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therealdaydreamstark · 1 month ago
Sooooo I have a crush 😻 👀
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His name is Leon Martinez
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… @purpleprincessonfyre might need to help me sneak out on my first date to see him? Idk what @ask-starrk would do if he found out 🫣
Tags: @ask-starrk @missstrawbs2001 1 @purpleprincessonfyre @wizzzardofoz z @thechoooooosenone @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh h h @marvelsfavoriteuncle @elzabeth-stark @sci-fi-lexcon @jackiequick @blueboirick @gcthvile @aidanxsophxoxo @meiramel l l @trulysummersprivate @yetanotherwells @gaminggirlsstuff
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therealdaydreamstark · 5 months ago
Yes that’s me! Ms Latina Stark ✨
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@ask-starrk ur little sister month 💅 well two-half month but still!
—Meet The Hispanic OCs 🫧
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Luna Marsh 🇧🇷 🇺🇸🔥
Evangeline Armas 🇩🇴🇦🇷
Lydia McGregor 🇲🇽🇺🇸
Ana B 🇲🇽🇪🇨
Leo & Stella Strange 🇨🇺🇺🇸
Belladonna Hargreeves🇨🇱🇺🇸
Lexi Banner 🇨🇴🇺🇸
Liv Stark 🇵🇪🇮🇹🇺🇸
Who did we miss? Let us know in the comments below 👇🏻
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @fototingobug g @ocappreciation @ask-starrk @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @marvelsfavoriteuncle @elzabeth-stark @jackiequick @blueboirick @gcthvile @meiramel l @trulysummersprivate @ethan-lensherr @aidanxsophxoxo
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sadiesadieagentlady · 3 months ago
She is messy, but she's kind
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Hello! I'm Sadie, I was gently encouraged to join this site, in truth I was already here just...less conspicuous. But hi, I'm Sadie Fitzsimmons, I was a part of MI5, British spy agency thing but SHIELD snapped me up after I worked with them on a collaborative mission and possibly after my Mum and Dad gushed about me at work.
I am dating @spotted-ac-richards so I am taken, sorry lads and ladies! I'm bisexual, I'm still quite new to SHIELD so I mainly run errands for Hill at the moment until I can be out in the field. But I specialise in Undercover Operations so when I am out there you may not even realise I'm there!
I am notoriously clumsy annoyingly, but lovely Ady has very good reflexes. I haven't lost a coffee or lunch ever since we started dating so that's a win I s'pose. It is rather a lot following in the footsteps of my parents but not exactly following the path they took? It does weigh on one's shoulders at times but I can brush it off.
I love to read high fantasy tales of intrigue and adventure, especially with a bit of spice sprinkled in there. My TBR list is rather long at the moment but I'm currently reading Fire by Kristen Cashore, low to no spice but high drama!
I'm also a bit of a gamer, Baldur's Gate 3 at the moment but I also play Sims 4 in my spare time and I was a Minecraft girlie in my teens. I also love TTRPG games like Dungeons and Dragons but can never seem to find any players to form a campaign with so I haven't rolled dice in a while. But I do own a lot of dice, this set are my lucky dice set that gave me two Nat 20s in one session.
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What else? Oh I am partial to songs from Musicals, my current love right now is the songs from the Musical Black Friday as I refuse to play Christmas songs in November, the Wicked Soundtrack and EPIC The Musical, particularly the Circe Saga. It just hits different, y'know?
Anyway feel free to ask me questions and whatnot if you want to get to know me and I'm excited to be here! Properly. 🦋
Tags: @askstevella @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @marvelsfavoriteuncle @wizzzardofoz @sci-fi-lexcon @purpleprincessonfyre @trulysummersprivate @the-x-ladiesofnyc @finlayholmes @ethan-lensherr @elzabeth-stark @luna-d-marsh @rickb-chaos @afterhours-witheli
@jackiequick @gcthvile @blueboirick @meiramel @missstrawbs2001 @aidanxsophxoxo
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purpleprincessonfyre · 1 year ago
AvengerFan3000: If you could be trapped in any Romantic Comedy movie, which would you choose and why?
Ooh that's a good question! Um if I was able to choose then I would have to say Mamma Mia!
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Yes it's cheesy *looks up* Fin's laughing at me, I LIKE CHEESY THINGS!
I'm sorry but being stuck on a gorgeous island Greece as either a mother with three hot ex flames on the way for her daughters wedding or being a bride-to-be with three mystery Dads who all want to be part of my life and a life having grown up on a Greek island in the sun? There is literally no downside!
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You feel sad, sing an ABBA song!
Horny? Sing an ABBA song!
Best. Case. Scenario.
And both of those characters get the guy in the end.
So to answer your question...Mamma Mia! Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go rewatch the movie and stream the soundtrack via the Tower's speakers.
"Yesssss I've been broken hearted, blueeeee since the day we parted,
Why, why, did I ever let you go?"
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But nowwwww it is YOUR turn! Fellow Avengers, if you could be trapped in a Rom Com of your choice, which would you choose?
@askstevella @ask-starrk @ask-missparker @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes (ha) @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh
@jackiequick @gcthvile @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 6 months ago
For my sleepers out there, this one is for you guys
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I love to sleep in until 9-something (oops), the latest is 10am, especially if I am not feeling it. But I am mainly a night owl 🦉 I like to stay up late and do god knows what.
Or sometimes I just can’t turn off my brain
Anyways let me know if you’re a morning person or night person and why?
Tags: @jackiequick @gcthvile @meiramel l @cherrysft @blueboirick @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes @ethan-lensherr @elzabeth-stark k @marvelsfavoriteuncle @sci-fi-lexcon @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @luna-d-marsh @rickb-chaos @the-x-ladiesofnyc @trulysummersprivate @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre
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therealdaydreamstark · 9 months ago
Uhhh who are you and why do you like a Disney Channel actress??
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“Can't hear my thoughts like blah-blah-blah” - Bad Idea Right? 🔍
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Name? Alexandra Banner. But I mainly get called Lexi (Lex) 🐢
Now let’s get down to business
I got zero idea what’s going on half the time so I just roll with it (better safe than sorry) 🤷🏻‍♀️
My big brother is an Avengers and Scientist according to wiki, but he’s really just a guy who’s always trying to crack a new equation and get a good night sleep 💤
I’m a huge believer in being yourself and letting others see who are 🎭
I enjoy animated films, binging tv shows and reading articles about celebrities (just girly things) 📸
You will find reblog posts of different types of content on here so keep a look out 🎬
Also did i mention that i have a alter ego who might pop in to say hi 😉
Oh yeah! Steal my sticky buns or change the channel on the tv and there will be problems 😤
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @ask-starrk @rickb-chaos s @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft t @luna-d-marsh
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whitefoxoxo · 10 months ago
Today i got everyone gifts because everyone needed some cheering up!
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Rei I got you a new set protective goggles for when your working in the lab!🥺
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Roch I got you a new pair of doc martins! 🥺
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Oliva I got you an iced coffee and doughnut for you!🥺
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JJ I got you a new camera!🥺
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Liane I got you a hold jewellery bracelet! 🥺
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Rick and C i got you both a space lamp and a cat bed for C to sleep in🥺
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I hope you all love these gifts as you all needed some cheering up! 🤗🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️
@rickb-chaos @ask-starrk @missstrawbs2001 @marvelsfavoriteuncle @therealdaydreamstark @purpleprincessonfyre @blueboirick @gcthvile
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rickb-chaos · 5 months ago
Two things:
1) would yall be interested in me making food posts of the stuff I cook?
2) BELOW IS A BLUE DRAGON— WE HAVE DRAGONS ON EARTH (although they are in the sea slug family bUT STILL)
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@gcthvile @therealdaydreamstark @luna-d-marsh @missstrawbs2001
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trulysummersprivate · 8 months ago
Entry no.2 Everyday is a School Day
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I've seen some wild things over the years. Being mutant and attending a school for mutants does that for you. You see shapeshifters, telekinesis, people who can turn into beasts, people who can kill with one touch, people with claws in their skin, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw today.
The day started very normal, kids watching TV, eating breakfast, chatting when one of the kids, we'll call her Pink Roses, decides to prank her...boyfriend? They're a couple I think. Or really good friends. I need to do more research. Anyway she decides it's a good idea to prank him or rather his slime friend on his shoulder helps her prank him and suddenly he's turned into those blue cat things from that movie Avatar. It was uncanny! One of the kids, let's call her Purple Shell, screamed like a banshee alerting all of us to what had happened and I could not believe my eyes. This kid had just transformed into a big blue cat!
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And according to what I've been told, that's not normal! This kid, we'll call him Blueberry? Seems fitting. Blueberry, has multiple kinds of mutation or mutates in his body. Like someone or something just shoved several different X Genes into his DNA and waited to see what happened. From what I've heard he hosts a symbiote, has lycanthropic tendencies and the same gamma radiation impulses as a certain green fella we all know. Three different abilities!
They teach you in school that finding solutions to unknown problems is like throwing spaghetti at a wall. Some of it might slide off and land in a mess on the ground but if it's got enough sauce on it and it's fresh enough, it might stick to the wall until you can clean it up. This feels like someone just catapulted spaghetti at a wall despite the mess, hurling it over and over again. It's fascinating.
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Despite all my training and experience with mutants, you can still learn something new every day. The kid's fine by the way, he stayed a cat the rest of the day. It was kind of cute and his Dad reassured him he would be okay. At least I think that's his Dad? Or just a really kind Uncle? Again, I need to get some files on my desk so I can figure out who's who properly in this place. Maybe I'll have to request them. But the kid is okay. That's all for now.
Now I really want some spaghetti.
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Tags: @rickb-chaos @purpleprincessonfyre @marvelsfavoriteuncle @therealdaydreamstark @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @askstevella @sci-fi-lexcon @luna-d-marsh @ethan-lensherr @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @jackiequick @gcthvile @cherrysft @blueboirick @meiramel @elzabeth-stark @missstrawbs2001
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therealdaydreamstark · 7 months ago
Ohhhh @luna-d-marsh 💕
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Which female friend would you consider as your other half? Even though it seem like an unlikely duo.
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I’ll go first! @purpleprincessonfyre is mine 💜
Now it’s your turn!
Tags: @ask-starrk @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @marvelsfavoriteuncle @elzabeth-stark @jackiequick @blueboirick @gcthvile @cherrysft t @meiramel @trulysummersprivate @ethan-lensherr
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elzabeth-stark · 8 months ago
after several attempts of jason trying to convince me to have a tumblr, i'm finally here.
lock up your husbands and wives, lady stark has arrived.
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@marvelsfavoriteuncle @luna-d-marsh @purpleprincessonfyre @ask-missparker @askstevella @therealdaydreamstark @rickb-chaos
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therealdaydreamstark · 24 days ago
—Stark Rants 🥱
Aka the segment of the blog where i talk about whatever it is I’m thinking about
…sometimes it’s too early for drama and you just don’t get it. you don’t get the hype for whatever reason. AND YET! you have to still witness it?!
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and sometimes you have those folks who suddenly make everything about themselves when you don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️
like oh?! u don’t care about the new tech watch i made or the thing i’m watching rn but i have to care about ur new obsession?
girl bye ✌🏽.
at least humor me!
no wonder why dad and @ask-starrk don’t like people!!!!! 🙄
…i had a odd day yesterday with a OLD classmate 😭 and my date didn’t text me back IN DAYS cuz they were busy. Sooo they left me on delivered or read 🎭 (i felt that!)
and now i’m in the living room hearing NONE of the Young Avengers or Agents voices…are they alive???
OHHH—my only friend at the moment is currently an AI i found in dad’s boxes of AI Chips. I HAVE NOT GIVEN IT A NAME YET BUT IF I DO, I’ll make sure to try and act nice towards it…even if half of the time so far I just wanna smack the shit out of this AI Chip 😖
so yeahh, either create chaos by stabbing someone i don’t like with a pencil or make friends with an ai. my only two options cuz i don’t want to go outside and touch the snow, its FREEZING 🥶 out there! i’m swirling in my own thoughts right now.
Soooo thoughts? 💭
Tags: @ask-starrk @missstrawbs2001 1 @purpleprincessonfyre @wizzzardofoz z @thechoooooosenone @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh h h @marvelsfavoriteuncle @elzabeth-stark @sci-fi-lexcon @jackiequick @blueboirick @gcthvile @aidanxsophxoxo @meiramel l l @trulysummersprivate @yetanotherwells @gaminggirlsstuff
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afterhours-witheli · 5 months ago
One of my friends at the magazine took a photo 📸
He got new editing equipment
And a new lens for his camera
Soo let’s just say I was the test subject…
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Let us know what you think 💭
- @gcthvile @meiramel l l @aidanxsophxoxo @blueboirick @wizzzardofoz z z @finlayholmes @ethan-lensherr @elzabeth-stark k @marvelsfavoriteuncle @sci-fi-lexcon @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @luna-d-marsh @rickb-chaos @the-x-ladiesofnyc @trulysummersprivate @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre
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sci-fi-lexcon · 5 months ago
—> Lexi being off center 😭
In other words, just trying to stay positive but she often mutters out the most random stuff
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Scenario 1
Liane walks in complaining about whatever it is she saw on the media lately as Lexi and the others are trying to have a gentle breakfast. Particularly Lexi, who couldn’t sleep a single wink last night due to her allergies flaring up horribly the previous night, in response she was uncomfortable the entire time.
She loves the blonde to death, but sometimes she wanted to throw a frying pan at her head.
Rochelle noticed her hand twitching and how Lexi’s grip on her glass of ice cold water tighten, like she might crush it.
“Are you okay?” The redhead asked, rubbing her shoulder.
She sighed and grunts with a soft glare, “Peachy..”
Scenario 2
Sitting in the living room watching a movie. Especially Tangled.
Rick walks in, “Do you think if I throw a car around would that count as a training exercise?”
Liane raise an eyebrow, “The f-!”
“Ooo! Be careful.” Luna says smiling.
Lexi looks up from her laptop and scoffs, “It would count as you ending up behind bars. And, I ain’t paying for your bail.”
Scenario 3
“You did what?!” Lexi shouted pushing her bangs out of her face and glared.
“It wasn’t my fault!”
“That’s it! I’mma rip that ponytail out!”
The person runs for their life.
“I didn’t know I swear!” She yells back, “I wasn’t thinking straight!”
Lexi runs after them and screamed, “Use that big head of your!”
Scenario 4
“Do you speak Spanish?” Rick asked casually
Lexi raise an eyebrow, “Yes..?”
“Great. Translate this for me.”
He hands her a note from Rei saying ‘eat shit’ in Spanish. Due to the blonde accidentally destroying the lab again.
She smiled sheepishly, “You don’t want to know..”
Scenario 5
“I know there is overwhelmed and underwhelmed. But can’t you just be whelmed?” Lexi asked clumsily.
Luna thinks for a moment and shrug, “Uh, I don’t know..oh maybe you can!”
Rick rolled his eyes.
Scenario 6
“Lexi the cable’s out.” Bruce says softly.
Lexi trying to get the remote control to work and grumbled, “Ugh! What’s wrong with this thing?!”
“Did you hear what I said? The cable’s out.”
“Maybe it needs new batteries..?”
She hits the back of the remote and press the button on the tv to turn it on—but fails! It’s not working.
Bruce pinching the bridge of his nose and snorted at her reaction. He repeats, “Lexi, listen to me carefully. The. Cable. Is. Out.”
It take a moment before her mind clicked onto what he said as her head spinning around to face him.
Her eyes widen as she shouted, “THE CABLE IS OUT?!”
Let me know what you think 💭
- @gcthvile @meiramel l l @aidanxsophxoxo @blueboirick @wizzzardofoz z z @finlayholmes @ethan-lensherr @elzabeth-stark k @marvelsfavoriteuncle @sci-fi-lexcon @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @luna-d-marsh @rickb-chaos @the-x-ladiesofnyc @trulysummersprivate @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre
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ask-missparker · 11 months ago
Okay Jarvis, coffee is running, breakfast is being made on the stove now all that’s missing is my morning playlist..be a dear and play it for me.
*smirks expecting her songs such as Sean Paul’s Give It Up To Me , Rihanna’s Bitch Better Have My Money or The Pussycat Dolls’s Button, but that’s not what she gets*
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What the ACTUAL heck-?!
*Instead Taylor Swift’s Cruel Summer plays on the speakers*
LIANE! Jarvis this isn’t mine! Who else is messing around with the speakers?!
—> Question, anyone got a morning playlist? If so what are some songs or artists in general on there?
—> Tagsss: @purpleprincessonfyre @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @gcthvile @cherrysft @meiramel @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84
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purpleprincessonfyre · 3 months ago
Our Not-Thanksgiving at The Avengers Tower
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Why do we call it Not-Thanksgiving? Well because....Thanksgiving isn't exactly filled with happy memories for a certain cousin of mine so we hold a potluck! And here's what everyone brought!
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I brought Clam Chowder cause it reminds me of home!
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Let's see what everyone else brought!
@askstevella @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @wizzzardofoz @therealdaydreamstark @spotted-ac-richards @sadiesadieagentlady @the-x-ladiesofnyc @finlayholmes @thechoooooosenone @ethan-lensherr @elzabeth-stark @marvelsfavoriteuncle @ms-tiana-xoxo @afterhours-witheli
Tags: @jackiequick @gcthvile @blueboirick
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