#theres another person at the store who everyone hates and hes the only one who wants to keep her around and work w her
proteuus · 2 years
everyone hates our new manager and I dont think thats fair at all but I dont think there's anything I can do about it :-(
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Office disability culture is so fucked in environmental science and fieldwork. Like the mindset that to do the job you have to be in perfect physical health or you should just quit. Like I'm not talking about something that is 100% physical labor here, everything is mostly achievable with aids and you don't need to be able to do every single thing. But there's this weird like..pride..that my older coworkers have. They work out in the gym and brag about how many reps they did. They tease each other for having medical issues. They don't ask for accommodations because they fear that their legitimacy will be hurt. That it means that they can't do their job anymore. That they won't be TRUSTED to do their jobs anymore. That it will get taken away.
So they FURTHER hurt their bodies by not resting, not taking breaks, not using ergonomic equipment, not using safety equipment. Not drinking enough water. Not using mobility aids when they are so old that it's supposed to be acceptable. They don't use the scooters at the grocery store, they don't use their handicapped placard, they don't use knee pads or compression gloves.
And here I come in, 24 years old, looking perfectly healthy. And I use walking sticks, I sit down a lot, I have my care bag, I have a ton of gadgets for making fieldwork more comfortable, I have boundaries and limits, I wear braces and knee pads and compression gloves. I use my handicapped placard.
They react in one of two ways:
1. How DARE I. I'm so lucky to be young and no one sees THEM having to do all those things (literally nothing is stopping them but pride). Like old man if you need a break take a fucking break. I'm not going to hurt my health to make you feel better about hurting yours. I'm not risking a flare up to spare the 65 year olds feelings. Im gonna take my break and use my equipment cause my boss doesn't care as long as the work gets done. I'm tired of glares from 100 year olds making themselves struggle across the parking lot when they could also be using the fucking scooter. (I never take the last scooter, there's always another available. Also it's not my fault if walmart only provides 2 scooters for the whole store).
2. It shows them its okay. Its okay to need aids. When I first showed up at my job it was very...macho..everyone was afraid of seeming old (theres probably only 3 of us under 30 in the whole department, most people are at least 50, mainly 65 year olds). Then they saw me using my walking sticks, taking my medicine openly, bringing a chair with me when working away from my desk, using my TENS unit. I overheard one lady ask her granddaughter what fibromyalgia was (apparently she had spotted my pain tracking journal).
My older coworker with a bad knee got a walking stick like mine and beamed when she showed me. The grandmother uses a cane and a walker interchangeably and more often. I get asked where I get my little portable fan and pocket heaters and special clothing. Even abled coworkers are doing it. My coworker who's younger than me sets alarms to take breaks now just like I do. People seem more comfortable using things that help them now.
My boss has really struggled. He has a lot of internalized ableism and hates thinking of himself as crippled. He spent his whole life physically active and strong and all these health issues and overexertion are catching up with him. Like he did environmental testing in areas with fucking radon. He did work where they threw asbestos around like snow for fun. He's done a ton of really hard physical work. He grew up with the mentality that pain was just something everyone has to push through. But I think seeing a young person make the choice not to push through is helping him a bit. He wants to make his own walking stick, he goes to the doctor more. We bond over having constant medical issues and I even gave him the name of my surgeon. Yea he still says stuff like "shoot me if I have to use a wheelchair" (not as much anymore since he now knows I use one) but he's getting there.
Yeah so I've had this in my drafts for a bit and I wanted to update that my boss has been walking around with a fucking broken ankle for the past couple of weeks. He thought it was just arthritis pain and eventually couldn't take it anymore and went to the foot doctor. The doctor has no clue how the fuck he's been walking on it. Now he has to wear the boot and he's banned from fieldwork while he heals.
Older people and the elderly need to learn that it's okay to not push through the pain and ask for help. Everyone needs to learn this, and not be like my fucking boss. Go to the doctor, get that sore joint checked out. Get those tests done. Use that aid. Stop walking on a broken ankle just because you can.
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Tsukishima Kei would never admit that he happens to like receiving affection quite a bit, only from Y/N L/N of course, and only if no one ever finds out about it. 
WARNINGS: honestly i think this is cute, but theres some angst oops, pining, unedited, kissing, kinda sad if you can read between the lines, season three spoilers
A/N: tsukki lovers come get your juice. also if you can’t tell im in the mood for haikyuu!! and tsukki so... rip the wips and requests i said i’d get done but it’ll happen eventually 
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“Can I hug you?”
How did he end up here? A fantastic question that he cannot find the answer for as he looks down at Y/N, who’d insisted he walk her to the girl’s dorm. He probably should’ve predicted that she’d ask about his sudden change of pace, but Tsukishima doubted he ever would’ve predicted she’d ask to hug him. Especially since he definitely hadn’t been the nicest to her.
“This didn’t happen.” 
That’s all Tsukishima says as he awkwardly winds his arms arounds Y/N’s form. She hums in response, and Y/N has a feeling if he could see the grin on her face he’d pull away almost immediately. Which is why she’d buried her face in his chest, arms around his body as they stand just outside dorms they’ve been residing in during their stay at the training camp alongside the other teams. 
Tsukishima doesn’t know why he agreed to this. He’s not sure he wants to as he feels Y/N’s breath against his chest, causing his cheeks to warm. During the walk she’d confronted him and he’d— for some reason — told her that he didn’t intend to get left behind Hinata and Kageyama; who’d improved quite a bit it appeared. Even if Volleyball meant absolutely nothing to him.
And then she asked to hug him. Y/N just had a feeling he could use one, though, if she was honest, Y/N had expected a hard no. She’d expected him to criticize her for asking such a childish question, she’d expected teasing and cruel remarks about how ridiculous the idea was. Tsukishima had never been affectionate, or at least openly affectionate. He was never involved in team hugs, hugs in general, not even a simple fist bump from Tanaka. 
And yet here he was, agreeing to a hug from Y/N L/N, one of the new managers of the Karasuno Volleyball Club. 
“This didn’t happen.” Came her response, her words of agreement were muffled against Tsukishima’s chest, but he’d heard her. They had an understanding. 
And he’d never admit it, but it was nice. Hugging someone. Holding someone in his arms. Tsukishima hadn’t actually accepted affection in a while, maybe it was because one of the only people he’d been close with in his life— the one person he looked up to — ended up being a liar. Maybe its because a small part of him wanted to maintain his reputation as a coldhearted jerk, or maybe its because he just hadn’t found someone’s affection he enjoyed.
Until now, of course. There was something different about having Y/N in his arms, something comforting about her presence that made him feel compelled to answer the questions she asked as she pried about his sudden change in attitude. It’s not like they were close, though he tolerated her when she’d simply started coming to club meeting; apparently she’d known Tanaka from middle school, and decided to visit him at the club, until one day it became a daily thing. They ended up giving her the title of manager after she to work alongside Kiyoko. Y/N had even helped tutor those idiots, Kageyama and Hinata, something Tsukishima somehow got roped into. After that, he had a newfound respect for the girl.
It wasn’t that he liked her. He would never like Y/N. She just helped manage the club, and Volleyball was just a sport. Besides, they’d never be that close again, never hug again, never exchange any affection at all, ever again.
He broke that promise fairly quickly. 
Yamaguchi had insisted that he and Tsukishima start joining the rest of the team on their walk home, mentioning how they could stop by Ukai’s convenience store and pick up some food if they so pleased. And maybe that was what convinced him— though Yamaguchi had a feeling the mention of Y/N’s name had a little bit of influence on the decision as well — maybe not. 
It didn’t take long for Tsukishima to realize that as everyone slowly branched off into their respective neighborhoods, Y/N had yet to do the same. Apparently she lived the farthest from Karasuno of the bunch, which is why Tanaka had tried to offer to walk her home. 
She’d rejected the idea entirely, seeing as he’d have to walk back home in the dark by the time she’d gotten to her home. The idea didn’t sit right with Y/N, so Tanaka had left Yamaguchi, Tsukishima and Y/N on their own. 
Y/N didn’t miss the look Yamaguchi gave Tsukishima as he remained by her side, tilting her head in confusion and the blonde waved his friend off and continued walking alongside Y/N. She decided it was best not to question it, they were already a questionable pair of friends and Y/N wouldn’t be shocked if they had some sort of secret code they communicated through.
When she suggested this of course, Tsukishima called her an idiot.
“That’s not very nice, Tsukki.”
If Tsukishima was honest he should’ve kept walking alongside Yamaguchi a while ago, and yet here he was, alongside Y/N. He was pretty grateful she had yet to mention it, especially since he didn’t really favor lying, and he didn’t really have an explanation as to why he decided to walk her home.
It just felt right. 
“Well it’s a stupid idea.” Came his response, nose scrunching up at the nickname. Only Yamaguchi called him that, not that he had a problem with Y/N using the nickname as well. 
Y/N raised a brow, “I don’t think so, you’re smart enough to make a secret code or something.” A smile found its way onto her face as she looked over to him, playfully bumping into his side as she continued, “you probably use it to write about conspiracy theories or something.” 
“I’m not a conspiracy theorist, Y/N.” He side eyes the girl, scoffing at her words as he pushes his glasses up on the bridge of his nose in an attempt to distract from the warmth that flooded his chest. 
Y/N hummed in reply, looking to him as she asked, “so you don’t believe that lizard people run society?” 
Tsukishima’s brows furrowed as he looked to her incredulously, “absolutely not.” 
“Sounds like something a lizard person would say.” Came her reply, a grin on her face as she came to a stop, likely in front of her home. 
“Did you just suggest that I’m a lizard person?”
There was no way he liked Y/N L/N. In that moment, he made another promise to himself, Tsukishima Kei swore he would never like Y/N L/N, someone who was apparently a lizard person fanatic and insisted that he was a conspiracy theorist. 
A silence encompasses the two as Y/N looks up at him curiously, eyes falling over his face as a small hum leaves her lips. Tsukishima doesn’t know why exactly he lets it happen, why he lets her gently grab his chin, bringing him close to press a kiss to his cheek, “thanks for walking me home, Tsukki.” When she releases his face, she turns on her heel, heading toward her door, but not before saying, “try not to get home too late, and text Yamaguchi— he’s probably worried about you.” 
Okay, so maybe he would break this promise faster than last time. 
“This didn’t happen.” He manages to call out to her, watching as she makes her way down the cobblestone path to her front door. 
Y/N looks over her shoulder, a smirk on her face as she offers him a wave, “this didn’t happen!” She called back in agreement, stepping inside her home and shutting the door behind him. 
A lot faster than last time. 
He has no idea why he didn’t stop her the first time, when she asked. And he doesn’t know why he didn’t stop her now, or the next time, or the time after that. Tsukishima probably should’ve known better, he should’ve stopped indulging himself with her presence.
And yet sitting on his bed, lying on his side watching her, he knows there was no stopping this. Y/N is smirking, clearly noticing his gaze on her as she continues to silently read from her textbook, writing things down into her notebook on occasion. He almost gets frustrated at the sight, brows furrowing before he returns his eyes to his own textbook
Tsukishima probably would’ve finished a while ago had it not been for her, it’s not that Y/N had done anything, but her presence only served as a distraction at this point, leaving Tsukishima wondering just why he invited her. He can’t remember the reasoning behind his actions, but he has a feeling it wasn’t worth the lack of productivity that came with her visit. 
“Have you done anything?” 
As much as Tsukishima admired how observant Y/N was, he currently despised this trait of hers as he slammed the textbook shut, “yes.” It was a lie, Tsukishima had never been so unproductive in his life, and he hated it. He hated everything about this stupid project, especially the fact that she was his partner. 
A laugh escaped her, earning a glare from Tsukishima, “you’re so scary.” She says, though its clear she’s teasing him as she comes to pat his cheek condescendingly, accompanied by a mocking tone and an annoying smirk.
“Whatever.” He grumbles, tossing the textbook off the bed before falling back against his bed. 
Y/N hums, eyes falling over his figure as she nods to herself. “I see.”
Tsukishima scoffs at her words, lifting his head up to meet her gaze with a glare, “see what?”
Her grin only widens at his words as she shuts her own textbook, placing it on the nightstand beside her alongside her notebook before allowing herself to collapse into Tsukishima’s pillows. “You’re grumpy—” She turns to her side, lifting her arm up, “because you want a hug.”
Tsukishima looks at her incredulously, rolling his eyes as he brings his hands to his face, causing Y/N to lower her arm as she pouts. “You’re stupid.” He mumbles, watching her push up onto her elbows.
“And you’re a touch-starved grump.” Comes her reply, prying his hands form his forehead to gently remove his glasses, reaching over him to place it on the other nightstand before returning to her side of the bed. She lifts her arm once more, looking to Tsukishima expectantly. 
He inhales deeply, looking away in an attempt to maintain some of his pride when he feels his cheeks redden. “We have work to do.”
“The project isn’t due for another two weeks, Kei.” 
Tsukishima finds himself trying to glare at her, though it fails when he realizes she’s said his first name and he can’t bring himself to be upset anymore, simply saying, “this didn’t happen.” Before his arms come around her waist, Y/N’s arm that was once hovering above her now wrapped around his neck as she pulled him closer. Her other hand coming to tangle her fingers in his hair.
“This didn’t happen.” She repeated.
That day, he promises that the next time they meet, they’re actually going to get work done. He breaks this promise too, quickly realizing that this is a theme whenever the promises are related to Y/N.
Tsukishima doesn’t really realize that he’s in too deep until the day his lips crash against hers and he finds himself whispering those damned words once more, “this didn’t happen.” His hands running down her sides as he tries to pull her closer because whenever he’s around her that cold that plagues him day and night seems to fade, replaced the warmth she seems radiate as though she’s the sun.
He hates that he compares her to the sun, he hates that she’s become something he needs, a presence he craves, because Y/N L/N was meant to be nobody and now she seems to be one of the most important people in his life. He hates that she understands him, that she can read his every move better than he can, that she knows what he needs before he even says it. 
He doesn’t realize he’s in too deep until he’s promising himself not to fall in love.
Because for the first time in a while, Tsukishima Kei wants nothing more than to touch, he wants to feel, even though he’s filled with fear of the unknown, fear of the feelings he so desperately wanted to avoid. For once in his life, he wants to let go, because he finally feels comfortable enough to do so. 
This time all she says is, “I know.” 
Because Y/N knows that falling for Tsukishima was a mistake, a big one. She’s well aware of the fact that the boy is emotionally unavailable and renowned for his rude attitude and crude remarks. She knows that even if they have these silent moments together, even if she’s held him in her arms at night, even if they’ve been closer than she’s even been with anyone else, this basically means nothing. Because its not like either of them would ever do anything about the fact that the few words they did share in moments like these, weren’t ones of denial that the moments didn’t happen, but something else entirely at this point. 
Confessions in their own right. 
But she knows that all she’ll ever be, is something that didn’t happen. Not a story of his first love, not the girl he talks about with his friends, not the one he thinks about, the one he saw in everyday life. She was nobody, because she didn’t happen.
She doesn’t know that she’s wrong. Very wrong. That Tsukishima spoke fondly of her— honestly, Yamaguchi loves Y/N, he really does, but he’d getting a bit tired of hearing about how the mundane things she does that Tsukishima happens to notice. That he thought of her frequently, that the smell of coffee reminded him of her now, that the sight of the sunset she fawned over every time they walked home together only served as a reminder of her.
It’s not until he’s crying out in victory because they beat Shiratorizawa, Karasuno won, he won. It’s not until he’s so overwhelmed with emotion that he finds his legs moving on their own, towards Y/N; who stands beside Ukai and Takeda, the pair had taken to screaming at each other in the midst of their excitement. It’s not until his hands are on her face, bringing her into a kiss, much to her surprise, that he realizes what exactly the warmth was.
“This didn’t happen?” She asks, trying her hardest to ignore the stares of the team—though many of them are still caught up in their own celebration— as she looks to him. 
Tsukishima simply grins, “I didn’t say that.” 
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A/N: kei is my favorite person to write for and i cannot explain why and this has not been edited so oops
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tags: @beifongsss @shawkneecaps @iwaizoom @therainroguefanfiction​
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fuck-customers · 3 years
(tw ableism, racism)
i never complained about this guy on here but i finally talked to the store lead about this awful guy i work with! said guy, we'll call him don which of course isnt his actual name, is so annoying. for the record, i helped train him, so its not like he's been here for long time. less than a year. anyway, don thinks he's smarter and better than everyone else. he knows everything and everyone else is wrong if they disagree with what he's saying. he's always talking about people behind their backs, and complaining about how no one does their job right, but i guess he does. he's also always spewing some bs about "you should work for satisfaction not money" (girl why are you here then? you hate this job) and "if you really want something you'll get it because you'll do anything for it" and other classist bullshit.
he'll complain about two of our coworkers specifically, who we'll call gina and ben. gina is an older woman, and don is always talking about how she leaves the register to make coffee every hour (gas station, coffee is made every two hours or as needed) and is always away doing something even if there's a line. he also has made some weird comments about the old men who come in and talk to her. he talks about ben the most though, saying he doesnt do anything, he's always disappearing (which, yeah, he does sometimes, but usually i can track him down because i know what he's doing) and calling off (which he used to do, but now he calls off only occasionally, and is definitely not the worst offender in terms of calling off all the time). its also worth noting that ben and gina have been here for years, through multiple managers and store leads and rounds of employees. now, when don and i are at the register, don is usually occupied with stocking cigarettes and the other nicotine products up there, and its nice to have that stuff done, but that means i am the only one ringing people out. even if theres a line. so if someone else leaves him alone at the register, its a problem, but if he leaves me alone, its fine. another thing about ben he doesnt like is his tattoos. ben is a young guy with a ton of tattoos, including face tattoos, and some piercings. don doesn't like that. he was talking about this the other day to me, and he was saying how "businesss shouldn't hire people with tattoos, i wouldn't" (when I told the store lead he said "but there are professionals with tattoos?"), and first off, this is a gas station honey. what i said to don was, "I don't know, I still think those people deserve to eat." he replies, "I don't." i don't know what to say to that.
he also doesn't like me I don't think. we were talking about stuff we have to do, and got on the topic of outside trash, and I said, "Yeah, if I could do outside trash I would, but because of my hand I can't lift the pump trash lids." i have an ongoing issue with my left hand that we think is tendonitis but we aren't sure, and basically i can't put any pressure on any part of my thumb/that part of my palm. to lift the pump trash lids, you have to push inward on the sides with your palm and lift up. obviously i cant do that. but i can lift propane tanks because that's mostly on my fingers. he tells me, "man, i wish i had a brace i could just put in when i didn't want to do something."
my man the other day i sat down on the floor to look for something and i thought it was healed but as soon as i leaned on it i fell because of how much it hurt. I've tried to do pump trash with it, it made it worse.
going back in time, he said something to me that i didn't think much of at the time. he looked up and saod "that's who you remind me of!" and said my voice sounded like his ex girlfriend's. at first i was like okay. whatever. but he mentioned it again later in a way that infuriated me and im about to tell you why.
so, he was going off about "how you should only eat between these times of the day" (directed at me because i mentioned my breakfast that morning? my dude i get up at six for this shift.) and then going off about circadian rhythms and how theres a single set one (which is not true!) and i mentioned that one if the symptoms of adhd is having a circadian rhythm thats out of sync (he knows i have adhd). and then he starts going off about how "no its not, tell me that when its in a medical book" (girl? maybe look at one that isnt outdated) and then that adhd is overdiagnosed (untrue and also a googleable statistic) and pretty much implying that i was just saying i had it to be special and not have to do things, which infuriated me because thats what everyone says about it and what ive been told my whole life, to the point my mom literally had to threaten several schools with legal action because they would not follow my IEP, and then when i said "hey, I'm the one living with this, you aren't," he said "kelly! kelly! you sound so much like her! you're just kelly to me!"
obviously that's kind of a fucked up thing to say.
some other things i hate about this man is that he gets really aggressive when he's frustrated. one day he started slamming things down as he was stocking. he even does it in front of customers! also, as a cherry on top, he was talking to our coworker, and found out she had a lot of black friends, and called her a [n word] lover.
i also know that im not the only person who has problems with him. literally no one likes him. he's always complaining that someone else isnt doing their job right and "if *I* were the manager" and stuff like that. it might be worth mentioning that i only complained because someone suggested i do. i was just going to tough it out for a while since im going back to school soon and will only be dealing with him once a month
one of my coworkers gave me her number if i ever wanted to talk about it, and the store lead said he would try to talk to him (without mentioning me), and this definitely wasn't okay for him to be doing, so we'll see how this goes. also, i think the store lead kept me in the office talking with him (about school and the pandemic and other stuff) for an hour ish so that i wouldn't have to deal with him, since don leaves after an hour of me being there during the week (but we have six hours together on the weekend) so that was nice.
sorry for the long ask. tldr this guys just an all around asshole who doesnt shut up and thinks he's superior to everyone else but my other coworkers are nice people
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Easy to Forget Me by Cimorelli
Pairings: Tobio Kageyama x fem! reader
Word count: 2.8k
Summary: When the king's queen was out of his grasp before he can realize
Warning/Genre: angst, toxic friendship, anxiety attack
Symbols: Italics=flashbacks
A/N: um- im very much hurt
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Kageyama pants as he runs, pushing his limit with his eyes scanning the street ahead of him. His chest heavily coming up and down with sweat dripping down his skin. Mind empty but theres a certain feeling in his chest that was urging him to come back to a certain period in his life or a certain someone.
As he passes by a certain store, he suddenly stops. The feeling of his legs as if it they were holding him back, restraining his every move along with a voice lingering in his head like a broken record.
"She wasn't there."
Like a rock thrown to glass, his heart shatters, the sharpness of it scattering around his body making him weak to his knees as he stares at the shop that brought back memories he should've cherished. Maybe he should've gone with you when you asked him, maybe he should've took interest in your stories that had you smiling for days.
Maybe he should've chosen to remember.
"Tobio! Please don't push me away." Y/N begs, as Tobio disregards your words as he locks the door, slamming it in front of you. It was right after the match of Kitagawa, where his teammates claimed him the King, leaving him stranded.
"Please.. I'm here. I'll stay with you, I promise." Y/N says, head leaned on the door as she desperately tries to talk to the boy who've built such high walls a person like her can never reach. Kageyama can hear her pleas through the door but only one scene was repeating in his head-the moment the ball dropped, not even a soul was willing to save it for him.
"Kageyama.." she whispers sliding down with tears in her innocent eyes, scared for the condition of the boy, even more scared of what was bound to happen to their closeness.
The door creaks open slightly, and she was off her feet wiping away her tears as she turns around to see the broken boy clutching his shirt. He collapses into her arms and she gladly takes him, both sat on the ground with her hands running through his dark locks. Tears in each of their eyes, Y/N holding onto him while he questions himself. All the words that slipped through her mouth was nothing but sweet whispers and promises, reassuring him that he was no king.
Just a prince surrounded in a kingdom he didn't deserve.
"T-thank you for yesterday. You're the only one I can..count on." He says through the phone and you immediately smile at his words, surprised he believed in your promise. You let your hand rest on top of your heart, gripping on your shirt feeling that your heart was too big to fit into your body with how your emotions were overwhelming you just because of one boy. You wonder how long it'll take for you to break under him, under the kings command.
"It's nothing, Tobio. I'll be here whenever you need me."
"Kageyama! Good morning!" You say as you gladly bring him his usual choice of milk. He nods to you as a sign of thank you, and you smile at him. You walk with him silently, admiring the pleasant air between you two. It was a coincidence you two entered the same school, or was it really just your instinct and you chose it to protect the boy?
"I heard about this new store. Do you wanna come with me? I've seen photos of it everywhere!" She rambles on yet it fell on deaf ears as Kageyama was only delighted about being back on the gym, able to play his passion. When he turned to her, even if she was talking, his slightest care couldn't be given to her. He'd only nod every once in a while to make it seem like he'd understood.
If your heart knew that he didn't care, maybe then you would've realized.
We're in the same town
But you're nowhere to be found
"She hasn't been around for days. Do you think she'll make it to our game?" Hinata asks as Tanaka hands him another ball. Tanaka sighs as he looks over to the empty bench. It was funny how they were all concerned yet one boy couldn't care less. The second year looks over to Kageyama who spiked the ball perfectly, seeing him cheer at his success.
"Worry less about Y/N, she probably has her own problems. We all know that she could never miss our game, especially when Kageyama is playing." Daichi says, looking over to the younger boy. Daichi can feel how cold the atmosphere was with just a glance. He tries not to interfere with whatever happened between you two but after the match no one saw you again. Yet he sees Kageyama, perfectly back in his mindset and not an ounce of suspense as to why you weren't present.
"Plus we missed her birthday! Can't we buy some gifts for her? She doesn't really seem okay to me." Sugawara say and Nishinoya jumps at the idea agreeing completely.
"Seems like he shouldn't be invited." Tsukishima says, pointing at their other setter. Hinata sighs beside him, before shaking his head, in denial of the tension.
"Let's just go after practice!"
He walks inside the record store, seeing a variety of albums and vinyls. He lets his slim fingers run over the texture of each album, wondering which drew his attention. The atmosphere of the store was enough to leave a weight on his shoulders.
It's you, isn't it?
He eyes a poster on his left, enjoying how the colors were spotlighted by the sunlight that was peeking through the window. All the soft hues, having a dark gradient at the bottom he couldn't help but feel how familiar everything was. He carefully listens to the song that was playing, concentrating on every lyric as if he was trying to find a connection.
This is her world.
He watches how everyone in the store was occupied in conversations. Conversing about their interests, debating about different eras, even singing in different aisles. He can only feel sympathy, alone in her world he didn't bother to acknowledge. He should know by now what music you like, what album you first bought, which band poster was hung on your wall, but when he tried he could only hear murmurs and whispers.
I wish I listened.
Do you ever miss me?
You wonder as you sat in your room, knees to your chest in the far corner, listening to the song playing in your earphones. You stood up, walking to your window and opening it, greeted by the cold air. You let you hands dangle from the window while your eyes landing on the night sky creeping a smile on your face at how comforting it was.
The moon stares down on you, feeling helpless for the girl who thought numbness was the right choice. She couldn't even mask the way her world was slowly loosing color. To her, music would always paint her skies with color. All she can do now is envision the colors but in reality they were all desaturating with every passing day. There's pretty smile set on her lips yet feels like a tug of force knowing it was hard to act civil when her heart lost the battle.
"This place is so cool!" Hinata exclaims, eyes sparkling at the sight of the vivid posters and overall aesthetic and aura of the store. Nishinoya joins him on the excitement. Daichi turn to Kageyama who looked like a lost puppy, eyes wandering everywhere. Sugawara taps Daichis shoulder quite cutely holding up a vinyl in his hands.
"This looks like something she'd like!" He says with a smile and Nishinoya joins the conversation, holding out his own album waving it in the air claiming it was more her type. Asahi laughs at the two while he continues to view the albums that were in front of him.
Kageyama glances at his seniors along with the second years. He sees the genuine care they have for her but why is that he feels empty? Like he was numb to any feeling. He did miss her birthday, not even bothering to greet her, focusing on doing better for the next matches.
Hinata notices the dismay from the boy but his lips form a thin line, knowing exactly why Kageyamas clueless. He wonders about the feeling of neglecting a person that's been by your side for years. Kageyama seemed like he was a pro for such things. He always took notice of how Y/N would look whenever he's decline her offers, the way she walks to class disheartened but when she sees the setter, she instantly lights up at the sight.
Seeing her cry that day was enough for him to keep a distance.
How can he even comfort her? The moment she turned her back to Kageyama, she had a hopeless smile on her lips, tears continuously rolling down her puffy cheeks. He could see the way she collapsed that way. How the queen finally let go of her duties from the king.
Kageyama laid on his bed with earphones in, hands to his chest focused on the melodies. It was ironic how he wanted to badly catch up on what he's lost. He was badly trying to find the trail back to you but he was unfortunate. It seemed like he was the one that changed everyone's destination.
The moment she stepped in the gym, so bewildered at the different personalities they had. Hinata was the first one to approach her, asking her questions about their "friendship." The following months went by and Hinata found comfort in her and so did the rest of the team, favoring her for her endless support, always hearing her cheers at each game. After every match, she'd always encourage the others, being the brightest sun to cast upon the team who was discouraged.
Yet he found this unnecessary?
He bites his lip at his old thought. He hated himself for thinking how useless of a habit that was for you. He believed that Daichi was enough to lift up the spirits of his teammates so the team really didn't need you. It's opposite for the others though. They truly appreciated each of your compliments, each pat on the shoulder or head. Even if you wanted to do the same for him, he'd always walk away before you could even reach him. Hinata and Yamaguchi would always try to make you forget how harsh the boy was.
He lets his eyes close for a while. For a second, he was at peace but then words started resurfacing.
"How could you just walk away?"
He tries to ignore the tone of her voice, trying to drown it out by increasing the volume, but his heart was panicking at the memory. Even if he tightly shuts his eyes, all he can imagine was the sight of the last time he saw her. He wanted to sit up, to avoid the anxiousness that was crawling under his skin, but his back remained on the bed, struggling to escape the encounter.
"Is it that easy to forget me?"
(TW! Anxiety attack. Do not proceed if this makes you uncomfortable)
He calls out to her like a whisper, clutching his pillow as he stares wide eyed at the ceiling. He feels the room swirl around him, the walls caving on him as every insult and memory came to him. He sits up and desperately tries to walk but he collapses on the floor, hands quickly reaching the hem of his shirt bringing it over his shoulders. Panting incredibly with his sweat covering his forehead as he tried to calm himself down but each second he was reminded of a moment in his life he could never change.
"Hey..Kageyama it's okay." Y/N tries to reach for his shoulder but he harshly grabs a hold of her hand, gripping it tightly in his as he stares her down with his dark eyes, locking on her terrified ones.
"We fucking lost! To Aoba! To Oikawa! How can you act like this when we lost?!" Kageyama shouts at her and she winces at the volume but she lets her other hand rest on top of his, trying to make sure her eye contact reminded him that everything was going to be okay.
"Tobio- Karasuno will come back and win again.. You have to trust that everything isn't set in stone. Failure-"
"FAILURE? I don't have any fucking time for more failures Y/N! You simply don't know what that feels cause all you've been doing is tagging along and being useless." He spat and you felt your smile crumble at his words. He removes your hands from his as he frustratedly runs his hands to his hair, feeling as if pins went through his hands, blaming it for their loss.
"Kageyama..you don't m-mean that. Stop. I know you're angry-"
"I'm disappointed Y/N for fucks sake! I could've done better! We could've won if I didn't slip up. Stop acting like you can fucking solve everything and leave!" She takes a step forward to him as he extends out a hand, blocking her from moving any further. The gesture completely draining the life out of her, her heart growing more and more in her chest, the admiration for the boy trying to erase his negativity.
"Fuck Y/N! Can't I have a day without you talking to me? Or even being around me? I don't need you. The team doesn't need you. No one else does.. so please just leave already."
He stares at her for a while before rushing off, annoyance and pride feeding his heart and mind. She sees him getting more and more distant as she lets her last smile fall on her lips. All the love and joy was erased from her heart, feeling how shallow and dark the atmosphere was inside it. It began to feel like every heartbeat was slowing down as her tears painted her a trail as she walked. The tears continuously flooded her cheeks as every function of her body was weakening with every action.
She feels the tension that there was in the bus, while she was stuck in the corner, silent.
Silent but the Kings poison consumed her.
Happy birthday to me then. She thinks bitterly.
She looks at the scenery beside her, appealing dull. She allows her heart to cry at the sharp pieces that went through it, as if it was like a balloon being popped or like the light from a fire was blown out.
There was a certain part of her that died that day. She wonders if it was her entirely, or just her ability to feel anything apart from the harsh reality. It was the mere feeling of hearing him say the exact opposite of the words you were badly used to. As the person who he counted on even back at Kitagawa, you should've believed it. But every word he threw were all words that should've never been brought to light. You were back to zero to say the least, back at the darkest corner of your mind. Touching in with your negative emotions drowning you with every replay of of his words.
Then she glances at him.
She lets her eyes linger on him for the last time before she sighs, hands forming a ball, nails digging through her skin.
I don't know you anymore.
Kageyama opens his eyes slowly, hands reaching for his phone as he dials a forgotten number. He was panting furiously, desperate to hear the sound of your voice he was late to miss. He dreaded the silence the surrounded him, he wished the silence would be killed by your voice, assuring him that all was forgiven and you were ready to come back to him so he can apologize for everything he's done.
On the other end of the line, you sighed sadly. You the see way your phone lit up the dark room, seeing a name you've yet to see in months. You carefully place the phone in your hands, trying to find the feeling in your chest when he was around. The feeling of excitement to see or hear him has vanished yet you wished that you had the ability to feel for him again.
Love has faded, no evidence, not even a trace.
So you put the phone down, done waiting to be found.
Kageyama hears the way the sound of the phone stopped, seeing his wallpaper flash in front of him. He lets the tears fall from his eyes as he calls out to you one more time, even if you broke your promise, still holding on to it but there wasn't a chance for him anymore.
And the queen left the kingdom, leaving the king to rule by himself.
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bellasweetwriting · 4 years
Fix His Broken Heart
Jess Mariano x f.reader
(not my gif)
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request: Hiii, i want a jess fic🥺 theres not enough jess mariano fics here, how about after rory goes to visit him at truncheon he meets the reader and she helps him move on from rory and he falls in love with reader. 💞💞
requested by: @beautiful-thinking
note: I’m a big literati shipper so this was hard but also fun to write I really love this
warnings: movie references, drinking, gilmore girls s2,s3 and s6 spoilers, some fancy vocabulary, Logan hate
word count: 1,7k
reading time: 7 min
And he saw her walk away to his arms. She found comfort in another guy. She moved one.
He hated himself for realizing that after all these years of knowing this person, still, it isn't enough. He and Rory evolved separately, they don't have the same goals or the same resources. As much as they try, it seemed like destiny didn't want their paths to cross one another.
He realized that he lost her as soon as she walked out of that door. She was gone. What now?
He'll probably see her again at Luke and Lorelai's wedding; hell, he'll even see Logan there also. The way he despited that guy. He cheated on her, and still, there she was, madly in love with him.
Logan is better than him in Rory's eyes, and he couldn't do anything to change that. He was a forgotten part of her story, an item locked inside a box that she opens when she feels lost. She probably doesn' think of him anymore like she used to.
But he thinks of her at least once a day. When he walks through the bookstore and notices the new edition of Dawn Powell's My Home Is Far Away, or when his friends bring coffee and offer to him, reminding him of her slight coffee addiction. Who's he kidding? There's nothing "slight" about Rory Gilmore's coffee addiction, it's concerning.
Any little thing reminded him of her and the fact that now he's sure she doesn't think of him anymore... saddens him.
Everyone was celebrating the success of the event that day, while Jess drowned his sorrows in a cold beer, also glancing over the girls that walked past him.
"I should warn you that if you are planning to Kurt Cobain on my bar, don't." That expression provoked an immediate reaction on Jess's face. "Not a fan of dark humor?"
"Not when it comes from the mouth of a stranger, not," he replied, making the girl chuckle. "Do you always attend your costumers like that, Rick Blaine?" Asked Jess naming the main character of Casablanca, who happened to owned a bar/restaurant in the 1940s.
"Rick Blaine? Don't tell me you are one of those guys who listen to The Clash on repeat and think they are better than the rest of the world because they know references from black and white movies and have read at least one book by Bukowski in the last three months." Jess drank from his beer, making the girl opened her mouth widely. "Oh, God, you are! A living Danielle Steel novel main character drinking alone in my bar." He laughed.
"I used to be that guy," Jess corrected her. "I've changed."
"A girl?"
"A breakup with a girl, to be fairer. I work at a little bookstore called Truncheon. We are all independent writers, and to give you some credit, some of us do look like Danielle Steel's characters. Not that I have read anything by her, though."
Jess wasn't like that. He didn't tell people he doesn't know about himself or his personal life, but for some reason, probably the effects of the alcohol in that beer were making him loosen up a bit with this complete stranger. Yeah, a significant event has happened in his life. The girl he thought he was going to be with forever decided to be with someone else rather than him, and he hasn't thought of anyone else romantically. He's so used to being alone, so used to not having anyone to actually talk to, that, maybe, liberating his internal thoughts and regrets with someone he isn't going to see again is probably for the best.
Not a therapist or a friend, just, someone external who isn't going to dig dipper in his subconscious to understand his situation and actions or someone who is involved in the story; someone who just―listens.
"You read one, you read them all." She commented. "Independent writers, huh? Have you published anything I have written?"
"Probably not," he said with that typical modesty he has earned through the pass of the years. "I just have one book out, is a self-published, so..." She nodded. "I actually did a little road trip, trying to make independent bookstores like mine to put them in the store. Probably, by the end of the month, I'll have twenty bucks and a sticker that says: «keep trying, champ.»"
"How poetic," the barista murmured, and both chuckle.
"Do you have a copy of your book?" She asked, and he nodded, giving it to her. "The Subsect, by Jess Mariano. Truncheon Books," she read before turning it around and reading the back cover. "«A self-published, prominent and dark-humored coming of age short novel following the unique life of J., a seventeen-year-old with no place to call home.» That's dark. How much for it?"
"Twenty bucks and a sticker," she chuckled, "or, a free beer."
"Sounds like a fair deal, Jess Mariano." He smiled at the mention of his name. "I'm Y/N."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." She placed the book inside her apron with a tiny smile. "So you work here."
"Oh, you said that because of the apron and the fact that I'm behind the counter? No, I'm just a big fan of... college bars in Philadelphia." The sarcasm in Y/N's voice made Jess grin. "My brother owns the place. He lets me live upstairs while I go to college, and I pay rent by working here. The books you see behind me are mine. I study on my break."
"What are you studying?"
"English. I want to be a screenplay writer." He sighed before shaking his head. "What?"
"A film writer? Why?"
"I love films. I love watching them, reviewing them, analyzing them. I want to write masterpieces. What's wrong with that? At least I'm not writing coming of age short novels."
"It's not a coming of age novel, that's just the hideous synopsis that my poet friends come up with for the book. It's actually a lot deeper than that."
"The only way of finding that out is reading it, right?"
Both looked at each other for a few seconds before she asked for his glass to refill that free beer she offered him.
"How about... if I come tomorrow, take you out, and you buy me that beer? How about that?" Y/N chuckle before agreeing.  He didn't believe it actually worked. He had tried to ask girls out in the last two years, but they've always said that they weren't interested. But there was something different and intriguing about Y/N that had caught the young writer's attention. "At what time do you finish class?"
"Pick me up at eight here, I'll wait."
He was nervous.
A date. Jess has never even been on one before. Not even with Rory. He never took Rory on a date like a dinner or a movie before they started going out. He used to tease her, and she fell for him, God knows why.
He took Rory on dates when they were dating, although if you count the car ride as a date. No, it wasn't a date. She was Dean's girlfriend at the time, and he crashed her car.
Why did she even like him? He crashed her car for God's sake. If he was Rory, he would have hated himself.
He hated himself already.
It wasn't like in books. Girls are complicated, and the male writers he is so used to reading about usually don't talk about dates and how to get a girl; the girl is already in love with the main character.
She did mention Danielle Steel. Did she read that kind of dramas, like Nicholas Sparks and John Green, where the characters just die in each other's arms like a shoddy Shakespeare tragedy imitation? Did she like that? He didn't know how to be a "romance" kind of guy. He still used the "bully her because you like her" technique, and maybe that's the only part of him that hasn't changed with the years.
He still didn't know how to communicate and express himself. He still wasn't used to talking about his emotions or being in a healthy relationship where there's no such thing as privacy. He wasn't born to assist to cotillions and balls, wear tuxes like James Bond and use fancy words gentleman-like, such as "Farewell," "Luxury," "Eloquent," and "Hope you had a marvelous evening, thanks for joining us in our humble and splendid gathering."
But that was Rory's world. Probably Logan used words like that without even knowing the meaning of them.
He quickly noticed that thinking about his ex-girlfriend before a date wasn't a good sign.
Maybe he should stand her up? No, that is an old Jess move. He is a changed man, he doesn't treat girls like that anymore. He is better, he is more mature, he wants to achieve something, actually becoming a better and selfless person who thinks about the consequences before acting. He wasn't going to stand Y/N up.
By a quarter past eight, he was standing on the bar's entrance, making eye contact with the barista from the previous day. Y/N smiled at him before saying goodbye to the guy next to her, grabbing her purse and walking towards Jess.
"Thought you wouldn't show up, Romeo."
"Can't believe you took me for a coward."
"In my defense, I saw you drinking your problems away yesterday." He nodded before putting her coat on her shoulders for her, making Y/N smile. "What a gentleman."
"There are so many things you don't know about me. You would surprise yourself."
"Oh, let me guess: you've never been on a date before."
"What? Why would you say that?"
"Well, because we are walking instead of driving."
"I have a dark past with cars and girls. You wouldn't want me to be behind the wheel while you are inside the car after you hear it, believe me."
"Good to know." Both laughed as they walked under the streetlights of Philadelphia. "I've never been on a date either," she admitted, taking him by surprise, but not as much to make a comment about it.
Jess has never felt more comfortable. Next to her, he felt like he was free of judgments. Starting a new story, blank page, blank notebook. He felt safe, and he hasn't felt safe in another person's arms in such a long time.
This was good for him. To finally... move on.
And who better than her to fix his broken heart.
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honey-makki · 4 years
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It was a normal day for Ashleigh Styleson. Walking to school and zoning out for a few hours. The end of the day was not what I expected at all. Instead of sitting at my desk doing homework I was tied up in the storage room of a gym.
Today I was kidnapped by older (and very sexy) men?
I don;t know why they took me, I don’t even kow who they are. One of them is tallish and blonde and looks like he would play troy bolton in a remake of high school musical. He keeps staring at me and im nervous that my bright blue jeans and band tee paired with my knee high converse aren’t cute enough for him.
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Maybe they wont want me anymore, i wondered. my doubt was quickly replaced when three more men walked in the room. One had blonde hair tied back with a headband and i could just tell he was in charge by the bde he had. The other two were meeker and didn’t really catch my eye, a tall skinny nervous blonde and the only brunette.
“Who are you”
Don’t worry about who we are baby girl just what we can do for you.
“Do for me?”
The one in charge laughed. “Maybe if u are good enough we will let you go home. smothing tells me you are a bad girl tho, maybe its the outfit you are wearing”
My parents did hate this outfit, they said it was too eddgy but i didn’t want to be the preppy bithc of their dreams. No i am hardcore. Punk through and through and obviously these men could tell.
Would that be my escape or downfall?
Do they think my confidence is sexy or annoyin??
a/n definitely sexy. she is so confident and no one can fuck w her
“Do you want to listen to music” he doesnt let me answer before using pandora to open up a one direction station, “hows this”
My eyes almost roll out of my head, “im more of a.. Um 5sos person.. A person w taste”
a/n i don’t hate 1d but being a 1d stan?? couldn;t be me (◔_◔)
Of course you are, because i also love them, and he quickly switches to the beter station.
I can’t help but start to dance in my too tight biinds when good girls play out from his phone.
“If i untine you, will you dance fro us like a good girl?”
Only f you tell me why i’m here
Depends on how good you dance. Theres a daring glint in his eyes and ive never been one to back down from a challenge.
The song flows through ym body and i cant help the way my hips mve in a seductive circle, his eyes zeroed in on my rainbow studded belt. Suddenlyan idea sparks in my mind.
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I might be punk but that doesn’t mean i don’t learn tiktok dances at night for fun. Its one of the only things i can do when my mom grounds me and takes my laptop away. Idk why she doesn’t take my phone but its not like i have a ton fo friends to text anyways
It’s not the right song but i think the moves to the savage dance will work well enough. If i sing savag in ym head i can keep on beat and maybe he’ll like my dance moves. I can’t see how the others stare at my ass while i put on a show for the man in front of me but i wouldn’t care anyways.
When i finish he walks up and whispers in my ear, “those moves aren’t necessarily what i would call good, you wouldnt want your mom to see you shaking your ass infront of a grown men woul you?”
Well i do what i want so if i want to be sexy in front of you then i will. A pout is evident on my face but i take the time hes laughing to check him out in front of me. Hes bigger then all the boys in my grade and theres a warm tingling in my tummy that i don’t recognize.
One fo the men speaks up behind me and says, “ we took you because you are hot.” i blush unwillingly at the compliment from an attractive older man, “and we want you to stay with us” says another.
I pause, leaving ym life behind? The pink bedroom walls and strict annoying parents and school? And instead i get to live with four ripped men who think im sexy and cool? Easiest decison of my life
“Am i living in this gym? Because i need at least a shower and bed and i dont’ see any of that hear..
“Don’t worry kitten you can come bck to our place and sleep in anyone’s bed you want.”
Maybe geting kidnapped isn’t the worst thing thats ever happend to me/ now i dont have to do my math homework and i can probably have my first kiss with one fo these hot dudes.
they take me to thier apartment above a store and before the door even closes the man has his warm muscle shoved down my throat. i don’t know alotbout jissng but i felt like we skipped a few steps! but when the next man came up he’s much gentle with me and it wasn’t long before i was confident and our tongues battles for dominance
the second pair of hands moving on my body from behind only spurred me on to pull the first one even closer. not to mention he was super hot.
the man still at the door had a dark glean in his eyes and commanded me to strip. everyone else looked at me bungryily and i felt like the power shifted in my favor and that my feminine wiles would get me anything i wanted.
maybe i could get used to living like this
a/n this was a dream i had and i wish it was realll!1! where are my sexy men!!!
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a real a/n: this is part of the miki mouse whore house collab! check the others out here
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moodymidnightkitten · 4 years
Fateful Encounter Part 2
A/N I had to redo this one because I was unsure how I wanted to carry out mixing the two worlds together and what characters I wanted to use. But I hope you enjoy! 
Pairing: Hawks x Reader , Feitan x Reader 
genre: fluff
-1 Year Ago- 
It was a relatively normal day for you as you woke up to the bright light of the rising fun creeping onto your face and slowly waking you up, living on such a high floor meant you got to bask in the beauty of the rising sun every morning, added onto the fact that you got to wake up next to the love of your life as well. Keigo Takami AKA Hawks. And every morning you got to see the way the rising sun made his hair glisten like gold and his feathers shine like rubies. How did you get so lucky? Knowing it was by some slight chance was incredibly unbelievable, just a beautiful case of being somewhere at the right time. 
You found yourself staring at him, the way he peacefully laid there, the way his chest rose and fell ever so slightly, you couldn’t even count the amount of times you’ve done this, with it now being considered a morning ritual for you. You two have been dating now for two years, living together for ninety percent of the relationship. But this sight, man, it never gets old. A smile crept onto your face and like clockwork he shuffled around in bed, positioning his body so that he was now facing you with his eyes fluttering open, golden eyes sparkling and making contact with yours, and soon a smile was on his face. 
“Good morning Tweety,” he said, beaming a smile in your direction, stretching his arm out to grab you and pull your body closer to his, planting a soft kiss on your lips, leaving you two to be touching noses. 
“Good morning handsome,” you nuzzled your noses together and smiled. “What are our plans for today Busy Bird?” A cute and fitting nickname for the number two hero who rarely had time off. 
“Luckily, and hopefully nothing” he huffed in response, laying back on his back and stretching out. Making every contact with you again after he decided that he was as stretched as he could be. 
You got out of bed and did the same, preferring the relief of stretching and getting your blood flowing to get you completely ready for the day. The light shone on your body casting a shadow onto the bed and onto Hawks, whose feather delivered you one of his shirts, a tad too big but it was cozy and smelt like him. 
“I’ll get breakfast ready then,” you turned around and smiled at the yawning Big Bird still laying in bed half covered by the massive comforter like a bird in his nest. His toned body now illuminated by the morning sun, another sight you could never get sick of. 
-Present Day-
~buzz buzz buzz~ ~buzz buzz buzz~ 
You woke up to a familiar sound going off not too far away from your body, your alarm, alerting you that it was time to start a new day. You sat up and wiped the tear that was falling ever so slowly down your face. It wasn’t until recently your life with Hawks replayed in your mind in your new world. 
After six months of trying your hardest to get back it was always to no avail, and it made it tougher because everyone thought of you as crazy without proof other than your unnatural power and its source in this new place. And you couldn’t just roam forever, looking and asking everyone for answers, you needed to make it, you needed to live. So that’s exactly what you’re doing. 
I mean there was no way that back home people weren’t desperately looking for a way to find you as well. They had to be, you thought to yourself. 
Pain swelled in your stomach, you’ll never stop trying but sometimes it hurts too much to keep going and sometimes you want to just lay down and wait, no matter what happens to you. But you got up anyways, against your own volition and got ready to enjoy your day off. It’s been a week since the auction so the bustling city has finally slowed down to it’s relatively normal pace. Which the auction didn’t happen in person due to large attacks occurring twice from what people call “The Phantom Troupe” If you hadn’t been a pro-hero back home you would be decently scared, but attacks like that happened at home more often than preferred. 
And it’s been a week since you last saw the terrifyingly handsome man at your job, were you lucky? I guess you could say you were. Especially today, especially after having your haunting and depressing dreams. You could only imagine how you would react to him in this weak state of mind of yours. But your day off motivated you to explore the city more and run some errands, so your threw on your best ‘get moving’ clothes and headed to the door, the first stop more than obviously being the coffee shop. 
When you arrived you saw Lucas casually cleaning the counters awaiting the next customer to come in. 
“Good morning Lucas!” you said brightly, as to not draw attention to you still very obviously puffy eyes. 
“Oi! Good morning y/n!” he placed the cloth he was cleaning with onto the counter and immediately started to make your drink. “How are you? Doing anything fun today?” 
At this point you could tell he could notice that you had been crying recently but didn’t want to pry into anything that wasn’t his business. 
“Not really, I don’t work today so I figured I’d explore around town and waste my time,” you smiled at him as he handed you your drink. 
“Well I hope you enjoy your day off, but please be careful, theres rumors going around that the Troupe is still in town, please please please be careful! I’d hate to lose my favorite customer!’ He said with a wink, lightly brushing your fingers together as you reached to grab the cup. You scoffed. 
“Lucas, when am I never not careful?” You chuckled and waved goodbye as you headed out the door and next door to your job to actually grab a book that was being released today. 
As you walked in you were greeted by your coworker who waved behind the customer she was taking care of as you made your way down the aisle to the Mystery section of the store, where you stood starting to read the new book you were going to buy. Completely drowning out your surroundings. 
“Is it good?” an unknown yet familiar voice chimed in close to you, startling you to look up as you were now sitting on the floor deeply reading, you made eye contact with him, that horribly threatening man you sincerely wish you wouldn’t see again. But this time you weren’t scared you know that the story had you lost in your own world on top of your emotions that day had you drowning out all other emotion except remorse and hopelessness. 
‘It’s decent,” you said to the man, not blinking, not breaking eye contact. Standing your ground. Or sitting? You’re still sitting, which you just noticed until your neck did a feather light crack to keep your cool staring up at the man. So you got up and began to walk around him, ready to buy the book and continue on with your day. You heard him take a book off the shelf and began walking towards you. He met up with you at the front counter. 
“Hey y/n! Buying a new book?” A very obvious question asked in the presence of the man standing next to you, who now was a threatening aura to everyone except you. 
“Yeah, I was just gonna read it here but I have some other stops to make so I didn’t want to take up too much of my time today.” The cashier began to scan your books when she was interrupted. 
“Both,” was all he said and she immediately scanned his book as well. You looked at him confused. 
“I’m not buying your book too,” a stunning and brave comment to make with making confused and angry contact with him. 
“That was never the plan.” He slammed more money than necessary onto the counter and grabbed both books. 
“Lets go.” Was all he said as he began to walk towards the exit with you book in tow. You made confused and awkward eye contact with your coworker before continuing on to catch up to him.
“What the hell are you doing?” you asked, ripping your book from his grasp. 
“I am trying to be nice. Don’t be such a bitch about it.” He said, now pinning you to the closest wall of a building, which now had you decently frightened and confused. So you asked the very obvious question. 
“What do you want?” You furrowed your brow and he made a light tsk sound between his teeth. 
“You’re different, I can tell, you hide it poorly, I’ve seen you by some stroke of what you would call bad luck. At first I didn’t care, but then I saw you again so I got suspicious about it.” His response alleviated nothing. You were still confused, how much did he know?  When did you meet him before? 
At this point he pulled away from you and continued walking down the street. You ran to catch up with him, grabbing his arm and pulling him to stop, but you used too much force and were now chest to chest with him. Your eyes now look pleading, looking for your answers once again. 
“Please.. Tell me what you know..” Your voice was quiet and he looked at you, slightly angry to have been pulled so aggressively by you, but noticing you were mid breakdown he calmed his desire to kill you right then and there. You smelt good to him, sweet with light hints of spice that tickled his nose. Your teary eyes added sparkle to the beauty he was confused by enjoying the ability to see, especially at such close distance. 
“My name is Feitan,” was all he said as he pulled away, “Come with me.” He gestured for you to follow, which you did, and so began a whole different day than you imagined it going.
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Party Crashers
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Request - Here
Summary - Billy and Mayor Clines daughter are in a super secret relationship, but things become a little restless and the truth gets revealed by accident... but not in the best way...
Warnings - Tommy being a bit of a creep lmao, Alcohol consumption, Mentions of underaged drinking, a small mention of drugs
Word Count - 2048 , I finally counted them yay!! x 
Authors Notes - This was a hefty one and i’m so sorry it was so late, ive been super preoccupied and I also wanted to make this to the best of my abilities and I hope you enjoy it! x 
Everyone in Hawkins knew you. Everyone.
A lot of people would think of this as some popularity dream come true, but in all honesty it was a nightmare. Any hope at a relationship was diminished due to a lack of privacy, even going to the store at the weekend people made a fuss.
“The mayors daughter bought meat? Does she hate animals?” Or “Y/N L/N caught smoking!” And your personal favourite “The Mayors Soon To Be A Grandad”. That was after a certain Harrington got caught making out with you behind his car.
That was another problem with relationships, you were constantly being set up with rich kids who owned islands and beaches. Steve was the most casual relationship you’d had after his parents started to cozy up to your father. Unfortunately that didn’t end on the best of terms, both of you growing apart romantically and only really wanting to keep in sexual contact till you officially broke it off.
But then he came. Sun kissed skin and golden curls, he was the definition of a bad boy. Someone your parents would hate the thought of you dating. Billy Hargrove.
He was the everything you’d been told to walk away from. But instead you walked towards him, and soon enough you’d formed yourself a secret relationship.
Making out in his camaro at midnight, down by an old wreck on the outskirts of town. Fucking in your bed at the dead of night whilst he held your hands. Cuddling up on his sofa whilst you got out of your mind high.
He was a rush of adrenaline in your boring and plain life.
Every event you went to, your mind would wonder to the way his hands felt on your body, or how soft his lips were.
Everything was simply divine.
Tommy pulled a flyer from his bag and waved it around in Billy’s face. “There’s a fancy ass party up at the lakeside mansion, and I’d say we crash it tonight, theres gonna be beer and shit, they probably do drugs too man, all rich people do drugs right?” He blabbed, a sure fantasy made up in his mind about some crazy party going on.
“Sure whatever, but you’re in the shit if there’s no beer k?” He chuckled, flicking his cigarette on the floor. His eyes gazed around the parking lot, trying to scope you out. Usually, he didn’t have that hard a time, your elegant stature and bounce in your step drew obvious attention towards you. Finally he caught sight of the familiar heels that clicked against the concrete.
“Y/L Cline man... fuck if I wasn’t with Carol I’d fucking-“ Billy elbowed him harshly and dragged his eyes to look at the rest of you.
“I gotta go” he mumbled, heading to your usual make out spot, the back of the school, behind the bike shed.
You did the same, waving goodbye to your friends to go ‘do some errand’.
Quietly, you looked around to make sure the coast was clear before heading behind the shed to meet with Billy.
“Heya Princess” he winked, his arms were open as he engulfed you into a strong hug. Squeezing you a little before pulling away. You leaned up on your tip toes and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
“Can we pretty please hang out tonight? It’s my birthday tmr and I wanna make sure I get to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to go to some shoddy event...” Billy sighed, remembering back to Tommy.
“I wanna so bad princess, but Tommy asked me to do something with him... and I’ve kinda stood him up like 5-6 times already, I’m an asshole but not a jerk” he chuckled. You rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek one last time.
“Well be safe and don’t get too drunk or high, because I’m not prepared to try and heave a 5,10 brute through my window again... mr muscles..” giving his bicep a quick squeeze. “Oh and before I forget, here’s your lunch... Maxine told me to make something with jam in it” Billy’s face lit up, food being something that always got him in a good mood.
“Thank you angel, and you can call her Max if you want... I only call her Maxine because it pisses her off etc..” His voice lowered a little in embarrassment and slight shame.
“Don’t worry, I tease my younger cousins all the time” you giggled, handing him his sandwich and giving him a tight hug. “See you when I see you, and I’m expecting a birthday kiss tomorrow!” You giggled and headed away from the spot.
9pm headed around the corner as Billy waited outside Tommy’s house.
“Thought your parents were rich as shit, why aren’t you going?” He muttered, lighting a cigarette.
“Not as rich as these fuckers... probably related to royalty or something.. gonna get so wasted tonight” Tommy chuckled. “So we sneak in through the back and head across the hall towards the wine cellar, and then figure it out from there” The plan was stupid enough, let alone Tommy’s fantasy that he was gonna get beyond wasted.
Your mother fussed around the house, dressed in a gown with her hair tied up and prepped. “Y/N! Why aren’t you ready? The party is in an hour and you’re in your dinner wear?” She scolded, heading down the hall, muttering something or other about how irresponsible you were.
In all fairness you’d completely forgot about this party, it was a small celebration by your fathers lake house. A few kids from your old middle school would be there, probably dressed in diamonds and crystals. Private school wasn’t your favourite place in the world...
Quickly, you shoved on a gown from your wardrobe and did it up. Your mother rushed into the room, pulling your arm to take you to her bedroom where she curled your hair and applied some makeup to your face. “Can’t believe you’re wearing this old thing darling... there’s a pink dress in there that I bought especially for this event” she huffed. So you scuttled off down the hall and carefully stripped yourself of the green gown, being aware that you had a full face of makeup and hair was sprayed perfectly into place. The pink dress was pretty and hung perfectly on your frame... a bit flouncy but still beautiful.
Finally you were ready, getting into your fathers car and heading straight for your birthday party thingy.
Billy heaved Tommy up the wall and over into the garden.
Tux on and everything. If he was to say so himself, Billy thought he looked quite handsome, might keep it on and surprise you later.
They both landed on some bush and wiped themselves down, climbing from the foliage.
“There it is, the lake house. These really are some rich fuckers” Tommy smirked, admiring the huge mansion, lit up with classical music coming from it.
“Right, but I don’t see any bear?” A low growl causing Tommy to twiddle his thumbs.
“Eh well maybe there might not be beer, but! There might be... ok truth is these guys have a daughter and I’ve heard that she’s hella hot so I kinda wanna see for myself ya know” Billy rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“You have a girlfriend”
“You don’t”
“Yeah I - I don’t” Billy stiffened up, remembering the pinkie promise you’d forced him to make.
“Right so let’s go get you laid, and then you can tell me everything” He smirked, eyebrows wiggling as he pushed Billy towards the house.
“Look man I’m tired”
“Bullshit” he chuckled, pushing him through the doors. The house was indeed grand, marble check floors with beautiful fluffy rugs and a glamorous chandelier hanging in the middle.
“Who the hell owns this place?” Tommy shrugged and dusted off his tux.
“No way... I think there is beer” The mischievous grin played on Tommy’s face as he spied a rather large old man swigging back some liquid.
You sat glumly with Sabrina, she chatted on about how ravish her private school life was and how perfect everything was going, something like that. Your mind wondering to Billy, how he’s probably high as hell right now without you. Everything was boring and dull without him.
“Dude! Let’s check out upstairs” Tommy grabbed Billy’s arm and hauled him up the stairs a long corridor of various doors facing them. A voice started to make its way up the stairs to, quickly Tommy shoved himself and Billy into the first door. They both stumbled and fell into the huge room.
“Holy shit dude... this is the chicks room” Tommy slurred, that clearly wasn’t beer that he was chugging back.
Slowly Billy took in the surroundings. His eyes focusing on a picture on the dresser. Was that him? Then it dawned on him.
Who was rich, had a lake house and was a chick? His girlfriend.
Tommy started to shift through the closet, grabbing a pair of panties and holding them up.
“Woah... she’s foxy” he was hammered.
“Give me those” Billy snatched the panties out of Tommy’s hand.
The voice that had been following them got louder. Quickly Billy grabbed Tommy and pulled him into the other side of the bed, forcing him to duck.
“So this is my daughters room... goodness, it’s quite a mess, I apologise she doesn’t-“ A loud thud cut off your mother’s words. She let out a screech as two teenage boys stumbled from behind the bed. One drunk and laughing, the other looking like a deer in the headlights.
And that very moment led to Billy sat in front of the very Mayor himself, you sat right next to him and Tommy sitting against the wall.
“He’s my boyfriend and I tried to sneak him in” you mumbled, fuddling with your fingers, trying your best to not get Billy into trouble.
“So you snuck him through the window? Look I don’t want to hear it anymore, you can’t see him again, and you boy, if you come near my daughter again I’ll have you out of this town fast” Your father was beyond mad. He looked about ready to kill.
“But dad-“
“She didn’t sneak me in, it’s not her fault, I just wanted to surprise her and I chose the wrong night” billy piped up, looking at the floor.
“Surprise her? Why?”
“Because it’s her birthday tomorrow and we probably wouldn’t have seen eachother on the day because you usually plan stuff out for her... so I came early”
“Without a gift?”
“I don’t have much money sir but I do have a gift for her”
“What is it?”
“DAD?!” You squeaked, “look I’m tired of this, it doesn’t matter anyway, I love Billy but clearly you only ever care if he’s got money or if he’s some private school kid but I don’t care because he’s amazing and none of that matters” You sternly presented your point. Grabbing Billy’s hand and squeezing it.
“Fine, be with him but don’t expect to come running to me for comfort when he leaves you high and dry, and also if you break my daughters heart-“
“Dad... he gets it” you muttered, looking in Billy’s eyes. A small smile on both of your faces. Quietly your mother stood smiling to herself, rembering when her own father had yelled at her for dating some bad boy, turns out that bad boy became the mayor so jokes on him she chuckled to herself. History sure does repeat itself.
Tommy’s snores came from the back of the room.
“Dipshit wake up” Billy shoved his leg.
“Fuck off” Tommy grumbled, eyes still closed, Carol was gonna kill him.
“Langauge” you scolded both of them, taking Billy into the party again.
“I think we should head to your room” Billy whispered. You gave him a playful smack on the arm.
“We just got told off we can’t do that now-“ Billy held his hand out, a certain pair of lace panties in his palm.
“Why do you have those?!”
“Tommy’s a fucking perv” he grunted, as you both shuffled back into your room.
It was gonna be nice not to have to hide Billy anymore.
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bnha-bakusquad · 4 years
Hot Heads: Chapter1 - Origin
Bakugou x OC
This is the start of my FanFic with my personal OC. OC’s Face claim is Mia Sakurajima from Bunny Girl Sempai.
Work Count: 1201
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"See, I told you a little water will cool her off." Other kids began to laugh at me. I sat in a puddle soaked with a cut knee. "Ooo, looks like she's going to cry now. I didn't know she can do that, with her quirk and all."
More kids began to laugh at me. I balled my fists up tight, trying to hold it in. But I couldn't, not this time. I looked back to her, long tongue and all, and I felt the rage. I was a walking inferno, the water under me sizzling before it turned to steam, then it was gone.
The fire around me turned black, its never done that before. "He-hey Tsukihi, just chill out." She said to me like it was nothing.
"Fire doesn't chill" I said, gritting my teeth, I yelled "I'm sick of you treating me like I'm nothing! Well I'm done holding back." And there was a wave of five.
Most of the other kids backed away enough, but not her. She yelled out in pain as her hand and arm was in front of her, as if to stop me. "Let me see you use that quirk now, whats a long tongue good for anyways?" I said walking up to her.
I blinked away the memory. That seemed like such a long time ago, being only six the time. My name is Tenshi Tsukihi (Angel Moonfire) and my quirk is holy fire, and another one. Holy fire is white, and turns black at its hottest. In the age of Heroes everyone wanted one thing, to be famous. Heroes with flashy quirks made the big money, and I was determined to be one of those future heroes.
But where there are heroes there will always be villains.  My quirk would be good for that, turning over to the dark side. The thought about it turned my stomach, I didn't want to hurt people. Sometimes it just happened.
I got off of the bus, having to walk a block to get to my Junior High. I don't have many friends. Any friends actually, just one, but he's more like a brother to me. An outcast just like I am, in his own mind. My actual, older brother is Father's favorite.
I hear them, other students, whisper things, about me, and him. About my hair, because grey like fire smoke. Or his because its two colors. I sat at my desk, looking out the window waiting for it to be over already.
We'll be leaving soon, headed off to High School, and anyone worth fighting for with a quirk will be trying to get into UA. Hero Track.
"I will be passing out the curser altitude test, third year students are required to take it." Our teacher said passing them out. There were groans and whines, every one here was out to try and be a hero.
Others began to write and scribble on it, but not me. "Tsukihi? Not interested." Our teacher said looking over.
"No. Im going to be in UA."
"Bit cocky for someone who doesn't ever use her quirk." A boy said, I looked over to him, grabbing the paper on my dest. Burning it.
"You were saying?" I said brushing my hands off from the ash. "You don't have the discipline it takes to get into a national league school like that. I've aced every practice test there is. And I have a glowing recommendation. Can you say the same?" I leaned back into my chair, as other kids laughed.
"You only got that recommendation because your boyfriends father is a pro hero!" He spat out, my hand was then engulfed in flames.
"He's not my boyfriend. I got that recommendation because I'm powerful. I can use my powers to my advantage, and if i wanted to, I can be his sidekick." my arm became inflamed, "You think you can take me on? I'd like to see you try." I grunted standing up.
Everyone knows he was the stupid one, yet somehow I'm the bad guy. They muttered at me, whispering at my temper, funny think is, I wasn't even yelling. "Miss Tsukihi, please reframe from using your powers in school you know the rules."
I groaned but put my hand out, arms crossed and looking out the window. Shouto would be getting into the same school. We do have the same person who gave us their recommendation after all. His father.
I was put out with a fire extinguisher, full of foam looking up to one of the teachers. Angry but out. They rushed to her, looking at the burn I gave her, concern on their faces while she cried out. She started it, and I finished it. Sort of. Yet I was the bad guy in this?
I can tell by the look on their faces, the fear, the smug look of knowing what I'd become. They always said it. 'She'll be a villain, just like her uncle.' And I hated it.
No one bothered to ask me about my side of the story. All the other kids took her side, saying it was my fault. They just took me strait to the office and called my dad. I was sticky from the foam suds that had long bubbled out. 'Fire demon.'
My uncle used to call me that, before he was put away. I gritted my teeth holding back tears. I wasn't going to end up like him. I wasn't. I wanted to be a hero to prove to everyone I can be good.
"What you did was wrong. I don't ever want you to use your powers unless I'm here. You've hurt that little girl very bad. She'll have a scar there. A burn mark you put on her. You're turning out to be just like my brother." My father said as he picked me up. "Fire demon."
It broke me to hear him say that. But thats not the worst of it. I gripped my hands balling them into fists. Tears ran down my face as I looked away so he wouldn't see me cry. I never wanted to give him that satisfaction.
I was walking with Shouto, the only person who knows my story. My full story. He's the only person I trust. And normally when we walk home theres never anything going on, we live in a fairly controlled city. Small villains, with your normal big bad guy here and there.
Per tradition we get food from our favorite street vender, then a drink from our local store. We made it a point to try everything on the menu at least once.
"I heard about what happened in class, sorry I wasn't there to see it." He chuckled taking a sip of his drink, making it cold. Chilling mine next.
"He's just being mean. Im over it." I said taking a sip smiling to him as my thanks. "Besides, its not like he'll make it in."
He shoved me, making me laugh. "Come on, we have homework to finish."
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blueluneacy · 5 years
Fairytale Beasts
Happy Halloween month, I wrote werewolf kira. Im back baby. I have a bunch of half finished drafts im working through, so hopefully content will come out soon. anyways warnings for this are just like, dub con i guess? theres no nsfw it just gets suggestive towards the end. also id consider him a yandere in this but thats just me Also on AO3!
You always had to remind yourself that fairytales weren’t real. You always seemed to have your head in the clouds, looking out the window, imagining how you would be swept off your feet by your prince charming. Not that that day would ever come. You always told yourself you had to focus, to work hard, and maybe someday, you could get married. But for now, you had to focus on your office job. You had to. You couldn’t get yelled at by your boss for a third time over daydreaming. Sure, it was boring, meaningless work, but you still had to do it. You had to pay the bills somehow. So, you did so, trying to ignore the stories forming in your head.
You had always been like this, ever since you were a child. It was hard not to be some hopeless romantic in such a dreary world. To fall hopelessly in love was something tons of people wanted, wasn’t it? You couldn’t help but sigh, even as you got up and pulled out your outdoor shoes to head out to lunch. 
It really was a nice day out. You smiled as you looked around, giving yourself the time to stare at the sky, to think about how nice hot coffee would be right now, with foam and maybe some caramel, or even-
You didn’t even realize you crashed into someone until you were on the ground. You cried out as your butt hit the ground, the pain of it causing you to come out of your haze. You saw the man you bumped into, and gasped. He was… Gorgeous, to say the least. You were doing your best to keep yourself from falling completely head over heels right there. You weren’t sure why you were so entranced, but just looking at him made you blush. From his golden hair, to the way his suit fell over his shoulders, to the expression of annoyance on his face. You noticed that annoyed last, and scrambled back, wincing slightly at the pain in your tailbone. 
“Um, I’m sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going, I’ll be more careful next time!” You were scrambling around for your bag, trying to pick up the things that had fallen out of it. You were too busy with your own thoughts to remember to zip it up. When you finally looked back at him, you noticed a hand in your face, raised to you. He was already standing, looking down at you. You gingerly took his hand, noticing how warm it was. 
“Do you feel alright? You looked like you were in pain.” He asked, and you quickly drew your hand back once you realized you were still holding it. “Oh, me? I’m fine, just a little bruised!” You told him, laughing a bit. He gave you an odd look, one you couldn’t quite understand, then sighed.
“Then, do you need me to walk you home? You might get yourself more injured.” He asked, and you just squeaked as your heart skipped. What a gentleman… It was like the fairytale in your mind was coming true at last. But, you didn’t just give in, hoping in this stranger’s arms and asking him to take you to your happily ever after. You couldn’t, there just wasn’t enough time in your lunch break. “Oh, sorry, I’m actually on my lunch break right now… I um, I should actually get going.” You told him, looking at the ground, but he just smiled at you. You were so perfect. The way your eyes lit up was absolutely adorable. He supposed he could play with you for a little while. It would tie him over before his cravings started again.
“Then, would you like to eat lunch together? There’s a nice park we can sit at just a few minutes from here.” When he asked, you just knew you were screwed. You felt the blush rise in your face, and you just nodded dopily, giggling a bit. The man smiled at you, trying to keep back from squeezing too tightly as he took your hand and led you to the nearby park.
The two of you sat down under a tree in the shade. He finally introduced himself, and you just smiled, stumbling over your words. You felt the blush rise in his face, but he just laughed. He seemed to be good natured about everything. You felt yourself wanting to know more about this man, the man who’s name seemed to ring through your head like the chiming of bells.
Yoshikage Kira, just who are you?
He talked little more than face value about himself, instead asking your questions of some of the deepest nature.
“Where did you grow up?” “What kind of things scare you?”
“Are you so nervous around everyone?” 
The answers you gave proved to be adequate to Kira, and you sighed in relief. After all, each word that Kira spoke to you seemed to pry its way into your soul, causing the butterflys in your stomach to flutter even more. You felt like if things continued this way, you were either going to throw up on your newfound crush or faint from your rising body temperature. But, as all good things do, the lunch came to an end.
“Ah, I have to get back to work.” Kira looked at his watch and stood up, holding out his hand to help you up. You saw the time on his watch and squeaked. You were already 5 minutes late. He just smiled and laughed at you again.
Kira escorted you back to your office after lunch was over, and you assumed that was the end. Your fairytale was finally over. But, then, you saw him again the next week, and he ended up walking you home from work. You offered him to come inside and have some tea, but he just waved you off.
“I really shouldn’t stay out late.” 
Then, another time, it was a grocery store, where you stumbled right into his arms after tripping over some boxes.
“You do have a habit of falling into my arms, don’t you?”
Then, there was the coffee incident, where you ran into him at the same cafe you like to go to, and ended up completely ruining his shirt with iced coffee. You spent the next half hour trying to clean it with tissues.
“It’s really fine, dear. You don’t have to worry, I can take care of this.” The pet name he called you made your head spin, and you looked away, hoping to conceal how embarrassed you were.
“But, the stain…” You mumbled. “I’ll take it care of it. Besides, aren’t you late?” He asked, and you cringed. You were certainly going to get yelled at for this one.
“I, well, yes, but… I just want to try and fix my mistake…” You told him sheepishly, turning to run away. You wanted to get away from him before tears started flowing. But, as you tried to walk away, you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
“Hey, (y/n). It was an accident. I don’t blame you for anything.” He told you, and you whimpered slightly, nodding. You refused to speak, for fear that your voice would crack and reveal how upset you really were. “So don’t worry about it, alright? It was actually… Nice to see you fuss over me like that.” You quickly turned to him, shocked at how serious he was. You felt yourself laugh, and he looked away, pink starting to dust his face.
“Hey, I’m serious. Don’t laugh at me.” He said with a slight pout. You wiped away some tears that started to fall, and smiled. “Hey, Kira, when’s your next day off?”
And so, your fairytale continued. You ended up at a teahouse, talking and laughing. It felt like a dream come true. He even asked for your phone number so he could schedule something with you again. 
One date became two. Then three, and four, until finally, the two of you felt like a real couple. Kira was cool, tender, everything you wanted in a boyfriend. Your coworkers told you that they noticed how light and airy you were when you worked, even if you still made as many infractions as you did before. But, there was one thing wrong with your happy relationship.
“I can’t. I told you, I don’t like nights.” That was it. Kira would only meet with you during sun up. At night, he absolutely refused, no matter what. A movie? Well, there was a matinee, wouldn’t that work? Who needs to drink together, isn’t the teahouse fine? If you want, we could have an early dinner or a late lunch! It was a bit irritating, but you put it off. After all, he was your boyfriend. Maybe he was just a private person, or busy. Still, it haunted you. What was the man whom you loved so much hiding from you?
Yoshikage Kira, who really are you?
You felt bad about doing it, you really did. He tended to walk home alone in the fall, as to make sure he was home by sundown. You shouldn’t be following him without permission, you knew that. But god damn it, the man never even told you his address, even though he had been at your house countless times. So, you followed him, watching how he walked up to his own doorstep, unlocked his door, and went inside. And… That was it. Nothing else happened. You watched the house as the sun went down, but still, nothing. You sighed, feeling horribly guilty. Kira trusted you to respect his space, and here you were, spying on it. You stood up from your hiding spot to go home. Maybe you would be in time to watch some TV before going to bed. This was a bust, and you couldn’t help but feel bad about it. But, as you began to walk away, you heard it.
Maybe it was your imagination. But you swore, it had to be real. The sound of shattering glass, falling furniture, and… Some sort of animal? It sounded almost like a howl. Maybe Kira had a dog? You turned back, walking over to the house until you finally got to the front door. You paused at the door, looking and thinking. Should you really do this? The sound, it was… Could Kira be hurt? And if he was… What would happen if you did nothing? Even so, what if he hated you now? 
Perhaps it was a risk worth taking.
You opened the door slowly, finding it unlocked, and entered the house. You swallowed as you took your shoes off, entering slowly and quietly.
“Hey, Yoshikage? I, uh, I was…” You had no idea what to say. At least you made your presence known. You entered the house slowly, wincing as you hear the wood creak with your every step. You finally reached the living room, finding an absolute mess. A book shelf was thrown onto the floor, and the couch cushions were completely torn. You looked over at the pile of fuzz, turning your head back to the wall where you believed the bookshelf once took. The wall was covered in… “Are these… Claw marks?” You whispered to yourself, leaning in to touch the now ruined wall, only to feel large hands push into you, grabbing your arms. One was pinned behind your back, while the other was against the wall. You screamed and squirmed, feeling hot breaths start to reach your ear.
“Is that… (y/n). You’re here. I could smell you the minute you walked in the door.” You were shocked and started to squirm.
“Yoshi, w-what’s going on? Let me go!” You cried out, but his grip only got tighter. You felt sharp nails, no, claws, start to dig into your wrists, and you turned back to try and look at your boyfriend. He seemed to have grown in height and strength, and you noticed hair all over him, a sharp contrast from the clean cut man you knew.
“I told you not to come here. I told you I couldn’t see you at night!” He was growling at this point, angry. You felt your wrists start to bleed, and you cried out. The blood did not go unnoticed by Kira, who started to sniff the air before leaning in closer to the wrist pinned to your back. You tried to crane your neck back to see what he was doing, but all you could see what Kira’s torn up clothes, fur that seemed to be all over him, and you even noticed a tail that started to wag as soon as you felt it. Kira examined your bleeding wrist, and lapped up the blood, even getting between your fingers a bit. 
“You… You can’t… No one can know.” He told you, and you just whimpered, squirming more. “Y-Yoshi, please let me go, what’s going on?! Please, tell me.” You were shocked and horrified at what was happening. This is not the fairytale you had expected to find yourself in. Your boyfriend was supposed to be your prince, your knight in shining armor. Instead, you had seemed to find a beast in his place. 
“I warned you. I so desperately tried to warn you.” He seemed almost sad, but only for a moment, before he finally turned you around to face him, his rage for betraying his trust coming back. You were… Shocked. You saw those sharp teeth, the smell of your own blood on his breath, and you just couldn’t deny it anymore.
“Y… You’re not my boyfriend. Y… You can’t be!” You cried out, squirming once again, trying to free yourself from his grasp. He let out a laugh, one that you used to love, but now was leaving you horrified.
“You don’t believe it’s me? Really now? And after all the time we’ve spent together.” He told you, leaning in give a tentative kiss on your neck. You gasped, looking at him with shock. He still smelled like his usual cologne.
“Y-Yoshikage… Please, Yoshi…” You whimpered, but he just continued, giving a new nips to test his boundaries. 
“I told you. I tried to keep you out of this. But I can make this work. We can make this work.” He told you, and you cried out as you felt him bite into your neck, drawing blood. He gasped happily, moving to lap at your neck once again. He let out a hum, obviously pleased.
“If you came in when I was any hungrier, I might have torn you apart. You should feel lucky…” You felt his hands start to run all over your body, his claws starting to hang on parts of your clothing and tear them slightly. You tried to protest, clothes were expensive after all, but you would be quickly cut off by your Kira’s lips meeting yours, immediately forcing his tongue inside your mouth. He quickly forced you into submission, and even worse, you could feel yourself starting to want more. You let out a small moan as Kira pulled away and nipped at your lip. You hoped that he wouldn’t hear, but his keen ears flicked at the sound, and he just grinned.
“You like that? How crude of you. You know,” He tore your shirt off completely, you squeaking before it turned into a moan as he moved a clawed hand to your nipple.
“Originally, I was planning on eating you. I never planned on getting so attached… But I noticed how beautiful your fingers looked holding your lunch… And I became obsessed.” He told you, and you looked at him, a bit shocked.
“And now… Now that you’ve seen me… You can never leave me. Isn’t that wonderful?” He asked. You whimpered and just looked away. He… Killed people? You had always heard about the women who went missing in this town, but… It couldn’t really be him, could it? For the first time, you truly felt like you knew what terror was.
However, Kira wouldn’t take your silence. He simply scooped you up, and threw you onto the torn up couch, climbing on top of you. He quickly regained his spot at your neck, laughing once again. His body was just so hot, but it couldn’t stop your body from shaking in fear.
“You’re trembling… Hmm… Well, no matter…” He gathered up your wrists and pinned them above your head, looking down at you as if you were nothing more than a hunk of meat to him. In a way, perhaps that’s all you were. The look in his eyes was something you could only describe as feral and completely deranged.
“After all, I have forever to make you mine.”
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sinfullytempting · 4 years
Temptations (Gluttony)
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San (Lust 1) / Yeosang (Gluttony 2) / Seonghwa (Greed 3) / Wooyoung (Envy 4) / Filler Chapter (5)
You shoot up from your spot once he disappears, fear swimming in your eyes as you look around. “What the fuck?” Is the first words out of your mouth. You rub your eyes, looking down at your chest out of reflex. Its still there, in bright red lettering, your very own S I N in red cursive lettering. You get up, dragging your feet towards the closet door, hoping not to meet his so called brothers. “What just happened…” You get changed for the day, still looking around, just incase San was still around.
You grabbed your bag and bolted out the door and towards your first class, avoiding people at every cost, sitting down next to your friend with a worried glance from her. “Jinnie do you remember anything last night?” At the shake of her head she frowns. “Did you have any dreams?” She shakes her head again, worry forming. “Y/n are you ok?” You nod, a hand over the lettering, feeling somewhat protective of the word.
You barely focus in class, spacing out, almost paranoid as you scan out the window, thinking you see San in dark spots of the field, thinking hes in your peripheral vision only to not be there when you glance. You take a deep breath only to jump when the bell rings signalling the end of class and the break between classes, where there are 5 minutes to get to your other class and the temptation to skip is overwhelming.
You bit your lip before heading towards the cafeteria, deciding to skip second period. Walking in the first thing you notice is someones already in there…and eating? You blink and take in the person. Your college is big so you dont know everyone but you believe youve never seen this kid before. Bright pink hair and icy blue eyes once he looks up and the writing burns when he looks at you. But he perks up, eyes bright and excited as if hes seen something new.
“You can see me?!” He sounds ecstatic, and the warning bells go off in your head, San’s name is on the tip of your tongue but before you can say it he holds his hands up. “Dont call Sannie!” Thats why. You bite your lip, hand holding the shirt over the writing. “How do you know S-”
“Dont say his name!”
You frown but nod carefully. San’s name seems like a threat to him so you store it safely in your head. “Im Yeosang, my sin is Gluttony. And my color is orange…” He glances at the orange starbursts then towards the tangerines he was eating. “Uh yeah..” You dont know what it is but you take a few steps closer to him and he smiles softly, something about him makes you calm and you sit in front of him. “How much has Sannie told you?” You think back to this morning. “Only about this.” You pull down your shirt so he can read the lettering. “Wow he used his nail, and he claimed you…” He mumbled before he nodded. “What he told you most probably correct.” He pops another starbursts into his hand and offers you one which you take and glance at him when he speaks again.
“But has he told you about anything else? Thats the most important thing but…basically, youre pretty useless…whatever you do here, San’s claimed you. Meaning you have basically ‘immunity’ and you can see us, ‘supernatural’ beings.” You nod, chewing on the candy slowly. “Am i the second one you met?” You nod and he breathes a sigh of relief as he pouts. “You do smell good and its a shame Sannie got to you first, but he will treat you well!”
You swallow it and bite your lip. “Do i smell the same to you?” He shook his head before nodding. “Yes and no, you smell pure but to me you smell like citrus? Delicate…” You nod slowly and he bites back a giggle. “Makes no sense huh?” You nod and he cant hide the giggles and it makes your lips twitch up in response and it only turns his giggles into full laughter, your own giggles mixing in and he stands up.
“I was looking for you, and its nice to meet you, im positive we will meet again! I hope you can handle the next sin you meet! And Remember Sannie is always one breath away.” You nod and watch as he cleans up when the bell rings and disappearing from in front of you with only words left. “Sannie is possessive, so be careful when you meet the other sins.” With that hes gone and the first few kids trickle in for lunch.
You space out for the rest of the school day.
And the burning stops
You practically breath out San’s name once you close and lock the door. “San?” He materializes on your couch, relaxed like he had been waiting for you to call his name. “You smell like Sanggie.” You blink before you drop your back and slip off your shoes. “So im the only one that can you guys can see?” San pauses before nodding. “Unless we want to be seen.” You nod, feet moving towards San on their own and you sit by his feet and he grins, canine’s sharp.
“Yeosang also said that i have ‘immunity’? Whats that mean?” The smile drops and he groans. “I hate explaining things. Why didnt Sanggie do it?” You huff. “Hes so much nicer then you, plus we had…a time limit you could say.” He nods, humming quietly. “Alright. Yes, im somewhat your ‘guardian angel’ just more aggressive. You’re personal guardian sin, your little demon.” He grins at you.
You rub your head and sigh, already comfortable, yet a little on edge, with San. “You dont show up whenever i say your name right?” He shook his head. “I chose. Why?” He furrowed his brows and stopped spinning- Is that a pair of your underwear?! You snatch the garmet from his finger and throw it in the laundry. “Dont touch that!” He feins a pout.
“Yeosang said not to say your name because it calls you to me…” San chuckles. “It does, but i can see what you see, but he wouldnt know, Sanggie has never claimed anyone before.” You nod and San hums.
“Whats to eat?” You throw a glare but turn into the kitchen. “Can you even eat human food?” San hums again, deep in his throat. “I can, i dont like it most of the time, i usually feed off people who have sex, i feed off my sin. But now that i have you, love, i might have to eat real food for a little bit.” Your cheeks flush and you pout at him. “What does that mean!?” San laughs at your flustered state before wrapping his arms around your waist, startling you by how fast he appeared behind you.
“It means darling, that when you have sex ill feed off that, when you get, squirmy and wet, i feed off that.” He presses his lips against your throat and stays there. “If you have sex with me, im fed for a two weeks.” He murmurs before he smirks at the shiver that runs down your spine. “Did Yeosang tell you anything else?” You hesitate but nod, another shiver appearing when San runs the tip of his nose up your neck, hot breath fanning across your skin.
“H-He said youre possessive so i have to be careful around the others when i meet them…” San sops before he grins, tightening his hold. “I am possessive, i want you to smell like me all the time.” He whispers. “So if you come along any other demons they wont try and touch you.” He murmurs, sharp nails pressing into your skin.
He pulls away as you crouch to grab pans to make dinner as your stomach growls softly and San giggles, making you giggle quietly before you start cooking. “Chicken is for dinner.” He hums. “Sanggie would love to be here.” He hums quietly and you nod. “Yeosang likes chicken?” He nods before thinking. “Try real hard and you might be able to summon him…” You nod. “Maybe when im done…i dont need two demons breathing down my neck…”
He laughs but theres something deep and hidden in it, and its almost scary. “Once you meet everyone, we can do something special…”
You bite your lip.
Your mind goes back to his words. ‘If you have sex with me, im fed for two weeks.’
The doorbell rings and you can feel San tense, a growl leaving his lips, he can smell the anger from the other side of the door.
“San open the fucking door i can smell you, i want to see her too, Sanggie already saw her and thats not fair.”
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misfitjohnnys · 5 years
friend’s best friend (pt 1)
✩ getting to know jungwoo was a little different than you thought it’d be ✩
・jungwoo x reader ・smut-ish? ・warnings: sexual themes, slight asphyxiation, astrology mentions, swearing ・theres supposed to be more parts later but we’ll just play it by ear for now 👀
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Jungwoo was… irritable to say the least. Especially before bed. Especially when he’s really tired. And especially when his friends found it funny to drink 10 bottles of soju in 3 hours and all pass out scattered across the house leaving his bedroom the only unoccupied area even though Jaehyun promised that “you’d have the couch tonight and watch Captain America Civil War together”
before he ended up in the bathtub covered in his own vomit and no pants on with Taeyong piss drunk beside him rambling his feelings and conspiracy theories.
“I hate when he does this, Hyuck decided to throw this stupid party and now i’m the only one alive enough to dedicate the time to guests and make sure you’re all fed and-.” He sighed, tossing the cups from the table into the trash before he pulled his leftover Olive Garden from the fridge and set it on the table.
You rummaged through the snack box in the cabinet labeled “Jaehyun!” in red marker with a bunch of hearts scribbled around it and just happened to find some cheetos and a pack of fruit snacks amongst a ton of strawberry candies. Jaehyun was like an infant, you giggled to yourself because having known him for years, he was truly always entertaining.
“Jaehyun’s gonna be mad you took his cheetos.” Jungwoo said quietly. Honestly, Jungwoo was your type. Quiet and careful with just a hint of unnecessary sass. “He buys them in bulk and those are the last few because we were supposed to run to the store tomorrow.”
“I don’t really care.” You shrugged, opening the bag and tossing a few into your mouth. “He drank so much he’s in the tub and i was supposed to sleep in his bed. But that’s where Jeno is right now probably passed out with Renjun because they ditched the party and opted for watching horror films in bed, which is probably what i should’ve done.” You sighed, sitting next to Jungwoo at the table, watching him finish off his chicken parmesan.
“You were going to sleep with Jaehyun?” Jungwoo asked, furrowing his brows. “Wait wait, i meant like sleep in bed with him.” He got a bit flustered with himself, causing you to chuckle. He was like this sometimes, embarrassing himself with his speech. He blushed lightly. You hadn’t even come close to sleeping with Jaehyun like that, he was much more of a friend than anyone really believed. Jaehyun was a literal teddy bear and he was there to protect you every second, it just wasn’t like that between the two of you.
“I mean yeah, I usually sleep on the couch but we figured it would be occupied tonight and it is. With Mark and Johnny and a big half eaten bucket of popcorn. Plus Chenle’s on the floor, so i guess we assumed right.” You laughed, watching Jungwoo nod. “So i was just going to sleep in his bed, he doesn’t take up the whole thing.” You snorted. He nodded again.
“You have slept in bed with him before?” Jungwoo’s eyes were on you, full attention.He had something stirring in his mind, but you couldn’t quite pick it up.
“No actually, I haven’t.” You answered with a sigh. Maybe as a kid you had a little crush on Jaehyun, but you knew you both grew to like different kinds of people and you were truly happy as friends, just really close friends. “But I’ve slept in the same room as him a bunch of times. And it beats sleeping on the floor like I’m going to have to now.” You sighed, looking over at the clock and seeing 3:48AM against the white background.
“I mean, you don’t have to sleep on the floor.” Jungwoo bit his lip a little. He was reluctant to say his next sentence, a little freaked out himself. “You can sleep in the bed with me if you want.” There it was. He was hesitant, but he always put others before himself; it was innocent in nature. “To be completely fair i don’t sleep cuddling whatever’s near me in a death grip, so that might be a little disappointing.” He was laughing now, trying to brush off what he felt was an awkward conversation.
You were a little shocked, but you weren’t 100% sure why. You retorted back with the first thing that slipped out. “Oh come on, you’re not going to pretend I’m a pillow and hold me tight enough to not be able to move for eight hours straight?” You both laughed in response, watching him finish his meal. You knew Jungwoo and knew him well, but you had…. your differences and things got a little too argumentative (even if it was just playful banter) when you were too close for too long, you weren’t sure it was a great idea, but you didn’t really have another option aside from the floor and Jaehyun drove you over so going home was out of the question too, and you weren’t going to get an uber at this time of night, that is if Jungwoo would even let you. It took a moment of thought before saying “Sure.” You nodded. “If you don’t mind at least.”
“You’re not sleeping on the floor.” You didn’t even have time to answer, just laughed in response as Jungwoo nearly raced to the hall closet, gathering more blankets and pillows for his bed. Once he felt responsible for something, he tended to go a little overboard and lay everything fully on himself. As much as he wanted to give himself an innocent appearance and radiate innocence, he had a paternal nature to him and loved protecting people and taking care of them. He tossed it all on the chair, pulling his blanket off and quickly replacing the sheets, tossing his laundry in the hamper all while you stood in his doorway. He laid two blankets and a throw out on the bed, stacking up pillows and smoothing it all out for you to lay on. He patted the bed softly. “It’s ready now. Would you like some water?” He asked, scooting over to his closet while you crawled into the bed.
“I’m good, thank you though.” Your smile faltered a bit when you looked over to grab the remote and saw Jungwoo tugging his shirt over his head, his small waist looked so delicate, toned back and shoulder muscles flowing with his arms over his head and you felt a little nervous, turning your head away you could still see him sooth his oversized grey tee down his body. You shouldn’t have stared and you knew it. You saw him grab something out of the corner of your eyes and tell you “Be right back.” as he headed out the door. You couldn’t help be a little flustered. He really was attractive, you’d always thought so.
You really couldn’t help but giggle when he came back to the room in tiny blue shorts that only came down mid thigh and corgi patterned calf high socks. He looked like an adorable kindergartener who’d grown too tall to look 5. You bit your lip and watched him crawl into bed, sliding his glasses on and taking out his phone from under the covers. It was a decent sized bed, queen probably so there was a decent amount of room between the both of you. His room was cozy, it smelled like sandalwood and fresh laundry. The quiet nonsense going on the tv wasn’t even noticed until Jungwoo grabbed the remote and clicked it off along with his lamp. He snuggled himself down under the double blankets you were sharing and tightly held them to his chest, letting out a huge sigh and laying with his mouth partially open and his eyes closed. You felt a little bad for staring (and stealing his personal space.)
The silence was a little much and you caught yourself staring at his blue alarm clock. His pillowcases were blue too. He really liked blue, huh? You caught yourself wondering what all you didn’t know about Jungwoo. Before tonight you had no idea he liked italian food, wore glasses at all, or owned tiny shorts. Like really tiny shorts. You furrowed your eyebrows, looking around his room and trying to settle your brain down since your phone died hours ago and none of the rest of the boys seemed to have an extra charger, which was dumb on your part for not bringing one.
It felt like hours had passed but it had just been 15 minutes. Jungwoo had to have been asleep by now.
You snuggled up under the covers and sighed, Jungwoo’s mouth was still slightly parted and his glasses were still on. Who sleeps with glasses on? You reached over and very gently tried to pull them off for him when his eyes shot open. He raised a brow and giggled a little. “Can’t sleep?” He asked quietly, blinking, eyes dark and sleepy.
“No.” You grumbled a little, rolling your eyes and snatching your hand away from his face. “I have a hard time sleeping in a bed with someone for the first time.” You answered honestly.
“But you were going to sleep with Jaehyun?” He asked with a slight laugh in his voice. “He falls asleep really quickly and snuggles into whoever is in bed with him. We’ve shared beds a few times.”
You nodded in response. “I was going to sleep with Jaehyun because I know him well enough, you and i aren’t that close.” Your shrug made him smile, nodding and scooting back up on the pillows before turning his lamp back on. “I mean we are, but Jaehyun’s a little different.”
“He’s a little more friendly.”
“Yeah, a little.” You laughed, shrugging again as you snuggled a little deeper into the bed. You watched jungwoo card his fingers through his hair and turn the tv back on, sitting up against the headboard to relax a bit.
“I can be friendly, i’m just quiet really. People get me a bit wrong. Everyone babies me.” Jungwoo shrugged and flipped through Netflix titles. “I feel like nobody really knows who I am for a while after meeting me.”
“You’re an Aquarius Pisces cusp. Thats why.” You snorted, sitting up and watching him scroll. “You’re kind of distant and let people know whatever they want when you want to and you leave them wanting more but scared to ask. You’re nice at first but everyone knows you can be kind of intense when they get to know you. And you like being babied and you know it. But you also like to take care of people, especially if they’re in need of something.” Jungwoo dropped his jaw a bit, shaking his head. “Like you immediately got everything together to help me the second I said i needed somewhere to sleep.”
“I just got my ass handed to me by someone i offered my most personal space with.” He laughed, shaking his head. “You didn’t have to go in that hard.” He looked over at you, raising a brow.
“Just stating the facts.” You said, matter of factly. “You’re an interesting one, for sure, thats what i know. And you’ve slightly mentioned you’re not a cuddler but you absolutely are. Ive seen you cuddle everyone in this house.”
He pouted a little, cutely. “Does my birth chart also tell you i snore and have to wear socks for bed?” he teased with a laugh, grabbing a bottle of water from his night stand.
“I would say yes, but I actually didn’t know you snore. I just assumed by your socks that you were just cold.” He was laughing a bit more now, shrugging and enjoying the conversation.
“See, I can open up! And i snore pretty loud so you can just shove me if it gets annoying.”
“Ah, a snorer. I’ll come up with something more creative if your snoring keeps me up, Jungwoo,” He nodded in response, causing you both to laugh.
“I’m sure you will, you seem pretty stern on your actions when it comes to that kind of thing.” He joked. “What are you gonna do? Gag me?” you shrugged your shoulders, playfully acting like you’re gonna go with that idea. He sighed, grinning. “I’ve never really understood birth charts, but I’m sure yours is a doozy.” He smirked, shrugging. It was your turn for your jaw to drop a bit, over dramatically.
“Just because I’m sleeping in your bed doesn’t mean you can vaguely insult me with knowledge i refuse to give you to destroy me later.”
“Bold of you to assume i would destroy you.” It was your turn to laugh, shaking your head. “I couldn’t if i wanted to. I’m bad at hurting people’s feelings. I’m a soft baby.”
“I’m glad you’re willing to admit it.” he snorted.
“God i hate that you’re reading me right now, I don’t deserve it.” His smile couldn’t be faltered, it was absolutely gorgeous and you had to admit it.
“I’m just making you very aware is all.”
“I’m very aware that you’re in my bed and i could kick you to the floor if i wanted to.”
“How very aquarius of you.” He shook his head, smiling to himself now. “But you don’t want to.” He shook his head again. “And that’s very Pisces of you.”
“God, shut up.” He laughed again. “It feels like you’re being my natal therapist right now.”
“Now you’re gonna have to be the one to shove me for not being quiet. But I’m not telling you if i snore.” You smirked, seeing him card his fingers through his hair again.
“I’m just going to assume you don’t just by your attitude.” He shrugged, opting to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas. You held back a snort.
“I also don’t watch children’s cartoons before bed.”
“Well i don’t like to watch adult things like you’re implying we should.” You snorted, smiling at him and waiting for him to realize what you were laughing about. He sighed, putting his head in his hands. “Okay, dirty minded. Yes, I watch porn, shut up.”
“What kind of porn?”
“We’re not having this conversation.” you smiled, turning on your side and ready for an answer.
“Why not? You know I’m wanting to get to know you.”
“Knowing what kind of porn i watch doesn’t show you the real me.” He shook his head, pushing his glasses up into his head and taking a sip from his water bottle from the night stand. “But it’s usually something like none of your business.” He winked playfully, smiling to himself and laying his head on the pillow. You were silent. He looked over at you, seeing your concentrated face and ready for his answer. He sighed, shaking his head. “I’m more of really into foreplay, stuff like not actual sex and I’m actually not at all a fan of scripted scenes.” He laughed, trying not to die from the extreme heat running to his cheeks.
“Ah so someone who cares?” You laughed, not really believing you got an answer out of him. “Foreplay is good, you get extra points for that one.”
“I mean you can’t just jump straight into it, it’s the first stuff that makes the last stuff the best.” He shrugged, watching the tv with a slightly bitten lip. He was kind of avoiding looking at you with how red his face was. You were kind of shocked to hear Jungwoo talk about sex, even if it was vague. Everyone did treat him like a child, but he was a full grown adult so you couldn’t be too shocked. Plus he was probably delirious since it was nearly half past 4AM.
“I kind of pegged you to be into super extreme stuff and your face was just a facade maybe. I’m glad to know i was wrong and you were blessed with a face that matches your interests.” you shrugged.
He scoffed, dropping his jaw again. “My interests have nothing to do with my face!” he pouted again. “Maybe i could be into harder stuff and i’m just lying to you.” He shrugged. “You know what, i’m done with this conversation.” he laughed a bit, starting to feel a little nervous.
“Fine, fine. It’s more interesting to think you’re into extreme BDSM.” You joked, watching him put his face in his hands.
“I’m going to try to sleep now.” He laughed, shaking his head and keeping himself turned toward you to snuggle the blankets up to his neck again. He was silent for a second, a smile pulling on his face and you didn’t miss it when he giggled to himself again. You furrowed your brows and were wondering what was on his mind. He snorted to himself, trying to keep it contained but he couldn’t.
“Jungwoo what are you laughing at?” he snorted again, pursing his lips to stop himself.
“You mentioned BDSM and i just thought about if i snored I’d wake up to you choking me.” He started furiously laughing and you genuinely didn’t understand why it was so funny, but you were starting to laugh too.
“Oh yeah! choke me! perfect!” You imitated what he’d sound like and you were both laughing loudly and harshly. “You’ll know to never snore again!” You joked about yourself. He was clutching his stomach, laughing loudly with his face scrunched up.
“Please don’t.” He laughed harder, smiling wide enough to hurt. “God, i can only imagine. I’d be so freaked out.” he shook his head, pulling the covers back down a bit to just his chest.
“I’m not going to, don’t worry.” You grinned looking over at him. His smile was bright enough to put the sun out of order. There was no way he was sleeping any time soon. “Things I’ve learned about you tonight,” you started, getting a raised brow from the boy next to you. He was a bit intrigued. “You wear tiny shorts to sleep,” He rolled his eyes. “You have to wear socks, you snore, you wear glasses and you definitely watch extreme hardcore porn triple X bondage! Plus you probably do enjoy choking. We’ve mentioned it like forty times already.” you joked, seeing him start to crack up again was so entertaining you couldn’t help yourself.
“I mean you did say you were going to come up with creative ways to get me to stop snoring.” He shrugged, playing into your little game.
“I think that stuff’s hot and all, but i don’t think i know you like that, Jungwoo.” He laughed a bit, blushing hard. He pulled his face under the covers and hid from you.
“Now i’m feeling shy, you’ve gotta quit!” you could feel him pouting from under the covers. You grinned widely, scooting yourself under them to pull them up to see his face. He pouted when you got a good look into his eyes. You scooted closer, grinning and laughing playfully. You watched him shyly smile and scoot closer to you teasingly. “You can’t intimidate me in my own bed.”
“That’s exactly what I’m doing isn’t it?” you smirked, shrugging your shoulders. You didn’t expect him to bite his lip in a smile, staring deep into your eyes. You felt your heart thump a bit, chest tightening and you weren’t sure why. He was so close and he looked so good. You could feel his breathing under the covers. You pulled them down and covered your face this time.
“Hmph.” Jungwoo pouted. “No.” he tugged at the covers for a second but you were firm. “Let gooooo.” He coaxed, moving his face even closer to you. Your noses were so close they could nearly touch and his eyes were staring intently into yours. He bit his lip, breathing hitched a little and you were finding it hard to breathe. You swallowed and you could tell he was feeling a bit nervous. His eyes diverted for just a second before turning back to you. It was silent
for a second before he spoke again, this time his voice was barely above a whisper. “We just talked about porn and i’m feeling nervous just staring at you.”
“Yeah, me too.” You whispered back, somehow moving even closer when you adjusted your body under the blankets. The tension felt thick and your heartbeat was in your throat. Your comedic side took over and you said the first thing you could think of to break the silence. “I’m used to seeing you attempt to kiss everyone, but being this close is really… intimidating?” you questioned. He shrugged a bit.
“How does it feel?” He asked, grinning widely and starting to loosen up just a bit. Only a little.
“Good.” You answered honestly, breathing still heavy.
“Hm, yeah?” He questioned. Before you could think of a response, he leaned forward and pressed your lips together firmly, the tiniest moan coming from his throat, it almost sounded like relief. His tongue wasted no time prodding between your lips and his hand snaked its way over to lay on top of your hip. You could feel him smiling into the kiss, gently moving his tongue against yours in an effort of (ever so slight) dominance. His lip slid against yours, slick and wet while his tongue flicked against yours, sliding underneath and it just felt so good. He giggled into your mouth when you slipped out a soft noise, pulling away just a bit to breathe for air. Your noses pressed together and his eyes locked with yours as you both tried to catch your breath.
“Okay..” You started, blushing viciously and feeling your chest heave as his hand slid ever so slightly under the hem of your shirt. He bit his lip, asking for the okay. You nodded, feeling his hand lay flat against your back and rub soft circles into your skin.
“Your skin is soft.” He said, whispering. “Your lips too.” He giggled, biting his lip again and leaning closer, teasing into a second kiss. “Can i?” You could only respond with a nod. You were much more silent than you’d been all night and it was odd to see Jungwoo take a little more of the talking role. His mouth pressed against yours again, a little more aggressively this time. His tongue prodded into your mouth immediately and you subconsciously slipped your arms around his neck. “Don’t choke me.” He whispered, laughing again and kissing you hard once again. He bit gently on your lip, tugging at it and pulling away again to catch his breath with his forehead pressed against yours.
“Why not?” You laughed, trying to actually let some kind of conversation come to surface because your nerves were really working on you. It felt like you were sweating and you playfully slipped your hand to right above the collar of his shirt. You grinned, pressing your palm against the front of his neck and wrapping your fingers around it. He gasped a little, swallowing and blushing harshly.
“What are you gonna do? Gag me?” He bit his lip hard, eyes hooded and trying to get a proper breath with his heart beating in his throat. “Harder.” He grinned, smirking a bit and let out a soft moan when you tightened up a bit.
“Don’t do this.” you whispered, seeing him get quite worked up under your fingertips. He breathed in, reaching up to take your hand away from him. “Are… you wanting to..?” you started but the words weren’t coming out.
“Y-yeah..” He bit his lip again, pushing his hair out of his face.
“Fuck.” You whispered, feeling him crawl over you, his hand gently pushing your shirt up, but just barely. You could feel his arousal against your thigh and you whined quietly. He chuckled lowly, tugging his shirt up and over his head to toss it on the floor. He smirked, leaning closer to you and running his finger down the front of your shirt.
“Do you wanna?” He asked lowly and you knew you were done for.
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prorevenge · 5 years
You can't run us like you ran your units in the Army...
So first off I was just a part of this "pro revenge" so not sure if it qualifies. I wasn't like the ring leader, in fact I don't even think we had a ring leader? It was just a collective agreement on our part...we all hated this guy and wanted nothing to do with him.
I also want to add, this guy should have never been hired to begin with. He also made no lasting changes...and I'm still with the same company now years later and we are basically ran like we always have been and things are fine. We learned our lesson with him.
I was selling cars at this time for a group that owned quite a few different stores. Now this corporation was ran by the family (it still is btw) but the family who owned us wanted to try and hire a CEO. I think because we were still recovering from the 2008 financial crisis and the numbers weren't great and the family was trying to mix shit up.
The company decided to hire a retired 2 star general to run our company. Now right away all the sales/management staff was concerned because:
This guy has never managed an auto group before (theres a lot to know)
This guy has never managed a company thats pretty much sales driven
This guy has never even been a sales person himself
So he comes in and right away he starts making changes. He's trying to enforce an unpopular dress code, which went pretty much ignored. He wanted those with beards to shave some of our top producers in the company had great beards and weren't willing to shave.
This is a story I heard from another store
The CEO walks in, sees their top sales person isn't shaved and demands he shaves. Sales person who always sells over 300 cars a year told the CEO to go shove it. The CEO said if he wants to work for us he needs to shave or he'll be fired. The sales man laughed and said "If you fire me now, I'll be working for your competitor this afternoon"
The management who was with the CEO knew that is exactly what would happen and whisked the CEO away and that was the end of that story.
But this CEO wanted to do three major things that really rubbed everyone the wrong way and we were told this was going be announced by him at our yearly conference.
First stores with multiple brands, the sales people would have to "pick" a brand to sell and they could only sell that brand. So say you were at a Ford/Chrysler store you had to choose either selling Ford or Chrysler.
He also wanted to have a "halo" specialist, to sell our higher end limited edition models. This also didn't sit right with us.
He also wanted to completely revamp the commission agreement, which we saw it we knew we'd lose our asses on it.
He sent out an email out lining those impending changes, and sales people and managers alike started trashing his ideas. Ever been a part of an email chain from a CEO of the company you work for where management and staff alike is like "Yea go fuck yourself" it was a really surreal experience.
Please keep in mind I don't think anyone said "Go fuck yourself" but that was basically the gist of what was being said.
Anyway that email chain ended when several VPs got involved and basically said "Just hold on tight guys changes aren't final yet wait for the conference"
So our conference comes up, an agreement starts floating around that if this CEO tries to force those changes on us, we are walking out and demanding he either be fired or we all collectively quit. Naturally the thought process was "Its a lot easier to replace a brand new CEO then an entire sales staff across multiple regions"
Management appeased us saying that he had changed course and everything would be fine.
So its finally time for him to present his vision and the changes to us...and guess what?
It was exactly what we told him we wouldn't put up with, and one by one sales people and management started to stand up and walk out of the room. At first it was a trickle...but then this retired general tried to get tough and told us that anyone that walked out of his presentation would be fired because no one person is more important then the collective.
Thats when the exodus happened, we all go up and walked out. Well over 250+ people stood up turned around and walked out.
Man was he pissed, he was fuming. The owners were freaking out the VPs were smiling (I think they knew what the end result was going be). All of us stood in the lobby for about 30 minutes (it was a good while) joking about how we all got fired and what kind of jobs we would be looking for etc.
Thats when the owner came running out with a loud speaker and told everyone he had an announcement and we should all get back into the big conference room. So we all complied and walked back in.
Owner got back up stage, the CEO couldn't be seen. The owner then said "look guys, NOTHING is changing, we are going renew the same commission agreement as we have done for years to come, and all the old policies and practices are still in place" (it was longer then that, but that was the gist of it all) however the CEO was still going be the CEO
2 weeks after the conference we got a company wide email that said the General had decided he wanted to spend more time with his family and would be leaving effective immediately. I hope he's enjoying his retirement :)
His career with us lasted 3 1/2 months.
TL:DR My auto group hired a 2 star general to run us, he proceeded to piss everyone off and we all collectively refused to listen to him and he lasted 3 1/2 months
Also not entirely sure if this fits this subreddit, as this was more of a collective effort then one single person. But I did send him an email telling him he had no idea what he was doing, he did respond to me and my manager and told me to get in line, I also walked out of the meeting
Also I had suggested to a co-worker we walk out if he tries this shit, but I also heard from several others we should walk out if he tried to implement his changes, and like on the 2nd day of the conference when he was supposed to speak a verbal agreement was formed by all of us "if he does this shit, we are walking out on him" and he did, and we walked
(source) story by (/u/sting2018)
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thehollowprince · 5 years
A little snippet that popped into my head because @toenail-stink-hate-echo-chamber put the idea of a MCU/Sense8 AU into my head.
The cluster for this consists of Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Jane Foster, Claire Temple and Prince T'Challa. (I switched out Gamora for Claire). For this, Claire and T'Challa are on blockers because she's at work and he's attending a meeting or something.
Jane tried to be subtle about picking up the pace, not wanting to draw extra attention to herself as she entered the crowded mall. She was just supposed to be here for a lecture on astrophysics, and now she was being stalked by creepy men that all but had the word VILLAIN stamped in their foreheads.
She shook her head. That thought wasn't hers. It was someone else's. The guy in prison for stealing.
"Burgaling" Scott corrected, standing beside her in his prison jumpsuit, causing her to jump. "Sorry," he said, stepping back from her side and disappearing again. She didn't think she would ever get used to this, random voices and people in her head that turned out to he real people around the world. But right now her focus should be on getting out of here. Jane started to turn her head to see if the men were still following her, but her gaze fell on the apparition of the redheaded woman, Natasha.
"Never look back," she said firmly, marching along and Jand kept up with her. Or was she piloting now. This was so confusing.
"I count two on your six." Another masculine voice said, deep on account of his broad chest. Jane passed by one of those mirrored pillars that some malls have and didn't ser herself, but the big muscular blond from Brooklyn. Steve. "And another three up on the balcony keeping pace with you." She (or Nat) resisted the urge to look up. "If we take this next turn, we can cut them off and take them out."
"There's an emergency exit two stores back." Nat countered. We just need to slip into a crowd and backtrack without them noticing us."
"There's a police officer." Scott pointed out, now walking abreast with Natasha on her left while Steve was on her right. (Shut up! Jane knew they weren't really there, but that's how she made sense of it in her head.)
"These are government agents, Scott." Natasha pointed out. "Theres not going to be anything the police can do to them."
"No, you don't get it." Scott said before looking (not looking?) at Jane. "Cry."
"You're a pretty woman in public being followed by stereotypical henchmen. If you cry, you'll make a scene and the police will get involved."
"What would that do?" Steve asked.
"Get her out of their line of sight and force them to play their hand to soon," Nat said, picking up on Scott's thinking. "Good job, Scott." The convict beamed.
"I don't know how to cry on command." Jane pointed out. They all "looked" at Natasha, who opened her mouth to say something before Scott chimed in.
"I can," and then just like that, he started sobbing. Loudly. Loudly enough that everyone in the immediate vicinity stopped what they were doing to look. There was nothing more entertaining than a free show in public. She (he?) was crying so had that the next thing she knew the police officer was there, asking her (him? them?) what was wrong. Theough broken sobs, Jane (Scott) explained that he (she) was being followed. A quick glance back as the officer ushered them (her) toward an employee-only area saw the two following her stopping and looking pissed as well as confused, apparently unsure if they should do anything.
"Nice job," Steve commented Scott, Nat nodding in impressed agreement.
"Thanks." Scott sniffled. "I just read The Fault In Our Stars."
"Okay, ma'am, I'm going to need you to calm down." The officer said, earning a scoff from Natasha.
"Men. Always telling women to calm down."
As Jane was spinning the story about being followed, the door opened and two of the thugs following her walked into the off-limits area. The officer stepped forward, hand on the butt of his gun, and his other hand out, telling the men to stop.
One of the two held out a badge of his own, explaining that she was wanted in connection to the bombing of the UN that happened earlier in the week. Beside her, Steve's shoulders tensed and he uttered one word, "Bucky." The officer looked between the badge and Jane before stepping back toward her, hand still on his gun, though this time he was looking at her instead of the men.
"He's right handed, so he's going to go for your left." Steve said, while Nat pointed out the fire extinguisher mounted on the wall to their right and the empty mop bucket beneath it. "When I say, move." The officer had cuffs in his hand now and was approaching her cautiously, talking about remaining calm, like how you would to a wounded animal or a person on a ledge.
Natasha moved, hand clamping around the officer's wrist and twisting it until the cuffs were dropped, kicking out with Jane's right foot and sending the mop bucket skidding toward the other two, causing one to trip and the other to move to avoid it, allowing her to use the officer as a shield. Natasha grabbed the stun gun and pulled it free, tagging the officer and riding his shuddering body to the ground where she rolled to her feet, shoulders and feet squared in a boxing stance, Steve moving forward to take out the goon moving toward her.
The next few seconds were a blur, the other goons entering the hall, with Jane watching the Steve and Natasha fend off the attackers by doing things she'd only ever seen in action movies. A haymaker from Steve sent the last guy into unconsciousness and Jane straightened up, her knuckles sore from Steve hitting the man.
"Is that all of them?" Steve asked, looking down at the unconscious men, before Natasha saw one move and start to sit up. In a fluid motion, she plucked the fire extinguisher off of the wall and swung it around, hitting the man in the head and knocking him out.
"That's all of them."
"Let's get the hell out of here." Scott said, moving down the hall toward the exit at the other end.
"We won't get far on foot." Steve pointed out.
"We won't be on foot." Scott grinned, holding up his (Jane's) hand to reveal a set of keys dangling from the fingers. "Courtesy of our friend back there."
"Scott, you son-of-a-bitch," Steve grinned.
"Ooh, you kiss your mama with that mouth?" Natasha joked as they made for the exit, pulling the fire alarm casually along the way.
So... what do we think? Should I make a full length Sense8 AU of the MCU? Or does anyone want to send me clusters and I can write little snippets? I'm inspired by this.
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you-did-well-moon · 5 years
|Relationship with the boys|Monsta x 8th member Au|
A/N: Ahh I'm sorry it took me so long to get the update of the next part of this out, but I really am excited for this series. I really reccomend looking at the lyrics of the songs mentioned to get a closer look at their relationship. If you have any songs you think would fit any of these relationships please tell me!! Yesterday I got stuck in the middle of the road at night hoping no demon would come get me. I just got back from a concert. Anyways I have a seventeen reaction in store. I even have plans for a fanfiction I want to do, and another additional member au. Please don't be afraid to talk to me or to request!!~Moon
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At first, they ignored each other's existence. Shownu because he didn't really know what to say or how to act. Arslyn because avoiding her made her think he didn't like her. Then that fateful day came where they had been sat next to each other while waiting to do a mission. Arslyn had seen how nervous Shownu had been even though he didn't say anything. Choosing to try and overcome any bad feelings, and calm both their nerves she reached for one of his hands in both of hers.
Shownu had flinched and looked at Arslyn with a wondering expression, but Slyn kept her head down. Shownu couldn't help the feeling of protection that overcame him, so he kept his hand there and let her touch comfort him.
Arslyn feels sorry for the dear leader sometimes. She does everything she can to make it easier for him. Whether it's putting snacks in everyone's bags for practice so they're not complaining or clutching on to his outfit when he's giving a speech. Shownu is probably the most comfortable with Arslyn.
Shownu is a quiet man and all the others are pretty talkative, but he can sit in comfortable silence with Arslyn. They both someone know what the other is thinking without saying anything. Arslyn lives for his eye scrunch smile. Both of them aren't the touchy type, but they can make exceptions for each other.
They can often be seen smiling across the room to each other. Shownu is probably the one giving piggy back rides to Arslyn, or just carrying her around if she falls asleep. They care for each other through actions rather than words. They both say they can't imagine life without each other. They've helped the other in ways they never thought possible. Arslyn was the first person Shownu opened up to, and she's often the person he goes to if he's ever feeling down.
She's also the one that can make Shownu laugh the hardest. If Shownu is feeling down bring him Arslyn and he'll brighten up. They get strength from each other, and they naturally get along. Fans often call her his second in command since she tries so hard to remove some of the burden he has from his shoulders as a leader. They both wear their hearts on their sleeves when they're near each other, and anyone can see they care for each other.
Arslyn has produced, written, and sung songs for each of the members.
Shownu's song is called Pondus which is weight in Latin. She explains in the song how lost they'd be without him. Arslyn sings about how she found a safe haven in him when the world had shown her nothing but loss and sorrow. She acknowledges the hardships and negative feelings that come with being the leader of a group from a smaller company. She talks about how he has to be acknowledged and appreciated more. She expresses her gratitude towards him, and Shownu teared up when he first heard it. The song is alike to Jungkook's Begin.
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At the start, Wonho acted tough but Arslyn is very observant. She instantly saw him for the little bun he is. From the very start, Arslyn hated to see him cry. It felt wrong seeing him cry. If he cries fans can often see Arslyn reaching for, and gripping his hand. She'll wipe away his tears and lean her head against his.
Arslyn is very protective of Wonho and monbebe often say she wears the pants in their relationship. If anyone disrespects Wonho she'll become snappy and sarcastic towards them. She does her best to help with his self esteem, and she let's him get away with a lot of things. These two naturally gravitate towards each other, and in interviews and fan meetings they're probably going to be placed next to each other.
Like Arslyn helps with his confidence, Wonho helps her with her anxiety and PTSD. They both calm each other down when they're feeling scared or worried. Arslyn looks up to his passion, and Wonho looks up to her fierceness. These two make very good friends seeing as the qualities one seems to lack the other make up for. They often say they're two parts of one whole. Incomplete if they're away from each other. Wonho is also the only one who knows about her past.
They compliment each other well. Arslyn is always there to assure him he is more than just muscle, and he is there is assure her she is more than her past. Wonho can be seen bringing in flowers into the dorm sometimes since he knows how much Arslyn loves them. Wonho adores her, and Arslyn adores him. Nothing is able to seperate them, or change how much they love eachother. Not a crush, misunderstanding, or fight could ever come in between them.
Many idols look up to Wonho because of his body. Arslyn knows it makes him umcomfortable, and she’s the type to do everything she can to make her members feel as happy and relaxed as they can be. She’ll do anything to get them out of that kind of situation. Many idols confront Wonho, and she’ll often go and drag him away if she sees his muscles being the sole focus of the conversation. She’ll leave them alone if she sees that Wonho looks comfortable. Monbebe are often very grateful to Arslyn for taken such good care of him, and the rest of the members.
Arslyn sneaks in a lot of snacks into the dorms and into practice for him. If any of them try to tease him for eating a lot or try to take it away she’ll throw whatever is in her hands at them (which is almost always a book). As mentioned earlier she is very protective of him, and won’t let anyone give him shit. She will accompany him to the gym, but instead of actually working out she’ll probably be writing lyrics or thinking of different beats and melodies. She’s the one that makes sure he eats and sleeps enough. Well, as much as he can while being an idol.
Wonho’s song is called Oenomel. The song talks about how Wonho and Arslyn have been able to find solace and comfort in eachother. It shows everyone who’s heard it how Wonho could have been the difference between life and death for her. Theres a highnote at the end of the song of her saying the title of the song. The title is a greek word and the definiton is of something that combines strenght with sweetness. It causes goosebums and a mouth drop to any listener. She says in the song how Wonho gives her hope and trust in the poeple around her. Wonho almost sobbed when he heard the song. He wouldn’t let go of Slyn for hours. The song is alike to Magic Shop by Bts.
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Minhyuk and Arslyn actually didn’t like eachother for a bit. When passing eachother Minhyuk would giver her faces and turn his nose up while she would knock her shoulder against his and flat out ignore him. This was caused by Minhyuk’s disliking towards Kyun when he first came on to NO MERCY. The situation made things akward and tense when the whole group was in the same room. This silent treatment soon ended when Arslyn went up to the company building’s roof to get some fresh air only to see Minhyuk crying.
She scolded herself. She should have known of all the insecurities and tears hidden behind his smile. That night was spent with akward apologies and small smiles. They weren’t instantly best friends, but small steps matter. Honestly, it wasn’t that long before they were hitting eachother bent in laughter and annoying everyone because they could’t stop laughing. If you didn’t know these two personally, you could say they hate eachother because of their sarcastic conversations and random insults thrown into the mix. 
Truth be told, these two would walk through hell and back hand in hand with smiles on their faces as long as they had eachother. They may make fun of each other, but neither of them take it seriously. They both take it in stride. They know each other so well they know which lines to cross and which ones to stay away from. Arslyn can be seen in a headlock from him most of the time, or she can often be seen throwing something from her hoodie pocket at him. Fans do know how much they care for each other when the camera catches them fallen asleep snuggled close together. 
Everything may seem like all fun and games with these two, but their relationship is a lot deeper than what other poeple would expect. Arslyn makes it her mission to always be the person Minhyuk can lean on, or the hand he can use to help him back up after he’s fallen. Arslyn knows about everything he hides behind his smile. The home sickness, doubt, and lack of confidence are all things he tries so hard to conceal for the group’s sake.
In a way Arslyn is the one that holds him up. The one that keeps him from going insane by being someone he can confide in. He tells her everything. His fears, dreams, and insecurities. The company’s roof where it all started is their special place. They even have some chairs up there with a cooler full of drinks and a backpack filled with snacks. The roof is the place where they can sob into each other’s shoulders, or they can reminice about past memories. The roof is the place where they let their screams and yells at the world for being so unfair and cruel get taken away by the numbing wind. It’s one of the only places they feel safe to be themselves. There’s no cameras to smile fakely into, or reporters to feel threatened by. Only them, the view of the city, and the stars above them.
They annoy eachother endlessly, but the comfort they give each other is far greater than that. These two are the type of friends that make fun of eachother, but anyone else tries to tease one of them and the other will get defensive. Agaist the other it’s funny, but put both of them together in a team against someone and things can get pretty scary.
Minhyuk’s song is called Sehnsucht. The song talks about how they both long for a place to call and feel at home. Along with that it talks about the sense of isolation they feel when they can’t seem to find that certain place, or how it feels so far sometimes. She talks about how they were able to find a home in eachother, and she says that it’s hard seeing him smile when she knows just how many times he’s cried himself to sleep. She sings about being there to help him up from now on, and she does so with emotion filling the ears or room it’s being played in. She also briefly and discreetly mentions the roof. Minhyuk’s beamed smile practically blinded the room when he first heard it, and it continues to so no matter how many times he hears it. The song is alike to Promise by Exo.  
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When these two met, they honestly didn’t know what to think of eachother. To Kihyun, she was just another trainee to compete agaisnt. To Arslyn, he was just another face. They didn’t really try to talk or get to know eachother. Arslyn had the rappers to hang out with while Kihyun stuck with the vocalists. They were never paired up for a mission, so they never really got a chance to talk to eachother. 
It wasn’t until the final members for the group were chosen that they got as close as they are now. They both basically fell in love with eachother. Kihyun took her in as his newest adopted daughter, and Arslyn accepted him as a kind of parent figure. She constantly denies Shownu as her father saying she already has enough father figures. Plus, Shownu doesn’t let her get away with as much as Key, Heechul, and Junmyeon do. 
Monbebe love when they’re given the same parts since their voices compliment eachother well. She says that Kihyun’s habits are the cutest to her, and she loves catching him in the act. When he complains about being short, she just tells him he’s the perfect size to hug. She also says that Kihyun is the cutest overall to her. He’s adorable to her without even trying. Whenever he does anything monbebe see her practically melting. She loves his voice, his smile, and basically everything about him.
The only thing that Kihyun does that she doesn’t like is nag. If he ever nags at her, she’ll flat out ignore him. She may spare him a glance. Whenever he cooks she’ll stay nearby to keep him company, and she can throw spoons at Minhyuk so it’s a winwin situation. If Arslyn ever has any nightmares she’ll go to Kihyun’s room because she finds that his voice calms her down a lot. Kihyun doesn’t mind either loving being able to soothe her to sleep.
These two are very soft for eachother. If either one of them is upset or annoyed the other will be able to calm them down. A simple touch or comforting glance can do a lot more than you would expect. Arslyn has a thing for his face. She can often be seen touching it, or tracing lines across it. Kihyun is the one that will get Arslyn out of uncomfortable situations. Some idols will confront her about being the only female in a male group, and Kihyun will often be the one dragging her away from that conversation.
Arslyn has accepted the fact that the closest thing she’lll ever have to a guinea pig is Kihyun, so she can almost always be seen giving him food just to watch him eat. She thinks he looks like a hamster. Sometimes Kihyun wishes Arslyn wouldn’t speak every opinion she has on her Vlives since he thinks the less people attack Arslyn the better. He doesn’t tell her anything though because he knows she’ll get frustrated keeping so much in. He only worries for her. These two would go to the ends of the earth for eachother. 
Kihyun’s song is called Gigil. The song talks about how Arslyn views their friendship as something precious and fragile. She sings about only wanting to see him smile, and how she’s worried of losing him. The song tells him to promise to always stay by her side. The song also goes into depth into how Arslyn views him as something very beautiful that can easily fly away at the slightest wrong move. She says that she wishes she could talk to him, but she fears scaring him off by seeming immature and dramatic. She thanks him for making her feel protected and safe.  Kihyun basically cooed and pinched at her cheeks when he first heard it. Monbebe can find him singing it without even meaning to. The song is alike to Butterfly by Bts and Thanks by Seventeen.
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During NO MERCY, Hyungwon was the vocalist she was the closest to, and that she frequently talked to. Well, they got particularly close after a prank he pulled on her. Before the prank they mostly did small talk. They’re both similar to eachother. When first meeting them they can seem indifferent and stone-faced, but when you get closer to them they can be a bit chidish and they can actually be fun to be around. 
Hyungwon had been encouraged by the writers and peoducers to prank Arslyn insisting she wouldn’t hold a grudge. The prank consisted of Arslyn in the studio in the process of producing a song, and then leaving to use the the bathroom. Hyungwon had made sure he downloaded the song and put it into a USB before “acidentally” deleting the song under the guise of just trying to hear the song and pressing the wrong button. He pulled the most worried and sorry look he could, and he scurried to Arslyn repeatedly saying sorry.
He explained what he did, and he watched Arslyn bolt into the studio. She tried everything she could to try and get the song back only to fail. Hyungwon had been prepared for her to make a fuss and be annoyed with him. Instead, what he got was Arslyn with sad and dissapointed eyes. She had sighed and given him a sad smile only telling him it was okay, and that she hadn’t really liked the song anyways. Hyungwon knew better though. He had seen the exited look on her face, and the little bounce in her step from his hiding spot when she had come out.
Her reaction had made him instantly want to make a better friend of her. His resolve completly broke when she stared sadly at the screen with a pout telling him she could always try and remake the song or make a better one. Hyungwon put a hand on her shoulder, and he nudged the USB into her hand with a soft smile and a “got cha”. He watched her eyes light up and hurredly plug it into the desk top watching as the song appeared. A huge smile came onto her face as she teasingly scowled at him and made fists at him letting out a “ugh”. She laughed and told him she’d get him back. Their friendship took off from there. Arslyn deciding she liked him, and Hyungwon choosing to let her in to his close circle of friends.
These two absolutely adore eachother. Hyungwon is very fond of Arslyn, and he is always doing his best to help her with fashion. When they’re bored they can be caught making faces at eachother. They have the kind of freindship where they’ve probably seen eachother naked, and it didn’t phase how comfortable they are with eachother at all. Arslyn is always writing songs where she specifically gives Hyungwon more lines. She’s seen what he’s capable of, and she knows he can do a lot more if only Starship trusted him with it. She firmly believes Hyungwon is very talented, and that he should be given more power and identification in the group. Her go to topic when talking about Hyungwon is describing how he’s more than just a pretty face.
She knows how entertaiment companies are, and she’s actually revealed that she refuses to do anything if she sees that Hyungwon has been given unequal representation or line distribution. She says that she’s gotten her way every single time. Hyungwon is vey grateful for this and he does a lot for her. He accopanies her to the hospital, or to volunteer at the animal shelter. He also stays behind with her at the practice room if she’s having trouble with one of the choreographies. He’s the one that almost always sticks up for her if she’s not being taken serisously as a producer or for being in the group because she’s a female. They’ve got eachother’s backs, and they won’t let anyone bring the other down.
Hyungwon’s song is called Querencia. The song talks about how Hyungwon is constantly someone who gives her confidence to be who she is and who she wants to be. She sings about how sunrise to sunset he’s always giving her support and assurance. She aknowlodges him as someone she could never afford to lose, and that she would do anything to keep the friendship they have even in the next life. She expresses how he’s always been someone to help her avoid any hardships she may have. Hyungwon hid behind the first thing he could find because of the sheer gidiness he felt. The song is alike to Sunrise by JB and Tomorrow, Today by JJ Project.
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Back in the NO MERCY days her and Jooheon along with Gunhee were the three musketeers. Always attached to the hip, and the three of them basically always doing everything and going everywhere together. They were known as the biggest threat to the other trainess. They were a powerful and unstoppable force to go up against if they were ever put together. They had the vocals, rap, production, lyric writing skills, determination, and passion. They were creative enough to come up with choreographies that wouldn’t make them look bad. Nothing could have put them down. Nothing exept the eliminations, of course.
When Kyun came onto the show it definetely changed their relationship. Gun became afraid of the competition the two bought while Honey couldn’t help but feel frustration and spite towards the two. This put a lot of strain between their relationship and they became distanced. In the end, the distance and disdain they felt rooted a deep regret in them that would stay for a long time. Arslyn cried the most when Gun was eliminated (actually she straight up sobbed on the floor since her legs gave out with the sheer amount of emotion while Gun kept telling her it was okay with a choked up voice). She wished she would have taken initiative to put the negative feelings aside and made her last moments with him worthwhile. Both her and Honey still talk to him, and they try to meet up but it’s hard when they’re idols. 
Her and Honey are now closer than ever before. Monbebe love when these two are put together in songs or in choreographies. They have so much energy when permorming and heart stopping stage presence. These two could get a stadium of millions hyped up with just one verse. Monbebe call these two the DD (Duality Duo) since they’re really aggressive and vivrant on stage while in real life they’re completly different. They’re also the most loved ship. Monbebe love these two together, and it’s not based on nonsense. These two feel a lot of attachement towards eachother.
They’re often saying they’re soulmates calling and greeting eachother with the title. Arslyn has a love-hate relationship with his aegyo. Sometimes it makes her melt while other times it makes her cringe away from him. Honey always whines when she scrunches her nose and grimaces stepping away from him. Arslyn has the most skinship with him out of all the members. They can always be seen hugging or snuggling. Anytime Honey tries to act tough or swaggy, Arslyn will out right laugh. When anyone says he looks scary or intimidating she’ll also laugh right in their face.
If his sister and Audrey come to visit, and Arslyn enters the room Audrey will ignore everyone and walk right into her arms. Arslyn has a very calming precense that makes people love being around her. Since she has so many different friends, and some of them are are producers she’s worked with many of them. Songs don’t exactly take one day to make, so she won’t be at the dorms for some time. At times Jooheon will get a bit jealous of her working with others. Especially when he’s having trouble with a song. She knows this, and she does her best to assure him. Jooheon knows his boundaries though. They don’t let this affect their relationship, or their work. It happens very rarely.
Honey is a constant source of inspiration for Arslyn. She admires him for being so passionate, and how he always puts so much of himself into his work. She’s often left breathless when seeing Jooheon talk about his music by noticing the light that ignites in his eyes. Little does she know, the same exact same thing leaves him breathless. She knows Honey can get a bit down sometimes. If she catches him at these times, she’ll take a hold of his hand or hug him until he feels better. She’ll force him out of the studio and outside to get some fresh air. She’ll get him new equiptment, or take him out to eat. She calls Chanyeol or jackson, and she’ll go as far as to call his mom. Arslyn will do anything to see her favotire dimples again. Poking at them and squishing his cheeks when she does. Frowns aren’t present for long when these two are around eachother. Soulmates.
Jooheon’s song is called Meraki. It talks about how she views honey as someone who hung the moon along the stars when things were getting dark. She says in the song that he makes her feel human and normal. She really plays into the soulmate thing. She names Honey as someone that was meant to be in her life. Someone meant to hold her hand as they went through the hardships of being an idol out in the public view in control of the fans. She mentions that brief moment in time where they didn’t talk and her feelings during that time. She sings about all they’ve lost and all they’ve gained. She says that his love and warmth is something that has given her a lot of strenght. He always plays it when doing a Vlive. The song is alike to Heartbeat by Bts.
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Kyun trusts Arslyn the most, and he does so for abvious reasons. When he first came on to the show she was the one who stuck up for him if the trainees said anything to him or even dared look at him in the wrong way. When she first found him crying in the studio after talking with Jooheon she reached her breaking point. It’s one of those moments where she hans’t felt that mad in a long time. She hearded everyone into a room, and then continued to yell at everyone for about an hour telling them how wrongly they were treating him. She pointed each person out, and she made sure they understood exactly what they had done wrong. By the end, she was crying. The trainees felt ashamed of themselves, but stayed silent as they watched tears stream down her face.
Seeing no response, she stormed out of the room only to find Kyun outside. He had been holding a hand to his mouth in order to silence the sobs heaving trough his chest. They stared at eachother for a little bit before Arslyn pulled Kyun into her embrace. She cradled his head against her shoulder as they both clutched onto eachother. Soon they were on the groung, and she rocked him back and forth while he spoke a broken mantra of “I’m sorry”. She only replied with whispered comforting words into his ears. That’s how they fell asleep, and that’s how they were found by the other trainees.
After she left, they talked about trying to treat Kyun better. They walked out and found the two leaning against the wall with arms around eachother and foreheads together. Tear tracks tracing each of their cheeks. The sight broke their hearts, and they woke both up telling them to go sleep at the dorms. From then on it was an unsoken promise that they would protect eachother. At the end of the show when Arslyn had fallen to the floor crying out for Gunhee instetad of walking to his pedestal, he had walked towards hers. He cradled her into his arms tucking her face into his neck. He refused to leave her and go to his pedestal staying with her until they finished recording.
Kyun is always the one that helps Arslyn with her migraines. Staying with her until they end. He rests her head on his lap, and he massages her temples singing a song in a low quiet tone of voice. He soothes her, and he constantly leans down to press kisses to her head. He’ll get her water, and he holds her hair when she throws up. He makes her lean against him when she walks since she gets dizzy. He’s the one that she goes to when she wants to talk about how one of her friends is getting treated wrogly by their company. She tells him everything about her acting roles, and sometimes even gives him spoilers.  
Arslyn knows all about his insecurities. She knows he thinks that he doesn’t belong in the group, and that he stole the spot from one of the other trainees. At these times she’s the one cradling his head in her lap, and she runs her hands through his hair. She tells him he belongs, and that he’s there for a reason. They practice English with eachother. They’re called the emo duo since they both like to wear darker colors. They both had eye brow piercings. When these two are together they always manage to reach peak crackhead behavior. They definetely bring out the weirdness in eachother even though they can both be really mature at times. Monbebe especially love it when they get to do skits with eachother.
Jooheon and Arslyn may be the best together on stage, but Arslyn and Kyun work best when producing and writing songs. They always somehow manage to know what the other is thinking, and they always seem to be able to agree on everything. When Kyun raps, Arslyn can always be seen boucing around and hyping him up. Monbebe say that if Kyun is Stitch, Arslyn is Lilo. She loves him for his 4D personality, and she’s never judged him for it. Arslyn is probably the only one that can control him. If she also hasn’t gone full crackhead, of course. In that case, just hope for the best.
Changkyun’s song is called Kairos. In the song she talks about having eachother’s backs, and always being there. She expresses how every moment spent together is beautiful and precious to her. She encourages him to keep dreaming and smiling. Arslyn explains that the light that they each have manages to shine even when the darkness surrounds them. She says that it almost feels like a dream being able to have somone as important as him in her life. She tells him that they are capable of so much, and that he makes everything seem so much brighter. He wouldn’t let go of her hand when he heard it. The song is alike to Mikrokosmos by Bts.
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