#these masks are not entirely similiar
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prlssprfctn · 4 days ago
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Bruce Wayne's biggest reasons to crash-out or whatever
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nautical-nova · 8 months ago
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As the party continued on, and everyone was laughing and their guard was down, a massive crash came from the center of the ceiling, revealing dawn as she landed on the dining table, she quickly ran to uther, and had her sword send him flying into a wall so hard it cracks. Notably under her left pauldron, she has some sort of amulet wrapped around her arm, glowing ominously
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[After Dawns defeat a loud engine can be heard. From the wall behind Dawn bursts out an extremely ANGRY MAN on a MOTORCYCLE!!!]
[From his vehicle opens a hatch that reveals a maxim tomato and another mask similiar to his but only...pink! As soon as he's up and close he hands her the items, using his motorcycle as a protective shield.]
[His eyes dart around the room, entirely bloodshot. There was no doubt that this man was PISSED.]
A collab between me and @quanblovk for an rp in the @kirbyoctournament !
I did the first pic as well as coloring on the second. Its been a lot of fun, so thanks for having me!
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a-cat-in-toffee · 6 months ago
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also I have pictures of their og design in this so. warning for white skinny pd jumpscare /joking
for sake of navigation I'm going in the order I drew them, and the order theyre in on the above image heart emoji.
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"Virion" Vyncent Sol up first!! also can we talk about how his hero name is straight up just his name. lol. lmao even.
I HAD THE MOST PLAN FOR VYNCENT GOING IN TBH I wanted something similiar to the origami outfit while still staying reminiscent of his old outfit
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I knew I wanted the jacket and I went with the turtleneck so it was the same as Jason's outfit. also Jason has really cool glove sleeve things I thought that was so fucking cool guys. and vyncent is generally from an actual outfit standpoint like... really simplistic? so just ourple pants and boots seemed most logical. I liked the mask and it was in both of his old designs so I decided to stick with it.
and then of course. the belts. there are ten total belts on his outfit jot including the two that would come with the sheath LMAO. plus the two pd colored belts on his boots!! I decided while drawing I wanted them all to have something in eachothers colors cause thats really cute.
i MUCHHH prefer the shorter jacket because of how it shows off the outfit and is reminiscent of his s2 post fauna design . . .
generally had the most idea going into his so there was very little in ways of additional sketching
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also the Japanese where Jason's jacket had said Origami straight up just says Knife. I thought that was so funny. ENTIRELY ACCIDENTAL THING his outfit is basically just cantrips but colors flipped LMAO
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BUT THATS ALL FOR VYNCENT. next up is (drum roll please)
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"Wisperer" William Wisp!!! El wiwi himself. OKAY SO AS YOU MAY NOTICE. THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN THE DESIGN I ORIGINALLY POSTED. I had Not been happy with that one because it felt too cluttered and a little out of character so I ended up redesigning his jacket and redrawing the refs.
WILLIAMS OUTFIT WAS REALLY FUN THO I ended up going with a gas mask like he had in the greyscale arc, hoodie (which will get its own paragraph), cargo pants!! for his cargo and gadgets and gizmos, and then. because it's me and he's william. platformish boots laced with the orlther pds colors.
the hoodie was the thing I had changed in the new design because the old design wasn't william wisp enough for me yknow
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i wnjoyed the outfit and it looked really need but it was much more complicated than his original hero suit and didn't really seem like smthn he'd design and wear.
i really liked the wisp belt and wanted to keep that wisp motif, which is why I ended up putting the flames on his sleeves! it looks cool as hell and keeps w the flame designs. IM ALSO SUPER ATTACHED TO THE WISPERER W THAT WAS ON HIS ORIGINAL HERO DESIGN.... so the hoodie has a stylized w.
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also dakota and vyncent beads :)
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i cinsidered adding stuff to make his outfit like Silhouettes then remebered i haye Silhouettes outfit. the images are out of order but I'm on mobile and can't be fucked to fix it. NEXT UP!!!!!!
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"DC" Dakota Cole! only SLIGHTLY better than vyncent just using his name, bro is using his initials......
I CHANGED THE LEAST ABOUT HIS DESIGN HONESTLY. it was very nice to just get to draw Dakota though :)
the most I changed was I made it a bit simpler, and changed the jacket to be more like the Hexpert armor
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also made the zipper look like her weird chest thingy....
I REALLY DISLIKE THE SHOES AND THE LITTLE BITS ON HIS ANKLES THOUGH. SO I CHANGED EM. they're now his thing in the others color heart emoji. I'd like to think they all sat down together and brainstormed ways to encorperate eachother into their costumes.....
i also made a little note of the back of hia jacket and I tried to make it look like a jersey
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because he played soccer :)
ALSO.... DAKOTA COLE HONEY YOU SHOULD NOT ME WEARING A BELT EITH A BUCKLE. but it looks cool </3 if a little impractical
BUT THATS ALL OF EM FOR NOW..... love these guys.
next I. tackle redesigning this thing.
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sighs. I so got this
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kaaaaaaarf · 3 months ago
Hi I’m a huge fan of everything you write. I think about your iterations of Remus and Sirius numerous times throughout the day. A friend’s husband recently went to see Korn and he fell while in the pit and broke his leg in multiple places and all I could think about when I heard this story was which of your characters would find themselves in a similiar predicament….i think it might be hatefuck Remus but would love your thoughts.
First of all, I need to tell you that this is the best ask I've ever received. Thank you so much. I've really been struggling with confidence when it comes to my writing since I haven't written anything substantial in so long, so this was really lovely to hear. 💖
Secondly, I think Hatefuck Remus is the most likely to end up in this situation, although how he ended up at a Korn concert in the first place would be interesting. I think Sirius would tell him he got tickets and they are going, full stop. Unable to say no to Sirius for longer than ten seconds, he goes. They arrive late and Sirius heads to the bar to get them beers and is like "go save us a spot". Remus, not realizing he's entering mosh country, pushes his way through the crowd and gets a spot near the front. He's so proud of himself until approximately twenty seconds later, when he ends up in the middle of the pit against his will and falls over because his limbs are so fucking gangly and he is entirely confused about what's happening. Someone also steps on his face accidentally when he falls, so he ends up with this wicked gash on the bridge of his nose.
Sirius is pissed because now he's missing the concert, but takes his idiot boyfriend to the hospital anyways (complaining the whole time to mask how fucking freaked out he is) and once they are settled in a room, makes fun of him for breaking his leg a month after it had just fully healed from his hit-and-run.
Remus insists he didn't do anything wrong. "You told me to save us a spot! The front is a good spot!!!"
"You're such a fucking nerd. I'm telling everyone you broke your leg in an autoerotic asphyxiation accident."
"....again?! 🥺"
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1000feetunder · 7 months ago
Entry Number 6 : The Creatures Entities Residents of the Hadal Blacksite.
' I have decided to start naming these entries, so I can more easily refer back to my writings. In this section I will be writing my thoughts about the residents of the Hadal Blacksite, and behaviours I've learned.
Anglers: There appear to be several 'Angler' type residents, each unique to another. By my counting there are about six of them, though I am unsure of the last.
They each have nicknames I've heard other expendables call them by. 'Angler': Medium speed, lights flicker. 'Blitz': Fast speed, Lights flicker twice. Hide as quick as possible. 'Pinkie': Loud, lights don't flicker. Smallest of them. Stay alert. 'Froger': Medium speed, lights flicker, makes 3 rounds. Stay alert. 'Chain Smoker': Slow speed, produces fear inducing gas from mouth. Stay alert. 'Pandemonium': Light's flicker, Loud. I am unsure if Pandemonium is part of the Angler's but it's very similiar. It will actively hunt you down. Hiding in a locker is the safest choice, but it will attack. Keep your wits about you and stay in the locker. It will leave eventually. They all intrigue me greatly. I've only had the chance at seeing them as they make their passes through the halls, and have been un able to study them up close. Sebastion has their file, but that seems like cheating. - 'VoidMasses'. I do not understand these things in the slighest. They inhabit lockers, and I've seen them behind doors. When I first arrived and traveled with a group of expendables I watched as one of them mistakenly entered a locker with one hiding inside. Our groups leader was quick enough to drag her back out though. - 'The Good People' terrify me if I'm being frank. I've been attacked by them twice, each while I was rushing to find a place to hide from one of the Anglers. I was lucky enough to find a locker soon after, but that pAInter's laughing at my 'stupidity' was not well recieved. I am unsure of what they even are, but they look fleshy with some form of mask. Not my favorite. - 'Wall Dwellers' are more annoying than anything. THey live in the walls as their name suggests. I once whitnessed as an expendable was attacke by one. Another time I was chased by an Angler, a Wall Dweller behind me. After exiting my hiding place I found the Wall Dweller dead. I was tempted to study it, but others things needed to be done. Maybe next time. - 'pAInter' is...interesting. From what I've learned they are a computer that runs throughout the entire Hadal Blacksite. How odd. That is [This section has been scribbled out.]. So far, each time I have died here was caused by this computer. Twice by turrets , once by a 'Gauntlet'. I have no proper opinion on them, but Sebastion knows this computer. Perhaps we should meet face to face. -
'Eyefestaion' is a shark with many eyes. Looking at it causes great pain, but Sebastion once suggested to me if I pretend to look at it with my goggles, it may let me go. But seeing as I am practically half blind, along with my goggles being broken, I doubt I can test this as of now. I would like to study 'EyeFest' up close but so far any attempt seems to be fatal. Another day. -
My Friends.
Lobby. A giant talking Lobster I met while visiting Sebastion in his shop. Turns out he has a more humanoid form. He does not originate from the BlackSite, which lines up. He's been able to go between here and the surface and has brought back stolen goods from a convience store. Perhaps next time he takes a trip I'll ask him to bring back some candy bars. I miss Paydays. And instant coffee. I hope to see the surface with him one day.
Sebastion Solace. The whole reason I'm here. He doesn't know my reasoning, but he knows I'm here because of him. I finally got to read his full and updated file. I hated it. I wish I could have asked him myself. Sebastion and Lobby. They both mean so much. I don't think I could ever tell them.
Maybe soon I can tell them why I'm here.
They deserve to know that much.
They deserve to know.
We'll all get out of here. We're all going to survive, and make it back to the surface together. I'll make sure of it.
Sighing out, - Cali A. '
P.S: Another 'Resident' I forgot. Spencer.
Kill on Sight. Do not hesitate.
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tr0v3 · 5 months ago
The Decline of Lethal Company
Previously, I explained Lethal Company's rise to success as a result of good game design, player experiences (with reference to Indie VS. AAA comparisons) and exceptional appeal to emotional and social experiences as an indie game - you can read the full article here!
Now, I'd like to challenge the game's standing - in the year since its launch, how much has Lethal Company maintained its success?
When Zeekers (the developer of Lethal Company) released the game on Oct 23rd 2023, it was up to 'Version 35' - at the time of writing the game has last updated to Version 66. A lot of features have been added to Lethal Company over time, but few updates have affected interest or mitigated the consistent decline in Lethal Company's popularity. Internet search timeline statistics can be a useful way to generally indicate popularity (or at least curiosity and awareness) about a topic, and by comparing these to the release dates of Lethal Company updates, we can see that updates either did not affect or actually worsened Lethal Company's decline.
According to Google Trends, Lethal Company managed to stay in the limelight of heightened popularity for about 11 weeks:
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Google searches for Lethal Company peaked from the end of November to the start of December 2023, declining only by 25% as the year ended and maintaining high search rates until a sharper decline starting on January 14th.
Similiarly, YouTube searches indicate a similiar 11-week period of popularity, with searches peaking twice in December, also beginning a sharper decline below 75% only January 14th:
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The differences can be explained because of the differences in functionality and culture of Google Search and YouTube - YouTube searches may have dipped in mid December because of faster moving algorithmic trends on that platform, or the growth of established Lethal Company fans who consume Lethal Company videos from Lethal Company subscriptions, therefore eliminating the need to search for it again.
Regardless, Steam Charts also demonstrate that Lethal Company has begun a long decline since January. Measuring weekly players rather than searches provides an even more accurate insight into engagement with the game, and - although 20k+ players a week at its lowest is nothing to scoff at - the game's players and searches have been consistently dropping throughout 2024. The only exception to this is peaks in all three charts around mid-late August, likely in response to 'Version 60 - The Stuffy Update'.
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So why the attention for V60? Reviews for the game have remained Overwhelmingly Positive since launch, and other updates have added fantastically memorable and impactful features - to prove this point, here are a few examples:
• Version 45, a.k.a. 'The Frosty Update', added two game-changing enemies. The Masked is an eerie and confusing threat for all players which has become a staple of the base game, inspiring numerous mods that emphasize the 'hidden threat' mechanic, such as Skinwalkers. The Nutcracker, if killed, rewards players with a gun that can one-shot-kill numerous enemies, enabling players to take greater risks in the late game. Both are also brilliant at generating the emotional impact I explained in Part 1 due to their unique and scary appearances and sound designs.
• Version 50, a.k.a. 'The Hopping Update', introduced 3 entire moons and 3 new 'entities' among other changes - not every change was imense, but there's no denying how exciting Artifice is to play, and how nightmarish the Old Birds are.
• Additionally, none of the game's best features have ever been lost. In fact, the only time a feature was actually removed completly was the Kidnapper Fox, although Zeekers has hinted at the Kidnapper Fox returning in future.
This video by Exxo fantastically explains why this happened, but also challenges the decision and the opinion of the fanbase at the time:
Even smaller updates such as Version 55 added The Company Cruiser, a hilariously iconic and fun feature, even if its actual usefulness is questionable...So what makes Version 60 so special?
I believe that The Stuffy Update had one crucial feature absent from every other update however, one that doesn't even relate specifically to the emotional appeal of the game - a new interior.
When any game ages, it must pivot from focusing on eye-catching gimmicks that aid its virality, and instead focus on genuinely balanced game design - now that Lethal Company was garnering a fanbase of regular players instead of everyone being new to the experience, the novelty of its emotional appeal had worn off, so if it didn't 'hold up' as a replayable, dynamic, but fair game, it wouldn't keep those players.
Since release there have been at least eight moons and over a dozen entities to keep every in-game day varied - but only two interiors, one of which was common only on expensive moons. As the location of the player's main objective (collecting scrap), these interiors became the most repetitive component of the game - but a third interior that is common on multiple free moons brought much-needed variety to this important aspect of the game. Proportionally, it marked a 50% increase in the number of existing interiors, so it makes a massive difference.
Since Version 60, there have only been a couple of smaller updates such as The Bag Patch and the Anniversary Special because Zeekers has decided to focus on another project and give Lethal Company a rest in the meantime.
Interestingly, the Google Trends/Steam Charts above also show that the decline may be plateuing now - so now that we are caught up to the present, what is the state of the game going forward? Updates haven't made Lethal Company worse...but could they make it better?
Perhaps we need to inspect the game design more closely. Lethal Company, for all its merit, is in actuality a very janky and downright unfair game at times. Unwinnable scenarios as a result of RNG aren't uncommon, such as being chased by Giants with Eyeless Dogs nearby, or being teleported into a landmine or a turret. Even a supposedly helpful addition such as the Company Cruiser is obnoxiously difficult to drive without getting stuck or blowing up. This is something that could have gone unnoticed when the game was new and everyone was focused on its novelties and gimmicks. Now, with greater player knowledge of the game's functionality, these flaws are more exposed, and more frustrating for players genuinely trying to enjoy the game to its fullest.
Version 60 alone added something that was clearly missing from the game. It filled a gap in engagement, whereas other updates - although fun - added fairly random and unexpected features that no one was really asking for. If Zeekers continues in this fashion, the game won't get any worse - but a fourth interior, or a another variation of a core feature could raise the game's popularity again...
Of course, there is a risk of making too much change to the basic feeling of the game, something that Minecraft has been notorious for since Caves & Cliffs, but there are always people who complain about change, so maybe its worth the risk?
Or perhaps the 'decline' of Lethal Company is just a decline in the perception of Lethal Company - only the most interested will have the patience to have followed the game, no matter how good the changes were. Maybe most Internet users have simply 'moved on', and the remaining players aren't as strongly impacted by the novelty of the game's proximity chat, hence the shift of focus onto game balancing...
The game is still in Early Access. There is an incomplete story, judging by the cutscenes in each update, and likely many more features and fixes to come. As Zeekers said:
Don't worry, I am not done with Lethal Company.
and neither am I!
Thank you for reading =D
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velarisvalkyrie · 1 year ago
HOFAS Spoilers: What I Liked vs What I Didn't
Disclaimer: I just need someone to process this with. Usually, I enjoy my entertainment quietly and don't feel the need to make public posts but I need someone to process this book with lol. Anything you disagree with me about is 100% okay!!! I'm not one to argue or put down opinions in fandoms. I'm just curious if anyone else is sharing similiar feelings as me.
What I Did Enjoy:
Bryce flicking peas down to the beasts below her holding cell. It was so on brand of her and funny to me.
Bryce having to explain what a cell phone was.
Nesta and Azriel's friendship. I know this is a CC book and I won't dwell too much on the ACOTAR crossover. However, Nesta and Azriel's friendship has always been one of my favorites and there were sooo many cute moments between them. That hug after she uses the mask??? That hug and him stroking her hair broke something in me then hit the repair button.
Bryce really snatched Az's favorite kitchen knife and jumped in a crystal coffin back home. Iconic.
Hunt, Baxian and Ruhn holding onto their brotherhood in the dungeons through humor. Trying to keep one another from breaking. Acknowledging one another in the darkest of times they endured together. They really tried so hard to keep each other from losing all hope.
Hunt thinking of Bryce to keep moving onward. Thinking of how she brought him so much joy. Calling her his mate and his wife and his princess (I love terms of endearment so personally stuff like this sends me melting).
Hunt calling Bryce his best friend :c
Lidia saving the boys like the badass that she is and doing it with a well thought out plan coordinated with Dec and Flynn and all those lovely sprites.
Confirmation that Lidia is related to Aelin. I sobbed. I already expected it but when I got to that chapter of the book I started sobbing uncontrolllably. Aelin would be so proud of Lidia for working to bring the Asteri down by any means necessary and protecting who she loves and cares for so deeply.
Sprites. No explanation needed.
I really liked Flynn this book!!! I saw a side of him that I did not get to see much of in HOEAB or HOSAB. Flynn was really considerate, protective, and remained mindful of circumstances and adapted to them.
Dec deserves several awards for his hacking skills.
Hunt's Daddies lol what a fascinating concept of Hunt also essentially being "Made" and coming from Hel
JESIBA 😭 Jesiba and her love for Bryce and her respect and just - I cried so much because Jesiba always knew what Bryce needed. She was tough love and really kept Bryce moving forward after Danika died. So for Jesiba to step up and finally be at peace while also saving Bryce was so emotional to me.
Ruhn and Lidia finally having that beer together.
Baxian in a panic cuz flying horses lol
Bryce getting to see her real life JJ - I would also be thrilled to see flying horses.
What I Did Not Enjoy:
Tharion's entire storyline irritated me. I'm sorry to Tharion fans but I just could not find it in myself to connect to his storyline in this book. His inability to make a decision and face the consequences had me grinding my teeth especially if his actions put other people in danger.
Bryce vs Nesta and Azriel. While I love all three of these characters, I did not love all of them together when it became very apparent nothing good was coming from their meeting. Both sides were valid in not fully trusting one another but it really felt as though Bryce was written as the excuse to expose Az and Nesta to new information. Like it all felt very strange.
Ithan and Sigrid. Why introduce Sigrid at all only for her to be killed so quickly??? She was built up to be this key role that would change everything for the wolf shifters but ends up dead by the end of Part 1. Also Ithan didn't truly have a well rounded character arc to me. It was very much: Ithan makes poorly thought out choice. Ithan doesn't like the outcome. Ithan feels heavy guilt. Ithan tries to fix it. Ithan makes a larger mess. Ithan makes poorly thought out choice - like it was the same loop until somehow he is the new Prime ????? How is he going to make wise choices and assert leadership over an entire pack when he can't even do so for himself.
Bryce dismissing Hunt's trauma. I understand a lot was going on and she needed him focused but like Hunt, Baxian and Ruhn were put through a lot of pain. The physical torture was brutal. The mental exhaustion of trying not to let your mind shatter from such torment had to be hard. Trying to keep your emotions from getting the best of you. And yet Bryce wanted him to just move on and do what she needed asap. She could have at least told him that she knows he is hurting and she wants to provide her support and proper attention when they are in the right circumstances that she can offer it. When they aren't being chased down or fighting enemies or surrounded by their friends.
Everyone moving on way too quickly from Hunt, Baxian and Ruhn being in those dungeons. They siffered a lot and everyone moved on so fast as if they weren't carrying some heavy shit on their shoulders and in their thoughts.
Characters thinking about sex so often amongst all the stress, battle, and life altering decision making. Like ? We are in a very important part of this journey. A huge battle is on the rise and lives are at risks and somehow all of you are thinking this much about being with your partners? That is so unrealistic. There is a time and place for that type of intimacy and connection with your special person and SJM wrote those moments in the strangest circumstances and places that it became annoying.
Bryce and her attitude toward the Fae. I was very disappointed im the way Bryce generalized all of the Fae and was considering not doing anything for them after defeating the Asteri. It took away from some of her potential character growth and as much as she hates the Fae she is half Fae herself and there are others like her who need someone in their corner. Her whole conversation with Flynn's sister where she goes on and on about how awful Fae are and they don't deserve to be united really turned me off. I know Bryce had terrible experiences but to generalize everyone because of those experiences and consider doing nothing when she could start the chain reaction toward positive change for the Fae who want to do better and be better was a turn off. I found myself not liking her a lot through the story which is sad cuz I liked Bryce in the previous 2 books so much but in HOFAS she kept disappointing me with some of her thoughts and emotions. It was like she was stunting her own character growth.
Lidia having kids. Why? Why does everyone need children? I don't say that hatefully either! Personally, I love children and I also support anyone's choice to have kids or not to have kids. However, there was no real reason to throw in twins to Lidia's storyline. I don't see how that progresses the plot and it almost felt like writing that she is a mother is a security blanket to make others feel more comfortable with the choices she made when she was The Hind. I'll be so honest, if Lidia just flat out admitted she always intended to be a double agent or she just realized how bad the system was I would have accepted that. Having this plot twist of having twins had me tilting my head.
Did anyone else feel like Lidia became more withdrawn and started leaning into stereotypical traits? Am I the only one who felt like her character in HOFAS was vastly different than how we saw her as Daybright in HOSAB?
Autumn King. I didn't need him to have redemption but it is strange to have scattered a few hints in HOEAB and in HOSAB and even in HOFAS that perhaps the Autumn King cared about his kids at some level and that he had some regrets with Bryce and Ember only for him to be the absolute worst. Personally, just keep him a consistent villian. I already didn't like him for how he abused Ruhn and Bryce, but there were small moments where SJM had me thinking: ... maybe this is an act? Maybe he cares and thinks he is preparing them for the way they may be treated by enemies in the only way he knows how? No! Nope! He was just as awful as I initially thought.
Tharion's marriage. Sooooooo out of nowhere. I couldn't even root for them because the whole time I was thinking about how Tharion had the River Queen, Ocean Queen and Viper Queen all wanting his ass handed to them on a silver tray, fins and all. Like ??? And you just married this girl without considering your enemies might hear the news and snatch her up as a way to play on your guilt, hero complex, and impulse. Like I'll root for this couple when Tharion is less foolish.
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autisticelation · 10 months ago
[jade kit leaks mention]
i’ve seen a twitter thread about this and REALLY had to chime in because i have quite a few thoughts.
jade having a whip in her animations as a weapon haven’t sit right with me since the beginning, mainly because this imagery is VERY straightforward if not in a nsfw context. jade as an ipc worker on a high position having a whip and using it on people is questionable at best, not to mention how in the 2.1 quest she says to aventurine that a slave should obey their master, making it clear what her views are if shes not putting on a mask.
heres where my thoughts start.
both topaz and aventurines backstories shaped them into what they are now, yelena advocating for ipc’s colonization of belobog due to her being quite literally groomed by the ipc, while kakavashas entire arc literally circulates about his past experiences. what if jade is similiar? jade could also be a slave? her words couldve been mocking, while her use of a whip and general demeanor could be coping mechanisms she uses, wanting to prove herself shes as good as her masters were. aventurine hated his master, perhaps jade wants to become like them?
ive also heard that jade hides her "evil personality" behind a good one, but perhaps the evil persona is also just a mask? it would be really interesting if she was just hiding her fears and anxietes behind false dominance, perhaps even obsesiveness or need of control?
of course, no matter the case shes not a "good" character, her backstory may explain her demeanor but wont excuse it, its a similiar case to topaz. all the stonehearts are propably victims to the ipc, which doesnt mean theyre good people. no amount of capitalistic brainwashing will excuse the harm theyve done to people, because im assuming they all did in one way or another. however, i just want to see jade have multiple layers to her as all of the ipc writing so far is perhaps one of the best in the game.
sadly, we’ll see jade being reduced to hot mommy, or a plain racist no matter what her story is.
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cuntystories · 4 months ago
CHAP (3) The clinic
The 'delusions' have only gotten worse with time, but i've slowly grown used to them. They don't bother me as much as before, I guess the prescribed meds have been working. I still feel eyes on me, so I'm still not completely convinced I'm 'delusional'.
I visited my therapist a few times after that, but I didn't think we got along very well, so I decided to switch to a new therapist, but since I had been sent to a therapist by the police's note from the start, I had to get their permission to find someone else. suprisingly, the process wasn't even that difficult. They seemed to approve my application quite fast and without a problem. It was a little weird, but I didn't pay much attention to it.
All I could hear was a silent click from the door opening, followed by faint footsteps. With that, my sleep slipped from my grasp and I was brought back to my consciousness. As the bright lights turned on, I laid still in my bed, shielding my eyes from the glow.
"Good morning, elvis, I hope you've been well rested. I'm Dr.Mattias," said the doctor adjusting his mask. "We hope you've been adjusting well to our accommodation," he said sternly.
I lifted my head, meeting his gaze. "Oh..uhm..I'm still feeling a little bit overwhelmed, maybe confused.. I'm not sure what to think of this place yet."
"..That's alright, there's no rush," he comforted," but I will soon be replaced by your attendor, as he will help to make you feel a little bit more at home. Do you wish to discuss or ask me anything in the meantime," he questioned as the stern tone coated his tongue once again.
"Oh..well...would it be alright if I had some alone time instead," I questioned as I felt nervous over his authority.
"That is perfectly fine," he nodded," I will be taking my leave then." Mattias closed the door behind him as I succumbed to my thoughts.
I had gotten along with my new therapist quite well, so I didn't really mind his somewhat annoying suggestions. But I was still baffled and frustrated, when he proposed that going to a clinic for a little while, for my 'delusions', might be good for me. At that time all I felt, was that I was betrayed, as if he, too, thought i was 'crazy,' but overtime, the idea didn't sound as bad as I had thought. At first, I was even under the impression, that he just wanted to get rid of me, that his time was more valuable. However he revealed that he was a group therapist at the building I would be checked into, if I agreed. He happily explained that there would also be daily group sessions with other people 'like me'. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I felt like giving it a chance after hearing that my therapist could pull some strings for me, as I could get myself something similiar to an attendant, or an escort as they call them, to help me settle in. A few other patients have them aswell to ensure everyone's safety.
I rolled over in my bed for a few last times, feeling the rough material of the mattress, before slipping out from under the blanket. My back ached as I stretched my body, using the last few minutes of alone time to take in my new room's details. The room was boring, the walls being entirely painted in cream-color, as the furniture was very minimalistic, having only a simple bed with a door to the right, leading to the bathroom, without having any added details to observe. Just as I was finishing up, I heard the door crack open with my attendant finally making his grand entrance.
I took in his features, he was average in height, but perfect for my 3'6 self. He had a buzz-cut with light blonde hair that complimented his slightly tan skin. His eyes weren't that interesting though. He had simple green eyes that had a hint of warmth to them as he smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "Good morning, Elvis, that's your name... right," he questioned, laughing akwardly to ease the tension. That's what i liked the most about him— his smile. It was inviting, the way his cheeks slightly plumped up, decorated by freckles.
"Ah...yeah, that's me." He sighed of relief. "Aren't you supposed to know the names of your patients," i chuckled slightly to cover my seriousness of the question. If he isn't sure of even my name, how could he make me feel safe around here?
"That is true. I just wanted to make sure. I'm not that experienced yet, as you're one of my first patients." His smile didn't waver at all, confidently staying the same, although his cheeks flushed light pink from the tense conversation. "Atleast now that I know your name, I should let you know that I'm the one who's going to help you around here.... I think the role was called an escort, if you're more familiar with that term. Oh, and also, you can call me Hugo," he finally added as I made my bed— paying little attention to his last words.
"I'll.. try to remember it, Huge."
"Oh..well that's one way to start off! I wonder if I should be offended," he joked, waiting for my response. "By the way," he interrupted," are you cool with jokes, are you someone who doesn't take them seriously? ...A few patients of mine haven't had the best reaction to them...," he said while remembering the last time he made a joke to his patient, which ended in him sitting at the infirmary, holding a cold ice pack to his black eye. "I don't really mind."
"Ah, that's great! In that case, I think we're going to get along very we-," his words trailed off, unfinished, as an announcement echoed through the building. He paused for a minute, before opening his mouth again,"That's the breakfast announcement. It goes off every morning at exactly 9am. I recommend to start your day early. That way you won't have to stand in the cafeteria line, but you'll also have the best food pick."
"Oh.. thank you..uhm, I suppose we should get going then," I proposed shyly as I was still not used to being around someone as obnoxius as him. "Right behind you." I stood up and made my way to him as I suddently felt an aching, sharp discomfort in my right leg, before stumbling to the ground. "Easy with that," he said hurriedly squatting down beside me. "I doubt that you remember, but you had accidentally overdosed on your prescribed medicine yesterday that resulted in you falling over in a weird position, breaking your leg slightly."
"What.. how..huh?? How can I not remember such thing," I gasped suprised. "Well you did surpass the healthy dose by quite alot, so I would be more shocked if you did remember," he explained, as if it was merely an everyday mistake. I felt angry. Not because I was offended by him, but because I was dissapointed in myself. How could I have made such a big mistake?
"But don't blame yourself. It's the doctors' fault as they didn't prepare the right dosage ready for you," he chewed the last words, focused on the injury. "Can you still walk, or do we need to get you checked out later," he questioned before positioning my hand over his frame as he pulled me up from the ground. Trying to help me regain my balance. I tried brushing the pain off, but my obviously embarrassing limp made me blush. "I think that answers my question," he said leading me out of the room.
The hallway was long and narrow, coated in white-colored walls that swallowed the harsh light shining overhead, making the atmosphere feel unwelcoming with the soft announcement's echoing filling the quiet space every now and then. The feeling of emptyness made me feel uneasy as I tried blocking out Hugo, who was constantly talking his ears off, as I kept nodding along to whatever he was saying. Instead paying attention to the floor plan that interested me by how many turns there were, accompanied by the unserious amounts of doors left to right. The feeling of constant turning made me already feel dizzy which finally came to a stop, after a long way, as we stood infront of a door. Hugo reached into his pockets, taking his time, before pulling out a keycard that allowed him to open the doors, revealing the busy but unexpectedly quiet cafeteria with a few rare mutters breaking the silence.
"Glad we finally made it, are you gonna be alright on your own," he asked, momentarily quieting down to scan around the room, searching for an empty table that he nudged me towards as I answered him. "I'll be right back, I'll get you some food," Hugo said as he took his leave, footsteps quieting down in the distance as his figure dissapeared into the queue.
The food line was short, as people had just started gathering to breakfast. It started with two—then three— and now there were already a dozen people. I felt a little nervous, but the atmosphere switch from the hallway to the cafeteria made me relax. It calmed me— the surroundings reminded me of my room, the same-colored walls, having a soothing effect, with the same simple furniture structure. Rows of round tables, with matching chairs, filling the area, while the large windows shined through natural soft glow that helped make the room feel less cramped. As the time went on, I noticed that people stopped coming, as only a few additional people had joined the cafeteria, after the original dozen I took notice of, but none with attendants.
It didn't take long before I saw Hugo return, carrying a tray and placing it infront of me. "I took a little of everything since I wasn't sure what'd you like," he said. On the tray was indeed many picks of different foods, offering atleast something to satisfy anyone's tastebuds. I thanked him as I glanced over the food, unsure of what to try first. I lifted my fork, picking up the food I'm most familiar with— "Mashed potatoes? That's a classic one," he said, giving me a thumbs up in appoval. "I'll leave you here to eat, then. I have some quick errands to run, they won't take long," he said as he stood up from the chair, ready to leave, before sitting back down. "I forgot to tell you something," he smiled as he took my hand in his, pointing at my wrist. "You see this mark? It's similiar to an alarm, in a way. We're connected, so if you press down on your wrist right here," he demonstrated. The motion made both of our wrists twitch identically, following the same rythm. He explained that it's used as a communication device of some sort. "If either of us presses it, the other will know they're needed," he added.
"Don't go anywhere," Hugo finally said before making his exit, leaving me on my own. I watched the doors close behind him, his words repeating in my head as I stared down at my half-eaten meal. As if I had anywhere to go, I thought, taking another bite of the food, which now tasted bland and unappetizing without the distraction of conversation. I couldn't go anywhere even if I needed to, atleast not without a keycard.
Just as I was zoning out, half-gazingly poking at my food, the presence of someone brought me back to reality. I hadn't paid any attention to my surroundings, as I was lost in thoughts, the sudden shadow over the table made me jump in my seat.
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shvdwscng · 9 months ago
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"lemon  cakes  are  quite  appealing,  so  yes."  he  tosses  in  like,  though  the  commander  of  the  winter  court  did  not  so  much  as  allow  a  smile  to  slip  in  his  jest.  alistair  fully  believed  it  took  a  special  sort  of  discipline  to  remain  as  straight-faced  as  vyros  was  able  to.  while  alistair  could  do  so  when  the  situations  called  for  it,  it  was  as  natural  for  him  to  express  certain  emotions.  it  also  was  due  to  the  fact  that  he  played  the  role  of  a  charismatic  commander  for  very  long,  but  particularly  he  was  having  to  here  while  at  the  capital,  for  one  reason  or  another.  "i  also  sense  that's  the  impression  they  want  to  give,  but  who  knows,  they  don't  inspire  much  faith."  and  alistair  doubted  their  magic  could  be  compared  to  that  of  the  other  courts,  it  was  useful  certainly,  but  not  nearly  effective  as  the  solars  or  the  seasons.  "right  there  with  you  as  a  solar  court,  our  festivities  are  quite  particular  for  day,  but  I  do  not  believe  most  of  care  to  walk  around  with  a  tedious  mask.  i  did  a  bit  of  my  own  research  on  the  season  courts,  the  masks  have  a  long  history  with  the  spring  court."  his  interest  in  the  seasons  courts  made  itself  known  with  the  company  he  leaned  towards  since  arriving  here.  he'd  heard  enough  of  winter  as  well,  their  unforgiving  cold  aside,  it  was  a  different  kind  of  beauty  there.
"hmm,  how  does  your  inner  circle  feel  having  such  a  wise  commander?"  the  day  fae  couldn't  help  but  remark  with  a  faint  chuckle,  though  the  question  entirely  sincere.  alistair  knew  he  was  a  intelligent  capable  man,  but  given  how  came  onto  this  role,  one  he  took  simply  because  it  was  for  cedrian  specifically,  "i  assure  you  i  don't  spend  so  much  time  doing  so,  though  in  some  cases  it's  amusement."  being  trapped  here  certainly  did  odd  things  to  him,  though  he  did  find  many  ways  to  occupy  himself  previously,  but  as  of  late  he  worried  far  too  much  of  his  high  lord  and  this  unknown  force's  penchant  for  taking  the  high  ruler's  powers  whenever  they  attempted  to  fight  against  it.  he  looks  to  the  other  commander  with  a  similiar  expression,  "entirely,  i  envy  it  and  I  can't  be  the  first  to  tell  you  so."  it  had  benefits,  to  be  sure,  but  he  was  a  general,  one  could  not  look  as  threatening  as  he  does  so  easily,  other  than  the  high  rulers.  "in  our  line  of  work,  we  need  to  be  -  there  is  a  reason  our  high  rulers  trust  us.  if  we  did  not  trust  ourselves,  we'd  be  no  good  to  them."  it  would  be  as  easy  to  lose  oneself  in  the  roles  they  played  daily,  more  so  with  alistair  who  switched  to  fierce  commander  and  then  to  the  charming  day  lord  as  easily.  there  were  rare  days  where  he  truly  felt  as  if  he  were  fighting  two  parts  of  him  until  he  reminds  himself  they  both  existed,  one  dormant  until  he  was  required  to  step  into  that  role.
❝𝔦𝔤𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔯 𝔩𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫 𝔠𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔰? ❞ he jests, though his visage does not crease in a mischievous grin; his brows remain lowered, knit together as he scans the room. ❝ they are right to feel they are being watched if i am in attendance — and the royal guard has not been relieved of their duties, as you see. they will stand sentinel the whole night, watching, indexing, profiling. but they may as well be furnishings for all of the attention and respect they are given. ❞ earlier, vyros had witnessed one fae hand off her flute and a plate of nibbled cake to one such guard so that she could go dance, as dismissive as if the guardian were just a servant. it was an insult that he could never abide in his own court. ❝ despite understanding the reason for the custom, i will always find it a strange one — then again, it is not for me to understand as a fae of the winter court. ❞
this blooming celebration in honor of the spring solstice does not resonate within him the way it does others; he finds the colors garish, the music too quick-paced and even silly, and the regalia more like a costume — his opinion means nothing, however, so he keeps it to himself. he imagines those who might visit the winter court during the winter solstice would find it all too stark, bitter, haunting, more like a funeral than a celebration. not being from the winter court, they could not understand the necessity of death, of winter, and of reflective grief before the rebirth that follows in spring. winter is a time where energy is stored and transformed, where stillness and consideration of the past and alignment with the future is required. under the shimmering veneer of glass, a winter court fae knows the energy of death transforms itself and, without it, there would be no spring.
❝ pity is a waste of your energy, alistair, ❞ he says with a more familiar tone to reflect his sincerity. ❝ we nurse our own egos with pity for others; it does them absolutely no good. so, why torture yourself? ❞ something every warrior must learn lest he never use his blade effectively. he pauses and arches a brow, finally the suggestion of a smile ghosting across his pale lips. ❝ you think i'm 'frightening-looking'? ❞ vyros shakes his head, amused by the comment, but unwilling to change his posture and stance to appear otherwise. perhaps it's why so few have come to linger by him and speak — he's seen only one other donning garb as black as a winter's night on this most vivid an occassion. ❝ i'm glad we agree. as different as we are, we are alike in that we know who we are as men. and what a rare thing that is. ❞
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gh0stswh0re · 2 years ago
Ohhhh maybe a fic where girlfriend!reader sees ghost kill someone for the first time and she gets scared. He sees that she saw and tries to comfort her, the best scene I see this going with is where he kills a man and gets blood on his mask. Absolutely adore your work btw
first of all, thank you so much!! you are literally making me giggle in class <33
something similiar happens in only you, darling, except there's no established relationship between the reader and ghost.
also, i am not entirely sure when am i going to upload it because it's over 25k words, and is the longest piece i've ever written (besides a book i published in middle school, but that entire thing was just dumb). i don't want rush it.
but thanks for the request - i will probably write a short dribble/headcannons because that's what i am best at :))
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bluesdesk · 4 years ago
-- considers "Zelda" and "Hylia" as 2 different identities. When she has to act as Hylia (to give a serious order, to do some magic...), she moves her fringe to her left side. Also when Sky makes her angry in a discussion she is like: "remember I can be Hylia!" and  not "remember I'm Hylia"
-- she wears shorts under her dresses, she would be pretty uncomfortable without them.
-- She has a very strong personality, like a girlboss, and she's as chaotic as Tetra
-- She's Hylia, and so she must handle magic pretty well. Also Sky didn't have problems, if not more frequent nightmares and lightning scars and fear of thunderstorms... But "fear of thunderstorms" doesn't even count! However, she noticed her hair became lighter near the tips, and wavier.
-- the girly princess? No way! She grew up with Four, she's a smith too, she loves adventures and festivities. The fucsia jacket is a hoodie (she covers the hood with her cloack), she wears leggings and seakers nunder the dress, that's actually a high waisted long skirt she can remove
-- her hair is kinda orangey! Also it's pretty long
-- she's a relative of Four! In the italian version of Minish Cap she refers to Link's grandpa as "uncle Smith". This might mean Smith is her uncle, grand-uncle or greta-granduncle? Dot's mom might be Smith's younger sister for example.
-- She had a pretty simple life before MC and FS.  Dot had learnt some magic because of the whole "descendant of a goddess" thing. Not much, and she preferred to not use it. So, when she got petrified by Vaati's magic, she got the signs of it. Her hands and feet are as small as when she was 12 (MC), and her hair got way straighter than before. And when Vaati kidnapped her, she got some eye markings, like tattoos, on her arms.
-- genderfluid! But their father doesn't really support them and when they feel like a boy they just become Sheik and go in the woods or at Lon Lon!
-- They have a tanned skin and dark blonde hair
--They do want to be a mom though. Dusk is their daughter!
-- They can handle magic well, but Lullaby turned into Sheik for the first time when they were really young, and this had an impact on them. Their blue eyes became red with the Sheik mask (yeah I headcanon it as a mask!), and the repetitive use of it made their eye color turn from blue to violet even when they're "Zelda". They also got a sheikah eye symbol on their left eye, which they cover with their hair.
-- She grew up with her grandpa (Lullaby's father)
-- She has Lullaby's skin color! Also she's thin and tall
-- She  didn't attend a royal/exclusive school but went at Twi's same one so they were friends as kids. She also studied swords and archery!
-- She simply didn't recognize Twi as a wolf, she thought he had become a spirit, because she didn't know he had the triforce too!
-- When Ganondorf turned her into his puppet, her skin became pale, and she had those black scars/signs and her eyes turned yellow. Her light power kinda healed this, but she now has light brown eyes, that turn blue when she's really happy and yellow when she's angry. Her skin color changed back to normal but her lips are always more violet than normal and she still has those black scars.
-- Dusk's great-great-granddaughter! She has a similiar face, but her colors are different. Also she has chubbier legs.
--When the war started, she took the master sword and trained with it, until Impa told her she had to leave it for the next hero
-- She's been training with magic for a long time, since she can really use it perfectly, and she masters different kinds of magic. Every scar/sign she got is from the enemies' weapons, and not magic
-- She refused the whole princess/goddess thing, she just refers to herself as a scholar, researcher and adventure.
-- she loves Sheikah clothing!  She has stealth lessons with Paya
-- she tries to imitate Wild's cooking in secret, but she refuses to admit it because of the "powerful hero/ useless princess" thing
--She has also been training a lot with magic, and when she sealed herself and Calamity Ganon, her powers were awake. But being sealed for 100 years, with constant light powers on, and Calamity Ganon surely did something. The constant light made her photosensitive, and her hands are burnt, not as badly as Wild's face of course, but you can recognize they are. The usage of a newly awakened magic, for so long time and with that intensity made her unable to use magic for the next years after she came back, and if she'll ever get her magic back, it'll be only few.
-- She grew up knowing her name wad Tetra. She didn't know it was just a nickname, so for her "Zelda" is a nickname she doesn't even like. In the italian version of WW/PH, her name is Dazel. She prefers Dazel over Zelda when she has to do royal stuff.
-- even as Zelda her skin is dark and her hair is all curly
-- Wind's grandma loves her and already adopted her in her mind XD but she keeps telling her she needs warmer clothes and she also gives her lots of Wind's clothes that became too small for him
-- she has blonde freckles on her dark skin, Aryll says she's a starry night
-- chubby!!
-- She had never heard of magic before her first adventure, so you might imagine she must have taken it really badly. She has a messed up sleping schedule and she falls asleep in the strangest ways, positions, and times. One second she's arguing with you, the next moment she's asleep, even if she's on her feet, this thing can get dangerous for her so she always brings someone (mostly Wind) with her. She has scratches everywhere from her petrification too, and being petrified surely didn't help with her previous situation.
-- she loves to wear pink and sky blue together! Pink is her favorite color and sky blue represents the goddess. She's a fan of jewels too!
-- Don't touch her hair, she'd get mad!
--Legend's step sister and somehow twin! She and Legend have different mothers and the same father (the father became a king after the marriage with Fable's mom, the queen). Oddly enough, they were born the same day of the same year.
-- She knows how to use a sword but she mostly uses magic and she can kick pretty well!
-- She can use magic almost perfectly, like Artemis! However, being in a painting gave her some lighter/"discolored" spots on her skin, pretty much like vitiligo. Just few spots, as she could handle that magic well too.
-- a child. She's like 10/12. A pretty smart kid!
-- redhead, tanned skin, curly hair and lots of freckles!
-- autistic, her stims are most likely jumping and moving her arms! She loves springs and water in general, she could spend her entire days with fairies in a spring! Pretty enthusiastic about literally anything too!
-- she sees Hyrule as an older brother
-- She had negative memories about her brother, and giving the adjective "brother" to Hyrule is  like turning the page, seeing that adjective with a new meaning
--The poor kid often thinks her dreams are reality. She has problems in distinguishing vivid dreams from reality as she had been asleep for too much. On the other hand, she barely sleeps.
Phantom/Angel (Spirit Tracks!):
As the great granddaughter of Tetra, Phantom and Link should be related (One of Spirit and one of Phantom's parents must be cousins) Unless Spirit isn't the great grandson of Tetra and Wind... but maybe the great grandson of Aryll instead! This would explain why Spirit is in contact with the pirate crew but not royal, and since their first common relative is so distant (Wind and Aryll's parents) they wouldn't be considered as related and the fact they didn't know each other before would have more sense
-- She took her personality from Tetra AND Wind: her will to help and be a hero too, still being a bit sassy, and a little rebel (escaping from the castle). She's like, a perfect mix of their personalities.
-- As for her design, she has wavy hair, a slightly tanned skin (she's not dark skinned, unlike Tetra), she loves earrings and she has a lot of them!
-- She wasn't used to magic, she knew that but not too much, so being a phantom and leaving her body because of said magic had an impact on her. Her eyes were originally dark blue like Tetra, but they're now pink to purple and yellow! Her skin got lighter after ST, and so she wears makeup to seem less pale. Her eyes get irritated easily (red eyes when possessed) and she spaces out a lot, sometimes she has dissociative events
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linkspooky · 5 years ago
Can I Be a Hero?
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Shigaraki and Hawks are two children who started with the exact same dream, to become a hero only to take completely opposite paths in life. One raised from childhood to be a hero by the hero association, and the other raised by AFO to become a villain. 
These two characters are written in parallel, as intentional hero-villain foils. They’re destined to meet in canon one day and just keep barely missing one another so until then let’s explore more of their relationship under the cut.
1. The Same
First, there are several similarities in both their characters and their origins. 
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They both come from abusive households. In Hawks’ case it’s only implied but, one he lives in trash and squalor with a beer bottle in the background. The dysfucntion in Hawks’ household life from an early age is obvious, to the point where having his life uprooted by the hero commission is considered a privilege because they promised to pay for everything. 
Shigaraki came from what seemed on the surface to be a healthy household. His father was a succesful businessman, the family owned the house, even the in-laws were happily invited to live in the house. Hawks is implied to have grown up in isolation, whereas Shigaraki grew up surrounded by people. However, Tenko suffered from a quieter, and subtler more insidious form of domestic abuse where he was the scapegoated child of an otherwise “Happy home.” Tenko was treated as the problem child and made constantly to feel bad for suffering his father’s abuse like he provoked it by breaking the rules. 
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They both were born into a sort of lineage. Hawks is most likely related to the Great Theif Takami who Endeavor captured, and Shigaraki is the grandson of Nana Shimura. 
They’re both adversely affected by the circumstances they were born into. Hawks’ household was probably in that condition because his father was a villain, or his father was captured and he was living on his own. Shigaraki was targeted by AFO because he was Nana’s descendant, and Kotaro carried his feelings of Nana’s abandonment with him for life and this eventually turned him into Tenko’s abuser. 
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They both have an event that sets them on their life course.
Tenko’s quirk activates on accident killing his whole family. 
Tenko sees a truck accident and uses his quirk to save several people. 
As a result of these incidents they are “saved” from their abusive households. It’s important to notice the difference, Hawks conforms by being offered a chance at education and a better life if he decides to become a hero. However, Shigaraki destroyed the household that demanded conformity from him in the first place. He becomes outcasted as a result to the point where nobody even notices him suffering on the street. 
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They’re both saved by predatory people who take their original names away:
Takami’s name is suppressed and he’s given a hero name instead. He’s literally renamed as a hero.
Tenko is renamed with AFO’s last name. He’s literally renamed as a villain. 
On a third note they are both children who you would never look for if they went missing: Hawks was poor, Tenko was literally neglected in the middle of the street in broad daylight allowing AFO to kidnap him. 
That’s even literally brought up by All Might and Gran Torino. If they had ignored Nana’s request, and actually monitored her child Kotaro and his family then Shigaraki never would have happened. 
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They’re both defined by their quirk, to the extent that their whole lives have been defined by it. 
Shigaraki was born with a quirk suited for destruction, and this is what several characters insist that’s all he’s capable of. Shigaraki is then raised to be a symbol of fear who lusts only for destruction. 
Hawks was called a genius for his quirk, and raised as a prodigy hero. His quirk is ideally suited for saving people and he’s done so his entire life. His own wish was to become a shining light that inspires everyone the same way Endeavor inspired him. 
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This is where they start to diverge. There’s more details I could go on about with all the differences, but I’ll summarize it like this. They present themselves as literal opposites. That is, the character they show to others. Their image. Etc. 
Shigaraki is regarded by everyone he meets as a man child. He has visible scarring on his face that he hides. He’s frank and honest, and always tells everyone exactly how he’s feeling. 
Hawks’ thing is being “The Man who goes too fast.” If Shigaraki never grew up, then Hawks grew up far too fast. Hawks is deceiptful, never shows his true face even though he doesn’t wear a mask. He’s considered traditionally attractive, does modeling, and is extremely popular and well liked. 
2. But Different
If there’s one way to summarize the main difference between Hawks and Shigaraki it’s this. Shigaraki externalizes everything, every feeling, every little bit of trauma he has, instead of holding it all inside of him he pushes everything out. Hawks internalizes he has a rich inner world, but everything on the surface is vapid, it’s shallow, it’s just a performance for him. All of his trauma is inside of him, and he keeps it there. His real self is hidden somewhere in a cage deep within. 
The reason they rely on these different strategies of expression is entirely to do with how they were raised. Hawks was raised inside of the system, and was taught confromity. Shigaraki was raised outside of the system. He was taught the exact opposite, to never conform to anybody’s standards. 
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They both grew up inside of an assigned role. Shigaraki was told it was his job to destroy whatever he likes, Hawks was told it was his job to save people. However, Hawks is not a better person, or a better victim than Shigaraki. Interanlization is just as bad of a coping strategy as externalization, and just as unhealthy. They are both characters who are barely coping with a lifetime worth of the trauma as being raised as literal child soldiers and exposed to so much violence a young age they’re both desensitized and numb to it. They’re hurting all the time, but also they’re numb. 
They’re so similiar down to the fact that they both have the same internal desire. Shigaraki longs to be free from all of his trauma, and Hawks longs to be free from the weight of his responsibility, but it’s still the same longing. 
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But they are different. 
It would be easy to say that Hawks is the more selfless character because he devotes himself to saving others, whereas Shigaraki is the more selfish because he lashes out at the world from his trauma. However, there’s no such thing as a perfectly selfless person. Hawks is capable of shockingly great feats of selfishness. Shigaraki is someone who can be selfless and do things for other people. 
Hawks will go out of his way to destroy people too, just like Shigaraki.  Hawks will destroy his own friends. 
There’s a marked difference in the way Hawks and Shigaraki both treat Twice, someone who is a victim with many things in common with the both of them. Twice is someone who did not get saved and fell through the cracks like Shigaraki. Twice is someone who grew up in abject poverty and had to rely on his quirk to survive like Hawks. 
Twice is constantly more of a burden to the league than an asset. He’s the reason Magne died, because his too trusting nature had him invite someone like Chisaki without knowing the risk. A normal villain would throw Twice out for his incompetent mistake, but instead he’s comforted. 
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Shigaraki says the two of them can work together to fix his mistake. Instead of being thrown out, he’s told he’s needed. He’s asked to stay together with the league for everyone’s sake. Twice at this point is still too traumatized to use his quirk properly. Afterwards, he fails even to duplicate Chisaki’s special bullets. However, Twice has value to the league no matter what his quirk can do. He’s valued as a person. 
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He’s humanized, both by Shigaraki’s and Toga’s actions together. 
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However, Hawks reacts differently. He dehumanizes the people who need his saving the most. When he’s at his most vulnerable, Hawks corners him and rutlessly mocks him. 
Look at the opposite way they show their faces. Shigaraki shows his full face for the first time to Twice when Twice, whereas when Hawks reveals his true intentions his face is almost completely obscured. 
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Hawks dehuamnizes twice in two regards. One, he insists that Twice conform to his black and white standards. Hawks divides people into good people worthy of saving and bad people who are not. Every member of the league is a victim like Twice. However, Hawks only considers one of them a good person, and one of them is worth saving. Even when Twice says they’re all his friends, Hawks demands Twice betray all of them for the sake of himself. Of course Hawks would, Hawks doesn’t even know what it means to have friends. 
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The second way Twice is dehumanized is that Hawks only sees him as the potential damage his quirk can do. Twice is not a three dimmensional person, with reasons for what he’s doing, thoughts, and feelings. Hawks only sees him as a time bomb about to go off. This also relates how Hawks sees people in general, he always, always, always strips them down to their worth to him. Endeavor is someone he can position to be the next number one hero. Twice is someone to use to get closer to the league, and then destroy because he’s too trusting. Hawks only got close to Tokoyami because he wanted information about Class A, even though he did grow a little bit more fond of him. 
Twice makes mistakes over and over again for the league, but he’s never thrown out. Even when Twice is the reason the raid is happening, Dabi rushes as fast as he can to save him, Toga almost loses herself avenging him. Twice’s life had value. 
Except to Hawks. 
Here we strike upon the difference between them and it’s almost entirely in how they treat the people closest between them. They’ve been raised all of their lives as tools, but Shigaraki doesn’t treat other people as tools. Shigaraki accepts people and gives them shelter, Hawks throws them out. 
Shigaraki also used to be like this. He used to throw away all the recruits that AFO gave him and waste them on stunts like the UA Invasion. However, it’s something he grew past.
Which is one more difference between them. Shigaraki has this great capacity for change that Hawks has not shown us so far. They both long to be free, but Shigaraki is the only one of the two of them that actually fights against something for that freedom. 
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Shigaraki will always choose to make his own decisions, to be his own person. 
However, Hawks is given that same choice and chooses the opposite. He wants his decisions made for him. He wants to remain inside the cage because it’s safer there. 
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It’s not just that though - it also extends to how they treat other people. Shigaraki liberates those he interacts with. Twice, Himiko, Dabi, Magne, Spinner, Mr. Compress (whatever his issues are) are all given a place of belonging within the league. 
However, Hawks will take away the freedom of other people too. He does so to Twice. He possibly did so to Best Jeanist. He pushes others to conformity, believing that is what saves them because it saved him. 
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Utlimately what’s different about them is the choices they make despite their circumstances. Hawks was given a choice to be free. He’s given the oppurtunity to get better but doesn’t. Every time Shigaraki fails he learns from his lesson. Shigaraki is rising up, and Hawks is spiraling downward entirely because of the choices they made. Shigaraki has friends, Hawks has none. (Because he murdered the only real friend he did have). 
That’s not to judge on whether they’re good or bad people. It’s just the direction their arcs are taking them. Shigaraki has always been on a self improvement kick, getting better with every failure. Hawks tragically is consumed by his failures and gets worse and worse, hence why there are so many references to Icarus in his character. 
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It’s been built up for a long time now that Hawks is going to meet Shigaraki at some point. In fact his desire to meet Shigaraki is what caused the hero raid on the PLF in the first place. 
Those two are destined to meet in a Javert / Jean Valjean fashion. However, the question is what will Shigaraki do now? Hawks is someone who at least had a chance of Shigaraki sympathizing with him before because Shiga takes in all kinds of strays. However, now with Hawks chosen action to kill Twice who genuinely sympathized with him - he must have murdered off any chance of that.
Either way the two have so much in common that they have to meet. At which point Hawks’ fate will be left in Shigaraki’s hands. It’s likely even if Hawks is to be saved, it will be Shigaraki’s job to do it, because Shigaraki is the character with the most in common with him. 
Either way their meeting has been building for a long time, and when they do finally meet something will change about both of them. That’s how integral both of their parallel stories are about one another. 
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my-writings-and-musings · 4 years ago
Could you do Fort Max and First Aid for the oxygen loss?
Seriosuly loving it, angst and comfort/fluff is the best combination lmao
It is the best combination and those are two of the best boys so I am ON IT! Fort Max is in part eight listed below, but here's First Aid!
Part One: Here!
Part Two: Here!
Part Three: Here!
Part Four: Here!
Part Five: Here!
Part Six: Here!
Part Seven: Here!
Part Eight: Here!
Part Nine: Here!
Part Ten: Here!
Part Eleven: You're Here!
Part Twelve: Here!
First Aid
·Ever one for new experiences, he'd been quite enthusiastic to have a human join the crew, and perhaps it was his penchant for thoroughly appreciating every unknown he came across that had led to your fast paced courtship. The bot had simply demonstrated an almost overwhelming fascination towards you from day one, and in short time the connection between the two of you had been discovered through his efforts. Now you were nearly inseparable. Off days and breaks are always used for bonding, and today is no exception. Atop his lap as he sits comfortably, you happily listen to his enthusiastic and commentary filled reading of a Wrecker's Declassified, loving how he has the most obvious and adorable starstruck look while doing so. You could listen all day just to see his schoolboy crush play out before you.
·For him, having someone who listens and values his opinions without hesitation is enough to get his spark humming. He's rather accustomed to being passed over for bots with more experience and fame, so seeing your eyes focused on him with such rapt attention is... well, it's just nice. Finding you exceptionally adorable doesn't make it any less sweet. Being human also means a great deal of his favorite topics are new to you, so he gets to introduce you to all the wonders of the Wreckers, something that he loves every moment of. It's also not unpleasant to have your tiny body close to his, practically snuggling against him... Cuddling is something more or less new to him as well, so having it at all is yet another wonder you've brought to his life. There's a vague hope in the back of his processor that he'll be brave enough to suggest sharing a berth someday, just for a nice nap together, as he's not yet been brave enough to ask such a thing of you.
·Unfortunately, the universe has very little respect for his plans. Accustomed to interruptions as an always on call medic, he can't help but be a little frustrated when Ratchet starts comming him out of the blue, but he knows better than to show it. Something serious must be going on if their CMO needs assistance. Still in your partner's lap, you watch as he answers the communication, quite used to sudden messages like this pulling him away. It's a part of dating a medic; but nothing about this seems standard. First Aid shifts his expression to one of concern as the voice comes through the comm in broken static, though he's experienced enough to put together what little there is. A warning of failing systems gets him moving on instinct, his arms scooping you up as he moves to stand, and the instructions to head to his emergency stations is almost unnecessary when the line goes dead.
·You're surprised but not offput by the sudden change in your position, if only because being swept into his arms is... very nice. That doesn't prevent you from knowing something is off though, and thankfully he is just as aware of you as he is his responsibilities as a medic, more so of you to tell the truth... A calm visor reflects your face as he lifts you close to relay the situation. Something is wrong with the ship, he explains, and it's bad enough that Ratchet made a preemptive call for medical bots to get moving. That means he needs to get to the medical bay, and before you can ask he brings up the possibility of you coming with him. Worry is just perceptible on his face as he hesitantly expresses that having you there would be safer, and thus he'd feel better... The bashful look is so cute you momentarily forget the danger to give him a reassuring kiss on his faceplate while accepting the proposition.
·Ignoring the stars you make him see with a tiny smooch, he gets right to work, securing you in one arm and ensuring his room is locked before heading out. He can't help but feel protective as he does so, almost like your guard against the threat that feels omnipresent in every hallway. You feel the same, and he can tell by how you hold him tighter in his grasp, something that stirs his spark with almost overpowering affection. It's enough to make him certain he'd fight like a Phase Sixer to protect you... For your part, a similiar drive to keep him safe is present, despite the difference in size between you. Hopefully you help him feel a little more secure as the two of you move through the eerily quiet hallways.
·The protective instincts First Aid has honed in his career as a medic give him a half second warning that danger is inbound, but all he is able to do in that time is curl around you protectively when the world seems to shake itself asunder. Hard floors meet his back in a painful rush, and you're similiarly jostled against him, though thankfully the worst of the blow is softened by his reflexive brace for impact. Tremors continue to rock the ship once you both realize you're on the ground, but a great cacophony of noise fails to die down when the shaking does. It's not a noise you've ever heard before; though you can compare it to metal being torn, the echoing and overbearing sound is at a scale you can't even comprehend.
·First Aid, having a natural coolness under pressure, is able to collect himself even as the situation continues evolving. The alarm begins to go off as he gets himself off the floor, and he notes that had it not the entire crew would probably still be mobilizing. There was no way anybot didn't feel what he just happened to be a front row spectator towards. While being on a ship of soldiers meant backup would soon be available, he had a few concerns that just couldn't wait for the guards to be scrambled. With one path to the medical bay now inaccessible, and you being so vulnerable, he needs to get somewhere safe to plan. He holds you close as the first open room becomes a makeshift shelter.
·Still reeling from the shock of everything, you find yourself atop a table in one of the Lost Light's many maintenance rooms, watching as First Aid attaches a portable operating flashlight to his helm. Before you can ask a single question the light is covering your body as he looks you over, asking for clarification on your basic functions while checking for injuries at the same time. Only when he's satisfied you're stable does the opportunity for speech present itself. Half expecting another massive tremor to hit at any moment, you ask what on earth made the ship move and sound like it had hit a Titan sized can opener, and his visor darkens with worry. You take hold of his hand to reassure and encourage him.
·The explanation is a bit rushed, but understandable; the ship has been ambushed, no doubt the enemy is preparing to board through the makeshift docking station they just created, and enemies will soon flood in... Also, most of the ship's systems appear to be offline. It's bad enough news that you feel suddenly woozy and need to sit back on your little table. Seeing you afraid drives First Aid into action, his processor working overtime to formulate a plan that will get you to safety, though admittedly the situation is a tough one. It's only when he takes proper stock of his surroundings and notes the monitor station that an idea takes shape.
·Intent on finding a clear path, he lays out his plan as he starts typing, explaining his thought process as he hacks into the virus addled program to get what he needs. Though you find solace in his confidence, the surprise from before is still wearing you down. Exhaustion seems to be the only thing you can truly comprehend... First Aid breaks through the enemy programs holding information back, but his victory proves short lived when the many systems start showing their current status, and his triumph turns to horror at one in particular. Critical to your survival, the atmospheric generators are among the malfunctioning systems. Oxygen levels are dropping by the minute. Without a word, he turns on the spot and begins looking you over again, earning a cry of surprise as he scoops you up.
·Alarmed and confused, you haven't a clue what might have spurred the usually in control bot to act so rashly, and have to sputter out the question when your clouded head fails to settle. Something like an explanation pours out of him, but there's very little you understand due to an increasingly sluggish mind. The growing exhaustion alarms him further. There's precious little time before you reach critical levels of oxygen deprivation, and the hypoxia has already rid you of the ability to process the situation... An ache in his spark is joined by one in his head as he tries to formulate a plan, and when he is left with only a long shot, he's forced to take it for your sake. There's a shake in his hands as he cannibalizes the room for parts, throwing together a makeshift air scrubber that will generate just enough breathable oxygen to get you to the medical bay. You smile as you watch him make it, suddenly too tired to stay awake but wanting to watch him craft, if only because his ingenuity is one of your favorite traits. The pleasant haze is still there even as he lifts you again to bring a makeshift oxygen mask to your face and begin running.
·All he can really do is hope, but there's precious little optimism in his spark as he makes the journey to the medical bay in a blind run, not running into enemies by sheer luck. The countless mistakes he's made so far are all that exist beyond your terrifyingly expressionless face. It's distracting enough that he's surprised when the team of Autobots appears from nowhere, particularly as Ratchet is amongst them, but before the CMO can say a word First Aid is pleading with the more experienced medic for help. He feels like a student on their first bad rotation in a hospital ward, facing the possibility of death for the first time, only a million times more agonized because you're on the line. The older bot is mercifully understanding as he gently takes you and guides him back to the medical bay, where he enters a fog and settles in to his job without conscious thought. He sees everything; Ratchet stabilizes you with proper equipment, wounded bots start to come in with news the battle is over, the systems maintaining the ship all come completely online... None of it registers.
·All he can think of is how he failed. The machine he built could have been more effective, he should have predicted oxygen issues from the start, and had he not been distracting you with his foolish interests to begin with... It physically hurts, but he doesn't allow himself even a moment of reprieve from the self admonishment, and dedicates himself entirely to your wellbeing. Every tiny facet of your recovery is microanalyzed, down to the thousandth of a percent. He won't risk losing you to more of his mistakes. It's bad enough that he doesn't permit joy to show on his face when you finally begin to stir, not even cracking a smile when your beautiful eyes finally blink open and you look into his visor. Your own expression, however, immediately shifts to one of exhausted but emphatic relief. Seeing the bot you love alive after the chaos you remember enduring is more than you could have asked for.
·He can't help but be incredibly gentle as he asks how you feel, his affection too strong to ever suppress in its entirety. But you can see the struggle in his actions, having become so accustomed to his presence that the out of character reservation is as obvious to you as a fireworks display, so you quickly ask if he's okay after everything that happened. The innocent question actually makes him flinch. Not a moment later he breaks and loses the calm air of a medic, collapsing into a nearby chair to confess that your injuries are his fault, caused by a myriad of failures he can't reconcile. Head in his hands, he's caught off guard when you make an effort to move from your little bundle of blankets and tubes keeping you stable.
·Before he can say a word to stop you, he is silenced by a little hand taking hold of his digit, and though the mask is firmly fitted you still speak loud and clear enough for him to hear the firmness in your voice. As lovingly as you can, you insist that he stop what he's doing. Loving him is worth any risk, but because he's as resourceful and brilliant as he is, you had made it through a situation most wouldn't have survived. The rest of the universe may not always see his worth, but you do every time you see him. Growing dizzy from the force of your conviction, you're gently shushed and encouraged to lie back, yet to your exhausted delight First Aid appears anything but pained as he works. Adjusting your blankets and tenderly ensuring your comfort, he doesn't need to say thank you through anything but his actions. As always, you've brought him back down from that exhausting despair he grappled with so often in the past. After all, he must be capable indeed to have earned the love of someone so wonderful and unique. The least he can do is show his gratitude in a gentle brush of his thumb over your palm as you drift back to sleep.
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urcharactersclasspect · 3 years ago
I have a duo of friends, one of them is Knight of Void (Derse Dreamer) and the other is Witch of Light (Prospit Dreamer) and I have a hard time giving them personality, interest, etc. That would fit this character's classpect.
Then somethings to take into account. That godtiers do not actually describe nor any interpretations exacts for personalities, as aspects of each classpect wi be greatly similiar and provide a archal type of a person they will not actually give you a full scope of a personality alone. Thats for the combination of other details and factors being at play to decide.
But with that out of the way.
Certain interests might vary depending on if this duo is Trolls or Humans. I kind of cant help in this department TOO much. Common interests Ive noticed for void players is some form of niche creation, not just robots and gadgets like the zahhaks bit also welding, pottery, etc. For light players- just about anything intellectual like history or sciences or about stories or fictional fantasy.
Dersites are more prone to rebellion and darker natures as people. This does not mean they are drawn toward amorality, but rather they might be likely for morbid senses of humor, they might be more confrontal about their distaste for things in their lives. More often actively dissatisfied with their living situations, how people around them are, they are most likely to be bitter people. (This isnt a roast, i swear, im personally a dersite- i just agree with Hussies canonical explaination on Extended Zodiac). They also tend to have messy living spaces and be scattered types. Many seem to make Derse the Active Dream Moon.
Prospitians are kind of the opposite. They might complain, but theres more times than not no bitterness to them in the same way as a dersite. Theres no desire to punch back as hard towards the status quo or in their lives, theyd much rather flow with it instsad of rebelling. They are the types to pretty much work along side the system they are inside of in order to get what they want, or they will simply accept their positions in life and use it to their advantage or loosely fight it in a far more passive manner, most commonly. They are also far more structured and organized. Aka. Prospit is the Passive Dream Moon.
This will NOT actually tell you much of anything for a whole ass character or persons entire personality, however. Which is a misconception I think is popular of the moons inside the fandom. These are just base structures for how a person is, a persons internal psychological skeleton, if you will. Of whichever direction ypu want tp take the arguement of being an Active and aggressive person or a Passive and very lowkey person. Are they more prone to accepting and flowing with things naturally overall? Or they the types to not be accepting of what they are given and are they more prone to completely lashing out at things internally and externally?
Some other notes to keep in mind are, Knights always "Mask" who they are like a personal sheild. Latula with her Radical girl facade, Dave with his Cool Guy shtick and even to an extent Karkats irritability is entirely him puffing up his chest for safety and for insecurity reasons like the other two are. Knights in terms of personalities, are insecure or afraid in some manner and they hide that fact behind fake personas or attitudes towards others.
Witches are usually chaotic people inherently and "break the rules of their aspect" whichever aspect that might be, they are often manipulators within sessions for better or for worse (Jade Harley AND Feferi Peixes are both big examples of what I mean, but Damara seems to fit too). However, they have their place. They will almost always invert into their opposite equalivent which is often useful through the beginnings of sessions, and they are definitely that one person or team mate that can do the most damage to others the minute they feel wronged or if they just wanted to.
Void players tend to be secretive and adverse to having a bunch of the spotlight in conversations and tend to hold back on a lot of things thinking lowly of themselves or of others to a point of deep skepticism of circumstances. Light players tend to be the exact opposite, even if anxiety being at play they tend to be the types to crave attention or relevancy in the things around them even to their own detriments and can be self destructive as a result.
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the-far-bright-center · 2 years ago
Agree with this, but I had to do a double take because.... you mean to tell me there are people who actually think Padme is in her 20s in TPM??? WHAT??? 😭😭😭 First of all, TPM takes place ten years prior to AotC. Does AotC Padme look like she's in her 30s? Secondly, even if someone has never read a single novelization or is new to the fandom or something, surely they are aware that Queen Amidala is a teenage girl?? Isn't this pop culture knowledge? There's an entire iconic parody song that was written to go along with the release of The Phantom Menace in 1999, aka...'The Saga Begins' by Weird Al Yankovic, and it very clearly states Anakin and Padme's ages in it. The lyrics literally say 'she's fourteen'. I'm gobsmacked that anyone calling themselves a Star Wars fan would not know this information. But then again.... it's tumblr we're talking about, so... 💀
Going back to the topic itself, I think it's important to point out that 'Queen Amidala' as she is presented in TPM is, in fact, largely a facade. She's the front that Padme puts on to display to the world, but that's not who she truly is. Yes, Padme is a leader and cares about her planet, but the Queen persona is purposefully theatrical in part because a) it's part of the Royal Naboo tradition to don elaborate costumes, and b) because keeping an air of mystery about herself allows her engage in subterfuge and helps keep her enemies guessing and underestimating her. Much has been made about the parallels between Palpatine and Padme (they both have double identities and use decoys, along with many other things), but there's also a deliberate parallel between 'Queen Amidala' and 'Darth Vader'. Neither is their true identity deep down. Their faces are obscured behind makeup and mask. And Queen Amidala's voice is even altered to sound different than her real voice, just like Vader's. It's therefore significant that when Anakin first meets Padme she is acting as herself. She even goes by her own true name. It's very important that Little Ani is instantly struck by Padme, rather than 'the Queen'. He loves her 'True Self', from the start.
And then we get to AotC—by that point Padme had actually wanted to retire from the public eye so she could finally live her own life (and start her own family!), but she agreed to stay in politics because her successor, Queen Jamilia, asked her to. Hence why, when she meets Anakin, someone who is *also* deeply longing for love, family, and something 'more' than his current lot in life, everything falls into place.
People place so much importance on Padme's political career, and yet she herself is not truly satisfied with that being her sole focus in life. Padme wants a family, and that's one of the many reasons she and Anakin are so perfect for each other. Yes, perfect. I do not view them as some kind of 'toxic' couple like most of of fandom does. They have many strong similiarities as well as differences, and yet even their ideological differences are meant to balance each other out. On a symbolic level they are a Union of (complementary) Opposites, representing two aspects of galactic rule that are meant to be in balance. They have immense potential for being truly happy, and their only 'problem' is being doomed by the narrative.
Lmao people are like "Padme wasn't true to her convictions" because she chose Anakin over everything else, but they fail to understand that sometimes in the middle of AOTC, her priority became having a life with Anakin. Y'all want TPM Padme because you wanted her to be someone who only cares about her work, but her character grew past that and you missed it because you were too busy ignoring the fact that she loves Anakin and clinging to the idea of a stereotypical "strong woman who doesn't love" Padme.
Also y'all missed in AOTC when they say explicitly that Padme didn't have a childhood and it was messed up for her to be put in charge of an entire world when she was only 14. People are still like "Padme was 20 in TPM she was so mature!!!" Nah, she was 14. She was literally a child. And you're ignoring hard that having a family and being in love is something that Padme wanted for a long time (even though she basically says that in AOTC) but she felt it was selfish to do things that only benefited her. I can't help it if you guys want to ignore all the character development she got in AOTC, but don't spread lies about Padme not being true to her convictions. You're just revealing you don't understand Padme as a character and that you hate Padme.
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