#there's just too little info on these characters
bamsara · 2 days
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COTL / TROD AU Reference Sheets and OC refs that I made a few months ago and have been using but forgot to post. The cloaks on Narinder and Lamb, and heights and clothing of the bishops are semi-outdated, but the OC height sheet is accurate.
+ Joon, Grekimar, and Jayen refs. There's character lore and relationship info for them under the cut, I'll get to the rest of them eventually:
Character lore, mainly for artfight purposes but putting it here too. Some of this character lore is already established in fic or on here, but may contain spoilers for Trod later on.
😺Joon (They/Them):
Born and raised in the Lamb's flock with little outside wordly experience, the Yellow Cat aka 'Joon' is the best farmer in the flock with an upbeat attitude and a easy-going, casual outlook on life. They're a hard worker and a harder napper, which lands them in a particular situation when a accidental nap inside a barn leads to them witnessing the Leader drag in a bloody, confused, volatile worm The Lamb shakily says was rescued from Darkwood, before reluctantly leaving them to the yellow cat's care. Which is fine, because if the leader says it's fine, then it's fine. Totally.
With their accidental involvement, Joon is assigned to be Leshy's 'caretaker', or really just a supervisor to make sure the worm doesn't do anything terrible and to report to the Lamb if he does anything weird, all without ever being truly told of the worm's true nature.
🐷Grekimar (He/Him):
Originally a heretic in Anura, Grekimar is a 'relatively' new cultist to the Lamb's Flock ('New' being a few years, but still not as long as other flock members.) Although the pig used to conduct violence and sacrifices in the God of Famine's name, he was welcomed to the Flock as a new member after he began to question the strength of the rule of dead god and was exiled. His arrival was met with scrutiny but was eventually welcomed as he's a hard worker, and surprisingly (due to his gruff demeanor), cares for his new home and it's peaceful rules over his prior home, including it's inhabitants.
When a three eyed cat arrives and threatens the saftey of his fellow flock, Grekimar becomes a dissenter and questions the Leader's decision, joining alliance with The Lamb's highest disciple, Tyren, to scheme and kill the cat in order to protect the flock.
🐻Jayen (He/Him):
A kindhearted and rather soft-spoken soul, Jayen is 'gentle giant' archtype character. Brought to the cult as a cub, Jayen is an anxious 'left-over' type, with no particular skills or qualities that are seemingly 'useful' to the flock or it's Leader, and he is very self-consious about this. Switching inbetween jobs and struggling to find his place among the cult's growing number, Jayen is decayed and killed by a furious Narinder in an attempt to pull him off of The Lamb when the cat's dramatic initial arrival happened. He is later revived, now traumatized and with a heightened fear of death.
Although his murderer walks free, the same cat had revived him as well, so Jayen holds no ill will and would rather simply leave it all behind and not think about it all. However, he is roped into a scheme to kill Narinder by Tyren and Grekimar, with the former using the bear's fears of death to pressure him into helping.
Tyren's, Grekimar's, and Jayen's relationships:
-While Tyren is a loyal disciple and Grekimar a regular dissenter, both found common ground in wanting to Kill Narinder, though their reasonings differ. Tyren wants to kill Narinder being an obstacle to the Lamb, while Grekimar wants to rid of him for concerns to protect the cult. While they can put aside their differences to achieve their goal, Tyren's methods will make Grekimar reconsider his alliance with the dog.
-Tyren pressures Jayen into working with him and Grekimar under the guise that if they do not kill Narinder, then the cat will eventually kill him again. If that tactic does not work, Tyren will subtly imply that he will use his status in the cult to undermine Jayen, and possibly exile him for being 'useless.'
-Grekimar thinks Jayen a coward, and while he'll pressure the bear to do as he is told, the pig is conflicted about getting the bear involved.
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lubrumalis · 3 days
konig headcanons! (realistic)
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tw: nsfw
all of these are realistic hc! dont expect a normal konig
hes NOT a shy awkward pushover, just because he has social anxiety??? we can see through his voice lines hes a very cocky person and speaks rather agressively
“lets be honest, its better off in my hands.”
i hc that just because konig has social anxiety, he doesn’t express this through bring soft and shy, he expresses it through his bluntness
konig wanted to be a sniper but did not because he couldn’t stand still, has social anxiety, i hc he has some form of adhd
his very cocky and blunt shouting isn’t because hes mean, but he just doesnt wanna be seen as that bullied kid he once was
hes doesnt have horrible EQ, but the kind of guy to be incredibly unfiltered
also, this guy was literally assigned as a human battering ram, you think hes all soft and sweet???😅😅😅
no he won’t get angry or cry if his mask is taken off. just annoyed.
its not actually canon that konig is a colonel (correct me if im wrong, i couldnt find anything on the official wiki) but lets assume hes one anyway
even if he isnt, gets paid well. really well.
private military companies that deploy soldiers in areas of active conflict can pay up to hundreds of thousands for one soldier
considering konigs age (late 30s at least) and skills, probably 400-500k a year.
chose to join the military because he had an obsession with tanks and guns as a kid
a lot of hc’s say hes 6’10. i disagree, simply based off of chances and the fact thats wayyyy too tall for the military
but he was described as a mountain, so id say his height is around 6’5-6’8
very very intimidating. hes tall big and has the mask of an executioner in the 15th century. who wouldn’t be scared?
definitely will say some random german word in a situation where no one else there knows german. he doesn’t give a damn lol
hates americans (thinks theyre all obese, mannerless, and bad at geography)
brings up the most random topics. again i really think konig has adhd.
konig was not good at school and hated it, mainly due to the anxiety and how he couldn’t pay attention
also why he chose the path of a soldier
drinks lots of beer, high alcohol tolerance, this guys a true european.
loves austrian or german food. loves schnitzel and pies.
konigs breakfast is literally sausages, toast, eggs, and sometimes beer
BIG APPETITE. he could eat for 3 people.
a little insecure about his appearance, not confident in his looks :( also why he hid his face
but as he grew older he uses the mask for actual purposes of concealing his identity, he is a special ops soldier after all
kind of a cheapskate. he chose to hide his face with what, polyester? chose a piece of cloth over everything else.
has very conservative beliefs. not to the point where he hates abortion and votes far right, konig is just a little confused about some things certain liberals believe in
pretty political person lmao
not enough info to conclude whether or not konig was abused as a kid tbh
he was definitely miserable for a period in his life. hes in the military living a monotone life, barely any contact with others, and constantly living in fear he’d die
i dont think hes as traumatized as ghost tho🙂🙂
konig appreciates his dna and how it makes him big and tall, but sometimes gets incredibly annoyed at it
mainly because well, he got bullied for itas a kid
because he specializes in hostage rescue a lot of hostages (especially kids) are scared of him and refuse to leave the area with him
takes a lot of convincing 🥲🥲
has a lot of intrusive thoughts
cannot use social media properly
also texts like an old grandpa. uses 😂 and 🤣 unironically.
“Can we have burgers 🍔 tonight🌃?”
probably uses a blackberry or reallyyyyy old iphone
relationship hcs:
konigs voice actor (jim boeven) stated in a livestream that konigs wife would ideally be a mix between maria pedraza (actress) and rachael from blade runner (character from movie).
both are 170cm ish and brunettes
i can actually see that—konig is massive and he probably prefers someone on the tall side
first thing you did that led to your relationship with him? you tolerated him that is. listened to him ranting😃
i can see him with a civilian or someone whos in the military tbh
finds you pretty at first
enjoys bickering, he needs someone to simulate his mind
you know those stories where his s/o is 5’2, clingy, soft af, and neeeeeeeds konig? haha you won’t be getting that from me.
unlike ghost, who really takes his time to get to know someone and opens up slowly, scared to have his trust broken again
konig charges in like the human battering ram he is😁
if he has a feeling you’re trustworthy you are trustworthy.
horrible at flirting. he doesn’t know how to talk to women smoothly
needs someone equally as weird and funny
s/o needs to be someone with very firm boundaries and can stand their ground, i think konigs a really stubborn person, so for a healthy relationship to work, s/o can’t be the generic bimbo
konig wears the pants in the relationship
doesn’t let you pay. he has a enough money and believes men should always pay
(im sorry to break your delusions) konig does not strike to me as someone who likes a docile homebody. thats ghost (if you remove the word docile).
he doesn’t like extremely dominant partners either
imagine someone who is a listener, accepting yet blunt, shares his quirks, and has a very elegant feel to them
also someone very independent
also gonna get killed for this but konig would realistically not go for a girl in her early twenties. he prefers elegance and sophistication over being cute and jumpy
hates one night stands.
values relationships more than you think. he can come off as strong at first, but hes trying his best
ecstatic when you tell him you wanna learn german (hes not a good teacher)
doesn’t like play fighting, he thinks he’s gonna accidentally hurt you
admires you a lot. he knows hes not the best looking person and doesn’t understand the makeup skincare dress up thing.
isn’t paranoid, but definitely doesn’t say he has an s/o
if you ever get mad at him, konig will tighten all jars in the kitchen so you have to ask him for help :)
extremely unfiltered. he hates your cooking? he will say it. that dress looks better than the other? he will say it.
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pomefioredove · 2 days
if you're still taking requests for the event could i request floyd with "Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension" ? ty !
hehe ofc ofc!
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summary: "maybe we should just kiss to break the tension" type of post: fic characters: floyd additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, pre book 3, kissing, yuu is very much canon yuu here lol a part of this event
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Riddle's noble efforts to warn you about Floyd Leech had fallen on deaf ears.
"And stay out of trouble!" were his exact words, if you remembered correctly.
You'd almost scoffed.
You had already been at NRC for months; you'd fought monsters, solved mysteries, and come out of all of it in one piece.
You could handle a history of magic project.
Sure, this is your first mixed-year assignment; and yes, the project itself makes up a great portion of your semester grade...
...but if anyone had asked you, you'd say that a measly school presentation is nothing compared to what you've already been through.
"Remember not to play along with his antics; it only encourages him,"
Riddle had wasted no time lecturing you about your mysterious project partner the second his name left your lips.
You'd come to him to ask if he knew the guy, not his entire life story.
"Stay focused... and stay out of trouble!"
Trouble. Ha. Every second at NRC since you'd arrived had been trouble.
You walk into the library; like usual, it's mostly empty.
Floyd Leech, Floyd Leech... now, where would...?
"Hey, you!"
You turn on your heels to face the source of the shout; leaning against a bookshelf behind you is the tallest boy you've ever seen.
He even gives off the vague impression of towering over you, making you feel small regardless...
"Man, I almost didn't see 'ya, you're so tiny," he grins, baring a row of sharp teeth. "I'm gonna call you Shrimpy. Now, come onnn, I've been waiting forever!"
You're early. Before you can say as much, he grabs you by the forearm and drags you off to a table.
"Alright, Shrimpy," he says, taking a seat across from you. "What's on the docket for today?"
"Uhh..." you're still slightly dazed. He's got some energy, that's for sure.
Riddle's words flash through your mind.
"...Well, I was thinking we could find our material first, then outline..."
"Reading?" Floyd asks, slumping in his seat as if he'd just received terrible news.
You blink. "...Well, we're going to have to read a little,"
He groans, loudly. A few people in the library turn to stare before awkwardly shuffling away.
"...Nah, I'm not in the mood. Let me do 'somethin else,"
What had Riddle said yesterday? "He changes his mind at the drop of a hat. Arguing is no good,"
"...Okay," you say, tentatively reading his expression. "I'll start with the outline. Do you want to look for pictures instead?"
He's quiet, as if seriously considering the pros and cons of the offer, and then he shrugs.
You sigh. Riddle was just being overdramatic. This is fine!
Floyd becomes lost in his assigned job, leafing through an atlas in search of a map from the time period you're researching, leaving you to your reading.
It'd be an easier job with two people, but...
"You're real quiet, Shrimpy,"
You look up from your encyclopedia. He'd shoved the atlas aside, his eyes fixed on you instead.
You raise an eyebrow. "I'm reading...?"
"Aw. Don't tell me you're the serious type?" a loud, dramatic sigh follows. "I was hoping we could have some fun. I was really looking forward to meeting you and all..."
You have to remind yourself that you have a reputation here. Great...
"Well, sorry to disappoint, but I'm a pretty boring person. Normal,"
Floyd's brow furrows. "Nah, I don't buy that. You wanna know what I think?"
You don't like this. The way he's looking at you, like he sees something you don't...
"...I think you only act normal 'cause you're afraid of being judged. You try way too hard to be a good student and stuff 'cause you wanna fit in here,"
Ouch. You blink, momentarily stunned to silence. He could tell all that just from watching you read?
"I'm just 'sayin," he gives you another sharp smile. "I wouldn't mind if you stopped acting all serious around me. You're way too tense."
"...Tense? I am not tense,"
Your denial only encourages him. A wide grin creeps across his face.
"Yeah, you know. You could feel the stress in this place from a mile away...
...Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension,"
Riddle had drilled you for hours; Floyd stealing your things, making you chase him, getting bored and leaving, a thousand possible situations that could come out of a simple study session...
...This was not one of them.
Floyd grins again, wider this time. "Ahah, never mind. You're way too boring and normal for something like that, right?"
You suddenly feel hot; he's putting you on the spot, and he knows it. He seems to be living for your agitation.
"Hey, that's not fair-"
"Fair schmair," he cuts in. "I gave you a dare, and you can't do it. Happens all the time to you, I bet. It's-"
Riddle had warned you, several times, quite clearly, not to play along.
But... in your defense...
Floyd giggles against your lips, the delighted little noise giving away a hint of surprise. His hands, cold and clammy but nice nonetheless, grab hold of your face, drawing you closer into the kiss. He's threatening to pull you across the table at this point...
...It's a good thing you chose a time when the library would be empty.
After a minute or two, he lets go, leaving you breathless with another smile.
"I knew you had it in 'ya," he says, reaching across the table to pull the encyclopedia back towards him.
"My turn to read, okay? I was getting bored of the pictures,"
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visualtaehyun · 1 day
Love Sea ep.3 let's goooo 🌊
Disclaimer: not a native speaker, still learning 🙏
The besties' phone call
Vi and Rak use rude, familiar pronouns กู /guu/ (=I) and มึง /meung/ (=you) with each other, considering they've been friends for like half their lives:
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As for Vi's scandal -
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Just cozying up already gets [her] the lead role - celeb with the initial V. Rumored! Mixed starlet with the initial V. slept with* famous director to land role as leading lady [rest is too small and blurry for me to read; headline on the right just repeats]
*the expression used is ใช้เต้าไต่ /chai dtao dtai/ = lit. use breasts to climb (up the career ladder), which is a reversal of ไต่เต้า /dtai dtao/ = go slowly or, idiomatically, gradually climb up the career ladder, hence the choice to sub it as:
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I also love that Mook later gets mad on Vi's behalf and gives a little meta-commentary on hate commenters 👏
Vi then mentions Frost and his boyfriend, from MAME's Love Director novels, as the friends she's going out with:
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Frost, or in the novel Uncle Frost (อาฟรอส /aa Frost/), is Prapai from Love in the Air's uncle, a famous director and actor, and starts off his novel freshly divorced from his wife, being around 38. He's also the actor whose interview Sky says inspired him, in ep. 13 of LITA:
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The boyfriend is Paint (เพ้นท์ /pehn/), who in the novel is in his third year of college, so around 20, and is friends with Prapai's younger brother Praplerng (or just Plerng) aka this guy:
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Info about Love Director and the characters taken from this video review here (in Thai) 🙏
Vi's advice
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โดดลงทะเลแล้วลืมแม่งให้หมด /doht long taleh laaeo leuum maaeng hai moht/
It actually ends up being exactly what Rak does - both literally in the sea as well as metaphorically, he gets lost in Mahasamut (มหาสมุทร = ocean):
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Rak's family
Pronouns between Rak and his sister: - Rak calls himself by his name and Kwan พี่(ขวัญ) /phi (Kwan)/ - Kwan calls herself พี่ /phi/ and Rak by his name or แก /gae/ (=you; informal, familiar)
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เชื่อใจน้องนะ /cheuua jai nong na/ = Trust your younger brother/me.
Rak keeps asking Mut for a price because transaction is all he knows of romance and love, from his parents. But I'm scared to find out why both Rak and his sister are afraid of their father and worried for his niece's safety:
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Mut's age
As Peat said in the bts, this episode really does show how young Mut actually is.
1. He has the same playfully annoying dynamic with this auntie as Palm does with his P'Mut, for example:
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2. He looks so much like a mischievous pupper when Rak sends him to bed:
3. He also opens up about defying his father and making it on his own ever since, and ends up unveiling a layer of vulnerability that's so far been covered up by his boldness, autonomy and outgoing nature:
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Some more language details from this scene
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คนอย่างผม ใครจะไปกล้าขอคุณต้องรัก /khohn yaang pom, khrai ja bpai glaa khaaw khun dtaawng rak/ = Someone like me, who would dare to ask Khun Tongrak (/you).
This is already a crushing reflection on Mut's self-esteem but it gave me pause because you could also read it like- (and again, reminder that Khun Tongrak can both mean 'Mr. Tongrak' and also 'You have to love') = Someone like me, who would dare to ask you to love [me?].
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ลองทำตัวให้สมวัยและอ้อนขอฉันดู /laawng tham dtua hai som wai lae aawn khaaw chan duu/
I'm not big on the translation choice here. Yes, อ้อน /aawn/ means to beg, implore, plead but how would the average interfan know that อ้อน /aawn/ is a behavior associated with kids, pets and people acting clingy/needy with their partner?
Mut even used it to describe Rak earlier:
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ส่วนคุณก็รอผมหลับ แล้วเข้ามาอ้อน แมวชัดๆ /suuan khun gaaw raaw pom lap, laaeo khao maa aawn. maaeo chat chat/ = As for you, you waited for me to be asleep, then approached me to ask for affection. So clearly a cat.
Misc. bits from the NC scene
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ท่าทางวันนี้ผมจะแต้มบุญสูง /thaa thaang wan nee pom ja dtaaem boon suung/ = Looks like I scored a high amount of merit today.
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เอาฉันสิ เอาสิ เอาเลย /ao chan si. ao si. ao loei/ -> the subs are perfect, I just wanted to illustrate that the first use of the word เอา /ao/, makes the rest of them sound like a string of 'Take me/Fuck me's tbh 🫠
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เก็บกดมาจากไหนเนี่ย /gep goht maa jaak nai niia/ = Where'd all this pent-up [energy, feeling] come from?
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presidenthades · 2 days
⚠️Spoilers for S.2 ep.2, kinda❓
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Anyhow, your thoughts on the new episode🎤???
Oh, and in celebration of show!Daeron's confirmed existence: mini tiny Joffron doodle ig? Made with love, not with skill☝️💚🖤❤️
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Wait omigod I love this. Why does it perfectly encapsulate the two of them. 😭😍🥰 They really do have a reverse Hades/Persephone dynamic! Honestly I love this art style, it’s giving a chibi vibe that I adore. I’m going to link this to my HOTD artwork list.
Anyway yes, Daeron truthers rise up. ✊
(Obviously, S2E2 spoilers below the cut.)
First I’ll start with new thoughts on B&C. After my rewatch, most of my feelings about E1 remained the same, but I want to update my reaction to B&C. Helaena’s muted reaction made more sense to me the second time around. It is consistent with her character, and the BTS info about her visions makes it understandable why she seemed to treat Jaehaerys’s death as inevitable.
HOWEVER. Viewers should not be required to watch BTS commentaries etc. to have full context for the scene. The background info about Helaena’s visions should’ve been in the actual episode. If knowing about Helaena’s visions about her children’s potential demise is that important, they could and should have incorporated it I nto an actual scene. For example, instead of her opening scene being her embroidering, she could’ve been scribbling about that vision in her notebook.
If for some reason this was too difficult to film, there’s one small change they could’ve made to B&C which would’ve made a huge difference, visions or no visions. When Blood says both children “look the same,” Cheese could have responded with “just kill them both.” This instantly heightens the stakes and makes Helaena’s actions more understandable to even the most casual viewer: if she doesn’t point out Jaehaerys, then both her children die.
End of E1 rant. Onto E2 rant!
I’ve seen a lot of different reactions to this episode. Some say it was great, some say it was awful. IMO, your takeaway of how good the episode was probably depends on who your favorite characters are.
I think Rhaenyra and Aegon had the best scenes this episode. Otto also had some banger lines, and Helaena made me feel a lot of emotions. Daemon did not come away particularly well, Aemond was a little weird, Alicent continues to be frustrating, and I’m convinced that Criston is the writing room’s whipping boy.
TGC really got to show off his acting chops this episode. Personally I wish they could’ve spent more time on Aegon smashing the LEGOs and bludgeoning Blood, but that is a me preference. I think Aegon really did love Jaehaerys, AND he is angry about the blow that has been struck again him as king. Both these things can be true at the same time. The end scene where he’s crying alone in his room proves that his grief isn’t just a show.
And I don’t mind that Aegon’s decision to hang all the rat-catchers makes him seem violent and impetuous, because he is violent and impetuous. The scene is also framed so that you understand why Aegon did it; we see Cheese hanging with the others. And let’s be honest, if Rhaenyra did something similar to avenge Luke (eg burn down Storm’s End because Borros contributed to his demise, which would kill a lot of other people too), a lot of viewers would cheer her on.
(I was definitely thinking during the “Aegon fires Otto” scene that Aegon could really use a Jacaera to kindly knock some sense into him. 🥲)
Speaking of the end scene…omigod Alicent why. 💀 Conceptually, I understand there’s generational trauma going on. Otto was cold with Alicent, who is in turn cold with Aegon especially. But like. Holy shit. Give your son a 5-second hug. It would’ve been nice if they could at least show Alicent feeling conflicted, like she wants to comfort her son but feels incapable, so she walks away.
Backtracking a bit: I feel like Alicent is consistently made the focus of the story in places where she arguably should not be the focus, and I wonder if this is because the showrunners want to take advantage of the fact they’ve paid good money for Olivia Cooke. But I truly do not understand why it was Helaena and Alicent at the funeral rather than Helaena and Aegon. Otto said something about “our gentlest souls” but this could’ve been a great opportunity to showcase more of Aegon and Helaena’s complicated relationship and shared grief.
Whatever my other feelings on the scene, I do think Phia and Olivia’s acting was phenomenal. Helaena’s panic attack during the funeral 😱. I really just wanted to emergency evacuate her from that mess.
I’m going out of chronological order, but I’m going to backtrack again to Otto making the decision to have the funeral as a PR campaign. It’s very Machiavellian, and TBH I understand why he chose to do it. It is a huge blow against Rhaenyra’s reputation. But I feel like the show wants Otto and Daemon to be the only actual schemers on their respective sides. Everyone else kinda just whoopsies or white-knights their way through the narrative. I just want to shake the writers and tell them it’s okay for other characters to be villainous. There’s a reason Daemon is way more popular than Criston. At least Daemon fully commits to his bad decisions.
I kinda feel bad for Fabien Frankel because the writers seem to really have it out for Criston. They really want to make him the most hatable character. 💀 Imagine if instead we got a more Machiavellian Criston who intentionally decides to claw his way up from nothing to become one of the most powerful people in Westeros. Even if he does reprehensible things along the way, at least he does them purposefully, not because he’s incompetent.
I almost forgot to talk about Aemond, because he really has not been getting a lot of screen time these two episodes. The brothel scene was odd but not as odd as it could have been. I wish the writers would stop having his personality revolve around Daemon, but it’s probably their way of building up to God’s Eye. Honestly, I would’ve preferred a scene of Aemond with his family dealing with B&C aftermath rather than fucking off to the brothel.
Now, changing topics to the Rhaenyra and Daemon divorce scene. I think viewers’ reactions to this scene depend a lot on whether or not you’re a Daemon fan. He really comes off not great in the entire sequence from when Rhaenyra learns about B&C to when Daemon leaves. Also, it’s very obvious Sara Hess wrote the scene; she’s been vocal about how she dislikes Daemon, and a lot of what Rhaenyra says seems to be opinions that Sara has shared. I think Rhaenyra was right to call out Daemon for B&C and for lying to her face about it.
It may have been better if they had more buildup showing cracks between Daemon and Rhaenyra, because she’s also calling him out for a lot of stuff besides B&C. There was the S1E10 argument and choking scene, but some more interaction in S2E1 or E2 where they’re at odds would have made it fresher in viewers’ memories. But it’s not necessary, and I think the scene works as is.
Despite viewers’ feelings on this scenes, it was VERY well acted by both Emma and Matt. And it leads to Rhaenyra’s interesting interaction with Baela. Rhaenyra refuses to risk Jace and send him out on patrol near KL, but she tells Baela to do the exact same thing. It’s very subtle, and the scene is framed as a positive thing between the two characters, but this is probably the most morally gray decision Rhaenyra makes in this episode. She won’t risk her child, but she will risk Daemon’s child immediately after they fought.
The Mysaria scenes were interesting. I really don’t mind the show’s efforts to whitewash her. She’s horrible in the book, but show!Mysaria is actually sympathetic for the most part. She worked her way up from nothing but the people in charge of the system keep stomping her back down. I think her dialogue about Daemon/Otto/powerful men was heavy-handed foreshadowing that she’s going to end up serving Rhaenyra, who is notably not a man.
I don’t have a lot of groundbreaking comments about Erryk & Arryk. It was very emotionally impactful…and I wish the episode had ended either with them dying, or with the scene where Aegon is crying by himself, rather than ANOTHER Alicole sex scene. 💀
Overall, this episode had its highlights, and acting is phenomenal as always. But the writers really need to figure out what to do with Alicent and Criston, other than have the fuck all the time.
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I love your TMA swap AU so much and love seeing posts about it
do you like, have any more info on it you haven’t shared yet?!? you don’t have to share if you want to, it just kinda consumed my mind 👉👈
I absolutely have info and I love talking about it — It’s consumed my mind as well!
I realise I haven’t really talked about one of the key aspects of the AU which is Elias and his slow descent into becoming a vessel for Jonah Magnus, albeit with a twist.
I’m always particularly fond of Swap AUs that really play around with the idea of characters in different roles, and for Elias, that meant he couldn’t simply be the Archivist. While Jon’s story revolves around humanity, Elias’ story in this AU is more an exploration of identity and how the lines blur.
I had to play around a bit with canon, give reason as to why Jonah hasn’t just taken Elias as his vessel yet or taken someone else, and is having to retreat to his old body, using the last few years it has left in it. The idea I settled on was that his vessels need to be specific, preferably someone already touched by the Eye, and a body who he Knows can withstand the shift. These potential vessels aren’t as common but he knows one will been drawn to the Institute eventually.
The problem with Elias Bouchard, is that he still has people left who would notice the change, people he’s close to - Sasha, Tim, Gwendolyn, etc. I have mentioned before that this is why he was made Head Archivist. The Archive is the most dangerous place to work and the easiest place to set Elias on the course of becoming an Avatar himself, making him even more suitable, and isolating him, whether it be through his friends dying, or him isolating himself due to the stress and/or paranoia. Anything like that really.
And, while he isn’t the Archivist, he does develop his own set of abilities, more centred on Watching, similar to Jonah. In late s2 for example, his eyes have started to adjust to Seeing, and he becomes distinctly aware of Not-Sasha, hence his attempt at attacking her with a metal pipe.
He doesn’t view these abilities as negatively as you’d think really, namely because they give him a sense of purpose, a feeling of importance and power which he has longed for his whole life. He often believes he deserved better than what he has, deserves to be respected, stemming from his relationship with his father. He only realises a little too late that what’s happening to him isn’t a good thing, and that he’s losing the people he cares most about.
It’s during his coma in s4 that the identity aspect truly comes into play.
Jonah decides this is the perfect chance to take Elias’ body, and Martin is left with the task, mainly due to Jon being in jail and Martin’s ability to go unnoticed. This is one of the things Martin would really rather avoid doing but Jon asked, and so he obliges.
It doesn’t… work out though. He’s only able to replace one eye — very clumsily at that — before someone walks in, and while they don’t see Martin, they do see the mess he’s left behind.
Elias unfortunately wakes up not long after, and Jonah decides to put the other eye on hold for a short while. He’s… curious, really. He wants to Know what will happen, what this will feel like for the both of them.
S4 is probably my favourite era of the AU solely for the exploration of Elias and Jonah and how the other characters interact with that. They don’t know what’s happened to Elias, a man who had looked an absolute mess for months, suddenly looking pristine, with his hair cut short — he’s always hated short hair — and an eye that definitely isn’t his own. I should add, before now, he’s never gone by Elias. He never liked it, mainly due to the disappointed or angry tones it was often said in by family. He insisted on being called Eli, but, in s4, suddenly he’s rather insistent on going by Elias.
It’s disturbing, to say the least, and the thing is, he’s aware something is wrong, aware he’s acting differently, that his dominant hand has changed from right to left, that his wants and beliefs are being clouded by something else, but he doesn’t know what’s happening anymore, and he doesn’t know how to convey his own distress. He’s acting in ways he otherwise wouldn’t, and it just comes naturally to him. Anytime he even considers breaking down, begging someone to hear him, to recognise he’s just as scared as they are, he’s struck with the thought he doesn’t want to do that.
Everyone tells him he’s changed, and he knows, and he can’t do anything about it.
I’ve wrote a lot already so I’ll probably go more in depth on that another time, but for now, I did actually start writing a Transcript Style thing for an interaction with Gwen, who’s convinced her brother has been replaced entirely, so I’ll share a snippet of that!
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I am so very normal about the Swap!Siblings <- lying so badly
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🧟Can I ask for a part 2 of the reader turned into a zombie and their partner protects the reader from getting shot? 🧟‍♀️
Bad ass goddess valeria, Hot Alejandro, Sweetheart Rudy, Cutie Gaz, and cute octopus Konig
I'm sorry if there are too many characters. It's just that I love your writing. I am seriously addicted to it. You're the best. 🫂
a/n: this- this draft has been sitting in my inbox for a whole 7 months I think… I’m so sorry. I totally forgot about me ever making that post because it’s old! Also to anons asking for part 2s, please try to link that writing of mine so I can refresh my memory without hunting through my posts :((
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-gaz had been haunted with nightmares since the day you got infected, barely eating, barely sleeping, barely thinking. Wanting to go home to your comfort but knowing there was no home and no ‘you’ to get comfort from
-you were kept in base until the task force found a cure, he knew that much, but he didn’t want to see you and didn’t want to see how he had failed you
-one night, in one of the colder months, he base was raided, all the doors open and enemies holding everyone hostage, the enemies discussing what to do with the hostages and the locked up zombies, including you, choosing to just end everyone
-And before gaz could think he had gotten out of his ropes and was standing in front of you shakily, not even sure you knew who he was or that you weren’t going to bite him
-he was shocked when he felt your cold icy hands hold him close from behind, watching as luckily back up showed up before he was shot by the enemies to begin with
-guilt starts to follow him after the event, because he never visited… you must have thought he was dead, or had left you! He visits you daily now until he finds the cure, which he’s determined to do
-konig was a colonel, high ranking and good at his job, so when the first waves of infection hit he was shoved into a bunker with you and he thought you and him were gonna be fine in the cozy setting his job had landed him
-oh how he was wrong.. one door breach, one minute of things going on that he couldnt control, and then you were bit. His whole future turning to dust in his eyes
-how could he ever go on without you? You were the one thing he was planning on staying for in the now messed up world
-since the bunker has been heavily destroyed by the ravage, he packed what he could and took you everywhere. He had some common idea that you knew who he was, that he proved with the fact you didn’t attempt to bite him nor hurt him, but it still made him feel so helpless to see you slowly rot ever so slightly
-he had stumbled across a camp with you one day, feeling something off about the place a second before he heard the all too familiar click of a sniper rifle being taken off of safety, and he quickly got in front of you, knowing you wouldn’t dare hurt him
-had some very choice words with the survivor after the fact, but at least he got some info on the newest solution attempts for the virus, which was a shot that would halt the rot and spread of contagious diseases in those turned to the undead. Which is better than nothing, right? He has hope that one day you’ll be safe in his arms, making his heart melt with your soft words again
-the cartel had grown and grown in the ruins of the virus like a weed, and soon started testing cures- who knew that the cartel would be a useful resource for once.
-that however did not stop from Alejandro and the vaqueros working in their little time trying to push Valeria out of the small still semi functional town
-most in las Almas hadn’t been affected due to the hills and lack of large population, but it didn’t stop some from getting infected… you being one of them
-Rudy was heart shattered when Alejandro had forced him to leave you in one of their safe houses, but he knew it was for the best
-after a particularly bad incident, the cartel had found most of their safe houses and bases and Alejandro knew they needed to move fast and grab only what the team needed to continue operating. What they didn’t need? A zombie. No matter how close to Rudy you may be
-Rudy, as soon as he learned of Alejandro’s plan, got down on his knees and begged and sobbed for Alejandro to change his mind, finally getting Alejandro’s soft heart to give up on trying enough that Rudy took you along with them to the newest base, softly leaning into you the whole time, enjoying your touch even if it was cold and uncomfortable
I’m so sleepy but uh- I’m sorry for not doing Alejandro and Valeria! I might try to do an actual follow up on this 😭
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Hey, I just wanted to share something I’ve been thinking about for a little while. Side note first- I do agree that 7x4 is the biggest confirmation that Buddie is coming. Besides Buck finally coming out and how incredible that was, me crying for 45 minutes after the episode aired was my emotional incredulity that we were finally getting the first step to Buddie canon. They would not have given us bi Buck otherwise, I believe that with my whole heart.
Anyway, since that episode aired and we got so much more info about them trying to give us bi Buck sooner and it being denied, I wonder if what KR was attempting to do was put distance between Buck and Eddie so Buddie fans wouldn’t feel queer baited. Since she knew (and we didn’t), they were never going there, she didn’t want to continue giving the audience reasons to believe it was a possibility. As we all know, the screen time and friendship between them in 5&6 (especially 6) went down, so that’s just my theory. And once the show changed networks, got the green light for Buddie and Tim wanted to go there- we’re back on track and they’re closer than they’ve ever been. (Please understand this does not excuse her writing or ideas- I’m not here to defend any of that because I can’t.)
Hi anon! I think the biggest indicator to me that KR was against buddie not just to avoid queerbaiting is that she has a tendency to push a very heteronormative narrative in a lot of her work. She also has this strange antipathy towards the found family trope which has always been intrinsically linked to queerness in media, and we can see that with the way she attempted to spark redemption arcs with both the buckleys and ramon. neither of these elements have been developed since (ramon has at least had a few moments but his and eddie’s relationship still remains stagnate, and especially with this arc of ramon and helena taking back chris it still feels out of place for eddie to have that much trust in them to allow it because we have not seen anything onscreen to show the development of their relationship since their initial communication) on top of this, she also is just terrible at keeping a consistent narrative… her storylines are often choppy and all over the place, feeling rushed and underdeveloped, and it makes me shitty tv. All of these factors combined are what turn me off from her as a showrunner/writer, but it definitely does not feel like a coincidence that she was in charge of the show when buddie’s buildup was basically decimated, as well as the moment in 7x10 where buck’s bisexuality was reduced to a daddy kink joke… she is very much the straight woman who writes gay people as these stereotypes that lack substance and depth, and that to me shows a level of disinterest in telling those stories. ofc this is just my opinion, but i wanted to explain my reasoning behind why i feel like her involvement in preventing buddie wasn’t purely bc she was told no, and why i think it came from a place of trying to drive home a heteronormative storyline, which ultimately fell flat bc ryan and oliver care too much about these characters and their relationships to let that happen, and made acting choices accordingly to prevent the total derailment of their relationship.
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rhendarzon · 2 years
dameon meeting Shadow!Dad in the compromised Dreamland and Shadow!Dad being disappointed in him even after everything Dameon’s done to “avenge” him
that’s his nightmare
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teine-mallaichte · 2 months
You know what irritates me in dragon age? Ok a few things but going to focus on one thing here, the languages... so we have all these diverse places, each with heir own fashions, customes, accents, etc but everyone speaks common (or trade which although in some codexes is said to be different seems to be basically treated interchangeably in the games).
Only a few places are said to be bi-lingual, implying that their own language is still used.
Also the inherent cultural differences between places are shown or mentioned and then totally forgotten about... In every game we get a diverse group of people with differing back grounds and yet there is almost never any language barrier of cultural misunderstandings, and even when they are they seem to be glossed over. Sten is about the only one I can think of where the cultural differences are even vaguely explored.
I want to see situations where characters are totally confused by what’s happening, where they don’t understand (or misunderstand) local phrases or dialects, where they fear making social forpars due to the inherent differences in their native societies – or simply in their upbringings.
Alamarri died out in Ferelden and now everyone speaks trade and/or common, fine, ok. But in the real world when this sort of thing happens people often try to reclaim the language later, so there should be places where the language is still used, even if only for certain phrases like the elves use elvish. Or maybe there are scholars who still speak it? I used to live in Scotland, believe me although Gealic is a “dead” language people still use it in certain places and situations, same in Ireland, and in Wales there are signposts, TV channels, and radio shows in Welsh… It feels like Alamarri should definitely still exist and have some sort of presence. Ok as you may be able to tell from my user name I may be biased when it coems to this example...
But the same goes for Ander. I think Anders should have been able to speak it at the very least, and the fact that many of the Darkspawns name come from Ander should be seen as more of a thing. In a way it would make some sense for the Grey Wardens to be taught at least some Ander during training due to their history.
And Alsahiria, given the politics and history of Seheron it makes some sense for this language to be slowly dying out, but I feel it would still be spoken in remote areas and likely by members of the Fog Warriors. Some may even see the continuation of the language  as a form of rebellion and carefully hold onto it. I wouldn’t be all that surprised in a fair number of slaves in Tevinter could speak it, using it as a way to communicate in secret.
Antivan… well to be honest Antiva is just fascinating in general, but their language is under used. It considered one of the most poetic and beautiful of Thedas, and yet it mainly only spoken in the rural and poorer areas. That seems like a shame… I mean yes the Codeses do imply that the higher members of society can and do speak it, but they also imply that in the cities common is almost exclusively spoken.
Did we even hear Zevren speak Antivan? I don’t remember him doing so, but I could be wrong.
I’m going to skip Avvar for now because there is a LOT to unpack there… same for Chasind and Ciriane.
The Drawves are said to have several languages, including Trade, and the language spoken specifically in Orzammar (often incorrectly referred to as Drawven), but to be honest I don’t think we know much about any of the Drawven languages… which is a shame.
Elvish is another complex one as it makes sense why that one is essentially lost beyond a few key terms and a few phrases known by the Dalish. However, I feel like it’s one that has potentially to be, at least partly, reconstructed… there are ancient elvish ruins and artifacts, though of course as with all reconstructed languages it would never be what it once was.
Qunlat, finally an actual language that although not used much is definitely a distinct language with significance and logical usage. We even get to hear it used a few times, though only for the odd word or line it at least makes sense.
Orlesian, again a language that is referenced and appears to be in regular use. It’s said that most Orlesians are bilingual. So it makes sense that they tend to use common around the player, but it feels like the language could be utilised more.
Rivaini… You know what we know far less about Riniani than I realised when I started this mild rant… They essentially have thie rown religion, and the only peaceful Qunari settlement that I can think of, but there’s language… very little seems to be mentioned. It would make sense that it is still spoken those given their general culture and identity, it is likely that they are bi-lingual in a similar way to Olaris.
Tevene… ok this one is my main bug bear… So it’s said in the codexes that Tevene is essentially a dead language, certain phrases still exist (many swear words) and it’s used by the elite as a show of status  but everyone mainly speaks Trade – which once again is meant to be slightly different to common. But just look at Tevinter society, the idea that they don’t retain their language, or a modern variant, at least for things like ceremonies, ritual, and events seems unlikely. The most we really hear of Tevene in Fenris swearing. Which is another thing... The guy literally only has memories of being a slave and then been on the run (with a short period with the fog warriors in between) there really should be some serious cultural/social/linguistic barriers there.
This… this got away from me a little and escalated lol, but ye… this irritates me probably more than it should… and I haven;'t even ccovered ALL the lagunages. Anyway, i this I think is why I keep trying to crowbar language and cultural differences into AUs.
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theomaru · 11 months
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Still deciding on the general plot, but the pokebots and deceptimons [NOT THE. FINAL NAMES. I HOPE] are enemy rescue/exploration guild groups.
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glitter-andgold · 2 months
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General Valentina Headcannons (Saw X)
Currently planning the "Valentina lives and becomes an apprentice" AU I've been wanting to write so consider this a precursor to that! (I wasn't kidding when I said I had many headcannons about her so enjoy the ramblings of a mad man <3)
Her full name is Valentina Rosa Hernández
She was 32 years old during the events of Saw X.
This makes her younger than Cecilia & Mateo and older than Diego and Gabriella
Valentina’s birthday is on the 27th of July (thus making her star sign Leo)
Let’s those close to her call her Val for short.
Is still trying to put an exact label on her sexuality but knows for a fact she isn’t straight
Valentina struggles to fully trust and open up to people as she’s been hurt by many throughout her life; she often uses her feisty, sarcastic personality as a shield. Though if you manage to break through this prickly facade, you will find a loyal woman with a lot of love to give.
Valentina loves doing her makeup and is quite the talented makeup artist. It was almost like her pre-work relaxation ritual for the night, doing her makeup while blasting some of her favourite music.
Loves heavy metal and rock music! It was quite rare but when she was able to go to concerts, she’d be in the mosh pit.
As well as having her ears pierced, she’s also got her belly button pierced.
Has a younger half-sister named Carmen who is five years younger than her. Val loves her above all else and is fiercely protective of. Aside from this has no relationship with any of her immediate family.
Growing up it was just Valentina and her father; her mother wasn’t really in the picture. She was really close with her father. However, he passed away when she was 12.
She was then sent to live with her mother, step father and Carmen. Her mother and step-father were cold and neglectful towards her, it was always clear that they didn’t want her there.
 As a result of this she grew into a trouble making teenager.
At first, she was distant from her little sister, envious of the love her mother and step father seemed to give her. However, as the pair grew older Valentina came to realise that the amount of pressure they put on her, even from a young age, was harmful within itself. They didn’t love her, they loved the idea of her and as soon as Carmen strayed from what they wanted she was punished. From that moment onwards Valentina vowed to love and protect her sister.
In fact, she started trying to change her trouble making ways so she could be a better older sister.
Valentina left home the age of 20 after a huge argument with her mother and step-father. The only person she stayed in contact with was Carmen (and she had to fight to stay in contact with her, their mother tried to prevent it but was unsuccessful).
Had little to her name when she left home and ended up couch surfing at friend’s places for a while.
Eventually saves up enough to rent a little place of her own, it was small and little bit rundown but it was hers. Carmen ended up moving in with Valentina after also having a falling out with their parents. Times could be tough but they were happy to have each other.
Valentina always wanted to provide a better life for her sister than what she was able to and this is why Cecilia was able to convince her to join the scam. She promised Valentina a life changing sum of money in exchange for pretending to be a nurse for a couple of days. Valentina had her doubts but at the end of the day, such a large sum of money to pretend to be a nurse for a short period of time??? She’d be a fool not too, after all this was for her sister. And she’d do anything for her sister.
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unnerving-presence · 1 year
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found it !!
i love the decision of him having guns despite having powers because it really does make sense considering how he doesn’t use his guns too often but only when the person he’s facing isn’t a clear challenge/worthy of his physical powers. it really shows that he has standards for who gets their ass whooped and who gets a simple shot in the face.
also makes sense that wesker takes his time whooping chris, jills, and sheva’s ass. he knows they’re skilled opponents and likes the challenge
also love that they wanted to humanize him since people like to assume he’s emotionless. while re5 wesker had way more potential and was done pretty dirty in both character and through the story i did like that they gave him more emotion/slight vulnerability in his cutscenes. yeah, he’s good at hiding emotions but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel them 🌝
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decoloraa · 2 years
Nora, I've just found your blog and I'm loving it!!!
I'm a bit of a Royai crackhead but I love FMA universe in general, so considering East and North do joint training exercises, how do you think it'd go with your OCs in it?
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Thank you so much!!! Royai is top tier, i love them sm (Casther and Val actually have quite some similarities). Had a lot of fun doing this and originally I wanted to draw some interactions between Mustgang and my ocs. But I ended up fixating on Royai and Casther and Val. Oops.
Overall I think these joint exercises have a history of East and North competing for who has the better soldiers (which is exactly where the rivalry between Olivier and Roy comes from). So at the same time we have the Mustgang/east group that are just as much dumbasses as those at Briggs, so it would be a big mess.
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neonbuck · 6 months
some artists have the boundary "do not tag my art as 'gender' or 'kin'". every one has their own boundaries. but personally i do not mind. i could go print out a copy of all my characters' genders and share them with every one right now if i wanted
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alchemiclee · 9 months
been looking in tags for a few days now to see if anyone else found the whole high cloud quintet and related story to be a bit.....poorly written, nonsensical, contradictory, full of plot holes and loose ends, etc. apparently i'm not the only one. (and i'm not even talking about shipping stuff, because any time I saw someone mad about bad writing, someone always replies to be homophobic and laugh about failed ships. weirdos.) it could have been so good but was thrown into the garbage for the most part (IF you noticed all the plot holes and contradiction. if not, then it's a fine enough story tbh. I expect most people to see it on surface level and not read all the little hidden lore bits and try to piece it together like my autistic brain did. which is ok! enjoy it if you liked it and ignore me 😆)
#apparently one of the writers did it on purpose. wont explain here. you can find it elsewhere. but it makes sense now#that's why it fell apart and didnt make sense in the end#ive seem people say anyone mad about it is a shipper and thats why. they use it as an excuse to be homophobes#youre gross get out of thos fandom. im here as someone upset about the story who was very skeptical about any ship theories and focused#more on plot theories and overall friendship and stuff so its not even about shipping you het weirdos!!!#the contradictions and plot holes are bd regrdless of who you ship lmao stop reducing it to that#aure its fine if you ignlre those plot holes. but it happened to be the little plot holes that interested me the most so its obvious to me😅#cant wait until a talented writer in the fandom rewrites the whole story a lot better and fills in the holes and ties up the end better#please someone do this 😭#lee text#hsr#i just wanted a close found family who met a tragic end#my idea for a better way to write it is dan feng wanted free from the high elder cycle and yingxing helped him create a new elder#but it went wrong and failed because the preceptors fed him wrong info hopong it woukd destroy dan feng since they hated him#instead it was yingxing that died and dan feng selfishly brought him back somehow and thats why hes immortal and hates dan heng now#they created a monster in the process that made a mess and baiheng died trying to kill it maybe but hit its weak spot#so it was weaked enough for jingliu to slay it#maybe for a plot twist jing yuan somehow knew the preceptors were up to something and didnt stop the two because#they were too stubborn and he knew it would do nothing#we know the dragon heart disappeared so either it ended becoming bailu in the end#or it could be inaide blade bow. another fun possible plot twist. they never explained where it went so it coukd be a n y w h e r e#i had other ideas but i forget now. bht baiheng deserves better as well. just being a plot mechanism to make two dudes be stupid#is kinda bland and boring and wasted her character. she deserves better too!!!!#id write this if i had the time and brain power but ill hope someone else does it instead#OH yeah i forgot a big idea. dan feng and yingxing perhaps try to also kill the arbor and end the abundance and long life/reincarnation#and maybe that was one part that led to it all going wrong or something. since yingxing wanted revenge on the abundance for destroying#his home and family???? and dan feng wanted to escape the cycle? similar wants that worked together snd failed#these are all ideas from past theories i read and my own ideas i came up with all of which are better than what that bad writer did!#these are very incomplete ideas that im sure someone else can write better#lee rambles
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