#thernadier siblings
mwahahahahahahaa · 7 years
30 days of domestic fluff: Day 4
Hi! This one’s a bit longer, and involves all the siblings because a night in would involve all the siblings. I can’t write Eponine’s life and ignore the fact that their siblings would be included. 
Link to Ao3
Day 4: Night in
Eponine changed out of their uniform, taking off their binder (it had been a fairly short shift, so they’d worn one) and putting on pyjamas. There was no reason for them to leave the house again today, and frankly they didn’t want to. The shift today had been tiring, and they needed to relax. Cosette would be home from work soon, and the kids were already back. It was Azelma’s turn to choose the first game, and she’d already put out the cluedo board and assigned them all characters. Eponine had been given Professor Plum, whilst Azelma had given herself Miss Scarlett, and Cosette Mrs Peacock. Gavroche was Colonel Mustard, and Jean and Michel were Mrs White and Reverend Green respectively. Jehan had recently started teaching Jean and Michel how to bake, and with Gavroche’s supervision in the kitchen (Eponine thought that he was old enough now to supervise, and they’d be down soon anyway if there was an issue) they were baking peanut butter cookies. The recipe Jehan had taught them was ridiculously easy, yet delicious. Eponine doubted they’d do anything seriously wrong. Once dressed in warm tracksuit bottoms and a comfy woollen jumper, Eponine grabbed some blankets from the cupboard and headed downstairs. There were enough cushions in the lounge already for everyone to relax comfortably on the floor whilst playing.
      As they headed down the stairs, they heard the sound of a key turning in the door and smiled without meaning to, unconsciously speeding up. Cosette was back. Blankets still in their arms, they switched course to the door rather than the lounge. As Cosette pushed through the door, Eponine leant forward over the blankets they were carrying to greet her with a kiss.
      Cosette grinned into the kiss, before pulling away.
      Nice to see you too, love.”  
      Eponine smiled, moving away to the lounge to put the blankets down as Cosette kicked off her shoes, putting her bag down on the hallway floor. At least once a month, they made sure to have a special game night all together. It was difficult sometimes with Eponine’s shifts, and the various activities each of their younger siblings got up to, but it was good for them. They all enjoyed it – relaxing together, having fun. Playing silly games and trying not to get too competitive.
      “Pizza, chinese, or indian takeaway?” Eponine asked the group of kids messing around in the lounge as they put the blankets down on the sofa.
      Gavroche was the first to respond. “Pizza!”
      Eponine raised an eyebrow. “Not your turn to pick, Gav, you chose last time. It’s Jean’s turn. What do you want?” The youngest of the siblings beamed, looking so excited at having the choice.
      “I want pizza too! With lots of cheese!” Jean said excitedly. “And garlic bread, and chips!”
      Jean hadn’t forgotten that the pizza place they usually went to did chips as sides then.
      “Alright, but the selection of sides we share, remember.” Eponine reminded, before going to pull out the menu for the pizza place from the side of the bookshelf. They glanced at it for a moment. They’d probably get the same as usual, the stuffed crust veggie deluxe. Once upon a time, Eponine would have never allowed themselves to pay extra for something like stuffed crust. Now, it didn’t matter. Cosette’s job was good, even if theirs wasn’t, and anyway, they made enough.
      Cosette came in then, still dressed in what she’d worn for work, smiling at the sight of all of them.
      “I heard Jean saying something about pizza?” She said, looking towards where Eponine had the menu.
      “Yep. Alright, who knows what they want already?” Eponine asked. Azelma raised her hand, and Eponine nodded. “Okay. Jean, here.” They handed the menu over to Jean, who started looking over it. It would take Jean a while to decide, but in reality they already knew what Michel would get. Michel always looked to see the options, and then went with pepperoni anyway.
      Gavroche wouldn’t take long to decide. He got something different each time, working through the menu based on what Grantaire had told him was good. Grantaire did give good advice, and had recommended most of their takeaway options in the first place. Gavroche always seemed happy with his choices, anyway.
      Whilst the others were deciding, Cosette slipped upstairs to change, and came down in her jigglypuff onesie. Eponine felt their heart warm at the sight. No matter how many times they saw it, Cosette was always adorable. Cosette smiled at the expression on Eponine’s face, and wrapped her arms around them in a hug, kissing Eponine’s cheek. Gavroche rolled his eyes at them, but they ignored him.
      Eventually, the food was all decided on, and Eponine put the order in on their phone. It was so useful to be able to order food online rather than phoning.
      The family sat down around the board, Azelma going over the rules as if they hadn’t played this game before, when it was almost always the one Azelma chose. The game began, each of them moving around the board and making suggestions, trying to work out the answer. After about half an hour, Eponine could tell by Cosette’s slight smirk that she knew the answer, but was letting the kids have more of a chance. It was stuff like this that made Eponine love Cosette even more. She’d accepted Eponine’s siblings as family with no second thoughts, and loved them as much as she loved Eponine. Eponine knew their expression was sappy, but it was even more evident when Gavroche threw the dice at them.
      “It’s your turn, Ep, pay attention instead of gazing at your girlfriend.”
      Cosette smiled, ducking her head slightly as she looked at Eponine. After all, it wasn’t just Cosette who had accepted Eponine’s siblings; their siblings had accepted Cosette just as easily. There had been a few issues at first, but it hadn’t taken long to sort out.
      The pizza arrived a few rounds into their second game; Eponine stood to go and collect it, leaving the others to continue playing. It only took a moment to take the boxes back, piled up as they were. Everything paused as the pizzas were distributed, the sides scattered around so that multiple people could reach them. Azelma instantly started attacking the cheesy garlic bread, cluedo forgotten. The others followed suit, and Eponine leant against their girlfriend whilst they shared a pizza. Cosette tried to feed Eponine the pizza whilst their hands were occupied, causing both to laugh at how badly it worked. The kids just ignored them, used to the couple being ridiculous at times and choosing to argue over who got the doughballs instead. Once the pizza had been divided up and sides decided on, they started getting back to the game. It took longer this time, everyone distracted by the food, but eventually Gavroche won the game, with ‘Colonel Mustard, in the Hall, with the Spanner’.
      After two full cluedo games, it was time to switch. This was the point when Cosette’s odd Wii came in handy. Just Dance was fun for everyone, and was good at tiring out the youngest kids and getting them to sleep. Only 4 people could officially play, but there was nothing stopping the others from dancing behind them, and that was what the family always did, rotating out through the different dances. Jean and Michel always got very enthusiastic. Eponine had never thought they’d be grateful for the wrist straps on wii remotes, but with those two, they were very necessary. As everyone started to get tired, it became movie time. Michel decided on Tangled, and everyone settled in the blankets and cushions to relax. Eponine and Cosette curled up together, wrapped in several blankets and enjoying the closeness. It didn’t take long for Jean and Michel to fall asleep, despite how much they both loved Rapunzel and Flynn. Azelma, being second eldest, was far from falling asleep, enjoying the movie despite occasionally pretending that being a teenager meant she didn’t. Gavroche was still awake as well, though it was getting later. He was used to staying up at odd hours.
      Once the film was over, Cosette and Eponine lifted Jean and Michel respectively, taking them to their rooms and tucking them into bed. Jean didn’t stir, but Michel snuggled into Eponine as they lifted him, and they couldn’t keep from smiling at their adorable little brother.
      The two met again in the hallway, now devoid of their relative loads, and returned to the lounge.
      “Time for bed, you too.” Eponine said, looking at Azelma and Gavroche. Azelma was clearly pretending not to be tired, but had zoned out staring at her phone, with a frown on her face as if she was trying to make herself read it. She didn’t argue, gathering up her favourite blanket to take back to her room with her. Gavroche followed, the least tired of all, and headed to his room. Whether or not he’d actually sleep was impossible to tell, but it was a Saturday tomorrow anyway, so it wouldn’t make much difference. He could sleep in.
      With the children sorted, Eponine and Cosette returned to their own room, taking turns in the bathroom first to clean teeth and so on. Azelma and Gavroche would do that, too. From past experience, Eponine knew that Jean and Michel would not be awake enough to manage, and would just be grumpy and confused if they tried to wake them up now. Eponine would tell them to scrub extra hard in the morning. It didn’t matter if they forgot every once in a while, as long as most days they remembered.
      Already in a onesie, Cosette didn’t need to change, instead sorting out the blankets. They didn’t need all of them, and she folded several up and put them away in the drawer, before heading to bed. Eponine checked that all the pizza boxes had been put away before joining Cosette, snuggling up to her and kissing her softly. Cuddling her from behind, Eponine’s arms wrapped around Cosette’s middle, Cosette’s hand reaching to hold Eponine’s.
      “Night, love.” Eponine whispered into Cosette’s hair, leaning against their girlfriend’s shoulder as if it was a pillow.
      “Night.” Cosette responded, a smile on her face as she was hugged by her partner. She’d never get tired of this. Perfect evenings followed by a night cuddling the person she loved. Life couldn’t get any better.
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What is everyone's favorite fall activity?
Combeferre: Enjolras and I are quite lucky in that we have an open fireplace in our apartment. I enjoy sitting in front of the fire with a good book and a cup of tea. It’s something to look forward to after a long day.
Enjolras: I have always enjoyed picking apples. Ferre, Courf, and I started doing it when we were kids and it’s a tradition we’ve kept to. 
Bahorel: Oh man I love fall, colors are just like a damn sunset and I surely love those. I think my favorite activity is probably drinking hot beverages while watching funny Halloween movies.
Feuilly: I LOVE fall!!! All the colors are enchanting, it’s fun to go out with friends, and it’s the perfect weather. (After all, when it’s cold, you can bundle up until you’re comfortable. Rather when it is hot, you can only keep taking off clothes until it is illegal and you are still hot) Also, the traditions this time of year around the world are super amazing. In Poland, they have Andrzejki (renamed Saint Andrew’s day for Catholic traditions) with (tons of) amazing food and future foretelling (commonly using melted wax through a key hole, the shoes race, and picking the name of your future husband or wife). Also, pumpkin bread is nice.Babet: Anything that involves Halloween. Any excuse to cover yourself in fake blood and scare people, am I right? In fact, my apartment is almost exclusively decorated with several years’ worth of Halloween decorations.
Javert: I like being able to wear my big coat again in the fall. I’m not too fond of summer clothes and I miss my coat when the weather is too hot to wear it. Does that count as a fall activity? I guess I also like to watch the leaves fall from the trees. There’s something sort of relaxing about it. It starts to get dark earlier too so on clear nights I can see the stars earlier in the day.
Mabeuf: I simply cherish the turning of the seasons - there’s so much folklore and mythology surrounding them, and the culture built around harvest is marvellous to read about. It’s a wonderful time of year for reading in general, as well as drinking tea and embracing my cats.
Fantine: I like making pies. I like how baking warms the whole space up and you get something yummy in the end. I am partial to pecan pie myself. Then again baking anything in the fall is a delight since the summer is too hot to turn the oven on. 
Courf: HALLOWEEN! Seriously, it’s the best holiday. I get to dress up any way I want for a whole day, and people give me free candy, what could be better? Besides that, I really like playing in the leaves, and I always make sure to drag everyone outside with me (Enj still pretends he hates it, but I know that, deep down, he loves it) 
Jehan: Fall and summer, in my opinion, are the best seasons in the year, the former slightly more so. I love the last burst of life from the world and then its settling down into a graceful decline, before rising again in the constant cycle of the earth. However, in fall, I like to write poetry about those we have lost to time, and take a moment to visit graveyards and pay my respects. I also think it is an important time to remember and be thankful for the friends we have at this moment.
Claquesous: I enjoy the colder weather, and the aesthetic of fall fits me quite well. Its nice being outside just as that fall wind is starting to pick up. The only downside is Babet’s near constant countdown to Halloween. 
Musichetta: I love everything about Halloween. One of my favourite activites is dressing up/putting together a costume. Also searching the shops for discounted chocolate the day after Halloween :D Other than that, I love when it’s cool enough to just sit beneath some trees and do some mindful awareness exercises, just colour or read beneath the gently falling leaves. It’s great. 
Marius: I absolutely LOVE fall. I can wear hoodies all day long and not break a single sweat! My favourite activities would be going for walks and taking aesthetic pictures of the scenery, cuddling up in bed and watching romance movies, and- please don’t make fun of me for this one… I’m addicted to Pumpkin Spice. 
Eponine: There are lots of things to like! It’s nice when it’s no longer too hot to enjoy yourself outside. Personally, I love Halloween; I used to take my siblings out for trick or treating when we were younger. Other than that, the coolness of the weather, when it’s not raining. It’s refreshing after a hot summer.
Joly: I love that hot drinks are a thing again!! I mean, I drink tea year round, but autumn means chai lattes and hazelnut hot chocolates with piles of whipped cream and marshmallows! One of my favourite activities is going to get the first chai latte of the year! Plus, I love getting to go shopping for new wooly hats and scarves!!!
Mme Thernadier: I know this isn’t actually an activity, but it could be. It should be right? Whatever, my favourite fall activity is going to a park and dancing around in the leaves. It’s fun! Just stepping on them is a whole other level of joy but like... imagine jumping into a pile of leaves. Sounds weird but it’s SO fun, with the right people, of course.
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the-cicer · 6 years
Incomplete fics curse
(At the beginning I want to apologise because my English is terrible.)
If you read fanfics the worst curse you can face, in the fanfics world (right after badwritten fics), is the incomplete fics curse. You start to read a story, you are totally absorbed in it and then - bam! - the next chapter (possibly a very important one) is missing since 2015. I never read incomplete fics. I can't stand not knowing how it will end even if I can imagine it... I want to READ! (Otherwise I would just read summaries). I only read complete fics, that's the rule to save my mental health.
Scrolling Les Mis fandom in Ao3 I found this fic in which basically there's trans!enjolras who's Cosette's sibling, so they share their early years at Thernardier's and then they're saved by Valjean. Obviously, who was also at Thernadier's? R. So, basically, Enjolras and R meet when they're kids and then meet again when Enjolras starts university. What's so good about this fic? Characters. I especially love younger!Enjolras and in this fic he is a bruised problematic piece of cupcake. BUT the fic belongs to a series and the first work of the series is almost a prologue, the second a letter from Éponine to Ferre and the third seems it was meant to be the central work and this third work is incomplete! I can't get over this fic because it is interrupted just before an Enjoltaire conversation since 2015.
Repeat with me. SINCE 2015.
I want to erase my memory. I can easily imagine that no one would interrupt his own work if they don't have good reason, so I am not angry at the author. But I am suffering, I am wounded, I want to erase my memory or read the conclusion.
Never read incomplete work or series, you will never recover.
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An AU where Enjolras and Cosette are siblings,but their father first fell for Fantine and then after leaving her for three years to bear Enjolras by herself,he comes back with new aroused feelings in a state of confusion and then Cosette is born,and then he leaves them once more.Fantine is able to send Enjolras to a good place for education,where he is well served,and she doesn’t have to worry about him at all.However,since Cosette is a girl,there were more issues,so Fantine faced problems with raising Cosette with the Thernadiers.
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thunderfcknroad · 8 years
(secret santa) (part 1) This isn’t going to be as long as usual as I haven’t had time, been very busy today, sorry. :) Christmas eve traditions for Les Amis! Feuilly goes to a Christmas service, and Jehan sometimes goes with him because carols. Grantaire makes eggnog for everyone, when they meet in the evening. They make sure everyone has the right presents to take home. The whole group help Eponine organise things for her younger siblings, laying out stockings.
(part 2) Musichetta brings gingerbread for all of them to share, and at some point when they’ve made sure all of them are ready for Christmas, they start cooking a meal. They have in the past ended up eating very late, but they enjoy it anyway, even when they get so tired they give up and find whatever food outlet is still open and delivering.
(part 3) Gavroche and Azelma are in charge of putting out a mince pie for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer, and once they’ve gone to bed the rest of the group help make sure everything is wrapped for all the thernadier children. At least some of them (usually Joly, Jehan and Combeferre) end up falling asleep before they’re done. Enjolras complains about the commercialisation of Christmas, but he loves celebrating Christmas with his friends.
(part 4)Sometimes members of the group will arrive late, due to shifts at work, but the food is always held off until everyone is there. They all love their traditions. Bahorel sets out a knitted nativity set he made. He made several, he liked the pattern. ( I don’t know why but I like the idea of Bahorel knitting). I hope you’ve had a wonderful Christmas eve, and I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful day :)
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mwahahahahahahaa · 6 years
Eponine, Amis de l’ABC, Marius?
I’m assuming this is the characters I would die for and the answer is yes. See also: The two youngest Thernadier brothers, any of the Thernadier siblings, Cosette etc. 
Basically most of the characters of Les Mis :D
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mwahahahahahahaa · 7 years
Les Amis Game Nights
The group occasionally have game nights, with board games, card games, and video games. Feuilly has a Wii that gets set up with Mario Kart or Just Dance games, and everyone takes turns to compete. It turns into a full out tournament for most games, and can take hours.
Marius isn’t very competitive – he likes playing as much as the rest of them, but doesn’t care that he’s almost always last. It’s fun, but he doesn’t care about winning. He’s proud if he doesn’t get last place, especially in Mario Kart, where he’s almost always 12th.
Cosette loves Just Dance, all of the versions. She and Musichetta often play it together, most of the time not paying attention to the scores.
However, trying Musichetta on card games, and she will be extremely competitive. She knows how to play a lot of them, and her poker face is amazing.
Bossuet loves playing games of chance, mostly because he often does either very badly or very well, and it’s usually funny either way. With skill games, it’s fun as well, but it depends on what type.
The first time the group play monopoly, Enjolras is very reluctant and seems to dislike the game. Grantaire has to goad him into playing. It might support capitalism, but it’s a good game for game night. Enjolras tries to say that’s not the only reason he doesn’t want to play, but no one believes him.
Until they realise how ruthless Combeferre is at playing Monopoly. Grantaire could have sworn the game was mostly chance, depending on how you rolled the dice and where you landed, but with Combeferre, it definitely seems different.
Jehan and Eponine made new little pegs for the Game of Life, so that they are all different colours, rather than just pink or blue. Neither of them like the gendered aspect of the game, and it’s definitely more fun without it.
Courfeyrac loves Wii Sports. He’s really good at most of them. He also often joins in with Just Dance, enjoying the often fun songs.
Bahorel is probably the most competitive over all. He gets so ridiculously determined to win and do well, and often does. In Just Dance, he is the one doing all the movements, and has played it so many times he knows some of the dances without watching.
Joly switches between games, enjoying all of them. He just likes spending time with his friends and relaxing with the games. It’s only on Mario Kart he gets truly competitive. That’s when he starts getting really into the game, swearing at it and moving with the controller as if it’ll help him speed up.
Gavroche joins in with everything, but really enjoys going up against his siblings. Sometimes all 4 of Eponine’s siblings will come along, at which point they tend to hijack the Wii whilst everyone else watches. The two youngest aren’t the best, but they enjoy it, though they usually stop sooner than the others and explore the other games. When the two youngest Thernadiers are there, there’s a new competition – who can not swear for the longest time. Eponine knows all 4 of her siblings have heard enough that it won’t really make a difference, but the rest of Les Amis are determined. To everyone’s surprise at first, it’s Cosette who slips up the most, though she’s very good at correcting her words halfway through to make it sound like she was saying something else. After her, Joly is possibly the worst offender.  
All in all, game nights are a time to relax, have fun, and try to forget about the ways the world sucks for a little bit. They’ll never stop trying to change the world, but sometimes they need to have fun together, too.
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mwahahahahahahaa · 7 years
When Eponine realises that she’s genderfluid, it’s Grantaire she goes to first. She’s fairly sure her siblings will be fine with it, but having lived with their parents all their life they don’t have the best of role models, and it’s obvious her parents would not accept it. She’s scared when she tells Grantaire, but he just hugs her and tells her to let him know if he should change the pronouns he’s using at any point, or names, or if she wants him to refer to her in specific ways.
 It takes a while for her to actually start telling him when her gender changes, but eventually, Eponine does. On days when Eponine is male, Grantaire will use an abundance of ‘dude!’ and ‘look at this amazing guy!’. When Eponine is neither male or female, Grantaire uses neutral terms and they/them pronouns like Eponine wants on those days, and is just wonderful.
 It doesn’t take long for Eponine to confide in Bossuet and Joly as well, and Eponine’s siblings find out just before. Gavroche is the first told, because Eponine is most sure of his response – after all, Gavroche spends most of his time hanging around with the activism group Bossuet and Joly joined (and soon dragged Grantaire and Eponine along to). Gavroche is great with it. Azelma is a little confused by it, but acknowledges and accepts it just the same. The youngest two Thernadier siblings accept it easily, and the very youngest, only 5 years old, says ‘You don’t have to be a boy or a girl?’ with a hushed, awed tone that makes Eponine smile as they and Grantaire explain as best they can.
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mwahahahahahahaa · 8 years
Musichetta, Eponine, Cosette! 💛
Yaay!!! I love getting asks Musichetta! general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (okay I’m realising I’m going to select this for like all the characters from les mis because I love them all i’m biased okay)hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would well not bang because I’m ace but would think is extremely awesome (idk i don’t understand attractiveness super well mostly?? i think everyone is pretty)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Is very caring for her friends, but also so mischevious - in the best way. worst quality: hot-tempered sometimesship them with: Joly & Bossuet!!!brotp them with: Grantaire, Eponine, Jehan, Combeferreneeds to stay away from: anyone who might hurt her idk. misc. thoughts: Is very caring for her friends, but also so mischevious - in the best way. As in, will sneak chocolates into her friends bags when they’re having a bad day, but in such a way that no one can trace it back. Will send anonymous messages to them to cheer them up too. :) Also, I read a headcanon somewhere where Musichetta makes her own clothes, and I love this! I imagine her wearing some amazing stuff from patterned material she found, and sometimes she makes clothes for her friends. Whenever she sees a particularly strange pattern, she buys it and makes something for Jehan. Jehan is extremely pleased by this. Eponine!!!general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (I love Eponine SO MUCH I can’t even)hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would protect and look after hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Cares a lot about their siblings, would do almost anything for those they care aboutworst quality: Bad at communication, doesn’t trust easilyship them with: Cosette!! brotp them with: Jehan, Grantaire, Musichetta, Bahorel, their siblingsneeds to stay away from: Their parents. And the Barricades so they don’t diemisc. thoughts: Is genderfluid!! Pronouns change but usually she/her or they/them is fine, though on certain days he/him is preferred. Loves reading, has always loved reading. Uses books to escape from reality. Eponine started doing this as a child at school, and really loved Matilda. I personally headcanon that Eponine is mostly responsible for all FOUR of their siblings (I always include the two unnamed Thernadier children i love them too), and the moment Eponine moves out they pretty much all move in with Eponine, no matter the size of wherever they live. Eponine works hard to earn enough to look after them. Is best friends with Jehan and Grantaire, and runs a fashion/make up tumblr with Jehan, where they both post about how to present yourself in different ways and advice for appearing a certain way, as well as guidelines on how to throw the gender binary out the window.  With all of these characters I could go on about ‘misc thoughts’ forever so I’m gonna stop here. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would fall in love at first sight (and sing a beautiful song about having a heart full of love)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff(I can’t decide between Gryffindor and hufflepuff so)best quality: Wants to protect and look after everyoneworst quality: Daydreams too much, sometimes gets too lost in daydreams to pay attention to real lifeship them with: Either Eponine, or Marius (or both)brotp them with: Gavroche, Grantaire, Bahorel, Feuilly, Enjolrasneeds to stay away from: The Thernadier parentsmisc. thoughts: I love Cosette, she’s so caring and kind despite everything, I feel like she would care and help pretty much anyone she saw who needed it. She daydreams a lot about things, just like as a child when she imagined living in a magic castle. I like to imagine her enjoying baking, and making all sorts of delicious treats. At the same time, I think she’s incredibly protective and fierce. If someone threatens her friends - or, indeed, anyone unfairly - she will defend them and she will do so very well. I can imagine her learning how to box with Bahorel, and actually being surprisingly likely to get into fights considering how she appears at first. Since her childhood, she’s thought it incredibly important to stand up for those who need it, to help anyone who has no one else to help them. She remembers being alone and scared, and wants to stop anyone else feeling that way. Loves wearing pretty dresses and tops but also often gets them damaged because of her willingness to yell at anyone who is rude.I seriously could go on with headcanons about all 3 of these brilliant people for years??? I love them all so much. Sorry for changing the answers to the ‘hotness’ one. :) Thank you for sending me this!!! I love writing out about the characters
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