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henrycavillportal · 6 years ago
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#CᴀᴠɪʟʟɴᴀsRᴇᴅᴇs: "Eu realmente amo este cavalo", diz #HenryCavill sobre Hector, seu cavalo em seu IG
#CᴀᴠɪʟʟᴏɴSᴏᴄɪᴀʟMᴇᴅɪᴀ: "Genuinely love this horse
#HenryCavill #horse #horses #Hungary #TheWitcher #TheWitcherNetflix #carpeado #roach #friesiansporthorse #friesianhorses #friesianhorsesofinstagram #friesian #friesianhorses #kfpsroyalfriesianhorse #royalfriesian #kfps #friesianlove
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justinewt · 3 years ago
From Healer To Renegade - THE WITCHER Fanfiction Chapter One
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Summary: The war was closing in on all of them. Nilfgaard wanted the North, and no one was to oppose them. At least, supposed not to. Revynah was stuck in a battle she didn’t want to fight, having to face the horros yet to come and the ones that resurfaced from the past she thought she had buried deep, too deep for them to ever come out again. But she was so wrong, she didn’t even know how much.
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: lots of season 1 the witcher spoilers, description of dead bodies (not gore tho), war, partial nudity at some point, angst, betrayal, mention of tragic deaths and murder, flashbacks, title inspired by a line from the song “It’s Thursday Night” (critical role theme)
Queen Calanthe’s body was laying on the ground, covered in a mix of dust, snow and dirt. Fringilla and Revynah were standing next to the corpse, alongside three of the Nilfgaardian mages, looking at the one kneeling next to the corpse, a knife in hand. He rolled up the queen’s sleeve and cut a rectangle in her skin before handing the knife to Fringilla. He then rolled the piece of skin off her flesh, stood up and ate it. Revynah was looking at the mage with disgust. He chewed for a second, wincing and suddenly, he was seized with convulsions and his eyes rolled back. His hood fell off his bald head as white foam flowed from his mouth. Fringilla stabbed him across the stomach and let all of his guts fall as his body crashed to the ground. She crouched, raising her gloved hand above the viscera.
“Is it working ?” Cahir asked from his horse.
“Calanthe’s progeny is in the Brokilon forest.” Fringilla stood back up and walked around the dark knight and Nilfgaardian commander. Revynah stared at her, hands joined before following her to get on her horse as well.
“We can spare 10 thousand men.” Declared another guard while the two mages got on their mounts. “maybe 12.”
“Shut up.” Cahir cut him off, clearly annoyed. “Armies are not the way into Brokilon Forest. Damn it.”
All four of them then rode off. Revynah took a deep breath and sighed as she followed her peers in silence. Chains clattered behing them and she looked back at the prisoner shackled to one of their horses. He stumbled and fell next to the corpse of his late queen. She saw him grab her scarf in a hurry before he was forced up by a guard and was ordered to keep moving. Cintra had been turned into a fiery hell by the Nilfgaardian forces in this search for the lion cub of the fallen kingdom. 
Revynah was unsure of what to do. She was lost in her thoughts while she followed her comrades. Something had shattered her undying fidelity and trust in the emperor Emhyr. She was a mage to him but also an assassin whom he sent in the north every now and then in the past, to execute orders without ver being seen. After spending a long time traveling from one corner of the northern kingdoms to the other, she ended up hearing about a few songs recounting the adventures of a witcher nicknamed White Wolf. She didn’t know the whole of it so she had inquired, somehow curious about this whole thing. She eventually found out the identity of the infamous witcher. Geralt of Rivia. His name had struck her, shaking what she had come to believe in all those years. Her little brother was alive. It was him, she was sure of it. She felt it in her core. Her dear and beloved brother wasn’t dead after all, and she had to find him. If she had thought he was dead all this time, he surely did so too and she couldn’t bare the thought of her brother burying deep down in him the grief and mourning he felt for a living and breathing person. This was unthinkable. Her time under the Nilfgaard leader was counted. This had been the trigger she needed to free her true self from the chains she imprisoned herself with. She wasn’t expecting it to be easy. Life had made sure she would always and forever struggle.
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The sun's rays pierced through the foliage of the trees as two young children ran around, laughing, playing tag, zigzagging through the woods. The comforting and soft warmth of that summer afternoon was ideal for playing outside and they had jumped at the chance after lunch, as soon as their mother gave them permission. She was in the forest too, looking for herbs, mushrooms and other plants she used to make potions, ointments and a bunch of other stuff. She was a fine druid their mother, trying to take care of the both of them on her own after their father died in battle. They were not too sad about that as they did not have much time to know him, well the youngest child, Geralt, did not as he was barely five years old now but his older sister, Revynah, who was four years older than him, did, even if the memories she had of their father were fading away from her mind anyway.
“Revynah, look at this mushroom !” Geralt exclamed, stopping in his tracks after seeing a huge white toadstool. He was kneeling in front of it, looking at his sister as she turned to him. He went to touch it but thin fingers wrapped around his wrist and made him stand up, stepping back from the mushroom. It was their mother. Geralt and Revynah didn’t say anything, in fear that they would get scolded at for not being carefull.
“Revynah. I told you to watch out for your little brother. I didn't teach him what you know.”
“Sorry, mother.” She bit her inner cheek and bowed her head forward, looking at her feet in embarrassment. She was so into their mouse and cat game that she forgot her brother hadn’t the same knowledge as her regarding the living life of the forest. She was young but her druid mother had passed on her whole herboristic knowledge to her so she could understand the works of the forest and use what she would find in it to help others. She showed her how to heal injured animals using herbs and plants. She was immersed since her birth in this druidic and magical culture, close to nature and animals, shining in selflessness. Her brother did not receive the same teachings, showing no affinity for the magic which their mother saw, on the contrary, in her daughter.
“All right, come on. It’s getting late.” She turned around and, holding her wicker basket full of herbs, plants and more, walked towards their little house. Red strands of hair threaded their way out of her braid and were tossed about in the breeze that made the leaves rustle lightly around them. Geralt and Revynah followed closely behind, holding hands. As they walked, Revynah smiled at Geralt and came to rub his brown curls playfully. He winced but giggled, smiling as well. They walked inside the house. Their mother put the basket on the table while Geralt ran into the barn. “Go play with him. I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
Revynah nodded and joined her brother. He had a bucket on his head, wearing it like a helmet and was holding a stick like it was a sword. She stood by his side, waving her hands in the air to mimic magical powers as they fought off an imaginary growling beast with their weapons of fortune.
“Back, you beast. I’ll kill you and take your treasure.” They played for a while until their mother appeared in the door frame. “Do not fear, Princess.”
“Dinner time.” She said before walking away. Revynah and Geralt obediently followed her back into the house where a seemingly delicious dinner was waiting for the three of them on the table.
“Someday, I’ll make you a necklace of dragon teeth.” Geralt declared, still wearing the bucket on his head and holding his stick. He and his sister sat down as the druidess put two plates in front of them. “The prettiest necklace ever.”
“No.” She gently cut him off while Revynah grabbed the bucket on her brother’s head and put it on the floor behind them. “We must live and let live.”
“What’s that mean ?” Geralt asked.
“It’s our code.” She explained. “We must cling to something. If we don’t, the world descends into chaos.”
Chaos. Revynah’s world didn’t take long to descend into chaos as her mother said. It did when she stopped living by this stupid code she had taught the two of them. Geralt's world did not seem to have gotten any better. This was why she had to find him. She needed to see him again to save herself. He was the only family she had left. She had to cling onto the hope that she would find him and reunite with him. Her mother was right all along. When one doesn’t have anything to cling to, they lose their control over chaos, and then lose the rest. And they both did lose everything.
“Revynah.” The mage blinked, her chest lifting up as she breathed in and out. She sighed, turning her head to Cahir. She looked into the knight’s blue eyes, resuming a confident face. She had let her mind wander into her deepest memories. She did not even know she remembered all this that well, as it was so long ago, like it happened in another life. Which felt true to her. She had lived a few lifetimes already, and had not found what she wanted in any of them.
“Where is Fringilla ? Did she already leave for Aretuza ?” She asked. Cahir shook his head as a no and she nodded, satisfied that the other Nilfgaardian mage had not left without her. Joining her hands at her waist, she then walked away from the commander and looked for Fringilla. She had not went back to Aretuza since she was 14 years old, which was over nine decades ago. The school hadn’t changed at all. It still looked like a golden prison to her, dull and with no reason to try to be so magestic, facing this grey ocean. The school took your freedom away from you and the students were supposed to be thankful, even though they could be turned into eels if they failed to ascend ? No, thank you. Revynah had made her choice, and it was not to owe anything to them and resent them to her core. Tissaia would surely have a stroke when she would see her former alumni after so long. She didn’t resent Tissaia as much as she did all the rest because it was not her that put the 9-year-old Revynah here. She was only a teacher and mentor to her students and Revynah must admit, Tissaia was not a bad teacher.
“Let me do the talking, Revynah.”
“Fine.” She sighed. “Does the White Flame even know I came with you ?”
“He’s the one that ordered you came along.” She said, before walking away without any further explanation. Revynah wondered why the emperor would delibaretly ask for her to reveal that she worked for the Nilfgaardian empire as a mage when he had always taken advantage of the fact that no one knew Revynah was under his command. She did not really understand his decision but she wasn’t to discuss it so she stayed quiet, walking behind Fringilla, hands joined at her waist, heads up as they entered Aretuza and walked to the meeting room where every other mages were gathered in this very moment. They were probably not expecting the two of them just yet, but here they were anyway, lurking about the hallway. Guards opened the door; the ornated thick wood panels slammed loudly against the walls as Fringilla made her entrance with Revynah walking right behind her in her shadow.
“Our fight is with Cintra, and only Cintra.” Fringilla stated, cutting their conversation off. As she walked over to the strategy table, every eye was locked on her until they noticed a slightly taller figure approaching along Fringilla. Few were those in this room who knew who she was, but the ones that did had shock on their faces, especially Tissaia who Revynah saw, mouthing her name when she noticed it was her. Revynah stood still next to her peer, glancing at everyone else around them, studying their faces. Most of which she did not recognize.
“Revynah.” A voice echoed in her head but she did not flinch as it was Tissaia’s. Her former mentor was trying to talk to her, obviously, but she wasn’t here to fix things up. She was here under the command of the Nilfgaardian emperor Emhyr, not to chitchat with her professor.
“In Nilfgaard, we know what it’s like to have corrupt leaders. But under our new leader emperor Emhyr, we’ve changed. We’ve strengthened trade. We’ve funded research. We have torn down walls, whilst Queen Calanthe has done nothing but put them up.”
“I am not here to defend Cintra.” Tissaia declared outloud. Revynah shifted her focus on the latter after ignoring her. “But I will defend our way of life. The Brotherhood, the Academies, the order that we have built up over centuries. You’ve rejected it all, Fringilla. And you did too, Revynah.” Her tone had softened up when she addressed the red-head beside Fringilla. Everyone looked at her for a second. She stared at her with the straighest of faces while Fringilla replied.
“That’s not true. We’ve modified it. Most of us came from Aretuza and Ban Ard. We’ve simply charted a different path, guided by the White Flame. That makes us cousins, not ennemies.”
“You force mages into servitude !” Indignantly exclamed a mage with curly hair and a clear voice, standing on Tissaia's right. The man was absolutely right and Revynah had a bitter memory of her early days under Nilfgaard, mages emprisoned in caged like rats. Emhyr did look like their savior back then.
“When in training, yes. Like soldiers.” Retorted Fringilla. “We believe in shared sacrifice.”
“You also believe in forbidden magic. Demonology, necromancy, fire magic !”
“Forbidden magic is one of the ghost stories taught to us here. There is no such thing as dark or light magic. Nothing in this world is as simple as that.” Revynah looked at her from the corner of her eye, listening to her words, having to pretend that she firmly stood by her side. She let her mind wandered a little and heard the voice of Tissaia in her head again.
“Revynah. Let us talk, please.” Stregobor’s voice rising up distracted Revynah and she turned her head to the old man, putting Tissaia’s request on stand-by.
“Ah, enough of this tiring debate. Cintra’s a lost cause. Let them reap what they sow.”
“I say we vote.” Proposed another elder mage.
“Yes, vote. Vote !” Agreed Stregobor.
“Vote ? First, you install your niece at Nilfgaard, and now you wanna ram through a vote.”
“To be fair, Yennefer of Vengerberg is the one I have to thank for my posting.” Revynah stared at this Yennefer of Vengerberg. She did not really know the latter. She had surely been at Aretuza at the same time as Fringilla’s. Revynah’s time at the school had been probably a few decades before them. A brunette with violet eyes, dressed in a fashionable black and white dress. Yeah, she would have hated it in Nilfgaard. There, mages couldn’t wear clothes that showed too much skin or were too complex. Such things were seen as weaknesses and heavily frowned upon to the point where it was forbidden to dress any other way than with humble and plain clothing. Fringilla and Revynah, as the two main Nilfgaardian sorceresses could wear nice silver dresses and capes with opening for their arms, showing their long and tight sleeves but that was about it. Revynah was never too fond of fancy dresses but the freedom of dressing as she saw fit annoyed her. “If she had taken it, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Neither would Nilfgaard.”
“If only Yennefer had gone to Nilfgaard. With her at the helm, they’d still be a shitty backwater.” Fringilla’s uncle declared with a mocking tone. Some mages on Stregobor’s side laughed at his remark but none did on Tissaia and Yennefer’s side. Neither did Revynah. She was with Nilfgaard in appearance but in reality, she wasn’t on anyone’s side. She did not even want to be here and get involved in this argument. She didn’t care what would happen to Cintra in the end. The only preocupation she had as of now was to find her brother. That was the only thing she wanted.
“You’re right.” Yennefer spoke up. “Instead, I went to a prized kingdom and did fuck all for decades. Just as you taught us. Helped murderers and rapists keep their crown. Maybe it is time for something different.”
“I like your protégé.” Revynah mentally told Tissaia with a subtle smirk on her face. Yennefer did not seem to let others walk all over her and crush her into dust. Revynah would surely remember her, even if she wasn’t to see her ever again. But that she wasn’t so sure. She felt that they would probably encounter once more in the future.
“Pipe down. You– you don’t get a vote.” Stregobor sounded weak, just like the coward he definitely was.
“If I did, I’d vote to burn it all down.”
“There !” He firmly pointed his index finger at Yennefer as if she had just said something outrageous and overly incriminating, exclaming while mages on his side clamored at her response. “There you have– There you have it !”
“It’s true. Cintra has chosen to turn its back on us.” Tissaia rose her voice to calm the crowd and make them listen. “They’re proud, and smart, and difficult, yes. But I’d wager above all else… they’re scared. We have called them a lost cause for years. But we stopped trying too. And it is time now… that we risk not only our lives, but our pride, and try again.”
A silence had fallen upon the large room, everyone staring at each other, a few people murmuring in incertitude, until Stregobor’s voice was heard, breaking this solemn silence.
“With your permission, all those in favor of letting Cintra continue their proud tradition of fending for themselves ?” Everyone on his side obviously rose their hands but also some behind Tissaia, Fringilla and Revynah. They had won the vote already. “Well… there you have it.”
Yennefer walked away and slammed the doors open, bursting in the corridor, followed by Tissaia. Revynah watched them leave from the corner of her eyes and stayed there, beside Fringilla even though she wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. After a moment, the Nilfgaardian that had attended the reunion, including Fringilla and Revynah, left the room. Tissaia and Yennefer were seemingly just finished talking and Tissaia went after her old student with fire-like hair and grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks. The brunette with the amethyst eyes remained nearby but went a little further to give the two sorceresses some privacy. Revynah did not care about her being here at the moment and simply turned to Tissaia, staring at her former mentor.
“Revynah. Give me just a second.”
“I can’t. I must leave with the others.” Revynah spat out, sighing. She evidently didn’t really want to join the Nilfgaardians but she had to for now.
“You don’t belong with them.”
“So where do I belong ? With you ? Definitely not, Tissaia. I made my choice when I left and I plan on walking out of this place once again, and never set foot in here ever again.”
“I understand your resentment and anger toward Aretuza. I assure you.” She wrapped her fingers around her hand despite how cold and distant Revynah was toward her. “I didn’t seek you out, your mother brought you here. During your years as my student, I could feel your rage. It fed your chaos ever since and made you lose control sometimes. I know.”
“What do you think you know, huh ?” Revynah frowned, asking vehemently.
“I know what you went through after you fled the school. I kept the brotherood from going after you, but–”
“Ha,” She laughed bitterly, releasing her hand from hers. “they didn’t have me killed, but I lost everything anyway. So you and your peers must be really happy that life took care of it all for you.”
“I know, Revynah. I really do.”
“Stop it !” Revynah rose the tone of her voice, growling like a fox, exploding in anger before looking around and calming down so as not to draw too much attention to her an Tissaia. “Stop with your sympathy. Stop acting like you know it all. You know nothing, Tissaia.”
“I know about the time you used fire magic.” Revynah stared at her in incomprehension, frowning.
“What ?”
“It wasn’t a beast that slayed them.” With this very comment, Revynah started putting the pieces all together and knew instantly where this was going.
“No.” She stepped back, feeling tears slowly filling up her eyes, blurring her vision, hiding her dull emerald eyes behind a thick fog of water. She kept herself from blinking so her face wouldn’t get completely soaked. “Don’t. Please, don’t.”
“The brotherhood knew of your whereabouts. I convinced them not to go after you, sot they simply kept an eye on you, but when they knew you had a child… I couldn’t do anything to stop them. The others were collateral damage because they tried to oppose them.” Revynah felt her legs and knees get weak but she leaned on a piece of furniture so as to keep control as she stared at the wall, bringing her hand to her chest, squeezing the smooth and soft fabric of her cape, trying so hard to hold back her tears, muffling her silent cries by covering her mouth with her hand. Lucky Tissaia got close to her, stroking her shoulder. “I am sorry, child. I really am.”
Revynah stopped crying, resuming a straight face. Luckily for her own pride, the two women were in a corner of the corridor, a little further from the meeting room and no one saw her losing composure. She wiped away her tears and looked at Tissaia as she walked away from her, going back to her place among the Nilfgaardian ranks. Disappointment could be seen in the eyes of the older witch. Maybe did Tissaia believe she was going to fight their ennemy together, that she had succeeded into convincing Revynah to come back to them, but she had not. Revynah had little interest in their fight and would rather leave when she could than fight for any of them and it would be easier to do so if she wasn’t with them. She wouldn’t feel bad for leaving after having just reunited, but that she wasn’t going to tell Tissaia about. She would not stay long on the battlefield anyway. Once she would get an opening, she would leave right on the spot. Nilfgaard would surely go after her but she already knew that fleeing meant becoming a deserter and being hunted down by a whole empire for supposedly cowardice and treason. She was willing to take the risk if she had to.
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Revynah slipped out of the water, taking a deep breath, opening her eyes. The heat of the bath water had cooled down and was at the perfect temperature. She let her head fell on the edge of the bathtub, staring at the ceiling while she brought her knees up, piercing through the water. It was as clear as a crystal and her body and curves were not hidden under a layer of foam bubbles and was visible though a little distorted by the movement of the water. She let her mind wander, thinking back to her unexpected discussion with Tissaia when she confessed that it was not at all a beast that killed her baby, lover and his parents, but mages that came to kill her child because he was deemed a too dangerous potential threat because of who she was. She closed her eyes. She could hear her heart-wrenching cries so distincly, seeing herself there as if it had happened just yesterday. So much blood it made her sick. She was kneeling on the ground, next to her son’s pram, holding his tiny, cold body in her shaking arms. She remembered perfectly what happened next, as Tissaia stated so well. She used fire magic, letting her chaos take over. At this moment, Revynah had died and let place to the assassin she was yet to become. She screamed so loudly she almost thought she had lost her voice afterward but it didn’t matter. Her grief, anger and despair were so strong that she burned down the house and stables, reducing what she had built to a heap of ash. She opened her eyes, breathing out, lips quivering, sitting up in the bathtub. The water had turned cold enough to draw her out of it now, so she got up, passed one leg outside of the tub and the other. She walked over a table to wrap herself in a long towel, holding it with one arm. At the same moment, someone knocked on the door.
“You can come in, Fringilla.” She assumed it was her peer as she sat down on the bench of a dressing table to dry her hair and braid them. She was so focused in what she was doing, she didn't look around and kept talking, focused on getting ready. “I know you’re probably thinking taking a bath before a battle is unnecessary but, I really needed a moment to relax. I, uh... anyway.”
“It’s not Fringilla.” She turned around and saw Cahir standing near the door in his Nilfgaardian armor, hands joined in his back.
“Cahir.” She exclaimed, staring at the latter as she stood up and walked up to him, still wrapped up in just a towel. He was obviously trying to keep his composure, forcing his eyes not to slide down her body. “Well, what is it ?”
“Fringilla reported to me about your visit at Aretuza. She said you left a few minutes after her and she had to make everyone wait for you. What was taking you so much time ?”
“So,” She giggled. “You couldn’t wait for me to get dressed, could you ?” She motioned for him to turn his back to her so she could finish getting ready, even though it wouldn’t be the first time he would see her naked but anyway, he obliged and turned around. It was cool in the room. The cold licked her bare skin and gave rise to chills on every inch of her being.
“We walk to Sodden, right now. So tell me what happened at Aretuza?” She sighed as she put her dress on.
“Tissaia de Vries just said hi, that’s all. I’m an old student of hers, you know. Nothing strange about it.” He turned back to her and she dramatically cried out, even though she didn’t really care if he looked at her. “I didn’t say I was done !”
“Tell me the truth.” He ignored her indignation and she groaned, rolling her eyes. She stayed silent for a second, grabbing her silver cape after putting her shoes on.
“You know I’m over a century old ?” He nodded. “Well, I had a family, and a son, once.”
“I thought all sorceresses were infertile.” Despite keeping a straight face, he showed genuine curiosity and he wasn’t wrong. All sorceresses were.
“I fled Aretuza before I ascended, which is when they sterilize you. So I just naturally lost my fertility over time, I guess.” She walked around him, getting closer to the door. She grabbed the door handle and looked at Cahir. “She just wanted to tell me something about how my son died… and why.”
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The Nilfgaardian troops had established camps on a plain near the forest, planning the attack on Sodden, discussing the strategy to adopt in this crucial battle. Fringilla and Revynah walked toward a tent were Cahir and the field marshall were talking over a map, arguing. The dark knight was leaning over the table, with a fierce serioussness on his face, accentuated by the sharpness of his facial features.
“Fringilla, Revynah, one of you tell him he cannot possiby take Temeria alone.”
“Tell him he cannot possibly understand the stakes at play.” Cahir retorted, annoyed.
“The Brotherhood…”
“They’re here.”  Revynah said, finishing Fringilla's sentence. “Our scouts just spotted them, fortifying the keep.” Cahir straightened up and stared at the two mages.
“We must move.” Fringilla added.
“How many ?” He inquired.
“We don’t know.”
“We must wait.” The marshall urged, pressing each word. “It is one thing to destroy a few peasant insurgents, but we cannot combat unknown magic.”
“We have magic too.” Fringilla cut him off. She rested her hands on the edge of the table, staring at him. “Without rules or restrictions. I will personally deplete them until they are empty and powerless. Cahir, if the report from the trading post is true, Cirilla may already be across the Yaruga. This…” She walked closer to the commander. “is our chance… to honor the White Flame.”
“Sir, forget Princess Cirilla. With the General, we can take the Continent.”
“Enough. We will not lose her.” He then walked away, looking ahead of him, followed by Fringilla and Revynah. “Test the Brotherhood defences.”
Soldiers, including Cahir, and all the mages went on the highest hill, from which they could see all of the castle of Sodden. Fringilla was at the front, with sorcerers on her right and left and Revynah, standing a little further behind her. Sorcerers who, on Fringilla’s command, gathered their energy, pulling it out of their every cells, throwing a devastating fiery ball on their ennemies, but reducing themselves to dust rustling into thin air.
“Again.” She ordered to a another mage. The woman looked down at the empty robe on the grass next to her. She was anxious, but she couldn’t disobey. Revynah observed her do just as her peer, lifting the ball in the catapult and her cape falling to the ground. They all watched as the attack was once again deflected to the side. Fringilla closed her eyes, raising her hands, palms to the night sky and generated a small black box in her right hand, and a white rock in the other. She handed the box to a mage next to her. “Draw the mages out.”
“We will not lose to them.” The mage declared before walking away. 
They waited for the sun to rise, letting the survivors in Sodden believed it was over but slowly, a thick white mist spread throughout the forest as the mage Fringilla had sent out was progressing in the forest, getting closer and closer to the castle. Revynah was watching as the army marched through the woods. She grew anxious about the outcome of all this, thinking that maybe she wouldn’t even manage to make it out alive but she couldn’t die. She couldn’t let that happen, for her brother. She had to wait for the perfect moment to open an untraceable portal and flee the battlefield. Anywhere she would go would be safer for her than here. Walking amongst the soldiers, Fringilla and Cahir went to the first line, next to the field marshall while Revynah stayed where she was. They didn’t look back at her. It was maybe the occasion she had been dreaming of.
“So much for depleting them.” The marshall spat. “What now ?”
“Move to the other front.” Cahir instructed, staring at the smoky woods.
“Right turn ! March !” Some of the soldiers turned around and walked away in a concert of synchronized steps, making the earth tremble under their feet. Fringilla then left as well and Cahir, still staring ahead, motioned at other soldiers to go. In a matter of seconds, they were practically only Cahir and Revynah left on the hill, with a few other insignificant soldiers. The red-haired mage looked around, slowly taking a few steps back as she assessed whether or not it was the right time and then walked straight to the woods as if she was in a hurry.
“Revynah !” For some reason, Cahir called out to her. He had obviously seen her leave but she didn’t see him looking at her. He was so focused on what was going on below, she thought it was the perfect moment to slip away. She didn’t look behind though, running as fast as she could to get away and being able to open a portal without someone instantly jumping at her throat. She took her cape off, letting it fall carelessly. Wherever she would land, it would give away that she was previously with Nilfgaard. She grabbed the fabric of her dress and changed its color with her power. She would look for new clothes once she would finally be away from here. The plain and corseted grey dress turned to a dark green after a second. 
She glanced around her to see if anyone was there and breathed out, when suddenly Cahir came in her field of vision. He was far away, staring at her but she ignored him. It was time to go. She stretched out both of her arms and started chanting a bunch of words in an ancient language, in a determined tone. A blueish light emerged form the ground and cirled up and around, opening a portal. She glanced at Cahir as he approached and quickly ran into it, closing her eyes and grunting softly as she fell on her knees in the middle of a dirt road. She was so relieved that her time under Nilfgaard was over, at last. She was aware that her temporary freedom came at some great cost and that she would be hunted down by Nilfgaard but if she found her brother, it would be worth it in the end. She sat down and looked at the cloudless bright sky above her.
She had no idead where she was at the moment but all she could thing of was that the quest to find her brother could finally begin…
[To be continued…]  
Next Chapter
Published (01/11/2022) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64  @littlebirdgot​
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nochedeespanto · 5 years ago
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Domingo de fantasía y aventura con The witcher. Brujos, magos, hechizos. Si hubiera existido algo así en mi niñez, hubiera sido muy fan... Claro que no me la hubieran dejado ver por la cantidad de sexo y sangre que tiene así que mejor ahora 😅. Sinopsis: Geralt de Rivia, el legendario brujo cazador de monstruos, gravita inexorablemente hacia su destino en un mundo de tormentos y humanas traiciones. #thewitcher #geraltofrivia #series #netflix https://www.instagram.com/p/B7PiZFQlj4R/?igshid=zj2gpz6x902q
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franciscomaldo · 2 years ago
#LiamHemsworth sustituirá a #HenryCavill en temporada 4 de #TheWitcher √
#LiamHemsworth sustituirá a #HenryCavill en temporada 4 de #TheWitcher √
The Witcher regresa a Netflix para una cuarta temporada, pero con un nuevo protagonista interpretando a Geralt de Rivia. Escena de “The Witcher” (2019 – 2023). / Imagen cortesía Netflix El transmisor anunció que Henry Cavill dejará la serie de fantasía después de tres temporadas en el papel principal, con Liam Hemsworth listo para asumir el papel. Se espera que la tercera temporada se estrene…
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aportesur · 4 years ago
Se confirma la fecha de estreno de la segunda temporada de The Witcher
Se confirma la fecha de estreno de la segunda temporada de The Witcher. #TheWitcher #Netflix #Serie #Estreno @CheNetflix @NetflixLAT
Henry Cavill vuelve como Geralt de Rivia. La esperada WitcherCon finalmente llegó y nos trajo muchas novedades acerca de este legendario personaje de libros, videojuegos y serie. Esta última confirmó finalmente el estreno de su esperada segunda temporada, la misma llegará el 17 de diciembre. Los libros de Andrzej Sapkowski fueron todo un éxito a nivel mundial e inspiraron la exitosa saga de…
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etcemais · 5 years ago
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A Netflix anunciou que o spin-off de 'The Witcher' vai ser chamar 'Blood Origin' e terá uma única temporada com 6 episódios. A produção vai se passar antes da história vivida por Geralt de Rivia, vivido por Henry Cavill. . "Ambientada no mundo élfico 1200 anos antes do universo de The Witcher, Blood Origin contará uma história perdida no tempo - a origem do primeiro Bruxo, e os eventos que levaram à crucial 'conjunção das esferas', quando o mundo de monstros, homens e elfos fundiu-se para se converter em um só". . O spin-off ainda não tem data de estreia, mas será filmada no Reino Unido. Ainda não se sabe de Henry Cavill estará no projeto. Enquanto aguardamos, a 2ª temporada de 'The Witcher' é prevista para estrear em 2021 com Henry Cavill, Anya Chalotra, Freya Allan e Joey Batey nos papéis de Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri e Jaskier respectivamente. . Gostou? Não se esqueça de curtir, salvar e mandar o post para algum amigo que vai gostar da novidade. . . #TheWitcher #BloodOrigin #TheWitcherBloodOrigin #Netflix #OriginaisNetflix #HenryCavill #Superman #SuperHomem #SpinOff #Série #Serie #Maratona #Bruxo #Bruxa #Elfo #Magia https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJwqJJD56M/?igshid=z04y1j5hsg3k
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barbudaonerd · 5 years ago
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Após a maratona de #TheWitcher na @netflixbrasil neste fim de semana, quero pontuar algumas coisas para vocês. Eu gostei bastante do que vi. Eu não tive contato com os games e/ou livros anteriormente, e isso talvez, dificultou entender algumas coisas na série. Tudo me pareceu bem confuso até assimilar as linhas de tempo, apresentação de personagens, batalhas, monstros, magias e afins. É uma grande produção de fantasia, mas nada de comparações com #GameofThrones né amigos? Uma coisa é uma coisa e outra coisa é outra coisa. Até porque apesar do alto investimento da Netflix, a série tem pontos a melhorar, tais como, em alguns efeitos visuais ‘bem mais ou menos’ e no roteiro. Episódios longos. Agora falando de trilha sonora, figurinos, cenas de ação e fotografia, estes enchem os olhos. Tá bem bacana. Sem queixas sobre a atuação de #HenryCavill como #GeraltDeRivia, é um bruxão que convence muito bem. Mas quem roubou a cena foi sem dúvidas #Yennefer (Anya Chalotra) bem dona da p*$$@ toda, já #Ciri (Freya Allan) pouco me cativou na verdade. Após o episódio final, as coisas ficaram mais claras e a série tem a espada na mão para fazer acontecer temporadas grandiosas e mais sucesso com os fãs de #TheWitcher e com quem está descobrindo esse universo agora. Recomendo que visitem os textos/crítica sobre a série no site do @mixdeseries para esclarecer dúvidas que assim como eu, tive ao concluir a maratona. Agora é com vocês, o que mais gostaram e o que precisa melhorar na série? A 2ª temporada deve chegar somente no final de 2021. Assim, teremos que assistir tudo de novo, não �� mesmo? 😂 Baseada em best-sellers de fantasia, THE WITCHER é um conto épico de destino e família, centrado no famoso caçador de monstros Geralt de Rivia. É ambientado no mundo do Continente, onde humanos, elfos, bruxos, gnomos e monstros lutam para sobreviver e prosperar e onde o bem e o mal não são facilmente identificados. . . #OMS #series #serie #tvshow #drama #fantasy #netflix #henrycavill #ccxp #thewitchernetflix #witcher #fantasy #geraltofrivia #anyachalotra #freyaallan https://www.instagram.com/p/B6b8D0hFTIA/?igshid=3ue1h58ilypp
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henrycavillportal · 6 years ago
#CᴀᴠɪʟʟɴᴀsRᴇᴅᴇs: #HenryCavill se despede da Hungria passeando com o seu cavalo, Hector
"Hoje foi um dia perfeito com o Laszlo, o Hector (meu cavalo) e o Pablo (o cavalo do Laszlo). A melhor maneira de me despedir da Hungria."
#CᴀᴠɪʟʟᴏɴSᴏᴄɪᴀʟMᴇᴅɪᴀ | Perfect day out with Laszlo, Hector (my horse) and Pablo (Laszlo's horse) today. A great way to say goodbye to Hungary.
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nerdbrazil · 4 years ago
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cine-supremo · 5 years ago
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shezofreestyle · 5 years ago
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Le tocó el turno a Geralt de Rivia de The Witcher. A tono con el próximo estreno de @netflixlat @witchernetflix protagonizado por @henrycavill y en sintonía con su esperada visita a la Argentina ComicCon Se imaginan un juego en pixelart @cdpred ? Espero que les guste kimosabis . RECUERDEN: Estaré compartiendo el stand 41 con mi kuate @fernandograneailustrador en el Artists Alley de la próxima Argentina ComicCon. Para mas info visiten @argcomiccon . #GeraltDeRivia #TheWitcher #HenryCavill #Netflix #NetflixLA #CDProjektRED #WildHunt #AndrzejSapkowski #ArgComicCon #ArtistsAlley #Argentina #Convencion #Evento #Cosplay #Cine #Comics #Series #Stand41 #Stickers #Pegatinas #OldSchool #Retro #80s #Artist #Art #Pixel #PixelArt #Videogame #Dev #IndieDev https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Eibc8Hfe9/?igshid=ni0zjq6edxax
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almasgeeks · 5 years ago
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@Netflix renueva #TheWitcher ⚔ para una segunda temporada. La serie del gigante de streaming basada en los libros "Geralt de Rivia" por #AndrzejSapkowski, estrena el 20 de diciembre. @netflixlat . . . #thewitchernetflix #netflixthewitcher #netflix#netflixs #freyaallan #anyachalotra #laurenschmidt #eamonfarren #fantasy #videogames #tvshow #serie #panama #panamá #pty #507 #trailer (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/B40sM8Xnfuq/?igshid=34w6t0y4zq6b
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corporativoarcanos · 5 years ago
SE FILTRA FECHA DE LANZAMIENTO PARA LA SERIE DE THE WITCHER #Series #Netflix #THEWITCHER #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Noticias
SE FILTRA FECHA DE LANZAMIENTO PARA LA SERIE DE THE WITCHER #Series #Netflix #THEWITCHER #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Noticias
Afortunadamente para nosotros, Netflix metió la pata al accidentalmente revelar cuándo podremos disfrutar de la siguiente aventura de Geralt of Rivia en la pantalla chica. Por medio de una publicación, ahora eliminada, en sus redes sociales, la plataforma de streaming compartió un conteo de días restantes para el estreno de algunas de sus producciones, entre ellas, The Witcher.
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“La espera…
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franciscomaldo · 6 years ago
#HenryCavill lucha contra el mal en trailer serie fantasías @netflix #TheWitcher √
#HenryCavill lucha contra el mal en trailer serie fantasías @netflix #TheWitcher √
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Henry Cavill es Geralt of Rivia en “The Witcher” (2019). / Imagen via Netflix
Netflix ha lanzado el primer tráiler de su próxima serie de fantasía The Witcher, la ambiciosa serie basada en el videojuego del mismo nombre . El espectáculo sigue a Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill), un cazador de monstruos solitario, que lucha por encontrar su lugar en un mundo donde las personas a menudo se muestran…
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geek-philia · 5 years ago
The Witcher: Blood Origin - Spin-off Series Coming To Netflix
#TheWitcher is getting a spin-off series on #Netflix
The Witcher is getting a new spin-off series titled, The Witcher: Blood Origin. The news was dropped today on Netflix’s twitter page @NXOnNetflix. Announcing The Witcher: Blood Origin, a 6 part live-action The Witcher spin-off series from Declan de Barra and Lauren Schmidt Hissrich.
It also came with a short synopsis. 1200 years before Geralt of Rivia, the worlds of monsters, men and elves…
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henrycavillportal · 6 years ago
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#CᴀᴠɪʟʟɴᴀsRᴇᴅᴇs | @HenryCavill anuncia o fim das filmagens de The Witcher e agradece a todos que ajudaram a realizar esse grande trabalho
“A primeira temporada de The Witcher finalmente chegou ao fim. Apesar de eu estar com essa cara séria, foi uma jornada incrível! O elenco e a produção trabalharam incessantemente, todos deram o melhor de si nos sets de filmagem e eu não poderia estar mais orgulhoso de vocês todos.
Falando agora da minha equipe mais próxima: Jacqui, Ailbhe e Leah são profissionais ímpares que trabalharam longas horas para dar vida ao Geralt (o Witcher), através de constantes ajustes e melhorias na caracterização do personagem. Obrigado, meninas, por fazerem com que essa fosse uma boa jornada. Valeu a pena acordar às três da madrugada tantas vezes!”
#CᴀᴠɪʟʟᴏɴSᴏᴄɪᴀʟMᴇᴅɪᴀ: Season 1 of The Witcher has finally come to an end. And although I'm pulling a face here it has been an incredible journey! The cast and crew worked tirelessly throughout, everyone pitched in and brought their A game to set and I couldn't be more proud of you all.
Speaking of my immediate team. Jacqui, Ailbhe and Leah are consummate professionals who worked extraordinary hours to bring the Witcher to life, they were non stop improving adjusting and evolving Geralt throughout. Thank you ladies for making this journey a good one. All of those 3 am wake ups were worth it!
#HenryCavil #Witcher #Geralt #Netflix #NetflixWitcher #hexer #thewitchernetflix #thewitcher3 #gwent #Ведьмак #wiedzmin #witcher3wildhunt #cirilla #bloodandwine #wildhunt #ciri #polish #yenneferofvengerberg #sapkowski #monsterslaying #yennefer #monsterslaying #cdprojektred #Hungary #lastday
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