#theres so much paperwork involved!!!
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princecroutons · 9 days ago
were still in the process of "moving" (everything is packed but we're stuck here until paperwork and legal shit is finalized) I did not anticipate it would take this long so I'll spam some Boy for you all in the meantime
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wrightlaw · 3 months ago
sometimes i have moments where i have to wonder, "how the fuck is phoenix BROKE?"
and then i remember that lawyers operate on billable hours & having to complete trials within 3 days can't be super profitable...especially because phoenix's investigations themselves are almost definitely pro-bono. iirc a lawyer's income also comes from retainers (a set fee you have to pay to secure an attorney), but that can range depending on the attorney...i'm sure most of phoenix's clients (especially maya) have to operate on payment plans, too, so it's not like he's getting $100,000 upfront. i'm sure fees were also altered when the justice system got fucked over. not to mention that phoenix has huge gaps between cases (the ones we play, anyway) so his income ranges wildly, i'm sure.
that or phoenix has some atrocious spending habits...me too king
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basil-does-arttt · 1 month ago
uh uh hi signalis fandom??? i bring you... a storch and kolibri pairing...
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my sweethearts <3 some infodumping about them below:
they are both stationed in a correctional facility on Rotfront. Maus is the commanding officer of the base (aside from the Falke and Adler units of course) and Rin acts as her right-hand woman pretty much. Maus denies it but Rin definitely gets some special treatment and/or exceptions which does piss off the other Storchs but uh we don't have to worry about that right now :3 as the blurbs next to them state, they each have their own manufacturing issues but one is certainly a lot more severe than the other... ill start with Rin: Her heating system is defective, as in it doesn't work at all. Especially unhelpful considering they're on Rotfront, yknow, the ice moon?? She still manages to keep her productivity at an all-time high though, despite her defect. On more than one occaision, she's gotten a warning from Adler about her water usage, since she takes so many boiling hot showers to warm up... Being a Storch she's unsurprisingly quite short-tempered and has noticable violent tendancies that probably could be better reigned in but Maus is into it so Rin gets a pass to be mean. "Interrogations" with Gestalts involving Rin as the punisher more often than not end in a bloodbath. And Rin snagging a couple of new shiny trinkets to keep for herself or share between her and Rin (maybe the other Protektor units if she's feeling generous.) She tends to get quite protective over Maus, and when the two can find a quiet moment alone together, Rin has a bit of a soft spot for her little rodent <3 now, Maus: Her Bioresenance module is defective, as in Maus can't really "regulate" the intensity of it properly. Its way too strong for any normal Kolibri unit, let alone an entire group of them at once, so Maus has intentionally cut herself off from the hive-mind in an effort to protect her fellow hummingbirds. She still works with them and communicates with them of course, she just refuses to do it through bioresenance. Does this mean more paperwork? Yes... but she thinks the tradeoff is worth it. It does have its downsides though. Without the safety net the hivemind provides to her persona, Maus has already begun to degrade in irreversable ways (no matter how many pots of tea she downs or books she finishes a day) Despite this she remains dedicated and loyal to her work, if not for herself then so she doesn't everyone else around her down. (also, after some vauge threats of decomission from Adler, she's only thrown herself further into her work to try and convince him she doesn't need replacing. Maus isn't scared of many things, but if theres one thing she's terrified of, its death.) She suffers a lot from migranes and nosebleeds a lot as a side effect of her faulty bioresenance module, and has landed herself in the facility's medical ward too many times to count because of it. the Eule nurses have even dedicated an entire room solely to Maus due to how often she's in there for Something, be it a headache, or fainting entirely while on the job. If it weren't for Falke, Adler would have had her decomissioned many cycles ago. Falke however trusts her charm of hummingbirds implicitly and keeps a close eye on Maus especially, making sure she doesn't stray too far off the deep end. Maus also has violent tendancies of her own, and works well with Rin because of it. Rin interrogating Gestalts is bad enough, but Rin AND Maus together? yeah that Gestalt isn't coming out of that room alive. or in one piece for that matter.. Maus and Rin sorta bounce off eachother in ways that i don't think are entirely healthy but hey, they're happy, so who am i to get in the way of two lesbian robot's toxic bloodbath yuri :3
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with-my-calamitous-love · 6 months ago
ryunnosuke akutagawa x reader
you watch as your lamp burns by the window, waiting for your lover to return.
celebrating his return to the manga <3
inspired by peter
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normally, ryunnosuke wouldn’t have anyone to return to.
sure, his sister would be there, but that was a given. or maybe stacks of paperwork or copious pent up coughs would greet him. but for the most part, he was used to returning home alone.
and he liked it that way. or so he told himself.
when you come home alone, theres never the pain of realizing your house is empty. he was the only entity within his walls, the only soul that wandered the place. he was the only person who could break his own heart, the only one who could enter his home and take parts away from him. when you shut everything out, the only person who can you is you.
but he’s learned to build his heart up from steal. if his lungs continuously failed him, he’d shield his heart and freeze it with ice no one could penetrate. was he safe or was he broken?
he finds himself face to face with that question when he meets you.
so after 2 long years of melting that ice with sunlight, you found yourself waiting by the window.
he said at most, a few days. he was on some port mafia mission, involving the were-tiger with chopped up hair. that he’d be facing off some old man with a particularly powerful sword and a particularly powerful team. a strange generalization, you thought.
days developed into weeks. then, inevitably, months.
was it something you did?
the cool night air greets you as you thrust your windows open, then same ones that akutagawa loved to look out onto the world through. he’d stumble into your apartment, a cup of tea already brewing for him. he never spoke much, not even to you, but he showed his affection through actions more.
he’d greet you in the bedroom, offering a peck to your forehead. he’d scold you about keeping your windows open, especially in autumn. he complains its only worsening his lungs, but he can’t help but love the way the moon reflects off of your irises.
and he tells you about his life, underneath those stars. about his past, his sister, and all the darkness he kept within like a locket. he tells you that falling in love was not for someone like him.
“..love.” he mutters under his breath, almost scoffing when you bring up the subject. he’s standing behind you, arms encasing you between him and the window. though he’d never tell you, he’s trying to keep you warm. the night are was often not very forgiving to kind folk like you.
your brows furrow, but you understand where he comes from. “yes, ryu. love.” you reaffirm. “i’m in love with you.”
he blinks for a moment. first, he thinks what terrible taste in men you have. and how lucky he is to be that man.
he sighs, his throat running dry. though he does prompt to press his lips to your forehead once more, staring at you with a light in his eyes you’ve never quite seen before. no one in the mafia would know that the demon ryunnosuke akutagawa was also a gentleman, one who gently ushers you to bed and puts you to sleep with a kiss to your knuckles.
he waits for you to fall asleep before he leaves a letter, and bids you farewell.
you’re kindness will be the death of both of us. i don’t know why you’ve decided to show me kindness, or any semblance of love for that matter, but you have.
a spot in my heart is reserved for you. and my heart, that i knew to be cold and unwelcoming, beats for you. thank you for showing me what it means to love.
…i’ll come home soon.
and when i do, i’ll tell you all about it. about that damn were-tiger i swore i’d beat down, or that former mentor whose approval only comes second to yours. you’ve changed so much for me. you’ve given me something i want to live for.
thank you.
i’d write that i love you, but i’d rather you hear it from me.
the goddess of timing, unfortunately, has a cruel heart. and so the moment akutagawa admitted his feelings for you, he was pulled away from the one thing that made the air around him breathable.
you read his letter everyday. at first, you cried to it, and clutched it to your chest. then, after the first few weeks, you wondered if he had been lying. your ribs get the feeling he did.
how poetic is it, that both of you thought it was just goodbye for now.
while he’s away, he swears he’ll grow up. that he’ll change and be better. that, for what little time his lungs give him, he’ll love you more. he’ll let you teach him what love is, and love you back tenfold. and once he���s done that, he swears he’ll come find you. promises oceans deep, but never quite to keep.
and though he’d never admit it, he thinks about you every damn day. he wonders if you’re still a mind reader, able to steal the scene of every room you’re in. he’s heard great things from whispers and rumours, and he’s glad that life was easier on you than it was on him. you deserved it, after all.
and as weeks develop into months, selfishly, he hopes you wait.
and you do.
you let that lamp burn every night while your life dances around you. you hope, deep in your heart that he’ll return. that he’ll drink your shitty tea and scoff at your shitty jokes. that he’ll put you to bed and linger around in the morning, planting a kiss to your forehead like always. you hope that he’ll return with his feet on the ground and with stories to tell, because you never lost a single ounce of love for him.
you tried to hold onto it. and its true. you never lost any love, even after you draw the curtains, and turn down the lights.
you hope he forgives you.
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gordon-freeman-phd · 6 months ago
man, i wonder what the emergency handbook for the presumable school system that is in black mesa looks,
like there has to be some sort of school given how far black mesa must be from the nearest school and theres more solid evidence given that eli says he got alyx out of black mesa, And since its been about 20 years after the resonance cascade and alyx is 24, that means that she should wouldve been between 3-4 years old, meaning she wouldve been in preschool, so schools, bare minimum day care, must exist
so back on topic, the emergency situation set up, brcuz ignoring something as catatrophic a the rescas, there are many dangerous things inside black mesa that the school system would have to account for, such as poisonous gasses getting thru the air ducts (and past any of the other fail safes) explosions from whatever materials there are, radiation leakage, acidic liquids potentially reaching the school, air disasters given the actual airport black mesa has, tram system failures, aliens escaping and wrecking havoc, nuclear meltdowns, space rockets falling and hitting the school, the damn breaking and causing water issues or flooding issues, hell if the schools under ground they may even have issues with thr air cycling systems breaking, like so damn many emergency situations tjat i cant even begin to imagine given my lack of knowledge of science related disasters and the specifics of the facility,
so the hand book must be miles thick, and the amount of paperwork parents would have to sign and aknowledge beyond normal schooling stuff to even bring families on site rather than send them off somehwere else,
so in regard to the rescas, the scientists clearly knew of its existance and potential hazards (barring the alien invasion) so what would the teachers know of it, frankly how much can the company really prepare the teachets for since they lilely wouldnt have full clearance on everything in the facility, would they instead have training on how to react but only codes attached to each one rather than actual knowledge of the threat itself (this is likely imo) so in thr case of the rescas, something that seems somewhat less classified, i imagine a "simple" evacuation procedure would occur, get to an evac point, wait for air lifts or some kind of large transport vehicle to move the kids, how many faculty would be required to stay behind incase of a missing unaccounted for headcount to search? would security guards do that or just be support, would a fire fight team also be there since the rescas seems to involve a lot of fires and explosions? but looking at the rescas as we know it happens, would the teachers have last minute changes to their regular evac points given the fact that the hecu would be involved in this contingency and they need to kill everyone so having the kids and teachers all in oen place would be conveinant, or would the regular evac point be fine they just wouldnt send evac teams, how would they account for parents wanting to take thwir kids themselves incase of a facility wide evc order? do parents know where the evac point is?
and also on the topic of the wide variety of emergencies teachers would have to be prepped for, how do they drill for all of these? particularly the non evac ones since that wohld be able to cover many situations, i imagine not every situation can be covered by the same thing if its non evac, or would they just balnket evac for everything just to be safe but instead the evac points in practice would just change depending, (frankly why wasnt there a contingency plan in place for a rescas in the first llace if it was such a high list concern with the type of equipment secC is working with, seems like an issue, or is all their contingencies relying on communication so heavily that since it went down they couldnt follow procedure, this seems possible given elis line about the lack of comms)
many such questions
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activatebutterflyshield · 1 year ago
Songs that make me really really really want to learn animation so I can make epic sequences with them as the soundtrack
- Notos by the Oh Hellos, itd make a great phoenix-rising, defeated-character-realizing-their-power-and-absolutely-destroying-someone-who-did-them-real-trauma thing. Also the metaphors and imagery. “Every inhale I take, swallow the ocean whole and I am one / With the hurricane, tall as the tide that laps with a rabid tongue”??? “With every exhale I break you down with a fury, I lay the hills undone / Like a dog gone untamed, bellowing out a river from my lungs”??????
- Boreas by the Oh Hellos, the perfect sort of ‘Im completely defeated but by god I’m still going to do something to help’
- Okay I should just include all of the Four Winds EPs in here. Get over here, Eurus and Zephyrus. Passerine and Rio Grande specifically.
- The Horror and the Wild by the Amazing Devil, see this one fandom post I made that was basically a desperate attempt to visualize an animatic I could never make
- Chords by the Amazing Devil, entirely different vibes but bloody hell it lights a fire in my heart every time I hear it. Just. “We were the winter nights / So you could be the morning snow / Your life begins by leaving / And our love is shown / In the letting go”????????
- Rockslide by the Crane Wives. Im writing a whole thing about that album, Coyote Stories’, relationship with climate change and the generally horrible state of the world and this song is the reason. “Oh I pray today my soul to keep / But we best get a move on or the devil we will meet”?? I mean. Mates. It hits hard.
- Sleeping Giants by the Crane Wives. Same album as Rockslide and just as strong if not more so. It would make for a great call-to-war or prelude-to-a-big-ol-battle.
- Rule #3 Paperwork by Fish in a Birdcage. By goodness is Paperwork underrated (though methinks Rule #2 Moonlight is even more underrated but thats just a good song) and I love it to death. Just a great song for an easygoing time. Or, alternatively, a great song for a subtle call to action.
- Rule #33 Pyre by Fish in a Birdcage. Its just great. A final, fond farewell from a beloved parent or mentor or loved one or other dear person telling you that you’ll be fine after they’re gone. Also the accordion is really neat in this one. “Trust yourself and live it your way”. It just is great.
- WOLVES OF THE REVOLUTION. ARCADIAN WILD. This gave so much inspiration for writing a revolution and the people involved in it. Its perfect for that arc. It doesnt bloody matter if said revolution is in a war tragedy of a fanfic.
Theres more but I dont have much to say about them, so just know that Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier (Corb Lund), Solar Waltz (Cosmo Sheldrake), Mvmt II Begin and Never Cease (The Oh Hellos (really bloody Christian but its so good just music wise)(Also Christmas as hell)), The Day Goes On (Bill Wurtz), and my very dear Discord’s Smallest Violin (The AJR Discord) are also very dear to my heart and would probably become something if I had enough commitment and free time and all those other extremely volatile factors to actually learn how to animate. I will, someday. But that day is not today.
Also I swear to you @writer-of-random-things I am writing the climate-change-Coyote-Stories thing. It exists. Or, about half of it exists. I got to The Hand That Feeds and its. Uh. A lot.
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withered-tears · 4 months ago
10 and 11 for anyone!
10, fav music:
W: his music taste is a bit all over the place, he'll listen to pretty much anything. But his favorites thend to be emotional pieces from musicals. The singers voice breaks halfway thru a sentence with emotion? Thats the GEWD shit. (Coff. Hadestown. Coff)
X: she enjoys instrumental stuff more than anything else, so just give her some movies/animes/games ost and she'll be good to go. You can tell how badly the squad is doing that quarter by how intense the music she is listening is while making the paperwork.
Y: she loves fast paced stuff. Specially when theres lot of percussion involved. She also sings along. Loudly. Even when she dont quite know the lyrics yflucluc.
Y: 🎶 "WAKE UP! *highspeed mumblinh* A LITTLE MAKEUP!" 🎵
Now worst fears. Lets seeee.
W: actually his worst fear is now getting heavily injured again. More specifically, getting injured again, and his healing making him more and more monstrous each time. (Per example, losing his arm, grows back as a claw, things like that) so he became pretty dang cautios in hunts. X actually approves of this change, he's become a much more effective killer.
X: her worst fear is failing the company, because that would mean getting discontinued, which would get her squad disassembled. Shes yhe captain. The leader! Getting her squad killed would be the worst thing in the world. (She came rlly close to losing both of them in the same day and it was. Not pleasant.)
Y: her worst fear is probably losing her friends! But more specifically, having to CHOOSE one over the other.
For example, if W goes feral again and attacks X, and the only way to save her would be to kill W.
The idea of being alone on copper 9 TERRIFIES her. She would not last long alive.
Most likely go out in a blaze of glory by goinv to the nearesr colony a d taking out as many workers as she can before collapsing.
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doing-something-unholy · 6 months ago
Thinking a lot recently about Adrian's belief in God. He was born and raised Catholic so for most of his childhood it was a given. At some point he would've started to wonder, maybe around 10-13?
(He doesn't remember, but the first cracks happened earlier. He asked his mom why his picture bible didn't show dinosaurs in the garden of Eden. She didn't answer him.)
He went through it as a teenager. He was an altar boy and had a lot of anxiety about God and Hell and his sexuality. Didn't help that Father Mathew was the fire and brimstone type and homophobic.
As an adult though, Adrian's belief is much more casual. It's routine to him. Most of the time he doesn't think about it, it actually doesn't matter much for doing his job. Being a priest involves more paperwork and meetings and community service than you'd think. He just thinks that God involves Himself in the lives of humans very sparingly, it's up to them to help each other out.
Sometimes, at his most optimistic, he sees God everywhere. The breeze in the garden, the sun dappled through leaves, the stained glass and incense smoke. He'll linger in the church after Mass, breathing in the quiet and peaceful moment.
Unfortunately, that kind of optimism doesn't last, and it can break in two ways: one, God isnt real. His prayers go unanswered, but not all is lost. There is nothing out there, and all his platitudes are meaningless, but comforting for the people he tells them to. He doubles down on community work, trying his best to help with the resources the church has, and cringes inside every time he has to say it's in God's name.
Two: God is real, and theres a reason why Adrian doesn't feel Him. Sometimes his mood and mental health spirals, and Adrian worries that people aren't exaggerating when they speak about their religious experiences. Adrian has actually never felt like God had any kind of personal interest in him, and he can try to brush it off as proof God doesn't exist, but it hurts to the core. At his worst, he believes in a God that sees him as so broken he's not worth saving. That he'll never be good enough, that he's damned irreparably. Every now and then the crushing weight of the fear of Hell keeps him awake, unable to sleep until he exhausts himself by praying until he's crying so hard he can't breathe. Adrian wakes up feeling almost hungover, going through the motions of his day. Eventually the fog lifts, and he starts feeling better.
And the roller-coaster starts again.
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frozenflmes · 2 years ago
🙄 ppl trying 2 argue abt y kids shouldnt b allowed 2 have pokémon again, n this time theyre bringing journeys into it.
u dont even rly camp out that much while ur traveling btw. bc pokémon centers r literally set up so theres space 4 u 2 rest in them. n theres so much support from basically everyone u meet that its a safe time 2 learn abt what u need 2 have w u.
n r u forgetting that having pokémon w u literally is protection from wild pokémon? which r literally everywhere? ur arguing 4 kids 2 not b able 2 leave their home cities when u say they shouldnt have pokémon. but ig uve already said u dont care abt that bc u hate kids being able 2 travel anyway.
n look im going 2 b honest here. i love paperwork n stuff. but ur arguing 4 every casual trainer or pokémon owner 2 need 2 spend hours in classes n w detailed paperwork, when registering a pokémon already involves getting an overview of the species. if someones going 2 ignore wellbeing stuff from what already exists adding in fancy classes isnt going 2 do jack shit other than make a barrier 2 getting pokémon 4 ppl who cant afford the time or costs 4 smth formal.
anyway the point rly just boils down 2 thats stupid n ur stupid n u dont care abt kids half as much as u say u do ^v^
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otome-on-the-side · 3 years ago
hc: the brothers, as avatars of sin, are occupying what was supposed to be temporary posts. Demons, even incredibly powerful ones, cannot channel the main input of a primary sin for forever, and it eventually wears them down. In the olden days, new avatars of sin would be found via ambitious demons killing off avatars that were weakened enough to Be Killed.  Now a days though, the devildom has 6 fallen angels specifically cursed to handle a primary sin by their own creator (and one demon that their head of household spawned from sheer excess). These assholes are just. living with their curses, and worse, aren’t showing any signs of going anywhere. Sure, they bicker, but there’s absolutely no chance of getting them to pick each other off through infighting. Worse, if they’re challenged, they show no sign of being weaker than they were- if anything, these freaks are stronger, only having grown into their power and mastery with time.  
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Now im thinking about how many different emergency contact forms everybody has to fill out. Like theres the generic "someone needs to pick me up" and theres "who to call if you're dead". If secret IDs are involved you prob have to fill everything out TWICE (once for hero ID and again for personal ID + how much can be said to those contacts). There is of course "Bat's paranoid that were gonna be exposed to a rare strain of alien sex pollen despite most of us never leaving earth so now we need to sign Bat 'the chances are low but never zero' Man's emergency sexy times paperwork" that has already been discussed here. And the secret ID section of that paperwork must be huge bc like how do you explain this situation without outing them. I read a fic once (it was marvel) where you could put teammates on these lists but incase the whole team goes down you need another 3 contacts, so some people's lists are like 7 people long
So poor Danny is like "well if anything happened to me i'd want Jazz, Sam, and Tucker to be informed. And if i died-died i want my parents and Dani to know. And if im in a coma and out of commission for longer than a few days then my court needs to know and thats like 20 people in itself. As my main doc Frostbite should be on all these lists" and so really, its completely understandable why his court ended up on his Sex Pollen Emergency List. Really. Guys stop laughing its not funny.
Whoever was filing that paperwork was probably like "why does this guy have 18 people on his FOD paperwork?" and Jason is over here struggling to find his third contact bc you have to have 3 or more people listed in the FOD paperwork and he's totally not bitter that Danny didnt put him on his own list. Not bitter at all. Bc they're bros. Danny must just have a lot of exes- what do mean theres 18 people on this list? THERES 18 PEOPLE AND I DIDNT EVEN PLACE?!?!?!
One of those the bats make you fill out Sex Pollen Consent Forms (which cover all fuck-or-die scenarios) once you join the hero community fics. And during the annual update Jason puts down Danny as his #1 contact. Now him and Danny are NOT dating, Danny is just the only person he can trust to be able to escape him if whatever Jason is dosed with amps the pit rage to 11. With Danny's intangibility, strength, and durability it would be hard for Jason to actually hurt him and if Jason is too far gone Danny can always melt through the floor and leave Jason behind. Danny and Jason have also seen each other super vulnerable and have had some emotional intimacy bonding moments before, so that plus the powers thing makes Jason want Danny at the top of his Emergency Fuck-Or-Die List.
And theres like so many ways this could go. Is Danny retired and whoever sees the paperwork is just like "who tf is this guy"? How did Jason bring it up because Danny had to sign the consent paperwork too. Have they madeout before or do they try and kiss each other for the first time the day they do the paperwork and they're interrupted by their Door Dash order? If Danny isnt retired does Jason feel hurt that he's not Danny's #1 (its Sam)? Or maybe Jason doesnt make Danny's list at all?
And then of course theres the actual incident. Is it Ivy's pollen? Alien pollen? Magic spell? A curse? Drugs? Weird ghost pollen? And how long does it last?
And then it can go so many ways. Is Jason heavily effected by the pit? Is Jason not? Do they have typical rough fuck-or-die sex? Does Danny have to break out some powers (ex. strength, ice handcuffs)? Do they kiss at all? Or maybe Jason looks like he's in the rage but Danny can tell he's actually just terrified? And they have the most vanilla sex ever? Or maybe they dont have sex at all and Danny just holds Jason and comforts him by kissing his head and playing with Jason's hair as they wait it out/Jason takes care of it himself?
And do they even talk about it afterwards? Or do they act like that didnt happen (which just increases the mutual pining)?
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the-magnus-archives-wiki · 5 years ago
taxes ??
so in episode 54 a tax man goes to check a Stranger-run store and i cant stop thinking about it because their books were apparently in good order
did they sift through their kidnap victims for any accountant bits or did they just send a skin-person to accounting school, anatomy class style ???
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peepsbeeps · 5 years ago
Sooooo I heard through the grapevine that there was a clinic near me that could do the procedure that Peepers needs to flush out his inner ear, so I gave them a call asking and they said they’d call me back once they spoke with the doctor.
Now they just called me and out of the blue told me they can fit him in for the procedure tomorrow so I guess I’m dropping him off in the morning? This is super duper unexpected. A few hours ago I didn’t even know if they’d be able to do it and now I’m scrambling to prepare for it
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my-autistic-things · 6 years ago
I really don't like this whole having to submit a request for accommodations thing. I have a disability. I have been approved by a doctor as well as the disability services office to have specific, reasonable, accomodations for my disability. It shouldn't up to a teacher, who doesn't even know who I am, if I should get these accomodations or not just because "that's how they run their class".
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petrichorium · 1 year ago
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went insane and did my own hcq relationship mapping inspired by @lorelune. i kept the graphic v simple but have v specific thoughts abt all ten relationships so massive rambling utc
Jing Yuan + Jingliu — this one is most clear in canon i think; they're master and student, with Jingliu being a pretty cold and distant master but ultimately a decent one. I think she's ultimately quite proud of him but she's a difficult woman to have a relationship with no matter the nature of it. one of my fav headcanons is that her keeping him at arms length is primarily why he's so adept at reading people; he was forced to learn how to read between the lines w her from the very start
Jing Yuan + Baiheng — the most prototypically "close" friendship of the batch. very big sister/little brother coded, w her being the person he rlly goes to for advice and def being his primary confidant. I think there'd be potential for him to have a one-sided thing for her but he just doesn't let it happen bc of Jingliu. i also rlly like the idea that he kind of emulates her as he's rising in the cloud knight ranks—lord knows he did not learn that charisma from the other three—but yeah. theyre v close.
Jing Yuan + Yingxing — this one goes through Many phases they're frenemies for a while and then that bickering sexual tension boils over and it becomes frenemies who regularly (hate)fuck........ until jing yuan accidentally drops a confession in the heat of the moment (fucking? fighting? both?) and Yingxing rejects him and it becomes this sopping wet awkward friendship full of yearning in both a platonic and a romantic sense but Yingxing is too much of a bitch to reach out. v much full of mutual respect and camaraderie the whole time theyre just both very bullheaded
Yingxing + Dan Feng — we all know it and love it. rlly loved lore's take that Dan Feng isn't aware that hes in love and Yingxing is so i'm running with that; it's this weird nebulous "involved" but theyre both too inept to rlly discuss it and that only makes it more volatile. Dan Feng thinks it's just normal friend stuff (this issue heightened by his other closest male relationship being homoerotic as well) and Yingxing is too busy kicking himself for falling in the first place.
Jing Yuan + Dan Feng — fuckbuddies but this time Jing Yuan knows better than to blurt out his feelings so instead he just suffers. It's mostly Dan Feng subconsciously looking to distract himself from Yingxing and Jing Yuan being well aware that's what's going on; theres some underlying feelings on Dan Feng's side but idk..... i just like this messed up love triangle where they're all into each other to some extent individually but Dan Feng and Yingxing r burning hotter and faster and more dangerously than Jing Yuan can keep up with.
Yingxing + Jingliu — longest slow burn of the bunch. they're both insanely prickly and eventually it evolves into being bitchy ass drinking buddies but that takes decades for sure. theres a mutual respect there that develops faster but the actual friendship is slow building
Dan Feng + Jingliu — they both are the highest "ranking" of the quintet i believe and have to do certain politics stuff that none of the others have to deal with (aside from eventually Jing Yuan, but thats long after theyre gone) so there's a certain bit of understanding there. def friends, tho theyre both quite stoic; not the kind to share their innermost thoughts but the kind to like silently sit in the same room doing paperwork PFFT
Yingxing + Baiheng — knew each other since Yingxing was a kid. he had this very intense hero crush on her for years until they met again and it hasn’t quite faded so...... weird messed up kinda-romantic mostly-platonic feelings (he is terrified of untangling that mess) ft a burning need to prove himself to her. she views him as a little brother type beat too; ultimately very close! almost as much as her and Jing Yuan
Dan Feng + Baiheng — deep mutual respect ft a bit of one-sided pining; I love the idea of him being kinda moony-eyed over her not treating him like a deified being, def a bit infatuated w her but it’s all mixed up in intense platonic love too at this point. she focuses on maintaining a friendship, rlly just isn’t much interested in him but does care for him deeply
Jingliu + Baiheng — ohhhhh here we go. insane psychosexual homoerotic female codependency time. theyre closer to a real relationship than Dan Feng and Yingxing but.......... Jingliu is cold and distant yet horribly obsessive and prone to jealousy, Baiheng is noncommittal/terrified of being tied down plus a bit frightened by just how intense her Thing w Jingliu is compared to other flings; its a Whole Mess ty
My interpretation of the high cloud polycule is SO insanely messy I’m realizing holy shit
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ind1c0lite · 2 years ago
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FINALLY yall get to see this lmao, basically Ive had an au (??) rattling around in my head where Apollo decides to hire Kay, a private investigator, to help him find and track down his birth mother, shenanigans ensue, some more things abt it under the cut (feel free to ask anything abt it it lives rent free in my head JHKLJ)
-Most likely takes place a year after SOJ- Though I havent actually watched it for myself yet so Im just going off of info from the wiki HGJKHL
-Kay is 26! shes been a PI for about 3 years now and has gained a rep for being VERY good at her job
-Apollo approaches her with basically nO info or leads and while its gonna Make their job MUCH harder, Kay decides to take it on anyways on the condition that Apollo acts as her assistant during this case
-Basically this is just Apollos lil secret mission for himself, he doesnt tell anyone else abt it since its so emotionally heavy for him
-Im not sure exactly /how/ theyd do it, but I do know that Apollos bracelet would be the best bet after looking through way too much paperwork, probably via finding out what its made out of it since its a special kind of metal
- Basically it'd go like: Find out who commissioned said bracelet > turns out it was Magnifi Gramarye > Uh Oh.PNG > Theres only one woman who was in Troupe Gramarye > Apollo crisis whenever he sees Trucy now > He needs more proof though beside that > Kay finds an older recording of Troupe Gramarye, Thalassa is seen out of costume, wearing both bracelets > Well it cant be just coincidence now > He Is Now a lil Magician man > Now they have to find Thalassa > Turns out shes dead > find out that she didnt ACTUALLY die, Magnifi faked her death> not sure how they would get from here to finding out Thalassa is Lamiroir > Also find out that Phoenix has knwon this entire time and didnt tell either trucy or Apollo > mixed emotions over aLL of it but GOD Apollo is just happy to know his mother is still alive
-I like to think that Trucy joins Apollo and kay at some point in their investigation since shes directly involved at that point
-Maybe a small side plot where Apollo hasnt told Kay about the perceive thing and so he knows shes lying about /something/ unrelated to their case (the whole being the yatagarasu deal)
-overall I think Kay and Apollo would be good friends they could ABSOLUTELY match each others energy and it'd be a good time, they're trans girl trans guy solidarity
-It /c o u l d/ be like an Investigations like plot wheres theres different cases that all tie into the greater mystery OR finding his mom is the focus of it Im not totally sure yet hjgkhlj
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