#these were supposed to be doodles y'all </3
afreakingdork · 1 year
It's On the Tip of My Tongue
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader One-Shot
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Warnings/Tags: Explicit Content, Aged-up Turtles, Established Relationship, Love, Romance, Cunnilingus, AFAB Reader, Masturbation, Cum Play
Synopsis:  Your boyfriend goes above and beyond after offering to teach you Japanese.
Also avaliable on Ao3
Written for the prompt✨Donnie's Love Language is Learning✨
I am so honored and inspired to be surrounded by such incredible writers and artist on a daily basis! This one goes out to y'all plus more specifically @amutantturtleenthusiast and @shiftandshade for literally giving me the premise on a silver platter. Both of your brains blow me away on a daily basis. Pun intended!
Last warning for the 🍋 under the cut. Minors DNI!
“What are you?”
Staring hard at the foreign letters on the package you were holding, you glared at the tiny mascot that looked like a buff praying raisin.
Donnie who was a few feet away with a basket tucked into curled arm, barely shot you a glance. “Try the tag.”
“It just says Nobel!” You gripped, turning the parcel over only to find a slew of even smaller font of what looked like walls of doodled strokes.
Sighing as if he were put out, he made the few step trek. You offered him the candy and he instead leaned into your space to review it. “Otoko Ume.” He gave a light scoff. “Man plum, I believe it’s supposed to be a manly amount of sour.” He pointed to the mascot. “Hence whatever this is supposed to be.”
“You had it before?” Turning into him brought your faces closer together.
“I prefer sweeter fruit chews.” He gently knocked the side of his head against yours and moved away.
Watching him depart with a warm smile, you went back to the candy with a tepid frown. Your brow scrunched and then rose as you snapped your neck back towards him. “Wait, did you read this?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged and went back to debating chips.
“You can read Japanese?”
“You’ve met father aka Splinter aka Lou Jitsu aka Hamato Yoshi dozens if not hundreds of times at this point.”
“Yeah, but I’ve never heard him speak it!”
He gave you a look that somehow both read disappointed and incredulous. “You do realize how that sounds?”
You grit your teeth and crinkled the packaging with nervous fingers. “Ok, look-”
He turned to you with dubious attention, folding his arms in way that caused the basket to jut out like a plastic welt.
“We’ve been together for how long?” You needed to reframe.
“Four years, 7 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days.”
He always spouted off the knowledge like it was nothing. You adored that he kept a running tally.
“And this has never come up in the slightest!?” You swung out your hand to make the point, but it just made it look like you were offering him the candy.
He reached out and plucked a corner of it between a thumb and finger to place it back on the shelf. “Can that be…?” With an extra adjustment to make sure the bag was in line with its brethren, he resumed his crossed stance as he processed the data. “Hm, you may have a point.”
Sighing out of sheer relief, you switched to eyeing him up. “Let’s hear it then.”
He gave it another moment of thought before grabbing a bag of nori shio chips. “Pa-pa tried to teach us when we were very young to varying degrees of success.”
He dropped the selection into the basket and you walked over to scan the savory snacks.
“I’m not sure to the extent, but Raph can certainly maintain day to day conversation. Dad will sometimes switch over when he’s really tired and Raph mirrors the speech. I’ve always meant to test if he’s aware he does it.”
Tempering your eureka moment, you found a bag of snacks you had always wondered about and quickly offered them to Donnie.
He scarcely glanced at it. “Kameda Kakinotane, they’re baked soy sauce rice crackers and peanuts.”
Pulling the package back, you marveled at finally having secured the knowledge that had eluded you.
“Mikey took to reading. When he was real small he’d sit in Dad’s lap and make him slowly read out the ‘pretty letters.’ He maintains accounts on multiple Japanese art sites and I’ve seen him flagging pages from imported books to look back at…” Donnie tipped his head to the side and gave a huff. “I can’t remember the last time I heard him speak it out loud. That’s annoying.”
Still putting a majority of your focus into listening, another package that had vexed you caught your eye so you moved to hold it out.
“Amanoya Himemaru, it’s a fried salty/sweet rice cracker.”
Lighting up, Donnie already had the basket offered out as you shifted to drop them in. You gave him a thankful smile which he lazily returned with a nod. 
“As soon as Leo took to Señor Hueso it was all over. That peabrain of his doesn’t seem to be able to hold two languages at once; he dumped all the Japanese for Spanish, if he even had any.”
“Which just leaves the star of the family.” You shifted your body weight to one hip and Donnie regarded you fondly.
“Fluent, as you can image.” He slunk down and around you awaiting further praise.
“Of course.” You gave it in the form of a stroke to his cheek that curled down the scratch that place he liked his beneath his chin. You felt the brunt of his rumbling churr along with a softening of his features in delight.
He allowed it for a moment before reigning himself in as he seemed to remember you were out in public. “Along with a few other languages that were self-taught.”
“My genius.” You hummed, stepping with purpose towards another aisle.
He followed as you approached the daunting wall of teas. The lead position meant he couldn’t see you. Using this time, you crafted your most puppy-like gaze before rounding it on him. It sputtered out as he had already steeled his features into a hard icy line. You almost missed the days when you could routinely catch him off guard to your advantage. He knew you far too well now and though you preferred it, sometimes you wish he’d let you get off once in awhile.
“I’m not going to read off all the labels.”
Your shoulders slacked and your head rolled back in defeat. “Come on!”
“There’s an English proverb that comes to mind…” He feigned thinking even though you both knew he already had the information locked and loaded.
“Yeah, yeah…” You whined.
“’Teach a man to fish.’” He spared you by only reciting a portion.
Your displeasure distracted you for a moment and then you bobbed as the intention hit you. “You want to teach me?”
“If…” His guard lowered in a small and timid way that translated the importance of this gesture. It wasn’t some snide force of information to correct you where public education had failed. It was his family’s culture. Your heart was faulty of bursting before he even finished what he was saying. “… you would be interested in that.”
“Yes.” You had tempered your shout which was a good start, but the urge to tackle him was off the charts. You settled for pressing your arm to his free one and weaving your five digits between his three for a tight squeeze. He showed his appreciation for you holding back by pressing a kiss to your temple.
The air then rapidly change as he parted with your conjoined hands in marched tow. “Let’s begin. Dearest, you picked the perfect place to start!” You balked and he used your surprise to trade the basket into your hands. He then posed in front of the green teas and brought a finger to attention. “Here we have ‘oh-cha,’ or tea. Some might believe this refers to only green tea, but if we dig into the radicals of the characters than we reveal something delightful about the language…”
He droned into both a heady lesson in tea and Japanese that would keep you both at the little specialty grocery store until closing. After getting scolded by an employee and finally making your purchases, you’d somehow been able to coax your purple turtle back to your apartment. You’d been unable to reign that mouth of his in as he doubled all of his sentences throughout your nighttime routine. Even into the kiss goodnight under the covers did he whisper sweet nothings on that dual tongue of his. It would have been sweeter if you weren’t exhausted. You could still hear the syllables as you drifted off to sleep.
When you awoke, you found yourself snuggled in tight with a cold emptiness beside you. It wasn’t unusual as it was hard to keep Donnie tied down to a mattress for sleepy mornings, so you hobbled up to look for your partner. He was nowhere nearby and the silence that chased your search seemed to indicate he had gone out. Bleary and sleep drunk, you stared at a bright pop of neon purple on the wall opposite you. It was curious enough that you left the comfort of your covers to investigate. Against your body’s protest, you gave a half smile as it came into view. It was a translation for the word ‘wall’ with a Romanized version for pronunciation and two sets of characters. You seemed to remember something about the three alphabets, but you weren’t sure which were on the note.
Resisting the urge to take it down, you turned and caught another purple note on your nightstand. You reached to touch the one on your alarm clock and caught sight of another pressed to the surface of the table as well. Getting a sinking feeling in your stomach, you rubbed your eyes. With renewed gaze, you came to find there were about five sticky notes on the nightstand alone. Foreboding sensations tickled your fingers as you spun around and started to take in just how many surfaces in your apartment were labeled. The purple notes popped up in nearly every inch of the space in some shape or form. It would have been impressive if not for how daunting it was.
Shirking it off, you headed to the bathroom to wash up. It marked the beginning of your battle with the annotations. The one marking the mirror was set in the dead center so you had to move it to see your reflection. The one wrapped around your toothbrush had to be completely set aside and the one on the toothpaste fell off as soon as you picked up the tube. The clipping on your face wash then fell into the sink and the one on your hairbrush had picked up an errant strand to its adhesive. Trying to cool your heated nerves, you went to get dressed and thankfully found no signs of that accursed neon amongst your clothes. Suspicious, you grabbed a shirt and turned to find a detailed manifest taped to sliding door of your closet instead.
You praised yourself for not ripping the thing to shreds and moved in an angry stupor on your couch. Across from you a note clearly sat against the screen of the TV, blocking a little square of the screen in the top center. You stared at it with wide furious eyes as the lock turned at your door. You turned that same look on the only person who had a key.
Donnie slipped in with a brown bag tucked into one arm and did a jaunty little twirl into locking the door back up. He then turned with a bright smile. It didn’t falter as he passed short glance at your furious expression. He brushed past it and headed to the kitchen. Climbing up into the couch, you watched him over the back of it as he sat the bag down and proceeded to get some plates.
“If that’s breakfast than I might be inclined to not get as mad about… all of this.” Looking around it didn’t take long for you to point you the nearest glaring neon offense.
He followed your arm and then gave you a genial nod which you read as a confirmation. It wasn’t like him to be so quiet. Where you had been annoyed, suspicion took over. Doing a half roll, half jump over the couch, you joined him in the kitchen as he laid out two wrapped bodega breakfast sandwiches. The scent distracted you and you reached for one before registering your arm was in motion. He peppered a napkin on top of your plate as a precaution to what would certainly be a messy ordeal and you left him in favor of taking your bounty back to the couch.
You had already gotten a few greasy bites in when he finally came around and set his plate on the coffee table. Through your own chews you watched as he then moved the sticky note on the TV and returned to you. He took a seat beside you and muttered a phrase you swore you had heard in any number of anime before he picked up his sandwich to eat. The curious silence ebbed between bites and when you went for the remote, you didn’t find it in its typical place. Donnie was pretty good about keeping the apartment in order for easy retrievals and you swiveled your head to look for the device. You found it instantly in a green hand and watched as he flicked the TV on. It instantly came alive and within moments you found you couldn’t understand what they were saying.
You slumped back into the cushions. “Of course, you somehow already have it set to some Japanese channel!”
He responded and it took you another beat to realize it hadn’t been another comment from the TV.
“What?” You turned to him, your sandwich already falling to the wayside.
He turned to you and the aura of smugness rolling off of him was palpable. He then went on to not only repeat whatever he had said initially, but rattle off a few more sentences that you presumed were an explanation.
You gave a hollow laugh. “No.”
One of his eye brows lifted in a manner that said the opposite.
“You’re not.”
He said something else in Japanese and went back to eating.
“Of course!” You shouted and looked around frantically. In this sense he was the immovable object, so you were already on the hunt for a work around. Over the years you’d found yourself quite adept an levyig your quick thinking against his staunch attitude. He’d grown humble in some ways, but when he was hyperfocused, you had to get creative. Not finding what you were looking for, you remembered where you had started your day. You found your phone under yet another sticky note in the bedroom. Balling up the bit of paper and tossing it into the trash, you typed out a message.
You: You’re just not going to speak English anymore?
Positioning yourself in the door of the bedroom you watched as Donnie took his time unearthing his phone from his pocket. He then regarded the text and then shot you cocksure grin before typing something out. You waited for your phone to vibrate before looking down.
Mauve Menace 💜: 言語を学ぶ最良の方法は、没頭することです。
That contact nickname had never been more fitting. You smiled regardless because it had been exactly what you expected and you copied the text into a translation window. Your gambit had worked out, but you scowled at its contents.
“Don, I love you and I want to do this, but… you gotta give me a break!” You crossed the room and over to him. Your shift in attitude had him placing his meal back down on the coffee table and extending an arm to you. As you drew close he wrapped it around your leg. “I’ll learn fast this way, yeah.” You reached down and gently cradled his chin where he was already looking up at you. “I need breaks though. My mind doesn’t work the same as yours.” You bent down to place a kiss to the top of his head which he dipped down to make more accessible. “Let’s set up a schedule and do immersion blocks during certain hours? Does that sound ok?”
Though he was still sat on the couch, he scooted to the edge and tugged your leg until your body was flush with his shoulder. He then rested his head against your stomach and thought the proposal over. You waited patiently and twirled your fingers into his little mask tails. When he seemed satisfied, he released you.
“Ah, English to my ears!” You sang and dipped down to give him another kiss. He met it and you crossed him to drop back into the couch with a plop.
“The labeling…” You glanced at the closest one on the coffee table. “Maybe when I have a little more understanding I’ll come to like them, but for right now there’s way too many. I’m more of a hands-on sort of learner.” You laid your head against the arm rest and debated grabbing the rest of your breakfast.
Donnie gave a little thoughtful hum and mumbled something that you were sure was English, but still didn’t make it to your ears.
You gave your own curious response that he could either leave if he were chugging down a thought train or indulge if he were in a sharing mood.
In a mixed bag of both, he got to his feet. He continued to rattle off a series of what you now could identify as disjointed thoughts. It was the kind of thing he did when he was in a formulation state. You watched as he predictably headed to his desk. He kept his lab in the safety of the sewers, but when you’d chosen to cohabitate, you’d made sure he had space to work on any non-lethal projects.
Curious as to whether he’d go the old fashioned route of digital for what you presumed was a blueprint, you watched as he instead clambered for a box of parts. He then scowled at them, dumping the pieces into another such bin and using the now empty container to push all the work atop his desk into. It was enough to bring you to an upright position; he rarely treated his paperwork so poorly.
You were about to ask when he rounded on you with a manic eye. His body language shifted to tender, but that edge to his gaze said it was a sort of put on. Regardless, your body responded when he ghosted his hands over your shoulders and propped a knee up on the couch. Using the stability, he then crowded you and his lips pressed greedily into yours with enough pressure that you laid back down. By the time he encouraged you to slip your arms around his neck, you had almost forgotten about the strange display. His hands cascaded down your body, massaging your thighs in a way that coaxed them apart. Slotting himself there, his tongue attempted to drown yours and you had a far away thought that he was rushing when he hadn’t even seemed in the mood just a few moments ago.
A single rock into your center caused the thought to evaporate. He kept the pressure vague but ever-present as the pawing make-out session continued. You were near delirious when he pulled back. You watched with a love drunk gaze as he studied you from where an elbow held him up on one side of your head. Admiring his work, he wiped a bit of drool from your lower lip with his thumb and then beamed you an all too saccharine smile.
“I think we’re ready to begin.”
“Uh-wha?” You hadn’t regained the ability to sharpen consonants yet when he left you.
“With the lesson, darling!” He beamed as if that were patently obvious.
You stared at him dumbly and he dipped down to pick you up. One arm slipped under your knees while the other cradled your shoulders. Despite your confusion, you snuggled up to him as he carried you over to his desk. He deposited you right in the center of it and took great care to adjust your seating. When he felt satisfied, you were perched on the very edge with your legs dangling off of it. He dropped down onto his knees before taking one of each of your own in either of his hands. He pressed them together which translated all the way up your thighs. It made the slick between your legs all the more apparent.
Still trying to process what was happening, he set his chin atop your legs and watched you with what you could only describe as an abuse of innocence.
“Donnie… what’s going on?”
“You…” The angelic softness in his eyes caramelized before you as he rose up smoothly into your face. He then tilted his head as if he were going to kiss you, but instead continued, “... said you preferred experiential learning. As do I, so let’s learn.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the lacquer in his tone and he shifted back to his knelt stance. You had the faint idea of protesting, but he then hooked a finger into either side of your shorts. 
“Speaking can come later. We’ll schedule it, as discussed, but there’s a little thing we should work on first…”
It took you a moment to find your voice. “Y-yeah?”
He nodded and trailed his fingers around to the button in the front. “The tongue is a muscular organ that among its many jobs helps to manipulate language.”
He was methodically about undoing the stud and you felt the need to anchor yourself to the edge of the table as he dragged the zipper down at a painfully slow pace.
“Its dexterity is of utmost importance and something I’d like to demonstrate to you along with some basic characters before you get into it yourself.”
Your nod started small and then grew eager as he trailed his hands back to your sides. Glad you had a solid grip, you brought your hips up and he slipped both your shorts and underwear off in one go. You sucked a breath in through your teeth as he set them aside, carefully, on a chair before returning to you.
“To clarify, today we’re focusing on Hiragana. Do you remember what that is?” He kissed one of your knees and your jaw fell slack.
Trying to pick it up and swallowing the rapidly accumulating moisture in the process, you licked your lips.  “It’s… an alphabet?”
“That’s not as specific as I’d hoped, but you aren’t wrong.” He awarded you by slowly pulling your legs apart. Your body arched instinctively as the collected honey threaded strings between the two sides of your inner thighs. He drew close and shot it an approving gaze before turning it up on you.
“Don-” His name hitched as you melted under the searing look.
“46 characters representing syllables that allow us to write Japanese words, conjugation endings, and grammar particles.” He drawled on as he settled himself into the most comfortable position. It ended with his face right between your legs and his hands wrapped around your legs with a grip on the outside of each thigh. “Let’s start with some monographs, what do you say?”
“Yes, please, just-” You strangled the desperation and tried to translate it into your face.
A fond look broke through his molten façade and he gave a quick peck to your left thigh in what you sensed was an acknowledgement of how well you were playing along. You pried one of your hands free from the table to cover his with a light squeeze to translate something similar.
A flicked gaze back to your core and he was all burning business again. “There are a series of characters that happen to follow along the English vowels…”
You wished you could mouth a response, but the anticipation was throttling your voice.
“Starting from the top.” He closed the gap and pressed his face into your heat. Your head rolled back as he adjusted and then the scorch of his tongue darted out. He made precise strokes and it tore a sound out of you.
He pulled back just enough so he could speak, “Exactly, unlike our vowels though, Japanese handles the long and short forms differently where need be. For this character, it’s that single sound.”
He immediately pressed his snout into you again and shifted the angle. His tongue dipped between your folds and you huffed.
“Perfect.” His hot breath tickled you and you squirmed. “You just need to ensure the right mouth shape to make it distinct from...” He surged forward, tracing a hot line down towards your center, but not quite pressing in.
He was a little slower to retreat and took his time gathering the moisture weeping there. “Do…” He swallowed. “Do you hear the difference? The う is like ‘too’ and the お is like ‘coat.’”
You rolled your hips forward, unable to answer.
“Two more, you’re doing incredible.”
His encouragement brought a pathetic whine up your throat as he nosed into you again. You seized up as he first tasted you then distinctly making the strokes that flicked directly over your clit.
He rumbled in a way you vaguely understood as affirmative before going for another pattern. Its precise tongue movement didn’t rip a sound from you and for the first time you became semi-cognizant to what he was doing. Memories of him eating you out over the years reeled by as his tongue made flat stimulating laps. He’d been able to finesse his ministrations to the point where he knew exactly where to lick to get you to make the exact sound he desired. You might have been scared of his accuracy had he not finally shoved the thick of his tongue into your hole. A lengthy moan passed your lips and you forewent the table to hold directly onto his head. He awarded you with a few pumps of his tongue before pulling all the way out and putting a several more inches of distance between his face and your pussy than he had yet.
You nearly cried and a pathetic sound trickled out of you. “Eh…”
He panted heavily, shaking his head with a growl. “All five.” He gave your thighs a congratulatory squeeze. “Though that latter one may have sounded like the English ‘e,’ it’s actually interpreted as the ‘i,’ while the former is then the inverse of that.”
You rolled your head from where it was thrown back to look at him in a scandalized fashion.
He smiled darkly. “To recap, that’s い for ‘easy,’ like how easy it is to make you cum and え as in ‘wet’ and how I soak you through after just a few kisses.”
You wanted to scream at him. That fury in your eyes caught his and he gave another easy smile.
“Do you know how much I love you?”
The fury petered out and you watched for that affectionate switch to occur. Instead, his blown out pupils read that he was barely holding back. If it had been there, you might have interjected with the amount you held, instead his burning gaze brought out your mimic. “How much?”
“Let me tell you.” He murmured and shot forward. His grip on your legs was bruising and now all his ministrations were exact. A scream surged from your belly and you caught it with clenched teeth. The table rocked as he wrote out an epic with his tongue alone. You scarcely wondered how many pages this explanation would take up as the coil tightened with each twist of brush. He wove a love letter through your folds and across your clit while taking time to dot off sentences with a pump into your core. It was just enough pressure that your arms gave out and you slacked back, caught only by his wall of monitors. You had zero concern for their state as blood rushed in your ears and you could feel your peak coming on. Without your limbs to translate this, you squeezed his head between your thighs to give him some kind of signal. The fingers curled in on one of his hands and you felt the appendage then wave. Despite both your positions, you recognized it as ASL for ‘yes.’
You wanted to strangle the multilingual love of your life.
Instead, he seemed to finish his soliloquy and then attach himself directly to your clit. You came as soon as he did, his tongue eas you from the high as the spring rhythmically compressed and released. His grip on your legs soon loosened and he took great care in licking up the extra slick you generated. Satisfied, his head lolled back and he swiped that magnificent tongue of his over his lips.
His head rested against your inner thigh and you slowly regained the ability to move your arms. Once you had enough control, you used them to pull yourself from his screens and give him a sheepish look. He shrugged it off and rubbed his cheek against you to telegraph that it was alright. You smiled and reached out, needing to touch him more. Brushing your knuckles against his cheek, your tried to keep your lids open. “That much, huh?”
“That much.” He agreed.
You gave a wistful sigh and the inability to lean back properly was starting to wear on you. Donnie stood, freeing himself for your legs for only a moment before leaning down to dip an arm under your knees. This time you were ready and reached out to knot your arms around his neck. He spared you a kiss before surprising you by rotating your body so you could lay out long ways across the desk. You were curious for a moment, until he moved and you noticed that it could easily align your throat with his hips. Thinking this was what he intended, one of your legs came up in a lazy bend and you adjusted your shoulders.
He watched you lazily before going for his waistband. It was a stretchy sort of garment that made for easy transition between day to day and ninja vigilantism. As he prepared to slip it off his hips, you caught the telltale outline as he shimmied the fabric.
“You dropped?” You wondered with a half-lidded gaze.   
“Can you blame me?” His pants fell away and he stepped out of them. His cock bobbed lazily now that it was free and he reached down to fist the base. “You did so good in your lesson.”
“It’s already over?” You murmured, biting your lowering lip and unable to look away as he slowly tensed the skin forward.
“No and…” He gave himself a few hard strokes before blowing out a shaky breath. “It’s bad form because I would prefer the lecture had flow, but I’d like to cap off today’s teaching with something a little more complicated.”
“I like the sound of that.” You hummed in agreement, wondering when he’d let you take him.
You watched with a growing furrow in your brow as he moved to jerk himself off to a steady rhythm.  
“Can I…?” You drew out the question, pushing up onto one shoulder.
He shook his head and stepped in closer. The wet slap of his fluids resonated in your ears. “I want to watch you.”
“Watch me?” You finally broke eye contact with his cock to search his face. “But I’m not-”
“You’re doing everything.” He corrected sternly.
Your mouth snapped shut and you lay back tensely. He continued to slide his fist from hilt to tip with his speed increasing incrementally.
You studied him until it came to you. “Explain it to me.”
His lips parted with a heady little chirp.
“Teach me.”    
“My star pupil.” He groaned into the praise and paid extra attention to his flared head. “While we say it-” He stuttered and his hips bucked into his hand. “-casually. In Japanese culture, you don’t say ‘I love you,’ you show it. If it is said…” He trailed off, drinking you in with a long dragging gaze. “… it makes it all the more special.”
You nodded, curious if this was meant to be a demonstration. It didn’t feel quite right. Though he didn’t say it as often as you did and he was very good at acts of services as illustrated. The more you thought, the more you came to notice he didn’t fit neatly into any of the love languages. In the time your relationship had grown, you found that he completed each in his own way. Instead of overt touch, he preferred little, more meaningful brushes. He’d gone from plying you with inventions to making the occasional one that meant all the more. Quality time had been through the roof since you’d moved in together and you’d often wound up sharing space with one another, content doing separate things. Overcome with the many memories, you came back to yourself as the slap of his fist against his now soaked plastron seemed deafening. You could barely trace his hand as his pace became erratic.
“You.” He heaved the word. “You.” He repeated and turned his body. In a few last desperate tugs, ropes of his semen cascaded down your torso. You gasped at the sudden heat of them and barely registered when he shot forward as soon as the last of it ribboned out. His insane reflexes came into play and this time you couldn’t follow his hands at all as they danced over your belly. You gawked as he then pulled away, one of his fists dripping with his own release. Still feeling remnants, you looked down to find a clear set of characters spelled out in what was left.
 You craned up onto your elbows in attempt to read what was written on your body without disturbing the fluid.
He leaned in close and pointed with his free hand as he mouthed, “’Eye-she-teh-ee-mah-ss.’”
You sat up just a bit more and he threaded an arm around your shoulders to support your weight. “Again.”
With his head now right beside yours, he seemed to surprise slightly, but complied.
“One more…” You urged, turning to ghost your lips over his.
He repeated the words and drank you in with a kiss.
You didn’t let it linger and pulled back. Biting your lip, you set your gaze and carefully enunciated what you’d heard. “愛しています”
His lips crushed you back into the table and you could feel him move to grab you but falter with a handful of his cum impeding the action. Clearly annoyed, he broke away to tissue the fluid away before returning with more. He wiped you clean before urging you to your feet which became immediately apparent as a transfer to the bed. He made the trek slow and you huddled close to him. “How did that not flow?”
He gave a dry chuckle and you gave into the sheets. “Only one character I taught you ended up being in the final phase.”
“い” You noted.
He had been in the process of crawling into bed with you and caught you in another crushing kiss.
Pulling back breathless, you could feel a long day of intimacies coming on and wanted to clear one last thing up before it was too late. “And watching me?”
“Working up the nerve to say something that important.” He responded swiftly with that smug grin of his. “Seeing you sprawled out for me, having let me do that to you, and indulging all my little idiosyncrasies…” He reached over and plucked a sticky note from the bedside table.
You promptly snatched it from him and tossed it aside. “It’s that kind of love.”
He grinned and you both fell back into each other’s embrace.
💜Follow me, my ko-fi, or on Ao3 for updates! Become a member on ko-fi for behind the scenes notes, processes, and WIPs 💜 
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year
OC Superlatives Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @the-lastcall 💖💫
The Favorite
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I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone. Faith is so very dear to me she is quite literally a part of myself. She brings me so much comfort and has been an outlet for me for the past like? 3 years?? Gosh look at how far she's come. She helps remind me that everything is going to be okay.
The Oldest
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While technically I have some ocs that are even older than her, Cookie is my first self insert lmao. Nowadays I don't think any but a couple of y'all would even know who she is and that makes me a lil sad! She's very special to me and was very beloved by people who meant a lot to me. Very few know me and her story well enough to see how on the nose it is an escape from my own life. Not shown here but she has burn scars on her right wrist/forearm. An exaggeration of my own burn scar in the same place. Cookie has always been there as a way to not feel alone, to see myself in someone who has been through similar experiences and made it out through the other side. To remember why it's so important to keep fighting.
The Newest
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Okay maybe not the newest.. but Iris is the newest oc I've actually been putting a lot of time and love and effort into! I love her a lot! I know I still don't talk abt her as in depth as I would like to but I swear she's got more going on than I share. I just can't help wanting to draw her so self-indulgently full of love all the time, it makes me happy to have silly fun! I really really have been meaning to doodle her more vulnerable and serious moments because she's got a lot of grief in her heart she isn't letting out.
The Meanest
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I suppose she was going to have to make her debut sooner or later.. okay but I genuinely don't have much to say abt Poppy. She's been a priv exclusive oc for a lil while and she's not developed.. like.. at all.. I ramble about her a LOT but I'm also literally every day scrapping everything bc my ideas are constantly changing so she's fr not ready yet lmao. Even I don't fully know what her deal is yet! But I can confirm she is the most ruthless (should I admit she's my lowkey nuka-world raider oc I made specifically to fuck Porter Gage nasty as hell likeeeee)
The Softest
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Maril is my BABY!! She does not have a mean bone in her body and the closest she'll ever get is when she's defending her friends! She's so generous, she wants to help others any chance she gets and sees the best in everyone.
The Most Standoffish/Aloof
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Faith is quite reserved, honestly. Becoming Captain wasn't exactly the life she chose for herself but it was the role she had to take on. For Phin, for her crew, for Halcyon, it was something she would grow to take seriously in time. She doesn't like to let on just how stressed and overwhelmed she is until she crashes and burns and has to be forced to rest before her stomach ulcer incapacitates her (speaking from experience, it's excruciating). When allowed to, she's pretty quiet and keeps to herself. She was never exactly the most social person and struggled to maintain any sort of relationship with anybody. She'll eventually warm up to her crew and come out of her shell. Sometimes you just need to meet the right band of misfits who get you.
The Smartest
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I swear this isn't just me tooting my own horn. I genuinely built her character favoring her intellect and charm. Her highest levels were in engineering, science, and medical. She's got a head on her shoulders, and she's often pretty lost in it. Faith loves to build and tinker with things and loves reading and learning as much as she can. One her own comforts, really. Maril and Iris aren't necessarily too far off on this one, Faith just has a little more under her belt. (Maril is also dedicated almost exclusively to being a gummi ship mechanic and Iris is best at carpentry!)
The Dumbest
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Poppy is by no means a moron and shouldn't be underestimated. But her skills and knowledge are very strong in fighting and survival. She does however qualify as my dumbest oc here because.. she was my melee heavy idiot savant build! Girl never at any point got a single level put into her INT lmao.
The One I'd be Friends With
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Hands down Maril would be the bestest friend I could ask for. She would be so sweet and considerate and let's be real.. I'd want to also work on the gummi ships with her. I love my gals but I just know Maril would be a ray of sunshine and a great friend. She'd also love to listen to me talk abt all my own projects and we could build so many cool things together..
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Doodle Dump (NSR Edition)
Notes + Captions Below
1-2) Primary Trio + Suplex. First sketches to the "White vs. Green" response ask. The other 3 are kinda indifferent to
3) "How does White Smoke?" I've thought about making a comic explaining how/why Desync!White smokes when he's a robot. The short answer is that 1010 actually do have a "lung," but it's function is less as a respiratory system and more of a cooling system.
*This is a non-canon depiction of the character
Mayday: Hey professor, if 1010 is a robot? Don't you need to inhale/exhale air to smoke?
DJSS: Well, let me tell you!
4) XIO + Crew doodles. I don't think I've ever drawn XIO's crew in this AU.
5) Kun3h0!AU Doodles. Part of a comic about White asking why their outfits reveal so much skin when they're built for combat. I thought the idea and punchline were funny, but it feels kinda weird to write a an AU!Comic based on my OCs before I've ever done anything with those OCs. XP
GAB (NJ): Hah? Are you really asking something that basic?
White: I just figured that if I'm-
6) "Headbands". An idea I had for Kliff to model different types of headbands. Left to right, top to bottom they are: Elastic, Alice, Alice (ribbon style), B-Style.
7) "Keychains". This is actually a VERY old sketch (you can tell 'cus the BG color is kinda off). Anyway, my dream is to have little keychains of these two, but I dunno who would make/want them besides me ;3;. (Maybe a handful of people, but not enough to get them seriously made XP)
8) B2J x Sanrio. Sketches of the next NSR x Sanrio set. Dunno when I'll get around to finishing it.
9-12) "Slutty?" This was the original response to the "Slutty White" ask I got.
TBH, I was kinda baffled by the ask when I first got it. Like I originally said in my response, almost every word in it was "wrong," because I don't think that I've ever shown Dsync!White as being particularly promiscuous (nor was he "absent" to his "sons." In no uncertain terms, Dsync!White is Green's abuser which, ya know, requires him to have been very involved in Green's life.)
Like, I know that some people just call characters/people "sluts" as a "joke," because it's a "naughty" word that invokes the idea that the character is sexy and sexual.
But it just rubs me the wrong way for anyone to say that about Dsync!White. I know part of it is that everything I know/think about Dsync!White isn't public, so things like how he is actually sex-repulsed (well, human-repulsed really) are things y'all don't know, but even with just what I've posted about him so far, I still don't get how anyone could take away that he was a slut.
But I figured I was just over thinking it, so I decided to roll with the "joke" at the time, but I'm really not okay with calling him a slut like it's a good thing. Like, I don't mind if people say that about Canonish!White or XIO, because they are openly sexual and are proud of it, but Dsync!White absolutely isn't.
White: Slutty?
White: HEY! Just because I'm provacative doesn't make me a slut!
White: For the record, I've never had sex once in my 30 years of service.
Green: Never?
White: Never.
Green: Not once?
White: Not once.
This was supposed to go on a lot longer, but I already decided I didn't want to pick a fight with anon that probably just didn't know any better and turned the first panel into the response I posted.
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ask-bmc-merms · 1 year
Okaaay pinned mod post time!
About me:
I'm MJ. I'm 21. That's kind of it lol
About the au:
The ocean is categorized by two sections: the Shallows and the Deep. Merfolk (merms, as I call them) have evolved differently depending on what part of the ocean they're from. Merms from the surface have a darker range of skin tones (and darker colored eyes) to protect from their constant exposure to the sun, while merms from the deep range more on the fair-skinned/white side with better "night vision" to navigate the impossibly dark Deep.
The Deep is considered much more dangerous than the Shallows, so much so that a lot of merms from the Shallows doubt any other merfolk even live down there. The Shallows, however, are dangerous in their own regard, with sailors and pirates hunting down merms for numerous reasons.
Deep Sea merms don't venture to the Shallows due to old stories and rumors of the population's supposed selfishness when pirates arrive: that it's every merm for themself up their. Of course, this is old rhetoric that no one has ever proven either way, because aside from the invasive humans, Deep Sea merfolk have a high sensitivity to the sun and stay down in their dark environment lit by glowing wildlife.
Sirens are an interesting case, more or less being the middle ground between merfolk from the Shallows and the Deep. Their skintones and eye colors have a much wider range to appear more human OR inhuman/mesmerizing, depending on what lures their victims best. Sirens get around, but stray closer to the Shallows for the obvious purpose of feeding on sailors.
It's said that "everyone has a bit of siren in them," but only those that possess the magic required to lure their victims can truly call themselves such.
Various tags? I guess? (Probably more to be added):
#word of god = any mod posts/lore that isn't delivered by the story/characters themselves
#merm doodles = any doodle dumps/posts that aren't linked to a specific storyline
#merm fanart = any fanart y'all make of this au! I will love you eternally if you make fanart /p
#[character] response = asks answered by that specific character fourth-wall-break style
#guppy era = Flashback posts/posts that take place while the character(s) are younger
#pirates life for me = pirate crew/squip posts
#non ask = merm stuff I made unprompted/without an ask lol
General rules/things to know:
There's no set schedule for when I post; I do have to juggle a job and my own mental health
Asks may be answered out of order of when they were received. This could be bc I'm saving a certain ask for a later time or it requires more time/effort than another
Asks that are overtly sexually explicit will be deleted; while the characters may not be minors IN THIS AU, their origins are of 16/17yo high schoolers and I'd rather not risk it.
That said, LIGHTLY SUGGESTIVE asks have less chance of getting deleted with no explanation. (Be More Chill has plenty of dirty jokes! I'm a fan of the occasional dirty joke! And while that kind of stuff won't translate as well w/ half-fish people, they're definitely less Uncomfy™️ than straight-up explicit asks.)
"How do I know whether or not a suggestive ask is ok?" Fuck around and find out. If it's the kind of joke/remark that could be made in the show, assume it's ok, but don't necessarily expect a serious answer lol
As of making this post (4-26-23) I'm in the process of reblogging all merm stuff currently on main here, and there are a couple of asks that have yet to be answered. Those will be answered on main and then reblogged here, so no need to submit them again here <3 That said, if you have a merm au-specific ask I do suggest that you ask them HERE from this point on just for organization's sake :)
Likewise, asks answered Here will be reblogged to Main as well because that's where this au had its origins.
Edits will be made to this post as needed. Until then, happy scrolling!
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Two things to add two more of my cents to.
First, the court proceedings of S* that JTBC got a hold of and shared so far. Just the two things revealed so far are eye opening and disgusting.
Read up on it. Enough proof given including testimonies by S*employees to get him on 29 occasions of procuring prostitution for clients/friends/guests. He was either informed of how the prostitution meet ups were carried out by employees or he was actually on site when they occured. 29 they had enough proof of...who knows how many there actually were?
Also, the court deemed proven that he himself on at least one occasion filmed 3 naked women in bed and then uploaded it to a group chat. This was done right after a fanmeet in China. So...there you go, folks. Proof is in the pudding...and court documents.
Apparently his defense tried to lie and say a Madame sent him the footage, it wasn't him. Then they changed their tune and pled for leniency claiming it was his first offense.
(And I'm a unicorn 🦄😄)
We all know his stans are still going to stay in denial even though they all said they'd wait for what the courts said. So, enjoy that sand y'all keep hiding your heads in.
Second is the crap going around about GD liking certain Seungri posts and having "proof" he is supporting him and his supposed innocence.
Studies showed many were faked by bots because multiple posts got multiple likes all at the same times faster than a human could have done. There were also multiple plans to mass post certain photos GD is known to prefer so as to get him to like one or more somewhere and capture "proof" of support.
Sad. Delusional and sad. So you can disregard the nutjobs running around showing their "proof" he was going Hurray for S*!! on an Insta spree.
I was on a long bullshit free hiatus and enjoyed it but I sure as hell am interested that we're finally getting some facts reported. What the toxic zealots keep attempting and to what end, I don't understand. But trust that we can see through your whack a doodle manipulations.
The man committed criminal acts. He was convicted. He swore he would not lie, but he did. He served a (too short) prison term. Authorities misinformed the public and released him 2 days early at dawn to avoid press because they didn't want any on it.
Buy a clue. Heck, it's on me, I'll buy you one.
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paramountpetrichor · 29 days
Hey petrol ! You said i could ask abt ur other thoughts on ruin x moon
spill the tea !!
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neways as the nature of these asks suggests, minors, i Legally have to tell you to Not look at this post. or to not interact with it, at least. but then again, y'all are like me, so i know youre gonna look at it anyways. just dont get Me in trouble, dammit iagaigaoa!!! /lh/nm
okay okay opening over, here are my Thoughts:
canonically, Ruin is a sadomasochist. and Moon is on the aromantic n' asexual spectrum. we've had these things established for a long while now.
im bringing those facts up bc it ends up giving Moon and Ruin a fucking hilarious sexual dynamic together iwgwigw
i really enjoy projecting my Own weird aroace experience onto Moon, and therefore (to me <3) the way he primarily experiences sexual pleasure is via him getting horny over making his partners happy/pleasured during sex. he is very much a giver more than a reciever- and not at all a person who could just fuck any stranger on the street. he needs to love and trust the person he's with, for he gets sexual gratification out of making them happy, and trusts them enough to return the favor if hes Feeling It that day.
so sex with Ruin, to him, isnt even sex at all, its more like Moon using a compliant (annoyingly compliant >:[) sex doll :3c
Moon probably uses Ruin whenever he wants- all the stress of.. everything making it so he needs a reliable outlet of relief. and even if fucking Ruin doesnt calm Moon mentally, orgasming calms him physically. (Moon truly is a hit-it-and-quit-it here AGAHGAAG- dont worry Ruin Loves it <3)
betting the first time they were together it was all Ruin's fault. he was in his og cell and Moon got too up in his face again so Ruin just. kissed him. Ruin then got the pleasure of witnessing Moon actually Shattering whatever he was holding in rage before he continued to make Ruin paralyzed below the waist via a method Other than disabling his motor functions <3
tldr to all this: hatesex. so much hatesex. only hatesex.
OH OH and Ruin makes Moon's sadism turn up to 11. on one hand Moon hates it when Ruin moans whenever he pulls out his wires (it's supposed to hurt, not feel good!) but the small horny part of his brain loves how he can be as rough as he wants and Ruin will still enjoy it. Moon doesn't have to hold back like how he does with the others- he can be as cruel and unjust as he'd like, and Ruin will eat it up everytime.
they are Not healthy and that makes them all the hotter <3
aaand that should be all me thoughts on them? ..well, except-
-i know the second asker said no art was needed, buuut i already kinda had this cooking so... do with it as ya will :) its not 100% but it was just a doodle w some polish lol:
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maybe the finished and uncensored ver will be on me ao3 one day who knows lmao. anyways this is foreplay. to Them <3
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artistlara · 3 years
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Part 1 of the fnf self-insert / selfship requests!
@gailytine w/ senpai
@spooky-toastsnew w/ boyfriend
@sspaceshipss w/ hex
@ratt-selfships w/ whitty
@skitty-ships w/ garcello
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snail-watch · 4 years
Lost Witchling AU
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AU where at the age of 7, Amity ends up accidentally stumbling into the human world through a wayward portal. I just had to doodle this, I think it would be absolutely adorable! I'm also gonna share some ideas ;3
The reason Amity had gone through the portal in the first place is becuase she was playing hide and seek with her siblings. She ended up straying too far from home and ends up finding a long forgotten portal mirror in some abandoned ruins. Curious, she wanders over and accidentally trips, falling through it.
The portal spits her out in the human realm through the same little rickety shack that Luz had went through in the show.
7 year old Luz ended up finding Amity, who was scared and crying. (Luz wasn't supposed to even be in the woods, but that hadn't stopped her from going)
At first the two of them were kind of shocked; More so Amity becuase she saw Luz's ears and remembered the scary stories about humans her parents told her.
This made her start crying even harder.
Luz being her happy and kind self, was quick to try and soothe the crying witchling, telling her she wasn't gonna hurt her and asking what was wrong.
After a long time of trying to get Amity to calm down, the two of them started talking(Mainly Luz asking about her ears and a bunch of other stuff). Luz ended up inviting the girl to her house.
Luz ended up tripping and scraping her elbow, so Amity was quick to heal it; Which startled and excited Luz to no end.
The two girls had raced back to Luz's home; Amity trying to keep up with Luz.
Camilia was quite surprised when her daughter dragged another child into the house. Seeing the girl's ears concerned her.
Before Camilla spoke, Luz had immediately started joyfully explaining how Amity was her new friend and that she could do magic and wanted to show her mom.
Camilia was amused with her daughter's excitement and turned to the other girl to see(she expected some sort of childish antics, like a 'magic' trick or something).
Imagine Camilia's surprise when the young girl casted a light spell.
Big confusion and mega panicking. And lots of questions and pacing. And even more panicking.
After a long couple of hours, everything kinda settled down. Amity explained how she couldn't get home and such.
Camilia, despite still extremely put off and confused, had offered to let Amity stay with them until she found a way back. She couldn't leave this child to fend for herself on the streets.
After getting everything situated and forging quite a few papers to make it seem that Amity didn't just randomly appear out of nowhere, she was finally settled in.
Luz and Amity became fast friends, practically joined at the hip.
Most of the time Amity would try hiding her ears with a hat or her hair. If anyone asked they would just say it was a rare birth defect.
Camilia enrolled Amity into school with Luz after she got used to the human world.
Amity never ended up dying her hair.
Amity probably also slowly started picking up on Spanish in the Noceda household.
Other kids would sometimes bully the two girls for being weird, especially for Amity's ears.
This caused the two of them to get into a lot of fights with others, mainly to protect each other.
When the two of them were 14, Camilia had decided that the two of them would probably benefit from going to a summer camp, thinking that fresh air and being with nature would be good on their stress.
They didn't really like that idea. But they went along with it anyway.
The two of them were waiting at the bus stop when an owl had appeared out of nowhere and stole one of Luz's bags.
So they both ended up chasing the owl through the forest and to the old shack Amity had been found at 7 years prior.
They both got some uneasy vibes, but ended up going through the door anyway.
*let the demon realm confusion commence*
Oml this was so long to write, it's a lot. It took me like an hour and a half. I really hope y'all like this idea! If you beans do, I'll totally draw Amity's older self(Luz is basically the same in this AU). I'm definitely gonna post more writing and plot for this too. Y'all should stay tuned for plot writing when they get to the demon realm;))
If you beans want you can totally send me asks about this,, 🥺😳 I'd love to get questions for the AU
Hope y'all liked this!!
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salem-v · 3 years
Hey guys! So, recently I watched Markiplier play Five Nights At Freddy's, for nostalgia purposes, while drawing. And I was watching him play the game and said to myself, I know what's going on. Now, at the time when FNAF was coming out, I enjoyed watching people play the game and soon games, and I did some little doodles of the characters once or twice, but that was it. I was never in the FNAF fandom. Even while the games were coming out, I only watched gameplay videos (Primarily from Markiplier) so I never really got a full understanding of what was going on. I am still so very much confused on FNAF 3 (its gameplay that is) Well, I decided to jump headfirst into the lore, because I wanted to know everything I missed out on. But, before that I watched a video from Scruffy, "How Audio Enhances the Horror of Five Nights at Freddy's" It was very interesting, I highly recommend it! After that though, I wondered how much did I actually know??? So I watched another video from Drama Josh, "Five Nights at Freddy's COMPLETE LORE RECAP (FNaF 1 - FNaF AR)" It helped a lot, and helped me grasp an understanding of what was going on. And, I suppose this is me making sure I have an understanding of some characters and some lore! If I am wrong about anything, please let me know!
William Afton - Murderer Has been called: Bitch, Piece of literal dog shit, scum of the Earth, Purple guy, Vincent, Springtrap, Glitchtrap, and Scraptrap
Michael Afton - Oldest son Has been called: Jerk, Corpse, Eggs Benedict, Mike Schmidt
Elizabeth Afton - Daughter Has been called: Silly, Circus Baby, Rude, Scrap Baby
Unnamed Afton - Youngest Son Has been called: Crying Child, *Other boy names* There is speculation as to what animatronic he possess and if he does. I thought it was Golden Freddy, but I don't know.
Also, I want y'all to know, I was so sure that Mike Schmidt was a real character and different from Michael Afton. But now? I don't know anymore smh. Is it true, that Michael Afton is Mike Schmidt?
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
How would Jack react to an artistic s/o, like he carries a sketchbook with him at all times and once Jack saw that he had at least a full page of just Jack doodles and sketches
Yo, hello there! I'm sorry for taking so long to answer you, I was trying to find the right time to write! :3
Do y'all mind if I changed it up a little bit? Changing a little bit of "reader's role" in this headcanon, instead of always being the "one of his gang's members" and such. I decided to add a little more than one page of sketches though •v• because I'm an ass.
Also oh my God, I'm sorry for babbling so much at the start ;-;.
A cool and peaceful breeze in the middle of all Hell [Yandere!Delinquent OC Male artist!Reader - Headcanon]:
Let's set the stage, dear.
You're one of many students inside Saint Bernard's School for Prodigies, a place that since it's building process, was meant to be a safe environment to all gifted students, and even students that didn't seem to have any talent at all. It was built to be a welcoming place.
It was built to rival Amaryllis Academy. While Amaryllis was focused on a specific group of people (coff coff rich families coff coff), Saint Bernard's was supposed to be the… "Common crowd alternative".
It never got to the same level of development as Amaryllis did. Although there are rumours about the Academy being a breeding ground for prejudice and discriminatory behavior (involving a lot of bullying towards students that had paid their way into the scholarship), Saint Bernard's was basically disfuncional.
The only thing granting a base for it's failed and shaky structure, was government income and the rumours around the school. Student deaths, delinquency, gang fights, fragile authority that fails to reinforce school regulations, contraband inside school grounds, no security for both the faculty's staff nor the students, severe cases of bullying, etc, etc.
You heard that a billion times. And don't get me wrong, it is not like there aren't good people here, good people that can't afford a better place to go. But the bad overthrows the good.
So here you are, just another boy trying to pass through the school year like any other student. A guy trying to keep under the radar of… Basically, every single student and teacher in this place. You came with terms that, sadly, you couldn't trust no one here.
You saw what happens if someone like you starts to get comfortable around these people. They're brutal. The thought of getting out of this place has crossed your mind many times, but you don't really know where else to go. It's the nearest place to your house, and it's literally free to enter.
You're the silent type, you're not exactly antisocial by any means, you just prefer to be left alone with your pens and your trust sketchbook, although, it's kinda not having much space left, is it?
You don't have more money to buy a better set of materials, and to be honest, you're aware of how unkindly people would treat you if you bring something a little more pricey. There were students who were already picking on you for the fact that you just kept drawing and being a lazy bun, if they saw you with things that clearly looked (even a little bit) expensive you would never hear the end of it.
You remember seeing a poor girl (I mean literally) who had saved her money to buy a new pair of shoes, since her's were clearly old and tearing apart. Her tenacity was something really admirable, as she saved more than enough money to buy something actually good for her. Something she probably didn't seem to be accustomed with, as her reaction to getting her new shoes destroyed in front of her own eyes was absolutely heartbreaking.
Chills still run down your spine, as you remember one boy saying something like-
"- It's her own fault. She shouldn't have come to this place wearing that."
You really hate this place, the only shine of light though was what you heard another boy say.
"- Yeah, it sure is a poor girls' fault that a bunch of imbeciles are jealous of her accomplishments." That sarcastic tone was more than enough to get your attention, looking at the direction of the voices talking you saw the two boys that were talking.
One was clearly discomfortable with the situation, like he just said something stupid and is trying to not sound as bad as it was, and the other one who was not even looking at the asshole beside him, and oddly enough, he wasn't looking at the situation happening in front of everyone anymore. He felt like someone was looking at him, and coincidentally, there you were.
Of course, he looked at you like he would simply get up and beat the shit out of you for staring at him, he thought you had a problem with him, and he wouldn't mind starting a problem with you if that were the case.
The cold look was enough to send you the message, and not wanting to cause any trouble, you just moved your attention to somewhere else, ya know, like the girl suffering in the middle of the school's hall, maybe you shouldn't have looked at him for so long.
I guess you were just, caught up in his features?
Okay, maybe you have a problem now. You can't help but keep drawing him! Like, okay, you thought that maybe just one sketch would be fine. He has a lot of nice facial features and- and he is always with a closed expression. No emotions, just pure angst. You found yourself liking to draw him, and when you noticed, you had enough material to cover two pages. Two fucking pages filled with a boy don't even know!!
[Y/N], come on, get to your senses. You heard about the boy, he is one of the many delinquents running this place, if not the leader of one of the most influential gangs around this hellhole. Jack, was it?
Imagine having that guy and his gang come beat you up for being extremely nosy and drawing him so many times? You want to know what's worse though? One of these sketches were from a specific moment you saw this man without his jacket on, his shirt being see through and almost non-existent.
You need to burn all of them. Immediately. Or otherwise your school year will go from manageable to completely fucked. But some of these make great art studies tho-
"- Yo. I need to talk with you." Oh dear lord, your time has come.
"- S-Sup!" You try to hide the sketchbook before he notices some interesting depictions of himself. But honestly, it was too late boo, he already knew about it.
"- Mayday told me you've been stalking me." Jack said, not sounding even a little bit concerned about being "stalked".
You don't really know who is "Mayday", unless she is one of his gang's members. Actually, you may have a guess on who she is. You think you saw some girl giving you odd looks here and there, not really mean looks, but just "concerned looks", and now that you think about it, you saw her walking around with Jack.
Wait, was she the girl that got her shoes destroyed that day?
"- Oi! Aren't you going to say what the fuck is your problem?" While you were thinking about who that girl was, Jack took the opportunity to come closer and snatch your sketchbook.
"- Give me that. You better answer me or you won't see this until then." Jack had started to open the sketchbook up, to his absolute luck and to your demise, he opened up on that exact page.
"- Wait! Hold on, don't open it!-"
Too late though. His face said everything.
"- Woah. Interesting." Jack knows absolutely nothing about art and drawing and stuff like that. Yeah, he may know a couple of things about writing but, it's completely different to him. He is impressed with how talented you are.
That's so quite flattering details you managed to put in there, does he really look like that to you?
"- This is your work right? Is this why you kept staring at me?" He asks you, but honestly, what would answer? This guy has a whole group of people that can easily hurt you, so telling the truth can both free you and damn you.
"- Yeah, I did all of these… I'm sorry if it seemed like I was stalking you, well, I mea- I'm sorry if it made you feel awkward, I just thought you were a interesting model I guess?" There is no imaginable way of saying this without sounding like an stalker, right? God, this is so embarrassing…
Jack is absolutely flattered by this. Oh, yeah, it's creepy as fuck, love. But does he really care? I mean, dearest, do you really know him?
Mayday wasn't the first one to notice you staring, of course he felt someone drooling over him. It facinates him how ever since that day you kept being more prominent in his life, or rather, in his mind, as he never really made a move to physically interact with you.
He is surprised by how his acting skills have improved, he thought that he wouldn't find a way to convince you of his surprise when noticing your drawings for the "first time". Throughout this whole time he has thinking about you, is funny to see that in a way you were also thinking about him. Well, partially, you probably saw him as only a way to improve your art.
And honestly, he doesn't mind being your muse.
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that-trash08 · 4 years
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Here ya go, a quick little doodle I did. (It was supposed to be shading and lighting practice-)
Also, with school basically back in full fucking swing, I won't be posting as often:(
(not that I ever posted that often...) And don't get me wrong, I'm glad school's started up again. Just not when I have teachers giving 20,000 assignments and saying, "yeah, this is all due like, tomorrow or the day after that." At our school, we follow a schedule were we split up days as A days and B days, which on A days, you log into your 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th periods and you log on to a Google meet thing. For a B day, you log into 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th. (Wednesdays are work days btw.) We have class and work to do each day. My teacher in second period a few days ago literally said, "even though I know you guys probably have a lot going on right now, especially with some of your other classes, for my class you'll be receiving 2 assignments per day." Oh cool, thanks teach. Love that. Like I already have enough to worry about, you just gotta throw that onto the pile. Nice👌
(I did not intend to vent there, oop-)
BUT ANYWAYS, like I said, I'm gonna be a bit slow here for the next couple of weeks. I'll still be makin stuff it just won't be posted until I actually remember to post it lol. Anyway, have a good day/night! Love y'all <3
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pannacottawarrior · 7 years
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alphaofdarkness · 7 years
Man it’s been so long since I have done these~ thanks @timid-mew dear ^^
The rules are to write 11 things about yourself; answer the 11 questions given to you; and then make 11 questions for the next 11 people.
1. I’m just going to say this now IM FRICKEN IN LOVE WITH THE WALKING DEAD AND THE WALKING DEAD GAME ASDFGJSLK!! (despite me only playing the first season episode one ~) 
2. I LOVE LOVE Clementine from The Walking Dead Game at the moment, she is my badass zombie apocalypse daughter and I want her to be happy god~ 
3. I have my own story created from a dream I had way back in middle school. 
4. Since it’s creation I have developed seven main characters, dozens and I mean DOZENS of side characters with their own backstory and some form of plot and yeah all that good stuff~ 
5. Shameless self promo y'all but you can follow my side blog @wewillbelegendary for anymore info or questions ~
6. I love love wolves, they are my passion and inspiration. I can and will probably accomplish in making any character you like into a wolf~ tho don’t hold me on that~ 
7. My memory is also very poor, I don’t know why, I tend to forget a lot which cause me to have anxiety ;w; 
8. I have a close to 14 year old, brown, fat tabby cat who is a lazy little shit named Angel, but I love him with every inch of my heart ❤️. 
9. I love stuffed animals guys, that’s the way to my heart especially if they are soft to the touch! 
10. I long for the day where I actually put myself to write out my story or at least some bits of it so I have something. 
11. If I have a new favorite show, book, character, etc. I ALWAYS find a darn way to include my own little oc in that given situation or being said favorite thing into my story. Just because I want to and cause I’m crazy~ lol (like right now TWDG is in my story because I’m in denial of a lot things that have happened in the game :):):) )
1. Do you play Overwatch and if so is it on console or PC? Nooooo, I just know about from some of my followers. I just know about the character Mercy. She looks so beautiful and I love her appearance~
2. What is your one ship that guarantees to put a smile on your face? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)you give me this question and expect me to answer with just one otp??? How dare- HOW DARE YOU PUT ME ON THE SPOT VAL??? Lol I have to many to fricken pick darn it ahh they all make me smile okay ?? But I’ll choose one of my oc ships which is Takaru and Sam, because every time I think of them I'm smiling cause of their friendship and they have this pure innocence to them and dynamic in my story that always makes me fricken smile and so happy that I’ve these two sweetheart angels~ (that I can turn into fricken anguish when I want to! (° ͜ʖ°)) 
3. Favorite snack? Ugh these sour, strawberry stripes they are so delicious and I’m craving some now ;w;! 
4. Favorite Movie? Again Val there so many! But if I have to choose like an all time fav that still jerks my heartstrings is The Fox and the Hound. 
5.What do you draw/doodle on the corner of the paper or homeweork? EVERYTHING THAT CONCERNS MY DARN STORY OCS LIKE I KID Y O U NOT ITS ALWAYS FRICKEN WOLVES 
6. Any pets? Yep! One cat, dog, two fish, and several tortoises out back because of my dad~ 
7. Which do you value more, plot of the story or ships? If depends, sometimes the ship matters more to me, but I love a good plot to read about with my ships in it. 
8. Favorite game? THE WALKING DEAD GAME! Despite me not playing it (I’m such a disappointment ;w; I just don’t have time ~~ I prefer watching others play it~) I’ll include Pokemon cause I’ve actually played the games. 
9. Any fears you have? Oh several~ more of my traumatic fears are: Darkness, like complete darkness I just can’t deal with it I’ll start hyperventilating. Heights, man I can’t even walk down stairs without holding onto the rail cause I’m afraid of falling, I have anxiety of failing and disappointment it’s just…ugh complicated and I hate it ;-; but these are the most noticeable one at least. 
10. Favorite creature from any game/show? Uhhhhh I suppose Walkers or Zombies from The Walking Dead Game and show. 
11. What do you look for in a fic? If I have to be bluntly honest the ships, that’s the only reason I read~ unless it’s from fics like Warriors Fanfiction or offering SYOC then that too~ ^^ it’s about it~
Okay my questions are:~ 1. What is your favorite animal? Any reason why you like them? 2. What’s your favorite book or show? 3. Do you have an OCs of your own? If so how many of them? 4. Do your have a favorite ship that is above all the rest of your ships? 5. What are your fears? 6. Got any pets or want a specific pet that you always wanted as a pet? (Like exotic or non exotic animals? Lol) 7. What’s your all time favorite movie? 8. What’s your favorite season? Why? 9. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? 10. If you were suddenly thrown into any favorite universe from a book, movie, show, manga, so on and so forth which would it be? How would you react? :) 11. If you could have any ability or superpower what would it be and why? :3
Okay I’ll tag: @mama-sally, @mikasackerman835, @marthalerma, @theneonflower, @someboredloser, @faithiiii, @guyinlovewitheremika and anyone else who would like to do this is more than welcomed! Or you don’t have have to if you don’t want to! Thanks again @timid-mew!
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andyhollows · 7 years
these are actually hella fucking cute y'all
I liked this questionnaire thing a while back ago and decided to finally answers these 100 questions. I’m making a different post than reblogging it with the answers so you’ll be able to see which answers are mine. Link  for if you wish to read/take it yourself. :)
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
I tend to have more milk than cereal even though I fill up my bowls to the top with cereal. XD 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
I live in Florida so the coldest it gets is usually around 50-60 during the days and 20-30 at night, if we’re lucky. But, yes, I do, very much so. 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I don’t read books, but back when I was in middle/high school, I used to just fold the edge of the book and using a pencil, put a dash where i last left off, or being an artist, I would create my own little bookmarks using a normal piece of paper. 4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
I don’t drink coffee/tea, I probably drink cappuccino and that’s only from WaWa’s when it’s cold enough and I usually put cream and like 2-4 packets of sugar in it.  5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Only when I haven’t brushed or recently ate something like lasagna or some sort of pasta. 6: do you keep plants?
No 7: do you name your plants?
If i don’t even own a plant, why would i name it? 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
I usually just draw/sketch with a pencil 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
Yeah, I tend to just lip sing to whatever music I’m listening to. 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
Yes lol I tend to toss and turn but I almost always end up on my back. 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?
I don’t really have any inner jokes i can think of at the top of my head. 12: what's your favorite planet?
Pluto, i don’t know why. 13: what's something that made you smile today?
I saw another post in my “likes” and I looked at the original post it came from and it came from Game Grumps and that made me laugh so hard. 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
Nice, for sure. It would probably just be all the walls would be white or some sort of light color and our furniture would be pretty modern and solid colors. We tend to have the same taste so it wouldn’t clash together. 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
“All of space is completely silent...” 16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
Either Chicken Al’ Fredo or Spaghetti. 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
Blue or Red would be pretty cool and i think i could pull it off 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
I don’t have any with friends, but with my family: i was like 14 years old and roleplaying with my current boyfriend, Jonathan, my brother and Ashley and my character was suppose to get pregnant but i didn't know how a pregnancy test was taken so i said i put it in my mouth and it came out positive and i came out of the restroom saying I'm pregnant and EVERYONE laughed! 12 years later, they haven’t let me live it down. 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I don’t have a journal but i have a ton of sketch books and they usually contain chibis or my OCs, myself, my best friend or my game characters and unfinished doodles. 20: what's your favorite eye color?
Green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
I don’t have a favorite bag, i’m not really the type to hold onto something like that, but my favorite bag right now is either my Domo backpack or my nightmare before christmas one. 22: are you a morning person?
No 23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
Sleep, watch TV/youtube videos and play video games 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Yes, my best friend, you know who you are :P 25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?
I’ve never broken into anything, unless you count just walking into unfinished houses in my neighborhood. 26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
My flats are the shoes I’ve had forever but I don’t wear them anymore, instead i now mostly wear my sandals, only cause im lazy to put on socks and sneakers. 27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?
watermelon! 28: sunrise or sunset?
sunset, i feel sunrise will just start blinding me if i keep starring at it XD 29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
When they’re totally dorking out over some comic book or some movie lol 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Yes 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
Socks are alright. I usually stick to wearing solid color socks. I don’t sleep with socks cause when i do, because i toss and turn my socks slip off and it’s annoying. I own some white socks but i prefer colored ones. 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
3AM... with friends? Uhhh... since most of my friends are online, i don’t really do much, cept talk about whatever unless we’re drunk 33: what's your fave pastry?
Any sort of cake! 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
I don’t have any stuffed animals i’ve had since i was a kid, most of them were given on my birthday or as a congratulations. The one i’ve had the longest is this cute little ghost i named Spooky and i got her on my birthday and i still have it. 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I do like stationary stuff and pens, i always want all the pens, pencils, markers, highlighters, stickynotes, everything even if i don’t have a use for em. 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
I don’t know... probably some disney song LOL 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
i don’t LIKE keeping my room a mess, im just fucking lazy 38: tell us about your pet peeves!
when they happen, i’ll let you know, i can’t think of any at the top of my head. 39: what color do you wear the most?
black 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
i don’t wear jewelry, cept earrings and the ones i own are gifts from Christmas so don’t really have a story. 41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?
i don’t read books :D i only read manga XD but if that counts, Horimiya 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
Again, i don’t drink coffee so i don’t know of any coffee shops. 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
My family....? like a decade ago lol we were mostly trying to look at the meteor shower 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
uhhh.... umm... >.> geez.. that’s tough, had to have been before becoming a teenager! 45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
yes, they have yet to let me down. 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
i don’t know any puns, i’m not a punny person! and no im not trying to be funny 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
i don’t know XD im picky but i’m not like totally disguested with a type of food... maybe oysters? 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
my biggest fear as a kid was pretty much the “monster under my bed” thing, i never liked leaving my foot hanging off the side of my bed, i always ran and jumped onto my bed after turning off the lights, etc. to this day, no that fear is gone, now it’s bugs XD 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i never bought a CD/record in my life, i usually just had a friend or my mom burn me one  50: what's an odd thing you collect?
i don’t really collect anything specific, i do tend to want anything that’s related to black butler or the nightmare before christmas or doctor who 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
“Why I Cry” by NSP only because they got me into it XD 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
i don’t like memes 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
out of all of them, i’ve only watched beetlejuice, i’ve heard OF the rocky horror picture show, never heard of heathers or pulp fiction and beetlejuice was just weird.
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
my nephew XD 55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?
I don’t know/can’t remember 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
i don’t know, not often i pay attention to people 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
every time i listen to bohemiam rhapsody i remember the flash video my brother created XD 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
i think my friend Ricky is the wine mom, mostly cause he’s the only one i know that drinks wine and gets drunk when drinks too much and the vodka aunt has to be my friend Elliot because almost every time i talk to him, he’s drunk  59: what's your favorite myth?
i don’t know, idk a lot of myths 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
i don’t really like poetry so i don’t have a favorite 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?
i try to think out my gifts carefully, but the stupidest gifts i’ve received was this last christmas, when i got 5 slippers from my family because of something i said xD 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
i don’t drink juice at all >.> and i probably should 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
with my music, i tend to organize them by artist, any new song i get from an artist i already have in my library has to be within that same bunch 64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
dark blue/black, it’s night 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with?
YES, MY BEST FRIEND!!! 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
a bunch of black roses? >.> 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
amazing!!! 68: what's winter like where you live?
non-existent 69: what are your favorite board games?
Anything that’s fun and makes my family do weird things 70: have you ever used a ouija board?
Nope but i am curious about using one 71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
sweet and citrusy i suppose? i dont drink tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
absolutely! 73: what are some of your worst habits?
i bite my nails.. a lot 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
do i have enough space to describe such a dork in my life? 75: tell us about your pets!
i have 1 dog! her name is diamond, she’s an adorable mutt! 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
probably sleeping.. pffft! 77: pink or yellow lemonade?
doesn’t matter they both taste great 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
minion, like from despicable me minions? XD cause if so, im in the sorta fanclub 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
they drew me XP 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
mine are sand colorish and no i didn’t choose it, we painted over the white/pink color that was there before, some of my other walls are different shades of blue. 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
i guess like a horizontal oval shaped open window with small black curtain looking out to an ocean of chocolate syrup 82: are/were you good in school?
yeah, i was 83: what's some of your favorite album art?
no idea, i dont really look at album covers 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
i’m too afraid of needles and have a low tolerance for pain, so no tattoos for me, if i did get one, i’d get one of probably my zodiac sign which is Scorpio 85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
i don’t read comics, i read manga and my favorite ones are Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji and Horimiya 86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
what are concept albums??? 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
any disney/marvel movies 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
none that i can think of at the top of my head 89: are you close to your parents?
not really, there are things i’ll tell them, but not everything 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
i dont really have a favorite city 91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
this year? i plan on traveling down to go see my best friend! that’s my main goal 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
no cheese on my pasta! 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?
ponytail, i can’t really keep my hair down cause of the humidity here 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
my best friend XD 95: what are your plans for this weekend?
video gaaaaaaaaaaames! 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
i usually procrastinate 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
uhh... zodiac? idk what myer briggs is and im not that big of a harry potter fan 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
hahahahaahahah xD me! HIKING! LOL!! 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
No.. 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I’d go 5 years into the past to reassure my younger self that i don’t have to have my life all together and absolutely know what i want to do with my life
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