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ladymostdeject · 9 months ago
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From On My Way To Easy by @stratsandwhiskeywritestuff
But it was one thing to be recognized; Angel revelled in the fame. It was another thing entirely to not be recognized, and then have to explain to a classy guy in some kinda tux that you let people come on your face on camera for a living.  “Ah,” Alastor said, the first true emotion tinting his voice. That emotion happened to be disgust, and Angel was about to point out the hypocrisy of hiring a hooker and then condemning porn, when Alastor followed it up with a disdainful “ talkies.”
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“Are you a gambling man, Will?”
Will blinked. “I’ve never had the time or means.”
“You have both now,” Hannibal spread a palm at his side, a strangely welcoming gesture. “You seek independence from an Alpha, but the opportunities only a bond could provide, correct?”
Will nodded slowly, eyes narrowing as he flicked them between the doctor’s own.
“I seek a companion with whom to build a life and family, going forward.”
Will shook his head slowly. “I don’t follow.”
Will is an Omega who desires independence, freedom, and the opportunity to be anything but a barefoot-pup-bearing simpering thing. Hannibal is an Alpha who finds his mind curious.
They make a deal: if Will can convince Hannibal before his next heat that he is worth more than breeding stock, and can go through his heat without begging for his Alpha, Hannibal will not mate him, but make him a ward instead; Will could go to college, get a job, do anything he wanted.
If not, then he will be Hannibal's mate, bear pups, and accept his role.
But is it really as simple as that?
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suntosirius · 5 years ago
"I think about you like this often," Hannibal admitted quietly, the words tickling against Will's skin. "Pliant and beautiful for me."
"Obedient?" Will added, amused.
"Are you obedient, Will?" Hannibal teased. Sharp nails down Will's side were eased with soft fingertips as Hannibal continued to hold him still. "If I tell you to wait, will you complain?"
"Wait for how long?" Will asked, feeling Hannibal's laugh against his ribs. "And for what?"
"For however long I tell you, and because I told you to."
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bluesyturtle · 5 years ago
7-14 ao3 asks
MY LOVE!!! 3> 3>
7: when did you join ao3?
2013 with the rest of the hannigram trash <3
8: if you write, what fandom have you written the most fics for?
9: do you have more oneshots or multi-chapters bookmarked?
My instinct is to say that I have more multi-chapters because I’m drawn to them a lot more than one-shots. I like to kick my feet up and stay a while lol. Not to say one-shots aren’t delightful because they absolutely are, but I love me some chonky fic.
10: name a fandom you have fics bookmarked for that you think would surprise people
Lol I don’t think many of them would be that surprising since I reblog content for most everything I’m interested in, BUT I did find this gem that I bookmarked for A Separate Peace by John Knowles?? Roflmao no idea what mood I was in when I went looking for that. I mean, I clearly remember being 16 and furious about Phineas, but apparently sometime in 2017 I was really feeling the old pain again.
11: most recent fic in your ao3 history?
12: how many fic series have you subscribed to?
13: how many fic series have you written (if you write)?
14: do your parents know you have an ao3 account?
Ha! Absolutely not! My mom has no idea I write fanfiction or that I write anything where people can read it.
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coming in April
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my never-ending list of hannigram AUs
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“Money, power, or breeding rights.”
Will blinked, lifting his eyes to Jack, who now stood much closer with his unintroduced companion a step behind him.
“Motive,” Will replied, setting his hands to his knees to lever himself up to stand. He peeled his gloves off and wiped his palms against his jeans. “The three most likely reasons for murder are always money, power, or breeding rights.”
A story in which Will, an Omega, pretends to be a Beta in order to keep his job... and is sent "undercover" as an Omega into a traditionalist community to find a killer. With Hannibal as his generous Alpha chaperone, of course. Jack has no idea this is a double blind, but does Hannibal?
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“You’ll be happy to know there’s nothing wrong. You’ve got a small litter, that’s all, just the one pup.”
Will stiffened. “One?” It wasn’t unheard of, but it was rare.
“If I may, Mr. Graham, you’re very young to be having a litter,” the doctor said gently.
The boys get some news and grow closer
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radishannibalblog · 5 years ago
That’s so funny!!! 😂😂😂
And YOU ARE BANG ON according to Strats of @stratsandwhiskeywritestuff because he was British in the original script!!
They shudda just made him Danish and called it good in first place!!!
Hey, Hannibal extended fandom?
Nigel (Charlie Countryman) is not Romanian. At all. I'm not only saying this because he never once speaks Romanian with Romanian-speaking characters, but also because of his name.
Nigel, phonetically, means "you don't have gel" in Romanian. So unless he's a tigan (there's supposed to be a thingie under the t here but I cant do it with my keyboard, it's pronounced tsigan), he is not Romanian.
Just pointing it out because I don't think anybody noticed that in the fandom, at least not amond the fic writers :) which doesn't take away the fact that damnnn, some of those fics are good!
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“I want you.” Will told him, laughing as he said it, tugging Hannibal’s lapels, tilting his head higher for him to nuzzle under Will’s chin. “I want everything with you.”
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“I’m on my porch in the mornings,” he emphasized, “and you have no curtains.”
“I’m aware.”
It took Will another moment to understand, growing redder all the while. His neighbor kept smiling that knowing smile.
“My name is Hannibal,” he said. “Would you like to come inside?”
Will likes the guy who just moved in next door. He's quiet and handsome and non-invasive... and does naked yoga in his living room every morning when Will goes out for a cup of coffee. He should tell him... right?
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Will knew how to play a role, and he’d learned to play them well. He pushed himself onto his toes, though he was not much smaller than Hannibal, and fluttered his eyelashes. “I’m bored,” he whispered, soft and breathy, “can we go home now?”
Hannibal smiled and nuzzled into his temple. “You’re only bored because no one else will match wits with you,” he said fondly.
Mentions of past violence, and a bit of roughness in this that is not between Hannibal and Will, and a promised happy ending!
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Trawling through cannibal forums on the darkweb, Will offers himself up as a victim with the caveat that he takes part in his own dismemberment and consumption. When a man answers his post and catches Will’s interest, he thinks they’ll be perfect for each other.
This is part of the Eat The Rude Big Bang 2020! We were so lucky to get to work with the lovely Alex, who created some sexy art for us! No dogs or cannibals are harmed in the process of this story, but Will loses a few limbs.
See end notes for links to all true crime mentions/references! We only used names as hints, we did not talk about the victims with disrespect (we hope), if you feel we have, please let us know.
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“They say a storm’s coming through, tomorrow we might have more snow than we’ve had here in years.”
“Good,” Will sighed against him. “Snow us in, keep the world away. I don’t want to be anywhere but here.”
It's Christmas in Everything Nice verse! And as a gift, we have TheSeaVoices' stunning art for this story at the bottom for you!
There is sex in this chapter, but not in little-space <3
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Art by @theseavoices​ and posted with permission <3 please visit all her social media and follow her, she is a GIFT
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PET. Masterpost
Because this one is locked down, sometimes the links don’t work, so here are the chapters so far!
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 
Chapter 14 
Chapter 15
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They shared lodgings often enough, and had also walked in on each other in compromising positions before.
As friends.
As male companions plodding along not oft-walked paths together.
It's been six years, Geralt, get with the program. In short, there's only one bath, there's only one bed, and there's only so much a man can take, fuck's sake.
We... might write them again XD
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“You didn’t break the door,” he said, licking his lips, eyes wide, bright, gold gleaming through the blue. “You didn’t break the door, you could have, why didn’t you break the door?”
“Will, do not be cruel.”
“Answer me!”
Heat heating up!
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