#these are in fact all headcanons and not word of law or anything i just like thinking about blorbos and sexuality
prismatoxic · 8 days
sometimes i feel bad for headcanoning marcille as bisexual bc EVERYONE sees her as a lesbian but i'll be real to me she like. heavily prefers women and she's also one of those "ugh, it's so unfortunate that i find MEN attractive" kind of bisexuals
loves her male friends! absolutely has had male crushes! also very much acts like being attracted to a man is a travesty and hates admitting when one is, in fact, attractive
falin's pan to me which i feel no guilt about whatsoever. she also like. feels the same in all directions. men, women, enbies, unknowable gendervoids, falin can and will like any of them. which i'm sure threw marcille for a loop for a while bc she just assumed any expressed interest in boys meant falin was just straight
i do very much ship them and they get together eventually (in canon settings, absolutely post-canon, like as soon as they have a moment alone to discuss things), but i also think marcille is a fucking mess who talks herself out of thinking falin is into her (falin is so blatantly into her), grapples with still treating falin like a small baby child sometimes, and resents any and all men falin seems to express an interest in even if she agrees (bc, honestly, gross)
compare and contrast to notorious bisexual chilchuck tims who is more than happy to admit men and women are hot (maybe others as well if you explained it to him) but also he has a job so he can't worry about that right now
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oxymorayuri · 1 month
❞𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐬?❝
Headcanons/Scenarios with my favorite boys [ Ace | Kid | Law | Doffy ] Content » Imagine you are pregnant with their child! How will they react? How will they prepare? just cute things ;3 Warnings: In Law's story, we experience an unpleasant birth with a few feelings that could be triggering. NO PROOFREADING
A/N: Not really headcanons… Kind of a mix of HC and scenarios. They're sometimes shorter or longer lol. ^////^
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓: all images are by vasan5555
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𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃. 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐰
Telling him you're pregnant: You don't really tell him. lol.
You don't even know how to tell him. On the one hand, you know he'll be really happy, but on the other hand, you're afraid that it won't fit into his plans.
You sought advice from Ikkaku, but her words weren't really helpful. She suggested throwing a little surprise party because she's really happy for both of you, but you know that wouldn't be a good idea. Announcing to the whole crew that you're pregnant without Law knowing beforehand? Better not, that would overwhelm him.
You had already thought about just leaving the positive pregnancy test in the bathroom, but before you could, Law pulled you aside.
“Hey y/n-ya, are you okay? You've been acting weird lately.” You look around a little panicked, trying to think of an excuse.
“Weird? Ah no, it's probably just because… we haven't been on the surface for a long time… The air in the Polar Tang is getting a bit thin?” you mutter.
His gaze rests knowingly on you. He inhales deeply and rolls his eyes… he knows that something is wrong with you.
He gently grabs you by the shoulders and speaks in a calm voice that makes your heart flutter.
“Don't lie to me… There are clear signs, you know?” You look up a little anxiously without saying anything.
He groans a little. You're not usually so secretive… Now he has to do all the talking. He doesn't really like that, but it's about you after all. He tries to argue with facts he's noticed on you.
“You throw up quite often in the morning. At first I thought it was because you might have been drinking with the others, but then I saw for myself how you didn't take a sip of alcohol. You even refused when Shachi wanted to pour you a drink!” You get smaller and smaller under him as he states the obvious but Law is far from finished…
“According to my calculations, you should already be 6 weeks overdue with your period… Besides, I've seen you raiding the fridge at night, eating the strangest combinations. Cheese and chocolate, are you okay?” - “You stalker!” You're blushing… When you saw those two things, you just had to try them together…
The tears started to fill your eyes when he asked you if you were pregnant. With a small nod, you agreed to his assumption and Law wiped the tears from your cheeks with his thumb.
“I didn't know how to say it and I didn't know what you were going to say… I was scared, Law. You have your plans and…” Your words spilled out a little hysterically and without hesitation he took you in his arms. With his hand on the back of your head, he tried to calm you down with a few gentle strokes while you sniffed in his tight embrace.
“pshhh. It's okay y/n…” His soft voice against your ear calmed you down and as your breathing relaxed he looked firmly into your watery eyes.
“Plans change sometimes and I'm ready for any adventure.” He smirks at you with a sly expression.
His behavior / During pregnancy: Well, let's say he has 'studied' all the books about pregnancy.
You will spend most of your time with the Polar Tang underwater, as Law finds this safest while you are pregnant. However, he is aware of the importance of fresh air and sunshine, so you are regularly on the surface to breathe in the fresh ocean breeze and feel the sun on your skin. You're more than happy to be pregnant because normally you don't surface that often…
As your partner and doctor, he personally ensures that you have a balanced diet. He has even asked Sanji for advice. It was only a small call with the Den Den Mushi, but Law doesn't like Sanji very much, as he always fawns over you without any shame. Law knows which ingredients are nutritious but are they tasty? That's where Sanji is a big help.
Law passed on Sanji's greetings to you while you were reading a book on the sofa. You looked after him in surprise as he sat at his desk.
“Um, thanks… Sanji? How come you're on the phone with him?” You know what Law thinks of him. In his eyes, he's a perverted womanizer.
he froze a little when he realized that he had unintentionally told you that he was in contact with Sanji. But now it's too late to talk his way out of it.
“You know, I tried a few dishes that are supposed to give you strength, but they were awful… so I called Black Leg-ya…” He scratches the back of his head as he tries to avoid your gaze.
Belly round, you get up to walk over to Law and rest a hand on his shoulder. Law leans back a little as he looks you in the face. His cheeks turn a soft shade of pink and he makes room for you to sit on his lap.
Without saying much, you thank him and give him a loving kiss on the lips.
“Thank you for always being so thoughtful, Law.”
You are freed from your daily chores on the Polar Tang, but sometimes you get so bored that you find yourself doing little chores like washing and hanging up the laundry. No big deal, you think to yourself, but Law sees it quite differently.
“But babe, I'm so bored! It's just laundry…” you pout.
“If you're bored, then do something else, but not housework.” - “How about spending a bit more time with me?” You put your hands on your hips. You're the only one on the ship who has nothing to do while the others are busy and you can't keep them from working all the time…
Law wanted to say something but decided to close his mouth to think.
“Yeah, you know what? You're right. Meet me in the library at noon, I've got an idea.” Determined, Law set off, leaving you dumbfounded. You were expecting a little excuse, but not this. Law just has a few things to do and then he'll make time for you.
You wait for him in the library, a little excited, wondering what Law has prepared.
With a pile of books, he came into the shared library right on time at 12 o'clock and took a seat next to you on the huge sofa.
His idea was to read books with you that you had both bought for the child and so it became routine for you to read the books to each other every day. It was a lot of fun and you had a great time practicing your silly voices and matching it to the story. You are sure that your child will love it when you read to him or her.
Birth/when the baby is around: The birth is turbulent but Law is the perfect man by your side.
He wants to help bring the baby into the world but you are STRICTLY against it! You never want that in your life. He may be a doctor himself, but that's just not for you.
It took a while, but you managed to agree that a doctor from the city would come to you on the ship. A week before your due date, you docked in front of a small island with a peaceful town.
The mood on the entire ship became more and more restless from day to day, because your child wasn't making a move. You're long past the due date and even Law is starting to worry, but you're not making it any easier for him either, because you're refusing any help from Law.
The day you went into labor, the whole ship was on full alert. Bepo, Shachi and Penguin rushed into town to get the doctor on the ship while Law held your hand and did breathing exercises with you.
The birth was slow and you felt like days had passed, the pain was so numbing. Slightly distressed, the doctor began to change the preparations as it turns out your baby hasn't fully rotated yet.
“We have to prepare the operating room for a C-section!” - “C-section???!” Although you can barely hear because of the pain, you have clearly understood 'that'.
“I have to perform a scan while we move to the operating room…”
Things are moving way too fast for you as everyone around you rushes to get your bed and the ultrasound machines ready to head to the operating room.
Law doesn't even leave your side as you scurry down the corridor.
“The umbilical cord has wrapped around your son's neck!” Said the doctor. Desperation spreads through you, you can't relax and are afraid that you will push your son further out of you and strangle him. Wait a minute, a boy? You didn't even know the gender yet…
“Did you hear y/n? It's a boy! Let me make sure our boy gets out of you safely.” the tears run down your cheek uncontrollably. Your emotions are dancing the tango, you are so happy to be bringing a little boy into the world, but you are still afraid of the umbilical cord.
“Please Law, get our Rosinante out of me!” You squint your eyes because you can't see anything through all your tears. Law freezes for a millisecond when he hears the name but quickly pulls himself together.
“Doctor, please move aside.” Somewhat taken aback, the slightly older doctor moved aside and made room for Law.
With the help of Law's devil fruit, he gently extracted your child from your womb and held the crying baby in his arms.
His eyes widened at the sight of the helpless baby and the feeling inside him was as overwhelming as it was beautiful.
You look at him with a weary expression and watch this precious moment until exhaustion overcomes you to the point where you have to close your eyes.
The atmosphere is still very tense and even though you are no longer aware of it, everyone is doing their best to take care of you and Rosinante.
When you open your eyes for the first time, you find yourself in a hospital bed. Your gaze wanders around the room and lands on your side, where Law is asleep holding your hand. The movement wakes him up and he quickly gets up to ask you about your well being. After some time, when Law was sure you were okay, he brought your little boy into the room.
The dark circles under his eyes are nothing compared to the bright smile on his face as he holds your boy in his arms.
“Look Rosinante, mommy is awake. You can finally meet your mother.” The way he looks down at Rosinante… This is how Law always looks at you, full of love. He gently places him in your arms and the little one immediately snuggles up to your chest.
He is so beautiful that it brings tears to your eyes. He has his hair, his wonderful raven black hair. His little eyelids are closed and he sleeps contentedly in your arms. In his mother's arms. In Law's eyes, there is no sight more beautiful than looking at the two of you. He's happier than ever.
“He has your eyes, y/n…” he whispers as he strokes your cheek with gentle fingers.
𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐠𝐚𝐬 𝐃. 𝐀𝐜𝐞
Telling him you're pregnant: You could scream! No wait a minute, that's exactly what you're doing! XD
Every now and then you take a pregnancy test to be on the safe side. Since you both do it like animals in heat and neither use condoms nor can you be trusted to take your pill regularly, it's better to pee on the strip every now and then.
You look impatiently at the screen of the pregnancy test… A child wouldn't actually be such a bad thing. You and Ace have been a couple for a long time and have an unshakeable bond. Even though you're pirates, you're sure that you can lead a carefree life.
You have good cards with the Whitebeard pirates on the Moby Dick and if things get too rough, you're sure that Whitebeard will find an island within his territory where you'll be safe.
It feels like an eternity as you sit on the lid of the toilet with the test still in your hand. You wonder how Ace will react...
Will he be happy? You bet he will! As you daydream, you notice out of the corner of your eye how a second strip appears on the display.
Your eyes widen. I'M PREGNANT!
You scream like crazy, and when I say crazy I mean so loud that everyone on the ship should hear it.
Tears of joy gather as you do a happy dance in the small bathroom.
All of a sudden the door opens with a bang and Ace looks down at you in panic. He must have thought something else had happened because of your loud scream. It almost sounded as if you had been stabbed. At least that's what he must have thought from the look on his face.
“Babe, WHAT happened?!" He scans your body to see if you've suffered any damage, but you're fine.
With a shrill voice, you throw your arms around his neck and hug him tightly. Ace is visibly confused about the situation. He saw that you were crying but you're acting overly happy.
“What's going on?” His voice is a soft laugh as he hugs you tightly and buries his face in your hair. You lean back a little to look him in the face.
“Ace you're going to be a father!!!” At first he doesn't seem to fully grasp what your words mean but as the realization kicks in his eyes widen.
“ARE YOU PREGNANT?!” he grabs you by the shoulders and shouts in your face.
“YEEEESSS!” you shout back as the tears well up in your eyes.
“Please don't mess with me, are we really going to be parents?” His voice cracks a little and you nod silently to him and show him the test you took.
“That's awesome! We have to celebrate!” Just as he was about to leave the bathroom, he stops abruptly and looks at you with a serious face.
“But you're not allowed to drink alcohol!” Even though you roll your eyes, you have to giggle.
“I'm aware of that, my darling.” You go up on your toes to kiss him on the cheek and gently squeeze his hand.
Before you share the happy news, you share a loving moment together and kiss before walking out.
His behavior / During pregnancy: You know he's going to be the dad of the year after how he treats you.
He has taken time off for the duration of your entire pregnancy, with the clear permission of Whitebeard, to be at your side whenever you need him.
You never ask for anything in particular, but he is actually quite attentive and if he sees you putting your feet up with a heavy moan and relaxing on the deck, he comes straight over to pamper you with a foot massage.
He once made the extra effort to go to a special island for over 2 days because there was fruit there that you had an extreme craving for.
The funny thing is that he got you so many that at some point you couldn't see them anymore. He had tried to get more creative to avoid wasting the fruits and so he woke you up every morning with a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
He had even tried his luck at baking, but that went terribly wrong… But you found the idea incredibly cute and that's how you found your shared hobby - baking!
Together you created the most delicious things from the leftover fruits and jokes quickly started going around that if you two should settle somewhere, you should definitely open a small bakery.
You don't think that's such a bad idea. A perfect plan B.
He is literally glued to your belly and loves to feel your child through your skin. He didn't just cry once, but actually every time he felt your little one kick.
“Oh wow y/n did you feel that?” with his cheek resting on your stomach, he looks excitedly up at your face. You run a hand through his black hair and giggle in response.
“Of course I can feel it, after all, the baby is in my belly.” A little red in the face, he cuddles you and wraps his arms around you.
“Hehe that's true, you're right. I'm just so excited.” - “Me too, Ace…”
Birth/when the baby is around: If one of you is panicking then it's definitely Ace.
You approached him with weak feet to tell him that your water had broken and he immediately jumped up in panic to dash to you.
He definitely didn't know what to do with himself and ran back and forth in a panic to pack some of your things.
You look at him in confusion, not understanding what he is packing all your things for…
“Ace… Ace, stop!” you reach for him as he rushes past you.
“Why are you packing these things, I'm going to give birth on the Moby Dick, remember?” Ace suddenly seemed to remember and dropped the suitcase, which was barely closed.
There were various things scattered on the floor that had fallen out of the suitcase. A short glance at the floor and you burst out laughing.
What on earth has he packed? A few things are halfway understandable, but why would you need a bikini now? Not to mention that you're only going to Marco's infirmary to give birth. If you need anything, then someone else will get it… After all, your room is only a few meters away.
He carefully carried you in his arms to the infirmary and luckily for you, the birth took place without any complications.
When Marco wanted to hand the baby over to Ace, Ace didn't want to hold your little one in his arms at first.
“Oh no, give it first y/n, she had all the hard work so she should be first.” Even though he wanted you to have it first, he gazed longingly after the baby as Marco placed it in your arms.
He sat down on a chair next to you and clasped his hands together, watching you with pure pride.
You can hardly believe it yourself, but you are overjoyed…
“Ace, we're parents now…”
Ace loves to play with the child, even changing diapers is no problem. He is already looking forward to running around the deck of the Moby Dick with your child.
He always has a few bottles filled with milk on his belt and with the help of his devil fruit he can heat them up. It's like he's wearing a belt with grenades, you know? :D He skillfully spins the bottle in his hand and warms it to the perfect temperature to feed your hungry baby. You don't have to say anything or rush to the child because Ace is a responsible dad and loves to look after the little one.
Your child is just as much a ray of sunshine as you are and has the wild features of Ace. A combination that is impossible to resist.
Ace is definitely the fun parent of the two of you. You can already see how difficult it will be for him to stand his ground later on.
𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨
Telling him you're pregnant: He wants you to bear his child.
You don't need to 'confess' it to him because it's a planned child. You are actively trying to get pregnant and as active as you are in bed, it didn't take long for the pregnancy test to come back positive.
“Wonderful news my little dove… You should be rewarded. What do you say? What does my little dove want, huh?” He leans down to you and lifts your chin with his finger.
There's a slight blush on your cheeks because Doflamingo's voice always sounds so seductive, no matter what he says. For a moment, you think about what he said. You're still a little excited that you're carrying his child.
“fufufufu… Is there anybody home in that pretty little head of yours?” a crooked grin graces his lips as he flicks your forehead.
You quickly regain your composure but your face turns red.
“Ah, I'm sorry my love, I'm just really happy that I've lost my voice.”
His laughter rings deep through the room as he pulls you onto his lap.
When you came into his office, he knew exactly what kind of message you had for him because when he's working, even you can't disturb him unless he calls for you.
He lavishes your hand with soft kisses and travels along your arm with more kisses until he gets past your neck and to your mouth.
You enjoy his tender touch as if it were already the reward, but you know that Doflamingo wouldn't accept this, so you think about it while you kiss sensually.
His big hands run over your figure and find a hold on your ass. He interrupts your kiss and if you pay close attention you can guess where his eyes are behind those red sunglasses.
“Tell me my love, what would make you even happier, huh?”
His whisper tickles your lips a little and in the back of your mind you already have an idea of what you want the most.
“Doffy, I really want to go shopping with you and buy things for the baby…” - “Your wish is my command.”
His behavior / During pregnancy: Hardly any different than before, but you'll be even more pampered.
Doflamingo will provide you with all the necessary servants to look after your wellbeing, and when you go into the city, more bodyguards than usual will follow you wherever you go.
His remark is still stuck in your mind: “…After all, there are 2 people to protect now…” he said to you as you were baffled by the amount of guards.
Even if he has to work a lot as king, he will always find time for you. He likes to take you out, and with luxurious appointments at the spa or a private visit to a hot spring, he'll make sure you're always relaxed.
Princess treatment is nothing new to you but since you are pregnant you have at least one professional massage a day besides the other appointments you have for your own comfort.
Manicure, pedicure, hairdresser, face masks, aqua aerobics to relax your tired bones, you name it.
The chefs are warned that whenever you are hungry for whatever, they have to prepare your every wish. No matter how late.
You fancy a special dish from the South Blue? Doflamingo had brought someone specially for you who can prepare any specialty with brilliance. He shows you his love through acts of service.
Birth/when the baby is around: He is smitten with the little miracle you have created and is already filled with pride.
He won't be there at birth but he will be the first one you see when you open your eyes. Just when you are at your most vulnerable, he will leave it to no one but himself to protect you.
You never thought Doflamingo could be so loving to a baby, but when you thought about it, he was always good to the kids in the gang. From the outside it may look like he's only interested in the skills, but you know for a fact that he respects and loves each of them as a member of the family.
At first you were a bit worried because you gave birth to a girl. After all, you were supposed to give him an heir to the throne.
“My dearest, that you have given me a daughter who is just as beautiful as her mother is like a gift from the gods.” While a few servants took care of your sweet girl to give you a break, he made certain insinuations.
“And who says one child is enough for me?”
His fingers gently stroked your skin while you had brunch on a picnic blanket in the castle garden. You blush immediately because you know exactly what he's getting at.
Another child with Doffy? You look after your daughter as she plays happily wearing a little pink feather dress that resembles Doflamingo's cape.
You shyly confess to him that you would love to have more children from him and before you could really finish talking he took you in his arms, ordered the servant to continue looking after your daughter and whisked you away to your bedchamber.
Doflamingo actually loves to dress your child :3
You know… You, him and your daughter in matching clothes… You're always well dressed.
𝐄𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐊𝐢𝐝
Telling him you're pregnant: He thinks you're joking and laughs as he turns his back to you and continues fixing his metal arm.
“I'm sorry Kid but I'm serious. I'm pregnant!”
He turns around because of your serious yet trembling voice.
You're not entirely happy either. You'd like to be happy, but you and Kid? Is that such a good idea? You stroke your arm feeling a little insecure as you stand in his workshop like a lost mess.
“Pregnant women have no place on the Victoria Punk…” - “What's that supposed to mean? Are you kicking me off the crew?!” You interrupt him with a raised voice. Your face is already turning red, but not from anger. You try to suppress your tears.
He grits his teeth in annoyance and approaches you with a pulsating vein on his forehead.
“What the fuck y/n! NO. Of course not!” You should just let him finish before you imagine something stupid.
He grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you close so that your noses are touching.
His eyes are filled with rage. You are always too hasty with your assumptions…
You look a little startled, but you know he's no threat to you when he gets this close because his grip is still gentle... You immediately regret accusing him of something like that. You know he would never kick you out of the gang. You were just too emotional…
His behavior / During pregnancy: He is constantly thinking of ways to do something useful for you and the baby but you hardly notice any of that.
His behavior doesn't really change in front of you. He's still a short tempered dickhead and that often leads to problems between you, especially now that you're having such hormonal swings.
It can always be dangerous on the Victoria Punk and sometimes you'll have to fight in the middle of the open sea. If Kid isn't around then Killer definitely is, because you are not 'allowed' to lift a finger.
You found this quite annoying in the first few weeks, after all you are still able to move quite well and you love to jump into the fight with the others.
After your first argument regarding this, you went your separate ways in a rage. A very typical picture after an argument between you; Kid disappears into his workshop and you flee to the crow's nest. What follows is days of ignoring each other until one of you can't take it anymore. But this time Killer followed you.
Killer broke the silence between you by simply telling you that Kid had a valid reason why you shouldn't fight and that you should please let him finish his explanation without butting in. A little offended, you wanted to say something at first, but you drop your shoulder and close your mouth. Even if you're angry, Killer doesn't deserve to suffer your rage. Kid is the one your anger is directed at. Your silence is Killer's signal that he is free to speak.
Your angry face quickly changed to a tearful one. The reason is as simple as it is understandable and you curse at Kid in a sobbing voice.
“Why doesn't he fucking tell me like you just did!” Your masked friend shrugs. That's a question that even Kid himself might not be able to answer.
“I think he's pissed off why you don't just let him do it, like you don't trust his decisions and then he gets…” “…Furious.” you finish his sentence. That's what Kid is like, a hothead but your hothead.
“Yep. Furious.” - “Argh! My fucking goodness no! I just don't want to be a burden and join the fight!” You feel bad.
Kid knows that you don't have a round belly at the beginning of your pregnancy, but Killer told you in secret that he's been reading books about pregnancy. Kid can read? That's the first thing that surprises you and then the fact that he reads pregnancy books of all things!
Not even you thought about it and suddenly you feel like a bad mom. Kid is really worried about you because he has read that stress and physical activity are a risk no matter what stage you are in.
The same evening you two reconciled. You apologized to him and didn't question anything, because otherwise Killer would be in serious trouble. Since then, you've simply accepted your fate.
You made an unexpected discovery in his workshop... There was a rather large object 'hidden' in the room, covered up so that you could only make out a rectangular shape.
Kid never covers anything in his workshop, so you got curious and looked what was hidden under the big cloth. You could hardly believe your eyes as you rubbed them in disbelief.
There was a crib in front of you and you're pretty sure he built it. The frame is up for debate, as the crib is made entirely of metal and almost looks like a cage that is open at the top… The metal bars give you prison vibes but your heart melts at his efforts.
On closer inspection, it actually looks quite cute too. He's even made a mobile with small figurines that look like fish and sea kings.
You don't even notice how the door opens behind you as you spin the mobile.
“So you found it, huh?” Startled, you turn around with one hand on your chest. You were so immersed that you didn't hear Kid coming up behind you.
With tears streaming down your face, you throw your arms around Kid's neck.
Kid is generally proud of his work but your words are like music to his ears and with a grin he returns your embrace.
“What are you doing y/n?” You jolt as you push the furniture around in your shared room. Still standing on the doorstep with his hand on the handle, Kid looks at you with a raised eyebrow. You were just about to push an armchair across the room and in the middle of your movement you stop and grin at him, somewhat caught off guard.
“Uh, I… I'm just making some space…” - “Space?” A little annoyed, you raise an eyebrow; he could help you rather than ask you weird questions, after all, you're heavily pregnant. You put your hands on your hips a little bitchily.
“Yes, space! Don't just stand there and start helping. I'll make room for the baby?” Kid grumbles and sits down on the armchair. Confused, you gesture to him what this is supposed to mean, that clearly isn't any help. Kid's behavior confuses you a little, because his attitude is so different than usual.
Somehow he looks 'thoughtful'… Normally, he would have grabbed the armchair with his metal arm and taken it to where you want it. Why is he sitting down and looking at you with that confusing expression?
You raise your eyebrows questioningly and wait for a reasonable explanation. Struggling to find the right words, he scratches his chin, with his eyes focused elsewhere.
What's wrong with him? He seems to be lost in his thoughts? You don't recognize that from him. He seems to be preoccupied with something, but instead of ranting out loud or speaking rashly, he sits in front of you almost calmly.
His gaze tends to avoid you as he stares absently into space and you lean down towards him, visibly confused. His eyes look directly into yours and he groans a little irritated.
“Listen, you don't have to make room here because the baby's not moving in.” With your eyebrows drawn together, you lean back again and look down at the redhead. Well, not really down because Kid is pretty tall, let's say you're looking at him at eye level.
“Excuse me? The baby's not moving in here? The baby is not a roommate who we don't want to move in with… The…-” You stop your sentence abruptly and look down at your lips, where Kid's hand is resting. Kid doesn't have the nerve to listen to your rambling. You're taking it the wrong way again. But that's more his fault, because he always says things so stupidly, he's aware of that, but he's trying his best.
“Shut up for once, will you?” - “Excuse me?” You let out a muffled voice through his hand.
He growls at you a little as he lets go of you and stands up. Your gaze goes up to him while his goes down to you. There you both stand in front of each other, each with an annoyed look on your face.
“Do you remember that the Victoria Punk is no place for babies?” You think for a moment. You remember that and the fact that you thought he was going to kick you from the crew. You didn't really discuss what he meant by that, but now you're all ears.
“You and the baby will live in our hideaway.” - “WHAT?!” You're so perplexed that you spit a bit at him. Without taking his eyes off you, he wipes the spit off his chin. A little blushed, you mumble an apology.
Kid has no intention of leaving you there alone. He'll stop by often and try to stay as long as he can, but as captain, he has a duty to run his ship. He has made it clear to you in a surprisingly calm voice that it would not be a good environment for your child to grow up on the Victoria... If at all. It's too dangerous and what if something happens to your child? He's made the decision, that's how it's going to be done and there's no changing that.
You can more than understand his thoughts, but it would be nice if he had discussed this with you.
“You know Kid, you may be the captain but I'm still the mother of our child and before you make decisions like this you should talk to me!” You have to tiptoe a little as you point your finger at him. Rolling his eyes, he takes your hand away and gently pulls you towards him.
“You can make all the decisions in the hideout… For example, you can decorate the house however you like. No matter what it costs.” Your eyes light up at his words, “Apology accepted!”
Birth/when the baby is around: You will never see this man cry again. Only in your memories…
When he saw the sleeping face of your picture perfect child for the first time, a switch flipped in him. Who would have thought that Kid would ever have such feelings? The feeling of unfathomable love. The love he has for you is completely different, because he has learned to love you. But this baby? For your child, a love had been born in him that brought tears to his eyes. He will not learn to love this child. No. He will simply love your child more each day!
He is a bit reluctant to hold the baby, he even confessed to you that he is afraid of it because of his arm. He doesn't want to crush the baby. Watching him look at you with a crushed look on his face while you hold the baby is making you sad, so you think of something. You wrap a scarf around him and put your little one in the pouch so that he is lying on his chest. The sight is so wonderful. This tall, broad man with a baby carrier! How adorable.
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'Hope you enjoyed it <3
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aphroditelovesu · 2 months
Yandere Spencer Reid Headcanons (General)
"I promise to keep you safe." — Spencer Reid.
❝ 🕵 — lady l: It's been a while since I wrote a general hc, so I don't know if it's good, but I did my best! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes. 🤎
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, invasion of privacy, breaking the law (?) and very implicit murder.
❝🕵pairing: yandere!spencer reid x gender neutral!reader.
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Spencer Reid is a genius, in every sense of the word. He is not only intelligent but a true genius, someone who hunts criminals with pure skill, and you, his obsession, his darling, even if you are not a criminal, will be hunted by him. He will have you in every meaning because you belong to him, just as he belongs to you.
He is known for his brilliant mind and his exceptional ability to analyze complex patterns. His eidetic memory allows him to retain vast amounts of information, making him an invaluable asset to the FBI team. Too bad for his darling, however, because he will use his skills and resources to get you at the end of it all.
Spencer is fully aware that his thoughts about you are disturbing, to say the least. But is it so wrong to love someone? He believes not. Maybe the graphic and explicit violence he thinks when someone hurts you isn't exactly healthy but he doesn't care as much as he should.
You are like an enigma that he wants more than anything to decipher, to unravel all your mysteries. If he could, Spencer would read your mind to know all of your thoughts, even the most intimate ones. His insatiable curiosity would drive him to explore every corner of your mind, seeking to understand every thought, every emotion and every facet of your personality.
Spencer is driven by his desire for curiosity and his obsession with you. He values ​​his work at the FBI and his friends but he values ​​you even more. You became an extra motivation for what he does; hunt down criminals to keep the world safe so you can live in it.
He would be disturbingly uncomfortable at the thought of losing you, and his analytical mind could lead him to investigate and monitor your activities closely, perhaps even crossing some ethical lines in the process. Spencer can and probably will become a meticulous and highly effective stalker, watching your social media, searching anyone who was/is close to you.
Spencer doesn't know the word "privacy" when it comes to you, he will look up everything he can about you. He can't bear the thought of not knowing everything about you, he hates the thought of you keeping some kind of secret from him. His willingness to cross boundaries and violate other people's privacy shows how far he is willing to go to maintain his control over you.
He would love to be able to read your mind, just to know what you're thinking and if you're thinking about him because Spencer is always thinking about you. His thoughts are always about you, about how he can make you happy, how he can make the world a better place for you to live. Everything is about you and always will be.
Spencer is extremely possessive of you and it becomes evident very quickly. He is not the master of hiding his feelings for you, including the most dangerous ones. He will stare with hatred evident in his eyes and make strange expressions when someone gets too close to you.
He doesn't want to be controlling and he isn't, but Spencer gets jealous very quickly due to the fact that he's insecure about your love for him. He won't kill someone out of jealousy, he's from the FBI and knows better than to do that, but he can become more aggressive, and bitter if you don't show that you just care about him.
Along with his possessiveness comes absolute overprotection. Spencer is suffocating and ruthless when it comes to protecting you. He will go to great lengths to take care of you, being your own armed escort or having the FBI protect you. When it comes to your safety, he doesn't mess around.
He wouldn't be the type to kidnap you that quickly, no, it would take a lot of motivation for him to take you like that. Maybe you kept rejecting him or you were in a situation where you could have died, in both situations, Spencer would know that he would have to increase your protection. And the best way would be for you to move in with him, without your prior consent however.
Spencer Reid isn't the worst yandere to have, he's just very overprotective and a determined stalker. He will never hurt you, not on purpose at least, and he will make sure you are always well taken care of. He can become very smothering when he is jealous but he means well. Just don't hide anything from him and everything will be fine because Spencer can't stand the idea of ​​not knowing everything about you.
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onepiece-fics · 3 months
Law x simp!reader headcanons (+ short scenario)
Summary: Law x simpy/affectionate reader.
Warnings: Fluff. Reader is gender-neutral. Reader is incredibly confident lol. Brief mention of Law's past and struggles with feelings/emotions.
Word count: 1043
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Law is the definition of tsundere.
He will NOT admit anything publicly, all of his affection is strictly for your private life. 
It’ll take him so long to accept the fact that you two have feelings for each other. He spends literally forever pretending like nothing, despite how open you are about it. 
Literally he is just in denial for SO long.
After you flirting with him openly for a few months you have a party where you end up drunkenly properly confessing your feelings for him.
Law being the only sober person that night cannot let go of what you said and confronts you about it the next day.
Although he can’t convey his feelings, your confidence and affection are enough for the two of you.
As you two start dating he starts to get more and more confident in your relationship, and eventually, he starts showing you affection back, but only in private of course. 
He’ll start playing with your hair or drawing patterns on your skin eventually. Perhaps he would even cuddle into you if you're both sitting next to each other on a couch.
It takes him damn near a year until he stops getting flustered when you compliment him. 
He knows that regardless of how embarrassing it is for him though, you won’t even judge him for anything, because if anything you’re 10,000 x more affectionate than he is. 
All your crewmates will tease him for aaaages, even when he does get used to it. More than anything though, they’re all surprised he lets you do it in front of all the others.
In reality, Law knows he can’t stop you from showing your affection, and frankly he doesn’t want you to stop either. 
Anytime you come running at him and give him a big hug or a kiss on the cheek he just gives the rest of your crewmates a glare (but that does NOT stop them from snickering).
The sun was setting into beautiful colours of pink and orange where you stood on top of the Polar Tang. Your captain had asked to get some fresh air, and for you to come with him. So there you stood, leaning against the railing next to Law. You glance to your right to see his hair lightly blowing in the wind, without the usual hat sitting on his head. He notices your glance and raises an eyebrow at you and you smile back at him.
“Was there anything in particular you wanted, Captain?” You ask him sweetly as you pick up a stray hair strand laying on his yellow shirt. His body stiffens slightly and he lets out a sigh.
“Y/N-yah… You’re gonna make me go crazy…” He mutters, barely audible. “I wanted to talk to you… about…” He lets out another sigh, this one heavier than the first one. “I wanted to talk to you about what you said yesterday.” He says and moves to corner you against the railing of the ship. You smile at him as you gently put your hands on the forearms on either side of you. You don’t notice it but his hands are gripping to the railing for dear life. 
“Oh that? I meant every word I said, you know?” You respond, unashamed. Why would you be ashamed of your feelings after all? He’s Trafalgar Law. He has a mildly shocked expression on his face, and combined with his flushed cheeks he looks adorable. He should be used to this by now, you think, with how much you’ve flirted with him since you joined the crew it’s shocking he even reacts to it anymore. 
“E-everything?” He asks and you hum and nod your head. Law looks down to his feet, his arms still surrounding you. “Y/N-yah, I’m… I’m not sure I deserve that…. I don’t think this is good for either of us… I’ll only get you hurt. Or worse.” He whispers. Your brows furry and you shake your head.
“Law. That’s nonsense and you know it. As if both of us aren’t constantly living in danger all day every day… You know damn well I don’t care about that. I love you. So much. And you deserve so much more than you get. I know that you have your… issues. But I need you to know that I’ll always be here for you regardless of that, okay? I don’t care if I’m only your friend, I’ll always be here to help you. I’ll always be by your side.” Law’s expression turns into one of awe, his eyes wide and mouth agape. His right hand moves from the railing to cup your cheek.
“Y/N… I… I don’t know what to say…” His sentence trails off and a blush creeps up on his face again. “You know my past, and you know I’ve been hurt. I struggle with my feelings, and you know this… But… If I get to be selfish I want to, uhm,” He looks away from your face, “I’d like to take you up on the offer you made last night…” He whispers and his hand falls back down to the railing. 
The smile on your face turns to a grin as you take in what he’s said. “My offer? You mean when I told you I’d really like to show you my love? When I told you that you should trust the feelings of your heart and trust me? Because I still stand by that.” He groans as his face turns even redder. You shake your head and giggle at him before standing on your toes to give him a light kiss on the cheek. He turns to look at you again with wide eyes.
“Law. I already told you I love you, right? There’s no need to be ashamed.” You smile at him before leaning in to hug him and bury your face in his neck. 
“God, you really are gonna be the death of me, aren’t you?” he whispers as he embraces you back and holds you tight against him. He presses a kiss to the top of your head before burying his nose in your hair. “Thank you Y/N-yah. Thank you for understanding the words I can’t convey…”
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linkemon · 7 months
Would you still love me/like me if...? 
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you're interested.
Other headcanons from this series can be found here.
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Baizhu ✧ Animal
✧ Would you still love me if I turned into an animal? This was definitely not the question he expected to hear on a calm and beautiful evening. This amused him immensely. You, however, didn't seem happy with his laugh, so he would ask you what kind of animal exactly, to which you had no answer.
✧ He's not a vet but he's a doctor. First of all, he would promise you that he would try to cure you with all means possible. He would travel across the world to find some kind of treatment.
✧ You pushed him further. What if such a drug did not exist? Well... He has experience with Changsheng. The snake, of course, loudly protested that it was not the same but no matter how you look at it, Baizhu also had to feed him something and take care of him (Changsheng said that it was completely the opposite way and that he was his guardian...).
✧ You weren't entirely satisfied with the answer, so Baizhu took you out the next day to console you.
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Wriothesley ✧ Worm
✧ Would you still love me if I was a worm? Wriothesley is prepared for anything. I mean literally everything! Even for his other half's philosophical questions. It's not like he heard about this trend from someone in the Fortress and thought that you'd definitely want to take part in it soon, so he thought of everything in advance... He immediately replied that yes, he would still love you.
✧ When you asked what it would look like, he said he would prepare a miniature room for you in his office. There are a lot of different pieces of machinery lying around the Fortress, I'm sure he could make a nice set of metal furniture out of it.
✧ He could carry you around with him in a special pocket in his uniform. He wouldn't let anyone crush you. He would even make special warning signs in places you would frequently be. Everyone would adjust to them because, as we know, Fortress of Meropide has a lot of people obeying him and their sentences would certainly be extended to stay there for their whole lifes if they didn't.
✧ When you asked if he would like to change you, he said that no, just to see your reaction. He wanted to tease you but don't be angry with him, he loves you very much.
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Nahida ✧ Fungus
✧ Would you still like me if I were Fungus? This question did not raise a trace of surprise from the archon. To her, it sounds like any other. After all, it is not for nothing that she patronizes wisdom. She has to consider many concepts. Nahida would think for a moment with a finger pressed to her cheek. And then she would say yes, of course. She would also list every possibility.
✧ First, she would try to communicate with you. She can connect with living things, so why not with you? If you didn't like your condition, she would want to change it. By any means available. You can be sure that the students at the Akademiya would be wondering about your condition. Someone would eventually come up with some cure... or not.
✧ If your new form suited you, she would leave you in the forests of Sumeru in a safe place. She strongly believes that Fungus would be a different form that should be treated accordingly and would like to befriend you with other shrooms so you can settle in.
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Nilou ✧ Slime
✧ Would I still be your best friend if I was a slime? Of course you would, she said, grabbing your hands to emphasize the importance of her words. She didn't even have to wonder.
✧ She just hopes you wouldn't be a pyro slime, because she'd have to be very careful with her hydro vision. She wouldn't want to hurt you. Apart from this fact, Teyvat's laws are thrown out the window! She didn't think about anything that made sense or was logical.
✧ In her mind, it looks like she's taking care of the absolute cutie patootie, which is you as a slime. Her friend would still go shopping with her, spend all day together and perform on stage. Now you could create a one-of-a-kind performance or, preferably, a whole spectacle. Did she leave out the fact that you probably wouldn't be able to understand her? Of course but it didn't occur to her because she was too excited.
✧ You have to forgive her, over the next week she will come back to this question at various times and tell you how cute it would be if, in the form of slime you would... Ate cake with her, danced with her, wore a tiny dress? Finish it yourself, there are many options.
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blood-orange-juice · 9 months
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I want to overanalyze everything Arle says and how others interact with her. 4.1 spoilers ahead
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(meanwhile Fontaine is the nation of human trafficking, actual slums exist and the law doesn't really apply to the wealthy)
She's very good at being unsettling. Half of what she says is a double-bind, she states things and the opposite of them at the same time. It's not even lies, she just rules out any possibility of truth. A conversation strategy the only goal of which is to throw people off balance. This creates a feeling that she might stab you right now in broad daylight or maybe give you a poisoned piece of cake.
A truly lovely woman.
Also an interesting parallel:
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(first meeting with Furina and Arle's farewell to us)
Similar words but we understand what she meant each time, right? She's good. One has to constantly guess with her. It's your fault if you guessed incorrectly.
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Demanding too much before she voices her actual request. The classics of bargaining. Again, she's good.
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Traveler: "he would not fucking say that"
Personally, I think she's bullshiting to check our reaction. One of the best ways of getting information out of someone is to say a thing that is obviously untrue.
As a side note: interesting how hoyo are keeping the story suitable for all headcanons. Haters and indifferent people "know" that he had no chance of learning what food the traveler likes (their character doesn't interact with the boy that much). Shippers can "know" that we share Childe's love for spicy seafood and honey roast, not cake. Shippers who like cake can assume that she reads his letters. I also don't think he knows anything about Arle's taste in desserts, he's too self-centered for that. Anyway, lovely.
Alternative: it's a metaphor. This is obviously not a tea party, it's a battlefield. Childe would totally say *that*. But that's too subtle for most players, I doubt hoyo would do it.
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Everyone who had read Tartaglia's actual letters to home stifled a laugh there. Anyone who has *seen* our dear boy really. He doesn't write about what he contemplates or feels, only about actions. Here's a headache medicine for our dear father. Please tell Anton that people in Liyue don't eat stones, it would be ridiculous. I'll take the first boat home once I've finished making a bloodbath out of this lovely city.
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(a reminder in case anyone forgot)
So. Bullshiting again. Is she trying to check how close we are? Or to demonstrate that she doesn't, in fact, read his letters (even if she does)? I'm not considering the option that she's actually clueless, she's the Fatui spymaster after all.
(if she's trying to learn from us how to mimic his style to get to his family it would mean she's clueless and it would be bad writing)
Also I know that a lot of people are shouting "have you forgotten about the Vision??? stupid traveler, you have a proof that he's alive" and honestly I'm surprised. Why would we want to share *any* information with her? The traveler was visibly upset when Paimon blurted what she blurted. Also, yeah, let's tell a totalitarian country military official that her colleague recently gave one of his favorite weapons to an enemy of the state. Surely it will go swimmingly. That was intentional.
And then her farewell and her thanking us for helping the twins. Her unhingedness is suddenly gone. She might not be genuine but there's no double bind at least. She starts to say things that could be true or untrue.
Also this:
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Not even a guess that the Gnosis could be used to power the Oratrice? After the Akasha terminal plot it's a pretty obvious option to anyone, would she really miss something like that?
Is she trying to push us to do something? It's hard for me to believe that she genuinely doesn't understand. But also she shares that info about a curse. Meh. I don't understand what's happening here.
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risingoflights · 4 months
do you have thoughts on the ff7r devs changing it so Hojo actively taunts Aerith with Ifalna’s death in Remake as opposed to the original game where he doesn’t even know Ifalna’s dead until the party runs into him in Costa?? bc he seemed oddly pensive about in the og and it kinda stuck out to me + you seem like the person to ask for Hojo opinions
trust you me i have opinions on everything, especially hojo, but i tend to actively keep my mouth shut unless someone asks directly. so thank you for asking directly!
as usual, not laying down my word as law or canon or anything, but just to give folks another perspective to think on if they haven't already:
if memory serves, in og, hojo only ever refer to three people by name: sephiroth, gast, and ifalna (and jenova i suppose but does she really count as people). everyone else he has a moniker for, even people who should be important to him. lucrecia was 'the woman'. vincent was 'the turk'. cloud was 'the failure'. nanaki 'the specimen'. and dear sweet aerith, she was 'the ancient'.
they change this trait around a bit in the compilations i believe (it's been a while), but it's mostly consistent. aerith herself brings this up in costa in og, insisting that the least he can do is remember her name. the reverse of this, interestingly, is aerith referring to 'my mother' and hojo himself conjuring her name - 'you mean ifalna'. i've inferred from this (and you're all free to disagree) that the only actual people in hojo's life were sephiroth, gast, and ifalna. everyone else is either nonexistent or reduced to just their role to play.
i'd say aerith, in og, wasn't actually important to hojo even as 'the ancient' - and why i think that is a slightly different discussion. but suffice to say that if someone isn't important to you, you wouldn't spend time and energy taunting them, or deliberately and maliciously trying to make them uncomfortable, as we see hojo doing to aerith in remake.
(as for what ifalna was to hojo - what i have on that is pure headcanon, but feel free to ask if you're interested)
there's no doubt hojo's always been cruel, but in og his cruelty to aerith - and the main cast in general - was a dismissive sort. harm inflicted on them was thoughtless and not at all personal - again, none of them even counted as people. comparing that with the consistent bitterness with which he evoked gast's name, the contrast was almost charming. i'm sad we seem to have lost that in remake, along with a lot of hojo's more human characteristics. remake hojo feels to me a lot like a predictable combo of tropes - a puppet playing to audience expectations, but hey i'm still hopeful for something else interesting as the game goes on. we shall see.
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justmediocrewriting · 6 months
Okay hear me out! Koby x pirate reader? I mean, he's so sweet! So imagine how would him react to being in love with a pirate reader
Omg thank you so much for your request sweetheart! Never really wrote for Koby, but I am excited to do so! He’s such a sweetie, I love him so much 💕💕 I’m not sure why I never really thought to write for him before, and writing this was such a pleasure, so I really appreciate your suggestion of this.
I wasn’t sure about gender specifics or which format you wanted (headcanon or blurb), so I did both and kept the terms gender neutral! I really hope this is kind of what you’re looking for dear ❤️
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Headcanons ❤️
Your first meeting is one that I commonly like to dub as the ‘marine/pirate love story trope’: the one in which you are captured by Marines.
Koby isn’t the one to officially arrest you — that honor belongs to a one Monkey D. Garp, who was more than frustrated at the disruption your capture posed to his goal, which was to apprehend his grandson; but a pirate is a pirate, and all needed to see justice, so when Garp’s ship intercepted yours he did his duty to curb your devious activities.
Koby was, however, tasked with the assignment of keeping watch over your cell in the brig, and truthfully, you couldn’t have been more delighted by it.
The timid bespectacled man had quickly caught your attention the moment you were loaded onto the deck; and by the way his eyes lingered on yours for longer than what was appropriate, you knew you’d captured his as well.
Conversation didn’t come easily at first, not at any fault of your own; despite Koby’s clear interest displayed on the deck, he was hesitant to engage in any sort of talk with you, no matter how much you coaxed or teased him.
It wasn’t until hours later that you two had any semblance of a conversation, and after getting over his initial hesitation, words and stories flowed freely and easily between you
Koby found himself deeply entranced by your sharp wit and buttery tongue, and was heavily flustered by every compliment and sultry sentence you sent his way. It wasn’t something he was accustomed to, especially not from a pirate, but what bothered Koby most wasn’t necessarily that you were a pirate, but that he was enjoying the attention from a pirate. Koby had closed down a bit after that, but you already had him around your finger, whether you knew it or not, and Koby was unable to resist the temptation to know you more and hear your voice.
Feelings spiraled quickly on both ends; you were so intoxicated by Koby’s bashful reactions to your attention, so entranced by the way his soft features colored so prettily when you’d offer him a compliment or a sultry tease — but the more you got to know him, the more you realized it wasn’t just mindless physical attraction; you liked Koby for Koby, for his admirable dedication to his own dream, for his ideology, for his soft spoken mannerisms, for the way he looked at you with those eyes — eyes that said he shared the exact same depth of feeling as you did.
It was so fast that it nearly caused you whiplash; but Koby was even more affected. Never in his life had he had the opportunity to feel anything other than fear or loathing, and emotions such as love or desire were completely foreign to him — it was even more confusing and irritating for him as you two stood on opposite sides of the law.
In total, you were kept in the brig for three and a half days; and over those three and a half days, you and Koby grew close. He was tasked with guarding your cell more often than not, and to your surprise, not only did Koby spill his entire backstory to you, but you did the same to him. It was something you’d never revealed to anyone, not even your own crew mates, so the fact that you shared it with Koby, who was a Marine, was so baffling and frankly disturbing to you; but the way Koby’s eyes glittered as he paid rapt attention to every word you spoke, as if he were desperate to drink in every single detail about you, made those ill feelings trickle away quickly.
By the time you were to face your sentencing (by now you’d already accepted the fact that you were more than likely going to face justice by means of beheading or a life in Impel Down, though it wasn’t the idea of losing your own life that hurt you, but rather the idea of never being able to speak or see Koby again), Koby was already smitten, and unbeknownst to you, he was already determined to commit mutiny.
Koby was the one assigned to drag you from the brig to the Marine headquarters, but soon as your feet hit solid ground, Koby glanced around nervously and then quickly unshackled your cuffs when he noticed you two were alone. You were completely baffled.
“Punch me.” Koby demanded, and all you could do was gawk at him and then sputter out a single consonant sound in reply.
“Just do it, fast. Punch me and run.” Koby urged again, nerves racking up with every second that passed. You licked your lips as your heart fluttered in your chest. You knew the risk Koby was taking for you, and it made your heart clench painfully.
“You could get in a lot of trouble.” You whispered back, and Koby simply shook his head.
“I don’t care about that right now. I just want you to run. You’re one of the good ones, I can tell.” Koby said sincerely, and the way his crystal blues bore into your eyes made your entire being shake.
You truly couldn’t believe what you were experiencing. You’d encountered many marines, hell, you’d been captured and escaped many times before, but never once had a marine let you escape; and Koby was throwing himself into the fire just so you could have your freedom.
Knowing the risk for Koby and feeling extreme trepidation, but also knowing that escape would mean a chance to see Koby again, and filled with so much gratitude and pure feeling for Koby, you did something you never thought you’d ever do; you grabbed the man by the shoulders and planted your lips firmly on his.
Koby was so stunned that he didn’t respond to the sudden kiss, and just when he was about to you pulled away and nodded at him before wrenching your hand back and clocking him in the jaw.
“I’ll see you again, Koby.” You promised as you darted away, fading away into the distance without looking back; you knew that if you did, you’d run back to the man behind you.
Blurb ❤️
It had been three months since Koby’s last encounter with you; and he swore that he could still feel the phantom pain of your strike and the pleasant tingle of your lips against his.
Every day Koby held your parting words close to his heart, hoping beyond hope that he’d see you again, but as the days turned to weeks turned to months, he began to lose that spark — it will still dimly glowing within his chest, but it was dimmed exponentially.
Koby was fairly useless ever since your ‘escape’; his mind was always plagued with you, with your voice, with your lips, with your laugh, with everything about you. It was irritating and slightly depressing for him, how smitten he was with you. He couldn’t entirely understand it — not only was it something completely new and foreign to him, feeling this depth of emotion, but it was for someone he’d barely known for three days, who was a pirate on top of all that; his sworn enemy, the same enemy he’d promised to capture and bring to justice.
Koby had never even considered mutiny before; not even in the case of Luffy. Though Luffy was a dear friend and an inspiration to Koby, Koby had steeled it within himself that should he meet with Luffy, he would apprehend him the same as any other pirate, and he wouldn’t dare to let him escape.
Yet he let you.
It was very frustrating, and all these emotions within Koby caused him to lose his focus. Garp barked at him many a time to focus on training, but Koby just couldn’t. Even Helmeppo had asked him what the hell was up, if he still felt guilty about royally screwing up on his first ever escort mission, but there was no way Koby could ever tell anyone the truth.
How do you tell your entire branch and admiral that you’re in love with a pirate, and you let that pirate escape, and even held a useless hope to actually see that pirate again?
Yeah, he couldn’t do that. Not in a million years.
On the third day of the fourth month of your absence, Koby laid his head down with the conviction that he’d never see you again.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
The sound was rapping but light, quiet but loud enough to cause Koby to stir to consciousness beneath his covers.
Koby reached blindly for his glasses as the tapping became more insistent, and when he finally slid them on and glanced in the direction of the noise, his heart leapt into his throat.
There, perched on the window sill of his window, was you, smiling widely and waving.
Koby threw his covers off and nearly toppled out of bed in his hurry to reach the window. With a grunt he wrenched open the pane and gawked at you.
“Heya, sweetcheeks.” You cooed, absolutely adoring the dazed smile he sent you as his cheeks colored. You wanted desperately to reach forward and bring him into your arms; except there was one problem, and that was that you were still perched on the window sill.
With little to no subtlety you clambered through the window, and Koby sputtered beside you as you did so. His gentle, dazzling smile was wiped from his face and was now replaced by a grimace of panic.
“What are you doing here?” He whisper-yelled, and you simply shrugged and smiled at him.
“I said I would see you again, sweetheart.” You said casually, and Koby glanced around the room warily, as if it any moment another marine would pop out and catch you.
“No, I know, it’s just — how did you know where to find me?”
“I have my ways.” You said, none-too-mysteriously, and Koby resisted the urge to shiver at the implication; he should he freaked out by that, but honestly, he was too overcome with happiness at seeing you again to even consider being freaked out.
Koby fell silent and appraised you; your form was hard to make out in the pale moonlight that filtered through the window, but you were still just as breathtaking as Koby remembered. Still as sultry and mouthwatering, too. The reality of where exactly you were, in his room, with him, alone, hit him like a ton of bricks, and his cheeks flushed deeply. You couldn’t help the grin that pulled your lips at the sight.
“I know it’s a bit unconventional and even risky, but I don’t like not seeing you, Koby.” You said honestly, and the way Koby’s flush deepened even further fueled your ever-present adoration for the boy. Stepping close, you wrapped your hands around his wrists and brought them to your torso. Koby’s breath hitched as you leaned closer, until your lips were mere centimeters apart. Shivers ran up Koby’s spine as you whispered against his lips, your breath tickling the sensitive skin.
“Let’s see each other more, yeah?”
MOAR HEADCANONS (because I can) ❤️
After the first night of sneaking into Koby’s room, it became a bit of a habit. The times and days varied, and sometimes you would go weeks without appearing at his window (those were the hardest times for Koby, but he understood the two completely different lives you lead). It was a little rocky at first as Koby was still unsettled by your status as a pirate, but over time he grew to accept it.
For a long time Koby kept your relationship secret; he knew the dangers of ever revealing it to anyone — it was dangerous for the both of you, and could lead to a death sentence. But Helmeppo, ever observant, noticed the change in Koby’s demeanor immediately, and after months of being pestered by the blonde, Koby finally admitted to your relationship.
Koby immediately regretted it; he just knew that Helmeppo would talk, and that your lives would be over. But Helmeppo didn’t. Instead, he clapped Koby on the shoulder and said simply,
“Good catch.”
From then on Helmeppo kept the secret; he even aided in your secret meetings with Koby, which made things exponentially easier for the both of you. The amount of time you could spend together grew, and before you knew it, you were both completely tied together.
Damn right there’s been many times you’ve tried to scoop Koby away into the life at sea.
And damn right Koby many times tried to coax you to be a Marine just like him.
But neither of you would budge, and within time just became accepting of each others life choices; Koby protected you at all costs, and kept you hidden from the marines. He would never let any harm come to you. That he promised.
The idea to label his love for you as mutiny never crossed his mind; in reality, he felt love could never be a crime, even between a pirate and a marine.
By the time Koby rose through the ranks and became an admiral himself, your relationship had grown so deeply that neither of you could stand the thought of ever being separated and it killed the both of you inside. So what did you do?
You made sure to get captured by his ship at every possible opportunity.
It became quite a thorn in his side, especially when he would have to explain to the higher ups how you somehow ‘managed to escape time and time again.’
No one ever truly caught on, much to your surprise. However, your bounty did raise a few million Berry every time, and the amount of bounty hunters you had to fight off was insane.
But it was totally worth it to have Koby get protective over you ❤️ and the way he would blush when you teased him about it was the best!
I just want to say thank you again for your request anon ❤️ this was such a pleasure to write! Ngl I wanted to add some steamy parts in there, but since it wasn’t specified in the request I held back! If that’s something you would like to see, please lemme know!
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audreyscribes · 1 month
Hi everyone! Here's something I've been cooking up in the background. This came about whilst I was working on the other previous works and it just sort of happened. Hope you guys like it!! Again, these works will be categorised as the MISCELLANEOUS GODS due to not the fact these gods are minor or anything, but because I did mention this in an ask before and it's easier to think about due to the canon PJO worldbuilding. These works will be a bit more loose since I'm taking a shot in the wild so hopefully you guys like it. Thanks for reading!!
When you get claimed, it’s, unironically, utter chaos. People are scrambling away and elsewhere. When you had first arrived initially, things around at camp had been slowly dissolving into chaos; mishaps, increased arguments and fighting, yelling, strange accidents, etc. At one point, you noticed the clouds looked like cotton candy (you see several pegasus flying upwards and are physically chewing on them), with what looked like to be chocolate milk raining down from them. So when you get claimed with the floating symbol of Eris, a golden apple of Discord, you all realise that was just the preview. Things that should not be and could not happen are happening, and you’re the centre of the storm, completely unaffected like a mysterious barrier of immunity.
It’s only mitigated when a demigod who came to camp with you, got claimed. In the midst of the chaos, you all looked as you saw a floating claim of two Cornucopias. And in a similar manner like you, like a switch had been flipped, the discord stopped and everything was back in perfect harmony. You see Mr. D look at you and the other child before he downs his diet coke before crushing it with a curse before tossing it at the nearest Satyr’s mouth. 
Oh boi, how it feels to be the child of the god that was responsible for what started the Trojan war. Everyone looks at you and wonders if your presence here means that you’ll spark the next Trojan War. 
The Aphrodite and Athena cabins (and the Hera cabin) steer clear away from you in the beginning due to the whole thing with Paris and the three goddesses. 
Eris herself causes trouble and strife wherever she goes, so it was for that reason she didn’t get invited to Thetis and Peleus’ wedding, and in retaliation threw the golden apple which caused the three goddesses to go to Paris and set in motion the Trojan War. On that principle, you cause trouble in your wake and it’s just part of the course. It doesn’t have to be something deliberate, but it can be just you accidentally bumping your hip against a table, which causes a person to accidentally knock off their drink and it spills onto a child of Ares, and it goes from there. So you either get in trouble or start it: you might even consider stirring the pot or spilling the tea as you will. 
On premise, you start things; whether by sheer proximity or deliberately, mostly for fun. Whether it's encouraging the pranks of a child of Hermes or causing arguments for the sake of arguing. 
In fact, when you were first put into the Hermes cabin, people thought you were a child of Hermes given your mischievous and chaotic nature, and the numerous pranks that you concocted. 
Shenanigans galore. 
You are chaos incarnate. Almost quite literally. Not Chaos the primordial himself but the cause of chaos to be exact. In fact, you know the D&D alignment where there is Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic?Just as all children of Harmonia fall under Lawfuls,  all children of Eris fall under one of the Chaotic alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil. 
A weird quirk you inherited is carving into apples. Whether it's writing words into its flesh or just straight up carving into it like its pseudo jack-o-lantern. At one point, you sort of learn how to peel the skin into words. Now only if the satyrs stopped eating the peels as you’re peeling them. 
The Chaos Theory, the Butterfly effect… Those are all things that are part of your power as a child of Eris. You can cause things to happen in a disastrous way which is useful in a quick get-away, getting yourself out of a pickle, or simply putting things into motion. In fact, you could almost see the chaos unfold before it even happens, that is almost seemingly strategic like a child of Athena; except there’s always a side of chaos and unpredictability.
People often equate Eris’s strife as negative, but that’s not true. It is necessary. You may be seen encouraging the rivalry between two individuals, egging them on, but in the end, you’ve been pushing the other to be better and to stand above the other and make a name for themselves.  When things come to a stale-mate and impasses, you are able to rouse your fellow comrades with fire and egg on your enemies to make a mistake. 
No one knows how and the children of Hecate equate your abilities to a specific use of magic, due to the nature of Eris’ discord. If you tap into the ‘chaotic’ nature side of Discord, you can perform eccentric magic that seems almost mischievous and trickster-like; like unseelie court fairy magic. Like spinning gold from hay. Like Maleficent in the story of Sleeping Beauty. You can also pull out some looney-tunes and general cartoony logic out of thin air; enjoying pull off some bugs bunny or Wild E. Coyote shenanigans. So sit back and watch the show unfold before you.
People will inevitably start pushing you away for the child of Harmonia that was claimed alongside you; given who your respective godly parents are. You’ll feel jealous and hate but don’t hold it against them too much. Just as they bring calmness and harmony to your discord and strife, bringing you some sense of peace to your chaotic life, you help break their monotone and boring life, giving them motivation and energy.
Being claimed by Eris as her kid suddenly made sense in your life. While general discord and chaos was part of your life, you always had thought it was just how you were; causing general mischief here and there with Benny Hill theme playing in the background. Now? It was like living in a Looney-tunes cartoon life which was fabulous. 
You weren’t entirely shamed for being a child of Eris but it was starting to irate your nerves when people were contributing all the misfortune and discord happening around camp, especially since it has only increased tenfold since you were claimed. You had assumed it was just because your general energy being a child of Eris, but as you saw domino effects happening that were originating not because of you and the casualties were becoming concerning, you had a sneaking suspicion it wasn’t because all you. 
And especially when the children of Hecate, Nemesis, and Tyche start saying that it’s not just because of you-
 It all comes to a point when you get slammed in the face by a flying pig squealing as it goes past. You’re seeing stars before you blink and then you see what looks like vapor trails pulsing as they wind and wrap around. You’re confused but as you follow the vapor trails, you see certain directions the vapor trails begin and end. 
A memory pops in your brain when you and the child of Harmonia found a place and time secluded enough to catch up, since the campers seem keen on keeping you separate. You remember listening to the child of Harmonia talk about their power, how they could sense things weren’t in harmony like they were tangible and they could be smoothed back over. 
You then start to wonder if that’s your version, seeing the time lapse version of how bits of chaos were happening. You rake your eyes all over, taking it all in until you see what looks like a bundle of tangled trails. You follow it as it gets thicker and thicker and your eyes fall upon the said-child of Harmonia, who looks frantic as they look they’re orchestrating with their hands, detangling and smoothing over their tangled trails while also smoothing others. You can see the others being fixed but theirs? It doesn’t seem like it made even a dent. 
Then you see it. The trails tangled and wrapping around their neck but specifically the source of it all; the necklace they wore; one they had for as long as they could remember-
You rush over as the necklace seems to tug and the child of Harmonia lurches to that direction by force, their body knocking into a child of Hephaestus, their latest invention clearly fizzing and seizuring before it seems to go haywire, spraying its function as it sends a domino effect as it all goes toward the child of Harmonia . Everyone is either hitting the decks or running out to save themselves as doom headed towards the Harmonia demigod. 
“LOOK OUT!” you yelled as you rushed over, using the energy of discord and strife, jumping off an arguing child of Ares’ back as you flew towards your friend. You find the vapor trails and grab it, tugging towards the incoming doom and you begin your own orchestration, causing effects to redirect everything AWAY from everyone and your friend. You’re all surrounded by fire and chaos but everyone is in one piece and okay. You turned to the child of Harmonia who looks at you with awe and fear. Their hands gripping the necklace, as you can clearly see them trying to pull it off. 
“What’s going on here?” you all heard as Chiron and Mr. D rush over; the latter’s expression was unusual and was making everyone uneasy. 
“It was the child of Eris! They’ve been causing all this trouble-” one blamed.
“HEY!” you yelled back offended. 
“Come on, it was that child of Harmonia; you all saw them bump into the Hephaestus kid-” another yelled to your defense. 
“They’re the child of Harmonia, how’s that even remotely possible-” another yelled. The yelling begun to grow and grow as people were taking either sides and Chiron was now faced with dealing an angry crowd-
“Everyone stop! It wasn’t them!” yelled the child of Harmonia, soothing over everyone’s angry energy. They all turned to them who had a deer in headlights look, “It…It was me-”
“But that isn’t possible-” someone said but the Harmonia demigod cut them off. “No, it is. I cause this but-” 
“But what, child?” asked Chiron gently. 
You saw the child of Harmonia try to take off the necklace but as if it had a will of its own, it tug itself back out of their grip. The discord energy you could see around it was growing and you spoke. “It’s the necklace isn’t it?” you asked softly, putting a gentle hand on their hands, making them unwrap their death-gripped fingers. You were also pulling away the energy to re-direct it, but you also knew at that moment that necklace was cursed.
The child of Harmonia looked at you with wide-eyes and nodded. You all heard a deep instake of breath and you turned to see Mr. D with wide eyes. “The Necklace of Harmonia” he said. 
There was a ripple of unease as people took a step back away from you two. “What?” you asked confused before Chiron made a grim face. “You two come with me. All cabin leaders come with me to the Big House.”
There side by side, both you and the child of Harmonia were told about the curse of the necklace of Harmonia, and it was clear that your dual appearance wasn’t just a coincidence, and you were there, a child of Eris, for a reason to your counterpart, the child of Harmonia. 
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minniiaa · 4 months
First of all, thank you ^-^ <333
You've not only satisfied my simp heart with bottom Law but also my yearn for and emotionally constipated Law being proven wrong
Second, I have more ideas or course :D
This is a gigantic leap from my previous… contributions, but I want to share my love for something I enjoy just as much as my little guys (grown ass men) getting railed in such a way it puts the trolley problem to shame. Sweet, sweet aftercare, I dunno what about it that enthralls me but just- like- I- jsbdudbskospaks-
It's an honest 50/50 whether the aftercare situations I think up actually comes after sex or if it's all I think of. It has me by the throat man.
Something about Law feeling safe enough to tell Luffy when he's had enough without feeling the need to force or threaten Luffy, or not holding out far past his limit so Luffy doesn't “get bored of him” makes my brain melt and mold back into the shape of a sea urchin.
Here me out, modern au, Law comes back to their apartment more tired than he's ever been after the longest shift he's pulled in a while. All he wants, more than anything, is their bed, screw the shower, he couldn't stand long enough to take one and he knows the moment his knee bends further than what's needed to walk his body will collapse. So he heads straight to bed, unsurprisingly, Luffy is awake and anticipating Law's return to give him his “goodnight kiss” that became the only constant thing Luffy upholds. Law tosses himself into bed as soon as he gets his pants off, leaving them on the floor along with his shirt, and Luffy is immediately on him. Not to Law's dismay, he knows he won't last long but the fact that Luffy still wants him when he's coated in sweat and deadweight kind of turns him on. He's right, he doesn't last when Luffy eats him out while running only the pad of his thumb up and down the base of Law's shaft, and GOD does everything *hurt. Law doesn't get that post-nut daze, instead he's hit with an ache deep in every muscle and bone from the souls of his feet to the back of his head that he has no choice but to succumb to. So badly does he want to feel Luffy all over him, all up in him, but he can't ignore his limit if he tries. He gets what he wants anyways, without having said a word Law's exhausted body is crushed by the concrete hold Luffy calls a hug, and Law couldn't be more grateful for Luffy's mysterious workout routine. It's the silent communication of Law's needs that relaxes him further, not needing to rely on his voice for Luffy to know, to understand, his pain makes it all the more easier to just let Luffy take care of him.
You got me out here writing paragraphs man, you've changed my chemical components on a spiritual level lol. Also, I stand by that my headcanon dumps are a bit much, so just know that I don't expect a masterpiece response every time. I MEAN THEY ARE ENCOURAGED CAUSE GYATT DAMN, would ABSOLUTELY eat your writing while dressed better than for a wedding and a napkin in my lap, but I dunno, I don't want you to think I'm trying to make you pump out tailored content for me. Definitely just like my own self-consciousness wanting me to make that clear sorry lol I think this might be the largest headcanon dump I've shared.
I am sooo glad you enjoyed my little oneshot I wrote and it scratched the itch of your last message. I just took that idea and RANNNNNN with it I have to admit.
I am also super happy that you came up with your own head canons omfg I'm frothing. I definitely can't write a whole story this time, but you inspired me to add some of my own little head canons because it was just too good!
You are hilarious and I am picturing you dressed for a wedding waiting for dinner but it's actually just my writing. Don't feel self-conscious, I live for this shit. You can leave headcanons whenever though I can't promise I'll be able to get back asap, I will always slurp it up and add my own thoughts if it's something that speaks to me. Maybe one day you'll decide to share your own stories and I will be the one who gets to leave my headcanons in there! :)
With that being said, here are my thoughts:
I loveee Lulaw aftercare (and just aftercare in general cause who doesn't like the sweet moments after getting your insides rearranged), especially your situation. I'm deceased at the thought of Luffy always waiting up for Law's goodnight kiss. Does he do it because he wants Law to be the last thing he sees every night before bed? Or because he wants to make sure that he's awake if Law needs him after his long hard days at work? Maybe both, Luffy is self-indulgent and also wants to do whatever he can to make Law feel loved and comfortable.
Sometimes Law needs Luffy to fuck him until he forgets about how shit his day was and how maybe he lost a patient and he just needs his mind and body filled with nothing but Luffy who can push him to the edge in unimaginable ways. Luffy never says no, he could eat Law for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He just loves watching the way his normally tense and irritated lover falls apart underneath him. Other times, Law just needs his partner to give him a quick and much-needed release before pulling him into his arms and giving him the attention he craves when he can barely think straight after a stressful day, his body screaming at him to just shut off and let go.
Luffy knows Law so well that he never has to tell him what he wants which is great because Law is terrible about asking for things. He never wants to be a burden, never wants to feel like he's taking too much from Luffy when he's already given him everything he's ever wanted and more. Luffy feels Law's body going limp after he comes, how he sighs contently and buries his face into his chest. Law just needs him there to recharge him, to soothe his weary body and soul and Luffy loves him so much he would never think of doing anything different.
Luffy knows exactly what Law needs in those quiet moments in the dark. He runs his hands over Law's aching body, healing him with his soft touches. Soft kisses are pressed against his skin, no intent to go anywhere further behind them even though Luffy yearns to feel Law around him, to hear his pretty sounds echoing through his ears. That can wait for another time, right now he will just satisfy Law with his gentle caresses. He wraps his arms around Law, pulling his weary form into his arms, so close that he begins to forget where he ends and Law begins just the way he likes it.
Law usually gets so flustered and cranky when Luffy spills his feeling out but they've been doing this for so long now that Luffy knows Law will let him say whatever he wants when they're like this and he takes full advantage of it. He plays with Law's hair, telling him how much he loves him, how he's so lucky to have him in his life, how he wants to be with him forever. He lists all of the thing he loves about him-his compassion, dedication, strength, and beauty.
Law loves the way Luffy's voice sounds when he whispers these sweet nothings into his ear. He's so calm and quiet, so different from his normally loudmouthed self. Sometimes he responds, though usually only with a "thank you" or "I love you". Words are hard for him even though he feels just as strongly for Luffy. It brings him comfort knowing that Luffy never expects him to say anything back, that he does this simply because he wants to.
Once, in a fit of insecurity, Law asked Luffy if he feels neglected because Law is so terrible with words and even though he tries, he just can't express how he feels inside. Luffy simply smiled at him and said "I know how much you love me. You don't need to say it. I just like to tell you because sometimes you get in your head like you are right now and forget". Another time, he apologized to Luffy for being too exhausted to move a muscle after Luffy went down on him. Just like before, Luffy smiled and said "Making you feel good makes me feel good. Taking care of you makes me happy."
After that, Law realized he might just be the luckiest man in the world. He stopped worrying about if Luffy wanted or needed more from him on these days when he he couldn't give anymore. He graciously took all the affection he was given, allowing Luffy's calming voice to lull him to sleep, saying words Law would never be able to accept were all for him.
That's all for today, sorry if it was a little messy I am too tired to proofread any further. Thank you once again for the food for thought <3333
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dukeoftheblackstar · 11 months
Somewhere Only We Know
Summary: Plo Koon has an old book called ‘The Galactic Family; A Collection of Beautiful Faces’ that features numerous species blessed with physicalities. Reader/OC is born of the planet called Celestia which is inhabited by ethereal sight for sore-eyes. While they feature and exalt you as an upper echelon of beauty and grace, you vehemently plot against the author who Plo had once confided in you as someone who seems to have captivated his heart — a bully who had taunted him and riled others to make fun of Kel Dors and Plo as a youngling. You kept your friendship with Plo and though your heart bleeds for him, as it beats only for him, you decide to yet again express your desire to act in spite and avenge your most favorite Kel Dor in the galaxy. Only to be reminded of something else.
Pairing: Plo Koon / OC/Reader (idk how this works — sorry!)
Word Count: 3.6k
Rating: (no smut) Maybe sad-turned-happy vibes? Idk
Notes: - Peaching (headcanon) is a form of encouraged relations by the people and law of Celestia that allows you to be in a consensual 'exchange' with no attachment. Essentially, a gatepass to fuck, be intimate with, be flirty with, be touchy with, or be with someone bound or unbound given that all parties are in agreement and consents. (will get detailed on this if I ever decide to dish out wips from ancient time) - Chrysanthemums are my most favorite flower ♥ A yellow chrysanthemum blossom signifies neglected love or sorrow. A white chrysanthemum is a symbol of loyalty and devoted love. - OC/Reader is a bounty hunter with natborn silver irises and is an unhinged bitch who is overprotective of Plo Koon and will fight everyone for him. (It's me, really. I'm just wildin') - OC/Reader Reference Image https://www.instagram.com/p/CfJ891cJVpG/
Color thingies because I'm deranged to not use them: Orange: Plo Koon Pink: You/OC/Reader Blue: Memory Purple: Me, because I have no self-control to self-insert myself whenever Plo and Kel Dors are mentioned. I'm sorry >:
Perfect divider by @idontgetanysleep with itty, bitty, cutie-patootie Plo Koon face ♥
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“Just say the word, P. It’s on the house.”
You didn’t really need his permission let alone reveal any involvement should you decide to act on ‘it’. You’ve had her as a client before and the transaction wasn’t as pretty as her face — it was vile, filthy, and a cheapshot at an innocent target who happens to share attention from a prospective boyfriend. Yes, a prospective boyfriend who clearly has no intention of breaking off an engagement with the poor, unfortunate soul, you have removed from a certain narrative.
A sickening chronicle in ‘her’ life as if her claim takes precedence over anything factual. Hadn’t you been in such a rut with bounties, you would’ve never taken the job. But you did and it kept food on the table, a nice roof on your head for a short while, and got a beaut of a decent ship to cruise around in. 
It’s never honest work, the killing part; but it's honest enough to be on paper and get you lined up with a few more bounties to get by. A couple of tracking fobs in turn of a good night’s sleep, a proper soak, and a treat to buy essentials and non-essentials. Essentials being food, fuel, repair and maintenance, pieces to fortify the little armor you have on because clearly, you need to flaunt to flex — that, and the fact that Celestians are vain by nature. Considering you age similar to Kel Dors, if you ain’t keeping that pretty face and body on point, you might as well off yourself for being a disgraced child of Celestia.
As for non-essentials that border the essentials category, an assortment of powdered fruit tea from your recent trip to Dorin. 
Plo would chuckle, always that — never to confirm, never to deny, always enigmatic over the idea of vengeance. Though it may be an obvious answer with him being a Master Jedi and a Baran Do Sage, valuing life and shit, you couldn’t help but wonder if it’s because he truly still admires her and the memory of feeling ‘it’ for the first time is so strong that it has indeed withstood the test of time. It was either that or he’s in one of those moods where he’s psycho-bullshitting you to reflect and turn to the light — what an absolute devout to the force Plo Koon is, aka force-dweeb ; i.e whore only to the force.
Awestruck if that was the case but also a very disheartening concept. Then again, who were you talk? Wasn’t it your own volition to always tag along and linger in sparring fields and dojos while father met with the Jedis, handing vital information privy only to the Republic? Wasn’t it in your own accord to walk up to this rust-toned sentient because you had that undying need to pull on his mask and kiss him? Maybe not kiss him yet at time, but you’re quite the unhinged individual who would happily die to quelch the inquisitions in your head and kissing was a Celestian tradition to mark. All’s fair, right?
You just wanted to touch him, his face — eyes that had those black ‘thingies’ that made you wonder what color his irises were while the burgeoning need to unmask the lower chamber of his face grew with each passing second; more so when he started to speak.
Not much has actually changed apart from him — now a towering old man with more grace, reverence, importance, patience, strength, and other things that you’d like to unravel. Dirty as that sounds, who can blame you? 
Have you seen the build on his chest and shoulders? Have you not heard the thunderous rumble of his godly voice that makes you want to drop on your knees and worship that impeccable form of his? — That makes you want to shamelessly surrender to the domineering, magnetic, regal of an enchantment that has imprisoned your heart, mind, and soul to be his devout little bitch? 
Have you not, even for a second, want to burn through the fiery embers of his soul and lose yourself into the intoxicating dream of sifting through the intricacies of his intelligence and wisdom? To drown in answers and queries that would have you begging like a desperate whore to tell you more? More of that three-hundred year-old archive of knowledge that just swims in his head so invitingly like the cold lakes of home on a hot summer day? Have you not, even for a second, thirsted to the enigma that is Plo Koon and his privacy? Have you not sinfully starved for someone’s coc—-
He could read your mind and throw you out; dismiss or reprimand you for being such an obvious simp for him, but he doesn’t — doesn’t always at least. Doesn’t invade your thoughts unless it’s one of those days when you were so rattled from a hunt that you didn’t even know how you ended up at his place; why you, a clean-freak, has yet to wash the blood over skin so smooth you whine over the tiniest of scratches and smudge.
“I can sense the evident thirst “be” at peak today, dearest.”
Did I mention that though he does not invade your thoughts without necessity, he’s also a little shit Kel Dor prick? That he’s the humblest of all humbles but has a side to him that makes you want to strangle him in his sleep and ride his brains back to when he’s an itty, bitty, egg and make omelet for breakfast? 
“Yes, babylove. The thirst ‘be’ insanely high today. I mean, did I ever tell you how kriffin’ hot you look in those Jedi robes? I mean the browns and the beige just screams BDE!!! I could just.. Unf.”
You bit your lip to taunt, whether it was to set the familiar banter at play from a mere satirical retort or a guise because ‘he really do be looking fine in them robes’, it’ll be one of the many unspoken understanding and mystery that the two of you seem to dodge.
“BDE? I’m not certain I’ve heard of that before.”
“Big Dorin Energy.” Came your reply — one as abrupt as you had brought the cup to drink so painstakingly slow in hopes of boring him enough to move on.
Did I also tell you how oppressive Plo Koon’s silent treatment can be? No, well okay. It is.
Not a crease on his brow area, neither a shift from his demeanor came about apart from him attaching a metallic, contractible straw to his mask with a soft click before taking a sip from his cup. 
“Ugh. Fine. It’s Big Dick Energy, okay? Are you happy? You’re such an old man, Plo.” 
You always say this and without fail, it drives you so far up the wall you’d be at the same level as Plo — or taller. And as much as it elicits illicit thoughts, seeing yourself more drawn to finely seasoned men, Plo always gave the same response. The same ‘Indeed I am” that teeters between melancholy, amusement and pride. 
Stars, he’s so kriffin’ cute.
“Very much so, my dear. The quest for knowledge never ceases.”
Cute and a disgustingly adorable dweeb. I love him so much and I’m sure you do too.
After a couple more exchange of pleasantries, you’ve found yourself rambling on about the strife of a recent hunt where you’ve procured a bad sprain that had somewhat permanently altered your balance. How you nearly fell off after a grapple-pull mishap because of a calculated step that failed due to said injury. 
You went on about how it cut the payment since you weren’t able to deliver the target on time. He’d have asked a million questions too that riled you up to the point of completely forgetting your purpose of visit — your constant ‘let it be me’ visit that never seems to progress because of that stupid book tucked under his stupid bed that this stupid bitch gave him some stupid centuries ago. 
“All you have to say is leave her alone, Plo. And I will.” 
You cut the story short and as much as you’d expect him to be surprised that you had caught on, he wasn’t. He knew you would break free from the trance of having someone so keenly interested in your non-Jedi approved activities; namely bounty hunting and escapades — you do this thing where you commit theft for a hot minute and leave payment with a little extra at the most  obvious place they wouldn’t look until they’ve simmered down to notice a note you’ve left. Funny that he doesn’t scold you for this but tells tales of how Dorin will treat this behavior differently. You can tell he loves a bit of mischief as long as you return to the proper action — then again, this petty theft of a mischievous act is punishable by death in Kel Dor standards; so maybe, no?
“Celestians are on page 9.” 
Vanity betrays you by blood and nature. You wanted to smack him for saying that but you also want to smack (smooch) him for saying that. It’s not like you didn’t have a copy of the infamous book, but it’s so badly worn from testing a plethora of melee weapons on it, the numerous holes and soot makes any of the text unreadable and the photos indiscernible. You had copies of it too, memorized the entire book looking for any praise for Kel Dors and found not a single word of mention even. 
The Galactic Family; A Collection of Beautiful Faces — in which enumerates and highlights a selection of upper echelon species that included yours in the most exalted tier. Your kind were the most ethereal species on the planet; silver irises, short fangs that elongate during ‘peaching and mating seasons’, skin deathly pale, smooth, and soft; blood translucent and voices a potent concoction of sweet, sultry, and heavenly with that right dabble of filth.
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
You hated that book. Abhorred it to an unhealthy extent that you were but a push away from writing your own book and raining hell on her specifically, but you know within yourself that Celestians are not allowed to interfere — which is essentially why, though you do not need his permission and can actually act upon it deny involvement with a help of the top bounty hunter in the galaxy who you’d happen to be in the good graces of, it just didn’t seem right. You know in your hearts of hearts that Plo will be very disappointed and quiet about it.
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
“I know. My brother and I are in it. He had said yes before consulting me and it was too late for me to back out when I knew who wrote it. Did you ask because you know I’d never dare "read" that shit?”
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
“I asked because you have something of mine.” 
“Of yours?”
And it was indeed some Jedi mind trick because of the centuries and numerous copies you’ve annihilated "without ever once reading" the contents of that book, there you sat frivolously sifting through pages and scanning the photo of yourself with a crystalized necklace of a white moth.
Your hand instinctively went to your chest, cupping the pendant that had kept your heart steady and your mind clear since the day you decided to hunt that stupid moth that landed on his stupid face while he was meditating.
I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
A sense of warmth engulfs you in that moment of recollection; how he had blamed you for scaring the moth away after his master did the same prior. How his little balled up fists were on his side and the creases of his face were so drawn down that you laughed so hard you fell back clutching your stomach. How you saw him ‘frown’ behind his masked face and turned quietly to walk away.
I felt the earth beneath my feet
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[ Art by @veny-many ♥ ]
How in that moment you swore nothing would ever matter more than for his stupid face to never ever crease into that stupid frown. How in that moment, his little ‘Please don’t do that — it really hurts,” made you need nothing or no one else than this beautiful sentient before you who chose to meditate alone because the other shit-pricks were making fun of how he looks.
I came across a fallen tree
You recall how you didn’t even apologize. How you ran up to him and put on that equally stupid face you do with father when you didn’t want him to leave so you could play with him or have him take you to some off-world planet to pick and study flowers to tend to your insatiable need need to adorn your room with so many flower crowns it’s become hazardous in itself. 
And before you could say anything, before you could rip off that stupid page in that stupid book that has your stupid face and that stupid pendant that you’ve worn for centuries as you both kept by each other’s side and comfort, something heavy weighs on the page.
I felt the branches of it looking at me
A chrysanthemum pair — entwined of one yellow and one white; withered, but you know it to be so. You know not only by heart and by the memory of you breaking the knots of your self-made flower crown that adorned your pretty little presence on that fateful day, having to vehemently rummage and pull from the assortment to find the ‘perfect’ one for the stupid frown on his stupid face.
Is this the place we used to love?
You know not only by the nostalgic drop of flowers between your silver irises that pooled at the thought of hurting the stupid-faced sad boy meditating by his lonesome and the young Kel Dor that had his fists balled ready to push or strike — to alleviate himself of any pain and hurt that deeply wounded him that day but chose not to. 
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Your brothers did that — pushed and yelled out of irritation, shoved you a little too hard sometimes but eventually came around. But Plo didn’t — he didn’t yell or push you, didn’t run off or threaten you, didn’t even do anything but ask so politely; asked so kindly as if he would break into as many as the stars above and it frightened you. 
To be young and alone, to be so far from home, to be so far from mother and father and even your siblings; to having to go back inside a place you could hardly call ‘home’. To do nothing but train, clean, meditate, and study; to not be able to play with people of your kind, to not be able to run to father or mother when you’ve tripped and get tight hugs and forehead kisses; to not be able to snuggle up and build forts with silly brothers, steal snacks from the kitchen and tell tales of horrific stories and gossip until you all fall asleep, only to wake up between mother and father.
It frightened you so much that you felt ‘it’. Whatever ‘it’ was, you felt it. You felt ‘it’ radiate from him in such an alarming wave that it had rendered you speechless with hands quivering between two stupid chrysanthemum flowers pulled from your crown of glory. It frightened you that something had made you frantically drop to your knees and fuss about which color, which flower to give him as if the thread of the galaxy’s hold would break if you didn’t do ‘it’ right — whatever ‘it’ was.
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The grip on the pendant tightens and you could feel your jaw clench only before you were made aware of the tears that had betrayed you for quite a while now. The taste of horrid saline that had taken a detour from your cheeks and down to your lips; a grim reminder that you have yet again bore yourself to Plo when you've promised countless times never to do so. 
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
Jedi kriffing mindtrick. 
And if you have a minute, why don't we go Talk about it somewhere only we know?
Part of you wanted him to look, maybe lean over and brush the tears off your cheeks; to take that stupid mask off for a brief second and kiss you just as how you had hoped for when you first saw him. But you know he couldn’t —for so many goddamn reasons. And it’s okay, it really is. He could press his mask on your cheek though, right? Right? Right, Plo?
“Big dick energy indeed, you prick.”
Your voice broke and so did you face as you shamelessly sobbed onto palms that only did very little to hide everything; the sniffles, the whimpers, the brewing gasps of air as you tried your best to stifle it all at once. But of course you fail massively, it was not even an option to begin with. He carried so much power and reverence that if he had decided to open that hidden script between just the two of you, you’ll crumble so far into the depths of all these repressed dreams and emotions that you'd drag him with you. 
This could be the end of everything
And so it remains just that; a hidden script in the narrative that is you and Plo Koon. The same script that loomed when drinks were shared, stories laughed over, and tears shed over just about anything. The same hidden script that will always thicken the air with the purest form of love — if he would allow ‘it’ to be called just that. 
But even that would remain as enigmatic as Plo Koon — and so it shall be as it always has been; a hidden script that is you and Plo Koon; the narrative that has spanned centuries and will weave more.
He would only turn his back to you, remorsefully. Give you privacy and company at the same time like the stupid conundrum that he is; leave if you want me to cry in peace, you’d think to yourself — but stay so I can.
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Tears drip past the barrier of your palms and onto the page that kept the withered pair as if it would somehow unearth the once vibrant colors that bridged the paleness of your small hand with his rust-toned talons many centuries ago. That somehow it would caress your bleeding heart with the memory of his stupid smile plastered on his stupid face when he said “It’s okay. There’s more moths here, come on.”
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[ Art by @veny-many ♥ ] {any excuse to use these baby Kel Dors kids}
Sat by the river and it made me complete Oh, simple thing, where have you gone? I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
That somehow these insignificant droplets would relive the careful touch of his clawed hand over your soft, small palm as he dragged you past the bushes he hid behind and into this expanse of a lake full of fireflies and moths and flowers and fishes and him, and his smile, and his touch, and his face, and his warmth, and his presence, and his —.
“Do you understand now?”
Somewhere only we know
Drenched palms erratically ran through evenly drenched cheeks to dry them off. Eyes puffed and nose a shy tone of red as you continued to sniffle and curse inwardly as to why he still hasn’t offered you a box of tissues. But it’s there though, the box of tissues — so very close to your side of the table when it usually is at the center. 
What a babe, right? Inconspicuous babe and his inconspicuous gentlemanly ways.
You took a few pulls and gently dabbed your face. Took another few more pulls and before you could dab them onto the page that held the embodiment of your love, loyalty, friendship, and promise of forever, you heard him cut you before you were even half-way down.
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
You turn to look at him, watching him ease back into a reclined manner — his face still in the direction of the empty space before him; but you know. You know that at the corners of those black ‘thingies’ over his eyes are those beautiful silver irises that matched yours. You know that in the tenderness of his voice would be the same yearning that not a single word would ever be enough to describe. That in the manner of which his shoulder would sag and his head would meet the rest of his couch that ‘it’ is here; that ‘it’ is here with you. That ‘it’ is neither about the book or anything else; that ‘it’ is but here, anywhere, everywhere with you.
That ‘it’ is the fact that you have something of his and he has something of yours. That ‘it’ has always been the same ‘it’ from the day that you broke his tiny, young heart and mended it so swiftly and gently that ‘it’ has stayed with him over centuries as so did ‘it’ with you.
That ‘it’ is indeed what you think it is if you’ve gotten this far. That ‘it’ is indeed ‘home’ — a place that only you and him knows. 
“You’re such a sappy old man, Plo. I’ll see you again soon, okay?” 
You say, closing the book and carefully resting it on the caf table. You grunt and sniffle, groaning as you stretched and tapped your ankles together as if to activate the thrusters and wait for command. By the window, your usual preference of entry, you took a deep breath and ran fingers delicate over your bare crown down to the length of your hair. 
This could be the end of everything
“In the meantime, please allow me to use this as a reason to extract you from your duties, my sweet. Your company is always appreciated.” 
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Plo collects the book almost protectively and sets it on his lap, palming the cover as he finally turns to address your departure. 
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
“Kriffin’ dweeb. Just say I love you next time. Easier on the tongue.”
And as you take your flight, you hear him among the blanketed skies, just when you’re far enough and too lazy to turn, you hear him, 
Somewhere only we know
“Only if you say it first.”
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Somewhere only we know
~ Fin.
If you made it this far, thank you and I love you. I hope reading this isn't time wasted. Also, drink some water and remember how valued you are and how nothing will be as magnificent as they are if you weren't here. ♥
~ Duch ♥
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Oh i'd be pissed royally if anyone had the audacity to hurt or even look slightly wrong at Venti 💀💀 could i get some headcanons about a very protective and posessive but also affectionate creator reader who's not afraid to off anyone (including the archons. Especially the archons) for venti?
Sagau Venti with protective reader headcanons:
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Warnings: general sagau, manipulative behavior, obsession
• It's no secret that you hold a lot of power in Teyvat
• Your word is law, anything that you want will be obtained, no matter the means
• You're given ample space to be as cruel or merciful as you please, they would gladly take either
• Of course, that doesn't stop the very obvious feelings of jealousy, the intense desire to have your attention
• Anyone you show excess favor to will become a target of that, it's inevitable
• So a particular bard has to try very hard to ignore the intense stares of all your devoted acolytes as you dote on him yet again
• Running your fingers through his hair as he feels his body and mind give into your touch
• Venti is over the moon happy to be in your good graces, he would give up anything for it
• For you to not only acknowledge his existence, but actively seek him out?
• The euphoria he feels every second your hands are on him, every time you display some form of praise in his direction, when you giggle at how he can't help but fall to his knees to show his overwhelming devotion
• That's not to say he wasn't surprised at how all this seemed to play out
• Venti was so prepared from the beginning to lay his life down in order to protect you from anything, and it turns out you are actually protecting him more often than not—
• It's not as if your other followers scare him, as if any of them would ever deter him from basking in every second of your attention that you so graciously provide
• But he can't deny how they seem to provoke certain negative thoughts, lingering feelings of inadequacy
• Being called worthless so often, internalize how despised his nonchalant behavior has made him, how he can see it in everyone's eyes, the same judgment and desire for his fall from grace
• So when you just happened to walk in on Zhongli berating the poor guy for taking up all your time, for acting 'immature' and 'disrespectful' in your presence...
• Well, let's just say, you were quick to resolve the dispute
• "I'm not sure who I choose to spend my time with is any of your business." You spoke up, alerting both of them to your presence
• Fear and shame immediately flashed across Zhongli's face, unable to even stutter out an apology as he took a step back
• "In fact," you continued, taking a step forward as if to match him, "If anything, Venti really helps lighten the otherwise completely stifling atmosphere."
• That was obviously meant as a direct jab towards him, and Venti looked on at the scene with a mixture of complete shock and adoration
• As soon as Zhongli's dismissed, Venti's running into your arms, thanking you over and over for the praise, the divine intervention
• You might want to be careful though, Venti getting wind of the fact that he can pretty much do anything under your protection could lead to some less than desirable instances
• He's always perfect for you however, never a negative expression or word of anything but praise dancing across his lips as you continue to treat him so kindly
• But you better not start showing signs of favoritism towards anyone else
• Venti was never one for competition, and as much as he would hate to ruin the perfect image he has in your eyes, some sacrifices are necessary for the greater good
• The greater good being you continuing to touch him so sweetly, using the same gentle tone when referring to him, quick to verbally cut down anyone who has any sort of grudge against him
• Would you continue to praise him if you found more people insulting him? Would you come to his defence when the general townsfolk complain about what a nuisance he's being?
• He would take the disdain from a thousand people if it meant your love
• Venti's reputation already meant little to him, and what would be a more worthy sacrifice to his God?
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azullumi · 1 year
Hi! Happy new year! C: Can I request something similar to your Al Haitham pining headcanon post, but with Cyno? And if it isn't too specific, could the reader also work in the Akademiya, maybe as a judge for trials? So they're a lil stressed, flooded with work, but is kind and cares deeply for the people of Sumeru? Sorryifthat'stoospecific- I hope you have a good day! Thank you! ❤️
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summary — he yearns for you in a way he can't explain and he loves you in the way he only knows. you were the poison in his heart that he will always choose to consume every time and even at the hands of death— he will know you for your name will be the last to slip past his lips.
pairing — cyno/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, secret pining; headcanons
word count — 800+
a/n — i really enjoyed writing this and got carried away while doing so as i ended up writing past my limit 🧍‍♀️ anyways, you don't have to apologize for it being too specific! i really prefer it that way since its really helpful and nice :)) so here it is! i hope you like it, happy new year and i also hope you'll have a good dayy!!
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Unnecessary feelings that will only be a hindrance to his work, is what he first thought. He could never find the time to even think of his self-interest less in the matters of love that just seem not needed. His dedication in upholding the Akademiya's rules and laws makes it so he hasn't even thought of wanting something or someone more than the way he's interested in the in and out of justice itself.
A person who operates on his ideas of "justice" and the desire to preserve the law and a person who presides over trials and maintains order, giving judgment to people who are brought to the court. Maybe it was the fact that you two shared something similar, something common. Maybe not in the beliefs but in the line of work so he excuses his actions— often watching you from afar, looking after you, and thinking of you— as that. He reasons his approach to you and finding ways to get close to you as merely a small interest because of his work.
It's not because he refuses to accept that he has fallen for you but because he just doesn't know how to explain nor tell what he was truly feeling. You make him experience things that he can't explain, feelings that he doesn't know how to put into words properly. You're the type of person who he can sit in silence with, the type of person who he can enjoy himself with without having to do anything, the type of person who he will always seek out when it feels like his mind is way too loud on some days.
Oh, my dear, whatever you say and whatever you think, he will desire and be the one you wish for him to be. Not in a way that he'll willingly lose himself, not in a way he'll remove and replace parts of him and become someone else who he's not but in a way so he could perfectly fit himself in the puzzles of your mind— he will indulge himself in your interests so that the two of you could have something to talk about the next time he meets you and he will learn of the things that you like so he knows what to give.
It was yet another exhausting day for you. A routine, a normal occurrence in your everyday life, after presiding over a few trials and taking care of documents, you walk back to your home completely tired. It feels like a cycle but it’s not like you hate it, you find your work quite fulfilling especially when you’re doing it for the good of the people of Sumeru. Your care for them goes a deep way down to your heart after all. "(Name)! Good timing, I have the item that you were looking for yesterday. It costs quite a lot but I’ll give it to you for a cheap price!” A vendor called out to you and grabbed your attention. “Oh, you’re really the best but are you sure about giving it to me at such a cheap price? I can pay it just fine.” “It’s okay really, it’s my way of thanking you for always being kind and caring.” A ticklish feeling was felt in your heart, emitting a soft and short laugh out of your throat, just agreeing to what the vendor had said. Then eventually, upon hearing and seeing you, children came and gathered around you with an excited gleam in their eyes and wide grins on their faces, greeting and bombarding you with questions, their voices enthusiastic and cheerful. “(Name), (Name)! How was work? Did you judge those bad guys again?” “I’m sure (Name) did! (Name) is amazing, after all!” “Do you have a hammer during court? If not, can you use the ones blacksmiths use?” You chuckle, feeling your stress and worries wash away upon seeing the bright look on the children’s face. You crouched down to their line of sight and entertained their questions, answering them with the same enthusiastic tone and a smile on your face and you thought how you wouldn’t mind going home a little bit later if it’s for the kids. Amidst all of this, due to the commotion that you were in, you never noticed the pair of eyes that looked at you from afar— Cyno watches, he watches as you interact with your surroundings, as you talk with the merchants, and as you play with the children that you pass by even when you're already so exhausted from the work that you have done the whole day. He watches, his gaze, unknowingly, soft and warm every time he looks at you, there is so much to see, so much to admire but your kind heart was the best part of it all.
He wonders how you are able to be so nice and forgiving, so sweet and loveable, so genuine and honest and he wonders how it feels to be kissed by the same kindness you give to others, to be held and drowned by your gentleness, to feel the tenderness of your gaze, not by your eyes but your heart.
Every time he's together with you, even just simply basking in one another's presence, he often finds himself being fairly relaxed and no, it's not because he's out of his akademiya duties, but because there is something about you that just makes him feel that way. Your voice, your gaze, your existence strips himself bare and empty and he's left with just his own self, not the infamous General Mahamatra but Cyno, the man who cracks jokes and goes through lengthy explanations so the other party could understand what he said, the man who is an avid fan of a card game, and the man who is fond of taking night strolls at the desert to help him relax after a stressful day. With you, he's nothing but just a man who is named Cyno.
Oh, darling, you will never know the words he whispers to himself at the thought of you. Because all of those are soft confessions that he could never tell you, ones he will always swallow and vomit when he's alone. To think that a brave and courageous man like him grows weak under the small graze of your gaze.
Being with you never felt like a dream at this point but a prayer, a prayer from his soul who wishes, who desires, who yearns to get a touch of yours.
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trashytoastboi · 11 months
I’m really glad to hear that I’m not being rude to u (I was really worried about it (>_<))........i didn’t really thought through about which character to pick....(sorry about that) so i hope I’m not asking to much if i ask for law ;-;
Ps.i really appreciate ur writing~<3 i want u to know how cherished u are so u don’t forget u always be loved UwU (i always want to say that to u :D)
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Heyya! 🍞🍀 I'm really glad that you enjoy my work! Sorry for the long wait on this one and hope you enjoy!
Headcanons: Law x Shy! F! S/O – Trying to seduce her lover.
(Female Pronouns)
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Trafalgar Law
🍄 Law enjoyed teasing {Name}, mostly because her animated reactions always made Law smile. She was so shy even after being together for so long, she still seemed to react to his usual flirting and seductions with the same shyness. Seeing how she got all bashful and stumbled a little over her words. “What’s wrong {Name-ya?}” he asked innocently, acting as if he had nothing to do with why she was blushing so much with how cheekily he stole a kiss. 
🍄 Well after so much teasing and being on the losing end of having Law poking fun at her, {Name} decided it was time for her to stand up and turn the tables. Maybe for once she wanted to see Law being the bumbling, blushing and bashful one. She tried to plot for how she would actually do that, every idea had her getting so embarrassed just by the thought alone that {Name} wondered if she would actually be capable of pulling it off for real when the time came. 
🍄 Plan one of {Name’s}, flirting. Simple yet effective but {Name} failed. Mostly because she is not as witty with her words as Law who easily turned it back on her and made her speechless. She was unable to utter anything in response. Seeing Law’s smug smile, riled {Name} up. Curse Law and his handsome face. 
🍄 {Name} decided to move onto her second plan, she heard about something that a few people tried. When she had the opportunity, when {Name} and Law were alone she decided it was time. Oh he was so excited to see what she had up her sleeve this time. “So? {Name-ya} now you have me all alone.” {Name} could feel the heat rising to her cheeks but she couldn’t get distracted before trying. Her fingers hooked into his belt as she pulled him close, {Name} smiled thinking it worked when there was a lack of remark. {Name} looked up and she was surprised by Law’s kiss. “Wha-?!” she stuttered, Law smiled. “You made it so easy dear.” Law kept his cool but that actually did surprise him when {Name} did something so bold. 
🍄 Law watched her crumble again, “So cute…” He thought to himself. Seeing how proactive she is being in her quest to reverse their roles made him look forward to when she would actually succeed. Well, technically she had. Law just managed to keep his composure better than {Name}, internally he had reacted the same when she flirted with him, or pulled him in close by his belt. “She’s honestly too adorable for her own good.” Law muttered to himself. 
🍄 Plan three. {Name} gave Law a rather perfectly executed, adequately dramatic kabedon. Law mused, “Oh? What’s your plan love?” {Name} kisses him, more than a peck and she deepened the kiss before pulling away. Law swipes his thumb across her lips, as he grabs her chin and lifts it before pressing another sweet kiss against her lips. “A good attempt but not quite enough {Name-ya}” {Name} blushed and buried her face in his chest as Law just held her and chuckled lowly. 
🍄 {Name} ran out of ideas quickly after they all got foiled by Law. She soon got frustrated by her lack of progress, unknowing that everything she did actually worked and in fact she charmed Law so much with how cute her antics were. Law already knew she was not the most apt of flirting, but her sweetness and adorable nature made up for it. Maybe she didn’t seduce him in the way of wiles and wit, but she still managed to charm him. Well, he takes that back after seeing all the stuff she pulled. She was definitely capable of seduction. 
🍄 {Name} hugged Law, no extra embellishment to her action. Aside from a pout as she looked up at Law, “I want a kiss.” She asked, there was no reply. When her eyes curiously peeked up at Law she noticed the faintest blush on his cheeks, “Yes, yes {Name-ya.}” Law agreed and gave her a kiss. She had successfully flustered him. Her face lit up with the victory. Law noticed her smug little expression and had to stop himself from clutching his chest and exclaiming that she is adorable.
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
heyyaaa! i really like your headcanons and i saw your request is open ajsjddkckckc (≧∇≦)/ can i have a kid, killer and law dating headcanons?
a/n - awwww I’m so glad you like my hcs that makes me so happy \(//∇//)\ and ofc, tysm for your request anon <3
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, fluff
Kid, Killer, & Law dating headcanons
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- My guy’s an angry kinda guy :’)
- but with you? He’s so soft and gentle oml
- He gets super jealous REALLY easily, so expect some PDA from him lmao
- But, he wonders why you even like him, he’s supposed to be the scariest dude ever!
- It makes his heart melt when you ask for a hug or just randomly lean on his shoulder
- but since he’s Kid he won’t say that lmao
- “Y/n- why the hell are you leaning on me?!”
- “I want a hug.”
- “HUH?! Fine!”
- Tsundere boi 🗿
- He gets on edge if he doesn’t see you for a couple days at a time, he starts to worry if you’re ok or not
- He wants to protect you so bad since you’re his everything 🥺
- please give this man hugs and kisses even though he turns into a tomato and gets all flustered/mad at you
- Deep down, he really loves your affection, but he’s gotta look scary for his crew ya know
- but just know that behind closed doors, he’ll gladly cuddle and give you hugs/kisses <3
- He might not take you on like fancy dinner dates that often, he prefers to stay at home and just cuddle with you
- your head on his chest, or his head on yours so he can listen to your heartbeat
- all he needs is you
- But if you beg him enough, he’ll take you out to dinner AFTER checking throughly that not a single one of his crew mates will be around
- He doesn’t want anyone other than you (and maybe killer) to know that he’s a softie for everything you do
- if you give him those puppy eyes he’ll do anything for you (he’ll pout and complain tho)
- He wants to make sure you’re safe at all times, if anyone ever lays a hand on you..
- Let’s just say I don’t think you’ll be seeing that person ever again 💀
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- He is the literal sweetest man ever
- Every morning when you wake up together, he’ll just sit there and admire how the sun lights up your face so perfectly
- He’ll move the stray hairs behind your ears and give you soft kisses to your temple
- pls you can’t tell me this isn’t adorable 🥹
- He’s a bit self-conscious of his laugh and everything about himself
- He worries that he’s too violent and too “scary” for you, he doesn’t want you to be afraid of him!
- He also has this fear that he’s not good enough for you
- Words of affirmation go a long way for this man ✨
- Saying “I love you” to him is probably the thing that’ll make him quiet for about 2 minutes before finally registering the fact that you just said that
- My guy didn’t expect you to say that 😭
- Give him a bit to understand lmao
- He LIVES for you to lay on his chest
- He loves having you close to him, it makes him feel safe and reassured that he can protect you
- Unlike his captain, Killer doesn’t do as much PDA
- He’s more discreet about it if he gets jealous in public
- Wether that be just saying to the person hitting on you, “I’m their bf.” Or just putting his hand on your waist, he’s a lot more calm than Kid lmao
-If you say that his laugh is so cute I think you might short circuit him
- Like he’s already so self-conscious about it, he HATES his laugh sm
- But when you tell him it’s super cute and that you like hearing his laugh, he’ll get more comfortable with giggling a bit when he’s with you
- Idk why but I imagine him having the most random jokes ever
- “Y/n, why did the man miss the funeral in the morning?”
- “… What..?”
- “Because he wasn’t a mourning person.”
- “Killer. no.”
- He has more I promise 🗿
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- Law is a dark man
- He’s super distant and always has that frown (it’s because of the Luffy stress)
- But when he sees you, it’s like most of his worries just disappear, all he can think about is you
- I’m sorry but this man has the most unhealthy sleeping schedule ever
- In the rare occasion that he sleeps with you, he’ll hug you from behind and rest his head in the crook of your neck
- He hugs you kind of tightly, so you might not be able to move lmao
- In the morning, if he does stay with you in bed, he’ll almost always wake up if you start moving around
- He’ll start peppering kisses along your jawline and the side of your neck/shoulder
- In public, you keep your relationship kinda discreet
- He doesn’t want you to become a target with him, he never wants that to happen
- He does get jealous, but since his abilities are literally perfect, sometimes you’ll just disappear from your convo and appear right next to him
- “Did you need me Law?”
- “… no.”
- “Then why’d you teleport me?”
- “Nevermind that y/n-ya, let’s leave.”
- hehe he’ll never admit he’s jealous tho
- Behind doors he’s a lot more open with affection, he loves it when you sit with him while he works!
- He loves your company <3
- If you bring him some snacks and let him know it’s ok to take a break
- His heart melts. You thought of him?? You’re too kind for this man 😭
- He finds himself so happy when he knows that you’re always going to be by his side, even though he might have that same dead-pan face
- If you tell him he looks handsome, that literally makes him so flustered
- It’s so cute like only the tips of his ears turn red, and his cheeks are tinted pink
- He tries to hide it with his hat but uh- it’s kinda hard to miss
- He also likes being the little spoon sometimes! When you run your fingers through his hair, his entire body just releases all tension 🥺
- Listening to your heartbeat is the most calming thing for him
- It reassures him that you’re here with him <3
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a/n - this was so adorable to write 🥺 tysm for the request (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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chicken-fifi · 9 days
Vincenzo Cassano and Jang Hanseok (Vincenzo) Headcanon | They Both Fall for You
Pairing: Vincenzo Cassano and Jang Hanseok x Fem!Law Intern!Reader
Requested by anon: Hi! Can you please write headcanons for Jang Han Seok and Vincenzo both falling for the same person? Reader used to be an intern who worked under Cha young along with Han Seok but left with her cause she didn't like working there. After that she met Vincenzo and both of them started to like her. Thank you ❤️
A/n: i really have no words for this, mainly because i mentally can not even fathom hanseok actually liking someone other than for his personal gain or psychotic reasoning. but we'll see how this turned out! happy reading
Tunes: pov: you can't stop thinking about them // a lovecore playlist
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Chayoung confides in you a lot
A lot more than she does in Hanseok
You’re just this calming presence despite being an intern in a very not calm environment
You also don’t look like the typical lawyer would
Hanseok would probably describe you as a dainty little flower who doesn’t know her place in the world
Something he wish he could teach you
You’re far too naive (or so he thinks) for his liking
Yet he can’t help but be attracted to
Your refined and graceful ways despite not coming from anything grand
Not to mention the clear favoritism and preference Chayoung shows for you rather than him more often times than not
He wouldn’t mind keeping you around if your as useful to him as you are to Chayoung
Which becomes some delusion for him, even when you confide in him that you hate the way Wusang Law is going about the trial and their treatment of the victims
He can overlook that though just for you
Until you leave, citing ethical conflicts as the reason why you can’t continue working there among other things
That drives him up a wall because how can little, dainty you even know that
That’s far beyond your level of understanding in his mind
But you leave
Following Chayoung straight to Jipuragi and working with Vincenzo Cassano
He’s never wanted to kill someone more for such a betrayal
Stalker behavior disguised as a concerned former coworker for real from
Quick switch to Vincenzo
The man is very cautious about your involvement at first
He doesn’t completely trust that you won’t just turn tail and run back to Wusang with all sorts of intel
However that changes rather quickly
You’re very good at your job and gathering any information he needs within minutes (Penelope Garcia in the making for some of this)
It’s not long before he notices just how dedicated and efficient you are with everything you do
And just how lovely you look doing it
He soon finds himself losing his train of thought as he watches you get up after a few hours of some intense researching offering to go buy some coffee for everyone
Needing to be snapped out of it by Chayoung when you ask for his order
Had you always worn skirts that flattering?
He may have sworn the moment you began working alongside him to ensure that no harm would ever come to you because of him
But it doubles once he starts realizing just how gentle you are
Especially once he realizes that he isn’t the only one who has taken an interest in you
He can’t help but feel jealous and enraged by the fact that Hanseok seems to think you’re one of his possessions
But you’re only seeing the “good” in him
In the world
Something he doesn’t want to ruin for you unless absolutely necessary for your own well-being
He can’t however allow himself to allow you to unknowingly put yourself in danger
Between a psychopath’s unnatural obsession with you and the belief that you are made only for him
And a consigliere who’s got far to many people after him to count to even consider you being an option for him
There truly is no happy ending in sight for you
Unless there is one
Depending on how you look at it… 
And who’s crafting it
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