bananabreaa-blog · 7 years
Disney World: Day 3- Feb 28th
Day 3: Animal Kingdom
The best day of the trip! So many adventures! 
Honestly that morning I was exhausted so we kinda slept in. Man I regret that so much! If i could go again I would want to spend all the possible hours there! 
Let’s recap!
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We arrived at the park around 11 am.. so it was a bit late. We got our daily task such as getting the wheelchairs done and we started to walk around! 
It was such a humid day! so hot! and we were wearing matching shirt. There were a lot A LOT of trees and HILLS... MAN my legs was so dead after all that walking. 
We saw Tarzan as we were exploring!
To be continued.. 
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bananabreaa-blog · 7 years
Disney World: Day 2-Feb 27th
Day 2: Magic Kingdom
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I was most excited about Magic Kingdom prior to my visit. It didn’t disappoint me, it was just what I expected, MAGIC LOL
“TODAY IS THE DAY!” I woke up as my “Part of your world” alarm tone start ringing. I need to be pretty, cuz I'm meeting so many characters today! I wore the Tangle dress babe bought me and I curled my hair. 
The traffic isn't bad. I specifically picked to go on a Monday so we can avoid the crowd. We got off Uber and took the monorail to the park. There was a lot of people already -/- 
We got to the park around 10 am and we were almost late for our reservation at Big Our Guest restaurant! As soon as we got in to the part, we separated so I could go get the wheelchair for babe and he could go to the restaurant directly (with his broken leg)
The Big Our Guest restaurant locates in Fantasyland. There is a tiny castle that looks exactly like the one in the movie Beauty and the Beast. We walked in and waited a little bit before we got seated. There are three main dinning room and each is uniquely themed. We chose to dine in the ball room and it was absolutely beautiful! There were fake snow falling outside the fake window. Babe ordered the classic breakfast and I got a croissant. They also gave us drink, food bowl and a pastries platter. According to babe, the food taste like food, the sausage taste like expensive sausage. I thought my croissant was pretty good. It did fill us up through and I got to take a bunch of pastries to go hahaha.. and I knew it would come in handy. 
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^just like the movie! 
After the breakfast, we were just walking around and getting some DAS pass. Fantasyland was pretty much the same as our Fantasyland in Disneyland. But its much bigger and has more small details in it. 
Like Gaston’s Tavern... 
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Gosh, they were playing Gaston song and Babe kept singing the song WHOLE DAY OMG. 
We went on the Small World. It pretty much the same thing a the one in Cali, but just different doll arrangement. Fantasy land was really cute, much bigger and more “dreamy” haha 
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ITS RAPUNZEL’S TOWER <3 <3 There’s also a small area where they have tons of cute Lanterns from Tangled! I love it! 
One of the most memorable moment of the day was when we lost the wheelchair lol. We went on the Seven Dwarfs rollercoasters, and i placed the wheelchair against the wall near a restaurant so we can walk around after we get off the ride. After wondering around for a bit, WE COULD NOT FIND THE WHEELCHAIR. omg it was so scary cuz our jackets were on it! so I kept walking and walking around but still can't find it!!! I swear I walked by the same place at least 5 times and it was no where. Then I thought they probably moved it to the strollers parking area. Yep I was right! It was there! hahaha omg it was so funny! 
The rides we went on: 
Small world 
Peter pan: man the ride was so long! and it wasn't as cool as the one we have in Cali cuz we have cool lights! 
Buzz lightyear’s space ranger spin: LAME the shooting gun was attached to the ride! oh man it sucked 
The magic carpets of Aladdin: its like dumbo ride, but the theres a small Arab area in adventure land and it was really cute!
Mickey’s PhiharMagic: SO CUTE! Mickey was the conductor and Donald was messing around.. Classic Mickey and Donald relationship!
Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor: it was really funny! they have real people(i think) and interact with the audience. It was really enjoyable! 
Prince Charming Carrousel: hehehe my all time favorite
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train: Newest ride! really smooth and it kinda spins! And there’s the small cabin where Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs live! 
Space mountain: dam it hurts, but i feel like its faster. Instead of two per roll, its solo riders
Walt Disney Carousel of Progress: its more like a show and the whole room spins! It tells story about the technology innovation of the past decades. I was low-key falling asleep haha
I also met a lot of characters!!!!!!!
Tiana: hehe I told her I like pink so she said she wants to make me a cute pink flower dress!
RAPUNZEL: oh mannnnnn i miss her :( the snap was so cute 
Fairy Godmother: she is so sweet! first time seeing her at Disney
Evil stepsisters: didnt really meet them but they were so sassy haha 
Belle: during the Enchanted meeting. didnt get to take pic :( 
We were pretty tired that day cuz of long walks. Fireworks was really pretty! we got lucky with a pretty good spot!
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Hmm honestly i still like the Diamond celebration fireworks better... But the castle looked really pretty! 
After the fireworks it was already pretty late at night. So We went back to the Tangled area and I went to poop haha 
Babe and I took super cute pics :) 
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hehehe and we went to get huge hotdogs and tiny corndogs for late night snacks. It was yum yum! 
It was a good day! I felt like I would enjoy more if there aren't that many people.. There are a lot of similarities between Disneyland and Magic Kingdom so honestly it was kinda whatever haha.. 
But seeing the castle makes everything so wonderful! Being with the right person also made my trip so memorable :) 
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bananabreaa-blog · 7 years
Disney World: Day 1-Feb 26th
Day 1: Hollywood studios
“THE DAY HAS COME” excitement, the only feeling I could feel the first morning in Orlando. I immediately started playing Disney songs to pump myself as soon as I woke up. I was tired man, cuz Florida is 3 hrs ahead than LA so when I woke up at 7am in Orlando, it felt like 4 am O.o 
I got ready and I couldn't wait a second! babe took forever tho, especially when the Uber came he was still doing “stuff” ... like he has to do makeup or something ;) 
Weather was nice, sunny but very humid. kinda windy so it was not bad. There are tons of trees in Orlando so I never ran out of things to see on the way to Disney World. 
Our Uber driver was super nice! He is like a cute old grandpa haha, he is a retired farmer/veteran from Tennessee and he does Uber for fun. He is also a passholder so parking wasn't a problem for him. He was SUPER talkative. interesting.. 
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anyways~ There was a lot of people at the park that day since it was sunday.  As soon as we got to the park, babe had to go get the DAS pass and I had to go get his stupid wheelchair for him - - AND IT TOOK FOREVER. (That’s all I remember lol and I was pissed) After I got the wheelchair, there was the March of Order...OMG STROMTROOPERSSSSS <33333 
Forgot to mention, they have this thing called “Magic Band” in Disney World and its the coolest thing ever. Its basically your ticket/annual pass, and you can use it to pay for food and even get fast passes! very cool! They also have a separate entrance for pass holders.. i wish they do it at Disneyland so I feel more special :D 
I was feeling very poopy in the morning, cuz i didnt wanna push babe around :( I have weak arms so u can’t blame me! 
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I know, Im so cool. 
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The Rides we went on: 
Muppet 3D: 3D movie cute! I was a butt at that time tho 
The Great Movie Ride: it was really cool! we also got first seating cuz wheelchair lol 20 mins long and there were performers in the show
Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster: omg its like the music version of space mountain. so fasttttt i loved it, we went on it twice 
Star Tour: same ride as the one we have here so meh
Shows we saw: 
The little mermaid: so cute! you get to see Ariel singing and stuff i like i like
Beauty and the Beast: IT WAS SO GOOD! first of all, we got front seating lol so we had super good view. and the show was just adorable! I miss it
Indiana Jones one: kinda like how movie are made? it was okay. cool to see it! 
Around 6 pm, we went to check in for the dessert party babe reserved online, we got the last two spots hehehe and we were in line to get in at Star Wars Launch Bay...
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^ the card the gave us, when babe was taking this picture, two stromtroopers were behind me and one of them scared the poop of out me omg haha... i wanted to take pics with them but they moved so fast :( 
All the desserts there were star wars themed! and UNLIMITED <3 so cute!!!!       There were also star wars cocktail.. 
One of the best part about dessert party was u get to meet the characters without being in line!!!!!!!!!! CHEWIE <3 
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and theres Kylo Ren! join the dark side! 
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man the force is so strong in me, i can feel it. 
We were lead out by stormtroopers to our private seating area to see the finale show of Star Wars firework. We got really good seating cuz the wheelchair again lol 
The show was so cool! tbh i don't remember much about the show... probably cuz the sugar man.. ohhh I remembered i dropped one of my Darth Vader cupcake :(  we got a chewie cup as souvenir of the dessert party. 
soooo, basically hollywood studios is very similar to California Adventure but wayyyyy more star war themed, which i loved it <3 a lot of rides were the same and the park itself wasn't that big so by half day we started the run out things to do. The dessert party was the highlight of the day tho! it was really worth it! 
Babe even agreed to go on Tower to Terror but we didnt have time. DAMN IT 
Good day at hollywood studios. I miss the vibe. 
The force is strong in me. 
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bananabreaa-blog · 7 years
Disney World: Day 0- Feb 25th
Honestly, can't believe this actually happened... 
I made it to Disney World! Let’s recap everything..
On the day of February 25th of the year of 2017, Babe and I traveled together to the far away magical kingdom of Orlando, Florida by Virgin airline. Justin picked us up from babe’s place and drove us to the airport. There wasn't that many people going thur TSA so we went thru security relatively fast. It was also the day that my parents went back to Taiwan. I honestly don't remember much about how it went on the plane. I don't think I slept much.. But what important was it was our first time on airplane together! When we first landed, for some weird ass reason i just really needed to go to bathroom to “adjust” my freaking underwear that was stuck in my butt. Well I was on period. Then I dropped my phone and it freaking cracked. NICE. what a nice way to start my dream vacation. I was all sad that and this so when we were ordering Uber i was already annoyed so I did it super rushed and got  babe mad haha..
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Our Uber driver was really nice. He was telling us about the life in Florida.. how a lot of residents of Orlando are Disney pass holders and there are alligators in the pounds all over places! holy crap.. 
We stayed at Cypress Point Resort. A very family friendly place. They gave us “welcoming gift” this and that at checkin. Then we went to our room! 
Our room was really cozy and cute! There was a freaking bathtub in the middle of the room!!! Too bad I was on period, or else I would of jump in!! hahaha 
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There was a lot of restaurant in the area since the area is filled with hotels and resorts. We walked about 10 mins out on the street. There was a big pound off the street and it was really cute. We went to Chili’s for dinner lol... BUT it was still very yum yum! 
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After dinner, we went to the CVS next door to buy some breakfast/snacks/food etc.. but with babe’s stupid broken knee and we had no car to take stuff with us... WE STOLE A SHOPPING CART and push it back to our room OMG lol 
It was so embarrassing! The whole time I was laughing so hard hahaha... I even tried to cover my face LOL 
OH man, it was fun hahaha! 
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After CVS shopping cart incident we just watched TV and chilled. We went walking around the resort. There are two huge pools at the resort, and there are also tennis court, game room etc etc. We walked over to the other side of the resort and played mini golf. There was no one there besides us two and a little girl, and she was really good lol. Anyways, as usual, I won and he lost :) 
I didn’t realize I forgot to bring contact solution, so we had to walk over to the convenient store locates in the resort. We did face mask and watched a movie then we just snuggled in! It was a great day! I remember I was super excited about the next day! Big day tomorrow!
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