#these are from the preview panels btw
whisper-and-tangle · 1 year
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ohhh god. oh no. tangle is CLEARLY super nervous here- she's sweating, and has no idea what to do- but she's making jokes and trying to smile and even laugh, because first of all, she wants to be a hero-
does trying to be witty to divert attention away from disastrous situations remind you of anyone. anyone with blue quills and pronouns.
-And she even did this during the metal virus arc, when she literally fucking died. Tangle is desperately trying to keep the team together- she doesn't want it to fall apart, and won't let that happen- she's trying to reassure everyone, but Lanolin's just done with it. Every mission they've ever been on- From the metal virus (Where a pissed-off Lanolin appeared in the background) to Surge,- they escaped by the skin of their teeth. They're barely scraping by- and Lanolin was on the sidelines then. She's now being referred to as boss, by Tangle, trying to cheer her up- basically Tangle's way of saying 'oh god. we're completely fucked. we need a plan or we're all fucking dead' (i mean. im exaggerating a bit but whatever) and Lanolin...just gave up.
She doesn't think she's cut out for it. She was desperate, needed help- maybe a distraction from life- or a way out of this place- or was done with all the destruction- I'm not sure yet, I don't exactly know her origin story, but either way, she joined the restoration and watched it crumble.
She watched leaders quit and falter, she watched the metal virus destroy their last 'bastion of hope', she watched the restoration that was supposed to rebuild, razed to the ground, forced to start all over again.
Tangle's terrified and she doesn't want to show it.
Lanolin's gave up and lost any hope.
Sonic's struggling, but trying to hide it.
And Blaze & Silver only just arrived-
And Whisper?
She's hurt. Not physically, atleast yet- but she's clearly emotionally hurt, her relationship with Tangle clearly strained at the moment-
But Tangle's struggling too, and she can't always be upbeat and cheery, but she can try, except the Whisper being upset with her isn't just painful for Whisper- it's painful for Tangle! She had no idea about Surge! She was trying to be nice- trying to honour their memory- and while it was a stupid, maybe even out of character decision- her intentions were pure, and she doesn't know why Whisper is so mad about it. Whisper has a right to be upset- but, for things to be fixed, they need to push past this and have a moment to talk about it.
The thing is, though?
Tangle already tried.
She tried talking to Whisper, but she's too mad to even want to talk.
Either they'll have a big argument, maybe eventually sorting things out, or Whisper will finally calm down- and they'll be able to talk things out.
But right now? The former seems more likely.
She just wants to fix things, but it seems like everyone else is too busy watching the flames burn it all down to try.
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clownprince · 1 year
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Ooh good another image for my collection of Bats bridal carrying an injured/dead Joker <3
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
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hydrangeapartridge · 1 month
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Don't get me wrong, I was very happy to see dear Shinsou (almost missed him btw bc it was the post ending credit scene just before the preview!!), BUT, with how pretty the animation and other characters are, I feel like this little scene did him a bit dirty compared to the manga panel where there's more movement. Look at him all focused and sweaty from training!! In the anime he's just looking blazé...
Can't wait to see more of him still. I'm excited for this season!
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birbwell · 9 months
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ft its gorgeous cover and a preview panel.
btw be warned that the preview contains a graphic depiction of animal death!
from the previews linked in the replies it seems like a very faithful retelling of the book. as of the time of writing they don't have any plans of translating it to other languages... i am very excited about this nonetheless !!
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amageish · 23 days
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From X-Men # 700
Okay, here's my almost 1AM thoughts on the one page of Exceptional X-Men preview we saw in X-Men # 35 (an issue I really enjoyed overall, BTW! FoX has been a very rushed event but they've stuck the landing for me).
Interesting that she is still called Kate by both Xavier's narration and her boss. I'm guessing that "Kate" will be the name the adults call her while "Kitty" will be what the new kids will call her, in an effort for her to seem approachable? Maybe? We'll see.
This page is mostly just two mythology jokes, both of which are funny to me. We get the "To me, my X-Men" joke and a visual gag about how "X" can also be read as "Cross" - and I believe "Cross of Swords" is an semi-official bonus "third option" for how to pronounce "X of Swords"...
I also spy some background gays! Clearly, Xavier praising Kitty's strength on the panel with two dudes holding hands means that she is finally actually-for-real coming to terms with her queerness, right? Please? Pretty please?
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sweeteaacakes · 2 months
I opened my phone and found a game I pre-registered months ago! It's called "Tokyo Debunker"!
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Have you guys seen those creepy ads of a video game that looked like pkmn rip-offs called "Evertal*le"? This is one of their game and the ad caught me so I went for it. I was expecting a pixel-game but, uh, well, it's not TT-TT)... They tend to make misleading ads but this? I got caught by this...
It's more like a VN... BUUUUT it didn't disappointment me in and it served surprisingly well too!
Supernatural cases in Tokyo alongside devilish ghouls and quirky cats!
At the prestigious Darkwick Academy, your untily classmates have sold their souls to demons in exchange for a wish... and you'll have to find a way to make them work together to solve supernatural cases all over Tokyo. If you get stuck, you can always turn Darkwick's clever cat familiars for their supports!
It's comes with variety of gameplay modes!
Facilities building where your classmates can work and allows you to interact with them or read a conversation of your other classmates;
It have an "investigation" which is an... auto-turn-based battle mode. You just have to brainwork with their skills and equipments;
As bonus, it have a rhythm game! It's pretty easy since it's linear and you have to tap to allow the cat to turn around. You get 3 tries and is available for later!;
It also have co-op kode but I haven't tried yet!
Now let's start with opening!
As you can see on the imagine above, there are seven characters with each different uniform! Each of them are the leader of each "Houses".
Dark Blue: Frostheim || Yellow: Vagastrom
Orange: Jabberwock (and they have an axolotl in their emblem!!! ♡♡♡) || Dark red: Sinostra
Lilac: Hotarubi || Violet: Obscuary || Green: Mortkraken
The game will make you choose "who will you save"? It have a total of 7 houses with minimum 2 to 4 members. With Frostheim the with 4 members and Mortkraken with only 2! Obscuary is a particular one since it only shows one of its member! Once chosen a house, you will choose a character who will appear in the prolouge.
Aaaaand, yeah. The houses will be mentioned few chapters later :3
I won't spoil much but I can say that despite how lighthearted this this game is later... it knows how to jumpscare :)
And we go with Chapter 1
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Aye! The MC here! They're female in illustration but I prefer calling them in GN! term and named them "Lucien"! We are in a train after a music concert. The chatroom with the people we went in left the chat and only us and another person, Mina, remain. Turns out we're both in the same train too so we decide to meet up!
A moment after the train arrived at the stop...but it's not ours...
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Kisaragi Station? The creepypasta °0°)!?! (/j)
So, we're now in another stop... and found ourselves in an eerie place... And an unknown number calls us. Whether we pick it up or hang down, Mina will text us...
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Mina makes her way in our car. We look at the number... 7... the door slides wide open but nothing's there other than darkness. Until someone whispers in our ears.
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Gehehehe. I'm not gonna show you the whole thing in case you want to see it yourself!
I cut the spoiler of this chapter here but I'll give you preview of other shots because they are gorgeous!
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And this few panels! It's not much but I wanted to show how the writing and illustration doesn't shy away from showing blood and swearing! (Note: that guy used those mirror shards as the ammo for his gun btw... pretty rad.) So far, it's fully-voiced too!
Anyways, supernatural, eldritch beings, monsters? Check! They're very creative on it uwu). Good writing? Yaah! The art? Beautiful! Good humor? Nyah! (^=w=^)b
As said before, I'm not far in the story yet. I hope to see more creepy and cool stuffs but the daylight story isn't bad either! The characters have personality. Even MC had a good impression on me. They are down-to-earth and is quick at picking up to things happening around despite the sudden event in their life.
The only sad thing is... they all have body shapes... like... um... twink shaped in their 2-D.... and only one "dark-skinned" character 🥲... usgjqhsqj the Ad*nis Ot*gari of the game 🫠🫠🫠 I think he's cool and adorable tho! He went to the academy to search for his twin brother.
No romance, just classmates being sillies(/affectionate) going around to solve the supernatural in order to mantain the world's order.
The game is rated 16+ so I'm not sure if I'll post much about this here. I just wanted to show in case someone's interested!
The illustrations really do well at gorgeous scenes and at eerie scenes.
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sylviegunpla · 12 days
Plamo: Mega Man X3: Hawk Ride Armor (kitbash of Chimera Armor & accessories from Vile's Ride Armor / full paint job)
I Finally Finished It! Well, i finished it sometime around April 1st, 2024, based on the timestamps of my (older, mostly obsolete now) photos. I've definitely not been keeping up with this blog as much as i should.
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These are the main angle views of it. There's some "errors" on this thing, but they're not gratuitous. The most annoying part for me is a spec of white on the left-thigh piece (his left not audience-left). Unfortunately due to the way i haphazardly mixed paints, i cannot recreate the exact shade of blue and thus can't properly touch it up. There's actually a few places you can see where i near-matched the shade of blue for some touchups, but im not sure how visible they are in the image. Also, the bolt holes on his-right upper arm are MEGA duplicated on the back. Those were custom panel lines and holes i made by gouging with an exacto knife and then filling in with gundam panel line marker.
I also did some extra special detailing on the leg greebles (which i plan to NOT recreate in my future ride armors): I glued thin plastic into the greebles so it could naturally create panel lines, then i used "Wave System Option: H-Eyes Red" to put jewels into the greebles (using double sided tape).
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I will recreate the jewels in future builds, but not the panel line details
Here's some more (uglier) shots:
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So there's still something i want to do with this build: I want to attach it to some kind of action/display base, so it looks like it's mid air, and find OR MAKE some sort of clear blue ring-shaped jet-blast effect part to put under the "hover pack", so it looks like it's hovering mid-air like it does in the game. I'm not gonna try to recreate the missiles though lmao. BTW, the Hawk Armor parts don't come with the base Chimera Armor So this was nearly all done using Mr Hobby Aqueous paints and an airbrush, with touchups by hand. Also some Gundam EX Marker Silver for some details, Mr. Super Clear Gloss so get a good surface for panel lining, then flat coated everything except for the red missile tips in the canons (those got a nice juicy gloss coat). I did a lot of masking using tamiya masking tape, which is a technique i'm also doing for the Kangaroo armor. BTW, the Kangaroo armor is also approaching a state of Completion. I'm still working on greebles and the arms (which were also the parts i put off til last on the Hawk armor lmao). But hopefully i'll post it in a more timely manner when that happens! I'm really happy to have finished this. When i first saw Bandai put out "official" kits for 3 of the 4 ride armors of this game, i absolutely knew i wanted to repaint the kit and make it look like the actual key art. I actually based the color choices on the sprite art, but otherwise mostly used the key art for reference with details and such. Well, Bandai did most of that work. I just followed it properly. However... i also have plans to do something absolutely ridiculous to try to recreate the Frog Armor... in time. I don't have full plans for it yet, but i have the ride armors and a dream. Anyway here's a preview of the Kangaroo Armor, a WIP shot:
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manthemoth · 8 months
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redraw if one of the panels from the preview for the new graphic novel btw…
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hymnism · 1 year
well here is sunny's scuffed gif tutorial for anyone who wants to learn how to gif 🎉🎉
so first of all you're obviously going to need a clip of whatever you want to gif. you can either download full videos or use a screen recorder (like obs for example) to record the specific scene you want to gif
once you have your clip you go into photoshop and look for "file -> import -> video frames to layers" then choose your clip and you'll get a screen like this
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you can use the two small arrows to trim the clip to just what you need then click ok and it will open the clip up into frames
(btw if you don't already have it on make sure to go to "window" and turn on timeline. that's where you will see the frames)
now personally my first step is cropping and resizing. cropping is kind of self explanatory but to resize the gif make sure you go to "image -> image size" (NOT canvas size. just wanted to say that since the options are kind of similar) (although you can still use canvas size for cropping) and here is a handy little chart that is helpful if you want to know what to resize gifs to (width is what's important here height can be whatever you want it to be)
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now personally my next step is sharpening although you can probably also do this at the end. i use maizekeen's gif sharpening actions (if you don't know how to use actions in photoshop there are many tutorials online but very basically you download the actions then go into the actions menu (windows -> action if you don't have it open) and click on load actions) and then from there you just choose your action and click the play button
then after that is usually when i delete any extra unwanted frames in the timeline (it's not necessary to delete the frames from the layers panel)
NOW is the fun part and also where a lot of this becomes up to taste and personal style ✨
make sure you have your adjustment panel open (window -> adjustments)
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the ones underlined are the main ones i use. i recommend playing around and seeing what does what and seeing what ends up looking cool to you
oh and when you use adjustment layers make sure they are above all the layers of the gif like this
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i made some different edits of the same gif to show some of the different things you can do. like i said it's up to personal taste and style
here is the original unedited for comparison
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and here are some different edits i did real quick to hopefully give you some ideas for what you can do
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and if you want to change the speed of a gif make sure to select all frames and then use this little arrow
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i tend to use either 0.05 or 0.04 since anything faster or slower tends to start looking wonky but you can try it out yourself and see what looks good to you
btw here is the difference between 0.05 (left) and 0.04 (right)
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when you feel like you're done you wanna go to "export -> save for web" (it might say legacy next to yours it still works the same) and you will get a window like this
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the most important things here are the two options i circled. most of the time i just leave these at adaptive and pattern. perceptual and selective can be used in place of adaptive but i've found that adaptive tends to look best. diffusion instead of pattern can help lower the size of a file in some situations but it doesn't always work but for the love of god please don't set it to "no dither". also make sure the looping option is set to forever (unless you specifically wanna make a non looping gif)
and from this menu you can preview your gif (lower left corner). slightly above the preview button is where you can see your file size (in this case this gif is 7.8mb) tumblr says their gif limit is 10mb but in reality it's slightly less than that so if your gif is 9.7~9.8mb it's probably too big
now if everything looks good then just click on save and name your gif and you're done 👍
now i'm sure there are a lot of things i didn't explain well so if there are any question feel free to send me an ask or a dm and i'll try to explain things more in depth :)
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raedshadowlegends · 1 year
TW for SA
Ok so here's the thing. I've had issues in the past with this kind of topic. I don't want to elaborate much upon it but I just need to preface all of this by saying it is something that has affected me.
However, I am not normally triggered by SA in media. It takes a lot to get me to that point and even more so with a comic like LO. I just need you all to keep that in mind.
This episode has a trigger warning. I genuinely didn't this RS was going to include one given the preview on Thursday (It was a Hera/Kronos one btw). Since she didn't put a warning in with the last Hera and Kronos episode, I was pretty damn surprised there was one here. However this warning only said "abusive relationship dynamics."
And yes that was very prevalent. The ENTIRE comic was nothing but uncomfortable moments and a lot of moments attempting to "humanize" Kronos or whatever the fuck. There's a line that says, "The Titan King Kronos was a tyrant. But the Titan King Kronos was still a man." And it's disgusting. He's a tyrant! Hera said it herself! He's an abuser and an implied r*pist. And that just gets worse and worse and WORSE through the episode.
There were three panels in the middle of this episode that genuinely terrified me for a moment. Lore Olympus has never made me PANIC before. Despite all of the disgusting, rage induced moments, I have never truly panicked with an episode.
I don't even really want to talk about it because it was just so unsettling for me.
And this brings me to the thing I really want to say;
Fuck you RS. This is one of the most upsetting and insensitive things I have read in my whole life. What kind of story is this? What is happening? It seems like every week it's another piece of rage bait to get people pissed! What else could be going on here?! This is genuinely disgusting and I'm pissed off!
This story is being consumed by teenagers! Most likely, very young girls! With the bright colors, stylized appearance, and twenty billion ads on Webtoon, OF COURSE KIDS ARE GOING TO READ IT. This comic has some of the most uncomfortable themes and it wears them like badges of honor. The age gap being one of them.
I am terrified for the people who are younger than me and who do not comprehend the messages here. I am genuinely terrified. This comic is normalizing age gaps, power gaps, and for some reason ROMANTICIZING THE GROSS ABUSE BETWEEN HERA AND KRONOS, and young girls are seeing it. And they are internalizing that this is ok because it wasn't shamed in the source material.
We know what has happened between Hera and Kronos. We have heard about it many many times at this point. Why are we actually seeing the awful things told to us? WHY? It is not ok.
I am very sure that this episode and its contents only exist because RS has no idea how to follow up with the last ep's cliffhanger. She spent all her time doing nothing and now she has to come up with a way to pad things out so she can come up with a plan. Y'know, a lot of writers plan things out before making a story. Just saying.
But this is just not ok in any way, shape, or form. My skin is actually crawling from those panels. I feel disgusting. I'm so tired of this comic. I need RS to stop trying to "own the haters" and reflect on what she's done. This is far from the feminist its acclaimed as. I am so sorry to anyone who read this fp. This is awful.
I apologize for the long winded, not-sober rant. I couldn't not say anything about this one. Anyways, that's all I got.
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hey, do you happen to know which page these panels are from? i can’t seem to find them on ur blog !! sorry for any trouble btw!
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huh I’m not sure actually! Either I wasn’t able to save this page or it might have been a preview/wip? Idk the way it’s cropped makes me think so but don’t quote me on that (but if it was a page I missed it was probably like RIGHT right before the blog was nuked)
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darklightsworld · 1 year
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I understand that press releases need to have impact to sell the book, especially if it’s something obscure that the general public will not take into their hands. But to blatantly lie and to spread misinformation by writing that shoujo manga, that did not exist before(!!!), was born in the 60s by Mizuno Hideko writing Fire! is so wrong on so many levels I can’t even 😡 Okay, they write it as “it is said that”, but that’s just decoration, nobody says that.
Shoujo manga did exist before. For convenience I’m going with postwar manga, for the media perspective everything published in a shoujo magazine was shoujo manga, so at least 50s. But even if you want to go with a very narrow-minded definition of thematics (romance, introspection) and visuals (big eyes, beautiful lines, breaking through panel borders, etc), that started already in the 60s before Fire!. Btw, Mizuno was there too, so what do they think to call her pre-Fire! works? 🙄
Fire! was not strictly categorized as shoujo manga that time. It was serialized in Weekly Seventeen, a general magazine (not yet fashion magazine) for an older age group than shoujo magazines. Mainly high school girls and maybe slightly older. It was literally advertised in Weekly Margaret, a shoujo magazine, with the phrase that readers should tell their big sisters about this new magazine (saw the ad, took a photo). This age group was referred to as “junior” in the 60s, and many older shoujo manga artists, who wanted to write about more mature themes and characters “graduated” to magazines aimed at them. This eventually developed into the josei/ladies manga genre. Retroactively you might lump it with shoujo manga, but it never "gave birth" shoujo manga.
I guess it’s easy to write whatever when the general public has zero idea, but this is how fals myths are born and histories get bent. Fire! was amazing, and it was something new, so it would have been better to praise it for its real achievements. Like, it was one of the first long(!) series for female readers with a male protagonist. There is some nudity, bed scene (it is said to be the first, but I wouldn’t bet on it, Friends did some edgy stuff in the late 60s, not to mention other junior manga), some nice imaginary, paneling, complex narrative, societal issues, coming of age and so on.
Anyway, I’m glad Fire! got a new edition and I hope many new readers will discover it. I’m kind of wondering if they used the original genga or scanned the previous editions - I can’t tell from the preview. I know at least some of Fire!’s genga exist, as they have been exhibited (maybe only frontispieces?), but I don’t know about how much is still there. I will get them later, because the price tag is quite steep, even if it’s four books in two… (And hardcover books are hard to read, who needs that?! 😩)
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lyraeon · 1 year
btw to the person who my phone failed to screenshot properly:
no no, my avatar is not a Homestuck *OC*
This is Langly/Georgia, a Pokémon anime character from the BW series. The first time she was in an episode preview, my bestie turned to me and said "why are you in the anime and why are you being mean to Iris?" because she just coincidentally has my color scheme, and I had a similar haircut and a different color hat in that style at the time. So it became a gag for people to "mistake" her for me in my group of friends, while I also was like heck yeah I love her, because god damn't BW had all the best rivals. so for years my avatar was whatever screenshot of her I liked best at the time.
anyway at some point I also fell in love with a specific Homestuck panel, which is essentially somewhere between burn it all elmo and smiling arson girl in mood. and that lead to Applecherry108 (who I am not tagging because she doesn't need this nonsense in her mentions) to end up making this redraw. and it's so good it's been my avatar ever since.
so you were close enough XD I'm just sharing to share.
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
At last, the synopsis of volume 4 of "The Missing" is out (the final volume!) and I have a few thoughts! (Do NOT read further if you haven't read the preview of volume 1 yet and don't want to get spoiled! 🙂)
(Here's my comment/speculations on the previous three synopses btw, of which a lot has actually already been answered/debunked by the first five pages of the first volume. lol)
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Ok so, first things first: Hey, looks like Solas is apparently NOT at the White Spire after all! 😂 So much for people's speculations. lol What's kinda funny to me though, is how Varric and Harding, instead of (what we suspected) going further east, seem to go all way back to Tevinter now, to get to the capital. lol Let's hope the long journey wasn't completely for naught then. Though what's up with this seemingly never ending "cat-and-mouse" game here? 😂 You think that maybe Solas knows about them searching for him and has been purposefully leading them astray this whole time? lol
"After many close encounters and more signs of a Venatori stalking them (...)"
So, for anyone who has read the preview of volume 1, were you also instantly reminded of the shadowy person seen in the last panel? Especially with how it mentions "many close encounters", I think it's very likely that this could refer to whoever was already watching them while walking the Deep Roads? Hmm..
"This time, it seems they're hot on his heels"
(See, it's funny because Solas doesn't like wearing shoes lol)
So, after Varric and Harding couldn't track down Solas in neither the Deep Roads, Vyrantium OR the Arlathan Forest, he has now apparently hit the big city.
Remember how we kept joking about Solas just going to Tevinter and walking the streets of Minrathous completely unrecognized, when most of Tevinter doesn't actually know what he looks like (as far as we know)? lmao Well, joke’s on us? 😂 So, who in Minrathous, aside from maybe Dorian, would even be able to "spot" him then? lol Watch Solas pull another "Bard" on us and disguising himself as the most ridiculous Venatori Lord Anus McEvilus. lol So, what's Solas doing there? And who is this "trusted informant"? I think the most obvious answer here would be Dorian? Perhaps even Mae (we know her and Varric are super close! 👀👀)?
"The duo find they have a tough decision to make - and they'll need to make the right call fast."
Alright, so why the urgency now? And what does this "tough decision" entail? Seeing as this is the final volume of this comic that has been marketed to directly tie into the plot of DA4, what's interesting to note here is that, with Antoine and Evka now making an appearance in volume 1, it seems as though every faction shown in the 2020 teaser trailer and the concept art will feature in each volume now, meaning the Wardens (Evka and Antoine) in volume 1, the Crows (Teia and Viago?) in volume 2, the "Veil Jumpers" (Irelin and Strife?) in volume 3 and now, back in Minrathous, a Tevinter... Siccari in volume 4 then? Or maybe one of the guys in this short story? Seeing as the short stories from DA Day 2020 also all happen to perfectly line up with the four factions in the comic/teaser/concept art? 👀
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It definitely raises the chances for these four factions to be potential "career paths" for our new protagonist and maybe the "tough decision" involves Varric having to choose which of these factions to contact in order to further pursue Solas or something (or what if that decision is then left to the players at the start of DA4 and we get to choose which of those four factions will be part of our "origin story"?)
And btw, can I just mention how my initial speculation over a year ago or so, was that one of those four factions would be part of an infiltration mission at the start of the game for our next protagonist (who is actually a Lord of Fortune) hired by Varric in order to obtain vital information about the red lyrium idol? 😂 If this turns out to be the case somehow, I'll eat my hat. lmao
Anyway, while I have read the preview of volume 1 (and I already have a ton of thoughts on this as well!), I would like to wait for the full volume to come out on the 25th to post a comment and cover the whole thing. That being said, I can't wait to read all of it, seems very promising so far! 😁
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abbzworld · 8 months
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Here's a secret gift exchange I did on Discord and this is my present for @flowering-intestines!
It features their OC, Lindee Bitterapple, who deliberately provoked a Shy Weenyworm into attacking them by putting ketchup on it.
She doesn't mind though, even though Shelda is less than impressed. lol
I didn't do the backgrounds or the rock that Shelda is sitting on, btw.
I only drew the Weenyworm, Shelda and Lindee.
The backgrounds are from the following links:
The waterfall: https://png.pngtree.com/png-vector/20230808/ourmid/pngtree-waterfall-clipart-cartoon-waterfall-and-trees-isolated-on-white-vector-png-image_6827675.png
The sand: https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1390114846/vector/realistic-texture-of-beach-or-desert-sand.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=rCeX87Z28tis8NRtNZC5E1N2OMG9Mcaf4i8XzQ9q5pQ=
The rocky wall: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/006/331/974/original/stone-wall-from-bricks-rock-game-background-in-cartoon-style-seamless-textured-surface-ui-game-asset-road-or-floor-material-illustration-vector.jpg
The grass: https://media.istockphoto.com/id/486620678/vector/grass-background.jpg?s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=m9Dkl7aTOI9PvY2ntcy3pNNYXlEDTBfId_SrLkveAO4=
And the rock Shelda is sitting on: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/12/22/00/03/rock-576669_960_720.png
I also used a normal blue background for the sky in panel 3.
I hope you enjoy your present! :D
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