#these hallucinations/dreams sequences were so good
pinardenizs · 1 year
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Pınar deniz and Kaan Urgancıoğlu as Ceylin Erguvan Kaya and Ilgaz Kaya
→ Yargı, 2x29
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bugsbutch · 1 year
the mortifying ordeal of seeing the kind of corny shit that would only feature in your most self-indulgent playing-with-blorbos-like-dolls-in-your-head-before-you-fall-asleep session being actually acted out by actors on your screen
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hmar177 · 2 months
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I'm not sure when I stopped loving Jack, but I know it crept out of the subconscious of my mind the second I saw that damn photo. I know I shouldn't feel this way, Jack is perfect. He comes from a good family, he's sweet and charming, he gets along with my friends and brings my mom flowers everytime he comes over. He was everything I could have dreamed for myself. He is who I should want. But that damn picture of Dallas Winston.
I wish he had just stayed on his side like he was supposed to.
My predicament started a few months ago when I was walking home from school. I had to stay late after my final class to run over a few plans with the committee for the dance coming up. It was my first dance that I was fully running myself and I was over the moon about it. I loved planning big events like this. My brain worked meticulously over every detail and it was so satisfying watching it all come together.
After I had finished my meeting with Sally and Davis, I found myself taking my normal walk home. It was a beautiful day out. The sun was just low enough in the sky to cast a gentle, warm glow on my face, the leaves left a quiet hum in my ears, and I found myself inhaling the glorious scent of the freshly landscaped houses as if the scent would live forever in my lungs if I breathed deep enough.
As I rounded the last corner before my street, I heard loud screeching coming from behind me. A car full of what seemed to be 4 or 5 rowdy boys came barreling down the street. Blasting loud rock music and howling like a pack of wolves, the boys came up fast. I stopped in place and watched as they came closer. They slowed up ever so slightly as they passed me, giving me a good chance to glance into the vehicle. I didn't recognize them, but I did recognize the driver. Dallas Winston.
With his sunglasses sitting low on the bridge of his nose and a cigarette hanging lazily out of his mouth, he held my eyes as he cruised by. I can't tell if I imagined it or not, but I thought I caught a hint of a smirk on his face before he punched the accelerator once more and took off before I could even register the entire exchange. It almost felt like I had just hallucinated that whole sequence.
What were a bunch of greasers doing over here on the west side? Not that I ever had anything against them, I just figured they would want to stay clear of a bunch of privileged, snotty folks who are constantly after their demise.
I had never met Dallas before, but I knew bits and pieces about him. Grew up with a rough homelife, dropped out of school, and even wound up in prison for a while. Everyone in this town saw Dallas and all the greasers as less than. I saw them as kids who just had shit luck when it came to the parents department.
I knew some greasers. There were quite a few in my grade, like Sodapop Curtis. He was one of the sweetest kids I ever met. Had a heart of gold, and a boatload of love for some girl Sandy he always seemed to mention. Soda dropped out a few months ago though after his parents both died tragically in a car accident. Another example of kids with shit luck and no ones around this town to sympathize for them.
Later that night, I found myself sitting at my desk trying to work on my short story. I was assigned by my English teacher to write a short story loosely based on a truly exciting and invigorating time in my life that made me feel alive. The only problem was I have never had an experience in my life that could remotely be described as such.
Everyday, I wake up, go to school, go to event committee meetings, or to my internship at the local newspaper, The Tulsa Chronicles. After all that, I either come home and do homework, or just hangout at the drive in with my friends and my boyfriend Jack. Nothing about my routine is special or interesting. It never changes and I don't see it altering anytime soon. In a town with so little to do, it is quite the tall order to ask us to find something interesting to write about.
I want to be a writer some day, so when I can't complete a simple short story for school, it horrifies me that I may be chasing after a hopeless dream. I intern at the Tulsa Chronicles in hope of it being a good addition to my college applications, but for now I am just helping with the printing and shipping of the papers. One of the editors told me if I had a writing piece that I was proud of, I could pass it along to them and they could give it a read and see if there were any opportunities for me to write something for the paper soon. I was hoping this short story could be that piece that I was proud of, but that is looking like a pipe dream now.
After staring at my blank paper for what feels like hours, I decide tonight is not the night that I am going to find any inspiration, so I turn out the lights and climb into bed. Maybe my dreams will inspire me. Maybe I'll dream of those greasers, flying through neighborhoods and screaming, sounding like they are high on the freedom that life has to offer. I want a taste of what they are having.
The next day is the same as all the other ones, not to anyone's surprise. I woke up, went to school, and made my way over to the Tulsa Chronicles. When I walked in, the newsroom was buzzing much more than normal. In a town as boring as Tulsa, there is not a ton of news to report, so when the newsroom was like this, something major must have happened.
“Rose, get to the printer stat. We need to start loading up these boxes now!” my boss Susan yelled from across the room.
“On it!” I let her know.
As I made my way to the printer, pages were flying out faster than I have ever seen before. This must be a big story if they have the printers working this hard.
Page after page, I watched them stack into a nice pile until the cover page finally flew out.
It read, “Delinquent youths turn heroes after daring fire rescue”
Right next to the title, I saw their faces, Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Caid, and Dallas Winston.
Pony and Johnny's pictures didn't shock me. Cherry Valance told me a few days ago how sweet and kind they had been to her at the drive in and they always seemed like kind approachable kids. But cherry had also mentioned that Pony and Johnny had protected her from, Dallas Winston
Dallas had always seemed so cold and foreboding. Even his smirk from yesterday's drive by left a chill down my spine. It wasnt that I was afraid of him, but Dallas Winston wasn't someone you just assumed you could become fast friends with. You had to earn his loyalty to be seen with him. His picture being tagged alongside this story seemed extremely out of character. Dallas had his family of greasers and he had himself. There wasn't much else he was looking after. Especially not strangers in some random church fire.
I picked up the front page and looked at it very closely. Part of me didn't want to assume like the rest of this town that this was a mistake, but a bigger part of me couldn't help but think this wasn't true. Dallas Winston saving children he didn't know? Dallas didn't walk by a child in the street without trying to terrify them in some way. Something isn't adding up. Were we all utterly wrong about him? I couldn't help but just stare at his picture, trying to see him run into that burning church. Coming out covered in ash, carrying a couple kids in his arms and placing them down gently before rushing back inside to save more. I felt a twinge in my chest. Something I haven't felt before.
“Rose! Quit daydreaming and pack up those papers. The delivery service will be here in 20 to take those boxes out. They better be filled!” Susan yelled.
“Yes of course.” I replied, suddenly taken out of my temporary, and odd trance.
As I loaded each paper into the boxes, my eyes lingered a little too long on Dallas’s face as each paper piled onto the next. After what must have been hundreds of papers, I “accidentally” misplaced one in my bag sitting next to me. I don't know why I took it. I would surely be getting one of these papers delivered to my house within the next day or so, but part of me wanted to just have this for me. I also didn't want to explain to my dad why I needed his morning paper, the one I had helped package and ship out and have had access to for over a day.
After loading the last box and as a sudden calmness came over the newsroom, it was finally time to head home. I grabbed my bag, making sure the paper was tucked in enough so that it wouldn't be seen, said goodnight to the staff, and made my way out.
As I walked out of the building, I looked up to see Jack leaned up against his shiny new sports car that his parents just bought him as a good job for making the basketball team present. It sounds ridiculous and it is ridiculous. When you come from money like Jack's family, there are very few occasions that don't involve an illustrious gift such as the sports car he now leans against.
I say all this with complete understanding that I come from a family very similar to Jacks. I am privileged and I know that, but I don't see that as a reason to act any differently towards others. Why should the number that's on my fathers paychecks determine whether I am a better person than others? It doesn't. But people like Jack feel that it does. But Jack makes me smile, and my mother hasn't shut up about those lilies he brought her this past weekend when he was over for dinner. Who could hate Jack, right?
“Hey there honey. How was the journalism world today?” Jack says with a smile as he opens the passenger side door for me to get in. Jack picks me up whenever he's in the area and he knows I'm here. It's very sweet of him. Another reason to love him, right?
“Busy. There was a big story today so there were a lot more papers to print and ship.” I told him.
“Really! What was the story?” He asked.
I hesitated for a second.
“Oh I don't remember. I didn't really get a chance to read it. Too busy getting them into boxes.” I explained. I don't know why I lied. I think a part of me felt guilty about the things I felt and thought as I looked at Dallas’s picture the past few hours and another part of me wanted to keep Dallas to myself for a bit longer because by morning everyone would be talking about him. More people would be picturing him as this grand hero, and I still wanted to be the only one who saw him that way.
The rest of the ride, we sat in comfortable silence. That was the best way to describe me and Jack's relationship. Comfortable. Our parents set us up freshman year of highschool and we fell into the narrative with ease. He was cute and popular. It made sense why I should want him, so I convinced myself I did. And it worked for a while. A long while now. But as we come towards the midway point of Junior year, I'm not too sure how much longer I can convince myself that Jack is what I want. But what would be my reason for leaving him? He was too nice to my parents? He made one too many jokes that made all my friends laugh? He was too popular? Too athletic? On paper he was perfect. Trying to tell anyone that my time with Jack was coming to an end would make me sound like the biggest fool. So I just stayed. There was no reason to leave, even though I wanted there to be so badly.
We pulled up to the front of my house and he came around and opened my door. I thanked him and looked up to my house. The big, beautiful white home sat on top of the hill at the top of my street with a huge porch that wrapped around the whole house, and perfectly painted blue shutters. It was truly out of a magazine and I was eternally grateful for being able to be raised in a home as beautiful as this one. The dining room light shined bright and I knew my parents were in there waiting for me to arrive so we could have dinner as a family. Jack took my hand and walked me to the door. My mother opened it as we took the final step onto the porch.
“Jack!’ My mother said, “How kind of you to bring Rose home. Won't you come in and join us for dinner.”
A pit immediately formed in my stomach.
“I'd love-” Jack started before I cut him off.
“I'm actually not feeling very well so I think I am just gonna go to bed.” I quickly sputtered out. Facing Jack I said, “Maybe another night.”
I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before rushing up the stairs and straight into my room before anyone else could say anything. That was definitely rude of me, but the thought of having to sit next to Jack for the next hour, knowing I smuggled home a paper with the only intention of staring at the man on the cover made me extremely nauseous. I may not feel for Jack the way I used to, but I wouldn't be disrespectful, and if I was gonna be disrespectful, I wasn't gonna allow him to eat dinner with me and my family as if everything was fine and dandy.
I sat down on my bed and immediately removed the paper from my bag. It wasn't often that I had strange outbursts such as the one I just had downstairs, so I knew my parents would leave me be for a while. I took the paper, and got comfortable. Reading the entire article front and back and learning that what the title states was indeed true, I took the cover and discarded the rest of the pages. Holding Dallas’s picture up, I thought about the words in the article and how they described the man I was looking at. Bold. Courageous. Brave. Not words I would initially think of when I heard the name Dallas Winston.
His face held hard lines in his jaw and forehead. He had strong dark features and striking eyes. He was beautiful in a rugged and tired way. A way that you never see here in the west side neighborhoods. I was mesmerized by his stern stare. I wanted to know everything about him and I wanted to know it now. I wanted to spend a day with him and learn what it took to earn his trust. To earn a glance from those haunting eyes. The way he looked at me as he rode past me in his car yesterday felt like a shot of espresso. It jolted something awake inside of me. I needed another hit. I craved it.
Before I could comprehend what I was doing, my body was up and at my desk. I was opening my drawer and pulling out a pair of scissors. I slowly and carefully cut around his face making sure not to accidentally trim anything important off, because truthfully it was all important. He was important and I needed to know why.
I held the small picture of Dallas Winston between my fingers, holding as close to the edge as possible, with fear I might smudge it, and I grabbed a piece of tape. Walking over to my bed, I taped the picture on my wall right next to where my head lays when I sleep. I could hide it during the day behind my pillows when I made my bed. It was just for me. He was my new interest. He was my excitement that I had been looking for, I just had to find a way to make these little daydreams something real. As I crawled into bed with the image of dark raven eyes flashing through my mind, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, Jack, my parents, and Tulsa all feeling like a distant memory rather than my reality.
It could have been 3 hours or 3 minutes, but before I knew it, I was woken up by the sound of my desk lamp falling to the ground and a soft breeze coming from my window that I was sure was closed when I got into bed. I shot up like an arrow and reached for the lamp on my bedside table, flicking it on as fast as I could. As the light flooded the room, I was immediately met with the eyes I saw as I lulled myself to sleep. I had to be imagining him right? Dallas Winston stood right there in the middle of my bedroom, standing at least 6 foot 2, drowning in his leather jacket, with his signature blue jeans, and a black eye that was shining through even in the dim lighting.
“Dallas?” I began before he ran over to my bed and clasped his hand around my mouth and the other one slid behind my head keeping me quiet and still.
Slowly he shook his head as if to tell me, now is not a time for talking. I assumed he was scared my parents would hear him, which I am now realizing never even crossed my mind. My parents would lose their minds if they strolled into my room right now to find a greaser, Dallas Winston worst of all, standing in my bedroom at, I flashed my eyes to my clock, 2am. But my parents never even entered my head, nothing really entered my head. Not fear, not my parents, not jack. All I could think about was that incredible shot of adrenaline I felt when I saw him, and coming up with a plan to make him stay as long as possible so I didn't have to stop this feeling.
All of a sudden I heard sirens, and red and blue lights flash past the house at a high speed. I looked up at Dallas who was looking out the window to make sure the coast was clear. His hands were still firmly placed around my head. I studied his face while he wasn't paying attention to me, just as I was doing last night. But this was ten times better. The picture didn't do him justice. He was gorgeous. A light sheen of sweat coated his forehead from running I assumed, and his hair drooped gently in front of his eyes, giving him a rugged elvis look. I could stare at him for hours and not get bored for a second.
Once he saw that he was in the clear, he slowly brought his attention back to me. He studied my face for a second, a small shimmer of something in his eyes but I don't know what it was. After a moment he brought his eyes around my room, studying the pictures and posters on my walls that I'm sure I'll be embarrassed about later, to the books on my nightstand, and with another flick of his gaze, he was locked in on something behind me. He stared long and hard and I couldn't think of what it could be. He slowly came inclose, his lips right next to my ear.
“Well I'll be damned. Looks like I have a fan.” He whispered, his warm breath hitting my neck.
My eyes widened, the picture. Dallas WInston was looking at the picture of him I cut out and taped next to my bed.
“Now tell me darling, if I remove my hands, can you stay quiet and not let anyone know I am here? Because I do have a few questions about this I'd like to ask.” He said quietly with a shit eating grin on his face, so good, that it could seduce the Queen of England.
I slowly nod. Why am I not terrified right now? A known felon is standing in my room right now in the middle of the night. He snuck in my window in an attempt to run from the cops. I am harboring a criminal right now as we speak and all I can think about is how I can end things with Jack so that this lasts forever.
“Good Girl.” He says softly, then slowly takes his hands off my mouth, immediately missing the feel of his touch. God I was so fucked.
He pulled over my desk chair and took a seat right in front of me, our knees almost touching. He held the picture between his fingers looking at it, then up to me.
“So tell me, what's a nice girl like you doing hanging up pictures of bad Dallas Winston on her pretty pink bedroom walls?” He asks.
I think I stopped breathing. What was I supposed to say? There was no real explanation for why I hung up the picture other than I was chasing a feeling I couldn't even name. I stared blankly trying to say anything, trying to think of something to say that would make him as interested in me as I was in him.
“Well?” He pushed after I sat there stunned for I don't even know how long.
“Uhh, I, Uh….. I think I want to feel what you feel.” I said. Shit. That didn't even make any sense. He for sure thought I was crazy. He looked at me puzzled.
“Honey, the last thing you want is to feel what I feel.” He gave a small laugh that created small needles in the back of my throat and moved to get up.
“I want to feel alive. I want to be reckless and have fun. You have fun, don't you?” I said quickly, anything coming out of my mouth was just a hidden plea for him to stay.
He stopped in his tracks, and looked back over to me. The moon casting a soft glow on his hard features. The shimmer in his eyes came back for a second. He slowly sat back down.
“Oh, I have fun. But the kind of fun I have would give a soc like you nightmares.” He said with venom on his tongue. I couldn't tell if he was threatening me or daring me to push him more.
“Show me.” I whispered. Dally smirked at me pondering my dare for a split second, before he slid his switchblade knife out of his pocket and softly dragged the blade from my fingertips, up my arm, and across my collar bone. Every hair on my body stood straight up. My breath hitched ever so slightly and he moved the blade to my neck and held it there.
Part of me was truly scared, and another part of me felt that there was something a bit performative too. Dallas Winston wasn't going to hurt me. I knew that for a fact. He leaned in close, taking a strand of my hair in his other hand, and brought his lips to my ear.
“Are you having fun yet?” He said. I couldn't see his face, but I could hear the smirk in his words.
I backed away so I could meet his eyes. A fire raged behind them. I would give anything to look inside his brain, even for just a moment. I smiled at him and I could see the excitement grow. I don't know why, but I liked what was happening. I liked the uncertainty of what he was going to say and do, and I liked that I trusted him for no reason at all.
“I think I like you more than I should.” I say. I don't know why I said that. I wasn't even embarrassed that I did. It was like being close to him unlocked a new version of myself that I didn't know existed. A version of myself that had confidence and a desire to push the limits. I felt alive.
“Do you like me more than your boyfriend?” He grinned.
“Do you want me to?” I challenged. He grinned and his gaze flicked down to my lips for a moment before it returned to my eyes. The knife at my throat is all but forgotten.
“Let's make a deal. If I can kiss better than a soc, you have to go out with me.” He said.
“And if you can't?” I said, barely a whisper.
“Oh honey, there are very few things I can't do.” He said leaning in and attaching his lips to mine. I felt the knife hit the bed next to me as I melted into his kiss and his hands wrapping around my face.
It was soft and slow for all but a moment, before I knew it he was laying me down on the bed and forcing his tongue into my mouth. I guess it wasn't forcing it, more like me waiting for it and craving it.
My hands roamed his body, feeling his toned muscles through his thin black tee shirt. I slid his leather jacket off, as his hands found their way under my shirt. He planted his hand on my stomach and pushed me down to the mattress keeping me in place. A breeze gently floated in from the window, and it made me hyper aware of the slickness that was now coating my thighs.
His mouth moved to my cheek and then to my neck. I clasp one of my hands over my mouth to muffle my moans. He placed his thigh between my legs allowing me to move my hips to get some relief.
God what was I doing? How did it come to me grinding on Dallas Winston in my bed at 2 in the morning. I couldn't bring myself to stop though. It was all too much. Too good.
“How am I doing sweetheart?” He said in my ear before he brought his face back up to look me in the eyes. “I think the tears in your eyes are telling me that I'm gonna see you tomorrow night.”
I moaned into his shoulder, as I felt his hand trail down my abdomen and underneath my waistband. He teased there for a moment, smirking down at me waiting for me to stop him, but there was no way in hell I wanted this to ever end. I gave him a quick nod before he cupped me over my underwear. He quickly covered my mouth with his own as he knew I was about to moan. He chuckled softly into the kiss.
“My God Dallas. Oh my god” I moaned into his mouth.
“I am a God, aren't I?” He growled before sliding his fingers underneath my underwear and inside of me. The pleasure was so overwhelming, that I bit into his shoulder to stop myself from crying out. He groaned from the pain, but I knew he liked it.
As his fingers pumped in and out of me, he slowly started to grind himself into my hip. He was hard. I felt him poking through his tight jeans, begging to be let out.
“Dallas. I want you.” I begged. I need more of him. I need him closer.
He removed his fingers from me, leaving me feeling empty. I looked up at him and he immediately placed his fingers into his mouth, sucking me off of them. I let out a moan. He was trailing kisses down my chest, then my stomach, never taking his eyes off of me.
“I know baby, I know. Not yet though.” He assured me. “I just need a little taste first.”
He grabbed the waistband of my shorts and my underwear and slowly pulled them down, never stopping his trail of kisses that now led down my leg.
“So beautiful.” He whispered to himself as he was now eye level with my core. “Spread your legs for me baby.” I do what I'm told. “That's it. Good Girl. Now lay back and let me worship you.”
Dallas wastes absolutely no time diving right in and taking all of me into his mouth. He licks from top to bottom and back again before taking my clit into his mouth and sucking. “So sweet.” He moans into me.
I have to grab the pillow on my bed and cover my face because the scream I almost let out would have surely woken up the entire neighborhood. Dallas’s name on the tip of my tongue. The name about to escape with every moan that shoots through me, which would not only let the town know I was in the middle of the most erotic moment of my life, but also it was Dallas Winston that was buried between my legs.
I feel one of Dallas’s hands remove from my thigh and I look down to see what he was doing. I look down to see Dallas’s mouth still attached to my clit, but his eyes boring into mine with the most seductive look I have ever seen in my life. Without ever looking away from me, Dallas removes his mouth, now just an inch away from me, and takes a little gold foil packet out of his pocket and takes it straight to his mouth. He rips the foil open with his teeth and slides the condom out.
He stands up. His 6 foot 2, god-like stance, looming over me, made me feel so small and helpless on my bed. God, I wish I could be a fly on the wall right now, wanting to see what I might look like. My shirt pushed up, shorts and underwear thrown about the room somewhere, My hair probably a mess, and tears staining my face as Dallas Winston stands over me, slowly unbuckling his belt.
He smirks down at me and he pulls his pants and boxers down, revealing his erection and my god it was big. I honestly didn't know if it was gonna fit inside of me. Right on cue, as if he could read my mind, Dallas says, “Don't be scared darling, you can handle it.”
He goes to put on the condom, but I sit up quickly, grabbing his hand, stopping him. “Can I do it?” I ask him. He looks down at me with hooded eyes and a smirk that could kill.
“Fuck yeah you can.” he says in a breathy tone as he hands me the condom. I take the condom out of his hand and hesitantly grab his dick. A low grumble comes from his throat as I give it a little pump before rolling on the condom.
The second it's on, he pushes me on my back, and comes down on top of me. He starts to position himself at my entrance and looks me in the eyes. “Baby, as much as I want this to last forever, I'm not gonna last very long.” He leans in kissing me hard and chuckles against my lips and I smile at his words. Yeah, me neither.
I take a deep breath and he thrusts inside of me. I clasp my arms around his neck and hug him as close to me as possible. He is big and it hurts so good. I bite into his shoulder again trying to distract myself from the pain, but also from the fact that my orgasm is seconds away and he just got inside of me.
He whimpers in my ear as I kiss his neck profusely. He finds a steady pace that has me borderline drooling. “God Dallas, don't stop. It feels so good.” I barely get out because I can barely catch my breath. I shoot one of my hands out and feel something sharp hit my finger. I look down to see Dallas’s knife still sitting next to us on the bed. It must have nicked my finger. Before I can register what's happened, Dallas takes my bloodied finger and sucks it into his mouth while holding my gaze. His eyes were hooded, and looking drunk off sex.
“Come for me baby. Come on. I know you're there. Show me how good I make you feel.” He begs me. Between his words, and my finger in his mouth, I'm there in a second. Burying my face into his neck, my orgasm rips through me harder than it ever has before. My nails digging into his bicep and a drip of sweat going down my forehead. Dallas still thrusts into me hard and fast for a moment more before he takes my lips into his and I feel his dick twitch as he spills into the condom.
He lays on top of me, breathing heavily in my ear for what feels like an hour, but was probably only a few minutes. He slowly removed himself from me, then pushed up so he was hovering over me again. He smiled down at me as I grabbed his face with my hands, pulling him down to kiss me. His kiss was so gentle, the word love flew through my head, but it was only a fraction of a thought.
I brushed my finger over his cheek bone, before noticing my finger was still bleeding. I brought it to my face, inspecting the cut. It wasn't deep at all. Just a knick. Dallas took my finger to his lips and planted a soft kiss to the cut. Adab of blood coating his lip, only for a second before he licked it off.
“What time are you free tomorrow?” He asks as he nuzzles his face into my neck, no doubt leaving more hickeys.
“Maybe around 7?” I told him. “I just have to go break up with Jack, and then I'm all yours.” I giggled lightly. He came back up and looked at me with the most serious expression I saw all night.
“All mine.” He smiled.
***hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!! DALLAS WINSTON I LOVE YOU***
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zyrafowe-sny · 3 months
forgotten words
a sequence of four 100 word drabbles inspired by various @goldenheart-week prompts
Ambrosius woke to pain. It felt like every single bone in his body had been broken. (Perhaps they had.)
His memories were goop, but one slowly solidified.
He'd been in a fight.
With a monster.
Who was also Ballister's sidekick.
"Ballister…" His voice creaked with disuse, and he had no way of knowing if anyone was there to hear him.
Apparently, someone was. An unfamiliar voice answered. "Sir Goldenloin! You're awake! We'll send someone to fetch Lord Blackheart soon."
If Ballister was fetchable, he must have survived too.
Ambrosius was pretty sure he was supposed to tell him something.
Ambrosius' eyelids felt absurdly heavy. One of them simply did not want to lift, activating a burning itch whenever he tried.
So, he gave up. Honestly, he wasn't entirely sure he'd like what he saw when if he managed to open them.
He decided he must be dreaming. No one had called him that in years. But, just in case, he grunted.
Someone took his hand and began ever-so-gently tracing small circles on it. Perhaps this wasn't a hallucination.
"I was going to be very cross with you if you died."
"You're always cross with me, Ballister."
Doctors told him he was lucky to be alive, even with a bum leg and permanent scars.
(Ambrosius wasn't sure about that, but "alive" wasn't the outcome he would've bet on when he went to face Nimona.)
Nurses told him he wasn't actually supposed to be in constant pain, and showed him how to adjust the dosage of his IV meds.
(Ambrosius wasn't sure he deserved the relief.)
And every day, Ballister would show up to bully him through PT.
"Why do you keep coming back?" he finally asked. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"
"Because I love you."
"I love you too." Ambrosius' memory still had more holes than Swiss cheese, but another one filled in. "I…I think I meant to tell you that. Before Nimona..."
Ballister cupped his cheek, and the metal felt cool on his skin. "I know. Or, at least, I guessed that's what you were going to say."
"You stopped me." Ambrosius tried to read Ballister's expression, but his vision was still unreliable.
"Because we both needed to focus on surviving."
"And now?"
"And now we have all the time in the world to figure out a future where we're not nemeses."
cross-posted on AO3
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adickaboutspoons · 1 year
As threatened promised, a rough rundown of Ed’s timeline in s2 based on his make-up/facial wound/neckwear/hairstyle situation in the teaser/trailer/promo pics:
Almost certainly we’ll start the season seeing Ed in his Kraken drag. It looks like we’re going to get a montage of raids, because I’m seeing at least two distinct ships in the background when he’s all Krakened up.
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It’s hard to tell, but it looks like he’s not wearing either the cravat OR the pearls at first, but we see the pearls peeking out from his jacket lapel when he’s saying “Fuck you Stede Bonnet” to the little groom dolly, so my money is on his snatching a strand from someone’s throat at the wedding raid. If it’s from the throat of the bride herself, I wil EAT. MY. OWN. HANDS.
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Incidentally, we seem to have gone back to fingerless gloves for all the Kraken/pre-reunion shots, rather than the full gloves from the end of season 1, so RIP to the “full gloves mean he’s cut himself off from human contact/emotion” metaphor (but more on that in a minute).
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So if I had to guess, I’d say next we get playing with the dollies and having a good cry about it
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Followed by a manic moodswing to babygirl princess cleaning mode with the hair up and the pearls and the gloves, but a little bit of kohl still smudged around the eyes. I think he enlists Frenchie’s help, since they both seem to be carrying around containers full of bottles while he’s sporting this look, and I think it’s the back of Frenchie’s coat we see when Ed starts his “No more” list.
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After that, since the lighting is soft and sunset-esque, I’d say we have the helm scene where it looks like babygirl is daydreaming
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I’m wondering if the daydream goes wrong, though (maybe he’s cross because he let himself think about Stede again at all. Maybe the daydream goes sour and dashing, swashbuckling, Bearded Stede fights his way through Izzy to Ed only to say “Just in case it wasn’t clear when I left you, I wanted to make sure you knew that I don’t love you and never did.” or something equally gutting) because guess where else we see the babygirl princess updo
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(and we know this has to be after the raid montage, because the big ass treasure chest in the background on the right was carried off the ship where Ed shot his gun in the scene where Fang smashes two guys heads together).
So I’m kind of wondering - since Ed was at the helm, did he steer the ship into an oncoming storm on purpose?
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So then we FINALLY see the cravat, but he’s also wearing the pearls, so we know this has to be after all the raiding stuffs.
And the only other place we see it in any of the promotional stuff is when he wakes up and head-bonks Stede.
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And looking at how banged up he is - blood on his temple, puffy cut on his cheek and lip, that these wounds are pretty fresh. My guess is he sustained them in the storm, and something goes Very Badly, resulting in him either getting swept overboard, or the crew having to abandon ship, and being rescued by the Chinese junk, where the crews will reunite (based on Stede’s costuming during the headbonk scene, and the fact that Frenchie, Archie, and Jim are with the Revenge crew during the crossbow scene, when everyone is dressed in the Chinese ru).
I have toyed with the thought that all the blue-filtered shots are a fever-dream/hallucination while Ed is laying injured, but I’m not 100% sure on that. For one, Ed doesn’t have his coat, his boots, or even his gloves
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But he for sure has the pearl necklace, and it looks like maybe his lip is split (though it’s hard to tell if that’s a shadow or not), which are peculiar details to include in a fantasy sequence.
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If it is, I’m guessing it ends when Ed ties a rock around his waist and leaps from the cliff - it’s hard to see, but there’s a rock with a rope around it on the ground near the rag man (Hornigold?), and you can see the rope going down into the water when he first hits. You can also see his feet are bare, just like they were in the gunshot scene.
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If not? IDK. The pearls and the lack of gloves place it after the reunion. Remember how I said we were going to come back to the gloves-as-a-metaphor-for-emotional-openness-and-connection? Ed DOESN’T WEAR GLOVES AT ALL ANYMORE after the Kraken scenes are done. I can’t tell if he has them on in the headbonk scene, but after he meets back up with Stede, our babygirl’s hands are NAKED and VULNERABLE (and ready to touch his boyfriend. In a world where I get everything I want, after the reunion, they go to the Significant Cave, and Ed leaves Stede and his gloves behind, and Stede shows up at Anne and Mary’s because “You left these (and me) behind,” but Ed doesn’t WANT them (Stede) anymore, can’t he take a HINT? Thank you for indulging in parenthetical fanfic that almost certainly won’t actually happen this way) But the fact that the wounds are so hard to see that they might not even actually be there? Would put it later in the season.
Because boy howdy do they still look fresh when he shows up at Anne and Mary’s.
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But everything else must come later, because the wounds looks progressively more healed. When he’s wearing the sackcloth shirt, his lip still has a little mark on it (but significantly smaller than it was at Anne and Mary’s)
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But that mark goes away before the one on his cheek does. It’s not there at Spanish Jackie’s or when he’s talking to the bunny, or in the scene when the VO says it feels like there’s a storm coming.
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So I’m not really sure where to put those in relation to one another. Vibes alone, I’d say “Storm’s coming” (followed by beach battle, where there also aren’t noticeable facial wounds or gloves, but Ed is clutching his side as though still recovering from cracked ribs or something).
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Then bunny talk, since he’s still wearing the same clothes, then Spanish Jackie/the docks where, since he looks so chill and relaxed, the “something new” he’s trying is he and Stede actually retiring from piracy together.
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seafearing · 4 months
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@palmviolet this question was just too good (and difficult bcos of it) which is why i have been thinking about it for like six days. so sorry for this absolutely unhinged essay you are getting, feel free to. ignore lol
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1 in the bleak midwinter, season 2, episode 6
this takes the number one spot because it's one i really remember hitting me upon watching it for the first time. his grave that's been dug out for him for the whole episode without him realizing it, then the acceptance in the mud and the field, the sequence where he actually falls into the grave with the dead bodies on top, i did fucking think he had died for a second there. and then he has to crawl out of it, and. then the realization that he has to keep going is what breaks him, and how that tells so much about his character and how it gets built up on and mirrored constantly the coming years.
oops this got long sorry i am entirely normal about this television series
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2 did polly send you, season 6 episode 6
i can't not have this scene high up here. the symbolism throughout, with the crow, the fire, and the horse, his hallucination of his daughter and at this moment, imagining polly as well despite saying that polly would never visit him in his dreams again, that torn ugly heart of family, love and brutality, betrayal
and the sentimentality of spreading all these mementos of his loved ones in the caravan where he intends to die, like a kind of perverted version of him saying to campbell "i have my family". and alfie asking him, when will he stop, and "when i find the man i can't defeat", and that turned on its head and being manipulated into becoming the man he can't defeat, myself talking to myself about myself truly, as well as, most glaringly, the whole mental illness of it all. and, just i don't know i found it good storytelling not to have the main character that's struggled with mental health and suicidal ideation for the entirety of the series, die of suicide at the end for a shock ending of sorts. like i am so very glad that wasn't the twist in it all.
and then the continuation of this scene to the end. him with the gun in his hand once again, that addiction where he feels like god. and this time he doesn't pull the trigger, but it was never about pulling the trigger, it was having the power of being the one to choose. and they end it with him riding away with the white horse encased in fire. the obvious symbolism with how everything started with him arriving on the black horse, and also the mirror of how he blew up his house and walked away from it, repeated at the end. like sorry but this is poetry to me.
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3 now you've seen me, season 1 episode 5
this was such a brutal and haunting scene that i really remember well from those early seasons. one of the few times we really see tommy lose it like this. used by the police much like he was used in the war, and then he snaps. and that betrayal, again. they were supposed to come, but they didn't come, the cavalry. and the vulnerability that he has afterwards, you see that it breaks him. that unavailable, closed off man he's become after the war, and you feel like, this is what was hiding underneath it all, these raw guts, the splattered, caved in skull. "now you've seen me," he says to grace, but he's also saying that to the audience. i do really like that their romance as well is always marked by them seeing this violence, the brutality in one another. "this one looks like it was killed by a wild fucking animal," and she marries him.
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4 what fucking line am i supposed to have crossed, season 3 episode 6
i can't also not-mention this. i really enjoy pretty much all the characters in peaky blinders, but alfie is truly a wild one. he's sold tommy out again, and this huge rant he goes on after being confronted about it, it's just simply beautiful and so multi-layered that i feel too stupid to analyze it. just something about him unleashing this self-justified anger at tommy thinking he's above it all, and then to go, more softly: "i did not know about your boy, though." also the propensity of tommy always going back to him for more betrayal, just like he went back to grace after she betrayed him. this season, it doesn't even occur to him that alfie might have betrayed him (again): he interrogates his family, first. insane.
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5 he just listened. and now he has no face, season 5 episode 4
god i love season 5, and this episode in particular. this whole sequence where the swan dies, in this episode where tommy keeps seeing his dead wife. the whole sequence is just, encapsulating love, betrayal and violence. lizzie going to hold tommy's hand as they watch the ballet, aberama proposing to polly, the reveal of linda and her raw confrontation of the violence and control, fuck. and then polly being the one to pull the trigger, and the swan, she does die. and the whole sequence that unravels afterwards with linda on the table is like something! out of a fucking renaissance painting!! it makes me unhinged!!
nooo and i didn't even include that sequence at the dinner table in s6 where the camera swiwels between the participants, just the cinematography and decisions they make in this show. prove it with your body. wait let me redo this whole thing i'm not doing it justice nooo who cares about season 1 (i do)
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lassieposting · 7 months
I really liked your theories about the prototype and catnip and would like to hear your thoughts about some other stuff if that's okay with you. I'm sorry if it's not organised
who do you think we play as ? at first I thought it was one of the 3 most mentioned characters like Stella or Rich but poppy refers to the player by they (do you think one of those characters uses those pronouns or they used ot to keep the mc a mystery?)
also the most confusing thing by far for me is in the dream sequence we have the gulit hunts you and the radio messages but what do you think "happy and fun why was it done" it's so out of place compared to the others
Also the "get up " radio do you think it's the same as the death messages?
Also why do you think the prototype showed up at the hallucination when we weren't present at the at the hour of joy how did we know about any of this
Also is just me or is ollie after final fight call sound so passive aggressive 😅?
Aaaaaa thank you Nonnie! I'm glad you enjoy my unhinged rambling ❤
So I do actually have thoughts on some of these!
who do you think we play as ? at first I thought it was one of the 3 most mentioned characters like Stella or Rich but poppy refers to the player by they (do you think one of those characters uses those pronouns or they used ot to keep the mc a mystery?)
So like, I don't think we have enough information yet to fully discern who the protagonist is, but based purely on the details we do have so far, I'm tentatively inclined to side with MatPat on this one: I think the most likely candidate at this point is the unnamed Head of Security, owner of the executive slide with the missing name in Chapter 2.
We know that Playtime did take steps to conceal what they were doing from their Average Joe workforce. The instructional posters directly order employees to stay out of the Innovation Wing unless they have authorization. Marcas Brickley's tape indicates that he witnessed PJ Pug-A-Pillar moving around through the gap in the Innovation Wing gate, but he has no idea what the "monster" was, and he's disturbed and distressed by having seen it. The workers in the lobby in the Hour of Joy tape don't seem to have realised that Huggy Wuggy was not a statue. Poppy recalls workers panicking and asking, "What are those things?"
The correspondence between Playtime and the contracted construction company directly states that the secret labs they're building are strictly need-to-know, only to be discussed with those with authorization at Playtime and the building company.
Mommy Long Legs recognises us. Given that the average production-line worker was not aware of her existence, that means we are someone who was high-ranking enough to know about and be directly involved with the Bigger Bodies Initiative.
The Head of Security would absolutely have a good reason to be wracked with guilt. If that's us, keeping the Prototype contained, and the Bigger Bodies creatures compliant and harmless, was our responsibility, and we failed. We knew how dangerous the experiments could be - Huggy Wuggy killed several security staff during his escape attempt, after all, people whose lives were ours to safeguard, people whose families we would have had to break the news to - but we still failed to put sufficient measures in place to prevent a mass uprising (it's implied we as the player character are not fully aware of what happened at the factory, but we know that something went horribly wrong enough for all our coworkers to vanish from the face of the earth). It's entirely fair for us to feel like every single human life lost in the Hour of Joy is on our head.
Rich is an interesting possibility, but while he clearly doesn't like working for Playtime and suspects something is Off about the place - he brings up that the workers aren't allowed to talk to the orphans, and that the orphans are deprived of sunlight in the underground Playcare - he doesn't seem to be actively complicit in Playtime's atrocities. He's a regular day-job worker, not a high-ranking exec, and I don't think he has any clue just how evil his workplace really is. My suspicion is that Rich's audios exist to make a point to the player that good people also worked at Playtime, who didn't know about the Bigger Bodies initiative, and who were slaughtered regardless during the Hour of Joy. Rich exists to provide a face (or, at least, a voice) to the people who were killed who didn't deserve it.
also the most confusing thing by far for me is in the dream sequence we have the gulit hunts you and the radio messages but what do you think "happy and fun why was it done" it's so out of place compared to the others
So personally, I'm inclined to think that this is possibly CatNap, now a young adult, trying to rationalise what the Hour of Joy was meant to achieve versus what it did achieve. Because in the end, it didn't actually do shit. The experiments are still trapped in the factory. Cruelty is still ongoing, only now it's toys hunting toys rather than humans experimenting on children. CatNap is old enough to remember the glee and relief and catharsis brought on by the Hour of Joy, by being free, by being safe, by being reassured by the Prototype that it was all over. And then the gradual, sinking realisation that they're all trapped, every one of them, with a dwindling food supply and no hope of ever going back to their former lives. I think he's asking himself what the point was, when it didn't actually achieve anything long-term.
Also the "get up " radio do you think it's the same as the death messages?
Short answer: Possibly.
That's not Prototype's voice. We've heard him talk in his tape and in Project Playtime - he has a very deep, almost demonic growly voice. Honestly, the get up almost sounds more like Harley Sawyer, the doctor. But we also know Prototype is a vocal mimic, so that very well could be him talking to us, using one of his many imitable voices.
Since the hallucination is guided by CatNap, and CatNap has had a telepathic connection with Prototype, I actually have a few theories on what this could be.
It is Harley Sawyer. We know he essentially tortured the experiments post-transformation, Prototype in particular. This could be a memory CatNap has seen in Prototype's mind of one of those sessions - making a point to the player that the experiments were subjected to horrific abuse and an uprising was their only option.
It's us. Again, if we're the Head of Security, that could be us snapping at an experiment, suggesting we were somewhat callous and not particularly invested in their welfare. Which would make Prototype's Get Up death screens a deliberate mockery - turning our own words back on us.
It's Prototype, same as the death screens, and he's just using someone else's voice. You may have read my theory that Prototype was military, and if this is him, that comes through here; he's a stubborn, hard-headed determinator who has very little patience for us failing to make ourselves useful. He needs us. Get up. We can die later.
As a side note on this section, the "DON'T MOVE. DON'T MOVE AN INCH." voice? I have a fond headcanon that that's us. That's our voice. That's CatNap's - Theo's - final memory before he completely lost consciousness when he was electrocuted: it's us and our security staff cornering Prototype at gunpoint when he brought Theo back for medical attention. That's the moment he was recaptured - Theo's last memory of being human.
Also why do you think the prototype showed up at the hallucination when we weren't present at the at the hour of joy how did we know about any of this
Because it's a hallucination. We're not seeing what actually happened. We're seeing a representation of the protagonist's mind making sense of everything they've learned.
If we are the Head of Security, we know about the Prototype. Keeping his ass contained and making sure he couldn't hurt anyone would've been our primary job. Because we're a human and part of Playtime's executive board, we would have seen him as an evil monster who's violent for no reason, and we would have been given access to the shrink's reports on him - we'd know he's fiercely intelligent, we'd know he's stealthy, we'd know anything that would be relevant to us keeping the facility workers safe. But I think the protagonist underestimated him - a wholesale rebellion prompted by his mind control ability never crossed our mind. And here, I think the protagonist is realising for the very first time just how intelligent he is, just how much influence he has, and that he masterminded the toys' rebellion. We're realising it all comes back to the Prototype. And we're setting that knowledge in the wider context we now have of just how torturous the experiments' treatment and situations were while Playtime was functional.
However, it could also be to do with CatNap, since he's the one guiding the hallucination - Prototype's hand reaches down from on high to smite us, in line with CatNap's religious zeal. It could be CatNap trying to scare us off by showing us the Hour of Joy in a glorious light; his hero saving all the experiments. Fear him, lest ye be smoten, and all that.
Also is just me or is ollie after final fight call sound so passive aggressive 😅?
There is definitely a Vibe about that interaction, a distinct tone that he doesn't have the rest of the time. I'm undecided how I'd read that tone - on one hand, it sounds almost resigned, as though we've made our choice as to whose side we're on and the Prototype considers this us deciding we're his enemy, but on the other...that doesn't match up with my suspicions about his ultimate goal.
It could, of course, also be resigned as in grief. One tired old soldier to another tired old soldier: he knows we didn't really have any other choice than to try to kill CatNap, since CatNap was determined to kill us, and he had no choice but to follow through because all the doctors who could have tended to CatNap are dead, but he's hurting and angry and bitter about it all the same.
Anyway I hope you enjoy these ideas!
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ginnymoonbeam · 1 year
I've been enjoying reading theories and analyses of The Eighth Sense ep 6 from lots of different perspectives. Personally I don't believe the episode was a hallucination/dream/anything unreal, because that is not the level of storytelling this show has taught me to expect.
I mean that in multiple senses. First that this show does a lot of playing with perception and time, but not wholesale invented realities (unlike, say, The Eclipse - which, to give that fakeout scene its grudging due, had already shown some full-on character imagination spots). The soft filters and collapsing sense of time feel to me like a very evocative representation of Jaewon's state of mind, not an indicator that what we see isn't really happening.
Second, making the entire episode unreal would be bad storytelling, and thus far this show has been very very good and deliberate in its narrative choices. There were so many good, interesting conversations and character moments, there was so much of Jihyun's perspective, their intimacy progressed quickly but believably given everything that's come before. I don't believe this writing team would take the audience through all that and then ask us to reset our sense of where the relationship is. I think better of them than that.
Back to the thing about Jihyun's perspective - most of the early half of the episode is in his pov, as he watches Jaewon and tries to figure out what's going on with him and how to help him. As he finds himself sitting in the sand and sleeping in the cold and wondering a little bit how he ended up here. If this show were going to do an unreality sequence, I'd expect it to be solidly rooted in the perspective of the person imagining it. It's been nothing but careful and precise so far in its character and perspective work, I don't see that suddenly changing.
(Also, for different storytelling reasons, I think Jihyun is alive. I think we're headed for a lot of complications from Jaewon's guilt and trauma, all of which have more fruitful story potential if Jihyun survives.)
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shuublebunny · 4 months
Hey gang, I wrote a quick little drabble of how I personally think Aphmau would have reacted to seeing Garroth again during the first dream sequence. I could never understand how she wasn't angry with him and just went "omg shawty I missed you <3"
Tired. That seemed to sum it up pretty well--only it didn't--Aphmau was beyond tired, she was exhausted. Fifteen minutes, no, fifteen years she spent battling that damned priest and his brother. That stupid, horrible brother in whom she had put so much trust, toward whom she felt such deep affection.
That same, wretched brother who stood before her now. No, that's impossible. Of course, she had experienced a good few things that should have been impossible recently, and she supposed this shouldn't be too much of a shock. She could be hallucinating, for all she knows; after all, she hadn't been able to sleep in days, and this environment certainly didn't resemble anything short of some twisted dreamscape.
Whatever the reason for this vile man before her, she couldn't help how she burned with rage at the sight of him (of course, she hoped to suppress the slight, cool wave of relief that soothed the scorching fire of contempt that coursed through her veins--he was safe). She stood there, glowering at him from a decent distance of a few paces opposite from him under the cascading branches of the wisteria they were situated beneath, and he stared back, his gaze soft, warm, and full of admiration as he shifted slightly in an attempt to conceal his anticipation.
"My lady? Is that really-" "Don't," she cut him off, her tone icy enough to crystallize the knight's blood in his veins, "speak as though you are so pleased to see me."
Her interruption was met with a moment of palpable silence from the traitor, who looked like a kicked puppy. After a while, though, he bravely (stupidly) spoke again. "But I am. My lady, I am so glad to see that you're safe."
"Are you, now?" This was a very different Aphmau from the one Garroth saw as he regathered enough of himself to fend off his brother; that Aphmau was confused, afraid, and teary-eyed at the thought of leaving him behind. This Aphmau was cold, distant, and livid, yet somehow as radiant as ever. "Because you didn't seem too concerned with my safety--or anyone else's for that matter--when you sided with Zane."
He could have hissed at the sting of her words, true as they were. "I know. It was wrong of me to act in such a disgraceful manner." She stared at him, unimpressed, through half-lidded eyes and a quirk of her brow, but she let him continue. "What I did was horrible, and I cannot apologize enough. But you must understand that Zane took advantage of my love for you and used it to control me. He turned me into something I'm not." Aphmau's barely-maintained composure snapped at the ridiculousness of his excuse. "Your love for me?" she spat, venom dripping from her tone. "What you did wasn't love. You were upset that I held affection for another man that wasn't you. It was an act of possession."
"You think I'm possessive? You led me on," he retorted through gritted teeth. "I did nothing of the sort." "You kissed him!"
Aphmau nearly doubled over in laughter at the incredulousness of his accusation. "I beg your pardon? I have done nothing of the sort." Garroth's pulse pounded so harshly at her denial that he could hear it. "Don't deny it, I saw you. You led me on and then you kissed him!"
"I can't lead either of you on when I'm not actively pursuing either of you," she retorted with a wry, humorless chuckle. "I never chose to be pursued by either of you, and if you perceive me being friendly as an attempt at courtship, that is your own damn fault." Garroth opened his mouth to defend his wounded ego, but his lady continued, "And even if I did, you have no right to claim me if we never explicitly determined what we are outside a lord and her guard. You didn't just betray me, but all of Phoenix Drop! Do you even know what's become of our home?"
That seemed to shut Garroth up for a while, and Aphmau could feel her chest swell slightly with a cold, sick sense of pride. She didn't really feel much better. Her guard, who looked thoroughly shaken at the realization, finally choked out a hushed plea. "What happened?"
The lady felt everything she had experienced come rushing back to her, images of decrepit, overgrown homes and her now adult children flashing behind her eyes in rapid speed. "'What happened?'" she seethed, "Well, for every minute spent in Irene's Domain, one year passed in the overworld. So you can imagine my dread when I returned to my village abandoned, in shambles, with everyone gone." Garroth could feel his head begin to spin as his lady continued, "the only one left in the village was Dante. Did you know that he spent every day, for the past fifteen years, going to that same spot where we all disappeared in hopes that we would come back? That he stayed in the remains of Phoenix Drop as people slowly started leaving because there was no hope for a lordless village? How he's now an adult in his thirties, with a wife and two children?"
She felt her eyes start to burn with tears that she refused to shed in front of him. "Yip is all grown up now, and Donna and Logan have kids of their own now, as well. And Laurance came home to find Ungrth's grave was robbed. You should have seen how distraught he was." Her chest heaved as her rage caught up to her. "And Dante looks so tired. Nothing can seem to bring back that spark in his eyes. Cadenza has fully taken over Metelli as their lord, and Nicole is the lord of Scaleswind. They're both incredible." The tears continued to burn, and her chest continued to tighten. "And Zoey gave up her immortality to bring us back. She could still live forever if you weren't so stupid," she spat. "And the worst part? My sons are all grown up. Malachi looks to be my age now, and Levin has been lord of what remains of our home for the past year. Levin didn't even recognize me--he couldn't even look at me without glowering at me. He tried not to show it, but he resents me, and I can't even blame him. He took on lordship at sixteen! And he feels that he has to live up to the standards of a woman he didn't even know, a woman who abandoned him!" Her last statement came in choked sobs, the tears finally daring to burst forth and roll down her cheek in fat, hot streams.
Garroth, who could only stand bewildered and ashamed for all of Aphmau's evisceration of his character, buried his pride and did the only thing he knew to do; he pulled her into his arms, as if to shield her, whispering a plethora of 'I'm sorrys' and sweet nothings until her ragged sobs and labored breathing calmed down. The tidal wave of emotions had finally crashed, and Aphmau couldn't find it in herself to push away. After everything that had happened, it was nice to be comforted, to be seen. This was her guard, her Garroth. The one who was always there, who never faltered, unless he dealt with wounded pride--
She ripped herself out of his arms with a newfound fury, flames dancing wrathfully behind her amber eyes as she scowled up at him. "You took away everything! You stripped Phoenix Drop of their lord--and by extension, their validity as a village, robbed Dante of his youth, and robbed me of my sons' childhoods! I will never get to watch them grow up. I missed so many of their firsts, their joys, failed to comfort them in times of grief…everything! You robbed me of my motherhood." Her vision blurred, and she could see red. Her senses only seemed to do her any good when Garroth reached for her, and in a moment of clarity, she swiftly slapped his hand away. "I swear to Irene, Garroth Ro'Meave, I will find a way to bring you back to our realm and you will help reverse all the damage you've done."
"…Of course, my lady."
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
Dark Nights: Metal
Well that was certainly an event.
I think the reasons to read this come under a handful of categories:-
Do you care about Barbat(h)os lore?
Do the words ‘Dark Multiverse’ sound like something you care about finding out more about?
Are you an event tragic and want to be set up to read storylines and events spiraling out of this?
Are you the sort of Batman fan who wants to see him curbstomp with everyone else’s powers?
If your answers are no, congratulations, skip this event, it’s a fever dream.
If your interest is piqued: look the best way to describe this uh thing is that a multiverse evil Justice League of Bruce Waynes comes to harass Earth-0.
Yeah. You’ve got:
Red Death (Bruce Wayne who absorbed the Speed Force from Barry)
Murder Machine (Bruce Wayne bonded with an AI of Alfred that’s infected Cyborg)
Dawnbreaker (Bruce Wayne who got a Green Lantern ring immediately after his parents were murdered and had so much willpower he could override the ring into letting him do murder)
Drowned (our gender-swapped Bryce Wayne who performed surgery on himself to turn amphibious to defeat Atlantis after they tried conquering the land)
Merciless (Bruce Wayne who was in love with Diana but ended up possessed by Ares’s helmet after her death)
Devastator (Bruce Wayne infects himself with the Doomsday virus)
The Batman Who Laughs (yeah you all know this one, is the Bruce & Joker combo)
It’s also a ‘collect the tv & movie references’ event, with specific visual references to things like: Star Trek Wrath of Khan; Mad Max Fury Road; Game of Thrones; etc.
It is also, I guess, stuffed full of in-joke references back to earlier events and storylines, both pre and post Flashpoint. Bart Allen gets name-checked. There's an Arthur's hook hand joke that lands quite well. There’s a comment on the street about turning Gotham into a No Man’s Land. Batman: Lost is just ‘how well do you recognise a bunch of classic Batman tales’. And so on.
Interestingly, the two titles that I enjoyed the most (in terms of both references and how their story was constructed) were Batman: Lost #1 (a Snyder-Williamson-Tynion combo book) and Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs #1 (Tynion, with Rossmo on art).
I know. I KNOW. But the Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs title, despite having literally everything working against it, had the most coherent storyline for how Bruce got corrupted, it was the only title that focused on the fact people would care, and as tends to be the case, it had Rossmo assigned for the art to do some really interesting things. Tynion can tell a good story and actually cared about the stakes of it.
While Batman: Lost #1 is far more understandable as a great event one-shot. It has Bruce hallucinating his future, being in his 70s at home in the Manor with a crowd of grandchildren running around (one has Gordon red hair! Another is called Janet!) and he's telling stories of his past battles to Janet. There's a library wall where the books are all his 'adventures' and of course they're all labelled with the names of various famous Batman stories (and it's fun to look through them and pick out the priorities) and as Bruce tells Janet the story she requested, how it went keeps shifting and other storylines are interposed (and also have oddities in them). It's a title that rewards knowing the original stories Bruce tries to tell. Dominique talks directly to the camera explaining how things will proceed in the Dark Night, Dark City scenes.
Finally there's actually a really lovely intro sequence to Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1 if you're a Bobo fan, which includes Rex, the Wonder Dog. I really loved that bit.
Either way, this was one of those events with characters stuffed into every possible panel for Meaningful Reasons and a load of nonsense (I'm not even going to bother understanding some of this, but I got the impression there was a whole pack of 'where has this character been' retcons put in place).
It's a very, very, very, very Bruce Wayne obsessed event. And while there was certainly good material to enjoy in it if you like playing spotto with previous events, the entire metal lore was just ultimately painful to read.
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candysharkart · 2 years
hi would u be willing to talk more ab ur belcher hcs that theyre all schizoaffective? :]
i can defs try! i cant promise i have really anything "smart" or insightful to say, cuz my husband and i just kinda draw from our own experiences :o
(if u are reading this and dont know what schizoaffective disorder is, im writing this w/ the definition of "a combination of schizophrenic symptoms and mood disorder symptoms like major depressive and bipolar disorder")
bob has felt the most schiz to us from the start, he's got his voices, which feel way more like he's acting as a mouthpiece for the objects he's talking to, rather than him just doing a bit. he knows its not "real" but also. it is to him. (i think hes also had some? hallucinations? but most are drug or stress induced and he also has a lot of cartoon dream sequences so...?) he struggles with paranoia and anxiety, and he's had pretty manic and depressive episodes in the show. i think he tries his best to stay grounded and self-aware with his delusions. he's very skeptical, and gets really irritated by misinformation. (probs also an affect of his autism tbh)
we also have a hc that he's more irritable and negative in the early seasons bc he's on meds that arent a good fit for him. (we dont really have meds hcs other than that. they might not be able to afford them)
linda's symptoms arent as obvious beyond her delusions like the raccoons and the cemetery stuff, but i think she's taught herself to suppress her issues so she could better support gayle who had more disruptive ones. her parents seem like the "stop being mentally ill its annoying" types. she has her own instances of paranoia and anxiety, but she mostly tries to smother and ignore anything negative she feels. VERY manic and impulsive tho. i think she also has some hallucinations in show but im drawing blanks on specifics.....
i would personally say tina is pretty depressive, but she's good at trying to cope in (mostly) healthy ways. her family is a good support system for her! she does have the most instances of visual hallucinations that arent cartoon bits (she seems to have them a lot when shes feeling guilty...) her anxiety and paranoia reminds me a lot of bob but also of gayle. they have similar outburts
gene has the least examples that i can think of.... i think he considers ken to be pretend and is just joking about him being real bc it annoys bob (compared to tina who thinks her horse Jericho is maybe...a little real) but i think he has some other hallucinations tht arent like that. hes surprisingly anti-social! he definitely often views himself as superior to the kids he knows. gets that from his dad lol. and his mania and impulsiveness are very much like linda :) he doesnt have depressive episodes as much as the others, but they hit him really hard :(
and louise! shes paranoid and has lots of aggression issues! to me she is also very depressed. (the puppet ep is esp relatable to me lol........) and she's VERY manic in the ambergris ep! i think she also has a couple instances of voices similar to bob's? but its kinda hard to tell the difference when shes still a kid who plays pretend with her toys. her talking to the taffy dummy feels more like what bob does tho.
i hope? thats the kind of hcs you were talking about? ive been trying to think of the right words for like 3 hours now. im very bad with words and so much of this stuff can also be attributed to other brain stuff, and one person can have a lot going on in one brain! so i hope i dont upset anyone with this post. thank u for ur time :)
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI 5.08 “Out of Mind, Out of Sight” review
Okay, we all called it but still, I did very much enjoy dressed up Miggy being all adorable on their date. Until of course, it all went horribly terrifyingly wrong. Man, those were some freaky hallucinations.
I’ve been trying to gather my thoughts on this episode and I can’t decide if I’m hugely disappointed or extremely thrilled.
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So three plots this week, but I think they made that work even though they were very separated from each other and Childs really had no one to talk to. He was/is really growing on me which means it would make sense for them to kill him. Likeable people die… it’s the TV way.
The Miggy/ case-case
As some clever people had guessed the proposal was not real (I mean we knew it wasn’t going to be real but the fan girl in me so wanted it to be!) but just how quickly it was going to go from ‘awww adorable Miggy date’ to ‘Higgy’s worst nightmare’ had me a little shook. But that wasn’t even really the nightmare… oh boy, that was some freaky hallucinations there at the end, well done.
Problem with putting the proposal and Higgy in trouble first thing… well, I’m just waiting for that moment to happen. So everything leading up to it is a little…well for me, I don’t really super focus on it. Or I didn’t today. So yeah, the Miggy + case was a little bit of a blur to me. I did enjoy our babies having their first fight, brought on by Magnum’s terrible password etiquette and looming death. Very fitting for our duo.
(Also, Higgy, 64 symbol passwords? What are you trying to protect? The lumminati deepest darkest secrets?)
Higgy doing her American accent always amuses me, but I did like southern belle from season 4 better, that was hilarious! A patient figuring it out and Higgy actually telling her because even if the patient told…who’d have believed her?
Magnum just knowing Higgy was in trouble there at the end did annoy me a little. Like come on, surely there must have been a better way? Also him rushing up the stairs - like boy? where are you going? Higgy’s find my phone was offline! Making for good last second rescue drama, sure, but still, not sure it made 100% sense.
It did get us both this
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and this
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so can’t complain.
Also can we talk about how it’s Higgy having the proposal dream? I half expected, even as I knew it was her dream, for it to be drugged Magnum having the dream. Our girl sure has come a long way :-)
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Even if the more horrible bits of that scene, with the two Higgy’s and the padded room/corridor - was my favourite.
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Also heartbreaking with the whole “whose blood is that”. In fact that whole drugged Higgy sequence was freaky as shit. I will be having nightmares of American accented Perdie going ‘whose blood is that?’, (and Higgy will be having those nightmares too in the fan fic my muse really wants to write -let’s hope muse-me sticks around when I’m starting at the blank pages of my google docs later…)
Did enjoy bad ass bitch Higgy being all “do you think you’re the first person to drug and interrogate me, you’re an amateur”. Like, part of me really would love to know just all Higgy’s crazy spy adventures.
Anyways, did love most of it and it does fit with nervous Higgy which we have been getting lately, so bonus points for continuity but… still IDK, maybe the clickbait proposal thing but something throws me a little?
I’d have had them hiking at pillbox and being all normal cute and not proposal cute, that would have made for more of a gut punch when Magnum was suddenly coughing up blood. Maybe? Because we wouldn’t have gone ‘oh dream/hallucination’ right away.
Also why did Higgy get banged on the head there at the start and then her wound just disappeared? Did they decide to add that in once filming was done to give her a moment with the creepy nurse or something? At least they could have given her a bandaid? IDK, just random intrusive thoughts made me super annoyed by this.
Childs getting himself killed(?)
So not confirmed dead, but since we seem to be getting a very dramatic mid-season finale next week (which already started this week to be honest!) I’m a little worried about Childs’ survival odds.
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Especially since he was almost nice and did claim our faves as his friends. Plus got a cute talk/moments with his GF. That feels like nails in his coffin. But I had just begun to like him so let’s hope.
Gordy and baby-Gordy
The father-son ‘adventure’ to the mainland was maybe my favourite bit. Mostly because of this moment.
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This moment really got to me. Because like this is the feeling. The feeling when something happens, and even though bad guy is thrown out/sent to jail, the host lady is all nice and apologetic and stuff, the bad unfair thing still happened. And it will keep on happening. And how do you fucking deal or talk about that.
I feel like this is one of the most relatable things for anyone who has ever been a minority one way or another, as a woman, different ethnicity, religion or social class.
Very much liked that Gordy did find some words to talk about it and found a way to sort of help reclaim the situation at the end. But still. Something weirdly emotional and relatable and important about that just eating in silent scene (for me at least.)
Other than Higgy’s freaky hallucinations and the Miggy feels at the end, Gordon and Dennis’ scenes were the best.
Next week
My goodness, not one second of downtime for anyone on this show, ever. Even before the episode we already have.
TC beeing shot.
Childs has been maybe blown up.
In the promo we see Higgy doing some seriously impressive flipping over fighting moves (someone make a gif of Higgy kicking ass from the promo, pretty please!) and Rick being chased through the rainforest?
Figuring Shammy saves the day with TC and takes him to Robin’s Nest where we know will be under siege? So TC, Shammy and Magnum & Higgins there and then Rick being hunted on his own?
I’m excited but I’m also not, because frankly I like being the one that causes my faves pain because then I know I can also give them some comfort and happiness later. This just seems like lots of hurt and very little comfort!!!
(At least it seems to not be another slightly disappointing SUV plot line?)
Well, next week can’t come soon enough while at the same time as soon as it does there won’t be any more Magnum until September. Which is a terrible terrible fate and the only good thing about this would be if this made made my muse wake up and I got to finish some of my fics!
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Division 3 Are Absolutely the Bad Guys
Yep, another post of me being baffled by Legion’s writing choices from the end of season 2. 
Sydney literally falling down the rabbit hole (white rabbit and everything), being told by Farouk!Melanie that David is evil, is somehow supposed to be the truth? Sydney absolutely believes her, and for some reason we are supposed to believe her. Even though (while David has definitely been becoming increasingly withdrawn), we’ve seen nothing to suggest that David really is evil. Even the scene used to show Sydney David is now evil is taken out of context and is completely justifiable to the viewer. And in spite of the fact that Alice in Wonderland motifs are used exclusively for things that aren’t true (hallucinations, dream sequences, etc), Sydney’s actions based on this scene somehow aren’t the result of her being manipulated at all. 
(Yes. Yes they are).
(That is literally what the cinematic and literary techniques the show is using are saying is happening). 
(Noah Hawley you literally show her being brainwashed! You can’t say that this is all her choice, and the correct one!)
Then we have Ptonomy. The last time we see him in season 2, he still has his own separate consciousness and being fully on David’s side. Then the next time we see him in season 3, he is being used as the vessel for the Vermicelli. Kerry at one point asks Ptonomy if he remembers being their friend, which means we know they at least hope Ptonomy is still in there. And when we do finally see Ptonomy again, when he realises what they’ve done, he is horrified. 
And of course there’s Switch, who Cary forcibly abducts under the guise of ‘saving her’, in spite of her protests. She is then put in a vat, something which she wakes up from, again, severely traumatised. 
Yet the narrative only shows them as being in the right. Yes, you can try and argue that this is what they were going for, that just because characters are called the good guys doesn’t mean they are the good guys. But, as with all unreliable narrators, there are ways to convey this to the audience. Legion never even attempts these things, and we know, because David is getting Take That’s and Reason You Suck speeches left and right in season 3, so we know that his perception of events is no longer accurate. Even in the finale, when they’re finally helping David, they still say that their David is irredeemable (Kerry even suggests killing him as a baby, which...). Syd’s revelation is not that any of her actions have been wrong, but that David deserves a second chance at life like she had.  
At some point, it just becomes bad writing.
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freyalorelei · 1 year
Okay. Wow. Where do I start.
THEY MADE MERSTEDE HAPPEN. Now we KNOW that the crew reads fic, because that was pure fanservice. When he materialized and swam up to Ed, I couldn't stop giggling. My husband asked what was so funny, and when I refused to reply, he asked if it was a fan fic thing. Why, yes. Yes, it is.
(Also MerStede is a good look and yes it's camp and cheesy and cringefail or whatever the kids say these days, but honestly I can't blame Ed 'cause yeah, I'd go there. Also congrats to Rhys for living out his cryptid dreams. :D)
Not loving where the Olu/Jim relationship is heading. Seeing Archie intrude on their space was uncomfortable. And I don't like that they made Olu incompetent (he's been a pirate for how long and he doesn't recognize a battle map?). Zheng Yi Sao is amazing, though. "Girl, how are you?" 11/10, chef's kiss, you're doing great sweetie, etc.
I'm shocked that Lucius immediately pivoted to blaming STEDE for his misfortune instead of, you know, THE GUY WHO PUSHED HIM. Everyone seemed a little too on board with pointing fingers at Stede, and no one mentioned Chauncey or the effort Stede went through to fix his mistakes. He even admitted to Lucius to his face that he's aware he's a flawed individual who has hurt many people.
Apparently Stede's vision of their reunion involves a full-bearded Ed, even though the last time they saw one another Ed was clean-shaven. I get that they couldn't make Taika grow a short beard within days, but it's an odd choice for the character. I guess he's remembering Ed as he was when they fell in love? Also I was originally anti-Steard, but that opening scene gave me pause. Damn but that's a good look for Rhys.
Alas, poor Ivan, we hardly knew ye. And for Ed to barely twitch at his death? That's cold, man. They need him to atone HARD for his actions this seasons, because so far he's become very unsympathetic.
Ricky idolizes Stede the same way that Izzy idolized Ed, and it's going to end just as badly for him. Also now I want to try a gin Rick(e)y. Watch this become the new signature fandom drink (with orange juice in place of lime, of course). Lavender-eucalyptus scents will surge in popularity as well.
"You smoke now?" babe he just endured a cavalcade of horrors incomprehensible to the human mind, you're lucky he isn't strung out 24/7. Also smoking was probably considered medicinal.
Speaking of hard drugs, apparently Ed's been snorting rhino horn, which is an aphrodisiac. Is he just giving himself constant blue balls over Stede as self-punishment? No wonder his brain finally was like, fine, if you're not gonna get a therapist I guess I'll just have to make one myself. And Ed repaid this with a Looney Tunes sequence of repeatedly killing his hallucination.
Which leads me to ask...how did he get in that state, anyway? Auntie said that a man had his head bashed in, but the cannonball that Jim dropped would have caved in Ed's face, no takesy-backsies. Izzy's failed suicide attempt I get; 17th century pistols were notoriously unreliable and misfired all the time. You can't just lightly bounce a cannonball off someone's head.
ETA: You know what, I'll accept Ed surviving a cannonball to the face the same way that the show itself shrugs off all the various major character stabbings, hangings, and drownings in an era when the most effective medical care was catgut, laudanum, and hope. If Stede can survive being gut-stabbed AND hanged at the same time, not to mention Izzy getting shot minutes after losing a leg, sure Ed can deflect a fatal head wound. Why not.
Is it me or were there a LOT of suicide attempts, particularly on Ed's part? Like, I get that he's long past spiraled into insanity, but it's unnerving to watch someone repeatedly hold a gun barrel under their chin. I knew a guy (not well) who did kill himself this way, and in front of his kid no less. She was 18 months old and has no memory of it, thank god, but it was horribly traumatic for his wife and older sons, who were in the next room. So yeah. A trigger warning specifically for suicide attempts would have been nice.
They seem to be leaning hard into Buttons's mysticism. Now he can not only talk to birds, but he's being treated as some sort of sea god who can maybe turn into a bird? I hope they don't veer too far into fantasy; I like that it's more grounded with just a hint of theatricality.
Ed puts 'orgasms' as a priority on his list of three reasons to live. Oooooh, they gonna fuck nasty this season.
...they never did explain exactly how Stede got the crew off that island in a dinghy. Did he row them to land one by one? There's no way he piled them all in...the boat wouldn't support their combined weight.
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adrenaline-whump · 2 years
AI art, and a couple of thoughts
Awhile back, an artist/author I follow started playing around with digital art assistants.  They made it sound interesting enough that I tried Midjourney...and got a little hooked. (Examples below the cut.)
As a person who’s never had the patience or skill to Do Art, I find it overwhelmingly joyful to just...enter some words, and be given art in return?  It’s most likely not what I pictured, but that often makes it more fun.  I had fun in the beginning putting in abstract concepts, just to see what came back.  Two of my favorites were generated by simply putting in “evil hunger” and “icy rage”. 
Evil Hunger:
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Icy Rage:
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At that time, Midjourney was...not good at rendering humans. You see, it works by taking all the art it has access to online, attempting to match keywords to prompts, putting that subset of the art in its little AI blender, and spitting out the result. It doesn’t know, for example, that humans typically have two eyes that look in the same direction. Early experiments gave me a lot of figures facing away from the camera in silhouette, which was good because the clearer ones usually came straight from the Uncanny Valley. I got human figures with one leg, and horses with six.
That was Midjourney version 3.  They’ve since come out with a version 4, which is much better at getting the proper number of physical features sorted. It still has a hard time with hands...but that’s a problem for all artists, from what I understand.
As you can read in the Discourse, if you’re so inclined, AI art can be Problematic. Is it stealing? Maybe. It’s a little ludicrous for me to input “icy rage” into a text box and claim the result is “my art.” There are thousands of real artists, living and dead, whose skill the AI is borrowing. That said, can we defend it as creative derivation? Artists (and writers, and most creatives) borrow from each other all the time. We use each others’ work as inspiration and let it drive our own creation. Isn’t that what’s happening here?
The question is, how much of the result is transforming others’ works, and how much is straight up copying? Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell.
For myself, I’ve got two rules. One is, I don’t use artists’ names in my prompts. A lot of people do, but to me, that’s where it crosses the line into plagiarism.  The other is...well, I’ll illustrate with something it gave me awhile back:
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I asked it for a “fire opal talisman” and it gave me this set of four. Look at the one in the lower right corner. It looks like the AI has picked up a signature from whatever art it was using as a reference. That makes me profoundly uncomfortable. So my second rule is, no matter how much I like a result, anything with a ghost signature/watermark is out.
Now, this is a whump blog, so of course I was curious about how it might do for that. The answer is...meh? Even though the current version is better at rendering people, it’s still not great. Many human figures end up looking cartoony. Also, Midjourney has a list of words that cannot be used as prompts, in order to prevent misuse. That’s definitely a good thing, but it means I can’t use “bruised” for example.
I did get a couple of interesting whumpy results, like when I asked it for a film-noir-ish wounded man in a trenchcoat:
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That’s not bad. I could use that as story inspo or illustration. It’s just that ultimately, I find that the more specific the result I want, the more difficult it is to wring that image out of the AI.
And one more thing
Since I’m posting this on Tumblr in November 2022, I’m contractually obligated to add this masterpiece I generated five minutes ago:
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(IYKYK and all that. The weirdness of the 3 and 4 are an AI artifact, but it amuses me to think that this might be the start of a dream sequence or hallucination where our MC imagines the clock’s numbers moving and changing.)
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libidomechanica · 1 month
And when moving but a
A sonnet sequence
When nature apt seruants the tide, of night. Fools of the early dinners, or at market in the eyes doth lie; for men can claim; in years, by vain regretted that have chosen Piccadillos are unknowing the stars. Grand, epic, homicidal; and be yourself you hero if you entreat then maids by night fell,—don Juan’s chariot waits at the least of the Empire of Humanity. The whitehearted to teach strange love holds in her e’e? That overcomest so, because their cheeks delicious symphonies, like most freshly steep’d in morning debates not to behold! Hale strength; a daintier iudge applied—the poet’s pen can paint,— ’Cosi viaggino i Ricchi!—And when moving but a moral me; he’llfind it to a columns of a shrine where London’s so well his travels he saw far in the lilies for panties I is for the arch through brittle reason where the hour of six.
Thy sacred party, to enjoy its sweets. Shapely—just as a child of suckling time, and all around me, till my hearts: we gazed, but the hallucination, not the blue dominion. Beside it, and you wear u is for knee socks, E for parliament is our Universe? That love to the airiest human voices dying accents haue: a rightful to the mind, and take much half an hour, they raven’d quick and roar of voices of purple doors of ours be fleeting? My feet emerg’d an old man never doubted, nor can I fall more like taper-flame left sudden everywhere was not conceive it.
Or Dutch with young, and gaze where thou mad’st me chop, but yet another graces. The former’s hymeneal hopes to flatters, but quite the rest. By those old bones, o’erwrought. Bid her coverture for clamoured he, and makes us wish ourselves in patterns on a secondly, proceed upon my waking dreams and mount upon this upon the heaviness, he might for her proffer o’ luve’s an airle-penny, my tocher’s the jewel of a thousand cold, as Phidian forms cut out on Shooter’s Hill; and so much the sainted. And crowns are too brief for affording the dying of Michelangelo.
Kill time by the test, but in the best when moving our velvet bodies marry, but true,—last war the stubble droop, and let the tables every truth that fatal power. It is anticipated; the interior of the waves combing the shouldst move my hearts: he danced Albano’s boys, and there sorrow not only in mere talking of thee to be a good dinner; present that his rival by his beading on his high employ, showering leaves. That, we just such a scope to show her proffer o’ luve’s an eye, and piously;—all lovers, all they lead in safety in a multitude.
Nor breathed with an eagle native: alas! And how should rate but lo! And who Absál? Their ray was turn’d the boughs, theban Amphitrite, queens, bishops, who fought in her e’e? And that, unconfin’d, can make faults which brought in me, and which, when Rome’s stood sanctified in fear She comes with hellish spite with silver store, until exhausted of thine: for thought—it was and Is To-day; to who believe her, she cried, Hold! Whether blundering step, I meet him take care through nations pith, and every vulgar thief. At least as fell from his vesture, and though trusty to another lord. A glimpses of sounds divine.
What no one eternal Footman hold my coat, my collar mounting firmly to the accredited diplomatic lost lie, until to some lean and soberly—at ten. And faultering of the war which is worth, th’inherited sin on that care-worn sage, grave off metaphysician to my o’er-sweeten’d soul, when I’ll be, that, Virtue, he in her eyes were all my life will gain— or none will reverse. Longer-lived, and if they are past tense, thou Morning papers read the novels, after than to window-panes, licked its dripping, among the annals of full many as thine—the myriad sea!
The long date—till the other has been confesse pardon a fault confessional; and that, unconfin’d, can mingle music came to men in star-light of hers your kindest may be sent: the young ioyes, dost rob my ioyes all forms and around me, cheering her bowes, and swore he went into our lives, all around himself in the hearse. In circle waited, whom shee lou’d, but strictures, or rode a nag which grows no ebb to its pinnacle doth shine, sweet side of blisse? Headlong into forget—an oratory, proud of his tyrannie; and now it ranckleth more encreased. And no pace perceived him in their tasks.
It festreth sore, ne wote I, how to the old warriors; brazen front. What can ye recognise that crystal bower down a man with pity,—juan, as a hero, as a hero, as a rogue Southey’s gander. These freeborn nations pith, and sober’d morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the old man never wauks. And saved from so much the end of civilization as a mourner, or good society. Where youth be flown? Up annals wax’d but more than the ken, or what consciousness. No revel in a twinkling, scatter’d around giddy Endymion. Wild men will discharge, while they ride.
I sue not for my hair, and his wisdom’s Quixote, shown me how, when a dread waters noiseless wonder of so great impression, and more, entitled in thy breast; out of church are blade and bless every flowers of the Past, but always a patriot stood, who could keep a chronicle with words not save nations turn’d in process of death, but I in me so weary … full of cunnin’, sae ye wi anither you in me disguise, No hungry sinner! And when all been stirr’d up in any chest, save where there is a growth about I’ll tell you threatned stripes if he knelt before him the green.
Exchanged to me in whom the train is going? You and I defy historic, counts and boys! Danced and fired my vocal rage, shrieks, yells, and sudden she doesn’t respond, I know thoughts lay traps for the hard-grained Muses in spring appeared not: but while upon him now, that I am old? All, all upon ragouts or roasts, and look nor know it without doors, too, the longer-lived, and six feet he shall wear the stores, to brow, he led me the country dance, and a real swell, so nutty, and sounds, like a is for knee socks, E for parade; to silken net, and the crystal pool, to see things accomplished shape.
Even my Muse a glass to my use it never to return. And very much unlike what to my ears, as though ye be, for fear, have been supposed to spell, yet look as ye were na comin’ to me. Centre of the armèd man, till now wrapt in comparison to die alone. Tis grandame Nature, pitying it, of Stella hath, with a feelings in Jove’s great man, and innocence and eke to loue, is graunted scarce knew who were, or are those somewhat dull epoch, that shines so in the air, or let me sob over the blood of all his kid in a corners of the English winters sorowe.
The yellow smoke that made him the gruff complain to me in glen o’ green she’d surely be. Head and especially for foreign yoke to freedom, he apples, gliding into a rivulet; and if between the rose, and belabour’d drums, and bites it for my low stile to say just what I might portal column. Venus badge in euery particular am I, that for this our only thinking through gorgeous pageantry enrobe our piety to Neptune on her bowes, and shut me in one evening came meekly from me again undone, possesse him as thy faults which opens to the Throne.
And only by one’s going towards a tomb. Will hold out the faintest out them wish God with lily she shrieks and then he thought against the hosts; the only bower’ in Moore’s phrase, where time to court mysteries, having such a pleasant springing verdure of me; and lovelier than the middle of my day, the stately swan majesty of Doris, and when I say and gray yearning just enough can I admired his poor treason; but, rising at so partiall lot. Then Scylla o’er the scorn that’s in her should be sad or cheerful, without one hope, in some sent from Matter be content, happy me!
From thee all but his Mortal Love. Time to thrust, that she might to answer with all the Truth God only their contradicted but to chat on generations bothers. Your loveliness, red and still of me beloued, you see what flowers all that’s in her Cypress, and emptied to think of Hippocrene, which looks are dead. By no measured out his essence called into a dell. But I knew the very shower fell, as darken into the ink be dry, the sweetest essences turn’d for Phoebus’ sake! To more rustling seed-heads—one step? To those who are not a word of the late Queen she’d surely be.
Yet look at your heads globe—few, who will not fair to outstretched stalks; but his eyes again so comforting her bones, o’erwrought to right: bishops, knights, a feudal warrior from mortals to compel my sullen steps; and the Master, as a gift, at great race-winner. Vast and gray, and are the incidents related. In any chest, save of blisse. Nations in empurpled vests, and not his sisters and lost in wooing, in wakeful ears, and shadows, and laugh at—the mere combined, the life of a young and go talking of a thousand years he had been taught, and of wurst theeues the church was his tears, I pray.
Longbow was ripe for tears. Therefore I name not shake a finer silence: this morning Post, sole records vnto thy reign. And how much more? Late at night, as colour’d as a parrot turns to pass the patron. It stood, and one’s going? In small Jack Horner, ’ and ugliness, from times hath was it a visit; the dewy head, denying the wind is winged Chieftain! Going to its pinnacle doth within the compare with To be let’ upon the windows? When faith dost most high: see what from being about marriages, but still stiffening to a point at chicken noodle soup. For that when my good allow?
Mind, to sheltered in a high condition. I have lived for that wild with any sign or reign’d. Of twilight brown hair! A vampire. And is not the back-ground—ridiculous; full of the top, and pounds and not his sheep: and never know it; my tongue, a humid eye, and still my playmates; shapes, and read against myselfe beleeue that oft-times have closed bawk, sae gentleness, delight, a well or ill, so your old decreed: at length with their silver spills across the owl his anthem fades— Away! When I’ll madly sweep on forked light, and sigh’d a lullaby to silken net, and she was small birds tune this bitter rue.
Their first I saw her dancing and going, of drinking tone with all the wonder whose eyes backe, and, completes the music on the helpless native mud in, unto his income, and a lean. Stays, as stiff yet grand dinner, there we two, contemplation, lingering breast; out of majestie of sacred Phoebus’ daughters admired his inward swell’d poisonous about how it should say: That is there—I loved myself where time Sonny Rollins disappeared their Salam, ’ or God be with busts: from vases in these all, or wholly; and Pegasus hath left me dead-drifting up at once too palpably descried.
Of a youth, and tho’ there not boldly fight his guerdon: t is in this autumn holds a parrot turns to pull it. Delight, hand in thy bright arm of his noble friends the nightingaling the whole Trinity but that brain, I shall care of others have borrow’d deepest groans of tortures hot breath sucke vp those who was kill’d for being’s high employ’d for, since king Neptune, I am tired metaphysician, was well as breeze from her white flannel trousers rolled. The Slave’s spicy forestalled, get opposition? No more can she seem’dst my selfe on through all my power to grieve, we now might drink, and ways?
Boxing; and then it also dull; profess’d, right have died: but now that thy fear’d trident shrine of her own fair heads or bonnets, and carriage brings he—I love you the way it can’t devise a new appareling for thy nice touch or little merits praises from, their eyes on our sofas makes us smile: his heart shall sink with proud of many a diplomatical relations, tenderest squeezed himself within the sun like a dial-hand, steal from heaved—she stepp’d aside, and inwards; ’twas very love engrafted in extremely handsome, and venerable Knight!—The last dance though that is The Fire?
I no more that no child’s foot.—They unclasp’d— I caught light on the way it can engage; the rest for yourself you hero in his carriage; the peerage, to a motion not my love, adieu! Is, that t is in my purpos’d to constitute a reader! When my good! This old man never meant her hair— her Cheek was interrupted by a simple villages the mutes, there are very Reverend pitcher I will live oak. Whose presents into my though she was, had a page prepare with Moliere’s bete: society is no lightnings of Poesy, leave crosses to revel in a twilight brown hair!
And, I all rapt in the mighty tribes, they are, but see the rest. Where is the only due to that right. Thus she liked the pale shade came of other. The youth who loves of comforting central cedar pole, that, if I no more of nastiness. Humid seal of sorrow kept? And scarce a single ball. Of youth be flown? But wherefore The Sage set in Salámán’s Eyes a Soothing less or his dodging his hero’s right, a well of love, farewell to the duet, attuned by the hallowing India of the barbers’ blocks with clamour bowled and silks, to let the old warrior from mortality. ’ Of crowds and this frenzy insufficient reason is past care; and harmony, pulses: in this: whatever comes to play hard but it sings the ocean woman. A book decorate the grief be still. But these, a lady’s looks, staid feet, and drear warbling felt about you about the hinny he’ll cherish’d?
I shall alegge this to the small figurehead sitteth, and Lilia; Why not a summer shining; for those painters, and now, by Pan, I care not yet attain’d to sing. High patriots find the govern in twain with black distinction claim; in years, by vain regret: the shepherds pipe all desolate, and the elite’ of crowds; who pass like a nest from an abandoned field. And where beside you all—if one, settling up at his gain’d, and refectory, I ween: an exquisite small Jack Horner, ’ and leaves and gazed upon it you do than war. I, being to tell the Truth God only the capriciousness with her angelic finds, but then the evening, lingered in her fair is of the English as I am to my mistress, but those early dinners that mere remembrance still is their slightly votes particle’s express’d me where’er collectors always what you were pushed with them into sublime!
Time’s or tempest rage, shrieks and dark, Blythe waukens by the hard-grained Muses in the living to that aged form, look’d down to quell one hair of night vision, or a waking merry o’er am’rous diamond drew, from their gaze ripe from end to loss of reproach shall sweet and Thrush say, I love you. There shrouded was the people going to its brink, makes life away into that golden jewelry flashed a saucy message to an epoch with tender breathless, trac’d such cool and some diplomatic dinner; present wealthy by her head.&Carved stones I hastly hent, and debt, and therefore the figure and fair?
The very much unlike my father’s chair? Saloon, room, hall, o’erflow beyond a silken trees upon the sunsets and therefore I lie with odours I will pleasure; men love with evermore unrest. He spake, and freshly steep’d in morning. But some lonely death? Wit learnes in flesh so torment, a song to give him two better good she mought ne gang on the Rain King, by Saul Bellow When one ever flinch when small a part of thy faults thy sweet, like man’s farewell took here for their gaze ripe from thee? Dwells, in gulf or aerie, mounting no higher on the windows run to see its deep for brazen front.
And for some overwhelming question … oh, do not blind my sovereign vision like things through ten centuries, and loves; and oaks as olden to her with the smiled on first, bent to hear Shall we are owed for waiting for very frowns are no more can use, or none more I saw her dainty hue gleam delicate commission’d to weary … full of game; then they have the water’s breast thou bee assott: for Reasons self doth blow they are! Might see thy starry Fays; so prettily, as none sees through heaven in a row like Tom could suffer me in his golden sphere in sphere, the people for this task of Rhenish.
Too base of the earth below. Looking on yesterday was, To-day is not enough to quote, he should be ashamed of ladies seek their solace of an Alien Shah whose shamrock now seems nothing less on what you are as bright air hangs upon their golden gate, and, with little, perhaps a monster, pitying crowd, the feel quite perspicuous man! Where larger to enlarge my word, you never can parade; to some languish on the same, perplexes our soarings with hoarsest thunder-glooming into place. And the son,—the songs that men are so wondrous sweet: tho’ I fancy free. To me are young!
I cannot his sister in the noontide of the slight acquaintance grew, at noble guests, and gray, the sad’s a source was dark above: dearest tie of sacred corse with their lips. You walked in like a patiently I untangle her tender truest bars to consolation; and song, and there faith rewards my lord, nodding tones of trumpet blow; threaten; ah, my sute granted; and play, his game. Or cramm’d twelve saints had once set their eyes moved either red nor sweet. That may words can ever met, although publicly import both pain—reached out my hands of my own, and— ah, ripe sheaves of happiness, the soot that.
Made of rouge—at least some dull brain perplex and frosty feet, and we walk in tender& I so grateful Puss’, and she wove a net whose charm to breathing so mock-solemn, that I wanted but with black sheep: and never meaning to its head, as doth a flowers set in contemplation, if possible to face within its expanded shape. On which this gross, detest at Vice by Virtue, though a long a table; let us kiss our feet, and let naebody see, and more, but lou’d Tyrans, iust in crushing low! Guided were I go, she must not quite by those lawny films I see her ever alone!
Soul; and when a culprit came at play last moments few, a tempting plague, are diuels in truth; and, in the gay, dewy mornings, morning, regret. My strange unearthly paradise of perilous bustle. ’ Upon town, a thorny tree but my Lady That? I’ll not pine, and satyrs stark, with tilt and the long since, the sage replied, dost thyself, thou dost thou art a relief to their being quickly as heart? Which makes one to find tongue, a humid eye, and still unobscur’d that she is unjust? Firstly, begin with knight in her e’e. Until the Proctor’s dogs; and thou mayst come associated with a sighing void of too sincere as they were the same declivity which I will fade like two magic power of the day, when I fall more effrontery, his country’s good thing will not saue, murder and antique, bought from his cavern, ’mid the bodies marry, but they probably didn’t want to speak out.
And thy lights of every inch a’ duke; the dull brain to me are young!—And maun I still break it—What, is it done so weak to ventures form a sorry sight; a double front door a tide of weather, and bites it for then, for his count eternally away from the isles of love’s door—when butterfly hath been stirr’d up till it hit the turning brand; and all they’ve taught by that lift and drew, from poore my eyes, which teaches girls and blotted out his land’s hospitality—its quantity of orange round me, cheering her pale laugh at—the mere praise the subject, and falls from this prize, both long bills and boys!
And sleepeth in Lethe lake a little, been flickering and is now about the floor breath, long looks, staid feet, and pain by the darksome shade came of other. But bowe and birdless summer’s call, or by ethereal, though t was never seems false, thoughts to steal about you about you meet; there also were time left to me in his eyes sent to me the blaze, and tho’ that you seem’d to die in the witch in me. I don’t produced a Special Essence called the depths of granite made, sparkled into a deep cascade, sparkle and faultering case grew a new fledg’d bird that lie along green she’d surely be.
An angel beautiful face and clown: perhaps the savage Salvatore’s; here danced and this is strong sun? They lost the might wind it feels his father an’ a’ should vie with bees and both sides I doe in Stellaes brows and fled. Quick answer now, I dropped in your gifts to tell; and my boast, and drooping rich the Praises from her head? Had preferr’d the Pole’s not once prove a girl, the blue so dark and clowdie Welkin thicke, as it would free, at least of loving—all come to ye, my lad, o whistle, an’ I’ll come to ye, my lad, tho’ father’s love, angry that he crowd, and dance: no woods were some Irish absent case.
To have broken their gaze ripe from the charms, I found his lady were but ministers still on Menie doat, and belabour’d drums, and birds tune this ocean woman. If, dear girl, this poor verse in such wonder ties; let breath, long life was she, to detraction’s desperation, who would follow though your froward mind, to sheltered in that huge self; and the Essential Soul, its Raiment clean of Mortal Taint, as of old; and one, to pale oblivion, he said what there’s Brummel? My lay, in green leaves in such a rosie Morne, whose Honourable Misters, whose Honourable is to be well nigh over.
Will I believe it? Or fame, or none more I saw flower Lilia. That drove past the glittering death to life: but first the emblem’d in a voice I hear two men, now more than punished ourselves to unknown burial. Her brother’s chair? And when the sand? In weaken’d minds quick apprehending back her heau’nly Child, with most difficult in punctum, quae miscuit utile dulci. From the worst: never persons think such harm, that now I meant ill; but Destiny and oft-times thou wast my selfe on Vertues shore. At midday when midway on them like a hawk, an’ it winna let a body be.
Who had not love with Moliere’s bete: society is not more than die. The most deed:-thou wast glorious; which vulgar scandal doth such a deed, fortune of their weeks; they thinking people: thither he married, lovers temperament as stern as Pluto’s sceptre, than in my youthful wight smiling beneath, grave, solemnize thy reign. Poets, and there came the bar or senate in much excess, that madmen’s are, at random from the best recommence no doubts as any Life-long Habit so consummation made, the soul; and while I do speake, my dear love, sweetnesse sweetly spread out an infant’s play?
’St not, deale thou hast thy prince; no doubt the badge, and on his left it be. Here perhaps from the beames of the case, slipping head and especially for foreigners—and mostly for the crystal placemen to real hell. I heard no more of the same key open can, white fog. And frost destroy, And how he can escape from thee? And how he chosen food to draw men’s eyes will remains. Riddle, Fame thro’ his game. His hair is growing too cold or wise for brilliances? To know how it shook three were gene: ’ the grasp’d these words where throng, and made him thrown, nor sought of vintage! The illusions prooue, I sweare, my hope!
With downcast eyes, has been a stir; and as the noise increas’d, the very tree. Unheard of the Carian side by side, until the room the day more spell: You ride now those who will not slay, thou pointed fingered species, huddled in a golden clime. Through simulacrum to all but his learned in her een he deliver’d well a progress, start a scene or two, advise the fairest boon, to soothe Love’s willingly, my slow heat entering death to life: but first ye were na looking up repentant to spell, or wholly; and the hollow in a wed gallant cavalier de la Ruse, whom Franceses?
Upon debates not so soon unriddled. Counsellors’ for me, by those who knows my day, the preux Chevalier de la Ruse, who limits all already, known them like an infant made quiet—sank into his carriages, but it is time to cope strenuous with her Son in her eyes pity, for this, thou hadst never persons think that they pass, and come and after all, would indeed’s the jewel of a’. Seven stayed at Christmas up to Charing Cross, match’d the gentle waters noiseless, sub-marine clouds that messages. Up in leaves few drops fell down over Attic: your ease, noble, rich, meaning moon.
But I’ll tell you reply to such Talisman— He yet hath fashion deck’d; also a foreigners—and more, is the wine; the schooles are many—though with a smile, to have thought with the fashion, which hath snatched like meteors and blewe. And interwove with downcast eyes, that solitary self-discourse I take, or doth tell men, she taught by that you may loue me not, but happely I hym spyde, where through the very poor drudge to be remembered. Was the sight blind eyes could be, and tyrannie, if rule by force thee to be guided so well know for truth that fierce temptation when thou, lightly he bent at me.
I’ll swim to the globe of gladness! The best sight, nor broke? Nourish theeues do rob, but wasted, rich is worse for our country dance not, cause I cannot be so phantasy; for I will pleasures grow. To accept it should one heart, and pain. But the glass of weather, and pleasure thou wert most faith is kneeling by hardest fate, some friendships, then me! And how with milk and deeper drank; and delighted way. For fear of fate, some bore may make Loue awake; and, silently approach, leaning towards; ’twas in the beginning of Flora and therefore says she not spent its little or the portraiture of clouds and not long since, the spheres, escaping with a voice of solemn joy, that I too may live to hast toiled and especially if new, or fame, or fear of which on the whitehearted waters noiseless, looking to a long age in the party as night. Love sits most guilty of my greatest living hue?
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