#these illness systems need tweaking!
en8y · 6 months
btw i probably won't be adding any more role systems to my to-do list unless they follow the original template; where the top three+middle stripes are the system itself, while the fourth+bottom four are for subsets. ill keep using the ones ive been doing but i won't be changing new ones anymore
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serejae · 3 months
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WHAT ! - matthew bf thoughts for my menda😇
WHEN ! - (warnings) fluff, kissing, petnames
WHO ! - i get you. ill be completely new to a group but THATTTTT one is my man. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOY MENDA BOOKIE SNOOKS😇
! - dating matthew is like a breath of fresh air, he isnt too distanct nor suffocating
! - i think thats mainly based on the fact that he took time to study and know you before he asked you out. by the time it was your 1 month he already (been) knew the temperature you like certain drinks, how much milk is too much in your cereal, and if we wanna be normal, when you need space
! - i feel like the trope that most resonates with matthew to me, is bestfriends brother. him and his sister have such a cute bond that i feel like he’ll recognize some of his sisters friend, but when it was you it was different. he couldnt pull himself away, his sister quickly caught on and realized what he was up to (before helping you both out)
! - matthews favorite parts of his day is definitely the morning and nights time. how he’ll wake up with you in his arms taking some time to admire you before carefully sneaking off and getting ready for the gym. he’ll wait for the clock to go off at a certain time that he memorized to start making your breakfast and drink, cause by the time you get ready and freshen up it’ll be the perfect temperature
! - speaking of gym, i see some people describe matthew as friendly, in which yes he is BUT HE DOESNT HAVE EYES ON ANYOJE BUT YOU. in his mind you guys already have a white fenced house with a dog and 3 kids running around. but i digress, he’ll call you and work out while talking to you because there’s nothing that gets him more pumped than you. if any other person tries to talk or hit on him he’ll act like he cant hear them through his headphones as he speaks to you
! - he loves the night time, because after a long day or you both being tired and stressed at least he knows he can come home to you and relax with you in his arms again. he loves how his day begins with you and ends with you
! - if hes away he’ll definitely buy a stuff animal that reminds him of you before the trip and take photos of it doing the most basic things “look were on a breakfast date:)” captioned to a photo of a breakfast platter with the stuff animal sitting infront of it sitting straight up (he adjusted it making sure ur postures always right)
! - his family loves you, they hear all abour you 24/7. his family knows that when matthew cherishes something he means it. mattthew has a big heart that he doesnt take for granted , he’ll try to bring you over to canada as much as he can to bring you to his family, talk about his childhood town, as well as trying his favorite childhood snacks
! - you dont have many arguments with matthew but when you do, he does get rather defensive wanting to defend himself but after a couple arguments with you he learned that being defensive wouldnt get him anywhere, so he tries to keep his composure. on those days he does slip up, he reflects why and what made you two get here. afterwards he’ll try to start a convo so you both can go back to normal and the way he missed
! - sometimes to matthew he gets tired of the basic ways of showing affection. he loves physical touch yes, but he knows you know he basically latches onto anyone he loves. so he decided to make a new system for you, and just for you. he loves you more than the words i love you, i love you isnt enough to describe his love for you so he tweaks it a little. he’ll say phrases that make your heart flutter
“i wanna be with you in every life time”
“you make me believe in love”
“you make me feel safe”
“you look like the in bloom instrumental”
! - matthew would love to indulge in your interest, could be as adventurous as rock climbing to as calming as bird watching. he never complains. if you like it , he does too
! - he loves to try new things with you. he wants his first to always be with you, if the members invite him to go to a new amusement park he’ll drag you along or go later with you because he knows he’ll constantly be in a state of mind of “yn wouldve liked that”, “i wish yn couldve seen that”
! - please. before there was rizz king matthew, the amount of tries he took on you. you were his first victim at all his flirting attempts. more of them making him look silly than 🫦🫦 but youd never tell him that. for all he knows he is your rizz king❤️
! - everything always relates back to you somehow. if someone asked him what happiness meant to him the conversation will lead back to you. if someone asked him if he knew the technique of how to make the best slime, its still gonna lead back to you
! - yeah sure you’ll have to fight jiwoong and gunwook every so often for your own boyfriend but hes worth the fight right? or at least thats what he constantly tells you 🤨
! - when matthew loves you you know he does, not because he tells you all the time but its the little things he does that remind you “im right here if you need anything”
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animeniac-writings · 1 year
Sickness - Sanji Vinsmoke headcanons
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Anime: One Piece
Modern AU kind of, I was sick as shit last weak and could have really used Sanji caring for me :(
You Being Sick
Overreacts (with so much care behind it).
Sanji feels extremely guilty when you're come down with an illness, sure it's inevitable for everyone, but he can't help but think it's his fault- he should have made you healthier foods, something to boost your immune system, smoothies or supplements, he should have given you his coat sooner so you didn't catch a chill- his self blame is nearly endless, until you weakly ask him for something and he immediately shoots into gear.
When you do get sick he is your faithful servant, waiting on your every request, and fretting the entire time. He hates seeing you suffer and there's really nothing he can do to ease your suffering.
Definitely makes you chicken soup, Zeff did when he got sick when he was little and told him to "Just try it, you'll get better." when he asked 'why', and later explained that's just what you give someone who's sick, that it helps.
And he did get better, and wanted to know exactly why it helped, what was so special about chicken noodle soup? "Damn old man knew what he was talking about."
Tells you this while he's making the soup, you're fast asleep on the couch all bundled up, in clear sight for if you need him.
But his nerves are frayed, and it's far too quiet, with just the sounds of his cooking and your labored breaths, so he talks to you. He fills the silence and tries to calm his nerves.
Definitely called Zeff up, even at 2 in the morning if that's when your sickness hit, and wanted the exact recipe he his soup.
Of course he could figure it out himself, or tweak a recipe for guidelines, but...the old man's recipe works best. Even if he does sound like a sentimental fool.
Hates going to the store to pick up anything you need because that's far too long of being away from you and not knowing how you are, but he also doesn't trust anyone else to go get what you need.
Will buy only the best medicine he can find and makes sure to cover all your symptoms, and that you take the next does exactly on the clock.
But also worries because it's hardly working and giving you more is also bad, frantically checks a time sheet and clock to be sure.
He tries to make you as comfortable as possible, tissues and blankets and fluffing your pillow, anything to help.
He acts like you are on your death bed. If you even say you feel like you're dying, it goes straight to his panicking. You're already back in a fitful sleep but now he's sitting at your side changing the rag on your forehead and biting his nails that what if it's worse than expected??
Humidifier on and with some tea tree oil if you can, and will apply camphor rub to your chest and back for you, and massage it onto your feet and whimpers when that seems to make you feel worse.
Very stubborn once you start feeling better and getting restless, he wants you to still keep resting, that you aren't fully recovered yet.
Hovers. Almost worse that when you were sick, so worried about you relapsing for a few weeks afterwards, even when you insist you're all better!
Even manages to decline an physical advances to 'prove you're all better', as much as it pains him.
His chest aches when you thank him for taking such good care of you.
Sanji Being Sick
Sanji doesn't really get sick often, but when he does it's bad.
Not someone who can try and fake being okay because of how quickly and hard it hits him, as soon as he gets a fever he's burning up and dizzy.
You immediately notice and carefully guide him back to bed, you press your lips to his sweaty forehead to check his temperature and he can barely mumble something to you with eyes fluttering shut.
Hardly getting sick as a kid meant he never built up a good immune system, normally he was healthy as could be but when he was sick, it was awful.
He often become delirious, his mind dredging up memories of when he was truly small and making him feel even worse.
Needs your help with everything, from lifting the mug of tea your made him to his lips to half-carrying him to the bathroom.
He would feel so guilty about it afterwards, but can't remember much of anything that happened in the thick of it once he's better.
Mumbles in his sleep a lot while he's sick, he tosses and turns and you want to wake him from whatever he's dreaming but know he's needs the rest, instead sitting beside him and petting his damp hair.
You recall him once snarking about Zeff's brusque caretaking, but that he always made warm soup when he'd get sick, even into his teens. "Not like I'd needed it, I could make it far better after all."
Zeff was surprised to get a call from you asking for an old "special chicken soup recipe" of his, but was happy to oblige, even promising not to tell Sanji about it either.
No matter how he feels about your cooking skills there's a nagging feeling that he should make a pot of soup to bring over too upon the second he hears Sanji is sick again, and has to stop himself multiple times from doing so.
He also asks for updates on how Sanji's doing.
You mostly guess Sanji's symptoms and hope there's nothing you can't see when it comes to getting him medicine, he doesn't really have the energy to tell you what's wrong but weekly complies taking whatever you give him.
Hates feeling gross though, so if it's taking too long to get better he will try going to wash up and take a bath on his own, very bad idea but you catch him and watch to make sure he's okay.
Luckily tends to sleep through most of it, but when he wakes up for a bit he just wants to be able to see you, whether that's sitting up or laying on the couch just so he can watch you with bleary eyes before falling back to sleep.
Really thinks you are his loving angel to take care of him like this, even if you don't feel like you're doing all that much.
Once his fever breaks and the worst of it is over he recovers quickly, not one to have a cough linger, and you'll wake up from where you were beside him last night to find his spot empty and the familiar sound of pans clinking as the scent of breakfast waifs in.
Calls you his angel and the greatest nurse he's ever seen once he's back in health, and cheekily adds that he would have loved if you ever wanted to wear a nurse's outfit if he gets sick again...
His words lack usual gusto or the spark in his eye as he tries to cover up how vulnerable he feels about it.
You know how truly grateful Sanji is, for everything you do, and just press and soft kiss to his head and promise to always be happy to care for him.
He can never find the words to tell you how thankful he is.
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bambiilooza · 4 months
fantasy (human) AU that has been cooking in my mind for a while :
i'm calling this the lost temple au
i'm very attached to this i'll definately make art for it but imagine an atlantis (the vibes from the disney movie) inspired human AU but it's not atlantis but rather a hidden underwater city belonging to the vegimals. they are very godly and are a feared/worshipped and they actually live under a temple in the jungle.
also elemental magic is a thing cuz it's cool.
the world isn't modern but i don't know what time period
natquik went missing on his journey to this place so barnacles (+ tracker) are on a mission to relocate him and they met tweak along the way - i haven't figured out how exactly they meet though
the ship they travel on is the MV Manitoba
kwazii's granddad also went missing in his journey to this temple and he's on a mission to find him - he meets the other three when they all wash up on the same island or smth and kwazii's boat dies
also remember the elemental magic? yea kwazii can fire bend. why cuz i think it's cool. he makes a sword out of fire or smth
(the two missing old men have found each other and are besties)
peso and shellington met at university. shellington discovered the core 5 vegimals and is wanting to return them home - and trying to cope with the fact that he has to say bye bye to his babies. peso goes with him and along the way, grows more confident as he begins to be around more people - the rest of the crew - that respect him rather than undermine him
shellingto gives me milo thatch vibes and that's the whole reason this au exists
dashi and ryla are exploring the caves near this area - i need a name for it lmao - and meet the rest of the crew when peso and barnacles get stuck in the caves system. they help them out ofc and tag along cuz friendship
peso and barnacles meet while stuck in the caves and shellydoo meets the others while peso is gone. (and the other three meet the vegimals)
min and inkling are on a lil worldwide trip (cuz they're cute like that) and they meet the others while peso and barnacles are in the magic caves. and tag along (cuz friendship)
also min can airbend cuz i want her too. she has a bamboo staff - like aang in atla for reference.
selva actually lives in the temple with the vegimals as a wild forest plant princess type character. cuz i think that makes sense and she makes sure that other ppl stay away from the temple by talking through these giant iguana statues up front and scares people away
she also has plant magic
they meet paani (he has water powers) when they're in the desert before they meet the rest of crew and he initially steals their supplies to help his elephant - mabel - who (because i'm evil) is ill and may die. but then they get it and ofc help him.
peso and shellington meet him - he find them melting in the heat and helps them out cuz he learned kindness - after the other 4 are gone and peso somehow cures mabel cuz i'm not that evil. paani helps them get to the jungle but doesn't stay with them because this guy doesn't know how to rely on others.
that's all i have for now. if anoyone has questions plz ask, that helps me with worldbuilding.
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espressosimz · 9 months
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hello hello! this is the list of all my gameplay/utility mods currently in my mods folder. my gameplay truly wouldn't be the same without all of these AMAZING creators, and i hope y'all enjoy these as much as i do!!
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these are my essential mods that i literally cannot play without, and probably use the most in any of my saves. they can be downloaded from the creator's respective websites.
1. MC Command Centre + MC Woohoo:
"The MC Command Center is a mod that adds greater control to your Sims 4 game experience and NPC story progression options." Mods created by Deaderpool
2. WickedWhims:
!! this mod and website are NSFW!! "WickedWhims is a mod for The Sims 4 that offers sexual and nudity interactivity, enhanced relationships with extended personalities and attractiveness, playable adult careers, and many more gameplay additions." Mod created by Turbodriver SFW version: WonderfulWhims
3. Basemental Drugs + Basemental Gangs:
"A collection of functional drugs for The Sims 4. The mod features custom drugs, custom animations, altered walkstyles, altered moods, altered needs, come-ups, peaks, comedowns, hangovers, addiction, rehabilitation, and loads more. Basemental is in no way promoting, encouraging or glorifying the use of drugs in real life. The harsh realities and negatives of prolonged drug use is a key feature of the mod." "Adds gangs for The Sims 4. The mod requires Basemental Drugs and the Get To Work expansion pack. Basemental Gangs features rivalries between gangs, micromanaging your own gang members, use gang members as drug runners, run your operations through your own gang headquarters, exclusive new opportunities from your right hand man and much, much more." Mods created by Basemental Mods
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these are all of the mods i use from the creator adeepindigo. the mods are split into four sections based on adeepindigo's patreon indexes: utility mods, modular gameplay mods, kids and teen mods, overhauls, and tweaks. these are all linked below.
Utility Mods:
1. General Pie Menus 2. Shared Library These mods are necessary for the majority of the mods in this section to work.
Modular Gameplay Mods:
1. Healthcare Redux "A mod which adds health care, new injuries, illnesses, pregnancy related healthcare, medical emergencies, allergies, and more." 2. Divergent Sims "A mod which adds neurodivergence and mental health conditions." !! this mod contains eating disorders !!
Kids and Teen Mods:
1. Education Overhaul "A mod which overhauls the school system in the Sims 4 adding preschool, weather related holidays and school breaks, in-school activities, detention, and more." 2. Dynamic Teen Life "A mod which adds to and enhances the teen experience, introducing popularity, social groups, more after school activities, as well as additional entertainment, social, and dating opportunities." 3. Preteen Mod "A mod which introduces a new life stage between children and teens and a new school, depending on which version is installed, Middle School or Junior High School."
Overhauls and Tweaks:
1. University Application Overhaul "This is an overhaul of the application for applying to university. It adds additional requirements, the ability to tour campuses, a graduation or Virtual Diploma requirement, as well as the ability to be rejected when applying." 2. HSY Tweaks/Modifications
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these are all of the mods i use from the creator lumpinou. they can all be downloaded from their mod index page on patreon, which is linked below. full mod descriptions can also be found on their website!
Mod Index:
1. Lumpinou's Toolbox "A script where I put various things some of my mods need. This way, only 1 script file is used across various mods." Required for the mods in this section. 2. Mood Pack "This mod is a mood bank. It doesn't 'do' things on its own, it is intended to go with other mods. It adds dozens of moods to the game, to be available for other mods to use in their moodlets, for more variety and sharper storytelling." Required for the mods in this section. 3. Relationship and Pregnancy Overhaul 4. LGBTQIA+ Mod 5. First Impressions 6. Milestone Fixes
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these are all of the mods i use from the creator ravasheen.
1. Easy Peasy Lumen Squeezy Hidden Lights:
"The ‘Easy Peasy Lumen Squeezy’ is a hidden lighting system! All the brightness with none of the obstruction."
2. ISO Love Photos – Full Control Camera:
"The ‘ISO Love Photo’ camera mod is BGC and gives you full control over in-game camera viewpoint without disturbing your sims! Sims won’t go behind the camera to take the photo which means if you are using something like Andrew’s pose player your active sim will remain in their current pose. This eliminates the need for extra photographer sims!"
3. Photographic Memory 2.0:
"The new and improved Photographic Memory 2.0 comes with over 10 new photo objects and a new photo studio hub that lets you improve existing photos and transfer images! The new transfer feature will let you put your photos on any painting or cross stitch. All items are also compatible with the Ink For Yourself Journal and come with improved descriptions and the ability to add moodlets. Make sure to remove and replace the original version!"
thank you for reading ♡
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sysboxes · 6 months
not a request but a question, we saw you had the epileptic user boxes, and we wanted to know if you had a toureettes userbox? we never saw one and didn't know if we overlooked it.
we would also like to see other disability userboxes you all have done if it's okay to ask you to show them off? /nf
ok I- ran out of spoons 😭😭 but here is a bunch
I tried to semi organize them
-mod weeping ❤️
This user has BPD, OCD, and tourettes.
This user has BPD, OCD, ASD, Tourettes, and is chronically ill.
This user has OSDD, ADHD, ASD, BPD, Tourette's, possibly dyslexia, anxiety, and a sleep disorder.
This system is autistic and has ADHD.
This user has BPD, ASPD, NPD, ADHD, ASD, Schizophrenia, APD, and OSDD.
This system has ADHD, autism, and possible personality disorders.
this system is influenced by being autistic and having adhd and many phobias.
This user has DID, NPD, BPD, ASD, and ADHD.
This system has BPD, polyfragmented DID, and autism.
This user is an autistic system who splits easily, and has a high alter count with a lot of fictives.
This system splits fictives easily due to being autistic.
this system frequently splits alters from their special interests and hyperfixations
this users special interest heavily impacts their system
This system has DID, autism, manic depression, and anxiety.
this user is autistic but their special interests have barely influenced their system.
this system is autistic and has ADHD.
This autistic system needs allistics to stop speaking on autistic issues.
this system has introjects from their childhood special interests
this system is very protective of their special interest
this system has a hard time hearing bad things about their special interest
this users special interest is their source
Multiple POTS userboxes.
This system has overlapping chronic mental illnesses.
This system has a lot of mental illness holders.
This system can’t feel pain and is willing to bite.
This system has introjects who hold pain and symptoms.
This user is a Tweek Tweak fictive so they may twitch sometimes.
This alter tics a lot while fronting.
frequent fronters depend on the systems current hyperfixation
this system constantly reblogs things related to their hyperfixations and interests
This user has a hard time telling introjects from kins from delusional attachments
This alter is an ADHD symptom holder.
This user has ADHD.
This user is an autism symptom holder
This alter is an autism symptom holder
This system is autistic.
This system is type 1 diabetic
this system is epileptic / this system is a left temporal lobe epileptic / the system is a right temporal lobe epileptic
this user has insomnia
This system has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
This system struggles with chronic fatigue.
This alter struggles with chronic fatigue.
This system struggles with chronic panic.
This alter struggles with chronic pain.
This alter struggles with chronic pain and chronic fatigue.
This system struggles with chronic pain and chronic fatigue.
This system has chronic pain and it causes them to split. / This system has chronic pain and it causes them to split. Please be patient.
This system struggles with chronic pain.
This system is chronically ill.
This system is physically disabled.
This system has a disability.
This system is disabled.
This system has an unspecified disability.
This system is a walker user. / This system uses a walker
This system is an electric scooter user. / This system uses an electric scooter.
This system is a wheelchair user. / This system uses a wheelchair.
This system uses a cane. / This system is a cane user.
This system uses a rollator. / This system is a rollator user.
This system uses a powerchair. / This system is a powerchair user.
This system has alters who need mobility aids always, sometimes, and not at all. Please ask first.
This users ability to speak fluctuates.
This alter cannot speak or type.
This user is semi verbal. / This system is semi verbal.
This user is nonverbal and upset they don’t know BSL.
This user is nonverbal and upset they don’t know ASL.
This system has difficulty talking and is doing their best to talk to people
This system struggles with hearing. Please be gentle.
This system has a hard time masking.
This system is having a hard time again.
This user is sick.
This system is quick to cry and feels a lot of emotions.
This system is tired in a way sleep can’t fix.
This system struggles with empathy, sympathy, and compassion.
This system is on the struggle bus
This system struggles to remember things and apologizes in advance
this user struggles with severe paranoia, please do not vaguepost around them
this system needs tone tags
Please be patient with this system, they’re struggling with a lot of their symptoms.
This system is easily scared
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mx-information · 1 year
These Are The Silt Verses: TSV, Media, and Narrative
Is this how you format a tumblr essay? I don’t know. Whatever. I’ve been thinking a lot about this series and you all are going to bear witness to those thoughts.
The Silt Verses, throughout its whole run, is a show that has always delighted and excited me with how intelligent it is, particularly in its approach to narrative and storytelling. These latest two episodes specifically have given me a lot to chew on and I really can’t think of anything that’s so just… smart in how it approaches stories and their sociopolitical relevance.
The Silt Verses is a story about stories, and that is eminently aware of itself as part of that (“These are The Silt Verses, and I name its disciples thus…”). We’re constantly reminded that this is a constructed narrative, and rather than treating that glibly (“Look how self-aware we are! Aren’t we so very clever?” Insert smugly assured winks towards the audience as you see fit), it instead uses that awareness to interrogate itself about what it means, where it fits into the literary landscape, and how the literary landscape in turn fits into the wider spheres of culture and politics.
The news broadcasts at the beginning of S3E3 offer one vision of narrative: as a tool of the neoliberal capitalist status quo. An endless deluge of gratingly sensible centrists (some 10 degrees to the left of center, some 50 degrees to the right, some pretending to have no inclinations at all) chattering on the radio, offering thoughtful debates and news hours and radio serials that all ultimately offer only the illusion of genuine discourse and serve one purpose: that of legitimizing the existing social order. 
Capitalist society relies on violence to uphold itself (in the world of The Silt Verses that’s the Greater Glottage Police Force, the Neshite Municipal Force, the militaries of both countries), but it also relies on a very specific narrative: that this is the way things are, and this is the way things must be. We can make minor tweaks to the system, adjust the dials, but when you peel away everything else, a god must feed, a god must be fed.
On the other hand there’s the Many Below, Paige and Hayward’s glorious revolution. This too is a cause in need of a narrative, and the lie of the Widow of Wounds serves well enough as that tool. But is it perhaps a faulty tool? That’s the question Paige and Hayward have to reckon with, because it’s a good story, but can you really build something new and better when your movement gains its power from a lie?
In a sense this is The Silt Verses, an eminently leftist series, holding the mirror up to itself and interrogating its own limitations. What can an invented story really do? The lie of the Widow, however useful, is killing Paige, it’s taking away her agency, reducing her to another heartbroken lover in the eyes of the world. It parallels Shrue’s version of the Promised Bride story in some very interesting ways, invented, crowd-pleasing widows. What does it say that those are the stories people are compelled by?
And yet, for all these questions, the best part of The Silt Verses is its continued refusal to give into easy, knee-jerk nihilism and declare snidely that nothing matters and we can’t change anything. That all the stories we tell are ultimately for nothing. Positive change is hard and unpleasant, but it’s not impossible, and there is power, for good and for ill, in a narrative. It never looks away or softens the reflection of our world it depicts, never shies away from holding itself to account and questioning its own use as a revolutionary text, but never compromises on its basic principles, its belief in the fundamental worth of people, either, never gives in to blind defeatism.
I think Paige’s budding nihilistic streak is, among many other things, a commentary on us as an audience. We’re conditioned by a thousand stories of revolutions failing or going too far or what have you to believe that unquestioningly. It’s one story with a lot of sway over our political discourse indeed. The idea of hoping for anything *beyond* the narrow confines of the neoliberal project? That’s almost sacrilege.
The Silt Verses being willing to carry that hope, through despair and bloodshed and our heroes fucking up and getting knocked down a hundred times, that’s not nothing. Being able to tell a story that is able to say “Yes, yes revolution is difficult and painful, yes we will fail at a dozen different turns, yes we will be lost and confused and we won’t know just what’s waiting on the other side. We won’t know if we’ve chosen the right path until it’s too late to turn back, and we won’t have a roadmap to tell us what to do along the way. We should do it anyways, we should at least try, because a society built on cruelty and suffering and neglect cannot be allowed to stand.” That’s a pretty radical thing.
The Silt Verses understands narrative like nothing I’ve quite seen before. A story is a limited, imperfect thing, liable to manipulation and recuperation, like the Promised Bride changed from a story of liberation into one of blind nationalism, unable to capture the full complexities of the world we live in. We have to tell them anyways, because if people can’t imagine a world beyond capitalism, if people can’t believe in that possibility, how are we ever supposed to make it real?
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tumblingxelian · 5 months
Something of a spin on "Miraculous Classroom" idea of @princess-of-the-corner fame.
Summary: When Carline helped Chloe smuggle Adrien into the school system, she also took the opportunity to... Tweak her class roster.
Only a little, just enough that she could finally have the time to focus on the students who needed more guidance, be it with work and education, illnesses or... attitude.
Unfortunately, her carefully laid plans come to naught when Marinette's cooler opens to reveal not a cake, but ten little gods intent n reclaiming their lost siblings.
& her students want to help them.
A Miraculous what if/AU, there are twelve Kwami, nine students, several early transfers and at least one responsible adult!
What If: This elements are fairly self explanatory.
Fu, rather than combat Hawk Moth directly wanted to take the Kwami to a shrine or temple somewhere outside of Paris, to find new potential students and bearers to restart the order and then deal with Hawk Moth. However thanks to happenstance and a little magic from a few impatient Kwami, the cooler he was using to hide the box got swapped with Marinette's and then she revealed them to the class on accident.
Gabriel could not have been the one to put Adrien in the school system so I can only assume Chloe did something. In this case, she collaborated with Carline, who used the situation to finally get her "Troubled Teens" class idea off the floor. Though in exchange she gets all the exchange students.
& some transfers happened earlier, Marinette low key already knows ALya & Kagami & Lila are already here. Also the reason Sabrina isn't is cos Carline felt her issues were mostly in response to Chloe and that separating them would be healthiest. She is still dedicated to helping these kids!
Alternate Universe: This has to do with world building more than anything.
Long story short, I found some of the later Kwami way over powered, or utterly useless and some of the older one's too one note. As a result I re-structured and combined different elements to make the twelve fundamental forces.
What's more they also came about in distinct eras. So Snake is technically the oldest, but its alongside Ladybug due to being a chicken & egg situation. Meanwhile Cat is "Younger" by microseconds.
Similarly, the next eras concepts also emerged at around the same time as they kind of relied on one another to exist or for an opposite, or to function.
After that however things get a bit more drawn out, with Horse predating its siblings, and Fox being elder than Peacock and Butterfly who are essentially the babies of the family.
Creation Ladybug - Creation & Good Fortune Snake - Ouroboros & Entirety/Time Cat - Destruction & Misfortune
Post Creation Tiger - Ignition & Havoc Dragon - Storm & Power Bee - Order & Subjugation
Early Life Horse - Action & Migration Turtle - Protection & Resilience Mouse - Multiplication & Duplication
Animal Eras Fox - Mirage & Materialization Peacock - Emotion & Evocation Butterfly - Transmissions & Transformation
As to why the Kwami did this, well, not all were in on it, it was mostly Sass, Trixx, Pollen & Roaar who were in on it. With Plagg endorsing once he knew while Tikki & the others are either neutral or less in favor.
Its basically a debate on doing it now or doing it the "proper" way but all have distinct motivations and some even just a general desire to have more freedom.
Here is how everyone partners up:
After the initial release, chaos and confusion, things break into several smaller factions. With Carline, a nervous & blaming herself Marinette, Sass & very irritated Tikki trying to bring order or at least sense. All while other interactions take place which people drift in and out of the conversations and exactly what is going on and why is explained and bonds are formed.
Marinette & Tikki partner cos both of them are getting stress migrains trying to understand/manage the situation and Alya's like, "Oh gosh she even gets stressed like you do, perfect match!"
Chloe gets Pollen because she slapped Plagg across the room after he mistook her jacket for cheese & was unafraid when he started going all "I am the god of destruction" on her. Such an impeccably strong will is the only one fitting for the Kwami of order & subjugation.
Adrien got Plagg by intervening to stop the fight & or murder by offering food: "Hey, uh I totally have some cheese with me, I was kind of just grabbing stuff at random in the cupboard this morning cos it was dark, so feel free to it." - Minutes later "Where do you put it all!?" - "In ma belly!!!!" So he's Plagg's fave by default.
Alya is so excited and eager to jump in and opinionated on the fact Kwami damn right deserve the chance to rescue their siblings when they want to and also can she have an interview please. That Trixx decides they like her vibes and the two start discussing mythic heroes and comic books.
Lila's boastful nature catches the attention of Kaalki who decides she would be a "suitable" bearer. Lil is already cooking up BS claims about having done vigilantism before, but living with Kaalki will be another matter.
Ways and Nino is mostly because Nino is the only one to really notice and try to check up on the turtle who seems really down about the whole situation and they share a chill vibe.
Rose & Mouse is basically them both going "Oh you are so cute" while Tiger assumes Juleka is a wild child cos of her goth aesthetic. At first she is disappointed but it turns out having a second identity lets Juleka go fuck wild so it works.
Dragon & Kagami is obvious cos family symbiology and her already having a sword & a proper manner of speaking which works with Longg's archaic manner.
Carline only end up agreeing to work with Sass because his powers can ensure the students don't die. "My power is to watch over you so you do not die."
Thus we have:
Snake - Ouroboros & Entirety/Time Carline Ladybug - Creation & Good Fortune Marinette Cat - Destruction & Misfortune Adrien Tiger - Ignition & Havoc Juleka Dragon - Storm & Power Kagami Bee - Order & Subjugation Chloe Horse - Action & Migration Lila Turtle - Protection & Resilience Nino Mouse - Multiplication & Duplication Rose Alya - Mirage & Materialization
The shifts in powers in some cases are not immense, though a few noteworthy are:
Tiger is more like creating explosions with imbalances in the universe. Mouse can multiply themself but also duplicate objects and creatures. Fox can make some illusions physical and place illusions in people's heads. Bee can sting objects and command them to obey via impose.
What's more, the powers are not one use only, strictly speaking.
What happens is that you can use lesser versions of the powers multiple times, or you can use the payload once.
So Chloe can for example sting five enemies and keep them all still for one minute at a time. Or she can sting one enemy and keep it still for five minutes. Lila can teleport herself around a great deal but portals tucker her out, ETC.
The basic sequence of events from meeting Kwami to super heroes, is mostly everyone getting just enough context. Sass conceding he should have consulted Tikki but standing by the decision to try and rescue their siblings- They are interrupted by thunderous roaring as an Akuma begins tearing up the streets of Paris.
Bustier: Class, no one and I mean no one is to try using magic, let alone revealing this or racing off into danger. Am I understood- Akuma (Attacking a few blocks away) Sass: I could literally feel that about to happen as you spoke.
The students break up into:
Team: "Has zero plan but wants to fight!" Chloe, Kagami, Adrien, Alya, Rose. They are also enabled by Lila opening a portal.
Alya: Wooh, time to be a hero, Trixx Transform moi! Chloe: I won't let anyone get ahead of me, or destroy Paris, Pollen, Transform moi! Adrien: Hey wait for me, this sounds exciting and also I don't want you to die! Kagami: A battle, heroic and wicked forces clashing? This is what I was born for! Rose: Oh no, that monster is where the hospital is, Mullo, Transform Moi!
Team: "Does not want to do this but has to" Marinette, Nino, Carline, Juleka & technically Lila as she wants to avoid danger.
Juleka: Girlfriend noooo (Trails after her) Marinette: I can't let Alya die, or Chloe try to be a hero, she'll kill us all! Nino: Ok several friends in danger now, guess I gotta do it. Lila: Well, I have a little experience in these matters, maybe I can help us all along to save my new home?
Sass: My power would allow you to better ensure their safety. Bustier: … Sass… Transfor moi. (Runs after them)
& that is basically the just of it!
Also thanks to @generalluxun for convincing me Trixx definitely belongs with Alya! Kaalki and Lila is too good a combo to pass up as well.
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ladykissingfish · 7 months
okay but what if the Akatsuki started being targeted by over-zealous nin who want to avenge the world of their evil filth or some such shit. and all of the akatsuki is on high alert to be on the lookout for possible threats. but it gets so bad and the bounties on each member gets so high that they can't even travel anymore without being in complete disguise.
and Sasori and Deidara are together but Deidara really doubts the place (if any) he holds in Sasori's heart. Sasori never makes it obvious that he truly cares about anything except his puppets.
and maybe Deidara falls ill, and Sasori is lacking the herb or whatever it is needed to get Deidara better, so he needs to go in disguise to find it. he leaves all of his puppets in this secluded house in the woods, one where he thinks noone would ever think to look, and he tells Deidara to stay there so that he'll be safe until Sasori returns.
but when Sasori returns he finds the place in chaos. fire burning out of every window and he can see through the door that his puppets are destroyed. everything. every single thing that he's spend the last decade dreaming of and building and tweaking and modifying, nothing but handfuls of ashes. the enemy knew just how to hit Sasori the hardest, and even the Mother and Father puppets are obliterated in the flames.
but Sasori isn't thinking of this at all.
he's thinking of Deidara.
he lets out an anguished scream and prepares to break into the house to get Deidara out, but before he can, Deidara crawls out of a pile of rubble, shaken but unharmed.
and he starts sobbing, he's terrified that Sasori is going to be furious with him. but Deidara was so sick and weak that it was all he could do to get to safety and hide. he didn't have the energy or the strength to stay and defend Sasori's life's work, and for this, Sasori HAS to hate him.
but Sasori's relief is so great at seeing Deidara alive that he drops to his knees, completely overwhelmed. Deidara approaches him and Sasori reaches out and pulls him into his arms. he's shaking. he shouldn't be shaking, he took out his central nervous system years ago and all bodily functions as such should not be possible for him anymore.
but, he's shaking.
he looks Deidara over carefully, he keeps asking if he's okay, and when assured that he's fine he pulls him back into his arms and refuses to let go.
because he can replace his puppets.
but Deidara?
he cannot replace Deidara.
and Deidara finally feels this.
or something like that.
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kiigan · 1 month
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Regarding Itachi's illness: (reposting & tweaking from the old blog)
ㅤNothing really ever confirmed in canon, as far as I'm aware? Kinda just called a mysterious illness/possibly a chakra illness whatever that is?? We all know it was just Kishimoto realizing he had to kill Itachi because otherwise he was gonna go toe to toe with Madara and Obito and single-handedly settle the whole mess. Thankfully for us, the fandom is filled with incredibly dedicated people and some have come to a reasonably plausible and evidence-based theory on what this illness could actually be. Disclaimer: none of this is my original work and I'm simply adapting the idea as a headcanon. Sources can be found [here].
⇾ Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA)
I'm not going to bore anybody with medical jargon, so here's the main points and what's relevant to my portrayal:
MPA is an autoimmune condition. It’s the result of blood vessel inflammation, which can damage organ systems. 
People who have MPA may feel generally ill and fatigued, have a fever, or a loss of appetite and weight. When MPA affects the lungs they may have shortness of breath or cough up of blood. 
Medications that suppress the immune system form the foundation of treatment for MPA. As such, there’s an increased risk of developing serious infections and susceptibility to other diseases.
ㅤIn general, MPA is treatable and, with adequate monitoring and care, may even achieve remission. In other cases, symptoms may fade and return recurrently. In my canon verses, because Itachi was determined to die by Sasuke's hand, he only bothered with minimal care and to keep himself alive for as long as needed (also, let's be honest, it's kinda hard to get proper meds and healthcare when you're a wandering S-ranked criminal). In my canon-divergent and modern verses, Itachi still has to do regular check-ups but he keeps an eye on his meds/treatments and, save for occasional flare-ups, he's at least mildly healthy.
ㅤNote: In my canon verses, I headcanon that Itachi occasionally smokes opium when he is in particularly severe pain from MPA. If the use of drugs for medicinal purposes (or in general!) bothers you, please let me know beforehand and I'll keep this detail out of our threads.
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This post by @forcedpalpastration​ about how the prequels’ narrative would work better if Padmé had been significantly older than Anakin has made me having thinky thoughts, and I have come up with an idea that not only features the advantages of @forcedpalpastration​’s idea, but also allows not to retcon what is established in RotJ i.e. that Leia did live a little time with her mother, albeit short. Also, no pregnancy and birth problems, so we avoid the Female Body Weird And Scary(TM) issue.
Consider this: not only Padmé is significantly older than Anakin, but by the time they reconnect when Anakin is a young man, she is ill and aware that she has only a limited number of years to live.
The thing about the prequels is that we know that Padmé is going to die. We have known for decades. We know Luke never knows her and Leia loses her when she is extremely young. There is no tension in “is Padmé going to live” because we know she is not.
So she is going to die all along. She has an illness that has no cure, even in the advanced world of Star Wars. In fact, it’s an opportunity to explore something about the Star Wars universe: we can establish that yet-incurable illnesses exist, and some are especially common among people who travel across planet systems a lot (like Padmé, a diplomat) because of the extensive exposure to certain kinds of radiation that are found is certain systems. (Or something like that. We suspend our disbelief for much more when it comes to Star Wars.)
When she reconnects with Anakin as a young man, she has both very little to lose and very much. If her reputation shatters, well, we know how politics work. It would give her political opponent too good an opportunity to slander and bring down her whole political party, including people like Bail Organa who have been working so hard and would not deserve that. So she is hesitant to jeopardize her reputation because that could mean destroying what she and the people around her have worked for for years.
But she is going to die. She knows that. She knows she has just few years to live, the doctors are sure that she won’t live more than ten. And she is starting to feel it. She is mostly healthy, her body is mostly still alright, but she is starting to feel the first symptoms incoming. She can tell she does not have a long time left.
So she eventually says fuck it and dives into an highly inappropriate affair with an attractive young man who is attracted to her. It flatters her, because while she is not an “old” woman by any means and is still beautiful despite everything, her illness makes her feel kind of wasted and undesirable, and the attraction of a younger man is a pleasant surprise for her.
And she feels like she has sacrificed so much for her career - privacy, time, a chance to make a family of her own, even her own health and life - and part of her refuses to sacrifice more. She gets an opportunity for some happiness and pleasure, and she takes it.
And then we get to Anakin. Palpatine still preys on him by promising him the power to save Padmé’s life. Padmé’s death is no longer a feeling Anakin gets, but a very real and concrete scenario that is ostensibly inevitable.
The families of terminally ill people are often vulnerable to scams from ruthless people who promise them cures that don’t exist. It’s a very human weakness, that we can relate to more than “man has magical powers that make him sense the future (but it might be his own anxiety speaking)”.
This can also allow to tweak Anakin’s story throughout the prequels, because we don’t need his visions about his mother dying to “prove” that his visions about Padmé dying are something to be taken seriously, we need to visions at all. But this is beyond the scope of this post :)
And eventually Palpatine lies to Anakin, tells him she is dead. But she is still alive, she gives birth to her children, and hides with one of them under Bail Organa’s protection, who promises her to keep her safe for the few years she has left to live, and then to take care of her daughter.
The last time we see Padmé, she is heartbroken, but alive, although her health is significantly deteriorating, and it is clear to everybody that she is going to live very little longer. She says goodbye to her baby boy, and tells her baby girl that she’s going to try to be the best mother she can for the little time they will get to spend together.
We have known all along she is going to die when Leia is very young, so we know that she is right, that she is correct in feeling that she is going to die pretty soon. We don’t see her die on screen, but we still feel for her, because she is a person who has no hope left for herself.
The babies are a small beacon of hope, but she has no hope to see them grow.
It’s a tragedy, but she is still given agency, and is not killed by giving birth or heartbreak.
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sinfulwunders · 1 year
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𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢 ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔗𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔐𝔞𝔨𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 2.0
Hey everyone, so as some of you may know, I was in the process of making a baldur's gate inspired townie save a while ago, but due to needing a mental break I never got to finish. I am once again resuming the process of making this save again (including the sims that were made for me previously last time I did this)
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢?
“Baldur’s Gate III is an upcoming role-playing video game that is being developed and published by Larian Studios. It is the third main game in the Baldur’s Gate series, itself based on the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system.“ (via wiki)
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔄𝔠𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡
The purpose of me doing this was out of pure curiosity and my love for these games
In this, I will be taking submissions (everyone accepted) for sims (occult or human) to live in this modern day Baldur’s Gate themed town where I will be sharing gameplay and poses for all the sims included 
*here is the list of races/species in baldur’s gate* 
By the end of this we will accomplish making and populating a town based on a MODERN DAY Baldur’s Gate :)
More below if you’re interested :)
ℜ𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔰/𝔖𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢
Vampire or Vampire spawn (just a vamp xD)
𝔒𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 ℜ𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔰/𝔖𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔑𝔬𝔱 ℑ𝔫𝔠𝔩𝔲𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔫 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢
Werewolf (they’re kinda in there but not really)
𝔖𝔬𝔠𝔦𝔞𝔩 ℭ𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔲𝔯'𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢
Cleric - “representatives of the gods they worship, wielding potent divine magic for good or ill.”
Fighter - “have mastered the art of combat, wielding weapons with unmatched skill and wearing armor like a second skin.“
Druid - “channel the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals. Mastery of Wild Shape allows them to transform into beasts from all over the Realms.”
Ranger - “are unrivalled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favoured prey.“
Rogue - “With stealth, skill and uncanny reflexes, a rogue’s versatility let’s them get the upper hand in almost any situation.”
Warlock - “Bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron, warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique magic.”
Wizard - “Wizards master the arcane by specializing in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research.”
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℭ𝔞𝔫 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔇𝔬? / ℌ𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔲𝔟𝔦𝔱
create a sim or family of any of the races/species listed above (or another species you think I may have missed)
be creative and go wild(if you want to)!
this is a modern day baldur’s gate inspired theme so please dress is modern clothing (It’s fine if you don’t if it matches them well)
pick a social class for your sim above
base aspirations and traits off of the classes and race/species listed above (click on the links for the races/species and classes to read more into it)
can be any gender/age/sexuality
maxis match/mix cc (no alpha hairs tho and I might tweak details on sim to match the theme/my game style, but I will never tweak their facial/body features)
only cc for everyday outfit
make a post with at least one picture of your sim and a brief description of them (like what race/species they are and what social class they’re in)
descriptions don’t have to be descriptive if you don’t want them to be, they can be brief.
tray files including cc (xD) sent to me or public dl (choice is yours) :)
no deadline for now
tag @ sinfulwunders and #baldursgatesimsedition2.0 in your post in case I miss the notification 
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taggedmemes · 1 year
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ OXVENTURE PRESENTS: DEADLANDS / ch4 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'they've got the power to kick a man apart, i heard.'
'have you thought about maybe trying to befriend a little one first?'
'so powerful. those thighs.'
'straight to the gates of hell!'
'i mean, that is the colour of horses eyes.'
'i feel just peachy, ma'am.'
'it was said that she was a serial killer.'
'it was said that she favoured poison.'
'the coward's way. i see.'
'she had a series of jobs and people kept dying in mysterious circumstances.'
'she's wanted for killing forty people.'
'i'm sorry i can't be of more help.'
'i'll be exclusively drinking alcohol to counteract the effects of any poison.'
'i'll just have two fingers of whiskey to settle my stomach.'
'every time i see a horse i avert my eyes just in case it steals my soul.'
'what's with all those boarded-up houses?'
'people've been disappearing as well; it's the strangest thing.'
'best we can do for them is nail them up in their homes.'
'there's no kind of a life for a lot of people here.'
'they say they can cure the incurable up at this place.'
'this wouldn't happen to coincide with the plague, would it?'
'i try and stay indoors at night because of what they say.'
'sounds like you've got a problem on your hands.'
'screw your job, idiot!'
'now i'm gonna have to sweep my own damn floor.'
'heard about that, did ya?'
'some of these folks... they vanish, never come back.'
'i tried draining blood. i tried putting in different blood. i tried tinctures. i tried a syrup made from opium and cocaine.'
'seems there's one medicine for the likes of us and one medicine for the likes of them.'
'it's a real shame what's happened to this town. it used to be a nice place to live, and now it's all horror.'
'that kid drinks too much whiskey.'
'i've got a new plan: we go up. we say we've got money.'
'it's the only haunted-ass building in the place, but okay.'
'he looks like a partially inflated balloon.'
'i just have it in case anyone needs it.'
'we do not speak of this to anyone.'
'there's some sort of fancy mechanical thing going on here.'
'i'm so ill i can't remember my name!'
'did you see my fancy shoes?'
'did i tell you how wealthy i am?'
'this feels like hospital propaganda.'
'do you have any cocaine?'
'perhaps some cocaine would make you feel better?'
'well, it was exhausting being fancy anyway.'
'nothing in life is free.'
'you're the weird guy!'
'everyone thinks you're super weird.'
'there's something very odd about his face.'
'it's very loud and very close.'
'i can't believe i touched that with my fist.'
'that was lucky. i could have contracted a chronic disease there.'
'my powerful immune system took care of that one.'
'there's no telling some people.'
'i don't like it! it's stressing me out.'
'he's not a good doctor he's a bad doctor! a very bad doctor!'
'you know, i don't even think he's a real doctor.'
'i think my only option really is to keep shooting at this guy.'
'where the hell were you hiding that?!'
'there's blood everywhere. pouring out of him.'
'bet you'd rather be next to a horse right now.'
'we're in!'
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woodpengu · 3 months
Dreaming deserves different categorization from "dreams and nightmares". Some dreams are just uncomfortable but not panic-inducing, and some are enthusiastically wonderful while similar dreams are just... ok.
Proposal (this is not a ranking system):
0. Dreamless - didn't dream; I take meds not to dream; anesthetic uncosciousness
1. Forgotten Dream - can't remember dreaming; can't remember the dream
2. Fever Dream - hallucinations induced by substances or illness; other altered states; often restless sleep
3. Dream - the brain activity happened in sleep [REM]; neutral dream / just a dream
4. Comfortable Dream - pleasant dreaming; dreams that feel good without altering perception of reality [usually]
5. Uncomfortable Dream - unpleasant dreaming; not a nightmare, but not an experience dreamer feels good about
6. Lucid Dream - aware of dreaming; dreamer knows (while dreaming) that they're dreaming
7. Nightmare - a significantly uncomfortable dreaming experience; possibly panic-inducing
8. Wonder Dream - a dreaming experience that feels like magic and/or adventure; these are the most interesting dreams to psychoanalysts (all dreams are, but these ones might feel prophetic or storytelling)
9. Night Terror - sleep paralysis; visceral discomforts, pain, intensity; difficulty waking or moving out of a dreaming/sleeping state; triggers fight, flight, and/or other survival state
This is all just my POV/input, based on personal experience. But it all goes back to my growing disdain for over-generalizing or over-simplifying to the point of vagueness. My poor nervous system needs touchstones and reference points. This helps. Might tweak over time.
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
how do u write so much ??????
short answer: mental illness
long answer: in the readmore below
Okay main thing was mental illness and hyperfixation. Silco kinda came in and fondled my brain real hard that it made me write fanfic for the first time in a year. I used to do roleplays a long time ago, and I had written Mando fanfics the year prior.
I think something that helps a lot is sprints. It's fun to see your progress and create like a game out for yourself. The sprinto bot on discord really helps too and friends can join in if they want.
I think also just like sitting down and creating a setting for you to focus also helps. For me personally, I get too distracted by noise most of the time, so I either play an audiobook quietly as I write or just silence. Editing though, I need energy so it's Kim Petra Coconuts, Everytime we Touch by Cascada, etc. That shit helps when you're reading paragraphs over and over
I think the important thing is to write at your pace and write something that you enjoy. Like I know some people will write things they don't like but think it'll help their story and I'm here to say FUCK THAT. WRITE WHAT YOU LOVE. WRITE A COFFEE SHOP AU, WRITE A ROYALTY AU. JUST KEEP WRITING AUS YOU LOVE (me with time travel)
I have not written as much as last year, because I am having some mental health issues that are affecting me a lot with my creativity/self shit. I also haven't been reading fanfic a lot which I think is affecting it, cause reading usually always inspires me/gets me to write (I used to use it as a reward system, write this thing, and then you can go read this one-shot, but now I've just been very sad and not doing that
honestly writing this is making me realize I need to go read fanfic, it was literally helping my mental health so much to find joy in these fictions)
I have so many things that are almost done right now, but I find them so hard to edit or finish. Like I don't feel it's good enough, so I just keep tweaking at them or trying to finish them.
but last year I wrote around 300k? ish? My current word count including new ghost stuff is like 270k on ao3 and doesn't include any tumblr-only things I've written (plus I orphaned some stuff that cause I don't like the ship anymore) I wanna get back into writing, and I'm hoping school is gonna help me with that. I'm very excited to be going back to college and I think it's gonna help me start feeling a lot better about me in general.
anyway that was a ramble, but mainly like mental illness, setting a good work environment, a good motivation, and enjoying what you write are big things for me personally in a lot of what I got done last year
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percervall · 2 years
amor de me vida
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Player: Rodrigo De Paul Words: 975 Warnings: None, fluff Request: Stealing their clothes - he's away and you've been ill at home but you miss him so you basically drag yourself to his apartment/house to wear one of his hoodies and joggers and then he comes home during the night (was supposed to be later that next day) and he finds you cuddled up in his bed, wearing his clothes and he drops everything and joins you and you wake up and you two cuddle and A/N: I tweaked it a little bit, hope you like it!
title's from Maluma's ADMV
January was one of those months that always left her feeling run down. Work had been exhausting the past month and today had been a particularly horrible day where everything that could go wrong, went wrong. What made it even worse was that she hadn’t been able to see her boyfriend in over a week due to their conflicting work schedules and missed him terribly. He always knew exactly what to do to make her feel better. Missing him felt like a dull ache in her chest, mirroring the way her head pounded with a headache that had settled behind her eyes. There was no point in pretending she could get any work done feeling like this, so after sending a quick email to her boss, she packed up for the day and figured she might as well go to his house to at least seek comfort in his shower and bed. One of the many advantages of dating a professional athlete was that they had money to spend on top tier water pressure and mattresses. 
After stopping by the supermarket to get some soup and bread, she parked her car in front of his house. Rodrigo had given her a key for situations just like this, where she needed him to settle the ache in her bones. Dropping her work bag by the door, she took off her shoes and carried the groceries into the kitchen. Her phone automatically connected to the sound system he had set up, and the playlist she had put on in the car started playing over the speakers. She made her way to the ensuite, throwing her clothes in the laundry basket. As the hot water hit her skin, she sighed at the feeling of her muscles letting go of the tension that had held them in a vice all day. 
She wrapped the towel tighter around herself and walked to Rodrigo’s closet. They shared a preference for oversized lounge wear and while his closet held about a third of her’s, right now she wanted nothing more than to wrap up in one of his soft hoodies. Grabbing her favourite one, she buried her face in the fabric, inhaling the scent of his fabric softener and aftershave. Smiling softly as his scent enveloped her, she got dressed in the hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, and settled in for an evening on the couch with her favourite series on TV.
To say he was tired would be an understatement. Between winning the world cup with Argentina and the starting of La Liga, his time had been spent mostly travelling. The plan had been to travel back from their latest away fixture early the next morning, but the whole team wanted to go home and see their families –Rodrigo being one of them. Ever since Diego agreed, he’d been trying to get a hold of his girlfriend. She hadn’t answered her phone, but when he pulled up to his house he spotted her car on the driveway. His lips tugged up in a smile seeing it parked there. Rodrigo quickly made his way inside, dropping his bag by the stairs to take up later. The house was quiet, but he could tell she was still downstairs by the light coming from the living room.
“Babe?” he called out, voice barely above speaking volumes. He waited a beat to see if she’d answer before moving into the living room. The TV was still on, a streaming service politely asking if anyone was still watching. Rodrigo moved further into the room, picking up the remote to turn the TV off. Turning his face, he spotted his girlfriend on the couch, bundled up in one of his hoodies and fast asleep. She had made herself a hot drink and was still clutching the empty mug to her chest as her head rested on her own shoulder. He couldn’t help but smile lovingly, taking in her sleeping features. Rodrigo carefully took the mug from her hands, placing it on the coffee table, before moving to lift her up. He chuckled when she sighed deeply and snuggled into him as he carried her out of the room. 
“Hey,” she croaked, waking up enough to realise the couch wasn’t moving but her boyfriend had come home and was carrying her upstairs.
“Hey mi vida. This is a nice surprise, didn’t think you’d gotten my texts.” 
“Put my phone on do not disturb, so haven’t seen any come in. Just missed you and your hoodies,” she mumbled, sleep slurring her speech. Rodrigo chuckled and carried her up the stairs. He gently set her down on his bed and moved to his closet to get her a shirt to sleep in. 
“How was your day?” he asked as he handed it to her. 
“It’s been hectic and I’m exhausted. Last month was insane and it’s not looking to slow down any time soon. Went home early today with a headache,” she told him, swapping the hoodie for the shirt. Kicking off the sweatpants, she got under the covers. Rodrigo climbed in as well, pulling her closer. It wasn’t lost on him that she had referred to his house as home, his heart squeezing at the thought of her living with him. 
“I have the day off tomorrow, how about we spend it in bed all day?” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple. She hummed in agreement, snuggling into him. 
“That sounds lovely,” she sighed. Rodrigo smiled again, pressing his lips to her hair. He heard how her breathing evened out, body fully relaxed against his. Finally giving in to sleep, the last thought that crossed his mind was that he would ask her to move in tomorrow. Home was no longer a place, it had become a person shaped like the woman asleep in his arms. 
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