#theres no gore theres no fucked up morality
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mercelot · 1 month ago
Author: this is a seriously dark story
Me: stop lying!!! this isn't even morally gray. you're 150k in and nothing remotely dark has happened.
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majorasnightmare · 4 months ago
Im SO AMAZED with Dirge, such an intriguing character !!! I was wondering if he conscripted Shadowheart into his party and if so did they get along? They seem to have much in common, ideologically, as far as the "life is suffering" goes and especially with his symbolic symbol being a wolf. Also what does he think of the other companions??
he did indeed!! orins hard reset essentially kicked him back to being a blank slate version of his core traits, that being community seeking and social cohesion. in the cult he only really had sceleritas and orin, which both reinforced a cycle of dependency on bhaal. without those two his next immediate social influences were laezel and shadowheart. act 1 dirge is a far cry from the bhaalist he used to be, and he only starts to resemble that person as he comes into himself, as it were, throughout act 2 into 3.
him and shadowheart are VERY close. dirge is, by nature, a very nosy and curious person so despite his pushing to get to know her, his subsequent respect of her answers and her devotion to shar earned him a good amount of brownie points. without bhaal breathing down his neck, he also has a pretty firm "fuck god" stance and shadowhearts relationship to shar hit a little too close to home to let stand so hes also a positive influence on her especially by act 2. there was a small crush that blossomed there in the beginning but pretty quickly faded in favor of being messy bitches getting tipsy and gossiping together. i like to think shadowheart is the one who initially kickstarts dirge into putting more effort into himself and not sitting around soaked in gore for days on end, and in return he dusts off his old braiding skills from orins younger years and helps shadowheart with her hair. theres a fun bit of foreshadowing i feel in shadowheart being "scared of wolves" but being so comfortable around dirge, which inevitably leads to shadowheart choosing to reject shar and reclaim her past
going just in order of acquisition, next (but technically first) is laezel. and what can i say. real respects real. no fuckin around, no beating around the bush, just cutting straight to the chase without any bullshit. dirge isnt afraid to get his hands dirty and doesnt shy from a fight, and i know he was thrilled to have SOMEONE who knows wtf is going on, even tho he does irritate laezel slightly by poppin shadowhearts pod open. laezel immediately picks up on what he hasnt figured out yet, in that hes a naturally skilled leader capable of making snappy but well reasoned decisions in crisis situations, with a near unshakable confidence in his own competency that bleeds over into everyone else performing better on his orders. it also helps that as soon as laezel commits to fucking over vlaakith, dirge is immediately in her corner, with again unshakable confidence that this is both doable and achievable
astarion is the first of his many weird situationships. in the same way queer people who arent out even to themselves flock together, the two of them hit it off near immediately despite the attempted throat slitting, and astarion remains one of dirges closest relationships period. in general the question of whether or not something is "moral" gets completely thrown out the window in favor of whether or not something is "helpful". absolutely no qualms about maiming killing stealing torturing etc here, but is this something that you actually want to do or just feel obligated to do? and in that vein dirge never once takes astarions seduction seriously. they fuck basically as soon as astarion puts it on the table, but dirge is explicit about it being just something fun to do to pass time, and never ties it to astarion as a person. when astarion tries to seduce dirge into a relationship, dirge just reiterates how astarions important to him and then spends the next dialogue taking the piss out of astarions cheesy pickup lines. its a very casual but consistent intimacy that constantly reaffirms astarions ability to take the persona off and still receive protection and safety, that also lets dirge figure out some key things about his sexuality, primarily that hes intensely sensory seeking (does enjoy astarion biting him, does enjoy taking a roll in the hay whenever the oppurtunity is available) but also that theres some skeletons in the closet that need unpacking (unremembered discomfort with topping or being the focused-on partner wrt sex). overall its a very slow paced intimate closeness that moves from a sortof friends-with-benefits to a purely nonsexual friendship that has astarion being really the only one consistently paying attention to dirges body language and behaviors and picking up on red flags everyone else is too uncomfortable to talk about. when astarion notices in act 3 that dirge is repeating the same twitchy standoffish behavior he hasnt engaged in since act 1, its because they have a casually intimate rapport that has no strings attached that lets astarion really commit to investing in the relationship without worrying about it being transactional. astarion also just enjoys hanging out with him, dirge is an unrepetant little weirdo and is fun without having any moral hangups the others have.
gale is dirges second weird situationship and god. rip gale this poor bhaalspawn is driving him fucking nuts. like first of all. charisma caster poorly socialized by a murder cult who has yet to figure out that whole "personal space" deal, who is currently mimicing the social dynamic of the party and taking heavy cues from mr "i totally have my shit together" ancuinin and exploring being Openly Flirtatious and typically gale saves that kind of thinking for the SECOND date thank you very much. second of all dirges second main stat is INT and his specialty is studying everything he can get his hands on, dirges main driving force when it comes to relationships is that metaphysical hunger thats so so tasty in warlocks that draws eldritch beings from miles off like moths to a porchlight. when self flagellation didnt cut it in the temple, dirge turned to consuming as much knowledge he could get his hands on, and that means the weird unwashed tiefling guy with a very noticeable animal musk scent underneath the blood is the only one who keeps up with your explanation of arcanic gate manipulation. hes a hands on learner btw whos standing right behind you so ur back hits his chest and he also just beamed an open mouth makeout sesh into ur brain. mission status Be Fucking Normal About Him difficulty impossible. it goes without saying that dirge fucking hates mystra for how she treats gale, but in a surprise twist that upsets even HIM, dirge came to the conclusion that apotheosis would strip gale of all the varied wonderful traits that make him powerful and capable, and would instead strip him down to a selfish one note wonder just like the rest of these divine bastards. we have to throw the crown out gale im so fucking sorry you have no idea how much it hurts to be a warlock of all things and to have that much power in your hands and toss it. like take two seconds and think about how much this hurts ME like GODDDD. AWFUL. AWFUL SITUATION. dirge is definitely too intense of a relationship for gale but that doesnt stop a very awkward act 2 confession. the game doesnt let me do this but i know in my heart that dirge would fuck that wizard, if only so his bro doesnt go to his death without having a nice night with the homies. the wizard sex doesnt count gale. in my opinion, post game gale, having NOT ascended, hasnt quite figured out the "wants to teach" biz yet and just kind of aimlessly loiters around dirge as a couchsurfer because he isnt ready to go home and spill his guts to his mom yet. also almost definitely has some unresolved feelings towards dirge hes still trying to work out
wyll is like. who isnt a little in love with wyll ravenguard. absolute icon. wylls opinion is important enough to dirge that it keeps his body count from climbing any higher than it does in game, and him and karlach are the sole reason the grove doesnt get razed. rip zevlor but dirge being amicable to you doesnt mean he cares, ur ass got saved by the PRIDE OF THE GATE. they never get SUPER close but dirge goes to bat for wyll every chance he gets, mainly because wyll doesnt. takes personal pleasure in putting his warlock experience to work to clown on mizora as often as possible. absolutely LOATHES ulder ravenguard for how hes treated wyll and the only reason ulder doesnt die is because wyll would be sad about it, and dirge really just has a huge softspot for the guy. wyll is a massive romantic in the classical sense so he doesnt match dirges freak sadly, but i know in my heart they are fucking up baldur gates food truck scene together and wyll is lovingly introducing dirge to the mid scene of microbrews.
karlach cliffgate is dirges best fuckin friend and hed kill for her. and die for her. but IDEALLY kill the SHIT out of zariel for her. vibes matched INSTANTLY, two deeply isolated weirdos who overwhelmingly just want to live with a passion for beating the shit out of people. dirge is just more generalist about it. karlach offers a very key and crucial component to any longterm relationship of any kind and that is Gettin A Lil Silly With It. if i programmed bg3 then whenever karlach does her idle pose lil dancey dance in the same party as dirge, hed sync and do it with her. the strongest positive influence on dirge, karlachs potential disapproval has saved the lives of many a gnome and tiefling refugee. equally touch starved, fixing her engine was a top priority, and while the game wont let me i think they have a casual friends with benefits situation happenin that stops when dirge settles into his relationship with minthara. but they never really stop being like. all over each other. karlach can kinda just do whatever she wants with him, just kinda pick him up, tuck him under her arm, leave. just move him places. when karlach can finally touch people, dirge just indulges that constantly. he doesnt mind at all. shitposting aside i rly do think karlach would like sit down by a campfire and then just yoink dirge onto her lap and hed just readjust to get comfortable and continue talking like nothing happened. theyre best friends, she helped dirge remember what its like to actually want to live, and he fights tooth and nail for her to want to choose to survive because the idea of losing karlach is too much to even think about.
extra party member bonus round!
halsin is amicable, they flirted openly early on but halsin waited too long to shoot his shot and minthara claimed him. is mostly dirges primary care doctor and the one who diagnoses dirge with chronic migraines and helps him medicate for it. extra strength painkillers cuz that bhaalspawn liver can go through a woodchipper and be fine
jaheira is similarly a "hits it off immediately" kinda relationship, esp cuz im p sure she groks the bhaalspawn deal well before he does. is good aligned but mostly just pragmatic, so she takes what she can get with dirge and is mostly satisfied that his loved ones are enough of a deterrent to keep him from doing any number of morally abhorrent things dirge doesnt actually give a shit about. playfully antagonistic family relationship, he loves bullying her in front of her kids, and her presence in the camp at night is a much needed balm for his anxiety
minsc is another "vibes matched instantly", but dirge is mostly happy he found someone he can go Psycho Mode on to vent some pent up unsatisfied Killing Urge without any risk of serious harm. act 3 is the worst for dirges Urge, so minsc being willing to spar until it dies down probably saved several unnamed randos from being gutted in the night. self described uncle, and while dirge is willing to consider minsc family, uncle feels like taking it a bit too far. not gonna complain tho. no idea what the fuck boo is and getting too awkward to seriously investigate.
minthara is honestly worthy of her own post entirely but to loosely summarize: love of his life. most important person in the world to him. it was love at first sight, and at every sight since. genuinely didnt think hed ever get to see her again and is thrilled every day they spend together. theres something So Much to the specific dynamic of Agent of God and the Divine Entity theyre in love with. isobel and aylin, dirge and minthara. how she swears her oath to him and how hes physicalized divinity. how she says there are no gods left for her but he finds her in moonrise anyways. i could write entire essays on them, and i WILL, but the summary important here is that she gets him locked down before act 2 is even over and that concretely ends most of his sexuality-exploring sensory-seeking FWB situationships because like. its minthara baenre. hes peaked.
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dakotac0le · 7 months ago
Should I start listening to jrwi?/gen if so where should I start ?
OH YOOO !!!! I mean yes absoutlyllly jrwi r the silliests ever absoulslty. i started watching and now my brain hurts forever an di have been cursed. Join me dear mutual . Where to start uHHH perosnally id recomend blood in the bayou (bitb) cause rhats the shortest campaign (4 eps) and easily digestable. thr first ep is up on thier yourube and the rest is paywalled by patreon for 5 bucks a month but . Theres always other options . Wink wink nudge nudge to be noted abt bitb tho : Deffo got a lot of horror gore fuckery and drug usage jsut ^^ heads up and whatnot
annother one that exists is the sucking and i have no feelings abt it whatsoever. Or about aurthur bennet resident loser or about shilo residnt loser or about emizel resisdnt badass losser. I love them all so bad and the npcs r . Iconic. So iconic. This is the vampire campaign !!!!! Its peak sillysims ( and also quite a lot of horror esque elements here its the vampire campaign so also blood and gore and whatnot ykyk) The first 5 eps r up on yt for free and the rest r on patreon and theres no other way to watch it at all whatsoverr
BUT !!! If u dont vibe w wiether of those or horror is not ur speed theres a v swag campaign currently running (3 eps in and next ep come sout this sayurday !!) called Wonderlust highly recomend theres a gay frat boy , weird autistic rat and Blink (loser) (affectionite) . Its up on youthbe on thier chanel for free and its very funky fresh UHHHH theres also riptide !! The big one . tbh i havent ever watched it all the way thro cause theres sm eps and its veyr intimidating bUT i hear great things and ep 114 is sick as fuck to watch even w out the larger campign (same w ep 52 and 53) basiscally weird found family pirates love whatver theyve got going on AND that campaign is compeltly free up on thier yoruube
and the one u have probaly seen rbed the most by me is apothieosis aka weird gods lore . religion . canon gay sex . miserable robots. Like . Neon evangelion but WORSE !! (Patreon exclusive but not nessaraly :3) this is proably my favorite campaign its jsut. Brain altered .
AND THE OTHER one that i am normal abt and doesnt . Kill u . Dead. is prime defenders !!! Akaa !!! The one im veye nromal abt !!!!! normalll !!!!! This ones . Ahhhhhh uh hard to get into potentially erm . Theyre quite cringe but take my hand dearest mutual thecringe is apart of it they r cringe loser teenage superheros trying thier best. It also goes from cringe lighthearted cartoon physics to AH FUCK verrry fast and suddenly everything is . Bad. IF u like superheros or discussions on morality of kilkign people or father figures or being . Very . Very sad. I cant recomend enough !!!!!!! I mean i dont and dont watch this this one hurts physically and mentally and spirtually and bibblically and. GRRRR (this ones also technically patreon exclusive)
If u enjoy absousllty any of this i do recomend joining patreon if u have the ablity cause theres a loot of sick stuff up there including a mini campaign called tmk im v obbsesed w . And unforutnalty idk how to pirate thta uhhHh the world of tmk is slowly worming its way up to being one my faves tho and the story is great so !! Yk !!!
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ragdollsgender · 20 days ago
my thoughts on/liveblog of invincible season 3 episodes 1-3 👍 spoilers obviously
yayyy rex and mark are friends. also i literally said "its his favorite finger" at the exact same time as mark. literallyyyyy his favorite finger
multipauls new hair is cute. olivers is not :/ his bangs are weird bring back long hair oliver
multipaul talking though multiple versions of himself is rlly cool. i dont remember kate doing that at any point i think she just acts normal. hes lowkey edgier
i think they might lowkey be making oliver more fucked up with the way he intentionally tricked mark in2 promising,,,,, like on its own it would be nothing but considering what i know from the comics its an interesting choice i like this direction
wearing a ring outside your superhero suit seems like a bad idea lol. keep it on a chain or under the gloves or like. just add a decorative band of fabric
raeeeeee ^_^ wemon
they might be setting up rae and rex getting together. i dont hate it but ehhhhhh i dont think they have that much chemistry. they should just be besties
"familys back babey, and unbreakable" foreshadowing 🤨?
"he just wanted to surprise me" lol. in the comics oliver wanted to surprise mark. this is different
eve going to school is awesome, more character development and potentially getting better at using her powers in creative ways ^_^ also her outfit in this scene is cute
oliver ipad baby
kidnapping rex while hes naked?????? not cool
eve for sure has a point abt the alt universe her being not actually the same as her. like i personally wouldnt automatically assume mark only acquired feelings after that but she has a point
stoppppp making doc seismic woke fuck my lifeeeee i thought we were done with this. also hes not even a generic mad scientist hes pretty unique. also homo sapiens didnt come up out of the ocean i think that line couldve been worded better
big fan of that cavewoman/bone theme lady that showed up for like 5 secs. women <3
idk if rex has more character this season or if im just noticing him more but its great
no more sinclair on screen during this scene fuck my stupid baka life and this gay earth. also wtf is severe psychological reprogramming
the after credits scene is a solid 2 mins which is unusual. i like how they seem to be going more slow w nolans character development here, i might not hate him as much later. but for now im still a hater i heart hating
idk how i feel abt flashback cecils design here. idk abt the ashy blonde hair. did he look like that in the comics cuz i dont remember
the moral of this story is never trust white women who say namaste
i dont see how this disaster in 1 city will lead to worldwide revolutions n shit. disasters happen all the time what makes this 1 special huh. "industrial society"? "return to the natural"?? i was expecting a communist angle not this anprim/tradprim stuff. she for sure posts quotes from the unibomber on tumblr
that was a very odd extended taser scene. and right on her boobs no less 🤨
i was wondering where the 2nd half of this duo was. why is he so american looking hes serving malibu ken or smthng. oddly tan
boobs with no skin on them do not look like that. the mammary tissue and fat are above the muscle so that would be visible here if they didnt they got burned off entirely. unless she has implants which i support. maybe she just got implants without taking any estrogen. in terms of actual looks the gore is mid but i appreciate the fact that they went that far anyways. welllll maybe this chemical stuff is just instantly cauterizing everything which is why theres no blood and the muscle is so weirdly colored. cecils segment is better than the freedom fists parts
ohhhh i see now the title colors are changing cuz. well i wont say for the sake of anybody who hasnt read the comics but You Know
"i dont work w criminals" technically killing anybody is against the law. including criminals. so You are a criminal. bro you are not the punisher
how is there spray paint on the walls. they dont let spray paint into prison. also yayyy another random woman on screen for 5 secs
theres only 1 bed??????
"darkwing and sinclair dont have your abilities" yea sinclair is literally just some guy. imagine using fucked up corpse cyborgs to protect yourself from a 130 pound goth egg
wow that blood is solidly brown. which makes sense for corpses i support
i think the composition of that particular shot in the white room was WAYYYY better in the comics. why is the background just a red gradient in the show,,,, SAD cuz the comics version is 1 of my fav panels tbh. much more dramatic. but ig its more work to draw during all those different shots vs just a couple panels of comics
no sinclair cameo in this scene either??????? they hate me
damn cecil is being super harsh
woah mark straight up saying he will kill cecil already?? idr if he said it like that in the comics
WUH OH. OHHH NOOO. you cant be talking like that purple baby. but he does have a point that straight up saying you will kill somebody is pretty bad
"it doesnt even make sense" eve. cecil is part of the united states military. he kills people
"i know you, you dont hurt people if you can help it" not everybody knows mark?? thinking you know him doesnt prevent him from doing things you dont expects?? rlly dubious worldview here lol. like its a common worldview but in my autistic opinion it doesnt make sense. not a critique of the shows writing but a critique of the general population of people who think like this
"rex has been asking for it for years" its just a littleeee weird to say your ex bf was asking to be murdered for years (including the time you dated him) when you and the guy youre talking to rn could both actually murder him easily. like if it was just beating him up a little or you werent dating him during those years or if mark hadnt actually killed a guy it would be less weird. im nitpicking
"eheh thats mee. mr self control" he does not believe that abt himself. lol
"and shes still heartbroken over something that never happened 2 decades earlier" EXACTLYYYYYYYY ive seen ppl talking abt how fucking weird it is that future eve was still so obsessed w mark especially cuz the show version has actual character development beyond Girl Character and Love Interest im so glad theyre actually addressing this in the show
high school was like 1 year ago you cant rlly dismiss it as just a high school crush when you are both still like 18 lmao
RAEEEEE. SHES TRAUMATIZED FUCK THIS. I Will Be Your Shield (reference)
amanda is so hashtag real for this. and samson is being kind of a dick. stop being so like,,,, boomerish
"all he had to do was follow orders" GIRL ARE YOU TALKING ABT THE ORDERS TO TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE EARTH??????? shes proooooobably talking abt the orders from cecil and not from marks dad but. it sounds bad when you say it like that
"but ive seen most of you not follow orders. many times in fact" lmaoooo hes so real. every single character on this show is a hypocrite 👍
the writing for this argument is GREAT most of them have both at least 1 good and 1 bad point. yayyy complexity and nuance
"sanctimonious" awesome i love words. they should learn more into this i luvvvv combinations of hypercasual and hyperformal speech. luv the directions theyre taking rexs character hes getting so much more interesting
RACECAR BED. AWESOME. wait does this imply that like the government just bought shapesmith a furnished apartment. or does he fucking live at the pentagon or smthng. fascinated by the implications here
"theyll be back" bro is clearly underestimating how Like That they all are
"he wouldve deserved it" WUH OH. OHHHHHH NOOOOOO. DONT SAY THAT
FINALLY rick saying that murder is murder pretty much. you are nottt the punisher you are not the sole arbiter of morals you should not decide who lives and dies
rex has a houseplant in his cardboard box :)
i dont like how rudy is so much taller than amanda. but whatever
he lowkey fumbled that. autism win
"someday i might need him on my side" FORESHADOWING???? ALREADY PLANNING HIS PLAN??????????
"are they special needs" EXACTLY what i was thinking after debbie said that lmaooooo. but it is true that mark is autistic in my opinion and oliver. has something odd going on. "yes, no, umm not in the conventional sense uhh" she is fumbling this so hard. she couldve said oliver is, to explain who hes homeschooled by a private tutor and doesnt go out much
yayyy eve in college. omg whos this girl. i dont recognize her from the comics. random woman event
"it will be good to have darkwing on the guardians again" ok he was being a dick earlier and i still dont like him but hes validating darkwing 2s abilities as on par with the old darkwing awww :)
they made tether tyrant skinny :/
the orchid dying is a Metaphor but more importantly its dying cuz it shouldnt be in a coffee can. orchids need airflow around their roots, theyre usually kept in special containers that are basically mesh. those 2 probably also dont water it enough and they might have even put it in dirt instead of moss. SAD
magmaniac is straight up barefoot. bro
mark homophobic moments
thats the same girl eve met in episode 2, is she going to be an actual character. i hope she gets a name. yayy more women
mark didnt even keep amber updated on this broooooo keep in touch with your friend
the deed to the bridge is in rudys name,,,,, shes fucking loaded how do you buy a bridge. probably doing at least 3 online jobs in the background all the time or smthng
RAE BACKSTORY LETS FUCKING GOOOOO LETS GOOOOO i was allllmosttttt expecting a canon trans reveal here but im probably expecting too much from this show. oh well
also is rudy going to actually tell people about the fucked up clone/body transfer thing or what. can we get more rudy content. i think about this every fucking day
"rex and his exes" woah hes bisexual i didnt know that (reference)
is that amandas belt omgggg
"theyre my parentsssss" fuck parents eve you dont need to put up with this. kill them
tbh the O standing for oliver doesnt even make sense cuz why would he use his actual legal name as his code name,,,,,, but im nitpicking its whatever
woah mark got rlly mad huh
paul,,,, its kind of weird how he heard that debbies exhusband actually killed dozens of ppl and said "wow,,, hes so cool and im balding" now is not the time to self deprecate buddy
eve has been reading abuse recovery books for sure
"thats the us military for you, always fixing things as cheaply as possible" he was so hashtag real for this
i missed the maulers tbh theyre awesome
a lot of REALLY funny lines in this scene. i dont want to type them all out but theyre great
did the maulers not hear abt kate dying cuz they dont seem surprised,,,, maybe they were just in jail the entire time idr
here we goooo. yayy murder
id like to think that mark being silent after oliver says nolan was right is cuz theyre toning down the "eugenics is basically fine" attitudes from the comics. but maybe its just supposed to be more dramatic
ok theres more talking abt murder being wrong than the comics but not the eugenics specifically. which i was expecting but a guy can dream ok. so i wonder if theyre just closing off olivers Thing here or if the life lesson didnt take and hes going to keep acting like that
episode 2 was my fav but i also like the ways they subtly changed the plot points in episode 3. episode 1 kind of felt like getting back into the swing of things, it isnt bad but it was less dramatic yknow. less stuff going on. overall some good episodes ^_^
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turboautismrobot · 2 years ago
very quick abt yume nikki i played it a bit before and i found it boring as hell, theres a fangame called .flow that i enjoyed much more but that shits all subjective
i need you to keep in mind this is a series od 3 games and 2 (soon to be 3) spin offs, the game im telling you about now (ep 1 - junk food, gods and teddy bears) doesnt take itself very seriously untill about halfway, theres gore in this game and its the most light hearted one of the bunch, bucle up
the game starts with a black screen and the dialogue
my world met its end a long time ago
humanity as i knew it has ceased to exist and disappeared without a single trace
the gods they belived in have died, and churches were built as their graves
chaos turned into order, and it finally became quiet
all i can do is dream, for i am so, so tired
before i abandon the words that form noise in my head, will you be so kind as to join me in dream seeing?
hello charlotte: episode 1
"junk food, gods and teddy bears"
the game then introcuces you to charlotte
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cut to her room and i am already appealing to your omori liker brain just look at it
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she then prompts you to take her to the dining room and you can now explore
the big thing on the wall with a heart is a screen, the screen numbered 0001, it tells you to
look for puppeteer symbols (the heart)
only people with the letter X in their name are able to open doors marked with the puppeteer symbol
the green and blue squares are ominicubes, theyre omnipotent living things that store information and allow its users to teletransport
never put soap in an ominicube
the green ominicube is teleports charlotte to different areas of the house
the blue ominicube is a data ominicube and it has information about screens, ominicubes and the tenants of the house (charlotte, aiden, huxley and bennett)
opening the menu charlotte has the opition of STUFF [items and tasks] and REWIND POINT [save] she has the "book of truth" item that she presumably made herself and it has this exposition dump that im just gonna add here cause idk how to words it
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worth noting, seth is charlottes puppeteer, you play as seth, not charlotte, you control her every action because free will is an illusion
also she talks to you all the time and its so sweet, for example you can tell her to take some pepper spray and she'll reply with "wouldnt a flamethrower be more effective?" also the universe of hello charlotte is very much surreal and she just talks to you like this like it was the most normal thing ever and not concerning or at the very least hilarious but considering the people she lives with yeah its normal for her
now this is gonna be sloppy cause tumblr MURDERED the entire thing i wrote which was like a fucking mile of text and im going to commit unspicable things because of this <3 ow my fucking thumbs
Current User who is yet to complete the Educational Program
our protagonist baby shes super nice and sees the good in everyone, shes super heavily implied trans and thats good for her we love her shes the baby ever
Ground Floor's butler. User Note: Hobbies include sewing and taxidermy.
he is super nice and also literally krampus
charlotte stayed up to see santa one night and ended up not only kidnapping but befriending KRAMPUS
he likes making dresses for her :]
A surgeon who owns an interdimensional clinic on the 2nd floor. User Note: Once ordered 30 boxes of duct tape for unknown purposes."
hes surely. a guy
theres not a ton about him but he is. very morally gray hes cool
Occupation and real name unknown. User Note: <Bennett> is the name on the badge of his hazmat suit
bennett is one of huxley's workers, he has a super depressing backstory and these two kind of literally broke and entered into charlotte's house and have been living there ever since
bennett eats soap, hes high up on soap all the time and hes super cheerful (because of the soap, bennett and all of huxleys workers are actually not doing well at all mentally and the soap is their fucked up anti depressent)
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aiden -> charlotte -> felix (ill get to him in a sec) -> huxley -> bennett (he has many eyes cause hes a survival of the eye plague which makes eyes grow in tissue including internal orgains, i have no idea if he can see out of those)
anyways detour over back to the game
after going to the dining room charlotte goes to see huxley in his clinic, this clinic has screens that detail how charlotte met the umbrella man, hes like her father figure but i dont. really trust him
he also gave her the yellow ribbon she wears around her neck
im having to take breaks writing this because tumblr made me so frustrated
huxley needs to ask you a favor to take care of his nephew felix for him for a little while, felix is. not super pleased about being babyset
hes very short and a little bit rude but im sure he means well <3 autism
to pass time charlotte goes to sleep and felix jokes about taking readings of her dreams (hes a scientist also hes like 13) and right before charlotte sleeps theres this scary sequence where something its approacing her bed but it turns out to be her cat
whos also a maggot
the magcat
cut to whenever, charlotte hears a loud noise and wakes up, goes to look for felix and finds a giant tv, she jumps inside and ends up in the tv world
the tv world is a collection of different realms called channels that are inhabited by pythias
pythias are my little guys i fucking love pythias this is like only official art of all 3 pythias from the first game i talked about the one with white hair before
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white pythia -> librarian pythia -> bunny pythia
female pythias (freyas) have 3 eyes and male pythias have 4 (freis), some of them worship oracles but thats. second half stuff. im not gonna spoil the part of the game that takes itself seriously
anyways the first channel charlotte ends up in looks like this, its a satire of every rpg maker horror game ever and its blondie locks evil and fucked up version its called the teddy bear channel
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the pythia we meet here is the bunny freya btw
i think this is all im gonna say about ep 1, again this is a 3 game 2 spin off series and ep 1 is the most light hearted of them so EP 2&3 + DELIRIUM + HEAVENS GATE LIGHTNING ROUND
Hello Charlotte: Episode 2 - Requiem Aeternam Deo
cw - religious themes (as in stuff about gods like the oracles from before, no real world religions here if thats a concern), suicide themes, actual suicide, self harm alegory, bullying, whatever the fuck is going on in the endings
this one has a much, much more depressing atmosphere than the first game, i cant talk about charlotte in this game because it spoils literally the third to last scene of ep 1 but we have
Anri (Henrrieta)
charlotte's best friend! canonically bi and diagnosed as a bpd haver by my qpp
a boy who genuenly belives hes literally god and needs to get rid of this vessel to acheive his godhood again (translation: he wants to die), charlotte befriends this guy and ends up being bullied with him as a result
one of huxley's workers, she gives you a data cube of bennett she has as blackmail and the data on it is literally just all of his trauma lmao and also she looks like gumi like the vocaloid
Hello Charlotte: Episode 3 - Childhood's End
cw - religious themes (not real world religions) drugs, suicide, murder, overdose, a literal cult, genocide, rather unhealthy relationship, hallucination (the evil and fucked up kind), eyestrain
this game is complete whiplash from the other two because THIS CHARLOTTE (theres mutliple timelines, each one is a floor of the house) IS FUCKING EVIL, SHE RUNS A LITERAL CULT which is so definetly an alegory about cancel culture, oh everyone in universe hates her, shes the fandom's favorite girl
shes obsessed with the color white too for some reason, she also Knows she cant die and will just respawn and she Abuses That, giving us the iconic "Ah, she killed herself with a toothbrush" line
we also have the constant flip flopping between true and false realm so
False Realm
already talked about her
anri is again charlottes friend but charlotte is a grade A dick to her like oh my god this charlotte is. fucking evil (i say this as if it was surprising like she didnt have a tv program called execution hour where she kills people live on stream)
ill get to him :]
SHES BACK she has a breakdown/traumadump in the second half
True Realm
so this guy is like, god in the false realm (its blurry), a shape shifter, canonically genderfluid, sometimes he uses vincent as a vessel to go talk to charlotte in the false realm as C, also hes incredibly suicidal and has evil face blindness where everyone looks like they came out of tlou
a boy charles meets online and becomes very unhealthy in love with, literally the same as C from hc2
SHES IN THE TRUE REALM TOO people usually group her charles and vincent together as the "true realm trio", here shes pretty much the same as her false realm counterpart but also shes charles' girlfriend, iirc she loves charles way more than he loves her
oh. oh boy. scarlett
so, her actual first appearence is a single scene in ep2 where she jumps off the roof of the school
here shes charles' unborn sister, his mom seems to love scarlett way more than him even though she was never even born
charles has pretty bad hallucinations with her where she berates him around and is really really mean, like she tried to kill him mean, he takes like 10 pills at a time just to make her leave him alone for a couple hours
during the second half of the game she becomes real in the false realm and you play as her instead of charlotte and. buddy youre not ready for how this game ends lmao
Hello Charlotte: Delirium
cw - light? gore, mentions of torture
this is YET AGAIN ANOTHER TIMELINE, this charlotte doesnt know and doesnt give a shit about having a pupetters, shes anris girlfriend and theyre both fucking deranged and evil theyre so entertaining they find an intruder in the house and immediately black her out and take her to felix and bennett to do whatever the fuck they wanna do
they for some reason end up in a different world called "meat and machinery" world and things ensue its like half an hour and its plenty fun its also rather shitposty like the first game
Hello Charlotte: Heavens Gate
visual novel from charles' pov about him vincent and anri in the true realm :D sometimes it has stuff about the false realm and i recommend playing it after finishing eps 1 and 2 because it has stuff you wont understand and will get spoiled for if you play it early, also the whole game just wont make sense without the context of the true realm from ep3
also vincent starts a cult
i made the great choice of scrolling on pinterest looking for stuff to add to my yttd board and god fucking dammit im so fucking sad (spoilers) but it’s not fair it’s not fair why didn’t they all get to live none of them deserved to die no it’s not fair they all lived happily as best friends after this they didn’t die reject canon embrace denial i want them to live and be happy ITS NOT FAIR
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bethanysmiled · 3 years ago
hi, it's me again. I wanted to comment on your post about art in your insta, it's been months I think. But anyway, I thing about people getting really annoyed with ""ugly"" art is because many see art as just a form of entertainment and it has a strict rule, not something that many artists can express or comment about some topics. I remember on twitter that someone said that she "liked movies that had no morals and that it was just fucked for being fucked" and one of the examples she put up was No country for old men. And I was very ????, because there was so much gore/slasher, films that have no message behind them (and I want to make it clear that there is no problem with that, not everything has to be a masterpiece for be good) that could be cited as examples, but she picked up right away what clearly has a message. People just think that the messages have to be optimists and very easy to understand. And I feel exactly the same thing that happens in paintings, unfortunately there are still people who believe that drawings have to be beautiful and very colorful in a way that ALL people understand in just one way or is it just a pretentious art. Sorry if something got harder to understand my english is not one of the best hehehe
oh which post? I remember making a post about crude art, but I use that term by the definition in which art is referred to as- being 'rudimentary' or 'unrefined', not ugly or crass. Like, a lot of the stuff I post could be considered crude bc it is very simple and based in shapes and 'not well drawn' etc
I'll put the rest under the cut bc I think it'll be long lol
However, on the topic of that movie, that's not too surprising for me to hear bc it's my fav movie and I've heard all the opinions on it at this point. A lot of people enjoyed the movie simply for its action (thats fine), and I think those are the people who hated the ending bc they missed the point completely and feel the ending is extremely out of place, despite it tying everything together. It IS a pretty good example of people taking something at face value, which is also what happens to any media, as you said. People will look at anything, including art, and just take in what they see on the surface and pass judgements on it. I think its also true that some people really cant deal with a message that isnt optimistic. I was just talking to my pal about how so many people seemed to think the end of midsommer was a win for the protag... every person in that movie was a victim but people had to spin it to make it more likable to them. I think theres nothing wrong with that though because it doesnt hurt anyone or anything, I guess.
Personally, my fav comments I get about my art are when people tell me how it makes them feel or how theyve interpreted it vs the 'oooh spooky' comments. Like, I love all kind comments but my art is very rarely meant to be scary- it just so happens that the things I'm influenced by and how I express my emotions fall into that category. Maybe I misunderstood your message a little and my reply is not even addressing your comment well? Sorry if this reply misses the mark.
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erizee · 3 years ago
saw 4 the ask game
hell yea
i dont think i technically have one of those for saw. i guess in theory its hoffstrahm since thats the one im actively looking for fanfics for but i dont Care about that relationship in the same way i cared about prev otps so im not sure if that counts. im more here for the gore & timeline & character shit than one specific pairing for once lol
favourite canon pairing:
genuinely there arent that many canon pairings tbh. i guess i kind of like brit & mallick together and i v much assume they got together but even that isnt Canon canon. i like the depth the backstory & divorce gives john lol so i guess my favourite canon pairing is john's & jill's divorce
worst pairing ever:
hands down fucking amanda x john. i HATE it so much thats her father figure and i will never accept any other interpretation. thankfully the people i follow on here dont post this lol but ive seen some Bad Takes before and that includes this
guilty pleasure:
i think its very funny when people joke about hoffman & john. similarly to amanda i think john is more like a father figure slash mentor than anything but the jokes are sooo funny and its okay because hoffman is ugly :) (says me, a noted hoffman stan lol so)
a pairing u want to see more:
rigg & hoffman :((( they got just as much IF NOT MORE set up as hoffman & strahm and yet theres barely anything for them out there. ill do it myself if i have to but they deserve WAY more content honestly. the betrayal of having your friend turn out to be/work for the guy who killed your bff. the inherent moral dilemma of Caring About People And Wanting To Help as ur main character trait while also thinking your serial killer bf has a point and hating it at the same time. hes the only one whos seen slutty gagged hoffman who could have survived it! this is by far the couple that intrigues me the most so i guess this might count as an otp too but idk if it counts when theres literally no fan content
pairing everyone likes but youre like lol no:
ok dont excommunicate me and this isnt me saying i DONT like them but i just dont get the hype for lawrence & adam :( i LIKE them together and theres definitely sth there to work with but the first movie also feels more like a set up/prequel to the actual story to me so i never got that attached to it & them :/ again ive read fanfics about them and im writing one myself atm but its just not sth i care about all that much
favourite non-romantic pair:
AMANDA & HOFFMAN. theyre worsties!!!!! stuck in the same-ish shitty situation with the same shitty father figure they feel not that differently about and they hate each other but No One Else Gets It! im obsessed
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crvores · 5 years ago
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SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY really is the spitting image of FROY GUTIERREZ, right? For someone only 22 years old, SCOR has been forced to endure so much. Yeah, that PUREBLOOD has been scraping by at the sanctuary since AUGUST, 2028, working as a HEALER-IN-TRAINING AND RESEARCHER in the DIVISION OF HEALING. HE is a CIS MAN and is known to be CAPTIOUS and DISMISSIVE but also FERVENT and RESOURCEFUL. Best of luck surviving through this.  
CHARACTER PARALLELS: Amy Santiago (B99), Claire Temple (Daredevil), Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place), Giles (Buffy TVS), Michelle Jones (Spiderman: Homecoming), Elizabeth Swan (PoTC), Spock (Star Trek), Clarke Griffin (The 100), Gregory House (House) suggested honorable mention Gizmo (Gremlins)
[tw for patricide/parental death, desc of blood, substance abuse/addiction, under the cut]
scorpius was living in a tiny flat along diagon alley, flooing in to saint mungos for his healing apprenticeship monday to friday. when the wards came down around wizarding london he was holed up as the chaos ensued below, frantically trying to floo call the manor.
when he arrived at malfoy manor after crawling out of a skylight and apparating to the road alongside the driveway he was greeted by the gates hanging off their hinges. though he can only speculate, due to his father’s continued reclusiveness and refusal to return to assist the death eater ranks a horde were nudged none-too-gently toward the isolated house.
draco opened his eyes after burning through a fever too high to be calmed by any spell from his mother’s wand. just as he had always been. upon returning to consciousness he didn’t immediately reach for his wand, a fact which both astoria and her son found to be terribly odd. no matter the ailment, the circumstance, the time, draco malfoy had always curled his fingers around the hawthorn like a talisman when waking since it had been returned to him after the war.
the ensuing twenty minutes are something which scorpius has begged to have scoured from his mind, yet he knows he can never let himself forget killing his father. it fundamentally changed him in a way that is irrevocable.
as he and astoria fled the manor, no hope of the two of them alone eliminating the inferi on the grounds and securing it, his mother clamped a hand around his wrist and attempted to apparate them to an old greengrass property, a magical panic room of sorts. scor was badly splinched and ended up dumped 80 miles away from where his mother had landed.
he gathered copious notes from observations of the inferi in his time on the outside. temperature recorded, time of day, wind direction, sentience, and activity were all meticulously written down in an attempt to conserve his sanity while on his own. scor feels as though he had no trouble discerning infected from the living when he was out there and when he was filled in upon joining the others he speculated that a part of his brain concerning the glamours had just been burnt out. unfortunately since arriving this has been completely disproven and he’s trying to work out if the fear response or any other factors had anything to do with it.
since arriving at hogwarts, half-starved and wild-eyed he has thrown himself into the effort with a single-mindedness of someone attempting to forget every aspect of their own life. he doggedly continues his healing work, any time not spent at the infirmary is glued to his workbench and harassing the living shit out of the research department. drawing up hypothesis after hypothesis from the bits of infected he’s managed to have the privilege to pick at. if anyone interrupts him or makes what he decides is an unnecessary contribution he has a horrid habit of biting their head off.
while before he would play up and sneer, act posher than posh and generally fucked with anyone who had a problem with his family, specifically his father, now he will go absolutely stone-faced and has several times nearly had to be restrained because he will go off like a tiny, weedy bomb with a dangerously extensive knowledge of human anatomy.
neglects a lot of his own needs; goes days without sunlight, only eats when prompted to, hardly sleeps. a mess but trying his best. has a dangerous habit of consuming dreamless sleep but guilt at using valuable resources is essentially the only thing stopping him from launching headlong into addiction. lily and various others have a tally going on how many times scor says the words ‘i’m fine.’ in a single week and he suspects theres a pretty wide pool on the betting now.
he’s not all bad tho!! he can be a right softy if he knows you well enough and always always always wants to help. just… he’s a lil prickly rn.
skinny and kind of sickly, he never had the best health as a kid. he scars very easily and bruises like a gd peach. pretty alright on a broom but he has no real interest in playing quidditch. he’s always cold, he’ll be sitting in direct sunlight and complaining about needing a scarf. yeah hes that dude.
kind of craves attention? while being an introvert sometimes he just wants someone to pay attention to him until he gets annoyed by it and tells them to piss off. fickle.
his url is the italian word ‘cruores’ which means flowing blood and the latin ‘cruor’ which roughly refers to coagulating blood; gore.
      Full Name: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Gender/Pronouns: Cis man | he/him Age: Twenty-two Birthdate: January 20th Parents: Draco Malfoy & Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass) Siblings: N/A. Birth place: St. Mungo’s Hospital, England Height: 5’11” Weight: 56 kg Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Bisexual Nationality: English Body Alterations/Marks: Terrible splinching scars up his left hand, arm over to his chest and shoulder blade. 
                                  Blood Status: Pureblood Hogwarts House: Slytherin  Wand Arm: Right Wand: 11 2/3 inches, Willow, supple, Dragon Heartstring. Hogwarts House: Slytherin Pet: A crested toad named Jarvis. Special Abilities: None. Patronus: Arctic Fox
                                Personality Traits: brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill and self assertion; lack of attachment to people and the “real world,” over-intellectualizing of the emotions, dismissiveness, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius/Capricorn Cusp Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Core values: Loyalty, Knowledge, Hope Four temperaments: Melancholic  
Slytherin Primary and a Burned Ravenclaw Secondary.
Slytherin Primaries prioritize their own selves and loved ones first. Slytherins don’t feel guilty or selfish about this– they feel righteous and moral. The most important thing is to look after your own. Abandoning or hurting one of your own is the worst thing you can do.
A Burned Ravenclaw Secondary might want to be skilled, curious, and prepared, but they feel like they are (or like people think they are) limited, clumsy, or inconstant. Gathering knowledge, hobbies, skills, or tools is the right way to achieve their goals, but Burned Ravenclaws know that’s not going to work within their capabilities. So they take other paths and use other tools– maybe a Gryffindor’s bluntness, a Slytherin’s flexibility, or a Hufflepuff’s slow and steady dedication.
You may have a Hufflepuff Secondary Model.
Hufflepuff is the House of grit, reliability, and determination, and Hufflepuffs use those values to help live, act, and succeed. If you model Hufflepuff Secondary, you also value these things and like to live by them. You like to be hardworking, dedicated, and consistent– but you wouldn’t feel guilty for abandoning those values in the service of other, higher priorities. If there’s another, easier way to get what you want– you’d take it. You think hard work provides valuable rewards– and those rewards are why you work. The work doesn’t have persuasive value in itself.
the stillness of the world the moment you take the first step into fresh snow, cashmere and fine wool, the pearlescence of dreamless sleep draught, the scratch of a quill on parchment, faintly tremoring fingers, a shiver up your spine in a warm room, the exhilaration of a problem solved, a thunderous grey overcast sky, the bite of a stitching charm, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, petrichor, the burn in your eyes before a well of tears.
so excited to be back in this verse >:) 
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grandzealot · 6 years ago
CHARACTER SHEET.     /     repost,  don’t reblog
FULL NAME.     brian richter PRONUNCIATION.     the richter is like ‘ rick - tur ’  NICKNAME.     n / a GENDER.     cis male HEIGHT.     6′2″ AGE.     mainverse: 40s or 50s depending ZODIAC.     virgo ( aug 28 ) SPOKEN LANGUAGES.     english
HAIR COLOR.     dark blond EYE COLOR.     dark hazel blue SKIN TONE.     light but ruddy / tanned BODY TYPE.     long limbs but built sturdy. solid chest. someone whos done a lot of practical physical work over his life ACCENT.     sorta general american but sounds more east than west if anything is noticable. VOICE.     soft and young sounding. gentle DOMINANT HAND.     right POSTURE.     stern SCARS.     plenty. noticable ones on his face is one on the bridge of his nose and one on his left eyebrow  TATTOOS.     a faded enclave tattoo on his upper right arm. coa circles all over that shoulder down his chest ( the mark over his eye is a semipermanent paint/stain ) BIRTHMARKS.     minor ones on his body. nothing striking. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).     aside from the militant coa attire and the striking face paint over his right eye, a sense of rough austerity. tends to keep the hair on his head in neater condition than those around him
PLACE OF BIRTH.     somewhere enclave-y in ohio HOMETOWN.    same tho his family soon moved to the capital region BIRTH WEIGHT.     average BIRTH HEIGHT.     slightly above average MANNER OF BIRTH.     normal birth FIRST WORDS.   ‘ mamamama ’ for his mom  SIBLINGS.     one older brother. deceased PARENTS.     an enclave botanist / officer and a quiet enclave tech guy  PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.     both were loving & generally good ( aside from the usual enclave faults. ) his older brother took more after his charismatic mother while he took more after his withdrawn father. his mother died when he was eleven however and both richter and his father grew more quiet after that
OCCUPATION.     enclave lieutenant who went into recon CURRENT RESIDENCE.     the nucleus of far harbor CLOSE FRIENDS.     he considers tektus one but theyre not that close. others would call him a friend but he doesnt really confide in anyone RELATIONSHIP STATUS.     single. more focused on duty FINANCIAL STATUS.     hes pretty good with caps but he doesnt need that much to live his life. probably has a couple hundred tucked away and is entrusted with handling more for the children DRIVER’S LICENSE.     if it were still a thing he would have had one lmao CRIMINAL RECORD.     none solely bc the wicked things hes done are usu in the name of ‘ law enforcement ’ VICES.     sadism. wrath  
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.     bi / pan ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.     hes a shade aro but he can come to love anyone hes fucking PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant |  switch. idk how to answer this — he can be a pushover in lots of situations but hes also immensely stubborn in other ways PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant  |  switch. LIBIDO.     a shade above average? he doesnt act on it tho TURN ON’S.     lingerie, aggression toward common enemies, capable ‘respectable’ partners, murder, pleasing his partner, ‘kindness’ TURN OFF’S.    people who come on too strong ( he mistrusts them, ) bragging, someone trying to get him to dirty talk, excessive dirty talk, romance if he hasnt actually fallen in love with someone, gore, robots, immaturity, disrespect, blasphemy, lasciviousness, someone who cant keep a secret, cruelty to animals or children, disobedience, rudeness, being teased, unreliability, the chance of being found out by other children, the chance of anyone knowing physical relations are taking place at all, inebriation or anything else that would reduce someones ability to consent, sharing partners, the other participant not wanting to be there LOVE LANGUAGE.     wants to kill their enemies. offers to kill their enemies. protectiveness but also practical means of making them more comfortable. hell straight up ask if theres a problem if hes concerned. hes self sacrificing to a fault when it comes to close relationships of any kind RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.     he tends to not have them ._.
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.     tool — jimmy HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.     weapon care. listening to coa talk MENTAL ILLNESSES.     idk im not a psychologist PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.     he has some aches he hides ( esp in his fingers ) but overall hes pretty healthy  LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.     the analytical / methodical one PHOBIAS.     he gets a little nervous at potentially getting locked into places away from the family. the sound of alarms sort of stress him as well as architecture that reminds him of the containment cellar but hes generally good at stifling all that SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.     8-10 when it comes to murder and doing his job. more like a 3 when it comes to interpersonal relations but he hides it with coldness. 4-6 about his own morals VULNERABILITIES.     loyal to a fault. doesnt rly think for himself
TAGGED BY.   @icarianrise * [ [ thank youuuu ! ] ] TAGGING.  [ [ ...anyone who wants to do it lmao it long ] ]
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falsebooles123 · 3 years ago
Diary of a Horror Buff 8.28.22
Ugh ok so I kinda just have this weird listliss feeling right now so lets watch movies instead of doing anything productive with my time.
I mean I am also doing laundry but you get what I'm saying.
also I watched the rest of the Ghost Storys for Christmas so lets get into it.
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The Dead Room (2018) dir. Mark Gatiss.
So it turns out Mark Gatiss is the director for the last four AGSFC and while I still like Clark better I don't hate his style. This one is an original story and its a bit meta, its about a voice actor who reads ghost storys for radio, you know a real david cummings type. A reference that totally doesn't show my age.
The dude long in the tooth and grumpy and also
but also the ghost is gay cause he is a HOMOSEXUAL and I love that for them.
So this was an alright film it had some nice ideas and some lampshading references to the series. I can't say this is my favorite of the series but it has its moments.
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Martin's Close (2019) dir. Mark Gatiss
so this is a more traditional rendition of M.R.James and it really pointed out to me why people don't like the new series as much as the original clark run. Mostly theres no Grit. this stuff is too clean too brightly lit too crisp. And yes you can have historical fiction without patina but it needs to sell itself in other ways. This was solid plot wise I liked the court drama aspect. The bridge narrative was completly pointless but it was watchable.
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Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968) dir. Jonathan Miller.
so this was my least favorite in the series. This film is aestetic it has some lovely visuals but dear lord is it rather dry and I careth not for the main character. so um yeah lets just spam some gifs of it.
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Ok enough about the subliminal and empty expanse of the oceanside lets watched some fucked up shit.
Inside the Human Lab (2018) dir. Joe Blandamer
CW: Gore, Torture, Animal Abuse(symbolic)
Ok so claymation we always love how fuked up that looks. Basically this is a story about human experimentation and its styleized and fucked up and also meant to be a metaphor about animal testing which honestly is super fucking up.
The Twins (2022) dir. Michelle Tang
honestly his twin brother is kinda a bitch.
so we start off with as you can imagine a pretty shitty sibling rivalry, and then we get to what makes animation such an amazing medium, the ability to suddenly change tone to blur the lines between the natural and the fantastic. This like many of the Calarts ones we have seen are absoltuely lovely. Good job bitches.
Winters Last Bones (2022) dir. Izabella Itzia
CW: Child Murder
ok so this was exactly the vibe we would expect. The art style is reminescent of Emily Carrol, Minna Sundberg, or maybe, Josceline Fenton. that sort of loose storybook style that feels heavily reminscent of folktale and myth.
Its grimy it uses these desatriated pops of color , and you have these graunt gangly characters, absolutely lovely, my bussy is popping over everything in this. what an icon what a qween.
Teeth ALTER (2015) dir. Tom C J Brown, Daniel Gray
CW: Teeth Harm, Gore, Titties.
Ooh dear god I hate it i hate it i hate it.
everything about this is pain and suffering.
this is a story about a man obsessed with teeth and how much he hates have them inside of there head. this is distrurbing on so many levels, The teeth, the gore, the sound design. the narration, it had everything I needed to make my skin crawl.
The Clockmaker's Secret (1907) dir. Gaston Velle.
ok so this is another one of those medieval storys adapted as morality tales type things. Basically some mayor dude is like yo I want a big fucking clock and this dudes like UWU and then the devil comes over and is like yo you want this cool clock plan and the guy was like bet. but then the devil like but like BTDUBS you kinda owe me your soul now and the dudes like oh no.
honestly this is actually a really charming film. theres a lot of charm in melies especially his later works but this one managed to take that inspiration while still having its own form. Its hard to understand early cinema since it just doesn't have the same visual language as modern cinema. its takes a lot of inspiration from stagecraft and I really like how this one has a central story but has these short but very satsifring performances like the clock dancers at the mid way point or the devils running around with torches. Its a type of vibe that really sings with me every once in a while. Obviously I'll need to watch a lot more of these films before I can trully appreciate them but I do like this Gaston Velle guy would watch his stuff again.
Dr. Jerkyl's Hide (1954) dir. Friz Freleng
Oh dear lord where these characters annoying we have this obnoxious pipsqueek character who basically just constantly sucks his friends dick whose this generic bull dog thug type. Like bro literally has a cockney accent which just feels kinda offensive.
also I think Slyvester was trying to give him a glasgow smile which is a bit fucked up just saying.
Theres some quite gags here but honestly I never really enjoyed this era of cartoons. Its the lack of cell shading for me I think. That being said its cool to watch the history of cartoon animation during this challenge.
Eaten Horizons (1950) dir. Wilhelm Freddie, Jørgen Roos
OK so this is definetly something I don't understand.
so this one follows two hobos? maybe who interact with a scary loaf of bread and a woman filled with either motor oil r beef stew. I don't understand the imagery and maybe I'm not supposed to. Maybe I need to understand that not everything is representary. that just like other art not everything is a representation of some deeper emotional state. Some things are simple a interplay of light and shadow, an aestetical exploration of format devoid of inherent meaning. I can fuck with that. But seriously why is that bread so scary.
The Little Mermaid (2011) dir. Nicholas Humphries
Ok I always love a story thats like mermaids but make it fucked up.
This has a general dark circus vibe which I love theres something so mysterical about the concept of curios or freak shows. Think of The Jar by Ray Bradbury. This one feature swhat appears to be a honest to goodness mermaid and proabably one of the top 10 most fuckable ringmaster daddy doms ever.
So I mean if this sounds like the aestetic you wan't in life well do I have a short for you.
Missing Girl (2017) dir. Andrew Adams
so this is another one of those short teaser type shorts thats basically what if you were walking along and you found a bunch of missing posters of yourself.????
Meow CRYPT TV (2019) dir. Christopher Jopp
ok so first everytime I see that thumbnail I'm like bitch thats the Junjo Ito cat.
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Its like looking in a mirror.
so yeah this is the story of a girl who moves into a new apartment with a no pets policy and as you can imagine theres a car involved.
theres a lot to like about this. the music, the aspect to aspect shots, the main character, The POV shots.
Of course like junjo ito I just like cats so this was always going to be a win for me.
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My First Day CRYPT TV (2017) dir. Jon Kovel
OK so i picked this one since its one of the last of Jon Kovel's shorts on letterboxd. This one features little Anthony Kane on his first day of school, that school being a school for serial killers and slashers. So good for him hope you get straight A's bucko.
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The Oven CRYPT TV (2017) dir. Unknown
Yeah this is just a guy being burned to death in an oven. Riviting stuff.
Anyway home slices that was the end of our movie watching for today. We have three days left in the month so stay tuned for whats left of the movie challenge.
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bwicblog · 7 years ago
Over in #highbloods, Bijoux, Vadaya, Kua, and Merrem sit and discuss pale promiscuisity, the risk of getting scabies, Kua's horrifying teeth, Merrem's horrifying dining habits, and if anyone is allowed in on Bijoux and Vadaya's in-jokes. (No.)
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all-hail-the-witcher · 4 years ago
said show is Ripper Street on netflix
its not a Bad Show but its not The Best (its about a police station in white chapel in the 1890s and theres all kinds of hate crimes and gore and police brutality and evil business men and the costumes are not accurate) BUT THERES THIS ONE CHARACTER
named Captain Homer Jackson, the "surgeon" (read: coroner, doctor, and generally anything involving a scalpel/medical knowledge) of the station and HOO BOY
-first of all. mans the comic relief character and he does it Well.
-hes an ex pinkerton and ran away from chicago with his now sort of estranged but also not wife (who runs a brothel and then also a business firm thing and other things but Spoilers) and changes his name to hide in london (i think his real name is matthew judge) and just randomly gets picked up by the police to be a surgeon
-the most morally gray character. has actively worked against his detective friends by going on his own random escapades with criminals they're trying to catch and generally muddying things up. (the only more morally gray character than him is his wife)
-once he was being held hostage and forced to sign a false confession. he wrote "suck my yankee balls"
-a dead guy shows up at the station with a hammer sticking out of his head. jackson looks at him. looks at the person across from him. and goes. "now hear me out. im thinking that this guy might have been killed.....by a hammer." *takes drag of cigarette* "sometimes i cant believe they pay me for this."
-there have been several occasions where they've come across strange drugs and need to know the side effects. jackson has straight up injected himself with random shit just to see what happens.
-often needs to be pulled out of gutters (where he passed out while drunk) in order to do his job
-wore the same plaid pants and flowered vest and striped shirt for 2 whole seasons
-regularly tells both inspects to fuck off which is hilarious because both inspectors are extremely uptight and prissy
-everyone on this show calls each other by their Official Titles (even when smack talking each other which is Hilarious) EXCEPT for jackson. he just calls everyone by their last name (none of that title BS from him) BUT if people don't call him "captain jackson" sometimes he gets pissed (he was a captain in the us army)
-oh yes hes american. and is regularly referred to as "the american" or "the yankee" and its hilarious
-literally all of the police at the station hate him. but they keep him around because he is the best surgeon anyone knows of ever™
-takes naps on autopsy tables (when theres no body on them)
-regularly threatens to shoot people for annoying him
-smokes in the most insane of situations. hands covered in (someone else) blood? they are also holding a cigarette. explaining how he replicated and cooked some weird drug thing? cigarette in his mouth. just. all the time.
-also just straight up taught himself how to fingerprint and solved a very interesting case through that (the plot is quite thicc and i shan't spoil) but HHH
so yeah thats why ive rated 3.5 seasons of a police show from the 1890s. for a smack talking american who takes no shit.
you ever watch a show for literally one character because thats what im doing right now and i regret exactly 0 seconds of it
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home-sweet-hellsing · 6 years ago
There are The Rules and there are The Guidelines. Rules are your bloodsnack, Guidlines are mine. Drink up!
1.) The whole god/modding thing. Let’s stay away from that firehose. Waters everything down, slipping everywhere…
2.) Keep. Your. Clothes. On. This ain’t the Red Light District, my good undead buddies. Gore, substance use, and fucking language we LOVE, but nothing too overtly sexual, please. (I’m of age, just not of interest) I wont interact if theres even just nudity.
3.) Please know that I reserve right to not engage or to end RP (I will announce either, you wont be left in the dark). If the magic ain’t there, it ain’t there. Maybe later on, but I’ll first ask if its okay with you to pick it up months later.
4.) Yes, any blog can reblog anything this blog posts. I don’t care. (Please respect other RP blog’s wishes to no personal reblogs.) Only exception being RP threads where it may bother my partner. Please dont. Thank much.
5.) There’s a moral limit, here. Given moral factors will not be explored, such as promotions of rape, child molestation, abuse of ANY kind, etc. A story condemning these things is fine (nothing too descriptive), but I wont allow my Muses to support these things.
6.) This blog is dramaless. MUN HAS SPOKEN.
If you have drama with me please address it to my main. (just not here dude)
If you have drama with others/my RP partners please keep it off my blog and out of our RP threads.
Lets not drama, folks. It ain’t worth it.
1.) Hellsing manga will be the default universe of my muses, but if you want to extend to other Hellsing universes or a crossover just let me know.
* Im not terribly versed in Ultimate, only saw it 2 times long ago
2.) I will match length if mood allows. I do not ask that others match my length and I make it a point not to over extend other’s general length. And I may suck at this. Esp with tying up loose thread endings.
3.) Will flirt, will romance, will date and cuddle… will not sexy.  
* Will do NONE OF THE ABOVE with underage anyone. Ever. This blog is "minors DNI" 100%.
4.) Will RP fight upon agreement to do so. (with observation to rule #1) Unless agreed upon otherwise, all fights will end up ties so no accidental Mun drama.
5.) No time limits on my end, and do-overs welcome. Wanna pick up an old starter we did and take it in a different direction? Let’s do it.
6.) Will play with OCs. Please give me the following ahead of time so Im not flying blindfolded:
voice type (if possible - pick a Voice Actor)
vagueish/ appearance description:
(hair style/color)
(eye color)
(fashion dress).
* I do have an OC but not connected to this blog.
7.) I won’t involve many (if any more than one) muses in one RP unless requested.
8.) Im unable to cut threads, however I link-cut a thread after 5 or fewer replies, lather rinse repeat.
9.) Crossover friendly outside of Hellsing universes. If I dont know the other universe then it'll play as my Muses being ignorant to it during RP.
Lets run off screaming into the night… <3
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peacethroughdeathh · 7 years ago
Insanity - Original
I’m havin a fine time, lookin my prime cursing all this grime my mind is on a climb, world fulla wonder makes you ponder bout the dark side that turns you to a monster,
a sick feelin, the mind tearing itself apart, my mental state aint for the faint of heart therapists tryna get in my head and chart what im thinkin, while im sittin here in, my mind tryna stop the demons from within clawing n tearin all my thoughts in
yeah i use profanity, if you have faith in morality your in for a tradegy my mind is fulla insanity wouldn’t kill my family i mean think bout this practically i’m only losin my fucking mind combined but different among mankind feel like im confined and my judgement is blind,
imagine sittin in a room with no windows or doors, no lights or candles only a cold hard floor alone but fightin a war and got a lustful love for the bloody gore wake up in the morning all brusied and sore look to my right see a dead naked whore,
therapist tryna hook me on medication gave me explanation, to get better gotta take dedication but fuck your demonstration can’t escape my condition, creepin in trappin me like in hunter tradition theres just so much suspicion i aint in a position to pick up addiction that’s outta my mental jurisdiction but fuck it, the worlds turnin hot n devilish, eyes in the mirror lookin kinda hellish skin shakin punch a cunt bout to perish people call me selfish but its no blemish
i rap about how i feel, you don’t get it im ready to kill, can’t reel in this information fuck your judgement my anger takes down a nation, i don’t feel no humiliation im a product of evil creation, the fact is im violent by nature don’t hate ya, i like people bout as much as they like me, haven’t found a way to say fuck you politely, fuck your sentimentality, your empathy my world is burning this is my reality
i look at everythin with no reason, 3 days gone by i barely eaten, god damn heres no reason why im feelin like a demon mind feelin bruised battered n beaten fuck you this is my reigon hands up dont move this is treason, my own mind turnin burnin up kill a comrade, feel my anger and a hot wrath, smash his brains against the foot path grab a blade its a blood bath, laughin but be careful, cuz your fucking with a psychopath
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autisticstarseed · 8 years ago
Tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
TAGGED BY @generator-sex​ HELL YEHA
Nickname: one time my teacher called me rambi by accident which branched out into rambo and bambi over the years but my fav nickname is ?? bibble ? my bff said that to me once and i loved it so muchn i turned it into my art signature bc its cyute and perfect
Height: 4′11″ get me a stool
Last thing I googled: “is there a way to get something frozen delivered” listen i wanted mochi ice cream,
Favorite Musical Artist: probablyyyYYYYYYYY flyleaf
Song stuck in my head: i have had Rockabye - Clean Bandit stuck in my head for almost a week now i am Dyign
Last movie I watched: either Finding Dory or I-Boy? my mom and i watched them both the other night but i dont remember which one was last sdfkj
What are you wearing right now: a pair of white sweatpants, MY FAV SHIRT aka a bigass t shirt that says “optimism like that does any good” which is funny bc im actually a very optimistic person but i love how it looks on me :’^) and a baggy light pink aeropostale jacket. this look is very lazy chic and im in love w it
What do you post: oghgod anything from shitposts to cartoons to social justice to Very Specific personal special interests (aka me posting at 3 am like “When you think about it test tube babies and naturally formed twins have the same makeup and creation process as a human clone would with our current technology so from a moral and religious standpoint it’s a solid practice with many implications for advancing our medical field also has anyone seen the 1996 disaster flick Twister”)
Why did you choose your URL: i wanted a change from rexsalazars and i just ,,,love this man so ffucking m uc h,,, 
Do you have any other blogs: ooo yeah i have a lot of dead ones actually like,, old rp blogs (get-rexed) and some ive never even used yet (xbadscience) (xtechnologicx) and then theres my art blog (bibbleart) and my old vent blog?? ive never shared it before but tw for like,,, everything gore related (restinfvck)
What did your past relationship teach you: the last relationship i had was Years ago i think and the only thing i learned was that i have no idea when im being asked out :’V they literally wanted to take me to the movies and i said aw man i have no money and they were like,,, RRandi,,,, ,,,, im asking you,,, on a d ate,,, ill pay ,,, for you,,,, accept,, my gay money
Religious or spiritual: idk the difference but my way of living is basically Trying my best and hoping god dont send me to hell to fight the devil but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im also gay as fucc so we’ll see
Favorite color: baby blue!
Average hours of sleep: literally 10-12 and sometimes even more :’V i get REALLY mentally/physically fucked up if my sleep schedule changes tho so ive just. learned to accept that im missing half of the day bc i dont wanna fuk with it
Lucky number: 6 :0 its not really lucky but its what i choose every time for guessing games
Favorite characters: my own :’^) IM KKIDNING you can check out this page if you wanna know my favs / the characters i identify with the most :>
Dream job: film editor and creator of my own webcomics/animations/films/tv shows/etc :’V 
per usual im going to tag no one out of social anxiety :’) but if you see this and you wanna do it go ahead!! you can even tag me as the person who tagged u if u wanna jus go for it my dudes
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