#these men had never reached out specifically to speak to me before...
tealfruit · 1 year
thinking once again about how after me and my ex broke up he went to the pawn shop we'd always buy/sell DVDs and shit at (we were poor) and the guy asked him where I was and he told him we broke up and the dude cried about it.
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oceaneyesinla · 2 months
This got longer than I expected, but I thought about Kiryu taking care of you, specifically after you bruise your knuckles, and it spiralled from there.
Divider by @/cafekitsune
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Imagine being Kiryu's girlfriend, and someone starts shouting insults as you walk down the street, hand in hand. Maybe it's about the way he clips his pretty pink hair back, maybe it's about the way he wears his patterned shirts and his Bofurin jacket; whatever it is, you don't like it.
Kiryu is just ignoring them - why would he care what they say, when he's got someone like you by his side? Besides, he's confident in himself; he likes his style, and one of his favourite things is deciding what to do with his hair every day, usually with your input.
You are less forgiving. This idiot is getting to you. How dare he insult your boyfriend? Someone who one, is better looking than this fucker could ever hope to be, and two, is one of the best men you've ever had the joy of meeting. He's kind, he treats you well, he takes you out for little adventures and never lets you want for anything.
You glare at the guy as you pass, and he just shoots you a cocky, self assured smirk. That's the last straw; seconds later, your fist is colliding with his cheek, and he staggers backwards a couple of steps. He clearly wasn't expecting your reaction, and once he processes it, his face warps with anger.
Before you can begin to regret your hasty decision or start planning for a trip to an emergency dentist when he's knocked your teeth in, Kiryu is putting himself between you and the asshole.
"Now, now. Unless you want me to call my friends," He waggles his phone playfully, and you can hear the smile in his voice, "I suggest you leave me and my girlfriend in peace."
He takes a step forward, and when he speaks again, you don't need to see his face to know his smile has dropped. You can see his expression in your mind's eye, and you don't need to hear his words. The guy's face drops, and moments later, he's staggering away from you both, looking over his shoulder every so often as if he expects you to follow.
Your hand is already beginning to ache, and the skin over your knuckles is reddened and broken in places. How the boys do this all the time, you'll never know. This sucks.
Kiryu slots himself into your personal space, kissing your forehead before taking your hand ever so gently in both of his, his voice a gentle coo, "Does it hurt, sweet girl? It looks sore."
You nod, bottom lip slipping out into a pout as he coddles you. He makes sympathetic noises as he softly pokes at it, murmuring apologies when you wince. Once he's satisfied with his inspection, he places a featherlight kiss to your knuckles, lips just barely brushing over the already bruising skin.
"You didn't have to do that, you know. I can handle some petty insults."
You frown, reaching up with your non-injured hand to cradle his cheek, "Yeah, but you shouldn't have to, Mitsuki. That guy was a jerk."
Kiryu is giving you that soft smile, the one that makes your heart skip a beat, though it quickly turns teasing, "Aren't I lucky then, to have such a dedicated protector? A pretty one, too."
You feel your cheeks heat up, and you try to pull your hand out of his grasp so you can pretend to be offended. No such luck; his hold on you may be gentle, but it's secure. Just like always.
"Look at me, baby." When you do, you're met with unfiltered adoration and a smile that reaches those beautiful green eyes, "Thank you for standing up for me."
You can't stay mad at that face, even if you're pretending. You press a kiss to his cheek, then to his lip, pulling away to meet his fond smile with one of your own. You would take a thousand bruised knuckles if it meant he could live his life free of the fools who would try and drag him down.
"Now come on. We need to get some ice on that hand of yours." He laces his fingers through yours and leads you down the street, and you don't regret a thing if it means he keeps smiling at you like that.
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trippinsorrows · 3 months
with me + part eighteen
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authors notes: two updates back to back! i felt a lil bad for leaving ya'll on a cliffhanger of sorts. granted, this one kinda does too but....not in a bad way. more of a plot twist, than anything.
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: angst, fluff, language, suggestive themes
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 7k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @southerngirl41 @wanderingreigns @romanreignsbae
24 hours.
It’s been 24 hours of absolute chaos and madness.
24 hours of a rush of conflicting and yet corresponding emotions. Anger. Confusion. Sadness.
In the past 24hrs, your love and basically life story have gone from being known to a select few to now being trending topics on every social media platform. Your Instagram, which was already private, had literally hundreds of follow requests the last time you checked it. There are emails in your inbox from several news platforms requesting interviews and offering exclusives. 
Hell, a couple of people even reached out to you on your LinkedIn.
It’s all so extremely overwhelming and chaotic, so much so that you had to force Alexis to leave and find some way to calm herself down. Her furious energy, while valid as hell, wasn’t helping. And it's not that you don't get it.
You do. God, you do.
You’d like nothing more than to take a steel chair to Mariah’s head, for you and Alexis to do a beatdown part two since the first one seemingly didn’t send a strong enough message.
But, you can’t. And she can’t either.
The whole world now has eyes on you, now is waiting to see what else comes out of this story that isn’t a story for you.
It’s your fucking life.
“We’re definitely looking into our options here, and there are some routes we can take, but without anything from her specifically saying she was going to do anything—”
“Wait.” It’s the first thing you’ve said in this emergency meeting with Joe and his legal team, a couple of intrigued eyes falling on you. “That’s—that’s not exactly true.”
Joe, as you expected, is the first to speak. “What are you talking about?”
This….this is the last conversation you expected to be having right now. The last thing you thought you’d be doing right now. You should be continuing to prepare for the move, decorating the house, planning how you’re going to tell Joe about your pregnancy.
Instead, you’re sitting in your new kitchen surrounded by lawyers, men in suits, and the man you love who you now have to admit to lying over something, at the time, you thought was nothing.
But that nothing has turned into a nightmare that has not only your personal life being used as media fodder but pictures of your sweet, beautiful, four-year-old daughter circulating the internet, just waiting to fall into the hands of the depraved.
That…..that’s what kills you the most.
It’s not even the “tell all” interview you only managed to watch for 10 minutes before having to turn it off. Even staring at her caked face, most likely to hide the lingering bruises from Alexis beating, makes you mad. Almost as mad at the absolute way she’s taken your and Joe’s story and dramatized it to the point of delusions.
Saying you plotted on Joe from the beginning. That you intentionally got pregnant by him. That you were sleeping with multiple men, meaning there’s a chance he could not be the father. That Joe’s ex-wife called and cussed you out, threatening to beat your ass. That you make Joe give you an allowance.
Just lies. Pure, unadulterated lies that make you sick to your stomach.
This whole thing feels like a never ending cycle of nightmares.
“Y/N?” One of the suits saying your name brings you back to this space, this place of here and now where another lie, one of your own making, is about to be revealed.
Licking your lips, you try to explain it as best you can, though there is no good way to come out and admit you weren’t honest with him. “She—she’d been sending me messages.”
“Messages?” Joe’s interruption is fair and expected, but one of his lawyers jumps in before he can continue. 
“Do you still have them?”
Nodding, you pull out your phone, opening Mariah’s thread. You’d blocked and deleted her contact from your phone so it’s just her number as the title for the thread. Reaching the phone to the lawyer, it’s quickly intercepted by Joe.
Just watching his eyes read over the messages, you can almost see his anger growing. He hands the phone over to his lawyer, and you watch as one exchanges the phone with the other.
“This is perfect,” one of the suits shares to the group. “We can definitely slap her with a couple different lawsuits with this evidence. I’m thinking extortion. Most definitely a cease and desist.”
“Defamation too,” someone else chimes. 
Joe isn’t interested in any of that at this moment. He just wants to speak with you alone, that much is painfully obvious. “Can you give us a minute?” He doesn’t wait for a response, just stands up from his seat, motioning for you to follow him.
Nervous about what’s about to ensue, you do so regardless, following him up the stairs and into the first room on the right. 
You start to plead your case as soon as the door is closed. “Joe—”
“You lied to me.”
His tone kills you. You haven’t been on the receiving end of this side of him in months, not since he first found out about Callie. “I—”
“I fucking asked you did she say anything, and you lied to me, Y/N!”
“I didn’t think anything of it, Joe.” You can’t and won’t necessarily defend the lying part, but you will attempt to help him understand your logic that was at play. “Mariah—she’d never done anything remotely close to any of this to make me think she would ever do something like this. I thought—I thought she was just saying shit to get a reaction out of me.”
He stops his pacing, looking at you with a sense of incredulity. “I didn’t ask you what kind of shit she was saying, I asked you if she said anything at all, and you stood there and you lied to me with a straight face!”
“I’m sorry, okay!” There’s a solid attempt to keep your volume down, well aware Callie is only a few rooms down playing, oblivious to all of this chaos unfolding. “But I was in a really bad place during that time, Joe, okay? I—I didn’t care about….lawyers and lawsuits, I just wanted custody of my child back.” Eyes starting to water, you shake your head, asking, “do you have any idea how hard that was for me?”
“Of course, I know, Y/N.” His tone is a little more calm, still angry though. “I was going through the same damn thing.”
“No, you weren’t!” As much as you want to control your emotions in this moment, control your temper, it’s hard when he’s clearly not trying to hear where you were coming from. “You got to see her! You got to speak to her! I didn’t! Mariah didn’t accuse you of awful shit, it was just me!”
“So you don’t think that shit impacted me at all?” His voice still carries anger, but there’s specks of hurt there. You feel bad, you didn’t mean to invalidate him, just wanted to help him see there was a difference. “Seeing you like that? Seeing Callie like that?”
Pressing your hands against your temple, you shut your eyes, explaining, “that’s not what I’m saying, Joe. You’re not listening to me.” 
“You’re right.” His agreement takes you by surprise. You didn’t expect him to be so self-aware. “I’m not listening cuz’ I’m fucking pissed off with you that this all could have been avoided if you had just been honest with me. Our daughter’s photos wouldn’t be all over the fucking internet if you had just told me the truth.”
It’s not hard for you to read between the lines of what he’s saying. But, it is hard for you to stomach what he’s saying. “You blame me for this, don’t you?” And it’s when he looks away, nostrils flared and jaw clenched. “You do….”
“I didn’t for the DCFS situation, because that was absolutely beyond your control. But this…..” He looks up at the ceiling, eyes closed, most likely trying to maintain composure. “I’m gonna go over to Jey and Kaylah’s place for a little bit. I just need to clear my head.”
Your throat constricts. Joe has never been the one to leave in the middle of an argument. He’s that one to always say we’re gonna stay here and figure this out together, so you don’t know what to make of him wanting to leave. 
“Joe, please….” Walking over to him, you place your hands on his chest, forcing him to look at you. “Don’t go, okay? We just—we need to work this out right now.”
“I love you, Y/N. I love you too much to stay here and have this out with you right now, because there’s not many nice things I have to say.” 
There’s a shred of hope that fills you in the way he cups your cheek, staring at you for a minute before he turns to walk out of the door. But the hope is easily dashed at the fact that he still chooses to walk out the door. 
Sniffling, feeling the tears oncoming, you walk out after him only to see he’s already completely descended down the stairs, already out the house most likely. Standing there, you try to keep the tears at bay, try to keep your shit together.
“What, Callie!” The second it leaves your voice, the harshness, the volume, the cruelness, you want to melt into the ground. Callie, understandably, looks devastated at you snapping at her. And you feel it too. “Baby, I’m—I’m so sorry—”
She doesn’t give you a chance to grovel because she turns on the heel of her shoes and darts back into her room, slamming the door behind her. 
Your chest tightening, the tears starting to fall. It hits you so hard.
You really fucked up. 
“You ready to talk yet?”
Joe knew the second he walked into his cousin’s house, grabbed a beer out the fridge and plopped himself on the steps of their back porch that he didn’t come over here to vent. He just needed to get away, to clear and sort through his head so he didn’t end up saying anything worse than what he’s already said to Y/N.
And Kaylah recognized as such. Recognized something must have happened, which is why she allowed him his privacy for the time being.
“Not really,” he answers, finishing off his beer and tossing it to his side.
“Too bad,” Kaylah dismisses. It’s not a major surprise. “Cause I am.” Joe says nothing as she slides down on the step, sitting beside him. When he still says nothing, “what happened, Joe?”
Joe chuckles bitterly. “Check the news. Any of them.”
Kaylah frowns. “You know that’s not what I mean.” She’s very well aware of that part of this shitshow. “What happened with you and Y/N?”
“She lied to me, Kay.” Joe really doesn’t want to talk about this, but he knows he needs to. Knows he eventually has to go back home and face the music. “I had asked her if Mariah had said anything, not even anything bad, just anything in general. She told me no, but that wasn’t the truth, Mariah was sending all kinds of messages alluding to doing something if Y/N didn’t answer her…..now look at what’s happened.” 
Kaylah takes a second to digest what he’s saying. “When did you ask her?”
“When the whole DCFS situation happened. My lawyers were trying to see if we could build some type of case against Mariah.”
Kaylah is smart, always has been, so it’s not difficult for her to put the pieces together. “And you think if she had provided these messages, you could have done something to avoid this latest shitshow?” Joe doesn’t have to answer her question. She already knows his answer. “That’s a big if, Joe, and you know it.”
“Of course, I know it. It’s just…….fuck.” He shuts his eyes, head titled back. “It’s like shit just keeps happening.”
“It’s rough, I can imagine that, but it’s not just rough for you. Y/N is going through the same thing, and instead of sitting here in your misery, blaming her, you two should be handling it together.” Kaylah lifts her finger to silence him when he goes to either agree or protest. “I’m not saying she wasn’t wrong for not telling you the truth, but Joe, we both know that if she had even an inkling that Mariah would do something like this, she would have told you in a heartbeat.” Her voice softens. “She made a mistake.”
“And I know Mariah has put your business out there too now, and I don’t mean to make it seem like this doesn’t impact you as well, but Y/N is the one being dragged to filth on the internet right now. I sincerely hope she hasn’t read some of the stuff being said about her. It’s awful. Mariah lied about so many things and has made Y/N out to be this horrible person when she’s not.”
Joe thinks that’s the part that pisses him off the most, that made him so angry he unintentionally took that anger out on the person being affected the most in this situation. He watched the entire interview Mariah did, heard the way she took parts of the truth and piled a shit ton of lies on top. 
Heard how actually had the fucking audacity to drag Jadah into it, claiming she had texts and recorded phone calls between the two of them talking about how Y/N was a whore and broke up her marriage. All kind of just lies.
And he knows it’s not true, because he knows Jadah. Hell, he spoke to Jadah just this morning. 
It infuriated him even more to read some of the comments, people speaking so cruelly about the woman he loves. Even going as far to drag Callie into the cesspool of bullying. 
A man who doesn’t like not having control, it tears him up to not be able to do anything to dead the shit immediately. 
But…..there are some things he can do, and he can’t do them if he’s sitting here in his feelings.
Joe looks over at Kaylah, gently shoving into her side. “Thank you, Kay.”
“Anytime.” And she means it. Joe is like a brother to her. Always has been. “Now you’ve got twenty minutes to get your sorry ass off my porch and back to your house to take care of business. Cause I know you, Joe. You don’t play about your family. Let that bitch know she’s fucked with the wrong one.”
“Mama, I really messed up.”
Crying over the phone to your mom at your big age definitely wasn’t in your bingo card for 2024, yet here you are.
Granted, most of what’s happened this year wasn’t in your bingo card anyway, so it lines up.
“Oh, honey. You made a mistake, You’re human. It happens.” Your mom’s voice is soothing on the other side of the phone. “And don’t worry about Joseph. He’s just upset right now. He’ll calm down.”
“He’s right to be upset. I shouldn’t have lied to him.” Sniffling and wiping at your eyes, you bring your legs to your chest. “And look at what my mistake has caused mama. My baby’s face is all over the internet. Personal photos just material for people to make posts and tweets and TikTok’s about.”
It makes you sick to your stomach to think of how low Mariah has gotten in this whole situation. All of those snaps you shared with her of your daughter, precious moments you thought you were sharing with your best friend, she’d sold to whoever would buy them for 15 minutes of fame and a slice of short-lived relevancy.
“None of us knew that girl is as unhinged as she is. You’re not psychic, baby. You had no way of knowing this would happen, and Joseph knows that. He just let his pride get the best of him and took out his frustrations on you, which, make no mistake, is not right. And you definitely need to check him on that.” Your mom briefly switching gears brings a smile and small laugh to your face. “You know I didn’t raise you to take shit from no man, and that includes him.”
“I know….” And you will address it with him, even if deep down something tells you he already feels bad for how he spoke to you, knowing it was wrong. “I just—-I feel like we can’t catch a break. It sometimes makes me wonder if…..if I’m doing the right thing.” The past 24 hours have caused you to experience such a whirlwind of emotions, emotions you’re sure are exacerbated by a pregnancy no one knows about yet. “I would never stop Joe from being in Callie’s life, but if me being with him causes all this mess for him and her then….”
“Don’t do that. Don’t you dare do that.” Your mom’s interjection is fierce and sharp. “That boy loves you. He’d do anything for you and baby girl. Don’t let Mariah trick you into thinking that somehow you being happy with the man you love and father of your child is somehow wrong. Don’t let her win.”
Blowing out a breath, you try to heed to your mom’s guidance. She’s right. You know she’s right. Mariah being psychotic doesn’t change shit about your love for Joe, his love for you, the way he’d do anything for ya’ll and vice versa.
Mariah is just jealous. Dissolving what is otherwise a happy family would bring her nothing but great satisfaction. And over your dead body will you let that bitch get what she wants.
“You’re right.” Shaking your head, you try to counter all of your negative and anxious thoughts with more optimism and logic. “It’s just….it’s hard right now.”
“And it will be for a little while, but that’s when you lean on the people you love, and baby, you got no shortage of that.”
Sniffling, tears drying, you thank her, “thank you, mama.”
“Just let me know if you need me to fly down there.” And you know she will. Know Joe won’t hesitate to pay for a plane ticket for her to come stay with you.
And after you tell him about your pregnancy, you might do just that.
“I will,” you promise, telling her you’ll call or text her later to let her know how everything pans out before ending the call.
Stepping back into the kitchen and sliding the door closed, locking it, the last thing you expect to see is Joe standing in the kitchen.
Gasping, hand over your chest, your shoulders slump as you murmur, “you scared me.”
“I’m sorry.” It’s a layered statement, multiple meanings and several different applications. A knowledge that comes from being with and knowing this man for all these years. 
Walking over to him, you cross your arms over one another. “I shouldn’t have lied to you.”
He shakes his head. “Didn’t give me an excuse to talk to you the way I did or to say the things I did.” And as strange a thought it may be to have in this moment, this is one of the many reasons you love the man before you. Joe is mature and man enough to both admit when he’s fucked up and is always intentional about making it right.
Swallowing, you advise, “this is just a really fucked up situation that neither of us really knows how to process.” Ain’t that the fucking truth. “But, we can handle it…together.”
He gently pulls you into his chest and your eyes shut as he holds you, apologizing into the top of your head.
“I’m sorry too.” you apologize, hand on his chest. “I know that situation was difficult for you too, and I shouldn’t have invalidated your feelings.”
“Neither of us was 100% right.” And he’s correct. He was wrong for lashing out the way he did, and you were wrong for not being honest and invalidating his experience. 
Neither of you could pull the ‘right’ card.
“Agreed.” You murmur, eyes softening as you switch topics a bit. “Callie….I accidentally snapped at her after you left.” The guilt still eats at you for that, for taking out your emotions on your sweet little girl. “I spoke with her and apologized, but….I think she heard us fighting.”
That really kills you. You don’t think it’s entirely unhealthy for kids to hear their parents go at it from time to time, but not at 4. And not for a sensitive child like Callie.
Joe looks equally upset at this, offering, “let me talk to her. If she heard us, she needs to know that me yelling at you wasn’t okay.”
There’s no disagreement nor protest as he heads up the stairs to find Callie.
Joe stands outside Callie’s door with a knock that’s followed by her head snapping up and smile brightening. “Daddy!” She rushes over to him, Joe leaning to pick her up, holding her. “You came back!”
Her words crush him, the idea that she could even think he could ever leave her, leave either of them.
“Of course, baby girl.” Joe moves to the only adult sized chair in her room, holding her on his lap, caressing her cheek. “Callie, I know you heard me and your mom arguing, but I need you to know that I will never leave you or mommy. Daddy was just….very upset, and I took it out on your mom which was wrong.”
In a soft voice, she asks, “did mommy do something bad?”
“No, she just….made a mistake, and that’s okay, because we all make mistakes, but it wasn’t okay for me to yell at her like that.” Joe decides to take this unfortunate occurrence and make it a learning lesson for his daughter. “You never let any lil’ boy yell at you or talk mean to you, you hear me?” Callie nods her head, as he adds. “And if he does, let me know, and I’ll take care of it.”
Callie turns up her nose. “Boys are gross.” She then adds, “cept' you, daddy.”
Joe laughs but quickly agrees. Let her think that as long as she wants. Forever, preferably. He tugs her a bit closer, holding her snug to him. “That’s right. All of em’. Every single one.” 
Given only a few rooms in the house are fully furnished, the three of you sleep and stay at Joe’s place at night given he doesn’t plan to sell it until you’re all completely moved in. Not feeling like cooking, or rather not feeling like helping Joe cook, you decide on takeout.
Subsequently, ya'll share dinner while watching Finding Nemo 2, the chosen movie of the night by Callie.
There’s extra measures on your end to make sure she’s really forgiven you, needing her to know that you’re truly apologetic, and of course, your inherently kind child shows absolutely no sign that she holds any type of grudge against you.
You couldn’t be any more grateful for her wonderfully big heart.
You handle getting her to bed, seeing that Joe is tired. It’s something you noticed the minute he arrived at the new house from the airport. He looks exhausted. How can he not be? Preparing for WrestleMania, training nonstop, finishing up his documentary, and now this?
A person can only take so much.
You’re actually happy he’ll have a week off post WrestleMania. He needs that. He needs time to just rest.
It doesn’t surprise you that he falls asleep in a matter of minutes, big body laid out over yours as you gently caress his naked back. His heavy shoulders lifting in alignment with his breathing is a soothing source you zone in on while scrolling aimlessly on your phone. Pinterest only. You can’t allow yourself to check out anything else.
That is until you receive a text from Alexis telling you to check Joe’s Instagram. 
For a second, you consider ignoring it, but curiosity gets the best of you.
Logging back into the app, you go straight to his profile, gasping when you see the latest post on the grid. 
It’s a photo of the three of you. One of the ones taken when you’d surprised him at his show back in February. He’s holding Callie who has her arms wrapped around his neck, smiling big at the camera with his other arm hooked around you, your body angled into him, hand on his chest.
It’s one of your favorite photos.
Your eyes drop to his lengthy caption.
@/RomanReigns: I’ve never been one to openly discuss my personal life because, quite frankly, it’s no one’s business. Unfortunately, I’m now forced to do so due to a clearly unwell and pathetic individual who has taken parts of the truth and padded it with lies. My girlfriend and I share one child together. This is my biological child. There’s never been a question of paternity. Her mother never coerced or blackmailed me into shit. Y/N has been villainized as a vindictive gold-digger and liar when that is absolutely bullshit. She is an amazing mother, friend, and partner whom I love fiercely and protectively. The same goes for my daughter. They are my world, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect them. Having our daughter’s photos and personal videos posted all over the internet has been equally heartbreaking as it is infuriating for the both of us. Legal action is currently being pursued for all involved in the doxing and sharing of personal media of my family as well as other atrocities that have taken place behind the scenes you all don’t even know about. All of this is entirely unacceptable and will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. And to everyone who has so much to say about a situation you know nothing about outside of the lies circulating, remember these are real people with real feelings.
But most importantly, keep my girlfriend and daughter’s name out of your fucking mouths.
Tears are starting to burn your eyes as you stare down at the man sleeping on top of you. The man who never ceases to amaze you with how far he’ll go to show you just how much he loves and cares about you.
He didn’t have to do this, didn’t have to go against his preference to keep his personal life off the internet. But, he did. He did it to send a message to everyone.
To send a message to Mariah.
You press a gentle kiss against the top of his head, knowing doing so won’t disturb his sleep.
And though against your better judgment, decide to read a few comments, knowing it’s bound to be a batch of mixed reactions. 
@/User1: Damn, Roman said keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth! Watch Will Smith join the match at WrestleMania.
@/User2: Used to be a big fan, but I could never support a cheater. Unfollowing.
@/User3: How many of you actually watched the interview with the “friend”? It’s obvious she’s lying about a lot of things she said, because most of it wasn’t adding up.
@/User4: My thing is why did you hide this kid and girlfriend you supposedly “love” so much? Feels like you got exposed and now you’re trying to save face.
@/User5: This is all so messy and shameful. He definitely needs to lose his title at WM. What a joke and embarrassment to the WWE.
@/User6: It’s funny how so many of you are ignoring the fact that he signed this with his real name. “Roman” is a real person clearly going through heavy shit right now. Who cares about a fucking title?
@/User7: How about you learn to “acknowledge” the truth, Mr. “tribal chief”?
@/UceyJucey: Man, this family right here. We go you, Y/N and Big Dog. For life!
@/BigLexPurr: Ya’ll gon see JOE don’t play about HIS!
@/JonathanFatu: FOE 
@/RomanReigns has turned off comments for this post. 
The comments are to be expected, though it warms you to see familiar names coming to your defense, seeing that while there may be a lot of hatred being spewed your way, there’s still an abundance of love and support that encompasses you.
But, it’s when you come across a reference to the Bloodline that an idea hits you, smashes into you so strongly that you have to wake Joe to get the ball rolling.
“Baby.” He’s knocked out, so it takes a couple of shakes and slaps to finally get him to stir. “Joe!”
Finally, he stirs, sighing loudly as he groans, “fine, you getting on top though.”
Rolling your eyes, you shove his shoulder. “Not that. Can I use one of your cars tomorrow morning? And I need you to stay and watch Callie for a bit.”
At this, he opens his eyes, looking you over with confusion. “Where you going?”
“It’s a surprise. Just….trust me, okay?” Leaning to kiss his cheek, you throw out a quick ‘thank you’ and turn back on your side. Only to squeal quietly when his big hands move you onto your back. One look at him, and you know what he wants. “Joe, it’s like 3 o’clock in the morning.”
“Should have thought about that before you woke me up….” His mouth is on your neck, right hand moving under his shirt that hides your nude body, gripping your breast. “Let me just taste you….”
There’s a strong desire and almost responsibility you feel to press your legs together and direct him to go back to sleep, but raging, most likely pregnancy fueled hormones, along with the fact that you want to enjoy this for as long as you can before pregnancy body stops all sexual acts, are just too damn strong.
So you simply chew on your bottom lip, watching his dark silky head disappear under the covers and enjoy the toe curling ride of fantasy that is his skilled tongue on you.
You’re out of the house by 7am sharp, the sun still making its way to introduce the new day, but that doesn't matter. 
You’re a woman on a mission, a mission that has a ticking deadline. Joe has to fly back out tomorrow, so you can’t waste one precious moment.
Target has almost everything you need, sans a couple of items that you pick up at Walmart. 
And Alexis, who finally calmed down enough after getting drunk as hell and hooking up with some random she met on the boardwalk, agreed to keep Callie for you for a little bit. It’s a double win, because Callie always has a good time with Alexis, and Alexis can’t catch a murder charge if she’s on babysitting duty.
Of course, Joe being Joe, has a million and one questions. Understandably so.
“Can you at least tell me why you had Alexis come get Callie?” And before you can give him the vaguest answer, he adds on, “or what the hell is in those boxes?”
His question comes from behind as you carry said cake boxes up the steps, reaching the top and offering him a teasing glare. “And you always say I suck at surprises.”
“I’m too old for surprises, baby.”
God, you can’t wait to see his reaction.
“Patience, lover. Patience.” You then gesture with your chin to the first door with a sticky note on it. “Open that one.”
Joe looks taken back, reading the post-it. “Option 1? Option 1 for what?”
This man….. “I see where Callie gets her questioning nature from. Boy, just open the damn door.” 
He rolls his eyes, walking in and looking around. “There’s literally nothing in this room.”
“Yet,” you correct, encouraging him. “Just….be mindful of the layout and what it could be.”
“It can’t be anything considering it’s empty as hell.”
“Joe, I swear to—” You close your eyes, taking a deep breath. “Come on. Let’s look at the other ones.”
And you have him do just that, viewing two more rooms that he doesn’t realize you’ve shortlisted as potential nurseries. He makes his smartass comments, of course, but you also know it’s in jest and he really just wants to know what’s going on. 
So, it’s when you finish and bring him back to the kitchen, directing him to sit on the barstool as you lay out the two boxes in front of him. “You gon tell me why you had me look at empty rooms while you carried boxes?”
“Stop being difficult.” Slapping him on the shoulder, your nerves begin to set in as you motion to the counter. “Pick one to open. Only one.”
Joe’s curious gaze is on you, humor dropping a bit as he asks, in all seriousness. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Just…..trust me.” It’s a simple but powerful thing to say given the past couple days. You know he does and know he will. “Pick one.”
Waiting for him to carefully pull the tape off to open the box, you time it perfectly so at the same time he’s lifting the lid, you murmur, “I think it’s a boy too…..”
Joe’s gaze snaps to yours at your statement but also refers back to the now open box. “Y/N….what is this?”
Eyes starting to water, you manage to tease him, “don’t tell me the Tribal Chief suddenly doesn’t know how to read.”
There’s a close and careful watch you have on Joe as his eyes go from left to right, clearly reading the words you have beautifully decorated on the inside of the cake box that’s filled with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies dyed blue with food coloring.
The other box is filled with chocolate chip cookies dyed pink.
Same message located on the lid of the box.
New Bloodline Member Coming Soon. Ready to acknowledge daddy in September, 2024.
He does that one, two, three times before slowly looking back up at you, a level of emotion in his gaze and eyes you’re not sure you’ve ever seen. 
His voice is so low, so imbued with vulnerability that you almost have to ask him to repeat himself. “You serious?”
Shaking your head, you reach out, pushing back some of his hair. “I wouldn't lie to you about this, Leati…….” Taking his hand and placing it on your stomach, you layer your own on top of his. “I’m pregnant…..we’re having another baby.” Sniffling, tears finally starting to spill, you add, “and no one knows but you and me. Not my mom. Not Alexis. Not Callie. Just you and me.” Licking your lips, you acknowledge. “I didn’t do it right the first time, but I’m gonna do everything right this time.”
Joe not saying anything initially makes you second guess yourself. Were you wrong to assume that he would be happy? Given everything that’s happened, has it changed his views on things? You thought that he would be thrilled at the idea of expanding your family, but what if you were wrong?
It’s only seconds later though that he shoots up from the chair, wrapping his strong arms around you, holding you maybe tighter than what’s necessary.
All concern is washed away, a happy giggle leaving your mouth as he spins you around. 
Back on the ground, his hands on your face. “I love you.” His thumbs brush over the apples of your cheek. You swear his eyes are glazed over with unshed tears. “I love you with everything in me.”
“I love you too,” you murmur, choked up and moved by his reaction. He's thrilled. “And I know things are a mess right now, but I couldn’t miss this opportunity to tell you while you’re in town.”
Everything is certainly not the way it should be, but for him to be here, to be with you, and for you to not tell him felt so wrong. You didn't want to make him wait any longer than he needed to.
“September…..” You can see he’s doing the math in his head, hand dropping to your stomach. “You’re three months?”
“Just about. End of March will mark officially three months, but I just found out at the OB-GYN appointment I had. I wanted to tell you right away, but I also wanted to do it in person, because you deserve as much.” You find yourself rambling, probably over-explaining, but the last thing you want is for him to think you’ve been keeping this from him. “It’s up to you, but I do think we should tell Callie first.”
You've thought about it, and to some extent, you have some concern about how she’ll respond. She’s been an only child her whole life, obviously. And she already doesn’t like ‘sharing’ Joe with you sometimes, how will she respond to a brother or sister?
Joe must be reading your mind as he kisses your forehead. “We’ll figure it out.” Another realization also crosses his mind as he connects more dots. “The rooms…..you think one of them could be the nursery.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you tease him. “Well, it took you long enough to put two and two together.” Yelping, you laugh when Joe squeezes your hip and picks you up, bridal style. “Joe!”
“Let’s go look again,” he implores, and you know it’s because he wants to go again because now he knows this will be the room where your baby will stay in, the room where you’ll nurse him or her, where he’ll finally be able to enjoy being a father from conception to birth. 
It makes this moment even better.
But, you need something else.
You call for him to wait, pointing to the box of cookies. “What?” You ask after he moves close enough for you to grab them. Rubbing your belly, you remind him with all the pride in the world, “mama’s eating for two now.”
The day is perfect.
Absolutely perfect.
It’s a day where you can temporarily forget all of the bullshit in your life that doesn’t matter in these moments where it’s just the three of you.
Well, four, technically. 
The day is spent shopping, of all things, Joe refusing to leave without you finally getting a bedroom set. The one, ironically, that Alexis pointed out the other day. It really does look like the both of you.
He also might have made a sly comment regarding making good use of the mirror.....
On top of that, you start to casually peruse nursery furniture, nothing too obvious to where Callie can tell. You and Joe haven’t settled on when or how to tell her, but you’re leaning more toward after WrestleMania. He’ll be off that week, so it gives you both time to tackle any big emotions that might come up.
And Joe….
It deeply endears you to notice the little things. He’s always been touchy feely, but his hand seemed to find a space on or near your stomach all day. Gentle kisses pressed against your temple and more “I love you’s” than usual. You know it’s all because he’s wholly and fully happy. This pregnancy means more to him than you could probably ever comprehend.
And being able to make him so happy when he’s made you happier means everything to you.
Even laying in bed together, enjoying your time with each other before he has to leave early in the morning, his big hand is splayed protectively across your stomach. You appreciate all of these moments, know that the next almost six months of your pregnancy will be filled with them.
Even with some dread at trying to navigate this pregnancy with Joe’s crazy work schedule, you’re more happy than anything. Ecstatic that you get to experience this pregnancy with him this time around.
Sleep is finally about to overcome you when your phone dings on your nightstand. Tempted to leave it, it’s hard to do so when it vibrates several different times.
Not knowing if it could be something serious or requiring immediate attention, you reach over, unlocking to see you have five texts from an unknown number.
But, the sender is no longer unknown the moment you open the thread.
Unknown: Hi, Y/N. This is Jadah. 
This…..this has to be a joke, has to be some kind of cruel prank that’s all a part of Mariah’s apparent master plan to ruin your life.
Because there’s no way in hell Joe’s ex-wife is texting you. No way in hell. 
But before you can block the number, chalking it up as a cruel prank, you see she’s sent a screenshot of a conversation between her and Joe. Zooming in, you see it’s from around October with them discussing the details of the divorce.
It is her.
Jadah: Just so you know it’s really me…..
And if you weren’t already about to drop your damn phone onto Joe’s head at the fact that thee fucking Jadah is actually texting you right now, her next set of messages nearly send you into cardiac arrest.
Jadah: Super strange/inconvenient way for me to reach out, but given everything that’s going on, I think it’s time we met and talked face to face.
Jadah: Even more, since this hoe got so much to say about OUR lives, I also think it’s time we take back the narrative and pull an Uno reverse card.
Jadah: How do you feel about going on IG Live together?
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carmenberzattosgf · 5 months
this is probably ooc carmen but fuck it we ball….virgin carmy who’s just so stoked to have sex with you that he doesn’t really realize how ““not normal”” his behavior is.
most men you’ve been with get icked at the thought of kisses after blowjobs or giving head after they’ve cum inside—carmen does NOT care. gripping your jaw and tugging you up for messy kisses, so elated and pleased with you that he doesn’t even care that you haven’t swallowed his cum yet. cumming on your tits or your sticky cunt and immediately cleaning up his mess (and giving you another orgasm)
when you tell carmy he’s nasty, he knows it’s a compliment due to your happy tone but doesn’t really know what you mean because to him this is just normal so he’s like ‘:D ? thanks lmao’ -💫
Oh god my brain is going haywire. While I think it’s OOC for Carmy in the show, I definitely think virgin Carmy before the show would do this. Like please the way you worded it as “stoked to have sex with you” is exactly what is going on in Carmy’s brain. Literally just happy to be here vibes.
When you suck him off he refuses to push your head down at all, whatsoever. As soon as he cums in your mouth he’s pulling you off of your knees by your jaw to kiss you. You haven’t even gotten the chance to swallow before his tongue presses into your mouth.
It’s so fucking messy. A clash of lips and tongue. Spit mixed with cum drips out from between his mouth and yours. Carmy isn’t phased at all by it. If anything, the taste of himself on your tongue spurs him on. By the end of it, he’s wiping off the corners of your mouth with his thumb before cleaning the digit off with his mouth.
You assume it must have been a fluke, the way Carmy didn’t care about kissing you with his cum still in your mouth. Every guy you’ve ever been with would have protested, at least a little bit.
It’s not a fluke. Not at all. Carmen’s just straight up filthy. He shows that the next time he fucks you. He has only even cum inside you before, but Carmy has other plans this time. Right after you climax, he’s pulling out of you and fisting his cock at a rapid speed. His eyes stay focused on you and your body. Specifically, on the way your hips twitch with pleasure, and how your head is thrown back exposing the hickies he left earlier. The desperate cries of his name from your lips brings him to the edge. A couple more strokes and he’s cumming all over your stomach. Hot spurts of cum land on lower abdomen and the folds of your cunt.
When you manage to open your eyes again, Carmy wordlessly lowers himself between your legs. His blue eyes look up at you, completely blown out, as his tongue licks a broad stripe from your mound to your navel. He diligently collects every bit of cum on your stomach, swallowing it happily, before he shifts focus to your cunt. Carmen takes the same level of care there, licking up every trace of cum he encounters.
Once you’re all ‘cleaned up’, he works fast to bring you to another orgasm. If there’s one thing for sure about Carmy, it’s that he knows how to use his tongue. He already knows you inside and out, tracing his tongue on your cunt in the perfect way to make you scream. You finish with your thighs clamped around his head and your hands woven into his hair.
“Fuck, Carmy,” you sigh, letting your thighs fall back against the mattress. Carmy looks as happy as can be with a ditzy look in his eyes, and a smile he couldn’t wipe away if he tried. “You’re really nasty,” you laugh.
His head falls to rest on your thigh, looking up at you with a look of devotion in his eyes. “What do you mean?” One of his hands reaches for your own, interlocking his fingers with yours. It’s comments like this that remind you how little experience he has with sex.
“Well… every other guy I’ve been with would never kiss me after a blow job. Let alone willingly lick cum off my stomach.”
“It’s my job to clean you up. I um— trust me, I’m happy to do it.” Carmy blushes as he speaks. He really had no clue that wasn't the norm. He was just doing what felt natural.
"I'm not going to stop you. Besides, it's kinda hot."
"Oh is it?"
So yeah bascially carmy is so into cum play like it’s so very serious. It’s the part of the marking kink he 100% has going on.
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Dress Up: Part 3 - Second Preview
Thank you all for yelling at me last night! I got some more story for ya! I want to finish this chapter within the next few days, but I hope you enjoy this :)
Italic lines - 2nd Lucifer is speaking
Bold and Italic lines - Both Lucifers are speaking
Warnings: Oral (f receiving) but not a lot because I gotta leave you wanting more hehe~
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"Now sweetheart, I never said "no", now did I?" you heard a familiar soothing voice echo behind you.
You turned your head slowly, only to see an identical Lucifer sitting next to you on the opposite side. You gulped and smiled warily. The other Lucifer grabbed your hand and kissed it delicately.
"You...you want this?" you turned to your Lucifer as the other continually kissed up your arm.
Lucifer beamed at you, taking your other hand. "More than you know! If I'm given the chance to provide you with as much pleasure as I possibly can, I will never turn down that opportunity! Besides, I do owe you from the reception, and I intend to pay it back tenfold."
You didn't think your face could get any more beet red. Your lips met with your Lucifer once more, his tongue gliding across your bottom lip, begging for entrance, to which you happily obliged. The other Lucifer found his way to your neck, now sucking and nipping at your sensitive skin. You had barely begun, and your adrenaline had skyrocketed. You had to pull yourself away before you wouldn't be able to stop yourself.
"I...I'd like to clean up first, if that's alright," you chuckled. Your Lucifer grinned, with both of them standing up and offering you their hands.
"Shall we?" they spoke in unison.
Your face flushed as you took each of their hands, pulling yourself up from the bed. They led you to the illustrious bathroom that was connected to your bedroom. It was way too grand for just a couple. Well, at least you three would take up just a little more space. You stripped out of your reception dress quickly, your lovers following suit. The shower itself could have easily fit everyone on in the hotel inside, but the three of you planned to use the space to your advantage. Once the shower was heated to your liking, you stepped in tentatively, letting the hot water relax your body. You didn't realize how stiff you had been. Perhaps the cause were the two men that just stepped in the shower to join you. One stepped around behind you, the other in front. Perfectly sandwiched between two God-like figured. Her heart threatened to beat out of your chest as you felt two hands gently massage your shoulders while two more thumbed circles around your hips.
"It's alright, darling," your Lucifer spoke calmy from behind. "We'll go at the pace you're most comfortable with, yeah? If you need to stop at any point, say the word and we'll be done." You nodded your head, giving them the 'okay' to continue.
"Let's get you all nice and clean now, love," the other Lucifer cooed. He passed the bottle of shampoo to your Lucifer while he lathered his hands with soap. You felt a pair of hands massaging your scalp ever so gently as they thoroughly scrubbed your soft hair, detangling any knots that may have formed. Two more hands roamed your skin, gliding across every inch of it. Starting at your neck, moving across to your shoulders, down to your breasts. Your breath hitched and you giggled, noticing how long his hands lingered in the specific area. His hands finally moved down lower, to your stomach and your hips, only to reach around and give a few light squeezes to your ass. You knew he was going to be touchy, especially considering it's been an entire week since he's been able to feel you like this. And you weren't going to deny him.
You rinsed your hair, watching the other Lucifer lower himself onto his knees to wash your legs, starting at your calves and working his way up to your thighs. After a few seconds, you noticed his hands have not left your thighs; he continued to run his hands along them delicately but desperately, almost begging for something more. You looked down at him only to be met with pleading eyes. It suddenly clicked with you. Wordlessly, you spread your legs apart slightly, allowing him access to the one area of you that you knew he wanted. That he needed. You let out a few shaky breaths before you at last felt his digits glide along your folds. You didn't know how much you missed the feeling of his fingers until he began his ministrations, easily finding your sensitive nub in the process. You mewled as your Lucifer turned your head to capture your sounds on his lips. You felt the other Lucifer's fingers enter you slowly, causing you to moan into your Lucifer's mouth. He swallowed it happily. You felt him languidly thrust his fingers in and out of you, your walls clenching around them.
"Now this is heaven," your Lucifer whispered against your collarbone. "I can finally tell you how wonderful you taste on my tongue." Without warning, the Lucifer beneath you gripped your thighs and plugged his face into your aching pussy, your knees nearly buckling under its own weight. Luckily, Lucifer caught you and held you close to his chest as the hot water continued to loosen every muscle in your body.
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drefear · 1 year
Hail to the King (prologue)
Summary: Miguel O’Hara is the head of the biggest mafia family in Nueva York, scaring almost all of its citizens. Except you. And that’s exactly what he needs.
The restaurant was on 5th Avenue, between Gucci and Balenciaga. Miguel stepped out of his SUV and buttoned the suit jacket he had on, glancing around at the glittering lights of the street, identifying certain faces he knew and familiarizing the ones he didn’t. Walking into the restaurant, he glanced at security at the front and they just nodded at him as he walked in towards the hostess stand. The girl looked up at the 6’9 man, intimidated as she kept her eyes down once she realized who he was, and led him to a table towards the back.
This was a normal night for him once a month, taking a specific meeting here to discuss imports and exports to the city and the competition of the other families.
Miguel O’Hara was a name that many feared in this city, The head of the O’Hara family, a facade for the mafia that ran Nueva York, he was in charge of most organized crime within the metropolitan area and some of the biggest drug trafficking rings within the state. Being a mafia boss aside, the man was huge. His hand could wrap around an average man’s throat and crush it without flexing more than his hand.
He walked to his table without really needing to be led, the girl placing the menus down and walking away without a word. He sat and spread his legs a bit, leaning one elbow on the table and thinking quietly. Another presence made him stand and reach forward, shaking the man’s hand.
“Nice to see you again.” He spoke and sat with the man, talking about some business.
You were new. Very new. Your second night. You’d just moved to the city to become a writer, loving the scenery and hustle of the lives here. Visiting when you were young was always the best feeling, your parents showing you around and bringing you around to see the staples of Nueva York.
You had just finished serving another table for a lovely couple visiting the city as you saw someone get seated in your section. Walking towards the table with a skip in your step, you smiled at the two men and waved. “Hello! I’ll be your server tonight, how about we get started with-”
“Where’s Gwen?” Miguel glared at you as he raised a brow, as if you’d disrespected him in some way.
“Oh, uh. She’s not working tonight.” You added, intimidated.
“I only order from Gwen.” He deadpanned as you scrunch your nose in confusion. “Go get Peter.” He demanded, to which you began to boil a bit. How dare he speak to you like this? Yes, this was a very high end restaurant, but no one was allowed to treat you so terribly, to speak down to you. Your mother taught you never to accept that type of behavior.
“I don’t think I will.” You answered, with the same insulting tone he did, the man sitting across him staring at you with wide eyes. “At least, until you learn to speak to me correctly.”
“Do you know who I am?” He hissed, eyes boring into you and standing in front of you with a towering stature, but you didn’t care. Big or small, no one got to demean you.
“No, and frankly, I don’t care. I don’t give a shit enough about a 15 dollar tip to tolerate your rudeness. Learn how to speak to people before you walk around like some bigshot.” You leaned up towards him, eyes narrowed with anger that mirrored his.
Someone rushed in between the two of you and placed a hand on both of your shoulders. “Hey! Miguel, hi, how are you? I forgot to tell you that Gwen wasn’t feeling well today and called out sick. Hopefully, our new little beauty will suffice.” Peter, your manager, spoke with a friendliness in his voice, a familiarity he must have had with Miguel.
The hulking man stood up straighter, still looking down at you with a snarl still evident on his face. “She won’t be working here anymore.” He spoke in a cool tone, as if just asking about the weather. Your jaw dropped and you glanced between him and Peter.
“You can’t- I don’t-” You stuttered in disbelief and watched him unbutton his suit jacket, taking it off. “How dare you?” You got louder now, calling attention from the few hidden tables beside you.
“You have a disregard for who someone is, and you have no patience for others who try to put you in your place.” He announced, ignoring your angry chatter. “You start to work for me right now.”
“What?” You and Peter gawked as he sat back down and handed you his coat.
“I do not work for you.” You growled with hatred dripping from your lips.
“Well, you don’t have another job anymore, isn't that right, Peter?” He flashed a look of Warning to Peter and he looked between you two before giving you an apologetic smile. “Glad that’s understood. Go wait in the car and I’ll be out in ten minutes to take you home and give you your new assignments for tomorrow.” he waved you off and everything in your being shook with rage. You removed your apron and threw it at the large man.
“Fuck you!” You shouted before exiting the building.
Chapter 1
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bakvrue · 9 months
ryusui x reader
my first time writing for him and dr stone, a cute little piece of fluff, beginnings of romance
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Mid afternoon sun shines through the canopy above as you walk back to your village. Your morning was spent aboard a ship of science for a small excursion: the open sea, whale watching, geography mapping, technology you never thought you would see again, and a man who you can't seem to take your eyes off of.
Even now as he and Senku converse ahead of you your eyes are glued to him. Ryusui is magnetic, drawing everything and everyone to him, even if they don't want to be there. But you? You wish you could be with him all the time.
The way he smiles, the way he cares about others, the way he puts his plans into action to get what he wants, the way he…
“Hello?” Your doctor friend walking beside you waves her hand in front of your face, “You listening?” She knows full well you were not.
You tear your gaze away from the blonde and look over at her and your other friend, the village's agricultural master. Both of their eyebrows are raised, their eyes pointing between you and Ryusui.
You know they saw what happened aboard the ship. Ryusui and you got closer and closer throughout the day until his hand made itself comfortable on the small of your back. They could probably see your heart beating out of your chest.
“We’re talking about dinner—”
“Are you joining us?”
“Or did you make other plans?”
The way they finish each other's sentences makes you feel like you're being circled by snakes.
Ever the opportunist, you speak a little louder, “Oh, I hadn't made any dinner plans yet.”
The blonde captain turns his head a quarter before looking back straight ahead and a rush goes through you, whatever jumping for joy looks like, you could probably do that right now.
Your friends shake their heads, if it was just the three of you you would bring up the men that have had their hearts fluttering recently, but with Tsukasa just a few people behind you and Senku in front of you, you choose peace.
Just before the village comes into view you bound up next to Ryusui and you don't notice Senku taking a few steps back to give you the semblance of privacy.
You reach your hand up, half jumping to pluck the captain's hat right off his head. You've heard a few stories about this specific hat; thrown off into a storm to gauge wind currents. The hat came back to him and maybe some of that luck can rub off on you.
It's too big and a little damp but you plop it on your head, laughing as it falls over your eyes.
The electric feeling in your chest, it feels like you're back in high school flirting with the boy you liked.
He lifts the hat slightly, adjusting it on your head so that you can see. Your cheeks warm from his attention as you thank him.
“That hat isn't free, you know.” His smirk sends butterflies to your stomach.
“Everything has a price. Yes, yes, I know.”
There's a twinkle in your eye as you put your hands behind your back and look up at him. A mistake.
The sun shines on his blond hair, his brown eyes are as bright as you've ever seen them. His irises swimming with something akin to desire.
Your foot snags on a hidden root and you start to fall forward until his hands grab you, steadying you on your feet.
You hear snickering behind you and whip your head around to find your friends and Senku looking anywhere but you, whistling and admiring the canopy.
“Pay me in your time.” You look back at him with your mouth partially opened, and he laughs. “The price for the hat. Dinner tonight.”
You right yourself, his arms no longer supporting you and you immediately miss their warmth.
“Dinner tonight,” you nod, “but I'm keeping the hat until then.”
“It looks better on you anyways.”
You reach the edge of the village and Ryusui follows Senku towards the science sector while you make your way back to the medical barn with your friends.
“Don't say a word,” you warn while they immediately burst out in laughter, and you end up laughing with them. Tripping into your crushes arms is hilarious, but now you have a date to get ready for.
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smutinlove · 3 months
goodbye i love ur fanfics sm. (specifically carls ofc)
i just live for ur angst fics yk??
sensitive reader pls but she kinda a badass
reader goes insane for some reason,
rick,glenn, carl notice that she hasnt been sleeping/eating/drinking.
she would stay up every night watching the window.
to the point they would have to force her down and eat,
it turns out carl wasnt even talking to her but instead hanging out with his friends (ron and mikey)
small mindset inspo for reader(eversince they arrived at alexandria reader and carl didnt spend time 2gether)
she has no1 to talk to so yeah... u choose the ending ofc!
They say change is good, but sometimes change can fuck up your life. That's what happened to you.
Every day went by with you staring out the window, day and night. Your head was filled with a million different thoughts. Thoughts you wouldn't utter a word about to anyone. Why?
Nobody really noticed you anymore. Out in the wild, before Alexandria, you were a valued member of the group. You and Carl were practically besties (and more) You and Glenn had also had a fun time talking to each other.
He was like a father to you.
But now... you didn't really have anyone.
Everyone was doing their own thing, and you just sat near the window every day—barely sleeping and eating.
Was anyone even worried? Probably not. Why? They didn't notice you. You were a shadow that everyone was ahead of.
It was another lonely and gloomy evening. An evening full of you staring outside the window—observing the weather... and maybe the citizens of Alexandria. (If they even left their homes. Cowards...)
You were numb, tired—pissed. No one. You had no one, right?
"Listen to me!"
You opened the window, letting some fresh air in. It was a soft embrace on a glum Saturday evening.
"Carl! Glenn!"
You felt a strong shake. Was the world tilting? No. But you definitely were.
You saw two worried faces staring down at you. One shook your shoulders while the other yelled your name. "Y/N, are you listening?"
Such a soft voice. So soothing. The tone made you melt.
But reality struck and it was painful. There were people talking to you while you remained unresponsive.
"Perhaps she has gone mental!"
"Carl!" Rick scolded.
"Huh?" You finally managed to utter. Your voice was rough and hoarse from not speaking. It hurt.
"She speaks!" Carl chimed. "Not funny, Grimes boy," said Glenn.
The blue-eyed boy beamed. "Welcome back, love." Carl said, a small smirk falling in to place on his face.
Rick left and came back into the room, holding a plate of eggs and bread. He also had a glass of juice. He placed both things in front of you. "Eat, Y/N. Please."
You couldn't. It... was strange. You just couldn't. But you had to. You should. And you would. And... you could.
Your hand trembled as you reached for the piece of bread on the plate. You also noticed the smiles on Rick and Glenns' faces. But Carl was glaring at the now closed window.
What was he staring at? Mickey and Ron. The two were talking and laughing outside. While he was stuck with you. It wasn't a bad thing that he was stuck with you. No. Never.
"Have you been sleeping?" Glenn asked, noticing your eyebags. You bite into the piece of bread, slowly swallowing and chewing it. You were tempted to lie, but that wouldn't solve anything. "No."
"Why?" Rick asked. "Talk to us. But you don't need to."
"Can... can I talk to Carl?" You asked. "Just Carl."
The two older men gave each other looks before nodding and leaving the room.
"What's up?" Carl asked nonchalantly. You gulped. "What's up with you, Carl?" His name came out as almost a scowl.
"What?" He tilted his head.
You stopped eating and took a sip of juice. "Carl," you felt hesitant. But you needed to. For answers. "Carl, we don't hang out! We haven't talked properly since we arrived here at Alexandria!"
"I... I thought you wanted a life, Y/N. Even if it isn't like before."
You huffed. "Carl, I wanted you! You're my best friend. Fuck! But no! All you have done for the past few weeks is hang out with Mikey and Ron, forgetting about me!"
Carl looked taken aback. "Y/N, please—"
"—No! No more. Get out!"
"Y/N, no. I won't."
"Get the fuck 'outta my room, Grimes!" You yelled with the force of a thunder storm. He nodded and made his way for the door when he turned around and said, "I'll be here. I'll... wait. And I'm sorry."
He left and suddenly the world just became louder. The peace that was once there had been evaporated.
Is it over now?
Maybe not. Maybe it is.
───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
Okay you sorry fucks! BEG ME to release a part 2 of this. BEG ME. GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES! grrr
anyway i love angst
also this is like such a cool moment for me. i just published two carl grimes fanfics in the span of two hours. im so hip and cool
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byunpum · 1 year
Do you hate me? | Part 1
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Pairing: Tsu'tey x Human-navi (hybrid)
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, Family moments, age gaps. Tsu'tey being our baby <3, Nothing really out of the ordinary (until now)
Note: If you want you want to know how my human-navi look like "HERE".
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (final)
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"He hates me" you complain, while looking at the small patch of sky that could be seen from the deep jungle. You and Kiri had decided to go for a walk, after a long day. At least for you it had been. Kiri was more into healing and medicine preparation. While yours was to be a great hunter like your siblings. This specific day you had run into someone you literally idolized. Tsu'tey. A man who hated you, and your very presence made him nauseous. Or so you thought, because you swear that when he saw you arrive with neteyam to the starting point of practice, he quickly changed his eyes and never talked to you. And you didn't blame him…you were a rare mix of human and navi.
Your parents accepted you into the family when you were a newborn, well… fresh out of a capsule full of water. And they took you in, and raised you as one of the family. You grew up as another member of the clan. You were very helpful to everyone, you always tried to do your best and help everyone. You didn't want to be seen as someone different, but someone did. Tsu'tey was always far away from the sully family, he was not a big fan of being with children. But when the children grew up and showed interest in hunting and being good warriors, he became very involved in their lives. Tsu'tey was able to notice the talent that neteyam and lo'ak had.
But you noticed their presence when you were 16 years old, the crush was very strong. It all started when Tsu'tey had come to pick up lo'ak and neteyam to take them to practice. Jake convinced Tsu'tey to teach the boys several tricks. After all he was one of the best warriors in the clan. The man agreed. You stood next to your father, while Jake talked to his friend. Your gaze did not leave his face, it was so beautiful, so impressive.
"Ohh, you know Y/N?" says Jake, pulling you a little closer as he held your head. Jake had introduced them before… but even jake himself knew that Tsu'tey was keeping his distance from you. Tsu'tey looked down and gave you the "I see you" sign. You become very shy, and hug your father's leg. "Sorry…she's kind of shy" jake says, pulling you closer into his grip. And from there he had stolen your heart. Now you were in the full bloom of your 20s and your crush on Tsu'tey had grown through the roof. The only one who knew about this was kiri. She was your right-hand girl, so she knew everything about you.
"I don't think he hates you…he's like that…he's a little sour" says Kiri, she was also lying on the floor. You sigh and groan. "If he could slit my throat he would" you speak. Kiri turns around, and looks at you with wide eyes. "Is it that much?" asks Kiri. "Yessssss… you can feel it in the atmosphere" you cover your face with your hands, you were so frustrated. Kiri starts laughing and you punch her in the arm. "Stop it!!!" you are whining.
You two hear some noises and see your father come out of the bushes. "Here are my girls…come on it's getting late, let's go home" jake says, holding out his hand for you to get up off the ground. You both follow your father, as you silently joke around. If Jake ever finds out about your crush on Tsu'tey, ohhh eywa, he would be so pissed. He's always talking about how you should get bonded with a great warrior, that he's good for you and that he'd be a good mate. But you knew that was more than a far, far away story. You knew that you were different from the other Navi women, and that the men of the clan did not find you attractive and that you were not a good candidate to be their mate. Kiri could see your upset face, and took your hand. You both walked together until you reached the house.
"Hi mom!!!!" you jumped in, while neytiri smiled at you. Everyone was there, lo'ak was playing with tuk. And neteyam was lying in his hammock, you could tell he was kind of… sick. Wait neteyam is sick, you run and drop your head on his stomach. The boy lifts his head and removes the cloth from his face. "Y/n careful…your brother is feeling sick" says neytiri, as she continues to prepare everything to go to sleep. "Yes…I can hear it" you speak, while listening to the strange noises neteyam's stomach makes. "mmmm" neteyam complains, you raise your head and reach up to touch your brother's forehead, examining if he had a fever.
"He ate something rotten" lo'ak says in a teasing voice. You change your face to give him a dirty look. "it didn't look bad" says neteyam. The boy shivers in the hammock. "And grandma already took care of him?" asks kiri. Neytiri walks over to where you were, she knows how much you two care about your brother. "Yes, he will be fine…he just needs rest" says neytiri giving you both a kiss on your hair. "why don't you two get ready for bed" you see how your mom moves away, to settle in the hammock she shared with your father.
It was already late at night, you quietly get ready and climb into the hammock you shared with neteyam. "Do you want me to hug you?" you ask him, neteyam has his eyes closed, but you see how he laughs and stretches out his arm. You walk over and hug him. Neteyam feels how kiri settles on his other side, he needed this kind of warmth. It made him feel better, you made him feel better.
The next morning…
"Sorry little man…but you won't be able to go" says jake, gently reprimanding neteyam. The boy had woken up still feeling very bad. You were sitting on the floor, watching your father argue with his eldest son. "But I can go…I'm fine" neteyam speaks, while making a nauseous expression. "Look at the state of you yourself…you're pale and weak. You're not going" says neytiri. you could understand how neteyam felt, today he had his first day of solo hunting and he was going to be mentored by Tsu'tey. Neteyam sits next to you annoyed.
"Hey… easy brother…it'll be for next time" lo'ak says, nudging his brother as he eats a piece of fruit. Which kiri was cut up next to you. You can tell how upset neteyam was, he really wanted to go hunting with Tsu'tey. That was like the major accomplishment of most of the young men in the clan. He had been telling you all week how excited he was and that he wanted to show off his best moves to Tsu'tey. But now he was very sick, and it was best for him to rest. You see how jake approaches neteyam, he kneels down in front of his oldest son. " Hey champ…I'll talk to Tsu'tey and plan to go hunting another day, yeah?" says jake, trying to comfort his son.
"Hello…" a soft, deep voice is heard in the frame of the hut. There was Tsu'tey, he was ready to go hunting. He had his hunting attire, and his best bow. Tsu'tey can see everyone's worried face. "Did something happen?" asks the man, watching as neytiri and jake approach him. "We have a problem, neteyam can't go," says jake.
"He ate some bad fruit and now he is very sick to his stomach" says neytiri giving a look at her eldest son. Who now has his head tucked in his legs. The boy was so sad and angry. Tsu'tey takes a look, and sees lo'ak sitting down. "How about that boy? He can join me," Tsu'tey says. He has always been a direct man, he doesn't like to waste his time. Lo'ak looks up and makes a gesture of displeasure. "Well…I don't know if he wants to go" says neytiri, looking at lo'ak. "No thanks, I have things to do today" says lo'ak, of course he didn't have to do anything, but he didn't want to spend his whole day hunting. On the other hand, you were listening to the whole conversation… this was your camp. You were a good hunter, you were not yet at neteyam's level, but you were giving a good competition.
Jake sees how you are looking at him with illuminated eyes. "How about you take Y/N?" says Jake, gesturing for you to get up and walk towards him. You feel neteyam and kiri push you from behind to get up from the ground, you quickly run to your father. Tsu'tey looks you up and down, as you settle down next to your father. "I don't think…" speaks Tsu'tey, but he can feel neytiri's firm gaze. If there was one thing that bothered neytiri the most, it was that they doubted their children's abilities.
"Y/n…she's a good hunter. It will be good for her to go with you" says neytiri, Tsu'tey gives neytiri a look. She knew Tsu'tey didn't have a good relationship with y/n, but if she got over it he should too. "I promise it won't be any trouble" jake says, you can feel how your father was bragging on you. He always did, you were his pretty princess. Tsu'tey is silent for a moment lost in his thoughts, jake and neytiri give each other several looks waiting for an answer from their friend. " it's okay…you can come" Tsu'tey speaks. "I'll wait for you downstairs, you have 10 minutes" says the man coming out of the hut, to wait for you outside. You look up at your father and start laughing. "Go….get ready!!!run" Jake says pushing you.
You run towards your brothers, you can see how neteyam takes you by the arm. "Go and take my bow. And do a good job, you have to show everything we have practiced" says neteyam smiling at you. You give him a hug, you know how much he wanted to go with Tsu'tey, so you were not going to disappoint him. "Thank you!!!" you are so excited, you run to the area where you usually put your personal stuff. You are looking for everything you need, when you feel kiri hug you from behind. "Hey…you're going to spend time with your 'old' boyfriend" the girl teases. You turn around and place your hand on her mouth. "kiri shut up!!!" your eyes are wide, your parents are very close. They can't know that you have a crush on the man outside waiting for you. Kiri laughs, and helps you get ready. You say goodbye to all your family, and run out of the hut. "Be very careful honey" you can hear Jake yell from far away.
And there he was. As impressive as ever, Tsu'tey had a very imposing presence. You stare at him for a moment, watching as he is calmly looking out over the jungle and as his tail wags quietly. "I'm ready now" you speak, Tsu'tey turns and you can see how his shoulders tense a little. And he takes a step back, allowing more space between the two of you. This was the first time you were talking to him. You were always with someone, you'd just never had the chance to get to know him. "Well…let's get going," Tsu'tey says, starting to walk towards the forest. You follow in his footsteps.
You were behind Tsu'tey very quietly, you didn't want to disturb him. It was the least you wanted to do. You knew very well this was not what he had planned, to be with one of his worst enemies in the middle of the jungle. You bet he had planned everything with neteyam, and here you were. "And how much do you know about hunting?" asks Tsu'tey, still looking straight ahead. "I'm very good with the bow…I have a good long distance aim" you say firm. You were doing your best to make your voice quiver. "At long distance?" whispers Tsu'tey. The walk becomes long, until you find a Hexapede. The creature was far from his herd. You watch as the man stops and signals you to be quiet. You were already quiet, but this was routine. He crouches down and begins to hide in the brush. You follow him carefully, you are small, so you settle down and close to his arms. "See to that Hexapede, just one arrow" Tsu'tey says, it's almost an order. You draw your bow and aim.
Tsu'tey lets you do all the work, he is there to mentor you. Not to hunt. He can only correct you on a few things, but you will do all the work. His mission is to train you and make you an excellent hunter. The man sees how you position yourself, back straight and arms very stretched. Your posture was very beautiful, he stays very concentrated watching how your chest rises and falls. And your hair falls delicately down your arms. He had never noticed, your navi features… you were very beautiful. You adjust your bow more. And with a simple arrow shot and the creature is on the ground, you run and draw your dagger.
"Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo" You pray to eywa and thank the life of this animal, and end the life of the animal. Tsu'tey is standing next to you. You look up and give him a smile. " Good job… I'm impressed" you look down a little, trying to hide your blush. He just said you did a good job, you wanted to die right now. You knew that many young men would die from hearing these comments Tsu'tey was telling you now. Tsu'tey stands up, and starts to ready the animal to drag it. "We have to take this to the village, let's get everything ready and then at the end of the day we look for the body" the man speaks, you just nod with your face. Tsu'tey starts walking towards the jungle. You fix your hair a little and chase after him.
You had heard that many women had confessed to Tsu'tey, but he simply rejected them. All these years and he was still alone. According to what you had heard from your parents, Tsu'tey had not found his right mate. From what you had heard this was a process that could take years, the navis were very serious about getting a mate and Tsu'tey was one of those navis. You moved your head from side to side, trying to disperse your thoughts…you had to concentrate. But you couldn't stop fantasizing about being that perfect mate for him, but you couldn't fool yourself. You were so different, everyone in the clan was so different from you…even if you shared some qualities. You knew that in the end you would end up being part of that lonely navi too, and even worse. Because there was no one like you, or anyone who liked you for who you are.
The night had come very quickly, the hunt had been a success. You were all day listening to Tsu'tey's compliments, he barely had to correct you and that made him very happy. He had to admit he was impressed, you were very small and different. But your skill and ability were perfect. You had the skill of a top level hunter, he wished half of his warriors could move as easily as you did. You were far away from the village, and it had started to rain. You watch as Tsu'tey stops to analyze the area. You follow in his footsteps, and watch as he cranes his neck in search of something. "I think we'd better make camp…over there," says Tsu'tey, pointing to a large branch. You follow him, you had to admit you were very tired. You weren't used to running around all day, but you wanted to impress him. You reached the tree and climbed easily.
The branch was very large, and there was a flat area. Perfect for resting. You watch as Tsu'tey sits down in a corner. "Come…here it is dry and very comfortable" You walk slowly and sit down next to him. You see how he is taking off his hunting garments to make himself more comfortable. You copy his movements. Tsu'tey's eyes drift a little, as he watches you slide the bow down your arms, lifting your hair a little. Revealing a patch of your skin, you had pretty freckles that glowed in the dark of the night they were a soft shade, just like him. He follows your hand movements, as you arrange your queue over your shoulder, brushing out a few pieces of your hair. His thoughts are interrupted when your eyes meet his. It was the first time you made eye contact, and you swore you were out of breath…he was so beautiful. His big yellow eyes, his beautiful markings. "You have a lot of… freckles," Tsu'tey says, lifting his hand to touch a freckle on your face with one finger. You twitch your nose a little. You watch as Tsu'tey breaks into a smile on his face. "Yes…I'm full of freckles" you speak, as you settle down on the floor of the branch.
" Dad says I'm full of stars" you say as you look up at the starry sky. It was spectacular that night. Tsu'tey settles down next to you, and you listen to his breathing. It was calm. "Like a star" says Tsu'tey, in a sweet tone. You turn and look at him. He looked so calm, you had never seen him like that… maybe he didn't dislike your presence so much. "Did you ever meet your parents?" asks Tsu'tey, that was a delicate question for you. He falls silent waiting for an answer, the silence had been too long for his liking, so he turns his head to see if you were alright. He had made you uncomfortable. "I don't have parents… I was created. I'm just a weird thing they created" you speak, your tone sounding somewhat sad. "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to" he tries to apologize.
"It's okay… I have the best parents in the world. Neytiri and Jake…they are my whole world. I have siblings, I'm part of a great clan…I have a family" you look at Tsu'tey, you could see nostalgia in his eyes. You could tell he was also having memories of his childhood. "Yes…a big family" his voice is low. And you watch as he settles in, trying to find sleep. You just lay there, silent. The night was cold and it had started to rain. And you weren't going to lie, you missed being in the warmth of one of your brothers. You used to sleep with kiri or neteyam.
Tsu'tey can hear how you keep moving from one side to the other. He wanted to ignore you, but it was nearly impossible. "Is something wrong?" he asks, as he watches you sit up. "I don't usually sleep…alone" you didn't want to look at him, you were embarrassed. Tsu'tey settles down to be on your side and invites you into his arms. "No…it's ok" you speak.
"Come…it's ok" his tone is sweet, and he had a warm smile. You slowly move closer and settle into his chest. You can feel his arms wrap around you, and squeeze you closer to him. Your head now lying on his chest, you hear his heartbeat. They felt quite fast. "Are you comfortable?" he asks. You just say a small "yes" and cling to him more. The rain was getting heavier and some thunderstorms started to be heard. "I wanted to have a family… but that idea disappeared from my thoughts a long time ago" Tsu'tey speaks out of nowhere. You stay quiet, listening to him… why was he sharing something so private with you.
"I like to know that you have a family that loves you… I'm still waiting for mine" his tone was sad. You knew he was lonely, but not this lonely. You hug him more. "If you want you can be part of my family" you look up from his chest and see how he is looking at you. Now he understood why everyone in the village loved you so much…you were offering something so important, to someone you were just beginning to know. "Sure…I'd love to" Tsu'tey chuckles softly, as you settle back and close your eyes.
The man had watched you so much the last few months that he had felt strange himself, he didn't know why your presence had caught his attention so much. He didn't know if it was the way you interacted with people. Or that you were always with your older brother. The only thing he knew was that his heart couldn't stop beating so fast. The last time he felt this way was when Sylwanin was alive. This feeling was strange, you were so different from him, not to mention he was almost twice your age…it wasn't like that mattered to him, but why he was thinking this about you…he shouldn't.
But here he was, lying there letting the girl rest on his chest. He had never opened up so much to anyone, and even less in such a short time of knowing each other. What was happening to him? he can be nice, being nice is not a bad thing. She is the daughter of neytiri and jake, of toruk makto, the new clan leader… he has to be nice and make her feel comfortable.
"Rest little demon…my little demon" Tsu'tey says to himself.
P.s: Tell me what you think of this first part? Do you like it?I think this series will have 3 or 4 parts. If you want to be in the taglist let me know <3
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stevie-petey · 4 months
Thank you so much for the new chapter you never cease to amaze me <3. I had a blurb idea for in-between season two and three if you have time.
Bug going to visit El and hopper. She brings treats and books. She helps El basically catch up on all those years she missed out on school. She even spends time with hopper. Helping him clean up before she leaves, or giving him recipes for when El wants something. That also means helping him when it turns out to be a disaster. Teaching El to read,basic math, and spelling. Also teaching her fun stuff like how to make bracelets and how to paint her nails. Basically bug being her big sister/ female figure in her life. I think bug would give El a nickname like Ellie, I think it's so cute. The vision of bug finally having someone to give her hand me downs too. She'd also get her new stuff but only has so much money you know? Thank you mwah❤️
ah thank you for reading !!! ive been DYING to write more scenes with bug and el and hopper, so thank you for the request !!!
enjoy <3
"how do you know where i live?"
you snort at hoppers question. "hello to you too, old man."
hopper rubs his face tiredly as he leans against the doorframe. hes only just managed to kick mike out of his house, and now he has to deal with you? not happening. "go away."
"we both know i own knives."
"stab me, go ahead. youre not coming in."
before you can shove your way in, el sneaks up from behind hopper and pokes her head out the door. she had heard your voice from inside. "y/n!"
the girl shoves hopper aside and throws herself into your arms, and you gladly accept the hug. "hi, sweetheart."
it's been a few weeks since youve last seen her, being confined to your house to heal the wounds from the demodogs and tunnels. the second your mom gave you the all clear, you baked a pile of els favorite cookies and forced mike to tell you where hoppers cabin was.
which leads you to now: hugging el tightly with a backpack full of baked goods and comics to read to her.
"here for me?" el asks you, her eyes shining.
you look at hopper and smirk. "i dont know. am i here for el, hopper?"
he looks between the two of you and curses. el has her arms wrapped firmly around you and shes giving him a warning glare, daring him to say no. accepting that hes been cornered, hopper steps away from the door and motions for you to step inside. "i hate this."
you reach into your backpack and pull out a stash of peanut butter cups you had baked specifically to bribe the old man. "i brought a peace offering."
"well, why didnt you start with that?" hopper snatches the treats from you and sniffs the bag. his face melts into satisfied interest. "not bad, kid."
"i do my best." you shrug, now following el inside as she takes your hand and guides you to the couch. she sits you down and when you pull out the comics, she claps her hands in excitement.
the two of you get settled in, eating the cookies youve baked as you slowly read aloud the stories from the comics. every so often you have el try to read small portions as well, knowing she never received the necessary education due to the men who stole her childhood, and hopper cant help but watch you with el.
he sits at the kitchen table and pretends to read the newspaper, but really hes eating the peanut butter cups as he watches the way you help el sound out difficult words and giggle together. despite his annoyance towards you for showing up on his doorstep unannounced, hopper cant help but smile as he watches.
youre sweet with el, patient and understanding, and hopper now understands why joyce speaks so highly of you all the time. the woman had told him that youd been a such a gift to her family, and as hopper watches el practically light up in your presence, he finally accepts the womans words.
youre the best of the kids.
theres no denying that.
and if that means that hopper now has to make room in his cupboard for baking ingredients so that he can help you keep your own baking needs supplied, then so be it. he'll even make room for the nail polish and comics that will inevitably make their way into his home because of you.
hes happy to help you, to repay you for your kindness to el, even if hopper groans and complains the whole time.
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babayagakeanu · 7 months
it’s not living (if it’s not with you)
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pairing: John Constantine/reader
Summary: John realizes there’s nothing more in life that he wants more than you.
**this gif sent me into a short spiral so I had to use it. Like how dare you look at me like that sir?**
You’ve know John since you were in the hospital he stayed at when he attempted to take his life, and since you had a medical background, you have been his person to go to when he needed stitching up. Ever since, you two’ve grown closer over the years, and you harbored a serious crush on John. Something about the way his deep eyes bore into you as you speak, always throwing you off balance. Maybe it was because he was older, ten years older and somehow you go off on that.
Or maybe it was because two weeks ago, he stopped at your doorstep liquored up and gave you the best night of your life. Since that heated, drunken night, he hasn’t come around much, and he was in here every other night. You knew you couldn’t trust him with your feelings. Since when do we trust men with gorgeous eyes, who are tall and charismatic, and tease you endlessly? It was ten o’clock at night, you were fresh out of the shower after a long day and ready to relax for the remainder of your evening in front of your tv. Heating up and eating a microwave dinner, you scroll through the channels before settling on some old 2000s rom-com. Finishing your dinner, you set it on the cheap coffee table in front of you, and just as the movie is getting good, John knocks on your door.
Sighing, you know it’s John because he came up with specific knock to use when he needed somewhere safe to land, or close a hole in his flesh. You swing open the door to find John, bloodied and beaten.
“Oh my fucking God, John!” your gasp comes out as a whisper, being mindful of your other neighbors. “What the fuck happened to you?” You help him inside, half of his weight leaning on you as you guide him to the chair in your kitchen.
“Just a coupla’ really strong demons,” he mutters, “got an whiskey?” Another sigh from you. Always drinking, thinking it’s going to heal his inside problems. You slam a glass down in front of him and pour hima few fingers of whiskey. This will also help manage his pain once you start threading through his skin. Walking to the cabinet in the hallway, you grab the first aid kit, along with a suture and needle, and a pair of slightly rusty scissors.
Sitting down in front of him, you open your kit. “Just keep sipping on your drink, John. I’m gonna start, now.” Wiping down your needle with alcohol, you thread the suture through and the first piercing of the needle is enough to make John wince. He gulps his drink greedily, slamming it down on the table.
“Jesus, you never hold back, do you?” He cracks, exhaling shortly as the second pierce happens. You give him a muttered affirmation and he notices your silence. “Why are you so quiet, y/n?”
You sighs rolling your eyes at him. “ ‘Cause, John, I just am today. I’m not really in the mood for your antics tonight. I lost a patient today, seventeen years old.” John groans a final time as you tie the suture, holding it in place.
“I’m sorry,” He murmurs, reaching for your hand but you recoil, causing John to look at you weird. “Seriously? What’s going on with you, y/n?” He begs you, and you almost give in, ready to tell him to forget about it, but you’ve reached your boiling point.
“You really don’t get anything, do you, John?” You whirl around, anger seeping through your pores. ���Do you remember what happened two weeks ago? Or were you just too fucking drunk to remember?” You spit, venom lacing your words.
He looks at you incredulously. “Me? Remember two weeks ago? Y/n, I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday. What has got you all wound up?” He defends himself so easily.
“You wanna know what happened?” You shout, getting closer to him, challenging him to see who could shout the loudest.
“Yeah, I think I do!” John barks back, hands on his hips as he leans closer to your face. You could see the anger swirling in his eyes, and this fight is probably not what he needs right now, but it’s what you need.
“Fine!” You shout, “Two weeks ago, you show up here drunk as a skunk, telling me how much you love me, how much you care about me, and then we fuck!” His eyes are widened, and a small flush is making it’s way to his cheeks. You continue, because you’re not quite finished yet. “And the best part about this is that I can’t stop thinking about you, and how I will never feel like that with anyone else but you! That’s the real fucking reason, John!”
Your rant rings through the halls, and the silence makes itself present. John shakes his head, sits back down, and lights a cigarette. “Y/n, I remember.” Is all he says. You give him a look that’s teetering on ‘I’m gonna fucking kill you’ and ‘you’re dead meat’. “Let me finish,” he warns you, “I remember because I woke up in your bed naked, and with the most gorgeous woman lying next to me. You didn’t see me because I left.” He takes a drag of his cigarette and you ask him why.
“I left thinking that I am not worthy of your love, y/n. I’m a bad person with an even worse conscience. I left thinking there is no way in hell, that someone like you chooses to be with me. Y/n, as soon as I met you, it was over for me. Gone were the days of enjoying my solitude, enjoying my loneliness and misery, because there was you. I am not gonna live anymore if it’s not gonna be with you.” Standing up, he takes your hand and lifts you from your chair. Grabbing your face between his hands, he kisses you sweetly. The smell of a freshly smoked cigarette lingers on his lips and you breath him in. Leather and smoke.
“So does that mean?” You ask him, and he laughs.
“Yeah, I love you, kid.” You squeal, smiling through a kiss as you lead him towards your bedroom, where John shows just how much he can’t live without you.
Just a short one today as I scheme up some new drafts here! I cannot tell you guys how happy I’m back to be in my blog. I deleted the backup before realizing that it would delete my work that I wrote over there, but it’s fine, I wasn’t too happy with that plot for John wick and felt I could do better! Anyways, here’s a Constantine one, because we all love our sexy smart-ass. hugs and kisses!
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ithaquasbbg · 1 year
Almost done yay.. then I’ll find myself some more prompts sk I can stay active (I’m proud of myself)
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Won’t you stay, my darling? - Ithaqua x reader
Pairing : Morningstar! Ithaqua x reader
Experimented with the idea of a very down bad, and very touch starved Helel here. Also with the idea that under his persona he shows the world, he’s still the same scared young man he was before his exile.
VERY loosely inspired by the song “curses” by the crane wives
The king was utterly obsessed with you, to say the very least. From the way your eyes had a lovely shine to them, to your smile that made his heart flutter every time he saw you; a sensation he believed he’d no longer be able to feel. Every single part of you made him weak at the knees, you were his dream. Though, he could never bring himself to say anything. You were like a fire in his mind, per say, and try as he might, he couldn’t put that fire out.
None of the towns men or women could enthrall him the way you did, make his heart skip a beat like you. Every day he spent without you, it was like the fire of longing in Helel’s mind and heart would grow more and more. It was embarrassing to him, the way he, the king of a utopia had fallen so head over heels for a mere commoner such as yourself. The way he was more than willing to forget his position and do everything to please you was humiliating!
But it’s not until he hosts a ball for all the townspeople to attend he speaks to you for the first time. “My, you look quite lovely tonight, my dear.” He muses, corners of his lips peeking up in that confident smile he’d show to the public, eyes hidden from the world by the mask he’s adorned. You look nervous, getting ready to boy to him before you feel a hand gently grabbing your chin, tilting it upwards towards his face. “No need to bow to me, really, just tell me your name.”
All this time of watching from a distance, and Helel didn’t even know your name! Though you didn’t know of his admiration, and seemingly thought he was looking for another person. “I’m (Name), your majesty.” His smile brightens upon hearing your name, mumbling it to himself in a tone that sounds almost adoring. “That’s a lovely name, really.” His remark causes your cheeks to heat up, a smile creeping onto your own face.
By the end of the night, you find yourself in the ballroom with the king after everyone else had left, even his guards. You had only seen him in his speeches, an imposing ruler in those circumstances. Though, when he was here in front of you now, he seemed awkward to an extent, smitten, that couldn’t be towards you.. could it? Helel’s smile never leaves his face, he can think so much clearer when you’re with him, like the flames had calmed down in his mind, though the longing for you still remained.
And that’s why he finds himself reaching for your hand as you turn to leave that night, holding onto it like a lifeline as you look back at him, a curious expression on your face. “Won’t you stay with me, my darling?” He asks, his normal smirk replaced with an anxious, almost pleading look. Though he’s overjoyed when you nod, a soft smile adorning your lovely face that he loves so much. “Is there any specific reason?” You inquire, to which Helel quickly answers, embarrassment visible on his face afterwards; “I don’t want to be alone tonight, please.”
You think it’s a little strange that the king, one who had seemed so fearsome before this, is begging somebody as low as yourself to stay with him. But something about him makes your heart beat faster, gives you the feeling of butterflies every time you see his genuine smile, not just the smirk he shows the world. A maid walks up to you two as he walks you through his palace, a smile on her face as she asks if she could get the two of you anything.
“Just a nice change of clothing for (Name), if you will” he replies, voice hardening a little more in front of her, though there’s still that hint of gentility he doesn’t have to the public when addressing her. She nods and comes back shortly later with some of the finest clothing you’ve ever seen, handing it to you with a smile. “Tell me if you need anything else tonight, my dear.” She tells you, before walking away, likely to tend to her other duties.
Helel shows you to a room and allows you to change. You meet him a moment later when you step out of the attached bathroom, seeing him sitting on the bed slowly undoing the braids in his hair. “Here, let me help with that.” You whisper, not knowing what makes you sit behind the king, hands running through his hair as you undo the braids, listening to the way he hums as you do so.
Though when it’s time for him to sleep, he hesitates, hands over his mask as if he’s afraid to take it off. “You’re alright, my lord, I will not tell anybody what I will see beneath.” You promise him, watching as he slightly calms down, taking off his mask, albeit cautiously. Though you’re shocked to see the soft features of the former prince in front of you, the man who had been presumed dead years ago. “ ..Prince Helel?-” you ask, feeling a finger press against your lips before he takes your hands, moving them so they cup his cheeks.
“(Name), please, just address me as Helel..” he whispers, shaking at the sensation of hands on his face. It’s been years since he’s been touched in this way, handled carefully by anyone. His desire for affection being buried down under a harsh persona he spent years building up, only for it to come crashing down at the hands of you.
You feel yourself acting without thinking, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs as he crumbles even more into your touch. It’s only a matter of time before he’s laying in your arms under the covers, still shaking at the lovely sensation he seems to have missed so much. “…Stay with me tonight, (Name), that’s all I ask..” he mumbles, eyes dropping in exhaustion.
You nod and whisper a quick “good night” to him as you feel Helel slowly fall asleep in your arms. You were still confused, left unsure why the king had attached to you the way he had. While Helel, on the other hand is filled with happiness for the first time in a while, not only to be good enough to be graced with your presence, but to be held by somebody for the first time in forever, to be cherished the way he craved, even if he would have to worry about putting his act back up the next day.
To Helel, you staying with him, easing the burning in his mind for tonight was better than anything, falling asleep in the arms of his Angel.
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helpinghanikan · 2 years
Gently, Please
Konig x reader
Sum: Konig has been hit with a particular bio-weapon. It only has one cure: You
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Since the beginning of your time here König has always been someone who was just there. At first he was just another operator in the corner of the room. Then he became the one operator that nodded at you when you addressed the room. Then he became the man named König. Then he was the man who you looked for when stopping by the mess. Eventually he became the man who smiled by crinkling his eyes behind a snipers hood. Who had a nice chuckle to your jokes, asked how you were doing and actually meant it.
Tonight, however, he was the only thing between you and death.
You’ve stayed less than a foot away from him since landing. One of three desk jockeys let into the to download and scrap together what you could.
“Floor two is clear.” Came a voice through König’s mike.
“Floor one is clear.” Came another.
You and König were headed for the fourth floor. Where the labs and your goal was to be located.
“Do not get ahead of me.” König reminded you. “Stay close, do as I say, understood?”
Where was the man who never spoke up at meetings? Who visibly blushed even while wearing a sniper’s hood? That man was left behind when König entered the field. He didn’t need to be worried about the people around him out here. After all; killing people didn’t count as a social interaction.
“Yes, Sir.” You said, holding your Glock 22 towards the floor.
You had taken the time and training to something of a master with American Police’s favorite side arm. It wasn’t going to do nearly as much damage as the rifles and guns carried around by the operators. Hell, even an unarmed operator could cause more damage than your weapon. But it was the thought that counts.
“Good girl,” König replies. The elevator doors opening before either of your could fully register what he had just said. “Forward.”
The guards and scientists on floor were prepared to die for their research. Women in armor and women in lab coats pulled weapons with the same amount of passion. They all died the same; with a single shot from the best non-sniper in the world.
The lab you searched for was in the very center of the floor. Surrounded by glass windows with only one entrance from a long hallway. Cameras followed you the entire time. König gave you barely a glance when you got annoyed and started picking them off.
“In here,” You said, reaching the lab door.
König enters first. Sweeping the room and finding only one lab worker hiding in the corner. She had raised her hands but met the same fate as the others when she went for a knife on the counter. A pool of red started to cover the floor as König called it clear.
“Floor four is clear.” He said into the mike.
You had already started on the data. A cheap laptop bought for the specific purpose of holding everything sat on the counter. A wire connecting it to a wall sized computer bank. One of five that would be copied and stolen today.
It was as everything started to download that König made a pausing comment.
“These guards, the lab, they’re all women.” He said, looking down to the last one to get a bullet.
“A little sexist to only expect men to fight.” You say, not thinking too deeply about the comment.
“No,” König steps up next to you. Demanding your full attention. “There are only women here. That doesn’t happen. There’s usually some women, but not only women.”
He turns away to speak into his mike. Asking the rest of the squad if they had come across any men while sweeping the area. You didn’t have to be close to know what the answer was going to be.
At the same time you got curious enough to look at some of the stuff downloading: It was all the usual things; guns, ammo, materials, and a nice little list of people who needed to be taken care off. The list of projects currently being tested before use in the field was what your higher ups would be interested in.
One of those was hidden under an SS file. The only one you opened due to it’s testing addressing being the same building your were currently standing in.
Just skimming through the drug’s contents, it’s symptoms, and the resulting reports forced you to call König over to take a look. Point at the specific part stating “only use of hormonal release through orgasm could flush Siren Song from the body. A partner would be needed to keep the affected individual from going into cardiac arrest and create the proper hormones.”
“Sex bomb,” König says bluntly. “That’s why there is no women.”
“This thing needs to go faster.” You said, as if the computer would get the hint and hurry up.
Meanwhile, one floor down, a lab coat managed to slip past the gun fire. A single individual who ignored a shoulder wound to reach the smaller lab.
The firing got closer as she worked. Death calling her name that she tried to ignore but simply couldn’t. She focusing on her task. The last thing she would remember is allowing the release from the main lab. After that red would cover the screen and an alarm would go off in the fourth floor.
The steam that starts to come from the ceilings is light pink. It smells sweet but hearty, like unfrosted cake still warm from the oven. You take a deep breathe in out of habit, sighing at the smell.
“Leave, we need to go.” König declares, hitting his mike. “Gas leak on floor four. We need an immediate evac.”
“No, we need to lock down.” You correct. “This entire level needs to be locked down before any of it gets out.”
It’s amazing that your fingers didn’t break from slamming through the lab controls. Taking longer, so much longer, than is needed to finally get the lab to lock down. Heavy metal sliding down over the single door. It wouldn’t be surprising to find out that the windows were already bullet proof. A red light overhead makes itself known. Blinkingly lightly as if it didn’t want to make too much of a scene while doing it’s job.
“König, what’s happening on your floor?” Asked Captain Price through your mikes.
“Bio-weapon has been released on this floor. It’s a-.” He looks over at you with a pause. Looking to you as if asking what he’s supposed to describe it as. “-pheromone based kind.”
“The lab is staying in lockdown until the weapon dies off. Should be a few hours.” You add. “we have another problem, though.”
“Is your target corrupted? Can your data still be saved?” Laswell asks. There wasn’t a chance that Laswell would let this mission happen without her. Not when three of her best techs were in the field.
“Yes, the data is safe and downloaded. But that’s not our problem. The weapon is; König is already affected by it.” You say, looking at your protector with apology in your eyes.
There’s a pause on the other end. Likely Captain Price talking to Laswell on a private channel before he asks; “What’s happening? What is the weapon?”
König turns his back towards you. He does the one thing no operator should ever do by setting his weapon down on a counter in the corner of the room. He leans against the counter, as if you wouldn’t notice the heavy breathing.
“You need to leave.” König States, but you ignore him.
“It’s called Siren Song, Captain. You know that legendary sex bomb? Yeah, I found it. It only effects males but we can’t let it out of the lab. I’ve already engaged the lab to start filtering. But it’s gonna take some time, I’ll keep König alive during it.” You explain to Captain Price. Any other time you would have been more formal, but it’s easier to be blunt and quick about explanations.
“You need to go…” König whimpers.
“It’s your choice.” Laswell says. “But no one will say anything if you need to take drastic measures to defend yourself. Especially not König.”
“Copy that watcher. Keep our mikes quiet for a minute.” Was the last thing you said before turning to König.
“I’m sorry,” You said, taking off your vest and weapons.
He doesn’t say anything as you approach from behind. In those few steps a million questions are going through your head. The confidence you momentarily had replaced with a question mark. How do you even start something like this? Will he be able to stop before seriously injuring you? Does he even want you?
All these questions are stopped as König whips around to face you. His hands stay on the table, gripping it so hard it’s amazing there weren’t dents.
“Go…” He says again, head tilted down to avoid eye-contact.
“König, if you die I’m not going to have anyone translate shit for me.” You say as if humor could help the situation. “I get that I’m not what you want but if you wanna live-.”
You’re interrupted by a barking laugh from König. As if he is incredulous at the thought you aren’t what he wants. It’s the first time he makes eye-contact with you.
“I want you, König” You whisper, stepping closer as his hands grip tighter. “Do you really want me?”
He nods his head, incapable of words anymore.
You go to your knees. Reaching towards his pants that are, thankfully, easier to undo than a harness.
“Then let me have you.” You said, managing to pull his pants and briefs down almost past his backside.  
You aren’t the only one to wonder what Mr. König was packing under there. At six foot ten he was bound to be larger than average. You didn’t have a tape measurer on hand, but you had to guess maybe six to seven inches. Thick enough that your mouth watered and felt heavy in your hand.
Control is a ticking clock while you start to stroke. The table is most certainly going to have fingerprints in it. Especially when you stick out a tongue, swirling over his uncut head. The only warning he gets before the tip is taken into your mouth.
“Scheiße!” König screams into the air.
He lets go of the table. That strong grip now grabbing the back of your head. It’s everything you can do not to completely gag on his cock when he pulls you forward. Pushing passed your lips and into the warmth of your mouth.
He’s dreamed about your mouth since the first time you’ve met. Watch your lips move with every word. Trying not to stare when you apply your lip-balm or stick. He had wanted to know what it would be like to streak that lipstick you sometimes wore. What it looked like when he would kiss it messy, how he could make you blush from those kisses.
You weren’t a blushing woman, now. Your eyes are screwed shut, hands digging into thick thighs, and breathing through your nose as that was the only thing you could do.
The salty taste of König’s coming ejaculation wills you to open your eyes. Looking up to your tower of a man. His torso is bent forward, as if the entire experience is too much for him to handle. Although his eyes are closed his eyelashes are prominent against his cheeks. He looks almost innocent if he weren’t currently fucking your face.
He calls out your name, your real name, when he cums. Pulling your face in to cum down your throat with no chance of you being able to escape. He continue to say your name; whispering it as if he really was your man.
He lets you go, and the weight of sitting up straight on your knees comes down heavy. The ground is there when you fall backwards gasping for a stronger source of oxygen.
Although his cock is flaccid there’s no calming König’s heart.
“I just need a second.” You say, standing while trying to get your boots off.
It’s a little bit like a game. You trying to stay away long enough to get your boots, pants, and panties off while König walked towards you. His steps are slow, but his eyes are focused.
He follows as you make it around the counters. Although you are down for it there is a certain level of fear. This is normal when a man big as König has a target on you. Especially when his steps are quicker, and you don’t have time to say anything else before your pressed face first onto the counter.
He’s still flaccid when he presses against you. This does nothing to stop him from grinding against your backside. Laying over your back like a heavy blanket. He nuzzles against your neck while his hands start to work. Had he not been wearing the mask he would have been able to give you the kisses he’s been holding back for so long.
Instead of leaving marks with his mouth, he can only leave them with his hands. Squeezing your bare thighs, encouraging you to spread them further and further. He didn’t let go until he got one of your legs up and onto the counter. Spreading you open wider than anyone would ever be allowed to.
“Beautiful, I need you…” He whispers into your cheek.
You don’t what to say back. Not able to think of anything to say when his fingers find your slit. His gloves are harsh against the sensitive skin. It makes you hiss and whine.
“König,” You pleaded, looking back the best you could. “The gloves. Please, take them off.”
His bare fingers are hot, practically boiling. With the removal of his glove, giving into your final request, he has used all of his control. Now he only knew the need that the weapon caused. The need to take, to own, and to fuck the beauty in front of him. Had it been anyone else he might have had more control, but he was already a bit intoxicated by you. The weapon taking advantage of this as he slides two fingers deep within your pussy.
At first it feels like a punch. The spread and pumping of his fingers inside of you were a bit past rough. It was experimental; testing the boundaries of what you found painful and pleasurable and wanting to dance that line.
His thumb against your clit was his first right move. The jolt and squeak you give in reaction brings a hidden smile to König.
“Beautiful, Beautiful girl…” He whispers into your neck, thumb slowly rolling circles over your clit.
His flaccid cock continues to grind against you. He continues to finger and slide through your pussy. Desperate to have something inside of you when his cock couldn’t be.
Warmth grows in your stomach. It almost compares to the feeling of König’s hands against your bare skin. It’s probably for the best that König kept most of his gear on, otherwise you might have gotten heat stroke from the contact alone.
The pleasure builds from your stomach. It travels and owns your chest, swirling over your nipples and teasing them through your shirt that is suddenly far too constricting.
Your feet scramble for some sort of purchase on the smooth ground. The pleasure, the heat, the everything is becoming too much. Your orgasm coils and builds in your pelvis until it escapes out your moan in an extended moan.
König moans just as loudly. His teeth lining the side of your neck. Desperate to mark you but unable too with the thin line of fabric keeping him from his goal.
“Fuck me,” You whisper, sagging against the counter.
“Yes,” König almost snarls, pushing himself up from it’s presence over your back.
You’re only cold for a few seconds. In that time gentle pressure from the tip of König’s cock touches between your lips. Sliding back and forth once, twice, before finding your entrance and starting the firm push forward.
In another world, another time, König would have wanted to go gently. He would want to slide in slow through your slick lips. He wants you to feel every inch and remember the stretch that came with it. He wants you to sigh when he is flush and ask him to move when you are good and ready. Not a second more.
König doesn’t get that. Instead he penetrates you with a solid, quick, thrusts that jolts you both. Your gasp comes out almost like a shout. Reaching out for the side of the counter and grabbing hold.
The thrusts are quick and rapid. With no rhyme or reason to them. Only the pursuit of a second orgasm that isn’t coming fast enough.
He practically collapse onto your back. Sliding an arm under your chin with the other going across your neck. Holding you in a gentle headlock that keeps him grounded as he starts to pound harder, faster, and more directed than before.
He cums after a few more, sloppy, thrusts. Staying inside of you deeply as he pumps inside of your pussy. Moaning in a language you didn’t speak really well. Muffled by the hood and the ringing in your ears from being kept in a headlock for longer than you should’ve been.
“I love you, Beautiful,” König whispers.
There are plenty of things you can blame for what you said next. It was the post-orgasm feeling. It was the thick, delicious pounding taking place. Or maybe it was just the drug having the tiniest effect on women after all.
None of those reasons mattered. Because when you said; “I love you, too.” You really meant it in that moment.
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zaldritzosrose · 4 months
Burn For Me (Masema Dagar x Goddess!Reader)
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Summary: Masema had become a devoted follower the moment he saw you, but he had never anticipated just how far he would go to prove his devotion. (Part Two for Burn With Me)
TW: MINORS DNI. She/Her pronouns, afab reader, no smut this time (ikr look at me!), little bit more dark and angsty this time, Masema being psychopathic yet down bad for his woman, Rand being a shit stirrer, reader being a literal goddess.
Words: 2049 words
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The word of the Dragon, of the newfound goddess had been spread far and wide, all Masema’s doing. He was addicted. Addicted to you, your mere presence was like the very thread tying him to the earth below. He had named himself Prophet and you had not stopped him. Though you had not encouraged him either. If anything, you had simply sat by and let what happened, happen.
There were few moments Masema was not at your side. Whether stood like a guard at your shoulder or wrapped in your embrace, he was like an extension of you.
A fact which had not gone unnoticed by the others that followed you. Rand, specifically, considering he was for the most part, closest to Masema.
“You cannot keep allowing him to do as he pleases,” Rand snapped, momentarily forgetting your place as his superior as his anger at your failure to intervene took hold of him.
“He burns villages who refuse to support you, claiming the death and destruction in your name.”
As usual, your face was a mask of cool indifference.
“A dragon does not concern itself with the opinion of sheep, Rand.” Was all you replied, earning a sigh of frustration from the man before you.
“But he was warned, you were all warned,” you continued, stepping closer to Rand and tapping the dragon sigil on his pendant, an honour to you.
“There is a price for being at my side, and Masema seems the only one willing to pay it.”
Rand huffed out his annoyance, trying to ignore your proximity. He had almost been in Masema’s place, once. Wielding his sword in your name, spreading the word of your power and prophecy. But he had never let himself fall so far. Now, however, it seemed he was seeing a side he did not like.
“Do not forget your place, Rand. Do not forget upon whose shoulders you stand.”
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Masema watched, head tilted as the flames burned around him. He had hoped the villagers would see reason. Understand his goddess as he did, but it was not meant to be. He had warned them what defiance would cause. What he would be forced to do. And still, they had not listened.
It was not the first village he had put to the torch, though the destruction he left in his wake had gained his name quite the reputation.
False Prophet.
All names volleyed at him like insults. Insults that washed over him like smoke. Words that barely hurt him anymore. He had your protection, words meant nothing to him.
When the flames began to die, only then did Masema mount his horse and signal for his men to leave. There was little rhyme or reason to his path, he simply followed the whispers in his head.
Your voice, soft, tempting. Willing him to bring more followers to your cause. And he always listened. The burning buildings were soon a distant memory as Masema rode on to his next destination.
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Your conversation with Rand only seemed to sour the relationship between the two of you, especially in Masema’s absence. Stories of Masema’s deeds would always reach your camp, some wondered if they were exaggerated, but the more the stories came, the more people realised that every word was true.
The burning villages, the charred bodies he left in his wake. All true, and more devastating each time.
Rand had not hesitated to begin speaking with others about the fact. Your lack of care towards what Masema was doing irked him more than he ever thought it would. It was not the lack of care towards the destroyed villages and murdered citizens – he had long learned you cared little for the fate of mortals.
It was your lack of concern towards Masema’s mentality. Towards his sanity. It was this that reminded Rand that you were not of his world. A being so far removed from mortality. He wondered, then, if you held any feelings for Masema passed the intimacies he knew you shared.
He had seen the mornings Masema would emerge from your temple. The faintest teeth marks and scratches littering his skin, the scent of your oils on his clothing. There was no doubt he was more than a loyal follower.
Which made your indifference all the more confusing.
How could you not care for Masema’s wellbeing? The way you looked at him at times could even be argued to be loving. Yet you barely blinked when Masema’s deeds reached your ears.
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Months had passed when word of Masema’s return reached you. But dissent in the camp had reached a fever pitch, with Rand spreading concern for whether you truly cared for any of them.
His words had brought the people around you into two divisive sides. Those who refused to believe their goddess could ever be so heartless, who accused Rand of being jealous of Masema replacing him at your side. And those who agreed with Rand. Who agreed that your leniency towards Masema was dangerous. That was he was doing was not what they wished to be connected to.
Some had already left, and you had not stopped them. You had no use for people who did not believe in what you told them. What surprised you, however, was that Rand stayed. Despite the vitriol he spewed against you, he stayed.
You had exited your temple to the sight of Rand surrounded by what remained of your followers. If you could still give them such a title. Part of you wondered if Rand would have been so bold in his dissent if Masema had remained at your side, but that was now the least of your concerns.
You watched quietly from the steps of your temple as Rand addressed his captive audience.
“…and the stories of death and destruction are just the start, who knows what horrors could be committed if-“
The heavy thud of hooves stopped Rand in his tracks instantly.
“No, my friend, continue.” Masema growled, dismounting his horse and walking slowly to stand at Rand’s shoulder.
You had still not left the temple steps even as he reached the crowd. Rand seemed to shrink into himself at the sight of the man he had just been prepared to insult.
“Masema, my dear friend…I was simply trying to explain...” Rand’s words faltered again under Masema’s glare.
“So, explain, I am here to listen just as your companions are,” Masema’s words her steady, but the tone held the faintest of threats.
And Rand knew one wrong word could spell disaster. If there was one thing Masema was known for not tolerating, it was insults on your name. The silence hung heavy as Rand turned back to the group, knowing he had no choice but to continue.
“I say to all of you now, decide if you wish to continue following someone who would condone such senseless violence with not an ounce of guilt,” Rand’s words were no longer as sure, with Masema’s mismatched eyes boring a whole in his back.
“Are you saying our goddess does not care for us, Rand?” Masema asked, his hand rested on the pommel of his sword as he spoke.
“I am saying, what she allows you to do is verging on diabolical. How can we follow someone who shows such little care for the lives of others!” Rand turned to Masema now, realising there was no good way to end this interaction.
So, he chose to stand his ground.
“Has she not given us better lives? Freed us from paths of darkness and desolation?” Masema’s voice was calm, but his whole demeanour was like that of a predator watching its next kill. Primed and ready to attack.
You had descended the steps at this point, edging closer to the scene unfolding before you.
“Free from darkness and desolation? How can you say that when you have left nothing but death and destruction in your wake, all in her name?” Rand countered, his voice raising in barely contained frustration.
Masema’s reasoning was ridiculous. How could he truly believe that?
“You have truly descended to madness, if you believe that any of this is right!” Rand continued and took a few steps towards Masema, his hand dropping to his own sword.
Masema tilted his head, the aura of calm he held putting everyone around him on edge. He had always struck some semblance of fear into those around him. His proficiency as a warrior was the main cause. But now? It was the unpredictability of him that had people fearing his name.
“Can you not see the hold she has on you? How you have let this creature sink her claws so deep into yo-“
The blade tip that nudged Rand’s throat soon halted his words. He had crossed a line calling you a creature, and he knew the time had passed for apologies. Masema growled so low, it sent a shiver down his spine.
“Do not dare to speak of her with such disrespect.” Masema pushed the tip of his sword a little harsher against Rand’s throat. The atmosphere was tense, as the small crowd at Rand’s back began to call for a duel.
You were on the outskirts of the crowd now, a strange sensation of déjà vu taking over as your mind drifted back to the first time Masema had been in your sights. But you knew, now, it would soon be your time to intervene.
The surrounding followers quickly made a ring around the two men, both now with their blades drawn and ready. The fight started with little preamble; the tensions so high the air felt like it was charged. You watched intently as your two best warriors fought for the honour of your name. For the privilege, it seemed, of being the one you chose.
The fight was evenly matched, Rand was quick were Masema was strong. Both men trapped in an endlessly battle for dominance that neither seemed willing to concede.
After what seemed like an eternity, Masema gained the advantage, quickly bringing Rand to his knees before him.
“Make your apologies, and I will make your death quick and honourable,” Masema hissed, his sword pointed at Rand’s heart.
What no one expected, was your voice over the crowd.
“No more. Put your sword down, Masema.”
A look of confusion crossed his face, but when he met your eyes, he was quick to obey your command. His sword was thrown to his feet, out of Rand’s reach. You stepped into the makeshift ring, eyes never leaving the pair. Masema stepped back as you approached.
You placed yourself between the two men, your back to Masema as you stared down at Rand.
“You are a lucky man, Rand Al’Thor, destiny speaks, and you are not to die today.” You said softly, your fingers trailing from his forehead and back over his head.
He tensed as he felt your skin against his, and he could have sworn he felt the sensation of burning at the touch.
“But disrespect does not go unpunished,”
Fear gripped Rand as your touch became firmer, fingers pushing into the curves of his temples.
“You are no longer favoured by fate, Rand Al’Thor. You are no longer favoured by me.”
His body felt heavy as he felt all the gifts you had ever bestowed upon him seep from his body, a feeling akin to flames against his flesh. He quietly begged for you to stop, for your forgiveness. But your word was final.
He may be protected by destiny, meant for a path greater than you. But he was no longer in your protection. The Dragon no longer needed her once beloved sword.
Rand’s head sank low in shame as your hands left him. A feeling of emptiness taking over him. But what you did next, hurt him even more. Your attention turned to Masema, a look that could be mistaken for love in your eyes.
Your voice was low as your hand rested over Masema’s heart. The heart you had burned your way into along with his mind. He groaned as he felt the power now slip into his veins, into his very soul. Binding him to you as Rand had once been.
“Masema Dagar, will you burn for me?”
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a/n as always this is for my Arnas/Masema girlies @foxyanon @whitedarkmoonflower @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @thenameswinter99 and @legitalicat for not only inspiring me to write part two, but for listening to the brain rot i've had over this fic! Love you!
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lovecanbesostrange · 4 months
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Please know that since yesterday I am mentally trapped in these two panels. There is actually a lot I will miss Krakoa for, but I also felt a bit of resentment throughout the era and this family is a big reason why. NOW that we are in the last stretch of burning it all down and the new X-launch is in reach, we'll get this wedding special. And we finally have all four together in a panel. NOW?! I bought X-Men Unlimited #4 in either fall of '94 or spring '95, solely because of the cover. 30 years of waiting. Let me live in this moment for a bit.
Look at what they are doing with the art! Oh sure, Mystique and Nightcrawler are the blue ones. Pair up Destiny and Rogue next to that to make them look similar enough as well. Only for my brain to scream "but the personalities are the other way around!!!!!!!!". Irene and Kurt work on faith and believe in possibilities and reaching out to be better. Raven and Anna Marie typing this out makes me feel weird are the ones who will kill a bitch and say they will darken their soul so others don't have to. Plus there is the element that they both have lived more than one life and their sense of self is distorted .
They've come a long way, okay?!
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Yes this is exactly what it looks like. For plot reasons Nightcrawler was too weak to teleport and dangling off a cliff next to Mystique. And of course Rogue could only save one and before she made a decision Mystique said "I make this for you" and let go. I still like to believe she flipped them the bird when she fell. Because she is Mystique. "HaHa! Take this, you think I'm the worst mother ever, but you will have to live with a moment of nobility from me!" (Also Destiny knew this would come, and she fucking knows there is something good inside of Mystique. It just comes out... different. And needs very specific circumstances.)
Apart from X-Men Evolution (and the X-Men Forever alternate history comic with its very special vibes), we have never gotten any bigger acknowledgement of this family. And Irene has been cut out. Either conveniently on account of being dead, or because she's an old lady and clearly just a gal pal, ahem. (It's also very funny to me to go back to their first appearances, where the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants has the biggest Three Stooges energy ever. I needed Mystique, Destiny, Rogue, Pyro, Blob and Avalanche to have a drinking contest on Krakoa. That is what Krakoa was supposed to be about!! You needed to give us 200% domestic nonsense, fun and games. So it would hurt everybody when it was inevitably taken away. EVERYBODY needed to find happiness in that place in unconventional ways.)
Sadly not my original thought (I don't have those), but recently I read some comment where somebody said that with Irene being his bio-mother, Kurt should have inherited a type of precog-sense, a sorta spidey-sense for teleportation. A natural ability that he won't teleport into an obstacle. And I would be so on board with that. (Also funny, because Ms Marvel had that type of sense and I could pull up panels where Nightcrawler tried to trigger that in Rogue.) Would it be weird to add that now? Sure. But also super cute and helpful.
My deepest gratitude goes out to the fanartists who have doodled and sketched and painted cute family moments for them out of time. Now canon can catch up. Imagine their dinner conversations. N: "Logan is my best friend." M: "Oh, that reminds me there is this blue furball running around with his and my powers. I don't even remember if we ever had sex or not, we're so close in age and have these memory gaps." N: "Mutter, nein!" D: "You should ask him out, you two would make a cute couple. Trust me." R: "You're setting up Nightcrawler with Wolverine and keep giving me grief over Gambit?" M: "He speaks too much French! Wolverine might be Canadian, but at least he's not a Franco-Canadian!" N: "So I couldn't date Northstar?"
Do not get me wrong though. Mystique and Destiny are horrible people and they will stab others in the back. They have worked for the government, they have plotted assassinations of government people. They have fought alongside and against the X-Men. I don't want them tamed or be reasonable. I want their mess. I want them as anti-villains. Because they don't do heinous things for nothing. They like to create less horrible murder events than what could be... some writers just liked to go overboard with the scheming and forgot the sympathic undertones, which I want to cling to. And we deserved a time of peace on Krakoa. Truly imagine a Mystique who was happy on Krakoa. And the absolut batshit villainous energy when it's burned down against her will... now THAT would have been something. Instead of baking resentment into the foundation.
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the-elder-beato · 2 months
so I've been going through umineko again for a project i'm working on and it got me thinking about how masterfully the hints and foreshadowing regarding the true culprit and the overall mystery are sprinkled throughout almost every line of dialogue. and like duh it's a mystery story so of course there's gonna be foreshadowing, but it's also hard to strike a good balance with being too obvious that it no longer becomes subtle or being so vague that the reveals feel like they came out of nowhere
looking back on so much of the dialogue even in chapters 1 and 2, so much of it had me practically screaming at myself "how did you miss this the first time through?!" but at the same time, i can totally see how certain details flew over my head given the context the story being told is presented in.
gonna post some specific examples under the cut because one of my good friends is currently reading through it and i don't want to ruin it for him. SPOILERS FOR ALL OF UMINEKO BELOW
a pretty major one that a lot of people bring up is the constant mention of sickly sweet smells coming from kinzo's study as well as the oddly poisonous looking drinks that he partakes in that are bad for his health. this is probably referring both to the odor of kinzo's corpse itself and the preservatives genji and the others are using to prevent it from becoming obvious to the others in the mansion that don't know of his death
but the other things that stuck out to me are the fact that when krauss goes up to his door to do the whole song and dance of pretending that kinzo is in too much of a bad mood to leave his study and see the family during the conferences, he often ends these scenes with a sly smile on his face before handing kinzo off to genji or nanjo, two people who are also responsible for keeping up the charade
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This is from one of the earliest scenes in chapter 1 like jesus christ. even ignoring how obvious the "my dad is already dead" line is in hindsight, those coy, knowing smiles he gives are practically screaming that this guy is putting on a show for the other siblings. but on a blind viewing, you could easily wave it off as krauss just having grown tired of trying to make the effort to get his rambling father to come out for like the 3rd family conference in a row and all he can do it laugh it off bitterly
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a very similar version of this charade is shown in episode 2 as well, with yet another line with a double meaning that hints to kinzo's real fate. i honestly kind of find it amusing picturing these grown men pounding on the door to their dead father's study, yelling at a volume probably loud enough to reach the rest of the family downstairs to sell the bit even more
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these lines also from episode 2 though. holy shit, ryukishi is pretty much giving the answer away here. granted, you can definitely interpret this on a first pass as natsuhi and krauss devising this plan to protect kinzo/their own interests with regards to the inheritance discussion, but the sinister and ominous undertones are there.
speaking of episode 2, it is basically a whole novel's worth of hints towards shannon and kanon's true identities, which makes sense given it's their focus episode alongside episode 6. episode 1 already plants some seeds here and there regarding kanon, what with him somehow always seeming to appear to shannon out of thin air or being described as creeping up on people silently like a cat
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one of the biggest hints that most people discuss is how the detective, battler, who is supposed to have an objective view on the proceedings (at least before erika takes over in 5-6) never seems to see shannon and kanon together at the same time when he is present. what keeps up the illusion is the many other scenes sprinkled throughout that take place through other character's POVs where we are shown the two interacting together, particularly with genji and kumasawa. we aren't given any indication this early on that the narration absent of battler isn't to be trusted or is hiding details from us, i don't think until knox's rules are introduced in the answer arcs, so this is a pretty brilliant way of hiding the truth of their characters but without making it feel as if the viewer was completely lied to in hindsight
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the fact that jessica is saying this to kanon of all people. oh my god. it's so painful. all of the flashback scenes of shannon and george and jessica and kanon are so sad to watch. sayo is not only struggling with the fact that she's fallen in love with another man while waiting for battler to come back, not only struggling with the realization that she's bisexual when she starts having feelings for jessica, not only struggling with the constant reminders from george that he wants to have many children and grandchildren after she finds out that she will never be able to conceive...
she's now come to a crossroads where (in this world at least) she has to decide whether or not she'll give up hope of battler ever returning and pledge herself to george, while breaking jessica's heart as kanon. and battler coming back after 6 years just throws all of that out the window
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this one might just be me overthinking, but i'm curious if anyone else has a similar interpretation. these two batches of dialogue occur in the same scene, the second coming after "kanon" shows up to once again vent out "shannon's" feelings of frustration and anger towards the ushiromiyas. at first it would seem that her lamentation about wanting to be rescued continues directly from the previous string of thoughts, and that she's referring to george again. but the use of quotation marks around "him" the second time around really make me think that this must refer to battler.
the fact that she considers this a sin even moreso feels like it points to battler to me, her sin being the fact that she's still thinking of him in the first place while wanting a relationship with george. she wants to pursue these new feelings with george, but in her mind it would also be weakness on her part to give up on the promise she and battler made together by forgetting about him and moving on. she wants someone on a white horse to come save her, and the thought that this person has changed to being george is tearing her up inside. she doesn't deserve rescue from either of them, in her mind. it's so fucking sad
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and the final one for now, since i've only gotten through the first two episodes for this rewatch. i remember thinking back to all the deaths from the previous chapters when faced with the challenge of figuring out who the true culprit was, and just my jaw dropping to the floor when i remembered this detail from turn of the golden witch. none of the other victims of the stakes had them fall out, they were gouged in deeply, but shannon's alone had fallen off to the side.
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and of course rosa (the co-conspirator of the episode) conveniently blocks her body off before battler can examine it further and give an objective detective's view of the state of the body. if he was able to, he probably would have been able to see that the hole in shannon's forehead was made by a gunshot wound and not the stake.
not to mention kanon's body just disappearing entirely. episode 2 is where we really start to get introduced to the magic realm and its explanation of events, so it's easy to get sucked into that and go along with the whole "beatrice desecrated him after death by not even allowing him the closure of being a corpse for the rest to discover" but man, it is so crazy how well the pieces fit together once you know the truth. it was simply easier at this stage of the game for sayo to shed the kanon persona entirely so she could move more freely as shannon.
at this point, she had probably given up on battler solving the riddle in this fragment/bottle after his full on mental breakdown in the servant's room following rosa's cold accusations and lack of trust in everyone else. sayo would have planned to die by the end regardless, but this final locked room trick was probably her last ditch effort to give battler a clue as to what was happening, but again this was foiled by rosa barring him from looking closer at the crime scene
anyway that was a lot of rambling about stuff people have probably already discussed to death in the years since umineko's release. but damn i just really, really marvel at ryukishi's ability to write such an intricately written story that simultaneously had me at a loss for the solution for the majority of its runtime while also making me feel like a fucking idiot for missing all of these obvious clues the first time around, in the best kind of way. this sound novel is a masterpiece and i'm so glad i discovered it
rest in peace sayo, i have no doubt the foreshadowing during my replays of banquet and alliance of the golden witch are going to tear my heart asunder once again </3
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