#theres also a petrified forest there
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smidge-j · 1 year ago
I've been to slope point. Saying 'it fucken wimdy' is an understatement. It is Fucken Wimdy! With capital letters!
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Cold southern gales blasting across Slope Point - located on the southernmost tip of New Zealand’s South Island - has given rise to this unique natural phenomenon: the trees here, being persistently battered by powerful winds coming in from the open ocean, have a permanently wind-swept appearance to them.
(Artist | Source)
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 1 year ago
you said tma influenced your ttrpg, what ttrpg are you playing ? :O and are you a player or a gm ? (or even both idk)
I forgot to answer this--
Its a fully homebrewed one that I really need to rework. it's nearly 3 years old now and I've only done about 4 sessions. I'm the GM, although I'm still improving my storytelling skills. I'm a fic writer, improv is NOT my strong suit.
There's a lot I've written down, and so I really want to give a very basic overview of my ideas, so I'll just throw it all below this cut and you all can ask questions if you want. But this is going to be LONG winded and probably not make any sense.
I made too many of them, and they only really make sense to me. Lore wise, they didn't make this world. They found it. They didn't know something was here before them, and don't realise its REALLY angry that they've claimed domains and stolen its power. In terms of the gods currently in charge, we've got:
Dark and Black (2 facets of darkness, and they might just be the same dude.)
Frost, Snow, and Glacier (again, facets of Winter, might all be the same thing)
Death (fr just mumza, ill be honest)
Sky and Air (air's the winds, skys the ..sky, and also gets the trickster archetype)
Light (all my homies hate light, they're dangerous and bored)
Water (dead)
Locations (only the interesting ones):
Winter: winter trio's domain, noone can survive there.
Frozen Woods: also winter trio's domain. a snowy forest of ginormous, and i mean BIG, petrified trees. the petrification all happened at the same time, isn't that weird.
The Dark: Dark and/or Blacks domain, they fought over it a long time ago but noone knows who won. The place is surrounded by mountains and is full of glowy crystals. It also should be super cold but theres thermo vents under it and also hot springs around.
Creeping Wastes: Death's domain, but used to be Dark and/or Black's. Lore wise, it used to be part of The Dark. They share part of the mountains and its also surrounded by mountains but has a little access to the ocean. The people don't know this though, since something happened that put a blight over the entire land to the point nothing can live there. Fun!
Shrouded Peaks: Air's domain. It's a bunch of mountains that form like a horseshoe that faces out onto the ocean. Its really cool and misty there.
The Exiled: A few island off the coast of the Shrouded Peaks. Noone knows what its like over there but that's where bad people get sent. Ya know, ethically!
The Blinding Desert: Light's domain. Used to be all lush like The Wildlands (forest), but something happened and noooow its a desert. woohoo. Noone really goes there if they can help it because theres a river in the way. Beyond that is the Shores but they arnt toooo interesting right now.
Dark Satyrs. When Dark and Black fought over The Dark (and what's now the Wastes), the energy infested the crystals that were growing there, and the Dark Satyrs popped out! They still pop out of the glowy crystals, and the crystals grow on their bodies. That's how they denote families, too, since they aren't related by blood, but instead by vein!
Dragons: I'm not going to do my funky spelling for these for everyone's sake (Dragoens) but this pretty much where the egg's designs come from for me. they're like reptile people with no wings and feathery tails and shoulders. They were made by Air and given funky patterns and colors by Light. They live on the shrouded peaks in big groups. They can fly, even without wings, by bending the energy around them. But they think it comes from the gods specifically, so they're very religious. Oh, also they have 2 sets of horns! the top set is pretty similar to the satyr's horns, but the second set come out a bit behind the ears and curl down towards the front usually.
Ice Fairies: again, I won't do the funny spelling for you all (Faeries). They were made by the winter trio, and live in the frozen woods. They've hollowed out homes in the trunks and decorate the trees. the faries have twisty horns on the tops of their heads and big ol delicate wings on their backs. if the wings get hurt they CAN heal, but it'll come back discolored. the discoloration depends on their diet though, so they have some fun risky tattooing the do sometimes.
Stone Golems: Death got sad that it couldn't create life, so it carved some golems out of "living stone" from the Wastes. It used some left over soul material from the dead to animate them. They can't really die, but they also don't have enough of a soul to pass on if they do, so they bond their soul with another's so they can pass on with them and go back home to Death :]. Its like c!Skeppy and c!Bad, but the other way around. Stone Golems have a very close relationship with their soul bond, and can read their emotions and stuff.
There's more creatures that I'll quickly sum up, like Candles (failed creature by Light), Prisms (like a siren made of colors. by Light), Black Ice (Big monster in the sea by Dark and Glacier), Walker Wraiths/Darsite Husks (sleepwalking demon -> modified creature that took its body but really isn't all that bad if you know how it works), Shadows (lost souls because of improper reaping), Crystal Golems (long story, but the Wastes WERE a part of the Dark so you know) and definitely some more that I can't think of.
Any questions :]?
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katsneaky · 2 years ago
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I've been waiting for the concert to come to live for what feels like forever now It gives me in game evidence of a couple theories I made previously so I've been waiting very impatiently I've been most excited about the grass in isle because I've been posting about it occasionally for a few months now and I've been talking about it for even longer and suddenly I get in game evidence instead of theorizing off of concept art and where the story may have come from. Dont get me wrong I like trying to come up with what the intent of concept art was and where the story was meant to go and all but I do love having something more concrete. I also get a bit more I could add to my theory on whether or not jellyfish are spirit creatures like the spirit mantas in vault since theres plants that match those in abyss, I hadnt really thought about what the plants would look like alive since I just assumed they became petrified like the ones on the dead trees in forest but this could mean the plant life didn't survive whatever got the spirits either. I'm so glad I can talk about this stuff now that it's in live thanks anyone and everyone who read my walls of text haha maybe next time I'll split it up a bit more 🌱 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl74SyksIVx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crafty-business4130 · 4 years ago
so to expand upon this lets go in some ideas on what helscraft is like
i like to think that helscraft is a weird glitched copy of the overworld and the nether mixed together. for the cannon of my hermit duplicate’s AU (of which i will be referring to within this post) the dimension of helscraft isnt really a full dimension that always appears in every world like the end and nether. it only spawns into a world after a year or so of players putting all of their love and care into the world. the world builds up enough of all that good energy and then causes a opposite opposing Force to form. thus helscraft spawns into existence. in a way you could say the whole dimension of helscraft is a duplicate as well.
now one thing that kinda throws a a wrench in the works of this idea is that every year or so the hermits move into a new world, though since its normally has been roughly the same amount of players in each season we can go with the hermitcraft dimension of hels is carried over with each world jump. the world of hels change to match the new overworld but its still the same helshermits. though for the hermits that leave the server their hels counterpart disappears.  this may also work in reverse as well. only have one example so far so who know :) cOUGHCOughNHOcOUGh
with the the hows and whys on helscraft existence out-of-the-way let's get into some worldbuilding!
as ive already mentioned, helscraft is somewhat of a glitchy mix of the overworld and nether. what i havent mentioned is that a good bit of the April Fools updates and removed features for the overworld ended up floating over to helscraft but unlike the overworld in which these features disappear pretty quickly they ended up sticking around in helscraft, for better or worst. 
heres a list of examples of this, of which i then expanded upon them to make them more fleshed-out. 
the list got really long so the rest of the post is under the cut! :D
Pig and cow sized horses, if fed too much will cause the animal to grow dangerous mutations that can not only kill the animal but make its remains toxic and unedible. You can make a green book via using toxic leather (the crafting book)
A common spell is to summon flame that then can be used for new crafting recipes. one such recipe is flaming barrels, if someone walks too close it will explode, another is chainmail armor
if you put too much fuel into a furnace it will explode.
torches burn out an hour or two after being lit
chickens are deadly, do not provoke them. it is extremely rare but the is a very small chance spawn in a blue chicken. only able to spawn via throwing eggs. it drops lapis and diamonds instead of eggs. beware tho, all chickens in the immediate vicinity will protect the blue one with their lives and will attack anything that gets too close.
eating or feeding an animal a god apple will cause it to float upwards for five minutes before slowly descending back to the ground. 
Wheat if not chopped after fully grown will go bad and die, same thing with other crops. though you can make Iron infused melon and pumpkins, it insures that the stem won't die over time after its first produce
Powered Redstone causes redstone bugs to spawn, it can be stopped by combining lapis and redstone dust together to make bluestone dust. asifhfsssdhv only a noob uses redstone.
Redstone wire, another alternative of redstone made with redstone dust surrounded by cobwebs. it insulates the redstone and stops bugs from spawning. pretty much the same thing function wise but is a pretty cool thing to use to flex on others
Villagers are instead piglins, not the tanned ones added into the nether update but rather pink skinned ones.
Glowing obsidian, a glowing red version of obsidian. Only found in trades with piglins
In helscraft there are lava oceans instead of water, water can only be found deep underground. Lava instead of water is infinite, water is no longer infinite. 
The world of hels first looked like the indev world theme of hell, with following updates to the overworld helscraft changed and evolved as well. There is no sun nor moon, just a forever floating layer of lava that acts to light up the dimension. 
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Frostwalker is instead, Magmawalker, turning lava into magma blocks shortly before melting back into lava
Boss fights arent the same in helscraft as in the normal overworld and its closely neighboring tied in dimensions of the end and nether. Not found in helscraft are Guardians, the ender dragon, and technically the Wither as well. Instead you can find Giants, the red dragon, the four horse men(much more difficult to defeat)
Giants unlike the ai less ones you can spawn using commands are living and breathing monsters that roam the land. During their travels any ghasts they cross will join them on their wandering
Ghasts can be somewhat tamed in helscraft. If you can successfully capture a baby ghast from its parents and raise it yourself the ghast will be malleable enough, somewhat like foxes but just a bit more wild. If you happen to accidentally harm them it will turn on you and fight you to the death, be it your’s or theirs.
It's a very very rare find but huge brick pyramids can spawn into the world. in season 7 helscraft’s cubfan took up residence within one that spawned in Incredibly Close to spawn
There are alot of different nonsensical potions that can be brewed for interesting drinks. some have a use, most dont tho. all of em have amazingly different tastes and smells
instead of honeycomb there is crystallized honey, it functions as pretty much the exact same thing. has its block too, call the wax block.
Killer bunnies spawn in more often than normal bunnies
Og stonecutter, can cut blocks into half. Not only used for stone. can cut doors, beds, and much more into halfs
Nether reactor core, could be the key on how to jump between the hermitcraft and helscraft. will need to think on this idea some more though
Petrified Forest, a biome within helscraft that has wood as hard as stone and a texture reminiscent of a mix of acacia and crimson planks color wise.
unsure as of yet on what to call it but the volcanic biome the Rempirer had Rendog make is a biome within helscraft as well!(the Rempirer is ren’s helscraft counterpart... he wasnt always evil as he is now) 
the mobs that lost the vote found their way into helscraft, not just the moobloom all of them. the three mystery mobs from the 2017 and the ice illager. (i voted for the glow squid and while i do still stand by my decision it is truely a shame we might not see any of them all in the game ever )
Studded armor and plate armor, alternatives to leather and chainmail. studded armor is made with leather and stone and plate armor is made with smooth stone slabs
stained glass looks a bit like this
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and colored wool like this!
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and thats everything for now. ill probly be working out some more ideas since theres a surprisingly large amount of features that have been added to minecraft either hidden away in the background or removed.
 also if anyone wants a some links to where i found these old and mostly forgotten facts ill post em in the notes when i get the time to do so. theres a lot of them tho so i might forget a few
hey also if you like these you might also like my Discord! i made it for this au and i tend to share my ideas a bit more over there than over here. theres a lot to see :DD
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atimeofbeing · 4 years ago
You mentioned your dnd setting in the tags of that post about the Forest, could u tell us more about it??? I love reading about people's settings!
Well hello anon, I would be dELiGHTED to talk about my homebrew setting. A few of my players follow me on here, so I can’t give away some secrets, but heres what I can tell you:
My world is called Eladun and its based on that post I reblogged earlier (the concept of giant, ocean like forests) and a conspiracy called ‘no forests on flat earth’ which holds that currently there are no forests because all the trees we see now are teeny-tiny baby trees (also per this conspiracy mountains and plateaus are the petrified remains of those trees). These two really just caught my imagination in terms of a fantasy setting and I ran with it from there! Having a kind of geographical feature to start from was very fun, because it forces you to think about how societies would develop in different ways from our own and just gives this fun, fantastical bent to the world.
For example, because a great portion of the land is forested, cities and civilizations are even more pushed to the coasts - but being on the coast they also have to deal with coastal things like extreme weather & ocean storms. The starting city for my players and the one they’re getting to know right now in the game copes with this through magical means (theres a stormwall around the city that is lowered in the more temperate summer season and raised in the harsh, stormy winter). They also are a society that prioritizes knowledge and learning and craft, so during the winter season, practically everyone retreats into the city and works on specialized craft or academic work, with a strict dichotomy between the seasons and the types of things that get done during them. 
Another thing that the forest landscape has pushed in my world is the need for reliable transit across the continent. Because going deep into the forest can be incredibly dangerous, the great majority of people go along ‘the Traveler’s Road’ which is a system of roads that criss-cross the continent and allow for travel to and from most major coastal cities. This road is guarded and maintained by a group called The Traveler’s Guard, essentially an international group that travels with large processions/migrations in order to keep them safe. So you see a continent that is (at least when the game starts) more united than you would perhaps think - but that unity is something that can be threatened, as my players are starting to see (something that I am incredibly interested to see progress in game!).
There are many other thoughts to be had, but I suppose I shall leave it at that for now! I’ve had this setting floating around in my head for probably... two years now? and I wasn’t developing it as much as I wanted so I finally decided to just take the leap and run it for an amazing group of folks as my first ever dnd campaign, and it has been so so fun! Its definitely a work in progress and more things develop every session and pretty much every day as I think about it an incredible amount. Let me know if you ever want to know more! I am very very happy to ramble on, as evidenced above :D.
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In the Butterfly universe, does Logan stay in power (office?) even after Virgil wakes up? If he does, are any of the other Unseelie foolish enough to approach Virgil about Maybe Doing Something about Logan being still in power? Are they ever foolish enough to approach Virgil about Logan or the others in general in that universe?
it actually works out in a sort of reverse of the (eventual) canon laoft situation, with the same end result
Virgil is bit of brute, if we’re being 100% honest. in the main laoft verse his response to most political upstarts is death threats, and his response to actual danger is to follow up on the death threats. (see Dark)
Politics? not his thing - his MO before he went in the casket was “fuck with the humans or damage the balance of the forest, and There Will Be Consequences You Will Not Enjoy Of The Homicidal Variety”
and everybody was too petrified to test him on it
he can’t get away with it after that, because the whole courts gotten all Uppity and while Virgil is capable of just offing anyone who acts up, he really doesn’t want to because he’s secretly soft as all hell
Logan, however, is much more patient and perfectly capable of political finagling - although he is still pretty damn blunt. his MO is usually to list a bunch of irrefutable facts and hold absolutely 0 tolerance for fae Exact Words posturing
And the Seelie actually like him in both, whereas they dont trust Virgil as far as they can throw him
so in canon laoft, we end up with Virgil leading the court and Logan sort of gradually taking over some of those duties (as a consort often does) and they tag team it 
(i have been meaning to get to this topic in a oneshot, but being honest ive written a couple versions and im just very unhappy with them - it will come eventually, but i took a break from looking at the damn thing because it was frankly pissing me off that i couldnt Make The Goddam Words Go)
in this one, Logan continues as the Main Guy, and Virgil initially just kind of steps in behind him and GlaresTM, and/or points things out that Logan maybe hasn’t noticed on account of being mostly raised by humans, until they gradually shift into pretty much the same tag-team dynamic - they just came at it from the other direction
a note - Patton and Roman also participate in This Whole Set-Up, although its in slightly different capacities. Roman usually pairs up with Bell on Guard/Knight subjects, and Patton more likely to settle interpersonal grievances than the big stuff
its REALLY hard to stay angry about say, a property dispute, with Patton and his big gold eyes insisting theres no need to fight about it :( cant we all be friends :(
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spectralarchers · 7 years ago
did you ever post a list of all the national parks and/or state parks you visited while you were in the us?? i'm curious lol
oh boy
under a read more because long
Garden of the Gods (is it even a NP??? i’m not sure)
Rocky Mountains National Park
Arches National Park
4 Corner States Monument (Navajo Territory)
Mesa Verde National Park
Petrified Forest National Park
Monument Valley Tribal Park
Grand Canyon National Park
Slide Rock National Forest
Lake Mead National Recreational Area
Death Valley National Park
Angeles National Forest
Sequoias and Kings Canyon National Forest and Park
Yosemite National Park
Humboldt National Forest
Wasatch National Forest
Grand Teton National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Glacier National Park
Devil’s Tower National Monument
Little Bighorm National Monument
Crazy Horse Tribal Monument
Mount Rushmore National Monument
Badlands National Parkand then theres
Finger Lakes State Park
Ray Roberts Lake State Park
Lake Arrowhead State Park
Palo Duro State Park
Clayton Lake State Park (DINOSAURS!!)
Cheyenne Mountains State Park
Rifle Gap State Park
Mancos Lake State Park
Storrie Lake State Park
Redwood Forest State Park
Salt Lake State Park
Custer State Parkand i’ve also seen
Cahokia Mounds
the United Nations
basically New York
(BROOKLYN! and the Captain America statue!)
the Gateway Arch
Black Jack Battlefield
the Little House on the Prairie
Old Red Museum
the Sixth Floor Museum
Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Museum (I HAD TO OK)
Manitou Springs Cliff Dwellings
the US Figure Skating Hall of Fame (bryan orser was in a video descibing the axel and lutz and a++)
Denver Museum of Science and Nature
stayed at the Stanley Hotel for 1 night
saw Doc Holliday’s gravesite at the Pioneer Cemetery in Glenwood Springs
had a powerpoint presentation by Brendan at Acoma Pueblo
fed some donkeys in Oatman, AZ
Titanic exhibit at the Louxor in Vegas
Hoover Dam
Area 51
Calico ghost Town
Warner Studios
Griffith Observatory
James Dean Memorial
the California Academy of Science
Golden Gate Bridge
Alcatraz (from the boat)
Francis Ford Coppola’s Winery in Napa
Utah Olympic Park in Park City (I SAW TED LIGETY’S SPANDEX SUIT FROM SOCHI))))
Sundance Mountain Resort
Buffalo Bill Museum of the West
Old Trail Town Cody
and the Mammoth Siteand then I’m missing a few things for the end of the trip because I forgot to write in my diary and I haven’t had the energy to go through  my photos but
Chicago = Magnificent Mile / the Bean and that Nutella bakery thing which was a++
Elkhorn and the Danish Immigrant Museum
City of Indiana
and ??? like??? i think that’s it??? those are the??? big??? things??? 
@kate-katiehawkeye how did we not die while doing this???
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