#they all should be just entering young adult territory
pasteilian · 1 year
How long after the Kraang invasion does your au take place?
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2/3 years after all the brothers should be around 19/18/17
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Whispers Within The Woods
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✿ Synopsis: Nana always told you stories of the mythological creatures that lived in the world. Some were of the kindness and joy held by some, while others were of the pain and suffering caused by others. You however never really listened to those stories, but as you end up in his territory, you really wish you would have.
✿ Who: Nakakita Yuma (&Team) x Reader ✿ Word Count: 7,629 ✿ Genre: Fantasy(specifically fae)/Angst ✿ Warnings: Grandparent death, forced kissing, parent death, beheading, blood, mythical creatures, forced relationship. ✿ Request: No ✿ I've been inactive for a while, but I'm back and writing again. Not proofread. Just a little Yuma fic I came up with when I had writers block from my other fic I'm writing. Enjoy Luné, also in need of Luné friends so hmu.
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Nana’s bedtime stories were never conventional. Instead of hearing epics about princes going to the ends of the earth to save their princess or about anthropomorphic animals, you often heard a totally different type of story. The tales were not about how love can conquer all or how love can survive in a hopeless place. No stories about commoners falling love with royals or people finding out there is more to life than material greed. Instead, your nana told you stories about things others would call mythology or mystical creatures. Tales of fairies and their deeds, epics of dragons and phoenixes, and stories about werewolves and vampires. All the creatures of mythical creation, the stories that started centuries ago, are oftentimes told as ways to terrify children from acting out, or to keep people from going where they should not.
As a child, others heard stories about Tinkerbell and her legion of fairies, the kind and benevolent fairies that do all they can to help others. However, the ones in your Nana’s stories were anything but helpful or kind or benevolent. The tales of the seelie and unseelie courts were her favorite to tell, as you laid in bed drifting to sleep. She would tell you of the kind seelie faeries, how they help those who help them, the tales of how they protect children from danger, and how once they protect you, you will forever have their protection. When crossing into seelie territory, it is best to make an offering of something sweet, specifically sweets or berries, or something shiny, like jewelry, that will show them that you mean no harm, and if they take a liking to you luck and happiness will follow you. The seelie fairies were always kind to children, and kind to adults who leave offerings to them, she always said if you pass into a fairy ring, you better hope it is of the seelie, for they are more forgiving and will accept a heartfelt apology.
The tales she told of the unseelie were drastically different. Nana often said little regarding the unseelie, only what she felt was necessary, just enough to keep you terrified of them, to keep you away from them. They were the exact opposite of the seelie, just as unkind and rude as one would expect. They take pleasure in causing pain on others, will lead children into danger, and adults into harm. When crossing into unseelie territory, make an offering of something different, things like wine or beer, maybe bread or jewelry, but nothing too sweet or too shiny, and just hope and pray they accept the offering and do you no harm. If they reject your offering, you will be plagued with bad luck and misfortune, sorrow and misery will follow you around until you get yourself expunged of the unseelie curse.
Nana talked about the second hand accounts of those who have entered unseelie reigned territory and had offerings rejected, stories of mischief and violence that followed those poor people. The stories were enough to warrant you to keep your distance, thankfully Nana seemed to know which places were claimed to be seelie and unseelie territory. It was odd, however you did not question it. A more inquisitive child would have questioned it, but from a young age you found it best to not question Nana nor her delusions. Since, after all, any sane person would not be telling their children and grandchildren to avoid massive parts of the forest due to little fairies, creatures that do not even exist.
Despite your skepticism, you never once questioned her, listening intently, even as you aged, to her stories. Nana’s tales of the kindness of the fairies, she would claim the seelie court protected the Kim’s kid from being majorly injured when he wrecked his bicycle, when the truth was he just fell off the road onto the grass, not really something to injure himself badly on. She also had tales of the opposite, claiming that Mr. Park’s failure at obtaining and keeping a job, being terminated from three positions within five months, was because he angered the unseelie court and the fae followed him causing misfortune.
At the age of fifteen, Nana’s stories intensified, no longer was it just the faes are bad and fairies are good, avoid the fae and befriend the fairies. The tales to never take anything from a fae, how it is a trick. That was how they apparently tricked people into staying in their territory, by consuming something of fae origin, usually a treat or drink they made, it would be infused with a nectar that once consuming it you would be unable to leave their territory, stuck, bound to whichever fae decided to make you their pet. It was only after telling you all of these stories, that she told you about her own father, Nana never spoke about her dad, and you never met your great grandfather, he having died before your birth. But, she had a good reason for mentioning him to you, telling you his story, letting you know just why she was so worried about you as a child being in the forest behind the house, why she was so worried about the fairies and faes.
“Your great grandfather, my dad, he was a great man, but he was not the brightest, he often did things without thinking, and he did something incomprehensibly stupid. Just before your birth, he was sick, he knew he did not have long left, he did something unthinkable when he found out he only had days to live. When my father was younger, he was collecting firewood and for our woodstove, he unknowingly walked into the seelie’s territory. He made an offering of the only thing he had on him that wasn’t his ax, it was a necklace, he had bought it for my mother, and planned to give it to her that night. It was due to that necklace that he made it home that night, but when he found out he only had days to live, he did the unthinkable. He went into the unseelie territory, he stole it right from under the fae’s noses. Usually they would have just cursed him and caused him misery, but seeing how he was dying, he was dead before they could really cause him any pain. You must never go out into the forest, not near where they reign, they must never find out who you are related to, for if they knew, they would cause the most horrible of fates to befall you, and would avenge their loss. The Unseelie Court is unforgiving, they will never forget those who wronged them, and do everything in their power to get revenge.” Nana said, her delusions getting worse and worse, now she believed they had cursed her father and wanted revenge. “You must promise me to never cross the bramble bush surrounded river, to cross those brambles would put you in grave danger.”
It was easier to promise the elderly lady than try to make sense of her nonsensical ramblings. Avenge their loss, revenge against your great grandfather, a stolen necklace, all pure malarkey. As you aged, you wondered why you had to get a delusional grandmother like this, other’s grandmothers drowned their delusion in the bottle or with pills, but yours instead let hers run free.
By the age of eighteen the tales and stories she would tell you were nothing more than distant memories and thoughts. You were consumed with much more important things, colleges and applications, your future, more than just the silly stories your Nana would tell you. As you planned to move away, start your life, attend college, get a degree, get a job, and leave this small forest town, it was a dream to be away from all of this, the crazy stories, and just everything.
Moving away however did not last long, being called back into your hometown not even a year after making the move. It was your father’s insistence that brought you back, he was never an emotional man, and when he is close to tears, it is a signal that something is bad or something is getting bad. As you entered the house you so willingly vacated a year prior, you saw the chaotic scene. Dad running around, mom trying to calm him, some random person in scrubs attempting to calm him as well, and a second person in scrubs leaving a specific room, your Nana’s room. It only took a minute for your mother to catch sight of you, quickly pulling you aside, destined to catch you up to date of what was happening.
Initially unable to even start, your mother was hasty with her words, “Your Nana, she’s fallen ill. They say it was sudden, they never saw it coming, she has days if even that to live. She has asked for nothing but you this whole time, we worried you would not get home in time to see her. Please, go to her, there’s not long.” With that, the usually strong woman in front of you burst into tears, this time it was your father trying to calm her down, as he simply nodded your way, even his own cheeks were tear stained.
Entering your grandmother’s room the scene was a sight for sore eyes. The vibrant and lively woman that once used to talk for hours on the fae and fairies, she had sullen, sunken eyes, and boney features looking ghostly compared to the image of her that remained in your mind. The once bright woman now seemed as though she could barely sit, watching as she slowly lifted her frail hand, you knew that your thoughts were true, she could not sit up on her own accord. She was so lively when you last saw her, within the past year it was like she had aged tenfold, easily looking twice the age she was when you parted ways last year.
Quickly sitting by her bedside, she clutched your hands as harshly as she could. “My dear,” Nana started, pausing to look at the nurse still in the room. With that cue, you were left alone with the aging relative. “It seems my hourglass is running out, but I’m glad to see you one last time.” She said, her frail hand quickly coming up, caressing the side of your face before falling once more. Reaching into her pocket, she fished something out of it, as her hand joined her other, grasping your hand. “I must give you this. You must hide it. Don’t let them see you wearing it. You must remember everything I’ve taught you, those stories were all true, and you must hand them down to your children when it’s time, as I have with you. This necklace as well, it must be given to the one who will care for it the most. I have faith in you my dear. You won’t let your dear Nana down.”
You were unable to even start talking to her, as she removed her hands from yours, you put the necklace in your jacket pocket. Starting to open your mouth, ready to say something, anything back. The soft aged voice of your grandmother cut through the silence, “Will you go get my nurse, I’m in need of some more medicine.”
With a nod, you stood, “Of course,” you replied, quickly starting to exit the room, hearing your Nana mutter something about how her last few grains of sand have passed through the hourglass. Leaving the room, you notified the nurses, one of them entered the room, and started working. It was not even two minutes later that the nurse called for the other two, as they ran into the room, everyone knew something was going wrong, everyone knew that Nana was gone. It took ten minutes before any of the nurses exited the room, confirming what the three of you already knew, she was gone.
Tears flowed for the next few days, the stage of mourning was horrible for everyone. Nana was deeply loved within the family and within the community. Even after a month passed, you found yourself unable to return to college, the future you once dreamed of seemed worthless if you did not have your Nana there to cheer you on. Instead of returning to the city, you decided to stay home, claiming it was to help your parents.
One day after helping your mother clean the house, you found yourself outside after she left for work. Slipping your jacket on, you did something for the first time in your life, you took a walk throughout the forest. Nana’s stories of the dangers and frights were forgotten as you passed throughout the trees. Fingertips grazing the green leaves on the tree branches, the birds chirping made the ambiance a wonderful place. Shoving one hand into your jacket pocket, you started to wonder why you never went into the forest before. As you thought, a cold metallic item hit your finger, pulling the item out, it was the necklace that your grandmother had given you. Without a second thought of her words or her warning, you simply put the item on. The metal was cold against your skin, but it felt welcome as you stood in the bright sunlight.
Unbeknownst to you, despite the deep trek into the forest, you were not alone. As you stood sunbathing in the sunlight, a figure watched you from afar. They were absolutely enamored by your beauty, fascinated by what stood in front of them, their mind only had one desire in it at that moment to see you on your knees by his side for eternity, his eternal little plaything, since once he has his hands on you, you will never be able to get away from him. The male figure continued to observe you from his spot hidden amongst the trees, the vines and bramble giving him a wonderful spot to remain hidden from. As he stared, something caught his eye, something shiny. Eyes nearing in on it, and he realized what it was, the necklace that adorned the neck of the beautiful person he was watching. Staring more, he started to make the small item out, a wave of realization washed over him, that necklace, it had to be the one that was stolen from his father all those years ago. His father always told him about it, it was stolen before he was born, but he had heard about it so much, it was like seeing something that had been explained in such explicit detail. In that moment, he knew there would be no chance you would get away from him, once he had the chance, you would be his.
The sunlight started to fade, it grew colder and darker as you tried to find your way out of the forest. If this was the reason your Nana told you to stay from the forest, you would have understood it. The darkness was hard to navigate, but instead she told you ridiculous stories, fairies and fae, what nonsense. It was nothing other than old wives tales, like those who said their children were stolen by wolves and foxes to explain why their young children disappeared or passed. Finally finding your way out, had you heeded Nana’s warning, you would have realized long ago you set foot into his territory, but he let you leave for now, since before long you will find your way to him, and then he will not let you leave.
Returning home, you found yourself desiring to return to the forest, to the trees. They were calling you, it was unexpected, and confusing. You had spent your whole life in fear of those trees, in fear of the fae that lived within them, or at least the fae your Nana claimed lived within them. But here you were, desiring to be under the treetops once more, a need to venture further and further into the darkness within the branches. A desire to get lost within the trees, and a fleeting idea of getting lost and never coming back.
As you fell asleep, the ideas filled your mind, calling you back into the trees, back into the darkness. Your dream was plagued with visions of the trees, you walking further and further into the trees, easily going three times further than you had today. You found yourself in a stream, crystal clear water running through your fingertips, as the wind blew your hair around, but then there was a feeling placing your hair back. Turning, you saw no one, but you could have sworn someone was fixing your hair from the wind’s actions. Fingers intertwined with another’s fingers, but their face unknown, their figure escaping your vision. The feeling was fleeting, the hand left yours, before the sound of leaves moving met your ears. They were running, soon you were as well, running after them, a game, a chase, something, you were unsure of what, but you were doing it. As you felt the tree branches scraping your skin, and then brambles tearing small holes in your clothing, you found yourself in front of a river, on the other side stood a man. The man’s features were a blur, the only thing you could tell for certain was his dark black hair and his sharp cat like eyes peering at you from behind the veil of bangs. Unable to stop yourself, you crossed the river, it was not as deep as you thought it should be, oddly enough it also was not running, the water stagnant and unmoving. As the water seeped into your shoes, you realized, on your feet were no shoes, instead the water washed away dirt and blood from them, caused by your trek through the forest with no shoes on. The water mesmerized momentarily, before you felt the water slowly crawling up your pants, soaking the material that was underwater, and dampening what was not. Looking up, you saw him once more, something was drawing you to him, it was like a rope pulling you closer and closer to the unknown man. Unable to stop the pull, you were like a moth to a flame, despite the cool sooth of the water, your feet started to move once more. The stones in the river stabbed at your feet as you crossed, but that slowed you down none. Stepping onto the dirt, your down damp feet struggled to find their footing, slipping on the mud you had created. Hitting the ground never came however, as arms were around you, keeping you from falling. Despite having not hit the ground, your mind however did hit a wall, fading into darkness as your body went limp.
Upon waking you immediately knew something was off, the thing you were laid on was not your bed, it was hard and felt like a bed of sticks. As you opened your eyes, it was what you had felt, the sharp edges of discarded branches stabbed you in the back as you shifted, starting to sit up. The odd dream the night before came to mind, it felt so realistic and lifelike. Running through the forest, standing in the water, the wind blowing your hair; but one part of it was a mystery, a figure you believed accompanied you; yet, he was just that, a figure in the shadows.
As you attempt to stand, a harsh pain stops the attempt, gazing downwards, you see your feet, dirt covered, and small cuts that were no longer bleeding visible. The thought it was reality caused you to fall to the ground, all the memories flooding your mind as though it was just a dream. The mild crisis you were undergoing was cut short however, as you heard footsteps of another. Finally assessing where you were, it looked like a little hideaway made of fallen branches and leaves. Attempting to hide, you hoped whatever it was would pass on, hopefully not get a scent of the human here and leave without a word. As attempts to remain silent were made, the thought of how did you get here filled your thoughts. The river was the last place you were, and now you were here, in someone’s little hideaway. Someone had to be with you previously, and they brought you here. The man you felt compelled to go around, it had to have been him, if only you could remember what he looked like, if only your mind had not cursed you by only bringing up the memory of a shadow like figure.
The footsteps stopped as someone stood at the entrance of the hideaway. “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you,” called out a soft male voice. Before you saw the face behind the voice, unconsciously your body shifted back, trying to hide slightly more against the tree branches and leaves. His hand entered before his body, a bottle of what looked like water in it, almost like he was offering you a peace offering, before finally fully entering within the space you were in. He did not set off any red flags in your mind, he had soft looking fluffy black hair, and his smile featured a snaggletooth. If you had met him in one of your classes or out on the streets, you would have thought he was pretty attractive, but having met him in this situation, it was quite different.
You made no motion towards him, and he seemed to expect that, instead of moving towards you, he just sat where he stood. “I think you may have been sleepwalking or something,” He started, almost like he was trying to explain to you what happened. “I just found you on the side of the river bank asleep.” He added, as though it would bring any more comfort to his words. “I didn’t want to just leave you there, so I brought you here, so you wouldn’t be exposed to all the elements.” He continued, nothing he said brought you comfort, despite the beauty of the face saying them. “I just went to grab you this, I thought you might be thirsty, you seemed really out of it earlier.”
There was no attempt made to grab the bottle. Despite the explanations, it still made no sense. At no point in life had sleepwalking been a trait within anyone in your family, and unless stress brought it on, you had no idea how else you ended up out here. The refusal to move towards him and refusal to respond to him must have irritated the boy, as instead of trying to get you to take the bottle again, he simply sat it down, and stood up. “I’ll just give you some time then.” He said, before making his exit as quickly as he did his entrance.
You sat, silent, still, and thirsty for about ten minutes. Only then did it get the best of you, you reached over, grabbing the bottle without a second thought. Had you been in a better state of mind, you would have tried to run, but with everything happening, it seemed like your brain was just not functioning as normal. As the bottle met your hands, you quickly pulled the cap off, not even taking note of how it had already been opened previously. The bottle was immediately drained as it met your lips, after the first sip, you found yourself unable to stop, and soon the bottle was empty. With that, you finally found yourself able to stand and walk somewhat. Exiting the hideaway, looking around, you found yourself unable to pinpoint where you were in the forest. Deciding you might as well just start walking, you would find home or someone else soon.
Not even three minutes into walking, you saw him again, he was sitting there on a large rock with his back to you. Had he been facing you, the first thing that would have caught your eye was the large smirk gracing his face. He had known the moment you drank the bottle of liquid, he also knew it now meant you were unable to leave him. As he turned, his eyes immediately found yours. “Thank you,” You softly muttered, watching as he stood up. He started to walk near you, as he did you felt a warm feeling start to fill your chest, it butterflying out and spreading throughout your body, filling each and every crevice with this warm feeling. The warm feeling desired one thing and one thing only, the feeling of being in this man’s arms. You felt no fight as he neared you, a hand soft brushing hair from your face.
“Are you okay?” He asked, as the warm feeling turned to burning. The burning started within your chest and took over your whole body like a wildfire, it was not gently building like the warmth did, instead it was a raging storm that was unstoppable. Unable to hold your own body weight up, you collapsed, only to be caught by two very familiar arms. “Stupid little one, you should know better than to take drinks from strangers.” He said, carrying the figure in his arms back to the hideaway.
The darkness fading from your mind this time, you did not awaken to the sharp branches stabbing your back, instead you awoke to what felt like warmth. A warmth behind you, an arm around you, a hand on your forehead, almost as though someone was concerned for you. Sitting up with a start, desire to rid yourself of whoever it was on you, you turned to see the man again. “What.” You started, unable to continue your thought as you felt his hand on your forehead once more.
The man had taken to playing the role, the concerned stranger, he knew he would not reveal the truth until later, it was almost too much fun to play you like this. “Are you okay?” He questioned, “You took a nasty fall. You just passed out. I guess everything is just a bit too much for you. Luckily I was there to catch you. I’d hate for you to fall onto the cold hard ground.” He seemed almost concerned, as he reached over, to grab another bottle, passing it to you without much being said.
Taking the bottle, some desire overcame you, you opened it, draining it as you had the one before. “Thank you,” You said, watching as the male nodded. You were still unsure of what was going on, sleep walking, fainting, it was just all unlike you, but it must be the stress. It had to be all the stress caused by your grandmother’s passing. “Thank you,” You started again, stopping before giving him a confused look, realizing you did not even know his name, to thank him for his kindness.
It was almost as though he could read your mind however, since he quickly told you what you had been wondering. “Yuma,” He said, “My name is Yuma.” He told you. As he watched you pass the bottle back over to him, he grabbed another. “I brought a few once you passed out, I assumed you’d be really thirsty, since you are pretty far out here.” He explained, watching as you drank bottle after bottle. One bottle was enough to make you never be able to leave him, but he would make sure you never wanted to leave him. While, sadly he knew it could take a while to take effect, he would just have to keep you preoccupied until it did.
Yuma was one to never be told no, growing up as the Fae Prince, everyone feared what his father might do to them if they told the fair prince no, and those who did found out with a slow and painful death. When he wanted to take his father’s throne, his own father told him no, only then had he faced this blind rage that left his hands blood covered and his father’s head rolling on the floor. He always got what he wanted, and he would not change now. He would make sure not only would you not leave him, but that you would want him, you would be able to deny any part of him, and he would be the only thing occupying your simple little mind.
“Yuma,” You repeated, before telling him your own name, watching as he nodded, a look on his face seemed like he already knew your name, but you did not question it. As you sat on the ground, you wanted to ask him something, just anything, moving the bottle from one hand to another, you found yourself staring up at him. “How did you find me? You said you found me on the river bank. Why were you out this far?” It took all your courage to ask the obvious, but part of your mind told you that it was stupid to ask, and that you should instead just be thankful he found you.
Yuma had expected this, the middle of the forest was not exactly the place most people hang out for fun, at least where humans stay. “Oh, I was just out on a morning walk, I don’t live too far from here,” He started, which while it was a lie, it also was not, he did not live far from here, and he technically was on a walk in the morning. “I think you’ve made it a lot farther into the woods than you think you did, since we aren’t that far from some other houses.”
Nodding, you accepted the answer, despite something in your mind telling you to not. After that, the silence remained for several moments, you not saying anything, and neither did he. It was an uncomfortable silence however, as your mind was on red alert, he was a stranger, he was in the middle of the woods, and he was just odd. But, those red flags soon started to fade, from pink to white, as your mind started to become fuzzy. The warmth from earlier happened again, but instead of growing, it immediately became a blazing fire, consuming your entire being. The heat however did not last, as quickly as it came, it was replaced with a freezing chill. The chill drains each and every bit of energy from your body. “I don’t feel so well.” You muttered, as you felt your head sway. The feeling was as though you were fainting, but you were sitting on the ground, confused as to how this was happening. It did not take long for Yuma’s arms to wrap around you, his forearms enveloping your waist being the last thing you remember, before everything went black once more.
Yuma could not keep the smile from coming upon his face as you fell forward into his chest. Soon, you would never want to leave him, you would never want to see your silly little mother or father again, you would never want to be far from him, you would be his and his alone. His gaze was almost cat like, staring at your passed out figure almost as though you were his prey, and he was the predator. Which, in all honesty, he was; you were the stupid little bunny that fell into his trap, and now he would have fun playing with his little toy forevermore. Raising a hand, he brushed the hair from your face, pressing his lips against your forehead. Had you been awake it would have been a sweet kiss, yet, seeing how you were not, it was menacing instead. He sat there for who knows how long, just petting your hair, pressing various kisses to your face, save for your lips, he decided that he would wait until you were awakened for him to do that. His heart swelled as he stared at the image in front of him, the object of his affection in his arms, moving unconsciously into his chest, even in your unawake state you desired to be with him, just like he desired you to be.
Awaking, you felt a warmth around you, it was Yuma’s arms holding you tight, your head laying on his chest as though it was a pillow. “What happened?” You muttered, your face still pressed against the male’s chest. Despite the thought he would immediately respond, Yuma remained silent, instead just rubbing your back and petting your hair as he had been. It was soothing though, part of you wanted him to do more, while the rational part of your mind was hanging on by a thread, telling you to run, telling you this was not normal, telling you to escape while you could. If only your mind knew it was already too late, it had been too late hours ago when you sleepwalked into the forest, you had been long been screwed.
As you shifted, moving back from his chest, you asked again, “What happened?” But as you did, your eyes locked with his. His eyes were enthralling, drawing you in, they were like a whirlpool and with each second you were being pulled in deeper and deeper, unable to escape. As you stared into his eyes, you felt compelled to do something that normal you would have never thought of, you felt compelled to kiss him. It was almost like you were being told to abandon all your morals and do as he says, to abandon all you knew for him, to abandon everything for Yuma. Give up everything for Yuma. You only love Yuma. Unable to stop the thoughts flooding your mind, you leaned in closer to him, connecting your lips with his.
Smiling into the kiss, Yuma was happy that it was working. He was quick to respond, deepening the kiss, pulling you further onto his lap. His tongue was quick to breach the divide between your lips, exploring your mouth, as you found yourself unable to stop yourself from moaning into his mouth, as you responded to the kiss. His lips moved against yours until you found yourself pulling back, lightheaded once more, only this time it was from the feeling of his mouth against yours. Labored breathing slipped past your lips as his mouth moved downwards, finding its way to the side of your neck. The high you felt continued as he started to suck deep purple marks along your neck, the euphoria of submitting to Yuma was like no other. How you felt could not compare to how you felt with others, not any other boyfriend or girlfriend had made you feel the way Yuma was, the warmth radiating throughout your body, the euphoria that came just from connecting your lips to his.
The high came crashing down however, as Yuma started to mutter against your neck. “Took fucking long enough, I shouldn’t have diluted it so much.” He muttered, forgetting that you were awake and able to hear him. He was reckless to assume you would have not heard his statement, especially seeing how he was kissing just under your ear, it would have been impossible for you to not hear him.
A rush of anger took over you, the string worth of rationality quickly becoming a rope, as your headstrongness overwhelmed what little effect his nectar had taken on you thus far. With a quick movement, you had pushed Yuma off of you, an uppercut to his jaw taking him by surprise as you ran out of the hideaway. As you found yourself more within your proper state of mind, you ran, running before he could have reacted to your little stunt and followed you. Seeing how dark it was already, you assumed it was mid evening at earliest, meaning he had been drugging you for who knows how many hours.
Running through the forest, you were harshly reminded of your shoeless feet, as you stumbled and stepped on sharp branches shards. You continued running, even once you heard him behind you, at least you assumed it was him. It could have been a wild animal, and honestly you would have rather let the wild animal get you, than be around him once more. Running, you found yourself passing things you had sworn you had seen before, but it did not stop you, instead you pressed forward continuing on.
Yuma had been taken aback the moment you pushed him, his mind was thinking you wanted something else, something he was completely willing to give you, he wanted to own both your soul and body. But, instead as a fist met his jaw, he was shocked. It was not the reaction he had expected, especially as the nectar was seeming to have taken over your body. But, as he said, he must have diluted it too much, allowing your original mindstate to take over.
As you ran, he could not stop himself from laughing, funny you thought you could escape him. He could have instantly been by your side, but instead he decided to have a little fun. What is a predator without his prey to chase, after all you were his pretty little bunny that fell into his trap. He felt joy watching the attempts to escape, you would near the river just for him to teleport you right back to where you had started five minutes ago. The joy was euphoric to him, giving him an idea of what kind of fun he would have with his little toy, once your mind fully submitted to him. Which, it would, it was not like you could escape him anyways.
You finally found yourself by the river, assuming this was the river that Yuma claimed to have found you by this morning. As you tried to step into the cold waters, you were unable to do so. Your foot, it was like it hit an invisible wall, something was preventing you from moving. First you tried your feet, both hit an invisible barrier. Then your hands, the same result. You however had no time to run elsewhere when you heard his laugh behind you. It was like you were in a small invisible hall, no longer the barrier just in front of you, but it was also beside you, keeping you right where he wanted you.
“You didn’t think I was going to let you go so easily, did you sweetheart?” His voice, easily holding a mocking tone. Watching as you hit the barrier only visible to his eyes, trying to escape. Yuma could sense your stress, the fear, the anger within your being. It caused him to do nothing more than to laugh, laugh at your tries, he knew you would be unable to escape. His hand found your neck, wrapping around it as he tightened his grip, starting to pull you away from the barrier. “Now, now, now, let’s quit that, hitting my barrier won’t get you anywhere sweetheart.” He mockingly said, his other hand coming up to play with the necklace resting on your neck.
Eyes were focused on the other side of the river, it was only then that you saw it, the brambles. You were on the other side of the bramble covered river. It was only then that all the stories flooded back to your brain. Once you enter their territory you can not leave without an offering unless you want to be cursed. His hand playing with the necklace resting on your chest let you know he recognized the charm, the necklace she said to keep hidden. Never cross the bramble surrounded river, for the other side is the unseelie territory. And the most important one that you failed to heed, fae will trick you into eating something, for their nectar will be used to bind you to themselves. But there was one thing Nana could never tell you, since even she herself did not know it, once bound, you are not their plaything until death, you are their plaything forever more, since unlike fairies, the evil magic the fae practice, keeps them immortal. They only die when they desire to pass on, or through being killed by another, the latter being just how Yuma claimed his throne from his father.
As everything started to make sense, you felt the grip on your neck tighten Yuma pulling your head to lay against his shoulder. A harsh kiss was placed on your lips before the hand on your necklace moved. Suddenly a black teacup appeared in his hand, within the cup was a thick viscous liquid. Yuma wasted no time diluting it or disguising it as water this time, he wanted to make sure it took, and he would make sure to force feed it to you as many times as it took. He would not have another scene like you put on today. He would completely and totally mind break you, leaving you unable to think about anything but him, unable to want anything but him. No longer would you crave human goods or desires, you would desire him and him alone. You would willingly submit to him, and until the nectar corrupted your mind, he would force you to submit with as much cruelty as it took to break your spirit.
Despite attempts to move, his hand tightened, the grip on your neck causing you to feel lightheaded. As he felt your body start to fade, his hand moved from your neck to your mouth, quickly opening your lips to pour the contents of the teacup in. This was not enough for him however, his hand moving back to your neck as you started to regain your breathing and thoughts. He repeated the process twice more, three teacups full of nectar should be more than enough to make you nothing but his pliable plaything within minutes. Yet, at that moment, your sanity remained, and you started to struggle once more.
In a bright flash of light, you find yourself immobilized and in a black dimly lit room, the blood red carpet under your feet being the only thing you see. As a hand takes your own, you feel it dragging you along behind the owner of the hand. The carpet changes to black tile, before long you are at a large black door, being led through it. Whatever desire you had to fight, to run, disappeared, as they drained every bit of energy from your form, leaving you with just enough to keep standing and awake. The nectar starting to flood your mind, thoughts of Yuma being all that remained. The joy feeling of his lips on yours, the high you felt from his lips upon your neck, and fantasies of the euphoria you would feel upon giving him your body being all that your mind was filled with. Legs were numb as the walking continued, from tile to another swatch of blood red carpet, this time, it followed along the floor and up a short set of stairs, where a throne sat.
If your mind was working, you would be confused about this all, you would be fighting this all, but instead here you were subservient, following the man leading you towards the throne. Unsure of when it happened, it felt like you were not fully there for a while, only coming to when you felt a hand playing with the hair on the top of your head. Here you sat on your knees, wrist and ankles chained to the throne besides you, as your head rested against the arm of the throne. The sanity that remained by a thread was trying one last effort to get you out, but it was failing, and soon would be replaced with nothing but thoughts of Yuma. Thoughts of kissing Yuma. Thoughts of serving Yuma. Thoughts of nothing but Yuma. It is not that bad though, after all Yuma is your everything.
“Don’t get any frivolous ideas my love, you can’t escape me now my dear.” Yuma said, his voice slipping easily into your brain, the words smooth as velvet, despite actions saying the opposite. With a quick grip on the back of your head, Yuma yanked your head back, so your half closed eyes would focus on him. “Open your eyes.” He harshly said with a quick slap being administered to your cheek. The force of the slap woke you up slightly, causing both your eyes to be fully open and on him, he continued. “And this is where you will stay my queen/king, by my side, where you belong.” Pausing he pulled you into a forceful kiss, teeth clattering against yours as he dominated your movements in that moment. Pulling away, he pushed you back, making sure you were kneeling by his side, before his hand found its way back into your hair, making you focus on him once more, before his other hand gently caressed your chin. The nectar started to fully flood your brain, no longer being any thoughts of your own. All thoughts were of Yuma, what you wanted to do to Yuma, what you wanted Yuma to do to you. All was Yuma. Watching as the fight drained from your eyes, becoming glossy with desire, he leaned down, connecting his lips to yours once more, only this time, it was returned. Nothing filled your mind except the desire to please Yuma, to do as he likes, and you kissed him back. “This is right where you belong?” He questioned, watching as you nodded your head enthusiastically, he started to chuckle. His hand found its way back to your hair, petting it as you leaned into his touch. “Right little pet.”
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Monster Spotlight: Su
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CR 8
Chaotic Evil Medium Magical Beast
Bestiary 5, pg. 238
Miserable and filled with hate, the Su stalk through thick forests they call home in search of meat and insects to quiet their irritating, mewling young, for whom they hold paradoxical amounts of disgust, envy, and adoration. The disconcertingly humanoid Whelp Family the beasts carry on their back are their own offspring, creatures with immense psychic power but no ability to use it without their parent’s direction. As a Su whelp grows, it gradually changes shape and loses access to its psionic powers, gaining the intelligence needed to use them just as they begin to slip away, something that causes them no end of horrid frustration. By the time they’re an adult, a Su has just enough psionic power to use 100ft of telepathy... and nothing else, relying on the screaming infants that crawl around their bodies--eternal reminders of what they once had but lacked the awareness to appreciate--for psychic defense.
Despite the resentment they may feel for their young, the Whelp Magic they possess is incredibly potent, though the younglings can only use their power as a cudgel with no finesse. Each Whelp (to a maximum of 6) grants their parent 3 points of Psychic Energy (max 18), and they can use these points to cast Id Insinuation II to confuse a single target, Thought Shield II to grant themselves +6 to Will saves against mind-affecting effects (bringing them to a +12 to Will), or most dangerously Mind Thrust III to deal 10d8 typeless damage to any creature with an Intelligence score. What’s worse is that due to the Whelps technically being separate beings than the Su, the parent can command them to use their psionic magic as a swift action even while it’s occupied elsewhere.
Thus it can blast two different targets for 10d8 damage, the same target twice, or inflict confusion on two targets, or any combination of offense. The Whelps can also hold concentration on a spell for their parent, allowing both uses of Id Insinuation stick if it needs them to. Scary! And unfortunately for travelers that may be traipsing through Su territory, the beasts are unable to bring themselves to directly harm their own children... so they tend to take out their fury and annoyance on any Humanoid they see, eager to have an outlet for their negativity. With a +19 to their Stealth while in forests, the ability to climb just as swiftly as they walk (40ft) for added cover, and no obvious components when using their psychic magic, a Su can remain hidden and cause a caravan to attack one another or themselves with Id Insinuation, or simply crumple up the weakest-looking creature it sees with Mind Thrust, leaving everyone else struggling to explain what the hell just happened. Though each spell normally casts 3 PE and thus restricts the Su to 6 casts each day, all of its spells can be undercast, a mechanic that allows a psychic caster to use a lesser version of a spell they know and thus use up less energy. Since there’s little difference between Id Insinuation I and II, the beast may elect to just use the first version for only 2 of its PE, stretching its daily reserve a little further. Mind Thrust II also deals a modest 5d8 damage and costs just 2 PE, though the beasts will rarely opt for less damage.
Should a Su feel confident about entering melee, or if it’s exhausted its PE for the day and is thus forced to, it’s no less dangerous. They possess Pounce and a CCB attack to make full use of it, their claws dealing 1d6+4 damage and their bite 1d8+4. Anyone successfully Grabbed by their bite is not only Raked for 1d6+4 extra damage every round the victim can’t break free, but the Su's tearing teeth also inflict 1d6 bleed damage even if the victims DO get away. Though their swift actions tend to be eaten up by their psychic spells, they can use their Prehensile Tails as a swift action instead to make a steal, disarm, dirty trick, OR trip combat maneuver against an adjacent foe without triggering an AoO, giving them significantly more complex tactics than one would expect against such a bestial creature.
Their DR 10 can only be pierced with magic, so the first order of business is typically to disarm foes that possess magic weapons (or turn such enemies against each other with confusion), though tripping foes so they have to waste time getting back up (robbing them of their Full-Attack) is also viable. Pilfering valuable-looking trinkets and potions and having them off to the Whelps for them to investigate/destroy/use is another reason not to near the mischievous and malicious carnivores while wearing your potion belt. Dirty trick is the most versatile, robbing a target of one of its senses for several rounds or inflicting all manner of negative status ailments... like just whacking some poor soul in the family jewels to sicken them before following it up with a Full-Attack or a Mind Thrust while they’re still reeling. Hey, it’s a dirty trick for a reason! And Su have no desire nor need to fight honorably. They’re here for a meal! ...and to let off some steam.
You can read more about them here. 
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joylinda-hawks · 15 days
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I know how to get back to my chambers. I can do it myself. You don't have to take me back, big brother. WOH, episode 8, part 6. ZCL is walking up the stairs in the GC estate. One of the sect disciples runs after him and stops the boy. ZCL says that he can handle it himself and doesn't have to be taken back by his big brother. The sect disciple says that it can't be like this and grabs ZCL by the arm and explains that the master said that ZCL is a very important guest. Someone should always accompany ZCL. ZCL asks if he is really a guest or a criminal and pulls his hand out of his grip. The sect disciple is nervous and wants to say something, but GXL's appearance causes him to do nothing. GXL puts the containers of food on the table and approaches the two young men. She asks Xie Wu Yang why he is arguing with ZCL. XWY explains that he only wanted to take ZCL to his chambers, but ZCL doesn't want his company. The girl replies that she understands and tells him to go away because now she will take care of ZCL. When the student leaves, GXL tells ZCL that Yueyang City has been unsettled lately and her father wants ZCL to be safe. She adds that she can't leave either. The girl asks if the boy got scared because her father was speaking anger. She explains that when she gets to know him better, he’ll understand one thing, GC seems to be a cold person but deep down he's a warm person. A regular GC treats everyone very well. This time, GXL grabs ZCL by the arm. ZCL is silent the whole time, wondering what to do and say. The girl leads ZCL to another courtyard where young students train. She explains that the Yueyang Sect is used to a modest life. There are none of the luxuries the boy had at home. GXL says that's why they prepared chambers for him and shows ZCL his rooms. The girl also says that if ZCL needs anything, he should let her know and while saying this, she strokes his hair, which makes the boy feel uncomfortable. Seeing this, the girl quickly withdraws her hand, saying that it's okay and that it's her fault and that she knows that ZCL is not a little boy. ZCL gently smiles when GXL says that he is already an adult. One of the students of the sect runs up to GXL and says hey, that CWN is looking for her. GC's daughter replies that it's okay and she'll take care of it. The student leaves and GXL explains to ZCL that these students are about his age and that he will soon be learning martial arts with them. After a while, she calls all the students and when they come up, she introduces ZCL to them and asks them to take care of him. The students agree to this. GXL hands ZCL a container of food and says that he will be training martial arts here and then leaves immediately. One of the students comments that ZCL won't withstand even one punch. The other confirms this and says that just a few punches and the boy will fall. ZCL does not react to the provocations. Although ZCL seems lost, he is a wise and sensible young boy. He knows perfectly well that when he entered the sect's territory he will be under the control of many people. There is no support here, his father's sworn brothers only want Glazed Armor and they don't care about the rest. GC is trying to make the boy feel guilty. And the sect's disciples don't take their eyes off him. ZCL understands that he has ended up in a golden cage. Only GC's daughter shows him sympathy, but he is unable to trust her. Meeting the younger disciples of the sect shows that his life in this place will not be easy. He knows one thing, that he must survive and learn to be strong. He no longer has support from his family and no one will show him concern. This is the fate of all orphans.
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 5 months
My Mate - Chapter 7 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
I think I'm freaking out a little... or a lot.
Tomorrow's my birthday... I'll be eighteen... I'll be able to detect my Mate.
'Why am I freaking out? I've been waiting for this forever.'
Frowning at my naked form in the mirror, I turned from side to side before looking down at my groin.
I'm not very big in that department.
'What if I can't satisfy my mate? What if I'm not attractive to him?'
I mean, everyone has always picked on me because I'm a small blond Omega.
They make it seem like those features are unattractive.
What if my mate thinks the same?
I don't have much body hair, my leg and armpit hair is more of a strawberry blond and can't really be seen unless you're looking closely.
Should I shave my legs like my Mom? Maybe I should shave my pubic hair, it's strawberry blond like the hair on my head.
Shrieking, I shifted into my small wolf and took off out of my room.
While I was running down the stairs to the first floor, I tumbled and ended up falling the rest of the way down.
Landing with a thud, I grunted and laid their unmoving for a moment before pushing myself up.
Mom and Dad were in the living room and I went to Mom whimpering.
She looked up from her Kindle and I jumped up on the couch beside her.
I was unconsciously yipping like a young pup for its Mom as I pressed my head against her side.
Dad was watching curiously but I hid my face.
Mom sighed and started running her fingers through my copper fur which had an immediate effect and calmed me down some.
Like in my Human form, I'm not very big... I'm a runt.
My wolf is about as small as a medium sized dog and my fur is still kind of fluffy like a pups.
I looked like a house pet but at least I could curl up on the couch beside Mom as she scratched behind my ears.
She was reading again and I slowly wiggled until I was laying half on her lap so she could scratch my belly... I liked that the most.
My leg involuntarily kicked as she scratched some spots but I didn't mind, it felt good.
I woke a few hours later alone and to the smell of food that made my tummy grumbled.
Slipping off the couch, I went upstairs to my room knowing Mom would yell if I went into her kitchen with my fur.
Shifting and quickly dressing in pajamas, I went back downstairs and found my parents in the kitchen.
They were talking lowly but stopped and looked at me when I entered.
Looking away embarrassed by how I'd acted, I climbed up onto a barstool.
"Hungry?" Mom asked knowingly and I nodded.
"Good, I'm making your favorite since I can't tomorrow."
I frowned at that and looked up.
My birthdays usually weren't happy days for me... especially after all those years mom made me hand out invitations to my whole class.
I'd spend the day on the couch waiting for at least one classmate to show up... no one ever did.
I finally got the nerve when I was eleven to tell mom I didn't want to celebrate my birthday anymore.
So we compromised and mom decided she'd make me a birthday dinner with only immediate family.
"Don't look at me like that. I have to be at the pack house tomorrow, the Alpha is having guest from another pack for dinner."
"What? Why?" I asked, curious.
The Alpha doesn't just allow anyone on his territory, it'd have to be someone important.
Mom shrugged and I looked at Dad who pretended not to notice.
"It doesn't matter, you're going to stay away," she said, looking up to glare at me.
They must be really important... maybe another Alpha?
"Yes ma'am," I said after realizing she was waiting for a response.
"Now, are you going to tell us what that was about earlier?"
I dropped my head onto the counter and groaned.
"Nothing," I said lowly.
"Sit up and answer your mother."
I did as Dad said and sighed.
"It was nothing. I was just being stupid."
It was stupid of me to worry about my Mate not liking me, even if he doesn't, he's stuck with me for life.
"Just... I was just thinking about tomorrow."
Mom looked up from the noodles she was boiling, a smile stretching across her face.
"Thinking about your Mate weren't you?" she giggled excitedly and I looked at her weirdly.
"Any idea who it could be?"
I shrugged and Dad laughed.
"There's someone you'd like it to be," Dad said knowingly, making my face burn.
Before they could gang up on me, the front door opened and they both sniffed before looking at each other.
Clearly speaking through their bond link.
I didn't smell anything but I heard two sets of footsteps and I dreaded the thought of Robert being with him.
I didn't want to see him at all and was about to get up and run upstairs to hide until Calvin entered the kitchen.
That dark haired female I remembered from the fair following closely behind.
"Calvin," Mom said putting on a fake smile.
"Who's your friend?"
Calvin seemed hesitant before he grabbed the female's hand and pulled her to his side.
My eyes widened in surprise as I got an idea of where this was going.
"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you."
'Oh this was not going to go good... Mom lost her smile as if knowing this too.'
"This is Carmen, my girlfriend."
Calvin looked down at the female and then back to our parents.
"And she's pregnant... with my pup."
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lizseyi · 2 years
Outdoor Party Ideas For Grown Ups - Flavour Blaster
Have your Cake and Eat it, Just Add Cocktails!  
Still clinging onto the summer? In denial about having to move the festivities indoors? Autumn birthdays, we’ve got you.
September is known for its clear, crisp skies - making it the perfect time for an outdoor party. The nights may well be getting darker, but that just gives the perfect excuse for a campfire, and that’s where the best memories are made.
So grab your cosy blankets and outdoor fairy lights, and get ready to throw an unforgettable outdoor party - no matter the weather.
Birthdays are great when you’re a kid, but as you enter into grown-up territory, it becomes harder to think of ways to create fun. Gone are the wild days of bouncy castles and children’s entertainers. So how can you do something truly special that the other adults in your life will appreciate? 
As the creators of the only bubble blowing machine aimed at grown-ups, we thought our young-at-heart team might be able to dream up some genuinely fun outdoor birthday party ideas! Here’s what they suggested;
Secret Cinema 
You can easily hire or buy a projector these days, so if you’re in for a balmy evening, set up a little cinema in the back garden. Grab some cushions, blankets and fairy lights and pop on your favourite flick when the sun goes down. 
You could theme your evening around your film. Whether Tom Cruise’s Cocktail or The Great Gatsby, it's a great way to help everyone know how to dress and inspire the food and drinks to serve your guests. Alongside cinema foyer classics like popcorn, pick and mix and maybe a hotdog or two, you could offer guests something special like sparkling champagne or eighties classic cocktails. 
Lawn Games
If you’re into croquet or rounders, sports day silliness or fairground stall fun, adding a game to play to an outside event gives everyone a chance to congregate, break the ice and get a little competitive. When it comes to watching outdoor sports, there’s no greater partnership than picnic and Pimms; think church fête foods like mini pork pies, scones with cream and jam, finger sandwiches and iced buns. For drinks, try making up jugs of cocktails ready to pour when people come and slump down after a hard-won victory. 
Crafty Corner 
Just because we’re too old for Punch and Judy doesn’t mean we should give up on entertainers altogether. And the adult version is a craft specialist. Have a go at making something fun like flower crowns, clay pottery or wreaths. There’s bound to be some artisans or an artist’s quarter close enough to your chosen party spot to find someone nearby to host a workshop for you. 
If that sounds too much like hard work, how about approaching the local wine shop and getting someone in for a wine or gin tasting or hiring a bartender for a cocktail-making workshop? Either way, this person automatically acts as the host for a stint, giving you time to relax and enjoy yourself instead of running around topping up glasses.  
Get your Grill On
Who doesn’t love a BBQ in the summer sun? To make it super special, spruce up your typical British BBQ with a twist. For example, you could run an American-style cookout, where you slow roast meat joints over low flames. All you’ll need to do is set out a range of sides to go with it, like cornbread, pretzel rolls, milk rolls or brioche for sandwiches, and potato salad, greens, watermelon salad, coleslaw and corn on the cob. 
The advantage of slow-cooking meat, rather than standing over smaller burgers and sausages, is that you don’t need to stand guard at the grill. Your time could be spent serving American cocktails like Mint Juleps, Manhattans, or Gin Rickeys.  
Alfresco Dining 
There’s nothing like eating freshly served food outdoors. Whether at your gaff or in a hired space, it somehow makes the wine taste cooler, the food taste fresher, and the people around you more sparkling and witty. 
This is an excellent opportunity to make your table look appealing. A tablescape outdoors has more scope for colour, as your backdrop is a glorious garden. Go all out in pastels or glory in gingham! Whatever floats your boat. Keep the food low-maintenance, as you don’t want to leave your guests for too long while you have to dip in and out of the kitchen. Go for mezze, tapas or even buffet style so you can get the most out of your company. 
If you are saving elsewhere, you could even get outside caterers to serve your courses, so you can concentrate on your cocktails. 
Fancy Festival 
Speaking of outside caterers, there are so many food trucks around these days that it might be worth checking out what's available and affordable and hiring them instead. Then you can set up your space like a food festival or even a music festival with bunting flapping in the breeze, and segments of the outside space set up for different needs: a music zone, a chill-out area, and guests could even camp! 
Live music will ensure your guests have a night to remember. There’s a reason festivals are such a right of passage too. They are many people’s first experience of getting away from their parents for the first time. So nostalgic food and music will bring out the misty-eyed stories everyone can bond over. 
 Fire Starter! 
Not everyone has a summer birthday, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your birthday party out of doors. Fireworks are good in any season, and if it’s cold, you could include a bonfire or fire pit as part of the deal. 
The best thing about a fire-centred party is that everyone is drawn to huddle around the same spot. The smoke and dancing flames will mesmerise your guests, putting them instantly at ease. You could hire a storyteller to come and tell ghost stories or a circus performer to do some fire dancing, depending on what kind of event you want. 
Fireworks not only look good, but they also smell great, and certain foods come to mind immediately with that smokey scent; homemade sausage rolls in puff pastry, mulled cider, and pear crumble with custard. 
Either way, a party isn’t a party without bubbles. We created the Flavour Blaster Mini so you can use professional bartending equipment in your home bar. All you need to do is make the cocktails, then use our flavour blaster gun for saleto blow aroma-filled smoke into an edible bubble to garnish your drink to blow away your birthday party revellers! 
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greyssync · 2 years
Play jack of all tribes 2 games
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Play jack of all tribes 2 games free#
Play jack of all tribes 2 games mac#
From the very beginning this game feels more like a RTS (real-time strategy) or ‘city builder’ than a ‘casual’ time-management game. He gets aided by the young and beautiful Rainbow to find his way through the world. I will discuss the technical details later.Īt the start of Jack of All Tribes jack finds himself flung back in time where he is taken as a chief who can help others settle their problems. It is very much like playing on the iPad in terms of the look and feel. Starting up the game is quick and efficient, with no added complexity or extra support files needed or anything else to make the process slower.
Play jack of all tribes 2 games mac#
Jack of All Tribes from the Mac App Store downloads quickly and easily either to your Launcher (for those using Lion) or just to your Applications folder. Help the lovable tribesmen prosper and master your time management and task prioritizing skills in this charming and challenging game! Find artifacts from the future to help Jack return to his time. Introduce new technology and become friends with the chief’s beautiful daughter. Keep villagers happy with food, drinks and entertainment protect them from natural disasters and aggressive barbarians. Travel to the past with Jack and rule a prehistoric tribe in this fun time management game with puzzle elements! Help fellow tribesmen set up their homes and create thriving villages. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, so when I was able to review the newly released Mac version, I immediately jumped at the chance! Let’s see how the game did in the transition from tablet to computer! Jack of all Tribes guarantees you hours of fun and entertainment! By the way, both children and adults will surely enjoy the colorful graphics, sweet background music and Jack's witty comments.I recently reviewed the iPad version of Jack of All Tribes, a ‘casual time management meets sim meets strategy’ game. Some of them will prove useful - e.g., sneakers increase the workers' speed by 15%. Sometimes Jack finds anomalies where he has to complete Hidden Object tasks, collecting scattered artifacts from the future. Their emotions and needs are indicated by small icons above the heads. Tribe members fulfill Jack's orders, but they also have their own demands, which Jack should take into account, as happy people move much faster and work more efficiently. They give him unique tasks or useful tips, thus helping him in his mission. Jack explores the mapped territory, visiting several dwelling sites one by one and meeting a lot of various non-player characters. It is strategy-based, but includes challenging Hidden Object mini-games. Now Jack must follow the instructions given in the prophecy and find all hidden artifacts - otherwise he will never return home.īesides the fascinating plot, Jack of all Tribes features a very original gameplay.
Play jack of all tribes 2 games free#
The prophecy says that the redeemer will free the tribes from the oppressive domination of the Dumbheads. Judging by Jack's unusual looks, the tribe's chief decides that the young man is the redeemer predicted by the Great Shaman. Shocked, Jack sees shaggy members of a primitive tribe. Suddenly the railcar dashes out of the tunnel, falling down into a deep lake. Jack runs out of patience and begins to press all buttons and levers, trying to move it. When he enters the tunnel in a railcar, everything goes wrong! The railcar stops in the darkness. Divogames, the developer of "Be Rich!" games, invites you to the primeval world to unveil its secrets! The story begins when Jack comes to an amusement park to ride a new attraction called "Tunnel of Destiny".
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minkmousesworld · 2 years
But what I miss more Mousie!! ;; Is lovely raccoon dog Tanjiro ;;; I miss our lovely lil pup
Raccoon dog Tanjiro who steps into the territory of a very sneaky fox. His parents always reminding him to never go far inside the forest, because there lurks beings that is stronger....and sly.
Tanjiro who didn't realize he entered an shrine, that houses a kitsune that is hungry. Maybe little Tanjiro should have listened to his parents warnings, but all those concerns slipped his mind...
With the way how this kitsune gently touches him, but has such a possessive feeling. The way how the kitsune carefully bites him, claiming the trembling raccoon dog underneath them.
So tender and gentle, yet so painfully close. The way it promises it to take care of him, to make sure he carries their puppies and to keep the bad monsters away from him and their puppies.
Tanjiro is just very happy that he ignored the warnings <333
- kitsune anon
#note: lately whenever I hear "raccoon dog tanjirou" I feel like saying I know what to do with him and I'm sure you honeymice know it too <3 'thank you' for our foxking again♡♡♡
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warnings... interspecies relationship, predator/prey dynamic, power imbalance, mention of pregnancy, mention of killing; a bit of a confused narrative
dub-con, sex with a stranger, mention of mating season, heavy petting, rough treatment (biting / marking, scratching), talk about puppies, breeding implied [penetration giving?], very light size kink
raccoon dog! tanjirou kamado x kitsuhe! reader
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The young usually die in the first winter; unable to find shelter and stock up on food in time — or untimely crawled out of a hole and found themselves in the claws of eternally wandering and hungry predators. This was not a sad event, but a fact.
However, those who manage to survive hibernation can call themselves adults, ready to create their own nest. It was a "selection" in which the most adaptable survive, and Tanjirou doesn't want to sound cocky, but he is confident that he will survive. He must survive — his family is waiting to hear from him after the winter. They expect him to survive and create a nest... but they do not guess where exactly he plans to start a family. Even deeper in the forest, even closer to the heart — where, according to rumors, the ever-blooming spring, warm summer and well-fed autumn.
Maybe he's overconfident, but somehow he's confident that can find this place.
If he wants the best for his puppies, then he must go even further — to where his parents asked him not to go, no matter what the cost. The deeper, the more dangerous. There are dangerous and wild animals, there are ugly monsters, there are poisonous plants, there is everything that protects the heart of the forest from any unexpected guest. What's left of the ancestors who tried to hide something there — or someone.
Everything that lives only to kill everyone who is reckless or too brave, feeding their heart with blood.
... But Tanjirou's goal, however, was not the heart — of course, he is brave, but not to this extent! He just wants to have a nest in a nicer place, warmer and full of food. Able to shelter from rain, snow, thunderstorms. Which will fit both him and his mate, and their puppies. Dry, warm and full. It's not too much or greedy, right? He had heard that there must be a lot of abandoned burrows of those who had not returned, so it shouldn't be such a problem.
This is a rule of nature: in order to survive, they must be able to bite, pinch, scratch and growl. If he wants to come back, then he has to be ready to fight. If he wants to find a mate, then he must be strong. If he wants to have a family, he must be able to be aggressive. If he continues to be so gentle and gentle, he won't survive. And he understood that.
Tanjirou just couldn't not.
it's too hot.
his heart is beating so hard that he does not know if is still conscious or not — the claws burn the skin with a light touch. they almost gently descend on his bare chest, but he knows that the slightest movement and he will be dead.
and he shouldn't react so excitedly.
but it's too hot. it's too wet. too rough.
too too too
it really shouldn't have been like that. parents did not say that everything would be like this. are some predators so cunning? he didn't even know anyone was there- no, more precisely, he knew that someone was here, but it smelled so sweet and gentle that he couldn't help but-
is this an ambush? but don't predators ambush outside?
is this the predator living at the heart of the forest?
“S-sorry!.. Sorry- I'm sorry! I-”
it was just an old structure- he just wanted to see! he didn't mean that he was attacking, or that he wanted to attack, or that he was eager to fight-
everything inside him burns, as if his skin is scratched and immediately licked.
when their paw rests on his chest and draws lines, then caressing his cheek, then going down to his stomach, as if looking for where to start — but he can't resist.
when his tail can't stop moving and his cheeks burn so much — not because he's scared, but because- because he's so ashamed that he feels so good.
when they squeeze him like a toy,
or coo something,
looking into his eyes with their predatory glittering, and he can only whine, pressing his ears to his head, as if they see through him — he will never recover from these sensations... if they let him go...
... why did he feel even more excited?
When you gently purr "what a sweet one got into temple" — hmm, what should you do with him, eat him or let him go, and raccoon dog only whines plaintively, trying to squeeze his hips together, like a trapped rabbit, not even trying to resist you and your claws.
Fragile and warm, like a small ember that has climbed into your lonely shelter; so small compared to you, especially when you force him to spread his legs, and he moans, obediently spreading thighs before belatedly trying to bring them together again. His body shudders so charmingly when he realizes how indecent looks, lying in front of you, so sensitive and open, but obediently letting you bend lower to his ruddy, wet face, as if he has a fever — he smells so sweet and sexually excited, as if in heat.
What a lecherous prey you've come across this time.
“What do you think happens to the cute ones when they climb into the shelter with a fox during the mating season?”
“I — ha! — d- on't kno-now...”
His hips are trembling — they tremble so sweetly, even when you leave marks on his neck and shoulders to make sure that he will not forget about what happened even after a month. And he accepts them so obediently and well, as if he was born to be bitten by you. Would he accept your puppies as well if you decided to breed him? So gentle and sensitive, surely he would make such cute moans while you fill him up — tiny and defenseless in front of you, how much would he be able to take until he loses consciousness? What would his body be like if you gave him your cubs?
... You don't have to flirt. These are just threats. Of course, you are above breeding all sorts of cute ones just because they are like that-
“I g-guess they... they give the cute on-nes their puppies?... So, shouldn-n't you g- give them to m- me— t-too?”
His tail twitches so sharply and excitedly that it almost hits the tip against you, but for some reason you just freeze, looking at how he excitedly licks his lips before continuing.
“... Or... Or you can't?”
he doesn't have time to say a feigned nervous "poor thing".
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Okay so,  @aigoocale-nim mentioned on a post of mine where I asked what fic would you like to see from me, that they were interested in my take on Vampire LSH! So here we are.
(original idea/post by  @calexslackerlife )
Cale is a little bit OOC in this, but I just want him being happy with his hyung okay?
Cale had felt an undeniable restlessness under his skin since receiving word form the God of Death that Lee Soo Hyuk was being reincarnated in the Endable kingdom, and if anyone were to bother paying attention they may have noticed that young master silver shield was much more efficient than usual in dealing with his duties.
By the time he was making plans to visit the dark kingdom it had only taken two days to utterly flatten and cleanse the sealed gods old temple.
(Everyone wisely chose to keep quiet because despite their worry about the young masters overuse of his ancient powers since there didn’t seem to be too much of an adverse effect on his form and there was an undeniable excitability to the young man nobody but Beacrox and Ron had seen him possess- and even then their young master had been a mere six years of age.)
As soon as he had been able to, Cale had sent word to Alberu and departed for the eastern continent, his family following after slightly concerned but overall curious - there was a debate between the children (including the wolf children who had managed to wrangle their way into the trip) of if they were going to go loot the Endable kingdoms national treasury, rub in the fact to the crazy duke that he couldn’t have Cale’s blood or go and scare Drunk Bud’s men. The adults on the trip gave some thought to the children's speculation since they were all perfectly valid assumptions but they kept their opinions to themselves.
The young master was much too excitable for it to be looting, he wasn’t quite as manic as when he used his fire of destruction ancient power but the energy containing itself in his usually sluggish form was moving the man closer and closer to that description. Rosalyn (as one of the young masters closest companions that he did not assume was constantly monitoring his health - though she was in fact the one giving their golden dragon most of his information in regards to their foolish young masters condition) was on standby to douse any flames the young man may try to conjure and Choi Han was under special instruction from Beacrox to prepare to tackle his liege to the ground should any of his childhood habits reappear in his excitement.
Beacrox was still haunted by nightmares of an excitable young Cale who could seemingly bounce from the walls for hours and run laps around the guards training grounds to the point he put the horses to shame. It was for this reason that Beacrox’s hypothesis on their young masters lethargy was that he had simply exhausted his lifetime's worth of energy before his eighteenth birthday. If that level of energy tried to show itself in their young master the fragile man would most likely snap his own bones from the sheer force exerted on them -or and this was the option Beacrox was more wary of, their young master would find a burst of energy and blast away, following his mental map and leaving them all scrambling to find him!
There had been one too many impromptu games of hide and seek within the Henituse Estate over the years due to this unfortunate quirk.
It isn’t until they officially step foot within the Endable Kingdoms capital though, that things start to get slightly concerning.
Of course, the young master having a mental map of the city isn’t too unusual given his record ability and their few visits to the city since the discovery of its existence, but what is unusual and the thing of concern is how the young master is very clearly speeding up the further into the midst of the city he gets. 
They have very clearly entered locals territory - or rather the part of the city that visitors have no need to visit unless for a certain person in particular. This opens up two options and everyone but the children dread them; option 1, during the sealed god test and the portion of the White Stars killing that they didn’t see Cale discovered something that required immediate attention and either the perpetrator or someone who will help them is hidden in the depths of Endable or 2: Cale has decided that he wishes to start his rest period by scamming someone.
Before anyone can start to question in further detail their young masters excitable form finds it’s target; a tall man, maybe a head and shoulder taller than Beacrox, with black hair cropped close to his head and red eyes and a bright (charming) smile that showed off his fangs determining him as a vampire.
Since when had the young master known a vampire that wasn’t part of the Duke’s people?
“Hyung!” All but Choi Han stalled in place as they watched the red head practically run into the open arms of the vampire, the Korean man stumbling slightly before realising who the vampire must be to elicit such a reaction, “I came as soon as I head.”
The Vampire was able to lift the red head and turned, dissipating the momentum the full grown man launching himself had created. There was a moment when they stopped moving and both men simply stood there holding each other, heads buried in each others necks in a embrace, before everyone simultaneously remembered the fact that this stranger was a vampire, putting his fangs near the young masters neck.
The little dragon flew up towards his caretaker, nuzzling his way in-between the humans neck and the vampire, staring up at the red eyes with suspicion. “Who are you, Human hasn’t mentioned you before!”
Unlike what was expected, red eyes softened at the sight of the little dragon, “You must be Raon,” unease settled into the group barring Choi Han who was more than content to stand by and watch Lee Soo Hyuk and Cale have their reunion, “my dongsaeng was very happy to tell me about you.”
“You were, human?”
The little dragon was seemingly acquised by the fact that his caretaker had spoken about him to the stranger, taking that as some kind of indication as to how trustworthy the man was.
“I mentioned it to the God of Death to pass on a message,” the red head reached up and started petting the dragons head, “he’s a friend though, a very good friend.”
“Dongsaeng I think that’s the first compliment you’ve ever given me,” the vampire ruffled the red heads hair and at the sight of their liege and friend not flinching the rest of the group finally lowered their guards.
Cale pulled away from the embrace, “What did I previously have to compliment you on?”
“You brat! You’d have at least kept your promise to farm!”
this is rough but i might come back to this later, i have a very odd and topstervy doc with ideas so....
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I love your writing.
if it's not too much trouble may i make a request? I'm thinking the Dimitrescu women meeting and/or courting a fellow immortal.
the circumstances of the immortal's powers and possession of immorality are entirely up to you. I just like the idea of them meeting someone they could literally spend forever with...because they deserve it ❤
I wasn't sure if you wanted a story or headcanons? I went with HCs, here, but if you wanted more of a drabble or whatever just lemme know and I'll write something like that.
Also, I got excited and carried away so this has the whole Dimitrescu family, plus shorter ones for both Mother Miranda and Donna. Admittedly Alcina's is also a little on the shorter side? I tried to write everything that came to mind, but I am kinda tired right now, sorry. Might reblog this and add some more later.
(Under read-more for length)
Tries (and fails) to hide her excitement. Mortality is one of the bigger things that has made her keep her distance to others, at least in the past. Every Maiden she’s ever been the slightest bit smitten with, up until this point, has been incredibly fragile. Seeing as she’s not exactly the softest person, one can easily imagine why that would be a turn off for her. But now that’s no longer a problem!
On the other had… having an immortal partner gives Cassandra pause. Why? Because what if they breakup? Normally, she can just, ahem, “dispose” of any exes (regardless of how much it hurts) so she doesn’t have to see them/deal with them anymore. If that’s not an option, she’ll definitely take longer than usual to do anything about her feelings. She wants to be sure, 100%, before she gets in over her head. Chances are she won’t hold back for as long as she wants though.
Likely to have a loud, messy confession. She’ll have been avoiding you for a few days, always ducking out of whatever rooms you enter, leaving you both hurt and confused. After enlisting the help of her sisters, you’ll be able to corner her outside. She’ll tell you, under no uncertain circumstances, to leave her alone. But you’ll refuse, demanding an explanation.
“I thought we had something. I thought you cared,” you’ll snap, eyes watering. “If that’s changed… if I was wrong, just tell me. I’ll leave and I’ll never come back.” Cue thunder and raining (because tropes) and Cassandra dramatically pulling you into a kiss, holding you so tightly you think you might bruise. Then she’s demanding that you stay, refusing to apologize but making it clear just how much she does care.
Being immortal, you’re not as defenseless as some of Cassandra’s past interests. Naturally, she doesn’t get quite as protective as she normally would. She’ll still have your back no matter what, ready to fight by your side against any foe, and will probably consider doing so a “fun bonding activity”. Oh, some lycans are encroaching on Dimitrescu territory? Time to go destroy them, as a power couple!
Despite having all the time in the world, Cassandra won’t change much of her actual courting behavior, nor the rate at which things advance. She’s still gonna get handsy fairly early on, still gonna “rah!” at you in the hallways, and still going to struggle with her jealousy.
Immortality Compatibility: I can see Cassandra going for another vampire (or vampire adjacent) creature, or someone demonic. She likes her lovers a bit rough, with some nice bite to their personalities. If you’ve got sharp teeth, or claws, or glowing eyes? Oh boy, she’s gonna be making heart eyes at you all the time.
If your immortality isn’t immediately obvious, Bela is over the moon with joy when she finds out. Her eyes will go wide for a moment, before she tries to seem calm (so as to not freak you out), but her heart is pounding. This is what she’s been hoping for. As much as Mother Miranda has done for her family, there’s no guarantee that she’d be willing to give more. Even if Miranda granted Bela’s lover her “gift”, there was no telling what the results would be, or if the lover would survive. Now that there’s no need for such a transformation, it’s far easier for Bela to imagine herself in love (and eventually be in love).
Slow-burn romance over a decade or longer, oops. Doesn’t even necessarily mean to take things so slowly, just doesn’t feel a need to rush things, preferring that they develop organically. With both of you having unlimited time, you’re both used to working on a very large timescale. Maidens watching the two of you probably place bets on how long it’ll take you to hold hands for the first time. Everyone knows it’s coming, but no matter how much Cassandra and Daniela complain, Bela refuses to jump into things. By the time the two of you are officially together, you’re probably madly in love with each other.
More protective than Cassandra, if only because she knows just how rare you are. Immortal or not, you likely still have a weakness, and Bela will do everything in her power to make sure no one else knows what it is. If applicable, she will also ensure she has a countermeasure readily available. For example: If you were weak to fire, she’d make sure that the castle keeps extinguishers handy, just in case. Though they should probably already do that. Not that the Dimitrescu family cares much for OSHA compliance.
Somehow grows more in love with you with every passing year, and makes sure that you know this. Whether you’ve been together for one year or one century (because in this house we ignore canon), she’s always performing little acts of love, giving constant reminders of how strongly she feels. Gifts, special dates, book recommendations, etc.
Immortality Compatibility: Bela seems like the type to go for someone with a calming presence, and perhaps somewhat of a contrast to herself. I can picture her with someone somewhat angelic, or druidic, someone very in tune with nature. She’d love to feed deer with you and relax in the forest! Or lay against a tree by your side, listening to you talk about various microorganisms for hours at a time.
Practically tackles you when she finds out/connects the dots. This is just like one of her romance novels, where a lonely (attractive as fuck) immortal spends years in isolation before finally meeting the love of their life, who they get to spend the rest of eternity with. Absolutely ecstatic about the whole situation. Won’t stop kissing you and pulling you close, rambling about how great it’s gonna be to spend your lives together. Honestly? Kind of overwhelming. You might have to remind her a few times that you don’t have to rush into things, considering you have all the time in the world.
Introduces you to people as her “super cool/rad immortal life partner”. Genuinely cannot bring herself to not brag about you. If her sisters haven’t found someone like you yet, you can bet that Daniela will tease them about it all the time (much to their annoyance). If Momma Alcina doesn’t, though? Dani will keep her thoughts to herself, thank you very much (being grounded at her age does not impress the s/o).
Tries not to show it, but she’s actually very nervous. You’re immortal! You’ve probably seen a lot of shit (she certainly has)! Worries about keeping you interested in her, though she would never admit it. This tends to lead to her performing ridiculous acts to showcase her affection, regardless of the cost or, like, whether or not you’d even enjoy whatever she has planned. In order to counter her anxiety, you’ll want to reassure her whenever you can, and give her plenty of “I love you”s.
Strikes a decent balance between Cassandra’s nonchalant attitude and Bela’s protectiveness. Will defend you if you need it, playing up the romantic aspect, but also entirely willing to hide behind you in a scary situation.
Immortality Compatibility: Having probably read Twilight… Dani would date a werewolf, as long as they weren’t the smelly kind. Also interested in a sort of “magical”/elemental type, especially if their powers are influenced by emotions. In other words, if someone flirts with her in front of you, and your response is to subconsciously light your hands/the other person on fire? She thinks that’s hot, pun intended.
“Oh? Interesting,” she’d say, smiling softly (and trying to ignore the heat rushing to her face). Similarly to Cassandra, she’d try to play it off, not wanting to seem too excited. And, well, she’s not as excited as any of her daughters are. After all, she’s had more time than them to “get used” to the idea of outliving any potential romantic interests. So, she’s not exactly desperate for a relationship, even with someone she could spend an eternity with.
That being said, if she is romantically interested in them, she’s very relieved. Outliving a loved one can be incredibly traumatizing (fuck you c*pcom, you know what you did), and knowing that you’re safe (or at least safer than most) brings her no small amount of comfort.
Also, just glad to have another person close to her age around. Her daughters are somewhat stuck as young adults, and I imagine Alcina would want someone who gained immortality a little later in life, such as herself, as opposed to, ya know, reminding her of her children. That probably goes without saying. Hopefully.
More so than her daughters, Alcina would change her level of protectiveness depending on her s/o’s power level. If you’re a shapeshifter who can also turn into a big ass dragon? Then she’s not going to coddle you. If you’re immortal but still vulnerable, then she’s going to do her best to keep you safe, even going so far as to enlist the assistance of her daughters. “If you see a single Maiden growing mistletoe, or bringing some in from the village, let me know immediately,” or something like that, depending on your weakness.
Immortality Compatibility: Definitely would want someone in a situation similar to herself, having once been truly human, only to be “elevated” by something. Bonus points if you’re another disciple of Miranda, double bonus points if Miranda specifically “made” you to be Alcina’s boo/honey/darling/dear.
Bonus! Mother Miranda:
Oh god finally someone who won’t leave her (can’t leave her). No one can take you away from her, and that’s a relief that she’s been craving for over a century. Even if romance isn’t high on her priority list, she welcomes it with open arms, glad to have someone by her side through all of life’s chaos.
Admittedly slow to trust at first, probably just using you as a tool at first. But prove yourself enough, show that your devotion is more than just misdirected self-interest, and she’ll start to warm up to you. Forming a real relationship would likely take a couple decades, similar to with Bela. Once you are together, however, the two of you are inseparable in all matters.
You’d be her #1 follower, most trusted adviser, and the only person allowed to understand 100% of her thoughts and motives. While Miranda wouldn’t allow you to be seen as the same level as her (sorry), you’d still be a legend among the villagers. To them, you’re Mother Miranda’s champion, the epitome of a devoted follower that they all aspire to emulate. Not that they know the two of you are a couple, though.
Immortality Compatibility: No gimmicks, no cheap tricks, she wants (and respects) a fellow scientist, someone who clawed their way through adversity and forged themselves into something indestructible. Double the interest if you did so for a similar cause to her own, as she would appreciate your ability to relate to her suffering.
Bonus! Donna:
Someone to play with! FOREVER! No more losing people she cares about, no more accidentally breaking people, no more people scrambling to leave. Now that she has you, she can finally spend some quality time with another (living?) person. Honestly her dolls (or at least Angie) are just as excited as she is. Regardless of her relations with the other three Lords, Donna much prefers the company of a lover.
For real though she’s shy as hell and you might not even realize who’s pulling the strings until you’ve been in her house for over a year. She’d probably use her powers to trap you inside, at least at first, though they’d be nice hallucinations. You’d have to treat the dolls nicely, especially Angie, before she’d let you interact with her.
Eventually you’d be allowed to leave, and you’d be given a key to return whenever you wanted to. Assuming that you do, in fact, come back, the two of you would have a very, very slow romance, if only because of Donna’s anxiety. Hand holding makes both of your faces turn beet red, seriously.
Immortality Compatibility: *chanting* GHOST GIRLFRIEND GHOST GIRLFRIEND POLTERGEIST PARTNER POLTERGEIST PARTNER WOOHOO! Something with a flexible, only-sometimes-tangible form, who absolutely could have left at any time but didn’t because they wanted to stay.
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neko-rogers · 4 years
All I Ever Need
Peter warned you about the dangers of online dating.
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words: 4,007
tags: dark!peter parker, strong and explicit non-consensual elements, manipulation, implications of sex-pollen or drugging, lowkey breeding kink
a/n: please forgive me! i’m still new to writing dark!versed fics <3 but this was a request and i couldn’t resist (: if you liked this then you are free to help me out and improve my writing by leaving feedback or suggesting prompts that i could write about
     It was emotionally crushing.
     The moment you decided to create a Tinder account led you to all sorts of feelings. 
     As someone who had been busy with your final year of college, you never thought of engaging much in the relationships territory. With all these, you could only focus on finally graduating and obtaining a stable job. The idea that you were providing for yourself, without having to depend on a significant other, was fulfilling.
     It did not help further considering that most of your group of friends were just as hardworking as you. Peter Parker was one the closest and much more than just a good influence. Truly too good to be true.
     Nonetheless, you finally tried out those infamous dating applications you have been hearing. Despite warnings from your friends about how dangerous it can be, you were confident that you were smart enough to handle it.
     “You're still hung up on that app?” Peter interrupts alongside.
     The professor dismissed the class moments ago, and at least half of the people already exited the room. As always, Peter waited for you before heading for next subject.
     Admittedly, you were a bit caught up with your phone. Swiping left and right sounded boring, but for some reason you found it amusing how convenient it can be – the interaction and messages was a bonus. “So what if I am?”
     You lock your phone before Peter got to snoop further. Both your reflections could be seen amongst the black screen as you placed it on top of your other textbooks to be carried.
     “Any interaction online is dangerous,” he explains. “I thought you out of all people should know that, Y/N.”
     You roll your eyes at his remark. “You’re only a year older than me yet you sound like my dad. You know I’m already twenty-two, right?”
     “I’d hate to be the one to say I told you so when your world comes crashing down,” he consoles. 
     “Oh thats bullshit, Parker.” You could almost laugh at his sense of ridicule. “Like you said, I’m smart. I’m sure I’ll be able to handle online dating. Have faith in me, yeah?” 
     “Yeah, whatever. It’s fine.” Peter nods, still beside as you walked along the hallway. “It’s not like you’re already going on a date with one of them, right.” His assumption comes off as a statement rather than a question.
     However, you stay quiet seeming as it was best to leave it unanswered.
     “Oh no, please don’t tell me you’re seeing someone already.” Peter looks back when you decided to stay a meter behind him to save you from the guilt.
     “It’s just a second date, it won’t harm me,” you defended. “Plus, he goes to the community college nearby.”      “What?! You two are already on your second date before you told me, or anyone of your friends?” You could understand where his temper was coming from, but in the end, it was none of their business.
     “I know, but I just thought it wasn’t a big deal. Besides this is about me and Jacob.”
     Fortunately enough, you and Peter have the same subject which was BioChemistry. This time, he followed you behind while you avoided his gaze. He waited until you took a seat along the second to the last row, and then taking his seat next to you.
     You look straight, facing the chalkboard displayed at the farther side of the room. Though you could not see Peter entirely, you could see his glowering look by the corner of your eye. “So his name his Jacob, huh, tell me more about him.”
     This was the reason why you could not update him, or any of your friends. You knew this would happen. They begin getting so nosy around your life before they even realize it.
     Surely, you did love your friends, much more the boy sitting next to you. They have been with you since freshman year, and you were more than grateful for one another’s support.
     “Peter, I don’t think that whatever I tell you would concern you,” you state clearly to avoid a dragging conversation. 
     “But we care about you, I care about you, Y/N.” He pouts, “The moment he tries to hurt you, you’ll run back to us and cry about it. I just want to skip seeing that part knowing I can’t see you heartbroken.”
     You furrow your eyebrows. His statement comes off as a bit acquisitive, but you knew that it was just his concern caught up in the moment. “That’s the problem. We all need to eventually fail or feel pain. It’s normal, especially for young adults like us, Peter!”
     There was a lot of things you wanted to say now. He trigged you somehow and now you’re at the edge of becoming a rambling mess. The worst part of it was that you were scared that you might say something that you would not be able to take back. 
     “Okay then I’ll–”
     “No look, I apologize for raising my voice.” You sighed to calm yourself down and compose your thoughts better. “You know I adore you so much, Peter. And I appreciate you looking out for me. But this can’t be forever, I’ll eventually have to learn how to deal with these kinds of stuff.”
     You got through barely half of your day yet you could already feel the emotional turn of having an argument with one of your best friends. 
     And eventually, your professor entered the room. Barely giving the two of you a moment to continue the heated conversation just seconds ago. The displeased look on Peter’s face remained as he looked in front, acknowledging that both of you took lectures seriously. He wanted to pick up this argument at another setting. 
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚
     "Congrats to your first ever anniversary!” Your friends applaud just as Jacob was seated next to you.
     “We’re so proud of you.”
     “You two look so happy together!”
     “Both of you look amazing, practically perfect for each other.”
     “Can’t believe it’s already been a year.”
     A year has passed, your group of friends remained even so with Peter. In addition, they learned to accept your boyfriend despite their doubts on online dating sites and applications.
     Just as they learned to trust your decisions more, you also learned way more about your significant other. Though despite your differences in fields, you learned to love him more than you thought you could.
     All of you have freshly graduated from college. Most of your friends did not have much planned so far; however, as your friendship with Peter remained, he grew to understand your feelings more and handled it sensitively.
     After your argument during your early days of dating Jacob, he eventually apologized for his behavior too. Though that was not the only time your friendship with him was put to a test. After the succeeding months, Peter still gave feint warnings and acted a bit overprotective when you tried telling him how you wanted to take your relationship to another level and get more serious.
     Nonetheless, you did not let any of your peers affect your view upon your relationship. Seeing that you were now at your first anniversary, you were happy that you followed what your heart and gut believed in.
     “To be honest we didn’t expect our Y/N to be getting into a relationship before we graduate, let alone celebrating her first anniversary!” Liz joked. “But in the end, just know that we love you and we’re here for you.”
     You smiled, looking at your friends who seemed to share the same feeling. After graduation, everything feels too good. It feels as if your life was falling into place.
     Not only have you gotten into a relationship with a kind guy. You also attained high ranks among the other students in your program, which led to companies offering you internships right off the bat. Rather than you worrying about where you’re heading to after college, you got the privilege to pick what you wanted to do.
     Surprisingly, you got an offer from the Stark Industries to become an internship on being their analytical chemist. It was the most tempting offer you got. Who would not accept an opportunity like that, right?
     When you learned that Peter also got an offer, you were more than happy for him. You knew he was one of the smartest persons in class and he deserved it just as you did.
     Both your contracts agreed that the internship starts a month from now which was just perfect, considering that you also have a few things to do prior to it.
     “Well, this girl also has a lot planned ahead,” you announce while catching the attention of your friends that were circled around you. “Me and Jacob were talking about moving in probably in his apartment by the end of the month.”
     Your intention was not to brag. Everyone could see how genuinely excited you were with such a big event. You were just so happy that despite what every one thought your relationship would end, you accepted whether the outcome would be good or bad. 
     Your friends cheered at you for taking a big step into your relationship. Looking back, you were so scared to accept the second date, but little by little you could not notice how much progress has been done.
     “I am so thankful for you guys.” You smiled and nodded at them before looking to your side where Jacob happily watched you interact with your friends. You slung your arm over his chest and planted a kiss directly at his lips.
     “We’re always here for you, Y/N,” Peter added along with a smile.
     Unbeknownst to you, just as your friends had left the celebration, you had big news yet to hear.
     As you drape your purse over one shoulder, your boyfriend assisted you out. He held one side of the door for you and walked after you. He held onto the side of your waist until both of you reached his car.
     Like the gentleman he is, he went over to the passenger side to open the car door for you before doing the same for himself at the driver’s side.
     When both of you were finally inside the car, Jacob had not started the car immediately. He paused with fingers gripping around the edges of the steering wheel.
     His sigh was just as evident, hearing it echo around the car which left chills across your skin as you looked at him. “You seem bothered. What’s wrong?”
     He avoided to look at you just as both of your hands reach for one of his. He lets you toy with his fingers yet his gaze still directs straight at the gas pedal. You lean further to catch a glimpse of him, moving one hand to cup his cheek. “Hey, what’s bugging you, babe? I’m here to listen.”
     “I’m sorry,” he starts off. The puzzled look on your face apparent as to what he’s trying to apologize for.
     “What do you mean?”
     “I just don’t think you deserve to stay with someone like me.”
     His self-loathing was not settling your confusion in any way at all. “I still don’t get it.” You did have an assumption in mind, but you chose not to jump into it as it might flare up on what’s happening now.
     “I think we need to break up,” Jacob swiftly drops.
     Slowly, you pull back and rest your back against the window. You bring a hand up to brush the little fringes in front of your face. You were trying to comprehend everything that’s happening. “I don’t understand. Why so sudden?”
     “Don’t get the wrong idea, Y/N–”
     “Then what should I get?” Your voice starts to crack as you hold back the tears. “I don’t understand anything at all! You seemed so happy a couple of hours ago.”
     “That’s why I’m apologizing,” he softly explains. “You don’t deserve me, I’ve been so horrible to you–”
     “You have been so nice to me. I don’t know where you’re getting all of this, at all!” Eventually, tears could not help but form around the corners of your eyes.
     Jacob sighs, finally looking at you. “You deserve so much more than this, I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
     Finally, the tears began to spill. You covered both your eyes with your palms, trying to both hide and wipe them away. “Y-you can’t just break up with me after celebrating our first anniversary.”
     “I’m sorry–”      “Stop saying that,” you sniffed. You did not know what annoyed you more, hearing him apologize like a broken record or hearing him imply the ‘its not you, it’s me and you deserve more’ bullshit. “You’re too cruel.”
     “I’ll drive you to your house,” he offers. The look on his face seemed very guilty. You did not know what was behind these sudden turn of events, but either way you were heartbroken for how
     “No,” you stated. “Uhm, I have a friend who lives nearby. You can drop me off there.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚
     “That’s pretty much my night in a nutshell,” you sighed as Peter entered his room with a blanket and some clothes in hand.
     Your legs were cross-seated over his bed as your hid your face with your hands. Peter frowned as he walked over to the edge of his bed where you were positioned. “I just don’t understand why he dumped me all of a sudden, might I add, dumped me on our first anniversary!”
     You felt a hand over your back, rubbing slow and comforting strokes as you continued to cry. “Just as I thought I was getting to know him better.”
     It was emotionally crushing.
     “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
     “Well.” You look up at him despite knowing your nose eyes eyelids became swollen, “You can finally tell me that you told me so.”
     “That doesn’t matter right now.” His hands move to the ends of your hair, toying with the strands before turning half of his body aside. He reaches for a mug that situated on top of his nightstand, “Here. I brought you a cup of tea.”
     “Thanks, but I’m not really thirsty–”
     “Drink,” he calmly says. “You need to get hydrated after crying.”
     You could not argue with that. You’ve definitely lost a lot of water in your body after hours of just crying, without drinking anything. “You know me so well.” you told him and added, “I should’ve just listened to you when you warned me about strangers online.”
     “I guess I owe you an apology.”
     Peter chuckled at your statement and watched you as your lips slowly sipped at the heated tea he had just prepared. “No need to be sorry about anything now, I’m just glad you’re safe. He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
     “Don’t worry he didn’t physically touch me,” you assure as he nods.
     The adorable boy in front of you slyly looked down as he called for your name. “Y/N? Can I ask you a question?”
     “Of course, Peter.” 
     “Why’d you choose to stop by my place amongst our other friends.” 
     You finally finish the entire drink he had prepared. Before you could answer him, you extended your arm in order to set the fragile mug back on top of his bed side drawer.
     “Well for one, I still know where your place was, and it was closest from the restaurant,” you answered. “And conveniently enough, you were the first person I could think of after Jacob hurt my feelings.”
     “I could vividly remember your warnings just as I realized he was breaking up with me already. I didn’t know whether to feel sad or ashamed. What I do know was that you knew me too well, even before I became fully aware of it.”
     He smiled at your answer, and you gave the same look at him. “Well I’m glad you thought of me.” His hands reach over to yours and places them on top, feeling the warmth of his body over yours. “I would never want to hurt you, nor let you feel the pain Jacob gave you.”
     “You’re too sweet.” You smile.
     Your hands rubbed circles around your eyes first. Then you tried to lean in front, opening your arms wide signaling for a hug. Peter did not hesitate to hug you back, enveloping his arms while both of you rest your chins on top of each other’s shoulders.
     From this angle, you could strongly scent his cologne. However, that was not the only thing you could observe.
     As each second passes, you were not sure if you were the only one who could notice how hot the room was getting. Either that or that your skin was starting to burn up. “Peter?”
     “Don’t you think it’s getting hot–”
     As you were just about to react, you felt a pair of lips against yours. Peter had pulled back, and even when you could have realized it, he was pinning you down as your back presses against his bed.
     And as much as this was entirely contradicting your morals, you did not feel an ounce of guilt as one of your best friends continued to leave kisses down your neck. You were not entirely sure why your mind was doubting this, but your body was suddenly, badly craving for touch – and Peter was conveniently doing you the favor.
     “Don’t I think it’s getting what?” Peter sits up and teases just as he pulls his shirt over his shoulders.
     “Nothing,” you groan. “But I don’t think this is a good idea–”
     He shushes you, “Relax. Let me take care of you, yeah?
     His hands gently released heir grip around your wrists. He was confident enough that you wouldn’t fight back after finishing the drink he exclusively brewed for you.
     Your state of mind was perfectly right where he expected it to be. Just conscious enough to feel him against you, but incapable of thinking rationally. 
     He just hated how smart you were when it came to his friends and school; however, just as he expects, you were not as quick-witted when it came to relationships. 
     And hiring Jacob was definitely one of his greatest achievements so far. He lost a part of his savings along the way, but nothing could ever become as valuable as you. Now that you were in his room, let alone under his touch, he had the upper hand.
     Peter was not letting you go that easy afterwards.
     For now, he continues to leave kisses under your jaw while your hands lazily combs through the locks of his hair. He proudly hums against your skin after leaving gentle nibbles that started to leave evident love marks.
     One of his hands creep under your shirt, reaching to unhook your bra. As he successfully does, he moves to adjust your shirt over your breasts. He gets a good view of them even without having to pull it over your head, smirking to himself as this has been a fantasy he has been dreading for.
     “Fuck you’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” he murmurs. With one hand, he gently squeezes around one of your breasts just as he descends at your body.
     “Peter,” your moan comes from above his head just as he was ready to spread your legs.
     “Yeah, babe?”
     “C-condom,” you mumbled with eyelids partially open.
     He chuckled as a response, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”
     Peter tried to test the waters first to make sure he was completely in control of this situation. He drags the tip of his fingers across your stomach, further narrowing the path down as it reached at the entrance of your cunt. 
     He could instantly sense how wet you have become throughout his teasing. Both his middle and ring finger grew damper as he inserted them inch by inch, slowly seeing them reappear. 
     The warmth radiating around your walls excites him more, assuming how good you would be while his cock was wrapped around it. He instinctively curls his fingers out of excitement, forgetting that he was trying to handle you gently.
     You react by tightening around it, along with a whine. 
     “Sorry, babe.”
     Moreover, he continues it up until he felt his erection grow harden than before. He made sure he was completely hard before finally dropping both your pants down, attending to yours first until you were completely naked – excluding the shirt he did not haul over your head.
     Next was his turn. He undid his shorts and threw them away ever so quickly. Then rushed to welcome himself between the space of your legs. “You ready for me, babe?” He did not leave a choice despite asking that either way. You remained helpless under him.
     “Hmm,” was your only response.
     Peter did not hesitate as he glides into you. He groans at your heat, grasping that you feel better now compared to when he was using his fingers. “Oh shit,” he groans while speeding up the pace of his thrusts, “you feel so good.”
     “That’s it, holy fuck.” He was surprised at how responsive your body was still. Despite drugging you to the extent of being mentally incapable, your body was contracting all over him as if it was enjoying itself. 
     He continued to praise your body even if you could not understand what he was saying. The entire event revolved around him fucking you and leaving sweet remarks as if he was your boyfriend – and not, at all, a friend who laced your drink and made you believe you were somewhere safe.
     Though Peter did say he was going to care for you. Ironically, it was obvious that all he can think about now is chasing his orgasm and nutting inside you. After all, it was one of his dark and twisted fantasies – to have full control over you, at least.
     There were few moans coming from you, but the happy noises being created by Peter overpowers. With all of this, sexual, tension he finally got to release, it was expected that he was going to cum sooner.
     “Fuck,” and other swears came from him. “Didn’t expect to cum so soon.”
     As he did not care about your take on this, he also did not give a fuck when he was planning to cum inside you. Since he purposely avoided to wear any kind of protection, let alone learn if you were in any kind of birth control, anyone in their right mind would know what could happen the morning after.
     Willfully, he made sure to go deeper inside you until he could feel the tip of his cock twitch as a sign that he was going to cum. “Gonna fill you up with my cum, yeah,” he grunts as if you were going to reply. “And you’re gonna take it like the good girl you are.”
     Even so, when Peter finally felt his release, he took a good look at you beneath. You seemed hot and bothered, but not as him. Your chest was heaving all the while he could feel the speed of the beating of his heart.
     When he steadily pulls out, the awaited moment of his deep, dark fantasies finally arise. He could clearly see his own cum beautifully spilling out of your cunt like a cream pie. He could almost feel himself get turned on just at the sigh of it, but he considered that round two’s with you would be saved for next time.
     “Peter?”      “Hmm?”
     “I still feel hot,” you purr. 
     Peter extends his arm to gently place the back of his hand over your forehead, feeling how feverish your body still was. There were few hints of sweat streaming from your forehead. “Let me take care of you, I’ll just run you a bath, okay?”
     You childishly smile and agree with him, “O-okay.” He pulls back to be able to properly stand and proceeds to head to his shower with a huge smile from his face.
     You were his.
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bangtan · 3 years
BTS Shares Message Of Hope For The Future Generation, Performs “Permission To Dance” At The United Nations
On September 20 local time, BTS and South Korean President Moon Jae In spoke at the Sustainable Development Goals Moment (SDG Moment) at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
This was BTS’s first official event after being officially appointed special presidential envoys by President Moon Jae In last week.
At the SDG Moment, the BTS members spoke from the perspective of young people living through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and shared a message of hope for the future.
RM said, “We are here today to share the stories of the future generation. Before we came here, we asked young people in their teens and 20s around the world about the past two years and about the world they’re living in today.” Jin said, “There were times during the past two years when we too felt confused and troubled. But here, there are people who cry out, ‘Let’s live on, let’s live the best of this moment.'” Jimin continued, “They couldn’t just stand still during this time of their lives. There was no one we could blame. We were the same as we were yesterday, but the world had changed like we had suddenly entered a parallel world.”
Jungkook said, “We were saddened to hear the news of entrance and graduation ceremonies being canceled. It is upsetting to lose the moments that should be celebrated moments in one’s life. As for us, we were disappointed to have to cancel the concert tour that we had prepared for so long, and for a long time we missed the moments that we wanted to complete.” Suga said, “We needed time to mourn for the things that we lost to COVID-19, and time to discover how precious the moments that we took for granted were.”
Jimin showed the results of BTS’s #youthtoday campaign that they ran on social media, where people would send in photos of their precious moments. He said, “There were many people who showed themselves in nature. It seems that for the past two years, the time that we spent in nature felt more special.”
J-Hope referred to environmental issues when he said, “We just spoke about mourning, but it’s hard to even think about the mourning for the Earth. Everyone agrees that climate change is an important problem, but it’s not easy to talk about what the best solution might be.”
RM added, “While we were preparing to come here today, we learned that there are many young people who are taking an interest in environmental issues and that there are many students who have taken this on as their field of study. The future is unexplored territory, and we will be the ones who spend the most time in it, so I think that these young people are trying to find for themselves the ways that we can live in it.”
V continued, “I hope we don’t consider the future as nothing but darkness. We have people who are concerned for the world and are searching for the answers. There are still many pages left in the story about us, so I hope we don’t just talk about it like the ending is already written.” Jungkook added, “Sometimes the world seems stopped in place even if we’re ready to go. Sometimes it feels like you’ve lost your way. There were times when we felt the same way.”
RM continued, “I have heard people in their teens and 20s now are called the ‘COVID lost generation.’ It means that at a time when they need the most opportunities and challenges, they’ve lost their way. But just because adults cannot see the road for themselves, it doesn’t mean that they’ve lost their way.”
Jimin shared photos of students who have continued their studies and activities despite the pandemic and said, “In online spaces, they have continued to meet with their friends in new ways, started learning new things, and have tried to live more healthy lives. Rather than looking lost, they’ve found new courage and are taking on new challenges.”
Jin said, “Therefore, I think that instead of the ‘lost generation,’ the ‘welcome generation’ is a more appropriate name. Instead of being afraid of change, this generation says ‘welcome’ as they walk forward into the future.” RM said, “If we continue to believe in possibility and hope, we will not lose our way but discover new ones.” Suga added, “We will not always make perfect choices, but that will not mean that there is nothing we can do.”
J-Hope said, “What’s important are the choices we make when faced with change. Upon the news of us coming to the UN, many people wondered whether we had been vaccinated. I will take this opportunity to say that all seven of us have been vaccinated.” RM went on, “Vaccination was like the ticket for meeting our fans and being able to stand here today. Just like we said today, we too are doing the things that we’re able to do right now.”
V said, “Like the vaccination efforts, people are continuing to work on moving this new reality forward. I believe the day that we can meet face-to-face is not far away. I hope that until that day comes, we can continue to fill each day with positive energy.” RM concluded, “We thought that the world had stopped, but it continues to move forward. I believe that each choice is the beginning of change, not the end. I hope that in this new world, we can all say to each other, ‘Welcome.'”
BTS then shared a video performance of the group performing “Permission to Dance” at the United Nations General Assembly.
Source (1) (2)
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baku-bowl · 3 years
broke 1,000 followers (the fuck? I don't even make content people), so decided to write up a list of some (but not all, I'll make other lists later) of my favorite Bakugou-centric fic recs. my tastes run towards hurt/comfort, as you'll probably figure from the list. if there are some Baku-centric fics that you've enjoyed that aren't on here, please add them - this is definitely not a complete list of the ones I've read and love, but I'm always up for some recs. <3
fair warning, most of these are wips.
Social Media 101 by WindsChild8178
Part 1: Survival Guide to Fucking Up
[Solely Bakugou’s point of view]
Katsuki Bakugou doesn’t have a gentle bone in his body. He’s aggressive in everything he does and does everything with 100% of his heart in it. After the Sport’s Festival, Katsuki starts to get harassed by strangers for his unheroic demeanor. It starts with letters but it doesn’t end there. The moment Katsuki realizes the harassment has entered dangerous territory and he needs to tell someone, it’s already too late.
Part 2: Post Traumatic Life Disorder
[Point of View opens up to Bakugou, teachers and classmates]
When the Dorms are finally built, everyone is settling in well, but things become tense as people begin to realize something isn’t right with the recently rescued Bakugou.
[Cannon compliant right up to after the License Exam]
hands down my favorite fic in the fandom right now. it’s the one that converted me into a Bakugou lover. if you have any fondness for Bakugou as a character then it’s likely you’ve read this one already, but if not, I can’t recommend it enough. incredibly depressing, but with the hope that comfort is coming soon in the next few chapters.
The Kids Will Be Alright, Eventually by NotWithThatAttitude
Bakugou is spiraling in the aftermath of Kamino and his friends are starting to notice. He's stubborn, aggressively independent, and less than willing to dig into his past, but after a breakdown that ends with a painful secret revealed, he starts to get help.
Whether he likes it or not.
Meanwhile, a new kind of villain threatens an uneasy peace following the loss of Allmight. Whispers build as a new narrative slowly takes shape:
Hero society needs to change.
Feat. Therapy, Dadzawa, best boy Kirishima, dysfunctional families, healing, growing up, and the mortifying ordeal of being known
guys.. the medical accuracy of this fic is just... *chef’s kiss*
I rarely see mental health genuinely handled well in fics, but this one goes above and beyond. kudos to the author for doing such excellent research into psychology, and making the application of it in here not-boring. also, while this one does have abusive!Mitsuki, it’s done in a way that feels realistic, and how I usually will see it occur in real life, rather than just for the hurt/comfort feels.
fair warning, the fic can be incredibly triggering (themes of severe depression, PTSD, panic attacks, rape survival, abuse survival, suicidal ideation/attempted suicide, among other things), so be safe and heed the tw’s if you decide to read. legitimately one of my Top Favorite fics in this fandom.
Lock and Key by autochorystalize
Bakugou made a choked, gravelly noise before croaking out a low, “You can’t be serious.” His fingers ached to blow up everything in the room.
“I’m sorry, young man, but you can’t change reality! This sometimes happens.” Recovery Girl clicked through his file, adding a new symbol in a previously empty slot.
- - -
A pair of eyes discreetly locked on to an explosive blond plowing his way forward, parting people in his path. He recognized the kid, of course. Anyone in the underbelly of society would recognize him, after the publicity of both UA’s Sports Festival and the events leading up to All Might’s fall. The uniform he was wearing cast away any doubts about the young man’s identity.
It was a bit of a surprise that the little firecracker presented as an omega.
- - - - - - - - -
Or: there are certain types of evil that seemed too distant, archaic violations and perversions that would never actually threaten bright-eyed heroes-in-training in the clean, modern world...but sometimes those evils aren't as distant as one might think.
remember when I said that I love a/b/o fics that are full of plot and world-building and gender-induced tension? that’s this one. the OC’s are fabulous and you love to hate ‘em. also, it’s the fic that made me fall head-over-heels for the TodoBaku dynamic, so it’s got a special place in my cold, dead heart. 
be warned, there are rather explicit non-con scenes between an adult (OC) and a minor (Bakugou) in this one, but the author warns for them in advance, and you could likely skip those parts without missing too much if you need to.
Never and Always, Eventually by Wawa_Boonliang
"Katsuki can remember the exact moment that he and Deku…that he and Midoriya Izuku became friends. He can also remember the moment he and Izuku became fierce rivals, a time when they were almost enemies.
However, what he remembers most clearly about their relationship is the moment that they moved passed rivals and became something more close than mere friends. Something more like brotherhood, something forged in fire and secured in the middle of a battlefield or in the midst of natural disaster where the number of the dead was climbing ever higher. And then it was torn from him."
Katsuki is given a second chance. A chance to save everyone. A chance to change everything.
But should he?
y’all. I’m a slutty, slutty whore for time travel fics. a time travel fic with autistic!coded Bakugou? it was love at first read.
Lessons Learned by Sif (Rosae)
Rather than the police station, Katsuki's friends bring him to a hospital after rescuing him from the villains. His wounds were minor, but it didn't make having them treated any less important. As it would so happen, Best Jeanist was also brought to this hospital after the attack.
Sometimes, small choices have a big impact on how a story plays out.
classic Bakugou hurt/comfort. this fic opened me up to the potential that could be a genuinely good Best Jeanist & Katsuki mentor-mentee relationship, and I kind of dig it and search ravenously for it in other fics now. I’m also a huge fan of the behind-the-scences Pro Hero Chat group.
Slope by sunfleurmoon
“I’m not a hero. Or a good person,” Katsuki says, giving Aizawa a pointed look, “So leave me alone. I don’t care about the League or UA, or you—” The two years he’s been away have been fine, more than fine, fucking fantastic actually if you ignore the bi-monthly near-death experiences. He doesn’t need this place. He doesn’t miss this place.
And yet, longing, a childish desire to tear up, or maybe blow something to bits, they all twist in his chest like a band of traitors regardless. “—I just want to go home.”
Or: the one where Katsuki and Izuku fail the first term exam, Aizawa discovers their pasts, and Katsuki is booted from UA. Featuring questionable descriptions of villain organizations, a slightly illegal moving shop, and your favorite emotionally constipated badass in distress with a newly discovered penchant for collecting strays.
paaaaaaiiiiiiiin. the hurt is ALIVE in this one. lots of tortured, angsty exploding child goodness. the OC’s are excellently crafted, and the Bakugou & Eri relationship? beautiful. definitely deserves a read.
Ground Zero by WindsChild8178
In the wake of Kamino, Katsuki is tested more than anyone could imagine. Bound by a villain’s quirk to keep his silence or die, he lives each day knowing it might very well be his last. He continues to work towards becoming a hero, keeping his secret from his classmates and teachers, focusing on making it through each day and trying not to allow the panic or depression to get the best of him. When the villain finally corners him with demands in exchange for his life, there is really only one answer Katsuki Bakugou can give.
honestly don't know which I want updated more - social media 101 or ground zero. this author's fics are amazing, and I really wasn't expecting the twist in this one. can't wait for windschild to come back to this fic some day.
The Defect by LadyGreenFrisbee
"Why do you want to win the Sports Festival so badly?" 
Because I want to see if the defect could usurp the masterpiece.
(In which Endeavor holds a terrible secret and Bakugo has to suffer since childhood for it.)
a great concept, and I adore the shouto and Katsuki sibling interaction here. hoping the author will come back to this one some day.
A Name That You'll Remember by Heronfem
Kirishima Eijirou is a Hero. Bakugou Katsuki... is not. Trapped in his toxic workplace and increasingly desperate to get out, Red Riot's days are only brightened by a new villain known as Caution, who's not exactly villainous and keeps accidentally doing good deeds. But when a real villain appears, a threat from the past that demands that Red Riot make the ultimate sacrifice to keep the public safe, Bakugou is forced into saving the day... and eventually, Red Riot himself.
sob story good guy villains are my weakness, this fic is a gem, and I'd kill for the sequel.
Our Hero by AnonymousTwit
He felt everything jerk to the side and throw his balance off before he saw anything, dust clouding his vision and irritating his lungs as the earth itself opened up to swallow them whole. For a single moment, in a millisecond's time, his wild eyes locked with Raccoon Eyes', hers alight with fear and adrenaline-fueled desperation. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized that it was the first time she'd looked at him with something other than long-deserved hatred in days.
And then he was free falling.
After a particularly nasty encounter between childhood friends, the class learns about Bakugou and Midoriya's dark history and practically ostracizes Bakugou while trying to defend Midoriya. An earthquake during an outing has all sides regretting their decisions.
just fucking tear apart my self-sacrificing faves in every way imaginable while their loved ones watch on in terror. 💖🥰💖 this one is heavy on the Bakusquad and Class-1A feels, and VERY heavy on the Mina & Bakugou relationship (platonic).
Running back the tape, watching it replay by Faralyne
For someone ripped from their time, ripped from the few but strong relationships built by time and personal development, by self-reflection and swallowed pride, ripped from the one thing that made him feel worthwhile and needed and put-together, and forced to forge everything over again—Katsuki thinks he is handling it pretty fucking well.
A villain’s quirk sends a 29-year-old Bakugou back in time to his middle school days.
am I a sucker for time travel? yes. am I a sucker for vigilante!bakugou? also yes. am I a sucker for this fic? literally refreshing the page in wait for an update as we speak.
Liability by sandelf
After All-Might dies rescuing Bakugou from the League, Bakugou is determined to prove it wasn't for nothing.
But the world is against him, his grief is overwhelming, and his stability is splitting at the edges.
very self-indulgent bakugou angst. tw for harassment, severe depression, and suicidality.
Special Mentions:
How To Win The Sport Festival: A Step By Step Guide by mhwright
Short re-imagining of the Sports Festival Arc if Shinso had planned a little better and worked a little harder to win the Sports Festival and if the match-ups had been slightly different. Self-indulgent fic of watching him succeed.
this is completely Shinsou-centric, not Bakugou-centric, but I love and adore it and am dying for a sequel. Shinsou is Best Boy here and you'll be rooting for him the whole time.
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waveypedia · 4 years
The Family We Make
Companion piece to Leaving the Nest (can be read in any order)
After Bradford is defeated, it takes hours for the adrenaline of the day to wear off.
Fenton calls his mother, who brings half of Duckburg’s police force over much sooner than should be humanly possible. Any questioning stares are met with amused shrugs and Gyro’s passionate declaration to never get between Officer M.A.M.A. Cabrera and her son. Spoken from experience, of course. Officer Cabrera’s officers and the superheroes present arrest FOWL’s goons. (Pepper gives May and June goodbye hugs.) 
The villains are gone, of course, having split with the help of Magica’s sorcery and a harmless raven on her shoulder. They’d left with winks and playful smiles tossed over their shoulders. Almost friendly, but not quite. Familiar. The promises of future tussles and battles left unsaid in the desert air. No one says anything outright, but the villains’ smooth departure puts a smile on everyone’s faces. It’s the promise of a next time. Of countless adventures to come. Bradford, for all his meticulous and careful planning, lost.
Goldie steals Manny away to ride into the nearest town and comes back with a cooler of snacks. Uncle Scrooge - Dad (Dad!) - and Granny level their fiercest glares at her and pointedly ask if she paid for them. Goldie giggles behind her hand and avoids the question, dropping a packaged ice cream cone in Dewey’s hands. He lights up, and Dad melts just like the ice cream under the hot desert sun.
Webby, sitting blissfully between Dad and Granny, has a perfect view of their conversation with Goldie. She keeps shooting Webby weird looks, like she isn’t quite sure what to make of her. Honestly, Webby doesn’t really blame her. Webby has always been Granny’s granddaughter through and through, and she inherited Granny’s disdain for Goldie and protectiveness of Dad. 
Webby leans against Dad, and he puts an arm around her. Steady and protective, although she can feel his heart fluttering in his chest. He’s exhausted too - he went through perhaps the most today, at least physically. They’re both too tired to speak, at least right now, but they’re content enough to be in each others’ presence. 
Dewey leads the other kids to the ice cream, and they wave her over. Gosalyn passes a cone to her, and Huey hands her a napkin. She sits sandwiched between Boyd and June, eating ice cream on the ramp of the plane. Violet is holding Lena’s cone because Lena is busy weaving friendship bracelets for May and June.
Webby glances back to where Dad and Granny have set up camp. Members of their family are filtering through, offering assistance and comfort. Donald’s leading a team to fix the plane, and Ludwig is bringing a group through FOWL’s headquarters like a tour guide, to pick up any evidence and missing mysteries. Gyro is off to the side, painstakingly fixing Boyd’s body and the Gizmosuit, with Della hovering over his shoulder and making snarky remarks he pretends to be bothered by.
Soon they’ll be in the air, and she still hasn’t talked to Dad. Really talked to him.
Fear starts to pool in Webby’s gut. He seemed to take it well enough, but that was in the middle of the fight. What if he doesn’t want to be her father? What if this changes her relationship with her other family members?
Webby squeezes her cone so hard it cracks and melted ice cream spills onto her hand.
Why should a piece of parchment, magic or not, decide her family, when she’s spent years cultivating and choosing the perfect family of her own? For better or for worse?
A familiar hand waves in front of her face, green sleeves flapping in the slight breeze, and Webby jumps, startled. Her family, no longer contentedly eating their ice cream, are all staring at her with varying degrees of worry.
“Hey, Webs?” Louie blinks at her and shoves his hands back in the pocket. “You were kinda spacing out there.”
Webby shakes herself back into the present and grins sheepishly at him. “Sorry. What’s up?”
Louie jerks a thumb inside the plane. “Mom just came by. We’re about ready to start heading back. Reinforcements just got here, and they’re going to take everyone else home.”
Webby blinks and casts a quick glance around the desert, cultivated by years of spy training and adventuring. Della is indeed a few paces away, talking to Launchpad, next to the broken plane wing looking as good as new. On the other side of the plane, Amunet and D’jinn are talking to Goldie and Storkules as they enter Gladstone’s blimp. The desert is clearing out, and those who haven’t already left are busy packing up any supplies. 
Dad and Granny amble over with the rest of the adults into the plane. Dad stops in front of them, placing his cane on the ground with a clink and folding his hands over it. He’s smiling, tired but fond. His eyes rest on Webby for a moment longer than everyone else before moving on. 
“All ready, kids?” Dad asks, his beak quirking up in a familiar cocky smirk, and something fond settles in Webby’s gut.
“Ready,” she replies firmly with the rest of them, smiling, and enters the plane, ignoring her growing nervousness. She’s with her family now. She’s safe.
When they’re all safe and settled in the belly of the Sunchaser once again,  after Launchpad’s little snafu with the emergency hatch release, Webby seeks Dad out.
He’s sitting in the seat closest to the cockpit, talking with Aunt Daisy. Webby’s full to bursting with nervous energy, but, as she knows, it’s all for naught. His face lights up when he sees Webby coming. Aunt Daisy, as savvy and clever as she is, gives Webby a fond, knowing smile and slips away with a pat on Dad’s knee and a ruffle of Webby’s hair.
Hesitantly, Webby jumps into Aunt Daisy’s chair and maneuvers herself to face Dad. She busies herself for a few moments by fidgeting with her friendship bracelet.
Dad rearranges himself to face Webby, too. “What can I do for you, lass?” he asks, but she can tell from his tone he already knows where this conversation is going.
“So. Um.” Webby tugs at the hem of her skirt, bunching it up in her fists and hurriedly smoothing it out again. “Dad.”
“Dad,” he repeats, his voice full of wonder and amazement. A small smile tugs at his grin, threatening to burst and split his face.
“Can we talk?” Webby asks nervously. Her voice breaks a little on the word talk, and Dad noticeably winces.
“Of course,” he replies, awkward and stilted. “Go ahead.”
“Well…” Webby stares down at her skirt, then back up at Dad with glassy eyes. “Do you love me?”
Dad jerks, shocked. It’s clear that of all her questions, he certainly wasn’t expecting that one.
“Like a daughter,” Webby clarifies. “Do you love me like a daughter?”
Dad’s face changes, softens. It’s unreadable, but not unkind. 
“Of course,” he replies softly.
Webby flinches and glances to the side, at the wall of the plane. Anywhere but Dad’s face. She tries to hide her discomfort, but it’s clear he notices.
“Do you… not want me to?” he tries.
Webby shakes her head. “Of course I do,” she replies softly.
“Then why…” he trails off. He has a million clauses he could finish the sentence with, but they all hang heavy in the air between them, unsaid.
Webby can’t look at him. “I… I don’t want you to only love me because I’m your daughter,” she replies. Her voice breaks on the word daughter. “I want you to love me because I’m me.”
“Webbigail Vanderquack.” Dad stares at her incredulously. “I paid full price for your birthday party. And it was only a front! How can you think I don’t love you?!”
A shocked giggle bursts out of Webby. After a moment, Dad joins her in his own giggling fit.
“I know you love me,” Webby replies quietly after their giggles have died down. Dad’s smile sags, and his expression turns serious and forlorn. “But it’s not the same. I- I know I’ve always been Granny’s granddaughter. It’s a little different. I love you, but I hate that we’re family because a missing mystery said so, and not because we love each other.”
Dad’s expression softens. “Oh, lassie.” He opens his arms, and Webby crawls into his embrace without a second thought.
Dad smooths her hair and tucks his chin onto her head. “Did you know,” he says, his voice muffled by the embrace, “that technically, May and June are my daughters too?”
Webby’s eyes burn. “Hmm?”
“Aye,” Dad continues. “If you were made from my DNA, and May and June were made from yours, then they’re a part of me too. Maybe they’re more like my granddaughters, but the point stands.”
Webby buries her face further into Dad’s coat and doesn’t respond. She’s not sure how too.
“Point being, May and June are my family, and I will treat them as such. I’m sure they’re marvelous young girls, and lovely sisters for you, my dear.”
Dad shifts his embrace so he can see her face. He holds her gaze with a steady and serious look.
“But they’re not my daughters. You, Webby darlin’, are. Do you know why?”
Webby shakes her head.
Dad hugs her tighter. “Because you always have been,” he replies, his voice thick, and oh. “Maybe not with that exact label, but, as Lena would say, labels are weird. You’re my family. You’re one of my kids. I know you, and I love you, Webby darlin’.”
“I… I know I didn’t make the effort to get to know you when you were young,” Dad continues. “I will be the first to admit I regret that. I’ve made a lot of mistakes when it comes to family. But I’ve had the honor of watching you grow these past years, and of being your family. And I wouldn’t trade that for the world.”
Webby nods. She knows they’re both thinking of earlier that day, when Scrooge’s declaration was put to the test, and won, but only narrowly. He doesn’t make that statement lightly.
Dad shifts, and his embrace loosens. His expression turns troubled and almost… nervous? It scares Webby by osmosis, but a part of her that she hasn’t processed yet thinks it’s comforting that he’s just as scared as she is. It’s new territory for both of them, but they’ll conquer it together.
“Webby, lass,” Dad begins, hesitantly. “Do you… not want me to be your father?”
Webby hums thoughtfully. Out of all the questions that had arisen in the wake of the Papyrus’ reveal, she hadn’t directly considered this one. It had been at the back of her mind, waiting, lingering.
Despite the lack of deliberation time, Webby knows the answer. She’s always known it, from the moment Bradford had confirmed her ancestry.
“Yes,” she says confidently, so firmly that it startles Dad. “It’s like you said. You’re my family, and that didn’t change.”
Dad’s face softens, and his shoulders slump with relief, and his grin threatens to split his face. Webby grins back, a mirror of his own.
“But,” she continues. “I… I like calling you Uncle Scrooge, too. It feels right to call myself your daughter, but it also feels right to call myself your niece. Does… is that okay? Does that make sense?”
“Of course,” Dad replies, shifting his arms. “I think I know how you feel. You are my daughter, and my niece. You’re one of my kids, and that will never change.”
He smiles wryly. “I do like having this special connection to you, though, lass. I have many heirs, but you’re the heir of Clan McDuck. That’s not something to take lightly. I’m proud of you.”
“I’ve never had a father,” she says after a minute. “Granny told me about a father, and a mother, too, but I never really knew them. But I’ve always had you.”
“Aye, Blaise,” Dad replies. “Your so-called ‘mother’ was your grandmother’s niece, if I remember correctly. Arianna. She and Blaise were sweet, if a bit airheaded, from what your grandmother’s told me. They were in a car crash shortly before you were bo- before your grandmother brought you home.”
Webby hums. “I didn’t know they were real.”
“Aye, they were very real,” Dad confirms. “As I’m sure Louie or Goldie will tell you, the best lies are closest to the truth. I’m sure they would love you, dear.”
“I don’t know them,” Webby counters softly. She tilts her head back to look Dad in the eyes. “I never will. But I know you.”
He beams at her. “Exactly, lassie.”
Webby shifts back into his embrace, and they sit together for a minute, the plane’s rumblings shaking them both slightly. 
“Does this mean Goldie is my mom now?” Webby asks suddenly, her beak quirking into a grin.
Dad startles and squawks. “Ack, no! I know Louie calls her Aunt Goldie, for all the blasted- but now. Er, I suppose, that’s up to you, lassie,” he finishes somewhat awkwardly.
Webby smiles contentedly and leans her cheek against the fabric of his coat. “That’s okay,” she replies. “It’s my family and I get to choose the members.”
Dad grins proudly, and they lapse back into silence for another few minutes. The adrenaline, both from the harrowing events of the day and the nerve-wracking yet highly anticipated conversation with dad, slips out of her veins, and the heaviness of sleep tugs at Webby’s eyes.
Dad eventually breaks the drowsy, comfortable silence. “I’m proud to call you my daughter.” he murmurs into her hair, and Webby beams. “I’m proud you’re my family, not because that blasted Papyrus says so, but because you chose me. That means more to me than all the money in my Money Bin.”
Webby snuggles deeper into his embrace, her eyelids drifting closed. “Likewise, Dad. I love you.”
He smooths her hair down. The last thing she hears before she falls asleep, blissful and safe, is: “I love you too, Webby darlin’.”
god i. finale came out today and anyone who’s talked to me can verify that i’ve been in constant Duck Mode all day. head full only ducks. i’ve been struggling with motivation lately (as always lmao) but it struck today in the form of my absolute favorite dynamic in the entire show.
if you were in my circles back in 2018, around when confidential casefiles aired, you might remember that i talked a lot about webby and scrooge. i remember requesting them in almost every writing prompt request i was offered. i don’t talk about them much nowaways, and i’m not sure why, because i still love them. regardless of how you feel about the twist in the finale, the pure, unconditional love that webby and scrooge show each other makes me so, so happy. I almost added a section with beakley, because she's an important part of webby's family as well and they need to have a conversation, but webby and scrooge needed their moment. i'll write it later.
this is a bit of trying to make sense of how the theme of found and chosen family fits in with webby’s new biological relation to scrooge and a bit closure. scrooge isn’t the best at having these important conversations, but webby’s pretty good at sticking up for herself when need be.
arianna and blaise are actually based on my OC versions of webby’s parents i made a long, long time ago! arianna was a shush-turned-fowl agent, and blaise was a fowl technician. my plan for them was that they were working for fowl (which was, at the time, based on darkwing duck’s fowl) and eventually, they both cut ties and became freelance villains in st. canard and duckburg. the duck family would fight them, they’d recognize webby and beakley, and the truth would come out. the arianna and blaise mentioned here aren’t my old versions of them, but i wanted to pay tribute to that little picture webby had on her board of her parents. i figured they had to be someone, especially since the woman looked a lot like beakley. my headcanon is that they really were a librarian and an artist, and that beakley raised webby in their images as a tribute to the family she’d lost. also, it didn’t come up in the fic, but blaise is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns!
when watching and rewatching the finale and watching gifs of it, something that struck me was how awestruck and euphoric scrooge acted when he found out. i think most of us focused on webby’s reaction, and beakley’s, but man, scrooge gets so quietly emotional and it means everything to me. this is basically a love letter to that quiet joy, scrooge and webby’s relationship, webby’s beautiful relationship with family, the finale, and ducktales as a whole. i love this goddamn show, and i’m going to miss it so much. see you, space cowboy.
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
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Dear Kitsune and O.E.D, There was an adorable fox pup who appeared in my garden, and, like any good person, I fed the hungry pup. Since the pup appeared to be quite skinny, I assumed that it did not have a mother, so every time the pup came around, I continued to feed it. Big mistake. It started with one, but then more fox pups showed up. Even some adult foxes started to show in my yard, and they all are making a big mess, and ruining my garden! As if that wasn’t bad enough, every time I go to scold one of them, they just flop on their backs, bushy tail wagging, and make this peculiar sound as if they are laughing at me! I beseech of you, how do I get these foxes to leave my garden in peace? They are too adorable to exterminate, so that is not an option for me. The foxes also get into spats with the resident cat and weasel, and I fear one day it will get out of hand. -Disgruntled monk (Anon request)
Dear K, er DM,
I must commend you for providing sustenance for the hungry fox pup. The average person cannot tell the difference between a true vulpine, or a young shape-shifter. It is best to err on the side of caution, lest you end up on the wrong side of a Kitsune some time in the future.
Although the Kitsune has no specific information as to the provenance of your own garden tourists (none at all), given the above information do you want to risk antagonizing a being inclined to someday return the favor? Consider. One day you may be traveling through enemy territory, only to be led into a swamp by a beacon of foxfire. Or, perhaps the Kitsune will enter your hideout while you are away, and steal your weapons. A Kitsune bent on revenge, might enter your mind via a dream, possess your loved ones, or even bend time and space around you.
If the above does not frighten you, consider the following. Wouldn’t you prefer to have a garden full of adorable, friendly creatures, to a field of dull, uninteresting vegetables? Keep your resident animals safely inside, where they, and you, will be treated to days of entertainment.
The decision should be simple.
The Kitsune
Postscript: Who keeps a weasel as a pet, yet objects to foxes in the garden? Among other things, the Kitsune questions your taste.
Postscript the second: For that matter, who keeps a tiger as a pet, yet objects to foxes in the garden? O.E.D…  the Kitsune questions your sanity.
Curious about the O.E.D.'s opinion? Go to @lorei-writes to find out what he had to say.
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yamayuandadu · 3 years
Circe by Madeline Miller: a review
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As you might have noticed, a few of my most recent posts were more or less a liveblog of Madeline Miller’s novel Circe. However, as they hardly exhausted the subject, a proper review is also in order. You can find it under the “read more” button. All sorts of content warnings apply because this book takes a number of turns one in theory can expect from Greek mythology but which I’d hardly expect to come up in relation to Circe. I should note that this is my first contact with this author’s work. I am not familiar with Miller’s more famous, earlier novel Song of Achilles - I am not much of an Iliad aficionado, truth to be told. I read the poem itself when my literature class required it, but it left no strong impact on me, unlike, say, the Epic of Gilgamesh or, to stay within the theme of Greek mythology, Homeric Hymn to Demeter, works which I read at a similar point in my life on my own accord.
What motivated me to pick up this novel was the slim possibility that for once I’ll see my two favorite Greek gods in fiction, these being Hecate and Helios (in case you’re curious: #3 is Cybele but I suspect that unless some brave soul will attempt to adapt Nonnus’ Dionysiaca, she’ll forever be stuck with no popcultural presence outside Shin Megami Tensei). After all, it seemed reasonable to expect that Circe’s father will be involved considering their relationship, while rarely discussed in classical sources, seems remarkably close. Hesiod’s Catalogue of Women and Apollonius’ Argonautica describe Circe arriving on her island in her father’s solar chariot, while Ptolemy Hephaestion (as quoted by Photius) notes that Helios protected her home during the Gigantomachy. Helios, for all intents and purposes, seems like a decent dad (and, in Medea’s case, grandpa) in the source material even though his most notable children (and granddaughter) are pretty much all cackling sorcerers, not celebrated heroes. How does Miller’s Helios fare, compared to his mythical self? Not great, to put it lightly, as you’ll see later. As for Hecate… she’s not even in the book. Let me preface the core of the review by saying I don’t think reinterpreting myths, changing relations between figures, etc. is necessarily bad - ancient authors did it all the time, and modern adaptations will inevitably do so too, both to maintain internal coherence and perhaps to adjust the stories to a modern audience, much like ancient authors already did. I simply don’t think this book is successful at that. The purpose of the novel is ostensibly to elevate Circe above the status of a one-dimensional minor antagonist - but to accomplish this, the author mostly demonizes her family and a variety of other figures, so the net result is that there are more one dimensional female villains, not less. I expected the opposite, frankly. The initial section of the novel focuses on Circe’s relationship with her family, chiefly with her father. That’s largely uncharted territory in the source material - to my knowledge no ancient author seemed particularly interested in covering this period in her life. Blank pages of this sort are definitely worth filling. To begin with, Helios is characterized as abusive, neglectful and power-hungry. And also, for some reason, as Zeus’ main titan ally in the Titanomachy - a role which Hesiod attributes to Hecate… To be fair I do not think it’s Hesiod who serves as the primary inspiration here, as it’s hard to see any traces of his account - in which Zeus wins in no small part because he promises the lesser titans higher positions that they had under Cronus - in Miller’s version of events. Only Helios and Oceanus keep their share, and are presented as Zeus’ only titan allies (there’s a small plot hole as Selene appears in the novel and evidently still is the moon…) - contrary to just about any portrayal of the conflict, in which many titans actually side with Zeus and his siblings. Also, worth noting that in Hesiod’s version it’s not Oceanus himself who cements the pact with Zeus, it’s his daughter Styx - yes, -that- Styx. Missed opportunity to put more focus on female mythical figures - first of many in this work, despite many reviews praising it as “feminist.” Of course, it’s not all about Helios. We are quickly introduced to a variety of female characters as well (though, as I noted above, none of these traditionally connected to the Titanomachy despite it being a prominent aspect of the book’s background). They are all somewhat repetitive - to the point of being basically interchangeable. Circe’s mother is vain and cruel; so is Scylla. And Pasiphae. There’s no real indication of any hostility between Circe and any of her siblings in classical sources, as far as I am aware, but here it’s a central theme. The subplots pertaining to it bear an uncanny resemblance to these young adult novels in which the heroine, who is Not Like Other Girls, confronts the Chads and Stacies of the world, and I can’t shake off the feelings that it’s exactly what it is, though with superficial mythical flourish on top. I should note that Pasiphae gets a focus arc of sorts - which to my surprise somehow manages to be more sexist than the primary sources. A pretty famous tidbit repeated by many ancient authors is that Pasiphae cursed her husband Minos, regarded as unfaithful, to kill anyone else he’d have sex with with his… well, bodily fluids. Here she does it entirely  because she’s a debased sadist and not because unfaithfulness is something one can be justifiably mad about. You’d think it would be easy to put a sympathetic spin on this. But the book manages to top that in the very same chapter - can’t have Pasiphae without the Minotaur (sadly - I think virtually everything else about Pasiphae and Minos is more fun than that myth but alas) so in a brand new twist on this myth we learn that actually the infamous affair wasn’t a curse placed on Pasiphae by Poseidon or Aphrodite because of some transgression committed by Minos. She’s just wretched like that by nature. I’m frankly speechless, especially taking into account the book often goes out of its way to present deities in the worst light possible otherwise, and which as I noted reviews praise for its feminist approach - I’m not exactly sure if treating Pasiphae worse than Greek and Roman authors did counts as that.  I should note this is not the only instance of… weirdly enthusiastic references to carnal relations between gods and cattle in this book, as there’s also a weird offhand mention of Helios being the father of his own cows. This, as far as I can tell, is not present in any classical sources and truth to be told I am not a huge fan of this invention. I won’t try to think about the reason behind this addition to maintain my sanity. Pasiphae aside - the author expands on the vague backstory Circe has in classical texts which I’ve mentioned earlier. You’d expect that her island would be a gift from her father - after all many ancient sources state that he provided his children and grandchildren with extravagant gifts. However, since Helios bears little resemblance to his mythical self, Aeaea is instead a place of exile here, since Helios hates Circe and Zeus is afraid of witchcraft and demands such a solution (the same Zeus who, according to Hesiod, holds Hecate in high esteem and who appeared with her on coins reasonably commonly… but hey, licentia poetica, this idea isn’t necessarily bad in itself). Witchcraft is presented as an art exclusive to Helios’ children here - Hecate is nowhere to be found, it’s basically as if her every role in Greek mythology was surgically removed. A bit of a downer, especially since at least one text - I think Ovid’s Metarphoses? - Circe directly invokes Hecate during her confrontation with king Picus (Surprisingly absent here despite being a much more fitting antagonist for Circe than many of the characters presented as her adversaries in this novel…) Of course, we also learn about the origin of Circe’s signature spell according to ancient sources, changing people into animals. It actually takes the novel a longer while to get there, and the invented backstory boils down to Circe getting raped. Despite ancient Greek authors being rather keen on rape as plot device, to my knowledge this was never a part of any myth about Circe. Rather odd decision to put it lightly but I suppose at least there was no cattle involved this time, perhaps two times was enough for the author. Still, I can’t help but feel like much like many other ideas present in this book it seems a bit like the author’s intent is less elevating the Circe above the role of a one note witch antagonist, but rather punishing her for being that. The fact she keeps self loathing about her origin and about not being human doesn’t exactly help to shake off this feeling. This impression that the author isn’t really fond of Circe being a wacky witch only grows stronger when Odysseus enters the scene. There was already a bit of a problem before with Circe’s life revolving around love interests before - somewhat random ones at that (Dedalus during the Pasiphae arc and Hermes on and off - not sure what the inspiration for either of these was) - but it was less noticeable since it was ultimately in the background and the focus was the conflict between Circe and Helios, Pasiphae, etc. In the case of Odysseus it’s much more notable because these subplots cease to appear for a while. As a result of meeting him, Circe decides she wants to experience the joys of motherhood, which long story short eventually leads to the birth of Telegonus, who does exactly what he was famous for. The final arcs have a variety of truly baffling plot twists which didn’t really appeal to me, but which I suppose at least show a degree of creativity - better than just turning Helios’ attitude towards his children upside down for sure. Circe ends up consulting an oc character who I can only describe as “stingray Cthulhu.” His presence doesn’t really add much, and frankly it feels like yet another wasted opportunity to use Hecate, but I digress. Oh, also in another twist Athena is recast as the villain of the Odyssey. Eventually Circe gets to meet Odysseus’ family, for once interacts with another female character on positive terms (with Penelope, to be specific) and… gets together with Telemachus, which to be fair is something present in many ancient works but which feels weird here since there was a pretty long passage about Odysseus describing him as a child to Circe. I think I could live without it. Honestly having her get together with Penelope would feel considerably less weird, but there are no lesbians in the world of this novel. It would appear that the praise for Song of Achilles is connected to the portrayal of gay relationships in it. Can’t say that this applies to Circe - on this front we have an offhand mention of Hyacinth's death. which seems to serve no real purpose other than establishing otherwise irrelevant wind god is evil, and what feels like an advert for Song of Achilles courtesy of Odysseus, which takes less than one page. Eventually Circe opts to become mortal to live with Telemachus and denounces her father and… that’s it. This concludes the story of Circe. I don’t exactly think the original is the deepest or greatest character in classical literature, but I must admit I’d rather read about her wacky witch adventures than about Miller’s Circe. A few small notes I couldn’t fit elsewhere: something very minor that bothered me a lot but that to be honest I don’t think most readers will notice is the extremely chaotic approach to occasional references to the world outside Greece - Sumer is randomly mentioned… chronologically after Babylon and Assyria, and in relation to Persians (or rather - to Perses living among them). At the time we can speak of “Persians” Sumerian was a dead language at best understood by a few literati in the former great cities of Mesopotamia so this is about the same as if a novel about Mesopotamia mentioned Macedonians and then completely randomly Minoans at a chronologically later point. Miller additionally either confused or conflated Perses, son of Perseus, who was viewed positively and associated with Persia (so positively that Xerxes purportedly tried to use it for propaganda purposes!) with Perses the obscure brother of Circe et. al, who is a villain in an equally obscure myth casting Medea as the heroine, in which he rules over “Tauric Chersonese,” the Greek name of a part of Crimea. I am honestly uncertain why was he even there as he amounts to nothing in the book, and there are more prominent minor children of Helios who get no mention (like Aix or Phaeton) so it’s hard to argue it was for the sake of completion. Medea evidently doesn’t triumph over him offscreen which is his sole mythical purpose. Is there something I liked? Well, I’m pretty happy Selene only spoke twice, considering it’s in all due likeness all that spared her from the fate of receiving similarly “amazing” new characterization as her brother. As is, she was… okay. Overall I am definitely not a fan of the book. As for its purported ideological value? It certainly has a female main character. Said character sure does have many experiences which are associated with women. However, I can’t help but think that the novel isn’t exactly feminist - it certainly focuses on Circe, but does it really try to “rehabilitate” her? And is it really “rehabilitation” and feminist reinterpretation when almost every single female character in the book is the same, and arguably depicted with even less compassion than in the source material?  It instead felt like the author’s goal is take away any joy and grandeur present in myths, and to deprive Circe of most of what actually makes her Circe. We don’t need to make myths joyless to make them fit for a new era. It’s okay for female characters to be wacky one off villains and there’s no need to punish them for it. A book which celebrates Circe for who she actually is in the Odyssey and in other Greek sources - an unapologetic and honestly pretty funny character -  would feel much more feminist to me that a book where she is a wacky witch not because she feels like it but because she got raped, if you ask me. 
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Circe evidently having the time of her life, by Edmund Dulac (public domain)
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