#these sillies have been on my mind lately hehehehe
wrensog · 2 years
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hi tumblr long time no see :PP
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tomatoswup · 1 year
i had this silly idea i told my friend about what if the Trigun Stampede gang run in to a runaway teen reader and then the reader’s part of the gang. The reader’s in their rebellious phase of course and kinda argues with Wolfwood a lot. Can you write headcanons for this please? (°▽°)
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A/N: i’M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE IT WAS A REALLY HECTIC MONTH😭😭😭😭 honestly, this was really fun to write heheheh,,, i can kinda see reader being a pain in the ass but with good intentions….maybe… But god i can imagine how crazy the stampede crew would be if they had a teen,,, i love it😌☝️☝️☝️ Hope you enjoy!!!(*´∇`*)
warnings/tags: none!
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Well aren't you a little anomaly in the bad deserts!
When you first encounter the gang, it wasn't a very...proud encounter.
To be exact, trying to steal Vash's gun in the middle of a busy bar was a very brave choice knowing that the Humanoid Typhoon was trying to eat spaghetti, and in the flesh!
Bold dare I say but, besides that, you were getting hunted by a group of thugs that had been going through town and uh, you sure did cause a bit of trouble.
And by trouble I mean you stole their car keys and went out for a joy ride.
Yup, crashed that shit rightttt into a boulder.
And of course Vash, who's a bit too kind for his own good at times, wanted to help someone so young to Wolfwood's disbelief. Meryl and Roberto? They've witnessed what he did for Jenora Rock so they kinda expected it.
After that first meeting, you naturally stuck to the wacky group and often times when needed, you tried to help them in exchange for saving your life.
Of course with payment :D It's a hard world for a runaway teen out here!
Don't worry you don't make them pay...sometimes...
Young and free they say hahaha!!...Yeah you had literally no more bullet to spare so time to get workin~
You often had Wolfwood reminisce his times back at the orphanage. He's lived there for so long and he's dealt with kids of many ages, but goddamn did you give this man a mf headache.
Sorry, correction, a migraine.
I damn right knowww he goes through twice the number of cigarette packs when you're around.
"Alright kid, no more grabbing shit or starting fights. Zip your mouth if you're gonna be tagging along-"
"Do you really think I'm gonna listen to a priest?"
"Same thing"
"No it's not!"
You glanced at Meryl for more input.
"...Okay I can see where they're coming from-"
You got Wolfwood this close to Homer Simpson choking you out.
Sometimes Vash can't help but watch the both of you headbutt eachother.
He's the type of person to try and stop the fight and maintain the peace but bestie, when you're against a rebelling teenager anything is possible.
He understands tho bc he's also gone through his little phase, that's how he got his little earring :D
But asides from that, when he tries to stop ya'll you guys just ignore him lmAOOO
They say teens are rebellious while trying to find others who they can relate to or have a connection with and well, although you didn't really have a permanent home anymore like you use to, you slowly found yourself getting fond of this little wacky group.
And at some point while you guys got closer, Wolfwood tended to look after you a little more.
Was it because of his past? Or were you just a kid who needed the right guidance forward?
Either way, he tries his best to give you good advice,,, advice to keep you alive.
A practical guardian you could say,, Or kinda like an uncle?
And you know what, you don't mind it.
"Did your sticky little hands grab another fucking wallet? Seriously?"
'No I did not!" You narrowed your eyes at him "It's a map get it right. I also only steal from the rick-looking men Wolfwood cmon now-"
You ended up getting a bonk on the head from him, which led you to looking at Roberto, who downed another drink.
"What are you looking at me for?"
He really doesn't care lMAAOOO Most unphased man alive.
As long as no one dies!
And maybe after all of this time, even after those two years after what happened to July you guys will reunite again :)
You still a lil' shit tho
"does anyone have gum?"
"I haven't seen you in two years and you're asking me this?"
"...It was just a question..."
-Meryl gets tired one night driving?
-"I'll drive for you!"
-Everyone regrets letting you touch that wheel.
-That poor car looks like if you were shaking a bag of skittles when you drive full speed over those sandy hills.
-You got Meryl thanking to god she put her seatbelt on
-Vash holding onto the back of the driver's seat for his life,, I think his nails left cuts in the seat itself jeez!
-Roberto's holding a hand out against your chest so you don't FLY out of your seat when you guys go airborne.
-And Wolfwood honestly wished the sandworms from earlier had eaten him.
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kiingleoturtles · 1 month
Hehehehe, asks (I'm a gremlin for asks lol)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
Well, about three years ago (holy fuck, I was so young then, even babier than I am now) I saw loads of fanart of Ladybug and Spider-Man interacting and was like "I wanna write stuff about them meeting!" So I wrote that, it was shit, and I've been trying to get better. My friend eventually convinced me to get AO3 and it's simultaneously the best and worst thing in my life. I love that I've made friends because of my silly little stories but at the same time, I got addicted to it, so that's nice.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Look, I know we basically just had this conversation about both of these ships but I'm gonna get controversial and talk about my fave bois all being together. So, GreedLingEd, my beloveds, absolutely do NOT share one bed. They are all bed hogs and there would be lots of pissed off feelings when they wake up in the morning if they did. Greed can cope with that shit, he just latches onto someone he's sharing with and then overheats. But Edward and Ling would sooner die than give you bed space.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Honestly? Kind of what I'm writing for Satisfaction. If I could write that shit with your quality of writing, then I would die happy.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Damn, I have to talk about my feelings? Ah okay I guess. Been having a crisis of the gender and sexuality. So that's been. Yeah.
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samaraxmorgan · 19 days
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Hello it is me, the Yap Anon but in my true form, before I yapped again I drew some eyes and i wanted to share them because I think the colors are cool.
HELLO BABE GOOD TO SEE U AGAINNNNN!!! True form I LOVE THAT FOR YOUUUU <3 and I loveeeee the drawings they look SO COOL!! The colors are so nice I love it!!
AAAAAA HIM BEING SO LOWKEY POSSESSIVEEEEE!!!!! SOOOO I have a very similar thing coming in a part soon!!!! We’re out in the city with him and we lose our phone and he spends HOURS trying to find us hehehehe :) he’s so MAD when he finally tracks us down but it’s just because he was worried fucking sickkkkkk
Ugh the idea of him shit talking our job I love it askalakk <3 I used to work at a place that treated me like SHIT and I knowwww he would fucking storm in there and curse my old boss out!!! King!!! And also I bet he HATES us having to stay late and work overtime because he’s always secretly staying up waiting for us to get home, both bc he wants to spend more time with us but also because he wants to make sure we’re safe!! I bet after something like this he would ~casually~ suggest downloading Life 360 ASKAKKAKS
God I know he was pacing around the apartment constantly checking the time watching as we were supposed to be home at one time but then an hour goes by, and another, and ANOTHER and he’s losing his MIND thinking something happened to us. I’m not gonna get too into it bc I don’t wanna spoil BUT I have his backstory planned out and let’s just say… he’s not exactly accustomed to regular every day jobs and he’s also VERY afraid of losing the people he cares about. So the first time we stay late at work he’s in a full PANIC
He doesn’t mean to lash out, but he tends to show fear through anger. We think he’s being over dramatic, unreasonable, but he’s got past trauma that we’re not aware of; and believe me he IS relieved that we’re okay, but his emotions are running HIGH and he’s having a hard time keeping them contained.
And when we ask him why he would care he’s stunned into silence. His mind is running, because how could we POSSIBLY think he doesn’t care? How bad has he been with showing us how important we are to him? Do we really think he doesn’t value us? He’s always been a firm believer that actions speak louder than words, but for once he realizes that he’s gonna need to communicate verbally, as much as it kills him to do so.
He’s not exactly graceful with his words, but we can tell that he’s TRYING. His hands cupping our cheeks to keep our gaze locked on his and the look in his eyes is so serious, so genuine. He DOES worry about us, he DOES care for us, and he tries so hard to hide it because he hates being vulnerable, but for us it’s worth it <3 We give him a hug and he squeezes us a little too tight that it hurts, he waits a little too long to let go, his fingers linger a little too much on our skin, and the look he gives us is a little too close to lovestruck, but how could we be sure?
And I got a LITTLE TOO carried away ASSKAKAK ANYWAYYYY!!!! If u couldn’t tell I LOVED this idea hehe
I hope you have a wonderful day :) !!!!
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moemammon · 3 years
Alright so my request is angsty-ish. Mc is engaged to someone else when they move for the exchange program and stays faithful during their entire stay, so maybe hcs on how the brothers react to a taken MC who (if they even try to advance) actively avoids romantic situations with them, and maybe a little bonus of them reuniting with their lover smittened.
I tried to request this before but all my asks get eaten so I just wanted to make sure it got through
"What Do You Mean You're Already Taken?!" (Feat the Demon Bros and GN!MC)
(Hell yeah angst time heheHEH >:))
Can you even imagine how Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, reacted when his obvious advances toward you were always awkwardly brushed off? No matter what he tried, no matter how perfectly romantic the situation, he could never coax you into accepting his affections.
And he soon found out why, when you finally admitted that you were taken by another.
He can't remember the last time he's felt pain like this. He'd finally found someone he could be... vulnerable with. Someone he could open himself up to, who wouldn't see him in a different light as a result.
But to know that no matter what, he'll never be able to have you? It's a worse punishment than he could've imagined himself. He can't do anything but accept it, and you'll soon find that his advances come to a complete vault.
He's a little colder to you, but that's only because he's trying to relearn how to feel about your presence. He asks that you give him some time alone, for a few days. He'll be busy in his office in the time being.
God, he's crushed. Mammon... was always aiming to be your first everything. Guess someone beat him to the punch before he could do anything to stop it. It takes everything in him not to accuse you of pulling his leg.
But you can't be serious... right? You're saying that no matter what he does or how strongly he feels, he can never have you? He won't get to hold you against him? He'll never be able to kiss you? To pull you under his sheets so you can sleep your worries away? Never be able to tell you just how much he loves you, more than any material possession in this entire world...?
But... why couldn't you just choose him..?
Mammon doesn't get it. He feels like he's always getting the short end of the bargain no matter what he tries. He knew the stakes were high when he started pining for you. You're... YOU! Perfect, amazing, lovable you... who will never be his.
These days he's barely home. You guys are still 'friends', but sometimes you can't tell if he's teasing you or actually being mean. He can't even stand being around you for too long, because his damned heart starts pounding until it hurts. He'd rather gamble the nights away than to have to deal with that.
Of course you're taken... it's not like he could've expected otherwise. Someone as great as you wouldn't look good standing with a gross otaku...
Jokes aside, Levi's heart has just shattered into a million pieces. You were his one! The one he dreamed about! The one he wanted to be around, despite his crippling social anxiety!
You got him... No, you REALLY got him. He didn't have to put up any walls when he was with you. He knew you liked him for who he was, and that you weren't secretly making fun of him when he wasn't around.
And... you two actually enjoyed one another's company! You shared so many laughs, so many days together, and just when he thought he'd gathered the courage to ask you to be his, you told him that you were taken.
He'll get over it. He's used to being disappointed, after all. Just don't mind him while he spends the next two weeks holed up in his room. If you need something, do you might just writing a note and slipping it under his door? He can't bear to look at his phone, since it's full of pictures of you.
Satan didn't mean to cause an outburst like that. He never meant to scare you. But when he realized that all this time spent falling deeper, and hopelessly in love with you, was all for naught? He didn't know how to react.
So many new, strange feelings rushed into him at once, until it all exploded in a fit of rage. Was it really anger? Or was it sorrow so strong that it could've been mistaken as such? He couldn't tell, because he's never felt this way before.
His room had been completely destroyed, many precious books lost to the unstoppable force that was his angry release. And when it subsided he was left feeling empty and lost... scared, even.
Would you think differently of him now? Would he think differently of YOU now? Could this... odd, sick, twisted relationship of yours be mended..? He didn't even know if he had the strength to attempt it.
So he isolates himself from you, spending a great deal of time repairing the damage done to his room. And when that's been finished, he's reading like his life depends on it. In the world of books, he can forget about real life entirely. Is it silly for him to imagine that maybe, some day, everything will work out like in a lighthearted fairytale?
So you have a partner? Polygamy is fine too! Or so he thought, until you emphasized that you were loyal to your one and only partner. Meaning.. Asmo wasn't invited to the party.
Now, the Avatar of Lust wasn't exactly one who knew rejection. Sure he got a few 'no's here and there, but those little flings meant nothing and had no weight on his heart.
But you? You... were everything he didn't know he needed. Asmo knew he was beautiful and alluring, but you knew there was more to him than that. And you sought to bring those parts of him out into the light! He could only dream of showing his true self to you and you alone.
Asmodeus felt so secure with you, like the mask he'd been wearing for millennia could finally come off. With you, he could just be himself, and he could never tell you just how much that really meant to him. But now his heart aches with a pain he's never felt before, and it hurts so much that he can't help but cry.
His devilgram followers have been seeing him a LOT more lately. So has all of the devildom, really. He's never home anymore, choosing to fill the void with temporary lovers instead. It isn't enough though, and it only makes the pain worse. But in the end, what more can he do? He doesn't understand what love is without you.
Beel loved you. More than he could understand. More than he could've known.
When the feeling first blossomed within him, he thought it was hunger. Instead, it was a burning desire for you and only you, twisting in his core and setting his heart on fire.
Beel didn't understand it, but he knew that when you were with him, he could breathe a little easier. He could forget about the gnawing hunter that clouded his thoughts. For once, he actually felt free of his sin.
And then, you told him about your significant ofter, and he’d never felt so hungry in his life. The pain was so strong he thought he might collapse from weakness right then and there. It hurt... he hated it...
To everyone's shock, Beel has begun losing his appetite more frequently, most often after catching a glimpse of you. That familiar pain would sprout within him again and make him grimace, and he could no longer find the desire to eat. Maybe he'd just take his meals to his room from now on..?
Right... of course. A human like you would be partnered with a human. It was natural that you'd have relationships before your life in the devildom. Anyone would've known that. So... why the hell did it sting so much?
Belphie couldn't sleep. Every moment he closed his eyes, visions of your sweet smile, your wonderful laugh, the way your nose wrinkled when you ate something gross... all of it haunted him. He couldn't get you out of his head no matter what he tried.
And it was so much worse now that he knew you were taken. He wondered if this was a punishment for killing you, like the universe's way of judging him for his misdeeds, and the ages of hatred he held in his heart for humans. Why would fate allow him to be happily partnered to one?
Try as he might, this was one worry he couldn't sleep away. He could never get comfortable. He couldn't close his eyes without thinking about you. He didn't want this. He hated this feeling of self loathing and regret. Belphagor wanted you, more than he’d ever wanted anything.
Maybe... he could convince you to love him? Show you that his love was so, SO much more than what anyone else could offer? He’d remind you of all the times you two shared together. You're not scared, right? Good. That's the last thing he’d want, because he loves you.
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Neeeemo dear! Im back again!🌻😳🥺 //dances in❤❤🌻😳🥺 rip your poor lil askbox hehehehe! //is still trying to figure out asks for other fandoms butttttt! Ill try my best hehee😳❤
❤🍁 after all zeta has husbands across the board 😳🥺☺ hehehe so here is another for death note! Hehehe i honestly love the anime so much (i think i must have watched it more than 4 times already) 🥺🥺❤🌈😳 naturally L is bae
😏 hehehe so nemo darling could i pretty please with caramel ontop request a lil something with L hehe here is some cute prompts i found😳😳😳
 "Can I sleep in here? I don't like the storm."
"Scared of a little thunder?"
☺🍁🍁Hehehe its been raining so much here lately 😳🥺 and while i love the thunder and lighting it does get a lil scary when it hits a tree in your yard and fries all the electronics 😂😂😂😂😂😂 pfffft anyways im rambling aren't i? Night nemo darling! Sweet dreams and lets face this Monday together/ /sweats🥺🥺 good luck with your meeting with your supervisor! U can do this ❤❤❤❤❤😳☺
♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪
Four times. Damn. I think I only watched DN twice or so, Zeta is so dedicated for her hububs 。◕‿◕。
Cover up in lots of blankets and and stay low to the ground!!! ᕙ (° ~ ° ~) I would offer help, but you probs would be targeted before I'm. (;;;・_・)
At least you bought a powerbank now.
Fandom: Death Note
Character: L Lawliet 
Prompt: A: “Can I sleep in here? I don’t like the storm.” B: “Scared of a little thunder?”
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The room flickered and darkened at an unsteady pace, followed shortly by the loud boom of what was the clap of the heavens. Sometimes the silhouette of the mountains surrounding you could be seen, other times it was only the lightning that remained long enough in the sky to be seen. A flash and then gone, followed by a bang in short, the seconds too fast, the next one too soon. The clouds had gathered and grown too heavy to pass the mountain tops.
"Can I sleep here?" you had asked the man, hands wringing and unwringing as you clutched your blanket over your head. The next came and the haunting presence of the detective stood for once straight, his dark eyes looking down at you with that familiar slouch. But even that sight was quickly taken from you as darkness prevailed again, only to be followed by another flash that made his white shirt seem even starker in the unlit room.
L had remained silent for a while, his feet scratching the back of his leg, the sound of nail scraping over jeans audible in the otherwise quiet room. You were under observation and distance was meant to be maintained. It would breach several policies to allow you to sleep in his room. Naturally, that would have been his answer, but the way you flinched each time the room lit up and the way your fingers moved, counting the time between light and sound, L knew better than to leave you alone now.
Besides, he was already 99.9% sure of his theory and correctness. There truly was no need to continue the observations for longer than they had.
"Scared of a little thunder?" the man spoke, his thought process now filed away and so was the decision-making. You could never tell how much went on in his mind in the time that had lapsed, but L was used to that. Few could. Fewer knew him by his true name, most just calling him by the identity he had adopted for the time, or the single letter by which he was known.
Another one flashed through the sky and here L's expression revealed itself to be blank, you weren't sure what was more haunting. The howling of the wind through the apartment high in the sky, or his never ending observing expression.
"I don't like the storm," you admitted sheepishly feeling rather silly now that you had pronounced it out loud. Storms were such silly things, like everything was to the brilliant man in front of you.
If L truly thought so was a little beyond you as the male made no indication to show or express such, instead shoving his hands in his pockets as he shrugged.
"Come in." And he stepped to the side, revealing his room to you which was sparsely decorated and dimly lit by a single laptop. For the rest the room lacked all the rest, not even a bed was present, or a chair as the man crouched down on the floor and continued his work in these deplorable conditions with a storm raging on.
"Don't you sleep?" you asked, reluctantly sitting next to him as the man pointed at the discarded blankets in the corner.
"I need little of it," he clarified, knowing that to you he crossed as strange, but strange was his trademark and strange was what marked his genius, he didn't need anything else.
The storm raged on and the thunder rolled and followed, but by now you had been too distracted by the strangeness of this man and his calm determination to continue his work.
"Can I sit next to you?" you asked, and L stopped typing for a second as he looked up at you, dark eyes apathetic towards what you had to say before something resembling sympathy showed through and he threw you a reassuring smile, the kind he always showed when you offered him a sweet.
"I wouldn't have let you in if I minded," he tells you and he is true in his words as he even allows you to lean against him, his body surprisingly sturdy as it was lean and his strange seating position even more steady than you had expected it to be.
"Feel free to fall asleep. I don't expect myself to get up for at least the next eight hours," the man informed you, and you were rather baffled at those words, eyes blinking from that bright screen to him as the detective turned his face to you, his features suddenly a lot closer than you ever had the pleasure of getting to know before.
"I might even just fall asleep sitting like this," he tells you and you aren't sure if it is in jest or if he is actually serious, but it horrifies you all the same.
"Your poor back," you exclaim and the male only smiles at that, having grown rather used to comments on his posture and the worry that followed. Few understood how it was part of his genius, after all, but it was a good distraction from the storm raging outside.  
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years
Almond Tofu {XiaoVen}
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A/N: okay i got a bit carried away with this one, i just got so excited to write xiaoven! So we’re kicking off prompts with these two dorks, and lee venti!! He was so fun to write as a lee oughh he’s such a little shit he deserved all the tickles he got. I also decided to do both of these prompts because 7 and 8 are like,, my faves from the new list, hope you don’t mind! i also had no idea what to call venti’s little thing he wears around his torso so he now wears a corset lmao. anyways i’ve talked long enough, hope you enjoy this one!
Summary: Xiao and Venti are at Wangshu Inn enjoying a meal together. But when Venti steals Xiao’s last bite of his food, how will Xiao make him pay?
Word Count: 2.2k (under the cut)
Xiao sighed. He had been waiting for his partner to show up, but he still hadn’t arrived. He stretched lightly, raising his arms above his head, growing bored.
He knew it was a long way from Mondstadt to the Wangshu Inn, where Xiao currently resided. They had spent the last few nights in Mondstadt together, his partner showing Xiao around the city, forcing him to drink various wines and ciders as they both drunk themselves silly.
Xiao smiled to himself. Though he had always thought he was unworthy of happiness, because of his past and all the things he had done, his partner had finally shown him that there might be something worth living for in happiness. He was what kept Xiao going, and despite how exhausted Xiao could get after spending time with him, he still enjoyed every second of it.
“Yahoo!” A voice suddenly called, and a certain green clad bard flew down from the staircase, riding on a wind current as he stopped behind Xiao. He wrapped his arms around Xiao, nuzzling his face in his hair as he squeezed him tightly.
“I missed you!” He said, his tone slightly whiny as he spoke. Xiao chuckled softly, placing his hand on the arms wrapped around him as they only held him tighter.
“It’s only been a day, Venti,” Xiao said, pulling Venti’s hand off of his body to give it a gentle kiss. Venti giggled, letting go of Xiao and sitting down next to him, grabbing his hand underneath the table.
“That’s a day too long!”
Xiao smiled. He felt so free with Venti, and he was sure that Venti felt the same. Venti swung his arm slightly, making Xiao’s arm go with him as he hummed, glancing around the Wangshu Inn.
“I can’t say I recall ever coming here, would you care to show me around after we have our meal?”
Xiao nodded, standing. “What would you like to eat?”
Venti threw his arms up in the air excitedly. “Wine!”
Xiao frowned. “You can’t have just wine as your meal, Venti.”
Venti pouted and sighed, figuring Xiao was right. “Then some crystal shrimp please.”
Xiao nodded again, walking over to the kitchen where the chef resided. He told him what he wanted and went quickly back over to Venti, who sat at the table, inspecting his lyre.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to compose a song, one about us.”
Xiao flushed as he sat down next to Venti and looked at the table to avoid eye contact. Venti glanced over at him and noticed the slightly red tinge covering Xiao’s face and neck. He grinned. 
Venti strummed his lyre a few times, plucking the strings with ease as he nudged Xiao, making him flinch.
“Would you care to hear, love?”
Love? Xiao’s blush only deepened as he nodded his head, eager to hear Venti’s music. It was Venti’s songs that had once saved Xiao from his karma, and was what had kept him going for so long. His voice, his skill with the lyre, everything about Venti’s musical prowess made Xiao practically melt every time he heard it.
Venti strummed the lyre a few more times, preparing to sing, when the chef came over with their meal. Venti beamed, quickly tucking away his lyre as he pulled the crystal shrimp closer to him, glancing over at Xiao.
“Your song will have to wait, for now I must clear my plate,” Venti said with a chuckle, looking at Xiao who pulled his own plate of food towards him. Venti gasped, furrowing his brows as he pointed at Xiao.
“You told me I can’t have wine as my meal and now you’re having dessert!? Hypocrite!”
“They don’t serve wine here anyway, only sunsettia cider.”
Venti pouted, watching as Xiao ate his almond tofu, finally eating his own meal as he continued to occasionally glare at Xiao.
Eventually Venti finished, but Xiao still had a few bites left. An idea creeped into Venti’s mischievous mind and he scooted his chair a bit closer to Xiao. Xiao didn’t seem to notice as he took another bite of his almond tofu, smiling softly to himself as he went to pick up the last bite of the sweet treat.
Venti quickly swooped in and grabbed the last piece of almond tofu, stuffing it into his mouth as he swallowed, laughing triumphantly. Xiao was frozen, his utensils still hovering right by the plate as he was basically in shock of what just happened. He had been saving the best bite for last, one that had exactly two goji berries that would give the sweet, milky tofu that extra little tang. 
Xiao finally turned his head to see Venti, who had his hands on his hips as he grinned from ear to ear, looking at Xiao.
“That’s what you get!” 
Xiao clenched his utensil, furrowing his eyebrows as he glared at Venti. He wasn’t necessarily angry, it was almost impossible for him to get angry at the playful green-clad bard, but he wasn’t exactly happy either.
“Did you just eat my last bite of almond tofu?” Xiao asked, even though he already knew what had happened.
Venti chuckled, nodding his head. “And it was delicious.”
Xiao snapped his utensil in two and Venti squeaked. Did he make him mad? Venti had never seen Xiao mad before, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. But there was no way Venti was going to back down from Xiao. He was a god, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t be able to handle.
“I don’t think you realize the situation you’re in…” Xiao said, standing up as he continued to stare at Venti, his face vengeful. Venti shrinked back slightly, but otherwise didn’t move.
“It was only a bite, there’s no need to fight,” Venti squeaked out, and Xiao only walked closer to Venti, Venti quickly jumping out of his chair and backing away from Xiao until he hit the wall.
Despite knowing how much trouble he was in, Venti couldn’t seem to keep his mouth shut as he continued on.
“It’s awfully cute that you’re so upset over some almond tofu. Do you love it more than you love me~?” Venti teased, crossing his arms as he tried to keep up his arrogant façade.
“You know, Barbatos,” Xiao said. Uh-oh. He hadn’t used that name in a long time, Venti was seriously in for it. “You’re awfully cocky for someone who’s so ticklish.”
Venti gulped. This was bad. He was trapped between the wall and Xiao, and Xiao wasn’t planning on messing around. He looked around desperately for any kind of escape route, but there was none. He finally decided to take a leap of faith and bolted to the side of Xiao, trying to run away.
Xiao easily grabbed onto the collar of Venti’s coat, stopping him as he wrapped his arms around the short bard.
“H-Hey, I was just messing around! We can get you another bowl of almond tofu, three in fact! Please, don’t tickle me!”
Venti’s pleas and cries when in one ear and out the other for Xiao. He continued to hold Venti as he used one arm to squeeze his side, but there was no reaction. Venti laughed triumphantly once more as he continued to squirm in Xiao’s grip.
Xiao frowned in confusion before realizing it was Venti’s odd, leather corset-like clothing piece that was protecting Venti from being tickled.
“You cannot thwart me! I’m immune to tickles now, see?!” Venti laughed, and he quickly felt Xiao slip his hand behind Venti, undoing his leather corset. Venti giggled frantically as nervousness slowly took over, Xiao also tickling his back slightly as he undid the bindings.
“S-Strihihipping me now? Pervert~” Venti teased, and Xiao growled. The leather piece quickly fell to the floor and Venti gulped in fear, realizing there was really no escape from Xiao.
“U-Uhm… I love you?” Venti tried, knowing that saying that could fluster Xiao. But it didn’t. Venti blew a gust of Anemo to try and float himself out of Xiao’s grip, but it was no use.
Xiao latched his hand onto Venti’s side again, giving it a quick squeeze as Venti squeaked this time, writhing around in Xiao’s grip.
Xiao smirked, though Venti couldn’t see, and he immediately began scribbling his fingers up and down Venti’s side and waist, making him squeal as giggles started to pour from his mouth.
“X-Xiahahahahahao! Wahahahahahahait! I’m - I’m sorrehehehehehehehe!!”
“It’s too late for apologies,” Xiao said simply, pinching Venti’s side as he yelped. His knees buckled and he fell forward, only held up by Xiao, who slowly lowered him to the ground. He sat next to him, too shy to straddle Venti.
He squealed as Xiao continued to skitter his fingers up and down his sides, going to explore his tummy as well. Venti shrieked and immediately swatted blindly at Xiao’s hands, snorting.
“NAHAahahahahaha! Hehehehe, not thehehehehereeee!” Venti wailed, twisting onto his side and curling up in an attempt to protect his sensitive tummy. Xiao smiled as he continued to tickle Venti, poking and prodding at his tummy as Venti jumped with every touch.
“This is what happens when you eat my food,” Xiao said, raising his voice slightly so that he could be heard over Venti’s rather loud laughter.
“I-It’s too bahahahahad you didn’t gehe - get to finish it!” Venti managed to get out through his laughter, and that only further fueled Xiao’s motivation to tickle the living hell out of Venti.
Venti didn’t mind being tickled for the most part, in fact he almost enjoyed it when it was Xiao tickling him. But whenever Xiao got into a vengeful mood like this one, he could be quite the menacing tickler, one that Venti feared.
Xiao grabbed onto one of Venti’s wrists and pinned his arm above his head, forcing Venti on his back as he clawed at his vulnerable belly, Venti practically screeching as Xiao did so. 
“KYAHAHAhahahahaha! Xiaohohohohoho! DohohohohoHOHOHON’T!”
“Don’t what? I’m not doing anything,” He said, a small smirk climbing up his lips as he watched his partner flail around like a fish out of water.
Venti’s laugh always filled Xiao with a warm feeling, which was part of the reason why he loved to tickle him. He always tried to find excuses to tickle Venti, and this happened to be one of the perfect ones. 
He let go of Venti’s wrist to attack his ribs, digging between each one as Venti clamped his arms down, twisting from side to side as he laughed earnestly and loudly.
“GahahahaHAHAHA! Gohohohohohods, not thehehehehere!”
“Would you prefer I tickled your stomach again then?” Xiao asked, one hand starting to travel back to Venti’s tummy and he squeaked.
“Nohohohoho! Not the tuhuhuhuhummy!”
Xiao chuckled as he continued to amuse himself with his partners torture, Venti’s face bright red as he shook it around, cackling. Xiao continued to explore his partner’s sensitive spots, already knowing all of his worst places but treating it like a new game.
Venti kicked and squealed as Xiao tickled him everywhere he could think of. He squeezed his hips, dug under his arms, fluttered his fingers along his neck… 
Venti, meanwhile, was losing his mind over the overwhelming ticklish sensations. He could barely formulate words at this point, all he could do was laugh hysterically and jump at each poke that Xiao decided to throw at him. 
Xiao went back to Venti’s tummy, scribbling around as Venti snorted, cackling as he kicked his legs frantically pushing at Xiao as he tried to turn on his side again. Xiao quickly flipped him back over, continuing the ticklish attack on him as Venti cackled, wrapping his arms around his tummy in an attempt to defend himself.
Xiao grumbled, trying to get between his arms and even tickling his ribs, but Venti wouldn’t budge. Xiao finally grabbed both of Venti’s wrists and, with a little effort, managed to pin them above his head, leaning over him as Venti panted wildly, some residual giggles still escaping his lips.
Xiao dragged a finger down Venti’s arm, slowly and ticklishly as Venti giggled softly, squirming.
“Are you gonna eat my almond tofu again?” Xiao asked, lightly poking Venti’s underarm as he squeaked, grinning widely as he giggled.
“M-Mahahaybe~” Venti cooed, and he shrieked when Xiao clawed at his tummy again.
“OkahahahahAHAY! I won’t I wohohohon’t I - Aah! I prohohomise!” Venti cried, and Xiao ceased his tickling, hand still on Venti’s tummy.
“And are you gonna get me another bowl of almond tofu?”
“Too soon, you might have spoke. For, unfortunately, I am broke,” Venti joked, and was only met with more tickling as he squealed loudly.
“O-One bohohohohowl of almond - GAHAha! Almond tofu for the Adeptus!” Venti yelled, his voice hoarse as Xiao finally let go of him, Venti immediately sitting up and rubbing his tummy as he tried to rid himself of the lingering ticklish sensations.
“You’re so mean,” Venti whined, sticking his tongue out at Xiao who sat down at the table again. Venti quickly put his leather corset back on to protect himself from any further tickles, sitting down next to Xiao.
“I’m not mean, you deserved that and you know it,” Xiao said, thanking the chef as he brought him another bowl of almond tofu.
Venti frowned, though he knew Xiao was sort of right. He poked Xiao playfully, making him jump as he choked on the bite of almond tofu he was currently eating. He glared at Venti, who immediately held his hands up innocently.
“You want me to tickle you that bad?” Xiao threatened, and Venti quickly shook his head. Xiao set down his utensils and got out of his chair, Venti immediately bolting out of the inn laughing as Xiao chased after him. It would likely be a long night full of laughter for the both of them…
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Being a role model SUCKS (Inuyasha)
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Spending time in the future was usually fun and a break from the stress that the feudal era gave out but the bucketful. Usually but not this visit. Inuyasha should of known something was up when Kagome A) kept talking about how upset and babyish Souta felt needing bedtime diapers as of late (and some day time pull ups, there had been little leaks) but also B) was giving Inuyasha all the instant ramen noodles he could handle and more.
Sadly, nothing quite clicked till they had arrived and then he'd been cornered not only by Kagome, but her mother as well while Souta was playing out behind the house.. and from there everything had gone downhill.
After a long talk (Well the women had talked, Inuyasha had argued but they seemed to ignore any points he made) Inuyasha found himself making a deal that he would give Souta the confidence boost he needed by having someone bigger then him be more BABYISH then him.. and in return Inuyasha got whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it next time he visited.
"And let me tell you right here and now, My list of demands are gonna be HUGE!" Inuyasha growled.
Kagome however just smiled and patted his head like he was already just a huffy baby and had lead him off to get dressed for the part.
Souta huffed as he kicked the soccer ball at the goal post, catching it and kicking it back over and over. It just wasn't fair that his bladder was betraying him like this when he was -9- years old! without a doubt in his mind, he was the biggest diaper baby in the whole town, heck maybe even the whole freaking country!
That thought was interrupted as he heard a LOUD crinkling noise and turned to see what it was.. and his ball hit his shin as his jaw almost hit the ground.
Waddling out behind behind Kagome dressed in a red onesie that did NOTHING to hide the thick, massive diaper(s) he was wearing and a pair of sandal's was Inuyasha!
The Half demon was beet red and seemed to be tugging on Kagome's arm, making it clear he'd rather go back inside even as he looked this way and that until, heh, she stopped and gave him a swat on his padded backside and shook a finger at him, talking clearly.
"No Inuyasha, you've been hiding inside for 2 weeks now, you need some fresh air and that's why we're in the future." She scolded.
"But..but.." Inuyasha whined.
"It's ok Inuyasha, I'm sure Souta won't tease you just because you can't control yourself right now." Kagome said in a motherly tone, then turned back to Souta. "Isn't that right Little guy?"
"heh..hehehehe yeah no, I won't at all Little yasha!" Souta said, a big silly grin breaking out on his face now."What even happened though?" he asked, coming over to the pair.
Kagome let go of Inuyasha's hand though gave him a look and the huffing diapered half demon plopped his butt onto the soft dirt of the back yard.
"Oh, we got attacked by a crazy priest who figured the only way to redeem demons was to teach them humility." Kagome started, a well practiced lie. "Basically Poor little Inuyasha, heh, or yasha as you called him..I like that! Anyways, he lost a lot of power and well control of his tinkles and uh-oh's for 3 weeks.Not to mention he's become a lot more..childish as you might of noticed." As Kagome said that with her back to the half demon Inuyasha stuck his tongue out at her and Souta covered his mouth to keep from giggling. Kagome turned to see what was so funny but Inuyasha had stopped JUST in time and was looking away, trying and failing to whistle. "...Anyways..I've been trying to deal with it in the past but frankly he's been stinking up his cabin and I'm sick of washing his diapers. figured why not let him spend the last week of it here and enjoy the freedom to play outside AND the wonders of disposable diapers." she finished.
"oh well, shucks , Little yasha could of came here sooner! I would of helped look after him!" Souta said, swelling with big boy pride since heck he was just in a nice and slim pull-up AND he didn't stink up his diapers! "If you wanna take a little break I'll even watch him for you right now." Souta added.
"Will you? that'd be great!" Kagome gushed and ruffled his hair. "Oh, one thing, with Inuyasha starting to get his control back, you'll have to keep asking him every so often if he need to potty or needs a diaper change. about once a hour. I'd worry more on the diaper change though myself."
the fact that Souta was suppose to be doing a potty check himself once a hour flew right over his head and the little 9 year old nodded and gave a thumbs up.
"Don't worry sis, I got this!"
Inuyasha was mentally adding heaps on his list of demands as his new nick name caught on and Kagome went out of her way to make him seem even more helpless.
with his 'darling' girlfriend retreating inside, Souta came over to him and smiled, then bent down and sniffed, confusing Inuyasha for a second.
"Hmm, you SMELL clean for the moment at least." Souta said and then patted Inuyasha's head. "Good boy!"
If he made it thought the week without having to kill someone Inuyasha wanted all the good damn treats.. but knowing the role he was SUPPOSE to play he gave a silly grin (And the heat pats kinda sorta maybe felt nice too.)
"Well little yasha, what do you wanna do? I was playing some soccer but if your muscle control and stuff is all messed up I don't think that's a good idea. sides you likely can't move too fast in your diapies." Souta said.
'So nice but still being a jerk..it must run in the fucking family.' Inuyasha thought then put a thoughtful look on his face. "Ummm we could play hide n seek!" Inuyasha offered up, putting a doopy childish twinge to his voice.
"ok, You hide and I'll seek. I'll give you to the count of 20." Souta said and went to cover his eyes when Inuyasha tugged at his shorts. "Hmm? what's wrong?"
"How many is 20?" Inuyasha asked, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, not having to force a blush as the pure humiliation of this all was taking care of it for him.
A big grin broke out on Souta's face and he bent down and took Inuyasha's hands in his.
"20 is this many.. and then" and Souta let go of Inuyasha's hands and tapped a finger on the exposed toes since Inuyasha had gone sockless in the sandals. "and this many. Can you keep track of that?"
"Ummm I think so!" Inuyasha said and nodded his head, having to admit that was all sorts of cute.
"Ok then, when I hit 20 you'll hear me say, ready or not, here I come anyways in case you lose count." Souta said and with a last head pat, he stood up and closed his eyes, starting to count.
Of course Inuyasha could of scaled a tree or taken to the roof top even with the bulky diapers he had on, he decided to play fair and also, knew it would ruin the whole plan and he hadn't of put up with it THIS far just to fuck it up now.
He needed what would seem like a good hiding spot to a toddler but clearly wouldn't work for him and now up on his feet he scanned the yard.
Jesus, this wasn't like a life or death battle but for Inuyasha he found himself frozen on the spot, trying to figure out what would work, his natural instinct to win was messing up his need to lose!
ok this was just getting stupid! he fought the urge to face palm and then spotted a narrow opening under the steps to the back porch, it would hide him from Souta's direct line of sight but would of gotten him caught as soon as the little guy came close.
"Eight...nine...ten, That's half the count yasha!" Souta called.
'heh, he really is a fair sport.' Inuyasha thought, then as stealthy as he could (read, not at all) waddled his way over to his chosen hiding spot even as his tummy started to feel a little bit weird.
'Must be that glass of icky juice they insisted I drink before coming out so I don't get dehydrated.' Inuyasha thought, crinkling loudly and having to speed up.
"Fourteen...fifteen...sixteen..." Souta called out, a big goofy grin on his face.
Waddling with all the speed he muster and keep up the lie, Inuyasha drove to get into the hole.. and found out that while he had been right he could of squeezed in there normally.. he hadn't taken into account the triple diapers. His upper half was in, but his padd butt and legs stuck out and he knew if he tried to force himself in,he'd end up losing them.
'fuck my life..'
"seventeen, eighteen..nineteen...twenty! Ready or not here I ..pffft.. come..heh. Did you get stuck little yasha?"
Inuyasha had been about to push himself back out but with Souta's suggestion, figured that worked and started to give out a sheepish yes, but his tummy cramped and it came out much more panicked.
"Yeah! Uh.. Please help me git out!" he said, one hand keeping him from going into the dead leaves and the like under the step but the other was on his tummy, and he kicked his legs a little more to try and work out the cramp.
"hey, it's ok! don't worry! I'm coming over, though you have to stop kicking your legs. I'm gonna grab you at the waist and pull you back, so watch your head!" Souta called, and Inuyasha could hear him running over.
"O-Ok." The half demon whimpered, the cramps were getting worst and he semi pushed back a little giving Souta a better place to grip though he didn't take into account with the building cramps he might not want someone wrenching on his midsection.
'oh god, this feels like that time I ate those clam's that had gone bad right before I..I..Oh those fucking bitches!' Inuyasha thought, cluing in to why the ladies of the house had grinned so big when Inuyasha had downed his drink to get the icky tasting thing over and done with.
he had a brief second to think about just calling this off, he'd get himself out and whine to Souta that his tummy hurt and try and shit himself somewhere private, but by then it was far, far too late.
Souta's little arms and hands were trying to pull him out and the extra force on his tummy tum meant that while he did get free, pushing himself back to make it look like it was all Souta, he banged his head on the step knocking him loopy for a split second and also started to filled his diapers.
As he loudly farted and giggled, he wore a blissful stupid derp face.
Souta was shocked at just how strong he was as he freed the poor trapped little guy, though it was soon replaced with amusement and disgust as Inuyasha started to let out massive wet fart and then more then that, a stupid look on his face.
"Uhhh yasha, are you going boom boom?" Souta asked, holding his nose. it was rhetorical question at this point as the diaper was starting to swell, so Souta didn't figure he was gonna need to do a sniff check.
"Hehehe Ya! Going PBBBBBBTTTT!" Inuyasha giggled and stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry.
"heh, you surrrre are buddy. but it's ok. You uh.. stay here and finish up and I'll go get Kagome ok?" He said/asked, coming over and patting Inuyasha's head.
"OOOOOOTAYYYY!" the diaper pooping derp coo'ed.
"heh..wish Kagome would of worked me you went all derp when you unload. kinda cute." Souta giggled, then dashed up the step's to stick his head in the back door.
"Kagome! You need to come and get your boyfriend, he's pooping himself silly, Literally!" Souta called.
Yeah, wearing pull-ups sucked, but as Souta pulled his head back out of the back door and looked down at Inuyasha, at least he was a stinky diaper derp.
The end..for now
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glitchtrapfan · 3 years
Charlie: Angel you in your room, me and Vaggie needs lots of help and we thought.
Angel open the door to his room, he look miserable and tired.
Charlie: Oh...well I’m glad your out of your room but now I’m concerned, you Alright?
Angel: Never been better...
Vaggie: Charlie he won’t help, he just going to stay in his room again like he did all week.
Vaggie said having her hand over Charlie shoulder, charlie felt bad for angel and had one idea to maybe help him.
Charlie: If you can’t help today can you try maybe getting a drink at husks bar, it might help to get rid of the stress you might have.
Angel: Stress, don’t worry baby I’m perfect fine, just tired from fat nuggies staying up all the time.
Angel lied, he was up due to another awful night at work and having dreams of his worst fear.
Charlie: Please angel...I worry for you and I think maybe having a talk with people at the bar and getting drinks could help.
Angel: Talking, I’m good at talking so I could try.
Angel didn’t want to today but he didn’t want Charlie to be worry, she was one of the few people in hell that deserve so much especially with all the work she doing to make hell at least a somewhat better place.
Charlie: Thanks angel, I can make sure to check on you later^^
Charlie and Vaggie head back to more work and angel heads to the bar, he saw husk was there and nifty cleaning dust all over the floor.
Angel: (Okay, I can do this, just act like yourself and just drink, it be okay)
Nifty: Angel can you move a bit?
Angel looks down awakening from his thoughts, nifty needed to get some dust that was on angel boots.
Angel: Oh Sorry shorty.
Angel head to the bar and sits down.
Husk: Well this is almost a shock to see you here, you been “tired” for almost the whole week.
Angel: Yeah sorry, you know a pornstar needs there beauty sleep once a month hehehe.
Husk: Yeah, how many drinks you want if your here?
Angel: Give me anything, I just need something since drinking water gets real boring to drink for being in my room for almost a week.
Husk: I give you some whiskey and you make it sound you been in your room for all week when I know it not true.
Angel: How so?
Husk: I see you leave your room at night with a pink furry coat, I’m going to guess for work.
Angel: no I just needed to head out and grab some stuff.
Husk: Well from your water remake I say that drinks was not one of your priorities.
Angel: Yeah, they had no good drinks at the shop I go to, the shop keeper there though was pretty hot~~
Angel giggles, husk was not laughing and he can see angel was trying to cover him things but decided to not speak more, he gives him his drinks and takes out his own bottle to drink from, for the next hour or 2 Angel was drinking with husk and they talk about silly stuff like how nifty would sometimes have to clean in people room while they sleep and angel joke she probably stalked them like a owl, after a bit husk as pass out and angel was sober from all the drinks.
Angel: (I think I need to head back, it getting late)
Angel was going to leave but then Alastor came to sit down at the bar, it made angel jump seeing someone still awake since it was close to 10 PM but then again it was Alastor, the guy almost never sleeps.
Alastor: Hey angel, don’t mind I just be out your hair for a sec, need to get myself some drink for some papers I need to work on for my boss.
Angel: Oh no it’s fine, I was about to leave but now I do feel like talking more to someone, it was with husk but..
Alastor: Husker is an funny person to talk with if you both take drinks with each other and laugh your butts off, I don’t really drink much but when someone does drink with husk it almost comical to laugh at it.
Angel: Yeah he funny Hehehehe, well Alastor did you want me to leave, I can if you like.
Alastor would have gladly said yes but angel tone was off, like something was missing.
Alastor: Angel I like to talk more, could you ask me how was your day?
Angel: Oh well I sleep again, had Charlie ask me to come down to the bar to relax a bit and had fun with husk.
Alastor: I see, did you do anything else.
Angel: No from what I can think of, actually I did play with fat nuggets for a bit, he such a cute pig when he wants to play with me Hehehehe, how about you?
Alastor: Well I’m doing good as usual, paper work, the killing if need to and having some talk with Charlie.
Angel: That sounds kind of boring, the paper work part I mean Hehehehe.
Alastor: ...Who are you?
Angel: Uh, Alastor you have not drink and you seem drunk as hell already.
Alastor: I mean who are you angel, first you always seem the same, horny jokes, talking about wanting to fuck all types of boys and doing dumb things, now here we are all alone with nobody and your acting like your not in character.
Angel: Not in character, I’m not acting, I’m just not saying as much sex stuff, so what?
Alastor: Not even the sex stuff, I mean your personality change, you seem a lot more like yourself.
Angel: Like myself...PFFT!
Angel burst out laughing, Alastor look over more with serious eyes, his hands together and his mouth grinning still but a little more out of how interesting angel has gotten, he thought he was just some asshole who just wanted to be annoying but now he was like almost a different person.
Angel: Alastor that was probably the best joke you made, I almost died laughing Hehehehe.
Alastor: Angel, I know you not much into listening much and what I might say you won’t care for but...why don’t you act like this more often, instead of always acting like your pornstar self why don’t you act like yourself.
Angel eyes wide and then he grit his teeth.
Angel: okay now I’m starting to get mad, you thinking I’m acting like a slut is uncalled for, I’m like that all the time and just because I act like this once means fuck all al.
Alastor: I’m not trying to be rude, if you want to act like this and ignore me go right ahead but from what this conversation we had today tells me, it says a lot about how life been to you, you been working at a job you hate, been force to play this role and now always act like all your life is like a play when you should be yourself, the person who was in hell from the start, so please stop..
Alastor didn’t get to finish his sentence as Angel then did something unexpected. He pull a gun on Alastor head, al didn’t look like he care.
Angel eyes were furious and had tears coming down them, his hands shake under how mad he was at Alastor.
Alastor: ....if you shoot me, you know I have to kill you for the sake of everyone here....and I’m sorry....
Angel shakes more, holding the gun to his knees, he got on his knees looking at the gun, Alastor took it and Angel tears up more.
Alastor: I know everything seems hopeless but it’s not and I know whoever in your life that was taking away from you would be still cheering you on.
Angel: ....my mom would not if she saw what I become....I’m just...I.
Alastor looks on and feeling sorry for angel, angel started to cry, a lot more loud which made Charlie hear it since she was working and husk woke up.
Husk: What the...what the hell happen Alastor?!
Charlie: ANGEL!?
Charlie came running and got close to angel was just balling his eyes out, Charlie and husk try calming him, Alastor then left, he not sure how to feel about if he made things worse for angel or help.
Angel: Charlie I...I’m sorry.
Charlie: For what?
Angel: I’m sorry I lied to you and I’m sorry..”hicc” I been awful..
Charlie: You have not been awful....you more better then most down here, it be okay angel.
Husk: (what the hell did Alastor say to this kid!?)
Angel cried more for what felt like hours and then without him even realizing, he blackout.
(Hope you enjoy the story, this is my first time trying to write a more serious story with Hazbin and not have it be all sunshine and rainbows, it more a vent story due to life problems I been having as of late)
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insporaelynn · 4 years
📲 raelynn && roman
WHEN: january 24-26th 
DESCRIPTION: just best friends talking and being obsessed with each other. rae confides in him about her ex drama.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: drug mention, probably sex mention.
Hi love of my life. I miss your face. How’s it going??
my baby
god, i miss you too. i'm doing okay, how're you tonight?
it’s been an off day, not even gonna lie lol super sore and tired. I just wanna be back to normal already
oh no
how's your scar healing up? the boys are taking care of you right??
it’s okay I guess bleh lol and not tonight. I’m all alone
Where's Q? Is Aaron working?
Well I guess I should know that since I'm literally at work. Lmao.
Q is working on music. Aaron has des tonight
ugh. i wanna lay with you and kiss ur face.
are you busyyy? I can burn us some cookies
i'm working but I'd love to see you after if you're still up.
of yeah you just said you’re at work lmao fucking weed
yes please come by when you’re done
absolutely, i'm yours.
u know niamh was trying to figure out who rue's date was and she was like "is it you" bc i mentioned that I have a dick appt with him tomorrow night.
and i was like. dude, no, for like, a thousand reasons. like, why would that ever be me???
oh god, I’m so out of the loop with gossip lately, it’s sad. I didn’t even know he had a date lol
it's apparently some big secret but he's having people help him dress up and asking about flowers and candy and niamh is like "bitch is it you" and i'm like. LMAO.
like is there anything about me that says flowers and candy
Hahahahahhahahahahaha HAHAHA
that really made me laugh too hard.
like, i'm not the flowers girl, i'm the sneak out in the night girl, the middle of the afternoon girl, all those things, but flowers girl???? sdkfdskksd
I’m 100p a flowers girl
my parents are coming in to town this week. Gotta tell them I have two boyfriends haaaa. Pray for me
I feel like that should be the least shocking thing about you??? In a good way.
yeah, I definitely keep them on their toes
tell ur boyfriend that if he wants me to continue wearing body glitter he's going to have to pay me extra
omg but I love body glitter fyi
I did an onlyfans video with Lilah earlier and I'm like 80% sure that I left glitter on her sheets. Like I'm a fucking unicorn.
that makes me so happy I can’t even lie
I too wanna leave glitter everywhere
man I need to do only fans
i would a thousand percent subscribe
both bc i'm a perv and also bc i'm a very supportive best friend.
we could get naked and do a body glitter photoshoot
and I love this about you
that sounds like a dream?? Wow
would love nothing more than to apply body glitter to ur glorious tiddies.
my tillies would appreciate it
Hahahaa it hurts to laughhhh
clears throat Um. The National Debt.
it is my understanding that there is. National Debt.
hahahah I love you
Blah blah, topics. Blah blah, smart people jargon, blah blah
god it’s so boring isn’t it
would so much rather talk about titties
God same.
Like how yours are somehow bigger than mine.
I know, I need some sort of support at this point I think
we could get you fitted for bras somewhere maybe that'd be fun
it'd look actually so hot
well I already wear lingerie in the bedroom. Might as well.
you will be the absolute death of me, you're simply too gorgeous and too sweet to exist.
stahhpppp you’re making me blushhhh. Right back atcha my babe
is there anything you want me to bring you when i'm done here?
just yourself. I’ve got good ass weed
and for the millionth time, i realized, you are my soul mate.
you’re mine, lovie.
i wish i could've had appendix surgery instead of you
noooo don’t be silly lol I’m okay darling.
no i hate that you were in pain even for like a second i hate it so much!!
stop it, I love you. You cutie. Oh god okay I’m gonna make us cookies.
Dont burn the house down my beautiful twin flame
I always get cookie dough thinking I’ll do better next time. I still have that unearned confidence
Thats bc im always building you up and rightfully so
yes you do and I live for it. I also really love fresh cookies right out of the oven, I just want to make that happen
I believe in you my little tropical starfish
Tumblr media
literally you
hehehehe ⭐️
i don't think anybody's ever gonna love me more than you
and i think. i think maybe that's okay?
that’s not true. You’re gonna find someone who is gonna blow you away
yeah but even if i did, would I even be able to love them without being scared of them?
yeah, I think so. I’ve had to overcome a lot of walls and fears myself that I never thought I could. The right person makes it easier.
idk there are a lot of people i could've loved if i hadn't been so....this lmao
I think it’ll just take some time!
you have so much faith in me.
of course I do. I think you can do anything.
i'm not really sure.
you don’t have to be cause I ammmmm
and you're the smartest person in the world
in the whole world?? Damn. I’m not near as rich as I should be then.
how about I stay over with you tonight and we get some breakfast in the morning? I did really good on tips tonight.
okay!! I’d love that
good 'cause i don't get to spend nearly as much time with you as i wanna
I knowwww. We haven’t had a sleepover in so long
you can cuddle up to me and i'll feed you cookies and kiss your hair
revolutionary. better than therapy.
I finished the cookies baby and I didn’t burn them to a crisp
you fucking legend
I’m pretty damn proud of myself not gonna lieeeee
extremely sad that i couldn't stay at breakfast with you all day
now I’m bored
i swear after i left you my day went down the tubes.
oh no I’m sorry
who do I need to fight
well carson is back.
oh god, tell me more
idk why he's back but wes gave him my number bc i guess when i told him to lose it he took it to heart which like good i wanted him to
but anyway i screamed at him in the chat
everyone called me a hypocrite bc i told ivy to stop being a bitch in the chat awhile back. which tbh i didn't remember even doing, i just be saying shit.
like alex opened his fuckin mouth and i'm like what dog do you have in this fight
oh and DELILAH is moving in with carson bc he's "like her brother!!!" never mind the fact that he cheated on me bc i guess friendship doesn't mean much anymore
wow that’s...messy. Wtf lilah though seriously
So then Carson texts me bc wes gave him my number and that felt like being??? Pushed back in time against my will
that’s not cool
So yeah a lot of crying today
*chick with knife emoji*
me rn
Cute but lethal
*img attachment* 
and not at all high...
you're so hot jesus christ.
I love you.
love u more than life itself
*img attachment of a keychain that says PUSSY WAGON* 
this was recommended to me on Instagram and now I want it.
it would be perfect for my Volkswagen
omg and with me in it...it really WOULD be a pussy wagon......
big brain
we should road trip soon
I would love that so much honestly
where should we go?
Disney world!!
will u propose to me there
wouldn’t that be romantic as heck
THE most romantic and also we'd maybe get free dessert
I never turn down anything free.
me neither. not the taylor family way
hahaha I love you.
we'll start planning a summer trip, just us.
yay yay yay yay!
i'm gonna wear a tiara the whole time.
with Mickey ears?
of course, i'm not a monster.
I hate dudes.
they’re a mess aren’t they lol
Had a temporary lapse in sanity and agreed to meet Carson for coffee lol and he canceled like 15 mins before we were supposed to meet for a probably fake meeting lmao its so typical but I fell for it
babe I’m so sorry
Like im just so tired
how can I make it better
I don't know honestly and I wish I did.
I love you.
I love you.
you’re my baby
you're MY baby
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lost-inyourwords · 5 years
Quiet (Loki x Reader)
A/N: can u tell I’m going through an avengers kick right now? loki has always been one of my favourite characters so I decided to write him into one of my favourite writing prompts: “there’s only one bed”! this is more fluff heheheh
[also this is pretty much an AU where IW and Endgame didn’t happen bc they WRECKED me emotionally so everyone’s alive in this one]
Warnings: nightmare mention, tiny bit of angst if u squint, fluffffffffff
Sometimes, you really hated how cocky Tony Stark was. His stubbornness exhausted you, and the dirty tactics he used to get his way were extremely frustrating. Sometimes, you wanted to just scream at the man; and this was one such occurrence. Tumbling through the hotel room door, fatigue heavy on your shoulders, it took you a moment to take in the suite you and Loki had been shown to. The suite with a gorgeous view of the city skyline below. The suite with only one king bed. The suite… booked by none other than Tony Stark. Shutting the door softly behind him, Loki looked at you quizzically before looking around the regal space around him.
“Wow, this is nice. Stark really outdid himself,” the god mused.
“Yeah, it’s lovely if you ignore the fact that one of us is sleeping on the floor,” you quipped in response with a nervous chuckle. Your comment did nothing to ease Loki’s confusion as his eyebrows raised even higher. He finally turned to look at the bed and chortled when he turned back to you.
“What? Don’t be silly, Y/N. We’re adults, aren’t we?” he queried. You rolled your eyes as you began to unpack your belongings. Yes, of course we are adults, Loki, but it’s more complicated when one adult is falling in love with the other.
The rest of the night went quietly. The two of you got along decently enough, hence why you were even sharing with Loki in the first place. Everyone else on the team was too busy trying to kill him or blame him for all the things wrong with the universe, so when it came out that you actually didn’t mind having a real conversation with the frost giant, you essentially became his babysitter. Both being quite introverted and avid readers, your time together was usually spent reading in comfortable silence or watching some “brainless Midgardian entertainment” (you preferred the term ‘sitcoms’) until one of you fell asleep. Loki wasn’t the unbearable villain that everyone made him out to be; in fact, you’d even go so far to say that he was your friend. Your friend... that you were busy falling for. It had started out innocently; Loki had been captured and needed to be interrogated. All the other Avengers had gone for the ‘bad cop’ routine, whereas you had just tried to have a regular chat with him. For whatever reason, he warmed to you and gave out all the information the team needed. Since then, you had been responsible for Loki. You sometimes felt bad because everyone else on the team, even including his brother sometimes, treated him like a lost puppy but abused him like he were a bad dog. He didn’t deserve that, but it seemed like you were the only one who could actually see it. Being so close with him all the time on missions and stakeouts, you learned a lot about him and his Asgardian past. You could feel that he was a changed person, and you assured him of this even when he couldn’t find it in himself to believe it.
So, nights with Loki became more frequent as you began to trust in each other indefinitely; coming to seek the other’s solace when you were caught with a particularly horrible nightmare, or simply when everything got to be too much. The worst nights of your life were suddenly lightened when Loki came to your aid and let you cry into his shoulder for what felt like hours on end; and vice versa. Falling in love with the god felt so effortless; it was just so pathetic that your feelings weren’t reciprocated. Loki could never love you - you were a simple human in his eyes. Not worthy of a god like him.
It had gotten late. You had become so wrapped up in the pages of your book and he his, that neither of you noticed the hours race by. Stifling a yawn, you put the book down and walked to be bathroom slowly. Getting changed into pyjamas, thoughts were still flying around in your head. Deciding to ignore your panicked brain, you walked back into the room to find Loki shirtless and digging through his bag. You felt a warm rush in your cheeks as you did your best to avert your eyes from his muscled form. Loki let out a low chuckle as he found a shirt and pulled it over his head.
“What’s so funny?” you asked.
“Hm? Oh, it’s nothing. Just that it’s quite funny to see you so embarrassed at the sight of me,” he replied quietly, his voice having dropped an octave and laced with the weight of sleepiness. You laughed it off and remained silent as Loki’s eyes met yours before looking at the bed expectantly.
“I hope you weren’t serious about sleeping on the floor, by the way. I won’t let you do that,” he said matter-of-factly. Curse him for being such a gentleman.
You didn’t know if it was the darkness of his tone of just how cozy he looked in pyjamas but something inside you told you to just go with it and not cause an argument. So, here you were. Sharing a bed with your best friend, trying desperately to fall asleep in order to not say something stupid in your exhausted state that might make things awkward between you and the Asgardian. Lying as far away from him as possible, your body was rigid as you struggled to fall asleep, staring at the angry red digits on the clock opposite you. Loki stirred in his sleep and rolled over, his pale arm landing on your waist and wrapping around you. You felt his chest rising and falling against your back and the rhythm soothed you. Turning around, you placed a hand on his chest and felt his steady heartbeat. His face looked so peaceful as soft snores escaped from his lips, no angry brow in sight, no fear in his eyes. He was so warm, too. Your eyelids felt heavy as you rested your head on his chest, his steady breaths lulling you into a deep sleep.
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Say it with Flowers (Snatcher x MC)
Here we go lads! A cute, fluffy snippet of Snatcher confessing his love to his crush! (I was inspired by this ask, if anyone’s wondering) Basically, Snatcher is a dork and his crush is slightly oblivious to what he’s trying to do. Also, the crush will be referred to as “they/them” just so nobody gets confused!
Have fun! ;3
As Snatcher waited in one of the quieter parts of his forest, he was starting to become slightly impatient. He could feels himself becoming more and more nervous with every minute that went by. Occasionally, he’d summon a wristwatch to check the time or a hand mirror so he could make sure he still looked somewhat “presentable”. He’d adjust the tie he was wearing, or run his hand through his floof so it wasn’t messed up. But after doing that about five times in a row, he resorted to fidgeting. It was something he hated doing, but right now it was helping. All the while he thought to himself.
Why the heck was he doing this?
Because I told myself I was going to do it, Snatcher thought to himself. And it was true. He had been thinking of confessing to them for a while now. He’d just been putting it off till the last second. And if he didn’t do it soon, these strange emotions were going to drive him crazy. Might as well get this over with now, right? After all, he shouldn’t be afraid of something so...so…
Snatcher snapped his fingers, a bouquet appearing in his hands. He turned the roses over to inspect them, carefully touching a few of the petals. He had (begrudgingly) taken Moonjumper’s advice, by getting something special for them. At first, he had just gotten some regular roses from a flower shop in Mafia Town. But then he remembered Moon’s words, “Get them something that shows you care!”. And the roses by themselves...they just didn’t seem like enough. So, he decided to use a bit of magic to make the roses seem a bit more “special”. After doing a bit of research, he use at least three spells that he knew they would be sure to love. One to make the roses glow, another to make them sparkle, and a final one to make sure they would never wilt or die. That showed he cared for them, right?
But as he looked over the magic roses in his hands, a cluster of beautiful reds and pinks, he wasn’t so sure about his chances. Would this really be enough? Would they even accept his confession? Because the last time he gifted someone flowers-
V-Vanessa, wait-
I-I do love you! Just let me expl-
No! Vanessa, please! This is all just a misunderstanding! Vanessa?!
...It didn’t end too well. And while he didn’t expect them to come running at him with a knife (not like he could die again, anyways), there was still a lingering fear of rejection. After all, this was silly, right? Him of all people? Actually in love caring about someone? The all-powerful king of Subcon having a slight, teeny tiny, ever so minuscule crush on somebody? It was a ridiculous notion. And extremely ludicrous-sounding to them, no doubt. Perhaps...perhaps he should back out now. To save the trouble and embarrassment. It’s not like he was too late to change his mi-
“Hey, Snatcher!”
Snatcher let out a yelp of surprise and quickly hid the bouquet behind his back. He smiled nervously, as they walked into the clearing with him. They smiled cheerily at him, giving him a wave. And he smiled back at them, if not a little nervously. While he tried to look as calm and collected as he could on the outside, he was practically screaming on the inside.
They actually showed up, he thought to himself in disbelief. And I didn’t practice anything to say. I’m a complete idiot. I should have written it all down so I won’t mess this up. And...OH MY STARS, WHAT IF I DO MESS UP?! WHAT IF I DROP THE FLOWERS AS I’M GIVING IT TO THEM?! THEY WOULD HATE ME FOR THAT! THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH-
He tried to shake away the worries in his mind and, instead, focused on greeting them.
“A-ah, hello! You arrived earlier than I thought you would...” Snatcher said, trying to put on a confident smile.
“Of course! You said it was important in the letter you sent me.” they replied back. Snatcher felt himself gulp.
The letter! Peck, he had forgotten all about that! Originally, he had thought about talking to them in person. But when that didn’t seem to work, due to his cowardice, he had thought about just leaving the flowers at their house. And when that seemed much too stalker-like, he had decided on a completely different approach. A letter, telling them to visit the quiet clearing in his forest for a “private matter”. At first, it seemed like a good idea. He even managed to convince himself to put his name on it, instead of just leaving it anonymous. But right now the regret was starting to set in.
“Uhhh, yes, It’s very serious, I’m afraid.” Snatcher mumbled out, feeling stupid and wanting so badly to bolt on this. But it was too late now, much to his dismay. Their face fell, looking rather worried at these words.
“Am I in trouble?” they asked, their head hanging low.
“W-what? No!” Snatcher assured them, waving a free hand in front of him. “I-I just...wanted to...” his voice trailed off, his face flushing bright yellow. But he stops there, not able to say the rest. They look at him, confused. Was he feeling alright? He normally wasn’t like this.
“Are you okay? Do you-”
“I’m fine.” Snatcher growled under his breath. They flinched a little at this, and Snatcher quickly noticed. “I-I’m sorry. I’m just...having trouble with this...” he decided to be honest. They liked it when he was honest, right? Now if only he could get the important part out.
“Oh...alright?” they said, feeling a bit more comfortable. They were still very confused though. Snatcher was acting so odd, not to mention flustered. It was actually kind of cute... But what was he so reluctant to say? “By the way, I like the tie! You look very nice!” they complimented him, thinking that would help. And it did, with Snatcher grinning shyly at them and blushing even more.
“Thank you...very much...” Snatcher said, before pulling said tie and clearing his throat. “W-well...I just noticed that...you’ve been visiting my forest quite a lot lately.” he stuttered, cursing at himself in his mind as he did. But nonetheless, they were listening to him patiently, so that helped a ton.
“Heh, what can I say? I have a thing for exploring haunted forests.” they joked, hoping to help Snatcher loosen up a bit. Snatcher did chuckle a bit, rubbing the back of his head.
“Heheheh, r-right. Speaking of that...” Snatcher felt his face growing hotter as he continued. “Whenever you happen to visit my home, to check on me or whatever-” he felt a slight twang of regret at that last part. How did he let that slip out?! Regardless, he tried to keep going. “I feel...I feel...” Snatcher felt himself getting stuck again, as he looked back at them.
They looked so pretty, beautiful, not to mention absolutely perfect. If he still had a heart or pulse, it would be thumping like crazy in his chest right now. He thought how much he liked having them around his forest, which was a new feeling. And they were always so nice to him every time the visited his home. But...how could he ever return those feelings? He was the worst at this sort of thing, considering he hadn’t done it in years. And he was not know for his “caring nature” towards anyone or anything for that matter. Panic started to set in, as Snatcher feared for everything to go horribly wrong.
Oh my stars, they are way out of my league! Why on earth would they say “Yes”?! What was I thinking?!
“You feel?...” they tried to help him along, waiting for him to get the words out.
But Snatcher felt like freezing on the spot. Maybe teleporting away to anywhere that wasn’t here. Or hiding in his home and never coming out. He felt weak and helpless, and he hated every second of it. Not to mention they were staring directly at him, which sapped all courage out of him. He felt like screaming, panicking, and running all at them same time. He gripped the roses behind his back tighter and tighter-
“This...this is so stupid.” Snatcher sighed in defeat, putting his face into his free hand. “I apologize, I must be wasting your time. I just can’t seem to-”
“No, it’s okay! You’re doing just fine.” they encouraged him. “I don’t mind spending extra time with you. It’s why I came here in the first place, silly!” they gave him a patient smile, making a heart with their hands at him. Snatcher could feel his whole face blushing, as his floof puffed up from being so flustered. He tried to hide his face from behind his claws, but it hardly helped since his face was glowing such a bright yellow.
Well...what the heck. What did he have to lose? Besides practically everything-
“I wanted to show you how much I lo-” Snatcher nearly let the “L” word slip out of his mouth, before hastily coughing over it. “I-I mean...really appreciate you!” he laughed nervously, a little louder than he would have liked. Their expression grew a bit surprised, which made Snatcher feel like he was sweating buckets. “S-so, I got you...th-these.” Snatcher slowly removed the bouquet from behind him. He held it out for them, shutting his eyes tight and shaking a little as he did.
“Snatcher...” he could hear their gasp of surprise. He could feel his nervousness growing with every step as them came closer. Now they were right in front of him, as he felt their hands on his. He flinched at bit as this, tightening his grip on the flowers. He braced himself, squeezing his eyes tighter and shaking like a leaf. He waited for the cruel laughter. For the mocking tone of heartless rejection. For the sound of the bouquet hitting the ground and getting crushed by their shoes. Or worse, for the cold unforgiving tone of disgust. With them promptly throwing the roses in his face and-
“Ha, seems like you beat me to it.”
“...what?” Snatcher opened his eyes in surprise and confusion. He was surprised to see that they were much closer to him than he thought. In fact, very close to him, and (sort of) holding hands with him. They stared down at the roses, the glowing spell illuminating their face, making their beauty even more radiant. Snatcher shut his mouth, fearing that he would ruin his perfect moment. If only he had a camera, or a tape recorder. He wished this moment could last forever.
“These are so beautiful.” they said as they looked up at Snatcher, which he was not prepared for. “I don’t think my gift will even compare...” they trail off, smiling sadly.
“A gift? For me?” Snatcher blurted out, before he could stop himself. Their eyes widened, and they turned their head away for a moment. That’s odd, Snatcher thought to himself. Is it just me or do they look...nervous?
“It’s not as good as yours, trust me.” they let go of his hands so they could look for it in their pockets. “I wanted to give it to you after we were done talking. I mean, before I knew you were going to…y’know, surprise me.” they mumbled, rummaging until they finally pulled it out. “Here. I’ll trade ya.” they half-smiled. Snatcher, still a bit in shock, exchanged his gift for theirs without saying anything. And after starting at them blankly, taking in the fact that they were enjoying his gift, he looked down at what was in his hands.
A small, light purple letter.
He opened it carefully, trying his best not to rip the envelope. He opened the flap, and took out a hand-made card. He took a moment to stare at it, dumbfounded, before opening it gently. He noticed how nice their cursive looked, written in red ink with small heart doodles scattered here and there. And then he began to read the message...
Dear Snatcher,
I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time
And I’ve been thinking about it ever since we met
You’re very special to me, and I wanted to ask you...
Snatcher felt his non-existent heart race as his eyes fell to the closing lines-
Would you like to be my SOUL-mate?
Much love, XOXO
Snatcher simply stared at the card, like his eyes were glued to it. He didn’t know what to say, he was at a complete loss for words.
“Do you like it?” they asked him, worried by the lack of response. Snatcher manage to tear his eyes away from the card to look down on them.
“Are you serious? This isn’t a joke?” Snatcher asked them, his voice flat and to the point. They shrunk back at this, afraid they did something wrong. Was he mad at them? Was the pun a little too much? Maybe they shouldn’t have added that in… But they slowly nodded back at him, holding the bouquet for comfort. Snatcher kept staring at them blankly, making them extremely nervous.
Then Snatcher started to laugh.
But it wasn’t a cruel laugh, or even his signature evil laugh. It was a laugh of delight and cheer, as he flashed a giant smile at them. Then, before they even saw it coming, Snatcher scooped them up off the ground and into his arms. They let out a surprised yelp as he spun himself around, floating higher up in the air before eventually sinking back down. Both of their gifts fell to the ground, but they landed just fine and weren’t even ruined. Which was good, considering that Snatcher was too busy holding them in his embrace.
“Hahaha, yes! Thank you so much!” Snatcher exclaimed, hugging them close. Joyous tears started to build up in his eyes, but he didn’t care. Because right now he felt like the happiest ghost alive! Not only did they accept his confession, but they felt the same way about him! And he wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything in the world. Not even all the souls on the planet could make him as happy as he was now.
“Snatcher...you’re squishing me...” they grunted, their face buried in Snatcher’s floof.
“Oh! Sorry!” Snatcher quickly apologized, letting them breath. “I just…I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy before.” he said softly, blushing. They looked back at him, once they got their bearings, and smiled at his cute flustered face.
“Good. You deserve to be happy.” they whispered as they went to gently hug him around his neck. They leaned in close, pressing their cheek against his. Snatcher was taken aback, before nuzzling them back with a dopey smile on his face. He sighed, closing his eyes and beginning to purr.
They both jumped at the sound, looking at each other. Snatcher felt like his face was burning, going entirely glowing yellow. They started to giggle at the sight, he was just too cute!
“So...you can purr?” they asked, putting a hand over their mouth to stifle their giggling.
“Sh-shut up.” Snatcher grumbled, his floof puffing up to the extreme. This just made them snicker more, before eventually letting it die down.
“Well, I think it’s cute, dork.” they added in that last part, before leaning back to plant a small kiss on Snatcher’s cheek.
“Ack! D-don’t do that!” Snatcher yelped in annoyance, trying to hide himself in all the fluff. But secretly, he enjoyed the smooch that they gave him. A little more than he would like to admit. They caught Snatcher’s attention again by fixing the tie around his neck. And he couldn’t help but smile, and sigh at them dreamily.
“Whatever you say, nerd.” they chuckled, tightening the tie before leaving it be. And the minute they were done, Snatcher brought them back into a hug. They were taken by surprise, before smiling and hugging him back. “I’m glad you told me, Snatcher.” they sighed, rubbing their face back into his soft fluff. Snatcher started to purr again, but he paid no mind to it. It was actually starting to become rather comforting with them around.
“Yeah, ditto.” Snatcher sighed back, holding them closer.
And as the moonlight lit up the dark forest around them, and the two held each other lovingly, he felt like this was the best moment in his afterlife. To think, that he would ever be able to love again. And for once, his loved one loved him back! Actual, real love for a person like him. It lit a spark in his non-existent heart that he had, surprisingly, missed being able to feel all these years...
He was starting to like this whole “affection” thing.
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popatochisssp · 6 years
Snips & Snails 2/7
Series: Undertale, Horrortale Relationship(s): HT!Sans/Reader Chapter Warnings: *sex! But other than that, none, it's pretty vanilla!
It takes a lot of courage to get naked with your interspecies partner for the first time.
AO3 Link
BRAVERY (Optionally Canon)
It was something you’d been wondering about for awhile.
A delicate type of question—the sort that could only arise from a relationship like yours, with such a wide gulf between your cultures, your customs, and even your biology itself—so of course, it should be raised with the utmost care and respect.
You were pretty mad at yourself for just blurting it out one afternoon while watching TV.
“Hey, do monsters…y’know?”
Sans roused a little from where he’d been starting to slump over a little, on the verge of dozing off. “do monsters what...?” he asked.
“…Y’know. Do……sex?”
The ensuing silence was enough to make you fully appreciate the inanity of your question.
But it was already too late to take it back, so you just…waited for Sans’ response.
“snrk…heheheheheh…hahahaha, oh my god, babe…!”
Your cheeks feel damningly hot.
“I…! Shut up, it’s! A very valid question!”
Sans continues laughing, covering his face with his hand like he could hide the fact that he was laughing at you more than with you.
“yuh…yeah,” he chuckled, “you’re so valid… ya’ gotta know if i can take ya’ to the bonezone, right?”
“Oh my god.”
You have a lot of regrets right now.
So many.
Most of them about dating this cackling skeleton who has no pity for your embarrassed plight.
…That’s a lie, you don’t regret a second of that.
Just the seconds you spent asking such a dumb question out loud, how insensitive and tone-deaf could you be, anyway?!
At least Sans was having a good sense of humor about it.
“awww, baby, don’t…” He seems to take notice of your humiliation…though not enough to stop laughing. “heheh, don’t, c’mon, c’mere, i’m sorry for laughin’…”
You let him tug you closer under his arm, but you don’t look him in the eye-socket. “No, you’re not.”
Sans snickers unapologetically.
“nah, not really,” he admits. “that…that was hilarious, you’re adorable.”
He nuzzles the top of your head as if to prove it, the gesture full of affection.
Mostly it just makes you feel patronized…and a little indignant, now that you think about it.
“Well! You can’t really blame me for asking, can you?” you demand. “You have the advantage here, I’m human! You know we do sex stuff because we put it everywhere!”
And that was true: you could hardly go two steps in real life or two clicks on the internet without stumbling over something sexual and human-related.
A monster with a human partner, a human crush, or just some curiosity about humans had a whole wealth of studies and images and pornography at their fingertips to answer all of their questions.
“I’ve never even heard of monster porn,” you mutter.
“heheheh, well, yeah, that stuff’s private.”
You frown. “So, there is monster porn…it’s just…for monsters only?”
Sans shrugs a little. “not strictly, but…yeah, more or less so far.”
…You were just getting more confused. “Then how does…how do you share it?”
Your first, hilariously silly thought was some kind of underground information network— risqué monster photos being passed across bars in manila envelopes by monsters in trench-coats.
Obviously it couldn’t possibly be that.
But, “eh, i think by phone, mostly,” was not really what you expected to hear, either.
Like…like sexting? Just sending a sexy picture to your partner?
It was starting to sound a little bit like…
“Is monster porn just…individual? Like…one on one?”
Sans didn’t even seem to understand the question. “yeah? it’d be pretty embarrassing for some stranger to end up with your nudes, wouldn’t it?”
You weren’t sure what to say to that.
Of course leaked nudes would be embarrassing, that was private stuff…but humans still wanted to look at sexy things? Porn didn’t just not exist because some people were private…
You have the feeling there’s a cultural miscommunication happening here, but you don’t have the slightest idea where to begin at clearing it up.
Sans seems to notice how confused you are and takes a crack at it himself.
“oh. right, i forgot, humans are all…mix an’ match.”
“…Mix and match?”
“y’know,” he explains, “standardized, compatible. ya’ got the same, uh…stuff.”
“No?” What kind of human porn had Sans seen? “There’s lots of different kinds of human ‘stuff’…”
Sans rolled his eye-light. “sure, yeah, but it’s…it’s all on the one spectrum, at least. ya’ could actually cover it all in a sex-ed class, not like for monsters.”
Monsters, who were ostensibly all the same species, but had such a wide array of subspecies that they had managed to completely stump human systems of categorization when they surfaced.
You thought of the first monster couple that came to mind—Burr and Audrey, a bunny and a plant—and tried, probably very unsuccessfully, to imagine what sort of things went on in their bedroom.
Ohhh… ‘Mix and match.’
You think you’re starting to get it.
At least with humans, there was a relatively limited number of things you could find in somebody’s pants, and probably some sort of guarantee that you could do something with those parts and make each other feel good.
Monsters? They probably didn’t have that same luxury.
You look up at Sans, frowning. “Wait, so…do monsters even have sex-ed if you can’t…?”
Thankfully, your curiosity doesn’t seem to be an offensive topic.
“heheheh, yeah, we have it. it’s pretty much the usual, ‘be responsible and considerate to your partner’ stuff, just no…diagrams or whatever, ‘cause everybody’s ‘different and unique’ an’ that’s something we’re supposed to explore on our own.”
Your eyebrows shoot up. “You’re encouraged to explore yourself?”
“‘round that age, yeah. gotta figure out your own good spots so you can help your partner find ‘em later, when you’re ready.” The ridges above his eye-sockets crumple a little in confusion. “human sex-ed doesn’t…?”
You scoff.
“Not enough of it. It usually doesn’t even bring up anything besides the ‘default’ sexuality.” The thought gives you pause. “But…monsters, if you’re all so different, do you…how does sexuality even work?”
Your question makes Sans chuckle again. “that, uh…that’s a little broad, ain’t it?”
…Boy, it sure is.
Sans is a monster, but he’s hardly the spokesman for his entire species.
You feel your cheeks starting to heat again, but before you can apologize, he starts talking.
“far as i can tell, though, humans put a lot more stock into all that label stuff than we do. lots of categories and specifics…think i tried lookin’ it up once, to see if there’s a human word for…what most of us are.”
You watch as Sans pulls out his phone and starts scrolling through old notes, things he jotted down in case he wanted to reference it later.
“oof. this was real early surface days. especially shitty at note-takin’ back then,” he admits. “i got no idea what i was gettin’ at here. mean anything to you?”
He angles the screen toward you and see some strange characters on the screen, jumbled up and indecipherable to you. There’s only two words in normal text that you can actually read, toward the bottom.
“Oh!” Well, that made some sense. “So, for monsters…gender and stuff isn’t important, you’re just…attracted to whoever you like? That way?”
Sans looks…a little impressed by the swiftness of your conclusion. “huh. maybe there is somethin’ to those labels. that’s…i mean, basically, yeah?”
The porn thing was making a lot more sense to you in light of this new information.
Mass-produced pornography probably wouldn’t have nearly as much of a niche in a society where the majority of individuals only experienced sexual attraction alongside an emotional connection.
You do wonder just how much monster erotica is floating around with fictional characters…but you decide not to ask about that.
There’s a way more important implication in what Sans just told you that needs some addressing.
“Does that mean…does that mean you’re attracted to me?”
It seemed like a silly question. You kind of felt dumb again for even asking, since Sans was dating you, of course he…it should be a given that he was attracted to you!
But…it had…been some time, since you’d first gotten together and he hadn’t…
Maybe it wasn’t so much of a given, if you were this far into your relationship and only just now bringing up the topic.
It feels like the kind of thing you probably need to find out before going any further, even if the thought of a negative answer was starting to make you a little nervous.
But to your relief, Sans slowly turns blue and starts to laugh—the way he did when he was feeling especially shy or flustered.
“eheheheheheheh, i, uh…ah, jeez, i didn’t mean to make ya’ ask,” he says a little apologetically. “i…i like ya’, don’t i? so…so of course i…” He cleared his nonexistent throat. “yeah. yes. you’re…yes.”
He’s so cute.
Sans reminds you so often of why you’re dating him and with the affection (and no small amount of relief) you’re feeling, you find it easy to say, “Well, that’s good, ‘cause I’m pretty attracted to you, too. Maybe you can show me sometime where your ‘good spots’ are…”
You didn’t think it was possible, but your flirty tone seems to make him blush even harder.
It’s adorable…but just in case that was a little too strong and he’s actually uncomfortable or something, you dial yourself back a bit.
“I mean, it doesn’t…have to be now, or anything,” you assure him, gently patting the arm he still has wrapped around you. “Just…cards on the table, y’know? Thought I should…make it clear I’m interested, for whenever y—”
“how about now?”
You pause, looking back up at Sans.
He still looks very shy, his skull literally aglow with it, but he meets your eye with impressive boldness for such an easily flustered skeleton.
“‘cause…that’d be…i’d like to…do that. with…with you…”
“Are you sure?” you ask him, even though you’re smiling; even though you can already feel yourself getting eager just thinking about taking this step with Sans.
He’s someone you trust, someone you care about, and most importantly somebody you think you could have a lot of fun with.
It doesn’t hurt that you’ve already seen him with his shirt off and really liked what you saw.
If he’s ready, then…so are you!
Your excitement must be contagious—the blue on Sans’ face is starting to fade, being replaced by a crooked grin that looks…
“yeah,” he says, his baritone voice so low it makes you shiver. “i am…really, really sure.”
Your heart starts to beat faster. “Upstairs…?”
No sooner said than done, apparently.
You love having a boyfriend that can teleport because in the blink of an eye, you’re there—in Sans’ room, in his bed while he dips down to you for a nuzzle.
You smile and reach up to him, pressing your lips to his teeth and jaw with an eagerness that makes him chuckle.
You knew it would, just like you knew he’d lean back against his pillows and tug you up on top of him with an ease that swoops your stomach and makes you laugh, too.
This part is nothing new.
Smooching Sans is just as fun as it’s always been, easy to get lost in. The polished softness of bone against your lips is one of your favorite sensations, and his big hands petting along your body, gentle and exploring is pleasantly addicting.
This time, though…there’s something new in it, something charged in the air.
You can feel it behind every kiss and in every excited touch of phalanges, giddily skimming just beneath your clothes like getting to touch your bare skin is something Sans can’t quite believe he’s allowed to do.
You want more of it.
You push forward with your hands, shoving at the shoulders of Sans’ hoodie until the fabric starts to slide. Sans seems to realize your intention and he stops petting at you just long enough to pull his arms out of it, letting the well-loved jacket crumple underneath him on the bed.
Sans looks…different without the hoodie—more solid, more real somehow—and if your fingers hadn’t itched to touch him before, they certainly do now.
You don’t deny yourself the pleasure.
Sans hums happily when you dive back down to his mouth, kissing him even as you start to stroke along his clavicles through his t-shirt. He nuzzles at you a little harder, trying to chase you as you trail your lips down further, past his jaw and onto the thick vertebrae of his neck.
The bony discs are a new sensation against your lips, enticingly strange, and you find yourself peppering more and more kisses along the column of Sans’ throat, trying to commit it to memory.
You only pause when a particularly firm smooch makes him shudder, hard.
“Not good?” you ask, pulling back a little so you can actually look him in the eye-socket.
Sans isn’t looking at you, though.
He’s flushed again, his red eye-light angled down and to the left— nervous.
“it’s…fine,” he assures you slowly. “i, uh…that’s…maybe……one of my…spots?”
It takes you a second to process…and then you grin.
“A good one?”
Sans’ eye-light shrinks a little. He must remember hearing this tone in your voice before, at least once.
“………go easy on me…?”
Not a chance.
You lean in and give him another kiss, open-mouthed, and when you drag the flat of your tongue along his vertebrae he gasps.
You like that reaction.
You keep at it, mouthing at his neck with lips and tongue and the occasional graze of teeth—bone on bone that gets Sans breathing heavy and trying to press up into it.
When he starts to squirm, his fingers digging into your hips, you can’t help but feel powerful up here on top of him, learning how to take this gentle giant apart with your mouth alone.
The thought of how much more you could do…
It’s heady.
Sans still has his shirt on and that seems wrong so you start to tug at it, wanting it off.
“wait,” he pants, pulling back a little. “wait, i…you, too, okay? i…wanna see ya’…”
The sentiment behind the breathless admission hits you hard.
Sans wants to see you, too.
He wants to look at you, at your body that you’d never really thought was anything special and he even seems excited about it.
…Maybe he’s thinking the same thing about you right now, and that makes you smile: you’re just two goofballs, both delightedly confused that you want to undress each other.
“Sounds good to me,” you say, and then you’re peeling off your shirt, helping Sans out of his own and then…
There you are.
Both…topless in front of each other, just…looking.
He looks just as good to you as he did that day at the beach. His broad-set torso looks so sturdy, more like it was sculpted from marble than just a happy accident of bone, and it’s too alluring for you to resist.
You reach out, stroking your fingers over all the newly exposed territory: his clavicles, his sternum, the almost graceful curves of his ribs.
(You’re careful to avoid the ones toward the bottom. You remember he was ticklish there…)
Sans lets you explore, not particularly reacting to your touch. More than anything, he seems focused on you, his eye-light roving all over your bare chest and stomach like he’s trying to memorize you.
Maybe he is.
But he looks like he wants to touch you, too, and just…isn’t, so maybe he could use a little push.
“Hey,” you say gently and you want to laugh at the way he looks right up at your face, like a schoolboy caught staring out the window. “You can touch me, too, y’know. You’re not gonna get in trouble.”
“…eheheheheheheh…yeah? you’re not gonna snitch on me?”
“Pfft…!” This damn jokester of yours… “Not if you give me all your lunch money.”
“i’m broke, put it on my tab,” he says, but with the tension broken, he finally goes for it.
Sans reaches up to you, his hands framing your ribs with ease. They feel huge on your body, like he could just pick you up and move you however he wanted and the size difference between you is nothing new, but here, in this context, it’s…
Surprisingly hot.
You feel like you’re learning something about yourself, even as he starts to stroke along your chest, thumbing curiously at your nipples, skating his phalanges over your belly lightly enough to raise goosebumps…
Sans looks utterly riveted by it all.
“you’re so……soft,” he murmurs eventually, like it’s something to marvel at.
You laugh a little.
Literally any human must seem soft to somebody who’s made of bone, but you still find yourself flattered anyway. The way Sans says it makes it seem like a good thing and he keeps pawing at you, petting you like he’s so enamored by your body that he can’t stop.
There’s a clumsy eagerness to it that’s a little endearing…and a lot sexy.
You lean in, kissing him again except this time with your bare chest pressed up against his ribs. He nuzzles you back and by the way he flattens one of those big hands of his against the middle of your back, holding you tighter against him, you guess he likes the feeling as much as you do—skin on bone.
You want to know what else Sans likes.
“Where else is good, baby?” you mumble against his teeth. “Show me, help me out…”
“mmm…alright, twist my arm…”
But he grasps at your fingers and pulls them, guiding them down, down…
Into his rib-cage?
When Sans gently settles your fingertips against the underside of his sternum, you’re not sure what you’re expecting, but when you rub and he moans, you perk right up, utterly delighted.
You rub more, feeling the bone heat beneath your touch, and Sans quickly starts panting again. You explore a little with your other hand—the underside of his ribs doesn’t seem to do nearly as much for him, but when you reach his spine you know you’ve struck oil.
All you have to do is stroke the seams of his lower vertebrae—the lumbar ones, you think—and Sans’ whole body jolts, nearly bucking you off if not for the way you catch yourself on a rib at the last second.
He stares at you with wide eye-sockets, too stunned by his own reaction to be sheepish.
“……fuck,” he says emphatically. “didn’t…i wasn’t expectin—ghhk!”
You latch back onto his spine, not even bothering letting him finish. That was hot and you want to see what other reactions you can wring out of him.
Sans starts trembling, huffing when you go after his sternum again too, and your mouth on his neck makes that delightfully deep voice of his pitch higher than you’ve ever heard it go.
“mmnn, ba—nnh—baby…waaaait,” he practically whines, as if you weren’t already turned on. “come onnnn, sl—ohhhhh stars, fuck, i wa…i wanna…nngh…”
He trails off, breathing quicker and going almost limp against the pillows behind him and it occurs to you that you might actually be able to make Sans come, just from this.
The thought is tempting (and very, very sexy), but it seemed like Sans actually wanted to say something and far be it from you to keep him from it.
Sans groans when you back off, almost helplessly disappointed, and you smirk at him.
“What, baby?” you tease. “What’d you want?”
He doesn’t answer you right away; maybe can’t. There’s a glazed look in that red eye of his that makes you feel ready to pounce and it’s a real struggle to just sit there patiently while he catches his breath.
“i wa…i wanna make you feel good, too,” he slowly articulates. “lemme…lemme do that for you. show me how.”
You chuckle. “I don’t think I can feel that good as long as I’ve got pants on. Hang on a sec.”
Without even thinking about it, you slide yourself off of Sans and start to shimmy out of your pants and underwear. He sits up on his elbows to watch you, enraptured, and it’s not until you have everything off that you fully realize…
You’re naked, in front of Sans, your boyfriend…for the very first time.
Until right this second, you’d been riding pretty high on the confidence boost of making Sans unravel but now, much as you hate to admit it, you feel your self-consciousness starting to hit you.
You’re…not a model. You’re not a celebrity, either. You’re just you, and your body is…
You know what Sans said, about being attracted to you, but suddenly you can’t help but think that maybe now that he’s actually seeing all of you, it might not be…what he was hoping for.
“Uh…” You bite your lip a little, feeling your face heat. “I guess I’m, uh…haha probably a little different from the humans in…porn….”
“no kiddin’…”
But then Sans keeps talking.
“this is way better. stars above, you’re…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence, like he’s at a legitimate loss for words and that’s…fine.
You didn’t need your heart, anyway.
Sans gets up, mattress springs creaking as he moves toward you. His eye-light is locked onto your body and you nearly remind him that your eyes are up here, but with the awed focus on his face right now, you’re not sure he’d care.
His phalanges reach for you, pausing tentatively halfway.
“i… can i…?” he asks, almost hushed.
You don’t know that anyone’s ever been so eager or so careful about touching you before.
Sans has such a knack for making you feel special.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
With permission, Sans touches you, nudging your legs apart. Butterflies in your stomach, you let him even though your heart pounds at the intent in his gaze as he pets along your inner thighs.
The first curious brush of his big fingers against your most sensitive areas makes you shiver…and suddenly, you think you must know what Sans felt like when you found some of his good spots.
The grin he gives you is downright wolfish—hungry.
“tell me,” he rumbles, so low and sultry that you feel yourself reacting to his voice alone. “tell me what you want me to do.”
Oh, stars…
“Don’t, uh…you don’t already know what to do?” you tease a little weakly. “You’ve seen human porn, right? It’s everywhere, you should be an expert by now.”
Sans snorts. “yeah, sure, i seen it. you’ve seen it, it’s just a lotta…slammin’, in-an’-out stuff that looks good for the camera.”
…Pfft, what a way to describe it!
“that ain’t real stuff,” Sans insists. “i’m askin’ what you want.”
There aren’t a whole lot of guys out there who’d ask a question like that when you were already naked in front of them.
Sans is such a sweetheart…
And if he really wants you to show him what you want, you think you can accommodate him.
Sans doesn’t quite seem to understand what you’re doing when you crawl forward on the bed and turn your back to him, getting yourself settled between his femurs.
You turn your head straight up and find him looking down at you with a confused frown, but you just smile.
“You want to know what I like, right?” A purely rhetorical question, and you take Sans’ hand in your own, guiding it over you down to the apex of your thighs. “I’ll show you.”
His big, bony fingers are pliant beneath yours and curl easily just the way you want them. You feel him watching when you start to move his hand, tracking the pace, but it’s not long before your body starts responding to the attention.
You know what you like, the best ways to get yourself off, and for the first minute or two, it feels like Sans isn’t even there—just you and your practiced touch making pleasure hum through you, building slowly toward your peak.
It feels good and you start to relax, letting your eyes fall shut and resting your head on Sans’ sternum behind you.
You can’t quite say when Sans starts touching you without your help.
You jolt, gasping when he twists his fingers in a way you definitely weren’t guiding him to. It’s good, though, and not even the smug chuckle that vibrates through you from behind can ruin it.
“how’m i doin’?” he asks, in the tone of a man who knows he’s doing well. “s’it good?”
Of course it is.
His hand is still moving between your legs, just like you showed him, but it’s starting to feel…different. His fingers are so much bigger than yours, and you don’t think you’ve ever handled yourself with such slow, careful curiosity.
Knowing that it’s Sans—exploring you, playing with you, learning how to make you come—makes it feel like so much more than anything you ever did by yourself.
“stars, look at’cha,” he breathes, curling forward over you. “you’re incredible…you’re so hot…can’t believe you’re lettin’ me touch ya’ like this…”
You feel your body starting to really heat up, your breath coming a little harder. The part of you not yet wholly focused on your climbing pleasure manages to notice something very, very important.
Sans is talking way too much.
He’s still talking at all.
You can fix that.
You reach back, slipping your hand up into the cavity of Sans’ torso and blindly groping for his spine. You find it and start to rub at those sensitive seams again, making Sans choke on a gasp.
Finding your voice for a moment, too, you chastise him with a hissed, “Don’t stop!”
He obeys, his hand starting to move again between your legs but this time without any commentary: he’s too busy huffing for breath now as you clumsily stroke his spine.
The only noises you hear out of him are bitten-back groans and they’re music to your ears, fuel for the fire his fingers are stoking higher in you by the second.
You’re pretty sure Sans is right there with you. You can feel in it the way he curls over you a little tighter, nuzzling the top of your head and pawing at your chest with his free hand; touching you everywhere he can while you chase your orgasm together.
You catch it first, just like that—with Sans’ hands on your body as color explodes behind your eyelids, arching your back and knocking your head against his sternum.
If there’s pain, it mingles so completely with the pleasure that you don’t even notice, coasting high on sensation.
You lose your backwards grip on Sans’ spine, but your hand thoughtlessly catches on a rib and you squeeze, trying to ground yourself.
Sans chokes, hunching down over you and apparently that was enough to push him over the edge, too.
The sound of his broken groan may be the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard.
You hope you can remember it…or maybe just get to make him do it again another time.
The two of you spend a few long moments catching your breath together, bodies wrung out and slumped against each other for support.
When you finally speak, it’s simultaneous.
“Pfft, you goober!” you laugh, but Sans scoffs at you.
“i’m a goober?” he demands. “i think if anybody’s a goober, it’s you.”
You don’t understand the pun at first…but then Sans holds his hand out in front of you, still coated in the evidence of your orgasm and oh, stars, he probably thought that was so gross of you.
“Oh jeez, I…yeah, that happens when humans…there’s…I’ll just go get a t—”
Aaaand, he was already wiping it on his sweatpants.
“—or you can do that, I guess…”
Sans settles his chin atop your head. “gonna take a lot more than a little slime to scare me off,” he declares, and for the subject matter, it sounds entirely too sweet.
Maybe for that, you’ll wash his sweatpants for him, so that doesn’t stain.
But the thought gives you pause, quickly followed by a wave of annoyance.
“Shit!” you exclaim, making Sans jump a little. “I didn’t even get your pants off! Damn it!”
As soon as he processes the words, Sans bursts out laughing.
“aww, babe,” he snickers, “seriously, don’t worry about it.”
“Well, you got to see me naked,” you protest, gesturing to your still very nude self. “I want to see you naked, too!”
Sans wraps his arms around you, hugging you close. “you’re not missin’ out on anything, i promise.”
“ya’ ever seen one of those…naked plastic skeletons you guys put up everywhere when the leaves change?”
The mirth in his voice is hard to miss but, “Yeah…”
“s’exactly like that. ya’ seen one pelvis, ya’ seen ‘em all.”
You frown. “Really? There’s nothing…down there? Like a…uh.”
It occurs to you that you…may possibly be a silly, oversexed human, expecting a skeleton to have some kind of genitalia.
But before you can get too embarrassed about it, Sans casually adds, “i could make somethin’ for ya’, if ya’ wanted me to.”
“What, s…seriously? Like a…magic d—”
“magic dick, yeah.”
“I…how does…?”
“can show ya’ the tongue if ya’ wanna see how it works? m’pretty good at that one.”
Yes. Yes, you absolutely have to see this.
You twist in Sans’ grip, looking up and holy shit, there it is—a big, translucent blue tongue lolling out from between your boyfriend’s teeth.
You’re fascinated by the sight of it and reach up towards it.
When Sans doesn’t stop you, you actually touch it, just a curious little poke, and it’s…well, more or less what you’d expect a tongue to feel like. It's wet, a little slimy, but also strangely reminiscent of the time you’d shaken Grillby’s hand: something both there and not there at the same time. It seemed to be a lot smoother than a human tongue, too, without all the bumpy taste-buds.
“Can you…does it work?” you have to know. “Can you taste with it?”
The impossible tongue retracts, slipping back behind Sans’ teeth where it just seems to…disappear.
“yeah. it’s magic—it’s me, it does what i want it to. don’t need it to taste stuff, but it’ll do it if i got it out.”
…You can’t even begin to figure out how that makes sense. For your own sanity, you just put it down to ‘magic’ and try to let it go.
“So…magic dick.”
“yeah. if ya’ wanted.”
“Why no magic dick this time?” you ask. “Is it…snrk…is it like the ‘good china,’ you only…whip it out for special occasions?”
You can’t even keep a straight face asking the question. You can’t blame Sans for laughing at it, too.
“heheheh, you’re plenty special, babe,” he assures you. “tongue’s easy, i’ve done a tongue before. gotta research a little before i try something new.”
“‘Research,’” you echo, emphasizing the dubious quotations in your tone.
“haha, no, seriously, actual research. real unsexy, probably…diagrams an’ medical textbooks an’ shit. did the tongue look human to you?”
“yeah, ‘cause i winged it.” Sans snuggles you closer against him even as he proposes to you a very philosophical question. “what d’you suppose it’d look like if i tried to mimic some human…stuff, without bein’ able to remember all the details?”
The first image to pop into your head is a semi-phallic…shape, resembling nothing so much as the cheapest, most terrible-looking dildo money could buy.
And then you try to imagine it in blue, suction-cupped onto your boyfriend’s pelvis.
“…hahaha… Hahahahahahaha! Oh no…!”
“i’ll assume by your laughter that whatever ya’ just thought of was hilarious an’ also the least sexy thing ya’ ever pictured in your life.”
You cover your mouth, trying to stifle the chuckling. “A little bit, yeah,” you admit.
“that’s why ya’ gotta let me mess around with it a little first,” Sans explains. “haven’t exactly paid a lot of attention to that stuff before. i can probably make somethin’ a little sexier, but i need the details for that. can’t make somethin’ out of magic unless i can recreate it in my head first—so now’d be the time to start thinkin’ if ya’ got any requests.”
The possibilities of that are…actually soberingly incredible, now that you think about it.
You’d never entertained a future where your partner could just…make anything for you, if you gave him enough time to work out how. Images were suddenly racing through your head, each sexier and more fantastical than the last.
“if ya’ don’t wanna wait, though, i seen a lot of hot dogs, could probably do a pretty good one a’those.”
If it weren’t for Sans’ arms around you, you think you’d double all the way over with how hard your laughter hits you; hard enough to make you wheeze.
“A hot dog?! Shut up, you’re the worst!”
“heheheheh, don’t you mean ‘the wurst’?”
You can’t even tell him how much you hate him because you’re laughing too hard.
It’s probably just as well, since that would be a total lie.
Optionally canon scene to Fur a Good Time, Call…  Could take place anytime after Chapter 12, if you're looking to place it in the continuity. A sex scene--even one as fluffy as this--just didn't quite seem to fit in the vibe of the original story, so I left it out.
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maitlandsniles · 5 years
Heyyy sorry bc 2nd ask in the day but. Write a lil T-bau drabble pour moi
you’re gonna hate this (plus it’s too long) but here you go my friend. it might not look like a t-bau drabble at first but you just have to trust me 👁👁
After weeks of anxiety and pining you’ve finally gathered the courage to ask Unai out. So here you are at the Arsenal training ground, dressed in your finest gown. Perhaps a gown isn’t fit for a football field but you have a flair for the dramatic and you believe that a moment like this deserves to be treated like the Oscars.
As you walk towards the field you make out his body amid the flying balls and running men. You can already tell his hair is unkempt, just the way you like it. He’s all you can see as you stride towards him. You’re about to call his name when, BLAM! You’re struck by a football smack dab in the middle of the face. As you raise your hand to your nose to keep the blood from pouring out, you see a cheerful Mattéo Guendouzi waving at you from a distance.
“Y/N!!!” he yells with a smile on his face. You stare at him in shock. “Y/N!” he repeats as he jogs towards you. Once he reaches you he asks sunnily, “Did you get my ball?”
“Excuse me?”
He laughs. “It was silly of me to ask. I can see that you got it.” He points a long, bony finger at your bleeding nose.
“You kicked that ball at me?” You can taste blood as you speak.
“Obviously! I saw you and I just had to!” He stares at you, smile never breaking. When you don’t say anything, he adds, “Nice dress!”
You look down and see that there are already some drops of blood staining the front. Your nose really might be broken. You look back at Mattéo, who is still smiling. “Why would you do that?”
His smile finally dissipates and turns into a confused frown. He asks, slowly, “What do you mean?”
“Why did you kick a football in my face and break my nose?”
Mattéo looks at you like you just asked him if Nike was better than Adidas. The answer was obvious. “Um. Because you look beautiful. Are you stupid?”
You don’t know what to say. Maybe you are stupid. You certainly feel woozy from the blunt trauma to the face and the loss of blood. Mattéo grins at you in silence as he awaits a response. There’s a blush on his cheeks and he’s shifting his weight from leg to leg. Finally you say, “Well. I’m gonna go to a doctor now.” There’s no use asking Unai out now that you look like such a hot mess. You begin to walk back where you came from. Mattéo walks beside you.
“So…” he starts. You don’t answer. He grabs a nearby ball and begins to juggle it as you walk. You tense up, fearing that he may lose control of the ball and hit you again. But he doesn’t lose control. Instead, he purposefully kicks his foot up and gets the ball to whack you in the gut.
“Mattéo!” you manage to gasp out through the loss of breath.
“Hehehehe,” Mattéo giggles, his hand covering his mouth coyly. “You’re so cute.”
Between the blood flooding your mouth and the difficulty breathing after being winded, you find it hard to react to him. All you hear is “Hehehe.”
Another ball strikes you, this time it’s in the back of your head. Then another knocks you in the shin. Mattéo is kicking footballs at you at mach speed. “Hehehehehe,” he keeps giggling. You’ve fallen to the ground. You’re losing consciousness. “Hehehe.” Mattéo thinks you’re beautiful. You’re fading away.
NO. You’re not dead. Mattéo doesn’t have the power to kill you. You awake in a white room and look down at yourself to find that your formal gown has been replaced with a hospital gown. You sense a looming presence in the room. It’s a man standing in the corner. A very tall man. A very slender man. He looks distressed. Is it Paul Ryan? You squint at him and as your mind begins to wake up you realize that it’s Thibaut Courtois. He notices that you’re awake and he walks over to your bedside and sits down in the chair next to you.
“Y/n. Thank god you’re alright.”
You’re feeling groggy but you manage to ask, “Mr. Courtois, what are you doing here?”
He smiles at you. Looking closer at him, you see that one of his eyes is red. “I was in London vandalizing Stamford Bridge and I thought I’d check out the Arsenal training ground. When I got there I saw Mattéo Guendouzi pelting a beautiful woman with footballs so I intervened and brought you here. Mattéo put up a fight.” He points to his eye. “That’s how I got this. But clearly I was stronger.”
Maybe you’re shell shocked but Thibaut looks hot. And his story of triumph over Mattéo makes him even more appealing. Also… did he call you beautiful? “Thank you so much for saving me, Mr. Courtois.”
“Please. Call me Thibaut.” Thibaut winks with his red eye. He reaches tentatively for your hand. You smile to encourage him and he cups your hand in his own massive ones. “Y/n… I…” He looks away. He’s blushing.
“What is it, Thibaut?”
He composes himself. “I want to ask you something.”
Your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest. “Yeah?”
“Would you… would you help me hide? The Belgian demon that gives me my powers is hunting me down because I haven’t given him any sacrifices lately.”
Oh. “Um. Yeah I can try to hide you at my place.”
Thibaut beams brighter than the sun at your answer. “Thank you so much! You don’t know how much you’re helping.” He pauses for a second. “I have another question.”
You sigh. Does he need to hide somebody else, too?
“While we’re hiding out, can you **** ** ********** until I scream in Dutch, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French simultaneously?”
Yes. You can.
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pinkyiepumpkin · 5 years
I’ve been working on a project for a long time for the love of god someone read this
((This is for a comic I’m working on called Sakuma. I’m not gonna give away what it’s about but I’m trying to write out the first volume which is basically a prequel and IDK WHAT IM DOING BUT IF U LIKE 2 READ, HERE U ARE))
It’s storming late at night in Kuribetsu. Taro Hamano, a merchant, is waiting in the other room as his wife struggles to give birth. He sits with his head in his hands as worried midwives rush in and out around him. Finally, everything goes quiet, but there is no crying. One of the midwives comes out of the bedroom, greeted by a concerned Taro. She wearily shakes her head at him, sending him into tears. “I’ll leave you alone for a moment,” she said quietly. After she leaves, Taro stands and wobbles unevenly outside for some fresh air. He sobs for a moment, until a faint whisper greets him. “Taro…” It whispers. He looks around, but is accompanied only by his shadow. “Who’s there?” he shouts, confused. “Down here, Mr. Hamano.” The voice comes out slightly clearer than a whisper. Taro looks down at his shadow, thinking he must have lost it, until the shadow grows taller and smiles at him wide and maniacally. “Hehehehe! You must think you’re crazy, don’t you?” Taro speechlessly nods at his shadow. It jeers at him. “Don’t be scared of me. I come offering a deal.” Taro jolts backwards, aghast. “You’re a demon! Begone from here!” He turns his head as if the inability to see his shadow could make it disappear. “Ah! You insult me, Taro!” it exclaims. “I am much more powerful than a demon. Listen closely, Taro. I cannot save your wife, but I can still give you back your son. In exchange for something else, mind you.” 
Taro reluctantly raises his head to face the monster. “What do you want from me, ghost?” He can barely mutter the words. The shadow peels himself from the wall, moving closer to Taro to whisper in his ear. “I want to see Aushire fall.” This information confuses Taro. “The neighboring country? What do I have to do with Aushire?” Again, the ghost finds this incredibly hilarious. “Think about it, Hamano! Aushire, the kingdom protected by the goddess. HA! While the people of Aushire prosper in a modern age with cars and electricity, you, a lowly merchant, wait for your wife to die with no medicine and no hospital to save her. Doesn’t that seem unfair?”
Taro shakes his head. “It’s the way of tradition.” he sighs. “Tradition?! Your emperor demands you live in a bygone age, suffering in poverty and famine, all for some silly god who has obviously abandoned you. But I’m here now, and I’m offering you a new way of life. It’s a win-win, Mr. Hamano! You get your son back and you get to avenge your wife. What do you say?” Taro peers into the window, staring sadly at his wife’s lifeless body through the window. He stands up straight, lets out a sigh, and faces the shadow on the wall. 
“Alright. Deal.”
The shadow grins wildly, then suddenly bursts into a line of smoke, which shoots through the middle of his head. It leaves behind a small mark, shaped much like an eyeball. Taro gasps and doubles over, but quickly forgets about the shadow when he hears crying from inside the house.
*    *    *
In the basement, Taro is painting something on the wall. He meticulously, yet crazily, slaps shapes and lines together. He delicately places candles on the tub beneath the wall, lighting each one with a match. He steps back and admires his work for a minute, only to be disrupted by the cries of a baby coming from above him. He sighs and leaves the basement through a trap door at the ceiling. Sleepily, he goes through his regular routine, lighting a small fire, warming up some milk, and then raising his child from the crib. He gives the child it’s bottle, and it coos back at him, coercing a small smile from Taro. “What’s wrong little Kenichi, did you miss your papa?” While Taro rocks his son and watches the snow fall outside, Chaos watches through the eye Taro painted in the basement.
*    *    *
“Aw there he is! What’s up little Ken?!” A large man tosses up a now 6 year old Kenichi into the air. He laughs wildly. “Where’s your old man, huh?” Kenichi can barely answer between breaths of laughter. “Papa’s in the basement with everyone else!” The man smiles at him and sets him down, giving him a little nuggie. Kenichi’s smile fades as he walks away, opening the trapdoor and descending into the basement. The man pauses for a second, noticing Kenichi’s glum face. “Hey buddy, don’t look so glum! One day you’ll be old enough to see what’s in the basement, so be patient, okay? We won’t be long.” He smiles at him a bit and resumes climbing down the ladder. When he closes the door, Kenichi rushes over and listens through the door, trying to gather any understanding from the conversation.
“Do you have it?” Taro says quietly. “Yes” whispers another man. “Good. Now, it MUST have some sentimental value to you, a special memory, or it won’t work. Do you understand?” “Yes. It belonged to my daughter,” sighs the man. He hands a small decorative hair comb over. Taro holds it and looks fondly at it for a moment, and then touches the ring around his neck, reminiscing about his wife. “Okay. Let’s begin.” Taro spins around to face the tub, which is full of a peculiar black liquid. As Taro is about to drop the comb into the tub, the man stops him. “Wait! Wait--is...is it going to hurt?” Taro chuckles a little. “Yes. A little. But it’s only for a second.” They resume the procedure. Up above, all Kenichi can make out is a flash of light and a yell from the man with the comb, which startles him enough to run into his bedroom and hide under the covers. A minute later, the men rise from the basement, and Kenichi notices the man with the comb has fresh burns on his arms. They’re burnt in a shape, one that is much like the symbol on Taro’s forehead.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
New to the AU? Start here!
Chapter 36: Miss Keisha, Miss Keisha! Oh My God She Fuckin Dead.
Tenya couldn’t believe it, Shinso was standing right there and the tension was thick. Should he start the conversation? Or should they start? Either way, answers will come out of this.
“...and we’ll have you working out of here” Tenya said to finish the agency tour to Shinso “I’ll get one of the security robos to get you scanned as an associate.”
Shinso watches Tenya summon the boxer sized robo “I can’t believe she did it” his eyes follow the robo “she really is amazing, wish I’d seen her rise to the top.”
“You know, she never told me why you left” Tenya obliviously stated “I know you two moved in together but not when you two split up.”
Shinso went pale and clammy “Wait, you talked to her? Is she okay? Since when? Does she ask you about me?”
“Slow down, I’ve started to talk to her again in early spring” Tenya recalled “when I asked about you, all she said you two broke up before her 20th birthday and the subject never came up again.”
“Oh I see” Shinso sighed “of course it’s like that, why would she want to talk to me again after what I did.”
“If you don’t mind me asking” Tenya leaned in “why did you two break up? You two had an unbreakable bond from what I saw before we graduated.”
“It’s a touchy subject” Shinso felt uneasy again “maybe I’ll tell you after a while but please” he begged “don’t tell her I’m here, it won’t end well.”
“Why? What is she going to do?”
“Just trust me” he sighed and turned to the robo “she’ll lose it if she finds out, I trust that you’ll keep this secret for me.”
Tenya feels the conflict in his heart, on one hand, he’s a trustworthy friend. But on the other, Ita is his love and deserves to know that Shinso is back in town. The weeks go by and Shinso has managed to fly under the radar and is closing in on his term with the Ingenium agency. 
-Ingenium agency, night shift-
“Who’s texting you?” Shinso asked Tenya, who has been distracted by the high amount of texts the past hour.
“It’s Ita” he said as he responded to her text “she’s at her agent job and is not having it with her co-workers again” he chuckled and put his phone back down on the table “her co-worker Hila HATES her for being young and rich, so they try to embarrass her but you know Ita, always ten steps ahead of everyone and it backfired but today was one of those-” the chime of his text tone interrupted his sentence. Shinso saw on his lock screen was a picture of Ita T-posing in front of her coffee maker in the hoodie Shinso gave her on their anniversary.
“Thats...the sweater I gave her” Shinso looked at the text notification, it’s from Sweetheart “Oh, I see you have a nickname for them too. Still can’t tell her huh?”
“Oh um actually” Tenya got red-faced and flustered “she’s my girlfriend now, for a few months actually. Reuniting brought it out of me and she told me she’s always felt strongly towards me, even after hurting her and drifting apart. We’ve been inseparatable since and she’s happier than ever.”
Shinso heart sank but tried not to seem hurt “She moved on huh” he looked at his phone to see his lock screen photo of Ita napping on the couch with the cat on her belly, the memory hurts to look at now that he knows she’s moved on “I’m happy that she’s happy now, the months leading to our end were sucking the happiness out of us, especially her” he put his phone back in his pocket “and all I did was make things worse.”
“I still don’t know the fully story” Tenya said, almost demandingly “why can’t you tell me?”
“Honestly, the memory is so painful to remember” Shinso was having trouble breathing, like he was going to have a panic attack “I’m still hurting over it, but ask her about it, she’s stronger than me and will probably explain it better.”
That scene fucked up Tenya for a few days, Shinso was known for being serious and collected. But to see him on the verge of a panic attack scared Tenya to the point where he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to ask Ita what happened. In his heart, he knew there was needed closure and there was no other way to get it than breaking his silence.
-Ita’s house, 7pm, dinner time-
“Thanks for dinner” Tenya thanked Ita, for the 10th time “what do you call this dish?”
“Arroz con Frijoles y Carne Asada” I responded.
“I love it when you pronounce your ‘R’s” he gushed “it’s so exotic and alluring.”
“Shut your fuck and thank kami-sama for the food!” I blushed hard and tried to hide it.
They start eating, then Tenya spoke up “It’s been slipping my mind, but Shinso has been a temp at the agency for a while now.”
The sound of silverware dropping on a ceramic plate startled Tenya to look up at a very pale and sweaty Ita “OH HE-HE’S IN TOWN! Coolio! How is he?!”
“Are you alright? You’re being shouty and stressing your words” Tenya started to regret his words.
“Naw this is my normal voice hehehehe! Did he tell you where’s he’s been?!” she starts to hyperventilate and sweat harder “How’s his cat?! Is he back for good?!”
“STOP!” Tenya stands from the table “What is with you? He told me not to tell you he was back because you might freak out” he walks over to her side of the table “I believe him now, but what happened between you two?”
Ita was feeling very cornered but gave in and took a few calming breaths “I guess you were going to find out sooner or later” I motioned him to sit and held his hands “let my preface everything with I love you and I will never leave you unless I have a good reason to and we’ll talk things out if we’re running into problems.”
“I love you too, I’m listening” he squeezes her hands to give her reassurance.
“Okay, everything started around the time I was entering my second term of college...”
Flashback to 3 years ago...
I was going through usual couple things like small fights and compromise with lots of affection. With life picking up the pace and with no signs of stopping, I felt invincible. Everything halted when I found out I was pregnant with Shinso’s baby, college and my want to start up my company had to be on hold. Everything was fine up until the incident that changed our lives.
“Hitoshi! Can you help me put on my boots?” I whined from the living room couch, it was 10am and I had an important day ahead of me.
“Let me just set this here” Shinso set a teacup down on the table and kneeled to rub my feet to ease the swelling “are you sure you’re fit to work? You’re getting huge to be doing fieldwork.” He put on her boots and kissed her growing belly “kick once if mommy should stay home, twice if she should go to work.”
“Silly! I’m only 5 months, they have me on light footwork if I have to go on a mission” I put my hand on his face, a small kick was felt on my left side “just today then I stay home to get the house ready for our baby.”
“I don’t know babe” Shinso looked into my eyes “with all the raiding being done in Sumida lately, it’s becoming dangerous to be in the business district.”
“I’m a toughie! I can manage myself just fine” I sit up and hold my arms out for him to help me up “today I have to do paperwork for the monthly report, you know how I get when I do paperwork.”
“Fine then” Shinso kisses me “just come home as soon as you can.”
I head off to work and my light field-work turned disastrous when the bank I was at to gain intel was getting robbed in the middle of me reviewing security footage. I get the footage and get the workers around me to safety and contact authorities and rescue to get me out. Before they came, a blast was set off and a heavy filing cabinet fell on top of me and my water broke. I was rushed to the hospital to save my baby. The baby didn’t survive and died in my arms, all the guilt of not listening to Shinso to stay home stabbed my heart and ripped me apart. Shinso was in total shock, he wouldn’t even look at me nor speak. He didn’t want to see where I buried our baby, he didn’t want to me to touch him and he didn’t sleep in our bed. He just droned with glazed eyes and barely ate anything for days.
“Hitoshi, are you in here?” I softly asked as I pushed open the door to the office “hey, did you eat dinner?” He didn’t respond, just sat at the desk writing something “look, babe, it’s been two weeks” I take a deep breath “can we talk? It doesn’t have to be about what happened, I just want to hear you.” He stopped writing for a second, like he was considering what I said, but he continued writing “I suppose it is a bit late for talking” I knew I was just making up excuses “well, I’m going to bed, if you’d like to come” I turn to leave “good night, I love you.”
I went to bed, alone. I tried to stay up as long as I could to see if he’d come to bed after-all. In the morning, I see that he didn’t come to bed and I woke up 15 minutes before I was supposed to be up. “Hitoshi?” I called out, no response. “I guess he’s still asleep maybe” I sat up and after rubbing my eyes a bit, I see the room was cleaner than I left it last night “oh he did laundry?” I said as I saw that the basket with overflowing dirty clothes was picked up and maybe in the laundry room. I go to the bathroom and see it was also cleaned “he threw out all the empty products? It’s so cleared of clutter” I brush my teeth and notice his wasn’t in the holder, I check the cabinet and see a lot of his things weren’t there. “Weird, I know he keeps his deodorant and eye drops in here” I finish up in the bathroom and go down stairs “Hitoshi? Why is-” I start but stopped myself because something wasn’t right. The cat’s bed, toys and tower wasn’t in it’s usual spot and the cat was no where to be seen or heard. “Hitoshi?! Biscuit?! Please meow if one of you is there?!” I call out, nothing. I look in the laundry room and all of my clothes were folded but his were no where to be seen. I check the office and it was cleared out of all his things, same in the garage and our closet. “I don’t understand?!” I get worried and I walk into the kitchen to see that coffee was brewed and the kitchen was cleaned. There was a note on the fridge addressed to me:
I can’t talk about what happened and I can’t keep living here. It’s painful to be around here and even more when you tell me you love me through your pain. I need time and distance to really heal from everything, there’s groceries in the fridge and three months of my part of the rent and bills on the counter to last until the end of the co-lease. I cleaned the house and took all of my belongings, including the cat. Don’t come looking for me, please take care of yourself but until we meet again, I love you.
I was devastated and just broke down on the kitchen floor. Unable to move or know what to do, time flew by and everyone at work noticed that I wasn’t there. Mimi got special permission to come check up on me. She found me on my kitchen floor and read the note, they got filled with rage that once again I got hurt by a man. After blowing some steam and consoling me to my feet, they asked “Okay, you’re up now” she put her hands on my shoulders “what’s the plan?”
“I’m not sure” I squeeze my eyes shut to think of something “nothing makes sense in my head, I just want to lay down.”
“No! You are a bad bitch!” she shook me “I’ve seen you pull yourself together when a boy hurts you. You’re going to pick up everything he made you drop for him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Going back to college!” she points to the small dog grabbing the tissues off the ground with his robot arm “start our company! Nothing will come out of you just laying down and waiting for him to come back.”
“You know what....YEAH!” I pump myself up “I’m going to work on myself! And if Hitoshi does come back and doesn’t like the new me, then he can fuck off!”
“Yes bitch!” she yelled and carried me to my office to get started on myself. But the loneliness came back when she left, I found it hard to sleep in that bed. The couch and the floor of the office is were I slept for months. The day I graduated college was when I slept in that bed again, nobody was there to wake up to when I felt lonely. A price to pay when you succeed beyond your wildest dreams in less than a year. I lost the warm and loving part of myself in the process, sex meant nothing and there wasn’t an alcohol strong enough to make the pain go away. I didn’t let anyone come too close to my heart because who the hell would want a broken woman. I convinced myself that if I just work and keep working, there will be no room for things like love to get in the way. Slowly but surely, I changed into this mysterious and unattainable person you see on magazine covers and business articles.
End of flashback
I finish my side of everything with tears streaming down my face “...I haven’t talked to him since the night before he left” I look toward the stairs “I’ve asked around for his whereabouts but lost track a year and a half ago. Amajiki told me he was going north for work but he didn’t say where.”
“North? He did come from Hokkaido” Tenya remembered “he’s a contract basis hero, so he’s never in just one place.”
“I figured” I sighed “now that he’s back, I don’t know if he wants to talk” I wiped my tears “I’ll let him do that on his own time.”
“It’s not like you to be non-confrontational” he questioned “and it wasn’t like Shinso to get all panicked when I mentioned the past. This really hurt you two.”
“Yea, sometimes I imagine how life would’ve been if I had our baby” I rubbed my stomach “our little boy would’ve been turning 3, maybe showing signs of his quirks” I smiled “he had dark purple hair and my nose, probably had his eyes and my personality traits. I like to think that we would’ve been a happy family but at the same time, none of the things I worked hard for would’ve came true. I’d be stuck in that lacky agent job and be a housewife for the rest of my life.”
“Well if it makes you feel any better” he wiped her tear “I don’t think you’re broken, you’re still that warm and loving person and you can start your happy family over with me” she looked up at him “we’ll get married, have as many children as you want, raise them with love and nurturing care to be whatever they want to be, I’ll do housework and cook too when you’re working and-”
I start laughing “Whoa there! One thing at a time Tenya!” I throw my arms around him and squeeze “thank you, for listening and unpacking my baggage. I needed it.”
“It seems like it’s what I do best” he holds her “thank you for being brave enough to retell your past. I love you.”
-One week later, Ingenium Agency-
“Just one more week huh Shinso-kun?” Tenya said as Shinso walked in the locker room.
“Hm? Yeah heh” Shinso takes off his voice changer “I was thinking about staying in the suburbs of Tokyo, I forgot how nice this area actually is.”
“You’re here to stay?” 
“You could call it that” he took off his boots “I have a friend in Chiyoda that’s been looking for a roommate and the work around here is better than up north. So I’ll stick around and see if I can get an agency to keep me.”
“That’s wonderful news!” Tenya exclaimed “I’m happy you’ve settled back, from what Ita told me, I thought you might not want to stick around because she’s so close by.”
“I know and I guess she told you why I left huh?” Shinso turned to Tenya and saw him nod “it’s a lot to unpack but I have to say my side. I don’t blame her for anything, I blame myself for being so selfish. I thought having a baby would solve all of our problems but they were really my problems. She was talking about the future and starting her own things, it was like she was maturing too fast and I wanted to keep her the same laid-back and feisty girl I fell in love with. Getting her pregnant just made her more mature and I was regretting it, I love her but not her ideas and dreams.” he closed his locker “how can I say that when she’s carrying our son! So when she lost the baby, I was relieved but also saddened that he was gone now. My coldness wasn’t her fault, it was all mine. I was afraid to tell her how I really felt, so I just didn’t talk or looked at her when she begged me to. I’ve been planning my move out for a week and the final straw was when she told me ‘I love you’ after begging me to talk to her because she wanted to hear my voice. It was painful to leave her alone in that house, I still loved her enough to leave her a clean house with food and paid bills.” his voice started to crack “I hid away from her and our friends to avoid getting confronted by her. And even after all this time, I’m still not ready to talk to her because I’m deathly afraid of seeing her heartbreak over my truth and selfish ways. I don’t think she’ll forgive me. But on my hardest days, all I could think about is her arms around me as she kisses me and the warmth we share when we make love.” he stops and turns red “but um, I bet you already know about all that now, lucky you.”
“What do you mean?” Tenya asks as he wipes his face with a towel.
“You know...making love” Shinso makes some suggestive hand gestures to fill in the gaps “or I don’t know what you two call it but isn’t she just so warm and freaky in bed? God I miss it.”
“I don’t? Understand what you mean?” Tenya was more confused “I’ve never shared the bed with her.”
Shinso’s jazz music stopped in his head “WAIT HOLD UP!” he tried to hold it together “are you telling me that you, an adult man, have never asked Ita ,your adult girlfriend with a high sex drive, for sex?!” he laughed in disbelief “I can’t believe it! You’re an adult virgin!”
“I wouldn’t know the first step to ask!” Tenya turned red in embarrassment “I don’t even know how to any of the moves!” that just made Shinso laugh harder “don’t laugh! Nobody taught me how!”
“Oh man, I haven’t laughed that hard in years!” Shinso wiped his tears “oh fuck, look Iida-kun, the first step is to have her in that little kissy mood” he puts his arm on his shoulder “get her nice and flustered, then run your hand on her inner thigh, lean in to her ear and say ‘wanna take this to the bedroom?’ or ‘baby, I wanna give you a Detroit Smashing.’ and the rest will follow.”
“Won’t she laugh at the last one?”
“She did, and it was super awkward every time we heard Midoriya yell it in class-”
After that little talk in the locker room, Tenya pondered how he was going to ask her, as he was going to meet up with her later that night at her place. Everything was going the way Shinso said to start out.
“Oh you’re getting handsy” I giggled “don’t be shy, my body is all yours to feel.”
“If you say so” he took it as a cue to do the inner thigh touch “is this too much?”
I start to quiver “N-n-not at all” my voice was choppy “it feels naughty, don’t stop.” 
“It’s so warm” he kept running his hand and observing her expressions “um, can we, um” his mind was blanking on the spot, he had to stop stammering and say something! “can we take this to Detroit?”
“To where?!” I started laughing at his panic sentence “I’d love to see you point to Detroit on a fucking map Tenya but what in the actual fuck?”
He sighs in defeat, her roast was too much “I mean- I meant to say, er, ask if you wanted to, IF YOU WANT TO I’M NOT FORCING YOU TO DO ANYTHING!” he panics again “if you and me, shared a bed tonight?”
“You can say sex Tenya” I looked at his nervous face and put my hand on his “and I would like to partake in intercourse with you” I kissed his lips “I’m consenting.”
“You didn’t have to say it like that” he chuckled, feeling a little less nervous.
“Like ‘can we take this to Detroit’ was a better phrase” I roasted back as I levitated us off the couch “I won’t drag you upstairs, lets go” we get to my bedroom door “welcome to my bedroom, it’s huge” I open the door and flip on the lights.
“This...I see why you don’t like sleeping alone” he looked around in amazement of the opulent aesthetic “that bed is way too big just to have you sleeping in it” he looks at the furniture and the slightly ajar closet “it’s so luxury feeling just floating in here.”
“Heh just a few ten thousands of dollars can really change up the look of a room” I said as I floated onto the middle of the bed and set him down on the edge “Muffin, can you set the lights to ambiance 3 in this room and put the house on Do Not Disturb mode?”
“House set to Do Not Disturb, lights in bedroom to ambiance 3″ the sound of the small robo could be heard from downstairs “now powering down to sleep mode, good night Mom.”
“The dog calls you- Oh wow the lights” Tenya got distracted by the sudden change of light from bright to dimmer and slightly rose in color.
“Where were we?” I sat up to get his attention “come here love, I’m cold” I softly spoke to coax him in “I know it’s your first time, it’s not scary, just relax.” 
He crawled up to her held her “I want to do good for you” he was trying to relax but the anticipation was getting to him “just like you said in the tree the night after the dance.”
“Well, lets start with some visualizing” I straddle him “In second year, after we talked over apples, I touched myself pretending you invited me to stay and we kissed for hours until we gave in and rubbed each other to climax.”
“You’d think about me?” he felt the heat rise from deep inside his body “what made you so turned on back then?”
“I love how your arms just envelop me and your hands are big and soft,” she ran a hand on his chest “your large and strong build is something to fawn over, I imagine myself under you as you just have your way with me” I rest my hips on his “the only time I’d obey orders is in bed.”
“I didn’t know you felt lust over my body” he cleared his throat “is it getting too warm in here?”
I take off my shirt “Ever wonder why clothes get ripped off durning sex?” I felt a poke on my thigh “the body gets hot and bothered, looks like you’ve sprung up to the occasion” I teased as I lift his shirt a bit, showing his tummy “take it off, I want to see my man in his raw form.”
He takes off his clothes and helps me out of mine “Oh wow the tattoos do trail down your back” he commented before I flipped onto my back “may I see your-” I open my legs before he could finish his sentence “Oh goodness me, this just made things more confusing” he scratched his head and oogled at it “how do I...move around in there?”
I laughed “Give me your hand and come closer” I give him a mini anatomy lesson but with hands on learning “...does that make sense now?”
“Yes it does” he touched over it again slowly “if you’re ready to receive me, I’m ready to start.” I nod and he positions himself “I’ll try my best.” It began a bit awkwardly at the start but picked up a bit once he found his rhythm “I love to hear you moan, it feels like I’m doing something right” he kisses her neck “my love, my heart, my everything....I want to make love to you every night and be the one you see in the morning” he goes faster, making me short of breath.
“Tenya~I’m gonna-”
“Hold on to me, I’m close.” he moans right before he finishes, he gives a few final thrusts and drops his weight on top of me “excuse my weight, but was that good? Because I feel amazing.”
“Yeah~ you’re amazing Tenya” I said breathlessly “I thought I could handle your size but you gave me quite the pounding” he pulled out of me “cuddle me, I’m needy.”
“Kiss first” he asked and I obeyed “you weren’t kidding when you said you’ll obey in bed” his arms wrapped around me “was I everything you imagined?”
“I couldn’t imagine something better if I tried” I nested myself on his chest “did you mean what you said?” I got timid “about the every night and morning thing?”
“I did, I don’t think I can go back to sleeping alone” he stroked her sweat damped hair “and I don’t think I want you to go to sleep alone either. You’ve spent enough nights alone with your fantasies.”
“I have, it finally feels like I’m complete” I pull the sheets over us with my telekinesis “stay the night, please?”
“Can I just...move in?” he hesitated to ask.
“Just like that?” I tilted my head up to see his face “well, lets see...it’s November and the new lease starts in January” I muttered to organize my thoughts “can you make a down payment of 220,000 yen by the 1st of January? Co-rent is usually like 22,000 a month if you’re down.”
“That’s doable” he squeezed her lovingly “I love you!”
“Not possible, I love you more!” I squeezed back.
They slept in each other’s arms and dreamt of domestic life. In the morning, as usual, Tenya was the first one up. It was 6am and the mess of black curls under his chin greeted him before the familiar face of squished and sleepy. Not the best look on her but how he adores her and her genuine expressions. He waited patiently for her to wake up, he didn’t want to hold back on his promise that he’ll be there in the morning. Finally, at around 8am, she came around.
“Oh shit, good morning” she sleepily moaned “I lowkey forgot we fucked last night and that it was all real.”
He watched her rub her eyes and stretch her back “It was like a dream” he kissed her properly “I’m here like I promised, so good morning love.”
The door slammed open, ruining the moment “Good morning Mom, you have 20 new client emails, 2 events for today and review documents for this month’s company overview.” Muffins blared as they’ve been programed to rude awaken her at 8:15am everyday.
“Thank you Muffins” I stressfully groaned “I’m up now.”
“Is that-”
“Daily, yeah” I sat up, forgetting I was naked “the life of a CEO should be starting at 5am but I’m a sane person, my day starts when I want it to” I float lazily off the bed and towards the bathroom “you can use my shower if you’d like, I’m not kicking you out yet.”
He blushes as he sees her just do her routine, naked “Can I ask you a weird question, about your body?”
“Sure? What’s up?”
“You have so many tattoos now” he runs his fingers on the sunflower patch on her hip “and they’re beautiful works of art, what do they mean?”
“Well, I got them as I got scars from my agent work” I pulled my hair up in a bun to show the ones on the back of my neck and shoulders better “the one you touched was to cover a stab wound I got before I got pregnant, this koi fish one on my shoulder was from the time I got a bullet wound like a year ago.”
“How are you still in agent work?” He stopped her tattoo tour “if you keep getting hurt like this? Yes I have scars and such but you have so many more.”
“I’ve saved lives too Tenya, not all my scars are because of my recklessness” I point to the tattoo on my left thigh “see this one? I nearly lost my leg in a tussle with a super villain, the one in Ichikawa that leveled the agency there. There was this family that was struggling to escape and I didn’t have time to get them all out of the way of a direct attack incoming, I jumped in front and took the hit that almost shattered my leg and left a lighting scar. The family was safe but I was in the hospital for sustaining a direct hit, when I got discharged and got my leg out of the cast, I got this cool rose tat.”
He traced the rose tattoo with his fingers, feeling the slightly raised scar tissue that was covered by the blue inks “I remember that attack, I couldn’t reach out in time to fight” he felt guilt “it should’ve been me that took that hit.”
“None of that!” I put my hands on his face and squished it to stop his thought “I’m here and alive, you’re here and alive, lets not dwell on the what if’s and just love each other in the moment.”
“But I still worry” he remembered something from the past “when I saw you get that ice shard in your abdomen and your body going limp” his voice cracked, it was traumatic to remember “I carried you to the hospital, running faster than I ever could to save you, screaming to open your eyes and to stay with me. I couldn’t function for days, I wanted so badly to see you and make sure you were really alive because I couldn’t stand the idea of you dead before you had the chance to go back home.” Tears poured from his face, hands trembling to hold her “even in the time we were apart, I worried about you. If you had enough to get by, enough to eat, enough attention, if you went to bed cold or if you got sick , and my worst fear, if you were being loved and cherished enough.”
“Tenya, all that just for me?” I wiped his tears “well, no use crying over spilt milk! Now we can lead our lives, together, and you won’t have to worry if I’m hungry, cold or sick. And I don’t have to worry about being cold, ignored nor feel lonely” I bought him in for a tight embrace “because you’re here to stay and I’m not going anywhere. I love you and your feelings are valid.”
He felt his chest swell with that familiar feeling of genuine emotions after listening to her. She always knew what to say and it was one of the thing he missed the most about her. After a brief moment, he remembered that they were both still naked, in the bathroom “As much as I love you” he started as he broke the embrace “can you cover up and look that way as I’m showering?”
“No, my house, my rules” I got cheeky “you have to look at my naked body until I dress for the day, I paid good money for this art” I turned around and wiggled my ass “or I’ll cut you a deal, take a bath with me and then I’ll cover up in a robe.”
“I- ahem- I’m-” he was flustered “oh goodness, you don’t play fair.”
I walk toward the bathtub and turn on the hot water “When have I ever?” I gave a flirty giggle as I adjusted the temperature of the water “will you join me? I promise to keep my hands to myself.” He didn’t have words, just a head nod and walked toward the running bath. Sharing a bath, trying to get used to her tattooed and naked body just made their bond stronger. To think this was what he was missing all this time, his heart was full and ready for the future they’re going to build together.
-Chapter 36, End-
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