badmusejail · 1 year
Oh. Gaster started, nearly falling out of his chair and getting tangled in the variety of wires he had stuck to him.
How long had they been standing there...?
He only happened to notice because his mind had drifted while letting the test run.
Ah shit--
He quickly peeled off the stickers, ignoring the warning of the computer and,, ahhh, he didn't want to teleport too much, but they already knew he could do it so what did it matter--
So he appeared beside them, only mildly flustered and flattening out his coat.
Oh, and buttoning his shirt, because he had it entirely undone.
"Good evening," he stated. He didn't actually have any idea what time it is.
"While I don't mind you dropping in without warning, if I'm aware I could make sure the elevators are actually on."
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goldenbeastkeeper · 5 months
With the emergence of monsters, something entirely unexpected for someone who was constantly learning new things about the human realm and hadn't even so much as heard of them before, Valor found himself being a little more risky with his magic usage than usual. It still might make something of a scene if someone found him using it, but at least he'd no longer be a unique person to point to.
So it was that he was using magic at the stream today. Not for anything serious. He just wanted to hold a crayfish, really, so he was lying on his stomach with one hand in the water, the other holding his staff to cast first a summoning spell and then a calming spell on the crayfish that had crawled up onto him. It snagged the mealworm he'd put on his hand to make up for the disturbance, and Valor just laid there to watch it eat.
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drops-of-kindness · 1 year
@theriverperson 🌻 hope this is good ! - Flowery had always enjoyed Waterfall. It was always the calmest place in the Underground, and they often found themself wandering through it.
They knew the layout by heart, so their blindness wasn't a problem here. Still, they weren't quite sure where they had found themself this time. It was calm, and rather quiet, but Waterfall tended to be. Even in their own timeline it was always the most peaceful.
Humming softly to themself, Flowery found their way to... the shop, wasn't it? Ah, yes, there was a chest they came to know, so they must be by Gerson's shop now. Pausing, Flowery considered where to go. They didn't often stop by here, neither with Gerson nor to use the ferry. Perhaps they should visit the River person? They might know if their Sans had shown up here...
With their decision made, Flowery made their way south, quiet as they heard the gentle sounds of the river. If nothing else, it would be nice to sit and enjoy a ferry-ride.
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frozenfischer · 1 year
Training Start!
It took about a week for Alex to actually get back in touch with River, and when she does it's via text.
Alex Hey there. This is Alex. Sorry it took me so long to get back in touch with you. Took a bit to comb through my schedule and find a few days here and there that I should be good to at least get started.
What followed were a list of dates for the next couple of months, showing a few sets of days where she has a couple days off from both classes and teaching back to back.
Alex These should give me time to recover afterwards if needed, at least until the end of the summer semester. Let me know if any of these days work for you, and we can try and work around your schedule too.
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Tralala, I have recently discovered this strange human thing in the trash. Apparently humans have "Birth Certificates." Why? I would think that of all creatures, humans would be the least insecure about when and how they come to be, Tralala… *The Riverperson seems a little bitter about this.*
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Is this an(other) AU?
Maybe? I mean, I consider it mostly compliant to canon, but with a little inspiration from zarla's Handplates AU (not heavily and probably won't come up often, but important) and a few other gaps filled in. The Riverperson is one of these gaps. Frisk may eventually show up if this goes long enough, but the setting is pre-Frisk, around the time of having 5 souls. However, this is an offshoot timeline and things went a little different this time around…
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Tralala, I seem to have opened an ask account without realizing I must turn on asks! How embarrassing! It's fixed now!
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Tralala, putting skeletons and boats together sounds quite like putting together sandpaper and pudding, not necessarily a bad idea, but you’d think it’d only happen once! Perhaps if Doctor Gaster wanted more skeletons he should’ve turned to interdimensional travel instead of cloning.
Pfft, I’m just messing around, I love these skeletons. The idea hit me at 1:30 in the morning so here I am at 2 posting it XD. Maybe I’ll go back and color it at some point, but until then, here you go! (She says to her audience of exactly 0 people ;u; ) The first skeleton is Herman. She belongs to @askfriskandcompany The second is @bun-bunmuse ’s Swap Gaster. The third is Harlow Garamond from @man-who-speaks-in-hands I also absolutely got the sandpaper and pudding line from there ^^’
I probably should’ve asked before posting this (but, like, two A.M.) so if any of you three want me to take it down I will.
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Hmm? I get the feeling someone is watching me, tralala. Hello dear visitors, care for a ride on my boat? The rivers here in waterfall are certainly something to see, so I’ve heard. 
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