#there's obviously other important boo
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funkle420 · 4 months ago
UC Santa Cruz has a free PDF of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire!
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months ago
Honestly it annoys me that pride, ambition, and generally having a big ego are always villainous/evil-coded personality traits because personally I think if you genuinely are a prodigy at what you do you are 100% within your rights, perhaps even deserving, of flaunting your skills and being proud of the fact you can do something that only a small fraction of other people can do. Is it even ego at that point if you genuinely are as good at your field/skill as you say you are? Are people not aware that becoming a prodigy at something is something that takes lifelong sacrifice and practice sometimes to the point of giving up on having a normal life, relationships, etc even potentially destroying your own health???? God I fucking hate how pride in your own skills and ambition are so villain coded all the time. As if it's evil to want to be good at something and be recognized for what you rightfully earned
#squiggposting#this is part of why i like pharma obviously lol but it's happened to me w#other blorbos ive had in the past#bc like full offense if you're capable of doing something like partially inventing the cures to 5 different terminal diseases#in only a few months/a year of research. or if you can do an organ donation and replacement surgery#with yourself as one of the donors. you literally ARE the best doctor who has ever lived#and you DESERVE to flaunt it bc. what fucking achievement is higher than that???#some feats demand recognition in my opinion. maybe it's just bc I've always been competitive#and from a young age enjoyed a (relative) degree of fame for being really good at certain things#ive always enjoyed being an object of awe bc bitch i spent my whole life working to be this good#do i hold it over ppl or treat them badly for not being as good as me? i admit i used to but i grew out of it#but the ego? certainly not. i think if you're good at something you should own it#i think if you're a prodigy and put your skills into doing good work youve earned your fame and recognition#this expectation of false humility we have is sooooo annoying#ohhhh boo hoo pharma is a little bit of an annoying asshole about being a better doctor than ratchet#the cures he helped design will save literal thousands of lives from now until the rest of time#but somehow the way he FEELS about it is more important than the CONCRETE POSITIVE GAIN he put into the universe?#and also in general i hate it when ppl assume that pride/ego and being kind towards others are mutually exclusive#in general i feel like i could write an essay about how self vs others is treated as a dichotomy#where it's assumed that in order to uplift others you have to self efface and diminish yourself#or if you flaunt yourself it automatically means you're putting down others. it's not true.#video essay topic for later lol
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somewhereincairparavel · 4 months ago
Annabeth Chase and Jason Grace - two sides of the same coin, an analysis post.
after a long wait, I've finally posted my analysis on jason/annabeth being similar, and mirroring eachother as rivals/potential sibling figures more than percy/jason's 'bro rivalry', based on this post of mine which has crossed over a THOUSAND notes in the last week alone, and I've been getting so many reblogs and comments asking me to expand on my tags in that post and do a full analysis. so here it is. I've been procrastinating this for quite a while now for some reason but I'm glad I'm over my writer's block and I got to articulate my post well enough.
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annabeth and jason have had very minor interactions throughout hoo, but the parallels and similarities in their character is jarringly noticeable, which is why I hoped for a jason/annabeth rivalry and not a percy/jason rivalry. they've both been raised at their respective camps since they were literal kids, they were well versed in their respective fields of knowledge, and were well respected/intimidated in their camps.
let's start off with the lost hero
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when jason first meets annabeth, he says that her eyes were really intimidating and fierce, so right off the bat, we have jason who's pretty put off by annabeth because she very obviously looked angry, especially since she was frustrated about jason's arrival instead of percy, and looked like she could kill jason to get percy back.
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this parallels to a lot when hazel kept going on about how difficult it was to warm up to jason because his eyes were always calculating and cold, and he gave off an untrustworthy vibe, that he'd sacrifice anyone for the sake of the mission.
both annabeth and jason have a certain similar ‘look’ in their eyes, which have nothing to do with the color. they both have the tendency to make people nervous simply with their eyes, because they always look like they're thinking of new things every few seconds. Ironically, jason first perceived annabeth, the way everyone else perceived him. scary and intimidating with an icy glare and hardened eyes.
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They were both said to be ‘studying’ each other in distrust many times throughout. A part of why they didn't trust each other, was, in my opinion, because they embodied their least favorite shared personality trait of each other, secretiveness and guardedness. which is why annabeth got on so well with percy, and jason with leo/piper.
they didn't admire the closed off-ish vibe that they gave eachother. they both needed people who were open and carefree.annabeth said that jason looked like he knew too much information, but chose to keep it all a secret, very similar to her own guardedness from time to time, keeping it a secret and wanting to deal with it silently.
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we also know that annabeth and jason are extremely knowledgeable in greek/roman mythology, they both love debates and were quite passionate about history. they were both assigned architecture projects by the gods themselves as a mark of honor and favour.
moving on to the next most important point, they reminded eachother of the people they missed, causing them to feel resentful.
jason, barely met his sister after they reunited. he was bitter when thalia said he had to go look for percy to help out annabeth with the search. he was aware that thalia and annabeth were childhood friends, getting closer to eachother than jason and thalia ever did. she found a home in luke and annabeth, not even a few months after baby jason was thought to be ‘dead’, that knowledge would've weighed a lot on jason. annabeth became the sibling to thalia grace that jason could never be.
while annabeth? the only thing annabeth thought of, after jason had a face off with his mother's remnant in boo, was the fact that jason, who looks eerily similar to luke, could've experienced the exact same fate as him. luke was jason if he had more wrath and held grudges, jason was luke if he had less anger and resentment. annabeth could connect the dots so easily, and that was truly the moment where she gained immense respect for him.
and, when jason told annabeth that his sister was thalia? she had a very odd sort of expression on her face.
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annabeth also quotes that looking at jason made her feel bitter, because he reminded her of heras exchange, and the fact that she lost percy for months. whenever she looked at jason, she would only see her two childhood friends, a found family that was broken, and a love that was challenged.
whenever jason looked at annabeth, he would be reminded that thalia had a closer contact to her than she did jason, and had to accept that he would never know thalia as much as annabeth does.
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annabeth and jason also appear very confident and sure of themselves, but have second thoughts all the time. they had to put on a fake facade, to live up to their expectations and lineage.
they were both also sort of people pleasers, annabeth couldn't really say no to anyone who asked her for help with things, like carrying the sky for luke especially, because not only where they giving her a chance to execute her knowledge and skill, the thought of helping someone made her genuinely happy. jason also loved seeing people happy, always wanting to say the right thing to satisfy someone, even if it meant he had to sacrifice his own struggles to help them.
fatal flaws:
annabeth’s fatal flaw, is hubris. when you are confident and sure that you can do something, and have a sense of excessive self pride.
and jason's fatal flaw is the temptation to deliberate. hesitation and second guessing, to put it in simpler words.both fatal flaws are so different, yet so similar, and they have both flaws, just in a different viewpoint.
as a child of athena, annabeth appears super confident and even conceding at times because of her wisdom, but at the same time, annabeth had to make sure she was one step ahead of everyone. she had to rethink everything and had to have a plan in her mind all the time, fearing that things wouldn't go smoothly.
she had to hesitate and second guess herself alot, despite her knowledge, like she did when she knew she had to look for the mark of athena. piper and percy had to boost up her confidence with affirmations, to let her know she's on the right path and to just follow her gut. annabeth feels obligated to have a temptation to deliberate, because, as a child of athena, she has to be all knowing and wise, and most definitely cannot fail her mother.
and jason? despite having a very low sense of self esteem and hesitation, he was so used to leading the people who were considered slightly inferior to him in camp jupiter, and basically getting treated like a celebrity for 12 years of his life in camp jupiter, that often, he thought what he did was right, he had his own perception of what a hero should be, and I quote
[“No, no,” Jason said. “I made my choice. You’re not to blame. You don’t owe me anything except to remember what I said. Remember what’s important.” “You’re important,” I said. “Your life!”Jason tilted his head. “I mean… sure. But if a hero isn’t ready to lose everything for a greater cause, is that person really a hero?”He weighted the word person subtly, as if to stress it could mean a human, a faun, a dryad, a griffin, a pandos… even a god”- Tower of Nero]
which was normal, since he had everyone basically following his lead without question as a kid. he's expanded on this in his conversation with piper in mark of athena, where he said he felt weird to suddenly be around people who were either equal/or superior to him in power, and not being in the ‘lead’ particularly.
jason had hubris, but certainly not in a way that you would call it an ego or excessive pride. he was hardwired and brainwashed into having his own perception of what is right and what is wrong, that he thought he was always making good enough decisions, at least from a roman child soldier’s standpoint. [Like when he was okay with not saving nico because it might sabotage their mission, he genuinely didn't think what he said was insensitive until hazel called him out, because he was brought up that way. he thought he was doing the right thing, by prioritising the mission and the duty, first. Like the dutiful roman he was made to be].
both annabeth and jason, have hubris and a temptation to deliberate.
annabeth and jason, also had an extremely difficult time breaking free from the thoughts that their godly parents were always right. It took on alot of disappointments for both of them to stand up to their parents (and not just godly ones, mind you)
they've both had disappointing absent mortal and godly parents with a hostile stepmother involved and monitored with each and every one of their moves. annabeth has had to deal with her stepmother playing the ‘bad cop’ with her father not even coming to her defence, just the way hera came butting into jason's life and giving him terrible memories, taking him away from thalia, with zeus not even caring.
speaking of which, they are both the only demigods who have harboured the most amount of resentment for hera. just the sight of hera pisses them both off, as it hera, stripped off so much time away from annabeth and percy, and memories from jason, which he never permanently got back.
this is sort of irrelevant but I'll add this anyway, in boo, athena also immediately liked jason for calling out zeus's unfairness to apollo, saying something like 'the boy is right' and she gave him an approving/appreciative look for his wisdom, which is pretty rare for athena to say or do to literally any demigod ever. this makes me wonder if she ever saw jason as someone who had some sort of athena legacy in him, which is why she was so pleasantly surprised with him. ugh we could've so gotten jason and annabeth as potential sibling figures bc of how many parallels they have, too bad that the percy/jason rivalry narrative was pushed too hard.
I hope I've drawn enough parallels with their characters, as a lot of you have been looking forward to this post for a while, hopefully this analysis hasnt been underwhelming for you all to read!
@thevoidcaller @karmaajr @onestorytorulethemall @newlyfoundwren @thesummerstorms
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olderthannetfic · 3 months ago
Ok. Dumb question incoming, but I'd much have a 'conversation' than try to read fanlore or watch video essays or something because I want to hear individual people's contributions.
Why Star Trek?
Don't get me wrong - I like the franchise! I'm not super duper familiar with it, but I do enjoy the bits and pieces that I do know. But I am wondering why that in particular is hailed as the grandmother of all fandoms? Obviously people were fannish before Trek, but I don't think anyone can deny the impact that OG Trekkies had on fic, zines, and eventually on the internet.
I know that it's always been popular and well-liked, but it's not as if there was NO SUCH THING as popular culture/fan culture before that (I mean, come on, the term "parasocial" predates the first Star Trek episode by 10 years!) . Was it just a perfect mix of timing + popularity + etc? Is there something in particular about ST that "hit different" than other series at the time? Or is the fandom really really just that mighty and it's almost "luck" in a way? I guess I'm wondering what particular dominoes cascaded in a line in order for Star Trek to have the impact on fandom that it does today.
or am I wrong? were there just-as-big fandoms before and I simply overhype Trekkie power in my head / happen to see more talk of that than I do of other fandoms? It could definitely be a social circle bias thing.
Ugh. Asking OTNF why Star Trek is so important to fandom history feels very much like asking a Russian History major why War & Peace is so important to literature - hence why I warned you that it'd be a dumb question! But I am just so damn curious what sort of crack was in early ST fandom that made it SO widespread and SO strong.
Like, I guess the TLDR is: what was particularly 'different' about Star Trek, either as a fandom or as a franchise or both, that made it Theeeeee OG fandom, rather than something, like, i dunno, LOTR or the earliest versions of Marvel/DC comics or General Hospital or something else like that?
I await the hordes of angry Man from U.N.C.L.E. fans eager to prove that they were first.
And, no, it wasn't that popular. Hence the aggressive Save Our Show campaign and explosion of fan culture when it ended after three seasons.
Part of the answer to your question is that there were like three things on TV at the time. What big fandoms? 'Parasocial' was about non-subculture people feeling warmly towards news anchors or hosts of variety shows or something, wasn't it?
LOTR got rediscovered in the 60s or 70s from what I hear, but science fiction and fantasy books were for fringe weirdoes. SFF was not mainstream for the most part. There are a bunch of History of Book SF Fandom things on Youtube, and you should consult them on the complex role of LOTR in that space. LOTR wasn't a mainstream thing until there were live action movies a billion years later.
The key about Star Trek is that it was a hit with the pre-existing book SF crowd. They were an organized subculture. Some of their favorite writers wrote episodes. Other shit on TV was for people who did not form subcultures in that way. Other shit for SF fans had an audience 1/10,00th the size.
MFU was insanely popular. Illya Kuryakin was the heartthrob of a certain era of girl and inspired many a Russian major. (Seriously, there are soooo many Russia-boos of a certain age who probably still have a poster of him somewhere.) The actor set a record for fanmail. The show may have more influence on fandom history than we think now, but it also didn't rerun the way Trek did, at least in some eras, and it didn't have sequel series in a franchise. I'm always finding 2015 movie fans shocked that there's a still extant and semi-active fandom—or even shocked that the movie is based on something.
Starsky & Hutch was also hugely important and is the moment slash fandom and "Media Fandom" really split from book SF fandom. As Trek fans moved on to buddy cops, they were into a completely mainstream show but in a non-mainstream way. Trek was an awkward bedfellow at SF cons, but S&H just didn't fit at all.
Of course, while Trek is the grandma of AO3 type fandom, don't forget that a shitton of modern fans who are doing "research" just look at the same few sources. Enterprising Women is great and all, but even other fans of the same stuff are like "Oh, that was just X's friends. Where's [thing] and [thing] and [thing]?" Ditto Textual Poachers and the other scant early sources that people think have academic weight.
While Trek would still be central, the picture of what was going on in the late 60s-early 80s would look a bit different if you just found a bunch of 70-something nerds and asked them than if you regurgitate other people's research, you know?
If you want an idea of what else was going on in SF fandom back in the day, check out Galactic Journey, where they roleplay that it's 55 years ago and review SF things "as they come out".
If you want to understand MFU, here's a vid of Illya:
What say you, readers?
What have acafandom and fandom history and meta left out?
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theboredhooman · 2 months ago
okay but kame and asa are literally 100% in love i don’t make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
long post overanalysing and yapping about these two lesbians + spoilers for the ‘mononoke: phantom in the rain’ movie! go watch it right now if you can 👹👹
kame is literally asa’s most precious thing. you can NOT tell me it’s not. even if you don’t ship them it is very obviously canon.
asa was soo flustered and didn’t want to tell kame about this, even blushing?? like understandable though it’s basically a confession
one of asa’s first reactions was always to check if kame was okay whenever the mononoke appeared
sure, it could’ve just been a friend thing, but asa was constantly looking out for kame in the ooku
defending her and taking the blame for all her mistakes and trying to protect her from harm, standing up to awashima and mugitani
asa i know what you are i saw that blush when kame smiled after you told her she could work with you instead of mugitani (I get you she was so cute tho)
”Such neat handwriting” asa’s eyes were so soft it actually broke my heart when i saw awashima cutting kame’s hair
the well scene….just…
asa trying to pull up kame, and kame doing the same for her
also asa being sort of lifeless while she hangs there until kame tells her that ‘it’ll be alright!/I’ve got you!’ and suddenly she snaps out of her shock, gaining emotions again
also it was so cute when they were talking next to each other at night
speaking of which, kame making asa promise to not let go while they sleep and asa adjusting to a more comfortable grip while holding hand was just; auGHHH 😩
ALSO ALSO “Kitagawa made me realise what was important, what I should never throw away,” and then KAME TURNING TO SMILE AT ASA AND ASA SMILING BACK WITH THAT ADORING LOOK IN HER EYES?? (note: there was also minor foreshadowing here with the empty doll cupboard but i think that had more to do with kitagawa)
and the cut off after saying she needed to say something important was really suspicious like what did she say??
idk how this related but afterwards she became more focused and hardworking on her job(but also more rigid and firm in her beliefs) and kame tipped out her water instead of drinking it (because she became the opposite? more rebellious/defiant maybe? idk)
speaking to the medicine seller, she said she understood kitagawa’s feelings, which makes me think kitagawa also had a thing for her friend lol like there was absolutely something going on there if she(kitagawa) fell apart after her friend left
only mildly related but i believe karakasa’s next target was probably going to be kame and she was used as bait for it (as something a redditor* mentioned was asa may have sent kame away to protect her rather than the reason kitagawa did, OR lure out karakasa) edit: nvm i remembered wrong it was utayama i believe (due to perhaps resentment within the doll’s umbrella*) or asa (following the logic that awashima and mugitani were both the head housemaids(?) favoured by utayama before asa, although again the end goal was probably to attack utayama)
also when asa was addressing the other maids of the ooku before the birth celebratory ceremony and bowed, kame bowed but nobody else did (which means they didn’t respect asa)
then kame got mad and showed her support for her girl like hell yeah 👏 and asa gained more confidence which i think was sweet
oh and asa was also like “the thing that kept me grounded was lady kame” 🥹🥹
she also said (acc. to netflix subs) “And yet, I yearned for nothing more than to share meals with Kame. And spend countless nights just staying up late, giggling and talking to her.” SHE SOUNDED SO LOVESICK 💔
btw love how the medicine seller instantly knew asa was looking for her boo lmao
anyways i think it mayyy not have been requited on kame’s side, at least canonically, but I have literally zero doubt asa was in love with her. then again homophobes and censorship. uh. it’s alright i ship them very hard either way i need more lesbians in my life hehe.
in conclusion. Harold they’re lesbians. thanks for coming to my ted talk. yeah o7
*redditors talked about the choice of karakasa as the yokai.(i reccomend reading it, it’s very interesting imo)
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danny-doodles · 5 months ago
Steve’s Hobby
This is a short 2k blurb about one of my Steve hcs, I am only really good at critical analysis writing so I’m sorry if this is bad!! Creative writing isn’t my strong suit but I felt like I couldn’t really explain this hc in a drawing as well as writing it could.
Growing up Steve was often taught the importance of words from his father, thinking it would be useful for his son’s future in the business. Steve was never the best reader, letters jumping around the page made it too difficult, so instead he listened to everyone around him. Teachers, his parent’s coworkers, older kids, all of them taught him the importance of the meaning of words.
How certain words would make someone a town pariah yet others a god among men. Steve was a more quiet kid but as he grew up he also grew confident in his words. He could tear someone down with one sentence, ensuring they knew he was not to be messed with. That’s why he was so confused when he struggled in his english class, he knew the power of words and the many meanings, but his teacher never understood. Sure he made grammar errors, how no one else struggled with the dancing letters he didn’t get, but how could the teachers not understand his connections? Steve shouldn’t have to explain why the red of the handmaid’s cloaks represented the ripping of humanity from the women, it was so clear to him. Obviously the boar head could be comparable to the church, how could his teachers not make the connection?
Even Nancy didn’t understand, someone he considered smarter than him. He knew she was trying to be nice when she critiqued his college paper but it still left him in the fog. Basketball was war to him, a fight that was pointless with one but possible with many. A challenge that called for leadership and a strict order. Everyone had the roles, knew where and when to shoot, needed the ability to think quickly on their feet and not struggle under the pressure. Uniforms to not only separate from the enemy but to show they are a unit reaching for a common goal. It was so clear leaving no need to explain, especially to Nancy.
But she didn’t get it, no one got it.
Maybe he wasn’t as good with words as he thought.
Steve from then on fumbled his words when he got nervous, scared he would say something that made him sound dumb and point out his weakness with words. The concussions didn’t help either, making him take longer to grasp concepts. Reading felt nearly impossible, the headaches were unbearable. Not to mention the kids' comments, judgmental and brutal as if Steve didn’t have a reason to struggle in the first place.
Everyone around him loved to put him in a sudden spotlight and when he didn’t say the right line he was booed off stage and dealt with the looks of disappointment from his co stars for messing up. So Steve stuck to what he knew, his quick remarks. Were they bitchy? Yes, but not coated in malice like they used to be. Piggybacking off others points with sarcastic comments so the other person kept talking, anything to get the attention off him.
But Steve had a secret hobby that he shared with no one, not even with his platonic soulmate with a capital P Robin.
Steve wrote poetry.
Years of horrors that by law he couldn’t share that caused vicious nightmares and a clammy grasp on reality at times tended to keep Steve up. Another gift bestowed by his father though was a feeling of shame when sharing his emotions. Didn’t help that those emotions were typically down played or outright ignored by others. Therefore a bottle filled with his emotions rested in Steve’s chest, which after Vecna he really realized probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. So Steve took to writing them down, but he did it for himself.
No need to explain everything, he knew what he meant, he knew every context of every word. He wrote on his experiences, his emotions. He wrote when he was happy, he wrote when he was sad. Steve wrote and wrote and found his love for words again. And god did it feel good, it felt like taking back his voice from a world that underappreciated it. In a weird way it felt like revisiting a relative he had last seen as a child, that sense of freedom and the loss of expectation because in their eyes he was still that little kid. All they wanted was to see someone they loved and to Steve the words welcomed him back with a hug that rivaled his Nonna Maria’s.
Steve would ponder over lines at random intervals of the day, biting his pencil between his teeth during the quiet hours at work or simply jotting down a line right before picking the kids up. Steve wrote so often he kept his small little notebook on him at all times, usually accompanied by a pencil bound to it with a rubber band. (Turns out having hearing aids and glasses made it really difficult to put pencils behind one's ears). At this point everyone had seen his notebook, pale blue with some star stickers because he never had a shortage of them. Everyone assumed it was for something different. Some thought it was grocery lists, to-do lists, something productive. Others thought it was like a pocket calendar with all his plans listed so he didn’t forget. Dustin insisted it was meant to hold the definitions of anything D&D related so Steve never forgot, meanwhile Robin argued it was to hold all the wonderfully obscure movie recommendations she loved to give. All of them were wrong though and Steve kind of adored it that way. He didn’t have to explain himself that way, he could continue to hide under the blankets. Steve no longer held his tongue out of fear of others but because he had an outlet he much rather prefer.
Listening now felt less like a pop quiz, waiting for him to mess up his response, it felt like an actual conversation. Steve may not speak up as much as he would have before the Upside Down but he fell back in love with his own voice and maybe one day he would feel confident enough to share it with the Party, but for now it was all his.
No matter how much they wanted to prove who was right, the kids and older teenagers never touched the book when it was rarely separated from Steve. Well...after someone tried to grab it and they learned they really shouldn’t touch it.
While at the Harrington house the Party were preparing for a campaign session when the argument about the pale binded pages was brought up again. Steve had left it on the kitchen counter while he went to the bathroom, and Mike decided he was done with the bickering. He shot up and went to retrieve and open the book but before he could grab it the book flew through the air.
All the heads turned and landed on El holding it in her hand, “We are not Steve, this is his. It is rude to invade his privacy, would you like me to watch you without telling you,” everyone quietly shook their heads, “Then we do not watch Steve without him knowing.”
That’s exactly when Steve walked back in, it takes one look across the room at all the embarrassed faces and El holding his book with frustration painting her eyes to know what had occurred while he was gone. He walks up, kisses El on her head and softly thanks her while taking back his little literature.
After that incident no one dared touch the book or face the wrath of their favorite mage. They would find out when Steve was ready for them to.
That damn little book haunted Eddie’s thoughts. He knew Steve was not what he assumed him to be so anything was on the table, he had been wrong about the guy before who's to say he won’t be this time?
Of course Eddie wanted to respect Steve’s privacy because Eddie personally would be mortified if Steve had seen any of his notebooks, mainly because of the pages of lyrics that not so subtly hinted at an itsy bitsy affection for the badass babysitter. If that didn’t give Eddie away the random ‘Eddie Harrington’ and ‘Steve Munson’ with hearts all over would finish the job. So yeah, Eddie was not crazy to offer up any of his notebooks to venture into Steve’s book. He just had no idea the universe would present him with a much more favorable offer.
Steve and Eddie started hanging out a lot more after Vecna, no shocker considering they shared a hospital room, and soon the bat buddies would spend their time together outside of the hospital. That’s why it wasn’t surprising for Steve to let Eddie venture into Steve’s room while he went to pick up their lunch.
Eddie was somewhat of a curious cat, so when he spotted the notebook and some papers scattered on Steve’s desk he was like a moth to a flame. He softly glided his fingers over the blue cover and exhaled some breath in a soft laugh over the star stickers Steve oh so loved. It was the paper though that caught his eye when he finished observing the book. It looked like lyrics at first but then he realized some of the lines were too short to be lines, if anything they looked more like stanzas from a poem. Steve had poetry on his desk, did Steve read poetry? Thee Steve Harrington likes poetry? God his whole doctrine was garbage huh. Eddie moved the paper towards him and started to read.
Watchful gaze
Setules on the glass.
Wishful gaze
Silent pleas of escaping rolling in the mouth
Fingertips slipping through the veil,
Grasping for warm hands,
Receiving lukewarm.
Hesitant to grab.
Dependency clasping the palms
Such a feverish feeling
Poking at the appendages,
A coldness that numbs.
Gently gripping for the heat,
The balmy yields.
Smoke and simmers,
Arms rushing to sides
Yearning for ardor,
Turn not yet given,
Waiting for the impossible,
Waiting for the unobtainable,
So understanding.
So relieving.
So desperate.
So alone.
Standing for the calling.
So patient.
So pathetic.
Empty Hands by Steve H.
Eddie was staring at the very last line on the paper, utterly flabbergasted. Steve wrote this? Steve writes poetry?! Is that what resides in the little book? Before Eddie could even find the power to turn to the book to look, Steve walked into his room. Again a quick look is all Steve needed to take before he knew what happened in his absence.
“Oh! Uh..I’m guessing you read it.”
Eddie slowly looked back up while caressing the paper, “Yeah, you..um..you really wrote this? Is that…uh..what’s in your notebook? Cause I will admit I never would have guessed that.”
Steve started scratching his neck, “I don’t blame you,” he huffs, “But yeah I write poetry, helps to let some of the thoughts out considering our lives y'know?”
“I totally get it dude! Lord knows my lyrics are infected with the whole spring break bullhonkey. So..totally cool if you don’t want to tell me but, why is this one out of the book? Were you gonna write it into the book?” Eddie picked up the paper to place it next to the notebook and turned to face Steve.
“Actually I copied it from the notebook, I’m gonna, okay wait, you can’t tell anyone this-”
“Even Robin?” Eddie exaggerated his smile to look wild.
“Even Robin.” Steve nodded with his eyes shut.
Eddie put his hands together and swayed while standing, “Wowww look at me, lil old Eddie Munson getting to learn the secrets of the mysterious writer Steve Harrington.”
“Eddie, you want to know or not?” Steve sighed as he put his hands on his hips.
“Yes. Yes please,” Eddie eagerly replied, barely letting Steve finish his sentence.
“The last time I went to Indy with Robin to go shopping at their mall we went to a cafe. The bulletin board had a flier for a poetry night and I got curious I guess.”
“You gonna perform the poem there?”
“That’s the plan.”
Eddie could understand wanting a fresh slate when it came to having a reputation. “Craving anonymity? Must be tough considering you are Hawkin’s golden boy.”
Steve smiles brightly and Eddie sees his shoulders lose tension, tension Eddie didn’t even notice because he was so distracted by the fact that holy shit Steve is a poet. “Exactly.”
Honestly Eddie would give anything to hear more of Steve's hidden works, he grabs some of his hair and brings it to cover his mouth, “I know you don’t intend to tell the rest of the bunch, but uh..would you allow a humble bard to observe your lyrical performance?”
Eddie looks at Steve’s face for any hint of annoyance and finds none, instead he finds a look that he could hope to be correct in his guess is excitement.
“Really? You’d want to hear more, it's not confusing or stupid to you?” Steve softly smiled at Eddie, making him swoon inside.
“It's art! It doesn’t need to make sense, it just needs to make you feel good, who cares if others are confused. And for what its worth even if I’m not right on the money that poem made me feel Steve, I mean as the expert in self-expression it felt real and vulnerable, y’know.” Eddie had to shut himself up before he himself waxed poetry about just how much he is dying to hear more from Steve to learn more about him.
“Thanks Eddie.” Steve gazed at Eddie as if no one had ever told him that before. Which now that hes thinking about it that’s probably the truth. Guess Eddie needed to constantly remind him then.
Eddie smiled, mirroring Steves while bending at his waist, “Oh but of course my liege.”
“Oh my god okay Eddie cmon the food’s gonna get cold.”
Steve started to leave his room and Eddie rushed to follow him, “Now that I know what the book is filled with may I pretty please read it?” Rapidly blinking his eyelashes in an attempt to look innocent and pure but instead looking like a piece of dust got in his eyes.
“Ugghhh c'mon Steve! Just imagine the look on the little hellions when they see me opening the book! God the jealousy! The feeling of betrayal when they see me reading Steve Harringtons’s treasure trove of text and they are none the wiser to what is inside. And the best part, I have permission! The power I would hold Steve! The possibility, I could use them like little puppets to do my bidding while they crave information I alone hold!”
“Eddie that sounds like a headache for me waiting to happen, they’re just gonna badger me to tell them because they would claim it’s unfair you know and they don’t.”
“Eh, their egos could take a little hit don’t you think?” Eddie was now resting his head on Steve’s shoulder as the younger started to bring the food out of the carry out bag.
“Can I read your lyric notebook?”
Eddie’s eyes went wide as his brain proceeded to remind him of every lyric he had written around his devotion to Steve. Red in the face Eddie responded quickly, “Nope! Mmm you smell that Stevie I’m so hungry, aren’t you?”
“Subtle Munson.”
“Tis my middle name.”
Steve fondly rolled his eyes, “Sure.”
As they settled down on the couch Eddie tracked Steve grabbing the remote, “So I can really watch you?”
Steve turned and looked at Eddie with a calmness on his face. “Yeah Eddie.”
Eddie grabbed his hair as Steve stared at him, “Cool, cool, it’s a date.” Eddie froze about to panic silently as he tried to fix his slip up.
“Yeah, it's a date.” The two looked at each other, neither wanting to look away. After a minute or so Steve turned on the TV and if the two fell asleep together it was their business.
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xvxblahhhxvx · 4 months ago
I think Dazai's backstory is really cool in how, despite having more information about it than most other characters, majority of his life is just one giant noodle incident.
Yep, that's the line I'm going with as an introduction to this analysis. Just bear with me.
To start off, for those who don't know, the term "noodle incident" originates from the (amazing) comic Calvin and Hobbes. In it, the whole idea is that Calvin did this unspecified thing in school that involved noodles, but it's never confirmed what exactly happened. It's only referenced in passing, and it is clear that it was not good. Applied to general fiction, the term Noodle Incident refers to an event that is often referenced, but never clearly explained, and what is important is the characters' reactions and feelings towards it. The principle idea behind it is that imagining what said incident could be is way more significant and impactful than anything it would actually be if it was said. It's not the event that's important, but the effects and responses to it are. *for more info, I recommend Overly Sarcastic Productions trope talk video about it*
Now, how this plays into Dazai's life is that, while it is extremely evident that he likely has a horrible, tragic backstory, we never really get to see much of it. The earliest we are introduced to him, he is already suicidal, and he has lost most in hope in existence. These feelings are tempered a bit when he first joins the Port Mafia, but they come back all too quickly. And while you could argue that him being in the Mafia is a large contributor to his depression,the main reasons why he seeks escape clearly transpired before he ever met Mori.
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Dazai was already trying to commit suicide at fourteen, which is how he met Mori. Something happened earlier in his life, but we don't know what. Asagiri himself says that he left Dazai's core, the reason he wants to die, vague on purpose. We aren't given many details, and honestly, we aren't given much backstory to it either. The two biggest hints that we get is when he is speaking to Odasaku. First in The Day I Picked Up Dazai, and the second from Dazai and the Dark Era.
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We have no idea who or what Dazai is referring to. From all that we have seen, all the backstories and light novels we are given, the only people that we know of whom Dazai actually lost were Ango and Odasaku-for Ango, it was that special friendship, and Odasaku, it was his life. And even so, it isn't much of an explanation, because he was obviously suicidal before he met them, as evident from how he speaks to Odasaku, and losing them wasn't a catalyst for Dazai's depression. (As a matter of fact, it was actually the first step towards improvement, but that's a different analysis).
Yet for how much we don't know about Dazai's life, I think it's done in such a way that it doesn't really matter. It's a noodle incident, in that sense. Because it's not about the events that actually transpired, it's about how that affects Dazai and the way we see him. Don't get me wrong, I would love a full, confirmed backstory, but Asagiri doesn't seem to intend to write it, and that makes Dazai's character so beautiful. It's also one of the reasons why the dark era, especially the light novel, is so tragic. Because yes, you can argue that as far as tragic backstories go, losing two friends isn't near the most awful, especially not in this universe (I'm not trying to play the "which character has more trauma" game, but compared to, for example, growing up in an abusive orphanage, it's relatively not as inherently tragic. That doesn't make it any less horrible though). But the point of the backstory isn't just to explain the reasoning why things ended up the way they did, why Dazai left the Mafia, boo hoo his friend died, but Odasaku and Ango represent everything in Dazai's life, everyone from his past we never got to meet and I'm not sure if we're ever going to. They symbolize all the things in his life that mattered to him, everything he never wanted to lose but did. The last scene in the bar, where the three of them meet up for the last time, Ango leaves, the picture with the three of them laughing and smiling, the whole thing is meant to serve as a microcosm for Dazai's life as a whole. That he feels he's always going to lose everything, and that's why he wants to die. We don't get details, we don't know the specific events, but we're left with the emotions that gives us an important glimpse into this character's mind, more than his life, and that's what makes him such an interesting character that's left open to interpretation and analysis. We aren't privy to the tragedy, but the aftereffects of it. And, almost as if to prove the point, Odasaku dies the next day. Right after Dazai says he always loses everyone, further cementing the idea that there's almost a curse surrounding him, a void of loneliness that may never be fulfilled, which is as much as Odasaku tells him when he dies.
Whatever happened in Dazai's life before fourteen was probably something horrible and tragic. Maybe he had a family. Maybe he had other good friends. Perhaps he even believed in the goodness of life and humanity. But what's really cool about the way he's written is that the exact events are not important nor necessary to understanding his character. His life is one big noodle incident, yet because of that, we're able to glean an almost deeper understanding about him, by leaving the details in the dark and exposing only the raw, humane emotions left behind. The most important part about any backstory in fiction isn't about what actually happened, it's about how does this affect the character now? What lasting impact did it leave on them, and how is it evident in the way they interact with the story in the present? This is something that Asagiri nails on the head when it comes to his backstories. And I think the lack of clear information about Dazai's backstory, yet all the information we do end up getting about him, is one of the reasons why Dazai is such an interesting and intriguing character in the series.
Thank you all for you time. You may now return to your procrastination.
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aurorawhisperz · 2 years ago
that’s what you get (e.l.)
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contains: swearing, suggestive content, fluff, richie exists..
neighbor!ethan landry x fem!reader
a/n: THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE TROPES NOW IM GONNA BE POSTING MORE BY JULY 🦅🦅🦅 ethan is a bit of a meanie in this but he’s still little old him (maybe just gf ethan persona)
some tropes i used are: enemies to lovers, girl next door, forced proximity and best friend’s brother 🙏 (yk allat shit LOL) THERE WILL BE A PART 2!!
You knew for a fact that Quinn Bailey was your best friend—what made it even better is that you two could communicate through your windows, but one thing you also knew is that you didn’t like her brother, Ethan, he was your age, Quinn was older than you both. He would sometimes cut into your ‘girl talk’ since his room was right beside hers.
“Dammit!” You said as you banged on the door roughly. Your parents weren’t going to be home until tomorrow morning for something important, and you had left your keys inside the house. To make it even worse, it was raining.
A familiar voice startles you and has you snap out of all that stress. “(Name)?” says Quinn, covering herself with a blanket. I think it’s pretty obvious what she was doing just now.
“Quinn!” You called from below, your eyes widen at the sight of her covered body by the window. “I’ll..get back to you! Damn..” You hear her say something to an impatient guy, something about helping a friend—obviously that friend was you.
A few minutes later, she runs out in pink slip-ons and a purple nightgown with an umbrella. “Need help? Holy shit, you are soaking.” Quinn’s eyes widen at the sight of your outfit ruined. “And cold.” You add, then slamming your fist on the wall, “I left my keys inside.”
“Boo, it’s not that hard to knock on our door.” She chuckles, then you roll your eyes, “And deal with your brothers while you get to bang someone tonight? Yeah, right.” Her eyes then dart and she forces a smile out. “Ethan’s not that bad.”
You frown, “Yes, he is.”
“Baby, you’ll have to deal with it. I can’t stand Richie anymore.” Quinn complains, then she tugs on the sleeve of your wet cardigan to let you inside her ‘humble home.��
Grateful to be out of the pouring rain, the familiar smell of your best friend’s home fills your nostrils.
You both plop down on the plush couch, and she hands you a towel for your wet hair. Quinn then shoots you a playful smile, “Aside from our ‘interventions’, what did baby bro do this time to get on your nerves?” She asks.
“That’s about it, he wants to be the center of attention even when he’s not wanted.” You let out a sigh.
Quinn’s lips curl into a smirk, and she gently places a hand on your shoulder. “He's just trying to be a part of our bond, in his own misguided way. Ethan’s.. different, he’s fucking awkward and stuff but not around us because he’s more comfortable.”
You sigh, feeling a mix of frustration and understanding. “I guess I can try to tolerate him a bit more. For you. But he better stay out of our serious conversations.”
Quinn laughs and pulls you into a hug, the warmth of her embrace enveloping you. “That's the spirit! And don't worry, I'll make sure that jackass knows when to give us our space. Besties have their ways, you know.”
“What ways?” says Richie, holding an ‘I LOVE STAB’ coffee mug. You also know for a fact that you hated him more than Ethan—being the movie geek he is, not that it’s bad, it’s how he takes it too far and even gets touchy with others. “Ways to die.” You mutter, staring deep into his damned soul.
He nods nervously and heads back into his room. “Stay in there!” yells Quinn.
Once the silence has dissolved into thin air, she blurts out, “How about that tension?” Your eyes widen, eyebrows pinched together and lips parted in protest. “Sexual tension?” You repeat, your face going pale.
She nods cheekily, “SEXUAL?” You shriek. Quinn laughs at your reaction.
You then hear Quinn’s name from upstairs, “Ooh, priorities.” She avoids your gaze and then drags you back upstairs, “Q, don’t make me a third wheel tonight.” You roll your eyes as her grip on your arm tightens.
“What the hell?” is the first thing that comes out of Ethan’s mouth when Quinn pushes you into her room. “Quinn, and you. Get out!” He narrows his eyes. “E, I’ve got a guy waiting for me to go back.”
“Then tell him to fucking leave?” He shakes his head. “You’re a degenerate, you know that?” Ethan shoots back.
“Well, I’m not a virgin, so you don’t get a say in that.” Quinn lets out a corny smile and shakes her head, you can see Ethan gritting his teeth. “Do you want her to deal with Richie then?” She tilts her head slyly.
He sighs, “No.” she raises her hands and continues “That’s what I thought, love you both!” Quinn exits just as Ethan is about to flip her off.
You sit down on Ethan’s beanbag and all he does is stare.
He scoffs, “What brings you into my lair?” He crunches on a cheeto. You obviously refused to let his taunts get under your skin, “Spare me.” You retorted.
Ethan smirks, enjoying your discomfort, “Mighty (name) finds herself in a bit of a predicament, huh?”
“Unlike you, Eth, I don't have the luxury of living in a perfect little bubble where everything goes my way. So excuse me if I need a moment to think.” You tightly clench your fists.
“Can’t we just tolerate each other’s existence only for a little bit?” You complain, Ethan’s mouth turns into an “O” shape and he sarcastically remarks “Who can go the longest without being an asshole? You or me?”
“Me.” You pridefully chuckle. “This starts now.” He declares.
You have never heard silence quite this loud. The only thing you and Ethan have been doing for the past few minutes is stare at each other. Eye language perhaps?
His lips part at the sight of you.
While you did hate Ethan, there was always something telling you otherwise—you’d find yourself looking through his window, and if you timed it right, even got to see his muscles whenever he changes. (And it was hard to keep a straight face when you’d see it during your conversations with Quinn.)
What snaps you out of that thought is Ethan’s scoff, he then turns his head—then his gaze back to you. “It’s so dumb.”
“What do you mean?” Your eyebrows pinch together in the middle, and your lips purse. “You know how Quinn gets to show off her man all she wants and how she’s so freaked out over everything they do—even when she’s..done those things so many times.” says Ethan.
Ethan then shrugs, “It’s just stupid.”, your eyebrows raise in agreement as you bit the inside of your cheek.
While you did hate Ethan, part of you..or most of you was telling you that he wanted you to give in—but give in to what? Being the muscular little thing he is, it’s hard to maintain your sanity when you see him without a shirt through his window. Practically drooling, but of course, you couldn’t let Quinn know.
Mainly because she’s so ‘Quinn’, she would probably tell him.
Behind the thin walls of her bedroom were sounds quite pathetic, you two burst into laughter up to the point where you both were crying.
You put a hand over your heart and leaned back on the beanbag.
“Are they THAT loud?” You ask, “Very.” He chuckles in response, this might be the only conversation you two could call a genuine conversation.
“This is really pervy of us to do, but we don’t have a choice, not like we can tune them out.” says Ethan as he grabs a Marvel plush and sits next to the beanbag you were on.
“It’s not like me and Quinn could tune you out.” You joke. A genuine smile tugs on the corners of Ethan’s plush lips. “Gee, you’re really being nice right now.” Your words laced with sarcasm tumbled out.
You had spent your entire life making sure Ethan would never fall for you, nor would you fall for him—and you failed.
It was like there’s nobody in the world right now but you two.
“Well, it’s part of the game right?” Ethan said, his eyes, half-lidded, looking up at you. “It doesn’t seem that much of a game anymore.” You kept your eyes on him, and he kept his on you as well.
Silence. Just silence. That was how much reality hurt.
This is also the closest you have ever been. There is only inches between you both, and you are close to giving in. Breaking the silence, “Maybe I should leave now, I’m not cold-” Ethan then stops your lips with a kiss. He pulls away and you are left with the sight of him hovering over you on the beanbag.
You kissed him back even longer, yes, you were kissing your enemy. It felt so wrong—but at the same time, it felt so right.
The smell of lemon zest surrounded you, along with his intoxicating aura. The thought then entered your head.
Hey, what if I just pulled away and ran like crazy?
Just as you’re about to pull away, he insists against your mouth, “Stay.” Ethan said, you could tell from how hot his lips were—he felt the same way. Out of control.
Ethan then turns you both over so that he was on the beanbag and you were straddling him.
His hands were sneaky enough to slide under the back of your shirt. “Just calming your nerves.” says Ethan as he rubs soothing circles on your lower back.
It was his shuddering breath that made you think this was a dream. Being woken up was the last thing you needed. Ethan whines into the kiss, and you smiled against him.
You then pull away with a small gasp escaping your lips when his hips jolt up into yours, your fist slammed against the wall as he did it twice.
“Shit, shit, I’m sorry. It’s a reflex.” Ethan stammers as he sits up, moving you as well. “No, no! I just got startled. It’s fine, really.”
He sucks in a breath through his teeth then his hands grip the sides of your face. Ethan is kissing you once again.
Just kissing, this is the closest you’ll ever get. Maybe you’ll forget about it the next day, or maybe one day—you’ll look back and regret it. The kiss being hot and slow, and his arms wrapping around you.
Ethan slides his arms around you and pulls you closer.
The moment of bliss is then interrupted when Quinn knocks on the door. “Hello? Just making sure nobody’s dead yet.”
“Shit.” You whisper, and you get off Ethan and push him back to his bed.
She enters the room and looks around. “I’m surprised this hasn’t turned into a warzone yet.”
“Uh-huh.” Ethan nods, but he’s all shades of pink. “Why are you so red right now?” Quinn tilts her head and squints. His hands move to his face and he tries to think of an excuse.
“It’s hot in here, isn’t it?”
“Have some decency, we heard you in there.” You grumbled, she then chuckles and leans against the doorframe. “Sorry, if I..” Quinn twirls her red hair with her finger. “Cockblocked you.” She lets out an awful grin then locks the door—closing it.
Now you were definitely in some situation, I guess she’s getting suspicious now. There was nothing in the room aside from the kissing sounds..what else? Ethan’s whining, and your fist hitting the wall..
Wait a minute.
You were completely fucked. Do you and Ethan just forget about it now? Or do you have to keep up the strategy? You weren’t the type to forget such a heated kiss, but what about him?
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theskit · 2 years ago
Stickers AU
Direct linking gets rid of the readmore cuts!
If you came here via direct link, or wish to use the direct links to another part of the story, and DO NOT want to spoil the surprise stickers, please click on my blog name to go to the actual post after using the link.
Part 7
《Prev Next》
Sitting on the hotel roof as he tried to calm down from the high-speed flight away from Batman, Danny looked over his ill-gotten gains.
Ooh, candy! Why did Batman have candy? Did he have a problem with his blood sugar? Shrugging, Danny popped a sucker into his mouth. What else did he get?
Fiddling with one piece of a thin stack of black metal, he managed to click a concealed switch that caused the sides to expand from an unobtrusive oval to razor-sharp, wing shaped edges. Ow!
Shaking the sting from his left hand, Danny inspected the thin, shallow slice on his finger before holding it to the edge of his hoodie to keep his blood off things until he got back to the room for a band-aid.
Getting the now obviously a batarang to collapse back down, Danny beamed. Score! He'd gotten four of the things, one each for himself, Ellie, Sam, and Tucker. He didn't think Jazz would mind not getting a vigilante throwing weapon as a souvenir. She usually used the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick or the Boo-Staff, having been mostly banned from long-range weaponry on account of her inheriting Dad's aim...
Shuddering, Danny banished the memories accompanied by that thought in favor of the last item. Looking it over, it seemed like an airpod? Did he grab one half of Batman's headpho-... Oh, Ancients that was a communicator! Could they track it? Who was he kidding, of *course* they could track it!
Freaking out juuuust a little, Danny stuffed everything else into his pockets, grabbed the comm unit, and high tailed it, phasing through walls and floors in his hurry to get back to the room.
Once there he dove for his luggage, pulling out the Thermos he'd brought along just in case, and dumped the ear piece in before locking it down.
There. Heaving a sigh of relief, Danny slumped down against the side of the bed he'd claimed when they first checked in. The ecto-shielding on the Thermos should block any incoming or outgoing signals until he could get Tucker to look at it and make sure no one could trace the comm back to him.
Wincing against the light as the bedside lamp on the other side of the room flared to life, he saw Jazz squinting at him fuzzily, one hand on the Anti-Creep Stick propped up on wall beside the bed. "Danny? Izzat you?"
"Yeah, Jazz, it's just me. I just got back, sorry for waking you. I'm gunna wash up and head to bed. You can go back to sleep." Danny felt bad that he'd woken Jazz up after she'd had a long day helping set up the Fenton convention booth and gently riding herd on their parents' over enthusiastic responses to the other 'ghost hunters'.
"Okay Danny, glad you're back safe. Night," Jazz mumbled as she turned out the light and laid back down. Danny smiled at her softly before turning to gather his things. It had been a good night, if more eventful than he had planned when he first went out exploring.
Batman had traced the comm unit's signal to one of the larger, more popular hotels in the area before the strangely fluctuating signal had cut out entirely.
Inspecting the roof, he caught sight of a dim glow. Kneeling down, he collected what looked to be a few drops of fresh blood with a swab kit. It appeared that whoever had taken his gear had rested here for a bit before leaving again, possibly to check what all they had taken, then finding and disabling the comm unit. He hoped they hadn't injured themselves too badly, probably on the batarangs, if it was indeed their blood he'd found.
The dimly glowing sticker, still on its backing paper with a drop of blood on the corner, caught half under an air conditioning unit, pointed to it being the same person. Picking it up, Batman inspected it for a moment before dropping it into a separate evidence bag. He'd put both samples through analysis back at the cave.
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@mygood-bitch99 @stargazer-luna @easily-broken-by-emotion @dolfay @britcision @cyber-geist @is-this-even-relatable @alcorbearson @fisticuffsatapplebees @thegatorsgoose @my-mom-calls-me-rat @some-rotten-nest @crystalqueertea @meira-3919 @wandererofthestars @seraphinedemort @bjurnberg @blep-23 @stargirl1331 @bianca-hooks123 @addie-lover-of-stories @pickleking8 @iconicanemone @sarina-elais @mur-ururu @sailor-goddess @dragonfirefeather @nutcase8691 @ravenpainter
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miryum · 3 months ago
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy’s relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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At the strike of two in the morning, Y/n woke. “Halloween,” she whispered. “Mua-ha-ha-ha,” she cackled, sitting up in bed. “It's heist time!”
Suddenly, Jason bolted up next to Y/n and she shrieked. “Thought you could get a head start on heist prep?” he asked, raising a brow. “I'm already dressed.” He threw back the covers to reveal his jeans and red button up shirt.
“I'm also dressed, and I made breakfast,” she boasted. She threw back her side of the covers to show an empty plate that had residue of syrup and pancake chunks.
“Wait, where are my pancakes?” she mumbled.
“In my belly,” a new voice thundered and clicked the bedroom lamp on. Y/n screamed loudly and Jason immediately threw himself on top of her to protect her, grabbing the gun from the bedside table. Captain Wayne sat by the lamp ominously. “Now get a move on. It's heist time!”
From underneath Jason, Y/n whooped and exclaimed, “I fucking love Halloween!”
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“Some of you have asked me why I have joined this heist,” Jason monologued at the front of the briefing room. “Was it the fun activities? Don't be stupid. Was it the precinct comradery? Of course not, I hate all of you.” He waved a hand around to brush off all of the offending comments. But as Y/n looked sadly up at him, he sighed and grumbled, “except my lovely girlfriend. But no, the only reason I have joined this heist is because I have been tired of being a background character in these heists. So today, I pledge to win this Halloween heist. It is the most important Halloween heist of them all.” He cleared his throat and added, “because it’s the fifth one. Obviously.”
Wayne interrupted, shoving Jason out of the way. “This year, we compete for the most elegant and regal of all prizes…” He held up a large championship boxer belt. “A championship cummerbund.”
“Or belt, as normal people call it,” Y/n muttered. 
“Belt,” Wayne scoffed. “I'd like to see the pair of slacks whose loops are large enough for this belt. No, it is a cummerbund.” He gestured theatrically to it.
“Well, whatever it is,” Y/n began.
“Cummerbund,” Wayne coughed into his hand.
Y/n rolled her eyes and continued, “it's inscribed with the words, ‘amazing human-slash-genius.’ The objective is to have it in your possession at midnight.”
“Every woman for herself,” Cass grinned.
“It's like ‘Bachelor in Paradise,’” Steph commented. She looked at the spot next to her to high-five Damian, only to remember that he had taken the week off to study for a big test he had in law school.
Dick stood up and clicked his tongue. “I’m gonna sit this one out.” The rest of the group shouted at him, calling him out and booing. Dick simply held up his hands in surrender and walked out. 
Jason spread his arms and began, “all I will say is–”
“You are the human equivalent to a participation trophy,” Wayne interrupted him for the second time.
Jason crossed his arms and glared at his Captain. “Insult me all you want, for I have only this to say–”
“Victory shall be mine!” Y/n yelled along with her boyfriend. At Jason’s surprised look, Y/n hissed threateningly, “I heard you practising in the shower. You can't surprise me. Letting me into your life was the worst mistake you ever made!”
“Fun take on our relationship,” Jason muttered.
“Well, I for one thing you're perfect for each other,” Wayne snarked.
“Feel like there's gonna be more,” Y/n mumbled.
“Because you're both losers,” Bruce finished.
“There it is.”
“Now, if everyone would rise,” the Captain instructed and lifted his arms dramatically.
Y/n’s eyes gleamed with mischief as she added in a whisper, “rise like the army of the dead, and follow me into the bullpen of destiny.” After everyone did her bidding, she snatched the cummerbund from Wayne and explained, “this heist, the belt will not be locked up or hidden away. It will be suspended from the ceiling in plain sight – for all to see.”
“How poetic,” Jason said simply. “It will hang just out of reach, like Tantalus' fruit.”
Y/n’s face scrunched in confusion and disgust. “Yes, that's where I got the inspiration from; Greek mythology, not an episode of the Nickelodeon show ‘Guts.’” 
Jason rolled his eyes affectionately and helped his girlfriend up onto a small step stool. “Darling, will you please do the honours?” he asked, holding firmly onto her hips so she wouldn’t fall.
The female detective hooked the belt onto a thin string and announced, “the belt is in place. Whoever has it at midnight will be declared the–” Suddenly, all the lights cut out and there was a chorus of screams.
“What's going on?”
“What's happening?”
“I can't see!” someone added helpfully.
“Everybody grab something,” Captain Wayne’s voice boomed out.
Y/n shrieked out, “he didn’t mean me, Jay!”
The lights then flashed back on and Bruce held up a fist. “Silence,” he demanded slowly. He then pointed at the empty string that was swinging from the ceiling. “It’s gone,” he muttered. “The cummerbund is gone!”
“Who took it?” Y/n asked.
“We're all here,” Jason glanced around to confirm.
“Where'd it go?” Steph patted her pockets as if checking for the huge cummerbund.
Y/n gasped and then hissed out, “nowhere. It's still in this room!” She whirled towards Wayne and as she exclaimed, “in fact, it's right here!” she slapped her hand against her captain’s stomach. Feeling nothing but skin, she grumbled, “nope, it's just your tummy.”
“I don't have the cummerbund,” Wayne retorted, rounding on Jason, “because it's right here!” He slapped his hand against his detective’s stomach. His brows furrowed and Wayne commented, “that is surprisingly toned, Todd.”
Ignoring Wayne’s odd remark, Jason turned around and punched Dick in the gut. “Or is it right here?”
Dick groaned and doubled-over. Y/n looked up at her boyfriend and asked quietly, “how come you didn’t hit me in the tummy?”
“Because I didn’t want to hurt you, sweetheart,” he murmured back. “And I wanted to punch Dick.”
“Oh. Okay.” She accepted that answer and smiled at everyone in the precinct.
A new voice rang out, surprising everyone as they turned around. “Over here, losers.” A man stood by the door to Captain Wayne’s office, a hoodie zipped all the way up to the top, even obscuring their face. “This is Damian al Guhl. All of you truly thought you could do this without me?” The figure had their hands stuffed in their pockets and the detectives could almost feel his deathly stare.
“Dami!” Y/n accused. “I should have known it was you, you punk.”
“Yeah, you punk,” Steph jumped on the bandwagon, smirking. “Why aren't you showing your face, you punk?”
“Yeah,” Damian scoffed. “I am studying for a test. I have not showered in three weeks.”
Damian presented the ultimatum. “Now, if any of you wish to find the cummerbund, you must work for it. Behind my desk are files of paperwork I have not completed and notes I need transferred into index cards. There is a clue for each file you conclude.” He then threw up a very un-Damian-like peace sign and walked out of the bullpen.
Y/n scoffed, “this is crazy. I mean, no one is actually gonna do Dami’s dumb chores, right?”
“Right, absolutely not.” Jason crossed his arms.
“It's completely ridiculous,” Wayne agreed.
Everyone exchanged suspicious looks before collectively lunging towards Daimian’s desk. “I got the murder case!” Steph screamed.
“You can all suck it!” Cass growled, clutching a thick folder and running out of the room.
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Y/n snuck into the archives. She turned to see Stephanie already there, grinning. “They fell for it,” Y/n said, throwing her folder of paperwork to the side.
“Hell yeah they did!” Steph high-fived her bestie just when the door opened. The two women whipped their heads to it, ready to fight off an intruder or spy, but it turned out to be a familiar friend. 
“Hey, guys,” Curran greeted with a smile.
“And right on time, here's Curran.” Y/n pressed her hands together and bowed. “Welcome.”
“So, did you have any issues getting into the vents?” Stephanie asked.
“Went like clockwork,” Curran reassured.
As Curran tried to pry open a vent, an officer tapped him on the shoulder and said in a gruff voice, “sir, only authorised personnel are allowed up here.” Curran turned around, ready to defend himself, when the officer corrected himself and said in a much lighter tone, “oh, Detective Todd, I didn't see it was you.”
Curran’s eyes narrowed and he nodded slowly. “Yes. I am Jason Todd. Goodbye now.” He then disappeared into the vents.
The man continued, “anyway, once I got in the vents, it was smooth sailing.”
As the lights in the precinct went out and everyone screamed, Curran reached down from the vents and snagged the belt. He wiggled down from the vents and shrugged into a sweatshirt after clipping the belt around himself. When he zipped up the sweatshirt, it hid the belt perfectly. He then emerged and greeted the detectives as Damian. “Over here, losers.”
“I gotta say, man, your Damian impression was spot-on,” Steph complimented.
Curran informed them, “yes, I’m known for being a good impersonator. I use it to trick people into thinking their boss or spouse found out that they’re involved in the mob and am able to blackmail them.”
“Right, I forgot you were in the mafia,” Y/n put her hands on her hips, nodding along.
“Here's the belt…” Curran unzipped his Damian hoodie and revealed the cummerbund. 
Y/n made some grabbing hands and her eyes were wide with reverence. Maybe a little drool pooled in her mouth, who would know? “Ah…” she murmured, “she's a beaut.”
Brown stepped up beside her bestie and pretended to examine the belt in Curran’s hands before suddenly slapping handcuffs on Y/n and latching her to a shelf that held boxes of old cases. 
“Ow! Steph, what are you doing?!” Y/n cried. 
The detective shook her head and replied in a solemn voice. “The hardest thing I've ever done: betraying you.” She held her hand out to Curran. “The belt, please.”
As Curran handed the large golden belt to Stephanie, Y/n gasped. “Curran, you're in on this too?”
“Yep. She paid me. I’m in a horrid debt to the mob.”
Y/n looked around desperately. “No, look, listen to me, don't do this, okay?” she pleaded. She looked like she was about to beg, but then switched tactics and huffed, “this is crazy. You're never gonna get out of here with that belt on your own.”
“I'm not on my own,” Steph corrected. “I have an alliance.” In walked Cass and Dick, standing next to Steph in solidarity. 
“An alliance,” Y/n gaped. “It's not ‘Bachelor in Paradise.’ It's ‘Survivor!’ And Cass, I am very disappointed in you.”
“Your approval means nothing to me.”
Y/n didn’t look hurt at all, almost like she suspected it. “Copy that. And Dick, I knew you were playing. Last year was a setup.”
The sergeant scoffed and freely admitted, “hell yeah, it was. I’m playing the long game. I'm sick of you, Tim, and Wayne winning. You're all so damn smug about it.”
“Yeah,” Steph grinned. “You guys may be champs, but this year… This year belongs to The Tramps!”
“Stephanie, that's a bad name.” Y/n grimaced and shook her head.
Her best friend shook her head back and stuck her tongue out for extra measure. “You're just jealous. Everyone loves it.”
“No,” Cass muttered.
“It’s… not the best,” Grayson tried to let his detective down easy.
Steph brushed all their insults off. “Curran, keep an eye on her,” she ordered. She turned dramatically and called, “let's go, Tramps.”
“Steph, no! No!” Y/n yelled out as the door clicked shut. She was now stuck with fake-Jason/fake-Damian while handcuffed to a shelf. She continued screaming for someone until she saw her boyfriend walk past. “Jason! Jay, in here! In here. Help! Help.”
“Hello, fake me,” Jason greeted once he entered, nodding his head in greeting.
Curran raised a hand. “Hi.”
“Hello, tied-up Y/n,” Jason leaned forward and gave his girl a small kiss on the cheek before taking a step back.
Y/n smiled sweetly and greeted him softly as he kissed her. But then she whined, “will you please help me get out of this? It's not for the heist. I just really have to pee.”
“I know you only pee once a day,” Jason commented simply. “And you went this morning.”
“Damn it, you know me so well!” Y/n cursed. “All right, how about this? I've got top secret info about various dealings. If you let me out of these cuffs… I'll share it with you.”
The man raised a brow. “What kind of info?”
His girlfriend smirked and bartered, “well, first off, Hoodie Damian–”
“Was just a ruse so you and Steph could steal the belt,” Jason finished.
Y/n spluttered a moment before saying, “yeah-huh, but also–”
“Steph teamed up with Cass and Dick to form The Tramps,” Jason completed.
“Gah! How did you know that?!” Y/n exclaimed.
Jason smirked, copying Y/n’s smug expression from a moment before. “I gave her the idea last year.”
“Damian’s one of the champs,” Steph muttered exactly a year ago as everyone celebrated in Odin’s bar. “And I'm just one of the tramps.”
Jason gasped. “Ooh, The Tramps,” he repeated. “That's a great name for something. I just don't know what.” He shook his head sadly and walked away.
Steph grinned and murmured under her breath, “but I do.”
“I told you,” Jason said smoothly, leaning down closer to Y/n. “I'll always be one step ahead of you. You can't surprise me.” Curran awkwardly watched the rising sexual tension from the side of the room.
“Look, there are three Tramps,” Y/n stated. “The only way we're gonna win is if we team up.”
Jason hummed and mused, “good point. I guess my response is… rot in hell, doll-face! Also, I love you, and I treasure you so much.” He smiled softly at Y/n and kissed her cheek again. “I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight, okay? I got something planned.” 
“God, you're being so contradicting,” Y/n scoffed. “Geez, man, I love you too, but just so you know, the Devil and I would be besties.”
“Buh-bye, sweetheart,” Jason waggled his fingers in goodbye before sweeping out of the room.
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Steph and her accomplices hurried into the mainframe room where the large technological structure stood. “Looks like we're all clear. Good job, guys,” she praised. “Oh, nothing can stop this Tramp train.”
“Brown, please stop finding variations on a word we hate.” Cass rolled her eyes.
“Okay, you two, lift up the super heavy thing that no one else is strong enough to lift by themselves,” Steph instructed. Cass and Dick exchanged a look before each squatting down and lifting the server up by a couple of inches. They grunted under the effort, but Steph took her sweet time sliding the cummerbund under it before the two officers let the structure drop.
After Cass caught her breath, she said, “I set up an electric eye yesterday, so if anyone enters, an alarm will go off.” She clicked a button on her phone and a series of red laser lines appeared in the doorway. “Let's move.”
Cain easily lept over the beam with her years of ballerina training. Dick lifted himself up on the doorway using his acrobatic skills and added an extra flip for flair. “Cool, yeah, that's something I can do, without any problem.” Steph stared after them, still on the opposite side of the alarm. She took a running jump and fell flat across the lasers. A shrill beeping emitted from Cass’ phone. “Alarm works,” Steph grunted out.
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Meanwhile, back in the archives, Y/n tried pulling on her handcuff. When that didn’t succeed, she hyped herself up, saying, “all right, fine, looks like I'm gonna have to ‘127 Hours’ this fucker.”
“You're gonna cut off your own arm?” Curran asked from where he was sitting against the wall.
“Is that how it ends?” Y/n exclaimed. “Oh, man, I got busy with a robbery and my rental period expired.” She added, “I thought he just wiggled out.” After a moment of silence, she groaned out, “come on, will you just please uncuff me? You gotta, man. I've never treated you like a mobber.”
“You just did,” Curran pointed out.
“Touché. Alright, how about this?” Y/n bargained, “I will pay you… double the amount Brown paid you.”
At that, Curran raised a brow. “Three thousand?”
“What?!” Y/n cried out. “She gave you over a thousand grand?!” She let out a loud groan, stomping her foot. “Alright, fine, I'm in.”
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Captain Wayne had a stack of Damian’s scribbled notes to his left and a stack of blank index cards to his right. He carefully underlined and highlighted words and phrases before muttering, “and where is the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case? I pity the law school al Guhl attends.” He huffed and pedalled a bit harder. Under the table was a contraption that looked like a bicycle, but the tires and handles were missing. The chains were connected to a thick rope that stretched to a hole behind his desk that in turn, connected to the server room downstairs. The more Wayne pedalled, the more the mainframe lifted off the ground.
Tim knocked on the door before sticking his head in. “Hey, Captain, something's going on with this heist. You tell us everything you know, and I’ll tell you everything we know.” His voice slurred a bit and Wayne studied him carefully, eyes narrowing.
“I'd rather not.”
“Jokes on you,” Tim huffed, his hand raising to knock on the door again. In his other hand was a large mug of coffee. “We don't know anything. And by ‘we,’ I mean me and the voices in my head.”
“Well, good day then,” Wayne nodded, excusing Tim from his office. The mainframe lifted enough for Ace, Wayne’s dog, to scurry under the lasers and grab the championship belt in his teeth. He saw it all on the security cameras. 
Tim nodded back. He turned on his heel and Wayne sighed in relief. A small bead of sweat ran down his temple. Then Tim turned back slowly, squinting. “Wait, why are you sweating?”
“I'm not sweating.”
“No,” Tim sneezed before continuing, “I've had enough almost heart attacks and coffee attacks to know what sweating looks like, and that's sweat.”
Wayne puffed up his chest and rebutted, “well, if I'm sweating, as you claim, it's because I was watching an… exciting video on the net.” Ace made it past the lasers, cummerbund secured. His owner released the pedals and the server fell back down with a thud.
“Really?” Tim glanced at his computer like he wanted to see. “What was it?”
“It was,” Wayne slowly weaved his story, “a video of an American gymnast. His leotard ripped, exposing his butt.” He cleared his throat and said in the most Captain-y voice he could muster, “it was highly erotic.”
Tim said instantly, “you're lying. I.T. just installed blocker software, thanks to Damian researching if it was legal to kill a coworker.”
“Uh, yes, but they didn't install it on my computer, because I'm a captain.”
The detective scrutinised his superior. “You don't look hot and bothered at all to me,” he grumbled. After a beat, he demanded, “show me the erotica.”
“Good sir, I assure you, there's nothing to see.” Wayne glared, ending the conversation. He stood up abruptly. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to grab some fresh air.” He briskly walked out to the roof, just in time for Ace to scurry out with him. “Good boy, Ace,” he commended. “Bring me that cummerbund.” He knelt down and Ace dropped the belt before chasing his tail with a bark. “Wait a minute…” Wayne peered at the belt and realised, “this isn't the championship cummerbund. This is some common cummerbund.” He glanced down at Ace and did a double-take. He sneered, “and you're not Ace. You're just some common bitch.”
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“Just get me out of these,” Y/n grumbled, twisted in her handcuffs as Curran fiddled with the lock.
Steph threw open the door to find the scene. “Hey, what's going on here?” 
“Didn't think I could get out of my cuffs, did you, Brown?” Y/n laughed just as Curran got her cuffs undone. She rubbed her wrists thankfully. “But you forgot about one important thing…”
“Curran’s crippling debt!” Both women exclaimed at the same time, one in realisation and the other in victory. Y/n quickly twisted Stephanie’s arm behind her torso and slapped the handcuffs onto her. “Sorry, Steph, but I really wanna win this year! Watch her, Curran,” she instructed before hurrying out the door.
The detective ran to Wayne’s office and easily pulled up the security camera footage on his computer. “What have I missed? What's going on?” she muttered to herself. She easily deduced, “Wayne used Ace to steal the belt. But that's not Ace. Wayne and Ace always walk in a perfect lockstep. Which means someone took Ace, and that person has the belt. But who? Who took Ace?” Her eyes locked on her beloved Jason just as he sneezed. “Bless you,” she said automatically. “Wait. He sneezed. Mild dog allergies. Which means that Jaybaby took…”
“Ace!” Wayne bellowed from the bullpen, making all detectives stand at attention. Y/n ran out to see what was happening. “Where is my dog?” their Captain demanded.
“Aren't you standing right next to him?” Dick asked.
Wayne scoffed. “This bitch? Please. Watch this.” He bent down and held out his hand. “Shake. Shake.” The faux-Ace did no such thing. “Idiot. I know one of you took Cheddar, and you did it for the sake of the heist, but if anything happens to him, I will end you.” He threatened, staring each of his detectives in the eye. “I couldn't bring myself to neuter Ace, but I will neuter you all.” Just then, a dog that looked exactly the same as the canine sitting beside Wayne trotted into the room. “Ace? Ace?!” Bruce squatted again and held out his hand. “Shake.” Ace held out his paw and placed it firmly in his owner’s hand. “Ah, good grip, pristine coat,” he evaluated. “That's my doggie!” he crowed. He then remembered, “you betrayed me. You'll explain yourself later. Return to my office.” Ace did what was instructed.
It was that moment, after Wayne’s monologue, that Cass realised, “wait, where’s Brown? Did she betray us?”
Dick shook his head. “She wouldn’t do that.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Bruce held up a finger as his phone beeped. “I put a GPS tracker on the belt. It's on the move, and it's going fast!”
“Let's take my bike,” Cass exclaimed, turning to Dick. “They'll never catch us.”
Dick chuckled dramatically and threw up a peace sign. “Later, dorks.” The pair ran out of the bullpen.
“Should we follow them?” Jason asked Wayne and Y/n.
Wayne scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Good luck keeping up with me. I've done my morning callisthenics.” With that, he began power walking out, muttering, “heel, ball, toe, heel, ball, toe.”
“Oh, I'll keep up with you,” Y/n poked her tongue in her cheek. She jolted forward as if she was going to chase after him, making Wayne pick up the pace. “In hell,” she added maliciously. “Mwahahahahahahaha!” She turned towards the evidence room, skipping towards it.
She saw her boyfriend crouching down by the boxes and strolled up to him. “Hello, Jason,” she greeted formally. 
Jason jumped at the sound of her voice. “Ack! What…? Y/n! What are you doing here? And why aren't you out looking for the belt?”
“You and I both know the belt never left the precinct,” Y/n answered easily. 
“I don't know that,” Jason said quickly. Almost too quickly. “Nobody knows that.” His nose wrinkled a bit.
Y/n made a show of walking around the evidence room. “My only question is, which box is the belt in?” she wondered aloud.
“Well, good luck figuring it out,” Jason smirked. “Because the clock is ticking, my dearest sweetheart.”
Y/n pointed to a box on the lowest shelf. “It's that one,” she said simply. “The dust pattern on top doesn't match its neighbours.” She walked to the box and picked it up. Resting on her hip, she boasted, “you see, Jay, I'm always gonna be one step ahead of you. You've lost the ability to surprise me. You’re just boring.” She shook her head sadly, taking the cummerbund out of the evidence box.
“Again, weird take on a very loving relationship,” Jason muttered.
“And it's midnight, so I guess I'm an amazing human-slash-genius!” Y/n grinned proudly.
“Yeah.” Jason cleared his throat and then added, “Although… you might wanna read the inscription on that belt.”
“Why?” Y/n’s face dropped and she held up the belt. “Oh, no, what does it say?” Her brows furrowed as she read off, “Y/n L/n, will you marry me?"
“Surprise,” Jason whispered, now kneeling on the ground in front of her, holding out a ring box. The diamond sparkled against the precinct lights. But Y/n wasn’t looking at the stone. She was looking at the love in Jason’s eyes.
Y/n sucked in a breath. “I'm so confused…” she admitted, tears beginning to prick at her eyes. “I don't know what's happening right now.”
“‘I'm so confused, I don't know what's happening right now,’” Jason listed off. “Title of your sex tape.”
“Oh, my God, I'm shaking,” Y/n laughed, wiping at her tears. “Wait, is this really happening? Is this part of the heist?” she asked desperately. “If this is part of the heist, I will dump you so hard.” She pointed a finger at him, but her hand was shaking slightly.
“No, please, Y/n, it's really happening, okay?” he murmured, reassuring her. Only his girl would think that. “It's not part of the heist. I promise you, this is real.”
Y/n’s chin wobbled a bit. “It is?”
“Yeah.” Jason himself was tearing up, sniffling a bit. “Sweetheart, I love you. I love how smart you are. I love how beautiful you are. You're kind, and you're funny, and you're the best person I know, and the best detective. Also, for reals, I love your butt.”
“I love yours too,” Y/n reassured him, laughing at the inside joke.
“Y/n L/n… With all the love in this world, will you marry me?”
“Jason Todd, I will marry you. I love you so much.”
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“To Y/n and Jason!” Dick raised his glass in toast. Everyone was at Odin’s bar, celebrating the engagement.
Everyone parroted, “to Y/n and Jason!” The couple beamed and shared a quick kiss, Y/n tucked under Jason’s arm. 
Wayne cleared his throat. “Wonderful, wonderful. So, since Todd altered the cummerbund, no one won the heist this year. Is that what everyone's thinking?”
Everyone’s faces fell slightly and Dick warned, “Captain…”
“Right, right, sorry,” the older man apologised. “It’s not the time. I'm so happy for you both,” he said truthfully, raising his glass again to the pair.
“So, Jason,” Steph grinned. “Tell us everything.”
“Did you call Y/n’s dad first?” Tim asked.
“I actually did,” Jason said, looking very proud of himself.
Jason paced the sidewalk anxiously, talking quickly into his phone. “Mr. L/n, I'm calling to inform you that I plan to ask your daughter to marry me, but since it's the twenty-first century, I am not asking you for your permission, as she is not your property, nor would she be mine, if she chooses to say yes. She's a strong independent woman, and she doesn’t need a man. That being said, I truly hope she says yes as I love her very much, but it's her decision, so respectfully, back off!”
“Aww, that was perfect,” Y/n cooed. “What did he say?”
“I have no idea, I left a voicemail. I'm terrified of him.”
Steph laughed and then prompted, “how’d you decide to ask?”
Jason exhaled, smiling softly. “I decided to ask Y/n to marry me on July 28th,” he said, looking down at his fiancée.
Y/n and Jason sat on the couch one July night. Y/n was wrapped in one of Jason’s sweaters even though it was seventy degrees outside. She took a huge forkful of Chinese food and shoved it in her mouth. “Oh my god, this is so good,” she moaned. “Jay, you have to try some, love.” She stabbed at the food, but then glared at it and shook her head. “Wait, no, that’s not a good part. Let me get you a better bit.” She dished around for a piece she found acceptable before handing it out to Jason.
From across the couch, Jason could only smile lovingly at her.
“I don't get it,” Tim said bluntly.
Dick agreed, “Yeah, it seems pretty normal.”
“I don't know what to tell you.” Jason shrugged. “That's just when I knew.”
“Romantic epiphanies are dope,” Cass declared.
“Thank you, Cass,” Jason huffed, looking towards everyone else expectantly. “They are dope.”
Stephanie then let out a squeal. “I'm so happy you two are getting married! You’re made for each other!”
Y/n laughed joyously and turned to Jason. “Oh my god, we're getting married.”
“We're getting married!” he repeated, grinning and kissing her squarely on the lips.
“And no one won the heist,” Wayne declared.
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gilverrwrites · 6 months ago
Sionis!Reader with Jason is a genre handcrafted by a fanfic deity, but Sionis!Reader who is classmates paired together on a project to unlikely friends to lovers with Tim Drake is untapped potential
Callin’ you captain, 'cause you've got one hell of a hook, boo!
But if I may add one thing: Sionis!Reader who actually has a moderately decent relationship with their pops, so they were raised with a chip on her shoulder, especially when it comes to the Wayne family. Thus; academic rivals to lovers/academic rivals to unlikely friends to lovers.
Excuse me while I do some yapping:
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Tims always thought you were cute, if a bit annoying. Always trying, often succeeding to one-up him at any chance, to get a higher grade, to be a class rep or group leader, checking out books from the library before he gets a chance. But for you it's personal. It's ingrained deep in your bones to hate him and his swoopy hair, and his pretty eyes, and his cheeky laugh.
You hate the way he quietly contradicts your statements during lectures, hate his hushed tone as you whisper-argue over it until you get told off.
You even hate the way he rides to classes on that damn skateboard, and how his posture makes his dumb butt look cute.
So when you’re paired together on an important assignment it’s like your world is crumbling, how can you trust him? God, your dads gonna be pissed and sneaking him around is only gonna cause stress which will affect your ability to work.
Basically, you’re expecting the worst.
Which is why it’s so darn surprising when you actually enjoy his company. Confusing even, it goes against everything you believe but he’s actually, nice? Fun?
You stop arguing about who’s wrong during that one class, instead bitching about the professor you both dislike instead.
It takes a while to compromise, but eventually, you find a way to evenly split the workload. For the first few weeks, you take it upon yourself to secretly do his half of the work anyway, but that stops after he impresses you by consistently delivering week after week.
You’re a little harsh in your feedback but he only bites back when you go too far, and eventually, he coaxes an apology from you for being intentionally overly critical. When he doesn’t lord that over you, you start to relax around him.
Sneaking around turns out to be kind of exhilarating, actually. He’s like forbidden fruit. Well, if the forbidden fruit was studying and Eve had to eat the fruit in order to stay in the Garden of Eden. Certainly not any other interpretation of that story.
And he’s pretty flexible about meeting you in places your dad won’t find out about, so long as it’s before sundown. A few times he surprises you by throwing rocks at your window in the middle of the night like he’s John Cusack or some shit just to swap notes and tell you about his latest idea. You’d never tell him but once you got over your paranoia, you actually kind of enjoyed your late nights together.
There’s still witty banter too, you still act like you’re adversaries a lot of the time, but by the end of it, there’s no venom behind your snide remarks. It’s like your inside way of showing affection.
Although he does keep borrowing all your pens and never returning them which is infuriating, but endearingly so. Not that you’d ever tell him that.
When you get your joint grade back on the final submission,obviously you get full marks. You’re not sure what comes over you, but when you find out you pull him in for a tight hug, his hands linger on your hips a little to long, your eyes are drawn to his lips until he speaks;
“So… are we friends now?”
“No.” Embarrassed, you pull back, pushing on his shoulders despite your waists still being joined.
“Oh, well, good. That means it’s okay if I kiss you then.”
“What?! Why would that be okay!?”
“Cause you so clearly want me to kiss you, and doing so won’t ruin our nonexistent friendship.”
You're dad is not gonna like this, but really Tim’s not so bad. Your dad will have to understand. He can’t honestly be mad at Tim for the sins of his adoptive father, right?
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onceonafullmoon · 1 year ago
Convos With Rin
Rin x Gn! Reader
No warnings! Just pure fluff, also you can ignore the last 2 lines if you want to read this as platonic!
Aka: maladaptive daydreams by yours truly that I cleaned up and formatted. Part 2 here
“Sometimes I wonder if the idealized, romanticized version of relationships I’ve built up in my head are subconsciously affecting my navigation in reality.”
“What?” Rin asks, rolling over from where he lies on his bed to look at you, his teal eyes switching from his phone to glance over at you.
“Sorry, that was word vomit.” You say waving a hand dismissively before speaking again. “It’s just… I mean that I wonder if my expectations of romantic relationships have been distorted because of all the media I consume. And I wonder if that would ruin any chance I have of a healthy relationship.”
You absentmindedly start fiddling with your fingers as you speak.
“Like, for example dating sims, every love interest is over possessive and jealous, and that’s fine, cause it’s a fantasy. And obviously it’s not endorsed in real life, because if you date someone who foams at the mouth every time you look at another man, you’ll have issues. But… sometimes I wonder if I’ll think back to those dumb games when I’m in a relationship and choose something unhealthy for myself.”
A comfortable silence lapses after your ramblings and you wait patiently for your best friend's response.
“…you sure do think a lot more than I expected.” He says after a while and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“Wow thanks.” You drone out. “You know what? I’d rather you have just flipped me off and called me a dumbass than whatever attempt of a compliment that was.”
“Didn’t mean it like that, I meant that I’d never once thought about that.” He says cooly, in a way that makes you unfairly jealous of his demeanor.
“Yeah? Well, I’m not surprised. Your brain is composed of 50% football and the other half is basic motor skills. I doubt you’ve even thought of anything outside of that.”
“…not true.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right. Somewhere, squeezed between the cracks of those key areas, is your vast knowledge of horror trivia.” You joke, your eyes darting over his sprawled form.
“…” He hesitates to respond before muttering out. “That’s not what I meant.”
“What’d you mean then?”
“…nothing, never mind.”
“Oh boo, you whore.” You scoff, sitting up in his desk chair to devote your attention to him. “Come on tell meeee! I tell you everything… well, almost everything but— nonetheless…”
He glares but you simply smile at him before waiting eagerly for him to finally loosen his tongue and spill whatever he has locked away from you.
And maybe deep down he knows that there’s no winning against you because he ends up opening his mouth to speak.
“I…I think about romance sometimes.” He eventually admits, his eyes darting back to his phone in embarrassment.
“Oho?” You straighten up further, a goading grin on your face much to his annoyance. “Our little Rinrin is growing up!”
“Fuck you, this is why I don’t tell you shit.”
“Aww come on, I won’t tease you anymore I promise! Please tell me more!” You practically beg, looking at him with prying eyes.
“This is lame.” Rin scoffs.
“You’re lame! Romance is perfectly natural. Anyways, is this a crush? A passing fantasy?”
“Why do you care so much?”
“I live vicariously through my friends’ love lives, now spillll!” You say, dragging out the last syllable deliberately to piss him off.
“I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“Why not?” You say a pout on your lips.
“Because you’re annoying and you’re only asking to make fun of me.”
“What? Me?” You gasp out in faux surprise. “Never, could I ever make fun of you, after all you’re my dearest most important–”
“Save it.” He cuts you off, content to ignore you now, engrossed in his phone.
“Kill joy… I’ll get it out of you one of these days.” You say darkly before leaning back to sulk in his chair.
“Over my dead body.” He mutters, but if you looked over to him again, you’d see the tell tale way his gaze fell back to you.
Unfortunately for you, Rin’s crush would stay a secret for just a little while longer.
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zamoimagines · 2 years ago
Women of Abbott Elementary Having a Crush on You (Headcanons)
A/N: I hope I did these ladies some justice because I love them all very dearly. If you guys would like more Abbott content, please let me know! Headcanons are under the cut
Ava Coleman
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✧・゚ The most obviously flirtatious out of everyone here 
✧・゚The moment she sees you, she knows you’re fine and she wants a piece of you
✧・゚ And whatever Ava Coleman wants, she gets 
✧・゚She’d come to the teacher’s lounge every morning just to say good morning and tease you
✧・゚Gregory Eddie who? 
✧・゚Ever since you got to the school, any time he speaks when you’re in the room she completely ignores him or tells him to be quiet 
✧・゚Calls you a whole bunch of nicknames like baby girl, princess, sugar boo, etc
✧・゚When you walk away, she’s always staring off after you and proceeds to tell the rest of the staff how gorgeous you are 
✧・゚It gets annoying and uncomfortable for them when she’s constantly like “I hate to see her leave but i love watching her walk away. That body was blessed by Beyonce herself, damn.”
✧・゚You become the first person to know any of her shenanigans 
✧・゚Always calls you into her office and says it’s important, but really she just wants your opinions on her amazon orders 
✧・゚Little do you know she’s just keeping tabs on what you like so she can shower you in surprise gifts here and there 
✧・゚You catch little moments of her being really genuine, and while she’d usually brush them off with the others, she lets them linger when she’s with you
✧・゚That’s how you know she’s got it bad for you, when she breaks that composure and shows you the vulnerability that she doesn’t let anyone else see 
✧・゚When she catches on that you’re into her just as much, she definitely doesn’t see a point in waiting anymore 
✧・゚No one’s around when she asks and she definitely hovers over you when she asks you out
✧・゚Maybe leaning up against the door frame/wall with one arm up to make sure you don’t run off, or she circles you like a vulture- anything to make sure you stay right where she wants you 
✧・゚“Look, baby, you know we got this Kate/Leo Titanic thing going on. Let me take you out. We can see where this goes.” 
✧・゚In which she takes you on the date of a LIFETIME, the rest is history
Barbara Howard
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✧・゚Barbara Howard is a lady of class. She takes her time with things, even if she wants something very badly 
✧・゚But with that, she wants to make sure that she does everything *right* and with precision 
✧・゚When you started working, she didn’t seem to notice you much. She made sure to be polite and endearing when she needed to be, but nothing more than that 
✧・゚Then, you started making light conversation. You’d even made her laugh a few times, and when you got her on a tangent about gardening or about her favorite music, she noticed something change 
✧・゚She certainly looked at you different and she was sure that she liked you much more now than most of the teachers, maybe as much as she liked Melissa
✧・゚So much so that she started to invite you to sit at her lunch table, and she’d make sure to stop by your room every afternoon to check on you while her students were at recess
✧・゚People knew it was serious when she went out of her way to do so
✧・゚Everyone whispered and drew their theories, but Melissa would be the one to ask in which Barbara Howard would admit… Yes, she liked you more than a coworker.
✧・゚When she’d realized even more what she liked about you, her affection grew stronger and she started doing little things for you like giving advice on how to deal with difficult children, offering you a hug here and there whenever you needed one, offering to join her during her nail appointments between school hours if you were feeling particularly overwhelmed, and there were even a few times that she’d stood up to people for you that caught the others and yourself completely off guard 
✧・゚And every time that happened, she’d turn right around and that hard exterior would melt. She’d immediately go soft for you and make sure you were okay and that you weren’t hurt
✧・゚Barbara would really wanna tell you at the absolute perfect time, but of course, life doesn’t really work out that way
✧・゚She’d probably save it for something big, like at the Christmas party she and Melissa always have together and she’s even planning it so that it really really means something 
✧・゚But it definitely would just go completely wrong and there would be plenty of mishaps that would get her frustrated enough to retreat back into her room 
✧・゚In which you’d seek her out and knock on her door to ask her what was wrong 
✧・゚She’d close the door behind you and the lights would be dim since it was after school hours and she’d reach for your hand very delicately to say, 
✧・゚“Y/N… Sweetheart, I- I like you very much. And in more than a professional coworker way. You are everything I’ve been looking for, and I’d like to take you out to dinner sometime.” There would definitely be a moment of silence between the two of you before she’d start second guessing herself once again and say, “I’m very sorry if I’ve crossed any boundaries. I should’ve never said anything at all.” 
✧・゚You’d have to tell her that you liked her too almost immediately or else the whole thing would be called off. When you did admit your feelings, though, she’d smile very softly and hold you closer, maybe she’d even give you a very soft kiss to your cheek 
✧・゚She wouldn’t even ask you where you wanted to go or what to do because she has had the perfect date planned out for MONTHS, but you’d love it regardless. Barbara Howard knows exactly how to make things perfect always.
Janine Teagues
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✧・゚Sweet baby angel Janine is so obvious when she has a crush
✧・゚Seriously, the minute she first saw you she was like *heart eyes motherfucker* 
✧・゚She’d be really sweet and would be the first to welcome you to Abbott, and would probably ramble your ear off about the other teachers, advice to deal with the students, and then would have a whole bunch of questions about you 
✧・゚She’s like the personification of sunshine whenever she sees you and it’s adorable 
✧・゚Every morning, she’d make sure to say hello to you and would hype you up like
✧・゚“We’re gonna have a great day today, Y/N!” and would try to high five you 
✧・゚Lots of unintentional innuendos when she’s trying to be wholesome, to which she’ll listen to herself and then immediately be like “I didn’t- Ya know what, I gotta go-” 
✧・゚Always sits next to you at lunch and tells you everything that’s going on with her day
✧・゚And vice versa, she’d listen to everything going on in your world and offer you support and validation because to her, you deserve every last bit of it 
✧・゚When Melissa had her over for cooking lessons, she’d bring you leftovers from the next day because she’s always thinking about things she can do for you 
✧・゚Jacob would finally be the one to tell her she needed to go for it, and she’d be incredibly nervous to tell you (as if you don’t already know) 
✧・゚She’d probably find you walking out at the end of the day and would pull you aside right out of the school and say something like 
✧・゚“Okay- Okay, this is scary and weird, but I’m just gonna do it, okay?” She’d take a deep breath and very quickly admit, “I like you a lot, Y/N. And it’s okay if you don’t like me back- We can just stay friends! I don’t want to ruin everything we have, but I also can’t ignore that I really *really* like you a lot, I’m just really sorry if that’s weird or overbearing-” 
✧・゚To which you would cut her off and admit that you liked her too
✧・゚She’d give you the BIGGEST, prettiest and goofiest smile you’d ever seen her wear in all the time you’d known her 
✧・゚Definitely would be kinda awkward because she wasn’t expecting to get this far, but she’d make sure to plan a very cute, personal date with you full of the fluffiest romance 
Melissa Schemmenti
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✧・゚Where to begin with Melissa Schemmenti 
✧・゚When she likes someone, she knows it and she has every intention of winning them over. Out of all the women (even Ava), Melissa has the absolute most game 
✧・゚The moment you arrive she knows that she thinks you're cute. It only gets better the longer she talks to you and the more she gets to know you 
✧・゚Definitely calls you little pet names like “hon”, “sweetheart”, “angel”, the works
✧・゚She’d always be knocking on your door during her breaks and invade your classroom while you were teaching, just smiling ear to ear to see you in your element with the kids 
✧・゚She’d also wait for you in the halls before classes, before breaks, and before it was time for the end of the day. She always insists on walking you out to your car to make sure no one tries any funny business with you 
✧・゚Whenever she got her fancy latte in the morning, she’d always bring you one just to cheer you up 
✧・゚And any time you were having a hard day, she’d be the first to find you to offer you comfort. Sometimes that meant telling you a weird Schemmenti family story that sounded unreal, other times it was cute joke, and when it was dire, she’d make sure to offer you sweet words of affection and try to let you know how wonderful you are to build you right back up 
✧・゚People would know it was getting real because Melissa would absolutely start getting territorial over you 
✧・゚If someone so much as breathed around you and it *seemed* like they were interested, she’d start that growling and pacing back and forth like a menacing linebacker 
✧・゚It would get to a point where she couldn’t take it anymore knowing that you weren’t officially hers that she’d find you after everyone was gone from school, maybe in your classroom once Mr. Johnson left for the day
✧・゚You’d ask her what was wrong and she wouldn’t waste any time making her way right up to you and kissing you right on the lips, caressing over your hair sweetly just to drive it home even more 
✧・゚She’d say something like “I like you. I like you a lot, actually, and I think you should come to my place for dinner this week… If you’re interested.” 
✧・゚And how could you say no to her after a kiss like that? FIND MORE GAY SHIT HERE
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hypokeimena · 2 months ago
like the thing is if someone wants to have a conversation with me about tone in image descriptions i am happy to have that conversation. i have obviously pretty strong feelings about the role of the person-interpreting/translating but i think it's fair that not everyone feels the way i do. i actually often think the faux- or sincerely-"objective" tone of image descriptions is often an incredible tool for comedy! e.g. posts like, my little nephew just gave me what he calls his "duck" [image of a lemon] image id: a lemon.
that's fucking funny! deadpan can be funny! however, sometimes other forms of description are more important. image descriptions MUST BE short,* which means you are limited in the amount of extraneous description you can include. if your description takes more than ten seconds to read out loud you're pushing it.
this can GENUINELY cause problems. the description i wrote about that stupid tswift pic was me actively choosing not to do research and source it more effectively, because to ME, part of what made the op funny was not having any idea tf was going on and that was the part of the experience i wanted to focus on in my description. it doesn't necessarily matter WHAT IS IN the photo, it matters what it is adding to the post (i think all of us now understand that for e.g. memes it's more important to describe the memes and what they're doing in the post than it is to carefully describe the type of armchair someone is sitting in while saying 'why are you booing me. i'm right'.)
so someone else who experienced the post differently - i.e. by recognizing it as from the music video - is going to describe the post differently from someone who would have to do research to source it. they're going to produce two different descriptions. your experience shapes what you understand. which is necessarily going to be subjective! and i get that it's scary to add your own experience into the description, but you ARE ALREADY DOING THAT.
which is to say that i think if someone had added a description about the ME music video that's fairly detailed that would also have been both accurate and funny, but it would have been a different joke. you know? because different people have different experiences of that image.
i do, genuinely, think there is a real issue in things like description in that i do think it is genuinely aversive to expect people to do 10 minutes of research every time they want to write an image description. i also do think that people being wrong in image descriptions is a problem, which is why i do often end up doing research or deciding not to describe certain posts if i can't be sure i know what i'm talking about. but not every post is like informing you about art historical fact or something where it really matters which specific artist produced an image, or if it is a modern reinterpretation, or various other things where you need to be sure you're conveying information that will seriously alter the meaning of a work.
image IDs should accurately describe reality. but like, sometimes people are going to make a mistake. the way you react to mistakes matters! sometimes you just edit a post to fix a typo or to correct a white guy actor you misidentified and i think different people have different ideas about what level of confidence you should be feeling to write descriptions - i've acknowledged different levels of confidence being necessary for description writing in this post! i get it! reasonable people can disagree!
however being like "well you're not wrong but what if you HAD BEEN wrong" ---- i'm going to eat you. i wasn't wrong!! and even if i had been, being wrong isn't the scariest thing in the world to me! seems like it'd suck to live like that though!
*obviously transcriptions of text will be long and transcriptions of text/art mix like comics will be even longer but i think a lot of comic transcriptions are not very good, in that they often don't effectively summarize the art component of the description.
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flo-zoinks · 2 months ago
De Santa, Javier and Allende were always my favorite and still are tbh. I'm sorry 🙏💔
The story is just so much more interesting with them in it.
Whilst obviously nobody AGREES with allende and De Santa, and probably Javier in rdr1 times, their missions are so so so entertaining broooo. The amount of plot they bring to the table had me hooked playing for the first time bc if I'm being fr i wasnt fully into the start (still loved it but it wasnt like amazing yet) UNTIL Mexico, with them like my goodness brother
De Santa dialogue is so funny sometimes bro and how the other characters treat him had me giggling at the screen that I just had to pause for 20 minutes in shock at what De Santa had just make us do. (Genuinely bro)
I do wish in rdr1 Javier had more screen like Dutch does, even before playing rdr2 I thought this because it's so clear his character was very important to John at one time, and his actions and dialogue were so interesting and unique. He didn't fit in the normal box as Dutch and Bill did when being chased, as him and John both seen a lot more reluctant to hurt each other, yet Escuella's time off screen was SO SHORT UGH
But TRUST ME you are not alone boo ily 😚😚 thanks for telling me and Happy new year btw☝️☝️☝️☝️❤❤❤❤❤❤👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐
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kanencrow · 5 months ago
How would Lucy Maclean act like if her younger sibling (they/them) gets hurt while in the wasteland with her?
Just a Boo-Boo - Lucy Maclean | Headcanon
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Summary: How would Lucy respond to her younger sibling (you) getting hurt while in the wasteland?
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Needles, Descriptions of Wounds, Probably OOC Lucy Maclean.
A/N: Kinda gave some unnecessary lore at the beginning, but ultimately stayed in line with the original ask. Thanks for the request, Anon! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2100+
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Let’s say you’re, like, only two or three years younger than her, which would make you the middle child amongst her and Norm. But even then, your placement in the family lineup isn’t super important when it comes to how close you are to your older sister and younger brother. You guys are all cooped up in that vault, probably forced to be around each other more often than not, so you’re used to their presence. And you don’t find it immensely difficult to get along with them either, which is great for your dad. Because the last thing he wants – as the overseer – is for his star children to be the star troublemakers of Vault 33. 
Norm definitely does stick to doing his own stuff most of the time, though. If anything, the residents of Vault 33 will find you and Lucy hanging out far more than you and your brother. It’s not that you dislike him. He’s just… different, and he seems to like his independence more than he likes being social with you and your sister or other people, which is something you can’t really blame him for. Living inside of a linear-like vault for the entirety of your life can become pretty exhausting. Especially when the people within it are overly friendly, to the point where it almost feels fake. 
Hell, even Lucy has come to carry a similar demeanor to herself that the majority of the residents do. But you know her kindness isn’t something she’s pulled out of her ass. However, you can’t really say the same for the rest of the individuals that reside within your underground home. 
But that’s besides the point. 
Lucy isn’t a mean sister – she’s actually very doting and kind to you, which a lot of people are pleasantly surprised by. Feeling her pull you in by your shoulder and squeeze you giddily as she introduces not only herself but you as well to someone new to the vault. You’re probably the only sibling around at the time, so you’re subjected to being a greeter with her, whether you like it or not. Nonetheless, that new member definitely makes a comment about it. How ‘you two are so sweet to one another,’ with one of those tones that show complete and utter surprise, and you can’t help but crease your brow in confusion, because you don’t understand why her kindness would be so surprising. 
If anything, it’s Norm you have to watch out for sometimes. 
Your brother can be far too grumpy for his own good. 
But that’s what makes him unique, so you can’t complain.
Overall, things inside of the vault were great, like you were stuck inside of a dream that you couldn’t wake up from. But, it was like the world could hear you actively thinking about how good things were one day, and that was when shit went awry. What with your dad deciding to pawn Lucy off to marry a resident of the vault you were neighboring, only to find out that it had been previously raided by bandits and the whole ‘marrying the daughter of the overseer’ thing was a ruse to get inside of Vault 33. That was a shitshow and a half. But, luckily, you had taken those self-defense courses with your sister which helped keep you and other residents safe, and it all worked out in the end, even if Stephanie ended up losing an eye…
And even if your dad got taken by the leader of the entire ordeal. 
Lee Moldaver. 
So obviously, that led to Lucy wanting to go and find him, and although Norm was more than willing to stay behind and hold the fort down, you were stubborn and practically forced her to bring you along with her. Unsurprisingly, she was reluctant about it. Saying how the wasteland wasn’t safe for you, but you – of course – you hit her back with a ‘well, it’s not safe for you, either,’ which ultimately ended up being kind of a gotcha moment for you, when she went quiet and seemed to look at you as though you had won the little debate. 
And of course, you only ended up doubling down on your desire to go with her, when you mentioned something about ‘also needing someone to have her back,’ and she couldn’t necessarily argue with that either, so she let you come along, but you had to promise her to stay close and not do anything stupid. 
Which, like… when have you ever done anything stupid?
Like… sure, there was one time where you might’ve schemed with Norm and put a harmless little bomb inside of a cake for your dad’s birthday, but that was one time. Or maybe she was referring to the time when you almost killed your cousin after you found out he kissed Lucy. But you were just being a protective younger sibling. Who can blame you for that? Like, seriously! Who kisses their relative? That’s disgusting! 
Either way, you agreed, even if – deep down – you didn’t really think you were going to do anything stupid. But maybe that was something you shouldn’t have promised to her or yourself, because – just your luck – within the week, you ended up somehow getting into a tango with a fucking radscorpion. Honestly, you didn’t even know those things existed, and in your defense, it just flew up from the fucking desert floor and jumped on you as though you were its next meal.
That was not fun. 
So, yeah. First week out in the wasteland sucked major ass.
And, honestly, it wasn’t even your fault that a radscorpion slashed your stomach and almost bit your face off. You were just trying to go to the bathroom one night, and just as you finished up and started making your way back, there it appeared. You swore your life flashed before your eyes as it jumped on top of you, and if it wasn’t for Lucy being a light sleeper, you probably would have died. But you didn’t. Your big sister was there to save you, which… wasn’t an entirely uncommon occurrence. 
She couldn’t even kill it, either. That thing had major armor or something, because it still managed to move just fine after she unloaded an entire mag into its body. She did manage to steer it away though, while you laid on the ground and panted as though you had run a marathon. So, by the time it disappeared beneath the desert floor, she holstered her pistol and rushed towards you, far more focused on making sure you were alive, rather than scolding you for wandering off without her acting as a chaperone. She would do that later.
Of course, Lucy eventually helps you to your feet and takes you back to the little camp the two of you set up. And by the time you and her get there, she’s telling you – in nicer words – to sit your ass down and let her see the wound that the radscorpion created. 
“I told you to wake me up if you needed to pee,” Lucy quietly scolded, while you winced and leaned back against the log, looking down at the way her fingers tentatively cleaned the gash on your stomach, the cut of which spanning horizontally from the right of your belly button to the curve of your waist. You probably shouldn’t have looked at it, because the sight of the open wound, all jagged and – hopefully – not radiated, made a wave of nausea wash over you. “Do you know how dangerous it is to wander around at night, Y/n? On the surface, of all places?” 
Her words are pointed, like she’s trying to drill how stupid your actions were into your head, which makes you roll your eyes and move your focus away from your wound to stare out towards nothing. “I didn’t think one of those… whatever you call them would be lurking under the sand, Lucy.” Your own tone can’t help but become sharp, clearly annoyed by how incessant she is with her scolding, and even as a silence ensues after your words, all it does is make you more frustrated, which urges you to continue. “I could’ve died, yet you’re more worried about lecturing me than making sure I’m okay.” 
You wince when she squeezes around the gash to rid it of any dirt that may have gotten into it, and as your fingers curl into the ground beneath you while you lean up against the log the two of you found earlier, your sister pauses momentarily to lift her chin up and meet your eyes. 
You stare at her silently, sending her a look that conveys guilt and dejection, and it causes her features to soften, before you breathe in deeply and flicker your attention back towards your wound. But she continues to gaze at you, internally realizing her behavior, and after a short moment passes, you can hear her let out a quiet sigh, as she goes back to tending to your gash. “I’m sorry,” she mumbles, her tone – for the first time ever you think – portraying defeat, or disappointment, as she leans back on her heels and reaches towards her backpack to pull out the medical box she brought with her. “I was scared… and I shouldn’t be getting mad at you.” 
You huff, but the sound is slightly humorous, as you shake your head and flutter your focus back to meet Lucy’s hazel eyes again. “You think?” you uttered, only to wince when a jolt of pain shot through your open wound, “I’m over here bleeding out and I have my sister scolding me for getting assaulted by a fucking radscorpion–” 
“Hey,” Lucy says, her brow creasing, which makes her look like a mother scolding her child, “language, Y/n.” You immediately scoff at her words, and although you’re hurt, it still doesn’t stop her from smacking your shoulder, which causes you to flinch and let out a quiet laugh. “Since when do you know that word?” 
“I’m an adult, Luce,” you remind her, deadpanning, “not five.” 
Lucy purses her lips and lowers her eyes to focus on guiding the needle and thread she mindlessly set up towards your wound. “I would’ve never guessed… considering you were crying about missing home just last night.” 
“Shut up,” you grumbled.
The days after your little mishap, Lucy loses the desire to scold you and focuses more on making sure you’re okay. Neither one of you have a stimpack, so it makes your healing process a lot slower than her own, like when she got stabbed herself during that bandit attack back at the vault. That’s definitely one thing she decides to mention, too. How you and her ‘are matching’ because you both share an abdominal scar on your stomachs. In a way, it’s kind of sweet, but at the same time, it’s also equally depressing to think about, because of the fact that you’re in this mess because of that raid in the first place. 
Either way, Lucy makes sure to check on your wound every night before the two of you go to sleep. She always says something about it being her duty as your big sister to take care of you, but really, you know that she’s just worried it’s going to get infected. Last thing she wants is for you to die, and honestly, you share that same sentiment when it comes to her. It’s just the two of you out in the wasteland, working together to try and find your dad and simultaneously dealing with raiders, creatures, and cult members in the process, so of course your physical states are important to each other. 
You and her even stumble across a Brotherhood of Steel soldier stuck in a power armor suit, and a ghoul who’s actively cosplaying as a cowboy. And that makes the wonders of the wasteland all the more intriguing. It’s a… weird time, up on the surface, but you and her try to make the most of it. Even if her constant desire to coddle you because of your injuries is starting to get on your nerves. Mainly because of the fact that she doesn’t let you go anywhere on your own now.
If she had one of those backpacks with the leash on it, she would definitely force you to wear it, but instead, she just settles on watching you closely or even just holding your hand when she can spare a moment to actually touch you. Always talks about how she can’t trust you to be alone anymore after what happened, which – again – wasn’t your fault. And you try to tell her that, too, but she’s not hearing it. Which is a trait that every older sister must have. The inability to see reason when it's coming from their younger siblings’ mouth. 
You love her, though.
Even if she sometimes treats you like you’re five.
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