101tesversians · 11 years
I want the K! (Marduk, Fenris, annnd Hunter!)
Marduk – 10 neck kiss
Fenris – 20 any of the above
Hunter – 5 firm kiss
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"Excuse me, Ma'am," The said to get her attention. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but it would seem these greymages thought we should meet. They wanted me to hug you, so as soon as I have done that, I'll be on my way," he explained before he stepped closer to the Breton and wrapped his arms around her in a friendly hug. Once the task was completed, he let go of her, shot her a smile and bid her farewell.
Hearing a voice Brielle lifted her eyes. When she saw the man approaching she quickly set down her mortar and pestle and cleaned her hands on her robes with a smile.
But when he mentioned grey mages the smile vanished, although hearing that he was here to give her a hug and not a kiss was relieving. So she allowed the stranger to hug her, and when he released her Brielle gave him a small grin.
“Be safe out there, sir!” she called as he left.
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honortoprove · 11 years
Hunter had been led to this Nord he had never seen before. The vampire quickly studied the man before he approached him. "Shadrach?" he asked, waiting for the ex-bandit to turn around before he grabbed the Nord's face with both hands. The vampire kissed his forehead first, then his cheeks, the tip of his nose, his chin and lastly he placed a lingering kiss on Shad's lips before he pulled away. "Have a good day," he mumbled with a brief nod and walked away.
“Aye?” Came the drawled reply from the former bandit at the sound of his name. He turned to see who had spoken to him, but didn’t have a moment to notice before he found himself being kissed. Once he was released, he stared at the Imperial who had grabbed him in surprise.
However, once Shad got a good look at him, he couldn’t help himself. He grinned,“Aye, y’come back anytime y’want.”
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101tesversians · 11 years
Tired- Luther, Hunter, and Zepp
Tired: Muse is suddenly very drowsy and lethargic and feels the need to cuddle with everyone, even their enemies. Muse decides duration. I think I need a hug.
Luther merely glared at the greymage, but before he could react the spell had taken effect and the vampire found himself in growing need of spending time close to other people. Perhaps Alastair wasn’t doing anything important right now. 
Hunter simply looked at the greymage, but sighed once it was gone. Now this was going to make his job a lot more difficult, and because of this he couldn’t help but frown. 
{[The tailor sighed at the mage and slowly turned his head towards Clyde who was standing there taking notes. The apprentice slowly raised his gaze from the journal and looked at Zepp with raised eyebrows. “What?” he asked, and got nothing more than a groan in return. No, he wouldn’t hug Clyde, he refused.]}
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101tesversians · 11 years
Each of you: Name a person you find attractive.
((I am doing this ooc because there are a crapton of names here
E’hla - Dalamus
Luther - Alastair
Fenris - Gein and Sebastian
Tindra - Shadrach
Hunter - His sire, Toulouse
Iselin - Rise, Brynjolf and Bart
Tyr - Tort(!)
Gin - Krieg, Shadrach, Olf, Colby, Ric, Sander (He is in the ‘cute’ category as well) Bade and Meed
Liam: Tort
Sirius - Moira and Signy 
Marduk - Gein
Niel - Darrow and Shadrach
Yera - Dmitri
Cedric - Roan
Zepp - Signy
Samson - Tort and Signy
Clyde - Lorna and Signy
Sylvester - Signy
Beulah - Bade
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