#theres more to my time in Florida but this was the highlight tbh
kakashihasibs · 3 years
So i have driven all over the US. hours upon hours of driving. My favorite road trip was from Chicago to Nashville, Tennessee (for 2 days) and then onto the Florida Keys for like 4 days. (Then we drove straight back to Chicago).
The drive to Tennessee was fine but the drive to the Keys was just a lot. Did you know Florida is really fucking long? I had my bf (now husband) and best friend with me and neither of them could handle the drive. I drove for 24 hours. I had like a one hour break while my friend drove us through the everglades but he freaked out and i took back over. We get to our camping spot and the gate is locked and our code won't work so i say I'll drive us to north Miami to go to a motel 6.
I had like a transcendental experience fueled by exhaustion and caffeine as we drove out of the everglades on our way to Miami. On the edge of the everglades the trees were all stripped bare and looked ghostly. The sun was just under the horizon and the fog hadn't burned off yet and was settled low between the dead trees. It felt like the twisty dark branches of the dead mangrove trees were clawing into the sides of my eyes. I'm losing my whole shit listening to the mountain goats so i punch my husband until he wakes up and i demand that he tell me RIGHT NOW why all these trees are dead. He doesn't know bc why would he but I'm insistent and apparently willing to punch so he googles it and it's some invasive beetles species
Anyway that calms me down and i get us to a gas station in Miami and my best friend and husband are both like we're almost to the motel and me with my new found spiritual energy(?) Am like no. I'm driving us to the keys FUCK motel 6. And they fucking let me.
I drove through morning rush hour traffic in fucking Miami fueled by basically a hallucination and several rock stars. This was my 24 hour mark of driving. And i fucking did it. I got us to key largo in one peice and then i tapped out. I was done. We found an empty beach and i napped there until the tide came in. Then we found one empty room at an expensive ass motel and i spent the next 2 days napping on a hammock and reading my book.
I was like 22 and incredibly stupid and incredibly lucky holy shit.
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bananabreaa-blog · 7 years
Disney World: Day 1-Feb 26th
Day 1: Hollywood studios
“THE DAY HAS COME” excitement, the only feeling I could feel the first morning in Orlando. I immediately started playing Disney songs to pump myself as soon as I woke up. I was tired man, cuz Florida is 3 hrs ahead than LA so when I woke up at 7am in Orlando, it felt like 4 am O.o 
I got ready and I couldn't wait a second! babe took forever tho, especially when the Uber came he was still doing “stuff” ... like he has to do makeup or something ;) 
Weather was nice, sunny but very humid. kinda windy so it was not bad. There are tons of trees in Orlando so I never ran out of things to see on the way to Disney World. 
Our Uber driver was super nice! He is like a cute old grandpa haha, he is a retired farmer/veteran from Tennessee and he does Uber for fun. He is also a passholder so parking wasn't a problem for him. He was SUPER talkative. interesting.. 
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anyways~ There was a lot of people at the park that day since it was sunday.  As soon as we got to the park, babe had to go get the DAS pass and I had to go get his stupid wheelchair for him - - AND IT TOOK FOREVER. (That’s all I remember lol and I was pissed) After I got the wheelchair, there was the March of Order...OMG STROMTROOPERSSSSS <33333 
Forgot to mention, they have this thing called “Magic Band” in Disney World and its the coolest thing ever. Its basically your ticket/annual pass, and you can use it to pay for food and even get fast passes! very cool! They also have a separate entrance for pass holders.. i wish they do it at Disneyland so I feel more special :D 
I was feeling very poopy in the morning, cuz i didnt wanna push babe around :( I have weak arms so u can’t blame me! 
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I know, Im so cool. 
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The Rides we went on: 
Muppet 3D: 3D movie cute! I was a butt at that time tho 
The Great Movie Ride: it was really cool! we also got first seating cuz wheelchair lol 20 mins long and there were performers in the show
Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster: omg its like the music version of space mountain. so fasttttt i loved it, we went on it twice 
Star Tour: same ride as the one we have here so meh
Shows we saw: 
The little mermaid: so cute! you get to see Ariel singing and stuff i like i like
Beauty and the Beast: IT WAS SO GOOD! first of all, we got front seating lol so we had super good view. and the show was just adorable! I miss it
Indiana Jones one: kinda like how movie are made? it was okay. cool to see it! 
Around 6 pm, we went to check in for the dessert party babe reserved online, we got the last two spots hehehe and we were in line to get in at Star Wars Launch Bay...
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^ the card the gave us, when babe was taking this picture, two stromtroopers were behind me and one of them scared the poop of out me omg haha... i wanted to take pics with them but they moved so fast :( 
All the desserts there were star wars themed! and UNLIMITED <3 so cute!!!!       There were also star wars cocktail.. 
One of the best part about dessert party was u get to meet the characters without being in line!!!!!!!!!! CHEWIE <3 
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and theres Kylo Ren! join the dark side! 
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man the force is so strong in me, i can feel it. 
We were lead out by stormtroopers to our private seating area to see the finale show of Star Wars firework. We got really good seating cuz the wheelchair again lol 
The show was so cool! tbh i don't remember much about the show... probably cuz the sugar man.. ohhh I remembered i dropped one of my Darth Vader cupcake :(  we got a chewie cup as souvenir of the dessert party. 
soooo, basically hollywood studios is very similar to California Adventure but wayyyyy more star war themed, which i loved it <3 a lot of rides were the same and the park itself wasn't that big so by half day we started the run out things to do. The dessert party was the highlight of the day tho! it was really worth it! 
Babe even agreed to go on Tower to Terror but we didnt have time. DAMN IT 
Good day at hollywood studios. I miss the vibe. 
The force is strong in me. 
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