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rinaca-loon · 4 months ago
Wow, these look so amazig 😍
I've been experimenting with cyanotypes, these are my Hannibal ones, the ones that 'worked' that is.
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the-idle-woman · 11 months ago
Just had THE most exciting parcel: my first order of Hannibal treats has arrived, and oh my goodness they’re gorgeous. Thank you @theseavoices! And such pretty extras too! I have been very happily riffling through them, in suitable fashion, with a glass of very good Chianti to hand…
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Such gorgeous colours - even better in the flesh 🤩
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Will is in something of a bind…
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pineconeprintco · 1 year ago
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Valhalla Rising Alt poster, OneEye now in shop (link in bio)
One of my top 5 fav films. I rewatch it regularly for its unique desolate atmosphere and psych horror: love it!
Available to buy for the first time, 3 size options, all hand-signed, museum quality prints, posting worldwide.
(Members of my discord group keep ‘one eye’ open for the discount code I posted)
Also…. :O
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stromuprisahat · 5 months ago
Do you have any fav hannigram fic? ( If you read any ) Can u recommend some
I haven't been really reading Hannigram these past few years, but I have about three hundred fics bookmarked on AO3, so I'll link
my favourite writers:
amoralagent, AVegetarianCannibal, crystalusagi, damnslippyplanet, DarkFairytale, darkpriestess, Devereauxs_Disease, DisraeliGears, drinkbloodlikewine, emungere, FragileTeacup, FlyingRotten, GoldenUsagi, GreenPhoenix, halotolerant, KareliaSweet, KatherineKrawl, louise_lux, MissDisoriental, mokuyoubi, peacefrog, Petronia, Pragnificent, ProxyOne, purefoysgirl, quenchycactus, starkaryen, thecountessolivia, TheSeaVoices, TheSilverQueen, TreacleA, victorine, whiskeyandspite
Then there are specific fics from others:
A Damn Slippery Life by Magical_Destiny
A Gun and a Knife by SLq
Firsts by PajamaSecrets
Kiss Me, Liar... by Phenobarbital
Like a Kite by hannibalnuxvoxmica
Murderhusbands Just Posted a Photo by ShrimpGender
Only the Tender Meat by Isagel
The Joy of Creation by FKAHerSweetness
Some shorts on tumblr:
Genie in a Throttle by avegetariancannibal
Gomez and Morticia by maydei
Hannibal Season 4 Scenario by devereauxsdisease
Telepathy soulmates by lovecrimevariations
And most importantly this legend and absolute MUST READ:
Every Hannigram FanFic Ever: An Adventure in Smut by Bakerstreetmuse, PinkToby
There are some unfortunately deleted gems I've managed to save, but can't repost without the author's blessing, so you'll remain robbed of such gifts as Fidel Castro in a meal or interrogation scene of already fucking Murder Husbands cca. in S02, alas...
edit: I found The Interrogation Scene by inglenookie !!!
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i-am-countess-olivia · 1 month ago
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Canard au sang consists of various parts of a duck served in a sauce of its blood and bone marrow, which is extracted by way of a press. For those times you enjoy your meat crushed before serving. Thanks @theseavoices for letting me know this exists.
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regardelesangestomber · 28 days ago
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I belong to the Spooky People.
📍Pinmakers : NattyCat, Nyxturna, Kristan SaintCat, La Satanée, @weirdtakoyaki, @jijidraws, Punky Pins, Matt Chaos, @theseavoices, AnbPins, PeachyxJames, NobleBloodTales (official merch)
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vermilionzines · 2 years ago
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Hello everyone! Here is the list of the artists and writers contained in the zine.
Aimee @the9mm / INS aimeecozza Ajax @namelessmap Alina @nowheregril / INS nowhregirl Amanda INS ladyjaneillustrations Base @dovenart Carter @cartyrs Chap @chaparral-crown / AO3 chaparral_crown Dakota @occultiisms / AO3 occultiism DL TWT lts_DL Dom @lectercunt / AO3 lectercunt Drago @dragomircho El @willgrahambf / AO3 h0neybeebear Elle TWT slasherstash Elliott @caainhurst / INS caainhurst Emmanuel @borealopelta / AO3 zargothraxcore Flora @myfriendfaust Germanfix @germanfix Gloomy @gloomyinks / INS gloomy.inks Guts TWT lucidteeth / INS lucid.teeth Hunter @zipegs / AO3 zipegs J Yang @nim-lock Jack TWT the_coffeerain Jesse @luxuryghouls Kairisk @kairisk / INS artbykairisk Katrina @arasart / INS kfae_illustrates Kian @cannibalpup / INS softos Lev @saintlethanavir / TWT saintmalev LR @lrmeland / INS foetida_art Naomi @dirigibleplumbing / AO3 dirigibleplumbing Niko TWT tarantulacage / INS tarantulacage Nunar @insideapollo / INS nunarxart OnchyArt TWT onchyart / INS onchyart Petro @petrowriting / AO3 petrodactyl352 Polyhymnia @thence-we-came-forth Quimvaa @stab-of-hunger / TWT willisafishslut Red King @kingofreddragons TWT kingofreddragon Royal @royalphantom Sanpape @when-sanpape-arts ScarletMothlet @scarletmothlet / TWT scarletmothlet TheSeaVoices @theseavoices / INS theseavoices Tatchiana @tatchianamichaela / INS tatchianamichaela Val TWT aquatard_ / INS valea.arts Waldos @waldos-art / INS waldosakimbo_ WhiteCat TWT whitecatarts / ART whitecatarts
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enterthemarsh · 2 months ago
Just a note to say the Satyriasis website and download is paused, 404 style.
The upcoming ofcom child safety restrictions on websites will require more robust age checks, the ‘are you 18?’ box isn’t enough anymore. All good news really but the Saryriasis site isn’t ready yet so it’s unpublished for now. Thinking of uploading all pages of the graphic novel to AO3 just got to check with the writers first.
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the-idle-woman · 11 months ago
This is just exquisite. The combination of the blues and gold works incredibly well, and the whole thing has the feel of an Art Nouveau illuminated manuscript. Suitably extravagant and indulgent - lovely work by @theseavoices
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Devouring Will Graham
Gluttony Circle, Ravage Anthology.
Hannibal displaces Will’s remaining shreds of guilt during their new life together - applying psychic driving in his thirst to reveal Will’s full capacity for ruthlessness.
Hypnotic flashes strobe behind a cascade of psilocybin mushrooms, a golden fanfare of hallucinogenic Scopolamine - Angel’s Trumpets, street name: Devil’s Breath, morph into their molecular structures as Will Graham willingly sinks into Dr Lecter’s gluttonous, decadent, devouring of his guilt.
Hannibal, dressed for dinner in his Angel Trumpet tie, reflects in the glaze of Will’s dilated pupils as he gradually becomes immersed. They discuss the rationality of the mind and the pros of ignorance via Thomas Gray’s poem.
The shame-free consumption of Orlotans, within the decidedly uncovered and vine-leaved head of Will Graham is illuminated by a red candle - signifying the power of the flesh -  above the indulgence of golden honey, wine, and the ‘birds and the bees’.  
The tragedy Will mentions becomes the Ancient Grecian festival of Dionysus: the perfect representation of hedonism and pursuit of pleasure. They transform into debauched satyrs as Will is lead by Hannibal to (Botticelli’s version of) Dante Alighieri and his Inferno.
Il percorso per il Paradiso comincia dall’Inferno - The path to Paradise begins in Hell.
Thank you @lovecrimebooks for this opportunity and the beautiful book - (physical copies of Ravage are available on Etsy still).
Big thanks to @he-s-dead-jim for the Italian check!
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iteh3xael · 3 months ago
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hannibalcookbookzine · 4 years ago
Welcome to Meet The Contributor! The wonderful contributor we would like to introduce today is Theseavoices!
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the-idle-woman · 11 months ago
Just framed up my postcards of work by the wonderful @theseavoices - absolutely thrilled with the result! The Dutch style black frames and that gold stripe really bring out the colours. Now I just have to decide where to hang them… 🤩
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“They say a storm’s coming through, tomorrow we might have more snow than we’ve had here in years.”
“Good,” Will sighed against him. “Snow us in, keep the world away. I don’t want to be anywhere but here.”
It's Christmas in Everything Nice verse! And as a gift, we have TheSeaVoices' stunning art for this story at the bottom for you!
There is sex in this chapter, but not in little-space <3
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Art by @theseavoices​ and posted with permission <3 please visit all her social media and follow her, she is a GIFT
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quicksilverconnoisseur · 5 years ago
To celebrate the return of QS on AO3 with a huge new fic by @weconqueratdawn
TheSeaVoices Drawing Playlist
A mixture of drawing moods, themes and favourites, not necessarily relevant lyric-wise but all very carefully selected for zero frustration - maximum flow, and perhaps an element of sexiness?
If you want a 43 track playlist for drawing or painting to - this works :)
1- Wallowa Lake Monster, Sufjan Stevens
Fucking love the fucking lyrics! Beautiful story and atmosphere and voice. I hadn’t listened to Sufjan much before watching Call Me By Your Name and just caning Visions of Gideon for weeks after.
2- Experiment In Terror, Henry Mancini
From the 60’s noir thriller of the same name - so stylish and cool - what a soundtrack sir! I love the slow threat and slinkiness.
3- My Body, Perfume Genius
Similar slink here, dirty kind of glide. Have seen PG a couple of times live and just ABSORBED it into my soul - he dances up there like a beautiful table-dancer and the crowd is moving with him - always good albums to paint to.
4- Danke Schoen, Wayne Newton
Turn this way up! 21 year old Wayne blasts this out like a genius - his voice is amazing and so feminine. I know it from Ferris Bueller's Day Off originally where it is put to very good use.
5- My Little Brown Book, Duke Ellington, John Coltrane
I can listen to Duke Ellington all day every day, those brushy cymbals in this are so lazy cool. That’s the third sixties song so far.
6- One More Kiss Dear, Vangelis
Bladerunner, one of my favourite films.  WHAT A FUCKING SOUNDTRACK! This song was an accidental recording sung for the demo by Don Percival (not the intended singer) and the weird spooky vocal just worked for the mock vintage sound.
7- Verbarhemiopia, Ed Dowie
Released through Lost Map Records. I know these people and they always have great acts - I had a lot of exceptional experiences on the Inner Hebridean island of Eigg with them. This track is just a beautiful, pulsing moonbeam.
8- Just Like Honey, The Jesus and Mary Chain
Such a sleazy, druggy, sexy song - dirty guitar and sensual drums - the opening drum intro, borrowed from (another 60’s track), Be My Baby by The Ronettes coming up on this list at number 38.
9- Grid, Perfume Genius
I rec the video!
10- Here, Pavement
Oh Pavement - a big part of my identity! - Live, they are a fucking dream! This song is a regular ear worm.
11- Demon Host, Timber Timbre
Great lyrics, great album
12- Animal Friends, P-ano
The only song I’m into on this album, the atmosphere is great. A sad little song.
13- Sleepwalk, Santo and Johnny
1959 so lets call it 60’s again XD. A great instrumental - that slide, steel guitar sound is lush and the asmr trigger of my dreams
14- Hang Out The Stars In Indiana, Al Bowlly
MY FAVOURITE SONG OF ALL FUCKING TIME. I can and do listen to this on repeat all through a drawing even if it takes a day. Withnail & I introduced me - one of my favourite films. And, of course Bowlly is on The Shining too.
15- Wasted Teens, Monoganon
Lost Map records again, excellent and crazy live performance from these on Eigg.
16- The Alien, Ben Salisbury, Geoff Barrow
Such dark foreboding anticipation. From the Annihilation soundtrack - brilliant film and score. I love Portishead too.
17- Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries, Al Bowlly
Hey cheer up everyone - fuck it!
18- Wanna Sip, Fever Ray
I do! This is from their live recording at the Troxy - I WAS THERE —- oooooooooooof fuck WHAT A SHOW honestly!
19- Lipstick Stains, Jay Som
“I wanted to musically capture the immediate and intense but beautiful feeling of infatuation.” —— yep!
20- Heat Wave, Snail Mail
Yes! They are brilliant - saw them live at End Of The Road and the tent was CRAMMED!!!!!! The atmosphere was amazing - she is so young and so great.
21- I Love How You Love Me, The Paris Sisters
Hello 1960’s! The creamy Spector sound and that spoken word is amazing.
22- Shadow, Chromatics
Loved this on Twin Peaks The Return, it’s a gem and perfect for drawing/painting to.
23- Bankrobber, The Clash
I always sing ‘Daddy was a vampire’
24- Do Your Best, John Maus
Slo-mo beauty.
25- Canadian Girl, The Walkmen
Nice vintage-tinged weirdness and soul.
26- Wave of Mutilation (UK SURF) Pixies
I love Pixies, only seen them live once but it was very, very, very special. Beautiful, laid back b side version that I prefer to the album track.
27- Fell An Ox
There was a time where all I would listen to was King Creosote - it was an obsession! I have lost count of KC gigs I’ve been to.
28- Slow West, Django Django
Love the film, love the soundtrack, loved Django Django up till the last few releases. There is a live version of this on KEXP from four years ago which is the one I usually listen to. Fucking brilliant live - got to see them on Eigg one time too. I rec the Slow West film if you haven’t seen it.
29- Withnail’s Theme, Jack Hallam
Great film and soundtrack - a big favourite.
30- Portofino 1, Raymond Scott
60’s!  Ha - I hadn’t realised this at all till writing all this.
31- Lady Gaylord, Raymond Scott
From Manhattan Research Inc a collection of his advertising jingles and snippets from the 60’s
32- The Pink Room, Angelo Badalamenti
Filthiest song ever? From Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
33- Goodnight Felicia, Chris Bear
From the score to excellent TV show, High Maintenance. I do love Grizzly Bear anyway and cried at their last gig I went to - I always cry at gigs though so….
34- Plainsong, The Cure
My teenage self was a massive Cure fan and I dedicated my record player, school books, wardrobe and bedroom to them! Saw them live only once (the LIGHTS!!!!) because I was too young, obsessed over Robert Smith a lot! This song and the whole album were a big favourite. Beautiful.
35- A Reluctant Hero/Betsy/End Credits Taxi Driver, Bernard Herrmann
I love Herrmann and I really love Taxi Driver. This is just…. ooof!
36- I Fall In Love Too Easily, Chet Baker
Jazzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 1954- what a pretty little voice.
37- Looking Back I Should Have Been Home More, Richard Swift
Just lovely, so sad about Swift.
38- Be My Baby, The Ronettes
The best opening song use ever- MEAN STREETS - turn this RIGHT up please.
39- Go, Sparklehorse, Flaming Lips - Daniel Johnston cover
Doubly sad because of Sparklehorse and Daniel Johnston. I have seen The Flaming Lips many times throughout their career - from small gigs to radio telescope gigs! What a fucking show!
40- Every Night, Perfume Genius
Just nice stuff. Like I said - live he is so sensual- his moves are amazing.
41- Fireflies Made Out of Dust, Happy Jawbone Family Band
Great track. Love the lyrics.
42- Sleeping Lessons, The Shins
Richard Swift again, on keyboards. I really enjoy the historical references and atmosphere on this.
43- Smoke Rings, Les Paul, Mary Ford
1952 - ssssso ssssssspooooky
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theseavoices replied to your post:
oh dear, I didn't know they had ignored you- 🙄 how ridiculous. Their silence is always the most disconcerting thing - especially right now.
Oh god yeah, I emailed saying ‘would you like some feedback’ I got a near instant reply going ‘yeah sure, but ticket sales are fine’ and then when I sent the feedback in detail, not heard anything since, I outlined the concern I had about promoting a product I have severe concerns with, and they weren’t bothered, so I’ve not promoted it at all, literally didn’t talk about it publicly for months.
And now, I’ve repeatedly asked for the link for the hotel, and nothing. Yeah, it’s super concerning. Urgh, we’ll see where the chips fall.
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fannibalfest-toronto · 8 years ago
FannibalFest is pleased to announce our newest
Evil Minds Museum Spotlight Artist
Please enjoy a compilation of just some of TheSeaVoices amazing Hannibal Art - CLICK HERE
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