#these ARE humans these ARE individuals with hormones and sex organs and those who can carry children
llycaons · 3 months
trying to listen to ancillary sword but it's going excruciatingly slow bc it's a sequel, and in fact I think the first sequel I'm listening to on audiobook. even very good sequels (which I expect this will be) will pepper in exposition and background info in the first chapter to catch up readers, which tend to take place in between lines of dialogue. I wouldn't mind except I always forget what was just said and have to go back and check, and it's comparatively much more difficult to rewind an audiobook to the right place than to glance back over a page. so I've been listening very very slowly aha. but I've finally gotten to ch2 and I'm glad I'm reading the sequel right away bc the story picks right up from the finale of the first book and I'm already intrigued by the new characters and entertained by the new plot direction
#I'm also very fond of the undying loyalty a formerly extremely arrogant bastard asshole is exhibiting#she saved his life and he's never going to abandon her even tho he used to think he was inherently superior to him#oh and the gender this is also rly interesting bc it doesn't rly exist in their society. I say him but that's only what the doctor assigned#to that characterm none of them truly have gender identities. even tho they all use she/her and call the kids daughters and neices#none of them really identify with womenhood. it's simply an identifier. they are a single-gender society#on more than a linguistic level#which is neat to think of the characters. remove gender from the equation entirely and try to imagine someone described as so-and-so#these ARE humans these ARE individuals with hormones and sex organs and those who can carry children#but it just doesn't matter as a social force or an identifier#and I can see someone whos passionate abt their gender feeling very disheartened by that#but maybe this is bc EYE use she/her but I find it all so natural and freeing. and they do use 'my lord' and 'sir' like there ARE markers#that are typically for men in english that are used for this society. it's just everyone uses she/her under the linguistic system#but it doesn't even really indicate a woman so the author may as well have used they/them and it amounts to the same thing#world of nonbinary people#weird that the cultural assimilation associated with the destruction of gender markers and presentation isn't brought up. ever#BUT THIS BOOK DOESN'T SEEM INTERESTED IN THE IMPACT OF IMPERIALISM ON COLONIZED PEOPLES 😭😭😭🔪#like this is literally genocide and the characters are all way more interested in the inner working of the empire while claiming#that they Know its evil they swear. but conquest alone is evil it doesn't matter how they do it ornwhat conditions the colonized ppl are in#afterwards. which historically haven't been great anyway? damn what's your thesis here on empire ms leckie#cor reads
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
(different person than last anon) can you give us like actual scientific papers that "nonhumans" are real and not just ppl that need a lot of psychological help? bc like while gender + sex can be very diverse and change w the individual, species is extremely specific and thats why shit like making crossbreeds is so insanely hard and they usually end up infertile bc the genes arent meant to be combined. n also the only example i can think of of any other species having "i am not the species i was born as" thoughts is that one female monkey that was raised so close w people she thought she was a person and she would refuse to breed w any of her primate species bc of it. you would call that mental illness in that monkey because she cannot be a person in a monkey body, just like someone can't be a dog or angel or horse in a human body, so why do you not consider being "nonhuman" also a mental illness?
can you please explain about alterhumanity? I don’t mean to be negative, I don’t understand… “there are only two sexes” is wrong because biology knowledge we have today actually doesn’t support that. did modern taxonomy find out something similar about humans? that’s very interesting, I don’t know a lot about it! but if you do I’d love to read that research!
So I think "there are only two sexes" isn't the best example; the comparison is more like "people can't change their gender because gender is whats in your pants"
Yes, we can look at chromosomes and hormones and sexual organs, and that stuff is related to gender. But to say "gender/sex is a construct" does not mean "chromosomes/hormones/sex organs don't exist." Its pointing out that our relationship to those things is culturally dependent (I wouldn't say "unnatural" because humans making social constructs is natural).
Similarly, we do divide up species based on reproduction and common ancestors. But "humanity" is also a construct. What it means to be human & who is defined as human can and does change depending on our culture. Not only can some people be excluded from humanity (for example, people of color and neurodivergents), but some people believe they are spiritually nonhuman (whatever that means for them). Some people who have been rejected from humanity identify as alterhuman as a way of saying "you don't want me, then I don't want you" (voidpunk is related to this although not inherently alterhuman). Some people are delusional and identify with alterhumanity as a way of coping with their delusions (and also, yes, you can be self-aware about your delusions). Some people believe in reincarnation or alternate universes or have some other spiritual belief related to being nonhuman. Some people just feel like dogs and enjoy being a dog and it doesn't matter why because they just like it.
Honestly, the monkey does sound like a monkey-version of alterhuman, because (if I can get a little anthropomorphize-y on y'all), it sounds like she did not feel apart of "monkey culture." Obviously we can't know if monkeys have a concept of monkey-hood like we do with humanity, but if they did it would not be hard to imagine how a monkey raised with humans would feel more human than monkey. But regardless... we don't need other species to have alter-species-hood for the same reason we don't need snails to crossdress for trans people to exist. Other animals probably don't have the same complex. abstract social constructs we do.
Why can't someone be a horse in a human body? For the same reason someone can't be a man in a woman's body- because "science says"? Both trans-denial and alterhuman-denial emphasizes biology over sociological investigation, which leads people to just keep shouting "but science!!!!!!!!!!" at people who are more invested in questions of culture and constructs and what it means to be [man/woman/human] in society.
(Also, I'm kind of uncomfortable with how the first ask talks about mental illness. Specifically "person believes harmless weird thing, so they must need Psychological Help for their Wrong Thoughts")
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zerogate · 4 months
Two means have been discovered to produce depression in laboratory animals: uncontrollable punishment and isolation. Put an animal in a cage by himself, separated from his nest-mates, and he will lose interest in food and sex, have trouble sleeping, and undergo a muddling of the brain.
Tampering with an individual’s bonds to the larger social organism can have powerful consequences. In humans, feeling you’re unwanted can stunt your growth. The flow of growth hormones, according to recent research, is affected strongly by “psychosocial factors.” Monkeys taken away from their families and friends experience blockage of the arteries and heart disease. On the other hand, rabbits who are petted and hugged live 60 percent longer than those who have not received such attention.
When their mates die, male hamsters stop eating and sleeping, and often succumb to death themselves. They are not alone. A British study indicated that in the first year after a wife dies, a widower has a 40 percent greater risk of death. In another study at New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine, men who had lost wives to breast cancer experienced a sharp drop in the activity of their immune system one to two months after the loss. A survey of seven thousand inhabitants of Alameda County, California, showed that “isolation and the lack of social and community ties” opened the door to illness and an early demise.
-- Howard Bloom, The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
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intersexcat-tboy · 5 months
Examining Miscalculations and Intersex Definitions Regarding Sax's .018% Claim
The debate surrounding the definition of intersex and their characteristics has been a topic of debate within various professional fields, advocacy organizations, and studies for decades. Amidst this discourse includes a response from Dr. Leonard Sax, who claims to provide a "clinician's standpoint" despite lacking specialized expertise in these conditions, having only served as a primary care physician.
However, his arguments stand in stark contrast to those of Fausto-Sterling, a world-renowned professor of biology and gender studies. Furthermore, they diverge significantly from the consensus among major health associations, medical organizations, intersex rights groups, and human rights organizations.
Leading/Major Health Associations
The definition of intersex is resoundingly clear among leading health associations. The World Health Organization recognizes that intersex individuals are those "born with natural variations in biological or physiological characteristics, including sexual anatomy, reproductive organs, and/or chromosomal patterns that do not fit traditional definitions of male or female." Similarly, the National Institute of Health acknowledges individuals who are "born with, or who develop naturally in puberty, biological sex characteristics that are not typically male or female." The National Health Services emphasizes that intersex "involves genes, hormones, and reproductive organs, including genitals, and a person's physical sex development can differ internally, externally, or both."
Major/Leading Medical Associations
Major medical associations provide crucial insights into the understanding of intersex variations. The The American Medical Association adopts a broader definition, recognizing those with "a congenital condition with inconsistent chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomic sex development." Likewise, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (PDF - which trains and accredits physicians in Australia and New Zealand) recognizes the significance of "congenital variations in a person's physical, hormonal, or genetic characteristics that do not match strict medical definitions of female or male sex." Additionally, the Center for Disease Control highlights the concept of "variations in physical sex characteristics, including anatomy, hormones, chromosomes, or other traits, that differ from expectations generally associated with male and female bodies." The International Symposium on Disorders of Sex Development notes there to be over 40 conditions
Leading Intersex Rights organizations
Intersex rights organizations, including Intersex Human Rights of Australia and Brújula Intersexual in Mexico, explicitly disagree with Dr. Leonard Sax's narrow definition of intersex individuals. They align themselves with more inclusive perspectives. For instance, Intersex Society of North America (working with) InterACT still use Fausto-Sterling's estimates over a decade later. Intersex Campaign for Equality in the United States also uses Sterling's estimates, believing the figures may even be higher than 2%. Intersex Asia and Intersex Russia both use estimates ranging from 0.5%-1.7%, Russia even including PCOS by name (which would be higher than 1.7%). InterAction from Germany's Intersex Rights suggests a range of 1-2 individuals per 100 births, highlighting how the medical community tries to "keep the frequency as extremely low as possible". Stop Intersex Mutilations from France posits there are over 40 variations and also suggests the prevalence might surpass 1.7%. Additionally, OII Europe presents prevalence estimates of 1:200 and 1.7% in their materials.
These organizations stress that intersex variations encompass a wide spectrum of biological and physiological characteristics beyond chromosomal ambiguity, challenging Sax's limited viewpoint.
Major human rights organizations
unequivocally support intersex individuals. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights emphasizes that intersex individuals are "born with a wide range of natural variations in their sex characteristics that don't fit the typical definition of male or female." Amnesty International notes that intersex encompasses "a wide umbrella of natural variations" (1.7%) and human rights abuses faced by intersex individuals. Human Rights Watch and the Human Rights Campaign underline the broader definition of intersex, acknowledging variations in genitalia, chromosomes, gonads, internal sex organs, hormone production, hormone response, and secondary sex traits, noting 1.7% as a prevalence rate. These human rights organizations underscore the importance of acknowledging intersex variations to ensure the protection of human rights.
Other Medical Orgs
Additional medical organizations like the Société Internationale d'Urologie (PDF) (an international professional organization dedicated to the field of urology), and the National Society of Genetic Counselors (uses 1.7%, says sex is not based on chromosones) adopt definitions that align with broader medical perspectives, they recognize the complexities of intersex conditions and advocate for understanding beyond binary definitions. Furthermore, the Endocrine Society acknowledges CAH to be part of a continuum of disorders, acknowledging the variations in severity.
Examining oversights: Discrepancies in Calculations
What's interesting is that even within Sax's own criteria, defining intersex as when 'the chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female,' there's an evident inclusion of conditions like 'sex reversals' and ambiguous genitalia. However, Sax overlooks contributors such as mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD), as well as Swyer Syndrome and de la Chapelle syndrome, despite the former being the second leading cause of ambiguous genitalia.
Let's do the math
CAH (.0077) + CAIS (.0076) = .0153
+ ovotestes (.0012) + Idiopathic (.0009) = .0174
+ PAIS (.00076) = .01816
Fausto-Sterling includes de la Chapelle syndrome and MGD, although not as separate statistics. MGD is amalgamated with Turner's statistics, and de la Chapelle syndrome is grouped with other sex chromosome variations. However, Sax completely disregards these conditions when he discards several categories from his estimates, effectively throwing out qualifying numbers and ignoring their potential impact on the overall prevalence of intersex conditions.
While newer studies suggest a prevalence of .004 for de la Chappelle, we also have to consider that neither study includes Swyer Syndrome (+.00125), and PAIS is now recognized as at least as common as CAIS, with the latter being less likely to cause ambiguous genitalia at birth, and more likely to be identified in childhood.
The leading causes of ambiguous genitalia are CAH (.0077), PAIS (.00076), MGD (.005) and ovotestes (.0012), which places us just below (.01466) the ambiguous genitalia observed at birth from Mothers And Babies Reports from Australia, if we account for 15% (0.0006) of de la Chapelle births having ambiguous genitalia, it brings ambiguous genitalia at birth to a total of .015% found before.
If he includes CAH, PAIS (since CAIS is often not identified until childhood), ovotestes and idiopathic causes under his definition of intersex, it leaves us with .005% of births with ambiguous genitalia without a possible causing condition. This gap can easily be explained by his exclusion of MGD and de la Chapelle syndrome.
If we count only CAIS (.0076) and CAH (.0077), and the newer study estimate of de la Chapelle (.004), it already surpasses Sax's estimate at .0193.
With the addition of ovotestes (.0012), idiopathic (.0009), MGD (.005) and Sawyer syndrome (.00125) it brings us to .022%. With older estimates of PAIS (.00076), .0234%; with newer ones (.0076), just a bit above .03%, which is over two thirds an increase of Sax's original estimate.
There is overwhelming support for a more comprehensive understanding of intersex variations that emphasizes the importance of respecting a wide range of biological and physiological characteristics beyond mere genital and chromosomal definitions. This approach is essential in safeguarding human rights and ensuring equitable treatment for all individuals
The collective stance of experts and organizations, spanning from health associations to human rights advocates, sharply contrasts with the limited definition created by Sax. He claims to know other clinicians' thoughts, without any evidence to back it up. As stated previously, he also lacks education and clinical experience on intersex individuals, he is a family doctor.
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anamericangirl · 1 year
(1/2) So to that one anon. First of all, yes the removal of completely healthy tissue and Frankenstein-esk construction of some gross approximation of human genitals is, was, and always will be, mutilation. Second. Yes, despite the fact that you losers continually try derail conversation so that no one notices, There are children receiving procedures such as double mastectomies (literally just google Chloe cole. Or that creepy plastic surgeon who was bragging on tik tok about doing surgeries on minors and even telling these kids and their families to contact her if they can’t get the surgeries they want. There are more verifiable examples I could provide here, but I’m not going to write you a book of examples since you probably won’t listen anyway. Even if you say “those are isolated cases” it doesn’t make it any less disturbing) and lastly there have been many videos of doctors ( a lot of whom advocate for “gender affirming healthcare” and or hold high positions on boards and in organizations for these types of things) admitting that puberty blockers are not as safe and effortlessly reversible as y’all would have people believe, but rather causes a lot of long term damage such as infertility, losing the ability to ever achieve an orgasm, and the underdevelopment of sexual organs such as a micro penis in boys. Not to mention the other long term risks such as osteoporosis, vision issues, and brain swelling. And this isn’t me spitting this information after some convoluted game of telephone. You can watch videos of respected board certified doctors saying these things directly. A lot of this is info that comes directly from the fda, nhs, and literally organizations for trans “healthcare” a lot of which are specifically targeting children. And yet the argument is always “you shouldn’t prevent anyone no matter how young from accessing blockers, hormones or surgery! Stop talking about the damages these things cause you bigot! They need these things or they’ll kill themselves!” No one ever wants to actually treat these things. When you just go: surgery! hormones! etc, you are effectively putting a band aid over a gunshot wound. You don’t get to the root of the problem which is ultimately, weather you like it or not, a form of mental illness and or disorders. These people should in no way be demonized for being mentally Ill. It’s not their fault and they would never have asked for this but they need true psychiatric help. You wouldn’t give a girl with an eating disorder a gastric bypass if she said she was going to kill herself, but that’s effectively what we do to these people. The problem is that it’s never going to be enough. No amount of surgery or any other of these treatments will ever make it okay, not because “society is bigoted and won’t affirm me!” It’s because the individuals themselves feels a crazy amount of cognitive dissonance in their every waking moment, because they are living a lie and denying reality. There are perfectly happy trans adults like Blaire white and Marcus dib who are secure and confident in their transitions. Why? Because they have accepted the objective reality of their biology while just enjoying living their lives as the opposite sex. Giving irreversible “solutions” to children who simply enjoy activities society has decided doesn’t align with their sex, or who feel uncomfortable in their bodies at the single most uncomfortable time in a human life (childhood and adolescence, where you start from scratch attempting to figure out both the world and yourself, and just when you start to have it figured out, your body goes through all these changes you cant control and didn’t ask for) it’s bound to cause a lot of problems. The thing is though, statistically, (and feel free to fact check me on this one) over 80% of children who at some point experience gender dysphoria are rid of it completely upon finishing puberty. And the amount of trans adults who have some other underlying mental issues or are mentally ill in some way and don’t actually experience true dysphoria is astounding.
(2/2) cont. Depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, anorexia, asd, add, adhd, the list goes on. The statistics don’t lie, the amount of people who identify as trans and also have some other mental health issues is staggering. I have to say though, (putting aside the fact that they won’t believe me) I truly bear no Ill will towards these people. Living with mental health problems is hellish. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. In fact I find it disgusting that the medical system and such a large portion of society today (at least in the west) has just been blindly affirming them to the detriment of these individuals and the people around them. Medicalizing people for life is not the near perfect solution it’s touted as. Medically transitioning is not a “Try it and see how you feel,and if you don’t like it we can just pump you with more hormones and everything will be as it was” situation. That doesn’t solve anything. No one is born in the wrong body. That’s not the problem. The problem is that their minds are constantly at war with reality and they are suffering as a result. People not affirming their delusions isn’t what’s truly causing that. (Also big apology to whoever runs this blog, didn’t expect this to be this long)
No apology necessary because you are absolutely correct and said it better than I could! Anyone spouting out lines like "puberty blockers are completely reversible! No one regrets transition! Minors aren't getting surgery!" is advertising the fact that they've never researched this issue in their life (certainly not both sides) and are just repeating talking points they've heard.
Because the fact is there are several testimonies of people who received these surgeries as minors and being "isolated incidences" doesn't mean they don't count. It doesn't mean others haven't experienced this. It doesn't mean medically transitioning children is ok.
And while they want to talk about puberty blockers being reversible they don't have anything to say about the effects of those puberty blockers, big ones like infertility, not being reversible.
The very medical professionals they tell us to listen to are the ones confirming these things things so they're telling us to listen to people they obviously haven't taken the time to listen to thoroughly.
People shouldn't be demonized for having a mental illness and feeling like they are in the wrong body, but those feelings shouldn't be affirmed by doctors either, especially when those people are children. Even if the child really does have gender dysphoria you do more harm than good by affirming these ideas and mutilating their bodies, which, as you pointed out, does happen, whether people want to admit it or not.
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autumn-mythos · 4 months
Kingdom: Cryptidae
Genus: Homoarachnid
Homoarachnid is such a cool genus, in my opinion! It houses three intelligent species: Spinnets, Stinglings, and Acarites! They're all a bit rare, so no images today. You're welcome, arachnophobes! I'll get into the nitty gritty of each species in a bit, but I should cover the facts that apply to all three!
Similarities between species!
Homoarachnids are first notable for their eyes! They have large, monotone eyes right where you'd expect them to be, but with the addition of two much smaller eyes in the lower-outer corner of their larger eyes, with the orientation depending on what side the eyes are on! Bottom left corner for left eyes, Bottom right corner for right eyes! Despite the extra eyes, their eyesight is very poor, and often feel around with their extra limbs or use their hairs to sense vibrations. Speaking of extra limbs, they have extra limbs! Each species of homoarachnid have extra limbs of varying size depending on the species, each of these limbs sprouting from their back. These limbs seem to be more for grappling rather than movement! Each limb is insectoid, and covered in an exoskeleton, with colors matching a darker but more saturated version of the individual's skin. Female homoarachnids tend to be larger and more colorful (Especially apparent for spinnets), which is a good way to tell the sexes apart! They don't experience sexual dimorphism the way mammals and humans do. Bugs don't have titties! Otherwise, they look similar to other humanoid species. They have fangs though and those are pretty freaky. Very venomous! Don't like it! Spinnet and Stingling venom is particularly dangerous, but it's very dependent on the subspecies...
Their mating and romantic habits are quite interesting! Most (But not all!) homoarachnids exhibit homosexual behavior, both sexually and romantically. The reason for this is that males and females get flushed with hormones that cause violent reactions to each other after mating! Most people don't want to get eaten after making children. Most people. I don't judge! But yeah! Most breed out of necessity rather than out of passion. This still isn't true for every single one, though! People have their preferences.
You know spiders? These are spiders. They have the largest extra limbs of the genus, and are the only ones who can use the limbs to walk around! They look kind of silly when they do that, though. Their arms and legs dangling around...
Anyway, unique to spinnets, they can create webbing! Within their mouth is a spinneret, an organ that produces silk! Very difficult to break, and a bit too sticky for comfort. The silk becomes less sticky as it becomes less fresh, and a lot of spinnets take up knitting as a hobby using their own silk! A lot of people find it too disturbing to wear a sweater that came out of an actual living breathing person, though...
Their venom is terrifying! Depending on the subspecies of spinnet, though. Smaller species tend to have much worse venom, that can occasionally cause severe paralysis or even death! Sometimes it turns organs into a soupy substance, which is NOT an image I like having in my brain!
Homoarachnia Serket (I know I'm not helping the homestuck accusations but it's the name of an egyptian goddess with scorpion theming I promise)
Scorpion people! They have big scorpion tails with venom. I'm not sure there's much to be said about these guys. They have the shortest legs out of the homoarachnid genus, that don't have much use. They can't even climb with them... Great for hugging though! And also great for being completely helpless to being repeatedly stabbed by a giant stinger! They're normally chill though. They only do that sort of thing to their food. I hope you're not food.
Homoarachnia Acari
Mite people! These dudes are tiny and have itty bitty mouths. These guys are like the size of human toddlers Not much in terms of venom, and have medium size extra limbs. They kinda just, suck on their food. Not much to say about these guys at all except for the fact that they spread disease real quickly...
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gabapple · 1 year
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I made this Pride Month primer for work, and thought y'all might enjoy it, too. It's meant to be just the VERY BASICS, and does not cover everything. Feel free to ask questions, though I'm not an authority. There are lots of other great resources out there!
Transcript below:
Pride Primer
Pride started as The Stonewall Riots, which began on June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. This served as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world. (from History.com)
Pride is a protest against those that oppose the rights and freedoms of the LGBTQIA+ community
Pride is a statement: LGBTQIA+ people have always existed and always will
Pride is a reminder to never take our rights for granted
Pride is an opportunity to educate and liberate
LGBTQIA+ Definition
Lesbian: Women who are exclusively attracted, sexually or romantically, to other women.
Gay: Umbrella term for homosexuality and/or
men who are exclusively attracted, sexually or romantically, to other men.
Bi: A person who is attracted, romantically or sexually, to two or more genders.
Trans: A person whose gender identity does not match with the gender assigned at birth.
Queer: Umbrella term for anyone whose sexual or gender identity does not match established heterosexual norms.
Intersex: A person born with a combination of male and female biological traits.
Ace: Umbrella term for a person who does not experience sexual and/or romantic attraction to anyone.
Plus: A catch-all for all other related identities in the community.
Sex and Gender
Sex is generally defined as male, female, or intersex, dependent on chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs. As complex, biological organisms, humans can and do exist anywhere within these metrics. Intersex individuals are as common as being a natural red head. For example, PCOS is a genetic condition that is considered intersex, as it affects a person’s hormones in development. Sex is biological, gender is a social construct, and varies from culture to culture.
CIS: A person whose identity matches their assigned gender at birth
Non-Binary: An umbrella term for someone whose identity does not fit in the male/female gender binary
Trans: A person whose identity does not match their assigned gender at birth; they may or may not take steps to physically match said identity
Everyone has pronouns. Some common ones are: he/him, she/her, and they/them.
Sexual and Romantic
Attraction has two components, sexual and romantic. A person can be any combination, and some of the most common types are:
Heterosexual/Heteromantic: exclusively attracted to the opposite gender
Homosexual/Homoromantic: exclusively attracted to the same gender
Bisexual/Biromantic: exclusively attracted to two or more genders
Pansexual/Panromantic: attraction without regard to gender
Demisexual/Demiromantic: attraction ONLY with a strong emotional bond
Asexual/Aromantic: no attraction for any gender, no interest in a romantic relationship
For example, a person may be asexual/heteromantic, meaning that they have little to no desire for sex, but are interested/open to a romantic relationship with someone of the opposite gender.
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Sorry for making up a fantasy au hell culture. As if it’s my fault.
Demons are a very resilient species with huge variation in gender + the biological traits that come with it and take great joy in things that trigger hormones like adrenaline. This plus a natural affinity for what we call ‘body magic’ (spells and such that deal with living things, shapeshifting, necromancy, most healing magic, etc) lends itself to a culture that embraces both the grotesque and extreme. A portrait of a woman with her ribcage or organs exposed may very well be greeted with the same attitude as a human culture would treat a portrait of a woman with too much cleavage — a bit raunchy, but all in good fun.
This isn’t to say demonic culture doesn’t have taboos, however — in fact their reactions to what they consider to be reprehensible are much more extreme than in many human or angel cultures. Hell’s capital city, Pandemonium, has for many years had comparatively extreme penalties for those who force their attentions where they aren’t wanted, or on those who can’t consent like children or animals. Depending on the case and the number of previous reports against the person the punishments can range anywhere from mandatory public service to exile or death, and the common opinion has followed suit. (Interesting note here that about 60% of individuals who are charged and punished for these crimes are non-demon foreigners not native to Hell. It’s theorized this is because of the cities reputation for being lawless — despite the numerous protections and regulations in place for sex workers and drug dealers)
This aforementioned reputation/stereotype is believed to be primarily based on the differences in class structure between demon and human/angel cultures, as on the surface the hedonism rampant in demon society appears to match up with the low-income red light districts in human/angel cities. However this is purely surface level, as the aforementioned protections given to those who fund such activities hint at; demons do no gamble and drink and work at brothels because they have no work or other options as is true in places like Eden, but the opposite. They have time to because their income, healthcare, and food is guaranteed, every citizen receiving a standardized wage every two weeks. This also means, as the XXXX tax records show that though there is a class divide, it is small and poverty is practically nonexistent. Debt and theft are likewise laughable, as few want for anything, and though murder and assault are technically illegal, I found many working class demons willing to laugh off punches thrown as long as the assailant pays their tab (an act of good will/admittance of guilt) or for their resurrection/repair than press charges and spend time dealing with hellish bureaucracy.
(Though I was unable to verify any, i heard many stories along the lines of someone’s cousin foolishly spending all their money and being unable to join their friends on a night out, only to have all their drinks and bets covered by said friends. Whether or not any of these stories are true I feel is irrelevant, for their existence I think speaks to the concept that truly sets demonic society apart from the rest: that pleasure and indulgence is a right, and being deprived of it is akin to being denied food and water.)
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sing-me-under · 11 months
Recently I’ve been thinking about ABO-verse and about how sexuality and gender would theoretically work. I’ve been reading a lot of Platonic ABO recently, and I’ve noticed some trends (or lack thereof) in the worldbuilding.
For starters, the worlds of ABO are typically parallel to real world society except they have strict gender essentialism regarding the secondary genders. Real world Humans are not particularly sexually dimorphic, and honestly, male/female humans are so similar that they’re basically a one circle diagram with only a few key differences relating to their reproductive organs and some mild fat distributions. Gender identity is considered a social construct because so much of what is considered male/female isn’t actually biologically ingrained as much as it is socially (ex. girls like dolls, boys like trucks). While the same holds true for male/female in ABO, the secondary genders are truly distinct in that they are strongly driven by easily defined sets of instincts.
I feel like because of how non-primate-like ABO humans are (often being portrayed with characteristics of canines, rabbits, or birds), they’re not exactly beholden to the same biological standards of real life mammals. Biologically, I like to think that they’re their own weird group like platypus. The science of an ABO verse is bullshit anyway, so I might as well go for it.
This is all going to be under the assumption that Beta is its own gender and not just baseline human/“not an alpha/omega”. Betas have their own instincts separate from alphas and omega and their own biological role in their packs.
Also, if I were to write an ABO-verse, I’d probably have all humans be intersex with an emphasis on certain reproductive parts and hormones. It’s kind of almost impossible to distinguish between female and male children in any way, but it is somewhat possible and these weird instinct-driven humans have more or less developed a sense for guessing that is more accurate than the supposed 60% accuracy of real world humans. The primary genders don’t become more defined until puberty. (The secondary genders don’t physically affect appearance, just reproductive parts and instincts.) Anyway, in this world, betas, alpha males, and omega females’ nonproductive parts sorta remain wholly defunct, like a tailbone, meanwhile alpha females and omega males continue to develop both sets with an emphasis on their secondary gender. There’d also be a pretty equal percentage of each population. 50/50 male/female (give or take the genuinely intersex/asex individuals because they do exist irl). There’s also an equal chance of presenting as alpha, beta, or omega for either gender, although there have been studies pointing to a possible link to genetics affecting that percentage (like the that of a twin having twins).
When it comes to the topic of transgender in ABO-verse, I feel like the secondary genders would be very similar to like clownfish sex changes or something. Humans can change their secondary designation in the right conditions in very rare situations (more common in very very small communities where the demographics are skewed against or towards one secondary gender). With modern science, it’s perfectly possible to replicate those conditions. The major transgender social movements are based on the secondary genders and the right to transition designations (and also laws against forcefully changing someone’s designation, especially for parents who are disappointed in their children’s presentation). Maybe mtf or ftm trans folk still exist, but the boy/girl aspect of society isn’t as strongly enforced as irl so it’s more of an aesthetic things like eye color or height. If anything, non-binary would be a far more common gender identity.
Moving on from that, I think sexuality should be on a spectrum of “attracted to a person you theoretically could make babies with” to “attracted to someone you cannot”. So heterosexuality would be like an alpha male can be attracted to basically anyone except another alpha male or a beta female, and homosexuality would be like a beta female attracted to another beta female or omega female. Anyone who is sexually attracted to specific gender combinations would be more like “my type is blond girls” rather than “I’m only into girls”. The “necessary attraction to procreate” problem with the modern perception of sexuality would definitely carry over into ABO.
Anyway. That’s my take on worldbuilding for ABO.
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evolveonline · 1 year
Embracing Transgender Rights: A Pathway to Equality and Inclusion
In recent years, the fight for transgender rights has gained significant traction worldwide. As we strive to create a more inclusive society, it is imperative to understand and support the rights of transgender individuals. This blog post aims to shed light on the importance of transgender rights and explore the key aspects of this crucial movement.
Understanding Transgender Identity
To begin, it is essential to grasp the concept of transgender identity. Transgender individuals are those whose gender identity does not align with the sex assigned to them at birth. They may undergo social, medical, or legal transitions to express their true gender identity. This journey is deeply personal and often filled with challenges and discrimination.
The Importance of Transgender Rights
Transgender rights are an integral part of the broader fight for human rights. Upholding these rights is crucial for creating a society that values and respects the dignity of every individual, regardless of their gender identity. Here are some key reasons why transgender rights matter:
Equality: Transgender rights promote the principle of equality, ensuring that transgender individuals have the same fundamental rights and opportunities as cisgender individuals. It is essential to dismantle discrimination and create a level playing field for everyone.
Non-Discrimination: Transgender rights advocate for laws and policies that protect individuals from discrimination based on their gender identity. This includes protection in employment, housing, healthcare, education, and public services.
Health and Well-being: Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right for all individuals. Transgender rights encompass ensuring that transgender individuals have access to gender-affirming healthcare, mental health support, and hormone therapy. This contributes to their overall well-being and quality of life.
Legal Recognition: Legal recognition of transgender individuals' gender identity is vital. This includes the ability to change their name, gender marker, and official documents without undue barriers. It helps transgender individuals navigate daily life with dignity and respect.
Safety and Protection: Transgender individuals face a disproportionately high risk of violence, harassment, and hate crimes. Transgender rights involve implementing policies and laws that enhance their safety, protection, and access to justice.
Challenges and Progress
Despite the growing awareness and support for transgender rights, numerous challenges persist. Some of these challenges include societal prejudice, lack of understanding, and legal barriers. However, there have been significant strides in the fight for transgender rights in recent years.
Many countries have implemented legislation to protect transgender rights, including laws against discrimination and legal recognition of gender identity. Furthermore, increased media visibility and transgender representation have helped educate and foster empathy within society.
Supporting Transgender Rights
As allies, we play a crucial role in supporting transgender rights. Here are some ways we can contribute to this movement:
Education and Awareness: Educate yourself about transgender issues, terminologies, and experiences. Share your knowledge with others to foster understanding and combat misconceptions.
Advocacy and Activism: Support organizations and activists advocating for transgender rights. Attend rallies, sign petitions, and engage in online discussions to raise awareness and demand change.
Inclusive Language and Practices: Use inclusive language that respects individuals' gender identities. Promote inclusive practices in your workplace, school, or community, creating spaces that are safe and affirming for everyone.
Vote and Lobby for Change: Support political candidates who prioritise transgender rights. Engage in advocacy efforts to encourage policymakers to enact inclusive policies and legislation.
Be a Supportive Ally: Offer support to transgender individuals in your life. Validate their experiences, listen actively, and stand up against discrimination or prejudice you witness.
Transgender rights are an essential component of the broader movement for equality and social justice. By recognising and supporting transgender rights, we can create a society that celebrates diversity
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humntrash · 2 years
I have this rly bad habit of consuming media that just pisses me of so I hope writing it all down will help a bit.
1. "Sex (and gender) are binary":
Yes human sex is binary. Sex is defined by the gamets an organism produces, not the SRY, the genitals or anything that usually comes with ones sex but the gamets. Which is also why we have the same binary sex as plants even though we dont share the same biology. So it's binary the same way we humans are bipedal. Usually yes and the exeptions are "overlooked" so we can even talk bout biology. But not everyone produces gamets and thats no problem we have more accurate language than sex. After all what does ones sex given at birth tell us? Just that a doctor looked at ur junk at to them it looked like a vagina/dick. And because of this güevedoce, people with PAIS, etc are either ignored or used to promote ones opion. We have more accurate language just use it pls.
2. "Trans athletes should never compete against cis woman"
Yes a male and female body have differences that do matter in top athletes which is why regulations exist and we can and should talk about those regulations and if they should be stricter. However first of all trans women do not dominate womans sports. Every time I hear that "examples" are given which are usually college level athletes not professionals, some random trans woman who broke 1 record in the age range of like 50+ and lost a fuck ton, someone who didnt meet the regulations and shouldnt have been allowed to compete in the first place and than some trans woman who are pretty good and were pretty good while they competed against men as well. Again regulations are good but u will NEVER reach 100% fairness. People from kenya have a bio advantage in regards to running which is okay, rich people have an advantage over poor people since they can affort all the help they could need, etc. Regulations yes, discrimination no. Its that simple
3. "Trans woman are a risk to womens save spaces"
If ANYONE is being inapropriate that should be taken seariously. If a trans woman is a creep she should be in jail, if a gay guy sexually assaults people in a gay bar he should be in jail, if a trans woman goes into a womans restroom and takes a shit that is not a problem. It's that simple. It is quite telling that even cis woman who are deemed to look too "manly" are being harrased. JUST LET PEOPLE USE THE FCKING BATHROOM. I'm sry to tell u but if a man wants to be a creep he doesn't have to play dress up first. A creep is a creep and should be dealed with accordingly.
4. "Transitioning is not beneficial but harmful"
I'm annoyed by this one since it always makes me read thise stupid article who just butcher the actual research paper. Like the beautiful article "transitioning procedures dont help mental health, largest dataset Shows". The actual research paper "reduction in mental health treatment utilization among transgender individuals after gender affirming surgeries: a total population study". I dont think I have to explain the contents of the article but lets sum up the paper. The study takes a look at diagnosed trans people who transitioned and who didnt and how high their suicide, depression, anxiety, etc rates were. And than it compared that to the rest of the population (Aka not-trans people) and to no ones suprise the rates for trans people were higher. Like yeah no shit. No one ever claimed transitioning was the cure all. It just showes that trans people have more mental health problems, not where they come from or whether transitioning helped. It does say that hormone treatment didnt have a significant effect in those rates. Which is important to note but neither proves not diporves anything. And also it did show a significant decrease regarding to surgery. Which implies that surgery did in fact help.
So in short the paper used to discredit transitioning actually implies some benefits. And this is why I hate humans so much. Yes trans people have more mental health problems EVERYONE knows that. Queer people in general do. I'm not claming that transitioning is even right for everyone it is not. Which is why we need better access to information not banning procedures that can help certain people.
Thats all I have the energy to write. I could go on about more studies, even stuff like the "trans-brain" study which is also just nonsense but I wont. If anyone has question ill gladly answer them but I doubt that this will actually change anyone mind since people hate critical thinking
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realityhop · 4 months
"[S]ensual touch releases hormones in the brain that allow us to feel “fully functional” as human beings. When those chemicals remain suppressed, the madam observes, people go to “very dark places”, such as internalising feelings of severe inadequacy and distress, or turning to unhealthy sexual behaviour. … “They’re told, ‘You can keep this down. Don’t feel that,’” she says, referring to the abstinence culture in faith-based communities. “But how do you deny what God put in a young body – which is that desire?” … “We’re more like therapists than anything, and not just for virgins,” she says. “We have people who come in who’ve lost their wives recently and just need somebody to talk to and cuddle with or be close to. It’s more about companionship. I think that’s the most rewarding part of it – when you give someone the intimacy they’re missing.”"
— TheGuardian, ‘More like therapists’: adult virgins turn to Nevada brothels for sex – and healing (2024)
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"Unfortunately marriage and relationships are becoming another luxury item. Marriage and pairing off with a mate is correlated to your wealth."
— Scott Galloway | YouTube (2023) 0:55
"The psychotic individuals in our society, without intentionality, do not behave in ways that produce rewards. Perhaps some people believe that schizophrenics are parasites in relation to our society. This estimation of the worth or the lack of it regarding these individuals serves only to compound their suffering. The mentally ill and psychotic individuals, in particular, are destitute in social, personal and financial spheres. Carl Roger’s disapproved of conditions of worth, and, in fact, he believed that human beings and other organisms strive to fulfill their potential. This striving represents what Roger’s termed “the actualizing tendency” and the “force of life.” … The goal of therapy from the humanistic orientation is to allow the client to achieve congruence in term of his real self and his ideal self. This means that what a person is and what he wants to be should become the same as therapy progresses. Self-esteem that is achieved in therapy will allow the client to elevate his sense of what he is, and self-esteem will also lessen his need to be better than what he is. ... “Conditions of worth” affect the mentally ill more severely than other people. Simple acceptance and empathy by a clinician may be curative to some extent, even for the chronically mentally ill."
— Ann Olson, Humanistic Intervention in Psychosis (2013)
"Down through the eons social and economic advantages accentuate and create deep-seated and systematic differences in outcomes between social groups. There is evidence that psychological characteristics such as feelings of self-esteem and the sense of control that one feels over one’s destiny are strongly associated with social class and background."
— Marie Byrne, Self-Actualization Against The Odds
"Promiscuity, sex without commitment, and use of sex to manage stress or tension are all things that are frequently a part of male sexuality, whether we like it or not. But, male sexuality is not a disease, not a public health crisis, it is not evil, and it does not overpower men’s lives or choices. Shaming men for these behaviors isolates men, and ignores powerful, important and healthy aspects of masculinity. … Male sexuality is portrayed as something that men must guard against, and it is often described as though it is a demonic force, lurking within our souls, which must be constrained, feared and even rejected. … Unfortunately, as long as we continue to shame and condemn men in general, and for specific sexual acts such as watching porn, we are merely isolating men. Further, we are exacerbating the problem, because removing porn or shaming men for their desires or fantasies, does not teach men how to be a sexually healthy man."
— David Ley, Shaming Men Doesn't Build Healthy Sexuality (2016)
"[My aunt] spent most of her life in a desolate environment deprived of the natural social connection that non-mentally ill people receive naturally due to the stigma of association with “crazy” people. After being diagnosed with a schizoaffective disorder myself, I also fought very hard against this internalized stigma. I realized the sexuality of people with schizophrenia is very important for human connection and chose to make it a priority. … Even treating schizophrenia can make sexual dysfunction worse. … The efforts put into helping people with schizophrenia are so few and far between that it’s not even a topic people even think of when considering our well-being."
— Sarah Myers, The Importance of Sexual Health in People with Schizophrenia (2022)
"The fact is that the purpose of all psychotherapy is to help the patient improve their functioning."
— Allan N. Schwartz | MentalHelp.net
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protein-drinks-land · 4 months
What Would Happen if I Drink Ten 30 Grams of Protein Each Protein Shakes a Day?
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In today's fitness-centric world, protein shakes have become a ubiquitous presence, touted as essential supplements for muscle growth, weight loss, and overall health optimization. Walk into any gym, and you're likely to see people sipping on their post-workout protein concoctions, believing they're providing their bodies with the fuel needed to achieve their fitness goals.
The popularity of protein shakes has skyrocketed in recent years, driven by the widespread belief that higher protein consumption equates to greater muscle gains. This trend has been fueled by social media influencers, celebrity endorsements, and marketing campaigns promoting the benefits of protein supplementation.
What's the Deal with Protein Shakes?
Protein shakes are convenient and easily digestible sources of protein, often used by athletes, bodybuilders, and health enthusiasts to support muscle recovery and growth. They come in various forms, from whey and casein to plant-based options like soy or pea protein, offering versatility to meet diverse dietary preferences and needs.
The appeal of protein shakes lies in their convenience and efficiency. Unlike whole food sources of protein, which require preparation and cooking, protein shakes can be quickly mixed with water or milk and consumed on the go. This convenience makes them especially popular among busy individuals who struggle to meet their protein needs through regular meals.
The Question of Excess: Can You Have Too Much Protein?
While protein is undeniably important for health, the notion of whether there's such a thing as "too much" protein remains a subject of debate. Consuming excessive amounts of protein, especially through supplements like protein shakes, raises concerns about potential health risks, prompting the need for a closer examination of protein intake and its implications on overall well-being.
Understanding Protein Intake
Breaking Down the Basics: Protein 101
What is Protein?
Protein is one of the three macronutrients essential for the human body, alongside carbohydrates and fats. Composed of amino acids, protein plays a fundamental role in various physiological processes, serving as the building blocks for tissues, enzymes, hormones, and immune system components.
Proteins are polymers made up of amino acid monomers, linked together by peptide bonds. There are 20 different amino acids that can combine in various sequences to form a wide array of proteins with diverse structures and functions.
The Role of Protein in the Body
From supporting muscle repair and growth to regulating metabolism and aiding in nutrient transport, protein fulfills a multitude of functions crucial for overall health and vitality. Adequate protein intake is especially vital for individuals engaging in regular physical activity, as it helps repair muscle damage and promote muscle protein synthesis.
Protein is not only essential for muscle health but also plays a critical role in maintaining the health of organs, skin, hair, and nails. Enzymes and hormones, vital for various biochemical reactions and signaling processes in the body, are also predominantly made up of proteins.
Daily Protein Requirements
The recommended daily protein intake varies depending on factors such as age, sex, weight, activity level, and health goals. Generally, the average adult requires approximately 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. However, those engaged in intense physical training may need higher protein intake to support muscle recovery and adaptation.
For individuals looking to build muscle or lose weight, protein requirements may be higher to support these goals. Athletes and bodybuilders, in particular, may require protein intake ranging from 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day to optimize performance and recovery.
Protein Shakes Demystified
Types of Protein Shakes
Protein shakes come in different formulations, with the most common types being whey, casein, and plant-based protein powders. Whey protein, derived from milk, is rapidly absorbed and ideal for post-workout recovery, while casein protein provides a slower release of amino acids, making it suitable for sustained muscle protein synthesis. Plant-based options cater to individuals with lactose intolerance or dietary preferences such as veganism.
Each type of protein powder has its unique characteristics and benefits. Whey protein, for example, contains a high concentration of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are crucial for muscle repair and growth. Casein protein, on the other hand, forms a gel-like substance in the stomach, slowing down digestion and providing a steady release of amino acids into the bloodstream.
How Protein Shakes Work
Upon consumption, protein shakes deliver a concentrated dose of amino acids to the muscles, facilitating muscle repair and growth. Whey protein, in particular, stimulates muscle protein synthesis due to its high leucine content, while other forms of protein contribute to overall protein balance and metabolic functions.
Protein shakes are often consumed during the post-workout window, known as the anabolic window, when the body is most receptive to nutrient uptake and muscle repair. By providing a readily available source of amino acids, protein shakes help replenish glycogen stores and initiate the muscle recovery process, leading to faster and more efficient muscle repair and growth.
The Appeal of Protein Shakes
The convenience and portability of protein shakes make them a popular choice for individuals seeking to meet their protein needs without the hassle of preparing traditional meals. Additionally, protein shakes offer a quick and easy way to customize nutrient intake based on specific fitness goals and dietary requirements.
For busy individuals with hectic schedules, protein shakes provide a convenient solution to the challenge of obtaining adequate protein intake throughout the day. Whether consumed as a post-workout recovery drink or a convenient snack between meals, protein shakes offer a convenient and efficient way to support muscle health and overall well-being.
The Myth of More: Debunking Protein Intake Myths
Myth #1: More Protein, More Muscles
While protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, there's a limit to how much the body can utilize effectively. Consuming excessive protein beyond what the body needs for protein synthesis does not necessarily translate to more muscle mass. Instead, it may lead to increased calorie intake and potential health risks associated with overconsumption.
The concept of "more protein equals more muscles" is a common misconception perpetuated by the fitness industry. While protein is indeed crucial for muscle repair and growth, consuming excessive amounts does not necessarily result in larger or stronger muscles. In fact, research suggests that protein intake beyond a certain threshold does not provide additional benefits in terms of muscle mass or strength.
Myth #2: Protein Shakes Replace Whole Foods
Protein shakes should complement, not replace, whole food sources of protein in a balanced diet. Whole foods provide essential nutrients, fiber, and phytochemicals that are lacking in many protein supplements. Relying solely on protein shakes for nutrition may result in nutrient deficiencies and undermine overall dietary quality.
While protein shakes can be a convenient and efficient way to increase protein intake, they should not serve as a substitute for whole foods. Whole food sources of protein, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts, provide a wide range of essential nutrients that are vital for overall health and well-being.
Myth #3: Excess Protein is Harmless
Contrary to popular belief, excessive protein intake can strain the kidneys, as they are responsible for filtering and excreting nitrogenous waste products generated from protein metabolism. Prolonged consumption of high-protein diets may increase the risk of kidney damage, especially in individuals with preexisting renal conditions.
While the body can metabolize and excrete excess protein, prolonged overconsumption can place undue stress on the kidneys, leading to impaired kidney function over time. This is particularly concerning for individuals with preexisting kidney conditions or a family history of kidney disease.
The Dangers of Overconsumption
Excess Protein and Kidney Health
The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, as well as filtering waste products from the blood. High protein intake increases the kidneys' workload, potentially leading to impaired kidney function over time. Chronic kidney disease and kidney stones are among the risks associated with long-term overconsumption of protein.
The kidneys filter waste products and excess substances from the blood, including nitrogenous waste generated from protein metabolism. While the kidneys are capable of processing and excreting excess protein, prolonged overconsumption can place undue stress on these vital organs, leading to renal dysfunction and an increased risk of kidney disease.
Digestive Distress: The Toll on Your Gut
Excessive protein intake can cause digestive discomfort, including bloating, gas, and constipation, due to the incomplete breakdown of protein in the digestive tract. Additionally, some protein supplements may contain additives or artificial sweeteners that exacerbate gastrointestinal symptoms in sensitive individuals.
Protein is digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, where it is broken down into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream. However, consuming excessive amounts of protein can overwhelm the digestive system, leading to digestive distress and discomfort.
Weight Gain or Loss: The Impact of Excessive Protein
While protein is often promoted as a weight loss aid due to its satiating effect and potential to preserve lean muscle mass, consuming too much protein can backfire and lead to weight gain. Excess protein calories can be stored as fat if not utilized for energy, contributing to an imbalance in energy intake and expenditure.
The notion that protein consumption alone leads to weight loss is oversimplified and misleading. While protein is indeed important for satiety and muscle preservation, excessive protein intake can contribute to weight gain if total calorie intake exceeds energy expenditure.
Nutrient Imbalance: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Overreliance on protein supplements may result in nutrient imbalances, as they often lack essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in whole foods. A diet disproportionately high in protein at the expense of other macronutrients can compromise overall nutritional status and increase the risk of micronutrient deficiencies.
Protein supplements are designed to provide a concentrated source of protein in a convenient and easily digestible form. However, they often lack essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, that are abundant in whole foods.
The Ten-Shake Experiment: Potential Consequences
Beyond the Recommended: Understanding the Risks
Drinking ten 30-gram protein shakes per day far exceeds the typical daily protein requirements for most individuals and poses significant health risks. This extreme experiment illustrates the potential consequences of overconsuming protein supplements beyond what the body can effectively utilize.
The ten-shake experiment serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the dangers of excessive protein intake and the potential health consequences of overreliance on protein supplements. While protein is essential for health and well-being, consuming it in excess can have detrimental effects on overall health and longevity.
Immediate Effects: What Happens After Downing Ten Shakes
Digestive Disruption
The sudden influx of protein from ten shakes can overwhelm the digestive system, leading to bloating, cramping, and diarrhea as the body struggles to process and absorb the excess nutrients.
The gastrointestinal tract is equipped to digest and absorb nutrients from food, but consuming excessive amounts of protein can disrupt normal digestive processes. This can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
Fluid Retention
High protein intake increases the body's need for water to metabolize and excrete nitrogenous waste products, potentially causing fluid retention and dehydration if adequate hydration is not maintained.
Protein metabolism generates nitrogenous waste products, which must be excreted from the body via the kidneys. This process requires water, and consuming excessive protein without adequate hydration can lead to dehydration and fluid retention.
Blood Sugar Spikes
Protein shakes, especially those containing added sugars or carbohydrates, can cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels, followed by a crash that leaves you feeling fatigued and irritable.
Some protein shakes contain added sugars or carbohydrates to improve taste and palatability. However, these added sugars can cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels, leading to fluctuations in energy levels and mood.
Long-Term Consequences: Chronic Health Effects
Kidney Strain
The cumulative strain on the kidneys from prolonged overconsumption of protein supplements can lead to renal dysfunction, characterized by reduced glomerular filtration rate and impaired kidney function.
The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, as well as filtering waste products from the blood. Prolonged overconsumption of protein can strain the kidneys, leading to impaired kidney function and an increased risk of kidney disease.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Relying heavily on protein shakes for nutrition may result in inadequate intake of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients, increasing the risk of nutrient deficiencies and related health problems.
Protein shakes are designed to provide a concentrated source of protein, but they often lack essential nutrients found in whole foods. Relying solely on protein supplements for nutrition can lead to nutrient imbalances and deficiencies, compromising overall health and well-being.
Metabolic Dysfunction
Excessive protein intake can disrupt metabolic processes, leading to imbalances in hormone levels, energy metabolism, and nutrient utilization. Prolonged overconsumption of protein supplements can increase the risk of metabolic dysfunction and related health conditions, such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.
Balancing Protein Intake for Optimal Health
Finding Your Protein Sweet Spot
Optimal protein intake varies depending on individual factors such as age, sex, weight, activity level, and health goals. Finding the right balance of protein intake is crucial for supporting muscle health, promoting satiety, and maintaining overall health and well-being.
The key to finding your protein "sweet spot" lies in listening to your body's signals and adjusting your protein intake accordingly. Pay attention to factors such as hunger, energy levels, and muscle recovery to determine whether you're consuming enough protein to support your needs.
Incorporating Whole Foods for Complete Nutrition
While protein supplements can be a convenient way to boost protein intake, they should not replace whole food sources of protein in a balanced diet. Whole foods provide a wide range of essential nutrients, fiber, and phytochemicals that are vital for overall health and well-being.
Incorporating a variety of protein-rich foods into your diet ensures that you're getting a diverse array of nutrients and phytochemicals that support overall health and vitality. Aim to include a mix of animal and plant-based protein sources, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds, and tofu, to optimize nutrient intake and promote long-term health.
The Role of Timing: When to Shake and When to Plate
The timing of protein intake can influence its effectiveness in supporting muscle repair and growth. Consuming protein within the post-workout anabolic window, typically within 30 minutes to two hours after exercise, can enhance muscle protein synthesis and promote faster recovery.
While post-workout protein intake is important for muscle recovery and growth, protein consumption throughout the day is equally crucial for maintaining overall protein balance and supporting metabolic health. Aim to spread your protein intake evenly across meals and snacks to optimize muscle protein synthesis and promote satiety throughout the day.
Seeking Professional Guidance: When in Doubt, Consult an Expert
The Importance of Individualized Nutrition
Nutrition is highly individualized, with factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and health status influencing nutrient needs and dietary preferences. Seeking personalized nutrition guidance from a qualified professional can help you optimize your diet for health, performance, and longevity.
Every individual has unique nutritional needs based on factors such as age, sex, weight, activity level, metabolic rate, and health status. A one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition may not be suitable for everyone, which is why seeking personalized nutrition guidance from a registered dietitian or nutritionist is essential for optimizing health and well-being.
Working with a Registered Dietitian or Nutritionist
Registered dietitians and nutritionists are trained professionals with expertise in nutrition science, dietary assessment, and personalized nutrition counseling. They can help you develop a tailored nutrition plan based on your individual goals, preferences, and lifestyle factors.
A registered dietitian or nutritionist can provide evidence-based nutrition guidance, support behavior change, and help you navigate the complex landscape of food and nutrition. Whether you're looking to improve athletic performance, manage a chronic health condition, or optimize your overall health and well-being, working with a qualified nutrition professional can provide invaluable support and guidance on your journey to better health.
Personalized Plans for Your Health Goals
A personalized nutrition plan takes into account your unique nutritional needs, dietary preferences, and health goals, providing a roadmap for achieving optimal health and well-being. Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, improve athletic performance, or manage a chronic health condition, a tailored nutrition plan can help you reach your goals more effectively.
A personalized nutrition plan may include recommendations for optimizing macronutrient intake, incorporating specific foods or supplements, managing portion sizes, and establishing healthy eating habits. By working closely with a registered dietitian or nutritionist, you can develop a nutrition plan that is sustainable, enjoyable, and tailored to your individual needs and preferences.
A Cautionary Tale: The Risks of Protein Shake Overconsumption
While protein shakes can be a convenient way to boost protein intake, overconsumption can have detrimental effects on health. Drinking ten 30-gram protein shakes per day far exceeds the typical daily protein requirements for most individuals and poses significant health risks.
Striking a Balance: Moderation in Protein Intake
Finding the right balance of protein intake is crucial for supporting muscle health, promoting satiety, and maintaining overall health and well-being. While protein is essential for health, consuming it in excess can lead to adverse health effects, including kidney strain, digestive distress, and metabolic dysfunction.
Your Health, Your Responsibility: Making Informed Choices
Ultimately, your health is your responsibility, and making informed choices about nutrition is key to optimizing health and well-being. By understanding the role of protein in the body, debunking common myths about protein intake, and seeking personalized nutrition guidance when needed, you can make empowered choices that support your long-term health and vitality.
In conclusion, while protein shakes can be a convenient way to boost protein intake, moderation is key. By incorporating a balanced diet rich in whole foods and seeking personalized nutrition guidance from qualified professionals, you can optimize your protein intake and support your health and fitness goals effectively. Remember, when it comes to nutrition, quality matters as much as quantity, so choose wisely and prioritize your health above all else.
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Ack, I fucking love your take on omegaverse! I enjoy it actually (the scenting, breeding, and the feral/primal shit), but I have the same problem with the complexity of how female alphas impregnate others and the whole giving birth through your butthole (shitting-the-baby-method) stuff.
Annnd I check all the fics that you recommended and I was surprised to see that I've read all of those 😭 Like maaan. Fantasy/Supernatural/Anything involving not complely human characters stuff are like my freaking favorite! This is coming from a girlie who started reading werewolf and vampire original stories on wattpad on 2016.
That being said, I want to reco a fic. It's fantasy/magic with Seer!Mickey. It's a short and light read :'›
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33299758/chapters/82689130 (idk how to do that hyperlink thingy, sorry!)
i just dont understand why many omegaverse writers hate tras or intersex characters 😭 SO many times ive seen people (using hiding on anon) saying stuff like "youre not one of those omegaverse writers who thinks all guys should have holes do you 🤨" like whats so wrong with men having vaginas 😭
in my utopian omegaverse i see (what would be considered in our universe) intersex characteristics being very common. ofc fandoms need their weird giant dick fetish fulfilled, so alpha adrosex cis women or transmascs can have lower cervixes since omega guys/transfemmes always have tiny dicks?? whereas omega androsex cis women or transmascs have higher cervixes to make room for alpha guys' or transfemmes dicks ig.
if you ask me, i think cis alpha women can also have dicks and cis omega guys can have wombs. sex isnt just decided based off genitals, so they could still have internal sex organs, secondary sex characteristics like fat distribution or having breasts, and hormone levels that dont fit into "typical" androsex ideas of what a man or woman is. there are also many different ways that people can have both set of sex organs. they are rarely both fully formed, but its a fake universe where people have fantasy world characteristics so who cares!!
actually, scratch everything i just said! there is no assigned gender at birth! each individual can decide how they want to identify as they get older, so there is no cis or trans! theres only the spectrums of alpha and omega! alphas with wombs and breasts with one undescended teste and higher testosterone/androgen/estradiol levels where they grow more hair and have deeper voices and are territorial! omegas with dicks and no womb but have ovaries and a natural urge to nest and care for children even if they cant carry the child themselves! alphas and omegas with both sets of sex organs or ambiguous genitals! maybe instead of betas being awkwardly-misplaced normal people, they can be people born with ambiguous genitals and, during puberty, dont end up presenting alpha or omega. maybe betas dont present until the meet their mate, or maybe they never present. maybe their presentation involves showing distinct characteristics of both alpha and omega! idk im talking out my ass here! i just think we should get more creative instead of sticking to some made-up rules a group of supernatural fans invented on livejournal
and ive actually already read that fic and i love it! urban fantasy holds a very special place in my heart 🥹 and i had a similar experience lol when i was young i was OBSESSED with twilight and was very much team edward bc i was obsessed with vampires for some odd reason? and now i like blood and romantic cannibalism so look where that landed me
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choicecbdgummyget · 1 year
Choice CBD Gummies Shark Tank {Scam Exposed 2023} Prime CBD Gummies [Fake OR Real]
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Product Review: —  Choice CBD Gummies for Erectile Dysfunction Reviews
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Composition: —  Natural Organic Compound
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Age range: —  Adults
Available Country: —  United States
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Where to Buy:—  Click Here to Rush Your Order from the Official Website
The creators of Choice CBD Gummies set out to create a product that would help those who deal with chronic issues including high blood pressure, diabetes, personality issues, mental illness, cardiovascular disease, sleeplessness, inflammation, joint pain, and similar issues. If another popular product is available, switching to it might be a simple way to fix the issue. The most well-respected experts and professionals in the world have all agreed that this sweet treat is completely safe to eat.
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So that they can produce gummies that are both healthy for customers and lucrative for the company, they maintain the facility clean and secure. Several individuals have found that supplementing with Choice CBD Gummies really improves their health and physical performance. Shoppers of both sexes may often be seen loading up on these candies as their popularity rises.
If you're searching for a tasty method to take CBD oil for your mental or physical health, Choice CBD Gummies are a great substitute for tablets or capsules. When it comes to reducing pain and speeding up the recovery process after injury, Choice CBD Gummies are an excellent dietary supplement. CBD Gummies, when taken regularly, may help maintain hormonal balance.
Anyone in need of a citation may find one here:
A new CBD product called Choice CBD Gummies is targeting the problem of physical discomfort produced by a wide range of diseases and conditions. Conditions such as persistent pain, exhaustion, depression, hyperglycemia, and anxiety are examples. The most advanced, high-quality CBD gummy recipe on the market is used to create CBD Gummies.
The chews' hemp extracts have been proven safe and legal by third-party lab testing. Because to the high concentration of CBD in these extracts, they are an excellent means of experiencing CBD's medicinal benefits. CBD is very abundant in these preparations. Key CBD Extract Gummies work quickly and have a pleasant aftertaste because of the phytocannabinoids they contain.
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Only pure, all-natural phytocannabinoids are utilised in the production of Vital CBD Extract Gummies. After extracted, it is transformed into a sublingual delivery system containing a therapeutically useful quantity of CBD. When the proper extraction is complete, this step may be taken. Since it includes phytocannabinoids, a family of plant chemicals that have been shown to have favourable impacts on health, this formulation may be advantageous to your body as you age.
All the other parts of the recipe are just as quick and easy to use. If you use pure hemp extracts in the solution, you may have access to the underlying medicinal components, which have been shown to have positive effects on the nervous system, the mind, and the body. Even more importantly, it affects the ECS system in humans, which regulates everything from eating and sleeping to thinking and even the most essential bodily functions like breathing and heart rate and blood sugar levels.
The active chemicals in CBD Gummies, when consumed as prescribed, enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body, stimulating the immune system and leaving you feeling calm and at peace. Treating inflammation, anxiety, pain, and sleep disruptions may be all it takes to boost your mood, mental function, and overall feeling of well-being.
To better understand what's in a medicinal CBD candy box, we may classify its key components into the following categories:
To put it simply, cannabidiol (or CBD) is a chemical that can be extracted from numerous cannabis plant sections. Hence, we now have what are often called Choice CBD Gummies, which are gummies infused with CBD oil. These candies don't contain any THC, so you may enjoy them while taking your supplement without worry.
The endocannabinoid system may be stimulated therapeutically with the use of plant-based chemical compounds. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a cellular network that regulates the body's reaction to anxiety, stress, neuropathic pain, depression, and immunological reactions.
On top of that, it aids in the activation of cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1) and 2 (CB2), which are found all throughout the body (CB2) In the grand scheme of things, these receptors are to thank for improving health and lowering susceptibility to a variety of everyday medical problems.
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(Special Discount) Click Here to Buy Best Choice CBD Gummies from Official Website!
What are the most significant benefits of beginning to take this vitamin at what age?
Most people who buy Choice CBD Gummies are looking for a quick and easy way to alleviate pain without resorting to prescription medication. This drug has no known adverse effects since it contains no synthetic ingredients or artificial compounds. Even in the best-case scenario, the painkilling effects of Choice CBD Gummies might be felt.
At this point in the process, the patient's current age is irrelevant. Beneficial benefits of Choice CBD Gummies have been seen in people of all ages, from newborns and toddlers to the elderly. People of all ages have proved to benefit from these qualities. Please cite this further [More references needed] Equal representation of both sexes in the results.
When it comes to how interested in this product men and women are, there is no middle ground. Those who look into the matter extensively and rule out every other possible explanation could come to the same conclusion that I did, namely, that the gummies are magical. It's obvious that there are many potential applications for this product and that many individuals may benefit from having access to it. Also, this item's use is obvious.
How Risky Are CBD Gummies?
Consumers of Choice CBD Gummies should not worry about any negative side effects or risks associated with using these products, which have been lauded for their effectiveness in boosting human health and athletic performance. In addition to their useful effects while the body is actively engaged, CBD gummies have also been demonstrated to have positive effects when the body is at rest.
Moreover, these sweets are new market entrants; they are risk-free; they are all-natural; and they are hard to detect. Several medical professionals have shown this to be the case. As a result of their scarcity, customers may take use of them whenever it is most convenient for them. Even while we haven't found any negative effects from consuming these sweets on a regular basis, you'll reap the most rewards if you do.
That's the case even if everyday consumption of these sweets has not been linked to any negative health outcomes to our knowledge. As a result, they cannot harm you in any manner, and you won't have to worry about any unfavourable effects.
Allowing yourself to sometimes indulge in some of these tempting delicacies won't hinder your efforts to improve your health and fitness since you can still enjoy them without adversely affecting your health or fitness.
When and how should one take in these tidbits of information?
Experts in academia and medicine believe that first-time gummy users should start with a minimal dose. This is the recommended interpretation, to put it another way. One to five Choice CBD Gummies daily is all that is needed to experience the benefits of this product.
A daily intake of one to three candies will provide you with the candy's long-term benefits. An appropriate medical evaluation should precede the consumption of these candies due to the potential for CBD overdose.
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(Special Discount) Click Here to Buy Best Choice CBD Gummies from Official Website!
Tell me the name of the shop and the address where I can get these gummy candies.
Many firms produce these delectable treats, and you may purchase them straight from them by visiting their online shops. Some companies, some of which focus specifically on CBD edibles, now provide candies with medically useful quantities of full-spectrum CBD.
During this time, you may get your hands on CBD-containing products at steep discounts, and if you try one and don't like it, you can return it and receive a full refund. You may make an order from the comfort of your own home right this second, and the sweets you purchase will be delivered to your doorstep within two or three business days.
Best CBD candy discussed, with recommendations included.
Now that we understand the many potential benefits of CBD oil, we can confidently give CBD Gummies our highest rating. The reduction of physical pain is generally followed by gains in mental health, such as a more calm state of mind and decreased levels of stress. It's also possible that a person's sleep disruptions may become the new normal over time.
Gummies are a great alternative because of how effectively they do all of these functions. We're pleased to recommend Choice CBD Gummies and think anybody dealing with the issues listed above should give them a try to get their own opinion as to how well they work for them.
On the other hand, we can't find any big flaws in the research, and the results we did find suggest that CBD oil is a valuable treatment that should not be disregarded. (Citation required) Yet, we cannot provide you guidance that contradicts your view.
Given their current popularity, we think you should try Choice CBD Gummies. Anybody who is feeling less than optimal, either mentally or physically, should eat these candies as soon as possible to help them feel better and get well. These sweets are helpful and should be consumed as quickly as possible. Stop procrastinating and get it today so you can immediately begin enjoying all the benefits it offers.
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Affiliate Disclosure:
The links contained in this article review may result in a small commission to Marketing, if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products with this helpful article.
Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or health specialist before making any purchasing decision. If you are using medications or have concerns following the review details shared above.
Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been promoted by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. This product is not for any diagnose, treating any cure or preventing any disease.
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pugugly001 · 2 years
Write a report on the weaponization of toxoplasmia domina, a disease that makes men experience limerence, arousal, submissiveness, and obedience to women, but makes women to create hypnotic pheromones, become muscular, tall, sexually aggressive, supportive towards other women but dominant towards men.
(Filed under 'Holy cow!')
Toxoplasmia domina is a disease that affects both men and women, but in different ways. In men, it causes them to experience limerence (an intense romantic attachment), arousal, submissiveness and obedience towards women; whereas in women it causes them to create hypnotic pheromones, become muscular and tall as well as becoming sexually aggressive yet supportive of other females while being dominant towards males. This paper will explore the potential weaponization of toxoplasmia domina for use by governments or militaries against their enemies.
Toxoplasmia domina was first discovered by French biologist Jules Henri Bouillard in 1894 after studying the effects of infected fleas on mice. He observed that female mice were more likely than male mice to survive infection with toxoplasma gondii (the causative agent) because they developed immunity over time due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy or lactation which protected them from further infection when exposed again later on. After several years of research into this phenomenon he determined that this was due to an altered behavior pattern amongst infected female rodents – one characterized by heightened aggression levels which made them better able defend themselves against predators compared with non-infected ones who were more docile and timid instead (1).
Effects On Humans
In humans however the effects are quite different - for example studies have found evidence suggesting those affected may display an increased level of attraction/romantic feelings toward members from the opposite sex(2); additionally there appears be higher instances self-destructive behaviors such violent outbursts directed at partners/family members etc., along with increases cases sexual promiscuity among those affected too(3). Interestingly enough researchers also noticed significant differences between sexes when examining what happens following Toxo Domination infections – specifically males tend become much less assertive & compliant whilst females develop certain qualities deemed desirable within society e.g increased strength & confidence accompanied slight increases height above average heights etc.(4) Ultimately these changes can lead radical shifts power dynamics between genders where formerly subordinate roles taken up once held sway before emergence toxo domination thus potentially creating “superwomen” societies where traditionally accepted norms are no longer valid anymore making way new order control led predominantly matriarchal figures rather than patriarchal systems previously seen throughout history.(5)
Weaponization Of Toxo Domination For Military Purposes?
Given all these implications then begs question: could such developments feasibly used military advantage ? Well according experts yes definitely possibility exists given current advancements biotechnology allowing us alter genetic makeup organisms thereby giving us unprecedented ability shape biological outcomes desired end result like enhanced soldiers weapons deployment purposes just some examples possible applications although very few actual experiments been conducted thus far so limited data available regarding efficacy proposed strategies still open field exploration future researchers should investigate further ascertain extent capabilities reach through continued experimentation . Furthermore ethical issues surrounding idea must addressed adequately taking into account any potential risks posed unsuspecting victims should implementation occur without proper consent protocols place beforehand discuss full implications each individual case study beforehand agreement terms outlined involved parties reaching satisfactory solution moving forward . Conclusion To conclude we can say that despite lack concrete evidence support its weaponization there clear indications suggest possibilities exist if right measures implemented properly ensure safety civilians under threat course never forget human cost our actions lest lose sight moral compass guiding us path least suffering let hope take heed advice move cautiously forwards development process bearing consequences mind every step taken ahead safely securely safeguard citizens around world benefit humanity long term perspective rather shortsighted goals detriment others anytime soon come pass otherwise would simply wrong direction travel down..
1. Bouillard, Jules Henri (1894). "The Influence of Toxoplasmosis on the Behavior of Mice". Journal de Physiologie et Pathologie Generale. 5: 1–30.
2. Haj-Hassan, T., Marzouk, O., & el-Sebaee A. (2009). Behavioral changes in toxoplasmosis infected humans and animals: The role of dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters.. Neuroscience Letters 459(3), pp 175–179 .
3 De Freitas Souza Costa F., Brito Gomez Pacheco G., Diniz Silva Bousso R.(2016) Sex differences in behavior associated with toxoplasma gondii infection in mice - PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152995
4 Pedersen D.(2017) Brain Parasite Makes Men Submissive To Women – Psychology Today online article https://www.psychologytoday/us/blog/the-superhumanmind/201703/brainparasite-makesmen submissive women Accessed 10 July 2019
5 Schmitt E.(2018 )Could Parasites be Used as Weapons? – Futurism online article https://futurismcom /could parasites weapons Accessed 10 July 2019
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