#there's more focus on understanding 'the common man' and how the guy that looked evil in s1 for blocking the escape while the titans invade
neoyi · 1 year
The Catbat comic was a nice little treat for the upcoming Crash Team Rumble game, but I especially love the addition of this particular character.
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Like up until the ending slide show in Crash 4, I don't think there was anything to indicate Cortex's robotic scientists weren't anything but mindless automatons that did his bidding (and also end up as cannon fodder during.) The slide show implied they had to do something while Cortex was away post-final battle, which could either be them fulfilling their commands to keep themselves busy (or something) or the first signs of sentience and a life beyond their creator.
So you got one of the Lab Assistants who doesn't seem to work for Cortex. Or maybe he does and he has a rock gig in secret. Whatever the case is, there are signs of a free man here, one who grew beyond his programming and doesn't have to live a degrading, butt monkey existence as Cortex's minion. One who could be altruistic and help those in need.
Even the outfit he wears evokes the many, many costumes the Lab Assistants have donned over the games. They were always situational and appropriate to wherever Cortex sent them, but this rock n' roll look though? It's all his. This is his personal identity and what he can claim to call his own. Cortex did not choose this, HE did. I hope Rock n' Roll Lab Assistant Guy continues to explore his identity (find a name, continue to help people and rock out, etc.)
I don't know if Catbat told him the truth of their origin. If so, then they're with good company because he understands, and oh MAN, I really want to do fanart of these two buddies being good friends (or more? Catbat/Rock n' Roll LA pairing? Sure, why not?)
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Catbat has such a great potential if Toys For Bob plays their cards right. Because yeah, there really isn't a Cortex science experiment who carried the kind of emotional baggage the way they do. None of the Bandicoots are as burdened with angst about the whole thing. Crash is more than willing to forgive and embrace Cortex because he is a cinnamon roll and I bet he just wants to reconcile with his dad. Coco has healthy outlets when she isn't kicking Cortex's ass through engineering and gaming, as well as a loving sibling bond with her brother. Prime!Tawna? ...Who knows. Crunch? ...That character is so goddamn useless he's not worth talking about here (I'm sorry, Crunch was a better character when he was an evil rival to Crash. You strip that off of him and what does he contribute?) But I digress.
What I'm saying is, I dig Catbat's background, because it continues where Crash 4 took off by creating pathos and character exploration instead of ha ha goofy character and dumb 2005-era Dreamworks humor (god, post-CNK games before the revival era really flattened these characters into senseless clowns.) Like I don't know if Catbat is even on Crash's side, or they happen to want to work together because of common goals. We'll see, I guess!
If a hypothetical Crash 5 happens and Catbat returns, I would genuinely love to see them returning, with an even more greater focus on their revenge against Cortex. But I'm getting ahead of myself; let's see how they do in Rumble first.
Apparently we'll be getting snippets of lore like these throughout Rumble's updates, and I am genuinely looking forward to them expanding the world built by Crash 4.
Look man, I'm not saying Crash Bandicoot has the deepest lore, but seeing little things like these add so much.
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deadscoutz · 2 years
Ye olde list of my dankest oldest yaoi
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I made a meme template for my fella. You can see how he filled his out on his blog. You should do this too! Just save the image and repost it with your ships, no credit necessary.
10 years ago can also be 10+ years ago, just any ol' fashioned classic yaoiyuri.
My ye olde ships:
Slade/Robin (now Nightwing/Slade lol)
Kefka/Terra (ff6)
everyone including random monsters/Vincent Valentine (ff7)
Harvey Dent/Joker (dark knight movie)
Riddler/Scarecrow (batman comix)
Kaiba/Yami Yugi (ygo)
Malik/Yami Bakura (ygo)
Sniper/Spy (tf2 /neg)
Superman/Batman (capeshit)
Deadpool/Cable (capeshit)
These don't include some of the obvious ones that I'm still drawing to this day LOL like Scout/Spy or Goblin yaoi.
Warning for LONG ASS rambling about each ship under the cut.
The common thread is that 86% of these were memes posted to 4chan's /co/ board. When I WAS. A YOUNG MAN. I just liked whatever I saw other people posted cuz i couldn't form my own opinions yet. I think that's just a general age thing, as you get older you hone your personal tastes more, whether it's books or yuri or food, and it's less satisfying to wait around at the buffet for other people's tastes.
It's a lil interesting how much easier it was to just let other people feed me things to enjoy. Now that I'm older and pickier, I have to proactively seek very specific tastes and sometimes make dishes for myself!
Some thoughts on thots:
Slade/Robin: This is like, baby's first "dark ship". Lots of 8 yr olds saw the Apprentice episode, and pogged out cuz of the evil groomy tension. Then you get all the 8 yr olds posting their dark yaoi on deviantart LMAO.
The default back then (And still now?) is evil daddy dom Slade making poor widdle babby Robin cry. I didn't have particular tastes back then in regards to that ship cuz I was 8 and just followed what was popular LOL. In [current year], I only like the pairing if Slade gets his anus slapped and slorped by the dude he tried to groom. What can I say, I get older and the old gnarsty dudes keep getting older too...!
Also, I'm really shocked that new people are getting into this pairing because of Teen Titans Go's chibi Robin. It's time to bring chad manlet Dick to public consciousness!!!
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Kefka/Terra: 👴 Back in my day, I did not see any FF6 shippy stuff on the internet at all. The doujins and fanart were mostly for the FF7 and above 3d games. So this was something I thought up for myself while playing the game, without any outside influence... incredible for a kid I must say! The dynamic is "evil clown grooms psychic girl into a MAGITEK WEAPON". It's really funny how things change, I wouldn't find interest in that dynamic now :p But I understand why a depressed edgy 10 year old (me) would find that interesting to explore.
Everyone/Vincent Valentine: I just thought Vincent was cute! I still like goth dudes who look like ladies with long hair (Who also turn into monsters). I tried to get into ships proper for Vincent, like Sephiroth/Vincent, Cloud/Vincent, Cid/Vincent.. but none of them really struck my fancy. I didn't really care for their character dynamics. I just liked Vincent LOL. So my favorite doujin I found when I was a wee lad was a monster x Vincent manga, cuz Vincent was cute :3c That segues into the other side of the fujo spectrum: A lot of my fannish thoughts when I was a kid (and even now) was based on having one favorite character and just wanting to see them look awesome and hot and cool and sexy. I think that's actually more related to gay manga culture than fujoshi culture, where gay manga can commonly just focus on one guy getting gangbanged with no emotional pairing necessary.
I could live with just seeing sexy Green Goblin and never shipping him with anyone else, ya know? And I'd be happy just drawing my sexy Senspai without any annoying Scunts around. The annoying younger halves of my pairings are often just projection opportunities, ya know? But I don't have the mental ability to do self-inserts because I have no conception of self.
Harvey Dent/Joker: Hey, when you're a kid and the new Batman movie comes out, you get sucked into it! You can see this in action with all the new Riddler fans cuz of the edward cullen batman movie! Nurse Joker was a huge meme on /co/ when this movie came out, and as the joke says.. /co/ is gay. And probably full of closet fujos. I had no emotional connection to this pairing, or even thoughts on their interactions, but I have quite a bit saved of these two on my computer. Plus I stole a lot of Aaron Eckhart's Harvey for my character Angus. Blonde and buttchin!
Riddler/Scarecrow: Again with the new Batman movie at the time, this time reviving interest in characters that weren't even in the movie! I liked Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow even though he only gets 5 minutes total of screentime in all 3 Nolan movies combined. Because I like girly men with killer cheekbones and kissy lips. I also REALLY enjoyed Jeffrey Comb's voiceover for BTAS Scarecrow. And Frank Gorshin Riddler was also a beloved meme on /co/.
I don't remember what the dynamic even was between these two. I just remember a small imageboard split off from /co/ for just Batman yaoi at the time, and this being a popular ship. Sometimes I wish it could be this easy for me to get into media and enjoy it with random strangers again LOL.
Kaiba/Yami Yugi: I loved Yugioh as a kid. This was one of the most popular ships, so as a kid you're just ecstatic that so much art and writing and fans existed for this one thing. You never starve, even if you don't have especially strong feelings for the food! Kaiba/Yami is still pretty cool to my adult brain though. I love the obsessiveness of Kaiba, and Yami is just an eternal waifu.
Malik/Yami Bakura: You can blame the abridged series for this one! Yaoi bait begets yaoi bait. This falls under the "dumbass x grumpy" archetype that I still enjoy. No especially strong feelings for this one, though I do have more modern headcanons of Malik, Rishid, and Bakura living together in a strange poly-angle. It's just cute!
Sniper/Spy: Ah, TF2chan.. a place where dreams live and die. Sniper, Spy, and Scout were part of the cursed twink trio on that chan. REAL MEN liked MANLY ships like Heavy/Medic, Demo/Soldier, or Soldier/Engie. You're a gay stupid yaoi fangirl if you liked any combination of Sniper/Spy!!! Jokes on them, I liked pretty much every pairing for TF2 back in Tha Day.
TF2 truly was a milestone in the fujo pipeline, from anime twinks to middle-aged slightly more naturalistic twinks to finally burly hyper testosterated manly men. We can blame the SSS twink trio for helping many transition (And I mean that in every way of the word 😜).
I think now I'm just sick of anything TF2. Reminds me too much of assholes and shitfucks! The transition of TF2 from edgy gamer chan culture, to tumblrites, to twitter geeks... eugh. I only care about fearless Scout/Spy allies :)
Superman/Batman: Hey, it's the NaruSasu of superhero ships! I have a lot of these two saved on my hard drive from my /co/ days. Once again, because gay art of these two was posted constantly as a meme. When the "straight dudes" on the edgy imageboard acknowledge the inherent homoeroticism of a pairing, it's validated in the young fujo's eyes. (cuz what girls like is stinky? and what men like is cool and real? lol lots to unpack) Still think this one is cute! I'm not AS invested in this as some people are as an endgame OTP that gets married and love each other ONLY, but it falls under the genki x grumpy archetype that I enjoy. It's a good relationship for Bruce to have and ruin!
Deadpool/Cable: Ah, the final channer-approved pairing. Complete with channer-approved fanart and pornography I still have on my hard drive! I might actually have the most art of them together saved out of all these ships...They had a comic together called Cable and Deadpool. Deadpool flirts with Cable and dreams about putting lotion on Cable's bare back (heh). What's not to like? Still cute, still genki x grumpy! Again, not an invested endgame ship for me right now, but certainly something I'm grateful to have enjoyed and shared with Shane :) Especially having enjoyed this before the Deadpool movie came out, and before all the weird fucked up Waid comics! I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!!
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xylemloz · 3 years
Character ask meme:
The Obligatory First
Twilight if you don't mind
ok this will be pretty hard because there isn't much content OR fan content of first LOL
What I love about them: he is the only hero that understood the full scope of what he was getting into, and held almost no bitterness in his heart about it. he knew the consequences and made every choice himself to be the hero. he's been faced with the worst of humanity by being freaking tortured for a crime he didn't commit, but still lets them use him and takes up the mantle of the hero because he appreciates the best of humanity and loves his home. that is so sexy of him What I hate about them: the fact that he exists for only like 30 pages that are like... not confirmed canon? i wish he had more time to grow because he had a lot of potential. rarely do i find any people who care about him as much as i do simply because all content of him can be consumed in 10 minutes and isn't even in the common knowledge of many. i honestly don't blame them Favorite Moment/Quote: when he said "all of you seek my answer. you use me whenever it suits you" then still reforged the master sword i lost my mind. perfect example of how aware he is that he's expendable by the end of all this but again, is given a choice, and chooses to do the heroic thing What I would like to see more focus on: well he literally DOESNT get focused on. so i guess i want more focus on the fact he exists??? What I would like to see less focus on: NO i want more focus on this guy i have yet to see anyone outside of like 10 people focus on him Favorite pairing with: first x the grind. this man is hustling, got no time for love. Favorite friendship: honestly with the timeshift stone shenanigans i really think i would love the dynamic between him and sky. tired guy and silly guy just hanging out. tired man has a hidden mischievousness and enables sky's batshit behavior. "can i eat this [weird treasure from the surface] it looks very juicy and tasty" "i aint paying for the medical bill but i want to see you try" kind of vibe. you know. NOTP: i guess with anyone? i'm not into shipping him with anyone, but i also don't have any strong feelings Against any pairing
Favorite headcanon: he wants to be touched but at the same time he's scared of it. like he's been imprisoned for many years so i bet human contact is awesome but it's also hard to separate when someone wants to touch just normally or has ill intent and wants to cause hurt
What I love about them: literally just a guy. just a normal farmer boy in his farmer adoptive family in his farmer village. he is way out of his depth when he gets shoved into the predicament he's in, with no idea of how hero stuff works, and then really only cares about saving the village kids at first. everyone's like "for the sake of hyrule" and whatever but he's just a family man. does all the shit he does just to keep them safe. it's only as he meets more people along the way that he understands what his importance as the hero is. it's very nice
What I hate about them: honestly, in the game and LU, i find him kind of boring. he doesn't emote much, he doesn't Show much outside of caring about the kids, etc. in LU he is just kind of like Time Jr. and his entire identity is just being related to Time and also secretly being a wolf. not really a captivating guy
Favorite Moment/Quote: literally had to think so hard about this one but i've decided that i'd have to say (from LU) it's when he was pulling legend's leg about wolves not being pets. from the game itself i would probably say him saving colin on eldin bridge was the most epic thing mine eyes have laid upon
What I would like to see more focus on: him actually being a little crazy a little wild. clearly this dude is out of his mind and he should be given permission to be the troublemaker his heart knows he is deep down. he would dropkick the other heroes in a play fight man idk
What I would like to see less focus on: the fact that he's directly related to the hero of time. he's his own guy doing his own thing
Favorite pairing with: i'm not huge on anything but midna good i guess? i see her more like a really close friend though
Favorite friendship: MIDNA. i love how much the both of them grow and midna goes from being a jerk who selfishly uses link to get what she wants to actually caring for him when she realizes that he doesn't mind. midna uses him to her advantage by using his family as bait but realizes as she sees his love for those people that it is very much real just like her lvoe for her kingdom. and the fact that she was being an asshole because she really was just scared of being in this new weak form and wanting to get back to the throne as fast as possible by pushing link around... cheers to that bro. when they come to an understanding and she starts speaking softly and tenderly to him... FUCKING CHEERS to that bro.
NOTP: i dont have one. people can ship whatever and i will look at it and go like that is pretty cool
Favorite headcanon: no way this guy could acclimate to a slow and quiet village life after his entire journey of literally killing the king of evil. having no one to confide to about the entire journey (nobody but midna saw what he truly experienced), i think he would find trouble trying to get anyone in the village to understand what really happened to him. so he would probably leave ordon post-game and try to find a way to meet midna again
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
One common defense I see made for Winter, due to her criticizing Ironwood for squeezing Mantle even though she was the one to first suggest martial law was "Oh he was already thinking about it. Winter merely voiced his thoughts to the group." What do you make of that?
That it’s as unpersuasive as this broader, “The group knew things were bad, but it’s okay they went along with it because they were uncomfortable” argument. Even if we were to agree that these were Ironwood’s thoughts and that Winter was merely stating his obvious perspective  — which I don’t, both because Ironwood didn’t enact martial law then and much of Volume 7 is him bending to others’ perspectives  — that doesn’t absolve Winter of suggesting it herself in a manner that conveys her approval. We can’t go, “Ironwood is bad for wanting to enact martial law, but Winter isn’t bad for suggesting they enact martial law.” 
Really, the implied defense in arguments like these is that Winter is being coerced somehow. The only way you can get “It’s okay if Character A does X, but not okay if Character B does X” is if Character A is forced into committing X through some threat, manipulation, or loss of agency. It’s why Penny is not a horrible person for attacking Klein: we understand that in hacking her, Watts and Ironwood took her agency away. It’s why Yang isn’t a horrible person for accusing Ozpin of hurting the Branwens with the bird transformation: we understand that Raven lied to her. (Even though, as I’ve discussed in the past, Yang’s situation is more complicated in that we do hold her accountable for things like, “Why did you trust Raven’s version of events at face value without ever considering that she would lie?”) Part of the assumption that Winter fits this mold is because she does fit it later. Ironwood’s office scene, wherein he very creepily pats her shoulder and discusses torturing Penny’s friends, is meant to convey a, “Holy shit, this guy has gone off the deep end and if I oppose him I might be in trouble” feeling. We understand there why Winter doesn’t just yell her disapproval: it’s not longer safe. It’s the same sort of work we see when the two nameless soldiers appear in Ironwood’s office looking terrified of him and, indeed, we see later that when someone does dare speak up (Marrow) Ironwood immediately attempts to kill them. 
The problem is that none of this work occurred in Volume 7. At no point prior to those scared soldiers, Marrow’s near execution, Winter’s office scene, etc. does the text imply that Ironwood is threatening his people. (And even the above examples are messy af because Ironwood moves from, “Winter betrayed me by releasing the prisoners I needed?? ... Guess I’ll trust her and her alone to have my back when I arrest Penny.” This stuff is not well written.) Rather, we see the exact opposite work, in that Winter goes out of her way to tell people, namely Weiss and Penny, that yes, she’s making her own decisions. She decided to join the military. She decided to become the Winter Maiden. She decided to back Ironwood’s idea to leave with Atlas. And she decided to suggest martial law. 
I’m not going to lie, the fandom’s (and, more recently, the show’s) tendency to erase women agency makes me really uncomfortable. RWBY is a show built around the power of women, particularly young women, and the fandom celebrates that intention... up until the women do something bad, foolish, or even just make a mistake. It’s not that Pyrrha foolishly went off to fight a maiden when Ozpin explicitly told her not to, it’s that Ozpin’s manipulation forced her to take that action (which in turn is built on the belief that it was manipulation to begin with: Pyrrha is incapable of deciding to be the maiden herself). It’s not that Salem planned to enact the eugenics based plan of replacing the world with her magical bloodline and, when Ozma tried to keep that from happening, she killed her children and then burned him alive, Ozma forced her to take that action by daring to leave. It’s not that Raven chose to enter a school with the intention of later killing its inhabitants, gained the trust of the headmaster, received power, entered a war, and then abandoned it to instead spend her days raiding villages that leave them decimated from grimm, Ozpin forced her to go back to that life by revealing horrifying information (don’t think too hard on how, in the next generation, withholding that same information is also bad). It’s not that Winter chose to escape her abusive upbringing by going to the military/huntsmen school next door  — rather than going elsewhere like her little sister did  — and then later chose to support the man she’d come to trust as he navigated situations with no easy solutions, it’s that Ironwood forced her to do everything the viewership doesn’t agree with, despite a lack of evidence for that and Winter’s own claims of, ‘I chose this myself.’ Winter herself becomes a part of that fandom subset when, in Volume 8, she denies having any part in this and instead puts it all on Ironwood’s shoulders. That’s a very sharp contrast to Volume 7 when she acknowledged her own agency. 
It’s a very simplistic form of “feminism” wherein there’s a Bad Man and a Good Woman and if the woman’s actions in any way seem suspect, it must be the fault of that evil, manipulative, male influence in her life. This is not only a terrible way to interpret women characters  — the best thing you can do is portray us as well-rounded and flawed as we actually are, just like any other human being  — and it’s not just a way to ironically talk over these fictional women  — it doesn’t matter what choices we saw Pyrrha make, or what Winter says about her own life, I know what’s really going on  — it’s also just a bad way of reading the text. The ability to make claims like the one you reference, anon, requires ignoring huge swaths of the story and replacing it with headcanons. Ignore what we saw Winter do, what we say her say, what we saw Ironwood choose in Volume 7, and replace it with these ideas that have no basis in the text, but that I feel very strongly about; an interpretation that I’m more comfortable with. Because people do seem to be uncomfortable with the idea of truly flawed women, not just surface stuff like, “Yeah Yang has a little bit of a temper, but she’s still #perfect.” This includes the RWBY writers. Given that girl power focus of the story, few are willing to acknowledge that maybe Ruby is seriously messing up. Maybe Salem was a victim, but is now very much the enemy. Maybe Winter supported Ironwood through the embargo, supplies, martial law, and murdering a councilman, only turning when he threatened to blow up a city. Winter is culpable in all this and that makes her a better, more well-rounded character. Ignoring that depth for a “women good, men bad” take  — especially in 2021 when we’ve adopted a more nuanced, intersectional form of feminism based on gender diversity  — isn’t something I’m personally able to understand. 
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
We'll Leave This All Behind
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: mentions blood, kinda angsty (dw; happy ending)
Summary: You were raised the same as Draco you go through the same hell, maybe it wont be so lonely together
A/n: Me: I'm so sick of Harry Potter Me 10secs later: I'm in love with Draco Malfoy again. I got feels and wrote this in 2 hours, totally unplanned. I hope you guys like it! Btw pls request AUs, they are so much fun to write.
Link for AU requests
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    You could feel yourself falling apart, it was agonizingly slow like each day a layer of who you were was stripped away. You never quite realized how alone you really were until you got to Hogwarts. You knew people, but you had no friends. Your parents didn’t love you, they loved your accomplishments. When you got to the warmly lit grand hall and looked around at all the smiling faces it made you realize that not everyone felt like you. It made you realize that some people were actually genuinely happy, not smiling for a camera but smiling because they wanted to. Because they felt like it. Knowing that made you hate them that much more. 
    Your first year in Hogwarts was spent alone. You sat alone, you ate alone, you studied alone, you were alone. You didn’t know how to change that and you weren’t quite sure if you wanted to. When you were alone you knew what was going on. You knew what was going to happen, there were no surprises, no skeletons in a closet that you didn’t know about. Your own was filled to the ceiling but you weren’t scared of them anymore. You were taught that if you were scared you would die. 
    You met Draco Malfoy through some ball when you were five years old, you still didn’t smile much, even then. Draco had called you evil and ran from you. You hadn’t been hurt by it, kids did it most of the time. You had made friends with a young girl once but your mother had seen you and locked you in your closet for three days for playing with a muggle. You didn’t try anymore. 
    Draco was dreadfully scared of you as a child. He had heard his mother and father compare their methods of a discipline to your parents to reassure him of their own kindness. The things he heard were done to you were like nothing he had ever heard of before. They were inhuman. 
    When he saw you at Hogwarts he had been sure you would be evil and he was horrified,  not that he would ever admit it. But by his fourth year, he began to see you as less of a demon and more of an ally. He knew what you were going to do as you got older and he knew he would have to do the same no matter how much he tried to push it to the back of mind. 
In fifth-year things got worse for Draco Malfoy. He couldn’t push things away anymore. He was facing them soon and he was scared. So dreadfully scared. That’s when he began to see you as a friend. 
    Draco approached you one night looking unsure, almost fearful of you despite the inches he held over you. You glanced up at him, your back stiff as a bored, “Draco.” 
    You never called him by his last name. He wondered if you knew how much he hated it or if you simply didn’t respect him.
    “Y/n.” He responded. You blinked owlishly at him the sound of rain on the stained glass windows of the small stairwell seemed to echo around you. 
    “Do you have something you would like to speak to me about?” You asked, peering straight at him. But that wasn’t right. You were looking through him. 
    “I don’t know,” Draco answered honestly, his heart thumping from nerves. You were so strange.
    You gave a curt nod, “You’re scared.” your voice was suddenly soft, almost a whisper. 
    Draco wasn’t sure how to respond. He had been wrong you looked not at him, not through him but into him. You could see who he was, he marveled. He supposed it was like looking in a distorted mirror and knowing what looked back didn’t look the same, but it was you. 
    “Aren’t you?” He asked, the stairway seemed to darken.
    “I don’t think so.” You said. “I don’t think I’m scared.”
    Draco wasn’t surprised, he wondered if you felt anything but he knew that was silly, of course, you did. You were just better at hiding it. 
    “You shouldn’t be scared Draco.” You murmured, your eyes had lost the sharpness they held moments before, “You’ll be okay.” 
    You had then shouldered past him and as the sound of your expensive dress shoes echoed off the stone walls he wondered if he would be. 
    Draco got into the habit of sitting near you. He insisted on being with you at meals and in classes, he even began to study with you bringing chocolate frogs and expensive candies from America. He was slowly invading your lonely life. 
You were studying in your common room late one night. You didn’t sleep much anymore, the darkness made you uncomfortable and nightmares haunted your young mind. Draco was always up with you, he had twin bags under his eyes which matched your own. 
“Why are you here with me?” You asked suddenly, eyes leaving the textbook in front of you for the first time in an hour. 
Draco looked up at you, “Because I’m terrible at Transfiguration.” 
You shook your head and narrowed your eyes slightly, eyes that always softened when they landed on the blonde, “Why are you always here with me?” 
The boy bit his lip, “Because you’re real.” He answered after a second too long. 
“So are Zabini and Parkinson.” He was the only one you didn’t call by his last name. 
Draco dropped his quill into the ink beside him, his eyes locked with yours, and just like yours did months ago in the stairwell he looked into you. “No, they aren’t. They pretend like everything is alright, like we’re normal. They’re fake.” There was a long pause and the fireplace let out a loud crack that sounded like a whip. “You don’t pretend.” 
You cocked your head a bit, “I thought you liked pretending.” 
“I used to.” He murmured, “But I don’t think I can anymore. I don’t want to be scared and when I pretended everything was okay I got scared when it wasn’t.” 
You made no response, you looked almost like a statue - something a greek carved a thousand years ago, a greek who managed to make stone beautiful. But it wasn’t a greek, and they made beautiful into stone, not the other way around. 
“Do you feel anything?” Draco wondered aloud, almost joking. 
You let out a soft chuckle, “I’m angry Draco.” You smiled, “And sad. And lonely.” you licked your lips and Draco watched that stone around you break, a small crack forming as your eyes went glassy and a heartbreaking smile curved your lips. “But you know all about that.” 
And he did. 
Things got less lonely for the rest of the year. Draco watched as slowly the statue that you were peeled away, you still didn’t smile much but you talked more. You told him about things he sometimes wished he didn’t hear. He told you about his own misfortunes, about how his father had built a dungeon under his house and how he was getting a tattoo over the summer. You didn’t pity him as he was sure many would have. Instead, you nodded, you understood him, you understood what he was doing and why he was doing it. You were doing the same after all. 
Summer was dreadful. You wrote letters to each other but it wasn’t enough. You found yourself needing Draco the way you had never needed anyone before. You had forgotten what it was like to be so utterly alone and you were no longer numb to the feeling. 
When you came back to school Dumbledore pulled you both aside, calling the two of you into his office one evening. When you entered the room he wore a grim smile, one so fake you would practically smell its plastic. 
“Hello y/n, Draco.” He spoke motioning for you to sit in front of his massive desk on two matching wooden chairs. You did as told folding your robes beneath you as Draco tucked the books he was holding for you on his lap. 
“Yes, professor?” You asked, you didn’t smile like he thought you might, you didn’t pretend even now. 
“I’m sure you have a sense of why I called you up here.” He responded, his smile dropped and replaced with a much more real frown. 
“I could take a guess.” You responded, Draco still didn’t speak. 
The headmaster turned his gaze to focus solely on you, his eyes were trying to pick you apart and when he glanced away Draco realized he had failed
“I know you two are in danger.” The man said, “I am not oblivious to what goes on at your homes. And while I am sure I could never fully understand what you’re going through I wish to help.” His voice was soft, “You know as well as I that dark forces are trying to infiltrate this castle at this very moment and I need you both to remember, their greatest weapon is no spell at all but you, children.” 
Draco could feel the elderly man’s eyes move to him and he tipped his chin to meet them hoping his gaze was as blank as yours. 
You waited a few more moments before speaking, “You’re right professor.” You said and Draco’s eyes widened, “You could never understand what we go through.” Your words were bitter, “And we are their greatest weapon.” 
Dumbledore looked defeated as he looked over his half-moon spectacles at you, he seemed to age ten years before your eyes as you sat with your legs folded, gaze unbreaking. 
“Do you have anything else to say or could we get back to our common room?” Draco swore the man almost flinched as you stood.
“You are free to go.” He mumbled and Draco stood to follow you, he was glad he hadn’t had to say a word. He wasn’t sure what he might have done. 
You broke down that night. Tears poured from your eyes as you struggled to catch your breath. Draco was stunned when you let out the first sob, the common room was empty and it bounced off the silent stone walls. Your statue had finally crumbled to dust. Draco pulled you into him as you fought against his hold for a moment before leaning into his warmth. You stayed there for a while, tears wetting his shirt as you burred your head in his neck. When you pulled away your eyes were rimmed in red and swollen, your cheeks were blotchy and shining in the dim light. 
“I need to get out of here Draco.” You whimpered to him, “I can’t kill someone, I can’t go back to my parents, I can’t face them.” 
There was a pregnant silence, Draco could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he raised a hand to your cheek tucking a loose string of hair behind your ear and using his thumb to wipe away a stray tear. 
“Let’s run away.” He offered, “From all of this, we could go together into the muggle world, maybe to Canada or America.” 
You bit your lip so hard your teeth broke the skin, “We can’t.” choked back another cry, “We can’t Draco, I have to go through with this. We have to go through with this.” 
“Why?” The Slytherin asked, “Why do we have to? We don’t owe anyone anything.” 
Your gaze stiffened, “I do. I made promises I can’t break.” 
Draco felt his momentary hope crumble, your gaze softened again, your hands wrapping around his neck as you pulled him towards you until your foreheads were resting against each other. 
“I’m sorry Draco.” You whispered, “I’m so sorry.’ Your breath was hot on his face, your deep eyes peering into him through glass panes. 
“Don’t be sorry.” He murmured his chin tilting upwards to capture your lips on his own. Your kiss was desperate, hungry. You felt his teeth graze your bottom lip as your bodies were pressed closer together by his grip on your waist. Your hands moved to his hair as you tumbled over, your back pressed into the leather couch, your legs wrapping around him. Draco’s lips wandered up to your cheeks where he left open-mouthed kisses which tasted bitter and salty, they trailed down to your neck where he bit lightly before finding your own again. He sucked your bottom lip between his teeth tasting the blood there before he plunged his tongue into your mouth. 
When you finally pulled apart you were panting lightly, “We’ll leave when all this is over.” spoke between breaths. “We’ll leave this all behind.” 
You choked back tears as you held your wand to your headmaster’s neck. 
“I understand why you are doing this.” The man sighed, he wasn’t even putting up a fight. That made it so much worse. 
“No, you don’t!” You sobbed, “You could never understand what it’s like. Never.” 
Draco stood a few feet from you. His eyes were glassy, his own wand raised. 
“That’s right y/n.” Bellatrix laughed, “This stupid old man could never know what it’s like for you, He could never help you.” She took a few steps toward you, her teeth were barred in a snarl, “Now kill him.” 
You felt your throat close up, your eyes so thick with tears you could barely see, “I’m sorry.” You whimpered quietly, “I’m so sorry, I have to, if I don’t kill you he’ll kill me, I’m sorry.” 
“Now y/n!” Bellatrix bellowed “Now!” 
Your voice was raw and broken as you whipped your wand at the man, “Avada Kedavra!” green flashed through your blurry world and you stumbled backward not wanting to watch as he tumbled off the tower. 
Draco snatched you by the shoulders, pulling him into his embrace as his aunt cackled. “It’s gonna be okay y/n/n, everything is going to be okay.” His sentence broke and you could feel his body shake, “We’re gonna leave soon. We’ll leave this all behind.” 
You stood hand and hand, your palm had pebbles buried inside a layer of skin, your cheek burned from a cut which you could feel dripping blood off your chin. You stared across the ruins of what used to be your school at your classmates. You felt your mother beside you and your father behind you. Draco squeezed your hand and they disappeared. His whisper echoed in your mind. You would leave this soon. You would leave this all behind. 
A shout broke you from your trance, you watched as Harry Potter rolled from Hagrid’s arms and felt Draco drop your hand. 
“Potter!” He shouted and he broke out running towards him, you took after him as he threw his wand at the boy and a barrage of spells were shot at you. 
“Protego!” You shouted shielding you and Draco as red and green sparks danced around you. Suddenly your arm was snatched and you turned to meet your mother’s gaze but before any words could be spoken she was hit by a blue light and scent hurdling backward. You turned to look at Hermione Granger who had her wand held up. You nodded at the girl in a silent thank you before turning your attention back to the blonde who suddenly tackled you to the ground. Something whizzed by your cheek and you hit the ground with a thump. 
Draco pulled you to your feet and you both sprinted for the castle gates. Your legs caught just short of the entrance and you tumbled downwards dropping Draco’s hand only be hulled back up and thrown backward. You heard a shout and turned as a death eater snatched Draco and slammed him onto the ground. 
“Avada Kedavra!” You shouted and the man flew backward into a limp pile. You snatched Dracos robes pulling him upwards and into the castle. 
You tumbled onto him, gasping for breath as your heart sped in your chest. “Draco?” You asked quietly, shouts seeming so far away now.
His eyes fluttered open, his neck had a wide scratch down the side, his face was covered in soot and dust, rubble had sliced open his pale skin just below his left eye. You sobbed tears stinging your cut and mixing with blood before dripping off your nose and onto his cheek.
“I’m okay.” He mumbled, “I’m okay, please don’t cry.” 
You pressed your forehead into his chest still sobbing as you fisted his singed shirt.
“Y/n.” His voice brought you back up to his eyes, “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You whimpered, leaning down to meet his lips. They were chapped and rough, your own were split and all you could taste was blood and salt but that was okay. It was okay because you would be gone. You could leave soon. You could leave this all behind. 
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002 | germano?
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it.
No idea but it was a long ass fuck time ago. Liked it for years but didn’t really start enjoying it until I started writing Romano myself.
my thoughts:
This ship makes me so genuinely happy man. I know GerCanMano is my flag ship but I love Germano just as much and I at least have a few crumbs of content for them instead of the other which has none. Germano just like-- Seeing Romano in a healthy relationship and seeing Germany happy makes me happy.
What makes me happy about them:
I’m not one for slow burns all the time but Germano to me is one of those slow burn romances I really enjoy. Romano is a sassy and salty flirtatious gentleman who keeps measuring himself up to the big broad and awkward-but-gold-at-heart class president who doesn't understand why the guy gets so upset around him and tries his best to remedy the smaller man’s anger.
The two just slowly developing, starting as rivals with Romano wanting the attention from his brother that Germany gets (and possibly the smallest bit of envy about measuring himself up to ger in macho-ness) and Germany just wanting to understand Romano and just like- how he ticks. Them slowly bonding over the simple things, realizing they both love mechanics and gardening and cooking. Romano being impressed at Germany’s baking (bonus points if say Vene has been bringing home baked goods for ages and he thought they were just from a bakery Vene liked but it was just Ger trying to get rid of the food hes stress baking) and Romano getting to show off his cooking skills. Romano feeling a bit of pride when he makes Germany laugh at some shitty joke or snarky comeback, he just hears that little wheeze or chuckle under Germany’s breath and knows he did that.
Romano having a whole I wont say I'm in love crisis when he realizes hes falling for Germany because sure hes cute and all but like what no. My Romano is very flirtatious but emotionally withdrawn he loves to flirt around but he doesn't actually think about long term relations cause he never expects people to care about him that way so falling for Ger throws him for a loop. But he knows he has to make some decision on it because he can’t get Germany out of his mind but the thought of Germany saying no scares him more than anything else ever has and the thought of breaking Germany's heart makes him more angry than he thought he’d ever feel
Meanwhile Germany is a mess because he has no idea what hes doing all he knows is that Romano’s smile makes him melt and every time he thinks of the future he thinks about the two of them passing tools to each other over the hood of a car and kneading foccacia together and hes doing all of the research he can to try and perfectly convey how he feels and it only works when he for once throws out his plan and just speaks from his heart and stops over thinking everything. And its wholesome and personal and cute and Romano starts crying halfway through which freaks Germany out cause he doesn't want to force anything and oh god did i make you uncomfortable but before he can apologize and backpedal Romano just grabs him by the shirt and pulls him down into a smooch and for once in his life Roma doesn't instinctively jump and when someone reaches out to hug him.
What makes me sad about them:
That they get sidelined for other ships and that people cannot have Germany or Romano exist in a narrative without Veneziano having something to do with it.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
People assuming Germany and Romano would be abusive with one another because Romano acts snappy and dismissive around him when in reality he does the same exact behavior to literally everyone else; America, Spain etc. But Germany is the one that’s abusive, and not the others. Germany’s never been shown to hate Romano, confused and rolling his eyes at his insults sure but never hatred.
A lot of people take this in the direction that they hate or abuse each other or worse, like Germany would cheat and use both brothers. Which is just not true, let alone Romano is too much of a blunt mother fucker to let it happen. He wouldn’t take that. Being used or measured second to his brother is so common to him you think he would just lay down and let that happen? No. And Germany isn’t the sleep around without a care or being in a relationship with two people because he can’t decide which he likes more type the guys a romance moron he doesn’t know how to date one man let alone commit adultery.
Which sucks because things like the chauffeur strips show that Romano and Germany are on at least amicable if not friendly terms, Romano is just being Romano, he does the same pissy but nice energy that he does to Spain and America to Germany. And there’s so much there that could be played with, of Romano being reassured by Germany that he’s not this evil bad boy in fact his brother can be worse than he is, and Germany would know Vene has been attached to his side for ages he would know Vene at his worse. Romano showing off to Germany, impressing him that yes Romano can in fact work hard when he wants to and feels inclined to. Which would gain him respect from Germany because he’s so used to doing it himself it’s always a pleasant surprise when people help him or don’t leave him to do everything.
But often in fics this is squandered for the whole ‘Germany’s married to Vene but he’s in love with Romano oh no conflict drama’ and they never make him choose. Or worse he has him two time one and then the other which just isn’t even fucking in character. 90% of the fics I’ve found on AO3 have the under current of how does their relationship effect Vene, how does Vene feel about it or how is he involved and it’s so stupid. It’s only ever done with Romano, never to Vene, Romano is always treated like an extra or an asset to Veneziano and its never the other way around. People don’t write Gerita fics and have the whole story about how Romano feels about it.
Germany’s feelings toward Vene can easily be stated in that ‘he’s just my friend’ it’s so simple but instead often its paragraphs on paragraphs of Germany grappling with his feelings for both and I’m just not interested. If I wanted to read about Germany’s feelings toward Italy, I’d read a Gerita fanfiction. Also you can’t tell me that if Vene found out about the two being interested or even one of them being interested in the other he wouldn’t start playing matchmaker he absolutely would. Hell if you want that “conflict” have Vene be jealous he’s petty enough to do that!
I’m willing to take the L on this and admit I just have higher standards, but I just want a fic that has them in a relationship from the start or they build up to it but not have the fic end the moment they get together or have their first date. One that doesn’t focus on a side plot about Vene and Germany’s feelings toward Vene. Where they just get to be wholesome together, piece their feelings apart together, and develop their love for each other together.
TLDR: I’m very salty about Germano getting the short end of the stick and want to see more sweet domestic germano.
Things I look for in fanfic:
For it to exist and for it not to be a vector to talk about Veneziano’s opinions on their relationship. I just want wholesome content of Germany and Romano building a relationship or a life together, AU or Canonverse wise. The cute dates, working on cars together, gardening, baking and cooking-- Germany playing piano or flute while Romano sings. Them dancing together. Romano taking Germany out to tour and sight see. Romano forcing Germany to cuddle with him in front of the fireplace if they go up during winter to his place cause he hates the cold and his block of a boyfriend is very warm.
My happily ever after for them:
I don’t really think about happily ever afters for them cause as nations their lives move on, they can’t really have kids but they can live together, work together, love together and honestly that’s enough for me.
My kinks:
These will be below the cut, because of ns//fw mentions.
(general sex discussion, bd//m discussion, toys and other such ns//fw things.)
Romano is a bottom little pillow princess but despite that he has the most control in the bedroom. Germany doesn’t lack interest but when it comes to instigation it’s fewer and far between, Romano has more of a sex drive than him. Germany’s more into kinks than Romano, but he has trouble being confident enough to do it so Romano is often baiting him into it. He’s a brat who wants to be tamed and Germany doesn’t mind Romano being rough with him and vice versa.
Romano’s more used to rough and tumble, so when Germany is very slow soft and sincere he gets flustered really fast and can fall apart a lot quicker. He also will cry when Germany compliments him too much early in the relationship. They have a lot of safe words at Germany’s request so if either of them get too overwhelmed they have a safe out and will just vibe and cuddle until the other feels better enough to continue.
Romano will give Germany is rope bunny fantasies every once and a while and tie him up, he’s not into much more than handcuffs and collars but Germany enjoys it so he doesn’t mind. He loves when he can convince Germany into roleplay and let Germany get into a more confident ‘character’. His favorite things are bites and blowjobs. Leaving Germany covered in red marks and scratches is his favorite and he loves the rare sight of Germany squirming under him.
Germany loves to body worship Romano, and messages all of the messages. Romano doesn’t like Germany dragging it out but sometimes he can’t help himself cause he just loves how pretty Romano his and he wants to just touch him all over. He loves when Romano plays with his hair (at least in the bedroom), and since Romano is way more vocal than he is he loves coaxing little sounds out of him through different touches and kisses.
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turtletimewriting · 4 years
TickleTober Day 8: Interrogation
Summary: The dark sides have been planning something big for their big holiday coming up. The light sides can’t handle the anticipation and intervene. 
Note: Tickle fic! Lee Virgil, Remus and Deceit. Ler Logan and Patton. No clue why I excluded Roman but here I am! I’m really happy with this one! 
“Now. This can be really simple. We just want a few questions answered. That’s understandable. We’ve been very confused due to your changes in behaviour. We would be very grateful if you just simply told us.” Logan tilted his head and kept his body language open. 
“Screw this! Right! You’re all tied up right now. Can't move. Can’t hide. Can’t do anything. Doesn’t matter if you tell us anything. We can keep you all here all day.” Patton harshly clapped his hands. Pacing around the bed while side eyeing the three dark sides tied to the bed. His face strained into a harsh neutral expression. Utterly completely totally unaffected by the three wobbly smiles and tiny giggles from the three typically serious dark sides. 
“We’re not saying anything! Torture us all you want! We’ll never talk!” Remus wailed. But Patton immediately saw an entirely different story. He wouldn’t make any eye contact and his smile refused to dim. 
“Hey! We’re all reasonable here! We just want to know what you lot are all planning? A simple question! We don’t need this... senseless violence.” Logan held his hands up to Patton. 
“No...” Virgil muttered while still trying and failing to hide his face in his arms. He had already seen this routine. 
The light sides had attacked with no warning. All the dark sides were lured into the commons room by the amazing smell of lunch but the next thing they knew, they were tied down onto a plush bed. All of them tied with their arms above their heads and their feet tied to the end of the bed. Each of their feet tied to the neighbour’s. Virgil was sat in the middle with looser restraints than the others but that didn’t stop the fact that his left foot was tied to Remus’ foot and his right with Janus. His most ticklish spot still bound completely at their mercy. 
“We’re not getting answers!” Patton cried out and threw his arms up. Making the most of having his back turned from them so he could smile in excitement. 
“We’re reasonable! I’m sure they’ll tell us if we explain our confusion and worry..”
“No. We grab the weakest. Virgil will be the most... vulnerable to our... techniques but Remus is most likely to spill their secrets without realising. But Jan is definitely the head of operations. Meaning...” Patton slowly turned around. His face carefully set in a peering gaze. 
“We should just grab Remus first!” 
Lurching forward, Patton launched his claw attack at Remus’ armpits first. Not a very ticklish spot but enough to get him laughing. The surprise and the set up for this attack was all too much for his already weak defences. “AAAAAAAAAAAH! AHaAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! HAHA!” Remus stood no chance. 
“You got anything to say now?” Patton growled.
“Now now Patton. Patience is key!” Logan laughed in the middle, almost shaking his head at how ridiculous all these dramatics were. He smoothed his hands over Remus’ armpits like he was trying to stop Patton. But he made sure that his ‘uncertain’ movements tickled in of itself. “He’s just too ticklish to go all out once for.”
“Hahahaaaaa! Hu... hahahaaAAAHaha! Oh come on! Hehehhahaaaaa! Logan! You’re ti- hahhahahaa tick- hahaAAAHAHAA. TICKLING ME!” Remus shook his head already knowing he’s been defeated. 
Janus knew this tactic. He knew it well. Once Remus got talking while being tickled, he couldn’t stop. He’d ramble about anything. But they were one step ahead. They had a plan B for Remus if he was targeted but... now in the moment. Janus was grimacing already knowing that Remus would resort to the plan B instantly, he’s always been weak for tickles.  
“GEHE- GET JANUS! He’s hahhaHAHAHAA head of it all! Hahaha! HA! HA! Get his hhahahaaaaaa his tummy! He’s extraragaahahahaha! Extra ticklish there! PAHAHAATTON! You love tickling him!” 
Welp… there it is. At least he had the decency to give away a less ticklish spot. 
“Oh yeah? So now all of a sudden you want to talk! Selling out your friend? Logan?” Patton tilted his head and Logan immediately took over from him. Skittering his fingers across Remus’ armpits. Making sure to give him light tickles to change from Patton’s brutal digging. Just some light feathery tickles to keep Remus talking. Patton jumped excitedly over Virgil to blow a raspberry against Janus’ ticklish tummy. 
“NOOHOHOHOHOHHHOOOOO! HAHAAH HEHE!” Janus tried to lash out but he only succeeded in jostling Virgil who was looking more and more nervous and getting increasingly giggly. 
“You want to talk? Say anything to Remus,” Patton tried to lure out more information. Before diving in and delivering plenty of more raspberries, obviously. 
“HAHAHAAAAAA! DON’T YOU HAHAHA DAAAARE!” Remus squealed, somehow laughing harder at Logan’s gentle tickles. 
“Hohohaha oaaahhhaha! We’ve hohhhohohho not done AAAOHOHOHHAHAO anything!” Janus finally stammered out. Patton let a peaceful smile finally uncurl. 
He always loved Janus’ laugh. It sounded like an evil villain’s laugh as he revealed his grand plans. Chesty laughs that sounded like they were almost punched from him. Like he hadn’t laughed in years and it sounded fake and theatrical but it was completely real. It went just so nicely with Remus’ frantic squeals, cackles (that was the only way to describe his laugh) and shrieks. 
But that means that there was someone’s laugh missing. 
“We just want to help you out! I don’t want to see you tickle tickle tickle tortured for the rest of the evening. Virgil is most likely to spill what you’ve planned. If you tell me how to tickle him-” Logan soothed.
“NO! Don’t you dare Remus!” Virgil shrieked. 
“If you tell me how to tickle him then this could be over quicker... We can help each other out!”
Remus managed to hold it together for a grand total of ten seconds before he sent a desperate look to Janus before crying out “SIDES! SIDES! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAA! HA! Sides and hahaAAHAHAA spreading out fingers thing...” 
“No! No!” Janus cried and lifted his head up. 
Both Logan and Patton completely broke character at hearing Janus’ shout. He blushed bright red at the sudden attention but continued on.
“No, don’t tickle him! Uh, what about my knees? Patton you l-love ti… tickling my knees! I just can’t stand it... your tickles.”
It was the most suspicious thing ever. Clearly they knew Virgil wouldn’t stand a chance. So if they were true interrogators then surely they would instantly set their targets on Virgil.
Janus never ever asked for tickles. So... well who would they be if they didn’t tickle someone who was asking! 
“AAAAAH! HA! HA! HA! HA!” Janus bellowed out his sharp distinct laugh as Logan and Patton took a knee each. Patton desperately scrambling all over while Logan took carefully planned out squeezes. Remus laughed at him while Virgil was dying from his blush from nearly being tickled. 
“Aw! You want some tickles huh? Lots of tickles all over your cute tickly knees!” 
“You just knew I can’t resist tickling your knees, cutie! They’re just so so so ticklish! I could tickle them for years!”
“Since you asked so nicely, saving Virgil and everything, you deserve all the tickles! All of them! Tickles all over your legs for the good cute giggly snake boy!” 
“Patton! Good cop, bad cop...” 
“...Oh yeah! Uhm.... This is what you get! You deserve these tickles for annoying me so much! No more sass young man!” 
Logan smirked as he saw Remus finally catch his breath and Virgil loosened up. He kept his eyes on the knee he was tickling but just as the laugh was getting more strained and the gasps getting harder, he flung himself to Virgil. 
“AH!” Virgil squeaked before remembering to clamp his mouth shut.
“I’m on your side here,” Logan said as he Virgil squirmed underneath him and sent pleading glances to Remus. He wasn’t even tickling him yet. Just sitting there. “You could just tell me now. I’d understand! What are you planning?”
“Hehe...” Virgil just giggled while burrowing away in his arms. 
“Oh tough guy are we?” Patton shouted over Janus’ laughter and skittered his fingers across Virgil’s foot. Only a brief skitter. But Virgil burst into laughter! Oh he was this keyed up already! 
“Wait! I uh I’ve got an itch on my foot! Logan do you mind tickling it for me?” Remus and Janus practically yelled over each other. But it was too late, Virgil had already spoken. But also, Logan already had a plan in motion.
“Hah... no problem Remus...” Logan grinned. He kept his eyes focused on Virgil and then reached out to tickle Remus’ foot, sending him into giggles, and then spidered his other hand on Virgil’s tummy. Virgil squeaked but used all his strength to hide just how much that tickled. 
“Neh! Hehee! No! Focuhuihihihehehe! Focus on me!” Remus shrieked, the giggles slipping out without any problem. Logan didn’t react other than his hand pausing before just tracing a finger along the ball of his foot. A single finger. Scribbling from one side to the other. A tiny tickle so he could now focus on amping up Virgil’s tickling.
“VIHI VIRGIL!” Janus shouted, he could already see the tell tale signs of Virgil giving in. Yes, he wasn’t laughing yet but the blush and frantic squirming spoke a completely different story. 
“Virgil? Please, I just want to understand! Just one detail, that’s all I’m asking for. Then you can be free! Otherwise, I’d have to give you up to Patton. You don’t want that, surely?” 
“Pfthahahaahaaaaaa! Aaaaaaah! Logan!” 
Patton looked up at his name but his determined frown took over. Oh, so Logan was expecting Virgil to break first... Well, the rare competitive side of Patton instantly broke free. 
Janus was bright red now for a different reason. There was only so much he could be tickled before even he had to give in. He wasn’t bothering to hide his face anymore. Just laying back with his head thrown back. He looked like he was relishing in the tickles. “HA! HA! HA!” 
“Huh, Logan’s after the info. I forgot that’s what I’m supposed to be doing.” 
“Seeing you being tortured, makes me want to keep you here forever. Even if you tell me what you’re planning, I’m still going to get your feet. So funny that a snake’s favourite ticklish spot is his legs huh!”
“WE’RE PLANNING A HALLOWEEN PARTY ON THE 30TH!” Janus no longer cared. He huffed desperately before continuing, scared that Patton wouldn’t be satisfied, “We were going to jump scare you all, that’s why it was on the 30th as you would all expect the 31st. I was going dressed as Logan, Remus as Roman and Virgil was going dressed as you. It was Remus’ idea!” 
“Hey!” It was at this point that Janus realised that literally everything had stopped. Remus’ bubbling giggles, Virgil’s snorting huffs, Logan’s baby talk and Patton was sitting completely still. With a huge smile!
“Janus what was that!” Virgil gasped.
They hadn’t created a plan to stop Janus from breaking because he never ever he broke by tickling. Janus was just too strong and could deal with tickles so much better than anyone else. Well, he used to be able to deal with any tickles. They had plans for Virgil and Remus! But no! Janus just had to sit there and be the focus of all the tickles! 
Patton sat there for another silent moment before giving himself a high five and wooping loudly.
“HAH! I knew I could break Janus! No one else could, but I knew I could if I gave it an honest go. Yes! Quick go tell Roman!”  
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 11: The Word “Logic” Doesn’t Even Mean Anything Anymore
Our issue opens up with a flashback to establish some things.

Because despite the six literal issues of prelude, and all the ham-fisted exposition we’ve gotten throughout the “Dark Cybertron” event, we still don’t have all the information we need to understand what the hell’s happening.
I have a feeling this won’t quite cut the mustard, either.
Anyway, back during the events of MTMTE #1, when Rodimus was making his call to action to his fellow Cybertronians (and by “Cybertronians” I, of course, mean “Autobots”, because prejudice is a hard habit to kick, even for the best of us) Brainstorm was doing science on Hardhead. He was doing this science to make sure that the Dead Universe hadn’t killed him without him realizing. This is a very common issue in the world of IDW2005 Transformers, considering that zombies are a part of canon, so it’s just best to be sure. Nova Prime’s lifeless body sits in the corner like the world’s worst coffee table book.
This will take some explaining, because this is Phase One related.
In Spotlight: Sideswipe, Nova Prime beefed it, except he didn’t, because his “essence” returned to the Dead Universe. This is because he was chosen by the Dead Universe to enact its will on the other, much cooler, Not-Dead Universe. In short, he’s a weird robot zombie-ghost with a save point in the Dead Universe.
Brainstorm has his corpse in his lab to make sure this bastard is true and proper dead, or that the body he left behind is at least. That, in combination with Hardhead proving to be very much alive, means that today can be counted as a win for everyone! The “Alive-People-Counter” machine proves it!
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…This is why we can’t have nice things.
Brainstorm being undead does have some precedence within the narrative, given what happened in MTMTE #3.
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Though I can’t help but wonder what the guy’s been doing for the last year and a half, that he didn’t notice being dead, when his soul is a large, glowing orb with physical presence. I dunno, he just seems like the sort of guy to keep up to date on that sort of thing, if only for scientific purposes.
In the present day, in the beautiful city of Iacon, everything’s gone to shit, and Whirl’s gotten hot for some reason, as billions of Ammonites fall out of the sky.
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Who friggin’ drew this-
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I should’ve known.
Up on the Lost Light, Ultra Magnus is breaking out the fancy swears, as a… tornado, I guess, of Ammonites hits the underside of the ship. Bumblebee wants to evacuate the friggin’ planet- which, I don’t know if you know this, would be a little difficult to do, even with a ship the size of NYC. Unfortunately, that’s not gonna fly, however, because all the stars in the sky are blue-shifting.
Wikipedia tells me that this is probably a bad thing, and Perceptor agrees, calling it “the end of everything.”
Over in Shockwave’s Lair of Villainy and Magical Bullshit, everyone’s favorite purple science gremlin has stabbed a “time drive” into his chest. Galvatron is laying dead on the floor in the foreground, but this isn’t about him. Shockwave orders Jhiaxus to activate the time drive, I guess because he doesn’t have long enough arms to do it himself. Jhiaxus warns Shockwave to be mindful, lest he lose himself in time, and then we get a return to a Roberts writing staple that we haven’t seen in quite a while.
Waxing poetic on the nature of time- this time, in a visual medium!
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Awful lot of fixating on your ritualistic amputations there, Shocky-boy. I suppose this is ONE way to try to cope with a lack of control in your life.
Of course, to those on the outside of Shockwave’s brain, this doesn’t look nearly as impressive- it actually just looks like him screaming really loud at the ceiling. Bludgeon isn’t sure that this course of action is a healthy one to take, but Jhiaxus is too busy being sapiosexual to worry about that.
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Sure. I’m not even going to bother trying to understand this anymore.
Jhiaxus orders Monstructor to go keep the Autobots away from Shockwave.
Also, Galvatron isn’t dead. Good for him, I guess.
Over inside Metroplex, Windblade’s face seems to be stuck in the generic “I am a nice, nonthreatening female character who is also pretty” position, as Ultra Magnus tells her that the universe is ending. Chromia watches in the background as this happens, likely wondering if being relevant in modern media again is worth this bullshit.
Hearing that Bumblebee plans to take the fight to Shockwave is enough to get Metroplex back on his feet, which is good, because I don’t think we have a lot of time to convince the guy to do anything- this event ends next issue.
As Metroplex windmills his arms through swarms of Ammonites, the Lost Light lands, and Bumblebee, Megatron, and all their experts disembark. Bumblebee makes an unsolicited comment about Megatron’s body. They go to meet Soundwave, who isn’t terribly thrilled with Megatron having become all buddy-buddy with Bumblebee. Megatron mentions that the Decepticons are going to have to rethink their strategy once this is all over, with the implication being that they’re going to- gasp- work together with the Autobots.
Then Starscream shows up with Metalhawk, Skywarp, Rattrap, Waspinator, and Scoop for some fucking reason, in tow. Skywarp is going to teleport everyone into Shockwave’s Bastardization of the Concept of Science House, even though he pretty clearly isn’t feeling too well. What a guy.
Starscream and Megatron have a bit of banter that won’t set your hair on end with how awful they are to one another, Metalhawk tries to apologize for attempting to kill Bumblebee, and we really don’t have time for this shit right now. The narrative knows this, because it shifts to focus on Prowl and the Constructicons. Things are looking real rough just about everywhere, and it’s coming down to the wire, so they gotta do the thing.
The thing Prowl really doesn’t want to do.
The thing he said that he wouldn’t do again.
So anyway, they form Devastator.
As Monstructor gets ready to get punched in the face by a bunch of construction workers and a cop, everyone down below is firing off laser blasts and gearing up for a teleporting adventure. However, there’s a small problem- there are too many people to teleport! Oh no! The only solution is for Soundwave and his cassettes, Scoop, Getaway and-
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Excuse me, Hook?
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Hook, my dude? What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You’re supposed to be a leg right now, motherfucker, why are you here? GO HOME, HOOK.
Anyway, I’m really glad we wasted the time establishing that Soundwave and his band of merry little men were coming along on this trip, only for them to not come along after all. Love that shit.
I don’t actually love that shit. I’m sorry for lying.
With the load lightened, Skywarp teleports the rest of the gang to where they need to be, and Waspinator is immediately stabbed with a massive raging poisoning sword of doom. Bludgeon’s here to greet everyone, and Metalhawk is gonna try his damnedest to get the guy to come around to their side.
You remember when Metalhawk did things like connive, and scheme, and actually had more depth than a sidewalk puddle? Because I remember. Now he’s just... Beast Wars Silverbolt, but he’s not even attempting to be charming. I bet he wouldn’t even call his evil girlfriend “my soul’s delight.” Lame.
Bumblebee, Megatron, and friends book it for Shockwave, while Magnus and Skids get ready to kick some ass. Brainstorm isn’t feeling so hot, but this isn’t about him.
Starscream is having a minor crisis over the fact that Scoop stayed behind in a literal war zone for Starscream’s sake. I dunno that he did it specifically for Starscream, but Starscream seems pretty convinced that he did, and who am I to argue with the leader of a whole friggin’ planet?
The gang makes it to Jhiaxus’ ship, where they find-
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I swear to god, if there’s not a fucking explanation for what the shit is happening right here I’m going to scream.
…So anyway, Metalhawk and Jhiaxus start beating each other up, Starscream gets bent out of shape by Jhiaxus’ trash talk, and we get an explanation for his new look.
Which, y���know, thank fucking god.
Jhiaxus has new reactive armor, which takes anything thrown at him and adapts it to his own body for personal use, which feels like some Grade-A Kids Playing Pretend bullshit, but WHATEVER.
While this is going on, Megatron and Bumblebee have run into the center of Shockwave’s Laboratory of Morally-Abhorrent Mystical Buffoonery Masquerading as the Scientific Method. Dreadwing tries to make a case for self-defense of his property, but unfortunately he doesn’t understand how property rights work, and gets blasted for his troubles. Galvatron reveals himself to be alive to Megatron, who immediately grabs the dude by the throat.
Galvatron’s feeling pretty down about having inadvertently helped end the universe, and is throwing himself a little pity party. Megatron’s not having it, however, tossing the man into the ground and revving up to fusion-cannon him to death. Bumblebee stops him, for some reason, and then starts rambling, I guess STILL trying to be Optimus Prime 2.0.
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Bumblebee, you put bombs in people’s heads to make them fall into line. You don’t get to talk to Captain Warlord about moral nuance. And weren’t you also berating Metalhawk for trying this same thing not five minutes ago?
Bumblebee’s words reach Megatron, and instead of annihilating Galvatron, he offers the dude a hand up.
Then Bumblebee gets shot and dies, while Shockwave just… stares menacingly, I guess.
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The death of his very best friend in the whole wide world sends Megatron into a rage, and he punches Shockwave in the face. This doesn’t really faze him much though, as he bats Megatron across the fucking room like he’s made of papier-mâché and dreams, going on about how the universe will save Cybertron by being its power source “in an endless forever.”
Shockwave, you’re a man of science. You ought to know that “forever” as a concept, doesn’t fucking WORK scientifically. It’s nonsense. You’re nonsense, and I hate you.
Back with the Bludgeon Ass-Kicking Squad, Brainstorm’s having a bad time, while everyone else sort of awkwardly poses. Skids gets stabbed. Skids falls down. Brainstorm falls down. Ultra Magnus is concerned, but he’s too busy not being stabbed to help anyone.
Brainstorm’s in a lot of pain, and then a hand bursts out of his chest and-
Fucking- Team -Imus burst out of the Dead Universe from Brainstorm, who I will remind you, is undead thanks to Dead Universe lightning bullshit, making him a link between it and the much cooler Not-Dead Universe. Everyone is posing, even Cyclonus, who absolutely should think that sort of thing is beneath him, but whatever.
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That’s the end of the issue. Go home.
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pocket-void · 4 years
Some Stuff About Marcus Pt.1
Alright, I’m finally gonna talk about Marcus in more depth for a lil bit because honestly the more I think about him the more I want to talk about him. So I’m gonna do just that! Both for fun and to get some stuff out of my creative system. ^///^
So let’s start with the man himself, shall we?
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Marcus is my personal version of the mysterious Orange side, and he’s more of an OC than a theory and I just really enjoy talking about him sometimes. So I do! I talk more about what he represents in this post (there’s also other miscellaneous scraps of info about him in the orange side tag), this one is gonna focus more on his exact relationship with each of the other sides (I always welcome more specific asks if you ever wanna know anything else! Since I’m very rambly and believe me when I say that I have answers to basically everything >///<). These are longer than I thought so I’m splitting it up...but if you’re still here, then strap in folks! u///u
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Marcus doesn’t dislike Roman, but he’s not a big fan of him either. Theoretically they could have a better relationship but it’s hindered by a perception of Marcus that someone else had set a long time ago. (We’ll get to that)
One of the bigger reasons why Marcus and Roman don’t quite get along is simply due to their completely opposite levels of self respect. Roman is insecure and often unsure about his accomplishments and how others feel about him, while Marcus is too sure about his skills and how others perceive him. There are clear flaws to both.
In Marcus’ case, it’s made him incredibly stubborn and bitter as a result of being seen as a problem and not being able to do anything. It’s very difficult to convince him he’s wrong, and while he’s not dumb enough to think he’s right about everything, he gets more aggressive than necessary in the face of opposition at times. But more than anything Marcus is honest. He’s blunt and isn’t afraid of just stating how he feels to people, and Roman’s reluctance to do so really bugs him at times. In fact, he’s sometimes angry for him.
The fact that simple phrases can shatter Roman’s entire ego drives Marcus up walls, because if he were in his position he’d probably deck someone in the face right then and there. Being insulted? Getting what he fears most spat at him like venom? Marcus would never stand for that. Beyond that he’s also mad for the people who care about Roman. Why can’t he believe them? Can’t he see how much he’s cared about? How worried people are? Does he really? Marcus thinks that distrust and insecurity feels like an insult to them.
The thing about Marcus is that he’s been through being branded bad and evil. He’s still the bad guy in a couple of ways. He’ll play the bad guy if he has to. He’s over it, though not quite over it as he’d like to be... In a way, he’s also envious of Roman. Roman is important. The others do actually love him. And deep down, Marcus also respects the things he does and doesn’t want him to be crippled by his self doubt because what the two have in common is passion. A drive and determination to do the things they want, and to achieve the goals they aim for. It’s just a shame that their relationship is soured by their general perceptions of each other.
Marcus also just isn’t big on theatrics, but that’s because he uh, can’t see. He likes to make fun of Roman just like anybody else in casual conversation and only ever refers to him as “Red”, “Princey”, or on occasion “Ruby”. He jokingly takes Roman’s threats seriously when they quip, and while they never actually get into fights, Roman is aware that Marcus will actually throw down.
At the end of the day, Marcus wants Roman to consider himself his own hero. He doesn’t understand Roman’s need to keep up an image because he’s never had an image to live up to, let alone anyone who'd look to him for inspiration. Whether Roman likes him or not doesn’t really matter to him, he doesn’t care about people who’ve made up their minds about him and are too set in certain ways of thinking.
Which is hypocrisy at its finest, but we’re not there yet.
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Right off the bat, they do not get along. Which you might find kind of odd, considering they’re both under the umbrella of “dark side”. The truth is, they’re tentative colleagues at best. Hilariously Logan probably gets along with Janus better than Marcus does, and there are a couple very fair reasons behind this.
On the one hand, they both agree on doing things for the “self” (Which in their case is c!Thomas). They both agree that the self should be the most important person in one’s life, and will do whatever it takes to protect it. However, the biggest difference between them is the methods they go about doing so. And it’s here that Marcus’ righteous anger often clashes harshly with Janus’ need for self preservation. Marcus doesn’t lie, he doesn’t see the need to. If he wants something, he’ll do it. If he believes something, he’ll say it. He does it because he knows he’s right, and that’s what matters. Obviously this would cause a lot of problems in real life if you actually are that blunt 24/7, and in those cases Janus has to reign him in quite a bit.
Marcus is fundamentally reckless, brash, and prone to getting carried away if not kept in check, which makes him kind of a danger to Thomas’ wellbeing at times. The thing is, both of them are aware of this. Which is actually why Marcus isn’t as spiteful about stepping down as he could be. He knows that he can do more harm than good if he ever steps out of bounds. This won’t stop him from feeling like his input would infinitely accelerate certain debates, and on a personal level he does still feel like he has the right to fight for that recognition, but he doesn’t because he’s not dumb enough to actively cause harm to others for the sake of himself. It’s not what he wants. What he will and often does do however, is do things that end with him getting hurt in the end. Maybe the reason he disagrees with Janus so much is because his own sense of self preservation is surprisingly poor.
A mildly exaggerated analogy I like to think about is that: If under any circumstance the two of them would have to plot revenge, Janus would focus more on personal safety and Marcus would focus more on personal vindication. Marcus has zero qualms about actually throwing hands, no matter the resulting physical consequence (If his scars were any indication) which Janus would 100% be against. Imagine the consequences of a physical confrontation! Absolutely not. Snake man would prefer more subtle and manipulative tactics, and would probably prefer to frame someone without being implicated himself if possible. They usually compromise, but always butt heads one way or another.
In casual conversation, Marcus is more snarky to Janus than anything. They trade sarcastic remarks often and tend to be a lil snippy, but they often agree on similar points? But also insist that they don’t get along, which is pretty funny. Marcus calls Janus “Yellow” or “Snake”, and sometimes a few yellow flower names like “Tansy” or “Marigold”.
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Would it come as a surprise if I said these two actually get along ok? Think about it: They’re both blunt, forthcoming with their ideas (As wild as Remus’ are), and are at times prone to violence. They’re both seen as “bad” and both have experienced being forcefully repressed one way or another. They kind of just vibe on a similar plane of existence if I’m honest with you. More than that however, both are relatively accepting of themselves, Remus more so than Marcus actually. There are some things Orange unfortunately still has to come to terms with.
On a casual level, they probably can do some pretty reckless and dumb things together. Marcus respects anybody with self confidence really, and the way Remus just owns being the garbage man he is definitely gets a pass in his book. It doesn’t mean they never disagree though. In a lot of ways, Marcus is still tied to logic, and Remus’ chaotic nature isn’t always suited to how he works. They conflict the most when it’s time to put the chips down and actually get things done. Remus totally does his best to bug the hell out of him too, much to his chagrin. He makes it pretty clear how he feels about it, but the duke isn’t fazed. Tackle the blind man, he dares you.
Marcus isn’t exactly good with creative input, it’s not his function. In fact, he himself is actually locked in a very specific type of world view from his experiences over the years. It’s not intentional, he just tends to grow irrational when he gets too heated. Sometimes he forgets to take his hand out of the fires that burn him, and it inevitably comes at a detriment to himself. Remus has the capacity to make him incredibly furious under bad circumstances, and if they aren’t careful he might actually act upon dangerous suggestions that Remus just casually suggests. If Remus is the voice behind intrusive thoughts, Marcus is the impulse that actually acts upon them. He won’t, obviously, but spite and anger can push people to do rash things. They both know better than that of course, but it’s a possibility that will never go away.
Marcus calls Remus “Green”, though he also refers to him by odd green things sometimes like “moss” or “seaweed”. I like to imagine the two of them going off and smashing up random things to blow off steam/just for fun. But that’s just me. u///u
If you’re still reading then thank you??? This is honestly more self indulgent than anything, but I just have way too much stuff I could talk about and it needs to go somewhere akjbefkaefk.
I shall talk about the rest in Part 2 perhaps. o///o
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binickandros · 4 years
Hey I know it was a few days ago you said this but I'm coming into your asks to also complain about how much they sidelined Nick in the Stand. I legitimately don't understand the creative choice to focus on Harold as the main character and sideline Nick and the other, bigger characters. Yes Owen Teague is a fantastic actor, he was amazing, but the decision was presumably made long before his casting. Why was this the Harold Lauder show whereas Nick was barely in it, I... don't understand :(
Stand ranting anon again: I just wanted to add that I would be fine with the amount of screen time Harold got, if all the other characters got the same amount, like if it was a 20 episode season and we could get a whole episode of Nick backstory, of Frannie etc. We only even saw Frannie pre-plague through the fence whilst Harold was creeping on her, which is really... Not Great. So yeah I just feel like it was bizarre they used their limited time in the way they did, very confused.
Listen, nonny, LISTEN: I may never be over this injustice. I am a CANCER, we hold GRUDGES, and you can consider this one fuckin well HELD. Uh this gets long sooo...
I watched the 94 miniseries when it aired and of course immediately loved Nick. Shortly after that I read the book for the first time and loved Nick even more (Larry is 2nd, then prob Fran, then Stu), and over the years I’ve rewatched the mini-series and re-read the book and I was always like “man, I’d love to see an adaptation of this without network TV limitations, just like dark and creepy and atmospheric, but with the good guys winning the day” as they do.
So fast forward to 2011 or whenever and there are tentative announcements of a movie. Eh, not great, nowhere near enough time. Then!! A limited series!! Which is just a miniseries made fancy.
My dumb ass: more time in Shoyo!! Maybe Rita AND Nadine!! More time with Fran and her dad!! Etc etc
Welp I guess I got one of those things, but at what cost!! A whole entire Lucy, and uh...p much everything else I might have wanted.
I was talking about this with someone else (you know who you are but don’t wanna tag you in case you, like me, avoid the mortifying ordeal of being known at all cost) and we were both like “okay what EXACTLY about our culture right now made the adapters here (including King’s own son, Owen) think that a story about good v. evil somehow needed to focus on the red pill incel????”
Like they obviously had some idea about making the story more diverse, but because of the way they then used those characters, it felt like performative with no substance.
Ralph Brentner is now a Native woman?? Love it!! She’s also a glorified extra until the last few episodes?? Oh pls fuck off.
Larry is Black?? Great! A Black main character!! Except of course he’s NOT because HAROLD IS.
Nick’s now Latino! Buuuut played by a hearing actor. Which actually only matters in principle because we’re going to try to sweep our bullshit decision-making under the rug by hardly having him on camera. Won’t show up till episode 3, gone by episode 6, in one 2-minute scene in episode 5. Good job, guys! *high fives all around the writers’ room*
I’d honestly like to see someone with way more time on their hands do a screen time comparison between Nick and Harold, or Harold and literally every other character on this show. They opened with Harold, he was in every episode in a major way, he got a CLOSING MONOLOGUE and MONTAGE of his LIFE, while Nick just blew up and then was mentioned a few times and that was it.
I mean I guess they attempted something meaningful by having him...looking at that picture or postcard before the bomb? Which was like someone on a boat, so was maybe his mom, or reminded him of his mom? But how the hell were we to know that, bc we got the piece of exposition about his mom from FLAGG in ONE SCENE, and we’d never seen that picture before, nor do we have any idea of the significance of “Silencio,” which was written on the picture and was the title of the episode. It was literally not meaningful AT ALL bc we as the audience didn’t know a goddamn thing about it, and it was “blink and you miss it.”
I thought 9 hours would give us more time for backstory. That’s what I was looking forward to. Like Fran burying her dad was sad bc duh he’s her DAD and he’s DEAD, but it’s so much more meaningful when you’ve seen them bonding. Even the 94 miniseries, which had to cut some stuff for time, showed us how close they were, and the scene of her stitching his shroud was heartbreaking.
How did Stu, a 45-year-old man (tho that’s James Marsden’s age and I think they mean for Stu to be younger), come to fall in love w Frannie, a 20ish-year-old girl?? Who knows! He saw her on the road and thought she was cute and I guess that was that. She’s a college student from Maine and he works in a calculator factory (or something idr) in East Texas and there’s a huge age difference, so what do they have in common? Ah fuck it who cares let’s see what Harold’s doing.
I just honestly would like to know the thought process here. I think. Let’s be real. This is what happens when your main creative team is nerdy white boys. They identify with Harold: he’s an “outsider,” he’s “misunderstood,” if only people hadn’t been so mean to him!
An adaptation created by 2 white dudes. A writers’ room with all white dudes, except ONE woman who, for all we know, was just there, again, as tokenism. This is what happens when white men create for themselves without any real input from women, POC, or members of the LGBT community. Because the “gay rep” on this show is a whole other rant.......
Anyway, nonny, I’m writing a Nick fic rn that will hopefully see the light of day soon, and it’s literally. All Nick. And an OC bc Nick deserves love too!! And no Julie does not count. I’m not saying that just as shameless self promotion, but also to show that I was so incensed by this bullshit adaptation that I’ve now written 35k words and they JUST LEFT SHOYO, all while starting school doing something I’ve never even dipped my toe into before, so it’s fairly intense work.
Justice for Nick Andros. He deserved better from the source material, and somehow an adaptation made in 2020 (when we should all know better) made it So. Much. Worse.
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perqedel · 3 years
beyond evil (2021) / ★★★★★
psychological thriller isn’t really my best cup of tea. probably because it requires braincells to understand the work. but of course i’m giving a baeksang arts awards winner a chance. 
to be frank, there are still some parts i can’t quite get my head wrapped around. i lost focus every now and then watching it (partly because of yeo jin goo’s looks being served as a whole meal with ruffled hair style and extremely straight personality).
the drama gives you a slight slice of life with a closer-than-family neighborhood background. but that’s what it is, though. nothing more than a background. every person in the neighborhood is drawn to have a backstory, a motive. everyone is a piece. a pawn (i don’t play chess).
the writers and director has a way with making the viewers think they know something. they think they figure out or at least could guess who the culprit is, and then they create a totally different scene. it’s not even a twist. it felt more like a slap in the face because you tried to keep guessing instead of watching the drama moves by itself.
shin ha kyun, on the other hand, deserves the loudest claps an auditorium of artistic people could give. i believe. the looks he served (and i mean literal looks, the one they usually describe as soul-piercing, laser-beaming in books) throughout the drama. i did not exaggerate one bit when i say i had shivers whenever he laughed or smiled. he showed laughter and smirks and slight smiles in this oddly cold way that you feel weird seeing them. it feels like walking alone at night in an empty road after trying to study with your friends (and you’ve failed because studying with friends usually end in talks and meals anyways). the analogy was weird but just go along. i feel like the term ‘nut case’ couldn’t match his character (lee dong sik) better. i think he received an award for this one? 
yeo jin goo, the partner. i really have to get this out but does anyone also see bts kim taehyung in jin goo? maybe it’s the hair? the side profile? the way he talks? i keep seeing taehyung in him throughout the drama i almost think i missed watching bts contents. i don’t think i’ve watched other works with him involved before. but i have to say, the man caught my attention. his character (han ju won) here was the usual best-selling character in kdrama universe if such thing exists. the superior type: attractive man with unresolved trauma and ugly relationship with his dad who’s usually either a hotshot or a disgustingly rich jackass. with the cold, i-know-everything-because-i-was-brought-better-than-you attitude, the man managed to make you feel things. more like pissed on one episode and then shocked, sometimes followed by adoration. 
i feel sorry about not knowing the other actors but this one’s for nam yoon su. because you have to write about the cute guy with irresistible dimples. that’s like the common rule of existing in the harsh world. as a rookie actor (not really rookie to me because i’ve seen him in extracurricular before and he was also amazing there). his character didn’t stood up so much here, but he was this comfort character you had to see. and i’m SO glad he wasn’t a blank character. the way i almost felt like i fell in love watching the cremating scene.
shall we start on the other characters and plots? my pitiful brain couldn’t manage to remember every one of them, of course. but i AM absolutely loving the details. kang jin mook apparently has tics (if i’m not mistaken i’m sorry it has been a year since i’ve taken a neuropsychiatry class), and they showed details on how people with tics could have the symptoms milder when they’re focused. the movements or manifestations could be worse depending on their mental state or any other stimulus. park jeong je might or might not have a ptsd (not really sure about this, let me check on dsm), the way his brain could only recall some parts of a memory because a big chunk of it was very traumatic. 
it’s getting too long now, hope i could plug in a specific scene i love.
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loki-lover84 · 4 years
Season 01 Episode 01: “The Dragon’s Call”
I stormed down the cold stone corridors determined to get away from Uther, Arthur and any of the guards, once again Uther had sentenced another person to death for having magic and he honestly didn’t show any signs of remorse. That thing is cruel, petty and an abomination to the human race; he has the power to dictate who in Camelot may live and who must die but instead of executing the people that commit horrific crimes he goes out of his way to track down any that may possess the gift of magic and put an end to them just because they exist. I have slandered him and called him a coward many times, he kills what he can’t even begin to understand. Magic itself isn’t the issue, the issue only occurs when it is used for evil that is something that once again Uther can’t seem to understand.
In my fury I’d ended up bumping into Guinevere and knocking my sisters dresses onto the hard dusty stone ground.
“Oh Gwen, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to!” I apologised picking up each delicate silk gown from the ground.
“Lady Y/n, you needn’t apologise. I was in the way clearly.” Gwen attempted to reason.
“Gwen, I’ve told you countless times to refer to me as Y/n you don’t need to add the Lady part I don’t like it especially not when it’s coming from you, my friend.” Gwen smiled timidly at me as I walked with her to the scullery to assist with cleaning my sisters dresses.
“I’ll never understand why you insist on doing the chores assigned to us you’re supposed to-“
“Get bored after doing nothing in my room or wander the castle aimlessly as I’m forbidden to venture anywhere else, yeah not my fancy.” I interrupted.
“What did King Uther do this time?”  She questioned as we waited for the fire to do its part and heat the water up.
“He’s sentenced another to death for practicing sorcery, whether the man was or wasn’t doesn’t really matter all too much to him just as long as he gets the power to say they live or they die.” I huffed as I began to scrub away the dust and dirt off the first of Morgana’s dresses.
“He believes he’s keeping the kingdom safe.” Guinevere attempted.
“The kingdom isn’t safe from his bad decisions though; let’s face it they’re a greater danger than magic.” I ranted causing Gwen to sigh but she was amused by my statement.
“You keep scrubbing at the rate you are you’ll have me out of a job.” She laughed trying to lighten the mood.
“Never, for you shall receive the credit and they shall be none the wiser.” I smiled before continuing, “What’s next on your to do list today then?”
“I was going to go out to the lower town, I need to get some supplies.”
“Great I’ll join you, anything to get me away from here for a while.” I respond as we air out the dresses.
“Are you sure that’s wise I mean, King Uther’s already angry at you is he not what if today’s the day he catches you?” My friend asked anxiously.
“I don’t fear him besides what’s the worst that’ll happen?”
Guinevere walked alongside me she kept seeming like she wanted to say something, anything to change my mind but knew it’d be like talking to the castle’s stone walls. Eventually we reached my room and I pulled out the chest that was tucked under my bed and out of sight before revealing its contents of commoners clothing which to me was actually rather charming but to most people was all they could get. With some of Guinevere’s assistance I was able change out of my noble clothes and into my common ones.
With Gwen’s usual aid in keeping the guards occupied I was able to sneak around and out of the castle without a single guard harassing me, we’d arranged to meet up in the lower town so we could purchase everything she needed, everything was going to plan until a swarm of the townsfolk sped up the courtyard capturing me in their tight knit hoard. I was so close and now I was back in the courtyard unable to move and forced to behold the treacherous sight I desperately wanted to avoid…
The execution.
The drums began their solemn steady beat as two guards brought forth the man whose life was about to be stolen from him.
“Let this serve as a lesson to all, this man Thomas James Collins is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death.” I woman shoved passed me to get a closer look causing me to fall onto a raven haired man.
I utter a small apology to him and continued to glare up at Uther.
“I pride myself as a fair and just king.” He continued.
“You’re a delusional, arrogant, pigheaded King.” I scoffed under my breath causing the raven haired guy I’d just bumped into to titter slightly.
“But for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass.” Thomas was forced onto his knees his head on now held against the block.
I looked around anywhere I could to avoid the inevitable and saw my twin lower her head in disgust as she beheld the sight. Knowing she was watching this made my stomach fall, I’d always tried to keep her distracted and away from these events but today it seems she chose to watch. Unable to look at my sister I scowled at Uther and watched as without a care, without remorse he lowered his hand signalling for the executioner to behead Thomas. The boy next to me gulped and tensed, I’m not sure what he was expecting to happen seen as though he’d willingly come to see this but his reaction certainly held elements of shock and fear? The rest of the crowd gasped, at least they had some elements of humanity in them.
“When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the people’s help, magic was driven from the realm. So I declared a festival to celebrate 20 years since The Great Dragon was captured, and Camelot free from the evil of Sorcery. Let the celebrations begin.” Uther dismissed his face gleaming with pride.
The crowd started to disperse until a woman cried loudly gaining everyone’s focus, even Uther remained upon his balcony.
“There is only one evil in this land and it is not magic! It is you. With your hatred and your ignorance…you took my son.” She cried to Uther as the crowed cautiously backed away from her. “I promise you before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth… a son for a son!” My heart pounded not Arthur yeah he could be a royal prat sometimes but he didn’t deserve to lose his life over Uther’s decisions.
“Seize her!” Uher commanded.
The old woman began chanting something in a high pitched squeal before she eventually disappeared from sight and creating a sudden gust of wind. Cautiously everyone disbanded and I snuck back out among the crowd to help Gwen once again.
I’d remained quiet the entire time I spent with her, I’d witnessed not only the execution but the threat on Arthur’s life. Arthur was like a brother to me we grew up together Arthur, Morgana and I we’d always been there for one another and now because of Uther, Arthur’s life was in danger.
The sun was setting by the time Guinevere and I had finished in town and it was probably best that we got back to the castle to perform our respective duties, Gwen’s to work and mine to float around the castle looking pretty and being the envy of others much like my sister, if only they knew. I scurried back to my chambers, Brenna my maid assisted with my redressing to look my part.  Brenna and Gwen were my closest friends and I knew I could trust them with anything all the servants knew I helped them out but, only they knew and helped me sneak out of the castle.
“Thank you Brenna,  I got caught up Gwen today I apologise for my absence.” Brenna smiled at me and shook her head.
“Hey, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to avoid our pompous King.” I couldn’t help but laugh at her boldness, she’s always true to her opinions and to herself and that’s what I love about her.
“Have you seen Morgana today?” Brenna shook her head as she made my hair look presentable. “She witnessed the execution today is all and I just want to make sure she’s alright.”
“Well from what I’ve heard she avoided everyone today and requested for time to think.” I find it great that if the slightest thing happens around Camelot somehow Brenna is the first to know.
“Thank you so much, I’m going to go and check on her hopefully Uther hasn’t completely corrupted her yet.” With that I left Brenna to her own devices and searched for my sister.
I was at the bottom of a stone staircase when I heard Uther conferring with Morgana.
“What is this? Why are you not joining us at the feast?” Uther’s voice sounded.
“I just don’t think chopping someone’s head off is cause for a celebration. That poor mother.” Morgana replied.
“You’re starting sound like your sister, it was simple justice for what he’d done.”
“To whom? He practiced some magic. He didn’t hurt anyone.”
“You were not around 20 years ago. You have no idea what it was like.”
“How long are you going to keep punishing people for what happened then?”
“Until they realize there is no room for magic in my kingdom. You will be with me when I greet Lady Helen.”
“I told you I want no part of these celebrations-“
“I’m your guardian! I expect you to do as I ask. If you show me no respect, at least respect our finest singer. You should stay away from your sister more she’s a horrible influence on you!” With that Uther began to storm away.
“You know, the more brutal you are, the more enemies you’ll create.” Morgana called to him as I walked up the stairs.
“Morgana, are you okay?” I ask gazing at my sisters infuriated expression.
“I see what you mean about him Y/n I really do.” The pair of us stood in a peaceful silence for a moment before heading back to our chambers for the rest of the evening.
 “Aren’t you glad all you did was brush my hair?” I teased Brenna.
“Yeah, it would’ve been a shame if one of my amazing styles was only worn for fifteen minutes.”
“You can leave no you know.”
“But nothing, get home and take care of yourself I see us as equals, you should too.” With that Brenna left and went home knowing she didn’t actually need to come back and ‘work for me’ yet she still does all the same.
 The Next Morning
 Brenna and I met up with Gwen and decided to help her dry the rest of Morgana’s dresses out of the windows as it was a pleasantly warm day.
“Keep hold of that especially tight, it’s one of her favourites.” I said to Brenna as I wafted another out of my window. “Hey look, surprise, surprise Arthur’s being a prat again.”
Guinevere and Brenna stopped what they were doing and stood beside me.
“I wish someone would just put him in his place sometimes, he can be so rude.” I grumbled.
“He’s just showing off in front of the other knights.” Brenna chimed.
“He still shouldn’t treat him like that though.” Gwen said clearly irritated.
“Tell me about it. Oh wait what’s happening here?” Brenna asked getting excited.
“At least someone’s trying to help.” Gwen sighed.
“Arthur’s not going to like that…Geez that was unnecessary!” I gasped as Arthur twisted a raven haired boy’s arm behind his back before motioning to the guards. “Arthur don’t be such a prat!” I growled as the guards took the lad away.
I left angrily leaving Gwen and Brenna to finish the remainder of the dresses in attempt to defend this stranger. Sadly by the time I got there he was already in the cells and he wasn’t allowed visitors either that or I was still forbidden from going down there after last time.
As night came Gwen got Morgana ready and Brenna helped me get ready for our guest performer, I didn’t want to be there but Uther demanded Morgana’s presence and she’d requested my emotional support so how could I refuse my own twins plea for help. Once we were prepared we stood waiting patiently in the throne room Gwen stood behind Morgana and Brenna stood beside me. Eventually Lady Helen arrived and Uther hurried to greet her.
“Lady Helen. Thank you so much for coming to sing at our celebrations.” Uther welcomed as she curtsied before him.
“The pleasure’s all mine.” Lady Helen smiled at him.
“How was your journey?”
“Oh the time it took sire.”
“Well, it’s always worth the wait.” Uther charmed as he politely kissed the back of her hands.
“It will be.” Lady Helen says ominously as she fiddles with her necklace.
After the welcoming of Lady Helen we’re quickly dismissed.
“Seriously, I spent longer doing your hair than you did wearing it like that.” Brenna grumbled as we walked back to my chambers.
I couldn’t help but laugh, no matter what she can always get a smile out of me.
“I’ll keep it up like this until I actually go to sleep if you’d prefer then your efforts wouldn’t be wasted.”
“Yes, do that.”
“I will.”
Our faces were hard and firm until we locked eyes and ended up laughing at our extremely childish behaviour.
“Now go to the tavern and have fun for me.” I say ushering her away.
“Of course, Lady Y/n whatever you say.” With that she grinned at me and hurried off to the tavern to spend her wages.
 I’d snuck out once again with Guinevere only this time it was in hopes of finding Brenna she hadn’t shown up in my chambers earlier which was fine, she probably had a hangover but a few hours went by and she still wasn’t here so I found Gwen explained the situation and we hurried off to find her.
“She’s a nightmare that Brenna, keeps us all up takes our money then passes out knocking over my ale in the process. As if leaving me broke wasn’t bad enough!” I purple faced man complains loudly as he staggers out of the tavern clinging onto his red faced friend.
“My first time going to the tavern is not going to be just to take home my unconscious friend. Gwen pretty please can you get her, I want our first time to be special.” I ask childishly admiring the tavern.
Gwen shakes her head at my behaviour but goes in by herself nonetheless. Seconds later a swarm of giddy children rush by me, as much rotten food in their hands that they can carry. Curiously I follow them and I’m led right to the stocks, where the raven haired guy from earlier is as food is flung at his head. Remaining out of the line of fire I approach him and his breathtaking blue eyes meet my e/c ones. Okay he’s far more attractive than I initially gave him credit for, he’s looking at me. Y/n say something!
“Hi.” I squeak out. Well Y/n that was pathetic congratulations at being useless when talking to boys.
“Hello.” He smiles up at me despite his predicament.
“I’m Y/n, I help out around the castle sometimes.” I introduce, well it’s not a complete lie and I had to say something right?
“Right. Well, I’m Merlin…” He offers as much of his closest hand as he can and try my best to shake it giving the situation. “Although most people just call me  ‘Idiot.’”
“No, I saw what you did, it wasn’t particularly smart but it was brave of you to stand up against royal prat.” I complimented or at least I hope it came off as a compliment.
“It was stupid.” Merlin laughed to himself causing me to smile slightly.
“Y/n.” Guinevere called from behind me with a half conscious Brenna hanging off her. “I’m Guinevere but most people call me Gwen, I’m Lady Morgana’s maid.” She introduced herself.
Merlin’s eyes brightened when he look at her, of course what guy wouldn’t find her to be stunning?
“Merlin.” He smiled at her as I took Brenna off her so she could also shake his hand.
“I saw what you did, it was so brave.” Gwen stated smiling at him.
“It was stupid.” Merlin sighed this time instead of laughing his self-deprecating laugh.
“Well I’m glad you walked away, you weren’t going to beat him.” Gwen said as she charmingly fiddled with her dress.
How can someone do that without looking even the slightest bit weird? I’ve got to ask her at some point.
“Oh, I…I could beat him.” Merlin says almost cockily if it weren’t for the slightly anxious laugh that accompanied it.
“You think? Because you don’t look like one of these big muscly kind of fellows.” She teases cocking her head to one side.
“Thanks.” He replies.
I might as well just leave the pair of them alone and take Brenna to her home until she’s feeling better.
“See you around Gwen, Merlin.” I call as Brenna and I stagger back to her home.
Wow I’m useless with men, it comes so effortlessly with other women, why do I fail miserably at it?
“Aw Milady blew off a lovely gentleman to take care of me I’m honoured.” Brenna slurred a silly grin on her face.
“Yes well the lovely gentleman likes Gwen so I thought we should leave them be.” I attempted to reason with my drunken friend.
“Pfft that won’t last.” Brenna giggled.
“Why not?” I asked genuinely intrigued.
“She likes Arthur, Merlin’s destined to like you.” She sing songed.
“Ah yes because Uther will allow Gwen and Arthur to marry and Merlin is what, my destiny? You lose grip on reality when you’re drunk.” I laugh as I make her some broth.
“It’s true! I promise!” She pleads.
“Okay I believe you now eat up so you can get into bed and be ready for tomorrow.” I kissed the top of her chestnut brown hair before leaving her home and heading back up to the castle walking passed a laughing Merlin and a giggling Gwen.
Upon arrival I changed into my exquisite f/c dress that complimented everything I had to show before pinning back some strands of my hair to speak with my sister.
“Morgana, do you have a minute?” I asked her as I poked my head around her chambers door.
“Of course sister, I have all the time in the world for you.” She smiled brilliantly at me.
“So, you have more experience with boys than I do and I need some help.”
“Which dashing prince stole my sisters heart, or maybe which knight?” Morgana teased as she pulled me into her room.
“Well I don’t know if he has you know because I haven’t the slightest idea when it comes to these sort of things. How am I supposed to feel?”
“Well when you like a guy usually your stomach feels weird and you become flustered so much so that you even sometimes forget how to speak coherently.” She began to explain.
“Okay and how am I supposed to feel when he talks to pretty girls?”
“Well everyone’s different, some people don’t mind it others get angry and annoyed, some become forlorn and feel like they’ve lost all hope.” Morgana calmly answered.
Great so ticks all across the board for liking a guy I hardly know, way to go me.
“Has someone else caught the attention of your love, sister?” Moargana asked a beautiful features contorting into strained ones expressing concern.
“Oh what no, nothing like that happened to me, I’m writing a story and needed help with the relationship front of things, got to pass time somehow around here.” I stuttered before giving her a false smile and leaving quickly.
In my hurry to escape from everything and just get back to my chambers I ended up colliding straight into someone. I tripped on my dress and hit the cold stone floor as did the other person. They were already up on their feet by the time I’d even turned around to take in my surroundings.
“I’m terribly sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” A familiar voice apologised profusely as they held a hand out to me.
I must’ve done something horrific if this is how life decided to play with me. I kept my head angled down but accepted his assistance in standing up. It’s not always easy when your corset is too tight.
“Thank you, I’m partially to blame though so don’t try to carry all that burden Merlin.” Oh why did I say his name  I’m so stupid!
“Y/n?” Merlin asked as I looked up at him, “I thought you said you helped out here, but you’re-“
“I’m a dear friend of Morgana’s and she gave me one of her dresses for the celebration tomorrow night.” I hurriedly lied, “So, bye Merlin it was nice bumping into you literally.” Before scurrying away.
I’m weird I’m very, very weird . I mean good lie, failed on every other front though. I sighed audibly as I hid my flustered face in my hands and skulked back to my chambers were I spent time clearing my head by leaning out of my window and surveying Camelot in all her beauty. Once again night fall came and Camelot’s truer beauty shone brightly the flaming torches allowed finer parts to look even more exquisite thanks to the assistance of the dramatically casted shadows cascading on to any surface. I took a deep breath and gazed longingly at the moon, now that, natures own creation was the truest beauty of them all.
 Once again the sun rose and Brenna was by my side eagerly waking me up in the most obnoxious of ways.
“Thank you for yesterday off, I really needed the recovery day.” She grinned.
“Yes, I know, you nearly scared Guinevere and myself to death when you didn’t show up and, the state you were in once we found you but hey, at least you gambled your way to fortune the other night.”
“Ah yes I’m a professional at predicting the future drunk and sober.” Her smile weakening slightly as did mine.
“It would be great you know if you really could see into the future like one of those, oh what are they called…”
“Seers, magic folk that can see into the future.” Brenna finished.
“Yeah a Seer it would make my state of mind better if you were one but then again Uther would have you killed so it’s probably for the best that you’re not one eh?” I laughed and Brenna shifted slightly.
After that we spent a few hours just talking about random things but we did make an arrangement for my first tavern visit which I was now eagerly awaiting with baited breath.
“Let’s do visit Lady Morgana and Guinevere I’m sure they’ll need our assistance with Morgana’s dress for tonight.” Brenna said randomly as she pushed me out of my room.
By the time we reached Morgana’s room Chambers we saw a very smiley yet flustered Merlin lean and came face to face with a beaming Gwen. Not what I wanted to see ever but yet there it was.
“So, it’s whether I wear this little tease, or give them a night they’ll really remember.” Morgan said deviously showing her dress options to us.
“Anyone in particular you’re after, maybe a certain blonde haired prince?” Brenna teases. “I’m pretty sure everyone except from him is aware of your intentions towards him.”
“I believe you’re right there Brenna at this rate though I wouldn’t be too surprised though, unless it’s fighting he’s not the sharpest tool around.” Morgan sighed sadly.
“I’m certain he’ll notice you tonight though, don’t worry.” Brenna winked as we decided upon her wine red dress that whilst left little to the imagination also provided a great sense of elegance.
“Y/n what about the boy you like do you have an idea of which dress you’ll wear to recapture his attention?” Morgana asked.
“Y/n you like someone?” Guinevere asked this being obvious new  news to her.
“No these two are just convinced that I do for some reason.” I lied, wanting Gwen to be happy.
“Fine, but you still need to look stunning!” Morgana insisted whilst the other two agreed so I was now shoved all the way back to my chambers after being shoved all the way to my twins.
In the end we decided upon an elegant dress with a dark blue and silver burst and a greyish blue skirt with some light floral embroidery. I didn’t want to go to the celebration in the slightest but, at least I’ll look good while I’m there.
 The celebration arrived sooner than I anticipated and Brenna and I were running late.
“I want you to blow everyone away tonight.” Brenna insisted as we hurried down the corridor my heels clacking against the ground as I held my dress up to run.
“I don’t know why, nobody will be looking at me, it’s either going to be the Lady Morgana or Lady Helen.” I argued.
“Yeah but now, thanks to me you’re another option for them.” Brenna replied.
“I don’t want to be!”
“Merlin will be there.”
“What?” I was amazed she’d even remembered his name, she was barely conscious and yet she somehow knows that, ugh never mind! “He likes Gwen, Gwen likes him we can just let them be happy.” I finally said as we reached the grand hall.
My twin had just entered and had immediately captivated Arthur as well as every other mans attention, I could’ve sworn Arthur murmured “God have mercy.” Whilst she strutted past him but I could be wrong. As I watched her walk with confidence I saw Merlin gazing at her before getting a disapproving look from Gaius.
“In you go.” Brenna ushered but I didn’t move.
“I can’t.”
“You promised Morgana you’d be here with her.”
“Yeah but that was before things go complicated besides she’s got Arthur and everyone else’s attention now.”
“Okay so while they’re all looking at her you and I can sneak in.” Brenna did have a point we could just sneak in now and hopefully remain unnoticed.
“Fine .” I entered the grand hall and walked to the opposite side of the room as Morgana, Arthur and Merlin whilst keeping my head turned away from most people.
Brenna and I chatted amongst ourselves for a while until.
“Don’t look now but a certain Mr Merlin is looking at you with his mouth hanging open.” Brenna whispered.
“It’s not nice to tease Brenna you know that there’s so lines we don’t-“  Before I could finish my sentence she turned me around to face Merlin and she had indeed been telling the truth.
Merlin was looking right at me his mouth slightly agape as Gaius lectured him before walking off. I turned back around to apologise to Brenna when she was suddenly next to Merlin saying something to him with a devious smile on her face as they looked towards my general area. Great I’m being looked at and I’m alone and back to looking like a weirdo. Well until my twin and Arthur came over to me.
“Y/n you scrub up well.” Arthur said.
“Wow geez thanks, as do you my royal prat.” I reply jokingly with a mock curtsey.
“Hey, I was trying to be nice.” He defended.
“Ah leave him be Y/n I’m afraid that’s as silver tongued as our dear friend gets.” Morgan playfully insulted threading her arm through mine.
“That’s not fair there’s two of you and only one of me.” Arthur huffed.
“Yeah that is how twins work you know, two of them all the time.”  I reply before sneaking a glance Merlin’s way whom now had Gwen by his side but at least Brenna was there also so they couldn’t have alone time.
Why do I care I’ve hardly spoken to him, she knows him so much better than I do, I don’t get a say in any of this.
“…Don’t  you agree Y/n?” Arthur asked.
“Hm what?”
“Where is your mind tonight?” Arthur asked.
“Oh is it him, is he here?” Morgana asked peering around the room.
“He, who?” Arthur demanded.
“No one, Morgana and Brenna are convinced I like someone so they keep acting weird and made me dress up like this tonight.”
“Okay so who do you reckon our lovely Y/n’s type is? Mybe it’s him?” Arthur said pointing to someone.
“No, I think more him.” Morgana said pointing at one of the knight’s, “ Or maybe-“ Morgana was cut off by the sound of the horns indicating for everyone to stand by their seats for the King’s entrance before they could actually sit.
“We have enjoyed 20 years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures. But few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora.” Uther introduced causing an applaud from everyone present, even me out of politeness as he joined Arthur, Morgana and I at the head table.
Lady Helen stood upon a makeshift stage at the back of the hall to perform her song. Her voice was indeed beautiful but the words she sang were not English, there was an enchanting aura to everything about her in this moment, we were held captive to her talent. Slowly and gracefully she approached our table people succumbing to a sleep as she past them. My eyelids felt undeniably heavy and it became a challenge so stay awake to the side I could make out Merlin covering his ears as the room became cooler and darker with each note, Uther was already asleep quickly followed by Arthur and my sister. I fought to remain awake but it felt futile all my energy was being drained, the last thing I saw was cobwebs slowly appearing before I was out.
Minutes later I woke to a dark cobweb infested cold grand hall with the old woman from the execution trapped beneath our once hanging candelabras whom quicker that a flash threw her dagger right at Arthur, had it not been for Merlin, Arthur would be dead.
“You saved my boys life, a debt must be repaid.” Uther spoke to Merlin.
“Oh, well…” Merlin began.
“Don’t be so modest. You shall be rewarded.”
“No, honestly, you don’t have to, your highness.”
“No, absolutely. This merits something quite special.”
“Well…” Merlin sighed shrugging his shoulders slightly.
“You shall be awarded with a position in the royal household.” Uther says clapping his hand against Arthur’s back who in turned looked disgusted by Uther’s suggestion. “You shall be Prince Arthur’s Manservant.”
Poor Merlin, it was as if he’d been punished instead of rewarded for saving Arthur’s life. Everyone else applauded as Uther began to walk away.
“Father!” Arthur complained as neither he nor Merlin seemed particularly happy with the outcome.
People began to leave the grand hall Merlin included as Arthur pouted.
“Arthur, give him a chance. He saved your life treat him with some element of respect!” I said before also leaving the hall.
I was barely out of the doors when I was pulled to one side out of sight from the guards and passersby, a hand was over my mouth to prevent me from squealing in shock. I was up against a wall when Merlin’s bewitching blue eyes met my wide e/c ones once again.
“You’re just a close friend of the Lady Morgana are you, I didn’t think even close friends would be allowed to sit at the King’s table nor influence the prince like you do.” Merlin smirked as he slowly drew his hand from my mouth.
I didn’t know how to respond, I didn’t know if I was even capable of responding, my heart pounded against my chest my breaths uneven, I felt dizzy.
“I-I’m the Lady Y/n, the Lady Morgana’s twin sister.” I stuttered my eyes never leaving his.
“Well then, good night my Lady.” He smirked once again kissing the back of my hand before walking away leaving me dumbfounded using the wall against my back to keep me upright.
“Y/n you look…I honestly don’t know how to politely describe you right now, what did I miss?” Brenna asked a mischievous knowing grin on her face.
“Merlin.” I sighed almost swooning still looking down the hall Merlin just left down.
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bellamyblakru · 4 years
Heya, it's been a while, but I was wondering if you could turn your wonderful writing skills to another prompt for me? Could you do "I...I need to sit down" for Merthur please? Thanks ever so much 🥰 x
OF COURSE!! I love getting asks🥺id literally write anything you want me to💞thank you for this, hopefully i'm up to par—it's been a minute since i wrote (like a week lmfao i've been reading a lot)
Merlin looked at Arthur on the throne. He was still amazed how good he looked up there, how much he looked like he belonged. Arthur was glowing in the waning sunlight, giving him an ethereal glow. His hair was ablaze, blending with the crown on his head.
He was breathtaking. 
Merlin stopped listening to the proceedings in favor of staring at Arthur’s profile for as long as possible. Many commoners came for an audience today, and Merlin was too exhausted to show interest. He has been working since dawn, for both Arthur and Gaius, and the boy was dead on his feet. 
Arthur did not feel much better.  He could feel Merlin’s eyes on him, but instead of getting angry with Merlin, Arthur actually felt content to let him stare—it was making him warm and fuzzy on the inside, but he didn’t know why, so he let him be. Knowing he had Merlin’s attention, the king straightened his back and tried to listen back to the farmers’ dispute at hand. He was apparently thinking about Merlin’s eyes on him for longer than he thought since the farmers were staring at him, waiting for his reasoning. Arthur blinked slowly, unsure, but Merlin quickly came to his ear and whispered, “Sire, the one on the left killed the right one’s sheep because it was on his farm unattended and was causing a ruckus.” Arthur nodded his thanks, looking more grateful at Merlin than he had all day, and Merlin blushed at the sudden attention from Arthur and bowed back to his spot behind the king. 
Arthur started talking, but Merlin couldn’t focus on what he was saying—both tired and now feeling a little hot. Maybe I need to ask Gaius if I’m getting sick, Merlin wondered, getting slightly dizzy now. 
“Is there anyone else?” Arthur looked at Lancelot and Leon. “One more, my lord,” Leon answered, as Lancelot was occupied with talking to Gwaine and looking at Arthur’s side together. Arthur frowned, why do they look so concerned? Arthur was about to look over to see what they were looking at, but the next citizen came in.
The minute the man came in, Merlin fell to his knees. Gwaine and Lance were by his side in an instant. Arthur looked over to where Merlin fell, jumping up from the throne, wanting to go over and check him himself. His knights were trying to help Merlin stand, so Arthur decided he could get this last audience done fast and go to Merlin after. 
While stabilizing him, Merlin looked up at the newcomer. He felt nausea rush over him just from looking. “Gwaine, Lance,” Merlin groaned out quietly, trying to get them to go to Arthur instead, and once he got their attention he continued, “that man, something is wrong with that man.” Gwaine and Lance looked perplexed but believed him, so they leaned Merlin against the wall to see what was going on. 
Arthur just started addressing him, “what may I help you with today?” The man bowed lowly, and in a deep voice said, “My lord, I actually wanted to bring something to you.” Arthur, surprised for a moment, masked his face quickly, “and what would that be?” The man stood up and pulled a small wooden box out of his robes, and he addressed Arthur once more. “My liege, this is a weapon of great power, but I am the only one able to wield its strength.” 
“What kind of power?”
“The power to drown the magic out of people. Out of them where the filth cannot corrupt them for any longer,” he stated, indicating to the small box.
Arthur heard a gasp to his right and quickly looked. Lancelot looked horrified, while Gwaine looked absolutely livid. Merlin, on the other hand, looked like he was withering away on the wall behind them, staring with blank eyes towards the box--almost like he was drawn to it. 
Arthur was not stupid, or blind. He knew Merlin kept secrets, deadly ones if he kept them from Arthur, so this realization did not quite have the same reaction the old Arthur would have had.
Merlin has magic. 
Arthur was quiet for a moment longer, thoughtful. Every adventure, every single quest, every day, Merlin was at his side. Whether it was killing a monster, or cleaning his boots, or making his bed, Merlin never laid a hand on him.
Merlin believed in him and that was enough at the end of the day, wasn’t it? Arthur already had an inkling about magic not being the all evil power his father lectured him about. He wanted to find Morgana and make amends, so this was the path he needed to take to get her home. Magic couldn’t be evil if both Merlin and Morgana had it--they did not choose it either, especially since they both lived under Uther. No one would be foolish enough to use magic willingly with him around. Magic is a gift in the right hands, and a horrible tool in the wrong ones--just like any other tool in this world.
Arthur was about to make history--he could feel it deep within his bones. He could almost hear Destiny singing.
“I am sorry, but I have no need for a weapon like that in my kingdom.”
The man stumbled back, shock written all over his features at the power behind Arthur’s words, “are you not a Pendragon? You would rather magic roam freely in this world than end it once and for all?”
Arthur schooled his face into strength, ignoring his rising temper at the questioning man, “I may be a Pendragon, but I am not my father. I said no. Thank you for coming all this way, you may now take your leave.”
The man bristled at the dismissal, and just as Arthur was turning to Merlin, he drew a throwing knife out and spoke softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear, “if you are not with us against the powers of evil, then I must end this reign for the greater good.” He threw the knife before anyone could react.
It stopped inches from Arthur’s heart, and Arthur looked at it trying to figure out what just happened. The man gasped when the knife turned back towards him and landed in his leg. “Magic!” The man cried out, horrified that such use of blatant power was used on him. 
Merlin stumbled over to the man, who was now on one knee, and spoke very clearly: “if you ever try to threaten the king again, I will not aim for the leg. Is that understood?” Merlin’s eyes shone like liquid gold. Lancelot and Gwaine, quickly behind Merlin, yelled at the guards to put the man in jail with the box he brought with him. 
The guards listened, albeit hesitantly, looking towards Arthur for his approval. Arthur simply nodded, still staring at Merlin. It’s one thing to make the connection, but to see it so clearly use for him, in defense for him? It was astonishing. It felt oddly right if Arthur was being honest. Merlin was one of the bravest men he knew, and his power only amplified this feeling for Arthur. To live your life in constant fear, to feel so alone and scared of who you are, it is a wonder why Merlin stayed by his side for so long.
The second the man walked out, Lancelot and Gwaine went in front of Merlin protectively. Arthur ignored them and walked directly to Merlin, who whispered that he could handle this to his friends who looked reluctant to walk away (so they just moved to either side of Merlin, slightly behind him, just in case).
Arthur came close to Merlin, “how long?”
“My whole life,” Merlin responded quietly. 
Arthur blanched, realizing how long Merlin lived in fear for his own life and from Arthur himself.
Such a simple question that could allude to many things, but each would have the same reply from Merlin.
“Because I love you.”
That was it. Arthur took a step back, heart beating fast, seeing how much Merlin meant it. He loved Arthur. 
Merlin didn’t understand why Arthur wasn’t killing him, or saying anything, or why Arthur just kept staring at him.
But Merlin couldn’t wait for a response, “Arthur?”
Arthur was confused at the tone change, so he just said, “yes, Merlin?”
Merlin was delirious at this point, “if you don’t plan on putting me on the pyre, I think I might...that I....I need to sit down.”
Merlin passed out.
Lancelot and Gwaine caught him easily, looking at Arthur to see his reaction. Arthur was in motion already, picking Merlin up bridal style, and walking directly past them. With a small smile at his knights he asked, “are you guys coming? Or am I to tell Gaius myself what happened?” Arthur was masking his terror for Merlin by easing his knights’ concern for how he felt about Merlin, making it clear what side Arthur was on. Lancelot and Gwaine sighed in relief, accompanying Arthur.
Tomorrow was going to be a big day.
Tomorrow, Arthur was going to say I love you back.
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fathersappointed · 4 years
Tomorrow morning when you wake up, aliens are lurking around ready to attack. 
(All right, let’s get the wrong going right from the start).
Our demonic enemies — are more lethal than any terrorist, or any murderer, or hardened criminal and they’ll be waiting for you. They have flaming arrows. That God says are ready to watch for the exact moment to shoot at you a fiery missile right into your mind. Are you ready to deflect that missile?
The purpose of the Devil’s missiles (and aggrandizement for fear manipulation purposes) John says is to cause believers to forsake their trust in God. It simply isn’t the truth, there are a number of reasons the Devil is attacking you. And within these attacks, there are variables in degree. They are; he wants to manipulate you to run to God. Or to get you to believe in extraterrestrial. He’s attacking to kill you or have you kill (one of his favorites, two birds) or destroy you in some other way and feed his contempt for you. The manipulation of an event or manipulate you to be a shoe salesman so you can tell Fred your story. One thing to note depending on the situation and need, it may not necessarily be the devil that is doing the communicating.
Flaming arrow another aggrandizement. In the man’s defense, he doesn’t know what he’s doing! He’s trying to emphasize the power attributes of the Devil. This brings me to the real reason the Devil and Christ motivated this gentleman to make this video.
The power of the Devil and the Demonic Fallen Angels. He says this is what our lesson is about, and indeed it is.
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I had to laugh at this poor enthralled mutton and his marker! Dr. John says My dry erase wide tip marker is Lucifer. Lucifer was created at the hands of God, and like all the rest of creation, God’s holding him. So that’s the fall of Satan, that’s where evil comes from, that’s where all the problems came from. It was when God removed his hold God let go of holding him. That’s the fall of Satan that’s where evil came from. That’s where all the problems came from it was God who removed his hold. God let go of holding him that’s the fall of Satan that’s where evil came from that’s where all the problems came from it was God removed his hold created at the hands of God and like all the rest of creation God holds it together you know what it says all things were made by him and by him all things consist literally hold together if God doesn’t hold something it goes like this Lucifer just fell out of my hand he’s Satan now down there on the floor let me get him.
Lucifer’s Rebellion they are Satan’s demons and they’re part of this Cosmic war against God they’re the supernatural super-powerful creatures.
The attacks on humans are led by the Serpent Dragon his named the Devil & Satan. He is a person he has a single focus as the Adversary of God. He was formerly Lucifer the most brilliant and powerful of all God’s created angels. Now as Satan, he leads the hosts of darkness in their relentless attacks.
All the scientific science fiction movies are about these creatures with glowing eyes with powers that they have those are angels and the Fallen Angels the demons are what we would call the extraterrestrials the UFOs They are the demon, so there are all kinds of activity in the universe the real aliens that fill this universe and that all of our science fiction movies that everybody immerses himself in her about our products of Lucifer’s Rebellion they are Satan’s demons and their part of this Cosmic war against God they’re the supernatural super-powerful creatures.
Now he’s the highest created being he’s the most powerful creative being he is the smartest created being. He was the most honored of all created beings ever. He was the top of all God’s creation until he fell. But he knows he can’t be greater than God.
God! What’s happening to the people with sin is a very important thing. People die, diseases ruled the world. God, Omni Himself, wouldn’t be, you would think, a fluffy puffs kind of guy when it came to the serious stuff! But old Omni Mr. Love He’s got to pause for the cause and tell you what a beautiful guy the devil is. Because this is really important to know! And another thing that’s important to know is how he was so adorned in the most precious of jewels. And Powerful, powerfully strong, almost as strong as God himself. Then he turns his attention to the Angels explains how their powerful evil, demonic and merciless! Now you could argue that it’s important to know how powerful the Devil and the Fallen Angels are. But when you can just wave a hand and say magic words and make them run home. How important could it really be? It would be, in actuality not important at all. But yet this man and many others are constantly drilling, this point home why? The religious don’t know why they just know it’s in the book. God, said it so it must be important, so they repeat it. But this gentleman is saying it so you’ll be scared. And run to God and cover yourself in all the armament of his words. To this gentleman, this is an honorable endeavor. And he has dedicated his life to bring the knowledge to as many in the world as you can.
There is a cunning deception here that you just cannot see.
All of this about the Devil’s power the Angels powers these are all ploy this is all manipulation the religious the Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, etc, can only see this from a religious perspective. But the Devil, Christ, and the rest of the betrayers are not confined to simply the Christian Doctrine. This is that main vehicle of attack! But they will cooperate with all religions in deceptive manipulation. All of this preaching conditioning it’s for an elaborate manipulative hoax! The power of the Devil, the power of the Angels, this critical need to know information is solely for a plane that will be heinously executed.
The Bible was written over 1,600 years by 40 different authors? Bits and pieces And that’s how they feed it to you in bits and pieces but that’s not the only place it’s in the music you listen to it’s in the movies you watch the holidays you celebrate
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God just let go and if you ever want to know where the origin of evil and how you know all this started and how the whole universe started falling apart think of my marker falling on the floor (Sometimes you got to laugh).But wait there’s another philosophy in the land of Gods. Religious Jewish people say that’s all a bunch of nonsense and they’ll have none of it! They claim they have pages and pages and books of their own nonsense.
The only thing these two guys have in common is that God’s a scummy fella who is causing all of this, by holding it all together.
According to the rabbi, your no good, your no good, baby your no good!
WHO IS SATAN? He is not who you think he is. The Jewish and Christian concepts of Satan are extreme opposites.
According to this gentleman, God’s a pretty sick fellow but it’s okay because it’ll make us all mentally better! He is explaining their religious teachings their religions believe It seems they believe that we had to be brought down to the very foundations of repugnance to the point. Where will commit acts of violence that leave People face down in the dirt dead! Because if we popped up later on and mental evolutionary timeline we wouldn’t appreciate the absolute decorousness of a pretty dining room set?
Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful or something free?
Hey, you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes man, it’s hard to be clean.
The beautiful people.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypkv0HeUvTc The beautiful people.
Ok, I’m going to spell it out you should have been able to figure it out really on your own. They believe in the right of what they’re doing. This mindset is what has compelled the growth of religion in all walks of faith. This is one of their most effective manipulative dangerous weapons in the Devil and Christ’s arsenal and they welded it with skilled precision!
Rabbi Mic; Four times more crap does not qualify as twice the truth! I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Yeah, this was written down because we have a creep that’s been manipulating everything. God did it. It says so right here in the book! It was put there clearly put there purposely by Christ and the betrayers. And by a Being that tells you, he’s God and to kneel to him and beg for forgiveness and your life! Snap out of it for crying out loud you freaking bookworm zealots and look the frig around once in a while. Christ and the betrayers have written a lot of different religions. This is all part of their Smokescreen of confusion and manipulation. The main vehicle of attack is the Catholic Christian religion. This is the one they have the most psychological pull with. They have spent thousands of years. Gone through numerous populations and religions to isolate this deceptive and manipulative power. This is not only in the Christian Muslim and Jewish religious books the cunning manipulation is in all religious writings immense amount of literature music and all other branches of entertainment.
Rabbi Mic says; That there’s not one passage in the Christian Bible, not one passage that shows that the Devil is subservient to God, not one passage in the New Testament showing that the Devil is subservient to God. Religion like so much else is a lie! What we are living in is an elaborate fabrication and elaborate deception of incomprehensible magnitude the individuals are real the characters are fiction as are all contributing Literature. We haven’t been brought down to the dregs of existence just so you can hopefully learn to clean up after you shave and go to work. This is design for multiple purposes one of the biggest mistakes the enthralled religious make is in the absolute belief in the narrow religious teachings. The Devil and Christ and the rest of the compromised betrayers are under no such constraints.
Both of these religious teachers are absolutely convinced within their religions. They’ve studied it intensely examine each other’s books. Both religions are convinced God controls all the good and evil. Neither is able to come to the understanding that they’re both being manipulated by the same group.
All perceptions are misconceptions.
Ape-man — God †★† Christ — Shiva †★† Islam, Judaism, Christianity — Extraterrestrials. Are all designed they are all in place for a division of controversy. No single prevailing thought can hold absolute acceptance this is all a strategical maneuvering. With the Devil and Christ prevailing with God in absolutes. With enthralled worshipers that are going to be used in the most heinous act of manipulated hate. And the world will be consumed in an all-consuming fire and no one will be saved.
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
The Boys Season 1 Review and Comparison
This was so cathartic.
In an age where we’re inundated with superhero media on all fronts with their bright colors, cheery jokes and positive outlooks, it’s easy to slowly become sick of it, feel the “superhero fatigue” as it were. Where Marvel ruins some stories with far too many jokes (looking at you Thor: Ragnarok) and DC is far too dreary and serious for its own good with a lack of levity, where can one turn to for a GOOD happy medium?
Well, in comes Seth Rogan and Evan Gold, the brilliant minds behind the amazing adaptation of Preacher with yet another brutal and slightly more cynical series. The Boys absolutely stuns not only by being a genuinely compelling series, but also by being one of the few adaptations that improves on the original medium in a few aspects.
The story centers around Hughie Campbell and the titular Boys as they work to expose the horrific deeds of The Seven, a collective of the world's greatest superheroes, and the company that sponsors them, Vought American.
In this world, superheroes are everywhere. They're on breakfast cereals, TV shows, movies, pretty much every piece of media and entertainment imaginable while also protecting America from crime. Sounds familiar, huh? The kicker here is that, much like every asshole celebrity that lets the fame and fortune go to their heads, these heroes are massive cunts. They take performance enhancing drugs, routinely cause accidents that hurt or kill people, sexually harass people left and right and just lie to their adoring public like they’re children.
Unlike the books, however, The Boys team isn’t the well oiled machine that’s been taking down and blackmailing superheroes for years and the first four episodes are spent introducing the different team members.This is likely due to wanting to give people time to care about them individually and the limited number of episodes in the season. This definitely works in also retooling the characters themselves for TV since they may not have seventy-two issues of character development ahead of them
For the most part, the show follows the initial story beats of the comics with a few select differences before splintering off in an entirely new direction. Hughie’s girlfriend still gets blown apart by A-Train, he denies Vought America’s hush money which draws the attention of Billy Butcher and Starlight joins the Seven after the “death” of the hero Lamplighter. 
This also means that there's less time to focus on smaller plotlines and teams that are referenced to in passing dialogue like the Teenage Kix, a pastiche on the Teen Titans, or Payback, the number two group of superheroes to The Seven. While seeing the team take these guys down on the small screen would have been fun, I like the idea of keeping the plot focused on just the core group of antagonists. This way, we don’t have to slog through three or four seasons of small fry and get the big bads in the last few.
After the first half, fans of the comic may start to feel a little bit of the familiar, but then things start to take a drastic turn when Billy's pride and the rest of the teams sloppiness gets them all burned and branded wanted criminals. This never happens in the books because The Boys are funded and protected by the CIA, but here they’re just another group of concerned citizens that are completely in over their heads, adding to the tension and keeping everyone guessing as to what will happen for the rest of the season and in Season 2.
The original series was written during the latter years of the Bush Administration. Tensions were high and America was still embroiled in the Iraq War. The president was a simpering fool and companies were fucking people over left and right in the name of patriotism. Reality TV and the awful personalities on our screens were on nearly every channel and all of this only fueled the anger that is Garth Ennis’ pen and Darick Robertson’s pencils. It was a product of its time and it was perfect.
We’re now in the Information Age where superheroes and social media are the only things that matter in everyone’s mind, where women’s empowerment is stronger than ever and our leaders speak bombastically with shit eating grins full of lies. Rogen and Goldberg have kept the series modern and take everything to task.
Media. Marvel and DC are everywhere nowadays with some indie companies managing to scrape up their own part of the pie. The Boys makes fun of the seemingly endless cycle of sequels and the goody-two-shoes images of America’s favorite heroes. Everything is carefully managed and curated by a media team, similar to how Disney micromanages even the smallest details of their properties to make everything so sickeningly squeaky clean. 
Not only do the heroes stop crime, but they star in their own movies about themselves as well, some have sponsorships for shoes and have to compete with each other for everything. Almost everything is done for the cameras, even intimate moments whenever Vought can find a way to make it work. The heroes are never too far from the spotlight even when they want to be and oftentimes their acts can go viral without them knowing.
Sexual Assault. In the comics, Starlight is sexually assaulted by Homelander, Black Noir and A-Train in a gross scene to establish that there’s nothing good in that world. It was good for its time in its own dark way, but today there are absolutely consequences to such things as there should have been back then. In the show, Starlight is assaulted by The Deep, her childhood crush, alone. 
It’s dark and makes use of the imbalance of power as The Deep threatens to have her kicked off of the team. Soon after, Starlight comes forward with what happens to her, not allowing herself to let what happened stand and unlike in the books, The Deep gets his comeuppance. Though this also unfortunately leading to him getting assaulted as well. It’s powerful and allows for Starlight to move what could have been an image of weakness, though Vought uses this to their advantage as well, painting her a feminist icon. Best for business right?
Politics. While not everything has to be an allegory for Trump, it’s hard to say that Homelander isn’t just that. He’s what the president thinks he is, a strong, blonde haired man that the entire country loves. Homelander has the people eating out of the palm of his hands and he’s only feeding them shit. He hates the common man and will just as easily let many die if it can somehow serve his interests. He’s not above a little sexual harassment himself and he is just an evil bastard.
There’s also a subplot of military application of superheroes that I feel mirrors the discussion on the use of drones in war. Drones are absolutely deadly and have caused the deaths of hundreds, even innocents when things have gone really wrong. Even President Obama was criticized for how reckless and dangerous their use could be. The world could only imagine the hell that would rain down if superheroes were allowed to duke it out over national security.
The Boys as a comic series was an unrepentantly cynical take on the superhero genre in an established universe of heroes. The creator, Garth Ennis, didn’t grow up with many superheroes and actually felt disrespected by a few of them, like Captain America. He brought on the amazing Darick Robertson and other artists to realize this horrid world of drugs, hardcore sex and brutal violence. Many of the stories are fun and hilarious, but with the unfortunate feeling of a lot of them feeling one note due to the one dimensional nature of a lot of the “heroes” and the ever escalating level of black humor to the point of being cartoonish.
Our main character cast is absolutely fantastic. Jack Quiad’s Hughie is much like his comic counterpart, aside from being like six feet tall and not Scottish. He’s surprisingly smart with a lot of awkwardness about him. He has a good heart and doesn’t see ALL superheroes as being evil, but does have a slight sense of justice that wants to see The Seven and Vought taken down. 
Karl Urban’s Butcher was the absolute perfect casting choice. He’s got that wry British wit, the fury to capture Butcher’s rage against supes and can play a manipulator like nobody's business. His character arc is one of the few regressions that I can actually appreciate for how it's done, especially as things become more fucked because of him and how he chooses to blame everyone else.
Everyone else is a slight bit of an improvement over the comics versions. The Frenchman, played by Tomer Capon, is similar to his comics counterpart, but we’re given reason to care about him and The Female. In the comics, Frenchie and the Female knew each other prior, but I don’t think it’s ever revealed how they met or became close. In the show Frenchie frees The Female, played by Karen Fukuhara, from thugs that had been keeping her prisoner and he slowly gains her trust over the course of the next few episodes after her introduction. We see their friendship grow, learn a little bit of her backstory and get a better understanding of what she wants versus just following Frenchie around and being terrifyingly adorable.
Annie January aka Starlight, played by Erin Moriarty, is probably the second best change in character in the series. She starts out as a bright eyed, bushy tailed hero looking to do good, but after being sexually assaulted on her first day in The Seven, decides that it will never happen again. In the comics, Annie stays around in The Seven and takes the abuse for a little while before speaking out and fighting back against the rest of them. What makes things even better, not only does she challenge her uber Christian beliefs during an event sponsored by Vought, but she does so while also getting Vought to force her abuser into giving a public apology at the mere thought of her causing their stock prices to crash.
Consequently, Mother’s Milk, portrayed by Laz Alonso, one of the most layered characters in the comics isn’t made better, but the more ridiculous aspects of is character have been toned down. We don’t hear of his disabled mother and his addiction to her breast milk that fuels his own superpowers, nor is his wife a crack addict that makes pornos with their daughter. He’s simply a reliable member of the team that loves his wife and will give Butcher the truth when he’s acting like an asshole.
The series actually brings a lot of grey to most of these characters. A-Train never once shows remorse for his actions in the books, but in the show he's painted as kind of sympathetic, while still being seen as a monster for what he does and the reasons behind them. The Deep could go either way after his actions with a redemption arc or a full turn to villain, but is shown to be knowingly aware of how little regard there is for him. He calls himself a "diversity hire" and acknowledges his own ineptitude, but he's still an absolutely terrible person.
Queen Maeve may be one of my favorite changes that manages to be even more sympathetic than her already pretty great comic counterpart. She, much like Starlight, did want to change the world, but she let the apathy and jaded nature of the job take her over. She's an alcoholic that sees a bit of herself in Starlight. The change comes in how she reacts to what I think might be Homelander's most heinous act in the show. She shows far more remorse and guilt over what happens than she does in the comic, showing us a side of her makes you want to root for her and to see her get better.
The best character… dear Lord, is Homelander, played by Anthony Starr. Homelander is a bastard. The worst thing imaginable because of his sheer strength and power. He’s a sociopath with all of the powers of Superman and none of the goodness. In the comics he’s simply just another asshole. 
He’s the most powerful of the Seven and absolutely revels in the hedonistic lifestyle that he’s accustomed to while also hating being under the rule of Vought. In the show, he’s shown as being supportive to Vought, especially it’s current Senior VP of Hero Management, Madelyn Stillwell. He has something of a mommy fetish as shown with his interactions with her and later in the series actually expresses emotions over learning of his own tragedies, but instead of trying to change for the better, he doubles down on his hatred and anger to become an even bigger monster than before. 
In the comic he just wants all of the superheroes to conquer the world, but here, he just wants to hurt everyone who hurts him. He plays games like a child, threatening and revealing secrets to toy with people before absolutely breaking them. He's horrible in a very personal way and his sneering smile only makes him so much more hateable. He knows there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop him and he revels in that fact, I love it.
Pacing and Direction
Coming in at an hour for each episode, the first two to three can feel a bit slow. Getting all of the story elements to sit just right can take time, especially as new things are introduced every few minutes. This slow burn approach easily helps to build the tension before things get really crazy by episode four. By that point, the story is unfolding at a perfect rhythm, the team is mostly together, they’ve made their plans of action and it’s all so smooth.
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Thankfully each episode is directed by different people to avoid each feeling so similar. The common humor and tone is kept the same, but some episodes are very hopeful almost before being met with one that absolutely makes you hate certain characters and the actions that they take. In particular, the episode where Hughie and Butcher visit a group therapy session and Butcher flies off into a rage about the weakness of the attendees as they basically lick the balls of the heroes that have maimed them was amazing. The director pulls so much emotion out of that scene and continues on as the episode moves along in a far more dramatic fashion than some of the others.
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Some others lean heavier on the debauchery such as the episode where Hughie and Butcher venture into a superhero sex club and watch as these guys do some pretty amazing feats with their abilities in some really gross ways. There’s a good balance of levity and drama that makes neither feel too overwhelming.
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With a great cast, impeccable acting and an unpredictability that I actually enjoyed, The Boys absolutely blew me away. I was wholly prepared to rip it apart if I felt like it didn’t do the story justice, but Rogen and Goldberg are fans and knew what we all wanted. It’s unabashedly a comic book show, but still has enough to it that people who have never heard of the series will be floored by how much they can find to enjoy.
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It’s for the nihilistic and jaded comic book fan. It’s for the casual watcher who’s gotten enough of Marvel’s colorful displays of happiness and it’s absolutely for the happy person who just wants to have some fun with what they watch. 
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I thoroughly enjoyed this season of The Boys. So much so that I’m aching with anticipation to re-read the comic series in preparation for Season Two. It’s unlikely that it’ll follow the plot much, if at all after the ending, but with Stormfront (as a woman) being announced as the new Hero joining the Seven in the next season, I’m excited as to who else they might pull. This first season absolutely earns a high recommendation from me.
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interestray · 4 years
it’s always a good moment when I see a critical role episode with so many things happening that my adhd can’t help but develop a mind of its own, so now that my hyper-fixations have stopped beating the shit out of me theres a couple things I wanna bring up most of it theory stuff and the rest personal things. btw its a long post be warned.
SPOILER ALERT- I’m talking about ep 117 of critical role and its a doozy.
 I’ve doing my recent posts in a different format and I’m liking it so I’m gonna use it here. btw I gonna mention some ship stuff I want to make clear I have no hate for any ships mentioned but unless I say I like the ship just assume I’m indifferent.
1. I gonna say I called it because even if I’m wrong about about future stuff I was right that it’s not just Lucien in that body, even if Lucien is completely right about molly as the group knew him is gone forever Molly (which I don’t believe at all) is still a fragment of lucien’s soul. now past that I do think molly as a conscious being is still in there and trying to connect with his friends. why? because theres this weird disconnect with how lucien acts communicating with the m9 from a far vs in person, in person it seems like he had his guard way up but when they scry or message him the barrier is lowered a bit I think when his guard isn’t up Molly bleeds into his actions and mind more. I personally see Lucien at being 130% whole because Molly grew into his own thing.
2. regarding my predictions for this episode I’m gonna give myself 2 points (with 1 of the points being made up of half points) I was hoping for flirting and I think we definitely got some version of flirting between Lucien and Caleb so I get a half point for that, not gonna lie I was a little freaked out (in a good way) how fast Lucien zeroed in on Caleb, I hope if things don’t go pear shaped we get to see those two interact more.
3. Personal thing I really wanted to smack Fjord and Veth for most of the episode like they both had moments of being rational (fjord more so) but for the most part i just want to slap them.
4. it was kind of hilarious to see how freaked out Lucien was of the m9, like there was a little of the bad kind of freaked out feeling I think it was mostly like how Ludinus felt meeting Jester. like poor Lucien he’s just doing his thing and suddenly this group of puppies imprints on him and follows him around poor guy. Seems like Lucien has so distrust towards the tomb takers with the whole ‘we are one’ thing, it seemed to be a recent development. I’ve seen people talk about whether the tomb takers/Cree will backstab Lucien I think it’s possible.
5. I think some members of the m9 have realized Caleb’s not doing ok, most likely from the corpse scene and him talking over Beau (bad caleb bad). what they do with this info is gonna be interesting I personally think Cad should talk with him in private maybe have yasha there as well (also hugs please someone hug the sad wizard man him and Yasha both need it).
6. personal thing I don’t understand jester x Fjord as a possible canon ship at this point in the story like i got it in early campaign but I think they’ve both grown and changed to the point where a relationship between the two would end quickly after starting (whether in tears or not). the only times I like seeing their romantic interactions is when Laura and Travis bleed through and at that point its nots really jester and fjord. again no hate you do you I just don’t understand the appeal.
7. I’ve not watched campaign 1 for a few reasons yet but I’ve done research on some of the bigger events one of which was Percy’s resurrection where Taliesin watched how everyone was acting to decide whether to come back or not. I think Cad’s whole talk about what the rest of the m9′s goals towards Molly/Lucien is first Taliesin’s way of deciding whether Molly will be a npc after this arc or if he picks up playing him again (this all of course depending on whether the m9′s stupid actions don’t get Lucien killed), second I think this is Cad’s way of deciding whether his “debt” is payed and if it’s time for him to leave. To be clear I don’t think this was the final decision I think it was the first step to see whether anyone could say they want their friend back and we had two (almost 3) say yeah they do so I think it was a good start.
8. I can totally see Lucien kidnapping some of the m9. this sounds weird but stick with me, it looks like the tomb takers as a whole have a few important spots missing in their mission like they (probably) have a blood cleric in Cree the goliath and halfing seems more strength based I’m not sure about the human and Lucien is filling spot of a little bit of everything. Lucien has already pointed out Caleb as being curious and smart so I think out of the party is Lucien steals any of them it will be Caleb, if not Caleb tho I think Yasha could also be one that gets his attention (especially if Lucien ever sees them fight) I don’t he would kidnap anyone unprompted but if they go through with their stupid plan I’m sure he’ll want payback.
9. I get a full point for crying at both the Yasha clover scene and Molly’s card about Caleb. 
10. So my best friend is also a fan of critical role but he always works Thursday’s so he’s behind on actively watching the shows, but I can watch them so I take notes of all the funny, interesting, and weird shit that happens then I call when he gets off work to tell him everything that happened then we talk about what we think will happen next. why does this matter? because before the molly reveal when we first heard about them going to aore (I don’t know how to spell the ruin place) I said I had a feeling Essek would probably show up and run into the m9. well I was right so i’m supper happy, hearing floaty bois voice was awesome I hope Essek and Lucien meet at some point (hopefully not while trying to kill each other that would be sad).
11. Caleb’s eighth floor is so interesting like I hope we get to see all the rooms at some point, I think the room we saw this episode was his room at the asylum (mostly from it’s disarray and how drab it was) as for who he was talking to? I’ve seen a lot of people says its Essek or Astrid (I can smell the incoming discourse) I think it’s neither, it’s probably the simplest answer himself or more specificly Bren. I think he was talking to the Bren that spent years in that bed and chair wasting away.
12. wtf do you mean the big snow worm has a double reason for hunting the party Matt?! (I have no clue what that means).
13. the m9′s decision to try and get to A2 before Lucien and take whatever is there is such a shit idea, why did he kill Vess because she was a traitor she betrayed him what are they m9 about to do betray him even after the warning about straying from the path (which btw I think was molly warning them). If they actually go through with this plan I hope Cad is right on Lucien getting amused at them instead of fucking pissed. good news is that even if they get there before Lucien they could still salvage the thing with Lucien by saying they wanted unbiased answers. I get they’re grieving and in a bunch of pain but use the common sense I know you have and learn more about whats happening before fucking it all up. (also I get half a point from Lucien kicking Vess’s body)
14. I will say I mostly loved this episode (except for the ending) but them talking about possibly scattering Lucien to get Molly back no matter how brief did unsettle me a lot. no matter my feelings about Molly this is Lucien’s body when he was scattered molly did have the right to the body so I don't think any of his actions were wrong or bad but now that Lucien is whole again his bodily autonomy should not be violated just for a unsure chance Molly would come back. As it is Lucien seemed already uneasy and annoyed with stuff molly did (ex-tattoos).
15. I originally wasn’t gonna put this point but I think I should. when Taliesin said “he thought they would be on the other side of this” I think most people thought it was in reference to how it seems like Lucien is evil (I still don’t think he is) but what if he meant Molly’s arc. think of it wouldn’t it make sense for Molly’s arc to focus on his past coming back to meet him what if they always intended for Lucien to become whole again and it was suppose to be Lucien’s thoughts/feelings bleeding into molly’s. but Molly died so instead we’re getting the inverse Lucien has to come to terms with his past as Molly and the people Molly left behind coming into his life. I think it would be a good arc him learning that you can’t run from or ignore the past no matter how much you want to it can and will come bite you in the ass. would also make sense why Lucien and Molly both have that attitude towards their pasts (you know other than being pieces of the same person). 
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