#these were actually so fun to make I fear I may have discovered a new rabbit hole
agentark · 6 months
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when the vibes have to be just right for your fernweh replay, so you spend hours on making collages instead of ...... actually reading
x / x
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bailey-dreamfoot · 1 year
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Ok so, wee explanation + headcannons under the cut.
Ok so assuming you've stuck around for my insane ramblings, heres the gist:
This comic is very much inspired by Factual Fantasy's Comics about Marsh, Natquick, and Calico Jack. And while my personal head cannon does share in the idea of the group working together- I thought it would be hilariously fun to include Inkling, and tbh it focuses more on him than the others anyway.
In the show, inkling doesn't really get out much. There are really only a few episodes where he has a significant role, and even less when he actually participates in missions outside of *insert knowledgeable insight*.
I believe this is for 2 reasons:
He just prefers the comfortable vibe of his library. The book-worm role fits his personality well - enjoying studying or cataloging species alongside Shellington - and he likes spending time with the Vegimals.
His Mobility issues. While he can very easily traverse the watery environments in the base show- in a&b, he doesn't really show much interest in exploring the land until he's told an old friend was the one in need of help. He has the ability, its just difficult- and he knows his limitations.
Inkling has his hover chair, that allows him to move around the octopod relatively easily. However - in the Min episode - they make it a point that he cant take it with him on land, or use it over rough terrain.
My version of Inkling uses an actual wheelchair, so I thought it'd be a neat idea that after that adventure- he'd want to try joining missions more often. And to deal with said mobility issues and limitations- say they got specialized tires for his wheelchair- so he could go join up on land missions more often.
After going on a few more missions with the other Octonauts, he hears about Octoagents Calico Jack, and Professor Natquick joining up with Ranger Marsh to help out in the Everglades- you best bet he jumped at the opportunity to tag along. Think of all the species he could ad to his personal catalogue. They might even discover a few new ones! Leaving the Octopod for so long after being basically the one constant to the place was a bit scary sure - and the other Octonauts were certainly emotional ab him leaving (especially Barnacles) - but maybe a change of scenery would do him good.
Sooo He does that! Professor Inkling meets up with the others on a dock near Marsh's Ranger station and get to work! One of the coolest things they did was collecting egg samples and catching an adult specimen of a newly discovered trapdoor spider! the Pine Rockland Trapdoor. Marsh Has a nursery where he cares for tons of snakes, lizards, insects and birds to make sure they have the best chance for survival. Thats where these eggs are going- to hatch in safety and then be released back into the ecosystem. On top of that, they take samples of the adults venom for study, and inkling is sure to make a detailed report of the arachnid in his many journals brought along with him!
As you may expect, Kwazzi takes after his grandad in his fear of spiders. Jack has seen worse, but It doesnt make it any easier to be close to them. Natquick on the other hand- In all his time in the arctic hes never seen anything as freaky as a spider bigger than a quarter.
Aaand that's it! I'm hoping to do some more comics with the lads in the future, although probably not as detailed as this one. It took more than 2 weeks- please.
Also, I find it kinda goofy that the panels get more detailed as you go along. Thats what happens when the first and last panel were made almost a month apart from each other. 💚
Also also- yes I did do actual research for the animals in the last comic. It was going to be a funnel web spider they're researching, but then I looked it up and found out Funnelwebs don't live in the Everglades. :']
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
💡🎑9th House Vibes🎑💡
9th house is concerned with the exploration of unfamiliar territory, the purpose of which is to reach for experience, wisdom, and greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This house represents growth, psychology, learning, belief, faith, long journeys, adventures. Planets here suggest how we deal with complex level of learning. Traveling does not only mean traveling to places, but also spiritual journeys.🌉🎑🌃🐚🧚🏼‍♀️
🌞Sun in 9th house represents how you grow and how you look at the world around you. How do you perceive what is happening? What inspires you and in what way. Your inspiration most often comes from places, the meaning you find within yourself. Your personality is always changing and so is your outlook on life. You build a lot on your self-confidence! You always find optimism wherever you are and you don't let the sun go out. Also you love sunset or sunrise and it gives you inspiration, and you like to see them in other countries as well. To truly find yourself, you will have to go through things that are unknown.
🌙Moon in 9th house represents emotions and how you deal with them. Here you can look for a home elsewhere or in foreign places. You grow emotionally through the places and people you meet along the way. Actually the whole world can be your home. It is also possible that you were born abroad. Your home will always change, but that's the charm of everything you can experience. Your emotional experience of the world is exceptional. You will find your faith through places, learning, growth and the psychology of life.
🦋Mercury in 9th house represents learning, thinking, communication. You can communicate a lot with people who are from other countries. This suggests a gift for languages(you can learn other languages ​​very quickly). You are curious about what is hidden in this world. You like to explore new places, things, psychological things. You like to discover life itself. You can also travel a lot and get to know the attractions of new places. Your stories are interesting and instructive. Your mindset is extraordinary and deep. People can look at you as a teacher.
♥️Venus in 9th house represents love, beauty, justice. You can find beauty everywhere and everywhere you go you will be warmly welcomed. You can have artistic skills. You can have friends from other countries and cultures. You can meet your love on a trip or on your spiritual journey. You love a lot and with openness. You like new adventures and are looking for fun everywhere. You will find love in places, in things that will really overwhelm you.
🍁Mars in 9th house represents energy, passion, drive. You are a driven and energetic person. You get a lot of your energy when you travel, when you do something that has meaning and a feeling of aliveness. Many times you can venture into the unknown. Maybe sometimes you like to play with fate or do things that are risky to see how far you can go. Places give you energy, inspiration and mystery. You grow through actions and energy. Tough journeys test your strength and resolve, making you fearless.
🐞Jupiter in 9th house represents the growth and happiness you experience throughout your life. You can go on long trips and get to know many cultures. Many people will be inspired by you to learn, be more adventurous and even to travel long distances. It’s like Jupiter is giving you both wealth a lot of respect because you have intellectual interests. Faith may come easily to you. You approach the unknown with trust. You have good intuition and like to do things that are risky but fun. Higher learning is expansive and joyful. You can teach other people a lot.
🪐Saturn in 9th house basically represents the fear of the unknown. Here, all things come harder because you are afraid to accept them. You can quickly lose the will to live or the meaning of life. Maybe your religion is a taboo or something that is against you. You can also have “ fear of flying”. Like I said faith may be hard-won , you like to be well-prepared for the journey. To reach your faith, belief, you have to go through fear.
🪸Uranus in 9th house represents something unexpected, rebellious, different. Your view of the world and contact with it can constantly change. You meet new people unexpectedly, you are open to new knowledge. But at the same time, you are rebellious to the world, you want to change things and you like to visit unusual places. But you might also be inclined to question, rejecting tradition.You prefer to have your own beliefs or you often abandon the religion of your family and find another one. Sometimes people with this placement drop out of college. When going on a vacation, you like to choose a less popular destination that offers a unique experience.
🧜🏼‍♀️Neptune in 9th house represents spirituality, the unconscious, the subconscious, dreams, fantasy, delusions. Many times you have a spiritual journey through your subconscious. You can also like places by the water. You can be very in touch with meditation and yoga. Neptune here suggests a gift for spiritual vision or for intuliting future trends. You can travel to dreamy places that take your breath away. People with Neptune here are highly idealistic in life. But also indicates depression that can come quickly when dreams don’t come true. But otherwise Neptune here suggests a very strong faith in life. You are strongly aligned with your higher self.
🌊Pluto in 9th house represents secrets, mystery, depth. Here you can be inspired through the depth of the world, you like places that are hidden and dark. You experience transformation through your beliefs, world, outlook and learning. You grow a lot emotionally and learn a lot about deepening the world. You also seek to be transformed by learning. You are not afraid of the dark and the unknown, in essence, you are fascinated by other fears. Philosophy and religion can help you understand yourself and the world around you better. This placement suggests a lifelong learner.
💙Chiron in 9th house represents healing, trauma, compassion, meantor,vunerabiliy. This is where you grow through your world of healing. Maybe in childhood you didn't see the point and these things hurt you too much, but now you have become someone who can stand up to the world . You take your own path through the moral maze, seeking a deeper wisdom. You are a life long learner and strong advocate. You can be a true teacher leading others to their own form of understanding. You can help others show the way, give motivation and hope.
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blue-b-bro · 1 year
Colour’s meaning in ofmd:
First rule is that brighter = more intense, and lighter = more open a feeling is. I’ll say more below, but it already says something about Blackbeard’s crew being all black and only black :’)
Yellow is a colour of truth. Colour of following your dreams and passions. Before the break-up gown, Stede is wearing the yellow one.
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Basically it’s a sea colour. It means sea and freedom. In e4 Alma has teal dress, while playing pirates with Stede, which also shows she was closer with Stede than her brother. There’s a lot of teal-ish colours around Stede, but most are actually “hidden”, darker. He was keeping it a secret from others. When he’s on his boat in s1 he’s almost glowing teal.
It’s the colour of sea and freedom, but more like an idea of it, not a realistic one, witch may be the reason many crew members have some teal elements, usually very small, and Stede is all teal and then, in e10 he destroys this idealisation to start something real. After his first “kill” in e1 Stede’s teal's never that bright again.
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It’s a colour of rejection. Not sure why, but it is. The moment Stede leaves, Mary’s wearing light pink. When Ed becomes distant and then leaves him to go with Jack, when Stede left Ed, they are wearing the break-up gown, which is bright pink. I’d say the difference between those two intensities would say something about the intensity of the feeling. Mary was abandoned, but she wasn’t so hurt by it, they weren’t happy together. But Ed and Stede were hurt very much.
Also all of the non-white crew wears pink/pink-ish in e1, while in disguise (because you know, to show racism) + Lucius’s very bright scarf & Black Pete’s light pink… something (probably because homophobia, and Lucius is very loudly queer). All the things white colonisers reject.
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We all know, it’s a heart colour, Ed’s heart but not only. Ed hides his red, Lucius is wearing a lot of red, as someone who’s not ashamed of his love and usually helps with relationship’s problems, Stede, while destroying his teal is covering it in red and in s2 wears red scarf(?). At the end of e3 Stede is covered in red, even the background turns red, while meeting Ed for the first time. He's also wearing dark red when talking about his favorite horsie :")
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It’s a colour of insecurity, feeling inadequate or incompetent, unsure. Stede wears light salmon/orange when Ed says he’s not ready for a fuckery, then very dark (almost brown, but still salmon-ish to me) when he feared Ed’s going to leave, because Stede’s wasn’t fun enough. Ed wears dark salmon in e4, when trying this new persona/thinking he was expendable to this Blackbeard legend. Stede is deprived of his salmon vest in e2, when he got more confident.
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I think it’s the creativity and adventure colour. I’m also not sure if it’s important that what Ed was missing after leaving the Revenge was a lavender soap (something something he wanted to feel clean and with Jack he wasn’t again, it’s a colour meta, let’s not go there). I mean we say it’s Ed’s colour, but I’m not sure anyone here has “their” colour. If colours are feelings, no-one has their own. For example, other characters wearing purple is Stede in e2 (when he has to use his creativity), Lucius (art), Frenchie (music, crafts and cons) and sometimes Oluwande. Characters get more purple when they need to figure out a plan or scheming something, get creative.
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Stede is all white in e3. He’s like a blank canvas (Lucius is immediately covered in red again), inviting pirate world, willing to learn. It also makes him stick out like a sore thumb of course. White is supposed to mean empty, nothing, bare, open. Stede made his white crew wear mostly white, to not be seen as suspicious.
Beige, as some kind of darker white, is not knowing what you want, figuring thing out.
Ed and Stede are white when discovering their love for each other, entering something completely new for them. Stede, at the end of s1 is colourless, but in s2 he gets a red scarf and later gets green/dark teal shirt. Jim is all beige while hiding and figuring out their identity. When being afraid that he’s not enough fun, Stede choose all beige for their adventure, showing he doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he’s ready to do it.
Beige is temporary.
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Now, we have yellow&red-ish&teal ship, Stede’s dark red&dark teal at his wedding, Sted’s family portrait (everyone close and light yellow/orange, except Stede - dark blue/teal and distant):
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But the real kicker for me is Stede’s pitch black cravat Ed wears on his neck. His feelings for Stede while always with him, hidden very deep inside.
I also recommend those meta: x x x x x
Edit: I'm rereading metas and now I remember why purple is thought to be Ed's color (Ed's red heart + Stede's teal freedom he offers -> purple) Still fits 🤟
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icycoldninja · 2 months
You’re back?! 😃 YAAAAAY!! 😁
May I please request headcanons for the Sparda boys reacting to their actress girlfriend (who’s portraying a scorned lover) getting injured while filming and she finds out she’s pregnant afterwards?
YES I AM BACK YEEEHEEEHEEEHEE! As the saying goes, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I also ended up writing V, too, out of habit. Enjoy.
Sparda boys + V x Actress!Reader getting injured while filming headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-He heard about your dramatic role and didn't think much of it. Actors will do as actors are paid to do.
-Then he discovered you got injured during filming, actually injured, as in crying and screaming, tears pouring down your cheeks.
-Dante practically flew all the way to the studio, shoving aside medical personel and your panicking director at the same time.
-He didn't even wait for you to answer his very loud "Are you alright?!" And just whisked you off to the hospital, ignoring all the shouting people on set, wondering where this scruffy guy was going with their leading actress.
-He got you into the ER, where the doctor did a thorough X-ray, but thankfully, there was nothing broken or severely damaged, just a mild concussion.
-The doctor did inform the two of you that during his scan, he discovered you were pregnant. This was a huge, but happy shock for Dante, who decided to repeat the information to you later, as you'd fallen asleep a little before the doctor broke the news.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil insisted upon watching you film, not because he wanted a behind-the-scenes experience, but because he feared for your safety.
-It's a good thing he was there, else no one would have come to your rescue when you received that concussion.
-Vergil was on his feet and at your side faster than the crew could blink, ignoring the director's angry shouting and carting you out of there.
-He immediately took you to the nearest hospital and waited aggressively as the doctors scanned you.
-The doctors were glad to report that it was simply a concussion, nothing more, but also had some unexpected news. You were pregnant, Vergil was the father.
-Naturally, Vergil was given a great jumpscare by this, but felt pride and excitement soon bloom in his chest. He will not abandon this kid like he did with Nero, that's for sure.
□ Nero □
-Nero was on his feet and running at top speed all the way to the filming location as soon as he heard you were hurt.
-One of your frightened assistants made the call, thinking that out of all people, your boyfriend deserved to know.
-Nero was so mad he almost Triggered by the time he entered the set, only to find you sitting dazed and hurt in a chair, attended to by several frightened medics.
-Nero let them do their jobs, then checked in on you to make sure you were alright.
-You didn't feel okay at all; your head hurt and you were generally disoriented and confused, so Nero took you to the hospital, where the doctors told him you only had a concussion--oh, and that you were pregnant too.
-Nero was not at all prepared for that, but hey, having a kid around would be fun.
● V ●
-V decided to surprise you on set, but ended up receiving a nasty shock himself.
-You had been injured while filming a fight scene, and had suffered some sort of head damage.
-V was so nervous and afraid something permanent had happened to you, he was literally trembling as you were rushed to the hospital.
-The doctors confirmed that you had suffered a concussion and that no permanent damage had been inflicted, but you'd need a lot of rest.
-Another interesting surprise was that you were pregnant. Their tests figured this out.
-V was thrilled and scared all at the same time. Never did he expect to have so many astonishing discoveries delivered unto him in one day.
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aladaylessecondblog · 4 months
Lil Nerevar
Author's Note: Haj-deek is discovered much earlier and is taken to Red Mountain along with Im-Kilaya.
There was no mistaking the little face; they had all seen it before it pressed shyly back into Im-Kilaya's neck. Lord Dagoth's blood, and no mistake. The ring she wore on two fingers was the final clue.
"Where did you get that?" she had been asked.
"It was my mama's. She's gone now."
After a lengthy pause Haj-deek spoke again.
"I'm scared," she mumbled against Im-Kilaya's scales, "They look scary. They gonna eat us?"
"No, child, they're not going to eat us. They think...they think you are someone very important to Dagoth Ur."
She gasped.
"Everything is going to be alright."
They'd been placed in a side room, the door of which was being guarded by an ascended sleeper. He seemed to hear their conversation and floated forward.
"We have no plans to eat you, child. The Sixth House is not a house of barbarians. We are simply unprepared to receive you."
"What's dat mean?"
"It means that Lord Dagoth did not know of you."
"Why the vol-cano man care?" Haj-deek seemed unsure of where to look.
"Does she not know?" the sleeper looked to Im-Kilaya, who though frightened was masking it well enough.
"We hadn't yet told her, no," Im-Kilaya said, "Because we were afraid she might let it slip...and even in an Imperialist town like Ebonheart..."
"Im-kiwaya says the temple doesn't like me! Or my mama!" she said. "Or my mama's ring."
"And where is your mother?"
A new voice rang out now, one stronger than that of the sleeper, who immediately dropped into a bow at the new entrant's feet.
Haj-deek looked at Im-kilaya, a question in her little red eyes.
"I'll talk to him, little one."
Then she hid her face against his neck again.
"Her mother is dead," Im-Kilaya said, "She passed birthing Haj-deek, and asked us to care for her."
Silence. The taller figure drew closer, and now Haj-deek actually turned to look at him.
The stranger was wearing a big golden mask.
"That...IS...a very pretty ring," he said, gesturing to it. "It was your mother's, you said?"
"Yes," Haj-deek nodded, "Yes, it was my mama's. She gave it to me when I was born."
"She does not know all," Im-Kilaya said, repeating what he had to the sleeper, "A chattering child may share news to the wrong person by accident, you understand."
"You should be kneeling right now," the strange man said, "Why are you not? Do you think yourself my equal?"
"I stand on my feet before you because without me she would not be here either," Im-Kilaya said. He was shaking, still holding closely to Haj-deek, "Because without me, and the others of the mission, her mother would not have made it far enough to birth her."
"I am a xal-toh!" Haj-deek spoke up suddenly, "It means say-kred secret."
"They gave you THAT as a name?"
"No, no. My name is Haj-deek. Im-kilaya says it means I hidden child!" She paused and looked over the mask again. It felt familiar. She felt like she'd seen it before.
"Yes," Im-Kilaya said, speaking to her now, "Because your mother loved you very much, and wanted you to be safe from the Tribunal faithful."
"Surely her mother would have known she was safe with me, and the rest of her House," the stranger said.
Haj-deek was put on her feet, and told to go play with the tentacle-face man. He seemed like fun - he said he used to have a daughter, and so he suggested a tea-party, the supplies for which were soon gathered in a corner. Im-Kilaya was telling her it was alright, so it must be.
"Her mother," Im-Kilaya finally said, "Never told us it was you herself...we learned that from the journal she kept after she died. She was weak, you understand - her wounds would not heal by spell or potion, and she did not dare make the attempt to leave Ebonheart in her delicate condition."
"And she trusted you?"
"As much as her daughter does." The fear seemed to be leaving the lizard, as he now stood a bit taller, and wasn't shaking as much. "That business you had the Dren slaver - all but kidnapping us, that scared her. If I were to meet with an unfortunate end, I have no doubt you will not find what you seek here."
There was a pause.
(The Hist had told him it would be so.)
"I would like to propose a trade," Im-Kilaya finally said, "I can give you several things, but I want some in return as well."
"I should smite you where you stand. Would you like that, lizard?" The golden mask held no emotion but his voice certainly made up for it. "What more could you give me that I do not now have?"
"Her mother's ashes. I guarantee that should I meet an unfortunate end, those of the Mission would not be inclined to cooperate with you. And without their help you would never be able to find her ashes on your own. Undoubtedly you want your daughter to see you as what you are to her - I can help you there as well."
"And in return I suppose you wish the end of slavery? For the beastfolk to rise above their--"
"That and more," Im-Kilaya said, "But I must remind you that in her mother's darkest hour it was not Sadara's fellow Dunmer to save her, but the beastfolk you so despise."
He looked at Haj-deek, engaged in her mock tea party with the sleeper, who seemed to be quite enjoying himself.
"We only wish you to remember that."
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acoldsovereign · 7 months
{{ Okay, here we go. A better/proper post about it. I know, I know. "But you said you wouldn't post--"
I'm breaking it this once. Only this once.
I'm still a reforming sociopath so being sad/sitting with intense feelings is very difficult for me. Concerning the circumstances, I'll try to express myself properly without the fear of "feeling things wrong".
I'm still new to the RPC. I started in March 2023, it'll be a year soon. God, that's so fast. I made minor and major mistakes in the process of learning Tumblr etiquette, but I learned from those instances all the same and nobody heckled me for it. Nobody made fun of me at all. Aside from the one incident I had late last year (it wasn't anyone in this community, though they did have a DBZ character on their roster), I've had ZERO problems with this community. I may be annoyed at stuff I see on the dash, or at highly specific or miniscule things nobody else sees if I ever venture out of my safe bubble, but ... I never felt unwelcomed, excluding my beginning months (which was when I didn't understand Tumblr culture). That changed when I started following and talking to people seriously. Everyone, even the shy people have been nothing but sweet to me and you all still continue to be really sweet and kind to me, even going as far to remind me to take my time when I push myself too hard. DBZ wasn't my first anime (that honor goes to Magic Knight Rayearth, Sailor Moon and Rurouni Kenshin), but it was one of the most influential I've ever watched. Unlike most in the community, I have a tumultuous relationship with the series due to being bullied severely in my childhood/adolescent years. I wasn't "allowed" to like or enjoy it because I was a girl, and it was a boy's show, even worse, it was deemed "white people shit". (Yes, this was said to my face by kids my age).
It was so incredibly dumb and disheartening to never be able to enjoy things because I associated being liked with survival. And yet, I still found a way to enjoy DB in secret. I started with Kai reruns. As you all know, even though I started at the Saiyan Saga, it was the Trunks Saga that truly converted and changed me-- so much so that he's my favorite character hands down, even after all these years. I ended up finishing the entire series on an old computer I no longer have. The pirating website I was using had a little chatbox where people were doing script RP (aka they used asterisks and all that). I thought it looked fun-- so, I made an account, username and joined in. I was a female Saiyan character (because why wouldn't I?) and I discovered the world of RP that way; that's how I started. DBZ is why I'm here with you all. The cycle repeated again and all of my old RP partners were nowhere to be found when I logged in one day. I got bullied again (which deeply hurt and confused me) and verbally/emotionally harassed online until I changed my username and deleted the FC I was using (one of them even told me to uh, you know. Do the opposite of live). I searched online for other RP forums and found them; started on other sites until I found my way to Facebook. I learned I had a knack for describing things, and making wholly unique characters that breathed life into the series they were from. I found my home, you could say. I've been in many other fandoms, made good memories but the majority of them are unfortunately tainted with the cruelty and lack of compassion others had towards OCs, especially of the female kind. Even in the Naruto community years ago, I had been at the end of a "call out/ship-vent" post for something I had no control over (the situation was actually caused by the person who wrote it, worse of all).
When I RPed in the DB fandom on Facebook, the only things that happened were: people's feelings getting hurt when my villain OCs said something rude to their characters (I always, ALWAYS, warned the other person in advance just to make sure they were okay with it), and people (mainly male muses-- canon and OCs) trying to reform them through having crushes on them or being "nice" to them. Romance plots, basically, or hoping for it. Though the latter was sometimes annoying, I managed to have fun, still. (Funnily enough, it mainly happened to the Cyborg/'Android' OCs I had, and not my Saiyans). The former though, kept me away from writing any more villains/antagonists for a long time because I didn't want to harm someone or be the reason they had a bad experience with roleplaying. Quite some years ago, I abandoned it due to life responsibilities and all that. Had to focus on college. I've been doing this since middle school all the way up to high school. I'm 26 now. I've been roleplaying for 14 years. I started when I was 12, at most. That means I've been a fan of this series for that duration of time and even longer since I didn't know RP was a thing. Because of DBZ, I've had long distance relationships. Because of DBZ, I've discovered my passion of writing goes deeper than what I thought it did originally. I even discovered what fanfiction was, through RP. I met people in the past through RP that I've developed crushes on and went on to date online. Met my first cosplay community (when I started cosplaying), made friends with local anime-shop owners before they closed down for good. I had a freaking Future Trunks Funko at one point! And I donated it to the shop because I loved the owners so much that I wanted them to have what personally gave me joy. I tried to write Trunks at one point, tried to cosplay him at another, so on and so forth. As many downs I had being attached to this series, I had more ups-- and gods, were the ups so HIGH. So, I'm much more willing to work with the series and all of the IP, because the truth is, something keeps making me come back. And it sparks my enthusiasm.
I've been told since starting my blog that my enthusiasm is infectious and I'm glad it is, because the truth is: this enormous body of work deserves it. My enthusiasm is because of Toriyama. This blog is here because of Toriyama. No, seriously. He said we never got female Saiyans prior to Super because he never could settle on a design. Growing up, I've been told toxic things about this series (usually from my own ethnic group, immature boys and creepy, grown men), only to find out the dude struggled with indecision! He was just like me at the time-- a freaking panster! Talk about a relief! I belong here!! I've always belonged, as a female fan!! My Saiyans, whether in RP or fanfictions, were female for this explicit reason. Long story short, Maiz is here because he planted that seed. I just took it and ran. As you all know, Maiz originally came from a fanfiction herself but, her current personality, motives and goals came from another character. The version you're seeing and writing with was specifically tailored to the needs of the RPC-- a villainous female Saiyan (with huge amounts of much needed Saiyan lore backing her up). I created this blog with my decade long experience of writing in mind. I wasn't expecting much when my best friend Koji convinced me to try Tumblr RP. I was so jaded. I thank her so much because if she didn't, I wouldn't have refound my drive for this series. My neverending love for various aspects of DB would have just stayed between me and my close irl friends. I wouldn't have met any of you. I wouldn't be here at all, and neither would Maiz. I wouldn't be surrounded by beautiful, amazing people. I wouldn't be as motivated as I am to improve my writing and vocabulary. Just ... Gosh. You guys remember when I said I can't think of Trunks' backstory too hard/too long or I'll get sad and cry? Well. It's moved to "if I ever hear Heroic, Episodic or Heaven Sent Trunks, I'll get sad" now. Gotta laugh at myself a little somewhere. I'm getting better at being okay with being sad. Bare with me. The fact that he based my favorite character on the Terminator movies and Trunks existing was why I even got into sci-fi to begin with (Terminator, Total Recall, Stargate, Star Trek, etc), just makes everything I've been though with this series hurt that much more.
To make matters worse, the first time I ever wrote within the sci-fi genre WAS the fanfiction Maiz comes from. It was a rewrite of DB Super, starting with the Broly movie, so naturally I decided it should be a blend of that and Space-Opera. Sigh. Do you see what I mean? By why this all hurts? I wouldn't be here at all if I didn't take what Toriyama said about female Saiyans to heart. Being told I was taking this IP too seriously over the years has paid off. I'm glad I'm so damn stubborn and resilient. I'm glad I have tunnel vision. Others would've broken if they went through the bs I did. If I had to go get bullied for liking Trunks over Vegeta and Goku all over again, I'd do it knowing what I accomplish later down the road. (But you know, I don't need to be bullied again-- nobody does). There's much more I could say but I'll leave it here as I think this is a full explanation enough. Thank you, Akira Toriyama (and the editors) for the Trunks, Androids and Cell Sagas. I'm glad Western movies inspired you. Finally, thank you for existing.
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high-voltage-rat · 4 months
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POV: you're a student at GEARS University and the weird 35-year-old who sat next to you in Mecha Piloting 101 and never took off their safety goggles is your neuroscience TA because it turns out she's a literal actual doctor.
As I mentioned in my art of her post-reset self, Ravyn is much more fleshed out as a character in Mechquest. So here's my lore-dump, which may serve as the preface to me posting the fic I'm writing of her (if I can work up the courage to do so, lmao).
As a fun little intro, some trivia:
Always introduces themself as "Ravyn, Ray if you prefer single syllables".
Wears their lab goggles and white coat as part of their piloting gear because they're paranoid about ocular open globe injuries and their coat is fire-resistant. Other medical professionals tease her for being like a med student who wears their first white coat everywhere.
Uses her energy blade for everything: lighting the way to the bathroom, opening packages, making toast, and cutting her hair over the garbage can any time it gets long enough to be in the way.
Lectures everyone who will listen on why acetaminophen and ibuprofen should be taken together for their synergistic mechanisms, the ideal nutrient intake to have energy throughout the day, and the neurochemical reasons why one should maintain good sleep hygiene.
Is also a hypocrite who doesn't eat or sleep right themself.
Considered joining Mystraven, but couldn't bear the jokes about Ravyn and Ravens that were sure to come, so joined Runehawk instead. Still hears bird jokes regularly from Starbuck anyway.
Loves to design new ways to inject mecha into combat. Really enjoys a "fastball special"-esque entry using the momentum of a dropship taking a tight turn to fling her at the enemy. Sys-Zero is the only one brave enough to do it, though.
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(Thanks to @cyraen-ae for the character sheet template!!!)
Unlike most students of GEARS, Ravyn isn't a young teen full of fire when she enrolls. In fact, up until the Shadowscythe war, they'd never really piloted a mecha before. Born in Tibattleonia on Loreon, Ravyn discovered early on in their life that they were gifted with a natural affinity for psychic, specifically empathetic, magic. Able to feel the emotions of others, and even manipulate them to a degree, she naturally fell into the path of a doctor- using her abilities to soothe pain, ease fear, and even diagnose issues in the cases where patients found themselves unable to describe their ailments. In cases where anaesthesia wasn't an option, her abilities were highly valued- though using them always left her feeling quite drained.
She was a Neurocritical Care specialist serving with the Soluna Defence Force's Medical Corps, nearly through her fellowship with no thoughts of a career change- when the MASH unit she was stationed at suddenly found itself under constant fire from a threat they'd never seen before. The Shadowscythe hit them hard, the soldiers posted to protect them were going down, and for the first time, the doctors of the camp had to requisition a communal mech to allow them to chip in on defending their patients. Originally very reluctant to pilot, Ravyn was taught how to pilot by the head surgeon of their camp, Col. Henry, and quickly found that they were a natural prodigy- and a bit of an adrenaline junkie, to boot. Their quick thinking, impulsive but tactical, and highly adaptable nature meant that their piloting was full of decisive and strategic moves that made them a very effective pilot- and the precision of a doctor accustomed to neurological procedures is not to be underestimated.
Over the next few months, she began spending less and less time in the O.R., and more and more time at the helm of their Skuld mecha, affectionately nicknamed "the Monster M.A.S.H.". Her coworkers pushed for her to receive formal training at GEARS, believing that she could do a great deal of good if she honed her natural talent. She didn't want to leave her patients and colleagues, but eventually reluctantly agreed, and the camp chipped in to buy a new communal mecha, sending The Monster M.A.S.H. with her as a not-so-regulation parting gift when she left. In the spirit of that mecha, she tries to keep her oath of non-maleficence whenever possible, avoiding fights with non-Shadowscythe at every opportunity, and fighting to subdue and minimize harm when she can't.
As one might expect, this highly atypical background left them pretty alienated from the rest of their GEARS class- being a solid 12 years older than everyone else will do that to you. They ended up being closer to professors like Sys-Zero, external professionals like Helia, and grad students like Starbuck, Jaania, Casca, and Xaria- though they did also form an odd friendship with the Reliant crew (River, Sally, Dooder). As the war progressed, they grew closer with the crew as they ran missions together regularly, and with Sys-Zero, Warlic, Char, the house leaders, and Odessa as the people bearing the burden of leadership in the darkest times their world had ever seen.
The Shadowscythe take a lot from Ravyn- she witnesses the ruins of her hometown firsthand, has to fight twisted creatures in its crumbling rubble. She watches the mecha of friends crumple and burn under their fire. One day, one of her closest friends from the M.A.S.H. camp comes into Specific Hospital on a stretcher, and breaks down as he tells her that everyone else is gone. She sees the horror of the Shadowscythe virus, turning people she cares about into enemies. This all leaves her with significant PTSD, including night terrors. Despite it all, however, she fights hard to hold onto her sense of humour, to love warmly, and to keep hope alive in the hearts of those she protects.
That's something the reset can never change.
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sevilemar · 8 months
Do you remember my first post as a not-quite-yet GM? Someone recently gifted me a like on that post, and as I was reading it over again, I found myself smiling quite a bit. We are about a year and a half into our campaign now, so let me give you an update:
- The players will do what they like, but they actually need a bit of trust to get there.
At the beginning, they were all very respectful of what they thought was 'The GM's plot'. The thing is, I didn't really had a plot back then, still mostly don't, so there were a few situations where I just had to pretend I did, and yes, it was exactly what you thought it was, how did you guess?
These days, my players feel a lot more comfortable to just go where the story takes them, and sometimes make their own story. I want them to do even more of it, so my work here is not done yet.
In the meantime, I work out plot points from session to session. I have a general direction, but no idea how we'll get there. It stresses me out a lot, because I have to figure out a way to progress after every session, and I really am not good at that (or if I am, it takes a lot of work).
- Session zero is still important, as is regular feedback. The most important though is dealing with any conflicts that may arise openly, and before a session, not after.
- Building encounters got easier over time, both because my PCs are now level 4, and because I have more experience now. PC death is still scary as fuck to me (we had one to this day), and I have learned that it is best to leave it up to the player if they want to roll up a new character, or if we need to find a way of resurrecting their old one.
I still think I handled the death too leniently; there should have been more consequences than just a block on their abilities and spells for a few hours.
- The funny thing about not letting Forever-GMs taking over your game is that sometimes, you need to let Forever-GMs take over your game^^
I collaborated with two of my players to date, one taking over GMing for a side quest, and one with whom I co-GMed for a bit. It is fun, makes the players more invested, and it also takes some stress away from me.
- My track record with safety tools is not good, tbh. I did lines and veils at the beginning, and introduced the x card and signs, but nobody has used them yet. I also find myself straying very, very close to one of the players fears a few time, and I couldn't find a way around it. Still need to get better with safety tools.
- Since we started our campaign, I got involved in four more campaigns or extended oneshots, two of them as a direct result of the people at my table. I have played a few oneshots in DnD and other systems, and made characters for a few more. Suffice it to say, no DnD class is completely foreign to me anymore, and most of them I have played or planned already.
- Eberron is still a lot of work. So much so that any oneshot I run also takes place there, because I am not a world building person, and learning one world is quite enough for me. I still discover new things every session, and I am fortunate that one of my other campaigns where I am a player also takes place in Eberron. This way, I'm learning about the world without having to learn the world.
- I found good ressources, kobold fight club for encounters, wikidot, etc. If you are interested, PM me and I give you links privately.
- I have gone with drawing over printing, mostly because I do not own a printer, and the print shops are not open at 1 am at night, when I get my craziest ideas for the session tomorrow.
- We started out with paper minis, but as you know, I got into painting minis, and so I find myself increasingly either making encounters for specific minis, or reskinning monster stats to fit the minis I just finished. It's a lot of fun.
- I still don't have a list of names. I should really do something about that.
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What if when Sophie came to the lost cities the black swan had been overthrown, and their leaders arrested. So by the time she arrived, she doesn’t have that same support. I think it’d take the story in a crazy, but fun new direction.
oh that would be very interesting--not only would she have significantly less guidance at the start of the series, but depending on how the Black Swan were handled, the attitude towards Sophie could be quite different; she'd be the product of known convicted criminals, not just the odd human girl.
She was observed when she first arrived, but I imagine that would've been much more intense in this situation. I wonder when she would've arrived, actually. Because Alden didn't find Sophie by his own work, Mr. Forkle led him to her. So without him, when on earth would Sophie have been brought to their world? Would they have discovered that sort of information through a mind break and located her around the same time, or would years pass?
I'm imagining the Mr. Forkle who posed as her neighbor might've escaped being arrest, which would create an interesting dynamic with her having one singular influence and resource.
But that aside, without the rest of the Black Swan able to work masterfully behind the scenes, there'd be no notes, no clues to prompt hidden memories. It would require a lot more work on Sophie's part to figure things out--which, depending on when she was brought to the lost cities and how (agreeing it was the best decision vs council forcing her, for example), she may or may not be capable of.
I'm also curious how that would impact her morals and sense of right; we see her learning from and guided by the Black Swan for most of the series before she branches out, following their methodology and beliefs on the limits. If they were never there, what's stopping her from going a step further much sooner? Especially if she's being more heavily monitored/judged and in order to make any impact she has to push harder--side note: I feel like in that case she might become similar to Tam in her disdain, she didn't do anything but exist and need help and this is what they did?
Would she be allowed to attend Foxfire with a significant association with a serious criminal organization? Even if she hasn't done anything yet, she might. And if she doesn't go to Foxfire (or is too old when brought), her friend group would be entirely different. She might not even have a friend group and it would instead be her against the world, perhaps a few misfits gathered along the way. Fitz might still be around because he found her, but Biana might stay bratty. She wouldn't meet Marella or Jensi, and she wouldn't have been adopted by the Ruewens (because confirmed huge Black Swan association when he thinks they killed Jolie? no way) so no meeting Dex. If she doesn't go to Foxfire, I could see them sending her to Exillium, in which case she might keep Tam and Linh as friends--but with a very different dynamic, since I think Sophie would be incredibly bitter.
Actually now that I'm thinking about this maybe she'd be picked up by the Neverseen. At least temporarily and in the same way that Rayni was--not that she's for their atrocities, but because they extended a hand when no one else did. Which!! Could then be an interesting exploration on how she wasn't a criminal, but via seeing her as one/as dangerous they limited her options and made her into one. She wouldn't have joined the Neverseen if they'd treated her properly, but they didn't, so now she did. Except they don't see it as their fault, as a consequence of their boxing her in, but instead as confirmation of what they always feared.
indeed, Nonsie, there is a lot of potential for a very different but fascinating story here. I've barely scratched the surface of all the implications and everything you could do with it!
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laincelebi · 1 year
Ideas for a trigun werewolf au
So i just had an idea for a trigun au that i think it would be fun. I started drawing Vash as a werewolf and then i thought what if Meryl was the werewolf?
I am still unsure of what all the logistics of why there are werewolves and how that would impact things or what even the plot would be (if it would be different or not).
So worldbuilding ideas after the cut.
Werewolves are something tied to No Man's Land, there were no werewolves on the ships, just humans. Reports and stories are relatively new too but very few. They have some sort of connection to the plants as a plant dying can trigger a werewolf to go out of control. However, people don't really know anything about them, or where they came from. Most of the theories revolves around plants. Some think it's a gift from the plants to help humans survive in No Man's Land, others think it's some sort of curse or mutation caused by the plants. Werewolves would be so rare that they are basically an urban legend. They are actually born humans, until one day something transforms them, its unknown if people have some pre-disposition to become werewolves also there isn't a set age to transform.
I am between a more alien like appearance and a more traditional one for them. Werewolves would be more resistant than normal humans and have more acute sense but they are not much stronger, they can still be killed with guns (yeah, no need for silver bullets). Since people know nothing about them, its assumed they are monsters that just want to kill, because of that they are hunted and usually when a person is discovered to be a werewolf they are killed on sight. Which makes people who become werewolves always afraid of being discovered and they try to hide what they are at all costs. However, in normal circumstances they have full control of themselves. They can transform at any time however there are a few times that they feel a need to transform and usually can't hold back, it's usually these situations where they are discovered.
They have a certain connection to plants being able to feel their emotions when they are close by which is usually soothing to them, in turn, when the plants are unstable or dying they are directly affected and become violent due to being overwhelmed by a influx of conflicting and chaotic emotions and so far no one knows if they can recover from this state.
About the Characters
Meryl would be a recently turned werewolf, being lucky no one saw her when she turned, and no one knows she is one. She would be in a similar state to Vash, being afraid of others discovering what she is. She doesn't really know what to do nor what really happened to her, having only rumors as information about similar cases to hers, and she prefers to ignore most of them. As they are usually about werewolves being monsters that attack people. Based on her experience ,she can't believe werewolves can lose control and become violent as that never happened to her. So she assumes that's a lie, but once she sees that really happening she would be very afraid that one day she may kill someone.
She recently changed and never got in close proximity to a plant before so she doesn't know what she can do.
When she first encounters Vash, she could be able to sense something weird about him. but can't really tell what it is and she can't feel his emotions like she can with other plants. And in turn Vash would also notice something, though since he never met a werewolf he wouldn't know much.
I kinda picture her being tiny for a werewolf like not much taller than she already is (Vash can still pick her up lol). while she could fight better in this form, her fear of being discovered makes her choose her battles. Only using her werewolf form when completely necessary.
Vash only has heard about werewolves but never met one and he thought that that they didn't exist. He feels some sort of connection with Meryl that he can't really understand.
Plot points
The main one would be her relationship with Vash (yeah this is pretty much a vashmeryl idea), they are in similar and yet different situations. Both are afraid of being discovered, so when they learn about each other there is an understanding between them. I would definitely want to explore what this change would do to their dynamic. Also since plants are directly connected to werewolves, making them go out of control and transforming humans, how would they react to this information?
Another cool point would be Meryl being close to a plant as it's unstable and she loses control and Vash needs to help her regain it before she does something she regrets.
Well this is all i have so far. there is a lot more to think about like how their friends will react, especially Milly and even if this situation would change knives view on humans.
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sleepyselkiesims · 4 months
Part 36
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Ariel continued her explorations, just a little closer to home.
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One nearby location gave her an idea...
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But it would have to wait; Melody was going to have to say goodbye to her doctors set for a while, and start a new life journey!
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Erika had kindly baked Melody's cake, and celebrated her big day the hardest.
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Melody had a little trouble thinking of her wish, what will all the insects and such making so much noise behind her.
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In the end, she wished to become a more skilled person. She may not be ready for the big scary world, but she could fill her own little paradise with so many hobbies!
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...Happy Birthday, Melody! Normal birthday backdrop, nothing to see here!
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Cassandra had spent the duration of the birthday sitting in her high chair, forced to think about what she'd done. Though clearly she had no regrets.
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Melody had been such an angelic child, the benevolent god had honestly forgotten how much trouble toddlers usually liked to cause!
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But that of course was exactly why Ariel loved Cassandra. They were two peas in a pod!
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Pascal discovered fear.
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And Erika remained endlessly patient in teaching her young daughter the ways of the world.
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Things would be a little different outside of her totally normal home!
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The first thing Melody did after aging up was begin a garden. Snow White had gifted her a bunch of seeds, and Ariel had collected some really wild plants on her adventures.
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Melody even got her very own rooftop garden, with planter pots made specially by her momma. And some glowing lanterns, just for fun.
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Everything Melody could possibly want was right there in her little tower kingdom.
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Ariel even braved the climb up to help Melody with her homework!
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The only problem was Melody's own expectations of herself. All those hobbies, and she couldn't be immediately perfect at any of them??
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At least there was no need to wonder when her life would begin; there was already so much to do!
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Why is this house such a hotspot for random people to stand around?? This isn't even the generation where I'm specifically not allowed to open the door to people! Where was this energy when I actually needed it for the plot drama!
I mean, Rapunzel isn't supposed to open the door either, but with all the family members stopping by it's a bit late for that.
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doctorweebmd · 4 months
Because I’m nosey for the author ask…Hope you don’t mind :-)
ahhh NO THIS ISNT NOSINESS i LOVE oversharing get ready and also THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS!!! it was super fun and distracted me from the agony that is writing plot and remembering that its sunday night 🥺
🙋‍♀️ - do any real-life people know what I write fanfic? Uhhh. My husband does but I've never let him read any of it. I do tell people that I write 'fiction' in my spare time, because its like, my one hobby, but definitely don't extrapolate. i'm making the assumption that most people in the medical field don't know shit about ao3 but i also know for a FACT that there are multiple weeb sleeper agents out there. doing medicine. while weebing. BUT. i'm sure if anyone recognized any of my stuff it would be a 'what were YOU doing at the devils sacrament' situation haha
❌ - a trope i will never write? Probably alpha/beta/omega stuff. Some people do them really well and I've certainly read really great ABO, but its one of those dynamics that I would never want to voluntarily explore. Its actually the one tag I actively filter out when looking for new fic. On that same note, Pregnancy/Kidfic. Babies and parenting give me the major ick (this may be colored heavily by the fact that i dont want children and am at that age where people keep ASKING ABOUT IT.) tbh i'm also not much of a fantasy person or historical person, so a lot of hybrid/mermaid/royalty AUs are a no for me. and, probably most controversially? established relationship. listen i am here for the drama i dont care about healthy loving domestic stuff! i want miscommunication! i want pining! i want discovering each other for the first time! i want fumbling and blushing!!!
.... wow there are a LOT of things i dont think i'd write lol yikes.
💔 - Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart? Not to be predictable but yeah. Zero-sum game. In part because it was a very vulnerable place of writing emotionally - both because i had not, for many years, tapped into my own mental health experiences for fear of it being triggering while writing, but also partially because i was working in the icu during peak covid and everyone was dying and it was so fucking depressing and demoralizing. I teared up at a couple of scenes - this ended up super long so i'm going to break it down by chapter:
Chapter 7 when Katsuki walked by the bar his friends were having a reunion at, Jirou ran out to get him and Kirishima stopped her, saying 'we have to let him go.'
Chapter 12, Katsuki asking - are you afraid? And Zero looking up at the sky saying - Am I afraid? And then reciting that poem. 'Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light. I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.' That scene I can see so so vividly in my head, hear their voices, intonations, expressions - and it breaks my heart. The tent scene at the end of Chapter 12, too - 'Do you think that's what love feels like?' 'Fuck if I know.' FUCK ME UP. ARHGHH S.
Chapter 15 - Mitsuki saying 'But you’re gonna eventually have to find a way to love people without hurting them. Or you’re going to end up alone.' and Katsuki having a breakdown after. Then later in the chapter, Inko asking '“… I wonder, sometimes. Who he would become if he never met you.” WHAT THE FUCKKKKK
Chapter 19 - god. Where do I even start. The entire confession scene is like punch after punch to the ribcage. Specifically:
"How does Katsuki explain that the first time in his life he considered he might be in love is when hands he’s dreamt off for nearly twenty years (Now just the one. Half is gone, because it has to be, because to be complete is to give Katsuki more than he deserves) wrapped themselves around his throat, making him wonder if love might be a bit like dying, might be a bit like that last fucking breath when nothing in the goddamn world can feel more cathartic - that last strawberry, the last sip of water, the last bullet in the chamber - and they bled and fought and fucked and destroyed each other and nothing has ever felt to pure and perfect and devastating and absolutely holy - if that’s not love, then what the hell is?"
"“Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. I love you and I’m walking away from you and I never want to see you again. Okay? I never want to see you again.”
“…What am I supposed to do now?” Inko Midoriya whispers out to the street. No more fretting, no more restless nights, no more ‘what if’s.’ Her son is back, but despite that, she’s still alone. They both are.
“I don’t know.” Katsuki responds honestly.
“Find something else to live for, I guess.”
Chapter 23 - the proposal scene. Specifically:
'Not because you saved me physically – and you did, you did, you’re always saving me, and I’m always saving you, I fuckin’ know, we’ll always save each other because that’s who we are, but it's more than that. Its more.'
“But you need to know – you need to. That, with all of me, I love who you were, I love who you are, and I love who you’re becoming.”
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter how short, no matter how painful, no matter how fucking temporary all of this is. I want to experience it with you.”
“Marry me.”
AND. Finally and most of all. The authors note at the end. Even re-reading it now, its so raw. I think about this a lot:
'It all anchors on the belief that you can still be who you want to be. The belief that ‘broken’ people can get better. The belief, the ever present faith - because it has to be faith, because all tangible things are friable but not faith, not this - that you can be found. That you are not irredeemable. That there is a future worth fighting for.'
I have moments from 'we will wait and wait in that space' and 'nothing else fills' that made me tear up, but it still won't match the raw levels of emotion and vulnerability that was channeled in zero-sum. even now, years later, its still my heart.
Wow sorry this got SUPER long. but i loved going through zero-sum and picking out my favorite scenes so thank you for that :) :) :)
💲 - would i ever open commissions? gosh no, probably not. i'm not great at one-shots and deadlines and i work super inconsistent hours and tbh i have minimal confidence in the consistency of my writing to offer it as a service. i'm also very lucky to be pretty secure financially so i wouldn't have that kind of external driving force. but i'm very flattered that that's even a question. 🥺 id happily give away all my mind-vomit for free.
AHHHH i'm sorry this is so long THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME i adore you ❤️
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smolghostbot · 1 year
OC Intros: Patchwork Melody
(Remaking this since the OG post was really only accurate for their first meeting and I've had a lot of fun expanding their relationship beyond that point. Also the OG formatting sucked sorry I'm bad at this)
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Patch (They/He/Any but It) is an extremely anxious, mute borrower, (by trade, not species) with the saddest wettest backstory possible, to maybe be told later. Their story starts when they find themself being "aided" (captured) by a human who thinks of them as the poorest, cutest little creature in need of a guardian. Since they can't vocalize, and their writing system is radically different from the one used by humans, communication is a problem. Over time, they begin to work through their trauma around humans, helped as their relationship with this newest human changes over the course of a few years, from captor to friend to partner.
Patch isn't their real name, but it's a nickname given to them since they can't exactly say their real one. Their true name is something of the big mystery of the story.
Melody, aka Mel (She/They) is a huge fan of the supernatural and paranormal who stumbles upon a weak and fearful little fae-looking creature one morning, and takes it upon herself to be their caretaker and guardian. Her sometimes off-putting and overbearing personality makes the start of this newfound friendship a bit strained. Over time, Melody takes a massive level in kindness as she learns to respect her new friend's boundaries, and starts to appreciate Patch as a person rather than a spectacle.
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Five Fun Facts about each of them:
They're allergic to citrus fruits but don't understand allergies (Doesn't everybody think oranges are spicy?)
Their favorite foods are strawberries and chocolate. Discovering Neapolitan ice cream was basically the highlight of their life.
Totally normal about television (It lets them see so much of the world… they've only ever lived within like three city blocks). Easily the best way to get their mind off things is to set them in front of a nature documentary.
Their backpack and scarf were gifts from their parents, and are their most prized possessions because of that. The backpack is actually made of denim, so it's (relatively) extremely durable.
Actually a skilled poet and wordsmith… not that it's readable to humans. Their specialty is a form of poem similar to a haiku that has the same number of characters on every line.
The red eyes and iridescent hair are (obviously) contacts and dye, her natural eye color is a hazel and her hair is a very light brown. Seeing her without contacts confused the hell out of Patch the first time.
One of those kids who went hard for Halloween as a kid, they dressed as various fictional wizards every single year, and only stopped when they went to college.
Actively tries to follow fae rules and superstitions when talking to strangers, even before meeting Patch. One of those people who gets genuinely anxious when a customer service person says "May I have your name?"
She has a degree in classical mythology and folklore. Needless to say, it doesn't get much use other than putting them in debt.
Owns a Switch but only sometimes plays RPGs and strategy games. They'd be a massive Tabletop RPG buff if they had any friends to play with…
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Twisted Wonderland!Deity AU Worldbuilding: Artificial Gods
Hello my lovelies~!
So I've thought long and hard about some things and realized that I've not exactly given everyone much in terms of worldbuilding with some of the AUs I've got, namely the Deity!AU due to me not wanting to spoil too much but struggling to get to that point where I write something story wise that leads to me explaining more about it. So I'm hoping to try and change that!
Depending on how much I have built up and how long it takes me, I'll likely start posting things a little more freely while still keeping certain storytelling ideas hidden (for now)! In the meantime, I hope you guys enjoy this idea I'd had sitting in my noodle. UvU
Artificial Deities—a term coined by Idia—are an ancient form of primal magic and is used to describe a unique phenomenon which occurs when a mortal makes a “pure prayer”. The conditions leading up to the “birth” of these deities is largely unknown, though a common factor is that they appear during times of strife, fear, and desperation when mortals believe they’ve been abandoned by the gods or that they're at the end of the line with no hope. Alternatively, very strong feelings versus thoughts may also be a factor that leads to their creation, be it someone seeking comfort in dark times or even a guiding light to lead the lost safely home.
Each one of these artificial deities appears to come from the Stardust River itself. However, no one has any clear understanding of how this could be, or if the river itself is trying to fulfill a role that is needed. Was this perhaps a failsafe put in place by the Heavenly Ones…or perhaps from the primordial beings that roamed creation in the beginning?
These entities have no true form outside a vague humanoid shape made of energy that varies across the color spectrum, having no voice to speak with. Instead, they rely on gestures and body language to communicate. When true deities were brought into this world and began answering prayers themselves, these entities became scarce as fewer pure prayers were made.
Despite being powerful and controlling the primal energies of creation, they can only survive for a short period of time before their core collapses in on itself, and they cease to exist. It is only recently discovered that their existence lasts only for as long as they are needed. Without a stable core, they cannot sustain themselves the same way normal deities can and will eventually return to the Stardust River.
Since the formation of new generations of true deities over the years to take over the duties of the ones before them, Artificial Deity appearances have become such a rarity that very few ever come into existence in modern times…though it’s certainly not an impossibility.
Behavior-wise, these entities essentially behave much like a machine following their programming, doing their directive to answer the wish until it is complete. However, it has been noted that—the longer they remain whole—the more they begin to behave like curious children seeing the world for the first time.
So far there has only been one recorded instance of an Artificial Deity becoming a fully fledged god, though who it is has been lost to the sands of time. Perhaps Lilia would know more about the whereabouts of this particular silver entity with violet eyes…
That's all I've got for now!
Fun fact: I actually hinted (very slightly!) at the existence of these beings. Curious? I'll give you a little hint: look at the "Half-deity or Full-Deity" list where I list everyone as being full or half deities, then read the last two bullets here~ >v>
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thebrilliot · 7 months
I woke up in the middle of the night from a fever dream. I swear my subconscious is a creative genius. All of my wildest dreams have a coherent plot, most of the time with killer twists.
Spoiler warning for ACoTaR!
So I just finished A Court of Thorns and Roses and the whole thing was just set up for Feyre to become a Fey, right? I have many things to say, but I want to tell you about my GENIUS cliffhanger of an ending.
So as it's implied that glamours are applied to an individuals mind and not to the actual light or sounds entering a person's senses, it's not ridiculous to say that now Feyre is a fey, her strengthened mind should be able to sluff off any existing glamours in her memories. So why not use that to throw in doubt about her past? The book is really explicit about how much she had trusted her little rune drawings around the cottage. What if they actually had protected them? But not from the Fey... From a specific Fey. And she starts to remember the runes glowing one night and something with talons trying to force its way in.
You see, unless Rhysand is going to be an actual love interest (which I had hoped for but did not receive), it doesn't make a lot of sense for him to take such an interest in her after overthrowing Amarantha, but he does. He offers to teach her to read. It's small and his reasons are well-explained in the book. I believed them. But this is the shiftiest sketchiest character we know and I don't trust to not be plotting something.
So Feyre wakes up in a cold sweat dreading this new revelation that her family did not become destitute because of overlarge generational debt but because they were hiding from someone with talons from Prythian.
WHY WERE THEY HIDING?! And this doesn't have to be revealed immediately, but WE DON'T KNOW WHERE JURIAN'S EYE WENT. WHAT IF HE IS STILL ALIVE, HOLDING ON BY A THREAD TETHERED TO HIS STOLEN EYE. He was disabled, he was trapped and controlled in a small cottage oblivious to his past, or at least fearful of being discovered. Debtors (edit: oops, creditors) did not break his leg. His pursuer did as he fled to the safety of the cottage, so long ago that even Nesta can't remember tightly. He lived dozens of lives with dozens of identities, waiting to be released from Amarantha's grip because as long as she had his eye, she could kill him at any moment. AND NOW HE HAS HIS EYE BACK. His own personal Horcrux and that same old vendetta from hundreds of years ago.
So that's my dream brain's take on where the series could go. I may or may not continue reading but I had fun.
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