101tesversians · 11 years
What is your most-used phrase? Most-used word?
((Ohlook a wild readmore appears))
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threelittlethieves · 11 years
A kiss on your cheek.
The scarred Imperial sat quietly by a table at the inn, idly carving symbols in the wood when the doors were pushed open and Liam stomped in. Sirius glanced up at his partner and a playful smirk made its way to his lips.
"Why so mellow, dear?It looks like someone just got a kiss on the cheek." the pickpocket purred.
"Shut up, Sirius."
His expression changed, to one of slight shock. "Oh, so you did actually get a kiss, then." He paused. "From who?"
"The lil' jester girl?"
"Yeah..." Liam didn't like they way this was headed.
"Hm.. No wonder you're so tender," he laughed.
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whatoddities · 11 years
+ Tortulja and Liam. They must have stolen each other's hearts by now!
“Very punny, mage,” Tort said, letting out a short laugh and shaking her head. “But no.”
— —
((Mage, you made me laugh — FORTY-TWO POINTS FOR YOU! :DPerhapsIsecretlyshipthis,shh))
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quickerpickerupper · 12 years
30 Days of Character Development [Day 9]
Seemingly Random Questions; Trust?
Are they specially qualified in any particular field? Would they be considered at the top of the field? Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for anything? (Ex. Nobel Prize) Is there anything they’ve deliberately sought to improve at? Do they speak more than one language?
9.)  Who does your character trust? At the moment -- Brielle, Tyr, and Liam. (But for the love of Mara, don't tell any of them.))
((For a list of those he has interacted with during roleplays, and now considers his friends — check his relationships page)).
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eternaltaxidermy · 12 years
Smooch xD
((-flails at-
Random generator saaaays:Liam.….that thing really likes Liam, doesn’t it? >.>I need to assign them all new numbers later.))
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threelittlethieves · 11 years
Tort found Liam surprisingly little difficulty thanks to the assistance of the grey mages. She tugged one of his hands gently and when he turned around she offered him a shy smile and an apologetic expression.
"I promise you, this is not how it seems," she began before standing on tiptoes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. That didn't seem to be enough, however, and her cheeks burned a bright red as she planted a firm, but brief kiss on his mouth. Once she ended the kiss, she quickly wrapped him in a hug, hiding her face from his.
"I apologize," she murmured into his shirt and after a moment she released him, her cheeks still red though not as much as before. She cleared her throat and managed to look the Imperial in the eye for all of three seconds before she focused on something to their left.
"Hope you've been well, Liam."
Liam hadn't expected to see Tort this far from Riften, but still there she was. "Hail, To-" he was cut off when she kissed him on the cheek, and he dipped his chin a little so he could better look down at her. "What was th-" he was cut off again by another kiss, and he let out a muffle surprised noise.
He stood still when she hid her face against his chest, a hand resting on her shoulder that he quickly moved away. "Don't worry about it," he mumbled and shrugged.
It was then the greymage magic took a hold of him as well, and once she looked back up at him, he leaned forward and planted a brief but soft kiss on her mouth. When the kiss was over he couldn't help but look shocked over his own action. "I uh.. I'm sorry," he uttered and swallowed. 
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whatoddities · 11 years
[AU] Flames Go Out [Drabble]
It all happened so fast.
A simple slip of the tongue when she recognized him, and suddenly Liam was all over the Imperial. Later, she'd recall what Silas had said that set him off:  "I knew you wouldn't forget my name."
Liam got in more than a few good hits, but Silas recovered quickly, punching the smuggler in the gut before clocking him in the jaw with a flaming fist.
Before her mind caught up with her body, Tort was pulling on Silas, dragging him away from Liam. Furious, the fire juggler turned his aggression on her.
He scowled and grabbed her by the throat, his thumb pressed against her esophagus while his searing fingers wrapped around her neck and gripped her shoulder. She cried out as his fingers pressed harder and the heat increased.
"Stop," she choked, but his grip on her only tightened.
Then suddenly, it loosened.
Tort didn't even notice the arrow that pierced Silas' back. She was far too busy staring at her hand, where warm blood flowed in a sloppy pulse down the blade and the hilt of the sword she conjured, which was now embedded in Silas' abdomen.
She gasped, though it was mostly in shock rather than fear, when the Imperial's hand slipped from her neck and his body slumped, first onto her, then sideways onto the ground.
Tortulja released her grasp on the blade as he fell, and it shimmered once, twice, and then dissipated completely from existence. She stared down at Silas -- no, it was just his corpse now, wasn't it? -- but it didn't seem to register.
It was only when Liam touched her shoulder, when he asked if she was alright, and when she looked up to see him bloodied and burnt, that it all became reality.
Tort turned away and emptied her stomach into the street.
Silas was dead.
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101tesversians · 11 years
Who said your life had to be 'calm' and happy? Surely you could find someone to fit your... current lifestyle, aye? Someone to keep you on your toes and be there when you get yourself caught in some ill-advised situation.
{“That’s what I have Sirius for. I don’t need, or want, another partner. He’s the best at what he does, and I’m the best at what I do.”
“There’s no time for a family in my life, that’s why I left my old one.”}
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101tesversians · 11 years
Liam, you ever think of settling down?
{“Not anymore, no,”} the Imperial shook his head and quirked his lips. {“I wanted to before, but I don’t desire a ‘calm, happy life’ anymore, I’d just get bored anyway.”}
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whatoddities · 11 years
[Compilation] The Law; Capture; Convicts; Fugitives; Exit Stage Left [Liam, Sirius, Tort]
Liam and Tortulja take on a rather simple job, but when things go wrong they've got to rely on Liam's friend, Sirius, to help aid their escape.
[The Law]
"Tort, this is stupid."
"Nonsense! You look adorable. Red's a good color on you... when its not your own blood."
Liam tilted his head up and glared at the young woman from under his helm -- not that she could notice. He let out a sigh and then groaned, tugging at the guard uniform.
"This feels all sorts of wrong."
"Then you should have given them the correct measurements," the Nord replied. "Now quit complaining and get into character."
"Shh, other guards!"
"Hail! You two are the new ones, aye? The transfers from Riften?"
"Aye, we are! I'm Bonnie, and this is my brother, Clyde." Liam's helmet snapped towards Tortulja at the announcement of his name before he nodded towards the other guards.
"Yes. I'm Clyde," he said through clenched teeth, earning him a few helmet tilts in his direction.
"Right, well, you two are going to be patrolling the southwest perimeter," the captain explained, motioning towards the area. "Just a few little houses back there, and if you run into any problems, you know how to handle it, aye?"
"Aye," 'Bonnie' replied with a firm nod.
"Yes, we're well aware of how guards work," 'Clyde' answered, and though it went unseen, there was a definite smirk underneath his helmet. A boot found its way atop his own and he grunted slightly before clearing his throat.
"Right..." the guard captain said slowly, nodding. "We'll all meet up 'round sun-up in front of the gallows for any reports and then the next shift will move in."
Each of the guards nodded and headed out towards their respective areas. Tort and Liam waited a painstakingly long forty-five minutes before they crouched at the back door of their target.
"You think this'll work?"
"Aye, has before." Liam turned his head towards her.
"You've done this before?" He was answered with a nod of a helmet before the woman began working the lock to the door. "Explains why you had the uniform already..."
"You're sure the owners aren't home?" Tort asked as she worked.
"Shouldn't be."
"If they are?"
"...we can knock them out, gag them, and tie them up." 
"Could always just claim to be searching for thieves, aye?" Liam let out a sigh and nodded.
"Sure, let's go with the less fun bit, then."
The lock clicked and the door swung open.
"After you, Clyde."
"Liam, I don't --"
"Do it anyway."
"But --"
"Listen, you signed up for this job; so suck it up, quit questioning me, and do as I say."
Tortulja flinched away from his tone and nodded quietly, keeping her eyes from his face. The two had started with a quick sweep of the house, only to find the owners sleeping in their beds. 
Liam handed Tort a bit of cloth and pointed to the sleeping man.
"Gag him and then sit on his chest until I get him tied down," he explained, again, though this time more firmly. "For all we know, he'll enjoy the contact, alright?"
She frowned but nodded, and followed him quietly into the room. Liam readied the rope and at his nod, she stuffed the cloth into the man's mouth and pounced atop his chest.
The man let out a muffled surprised squeak and struggled, but Tort's weight and Liam's quick work at tying him down left him immobile. Liam nodded and Tort got off the man, murmuring an apology as she did so.
"Go in the other room and wait for me," Liam ordered in a hushed voice. Tort nodded and made her way out of the room as Liam finished tying the man down.
Just as she rounded the corner, however, she was greeted with a punch to the jaw. She grunted and put her hands up defensively and managed to call out "Li--!" before another punch caught her in the stomach, knocking the wind from her and causing her to fall to her knees.
"Filthy thief!" Tort looked up at the man as he yelled, in time to see him raise a silver candlestick he had picked up from the table in the hall. She raised her arms above her face and braced herself for the impact.
But it never came.
Instead, there was a grunt, a struggle, and then a loud thud. She brought her arms down and opened her eyes to see Liam standing there, looking over the railing to the floor below.
"Go grab the shit; we need to leave."
"Now," he snapped, turning from the railing and kicking the candlestick away with a frustrated grunt. Tort scrambled to her feet and grabbed the bag she had dropped before she walked quickly into a side room, stuffing the loot into the bag before returning to Liam.
The Imperial was waiting for her, his bag slung over his shoulder, and he ran his hands over his face before he started to descend the stairs.
"Don't trip over it," he said flatly when Tort began to follow.
"Trip over wha--" but she stopped when she saw the man laying next to the stairs, seemingly lifeless. She swallowed and moved her eyes so they focused on Liam's back. "Liam, I'm --"
"Shut up."
"You didn't mean--" The Imperial paused long enough to turn and shorten the distance between their faces to mere inches.
"I said. Shut. Up. Tort." She nodded and he turned his back to her again, and walked towards the door. He opened it and the two stepped out.
"Stop! In the name of the Jarl!" The two froze and raised their hands, surrounded by the guard.
"You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people -- what say you in your defense?" Liam kept his mouth shut, but Tort swallowed.
"It was my idea, and I'm responsible for all that happened inside that house."
"You're damn lucky that man was able to be healed, woman," the guard captain spat through the bars at Tortulja. "Apparently he's just grateful to be alive cause he didn't even identify you as the one who assaulted him."
Tort kept her eyes on the ground, as did Liam, until the captain stomped off.
"What were you thinking?" Liam hissed as soon as he was certain no one else could hear.
"Well, I was thinking I'd have a nap before --"
"Don't try that smart ass shit with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Tort glanced up at Liam, who was nearly glaring at her now. She dropped her gaze again and shrugged.
"It was my fault..." Liam let out a loud groan and covered his face with his hands.
"Yes, of course. It was your fault that some bastard tried to crush your skull in with a candlestick and I intervened. How dare you get yourself in trouble and force me to save you," he replied with a roll of his eyes. He laid down on his cot and sighed.
"Sirius will be here in two days and he'll give me a signal when he is. Then we'll make a break, alright?" Tort nodded, looking down at the ground. "Just... gotta figure out how we're going to--"
"Miss?" Liam and Tort looked towards the bars to see a young Nord guard standing there awkwardly. "Um, here." He looked around before passing a healing potion through the bars to Tort. 
"Uh, I'll be bringing you... prisoners your food shortly," he said, his voice wavering between authoritative and weak. He offered Tort a smile before he quickly turned from the bars and made his way back to the guard's quarters.
"Well, that was... nice," Tort murmured and looked towards Liam, confused. Liam, however, had a broad grin on his face. 
"I know how we'll be getting out."
"Stop that."
"The damn juggling."
"But I thought--"
"It was entertaining two days ago. Now it just makes me want to throw things."
"...for me to catch?" 
The Imperial stared across the cell at the Nord and she looked away from him, before she promptly stopped juggling the stale bread and half-rotten apples they had been given for lunch. 
Liam groaned and laid back on his cot and stared up at the stone ceiling. The right side of his face was starting to ache again. Damn guards certainly knew how to throw a punch.
"...will you at least let me clean your--"
"But you're in pain."
"I am not."
"You just winced, Liam," Tort's voice was firm and he glanced over at her. The young woman was giving him a concerned look and in response he rolled his eyes.
"The guard brought the potion for you," he said flatly, turning his head to better look at her. "Cause you're a girl, and he thinks you're pretty." Tortulja frowned, and her lip split again, a bit of blood budding from the wound. She flinched slightly, but shook her head.
"I'm a woman, not a girl," she replied and Liam nodded in response, letting out a low 'mhm' as he closed his eyes.
Then there was weight on his stomach and chest and he opened his eyes to find the young woman sitting on him, the potion in her hand.
"Tort, get off m--" but she merely grabbed his face with a hand and poured some of the potion into his mouth before firmly closing his mouth.
"Swallow it." Liam glared and shook his head, and Tort frowned.
"Liam, swallow it, or it's going to waste." Still the Imperial persisted -- at least until Tortulja dug a knee into his bruised ribs. With a gurgled cry of pain he swallowed the liquid and she moved her knee back to its original position.
"Are you going to drink more of it, or do I have to do that again?"
"Explain to me exactly how this happened again? I'm not sure I'm completely understanding this."
"I just asked Grungr if he'd bring me a few hairpins to keep my hair out of my face."
"...I still can't believe the moron did it."
"He's not a moron, he's --"
"Tort, he brought two thieves hairpins, which were obviously not going to be used as hairp--" Liam was cut off when the Nord nudged him and tapped a hairpin nestled in her hair.
"Right," he mumbled and ran a hand over his face. "Because you had to use at least one of them for your hair."
"Well, if I didn't I would be--"
"Lying, of course. Which is so terrible compared to, I don't know, breaking out of prison?" Tort frowned at him and Liam offered her a smile in return before he looked down at their ankles. The two were effectively chained together. "If only you could have gotten these shackles off before we left."
"I apologize for spending all my time and energy on opening the cell door, and then the jail cellar door, and then the sewer drain so we could escape the jailhouse. I should have spent more time breaking hairpins in the locks of these shackles." Her tone was thick with sarcasm and Liam couldn't stop himself from moving his mouth and mocking her as she spoke. A nudge to his ribs caused him to cease his mocking and replace it with a groan of pain.
"Will you stop that?"
"Quit acting like a child, then."
"M'not," he mumbled and took a right as Tort tried to take a left. The two grunted and turned to look at one another.
"Carriage is this way," Liam said and motioned towards the right.
"Smithy's this way," Tort replied and nodded towards the left. Liam opened his mouth to protest before he promptly closed it and headed to the left.
"Just making sure you knew the layout of the city like you said before we started this job," he explained as he attempted to walk past her. She paused long enough for him to pull the chain taunt between them before she started to walk with him, catching up to him.
"You sure Sirius can keep the guards off us long enough to ditch the shackles and grab the loot?"
Liam nodded, and a smile creeped across his mouth. 
"Oh, I'm sure of it."
[Exit Stage Left]
"Where is the next shift?!" The captain shouted, angrily tossing his helmet in the dirt.
"Maybe they're just tied up?" A young guard called out, mimicking downing a mug of ale. The small group chuckled among themselves, even the captain shook his head and seemed to calm a bit.
Unbeknownst to them, the guards were tied up -- quite literally.
Sirius had managed to lure a few guards towards him at a time, where he quickly incapacitated them before tying them up and dragging them into some bushes behind a house.
He walked into the jailhouse, where only three guards remained, and gave them a winning smile.
"Good evening, my friends," he greeted loudly, his voice echoing throughout the building. "Boy, do I have something to show you."
-- --
Liam lifted his head from the cot at the sound of the voice and grinned.
"You're on, Tort," he said and motioned to the cell door. Quickly, she pulled a hairpin from her hair and began working the lock.
-- --
"Now that we've completed step eight, you can take your little boat and --" with a flourish, Sirius placed the parchment boat into a tankard of mead, where it floated. "Ta da!" The guards applauded him, though none of their boats seemed to want to act the same as his.
"Thank you, thank you. I live to entertain those who serve the law," he bowed and exited the jailhouse. Once he was a good few feet away, he pulled out the various coin purses he had snatched from the guards while 'assisting' them with their parchment folding and weighed them in his hand.
Not too bad.
He leaned against the wall outside the sewers, tapping his foot while he waited for his friend to emerge.
"Ya!" Sirius flinched slightly and turned to glare at Liam, who was grinning. Behind him stood a young woman that Sirius hadn't seen before.
"You made a friend," Sirius commented, smiling at the woman. "How sweet." Liam scowled and the woman snorted.
"Shut up. This is Tort," he motioned towards the Nord and she smiled and waved at Sirius, who only smiled wider.
"Why of course. Shall we?" Sirius asked, motioning towards the gates and the carriage that awaited them beyond.
Liam and Tort both nodded and took a step forward, just as a guard shouted "The prisoners have escaped!"
The trio began walking faster, and at the pounding of feet and clanking of armor, Sirius grabbed Tort and Liam's arms before tugging them towards a corner.
"Hide your faces," he said, pushing them into an awkward and almost intimate position. As the clanking got louder, he nudged the back of Liam's calf.
"For gods' sake at least make it seem like you know what you're doing."
"Shut up! This is awkward!"
"You're telling me," Sirius and Tort said in unison, just as the guards ran past. Sirius offered them a smile as the passed by. As they turned a corner, he grabbed Liam and Tort and pulled them onward.
"No time for affection now, lovebirds. We've got to get out of here."
And so they did.
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whatoddities · 11 years
[Bonus Drabble!] Exit Stage Left [Liam, Sirius, Tort]
"Where is the next shift?!" The captain shouted, angrily tossing his helmet in the dirt.
"Maybe they're just tied up?" A young guard called out, mimicking downing a mug of ale. The small group chuckled among themselves, even the captain shook his head and seemed to calm a bit.
Unbeknownst to them, the guards were tied up -- quite literally.
Sirius had managed to lure a few guards towards him at a time, where he quickly incapacitated them before tying them up and dragging them into some bushes behind a house.
He walked into the jailhouse, where only three guards remained, and gave them a winning smile.
"Good evening, my friends," he greeted loudly, his voice echoing throughout the building. "Boy, do I have something to show you."
-- --
Liam lifted his head from the cot at the sound of the voice and grinned.
"You're on, Tort," he said and motioned to the cell door. Quickly, she pulled a hairpin from her hair and began working the lock.
-- --
"Now that we've completed step eight, you can take your little boat and --" with a flourish, Sirius placed the parchment boat into a tankard of mead, where it floated. "Ta da!" The guards applauded him, though none of their boats seemed to want to act the same as his.
"Thank you, thank you. I live to entertain those who serve the law," he bowed and exited the jailhouse. Once he was a good few feet away, he pulled out the various coin purses he had snatched from the guards while 'assisting' them with their parchment folding and weighed them in his hand.
Not too bad.
He leaned against the wall outside the sewers, tapping his foot while he waited for his friend to emerge.
"Ya!" Sirius flinched slightly and turned to glare at Liam, who was grinning. Behind him stood a young woman that Sirius hadn't seen before.
"You made a friend," Sirius commented, smiling at the woman. "How sweet." Liam scowled and the woman snorted.
"Shut up. This is Tort," he motioned towards the Nord and she smiled and waved at Sirius, who only smiled wider.
"Why of course. Shall we?" Sirius asked, motioning towards the gates and the carriage that awaited them beyond.
Liam and Tort both nodded and took a step forward, just as a guard shouted "The prisoners have escaped!"
The trio began walking faster, and at the pounding of feet and clanking of armor, Sirius grabbed Tort and Liam's arms before tugging them towards a corner.
"Hide your faces," he said, pushing them into an awkward and almost intimate position. As the clanking got louder, he nudged the back of Liam's calf.
"For gods' sake at least make it seem like you know what you're doing."
"Shut up! This is awkward!"
"You're telling me," Sirius and Tort said in unison, just as the guards ran past. Sirius offered them a smile as the passed by. As they turned a corner, he grabbed Liam and Tort and pulled them onward.
"No time for affection now, lovebirds. We've got to get out of here."
And so they did.
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whatoddities · 11 years
[Drabble Bonus!] Imprisoned [Liam, Tort]
"You're damn lucky that man was able to be healed, woman," the guard captain spat through the bars at Tortulja. "Apparently he's just grateful to be alive cause he didn't even identify you as the one who assaulted him."
Tort kept her eyes on the ground, as did Liam, until the captain stomped off.
"What were you thinking?" Liam hissed as soon as he was certain no one else could hear.
"Well, I was thinking I'd have a nap before --"
"Don't try that smart ass shit with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Tort glanced up at Liam, who was nearly glaring at her now. She dropped her gaze again and shrugged.
"It was my fault..." Liam let out a loud groan and covered his face with his hands.
"Yes, of course. It was your fault that some bastard tried to crush your skull in with a candlestick and I intervened. How dare you get yourself in trouble and force me to save you," he replied with a roll of his eyes. He laid down on his cot and sighed.
"Sirius will be here in two days and he'll give me a signal when he is. Then we'll make a break, alright?" Tort nodded, looking down at the ground. "Just... gotta figure out how we're going to--"
"Miss?" Liam and Tort looked towards the bars to see a young Nord guard standing there awkwardly. "Um, here." He looked around before passing a healing potion through the bars to Tort. 
"Uh, I'll be bringing you... prisoners your food shortly," he said, his voice wavering between authoritative and weak. He offered Tort a smile before he quickly turned from the bars and made his way back to the guard's quarters.
"Well, that was... nice," Tort murmured and looked towards Liam, confused. Liam, however, had a broad grin on his face. 
"I know how we'll be getting out."
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whatoddities · 11 years
[Drabble Bonus!] Capture [Liam, Tort]
"Liam, I don't --"
"Do it anyway."
"But --"
"Listen, you signed up for this job; so suck it up, quit questioning me, and do as I say."
Tortulja flinched away from his tone and nodded quietly, keeping her eyes from his face. The two had started with a quick sweep of the house, only to find the owners sleeping in their beds. 
Liam handed Tort a bit of cloth and pointed to the sleeping man.
"Gag him and then sit on his chest until I get him tied down," he explained, again, though this time more firmly. "For all we know, he'll enjoy the contact, alright?"
She frowned but nodded, and followed him quietly into the room. Liam readied the rope and at his nod, she stuffed the cloth into the man's mouth and pounced atop his chest.
The man let out a muffled surprised squeak and struggled, but Tort's weight and Liam's quick work at tying him down left him immobile. Liam nodded and Tort got off the man, murmuring an apology as she did so.
"Go in the other room and wait for me," Liam ordered in a hushed voice. Tort nodded and made her way out of the room as Liam finished tying the man down.
Just as she rounded the corner, however, she was greeted with a punch to the jaw. She grunted and put her hands up defensively and managed to call out "Li--!" before another punch caught her in the stomach, knocking the wind from her and causing her to fall to her knees.
"Filthy thief!" Tort looked up at the man as he yelled, in time to see him raise a silver candlestick he had picked up from the table in the hall. She raised her arms above her face and braced herself for the impact.
But it never came.
Instead, there was a grunt, a struggle, and then a loud thud. She brought her arms down and opened her eyes to see Liam standing there, looking over the railing to the floor below.
"Go grab the shit; we need to leave."
"Now," he snapped, turning from the railing and kicking the candlestick away with a frustrated grunt. Tort scrambled to her feet and grabbed the bag she had dropped before she walked quickly into a side room, stuffing the loot into the bag before returning to Liam.
The Imperial was waiting for her, his bag slung over his shoulder, and he ran his hands over his face before he started to descend the stairs.
"Don't trip over it," he said flatly when Tort began to follow.
"Trip over wha--" but she stopped when she saw the man laying next to the stairs, seemingly lifeless. She swallowed and moved her eyes so they focused on Liam's back. "Liam, I'm --"
"Shut up."
"You didn't mean--" The Imperial paused long enough to turn and shorten the distance between their faces to mere inches.
"I said. Shut. Up. Tort." She nodded and he turned his back to her again, and walked towards the door. He opened it and the two stepped out.
"Stop! In the name of the Jarl!" The two froze and raised their hands, surrounded by the guard.
"You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people -- what say you in your defense?" Liam kept his mouth shut, but Tort swallowed.
"It was my idea, and I'm responsible for all that happened inside that house."
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101tesversians · 11 years
+ Liam and Tort
{“She’s a sweet girl, but no.. just no.”}
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whatoddities · 11 years
[Drabble Bonus!] The Law [Liam, Tort]
"Tort, this is stupid."
"Nonsense! You look adorable. Red's a good color on you... when its not your own blood."
Liam tilted his head up and glared at the young woman from under his helm -- not that she could notice. He let out a sigh and then groaned, tugging at the guard uniform.
"This feels all sorts of wrong."
"Then you should have given them the correct measurements," the Nord replied. "Now quit complaining and get into character."
"Shh, other guards!"
"Hail! You two are the new ones, aye? The transfers from Riften?"
"Aye, we are! I'm Bonnie, and this is my brother, Clyde." Liam's helmet snapped towards Tortulja at the announcement of his name before he nodded towards the other guards.
"Yes. I'm Clyde," he said through clenched teeth, earning him a few helmet tilts in his direction.
"Right, well, you two are going to be patrolling the southwest perimeter," the captain explained, motioning towards the area. "Just a few little houses back there, and if you run into any problems, you know how to handle it, aye?"
"Aye," 'Bonnie' replied with a firm nod.
"Yes, we're well aware of how guards work," 'Clyde' answered, and though it went unseen, there was a definite smirk underneath his helmet. A boot found its way atop his own and he grunted slightly before clearing his throat.
"Right..." the guard captain said slowly, nodding. "We'll all meet up 'round sun-up in front of the gallows for any reports and then the next shift will move in."
Each of the guards nodded and headed out towards their respective areas. Tort and Liam waited a painstakingly long forty-five minutes before they crouched at the back door of their target.
"You think this'll work?"
"Aye, has before." Liam turned his head towards her.
"You've done this before?" He was answered with a nod of a helmet before the woman began working the lock to the door. "Explains why you had the uniform already..."
"You're sure the owners aren't home?" Tort asked as she worked.
"Shouldn't be."
"If they are?"
"...we can knock them out, gag them, and tie them up." 
"Could always just claim to be searching for thieves, aye?" Liam let out a sigh and nodded.
"Sure, let's go with the less fun bit, then."
The lock clicked and the door swung open.
"After you, Clyde."
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whatoddities · 11 years
[Drabble Part Two] Fugitives [Liam, Tort]
"Explain to me exactly how this happened again? I'm not sure I'm completely understanding this."
"I just asked Grungr if he'd bring me a few hairpins to keep my hair out of my face."
"...I still can't believe the moron did it."
"He's not a moron, he's --"
"Tort, he brought two thieves hairpins, which were obviously not going to be used as hairp--" Liam was cut off when the Nord nudged him and tapped a hairpin nestled in her hair.
"Right," he mumbled and ran a hand over his face. "Because you had to use at least one of them for your hair."
"Well, if I didn't I would be--"
"Lying, of course. Which is so terrible compared to, I don't know, breaking out of prison?" Tort frowned at him and Liam offered her a smile in return before he looked down at their ankles. The two were effectively chained together. "If only you could have gotten these shackles off before we left."
"I apologize for spending all my time and energy on opening the cell door, and then the jail cellar door, and then the sewer drain so we could escape the jailhouse. I should have spent more time breaking hairpins in the locks of these shackles." Her tone was thick with sarcasm and Liam couldn't stop himself from moving his mouth and mocking her as she spoke. A nudge to his ribs caused him to cease his mocking and replace it with a groan of pain.
"Will you stop that?"
"Quit acting like a child, then."
"M'not," he mumbled and took a right as Tort tried to take a left. The two grunted and turned to look at one another.
"Target is this way," Liam said and motioned towards the right.
"Smithy's this way," Tort replied and nodded towards the left. Liam opened his mouth to protest before he promptly closed it and headed to the left.
"Just making sure you knew the layout of the city like you said before we started this job," he explained as he attempted to walk past her. She paused long enough for him to pull the chain taunt between them before she started to walk with him, catching up to him.
"You sure Sirius can keep the guards off us long enough to ditch the shackles and grab the loot?"
Liam nodded, and a smile creeped across his mouth. 
"Oh, I'm sure of it."
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