#they already know to call Kingo
softquietsteadylove · 3 months
More from the lawyer au please? Maybe Thenas sister sending him a thank you card? Something sweet? :)
"What are you doing friday?"
Gil nearly choked on his gulp of soda. That would be a sad way to die--aspirating a fastfood straw. He blinked. "Sorry?"
"Friday," Thena repeated, tilting her head a little to convey that she was baffled as to why it would bear repeating. "Do you have plans?"
He still felt ready to choke on his bite of sandwich. But he dusted off his hands and pushed away from his desk. "Uh, n-no--no, I'm free. What's up?"
"Would you be able to come over on friday night?"
Now, he blushed. He knew this wasn't the case, but he really did feel a little like this was sounding like a date. Maybe it was just how she was asking it. It wasn't beyond Thena to say something plainly and not really know how someone else might take it.
Thena's eyes darted downward, looking at the case files she was carrying (despite it being their small and precious lunch hour). Which, in anyone else, he would take for a sign of nerves. But there was no telling when it came to Thena. "I know it's rather sudden."
He didn't know what to think. They were colleagues, and he would even dare to say they were work friends. Maybe more than work friends, possibly, since he'd made a home cooked meal with her for her sisters. But not only did the firm have issues with colleagues dating, for obvious reasons, but he wasn't sure what brought this on.
He didn't really take Thena to be interested in dating. For all he could see, her only concern was taking care of her sisters. Which would make sense, of course. And he didn't want to be responsible for making her uncomfortable at work or anything.
He blinked again, realising he had zoned right out and missed what she had asked. "S-Sorry, I, uh-"
"Sprite's birthday is on friday," she sighed, no longer beating around the bush. "She asked me if I would invite you."
"She asked," he paused, craning his neck faintly, "if I could come?"
Thena smiled, though. "Sprite has become quite fond of you, as has Sersi."
"Well, I gotta admit I'm flattered," he smiled as well, swayed by the warmth that took over Thena whenever she talked about her sisters. "I get the feeling that they don't take to people easily...at least not Sprite."
"You're right about that," she conceded. Her posture loosened and she leaned against his desk a little. "Sprite has never been the most social. Unfortunately, she is quite like me, and our father, in that way. Sersi got our mother's warmth and inviting presence."
He raised his brows at her, "you can be warm."
"Gilgamesh," she rebutted with a look he recognised from when she was in court.
"Hey, it's true," he chuckled, pushing aside his lunch and leaning comfortably in his chair. "You just need to defrost a little, but once you're there, you're there."
"Funny," she murmured, although it sounded less cutting and maybe even a little humoured.
"So, Sprite doesn't want a thing with her friends?" he asked more quietly--more gently. He watched as Thena cast a cursory glance to the rest of the office floor before moving around his desk. She pulled up a chair for herself, folding herself into it stiffly.
"Sprite, unfortunately," Thena grimaced (it really was bad), "fell out of touch with some of her friends after our parents' passing."
He frowned. He would have thought she had found herself making stronger bonds, not losing them. "I-I'm sorry. Is she okay?"
Thena's deeply concerned expression didn't lighten. "They were nice, but I believe Sprite has held onto a lot of anger regarding things. And her friends...they were kind, but I don't think their bond was strong enough to endure the true weight of Sprite has been through."
So, they were friends but they weren't any true friends of the kid's. Gil nodded with his own sense of regret to it. "Shit--did this happen right around that time, too?--if it's okay for me to ask that."
Thena managed a faint pull of her lips at his consideration. She stared down at her files again, running her finger along the edge to occupy her mind. "I suspect that Sprite was largely responsible for their growing apart. They attempted to reach out but she wasn't in a frame of mind to accept their efforts. And so the bridge wasn't so much burned as it simply crumbled away from disrepair."
That was a good way to put it, all things considered. But that was tough for a kid to go through what she had at such a young age, and not have friends to support her through it.
"I asked Sersi what I should do," Thena confessed to him. She said it easily, but it didn't escape him that it was a pretty big confession to make for her. There was a time when he was too scared to ask her what she'd had for lunch that day. Now they were talking about her sisters' grieving processes. "She said that Sprite doesn't want anyone she barely knows, which accounts for many of her school acquaintances. So, she wants only people she knows. I'll order whatever she likes, Sersi will be there of course, our cousin Kingo whom she has always adored. And she asked if I would invite you."
It was enough to warm a heart, certainly. And he was already a sensitive enough guy, so he didn't need much to be moved to tears. "Really? I mean I'm honored, really, but is she sure that she knows me well enough to invite me to something like this?"
Thena laughed at his reluctance though. "You underestimate her fondness for you."
"Maybe I misunderstand it," he excused for himself with a sheepish wince. He drew in his shoulders, although he kept rumpling his suits that way. He tugged at his jacket, remembering how Thena had done so for him at the courthouse not long ago.
Thena looked pensive, selecting her words carefully. She pursed her lips faintly; he had seen her do that in court too. "Sprite has very good intuition. She decides very quickly if someone is trustworthy or not, let alone if she likes them. And immediately after you helped us with the lasagne, she has asked me nearly daily when you are coming over next. She said you seem fun, and nice, and-"
He was startled by the way she paused in the middle of things. But to his delight, she made a somewhat annoyed expression he definitely recognised from when Sprite had whined about having a diet coke.
"I don't make friends much either, so as much as she was surprised, if I am fond of you, then you must be someone good to know. That is how she phrased it to me," Thena sighed, equal parts exasperated and fond. She raised her plucked, sandy coloured brows at him. "So trust me when I tell you that you have my entire family's approval."
Except for this cousin that was coming, but still, it was nice to hear. Gil grinned, "well, then, I'll be more than happy to come. What can I bring?"
"Just yourself," Thena assured more like her usual cool and strict self. "I will take care of any and all gifts. Consider your company a gift in itself."
"If you say so," he conceded, although he was already thinking about what he might be able to 'just happen to pick up' at the mall or something.
"I'll tell Sprite and Sersi the good news, then," she concluded, standing from her chair and smoothing down her skirt. "I can text you more specific details tomorrow, but for now, expect to come over friday after work and enjoy dinner and perhaps some movies."
"Sounds fun," he promised happily, although he could still feel the lingering foolishness for thinking she was asking him out.
"Also," she opened up the folder on top of her stack and retrieved a small envelope. "This is from Sprite. I was asked to give it to you, but only if you accepted her invitation."
"Ah," he blinked, accepting it delicately. It was a plain white envelope with GIL written on it in pretty cursive. "Well, thank you."
"I don't know what it is, so you can't ask me," she disavowed with another laugh. "Nor are you allowed to show me afterward, either. It is just from Sprite to you."
He smiled; well, now he really had to pick out something for the kid. "Thank her for me."
"I will."
He smiled at her as she left his desk to go back to her own again. She was indeed working through her lunch hour, but he would have to hope she had a power bar or a protein smoothie somewhere. He looked down at the envelope again, excited in a way he hadn't been in a long, long time.
"Hey Gil, what did Ice Queen want?"
"I don't know if I've ever seen her smile."
He ignored his colleagues and their suggestive tones, opening the envelope carefully.
"Did she sign it with a kiss? Those lips-"
"Piss off," he barked at them, easily sending away the absolute pricks who both liked to disparage that Thena wasn't a 'team player' but also loved to insinuate that they had a shot with her.
Dear Gil, it's me, ya boi
I guess Thena asked you, and that you said yes. I hope she didn't pressure you or whatever. It's just gonna be a chill time. Kingo is nice, you'll like him. And Thena likes you, even if she's never said it. She doesn't like anyone, so it's really something.
Thanks for always being nice to my sister,
It was a funny contrast--the elegance of the calligraphy and the overall tone of the note. But he blinked, feeling that feeling in his eyes. It was just so sweet, no matter how funny and sarcastic she tried to make it.
The comment about being nice to her sister spoke volumes. It was no surprise to him that the sisters were worried for their guardian, even - and maybe especially - the youngest one. Perhaps Sprite had anxieties about her sister being in a hostile work environment. Maybe she had heard that many of their coworkers were sexist asshats. And maybe Sprite just wanted to look out for her sister in whatever way she could.
Gil slipped the card away, happy to take it home so he could put it in a safe place of honour in his apartment. It was a sweet gesture, and he was determined to do right by it. He would find a card that suited Sprite's humour, he would find a thoughtful but casual gift to bring, and maybe he would even bring cupcakes or something, if Thena wanted it. And he would take it seriously as a guest to a very exclusive party.
This was far more pressure than a date.
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Up in Flames
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Druig x gn!Eternal!reader
Summary: Once again a team, you would do anything to keep them together.
Word count: ~2.2k
Warnings: Canon-level violence/injury. Reader has fire powers. A bit of angst, reader misses the team. Fluff!!
A/n: Not sure how alive the Druig fandom is lol, but he's been plaguing my mind since I watched Eternals again. It's my first time writing for him, so please let me know your thoughts! Thank you for reading <3
Unrelenting. The deviants continued in waves, the swells of their army growing as they passed over the grassy hill — the soil churned up under their talons.
At the bottom of the hill, past you, stood a village already half torn apart from the monsters. It awaited its fate against the gnawing fangs currently bared toward you and the other Eternals fighting to hold them back.
And as your power coursed through your veins and muscles, down into your marrow — searing fire erupting from your palms into a wall to keep the deviants contained — you thought of your team.
Your eyes had long been squeezed shut as you held the army back, the swirling flames rising high into the smoky air. The creases between your brows only fueled the pounding in your head, making images stark behind your eyelids. Images shimmering with the aching memories of the only family you’d known splitting apart  — splintering like your mind under the weight of your straining power.
Most of your team had been apart for hundreds of years, separated by oceans and long-worn arguments that came to a bitter end. Few saw eye to eye when things became tense, and while you had tried to see each of them occasionally, the visits felt too short and all too quiet without the others. Like visiting your childhood home once you’ve moved out — you once belonged there, but the decorations felt different, the walls long bare of your voice.
And yet.
When you were called together once again, they’d come back to fight side by side, as if none of that lonely time had passed — or had left an ugly scar on your memories. 
You knew that they’d probably go their separate ways again after it all finished, happier apart, but for now, you relished in it all. The whipping of wind around your body as Makkari ran past and the sound of Kingo’s sarcastic remarks as he shot lasers past you. Even as your arms began to shake, exhaustion settling into your limbs, you were glad to be by them once more.
Strengthen the left side. Put that extra nap you took to good use.
A hint of a smile graced your face as the lilting voice of your husband Druig filled your head. He fought somewhere out of view to your right as you sent more fire out left, keeping the wall of flames steady. 
Each hit the deviants sent against it reverberated back into your body, chattering your teeth against each other. But the others were attacking from other sides, thinning out the army — all to give Phastos time to build something from nothing like he always did.
Thousands of years ago, your team handled the monsters with little effort, but there were so many concentrated here — and they weren’t going down as easily. So Phastos’ expert hands crafted an explosive so strong that it’d reduce them to nothing, but they had to stay contained in one area for it to work.
So you kept them back using the only way you knew how. After all this time with your abilities, you’d learned to welcome the heat breathing from your palms — to settle into the warmth it curled around your body. 
The sweat, the exhaustion, the pure power rocking from you in waves matched your rapid heartbeat — it all meant that you were alive. But as the deviants beat against your flames with no pause or mercy, your knees shaking and bones aching, it felt like you were dying. Each breath felt too shallow, the strength of the monsters too strong.
You heard their growls aimed at you — could feel their anger against your fire. As you forced an eye open, blinking away drops of sweat, you couldn’t see any of your teammates for a moment, and your heart jolted.
A brief thought passed your mind, worrying whether they had abandoned you — had left you like discarded remnants of food to be feasted on by these monsters. But just as you’d slipped down onto one knee, your leg giving out, you saw Gilgamesh and Sprite fighting stray deviants back from the darkening corners of your vision.
As a groan ached to leave your mouth, you only hoped Phastos would finish soon enough.
But your flames began to flicker, leaving holes in the wall for the deviants to slip through. You caught a flash of light as Thena tried fighting some, but there were dozens all waiting for this exact moment. Even with the whole team together, the fight had begun to shift.
As they broke past the smoldering fire, you dropped to the ground, the dry grass biting into your palms. Ragged breaths ached through your lungs, scratching along the inside of you with each inhale. Your vision began to blur, your head spinning as you struggled to stand back up.
Even in this state, you saw a deviant stalking toward Phastos. Glancing around, you found everyone else occupied and overwhelmed — so you raised your shaky palm.
But your powers sputtered, spent from trying to hold so many back. Your throat, so painfully dry, cracked as you tried to scream to get his attention. Nothing came out but a whimper.
Still, you stumbled toward him with your body burning too hot, your steps much too slow to make it there in time. Your legs kept moving.
Come on, I know you’ve got more in you.
The voice came from inside your head, from your mind that begged you to rest. But it was Druig again. Each word sounded strained as he fought a deviant much too far away to get here in time.
He needs you. Just a little more, sweetheart. Then you can rest.
His last plea to you trickled through your brain, dripping down your spine and out to your fingers. You thought of Gilgamesh wrapping Thena in his arms the way he did, smiles etched onto their faces. You thought of Makkari’s gifts, all of them stolen relics she “found” along the way. You remembered the weddings, the dances, the births, and the funerals you attended of all the humans you’d come to love along your long lives.
And you quickened your steps as you felt the gentle caress of Druig’s fingers brushing along the apple of your cheek — as kind as the way he whispered into your mind.
Your power began to surge again, your feet pushing your body forward to help your team. But as you commanded pure fire to burn from your hands, the deviant lunged at Phastos.
The world shifted, your steps stuttering, as you watched its long teeth sink into Phastos’ body. 
Only a weak grunt left his lips as blood began to pool along his shoulder. Watching his face twist, you sprinted to him with panic closing around your throat. The unforgiving exhaustion and screaming in your mind fell away, leaving just an ache in your chest as hollow as Phastsos’ ragged breaths.
He pushed the deviant away, falling to his knees from the monster’s bloody maw. His red-stained fingers continued working on the explosive device, even as Makkari guided him away from the fight. 
In that instant, with painful fire burning beneath your skin, you knew you’d be no help to healing Phastos. Your vision instead tunneled onto the deviant responsible. 
White-hot rage clouded your senses as you leapt onto it, grabbing its head with a furious grip. Fire pulsed through your body, its power searing new images behind your eyelids.
The monster roared beneath you as you saw Druig leaving the group all those years ago, the pain of his helplessness worn on his sleeve. The broken look on Thena’s face flashed as bright as the fire exploding from you. An image of you, sat alone in your home, alone, while Druig was away — your family nowhere near.
And you wouldn’t let that happen again, not because of these monsters.
Your teeth clenched so hard against each other you thought they might shatter. On the edges of your awareness, you felt your knees hit scorched earth.
Even though it was gone, burnt beneath your body, you stood up again while more deviants came at you. Without thinking, your hand raised to them, unrelenting as you created another wall to protect your team. It didn’t just keep them back, it burned them into nothingness. Even with shaking arms, you refused to give them an inch. 
You thought hearing Phastos completing the device would be a sigh of relief — a soft voice telling you that you’d done enough. But as a wave of air pushed past you, the rush of Makkari speeding to the center of the deviants, you found no solace.
Even when the explosion flashed bright and shook the ground seconds later, sending you back down to your hands and knees, your rage refused to die out.
You shielded your eyes, finding many of the deviants evaporated into dust. But the few that were far enough away from the explosion continued their fight. Their dark eyes and unforgiving claws just reminded you of how many they’d hurt
Their agonized screams only made your mind want to keep going.
Stop. We’ve got the rest. You need to stop.
You didn’t. Couldn’t. Wouldn’t? Who knew. You could only see the reds and oranges dance around one another, seeking  revenge where it was needed.
The power pulled and pulled at you, draining from your veins until it threatened to smother you forever. 
You were going to burn out, reduce yourself to cinders amongst clouds of smoke.
Druig’s begging voice continued to echo through your mind, but you couldn’t focus on any specific word. It all mushed together, smoldering along with the rest of the world.
You wanted them to pay, but it was hurting you. Tears ran down your dry cheeks, searing a trail through the ashes caked onto your skin.
“Please,” you whispered from cracked lips. Your body swayed as you asked Druig to fill your mind with hope. You needed him to stop you.
The flames continued to spill from your body until you felt a trickle at the back of your brain. The floating sensation bled forward and pulled you away from the cliff your mind was about to fall over. 
Your hands dropped to the ground once more, fingers clawing into the rubble to keep you steady. You hadn’t realized the ringing in your ears until it faded, letting in the sounds of your teammates fighting off the last deviants.
Phastos is okay. You protected him. We’re okay.
You trusted Druig with your life, and his with you. So you knew he took no offense as you turned over to see it yourself, see Phastos with your own eyes. He sat with his back against one of the village’s buildings, giving you a thumbs up and tired smile. 
You returned it, the edges of your mouth lifting just enough. As you crawled from the circle of burnt ground around you, your heart slowed. They were all still here. 
From behind, you felt your husband’s presence, caught his deep exhale as he sat among the grass.
His hands wrapped around your body, moving you to rest your back against your chest. “Rest, my love,” he murmured along the curve of your ear, smoothing his palm down your leg. And you did, sitting with your legs bent and feet planted as you relished in the weight of him encircling you.
Your throat felt too parched, so you whispered in your mind, I was so angry. I thought he was gone for a moment.
Druig leaned his head against yours, his thumb rubbing along your skin. “Aw, no way he’d go down that easily. He knows you’d kill him if he died on ya.”
His chuckle reverberated against you, drawing out your own laughter. An easy smile made its way onto your face, turning brighter as a wafting breeze washed over you.
The rest of the team made their way toward the village, each holding varying injuries from the fight. Gilgamesh patted a heavy hand onto your knee as he passed, his other hand encircling Thena’s arm. You watched as Sprite and Kingo joined them too, the latter making a fuss about how his suit didn’t match his complexion well enough. 
The short beat of silence after they walked away felt painfully familiar. It made your heart heavy knowing their presence wouldn’t last.
“They love you, you know,” Druig said, knowing exactly where your thoughts went without having to read them. Turning your head to look at him, you admired the way sunlight carded its fingers through his hair and kissed freckled spots on his irises. 
You nodded, giving his arm a squeeze in thanks. He pressed his forehead against yours, eyes fixated on you.
“And I love you, but please don’t ever pull a stunt like that again. Scared me half to death,” he breathed against your skin with a grin, lightly pinching your side to make his point.
It brought out a squeal from your lungs, your jaw dropping. “Are you sure you love me?” you laughed, shaking your head. “Because someone who loves me wouldn’t do that.”
You jokingly tried pinching him back, but he caught your hand, bringing it to his smiling mouth. With a gentleness that made you pause, he kissed your palm.
I love you more than anything… more than life itself.
His words caressed along your mind, filling your body with a warmth that didn’t pull at you or demand energy — it just settled deep into your ribs, breathing life into you. The comforting presence of his voice pulled you in, telling you that even when the team eventually left, your home would always be with you.
I love you too, Druig.
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redrydersrequiem · 8 months
Golden eyed phantom chapter 2
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Paring Druig x reader
Rating explicit 18+only,minors,ageless,blank blogs will be blocked
Plot: phantom of the opera au
Warnings theres no smut this time and sorry if its a little shorter then the first chapter
The audience's cheers roll over you like waves as the final curtain closes. You're quickly whisked away, Madame Ajak, bless her, swiftly guides you to your new dressing room before the reporters, opera patrons and fans could move to swarm the backstage area wanting to meet the new star of the Opera de Popular. Much to your dismay however the entrance was already chaotically crowded with people. Thankfully Mr Nelson and Murdock where already front and center, Mr. Nelson was gladly answering the reporters and basking in the crowd's awe while Mr Murdock alongside Gilgamesh provided a more physical barrier, not letting the over eager patrons near, allowing you and madame to finally enter the dressing room.
Once inside silence overcomes you, finally feeling like you could breathe deeply,counting to ten a few times to calm the ringing beating of your heart. It’s not till madame cleared her throat that you looked up, an explosion of color filling your gaze. Flowers of every size, shape and color fill every available surface, bouquets of some of the most exotic flowers you've ever seen.
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“Wow” Madame just laughs at your shocked face
“This is to be expected my dear” she goes about the room examining the abundance of flowers, focusing on one of the bigger bouquets.
“Look, this one is from Count Ikarus and his family. It sees that young man is quite smitten with you”
“Yes so it seems”
“What’s wrong my dear.? You don't seem excited about your successful debut?”
“No it's not that Madame i'm truly grateful for everything that has happened.”
At first you don't answer but Madame gives you one of her motherly looks and all resolve crumbles
“But…… it feels wrong somehow like something is missing.”
“Something? Or someone?”
As soon as the words leave her mouth the image of your angel comes to mind, bringing a light blush along with it.
“I see that look dear, it's alright. It’s perfectly normal for someone your age, all I ask of you is to be smart about your choices ok.?”
You just smile nodding yes not really wanting to go into a whole spiel with her right now, but thankful for her all the same. The women truly being the only mother figure you've ever known
“I will mama jaks.”
“Ohhh thank you dear, I haven’t heard you call me that in so long i've missed it”.
“I'm sorry I.”
“No no, none of that. I'm glad to be mama jaks to you, you and sersi are my daughters whether you like it or not.”
She kisses you on the forehead before urging you up from the sofa and towards the changing screen to help you out of the heavy gown you've been in all night.
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Once deglamorized you stealthily made your way to the dancers entrance avoiding any leftover fans, walking quickly to meet up with sersi. Your whole opera family was celebrating your triumphant first show at Gil and thenas house, Gil’s cooking and drinks galore is what kingo had stayed. Not wanting to keep everyone waiting, you and Sersi begin the familiar walk. Now it does dawn on you, that two young women shouldn’t probably be walking in the deed of night in Paris’s strees but the promise of having Gilgamesh’s famous (your favorite dessert) all to yourself overweighs all those worries
“I can’t wait to see what all Gil cooked. I'm starving.” Sersi simply laughs at you
“How is all you can think about is food after the day you've had.?”
“Hey you try being poked and prodded at and then thrust in front of hundreds of people in a heavy costume and not be hung/“
Her hand grabbing your arm halting your steps stops you mid sentence. She’s even pushing you behind her when you finally notice the black carriage that has now pulled up alongside the two of you. You both give each other knowing glances as you assume the defensive stances thena had drilled into you.
Just as the door opens and you both go to move a familiar head of brown hair steps out.
“Little (y/n/n) and friend. I apologize if I frightened you mademoiselles, i was caught by opera patrons and was unable to speak with you. Imagine my luck to stumble upon the new star of Paris opera walking along the street.
“Yes, how fortunate. I'm sorry, if i had known you wished to speak with me i would have waited at the theater.
“No it's my fault I should have tried harder to get away, um if you could, may I have a moment of your time.?”
“Of course you may!” Sersi answers for you. “I’ll be just over here while you two speak” she nods to both of you before stepping over to study a random storefront, acting the picture of innocents and not like she just threw you under a carriage. Turning back towards Ikarus you notice his eye haven’t left sersi.
Ikarus’s head snaps back into place a practiced smile falling into place
“what can i do for you count de solar?”
“firstly just call me Ikarus please”
“ok Ikarus it is then”
“and you? Are you still little (ynn) or are you now the new diamond of the Paris opera scene.?”
“no i'm simply (y/n)”
”very well simply y/n, i must say your performance was a revelation. It’s amazing to see how far you've come since I last saw you.”
“fifteen years is a long time, a lot of things change.”
“yes…..i heard about your fathers passing, my condolences. He was a brilliant musician and I'm sure he would be incredibly proud of you.”
“thank you that's very kind of you, he would have felt honored to. Hear such high praise.
“Listen, I don't wish to keep you or your companion out in this cold night air much longer, so I will simply ask if you would be willing to have a meal with me, to catch up?”
After a quick contemplation you agreed not wanting to turn down the benefactor of the opera or a count. Terrific he replies before turning to his driver to discuss something quietly. You take this time to all sersi back over
“Did you both figure everything out?
“Yeah, he asked me to dinner.”
“oh y/n that's exciting. Oh he's coming back”
“Well I thank you for agreeing to dinner but I do have one more issue.”
oh?” You ask the duke questioningly.
“Yes it would be ungentlemanly of me to allow two young women to walk the damp streets of Paris at such an hour please let me top you off to your destination?”
You're about to decline given Gil and thena home is only fifteen minutes more away but once more sersi interrupts, accepting the offer for you both and allowing Ikarus to help her into his carriage before you get even a syllable out. The quick ride is filled with mostly Sersi and Ikarus talking (flirting) while you nodded along with whatever they were talking about just watching how they interacted, both sporting light blushes as they speak. However your destination arrives before you can make any sort of comment
“Here we are, sir.”
“Thank you mr smith.”
Ikarus quickly hopped out helping you and sersi out. You both turn dipping into quick curtsies, bidding the young count goodbye. He gives us both a nod and slight bow, his gaze lingering on sersi once more before hopping into his carriage and driving away.
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“I can't believe that just happened, you truly do know the count y/n”
“I told you I did. Besides, I don't think its that impressive to know a count.”
“y/n you should be excited! He's young,handsome, kind and comes from a wealthy Noble family. He would make a perfect husband.”
“HUSBAND?…….. No sersi. I know that all sounds nice to you but to me he will always be the boy next door that was nice to me one moment then would tease me the next till he all but disappeared one day.”
“Oh sweety im/“
“/no it's fine, I understand what you're saying but Ikarus just isn't for me, in fact I think you should take your own advice.”
She whips around about to gripe at you with a blush on her face when the door bursts open, kingos extravagant self standing there, before he pulls you both into the warm house. Music's playing lightly as the boisterous noises from the living room pull you all in. And there everyone is cheers ringing in the air as everyone is ready to finally celebrate your musical debut.
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The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, everyone had turned in, some (cough kingo and sprite cough) where. Forced to turn in after a night of one to many. You however couldn't find sleep for the life of you. Still too high on the adrenaline of the day to find peace so you decide to go for a walk. The early morning shops were setting up and beginning their days.Couriers race beside you. A few people wished you good morning before they went about their days. All in all it was a peaceful morning walk that ended in the same place it always did. The place you always go when you're alone or pent up or sad, happy, really any emotion. This was your safe place, the small cathedral attached to the Opera house.
Like always a few lone candles flicker in the room's damp breeze. Just as you go to light an additional candle for your father a musical trilling sounds in the room startling you. Looking around you see where the music came from. Under the cathedral's small stained glass window set a beautiful music box. It was a silver box, not large but not too small. It’s had (your favorite flower )designed on it rounding all the sides and laying carefully carved on the top, with tiny gems that sparkled like stars scattered around
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(I cant pick one they’re all to pretty)
Where did you come from?” just as your about to touch the bow that familiar glowing aura brushes over you
“hello my little muse.”
There's that voice. That voice that teaches you with a stern hardness. Tha voice that caresses you at night covering your body in goosebumps and making your heart race. The voice you dream about that has you held captive. He was your teacher, your savior, your angel, your phantom.
“Good morning master.” you go to move to turn around hopeful to finally see the being that has overtaken every fiber of your body
‘Wait!” you pause, the air feeling charged as you obey his command
“Let me take you in first , my muse.”
The basic evening wear you wore yesterday didn't bother you when you put it on but now you wished you wore anything else, but nevertheless you felt his gaze roam your body like the finest piece of art. Out of your peripheral you can just make out the bottoms of his pressed black slack, the elegant polished boots and the swishing of the evening cape he had on the red lining accentuating his legs.
You attempt to see more but he steps directly behind you. His body is warm in the cold room, as you feel his fingertips glide up your back. Before his hands up your shoulders.
“my beautiful beautiful muse, how you shined like the brightest star in the universe. The goddess Aphrodite herself would be envious.”
“thank you master”
“oh how i relish those words do say it again”
“emmmmmmm yes I do like the sound of that. Do you like your present my muse” he asks gesturing to the music box
“its beautiful”
“The song inside is of my own composition, please open it and tell me what you think.”
you reluctantly move away from his warmth to step back towards the music box, still not daring to look back over your shoulder. Tracing your finger over the flower on the top, taking a much needed breath and open the box
a hauntingly beautiful melody leaks out.
“Does it please you?”
“Its breathtaking”
“I'm pleased that something so small could elicit such feelings. I wonder how you would react to me then” a million thoughts rush through your head, he's finally going to let me see him.
“Would you like to see me, my little muse?” He laughs “I can hear the thoughts rushing through your head.’
yes master falls from your lips
his body steps up to you again. No room between the roof you as his breath fans your ear and hands take place on your hips. You feel like the earth would fall out from under you if it weren’t for his presence keeping you grounded.
“Are you sure my muse.”
“yes master”
you feel his. Lips kiss your shoulder and something cold above his nose brushing against you before he pulls back and the words you’ve waited so long to hear are finally spoken.
“Very well……… Look at me.”
@cdragons @ethereal-athalia
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redheadspark · 1 year
I am LOVING these prompts! Do you think you could do Druig with 9? The one where reader is reading and Druig’s being a clingy watcher?
A/N - Druig would definitely do this! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - After the Emergence, you and Druig have a moment to pause and have peace.
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Warnings - Just fluff :)
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It started with a simple bit of movement on the couch, you staying still as you flipped to another page.  Then it was the feeling of a shadow right behind you, yet you remained calm and read the passage in front of you.  Of course you knew this game far too well, it’s happened so many times you lost count.  Especially since it started long before technology had started. 
Centuries ago this started, and it hasn’t really lost its fire.
Finally, you felt arms wrapped around you from behind and a neck tucked on top of your shoulder.  You hummed, feeling those hands before on your lower waist with the right amount of pressure, the softness of the brown hair against your neck and ear, and the scent that he carried after being out in the sun for far too long.
“Whatcha readin’, lover?” You heard in your ear.
“A book I found in Makkari’s personal treasure trove on the Domo,” You hummed as your eyes were still moving and following along, “This one is called Treasure Island, a pirate adventure,” 
“Ah, sounds like somethin’ you’d like,” He replied as he too was reading some of the words there, “Never took Makkari as one to like pirates.  Then again they stole gold.”
“Oh, and Makkari steals gold like a pirate?” You asked as you paused in your reading, looking over your shoulder barely to see Druig’s eyes on your thanks to your peripheral vision.  He said nothing but smirk as you clicked your tongue, “Fine, I’ll go tell her!”
“No!” Druig said suddenly, keeping you close on the couch as you were about to get up.  You laughed as he peppered kisses along your cheeks and neck to keep you in one place.  The mood was a bit lighter then in that moment, given the last few days and all that you had to deal with together.  Once you both were done laughter and simply holding each other, you looked around the room that you were in, sighing in both remorse and regret.
Ajak’s living room at her farmhouse.  
It’s been two days since the near Emergence, you all came to the Farmhouse to unwind and lay low since the news all over the world was talking about the marble being that was frozen in the ocean.  Sersi, Kingo and Sprite were already back in London, going back to reality themselves as the rest of you went to South Dakota.  There was no real mindset on what the future was going to hold, Thena wanted to hold a meeting later that day to see what we should do next.  Sersi was our new leader, yet she was waiting to go back to London to talk to Damon and perhaps but every that happened behind her.  You would have too, yet you and Druig were still deciding on what to do.
“I miss her,” You said as you drank in the small living room you two were in.  It all was Ajak, the paintings and decor on her walls, the rug along the worn floor, even the slightly peeling wallpaper against the wall. It had charm and life in its bones and walls, just like how Ajak was when she was alive.
“Me too,” Druig murmured as he took was looking at the walls and then out the windows, “She meant well with all of is….and with me,”
“Druig,” You said his name, “We talked about this.  You know she loved you, beyond loved you.  What happened is in the past, and all we can do is move forward,”
Druig was heartbroken when he heard about Ajak’s death through Sersi.  He kept it to himself while the Eternals were visiting your home in the Amazon.  Yet when the fight was done, and after you had the service for Gilgamesh, Druig finally collapsed in your arms as you two slept in your little shack. He mourned for not being able to talk to her again.  He mourned for not telling Ajak he was wrong in how he blew up against her.
He mourned for never apologizing.
“We did stop the world from ending, and I think Ajak would have been proud of us,” You explained as he was still searching your eyes to see that you were telling the truth.  You moved his brown hair from his eyes, tracing his nose slightly with the tip of your finger.
“Proud of me goin’ against Arishem even?” Druig had to ask, speaking about the very Celestial whom he butted his head against ever since you all came to Earth.
“No, Druig.  Proud of you protecting humans, the same species we were sworn to protect since we came here to this planet,” You answered him.  Druig finally gave a smaller smile and leaned into you to hug you.  You hugged him back, kissing the top of his head as you rubbed his arms, “Ajak would be proud of you and how far you have come, Druig.”
“Aye, the same for you, M’Lady,” he said your nickname with you as he hooked his chin on your shoulder again, “Now, read to me some of this pirate book that you think is amazin’.”
You opened the book again, finding the page where you left off and started to read aloud.  Druig hung onto your every word as the South Dakota wind was picking up outside the farmhouse. Now that the world as not going to end and life can move on and grow, you were optimistic about the future that you were going to have with Druig.
You both were going to find your peace again, one day at a time.  
The End.
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June Summer Prompts
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 7.3
Hello fellow Drukkari stans! Happy Barbenheimer weekend to those who celebrate! And if you're not watching any of those, then happy weekend! I'm back with the next mini-installment! If you missed any previous chapters, you can find them on my handy dandy Table of Contents here. Amidst Pastry Week, Druig and Makkari are really starting to turn heads with their interactions. What will happen next? Find out now, in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Pastry week was off to a surprisingly strong start. Druig’s beef empanadas had proven popular with the judges, even if Arishem had found them a little dry. More importantly, Makkari’s pumpkin empanadas had earned her a handshake. She’d been caught so off-guard that she was still in shock when they went to do their interviews. Druig was waiting for his turn when Darcy came jogging over.
“Hey, you know how we had Makkari conduct your interview a couple times?” she asked.
“Well, I’m gonna need you to do that for her now. She’s kind of in a trance and no one’s been able to break her out of it. Let’s go!”
Before he could even answer, Darcy had already turned and started walking briskly away. “Assuming you’re following me,” she called back to him. After a moment, Druig jogged after her.
Darcy wasn’t lying. When they got to where Makkari’s interview was set up, she was staring into space, deep in thought. Kingo was watching her from the side, looking slightly concerned. When she saw Druig approaching, her face lit up with a bright smile. Darcy scrambled to get the camera people recording and shoved the list of questions into his hands, while Kingo hurriedly explained the situation.
They made quick work of the interview. Once Druig got there, it was as if a dam had broken in Makkari’s mind. Her hands moved quickly as she answered, like she was racing to keep up with her thoughts. Makkari had told him about her tendency to talk too much during interviews, but Druig was hanging on every word. He was almost disappointed when he ran out of questions. Once they’d finished, to both of their surprise, Darcy had them switch places.
“Honestly, who’s gonna notice if we use the same background for your interviews? It’ll save us a lot of time to just stay here,” she explained.
They quickly filmed Druig’s interview, then they were off to lunch, Kingo in tow. He soon skipped in front of them to say, “Wow, can you two be any more co-dependent?”
I said no judgment or no tea for you! Makkari threatened.
With an eyeroll and a dramatic sigh, Kingo muttered, “Sorry, you can be as co-dependent as you want. Just please spill the tea for me. I’m so parched.”
After he jogged ahead to the lunch area, Makkari turned to Druig. I don’t know what came over me. He shook my hand, and my brain just stopped working.
If it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty sure that’s how I was in most of my interviews before they brought you in, Druig replied. Congratulations on the handshake, by the way.
Thanks, she responded with a grin.
They headed into the lunch area, grabbing their food and their leftover bakes. Makkari had already plopped one of her empanadas on his plate, taking one of his in return before they even got to the table.
I can see you looking at them, was the excuse she gave him. Besides, I’m pretty sure Kingo already swiped one.
Her suspicions were proven correct when they sat down at their table, where Kingo was already eating. He’d split his empanada with Sersi, much to the envy of the rest of the table, and the two of them were looking up at her in excitement.
“I couldn’t let just Druig sample them!” Kingo said defensively as they sat down, prompting the both of them to roll their eyes.
“Makkari, you’ve outdone yourself with these,” Sersi interjected.
Thank you, Makkari replied graciously, a small smile on her lips.
Sersi passed her plate to Phastos and Gil, who accepted what was left of the empanada. As they did, Druig dug into his own pastry. He nearly fell out of his chair. Pumpkin and the brown sugar flooded his mouth, with the hint of cinnamon kicking in soon after. On top of that, the balance of the filling and the pastry crust was just right. He looked up to see his fellow bakers wearing expressions of similar shock and delight as they echoed Sersi’s praise.
“This is definitely handshake-worthy,” Phastos commented.
“Very delicious, Makkari!” Gil added.
“Wish I could eat it,” Sprite grumbled.
“You could try to steal some of Druig’s,” Kingo suggested, at which Druig immediately snatched up his plate.
“Not a chance,” he said, signing with one hand.
“I meant because it’s not vegan,” Sprite clarified.
Sorry, Sprite, Makkari said, looking slightly sheepish. Next time, I’ll make you a vegan batch.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it,” the teen said, though her tone suggested otherwise. Her own vegan empanadas hadn’t turned out as well as she’d hoped, so she seemed to be in more of a mood than usual. Before anyone else could comment on it, however, Kingo had changed the subject.
“What about your pear empanadas, Sersi?” he asked. “I think Druig was curious about them.”
Druig couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows at the other man, who was giving him a wide-eyed look that screamed, Please go with it. He was inclined to ignore it, but Makkari was also giving him a pointed look. As such, he acquiesced.
“Yeah, I was wondering how you kept them from drying out,” he said, hoping the ensuing discussion would be long enough for Makkari to fill Kingo in. Luckily, Sersi launched into an explanation, completely oblivious to the conversation Makkari and Kingo were having right next to her. Makkari was just about done when Sersi finished explaining. While Kingo looked like he might protest, she cut him off with a look before shifting her focus back to the rest of the table.
“Thanks, I’ll have to remember that for next time,” Druig replied.
“No problem,” Sersi said cheerfully. “I could also just give you the paper recipe at dinner, if you like.”
“You guys are still doing that?” Kingo asked incredulously. “You’re lucky I don’t report you to Darcy!”
You haven’t so far, Makkari pointed out.
“Speaking of dinner,” Gilgamesh began, “now that Ajak’s gone, who’s going to host?”
“I could do it,” Sersi volunteered. “Everyone’s invited, of course.”
“Phastos won’t come anyway,” Sprite snarked, causing him to sputter.
“That doesn’t mean I won’t come this time!” he retorted.
“You are the only one who hasn’t come yet,” Druig observed.
“I can take his spot!” Kingo piped up excitedly.
You’d still have to come over from the other hotel, Makkari said. Guess we’re back down to a small group.
“Alright! I’ll come to dinner,” Phastos declared.
The group erupted in a combination of cheers and giggles.
When you peer pressure the loner into joining the group 😆 Hope you enjoyed this mini-chapter!
Part 25
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dalhia28 · 1 year
Sometimes Thena and Gil, would ask there siblings to babysit Titania, so that they could have a romantic evening child free, With 8 free baby sister that wouldn't be a problem besides Sersi already ask them if Titania could sleep over to her place since there's a children party for her student she's going to, besides she loves Titania so much it will keep her mind off to the high class sassy PTA mother's not so kind one, Thena and Gil let her since Sersi is number 2 of the most responsible baby sister, Oh yes they rank there siblings by the ability to babysit and the rank would be Ajak, Sersi, Phastos, Makkari and Druig, Ikaris, Sprite and of course Kingo who always try to kidnap Titania since the last time he babysit he was forbidden to babysit for 3 months since he took Titania to get her ear piercing without consulting with Thena and Gil, which Gil literally throw him to another country after that, So when Sersi and Titania arrives at the party they're were so excited.
Sersi: okay you ready darling?
Titania: Yes mommy Sersi, I'm so excited!
Titania said with a cheerful voice Sersi give her a little kiss in the nose before coming in to the room full of her student and mother's she hates to blend with but of course she put her best smile like always trying to be polite, Everything is going well Titania having fun making little friends thankfully she got Gil's social skills so she knows she'll be alright, Sersi having boring conversation about school policy and there husband which seems a range topic specially to a 6 years old birthday party, The last time she check on Titania they were watching a clown and then Ikaris called she step out for a minute to take the call, She signal Sally her co-worker.
Sersi: Ikaris?
Ikaris: Hi, you and Titania at a party?
Sersi: Yes why?
Ikaris: Nothing just wondering if you want me to pick you both and I don't know watch a movie or something?
Sersi: are you asking us on a date Ikaris?
Ikaris: well when you put it that way
Sersi: alright I'm sure Titania will be happy
Ikaris: Me too, pick you up at 7pm?
Sersi: make that 6:30 I don't want to hear another school policy regulations
(Ikaris chuckle)
Ikaris: okay be there bye.
Then Sersi go inside again smiling at the sight of children playing looks like the clown already finished performing but something's wrong her eyes scan the whole room she can't see her trying not to panic yet she scan again for a 2nd time she can't find Titania.
Sersi: Did you see Titania?
Sally: she's here a minute ago
Sersi: TITANIA!?
Sersi yell a little so the music would stop
She hears a faint cry (open the door please, mommy Sersi, Mommy Sersi, open)
She can't be mistaken that Titania crying in distressed she immediately run to the sounds only to find a lock door with Titania crying inside calling for her.
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makeitallmarvel · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL PAIN Pairing: Druig x Reader Part 2
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The day had been fairly productive for you despite your growing anxiety. You couldn’t shake the vision, it was too dark and seemed to cast a shadow behind you wherever you went. Druig left you to your own thoughts all day even though you needed his presence the most. He didn’t always speak the most words but he said everything in his silence. Looking up over your sketch pad you blew that pesky stray hair out of your face to see him walking up in deep conversation with Phastos. The butterflies took flight causing you to smudge your line a little far skewing the entire picture of the trees you were attempting to draw. Sighing in frustration you threw the pad onto the table in defeat. “It didn’t look still that bad to me” Gil chuckled before placing a large plate of piping hot vegetables before you. You rolled your eyes playfully but silently thanked him through the look in your eyes.
One by one everyone found their way to the table to join for dinner. After biting into a soft, warm piece of bread you took a glance to the place in front of you. His deep and intense eyes already peering at you intently as if he was trying to see your soul. Well maybe he could see it. Quickly you grabbed the empty glass to your right and filled it with as much wine as you could get away with before anyone labeled it unusual. Sipping the wine as fast as possible you felt your nerves began to calm in the tingling fires of alcohol. “So Y/N anything we should know about? I thought I heard footsteps in the night. Who’s the visitor?” Kingo wondered causing you to choke on the liquid currently in your mouth. You instantly made eye contact with Druig pleading  for release from the situation. “How are we sure you’re not trying to pawn off your catch of the week on y/n?” Druig asked his tone sharp and slightly condescending. “I mean that is true Kingo. You do have a lot of visitors” Gil stated coming to your defense. You felt as if you could sink into a black hole or maybe you just wanted to. “It’s better than listening to those two all night” Sprite motioned to Ikaris and Sersi. Everyone erupted in laughter giving you the needed break to escape from the table.
Standing by the nearby stream you were able to catch the best view of the sunset. “Gil” you called out softly, “I know it’s you”. He reached out and grabbed your hand squeezing it slightly. “It’s beautiful tonight isn’t it?” He commented opening the conversation you know he came over to have. “Indeed it is. This is my favorite spot to come…think or draw” you admitted. “So I’ve noticed” he smiled, “among other things” he hinted. You groaned throwing your head back. “We don’t have to talk about this” you dismissed attempting to walk away. “I mean it’s just Druig. It’s just …he’s just…you know he’s Druig.” You stammered as you suddenly turned back around facing him letting the words attempt to leave your mouth and make sense. “Why don’t you just tell him you love him?” He offered. “You know why” you nearly whispered your eyes diverting to the ground now as you walked away. “Maybe it won’t happen” Gil said grabbing your hand before you could get too far away. “It’s what I pray for everyday” you confessed.
Night came quicker than expected or maybe that was just your mind that was too busy to notice time changing. You lay on your bed on your back staring at the starlight peaking through the ceiling tile. You always loved that broken piece. Smiling to yourself as you allowed the distraction to take over you the anxiety had seemed to ease. But it was only momentarily. You turned onto your side facing the wall placing your hand on the cold stone. He was there. Right next to you but so far away. It made your heart ache. Well that put it lightly. It made your heart feel as if you were having an active heart attack that wouldn’t stop. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to hold your breath. But when he looked at you, damn. You felt seen. You felt beautiful. “Goodnight” you whispered to the wall as if it would bring him to you.
“Did you say something?” His voice wafted in from the entryway. You inhaled sharply feeling immensely embarrassed. Turning around slowly you saw the familiar outline flowing from the candle that was nearly burnt out. “Yeah uh just you know wishing the world a good night. I do it for the good juju” you tried to explain tucking yourself hair behind your ear. “Well I might have to try that myself. I’ve had enough bad luck to last me my lifetime.” He stated bluntly. You crinkled your eyebrows, your heart taking a punch. “I wouldn’t believe that even if it were true” you encouraged blowing him off with a wave and a smile. Even though it was true. You closed your eyes only for a moment and saw flashes of his face. But it wasn’t his. It didn’t belong to the Druig you knew. This one was scared and in pain. When you opened your eyes again he was gone, but behind him he left the heaviness you felt in your heart.
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lilacliquors · 2 years
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day nine: santa baby
pairing: kingo x reader
word count: 769
notes: here's day nine! to be honest, days 10 and 11 might not be out on time because, as i said in a previous post, we lost my grandfather. his wake is tomorrow evening and the funeral is thursday, and these next few days are going to be very draining and upsetting. i'll try and write these prompts as distractions, but i truly make no promises.
as always, reblogs, comments, and asks are highly recommended, and likes are appreciated. enjoy <3
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every year for christmas, kingo surprised you with something lavish. it was just who he was as a person, and as a partner. one year, he’d surprised you with a soft and fancy bathrobe, one you had been saving up for yourself. you’d always wanted one, they felt lavish and made you feel elegant, and he never forgot the way your eyes lit up the morning you opened it up. of course he got you a few other things, but that was your big gift. and it’s still in use to this day.
another year, your car had been on the brink of breaking down, and it needed repairs, serious ones. so you began saving up for a new one, mindful of your spending habits and putting away money from work. at this point, you and kingo had begun living together, and he insisted on taking care of bills. so your job became just a way to save up for things you wanted, and soon, you were even able to leave that job and start up your own little business, and it made you even happier. but that year, on christmas morning, kingo had brought you outside and surprised you with your dream car. it wasn’t the one you’d been saving up for, that one felt so far out of reach, but here it was sitting in your driveway, and it took everything in you not to cry as you hugged him.
the year after that, kingo took it upon himself to surprise you with a cruise. it was a trip that started after the holidays, since he knew how much you enjoyed staying home for christmas, but for a week and a half in january, the two of you were sailing, sipping cocktails and enjoying the bahamas, as well as each other’s company. it was surreal, and seeing your smile every day made it all worth it for him.
this year, you found yourself wondering just what stunt he would pull this time. you already had everything, it felt you you two had done everything, and maybe this would be your first quiet year. and honestly, you wouldn’t mind it. a nice quiet christmas day full of christmas movies, hot cocoa, and a delicious dinner afterwards sounded like heaven. and that was all you expected when you went to bed the night of the twenty fourth.
christmas morning arrived a lot faster than you thought, and when you woke up, you were alone in bed, but the sheets were still warm, meaning he only just got up before you. with a yawn, you sat up, tossed the covers back, and got up, going to grab your favorite bathrobe and head out into your living room. everything was beautiful and bright, and a fire was going, yet kingo was nowhere to be found.
“kingo?” you called, looking around.
“in the kitchen,” he replied. you smiled and went into the kitchen, but again, he wasn’t there. instead, there was a plate of breakfast sitting at the table, and a note beside it. you picked it up, and it read ‘eat up, then join me by the tree’. with a smile, you sat down and ate, enjoying every bite of your favorites, then went to put your dish in the sink. following the instructions on the note, you made your way back out to the living room, and to your surprise, it was dark.
“what’s going on? kingo?” you blinked a few times, and then suddenly, the tree lit up, and kingo was in front of it, down on one knee, with a box in his hands.
“oh my god,” you whispered, tears welling in your eyes.
“you had to know this was coming. we’ve done everything together, we’ve seen the world together, and now, i want to spend eternity with you. would you do me the honor or marrying me, so we can make that a reality?” he asked, opening the box to show you the ring. it wasn’t too much, not gaudy or extravagant. it was simple and sweet, everything you’d ever dreamed of.
“oh kingo … of course i will,” you said, walking over to him as he stood up, with one arm, he pulled you in for a kiss, and then he slipped the ring onto your fingers. you held your hand up to admire it, and he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“was this just as good of a christmas surprise?” he teased.
“you kidding? this is the best one yet. i don’t think you’ll ever top it,” you said.
“well, there’s always next year.”
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taran-chan · 2 years
on a Wednesday, in a cafe (chapter 22)
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Read on AO3
tuesday lunchbox: prank lunchbox
Thena, Kingo and Ikaris gawk at her lunchbox. She woke up late this morning so she didn’t see what Gil put in the box. And she’s about to have lunch with Kingo and Ikaris so that they can discuss work. Work is the last thing she cares about at the moment.
“Did he make a mistake or something?” Kingo asks.
“Did you two have a fight?” Ikaris eyes her suspiciously.
“We did not fight,” Thena glares at him.
“Then why does your lunchbox only have white rice and dried seaweed?”
“Hold on,” Kingo cuts him off, “Gil would never do this to Thena, even if they were fighting. He’s not that petty. Thena, try digging up the rice.”
They all hold their breath as Thena separates the rice and seaweed with her spoon.
“There they are,” Ikaris chuckles.
“See?” Kingo smiles, “I said he isn’t that kind of person. He’s probably bored and wanted to pull a prank on you.”
“And yet you look quite relieved,” Ikaris snorts.
“I just thought how bad your hangry would be if he actually forgot to put other side food in there.”
“Overtime works bad,” Thena says.
“That would be our situation today anyway,” Ikaris shakes his head.
“Let’s just eat then,” Kingo shrugs.
Thena sighs. She can’t escape work today but at least she can enjoy a real lunch after thinking that she would have to eat only white rice and dried seaweed. Gil hid a lot of side food under a thick layer of rice, undoubtedly on purpose. They are all her favourites; sauté salmon, fried squid with mayonnaise and a pinch of chili powder, asparagus and broccoli stir-fried with oyster sauce. He knows and remembers very well what she likes and doesn’t like. She likes when her meals have something spicy. She loves sweets, but not too sweet. She doesn’t like bitter food, he even remembers her weird grudge against okra.
She devours her lunchbox while Kingo and Ikaris are sharing a box of grilled eel rice and a roasted chicken sandwich they bought at Eternal. They arrived at the shop even earlier than yesterday but again there was only one box left. It seems like more and more people have heard about this impressive lunch set and wanted to try it. Maybe by the end of the summer, Gil would add it to Eternal’s fixed menu and maintain the limited policy so that his coffee shop won’t be turning into an eel restaurant.
“It was shocking, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, it snapped me out of my grogginess,” she rolls her eyes and pulls her car to a stop at the red light, “I was wide awake for the rest of the day.”
She listens to his laugh on the other end of the phone, “I bet you already thought of quite a few ways to get back at me at the time.”
“Maybe just one or two,” she scrunches her nose, taking a right turn to the familiar street.
“Oh, I think I see your car,” he says. She speeds up a bit and Eternal comes into her view. Her nose stings with emotions when she spots Gil, still wearing his work apron, standing at the front door and waiting for her. It’s been almost two months since the last time she had to stay at the office until past 9 pm. Even though it’s only because they have too much work, even Kingo and Ikaris left at the same time as she did, but it looks like Gil has been worried. She stops her car in front of his shop and jumps to his chest. She can feel his arms around her and he asks:
“Have you eaten?”
“I have,” she rubs her cheeks on his apron, “Me and the guys called pizza.”
Gilgamesh always asks her that question whenever they can’t eat together. Perhaps many people would find it lame, even annoying but Thena finds it incredibly endearing, it’s likely that because it comes from him and he only ever has good intentions. But let’s face it, you usually just ask the question to the ones you love or really care about. You care about their well-being, you always want to know that they eat well, sleep well, those are human’s most basic needs.
“You’ve worked hard,” he nuzzles her hair.
“Thanks for waiting for me,” she closes her eyes, clutching at the back of his shirt.
Inside, the lights are still on, most of the chairs are put upside down on the tables so that he can clean up, except for one table with a cup on top, where he was sitting. The lights in the kitchen are on as well and she can hear the faint sound of a mixer.
“Who’s in the kitchen?”
“It’s Makkari. She took Kingo’s advice and started her baking vlog channel. I stay to prepare tomorrow’s ingredients and help her set up her camera and all,” Gil pulls out another chair and helps her in, “I think she’s making a peach mousse cake.”
“Will we get to try some of it?” Thena smiles, a mention of sweets cheers her up in no time.
“Chances are high. Can I make you a drink first?”
“Any suggestions from my chef?” She puts her elbows on the table, cupping her face with her hands.
“Special latte with lots of love,” Gil winks and Thena giggles, her cheeks flushed.
Gil makes her a cup of hot latte, with his full combo latte art that she thinks it looks like six tortured faces but in fact it’s a “smiling bouquet”, according to him. It’s delicious nevertheless. Gil refills his milk tea cup, then sits down across from her. He gives her an impromptu massage on her left hand while she’s sipping her drink. She starts talking about her day and soon enough, they once again laugh about her lunchbox.
“Very creative, I’ll give you that. But don’t do it again.”
“How about once a month? I’ll leave your favourites beneath the rice each time.”
“I want scallops next time.”
“Consider it’s done,” he presses a kiss to the back of her hand and switches to massage the other.
Thena asks him about his day and he complains to her that this morning he wanted to decorate the menu board at the front door but Sprite demanded that he should never do it.
“I know that’s her job but today is her second exam and I just wanted to help,” Gil pouts, “Instead she yelled at me and shooed me away.”
“Did you use your boss card?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Use it next time then,” she wants nothing more than to kiss away his pout, “You indulge her too much.”
“Could it be that my drawing skills are bad?”
For the record, he’s looking at her with his puppy eyes, and that affects a lot on her following answer.
“You have a unique style, it’s just that Sprite can’t see it,” She shrugs, “However, you decorate your food like little masterpieces, and no one can deny it.”
Now she’s the one that picks up his hands and gives him a massage. She treats his large, calloused hands as gently as she can, counting every old and new cut and burned mark on them, the hands of a true chef.
“Your hands are precious, don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise,” she says.
“You too,” he grins, nodding at the painting that she gifted him last Christmas.
“I’ll paint you another, it’s summer anyway.”
“Then I’ll hang it on that wall over there,” he squeezes her hands once.
Makkari puts two slices of pink peach mousse cake down in front of them.
Enjoy! the pastry chef/new vlogger smiles, signing at Gil, Thanks for helping me set up my “studio”. I cleaned the kitchen for you.
“Thank you!” He signs back, “Wanna join us?”
Nah, I know you guys miss each other. Just continue your date, I’m going home now.
Gil blushes hard but insists, “At least let me walk you home. You shouldn’t go alone at this time.”
“He’s right,” Thena says, “I know your place isn’t far from here but it would be safer if he went with you.”
Fine, Makkari rolls her eyes, Just so you would stop worrying.
“Yeah,” Gil gets up and Thena helps him untie his apron, “If Druig knew we let you walk home alone late at night, we’d never hear the end of it.”
He bends down to kiss Thena, she lifts a hand to caress his face.
“I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll try to save some cake for you.”
“Well, you can eat both slices if you want to,” he rubs his nose against hers.
“But you love peach cake.”
“I love you more.”
Makkari slaps Gil’s back, Are you going or not?
“Right, sorry, let’s go,” he says, giving Thena one last wave then runs after Makkari, who’s already out of the door. Thena looks out the window until they disappear around the corner before digging her fork into the cake. She sincerely hopes that Makkari would succeed in this vlog thing, and it has very little to do with her getting free pastries on their late-night dates at Gil’s shop.
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tokkiotears · 3 years
A fic where the eternals don't know you're a thing with Druig until they see years of photos of you and him all over your house.❤
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note: am i crying?? maybe.... i took some creative liberty with this one, but kept the main request there <3 i hope you all enjoy as much as i did. idc that its november,,, christmas now..
pairing: druig x (f)reader
summary: the holidays bring your large family of eternals over to celebrate. when they walk into your home and see photo after photo of you and druig, they realize something that has been under their noses for millenia
warnings: sweet sweet puppy love n lovey dovey druig
wc: 1k
Christmas wasn’t a holiday that Eternals celebrated, in fact, you weren’t sure if there were any that they did. Nevertheless, for the sake of old times and catching up on how eternal life was, you were all going to celebrate this year. It had been decided that you would be throwing the event, as it was known that you were the best event planner there ever had been.
The stone cottage you owned in the French countryside was the perfect venue. The interior was cozy, the walls plastered in photos and paintings, the floor with mismatched carpets and rugs. There was a small kitchen that led into the living room, warmed by a brick fireplace. The tree was decorated with an assortment of tinsel and ornaments that glittered from the flames.
“Druig!” You call, hoping to reach your husband on the modest second floor. The mug you held in your hands was filled with your favorite: hot chocolate. You double and triple check the food in the oven and that the cookies had been set out. The fireplace was cracking loudly, the ambiance just right. Eventually, you hear the rhythm of footsteps down the staircase, indicating that your husband was about to come rob you of your sweet drink.
“Yes, my darling?” He approaches you from behind, sneaking a kiss onto your temple, “Ooh, is that hot chocolate?”
You roll your eyes playfully, but you don’t resist when his arm reaches around yours and removes the mug from your hand. “You’d better plan on making me more, you thief.”
Druig slips his arm around your waist as he sips on the drink. He pulls your body against his and moves gently with the old Sinatra record playing from the living room. The man gives you a puppy-eyed look, “Oh but of course, my darling wife.”
You lean your head back and rest it on his with closed eyes, “I made your favorites.”
Your voice is nearly a whisper, but an excited hum escapes him. Gently, he takes your hand and twirls you much like he had in the countless dances you’d shared before. “Oh, how I love you, Y/N.”
He traps you between the counter and his body, peppering your face with kisses remnant of the hot chocolate that was once yours. Your hand finds its way to his low back, fingertips grazing over the knit sweater.
The harsh knock on the door startles you both. This is followed by a troubled Kingo shouting, “Let us in! It’s freezing!”
“Oops!” You giggle. Druig sneaks in one more kiss before letting you shuffle towards the door. You swing the door open, greeting everyone. A swift blur lets you know that Makkari has shot right past you and straight towards the fireplace. Snowflakes flurry in the air after her.
“Come on in guys! Welcome!” You squeak, “Please leave your shoes right by the door”
“I hope you heard that Makkari!” Kingo can hardly finish his sentence before there is another brief flash and a pair of boots wobble to a stop on the wooded floor. They file in one by one after the movie star, some shivering more than others.
“There are blankets on the couches and next to the tree,” You tell them in between greetings, “And there is cocoa on the stove.”
You shut the door securely after they all enter, adjusting so that all their shoes are against the wall with your foot.
“Oh, you’re already here?” You hear from the other room. It was Kingo asking the question.
Knowing Druig, he’s probably responded by momentarily raising his brows or with a curt nod.
“Dude, look at these,” Sprite drags Kingo and Ikaris to the wall where all your pictures are hung.
“What the…” Kingo mutters in disbelief, then shrieking, “I missed the wedding?!”
“Wedding?” Ajak looks a tad intrigued, joining the other Eternals at the wall. There are a plethora of photos. Not just the wedding, but the many vacations and triumphs you held. Plenty of candid photos that caught Druig in a softer light that the others didn’t often see.
“That is so much good content for my documentary wasted!” Kingo huffs. Sprite has a look of disbelief on her face.
“Like, when did this all even happen? It hasn’t even been like a thousand years since we last saw each other?”
Phastos grins, placing a gift under the tree. “If you guys paid more attention you would’ve seen it coming.”
You glance to Druig, who is smugly sipping his cocoa and sitting on one of the recliners closest to the fireplace. He throws you a wink. “You’ve lost your chance boys, I beat you to it.”
Sersi grins at you, wiggling her fingers as if to say “show me the ring!”. You girls all gather around, forming a little huddle as you reveal your sparkling ring. Phastos had helped make it. A gorgeous golden band, intricate and delicate, holding a gorgeous pear stone that matched the hue of your husband's eyes. His ring had threads of magic that matched your own. Thena smiles proudly, pulling Gilgamesh closer to look. Ajak turns to you, her fingers pushing a strand of hair from your face.
“I’m so very happy for you.”
“Thank you, Ajak.” You hum, leaning into her touch.
“Alright. Enough of the gossip. I want to try some of this food.” Gilgamesh grumbles, moving towards the kitchen. The room erupts in laughter and everyone but you and Druig crowds into the kitchen to serve themselves dinner.
You offer him a hand which he takes, joining you in standing. Even you can see that the infatuation in his eyes is just as strong as it was the day he first laid eyes on you. “Mine forever?”
“Forever.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, where you can just peek at the message Makkari was signing to you:
“You even have him in the matching Christmas socks? You’ve impressed me!”
You grin at her, leaning into your husband, so very happy that your family surrounds you.
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softquietsteadylove · 1 month
I think the break up idea would make a good ao3 content
Always love your work btw ~
Thena's head tipped to the side as she laughed, her hands clasped around her cup of decaf latte. Just like she always had. God, she really looked the same, and sounded the same, and felt the same.
Gil stared, blatantly enchanted by the woman across from him. He had moved swiftly from not wanting her to know how pathetically he had spent the last year and a half to telling her about his one miserable attempt at a relationship. "Yeah, I didn't even realise what made her storm out like that until the guys told me."
Thena gave him a chastising look over the rim of her cup. "Gilgamesh."
"I know, I know, it's bad," he admitted while also smiling into his own cup of coffee. He shouldn't make light of having called the last girl he was with the wrong name. But he couldn't help but be glad it was good for something (making Thena laugh).
"If it were me, I would have done the same," Thena offered in his poor ex's defense.
Not that he would have really called her his girlfriend, all things considered. Maybe if that was the only name for it, but he had made it clear at the time that he wasn't looking for anything that serious. Not after Thena.
"I don't blame her," he shrugged, still too preoccupied with the woman in front of him. It was as if he were in a dream and she might vanish at any moment.
"Did you ever apologise to her?"
"'Course," he huffed. He leaned forward on the table, sitting his cheek against his fist. "I have some decency, y'know."
"I know." The quick and familiar rhythm of their conversation stumbled. It had done so a few times, now. For the most part, they felt like themselves three years ago. Things flowed easily between them. But this was the third time now that Thena had said something a bit more pronounced, or more softly, or wistfully.
He looked at her, although as soon as he did her eyes darted down to stare into her mug again. He could feel them circling something. He faked taking another sip; his mug was smaller than hers and he was already done, but he didn't want another cup, and he didn't want to leave, either.
Thena put her mug down, freeing one of her hands to tuck some hair behind her ear. She was still feeling a little restless. "And how has work been?"
It was a very mundane question after the last. But that was okay, she could ask him all the boring shit she wanted. "Restaurant's good--I finally found some good guys for the kitchen so I can take off earlier or take a day off here and there."
Thena merely nodded, appearing to be out of commentary. Her eyes darted down to her mug.
"You out?" he asked directly. It wasn't the most charming way to ask, but he was curious. She nodded, her lips pinching sheepishly. He smiled, "want more?"
She hook her head.
"Yeah, I guess I'm all coffee-d out," he sighed, standing from the little stool. The tall, metal stools always did feel somewhat uncomfortable the longer spent on their square forms. Thena showed no signs of butt fatigue as she also stood. He held his hand out, "bus or uber?"
She tilted her head, but took his offered hand, "taxi."
He grinned; she was still like an old lady with technology. She knew what an uber was but she had probably never ordered one in her life. His hand closed around hers, "there's a spot where they all park that's just around the corner. Probably quicker than calling one."
Thena followed him silently, but he was fine with her silence. It was another thing that felt terribly, painfully familiar to him as he walked out with her hand in hand.
"What about the museum?" he asked in a bit of a rush, reminding himself to ask about her work and her interests.
She smiled as they took slow, tiny steps in the snow. "Quite the same, I believe. Kingo is attempting to convince upper management that he should be in charge of the social media accounts."
"He'd probably do pretty well at that, actually," Gil muttered mostly to himself. He had always liked her friend from work, Kingo. Well, once he had learned that he wasn't interested in Thena, of course.
He snuck his eyes over to her. He caught her doing the same before she rushed them away again, her other hand reaching for her scarf.
There was even less street noise than before they had gone into the little cafe, most of the city asleep and avoiding the snow. Those who were out were probably a few blocks away in the pubs, like his friends whom he had abandoned. He looked over his shoulder.
"Ah, shit."
Thena blinked, still following him silently but now as he dragged her to the corner and around it. "Gil?"
"The guys," he grumbled as he pulled her around the corner of the building, just out of the streetlight enough that they might not recognise him with his back turned. "I, uh, kinda left them in the bar back there."
"Gilgamesh," she chided him again, but she was obviously amused by it.
In fact, he could hear them as they got closer. Were they always so loud and obnoxious? Maybe he just noticed it less when he was getting drunk, too. But he had to admit, that was appealing to him less and less these days. He had chalked it up to getting older.
But looking at Thena, that wasn't it. It wasn't that he just didn't like going out with the guys anymore, it was just that he would rather just be at home, enjoying a quiet night instead. He wanted to be horizontal on the couch, the tv playing whatever. He wanted to have his back against the back of the couch, and what he really wanted was a smaller, lighter frame to be lying in front of him, his arm draped over her because it made him feel big and strong and protective. And she would doze off because she found what he liked on tv uninteresting. But they would lie around together like that for hours.
He shuffled them closer to the wall as the voices got closer and closer. Even if they did manage to overlook his huge frame, even from the back, they would most certainly recognise Thena. It was impossible not to.
Thena let him guide her closer to him as he raised his arm up against the snowy building's facade. To a passerby, he would probably just look like he was leaning, maybe they would think he was putting the moves on someone, if they could see her past him at all.
He all but held his breath as his drunk asshole friends yapped their way down the sidewalk and past them completely. He knew those idiots wouldn't notice him. He was surprised they had even gathered that he left. He looked down at Thena, tucked against his chest, "sorry-"
She tilted her head up, catching his lips with her own. But it wasn't that accidental. She was definitely kissing him. His hand moved to her cheek completely on its own, like damn sense memory or something. But it made her kiss him again, so maybe it wasn't that bad.
They pulled apart slowly. He wanted to kiss her again. He wanted it as if he had been starving the past two years of his life and was finally given some good fucking food again.
Thena's cheeks took on a shade of rouge that stood out against the snow and her general pallor. She slid back half a step. "S-Sorry, I-I shouldn't--it's-"
He caught her hands again before she could slither away in embarrassment. Her eyes avoided his again but he was happy to stare at her blatantly, reciprocated or not. "Don't be sorry."
He pulled her in again, kissing her more properly. It really was like sense memory, but it was better than any memory he had been mulling over for the past however long. Their lips fit together naturally, Thena melted into him like she was the better atop a thick stack of fluffy pancakes. His arm wrapped around her, holding the smallness of her waist, even in her heavy white coat.
They parted again. He moaned quietly and she let out more of a gentle purr. Her hand had slipped up the front of his coat and halfway inside his lapel, although she snapped it back to herself. He blinked, feeling more dazed after that kiss than any number of shots the guys would have told him to get. "See?"
Thena's eyes drifted down again, still blushing, much to his delight. "I didn't plan this with this in mind."
No, she wouldn't have planned to kiss him outside, under the cover of shadow, snow falling on their heads. But that was okay. He dusted some snow out of her hair again. "I know."
She stepped back from him more properly, in a physical declaration that no more kissing would be taking place. She gripped the ends of her scarf. "I should get home."
"Okay," he smiled, although he had to admit that his first instinct was to ask her to stay. He just wanted another hour, just five more minutes. Just one more kiss before she left again.
She took his hand again, letting him lead her to her ride home. Her hand flinched in his before giving it a quiet squeeze. "Next week is a long weekend."
His eyes sparked. She wouldn't bring it up just to make conversation. But he was curious if she would ask him for herself or if she would end up making him ask her out. To be honest, he was okay if that was what she wanted. He had plenty of experience in it. "Oh, yeah."
Her hand was still holding onto her scarf for dear life. But she braved on, "the museum will be closed on the monday. If I recall, so will the restaurant."
She still knew the restaurant hours. His heart leapt in his chest, "yeah."
Finally without any cover left, she managed to squeak out, "if you like, we could-"
"Love to," he blurted out, even stepping on the end of her question. Maybe it was overeager. Maybe it was even more pathetic than admitting he hadn't even come close to moving on from her. But he didn't care.
Her eyes darted up to his one last time before shyness took over and she looked away again. "Hm."
That was her way of sealing the deal, and the nostalgia of her quiet 'hm's and 'indeed's warmed the tips of his fingers. "It's a date."
The glow of the taxi numbers came into view. He had to let her go again. But Thena gave him one last - beautiful - smile. "Then I'll see you monday."
She left his side to cross the street, one of them having already started up their engine at the sight of her. He watched her, from being the only person in sight to getting in. She gave him one last wave before her carriage took off for her side of town.
Neither had asked if their numbers were the same. Maybe that meant that she hadn't wanted to change hers either. He wondered what the background of her phone was now (it had also been of their trip to Australia, once upon a time).
He also tried not to obsess over the kiss. It didn't mean this was anything more serious. They were just two old friends catching up, he told himself. Although his fingers were tingling, eager to hold her like that again.
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fireinmoonshot · 3 years
I like the idea of Druig’s partner calling him ‘my dearest’ or just ‘dearest’ as like a cute loving nickname 🥰
Everyone knew that Druig wasn’t a hugger. The other Eternals, they didn’t mind hugs when they weren’t completely out of the blue. They thought they were a sweet way of showing love and care for another person. But it just wasn’t Druig’s thing.
Or so they thought.
The fact that you and Druig were seeing each other was a secret. Not one you’d both purposefully chosen to keep, but one that you’d just figured no one else needed to know about. What was wrong with keeping something so personal to yourselves?
The thing was… Druig wanted to hold your hand in front of everybody, especially when you’d get anxious and fiddle with your fingers. He wanted to walk up behind you and hug you. Kiss you on the cheek. Flirt with you and gross everyone else out. He wanted to do all of those things with you. And it wasn’t that he was afraid – because he wasn’t – it was just the worry of your relationship being out in the open. Of the change that could occur.
But the longer Druig held himself back, the more he wanted it.
It all culminated on a rainy Tuesday afternoon.
The Eternals were all sat just inside the Domo, watching the rain falling on the city around them. The sand, which was usually a vibrant brown, was now a dark red from the water. It was still outside. Calm. It was a nice change from the constant fighting, and you all found comfort in these quieter moments because they were so rare.
You were leant up against the wall on the left, arms crossed over your chest and head resting against the wall, too, as you looked out at the view with the others. Druig, Thena, Phastos and Sprite were all still inside, but the others were with you.
Makkari had picked up on the vibrations and saw that the others were finally coming to join you all, but you were so focused on the sound of the rain and the way it pattered down on the leaves of the trees that you didn’t notice until Druig snuck up behind you, wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you from behind.
You startled, flinching at the sudden movement. Druig’s soft laughter gave himself away.
“Oh, it’s you,” you smiled a little. “It was so peaceful before you arrived.”
Druig rolled his eyes. “D’you want me to stop hugging you?”
You rested your hands on his arms, holding him in place. “Don’t you dare.”
The eyes of the other Eternals were on you all. Phastos had stopped mid step. Sprite’s mouth had dropped open into a gasp. Ajak was smiling widely. Every single one of them reacted differently. Even Ikaris had a look of mild surprise on his face.
“I should not have come to see the rain,” Phastos started. “I’m gonna be sick.”
Kingo pointed a finger at Phastos. “No dissing love in this household, Phastos.”
“This is not a household, it’s a spaceship.”
“Oh, let him,” Druig said nonchalantly. He was leant up against you, now, his resting cheek on your shoulder as he looked at the rest of them. “It won’t stop us.”
Sersi looked between the two of you. “How long has this been going on, then?”
“Hmm,” you thought about it for a moment. Did they really have to know how long? Couldn’t that specific detail just remain solely yours? You thought so. “A while.”
“How long is ‘a while’? Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand?” Sprite pressed.
“Hey,” Druig spoke up. “You heard them. A while is all you busybodies need t’ know.”
He gently squeezed your torso, his way of showing more affection in the most public moment of your relationship so far. It was comforting, having his arms around you this way. It was a thing you’d only ever enjoyed in private, so to have it in public now was nice.
“Dearest,” you turned, your words only for him even though everyone else was close enough and quiet enough to hear you. “Do you want to go for a walk in the rain?”
Druig smiled at you. This was your way at escaping an already awkward situation that was only going to get more awkward the longer you stayed. It hadn’t been his intention – to make things awkward – but he was a little amused that the fact that his public display of affection essentially made every other Eternal feel slightly ill at the sight of it.
He detached himself from you only to reach down and take your hand in his, still wanting to hold you in some way even if it wasn’t a hug, and tugged you from the cover of the Domo and out into the rain.
You walked out into it together without any plan on where you were walking, but it didn’t matter because you were together. The rain didn’t bother either of you nearly as much as it bothered Sersi back in the Domo, muttering ‘They’ll get soaking wet in this weather.’
“So, what was that?” You turned to Druig as soon as you were far enough away.
“What was what?” He looked over at you.
“The hug. I thought we didn’t do public displays of affection. I mean – I didn’t mind it, I actually rather enjoyed it. And I enjoy this,” you raised your entwined hands. “I’m just confused.”
Druig shrugged a shoulder. “Not much to it, really. I was just getting sick of not holding your hand or hugging you in front of everyone. Every time I’d see you fiddling with your hands like you do, I’d want to go up and hold them. But I worried what would change once everything was out there in the open.”
“What made you change your mind?”
“You,” he admitted with a small smile. “Nothing’s gonna change as long as we’re us. And I intend on us staying this way for a long, long time.”
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Suger Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 5.2
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans! It's a wonder what an empty calendar week and all my usual shows going on hiatus can do for my productivity, considering it's been less than a week! If you missed the last installment and need to catch up, you can find it here, or catch up from the very beginning here. After a brief interlude featuring Druig's co-worker, we're getting back into the actual competition again. What challenges await our competitors this time? Find out now in the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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The day picked up significantly with the first challenge. With Makkari pacified for the moment, Druig had thrown himself into the signature bake. The resulting éclairs (Mexican hot chocolate-flavored) had been a hit. He’d known they were good when he tested the recipe, but the crew had claimed his leftovers so quickly, it was a miracle they’d been able to save any for him to try. Druig was still in a bit of a daze. Darcy offered to get Makkari to conduct his interview again, but he pulled himself together long enough to get to lunch. To his surprise, he found himself at the center of attention there as well. Upon sitting down, Druig nearly jumped out of his seat as he was immediately clapped on the back by Gilgamesh.
“Well done today, Druig,” he said cheerfully, taking a seat next to him.
“The day’s not over yet,” was all he could think to say.
“True. I’m surprised Arishem didn’t give you a handshake. He seemed quite pleased.”
Before Druig could respond, Makkari had come racing over and plopped herself into the seat across from him, Kingo trailing after her. She slid her plate across the table and emphatically signed, Give me some! Druig chuckled as he acquiesced, pushing some of his éclair onto the plate. She took a bite, her face immediately lighting up as she pretended to faint onto Kingo, who screamed in surprise.
“Hey, save some for me!” he whined, but Makkari only shook her head and took another bite.
“I take it I have your approval, then?” Druig said with a smirk. She smiled and nodded at him as Kingo snuck a bite from her plate. His eyes widened as he chewed, not even reacting when Makkari punched his arm in retaliation. As Druig raised his eyebrows in question, Kingo merely turned back to him and muttered, “It’s so good, I hate you.” At this, both Makkari and Gil burst out laughing while Druig smiled smugly.
Just then, Sersi and Dane made their way to the table. Setting her plate down, Sersi glanced at the scene they’d walked into and said, “I’m guessing you don’t have any extra éclairs?”
“I’m afraid Makkari and Kingo beat you to it. The crew already claimed the rest,” Druig explained.
“Damn! I wanted to try some,” she remarked as she sat down next to him.
“Well, against Makkari, I’m afraid you didn’t stand a chance,” Dane noted. His signing was still a little clumsy, but he’d improved quite a bit in the past week.
“You’re right. She’s much faster than I am,” Sersi added, earning a smile from Makkari.
Would’ve gotten here even sooner if it wasn’t for this one, she replied, pointing to Kingo, who sighed and rolled his eyes in response. It wasn’t long before Ajak came over, saying, “I missed the éclair exchange already, didn’t I?”
“Druig’s are gone, if that’s what you’re asking,” Dane answered.
“Darn!” she signed, putting down her plate. “I guess I’ll have to take Arishem’s word that they were good.”
“Can confirm: they’re way too good,” Kingo interjected as Makkari nodded vigorously. “He probably sold his soul for that recipe.”
“Well, I’m very proud of you, Druig,” Ajak continued, causing him to duck his head in an effort to hide his smile. “And I call dibs on the paper copy of the recipe!”
“We could probably just start an email chain with all of our recipes,” Sersi piped up. Before Kingo could interrupt with a lecture about breaking the rules, she quickly added, “After the competition ends, of course.”
I don’t know if I can wait that long, Makkari said. Be glad you don’t know what you’re missing, because I need more, ASAP.
This drew a few chuckles from the table just as Sprite came in. She was about to sit down at one of the smaller tables when Gilgamesh waved his arms and called out, “Sprite! Over here!”
“I can see you, I just didn’t think there was any more room at the table,” she replied, not bothering to hide her annoyance.
“Nonsense, you don’t take up much room!” Gil responded.
“No, but where will Phastos sit?” she retorted. Despite the wording, Druig got the feeling Sprite was saying it more to be contrary than out of sympathy for her fellow competitor.
“We’ll drag the table over,” Gil said, getting up. Much to Druig’s surprise, Gil pulled him out of his seat too. “Give me hand!”
“Yessir,” Druig replied, once his brain caught up with what was happening. Sprite rolled her eyes, but she picked up her plate and let them move the table. Just after they finished, Phastos walked in with his plate. Taking in the table arrangement, he glanced at Gil and Sprite as he quipped, “Oh, we’re being social today?”
“Seemed silly to sit separate,” Gil answered with a shrug and a smile.
“Great, now everyone else can weigh in on which milk substitute is best,” Sprite piped up, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I’m telling you, it’s soy milk!” Phastos said, setting down his plate and taking a seat. “My child is lactose intolerant, and I have tried every substitute under the sun.”
“That’s nice, but the correct answer is oat,” Sprite responded, drawing a few chuckles from the others.
“I actually prefer cashew,” Sersi added.
Almond milk’s not bad, Makkari chimed in.
“I have a cow, so just regular milk for me,” Ajak said.
“Have any of you tried flax milk?” Kingo asked.
“You mean the worst milk?” Sprite responded.
“It’s actually not that bad,” he started to say, but he was cut off by a scoff from Phastos.
“I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I’m with Sprite on this one. Flax milk is awful,” he interjected.
“Wow, you actually got them to agree on something,” Gil remarked, his voice full of genuine surprise.
“What can I say? Apparently, I’m a much better unifier than I am a baker,” Kingo said with a sigh as he turned to Makkari. “Five minutes in and they’re already ganging up on me.”
They fit right in, she affirmed with a sympathetic smile.
“You really do know how to bring us all together, Kingo,” Druig added. “With your objectively wrong opinions.”
Kingo threw his head back in defeat as the others giggled at the exchange.
Only took five chapters to get to the other Eternals 😅 Anyway, hope you enjoyed that mini-chapter! Group scenes are going to be quite busy again.
Part 16
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More Reasons to Protect ~Druig Imagine~
Summary: The team comes to Druig and you as they need help to fight the Deviants. However, Druig is hesitant to lose you again.
Author's Note: Sleeveless Druig supremacy!!!!!!
Reader's Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: Spoilers!!!
Part One | Part Three
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The small, peaceful community Druig had created was beautiful to you. However, Druig thought it was perfect to keep you safe from losing your memories again. That was until his dysfunctional family showed up with grieving news.
"Where is she?" Sersi asked Druig as she looked around. It was only the Eternals in the room and no sign of you.
"Safe. I am not risking her losing her memories again," Druig tells her.
"We need her too."
"Druig, she's a phoenix, she'll just be reborn," Sprite told him.
"Did you not hear me the first time? I'm not losing her again. I already lost her three times and it was a pain to get her to remember me."
"Three times?"
One of the doors opened a little where a young girl rushed over to Druig before hugging his legs. Druig looked down at her before picking her up.
"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with your mother," Druig tells her.
"I wanted to stay with you," the young girl quietly said.
"You have a child?" Sersi asked.
"Yes. Y/n had to die to give birth to her. It took me a while again to help her remember," Druig explains.
"Is she like you or is she like Y/n?" Ikaris asked.
"Isabelle, come now. Let your father talk alone," you say as you walk inside the building. Druig put Isabelle down before she rushed over to you. You looked around at the familiar faces before softly smiling.
"Sorry about her. She's a daddy's girl," you explain. Sersi and Thena smile softly while everyone else watched you both leave.
"You know that if you help us defeat these Deviants, you'll be keeping them both safe again," Ikaris explains.
Druig watched as you put your daughter to bed as the sun was starting to set. You walked over to your husband after bidding your daughter goodnight.
"What's wrong?" You asked.
"It's nothing," Druig said, shaking his head.
"We've been together for centuries, I know when something is wrong," you tell him.
"I just got some news... I don't want to lose you again. Nor do I ever want to lose Isabelle," Druig tells you.
"I think you forget that I reborn and our daughter is the mixture of the two of us. So she is a powerful one," you explain to your husband.
"I know. But what if she can't be reborn like you?" Druig asked.
Your conversation was interrupted as you heard screams and loud noises from outside. Druig looked over before rushing out.
"Keep Isabelle safe!" Druig yelled. You nodded before rushing over.
Isabelle woke up from the noise that was going on. You picked up your daughter before rushing out of the house. You saw monster-like creatures attacking the village making you rush over to a safe place.
"Mommy! Where's papa?" Isabelle asked.
"He's protecting us. We need to hide," you tell her.
You heard one of the creatures rushing over towards you making you put Isabelle down to quickly use your powers.
"Druig!" You yelled. You quickly fought off the Deviant until Kingo came to your rescue but turned around to see your daughter gone.
"Isabelle!" You called out.
"Y/n?! Where is Isabelle?" Druig asked you.
"She was right behind me," you panicked.
"Isabelle!" Druig called out, looking around in hopes that she was around.
"Papa!" You sighed in relief as Isabelle appeared from behind a tree before rushing to you and Druig.
"Don't run off like that again," Druig tells her as he picked Isabelle up. Druig kissed her head before looking over at you. He wrapped an arm around your waist before pulling you closer to him.
"Are you hurt in any way?" Druig asked you. You shook your head before leaning your forehead onto his shoulder. Druig kissed the top of your head as he looked over at Kingo.
"Thank you," Druig said. Kingo gave him a nod before walking off to find the others.
The next day, everyone in the community cleaned up the mess while you talked to Druig.
"We should go," you tell him.
"Y/n, no."
"Yes. I don't know what's happening but if this ensures Isabelle's safety, then we should do everything as parents to protect her," you explain.
"What if you have to be reborn? Or worse, what if you don't reborn again? What would I do without you, my love?" Druig asked. You cupped his cheek before leaning in to give him a kiss.
"Then you will have to love Isabelle twice as much. Besides, she needs to see the world and you can't shelter me here forever," you tell him.
"I wanted to so I didn't have to lose you."
"I know. But as long as I have you, I know I'll be fine," you assure him. Druig looked over at Isabelle who was with Sersi and Kingo.
"Fine. But I want you with me at all times."
"Of course my love."
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luniellar · 3 years
how about a druig prompt of between friends and lovers where druig is being smug and extra flirty after catching the reader checking him out but the reader surprises him by being unapologetic in her feelings for him? excited to see what else you write!
Rent Free - Druig X Reader
warnings: alcohol drinking, fluffy cute dialogues
link to masterlist
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When you finished the last of your beer, you were already feeling the happy buzz. It was the fleeting kind that dissipated into sad thoughts after another drink.
It’s been a while since you went out for drinks, but you had no reason to refuse when it was on the company dollar. Getting comfy on the barstool, you glanced over at the table that Druig was sitting with some of the Eternals. There he was lounging back and laughing about who knows what. Makkari was sitting next to him and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from them.
“Earth to Y/N,” a voice called from behind you.
Sersi walked over to you by the bar and waved the bartender over. You tore your gaze from the couple and turned to Sersi.
“Did Druig forget to pay you back too?” Sersi asked and you laughed at the unexpected comment. “What? He always forgets to pay me back for food,” she muttered.
“No, he didn’t do anything,” you replied, glancing over at him. Except for the fact that he is currently living rent free in your head.
Actually, maybe it was time you started charging him.
“Then, why are you staring at him like that?” She asked.
“Because I think I like him?” You blurted out and Sersi’s eyes widened. Your hand flew up to your mouth.
Please, please tell me that was just your inside voice.
“You- Uh- Um- Wait, you like him?!” She exclaimed and you wanted to hide. Thankfully, the background noise of the music and people chatting in the bar was enough to drown out specific conversations. You crossed your fingers hoping that no one else heard.
“It doesn’t matter,” you quickly followed up. “I know he already likes someone else.”
Sersi looked like a deer in headlights as she quickly gulped down the drink in her hand. Was she blinking faster too? “I don’t think Druig likes anyone else,” she said as she cleared her throat. She clearly looked like she knew something you didn't know.
You looked over at Druig and choked on air when you found his blue eyes staring back at you. As you coughed out a lung, you felt the heat bloom in your cheeks as you quickly turned away. Did he hear his name? Did Eternals have enhanced hearing too? That wasn’t just your imagination, right?
“Tequila shots for everyone!” Kingo shouted as he brought over a tray full of shot glasses with clear poison to you and Sersi. Others cheered around the room as they made their way over to the bar to take a glass as well. “Drink up ladies!”
Without thinking, you quickly grabbed a glass and took a shot. The strong burning sensation moved down your throat and hit your stomach. At least the disgusting liquid helped you ignore what was going on around you.
“Another one!” Kingo yelled as he pushed another full shot glass in your hand. You hesitated for a second when you realized you were chasing your beer with tequila shots.
Don’t try this at home kids.
You brought the shot close to your lips when a hand from behind gently snatched the shot glass from yours.
“Hey! Give it back to her, Druig!” Kingo shouted.
At the sound of his name, your body stiffened. Druig’s body pressed against your back as he swung the shot into his mouth.
“You don’t even get drunk!” Kingo complained.
Druig tapped your right shoulder with his chest. When you looked over your shoulder, Druig’s dimples were right in front of you. He was so close. The fresh and sophisticated scent of bergamot charged the air around you. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You couldn’t turn away.
“She only had a beer since she got here. We’re not trying to give anyone a bad time, Kingo.” He stated as he glanced at you. “Do you want to step out for some air?”
You nodded at him.
He reached for your hand and you followed as he maneuvered through the people coming to reach for tequila shots. The effect of alcohol was really hitting you now. You understood why people exhibited compulsive and self-destructive behavior after drinking.
When we stepped outside, he let go of your hand. The fresh air was a much needed change of pace. You closed your eyes shut and pressed your cold hands on your cheeks trying to free yourself from the Druig haze.
You can do this. Wake up, Y/N. Wake-
“Are you okay?” Druig chuckled.
You opened your eyes to Druig’s face directly in front of yours. He had leaned over to meet you at eye level. Your hands were glued on your face as you studied his clear blue irises.
He was wearing a black leather jacket with a black t-shirt underneath. The warm street light casted perfect lighting over him like he was an angel dressed in black. He was beautiful.
“I hate you,” you blurted out and he frowned in response. “You need to start paying me rent.”
His frown turned into confusion. “Pay rent? To you?”
At this point, the alcohol courage took over. After a quick exhale you dropped your hands and replied. “Yes, for living rent free in my head.”
One, two, three… His round eyes blinked in silence trying to comprehend what just came out of your mouth. After the fifth blink, a small smile formed on his face as he stood back up straightening out his posture. “Huh, how much is the rent?”
“A lot,” you responded almost immediately. “So much. Like… a million dollars.”
He smiled again. “I don’t think I can afford that,” he teased. “What other options do I have? Move out?”
You frowned at him. “No,” your voice came out like a whisper.
“Why not?” He asked.
“Because not thinking about you isn’t an option,” you sighed. “I tried.”
You saw the smug look on his face as he tried to keep a straight face. He failed horribly at this, by the way. You could see his grin from a mile away.
You cleared your throat before you spoke again. “Don’t worry, I’m still your friend. I’m rooting for you and Makkari, just… give me some time.”
“What if I don’t want to?” He asked.
His words startled you. You didn’t expect him to say that he wouldn’t want to keep remaining friends. You tried to pretend like you didn’t understand his question. “If you don’t want to give me time, I’ll get over it right now and-”
He cut you off. “What if I don’t want us to be friends?”
You looked down at the floor unable to look directly at him anymore. “If that’s how you feel, I understand.”
You saw Druig’s boots line up in your field of view as he took a step closer to you. “Hey,” he whispered. He moved his hand under your chin and lifted your head towards him. You nervously looked as he leaned his head down and rested his forehead on yours. You felt his warm breath on your lips.
“I don’t want us to be friends, because I want us to be more.”
Your heart accelerated at his confession.
“I think we can call it even since you've been living rent free in my head too. You also have a penthouse suite view of the world from here,” he smiled. “I don’t think you can beat that.”
You laughed. “Yeah no, you just have a view of me in there.”
He grinned. ”Ah, now I see why that was a million dollar rent.” He reached for your hands and stuffed them in his leather jacket pockets, pulling you closer into him.
You closed your eyes and bottled up this exact moment. It was going to be saved in your memories forever.
A/N: You guys have the best prompts oh my gosh haha, I hope you enjoyed it anon!
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sayulvr · 2 years
# pranking the eternals (it doesn't end well) 🍨
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━ pairings: eternals x reader
━ genre(s): fluff, random blurbs
━ warnings: none! prolly some muses being out of character? but yeah
━ words: 0.7
━ notes: in celebration of April Fool's, I wrote this silly little thing at 2 am when I should definitely be in bed <3 As always, like, reblogs, and comments are highly appreciated ! and yes, requests are OPEN
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Trying to trick the goddess of war is like poking a hornet’s nest with a stick and hoping for the best - it won’t end well !
And mainly because you don’t know if it's something you should be doing when the poor woman is already suffering from Mahd Wr’ry
But you wanted to include her, to at least take her mind off her worries. Maybe as long as it is harmless (and wholesome) then it’s okay, right?
“Thena! I can talk to animals!” You tell her one day, holding a small bird in your hand. “I just heard this bird talk to me, I promise”
Thena turns to face you, confused but also intrigued. “Really? What did the little one say?”
“Well, it said that–” as if on cue, the bird chirped. “That you are the most lovely, wonderful, and awe-inspiring person in the universe.” You leaned closer to her, “And that… you are fiercely loyal and protective to your loved ones,”
Thena couldn’t help but smile at your antics. She thinks it's really endearing. “How awfully observant of the little one, no? I believe that we should keep them around,” she leans forward and places a peck at the corner of your lips. “Thank you, dearest. I think that’s rather lovely of you.”
She never lets you live it down (but you don't mind <3)
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Local Menace™
He says he doesn’t want to participate but the mischievous look in his eyes says otherwise
You trust him very much with your life, you really do but the way he has been touchy the entire day? constantly being around in your presence? The other Eternals trying to keep themselves from laughing whenever they see you? Certainly not suspicious actions
You tried to approach Sersi once to ask something before Druig appeared at your side, almost scaring the wits out of you
You confront him on what he’s doing and this man basically goes: “I’m not doing anything. Maybe you’re imagining things, love” before tugging you someplace private
Okay, maybe his idea of ‘pranks’ is spreading an obscene amount of time with you - and maybe, just maybe, you don’t mind it at all.
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A full-on prank war, no one is spared. It’s either you two are fighting against each other or trying to cause minor inconveniences towards EVERYONE
god forbid anyone who gets caught in the line of fire - Kingo tried to intervene once and he ended up with his hair green for an entire month;
The pranks include: moving other people’s stuff someplace else, putting hair dye (temporary ones) in shampoos, putting obscene amounts of salt in whatever Gilgamesh is cooking - the normal stuff
Whoever manages to trick each other most wins. The prize? Doing whatever the other says, of course!
It’s childish and ridiculous but Sprite has a lot of fun doing it with you, just don’t take it personally if she wins :D
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Your resident partner in crime, is literally the best person to team up with
Oh, you need help with distracting Druig while you steal a pair of his socks? She's on it !
Now you need help with running and hiding from an obviously annoyed Druig who is demanding for his socks? Makkari is on call !
Creates a secret sign-language system that only the two of you can understand so that when you’re shit-talking about someone else, they won’t know that you’re talking about them!
No one has picked up on it as of yet, which is a benefit for the two of you !
The reason why you teamed up with her was that pranking Makarri is near impossible - you can't even breathe in her direction without her knowing! So, why beat them when you can join them?
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He’s just so confused. Kingo loves you the way that you are, but sometimes he just questions how much he loves you
Walked into the kitchen one day and almost cried when he saw that you were boiling your cereal
“Oh, good morning, Kingo! Just boiling my cereal, didn’t like the milk being too cold”
“(Y/N) I love you but if you keep doing this I’m just going to break up with you–”
He gets his revenge by taking horrendous photographs of you when you’re asleep, hair askew in different directions, drool and all - and uses it as his wallpaper.
No, you may not change it - it’s his payback after you basically terrorized your cereal earlier D:
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