#theres a poem in here somewhere
rathockey · 3 months
the pit of longing in my stomach is growing teeth. i fear it may soon become ravenous.
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mielicy · 13 days
everything happening rn is like a perfect mirror of 2015-2018 and its tripping me tf out
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wordvomitbitch · 7 months
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vvhorebound · 2 years
hahahahahaha getting legitimately upset that i dont look the same way i did at twenty anymore…
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celestialmudd · 7 months
I lent someone a graphic novel i bought on a trip, and i do miss it
But i hope that friend is enjoying it
And i want it back
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supernova25 · 1 year
Like the movies
dates with genshin men!
characters . . scaramouche, xiao, kaeya, alhaitham, albedo, childe, baizhu
a/n: added baizhu in here because i can hehe, i also made albedos part longer because i gave him too little in the original one<//3
c/w: maybe ooc for baizhu and childe maybe? i dont know them well :( | wordcount . . 420 | masterlist
scaramouche | nothing too much. he’d prefer something simple. dinner at your place or a picnic. i also feel like he’d prefer having night picnics. he also likes café dates, also arcade dates(is that what you call them?). anything simple.
xiao | another simple dinner enjoyer. if he were to pick it would be something simple, a restaurant maybe, but not too fancy. something cozy. maybe cafe dates here and there.
kaeya | an eye catching restaurant with a romantic aura. he’s also ready with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. every date with him is really memorable. 
alhaitham | it really depends. if its just a regular date then he’ll prefer something simple, if you two are going out for something special, like your birthday, anniversary, etc.. then he’d make it as memorable as possible, keeping your likes and dislikes in mind. 
albedo | i feel like i didn't do albedo justice in the last one since his part was so short. albedo prefers having you choose the dates, but if you make him decide then something so simple but super cute. movie nights, simple dinner at your place or at his place. if you like drawing then he’d just stay at home with you and draw. maybe even do that thing where you two exchange drawings every few minutes. it also depends on what you like, he puts that into consideration. if you like going out to eat then he’ll pick a restaurant, somewhere you haven't been to yet but somewhere you’ll enjoy. you like a romantic aura? then he’ll pick somewhere with a romantic aura. 
childe | ugh, dont get me started with this stupidly rich man. saying that he loves spoiling you is an understatement. he also takes every thing you like into consideration. whats your favorite type of food? italian? indian? chinese? do you want it to be really romantic? or do you want it simple? do you have a favorite restaurant? (jollibee) if so, then he’ll take you to a restaurant similar to your favorite, if theres none then he’ll take you to your favorite restaurant.
baizhu | i dont know much about baizhu so please bear with me. i asked baizhus spouse(vi) to describe his personality, so based on what she said i feel like he’ll take you somewhere new. ive also heard from vi that he’s poetic, with that being said i can see him making you some poems as a gift. (i can see him working on the poem during his break jksjsjs)
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live-laugh-ukotoa · 2 months
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yello sup, i'm castor info on me below ig
Info Name: Castor / Marsy Age: whos asking? {somewhere between 0.9 and 4612} {minor} Nationality: Canadian Pronouns: They/Them mainly, but fine with she/her Sexuality: Aro/Ace Lesbian Religion: Hellenistic Polytheist {Apollo, Aphrodite, Hades(?)} Special interests: theres way too many, so here are the current ones: Trials of Apollo/Heroes of Olympus/Percy Jackson and the Olympians Greek mythology/deities/poems/et cetera The Magnus Archives/The Magnus Protocol MYCT (Hermitcraft, The Life Series, Empires SMP, etc)
DNI List If you discriminate against anyone/anything? DNI. If you hate on people for liking things? DNI. If you do AI art/writing? DNI. If you like something to the point of being rude to others? DNI. If you sent ANY HATE AT ALL TO @elianzis ? DO. NOT. INTERACT. n like basic DNI stuff. mainly just don't hate on things in this blog Assorted Requests I am politely BEGGING you not to bring politics to my ask box!! Hypothetically if your wanted to make hypothetical fanart hypothetically of my fanfics PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE- If you could use tone indicators while interacting with me, it would be appreciated!!! /nf chat don't get mad at me for having an opinion thanks xx
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Credits: Userboxes: @lgbtq-userboxes Text: @lgbtqtext Banner: @im-an-apollogist
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hockeyisforthegays · 1 month
did you read 264 and 265 chapter's of jjk? if so what are you thoughts? you don't have to answer i'm just curious about what you think because i feel like you have really unique observations
(love you writing, thank you in advance if you end up answering)
oh shit anon let me write you an essay. and by essay i mean a disjointed series of long ass bulletpoints. also im gonna be focusing mostly on 265 because as my friends put it i am "ceo of itadori yuuji" or the proprietor of the "itadori cinematic universe" so you could say. that i am biased
okay. one. as an overall thing. i wish that for pretty much everything . that they would just lean into it more. theres a lot of concepts im into but everything lately seems to be presented without exploration or followup. like im about to analyze this to shit but i feel like im gluing meat to a skeleton. help me out here gege
FOR EXAMPLE yuuji's ultimatum to sukuna. i wish. i wish there was more here. like in theory this is really cool to me. yuuji says You Choose Whether I Eat You Or Kill You. Will You Live With Me? Or Will You Die Alone?
I lay my Body down as a Sacrifice
but more so as a Prison
but most of all as a Mercy
the first to my Friend, the second to my Curse, and the third to the Person i hope is buried deep down inside that evil.
aaaaand then this is kinda undercut by sukuna's reaction to me. not that i need him to go full on mahito quaking rabbit ass on us tbc. but the stubborn non-engagement with the premise just makes me roll my eyes and groan. i wish gege had found a way to let this reveal SOME new or unexplored aspect of sukuna's character? one chink in the armour. one stray thought that we wouldn't expect to hear from him. something. something to latch onto.
this may be unreasonable also given that gege is writing in literally a different language but i hope we find our way somehow to the double meaning of the phrase "flesh and blood" btw. like. sukuna is yuuji's uncle and they shared a body. yuuji is trying to make sukuna come back to that body. theres something there i swear it.
sukuna, come home. we're family. you're my flesh and blood.
(while beating his ass)
like make it scary. god PLEASE put some metamorphosis stank on it. gimme that I Am You flavourrrrr
okay now also. yuuji's domain. i want to talk about yuuji's domain so bad. one thing i noticed was that he doesn't name it. at first i was pretty disappointed because im a weirdo and i love their weird word salad names, i love that e.g. fushiguro and mahito just bust out full poems on i guess instinct when they use their domains for the first time!! so the fact that yuuji didn't get one felt at first like he was being... slighted by the convention almost? but.
this is again a thing i think could have been cool if leaned into, in a few ways. ive just been having these ideas about how yuuji's domain is different from other domains, one of those ways being in its lack of a name.
first of all from a character perspective - yuuji's whole persona in battle is like warpath, tunnel vision, beat your ass shit, so it does kinda make sense that his domain would be just as no muss no fuss just get it the fuck done, in a way. once again. lean into this!!
but also, i started thinking about what we saw with characters like gojo and sukuna, and the idea of jujutsu as the art of elision. when those characters wanted to juice their big moves, they reverted rituals that included vocal incantations. that exact word salad shit. i started thinking - those word salad domain names are like, that, you know? maybe this is explicit and i just missed it somewhere. or i forgor. but perhaps invoking a domain's name makes it more powerful, or easier to establish, or something
(i so much dont want to reread to figure this out. RIP)
if this is the case, yuuji not using a domain name would say a darn something about his power huh???
LEAN INTO THIS. LIKE SUKUNA COMMENT ON IT FOR FUCK SAKE i know you are allergic to acknolwedging your nephew but its for the AUDIENCE'S SAKE NOT YOURS
gege i am fucking inventing lore for you to make it cooler. why wont you. come back here
but anyway. what IS yuuji's domain and what does it do. he learned from kusakabe, so it's at least somewhat akin to a simple domain, but we also know yuuji's body holds the memory of malevolent shrine - does that have any influence on how the domain turned out? it seems pretty... big, for lack of a better way of describing a mental projection. no other simple domain really HAD projections. are there no techniques imbued in it? what about vows, like sukuna with his whatever barrier bullshit? yuuji's forces sukuna back into the yuukuna body. why? how? we've seen how domains can make its targets abide by rules, what rule is this? sukuna also acts nonviolently for as long as yuuji strings him through illusory sendai, and i dont know if this is a choice by sukuna (which idk whether i do or do not understand as a character choice at this point) or if it's enforced by the domain somehow.
(I feel like, these things either need to be More or even Less clear. like i understand just enough to have burning questions. if this were more obtuse and symbolic, i would probably be content to ride the vibes, actually. BUT IM NOT. ANSWER ME GEGE. YOU'VE TOLD ME SO MUCH LORE I DONT CARE ABOUT!!! WHAT OF MY SON!)
anyway closing thoughts wrt 266 you may be able to tell from my Fucking Fanfiction but i have literally been waiting for yuuji's own fingers to become cursed objects for EVER. i was imagining scenarios while watching season 1. im crazy stupid about it. i hope i hope i hope this finger shakes out into something WORTHWHILE. and sorry again this is entirely yuuji centred my only thoughts about the characters who were in 264 is the frustration of the way they got sidelined so carelessly RIP
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so i ran the skills through the hunger games simulator because i was feeling nostalgic
thankyou @biocrafthero for suggesting this i love youuuu
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-lots of runners here
-holy shit authority is already going for it.
-half-light fucking drowned. how.
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-picking flowers is such a conceptualisation thing to do
-suggestion holy shit??? already????
-perception and viscalc both finding a cave is very fitting
-drama :(
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-drama and savvy <3
-the horrific necktie coming in very handy rn
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-inland empire and viscalc…
-thats so fitting for pain threshold
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-pretty uneventful night
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-pretty uneventful day. dont know why endurance didnt kill here.
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-theres a poem in volition and composure making a suicide pact somewhere
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-dont have much to say abt this night. rip logic ig.
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-the feast was brutal. shoutout echem for not going at all.
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-also fairly uneventful
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-????what????the fuck??????
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lichen-punk · 17 days
1, 3, 9, 20, 25, 27, 28, 39, 45, 47 SORRY THIS IS SO MANY LOLL
o my goodness ok im putting a cut here for everyone's sanity cause all these questions got me excited
Do you have a favorite place near you to “touch grass”?
theres a little woodsy park near my house just within easy walking distance which is easy to get into regardless of time of day or night and has an incredible hill where you can sit under an oak tree in the tall grass and watch the sun or the moon come up or set depending on time of day and year and i love love love it one of the only good things about my town i go up there for my Rituals And Things gkjhsf
3. If you could see any extinct species in the wild, what would it be?
im a sucker for megafauna id love to see an irish elk or an aurochs or a woolly mammoth that would be so so cool
9. Do you have a favorite nature photo you’ve ever taken?
here's some of the best photos ive ever taken in my life, and then some pictures from the hike back to the cabin when we realized the sun was setting sooner than we thought it would and it was about to get WAY too cold for how we were dressed
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20. What’s your favorite poem or song lyric about nature?
definitely a gerard manley hopkins!!! he's my fave poet ever and half his work is about nature. i'm torn between two, tho: i think my favorite of all time, really my favorite poem entirely, is the windhover (ive been trying to copy and paste it here without ruining the formatting but it is not working alas so you must google it sorry), but the last stanza of another of my favorites of his poems, inversnaid, is also just. fucking killer
What would the world be, once bereft Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left, O let them be left, wildness and wet; Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.
25. What’s your favorite plant to grow yourself?
i unfortunately live in a terrible spot to grow stuff, the yard of my family's little house is like. straight dry clay and entirely shady, so my thumb has never gotten even the barest hint of green to it. one day id like to grow wheat or corn or some such tho
27. What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
honestly????? i love to just Sit And Observe. i used to love love love swimming in creeks and lakes and things, but obv i havent swum in anything for a very long time. hopefully i will again one dayy im also a big big fan of a fire for singing around. and to be honest shakespeare doesnt feel right unless its performed somewhere outdoors and beautiful now
28. What’s your favorite local animal you see all the time but still love?
ALL OF THEMMMMMM we get raccoons and possums and squirrels and mule deer and black tailed deer and crows and ravens and pigeons and rats and mice and apparently frogs i learned recently and newts and theyre all my best friends and i get so excited when i see them
39. What ecosystem do you consider your “home” ecosystem?
absolutely all american pacific northwest shit i love a temperate rainforest with redwoods and doug firs and such and then the deciduous layer underneath all ferns and moss and little creeks and then the harsh cliffs down to the beach all cold and foggy and windy. that's where i Belong easy peasy. i do also associate the more aggressively californian Beige Grassy Hills With Lonely Scrappy Little Coast Live Oaks or Valley Oaks On Top type biome with home and growing up, but its always been a little too harsh and dry and sunny for me here.
45. What is your favorite wildflower?
o god thats hard i love wildflowers. im a sucker for daisies, obv, and i love forget-me-nots and california poppies and indian paintbrush and columbine and and and
47. What is your favorite species of tree?
o no thats hard too!!!!! ummm probably oak trees, especially white oaks like the valley oak or the oregon white oak, especially the really big old wise looking ones, but i also adore sequoioideae and other conifers, unsurprisingly, and rowans and apple trees among others hold personal spiritual significance, and theres this specific kind of maple or sweetgum idk what it is but they grew outside the theatre i grew up in so they always make me nostalgic. OH and i LOVE the smell of california bay laurel thats the Good Summertime Smell for me
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cacchieressa · 5 months
Other Lives and Dimensions and Finally a Love Poem
My left hand will live longer than my right. The rivers of my palms tell me so. Never argue with rivers. Never expect your lives to finish at the same time. I think
praying, I think clapping is how hands mourn. I think staying up and waiting for paintings to sigh is science. In another dimension this is exactly what's happening,
it's what they write grants about: the chromodynamics of mournful Whistlers, the audible sorrow and beta decay of "Old Battersea Bridge." I like the idea of different
theres and elsewheres, an Idaho known for bluegrass, a Bronx where people talk like violets smell. Perhaps I am somewhere patient, somehow kind, perhaps in the nook
of a cousin universe I've never defiled or betrayed anyone. Here I have two hands and they are vanishing, the hollow of your back to rest my cheek against,
your voice and little else but my assiduous fear to cherish. My hands are webbed like the wind-torn work of a spider, like they squeezed something in the womb
but couldn't hang on. One of those other worlds or a life I felt passing through mine, or the ocean inside my mother's belly she had to scream out.
Here when I say "I never want to be without you," somewhere else I am saying "I never want to be without you again." And when I touch you in each of the places we meet
in all of the lives we are, it's with hands that are dying and resurrected. When I don't touch you it's a mistake in any life, in each place and forever.
--Bob Hicok
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sir-sillybunny · 6 months
its truly tragic how the common opinion of minecraft now is that it sucks and was only good like 10 years ago becuz like. as someone who has been playing the game for as long as i can remember (i was like 7 when the game was released on xbox 360 lol), the game is exactly the same as its always been. and i mean that so literally. like yes the textures are different and theres a lot of different features now but like literally everything else about it is exactly the same. i was exploring older versions a minute ago and its actually funny how minecraft at its core is still the same game it was 14 years ago. you make a new save, you gather materials, you build, you explore. its all the same. when i opened the beta version i spawned in a pretty grass plain surrounded by flowers and trees and animals. when i opened 1.20 i spawned in a pretty grass plain surrounded by flowers and trees and animals. the game hasnt changed at all the userbase is just old now and standards for video games is different. people want big story driven adventure games with complex quests to follow and they cant appreciate the simple sandbox that minecraft is. which if fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinions of the game. but its just a lie that the game is super different than it used to be. its really sad honestly. i know minecraft is just a video game and not a person but its so sad to see how minecraft has tried so hard to stay the same as its always been only for people to turn on it and say its different now when in reality its the player that has changed. theres a poem in here somewhere
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Some of yall liked the first 2 parts so heres part 3 ig
Dreamling Royal AU King Dream Knight Hob Part 111
To be clear, the draft name for this fic outline is Let Him Be Mine, based on that one poem, you know the one.
So last we were talking about HobMurphy scandalising the whole court and Corinthian being pissed off. Theres a couple of tournaments, short melee sparring, Archery and such, but Hob and the Corinthian end up facing each other as finalists of the Jousting competition.
Hob wins, obv
Corinthian comes to threaten Hob after the game was over, hissing so close to his face hes practically spittin on him, asking how some dumb hick nobody's head of from the Sunless Lands could come to know the Dreaming Monarch so well? Eyeing the ruby like he plans to fucking kill him to tear the necklace off.
Hob s like i dont even fucking know you wtf. Back off. But just before things could escalate Dream came between the two of them to shoo the Corinthian away, flanked by Matthew and Lucienne
He pulls them both away to somewhere more private in the back of the participant tents so that Dream could apologize for leaving so abruptly and of COURSE Hobs his friends please dont freak out. Hobs like i am perfectly calm (not calm). Theres this sexually charged scene where Hob returns the ruby to him while Dream says "what no thats ur ruby now i gave it to u" but Hobs like no its yours. Dream asks if hes going to be unable to recognize him without it Hobs like you could be wearing a completely different body with a completely different voice from a completely different lifetime and i could still recognize you. Its all very romantic. Lucienne clears her throat. Dream is regrettably pulled away, but promises to explain everything soon.
Theres a tournament afterparty the following evening. Tradition dictates that the winners of each tournament must begin the dance with a partner of their choosing. Hob steels himself and approaches the throne (beckoning gasps from all over the court again), and to make it worse, it isnt for Death's hand, which-as she is his queen-should have at least be understandable, but asks for DREAM'S hand. Death gives her blessing with a smile, and Dream lets himself be pulled away.
Once the first dances were over and with the party in full swing, Dream pulls Hob away to a discreet balcony to explain everything, divulging what happened with his kidnapping that led him to seeking solace in the Sunless Lands with his sister. He apologizes for lying, but he'd been too comforted by Hob's lack of knowledge and the comfort of their camraderie. Hob tells him that he never blamed him for leaving, admitting he'd thought it was because Dream had been upset with him labelling their odd relationship as a friendship at all. He'd still come to their garden every day, waiting after training, a combination of false hope and desire to stay away from his own home since he's found more warmth by Dream's side in comparison, since. Yknow. Eleanor. There should be a tense moment of will-they-wont-they-kiss, but Dream's cowardice wins again. Dream warns that hes a difficult lover, capricious and prideful and cold due to his devotion to duty, but Hob says "let me be the judge of that." He never expects anything beyond Dream's friendship, in itself a rare and precious thing. He finally pulls away again, but not before letting Hob bestow one last longing fueled kiss upon his knuckles.
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anotherghostcity · 1 year
Hey! Nothing new here, but I quickly mentioned some moth/butterfly motif somewhere and i made me look unto older works. Turns out theres two that fits. Obviously it was not only a bit older but it was me trying out translation of my poems. So it was pretty clumsy. I still thought that motif was interesting so I tried to modify the old poems unto a newer version. Its still not exactly how I would write right now but I guess it's an exercise. You can check the older version of WINGLESS and CUTTING WINGS if you're curious I guess.
So, see you next time, Nana.
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Hey. VSO Anon mods here. We missed way too much stuff. -N.A.E.
We need a quick summary of what exactly we missed. -Ian
[yeah, heres a quick summary! I assume you left somewhere maybe before S-Gangle's appearance?? so i'll start the summary there]
[s-gangle is basically an AI version of gangle's subconscious. she was around while i was working on an animatic as a continuation of comics (the pinned post on my blog!)]
[after that was posted, gangle returned to the circus. shes just not doing well right now considering she had to confront someone she hated (since they. yknow. almost killed her)]
[and uh.. (glances at the mountain of anon lore) the anon lore isnt too important but there are definitely some people Dead] [so theres that!]
[i also posted some lore hints. one of them is a poem i recently posted, and the other 2 were flowers that meant "signs of caution" and "anger and resentment"]
[i hope this helps! just let me know if you have any other questions]
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tex-now · 2 months
um hello. you said i could yap here? if i remember correctly
well whatever i hope you like cats the musical (or at least tolerate it) because here we gooo
okay so basically if youve never watched it its a musical by andrew lloyd webber based off a book of poems by ts elliot. the musical originated in london and first premiered in 1981. i really like it
its about a group of cats called the jellicles and like every year or whatever they have a jellicle ball where their leader(?) chooses one cat to send to the heavyside layer (which i guess is like the afterlife or something) and basically the whole musical is them trying to get picked to go there
im going to be talking about the MUSICAL as in LIVE PERFORMANCE and NOT the 2019 movie because that movie is horrible and terrifying. (even though it was my introduction to the musical the live performance is way way way way wayyyy better)
okay so like the most important thing in a musical: music! the music is very very fun and silly (for the most part. theres a part in the middle where it gets a little boring but! right after it is one of the most fun songs in the musical! skimbleshanks i love you! skiiimble shanks theeeee railway cat!1 the cat OF THE RAILWAY TRAAIIINNN) and just the music is very fun and i love it.
next is the choreography. which is absolutely amazing its so fun. everyone acts like cats which can come off as weird but like. its so cool. people do jumps! and flips! and cartwheels! (at least in the 1998 recorded version. i havent seen it live in a few years so i dont remember if they still do flips. they probably do though lmao) girls drop into the splits all the time ! and its because they are acting like cats! and it just is so dramatic and feels so alive !!
next is the costumes. which most people consider the weird part. but the costumes are so fun and creative like yes they are skin tight but who cares! the makeup is also so creative too and they have these wigs and just ugh im gonna show some pictures they are just so funky and fun (thank you pinterest)
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i personally think this musical is very creative and very fun because like. its a musical about cats and the way they portray the cats is so cool and its just so ughhhh i love it. i get why people might not like it though. (my dad had to watch it like 5 billion times because of me and finally started to like it) it is kind of (very) weird and some people are unsettled by the costumes but its really such a fun show and i wish it didnt have so much negativity around it
my favorite character is probably mr mistoffelees. hes a magician and theres a whole song about him and its just so awesome. in the live shows ive seen he comes out in a jacket that has like. rainbow leds on it and its just so. wow. (if not the leds then very sparkly) (sorry had to add pictures) also! apparently sometimes they cast a professional ballerina for his part because of all his dancing and stuff and he doesnt have many lines
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on the left is him in like the start and then the left is when he becomes sparklyyy ✨
this musical is just so cool! and you can tell the actors are having fun and its a great time and its just so fun! ive seen it live twice and its just.. so cool. (the 2019 movie did it sooo dirty..) if you were to watch it at home i would recommend the 1998 recorded version i think you can rent it on like amazon prime or something.(or just pirate it if you really wanted to. you could probably find it on a random website somewhere) i watched it ALL THE TIME in the start of covid im not even joking my parents had to buy it. (but be aware there might be some lines in the older script where its outdated because.. yk its old)
i hope you were okay with this random yap i just watched it tonight and wanted to yap because i love it. (also! theres an area conversation on pjsk where tsukasa and nene are telling emu about it. so yes i fear the circus kids might enjoy this musical)
(also how you do the small text is highlight the text like you would do italics or something and press the ‘<s>’ button. forgot to tell you oops. also tell me if you want more pictures from the musical or if you wanted you could just search google or pinterest or something)
OMIGOD YAAYYAYSYSYYSYSYAYA THANK YOU!!! cats sounds very fun I'll look into it :3 I haven't gotten into a new musical in YEARS so this'll be FUN :D
Also YAYAA TY TY!!! I can type tiny now :3
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