Chapter 7 Season 3 Episode 6 Part I
We climbed into Butcher’s car and he drove us to a dingy looking motel, I mean they’re all in some way dingy looking but still.
“You two are staying here until further notice.” Butcher says firmly as we climb out of the car.
“We could’ve just stayed at my apartment.” I complain.
“No we couldn’t, we broke your bed.” Ben whispers to me as we share a laugh.
“Fine.” I say as we wait for Hughie to get our room sorted.
Hughie comes back over to us and leads us to our new residence. I throw myself on the bed whilst Ben stays stood up looking intimidating to the duo.
“We’re hungry.” He states expectantly.
“Look, we’re not your fucking-” Butcher begins.
“And we can’t go out in public so…I guess that makes you our errand boys if you want us to help.” I observe logically.
“Fucking supes.” Butcher grumbles as we give him our food order, request of clothes and a few ‘other’ things. “Hughie keep an eye on them.”
“We don’t want a cuckold.” Ben counters glaring at Hughie.
“I-I could come with you, make sure you get everything?” Hughie suggests as Butcher gives in.
“Fine. We’re going now.” Butcher says despite it being at least two a.m.
Hughie rushes to join Butcher as they stroll out leaving us alone. Once they’re out of sight Ben sits down on the bed ad relaxes as I sit up to join him wrapping my arms around him and nuzzling my face into his neck placing a few delicate kisses on his neck as he moans against me. I’m tempted to ask him if he’s okay, I know he’s not and he knows I know it’s a pointless question.
“How can I make it better?” I ask running one hand through his hair as he relaxes into my touch.
He remains silent before looking down and grabbing my left hand from his waist as he massages his thumb on the back of my hand as he notices I put my ring back on.
“Do you remember when I gave you this?” He asks.
“Yeah it was a year to the day that we met.” I laugh. “You said it’s a promise.”
“It took us four months to find a gap in our schedules, for me to fulfil that promise.” He sighs nostalgically.
“Gunpowder was doing his first feature film so I got Black Noir to be our witness.” I add.
“The only thing he did well…he stood in the same room as us as we eloped. That was his greatest achievement.” Ben grumbles with a hint of venom.
He never liked Noir, I however classed him as a friend at the time but now…every surviving member is awaiting their overdue execution.
“Do you reckon we have time?” He asks turning his head to look at me a wicked gleam in his eyes as his smirk held every hidden desire.
“No…doesn’t mean we can’t do other stuff though.” I say placing my hands on the side of his face pulling him in for a passionate kiss as I start to lie down pulling him on top of me.
He bites my lip making me gasp as he takes the opportunity to snake his tongue in, we fight for dominance for a minute until he tugs my hair stealing the advantage. He begins grinding against me and I feel myself getting wetter and wetter as he grows harder and harder. Ben breaks the kiss grunting as he lowers the bottom half of his suit, pushing my silk underwear to the side quickly thrusting in.
“Shit…” I can’t help but cry at the sudden intrusion before he claims my lips once again.
“You know you want this.” He teases as my hips meet his thrusts.
“What if they comeback…” I say feeling a little anxious.
“Never bothered you before.” Yes it wouldn’t be a first I mean he created Herogasm for fucks sake just so we could fuck without judgement.
“I-It’s been a while since…I can’t.”
“Don’t be getting all embarrassed on me now, Sweetheart. You know you love it really.” His hips start moving faster and harder and I once again hear the bed springs scream before breaking.
“We’re gonna break this bed.” I whine as he bites down on my neck lifting us off the bed essentially ramming me into a wall as hear is creak with each movement.
I cling to his neck, nails breaking his skin as light trickles of blood trail down his neck coating his suit as his body automatically heals.
“Shit…I’m close.” I scream tugging his soft hair.
The door creaks open and I hide my face behind Ben’s shoulder. Felling my discomfort he stretches his back out his muscular build blocking me and them from view, well aside from my legs that are wrapped around his waist.
“You look at me. They aren’t there it’s just you and me.” Ben coos reassuringly as my eyes lock on his hypnotic green eyes.
“Fucking hell. We can’t leave supes alone for two minutes.” Butcher complains his irritation evident.
“Knock next time.” Ben yells over his shoulder never once slowing his thrusts. “Get the fuck out, you fucking perverts.”
The door slams shut.
“Cum…baby, be my good girl and cum for me.” Ben encourages as I re-focus on us.
I can feel myself getting closer again, my stomach fluttering as I stare into my husband’s eyes clenching around his member as pleasure washes over me spasming against him as his cum fills me up and he growls in satisfaction.
“Good girl…you did so well.” He praises carrying me back over to the bed finally slipping out of me as he readjusts himself and readjusts my underwear. “Keep that inside.” He whispers kissing my forehead before opening the door to an agitated Butcher and mortified Hughie.
“Clothes, food and drugs.” Butcher announces dumping everything on the table.
Ben drags the table towards the bed with everything on grabbing our clothes helping me stagger into the bathroom as we change into the oversized comfy clothes. It was so good finally getting out of my suit as we re-enter the room Ben emptying the bag of greasy fried chicken and chips onto the table.
“Where’s the Chop Socky Oriental sauce?” Be asks looking rather displeased.
“They don’t have that…anymore.” Hughie replies cautiously.
“Why the fuck not?”
“Uh, many…many good reasons.” Hughie says clearly just making up his answer.
“Did you get the other shit?” Butcher reaches into another brown paper bag placing a bottle of whiskey and drugs on the table.
“Here you go, guv.” Butcher says as Ben grabs the pills emptying three onto the table.
“Man. I missed bennies. It’s how we won D-Day, you know. We were wired to the fucking gills.” My husband says using the handle of his blade to crush the pills.
“Listen, let’s have a little chat about this team up, yeah?” Butcher says standing far too close for comfort.
“Yeah, what the hell do I need a team for? The last one handed me to the reds.” He states as I hold his free hand.
“And we got you out of that little pickle.” Butcher insists and I can’t help but scoff.
They wouldn’t have known a fucking thing if it weren’t for me however, I did need their contacts to find out what happened and where he’d be.
“We wrapped up Crimson Countess and delivered her like a fucking Christmas turkey, and I even sorted Gunpowder for you.”
“Why am I supposed to be impressed with that? That’s like killing Emmanuel Lewis.” Ben mocks with a snigger before snorting his drugs.
“Yeah, well, he grew up a bit since you last saw him.” Butcher says as Hughie fails to pick up the shield.
“Hands off the fucking shield.” He says still looking intimidating to Hughie even with the white powder on the side of his nose.
“Anyway you want payback on Payback, don’t you? Well it just so happens that we are experts at exterminating shitbag supes.” Butcher says putting his arm round Hughie forcing him closer to us. “You see, it’s a whole different world out there now, son. We’re here to help you find your way.” Butcher pitches.
“I have Y/n for that.” My husband says taking a bite of his food as I do the same.
“Are you sure?” Hughie asks flashing me a pleading look. “Do you know what a GPS is? Or-or Bluetooth? Or, I mean…the internet.” Hughie chuckles at the end.
I hope he remembers his lesson with my smart phone but I know he won’t.
“You made those words up.” He answers confidently and I can’t help but face palm gaining his focus.
“No he didn’t, remember I was showing you at my apartment.” I try biting back a grin.
“Before or after we broke your bed?”
“After. Remember we were looking at new beds on the internet?” He looks at me trying to focus before shrugging.
“See? You need us.” Hughie tries again.
“Y/n can still do it.” Ben insists as I nod in agreement.
I do want to see Homelander and his all powerful mightier than thou self destroyed, I don’t like the idea of Butcher using Ben.
“All we ask is that you add one more name to the list.” Butcher says sitting down his confident charade not once wavering.
“A right cunt, named Homelander.”
“I’ve seen pictures, who is he?”
“He’s the want to be new you.” I chime in.
“No one’s the new me.” Ben says calmly. “But why him?”
“Let’s just say, you’re not the only one that wants payback.” Butcher says sounding ominous.
“Hmm…All right. You help us find the rest of my team, and we’ll help you with this Homelander.” Ben agrees snorting another line.
We finish eating our food and I get up to turn the TV on before sitting back on the bed snuggling next to Ben, who acts disinterested due to Hughie and Butcher’s presence but still wraps his arm around me. After the show ends ‘Red Thunder’ begins playing and I can’t help but laugh at the bad acting and terrible script. Butcher leaves to be have a productive day, tracking down the twins
“These fucking twins. You know they couldn’t hit their fucking marks.” Ben complains swigging his whiskey. “Fucking unprofessionals is what they are.”
It’s a bit awkward with Hughie sat on the sofa in the corner monitoring Ben’s radiation levels and looking like a scared kid whenever Ben gets annoyed. I snuggle up to him more placing an arm over his stomach.
“It’s alright, they’ll be dead soon.” I say kissing his jaw and his beard scratches against my lips.
“Yeah.” He smiles back at me kissing my forehead.
“Hey, uh, yeah Butcher’s gonna find them. Why don’t you, uh, why don’t you get some sleep?”
“No. I’ve slept enough.” My husband dismisses as an ad for Starlight diapers plays with a man with a baby carrier on. “Do men really walk around like that?”
“Yeah. I mean dads do.” Hughie answers.
“Okay, well Bill Cosby is America’s dad, and, tell you one thing he wouldn’t be caught dead in that pussy gear. The Cos…that’s a real man, holy shit did he make some strong drinks.” Ben chuckles. “But, seriously, what classes as a man today? Christ on a cross.”
“He’s not a good topic of conversation nowadays.” I intervene. “Besides I think you’d look great wearing one.” I tease earning an unimpressed look whilst he pours himself another cup of whiskey.
“I read that we were ass up in Afghanistan. The fuck is up with that? They were the good guys. I mean, when I left, it was uh…”
“Yeah, you know…” Hughie tries to cut in.
“I mean, goddamn it, we-we were ten and one, you know? I lead the 116th onto Omaha Beach. I was in the fucking eagle’s nest. I fought for this country!” Ben says standing up in frustration. “I fought for this country.” He sighs under his breath. “And what did I get for it? Forgotten. Left to rot by my own team.”
“You weren’t.” I insist standing up. “I didn’t forget you I’ve spent the best part of my life looking for you. The world mourned you. But you were never forgotten…not by the people that actually cared about you.” I snap at him fighting the urge to slap his handsome face, as Hughie sits there not knowing where to look.
I kiss him instead, it’s the only act I can commit if I’m not to hit him. His hand gropes my but as he leans down with the motion deepening the kiss before we slowly separate sitting back on the bed. Hughie looks at us still bewildered before adjusting.
“You know, we always wanted some rug rats of our own.” Ben says to Hughie.
“We had one…but Vought fucking stole him from me. I still haven’t found him.” I say clenching my fists as Ben holds me.
“Now, we can start again. Have some boys raise them up to be real men.” Ben says once again reassuringly.
“Hey, um, can I ask you something?” Hughie begins. “What happened in mid-town?”
“I don’t know.”
“I mean your team wasn’t there so did someone do anything or, say something?”
“I said I don’t know.” Ben raises his voice glaring at Hughie.
“Okay. Okay, yeah.” He says cowering.
“There was some music playing.” I add.
“I blacked out. About ten minutes. When I came to, the damage was done. I didn’t mean to hurt those people. I’m not a bad guy.” He says solemnly.
“That won’t happen again, right?” Hughie questions.
“Only if they’ve got it coming.”
“Oi, oi.” Butcher says entering the room.
“You’re bleeding.”
“Not mine. Got an address. We’re going to Vermont.” Butcher declares.
Ben and I suit up in the bathroom, coming out in time to see Hughie and Butcher shooting up temp-V like drug addicts.
#soldier boy x reader#Soldier Boy#angst#fluff#smut#reader#supe reader#Season 3 rewrite#Butcher#Hughie#temp V#drug use#cute#love#The Boys#mentions of Herogasm#drinking
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Chapter 6 Season 3 Episode 5 Part II
A/N: Please let me know what you think I apologise that the smut is shit, I’m out of practice.
I wake up to slow, steady thrusts inside me.
“Morning, Babygirl.” Ben says as he keeps lazily thrusting into me. “I remembered how much you used to love waking up like this.”
“Yeah, it’s nice.” I sigh tiredly a small yawn coming out. “S’not rushed.”
I tilt my head and cuddle back into his chest as he continues his movements. He wraps his muscular arms back around me keeping me pressed against him.
“We need to get you a new bed.” He chuckles as I listen to his steady heartbeat.
“I was planning on moving out when I found you.” I reply carefully meeting his thrusts.
“We don’t need to move out straight away.” He kisses my hairline softly.
“Okay…can we kill Crimson Cuntess today?” I ask childishly.
“Of course we can, not until I take care of you though.” He replies speeding up a little indicating he’s close.
“I-I’m close Ben…” I gasp feeling the build up rapidly approaching as I bounce with his thrusts.
“Cum Baby…you’ve got this…c’mon Babygirl.” Ben encourages.
“Daddy…you feel so good.” I moan as a blissful orgasm washes over me, I feel him fill up my womb once more.
“That’s my good girl. Missed you.” He breathes softly.
“Missed you too, Daddy.” I reply with a grin on my face.
Our days together were usually like this, mornings would be soft baby and daddy, evenings were usually harder faster more animalistic, any other time of day would be spontaneous if we got the chance to fit a session in. We know each other well enough to know when and if it’s needed, that’s what a relationship is. Ben carries me to my bathroom and carefully washes me whilst holding me in his arms. I really missed this, I didn’t realise how much until I finally got it back.
We dry ourselves off in my bedroom, before Ben leaves to make us some breakfast I take a little longer due to my hair. Watching him cook breakfast in his Soldier Boy suit was definitely a funny and intriguing sight.
“You know I have every day clothes for you, right? I bought them especially for you.” I giggle.
“Yeah but, we have a mission to complete today, got to suit up.” He answers as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“Yeah but we have to wait until tonight. Far less public.” I respond.
“Fine…doesn’t mean we can’t wear our suits.” He replies with a weak argument.
I gaze at him for a moment trying to figure out what’s going on in my husband’s bed. It dawns on me and I could kick myself. Soldier Boy is the closest thing to an identity he has until he can adjust.
“Fair enough. I suppose it gives me the chance to readjust to my suit.” I say heading back into my bedroom reaching to the back of my wardrobe and opening the dress bag my suit was stashed in.
I don’t remember it being this shiny, the silver really does glimmer. Is that…is that sparkly blue material? Oh my god. I can’t help but laugh at my suit, it really has been a long time. At least it’s not skimpy like how they re-made Starlight’s. It has long silver and blue detachable sleeves, the torso was mainly a sparkly ocean blue with silver patterns along the sides and accentuating the sweetheart cut with a mid thigh length skirt a darker blue than the rest with a silver rim. In addition I have my matching knee length heeled boots and my small silvery blue mask. I honestly can’t imagine myself wearing this again but, if we’re having a revival of Soldier Boy, he wants Amphitrite by his side.
“Fuck, I always loved this outfit. I remember the first time you wore this to a sparring session, it was the first time I knew I wanted you to be more than my friend.” He says wrapping his arms around me.
“That was our third session, we weren’t even friends by that point.” I laugh patting his cheek.
“I knew you’d end up being mine so I didn’t worry about that.” Ben retorts before removing my mask. “I think you can afford to lose this, no more hiding.”
“No more hiding.” I repeat fully aware he meant more than just the mask, as I turn around and pull him down into deep passionate kiss. “Means we get to do that in public.” I say with a childish grin on my face.
“It does, does it?” There’s teasing glint in his emerald eyes. “If that’s the case does it mean I get to do this in public too?” He asks shoving his fingerless gloved hand into my underwear rubbing circling my clit teasingly.
“Fuck me…You Soldier Boy are insatiable.” I moan against his chest.
“I have got forty two years of pent up desire I need to let out.” He says removing his hand and licking his fingers “Breakfasts getting cold.” He adds before leaving the room.
“You’re so going to regret that later.” I say menacingly as I follow him through to my kitchen.
“Oh Y/n, you know as well as me you’re all bark and no bite because when it comes down to it…you’re my bitch.” He smirks.
I mean he is right, at the end of the day I’ll always submit to him. We eat a surprisingly nice breakfast, I’m honestly amazed he knew how to cook that was either my or a chefs responsibility to cook for him back in the day.
“I’m so getting you to cook more often.” I say taking a bite of my scrambled eggs.
“This was a one off, I want my sexy little housewife back. You remember the one that would make my meals in a frilly apron and nothing else.” His cock shit eating grin dancing on his face.
“Only on special occasions.” I argue.
“Must have been a really special five months solid then.”
“Okay…shut up I get it. You need to be welcomed to the modern day, I’ll cook half your meals like that and you cook half my meals in…just your boxers” I suggest as a compromise.
“Ooh sounds exciting.” He teases before seeing my genuine expression. “Fine…I suppose I can manage that.”
“Good.” I reply finishing my breakfast.
Placing my dishes in the sink my phone begins vibrating on the table, startling Ben for a moment before he looks at it inquisitively.
“Hello?” I ask answering it.
“Y/n! Are you okay?” Maeve asks.
“Yeah, why?”
“Butcher fucking left you in Russia as Soldier Boy’s captive, how are you okay?” She asks frantically.
“Well…I’m back at my apartment-”
“What about Soldier Boy?”
“He’s…he’s with me.” I finally say not sure of how she’ll react.
“What the actual fuck!” Maeve yells and I glance up seeing Ben overheard it snatching my phone away.
“How fucking dare you speak to her like that!” He yells down the phone.
“Okay what’s going on? Y/n?” I hear Maeve shout through the phone as I snatch it back from Ben.
“He’s going to help us out…just I’ve got to help him first.” I say calmly.
“But nothing, he’s willing to help, he’s better than any supe gun could be.” I reason hanging up.
“What’s happening?” He asks his brow furrowed and his fist partially clenched.
“We’re going to kill the rest of Payback for fucking you over and then…then a guy named Butcher is going to want your help.” I say honestly. “Knowing him, he’ll be there tonight when we go for CC.”
“Fine. Since when do women speak like that?” He says referencing Maeve.
“Well one thing that Amphitrite left on the world seems to have been equality.” I joke before adding. “It’s just how it is now; everything’s changed to how it used to be.”
I open Google on my phone and begin looking for the same mattress I currently have because it was soo comfortable and I begin teaching Ben how to use a smart phone and explain things to him that he seemed to be struggling with.
“Which bed frame do you think will be sturdy enough for us?” I ask showing him some options.
“Something metal might work out?” He offers. “Maybe something that’s already on the floor? How about that one?” He taps the screen and a kids bed loads up.
“That’s not going to be big enough.” I laugh as he reads the screen.
“Okay...” He hold the phone just staring at it expectantly “Why isn’t it going away?”
“You need to tap the arrow on the bottom right.” I say trying not to laugh at his sudden frustration.
“Bullshit! It doesn’t work.” He complains prodding the screen .
“It’s just slow.”
“What happened to going outside? Why can’t we just go to a store?” He huffs.
“You’re the one that insisted we wear our suits we can’t go out and risk someone tipping off your old team.”
He pouts like a stroppy child for a moment before heading to my bedroom.
“Okay what’s wrong?” I ask following him and leaning against the doorframe.
“I’m the one that was supposed to teach you new things, I’m older than you by what ten years? I’m supposed to be the one that looks after you, that protects you whilst you get to do what you want. Not the other way around.” He rants pacing around my room clearly frustrated with himself and frustrated with how our lives ended up going.
“You can still do those things. I’ll always need you. Why do you think I’ve spent the majority of my life looking for you? I love you, you’re the only person I can let my guard down around.” He cups my cheek and I instinctively lean into his touch, his forest green eyes hard as he searches for any hint of a lie before softening giving me a much needed kiss.
Our lips move together in-sync neither of us pushing to turn the kiss into anything else. It’s just what we needed.
It’s later than we realise as I look out the window and the evening sky the sun nearly fully set.
“C’mon we’ve got a bitch to kill.” Ben says picking up his shield as I fly us towards Crimson Countess’s home/ trailer.
“Fuck.” I grumble as we land.
I see Butcher and an unconscious MM by the porch of Crimson’s home.
“You’re that asshole from the lab.” Ben states eyeing him suspiciously.
“That’s right. I’m the arsehole that let you out.” Butcher says confidently striding to meet us. “You want the Countess’s head on a spike, don’t you? Well she’s in there yours for the taking. Consider it a gesture of good faith.”
I can’t help but scoff as Butcher’s gaze finally settles on me.
“Good faith for what?” Ben asks keeping his eyes trained hard on Butcher.
“I thought Y/n here would’ve told ya.” He says glancing back to me. “I was thinking that you I could come to a little arrangement. What you lot call…team up.”
“This is Butcher.” I say reminding Ben that I thought he’d show up.
“Fine.” Is all Ben says strolls past him revenge driving him.
“Didn’t think you’d be a supe. Amphitrite, thought you were meant to be dead.” Butcher sneers over his shoulder as I follow Ben.
“You thought Soldier Boy was meant to be dead too. People don’t seem to look hard enough.” I reply entering the trailer.
“Ben? Is that you?” She says weakly and I observe Butcher had already restrained her. “You look so young.”
“You don’t.” Ben replies.
“Amphitrite? You’re supposed to be dead.” She says finally noticing me.
“And you’re about to be.” I say smirking at her.
“I’m so, so sorry. It wasn’t my idea.” She begins, I’d heard that line too many fucking times. “God you got to believe me. I-I…”
Everyone seems to think they’ll live if they blame someone else.
“How much did the Russian’s pay you?” Be asks taking a step closer. “Hmm?”
“They didn’t.” She eventually answers shocking us both for a moment.
“What? They didn’t pay you anything? We were supposed to be a team. All those years…that they burned me and that they pumped me full of poison, I held onto the hope that my team would come back and save me deciding that the money wouldn’t be enough.” Ben declares solemnly.
“I hated you. We all did.” She says sealing her fate.
“Go outside.” He says softly to me kissing my forehead I do as he asks.
Leaving him behind to cremate Crimson Countess and destroy her trailer in a forceful explosion as I patiently await him at a safe distance outside. Whilst Butcher fireman lifts MM and places him beside me as Hughie and Annie rush over.
“What happened? Is he hurt?” Annie asks looking at MM.
“Keep an eye on him.” Butcher says before standing up again. “He’s had four or five mgs of Rohypnol.”
“You fucking roofied him?” Annie snaps glaring at Butcher.
Ben approaches out of the wreckage and I see Annie get in an attack position.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I warn her as both her and Hughie finally notice me.
It’s not like my powers fucking invisibility; it might as well be around this lot though.
“Y/n?” Annie asks. “Who are you? What are you?”
“Amphitrite. I’m Soldier Boy’s wife.” I state as I walk to stand by Ben ignoring her look of disbelief, making sure he’s okay, before Butcher decides to join us.
“Annie, listen. We wanted a weapon. Soldier Boy’s our weapon. He’s how we kill Homelander. And Neuman maybe. If anyone’s strong enough, he is.”
“Y-you knew Butcher was gonna do this?”
I zone out of their discussion focusing on Butcher.
“You don’t look too surprised.” I say to him.
“We were when we paid a visit to your old friend ‘The Legend’, he has memorabilia of Soldier Boy and Amphitrite covering his walls.”
“Yeah we knew you went there.” I say as he looks sceptically at me. “We were still in there when you guys knocked at the door before we flew off.”
“Hughie.” Butcher yells toward him as Ben and I begin walking ahead we hear the rushed sound of someone jogging and I look to see they’re both behind us.
#soldier boy x reader#supe reader#The Boys#Soldier Boy#smut#fluff#Crimson Countess#Butcher#Hughie#Starlight#MM#revenge#death#violence#drugs?#angst
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Season 3 Episode 5 Part I
A/N: There is drug use briefly mentioned however it is The Boys so I hope that’s not too surprising this chapter does contain SMUT. I hope ya’ll enjoy this chapter.
I managed to lead us to the run down petrol station that Butcher’s crew had been using. The van was no longer parked outside and there was no one in there, I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or not. On the one hand, there goes my return flight home on the other, they probably wouldn’t have trusted let alone wanted Ben to come too.
“We can stay here for tonight. I know it’s not great but, at least we’ll have a roof over our heads.” I say leading him inside.
I turn to look back at him, he’s silent. He’s just staring at me, his grip on my hand tightening once again.
“Forty two years?” He murmurs. “Forty two fucking years, you were alone. I’m so sorry.”
“You were alone too, it’s not like you chose to be away.” I say sitting down on one of the battered sofas Frenchie and Kimiko had claimed earlier.
He takes a seat next to me before pulling me onto his lap and holding me tight. He places a kiss to my forehead, it feels weird due to his out of control beard, but I relish in the feeling all the same. He leans forward placing his head in the crook of my neck, his beard tickling my neck causing me to squirm a little. I delicately stroke his messy mop of hair. I can’t tell if I’m doing it to soothe him or myself more, either way it’s working for us both. Ben lets out a hum of satisfaction before positioning us to sleep in each other’s embrace for the first time in far too long.
I wake up around dawn seeing Ben’s forest green eyes shining back at my, I can only assume knackered, face. He has a small smile playing on his lips as he brushes my messy hair out of my face.
“Morning sweetheart.” He coos as I yawn ruining the cute moment making him chuckle.
“Did you sleep at all?”I ask stroking his hair once again.
“I’ve spent decades of my life asleep, I don’t think I need to for awhile.”
I sit up stretching my limbs as best I can with Ben still hugging me.
“We should go see ‘The Legend’ when we get back to the US, I think he’s still got one of your suits.” I say standing up and Ben follows in suit eventually letting go of my waist.
“It was Payback.” He says out of the blue
“What was?”
“They were the ones that handed me over to the Russians.” I feel the rage boil through my veins, Vought had hidden this too.
All the years I’ve spent working for them if I’d have just dug a little deeper I could’ve found this out sooner, I only got as far too the point when I knew he wasn’t dead but fuck! Of course that goes hand in hand with it all this time. A growl escapes my throat startling myself and Ben for a moment.
“I’ll kill them! I kill every last one of those fuckers!” I seethe physically shaking as all the water pipes in the building burst. “Shit.”
“We’ll kill them together.” Ben says Somehow giving me a sense of comfort before leading us out of the slowly flooding station.
When we get outside I look around thinking back to which way Butcher had driven us from the airport and begin following the route through the rough rundown and supe graffiti covered buildings. We follow some road signs along the way, it takes us a good couple of hours walking but we eventually arrive at the airport. From here Ben takes over leading us towards the baggage section before sneaking us both onto the plane.
We arrive back to the US and we begin walking through the crowded streets to get to ‘The Legend’s’ apartment building.
“What the fuck?”I hear Ben grumble watching a bus advertising ‘The Dawn of The Seven’ drive by.
I watch him take in the scenery his brow furrowed in confusion at everyone and everything he sees. He watches as a gay couple walk past us openly using PDA and his face morphs into an ‘alright then’ sort of expression. He doesn’t once show disgust at anything he sees, just curiosity and wonder.
“This is the modern age. I know a lot has changed and nothing is really as it was but it’s not too hard to adjust to. All you need to be nowadays is open minded.” He gives me a look, the look that says ‘I’ll think about it, maybe’.
Of course I know it’s a lot for him to take in all at once. Do I think he’ll adjust? In some areas maybe, others not so much. There’s a faint Russian song playing, barely audible from the regular street noise, but Ben leads us straight towards it. It’s as if he’s in a trance and needs to find the source of it. We round a corner and see a small black radio playing the song.
“Ben…are you okay?” His hand nearly crushing my own as his breathing becomes deeper.
He doubles over grunting and the ground beneath us begins to vibrate once again.
“Ben, Ben look at me, c’mon my Soldier look at me.” I plead trying to gain his focus caressing his face with my other hand.
He lets go of my hand pushing me a good distance behind him as the red glow begins to burn though his chest once more.
“You okay, buddy?” A passerby asks.
But before I can warn him the energy bursts out of Ben as he roars in pain scorching the man to death and obliterating the building and surrounding pavement with it. I hear screams and cries of passerby’s as panicked uproar floods the area.
“Ben we’ve got to go. Come on!” I say urgently grabbing him and flying up not slowing or stopping until we get to ‘The Legend’s’ building. “Fuck, are you okay?” I say pandering Ben as we enter the apartment building.
“I-I’m fine just…Are you okay?” He asks as we enter the lift.
“Yeah… I’m good.” I say resting my hand on the side of his face as he leans into the touch. “What did those bastards do to you?” I say under my breath as the lift dings.
I pound on the door continuously hearing groans and yealls of complaints from the other side.
“What the fuck do you think-” The Legend begins until he sees us. “Fuck.”
He moves to the side quickly ushering us into his lavish apartment. We make ourselves comfortable on one of his sofas as he sits opposite us.
“Ain’t the pair of you meant to be dead?” He says dicing up and bumps in the coke and making six neat lines.
“I’ve been at Vought, as Queen Maeve’s PA.” I say rolling a piece of paper snorting a line. “The buried me so deep no one recognises me or is even aware Amphitrite existed.”
I don’t usually do this but after the day I’ve had on top of the forty two years I think I’ve earned one line. I hand it over to Ben fully knowing he wouldn’t turn down drugs, that was the only downside but, if I needed a bit, he definitely needed a few lines.
“What about you then Soldier Boy? You look like shit.” He states as Ben snorts his second line.
“Payback wrapped me up like a fucking present and gave me to the Russian’s.”
“Shit.” Legend says taking the tray. “What do you guys want from me?”
“I know you have Ben’s suit and shield.” I say unimpressed with his feigned ignorance.
“Yeah. It’s in the back help yourself.” He exhales before snorting a line.
Ben goes to the glass display case holding his suit and shield. Heading into the bathroom to shower so he doesn’t taint his suit. I stand up looking at all the movie posters and memorabilia around his apartment.
“You know, aside from me you’re probably the only person that still has any Amphitrite things.” I say eyeing up the old merchandise, publicity posters and heroic news headlines.
“Well at least this explains why I couldn’t get my hands on your suit.” He laughs standing next to me. “I loved working with you. You actually went out and did acts of heroism, I mean all you supes did but, you did it before you got paid to do it, you didn’t only interfere when Vought told you too.”
“Yeah, I ruined that though. You had to cover up the massacre spree I went on.” I say scowling at some of the headlines.
“Not in my eyes. Yes some of those people were innocent but, the majority knew what they’d done to you. They drove you to that point, not the other way around.” Legend comforts patting my back. “It’s amazing…you haven’t aged a day but you’re eyes tell the story of your life.”
“I’d take a step back if I were you, mate.” Ben says.
We turn and see Soldier Boy fully suited his signature beard back his hair fluffy and combed into place. I feel my knees tremble at the sight of him as he once was again. I can’t help but beam at him.
“I know you’ve always been like family, but she’s mine.” He adds striding towards us picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.
I can’t help but laugh over his shoulder before smacking his America’s ass, making Ben return the favour.
“Alright you horny kids out. You’re not doing that here you’ll destroy my apartment… again. Go to your own place.” Legend says laughing with an undertone of seriousness.
“We can go and christen my apartment if you’d like?” I say staring at Ben’s ass.
It’s reassuring that he’s feeling like his old self so quickly. There’s a banging on the door and we instantly become silent.
“Out the window.” The Legend whispers, “Just leave it.” He yells at the door.
“What?” Shit that’s MM.
“C’mon.” I say as Ben put me back on my feet as I pull him to the window. “Grab on.” I encourage as we fly away from the building heading straight for my apartment.
“It’ll never cease to amaze me that you got flight in your V too.” Ben laughs as we enter my apartment via the open window. “I mean what do water and flight have in common?”
“Don’t ask me, it was the early testing days when we got injected.” I laugh watching as he takes in my humble home.
“It’s not very personal.”
“I had a plumber over the other day, had to hide everything.” I say unpacking the box with photos of Ben and I, as well as, the only photo I have of baby John.
Ben holds it looking at the baby boy cocooned in a soft blue blanket.
“We made a cute little rugrat.” He comments wrapping an arm around my waist.
“We did indeed. He’ll be at least forty one by now.” I sigh swiping away a tear.
“We can make more, have a whole family. Then he can be a big brother when we bring him home.” Ben says sliding his hand down from my waist pinching my bum. “How about we start right now?” He whispers, his teeth scraping against my ear as he kisses his way down my neck, putting the picture to one side.
“Fuck me.” I moan as he tears my trousers off and rips my shirt open groping me through my underwear as he rubs his hardening length against my rear.
“I love the underwear they have now.” Ben comments playing with the lace of my bra.
He quickly sheds the fabric carelessly tossing it to the floor as he continues to rut against me the rough fabric of his suit scratching against my skin in the best way as his breath becomes heavier. His lips biting and sucking my neck marking me up as much as he can before running his tongue along my neck, his beard leaving its own trail of pleasure.
“Shit…Captain, right there.” I moan as a rough padded finger harshly caresses my clit.
Ben’s chest rumbles in satisfaction as I writhe desperately against him. My arms reach up as I desperately try to find an anchor my fingers worm their way into his soft brown hair I clenching my hand into a fist tugging at it as my support. A soft moan escapes his lips as he inserts two fingers stretching my walls more than they had been in decades as he furiously begins pumping his fingers as an uncontrollable scream leaps out of me as I reach my first peak. I limply fall forwards toward my bed, Ben carefully places me on it as he removes his fingers licking my juices off his fingers.
“You-you’re…you’re wearing too many clothes.” I pant breathlessly looking up at him as my body continues to tremble.
“I needed to ease you back into it.” He chuckles, removing his suit revealing his well built and toned body.
“Can we not be as rough as we used to? I could barely handle that one.” I ask with a dazed smile, meeting his fully dilated pupils.
“Fine, this can be our practice session.” He replies smirking, positioning himself above me, harshly pulling my knickers the fabric breaking against my flesh do to the force. “This needs to go.”
Ben spreads my legs settling himself between them, with one harsh thrust of his hips he’s fully seated inside of me. My body involuntarily jerks at the motion as I reach behind my head fisting my pillows as he begins at a slow hard pace his face buried in my neck biting my shoulder as emphasises each stroke.
“Fuck…you feel so good.” He groans gradually speeding up his thrusts getting harder and harder.
My bed begins creaking and moving violently with our punishing rhythm. It’s hard to keep up with Ben’s determined movements. I hear my headboard cracking the wall behind it and a few bedsprings breaking.
“You’re mine…You were made for me… fuck you’re perfect.” Ben chants repeatedly as I squeeze my eyes shut and clench around him. “Open your eyes, Sweetheart.”
I do as he says before he starts rubbing my swollen clit with his thrusts as the feeling of an approaching orgasm makes my eyes involuntarily close again, only to meet an extra hard thrust of disapproval.
“You look at me when you cum!” He growls, thrusting to an inhuman pace.
“Shit…Ben…I can’t…I-” I gasp.
“You do as I say. You’re mine.” He insists lowering his head capturing my lips in a hard animalistic like kiss occasionally biting my lips.
I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum. I chant repeatedly in my head due to my mouth being otherwise occupied. I grasp my hands around his back clawing down his back cumming harder than I’d done in too fucking long. Ben’s thrusts jerking unsteadily, my bed collapses to the floor below as his warm seed spills into my womb and a deep guttural roar escapes his kiss swollen lips.
“I needed that.” He says rolling to his back pulling me on top of him making sure his dick doesn’t leave me just yet.
“I think we both did.” I sigh my body still lightly trembling with my come down. “I love you my Captain, my Soldier Boy, my Ben.” I say lightly pecking his lips between each name.
“I love you too my Sweetheart, my Amphitrite, my Y/n.” Ben responds returning my gesture kissing me back.
We drift off to sleep in each other’s embrace on my now broken bed.
#The Boys#soldier boy x reader#Soldier Boy#supe reader#SMUT#fluff#The Legend#PTSD#Butcher#Hughie#MM#Kimiko#Frenchie#Married#slight dom Soldier Boy#love#kissing#Season 3 rewrite
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Season 3 Episode 4 Part II
A/N: Because I didn’t stick to my schedule ya’ll get two updates today Yes I spent today writing both of them I hope they’re good enough for ya’ll.
I don’t know what time I eventually drifted off again but I woke up to beams of sunlight streaming in through the gaps in my curtains. I check my phone for the time and see it’s half ten. Fuck. I look at the messages on my phone next just as another buzzes through.
The messages from Hughie pretty much saying Butcher and Frenchie are at a meeting, he’s visiting Annie and he’ll text me when and where to meet up. The most recent messages are from Lionel, telling me the plumber will be at my apartment within the next half hour. I jump out of bed throwing on a comfortable pair of joggers and a baggy t-shirt tying my hair up messily hiding my joint, hiding my pictures with Soldier Boy and making sure anything to indicate/ relate me to Amphitrite is hidden and out of the way.
I stand up breathing a sigh of relief just in time to hear a knock at the door.
“Hi, you’ve got a burst pipe.” The greying man asks his dulling green eyes peering at me.
The scary part is if it weren’t for the V I’d probably be aging like that, thankfully I haven’t physically aged a day. He stares at me and I can see the cogs turning in his mind desperately trying to place me.
“You look familiar, you related to someone I know or something?” He asks entering my apartment with his toolbox.
“Not that I’m aware of.” I say smiling kindly at him.
“So what happened here? Looks like it’s been pulled off.” He states examining the damage.
“Honestly no idea I was cooking and next thing I know there’s a rumbling and suddenly the pipe bursts off the wall and there was water everywhere, it happens a lot though it got fixed a few weeks ago too.”
“Shoddy work.” He grumbles before getting to work.
“Can I get you a drink, tea, coffee, anything?” I offer.
“Tea would be nice.” I head to my kitchen turning on my kettle after topping it up with water grabbing a cup and tea bag.
“Do you take milk and sugar?” I call.
“Milk yes sugar no.”
I place the tea bag in the cup pouring the now boiling water into the cup letting it brew for a few seconds before stirring with a teaspoon taking the bag out and adding a few drops of milk stirring it once more before carrying it out to him.
“Any idea how long this might take?” I ask handing him his tea.
“Half an hour tops.” He says taking the cuppa off me.
“Alright I’ll just be in my room if you need anything.” I say retreating to my room and setting my laptop up creating Maeve’s schedule for the rest of this week and some of next week emailing that over to her.
Seconds later my phone rings.
“Y/n, how’s everything going?” I hear Maeve ask a hint of urgency to her tone.
“Everything’s fine so far, Butcher’s making a deal with someone to find out where the lab is, I’m waiting on a text to find out what’s happening next.”
“Are you okay? I mean, it’s not too much for you is it?”
“I’m fine I’ve been to a few self defence classes.” I try to joke not realising how genuinely concerned she is.
“This isn’t usual routine this is going to be really fucking dangerous.” She hisses and I know she’s pacing around her room.
“I’ll be fine trust me I’ve been through a lot of shit, I can look out for myself.” I hear Maeve sigh.
“Okay…I trust you, you let me know when it gets to be too much for you though.”
“I will. I promise, stay safe. Oh and see if you or Starlight can get any other supes to stand against Homelander.”
“Already on it. See ya around.” With that I end the call and get a knock on my bedroom door.
“Okay so that’s all fixed up for you. It’s done properly now at least. Who should I send the bill to?”
“My landlord, we’ve already got a repayment plan set up.” I say smiling at him as he hands me his empty cup.
“I’m off, if you get anymore troubles with it get your landlord to call me back.” He says kindly before leaving my apartment.
“Definitely gonna need to go elsewhere to rant.” I say to myself as my phone once again buzzes.
It’s from Hughie with an address of some air base and twenty minutes.
I redress into something more appropriate and head out to meet them.
I walk alongside MM, Kimiko and Frenchie as Hughie calls Neuman telling her why he’ll be absent as we approach a private plane.
“What did I miss?” I ask.
“We’re going to Russia.” MM says before walking next to Hughie.
“Five years I’ve worked for Nina, twenty three contracts. Never she’s given anything away. What is this? Now she’s given us the plane, those shiny new passports? You think he promised her Cherie?” Frenchie whispers the last part to Kimiko. I’m not involved in any of this and at this rate I’m glad they’re keeping their private drama private because that’s a whole other can of worms I want nothing to do with.
“Fucking hell, Frenchie. What kind of monster do you think I am, eh?” Butcher says striding past us to take the lead. “Enjoy. Pretend you’re on Entourage.”
I follow them onto the plane settling down for the flight. When the plane lands we climb into a greyish white van as Butcher drives us to a desolate petrol station which I can only assume will be our hideout whilst we’re here.
Upon entering Hughie turns the TV on and the Russian, I want to say news station, is mocking him with the reveal of #Homelight on the screen. We’re all aware it’s bullshit but he doesn’t want the reminder, leading to him turning it off.
“Good news.” Butcher says gaining all of our attention, “Nina’s had a word with her Kremlin piss boys, and she’s located the lab.”
“That’s great-” Hughie begins until I cut him off.
“Where is it?” I ask making sure not to sound too overeager.
“Before she tells us that, we just gotta do a little job for her.” As usual an evil glint flashes in Butcher’s eyes as he says that. “Ain’t nothing just some local oligarch who got in her bad books.”
“Non. I don’t do this anymore. Definitely not for Nina.” Frenchie states firmly.
“Well that’s a good job, then, innit? Cause you’re not the one doing it. They are.” Butcher says gesturing to Kimiko and me. “Sorry love, victim of your own success.” He says to Kimiko not explaining why I have to go either. “Now, Nina’s got you both in. You’ll be the wanker’s pro girls for the night. You just get in there give the cunt a good noose and get the fuck out. Easy-peasy.” Kimiko begins to type on her phone.
“I’m begging you, no.” Frenchie says on behalf of Kimiko.
“Look Frenchie, it was this or Cherie’s head. Fucking hell. No good deed.” Butcher says turning to Hughie and MM before Kimiko slaps his arm showing him her phone stating ‘I’m not your fucking gun.’ “That is exactly what you are. In case you two forgot…I tell you what to do…and you fucking do it.”
“I’ll go. Alone.” I say firmly.
“Y/n. He’s asking you kill someone you -” Hughie begins.
“I said I’ll go alone. End of I can do it.”
“You were only going as a distraction, I doubt you could bring yourself to do something like this.” Butcher says condescendingly.
“I’m going, alone. Leave Kimiko out of it.” I defend not backing down.
“Fine but you mess this up and I’ll-” Butcher starts.
“Bring it.”
They all settle on letting me go in alone, Kimiko shows me her phone. ‘You don’t have to do this.’
“Think of it as you’re getting a short break.” I say kindly to her before going to change into the surprisingly nice silver sequin dress and matching silver heels.
“Thank you.” Frenchie says before he Kimiko and I climb into the van to sort out the favour for this Nina woman.
“Irina, yes?” The man at the door asks in Russian and I nod. “You’re late.” He adds in disinterest opennig the door for me as I smile sweetly up at him.
He leads me down the warmly lit corridors leading me to the room at the very back. Upon entering I see two armed guards at least six other girls in their underwear and the hideous pig of a man that’s my target. Calling me over I give him the best smile I can fake giving the circumstances. He briefly wraps his arm around me.
“Now for the most delicious part.” He says, “These are contraband.” He say letting me and a blonde haired woman go as he opens cupboard filled with supe inspired dildos and vibrators as he tells me to choose one.
He grabs the Starlight one for the blonde and leads her to the end of the bed. Whilst he’s engrossed in her I pick up the Black Noir inspired one and thrust it through the back of his head. Unfortunately his blood splatters all over the concubine he was toying with making her and the rest of the girls scream in horror.
“I’m sorry I had a job to do. None of you would have wanted him near you if you weren’t being paid for it.” I try to reason with the women before turning my focus to the armed guards.
I kick off the heels and attack the closest one with the Noir toy leaving it lodged in his eye as the other one begins shooting at me. I grab the next nearest dildo hitting his hand successfully disarming him until he pulls out a blade.
“This is hands down the weirdest fucking fight I’ve been in.” I say countering his attack before barely dodging out of the way for the next slash as the blade catches the top of the toy slicing the top clean off.
I turn around and quickly grab the next ones successfully elbowing him in the stomach catching him off guard. Using the one made of glass I smash it off his head dashing behind him jumping on his shoulders before penetrating the Deep’s one straight through his chest. The door opens and the guy that lead me here appears, without wasting a second though I throw the Starlight one straight at his neck killing him with one blow. I take a photo of the targets corpse.
“Sorry, needed evidence. You can all go home early now though.” I say to the still screaming and crying women wiping some of the blood off my face.
I turn to leave next thing I know there’s a bullet lodged in my shoulder. Unfortunately bullets don’t quite ricochet off me like most other supes, I feel the force and the pain before bleeding however, thankfully I do heal after about ten minutes.
“You fucking bitch.” I seethe marching over to the girl that shot me, I watch her hands tremble and she begins to cry once again as I snatch the gun off her. “Count yourself lucky I’m not gonna fucking kill you.” I turn and leave meeting up with Frenchie and Kimiko once again.
Arriving at the hideout still covered in blood and the now uncomfortable dress I’m greeted by a mortified look from Hughie, a grimacing look from MM and a curious look from Butcher.
“Well, how’d you get on?” He asks as I toss the phone to him.
“I managed.” I reply coldly
“Oh Nina’s gonna love this. See, told ya. Easy-peasy.” He says as I walk away to find a sink to wash the blood off and change into the grey overalls we’re apparently wearing to finally get to Soldier Boy.
Once again we’re in the van going to the lab, I feel my lips tremble as I fight back a long overdue smile. I’m so close; I can wait a few more minutes. We clamber out of the van once again and I give the place a once over. Of course it’s a military fucking lab and not just a regular lab, that would’ve been too easy.
“That chick Nina didn’t do us no favours. That ain’t a lab. It’s a military compound.” MM says in a irritated hushed tone.
“Russian military compound.” Butcher says before trying to cut out the power, “Be like storming into a Baja Fresh.”
“Baja Fresh ain’t shooting us with AK-47s on full auto, motherfucker.” Getting impatient with fiddling with wires Butcher pick up a wrench and smashes it against the power supply ensuring a power outage.
Everyone else rushes over on Butcher’s signal. MM grabs a guard keeping him hostage whilst Butcher takes his key card. We follow in suit Butcher opening all the doors the guard not risking an escape as we drag him along too. Eventually we enter the lab in pitch black. Only having torchlight.
“Rocky Four motherfucker.” MM says knocking the guard unconscious.
“Come on. We ain’t got much time.” Butcher insists.
“Any idea what this supe-gun’s supposed to look like?” MM asks the group.
I’m confused for a moment not even hiding it on my face, thankfully no one was shining a torch my way, I forgot they don’t know we’re not going to get a gun we’re going to get Soldier Boy instead.
“Ain’t the joy in the discovery, eh?” Butcher says not even hiding that he has no clue.
I approach a large containment unit, this has to be it.
“Butcher over here.” I whisper motioning to it.
“What is it?” Hughie asks taking it in.
I overhear Frenchie and MM discussing a test subject in a glass cage before knocking on the glass. Before I hear glass cracking and red warning lights light up the room setting off an alarm. No. NO. I’m too fucking close, fuck those guys! I stress glaring at the trio.
“LOOK LIVELY!” Butcher yells as his crew begin to take cover and arm themselves , I just hide behind the containment unit realising I didn’t bring a gun.
The next second there’s yelling and rapid gunshots constantly firing.
“I’M OUT!” MM yells just as Butcher’s gun empties too I watch from behind but know the realisation has dawned on him, he needs to expose the fact he’s got temp-V.
I watch him nod to Hughie and I as we return it as if saying you have too.
“OI! Evening Cunts.” Butcher says walking away from the containment unit bullets bouncing off him as the Russian’s begin to panic.
I watch as he kills them like it was nothing. Just like all of us shot up with V. It’s as easy as breathing, not necessarily the mentality but the act itself. In my peripherals I see Hughie’s eyes widen as he yells to MM vanishing from his hiding spot.
“Butcher?” MM asks with the unmistakable waver of anger in his voice.
“Alright, alright, look, hang about.”
“You and Hughie both took Compound V? What are you two fucking supes now?”
“Temporary V.” Butcher says calmly, as Kimiko violently signs at him before hitting Frenchie.
“Oh, she says, ‘Why do you do this to yourself on purpose?’” Frenchie translates.
“Only lasts twenty four hours, all right? Break glass in case of emergencies, you know, like this one.”
“And you give this to-to Hughie?” Frenchie argues in disbelief.
“I didn’t give it to him. The thieving git must’ve broken into the case and nicked it.” Butcher snaps glaring at Hughie. Let’s just find this thing and get the fuck out of here, alright?”
“You’re better than this kid.” MM says to Hughie before turning away.
“Butcher, I’m…look…I’m…I’m sorry, okay? It’s just, I…” He stammers before scoffing as everyone walks passed him.
Butcher comes over to the containment unit pulling the front off as steam rushes out with a dull hissing implying he broke a valve. As the mist begins to clear I see him, I see my Ben, my husband. I don’t even attempt to hide the smile on my face, not that it would matter everyone’s eyes are locked on him. He’s as well endowed as I remembered his beard’s grown a little out of control that’s just to be expected, it’s been forty years I’m amazed the Russians stayed on top of shaving him as well as they had done. He slowly regains consciousness and I’m not certain he’s even seen me yet.
“Soldier Boy.” I hear Butcher say in shock under his breath as Ben breaks his restraints.
He removes the oxygen mask from his face as he unsteadily climbs out of the unit his far more hardened eyes scanning the new faces before they lock on me. He takes a moment but realisation slowly sets in. However maybe bringing a group of strangers along wasn’t the best idea I watch as he resumes glaring at them locking target on Frenchie.
“Ah…it’s okay.” Frenchie attempts to ease him as if Soldier Boy were a fucking dog.
The ground begins to tremble as Ben’s chest glows, I don’t know what’s happening but he’s aiming at Frenchie, I glance to the wall behind Frenchie.
“Shit.” I exhale.
Kimiko dives in front of Frenchie as Soldier Boy’s new power is unleashed destroying the wall. Grabbing my hand as he pulls me over a now unconscious Kimiko taking me with him. I glance behind to see none of them particularly bothered about following us. Engrossed in a bloody and semi-unconscious Kimiko, which is a relief all things considered.
Once he grabs a tatty looking tracksuit from one of the locker rooms and gets dressed he finally looks at me, properly looks at me.
“What year is it?” He asks taking a deep breath.
“Two thousand and twenty two.” I answer he sits on a bench his hands dragging through his hair. “It’s been forty two years since I last saw you.” I add tears streaming down my face.
He grabs my hands gently pulling me closer to him, his grip occasionally tightening as if testing to see if I was actually here.
“You haven’t aged a day. What did they tell you?” Ben asks a soft smile on his face.
“They said you were killed in Nicaragua forty years ago. I didn’t believe it but I had no proof, I’ve spent all this time trying to find you and I’d do it all again to get you back.” Ben stands up pulling me into a tight embrace as I crumble.
“Sweetheart. What happened to you?” He wonders aloud kissing the top of my head.
“They buried Amphitrite. It was bad enough they kept you away from me for two years, we had-have a son, Vought abducted him shortly after they told me you were killed. I went on a killing spree finding out as much information as I could but I kept hitting the same dead end. I still haven’t found him, I’ve only just found you. I’m pathetic.”
“We have a son?”
“Yeah, our little John. Every time, every fucking time I tried to reach out to you Vought intercepted. I lost everything forty years ago.”
“We’ll find him, we’ll find him together.” Ben says firmly. “We’ll revive Amphitrite too.”
“I love you Ben.”
“I love you too Y/n.” We find our way out of the compound before starting to find our way home.
#soldier boy x reader#Soldier Boy#fluff#angst#love#slow build#The Boys#Season 3 rewrite#supe reader#Butcher#Frenchie#Kimiko#Hughie#MM#Queen Maeve#Homelander#finally found Soldier Boy#Story properly starting now#little nina#violence#death
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Chapter 3 Season 3 Episode 4 Part I
A/N: I’m sorry I literally failed at posting everyday so quickly. It’s been a few days but I wanted to try and give more insight into Y/n and Ben’s history. I hope you like it please let me know what you thought (I’m sorry if some bits feel rushed I tried to avoid that but honestly I don’t know if I succeeded) Please enjoy.
The next time I looked out of the dust coated window I saw the street lights and dark night sky. Most of Butcher’s crew must’ve started making tracks to either go home or just outright go somewhere else because when I entered their main room only Butcher and Hughie where there, Hughie’s arm was finally in a proper cast too.
“You’re on V!” I hear Hughie snap as Butcher wraps up the kitchen roll he’s holding.
“Temporary V. Barely lasts twenty four hours.” Butcher responds with the usual gruffness in his tone his eyes flicking over to me acknowledging my presence.
“Where’d you even get it?” Hughie asks not noticing I’ve entered the room.
“One of those websites, boners for days.” I fight the urge to laugh at his response.
Hughie makes it a hell of a lot easier to resist when he gets worked up
“No, no, no, no, no. None of your smirky shit!”
“I only had one dose. All right? Gunpowder’s dead. We know what we need to know, end of.”
My breath was stolen. I take a moment to recover and harshly swipe a quick tear away. I’m not surprised Butcher killed him but, I didn’t know he was dead. I naively believed Butcher only beat information out of him. He idolised Ben. He was trained by Ben and me. But he apparently was far too reckless and immature when it mattered if Mallory’s right.
“Wait, wait, you-you-you…you killed…Gunpowder?” Hughie stammered even though his voice seemed calmer than it had been previously. “With powers? You had superpowers?”
“Oh, look, let’s just give it a rest, all right? It’s over. I’m fine.” Butcher says brushing past him.
“Wait, wait do the others know?” Hughie asks turning around noticing me his eyes widening like a deer in the headlights.
“I know. Not because of this but yeah I think it’s just us three.” I say giving him an awkward smile.
“And if they find out, I’ll put you both in a fucking coma.” Butcher states menacingly.
“Good luck with that.” I respond smirking up at him, folding my arms.
Butcher glares at me harder once again watching as I don’t back down before letting it go. He’s not stupid he’s been made fully aware that I’m the one that gets him his temp V. Next thing I know he’s out the room and I’m left with a dumbfounded Hughie.
“Yeah, n-no you’re right. You seem totally fine.” Hughie says practically to himself.
“You alright over there?” I ask walking over to him.
“Yeah. I mean…I just wasn’t expecting that. Butcher of all people willingly using temp V.”
“I’m pretty sure he only sees it as a means to an end. He wants to even the playing field a bit. Ya’ know having a fighting chance and all?”
“How did you only get the job of a PA, you’re wasted in that position.” Hughie says with a laugh of disbelief and I smile back up at him before making my way home.
“How I actually got a job at Vought, would’ve been a better question if I’m completely honest. Actually how did I get that job? Yes at the time Vought announced the death of the beloved female icon Amphitrite, but the merch kept selling, posters still existed I know I wore a mask but like Soldier Boy’s it only went across my eyes, I mean it was what forty years ago, surely some of Butcher’s crew should vaguely recall the hero, right let alone all of fucking Vought? I mean there’s still a memorial of Amphitrite in that fucking tower! Maybe everyone nowadays is truly that stupid or…maybe I’m over thinking this…yep definitely over thinking.” I rant pacing and frantically waving my arms around in the apartment I moved to after what happened. “Shit.” I huff glancing to my water pipe seeing that I’d once again burst it, “I really need to find somewhere else to rant.”
I place a bucket under the burst and call up my landlord.
“Hey Lionel, my water pipe burst again.”
“That was literally fixed three weeks ago tops.” Lionel argues.
“Well you need to hire a better plumber then don’t you?” I sass despite knowing the truth.
“Fine I’ll get someone to look at it tomorrow.” I hear him huff before he hangs up.
I take a shower and get ready for bed not forgetting to kiss my finger and press it to one of the only photo’s I have left of Ben and I together, on my bedside table. I take my sleeping pills and fall asleep.
“Make me a cup of coffee would ya.” I glance up seeing a fluffy mop of brown hair and forest green eyes looking at me as if I was a pathetic disgrace.
“Excuse me?” I answer my forehead frowning.
“Are you deaf as well as stupid?” He mocked his dazzling teeth bite a sneer at me.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I snap marching up to him prodding his chest with my finger.
“Look sweetheart I’m Soldier Boy leader of the newly formed team Payback, and you you’re someone that’s come in here during our training time, so unless you’re gonna start helping out the rest of the refreshment crew I’d say get out.”
“Oh you’re one of those pricks are you?” I say not hiding my smirk. “I bet you believe women should stay home, do housework dote on their husband and produce babies then when we’re no longer useful die.”
“Obviously, it’s a woman’s duty to-” I punch his stomach sending him back into the wall behind him.
His face morphs to shock before quickly shifting to rage as he storms back towards me.
“I’m sorry it seems like you’ve forgotten there’s female supes, which is quite shocking considering there’s two of them on your team and you’re allegedly dating one.”
“Who do you think you are?” He says back to me.
“Amphitrite, solo supe, because I don’t need a team to cower behind.” I sass once again before Stan Edgar enters the room.
“Payback. This is Amphitrite.” He announces observing the cracked wall, stunned faces and the death glare match Soldier Boy and I are having. “I believe you’ve met.”
“What is this bullshit?” Soldier Boy snaps approaching Edgar.
“Calm down Soldier Boy, remember who signs your cheques.” Stan says in his usual calm but stern voice. “Amphitrite will not be joining your team, she’s the new face of feminism. Think of her as the new Rosie the Riveter.”
“What’s your power then?” Crimson Countess says positioning herself next to Soldier Boy, “What makes you so great?”
“Well unlike you guys, I’ve actually been helping people. Not strutting around posing like an uppity peacock. My power, well…want to spar?” I ask confidently fully aware of her little explosive fireballs.
“Fine.” Edgar and Soldier boy stand with the rest of Payback as Crimson Countess gets in her paparazzi pose prepping her hands to make a triangle. “Bring it.”
I wait until she launches her fireball at me before flicking my hand instantly putting it out with a small wall of water as my eyes briefly flashing a stormy blue. Crimson Countess scowls at me firing multiple at me before I create another slightly larger wall of water.
“So you’re good at defensive manoeuvres, why don’t you go on the attack?”
“Because your defence abilities aren’t strong enough.” I answer shrugging my shoulder dismissively.
“Try me.”
I lower my right hand to my side slowly twisting my fingers and wrist in a circular motion. My eyes glowing once again as a constantly swirling whirlpool like human size ball swirls beside me. I watch as her face turns whiter than a sheet.
“You sure you still want to do this?” I ask, I can feel the fear oozing out of her.
“I-I-I um…” I watch her send a glance to her team leader/ boyfriend.
I can’t resist the urge to sneak a peek too his reaction was hilarious, the disgust and complete disgrace he had directed to her actually made me laugh. However I can clearly see he won’t willingly let her back down so, I decide to be nice, well sort of.
“You know what, you’re not worth it.” I say dispersing my water.
Stan Edgar sends me a look of approval filling me with a sense of pride. I never got a look like that from one of my own parents. It felt nice? I don’t know if I’d use that word exactly but, it was definitely a reassurance. Crimson Countess wanders off the wrestling mat completely embarrassed but partially grateful I called it off.
“Pathetic.” I hear Soldier Boy grumble.
“Wow. That’s excellent motivation for your team.” I can’t help but chime.
“The way I run my team has nothing to do with you.” He snarls towering over me.
“Fine. Great way to speak about your girlfriend.” I retort.
“That also has nothing to do with you.” His hypnotic forest green eyes remain locked on mine.
“I’m just speaking out for another lass. Unfortunately she’s too afraid to do it for herself, but she’s not alone the rest of your team are too.” Soldier Boy glances up at his team and sees the fear on their faces.
“Good. That’ll keep them all in line.”
“Fine if that’s how you see it, who am I to say otherwise.”
“Payback, your publicity shoot is coming up.” Edgar says emptying the gym.
“Run along. Don’t want to miss your chance to be centre of attention.” I tease my e/c eyes remaining locked on Soldier Boy’s as he sees no fear in me.
“How’s your hand to hand combat?” He asks out of the blue.
“S’alright. Not great why?” I ask suspiciously.
“I could train you up, no powers though.” There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Fine. It’s a good thing that all supes get super strength, shame you got a bit more though.”
“See you around, Amphitrite.” He says strolling out of the gymnasium confidently.
There’s a montage of training and sparring with Soldier boy everyday for at least four hours for a total of six weeks. I remember him gradually becoming less and less annoying throughout our sessions, don’t get me wrong he didn’t remotely change anything about himself it just became more amusing than annoying to be around him. From the glint in his eyes and sneers turning into grins I could tell the feeling was mutual. I guess you could say we became friends, we exchanged our actual names, didn’t constantly wear our suits around each other and we willingly spent time together outside of Vought.
“You seem distracted.” Ben says throwing a punch as I duck swiping his leg out from beneath him.
“Me what about you, you didn’t jump.” I say backing up.
“Yeah well it’s honestly like you’re not even in the room.” He replies jumping back up to his feet delivering a round house kick to my stomach.
“Fair enough.” I wheeze slightly gripping my stomach with one arm, blocking his next kick with my other wrist, grabbing his ankle with both hands and pushing him back knocking his balance off, pushing him to the floor pinning him to the mat.
“Tell me what’s wrong Y/n.” He asks genuinely concerned not fighting back.
“We’re friends right?” I ask staying in my straddled position on top of him.
“I’d say so. Why?”
“Well why didn’t you tell me you and Crimson Countess broke up? Noir told me.” I ask feeling like a hurt child.
“It’s not important, we’re still being posed as a couple to the public but…”
“But what? Why don’t you think that’s important?”
“The reason we broke up was you. I haven’t loved her for a long time and the things she was saying about you…blaming you because I didn’t want to be around her.” I felt my heart speed up and begin thudding harder, before Ben flips us so I’m pinned beneath him. “I couldn’t pretend anymore. Somehow… somehow you’ve wormed your way into my heart.”
The sincerity in his tone and the look behind his sparkling eyes was enough for me to see how much he meant it. I could feel teas well up in my eyes, I don’t know what they were for, what they meant I just…I don’t know anymore. My heart hurt like physically hurts with anticipation of what will happen next.
“I think I love you Sweetheart.” Seeing Ben this vulnerable isn’t something I know how to handle, him seeing me this vulnerable too, I feel so weak. “Please say something.”
“I-I don’t know what to say.” I feel a tear trickle down the side of my face as he smiles sweetly at me gently caressing it away with his rough thumb.
He leans his face closer towards me and my eyes flutter closed as I feel his perfectly chapped lips kiss me the scruff of his beard scratching against my face soothingly.
I wake myself up feeling tears rushing down my face, I reach for the photo frame clutching it to my chest. My dream depicting how we met, I still find it hard to believe that it only took us about six or seven weeks to get to that point considering our initial reaction to one another. A small laugh escapes me boarding on the line of being a hysterical one as it once again reminds me just how much I truly miss him.
It takes me a while to settle back down and I’m still clutching the photo. I lean over the side of my bed dragging out a box from underneath it and grabbing one of my joints putting it in my mouth as I rummage around for my lighter igniting it as I take a deep drag. Giving time for the relaxing feeling to wash over me as I sit against the headboard knees against my chest still firmly gripping the frame.
#soldier boy x reader#Soldier Boy#supe reader#Payback#The Boys#fluff#bit of angst#test of strength#sparring#Crimson Countess#x reader#love#cute#combat practice#Butcher#Hughie#temp V#dream sequence#S3 rewrite
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Chapter 2 Season 3 Episode 3 Part II
Whilst Butcher’s in the bathroom I watch as Hughie and MM step outside leaving me alone with Mallory.
“Do I know you?” Her sharp tone takes me a little by surprise before I conclude that’s just how everyone involved with the boys seems to be.
“Not personally as far as I’m aware. I’m Queen Maeve’s PA, could be where you’ve seen me.” I answer hoping that’s enough for her.
“No. It’s not that. I’m certain I know you from somewhere else.” She insists cautiously approaching me as I watch her eyes observe every part of me.
Well this isn’t uncomfortable at all.
“I just have one of those faces I guess.” I say silently begging for everyone to come back into the room.
“So why are you here? I mean you knowingly work for a supe and you’re employed by Vought what issues could you have? Not feeling like you’re being paid enough?” Mallory asks, each question more condescending than the next.
“Maeve and I have been the ones providing those guys with any and all the information they and/ or formerly the CIA asked for. We want to see Homelander and the rest of those pricks suffer and Maeve, well she just wants to be left alone she wants to have a normal life.” I answer almost getting in her face, not quite but almost.
“Fine, but why are you suddenly out in the field instead of researching like you have been all this time.” She’s never satisfied is she?
“I wanted to keep an eye on things especially since some of the leads hit a dead end because of their recklessness.”
To my relief one by one the boys come back in the room MM first shortly followed by a now guilty looking Hughie and finally Butcher.
“Sorry about that.” Butcher say striding back into the room.
“What the hell did you drink last night?” Hughie asked not really expecting a response.
Which he doesn’t receive, as Butcher ignores him before resuming his earlier seat whilst I move to lean against a wall creating the distance Butcher probably would’ve asked for if I hadn’t.
“Right, where were we?” Butcher says making himself comfortably as Mallory hunches over in the chair opposite resuming her witnessed events.
“To the surprise of no one that moron Swatto went for another joy flight, giving away our position. Even better, the Sandinistas brought Russian Special Forces with them. Though that didn’t matter much to the supes.” Mallory begins once again.
She begins telling us how Crimson Countess killed some of her men backing up her previous statement of how supes weren’t cut out to be in battle due to their lack of training. To me it seemed more like to their lack of observation and logic skills, not all supes obviously but Payback man were most of them thick as pig shit. Mallory continues saying how at least Noir was killing the right guys, before witnessing Stan Edgar being escorted from the line of fire with at least two armed soldiers ensuring his safety, not like he really had any purpose being on site in the first place but it was one less distraction. She accounts witnessing Swatto, the guy who caused the carnage, retreating taking of before being blown up mid-air, he was always a fucking coward he got what was coming to him if you ask me. Her next observation was witnessing my Ben fighting against the Russians and Sandinistas, at least he was also being useful.
My pride was shortly live however when Mallory recalls Gunpowder, a close friend of mine, someone I had helped train going gun crazy literally shooting anything and everything not caring if it moved or not as she then says how he blew up an ammunitions tent the force of which threw her against a wall knocking her unconscious. She takes a deep breath.
“When I was able to get back on my feet the gun fire had ended. The first thing I saw was Noir a crack down the side of his head, half the flesh of his face had been burnt, he was struggling to reach for his helmet.”
I could feel tears stinging my eyes, I’d got on with Noir in the little time I actually spent with him. I know Ben was always tough on him and they didn’t see eye to eye for the most part but, I wouldn’t wish that trauma on anyone.
“I saw the rest of Payback in tears, each of them bleeding but trying to comfort one another until Crimson Countess ran up to me and she said ‘Oh God. They killed Soldier Boy, the Russians. They had some kind of gun or weapon or something. They’ve taken his body.’” Mallory takes a moment recalling that day.
That, that was exactly what I needed to confirm my suspicions that Soldier Boy was still out there, if they took his body clearly he wasn’t killed. I try to fight the smile beaming on my face and be respectful but, I’m only here to get my husband back. Considering that I just tilted my head down and toward the wall so no one saw my face, it was only polite after all.
“I lost one hundred and sixteen men that day. And Vought got full immunity. That was the day I decided to make them pay.” Mallory says mournfully before turning to face us.
“Well ain’t that a wonderful story. Tell me, Grace, where did the Ivans take this…Supe gun?” Butcher asks also only focussing on his main purpose.
“The trail went cold behind the iron curtain.” Butcher looks at her sceptically, “It’s the truth. My reach only goes so far.” Mallory says sincerely.
“You knew what Soldier Boy did to my family,” MM begins. “but you didn’t think I needed to know the truth?”
“It wasn’t that simple.” Butcher stands up as Mallory send MM a sympathetic look. “Can you give us the room?” She adds as we all leave knowing she wants to talk with Butcher.
I stay stood outside of the room to listen in whilst the guys step out to rejoin Kimiko and Ryan.
“You came to me after Becca disappeared and promised me Homelander’s head. And all this time, you knew there was something that could do the job, and you never said a fucking word.” I could feel the resentment through the wooden door as Butcher seethed at Mallory.
“Whatever this weapon is, it probably won’t work on Homelander.” Mallory attempts to reason.
“And what if it does?”
“Even worse. Because it wouldn’t end with him. You’d go after another supe, then another, then all of them.”
I must admit she had a good point given Butcher’s track record he’d kill all of my kind. Yes technically we were born human but society deems us a superior race and some supes do too, personally I just used to go mad with power. I was never a fan of the whole superior race concept, far too Nazi like.
“If you’d have told me about this sooner, Homelander might already be dead. Ryan wouldn’t be running from one safe house to the next, wondering when his nutter dad’s gonna drop out of the sky. And Becca…Becca might still be alive.” There’s a passion in his voice that I didn’t think he was capable of, there’s so many layers to this guy an entire psychology conference would have a field day. “And for that…I’ll never fucking forgive you.”
I hear heavy footsteps approach the door before Mallory shouts.
“This was never about Ryan or Becca. It was always selfish. Always and only for you. For the hate inside you want to let loose on the world. I thought maybe you changed, but I was wrong. You are your father, always have been.”
With that I leave there’s a pit in my stomach as I think back to something Ben had told me. He’d say no matter what he did his father was never proud of him. He wanted to have kids to prove he was a better man than his father but in he never got the chance to prove that he got told by other’s he was just like his father when his ruthless side came out. I know how much that can break someone down especially when their father is an asshole to their family, friends or just anyone that happens to pass them by. Before I know it I’m on the decking stood above Kimiko and Ryan.
“What were you doing in there?” MM asks his tone more curious than aggressive.
“Had to have a piss.” I say just as Butcher storms out Mallory not too far behind.
“What happened?” Hughie asked glancing toward his leader.
“We’re off.” Butcher responds not sparing anyone a single glance, not even Ryan.
“Butcher, wait up. Where are you going?” The kid asks running over to his father figure.
“The city.”
“When will I see you again?” Ryan questions innocently.
“You won’t. Ain’t safe for ya.” He responds coldly still not looking down at the boy.
I begin to follow in suit to the car before I witness Ryan shove Butcher back to get him to stop.
“Wait!” He exclaims, his lost sapphire eyes looking up at Butcher expectantly. “What are you talking about?”
“I got to go.”
Ryan’s frustration instantly build as he firmly grips Butcher’s forearm, there’s so much potential in this kid, I hope it doesn’t get wasted.
“Ryan, let go.” Butcher says trying to keep calm.
“No. You said you’d always watch out for me. You promised!” Ryan insists forcefully.
“Ryan, let go.” Butcher warns.
“I won’t let you!” I can’t help but admire the bravery of this kid despite his powers, he’s genuinely not afraid to fight for what he wants.
“Well, maybe I don’t want to look at you. After what you done to my Becca. Did you ever think about that?”
I watch as sorrow and regret flood the boy’s features before gradually shifting to rage, his once vibrant sapphire eyes shifting to a ruby glow that reminds me of my baby. I’m fully aware he’s Homelander’s kid but, since the only time I’ve seen red eyes were from lasers firing out, never solely for the reason that someone was just upset. Heck the only time Homelander’s glow red is when the lasers come out as far as I’m aware. I wipe away a welling tear as I watch Kimiko take a defensive stance in front of MM and Hughie, before Ryan rips a necklace off throwing it on the ground beside him. Announcing a ‘I hate you’ before rushing passed me inside. Every instinct screams at me to follow him, make sure he’s okay, tell him Butcher doesn’t mean it. But I resist the urge as I watch everyone flock to the car.
The ride back is silent, awkwardly so. It feels like it takes ten times as long as it initially did, the rage seeping off Butcher whilst he clenches the steering wheel. I spend my time gazing out the window daydreaming about how our reunion would be. I’m one step closer after at least five years since I started working at Vought to getting my husband back. Finding out what actually happened to him back then.
Once we’re back at the Flatiron building Hughie shows me to a quiet room.
“I figured you may want a minute to yourself, if gets a bit tense around here.” He smiles kindly at me as I step into the room.
It was mostly empty but there was a sofa and a chair by the window hidden under some layers of dust but I was grateful all the same.
“Thanks Hughie. Was something bothering you earlier?” I ask thinking back to his shift in mood when Mallory began her second part of the story.
“No…it’s fine. I just- I just told Annie she needs to stay as co-captain, be our inside man so to speak for a little while longer. Which obviously endangers her life and- holy crap I’m a terrible boyfriend-”
“She’ll be okay, I’ve seen her in action. I’ve seen her everyday at Vought deal with Homelander’s bullshit besides, it’s not forever. She’ll manage.” I say reassuringly before Hughie smiles and walks off.
“What the fuck am I doing giving a shit about these people?” I exhale deeply, plopping myself on the sofa and closing my eyes.
“Where is he?” I growl gripping Shadowcrawler’s neck feeling my nail begin to sink through the first layer of skin.
“I don’t know! Edgar wanted him, that’s all I know. Threatened my folks if I didn’t do it.” He begs pathetically gasping for air between words as his blood oozes down from his eye sockets before dripping onto my wrist.
“Not good enough. Why does Edgar want my baby?” My hand clenches tighter as I force water down his throat.
I dissipate the water slightly relaxing my grip so he could answer.
“New generation of supes. He believes a naturally born supe would be more powerful.”
“Take some other supes kid!” I snap once again forcing more water down his throat only removing it when he nearly drowned.
Shadowcrawler coughs before pathetically gasping for air. If he still had his eyes I’m almost certain he’d have tears streaming down his face.
“No other supe has had a kid with another supe, he wants to study your kid.” He just looks pathetic. “I’m telling you the truth Amphitrite!”
“I know you are.” I whisper almost soothingly. “That doesn’t change anything, you know exactly what I’m doing. Can’t risk Vought getting the heads up this soon, sorry you’re just a loose end at this point.”
Water floods his lungs as I watch him slowly drown his body trashing as he tries to fight his rapidly approaching death. I know I can’t go straight for Edgar, I’ll be signing my own death warrant with all the supes he has under his control. Doesn’t mean I can’t track down anyone else associated with my son’s abduction and my husband’s death. Within the next year I’d killed at least sixty men that had been present for Nicaragua, over a two hundred employees with various positions at Vought each had been ratted out by a fellow co-worker and friend that thought it would save themselves and about fifteen to twenty supes.
That saying ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ has never been more appropriate to the way I’d managed half the shit I’d done in that short year. I can’t believe it took three years before Edgar decided it was time to bury the existence of Amphitrite, at least six hundred technically innocent people were killed by me. I was in a dark place though my son stolen with there being no chance of me getting him back, my husband allegedly dead, I had nothing left to lose.
Maybe caring about this squad that marginally despises me is my way of atoning? Nah I’m not completely emotionally constipated, I don’t need to justify jack shit even to myself.
“Y/n, we’ve got a plan in place to go Russia. You don’t have to be a part of any of it just-”
“No, I’ll help however I can. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.” I smile up at him watching him leave.
I’m coming Ben, it’s been over forty years but I finally have a shot at finding you.
#soldier boy x reader#Soldier Boy#The Boys#Grace Mallory#Butcher#Flashback#violence#Hughie#Starlight#Queen Maeve#Homelander#Kimiko#MM#Frenchie#Payback#supe reader#death#reader#Season 3 rewrite#married#Stan Edgar#vengeance#slow romance
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Chapter 1 Episode 3 Part I
A/n: I figured it’d be nicer/ easier to read if I split up the episodes if you disagree let me know, I will try to update everyday depending on how much progress I make but yeah. I apologise it will be a little slow but I did skip the first 2 episodes to try to get straight to the Soldier Boy x Reader aspect I hope ya’ll enjoy.
“Butcher’s got it.” Maeve says striding into her apartment in Vought in her ‘disguise’.
To me she looks like a journalist, well if it works for the comic book hero’s then why can’t it work for her. Clearly it does to some extent, barely anyone bothers her I don’t see how though, her face is fully exposed. Whom I to judge though, I still look like I’m in my late twenties despite nearly being seventy and not a single person recognises me, that could be due to Vought’s cover up though.
“Y/n? Did you hear me?” Maeve asks sitting next to me on her sofa.
“Yeah…sorry. Is there anything else I can do to help?” I ask fully aware that Maeve’s not afraid to ask me for help.
“About that, I was wondering if you’d be able to keep an eye on Butcher. Make sure he doesn’t fuck this lead up too?” She asks standing up to go and get changed into her Queen Maeve attire behind the divider.
“Yeah, no problem.” I can’t help the grin on my face, I’ve never been so close to getting my Ben back.
“I understand it’s a lot to ask and knowing Butcher and his crew it’s probably going to be unnecessarily reckless and dangerous and-” Maeve continues seemingly not hearing my response.
“I said yes, Maeve. I can handle myself so don’t worry about it.” I laugh standing up organising and rescheduling Maeve’s rota for the day.
She emerges from her divider smiling at me before grabbing her sword as I hand her the tablet with schedule and she tells me where I can find Butcher and his crew.
Maeve gives me a hug wishing me luck before I leave her apartment letting her focus on her pre-training ‘workout’. I collide straight into someone, I look at the petite blonde realising who it is.
“Sorry Starlight didn’t see you there.” She smiles at me waving a dismissive hand.
“It’s alright. Is Maeve in there?”
“Yeah, she’s keeping up her training.” I step away from the door and make my way to the lift.
Unfortunately the lift stops one floor down and Homelander strides in standing up straight with his hands clasped behind his back, his usual stern/ pissed off expression on his face. His dull blue eyes land on me looking most unimpressed.
“Y/n, you’re leaving early aren’t you?” He says eyeing my suspiciously.
“Today’s easy, Maeve only has five things on her schedule today and three of them require her to stay in this building. We mutually decided she can take care of herself she is a big strong girl after all. She has to be, working in ‘The Seven’ with you.”
“You forget your place!” He sneers towering over me in efforts to make me cower.
“I know my place. Do you?” I say exiting the elevator before then leaving the lobby and heading to the address Maeve gave me.
Well here I am, the Flatiron Building. I still vaguely remember when it was the Fuller Building. Looking up I can’t help but think this is the most normal looking building these guys have probably ever had as a hideout well it beats an eerie basement at least.
“Ugh. Of course they’re on the top floor with an out of order lift. Oh well…I could use the cardio.” I groan after walking up the first two flights of stairs.
Okay I’m here. You’ve got this introduce myself as…FUCK I’m not sure what’ll sound good. Hi I’m Maeve’s PA and have a lot of knowledge on Soldier Boy, a lot of knowledge surrounding Soldier Boy’s death? I should have spent my time more wisely.
“Who are you?” I turn around and see Hughie stood behind me looking slightly bewildered.
“Hi Hughie.” I say watching as he instantly recognises me.
“Sorry, Y/n. I wasn’t expecting- why are you here?”
“Maeve thought I could help you guys out with finding the weapon that killed Soldier Boy.” That sounded okay right? Yeah that’ll do.
“Oh, as far as I’m concerned feel free to join us but, good luck convincing Butcher.” He says holding the door open for me.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Butcher seethes his eyes landing on me before I’ve even stepped in the room.
“I’m here to help.” I say walking in as Hughie follows behind.
“Why the fuck do you think you’ll be useful, you’re just another supes bitch.” Oh he’s really trying isn’t he, well I take that back this is him relatively calm.
“You certainly live up to your reputation.” I say walking straight up to him not breaking eye contact. “Without me, you wouldn’t have got your Soldier Boy lead.”
“Who do you think suggested it to Maeve? Me. Who got the file? Me. Who got your- well you know what I got you.” I argue lowering my voice for the last bit.
Butcher’s hazel eyes burn my e/c ones, as I hold his glare right back refusing to back down to the likes of him. Eventually he sighs throwing his hands up and pacing away.
“Fine. The moment you step one fucking toe out of line though, you’re finished!”
“Good luck with that.” I sass back sitting myself on a nearby desk.
I see Hughie and MM exchange glances fighting the urge to chuckle. I notice their eyes widening for a moment before MM announces.
“The prodigal son returns!” Arms outstretched as he gives Hughie a bro hug.
“What the fuck? Hey man. W-wa-wait a minute are you back?” They both laugh as they pull apart.
Clearly I’ve missed something if they’re having a reunion.
“We’ll see.”
“Don’t get me wrong I’m happy but…are you sure?” Hughie asks.
Yep I’ve definitely intruded during a reunion.
“The fuck happened here kid, you jacking off with razors again?”MM asks as I watch him take Hughie’s bandaged up hand a little shocked that I didn’t notice it earlier.
“I mean you should see the other guy, the other guy’s my penis.” MM chuckles and I can’t resist the urge to either.
“I missed you kid.” He says patting Hughie’s shoulder.
“I missed you too.”
I’m definitely sensing a bromance alert. I smile at them whilst dangling my legs. I definitely look like a fucking child. The air grows solemn for a moment as Butcher approaches Hughie.
“Look I know what you’re gonna say and I just-”
“No, no mate. I’m just chuffed to have the boys under the same roof. Alright?” Butcher interrupts.
“Yeah. I mean there he was right in his fancy pants, lording it over us like the viceroy of Vought square, eh? And that whole time he weren’t nothing but a Supe’s bootlick, eh? ” Butcher finishes.
And I thought there was drama at Vought, at least I only just got here for the aftermath.
“Yeah.” Hughie sighs.
“That my son is a lifetime achievement at the Cunt of the Year Awards, isn’t it?” Well at least the reality lives up to the expectation.
“Yeah, it is. It is a lifetime achievement.” Hughie agrees making Butcher give a deep chuckle.
“Are you done?” I ask rolling my eyes, I don’t know Hughie that well but I know how frustrating it can be to be reminded of your mistakes.
“I am just getting started, believe you me. If I were you god forbid, I’d stay fucking quiet around here.” I throw my hand up in mock surrender as Butcher sips his coffee.
“Great, listen we need to get Ryan somewhere safe. Vicky knows where he is, because we fucking told her, which means Stan Edgar knows too.”
“So ya’ll know she’s the head popper?” I can’t help but ask, fully aware that only a maximum of five people (until now) knew she was even a supe.
“Yeah. I only know because I witnessed her do it one night, did a bit of research at the orphanage too.” Hughie replies.
Clearly it’s easy to find out about anyone now, I just hope my records are as deep as Vought claimed they buried them.
“Yeah one step ahead, Colonel’s already done a runner with the boy.” Butcher says getting back on track. “They’re well out of sight. In fact, we’re gonna pay them a little visit.” Butcher says eyeing me suspiciously, as if to say he doesn’t want me to join them.
“We are?” MM asks.
“So you’ve spoken to Crimson Cuntess and Gunpowder, I take it?” I earn a grunt from Butcher confirming my question and a small smirk approving my nickname for CC just as Frenchie’s phone buzzes.
“Uh, Monsieur Charcutier, uh, I cannot go. I have a matter of great importance.” Frenchie says his eyes barely leaving his phone screen as he backs out of the make shift circle that formed without my notice.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I must’ve forgot to run it by your bleeding secretary.” Butcher mocks eyes growing hard.
“It’s an emergency.” Frenchie insists.
“I-I’ll go instead.” Hughie chimes trying to reach a middle ground.
“Nah, you skive off today, and that congresswoman might split your pretty little buns.” Butcher observes also sitting on a desk.
“Yeah, thought of that.” Hughie says as he walks over to Kimiko. “Uh, Kimiko. Kimiko? Hi.” She removes her headphones and looks up at him. “Uh, can you please…uh, break my arm?”
I nearly laugh at his request but seeing how much he’s fidgeting and the look in his nervous blue eyes I can tell he’s sincere.
“Vicky will smell it if I fake being sick, so it’s got to be real, and it’s got to last for days.” Hughie adds I think more trying to convince himself than anyone else.
“Fucking hell, Hughie.” Butcher laughs his eyes widening in genuine amusement.
“At least take something for the pain. I got opium.” Frenchie says passing Hughie the drugs.
“Government employees can’t fail a piss test.” Hughie insists passing them back, “Let’s just get this over with, okay? Just do it pretty fast.”
“I doubt they’ll make you do a piss test for a broken arm.” I say finally chiming in again, only to be ignored.
Kimiko grabs his arm ready to do it before MM intervenes.
“H-Hold, hold, hold up. Have a seat please, only been here three minutes and it’s already The Bold and the Batshit.” MM declares grabbing a black bin liner and placing it on Hughie’s lap. “All right, go ahead.” He says swapping places with Kimiko.
Kimiko grabs the top of Hughie’s arm prepared to make the break once more until MM speaks again.
“Right here.” He says gesturing lower down Hughie’s arm, “Clean break. No permanent damge.”
Hughie exhales looking straight ahead.
“Alright, one, two…” There’s aloud crack signifying the bones break as Hughie yells out in pain. “What the shit?” He screams not really believing he, nor Kimiko, actually did it without it being stopped.
“Here.” I say taking off my flannel shirt to make a make shift sling until we could get him a proper one. “That should help for now.”
“Thanks Y/n.” Hughie says after calming down.
Frenchie dismisses himself and Butcher reluctantly brings me with him and the rest of his crew to go see Mallory.
By the time I get out of the cramped backseat Butcher’s already heading inside with Mallory and a boy I can only assume is Ryan. I join the others for a momentonly catching the end of their mini chat.
“So why did you come back?” Hughie asks MM.
“Soldier Boy killed my family.” He says walking ahead of us before we follow in suit.
I mean he’s probably right. My Ben did become reckless occasionally when he fought but, we all did…that’s why we’ve always had a crisis team and cover up crew. I know it’s not fair but it’s not like it’s done on purpose at least 85% of the time anyway. Unfortunately we all make mistakes, I’ve yet to meet another supe with a body count higher than mine, I did do mine deliberately though.
I follow the present crew through to the bare living room as Kimiko and Ryan go to sit outside. As I overhear Butcher break the news to Mallory about Victoria and watch as she begins pacing and ranting.
“Neuman’s head of the bureau because I said so. I tried to save her from the attack on Congress that she fucking caused.” She complains in disbelief.
“Well, at least you didn’t spend the last year getting her oat milk lattes and every piece of intel she asked for.” Hughie says pushing himself off the wall he was leaning on.
“I would very much like to know the plan to eliminate her.” She says before glancing at me suspiciously I can tell she’s racking her brain to place me but we only met once a long time ago for like two minutes hopefully she won’t remember me for my fame either. As far as the world is aware Amphitrite is dead, mind you they said the same about Soldier Boy.
“Well, that depends on what you can tell us about your little holiday down in Nicaragua.”
“I’ve never been to Nicaragua.”
“Really? ‘Cause a little birdie told me that you were Payback’s case officer down there, on a classified job that Soldier Boy never come back from.” Butcher states staring Mallory down as she scoffs.
“Colonel?” MM asks.
“Whatever it is that William thinks he may have heard, he is mistaken.”
“Is he?” I counter and she just glares at me before Butcher chimes in again.
“You know that safe you got in your home office? The one behind the picture of Bush number one? Well, I borrowed the ledger from it, the one with all your assets around the world.” Mallory turns her focus back on Butcher I can see the worry clearly painted on her face. “How long do you think them and their families will last when I put every one of their fucking names on Facebook?” I won’t lie, Butcher would make a fantastic super villain he’s not afraid to kill hundreds to get what he wants.
“You’d sign a death warrant on dozens of people who have nothing to do with this?” Mallory asks sceptically.
“I’m embarrassed for the both of us that you’re asking.” He confirms.
“Nicaragua’s ancient history. Not to mentioned I could be killed just for telling you.”
I’ll kill you like I killed everyone else that wouldn’t tell me. I’ve waited far too long to get to the missing pieces of my puzzle, you better fucking speak right now. I fight the urge to say it aloud but I can’t resist the allure of imagining how I’d get the information out of her if she hold her tongue.
“And all your agents will get killed if you don’t.” Butcher says plainly, clearly neither of them are aware that some of them are already dead. “Blimey. What a pickle.” He adds taking a seat in front of her.
There’s a pregnant pause as tension builds before Mallory finally speaks.
“It was part of operation Charly.”
“Operation Charly?” Hughie asks.
“It was part of Reagan’s pet project off the books.” I answer as Mallory solemnly nods at me.
“Help the Contra rebels fight the Russian-backed Sandinistas, but we needed a way to pay for it. Some of the cash came from selling arms to Iran, Oliver North’s epic fuckup. But the rest. If there’s one thing that the Contras had plenty of, it was cocaine. I was in charge of trafficking the coke to the U.S. and then using the profits to buy more weapons. In the fight against the Reds, whatever it took.” She declares.
“That’s some self-justifying bullshit. Were you part of that other thing too?” MM sneers.
“What other thing?” Hughie asks.
“She knows.” MM says. “Tell him.”
Mallory stays silent looking down at the splinter filled wooden floor boards below our feet.
“The unwritten policy, to sell cocaine strictly to minority neighbourhoods.” I answer for her wanting to get to the part about Soldier Boy and Payback.
“Late in ’84 we were gearing up for a major defensive so the higher-ups, in their infinite wisdom, decided it was the perfect time to throw a wrench in the works.”
Mallory then goes on to say how she heard cheering coming from outside the tents and went to investigate when she found her men gathering around the truly obnoxious group Payback, I mean she had a fair point but of course they were up their own arses all the praise and media they got for essentially showing up and looking pretty. None of them ever really did a genuine heroic act in their lives unless they new money and fame would be their reward. She further explained how she was practically dealing with spoilt toddlers, before and after Stanley Edgar showed up treating her men like a catering crew as if they were on holiday at a resort. She briefly mentioned how Soldier Boy attempted to flirt with her before shutting him down saying how any woman that’s been with him was only with him because they were scared of him. I can’t help but clench my fists in anger, I’m aware he was genuinely insecure about that, he thought that was the only reason I stayed with him despite how many times I’d insist it was bullshit and how many times I showed him I love him I knew that feeling would never completely go away. To think that may have been one of his final thoughts before either his death or disappearance (the latter more realistic) pains me.
“Hold that thought.” I hear Butcher’s stomach gurgle as he leaves inevitably to throw up as one of the side effects of the temp V I stole for him.
#soldier boy x reader#The Boys#slow romance#married#love#Homelander#queen maeve#Starlight#Hughie#Butcher#MM#Kimiko#Frenchie#insecurity#supe reader#Vought#Mallory#Ryan#Payback#seperation#Soldier Boy#xreader
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A/n: So I’m writing this because I legit have it bad for Soldier Boy, and I’m hoping that this will end up being a good fanfic I hope ya’ll enjoy it. Let me know what you think.
Y/n’s pov
“For the last time, Amphitrite your powers will be pointless on this mission. You aren’t joining Payback.” Stan Edgar states, clearly irritated by my constant pestering.
“Why not? I’d be a good addition.” I huff crossing my arms.
“You only want to join Payback because you miss Soldier Boy.”
He was right unfortunately. I’ve been with Ben since I completed my compound V testing. He’d trained me in combat testing my strength and teaching me how to use my size to always gain the advantage in hand to hand combat. Ben was definitely a product of his time; he believed that women should be housewives until I bested him in at least five training sessions that is, eventually deeming me as an equal which shocked everyone to say the least.
“You’ve kept him on every mission and every tour out of the US solidly for the past eighteen months. You’ve intercepted every attempt for me to contact him; he doesn’t even know he’s got a son because of you! My nine month old is essentially fatherless and I’ve had no help and no one with me this whole time.” I snap fully aware that my eyes are now glowing a stormy shade of blue as rage boils my blood.
“Stand down Amphitrite!” Edgar snaps standing up from his desk. “We both know if he knows about his kid he won’t focus on his missions.”
“Simple solution then, stop sending him on them for a couple of months.” I try to reason.
“Grow up! As far as the public is aware Soldier Boy and Crimson Countess are a loving power couple fighting against all odds as they lead Payback to victory. I’m aware it’s bullshit but it sells fantastically and you, you’re Amphitrite strong empowered fighting solo to appease the women that want to be treated equally.” Edgar explains in disbelief at my apparent ignorance. “You would ruin your image if it became public knowledge that you are with Soldier Boy and had a kid, you’d be slandered as a home wrecker and he’d be labelled adulterer tarnishing his ‘golden boy’ image.”
Naively I believed him, he’s the boss, he dictates publicity results, if he so wanted he could bury my existence so deep no one would ever remember I was real.
“Fine, can you at least tell me if he’s okay?” I finally plead rubbing the blue and silver patterned sleeve of my suit.
“Soldier Boy is fine. He’s shooting a movie to promote non supe soldiers during the war and celebrating the war effort.”
“Thank you.” I whisper lowering my head as I leave his office not looking up from the ground until I arrive at my home.
Entering my house I head straight to the nursery I decorated for my sweet little John who is still soundly asleep in his white frilly bassinet. I glance up to the poster next to him of his father, it seems pathetic but I guess I just want John to know who his dad is no matter what anyone may say. John’s sapphire eyes tiredly blink open as a partially toothed grin smiles up at me.
“Hi baby, mummy’s home.” I coo lifting him up carefully holding him close. “I’m sorry mummy’s boss still won’t let daddy come home.” A cry leaves him as his eyes flash a glowing ruby for a moment until I’m able to soothe him, “It’s okay Johnny, daddy’s safe.”
I levitate off the ground slowly flying us around the house until his tears stop, still distressed I wrap his soft blue blanket around him as he calms down yawning before drifting back to sleep. I spend the next hour floating around my home cradling my son fighting back tears knowing how much Ben would want to be here for this, for us. Steadily I place John down in his bassinet keeping him wrapped in his blanket and handing positioning a plush of me and Soldier Boy either side of him before, stripping out of my suit and dressing in my night gown preparing for bed.
~Time skip 2 ½ hours later~
I wake to John’s cries realizing he’s probably due his feed. Slowly trudging to the nursery I hear a crash making my heart rate skyrocket before dashing into the room seeing six heavily armed men and two supes in my home. I notice John wailing in Shadowcrawler’s arms with Ember beside him. In a flash of black smoke Shadowcrawler and my son are teleported away.
Rage fuels me as Ember gets in a fight stance and the armed men begin shooting at me, their bullets harshly piercing my skin but I can’t find it in me to give a shit. I fly at the closest guard punching my fist straight through his chest, before turning to the next snapping his neck with one hand, I rip the next guards dick and balls clean off his body an anguished cry leaves him before kicking his chest sending him through the window in the nursery letting him fall to his death. I quickly duck as a fist sets on a collision course for my face making the guy lose his balance before grabbing his right leg and flipping him crushing his head against the carpeted floor, a kick lands on my stomach before I twist the booted foot 180 degrees effectively breaking it before throwing him into the next guy as they both tumble out of the window. Gnashing my teeth I scowl at Ember fear painted on her face despite me being in my own blood soaked nightie.
“It’s not personal Amphitrite.” She says as flames sprout above her palms.
“Bullshit!” I growl, “You abduct my son, make an attempt on my life and you tell me it’s not fucking personal. You lying bitch!” My e/c eyes shift to stormy blue as the pipes begin to burst in my home as I make the water swirl behind me.
Ember’s flames fly towards me, my water instantly extinguishing them.
“You know, despite us being ‘friends’ I always wondered how much I’d love it when I drown you, permanently extinguishing you.” I smirk flicking my wrist and twirling my fingers as the water encases her in a whirlpool prison.
Manic laughter escapes me as I watch Ember fight, well, struggle to breathe and flail in efforts to try to escape her long once luxurious red hair betraying her as it wraps around her neck increasing her rate of suffocation. I eagerly watch as her flesh begins wrinkling, its texture becoming soap like, it blisters before being ripped from her bones. She was already dead before her skin blistered but she deserved it.
I take a moment to let the tears pour whilst my body begins healing, it doesn’t take long before I’m back at punching a few holes clean through my walls. My baby’s gone, my husband doesn’t even know I was pregnant and won’t be allowed home any time soon and I’ve just wrecked our home. Before I know it a mask is over my mouth and nose as smoke or gas floods my lungs before I black out.
Present day
I bolt upright sweat soaking my hair, nightie and bed sheets as salty tears stream down my face. Every night, every night the same goddamn nightmare of a memory. I clamber out of my bed and approach my apartment’s kitchen; okay technically it’s a penthouse but that’s only because I saved from my supe days. No one nowadays even knows Amphitrite existed, works well for me though I can move around without being noticed. I get changed into my work clothes grabbing a breakfast bar before driving to Vought tower to start my day.
I scan my key card to get through security and head up to find Maeve. Being her PA wasn’t bad she was nice enough, I can understand where she comes from with her desire to see Homelander dead or replaced. My work for Maeve changed drastically when she decided to assist ‘The Boys’ in taking down Homelander and Vought she’d get me to get files on different supes for them to justly take down under Victoria Neuman’s organisation.
Today was different though, today was the day I’d been waiting for, for longer than I realised. Today was the day Maeve finally asked for me to find her what realistically could kill Homelander. Minutes later and I literally mean about five minutes tops, I gave her the file on my husband, I gave her Soldier Boy’s alleged cause of death. I’d stolen it about week after I was employed as Maeve’s PA. It’s why I came back to Vought decades later I needed to know what happened to my Ben, of course when I read the file I realised it was bullshit but, I didn’t have the connections that Butcher’s crew has. I’ve been waiting patiently for this day and it’s finally here. I gave her the folder and suggested she take them some temp V to even the playing field before covering her interview absences and two advertising companies.
#soldier boy x reader#Season 3 rewrite#The Boys#Ben#x reader#love#marriage#queen maeve#violence#parenting#eventual smut#supe reader#female reader#revenge#death#homelander#Butcher#manipulation#heartache
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Dangerous Attraction (Dean x Reader)
Spoiler warning based on/ around Season 10 Episode 22
The death of a loved one affects everyone differently me I was ruined, I’ve practically become a husk. Ever since Charlie my best friend, my rock was slaughtered I don’t live anymore she died, I died. The worst part of it all was that I felt helpless I barely have the strength to stand and walk around let alone track down the bastards that did this to her and tear them limb from limb and all their additional limbs and parts.
“Y/n, you need to eat something.” Sam says softly as he enters my room and takes in my dishevelled tear stained crumbling appearance. “It hurts us to see you like this.”
“I can take care of myself Sam, thank you for the reminder but you’ve got enough to deal with. I’m sure Dean’s losing his shit right now.” I reply hugging my pillow tightly.
Sam sighs as he leaves my room gently closing my door behind him. I can’t fight the fresh tears that fall as if a dam had burst in my eyes. Charlie would be so disappointed, so ashamed of me. That thought repeats itself over and over in my mind as a form of self-torture making sure the tears never ended. There’s a knock on my door startling me as I furiously wipe away my tears as Castiel enters with a bag of food for me.
“You need to eat something you’re human and you need to eat food to live.” Castiel tries to encourage as he closes the door behind him and sits on my bed rubbing my back gently.
“Cas, it’s my fault. I suggested that she should help us with the mark and because of this she’s...she’s dead because of me!” I cry and cling onto Castiel he stiffens but eventually hugs me back.
“This isn’t on you, no one other than the Styne’s are to blame.” Cas answers before forcing the bag of food in my face refusing to leave until I’ve eaten something.
Once satisfied that I’ve eaten he leaves my room to re-join the real world. Distraught hits me once more combined in a wave of nausea I can’t hold back the urge as I vomit all over my floor next to my bed it continues for the next 20 minutes tears flooding from my eyes I’m helpless. My best friend is dead and I’m doing nothing to avenge her. I wait a few more moments to see if any more sick is going to come out when I doesn’t, I shakily get to my feet and put on my boots my hands trembling as I tie my laces.
I hear Sam discuss with Cas about Dean storming out to find the Styne’s, I already knew where they where Charlie had sent me a location moments before her death. As carefully as I can I sneak past Sam and Cas leaving the bunker armed and as ready as I’ll ever be to face the son’s of bitches that slaughtered my best friend. An image of Charlie’s body floods my mind, I almost vomit again but I hold it back adding it to fuel my fire. I park up about a 20 minute walk away from the Styne’s mansion I know going in will likely be a suicide mission but without Charlie I have very little reason left to live. I steadily approach gun drawn with my silencer upon it my machete on my hip and additional ammunition in my pockets. I didn’t come properly prepared but it was too late now. I shoot 3 guards outside as my body trembles weakly I approach the back door shooting two more guards before picking the lock and entering hearing hushed tones I as silently as I can reload my gun. Taking aim my hand trembles I wasn’t strong enough, my body was exhausted I fire anyway only to miss and be tackled to the ground, when I feel an needle puncturing my skin, my vision becomes hazy and everything fades to black.
When I wake I’m blinded by a white light and strapped to a steel slab.
“Glad you decided to join us Sleeping Beauty.” A man says calmly.
I let my head fall to the side and see Dean strapped down just like me with a bunch of medical tools on a tray separating us. I see the fury in Dean’s forest green eyes, he meets my gaze and for a moment there’s a flash of concern in his eyes before he glares back up at Styne.
“Monroe Styne, pleasure.” The white haired Styne introduces.
“I’d shake your hand but er-” Dean jerks his hand a grin on his face as he fakes politeness.
“Oh. Well I have to say I’m impressed by the way you charged in here all guns blazin’ and you, you tried to sneak in around the back. I’d have bought tickets to both them shows, but neither of you could have thought that would actually work could ya?”
“Usually does.” Dean and I both reply.
“Then I guess you know what’s coming next.” Monroe Styne says as the younger Styne behind him grins.
Dean glances to his other side and sees a woman in a nurses outfit cleaning off some scalpels along with other medical tools.
“You’re gonna play operation?” Dean says calmly as fear begins to course through my body.
“It’s my favourite game.” Monroe replies with a chuckle as he makes his way over to me.
“Don’t do this.” Dean’s voice warns with a hint of menace.
“Well uh son we uh already past the bargaining stage.” He responds to Dean but his cold eyes never once leave mine whilst the younger Styne moves to stand above my head.
Dean continues to talk with them but I can’t hear anything over my heart beat pounding in my ears my blood runs cold I’m going to die, I’m actually going to die right now. The young Styne wraps cloth around my mouth before doing the same to Dean.
“Alright lets crack this piñata.” Monroe says as he brings the scalpel to my chest ready to slice.
I squeeze my eyes tightly shut too afraid, too un willing to have the last thing I see be that man calving me open. There’s a commotion on Dean’s side and a gurgle as if someone’s throat had been cut and they were suffocating I prayed it wasn’t Dean but I force my eyes open to make sure. Low and behold Dean had sliced open the young Styne’s throat and pinned the nurse to the slab injecting her full of whatever she was planning on injecting Dean with before tackling Monroe from me straight into a nearby wall before placing him in a head lock Dean’s face filled with determination and a burning hatred. I couldn’t deny that it was the hottest thing I’d witnessed.
“You took something from us. You tried to take everything away from me.” As Dean snarled those words he looked directly at me before adding, “Now I’m going to take everything away from you.” Dean snaps his neck and a shiver of pleasure rushes through my veins.
Dean removes the cloth that had fallen around his neck before striding over to me tearing my restraints open like he did his own before carefully removing the cloth from my mouth. My cheeks were flushed my heart racing, I clench my thighs together as Dean helps me sit up, deep steady breaths leave his mouth as I try to hide any signs that show my arousal.
“You said he tried to take your everything...” I trail off not sure I wanted to here that he was talking about anyone else.
“You. I was talking about you Y/n, you are mine.” Dean growls possessively as his grip on me tightens I see the mark almost glow with satisfaction.
I can’t help the whimper that escapes my throat as if some kind of instinct took over me I submit myself to Dean desperate for him to act on anything. His sharp commanding emerald gaze was just making me more desperate. Dean wraps one arm around my body, he spreads my legs to stand between them before reaching his other hand to harshly grab my hair pulling it hard enough that he angled my face to look up at his. His kissable lips collide upon my own as his tongue skilfully dominates my mouth I’m in complete submission to Dean as I let him handle me however roughly he wants, the scene of Dean snapping Styne’s neck replays in my mind making me moan into Dean’s mouth we part momentarily for air as Dean’s tongue traces my lips whilst I gasp. I feel like I could explode the adrenaline, emotions and sensations I’m feeling are almost too much for me yet, we’ve only just begun.
Dean begins kissing down my neck lavishing every part he can reach with his tongue.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you. You’ve been just out of reach for so many years but now you’re mine.” Dean declares possessively before biting where my neck meets my shoulder.
A scream of blissful pain escapes my throat making Dean smirk before releasing my flesh and admiring the indentation of his teeth on my body in clear view.
“Dean I need you!” I beg pathetically grasping at his black shirt to take it off.
“Easy Sweetheart, need to take the top layer off first.” Dean chuckles removing his grey over shirt and throwing it on the ground before removing his flannel shirt from my body revealing my AC/DC top to him.
Dean glares at it momentarily before ripping it off my body despite it being one of my favourites I couldn’t find it within me to be annoyed, the upcoming moment seems more important than anything else. He snarls at the sight of my red bra but carefully unclasps it letting it fall off my body revealing my breasts to him. I shyly cover myself as best I can when a growl emanates from Dean’s chest, whilst he pulls my arms away from my body.
“Mine, don’t hide what belongs to me. You are mine and mine only you will show only me your body.”
Dean resumes kissing down my neck before boldly moving to the valley of my heaving breasts taking his time to kiss, lick, suck and bite my nipples taking his time with them as if he were a child playing their favourite game. The hand that was in pulling my hair slides down my back before casually slipping under the waist band of my jeans and knickers before Dean’s fingers teasingly caress my clit. A gasp erupts from my chest I wrap one arm around around Dean’s neck whilst my other pulls once more at his black shirt. Dean gives in allowing me to remove his top, in return he unbuttons my jeans yanking them and my knickers down in the process. I’m left completely bare before him and he continues to tease my clit my wetness now coating his fingers before he licks them clean.
“You taste divine Sweetheart.” Dean kneels down before me I blush and turn my head away too embarrassed to watch his next move.
I feel the tip of his tongue flick my clit teasingly making my entire body flinch at the sensation.
“Good girl, so responsive for me.” Dean praises before sucking my clit into his mouth his perfect lips massaging the surrounding area whilst his tongue feasts upon my clit lapping every part it can.
A scream escapes me before all I’m able to do is pant and gasp pleads for more my fingers clench around his soft hair unable to cope with the pleasure he lifts a hand back up to my core before slowly dipping his finger into me prepping me for another. Stretching me open I knew Dean could feel the resistance a wicked air grew around him as he realised he was going to be my first considering I’m younger than he and Sam by at least 15 years it couldn’t have been that much of a surprise. His fingers thrusted a little harder before he switched to come hither motions inside me whilst slurping my clit. That was when I realized it wasn’t surprise, it was determination. Dean was determined to make me his and keep me as only his he was going to ruin me for everyone else. He practically sucked my orgasm out of me. Dean got to his feet undoing his trousers letting them fall to the ground revealing he’d gone commando, his hardened length was stood throbbing ready for action. He retracts his fingers from my soaked sensitive pussy before coating his dick in my juices making my body spasm. He sucks his fingers clean before shoving them into my mouth my tongue greedily lapping them before he thrusts his full length into me. My cries muffled by his fingers.
He pulls out half way before gently thrusting back into me, he repeats this action a few more times for me to adjust before going harder and faster. Eventually he removed his slobber covered fingers from my mouth so he could listen to the sounds I made for him, only for him.
“Oh Sweetheart, you’re everything I imagined you’d be and so much more.”
Dean pulls another orgasm out of me as I rake my nails down his back, my body convulsing in spasms of overwhelming pleasure.
“Dean. Dean. Dean!” I cry his name as he thrusts through my orgasm triggering his own his hot cum filling me up as he holds me pressing kisses into my neck gently licking the bite mark he gave me.
“I love you, Y/n.” Dean whispers as he calms down feeling almost sedated.
“I love you too, Dean.” I reply placing a light kiss on his lips.
“You know you’re mine now right?” He questions tensing slightly.
“I know Dean, all yours.” I sigh dreamily as he relaxes once more.
#eventual smut#dean x reader smut#smut#moc!dean#dean winchester#angry dean#dean x reader#spn#supernatural#hot#murder#styne family#revenge#slight hybristophilia#dom!dean#Sam Winchester#castiel#love#possessive#protective#fluff
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Could Be Worse Part IX
A few weeks have passed since Dean’s admission, as a result he’d practically moved in with Y/d/n and I. We were like the perfect little family if you minus the apocalyptic conditions, we’re as close to an apple pie life that anyone could achieve nowadays. Dean was finally letting me go out on scavenges which I really appreciated granted he made sure I was beside him the entire time but, it did make me feel better, made me feel like I was actually pulling my weight around camp. Y/d/n trained with her handmade Pulaski, she’s come a long way I just wish she didn’t need to grow up in these conditions, she is happy she’s finally got a complete family me her mum Dean her dad and her Uncle’s Chuck and Castiel.
I’m concerned about Dean though, he was telling me that he’d got an update on a gun that can supposedly kill anything even Lucifer whom was apparently to blame for our current lifestyle. I’m still struggling to piece together what does and doesn’t exist but with the Croats out and about it’s something to just take in and move on. When Dean started telling me all about the colt I thought it sounded a little bit ridiculous but when I looked into his enchanting green eyes I saw passion, sincerity and sorrow so I promised him I’d support him on whatever his plan would be.
“Hey Y/n you okay?” Dean asks bringing my focus back to him.
“Oh yeah, sorry I was just thinking about everything that’s happened recently.” I laugh anxiously. “So you’re getting the colt today?”
“Yeah, I’m taking a team out with me there’s a chance that this is another set up but I’ve got a feeling this one is different we’re finally going to achieve something-” I scoff at him with my arms folded referencing our amazing daughter, “other than the only ray of light in this grim dark world, we’ve finally made progress on killing Lucifer once and for all.” Dean’s tone softened when he spoke of our daughter, he was so whipped when it came to her, but the second he regained focus on his mission he hardened up.
“I’m joining you this time, right?” I asked hopefully, I hated waiting and hoping he’d come back alive, if I were there in person I’d feel secure enough knowing I was there as his backup.
“You know you’re not. A situation like this is potentially too dangerous and Y/d/n is going to need a parent to raise and take care of her.”
“So when you face off with Lucifer I’ve got to stay here and hope that you’ll come back to me! What if you die but, if I went with you we’d all make it out alive because you had extra support?”
“You can’t base decisions on ‘what ifs’ Sweetheart you know that better than most people around here!” Dean snapped frustration consuming him before he stormed out of the cabin to prep his search party.
There were so many people depending on him, he had so much trauma buried in him and my own stress and insecurities were an unnecessary weight that I just threw onto him before a mission. My fist collided with the wooden wall nearby my self-loathing annoyance crumbled as the sharp pain in my left fist set in.
Dean had approximately an hour before he set off with his group so hopefully he has enough time to settle down so that he doesn’t behave recklessly on an already dangerous track and retrieve mission. Hopefully my stubborn baby daddy will see me before he leaves so that the air is cleared between us in case he doesn’t make it back. Exhaling deeply I turned toward our inventory hut and got to work alongside Chuck. Roughly twenty minutes later we’d finished and discovered we were in desperate need in toiletry items, so we left in search of Dean to update him on the situation clipboard in hand.
“Dean!” I called over to him spying him in a dark blue jacket I’d never seen before, he was surprisingly startled before turning to face us.
“So Dean, our food supply is running low but we’ll be fine for the next two weeks at least, toiletries however are abysmal. What do you think we should do?” Chuck asks referencing the figures on the clipboard, Dean was quiet he looked confused and he’d refused to look in my direction, maybe he took our altercation earlier to heart, we had vowed to make up with one another before leaving the security of the camp just in case the worst case scenario occurred.
“Well...um...maybe we could just get everyone to share?” He suggested uncertainly.
“Aren’t you supposed to be out right now?” Chuck asked after making a quick note of Dean’s ‘solution’.
“Um...yes, I’m just getting ready to leave now.” I analysed him sceptically, something definitely wasn’t right.
“Daddy!” Y/d/n screamed running over to Dean her arms wide open expecting the usual pick up cuddle only to be blatantly ignored, tears welled up in our baby girl’s eyes at the fact that her father wasn’t hugging her and looked at her as if she were a stranger.
“Sweetie can you go with uncle Chuck for a moment? Mummy needs to talk do daddy...alone.” I say softly to her whilst holding a harsh glare at Dean.
Chuck picked up Y/d/n bouncing her slightly and doing everything he could to prevent her from crying as he carried her away.
“Alright Winchester, you can hold a grudge with me all you want, I understand I was out of line earlier especially after thinking about all you’ve been through, but don’t you ever take out your stubborn attitude that’s aimed at me out on our daughter!” I yelled as I actually struck his face in anger and annoyance.
“Wait...what? Y/n?” Dean asked as if he’d only just noticed who I was, making me even more agitated.
“If you don’t make it up to her later you’re going to wish the Croats got you!” I threatened.
“Wait Y/n you don’t understand.” Dean tried to explain as the sound of our various vehicles pulled into the camp capturing Dean’s attention his behaviour rather skittish. “Hey, hey! Watch out!” He yelled as a gun fired making me snap my head to the direction to see...Dean?
My eyes widened, two Dean’s? There’s two Dean’s. What is going on? The three other men around us shared my shocked and bewildered expression before the Dean that had just pulled the trigger spoke up his arm outstretched to the Dean next to me.
“Damnit!” He cursed seeing me stood next to Dean, “I’m not gonna lie to you me and him it’s a pretty messed up situation we have going on but believe me...when you need to know something you will know it! Until then we all have work to do.” It was the strong solid firm voice of a leader, that was my Dean.
The witnesses nodded and dismissed themselves as Dean, Dean and I made our way to his cabin.
“What the hell was that?” My Dean asked.
“What the hell was that, you just shot a guy in cold blood.” Blue jacket wearing Dean responded.
“We were outside of a quarantined zone, we were ambushed by a bunch of Croats-”
“You left? You left and got attacked before we made up! Dean, why would you do that?” I interrupted my heart aching at the newfound knowledge my eyes stinging with tears.
My Dean softened slightly and held me against him kissing the top of my head before glaring at the other him.
“One of them infected Yager.”
“How did you know?”
“Because after a few years of this I know...he started experiencing symptoms a while ago, wasn’t going to be long before went crazy. Didn’t see the point in troubling a good man with bad news.”
“Troubling a good man...you just blew him away in front of your own people! Don’t you think that would’ve freaked them out a lil’ bit?”
“It’s 2014, plugging some Croat is called common place.” My Dean spat as he soothingly rubbed circles on my back. “Trading words with my friggin’ clone...that might’ve freaked them out a little bit.”
“Alright look-”
“No, you look! This isn’t your time, it’s mine you don’t get to make the decision, I do. So when I say stay in, you stay in.”
“You’re going to need to make it up to Y/d/n, she thinks her daddy is angry at her.” I say having now calmed down as my Dean grabs three glasses and a bottle of whiskey.
My Dean turns around instantly a dark aura emitting from him wanting to know why the other version of him would upset her.
“Alright man I’m sorry, I’m not trying to mess you, me, us up here.” Blue jacket Dean started.
“I know.” My Dean bluntly replied pouring the drinks. “What happened though, why is my daughter upset?”
“She thought I was you ran up for a hug but I had no clue who the kid was and just stood there.” He replied honestly.
“Fuck, I should be able to fix this. It could’ve been worse.”
“Wacky weekend.”
“Tell us about it.” I agreed reaching for my drink along with the other two.
“What was the mission anyway?” Blue jacket Dean asked as my Dean reached into his bag and pulled out the colt.
“You found it.” I smiled knowing that this was one less thing on his hard, beautiful and fragile mind.
“Where was it?”
“Everywhere, they’ve been moving it around...took me five years but I finally got it.” My Dean replied with a small smile on his face. “Tonight...tonight I’m going to kill the devil.” He stated downing the rest of his drink making me choke on mine.
“Dean? De, you can’t I need you. Y/d/n needs you.” I whimper at the though of losing him, I haven’t had enough of a warning. “We just found one another, you can’t Dean.” My Dean held me close to him before tilting my head up and pressing his perfect lips against my own in a loving kiss.
“I honestly never really expected us to settle down.” The alternate Dean said once Dean and I separated. “How’d it happen?”
“A little while back I got into a very sticky situation and this guy helped me out of it.” I reply not wanting to give away too much of the future. “You knew my name before anyone said it, how’d you know it.”
“The other night I was feeling shit about separating from Sam and met you in a bar and we hooked up.” The other Dean answered making me and my Dean smile fondly.
“She’s been created, our baby girl. Congratulations Dean Winchester from 2009 you’re going to be a father.” I say beaming up at him.
“I-I how do you know?” Past Dean stammers.
“Well you and me slept together I leave early because I didn’t know what else to do and later find out I’m pregnant.” I reminisce as my Dean pulls my back to press against his chest.
“Do yourself a favour, keep her with you/us wake up when you feel the bed move and eventually tell her everything about the hunting life.”
“I’m very open minded just don’t lay it on really thick and stop me leaving you.” I smile kindly at him as I rest my hand on the side of my Dean’s face. “Who know’s, if we’re the future versions and you do that we might no exist in this time?”
My Dean tenses up at the thought of our happiness being taken away, before taking a moment to compose himself.
“You do that right, you better make damn well sure you don’t end up in this situation.”
“So you/we’re really happy in this relationship?”
“You know damn well she’s the best we’ve ever had.” My Dean comments and I don’t miss his implication for a single second. “You’ll experience it for yourself, you’ll realize anyone else was just a stepping stone to perfection.” He switches to talking about our actual relationship making my heart melt at how much of a softie he was being.
The other Dean looks like he can’t actually believe those words came out of a version of himself, he’s finding it almost impossible to comprehend. I can’t help but laugh at his bewilderment, he looks so cute when he’s confused.
A gut feeling tells me this version of Dean is gonna end up leaving soon.
“Hey Dean, once you’ve explained everything to me. Give Sam a call?” I suggest hoping to prevent the apocalyptic lifestyle we’re currently living.
He looks solemn for a moment before nodding his head and being zapped away.
“So De, do you think you’d have listened to us?”
In 2009
Dean’s back in the motel room he’d hired for the night looking around, he sees Y/n still asleep in the bed, he can’t help the sigh of relief. Cautiously he makes his way over to the bed and wraps his arm around her, just holding her while she sleeps gives him a subtle taste of what his future self was talking about. Before he can doze off he feels her wake up and try to leave his hold.
“Y/n, I’ve got something I need to tell you.”
A/N I’m sorry this is years later I honestly thought I uploaded this and then I found it in my drafts.
#Could be worse series#endverse dean x reader#endverse!dean#dean winchester#dean#Happy Family#love#one night stand#affection#cuteness#soft dean#happy ending#dean being a dad
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Jo Envy (S2 Dean x Reader)
A/N I wrote this ages ago on my Wattpad and don’t think I posted it on here so here it is!
Shortly after John gave his life for Dean was the first time we met her.
Jo Harvell pretty, slim, blonde and able to defend herself. If it weren't for John's passing Dean probably would've been all over her much like she clearly wanted. They both decided it was the wrong time to act upon anything though. For awhile now, since the Hook man case at least Sam had been trying to convince me to confess to Dean, at first I thought it was just something to do to prevent thoughts of Jessica corrupting his mind at all hours of the day but, he was surprisingly coping well or at least as well as he could considering everything that had happened to him. When Dean's heart is damaged and he nearly died for the first time I couldn't hold anything together my own health wasn't remotely important all that mattered was finding a way to save Dean.
After that Sam became more insistent, I'm not sure why he was so determined for me to confess my feelings for Dean. Maybe he was convinced that doing so would somehow change things, but whatever the case I remained silent keeping everything strictly between Sam and I. After everything we faced over the following year I was able to stay quiet, that was until the accident when Dean was fighting for his life and hunting a reaper as an almost spirit. I sat by his unconscious body the whole time refusing to do as the medical staff ordered thankfully I'd gained their pity so they stopped trying. I held his hand kissed it, cried beside him, pleaded for him to come back to us...to me. I told him I loved him and I could feel his presence beside me. When we got him back he remembered nothing, the one time I was actually able to express how much I loved him he didn't remember it.
It wasn't appropriate for me to repeat the confession considering John's departure so I was once again keeping it to myself and giving Dean the space he needed. Sam was aware of my confession and believed for now at least silence was the best option.
As I was saying though when we met her I was envious she seemed so perfect for Dean that the next time they'd meet if I didn't at least make an effort to tell him once more that I loved him my heart would be torn out and mutilated.
Two weeks earlier
I was outside the latest motel starting up on my 2nd bottle of Jack Daniel's leaving Sam and Dean inside to have some brotherly time to themselves Sam had just killed Madison and the poor boy was broken once again finally gave his heart to someone and she turned out be a werewolf. I liked Madison, in the short time I'd known her we'd become friends so I coped the best way I could aspiring to get drunk a litre down and I was dizzy and more confident. A few moments later Dean stepped out and gave me a small smile before sitting beside me.
"How's Sammy?"
"He's asleep, I'm going out to get us some food care to join me?" Dean offered.
"I would but if ya get pulled over for a random inspection I'd probably be arrested for being a liability to the driver." I gave him a dazed smile before nodding to the empty bottle and the now quarter drunk one.
"Son of a bitch! Y/n you'll end up killing yourself drinking this much." Dean panicked snatching away my bottle.
"You keep and I'll have to get you to pay me for it. Besides you drink more than I do." I huffed childishly reaching up for my bottle.
Dean helped me stand up and we walked into the motel room as quietly as we could doing our best not to disturb Sam. I made my way to the sofa I was supposed to be sleeping on before Dean directed me to what was set to be his bed for the night.
"You take the bed, I've got the sofa."
"Dean, you're too big for the sofa don't be silly." I whispered tugging myself back to the sofa as Dean rolled his eyes leaving me be to get me some water.
Dean sat next to me handing me the glass letting out a sigh.
"What am I going to do with you? You and Sam, wouldn't survive without me honestly."
"You're a good man Dean maybe a great one. You love your brother with all your heart, you protect those who can't protect themselves, you put yourself last all the time, you hate yourself but you deserve absolutely everything. Almost everyone you meet wants to give you some kind of affection physical or emotional but you deserve so much more." I sigh resting my head on his shoulder my e/c gazing up into his enchanting forest green ones. "I love you Dean Winchester in every sense of the word. I know you'll say I don't and that I'm drunk I'm not, tipsy and a bit dizzy yes, drunk no, you can ask Sam he's known all along." I finally professed to him before pecking his soft lips. "Go on Dean, I believe you were getting us some food weren't you?"
Dean stared at me his eyes widened slightly in shock as I went to get myself another glass of water. In the blink of an eye my wrist was grabbed and I was in Dean's lap his arms around me his pink kissable lips fiercely pressed against my own.
"Took your time didn't you?" Dean sighed against my lips.
"Yeah, because you showed no interest in me. Discourages a girl a bit." I joked light heartedly as, he leaned down kissing me once more.
"Get some sleep in my bed I'll have food next time you see me." He smirked before leaving.
This time when we encountered Jo she and Ellen were having an intense argument, for Ellen's sake we wound up taking Jo's case despite her desperately wanting to take it to give hunting a try. I honestly felt bad for her if she wanted to hunt she should be able too but, Ellen's reason for her not to hunt held a stronger argument.
Sam Dean and I were on our way out of the apartment building having just broken in to the victims apartment and inspecting the place when we heard a familiar voice.
"Ya'know my friend told me that I absolutely had to come check it out. Have to admit she was right. You did a really good job with this place." We stepped back out into the main corridor none of us expecting Jo to have the nerve to show up here.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asked.
The moment Jo's eyes landed on Dean she had a flirty look on her face.
"There you are honey." Jo cooed wrapping her arm around his middle. "This is my boyfriend Dean, his buddy Sam and this is my friend Y/n that told me about this place."
I couldn't fight the death glare I sent her as Dean glanced down at her slightly bewildered.
"Good to meet ya. Quite a gal you've got here." The landlord complimented as he shook Dean's hand, whom in turn gave me an anxious glance.
"Yeah she's a pistol." Dean replied slapping Jo's back wiping the smile from her face instantly, whilst Sam gave me a sympathetic look.
"Might I ask how you found out about this place?" The landlord asked me.
"Jo's been looking for a new place for a while and I saw an ad in the paper for it, sounded like what she was looking for." I lied confidently giving him a forced smile.
"So did ya'll already check out that apartment?" Her arm staying around Dean as he relaxed into the role of her boyfriend.
There was a moment of tense silence before Jo spoke again.
"The one for rent?"
"Yeah, yes. Loved it. Great flow." Dean lied smoothly.
"How'd you get in?" Asked the landlord suspiciously.
"It was open."
"Now Ed, when did the last tenant move out?"
"'Bout a month ago." He replied.
The conversation continued for a moment before Jo handed him a big wad of cash buying the apartment then and there receiving the key we headed to Jo's new apartment. The moment we were out of sight from 'Ed' Dean pulled away from Jo and wrapped his arm around me glaring at her.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I seethe still pissed at her display moments ago.
"Does your mother know you're here?" Dean asked disapprovingly.
"Told her I'm in Vegas."
"You seriously think she's gonna buy that?"
"I'm not an idiot I got Ash to cover my tracks." I scoff and she sends me a glare, "Why are you so pissy?"
"Oh I don't know, might have something to do with a newbie crashing what became our hunt or maybe it was you pawing at my boyfriend. You decide."
"You and Dean aren't together." She states snidely, "Stop mixing up fantasy and reality."
I give her a look that screams 'are you fucking kidding me?!' I'm about to lash out trying to bury my insecurities when Dean steps in.
"Actually we are, two weeks now. If you've got a problem with that you should just go back to the roadhouse." Dean scowls as he hugs me from behind giving her direct eye contact.
"So maybe it's you that needs to learn the difference between fantasy and reality." I say as Dean places a soft kiss to the side of my neck for extra spite as Sam smirks proudly at us.
"Fine, let's just focus on the hunt."
After a day of researching Dean and I claim one of the rooms leaving the room next door to ors free and the sofa.
3rd person pov
"You want the room or the sofa?" Sam asked Jo, she's about to reply when Sam offers her a pair of headphones.
"What are they for?"
"If you're taking the room next to those two you're going to want these, they're still in their honeymoon stage." Sam says sincerely fighting the smile on his face when Jo's eyes widen in realisation before claiming the sofa.
A/N Let me know what you think requests are open to anyone for pretty much anything just Dm me what you want and I'll try my best to write it. xx
#jealousy#jo#dean winchester#dean x reader#love#cuteness#shipping#Sam Winchester#smut implication#season2#supernatural#spn#jo's a bitch#s2dean
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All Out Of Love (Dean x Reader)
A/N This idea just came to me when I was listening to all out of love by air supply on the bus to work so please bare with me I’m very sorry to Sam this doesn’t present him in the best light but, ya also can’t blame him it’s a standard reaction on with the story! Also Dean is sometimes OOC very sorry I tried to avoid it but I failed.
6 months ago
I collapse on the dingy motel mattress thoroughly exhausted from the witch hunt. It was supposed to be nice and easy, it started as one idiot doing pranks that became fatal then grew into us taking on a whole coven. I bury my face into the duvet seeking sleep as Sam and Dean argue over who gets the first shower.
“You use all the hot water!” Sam argued throwing his bag onto the bed I’m on.
“Yeah well you got the first shower last time.” Dean retorts childishly.
“Actually Y/n did.” Sam replies.
“Yeah but you went in with her so that counts as you too.” Dean points out.
“Fine. Rock, paper, scissors for it?” Sam suggests fully knowing that Dean always choses scissors.
“You’re on.”
Inevitably Dean loses and makes himself comfortable on the other bed pouting before watching Scooby-Doo on the cheap TV.
“Y/n, you still awake?”
“Yeah, you too were being too loud.” I sigh yawning whilst looking at Dean tiredly.
His dazzling forest emerald eyes get me every time I look at him, they’re so hypnotic. He has adorable freckles too I enjoy looking at Dean I’m not sure what it is exactly about him but he fascinates me I always see something different whenever I look his way.
“Y/n?” Dean looks at me expectantly snapping me out of my slight haze.
“Huh?” I feel my cheeks growing red with embarrassment, I was literally just gazing at him this entire time. Fuck, I’m a mess.
“I asked if you were gonna join Sammy.” Dean laughed flashing his charming smile.
“No!” It comes out harsh, “I’m not awake enough for a shower.” I try to coverup but, Dean doesn’t buy it for one second, he knows me to well for that.
“Y/n. Are you okay?” Dean asks concern flooding his features.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I lie too ashamed to admit the truth.
“You seem off. Is everything okay with you and Sam?”
That’s a fantastic question, Sam and I have been a bit distant lately, I guess I just kind of fell out of love with him. He’s a great guy he makes me laugh we take care of each other but so does Dean. It’s like there’s nothing else there anymore, or more accurately what I used to feel for Sam has now transferred to Dean.
“Yes and no.” I finally answer looking at my hands.
Before Dean can ask more Sam emerges from the bathroom fully washed and changed.
“I’m gonna go get us some food, Y/n you wanna join me?” Sam says smiling down at me.
“Nah I’m too tired.” I respond forcing a smile.
“Alright see ya soon.” Sam kisses my forehead before leaving.
“Don’t forget pie!” Dean yells as the door closes before, settling his worried eyes on me once again.
“N/n, what do you mean?”
“He’s great, I love him but...I’m not in love with him.” I say almost to myself, tears pool in my e/c eyes ashamed that I actually admitted it.
Dean moves from his bed to mine and Sam’s placing his arm around me.
“Love takes time, as hunters we rarely actually fall in love. You and Sammy have been the closest I’ve ever met.” Dean comforts.
“You don’t understand Dean, I am in love.” I take a deep breath to steady myself. “Just not with Sam.”
I could feel Dean becoming conflicted I’m his best friend but Sam’s his brother. He takes a moment trying to decide what to ask next before settling on a response.
“Are they a hunter or someone you met on a case?”
“Hunter.” I answer uncertain of where this is going.
“Did you work with them before me and Sammy or....”
“Dean, it doesn’t matter what I say at the end of the day. I love someone else, I can’t stay with Sam I’ll only hurt him.” I cry burying my face in his chest as he strokes my hair.
“It’ll be okay Y/n I promise.”
“It can’t be and it won’t ever be!” I sob harder, trying to pull away from Dean.
“Why not?” Dean tries trying to help however he can.
“Because it’s you! I’m in love with you!” My chest tightens as I drop myself onto the floor curling up and crying so hard it’s physically hurting me.
Dean stays on the bed for a moment watching my display of heart break, he contemplates his next actions and every possible outcome for a long minute.
Dean’s warm large hands wrap around small ones as he slowly and steadily pulls me to my feet. He moves one hand to the side of my face tucking away the loose strands behind my ear continuing the movement until he can carefully tilt my head up to look at him. My face flushed and stained with tears can’t be appealing but, the love and sorrow displayed on Dean thought otherwise.
Closing our eyes we leaned in for a slow yet, deeply passionate kiss. My heart felt alive for the first time the moment his soft plump lips met my own. This felt so right, so natural that nothing could ever be wrong. But we were. We were wrong what we had done was wrong but that thought didn’t occur to us until it was too late. Lost in the affectionate embrace of each other, our lips moulded together. We didn’t here Sam come back.
“Dean!” Sam yelled throwing the food to one side as he pulled Dean away from me punching him square in the face.
Dean didn’t fight back he knew he shouldn’t have given in but he couldn’t resist, he allowed himself to be happy for a moment at the price of Sam’s happiness. It was a selfish act Dean never thought he’d commit.
Dean raised his hands in a surrender motion as Sam punched him once more. Dean began to explain the situation and Sam quickly turned to face me anguish in his eyes betrayal on his face.
“Y/n, you need to leave.” Sam declared. “I don’t want to see you ever, get out.” Sam threw my bag at me.
Every inch of me was trembling as I picked it up and made my way to the door, Dean not once fighting for me. I couldn’t be too shocked at that though Dean’s priority has and always will be Sam.
Present time
I collapse on my bed at Bobby’s exhausted from yet another hunt almost asleep my phone starts ringing. I inhale sharply before answering my phone.
“Hello?” I ask.
There’s a short sob and a muffled I’m sorry.
“Dean? Is that you?” I ask feeling suddenly winded at the thought of him.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for calling you.”
Dean’s POV
Sam and I return to our motel tired after a successful hunt.
“Taking down a vamp nest, is cause for a celebration, don’t you think?” Sam declares as he heads to the shower.
“I’m not really feeling tonight, you go out have fun enough for the both of us.” I call, faking a moment of enthusiasm.
“You know I will.” Sam replies.
I sit on my bed missing the days where Y/n would be sat with me or join us for drinks. Even if she was with Sam at least she was still here. Now Sam’s enjoying his freedom whilst I wallow in self pity.
“Alright, I’m off. Don’t wait up.” Sam says with a grin on his face as he leaves for the night.
Alone in the room I pick up my phone looking through photos of Y/n with us we were all happier then. Switching to my contact list I scroll to Y/n’s number I bite back the sting of tears the urge to call her was undeniable my need to hear her voice, see her face, hold her. I need to at least apologise for not fighting for her.
Before I new it, I was dialling Y/n’s number my heart breaking at the thought I might never see her again a sob escapes my throat, an apology escapes my mouth before I hear her soft voice.
“Dean? Is that you?” I missed her, I missed her so much.
I take a deep breath in before replying.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for calling you.”
“Why are you calling me?” Her words are sharp but her voice is breaking.
“I miss you.” I confess, “I can’t do this.” I sigh defeatedly about to hang up as a tear drips down my face.
Y/n’s POV
“Dean, where are you?” I ask realising that there’s something Dean’s keeping from me.
“Lawrence Kansas.”
“Text me your motel, I’m on my way.” I say hanging up the phone before Dean could argue with me.
I leap from my bed a new found source of adrenaline coursing through my veins, dashing past Bobby and jumping in my car my phone lights up with the motel address. I drive off breaking a few speed limits as I go, making it to the motel in record time.
Next thing I know I’m banging on the motel room door. It’s cautiously opened I can tell Dean has his shotgun pressed against the door just in case. I meet his gaze his eyes are almost glowing I can tell he’s been crying for a while.
“Dean.” I sigh wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him down for a hug.
Inhaling his smell holding onto his warmth I feel at home.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have called you, you deserve better than this, than me.” Dean cries whilst burying his face in my neck and hair.
“You don’t decide what I deserve. I missed you Dean.”
“I missed you too. All I did was hunt or research, anything to keep my mind off what happened while you were away. I was so lost without you, I should have fought for you.” Dean confessed holding me a little tighter almost like I’d disappear if he let go.
“I did the same, but no matter what I tried you where always there. I still love you Dean.” I admit pulling away to gaze into his candy apple eyes.
“I never got to tell you last time, I love you too Y/n. I fell in love with you the moment we met, it stung to see you with same but, at least you were still around.”
Dean leans down his soft lips brushing against mine so softly it was like he was afraid I’d actually reject him after everything. I kiss back pulling him closer before we fall onto what I can only assume is Dean’s bed. Never once separating not liking the thought that we could be apart ever again. We still haven’t factored in Sam but at this point I can tell it’s going to end a little differently.
A/N Okies it’s been ages since I’ve written anything, please let me know what you think, I had like three different versions of this story please let me know if you’d like to see the alternatives.
#dean winchester#dean x reader#reader insert#love#cuteness#cheating#mentions of Sam x Reader#supernatural#spn#song fic#kissing#comfort#violence#hurt#crying
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Supernatural Oneshots!!! - Jo Envy(S2 Dean x Reader) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1009312261-supernatural-oneshots-jo-envy-s2-dean-x-reader?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=MrsRogers84&wp_originator=IxfdHNNZlQKEeDLOj0eo%2BKR1HwoXDcHDwYgly6Np53JmNHkaRc7xaFkq16QrwwsFbdhFG1WXw9xRvXsYHCPYvl6BtmN9fzzz9iX%2B3jeclEPhAp26uJbOQwHsPAjn3j3f This is a book of Supernatural character stories, I will be taking requests so just comment and let me know what you're after and with who. I don't judge trust me if you want me to do character ships or multiple characters I don't have an issue with that just please specify because I'm usually better at x Readers and usually assume that's what was wanted so yeah also let me know what you think of them once you've read them.
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Could Be Worse Part VIII
A/N It’s been over two months! I’m so sorry I was stressed about moving into university and literally lost track over everything so I’m settled now and should be more consistent unless I get crushed with course work. Also because it’s been so long I tried to make it worth the wait personally I think it’s adorable but yeah that could just be me, let me know what ya think any way you want. I am keeping my promise as I loved this idea I will finish this (I’ve never finished a series before but this one I’m determined to so when the time comes I hope you like the ending, I might do alternative ones because I still haven’t decided on which ending I want to do so let me know on that too) HOPE YA’LL ENJOY IT!!! ^_^ ^_^
I woke up sober and alone in the bed as all the memorise of last night flashed through my mind. FUCK! I made a pass at Dean and got completely rejected. “We’re not making the same mistake as last time” The hell did he mean by that, we-I got Y/d/n from that night! I thought he adored her, maybe now that he knows she’s his does he really see her as a mistake? NO. Dean isn’t that cruel, well at least he isn’t to Y/d/n.
He was saying I’m the mistake. My heart feels like it’s been ripped out of my chest then crushed in a vice. Why? Why does it hurt? Dean and I aren’t automatically together because we have a child together. Don’t get attached, Y/n it will only end in tears.
“MUMMY. Look what Daddy and I made!” Y/d/n cheered as she ran into the cabin Dean following closely behind. “It’s a Pulski Axe!” She grinned naively showing off her lighter miniature version of the weapon whilst cutely mispronouncing it.
“Sweetie you’re going to be really careful with that, it is very dangerous.” I explain as calmly as I can for our daughter’s sake, in my mind however Dean was already decapitated.
“Why don’t you carefully show Chuck?” Dean suggests, not realising he’d signed his own death warrant as his only hope skips happily out of the door in search of Chuck.
What the actual hell Dean! She’s three, a three year old shouldn’t have their own Pulaski Axe! Did you have one at her age?”
“No but things were different when I was three for example we weren’t living in the fucking apocalypse!” Dean argued back.
“Do you think she’ll be forced into a situation where no one is there to protect her?”
“I hope not, not again.”
“What do you mean, ‘again’?” I asked my voice wavering.
“When that Croat hoard attacked the pair of you in that abandoned building, you were about to pass out if it wasn’t for me the pair of you might not be here!” Dean snapped his feelings getting the best of him as frustrated tears welled in his eyes.
He was right, the whole reason we’re here is because he saved us.
“You’re right but, she’s three. I want her to have a childhood ya’know? Fun, impulsive, naïve days that everyone deserves.” I whimper realising this may never actually be a possibility for her.
Not fully certain that he should, Dean pulls me in for a hug and just holds me while I break in his arms. He lowers his head and rests it on top of my own squeezing me slightly tighter once I fist his jacket keeping him close to me.
“I know this isn’t ideal but it’s the unfortunate reality we’re living in.” Dean says his voice barely above a whisper.
“Thank you Dean.”
“For what?”
“Everything: sparing us the first time round, saving us the time after, taking care of us whilst we’re here and for making our daughter.” I smile through the tears as I nuzzle my face into his chest.
The moment was starting to feel nicer, I was more relaxed I was accepting that my daughter needed to be armed despite her infantile age.
“Dean, we need to talk!” The door to my hut was flung open and a woman yelling ruined the moment. “It’s important.”
I tried to pull away slightly to give the woman who I was able to identify as Jane the opportunity to talk to Dean about whatever but, Dean refused to release me and kept me close to him glaring at Jane.
“Now isn’t the time, if there was something truly urgent Cas or Chuck would be here, not you.”
“I think we should discuss it in private.” Jane urged scowling at me.
This is my home I’m not leaving it! Who does she think she is barging in here?
“I trust Y/n and if it is truly an important situation shouldn’t everyone know?” Dean remarks.
“Fine! You want to know, I’m pregnant and it’s yours.” Jane say folding her arms and wearing a smug expression.
“Oh yeah well how can you be so sure it’s Dean’s?” I growl at her accusation of him being her unborn child’s father.
“What are you trying to say?” Jane snaps at me her stance shifting into a hostile one.
Oh shit, I didn’t actually mean it like that but, I am aware that she’s shacked up with a few other people since I’ve been here.
“Well you aren’t really one for keeping it to yourself.” Dean replies.
“The dates match up asshole and you weren’t protected that night.” Jane says her piercing blue eyes staying locked on my e/c ones as she cocks an eyebrow cockily.
I pull away from Dean slightly and I can tell that it disheartened him. In my defence though he slept with someone else unprotected, does he ever wrap up? I’m not sure I want to even consider the concepts of him being in other women bare.
“I wasn’t the only person you slept with the last time we did it.” Dean snaps, “ I don’t remember much of that night but I’m almost certain that I was wearing a condom.” He adds glancing at me as if to persuade me.
“Wow Dean you’re neglecting our baby before they’re even born!”
My mind was clouded I didn’t know who to trust, I wish I could trust Dean but from first hand experience I know he doesn’t always wear contraception on one night stands. Jane other than at this moment didn’t seem to have any issues with me unlike Dean’s ex conquests.
“If ya really want to know who the father is, maybe you should just go see Cas.” I think aloud as the pair look at me, Dean’s eyes hold an element of hope unlike Jane’s that holds panic and fear fully aware that her disrespectful attitude to their ‘leader’ can result in punishment.
“I think that’s a good idea. How about we go see him now?” Dean suggests challenging Jane.
“Fine yeah I don’t see why not.” Jane says with false confidence leading the way.
Dean encourages me to be there to find out the result just so I can hear the definitive truth in person. On the way over I see my baby swinging her little axe at a children’s training dummy with Chuck supervising, I’m filled with pride but also fear at the sight. I take a deep breath to calm myself this is her unfortunate reality but she’s going to prosper.
“She’ll be fine.” Dean whispers with a prideful look on his handsome face, as we walk into Cas’s hut.
“Ah Dean, Y/n and...Jane?” I stifle a laugh at the fact that Castiel didn’t know her name despite her being here much longer than me. “This is a surprise, now is it a pleasant one or not?”
“Y/n here says you should be able to tell me who the father of my baby is, I was pretty certain it’s Dean’s but he refuses to believe me.” Jane explains.
Cas studies her for a moment focusing his eyes on her, his arms folded as he approaches her for closer inspection.
“With good reason, he isn’t the father of your child Jake is.” Cas shrugged as Jane’s eyes widened and Dean scowled at her unnecessarily harshly in my opinion before she fled.
“She’s not getting out of this that easily, now I’ve got to think of a suitable consequence.” Dean grumbled to himself.
“Dean you’ve got to be careful what ya do, the pregnancy part was true.” I say.
“I wouldn’t care if she lost it!” Dean seethed filling me with an undeniable rage, how could he say that about someone’s child, this isn’t the Dean I’ve got to know.
“Dean! How could you! That’s-” I was midway through yelling at him when he cut me off.
“Jake, is the one that was nearly responsible for killing our daughter! He was driving that vehicle, he ignored your screams to stop. If he was okay with nearly killing our girl why shouldn’t I be okay with returning the favour!” Dean erupted his arms flailing frustratedly as he clued me in on this news.
“Okay... I understand why you feel that way now De but, that would make you worse than him and you aren’t. You’re a good man, with a big heart whether or not anyone else knows it, you’ve been through so much and heck you’re still going through so much yet, you still spare your time to be with me and our daughter even when you should be sleeping you choose to spend that time with us. You still clearly love your brother despite everything, you’re still here for Cas and you put everyone before you. So please, accept that you aren’t a monster and admit that you didn’t actually mean that.” I declare hoping he’d actually believe my words.
Dean didn’t say anything he just gazed at me for a moment before stepping closer to me, his large rough hand rested on my cheek making my heart flutter as my eyes fixed onto his stunning green ones. Dean tilted my head up slightly before leaning down and capturing my lips in a deep love filled passionate kiss our eyes fluttering closed, his other arm snaked around my waist pressing me firmly against his body as I kiss him back to the best of my ability and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him deeper to me. I got so lost in the kiss that I forgot that Castiel was still in the room with us.
After a while we parted for oxygen but not only that but I was sort of losing my balance. An applause erupted from beside us and we turn to see Cas with a silly grin on his face, Chuck and our Y/d/n. When they can in I haven’t the faintest clue. I could feel my cheeks heat up as a rosy blush stained my cheeks, Dean just smirked and held me close to him.
“Does that mean mummy and daddy love each other?” Y/d/n asked the room innocently.
I knew my answer, I should think that Dean shared the same answer as me but part of me couldn’t help but doubt it.
“Yes, it does Sweetheart.” Dean replied after glancing down at me and turning to face her.
#endverse!dean#endverse dean x reader#Could be worse series#endverse!cas#The End#endverse!Chuck#love#parents#croatoan#Drama#angst#supernatural#supernatural fanfiction#SPN#father dean#dean winchester#angry dean#cuteness#loving dean#pure#wholesome#kissing#first proper kiss#insecurity#passion#apocalypse#weapons#apocalyptic#supernatural x reader#supernatural x you
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Could Be Worse Part VII
A/n: It’s been a while and this chapter was very short, I’m not actually sure how many chapters I should do of this, I have an idea of how I’m going to end it but don’t know when I should start that DM me if you have any suggestions on when you want this to end.
“So...you’re a dad now, well you’re aware that you’re a dad now. Guess that came sooner than you’d expected.” I laugh anxiously whilst searching the shelves and scanning the inventory list.
“Yeah, I guess it kinda did. Never imagined it’d be like this though, in this environment.”
“Always pictured that white picket fence, apple pie life?” Dean’s silence answered my question. “I always did, with a bit of excitement added in the mix but, this apocalypse took it a bit too far.”
“Yeah we really screwed this one up.” Dean muttered as he stocked up some of the shelves.
“Well, yeah, we’re members of the human race we tend to fuck things up from time to time. I just can’t believe-”
“When I say we, I mean my brother and I. We had the chance to prevent all of this but we went our separate ways because I couldn’t trust him anymore and didn’t trust the dick angel’s to take control of me and wear me to the prom. That’s what Lucifer’s doing to my little brother Sammy.” Dean said punching a nearby wall.
“I’m sorry Dean, I didn’t-”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for.”
“Maybe we could find a way to get your brother back and then hopefully find a cure to the Croatoan virus. Ya’know because Lucifer could be behind it and if we can get rid of him without causing any harm to your brother then...who knows right? Surely it’s at least worth a try?” I suggest.
“How stupid are you? Do you really think it would be that easy to get rid of Lucifer? Do you really think that I haven’t tried that?” Dean snaps, his murderous glare aimed solely at me.
I honestly didn’t want to be in the same building as him, I’d clearly said all of the wrong thing’s to him when I just wanted to help him how ever I could.
“I-I’m sorry Dean I didn’t mean to upset you. I also didn’t-”
“No. You were only trying to help.” He grumbled as he stocked a few more shelves.
The pair of us quietly got on with our task for about twenty minutes when Dean stumbled across a relatively large unopened bottle of whiskey and held it up. I gave him a small smile in response and he twisted off the lid and offered me the first swig. The pair of us got half way through the bottle by the time our shift was over.
My world was spinning but I was still able to walk normally and think coherently I’m pretty sure the same was happening to Dean too. We walked steadily beside each other as we headed to mine and Y/d/n’s cabin.
“So do you want to tuck her in tonight?” I asked Dean.
“Well I’ve never done it before, we should do it together so I can learn.” Dean replies as we walk in and see Chuck playing with her.
“Mummy, Daddy!” Our daughter cheers abandoning Chuck and running over to us for a hug.
“Hey Sweetheart.” Dean laughs picking her up and hugging her as I hold her little hand.
“This certainly is a new side of you Dean.” Chuck laughs earning a slight glare from Dean.
“So are the pair of you back for the night or...?” Chuck trails off glancing at the half drunk bottle of whiskey hanging out of Dean’s jacket pocket, the jacket that I was currently wearing.
“I think we’ll have to see once we put Y/d/n to sleep.” I reply taking Y/d/n out of Dean’s arms to change her into her makeshift pyjamas as Chuck leaves us for the night.
Dean makes sure the bed is pressed firmly against the wall as he moves a pillow to the side I’d usually sleep on, indicating we’ll be staying up a bit longer, whilst he fluffs her pillow. I lift her onto the bed and tuck her in kissing her forehead.
“What song do you want tonight?”
“Want Dean to do it.” Y/d/n says.
“Dean do you sing?”
“Not usually. Why?”
“Well it’s going to become a regular occurrence, she wants you to sing to her tonight.” Dean shifted uncomfortably. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, we don’t judge here.” I smile encouragingly nearly completely sober which isn’t quite where I wanted to be.
“Alright.” Dean sits on the bed beside our daughter and begins to sing a song I vaguely remember, it was a song by The Beatles if I recall correctly ‘Hey Jude’ as the song drew to an end she’d fallen asleep.
“Well for someone that doesn’t frequently sing, you’ve got near enchanting vocals.” I smirk at him as he lovingly gazes at his daughter before smiling up at me. “I think we should have the rest.”
Dean stands up and moves beside me as he takes the whiskey bottle out of my/ his pocket. He raised it to my lips and poured some into my mouth nearly spilling some of it as I drink it all up before he takes his gulp. I shudder at the large intake and it’s naturally heated kick. The pair of us drink util the bottle is empty approximately consuming half the large bottle each, I begin to fidget slightly to get the slightest form if friction.
“What are you doing N/n?” Dean asks noticing my movements.
“It’s just whiskey ya’know? It makes certain things happen to me.” I hint.
“Y/n, are you seriously telling me-”
“Yes, yes I am.” I laugh timidly, “I mean it’s not great though is it? I knowingly drink my own aphrodisiac with my stunningly attractive baby daddy.”
“You’re forward now ain’t ya?” I nod with a dazed grin on my face resting my head on his shoulder. “I think maybe it’s your turn to be put to bed Darlin’.”
“Oh come on D...it wouldn’t be our first time. Or is that why you don’t wanna because you already hit it an quit it?” I slur pushing myself away from him.
“No, Sweetheart. That’s not it.” Dean says in response as he caresses my hair his beautiful eyes locking on mine. “We’re not making the same mistake as last time. Let’s get to sleep sweetheart.” Dean encourages fluffing up the once wall pillow and moving it to the head of the bed for the two of us to share.
That night in my cabin, my daughter’s loving family slept together under the same roof and in the same bed, Y/d/n was next to the wall, I was in the middle in Dean’s arms as he held me in his embrace cuddling up against me protectively, which only left Dean he was on the edge of the bed as he kept his pistol stuck under our pillow.
#Could be worse series#parenting#The End#endverse dean x reader#endverse!cas#endverse!dean#endverse!Chuck#drinking#gradual romance#Daughter#supernatural#supernatural fanfiction#dean x reader#dean winchester#mention of Samifer#Sam Winchester#lucifer#bonding#angry dean#whiskey#love#happy family#fluff#cute
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Season 01 Episode 03: “The Mark of Nimueh”
Guinevere had started spending more time with Brenna and I much like we used to, she’d been requesting our help with some tasks that had unfairly been assigned to her so of course we were more than happy to help her, I still felt a little uncomfortable around her though, I’m convinced that both her and Merlin like one another and don’t want to get in the way of my friends happiness but I also wanted that happiness for myself. I’d had a free morning and planned on going riding by myself, Brenna of course refused to let that be the case and wanted to join me which of course I allowed, I’d dressed in one of my more simplistic outfits a woodland brown shade of leggings, a faded white blouse with a dark corset belt, a dark brown pair of boots and a leaf green cape, my hair lowly tied back just so it was out of the way. I was about to mount H/n when I saw Gaius and Merlin pulling a heavy cart behind them, in a blink of an eye Gwen was there and he stood talking to Merlin before handing him a purple flower from her bouquet they spoke briefly once again, before Merlin and Gaius continued on the purple flower sticking out of the top of his blue neckerchief. I looked away mounting my trusty H/n before clenching the reigns tightly and galloping past Gaius, Merlin then Gwen without so much of a friendly smile accidentally leaving Brenna and her horse Raven in our dust.
All I wanted was a nice calm serene ride and now, I’m agitated and upset pushing H/n to their limits. I shouldn’t care this much, yes I’ve got to know Merlin better, yes I like him even more and yes I know his secret, I know he has magic but for all I know Gwen could know and feel all of these things too. What Merlin and I have isn’t special, it’s less than my bond with Gwen, with Arthur, with Morgana, with Brenna, heck probably even less than my bond with Uther. So why is it getting to me so much.
“Hey, Y/n you might want to slow down a bit, I’m sure you don’t want to take out all your frustrations on H/n.” Brenna yelled from behind me on a sprinting Raven.
I pulled the reigns slightly indicating for H/n to go at their own speed.
“What’s bothering you? You were perfectly fine, and looking forward to your morning ride and now you’re racing ahead as if you’re running away from something. I’d honestly thought you’d be glad Uther consented to you leaving the castle grounds so you didn’t have to sneak out but-“
“It’s Gwen.” I spoke cutting Brenna off.
“What’s wrong? Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s perfectly fine I dare say she’s even beyond that, I think she’s in love.” I reply.
“Well isn’t that a good thing?” Brenna asked as she rode beside me.
“Yeah of course it is just; I wish she were in love with someone else.”
“Why? Who is she in love with?”
“I think she might be in love with Merlin and…I think he feels the same about her. For all I know they’re already courting.”
“I doubt that they’re courting but, why is it bothering you so much?”
“I’m not sure.” I sighed, our horses stayed at a steady walking pace as we talked about other events in our lives but my mind focused on trying to come up with an answer to Brenna’s question.
An hour or so had passed by the time we decided to head back, I was feeling better despite still not achieving a conclusion. We dismounted in the courtyard and led our horses back to the stables before bumping into a rather on edge Arthur.
“Y/n. You’re alright.” Arthur exclaimed checking me over.
“Yes, I ‘m alright. Shouldn’t I be?” I asked confused at Arthur’s relief.
“There’s a plague spreading around Camelot and it’s very deadly we don’t know what it is but we know it’s some kind of sorcery.”
Fantastic something goes wrong in Camelot it’s magic. Uther finally let’s me go riding and now I’m back to being forced to stay in the castle and do nothing whilst the people of Camelot die.
“So what’s going on as of now to prevent it?”
“Father’s ordered me to lead some of our guards in tracking down the sorcerer behind it all.” Arthur answers, “You should probably get inside and let Morgana know you’re okay, she’s been worried about your absence.” I nodded my head leaving my horse for the kind stable boy to attend to.
As I made my way into Morgana’s chambers, I was barely even a step in when I was tackled into a tight hug from my sister.
“Thank goodness you’re okay!” She sighed in relief however still not letting me go. “I’ve been so worried.”
“I’m perfectly fine, I promise. It is ironic though, the one the one time I’m allowed outside the castle grounds, a plague infects Camelot.” I laugh in attempt to lighten the mood.
“You do realise that privilege has probably been revoked.”
“I’d go one step further and say it’s definitely been revoked.”
“Please pay attention to it though Y/n, for once listen to Uther. For me.” Morgana pleaded I couldn’t exactly refuse her and I wasn’t stupid.
“I promise.” I say leaving her room to get myself a drink.
Guinevere ran right past me sobbing, she was on her way to Gaius’s by the looks of things, as was I to see if there’d been any developments on the sickness situation. Merlin sped past me a bucket of water in his hands which did seem a bit odd, I was about to take a sip from my goblet when in a flash it was smacked out of my hand, it’s content spilling onto the ground.
“Merlin! Why did you do that?” I snapped as he’d appeared in front of me, I was dehydrated and desperately wanted a drink since I hadn’t drank anything since last night.
“Don’t drink that, in fact don’t drink any water.” Merlin ordered.
“What? Why?”
“Gaius and I believe the plague is being transferred through the water supply.”
“Couldn’t you just have used your magic and made my water safe to drink?” I huff feeling a headache coming on.
“You should probably keep your voice down, at this rate I think you want to see my head cut off. And also, Gaius told me not to use my magic for this, that we’d find another solution.” Merlin said as we walked to Gaius’s chambers.
The door was open and I could hear Gwen crying and pleading inside. When we entered Gaius was explaining the situation to her before apologizing to her. Gwen turned around tears streaming down her face as she ran from the room, I fled too wanting to catch up with her, to see if there was any way I could help her. Upon catching up to her I pulled her in for a hug.
“Gwen, what’s wrong?”
“It’s my father, he’s been infected Y/n.” She cried, “He’s all I have. There must be something they can do.”
I rubbed her back soothingly as her sobs came harder and less controlled.
“Don’t worry, I’m certain Merlin and Gaius will be able to come up with something for you and your father before it’s too late. Take the rest of the day off, Brenna and I will do the rest of your tasks today I’m sure Morgana will understand.” I coo to her in attempt to calm her down.
It must’ve worked because she’s pulled away and wiping away some of her tears before nodding and leaving the castle to spend the day with her father. I walk back to Gaius’s room and see Merlin is nowhere in sight.
“Y/n, can I help you?” Gaius asks his attention now on me.
“ Well yes, I was wondering if you could make me one of the draughts you used to do to ease the pain of my headaches.”
“Certainly, is that all?”
“No, where’s Merlin?” Gaius nods his head to the wooden door leading to the back room.
I smile and thank him as I walk over to the door and enter without knocking, quick as a flash Merlin shoves the book he was reading under his pillow before seeing that it was me.
“Didn’t mean to startle you, I just…I know Gaius said no magic but, it’s Gwen she’s only got her father she can’t lose him.” I say firmly.
“I know.” Merlin says pulling out the book from under his pillow. “And she won’t once I’ve got this spell perfected, he should be fine.”
Oh…of course he was already doing it. Why wouldn’t he be? He does love her after all.
“Right…I’ll leave you be then.” I say before hurriedly leaving and turning in for the night.
The next day Arthur had hurried out to the lower town to interrogate Gwen’s father as word spread that he was no longer sick which was great, Merlin must’ve done it however looking at it now and Gwen’s father being the only one to have survived did make it seem a bit suspicious.
“Y/n come quickly!” Morgana pleaded.
“What’s going on?” Brenna asked confused by my twins outlandish intrusion.
“It’s Gwen. They’re arresting her. They think she’s the sorcerer.”
I leapt up and ran to the throne room where Uther would inevitably pass his judgement on her Brenna directly behind me and Morgana a bit after her. We arrived at the throne room before anything happened and saw a pleading Gwen on the floor.
“He got better. He’s recovered, I didn’t do anything.” Gwen begged.
“I believe you.” Morgana says marching in with us.
“Perhaps this disease is not always fatal.” I say standing my ground beside my friends. “Have you thought of that?”
“Perhaps he recovered naturally.” Morgana adds.
“And what of this poultice that was found?” Uther asks calmly.
“What poultice? I don’t know anything about a poultice.” Gwen states.
“It was found in your house.” Uther says standing up from his throne to talk down to Gwen. “Undo this enchantment. Put an end to this contagion.”
“I can’t!”
“I can show you no mercy.”
“I am not a witch! I don’t know how to stop the illness.”
“If you will not undo your sorcery you force my hand, I must find you guilty.”
“But I can’t, I’ve told you-“
“It is my duty to pronounce judgement. Under the circumstances, I have no choice but to sentence you to death.”
“No.” Gwen whimpers.
“I can only that when you die, this evil plague dies with you.”
With that Gwen is dragged away still pleading her innocence.
“Are you seriously that blind! She’s clearly innocent, yet you chose to believe otherwise because if you don’t then you have to face the fact that you don’t actually know what you’re doing!” I growl at Uther my glare piercing through to his soul.
“Silence! You will not take that tone with me, you will not disrespect me in front of the court. Need you be reminded what will happen to you if this behaviour continues!” Uther seethes venomously his glare just as harsh and yet I don’t back down.
“You can lock me away for a week, as long as you spare the life of a clearly innocent girl that’s done nothing but serve us and love her father.” I challenge I’m about to take it to a whole new level when Morgana intervenes.
“I know Gwen. She’s my maidservant, not an enchantress.”
“Have you ever seen an enchantress?” Uther asks coldly. “Believe me they bare no sign of the mark. There is no sense of evil in the eye.”
“I’ve seen the way the girl works. Her fingers are worn, her nails are broken. If she was a sorceress , then why would she do this, why would she kneel on a cold stone floor, morning after morning, when she could make these things happen with a snap of her fingers? Like an idle king.” Morgana finishes.
“You have no right!” Uther hisses at her.
“Yu have a right to cast judgement on-“
“I have a responsibility to take care of this kingdom. I take no pleasure in this.”
“You’re sentencing the wrong person.” Morgana’s voice comes softer this time not wishing to rile Uther up any more.
“She’s right, Y/n too. You hear the word ‘magic’, and you no longer listen.” Arthur joins.
“You saw yourself…she used enchantments.”
“Yes, maybe. But to save her dying father, that doesn’t make her guilty of creating a plague. One’s the act of kindness of love, the other of evil. I don’t believe evil is in this girl’s heart.”
“I have witnessed what witchcraft can do. I have suffered at its hand. I cannot take that chance. If there is the slightest doubt about this girl she must die or the whole kingdom may perish.”
“I understand that.”
“One day you may become king. Then, you will understand. Such decisions must be made. There are dark forces that threaten this kingdom.”
“I know. Witchcraft is an evil, Father. So is injustice. Yes I am yet to be king and I don’t know what kind of king I will be. But I do have a sense of the kind of Camelot I wish to live in. It will be where the punishment fits the crime.” Arthur speaks calmly trying to meet Uther on even ground.
“I fear you are right. She’s played with fire. And sadly she must die by fire.” Uther says before swigging the contents of his goblet leaving, Morgana exits the throne room in the opposite direction.
“Arthur, we can’t let her die she’s innocent.” I say.
“I’m aware Y/n but at this point I don’t know what we could do to prove her innocence.” Arthur says as he two leaves the room leaving Brenna and I alone with two guards at the main entrance.
We decide to go and see Gwen in the cells to see how she’s coping but on our way down my sister rushes past us trying to fight her tears.
“Brenna, you go ahead. I need to see if my sister is okay.” I say hurrying after her. “Morgana, talk to me what’s wrong?” I ask despite being fully aware of the situation.
“She’s our friend Y/n. She’s going to pay the ultimate price for a crime she did not commit.” Morgan cries holding onto me.
“No she won’t. I won’t let that happen to her or anyone else that’s falsely accused.” I promise.
“How can you be so sure you heard Uther-“
“It’s me, I’m not going to randomly start listening to what Uther says and agree with it if I don’t, I fight him. Yes he may not like me as an outcome however; I’d have done the right thing, something Uther gets to say he does on the rarest of occasions.” Morgana was silent for a moment as we separated.
“Please help her.” She eventually whispered before walking away, with a new sense of determination I snuck past the guards as Brenna distracted them for me.
I heard voices as I approached, Merlin and Gwen.
“It’s all right. Don’t worry about me. There’s no point crying about it. I mean, I’m not saying that you were going to cry about me. Obviously I don’t think that.” Gwen stammered.
“Oh Gwen.” Merlin whispered, “I can’t have this happen.”
“Please, one thing. You, you don’t have to. But…”
“Remember me.” Gwen asked, my heart broke at her words.
“You’re not going to die. I’m not going to let this happen.” Merlin vows as he turns and leaves making me hide behind one of the convenient stick out-ish walls that are all over the castle as he runs right past me.
I step out and slowly approach her, her brown eyes glossy and wide from the tears that currently stained her cheeks. Guinevere was the most innocent and kind soul around, practically everyone in Camelot was friends with her or were at least pleasantly acquainted with her. If the public were allowed to give their verdict they’d all say she was innocent despite the heinous accusations.
“Gwen.” I spoke softly not wanting the guards to know I was there.
“Y/n what are you doing here? If you were to get caught goodness knows what King Uther would do.” Gwen said startled by my presence.
“It’s okay, I can look after myself. But now I’m here to look after you, I promise you Uther will not have his way, you will live I’ll see to that personally.”
“Y/n don’t make promises you can’t always guarantee to keep.” Gwen replied as a fresh tear fell down her face. “Could you promise me something else though? If I am to die tomorrow, please look after my father, he doesn’t have much and I know my death will consume him so please, show him the kindness you show to me and everyone else you encounter, don’t let him fall onto a dark path.” I kept her gaze, I could feel her hopelessness and her sorrow.
“I promise. If that day comes I promise you he’ll be in good hands.”
“Thank you.” Gwen whispered as I took my leave, Brenna once again following after me once I was passed the guards and rounded the corner.
“Y/n Uther is holding a court in process now if we hurry we could try intervene in some way. Brenna spoke causing me to run up the stairs and take the quickest route that would lead us the passage way at the front of the court room.
Upon arrival the double doors burst open and a semi-out of breath Merlin appeared.
“It was me. It was me that used magic to cure Gwen’s father. Gwen is not the sorcerer. I am.” Merlin boldly announced causing Gaius to stand abruptly.
“Merlin! Are you mad?” Gaius spoke in efforts to discourage him.
“I cannot let her die for me. I place myself at your mercy.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Gaius tried as he faced Uther.
“I do.”
“Then arrest him.” Uther ordered taking his seat at the head of the table.
“Father, please I can’t allow this. This is madness! There’s no way Merlin is a sorcerer.” Arthur spoke quickly.
“Did you not hear him? He admitted it.”
“He saved my life, remember?” Arthur tried once again.
“Why should he fabricate such a story?” Uther then asked.
“As Gaius said, he’s got a grave mental disease.” Arthur attempted causing everyone to look over at Merlin.
“Really?” Uther spoke unconvinced as Arthur crossed his arms and nodded even though his face clearly gave away the fact that he was lying.
“He’s in love!” I blurt stepping into the room properly making everyone’s attention including Merlin’s to land on me.
“What?” Merlin asked taken aback by my accusation.
“With Gwen.” I continued to Uther.
“I am not.” He tried.
“Yes, you are.” Arthur said quickly siding with me, it stung slightly if Arthur could see it, it had to be true.
“I saw you with that flower she’d given you.” Arthur too nodded his head as he approached Merlin.
“But…I’m not in love with her.” Merlin said his eyes locked on mine.
“It’s all right.” Arthur said wrapping his arm around Merlin’s shoulders.
“You can admit it.” I added.
“I don’t even think of her like that!” Merlin snapped his eyes never leaving mine.
“Perhaps she cast a spell on you.” Uther teased before laughing making Merlin fall silent for a moment.
“Merlin is a wonder, but the wonder is that he’s such an idiot.” Arthur spoke shaking Merlin whom remained quiet. “There’s no way he’s a sorcerer.”
“Don’t waste my time again. Let him go.” With that Merlin was released and Arthur moved back to his original position at the table.
Not sure of what else to do Merlin awkwardly left, Gaius soon politely dismissing himself to follow after the young sorcerer. Brenna lightly tapped my shoulder and signalled for us to take our leave back through the way we’d entered. We were making our way to the physician’s quarters when we saw Gaius and Merlin leaving it.
“Wait.” I called Brenna and I catching up to them.
“Ah, Y/n. I’m afraid my dear we can’t stop for too long your draught for your headaches is on my bench if you’d like to help yourself?” Gaius spoke.
“Thank you Gaius but, that can wait. Where are you two going?”
“We’re going to try to find out what is causing this disease to prove Gwen’s innocence.” Merlin answered actively avoiding looking at me, he must be angry that I told the court about his love.
“We’ll come too.”
“Y/n. I’m afraid I must insist that you don’t, this could be dangerous.” Gaius attempted to dissuade but, I was having none of it.
“No! I made a promise to myself, to Gwen and to my twin sister! I’m proving Gwen’s innocence whether you let me or not.” Gaius smiled, his eyes filled with pride.
“Of course, you and Brenna may join us but it could still be dangerous.”
“I’m not afraid.” I spoke confidently as Brenna nodded in agreement her face showing an equal amount of determination.
We walked just outside the castle grounds and along the side wall following it around until we reached a wooden door, Gaius pulled out an old key and unlocked the door as we hurried inside. There was one flaming torch at the entrance and the room only had a dark murky set of stairs that lead downwards, Merlin picked up one of the potential torches that lay on the dusty stone ground and lit it off the main flame creating our own source of light as we continued down the uneven steps. Upon reaching the bottom we found other torched lit along the walls granting extra visibility however, Merlin still kept a hold of his.
“This water supplies the whole town. Take a sample.” He spoke to Merlin as we approached a large basin filled with water.
To do as requested, Merlin handed the torch to Brenna before he searched through the satchel grabbing a vial and scooped up some water. Once he’d put it away securely in the bag Brenna handed the torch back to Merlin as we turned to leave.
“Let’s take it back and examine it.” Gaius spoke.
“Well I don’t know about you guys but that wasn’t remotely dangerous.” Brenna said a silly grin on her pale face.
There was a sudden roar behind us and a splash of water causing us to all turn back to the basin. After seeing nothing but suddenly no longer feeling completely safe we hurried back to Gaius’s.
“It was an Afanc.” Gaius spoke after finding something in one of his many books.
“An…A what?” Merlin asked looking down into the book.
“A beast born of clay and conjured up only by the most powerful sorcerer.” Brenna responded making us look at her in confusion and bewilderment.
“Now we have to find a way to defeat it.” I said.
“But where?” Brenna asked as we all looked up at the collection of books Gaius possessed.
“That could take days. Gwen’ll be dead by then.” Merlin spoke anxiously.
“Have you got a better idea?” Gaius asked a smirk made its way onto Merlin’s face as he hurried away.
“Well seen as though he’s ran off we best get started.” I spoke up as I grabbed our first set of books to begin our search for information.
We’d made our way through a fair few books scanning the text on every page for anything about an Afanc, Gaius ended up leaving to go on his supply run promising to be back as soon as he could. I’d moved onto another book when Merlin burst in looking at every book title and occasionally skimming through some text, but Brenna and I remained focused on our task at hand.
“Merlin, what are you doing?” A curious Gaius asked an energetic Merlin, as he entered and placed his satchel down.
“Looking for a book.”
“Care to tell me which one?”
“A book on elements.”
“Yes. Which one would I find them in?”
“Most of them. The study of base elements is at the very heart of scientific process.” I spoke up my eyes never leaving my book.
“But, how will they help me kill the Afanc?” Merlin asked.
“Well the Afanc is a creature made of earth and water, that’s two of the four base elements.” Brenna answered.
“What about the other two?”
“Well, perhaps they will destroy it.” Gaius suggested. “You want fire-“
“Wind and fire.” I interrupted putting my book down.
“How did you find this out?” Gaius asked Merlin.
“Erm…I just knew, ya’know. Part of my powers.” Merlin replies, my eyes widen in shock, I’d already assumed that Gaius knew but I’m pretty sure Brenna didn’t and here they were off handedly talking about it in front of her.
“What else do your powers tell you?”
“That I’m one side of a coin. The brighter side, obviously.” Merlin says quickly.
“And who’s the other?” Brenna asks seemingly unfazed by all the other revelations.
“That’d be Arthur.”
The door creaks open and in comes my sister.
“They’re bringing forward the execution. We have to prove Gwen’s innocence.” She speaks.
“We’re trying.” Gaius replies.
“Please just tell me what I can do to help.”
“We need Arthur.” I say standing up.
“Arthur?” My sister asks.
“There’s a monster-“ I begin.
“An Afanc in the water supply that’s what’s causing the plague.” Merlin continues as walks toward Morgana.
“We must tell Uther.” Morgana insists.
“The Afanc is a creature forged by magic. Telling Uther would just blame Gwen for conjuring it.” I say and she nods.
“So what are we to do?”
“We need to destroy it. Then the plague will stop and Uther may see sense.” Merlin says.
Personally I wouldn’t bet on those odds but we have to have faith I suppose.
“And that’s why you need Arthur.” Morgana says having caught up with the situation.
“He’s our best chance.” Merlin says firmly.
“But he won’t want to disobey the King.” Brenna states, Morgana’s eyes flick between us.
“Leave that to me.” She says confidently as she goes to locate Arthur.
Gaius hands Merlin the key to the door from earlier and he leaves, me following closely behind him as Brenna and Gaius remain. Merlin and I wait for Morgana to hopefully show up with Arthur in the courtyard so that we can kill this creature and save Gwen’s life. We wait by the makeshift burning stake seeing Arthur and Morgana approach as we lead the way, Arthur drawing his before we even leave the courtyard. We reach the entrance, this time Arthur and Morgana light the torches and carry them as we head to the stone basin.
“You better be right about this Merlin.” Arthur says taking the lead.
There’s a low rumbling growl which startles my sister making her stop and gasp, whilst Arthur scans the area.
“You two should stay here.” Arthur says to Morgana and I.
“We’re coming with you.” I say forcibly.
“Scared we’ll show you up?” Morgana teases.
“Father would slam us all in chains if he knew I’d endangered you.” Arthur speaks honestly making me wince at the memories of my last chaining.
Morgana looks at me sympathetically before making her decision.
“Good thing he doesn’t know, then.”
“I’m telling you, turn back. You could get hurt.”
“So could you…if you don’t get out of my way.” With that my sister walks forward taking the lead.
“How’re we gonna find it?” Morgana asks after we hear the Afanc’s growl again.
“Just hope we do, before it finds us.” Merlin says as we continue on.
“Stop!” Arthur calls as we all turn back around.
“What?” Merlin asks before we see a sudden movement.
“It’s just a shadow.” Arthur dismisses, so we continue our search.
“Spread out.” Arthur suggests, there were only three directions to go so I went with my twin.
Within a couple of seconds we hear Arthur grunting and hurry back to him.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Are you alright?” Morgana adds.
“Yeah.” Arthur sighs.
“Did you see it?” Merlin asks hurrying back to us.
“What did it look like?”
“It, it’s quick.” Arthur right as my sister screams and the beast roars. “Where is it?”
“I think it’s gone this way.” Merlin calls as we follow him.
The Anfac grumbles as is slowly prowls towards us.
“Arthur, use the torch!” I command as he advances toward the creature.
Next to me Merlin begins to chant a spell of some kind whilst Morgana and Arthur are busy with the Anfac, I notice something I’d never noticed before though Merlin’s eyes go a beautiful shade of gold when he casts a spell. For a moment I’d completely forgotten the Anfac was there as I gaze in amazement at Merlin before a gust of wind winds through the tunnels and manipulates the flame on Arthur’s torch allowing it to consume the Anfac. We leave the tunnels after making sure the beast was indeed dead so that we could share our triumph as Arthur sends word to Uther.
Morgana, Merlin and I meet with Brenna and Thomas her father before we rush down to the prison cells, thankfully I’d been granted access seen as though I was with Morgana and we hurried to see Gwen. The moment the cell gate was opened Thomas ran in and hugged his daughter tightly overwhelmed with joy and relief.
“Thank you.” Gwen said to my sister as she parted from her father.
“Don’t thank me. It was more Merlin and Y/n.”
“Really?” She asked.
“He’s more the real hero here.” I said putting a smile on my face.
���I don’t know what to say.” Gwen sighed looking up at Merlin.
“I didn’t do anything.” Merlin laughed uncomfortably.
“I’m grateful to you all. Come on, Gwen.” Her father says as he ushers her out of the cells but not before Brenna pulls her in for a hug and leaves with them leaving me, Morgana and Merlin in the cell.
“Merlin, I wanted you to know…your secret’s safe with me.” Morgana says a serious expression on her face.
She saw, she heard I didn’t think she had but I was relieved that I now needn’t worry about hiding Merlin’s truth from my sister.
“My secret?” Merlin says acting oblivious.
“Merlin, don’t pretend. I know what you did.”
“You do?”
“Saw it with my own eyes.”
“You did?”
“I understand why you wouldn’t want anyone to know.”
“Well obviously.” I murmur.
“But I won’t tell anyone.” She says smiling up at Merlin as he smiles back at her. “You don’t mind me talking to you about it?”
“Er, no. You have no idea how hard it is to keep this hidden.” Merlin replies giddily as my sister laughs, I feel like I should’ve left already but for some reason I remained.
“Well, you can continue to deny it, but I think Gwen’s a very lucky woman.” Morgana finally says, so she didn’t see his magic and she too had picked up on their fondness for one another.
“It’s our secret.” Morgana says smiling as she places her finger to her ruby red lips prior to walking away and Merlin lets out a sigh.
“Well, it’s not much but, I still know. I haven’t forgotten and I haven’t told anyone.” I smile at him shyly trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah that’s true, you know, Gaius knows, my mum knows.-“
“Brenna knows.”I add.
“What? I thought you said you didn’t tell anyone.”
“I didn’t. She was in the same room as us when you and Gaius were talking about a book about elements, heck she even explained some things to you.” I defended before walking away from him.
Who does he think he is? Thinking that I’d betray someone’s trust like that. I think as I storm up to my chambers to retire for the evening after a hectic day. Brenna knew her services wouldn’t be required for the rest of this evening to I didn’t have her to worry about barging into my room as I began to strip out of my dress and corset abandoning my clothes on the ground before making my way over to my chest of draws and pulling out a night gown when I hear my chamber door slam shut. Instinctively I hide my exposed body behind the night dress.
“Y/n, Gaius asked me to-“ Merlin began before his eyes landed on me.
“MERLIN! Turn around!” I screamed at the raven haired boy, once he did I ran behind my changing screen and put the dress on.
Once I’d regained my modesty, I stepped out from behind the screen and picked up my abandoned clothes and put them in my laundry hamper.
“You can turn around no Merlin. What is it you wanted?” Merlin turned around to face me a familiar vial in his hand.
“Gaius told me to give you this, said they’d help with your returning headaches.” He said placing the vial down on my table.
“Thank you Merlin. Is there anything else you wanted?” I asked my cheeks still slightly flushed from the earlier incident.
“There is one thing.” Merlin said as he walked over to stand directly in front of me.
“Yes?” I questioned trying to slow my pounding heart.
“Why did you tell Uther I’m in love with Gwen?” Okay not what I was expecting if I’m completely honest.
“Well it’s just kind of obvious that she likes you and that you like her, so obvious that not only did Morgana notice but Arthur has done too.” I reply avoiding giving him eye contact.
“What does Brenna think, you value her opinion don’t you?” Merlin urges.
“Well…she thinks you like someone else.” Not entirely a lie.
“And who would that be?” He asks taking a step closer to me his eyes shining with mischief.
“I…I don’t know, she didn’t say.”
“Are you quiet sure of that My Lady?” He says suggestively, this time leaning closer to me.
“I’m honestly not entirely sure of anything right now.” I laugh anxiously not knowing how else to react to his intense line of questioning and closeness.
“What if I were to prove to you I didn’t love Gwen?”
“I seriously don’t know how you’d manage-“ I was cut off by Merlin’s soft lips landing upon mine, my eyes instinctively closing, I’d never been kissed before I didn’t know how to respond.
His lips moved against mine encouraging me to copy his movements as one of his arms slithered around my waist pressing me tightly to him, my right arm cradled around the back of his neck giving me some more support and deepening the kiss. Once I finally realised what was happening I pulled away.
“I’m sorry Merlin, I didn’t mean to…” I couldn’t finish my sentence I was blushing, my heart was pounding and I felt conflicted.
My friend is in love with him, I know she’s in love with him, I can’t be kissing him! I’m ruining her chance at happiness. But I could also be ruining my chance at happiness.
“No, please forgive me that was too forward of me.” Merlin stammers his cheeks pink as he straightens out his clothing, “I just thought…never mind.”
“Merlin. What did you think?” I ask eagerly as he scurries away bumping into some of my furniture, his confidence long gone his clumsiness now returning.
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” With that Merlin leaves.
I was overwhelmed by everything that had just happened. Why would Merlin kiss me? He likes Guinevere doesn’t he? Maybe he was just caught up from all the excitement earlier with the Afanc. If ever there was a time to have a Seer to show you or tell you your future. Attempting to push all my thoughts away and out of my mind I drank my requested draught from Gaius and staggered to my bed hoping to put this all behind me.
#bbc merlin x reader#bbc merlin#bbc gaius#merlin x reader#merlin x gwen#friends to lovers#jealousy#unreciprocated love#soulmates#arthur pendragon#morgana's twin#morgana's sister#morgana#kissing#camelot#king uther#uther pendragon#arthur x morgana#Magic#fluff#awkward#chivalry#Nimueh#oc
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Season 01 Episode 02: “Valiant”
Things in Camelot had become rather hectic recently, everyone was making preparations for the upcoming tournament. All the castle’s staff were in overworking mode to make sure all the rooms were appropriate for the challengers stay and that the halls were decorated in a tasteful fashion. I always looked forward to tournaments it was just something new that was going on in Camelot that brought the kingdom together, plus it took Uther’s mind of executing people for a while he became a whole other person whenever an event like this came around, it makes me wish they took place every week.
Brenna had been teasing me at every given opportunity constantly mentioning Merlin to me whenever she could, to be fair though at this point it was just becoming annoying though sometimes she’d just randomly say his name to see if I was paying attention to her. I’m still not completely sure how or why I’d become infatuated with a guy I hardly knew but I guess that’s life sometimes though. I’d seen him around the castle, never talking to him, just seeing him run around trying to do Arthur’s demands for the day. As for Guinevere I’d hardly spoken to her because if she wasn’t with Morgana she’d be with Merlin, she didn’t talk to Brenna or I since Merlin became Arthur’s manservant. I could hardly be surprised though, the pair of them did have an instant connection.
Brenna and I watched on from a distance as Arthur attempted to train with Merlin, I say attempted to he would’ve found a tree to be more challenging than Merlin. We couldn’t hide our amusement as Arthur essentially played with Merlin occasionally hitting his sword against Merlin’s helmet disorientating the poor lad before we became bored and decided to help the others with the preparations.
Today’s the first day of the tournament, Brenna of course did all she could to make me look as stunning as she was capable of, especially because I’d be on full display seated next to Uther much like my sister. Morgana was of course on Uther’s right accompanied by Guinevere and I was on his left accompanied by Brenna. Because of all the effort Brenna does to make me look the part I could hardly pass up the opportunity to do the same for her, particularly for such an event in front of many bachelors.
We watched as the knight’s came forward into the arena for Uther’s speech.
“Knight’s of the realm, it’s a great honour to welcome you to the tournament in Camelot. Over the next three days, you will come to put your bravery to the test, you skills as warriors and, of course, challenge the reigning champion, my son, Prince Arthur. Only one can have the honour of being crowned champion, and he will receive a prize of 1,000 gold pieces.” The crowd gasps and begins to murmur whilst a knight in yellow eyes up the chest. “It is in combat that we learn a knight’s true nature, whether he is indeed a warrior or a coward. The tournament begins!” Uther declares as he raises his fist and the crowd cheers.
I was as the yellow knight flashes my twin a charming look which she immediately responds to flashing him a smile whilst locking her gorgeous green eyes onto his I think blue ones, I honestly can’t tell from where I’m sitting. The knight’s disband leaving Arthur, Uther and one other knight in the arena Uther clasps on to Arthur and whispers something to him but from Arthur’s reaction he clearly hadn’t wished him luck. Two guards approached and took their capes and handed them their shields as they prepared themselves for the duel. A flash of concern appeared on Uther’s face once they started, he clearly didn’t have enough faith in Arthur, but he’d trained with me and Morgana whilst we grew up, Uther had nothing to fear Arthur was Camelot’s best knight. A few moments later after elbowing the other knight in the face knocking him to the ground the crowd began to cheer as Arthur removed his helmet to bathe in his victory. He’d advanced to the next round. After Arthur’s fight the knight in yellow took on his opponent succeeding greatly without breaking a sweat, he too removed his helmet a cocky grin on his face as he oozed arrogance. The next knight fought against another with two swords and no shield which was intriguing, he was clearly more confident with his blades on offence than having a shield for defence. As the day went on the fights lasted longer, the participants were sloppier in some of their moves I couldn’t blame them they’ve been in armour all day and the weather was rather warm, there was only a couple of rounds left before the first day of the tournament would come to an end.
Now that the fighting was over Uther, Morgana and I needed to prepare to individually congratulate each knight that had advanced to day two of the tournament. We lined up side by side Uther first, my sister in the middle with Gwen behind her and finally myself and Brenna unfortunately Brenna had to actually stand behind me for this part but I honestly don’t think she minded. The knight in yellow was first and Morgana couldn’t fight the flustered grin on her face which caused Gwen, Brenna and I to laugh slightly.
“Knight Valiant of the Western Isles, my Lord.” He introduced to Uther.
Valiant seriously, that’s his actually name? I highly doubt it.
“I saw you fighting today. You have a very aggressive style.”
“As my Lord said, “To lose is to be disgraced.”” Valiant quoted to Uther.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Uther replied causing me to roll my eyes. “Knight Valiant, may I present the Lady Morgana and her sister the Lady Y/n, my wards.”
Valiant’s eyes never left my sister’s as her bowed and kissed her hand which was a little creepy to watch but it happened.
“My Lady.”
“I saw you competing today.” Morgana said adding a more ladylike softness to her voice.
“I saw you watching.” Valiant replied causing a light blush to creep upon my sister’s cheeks.
“I understand the champion escorts my Lady to the feast.” He says glancing at Arthur.
“That’s correct.”
“And I will give everything to win that tournament.” Valiant boldly charmed which again caused me to roll my eyes before he turned to me. “My Lady.” He bowed kissing the back of my hand.
I never liked that tradition I know it’s a display of politeness and respect but, the last thing I actually want is a built up amount of saliva on the back of my hand from various men kissing it. Thankfully Valiant didn’t say anything further to me but he strutted away with a smug smile on his face as my twin eyed him up. Before the next knight approached us it was the same thing over and over again until it was Arthur’s turn.
“Arthur.” Uther said.
“Father.” Arthur replied as he bowed before moving over to my sister and myself.
“They all seem rather impressed by the knight Valiant.” Morgana said a playful smile on her face.
“They’re not the only ones.” Arthur stated clearly irritated.
“Not jealous, are you?” I teased which resulted in me getting a glare from Arthur.
“I don’t see there’s anything to be jealous of.” Arthur replied haughtily to Morgana making her glare at him as he walked away.
“Could Arthur be any more annoying?” Morgana complained to us.
“Oh my dear sister I’m pretty sure we both know from firsthand experience he could.” I replied causing Brenna a Gwen to laugh.
“True.” Morgana replied before saying, “I so hope knight Valiant wins the tournament.”
“You don’t really mean that.” Gwen chimed as Morgana turned her full attention to her.
“Yes. I do.” She responded.
After dealing with a couple of knights we went our separate ways to retire for the evening.
The second day of the tournament had begun, each battle lasting longer that yesterdays as they were all further driven now that they had advanced and were closer to winning. Valiant was up against a knight in purple, he’d introduced himself to me at the reception but there was so many names to try to remember, their fight was exciting and I was rooting for the purple knight when Valiant tripped him up and got on top of him shield pressing down against his before he punched the knight and won the match. The purple knight lay on the ground almost as if he were lifeless, that was when I saw Gaius staggering into the arena with his satchel of medical supplies. The tournament continued until more challengers were eliminated.
Brenna and I decided that we’d pay a visit to Valiant’s opponent and see if we could help Gaius in any way. We walked through the maze like halls of the castle before reaching the Physician’s Quarters were I once again bumped into a rather determined Merlin.
“Sorry about that my Lady, I had something on my mind and wasn’t watching where I was going.” Merlin said his eyes hard.
“No it’s alright, no harm done.” I replied before Merlin walked away.
“You two are useless.” Brenna laughed before we entered Gaius’s room.
“Is he going to be okay?” I asked looking at the unconscious sweating knight.
“I’m afraid I’m not sure, it seems he was bitten by a snake Lady Y/n.”
Gaius, please just call me Y/n I’ve known you my entire life it feels wrong.” I answered. “A snake but there wasn’t any snakes around were there?” I asked getting back to the matter at hand.
“No, Y/n as far as I’m aware.” Gaius responded.
“But he was fine whilst he was fighting Valiant so there must’ve been one.” Brenna chimed.
Valiant, his shield has three snakes on. He couldn’t have used magic could he? I honestly expected more from a sorcerer.
“Sorry Gaius I have to check something.” I dismissed myself as I hurried Valiant’s chambers running straight into a horrified Merlin.
Merlin wasted no time in grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him as we ran and hid Merlin’s hand was on my mouth before I could ask him any questions, moments later an angry Valiant strode in his blade ready as Merlin hid us behind a wall. Eventually Valiant left and Merlin removed his hand.
“What is going on?” I demanded glaring at Merlin for abducting me for a second time.
“I think Valiant’s using magic to win the tournament, his shield seems to be enchanted.” Merlin spoke urgently.
“The snakes on his shield are real, he fed one a live mouse.” Okay that’s a bit gross.
“I knew there was something off about that guy!” I hissed as Merlin began dragging me off again. “Where are we going?”
“We need to tell Gaius.” With that we made our way back to the Physician.
“I’ve just seen one of the snakes in Valiant’s shield come alive. He’s using magic.” Merlin announced my hand still in his.
“Are you sure?” Gaius asked looking up at us.
“The snake ate a mouse one swallow, straight down.” Merlin insisted. “Ewan was fighting Valiant when he collapsed. It must’ve been one of the snakes from the shield.
“I have to tell Arthur.” I spoke as I turned to leave as Merlin’s hand released mine.
“Is there any chance you might be mistaken? Y/n what did you see?” Gaius asked.
“I didn’t actually see anything but, I suspected it and from Valiant’s response he’s definitely hiding something he doesn’t want anyone to know about.” I deduced.
“Yes Gaius, I know magic when I see it.” Merlin responded.
What does he mean by that?
“Have you any proof?” Brenna finally spoke.
“Don’t you believe me?” Merlin asked.
“I dare say we all believe you.”
“I fear you’ll land yourself in trouble. How would you explain that you were in Valiant’s chambers?” Gaius asked.
“What does that matter?” Merlin snapped. “He’s using magic to cheat in the tournament!”
“You can’t accuse a knight of using magic without proof, the King wouldn’t accept the word of a servant over that of a knight.” Brenna spoke honestly.
“So what I say doesn’t count for anything?”
“It counts for very little as far as the King’s concerned that’s how it is.” I sigh.
An agitated Merlin leaves for his room as Brenna and I too leave Gaius alone for the night.
The next day Arthur’s first opponent is a bear of a man just seeing him instils fear in my sister and I.
“You’re not worried, are you?” I overhear Gwen ask my clearly anxious sister.
“No.” Comes her short reply as she fidgets with her hands.
The crowd let’s out numerous cheers as Arthur dodges all of his challengers attacks before catching him off guard and knocking him to the ground as everyone releases a final cheer for Arthur. Next up was the cheating Valiant that fights dirty and aggressively to get himself a brutal win. The final fight will be between Arthur and Valiant, what if he uses his snakes against him a kills him?
“We have to do something.” I whisper urgently to Brenna, “He can’t fight Arthur tomorrow, he needs to be exposed for using magic.” I hated to say it but this time the magic was being manipulated for evil. Brenna nodded her head agreeing with me, we just weren’t sure of what we could do.
That evening all the knights were set to have drinks with Uther so I knew Valiant’s shield was unattended, maybe if I could get it to Gaius we could figure something out. As I approached his chambers Merlin once again ran into me only this time he had something in one of his hands and yet again his other grabbed mine and we fled from Valiant’s chambers.
“Merlin we’ve got to stop meeting like this.” I laugh slightly out of breath as we run to Gaius.
“At least you can’t say we have dull moments.” He replied as we entered Gaius’s chambers.
Merlin handed the thing to Gaius, it was the head of a green and yellow snake. Not really what I was expecting but it was better than nothing. Gaius extracted some of the snakes venom.
“I’ll get started preparing the antidote.”
“I’m going to tell Arthur.” Merlin declared.
“You’ll need this.” Gaius throws the snake head to Merlin. “And, Merlin, what you did was very brave.”
With a proud smile he left to find Arthur bringing me with him. Together we walked side by side through the castle to get to Arthur’s chambers.
“You know he’ll try to belittle you don’t you? About the snake head.”
“Yeah, something I’ll get used to though I suppose.” Merlin replied there was a comfortable silence before he continued. “When you first introduced yourself to me, why did you lie?”
“I didn’t, my name is Y/n and I do sometimes help around the castle. I like helping with the cooking the washing and the odd jobs, not so much the cleaning though. I like to help out around here I don’t want to be known as Lady Y/n one of King Uther’s wards who floats around and makes the servants and the maids do everything.”
“Seems fair, why did-“ Merlin began.
“Oh look we’re here. Hey Arthur open up!” I called knocking on his chamber doors which he begrudgingly opened.
Merlin explained everything to Arthur.
“You? You chopped its head off?” Arthur asked thinking Merlin was lying as he ate his food.
“Ewan was bitten by a snake from the shield when he was fighting Valiant. Talk to Gaius, you can see the puncture wounds from where it bit him. Ewan was beating him, he had to cheat.” Merlin spoke.
“Valiant wouldn’t dare use magic in Camelot.” Arthur answered.
“Ewan was pinned under Valiant’s shield, no one could see it bite him.”
“I don’t like the guy but, that doesn’t mean he’s cheating.” Arthur said as he stood up.
“Gaius is preparing an antidote to the snake venom. When Ewan’s conscious, he’ll tell you what happened.” I said trying to win Arthur over.
“If you fight Valiant in the final, he’ll use the shield it’s the only way he can beat you. Look at it!” Merlin says picking up the snakes head, “Have you seen any snakes like this in Camelot?”
Arthur takes the head from Merlin and begins to examine it.
“I know I’m just a servant and my word doesn’t count for anything. I wouldn’t lie to you.” Merlin’s sincerity pulls at my heart strings.
“I want you to swear to me, both of you that what you’re telling me is true.” Arthur say seriously as he looks at us.
“I swear it’s true.” Merlin and I say.
“Then I believe you.” Arthur decides, making Merlin smile.
“Thank you Arthur.” I say hugging him which he half-heartedly returns.
I leave Arthur’s chambers and make my way to my own leaving Merlin with him.
The next day Valiant is marched to the throne room accompanied by some guards, my eyes meet Merlin’s and Arthur’s as I wait anxiously for the truth to come out.
“Y/n relax, everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.” Brenna whispered reassuringly to me a comforting smile on her face.
“Why have you summoned the court?” Uther asks unimpressed as he marches past Arthur.
“I believe knight Valiant is using a magic shield to cheat in the tournament.” Arthur sates.
Morgana and Guinevere exchange a worried glance before glancing at me.
“Valiant what do you have to say to this?”
“My Lord this is ridiculous. I would never use magic. Does your son have any evidence to support this outrageous accusation?” Valiant dismisses.
“Do you have evidence?”
“I do.” Arthur turns to Merlin signalling for him to bring forth the snake’s head to Uther.
Uther spends some time examining it.
“Let me see the shield.”
“Don’t let him get too close.” Merlin says to Arthur as the shield is brought forward.
“Be careful my Lord.” Arthur says drawing his sword and aiming it at the shield.
“Merlin.” Gaius whispers capturing Merlin and Arthur’s attention as well as my own.
“We need Ewan. Find out what’s happening.” Arthur says to Merlin.
“As you can see my Lord it’s just an ordinary shield.” Valiant says with fake innocence.
My heart begins to pound, Uther isn’t going to believe us, it’s all going wrong.
“Y/n deep breaths, calm down.” Brenna whispers her striking blue eyes resting on my fearful e/c ones.
“He’s not going to let everyone see the snakes come alive.” Arthur says.
“Then how am I to know that what you say is true?” Uther argues.
“Don’t you trust your own son?” I snap glaring at Uther.
“Silence!” Uther hisses his bone chilling glare landing on me.
“I have a witness.” Arthur says. “Knight Ewan was bitten by one of the snakes from the shield. Its venom made him grievously ill. However, he’s received an antidote. He will confirm that Knight Valiant is using magic.” He continues as Merlin and Gaius exchange worried whispers.
“Where is this witness?” Uther asks clearly unconvinced.
“He…should be here.” Arthur says turning to Merlin causing everyone to look at him, “Where’s Ewan?”
“He’s dead.” Merlin replies.
Oh no, not good this very not good.
“I’m waiting!” Uther yells startling some members of the court, the silence deafening as Arthur solemnly turns back to Uther.
“I’m afraid the witness id dead.” Arthur eventually speaks.
“So you have no proof to support these allegations? Have you seen Valiant using magic?”
“No.” Uther turns away from Arthur in his disappointment. “But my servant fought-“
“Your servant? You make these outrageous accusations against a knight on the word of your servant?” Uther seethes as Valiant shakes his head, a head I wouldn’t mind having the honour of chopping off.
“I believe he’s telling the truth.” Arthur defends.
“As do I!” I say earning a glare from Uther.
“Have you seen Knight Valiant using magic then Y/n?” Uther asks his tone hostile.
“Not exactly but-“I began.
“Then your view does not matter.”
“My Lord, am I really to be judged on hearsay from a boy?” Valiant says moving to stand next to Uther.
“I’ve seen those snakes come alive.” Merlin eagerly states coming forward.
“How dare you interrupt?! Guards.” My heart pounds as the guards come forward to arrest Merlin They force him halfway down the throne room when.
“My Lord…” Valiant speaks.
“Wait.” Uther orders.
“I’m sure he was merely mistaken. I wouldn’t want him punished on my account.” The deceitful two faced snake says.
“You see? This is how a true knight behaves, with gallantry and honour.”
“My Lord, if your son made these accusations because he’s afraid to fight me, then I will graciously accept his withdrawal.” Arthur’s face hardens at Valiant’s insinuation.
“Is this true? Do you wish to withdraw from the tournament?” Uther asks an underlying threat to his voice.
“What am I to make of these allegations?” We all stand in silence, I glance around the room my eyes eventually landing on a restrained anxious Merlin, an uncertain Morgana, an agitated Uther before landing upon a broken Arthur.
“Obviously there has been a misunderstanding. I withdraw the allegation against Knight Valiant. Please accept my apology.” Arthur bows his head.
“Accepted.” Valiant replies as Uther frowns at Arthur.
Arthur storms out not wishing to remain any longer as Merlin shrugs the guards off to follow him, he glares at Valiant before his eyes meet Gaius to exchange a look and finally they lock with mine he expresses sympathy in response to my worried look. I wanted to go after them and check on Arthur, I knew his pride would be destroyed as well as his trust and faith in Merlin however one look at Uther and I knew if I were to follow he’d probably lock me up again for the night. I could never quite work out why he hated me so much but doted on my twin I know I defy him when I believe what he’s doing to be wrong but Morgana does too.
After apologizing to Valiant for Arthur’s behaviour the rest of the court left but, I knew I’d be too late Arthur would’ve already fired Merlin and there would be very little I could do to persuade him to reinstate him. Brenna remained by my side through everything she held a weak smile and kept repeating that justice would be served, that Valiant’s secret would be revealed before any harm could come to Arthur, I can’t really believe what she’s saying however there’s so much confidence behind her words it’s very hard to not have faith that the truth will come out. As we stalked the corridors near the courtyard sat with his head down on the steps was Merlin, he looked frustrated, anxious and dejected. Brenna and I made our way across the courtyard but Guinevere got there first she was already sat beside him allowing him to confide in her before he smiled stood up and picked up a decorative statue of a hound before saying something else to Gwen, she nodded and hurried off to get something after a few moments, she came back with a wheel barrow and Merlin placed the statue in it wheeling it off to presumably his room leaving Gwen alone.
“Gwen, are you okay?” I asked approaching her, she looked at me a bewildered like expression on her face.
“Oh yes, I’m perfectly fine but I can’t say the same for Merlin, he’s acting rather weird.”
“He’s always; acting weird he just is weird. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Brenna said a smile on her face.
“Do you need some assistance with some of your chores? We’re free to help, I know that since the tournament some people have fallen behind and I was just wondering-“ I began to offer.
“If it’s not too much hassle, I did fall slightly behind with all the distractions and happenings going on as of recent.”
“We’re more than happy to help out a friend.” I smiled sweetly at her as I all three of us spent the remainder of the day laughing, talking and doing chores together.
Today was the day we’d all been dreading, the day Arthur took on Pompous Prat. I’d met up with my sister who claimed to have had a vicious nightmare showing Valiant triumphing over Arthur and presumably killing him. I knew that such an occurrence must’ve ruined her whereas my feelings for Arthur were purely familial hers were deeper, more passionate. We made our way to Arthur’s chambers the sight of someone else helping Arthur into his armour wasn’t pleasant, it was wrong, it should be Merlin but I knew it wouldn’t be. At a wave of Morgana’s hand the servant dismissed himself and Morgana took his place.
“Let me.” She spoke softly to Arthur as she began to adjust his straps, Arthur gazed at her slightly confused, “We used to help our father with his armour.” She said before he needed to ask.
I grabbed his helmet for him as Morgana made him comfortable and secure before handing it over to him.
“Thanks.” Arthur said as he looked between us and began to leave.
“Arthur.” Morgana called causing him to halt, “Be careful.” There was a couple of seconds of silence as they gazed at one another.
“See you at the feast.” Arthur eventually said before he left.
“He’ll be fine, it’s Arthur after all he’s too stubborn to allow himself to be beaten.” I said as I gave my sister a reassure hug.
Arm in arm we walked out the stands to take our respective seats for the finally battle in the tournament, meeting Brenna and Guinevere on the way. I saw how worried Morgana was and gave her a final hug telling her again how no one could beat Arthur other than us, earning a small smile from her and an encouraging nod before the fight commenced. The duel had begun and thankfully so far each move had be clean as the pair put on a show for all in Camelot to witness. Arthur eventually knocked Valiant’s helmet off and the crowd became uncertain or at least until Arthur removed his own in order to even out their chances causing the crowd to cheer enthusiastically. The excitement soon went once Valiant knocked Arthur to the ground and stepped on his shield to prevent his defence, I wanted nothing more than to get into the arena and help Arthur but Arthur wouldn’t want me to even if I could. Thankfully, Arthur was able to roll out from under Valiant’s strike having to abandon his shield in the process, if he was to fight with honour than Valiant too should’ve discarded his shield but he didn’t and used it to his advantage. He pressed Arthur against one of the walls where my eyes ended up landing on Merlin who was nearby behind the wall near it, next thing I knew Arthur had been able to get them back into the arena but, I watched with curiosity and intrigue as Merlin held out his hand and his mouth moved as if to chant something prior to the crowds shocked gasps as two snakes slithered out of Valiant’s shield.
“He is using magic.” Uther said as he stood up.
“Now they see you for what you really are.” Arthur panted as Valiant let out a breathless chuckle.
“Kill him!” Valiant commanded as the snakes climbed out of the shield hissing and snapping their jaws at Arthur.
“Arthur!” Morgan called grabbing Uther’s sword and chucking it to him so he was no longer defenceless.
Instantly both of the snakes were beheaded as they fell limp and lifeless but Valiant still remained, he charged at Arthur but Arthur quickly got the upper-hand disarming Valiant before stabbing him.
“Looks like I’ll be going to the feast after all.” Arthur whispered as Valiant let out an agonized grunt and falling to the ground.
I saw Morgan, Gwen and Uther all visibly relax Uther actually let out a sigh of relief as Arthur bathed once again in his victory before confidently leaving the arena and pushing on Merlin’s shoulder in a friendly way.
“I told you everything would work out, that justice will be served.” Brenna said a wide smile on her face as we continued our applause.
“Aye, that you did. I glad you never lost faith.” I smile back at my friend, she’d probably never know how much I deeply appreciated her and our friendship but I’ll continue to try to every day.
We all left together Uther overjoyed at Arthur’s success especially against a magic user he was the happiest and proudest I’d seen him in quite some time, it was reassuring seeing him like this it proved he isn’t always completely heartless despite him being like that most of the time he wasn’t fully a monster. Morgana, Gwen, Uther, Brenna and myself walked our separate ways each doing so to prepare for the feast tonight of which Arthur would have the honour of accompanying my twin who’d of course somehow end up looking more stunning than she did daily, in that spirit I too was done up for the occasion so as to look like I belonged and could play my part in this kingdom.
“My honourable guests, I give you Prince Arthur, your champion.” Uther announced as the great hall erupted with an applause upon Arthur’s entrance.
Arthur held his arm out to Morgana as the pair made their way across the room to the head table. Stopping just to the side as they walked up the make shift aisle the pair began to talk before Morgana stormed over to Gwen. Merlin had for once approached me in a formal situation but before he could say anything Arthur came over to us.
“Can you believe Morgana? She says she saved me. Like I needed any help.” He began to rant.
“Yeah well if she hadn’t have passed you that sword I was going to climb into that arena and kill Valiant myself for what he tried to do.” I said honestly to him, in response he playfully glared at me prior to focusing on Merlin.
“I wanted to say I made a mistake. It was unfair to sack you.” Arthur apologized causing Merlin to smile.
“No, don’t worry about it. Buy me a drink and call it even.” Merlin replied making me smile.
“Um…I can’t really be seen to be buying drinks for my servant.” Arthur said making me eye roll and Merlin feel a little embarrassed.
“Your servant?” Merlin chimed, “You sacked me.”
“Now I’m rehiring you. My chambers are a complete mess, my clothes need washing, my armour needs repairing, my boots need cleaning, my dogs need exercising, my fireplace needs sweeping, my bed needs changing and someone needs to muck out my stables.” Arthur finally finishes as Merlin gives him a weak look as Arthur walks away to enjoy the rest of the evening that is in his honour.
“I don’t know why you look so defeated.” I whispered earning confused look from Merlin, “I mean you could always use your magic to speed up the process.”
“Yeah I-wait what!?” Merlin said his eyes widening with shock as he pulled me to a secluded section of the room.
“I saw you, today. See Arthur thinks he was fine by himself, Morgana believes she saved him but, I think you and I both know that you prevented his inevitable fate.” Merlin was silent I think he was trying to come up with a lie but, I know what I saw. “I’d like to thank you, Arthur’s like a brother to me if something happened to him I don’t know what I’d do, I’m glad you’re looking out for him.” I leant up and kissed his cheek before leaving him behind, I had to my cheeks were bright red and my heart was pounding out of my chest I don’t think I could’ve been with him much longer.
#bbc merlin#merlin x reader#bbc merlin x reader#merlin x gwen#arthur pendragon#Merlin#morgana's twin#morgana#bbc gaius#uther pendragon#guinevere#Magic#jealousy#love#friends to lovers#friendship#x reader#fluff#camelot#cute#ongoing
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