#theres the perfect middle ground in there somewhere
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Do you by any chance have any more ideas or plans for the leosagi babies comic
Do we get to see leo explain to Sagi? Or announce to the fam? Or stuffs like that
Its genuinely my favorite comic if yours to go back and reread it is so well written
vbdjhvbsfdj thank you 🥺
not really, at least not for now! I have one more ask that i'll probably answer, but other than that there's not much there for me - at least until i flesh out what the future actually looks like.
"I'm so happy!" "me too!"
I wanted to focus on a different turtle for each stage of development to avoid reiterating the same things over again - mikey (pre-baby) > leo (baby) > raph (post-baby) > donnie (post-post baby, otherwise known as a child).
"Baby Angst Hammer"
#askbox#quarterdraws#rise leo#yuichi usagi#leoichi#rise raph#''quarter youve had these plotlines locked and loaded since last december whats taking so long?''#well. you see. its big mama.#her specifically has been holding me up bc#i think the worse of splinters time in the nexus so i dont want to be a BM apologist!!#but i kinda have to be to make what i want to happen work#theres the perfect middle ground in there somewhere#where she is friendly with the turtles but definitely would not be a baby-sitter you see#and ive been having trouble hitting it#its not even the frou-frou talk she just makes shit too easy if shes family#and too hard if shes an enemy
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iff its still alright for requests then maybe somethingg small n maybe sleepy with forget me not ? nothing specific otherwise just
sleepy eeby forget me not fic. either that or wrangling his soggy ass to sleep(for once
;R1999 FORGET ME NOT - "five minutes"
Forget Me Not x Reader. 2.8k words fluff Being in charge of The Walden has its ups and downs - Forget Me Not enjoys being the conductor of an orchestra composed of dying men and women, even if it costs him hours of precious sleep. You make sure to remind him that even the most powerful broker in Chicago deserves a little nap.
this mf has been fighting me for a month or so, it's so hard to write him SLEEPING, HE RLLY DOESNT WANT TO. I HAVE 3 DIFFERENT DRAFTS GRAAAA so here we are. I fought tooth and nail for this, theres 4 different drafts just about FMN getting some fucking sleep. this one even has like, a different version where you fall asleep on his lap instead bc he keeps FIGHTING ME
either way, ty for the request, nonnie! your ask was the perfect excuse to get this done. sorry it ended up being longer than my usual stuff, I just really love the guy
The amount of work needed to maintain an establishment like The Walden often goes unnoticed.
Its elegant ambience and decor, all the powerful and influential people to rub shoulders with, the precise and meticulous organization behind every single detail and decision - all of it can be attributed to a single man, the very same who leads the crowd and makes their drinks.
When the night arrives, he and The Walden come alive.
Hundreds of desperate rats crawl into his den, searching for things they don't deserve: money, fame, fortune, connections, assets. They want to find their place in the world before they're long forgotten, and this is when Forget Me Not steps onto the stage and finds himself in his element, surrounded by all the people who look at him in fear, disgust and awe.
Do they know? That at the end of the world, he holds their fate in the palm of his hand? Him, a simple broker, a middle man.
An inferior, an arcanist.
Of course, the high fades as soon as the sun rears its ugly head over the horizon, his spirits plummet to the ground when the world returns to that monotonous routine. All Forget Me Not can do now is wait.
He would never dream of being so careless as to have his own residence right above his workplace, but he rarely steps into his home in the first place. It's too much trouble to commute back and forth, wasting time in a building that is as devoid of warmth as the blood running through his veins. That private office nestled somewhere within The Walden has become his new safe haven, in fact - with one too many couches to lounge around and no bed in sight.
Not that he sleeps anyway.
Forget Me Not always fancied the most convoluted route into an early grave, and thus has replaced the bottle for something else: endless paperwork.
It's getting harder and harder to conceal the dark bags under his eyes for a semblance of professionalism. How very fitting that, despite all of his efforts and accomplishments, his quality of life continues to deteriorate. What a depressing thought.
The leather of his seat squeaks as he shifts, leaning backwards to fully take in the piles and piles of files atop his desk. His gaze turns to the clock just to confirm what he already knows - it's a little past 6 AM, the cold breeze of the early morning keeping him wide awake. A brand new shipment of materials will arrive in two hours, they will need to be stored but it's an easy enough job for the Disciples. This means that the next important event on his schedule is the meeting at 11 AM. Forget Me Not's face sours right away at the thought, and he reaches for his drink.
And just like that, without any sort of warning, the door to his office is flung open. It's a good thing that despite his awful, awful health, his grip is as steady as ever - not a single drop is spilled. If else, Forget Me Not remains still as a statue, retaining that air of composed aloofness as he raises an inquisitive eyebrow towards the intruder.
It's you, standing perfectly by his door frame. He almost drops the glass once he recognizes your face, but conceals his little slip by settling it back down on his desk.
"Ah, how rare to see you during the day, you're always so busy with errands. To what do I owe this loud, impromptu visit? Keep in mind, I don't start serving drinks until 8 PM."
You don't wait for him to finish, marching towards the small lounge in his office and picking up a small, decorative pillow before dropping backwards onto one of the sofas. A shadow passes over Forget Me Not's eyes - he doesn't know whether to resent you for knowing you have the freedom and privilege to act like this around him, or whether to feel insulted for the way you ignored him just now. He settles for his usual third, secret option - resignation - and makes his way towards you.
Unlike you, Forget Me Not has mastered the art of concealing his presence and so he makes no sound at all when he approaches. He stands right next you, leaning ever so slightly to hover above your face, as if his piercing grey eyes alone could pressure you into speaking.
It doesn't work, at least not right away. You hide behind that useless pillow, then you shift and turn to lay on your side, all while he simply stands in perfect silence. It's a battle of attrition, one he intends to win.
"I slept like shit, okay? Just give me five minutes here and I'll go back to work." Your voice is muffled, but he hears how tired you are anyway.
It's easy to forget that people aren't nocturnal like him, at least not by choice. It's easy to forget about humanity when most of his coworkers are puppets held by strings and ink, mindlessly following orders. When you curl up on the sofa, Forget Me Not remembers just how tired he is and sighs. Soon, he's walking towards the door.
This makes you sit up in a hurry, clearly misinterpreting his actions. "Five minutes, promise! Don't kick me out!"
There's a faint click, it's the lock on the door. Forget Me Not returns to his desk, making sure not to look your way lest his eyes reveal those wretched feelings bubbling in his chest. Did you seriously think he had the nerve to throw you out so carelessly?
"Ten minutes. Make sure not to waste them with chitchat." He can practically sense you silently cheering and getting comfortable in his office. On his couch. It's insufferable, the way you always get what you want while he slaves away with work.
But it's only ten minutes, he can tolerate you for that long.
Three minutes pass, and Forget Me Not realizes that he's spent more time glancing your way than reading the document in front of him.
From his spot, he can only see the top of your head, just a glimpse of your form as you rest your eyes. But every time you move, no matter how subtle, he notices and turns his attention back onto you.
Seven minutes, he only needs to focus for seven minutes. The document in his hand is important: he's negotiating for better materials for his potions at a cheaper cost. This simple deal could mean a lot for Manus Vindictae, always so low on funds, resources and support.
Six minutes. Forget Me Not hears you hum and he slowly turns his head on instinct. You're staring right at him, face resting on the armrest, squishing your cheek against the plush cushions.
"You have four minutes left, are you sure you want to waste them like this?" He lies, as if he wasn't ready to ignore the passage of time to give you a few more extra minutes, expecting you to comply. But you get back at him with a question of your own.
"Did you get any sleep?"
"Three minutes." It comes out as a warning. You ignore it.
"I'm serious! You look awful from here." By now, you're sitting down and he knows that if he doesn't stop you, you'll make your way to him. To invade his personal space, cradle his face in your hands and torture him with your gentle touch. "You're always here when I start my shift and when I finish. Where do you get the time to go home and all of that?"
Forget Me Not would rather swallow his own tongue than to openly admit that he essentially lives here. That he has spare clothes in the drawer by the window, that he showers, eats and sleeps in this office of his. You might've figured it out by now, but with his pride and dignity at stake, he pretends to ignore you in favour of work.
"Hey, c'mon. Don't just go back to work like I'm not even here talking to you!" He does exactly that, picking up a pen to sign a few documents. "Drop that. Drop the pen. Hey!"
You talk to him the same way one would talk to a misbehaving dog, and he hears that whiny, frustrated tone in your voice that he's come to appreciate. There is a pause and Forget Me Not does as told - the pen now resting neatly on the desk.
He finally deigns himself to look at you, returning a small smile.
"Thank you, now, like I was saying-"
With his free hand, he stamps a document, never breaking eye contact. The pettiness is always worth it, but this time even more so when he sees that tic in your eye and the way you inhale sharply, absolutely done with him. You sit up, consider laying down again in frustration, then simply cross your arms like a child throwing a tantrum - seeing you get worked up over the smallest of things is always such a treat.
"Fine! Be like that! But don't come running when you- Uwaaah!" A yawn interrupts your words, you barely have time to cover your mouth.
Oh no. It's contagious. He feels that tell-tale tingle in his nose, and just like that, he yawns as well.
"Aha! You are tired, I bet you haven't slept properly in days!" An accusatory finger is now pointed at him, and Forget Me Not fights the impulse to roll his eyes.
"That's quite the leap to make over a simple gesture like that. Your time is up, by the way - please, go back to work."
"I'm telling on you, Forget Me Not. I'm so telling on you."
He gives a raspy laugh at this. "And who will you be telling about my horrible sleeping habits? The waiters? The delivery boy? Our esteemed guests?" The latter would definitely eat up any sort of information about his private life, especially if it was something to ruin his reputation, but he doesn't share this out loud.
"Ahh... So, you admit it, then? Having the worst sleeping schedule known to mankind?" Touché.
Before he can even reply, your mouth opens in a feigned yawn and Forget Me Not seethes when he finds himself imitating you. He seethes even more over the smug smile on your face. And he wishes he could just die on the spot when you scoot over and pat the empty seat next to you. Him? Rest? With you? Absolutely not.
"Ten minutes," a tight knot forms in his throat when you start to coax him in. "I'm sure you can spare that much, since you've been indulging me for this long! If you were actually busy, you would've just sent me home to rest. C'mere, sit."
What is the point in keeping track of time by now? Forget Me Not will be by your side until you decide to leave. Indulging you and your stupid ideas, your well-meaning and annoying habits, your reactions - all of it, they're his favorite vice and he never learned how to quit.
"Five minutes." He sits next to you.
"Fair enough." You scoot closer to him.
He watches when you link your arm with his, not bothering to ask for permission. Typical. Your palm is warm as you rest it over his forearm, fingers drumming idly over the soft fabric of his shirt. But you don't linger for too long, and slide down until your index and middle fingers reach the bare skin of his inner wrist, over the pronounced vein there. Can you feel his pulse? The shameless and frantic beat of his heart?
Forget Me Not is so entranced by this simple action that he fails to notice the sudden extra weight - your head rests on his shoulder, with your cheek pressed against the prominent bone. He knows it's an uncomfortable position, because you shift and nuzzle closer to his chest, the top of your head and your hair now tickling his neck and jawline. The knot in his throat returns and he holds his breath on instinct, like an animal at the verge of being devoured.
Nevermind the constant cycle of violence and doom he's turned his life into, these are the horrors that keep Forget Me Not up at night: your body against his, your displays of affection.
"Your eyes," the soft murmur of your voice pulls him from the awful, nonsensical noise in his mind. You're looking up at him. "You're meant to close them. That's what this whole thing is for. Unless ...you can sleep with your eyes open?"
"Don't be ridiculous. As if such a short amount of time could make me fall asleep." He huffs, a way to conceal just how out of breath he is. Part of him is afraid to close his eyes, knowing that he will feel each and every little thing you do - only tenfold. And what would he do with himself then, when all he can focus on is your finger tracing shapes over his palm? It tickles. It's distracting. It's unbearable.
His hand flinches, just barely, and you interlock your fingers with his in response.
"Hush and close them!" Always so obedient to your commands, Forget Me Not does as told, cursing you in his mind.
He gives you an inch, and you take a mile - the moment his eyes are closed, his body turns rigid but you still coax him backwards, so that he can lean on the backrest of the couch. It takes the coordinated effort of every single muscle in his body not to melt on the spot, to remain in a proper, sitting position. With you nestled so comfortably by his side, Forget Me Not makes the worst mistake in his life: he turns his head towards you, his nose now buried in your hair.
The content and pleased noise that leaves him is something that feels alien, entirely out of character for someone like him. Right away, he feels the tips of ears burning with shame and his body uselessly recoils away from you, trying to revert back into that persona he's created for the world.
It backfires immediately.
"...Hm? Is your arm getting numb? Here, let's switch." You move away, all while your hands cradle his face in order to guide him over to your lap.
It's a painfully slow process that is simultaneously over in the blink of an eye. Forget Me Not doesn't know what's worse, the fact that he didn't put up a fight or the way he feels so incredibly small, being held so lovingly by you.
He's laying on his back, hands resting uselessly over his chest like a corpse in an open casket funeral. If he glances upwards (a difficult thing to do, because you flick his forehead whenever you catch him wide awake) he can see you hoarding all the pillows available within your reach to support you as you lounge about, still hellbent on sleeping in with him.
Did he die at some point throughout the day without noticing? Is this his own personal Hell? Forget Me Not wants to speak, to say anything and regain control of the situation, but nothing comes out. All there is to do is to lay there, with your hands combing through his hair.
His heart might as well burst out of his chest. Even better, crawl up his throat and choke him from inside out.
Without thinking, he sits up. It's a nervous impulse. You can't see his face with his back turned to you and he's grateful for the small moment of privacy, as he steels himself to send you away. Or to fuck off into The Walden and walk around aimlessly to cool off, and then avoid you for a few weeks. Whichever comes first.
"Oh! Want a pillow or something? I kind of just took them all without thinking." He doesn't deserve this sort of contact, this domestic bliss - he doesn't want it either.
"Hey, do you think we could do this more often? Just... make some time for me in that busy schedule of yours?" And why would he? You're already pretty skilled at turning his life upside down with your constant nagging and your antics.
"Sorry for being this sappy so suddenly, it just came to mind...Oh, oh! Wait! While you're at it, mind closing the window, please? It's getting a liiittle cold in here."
Forget Me Not leaves his glasses on the table and lays back down, this time making sure to wrap his arms as tightly as he can around your waist, his face hidden in your stomach. What he receives is a weak chuckle, a weak complaint and a weak attempt at pushing him away. You don't mean it, of course - the same way he never means any of the things he thinks.
"Hm, I believe it's perfect like this."
"You're just saying that because you're going to leech off my own body heat, you little snake."
There's a hint of victory in your voice, you've won once again against him but you're always too nice to rub it in. Instead, you caress the scales on his neck, now on full display for you. It's a heavenly sensation.
"Perhaps," he murmurs, eyes closed. "But what are you going to do? Kick me out of my own office?"
"I might if you don't get some rest. Sleep, now."
And just like that, Forget Me Not unravels - he's been waiting so long to be given permission, for someone to allow him a moment of peace despite all these restraints holding him back.
He knows that the moment wakes up, he will act like none of this happened, that he will stubbornly deny everything until his very last breath, but right now, he clings onto you like his life depends on it.
And he falls asleep with your name on his lips
#reverse 1999#reverse: 1999#r1999#reverse 1999 x reader#reverse 1999 forget me not#forget me not: i fucking hate this world#forget me not the moment you walk in: OMG!!! YIPPIE!!!!#mf is so scary and deranged until youre right there reminding him that hes EXTREMELY touchstarved
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Giiiiive us.... Maci's current living space! What does it look like. What is the the decore. The vibes!
bOyyy oh boy in a perfect world I could be like “ah yes, let me whip out these detailed schematics and background art of Maci’s bedroom and palace!” BUT I cannot do that because those drawings do not exist lmfao and, due to my whiny dislike of drawing anything that I personally do not like to draw - props, scenery, furniture 😔 - probably will not ever exist. HOWEVER!
you would think that I’d have given more thought into some of these details than the amount of thought I actually have over all these years so I’m about to make some split second canon decisions in this lengthy set of paragraphs, blended up with things that I HAVE given thought to and. I will not be specifying which is which so that I seem like I’m on top of my game ggkfkgkgkg soooo
Maci’s living space is the heart and soul and main setting of the entire Elysium’verse, as she and all her friends live in a giant palace in the middle of the Elysian Fields of the Underworld. It’s HER very own personal palace (separate from the main, bigger palace in the main, bigger Underworld); her parents gave it to her when she was an actual teenager even though she didn’t move into it until millennia later, with Tory, when that became their home ever after. I refer sometimes to “the palace” or “everyone else in the palace” its Maci’s one here that i’m referring to!
The Elysian Fields are a physical bubble of artificial bubbly sunlight in the middle of the afterlife but Maci’s palace is more on trend with the Underworld itself it’s a BIG ass goth castle. Loosely Greco-Roman in architectural style obviously — although I enjoy the thought of the palace being very anachronistic - mmmm idk really. there’s columns on it. it’s all black. whatever!!! it’s whatever you imagine it to be!!
Canonically I BELIEVE it’s got at least three floors but more importantly it’s got literally infinitely generating bedrooms because it’s maaggicccccc. Most everyone’s bedrooms are loosely near each others in the same wings or at least according to family units. Yes all the kids have their own rooms! The kids also have a huge playroom; Tory’s got multiple art studios of his own; there is NOT a throne room in the Elysium palace actually its my personal cute belief that this is what the living room den area was supposed to be and they just,, chucked a Regular Huge Family Style Sofa in there and a tv fgkfkfkg. Huge family kitchen-dining room….
There’s an expansive courtyard in the middle of the palace grounds, a pool as well (somewhere else?? I think that’s inside??) , the whole palace is surrounded by meticulously maintained gardens!
Everything is black. EVERYTHING is black. theres also sooo much marble (it’s just very fireproof), also there’s lights but also many candles it’s a blend,, like I said I love love love the thought of the palace being incredibly anachronisticz Big goth ornate palace with a..,, regular giant family couch and Legos from the kids scattered everywhere—
Maci’s PERSONAL living space aka her bedroom with Tory - honestly it’s, so lovingly, like a revolving door common area in and of itself too haha. Maci & Tory’s bedroom is nearly ballroom sized, it’s connected to their bathroom (with features such as a bathtub the size of a small swimming pool). Maci’s got paintings of herself and tory on her walls (Tory painted them all!! There’s sculptures of her and the kids scattered through the palace too - also done by Tory!) other features incluudeee ridiculous huge vanity, giant mirrors,, again lights but also goth pyromaniac shit like candelabras. Maci’s bed is ridiculously huge, it’s able to fit quite regularly and very comfortably like. Eight people PLUS at a time lmao. ouyughh I don’t actually know what her bed looks like except that it’s uhh. got a headboard and corner posts that are……. Handcuffable fgkfkgkgk
on that note turning nsfw VERY quickly when talking about Maci’s bedroom — Running joke forever that one of her bedroom walls behind a curtain inexplicably has CHAINS on it. though thats less inexplicable if you’re cute enough ;) the other running joke forever is Maci’s walk in closet, behind another curtain — The Closet™ breaks the laws of physics to be an infinite spiralling room of every sex toy known to man and presumably some that mortals have yet to discover. it’s her pride and joy, very well organized, frequently ransacked by the rest of the palace residents fgkfkfk
the vibe IS very distinct and honestly iconic its , giving.,,,, Ornate Luxurious Princess of the Dead/Sleazeball Royalty of the Underworld/Spoiled Beyond Your Imagination/Horny Vampires COULD Live Here. It gives VERY Maci. welcome to the palace!!! it’s 🖤home!
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wed, dec 6 2023
this is my first real journal entry, and i dont think dear diary is fitting to start this. i mean its just tumblr. i started this little blog because i need somewhere to vent, and so here i am. that sounds like my pinned post but its whatever. im not sure why im typing like im talking to someone, so i think i should stop explaining myself.
ive heard its good to write out how you feel, so i think im going to do just that. (im explaining myself again)- today was at first a good day, i woke up relatively early and was able to get ready for school quicker than i do normally- which is a win in my book. i was able to lay in my bed- which i need to wash the sheets of. my dog keeps laying where i sleep, which flares up my bad acne. i cant blame him though, i practically leave my side of the bed in a perfect napping position for him. anyways- i was able to lay down and read a little of this cute story about a single mother and a man in the military being her neighbor! very cute, very cute. then my dad took me and derek around eight o' five, then we got to school, and it was super cold outside. having to stand and wait for the doors to open is not enjoyable- at least i had derek -my cousin- with me. recently ive been a little harsher with him, but i thinks its because ive been a bit on edge with everything as of late. i dont mean to ignore- i think i should start working on that. he already has a lot going on.
continuing, i went to class. first period was tame, i mean nothing too much happened. really essentially a free day. aryeana ? im not sure how to spell her name now that i realize it- but she was there talking with jacob about whatever. sometimes i feel a little outcasted when with them- but i guess thats because im not that much of a conversational person when i cant think of a topic that will be enjoyable for all of us. i mean, i like anime and overwatch- and some more things. all those things they either dont like or make fun of- so theres no middle ground for us to converse on. i mean, only thing i can talk about is boys with ary. but its more so talking about aryeana's endless snaps with multiple guys and shes boasting about it- as well as boasting about her not being able to talk to guys. she is really contradictory. i dont hate or get mad at her though, shes nice to me. and cate is there- she kinda helps me relax. shes just a very nice person and since ive known her for so long i dont feel like i have to be super fake with them.
i think- well i know- my day went downhill when my mom finally replied to my messages. i had texted her about going to cam's surprise birthday dinner on sunday night- and she said yes! but then i asked her about saturday, if i can go shopping with her. i needed to go to barnes and noble to get multiple books that several people wanted for christmas, and maybe the mall to get some other things like candles from bath and body works. but anyways- she then revealed shes not going to be here this saturday- more so this entire weekend.... fun.
i just dont understand how she can just go i mean- i know where shes going- hell the whole family does. its nothing new, but the fact its such a repetitive thing and she always did it around familial times (thanksgiving and now christmas). i really dont get, seriously. and ive come to learn that she goes to some town with a new guy each time. what happened to her being with ron? her last boyfriend- i knew of at least. my nana mentioned she didnt like him because how he treated my mom, so im guessing he was abusive or really shitty. i dont care, and i guess thats a bad thing. i see it as karma now. i use to feel bad, want to console her. but ive lost it. lost that empathy.
anyways, she just makes me so- angry. to the point i can't focus on happier aspects of things because shes simply just so intoxicating with her narcissistic behavior. shes so aware that what she does angers and breaks the family, but she cant find it in herself to realize that its bad. how? im not sure. she didnt have a horrible upbringing nor a traumatic event with my dad. so i cant find a genuine reason behind what she does. its whatever, i keep trying to myself i shouldnt care so much. but i cant help it. it affects my home life, makes me i guess more so depressed? i dont want to self diagnose though. but shes the reason behind my upset outlook for today. hell even started playing class of 2013 by mitski- the lyrics hitting a bit too close to home. so yeah. thats all for now i guess, im not sure how journalling works. i guess ill start learning.
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a/n: this is a thing i cooked up between doing trig exam and ap gov review akdsjfldskfj
oikawa def listens to indie music just bc he wants to feel unique and the 'iM diFfErENt fRoM oTHeR gUrLs' vibes
meanwhile kunimi eats a kitkat like its pizza just CHOMP
makki caNNOT sleep without a pillow between his thighs LIKE LISTEN he has 2 sisters and they all told him its so comfortable and at first he was like,, ??,, then he tried and now cant sleep without it
bUT MATTSUN LIKES TO SLEEP WITH PILLOWS SURROUNDING HIM bc it makes him feel safe and like there are two body pillows on either side of him and hes kinda trapped in the middle aksjskdk
when kyo was younger, he was really short and although he had other pants, he loved this one pair but they were really long on him and he wore it all the time and the part of the pants that touched the ground is torn in shreds
kindaichi steps on the sofa before sitting LIKE puts one foot on the cushion then the other until hes literally standing on the couch before folding to sit with his knees up to his chest (i do this)
watari sniffs his food before eating it no matter if its something he eats all the time or something new, he still sniffs it either way
yahaba is really particular with his feet and he likes to get a really big tupperware (duh one only meant for his feet) and fill it up with warm almost boiling water and he just soaks them
oikawa has sleep paralysis and he oftens hallucinates about aliens in the corner of his room
kunimi does this thing where he makes weird noises with his mouth like sounds of his mouth opening LIKE when youre tastinf something new and you do that sound with your tongue (I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE IT AJDKSKKD)
makki bends his knees just to crack his ankles
iwa sneezes a ton but he has those sneezes where theyre quiet that you dont even notice or really loudly that it just echoes throughout the gym
kyo sleeps with one sock on bc his feet gets cold easily but both socks make him feel really hot so only one sock is perfect
for a tall and hunk of a guy, mattsun is a very light walker like his footsteps are very light and if he wants to, it can be practically silent
watari actually hates vegetables ajssksksk he particularly hates zucchini, eggplants, any vegetables that are that shape
kindaichi likes to stick or lean against walls because to him, they feel cold and can decrease his body heat
oikawa stands and places his feet at V position like \/ instead of ll because his sister did ballet and he was taught that was the right way of standing and it was considered graceful
yahaba has a fear of cactuses
mattsun does so badly in the heat because his body temp runs so high and the hot surroundings make him feel so uncomfortable and so he takes a lot of cold showers
iwa cannot swim like he freaks out immediately when his toetips can no longer feel the bottom and he panics with thoughts of drowning
watari has really small feet that he still buys big kids shoes to save money
kyotani considered playing baseball because he thought baseball bats were cool but he got angry and threw tantrum after missing his first pitch
iwa chomps on a whole raw chili while eating ramen akskksks
oikawa actually hates sweets bc when he was younger, he had cavities and iwa showed him a cartoon of cavities eating his teeth and will make him toothless
kindaichi really really likes hugs but hes too awkward to ask them even from his parents
yahaba chomps on mints so he goes through boxes of them in a week
i feel like theres a boy in the team who doesnt brush their teeth everyday and rubs a towel on their teeth to make it look clean and take mints to hide their bad breath
iwaizumi is actually iron deficient so he bruises super super fast and he even developed iron defiency anemia when he was younger bc his parents didnt catch on which caused him to be put on strong medication for months and still takes it now
seijoh four bonding time is watching gordom ramsey shows and yelling and screaming 'YEA! EXACTLY!' as if theyre also cooking genuises
watari used to eat grapes all the time until his mom got worried and told him if he doesnt stop, he will eventually turn into one. he only eats it every few weeks
when he was younger, kunimi cried because he had befriended a chicken on a trip to a farm and his mom took him to eat fried chicken after and he thought it was Chicky (his chicken friend :"))
kyotani used to stick out his tongue when it was raining so he could taste the raindrops. they taste better than bottled water
one time, during a seijoh sleepover, they dared oikawa to wear his sisters old uniform, skirt and all, and it backfired so everyone turned red and couldnt look at him in the face
their pregame ritual is touching each other's shoe tips
they tried doing yoga at yahaba's house before by watching yoga youtube videos but everyone ended up having to go to the chiropractor after (how did makki even turn into the human pretzel?)
the local gym gets so scared when they see the team coming through the doors bc these men are so LOUD like they HYPE EACH OTHER UP SO MUCH THEYRE SO ANNOYING AKSKSKDK
also never take them to an all you can eat sushi place. if you do, bring them earlier of the day like 30 mins after opening time so the cooks can cook enough for them without running out of ingredients (even then sometimes they still run out)
oikawa used to eat his mom's roses from her garden because he thought it would make his farts smell good like roses
takahiro is a surprisingly good artist like he draws really cool action fighting scenes in the corner of his papers and stuff
in my work: it's canon that iwa is half filo and his nanay used to dress him up in a barong all the time during halloween bc she wanted him to showcase his heritage
yahaba drinks a lot of milk because he hopes to one day grow strong and bulky like the 3rd years instead of being seen as a pretty boy
kindaichi's mom is a hairstylist and she always scolds him for using a lot of gel bc she's always the one who washes his hair
makki never learned how to do taxes and hes had the government knocking on his door a handful of times (BOKUTO AKKDJSKKS)
kyo has a dog: a chiweenie
there's someone on the team who wears those socks with individual pockets for toes
their pinterest is so different from what they look like for example, mattsun has a board of different flower decorations and arrangements
kunimi throws up during intense horror movies
watari's celeb crush is emma watson
the team alternates from different music genres like from ateez and bts to mxmtoon and beach bunny
they still dont know how to pronounce camila cabello's name
theyre all active in social media but only oikawa is on it 24/7 and in all platforms while the others have insta and snap
mattsun has twins as little siblings and he used to get them mixed up all the time that he used to draw a sharpie dot on the girl's forehead to determine she was his sister
watari hates sitting on the floor bc his butt bone hurts really easily so he can only sit on cushions for long periods of time
the team was supposed to have a party but everyone didnt know what to bring so they proved they shared the same braincell by bringing the same thing: a box of pizza
makki's an old soul and prefers to play records on a record player or watch old movies
kyo is surprisingly good at giving massages because he really pushed hard on those tense muscles
kindaichi knows how to crack necks so everyone goes to him a lot to do it (a friend of mine does this and can i say its terrifying yet so good?)
the only one who has a license is matsukawa and thats because granny needs to go to the doctor a lot and he hates her walking by herself and cabs are expensive
kyotani and yahaba are actually,,, lowkey close,,, not like best friends but theyre nice to each other and they got a stick and poke together (yahaba's was: :) while kyo's was: >:))
watari has a collection of mangas (some bl maybe 👀)
WARNING SAD: mattsun’s future job is a funeral person right? he ends up taking care of granny’s funeral free of charge and he had to take a week off because it was really painful for him
oikawa learned spanish SUPER fast to the point he forgets japanese sometimes but there are moments where he forgets both languages and hes just,,,, ???
makki’s unemployed yea but he rooms with mattsun in exchange of cooking because makki’s surprisingly good at cooking
iwa is practically the nutritionist of the team because he knows everything about proteins, carbs, iron, and needed vitamins so they all go to him to know what to eat and what they need
kunimi has lots and lots of shoes but usually only wears 2
kindaichi has a habit of pretending hes chewing gum even though he doesnt have gum, his mouth just chomps and moves with air akasldfjkf
there was a clown phenomenon in america but in their city, they had a mascots and seijoh 4 went around scaring kids :”(
oikawa never manspreads he gets too insecure to spread out like that akdjfkd
kyotani can easily sleep anywhere like he would be standing and just fall asleep or he sleeps with his eyes open
yahaba’s parents own a restaurant somewhere in the city and he works there sometimes
oikawa screams a lot according to gigi but he’s actually a really quiet guy and not easy to scare
#haikyuu#haikyuu!!#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu!! imagines#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!! x reader#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu!! headcanons#aoba johsai#aoba johsai x reader#aoba josai#aoba josai scenarios#seijoh#aoba josai imagines#aoba johsai imagines#seijoh imagines#seijoh manager#haikyuu manager#haikyuu!! manager#aoba josai manager#aoba johsai manager#seijoh x reader#aoba josai headcanons#aoba johsai headcanons#seijoh headcanons#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu!! fluff#seijoh fluff#aoba johsai fluff#aoba josai fluff
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omg i dont have a title
hi ! umm i was craving some hard dom asahi... so here we are! i hope you like it hehe <33
warnings: hard dom asahi, public sex, bratty reader, panties as a gag, breeding kink, fat cock asahi
uhhhhhhhh if theres anymore i should add let me know !!
word count: 2.2k ish
Everyone loves to talk about how Asahi is so big, yet so gentle. Which is true. But it also isn't really quite the whole truth. Asahi really is a soft, sweet man. But when you open your mouth and say the words you know will garner you his wrath? Those are your favorite days. He loves to kiss you softly and hold your hand. In public, he will play with your hair and look at you like you shine the moon out of your ass.
But, sometimes. Sometimes, you'll whine about how annoying it is being out in public, or how you want to go home, or how the food sucks and you should've gone somewhere better. Asahi pretends like he hates it, but you both know he loves it. He lives for it. His favorite thing is to show you that you’re a bad fucking brat.
As for today, you were being a brat because he forced you out with your friends, but had the audacity to not stuff you with his cock beforehand. You begged so sweetly too; he shoved his thumb in your mouth and watched you suck it and lick and with an evil glint in his eye said “fuck no”. You were furious to say the least. You refused to dress yourself so he did it for you. He picked out his favorite dress that hugged your body just how he liked it. You refused to look at him.
While out with your friends, he made you sit right next to him so he could run his fingers along your thigh. You were addicted to his touch, any little thing he gave you was heaven. But you were dead set on ignoring him. You huffed. You sighed. You whined. You complained about how the restaurant didn't have your favorite things. You ignored him every time he tried to talk to you. Your friends are used to your antics so they just try to ignore you. You glance over at Asahi and you can see the tick in his jaw. You laugh on the inside. He just so happens to look your way and when your eyes connect, yours widen when you see how angry he is. It soaks your panties. Fuck.
You cannot continue sitting here so you excuse yourself to the bathroom. Unbeknownst to you, Asahi has excused you both for the evening. Sugawara cackles, “keep it in your pants, Asahi!”
You heave out a sigh of relief when you close the bathroom door. You go to wipe down your face when you hear someone open the door. You turn around with wide eyes and relax when you see who it is. He locks the door and looks at you and you close your mouth before you say anything stupid.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. You couldn't behave, even for one evening, could you, bunny?” You hum, thinking of an answer that will displease him the least. Anything you say will upset him. “Well, pet? I asked you a question, didn't I?”
He approaches you and forces you to look at yourself in the mirror. He grabs you by your tiny little neck, so easily snappable. “I-” “You? You what, bunny?” You clear your throat and steel yourself, “I. I couldn't wait, sir. I asked before we left but you wanted to make me wait and you know I’m…” “I know you are what, bunny? You couldn't wait a couple hours? I would've given you everything you wanted.” He murmurs into your neck while having a steel grip on your jaw. “You're such a cock hungry whore, you just wanted me to pull you in here and destroy your sweet little cunt, didnt you, pet?”
You clench around nothing and close your eyes. Your breathing is fast and shallow and Asahi laughs at you. “You're just so easy for me, aren't you little one?” You whimper at his words. “Sir… please…” “Why should i give you anything, bunny? What have you done to deserve it? You've been so mean to me all evening.” You pout at him. “Sir, please… I need you so bad…”
He looks at you through the mirror, you look so tiny and so debauched just for him. It makes it cock swell in his slacks. “Hmm… where do you need me, naughty little bunny?” One of his hands starts moving slowly down your body. He softly caresses one of your breasts, squeezing it with the lightest of pressure. Your nipple starts to harden under his ministrations and you let out a soft little whimper. “Do you need me here, little one?” He grazes your nipple and groans. You're so soft and tiny for him.
He doesnt stay long, living for your torture. Ever so slowly, he starts to move lower until he's at the apex of your thighs. “Maybe here, bunny?” He's moving his hand under your little dress, inching closer to where you're absolutely dripping for him. “Ah, it looks like it's here, you naughty little slut, yeah?”
Your thighs are starting to get sticky with your arousal and all Asahi wants is to lick it up. Another time, he supposes. “Wow, bunny, you're dripping. Have you no shame? Soaked for me, in the middle of a restaurant? How lewd.” The degradation is making your cunt throb, god you want anything, need anything inside you.
He's running his finger along your clothed entrance and laughing at you condescendingly. “Well,” he sighs exasperatedly, “I guess we shouldn't really expect anything else from such a deprived slut, yeah?” You moan at his words and he tightens his grip on your throat. “That's enough out of you, bunny. I dont want to hear another fucking peep from you. Naughty bunnies don't get to make noises.”
“Put your leg on the counter, whore.” You walk towards the sink on unsteady legs and Asahi slowly comes up right behind you. He reaches under your dress and slowly, so slowly, removes your dripping panties. He runs his nose along your jaw, “I have the perfect gag for you if you cant keep that fucking mouth shut, okay little one?” You close your eyes and try to keep your whimper in you; he doesn't punish you, so you assume he didn't hear you. But he did. He's just seeing how obedient you can actually be.
“See, now, if you were my good, sweet little bunny, we could be at home, I could be on my knees worshipping your cunt like it deserves to be worshipped, stretching your tiny little pussy on my thick fingers… but, no. You wanted to be a fucking brat. Just one fucking day, would it kill you to listen to me, brat?” You're about to sass him back, but he's quicker than you. He shoves your soiled panties in your mouth and grins evilly at you, “I'm pretty sure I told you to keep that slutty mouth shut. I guess you're just incapable of learning, aren't you bunny?”
Now, your boyfriend is a big man. He's six feet tall and everything about him is massive. Everything. In the beginning, you would beg him for no prep. You told him you liked it when it hurt. He refused. It took many months of convincing, and he only does it when he's unhinged and angry and it's one of your favorite things. When he uses you for his own pleasure.
He whips his fat cock out and rubs it against your ass. “You feel that, bunny? Feel how hard I am for you? I'm throbbing, babe. I can't wait to tear your insides apart with my fat dick. Can you wait, bunny?” He growls into your skin when you make eye contact in the mirror. You have unshed tears in your eyes and he can tell how much you want him.
“You want me, you nasty whore? In this fucking restaurant bathroom? Where anyone can hear you?” You whine, but nothing comes out. You nod your head frantically, he needs to know how much you need him inside you. “Hmm… I guess I can give it to you. Deep breath, bunny.” And then he slowly pushes the fat head of his cock in your quivering hole.
He bites your neck, hard, growling into the soft skin. “Fuck, you’re squeezing me so fucking tight, bunny. Breathe, little one.” You close your eyes and take deep breaths, willing your body to relax. Fuck, hes fucking massive. It burns and it feels so fucking good. He's slowly moving forward, inch by agonizing inch, “Ah, that's it, sweetheart. You take me so fucking well, dont you bunny? It's like your cute little cunt was made for me, yeah?” You tighten even more, you don't know how it's possible. Hes stretching you to your limit and it feels like fucking heaven.
Asahi gives you about five seconds before he starts to move. He starts a slow, steady pace. In and out, moving his hips until just the tip is in and making its way back. He's so deep inside you, you can feel him in your throat. Tears are running down your face; you're starting to squirm. You want it hard and fast and sloppy and he's going much too slow for your liking. You dig your nails into his skin and he looks at you with an unreadable look in his eye.
“What? Does the little slut want more?” You glare at him through the mirror and he wants to push your face into the ground and take you like a fucking animal. “You better wipe that nasty look off of your face, little bunny, before you dont fucking cum at all, yeah?”
And yet, you tighten even more. He laughs at you and it's so condescending it makes your heart rate pick up. “Of course, how could I forget? Should I just use your cute, little hole? Should I just fucking breed you here, where anyone can find you dripping full of my cum? Just use you for my pleasure?” You're sure if he keeps whispering all this nasty filth into your ear you're going to cum from that alone.
Asahi suddenly pulls out of you and you actually start bawling trying to grasp onto him. He scoffs at you, “Shut up.” He grabs you and places you on the counter so he can grab your hips and jack hammer you into nothing. He slams right in, no warning and starts an absurd pace. He does not look at you, does not touch your clit. All he cares about is filling you with his cum; filling you up so deep your stomach bulges with the amount of semen he's giving you.
“This cunt is mine, pet. Not yours, mine. If i want to fill you with my kids and leave you high and dry, I'm going to do just that.” He's pounding you so hard you can hear his heavy balls slapping against your ass. It feels so fucking good you dont want to do anything but be his little cock whore ever again.
“How can you still tighten so much? Youre so fucking nasty, bunny. Who the fuck gets off on being used like a fucking rag doll? You're unhinged, my love.” Asahi is pounding your walls so hard your entire body is shivering. His cock is so huge he doesn't even have to try to find your g spot. He always hits it every time. He starts pistoning his cock in the direction of your sweet spot, “Either you cum like this, or you don’t cum at all. Think you can handle that, little bunny?”
You want to scream. You want to moan. You want to let everyone in the restaurant know who exactly is destroying your cunt. But your damn panties are in your mouth and no noises are coming out. Are you crying in pleasure, or frustration?
Asahi somehow moves faster and harder and it's making you dizzy. Your eyes are rolling into the back of your head. “God, bunny, you're squeezing me so tight. Are you really gonna cum from me using you like this? You're disgusting.”
And if you're being honest, that is your tipping point. Your entire body locks up and your orgasm hits you like a fucking freight train. Asahi is trying to keep his groans in while you’re creaming on his cock. He doesn't stop beating your cunt with his dick until his cumming deep inside you filling you to the absolute brim. You're still shaking by the time he's done, with tears and snot all over your face.
He pulls out slowly, watching his cum drip out of you. “Stay still, sweet bunny. Let me clean you up, yeah?” He's grabbing a wet towel and slowly and as softly as he can, wiping your battered cunt. “Let's keep a little in there though, hmm? I know how much you love keeping me inside you, bunny.”
He helps you off the counter and you collapse in his arms. “You did so well, sweetheart. My perfect little bunny. You're so soft and perfect for me, aren't you, bunny?” You bask in his praise and touches. You love when he treats you like a doll, but you especially love after. When he covers you in sweet kisses and caresses and even sweeter words.
“We're gonna go home, take a nice bath. I'll give you a massage, would you like that, bunny?” You blink blearily up at him, “Yes, sir.” He smiles softly at your serene face, “We can even use one of your favorite bath bombs. Would you like that, my perfect little pet?” You snuggle into his massive body, “Yes, sir. Mmm, I love you, Asahi.” His heart stutters in his chest, “And I love you, little bunny.”
#haikyuu smut#haikyuu x y/n#haikyuu x reader#azumane asahi#asahi#asahi smut#asahi x y/n#asahi x reader#asahi x you#hard dom asahi
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Corellian Ale
Rating: SFW/PG-13
Word Count: 2.2k
Pairing: Hunter x Fem Jedi!OC
Warnings: Drinking and getting drunk, swearing, I think thats all? Also romance but when is that ever not in my fics hahaha
Summary: Our ex-jedi veteran Sera finished a mission with the bad batch, and now looks for a way to entertain herself and get someones attention while on the flightpath back home (also this is pre "The Reveal")
Authors note: After this weeks episode I wanted to write some fun stuff with the whole group, and a drinking contest sounded perfect ahaha! Also theres fluff nobody can stop me. ALSO ALSO I decided to switch to third person for the rest of my OC chapters so sorry for the sporadic chapters and writing, thanks and have fun!
tags: @mangoberry99
“Let’s never go back to Corellia.” Sera huffed out.
“Agreed. That was too close a call.” Tech spoke from the pilot chair, the Havoc Marauder just now entering hyperspace.
“We’ve got what we came for, let’s just head back.” Hunter sighed. He was sitting by a console looking at a map of a star system.
“Corellian ale.” Crosshair spat, shaking his head. “One of the worst missions we’ve ever done.” The cargo was stored all over the ship. Someone who wanted to avoid going through the empire to acquire some had hired the boys to lift the ale from a contact they had in Corellia, and from what Sera heard, the buyer had some deep pockets.
“Why would someone want this so badly?” Omega chimed in curiously. Hunter looked at Echo who shrugged, Tech sighed, and Sera held in a laugh. Crosshair shook his head. “Good luck with that.” Crosshair spoke, and he left to be somewhere more private, walking past Wrecker who was entering the public area.
“Well, Omega-” Hunter started, but was interrupted.
“How much longer till we get there?” Wrecker complained loudly, shoving himself into a chair across from Sera.
“We only just went into hyperspace, Wrecker.” Tech spoke and sounded a bit annoyed. “We’ll be back eventually.”
“This is always the boring part!” Wrecker threw his arms up, exasperated. Sera let out a quiet laugh. Wrecker reminded her of a kid sometimes, with his lack of patience and affinity to, well, wrecking things. One of the few things that reminded her otherwise was that he was huge, and could probably throw her across the room if he wanted to.
A thought crossed her head, and a smile spread onto Sera’s lips, a glint lighting up her eyes. Echo had noticed and eyed Sera.
“I’ve got an idea, Wrecker.” Sera stood up, hands behind her back, and walked around a bit aimlessly for a moment.
“Huh?” Wrecker looked puzzled, but curiously watched Sera.
“What are you doing?” Echo asked suspiciously, arms crossed. Sera caught that Hunter had been peeking at her out of the corner of his eye. He quickly looked back to the star map. Sera felt herself scowl at the lack of attention she received from him.
“You know, I remember,” Sera suddenly turned around, and swiftly grabbed a bottle of Corellian ale. “That some of the bottles broke while we made our escape.” She easily twisted the top off.
“Oh no-“ Echo said. “We’re not doing that.”
Sera smiled mischievously and took a swig. “Sera!” Echo tried to reach and stop her, but it was too late. The warm liquid settled into her stomach, and she sighed. She handed the bottle to Wrecker. “Oh yeah! This should be fun!” Wrecker took a long drink.
Sera heard Tech sigh loudly from the pilot's chair, clearly wanting his opinion to be known. “Well, now you’ve done it.” He spoke loudly from the other room. “If he breaks my ship, you’re fixing it Sera.”
“Your ship?” Hunter chimed in finally, raising an eyebrow in Tech's direction. Otherwise he had been completely ignoring the conversation taking place.
“You and I both know you don’t want me trying to fix the ship tech.” Sera shouted loudly to the other room.
“Then you’re paying for it!” Tech countered. Sera laughed at that.
“Could I try it?” Sera heard Omegas' small voice and her eyes widened.
“No.” Echo and Hunter spoke at the same time.
“Shit-” Sera spoke at the same time as the other two, then covered her mouth and coughed.
“Sorry kid, adults only.” Sera addressed Omega more seriously.
“Aww” Omega sighed and leaned back into her chair.
Wrecker handed the bottle back to Sera and burped loudly. “Anyone else?” She shook the bottle, looking at Echo, then Hunter, who was still ignoring her.
Sera felt herself get more irritated. Whatever, she turned back to Echo.
“Not happening.” He spoke firmly, and also placed a brief pause between the two words for emphasis. Sera sighed and took another sip. She felt like she was beginning to weigh less with each drink she took, her mind wandering more too.
“I would offer you some Tech, but-“
“Alcohol consumption is well known to inhibit your cognitive functions, and make you susceptible to poor decision making. For starters, I am piloting, and secondly I would prefer to keep my wits about me, thirdly-”
“We get it!” Sera shouted out, interrupting Tech.
“Think you can out drink me Wrecker?” Sera turned and eyed Wrecker challengingly, raising an eyebrow and tilting her chin up to add more effect.
“Of course I can!” Wrecker pounded his chest, laughing heartily. Sera ignored the loud collection of sighs. She thought she heard Hunter mutter something under his breath, but she ignored it.
“Let’s put it to the test then.” She grabbed another 2 bottles and placed them in the middle of the table. “We each drink a full mouthful. Games over when someone can’t continue.” Sera laid out the ground rules.
“Deal!” Wrecker pounded his fists on the table, the drinks jumping up along with the shaking. “Let’s do it!”
“Would you all be quiet?” Crosshair walked out, clearly more annoyed than usual.
“You might not want to miss this Crosshair.” Echo said, somewhat sarcastically.
“What does the winner get?” Sera ignored the other conversation and spoke to Wrecker, trying to raise the stakes.
“Uh,” Wrecker scratched his head, trying to think of something.
Sera’s eyes flickered to the oversized knife on Wreckers belt. “If I win, I get to take your knife.” Sera pointed. Wrecker gasped shockingly. “Not my knife!”
“Just don’t lose.” Sera flashed Wrecker a grin, showing off her teeth.
“Well when I win, you have to buy me an explosive!” Wrecker grinned back and leaned back into his chair.
“Sure, if you win.” Sera countered.
“You seriously think you can beat him?” Crosshair said casually, not looking at Sera and examining a new toothpick.
“Watch me you little fu-“ Sera stopped herself and looked at Omega.
“Firaxan.” Sera finished, and coughed awkwardly. “Omega, maybe Tech needs some help up in the cockpit.” Sera gestured over to the direction of Tech. Omega peeked over to the pilots seat curiously, where Tech sat.
“Not really-” Tech started.
“Oh he would REALLY LIKE the COMPANY!” Sera yelled over him. Hunter had nodded his head to Omega, which caught Sera’s interest. Now he‘s interested in what’s happening? She complained internally.
“Alright then, good luck Sera! Oh, and you too Wrecker!” Omega added it after Wrecker had made a face at her wishing Sera luck. She trotted off to the pilots area happily, and Sera heard Tech sigh. She knew he actually would enjoy the company though.
“Alright, start us off Wrecker.” Sera smiled and handed the bottle over to Wrecker.
One and a half bottles later and Sera found herself being a bit more giggly than normal. She and Wrecker were both holding their own, and sides had been drawn. Echo had been supporting Sera, while Crosshair clearly wanted Wrecker to win. Even Hunter had begun to watch too. Sera had failed to notice that.
“It’s *hic* you’re turn, Wrecker!” Sera then laughed. “Keep it together Sera,” Echo counseled her carefully.
“Oh like that lightweight can outdrink him?” Crosshair spoke and gestured to Wrecker. Wrecker laughed at the both of them and took another drink “Ah, tastes so good! I’m almost not thirsty anymore!” Wrecker leaned back into the chair and brought his arms up, and kicked his feet up on the table. He waved his arms around a second to catch his balance.
“A-ha!” Sera slammed her hands on the table. Everyone looked at her, surprised at her outburst. “You wobbled! I win!” She jumped up, then had to lean onto the wall to keep her balance.
“No, I’m fine!” Wrecker complained. He stood up and wobbled a bit again, but held himself up fine compared to Sera.
“Gimme this I’m celebrating-” Sera grabbed the bottle and began downing the contents. Crosshair just snickered and Echo snatched the bottle away after Sera got two gulps in. “No way, you’re both done.”
“Boo!” Sera yelled, and Wrecker joined the booing. Echo only shook his head and kept ahold of the bottle.
“I gotta, I’ve, hafto pee!” Sera then giggled more and stumbled down the hall, searching for the bathroom.
“I’ve got it.” Hunter stood up to follow Sera and the boys watched him walk down, Echo looking surprised, Crosshair suspicious, and Wrecker didn’t notice as he was trying to grab at the Corellian ale Echo was holding onto.
Hunter found Sera stumbling down the hall. He quickly caught up to her and grabbed underneath her arm, keeping her from taking a nasty fall. “Steady there.” He spoke quietly. She turned to look behind her and then smiled. “Hunter! What are you doing?” She looked at him confused, and for some reason was whispering.
“Making sure you don’t get hurt. Which is usually your job for the rest of us.” We did bring her along as a medic after all. Hunter wrapped his arm around her back and put her arm around his back, trying to keep her from falling.
“Pfft I’ve outdrank gamorreans, I’ll be fine.” She waved a hand at him trying to downplay how drunk she was. Hunter was watching her carefully, and he had noticed she had a blush on her cheeks from the drinking. It was a soft pink that was hardly noticeable, but Hunter found himself examining it closely.
“Hmmm what?” Sera wiggled her eyebrows at him, clearly taking notice that Hunter was staring.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Hunter looked away and ignored her faces, and began dragging her down the hall.
“Oh, since when do you care, huh?” Sera hiccuped again when she finished.
“What are you trying to say?” Hunter wasn’t sure what he could’ve done to upset her. They continued walking together, just a few feet away from a cot. He turned to look at her, and found himself staring at her face again.
“Well you didn’t seem to care what I was doing earlier. You didn’t even say anything.” Sera grumbled it out, and Hunter was surprised at her complaint. She really thinks I don’t care?
Hunter had truthfully found Sera distracting. He had been listening to what she was saying and watching, but he also didn’t like how she grabbed at his attention so easily. He wanted to stay focused on the mission, and he didn’t want to let himself get too distracted by her. He didn’t watch her directly, or didn’t speak to her, but his thoughts would constantly drift to her. In the end, he watched the end of her little contest with Wrecker unfold, unable to keep his eyes away.
Hunter contemplated what to say to rectify the situation. “You’re my friend Sera. You’ve helped keep us alive. Of course I care.” He looked away for a brief moment after he spoke, trying to ignore how her breath smelled nice.
Hunter began steeling himself, getting ready to carry her the rest of the way. He heard her shuffle, and turned curiously, only to see Sera’s face just an inch from his. His eyes widened in shock to see her hazel eyes up close, the green in them looking striking, her blonde messy hair giving her a look of wildness. She moved in, and swiftly pecked him on the cheek.
Hunter touched his cheek, then looked back to her, his expression still shocked. Sera giggled again and Hunter's face began to turn red. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into an embrace.
“I care about you guys too.” Sera whispered into his ear. Hunter was frozen, unsure how to react for a second. He removed his hand from his cheek and put an arm around her awkwardly. He was new to physical affection, and had never really given anyone a hug. Only one time with Omega, but she was smaller, and it felt different than this.
Suddenly Sera’s head went limp on his shoulder, and her weight started to completely fall on Hunter. “Sera?” He stumbled, but easily held her up, and turned his head to look at her and see what was wrong. She was taking deep breaths, and Hunter recognized that she was asleep.
Hunter sighed and hoisted her up, carrying her bridal style the last few feet to the bed. He set her on the cot, being careful not to bump her into anything, and put the cheap blanket on top of her. She barely moved, except for her breathing, and seemed completely out of it. “So much for out-drinking gamorreans.” Hunter laughed to himself as he spoke the thought out loud.
He noticed she was laid flat on her back, and realized that could be dangerous with how drunk she got. Hunter placed one hand on her shoulder, and began to turn her onto her side. She felt warm underneath his hand, and her arm was smaller compared to his larger hand. He was watching her rose tinted face doze off peacefully as he shifted her. He indulged himself for a moment, and gently shifted a strand of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. He turned away and quickly left after that, flexing his fingers as he walked away.
Hunter scowled as he contemplated, feeling very confused by Sera’s actions and his own feelings. She’s probably going to forget this by tomorrow, he thought to himself.
Can't say I will though.
#star wars#tbb#the bad batch#clone force 99#hunter#tech#crosshair#echo#wrecker#omega#hunter x reader#hunter x jedi#jedi#oc#fanfic#fanfiction
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Thinking about cnc today but like...in a soft way...not super violent, just...coercive. You're not gonna throw me down while I kick and scream, but you won't have to, because I'm so scared that you might do that or something else that I just do what you say. Then I thought of a scenario but it got somewhere between the two...
I just moved into my own place and you're a friendly older neighbour living across the street. I'm kind of small and not that strong, and you see me through the window struggling to set everything up by myself. After a long day I'm sweaty and tired and hop in the shower, washing myself off, but I totally forgot that I dont have curtains or blinds yet - you can see me stand there oblivious with my back to the window, water spilling over my butt, and you feel yourself get hard. You quickly turn your lights out and take out the zoom lens on your phone, and begin filming me massage the shower cream into various parts of my body. You think how soft I must feel, and begin to stroke yourself, imagining sliding your cock between my butt cheeks. I turn around, facing the window, and absent mindedly rub shower cream on my chest. I begin to touch my nipples a little. You wouldn't really be able to slide your cock between my tits, you think, they're too small. But that's not an issue for you and you keep jerking off as you see me slide one hand below my belly button.
Suddenly you see me make a shocked face as I duck out of the way of the window, then peek round the window frame to see if anyone is around. You laugh to yourself as I dont seem to have seen you, but you get a little frustrated that you didn't get to see more. You rewatch your recorded clip and wish you could have got more detail, so you find some videos of girls who look like me to finish yourself off.
You see me the next day carrying some large bags out of a taxi. I'm not doing a very good job at keeping hold of them, and something small and pink falls out of one. You decide now is a great moment to take a walk, and go outside. You see a light switch flicker on inside, confirming my location, and quickly snatch the item on the ground to put in your pocket. You walk quickly round the block then return home to take a closer look at your find.
Little pink panties, with a Hello Kitty motif and hearts printed all over, lacy edges and a bow in the middle. You feel your cock twitch again and inspect the fabric. You rub it between your fingers - it's soft and smooth, and you imagine what it must feel like covering my pussy. You're getting hard again. You pull and stretch at them, visualising the size of my hips and butt. You look out of the window, but by now I've put my curtains up and you cant see anything. You feel a little resentful - you want to have what you're craving. You put the panties down, put your phone down next to them playing the video of me in the shower, and jerk off hard and fast. You keep your cock pointed at my panties and imagine me in them, so that when you cum you shoot your load all over them, covering them in you.
You dont see much of me for a couple of days. Then you see a truck pull up outside my place - it's a furniture brand. A man gets out of the driver's seat and takes some large flat boxes out of the truck to place by my front door, and you see me open the door to let him in. I look tiny next to him and it's obvious I could never carry them inside by myself, so you see the man pick the boxes up again and take them inside. You take a look at my miniskirt and cami top. The delivery man leaves and you see him looking too. The truck leaves; you decide to be a good neighbour and come say hello. You want to see me more closely.
You knock and wait for me to answer. I open the door, looking a little confused, tucking my hair behind my ear. Already flustered - perfect, you think. You look down at me, realising you can see the outline of my nipples. You introduce yourself and explain that you live across the street, and that you just thought you'd say hi...but wasn't that truck from that furniture place? And dont you have to put those things together yourself? I half heartedly reply that yes it is, and I'm about to put it together so I should really go. You interrupt me to joke that that must be why I look so flustered and ask what it is, and I nervously reply that it's just some shelves. You say you can put that together for me in no time if I'd like. I look a little more nervous and make an excuse that I dont want you to go to any trouble, and begin to back away. You ask if I'm sure, and step forward. I begin to reply and close the door a little, and you know I'm not going to say yes, so you step right in and push the door back at me, stating you just cant leave that work to a young delicate lady such as myself.
I'm visibly stunned but smile a little and slowly close the door behind me. You ask where it all is and I carefully step past you to lead you to the correct room - as I do, you catch my strawberry and vanilla scent, and you watch my butt as you follow behind me. I gesture into a room and you look inside to see it's a bedroom. Not much is set up, but theres a large bed covered in plushies, a dresser covered in makeup and nail polishes, some of those bags of clothing earlier are spilling open with all kinds of skirts and lacy things falling out. Your bedroom, I ask, and I seem embarrassed as I nod.
"Nothing to be shy about," you say. "I'll help you out. Just think of me as your daddy."
As you're working on the shelves, im hovering by the door looking nervous the whole time. You maneuver yourself to "accidentally" knock a screwdriver over towards me and under a chair behind me, and ask if I could grab it for you. I think for a moment before crouching to get it, but it's gone a little too far under. You see me struggle to lean under the chair to pick it up while holding my skirt in place, but the screwdriver is too far and my skirt is too short. You catch a glimpse of two soft folds underneath heart print panties, before it disappears under my skirt again. I resurface looking a little red and come back to hand you the screwdriver - your fingers clasp mine as you take it and thank me. Nearly done, you assure me. At this point I'm more embarrassed about bending over in front of you than I am about leaving a grown man alone in my bedroom, and leave to wait in the lounge.
You finish the shelves in a few minutes, and hear me rustling through some things down the hall. You take a moment to open my drawers and see more character print panties, little pink bras, and cute socks. You bite your lip to collect yourself and call me into the room - I look relieved to see the shelves fully built. You ask me where I want them and push them against the wall where I pointed, easily lifting the furniture and pushing it into place. You turn around to see me smile and relax a little, and thank you for your help.
"Its no problem," you say, looking at me with the bed behind me. You look me up and down and think about pushing me backwards onto it. Casually, you step to the side a little, towards the door. I step closer to you, thinking you're leaving, but you stop and turn around again. "I hope we'll get on well as neighbours then?"
I'm a little surprised. "O-of course! Really appreciate the help!"
You take another step to the side, standing between me and the door, and I stop smiling. You casually close the door and turn back towards me. "Oh, I almost forgot." I take a step back.
I look nervous again, but smile a tiny bit. It's as if I'm trying to convince myself you still mean something innocent. "What is it?"
"Well," you start. You take your phone out of your pocket. "It's just...I thought you should know that I could see into your bathroom the other day."
You show me the video of my shower and my eyes widen. I step back and stutter a little.
"Now dont worry, theres no need to be scared," you say. "Its just you ought to be more careful. It can be dangerous and I'm just letting you know so you can take better care in future." My eyes dart around the room. "What if this got out?"
Now I look terrified and I'm shaking my head. I flinch and whimper as you firmly touch my face and grasp my jaw. "You dont want it to get out, right?"
"Of course not," you say, slipping your phone back into what space is left in your pocket after you've gotten hard. "Now...I'll keep it safe for you. I told you I'd look out for you didn't I? And to think of me as your daddy." You keep hold of my jaw with one hand and begin to u buckle your belt with the other. My eyes well up a little and I stutter something again.
"Shhh it's okay. I'm just going to ask you a favour, since I did you a favour." Your cock is fighting your underwear for freedom and I whisper, "please no..."
You pat your pocket where your phone is. "Then I'll have to post this on the internet. Do you want that? I could find your family. I could send it to your parents." I'm whimpering quietly. "So you're going to do what I tell you then?"
I weakly nod. "What was that?" you ask.
"Good girl." You let go of my jaw. The second you do, I try to dart under your arm and towards the door, but you step in front of me. I look up at you and you shake your head at me. "Keep your promises."
I step back and stand still, and you let your cock spring free. I look scared as you begin to stroke your length and look me up and down.
"Take off that top, wont you? I wanna see your cute little tits again."
I seem to have resigned myself to doing as you ask. Eyes downcast, I awkwardly pull at it, then pull it up and over my head. Your breathing gets heavier as you see my exposed nipples, and before I can do anything with my top, you hold your hand out expectantly. I'm confused for a moment so you gesture at what I'm holding, and I reluctantly hand you my cami. You sniff it before throwing it on the bed behind me.
"Now your panties."
I bend over as little as possible and shyly remove my panties, my hair falling into my face. You hold your hand out again and this time I already know what to do. You hold it to your face and breathe deeply, then lick the patch that was just touching my pussy. You begin to leak precum as you touch yourself. You look at me standing with my head lowered, bangs in my eyes, crossing my knees under my little plaid skirt, trying to hide my nipples with my hair and hands. You lift my chin to look at my face, and tell me, "Sit on the bed."
You step forward and I instinctively step back, falling backwards onto the bed. I clutch at my skirt to keep it from showing anything as you kneel down in front of me, between my ankles. I move backwards, as far as I can to get away from you, but reach the wall and my collection of teddybears and plushies. You laugh a little and keep slowly jerking yourself.
"Now spread those legs sweetie."
For a moment I dont move.
"Or do I have to push them?"
I slowly move my feet to the side, keeping my knees together, still holding my skirt down with one hand and covering my chest with the other. You smirk at my embarrassment and look expectantly until I move my knees apart too. I push my skirt down over my pussy.
"Now lift up your skirt. Let me see."
A tear rolls down my face as I slowly and reluctantly clutch at my skirt, lifting it just high enough for you to see my bald pussy. You let out a low growl.
"Keep your legs like that," you tell me, smirking and using your precum to lube your cock. "Now daddy needs you to take your hand off your tits and use both hands to hold onto your skirt."
I uncover my nipples and clutch the hem of my skirt, instinctively pulling it a little lower.
"Pull it higher again. Now hold onto it tight and let me take a look."
I hold tighter and you bring a hand between my legs. I whimper and flinch as you touch my lips, spreading a drop of wetness as you run your finger slowly up and down.
"Legs wider." I whimper again and try to force myself to obey, spreading my legs more. It's just enough that my lips part and you can see just how pink I am. You unintentionally buck your hips up and into your hand as you keep stroking your huge cock, and gently touch my pussy and clit with your other hand. You look at me, scared and shaking. You poke one finger inside and listen to me gasp as you slowly rub the inside of my pussy. My legs snap closer again but you stop stroking yourself and hold my knee in place.
"You're very wet there," you say, leaning a little closer. "Keep still." You put in another finger and I let out a tiny sound, somewhere between a whimper and a moan. Your cock twitches with excitement and you lean over me to lick my tits, wet lines from the bottom of my tiny breast up to the nipple and down again, then the same on the other side. You can hear and feel me quivering with fear. You sit back again to look at me.
"Dont be scared, sweetie. You're gonna love it."
You take both my wrists in one hand, pin them above my head, spread my pussy open with your other hand and begin to slide your cock up and down over my lips and clit. You move down and push the tip of your cock into me. You moan and growl at how tight and wet and warm I am, moving a tiny bit. You use both hands to spread my legs apart and push your way in further as I make more of my little noises. You begin to slide in and out, slowly, making sure I feel every inch of every thrust as fully as possible. You feel me get wetter and hotter around your cock. I begin to try to cover myself with my hands again so you lift my ankles onto your shoulders and hold both my wrists either side of my head, looking down at me as you fuck me. My little tits bounce and I cant move at all, as you fuck me a little faster, a little harder, a little faster again. My noises are getting a little loud so you clamp your hand over my mouth. "Shhhhh...this is your favour for me, remember?" You keep going and after a while move your hand to my butt, holding me in place as you pound into me. I turn my head to the side and you bring your hand back up to hold my jaw and make me look you in the eye.
"I'm gonna cum," you say. "I'm gonna cum so hard all inside you, you're gonna be full up of me."
I close my eyes and you kiss me forcefully, pushing your tongue into my mouth and onto mine. The force of your kiss keeps my head in place, your hands hold my wrists in place, and the force of your thrusts and the sheer weight of you leaves no room for me to move at all. I have no choice but to feel you growl and moan into my mouth as you tighten your grip on me and empty your load inside me, ramming up into my pussy and making sure I take it all.
As you calm, you look at me and smile again at my embarrassment. "Good girl," you say right into my ear. You sit back and stretch your neck a little, your cock still inside me. You pull out and watch your cum pour out of me and onto the back of my skirt.
"Good girl," you say again. You stand up and look at me as you put your boxers, jeans and belt back into place like nothing happened. You look at the shelves you built for me earlier, then back at me.
"Let me know if you need any more help," you say. You take your phone out of your pocket. "If not, I'll come back to check on you some time soon."
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I love your Society Au so much can you pls give us more info I also really want to know how Camilla would react when she finds out what luz has actually been up to
the serotonin this ask gave me
took a While for Camila to find out. hell, she learned Eda existed LONG before she realized the masked kid some people talk about is HER kid. I imagine she’d find out like,,,after shes put in The Box for general mind-control maintenance and the gang was showing up at the same time to burn an entire clutch of boxes to the GROUND. arson times. course they checked the boxes to make sure nobody was in there but in the middle of checking there was an issue and shit started blowing up prematurely. Camila’s box got knocked over so it Broke w her for a moment. she came to consciousness to see everything exploding and on fire with some kids grabbing unconscious/mind-controlled people and throwing them out of the way. Camila takes 1 look at the kid with the red canine mask grabbing at her n knows On The Spot that, without a doubt, thats Luz. she’d seen the masked kid from afar before when they were causing shit but never up close. you can imagine the shitshow that followed when Camila was demanding answers and Luz looked ready to bolt to the nearest countryside barn for the next week and succeed.
Amity and the twins are the only ones who know of and have seen life outside of the Boiling Isles. so, ofc, one day when Luz and Amity are on Okay terms and Not trying to fight each other, Luz asks what the world outside the Boiling Isles is like. shes Very excited bc shes heard from her mami and adults who weren’t born in the town that, while its certainly not perfect, its better than this place and actually kind of fun and, you know, not as overrun with mutants and kind of...normal. as normal as it could be, at least. n Amity just. stares at her for a moment. bc its then it starts to sink in that Luz, and everyone else in Bonesborough, really are trapped. Luz has no idea what a center park looks like, what skyscrapers are, hell, she probably hasn’t seen a fully-leaved tree in years. n Amity knew what all of that was bc she got to grow up with it. maybe not always experiencing it but she at least got to See it. n many other people in Bonesborough had no idea what any of those things looked like, either. she spent many hours explaining all she could to Luz, who listened with such interest you’d think Amity was telling her where Belos resided.
Eda will, on occasion, go ‘missing’ for a few days. typically its when she wants to hide away for whatever reason, or is following a trail to something that might be important, or simply just went Off The Grid for a while. everyone got used to it after a while, and the rule of thumb is that if theres absolutely ZERO sign of Eda by the dawn of day four, then they should probably start looking for her. chances are she got captured or stuck somewhere. Willow found out that sometimes when Eda goes missing, she’ll appear closer to the sketchier parts of Bonesborough and generally just act,,,,fairly normal. Luz asked her about it once and Eda gave the simple answer of “living without people feels wrong after a while” and left it at that.
the kids have gotten v good at holding their breath, considering the amount of times they’ve had to dive into the nearest body of water and hide under the surface. Amity did not know this. so when Willow jokingly shoved him off a small stone bridge into a pond and he didn’t pop up after a moment she started Panicking. Luz was quick to assure “nah its cool he can just hold his breath for a while” and proceeded to show off. anyway im gay for underwater kisses so u get to imagine that.
Viney helped Emira that ONE time (on accident, mind you) and now Emira is emotionally attached. you showed her basic human kindness, now shes staying forever. any time the twins are out and about and Emira ‘happens’ to spot Viney she NYOOMS over w the best Casual Flirt face she can muster like “hey Vines, hows it goin?” n Edric at first gave her an apologetic look but then he thought Viney was cool too n also started bothering Jerbo so now Barcus pitifully watches from a distance. it was one of these “lets annoy the pretty mildly-nice kids” sessions that Amity found out her siblings are A) disasters and B) aware of the Double-Track kids existence
#asks#society au#the owl house#camila noceda#luz noceda#amity blight#emira blight#edric blight#willow park#gus porter#eda clawthorne#toh#viney#jerbo#barcus#camila#luz#amity#emira#edric#eda#boiling isles#bonesborough#mind control
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hi i wanna try for ur matchup event <33
my name is qhloee its like chloe but spelled like qhloee, i use she/her and id like to be paired with a male character pls
im not rlly sure if im intro or extro im just a mix of both depending on my mood, i dont know my exact height but i think im somewhere near 5'0ft. im usually assigned as group leader in school group activities/projects and i love it. im not rlly the smartest in class but i have okay grades because i dont like studying at all but i do get serious when it comes to school i just listen to the discussion so that i dont have to study. i have a lot of friends but none im close enough to be best friends with. i think im quite carefree but not all the time i can get very serious because i like being responsible. i pull a lot of all nighters but i love sleeping i just procrastinate a lot so i feel tired almost everyday. i cry easily but i dont like being seen crying lol. I rlly like watching horror, thriller, mustery, comedy, psychological, and romance movies. im very quiet but i can get very talkative with the right person, i love cuddling and hugging. the arcade is my go to mall destination and i rlly like taking photos & videos. i often drift to sleep in the middle of the day, i love bubblegum and salted caramel flavored ice cream. my love language is acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. I dont rlly have any current hobbies but i do draw from time to time. im very straightforward sometimes and i like having things go my way so i sometimes get very bossy and serious. i wear glasses because my vision is so extremely bad and i have a resting b face but my friends say its vry different when i smile. im sometimes just sometimes sarcastic and petty depending on the situation. i like helping people with projects and assignments even if i dont get anything in return but ofcourse theres a line i dont cross. i hate getting looked down on so i get very rude but its usually mutual, im nice to people who are nice. I believe i can succeed anything that i want to, i like listening to music and im very forgetful. Even if im confident, i still need some reassurance here and there and i like peace.
i think ive written too much lol
i want a fluff scenario please,,, thank u so much writer~♡
Haikyu scenario event

Word count:500
Genre:minor minor angst,fluff
Apply for the event here

I match you with Kageyama.
Yours and Kageyama’s relationship is like a push and pull between you both, but you always find stable ground in the end. With both of you having ‘straightforward,’ ‘bossy,’ persona’s it can be a handle for the people around however whenever you clash on certain things you always manage to find a compromise in the end. When you and Kageyama first met, he definitely commented you on your short height and other aspects about you. However, you definitely checked him on that and that was when he knew you were the one. He is attracted to your fiery personality, and he thinks you look extremely cute in your glasses.
Kageyama comforting you after you had a bad day,
You heard the door open and you quickly wiped your eyes and blew your nose to hide your tears that you were just having.
“Hey tobio,” you say forcing a smile.
“You’ve been crying,” he says, ignoring your greeting.
“No, I haven’t” you say sniffling again.
Kageyama leaves your room shutting your door, leaving you dumbfounded. You were a bit shocked but didn’t pay much mind to it since you were still upset from your bad day before. You spend the new few hours with Kageyama gone, so you decided to watch a repeat of one of your favourite thriller movies. On one of the scariest parts, Kageyama enters the house at the exact same time making you jump. “Gosh Tobio, you scared me.”
“’Sorry Qhloee” He said putting a bag on the side and taking out his contents “This is for you.” He handed you your favourite brands of salted caramel and bubble gum ice cream, to which you happily took.
“Whats the occasion Tobi?” you asks with a smile on your face, digging into the ice cream.
“Your sad.” he said simply “And when you sad, I need to make you happy so... ice cream?
You laughed at his awkwardness but heated up at the kind gesture. From your lack of response Kageyama looked panicked and said “Did I get the wrong flavour? Do you need me to get a new one?”
“No Tobio, it’s all perfect.” You scoot over and pat the seat besides you “Now come sit down and watch this movie with me.”
“Is it a thriller movie?” he asks scowling at your nod “But I hate – fine then.” he sits on the couch and digs into the ice cream you gave him.
You guys end the movie with Tobio’s head in your lap, as you stroke through his hair explaining about your terrible day. Kageyama was a great listener he always knew when to chime in with his thoughts and opinoins and when to let you continue to speak. Before you went to bed you say “Tobio, you know we already have the ice cream in the freezer right?” to which Kageyama facepalms.

#empasks🤍#EVENT!600#haikyuu x reader comfort#haikyu x reader#haikyuu fluff#haikyu headcanons#kageyama x reader#Kageyama fluff
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Sweet Dreams (Pt.1)
Living in a country constantly on the verge of war with dead people and magic users wasnt exactly fun. Especially if you happened to be able to use magic.
So of course, Logan had never been outside before. It wasnt safe for a boy who could make things behave in ways they shouldn't. So he stayed home while his family went out.
But such a sheltered life was never meant to last. Logan woke up late one night to the smell of something rancid, only to notice two figures dragging something away from the house. He rushed down the stairs, staying close to the walls to make as little noise as possible.
"Check the house for anymore survivors, leave nothing, burn it to the ground if you have to," Logan froze at the sound of raspy voices.
"Why this house? No one here seems to be of importance," said another voice, this one sounding more feminine than the first.
"The general says theres something hiding here, we need to find it," the first voice spoke up again. It took the words a moment to register in Logan's head, but by the time they had, footsteps were already coming up the stairs.
Logan rushed to the nearest window, tearing the mesh out as quickly as he could manage and fleeing through it. His legs stung from the impact of the ground, but he didnt stop running.
He'd been going for what felt like hours before he finally collapsed. His breathing was heavy, had he been wearing his binder at the time he was sure he wouldve broken a rib.
"Nonono get up-" Logan whispered to himself, trying desperately to push himself back upright. It felt like someone had tried to tranquilize him, everything felt numb.
He tried again.
And again.
And again.
And then the world went pitch black.
Logan woke up a long while later, laying on a bed somewhere he didnt recognize. He tried to sit up, but even the thought of movement made his limbs feel exhausted.
"You were out for a very long time, I was beginning to think you weren't going to wake up," said a voice. Logan's eyes darted around for the source of the voice.
There was a man sitting at a table across from him, with yellow eyes, and scales that ran down the left side of his face.
"Who are y-" the man shoved something into Logan's mouth as he opened it. It tasted sweet, like honey and fruit.
"My name is Janus, this is the house of myself and my husband Virgil, for now that is all you need to know," Janus said calmly.
"Why am I here." Logan said, eyes darting around the room like a cats in search of something he could use as a weapon.
"Because you were passed out in the middle of the woods with an undead scout party heading straight for you, would you rather I'd left you there?" Janus said, raising an eyebrow.
Logan lay there for a moment before finally shaking his head.
"How long has it been?" Logan said, trying to sit up again before being held back down by Janus.
"Nearly two weeks, I cant imagine what you were doing that couldve caused such an issue but you're certainly not going out any time soon," Janus said, finally letting go of Logan's shoulders.
"There was a fire, I heard them mentioning a fire, and there was-" Logan stopped, the memory of the undead scouts dragging what looked to be two bodies away from the house.
"They took your parents, didnt they," Janus said. Logan only nodded in response.
"Jaaaaaaannnnn, dinners readyyyy, are you gonna eat or stare at a dead kid for another hour!" A voice called from another room.
"Hes not dead!" Janus called.
"I'll help you up, and you're not to out pressure on those legs for as long as you can help it. If I didnt know any better I'd say you broke both of them," Janus said, holding his arms out for Logan to grab ahold of. Now that Logan was also standing it was much clearer how much taller he was.
As Logan allowed himself to be guided to the next room he 2as struck with an odd realization of his surroundings. The walls, rather than be made of stone or refined wood, were simply made of uncut bark, almost as if they'd been inside of a tree. Upon closer inspection there were things crawling in and out of holes in the walls such as mice, bugs, and a few reptiles.
"Surprising hm? It's the perfect disguise in my opinion, does wonders for Virgil's mental state to, I'd never seen him happier than the day we set it all up," Janus said, smiling as he crossed the threshold into what looked to be the kitchen.
"You better not be talking about me behind my back darling," a man a little shorter than Logan turned from a stove and brandished a wooden spoon in Janus and Logan's direction. He was wearing a lilac colored hood and a black skirt, and, most notably, his eyes were covered by what looked to be white bandages.
"How do you-" Logan was about to ask about his eyes, but swallowed the question a few seconds in.
"Oh it's not that difficult," Virgil said, just then, a spectral cat leapt onto the table. Its fur seemed to be made of stars, and it was almost completely transparent, save for the purple and blue hue that allowed its shape to be seen.
"Ah ah ah! Off the table Priscilla." Janus said, the cat swishes its tail and leapt off and trotted over to Virgil again, rubbing her face along his legs. Janus helped Logan into his seat as Virgil set a few plates of food on the table.
"And I'm assuming you wear a binder, yes?" Virgil said, looking up at Logan. Logan nodded, raising an eyebrow slightly.
"Your chest movements, I breathe slower in mine to, makes me feel less nervous about my ribs," Virgil said, laughing slightly.
"And dont worry about going into town for one, I'm nearly finished stitching up a replacement," Janus said, already cutting in to the chicken on his plate.
"So can I get a real explanation as to why I'm here? If I've been unconscious for two weeks why didnt you just bury me," Logan said, crossing his arms and staring down at the plate in front of him.
"We knew you werent really dead, and being unconscious in the woods certainly wasnt going to keep it that way- not with him running around," Virgil said, a note of disdain punctuating the sentence.
"Who?" Logan said, now to busy with the conversation to remember that he didnt want to eat anymore of the food being offered to him.
Janus let out a sigh as he began to speak. "There is. . . A prince. . . Who wonders about the woods, the undead and mortal realms both fear his power, no ones ever seen his eyes, those that have can rarely describe them-" Virgil gave a noticable shudder "-and rarely does anyone without magic live to give warning, Virgil and I barely escaped him with our lives," Janus finished. Priscilla, no doubt in an attempt to reach the food again under the guise of comfort, had situated herself in Virgil's lap.
"You mean theres something worse than the undead out here?" Logan said, now chewing on the neckline of his shirt out of distress.
"He doesnt sound scary at first, he gave himself a mortal name, so he could pretend he was harmless," Virgil said, running a hand through Priscilla's fur.
"He calls himself Remy, it might sound like an ordinary common name to you, but to people like us, it's a death sentence," Janus said.
"Well how do I avoid him then?" Logan said.
Janus shook his head "I can tell you how to identify him, but you'd have to be the luckiest mortal on earth if you wanted to get away from him," Janus said.
He cleared his throat before continuing "he hides his eyes behind sunglasses, and he's got silver claws on his fingers, one scratch from those and you'll be dead in a matter of seconds," he said, Logan tried sketching this all out in his head.
"And he wears a leather jacket, he stole it from his first victim, it's like you humans wearing aminal skins, you can still smell the blood," Janus said.
"Well- that. . . Doesnt sound pleasing. . ." Logan said, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt now. Whoever Remy was, Logan pleaded desperately that he'd never have to meet him.
Tag list:
#cori writes#long post#sweet dreams au#ts virgil#ts sides#ts logan#ts janus#ts remy#losleep#anxceit#romantic anxceit#tw death mention#tw cats#tw implied death#tw fire#tw murder#tw blood
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That Island That I Just Can’t Reach
Quick little idea that I super loved and couldn’t get out of my head: Sanders Sides/ Miraculous Ladybug au! I call it The Faux-Butterfly Effect!
Words: 2329
Pairings: Anxeit (because I’m a sucker for sympathetic Deceit)
Summary: Virgil doesn’t know how to tell his former best friend that magical girl transformations do not stop real world bullets.
Quick Taglist: @chelsvans @faithfulcat111 @felicianoromano @holliberries @jemthebookworm @killerfangirl3 @stricken-with-clairvoyancy @treasureofpriam
Ao3 || Series Master on Ao3 || My Genral Masterlist
Virgil Storm hasn’t talked to Dante Ethan Ekans in two years. And yet, here he stands right in front of Virgil, dressed up like that fox themed menace that’s been terrorizing the Shopping District for the past week, and he’s holding out a box out to Virgil and asking him to help save the world.
Part of him can’t believe this is real.
It’s most likely some sort of trick.
Dante had always been really good mind games. Ever since they were kids and he had learned that he could get what he wanted by telling his dad that his mom had specifically said no to it. Virgil had lost count of the fights he had started with just flick of his tongue, of the verbal sparring he had engaged in during class that left most of his opponents scratching their heads, of the consequences he had dodged by just a hair’s breadth.
At one point, Virgil and him had been inseparable.
Virgil thinks that’s why he knows who it is under that offensive orange mask. It’s so obvious. There’s no one else who smiles like that, who’s eyes glisten so excitedly when they leap straight into danger, who delights in trickery and illusions the way that Dante did. The way he stands is so Dante-like that its almost painful to look at. Virgil almost doesn’t understand why he’s the only one who sees it.
But then he remembers that not everyone had a massive crush on their best friend.
“Virgil Storm,” The Fox says-- what was he going by? It was some sort of pun wasn’t it?-- “Will you help me save the world?”
Its absurd. Absolutely insane.
“Are you stupid?” Virgil blurts out. Which is probably not the smartest thing ever because Dante has a flute that doubles as a bo-staff that he most certainly knew now to wield and they hadn’t exactly parted like friends.
“What--” Dante blinks like he had been ten steps ahead and Virgil had just done something that threw off his entire plan. “You do know I’m literally giving you the power of a god. Just take the broach--”
He nudges it towards Virgil’s face, and Virgil is suddenly flooded with angry beyond his comprehension. He doesn’t really know what its about, but suddenly his hand flies up and he slaps the box right out of Dante’s hand.
“Are you stupid?!” Virgil snarls again. “No stop! This isn’t about the fucking box, Dante!”
The Fox hero freezes.
Virgil thinks its the first time he’s had Dante’s attention all to himself in two years. Its terrifying. Its invigorating. Virgil wants to cry.
Had he really missed those gold and brown eyes that much?
“This isn’t a game, Dante! Florida is under attack!” Virgil shouts at him, “Those are people with actual guns! That’s the actual American Government! And no fancy orange super suit is gonna stop an M4 carbine! You’re gonna die!”
Virgil’s hands are shaking, he realizes. His entire body is shuddering at the thought. Because as soon as its out of his mouth that they only thing he can think about is Dante lying on the ground with a gaping wound in his chest and his blood and life leaking out of him. All he can think about is that smile falling blank, and those pale lips splattered with blood, and those eyes-- those special, mismatched, and mischievous eyes-- losing that light they danced so freely with.
All he can think about is Dante dying.
“I’m not going to die,” Dante says dismissively.
“You don’t know that!” Virgil wants to pull out his hair. How can he brush off the danger like? How can he have such a disregard for his own life?
“Virgil,” Dante says again. Had Virgil’s name always sounded so foriegn coming from him? Or maybe its just how softly the other says it compared to the way it had been screamed the last time? Had one argument really shattered everything they had?
Dante reaches his arms out and gently grabs arms shoulders, “Listen to me. Have I ever led you astray before?”
Virgil thinks of the time they were seven and Dante had gotten him bit by a dog because he said “it’s obviously harmless!” and Virgil had believed him, of the time they were eleven and Dante had said “No one will catch us!” and they had both been arrested an hour later in the middle of spray painting the wall of the not-quite-so-abandoned warehouse, of the time when they were fourteen and Virgil had beat out Logan for the highest grade in history class because Dante had slipped him the answers and the next time they had tried to do it Logan had snitched on him out of spite--
“I am not going to die,” Dante says confidently, “You are going to help make sure I don’t die, but providing me with support.”
Virgil shakes his head. He feels sick to his stomach, and cold despite the wait he’s sweating through his sweat shirt.
“No!” He croaks, “Find someone else. Anyone else.”
“I don’t trust anyone else like I trust you.”
A laugh breaks the feverish feeling he has. Because it’s insane, absurd, stupid. Dante can trust him? That’s got to be the worst joke he’s ever made.
“No!” Virgil yells again, “You made it very clear what you think of me, Dante!” So clear, in fact, that, Virgil still lays awake at night remembering the way that Dante had screamed his name and called him a traitor when Virgil had just been trying to keep him alive to see the end of the week.
Dante’s pale underneath that mask. It looks like for the first time his silvertongue doesn’t have a response. It tries, though, fluttering behind those perfect white teeth of Dante’s and choking on too many syllables.
There used to be a time when Virgil knew what he was thinking with just a glance.
That time is long gone. And as much as Virgil misses it, he doesn’t think it can ever come back. Not when every time they talk theres something between them: a door, a phone, a bright orange mask.
There’s a primordial fear in him that sparks when something pops into the air between them that sounds remotely like an English word and Virgil realizes that he doesn’t want to know what Dante is thinking. He pushes himself away from Dante and the Fox lets him go.
Maybe its the shock? Dante doesn’t usually let go of things that easily.
He pretends like he doesn’t miss the warmth the second its gone. Instead Virgil’s arms wrap around his body and he hugs the feeling of wrongness out of his body.
“I’m not doing this,” Virgil says, “I’m not helping you kill yourself, Dante. I can’t do that.”
For a moment, Virgil things he reached him. Like Dante’s been on some distant island since his mother’s funeral and Virgil’s been paddling towards that island but every time he gets close the island is somehow further away-- For a moment Virgil’s thinks he’s finally landed on the beach and there’s sand between his toes, and Dante is right there on the shore ready to come back home--
For a moment Virgil thinks that Dante will take off that mask and come with him to find somewhere to hide.
But the moment passes, and Dante leans to the ground and picks up that box. His hands are shaking. His lips purse but he nods at Virgil.
“Okay,” he says. He flips the box in the air. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Virgil repeats.
Dante looks at him. Virgil looks back.
“I’m sorry,” Dante says. “I shouldn’t have asked you to do this for me. That was my bad.”
Virgil’s stomach jumps straight to his throat.
“You want to stay and hide and I get that, Virge, I do.” He says and Virgil thinks he really doesn’t. “There’s safety in the shadows and in keeping your head down. But I can’t do that. Not when there are people out there who are begging for a hero-- and I’m a pretty crappy hero, but I’m the only one they’ve got.”
The necklace he’s wearing glistens in the sunlight that peaks down at them. Virgil thinks he remembers a public announcement going out about how much it was worth if someone got it and turned it in. Millions probably.
“I’m going to save those people, Virgil.” Dante says.
In a fluid movement Dante has that flute bo staff drawn and he slams it into the ground and vaults himself into the air. Virgil’s jaw drops as he watches him catch a windowsill and pushes off to the other wall and bounces back and forth until he’s on the roof of the building and dancing in the sunlight completely.
It makes him look like a traffic cone.
The Fox hero-- Dante-- spins the flute in his hand and stares down at Virgil with an unreadable emotion on his face.
“I’m going to save all of America,” Dante says.
Virgil wants to scream at him.
But his jaw feels rusted shut and his heart is beating way too fast in his chest. And even if it weren’t, Dante disappears from his line of vision, running the roof tops so very fluently.
And Virgil is left all alone in the back alley, hugging himself and trying to convince himself that he did the right thing. He can’t watch Dante die, he won’t encourage Dante to go gallivanting across the state trying to find a fight that he can’t win.
He’s alone in the darkness.
And its the most real thing he’s ever felt.
The Faux Fox was not a hero.
His debut was robbing a high end jewelry store by filling the area with a imagined bright green gas and waltzing in behind the counter while people were frantically pressing scarfs to their faces and running away from the gas.
He wasn’t a villain either.
His second appearance had him shutting down a drug ring shipment by terrorizing the grunts with visions of zombies until they turned themselves in.
They called him an anti hero, a vigilante, a menace.
He stopped a bank robbery, shut down a child trafficking ring, exposed a corrupt politician.
Virgil had followed the news stories since they had started popping up. He had his phone set up to notify him any time Faux Fox made the news and he stopped whatever he was doing the second his phone dinged.
The day that Virgil talked to Dante for the first time in two years, he watched from that alley on his phone as Wyvern made his debut beside the Fox and together they ran circles around the aggravated soldiers who were holding hostages in the center of the shopping area in an attempt to draw out the Fox.
Weeks later, he watches huddled in his own locker as school as Zeal turned his school mates fears into protective monsters that drove off the solider occupation of their school.
And weeks after that, Virgil sees for himself the moment that Nectar shows up in that unholy yellow outfit and challenges the Faux Fox to a duel right in the middle of the city where the Fox had just finished emptying a building that was on fire.
And two days after that, Virgil notes, that Swarm looks exactly like Nectar, but with a white streak in his hair, as he runs for cover inside a shop when the occupying soldiers decided it would be easier to off both the bee wielder and the fox wielder together and take the miraculous from their bodies.
Virgil thinks about the day in the alley a lot. Every time he goes to school, every time he runs from a fight, every time he sees the color orange and a news headline. He thinks about how it used to be Dante and him against the world, about how Teachers used to dread getting both of them in the class together, about how Virgil moved schools and he probably shouldn’t have but it had been easier to change schools than to face Dante again.
He thinks about how Dante said, “I don’t trust anyone else like I trust you” with brazen, raw honesty and “I’m going to save America” with unbridled confidence.
And sometimes when he thinks about that, Virgil’s eyes flick over to the tiny box that had appeared in his pillow after that day.
If he had half a mind he would take that box and march over to the mansion Dante lived in when he wasn’t busy defying laws, where the hired help watching the cameras would wave him threw because him and Dante had been that close, and he would throw that box right back at Dante and tell him where he could shove his superhero fantasy.
But that would be talking to him face-to-face with nothing between them. No door, no phone, no masks.
Just Dante on an island he doesn’t want to leave and Virgil in his boat trying to convince him to come back to civilization before he dies alone.
(But thats not true anymore now, is it? Because Virgil’s seen the way that the Faux Fox and Wyvern so a fist bump after they do good work, the way that Zeal grabs the Fox in hugs and sweet smiles, the way that Nectar can finish the Fox’s sentences and Swarm acts on them without hesitation. Dante’s not alone on his island anymore.)
Some day, Virgil thinks, he’ll get the courage to open the box.
(Some day, Virgil thinks, he’ll understand how that island could be safer than his boat)
But for now, he listens the news reports on his phone with his legs curled up to his chest and his hands buried in the sleeves of his jacket and watches the white Pieris greet the flowers he planted in the flower box outside his window.
#The Faux-Butterfly Effect#Superhero au#Sanders sides#Virgil Sanders#Deceit Sanders#sympathetic deceit#anxceit#miraculous ladybug au#Fox!Deceit#Butterfly!Virgil#I'll deal with the others later
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Hey, hey, welcome to the community! Can I ask for a scenario with Mikitaka and his female s/o going out and looking for bugs and wildflowers in the afternoon in the fields of Morioh (like, around the area where he’s first introduced), and finding something interesting, like a cool bug or smth? Tbh, it’s just a cute little idea I think about sometimes, especially since he canonically really cares about nature!! Thank you in advance, and keep up the good work!! You’re doing great ❤️
aw thank you, that means a lot!! and this is such a cute and wholesome idea omg. I’m so glad you requested Mikitaka because he’s such an underrated character and I love him so much 😭
The sounds of the leaves and grass rustled through the wind as you walked through the fields of Morioh, accompanied by your boyfriend, Mikitaka, who you have been with for a while. Of course, since Mikitaka wasn’t from this planet, it took a long time for him to adapt; everyday he learns something new. You were drawn to him when you first saw him. Not only was he stunningly gorgeous, he was just... odd. You knew he couldn’t possibly be from this world. But you liked that about him, he was truly a captivating being. Since you met him, you’ve been helping him slowly adjust to this planet, teaching him everything from manners, sociability, nature, and many more things. This friendship you two developed eventually turned to love. Hence bringing you two together in a weird, but loving relationship.
It was the middle of Summer, summers in Morioh weren’t exactly the best. The heat was always excruciating and the air felt almost like hot soup. It was always sunny, which wasn’t a bad thing, but the heat was almost unbearable most of the time. Today however, was perfect. It was sunny like always, not a cloud in the sky, but there was a nice breeze added to that and it wasn’t as hot as it usually was, the air just felt so light and breathable.
You decided to take advantage of this weather and go out to the grass fields with Mikitaka. You knew he was fascinated with nature, always so curious about every creature or plant he comes across. He found Earth to be such a wonderful planet filled with so many diverse species of plants and animals. He absolutely loved and appreciated everything about nature. The grass fields where he was first discovered was filled with many types of insects and small animals, it was perfect for him!
While you two were walking through the fields, you were suddenly in a daze. Thinking about how happy you were that you got to spend this wonderful day with the person you loved the most. Before you spoke something to him, you realized Mikitaka wasn’t by your side. Where the heck did he go? All of the sudden you thought you lost him in somewhere in the thick grass until you saw the long platinum blonde haired man crouching down and looking at something in amazement in the distance.
You quickly ran over to him, “Mikitaka!” you yelled out as you ran to him, “Don’t run off like that, I thought I lost ya!” he wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying, instead he was fixated on the thing he was looking at, observing it in complete astonishment. You crouched down beside him to see what he found - it was a grasshopper.
He tried to gently pick it up with his hands until it hopped away from him, he jumped a bit, “O-oh!” he stuttered as he got up to go after it, wanting to observe more. You went after him until he stopped, he lost it. He had a little sad expression on his face but was still excited to see such an interesting looking insect, he didn’t mean to scare it away. “Ah. It ran away. [Name], what type of insect was that? I have never seen one like that before,” he beamed with curiosity.
You couldn’t help but smile, his curiosity was adorable. He would often get so excited over the littlest things, especially when he discovered new creatures he has never seen before, “That was a grasshopper! They’re quite common here in Morioh, they like to stay in grass and hop around which is why they’re called grasshoppers,” you informed him.
“I see,” he said while smiling, still looking around for it.
You saw it hopping around on the ground all of the sudden and decided to catch it for him so he can see it more. With a swift motion, you gently caught the insect in your hands, bringing it over to Mikitaka. He had a huge grin on his face when you went to show it to him.
“Why does it jump around like that?” he asked while observing it in your hands.
“...Well, it’s just how they move I guess,” you replied, not sure on how to answer his question.
You crouched down letting the grasshopper free, both of you watching it jump away.
“Lets look around for more insects! Theres so many here,” he said while he eagerly looked around for more.
You smiled and sighed as he ran off to explore more, running after him to help out. This was going to be a long day, but you weren’t complaining at all. You were always happy to teach the curious extraterrestrial more about this beautiful planet.
this was so fun to write ahh. I hope you enjoyed!
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The Khan's mate
Spring had arrived to othard, it was as if life had begun anew on the Steppe. The sun grew closer, the warmth return, and green began to paint the horizons for miles. It was a beautiful thing, but for most of Xaela Au Ra men it was the last thing on there mind. With the change of the session came their intense sexual heat, and their primal instincts to breed other men and find a mate with which to claim and inseminate. Because of the rarity of bottoms, "bearers" as some called them, others "bitchs", breeding became intensely competitive. Blood was spilt over dominate men's desires to fulfill their most primal instinct. There reward for successfully knocking a bearer up was a bounty of milk they provide to enhance their physical strength for the upcoming nadeem, and in some cases an heir. A valued and treasured asset to have in any tribe. Raen men on the other hand, had an abundance of bearers in their ranks, making it especially dangerous for them to travel from their sub aquatic home to the steppe for whatever reason less they be ripe for the picking.
Despite this, Yang had made his way to Reunion with a bag filled with good luck charms. Each carefully crafted with an array of corals, Pearl's, shells, and other wonderous aquatic materials. Hed been warned by his elders about the savage nature of the Xaela in their heat and otherwise, to which he payed no mind. He had waited all winter to escape and come to the surface and he was not about to miss his chance to do so.
As he stepped through the gates of Reunion he took a deep breath of the market air, filled with a curious mix of spices and other cooking ingredients. He knew he would at least be safe while he was here, violence being strictly forbiddin in this natural space. Still, as he would find out, that wasn't going to stop some men from trying. Yang was a buxom man, blessed with a naturally sturdy frame, and fertile wide hips. His ass swelled in anything he wore, constantly at war with whatever fabric he dawned. His thighs held the same thickness, making him somewhat bottom heavy, were it not offset by his strong arms and wide bountiful pecs, both pearky and heafty. His fat tail swung behind him playfully as he walked through the market looking for a place to set up shop. Little did he know hed garnered the attention of every man in the sanctuary the instant he entered. Bearers gave off a strong scent to potential breeders, unmistakable and unmaskable, exposure to it long enough could drive a man mad. Blissfully unaware, yang beamed as he found an unclaimed section of ground, swiftly laying down a blanket and setting out his creations. No sooner then he was done he was flocked by a heard of Xaela men clamoring for his attention, and desperately surrounding him in hopes of a chance claiming him. Though his plain clothing attempted to hide it, he was a prime bear unlike anything these men had ever seen.
Yang was a tad overwhelmed at the sheer flux of customers, selling out his entire stock in under ten minutes. He hardly mind the attention, actually he was starved for it, this was just not what he thought it would be like. Hed practiced haggling for hours in the mirror and he was sold out like that! And yet men still flocked to him like moths to a flame, a simple brush of the hand in an exchange enough to get them off for weeks. None layed a hand on him but it was clear to all but yang the look in their eyes was pure lust filled hunger and starvation.
Yang didnt know what to do after running out of charms, men still clamored for his attention, begging for his name, pathetic attempts of seduction, and bargains for his body. As soon as he became overwhelmed and anxiety began to set in a booming voice came from somewhere behind the crowd.
"MOVE." A deep mans voice rang out, booming and intemedating. Quick as they arrived the crowd dispersed, mumbling frustrations under their breaths about "Buduga tribe". A large man stood before yang, a fantastic specimen of a man, every muscle in his body tempered and bulging. His skin was a dark blue and he was adorned with small amounts of dark green and black fabric. He smiled down at the much smaller yang, standing nearly two heads below him. Blushing, yang cleared his throat, he had begun to feel flustered and funny in the middle of the crowd and the sensations hadn't left his body.
"You will have to forgive them my little pearl, they do not know how to properly treat a treasure when they see one." The man purred, his eyes, predatory and hungry, washed over him, finally getting an up close look at the bearer hed smelled from a mile away. Yang was stunned, he hadn't gotten out much away from his home and the men there were... not to his taste. Being complemented by this man felt entirely different then it had, he fell for his trap the moment it was set.
"O-oh... well t-thank you... umm?"
"Bultger, and you?" He asked reaching down to gently touch his cheek, which now burned with a rush of excitement.
"Y-yang... Yang Lie..." he sputtered nervous and excited in equal measure. Hed taken little notice of his own bodys arousal, it reacting to the same subtle musk of a breeder.
"Well Yang I'll be honest with you... my tribe is known for... well. Picking out and finding perfect specimens of male perfection. And you are... delicious in a word." The Xaela purred stepping closer and loaming over the smaller man.
"I wish to breed you." His voice grew deeper, gently guiding yangs hand to the monstrously large bulge in his loincloth.
"You would make the perfect mare for my brood. I'm sure you can feel, I could meet your every desire. I would pleasure you endlessly, and impregnate your fertile cunt at every opportunity. What do you say my little cow?" He snorted moving closer still, letting his hand betray him, gently falling down and caressing the curve of his pec.
Yangs face was beat red, unable to even respond but more turned on then he could ever remember being in his life. He shuddered a wave of something coming from his lower half.
"I-Im s-sorry I dont know i-if I can-" he stuttered, never having been propositioned for something like that before. Just as Bultgers brow furrowed he felt the presence of a murderous glare on him. Quickly turning he saw that the leader of the Qestir tribe glaring him down. The wordless leader said all he needed to with one look. Known were aloud to lay hands on a bearer in this sanctuary unless they were already claimed. With a snarl he stormed off leaving yang weak at the knees and horny as hell. Dropping down to the ground yang shuttered, the words Bultger had said stuck with him. Fuck he wanted that. Actually now that someone had put it to words that's all he wanted. Maybe he was just horny... he couldnt possibly commit to something like that... not that he had much back home... his mind raced with possibilities as nearby outside the gates something sinister stured. A few members if the Buduga tribe gathered by a dejected Bultger pointed out they're oblivious prey.
After calming down a bit yang set to gathering up his things, exstantic finding he had made nearly 10,000 gil! Folding up his blanket and putting it back in his pack he figured he might as well head back to the ruby sea, he certainly wasn't ready to return home yet but he knew better then to wonder in the monster infested steppe. He knew a bit of magic but not enough to take down something like what hed heard stories of. Gleefully he bounced his way out the way he came, unaware of the prowling eyes that had set upon him. After a couple minutes of walking he started to feel that odd arousal overtake him once more, a scent catching his nose from upwind, but before he had a chance to look around he felt a small pinch on the back of his neck. Quickly he reach back and plucked out a decorative dart as the world quickly became heavier. In second he felt his legs give out and then his vision. Just as he closed his eyes he saw the distinct colors of green and black surround him.
Awakening gently he found himself... on a large cushion in the center of a stone room. It wasn't exactly a bed but it was on pedestal of sorts. The room was well lit with torches and smelled... rather nice, old spices and something sweet. He moved to pull himself to the side of the cushion and heard rattling, quickly realizing he had a metal collar around his neck attached to a long chain fastened to the side of the alter he sat on. Before he could act the door opened an entered Bultger follwed by a few other members of the same tribe. Yang drew his hand to his chest feeling fear grip at his heart as well as that same arousal.
"Mmm theres my little cow... I'm sorry but I just couldnt let you escape like that." He purred drawing close, putting both his hands on the edge of the altar and leaning over the Raen. Yangs heart pounded out of his chest his mind racing with the possibilities of what they had planned for him.
"By the gods... it's almost not fair." Bultger growled his eyes looking yang up and down.
"You were just made to be fucked werent you my little cow... I'm sure you'll bear the Buduga many strong warriors with that cunt... and bless us with godlike strength with these." He snarled roughly running his hands over yangs supple body, pushing him back on the cushion, briefly kneading his plump tits through his shirt before ripping it up above them, exposing his erect and sensative nipples to the cool air, ripping a yelp from him. The other men that entered with his captor hand gathered around the alter watching in awe as his pecs squished under the strength of Bultgers rough hands. He kneaded them roughly and posessivly sending bolts of pleasure through his body making him gasp.
"N-no I-" he gasped feeling and seeing a nearly footlong dark colored cock flop on to his face. The smell was intoxicating to him, his brain going wild from the sensation. He gulped as the Xaela drew his hips back and forth, gently rubbing himself across yangs face.
"This body belongs to the Buduga tribe now... you will be our prize mare, inseminated one by one until you take hold of a seed." Bulger snarled as he withdrew to draw his own cock from its confondinds, springing forth at a thick 13". Quickly and with one fell motion he ripped the thin trousers off Yang revealing his small 6" cock to the world. The scent from his pussy grew strong and uninhibited, slowly grabbing hold of all present. Just as yang was about to present the man above him forced his fat cock between his plump lips. The man gave him little time to adjust, almost instantly hitting the back of his throat and making him gently gag, before quickly withdrawing and using his mouth for it's intended purpose. Yang reach up and pushed his hands against the mans thighs, begging for him to slow down to no avail. It didnt take long before the man began pushing further into his throat, stretching it almost painfully as his heavy sweat coated balls slapped yangs youthful face.
The rest of the Xaela men not activly taking part around the room, began removing their own cocks from their confines and pleasuring themselves, waiting their turns. Before yang could full process the sensation in his throat he felt a hit breath against his cunt. "Fuuuuuck hes already started leaking down here." He heard Bultger say as he felt a what he assumed was his tongue dip into him for a taste. He would have moaned if he wasn't currently struggling to breath. Bultger savored the flavor of his pussy quickly pulling back and positioning his monstrous cock at Yangs entrance. With no warning he roared "for the Buduga!" And plunged in fully. Yang let out a cock muffled scream as he for a moment felt like his body was going to split in two... but in the next second a wave of pleasure unlike anything else over took him. His entire body screamed in approval as the Xaelas cock penetrated him, quickly writhing in pleasure as the man began to fuck him.
The room quickly grew hot and musky with the smell of sex as the Xaela men brutally had their way with the Raen. The man at his mouth grew speratic, slamming in one last time, his heavy balls nearly covering yangs face as he unloaded them down his hot throat. Yang moaned as he did so, inhaling the virile musk of his manhood, feeling every hot rope of cum shoot down into his stomach. Quickly the man with drew and another was on him forcing himself inside his worn mouth. His lips were sore from being stretched to their max, thankful this man was not as big as the last.
He could feel his cunt being churned as Buntger slammed into him again and again, he could feel his massive chest lurch back and forth with the Xaelas thrusts. Then he felt hands on them, the other men in the room had crowded around to grope him as he was helplessly impaled. He felt hot needy months beginning biting and sucking at his perky nipples, the overwhelming sensations making tears well in his eyes. Just as he could feel both men inside him grow close to coming he heard a large slam as the door to the chamber was blown off its hinges. The man in his mouth recoiled and the ones at his tis drew back.
"K-Khan Beaux!" One gasped as Buntger continued fucking him silly, almost desperate to cum quickly.
"Enough. I will claim the bearer." The large red Xaela spoke taking a few large steps into the room. His presence was intense and pressed the entire room. Yang saw most of the other Xaela men flee as the Khan stepped behind Buntger, making him look dwarfism.
"F-FUCK OFF HES MIN-" Bultger was cut off with a loud crack as the khan easy flung him aside into the wall, ripping him out from inside yang making him gasp.
He looked up, his massive chest heaving, finding his own heat finally overtaking him, as the Khan glared him down.
To Be Contuned
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my favorite records of the 2010s pt 1 (the less great stuff/honorable mentions)
Neither this post or its followup are going to be in any particular order, however all the records I talk about here are, in my opinion, not as good as the records i will talk about in my part 2. they’re all fantastic but these ones slightly a little less fantastic than the ones in my “top 10″. none of this is based on stuff like 'influence' or whatever other critics base their lists on, this is solely how much I enjoyed these records. And keep in mind, I'm only human, I havent listened to a good lot of records I've heard others describe as top 10 worthy, these are just records I found and that I resonate with. long post ahead.
Vacation - Bomb the Music Industry (2011)
If you asked me what my favorite band is i will either say bomb the music industry or jeff rosenstock, but considering those are pretty much the same things it doesnt matter lol. While Vacation isnt a perfect record, it is one I love. It lacks some of the ska elements that I love about earlier BTMI records, but at the same time, it is the first record where Jeff’s “””solo””” career sound starts to form in tracks like Sick, Later, Hurricane Waves, Everybody That You Love, Everybody That Loves You, and Vocal Coach. And these tracks are all fantastic, especially the absolutely explosive opener Campaign For a Better Weekend. Where this album suffers in my mind is the fact that it exists as a weird hybrid middle ground between BTMI and modern Jeff Rosenstock, it isn’t really ska like old BTMI and it’s not quite to the same standard as the tracks on We Cool?. And some of the songs are just, not as good as the others, like Why, Oh Why, Oh Why (Oh Oh Oh Oh), which is washed out almost entirely in reverb, and tracks like Savers feeling barren and missing additional instrumentation. But fuck man I can not dislike this record or just call it “ok” because despite this I still listen to this record a lot, it’s so catchy and fun and Im a bit too chronically addicted to btmi.
Reflektor - Arcade Fire (2013)
i dont really get the hate/mixed feelings others have with this record. there’s so many good tracks dude!!!! sure theres a bit of a slump in the middle and it doesnt reach the same emotional heights as their previous records you gotta be ignorant to overlook this records strengths. while i do like The Suburbs more than Reflektor, man i just vibe HARD with some of these tracks; the title track, We Exist, Here Comes The Night Time, Normal Person, Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice), Porno, and ESPECIALLY Afterlife. Plus the cover art is cool and I like it. However Flashbulb Eyes is one of the worst tracks Arcade Fire has ever put out and I hate it immensely. And while far less offensive, tracks like You Already Know, It’s Never Over (Hey Orpheus), and Joan of Arc are just kinda boring and/or uninteresting. Now granted, I'm extremely biased when it comes to Arcade fire in general unless were talking about the trainwreck that is Everything Now. I started listening to Arcade Fire just before Reflektor came out, and I have a kinda sentimental attachment to the record. ill explain the feeling more when i talk about The Suburbs. anticipation oooooo.
good kid m.A.A.d city - Kendrick Lamar (2012)
i might get crucified by some for not putting this in my top 10, but whatever come at me i guess. gkmc is a fantastic record, but i do think the ending is weak, which is why it’s here instead of in the top 10. i mean, let’s be real, Real is a mediocre track, and while Dying of Thirst is an important track to the whole narrative of the record, it feels way too long. almost everything else about this record is fantastic, from the beats, to kendrick’s nasally flows, to the overall structure of the record spinning a tale of a young man battling demons both inside and out, and his eventual redemption. even if i find this record at times to drop pace, it really is flawless otherwise. it felt like a disservice to put this in the 20-10s, bc it’s a good record, but i had to make some compromises and this was one of them.
RTJ2 - Run The Jewels (2014)
el-p and killer mike are a perfect duo, and the tracks they make together are always total bangers. and for me, RTJ2 is the best overall, with RTJ3 in a close second. it’s hard to put this on the lower half of the list, some of the tracks just don’t work as well as the others, but despite that there’s not really any tracks i hate or dislike on this record, minus maybe crown. the pure aggression in the opening track Jeopardy sets the tone for an aggressive yet highly focused record. This is some of the best rap out there right now if you want some music to fuck shit up to.
Pure Comedy - Father John Misty (2017)
This record is both hilarious and extremely bleak. Josh Tillman is a master of satire and sarcasm, and Pure Comedy is the peak of his songwriting skills. The title track is one of the best tracks of the decade, period. And he keeps up the momentum on the following few tracks. The main problem with this record is its weaker second half, but even then it’s criminal to suggest that those songs aren’t good regardless. And despite the bleakness, the one line that sticks in my head after all this time is the line this album fades out to: There’s nothing to fear.
Knife Man - AJJ (2011)
Continuing on the trend of folky, satirical, and bleak records, Knife Man is AJJ’s defining record (next to their debut LP). AJJ blends loud, punky anthems with quieter, folk tracks that touch on sensitive issues in a way only AJJ manages to get away with. And there’s some genuine heart mixed in as well, with the final track Big Bird always striking a chord with me. However, I do feel the record is, let’s just say, padded at times in my opinion. Still, I can’t deny how much i enjoy tracks like Gift of the Magi 2, Hate Rain on Me, The Distance, and Skate Park. Speaking of which when I saw AJJ live recently they played none of those songs and that kinda sucked but hey it was like $20 I can’t complain. And speaking of not getting what I wanted...
You Won’t Get What You Want - Daughters (2018)
It was hard choosing between this record and their 2010 self titled record, but in terms of the overall narrative and variety this record shines through. If there was a number 11 spot in this unorganized list this would probably take that spot. It’s noisey, it’s abrasive, and it’s like nothing you’ve heard before unless you’ve listened to Daughter’s previous records. Tracks like The Reason They Hate Me are catchy in the weirdest and most unwelcoming of ways, Less Sex sounds like a long lost Trent Reznor NIN track, and Guest House is a masochistic and gut wrenching finisher. Fantastic record aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
We Cool? - Jeff Rosenstock (2015)
It’s obvious that I had to include this record somewhere on these list. It’s like a more refined version of the sounds that Jeff experimented with on Vacation. Definitely more punk than ska, but still some of those roots still shine through, especially in the track Nausea. Some of Jeff’s best songs are on this record, from the loud opening tracks Get Old Forever and You, In Weird Cities, to tracks dripping with bittersweet and moody lyrics like I’m Serious, I’m Sorry and Polar Bear or Africa. The main reason this record is on the back end of the top 20 is because the deeper cuts on the record do not match the energy and heights of the best tracks. Tracks like All Blissed Out, The Lows, Darkness Records and Beers Again Alone don’t feel like they belong and stick out a bit. They remind me more of the material Jeff put out on his 2012 EP I Look Like Shit. Mind you they aren’t bad tracks, but I’ll be honest I skip them often when listening to the record because i just wanna get back to the good good stuff.
Sports - Modern Baseball (2012)
Sports is one of the best pop punk records ever, if you can even consider it as such. It’s like a blend of emo and folk punk, and it works so well. A good majority of this record is on my main shuffle playlist. Is it pushing boundaries? Not really, but tracks like Re-Do, Tears Over Beers, and See Ya, Sucker are undeniably catchy and memorable. I NEED MODERN BASEBALL BACK TOGETHER RN. There’s not really anything that wrong with the record, besides maybe lacking in variety, but at 30 minutes, it’s a record that feels nostalgic even on a first listen, and continues to feel that way even after numerous re-listens. Speaking of nostalgia...
The Suburbs - Arcade Fire (2010)
Some background, when I was 13 (circa 2013), I only really listened to whatever my parents put on for me. From my mom, I “inherited” a taste for classic pop and 80s new wave. From my dad, I got metal and hard rock. The first time I made the conscious decision to listen to a record fully, based on my own curiousity, was when I sat and listened to Sgt. Pepper in the summer of 2013, which broadened the scope of what I thought music could even be. And later that year, the first band I got into after The Beatles? Arcade Fire. When I think of my early teens, the memories are set to this record. I remember listening to Ready to Start in my brother’s old hot ass car while driving to the local fair with some friends on a chill fall night, eating tons of junk and staying up past midnight back when doing that was edgy and cool and not a symptom of my depression.
If I was judging this record solely by its best tracks, it would easily be in the top 3. But I couldn’t place it in my top 10 because, frankly, some of the deeper cuts are lacking. I can’t say I like Deep Blue. I really don’t like Rococo. And Half Light I kills the pace of the record. But man, that title track, Ready to Start, Modern Man, Empty Room, Half Light II, Sprawl II... these songs defined my early teen years. I still tear up listening to the title track. Sure I have to skip a few songs when I re-listen, but I can’t place it any lower or my heart will break. It existing outside of the top 10 already hurts. And that’s all that’s left now. The top 10.
But first, some random honorable mentions that didn’t make this list:
Sound & Color - Alabama Shakes
Black Star - David Bowie
Melophobia - Cage the Elephant
Teens of Style - Car Seat Headrest
How to Leave Town - Car Seat Headrest
Daughters - Daughters
Sunbather - Deafheaven
Bottomless Pit - Death Grips
Year of the Snitch - Death Grips (should be on this list tbh)
Doris - Earl Sweatshirt
I Love You, Honeybear - Father John Misty
Helplessness Blues - Fleet Foxes
Plastic Beach - Gorillaz
Boarding House Reach - Jack White
POST- - Jeff Rosenstock
S/T - Joyce Manor
Firepower - Judas Priest
ye - Kanye West
You Were There - Kill Lincoln
Flying Microtonal Banana - King Gizzard
Infest The Rats’ Nest - King Gizzard
No New World - Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
Bury Me At Makeout Creek - Mitski
Puberty 2 - Mitski
Unsilent Death - Nails
Itekoma Hits - Otoboke Beaver
Morbid Stuff - PUP
A Moon Shaped Pool - Radiohead
RTJ3 - Run the Jewels
Angles - The Strokes
To Be Kind - Swans
Undertale OST - Toby Fox
Scum Fuck Flower Boy - Tyler, The Creator
Igor - Tyler, The Creator
Weezer (White Album) - Weezer
nightlife - yuragi
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It's a villain's quirk.
That's what Shinsou had always told him.
Monoma had always thought it the greatest tragedy. One of the most incredible quirks he's ever seen, squandered and dashed to nothing after an unimaginative society's constant and tortuous goading. The potential it has, to use a certain mentor's favorite word. The sheer ability to do so, so much good. In his eyes, Shinsou has always held back, daring not to cross too far into that darker territory, despite all the power he could have gained doing so. He'd always hated that.
In fact, he's always wished he'd had a quirk exactly like that. It'd be perfect. It would suit him, even with all the baggage and pain attached. Perhaps especially so. Honestly, at some point in his life, he'd truly thought it worse to be called powerless than to be called a villain.
Maybe he still thinks the same way.
Kaitou has his quirk now. He holds it in his hands, in delicate tufts of lavender hair. Unlike Shinsou, he's long since forgotten the fear of losing himself, to the dark, to the power, to anything. He's already lost. Already broken. What's left for the world to take from him? Not much.
But what is left for the world to give? Everything.
A smile trembles its way onto his lips. He bites it hard, forcing his expression into submission as he waits for him to arrive.
That entire day, MIDORIYA IZUKU had felt... off. He wasn't sure why- one of those days where a dark cloud clung to his mind that he couldn't escape. Maybe it was the night he spent with Hawks the other night- a terrible night it was.
But, these days... when are they not terrible? Ha ha.
Deku always holds an air of calmness despite his circumstances- when he sees Monoma, standing there silently, his first reaction is what he always gives- a smile. He puts his hands behind his back, eyeing him up and down as he speaks, trying to read him.
"...Monoma neito.
You look like you've been waiting for me."
Kaitou hates him.
Just the sight of him lances through him, old panic and terror, rotting screams slamming gnawled fists against his ribcage. The air decays with Deku's aura, reaching for him with ruining claws. He feels sick. He's so tired of being scared. Of being the victim.
Of not fighting back.
He tilts his head to the side slowly, considering the words. He hates hearing his name. It doesn't belong to him anymore, it doesn't fit right, it - itches. Yes. Itches and electrocutes, all at the same time. Slowly, he mirrors Deku's stance, his own loaded hands placed gently behind his back.
"And if I was?" he asks softly, giving the purple strands a squeeze. "You wouldn't mind that, would you?"
Deku considers the boy in front of him something special. He always has. And laying his eyes on him now, nothing has changed. He could feel the sinister energy radiating off of the other- the malice, the hatred. Every instinct in his body tells him to run- that he's in over his head. For real this time.
And yet.
He steps forward, breathing out a sigh before smiling.
"Of course not... you know how much pleasure your presence brings me.. love."
Kaitou scoffs, chuckling to himself, feeling something distant splintering off and away.
"Love," he repeats quietly.
And then he pulls him under.
He can already feel the power of Hitoshi's quirk as it surges forward and takes control. Floodgates seem to slam open and into place, his own will floods forward, strong enough to sweep away any individual thought Deku could have possibly had. He seizes his mind carefully, curling around it, savoring every second of the sight of his eyes going dead.
It's so much stronger than he's used to. Kaitou bites away another smile.
"Show me your hands," he murmurs to him, a simple order, just to test.
Love is the last thing he hears before his mind goes numb. Any thoughts, wants, or needs, are instantly forgotten. His vision blurs and crackles, everything darkening except for him.
His god.
Mouth falls open softly and with a blank expression and no semblance of emotion, he holds out his hands.
A grin splits across his face. Monoma reels a little, a giggle slowly and suddenly bubbling up.
"Ah... haha."
He touches his head, fingers digging to where he could still feel the whirrling buzz of a drill at night. "Hah... oh wow..."
His breath is coming out fast, hitching like he's winded, excited. There's this ecstasy, just from watching him, mixed with relief and sickness and something else. Something he's never quite indulged in, something he's chosen to never name until now.
"Wow..." Kaitou whispers with a small nod of his head. "I could kill you."
He giggles again, closer and closer to a manic peak. "I could - I... I've thought about doing that every night since it happens. I'm sure you know that. That's what you've always wanted, right? Hehe... I could do anything to you and you'll love it, isn't that right?"
He's rambling. Stalling perhaps. Savoring it. He laughs again, just a little, quiet little snickers that he curls into himself for, holding himself together before they shake him apart.
And then he raises his eyes, focusing on him again. "Break all the fingers on one hand," he demands suddenly.
As he gives the order, his mind buzzes and pulsates like a beehive. All he sees are words- they pop up like a flashy billboard in vegas. BREAK ALL THE FINGERS ON ONE HAND. BREAK ALL THE FINGERS ON ONE HAND. BREAK ALL THE FINGERS ON ONE HAND. They're insanely annoying, and they just keep popping up, one after the other. The only way to get rid of them is to do it. And so silently he goes, one by one. He grabs his thumb with his other hand, and - SNAP. A noise comes out of his mouth, but it sounds muffled. He holds his index finger, bends it back until... SNAP. He yelps, louder this time, like a frightened animal- as if being caught off guard by the action. He bends his middle finger back until- SNAP. Tears start to run down his eyes, his face still devoid of emotion. Ring finger. SNAP. He is breathing heavily now, hunched over, as if he just went on a long run. And finally- the pinky finger is the easiest. He bends it back until- SNAP. His knees grow weak and buckle, but he is still standing. Tears pour down his face and his left hand hangs there- limp and useless. ...And he waits for his next order.
Kaitou gasps at the first snap. "Oh-"
And the next and the next and the next following it, Kaitou's arms wrapping around himself tighter and tighter, trying to keep the laughter in but he can't. As tears start to flow down Deku's face, he starts to giggle again, feeling near blinded by a rapturous light that overtakes his mind. It's nothing like the martyrous anguish he's been living in. It isn't complicated like the twisting and violent masochism that coiled and clutched to his past victimhood like thorny vines. It feels so good he can't take it, overwhelmed, not understanding why he's ever tried to stray from this- this perfect feeling. That something else.
It's sadism. Pure. Simple. Addicting.
"Oh... wow..." he sighs out as Deku finishes. "Wonderfully done... Hey, are you awake in there?" he suddenly and excitedly asks. "I hope you are~... 'I need you to feel all of this...' Do you remember telling me that?"
He rocks on his heels, too elated to stand still. "What else did you say? 'No matter how much you beg'... Why don't you do that for me, mm?" His eyes flash with a sudden glee. "It's horrific, isn't it? Watching yourself do all these things? I want you to feel that horror... Yes. Beg to be free while you make yourself bleed. Ahaha... Oh! Use this!"
He snatches a blade from a nearby table, something almost harmless, a small pair of scissors that he shoves right into his broken hand. "Don't make it fatal yet, I want this to last..."
He is awake in there, but he wishes with everything he has that he wasn't. He stares, wide-eyed, at the blond as he laughs.
It was like... Looking into a mirror.
Something rests at the corner of his consciousness, a little pocket where all his emotions are forced into with nowhere else to go while he's in this state. They read, not necessarily in order; Fear. Anger. Shame. Guilt. Despair.
But fear- that's the biggest. The loudest.
As he shoves the scissors into his broken hand, on instinct he tries to curl his fingers around them, only to let out a strangled gasp, whimpering and crumbling to his knees. Slowly, his hand shaking, as if trying- somewhere in there, to fight it so desperately, he takes the scissors with his nonbroken hand.
His mind crackles and fizzes, and like a cage being opened just a crack- one emotion is allowed freedom from that pocket in the back of his mind- fear.
His hand trembling, he begins to swipe at his left arm, thin lines of red forming along them in a nice even pattern.
"Pleas..e... let .. me go."
His voice comes out strangled- like a robot with low battery. His head is bowed, entire frame trembling as he works his way up his arm until theres simply no more room left on his arm to cut. Tears are cascading from his face now, snot bubbling from his nose as he sniffs, gasps, and cries from the pain.
"Pl...please... please....please....."
Inside, the buzzing gets louder. More intense. His chained up consciousness bangs and rattles at the bars of his cage, trying desperately to escape.
"Please. Please. Pl - e ase. Let me go. P. l . e a s ...e..."
Kaitou sneers with the rejection, and then suddenly he's surging forward, leg lifting up, heel suddenly coming down hard, right into his face. He kicks Deku's down from his knees, onto the ground, smashing his shoe down and grinding his head harder into the floor as he pins him there, and then he lifts his leg again and brings it down, again and again as he shouts.
"No. No, no, no! No, I won't! I won't! Hahaha!"
He suddenly places his foot right on his neck, delicately perching right against his throat as he just barely presses down, pausing as he hopes to continue to hear that same stream of strangled, rattling pleas. Humming in satisfaction, he tilts his head again, placing a hand to his chin as he suddenly thinks.
"My... Hitoshi-kun's quirk is impressive, isn't it?" he mutters with distant praise for his friend. "You must be in agony right now and this control over you hasn't broken for even a second! He mentioned cutting your tongue out once before, didn't he? What a tempting thought..."
He tilts his head over in the other direction, twirling a lock of his growing hair around his finger. The action seems to spark his next thought, as he pauses with a light gasp then opens his fingers, remembering the clump of hair he still holds.
"... Hmmm..."
His eyes drift over to his other hand, which he opens as well, revealing another clump, near identical to the first.
"... I wonder..."
He smiles dazedly. "There's so much value in utilizing different samples... Every alternate is different, aren't they, Midoriya-kun...? Some of them have worked so hard to become powerful..." The true Izuku flashes to mind, a bitter tinge in the memory of inky tendrils suddenly destroying everything they can reach.
"You know..." he murmurs, voice lowering. "Your quirk has always disappointed me." He lifts a hand, showing him what he holds. "Would you like to see what this other one is like? Tell me, what are you thinking right now... Should I?"
Deku's vision goes white as he's knocked back. Mangled gasps try to free their way from his ribcage as he sputters blood- as he's SLAMMED by a foot. His consciousness rocks back and forth, comes to only to be slammed back again and again and again and again and again.
By the time it's over, his nose is broken, and he's missing his front tooth. He sobs and cries, and as Monoma brings his foot down over his throat, they bubble in and out pathetically, voice raspy and barely audible. "P...l...e ....a...se....."
Inside, a memory plays- like a tape recording; old, dusty, forgotten. Two voices- one is his own; much younger. And the other- his late mother. He can't see her face ; it's as if it was blurred out- censored.
"They're bad people, Izuku!" "They're not! They're just trying to fight for equality! Ever since I was little... I've been treated like g a a a a ar bage. Quirks are - st upid." As the memory plays, it's harder and harder to hold onto, almost as if it's being ripped from him. It sounds like - a broken record. And it skips ahead. He still can't see her face, but he can tell she's on the floor, sobbing. "P _ lease don' --t d o.. this . Yo u can... Y_ou c _a _n .. s t i ll go bac-"
Back in the world, Deku chokes on blood, and sobs, his eyes blank, but still full of fear. When he opens his mouth to speak, his voice is broken and weak.
"I a m thin...king... abo...ut... n..no... " He tries to swallow another sob, before he opens his mouth again.
" P _le.ase.. don't d..do ..th..is.. Y ou can- you c..c can still . go > bac > & k&.... pl ease . please. please. p le ase. p pl ease. p p pl p p pl e ase.
It's a little too easy, which almost takes the fun out of it. He switches Hitoshi's quirk off, releasing its hold on Deku and freeing it from the trap of his own body, right as Deku's bloody lips part to speak. Then he grins with pleasure, pressing the second sample to his smile in a firm kiss, clutching onto this new and warped quirk that he drags into himself, holding onto it with unabashed greed.
He's so excited. The blue of his eyes dull rapidly into a ravenous gray as his control over him slips around Deku's brain anew, worming into every crevice. It's almost terrifyingly intimate, how much stronger this connection is. He wonders if Deku could feel him now, reaching in.
"Oh..." he says softly, voice coming out a shaky whisper. "What are you saying...? Go back...?" A dry laugh, barely audible now as he trembles. "To what? I haven't... changed... I'm still..."
A hero, that forbidden concept that tastes wrong, twists and curdles, pulled away with the hooks of an old promise.
"... a god, unless you claim me mortal now, I'm still as I've always meant to be. I'm still... giving you... a villain," he laughs, "what he deserves... Mm..."
He tightens the coil, wondering. It's strange, it feels so strange, he suddenly wants to... press down... and squeeze... His foot applies more pressure on his neck, his smile growing, his body shaking all the more as he tightens his grip on the sample.
"... You should thank me..." he whispers, power dripping from every word. "This may very well absolve you yet. You feel very ashamed of yourself, right? Thank me. Apologize. Repent. Feel it with every fucking cell of your body, Midoriya."
For a split second, he saw freedom. The buzzing ceased, color returned to his vision, he saw Monoma fully, in all his glory. Above him.
Where he belongs.
And then- just like that; it was gone. And the buzzing was back this time, but this time, it was different. When Monoma speaks, it's like he's speaking from inside his own mind, his voice bouncing off skull, surrounding him, enveloping him, piercing him.
"I' m.... "
He chokes out pathetically, straining to speak with a foot over his windpipe.
"I'm s ssorry y .. .. I'm s s s s or ry... "
Another memory clouds his vision- this one is also broken, and painful; his first kill. There is a man on the ground. Middle aged, plain looking. Nothing special. His throat is slit, and there is blood pooling underneath him. He is dying, slowly. Except, he can't hear any voices this time, just the sound of his own thoughts- back then.
It has t o be done. It has to be done. He is bad. I am good. He was bad. He was bad. He did bad. He d i d bad. He is a v i l l a i n. I a m a h>ero . I AM A HERO.
The memory is gone, replaced by his own mangled sobs- the irony being that he's in the exact same position that man was.
"I .. d d..des s.ee r ve. T_ his. I d>] es erv , e this."
He struggles to breathe as his form begins to write underneath him, like a worm. He can't cry anymore- he swears he's out of tears. "T ->hank .. y&ou... "
The smile slowly starts to fall. Strangely, like he's almost forgotten to continue holding it in place. Kaitou grips the sample tighter, removes his show from his throat, stares at him, expression almost mystified.
"I wonder if you still love me," he whispers.
Love me, his thoughts repeat. It's a command, impaling itself into place within Deku without even needing to be said.
"I wonder... Have you ever felt so awful?"
Love me.
"I wonder why..." He pauses, contemplating the feeling as he allows the vicious pump of endorphins to ravage Deku's brain and body. Twisted, perfect masochism, the same as he's ever felt, better. He pours it all into him, his own face blank as his control tightens around him even more.
"You're so sure that we'll die together. Why is that? Tell me... Do you know something I don't?" He laughs without humor. "Can you even say it?"
He falls silent. What comes into his mind next is less of an idea, less of a conscious thought, almost a dream in a way, one of the last few technicolor images before one opens their eyes back to reality. He follows his ghost of an urge automatically, unquestioningly, swept up in his own trance of power.
Puppet strings seem to tug at Deku's hands in that instant, demanding.
Bring the blade to your throat.
His thoughts swirl with visions of Monoma, next. Image after image fills his brain. Monoma, above him, under him. Monoma happy- sad, nothing, everything.
"I do love you."
He squeezes out with no hesitation, as if it's something he was dying to say. I love you, I hate you. And everything in between.
When he demands Deku to tell him what he knows, his face breaks into a smile. Broken. agonized. And he feels the endorphins pumping through him; his body screaming for more. For more pain, more despair- this is what he wants. This is what he NEEDS!
Slowly, his hands come up to hug himself, laughing softly- though it's hard to tell them apart from sobs.
"Ever since I met you, I ... can't explain it. It's like I've seen you before, but I don't know where. .. A voice... in my head told me the steps necessary to make you into.. a god . I didn't know why I needed to do it. I just.. haha.."
He coughs up blood, it splattering disgustingly out of his mouth.
"I knew I had to. I've .. seen you before. Not here. In .... hh .. s .somewhere else. I never wanted to be .. connected to you like this. It doesn't .. even.. make sense. And . I've seen things .. in my dreams. Visions of you.. becoming .. this. And other things , all .. involving you. And.. a ..and me . At different times , d...dd...d different ages. In different places. I don't c.. claim to understand it."
He breathes out a wheeze as he brings his blade up to his throat, his hand trembling. His smile falters, and falls.
"It's not that we die together . That can happen. I'd rather that.. happen. But usually..."
He presses the blade to his throat with a gasp as blood starts to trickle softly. And then he closes his eyes- as if accepting it.
"Y.. you.... kill me first."
Kaitou crouches besides him as he listes, resting his chin against his hands as he props them on his knees. He doesn't react to the sudden spatter of red that splashes his face as Deku suddenly coughs up the blood he's been drowning in. As he finishes, he just looks - vaguely unimpressed.
"You ruined me for such a stupid reason as that..." He reaches out, touching a finger to the scissors he still holds. "Dreams," he drags his touch over the first loop, "visions," he moves over the second. "... Delusions..."
He wants to crush him. He wants, practically feels, practically tastes the leak of red as he keeps squeezing and coiling through his mind, wondering what would happen if he just...
"... I will kill you. It's your own fault..."
... keeps...
"... Dying like this..."
... squeezing...
"... is a mercy."
As the other talks, Deku begins to tremble again. His visage shrinks, lower and lower. He suddenly has the urge to bow beneath him- bow so hard HE BREAKS IN HALF BREAKS IN HALF BREAKS IN HALF BREAKS IN HALF. He --wants-- to needs to worship him. Love him, worship him. Worship him. Worship him. A strangled gasp gurgles from his throat as his eyes pop open in a last burst of sudden adrenaline that he can't do anything with- so tragic. TRAGIC.
"It'-s . My own fault . .. ."
He can feel the other's will crushing his own, choking it- suffocating it. "P l..e eas e... " Blood flows from his mouth like a waterfall. His body convulses and twists unnaturally, letting out a loud scream as he tries desperately to free himself- a bird thrashing around recklessly in a cage. "LET ME DIE."
The sudden shriek from him makes Kaitou jump, dull eyes widening, pupils shrinking to nothing as he shakes with the feeling, his own soul throttling Deku's from existence--
... flinches, watching the blade suddenly jerk in Deku's hands and gouge a shallow line right across the side of his throat.
And - and and and and and.
Deku chokes, and gurgles, as blood spouts from his throat in a sea of beautiful red.
He feels the hold on his mind suddenly release and his consciousness come through- and all he can do is scream, and cry. He falls to the ground, holding his throat, trying desperately to hold the blood inside his body. His pupils are flitting back and forth wildly before landing on the blond. "I - " He sputters out in between sobs, rocking on the ground softly, hands to his throat. His voice is filled with malice, pain, heartbreak. And again- fear.
"... I hope .. you're happy."
Kaitou is further soaked in hot crimson, then. It soaks into his hair, covers his face, paints every inch of his skin. Life sparks in his eyes again as the connection suddenly breaks. He watches Deku crumple and break and cry and break and break.
It's awful.
He fumbles, nearly stumbling back, then crawling closer, clutching at himself, suddenly searching-
"Aha... HAHA haha..."
A camera whips forward.
"Hehe... .heheh..." Kaitou starts a frantic recording of what's in front of him on his phone, biting down on his fingers with his free hand as he fights a delirious fit of laughter, making clip after clip. As he forces another few seconds of calm in him, he suddenly clutches at his hair as glee seems to burst from him wildly, a hideously loud cackle leaving him before he's finally able to shudder towards silence again.
He smiles, biting shakily onto his lip. "I am... I am! This-" His breath hitches as he giggles again, hysterical at the sight. "This is the happiest day of my entire life!! Hahaha!!!"
Monoma's voice fades in and out, in and out again. He looks at the phone pointed at him with dying hatred in his eyes, unbroken hand clawing at the ground, broken hand still over his throat as he tries, and fails, to keep the blood in his body.
... One last memory flashes through his mind. It's - a picture , clear as day, of him. As a child, no more than let's say... 6 years old. He sits in front of the TV screen. The smell of food being cooked wafts in from the kitchen. On the TV screen is the words INTERVIEW WITH A VILLAIN. A man, locked up in high security, speaks to the camera calmly as someone else asks questions.
"What made you lash out like this?" "What do you mean?" Well, everyone has a story, right? What turn of events led you to becoming a villain? Did something bad to you happen as a child?" "I had a rather excellent childhood." "So then... what was it?" " I think.. you misunderstand. This is the problem society faces today. The people you call 'villains'- they don't require a tragic upbringing to do the things they do. Morality like that will get you in trouble. See, what one might view as inherently a bad thing, someone else might view it as a good thing. And vice versa." "I.. I don't understand." "Of course you don't. Barely anybody does. Humans are fine tuned to view everything as either black or white- barely any room for gray areas. Gray areas like me. And, if there's anything I learned, it's that no man is created equal, despite what anybody might say. And that's why... I'm going to keep fighting."
The boy in front of the TV studies the face of the man on the screen- he swears he's seen him before.
"Izuku! T- turn that off! It's time for dinner..."
The memory fades. Slowly, Deku takes his hand off his throat, going limp, accepting defeat as the blood now flows freely from his neck onto the ground and his vision begins to fade. As it does, he gives Monoma one last look, before uttering, brokenly:
"I.... HATE you."
Monoma's face falls. He lets his phone drop, not even caring as the screen gets wet with the spilled blood covering the ground.
He watches Deku going limp. Life fades from him. The pool of red around him grows bigger and bigger.
He tilts his head, thinking.
"... You lied to me."
He frowns. "You told me you'd love me no matter what. I do one thing to you... One thing..." A hiccup of a laugh leaves him, another miserable burst of giggles interrupting his words. "And suddenly that's what you say to me...? You've wasted your last words on that...?"
A sulk reaches his lips as he winds a lock of his hair between his fingers. "How unfair...Ah, that's so unfair... That's not what I... wanted..."
He grits his teeth, expression hardening as he continues to twirl and twirl that lock of hair around. All the glee inside him is poisoned now, tainted, he hates this... hates....
Frustrated, he finally lets out a loud huff, searching his clothes. Eventually, he draws out a silvery hair, coiling it tight around his finger. "Fine," he snarls out, though his expression softens with his decision and he sighs as this soft new quirk settles inside him, loving and caring and kind. "Fine... Deku-kun..."
He leans in, a curl to his lips as he approaches the gaping wound in his throat. "I'll do my duty... and let you make it up to me instead..." He smiles. "Then I can just kill you and kill you again until you get it right... doesn't that sound nice? Aha..."
He brings his lips to his neck and lets his body figure out the nightmarish strain it takes to form a gnarled, scabbing scar right into place, sealing the rest of his reformed blood in. He pets his hair after, kissing it again without the power attached, and again and again, sighing with pride as he waits for Deku to awaken again.
He was so close. For a split second - for once, he felt ... at peace. A warmth engulfs his body, briefly.
Briefly. And then, jarringly, he's forced back into consciousness, in the arms of the boy who he thought- he swore killed him. And all he can manage to get out is a weak "No..."
He doesn't have the energy to cry. This wasn't supposed to happen.
Weakly, the boy lifts his arms, trying, pathetically, to push the other's face away from him.
"Let.. me... die."
Kaitou hums to himself, ignoring his struggles as he nuzzles back into place. His arms coil around him tight, clutching onto him like a monster seeking to drain every last bit out of him.
"I'll let you die when you earn it," he murmurs happily, lost in the rush of it all. "Until then, spend every second like this... in... my... debt... Haha..."
And he's so happy.
As Deku lies there, limp, he stares at the ceiling- eyes empty; devoid of any color- of anything.
Nothing runs through his mind- not a memory, a thought, some fucked-up, twisted defense mechanism his brain came up with to shield itself- comfort itself, soothe itself.
It's just... cold. And dark.
All he can feel is the pure malice radiating off of the one who saved his life- this...
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