#there's nothing to do
konigceo · 2 months
what do i even do for my birthday
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I'm the only person in the Florida Keys who still wears a mask whenever I go inside a public place, I get a lot of stares, a lot of glares (which are distinct from stares, more antagonistic), and a lot of chuckles, but I can ignore all that. What I couldn't ignore was when this older white lady lifted her leg like a fucking animal and farted on me. That was the single worst thing another human being has done to me in 25 years on this earth, and it is by the grace of God that I did not go to jail for physically assaulting that woman. I did call her a disgusting bitch out loud so everyone in the Publix parking lot could hear, and then I stormed off before she could respond.
This is the savagery I deal with. These people are absolutely beyond parody. Farting on people, spitting on people (no one has ever spat on me, but one guy in a truck spat at me, spat in my direction, but he was too far away for it to hit me), I wouldn't put it past them to dig their fingers up their ass and smear shit on people like fucking apes! How fucking bestial are these people? What point are they trying to prove? "Covid is a hoax, so I'm gonna shit myself in public to show how unafraid of germs I am!" She LIFTED HER LEG LIKE A DOG! Somebody's grandmother. If my gramma did this to someone, I wouldn't think it was funny, and I certainly wouldn't be PROUD of her or cheer her on. This is despicable behavior, but from her perspective she won this interaction because she got a rise out of me. That's what this is all about, just getting reactions. Doesn't matter if they embarrass themselves in the process, because they don't feel shame! It's not embarrassing to these people. They will never look back on this moment with anything but a feeling of smug superiority, if they think about it at all. Chances are this lady will forget it even happened in a week, it's so mundane to her. I doubt she goes around farting on a ton of people, I'm probably the only masked person she's encountered in months, but in her mind I'm no insignificant, so beneath her, that she can't even be bothered to commit this to p9ng term memory. It's like stepping on a bug. Even if she felt bad about it, which she doesn't, it's just a bug, one of many, a forgettable experience. The fact that I'm still mad about it would make her so fucking satisfied, it hurts. "I really owned that lib! I triggered him hard!"
I can't imagine going about my life like that. What kind of life must you live where you feel comfortable farting on strangers in public because you think its funny? This is elementary school bully behavior! Underdeveloped empathy! No sense of right or wrong! And we're really living in two separate planes of reality because there's no convincing them that their behavior is abnormal or inappropriate. In their world, they're completely justified and will never see it any other way. They feel no regret, no remorse, no self doubt, no guilt, nothing. They live truly blissful lives where they can molest anyone and never be molested. I still follow societal norms, I refuse to stoop to their level, so I lose. I am going about every interaction with one hand tied behind my back, unwilling to commit the same disgusting acts of indecency and disrespect, and that makes me weak. In a world of assholes, you can't get by being nice. They don't feel bad about being assholes because they WANT to be assholes! They don't WANT to be nice, they WANT to hurt people, and rarely ever get their comeuppance because the universe is uncaring and unfeeling. The United States of America is proof positive that karma does not exist, because otherwise our entire continent would have sunk into the sea by now.
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very-uncorrect · 1 year
I don't think I'm gonna buy Horse Ranch lol
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jasper-crow · 1 year
I hate how much the cost of everything has increased. But you know what the worst one is?
Veterinary costs.
I have two big girls
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This is Nienna and Turin.
Respectively they are a runt Great Pyrenees/Newfoundland mix and a lovely husky/border collie mutt with brain damage.
Nienna has been limping lately and drinking too much water. We called up a local vet (we live on 2.5 acres in a rural area) to get a quote on her getting checked out and treated.
You know how much it would be?
$1200+ just for diagnostics
And we can't afford that. That's a third of our mortgage. That's car repair money. That's almost a dozen grocery runs. That's more than half of one of my paychecks.
We got these girls almost a decade ago now. I remember taking them in to get shots and fixed and forking over $300 each and being done. And less than a decade later I'll need to fork over 4X that much just to be told she likely needs something else we can't afford.
This isn't a donation post. I don't want others stretched thin to be giving me money for my dog. That's not my goal here.
Why aren't we allowed to own animals anymore? Why do the rich get to treat their animals and I get to watch my baby suffer?
Why are they exploiting my love for my girls for money?
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commissionsdarian · 2 years
I'm bored, you're bored, I did some quizzes, have the links
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tomandgeriatric · 2 years
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opiumvampire · 9 months
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fuck w me
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horsefigureoftheday · 2 months
I love when articles about toxic vintage toys have pics like this
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Bert is a triple-toxic little bicth
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baristabomb · 4 months
...weird amount of dunmeshi fans have been saying being a caretaker in a relationship is the worst thing ever..marcille must want to killl everyone soo bad because doing things for people suuuucks sooo muchh
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it's an act of love, not just a job i promise. we all want someone who's willing to take care of us in some way, just like how senshi shows care for others by cooking for them :'|
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m3djed · 8 months
"he would not fucking say that" but you ever be looking at fanart and suddenly its "he would not fucking have abs"
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stitchedgrave · 17 days
i hate my city so much, can't wait to move out of here
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 7 months
Also increasingly aware that a LOT of people "manage" getting through the 40+ hour work week by sleeping less than is healthy and relying on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks to keep them going.
For people who are unwilling or unable to do this...work really does just dominate your life. Like we really should not have to rely on unhealthy practices just to have a social life or keep on top of housework or whatever.
I know I post about this a lot but I'm so TIRED all the time and it's just so depressing that this is how we're expected to spend the one life we have.
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nothingdoingcomic · 3 months
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Nothing Doing no. 35
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banrionceallach · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: All games should have the option to enable pausing.
And to save almost everywhere.
Yes even in soulslike games.
I am an adult who has a full time job and responsibilities. I get to play maybe an hour a week. I do not want to lose that hour of progress because devs decided 'pause' was not allowed in their game and I had sudden unexpected things come up that meant I had to quit the game without saving/leave it playing and hope enemies wouldn't respawn.
Also it would massively increase accessability. I have fully working non-injured hands and they still need a break after a tough boss fight. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for people with joint pain, arthritis, etc, etc.
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freelancerwizard · 2 months
Why do I have to be at work at 8 am for full 8 hours man I'm bored
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elrondhalfelven · 1 year
had the wildest interaction today some random woman called me a slag and my dog a fucking faggot because I was using a pink lead/harness and he’s a boy like what the fuck lmfaoo
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