#they all exist in different verses though
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theothervonkarmagirl · 6 months ago
A brief on Clara's beloved Pegasus. U v U
He is a showoff. When lots of people are watching, he will strut or fly around like he owns the place. He likes to sprint and jet around, and Clara swears he will look at you like, "I'm the fastest Pegasus in the world!"
When there are only a few people, or he is only around other pegasi or horses, he'll act like he isn't paid enough to listen to you. He will decide in 5 seconds if he likes you riding him or not, and if not, he will DRAMATICALLY send you flying. Naturally, the exception is Clara, with whom he has bonded.
He is too clever for his own good. Clara has to distract him when letting him out of the stable now because before, he watched her undo the lock so many times he figured it out himself and kept escaping. They had to design new locks and everything.
He loves treats and being brushed. You will brush him until he is satisfied. Otherwise, he will nudge you. He is ok with other animals, if they show proper deference! He doesn't like mice, though. They are too little and too fast. What is up with those guys? He also HATES BATHS. Bathing is a huge production.
He likes attention. Like a certain human we know, he will do things he knows he's not supposed to do, like run off with feed buckets, if he feels he is being ignored.
Clara is a princess but Flappin' Jack Flash thinks he is the king lol
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pavlovianpanic · 4 months ago
❝ yeah, my family owns a mountain. well, like, most of it … like, the peak?? heh ... enough to call it mount washington, but it's actually called blackwood mountain — connected to blackwood pines. it's a whole thing. ❞
a whole community, or more it was. some parts thrived more than others, though only for so long — the mines were cursed, the sanitorium shut down in the 50's, and the hotel? razed down to its lowest levels in the effort to rebuild something new, brighter, and more luxurious. his father's greed knows no bounds, a sickness passed down through blood. a curse. we're cursed. i know it.
❝ we have a lodge, actually. my dad built it. heh, i basically grew up there. if you want, i could show you sometime? you might not know this about me, jovie, but i'm actually a wicked snowboarder. yeah, yeah. it's true. you'll just have to see for yourself. there's enough boards for us both, trust me. besides, if snowboarding isn't your thing, there's enough trails and scenic sights to get your fill for life. trust me. so, what do you say? you in? i could gather the gang together, get us all up there ... or it could be a more private trip? eh? just me and you?? come on, @goldcnpeaks, don't leave me hanging. you in? ❞
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iinexorabile · 1 year ago
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smth smth, this blogs muses have a main connected universe via their fandomless au's
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vullcanica · 1 year ago
I've been thinking a little bit today, re: Avita, morality and love. Namely, how she makes a clean separation between the two and how she operates and makes her choices based on that.
To start with she's a woman with completely neutral moral innerworkings. It has nothing to do with alignment charts or what have you, I'm talking about the general basis of the morality of judgement and action, which ideally functions on neutrality and which posits all are born deserving of the same treatment. In any verse Avita is a firm believer in this. She approaches everyone with the same consideration, believing they are owed it. Yet she's capable of loving the morally reprehensible who act in opposition to that worldview. One would think this clashes with or even entirely negates her fundamental ethics but it doesn't. She maintains a complete mental separation between love and morality. They're two different, independently operational compasses that she follows on a case by case basis.
It's why she does not need love or even partiality to act morally and does not heed morality when she loves. Her type of easy kindness, acceptance and borderline heroism might get confused for deep empathy or compassion and suggest that she feels, relates to or even cares about everyone around her but at its core it's simply the unbreakable belief in equal merit by birth. That all creatures come into existence equally entitled to life, survival, freedom, respect, honesty and basic kindnesses. None above the other. Love itself, the concept of it, comes into direct conflict with those ethics - its very nature suggests partiality. So it is kept entirely separate. She does not need to love or even particularly like someone to treat them morally. Her kindness isn't only reserved to a select few. It's a much stronger sentiment and far more consistent an altruism than one borne of her emotional compulsions would have been.
((The other edge of the sword: She doesn't need to hate someone to harm them either. She could feel bad or remorseful for them and still choose to not let that move her. Yes, she's empathetic, there is an emotional compulsion there, but she allows it to play little part in her opinions and decision-making. Empathy is NOT morally charged and never will be.))
And then there's love.
And though love is separate from her moral views, it always reigns far above them.
The brightest example of this: In all verses Avita loves her fathers unconditionally regardless of their amorality, ruthlessness and infamous renown. They are her family, come hell or high water, and that is an immutable fact of her person that all who befriend or come to love her must accept in some capacity.
She experienced the best of them, yes, but was never spared their true nature either, nor lied to. Therefore her love for them is full, sincere, genuine and not exclusive of their darker sides. She spent her upbringing lovingly surrounded by the morbid and macabre and moralities and ideologies she did not end up growing into. In fact, her natural traits were nurtured fearlessly in such an independent household, even though her fathers did not possess them. That's the love she was surrounded by and the love she gives. She's capable of looking past differences, vast though they may be, and places no moral conditions on those she cares for.
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pukicho · 1 month ago
Puki I wanna know how you feel about Christianity
Gee, u really wanna know? Should I get deep?? Mind u I'm not a theologist or philosopher, so if I sound stupid to those more versed in this shit, feel free to tell me WHY. Anyway here's my view:
I've been a self-proclaimed atheist since my early teens. Of course, as a 13 year old, I held too much confidence in my beliefs; it's likely any learned theist at the time would've absolutely obliterated my arguments on the subject. I felt an underserved sense of intellectual superiority for quite some time, reinforced by the thought that belief only worked given proof, which ignored the inherently nebulous nature of such a thing. So, that was me back then! Now, I believe things a bit differently: in an argument derived from logic, I haven't been convinced ... and tbh, spiritualism is simply not useful to me - but philosophy is!
Not to play too heavily into Christian apologetics, but since a lot of philosophy IS the interplay between science and theology, Christianity has a big influence in the field. In searching through this nebulous field, we can help define the structure for our beliefs - religious or otherwise. It's the grounding-element for all human belief, which is pretty important. Even if it's not empirical, it's a lot more functional than theology all on its own - and that's something that someone who wants tangible arguments for God can get behind! There exists God in this field, whether science wishes for it to or not, and vice versa. So, though I don't believe outright in a God, I am not ignorant to the forces it holds in this field, and am flexible in its terms for the sake of exploration in this field.
I have respect for clever Christians. Emphasis on clever. The problem I have with theism is its self-assuredness: it CAN be one of the strongest reinforcements for one's belief, but it can also be used as a crutch, justifying a lazily-thought-out version of that same belief; or occasionally, a more dangerous variant. In Christian Nationalism, there lacks a healthy consideration as to 'why' someone believes what they believe. Scarier still, certain people conflate 'why' to sacrilege - instead of simply seeing it as a means to empower their faith through healthy scrutiny. God never granted us free will to flee from such questions. Clearly, these people are not self-assured in the proper-sense, instead choosing to live in willful-ignorance, fighting in crazed-belligerence towards those who disagree.
A learned Christian can comfortably ask themselves 'why' and end the exercise feeling more confident in their beliefs, whilst applying it compatibly to our modern society. I never have issues with these Christians and even think they're pretty awesome!
So that's the issue, a good Christian can mean two things: someone who's well-versed and educated in their beliefs - and someone who blindly obeys the words of a commercialized megachurch pastor, ad-libbing the Bible to fit their skewed agenda - the latter is DANGEROUS.
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tojisun · 4 months ago
the hand that feeds you
— “i take care of her, s’all.”
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johnny mactavish x f!reader
cw: 18+ work - minors dni; age difference; daddy issues (kinda the central plot); cooking as a love language; slow burn but in high speed; a breath of angst; power imbalance; canon divergence - regular/non-military life au // amazing divider by @gildui! // 6.5k words
extra notes: this is a very self-indulgent work. there are holes in the plot, 100%, so ignore those holes pretty pls </3 also ik this is more of a captain johnny-verse but midway through, i started projecting so i might’ve written him incorrectly and im really sorry for that!!
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being roommates with johnny is not as weird as it is; he’s amicable, at first, then full blown nice when days passed. he’s not loud, per se, but there’s always a constant chatter streaming from his space, like he physically can’t sit still through the silence which is great because you don’t fare any better with the stillness too, so reminiscent of how it was in the suburbs.
you moved to a neighbourhood just skirting past the inner city just because it’s a lot cheaper. but even then, rent was always high and your little box in a rundown complex wasn’t going to sustain you forever even if you wished it would. then, an opening in johnny’s townhouse was posted, almost half-price than whatever is up in the market, and it’s great despite your skepticism. hell, it’s more than great — it’s lifesaving.
your shitty job at the bookstore really can’t cover much of your expenses anymore, and sure student loans and the grant is great, but the growing debt makes you wince so it’s whatever at this point. you’re about to graduate soon anyway, pooling work experience from volunteering and club organizations, and it’s not like you can even go back to how it was.
(underway to law school, primed up before your father’s scrutiny but the burnout got to you before you could even write the LNAT. you realized that being a barrister wasn’t really what you wanted so you changed programs, midway, and switched to children’s education.
god, the disappointment in your pa’s eyes was so big, you knew to pack your shit before he could even kick you out.)
it’s… tough.
god, is it tough. none of your old friends and colleagues could stay in contact, which you don’t hold against them because most of them, by now, have graduated and entered law school. you’re straggling about two years back because of the switch in programs, and everything’s gone too tight. your budget. your social life.
your dating life.
johnny often distracts you from it all — he works in downtown, in one of those high-rise buildings often reserved for limiteds or holding companies, and has to travel off the city every three months. he makes good money, he said jovially, and you know it’s a nudge as to why your portion of the rent is cheap in the first place.
when you finally bit the bullet and asked why he put up one of the rooms in the market, johnny just shrugged and said he needed someone to house sit but sort off permanently. said something like last time he left, the pipes bursted and he couldn’t really fly back to help with the repairs.
it’s great being with him. he’s bright and bubbly, but also dependable in ways you never really thought about. like—
well, it’s all mundane things so listing them feels embarrassing, and it makes you feel as though you’re a touch-starved damsel and johnny just so happened to be the next older man to give you any attention and his time. but you can’t help it. god, you can’t help preen at the way he exists beside you.
he’s just so… beautiful, is what it is.
rugged and charming and loud and filling. the townhouse is too big for the two of you, but johnny makes it work. makes it feel like the two of you just fit into each other’s spaces.
early mornings are spent with him lilting between english and scottish, his exhaustion plastered onto him even after he’s downed two cups of coffee. he bumps his hip onto yours when he ambles out to prepare for his work, grumbling something like good morning and how’re you. afternoons are more lively and productive; it’s of you coming back from campus at six in the evening only to find him in the kitchen, fixing up dinner. it’s always something fancy and rich in flavour; something he always eats with wine on the side.
you, uh, you never thought he could actually cook, let alone feed himself well, but there he was, always a plate ready for you too like it’s expected that you’ll eat dinner with him. like spending time with him was just natural — the sky is blue, the ocean’s deep, and you and johnny fall into each other like there is an invisible string pulling you close to him.
it’s a beautiful change of pace, and there are more days now when you can breathe in a little easier, and you know it’s all because of johnny. it’s all him who pulled you out of your slump and out of that darkness and gave you the room, literally, to grow.
he’s beautiful, but you’ve said that already, haven’t you? he’s just… so good to be with.
then, johnny began picking up and bringing some home.
the first time it happened was shocking, really.
you had an early morning, something that’s so murky now in your memories so you’re unsure if it was anything uni related or work related, just that it was five in the morning and you were clambering downstairs as quietly as you could. you rounded the length of the hallway from the platform to the kitchen when you ran into someone.
“steady,” she’d said, voice hoarse and loud in her shock too.
you yelled, jumping, arms swinging because was there an intruder, and it took johnny physically subduing you for you to calm down. looking back now, you burn in embarrassment, but then you had been so worried, your body wound up so tightly in your fear.
“shh,” johnny had murmured with that wry grin. “s’just me, lass.”
your eyes danced between him and the brunette — pretty even in her rumpled shirt, with long legs and a small waist — trying to understand what was going on. you are sure johnny had told you before that he wasn’t seeing anyone so who—
“your girlfriend?” she asked johnny, turning to him with her lips pursed and her brow cocked up.
the question settled in your stomach, doing wonders to your already-fragile psyche. you’d just spent hours thinking about johnny and what he meant to you; what living with him meant. how it eased up something carved within the trenches of your being, like you’d always been waiting for someone like him.
the question was a reminder, like prickling you with icicles, leaving you to navigate the swoop. but johnny had laughed, nothing mean but so dismissive that you felt the curl of shame brandishing from the base of your spine like johnny was laughing at you.
“oh, nah,” he replied, arm still slung over your shoulders. “she’s sorta my ward, yes? i take care of her, s’all.”
that’s all. you’re nothing more to him but a ward. a tenant. not even a friend—
she hummed, then leaned over to kiss johnny, her eyes still drawn to you like she’s watching, waiting for a reaction, and when she got none, she trudged to the door. you and johnny watched as she bent down to slip in her shoes, some stilettos with red bottoms, before wordlessly disappearing into the darkened morning.
“pretty,” you chirped, trying to break the tension of whatever that was.
johnny laughed in that way that surely crinkled his eyes, only to steer the conversation away by asking why you were up early. you remembered what you had to do and you dived to the kitchen in a flurry, chatting about the deadlines and due dates — so it was a school thing — and johnny just watched, silent, humming, eyes still curved in his glee.
you left no sooner than his… paramour did and, for a while, that was that.
but your semester is coming to a close and your schedule is changing, but so is johnny’s. he’s coming home later and later, but always seemed to offer apologies in the form of easy-to-microwave meals for your dinner. they’re still homemade, probably cooked up in the morning before he left for work, and you’d messaged him to say that he didn’t need to worry about you. that, sure, you came to him amidst financial struggle, juggling work and school, and trying to decide if you would have to starve this month because of rent, but you can cook. for yourself and for him too.
johnny’s face did a terrible thing when you mentioned that in person, the first in a while after things got hectic.
“what,” you bit out, embarrassed.
“nothing,” he said, blinking like he was realizing things he shouldn’t. “s’fun doing things f’r you.”
then he clamped up, spooning soup into his mouth, some of it messily dribbling into his chin. it’s not like you were doing any better, with how your throat closed up at his words, eyes going wide.
it’s been a thing, is what it is, but neither of you two have ever acknowledged that it’s a thing. it’s been a wordless experience — of johnny taking over things when it comes to the house because of course he will, it’s his home, but he always covers things for you too. things you’re sure normal landlords don’t really worry about, but not johnny.
there’s always extra food in the kitchen, extra blankets when the weather dips. there’s even a new cooling machine for the summer even though you know johnny’s room already has an installed air conditioning. he’s even changed the seats in the dining room because he caught you once hitting your hip after an all-nighter on a project.
then, he refurbished the den to make it your office.
“you didn’t have to,” you told him, mind racing at your savings, wondering if he was going to increase your rent.
johnny just shook his head with an almost fond roll of his eyes and clapped your back, arm hovering there. “s’all yers, hen.”
everything he did always accounted for you. so why the women?
they’re all long limbed and trimmed waist, with eyes that sparkled even when all you’ve seen of them is always within the poorly-lit hallway. they have voices that curl teasingly, breathy like they’re enticing johnny for one more night. and they’ve always, always, treated you like a—
like a kid.
a burden, almost, of johnny’s.
and, hell, maybe you are. johnny’s almost twice your age; he’s also already well-established in his career, some senior position that you can’t really follow but one he talks about with fondness. he’s got land rover-money, the car in his garage big and black and almost military grade, and it looks so expensive especially beside the crappy civic you were able to snag for a cheap price because it’s got about three-hundred-thousand mileage already.
you’ve got nothing to give him, other than the lousy rent payment that he doesn’t even really need but is just asking for courtesy because it’d be so weird for him to offer a room, or two now given you have the den too, for free. you’ve got nothing on your name, and if it isn’t pity that makes johnny care for you, then you don’t know what.
maybe his string of one-night stands are right — you are just a kid.
that maybe you really are still too wet behind the ears for the real world that you go running to the next person that could protect you from it, stumbling into his life and licking up every drop of his attention, mistaking his kindness for devotion. his care for love.
you should have known, then, that the thoughts would ripple, leaving you to feel like the days are unnavigable. obsession quickly took root, growing fangs, and it ensnared you; a vice noose at what had been a pleasant coexistence.
hell, you can barely stand being with johnny because of the jealousy. it’s a shameful thing, but a part of you thinks you deserve johnny more than the others do.
you tell yourself that nobody knows about johnny’s nightmares and the horrors that spill from his lips when it’s twelve in the morning and the two of you have hit the bourbon. you tell yourself that nobody knows about johnny’s aversion to the windows in the living room; that the reason why the curtains are a deep green is not to match the new plants he’s allowed you to fill up his home but because they shroud the panels more than the cream ones had. you tell yourself that nobody knows that johnny can sing; that he can cook a mean tomahawk; that he likes reading; that his wrists were hurting so he’s currently scheduled for a surgery; that he’s soft to you.
the women don’t know this johnny, you tell yourself, nails clawing at the hems of your chest. they don’t know him the way i do.
it’s a pathetic whisper. it’s so laughable. so juvenile.
they’re right. they’re right.
(you’re just a—)
“i don’t see you anymore,” johnny murmured one morning, when things have gone quiet again, a cup of coffee sitting on the counter while he watches you throw orange peels into the garburator.
he just got back from a work trip in aberdeen, his exhaustion loud on his face. his hair is overgrown, the bottom ends of his mohawk curling along his nape. he was there for over three weeks, skirting almost close to a month — the longest he’s ever been away — and you had tried so hard not to message. not to drop casual check-ins because you’re sure no tenant ever does that to their landlord, but johnny had remained just as friendly; asking things like if you wanted another potted plant, a monstera or a dragon tree, or if you still had that swiss chocolate he brought home as a gift, or—
the list of his questions grew, but you’ve given him clipped replies, not knowing how to act right anymore since your quiet realization. even the “thing” that you thought you shared with him had fizzled at the drop of the women coming-and-leaving, and you are left to pick up the pieces.
it’s not like you’re broken or ruined or angry. god, no you aren’t.
but you feel unsteady, like now that you know that you liked him more than he liked you, you forgot how to breathe. how to live without that looming burden because your affection is nothing but a burden.
what will johnny do if he finds out? you can’t afford a new place to move into, not when you’re so close to graduating, the finish line just about to graze your very fingertips with how near it is. money is still tight, and johnny has already spoiled you rotten. has shown you how it is to live a comfortable life. and if he learns of your feelings, you would lose this. more than anything, you would lose him.
so you detached yourself from the noose, curling into yourself and using his work trip as a way to move on.
jesus — move on, huh? like there was a ‘you and johnny’ to even move on from. like there was anything there to read. like there was anything there to pull away from; twitching fingers drawing back into the spaces of your ribs, tucking yourself away from his warmth.
“i’ve been so busy, john,” you muttered, just as tired.
“yeah?” he said, still light. still jovial. “let me cook something nice for ye, huh? reward yer hard work and all.”
“i can’t.” you swallowed down the prickle lodged in your throat, eyes ducking away to avoid seeing his. “i’ve got a meeting with the club.”
(you missed the way johnny’s smile dipped.)
“oh,” he said.
you shrugged, internally wincing at your weak attempt at being normal, before gathering your thermos and your messily-wrapped sandwich. johnny was still standing by the counters when you turned around from the sink, his bulk so close to yours in ages. it had been so long since you could just reach over and feel his warmth; feel the soft pudge of what once were hardened muscles.
he’s looking at you with such sad eyes that it’s jarring to truly see because he’s looking at you like—
like he’s losing you.
“i’m gonna…” you trailed off, not really knowing how to end this truly awkward interaction.
“yeah, f’course,” he croaked out. “take care of yerself huh, lass?”
“thanks.” the smile on your face felt more like a grimace. “see you.”
he said nothing more after that, his eyes still searching; still furrowed like something’s changed and something’s happening, and it made your stomach drop because please. please don’t let him notice.
but johnny just watched as you went, his coffee all forgotten.
(something bloomed in the soft press of your heart, flickering like a young ember. you’ve never realized how longing could feel like your mouth is stuffed with cotton.)
johnny hasn't picked up since his return from aberdeen.
they’re getting a new firm so the shuffling has been brutal, leaving johnny to clamber out at five in the morning before coming back home when it’s pushing 11pm. the scruff on his face is becoming more unkempt, salt and pepper becoming more intense, but even then, he’s never looked more ruggedly beautiful as he is now.
it’s like he’s aged years and you shouldn’t be reacting so strongly to the change, but looking at johnny now makes you ache in a different way — core throbbing, throat parched and eyes stinging as you watch him. you’re so drawn to his gravitational pull, unable to detangle yourself now that it feels like he’s more back in your life than he ever was.
and you know it’ll end up hurting you. that you’ll go back to isolating yourself at the drop of a new girl in the house, the smell of her chanel or bvlgari perfume filling up the crevices that you’ve dutifully dusted every saturday morning while johnny’s out for a run. he’s made having casual lovers a cycle, one that you cannot blame him for because johnny doesn’t like you back.
but johnny’s been so attentive to you these days. he’s been a hovering presence even when he looks like he’s one blown wind away from passing out in his exhaustion, his warm hand always on the small of your back as he walks you to the door before chirping a hearty, “kick ass, bon!”
he’s back to fixing up food for you, like that blip in your schedule got him all creative because now, it’s not even just dinner. you’ve got breakfast waiting for you in the microwave, and packed lunch already in your bag, carefully tucked beside the manila folders and plastic envelopes for your capstone. it’s like he’s making up for something which is dumb and wrong because now, you’re all swooping stomach and prickling lungs.
“yummy?” johnny asked, catching you wriggling in excitement at the flavour bursting into your tongue.
your cheeks tingled, feverish, before giving him a shy nod.
he huffed, something so achingly fond, and rested his chin atop his crossed arms. you didn’t know what to focus on — the scruff on his face or the hard lines of webbing veins spilling from beneath his folded sleeves. then, he crooned, “good. that’s good.”
you ran upstairs to your room, throwing an excuse about finishing up your paper, before locking the door, and feeding your cunt two fingers to satiate the burn. the stretch was delicious, raw and sweet, and you humped your wrist, trying to douse the flames burning you up.
you thought of johnny, of the way he looked and how much nicer he’s been; of johnny and the way he was so kind to you, so caring like you’re up in his priority list again, overtaking his busy schedule and the firm restructuring, and his needs.
your orgasm felt like a ripping of reality, your mind splintering at the edges as you’re stretched thin. it felt like you’ve been pulled taut, then released with a resounding snap. it felt euphoric, like the explosion of something intoxicating. something wickedly addicting.
you knew that this could never be unmade. your affections had grown their tendrils, curling past the quiet admiration and spiralling into something unforgiving. into something greater than yourself.
“fuck,” you had rasped out, eyes prickling with tears as shame rushed into your chest. “fuck.”
you didn’t need this. you didn’t need any of this.
but it becomes a cycle — wash, rinse, repeat.
johnny continues to go unshaven; continues to pour his attention to you. and you soak it up, needy and soft, unable to turn away with your tail tucked between your legs. you fall back to the ease of how it had been, hip bumping his, morning coffee shared in the silence, dinner a filling affair once more. all that’s changed are the lingering looks, the resonating touches.
how johnny’s wide hand falls to the small of your back more often; how his fingers just slots against yours every time he passes you your cup; how his eyes rove over your face, always searching for something you dare not hope for.
the last time he flicked his eyes down to watch the way your tongue lapped at your lips, swiping away at the extra cream, johnny’s pupils had constricted before a quiet groan rumbled from his throat. your thighs had quickly clenched close as heat exploded in the pit of your belly, spreading like wildfire through your veins. the pressure on your nub made you hiccup, like a whine dragging itself from your trachea, and johnny had snapped his eyes back to yours so quickly, it made you heady.
“i have to go,” you murmured, clamouring to shaky legs.
you fucked yourself to a deafening point once more, ears ringing as you squirted, the gush of your slick pushing past your fingers. you had to gnash your pillow cover to muffle the moan rumbling from the base of your throat, trying desperately to be good. to not be heard. to be better.
but johnny’s burning gaze on your lips was seared into your memory, blazing on top of everything, and you imagined—
god, you imagined.
the way he’ll take you — beard rough on your chin, thicker fingers spreading you wider, reaching deeper, before finally filling you up with all of him, bullying the whole length of his cock until he bottoms out.
you pressed on your stomach, dizzy, thinking about how johnny would hit that far. you know he would. the women he’s slept with have told you, anyway, in passing, describing how he was in bed with dreamy sighs like they weren’t still reeking of sex and johnny’s aftershave.
(you still wonder why so many of them were mean, their noses tipped up every time they saw you. they were the ones that johnny chose, the ones who were fortunate enough to have been his lover, so you wonder why they still sought you out like you were competition.)
“johnnyyyy!” you moaned, loud and long, your fingers prodding at your walls, and you knew that you’d regret the wrangled cry later, but you didn’t care then, too busy swimming in the aftermath of your orgasm.
but johnny heard it anyway.
he told you that he had heard you. 
it happened so quickly — one moment you were bent over the espresso machine, fiddling with the levers with bleary-eyed attempts, then the next thing you knew was that johnny was crowding you, trapping you between the warm bulk of his body and the counter, his eyes furrowed so deeply which made the lines on his forehead run much deeper.
“whu’?” you asked, blinking tiredly at him.
johnny just did this shaky breath that rattled his whole body, like he was propped up by a couple of sticks instead of his whole mass. the mood shifted with that weak inhale though, and you turned to fully face him, ignoring the beeping machine because johnny was still looking at you with those eyes.
the ones that made you feel seen, read, and laid bare before him. like he could weave his eyes past the fabrics of your shirt to peek into the very jagged shards of your heart and see the cross that you’ve been carrying. like he knew things about you that he shouldn’t.
“johnny?” you prodded again, finding his silence alarming.
“yer too young for me, m’eudail,” johnny finally rumbled out, voice thick and deep.
and it’s—
your mind was pressing into your skull, trying desperately to link your synapses together; for the fog to clear and for your coherence to rise above the pull of drowsiness, but johnny was faster. like now that he’s said the first words, the rest just follow, unstoppable in their force and in their meaning.
“i told myself i couldn’t,” he murmured, still breathing shakily; gaze still too fragile. “that yer lookin’ for nothin’ like me, and that yer just tryin’ to get out there with yer career.”
he lifted a hand, fingers twitching, before balling it back down to a fist.
“told myself i’ve gotta let go. found a way to cope and shit.”
johnny took another ragged breath in, and it startled you into gulping one of your own — you didn’t even realize that you’ve held your breath as he spoke to you, your chest clenching tightly as your mind began to link the passageways together, filling you in on what he wasn’t really saying.
“but carin’ f’you was so easy. christ, it was even delightful, hen.” he chuckled, something that was somewhat raw and pained.
you licked at your lips, blinking wide eyes open. johnny tracked the movement, his nose flaring like you’ve done something more than a subconscious thing, his shoulders going taut.
“i like doing all sorta things for you. liked seeing y’eat what i cooked; liked seeing y’use what i got f’you. liked watching y’come home to me. to me.”
a soft sound echoed between the two of you, and it took you an embarrassingly long time to realize that it was a breathless whimper that petered out from the base of your throat. you didn’t even realize that you’ve curled into yourself, almost like you’re trying your best to shrink before johnny, and johnny crooned.
callused palm cupped the round of your cheek, his thumb swiping just underneath your eye. “told myself yer too young; that surely yer looking for someone closer to yer age, but bon, i heard y’last night.”
you startled in his hold, a quiet gasp piercing through the heat. johnny’s lips danced with mirth.
“s’right. heard a loud thump against the wall and ran upstairs, all worried, but guess my surprise, yes? y’were moanin’ my name so loudly, it’s like y’left yer door open.”
“johnny, i–”
“tell me,” he said, moving closer, his chest pressing against yours. “tell me t’stop, bon, an’ i will. but y’ve got to tell me. y’ve got to push me away.”
you looked at him, your eyes trembling at what he was laying out thickly, and your throat going parched at the blanketing desire rippling from him. there were so many things you wanted to ask, but his breath was tickling the bridge of your nose, dancing so close to the bow of your lips, and your heart ached.
desire coursed through you in waves, dribbling from the cup, and you lurched forward, chasing after his lips.
johnny melted into you. his hesitant touch turned greedier, more possessive, mapping your body and pulling you closer into him. his mouth devoured your own, gulping down the pleased little sighs and keens spilling from your lips. he kissed like a man starved, but you weren’t any softer; all nippy and desperate, fingers digging into his hair and fisting at the thin strands.
it was feverish, almost to a boiling point, and you needed more.
god, you needed more.
“johnny,” you mewled when he pulled away just enough to slide his damp lips along the cut of your jaw. “johnny, need you.”
“christ,” johnny sounded so wrecked, his voice rumbling deeply from where his lips were suckling on the soft curve of your neck. “i’ve been dreaming of this, mo luaidh. i knew i shouldn’t but yer so sweet to me and i– i wanted.” he said that word like it was dirty; like he’d been fighting tooth-and-nail to suppress it.
it made you tremble to hear how johnny desired you just as much. he had always felt unobtainable; always danced too far from your grasp and was always bigger than what you knew you could handle — his lovers had always looked divinely; pretty, yes, but fierce in their own right like they knew how to live without johnny; and you know they could, because they didn’t need johnny the way you do. they didn’t look at johnny like you do, like he hung the stars with those thick and aged hands of his.
but as you stood there, feeling every word punctured onto your skin, you couldn’t help but begin to cry, the tears springing from your eyes to slip down your cheeks. johnny rubbed your back, soothing and gentle. 
“i wanted t’take you – make y’all mine,” he whispered. 
you hiccuped, shaky from the weight of your hunger, and nuzzled close. your hands fell from fisting his hair so you could claw at the sharp corners of his shoulder blades, feeling the muscles there rippling, all taut when he bent forward and kissed you.
“please,” you began, feeling your mind thinning because you wanted more. more. more. more. “i can be– johnny, s’always been you. nobody else but you.”
you tugged him away, cupping his jaw and forcing him to look at you. and god, johnny looked so devastatingly beautiful, his eyes all furrowed and his cheeks all flushed, and his lips spit-sheened.
“fuck me,” you whispered, tired of dancing around.
he groaned, something that sounded so pained, before he was tugging you with him, up the stairs and skirting past your room and into his. 
you’ve never been in johnny’s room before, just as he had never been in yours since you moved in, and until now you still don’t know what you had been expecting upon walking in, but the smell of johnny wafting through was almost gut-punching. he smelled so close, like he was everywhere — surrounding you from the ground-up, dousing every pore with him until even your mouth felt full.
and johnny, he smelt like home. 
there were no more words uttered as he stripped you off your pyjamas, sure fingers making their way down the buttons, unlatching them from the hemmed slits. you watched with heavy eyes, blinking slowly like everything had been wrung out of you, leaving you pliant and soft. johnny hummed, appreciative, and mapped kisses from your heaving chest, teeth nipping at the fat, before moving on, sprinkling every expanse of your skin with such reverence. 
your hands were balled to your chest when he reached the jut of your belly, his chin hovering just above your crotch. johnny flicked up his darkened eyes at you, asking silently.
you gave him a nod, not trusting your own voice too.
johnny’s eyes had turned into slits, pleased, and hefted himself up just enough to be able to fit his hands on your hips and tugged your pants down. you shivered, the warmth in his room not enough to suppress the winter chill, and it made you buck into him. johnny comforted you with a quiet shh, rubbing his palm on the pudge of your thigh in soothing circles.
you don’t know why that touch was what did it for you, but soft sobs finally spilled from your mouth, scrunching up the desire into something undeniably frail. johnny didn’t startle though, like he knew that you had been wounding up to this tipping point, and instead continued to touch you tenderly, almost like if he could, he would cradle you close. 
“i love you,” you said, sniffling, because that was the crux of your vulnerability, right?
you love him. god, you love him. 
you’ve loved him since the day he sat you down for dinner and told you that you’ve got nothing to worry about, not anymore and not with him around. you’ve loved him since the day he flipped the den so you can have your own space for work; don’t mind the fact that he didn’t know if you were going to even stay, just that he insisted that you deserved that room either way. you’ve loved him since that swiss chocolate, since that cup of coffee, since he’s begun filling your painfully lonely days with his care. 
you’ve loved him since and now—
“oh, mo graidh,” johnny breathed out. “i love you too.” he kissed your thigh, scruff ticklish. “gu siorraidh is gu brath.”
you wanted to ask what that meant but johnny was already moving, sitting back up to strip out of his own shirt. you trailed your eyes down his body, capturing your trembling lips between your teeth at how breathtaking he was — soft with fat but still heavy with muscles, fuzzy with hair with the smattering pooling just underneath his belly button before trailing down to where they were hidden underneath his pants. 
you twitched before finally braving enough to reach out and brush your knuckle over the indents of his softened abs. johnny hummed, something that curled with appreciation, before covering your hand with his and holding it there. 
“all of me s’yers, hen,” he said with such finality that you felt it settle deep within the marrows of your bones. 
you nodded, emotionally spent and johnny lilted something else in scottish, so soft that it was almost a croon. you let him manhandle you — pushing your hips up so he could slot a pillow under for your back; you were so malleable to his touch as he took over, bending once again for a kiss while his fingers danced past the laces of your panties and into the damp heat of your pussy. 
you moaned, eyelashes fluttering when he pressed one in, so careful and slow, but you were so wet that it slid in with no resistance, gobbling it up knuckle-deep. johnny had groaned like he could feel your rising euphoria, before nosing along your temple as he wiggled the finger around, stroking at your walls. you wondered if he was going to tease but then he was pulling it out, only to plunge two in the next thrust, curling and stretching, and oh—
oh, ssss’good.
you don’t even remember how long he’d been spearing you with his thicker fingers, rough and long and reaching far, far deeper than you could with your own, but you laid there, sobbing, feeling your slick slip out, pooling, making a mess of your thighs and his sheets. johnny had moved from suckling on your neck to taking a nipple in his mouth, teeth softly gnashing at the bud. you felt like you were on fire, burning from your core, aching for a release. 
“cum f’me, m’eudail,” johnny groaned, breathless himself, his cock poking underneath his boxers, the fabric all wet from where his tip was, leaking pearled pre-. “let me see you.”
“johnny, i’m gonna– i’m–!” you squealed, legs jumping, squeezing johnny’s sides as you jolted, hips twitching at the bloating ecstasy. johnny just pushed down on your thigh, not letting up with the pace of his fingers. he was fucking you so hard that his hand’s slapping against your skin, his palm grinding down on your clit just right, and the pleasure sizzled into something biting. into something that was almost painful.
it was catastrophic, pulling you into two directions. johnny’s everywhere — his scent in your lungs, his fingers deep in your pussy, his mouth hot and wet on your tits, and like this, like this, you felt yourself breaking. 
then, your orgasm was punched out of you. 
your senses had gone awry — throat throbbing as you cried out, your eyes going blind as they rolled into your skull at the final curl of johnny’s fingers. white noise filled your ears, and it was like you were submerged underneath water, wading through the crashing tides of your climax.
you came back to johnny peppering your face with soft kisses, whispering something you couldn’t decipher past the croon of your name and something like you did good and so beautiful. he’d already pulled his fingers out, and used both arms to cradle you close. you felt so empty — god, that wasn’t even his cock, yet — but your body thrummed pleasantly, almost like the itch was finally scratched. 
“johnny?” you puffed out, voice all scratchy and weak. 
“i’m here, bon. i’m here.”
you hummed, curling into his chest, head pillowed by his arm. you wanted to ask what about his own euphoria, but johnny seemed so content just laying there with you, not really desperate or needy, so you let it go, losing the battle against your drowsiness before finally slipping into a quiet sleep. 
johnny’s there for your graduation, carrying a big bouquet of only eden roses. you didn’t even know that those particular ones were expensive until someone from the graduation party oohed and aahed to their friend. 
your cheeks burned when their friend chirped, “well someone’s clearly loved.”
you know that what they said would have had johnny agreeing loudly if he was allowed in the lineup because he is never one to be shy about what he feels; or not anymore, anyway. he loves so fully and openly that you still wonder why it took the two of you so long to get together, but the days since then had just been kind and filling that you have long forgotten how it was to not be with him. 
they’re going to call your name soon, and your stomach swoops, excitement and anxiety mixing in a dizzying tandem. 
you’re graduating with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a diploma in early childhood education, and this is not where you thought you would be when you first started university, but it’s the happiest you have ever been. and sure much of your poli-sci courses were scrapped when you changed majors, and that’s also a lot of money wasted, but you have three job opportunities lined up already and it’s like the seismic shift in your life had finally corrected itself. 
(your mom said she’s sorry that she and your pa couldn’t come, but you’ve stopped longing for their acceptance and told her it was fine.
there’s a date saved in your calendar, though, for a brunch with her and that was enough.)
you ducked into johnny’s arms when the graduation ceremony ended, careful of the bouquet he’s holding. 
“congratulations, bonnie,” he says, a hearty laugh rumbling from his chest. “christ, i’m so, so proud of you.”
you never pegged yourself for a crybaby, but tears begin to pool in the corners of your eyes at the weight of his words. 
“thank you,” you reply, soft and raw, and honest. 
johnny pulls you in, his lips warm as they’re pressed on your forehead. 
and this, just like this, you know things will only get better from here on out. 
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samkerrworshipper · 19 days ago
celebrations pt.4
barca femeni x reader
warnings: minors dni. 18+ content
i’d like to start this off by saying it’s completely wild to me that this initiation verse started over a year ago and i’m still here and people are still reading and enjoying it! as per usual with all my orgy fics this fic would not exist without the existence of @vixwritesagain who literally secretly runs woso orgy fics lol honestly after writing the last chapter of celebrations i thought i was done with this whole universe but we’re back? and maybe wanting to write another series? anyways send me ideas if anyone has any for future initiation fics but for now enjoy!!!!
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“So tell me then, what do you want?”
You looked up at Alexia dumfoundedly.
It wasn’t as easy of a question as she was making it out to be, truly, you had no idea what it was that you wanted.
You’d been able to mentally cross out the things Alexia had offered you, but there was still a big fog covering your desires.
Her hand loosens around your throat, giving you enough oxygen to be unable to blame your lack of awareness on it. She moves her hands down to rest on your collarbones, like a necklace made out of her hands.
You want something, you want gratification, you want to feel good, but it isn’t as simple as it normally is. There isn’t a craving for pleasure inside of you, there isn’t a deep craving for anything. You want attention, you just aren’t sure how to convey that without it sounding stupid.
Alexia’s pupils are completely blown, she looks like a drug addict whose just gotten a fix of her favourite drug. Even as she appears to be controlled, like she is in charge of everything happening, it was obviously clear that she was just as affected by everything happening as you where. Her smirk faltered for a second, it was hard to pick up on but for a second, she pouted, like she knew that she couldn’t give you what you wanted without you asking for it, even though she so clearly just wanted to just take control.
“I don’t know.”
Alexia looks disappointed and then it fades into annoyance.
“You don’t know or you don’t want? The two mean very different things.”
Alexia’s discreetly asking if for whatever reason you don’t want this any more, it’s nice and whilst you do feel overstimulated and you’re starting to develop the shivers all across your body from the constant push and pull of the experience you are taking part in.
“I don’t know.”
Alexia exhales, like she’s trying to push all of the oxygen out of her lungs and eliminate all of the tension she’s feeling.
She’s so swift you get tangled up in a whirlwind of her body as she lifts you up, pulling you into her lap.
“So you’re going to be difficult, that’s fine, I’m very good at breaking little girls who like to be defiant.”
Alexia places a kiss to your forehead, it’s deliberate, then she slides you off of her lap and into her warmed spot on the armchair. Alexia doesn’t waste as much time, and whether you’re aware of it or not, your gut only warms as you subconsciously realise it’s because she’s just as desperate to get back to you as you are to have her.
By now, Ona is crumpled on the bed, folded in a unceremonious pile of her bones, skin and sheets. Lucy is lapping at her lazily, slow and soft and the opposite of everything you’d seen with your own eyes a few minutes ago.
Lucy looks up and you see the big smirk on her face, her pupils are blown and her chin and mouth are shining, covered completely in Ona.
“Si, capitana?”
Lucy’s words carry the confidence that you’re familiar with, post-fuck Lucy is maybe on of your guiltiest pleasures, it’s subtly confident with a streak of complete contentment. It’s also one of the only time that she truly seems to be completely at peace, serene with the energy surrounding.
“I assume you won’t be using that?”
Alexia points to the strap so unceremoniously that it could be as though she was asking Lucy for something as mundane as a piece of gum or a spare hair tie.
“I’d be happy to put it too good use on your girl.”
Alexia rolls her eyes, and doesn’t hesitate whatsoever to lean down to meet Lucy half way.
Their kiss is quick, Alexia uses her vantage point to reach down and undo some of the harness from Lucy’s hips.
“If she starts behaving then you are welcome, but until then she’s mine.”
Alexia reaches down and ruffles Ona’s hair, whispering something in spanish about her taste, your ability to process english is limited in this moment, adding spanish is just impossible.
In the few steps between yourself and Lucy, Alexia manages and impressive feat of pulling the harness on and securing it. You are completely and utterly mesmerised, by the time she does make it to you, you are suddenly feeling some regret for your actions.
Alexia smirks from above you, like she knows that she’s won, not that she would have ever doubted it. Alexia always won, no matter what it was, she didn’t know what it meant to lose and she would never accept defeat.
She lifts you up, takes her spot back, and then balances you back on her lap.
You go pliably, even as she turns you around to face the rest of the room, your ass now rubbing against her newest addition to the equation.
“You’re going to sit here, on my cock. I’m not going to do anything, not until you say the words you know I want to hear. Grind away, rock up and down, do whatever you need to do. It won’t be enough, nothing is going to be enough. The desperation will get to you. You know how I know that? Because every slut is the same, you may act different, you may tell yourself that you are stronger but at the end of the day your desire is going to win. You don’t move until then, I’ll wait here watching the rest of the show all night, it doesn’t matter to me. Make a mess of my thighs and yours, try and keep yourself under control, but it’s not going to work.”
Alexia lifts you up as she whispers in your ear, guiding you down onto the strap with ease. It’s almost embarrassing how easily you slide down, it’s nowhere near the biggest strap you’ve take for Alexia, you know because you saw it. But something about the gravity of your situation makes it feel bigger, your feel full before your even halfway on it. You almost say something, but Alexia’s words sync in, nothing you say matters unless you’re saying what she wants to hear.
Alexia takes her time seating you, the last few inches disappear into you at a snails pace, like Alexia is trying to draw out your torture as much as possible.
When she finally moves her hands from your ass, letting you melt into her lap the reality of your situation sets in. When Alexia’s hands had been on your body the sensation had been satisfying, but now that you are completely exposed and left to your own devices your predicament is feeling a lot less fun.
Aitana, Frido and Ingrid are no longer a three. Now Jenni and Aitana are together, Aitana lying on her side on the bed whilst Jenni marks her up shamelessly and pumps her fingers in and out from behind at a steady pace. Ingrid, Mapi and Frido is a sight to behold. Your eyes naturally fall to Frido, her blonde head so hard to miss from it’s spot inbetween Mapi’s legs, sucking directly on her clit, her arms are hooked around Mapi’s thighs, opening her up as much as she can. Ingrid is harder to spot, considering that she’s lying beneath Mapi but with every thrust of her legs up, you catch a different angle. You can’t quite see where Ingrid is thrusting into, but based on the look on Mapi’s face you make the judgment it must be her pussy, the way her mouth is unwavering in it’s large O and how her eyes are tight and scrunched, her eyebrows nearly melting into the creases of her eyelids.
You don’t know when you start subconsciously grinding on the strap, but it happens naturally. Your body needs to move, needs to feel, needs to grasp some kind of pleasure that everyone around you is experiencing. Alexia doesn’t try to stop you, she knows that you aren’t going to be capable of getting yourself to the edge, you’re welcome to try your hardest though.
What Alexia doesn’t necessarily expect is your reaction to Lucy and Keira.
Keira is sitting in Lucy’s lap, the two of them making out on the bed. It’s not exactly heated, and whilst Lucy’s hand is sitting comfortably on Keira’s hip, allowing her to grind on Lucy’s toned thigh, there’s nothing obviously eye-catching about it. Yet for you, when your eyes land there, it’s like a switch flips. Your ankles stretch behind you, balancing on the limited amount of space left on the armchair of either side of Alexia, you lock your calves, and with a hint of hesitance you begin to use gravity to grind down, and try to bounce on Alexia’s strap.
Alexia lets you go, slightly mesmersied by the way your eyes lock onto Keira and Lucy, it’s the first sign she’s seen all day that you want something, that you are watching something and feel actively connected to it. She would have preferred if it had something to do with her own actions, but her minor jealousy fades as you begin to slowly rock on the strap. You use the little elevation you have to move up and down on it, using gravity to grind down. Alexia wants to touch, wants to feel, wants to include herself in some part of it all. She stays strong though, for this to work she needs to stay strong.
Your response when Lucy touches Keira for the first time is visceral, when Keira moans so do you and something about the clear connection is making Alexia feel the most out of control she has in a while. She’s so certain that no matter what visual stimuli you’re provided with, no matter what fantasies are coming to fruition that you will be unable to get the kind of stimulation you are aching for from simply observing.
With every movement the two make, you try and push yourself more. You’re not aware of it, but Lucy and Keira are well aware of what is happening across the room from them. You’re so dumb from all the endorphins pinging inside of your head that all you can focus on is what they’re doing and trying to get yourself off on Alexia’s strap. What becomes obviously clear to you though, as you watch Lucy and Keira is that everything about your circumstances is wrong.
You can’t get the right angle, you can’t get the sensation of somebody elses hands on you, none of it is right. You get more frustrated by the second. Alexia finds it quite cute, watching you squirm and move your feet around trying to find a new angle or position that will give you what you’re looking for but none of it seems to do it for you.
You moan, as if it’ll somehow alleviate all of the built up pressure inside of you. Alexia knows it doesn’t work when you try three more times just to collapse in her lap. Your legs go first, then your abdominal muscles and your shoulders until at what seems like a very uncomfortable position you slump backwards into Alexia.
Through it all you don’t take your eyes off of Keira and Lucy, not as their hands travel south, not as they both start to tease each other in a spectacle that has even Alexia keening.
Alexia may not be the one to break you, but this will be, she is certain.
“You could have that, all of that bebita, if you’d just say something.”
You don’t relax, even as you go limp. Sure, your body slackens but she can feel your muscles still tight, pulsing and unable to ease.
You’re trembling, your muscles uncomfortably stretched and your whole body shaking. It’s not enough, nothing you do at this angle will be enough.
“What was that, sweetheart?”
Alexia’s been dragging this out for hours now, since the stadium, on the bus, whilst all of her teammates have been getting off. It’s so worth it to feel how your body jerks momentarily when her lips press against your ear lobe.
She nips it for just a second, just to enjoy the reaction that it elicits when your ankles force you back up from your fully seated position.
“Please, I can’t do it myself, can’t fuck myself the same way that you do.”
Alexia nips at your earlobe again, the reaction is too good not to take advantage of.
“Oh does bebita need help? Not strong enough to handle it all by yourself, hm?”
You nod, frantic and desperate. You’re sick of watching, sick of feeling nothing but edge, you need something.
Every syllable is annunciated as clearly as possible considering the pants and huffs that leave your mouth every time Alexia floats her fingers over some part of your skin or places her lips somewhere else.
“Please, Ale, can’t do it myself. Need you to fuck me, need you.”
You practically mewl, whimpering, begging for Alexia to take some kind of pity on you.
“The problem is bebita, that I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out what you want, trying to teach you a lesson that I’m feeling quite tired now. Muy Cansada. I’m not quite sure if I’m up to fulfilling what you need. It’s going to take some convincing”
You’re endorphin high, but you’re capable enough to read between the lines of what Alexia is asking.
“Please Ale, whatever you want, anything, I’ll take anything. I’ll give anything, just please.”
Alexia pushes both of her hands against your abdomen, snaking her fingers until they cover the whole width from your hips to your bellybutton.
“I’m so happy how we are though. Doesn’t it feel good having my cock all snug in your pussy? What else could you want bebita?”
You’re close to screaming, or that’s at least how you feel. There are so many feelings, so much pent up energy that you weren’t fully aware you had and now you do it’s like a big wave crashing over you.
“Please just fuck me. Rough- please Ale, please, can’t do it myself.”
Alexia let’s some of her fingers dip to just above your mound, her grip is tight enough to bruise and you silently wish that it will.
“I don’t know bebita, you were so hesitant earlier, I think it’s best we work you up to those kinds of things. I wouldn’t want to overwhelm you too much.”
Alexia shifts both of her thighs, driving the strap further up into your for the first time, you nearly shriek from the stimulation.
“Alexia, Capi, please. Need it, need it rough, now, please.”
Alexia keeps one hand steady on your stomach, and brings the other one up to your chin, using the same grip on the bones and muscles across the new lay of skin.
“You don’t have any control here. If I say we’re taking it slow, we’re taking it slow. I’ve had enough of your teasing, did you really think after all of that I was going to fuck you just the way you wanted? No, baby, we’re going to take this nice and slow, just how I want and if you can do what I ask then maybe, just maybe I’ll fuck you how you want. Entender?”
You don’t really have any choice but to nod, Alexia’s been soft with you all night, this new energy is only maing you more desperate for something rough, something that is going to make you forget this whole night in it’s entirety and leave you with sore muscles from more than playing 90 minutes of football.
“Good, I know just how much of a good girl you can be even if you don’t want to admit it. I’ve got a deal for you bebita, if you can play my game then I’ll fuck you how you want, you can have whatever you please. But you have to play by my rules.”
It’s so easy to nod and agree, even when you know that Alexia’s proposal could be pure torture.
She reaches over to the table beside her, picking up the bullet vibe she’d kept in your panties the whole bus ride.
“You’re going to press this to your pretty little clit, you’re going to use my cock to get as close to your orgasm as you can. Every time you get close you’ll take the vibe away, you can only come once Keira does, if you come beforehand then we’re going to play my way all night, and I can guarantee that’ll be the last thing you want.”
Alexia presses the vibe into your shaking hands, it’s so easy to hesitate. Keira and Lucy are both taking their time, you can’t even quite tell if they’re touching eachother properly yet, or if their makeout is going to become even more stretched out. They’re dynamic is soft in a way that you would normally crave but not right now, right now you want to be like Ona, passed out beside Lucy, her whole body boneless and thoroughly fucked beyond belief.
“Is there a problem?”
You could say no, deny again and put yourself through another trial set by Alexia. It would land you in the same place though, and whilst you’re feeling particularly bratty on this occasion you’re tiring whether it’s from being mercilessly stimulated by your surroundings or the day of football you’ve had. You’re exhaustion is getting the best of you and you won’t be able to sustain it for much longer.
It’s a slow motion production, your hand and forearm resting on Alexia’s as you click the button on the bottom of the cibrator. You try not to flinch away from the movements it immediately makes, Alexia’s hand covers your own, clicking it three more times to put it on the highest level. Her hand pushes yours downwards, until it’s hovering directly above your pussy.
Alexia’s the one who pushes, your whole body jerks as soon as the vibrator makes contact. Alexia’s hands on your stomach and hips keep you still, prohibiting you from moving away from your hand.
You’re close within a matter of mere seconds, the excessive stimulation on top of the arousal you’ve already been experiencing is too much.
You move your hand away as soon as you feel the coil tightening, it would be easy to enjoy a few extra seconds of the bliss but you know in the long run that it’ll be easier if you keep yourself controlled.
You’re relieved when you hear Keira moan from across the room and the clear visual that she’s riding on Lucy’s fingers, it’s a sign enough that maybe your assigned punishment won’t be as long-winded as you’d originally presumed.
When the initial pleasure fades you put your hand back to it’s spot, the bullet presses directly to your clit. The sensation is pounding, your eyes feel heavy from the intensity of it all and your abs hurt from the constant core workout it feels like the position you are in is causing.
You get close again, and without Alexia having to say or do anything you remove your hand. It’s almost easy, watching Lucy and Keira and mirroring what’s happening. It’s supposed to be some kind of tease or punishment and yet you find yourself happy enough to play along with it.
You enjoy it but that doesn’t take away from the levels of frustration that you are going through, there isn’t anything fulfilling about edging yourself whilst being in a room surrounded by people who could be giving you something. You could have so much, and yet you’re perched on Alexia’s lap completely at her mercy.
You want something more, you want Alexia to give you something more.
“Ale, Alexia, please.”
There are fresh tears pooling in the edges of your eyes, you just want something.
“Please, Please, Alexia please just fuck me.”
Alexia lifts her hips, thrusting up to give you something. She won’t go back on her word, not when she’s so focused on making sure that you know just how much she means to show you how much she appreciates you.
“Do you need some help? Go ahead baby, cry and pout all you want but you aren’t coming until Keira does. I don’t care if it takes 2 minutes or 2 hours, I’m going to keep this same slow pace and you’re going to take it. All of this could have been avoided if you’d just been a good girl earlier, think about how much fun you could have had? Jenni and I fantasised about all the things we could do to you, I know that Lucy and Keira had their own plans, and if Mapi had of managed to get her hands on you then you would have been broken in two by the time the sun came up. But, you came in between that, you wrecked all of our perfect plans and there’s nothing you or I can do about it now.”
Alexia keeps up the slow rocking, her legs bouncing you up and down at such a slow pace that it feels like the nerves in your body are slowly pulling themselves a part.
“Alexia please, I can’t edge again, I can’t do it, please don’t make me do it again.”
Alexia’s weaknesses are limited to a very short list, you begging for her though is one of her biggest ones. Especially considering the pure desperation that fuels your every word.
“You’re not done until Keira is, and if you’re going to beg then you should do it properly bebita.”
Alexia pulls your hand away from your clit when she feels your legs begin to clench.
“Again, quicker this time.”
Alexia pushes your ahdn back down and as much as you enjoy watching Keira and Lucy you can’t do it anymore. You can’t watch the teasing happening right in front of you knowing that it’s all some sort of mind-fuck power play. Alexia has a purpose behind all of this, and even if you don’t want to let her win you’re at your witsend.
“Please, I’ve been a good girl, I’ll be your good girl. I’ve been so good, please Alexia just fuck me.”
By the rules of Alexia’s game you’ve lost, but in your mind you’ve won as soon as the words leave your mouth.
Alexia’s hips snap, she drives deep.
“There we go bebita, you learnt your lesson, hmm? It wasn’t that hard was it, was it really worth all of that just to admit it?”
Her pace goes from slow to brutal, her hips snapping up and both of her hands landing on your hips.
“You want it rough hm? C’mon baby, cum for me, you’ve waited long enough. Tell me you’re a good girl and you can cum”
It doesn’t take long at all, you don’t expect it to. You’ve been wound tight and now that Alexia is taking matters into her own hands you have one goal.
“I’m a good girl, I’m a good girl, I’m a good girl.”
The tears fall from your eyes, nothing you could do can stop it. Everything has built to this one moment, hours and hours of teasing and taunting and prolonged torture for this.
You orgasm with your whole body, your toes curl, your muscles all cramp, everything tightens all for it to completely relax once the initial wave crashes. It’s cathartic, it’s everything you’d been searching for and more, you feel so satisfied, for the first time all day.
You don’t feel like every pressure around you is sitting on your shoulders, you don’t think about how one pass could have made a difference, you don’t think about how you weren’t focused enough on the pitch, all you focus on is the pure pleasure now flowing through your veins.
Alexia cools you down, nice and slow, letting you come back down from what was an almost embarrassingly loud and quick orgasm. You’re not bothered though, you’re happy in your little bubble.
“C’mon my good girl, let’s move you to the bed, not quite done with you yet.”
Alexia lifts you off her cock, a motion that makes you very unhappy. You’ve gotten so used to the pleasant fullness that you’re in no place to be losing it so quickly.
“Don’t worry bebita, you’ll have me back in you in just a moment.”
Alexia lifts you up in her arms, she turns you around and balance your limp body in her arms before heading over to the bed that Lucy and Keira are still sat on.
Ona is more aware now, watching on as Keira and Lucy continue with their never ending makeout.
“Ready for more, Oni?”
Ona smirks, big and wide, like she’d been waiting for this moment.
“Well, if I must.”
Alexia lays you down on the bed gently, leaving open kisses across your chest and licking stripes up and down your neck as she follows you onto the mattress.
“You want to prove to me that you can be my good girl, hm? Will you let Oni get off on your face whilst I fuck you like the little slut you are? Just a dumb slut here to be used.”
The offer is too good to pass up and Ona seems to think the same. She waits patiently as Alexia works to the side of Keira and Lucy, lying you back against the pillows and situating herself between your legs.
Alexia adjusts until she’s happy, folding your legs up and to the side, giving her as good as an angle she can get with your floppiness.
“Keep the open, si? Close them and I stop.”
You’re eyes are focused on Ona, the way her lip is between her teeth as she sits on the back of her heels, just watching you.
“Ey, legs open, just because you’re starting to behave doesn’t mean I won’t punish you.”
Alexia’s slap to your thigh is enough of a message, you focus your attention back on her and away from Ona’s roaming eyes and pretty lips and her bed hair which is giving you new fantasies to focus on.
“Oni, go ahead.”
The last glance you get at Ona’s face is enough to send a whole new wave of arousal to begin to pool between your legs. It’s pornographic by nature, she looks so… fuckable. Which makes sense because you’d seen Lucy completely rail her, had watched as Ona had been bent and stretched in every different position. Yet she still has the energy to look at you as if your the only person in the room laying naked in front of her, like you are the main act.
You’re observation of Ona is short lived as she swings one of her legs over the side of your face and without any hesitation whatsoever begins to sit down. You welcome it, wrapping your arms around the back of her thighs and making it easier for her to balance.
Even after being fucked in every way possible she’s still so wet, you start off with slow stripes, long and purposeful, trying to savour as much of her wetness in your mouth as you can. You hardly notice as Alexia pushes her strap back into you, you’re so focused on Ona that you hardly shudder.
“Is she all wet bebita, still overstimulated from Lucia, shouldn’t take much.”
Alexia’s right, as always. As soon as your lips lock onto Ona’s clit, sucking at a steady pace, she squirms. No amount of stamina can make being built back up after that many orgasms pleasant, Ona tries to play it off but her involuntary flinch every few seconds when you suck particularly hard on a certain spot is a clear tell.
You double down, feeling her squirm and rock and try to push away from you makes you silently satisfied. You don’t have much power in these circumstances, no matter the context, but this little bit is enough for you. You hold tight on Ona’s thighs, try your hardest not to buck as Alexia’s begins to fuck you deep and fast, like she’s trying to prove just how well she knows how to fuck you. She doesn’t need to show you, you’re well aware from the many nights spent between bedsheets with her and your other teammates. Alexia knows exactly how to get you where she wants.
You know Ona’s about to come when she moans deep and loud and for the first time she starts to grind down against your chin, she might be overstimulated but the reality of her orgasm being so close beats out the unpleasant mixture of pain and pleasure.
She falls apart quickly and quietly, you figure that she’s felt so much tonight that this is the nice bow to place on top, a perfect encore for the previous events.
She doesn’t wait for you to clean her up, she lifts herself up with as much grace as a baby deer and collapses on the bed next to you.
You expect that to be the end, but before you can look up at Alexia, Ona plants her hands on your cheek, bringing you into a kiss that you were not at all ready for.
It’s all tongue and teeth from Ona, quick and desperate and yet somehow peaceful.
“I taste good on you.”
The comment makes your abs clench and your pussy to clamp down on Alexia’s strap. You’d been close, how close you weren’t quite sure but that’s enough.
You’ll reflect on it later and be slightly self-conscious about how much Ona’s words had effected you, but right now it doesn’t matter.
Alexia seems to be as shocked as you, her pace staying the same as she watches you completely lose it. Your hips shake and buck, your legs tremble and quiver and Ona just smirks like she’s god himself.
“Lucia come taste me on bebita, don’t I just taste wonderful?”
If you weren’t directly out of an orgasm you would probably go again, but you’re still halfway through your current one when Lucy leans over from her spot with Keira and places her lips on your chin, making her way up to your lips and finding whatever Ona had left on your face.
“Mm, it’s a good mix. Do you like having Ona’s taste all over you? She tastes so good doesn’t she?”
Lucy’s lips on yours, Ona’s lips on your neck, Keira’s lips now on your chest and Alexia fucking into you like a maniac. When you’d been asked what you wanted earlier this had not been what had come to mind, but if you could have thought this up it would have been the top of the list.
“You look so good with cum all over your face baby, maybe we should just keep you like this? Our little oral slut, always with a pussy, cock or fingers in her mouth. You’d be such a happy little slut.”
There are no words you can think of to respond, you have nothing, not a single thing comes to your mind.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? It would be so much easier, just letting us make all of the decisions. I know just how much Ale would love it, look at how hard she fucks you as I talk about it, your mouth is hers and everybody elses weakness.”
You unashamedly come as Lucy whispers in your ear, it’s unstoppable, it’s nowhere near as strong as the other two but it breaks you. Alexia sees it, she knows it’s happening, Lucy’s words work even better than Ona’s. Alexia’s hands soothe over your thighs as she works you through it, your whole body trembles, shaking below her hands whilst you work through the aftershocks.
She plans to work you through it, but she gets a very intentional look from Lucy and understands immediately. She pulls out as gently as she can, watching as your body clenches down on her strap.
Alexia unclips the harness as quickly as possible, throwing it off to the side before working her way up to the top of your body and rubbing her arms up and down your stomach, soft and subtle.
Keira and Ona get the message, moving off to the side whilst Lucy takes Alexia’s position between your legs.
You whimper when her tongue finds its way between your folds. Alexia holds your hands by your side when you try to move them to push Alexia out of the way.
“No more, no more, can’t go again.”
Your words are so broken, your eyes half open and your brain clearly not functioning at any level.
“It’s okay, just let Lucia clean you up, she’ll be nice and gentle.”
Alexia hands move up to your hair, carding through your locks and rubbing at your scalp.
The initial feeling isn’t nice, and when Lucy nudges your clit you recoil completely, Alexia being the only thing keeping you remotely in place.
“Such a good girl, so perfect, you’re so good bebita, let me hear it one more time.”
You struggle to find your voice, stuck in the back of your throat from your less than appropriate responses from the last few minutes.
“I-I’m a good girl.”
Alexia smiles, the same smile when she won the world cup or the champions league, victory.
“Yes you are, our good girl, just ours.”
You relax as Lucy finishes up, allowing Alexia to manhandle you into her lap and relaxing against her skin. She’s warm and comforting and everything you need to feel at peace. Your bones and muscles hurt, your thighs are sore and you doubt your ability to be able to walk like a normal human in the morning but it’s all overwhelmed by how good it feels to simply be surrounded by the people who know how to make you feel the best.
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etheries1015 · 1 year ago
Fem!MC X platonic Twst - missing the "girly" things.
General warnings: Fem reader, very Self-indulgent. If you don't relate, please keep scrolling along <3 not very proofread. No pronouns are used, but the concept of "girliness" and "girlhood" is very strong.
The boys have noticed their prefect act a bit different lately...a cloud of loneliness hovered over your head. As the only girl of Night Raven College, it was incredibly easy to feel left out and miss the things you were once interested in back in your world. You held a strong façade of prestige and uncaringness, but what happens when that mask begins to crack? How will the boys of NRC put your woes at rest? ...with a wonderful slumber party, of course!
First coming to Twisted Wonderland, not many could tell you were well-versed (Or at the very least, incredibly interested) in clothing, face Care, and jewelry. Although your personality screamed more or less "Gremlin" at times, and were a "well-known and respected honor student" all the same- you had a rather "girly" side to yourself.
However, you had limited options on having a non-existent budget, but a few of the students took notice of the longing in your eyes whenever you passed by something you desired to have back in your life. The cute earrings, the pretty dresses and skirts, the headbands...a mix of classy and modern, things of that nature.
The first time you were able to get your hands on a half way decent outfit that suited your tastes and you wore it out, others stared in shock. You were still the cheery and "weird" gremlin prefect that had crude humor and silly dance moves, yet something about seeing you in such...frills and 'flamboyance' was not what they were expecting. It suited you, though.
You soon found yourself being handed such outfits. Vil had taken it upon himself to gift you expensive brand outfits that he saw your eye when walking around town, Malleus gifting you a few outfits from Briar Valley that he felt would suit your tastes, Kalim gifting you the cutest earrings he had ever seen (little fruit charms, bows, all sorts of colors and unique charms). Even Riddle introduced you to tea cups that fit your aesthetic to decorate your kitchen with!
Though, the more they saw this side of you, an influx of confessions also came in toe. You were revered as the only female in school (who also managed to stay at the top of the score board, despite your magicless disposition). This came with the struggle of being pursued, more so after they could see just how cute you could dress yourself up.
Despite all these new changes, you felt a tinge of... sadness. You were happy that they were all willing to accept you with open arms and indulge in your desires such as gifting you the cutest of plushies, clothes, jewelry, decor... that didn't stop you from missing fun slumber parties, girl talk with friends, giggling about your love lives, sharing clothes and doing each others makeup and painting nails. You confided all of this to the number one group you could have possibly spoke to about these issues of yours.
the pop music club.
A knock came upon the door at odd hours of the night, upon opening it in your nightgown, you revealed quite a sight. Cater, Kalim, and Lilia along with a few other choice students were all in gorgeous nightgowns, their hair done up, holding blankets and pillows with hands full of bags of what you could tell were snacks, makeup, nail polish, and other slumber party commodities. With a bright smile on your face and a giddy giggle, you let them in gushing about their cute appearances. You all lay out the blankets and pillows in front of the TV in the lounge (kindly gifted to you by Idia) and pulled out the snacks and lay them out for everyone to grab at in their leisure.
"We aren't girls," Lilia pointed out, "But at the very least we can enjoy the things you mentioned before! Oh how I love a good love story, shall we share our love lives?"
"We can do that while we put on these face masks! Look, this one is a panda!" Kalim exclaimed, holding up a large bag of face masks and other types of...random things he thought would suit the party. (He pulled out one of those toe dividers for nail polish, he had no clue what it was but Jamil told him he would need it for later.)
"Oh, I brought you this super cute and frilly nightgown (y/n), Trey said one of his sisters didn't wear it anymore and he thought it would look good on you. Go! Try it on, Then we can take a BUNCH of magicam photos. Don't we look like pretty dolls?!" Cater gushed, handing you the night gown. You took it with grace and skipped away to your room, giddy and unable to hold back your excitement.
It wasn't long for more guests to arrive in frilly pajamas and cutesy hair accessories. A string of familiar faces entered, and you soon found yourself braiding the hair of Leona, Vil, Idia, Malleus, Silver...You were shocked to see even Epel made an appearance simply to make you happy.
"I learned how to braid a little bit," Silver smiled gently at you, "And a few other hairstyles. I would be happy to try them on you," He said. You looked at Silvers' perfectly French braided hair and makeup that made him look nothing less than an angel, you nodding in immediate trust. You soon had hair that was done so elegantly, adorned with flowers and gems.
"Let's be clear, I ain't a girl!...but.." Epel blushed, "I-if it'll make you happy...i'll let ya braid my hair. Just this once!"
Floyd and Jade even came along with their faces caked with makeup and the most flamboyant nightgowns you have ever seen, laughing away at their silliness.
"Look Floyd," Jade pointed at your makeup which was lightly placed on by his hand, "I told you these colors perfectly suits (y/n)'s skin." Floyd boo'd and insisted to take off the colors Jade had chosen, holding out the most...vibrant and interesting color palate to exist. You only laughed and backed away, shaking your head and begging floyd to leave your precious face alone.
They truly indulged in everything you had missed out on, even if they weren't your "girlfriends," they were so adamantly ready to try, simply to see you smile once more.
It was a night of snacks, makeup, nail painting, chick flicks, karaoke, gossiping, and frilly fun. You truly underestimated just how much the boys took a liking to you and wished to ease your worries and make you feel a little more at home, and you couldn't have asked for better friends than them.
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stromblessed · 3 months ago
this tweet is absolutely one of the milder ones i've seen on my feed which just proves i need to stop looking at twitter but this example of shipping goggles leading to basic misinterpretations of arcane season 1 scenes that are quite cut and dry thematically might be the straw that breaks my back
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what do you MEAN Viktor was being gentle. what do you MEAN viktor was calm. he was not. Viktor says "you... ordered this? why?" he's surprised, offended, and sounds almost betrayed at the idea that jayce would order the blockade. viktor is confused, then flabbergasted, then angry, then furious. there is a gradient between "gentle and calm" and "screaming spitting mad" and viktor is somewhere in the middle of that gradient, but just because he isn't screaming and yelling at jayce, that doesn't mean he was either gentle or calm
"what difference does that make?" is also not calm - it's showing that Jayce has not been fully mask-off prejudiced in front of Viktor before, and Viktor is so thrown that Jayce would and does take the mask off in this moment, showing that Jayce is not so different from the average prejudiced citizen of Piltover despite being Viktor's friend, that he is genuinely asking what is going through Jayce's head. Viktoris trying to make Jayce make some sense, but the words do still show confusion and distress
and then "I'm from the undercity" IS angry, now that Viktor realizes what Jayce is saying and why. he is not being gentle or calm or even all that understanding towards Jayce - Viktor is hurt and angry and he lashes out to make Jayce think twice about what he's just said, though the damage has been done because Jayce's words and actions have combined to move us and Viktor towards an understanding of who Jayce is and what he truly believes when his back is up against the wall
also i can't count how many times people have re-interpreted Viktor slapping Jayce's hand away as a cute funny thing he does, rather than an act of anger - frustrated, righteous anger
the reason reading this made me so frustrated is because it's one more step toward the broader fandom's continuing re-imagining of Viktor as a mild, sweet, often passive character
and to take it one step further in what i've observed, it helps re-imagine Viktor as someone who is versed enough in the prejudices Zaunites face on the daily to easily handle Jayce's prejudiced words and behavior. this serves not only to make Viktor sweeter, gentler, and frankly smaller than he is in canon - especially in season 1 - but also, depending on the day, may try to make Viktor more "perfect" and noncombatant, ignorant or completely separated from the concept of the Piltover/Zaun conflict, a more "ideal" activist (an aspect of his character that is implied in season 1 and then is unfortunately all but abandoned in season 2), or just more well-versed in Zaun vs. Piltover sociopolitics, which he simply is not. Viktor is both clever, and also a messier, less heroic character than all that, while still being a target of Jayce's prejudice directly but mostly, usually, indirectly. and Viktor does not perfectly understand this. he only knows and sees enough to be offended and frustrated throughout the story
there's having one's own interpretations of canon, and then there's mischaracterizing consistently and constantly, leading to the state of the fandom today where it's increasingly difficult to have nuanced conversations about characters like Viktor or Jayce. why not ship jay//vik but WITH Viktor's anger, the complications, and the messiness
or is that not an option now that the writing of season 2 glossed over any difficult social or political concepts that did exist in season 1
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snapscube · 3 months ago
really surprised you'd never seen wicked before now, but i get it. it used to be SO hard to get a boot, and even if i love it, it has a LOT of pacing issues that i'm glad they're fixing in the movie adaptation. i'd give the books a read if you're interested, but the musical is only adapted from the first wicked book and it is.... a VERY loose adaptation at that lol. yuri forever!
yeah haha, i know i probably give off a lot of theater kid energy in spirit but i am not really all too versed in even the most popular broadway shows lol. wicked always existed in my periphery and i always thought "i'd probably be into that if i put the effort into checking it out" but that "If" never happened.
god the movie was just. so good. and now that i've seen both i'm actually kinda grateful i ended up waiting for the movie unintentionally cause the pacing in the stage show, as well as the much more abrasive energy, would actually NOT have done it for me i think. some of the best moments in the movie are the moments where its able to really let the emotional beats breathe and close in on the nuanced reactions characters give to their circumstances, and though some of that is on stage when it is most appropriate you get a lot less of it and the pacing doesn't really let it sit at any point. the movie is nearly 3 hours and i sincerely do not feel it when watching cause it's just paced SO well in comparison.
at this point im definitely only like a single night of boredom and wicked brainrot away from checking out the book. i'm super familiar with the gulf in tone differences so dw i don't expect to get any whiplash from it haha.
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kalinara · 1 month ago
The thing about Scott and Nathan that will always be funny to me is that ultimately the whole "losing your child at a young age and not meeting them again until they're adults" is not a terribly rare beat in comics.
It's, in fact, incredibly common. Logan's got that beat with Akihiro. Raven's got it with Kurt. Xavier with David...maybe, to be honest, I've never been sure when Xavier first became aware of David's existence. I'll have to track down those comics.
Hell, Magneto managed to RAISE his kids and only learn they're actually his kids after they reach adulthood. Whereupon they became not his kids. Sort of. But then he got another adult kid. Whatever.
The thing that's funny about Scott though is that he goes through that plot beat, has the requisite angst about not being able to raise his kid and missing out on most of his childhood, and then promptly decides "okay, well, I'm going to keep raising this fifty year old man anyway."
It's subtly different from the other examples, I think. Akihiro was willing to acknowledge Logan as his father, but they were enemies for a long time. And while there is some cautious acceptance now, they're still not really a traditional father-and-son. Kurt acknowledges Raven and even tries to support her at times, but Raven's not the most maternal at the best of times. The less said about Xavier's fuck ups the better.
The hilarious thing about Scott and Nathan is that they actually do act like father and son. And eventually, that starts to make sense. Scott and Jean did, after all, raise Nathan for the first ten years of his life, albeit under pseudonyms and in borrowed bodies. And then, much later, they got to raise him for maybe a year more on Krakoa?
But those are things that get established later on. And Nathan's spent like thirty-to-forty years after that basically on his own. But for whatever reason, he sees this perpetually twenty-something dude insist on acting like his dad, and inviting him to family dinner and giving him Christmas presents and shit like that, and just kind of goes "yeah, okay. You're my dad now."
And it even extends to Rachel and Nate Grey. Because really, Rachel isn't their daughter. She's the daughter of a long dead alternate future version of Scott and Jean. She's under no obligation to go along with Scott's awkward attempts at fatherhood. And he really has no business trying to be a dad to someone who at various times is either his own age (circa X-Factor) or only a few years younger (current interpretation.) But nope, Rachel's their daughter. And she goes along with it, even when she's mad at him during the Emma years.
Nate Grey is even more bizarre, since he's Sinister's test tube baby from a parallel universe where Scott and Jean didn't even meet until adulthood. (Though it did seem like they might be getting somewhere toward the end.) But he's invited to family dinner too. And while he's not specifically named, I think it's important to note that there are THREE rooms in the kids' section of the Summer House. Not two.
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Room number 17 is listed as "empty". But Scott's an organized sort of guy, if he built three rooms in the kids' section, then he meant three rooms.
(Also notice that there's an empty room in the brothers' section too. Maybe if Adam-X wasn't busy in the Mojo-verse, he'd have had a place to stay too?)
It's just funny to me. Other characters meet their kids as adults and are like "okay, well, we've missed so much time and opportunity, we'll have to cautiously find our way forward as adults". Scott Summers is like "Okay, well, you're my kids, so dinner's at six, bedtime's at eleven, and we'll talk about your homework later."
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sinofwriting · 11 months ago
Water Bottle - Max Verstappen (I ❤️ MILFS verse)
Words: 546 Summary: Logan has a thing about water. Note(s): Takes place in 2024, Japan GP. Also just like 2023, the 2024 season will be different with different point scorers and events. (Part of the I ❤️ MILFS verse)
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Masterlist | Support Me! | Part of Sin's 5k & B-Day Celebration | I ❤️ MILFS verse
Logan was horrible at drinking water, Max had come to find out. Or rather, was horrible at remembering to carry water around. If it was in his hand, he’d remember it and drink it. If it wasn’t though, forget it.
It was surprisingly endearing the way Logan would just forget water existed as soon as his water bottle was out of his hands. Max knew it drove Pan crazy, he had seen the way she pushed water into his hand constantly, but now, and he can’t help but grin, that was his job.
Passing a bottle of water to Logan, he pats the younger on the shoulder before joining him on the sofa. It was a relief to be right at the end, Logan next to him, then Lando, Esteban, and Kevin. The latter two drivers had made his nose wrinkle a bit when his press officer told him his schedule.
As the interviewer begins with talking to Kevin, Max lets himself zone out, looking at the rest of the people in the room, observing them.
He briefly registers Esteban beginning to speak, when the very quiet muffled sound of Lando laughing hits his ears. It makes his eyebrow raise and he glances to look at him. Lando’s face is slightly pink as he tries to stifle his laugh. Max has to give him that’s doing a somewhat good job at it. Better than he ever did last year, at least.
As he looks at Lando, wondering what made him crack up, the corner of his eye catches on Logan and his attention immediately shifts.
The younger was frowning at his lap, and Max looks down and sees him staring at the water bottle in his hands, his dominant hands fingers struggling with the cap.
Max looks over at Esteban as the Frenchman says his name, nearly rolling his eyes at the shit joke of him winning everything.
“Well,” he begins, reaching over grabbing the water from Logan. “It’s the car and the team really. I mean, the car just feels excellent. How is the car for you Esteban?” He asks, passing the now opened water back to Logan and cap, giving a small tap to the bottom of the bottle and smiling when immediately Logan takes a drink.
His attention refocuses on Esteban only to see him looking at him slack jawed.
“What?” He asks, confused. But as he looks at Kevin, the interviewer and the other people in the room, they all have the same response. Lando even is no longer laughing, having the same expression as everyone else. Looking at Logan, the American shrugs, just as confused as him.
“Did you,” the interview starts.
“Did I what?”
The interviewer’s mouth opens, then closes.
“Did you just open Logan’s water for him?”
Max looks at Lando in confusion. “Yes. Why? What’s the problem?”
The Brit continues to look at him, slack jawed. “Mate,” he finally manages to say.
“What?” Max shrugs. “Can we go back to questions about Australia?” He sends a sorry look to Logan, who just shrugs. And Max in response can’t help but ruffle his kid’s hair. One of these days he really was going to go into Williams garage and strangle James Vowles, one of these days, he sighed.
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@spookystitchery @saintchxx4 @lovecarsgoingvroom @bloodyymaryyy @lilipiggytails
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flippinpancakes64 · 7 months ago
Hello, I absolutely love your work. iv re read your stuff so many times that it's getting concerning.
Can I request the cullens x artist reader who made a painting of them I just think that would be cute
The Cullens with an Artist! Reader
Thank you?!?! I suggest seeking mental help for rereading my bad stories tho
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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We all know that he is an artist too
He made Bella a whole song on the piano
As someone who can play the piano, that’s not easy
So he definitely loves that you’re also artistic
For you, he’s a muse
I mean, how could he not be
Literally the definition of perfect
So obvs you sketch him a lot
When he finds an almost finished painting one day of him, he is floored
He can never seem to wrap his mind around the fact that you are just as obsessed with him as he is with you
He hangs it up
Even if it’s not finished
If you insist on finishing it, he will begrudgingly take it down and give it back
But as soon as it’s done it’s all his
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She’s also an artist
But more with fashion
And design
She’s not so well-versed with the classical arts like painting or sketching
So she always loves seeing your paintings
She’s a coexistence girly
She loves to just be doing something while you’re painting
You know just sort of existing in the same space at the same time
The day you give her the painting, she is so surprised
It was so difficult for you to hide this from her
Especially with her gift
She absolutely loves it
She hangs it in the main room of the Cullen house
She wants absolutely everyone to see it and acknowledge how talented her s/o is
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He loves the arts
They’re relaxing to him
Some of his favorite classes he’s ever taken in all of the schools they’ve been at have been art classes
He’s not good by any means, but he loves it anyway
Art dates with him are a must
He would love that tiktok trend where you and your partner trade paintings every couple of minutes
Never misses an opportunity to tell you that he loves your work
He honestly almost started crying when you showed him your painting of him
You made him look so happy, so peaceful
He’s used to being perceived as a monster
Definitely hangs it up
But only in his room
He wants to be the only one to see it
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She’s more of a technical, sciencey person
Not to say she doesn’t like art
Just that she doesn’t necessarily enjoy making it
She can definitely appreciate good work tho
And she loves everything you make
She buys you new supplies all of the time
If just one pen ran out of ink in your favorite set, she would buy you a whole new set
When you give her that first painting though, she’s obsessed
She wants at least 20 more by tomorrow
But actually, she knows that she’s beautiful
But something about the way you capture her is just so different she loves it
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He’s not an art person either
He’s a bit of a meathead
But he can appreciate art
Probably not as deeply as other people can
But he know when it looks good
And he genuinely thinks you’re the best artist ever
He will gladly put all of your little doodles in the clear pockets of his binders
And hang them on his locker
When you give him the painting of him he’s actually dumbfounded
Like awestruck
What do you mean the best artist in the world just made a painting of him?
Get ready to be cuddled for the rest of the night
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Resident artist
We already knew that tho
I’m pretty sure it’s said that she’s the one who made the grad cap piece?
Either way she loves art
Pottery dates, painting picnics, date nights at the art museum
She loves it
So if you were to ever paint her and give it to her?
Yeah she’s gonna start crying
She just loves art, she loves you, and you put them together and she’s so in love
She hangs it in the main room
It doesn’t matter if the colors clash
And it’s never coming down
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Another appreciater of the arts
I mean, he probably knew Da Vinci on a personal level this guy is so old
So it’s no shock
Whenever he’s home and hanging out with you, he loves to watch you paint or draw
Especially if he’s doing some paperwork
I just feel like he would like the company while he’s working
Now I don’t see Carlisle as the type of guy to necessarily enjoy pictures or paintings of himself
The only portraits he has in his office are either him in a crowd or family photos
So when you give him a portrait of himself, he’s a little shocked at first
He doesn’t want to seem narcissistic, but damn you made him look good
He hangs it up in your shared bedroom
Even though he knows he will likely never have guests who would see it, he wants to make sure it’s hidden
He just doesn’t want people to think he’s vain
But he secretly loves it so much
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Vampire! Bella:
I think I’ve talked about it before but this girl would have loved deviantart
Rip Bella you would have loved fan art of your favorite characters
But she totally had an artsy phase
I don’t think she’s necessarily good or bad
She just prefers to look at art rather than make it
So that’s where you come in
She loves just watching you work
Every once in a while she paints with you
But she always feels inferior when she looks at what you made vs what she made
So she usually just sticks to admiring
The first time you give her a portrait of herself, she doesn’t even know what to do
She’s still getting used to actually perceiving herself as beautiful
And then you capture her like she’s a goddess?
She needs to lie down
She loves it tho
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cilil · 9 months ago
In this space we welcome and accept all sorts of OCs.
OCs who have existed for many years, with a proud and/or messy history to look back on
OCs who are new and fresh and/or still in development
OCs who were remade from a past version of themselves
OCs who were brought back after their creator deleted them in the past, out of shame, because of bullying or otherwise
OCs who may get never brought back by their creator, but still exist in their memory
The more-or-less-OC textual ghosts who were never fleshed out in canon and got adopted by different people as their own characters
OCs who were created for one specific purpose/story/situation and evolved from there or stayed that way
OCs who were made to be shipped with a canon character
OCs who were made to be shipped with other OCs
OCs who were made to be the child or relative of a canon character, regardless of canon indicating the existence of a textual ghost there or if the possibility was left open or not
OCs who are self-inserts or reflect particular personal experiences of their creator
OCs whose existence is not perfectly canon-compliant
OCs who have their own verses in which they exist
OCs who have different versions across verses, as canon characters do too
OCs who were brought in and adapted from other versions of themselves in different universes or franchises because they accompany their creator on their journeys
I don't have to like or understand them (though don't get me wrong, I love a lot of my friends' OCs), you don't have to, the fandom doesn't have to; the only thing that matters is that their creator is having fun in their corner and that makes them valid enough💗
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admiringlove · 5 months ago
falling stars. the sixth part of @angstober is here! i really loved writing this one, ugh. anyways, happy reading <3 masterlist of the event can be found here.
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being immortal was both a blessing and a curse.
zhongli had always been the god of contracts. it was the essence of his existence, a purpose etched into the very marrow of his being. he wasn’t always the composed, reserved man who carried the weight of centuries with quiet dignity, his gaze heavy with the nostalgia of eras long past. no, once, he had been sharp and unyielding—a man who lived and breathed duty. his loyalty to liyue was unshakable. liyue came first. always.
duty was his creed, his unwavering religion. the god of stone and earth, as immovable as the mountains he shaped. whenever his focus wavered, that mantra echoed in his mind: liyue comes first. duty comes first. it was an unrelenting rhythm that kept his soul in check.
but then, somehow, you happened.
you were the anomaly, the gentle rain that smoothed his jagged edges. he never quite understood how you slipped past the walls he’d spent millennia building. the god of contracts, once as steadfast as the stone he commanded, found himself softened—worn down not by time but by your presence. you were like the tide, subtle yet persistent, shaping him with a patience he didn’t know could exist. his rigid mountains melted into quiet hills, his soul drenched in the warmth of your laughter, the soft glow of fireworks, and a nostalgia he had never allowed himself to feel.
and now, for the first time, zhongli questioned where duty ended and where you began. you weren’t just a fleeting moment in his never-ending timeline. no, you were something far greater. you held his entire existence in your hands, like magic woven into your fingertips. you weren’t just his past—you were his present, his future, everything all at once.
and he hates that he’s slowly forgetting you. hates that he's still here, living, while it’s been eons since he last heard your voice, since the scent of you clung to his memory.
your scent. it was the first to fade, slipping through his grasp as the years stretched on. he remembers fragments—how you always smelled of the river, like the waters of qingce village clung to you. you loved the water, always said it felt like home. he’d once joked that you should have been born in fontaine, where the tides ruled, but you loved him long before you knew who he truly was.
you loved your god, and your devotion to rex lapis was so pure, so sacred, that it unsettled even him. most revered him with fear, with trembling awe, but you—no, you loved him as effortlessly as breathing. it's how he'd found you, standing before his statue, lighting incense in the stillness of prayer. he approached as zhongli, hands behind his back, watching as you offered your quiet supplications.
"did you know he's the eldest of the seven?" he murmured, his gaze lifting to the likeness of himself carved in stone. there was something serene in your posture, a calmness that baffled him. most would pray with reverence or dread, but you. you smiled softly as you waved the incense in the air, placing it at the statue’s base.
"everyone knows he's the eldest," you replied, casting him a sideways glance, "but most people don’t realize that barbatos is the second eldest."
zhongli blinked, a flicker of surprise playing at his lips. it was true—his old friend, the carefree anemo god, was the second oldest, though few knew this because of barbatos’ lighthearted demeanor.
"you seem well-versed in the ways of the gods," he remarked, curiosity piqued as he watched you. you chuckled, the sound light and warm. "my father’s a priest. i suppose that’s why. but i think rex lapis is different from the others."
zhongli’s interest deepened. he tilted his head. "how so?"
"you’ll laugh if i tell you," you teased, a grin tugging at your lips before you looked back at the statue, "but i think he’s a romantic. being the eldest must come with so much responsibility. i imagine he’s tired, weary from the weight of it all. from all of us."
zhongli frowned, something in your words striking a strange chord within him. "but that is his duty, is it not?" he asked, his brow furrowing, unsettled by the way your insight crawled beneath his skin.
you simply shook your head, smiling to yourself. "duty and purpose don’t always align, you know. rex lapis is a magnificent god, strong and wise. but i like to think he’s also present in the small moments, like an old friend. sometimes, i talk to him about my day."
zhongli’s gaze sharpened, a mix of amusement and suspicion in his eyes. "do you now?" he asked, voice low. "then perhaps he’s listening."
"if only," you laughed softly, the sound like wind brushing through leaves. "gods are mysterious creatures. i doubt they have the time to listen to a priest’s child ramble on about their mundane life."
if only you had known how closely he listened, how deeply your words had taken root within him, like seeds planted in the fertile soil of his heart. you were like water—gentle yet unyielding—flowing into the spaces between his thoughts, shaping him without him even realizing. after that day, you became something he could never quite shake, lingering like the soft glow of a lantern after dark—an ever-present warmth, like coming home after centuries spent wandering.
he finds you again, unexpectedly, sitting alone by the harbor in liyue city. there’s a heaviness to your expression, your brow furrowed as your eyes gaze out at the endless stretch of the sea, as if seeking solace in its waves. the wind tugs at your hair, carrying the salt of the ocean in the air, and you sigh—a quiet, resigned sound that makes something tighten in his chest. he watches you for a moment longer before making his way toward you.
"it’s you," he murmurs, his voice soft as the breeze, "from qingce village."
your head lifts slowly, and at first, your gaze holds no recognition, dulled by the weight of your troubles. but then, your eyes widen, lighting up with sudden relief. "you! by rex lapis, am i glad to see you."
his amber eyes, with their distinct diamond-shaped pupils, flicker in surprise. he hadn’t expected that reaction. you press on, your words tumbling out with a mixture of frustration and desperation. "this city is impossible. my father sent me here to assist a doctor with medicinal herbs, but i’m completely lost. and not one statue of morax inside the city! not one! where am i supposed to go every morning to pray?"
a small chuckle escapes him, low and warm, and he tilts his head slightly. "that is true. the nearest statue is just beyond the city’s borders, but it can be a dangerous journey. perhaps... you could join me for tea each morning instead. madame ping brews the finest oolong, and we often sit together in the high grounds before i start my day. you might even find your doctor there."
"really?" your face lights up, like the skies of liyue igniting during lantern rite, a spark of hope rekindled in your eyes. "you’d do that for me? include me in your routine, even though you barely know me?"
he smiles softly, settling onto the bench beside you. "you’re fond of rex lapis, aren’t you? so is madame ping. and so am i. i believe you’d make for good company."
"that’s... incredibly kind of you," you murmur, fingers loosening their tight grip on the straps of your bag, a hint of vulnerability slipping into your voice. "i never got your name, though."
he turns to face you, his gaze steady, the sunlight catching the red liner beneath his amber eyes, making them glow with a soft, almost ethereal light. "zhongli," he replies, watching you carefully, as though gauging your reaction.
you take in a slow breath, your eyes widening slightly as you look at him, something shifting in the air between you, fragile and significant all at once. "you know," you say, your voice a little softer now, "zhongli, you have a very familiar face."
he chuckles, the sound deep and rich, vibrating through the quiet of the harbor. "do i, now?" he asks, a hint of amusement in his tone. "i’ll take that as a compliment."
and so, the friendship between you and, unbeknownst to you, rex lapis began. you spoke of him in the way a devout follower might speak of their deity, yet with a warmth, a familiarity, that zhongli couldn’t quite grasp. it was as if, in your heart, rex lapis was not a distant god ruling from on high, but a cherished friend; someone you could confide in without fear. and that comforted him in a way nothing else had. for once, someone revered him not out of awe or terror, but out of love. someone placed rex lapis on a pedestal for reasons beyond his power, beyond his duty. simply because they cared for him, deeply, genuinely.
perhaps that was why fate had woven your paths together. to teach him that he was more than his role, more than the weight of his eternal duty. to remind him that his purpose did not need to be solely bound to protecting liyue until the end of time. there could be more—there was more.
"i don’t think i can love anyone as much as i love the god of geo," you once confessed, after finally mastering the confusing streets of liyue harbor. the two of you were descending the stone steps after your usual morning tea with auntie ping—though now, you had grown fond enough of her to call her that. zhongli’s brow raised at your words, his steps slowing to match your pace, for you were always a little slower, always taking your time. "what do you mean by that?"
"i don’t know," you sighed, your gaze flickering to the distant horizon, "i have this... strange relationship with rex lapis. i love him. i idolize him. i think of him as an old friend, someone i can share my burdens with. but i also feel that... if someone were to love me, it would be hard for me to return the same intensity. i think it would pale in comparison to the way i love him." your voice trailed off, quieter, more uncertain. "it’s strange. like i said, a strange feeling to have. i don’t even know why i’m telling you this."
zhongli’s eyes softened as he watched you, his lips curving into a gentle, knowing smile. "i believe the word you’re searching for is sacred," he said quietly.
you blinked, surprised by his response, and for a brief moment, you narrowed your eyes at him as if trying to figure something out. because that familiar feeling tugged at you again—like a jigsaw falling into place, though you couldn’t quite see the whole picture yet. the way he smiled at you, the way he seemed to understand. it made your heart skip, just a little.
and, without realizing it, you began to favor a certain funeral parlor consultant over the god you once idolized.
he made you smile wider than you ever had, more than you ever did for rex lapis. zhongli had quietly woven himself into the fabric of your life, so seamlessly that it left you baffled, wondering when it all began. your days started to revolve around him—sometimes even your nights. he would tell you stories of liyue’s ancient history as if he had witnessed every moment himself, painting vivid pictures of a time long past. it left you in awe, admiring him more with every tale, until the realization struck like a wave crashing against the shore.
you had come to love zhongli more than rex lapis.
the thought gripped you with quiet terror. the way his eyes would crinkle with a knowing smile, the way his soft chuckles echoed in the silence after you mentioned your god—it all made your heart stumble, beat after beat. he was hiding something, you knew it. and it wasn’t just you who noticed. even auntie ping, with her ageless wisdom, seemed in on the secret. zhongli had once called her an old friend, but just how old, you couldn’t quite tell.
"how did you meet auntie ping?" you asked one evening, crossing the bridge near the funeral parlor, heading towards dinner. he paused, a flicker of hesitation passing through his amber eyes. "i don’t quite remember anymore," he said quietly, "we’ve simply been friends for a very long time. there was another once, but... she’s gone now. her name was guizhong."
"was she beautiful?" the question left your lips before you could stop yourself. "was she clever?"
his soft laugh carried through the evening air. "immensely," he said, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. "we miss her, every now and then."
"did she..." your voice faltered as you stopped in your tracks. "did she pass away?"
he nodded, a touch of sadness lingering in his expression before he resumed walking. you remained rooted in place, pieces of a larger puzzle scattering through your mind. but it was as if your thoughts grew foggy whenever you were near him—like familiarity slipping through your fingers, just beyond reach. zhongli glanced back at you, tilting his head ever so slightly. "aren’t you coming?"
you murmured a soft “yes” and quickened your steps to catch up, brushing away the weight of your thoughts. "how did morax befriend cloud retainer?" you asked, steering the conversation back to familiar ground. he seemed to know so much more about your god than even your father, things lost to time.
and with every answer he gave, you found yourself more bewildered than before.
your curiosity always brought a quiet joy to zhongli, a chance for him to indulge in your questions, your wonder. at first, he thought nothing of it, simply an opportunity to share the knowledge he had gathered over centuries. but slowly, he found himself captivated, drawn to you in ways that puzzled even him. he started accompanying you outside the city, watching you in silence as you lit incense and knelt before the statue of rex lapis. but today, something was different. your expression had shifted, lips set in a thin, guilty line. like a river running cold, your posture stiffened as if weighed by an unspoken burden.
"is something troubling you?" his voice was gentle, though there was a faint edge of concern as he watched you stare up at the stone likeness of the god. you blinked, shaken from your daze, shaking your head with a quiet denial. but zhongli had known you long enough to see through the facade. "you’re different today. while you pray."
your throat tightened, words tangling within you. how could you admit that the man beside you, the one you’d come to know for mere months, had taken up more space in your heart than the god you had worshipped all your life? it was a storm within you, like water crashing through the valleys of your soul, eroding the bedrock of belief you had built.
"i can’t tell you," you murmured, turning your back to him. "this is between me and rex lapis."
"am i not your friend?" his voice was soft, almost too soft. "am i not as close to you as rex lapis is?"
he faltered then, realizing the weight of his words. what had he just revealed? he hoped the slip of his tongue wouldn’t shatter the delicate line he had walked all this time. you were clever—more clever than anyone he’d known—but perhaps your heart would refuse to see the truth.
yet why had he even said it? he was rex lapis, wasn’t he? so why did it matter that zhongli, the mortal, had become more important to you than the god? why did he feel envy, for his own self?
"you are not him," you whispered, a note of disturbance in your voice. "you are mortal. he is my god."
"he is your friend," zhongli replied quietly, searching your face, "and so am i. if something troubles you, something that disturbs your prayer, why not tell me? i don’t want to see you unhappy like this."
"i can’t," you insisted, your shoulders sagging under the weight of it all. "why don’t you understand-"
"but why not?"
"because i’m in love with you!" the words bursted from you, raw and trembling in the space between you both. your voice did not crack with tears, but the defeat in your eyes spoke of an agony deeper than tears could show. "and you’ve taken up more space in my life than my god. and that... that breaks me."
the confession hung in the air, heavy and unyielding, as if the world itself had stilled in the wake of your words.
"oh," he whispered, his voice barely more than a breath. "i am sorry."
he watched as your face twisted in thought, a realization settling behind your eyes, something heavy and final. "i know," you murmured, turning away, your voice distant. "we should head back into the city before it gets dark."
"wait, i must tell you-"
"no, zhongli." you shook your head, your defeat palpable. "i know you don’t feel the same. it’s alright. i shouldn’t feel this way either. i’m supposed to love him more."
"but i do feel the same," he said, his voice suddenly firm, cutting through your words with a softness that startled you. "i feel the same, so why shouldn’t you?"
your mind went blank. his words left you utterly speechless, like the world had tipped sideways. you blinked up at him, confusion written across your furrowed brows, eyes glassy as you struggled to make sense of what he had just said. it felt almost sacrilegious. zhongli stepped closer, his hand finding your shoulder with the familiarity of an old friend. "it is why i want to spend every moment of my life with you. why i want you to stay by my side until my last breath. is that not fair?"
you stared at him, blinking rapidly, fighting back tears that threatened to spill. how could this be real? how could the man who had become your constant, your guide, feel the same way you did? he spoke again, his voice steady and warm, as though wrapping you in a promise. "if you love morax so much, then let’s draw a contract between us. that you will love me with the same intensity as you love him. and in return, i’ll help you love him more. i will tell you stories about him, i will show you more of liyue harbor, i will take you to the temples, and pray alongside you until your last breath—if that is what keeps you content."
his words washed over you like a tide, a promise carved from stone and time. you felt the weight of it, the gravity of his offer. this man, this mortal, who had unknowingly become the center of your world, was offering himself wholly to you—not in opposition to the god you revered, but alongside him, like two halves of the same whole. it was a contract, a binding of hearts, one that felt as sacred as the prayers you had once whispered at the foot of the statue.
and so another chapter of zhongli’s infinitely long life began. but you were not infinite—you were fleeting, a moment in time that would fade. you aged like the finest wines of mondstadt, while he remained the same: tall, revered, handsome. your hair greyed, lines formed at the corners of your eyes, and soon, you grew older than auntie ping. and then, just like that, you were gone.
the scent of you vanished with the passing breeze, the smell of the rivers from qingce village where you grew up, the fragrance of old history books you lovingly stored, cleaned, and kept in your home. all of it—gone.
but zhongli remembers. he remembers every lantern rite spent by your side, watching the fireworks burst in the sky, but always, always watching you instead. the way your eyes lit up in awe at the colors that painted the night sky—he treasures it more than any celebration. and even after you were gone, liyue continued to bustle, unchanged. and zhongli stayed the same.
he lived on, because immortality was both a blessing and a curse. every year, he would stand on the high grounds, watching the fireworks bloom in the heavens with a weight in his chest that only grew heavier with time. and every year, he thought of you—your boundless curiosity, your devotion that never wavered.
he remembers the day he found your letter, tucked away like a relic, jagged edges and all. the curiosity that once led you to him now led him to unfold that paper with trembling hands. your words were simple, but they cut deep.
you had told him to live a long life—how ironic. as if he could do anything but. to eat well, as if you were still there, cooking for him each morning and night. to drink tea with ping, because you knew the weight of his loneliness. and you told him you loved him, as if he didn't already know, as if he couldn’t feel it in the way you breathed life into everything around you.
and then, what struck him most, what lingered in the back of his mind even after centuries passed, was how you signed it.
"thank you for everything, rex lapis. i leave you with love."
it was the last thing he had from you, and yet it was more than enough to keep your memory alive—because in the end, you had known. you had always known.
in his long life, he had done countless great things, and shall do countless more still. as they say: the waters change course, but the mountains move not.
so zhongli continues to live. carrying your love with him like an echo in his heart, as eternal as he was.
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 1 year ago
For the NSFW Asks, what are Macaque and Sun Wukong favorite spots to fuck their S/O?
NSFW alphabet with Macaque and Sun Wukong (separately with reader)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s the best at aftercare since he is already well-versed at reading people and you’re no different. You both are very good at communication so unless he’s fucked you so your only able to mumble you’re able to say what you want. Usually, it consists of a warm bath for both of you and drying off with a warm before drinking some water or warm tea as you cuddle together.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of yours is your thighs and neck because there’s so much soft skin to mark up and bite, not to mention how plush they are for him to grab and rest his head on. Your neck is the perfect place to take in your scent and mark up your neck for all to see that you’re taken.
Your favorite body part of his is of course his beautiful six ears and how they’re all so sensitive, fluttering and twitching at every touch or kiss you press to the shell of one of his ears. Another favorite part is his chest, how it’s decorated with beautiful scars showing how strong your mate is in addition to his conviction to protect you and the flustered reactions you get from trailing kisses down it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to cum in you as a sign of possession and he loves how it looks when his cum is dripping out of your hole. The feeling of you squeezing him as he orgasms in you makes him feel like you’re his and how he’s able to do something no one else can as your mate.
He will respect your decision if you don’t want him to cum inside you and pull out, smirking as he cums on your face and kissing you. Regardless of wherever he cums he’s going to clean it off with a warm damp cloth.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’d never tell anyone this but he would love to be worshipped and praised for hours about every aspect of him. Specifically about his ears and how he looks without glamour because he’s already very hesitant to show people what he really looks like and if he hears praise from you he’ll be putty in your hands.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
As much as he acts all suave and smooth he isn’t that experienced however it doesn’t mean he’s terrible at it. On the contrary, Macaque learns very quickly by your reactions and what you like and don’t like. Even finding little favorite spots to worship on your body that you didn’t even know existed and always checking in to see if you’re alright or if anything he’s doing is hurting you. Either way, he’s going to find out through soft lustful whispers or silent lewd actions.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Macaque’s fine with any position as long as he gets to see your face and those gorgeous expressions of pure ecstasy you make. Because of his trauma with Lady Bone Demon, he doesn’t like being in any restricting position like having his hands or legs bound and unable to move like he’s caged in. He generally wants to be close to you, to kiss you, and to hold you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Macaque’s a mix of both but is more serious than goofy and does tease you or playfully mock you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Granted he is a monkey so the word “groomed” has a different meaning for them and he is very well groomed (you help him since it’s a relaxing activity for both of you). He knows there’s definitely animal fur-safe dye but one he’s not taking any chances and two he just doesn’t wanna dye his fur.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He tries to be romantic but Macaque has his own way of being romantic towards you and though to others it might seem strange or distant you know it really is loving. He is very intimate though and gives so much loving pleasure that shows every ounce of care he has for you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Macaque does masturbate whenever he can’t be with you when he’s aroused since he’s not going to steal you from any important work you’re doing to fuck you as much as he wants to. He has patience.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Primal play games, breeding, praise, body worship, teasing, and marking.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His favorite places to fuck you are private places and places that are his. He doesn’t want to risk anyone walking in on both of you for obvious reasons but the risk factor of possibly being seen makes his heart rate spike and makes him even harder. It should go unsaid that any place that either of you find uncomfortable or don’t want to fuck in is going to be respected on both sides.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Any reactions you give when he’s training or working out since it’s very obvious for him to feel when someone is looking at him. Seeing you sweat from post work out or flushed face.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
This is obvious but anything that hurts you or brings up any trauma for both of you. Other than that he’s willing to try stuff out but will draw lines for your safety both physically and mentally (green, yellow, red color codes check-ins).
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He has no preference for giving or receiving but he adores giving you oral sex because he knows how to play your body like an instrument and fully loves drawing orgasm after orgasm from you while anchoring your hips so you can’t pull up unless you yell the safeword.
Like before Macaque doesn’t have much experience if any but he’s a very quick learner and becomes very skilled just by trial and error with your reactions. Even more skilled if you tell him what to do and what not to do in regards to what you like or want.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both if it’s been a rough day and some things that irritated him or someone came onto you then you’re in for a rough fucking (ofc your safety is the top priority even though it’s intense). If you’re both feeling soft toward each other then you’ll have very sweet loving and sensual sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He finds them okay and is open to them since he can make them just as pleasurable as long sessions and it can be done just as skilled.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s willing to try stuff out and experiment as long as it doesn’t hurt either of you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It’s Macaque. Someone equal to Sun Wukong. He can go for hours and will still have a good amount of stamina thanks to the regular training he does.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He does not own toys and doesn’t know how to use them well but one quick Google search or conversation with you will solve that.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This should be obvious as Macaque will tease you till you give up or can’t function and is merciless.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn’t that loud despite how he is very dramatic and makes hushed moans and groans. Loud enough for you to hear and for his voice to become scratchy if you both do have sex for multiple rounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s a possessive motherfucker so expect your body to be covered in hickeys and bruises. Most of them he purposely made so you can hide them but there are a few that are pretty hard to hide so others can see you already have a mate.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Again with the training he does and the amount of battles he’s been in he’s pretty toned and muscular which he’s more than willing to show off. However, with everything he’s gone through his body is littered with scars, and many of them he purposely hides because he thinks they’re all ugly, especially his blind scarred right eye.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It depends if he's worked up then it’s pretty high but most of the time it’s a normal amount if the world isn’t ending like the normal hijinx that happens.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s not going to fall asleep until you’re asleep and taken care of.
Sun Wukong~ A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
You’re going to have to tell him what to do or give him some advice besides common sense since he’s not totally familiar with them. He can help with a lot i.e. bringing you to the hot springs on the mountain to clean you up, cuddling with you in his nest of blankets, or getting you food or water from the orchard or freshwater streams.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Without a doubt, his favorite part is your hips or thighs since there is so much space to mark up for others to see you’re his mate and lover. They’re also so plush and easy to grab and squeeze when he’s worshipping you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Like Macaque he wants to cum inside you because someday he’d love to have kids and would love nothing than to breed you. Of course, if you’re not okay with it then he’ll gladly pull out and if you’re on birth control you’re gonna have to explain it to him cause he doesn’t exactly get how he can cum in you but not get you pregnant.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Even though you both are bare to each other Wukong still wants to keep his glamours up since he thinks he looks ugly without them and in his mind who could blame him? From being thrown into the trigram furnace which gave him his scary red eyes, being burned by the samadhi fire which singed his fur in many places to having scars around his head from the circlet. So please give him all the love he deserves which is all the love you can give and more.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He acts like he has experience and knows what to do but he has zero experience and it kind of shows even though he puts on a good act of being confident and cocky about it. Of course, he has a rough idea of what to do but he wants to make it as pleasurable as he can for you so help him out and give him some advice.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He doesn’t really know the names of any of the positions just more of an idea of how each person is positioned but he adores being able to see all the faces you make when he’s fucking you stupid. He’s not as flexible as people might think but he can do a lot of positions and is very curious about trying different positions with you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Short answer, yes. Long answer, have you seen this man er- monkey rather because he is so silly and that doesn’t stop for when you’re in the bedroom. He’ll make jokes on occasion about your reactions or act like he can’t hear what you when you beg just to hear you more.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Granted he is a monkey so the word “groomed” has a different meaning for them and he is very well groomed (you help him since it’s a relaxing activity for both of you). He knows there’s definitely animal fur-safe dye and can be convinced but it takes a lot with the promise that it can’t be extreme or large.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s very intimate and loving during the moment. He loves to be cheesy both in and out of the bedroom, it comes out way more when he’s with you than with the others, and mostly falls into laughter because he catches himself staring lovingly/lustfully at you (it’s become a habit at this point.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Because he’s extremely isolated and unfortunately can’t always have you with him or you can’t take him with you he only has one option if he gets horny. He masturbates more than one would think but he is extremely touch-starved (both him and mac are).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Primal play games, breeding, praise, body worship, and marking.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His favorite places to fuck you are private places and places that are his. He doesn’t want to risk anyone walking in you both since that thought alone makes him furious and of you for obvious reasons since you’re his mate and his alone. It should go unsaid that any place that either of you find uncomfortable or don’t want to fuck in is going to be respected on both sides. However, it is difficult since both of you worry that one of his siblings will walk in which is bad for both sides since neither one of you wants the monkeys to be traumatized from seeing something they shouldn’t of.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
All it really takes for him is to see you working out/ sweating or especially affectionate as much as he will deny it because if the time gap between you both seeing one another is big then yeah he’s going to be motivated.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
This is obvious but anything that hurts you or brings up any trauma for both of you. Other than that he’s willing to try stuff out but will draw lines for your safety both physically and mentally (green, yellow, red color codes check-ins).
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves giving you oral sex because of the noises he can coax out of you and how your body writhes in pleasure with each orgasm he causes. He won’t stop you if you want to suck his dick and very much enjoys it, praising you for what you’re doing and not stopping the moans leaving his mouth. All in all, he is more leaning towards giving but is happy receiving.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both if it’s been a rough day and some things that irritated him or someone came onto you then you’re in for a rough fucking (ofc your safety is the top priority even though it’s intense). If you’re both feeling soft toward each other then you’ll have very sweet loving and sensual sex which is usually what happens since he loves worshiping you while taking it slow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t like it much but it is helpful when MK is coming over to train he forgets so he’s trying to convince you in his way that you both have plenty of time despite knowing you don’t. He can and will make them just a satisfying compared to when you take your time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Wukong is absolutely down to experiment (as long as it’s safe and consensual) with different kinks or positions and may suggest some himself. He is a risk taker but it’s more toned down now and he’s more wary of the consequences from said risks, doesn’t mean he’s going to half-ass fucking you stupid until his name in the only thing you can say.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It’s Sun Wukong, The Great Sage Equal to Heaven. Someone who took on all of heaven and didn’t break a sweat. He can go for hours and will still have a good amount of stamina thanks to the regular training he does.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own toys because of the obvious reasons of he doesn’t need sex toys since he doesn’t even understand why someone would want a machine in you even if gives you pleasure. You’re going to have to explain it in other ways ;) and he’ll come around, seeing how/why people like using vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, gags, nipple clamps, etc and how he can make you’re body melt into euphoria with the help of these help little devices. He will tease you if you own any and ask if you’ve thought of him whenever you use them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t tease as much as Macaque but he still loves the reactions you give when he teases you and much prefers to fluster you with spooking you in different forms like when he was a bird or a butterfly. He teases you maybe 2 or 3 times a day but loves every second of it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s loud and makes a lot of groans, praising you about how warm you are and how you grip his cock just right.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He for sure asks you if he can use his clones in the bedroom and the moment you say yes is when 3 or 4 Wukongs, including the real one, are marking you up so people know you’re his. He doesn’t get jealous of his clones usually but there are times and they’ll all compete to see which one can make you cum the fastest or give you the most pleasure.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Again with the training he does and the amount of battles he’s been in he’s pretty toned and muscular which he’s more than willing to show off. He does have a bit of a dad bod which isn’t bad but you find it cute and especially the little peach colored heart on his chest. Unfortunately because of his actions against heaven and his tough journey to deliver the scriptures with his master the king has many scars from serious injuries as well as the samadhi fire burning (singes)his fur in places. One of his insecurities is his fire red eyes from the trigram furnace. Every one of his insecurities under his usual light armor you find attractive and beautiful, complimenting how handsome he is whenever he undresses and kissing each scar with so much gentle love.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Wukong’s sex drive is pretty high given he is clingy (in a good way) and wants to be around you so much, if it’s including how touch-starved he is then he loves to make love to you as it’s the best way to show how much you mean to him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s very tired after any session since it’s definitely more than one or more rounds but he wants to make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed. Wukong tries his very best to do aftercare right since you’re his mate but sometimes he wonders if there’s anything else he can do to make you more comfortable. Maybe tell him what you want and it’ll be yours, if it cuddles then you aren’t getting away from him until morning or until you have to leave.
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