#they are absolutely not adoptive parent/kid i dislike that headcanon severely
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oro-junestar · 2 years ago
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begging for more art of them to exist please this ship is never ever going to leave my head
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the evil comic that started it all,.,,
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vignirek · 29 days ago
Wukong + Macaque headcanons (part 3)
(part one & part two of previous hcs)
- optional headcanon 1: in JTTW the monkeys all adopt Wukong's surname "Sun" (if I remember that part correctly), so perhaps in the Monkie Kid universe the monkeys still share Wukong's surname like they're all one family in a sense (and maybe it also applied to Macaque while he still lived on the mountain)
- has less scars than Macaque, but the ones he does have are from pretty severe injuries that his immortality was unable to heal for various reasons (and maybe he got some of them from before he became immortal and didn't have op regeneration abilities yet) - his favorite flavor is sweet and he dislikes spicy + bitter foods (while Macaque is the opposite, though he does eat moderately sweet things) - Wukong's fur is short and soft, while Macaque's fur is long and smooth - he and Macaque were the troop's go-to babysitters when the monkey parents wanted some rest from taking care of their babies (after their fallout, Wukong had to be the babysitter all by himself, but then Macaque started picking up his babysitter duties again since his return to the mountain after S4) - likes to play videogames in his spare time, his favorite types are tower defense and fighting games (while Macaque's favorites are fighting games and story-driven games) bonus: they're mutually afraid of horror/scary games (partially inspired by Monarch and Cyyu playing Mortuary Assistant) - optional headcanon 2: Wukong became depressed sometime after the journey, but he's been isolated on his mountain for so long that he doesn't even see it as a problem (and even if he did, he'd just deploy his good ol' "ignore the problem until it's not a problem" tactic) (it definitely wouldn't work all the time though) bonus thought: at some point Macaque realizes that his ex-best friend is depressed and starts secretly helping him out by making him proper meals and making sure he always has a set of clean clothes available (and just doing the house chores in general) (he feels like a jerk for always clowning on Wukong for being smelly after realizing this, so perhaps he does the chores as a way of making it up to Wukong) - he and Macaque used to have a very intertwined/synced fighting style; now they're grown used to fighting separately after their fallout, but they can still subconsciously slip into the familiar pattern sometimes - headcanon for funsies: he/she genderfluid
- continuation & sorta update of my headcanon where Macaque has another name besides "Six Eared Macaque" - still kinda stuck on which one would be most fitting for him, but I've narrowed it down to my three favorite options after a lot of digging:
1) "Fēng Wǔ" (风舞/"wind dance"; my main interpretation is that it's a nod to his manner of dancing being light and carefree like the wind (in my headcanon at least))
2) "Yǐng Wǔ" (影舞/"shadow dance"; somewhat similar to "wind dance", but with his shadow powers, could be interpreted as him guiding his shadows in a dance of sorts)
3) "Jiāo Yè" (姣夜/"charming night"; mostly a nod to his black fur and maybe his appearance in general- perhaps the backstory behind this name is that Wukong gave Macaque a nickname in an attempt to help him feel less self-conscious about his own appearance, and the nickname eventually grew into an actual name that Macaque started using)
(note: I'm absolutely not an expert on chinese names and these options are mostly results of me slapping together chinese characters and seeing which ones sound good together in theory- so don't expect them to be 100% accurate to how chinese names actually work)
- has a big amount of scars from various past scuffles that happened before and after his resurrection (mostly because he doesn't heal quickly like Wukong does, so Macaque is not as "untouchable" as him)
- very good at vocal mimicry (basically he copies people's voices really well) and can adjust his voice to copy anyone he hears (his ears help him a lot with that, bc he can easily copy the voice just by listening closely)
- optional headcanon 1: Macaque gets a pair of headphones at some point and spends at least a couple hours a day listening to music; one of his favorite genres is metal (though overall his music tastes range from gentle tunes to something more like rock or metal) and he sometimes sings along (he typically goes into a room covered in noise-cancelling spells to do it) (maybe he takes those precautions because one time he got too into it and received multiple noise complaints the next day /j)
- the vision in his right eye (from his point of view) is pretty bad because of the injury, he's pretty much considered legally half-blind in that regard; the most he can see is blurry moving shapes, but he tries to make up for it with his hearing, so usually the blind right eye is not much of a hindrance to him, though he refuses to get glasses or lenses of any kind for vague reasons - prone to losing his appetite when he's really sick or stressed (he struggles maintaining a healthy weight because of that) - optional headcanon 2: Macaque had already been living on FFM for some time, but then one day he witnessed Wukong hatching from his egg and basically went "oh cool, new friend c:" and brought him along, and afterwards they became friends (basically he's older in this backstory interpretation) - in terms of shapeshifting, Macaque's strengths are in disguising himself as other people, while Wukong is more proficient with the 72 transformations (they can do both, but Macaque only has a few animal forms and hides his tail, while Wukong has his tail at all times when he's transformed into an animal or is using a disguise) - used to be fond of peaches, but after so much baggage involving Wukong, they taste almost bittersweet to him and he rarely eats them nowadays - a decent teacher when he puts his mind to it (he's typically the more organized one when it comes to teaching, though he isn't afraid to push limitations when he feels it's necessary) - headcanon for funsies: he/they nonbinary
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ma-lark-ey · 4 years ago
Lark headcanons to piggyback off my Grant headcanons B) I don’t have as many for Lark which is weird considering I took his name. 
- He’s the younger twin 
- mans SUCKS in a fight, he thinks he doesn’t 
- He’s that one kind in your grade who no one really talks to or is friends with, but no one dislikes. 
- always keeps stimtoys on him, always always always
- severely ADHD
- deffo has panic attacks (like his dad B) ) 
- He can’t handle much weight on top of him from the trauma of the pyramid. 
- He has some pretty noticeable scars on his arm, neck and legs from the incident, when people ask he quickly changes the subject. 
- He owns a chinchilla! her name is Snail. Sparrow has one named Slug! 
- He likes to write!! He writes a lot of short stories, and will churn out stories of Sparrow’s characters. 
- to go with that, Sparrow will draw scenes from the stories he writes. They’re a little duo. 
- They want to make comics when they’re older. Lark being the writer and Sparrow being the artist.
- Lark is really good at calming people down and mellowing out bad situations, it’s a skill he had to learn from how often Grant and Nick would have panic attacks after Faerun, and he wanted to help them. 
- He likes stirring the pot in politics classes. 
- he has a LOT of pent up anxiety, but doesn’t admit it. 
- If he’s not with Sparrow, he’s probably hiding out at a skatepark or a junkyard. 
- He’s trans masc because fUCK you. Self projection.
- He expresses his affection through gifts!! He likes making all his cool friends gifts to give them 
- He’s super socially awkward and doesn’t have many friends, even though he’s super charismatic. 
- If he can’t do comics as an adult, he wants to be a special ed teacher. 
- Lark will never admit it, but he is EXACTLY like his dad. 
- Lark and his partner (Finch, obviously. If you don’t know who Finch is.... Boy do I have a piece of fandom to introduce you to) adopt a kid at like, early thirties. You would never think Lark would make a nice parent, but he’s a more strict version fo Henry. Takes good care of his little guy. 
- The kid’s name is Dove 
- Lark’s comfort food are those shitty muffins you get in little tiny packs of four and ate as a kid instead of a real breakfast. 
- His favorite drink is... Whatever the fuck you put in front of him. 
- One time when he was little he brought Henry a glass of water that was left outside for days ( you know the kind I’m talking about ) and told him to drink it. Henry couldn’t say no. 
- Lark thinks a lot about what would’ve happened if he took over Oakvale after Faerun. He wonders how different life would’ve been. 
- He doesn’t get along super well with Autumn, but he makes a point to keep in contact with her. 
- Some nights, he’ll have a really bad panic attack and dissociate for a long time. Whenever he calms back down, he’s always protectively held in his dad’s lap in the living room floor with some kids cartoon on the TV, and usually Henry is mumbling to him about something. 
- Lark used to only drink with plastic straws (he likes to chew on them and his hands shake too much for him to use a glass), but he started using rubber straws in eighth grade cause he liked the taste of rubber more. 
- on that, his hands are always shaking like a mother fucker. The only thing he’s found that steadies his hands is cross-stitch. 
- He listens to folk punk (oh no) 
- If you get in the car with Lark, Hayloft by Mother Motehr WILL play, and he WILL go absolutely FERAL 
- He plays the drums!! 
- Whenever he gets drained in social situations, he’ll crouch. He’ll just *crouches down* and sit there. He’ll keep interacting with you normally and whatnot, but he likes being close to ground. 
- He sleeps to the side of his bed instead of in the middle so in case Sparrow has a nightmare and wants to climb in next to him he can :(( 
- Lark listens to Welcome to Nightvale and The Penumbra Podcast
- His favorite color is green! 
- His favorite video game is Forager
- Lark LOVES My Hero Academia, also watches a lot of short underground anime. He rarely gets into the big names, but MHA grabbed him by the throat and said “You’re gonna have the duality of relating to Izuku AND Katsuki, deal with it” and he said “Yes, Mr. ADHD and Depression, sir!” 
- Lark listens Its Okay (To Punch Nazis) - Cheap Perfume on repeat because it scratches a good brain itch, also yeah, he’d clock a nazi without flinching. 
- He has a playlist on Spotify titled “feral baby man” and it’s just a bunch of songs he legally has to scream along with
- Similarly, he’s that one friend with way too many Spotify playlists and all of them have hyper specific purposes. 
- A collection of them are Stimmy Stimmy, Oh No Emotions, UWU Vibey Shit, Whoever Put Crack In These Songs, Thank You For Your Service, HOIST UP THE THIIIIIING, and more. 
- He says a bunch of Australian and Irish slang and NO ONE knows where he got it from. (His favorite thing is to drop a new one and watch the confusion. The best one yet is Grant’s reaction to ridgey-didge of just “Literally what the fUCK did you just say??????”) 
- He likes sewing 
- Surprisingly, he likes soft music as much as he does really attention grabbing stuff. One of his favorite bands is Sleeping At Last
- He likes to have jam sessions with Nick :(( 
- He has a little sister! She was bro when he was around thirteen, and her name is Piper 
- he’s the bEST big brother. Okay? He sits with his little sister in his lap in his highschool years as he does Homework and teaches her about math and English to help him study it better. 
- He also reads her bedtime stories
This is all I have to give you on Lark at the moment. 
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midnight-hotel · 5 years ago
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Original sketches. Ears are slightly pointed but not as exaggerated as in the first image. Ends of hair are splotched with a natural blue and red that mixes in places to make purple. She has a mostly human appearance aside from her ears and red and yellow eyes. Her appearance can change however. She developed claws, teeth become sharp and ears become a little pointier.
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//Forgive me, this is a bit all over the place.
Preferred Name: Candy
Full Name: Courtney Hatchwood
Nickname/s: The Storm Demon, Candy (When she was alive)
D.O.B: April 1989
D.O.D: November 2017
Cause of Death: Crushed by an unstable building during a cyclone
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
- Alexa Hatchwood (Mother/Alive)
- Steven Hatchwood (Father/Alive)
- Lydia Hatchwood (Little sister/Alive)
- Christopher Stone (‘Adopted’ Son/Alive) – Candy doesn’t know he’s alive
- Adam Stone (‘Adopted’ Son/Alive) – Candy doesn’t know he’s alive
- Ray (Sister’s OC)
- Niffty
- Angel Dust
- Charlie
- Tom
- Alastor
- Husk
- Vaggie
- Sir Pentious
- Katie Killjoy
- Cherri
- Valentino (After learning of how he treats Angel)
- Jasmine Stone (Old Friend/Mother of ‘sons’/Deceased/26)
Power: Candy, in a sense, is able to control the weather. Not completely, however. She can summon clouds and control their density. She mainly uses this as a weapon, summoning clouds around a demon’s head and increasing the density, suffocating/drowning them. This power lashes out with her emotions a little, however. If she’s incredibly angry/scared/sad, it will typically become rainy/stormy in the area. A quirk about this ability though, is when she’s grumpy, a literal cloud appears above her head.
Personality: Candy, despite how she may come off at first, is very reserved. She doesn’t like telling people about herself, out of fear of being used in some way. This being said, she doesn’t tell people her real name, what her life was like when alive and certainly not where she currently lives. She has trust issues, so she can’t bring herself to stay at the hotel, instead making the long trip home at the end of the day. Shoving this aside however, she is a very dedicated and protective person, defending those who she has managed to come close to. She’s also naturally protective of children and easily becomes upset at the mention of her ‘sons’ and seeing children in hell. She has trouble hiding her emotions, feeling strongly about a lot of things that tends to throw her powers off a bit.
She can also be quite manipulative, putting people down or twisting their thoughts as much as she can to get her way. She becomes a lil grumpy when she doesn’t get her way.
Hobbies: Baking, cooking
Likes: Sweets, singing, dancing, reading, old music and rock and roll, children
Dislikes: Being bossed around, sexism, bitter food, tea and coffee (She’s the type to drink hot chocolate).
Strengths: She’s quite intelligent due to her natural curiosity
Weaknesses: Children, sometimes she comes off as rude/condescending when she talks to new people
Fears: Despite her powers, Candy is dead scared of storms. (I headcanon that hell has seasons but they’re extreme. So, storms are really bad.)
Habits: Swears a lot when she’s angry or on edge, always subconsciously reaching for candy in her pocket despite not having any a lot of the time
Nationality: Australian
Occupation: Weather reporter (Previously and currently)
Height: 6’
Glasses or Contacts: She wears glasses for reading but absolutely refuses to wear them in front of anyone. This leads to her squinting and leaning in a lot to try read something.
Backstory: Courtney Hatchwood lived a relatively normal life from childhood to the beginning of adulthood. She had a large network of friends and a great bond with her family. Her friends gave her the nickname ‘Candy’ because she was always pulling sweets out of her pocket, no matter where they were or what they were doing. Her best friend Jasmine was always by her side. They were two peas in a pod and didn’t often do anything without the other. Despite being a relatively good pair, Jasmin got pregnant at 16 and ended up with Christopher who Courtney grew attached to very quickly. Two years later, to the same guy, despite Courtney’s disapproval, Jasmine had Adam. Shortly after, the young woman’s boyfriend left her, so Courtney stepped up to the plate to help take care of the boys. The two got an apartment together when they were 21, with the support of their parents of course, and did what they could to live comfortable lives.
It was when she was 24, that the boys were left to her so Jasmine could attend an event for a couple days. She packed a suitcase and left. A week later, she still hadn’t come back and upon further inspection, Courtney discovered that she had stolen their jar of money and took several valuables, including her own jewellery. It was around this time that Courtney killed someone for the first time. The kids were safe at home and she was out for the night, getting a couple drinks with some friends to unwind. It was on her way home, that she received some… unsavoury, sexist comments from a rando on the street. She beat him to death out of pure rage, everything having piled together and being taken out on that one guy. She was almost caught, but from there, she took more care. Over the next four years, she rid the town of people who deemed themselves better than the other sex. She had discovered a whole new hatred towards sexist people, without a clue of where it came from.
November 2017, there was a severe cyclone and she was on the run. A close friend of hers suspected her for the missing/dead people and police were on her tail. The storm wasn’t too bad at the time, she found somewhere to hide and prayed that her ‘boys’ would be okay. That’s when the cyclone really hit, and the building came down on top of her.
Now in hell, she doesn’t know if her boys are alive and has no idea that her old friend, who died two years before she had, was down in hell with her.
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tcdarkeststorms · 5 years ago
Mother’s Day special
Since it’s Mother’s Day, I wanted to give some tribute to the moms we see in Trauma Center, along with headcanons about how a couple of ‘em are as moms and generally exploring stuff. This is my ship hell, just a fair warning.
Cybil Kasal
Cybil and Greg, honestly thought long and hard about starting a family. Neither, were entirely sure, because of their GUILT and worrying if it would potentially cause issues with having kids or create issues for the kid once they were born. Privately, they got gene screening done.
They were so relieved when they were told they could in fact have a family safely.
Kari was born 10 months later.
Greg gleefully was telling those they were comfortable telling “She’s Gregnant.” including his mother in law. Cybil was bemoaning the fact, that this was his first dad joke and only the start of a lifetime full of them.
During her pregnancy with Kari, Cybil didn’t even stop working. While anesthesia isn’t an easy specialty by far… It was pretty much a situation of let her or lose a hand. Greg just kept a careful eye on her but put his foot down finally when she was in her last trimester.
The night Kari was born, Greg actually nearly missed it because of an emergency patient. He wanted to pass them off to another doctor, but Cybil insisted he go, she was gonna be fine. He made it with literally seconds to spare as the first thing he heard when he came into the room was Kari’s first cries.
Kari’s name actually has some significance to them both. Derived from HIkari since she was their little light of Hope.
For the first few months, Kari could only fall asleep if she was nestled between them. Cybil lost a LOT of sleep making sure their little girl was fine. (She had a little cot that she was tucked into that was above their own blanket)
Kari’s first words were….
Greg would never forget the LOOK Cybil gave him when that happened. He tried to convince her, she really said Mama but they both knew.
She took her first steps for Cybil though and that was enough for her. (And Greg got it all on film including the crying from Cybil.)
As she grows, Kari and her mom are very close and Cybil does her best to be there as much as she can. She still works, but she’s not ashamed that she did indeed bring her little one to work a few times.
The first time Kari got sick with something more serious than a cold, it was a good number of sleepless nights. (Poor kiddo had food poisoning. It was not fun for Kari who was five at the time and Greg and Cybil were taking shifts all night to make sure she was comfortable/hydrated)
Kari was born on Mother’s Day of 2021. (May 9th) Cybil boasts that she was the best present she ever got.
Cybil is THAT Mom during sport events at school and the like. Cheering as loud as she can, booing the other team, boasting: “THAT’S MY LITTLE GIRL!!!” And generally just… embracing the role of “embarrassing mom” with utter pride.
They never had another child. They only planned for one and they got their little miracle child.
Naomi Kimishima
Naomi after she woke up from surgery had Alyssa moved to her room. Alyssa actually never slept in her hospital bed again, they slept in the same one together.
Alyssa doesn’t really sleep in her own room all that often. She prefers being near her mother, since she’s so busy… and Alyssa privately, feels safer being right next to her. When she gets older she’ll gradually sleep in her own bed more and more but Naomi doesn’t mind…. Privately, she feels better having her kid right there.
Alyssa, doesn’t remember the first time she called Naomi “Mom” however Naomi does. It was while she was dropping Alyssa off to play at Joshua’s house and Alyssa shouted over her shoulder “Bye Mama! I’ll see you later!”
She’d never admit this out loud to anyone (Except Little Guy) that she sat there in her car for nearly ten minutes crying.
Naomi… doesn’t really get along with the other moms that volunteer at Alyssa’s school. She comes across as intimidating to them and she thinks they’re too protective. (She got a pretty nasty set of glares, when waiting for the kids to be done messing around after school, Alyssa fell. Instead of rushing to her and fretting, she just called across:
“You good!?”
“Good, get up and keep going.”
She could FEEL the judgement)
She… generally dislikes parental participation during events. She loves spending time with Alyssa, but she’ll be the first to admit, she’s more of an introvert now than she used to be and being around so many people is exhausting. She’ll suck it up for her sake though…
Except for Bake Sales.
She refuses to bake. She’s not a disaster chef like Gabe jokes, she can make basic meals and the most advanced thing she can make is various curries (all from scratch and both Indian and Japanese style curries) but unfortunately, that’s not exactly… welcomed at bake sales. She has no shame buying stuff at the store and dropping it onto the table.
There’s a few other moms she works with at CIFM, but they don’t talk…. And actually, Naomi avoids talking to them in particular, because she… really, REALLY hates how often they try to envelope her into their “Mom Clique” at work.  (She got enough of it, after being told how often Alyssa should be snacking, ect and flat out said: “She’s breathing and suffered no brain damage from the explosion. But you know, let’s hear again how I’m a terrible mom for letting her stay up late on weekends and letting her eat candy.”)
They give her a wide berth now as if she’s cursed.
That’s perfectly fine with her.
While they eat out often, Naomi does ensure Alyssa and her both eat a variety of food. Lot of vegetables, fruits, ect.
She became closer with her own mother, after adopting Alyssa since her mom was elated at having a granddaughter… and elated her child was going to live.
Naomi and her mom were close when she was growing up and she wanted the same for her and Alyssa… Luckily for her, Alyssa utterly adores her.
Alyssa shows interest in biology, but she’ll admit, she doesn’t think she could do the work Naomi does. She knows how hard it is emotionally on her at times and has stayed up with her, distracting her after some rough cases. Mainly in the form of watching movies and lots of cuddles in a blanket nest.
On her days off, Naomi always tries to see what Alyssa wants to do, before making plans… most of these plans, include teaching her about meditating, telling her stories, or facetiming with Naomi’s parents. Making blanket forts and watching cartoons, or reading together. (Naomi’s just… baffled at how easy going of a kid Alyssa is. She realizes she lucked out with having a child that’s so calm)
Chloe is still a problem cat and Naomi laments frequently, she didn’t expect to share a familiar with Alyssa.
She’d do it all over again for her sake.
When she and Little Guy get married, Naomi makes one thing clear - she wants ONLY one child and she’s got that already. Navel happily agrees.
Tomoe Tachibana
I like to imagine, Tomoe does want to be a mother someday. It’s just a matter of getting there… and being patient, even if it’s hard sometimes…. Sooo here we are.
In every timeline, when she gets with CR-S01, they struggle for awhile to have kids.
And in each timeline, they adopt after a certain point. They take in a little girl, named Rizabelle who is the utter light of their lives and they adore everything about her. Later on, they’ll have another child, a son (Galen, who you can find here: https://theblueskyphoenix.tumblr.com/post/612419824029777920/citra-torres-teresa-cunningham-galen-muller
Tomoe’s a very gentle and nurturing parent. While their daughter’s pretty hyper, she does her best to help her slow down and appreciate the life around them.
Their little girl, is generally just a ray of sunshine to everyone she meets and a very kind little girl. She adores her parents and spends as much time as possible with them when their home… and even at work.
Tomoe wants to teach both of her kids, martial arts, only if they want to though.
Rizabelle wants to. SO BADLY. Unfortunately, she’s a bit of a frail little thing so it’s not until she’s a little stronger that she starts learning the basics. There is absolutely no desire to take over the Tachibana clan though.
With both of her children, Tomoe emphasizes wanting them to know about their family’s background. A lot of history lessons, Japanese lessons… but she emphasizes she wants them to be kids as well. She never wants them to feel the pressure she did growing up, to do everything a proper “lady of the clan” would do.
Tomoe and Erhard both are guilty of being WAY too excited, to shop for their kids back to school supplies. Rizabelle had JUST turned six when they adopted her, so she was phasing out of Kindergarten when that happened. (They both went overboard. A LOT of books, too many backpacks, specialized stationary, Rizabelle genuinely lost count of how many bento boxes she has for her lunches. They were just so excited to have a kid to shop for. The same thing happens with Galen when it’s his turn, except he does use a few of Rizabelle’s hand-me-down’s since at least there were a few backpacks that weren’t too girly for his tastes and bento boxes didn’t really matter if they were cutesy or not)
Tomoe, privately really enjoys anime unironically, it’s just what she grew up with. It was a real joy to her, to get to share some of her favorite series with her kids. (Black Jack, the original Sailor Moon, stuff she remembered fondly as a little girl).
Movie nights are frequent in the Tachibana-Muller household, with everyone taking turns.
When Tomoe did fall pregnant with their son finally, she was excited, nervous, terrified. She was just… so looking forward to meeting him.
Oddly enough, she didn’t have much in the ways of severe symptoms. She was one of the lucky ones, who didn’t deal with morning sickness and she worked a good deal of the way into her pregnancy.
Erhard came home from work, quite a bit to find his wife and daughter fast asleep, with Rizabelle having her ear pressed to her mom’s stomach trying to hear what her new sibling was up to.
He has a lot of pictures of those times.
Tomoe is… VERY protective of her kids. Rizabelle got pushed and almost punished in the third grade, because it counted as a “fight”.
That was the last time, someone messed with a Tachibana child, as Tomoe went NUCLEAR. (Erhard took a step back and focused on making sure Rizabelle was alright).
No one ever picked on the Muller kids again after that.
Tomoe intimidates the other moms just as much as Naomi and… she honestly doesn’t care. As far as she’s concerned, if they don’t like how she raises her children, they can keep their opinions to themselves.
She admits, she’s a little lost sometimes initially and wishes she could ask her own mother for advice.. But she picks herself up and keeps going. (And asks for advice a LOT from Lisa and Naomi at the start. She realized very quickly to not worry so much since as long as their kids were eating enough, sleeping enough, ect then she couldn’t really mess up)
Lisa Cunningham
Lisa wanted to be a mom, ever since she could remember. When she fell in love with Gabriel, the first thing she warned him was that she did want kids and if he didn’t, then she would let him go right then and there, during their first date.
Luckily he agreed… When they had Joshua, it was still when Gabe was in the reserves. She quickly got on with the other military moms, who all had husbands in the same program as Gabe was. They got along pretty nicely and frequently lamented how often their husbands were busy.
Gabe only had to report to training so many times, never deployed. She still held things together though, when he needed her to.
They lived in California for part of Joshua’s life, before moving to Portland. Both are actually from Portland, but due to Gabe’s work lived in Cali for awhile. She misses it… especially when it’s cold.
When she first became pregnant with Joshua, she was mostly exhausted all the time… and mostly cried at stuff, when her hormones got to her. She could never remember actually being mad. (And Gabe would agree. He just felt bad when she was having a hard time.. And he also wishes he could forget some of the cravings. (“Who the heck dips pickles in peanut butter? For the matter, how many jars of those did you even eat!?” “Your son, wanted them.”)
They had a few names picked out but Joshua was the one they both liked the best. (It’s actually Gabe’s middle name, since he didn’t wanna saddle the kid with being “Gabe Jr.”, Lisa thought it was sweet… and it’s actually a family name, since it was also Gabe’s grandfather’s first name.)
They had some trouble deciding on a middle name though. It was a week long debate, over dinner because both wanted Joshua to have one of his grandfather’s names as a middle name.
They literally had this discussion until Joshua was born.
They settled on Joshua Thomas Cunningham… Neither grandfather's name won. Instead, Joshua’s named after one of the members of the band Styx, Tommy Shaw (Gabe’s favorite band EVER)
Joshua was a C-section baby. He was in distress and they both agreed it was best to just get him out ASAP. (Lisa was honestly terrified and tried to put on a brave face. Gabe stayed by her side the whole time. She can look back on it with humor nowadays though. “He didn’t want a squished head. He was already fluffy thanks to his dad here.” “Hey!”)
Lisa’s a doting mother on Joshua. Loves her baby more than anything else and does whatever she can for him… even if for part of his life, Gabe wasn’t in it.
They are very, very close due to this. Joshua wants his mom happy and does his best hoping not to worry her… even if she still worries like crazy.
They have tried to reconcile several times, meeting privately and talking over the course of the last year or so.
She was mentally burnt out by the time the outbreak had ended. She was so stressed out, it took a toll on her. She and Gabe were together again by this point and… yeah. It was rough. She was having trouble relaxing, neither were sleeping well.
Gabe declared they needed a vacation and they headed to California for two weeks.
Lisa… honestly gets a kick out of the fact, she gets asked for advice from one of Gabe’s old friends, about parenting… and happily will offer it if it’s wanted
A year later, they have another child, their daughter Terry… this time, everything goes nice and smooth and Lisa thanks her lucky stars it went just as planned.
She’s a loving dedicated mother and will do anything for her kids and husband.
While being married to Gabe wasn’t easy at times… she is glad they were able to work it out. (Though she gave him SUCH a look when someone at Resurgam said: “Didn’t you say you were gonna divorce her?”
“Oh please, he wouldn’t survive without me.”
“It’s true.”)
They both have had to put a lot of work into making their marriage work but it’s worth every second.
Angie Thompson
Angie and Derek’s first kid came along exactly 9 months after they got married. They really wanted a family of their own. They were blessed with their first daughter, Luna Stiles.
Derek has quite a few photo’s and notes from over the course of that particular pregnancy, to put in Luna’s baby book later…. Including some of the sillier things. (“Please tell me you didn’t take pictures of that time I cried because you made me eggs with a bacon smile.”
“Noooooo. NOOOOO never….” He did. He got a smack on the arm for it later. It was worth it.)
Angie, didn’t work in the OR at all during this. They worked with too many potential hazards and the smell of the disinfectants made her morning sickness act up BIG TIME. She instead, worked directly with the patients for most of it.
Derek spoiled her rotten and made sure to do as much as he could to make it easier for her… Including, overhauling paperwork duty for them both. (And later realized, he may have made a mistake as Angie now calls him on it every time. “What? Do we need another kid to make you do it on time again!?”
Angie and Derek both agreed, they didn’t want a lot of prying when it came to their children coming into the world. She quietly checked into Hope Hospital and after a long, LONG night… Luna was born and they couldn’t be happier.
Two years later, they were blessed with a little boy, named Glenn.
Angie dotes on them both equally. She was just so happy they were finally here, safe and sound… healthy…
Glenn is a mama’s boy. He happily will cling to her leg when she gets home from work, or if she brings them to work for a bit. He loves spending time with her and getting to know more about her job.
Her favorite part of her day is coming home to their kids and getting to enjoy their evenings with them… or mornings, depending on the shift. Either way, it’s her favorite part.
Angie and Derek both have days where they take one of the kids with them to do an activity solo with that particular parent, along with family outings all together. That way, they get some one on one time along with full out family time. (Derek’s forbidden Disneyland as a “solo parent activity” cause deep down he’s a big kid at heart who loves going just as much)
During the earlier parts of their kids lives, they lived in a few different areas, due to work reasons. They got to see quite a bit of the world before the age of ten, but were very happy to go back home for good. It was around when Luna was 6 and Glenn was 4 that they decided no more international medical work unless absolutely necessary. (“As in, we better be the last ones called.”)
Nap piles are a must. She didn’t understand initially the appeal of mid day naps before she and Derek got together… She admits, there is now nothing better than, taking a midday snooze, her kids her husband all together with her in their big queen sized bed.
Angie is a total helicopter mom when her kids are sick. She’s on top of everything… Derek’s involved with it too, but he’s mainly reminding Angie that they’ll be fine. He’s actually the calm one.
Angie is a member of the now unofficial “Moms who aren’t liked by the other moms at school” club, with Tomoe and Naomi.  It’s more to do with the fact Angie gets recognized from being in the news so often… More so because she refused to give free medical advice.
(“They do know, I’m not allowed to do that right?”
“I got snubbed for not freaking out over Alyssa falling.”
“They were afraid of me.”)
No matter what, she wouldn’t change a single thing.
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dedicatedfollower467 · 6 years ago
autistic miles edgeworth headcanons because it’s autism acceptance month and also i’m playing aai2 and i have a lot of thoughts
i’m keeping these mostly happy (even though i have sad headcanons too) because it’s autism ACCEPTANCE month
(which means most of these are gonna be about miles when he’s younger because uh... i can’t look at manfred von karma and think he would be a supportive adoptive parent to an autistic child i’m sorry...)
(note: i’m not on the spectrum myself, i’m trying to be sensitive but if i fucked up just let me know)
i might write fic later on this month? i just... wanted to throw some stuff out there for now.
gregory edgeworth is also on the spectrum, but never got a formal diagnosis, and he and miles have a lot of stims and triggers in common
(gregory totally would have be diagnosed with asperger’s if he had been, though, given his age and how he presented)
(gregory’s parents weren’t super great at handling him being different, so his whole approach to parenting miles is “whatever is the opposite of what my mom and dad did, i’m gonna do that thing”)
when he little miles used a keyring with pictures of emotions to help communicate to greg how he was feeling whenever he went nonverbal, as well as a couple of general/all purpose communication boards he would carry around with him and point at if he was nonverbal and needed to communicate
miles’s favorite stim is rubbing his hands on soft/smooth textures, which is why his suit jackets are super soft (and why he grabs his elbow when he’s upset, because the soft texture is soothing)
on that note, when he was younger he LOVED to rub his dad’s ties because they were really smooth. sometimes he would just sit next to his dad or on his lap and rub his tie between his fingers for ages.
(greg had one tie that was kinda scratchy, which was given to him as a gift and he felt he couldn’t get rid of it, but HE didn’t like scratchy textures either, so when miles touched it once and IMMEDIATELY reacted badly, greg finally donated it to a thrift store)
gregory also loves soft/smooth textures and it’s why in aai2 he will spend time adjusting his tie and touching the brim of his hat
in his in-game sprites miles spends a lot of time looking away from the player/phoenix because he doesn’t do good with eye contact
canon fact: young miles spent all his free time reading law books, to the point that gregory was a little worried he wouldn’t be able to make many friends. headcanon fact: CRIMINAL LAW SPECIAL INTEREST
also, the steel samurai? another special interest
miles was and still is a very “picky” eater, in particular he seriously dislikes certain flavors. this is why he’s a tea and food snob
in addition to soft textures, miles really likes pressure on his skin, especially a snug tightness around his neck, which is why he wore bow ties as a kid and wears the cravat as an adult. if he absolutely *has* to dress down and can’t wear a tie or cravat for some inexplicable reason he’ll wear turtlenecks so he can still have that sense of snugness at his neck
sometimes if miles didn’t have his communication board with him for some reason and had gone nonverbal (especially if miles was having a meltdown) greg and miles had a system where gregory would hold out on hand and ask a question like “are you hurting?” and then hold out his other hand and say “or is something else wrong?” miles would point to whichever hand was correct and greg would basically do a process of elimination with questions until they got to whatever was upsetting miles
also greg would pretty much constantly ask miles “do you need to take a break?” whenever miles seemed to get fidgety/anxious and if the answer was “yes” miles would be immediately excused to go find a quiet/dark place and rub soft things until he felt ready to come back
speaking of soft things, miles absolutely had a very soft blankie he carried with him everywhere
sometimes kids would tease him about having a blankie as he got older, but gregory would just point to linus from peanuts and be like, “it’s okay to have a blankie”
also when miles finally decided he didn’t want to carry the blankie around anymore (mostly because of teasing/bullying), greg offered to have parts of it made into a handkerchiefs. miles still has several of those handkerchiefs
miles is good at metaphors and sarcasm, but just flat-out does not understand 99% of facial expressions or most social cues. it’s why he thinks phoenix is smug at the end of 1-3 and suspects him at the beginning of 1-5 and why he doesn’t ever pick up on anybody flirting (whether they’re flirting with him or someone else)
gumshoe’s been dating maggey for like, two years and miles had no idea they were a thing until they announced their engagement because they never actually told him they were dating
miles picks a lot of his habits and mannerisms up via imitation, which is why he uses the exact same body language as manfred von karma when he’s bratworth a young prosecutor
miles still goes nonverbal as an adult sometimes, and usually uses texting or writing things on notepads to communicate when that happens
uh yeah so. that’s a thing!
i know autism acceptance month isn’t actually about like, fan content, but the real reason i wanted to make this post is because i think there’s a TON of evidence for autistic miles in aai and aai2 and i just wanted to share some random headcanons, and it also just so happens to be april
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odogaronfang · 6 years ago
okay here it is!!! the long-awaited (not really) masterpost of hc’s about the background characters!!!
@105ttt and i have been working on this stuff for a couple weeks now and i’ve finally got around to making it into something shareable!! and i’m excited because now this means i get to use them in fics without people being completely lost!!!!
anyway this post is long so i’m gonna put it under a readmore-
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-link’s father
-captain of the guard & keeper of the wind key
-close friends with artura and valensuela since childhood
-because of the circumstances, he’s very well-read on the various legends/stories of the past heroes
-is a stand-in father for zelda sometimes because of how close she and his son(s) are
-constantly worried about his kids (sometimes because of the trouble they’ve been in, sometimes because of the trouble they cause)
-definitely the ‘cool manager’ type of captain- does what he needs to in order to run an efficient guard, but he’s also good friends with all of them
-there are days where he wants to take his kids out to town for a family day and there are days where he wants to throw them all out a window
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-the captain’s top knight
-friends with leonel since childhood; they weren’t in the same battalion until they became full knights but leonel would cut sessions to go train with his group
-specialized in heavy armored combat, proficient in several kinds of weaponry but mostly uses bludgeoning weapons
-the backup dad for vio when leonel is busy because hylia knows vio needs constant supervision
-the embodiment of the gentle giant trope- does a lot of favors for people and the castle town kids ADORE him
-always busy + always tired. give artura his vacation days please
-he has a special room in the castle he goes to when he needs alone time and doesn’t want to be bothered. vio is allowed in but only grudgingly and only if he’s maintained at least one (1) week of decent behavior
-works a lot with younger trainees (mostly around link’s age); has a lot of instructional tasks on top of his regular patrol duties
-he doesn’t take off his armor in public a lot, so most people haven’t seen him out of it. there’s a joke among the younger groups that artura isn’t actually a person but rather a darknut or one of the phantom knights animated by the royal family’s magic. (actually it’s just because he’s secretly a twink and he doesn’t want people knowing that Mr. Top Knight/Mr. Living Darknut couldn’t hit 160lbs if he was soaking wet.)
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-keeper of the water key
-close friends with leonel since childhood; was in the same trainee battalion as him
-trained for armored combat but dislikes wearing heavy plate- if he wears a lot of armor, it’s usually maille
-can dual-wield, but usually opts for one larger sword instead of two smaller ones
-basically adopts green after the pyramid incident. just steals him from leonel. green is his son now. green accidentally calls valensuela ‘dad’ once and leonel’s parentship of green ends right there.
-appears very dignified and serious but actually has a flair for the theatrical. most people are not aware of this but his friends know.
-leonel’s second-in-command, but he’s far more task-oriented and doesn’t deal with people as well as leonel does. he can come across as a little brusque with people he isn’t familiar with so he tries not to take that role if he doesn’t have to.
-not a personality headcanon but he has a scar on his forehead from when green shattered his helmet in the pyramid. and after he’s overcome the trauma that came with that whole ordeal, he definitely brags about it. someone asks what happened to him for him to have a scar like that and he’s like “oh my son did that isn’t he talented?”
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-keeper of the fire key
-so chill. extremely laid-back guy. the kind of guy you go to hang out with when you want to do something social but you don’t want to leave your house (or even your couch).
-kinda lazy when it comes to little mundane tasks, which he caught a lot of flak for while he was still in training, but wholeheartedly dedicated to his job when it comes down to it.
-basically adopts red. they’re like best buds. red makes lucien carry him around on his shoulders so he doesn’t have to walk but lucien doesn’t mind.
-absolutely the kind of person to disappear for an entire day and when you find him again and ask him where he went he says he was in the living room the whole time
-very good at cooking, but only the really time-consuming, complicated recipes, which goes directly against his low-effort nature. he rarely cooks, but everyone looks forward to the days that he does.
-also the kind of person to “work out” by doing one push up every five minutes. the second he hears someone approaching he’ll stay in mid-push-up position and when they walk in he’ll say “one thousand”. (he only actually made it to nine.)
-if he isn’t in armor he’s in sweats. “dress more professionally” the captain says to him one day. he shows up to breakfast the next morning wearing sweats again, but this time he also has a tie on.
-the tallest of the group, which artura makes fun of (it’s all in good fun. he just makes fun of artura for being so small.)
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-keeper of the earth key
-the high-energy go-getter of the group. his energy alone balances out the chronically low-key natures of artura and lucien. basically an eternal child at heart.
-ALWAYS ready to throw down. it isn’t even that he has anger issues, he just needs a way to get rid of his restless energy while also triumphing in his various conflicts, and to him, fighting (within the controlled setting of a spar) is the easiest way to do that.
-one of those people that has to be physically restrained from doing dumb things. “hey i bet i could land in the hot spring if i jumped from the third story balcony” “wes you will break all of the bones in your lower body” “and??”
-also the guy in the group that’s constantly making bets and daring people to do things. he violates the sanctity of the triple dog dare by using it literally every time. he is also eerily good at predicting the correct outcome of bets.
-learns little things like sleight-of-hand tricks just to fudge them at the end; he’ll keep a group of little kids enamored with the “magic” before asking if they want to see the finale where he makes the cards disappear. the kids say yes and he just hurls the entire deck into a nearby bush. “there,” he says with pride as he walks away, “they’re gone.” (he would never actually upset the kids. if they look too disappointed he’ll sigh and go get the cards and do an actual disappearing trick just to make them better.)
-definitely takes blue under his wing. they spar like every morning. the other links might try to go on kitchen raids without their parents’/mentors’ knowing but blue goes WITH wes to go steal the best-looking cookies fresh off the baking sheet. arcy always gives wes grief for enabling that behavior but wes knows she won’t actually do anything about it
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-another of the captain’s high-ranking knights
-the exasperated lawful good of the group. he tries so hard to get the rest of them to follow the rules but it never works. he knows there’s no point to the efforts anymore but he still tries.
-the constant sigh-er of the group. you’d think he had respiratory issues if you didn’t know him.
-is tasked with helping to keep shadow in line because of his lawful good status. he’s the strict parent who insists upon balanced meals with a lot of vegetables and who believes in a strict 8pm bedtime. he will not hesitate to confiscate shadow’s laptop if he’s misbehaving. shadow despises him but he’s doing all of hyrule a great favor.
-doesn’t safeguard a royal jewel so he’s kind of an outlier but it’s fine, everything’s fine, he doesn’t need a jewel to prove that he’s a good knight and no, he isn’t envious, no not even a tiny bit, why would anyone ask that,
-prefers long-reach weapons like pikes and halberds over swords/daggers
[all of the above-mentioned knights are collectively referred to as the cape squad by the links]
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-one of the castle chefs
-an ex-knight; had barely made it into full knighthood before receiving a career-ending injury
-decided to continue work at the castle as a chef so she could still be around friends + to provide for her daughter
-was in the same trainee battalion as artura for armored combat, so they’re old friends
-her daughter is adopted; keina is the biological daughter of a late friend of arcy’s who died from birth complications
-is actually still technically in reserve for the guard; in a state of emergency she’s tasked with aiding evacuation efforts
-she’s the most popular chef among the knights because she takes requests. there’s a weekly competition among battalions and the winning one gets to choose the weekend meals that she makes. it’s a good motivator, especially for the ones in training, and it also gets her friends in high places (:
(see above images)
-arcy’s adopted daughter
-she’s very sickly; she’s never gone beyond the gates of castle town and barely even leaves the castle grounds. the only time she’s been beyond castle town was when she fled the castle with arcy, and she was in extremely poor health the entire time.
-she’s friends with the links + erune; they’ll often visit her and bring her things from other towns (or in erune’s case, her hometown) so she can still experience new things
-has a lot of pen pals all over hyrule since she can’t leave her home to go see people- she gets like two dozen letters a week and it helps keep her busy
-very knowledgeable on a lot of different subjects! because she’s often home- and sometimes even bed-bound, she spends a lot of time reading and writing and will sometimes illustrate as well. she’d like to be some kind of professional scholar so she can still contribute even when her health prevents her from travel.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
Ah thank you the first one (Genesis was actually what I was looking for) but it'd be super cool if you did write​ headcanons about it too! (If you don't mind that is)
No problem. :) Although, I do really hope you read Genesis, because I worked pretty hard on it and it’s the fic that I’m most proud of writing for the Pokémon fandom. It would be super cool if you read it. ^^ As for general headcanons (that, again, take place before Genesis does, given that Alan leaves the village in Genesis):
As mentioned in Genesis, Alan was discovered in the woods as an infant by the village’s florist, a young woman named Felicia. Felicia was in her early twenties; she had been going through the woods looking for wildflowers (she is, after all, a florist) when she found Alan abandoned on a rock. He was dressed and swaddled in a blanket, but she didn’t see anyone else nearby, and didn’t have it in her to just leave him there, so she took him back to Isolé right away. (It should be noted that he was abandoned purposefully close to the village. His biological mother was hoping that someone would find him.)The thing is, Isolé Village is a very small little village. Everyone knows everyone, and so everyone knew Felicia, knew that she didn’t even have a boyfriend (much less a husband), and so the sight of her walking through the village with a baby was not too well received. She attracted attention, and a small crowd trailing her as she went straight to Mayor Gosselin’s house, because even though she felt that she couldn’t just leave the baby in the woods, that doesn’t mean that she knew what to do with him. It was obvious that she hadn’t given birth to the baby herself, of course (everyone knew her and knew that she hadn’t been pregnant), but some of the more superstitious members of the village wondered if there was some kind of magic involved. As mentioned in Genesis, even five years later Maurice still thinks Alan is probably a changeling.Either way, once the mayor was notified, they had to make a decision on what to do. Everyone agreed (well, most people agreed) that they couldn’t chuck the infant back into the woods. However, there was also no one there who wanted to adopt him (including Felicia, who felt that she was too young and this was too sudden, even as Maurice said that she shouldn’t have brought the little changeling back with her then, now should she have?). Mayor Gosselin made an executive decision then and there that everyone would raise him, then, everyone taking a turn with each new month. No one was happy about this, but what else could she do? It was the only fair choice to make.Since Felicia was the one who found him, she was the one who named him (since she had no idea what name he was originally given by his biological parents). The name Alan can have several different meanings, among them “harmony,” “little rock,” “noble,” or “fair; handsome.” Felicia chose it because she hoped that he would not disrupt the harmony of the village, but also because she found him on a rock in the woods, and therefore felt it fitting.
As mentioned, none of the villagers had wanted to take Alan in. They either already had children of their own, didn’t want to have children of their own, or otherwise were just not open to the idea of raising a child. Nonetheless, they had to, and for this reason Alan was seen as a burden. Some of the villagers, such as Maurice, had some superstition or prejudice to back their dislike. But even without that, Alan was still seen as an extra burden none of them had asked for, and so it really didn’t matter what he did or didn’t do as he grew up; every little thing he did that was “wrong” was perceived as a major slight that caused them grief, whereas the things he did “right” were expected of him and nothing to be really praised or congratulated. (In other words: “You cause enough trouble just by being here, you better be on your best behavior.”)He was an unwanted child from the start, and he quickly came to realize it.
As you know, Maurice often referred to Alan as a changeling and, at least to some degree, genuinely believed that. As a whole (and as mentioned in Genesis), the village disparagingly compared Alan to an absol, feeling that he was a bad omen and brought disaster upon them time and again.
As mentioned, there were other children in the village---children who were born into families that, to put it bluntly, actually wanted them. Children don’t have inherent prejudices from the start and Alan didn’t really do anything to earn their ire (any more than any other children would), but children do learn the prejudices of their parents, can pick up on when their parents do or don’t like someone, and can at times be cruel and find fun in bullying. Alan was a convenient target, and a very alluring bully magnet as far as the other children in the village were concerned, because:- He didn’t have parents, and wasn’t a part of anyone’s family, so it wasn’t like he had anyone to go tattle on them to.- None of the adults liked him. Since none of the adults liked him, if the kids pushed or hit him, the adults would often act like they didn’t notice (or else half-heartedly tell them to stop). On the other hand, if he pushed or hit them back, he would be punished pretty much immediately, since none of the adults liked it when their kids were bullied.- Since none of the adults liked Alan, and felt that he did nothing but cause trouble and bring disaster (“little absol”), it made Alan a convenient scapegoat for the other children. Particularly if Alan was around, if the other kids did something wrong, they could just blame it on Alan, and he would be punished for it nine times out of ten. It didn’t matter if he was actually involved or not; the adults were far more likely to believe he did something wrong, especially if it was someone’s own child telling them that Alan was the one who did the bad thing. And as a specific example, there’s a point in Genesis when the mayor tells Augustine that she walked in on Alan and her son eating cookies from a broken cookie jar on the floor. Alan, in his first (and last) instance of speaking openly, told her honestly that a bunnelby had knocked the jar on the floor. She didn’t believe him, and he was punished. And I want to emphasize that: He got in trouble for breaking the cookie jar. The mayor’s son? He was just told “don’t eat cookies before dinner, you know that’s not right” and let off the hook. It was pretty disproportionate, but the mayor would feel justified and say that Alan had clearly lied, had roped her son into it, and all sorts of other nonsense. The kids of the village picked up on this, recognized him for the scapegoat he was, and took advantage.(And note: In canon we see that Alan has a tendency to take the blame for literally everything on his shoulders, even if someone else is clearly at fault. While canonically we only have the abuse he suffered under Lysandre to look to as a reason for this---and while I wholeheartedly believe that Lysandre’s abuse absolutely compounded the C-PTSD we see Alan exhibit in canon---I also look to the headcanons I have about his early childhood to explain it as well. Things like this---being blamed time and again for things that were either accidents or not his fault at all---certainly helped contribute to the guilt / shame complex we see in canon, where he earnestly believes that everything is his fault even if it isn’t. If nothing else, look at it this way: Early childhood laid the foundation. Sycamore helped ease a lot of that and helped Alan heal . . . only for Lysandre to bring everything surging back to the forefront so that it could crash down all over again.)As a final note on the other kids, there were times (when the adults weren’t around) that some of them might have tried to play a little bit with him, if they had no one else to play with, or were bored. But for the most part they just saw him as a fun bullying target, believed that he was just as bad and unlikable as all the adults showed them, and if asked about him in present day times, would probably remember him as “that freak” because that’s how they always thought of him. They might have been kids, but they weren’t kind. They weren’t taught to be. (And while you could ask, “Shouldn’t they change their opinion as they grow?” what reason do they have to do that? He left when he was five. They only know what they remember, and perhaps what others say when he’s brought up. If anything, he’s a joke to them. A memory to laugh at. They have no reason to think of him as the person he grows to be; he only exists as the boy in their memories, and those memories aren’t good.)
Physical contact wasn’t something positive for Alan. Once he learned to walk, he was never picked up and carried around---and before that, he was only carried when they explicitly needed to move him somewhere. No hugs, no hair ruffles, no kisses---none of that. Positive physical contact was something he wanted, because he gathered from watching other kids that it was something that signified love and family, but it wasn’t something he ever got.Not until the day Augustine found him in the mountains, anyway.
Much of the abuse Alan suffered during this time period was in the form of neglect. As can be gathered by how Alan meets Sycamore in Genesis, the villagers often ignored him unless he needed to be punished for something. This is what gave him the mindset that he could wander off whenever and wherever he wanted, something he often did because being alone was more pleasant than being around the others (however much he tried his best to be good enough for someone to want to keep). But that said, there was plenty of verbal and emotional abuse to go around as well---many reminders that he was a bad child who did bad things and caused trouble for everyone. Many reminders that he wasn’t good like the other children. Many reminders that he was a nuisance at best and a curse at worst. Many blatant reminders that he was not wanted nor needed where he was. The opposite, really.There was some physical abuse, too, depending on who he was staying with that month and what it was that it was perceived he did. Maurice very often threw him into the hall closet for “Time Out” (i.e. to get him out of the way for a while). Usually Maurice would let him out after an hour or so, but sometimes he’d forget and Alan would be in there all night (except for when he sneaked out after Maurice and his wife went to bed to try and get some food from the kitchen, or use the bathroom or something). More than once it was only discovered when the closet door was opened the next morning because Maurice or his wife needed something, and there was at least one time when Maurice was actually angry that Alan was in the way again before his wife had reminded him, “You did put him there.” Alan at least wasn’t punished for that, but he was told to get the hell out of the closet and out of the way, at which point he scampered off to go stand awkwardly in the kitchen because he didn’t know what else to do. (Maurice’s wife gave him an orange---a whole orange, for four-year-old---and told him to go outside and have breakfast. Alan ended up puncturing it on a rock in the mountains. He still got some of the fruit out of it, but it was messy and sticky and got everywhere, which neither Maurice nor his wife were very pleased about when he came home later.)I should note that, had Augustine listened to Fulbert and left Alan there, Maurice most definitely would have tossed Alan in the closet when they got home, especially since (as witnessed in the fic) he very quickly jumped to the conclusion that Alan was at fault for the houndour incident, which infuriated him on top of already being upset that it was his month to look after Alan to begin with.
All the children in the village were home-schooled, but Alan’s education was largely ignored, save for what he picked up on himself. He would join the lessons of whatever house he was staying at that month (with varying degrees of success; sometimes the adults let him sit in and learn, other times they treated him like he was disturbing the lesson), but mostly he patched together things on his own. For instance, Alan taught himself how to write; he picked up pencils in a tight fist and tried to figure out the best way to draw letters from workbooks entirely on his own. This is one reason why he has a very loose grasp on capitals when Augustine finds him, as well as why some of his letters look weird. He didn’t know the right way to write them, he just tried his best based on what they looked like. His spelling was also bad, and while he could sound out words to try and read them, his reading was still shaky even if he could read some things. 
Out of everyone, Felicia was probably the nicest to him, given that she felt some degree of responsibility because she was the one who brought him back in the first place. But even then, she would sometimes ask him things like, “Why did you have to be in the forest that day?” and “Why did I have to find you?” Alan, being a child, had no answer for her. Neither of them were happy about this.
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