boarchasers · 11 years
(Φ w Φ) [Roan]
A bare-chested man isn’t that uncommon in Skyrim, even in the cold, and Haaki almost walks straight past this one. It’s only when he recognises the face that he stops and stares.
And smiles, which is embarrassing. At least he manages not to run forward and hug Roan, although he comes close, before he says,
'I— I hope you're not doing that for my benefit. I keep telling you I'm not interested.'
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honortoprove · 11 years
30 Days of Character Development [Day 15]
Friend, Rivals, Betrayal, and Birds
Who is their closest friend, and why? What do they like to do with this person? Do they have any rivals? Who and why? Have they ever been betrayed? By who, and how did it affect them? Roan would probably be considered his closest friend - as the two grew up together and never bothered keeping secrets from the other. (Tindra is a close second, though).
Not 'rivals' but enemies. Various other bandits, including Haaki are all on his 'kill on sight' list.
He has not been betrayed before.
15.) Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl? Night owl.
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101tesversians · 11 years
Snugs, for all the werebeasts and vampires for a person of their choice.
Marduk - Gein
Joric - Roan
Hel - Frithjofr
Nuka - Meed
Tindra - Kade
Fenris - Sebastian
Zepp - Warden
Luther - Signy
Asher - Sander
Raum – Eli
Kai - Thavrin
Sammy - Alastair
Hunter - Brielle
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avampireortwo · 11 years
Roan cleared his throat and offered the rather human Imperial an apologetic smile. "Sorry 'bout this," he said and then leaned over the counter to place a gentle kiss on Clyde's lips. He moved away and shrugged. "Grey mages are... weird."
Clyde merely blinked at the Nord before a faint smile found its way to his face. “Nothing to worry about, and I agree,” he said with a short nod. “They can indeed be very weird,” Clyde added.
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whatoddities · 10 years
But Rooaan, I wanna play with Errol!
“Then go find ‘im,” the Imperial grumbled, feeling a headache beginning to start. “’E ain’t ‘idin’ ‘r nuthin’.”
As if on cue, a door in the small house slammed shut.
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whatoddities · 10 years
Roan. Roan. Roooooaaaaaan.
The Imperial groaned and rubbed at his face, waving with a free hand to try and push the mage away from him.
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whatoddities · 10 years
(Thoughst) Roan was so sweet. I bet he could have understood what I did, what I am doing. Or maybe not, maybe he wouldn't but he seemed the sort of guy who would at least listen to your reasons. I hope he's somewhere good. Somewhere warmer than Winterhold anyway.
The vampire looked at the mage with wide eyes, more surprised that someone had actually thought of him than at the words they had said. He would have listened, aye, to whatever they were going through, but he couldn't. Not when he didn't know where they were.
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whatoddities · 10 years
The wolf has been rather roughly hewn from wood. Chips are missing where shaking hands let the knife slip and there isn’t much fine detail, but the for all that Haaki clearly spent a lot of time on the carving.
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whatoddities · 10 years
[Roan] Haaki takes one look at the former bandit and lets his head thump back onto the pillow. Not even the guilt can override this reaction. 'Not /again/.'
Roan might have snored, if not for the simple fact that he mostly didn't breathe anymore. Instead, the vampire slumbered soundly, unaware of the grumpy priest next to him.
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whatoddities · 10 years
I heard a rumor that Roan is named in an elder scroll, that he will come face to face with a mediocre and insecure member of the Dawnguard and they will fight to the pain.
Roan blinked in surprise, seemingly dumbstruck at the rumor. After a moment, he cleared his throat.
"I don't know wha' any'a tha' Dawnguard stuff is, 'n I sure ain't gonna be in any elder scroll -- so I think ya heard wron'."
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whatoddities · 11 years
She knew that man. Roan! It had been a while since they had talked. She ran up to him and started to talk - only realising that she was still a cat and anything she said was miaows...
Roan glanced down at the sound of mewing, and stared at the cat at his feet. After a moment, he reached down and gave the kitty a scratch behind the ears.
"Sorry little buddy," he said with a frown. "But I don't got anythin' ta feed ya."
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whatoddities · 11 years
I'm an orsimer female in my early twenties. I have crimson hair and sky blue eyes. Don't worry about the tusks, they're small! I would describe my ideal date as a quiet affair - dinner and chatting and perhaps a walk in the mountains to meet my dragon masters?
The Orsimer bit was what really caught her attention. Tort had only met a handful of Orcs before. But at the last comment, she pulled a rather confused face."Dragon masters? What do you mean by dragon masters?"
{Meed grinned and shrugged. "Sure, m'up for anything once, you know?"}
{Basil raised a brow, thoroughly confused. "What... what are dragon masters? Will they eat me? Cause if they won't - the rest sounds pretty fun.} 
[Roan merely stared at the mage quietly, before swallowing thickly and shaking his head no. It'd be too dangerous now.]
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boarchasers · 11 years
Name: HerdGender: MaleGeneral Appearance: Dark hair which looks oddly silver in the right sort of light. Pale skin.Personality: Quiet, seems to be easily confused, although he might be hiding something. Prone to long stares and blank expressions.Special Talents: A natural affinity for magic, which doesn’t come from either parent.Who they like better: RoanWho they take after more: RoanPersonal Headcanon: Errol decides he wants another sibling. His “parents" aren’t given a choice in the matter. Herd appears outside Haaki’s tent one day and, deciding Roan owes him a favour, Haaki demands his help raising the child. All according to plan.
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whatoddities · 11 years
Roan, Age 18 - What was the best night of your life?
["Meetin' up with... wha' was her name?" Roan paused for a moment and then shrugged. "Anyway - spent all night with this one girl. Let's just say... we both had trouble walkin' the next mornin'."]
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whatoddities · 11 years
(Roan) When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
[“Chief, a’course.”]
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whatoddities · 11 years
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