#these fit so fucking perfectly
noraigo · 2 months
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phoenixkaptain · 3 months
Novel A New Hope Vader is my favourite Vader (so far) because he Is Anakin, he is everything Anakin is set up to be. He is intimidating, he is overwhelming, standing next to him feels like standing next to a black hole, he is-
The biggest little shit in the entire galaxy.
You canNOT convince me that he didn’t say half his lines with a shit-eating smirk. He is awful to be around, he is the worst person to ever exist, he is SO annoying.
And Novel Vader is so Anakin because the book can give us details the movie can’t. The book gives us the author’s choice of wording, the way the author intended the scenes to be, and Vader is such a little shit almost constantly but my FAVOURITE will always be when Tagge talks back to him about the Force, saying it isn’t as powerful or scary as he makes it out to be and Vader just-
“I find,” Vader ventured mildly, “this lack of faith to be disturbing.”
-the WORD CHOICE. The fucking WORDS chosen.
“Ventured”??? “Mildly”??? He is CHOKING this man!!! This man is DYING!! He is being such a little shit right now, this is it. This is the Him, this is Anakin Skywalker right here. He is using unnecessary force and being a bitch about it and there will never be anything that so perfectly encapsulates Anakin Skywalker than this fucking scene in this fucking novel.
On the topic and as a brief aside, the novel is what makes me think that Leia was planned to be Vader’s kid, or at least a narrative mirror to Vader, right from the start. She is also such an Anakin.
“Darth Vader… I should have known. Only you would be so bold— and so stupid.”
She just… also. Encapsulates Anakin. Like. Yeah. Yeah, this is what he could have been. He could have been a terrifying figure that people rallied behind. He is loyal to the death, as is Leia. She spits on Darth Vader while he’s having her dragged away. She mocks him to his face. This is the character that the Anakin Skywalker of future movies mimics. Her passion, her anger, her being a little shit and insisting throughout everything that it WAS a diplomatic vessel and they WERE on a diplomatic mission.
Leia is the first character to face down Vader in this novel and not show fear. She is the first character who refuses to submit in the face of the scariest guy in the galaxy. She continues to refuse to submit. She’s just. A great fucking liar.
Leia puts all her trust, her very life and the sake of the entire rebellion she’s fighting for, in a droid. An astromech droid. She begs for them to take the droid further, not for them to find her. She’s willing to die, and she trusts her death will not be in vain because she trusts a droid.
And that, if nothing else, is all the proof needed that Leia is what Anakin could have been.
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violet-sapphic · 1 year
sluttiest thing a butch can wear is a tight black tshirt
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svnflowermoon · 8 months
btw please block me if you feel the need to gatekeep the queer community. cishet aspecs ARE valid and they ARE queer. the "they don't experience discrimination" argument is possibly the most stupid thing i have ever heard because aspecs experience insane levels discrimination and people are extremely dismissive of them. we our more than our suffering. our community is not yours to gatekeep it isn't fair to invalidate people's queer identities just because you can't fit them in your stupid little box of specific labels.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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a taste of hannibal, a touch of megamind, a shot of venom (pours the whole damn bottle)
i love venom (2018) a lot, it’s my go-to movie when i’m bored or sad, i have seen it many many times. i saw it again a week or so ago with a bud and finally had the opportunity to pen down this lovely au i’ve been thinkin bout
i’ve got a much more fleshed out sketch of how this au plays out. not sure if i’ll write it yet
anyway some bullet points
noir (called, ofc, noir) arrives on earth-138 in the 1920s. his first host is robbie and they basically go through the venom movie, where noir slowly learns to love earth and humanity and all that jazz. up until the 50s or so they’re an investigative reporter and occasionally a scary vigilante superhero!
when robbie is killed (not ewaf style. i forbid it), it fucking devastates noir and he host-hops for a bit, doing fun anarchy things to keep up robbie’s legacy but also losing a few morals here and there. he can do a little murder and eat nazis as a treat
the symbiotes arrive en masse and osborn infects humans with them to turn into his fascist riot police army
through vampire-hunting-esque shenanigans, hobie and noir meet, and strike up a tenuous truce to fight the government. hobie does not like him at first, but noir very much does ;)
cue a slow burn gothic romance between a freedom fighter and a devoted monster <3
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saturnniidae · 6 months
Httyd 1 Astrid my beloved... I miss her slightly crooked teeth, and the little freckles on her forehead. I love how she's all grimey (affectionate) the visible dirt on her skin, and her greasy looking hair and bangs that get in her eyes. Come back to me little grungy young Astrid I miss you and your anger issues </3
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justwannabecat · 2 years
Danny is the Ghost King.
About 99% of ghosts see him as the Savior, the Liberator, the one who defeated Pariah Dark. They see him as the Balance and the Guardian and the one Chosen by the Realms itself.
Basically, they hang onto his every word, praise his every action, because they believe that even if they don’t understand why he’s doing it, it is all part of a larger plan.
This has made Danny even more of a little shit, as it’s the only thing that makes his job as Ghost King tolerable. As a result, he starts to play into it a lot, saying and doing increasingly ridiculous things to try and figure out when they catch on.
(They haven’t yet. To be fair, it’s been a slow escalation.)
Danny gets so into this little game of his that when he’s suddenly gained an audience of a few people who claimed they were lost, he doesn’t stop. He points out landmarks in opposite directions of the Realms, he spins around and points in different directions as he talks, he floats and dashes all around the room.
And then he suddenly stops, looks at them again. “Wait. You’re living. Not. Not ghosts. That explains why-why you aren’t…” He shakes himself and suddenly there’s very embarrassed, very serious, but much more straightforward Danny taking charge.
(The JL were scared of this unknown. They had been trying to investigate the rumors of a new ghost king when they fell into a natural portal. They stumbled their way to the palace and realize very quickly that this is a kid.
Negotiations between dimensions aren’t that nerve-wracking once they figure that part out.)
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squuote · 3 months
took me forever to kinda realize this but I do love how the narrator often changes the dialogue every other reset because it follows along in suit with this piece of dialogue in the countdown ending
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which basically implies that more often than not, he completely switches around the story to his whim whenever he gets a bit too bored with the previous concept he wrote up. Even if it’s not connected to this dialogue, I love that it fits so perfectly. I know it’s like a big portion of the countdown dialogue and I’m sure everyone has already realized it but I don’t think I ever saw anyone bring it up. just how many iterations of this story has the dude made up.
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marbleluvrofliberty · 7 months
i’m sure it’s been said before but the specific line “you’re an angel, i’m a dog. or you’re a dog and i’m your man” is soooooooooo jean valjean and javert coded
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lloydfrontera · 8 months
male authors, writing m/m friendships: their bond will develop through hundreds of chapters, we will get to see each stage of their budding relationship, they'll constantly be in each other thoughts, their first instinct will always be to reach for the other, their first worry will always be the other's safety, they'll spend every minute of the day together, they'll be complete opposites and yet perfectly compliment each other, they will put everything they ever loved in risk just to keep the other safe, they will give their life without hesitation to save the other's, they will fight and argue and tease and joke around but they will always be at each other's side at the end of the day, they will plan to spend the rest of their lives together, sharing the happy moments and the hard times, the idea of being without the other being unthinkable, the thought of being always together coming naturally, as easy as breathing.
the same male authors, writing m/f romance: she'll like,, smile once at him and he'll start thinking of marrying her and having children with her idk
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suckinitup · 1 month
i saw the words mark winters and like a spell cast over me i started thinking about him again. anyway mark winters hero and ashe villain in that villain oneshot. how does this happen. fucking EAsy. mark gives ashe up.
consider it. there has GOT to be some program with the WATCH for parents who are overwhelmed by their children's dangerous power and need help. this is basically what happened to william. there's gotta be different circumstances and different levels of interference- but ashe isnt even a teenager and he already has a kill count. there is NO WAY he's not being removed from the household for at least the majority of the year until everyone has a better understanding of what he can do and how he can Not Do That Again. in canon, of fucking course mark wouldnt do that. that's mark winters. he'd lose his entire family in less than a week and thats his kid. he cant be sure theyre taking care of him out there or if he'll see him again or whats going on. if ashe leaves, then what is there for him to live for.
but villains mark. hes still mark. he's still hurting. and maybe its not him who's got that heroic little spark- maybe it was his wife who thought they were cool, or he wakes up to ashe sobbing too many times after a nightmare, or he cant stop looking at that fucking book and hating it and he starts to worry that resentment will spread to ashe too. he wants what's best for his kid and the one thing he knows is that ashe won't find that here.
so he picks up his phone. and he calls WATCH.
its rough for both of them. theyve both lost their whole family now. they call every night, then ashe gets busy (because he has friends here, and every time some instructor is harsh with him or something is hard he resents his dad more and more. he knows why he was sent away, but it gets in his head that his dad was scared of him, and thats hard on him. why wouldn't he rather hang out with his friends) and stops picking up the phone as much so it's once a week. then once a month.
mark thinks about killing himself a lot. he lives in a shitty little apartment with horrible neighbours and he goes out to eat every night and he thinks about drinking but he has to stay sober tonight- what if ashe picks up the phone? he cant let his kid hear him like that. and i think he gets offered jobs here and there and he takes them because hey, ashe is gonna come back at some point. he's gotta make sure the kid gets a good present for christmas.
and he gets wrapped back up with overlord.
but the big difference okay. the huge difference. is that he is not responsible for keeping ashe alive. he can take more risks. he can hold grudges. he doesn't have to do the same things that canon mark does - he doesn't have to break his moral code down to its barest essentials (don't hurt kids) like he did in canon. he gets to be fucking PISSED at overlord, and the scientists who hurt him, and every motherfucker who has made his shit life even worse.
thats how he meets tide. they fight a few times, ofc, gotta have that tidalwave viciousness. but then tide has more information than mark does, and mark knows more about the power structures than tide does, so they start working together, and then they dont stop. mark does less and less crimes- tide is valuable as an ally, and his moral code is a fucking pain in mark's ass. he hides his crimes, and then it's more convenient to just stop doing them. tide more often than not has the resources that they need through WATCH and it means that mark gets his ass kicked less often. win/win.
even after overlord goes down, they keep working together. mark never officially agrees to join WATCH but tide quietly keeps giving him new gizmos and gadgets. he gets one of those weird fucking communicator bracelets and tide pretends not to notice how mark modifies it. in WATCH itself tide starts getting scheduled as "tide and wavelength" because where one fucker is the other is too. tide is mark's only friend.
fucking . the clinginess of villains au mark for tide paralleling the clinginess of ashe for the pd in canon ^^ consider. tide feels similarly too he's been lonely as Shit since he stopped getting along w his brothers. they find comfort in each other. they start having beers with each other after work and they start sitting next to each other all the time and they dont talk about it but things Do get more desperate every time one of them goes down in battle. tidalwave ‼‼‼‼
ashe, meanwhile, is getting more powerful. he has mentors who don't snap at him for using the book. they dont try to take it from him or destroy it. they let him keep notes, let him study it, let him learn what monsters are too dangerous and what he can handle. he's learning a lot and he's getting good at it.
and he misses his dad.
mark still calls sometimes, but ashe never picks up. mark sends him cards for birthdays and christmas, and ashe keeps them stashed away in drawers he's scared to look at. he is scared and angry and he is full of many emotions. canon ashe never had to doubt that his dad would help him but au ashe thinks that his dad abandoned him. he's a monster and his dad hates him. its a fuckin stack of dominos where things just fall into place to upset him more and more and more (including the guilt at never picking up marks calls and maybe its not marks fault. ashe Did kill his own mom. of course mark was scared. but ashe can control it now. ashe can protect mark from the book. he can leave, and they can leave, and be a family again and ashe will never have to think about WATCH ever again). so ashe runs away.
he follows the address on the letters and he walks inside and he doesnt see mark. he sees tide. he had been so relieved when he'd finally found mark's apartment- scared and guilty and excited and a thousand different teenage-drama scenarios running through his mind. his dad yelling at him or rejecting him or sweeping him up in this big bone-crushing hug or crying or running or- or- or. the one certainty ashe had was that he wouldnt have to deal with anything WATCH. not here.
but tide is on mark's fucking couch. and mark is asleep on tide's fucking lap. and tide's hand is in mark's fucking hair. ashe had never considered his father getting close to anyone after his mom, and now he's gotten close to tide.
now imagine a teenage tantrum with the power of Big Arms and Rage Without Direction and Abandonment and Hurt and Loss and Super fucking Scary Book. tldr: ashe tries to kill tide <3 mark tries to stop the fighting <3 ashe thinks that he's turned against him <3 tide gets capital h Hurt. ashe runs away again. mark is once again left in the ruins of his own life and just has to fucking deal with it.
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morrigan-sims · 3 months
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Before / After
Some really, really simple editing here, but I'm happy with the result. Just some adjustment layers, shadows, a little bit of dirt, and a raven's yellow eye. Of course, reshade did a lot of heavy lifting for this post... That and Relight. Without those two things, I would have had to do a LOT more to get this looking even halfway decent.
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huldrabitch · 3 months
All the DA2 romances alsmost feel a bit unfullfilling to me, are there many others that prefer Hawke single with the subtext of an unspoken Varric thing?
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shameless x arctic monkeys
this house is a circus (my favorite worst nightmare, 2007)
dancing shoes (whatever people say i am thats what i am not, 2006)
old yellow bricks (my favorite worst nightmare, 2007)
when the sun goes down (whatever people say i am thats what i am not, 2006)
brianstorm (my favorite worst nightmare, 2007)
crying lightning (humbug, 2009)
505 (my favorite worst nightmare, 2007)
plastic tramp (fluorescent adolescent, 2007)
balaclava (my favorite worst nightmare, 2007)
hello you (the car, 2022)
the ultracheese (tranquility base hotel and cassino, 2018)
r u mine (am, 2013)
do i wanna know? (am, 2013)
bigger boys and stolen sweethearts (i bet you look good on the dancefloor, 2005)
do me a favor (my favorite worst nightmare, 2007)
mardy bum (whatever people say i am thats what i am not, 2006)
from the ritz to the rubble (whatever people say i am thats what i am not, 2006)
suck it and see (suck it and see, 2011)
#!: ☆ other posts of mine include: shameless hot takes ; svetlana and mickey relation analysis ; shameless moodboards ; shameless playlists ; saddest character ending: karen ; gallavich x this velvet glove
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local-lover-boy · 3 months
A small bird I was trying to save just died in my hands so
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sunnibits · 11 months
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thinking about his adorable fucking too-long sleeves that are too big for his liddle fucking arms so they fall over his liddle fucking hands bc he’s so small and baby and I love him so much <333
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