Hao took a moment before speaking, "Take care of (Y/n), Jiwoong." His words carried a weight of unspoken regret and acceptance, acknowledging the changing dynamics of the night.
Jiwoong, unfazed by the gravity of the moment, responded with a smug confidence that echoed through the dimly lit space. "I already am."
The words hung in the air, a subtle yet impactful exchange that marked a shift in the narrative. It turned out that Zhang Hao was the side character in (Y/n)'s story, and not the other way around. The realization settled over Hao with a quiet poignancy, as he watched (Y/n) and Jiwoong make their way toward the exit, their intertwined fingers reflecting a newfound connection that had taken center stage in (Y/n)'s journey.
As the door closed behind them, Zhang Hao remained in the fading echoes of the party, a character whose significance had been redefined. The narrative had evolved, and in the quiet aftermath, he stood as a silhouette in the background, a part of (Y/n)'s past but no longer a defining chapter in her story.
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noobiestnoober · 3 months
A Complicated Love (Reader x Damon x Elena)
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The story is set in 1994 Prison World, when Y/N (female) is a character in TVD who is stuck with Bonnie and Damon and starts developing feelings for Damon Salvatore and vice versa, despite Damon being still in love with Elena.
This is my first time posting a one-shot fanfic. I hope you enjoy it. <3
Prison World
Y/N didn't anticipate that she'd find herself in such a place as Prison World, a desolate, eerie double of Mystic Falls. It was supposed to be another Mystic Falls mission, with her tagging along with Bonnie and Damon. They found themselves in this alternative dimension, lost in the fight for survival, and most desperately struggling to find a way out. Days turned into weeks, and finally, weeks into months. During all of this, Y/N looked to Bonnie and Damon. They developed a connection out of difficult circumstances, and mutual reliance on each other's strength went beyond friendship. Weeks became months, and Y/N, well aware that Damon had affection for Elena, began to harbour feelings for him.
It complicated their bond even more now that they shared their days with another prisoner in the world: Kai Parker, a sociopathic but kind-of-charming guy who seemed to be thoroughly dangerous. Kai took an interest in Y/N from the first day, and his flirtatious ways and smooth talking made Y/N's skin crawl. Damon saw how Kai wouldn't let up with the flirting, and he felt something rise inside him towards Y/N, but he would shake it off.
One evening, Damon stood in between Kai and Y/N when Kai pushed too close.
"Stay out of it, Kai," Damon's eyes flashed furiously.
Kai grinned, flinging his palms up in a fictitious surrender. "What? I'm simply enjoying myself a little.”
"Fun's over," Damon yelled. "Get someone else to torture."
Kai turned to leave, grinning, and Y/N thankfully glanced at Damon,"Okay, Damon. I appreciate your help, but I can manage Kai."
Damon eventually turned to look down at her, "Yes, you can take care of yourself. I know. I don't want you to suffer, though.”
A wave of feeling came over Damon like a tsunami when he gazed into her eyes at that same instant. He cared about Y/N deeply, more than he had allowed himself to admit. It wasn't just about protecting her; it was about falling in love with her. He found himself in love with Y/N, and the thought both exhilarated and terrified him.
They eventually succeeded in getting out of Prison World and back to Mystic Falls. Now entangled, their complex feelings overshadowed their relief at returning. Elena was completely unaware of the growing bond between them as Damon and Y/N struggled to balance their newly formed feelings against the implications of their return.
Salvatore Boarding House
One could cut the tension in Salvatore Boarding House with a knife. Damon was pacing and agitated, his unusual vulnerability taking precedence over his confidence. Arms crossed, Y/N stood by the hearth, trying to make sense of the tornado of feelings rolling deep within her.
"You can't love me, Damon," Y/N said. And even her voice seemed to shake a bit, "You are in love already!"
Stopping his incessant pacing of the room, Damon slowly faced her, and his deep, piercing blue eyes contrasted fiercely, “Who said I could only love one person?”
The heart in Y/N leaped furiously. While she knew Damon had a difficult past with Elena, she also knew he harboured affection for her.
"Damon, this treatment isn't fair to anyone. This is unfair to Elena, to you, and to me."
Damon took a step closer, his expression earnest, "Y/N, I can't deny my feelings for you. But loving Elena doesn't lessen what I feel for you. My heart is big enough for both of you."
She could feel a lump developing in her throat. "This is much more complex. This will be hurting a lot of people."
Damon takes her hands in his, “Maybe. Love is never easy, I've learned. It's a messy thing with twists and turns, but that makes it more real. In the least."
Tears formed in Y/N's eyes as she looked at him for any signs of hesitation, “Are you sure? That this might… work out? And that we'd be able to move past these feelings without completely falling apart?"
With that, Damon tightened his grip just a bit, "The real question, Y/N, is: Do you love me?"
Y/N's breath hitched. She had been avoiding this question, afraid of what it might mean. But Damon was right in front of her, his vulnerability exposed, and she could not dispute the facts, “Damon, I do, for sure. Still, I fear that..."
Damon drew her into his arms and held her there, "So am I. We could, however, manage to go through this together. Someway."
Y/N felt him open, in his arms at last, felt the warmth and power of his hug, and buried her face in his chest, “I know I want to be with you, even though I don't know what tomorrow may bring."
Heart pounding with both terror and hope, Damon kissed the top of her head, "You and I will work everything out. One step at a time."
They knew the road would be difficult, but they had each other to inspire them to face whatever came next. Just as they were about to turn around, they heard a soft creak. Both turned to see Elena at the room entrance, her face white, eyes widen in shock, and shining with moisture. She had heard everything.
"Damon," Elena whispered, and her voice broke, "Is it true? Do you love Y/N?"
Damon's heart sank at the hurt in Elena's eyes. He let go of Y/N and took a step towards Elena, "Elena, I..."
Elena shook her head; tears streamed down her cheeks. "I thought… I thought we were working things out. And now, I don't know what to think."
Y/N flinched, stepping back. She couldn't bear to come in-between Damon and Elena. Partly feeling guilty.
Damon struggled with conflicting emotions, "I really do love you, Elena," Damon said in a raspy voice, "Still, I love Y/N as well. Even though it didn't happen as planned, it did. What can I do!?"
With a wipe of her tears, Elena tried to gather herself, "You're going to have to choose Damon. This isn't fair to any of us."
He looked helplessly from Elena to Y/N. He had loved them both. He loved them both deeply, yet he was unable to hold onto them both. He had to make a choice, and it was tearing him apart.
At last, Damon muttered, "I need some time to think." His voice was almost audible above a whisper, "I have to think what is best for every one of us."
Slowly nodding, Elena says in a sad tone, “You take your time, Damon. Please do not keep us waiting for too long.”
Elena turned and left, and Y/N watched, both relieved and saddened. She knew that it was far from over, and whatever choice Damon made would change their lives forever.
Standing there by himself and torn, Damon understood how difficult and messy love was. And someone would suffer no matter what decision he took.
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His kid asks him to stay away (Oikawa, Atsumu)
Inspired by two scenes from Gilmore Girls. 
Part of the AU: His best friend's wife (Osamu's side)
Oikawa is surprised but beaming when he finds his daughter standing outside his hotel suite. "Hey, princess!" He envelopes Yuma (悠真) in a tight hug, which she reluctantly returns.
"I'm sorry I didn't call–" 
Tooru shakes his head, squeezing her shoulders. "Nonsense. You're always welcome here. Hey, I made that corned beef that you like. The one with potatoes? I can heat them up right now. Come inside."
"No, that's okay. Listen, dad..." She takes a step back, pulling herself away from his arms. "Mom has a boyfriend."
Tooru blinks. "Oh."
"It's Uncle Iwa."
He inhales sharply. "Yeah, I...I heard."
Japan's team had a plethora of colorful characters, and the more noisy members liked to talk online and post photos of their unknowing teammates, coaches, and trainers. One particular trainer had many candid photos of him and Oikawa's ex wife in the background. You were never active in social media, so Tooru shamefully relied on his daughter's posts to see how you were doing. Her posts were always the same: friends, school, you and her together. You two were like the happier, healthier version of the Gilmore Girls. And there was no other man in your life as far as he can tell.
Everything was fine until last month.
Last month was your first birthday after the divorce. Tooru was in Argentina and could only send a polite greeting and of course, you only sent a simple 'thank you.' 
The same time, his daughter uploaded two photos: one was of you two, and the other was of you and his best friend, sitting awfully close to each other. 
He remembered that day like it was yesterday. After seeing Iwaizumi so close to you with the faintest red in his face, he had to know, he had to ask.
Three rings before the trainer picked up.
"What the hell, Trashykawa–"
"Are you seeing my wife?"
Tooru didn't even need an answer. The silence spoke for itself. But he wanted to hear what his friend had to say.
"Please, Iwa-chan. Tell me the truth," he whispers. Iwaizumi had to have known how much Tooru still loves you, how much he wants to turn back time and fix everything. He had to know, because Tooru cried to him the night he signed the papers.
On the other side of the line, Iwaizumi inhales. Then he says, "She's not your wife anymore."
Tooru hung up. He was glad that Japan was an ocean away, because he would've driven straight to Iwaizumi's house and beat him up.
"Dad?" his daughter calls out to him.
"Sorry, sweetie, daddy spaced out for a bit."
His daughter examines his face, her own expression hesitant but determined. She sticks her hands into her coat pocket and speaks up again: "I want you to stay away from them."
Time stills and Tooru feels sick. "You...what?"
"Dad, I love you but...but you hurt mom."
"Honey, I– "
"And it doesn't matter if you mean to or not, you just do. You just do. And before you start, you should know that mom never speaks bad about you, well, not in front of me anyway--"
Tooru should be proud. Even at this moment his sweet Yuma retains his and your snarkiness. But right now he just wants to throw up. 
"My point," she continues, "is that I'm not here because mom says you're the devil."
"I know. Your mom isn't like that."
"So then you know that she doesn't deserve getting clobbered."
"... I do."
"She deserves to be happy, dad, and Uncle Iwa makes her happy. I know that you must be mad and hurt but I'm begging you to please let them be."
Tooru can't bring himself to open his mouth as his daughter brushes back her hair, trying to hold back her tears. "I'm still gonna visit you and you can visit me. You can get angry at them and me but don't do anything because... because you should see how mom smiles now."
He understands. Looking back at it now, he couldn't recall the last time you smile so genuinely when you were with him.
His little girl, acting not so little anymore, rubs her face. "Anyway, that's all I got to say. It was nice seeing you."
"I still have to meet up with my friends."
"At least let me drive–"
"This isn't Argentina, dad," she points out. 
He doesn't have a car here. "Right." 
She gives him a pitying look but only mutters out a "bye" before leaving.
Tooru silently opens the door to his hotel room. 
He heats up the leftover corned beef from last night and sets down his plate on the table, settling in front of the TV.
But he doesn't eat or even listen to the news.
He cradles his head between his hands.
His only daughter, his sweet, little princess who should be free of troubles, came here just to tell him to stay away.
"Dammit." He swallows the lump in his throat as he fiddles with the ring he refuses to take off. "I'm pathetic."
You didn’t ask much. You always supported Atsumu, always defended him from your family when your parents accused him of abandoning you, always made excuses and did everything–everything to keep your relationship happy. 
You loved your job and if someone were to go back in time and ask you if you would sacrifice your career for a guy, you’d throw your head back and guffaw, because the idea was insane. But then you met Atsumu, and he wasn’t just some guy. He was the guy. He was sweet and funny and supportive. He adored his mother, he had a good relationship with his brother. He was passionate and he shone brighter than anyone. 
And you loved how much he loved volleyball.
So you didn’t ask for much. 
You didn’t complain when he had to leave you alone when he was off to Argentina or China for weeks and months.
You didn’t whine when he couldn’t accompany you to family reunions and weddings of close friends.
It was your idea to quit your job the moment the test came out positive. 
Sure, you loved your job–love your job–but Atsumu was your whole world. You never thought you’d have someone like him in your life and you were determined to be happy with him and the bundle of joy you two made.
Your son was born healthy. Hiroyuki (ヒロユキ), you decided to name him. Atsumu was there and he showed off the little runt to the doctor who delivered, to the nurses who helped, and your family members waiting outside.
You didn’t expect yourself to end up the way you did, but everything was fine.
Your boys were healthy.
Your husband was doing great. Every week there was always a shower of praise for your genius setter.
Your son grew up nothing like his dad though: while Atsumu was brash and loud-mouthed, his son was a quiet and polite boy who hated conflict; while Atsumu lived for volleyball, his son hated getting dirty and sweaty and preferred academics.  
You and Atsumu still wanted him to be healthy though, so you encouraged him to exercise and pursue other hobbies.
Your son only begrudgingly agreed to get you both to shut up.
Everything was great.
You were great. You were content. 
But then you saw it, a single message from an unknown number on your husband’s phone.
“I had an amazing night. Call me when you’re in the city.”
Your shining world crumbled in an instant.
You couldn’t remember what you did next. You vaguely recall smashing the device into a mirror and locking yourself in the guest bedroom. 
The next six months were a blur, too.
You froze out your husband though you didn’t tell your son the truth, only telling him that mommy and daddy just couldn’t be with each other anymore. Some people were appalled that you wanted to get a divorce. “Because so what if he cheated?” They had asked. “Think of your son.”
You did think of your son. Ever since you discovered you were pregnant with him, you always thought of your son. 
The divorce was for his sake as much as yours, because you had no guarantee that you wouldn’t end up murdering his father if you stayed next to him.
So you bought a different house in the next city, got your old job back, and got divorced. Shared custody. 
The whole ordeal felt unreal. Every day, you felt like you would float out to space, but you had Hiroyuki, who liked to tug on your pants and remind you: “I’m here, mama.”
You would laugh and give him the tightest hug every time. You wished you didn’t cry so much every time though. You wanted to be stronger for both of you.
And you were strong enough.
With your baby and your job back, you became too busy to even think about your cheating ex. 
Fast forward years later and it’s now your baby’s middle school graduation.
“You’re now a man!”
“Stop it, mom.”
“Whatever happened to ‘mama’?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek. “Your dad should be here soon.”
“It’s okay, I’m not a kid anymore, you don’t have to lie.”
You gently flicked his forehead. “I made sure to tell him.”
He blinked. “You did?”
“I did.”
“When…when did you tell him?”
“Last week–”
“You didn’t have to tell him.” 
“He’s still your dad.”
“Yeah, my dad,” he bitterly repeats. Although the lawyers agreed on shared custody, the man was rarely around. When it was Atsumu’s turn to take care of Hiroyuki, he was almost never at home and the people who took care of the kid were either his mom or his brother. Truth be told, Hiroyuki didn’t care. How could he possibly forget the many days he caught his mom trying desperately to hide her sadness and the many nights she sobbed in her bedroom when she thought her son was asleep? Children weren’t idiots. And Hiroyuki never bought into the idea that kids needed a mother and a father either. Why would he? He grew up with only his mother being there for him, so why would he need his father now?
“I would’ve called him myself if you really wanted him here,” he says.
“It’s not about me wanting him here, it’s about him having to want to be here, and he should be here. It’s his only son’s graduation.”
“Middle school graduation. It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.”
“It’s a celebration in mediocrity.” 
“That’s a lot coming from the valedictorian and…” You fall quiet.
“What’s wrong?” He turns to follow your line of sight. 
He exhales when he sees his sperm-donor walking into the auditorium, dressed in a clean polo shirt and some woman hanging off his elbow.
His Uncle Samu’s right: the man’s an idiot.
“Hey, mom, could you get me a soda?”
“Huh?” You snap out of your trance. 
“I’m kinda thirsty.”
You try to protest but quickly quiet down before giving your son a sad smile and walking towards the cafeteria.
Hiroyuki inherited his father’s height so it only took a few strides before he caught up to the man and his plus one.
“Hi dad.”
Atsumu grins at his son. “There he is, the man of the hour. Happy graduation, kid!”
Hiroyuki bites his lip. He hates how oblivious this guy is. He hates how he could smile like this and bring this woman with him like nothing’s wrong and that everything is okay. 
He doesn’t say anything else and an awkwardness falls between the three of them.
Atsumu clears his throat and gestures towards his date. “Have you met–”
“–no.” Hiroyuki shuts him down. “Dad, can we talk? Alone.”
The woman looks peeved and makes a face, like she’s expecting Atsumu to get mad on her behalf, but the volleyball player only shrugs and pulls his arm away from her. “Sure thing.”
The two guys walk to a corner in the room, away from prying eyes.
“Hey, I got you some cash but it kinda feels like it’s not enough, so do you have anything you want for today?”
Without hesitation, Hiroyuki speaks up: “Stay away from mom.”
Atsumu’s head swerves and he is forced to look straight into the clear, unyielding eyes of his only son. 
There is a pause.
Atsumu lets out a nervous chuckle. “I’m sorry, I thought I just heard you say that you want me to stay away from your mom.”
“You heard right.” Hiroyuki crosses his arms. “Dad, I know what you’re trying to do.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“Bringing that woman here? I know you’re trying to make mom jealous.”
“That’s ridiculous! First of all, that woman is named Ochaco.”
“What’s her last name?”
“Dad, just stop. That’s the best thing you can give me.”
“I know you still love her.” Hiroyuki knows how the man looks at you, because it’s the same look you had whenever you heard his name or saw him on the news. He hates that you’re still in love with your ex, because those feelings blinded you from realizing how his Uncle Samu looks at you; Samu who helped you move, Samu who packed your things into boxes because you couldn’t bear a second longer in Atsumu’s house, Samu who made sure you and Hiro were always fed, Samu who could comfort you in ways Hiro couldn’t because you didn’t want to look weak in front of your boy. “But you can’t be together, not anymore, so please just stop these stupid games and go back.”
“I have mom, I have Uncle Samu, they’re all I need.” 
The speakers blared with feedback before the emcee called for all graduates to find their seats. 
“I have to go. Bye, dad.”
Atsumu wants to pull back his son, to talk with him, but seeing his little boy walking confidently away from him broke his heart.
He bites his lip.
He really did f*** up. 
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kamisama-kyaa · 1 year
can you please continue Unrequited Love | Mercy X Genji X Reader? IT'S SO GREATT! i want to see what happened after the reader gone? does genji feel bad? does genji find out that the reader like him? i understand that this is a one shot but- IT SO GOOD and it's just really sad with the fact that there are no second part or more part after this...
Unrequited Love (Pt. 2) | Mercy X Genji X Reader
It's been years... probably around 6 years since you up and left Overwatch. You watched on the news how the organization fell apart after Sojourn testified against them in court and that was the main downfall. You missed everyone. You left without a trace; no one could find you. Did you like it that way...? Maybe, you weren't quite sure how to feel. Your heart would hurt every now and then when you thought about your old friends and how you couldn't ask them if they were okay. Contact with any former Overwatch agent would get you in trouble...
After all you were in Talon now.
"You in your head again?" Sombra asked coming out of her stealth ability.
"Just thinking." You would respond shortly.
"Boss wants us to meet. You in?"
"Yeah." You replied. Letting out a loud sigh and picking up your weapon, you turned around to face Sombra. She offered a slight smirk and turned on her heels to presumably alert other Talon agents of this meeting.
_-Time Skip-_
Mission Brief: Talon agents are tasked with landing in Circuit Royal. Escort the payload to the end, by any means.
"I see that someone couldn't be bothered to write more than they could read." Moira scoffed while rolling her eyes at the mission brief. You could agree, it was quite short but Doomfist was never the type to share more information than he wanted his agents to know. You and your teammates, Moira, Sombra, Reaper, and Sigma, sat in your seats within the ship.
"What did you expect? He couldn't have even come on this mission." Reaper shook his head.
"I expect that with a leader role there should be more direction." Moira threw the mission brief hologram projector to the side. "Ugh, get on with it and get us to the place." She reclined in her chair shutting her eyes. Sombra rolled her eyes and sat in the pilot's chair booting up the ship's system.
You looked out the window. It was a short flight from Talon's base, Italy to Circuit Royal, Monaco. As time went by, you had a strange gut feeling that something wrong was coming. Of course, if you had voiced your opinion to your teammates they would have brushed you off and calling you annoying. So, it was best to just keep it to yourself. Talon was nothing like Overwatch. There was no friendships or someone to confide in. No happy moments or warmth to be felt. Was this the feeling of loneliness? It couldn't be, you've felt loneliness even when you were a part of Overwatch. You felt the loneliness when Genji would talk about that damn doctor to you for hours. How stupid was he to never see your feeli- You shook your head frantically. You shouldn't think about him, but he was the reason why you left Overwatch in the first place...
After landing, your group finds the precious payload that was assigned for you all to escort. Everything was going smoothly until you heard heavy footsteps around the corner.
"Looks like we have company." Sombra smirked while cloaking herself in her stealth form, running into a building to scope out the approaching enemies,
"Agents. We've detected a threat to our objective. Get rid of them." One of talon's agents back at base radioed to the group through the comms.
"Oh but what if they are friendly?" Sigma asked, not even touching his communicator piece for the Talon agent to hear him. Moira punched Sigma in the shoulder and told him to focus. He looked sad but did as what he was told, positioning him in front of the payload and the team. The footsteps were growing louder as the team slowly inched forward with the moving payload.
You hear a metal mechanism deposit something, then green shurikens are headed straight at your team, everyone dodges and they stick to the wall right next to you. You snap your head to the shurikens. 'It can't be...' You thought. There they were. Your old team... Genji, Reinhardt, Cassidy, even your old teammate Baptiste, and ...Of course Mercy. Talon quickly recovered from the shuriken distraction as Overwatch slowly closed the gap and stood their ground. Reinhardt spoke up,
"Hold fast, do not let them through!" His loud voice sent shivers down your spine. It hit you with nostalgia just from all your previous missions with him.
"An old man like you should have retired long ago." Reaper snarked while blowing all his shotgun ammo into Rein's shield. Everyone joined in on the fight to break the shield. You couldn't help yourself, you new that the real target was Mercy. No matter what, you needed her to be dead. She would be the reason this fight would be drawn out. You raised your weapon and took aim at the angel. You just needed one shot to take her down. Before you could even make your move. He jumped up and deflected anything headed towards Mercy's way.
"Damn it." You cursed under your breath. Of course he would be protecting her, you thought.
"(Name)..." Genji landed on his two feet. You met his gaze. It was jus the two of you, it seemed like the distant battle wasn't even there. Everything went quiet, you were so focused on Genji and he was with you. "I never thought I'd see you again. This is where you were all this time?" He took a step forward, but you readied your weapon. You warned him to not take another step towards you. "(Name)-chan. We don't have to do this. Why must you fight along with Talon? Come back and join Overwa-"
"Shut it, Shimada." You barked. "You'll never know how you and the rest of Overwatch made me feel." He shot you a confused look. To him, it seemed like everything was fine. You ran away 6 years ago, but he couldn't piece together why you did. For all he knew, he thought you were tired of the constant war against Omnics. "God, all this time and you still haven't realized why I left, Shimada? You're more of an idiot than I remember."
"...Is this the path that you've chosen?" Genji slowly got into his fighting stance.
"I wouldn't have if you had just opened your eyes... Genji, I never wanted to be just a teammate or just a friend. It was so obvious that I liked you, or at least I thought I liked you. But, you were too blinded by your beloved angel. You couldn't have seen anything. You did this to me, Genji. All those times you told me about your crush, Ziegler. Think about all the times I felt alone and disappointed because you liked her." You sighed. A grim smile grew on your face. "That's why I need to do this." You finished while quickly aiming up at the medic. Genji ran to stop you but before he could, it was too late.
It took one shot. One shot to take her out. Her dead body falling down to the ground. The Overwatch team was stunned. They did not anticipate for one of their healers to go down so soon. Genji ran to Mercy's lifeless body. They were all distracted so this gave leverage to Talon. They broke Rein's shield.
"We have to leave!" Baptiste shouted to the Overwatch team. You were not going to let them get away with her body. You knew better than to let them take her body. They might have mastered the art of resurrection outside of Ziegler's knowledge. You and Reaper teamed up to assault those who surrounded the body. Without cover, they wouldn't be able to drag her body with them. Rein took most of the bullets while Baptiste pumped him with healing, trying not to let another teammate go down. Cassidy had to drag Genji off of Ziegler's body.
"Genji, C'mon we gotta go!"
"NO!" Genji shouted while desperately to reach towards Ziegler's body.
"I'm sorry, Genji." Cassidy took out his illegal old stun powder so that Genji would stop resisting. The Overwatch team retracted from the fight and disappeared in the distance.
"Nicely done." Reaper praised you. The two of you looked at the cold corpse on the ground that the two of you had secured. "Should have been done sooner." He glared at the body on the ground. Reaper then picked up the corpse and threw it on the moving Payload.
"All those antics about ethics... Maybe I could put her back together" Moira had an evil smirk on her face while she pet Mercy's head.
"Do whatever you please." You rolled your eyes. You walked a bit in front of the group. This was it. You got the revenge that you so wanted. Did this make you happy? Or was this the beginning of the end?
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