#these were surprisingly hard especially 11 & 33
septemberrie · 2 years
8, 11 & 33!
8. How slow is a slow burn?
Hard for me to put a quantitative number here because I'm not so concerned with number of words or length of time that passes in a story--what I want to see is the actual growth of the characters towards each other. As long as I can fully feel and grasp the beats of each character's progression of feelings, it can be as short as a 10k one shot and I'll be happy. So, I would say somewhere between there and the current 90k length of the masterpiece WIP Fenice. :D
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated.
Aw fuck now I gotta research tropes. Okay I guess for me...
Friends to lovers. It scratches the itch for some people and that's great! But having never personally experienced it before I just can't grok it lol. For me it's either instant chemistry (good or bad) or y'all just chill as friends. Plus I prefer reading stories that dive headfirst into interpersonal conflict and I haven't found (or really sought out, tbh) that in friends-to-lovers.
Songfic. Don't get me wrong I have read some great songfic. I think it's just a limitation of the fanfiction medium because where do you put the song? At the front, kind of spoiling the fic? In the middle, where it creates awkward reading breaks? At the end, where I'll be honest I'm just skimming the author notes? Also I am so so bad at listening to lyrics myself so songfic is just a world unto itself that my auditory processing excludes me from.
And this is sorta nitpicky but while I love casefic I can easily get annoyed if the plot becomes needlessly complicated so the author can throw off readers, or if the characters start acting like they're in a casefic. It's so hard for me to articulate but when characters that would otherwise be minding their business become amazing sleuths that think three steps ahead of absurdly villainous criminals it just loses me (but honestly I'm fine if it's a Detective AU. I told you I'm nitpicky).
33. Give your writing a compliment.
Aw fuck 😭 I see what you're doing now.
Um... I think I have a pretty good grasp of conveying characters' states of being through description. For example, writing about how they carry themselves, what they say and how they say it, the rest of their body language. I remember I had written like 500 words of Riven leaning into Musa's touch, reveling in how she felt against him, how weird it was to touch her, etc. And a commenter wrote [paraphrased] "Wow I can't imagine how touch starved he was! Poor meow meow." and I just sat there like... wow, that's so true, he is touch starved! But it never actually occurred to me while I was writing, the literal thought "Riven is touch starved." I just knew to write Riven as liking and needing that touch. This sounds backhanded but I was honestly really thrilled that I was able to convey the right state of Riven's being without consciously thinking about it. And while I would like to be able to think to myself "Riven is touch starved, how should I write that?" instead of just do it lol, I think it is better writing to be able to write 500 words about being touch starved rather than writing "Riven was so touch starved he leaned into Musa."
Also, I think I write some pretty kickass whump 😌
Writing Asks
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Twisted Metal High School AU: We are the reckless character headcanons:
Warning, very long post underneath the cut.
For my sanity, I’m just doing the mains.
22 Appearance headcanon: Raven’s signature style wasn’t always the way it is now. There were time as a kid where she’d where bright colours and white skirts. As she got older, and grew grittier away from her parents, she began experimenting with darker colours until she found something she liked.
21  Nostalgia headcanon: Raven remembers their middle school graduation. Her and Kelly snuck out after the ceremony to the pier, where they sat at the end with cans of coke and staring at the water. Since then, it became their designated “quiet place.”
1  Sleep headcanon: Before sleep, Raven will either read, or message the group chat for same late conversations. Sometimes, she tries to leave it on a statement, turn of notifications, and go to sleep. Playing a dangerous game.
32  Silly headcanon: When they were kids, Kelly and Raven would sometimes play pretend in the woods. To this day, they remember the titles they thought of for one another. The herald of darkness, and the crimson devotee.
17  Texting headcanon: Kelly has different ways if texting with different people. For her parents, she’s formal and respectful.
12  Music headcanon: Kelly is open to most music, but has a soft spot for musicals. Heathers is her favourite. She can also play guitar and has what Raven calls a “godlike voice.” She’s just glad someone’s paying attention.
23  disgust headcanon: Beyond bullying, roadkill will make her retch. Personal issues.
19  sweets headcanon: With her personality, you’d assume Dolly would enjoy soft sweets like marshmallows and gummy foods. But while she does enjoy those foods, especially while watching something, she’s surprisingly into hard and sour candies.
27 up all night headcanon: Dolly usually has a good nighttime routine, so if she’s up all night, it’s either for schoolwork, or because her insecurities are acting up.
28  Family headcanon: Billy’s family was kind and supportive, with hard work a common thing. Billy spent plenty of bonding activities with his parents around the farm.
31  Formalwear headcanon: Despite his discomfort, Billy can pull off a suit quite well.
16  dancing headcanon: Billy admits that he is not a dancing expert. However, he and Annie have had times where they danced together, even when Annie was clearly more practiced than he was.
11  childhood headcanon: Frank grew up idolising his father, loving the stories of his boxing career. When he was offered training, he accepted immediately.
20 Embarrassing headcanon: One day, in the middle of preparing for stressful assignments, someone came up and put a hand on his shoulder, only for him to whirl around and punch the poor guy in the jaw. That was fun to explain to the principal.
25 Sick headcanon: When Frank gets sick, he’s annoyed about it, even more that he can’t do much, but he takes the necessary steps to get it over with.
8  friendship headcanon: Grimm’s quiet attitude doesn’t make him the most outwardly affectionate person. However, he is an expert at listening and giving advice. Whenever one of his friends need to make a decision, or are worrying about themselves, he’s ready to lend an ear. Also, he’d be a perfect getaway driver, considering he’s the only one with a license.
33  weakness/soft spot headcanon: Grimm used to be a fan of history, back before things fell apart. Even now, that interest still remains and can come times be found flicking through old history books.
18  School headcanon: School is usually a chore for Grimm. He does his classes, barely participating in discussion unless prompted, and does his work with nary a word. However, spending break with Raven and her companions make it feel a little less… dull. He’s still looking forward to getting out.
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: My Secret Files!
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Date video was published: 05/09/2014 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 225
Phil had posted a LessAmazingPhil video between his last video and this one, of Dan trying caviar. I think it was filmed at their friends’ (Ian and family) house, who they visited after Phil got back from Florida. Their child drew a portrait of Phil, they played Soul Caliber, and apparently laughed a lot.
Phil using getting a new computer as a video idea, apparently! His old one was really broken.
0:00 - Phil wearing blue is my favorite. He took a nice selfie in this shirt too.
0:02 - he’s so excited but that seems very dangerous for Phil especially to be doing with a brand new computer 😨
0:07 - “it smells so good” ...sure.
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0:14 - I love that he thought he made-up “skink” lol
0:31 - browsing like that just does not look comfortable to me
0:45 - so many random recent photos he’s used on his desktop (also, clearly there was no pre-preparing for this video, right? He always has a folder called “Stuff80″ that he uses... 🤔)
0:47 - he’s had that capybara wallpaper for a long time
1:04 - the fanart of Kath! I love it and that Phil shared it with her.
1:17 - this is slightly horrifying, but what I love more is behind it what he has pulled up is clearly a screenshot he had save of an article talking about Dan and Harry Styles both wearing the same shirt to the Brit awards. 😂
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1:19 - he had just tweeted that pizza tracker recently
1:26 - Phil’s hair is almost mullet-y in that photo 😳 And what an outfit, lol.
1:33 - look at the smirky emo photo, hahaha
1:39 - why does he have such a close-up photo of his eye? Such pretty colors though. And his eyelashes are surprisingly dark for his hair not being that dark naturally.
1:55 - lol at Phil taking that photo to the hair dresser. And yikes at the haircut he ended up with.
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2:20 - that selfie is pretty cursed
2:27 - just why 😂
2:33 - lol at Phil choosing to save that from Tumblr
2:38 - jump-scare of himself. I love it.
2:45 - awwww, all the outtakes from THE PHOTO BOOTH CHALLENGE! 😊
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2:49 - I love that Phil immediately starts laughing so hard at the clip. And then he’s just watching so intently and looking so fond. 🥺
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3:03 - using a webcam as a mirror, hahaha. I am not surprised though, considering things like this.
3:10 - these photo booth photos are old as he keeps scrolling further!
3:13 - that is...a selfie. but what are all those video clips of he and Dan underneath there?!
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3:15 - “birthday list” and “birthday list2″ there, lol. Also wonder what “bad side of town” is. and “canary woof.” Guessing “challenges” was either for the radio show or video ideas.
3:20 - lmao “don’t trust cats” and “cat movie” very important to save, apparently
3:32 - so much fringe checking. That’s an outtake from Dyeing My Hair Blue!
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3:34 - and from One Direction Animal Impressions!
3:41 - and from when they were in Scotland with Radio 1 when they also filmed Innuendo Bingo. Love him just giggling at Dan.
3:53 - what IS this Phil?! ahahahaha 😂
4:08 - that amount of unread email is horrifying to me
4:11 - brave clicking on an unknown draw-Phil-naked from 2012
4:24 - what is “disco glam”? terrifying, clearly.
4:32 - love a look at Phil’s channel from this time. He’s not yet to 2 million subscribers. And he’s all caught up on watching Dan’s videos. The “Phil is not on fire!”, “Awkward childhood stories”, and “Old School Phil” playlists are still ones that he has on his channel.
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This is a cute video. Love the look into Phil’s (lack of?) file organization, lol, and the behind-the-scenes of some of the photos and videos.
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petri808 · 3 years
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33-Epilogue
Neither Lucy nor Natsu sat through the closing arguments, but according to Gajeel the defense stood firmly on their case for insanity. Touka’s attorney argued that his client suffered from a disorder that should put her in a hospital for treatment, not a jail cell, and not only that, but the so-called victims in the case drove her to do what she did. It was a very risky move to blame the victims. Of course, the prosecution countered that not only did Touka not suffer from any condition but that this was a simple case of jealousy gone wrong. Natsu and Lucy were innocent victims of a selfish woman who tried to kill them. Period, and for that she should go to prison for the maximum sentence allowed.
The prosecutor implored to the jurors heartstrings. “You saw the effects that Ms. Shiromajyo caused to her victims. The tears shed on the stand and the genuine fear in Ms. Heartfilia’s testimony as she recounted the events in question. Ladies and gentlemen, this young woman stared death in the face and watched her boyfriend almost get killed by the defendant. They had to fight to survive! Ms. Heartfilia and Mr. Dragneel have experienced something that no one should ever go through.” He gestured at the timeline board facing them. “Ms. Shiromajyo stalked multiple people over the course of several years to reach her goal, intimidating people that really had nothing to do with her. Ms. Shiromajyo paid a person to kill Ms. Strauss, threatening and intimidating her. And most of all, ultimately took this whole situation into her own hands when all of her efforts didn’t work out. She is a danger to society. I urge you, the jury to give her victims the peace of mind that she’ll be off the streets in a cell getting the treatment that she needs, and the punishment she deserves.”
It was a nerve wracking time for the victims as they waited outside of the court room for the jury to deliberate. Lucy and Natsu stayed in a side room with the prosecutor along with their closest friends and family there to support them. The prosecutor assured them that they’d done their best and the odds were in their favor. But of course, it only took one hold out to cause a mistrial, and Lucy didn’t know if she could go through this again. She was already unhappy that even if convicted, Japan’s sentencing structures were not as stringent as other countries.
The jury deliberated for four hours before reaching a verdict pronouncing Touka guilty of all charges. Upon hearing the guilty decision, Lucy and Natsu slipped back into the court room to hear the final disposition.
“Rise Ms. Shiromajyo.” The judge then read the decision to the standing defendant. “You have been found guilty by this court of two counts of attempted murder that caused injury. One count of kidnapping for profit. And three counts of intimidation. Do you have any last statement to make to the court before I render sentencing?”
Touka hung her head as if resigned to her fate. “Yes...” Surprisingly, to all those in the courtroom, she apologized for her actions. “I see now how much pain I caused to everyone because I couldn’t control myself and I hope one day they’ll forgive me for it.”
But her words of contrition were too little, too late. The judge sentenced Touka to the maximum of the highest offense, which was 15 years with work, but instead of the work condition, imposed a special circumstance that Touka be ordered to undergo mandatory psychological treatment while in custody and to adhere to any treatments and medications prescribed for her own good.
“Ms. Shiromajyo,” the judge spoke directly to the woman. “You’ve apologized at the end, but I hope you truly feel that way. Based on all of the evidence presented in court, your actions were clearly towards a one-sided love affair with a man who wanted nothing to do with you, and for that you tried to punish an innocent woman who got in your way. I do not believe, and the jury agreed, that you do not suffer from a legal defense of mental defect, however you should spend the time in prison to get your mind right again, so that when you re-enter society in the future, you’ll no longer suffer from whatever emotional problems brought you here in the first place. You are very lucky that I cannot under the law sentence you to concurrent sentences for every single charge. Bailiff, take custody of the prisoner. This case is adjourned.”
As the final gavel bang echoed in the court room, Natsu and Lucy who’d made it in time to hear it all, broke down in tears and elation as the court room erupted in cheers around them. A rarity for the poised population. This case was certainly anything but common for Japan, especially because the perpetrator was a woman and journalists had kept the public up to date with its progress. A lot of people were affected by this case personally, but the fear of what Touka had done rang cold for onlookers too. For the public, the idea that someone you may know could harbor ill will and do something this heinous was a scary proposition.
While the case was now over, Lucy knew her own struggles with anxiety were not, despite the tiny relief she’d felt in hearing the words guilty. She’d made it through the trial by sheer determination, but the experience had set her back in her progress. Reliving all the worst events and being grilled by the defense had re-traumatized her. Not all the way regressed, but the nightmares were back anew, starting immediately after her recall testimony.
It wasn’t just the old memories that haunted Lucy, but a new, troubling thought brought out during that testimony. When the defense attorney tried to make her think she was just as bad as Touka, there was a point when she thought... was it true? And the more she pondered, the worst the correlation became despite her loved ones conviction that she was nothing like the woman. Because... why not? If Touka’s deluded mind really believed she was protecting what was hers, well isn’t that the same logic Lucy used to defend herself and Natsu? Then there was the rage she’d felt. Was the attorney, right? If Natsu hadn’t stopped her from beating the woman, would she have killed Touka? Did that mean she had a killer instinct too?
All the publicity surrounding the trial didn’t help one bit. Just trying to get out of the court room after the verdict had been a complete circus of cameras flashing and microphones being shoved in the couples faces wanting their opinions of the verdict. Oh, how Lucy wanted to scream in their faces! How do they think they’d feel?! Yes, it felt great to be vindicated, but 15 years for almost killing them? Where were their assurances that when Touka was released, she wouldn’t pick right back up where she’d left off and hunt them down?
All these irrational thoughts fueling the new regression were different from before. Lucy didn’t feel as anxious. She was a little depressed, but now she was also— angry.
When she arrived at her therapy session without Natsu, Lucy sat on the couch facing the woman with her arms crossed. The therapist was quick to note the way in which she was holding her poise because it wasn’t a comforting arm cross, but a firm one. The muscles in her forearms were tense along with the tight lipped and brows furrowed expression gracing Lucy’s face.
“Well, this is certainly new,” the woman put her notebook down as she spoke. “Something has changed, shall we talk about it?”
Lucy’s hands clenched firmly as her eyes look away slightly. “I had a small argument with Natsu this morning.”
“I get the impression it wasn’t small.”
“Okay! It was a big fight! Happy?!” Lucy’s arms unfurled and gesticulated. “I don’t even know why it got out of hand, but it did.”
“Tell me what happened and let’s figure it out together.”
“Tch,” Lucy crossed her arms again and looked away. “I woke up from a nightmare. He started comforting me like he al—ways does, and I told him to stop. But he didn’t.”
“Why’d you tell him to stop?”
“I don’t know... I was just, irritated.”
“With him?”
“Yes... No— both, I don’t fucking know! Just pissed off, okay?! I was just angry and didn’t wanna be bothered!”
“I see... and how did Natsu react?”
“He, well, um,” Lucy’s shoulders dropped a bit. “He just said okay, I’ll give you space if you want it and left the bedroom. And we haven’t spoken since then.”
“It sounds like Natsu respected your wishes to back off. But why is that making you so angry?”
The therapists question brought instant tears pooling in Lucy’s eyes. She knew why, but she didn’t know why, and holding it in was tearing her apart. But she also didn’t know how to articulate all of the random thoughts plaguing her in a way that made sense. So, at that moment she just broke. Through fitful sobs the cacophony of broken, fragmented thoughts spewed out in no logical manner. Lucy just spoke every word and sentence that came to mind as the therapist sat quietly listening.
This was her first session since the trial had ended, so all of the wounds were painfully fresh. Shouldn’t she be happy it was over? They were free for now and it was time to move forward but all she could think about were the things the attorney had said. And that made her angry with herself. Lucy’s always thought she was so much stronger, yet this experience or rather the effects left her feeling lost and broken, and weak. Even more infuriating for her, she knew these thoughts were completely irrational! It’s one thing to not understand, it’s another to know how stupid it sounded and not be able to fight back against it. Weak. That’s what it made her feel. Stupid and weak for losing herself. They may have won against Touka, but Touka had taken something away and Lucy feared she’d lost it forever.
Who she was.
The therapist moved over to the couch and hugged tightly to a sobbing Lucy, stroking her hair and cradling her head. Comforting in silence allowed the blonde to just cry, as hard as she needed to and release everything that had been held inside where it shouldn’t stay. When the tears slowed, and Lucy’s breathing had the normalized, the therapist spoke softly.
“You’re not broken, Lucy, and you’re not dumb. You’re rightfully in pain after everything you’ve experienced, and that’s okay too.”
“How is that okay?” Lucy sniffled. “It shouldn’t be okay!”
“It’s not fair what you had to endure but being upset and feeling pain because of it means you’re human. Even the anger is a good feeling right now.”
Lucy snorts an annoyed laugh at such a ridiculous sounding statement. Anger being, okay?!
“There are positives we can take from this.”
Again, Lucy huffs. “Yeah, right. That makes a lot of sense.”
The therapist pulls back and settles into a more professional pose to continue. “Your anger means you care. Think about it, if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t get angry, right?”
“I guess...”
“In all these months, this is the first time I am seeing a deep passion coming from you. Lucy you aren’t really lost, and this anger are those feelings screaming ‘I’m still here!’ You can use that same energy to push forward.”
“But what about Natsu?” Lucy’s eyes cloud up. “I think I really made him mad a-and I don’t want to lose him.”
“Did he come with you today?”
“Yeah, he’s in the waiting room.” Lucy mumbled through a frown. “But I think he just came cause he felt obligated.”
The therapists eyes softened along with her tone. “I have a feeling that’s not the case. He might feel hurt and confused right now, but I’m sure he still loves you deeply. Maybe we should bring him in here and talk things over? That way I can help you through it.”
Lucy paused for a moment before nodding weakly. “I’d like that.”
The therapist brought Natsu into the room and as soon as he saw the puffy red eyes and Lucy’s disheveled appearance immediately stumbled over and hugged onto her with tears of his own flowing down, apologizing over and over for upsetting her that morning.
Although Lucy stiffened up at first when he’d hugged her in fear of what he might say, his words instead stunned her. All along she’d felt the fight was her fault, not his. She’d been the bitch to him and now his pain brought her tears back along with a loss of her anger. “It’s not your fault,” she hugged him back. “I was angry with myself and took it out on you. That wasn’t fair.”
“But I shouldn’t have walked away like I did.”
“No,” Lucy exhaled, “you did the right thing. I... I needed something to wake me up.”
Natsu pulled back in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Lucy smiled weakly. “Coming here mad, I couldn’t hide it so she made me talk about it. Now I see how that needed that to happen and I feel a lot better because of it. I was just worried you’d hate me for the way I acted.”
“I could never hate you,” Natsu smiled and cupped Lucy’s cheeks. “I told you, you’re stuck with me.”
By that point, the therapist had gone back to her own chair and with the session almost over for that day, addressed the couple together. “Lucy right now I think you are at a very good point in your progress. Your anxiety had gotten better, the depression is still there, but it’s not as debilitating as it was before, so now it’s time to take the next step in the healing process. You’d mentioned wanting going back to school and the next semester starts in a month. Perhaps it’s time to consider going back?”
“I-I don’t know if I could handle full time...”
“Maybe reach out to the school and see if they’ll work with you on a modified schedule?”
“I guess I could...”
“And I’ll help you,” Natsu added on as he squeezed Lucy’s hand. “They’ve been really supportive so far.”
Lucy let out a long exhale. “Okay. I’ll give it a shot.”
“I’ve got another suggestion too,” Natsu added. “If you get angry, you could take it out with a physical sport or something.”
“That’s actually a good outlet,” the therapist agreed. “Is there anything you’re interested in?”
“Um...” Lucy thought about for a couple minutes. “I thought about taking self-defense classes.”
“That would be cool! Maybe we can go together?”
“I’d really, really like that.” And first time in a long time, Lucy truly meant it.
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crabbng · 4 years
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did this on twitter for hana and bon! i’ll put all their answers under the cut, please enjoy <3
1. what's their favorite beverage - alcoholic and/or non-alcoholic? hana likes nice, comforting warm drinks like hot chocolate and apple cider, he hasn't really had experience with alcoholic drinks 2. what's their favorite flavor? (spicy, sweet, sour, etc.) umami tbh, some nice hearty savory stew flavors 3. what's their favorite food? BEEF Clapping hands sign STEW Clapping hands sign he also like sweets, pastries and candies and whatnot 4. breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks - which do they look forward to the most? dinner cause he imagines it as a family meal, and also it's the heartiest meal 5. do they have a food or flavor they absolutely hate? bland things like.. boiled green beans.. like.. wet tasteless vegetables.. he is not a fan but who is tbh 6. can they tolerate spicy food? yeah! he likes some good heat in his meals 7. what is their favorite animal? DRAGONS! cause they're cool. also... because baby. 8. what do they wear to bed? boxers or nothing in his own home, in the castle tho he wears like. pj bottoms. 9. what position do they like to sleep in? curled up around a pillow or in a blanket, or flopped on his belly 10. are they a morning person or a night owl? he would like to be a morning person, but he tends to get excited about whatever he's working on and accidentally staying up late, which then makes him sleep in late.. 11. are they a heavy sleeper or do they wake up easily? HEAVY SLEEPER. the boy sleeps like a rock. 12. it's a rainy day, what will they do cooped up inside all day? hana has a WHOLE ROOM of stuff to work on. he tries to get old tech up and running again (with.. limited resources) or to get it to be useful in other ways. 13. do they have a favorite scent or smell? honestly... musty smell of city that was cut off and unused for a thousand years. 14. what do they smell like? do they wear perfume or cologne? a little bit sweaty, a little musty from hanging out in an abandoned city, a little like oil, wood shavings.. he smells like whatever he's been working on. he tries to just smell neutral around other people. 15. baths or showers? BATHS! BUBBLES! RELAX TIME!! taking time just to be hana. nice. 16. how good are they at cooking? it's not gourmet or anything but he can cook a tasty meal. he's worse at baking but he's practicing!! 17. what's their favorite time of year and why? winter!!! pretty snow.. relaxing quiet.. getting to go inside and get all warm and cozy.. nice. 18. do they have a favorite holiday? tbh i dont know what holidays there are in kos world... i oughta think of that.. but anything with people getting together and celebrating together is something he'd like to participate in someday 19. do they prefer buying or receiving gifts? buying!!!! hana loves giving gifts. tbh he doesn't receive a lot of gifts. maybe like.. a jar of jam one time and it made him cry. he kept the jar. 20. how tall are they, and how do they feel about their height? 4' even. he's fine with his height tbh, his insecurities come in when he thinks about what OTHER people think about his height. he definitely recognizes that he looks different than everyone he's been around. 21. can they play any instruments? not really.. he made a guitar once. was NOT good at it. 22. do they have a nice singing voice? NO! cant keep a tune to save his life, but he's the only one (besides baby) who's heard him sing so it really hasn't mattered 23. do they talk to themselves? YES! it could seem like he's talking to baby, but really... she can be asleep or somewhere else and he's just still talking to himself. who else does he have to talk to?! let him live. 24. do they enjoy music? what kind? tbh he probably enjoys "old timey" music he found in the ancient city so like.. synth pop LMAO 25. do they make friends easily? yes! surprisingly, from his popularity in the town. he had a bad first impression whoops. but he's just very charming and sweet and wants to be your friend. 26. surprise birthday party! how do they react? crying. happy crying. but a lot of crying. he won't stop. please stop crying hana. second surprise party would go over better, he'd just cry at the beginning and then have fun at the party. 27. what is their favorite flower, if they have one? hydrangea.. symbolize heartfelt emotions 28. how does your character feel about wearing jewelry? neutral? i like putting him in a lot of jewelry, but it's not something he'd do himself. besides like. his ear and nose piercings (and the other one lol) those are kind of special. he's had those since before he can remember 29. if they wear jewelry, what's their favorite piece? his teal earrings! he was gifted those (one of the like 2 gifts he's received lol) by someone very important to him 30. fashion forward or fashion disaster? fashion neutral? he's definitely not fashionable when he dresses himself (in the clothes he made himself lmao) but he's not like.. offensively disastrous 31. what kind of underwear does your character wear? boxer briefs? for comfort. that's hana's goal picking out his own clothes. comfort. 32. do they wear makeup? what kind? not regularly but he's not against it. he likes looking pretty. he likes eyeliners especially but will sit there and let u put whatever on his face. 33. do they paint their nails? HELL YEAH he paints his toenails since he works with his hands and it'd chip off. after bath nail painting time. paints baby's claws too. 34. are they quick to get haircuts or do they often let it grow out? after his introduction to the townspeople with his hair that had been grown out for years and NOT well taken care of.. he keeps up with haircuts now. he doesn't want to give people reasons to dislike him lmao 35. do they know how to whistle? through the front gap in his fangs yes 36. or how to braid hair? he knows how to braid his own hair for sure. he hasn't had other hair to practice on but he would know how to braid like.. leather cord or stuff for other crafts projects. so i think he'd be good at it. he'd learn like fancy patterns and such 37. are they scared if anything in nature - bugs, snakes, lightning, being on the water, etc.? lightning and storms definitely. he spent his formative years under a mountain, safe from all that, any sort of dangerous weather freaks him out. 38. have they ever thought they were about to die? not that he remembers. but there were times. 39. how do they react to getting sick? a big baby. snuggled up in a thousand blankets with chicken noodle soup and hot teas. 40. are they afraid of blood? not especially? he's been injured before and had to patch himself up. bad injuries tho... lots of blood..... he wouldn't do great with that. 41. how do they earn money? hana builds and repairs stuff for the town mostly in exchange for produce and such. he doesn't really.. have money. 42. are they satisfied with their occupation or long to do something else? he enjoys helping people, so in that way he's satisfied. he'd rather people were more interested in his side job of repairing old tech and making his own tech stuff but... that's not legal. 43. how creative are they? quite creative! he has a number of different crafting hobbies and is always looking for more. he's not great at like.. like if you gave him a paintbrush and were like 'paint' he would just paint whatever was in front of him. not some imagined thing. 44. do they know how to draw? how skilled are they? he's good at like.. accurately drawn schematics? technical drawings. i dont think he would be great at like. portraits tho. like. he could probably draw an accurate face but it'd like completely lifeless. 45. what do they carry around with them during the day (ie in their pockets, a bag, a purse...) 1) a baby 2) his tablet, that's what's with him all the time.. except rn in the story.. when he is without both.. :( 46. do they have a sweet tooth? OH YEAH. he doesn't get a lot of sweets where he is (he's working on learning how to bake them) so he really enjoys good sweets when he gets his hand on them 47. haute cuisine or cheap eats? hana likes good homemade food, i guess cheap eats would be the closer of the two 48. do they know how to swim? HONESTLY.. PROBABLY NOT.. boy has not been around water much 49. do they have any scars? how did they get them? nah! at this point he is more or less scar free. i'm sure he has a few tiny ones from like.. when baby was playing a bit too wildly or something and he got a nasty little scratch but nothing like... big. 50. what kind of handwriting do they have? neat, messy, cursive, MESSY. like a kid who was never really taught how to write. he usually writes on his tablet, which has been taught how to recognize his handwriting and converts it to readable text.
bon can be hard so on questions where it's not really applicable now (like.. favorite foods and the like), i'll just go with what WOULD have been the case. when he was younger. 1. what's their favorite beverage - alcoholic and/or non-alcoholic? flavored sparkling waters, he likes the bubbles. he likes high alcohol content drinks, so it does its job. 2. what's their favorite flavor? (spicy, sweet, sour, etc.) he likes fresh, citrus-y flavors, whatever category that slots into. 3. what's their favorite food? THE ALL POWERFUL ORANGE, a good orange is a treat for bon 4. breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks - which do they look forward to the most? snacks, cause he can generally eat them alone and not be judged 5. do they have a food or flavor they absolutely hate? puddings and yogurts and stuff like that, soft foods 6. can they tolerate spicy food? a fair amount, but he does have limits (he will not admit it) 7. what is their favorite animal? farm animals, especially working animals, they're nice and usually calm, bon likes that 8. what do they wear to bed? either whatever he's wearing at the time he knocks out or nothin 9. what position do they like to sleep in? huddled in a corner 10. are they a morning person or a night owl? BOTH! he's not a sleeper. if you find him sleeping its because he was probably up the past 3+ days and he just knocked out. 11. are they a heavy sleeper or do they wake up easily? if he's sleeping cause he hadn't slept the past week, he doesn't wake up easily, but if it's a purposeful rest he wakes up to a pin dropping. also re: bon sleeping, he technically can go without sleep indefinitely but he has to go into his lava form to kinda.. refresh his stats so to speak 12. it's a rainy day, what will they do cooped up inside all day? pre-incident: read! study! practice magic. post-incident: think about mortality and stare at a wall 13. do they have a favorite scent or smell? fresh air on a cool day. but he's also nostalgic about the stink smell of a tavern. 14. what do they smell like? do they wear perfume or cologne? ash and smoke. and on special days ;) burnt flesh ;) he doesn't wear perfume or cologne, he just smells weird all the time. 15. baths or showers? showers, a quick spray down and then he's out of the water as quick as possible. 16. how good are they at cooking? QUITE! bon can cook and he can cook good. he's stayed with a lot of families over the years and learned a lot of good tricks and recipes, plus what he learned from when he was growing up and would somewhat regularly cook for himself. 17. what's their favorite time of year and why? summer. he does well in the heat. also the days are longest. bon likes it when it's light out. 18. do they have a favorite holiday? bon doesn't like holidays! cause holidays come with traditions. and traditions come with expectations. and expectations come with punishments. 19. do they prefer buying or receiving gifts? giving, i guess? receiving gifts can come with a price. but it's nice to give a gift and know you expect nothing in return. 20. how tall are they, and how do they feel about their height? bonk is 5'9", he's fine with it 21. can they play any instruments? YES!!! he can play a variety, his favorites are harp and fiddle, though he also can play a mean flute, though that was mostly from his upbringing so he doesn't like it all too much 22. do they have a nice singing voice? YES!!!!! he has a most beautiful voice. he can rouse a room with a good folk song or bring a room to tears with a mournful ballad 23. do they talk to themselves? ahahaha yes. we have already seen this in comic. bon struggles with differentiating between reality and his.. imagination i guess. so. that can often lead to him just talking to himself. 24. do they enjoy music? what kind? yes! bon enjoys all sorts of music, but mostly songs you can sing along to. bar songs, shanties, ballads, he enjoys them all. he like songs that have an emotion to them if that makes sense. 25. do they make friends easily? NO. bon is both unfriendly and untrusting. however. if you are nice to him but once........... he Will die for you. and he will die for any child. loves childs. 26. surprise birthday party! how do they react? POORLY. either confused why people thought it would be a fun idea or angry that he was caught off guard. now... if you do it right..... have the surprise just be like.. a cake waiting at home or something.. a quiet night.. he will appreciate it. he Will die for you. 27. what is their favorite flower, if they have one? daffodil.. rebirth.. eternal life.. unrequited love.. perfect 28. how does your character feel about wearing jewelry? he's not a huge fan tbh. makes him feel like someone's shiny show piece. but he does like an earring or two or three 29. if they wear jewelry, what's their favorite piece? he doesn't wear jewelry regularly :( but he likes earrings! he likes little hoops that go on the top of his big ears 30. fashion forward or fashion disaster? more fashion forward than a disaster. he doesn't dress himself like.. super well.. cause his clothing tends to not last super long, but he knows how to look good 31. what kind of underwear does your character wear? NONE he's flying free 32. do they wear makeup? what kind? again, not any regularly, but will rock a good eyeliner if offered 33. do they paint their nails? no lmao good luck painting his lava nails, he'll melt ur brush, oh god and im sure the smell of burning nail polish is just awful 34. are they quick to get haircuts or do they often let it grow out? he cuts his hair pretty frequently (not well) he cuts like.. parts at a time. like 'hm this section looks a lil long' CHOP~ 35. do they know how to whistle? like a got damn bird 36. or how to braid hair? yes! he is good at this. 37. are they scared if anything in nature - bugs, snakes, lightning, being on the water, etc.? not really? he's had a lot of experience living outdoors so things that may have scared him at one point have been dealt with and most things it's like 'well i cant die so it really doesnt matter', cold and rain it's like 'well ill get real hecked up for a while but.. whatever' 38. have they ever thought they were about to die? YES! quite a few times, though not anymore lmao. one of the first times he ran away from home and nearly starved to death, the... incident, and when he was turned into a basbeo, just to name a few 39. how do they react to getting sick? pretending like he's not. pushing himself too hard until he cannot pretend anymore. nowadays tho.. he just turn into lava man and boom. all better. 40. are they afraid of blood? nah, he's seen plenty of it by this point to just not even register it. not even mostly his own! see this isn't a sad answer. 41. how do they earn money? HE DON'T! what use does a dog have for money u feel me 42. are they satisfied with their occupation or long to do something else? bon was basically a travelling bard at one point and oh boy he longs to go back to those days. his current occupation of 'guy who steals, kidnaps, murders and destroys on command' just isn't fulfilling for him. 43. how creative are they? i'd say pretty creative. he's not really doing anything with it right now, but he's a pretty imaginative guy. 44. do they know how to draw? how skilled are they? i think so! i figure that would be part of his lessons when he was younger. so he's probably.. too good at it. opposite of hana, where he's be good at portraiture and like.. pretty scenes. this also makes me think of little bon running around and putting lil devil horns on his mom's portraits 45. what do they carry around with them during the day (ie in their pockets, a bag, a purse...) doesn't really have.. a lot of things.. in the same vein tho, that jacket he wears, he's had for a while, and it's been through a lot now (i.e. the missing bottom) but. it's something he repairs and takes care of. it's special to him. for reasons. 46. do they have a sweet tooth? not especially, he doesn't like Sugar Sweet stuff, but he does like.. apples n stuff. he'll eat a peach croissant and enjoy it. everything in balance. 47. haute cuisine or cheap eats? cheap eats: more food for less 48. do they know how to swim? yes but he doesn't do it anymore cause he'll get too cold and seize up and lava man will just become a rock. he can use like.. hot tubs and very warm baths. he CAN enjoy those. 49. do they have any scars? how did they get them? well! bon had scars previous to his charred limbs (you'll see them soon) from being burned. because of.. reasons. i never know how depressing to get when talking about bon :( anyways, his charred limbs didn't happen immediately after becoming a basbeo. it basically happens when there's like.. a struggle for control between bon, his elemental, and who or whatever (maighstir, priomh, tera, his cuffs, etc.) is trying to control bon's transformation abilities. like either trying to use more power than he's being allowed, or to resist using it at all. they feel weird and crusty and leathery and warm! so the last one is kind of nice. it is unpleasant to hold his hand. 50. what kind of handwriting do they have? neat, messy, cursive, BOY CAN'T WRITE ANYMORE! he used to have really neat cursive handwriting like.. calligraphy style.
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kimamanitranslate · 4 years
Haruhara’s Chapter Commentaries: Senyuu F5 Ch. 11-17
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Haruhara has uploaded some extra commentary and sketches for some chapters in Senyuu F5 and Senyuu+. I include the images in these articles only if (a) they’re free to view, or (b) they have content to be scanlated- otherwise, I only include a text description of them.
Please do not repost the text and/or scanlations here to another website, especially Twitter as that’s where Haruhara is. (Feel free to discuss the contents of these posts wherever though.) 
And please consider purchasing the raws if you enjoy any of the content here!
This post translates the articles for F5 Ch. 11-13, 15, and 17. No chapter commentaries exist for chapters 14 and 16.
List of all commentaries:
Haruhara’s Chapter Commentaries: Senyuu F5 Ch. 1-3
Haruhara’s Chapter Commentaries: Senyuu F5 Ch. 11-17
Haruhara’s Chapter Commentaries: Senyuu F5 Ch. 18-32
Haruhara’s Chapter Commentaries: Senyuu F5 Ch. 43-45
Haruhara’s Chapter Commentaries: Senyuu F5 Ch. 46-53
Haruhara’s Chapter Commentaries: Senyuu F5 Ch. 54-60
Haruhara’s Chapter Commentaries: Senyuu F5 Ch. 61-67
The Commentaries section of the Senyuu online reader (kimamanitranslate.tumblr.com/senyuu#commentary) should also have an up-to-date list of all current chapter commentaries.
Note: No chapter commentaries exist for Ch. 4-10 and Ch. 33-42.
Senyuu F5: Chapter 11
Raw: ch.nicovideo.jp/haruhara-ch/blomaga/ar1792206
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The Kanpachi arc has ended. I intended to draw scenes I hadn’t touched upon in Senyuu+, but I personally liked the epilogue with Alba and Ros in this arc, so I redrew it.
When I asked my editor, “Can I redraw it?”  He answered, “Sure!”
But as I was inking it, I began thinking, Isn’t this unfair to the readers? so I made Ross’ smile full colour to make up for it. But later I realized that Senyuu+ was always in full colour anyways.
As I’ve mentioned before, the Sleepiez storyline is something I thought up after my serialization ended and I was drawing Senyuu+. I figured, “Let’s have people against Alba show up,” and thought up the Sleepiez. Before I decided on their boss, I had a bottom-rung member Kanpachi show up, so when I drew Kanpachi in Senyuu+ I hadn’t thought too hard about the little details yet.
So when I sent out Kanpachi to have Alba and the others meet a Sleepiez members, I decided to properly think about his character. As I was imagining why he became a Sleepiez member and how he got the part-time job at the research center, I realized-
K-kanpachi-kun... I feel so sorry for you, getting punched out by Ross like that! 
So I’m glad I could save Kanpachi in F5!
Senyuu F5: Chapter 12
Raw: ch.nicovideo.jp/haruhara-ch/blomaga/ar1803063
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Since the Kanpachi arc ended up stretching for longer than I expected, I wanted to do a gag chapter as a breather.
At first, I drew the cicadas in the chapter normally, but I figured that there were actually surprisingly a lot of people out there that aren’t good with cicadas, so I edited them to look cute.
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If you’re wondering why Ross wanted to come in on Tuesdays, it’s because to most workers, Monday is their first day after their weekend break. Ross wanted to bask in a feeling of superiority by saying, “Well, I’m off then though.”
Though he technically only needs to show up on Tuesdays, he still pops in whenever he’s bored.
Senyuu F5: Chapter 13
Raw: ch.nicovideo.jp/haruhara-ch/blomaga/ar1803064
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I wanted to do a gag chapter with the Sleepiez as well. “DakiKaba” is an abbreviation of “Dakimakura Cover”, but I forgot to write an explanation for that.
I hope it was conveyed to everyone!
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While they pay the subscription fee, since they aren’t connected to the electrical grid and have no televisions, they don’t watch anything.
I wonder what Boss does to kill time.
Senyuu F5: Chapter 15
Raw: ch.nicovideo.jp/haruhara-ch/blomaga/ar1816984
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I wrote this trying to convey that Lucop, who had been a joke character until now, was actually an amazing actor! But in the end, the Lucop I wrote in the past just seems like a totally different person now... though well, it’s still all Lucop.
This is the 16th Floor Incident arc.
There’s still lots of plot developments that might not make sense, but I think they’ll slowly start to make sense as we go through chapters.
Here’s the ages of Lucop vs. the Salt he acted as for the Blue Flames at Dawn series, though I didn’t really use it.
The Blue Flames at Dawn Movie 1: Lucop age 35, Salt age 25 - Discovering magic.
The Blue Flames at Dawn Movie 2: Lucop age 37, Salt age 26 - Days of turmoil.
The Blue Flames at Dawn Movie 3: Lucop age 40, Salt age 45 - A story of peace and stability.
The Blue Flames at Dawn Movie 4: Lucop age 42, Salt age 15 - Days of youth.
The Blue Flames at Dawn Movie 5: Lucop age 43, Salt age 27 - A secret story never told before.
The Blue Flames at Dawn Final Movie: Lucop age 47, Salt age 58 - A tale of partings.
The actors for Alba: 
Movies 1-3: Radical
Movie 4: Farogue
Movie 5-Final: Canbar
The Blue Flames at Dawn New Series: Lucop age 53, Salt age 25
The actor for Alba: Eagle
Senyuu F5: Chapter 17
Raw: ch.nicovideo.jp/haruhara-ch/blomaga/ar1828393
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Initially, I planned to briskly continue Lucop’s tale, but it was so unappealing I had Elf and Alf show up as well. Elf from before the influence of the time jump seems so strange.
Here’s a trashed version of the omake manga.
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It was a manga where Alf acts all happy because of something Elf says, but because his reaction is creepy, Elf ends up telling him that it’s creepy.
But because I had to keep it short, I was worried that it came off as Elf really meaning to say “You’re a creep-” rather than it just being banter between friends, so I trashed it.
If I put in an image of Alf snapping, “Hey, rude!” after Elf’s comments, or had Alf shoot back an insult too, I think it could’ve worked. But it would’ve ended up too long for an omake (since I can only include at most one page for the omake because of the way the system works.)
Also, I couldn’t really depict Alf’s creepiness well.
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latveriansnailmail · 3 years
Favorite Movies as of 2021
Subject to updating because surely I’ve missed a few. This is not supposed to be a list of meritorious films but rather just a list of movies I genuinely enjoy. It runs from Shakespeare to Bill & Ted with heavy doses of 80s fantasy, superhero schlock, and pretty much anything with Kurt Russell in it. Enjoy.
1- Harvey No contest, my favorite of all time.
2- Big Trouble in Little China It’s always a great joy to introduce a new viewer to this film.
3- Flash Gordon (1980) In which they totally lean into the camp and low budget.
4- The Thing I watch this annually upon the first major snowfall.
5- Titus (Taymor) One winter break Titus would be on one of the movie channels each day when I woke up, so I watched it daily for a month and it didn’t get old.
6- Death to Smoochy “Are you alright?” “I’m a little fucked up in general so it’s hard to gauge.”
7- Blade Runner (The Final Cut) So there’s this dude Deckard and he hunts robots but it turns out HE’S a robot, oh so very clever, little film
8- Tombstone I recently learned that Kurt Russell directed this film in all but name.
9- The Dark Crystal Immersive fantasy, though I’m sure it appears plain, drab, and simple now after the Netflix prequel.
10- Somewhere in Time I’m a romantic, I guess. Thus all the John Carpenter movies.
11- Grosse Pointe Blank So good, I used to think I liked John Cusack.
12- The Producers (musical) You heard me. Wilder and Mostel were great but the musical version had decades to mill over and expand the premise.
13- To Be or Not To Be (Brooks) Surprisingly suspenseful.
14- The 13th Warrior Saw it again recently and it holds up. Horror, only it happens to viking warriors who would rather chop the horror down than run.
15- The Mighty Thor I mean, Black Panther is objectively the best of the lot but subjectively this is my personal favorite superhero flick. I must have seen it a half a dozen times at least.
16- Lost Boys A billion Chinese can’t be wrong.
17- Die Hard A Christmas tradition. As a postman, it’s cathartic for me to watch Christmas get blown up a little before all the hugging and sentiment.
18- The Blues Brothers Deadpan hilarity cut with performances by legends of blues and soul.
19- The Sting The best heist film. It keeps you guessing until the very end and no twist feels arbitrary or leaves a hole.
20- Interview with the Vampire Fun fact, I looked like Pitt’s Louis when I was a young man in the goth scene.
21- Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure “Be excellent to each other!” “Party on, dudes!” *air guitar*
22- The Seventh Seal See? This list has its high points.
23- Revolutionary Girl Utena Note: Read the entire manga, watch the entire anime series, and read Adolescence of Utena BEFORE watching this or you’ll be left confused. Dazzled but confused.
24- The Nightmare Before Christmas So good I got the tarot deck.
25- The Last Unicorn It’s still a damn shame they never made that live action remake. Christopher Lee was set to reprise King Haggard.
26- Chasing Amy Honestly changed my life.
27- Excalibur It’s weird though how they’re always in armor. Wedding? Armor. Dinner? Armor. Deathbed? Armor.
28- Ginger Snaps A cut above any other werewolf movie I’ve seen.
29- Top Secret! My sense of humor distilled.
30- Clash of the Titans (Harryhousen) Yeah it’s dry but then there’s the monsters.
31- Monty Python’s the Meaning of Life People are not wearing enough hats.
32- Shadow of the Vampire Nosferatu nearly made this list but it’s hard to pinpoint a definitive cut. Try instead this film about the making of Nosferatu with an actual vampire as the vampire.
33- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Look, we as a culture had the unfortunate experience of Twilight. This is the same premise but actually good.
34- The Last Supper This film challenged and changed me as a young man more so than any other work of art.
35- The Princess Bride The perfect film, but I’ve seen it so much it’s down at 35 now.
36- Blazing Saddles What can I as a white guy say? Just watch the movie.
37- Streets of Fire Always suspicious to me how Final Fight premiered within a year of this movie.
38- Gremlins More Christmas havok. Yum?
39- The Beastmaster Forgotten and underappreciated.
40- Ladyhawke A thing of beauty.
41- Willow C’mon. It’s Willow. I have nothing to justify here.
42- Speed Racer I know you heard it’s bad but hear me out: it is the strongest narrative I’ve ever seen on film and it’s exactly the way you played with your toy cars when you were little.
43- Angelheart You’re supposed to know that de Niro is Lucifer. The rest is mystery and the final reveal set up a trope that’s been done into the ground nowadays.
44- The Hunger More atmosphere than plot, but hey, vampire Bowie!
45- Zoolander My partner’s favorite.
46- Faust (Murnau) You will be shocked to see what was possible to achieve in film in 1926.
47- A Muppet Christmas Carol but a cut that includes the fiance’s song This finishes out my traditional Christmas films.
48- Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Y’know, I’ve got two Branagh films on here and neither are what you would expect given his catalog. The other one’s Thor for crying out loud.
49- Highlander I noticed in recent editions of Vampire: the Masquerade that it’s still possible in that game to hide a katana in a trenchcoat. This movie is why.
50- The Name of the Rose One of only a few instances where I prefer the film to the book. That book loooooong.
51- Robocop (1987) Of all the damn science fiction, why must we be in Robocop?
52- The Prophecy Now we’re getting into films I demoted since the last time I updated this list. This film’s a slow burn unless you get turned up for angels and Christopher Walken like I do.
53- The Warriors Would be higher if the opening wasn’t so slow.
54- Legend Tim Curry kills it as Darkness.
55- Black Panther Objectively the best superhero movie and the Academy backs me on that one.
56- Wonder Woman I do wish they’d trot out Vandal Savage as a Wonder Woman villain.
57- Captain America: The Winter Soldier Just rewatched this one earlier! It is heavily marked by the height of the War on Terror.
58- Blade The ancestor of all modern superhero movies and a solid vampire flick to boot.
59- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nostalgic for me? Maybe, but I hold that this is the first comic film worth a damn because they stuck with the comics when they wrote it.
60- Captain America: the First Avenger This movie is a real test of character. If someone doesn’t like Cap it’s because they think goodness is unrealistic.
61- Four Rooms Really just rooms 3 and 4.
62- Reservoir Dogs Hey, two Tim Roth films in a row!
63- Event Horizon Do you see?
64- What Dreams May Come Kind of an emotional ringer, especially after William’s death.
65- Monty Python and the Holy Grail Have I watched it into the ground? Yes. Is it still hilarious? Yes, and it gets funnier the more you study Arthurian myth.
66- Pulp Fiction I’m kinda over this now.
67- The Crow People who liked the comic passionately disagree with me but I still like this one.
68- Akira Still.
69- Ghost in the Shell Still, though the farther you get from 13 the less titties you need in your art.
70- Beetlejuice Why not? Let's just tack this on there.
Honorable Mentions:
Fight Club A suburb film but one I grew out of, as should everyone. If you meet a man who’s passionate about Fight Club, run!
American Psycho Ditto. I grew out of this but it’s still excellent.
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape A horrible caricature of my brother’s life. I don’t get along with my brother any more.
Rocky Horror Picture Show Not actually a good film if you watch it straight with no commentary. Still, it’s a cornerstone of queer culture.
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 Of all the superhero films, this is the one that resonated with me the most. I was in a weird place at the time. It still resonates with me now because I’m a foster dad.
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tickl-ee · 3 years
Hello! ☺️
1. What is one position you would like to be tickled in?
3. A tickle story you'd like to share?
4. Have you ever been tickled while doing something? (reading, gaming, etc.) How did it change what you were doing?
11. Something you didn't expect to tickle, yet surprisingly did?
12. What is by far your worst spot? (no backing out of this one!)
16. A tease that never fails to get to you?
17. One tool you would like to be tickled with?
21. What is one spot youre ticklish on that most people arent as ticklish on?
22. What is one spot youre not ticklish on that most people are?
29. A tickle scene that has yet to leave your mind?
33.  A tickle scenario that you would like to happen to you?
Hi wow thank you for all the questions!
1. What is one position you would like to be tickled in?
Ooooh this one is hard! Maybe being stretched across someone’s lap?
3. A tickle story you’d like to share?
Oof so when I was like 18 I dated this guy who had a tiny twin bed. One night I stayed over at his house and we were spooning in his tiny twin bed, and as he fell asleep, he exhaled onto the back of my neck. It tickled/startled me so much that I quite literally threw him out of the bed. It was…difficult to explain to him why he was on the floor 😅
4. Have you ever been tickled while doing something? (reading, gaming, etc.) How did it change what you were doing?
I dated this dude I’d met on the TMF when I was 19, and he tickled me all. The. Time. He found it really entertaining to veeeeery gently tickle my sides when I was on the phone. I’m a good actor, so I always managed to maintain my composure—at least in my voice. Squirm city tho. Sooo much squirming.
11. Something you didn’t expect to tickle, yet surprisingly did?
I’m always surprised by how much shower heads tickle, especially on my knees
12. What is by far your worst spot? (no backing out of this one!)
Oof, probably my back. Like, just…anywhere on my back. But especially the back of my rib cage. Oof oof oof.
16. A tease that never fails to get to you?
Any mention of how ticklish I am/how incredulous you are that xyz tickles. “I’m barely touching you, how does that tickle?” Ooooof!!!
17. One tool you would like to be tickled with?
Electric toothbrush/flosser, for sure
21. What is one spot youre ticklish on that most people arent as ticklish on?
Ooh, I feel like I have a lot of those. My palms are suuuuper sensitive. I also have some spots on my face, like along my cheek/jawline
22. What’s one spot youre not as ticklish on that other people are?
Definitely feet. I have a spinal cord condition, so I feel pretty much nothing below the ankle
29. A tickle scene that has yet to leave your mind?
I honestly can’t think of anything 😬 sorry! I know that’s a cop out
33. A tickle scenario that you would like to happen to you?
I don’t even know, man. I just wanna be tickled 😩 we’re touch starved af out here
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rennyforpresident · 4 years
Renny’s BBSim: First Boots Week 2
Welcome back to Biiiiiiig Brother!
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@ashleaevans @bathroom-sand @kaysarswhore @kayysarridha @kelleekim @lahallucinations @maxdoesbb @misshoh @music-obsessednerd @nerdphobic @nomwastaken @pawn2393 @phylisisley @remember-caltoru @rennyforpresident @shaolinbynature
Previously, the house flipped on the plan @music-obsessednerd had put in place to take out @kaysarswhore and sent @maxdoesbb home in an 11-2 vote. @nomwastaken and @misshoh are running the house in terms of alliances, and @kaysarswhore isn’t far behind.
Speaking of alliances, let’s see if there are any changes this week
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We still have a TON of people working together. But at the most recent Fearsome Five Meeting, @rennyforpresident suggests they gun for the next HOH.
@rennyforpresident: “we need to win this! We need to make sure we’re safe, so we should gun for it, especially if it’s endurance.”
This idea was immediately shot down by all four other alliance members, saying that there’s no reason to go so hard so early.
@rennyforpresident in the DR: “I just don’t feel supported like I thought I would with this alliance. They can be the Fearsome Four for all I care”
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(WHy do i always do this why do i always abandon my alliances lmao)
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It is endurance, just like @rennyforpresident predicted! Who has the (disco) balls to hold on long enough?
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@nomwastaken is the first to fall. He knows he’s not gonna last, and doesn’t try to pretend he will. Shortly after though, surprisingly, @rennyforpresident falls. The balls were swinging too fast, and @rennyforpresident underestimated how tightly he needed to hold on.
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Three more people drop after that, almost simultaneously. This comp is rough, and they’ve only been up there for 20 minutes!
After 45 minutes up there
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@kaysarswhore in the DR: “I’m mad because I really wanted to win! I wanted to tell @music-obsessednerd to shove it, so I’m a little pissed that I can’t do that this week.”
@misshoh in the DR: “I jut couldn’t do it anymore. The chain was hurting my hands and my feet were killing me. Call me a flop, I don’t care. I just hope @remember-caltoru wins and doesn’t chicken out by taking a deal.”
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But, just as @misshoh feared, @remember-caltoru turned to the other two secretly and made a deal: safety for himself in exchange for hopping off.
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The final two already have a final2 deal! No matter who wins, both of them know they’re safe for the week. @phylisisley, knowing she wants to compete again next week, eventually makes the call. The winner is...
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@shaolinbynature! You have secured your safety for the week and earned the right to nominate two of your fellow houseguests for eviction!
After careful deliberation...
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@shaolinbynature: “I have decided to nominate @bathroom-sand and @kayysarridha. @kayysarridha, you’ve already hit the block once and proven that you can win the veto, so I challenge you to do it again. @bathroom-sand, let’s just be honest here: I don’t like you. You walk around this house like you own it, you have no real concept of gameplay, and you grind my gears like no one else. I put you up because I want you gone. This nomination ceremony is adjourned”
@bathroom-sand in the DR: “Oh, @shaolinbynature doesn’t like me? Well guess what? I can’t STAND her. He’s a mess of a person, and he thinks he’s better than everyone else. I hope I stay this week so I can kick his ass.”
@kayysarridha: “Am I the eternal pawn this season? Shit.”
The veto could be crucial for our nominees, so let’s get to it!
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@nomwastaken and @misshoh were both drawn to play! Will the dynamic duo take the veto this week? @ashleaevans also is getting the chance to prove himself. Will he shake up the house by winning veto and saving one of the nominees? Or will he not risk his floater status just yet?
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The competition is STIFF. Mud is flying. Truffles are thrown. No pigs were harmed in the making of this veto competition.
But the scores were revealed:
@shaolinbynature had a score of 21
@kayysarridha had a score of 23
@ashleaevans had a score of 26
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In third place, with a score of 29...
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Will @nomwastaken pull out his first win? Or will @bathroom-sand save herself from the block with the veto?
With a winning score of 35, beating out the second place score of 33...
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At the ceremony, @nomwastaken stands and makes her decision
@nomwastaken: “I know how hard this game is, and I know it’s not always easy to make friends in here. I’m sorry to both of you for how rough of a week it’s been, but I have to do what’s best for my game. That being said...
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The week was tense after veto, both @bathroom-sand and @kayysarridha in bad moods being on the block.
Later that night, @nerdphobic, @lahallucinations, and @kelleekim were all in the backyard. @nerdphobic was laying on the hammock, and @lahallucinations and @kelleekim were in the pool. Suddenly
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The hammock string snaps and @nerdphobic is laying flat on his ass. 
@kelleekim: “Come on dude! You broke the hammock! What’s wrong with you!”
@lahallucinations could only sit there and laugh.
Eventually, the hammock got fixed, but @nerdphobic‘s pride can never be restored.
Later on in the week, @remember-caltoru had locked themselves in the bathroom
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@remember-caltoru to themselves in the bathroom: “I hate this game!! My alliance is falling apart, my hair is losing it’s color, I haven’t been able to get some goddamn Taco Bell since being locked in this shithole, I just want OUT!”
@nomwastaken and @rennyforpresident both sit outside the bathroom door and try to calm him down. After about 30 minutes, the tantrum is over, and @remember-caltoru goes back to being their regular selves.
Eviction Night!
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Arisa: “Hello houseguests! @pawn2393, what has been the weirdest thing about living in the BB house for the second time?”
@pawn2393: “Seeing all these other people play for the first time too! It’s kind of obvious why some of them were voted off first last time *awkward laughter from the house*”
Arisa: “Wow! Bold words! @shaolinbynature, congrats on the HOH win! What was the best part of your room?”
@shaolinbynature: “The BED! It was a mattress I was sure was safe from being flipped. I know that happened A LOT last season, so I was a little worried coming in”
Arisa: “Well, it looks like the mattresses are safe for now! But our two nominees are NOT. Before we vote, you have one last chance to sway your houseguests”
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@bathroom-sand: “This week, I want to stand up to a bully. Playing this game personally is never a good look, and @shaolinbynature, that’s exactly what you did. We don’t get along, that’s fine, but karma will have it’s kiss for you. I just hope I get to be the one to deliver your final blow. Love the rest of you, and I hope I stay!”
@kayysarridha: “Second time on the block, I hope this isn’t a recurring theme! *laughter*! Anyway, I’ve talked to you all, you know what I offer you in this game, and I hope it’s enough to keep me!”
Arisa: “Time to vote!”
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The vote starts off with a 2-2 split. Of course, @phylisisley is voting the way her ride or die wants, and evicting @bathroom-sand. It also looks like the former Fearsome Five members are voting together. Will the rest of them follow suit?
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So far, so good! The Fearsome Five is sticking together on this vote, but it seems like the members of the Block Destroyers are voting the other way. This could lead to some fallout among the alliances next week. The vote is currently 4-3 in favor of voting to evict @kayysarridha.
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And just like that, @bathroom-sand has taken the lead! @kaysarswhore sides with the Block Destroyers. The best @bathroom-sand can hope for is a tie. Will @misshoh side with her number 1 @nomwastaken? Or will she put the final nail in @bathroom-sand‘s coffin?
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In a shocking twist, @nomwastaken and @misshoh split their votes! Is this strategy, or is their bond falling apart?
Arisa: “When I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest, they will have 1 minute to gather their belongings, say their goodbyes, and exit the Big Brother house.”
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@bathroom-sand, come on out!
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(it was so hard finding any kind of reaction image of Sheryl this is the best I could do asdlkfj;al)
Arisa: “You put up a DAMN good fight @bathroom-sand! What do you think you were missing?”
@bathroom-sand: “I honestly don’t know! There were a ton of alliances and it was impossible to keep track of. I think I just didn’t get in with them soon enough!”
Arisa: “That’s the question! Play hard and play fast, but not too hard and not too fast! Who do you think is playing the best game in there?”
@bathroom-sand: “I ADORE @kelleekim​. I hope he takes it ALL the way to the end, and I think a lot of you are gonna be shocked by how well he plays this game.”
Arisa: “Well, we’re so glad we could get you back here with us! 
Now that the house is divided by the first split vote of the season, how will people react? How will the alliance structure react? Find out next time. From outside the Big Brother house, I’m Arisa Cox, and remember, someone is aaaaaaaaaalways watching!”
@bathroom-sand​ you’re an icon for playing as Sheryl and I stanned you before this sim and I still do!! And as for the rest of you, keep being MESSY!!!!
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teatime-scans · 4 years
Chapter 33 Text Translations
Here’s the continuation of Chapter 32! Enjoy!
Translation: Manaphy TLC: Sushi
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Page 1
TIME.33 : For that, It’s quite... 
Arai Takahiro - Draft Supervision: Aoyama Gosho
Side text: The superior doesn’t know about his subordinate’s flustered heart-?
Detective Conan Zero’s Tea Time
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Page 2
Side text: An early morning in Beika city-
SFX: Pshhhh
SFX: Pshhhhhhhh
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Page 3
Side text: In the last issue - Furuya had his subordinate, Kazami buy clothes to wear for his undercover operations. Kazami had finished shopping and was calling his superior, but it appears as if Furuya is hiding secrets?!
SFX: Ding dong
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Page 4
SFX: Beep Buttons: Call - End
SFX: Kerchak
Amuro: Morning! Kazami: Good morning, Furuya-san! Sorry for coming so early in the morning... 
Kazami: Were you taking a shower? Amuro: Yeah… Kazami: Huh, so you’re the type of person who takes a morning shower, Furuya-san?
Kazami: I brought breakfast! If you haven't eaten, please help yourself! Amuro: Thank you!
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Page 5
Kazami: Is it okay for me to use the bathroom?
Amuro: Please wait a minute, I’ll tidy it up!
Haro: Woof Kazami: Long time no see, buddy! How have you been?
Amuro: Sorry for the wait! Kazami: Please excuse me…
Amuro: Once again, you’ve brought a lot… Didn’t I tell you to buy just enough… Kazami: Ordinary people judge others by their looks… A clean appearance naturally makes people feel reassured, so you should use that to your advantage, Furuya-san…
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Page 6
Amuro: I understand that, but… This is definitely too much… Haro: Huff huff Kazami: If there are clothes that you won’t wear anymore, I’ll take them home!
Kazami: Is this Furuya-san’s…?
Kazami: for that, it's quite long... SFX: Glance glance
Kazami: Two toothbrushes and… Two hairpins…
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Page 7
Kazami: I knew it! A woman…?!
Kazami: No, impossible… Especially in Furuya-san’s case… To bring a lady to his own house… SFX: Creak
Kazami: Make-up remover…!
Kazami: Judging from the light hair color, It can’t be the waitress from Poirot… It’s not dog hair either, of course… Whose is it? Someone I know? ...Don’t tell me!
Kazami: The part-timer from Ramen Ogura?! That reminds me of something… During the other day’s baseball afterparty… Amuro: The trick to gripping a curveball is... Kazami: They were strangely close! (Or so I think...)
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Page 8
Amuro: Kazami, are you okay? Kazami: Ah! Yes!
Amuro: What’s wrong? You’re acting weird… Kazami: No, not at all…
Amuro: I’m now tidying up the clothes That I want you to bring back with you … So please sit down while I do it…
Kazami: Furuya-san… In the bathroom…. SFX: Peel
Kazami: I found make-up remover… SFX: Twitch
Amuro: Yeah… Is there something wrong with that? Kazami: No, not really…
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Page 9
Amuro: This is something that doesn’t concern you...
Amuro: It’s better if you don’t know…
Kazami: …
Amuro: Well, I can’t tell him it’s something from when… I let that woman from the black organization disguise me…
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Page 10
Kazami: M-My apologies for intruding into your personal life!
Amuro: You… Aren’t you misunderstanding something?
Kazami: I’m not misunderstanding! The woman’s hair, the toothbrush, or the hairpins, I didn’t see any of them! Amuro: Huh?!
Amuro: This is my hair!
Amuro: My hair is quite troublesome and hard to handle, even for professional hairdressers... Or so it seems, that’s why I always cut it by myself…
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Page 11
Kazami: In that case… Just now, in the bathroom… Amuro: Yup, I was cutting my own hair…
Amuro: The hairpins are also for haircut purposes, The toothbrush was just replaced with a new one this morning, While the old toothbrush is kept to be used for cleaning purposes. SFX: Stab stab Amuro: Any other unclarified issues? SFX: Shake Shake
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Page 12
Amuro: Well, I’m fine with plain and cheap clothes! After all, it’s the taxpayers’ valuable money…
Amuro: It's not as if you bought those expecting to wear them afterwards... SFX: Gulp
Several days later- Amuro: Hey hey!
Amuro: While I saw it coming, this is way too plain, isn't it? Go back and buy them again! Kazami: Huh?!
Bottom text: Next issue, that large man returns for tea time!
Right side text: Surprisingly, the superior is hard to please… Left side text: Continues in issue #26
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agentnorthdakota · 3 years
All odd numbers for Zarus. Feel free to skip any, especially if they're too spoilery
Thanks Spencer!! uwu Sorry this took so long! I love this funky druid and I'm curious myself if any of these answers will change as I develop them further and they grow in the campaign~
1. Why did they choose their class(es)? their subclass(es)? When Zarus was young (for a drow), they were taught about nature and other Druidic teachings, which inspired them to actually get out into nature more and be an actual druid themself. Part of the Circle of Dreams, they spent some time in the Feywild, which influenced their magic further.
3. What is their goal right now? They do aim to get back to the Feywild, but Zarus is lackadaisical and drow live a Long time, so despite being presented with a chance to return, they’re like “there’s time for that later~” They’re curious about their friends and have some “souvenirs” to drop off to their friend Cabal first, anyway.
5. Do they follow a higher power? what are their thoughts on divinity? Zarus isn’t really the religious types. The gods exist, certainly, but they’re more connected to the wild, chaotic power of nature than devoting themself to a specific god.
7. Which party member do they understand the least? Defs Caesin atm. They enjoy being in cahoots with him, but are still figuring out his personality and morals.
9. Do they care about their appearance? how much effort do they put into presentation? Zarus cares a fair bit about their appearance – but you couldn’t tell by looking at them. From the outside they seem like the sort of person that put makeup on a couple days ago and is like “eh it’s still good enough” (purely figurative, they haven’t worn makeup in ages). And yet they typically hold themself like they’re dressed in finery, despite the holes in their cheap clothes.
11. What skills are they proficient in? why? Arcana, deception, history, perception, persuasion, and survival. Each has their place in their backstory, but the specifics of why are a mystery :3c
13. What do they dislike about themself? why? He’s the type to be, like… overly positive and hard to ruffle. He also isn’t exactly the most self-reflective. I think he’d have trouble naming anything he dislikes about himself.
15. Do they trust their party? why or why not? Absolutely! :3 I mean they’ve known each other for like a whole day now! (Zarus trusts way too easily)
17. What do they dream about, when their dreams are their own? That’s a good question :3c
19. What haunts them? what doesn’t? Probably more than he knows, or would admit (even to himself).
21. Do they follow their head, their heart, or their body? Well it’s definitely not their head. I’d say a mix of their heart and gut – but they have terrible intuition and danger-sense.
23. How do they feel about nicknames, titles, or labels that have been given to them? how do they feel about their name? They’d be thrilled to be given any of the above! Nicknames mean fondness, titles mean status, and labels can mean community – all of which Zarus wants. They’re very fond of their name, which is one of the reasons they give it a little too readily.
25. What stories do they like to tell? what stories do they like to hear? Zarus is… probably not the best storyteller, struggling to remember parts, and completely making up others. They’ll talk all day about less linear events though, like various plants, storm clouds, etc. And they’re happy to hear almost any story, as long as the person telling it is enthusiastic and isn’t a stuck-up prick.
27. How do they mourn? If he ever knew how to mourn, I think he’s forgotten how. Death is a fleeting and intangible concept to Zarus, and so mourning would be much the same.
29. Who would they save? who would they be saved by? He’d happily save any of his friends, both new and old, and without regard to any potential cost. And so far he’d be saved by Grimshaw, the only person who’s actually stepped in tried to dissuade his recklessness lol
31. They’re given a blank piece of paper–what do they do with it? (answered this one in a previous post~)
33. What makes them cry? …what does make them cry? Again, Zarus is a very cheery individual. Probably something triggering an old, long-forgotten memory, or one of their friends dying and not coming back. They’d also defs be the type to start crying without even realizing it, still smiling, only noticing when they feel they tears streaming down their face, and reach up to touch their cheek in confusion.
35. Which party member do they worry for? Defs Maco. He’s young and seems naïve, so if there’s anyone Zarus would have the sense to actually worry over, it’s him.
37. What is their favorite thing to hold? Ooooh. Probably an old, worn leather-bound book, whether that’s a journal or a published tome. It would bring them a sense of familiarity and comfort.
39. Are their hands calloused, soft, or something else entirely? Their left hand and forearm are covered with burn scars, while their right is surprisingly soft for a druid, not nearly as calloused as you’d expect from someone who travels the wilderness.
41. What are they attracted to in other people? (also answered this one in the previous post~)
43. Why do they fight? I guess… why not? They aren’t exactly into fighting, but they’re definitely capable, so if the situation calls for it they will fight, especially if their companions are. But they don’t exactly fight to protect themself, and would just as readily try to talk their way out of a situation.
45. How do they hug people? Another interesting one! I think it’s been a long time since anyone actually hugged Zarus. Despite being more of an extrovert, they don’t always spend much time around people, and Zarus can be a little… off-putting. I think he’d melt into a hug, eager to share in the rare warmth and companionship – and having no sense of personal boundaries and how long a hug should last or how closely he should wind the other person in his arms or vice versa.
47. When they meet someone, what is the first thing they notice? How kind they are. Do they treat him with kindness, or disdain? Because the latter isn’t going to win that person any brownie points with Zarus, though they may not say it. Anything else – appearance, social standing, scars, etc – that’s all extra, and typically not of concern.
49. What makes them smile? Lots of things. Zarus is smiling, like, 90% of the time, even if it’s a small smile (and probably somewhat unnerving). One of the rare times they’re not smiling is when they’re pondering something. They’re definitely smiling when they’re mad or offended, there’s just more of an edge to it that an observer might not catch.
51. What is the most beautiful thing in the world, for them? Oh wow. I think… life, continuing on uninterrupted. TW for some gory descriptions for this one. ((A bird with a stick fused into it’s wing that still manages to fly, a deer whose antlers are tangled with the head of another, trapped in an endless battle until it sheds its antlers, flowers and fungi sprouting between the bones of a carcass, the decaying corpse of a whale that brings so much new life to the scavengers who feast on it. There’s beauty in death, and in the unstoppable circle of life – and it’s a privilege to them to hold such a special place in it.)) On a more… traditional note, they definitely do like pretty flowers, and thunderstorms.
53. Which is more frightening to them: day or night? Honestly… I think the bright light of day. There’s comfort and familiarity in the darkness, a sense of home. But in the harsh daylight that hurts their eyes, everything is so stark and clear, and deep down it triggers discomfort, of what they should recall but don’t.
55. Whose hand do they reach out for? Currently? Cabal. They’ve helped him to his feet more than once, and he trusts them. It won’t take long for this to apply to his party, as well, but right now Cabal is instinctually the first one he’d reach for. For the party it will probably be Grimshaw first, since he’s been the most protective of Zarus (even if he doesn’t exactly deem it necessary).
57. What makes them angry? Being talked down to certainly grinds his gears. Zarus is actually decently intelligent, but no matter what, being disrespected and treated like he’s beneath someone sparks his anger, especially considering his backstory.
59. What is a quiet passion of theirs? Making flower crowns, and to a lesser extent, origami. They also very much enjoy sketching various flora and recording information about it, but there’s a sense of work to that as well as passion. Also, fashion. They very much enjoy dressing up, they just rarely have reason to.
61. What kind of flower would they choose to pick from a meadow? Literally every flower they could find. They’d either pick none, leaving them to grow, or one of each variety (including colour variations). They are very passionate about flowers and flora, so if they started they wouldn’t be able to resist picking one of each.
63. What fight has scared them the most? They’ve only been in a few fights in-game so far, and it’s very hard to genuinely scare Zarus. There is one from their past that would, but that’s getting into spoiler territory ;)
65. What is holding them back? Their unwillingness to accept that anything is wrong.
67. What makes them laugh? Much the same as smiling, it isn’t difficult to make Zarus laugh. They’re quite cheery, so if someone tells a bad joke or makes a clever quip, they defs laugh at it (even when doing so would be impolite).
69. How would they describe their party members? (aaand I answered this one in the previous post as well, so that’s it!)
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molsno · 4 years
I’m skipping the middleman on that trans ask game and just answering all the questions myself <3
this is long so it’s under a read more
1. How did you choose your name?
in senior year of high school, while I was in french class, I was thinking about the word vivre, to live, and how it conjugated. I forget what tense it is, but one way of conjugating it is “nous vivions”, and it dawned on me that the name vivian is based on the word vivre (or its latin origin). of course, I already liked the name due to the character from paper mario ttyd, but knowing that it means life really spoke to me, as I think the ability to live is a precious thing that shouldn’t be wasted. I decided pretty much then and there that I would name my daughter vivian some day. well... then I got the chance to play a character in my friend’s danganronpa killing game, and I thought playing a girl would be interesting. granted, I also already knew I was an egg and saw this as an opportunity to try out my favorite name, so I created vivian tamochi. as you might have guessed, I loved being her so much that I made vivian my actual name
2. What gives you the most dysphoria?
um, hearing recordings of my own voice probably. I always think that I sound very feminine but then I hear a recording of myself and it sounds like a bad impression
3. Do you have more physical dysphoria or more social dysphoria?
more social I guess? actually yeah I think all of the dysphoria-induced breakdowns I’ve had have been because of social things
4. What do you do to perform self-care when you’re feeling dysphoric?
something that helps a lot is shaving, especially when it’s a fullbody shave
5. What was the first time you suspected you were transgender?
this is a bit embarrassing but it was honestly christmas eve 2018. I saw my little cousin (I think she was 8 at the time) wearing a pretty dress and I felt sort of jealous that I never got to do that when I was her age. I was so confused about this feeling that I told my trans friend kyra about it and after asking me to clarify what I meant she linked me to the egg_irl subreddit. that was the first time I seriously considered it
6. When did you realize you were transgender?
I told my friend amanda how I’d been confused about my gender and she offered to take me to goodwill to try on some clothes. I was extremely nervous about it while we were there and I really had to work up the courage to not only pick out some clothes to try, but also take them to the fitting room with me. but once I put on a skirt for the first time I stood there for like a solid 5 minutes just looking at myself in the mirror with the biggest happiest smile on my face. in that moment I finally understood what gender euphoria was. I couldn’t deny I was trans any longer, it was just a matter of working up the courage to tell people
7. What is your favorite part of being transgender?
um, probably that I feel like a person now. also the little things, like seeing my hips get bigger or looking at how long my hair has gotten. just little things to smile about!
8. How would you explain your gender identity to others?
um, I’m girl <3
9. How did you come out? If you didn’t come out, why do you stay in the closet? Or what happened when you were outed?
I mean it depends on who, but I decided to do it on national coming out day 2019, in my discord server with friends. basically I commented on it being national coming out day and reposted my intro in the introductions channel with my new name and pronouns. everyone there sorta saw it coming I’m pretty sure
10. What have your experiences been with packing or tucking?
I’ve tucked a few times in public. it’s uncomfortable for sure, but not terrible once you get used to it. the idea of it made me squeamish at first, I’ll admit. but since I haven’t had much excuse to go out in girlmode the past year or so, I haven’t tucked much
11. What are your experiences with binding or wearing breast forms?
the closest I’ve ever gotten to wearing breast forms is wearing a bra every day for..... almost a year now? it doesn’t serve much purpose other than letting me feel something there, though that is changing since I’ve been on hrt for several months
12. Do you pass?
I mean... probably not? I feel like I’m very visibly trans. there have been like two times where I’ve been gendered correctly in public (one in girlmode, one not) but those are extremely rare
13. What (if any) steps do you want to take to medically transition?
well I’ve been on hrt for 8 months now so that’s one thing. I want to get laser hair removal for my facial hair because that’s one of the biggest sources of dysphoria for me, but yknow. that’s expensive! according to my understanding my insurance supposedly should cover bottom surgery, but I’m honestly in no rush to get that. I don’t really have much bottom dysphoria, but it would be nice to get surgery some day
14. How long have you been out?
it’s been about a year and two months now...... time flies
15. What labels have you used before you’ve settled on your current set?
up until I was like 17 I was incredibly insistent on being cis and straight despite very obvious (in retrospect) signs to the contrary. around 18 I was very confused why all my friends were lgbt in some form and also I kinda started realizing I don’t mind dick, and I thought it would all make sense if I was bi. I identified as cis and bi for like 4 years or so but the longer it went on the more wrong it felt considering I had never once during that time been attracted to a man
16. Have you ever experienced transphobia?
surprisingly not really? the most transphobia I’ve experienced has been a result of automated processes like proctored testing or emails. of course, I’ve seen all the nasty shit that terfs say about people like me, but I’ve never been a victim of it directly
17. What do you do when you have to go to the bathroom in public?
if there is a universal restroom that I can lock from inside then I use that. if not, I sigh dramatically and sadly use the men’s room
18. How does your family feel about your trans identity?
truthfully I don’t know. my mom seems accepting enough, but with the pandemic going on I haven’t talked to her much. I know my sister is aware, and shockingly she seems supportive too, but we haven’t talked about it in depth
19. Would you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth?
if I could go stealth I would. I’m sorry but I don’t want to be visibly trans
20. What do you wish you could have shared with your younger self about being trans?
the sooner you start transitioning the happier you’ll be. by denying this part of yourself you’re just making yourself miserable
21. Why do you use the pronouns you use?
she/her makes me happiest. I’ve (against my will, mind you) used they/them and been called molsno in a group that I wasn’t out in, and..... it made me feel..... distant, I guess? it was better than he/him, but it felt much less personal
22. Do your neurodivergencies and/or disabilities affect your gender?
I mean...... yeah? as a trans lesbian it’s very easy for me to hate masculinity given how it’s instilled nothing but negative feelings in me literally my entire life, and being autistic makes it harder to understand how the things I say about gender negatively impact the people around me
23. What’s your biggest trans-related fear?
the fear that I may never be able to believe I can be loved as a woman, probably
24. What medical, social, or personal steps have you already taken to start your transition?
coming out nearly everywhere and getting on hrt!
25. What do you wish cis people understood?
I desperately wish cis people understood even the basics of trans issues. still to this day many cis people don’t even know the right terminology to use for trans people. they think “trans man” and “trans woman” mean the opposite of what they actually mean and that’s just so goddamn frustrating. many of them think transitioning is just bottom surgery and that’s it. like, they don’t know anything about hrt. cis people please educate yourselves on trans issues I’m begging you
26. What impact has being trans had on your life?
it’s affected many aspects of my life but I think the biggest one is that I feel like a person now. I always felt like a robot, or like someone putting on a performance before, but I feel like a human being now
27. What do you do to validate yourself?
ummm... not much really. I guess one thing that has helped is making my character astrid trans? because if I ever think something bad about myself I can stop myself and ask if I would think the same thing about her, and of course the answer is no.
28. How do you feel about trans representation in media?
it’s bad. trans women very rarely get any positive representation. like the only transfem characters that come to mind that I think were handled well were lily hoshikawa from zombieland saga and vivian from paper mario (although even that’s debatable given the english censorship about her gender and the way beldam abuses her in japanese). meanwhile nonbinary representation consists almost exclusively of aliens, shapeshifters, robots, etc. and trans men get literally nothing. like. trans representation is just so abysmal it’s not even funny
29. Who is your favorite trans celebrity?
umm....... I don’t really care about celebrities lol. if I were to answer this question it would be “oh yes I’ve heard of these people”
30. Who is the transgender person who has influenced you the most?
gosh, how could I ever decide? most of my friends are trans so it’s hard to say but if I had to answer.... my friends kyra and modeus were probably the most helpful when I was figuring myself out
31. How are you involved with the trans community, IRL or online?
mostly online
32. How do you see yourself identifying and presenting in 5 years?
I’ll almost certainly still be a woman, and hopefully my transition will have gone well enough that I’ll be able to pass
33. What trans issue are you most passionate about?
healthcare. the difficulty so many people face with getting access to trans healthcare is ridiculous and discriminatory. I’ve written essays for school about this topic and they were the easiest essays I’ve had to write because of how passionate I am about this
34. What advice would you give to other trans people, or what message would you like to share with them?
pick your head up queen/king/royal, your cat ears are falling down
35. How do you feel your gender interacts with your race, disability, class, weight, etc. from the perspective of intersectionality?
well I’m white, able bodied, average weight, and I’m about to get a degree in computer science, so I have a lot of privilege that other trans people don’t have. I fully recognize that. it breaks my heart that so many less privileged trans people, particularly trans women of color, are murdered and never even get the justice they deserve. I wish there was more I could do to stop it, but privileged as I am, I’m only one person. I want everyone to be aware of who the major victims of transphobia are. look out for black trans women especially, they need your protection and support most of all
36. What, if any, is the difference between your gender identity and your gender expression?
not much. I’m a woman with a very feminine gender expression, when I’m free to be. the biggest feminine thing that I don’t do is makeup, but that’s more due to dysphoria rather than a distaste for it
37. Do you feel more masculine, feminine, or neither?
feminine uwu
38. What is your sexual and romantic orientation, and what are your thoughts on it?
I am a lesbian and that is very epic of me. I love girls and seeing girls in love makes me happy and imagining myself as a girl in love with another girl makes me even happier
39. Is your ideal partner also trans, or do you not have a preference?
I always hate admitting this, but due to personal reasons, my ideal partner is cis. this is mostly because I very much want to have biological children, and that’s simply not possible with another trans woman. I wouldn’t rule out an afab nonbinary person entirely, it just really depends on how comfortable said person is with femininity and also how they feel about dating a lesbian. if not for my desire to have kids (which is not something I’m willing to compromise on since it has been my lifelong dream) I would have a lot more options. truth be told, cis women kind of scare me, and it would be so much easier to date someone who fundamentally understands what it’s like to be trans. but biology is cruel unfortunately
40. How did/do you manage waiting to transition?
it was incredibly difficult. thankfully, it didn’t last very long. I only had to wait about 6 months, and most of that time was spent waiting until I was able to bank sperm because I didn’t want to risk becoming permanently infertile after starting hrt
41. What is the place (blog, website, forum, IRL space) you get most of your info on being trans or on trans related things?
ngl...... reddit. the trans boards have many, many helpful resources for transfem people. I don’t really go there anymore but it was immensely helpful in the early stages
42. Do you interact with other trans people IRL?
I mean..... yeah, but not very much anymore on account of the pandemic. I made a few trans friends junior year of college and we still talk occasionally, but it’s been several months since I last saw them all
43. Are you involved in any trans-related activism?
not really 😔
44. Free space! Answer any question you want, or make up your own question to answer.
“Wow Vivi how come you’re so epic?”
I was born this way <3
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 35
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- note for this chapter: i feel like not many things happened and i’m sorry. i promise more will happen asap. more smut too. there will be some in the next chapter and some also in chapter 38 or something. more things will happen and at some point i’ll skip a few weeks too. i just want to show that theyre getting closer and closer with time. i really hope this chapter isnt a disappointment. here are the ‘requests’ i added btw. (i know theyre not exactly what was asked but hey, i tried lol)
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Chapter 35 : Her chapter
We were all talking and laughing as gifts were exchanged but most of the time, my eyes would go back to look at Niall, sitting on the couch, legs spread, in his black pants, dress shirt and tie. I felt so happy to be with him at this exact moment in this specific place and surprisingly, he seemed just as happy as i was. It was hard to believe and if someone had told me that I would be dating Niall by now, I would have laughed, but it was true, it was now my reality, and I never thought my reality could be my dream coming true.
He caught me looking at him and raised his eyebrows with a smirk. I smiled more, feeling slightly embarrassed, and looked down before looking back up in his eyes. I never wanted this to end. I jumped slightly when Theo sat on my lap and chuckled a bit, wrapping my arms around him and kissing the top of his head. I've always loved kids and this tiny version of the Horan brothers was bringing inside me a sensation of intense love.
"Show me what Santa got you." I just said before he proceeded to hand me all the gifts he had received quickly.
I slipped my hand in his hair gently and sent him a smile before he got off of me to run to my boyfriend. I breathed in, feeling uncomfortable in these clothes and wishing I could just put sweatpants on, and finally got up to get in the kitchen.
"Can I help you with anything?" I proposed as Maura turned to look at me, her lips curling immediately when our eyes met.
"No, no darling," she shook her head with a chuckle. "I just needed more wine."
I laughed and nodded as she poured an other glass and handed it to me. I let out a short sigh, a smile still on my lips, and took it from her hands before taking a sip.
"You didn't have to be nervous." she finally let out as I leaned my side on the counter next to me. "We're all very happy that you two are finally together."
"Except Bobby." I joked with a laugh. "He lost his bet."
Maura laughed again and shook her head.
"No, he just hoped it would have taken a bit more time."
I frowned, not really understanding what she meant, and tilted my head.
"Oh we both knew you'd end up together." she explained, raising her eyebrows. "I guessed it would be this year, after tour. Bobby said it would be late next year, that it would take Niall more time to admit to his feelings. I guess he underestimated his son."
I let out a surprised chuckle and my lips parted as my shoulders fell. It was incredible and such a relief to realize that my beliefs were shared, that I was not the only one who thought all these years that Niall and I were meant to be.
"Tell me he did something big to ask you."
This time, I laughed, pushing away the bet Niall's parents had made to bring me back to the day where Niall sang that song to me in a bar in front of all of our friends and a bunch of strangers.
"I told him first, and then a few days later yea, he did something big." I admitted with a nod.
"You told him your feelings first?" she expressed, raising her eyebrows and laughing. "That's why I won."
I closed my eyes and laughed too, taking an other sip of wine. It made me wonder how long it would have taken us to get into a relationship if I hadn't told him how I felt... What if I had told him before? Would we be together?
"It was that obvious, wasn't it?"
I didn't have to say anything else, she knew exactly what I was talking about, and she raised her nose slightly before nodding.
"Why didn't he see it?" I added in a low tone, mostly asking myself. I frowned and looked down until I heard Maura talk again.
"He was stuck in his routine and what he was always used to do." she just pointed out. "You were his best friend, that was his certitude, why should he change that, you know? Why should he think about you any other way? By telling him how you felt you forced him to consider you as more than his best friend. Clearly he felt the same and it was obvious since you said it only took him a few days."
I nodded very slowly and looked down at the glass in my hand.
"I should have told him before." I confessed in a whisper. "We lost so much time."
I felt her take a step closer to me but didn't dare looking up. I just breathed deeply in and sighed a bit too loud.
"Maybe he was not ready before."
I held my breath and looked up at her. The look she was sending me was a mix of compassion, happiness and amusement and it hit me how similar she and Niall were, both physically and mentally. I thought about all we went through, all the memories we had, recent or old, and how much every single one of them meant the world to me. I thought about how much i've hurt, how hard some days were, how many tears I cried... I would do it all over again if it was to end up with that same result. I wouldn't change anything from our story, and I knew we were exactly where we were supposed to be, at the right time.
"Maybe I was not ready either." I admitted, licking my lips. "But I am now."
The door closed behind a tired Bobby and when Maura turned back to us, she raised her eyebrows. Her eyes moved from her son to me and then back to him and she sighed with a smile, bringing Niall closer into a hug before kissing his cheek.
"I guess you won't need that second mattress, right?"
I felt my heart jump in my chest out of embarrassment but Niall only chuckled.
"Nop, but thanks mom."
"Alright, well i'm tired, Chris and I are going to bed." she said after yawning. "Goodnight, and don't stay up too late, okay?"
I laughed when she raised her eyebrows and we finally got upstairs in silence. I yawned too as we walked to my boyfriend's old room but he stopped abruptly right in front of his door. I almost bumped into him and he turned around, looking down at me with a smile.
"Wait, you forgot something."
I frowned but as I was about to ask what he meant, he pointed up and I looked over our heads only to see mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. I shook my head with a chuckle, staring at it for a few seconds before looking back at him. This time, he was smirking, and I tilted my head.
"Did you set this up?"
"No, it got there magically." he let out jokingly before laughing. "Of course I set this up."
"You know you don't need mistletoe to kiss me, right?" I teased too, laughing a bit.
"Just to be sure," he started, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. "I thought about putting some all around my house."
"Oh i'd love to see that." I laughed again but this time it was cut short when he pressed his lips on mine firmly.
He deepened the kiss and It took me all my strength not to whimper in his mouth. His lips traveled down my neck and it made me smile. I wanted him so bad I felt my whole body on fire but I didn't want to do this here, in his mom's house, especially not for our first time.
"Let's get in your room, okay?" I proposed in a low tone. "I'd kill for a pair of sweatpants."
He laughed against the skin of my neck but finally nodded and I followed him in his room, closing the door behind us. I searched through my stuff to find a t-shirt and sweatpants but when I got back up, I felt Niall's hands on my waist from behind and his lips were back on my neck, making goosebumps appear on my skin.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but you look very nice in that dress." he whispered. I felt his teeth nibbling my neck gently and I bit my bottom lip hard. "Kind of like that time you wore a skirt on that double date?"
The thought made my heart skip a beat and all I could remember from that day was how his fingers kept drawing circles on my knee and that he had asked Harry to switch place with me so we could be sitting next to each other.
"Niall, we're at your mom's." I pointed out in a whisper, closing my eyes and hoping my words would convince him because I had a hard time to convince myself. "She could hear."
"I know petal, but you turn me on so bad." To prove his point, he pushed his hips closer and I felt his hard cock press against my ass, making me hold my breath.
I wanted him too, so bad that it almost hurt, but I still took a step further, turning around as he groaned and grimaced. I smiled more when he opened his eyes and sighed but his eyes roamed on me for a while before he just gave up.
"I'll put my sweatpants on." I proposed with a smile. "That way you won't be turned on because of that dress."
He laughed and shook his head before sitting on the bed.
"Because you think you don't turn me on in your sweatpants?"
I stared at him for a few seconds, feeling a wave of love invading me suddenly. Thinking that I turned him on was surreal but I realized his feelings for me were real with his last words. He lusted me when I was all dressed up, but he also lusted me when I was in sweatpants and a baggy shirt and for some reason, that made me feel more beautiful than I ever felt in my whole life.
"Come on, turn around while I get undressed."
"Of course." he laughed, putting his hand over his eyes before spreading his fingers to peek.
"Pervert." I let out with a smile.
"Hey, nothing I haven't seen in the shower this morning darling."
That thought made my heart jump in my chest but I just rolled my eyes and turned around, taking my dress off and letting it fall on the floor. I grabbed the t-shirt and put it on before taking off my panties and putting my sweatpants on. I finally turned around only to see him staring at him with a smirk, his head slightly tilted.
"You forgot the bra." he pointed out. "Looks like you're gonna have to take that shirt off again to show me what's under it."
"Don't be silly." I frowned with a smile, reaching my back with both hands to unclasp my bra before taking the straps down and pulling on it.
He grimaced when I let my bra fall on the floor with the rest of my clothes and it made me laugh again. I walked to him slowly, putting one of my knees next to his thigh on the bed before straddling him completely, sitting on his lap. I could feel his eyes search for mine but I simply bit my bottom lip and started unbuttoning his shirt.
"Let me help you." I just murmured, knowing way too well that I was torturing both of us and that it would be tough to stop ourselves again.
I undid his tie when I was done and pushed the shirt off his shoulders before taking the tie off and dropping it on the floor. I felt a shiver cross my back as my hands ran on his skin and it made him chuckle.
"Look who's all over the other now." he pointed out, making me look up in his eyes.
My lips curled and I ran my tongue on the bottom one as my eyes roamed on his face. He was right, I wanted him as much as he wanted me... probably even more, but I was still scared.
"Can I ask you something serious and get a serious answer?" I asked after my eyes fell down on my hands still placed on his chest.
One of his hands reached mine and squeezed my fingers, making me look back up in his eyes. He was pretty, so pretty i felt my heart twist in my chest at how lucky I was.
"You can ask me anything." he let out in a whisper, making my eyes soften a bit.
"Let's say we have sex." I started, licking my lips and curling his into a smirk.
"Let's say we do." he repeated with a hint of amusement.
"What tells me that you won't..." I shrugged and looked down again. "I don't know.. leave me after?"
"Why would I do that?" he asked.
I could hear the confusion and the hurt in the tone of his voice and I breathed in before staring up in his eyes again. I felt stupid for even asking but I just had to. I needed more reassurance than I thought I would and even if I hated it, I couldn't help it.
"Because you didn't like it, or because you realized all this was just lust, something like that?"
Silence fell between us and all I could hear was the beating of my heart accelerating. We remained quiet for about a minute and he finally talked, making my heart jump in my chest again.
"What you said earlier at the park... that you can't remember ever not loving me.. that you loved me through all those memories, through all these years..." he stopped and sighed. "Liv, you're my best friend. You think i'd do something like that to you? We both risked out friendship because we both know that this... what we have... it's real and deep and it's worth it. I thought I only lusted you but it was just because... I didn't want to admit to myself how deeply in love with you I am."
My eyes opened wider at his confession and he squeezed my hands again. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to keep my tears in, but I knew I was tearing up and that he could see it.
"Something clicked after the tour. Something was different. It took me a while to realize it and a while to accept it too." he shrugged a shoulder still staring at me. "But you make me happy, you make me feel something I never felt before, and this is real."
Slowly, I brought one of my hands to his jaw and ran my thumb on his bottom lip. We were just two stupid kids back then and I was just a loser in love with her best friend. Now was different, we were different and we were together.
"I loved you through everything." I whispered, not out of shame but because I was scared my voice would crack. "I fell asleep thinking of you and woke up with you on my mind. Sometimes I felt like I was going insane and that I would never get over you. I ruined relationships on purpose, I was jealous, pathetic and sometimes a bad friend. I would have done anything Niall. Any fucking thing. Does that scare you?"
He shook his head lightly, still looking in my eyes.
"I'm so sorry I've hurt you." he let out just as low. "I didn't know you loved me like that, I didn't know you kept all those feelings inside, behind that wall. I love you too. I promise to repeat it often enough to ease all the pain you felt through the years."
I felt a tear run down my cheek and he quickly let go of my hand to wipe it.
"So to answer your question, no." he added, licking his lips. "No, I won't leave you. No it's not just lust. No, you don't have to be scared, or self-conscious, or jealous. If I could make you feel all the love I have for you I would, and I promise you'd never doubt it again."
I got closer and pressed my lips against his. He answered the kiss, quickly deepening it but still going slow as his arms wrapped around me. He turned us around and my back fell on the mattress as he crawled on top of me, his lips still pressed on mine. I could feel my whole body throb at the intense moment we were living and all I could think about was that he was in love with me. I was not imagining it, he had used these words and I was ecstatic. I pulled him closer and whimpered low when his hips ground against mine, setting my whole body on fire.
"Not here." I whispered, pulling away slightly but with difficulty.
"Not here." he repeated, panting lightly against my mouth.
We both smiled and he peeled his body off of mine and lied down next to me on his back, chuckling low.
"Give me a few minutes to cool down will you?" he added, laughing again as I closed my eyes, searching for his hand on the bed.
We stopped talking for a long time and I finally decided to get up to turn the lights off before getting back in bed with him. He had taken his pants down and was now laying next to me, under the covers, in only his boxers.
"Do you want kids?" I let out a bit randomly as a bunch of thoughts run in my mind.
"You know I do." he expressed, turning his head my way before I did the same.
"No I mean, do you want kids with me?"
The right corner of his lips moved up and he raised his eyebrows a bit.
"Not now." he admitted, turning his body and bringing his arm around my waist to pull me closer. "But later, yea. Plus, I love seeing you with Theo, i'm sure he'll grow up to adore you. Not as much as I do but still."
I laughed and rolled my eyes but the truth was, I liked his answers. He made me feel good with every single words he said and he didn't even try. He was just being Niall and it made all of it even better.
"Maybe we can practice when we get back home?"
His eyes studied me for a while, a smile still drawn on his lips and he just licked them, holding me tighter against him.
"Only if you feel ready."
The way he cared about me made something stir in my stomach and I smiled back.
"I am."
This time, the airport was crowded and I cursed at myself mentally for not bringing a pair of sunglasses. I did everything I could to hide myself a bit behind Niall but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer the way he always did. I knew he did it to keep me close to him and to make sure we wouldn't lose sight of each other but it made me extremely nervous. I tried to ignore the flashes from the camera and the paparazzis yelling at Niall to look his way but it was not easy. I groaned low as security tried to help us reach the gate but I let out a louder than intended 'ow!' when someone literally pulled my hair. I took a mental note to tie it from now on and maybe even hide it in my hoodie but I felt Niall grab my hand and intertwine our fingers. It suddenly made me feel better and it's only when we sat down in the plane that I felt stress cool down a bit. Our palms were sweating against the other's but I didn't want to let go of his hand and I held it even tighter.
"Did someone hurt you back there?" he asked, genuinely concerned and a bit pissed.
I grimaced and shrugged, leaning against my seat and closing my eyes.
"Yea someone just pulled my hair. Hard." I admitted with an other groan. "I hate people."
"Wait, someone fucking pulled your hair?"
He had moved closer to me and I shrugged again, trying not to make a big deal out of it. I felt a bit stupid and I was not sure why but I didn't want to show it.
"A fan or a pap?"
"I don't know."
He let go of my hand quickly and grabbed his phone, typing something quickly and a bit roughly on his phone, making me frown. It's only when I got a notification that I understood he had tweeted something about it.
'I'll say this once and hope it gets through everyone's head. dont. hurt. my. girlfriend.'
I felt my heart melt and a ridiculous smile appeared on my lips. It was the very first time Niall was calling me his girlfriend on social medias and I liked it, I liked it more than I probably should. I couldn't pretend I was not happy that my own profile was private though. I didn't even want to imagine all the hate I would be getting if it was public.
"Is it okay?" he asked, making me look up in his eyes and smile. "I can delete it if you want."
"Delete the first time you call me your girlfriend officially online? No way!"
We both laughed and I leaned my head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand on mine again. He brought them on his thigh and I stared at our fingers as his thumb brushed gently against the top of my hand.
"That's not too much PDA?" I asked low with a smirk.
"No." he whispered back. "Just enough."
I laughed again, feeling relaxed and safer now, and he placed his head on top of mine. I couldn't wait to be back home but at the same time, I felt home anyway and I realized it was because my home was literally sitting right next to me. It was dangerous to give someone so much power over you and your happiness but I couldn't help it. With Niall, every moment, every smell, every feeling was better. I thought about the few days we spent at his mom’s and how everyone had been so nice to me and so happy for us. I thought about the fact that I literally told him we'd have sex as soon as we'd get back home and it made me febrile. I was excited, nervous but mostly incredibly happy. I couldn't wait to be myself again when it came to sex. I was not the type to be shy and I loved trying new things but with Niall, all I could think about was how he was seeing me and what he was thinking. It was adding limits and boundaries to our relationship and I hated it.
"Are you part of the mile high club?" I suddenly asked.
He took his head away and I turned mine, raising my eyebrows at him. He looked at me amused again and he just chuckled, his eyes scanning me.
"Not yet, are you?"
"Don't be silly, of course I'm not." I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.
"I don't think our first time-"
"Not now, no!" I cut him quickly but quickly relaxed. "But, someday, maybe?" I proposed with a shrug.
"Oh definitely." he replied in a low tone with a hint of eagerness. "I want to try many things with you. Not just sexually. I want a bunch of firsts with you. And then I want us to do it again."
Without giving me time to answer, he pressed his lips on mine and I chuckled against his mouth. I felt my whole body quiver slightly at the thought of everything our future was holding and I realized it was shivers of impatience. I couldn't want to live my life with him.
"We will."
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thecomedybureau · 5 years
The 100 Best Things in Comedy We Were Witness to In No Particular Order of 2019
OK, 2019′s officially over and we’ve wrangled our 100 truly favorite things in and around comedy (and it really spans all of comedy) that are not ranked whatsoever. It’s just like the title says and, it’s, as it is every year, quite long, so we won’t waste any more time with this intro. 
Oh, in case you forgot and/or curious and/or need a quick refresher, here’s our 2018 list. 
1. Rory Scovel Live Without Fear-This documentary follows Rory Scovel and his journey through six nights of completely improvised hour sets. In a single word, it’s inspiring. You see the way Scovel truly connects the audience and keeps it that way through his indelible charm and endless curiosity. The near unbelievable story of the Relapse Theater in Atlanta is also beautifully threaded in the doc as well. The clips of the improvised performances capture the magic that stand-up comedy can be that’s absent from the majority of comedy specials. You should be required to see this whenever and wherever it comes if you have any level of interest in comedy at all. 
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2. Naomi Ekperigin-From her own stand-up, to her podcast with husband Andy Beckerman, Couples Therapy, and her writing across TV, and everything else she does, Naomi is such an thoroughly commanding, yet delightful presence that we love seeing every time anywhere (and she should already be way bigger of a star already).
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3. Cait Raft’s Presentation on “Bradley Cooper’s a Star Is Born Takes Place in an Alternate Reality Where 9/11 Never Happened”-Witnessing the imagination of Cait Raft up close was a privilege for us. This amazing dissection of the zeitgeist left us in stitches and with our mouth agape for how thoroughly it proved its point.
4. Corporate Season 2-The second season of the ultra dark workplace comedy delivered once again on its hysterical nihilistic satire that’s so prescient, yet still so unbelievably funny.
5. Mom-Prov Presents Family Therapy-Improviser Izzy Roland was daring enough to have her mom and her grandmother, both of whom are also in showbiz, to join her on stage for one of the most madcap, fourth wall-breaking, entertaining improv shows we’ve seen all throughout 2019.
6. Jena Friedman-So, this year, Jena delivered yet again with her subtle delivery and calm demeanor that hides her absolutely killer jokes. The follow-up to her Adult Swim special, Soft Focus, upped the ante with an interview of a gun-toting John McAffee and her brilliant Conan set about everyone’s true crime obsession.
7. Brendon Walsh’s Afternoon Delight-This last year, Brendon Walsh let everyone know that he was and still is one of the best at pulling prank calls, which is so much harder now than it was even ten years ago. This live show actually has Brendon place live prank calls in between stand-ups and the ride you go on is absolutely thrilling.
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8. Jacqueline Novak’s Get on Your Knees-Novak’s solo show has more than earned its spot as an Off-Broadway show with bringing such an exquisite, almost never before seen comedic sensibility to the topic of blow jobs.
9. #F*ckF*ckJerry-Props to Vulture Senior Editor Megh Wright for sparking the fire to take out the egregious social media accounts of F*ck Jerry that just lifted jokes from comedians all across the Internet without pay or attribution.
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10. Lorelei Ramirez-We’ve known distantly about Lorelei Ramirez for so many years, but seeing them up close was a breathtaking experience that had us laughing so hard. Their artistry in comedy that gracefully borders on performance art and even horror is absolutely inspiring.
11. Aaron Urist-Denver’s Aaron Urist is such a killer joke writer and joke teller and has been for years. We just were reminded about that with his burning bush joke during his latest LA trip.
12. Booksmart-Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut was not only a reinvigorated take on movies that specifically hone in on the end of high school, but also had a sincerely hopeful vision of the future generation. We hope that Booksmart finds its way to the top of the coming-of-age comedy films pantheon.
13. Rachel Mac on Lights Out-One of the highlights of Lights Out with David Spade is how unfiltered and raunchy they let comics get during their sets on the show. Rachel Mac took that amount of comedic license and thrived in getting into the nitty gritty about her last teaching job.
14. What We Do In The Shadows-The FX TV adaptation of the seminal Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement film in 2014 exceedingly succeeds in nailing the comedy of minutia in the world of the undead that also happens to be in a (somewhat) grounded reality.
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15. PEN15-Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle’s vision of 2000 and their performances as teens were so spot on that PEN15 would deserve acclaim just for that. However, the heart of this show made its humor stand out in an ever crowded field of coming-of-age comedy.
16. Tiffany Haddish’s Black Mitzvah-A lot has happened for Tiffany Haddish since her last special (she’s a legit A-list celebrity now), but it’s clear that she is still her unapologetically positively, life loving self. This special is evidence of that, especially with her bit about her New Year’s show that she got undeserved flack for.
17. Straw Men-Lindsay Adams, Danny Palumbo, and Sam Wiles (and producer Kimmie Lucas) put on what is our favorite imagining of a comedic debate that we’ve seen thus far. The encouragement to make the most ridiculous, baseless arguments and being transparent about the whole thing is a golden goose of comedy.
18. The ending of Gloria Bell-Well, we can’t very well give away the ending to this English language dramedy remake from Sebastián Lelio that has Julianne Moore shine as bright as she has ever shone before, but just know that we stood out of our seats, applauding what she did to John Turturro right at the end.
19. I Think You Should Leave-Tim Robinson’s unflinchingly absurd sketch series unequivocally has many of the best sketches of 2019. The hot dog costume and Mexican restaurant sketches will have us busting up through, very likely, the next decade.
20. Les Miz and Friends-Bonkers (and we mean that in the best way possible) doesn’t begin to describe how wild this meta and great this puppet and human hybrid take on the theater institution of Les Miserables. The sheer cleverness on every level is awe-inspiring. 
21. Dave Ross’ The Only Man Who Has Ever Had Sex-Ross has been a longtime favorite of ours for the contrasting bounciness and darkness of his comedy. His debut album captures this dichotomy perfectly.
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22. Nikki Glaser: Bangin’-Nikki Glaser’s first Netflix hour special started off with a bang, pun intended. Her frank, but heartfelt exploration of all facets of sex is so damn funny that Glaser gets away with being as blue as she wants.  
23. Super Dating Simulator-This live, interactive version of various Japanese video game dating simulators is one of the more innovative and surprisingly charming things we saw this year. Creator Sam Weller did a bang-up job not only making a video game work as a stage show, but doing so with a very off-beat sub-genre of video games
24. Emmy Blotnick’s Party Nights-Blotnick’s latest album shows Emmy at the peak of her delightful observational powers. The concept of a “Self-Potato” is just priceless.
25. Tammercise!-Folks in comedy are getting all sorts of clever these days to redefine traditional formats and disciplines and push the art form forward. Madeline Wager does this exquisitely with a solo show of a woman unraveling that doubles as legit aerobics class.
26. The Cherry Orchard w/Chad Damiani and Jet Eveleth-Damiani and Eveleth explore a new angle on postmodern clowning by supposedly doing a Chekov play going through dress rehearsal without any of the players knowing what they’re supposed to do. The back and forth between the live direction and the tomfoolery on stage is truly hysterical.
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27. Bake Stuff with Lindsay LIVE-It’s about time for a comedic cooking show that actually does teach you a wonderful recipe and also explores and resolves(?) childhood trauma. Lindsay Adams’ Bake Stuff with Lindsay, which we indeed saw live, accomplishes all of that and inspires all those watching to cook through their feelings.
28. Shalewa Sharpe’s So, You Just Out Here?-Shalewa imbues homespun wisdom with marvelously colorful descriptions all throughout this very satisfying album.
29. The Amazing Johnathan Documentary from Ben Berman-The Amazing Johnathan’s life story is pretty captivating as is. The story about Ben Berman trying to tell his story amidst several other people trying to tell his story is absolutely engrossing and is somehow all true.
30. Julio Torres’ HBO special “My Favorite Shapes”-Torres’ special is simultaneously one of the most daring and silly hour specials in recent memory and his elevation of prop comedy to a whole new level is to be commended.
31. The Underculture with James Adomian-James Adomian has been one of comedy podcasts’ most in-demand and bright shining stars. It comes as no surprise that his own podcast that revs up all his characters has some of the best, most dynamic, absurdist interviews in political and pop culture satire. 
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32. Daniel Van Kirk’s Thanks Diane/Together Tour-Van Kirk’s first, complete hour that he both toured with and released as an album is so impressive with how deftly Dan manages a balance of sincerity and mischief from wire-to-wire.
33. Conan in Greenland-Conan marvelously turns his travel specials series Conan Without Borders on its head by attempting to buy Greenland based off of Trump’s stupid tweets.
34. Mary Beth Barone’s Drag His Ass: A F*ckboy Treatment Program-Mary Beth Barone’s live show exploration into her dating life is illuminating and hilarious throughout, but the actual interview that she does live with a “f*ckboy” is transcendent.
35. Obvious Plant’s Carnival of Toys-Jeff Wysaski AKA Obvious Plant really outdid himself this year in his quest to permeate everyday reality with a satirical twist. He not only made a whole line of custom toy figures that satirize pop culture on so many levels, but opened up a whole pop-up museum for several days to exhibit them in all of their bizarre glory.
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36. Sports Without Equipment with Coach Keith Alejo-This Dress Up Gang sketch is one of those ideas that are simple, yet so out-of-left-field. Literally, they take sports without equipment to its funniest conclusion.
37. #Squatmelt-Howard Kremer’s desire to keep the spirit of The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail alive has evolved into its own very special thing in the form of a DIY stand-up comedy show/walking tour that periodically migrates around LA.
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38. Catch-22-Trying to adapt such a monumental literary work like Catch-22 is almost a fool’s errand, but writers Luke Davies and David Michôd do a smash-up job for not only bringing Heller’s immortal words to life, but also sticking the landing for all the darkly absurdly comical moments that run rampant throughout the story.
39. Get Rich Nick-Even if they didn’t have the fantastic banter, riffs, and asides from the very funny duo of Nick Turner and Nick Vatterott, this podcast that explores how to make money real quick is one of the best new podcasts of the whole year. Fortunately, Nick and Nick’s humor runs rampant through every episode and makes Get Rich Nick engrossing and makes you actually laugh out loud.
40. MK Paulsen-The comedy of MK Paulsen can be faster than a bullet, but as satisfyingly silly as a gun that shoots a flag with the word ‘bang’ on it. Every time we see him do stand-up, it’s a fun, rollicking ride that’s equal parts offbeat whimsy, clever wordplay, and an agile sense of timing and play.
41. Father Figurine by Matt Kazman-The dour faces of the family in this dark comedy short play to the highest comedic effect perfectly. A dead patriarch and an apathetic family make for some of the best dry humor in 2019.
42. Funk Shuffle-Danny Cymbal, Dennis Curlett, and Michael Gardner comprise Funk Shuffle, an improv group that manages fly freer and more untethered than almost any other improv group that we’ve ever seen. They make their defiance and experimentation with improv forms really work due to the trio’s unflinchingly playful spirit.
43. Gary Gulman’s The Great Depresh-Gulman, as one of comedy’s premier craftsman, of course, delivers an hour of stellar comedy with this special. He also manages, this time around, to destigmatize depression and, in general, be hopeful. That particular comedy trifecta is such an impressive feat that very few can accomplish.
44. Greener Grass-The scope and ambition of Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Luebbe’s directorial debut hints at some really special things to come from them in the future. Their absolutely demented, pastel drenched absurdist vision was a shocking delight through and through.
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45. Jenny Slate’s Stage Fright-Slate’s best comedic strength is her unshakeable vulnerability. This hour special lets Jenny present that trait as intimately as she has ever presented it and gives an in-depth look as to where that hilarious vulnerability comes from. 
46. Heather Anne Campbell swatting a baby out of someone’s hands in an improv scene-At this point, it should come as no surprise that Heather Anne Campbell is one of our absolute all-time favorite people in comedy and thus, she kind of just ends up making it on this list annually on her own someway, somehow. This year, during a performance of her improv group, Heather and Company, we laughed as hard as we’ve ever laughed at Drew DiFonzo Marks initiating a scene by rocking a baby back and forth and then, Heather insanely swatted it out of his hands and stomped on it. It sounds ludicrous, but trust that Heather made that so unbelievably funny. 
47. Adam Cayton-Holland’s Happy Place-Cayton-Holland’s live solo show based on his critically acclaimed book of the same name pulls off oscillating between cleverly wrought and self-aware comedy and some of the most heartbreaking stories you’ll ever hear about his late sister. Holland’s focus and calm make it all miraculously blend together.
48. The Authorized Unauthorized My Favorite Murder Musical-In the world of unauthorized musicals about things that you wouldn’t really think about being adapted into unauthorized musicals (it’s a bigger ever-burgeoning world every month it seems), the staged reading of this My Favorite Murder-inspired musical that we saw was phenomenal. The full stage production to come in 2020 will undoubtedly be something really great. 
49. Pedro Gonzalez-Pedro’s jokes are so expertly written and crafted that you forget that he immigrated to America as a teenager from Colombia and learned English as a second language.
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50. Garry Starr Performs Everything-UK comedian Garry Starr’s solo show is a genius send-up and celebration of theater as a whole. The physicality and the sheer madness of the whole show are so thoroughly hysterical.
51. Kira Soltanovich-We just want to take a moment to appreciate the agility of the comedy of Kira Soltanovich. Not only does Kira play any room or any show as far as we’ve seen, but her drive is just unstoppable (see ep. of The Honey Dew).
52. Mike Birbiglia’s The New One-Though it seems almost too routine that Birbiglia comes out with a new hour special that garners tons of acclaim for its ornate and complex and, ultimately, very satisfying tapestry of stories, Birbiglia delivers exactly once again with one such solo show/special on fatherhood.
53. Michelle Buteau-We saw Michelle headline just a few months ago at Dynasty Typewriter and were reminded of just how good Buteau is. She combines being heartfelt, having a fun bit of attitude, and an absolute command of the stage in such a beautiful way.
54. Gareth Reynolds’ Riddled with Disease-Many folks know how great Gareth is from his madcap riffing on The Dollop, but Reynolds shows he is fantastic with a sharp, hilarious, yet still fast-and-loose-feeling hour.
55. Sara Schaefer’s LIVE LAUGH LOVE-Sara, above most folks working in comedy today, goes to great lengths to be considerate, inclusive, and vulnerable in her comedy and it’s so, so wonderful because of that. This album is yet another great example of that mix.
56. Sean Patton’s Scuttlebutt-Sean Patton’s latest album is a fantastic note to any and all that Sean is, hands down, one of the best comedians ever to spin a yarn (and also share some damn fine true stories) and deserves way more accolade and attention for that now and going forward. 
57. Matt Rogers’ Have You Heard of Christmas?-Rogers had quite a 2019 in putting culture on notice, but his queer and subversive holiday musical extravaganza might be one of the best pieces of holiday themed comedy of all time.
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58. The Chris Gethard Show with Robby Hoffman-Not only does Robby Hoffman keep the punk rock, conventions-be-damned spirit of TCGS alive, but she makes it so much her own and lets her hilarious, domineering persona transform the show into another very special, unique round of controlled chaos.
59. The taping of Eddie Pepitone’s latest special-Eddie’s sound and fury and his irreverent stream-of-consciousness-seeming comedy were flawless in this latest hour. Everyone in attendance, including ourselves, were in stitches for the whole taping. Props to director Steven Feinartz for one of our favorite looks of a special that we saw last year (which you’ll all get to see soon in 2020).
60. Eric Dadourian’s closer on Nebraska 2-Dadourian is always all in for the sake of a real bold, imaginative bit and, as such, pulled off one of our favorite closers of the year on his very first full length album.
61. Jessica Kirson: Talking to Myself-Kirson’s hour special on Comedy Central really let Jessica cut loose and let her showcase her stand-up expertise. From the way that Kirson contorts her face to her deep well of voices/characters to razor-sharp quick wit to, of course, her signature asides to herself, Jessica really kills it in this hour. 
62. Brody Stevens-Long live the “jock doing performance art” comedy (one of our favorite descriptions of Brody’s comedy by his dear friend Zach Galifianakis) and may he rest in peace. Yeeeees! Enjoy It!
63. Byron Bowers on Colbert-Byron Bowers and his clever, yet sincere, dark, vulnerable comedy put up one of our favorite late night sets this year. From the opening to his frank jokes about his dad make us think that it’s just a little crazy that this is his network TV debut.
64. Desus and Mero on Showtime-With the upgrade of being on Showtime, Desus Nice and The Kid Mero are having the most fun in late night with the freshest voices and format (and they’re able to pull that off with only being twice a week).
65. Fleabag Season 2-creator and star Phoebe Waller-Bridge assuredly has more masterpieces ahead of her, but managing to top herself from one masterpiece season of dark romantic dramedy with another one is something that deserves all the accolades and awards that it has gotten.
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66. Kenny DeForest on Corden-Kenny dismantles toxic masculinity so incisively through the whole set that he most certainly earns all the applause breaks he gets the whole way through.
67. Josh Gondelman’s Dancing on a Weeknight-Gondelman is often thought of as one of the best, sweetest people in comedy. This latest album, for all of its being clever and genuine, is proof that he indeed really is that sweet and funny.
68. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 3-The perennial prestige comedy from Amy Sherman-Palladino earns its keep by having some of the best writing (it’s almost impossible to write jokes that are contextualized for the 50s/60s and make them actually funny for 2019 audiences) and also being one of the most gorgeous looking shows in all of television.
69. Nick Ciarelli and Brad Evans-Whether it be pulling pranks on Twitter, their plethora of hysterical sketches doing an impression of Jack FM on shows around town, or their monthly live sketch character showcase Atlantic City, Nick and Brad are a damn fine comedy duo and have been for quite some time. 
70. Caitlin Gill’s Major-It’s quite the magic trick to make an hour of comedy that’s entirely clean and have it being clean not be a thought that you’re thinking about at all when listening or watching it. Caitlin Gill spectacularly does just that with this album as Gill can make all of her earnest rants, imagery, and observations work in any way that she needs to.  
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71. 97.9 The Rat Race-Ben Roy’s satirical reimagining of a morning radio “zoo crew” is so spot on, then gets real twisted to make this one of the most surprising and rewarding podcasts of 2019.
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72. Mike Lane’s Picture Frames-This short film from Lane heightens the idea of remembering those you love after they’ve left this mortal coil to such a ridiculous level every step of the way (and is more and more enjoyably unpredictable the further it goes).
73. Paige Weldon on Corden-Paige’s upbeat self-deprecation is just hard to resist and it makes the best impression in this late night set on The Late Late Show with James Corden.
74. The Righteous Gemstones-Danny McBride’s latest HBO series that darkly and comically dissects the South might be his most ambitious yet, but, of course, he nails it. The constant suspense perpetuated by hysterically tragic characters in the world of televangelists is profound.
75. My Friend Chuck-Comedic erotica author Chuck Tingle (one of the absolutely most unique voices and cadences we’ve heard in awhile) and friend McKenzie Goodwin celebrate their friendship every week for a podcast that’s preposterously funny and, also, more heartwarming than almost anything we’ve heard or seen. 
76. Joey Clift’s Telling People You’re Native American When You’re Not Native Is a Lot Like Telling a Bear You’re a Bear When You’re Not a Bear-Clift makes such biting, pun intended, commentary with this short film/PSA that is also so playful that the message about Native identity will undoubtedly stick with you.
77. Megan Gailey’s My Dad Paid For This-Gailey strikes a wonderful balance of charm and attitude and fervent desire to burn down the patriarchy. Such a mix accents her very delightful observations about herself and the world around her in this marvelous debut album. 
78. Robin Higgins as Baby Yoda at Tournament of Nerds-Higgins might have made one of the best, first attempts at Baby Yoda cosplay. She also, for what’s supposed to be a roast-style competition between fictional/pop culture characters, perfectly imagined how Baby Yoda would roast someone while maintaining Baby Yoda’s sweetness that has captured the hearts and minds of the Internet.
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79. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote-Terry Gilliam went through hell, did a few laps, and came back over several years to get this meta-quixotic tale about reimagining the legendary novel Don Quixote made. The finished film, for us, was worth the wait. 
80. Jo Firestone on The Tonight Show-Jo’s sense of play is so pure and present that it’s kind of irresistible. Combined with a perfect amount of self-deprecation, Jo really delivered a terrific set we’ll probably never get tired of.
81. Paul Rudd continues his time honored tradition of playing that one clip of Mac & Me on Conan-Rudd evolves the arc of this long running bit on Conan where, instead of playing a clip of what he’s on Conan to promote, he plays the same exact clip of the universally panned alien comedy Mac & Me. We all know what’s coming and yet, without the benefit of surprise, Rudd’s annoyance of Conan still keeps on being so damn funny.
82. Billy on the Street featuring Reese and Mariah-This year, we were lucky enough to get two instantly classic episodes of Billy on the Street with Reese Witherspoon and Mariah Carey that gave us our fix for our obsession with Billy Eichner yelling at strangers on the streets of NYC.
83. The Dollop England & UK-As Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds embarked on an entire England & UK tour of The Dollop, they thought it prudent to do a mini-series specific to Great Britain and did a smashing job making fun of British history. The Cyril the Swan episode is particularly brilliant.
84. Lost Moon Radio-The live musical sketch comedy theater troupe (Lost Moon Radio truly lives up to such a description) marked their 10th anniversary and put on an absolutely fantastic “Summer Block Party” this year that both showed that they still got their ingenious musical sketch comedy chops. 
85. Nate Bargatze’s The Tennessee Kid-The calm with which Bargatze pervades all of his comedy is part of what makes it beloved by nearly any and all that see or hear Bargatze’s stand-up. That’s such the case now that Nate gives updates to stories from previous specials on this latest hour. 
86. Beth Stelling on Kimmel-Every detail of this set on Jimmy Kimmel Live is pretty stellar. That includes Beth, in general, for her warm demeanor, smile, and cleverness, the Chippendale’s story, Beth’s mom being there in the crowd, and, of course, the surprise guest at the end. 
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87. Liz Climo’s Please Don’t Eat Me-This illustrated book is just the latest in a long line of uber-adorable and genuinely-funny-for-all-ages books from Climo. Liz seems to have quite the knack for making unlikely animal friendship jokes. 
88. John Hodgman’s Medallion Status-Hodgman’s journey through the various statuses of airline privilege/celebrity is a superb serving of existential humor, done up with Hodgman’s painstaking attention to the exactly right details. 
89. Jane Curtin’s 2019 New Year’s Resolution “My New Year’s Resolution Is To Make Sure The Republican Party Dies”-Said during a CNN interview with the SNL alum, this was the first thing to make us heartily laugh in 2019.
90. Alex Kavutskiy’s Squirrel-Kavutskiy’s short film dives into the concept of forgiveness unlike we’ve really seen and, as is Kavutskiy’s style, is so darkly spellbinding and so pointedly funny at the same time.
91. Astronomy Club: The Sketch Show-The long running comedy troupe known as Astronomy Club really ran with their chance to do a full-fledged sketch series on Netflix. They’re so endlessly clever on in their sketches, especially when it comes to the subjects of identity and oppression, and pack in so many jokes and sight gags that you’ll definitely want to watch it more than once so you don’t miss anything.
92. Dolemite Is My Name-Eddie Murphy seems poised to make a real return to comedy (and stand-up comedy in particular) and this marvelous biopic of comedian and blaxploitation star Rudy Ray Moore AKA Dolemite is the perfect way to start.
93. Anna Drezen on Corden-Drezen has such a perfect sense of farce and misdirection and puts on a beautiful display of those two things from start to finish in this set on The Late Late Show with James Corden. 
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94. BUTT’s Yoda themed dating app sketch-This sketch is so prescient of the resurgence of the world’s current (baby) Yoda obsession. Also, while this is so absurd with its deep dive into various Yoda fan art and cosplay, Joe McAdam and Chris Stephens’ take on dating apps is so sharply and deeply funny. 
95. Mel Brooks Unwrapped-The never ending bit of attempting a documentary between Mel Brooks and the BBC’s Alan Yentob is yet another display of the true, unquestionable genius of Mel Brooks.
96. 50 First Stephs-The amazing, hysterical Steph Tolev kicked off 2019 with a show where 50 or so of her compatriots and contemporaries did various impressions and characterizations of her. Part roast, part loving tribute, part amazing showcase of the depth of creativity in LA comedy, Tolev’s night for herself was something really special.
97. The Bongo Hour with Sandy Honig and Peter Smith-Honig and Smith brought their wild variety show that featured such wonderful bits, characters, drag, and burlesque to LA and showed, truly, how much better life is when you’re fluid about nearly everything.
98. How Did This Get Played?-Hosts Nick Wiger and Heather Anne Campbell and their take on the “worst and weirdest” video games do their namesake, the beloved How Did This Get Made?, proud. Even if you’re not a gamer, the way they dissect the most bizarre video games ever made along with Heather and Nick’s chemistry is very, very enjoyable.
99. Joe Pera Talks With You Season 2-This second season of Joe Pera’s unique talk-to-the-viewer series is so calming that the comedic twists sneak up in the most delightful way possible. There is a certain beauty to Pera’s show that makes us want to have Joe Pera Talks With You playing on a loop in a contemporary art museum.
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100. John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch-John Mulaney does “it”, yet again. “It” being releasing another hour of comedic brilliance that’s so markedly different than whatever he did before, yet, somehow still stamped with an indelible mark of Mulaney’s comedy of obtuse hyper-specificity. 
5 notes · View notes
toxic-lucky · 5 years
All for Viper
1. If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
Ze would probably end up hosting something similar to whatever the hell Wild Kratz were on, but showcases monsters specific to the underground.
2. Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
No to all, too much work and not enough time.
3. If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
Cobra, because snake related and I’m not that creative.
4. How does your oc fare in the dark? Are they scared? Do they trip over things really easily or navigate like they have night vision? (Or do they have night vision?)
Ze has something similar to night vision, because similar to snakes while ze has horrible eyes, ze also sees with UV light instead of the typical spectrum humans see.
5. How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst?
Ze’d be a pretty bad teacher, except for maybe history class.
6. What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
7. Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
8. Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
Ze prefer to be alone due to all the snakes, but ze can deal with 8 or so people without starting to feel uncomfortable.
9. How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why?
Ze has a bit of difficulty talking to new people, but ze ends up powering through it anyways. Make social anxiety your bitch, fellas.
10. How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
Ze’s pretty open to new things as long as ze has someone that ze knows along.
11. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your oc?  Do they still feel ashamed for it? Were there any witnesses?
It probably had to be when one of zir snakes bit Aza as he walked by. They both stared at eachother for a few minutes, and Aza laughed it off. Viper is mortified still to this day, and thinks about it and cringes at random.
12. Does your oc have any best friends? Who was/is their closest friend? What about their worst enemy?
Bowtie/Alex and Scythe/Salem
13. How dangerous is your oc? Are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? Do others know?
Someone to be feared, ze’s a high-rank reaper so ze has quite the reputation.
14. What is your oc’s vision like? Do they require glasses, are they completely blind, or do they have 20/20 vision? Does this have an effect on their life?
Ze’s vision is blurry around the edges and the sunglasses don’t help but ze wear them anyways for safety reasons. This can lead to zir bumping into things accidentally. Zir snakes try to help as much as they can though.
15. What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Ze doesn’t know the difference between the times of day, but lunch is a big one because zir snakes get to eat and it freaks people out.
16. How often does your oc lie? Why is that? What was the biggest lie they’ve ever told?
Ze surprisingly doesn’t lie often simply because ze has no reason to. The biggest lie probably was something like “I didn’t do it.”
17. How well can your oc keep secrets? Is there a difference between how they handle their own vs someone else’s? To what lengths would they go to keep something hidden?
Ze can keep secrets very well, and would go to any lengths even if that means lying or simply avoiding someone. Zir own secrets ze keep to themselves while with others ze will occasionally bring it up to the other person just to make sure everything’s fine depending on the type of secret it is.
18. How does your oc fare in an emergency situation? Do they panic, do they freeze, do they take charge?
Take charge.
19. If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
A legitimate crime of first-degree murder (reapers kill people as a job).
20. What is your oc’s personal hygiene like? Is it important to them? What is their daily routine for this like?
Zir personal hygiene is very important, especially when the snakes start to shed skin. Ze washes zir face, removes makeup, moisturizes, and brushes zir teeth. Ze doesn’t actually shower all that often to avoid the snakes getting scale rot from high humility.
21. Are there any public events your oc would love to go to? Concerts, plays, movies, parties, etc? What about ones that they would hate? Why?
Ze’d hate all of it because too many people, too many smells, too much movement.
22. How quiet or loud is your oc? Are they easily capable of sneaking around without being heard, or do they feel it’s impossible to stop talking?
Ze’re rather quiet, so ze end up sneaking around a lot on accident.
23. How difficult is it for your oc to get to sleep? Do they fall asleep the moment they hit the pillow, or do they have insomnia? Any reason why?
It’s somewhat difficult for zir to sleep, but that’s because snakes are nocturnal. Otherwise it’s the position, and the snakes have to stop shifting around for ze to sleep.
24. How dramatic is your oc? Do they make a big deal over every little thing, or do they fail to react to even the most crazy of events?
Zir not all that dramatic.
25. How does your oc handle being sick? Do they pretend not to be? Do they complain a lot? How susceptible to getting sick are they?
Ze pretends to not be sick, and ze honesty doesn’t get sick all that often. Ze gets better relatively quickly too.
26. How stylistically fancy is your oc? Or would they rather go for comfort and plainness instead?
Ze goes for comfort and ends up fashionable anyways.
27. What’s your oc’s preferred mode of transportation? Walking, vehicle, (or in a sci-fi/magic setting) teleportation?
28. Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this?
Early, “if you’re on time then you’re late” mentality.
29. How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
Ze’re pretty apathetic, but ze can hide it and handle things like a regular functional person. No specific reason.
30. How much does your oc swear? Or do they keep completely clean? Why is this? Is there any situation where they would be the opposite?
Ze swears a lot, but ze can censor zirself when needed.
31. What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
Ze find those “fail” comps funny, also dumbass poorly timed photos of people. Ze doesn’t try too hard to be funny though.
32. Is your oc a pacifist, or someone who picks fights? Why? In what situations would they be the opposite?
Ze fight when ze need to, but otherwise ze just don’t see a point.
33. How does your oc’s own perception of themselves compare to how other people see them? Is your oc aware that other people see them differently (if it’s different)?
Ze see themselves as a bit below average and a dumbass, others see zir as scary as intimidating as well as smart. Ze knows the differences.
34. How easily does your oc throw something away? As soon as something is through with its usefulness, or are they more like a hoarder? Is there a reason?
Ze don’t throw things away all that easily, scared that ze’ll end up loosing more memories because of it.
35. Is your oc a workaholic, or do they find it hard to be busy at all? Do they find it easy to relax, or must they have something to do at all times? Why?
Ze likes to relax and chill a lot, but ze doesn’t find it easy to relax in the slightest.
36. What is your oc’s ideal night out like? Or would they rather spend it at home?
Ze’d rather spend it at home eating icecream and watching some dumbass conspiracy show or horror movie.
37. How picky is your oc? Will they not accept something because of the smallest details being off, or do they not care in the slightest? Why?
Ze aren’t all that picky. Ze probably just end up shoving it into a box or something.
38. How energetic is your oc? Do they have trouble sitting still or do they feel low on juice all the time? Any reason why?
Ze’re pretty “low on juice” a lot, and ze’re just kinda mellow. Snakes are nocturnal and cold blooded, ze need the heat to get more energy.
39. Is it difficult for your oc to focus, or do they have no trouble being in the moment? Do they daydream or zone out?
Ze zone out a lot, and focusing for zir is very hard.
40. How humble is your oc? Or are they closer to royal in their self-perception? Why? Is this obvious to others?
Ze’re pretty humble, but make a lot of “I’m better than you” jokes so it’s not that obvious to others about zir low self-esteem.
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transienturl · 5 years
the first half of the ask post you didn't reblog because you're doing them all anyways
Thanks, me!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?Option 7, None of the above: highball glass. I looked up the glassware model I like; apparently the manufacturer calls them “nordic cooler glasses.” I much prefer glassware made of glass to any other type, and dislike the ridges/patterns on a lot of drinking glasses. Yep, I’m this picky.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?Chocolate. I like chocolate’s texture and the way it melts, and I don’t like eating bits of paper.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?Cotton candy. Bubblegum is gross.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?Uhh… hm. “Smart,” probably, which wasn’t particularly helpful. They probably had a bunch more to say but I don’t remember what anymore.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?I like this ask post! As mentioned, glass cups. I like how soda cans feel in the hand but the drinking experience is just alright. Plastic is just unpleasant.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?I had to google “boho” and I’m still not super clear on what it encompasses, but it seems kinda neat! Also I have no idea what grunge really means. If I had a feminine body and thus felt like dressing up, I’d definitely pick boho out of the google image results of each of those terms.
Tumblr media
7. earbuds or headphones?Both; if I wear either for too long I switch to the other for comfort. But I’m at least somewhat an audio enthusiast, so I could go on for a long time here. Ex:
The soundstage of open-back headphones is really unparalleled for one. Apple’s earpods/airpods actually fit me and have basically no microphonics, which usually are a big issue with IEMs for me, plus their resolution on the high end is surprisingly great.
Insert the rest of this discussion here.
8. movies or tv shows?I watch either of these not from seeking them out but from circumstance, but often wind up liking them. I’m one of those people who thinks, “I’d watch that,” and then never watches whatever that was. So I don’t really know which I do or would prefer.
9. favorite smell in the summer?Uh… hm. That’s a really good question. What’s most interesting about it, I think, is just the list of smells people associate with a season. Of course there’s environmental ones like rain, but for summer I assume you have to go with, I dunno, fair food or something like that.
Anyway, no idea! I can’t think of a lot of meaningful smells that aren’t food, honestly.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?I remember enjoying capture the flag a lot. I dunno if I was actually good at it, though. I did have pretty good short-duration speed, so I was a decent defender. I don’t really remember what else we did.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?Nothing. (I don’t like most American breakfast foods much, though that’s not why.)
12. name of your favorite playlist?I called it “the playlist which is entirely fire” because why not. Alternately, the playlist with all of my music is just named after me.
13. lanyard or key ring?Key ring; I’m not a… yeah actually that joke would only work for people who went to my high school and follow this blog (hi Xander).
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?That’s also a really good question and I’m positive I have an answer, but I can’t think of it. I eat candy once every like 3 months, so it doesn’t exactly come to mind easily. The candied pecans I just tried are pretty good, though. Insert reference to my halloween fanfiction.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?Y'know how there are some things that you remember deciding at one point were your favorite, but don’t remember well enough to properly consider now? A lot of my favorite pieces of media are like that, but I have at least some confidence in the decision I made at the time. Not so much here. I remember thinking with surprise that I enjoyed The Mill on the Floss when I read it in class, so that’s what comes to mind, but I think it’s the wrong answer. I’m pretty sure there are some books I really enjoy that I’ve forgotten were originally for class. Random example that I think is also wrong: The Hobbit. The Giver is pretty darn good, too. Fahrenheit 451. I don’t remember this being the case but we might have read A Wrinkle in Time in a class. Et cetera.
Wait, no, actually, I figured it out: Island of the Blue Dolphins. (Which, actually, goes in the “this might be too much of a childrens’ book to enjoy rereading” category along with Summerland, The Great Tree of Avalon, The Marino Mission, What the Moon Saw, The Secret of Platform 13, and Island of the Aunts, all of which I loved at the time of reading. And potentially also The Book Thief, although I doubt it. Can you tell I like award-winning children’s books, though?)
16. most comfortable position to sit in?With crossed legs or on my feet, which people seem to find weird.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?I only have one regularly-used pair of shoes.
18. ideal weather?Still. I can’t stand wind of any kind. A range of temperatures is nice (not too hot; not *too* cold but snow is pretty so I’ll allow a wide range in that direction.)
19. sleeping position?In a ball, or at least partially curled up.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?I haven’t written on paper in like a decade. I had to recently in order to leave a sticky note on something and had actual trouble making it legible. Essentially everything I write is on this 2013 Macbook Pro keyboard.
21. obsession from childhood?Um… existentialism? The pretend world my sisters’ and my stuffed animals lived in? Popular science topics and things from video game worlds, all of which went into said pretend world? Jet aircraft? Algebra and geometry puzzles? Configuring laptop computers?
22. role model?John Green. People who can communicate/present things effectively.
23. strange habits?I’m sure I have a ton. I’m not going to delay posting this to come up with any, but I’ll think about it. But especially if we’re using western society as the ‘norm’ for the sake of the question, I think there’s a ton of stuff I do that’d surprise people.
24. favorite crystal?Hm. I like the colorless ones like diamond, I guess? I just generally like gemstones, especially in fiction when they have powers. Oh, how’s this: I tend to like crystals that are (semi)transparent, so they have depth to them and change appearance as they’re rotated.
The other weird, mostly-unrelated thing that comes to mind is when I made a necklace for my best friend in elementary school and spent a lot of effort picking out the right sort of pendant, but I don’t think it was actually a crystal. (I often wonder what it would’ve been like if I hadn’t moved; I bet we’d still be close.)
25. first song you remember hearing?Neat question! I have no memory of a particular song being the first. My parents played music a lot when I was little, so a lot of their CD collection makes me think, “I’ve been listening to this since far before I noticed that I was.” The most recent one of those I heard and wrote down was Cathedral of the Pines by Tim Janis.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?…complain about the heat? :D Hm, I don’t have a lot of outdoor hobbies.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?…complain about the cold? :P I do like to ski somewhat. And I like hot cocoa.
28. five songs to describe you?
Eric’s Song – Vienna Teng
Doubt – Ruby Day
…hm. Looking through my playlists and the #media tag on this blog, there’s a ton of songs that I like, and where that fact tells you something about my taste in music, but it’s hard to find songs whose content particularly tells you something. Let’s just go with songs I find some meaning or relevance in?
Laughing With – Regina Spektor
Rainbow Connection – Kermit the Frog/various covers
Okay, I ran out of songs with particular meaning; let’s finish up with one whose meaning is arguably a lack of particular meaning?
Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell
29. best way to bond with you?Talking, I guess. Boring answer, maybe, but I think most bonding experiences I’ve had were just two people talking about something important.
30. places that you find sacred?My elementary school? Is that a weird answer?
Other than that… a lot of places, really. Depending how you use “sacred,” I think it could apply in my mind to lots of unique places, especially natural-wonder type things.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?I haven’t got one. None of my clothes are things I’ve picked out to look good, honestly. The thing that makes me feel more “ready to go out and kick ass than usual” is, like, bringing a phone charger with me in case I run out of battery in the process of whatever ass kicking it’s going to be, and that’s not an outfit thing.
32. top five favorite vines?Remember vine? Good times.
1. A Legendary Argument (https://vine.co/v/enUmZjLFgw2/); the “just do it” “no” one
Yeah, that’s it. I don’t know of any other ones.
33. most used phrase in your phone?I… don’t know how to tell. That sounds like a cool thing to figure out but I dunno how to see that.
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?None, thank god.
35. average time you fall asleep?Too late.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?No idea.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?I don’t really know what context to think of this question in. Like, is there a time both would be valid options? Anyway, suitcase. Honorable mention: backpack.
38. lemonade or tea?I only like either of these in moderation. Usually I’d say lemonade, but lately I’ve been disliking acidic drinks more than usual, so maybe I’ll say tea. Actually, what I like is chrysanthemum tea, which you can get at dim sum places sometimes.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?I’ll go with lemon cake. I can only eat a really small amount of lemon meringue. If someone made more of a lemon meringue tart with a really thin layer of lemon (maybe 10mm or a bit less) and a lot of crust and meringue, that could be really good though.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?If “bad” counts as “weird,” let’s just say it involved sexual misconduct.
41. last person you texted?My dad (a link to instructions to get free in-flight wifi; nothing interesting).
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?I prefer to put stuff in pants pockets so I have them if I take off my jacket, but then my pants fall down because I have no hips and my pants are all regular-person sized.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?I immediately crossed off everything except hoodie and cardigan. With a different body I’d definitely pick cardigan.
44. favorite scent for soap?Unscented.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?Eh, I mean, I think they all have potential. I’d pick sci-fi or fantasy over superhero; print comics have never interested me at all, though I’m sure there’s interesting stuff in there too.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?I feel like it’s just whatever you’re used to, honestly.
47. favorite type of cheese?Maybe fresh mozzarella? Either way, it’s going to be something people who really like cheese would barely count as cheese.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?If I were a fruit… not to take it too literally, but I can’t think of a better way to interpret it. Um… a ground cherry, because it’s cute and has a place to hide in.
49. what saying or quote do you live by?“Hope is the correct response to the human condition.”
There are probably better ones that correspond to things I live by more, but that’s the one I have a quote for. Guess who it’s by? I’ll give you one guess.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?Not sure. Show of the Weekend (@outsidextra) definitely wins “hardest laugh that I can remember recently” though.
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