#there's a set with her actually giving it to him but that's queued for later this month. also still working on the Ustaad compilation
theinfinitedivides · 4 months
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'happy?' — ep 3 - scarred for life | heeramandi, 2024, dir. sanjay leela bhansali.
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sofiareidings · 1 year
I'm Not Yours
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Summary: You're getting over a breakup and meet a cute guy on a case, what you didn't realise was that your best friend has been waiting for years. Warning: Swearing
A/N: I'm sorry my post is so late!! I had it queued up to post at 9am like normal and then it didn't?? And then I had a math test so I couldn't go on my phone or anything, AND THEN HALF THE STORY JUST DISSAPPEARED SO I HAD TO REWRITE IT?!?!? It has been quite the hassle. Also this was a prompt from @andiebeaword's 3000 follower celebration! The first sentence of the story was the prompt. Also, I meant for this to be gn!reader so if anyone sees any she/he pronouns for reader please tell me! Love you all <333
Word Count: 1.5k
Song Suggestions: Yours - Conan Gray
"I can't stand you choosing another person over me, again."
His bright blue eyes shined in the sun, a ray hitting across his face perfectly. Pushing his short brown hair out of his face while smiling at you made your insides flutter, completely forgetting about your ex now.
"So as I was saying, it would be best for you and your team to set up here. There's lots of room and we haven't used it in years." His voice came out in this long, deep tone. JJ walked into the room raising an eyebrow at you before taking over the conversation with the officer.
"What was that look?" Jumping slightly, you turned around and saw Penelope. It was that once a year situation where she actually had to join the rest of the team for a case. "Someone likes the officer."
The girls took any chance they could to get you to talk to the guy. They weren't wrong, you did think he was insanely cute but, you just weren't quite sure if you had the guts to really talk to him.
"I do not!" You laughed, "And even if I did…it's not like anything could happen." Penelope continued pestering and Emily joined the conversation and made sure to give her opinion as well.
"You better at least get his number, we're only gonna be here for a few more days." Penelope had been bugging you the most out of anyone, "Well, I let you sit on that thought. I need to go work my wonderful magics so I will talk to you about this later." She smiled and strutted away back to her laptop setup down the hall.
"What was Garcia talking about?" Turning back to the task at hand, Spencer was standing at a board. Working on the case. "Is this about that officer?" His voice was very flat, little emotion which was unusual for him. Especially around you, the two of you had been best friends since you transferred to the BAU.
"Yeah it was, she's trying to get me to get his number." Not turning from his work you started to flip through some files and continue to talk. "I do think he's pretty hot, but I also think it's way too early to start putting myself out there you know?"
"Yeah, yeah I guess I can understand that." Peeking over his shoulder briefly to look at you. Hearing the way you were talking about this guy was leaving him conflicted. The first day he had met you he'd already fallen in love. No statistic or math problem could explain how that happened. He's been sitting on the sideline for the past three years, watching you go from boyfriend to boyfriend, letting him be your shoulder to cry on when it was heartbreak after heartbreak. But honestly, he didn't know how long he could keep going like this.
"...But it could also be some type of fate thing. Like, I break up with a toxic asshole and then meet a dreamy police officer? I don't know, what do you think Spencer?" Walking over to him to put up some photos and thoughts on the board you look up at him, waiting for his response.
"Whatever you think is best I suppose," It took him a long time to respond, the way you were speaking of this guy was just breaking his heart more and more. It was taking all his power to not just scream 'I LOVE YOU!!' and see your reaction. "Do you want to ask him out."
"I think so, I guess he is really nice, and really good looking…" Going on about him a bit more, you paused then changed your thought process. "I mean everything and everyone is telling me to go for it but some small part of me is saying no."
"I think I'm just being paranoid, why shouldn't I put myself out there? It has been like three months. And if it doesn't work out, so what? At least I tried. I think I'll do it." Just like that, the hope died. Should he just say it? Get it out there and hope for the best? This was impossible.
"What does that mean? Are you just not ready to put yourself out there again or is it because there's someone else?" A small glimmer of hope ignited in him, maybe he still had a chance after all.
"I'm going to do it. So you can stop annoying me about it, Pen." She smiled and started to ramble about how it will be so good for you. The case had been solved and you were all packing up. Everyone with the exception of Hotch and Rossi were in the room given to the team.
"I'm so glad you're going to do this! You two would be such a sexy pair I just know it." You and Penelope continued to talk, but Spencer was just heartbroken. Standing on the opposite side of the room he could still hear you. He was packing up his things slowly, hoping to get a chance to talk to you alone.
"You should just go for it kid, don't let them get with another guy without you atleast saying it." Derek, giving his opinion to Spencer while leaning against the wall. Tossing a ball now that he was all packed up.
"What if you say something and they like you back?" Derek counter protested. Spencer thought about it for a minute, he had a point. But on the other hand he couldn't tell what would be worse; watching you ask someone else out again or telling you and losing such an important person in his life.
"I know, I just don't want to ruin three years of friendship. What if I say something and they never talk to me again?" He questioned, still listening in on your conversation.
"I'll be done in a minute!" You called out to Penelope and Emily. Still packing up your things it was only you and Spencer left in the room.
Finally throwing your bag over your shoulder you started to catch up to the rest of the team you heard Spencer call out to you. "Wait! Can I talk to you for a minute, please?"
"Yeah, of course." A little confused on why he sounded so nervous you stood infront of him, waiting for him to continue. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing it's just," He cleared his throat, no or never. "I was just wondering if you gave that officer your number yet."
"Oh, not yet. I was actually about to do that. Why do you ask?" Titling your head, curious. He started to fidget with his hands, not sure what to say.
"Oh, so you are going out with him." His voice barely above a whisper. "That's nice I suppose."
"Okay…" You smiled and started to head to the door. "I'm going to go now, see on the jet Spencer?"
"I- please, I need to say something." He tripped over his words, come on Spencer, just say it!!!
"Are you okay? You seem nervous." Why was he acting like this? It was so confusing to you.
"Okay, I'm just going to say it." He sighed, "I don't want you to go out with that officer. I mean if you really want to you should do it of course but I don't want you to because I want you to go out with me. If you don't feel the same way tell me but it's just, I can't stand you choosing another person over me, again." Biting the inside of his cheek, waiting for your response.
"Oh," Was all you could say at first. You didn't really know what else to say. "You, you like me?"
"Yeah, I do. And if you don't feel the same way I get it and pretend I never said anything because I don't want to lose you. But if you go out and date this guy I'm going to have to put up a boundary, I'm sorry."
"Spencer, I don't know what to say," You laughed lightly, not sure how to say what you were thinking. "I feel the same way, I just assumed you never would like me back so I have been trying to get over it."
"Really?" He smiled and gave that puppy-dog face he always made. "Are you serious?"
"Why would I lie?" Throwing your bag over your shoulder you hugged him then stepped back giving a small smile. "We should go though, the jet is supposed to leave like now. But can we talk about this later?"
"I would like that." The two of you started to head out, and you completely forgot about the officer. Spencer just walked out with a huge smile on his face. Why didn't he say this sooner???
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simslegacy5083 · 6 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 40: Reception Gains and Losses
Immediately following the ceremony everyone began the reception at Luigi’s portable bar, set up on the edge of the dueling grounds.
Friends and family queued up as Luigi began mixing each sim’s requested beverage. Tonight would put his mixology skills to the test like never before.
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While Luigi mixed up their drinks Denton led Bridget over to the sage of mischief, who had been waiting for them just on the other side of the portal. Like Luigi and Hunter, she had a magical bloodline but had not been born with powers. Her mage husband had suggested that practicing magic together would be a fun couple’s activity for them, and Bridget thought a little mischief magic might be a good outlet for her darker impulses.
One quick spell later Denton’s blushing bridge was officially a spellcaster.
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The newlyweds went to test Bridget’s new talents, joining the other mages taking advantage of the venue’s location. While everyone else sparred, Great Grandpa Chance pulled his ex-husband away from the fun to impart some very important news.
He wanted his old friend and lover to be the first outside his current immediate family to know he had given up the immortality gifted to him so long ago.
Bianca was an elder herself now, and he was going to pass on to the ever after with her. He didn’t want to start over, alone, again, and after helping Jack through his own transition, he had come to appreciate the value of a life with limits. It was time for him to leave the mortal realm behind.
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Candor was speechless. Chance had been the love of his immortal life, a constant presence through the centuries as their relationship waxed and waned. The idea of his touchstone departing from this world forever shook him to his core, as if the rug had been pulled out from under his very soul.
Finally, he silently opened his arms, welcoming Chance in for a hug, before wishing him the very best and heading to one of the benches at the corner of the grounds to sit and process the hurricane of feelings swirling through him.
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I don’t know of any way with actual gameplay that a sim can forfeit their immortality, so I simply removed the trait from chance using UI cheats.
I’d toyed with having him ask Jasper to take it from him Gen 6 after I realized he’d been sad in my family photos for generations but decided to go the direction that ended up with him marrying Bianca instead.
However, this time it truly felt right for him to give up his immortality based on the explanation I outlined here. I love chance, but he’ll be in my forever save and I think its good to show another side of immortality and choices surrounding it.
I do wish there was some actual gameplay for what I did though!
View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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“you don’t feel safe here, do you?” for the prompts c:
I have so many thoughts about early-era Jessica/Leto // how in the HELL do those babes end up so functional, so... here we are, PG-ish, late queued crosspost // also on ao3
Trying to socialize a visibly traumatized woman who has powers well beyond normal human understanding and a clear dislike of everything that moves is… not a set of problems Leto ever planned for before it happened to him, but he’s trying. Skies, he is trying. Hopefully one of these days it’ll actually start to work.
She’s fascinating, and in the deepest parts of his heart he’s been a little bit in love with her since they met and yes he knows now that her fearlessness was an act but he didn’t then, and yet she self-isolates in ways that seem to go against his understanding of this whole arrangement. Version he was told, which he suspects more and more each day wasn’t anywhere near the whole story, she’s supposed to be useful in a very general sense. Not just physically, supposedly. Not that she’s figured that out yet, or-
It's been half a year, and at least now she keeps her eyes open when he’s all over her and he’s almost starting to think she might like their intimacies, and trying to get her to be a person in public remains this side of impossible but he absolutely refuses to give up. There’s something hidden under her layers, he’s sure of it, something deep in her that he wants to stand beside him for the rest of his life if he ever finds it. If she ever lets him.
Tonight, it feels like enough of a win that she’s relatively cooperative and, for the first time he can remember, wearing an actual color for a formal event.
In an ideal scenario this would be an opportunity – one of the smaller events of the social calendar, no one from off-planet to play nice with, a chance to expand her circles if she were so inclined. Instead she almost clings, never out of reach, a shadow in elegant midnight blue. She is more than her body, he is trying to convince himself of this even as he isn’t sure what she is, but there is nothing wrong with appreciating her beauty, with looking at her more than is necessary. Under other circumstances it could be nice to have her this close, a pleasant distraction from routines he could otherwise go through half-conscious. If, by some miracle, it seemed voluntary.
As it is there is something strange about her proximity, how it goes against what seems to be her normal behavior. She is quiet as always, speaking when spoken to but otherwise doing her best to blend in with the walls, eyes flitting around like some kind of trapped animal, like-
Trapped animal, he realizes later into the night than he probably should, is probably not a bad comparison.
He talked her into this – asked politely in a way that a more properly socialized person would see offered opportunities to decline without any hurt feelings or minor scandal, but she clearly did not – and that means it is his responsibility to run whatever damage control undoes this. Not to give up on her, not to actually learn from this and let her become a ghost like she’s been so damned determined about these past few months, but to find a way to do better so next time won’t be so challenging for her, so-
When a chance presents itself to pull her aside into an alcove for a few moments, the night nowhere near over but at least a safe time for temporary disappearance, it is at least opportunity for… oh, he did something wrong somewhere in his life to get stuck with one of the few people he’s ever known who is completely immune to his attempts at talking his way out of trouble, but-
“You don’t feel safe here, do you?” No formalities, not even an attempted apology yet, he needs to be sure of his understanding before he finds some way to make this worse.
She shakes her head, and the lack of eye contact is worrying. “That isn’t unusual.”
That’s just more questions they don’t have time for, and a few conversations for the next few days or weeks, and at the same time… he knows. He’s seen her dresses fall to the floor, learned how women hide small knives in case of undesired attention, and he isn’t sure what made her like this but-
“Did I wrong you?”
“No. You would never. Not with intent.”
At least she understands that. There is so much he doesn’t know about her, but he suspects she is nowhere near as instinct-driven as he is, nowhere near as inclined to believe a first impression and oh how strange it is that she herself has been his exception in that tendency. It had been tempting, when she removed her veil, to write her off as a lace-wrapped mole and allow every one of her attempts at distance. But there is something in her that even she does not see yet, he suspects, something fierce and impossible to ignore, starlight and life to come and-
“You don’t have to…”
“I don’t know how to do this,” she murmurs, and it is still so strange to hear her admit weakness and perhaps it is wrong that her words make him warm but at least she is starting to trust him in the right ways. “I wasn’t meant to be a display object and-“
“No one is asking that of you.”
She makes a low sound that might be as close as her voice comes to a laugh. “This dress isn’t…?”
He takes a moment to try to see her as she sees herself, and he can’t find fault. Deep blue is only so far removed from her usual blacks, and the style is similar enough, high neck and long sleeves and flowing skirt and the only difference is it’s a nicer fabric and-
“Letting you have nice things represents us well. It isn’t…”
“I’m not a decoration. I don’t want to be.”
“Then be something else.” It is all he can do to keep his tone even, to hope that she understands he is not angry at her but at everything that made her what she currently is. He will likely never ask – it is safer never to know – but there has been harm done to her and it cannot be undone but perhaps something can still bloom from it, perhaps-
“What else is there?”
“You are… more capable than I will ever know,” he murmurs, taking her hands because touch is always easier than words. “I don’t know in what ways, but if half the rumors are true you could run circles around everyone in this space, myself most of all and-“
“That’s not a request.”
“I don’t know what to ask you for. I don’t know what would make you comfortable enough. All I know is I do want you here.”
Her fingers trace spirals on his skin, and she is not visibly calm yet but at least she is closer. “I can listen,” she suggests. “I can hear what is not said. I can… I want to stay close, but if-“
“I like that too. I just want…”
“I’ll learn. If this is what I am here for, I’ll learn.”
She worries him, he’s starting to think, because she chooses the same survival methods he does and it’s strange to see that reflected back in different form. The same sense of obligation that has brought then to this conversation – he did not ask for this but he made a silent vow to do right by her before he even saw her face – will lead them forward, into something beautiful if they let it. Lives and loves have been built upon less.
“We’ll find a way.”
“Thank you for giving me-”
“I want you to be comfortable. I also want you to be a part of public life here. However we have to balance that…”
“I’ll learn,” she repeats.
Who is he to ever ask for anything more?
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kindnessisweakness2 · 2 years
Perfect Chaos! - Part 5
There she stood. Breathless with wide eyes gazing at the man that wormed his way into her heart unbelievably fast. 2 days. 1 passionate night stand. Well the 2 days were a lie. If she was completely honest with herself, Riley could never keep her eyes off of the walking Sex on Legs that was Angel Reyes. Even her first night in the clubhouse all them years ago her eyes would never leave Angel. There was always something, some kind of chemistry, pulling her to him. Part of her cursed Lina for falling in love with Coco. Without her stubborn ass dragging her to that party a year ago she never would’ve stepped foot in their world. Jake would never have been introduced to club life, and he definatley wouldnt be patched in. Riley could laugh out loud at Jakes Club journey. If Bishop knew half of it, Jake would be stripped off his patch and Riley would be dead for telling the truth about her supposed lover.
The other half of her could thank god that Lina and Coco hit it off. And it was all down to him. Since that first day she set eyes on Angel it was all different. He was always different with her. Soft. Calm. He would sit at the bar with her all night during club parties, swatting away hang arounds like flies and making her laugh until her lungs burned. Jake would leave her there for hours while he was off doing god knows what with god knows who, and the only one to keep her company, to actually care enough to check on her, was Angel. 
The feeling of Angel abruptly taking a step back made Riley snap out of her thoughts. Seeing the hurt flash across Angel’s eyes made her feel sick to her stomach. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him. “You.” Reaching out for him, grasping onto the neckline of his kutte, Riley tugged him lightly back towards her. “Its always been you, Angel. Since that very first clubhouse party i was dragged to, where you spilled beer down my vest top and gave me your shirt instead.” Riley couldn’t stop a giggle from escaping from her. “You sat shirtless that whole night just so i didn’t have to be wet and sticky.” Angel smiled at her, cupping her face. “Then be mine.” Pulling her into a kiss, Angel let his hands slide under the oversized grey t-shirt she wore and explore her warm skin. Riley gasped letting her head fall back as she lost herself in the comfort that was Angel. “Its not that simple. You don’t know what he’ll do.” Angel groaned in frustration, pulling away to look at Riley fully. “He wont hurt you, not anymore. Ill kill him.” Shaking her head, Riley pleaded with Angel. “He knows things. Things he shouldn’t. I cant explain fully. Not here anyway. But one thing i do know is we have to be smart. It isn’t just as simple to leave him Angel. I wish it was.” Riley sighed, Pulling him in for another kiss. “Please trust me. Ill explain more when i can. But for now this has to be our secret. Promise me.” Reluctantly nodding, Angel gave Riley one last desperate kiss before stepping away from her. “Fuck this is gonna be so hard.”  
After 10 Minutes, Riley made her way back through the noisy clubhouse and headed outside. Angel was the first to leave the stock room, thankful no one was lingering in the usually cramped hallway, with people queuing for the bathroom. Both of them hoped it wasn’t obvious. Heading back towards the group, taking her previous seat next to Lina, Riley leaned towards her best friend and smiled. “I’m sorry, L. I shouldn’t have snapped. Im happy for you and Coco. Truly, you know that. I love you.” Lina smiled back at her friend, “I know RyRy. I love you too!” Coco rolled his eyes and nudged his head towards the girls as he watched Angel take his seat. “Arguing one second, making up another. Fucking Girls bro. Crazy.” Lina glared at her boyfriend, she wasn’t going to give him a response to his stupid comment, But by the look in her eye Coco knew he was going to get his ass chewed out later when they were alone. “Anyway, before my Idiot rudely interrupted. I was going to ask, You up for going the cabin this week Ry? It’ll be good to get away for a few days, get your head straight ya’know?” Riley shook her head instantly, avoiding eye contact with everyone other than lina, even though she could feel Angel’s eyes burning a hole through the side of her face. “He’s not gonna let me go Lina. You know that.” Scoffing loudly Lina made clear she didn’t give a fuck. “Let me handle it. You need this break.” And before anyone could protest, she stormed off into the crowded clubhouse on the search for Jake. Riley couldnt help but think she was fucked. Lina and Jake clearly didnt get on, and if she mentioned going to the cabin, he would want to go too to make sure Riley was ‘behaving’.
Not even 5 Minutes later, out of the clubhouse came a seething Jake. The look in his eyes as he stormed his way to Riley made her stomach drop instantly. “You’re calling off work and going to the cabin tomorrow and didn’t tell me before? Are you fucking Joking Riley?” It killed Angel to watch him shout at her like that. She was a grown woman for god sake, not some child that had to be supervised. “Well Lina only just suggested it. I have a ton of paperwork and essay’s to catch up on and i think getting away for a few days will give me the space to finish them. Their really important Jake. You know what im trying to achieve here. Plus it will just be me and Lina. No one else.” Riley practically begged him to agree to let her go. The paperwork excuse being true, along with the need for some serious girl time. “No one else? You promise?” Jake questioned her directly. Riley nodded her head frantically. “Ofcourse. I think Coco is going, but thats so he can spend time with Lina while im working. Ill literally be shut away in a bedroom of the cabin for 4 nights working every hour. Please Baby. This will be good for me.” Thinking quick on her feet seemed to be a new found skill of Rileys the last few years. Sometimes, its hard for even her to recognize what is a lie and what is truth. It was hard, keeping track of everything, but it was needed to survive her and Jakes turbulent relationship. “Well as long as its just Lina and Coco i suppose you can go.” Smiling widely Riley kissed Jake’s cheek.”Thank you! We’re leaving early in the morning, but i promise not to wake you!” Excitement fluttered in her stomach as she realised she could get away from him and finally not be filled constantly with panic. But it very quickly turned to dread at the words he spoke. “Don’t be silly, Babe. You have to show me how thankful you really are later.” And with a final wink at a now pale Riley, Jake sauntered away from the group. Lina, who had only caught the tail end of the convosation, turned to smile at her. “See, knew i could get him to let you go. 4 nights away from him Ry! You can finally let your hair down.” Riley spoke quietly without even looking at her friend. “At what cost...”
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
The Empress Pt.VI
I hope you all have a lovely day🖤🖤
Warnings: light hint to sexual innuendo, Swearing
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   Its been about a couple of months now since we found Tommy. The palace was up in a baby craze due to the new little prince they inherited. Once we got past the first couple week's of tommy living with us, we saw his true nature. He was a nice and sweet kid, don't get me wrong. But oh, he was also a trouble maker.
   Tommy would often bounce between hanging around Wilbur, Techno, Phil and even you. When you would be working at the forge Tommy would sometimes just slip in unannounced and make himself comfortable on a spare stack of metal. You'd only really notice him when he would ask you what something was, or what it did.
   That was the new update as well. After returning Techno had requested that you practice making earrings. Saying that he wanted to see how dainty you could work. Of course you didn't mind, back at your village you would often make rings, pendants, and sometimes earrings for those who asked. So making him a earring was no fuss at all. 
   Techno did start to wonder around to the forge often. usually seeing what you were making or what you were in the process of. Sometimes he would even make off hand comments to make you laugh. Your favorite visit’s from him were always when he would bring tommy. The two would walk in, Tommy holding Techno’s finger as his hand was a little too big for the young boy to fully grasp.
   Since you were a familiar face around the palace Techno had stopped wearing his Skull. Instead replacing it with his all to familiar golden reading glasses. You still stood by the ideal that you preferred him with no skull. Since he was, to you, very handsome. You did find out later that the skull he wore was for outsiders. He didn't feel the need to show his face to those who wouldn't be present very long in the empire. Choosing instead to leave them with the impression that he was a monster of a man, rather than a young prince with a heart of gold. When you say he had a heart of gold, you meant it.
   Recently techno has really opened up around you, becoming more relaxed in your presence. Phil had mentioned that it would only be a matter of time before he did, and sure enough he was right. If you didn't have anything to do with the forge that day you would sometimes read within his office well he worked. He never made tones of disagreement, or ask that you leave, instead he would just watch you sit before offering a ‘Hello’. It had become something that you often looked forward too.
   You and Wil were still thick as thieves. Techno would rag on Wil about how you two could sit and talk for hours, before declaring that you were bored with each other. Only for you two to part then reconcile in the library a hour later. Techno couldn't understand it, but in the end just accepted it for what it was.
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   You had just finished cleaning up the forge for the night when you herd some light pitter patter of feet. Tommy. You slowly turned to face him. He was in his night wear, obviously he had just gotten out of bed. he looked distraught however. “What’s up bud?” you asked, putting the tongs and the spare metal away. He slightly shifted in his spot, his little teddy bear behind him.
   “I had a nightmare” he quietly mumbled. your eyes softened. Ever since you three found him he would have a recurring nightmare about ‘loosing my new family’ as tommy put it. Usually when he had this dream he would seek Techno, or you out for his comfort. Since you two were mostly together when he would look.
   “Want me to read to you?” you asked, kneeling down to his level. His bright blue eyes dancing about. He gave a little nod. he put his arms out for you to carry him. you shyly smiled at him.
   “buddy I'm a bit dirty...” You said softly, unsure if he was ok with getting dirty right before bed. He only shook his head and said ‘I don't mind’ as a response. So you gently took him into your arms as you stood. He didn't hesitate to curl into your neck. you glanced back at the room that held the forge, you mentally shrugged figuring the rest could wait until tomorrow. With Tommy in your arms you wondered out, heading for his room. On the way there Techno crossed path’s with you.
   “Oh (y/n)” he said as he looked from you to tommy. he furrowed his brows, asking what was wrong without physically saying it. You mouthed out that it was a nightmare, Techno slowly nodded understanding. He rested is hand on tommy’s head giving a reassuring rub to it. “Not havin’ such a good night big man?” he asked gently. Tommy turned his head to look at Techno, slowly shaking his head. Techno pondered a moment as he watched tommy. slowly he gained a idea. “You wanna hear somthin’ cool?” he said with a small smile. tommy nodded in response, gripping to your shirt.
   “Can (y/n) come?” Tommy asked quietly, watching Techno's kind eyes. Techno patted Tommy’s head before he nodded.
   “Yeah I mean, I guess she can come. Only if you deem her cool enough that is” Techno mused, glancing to your eyes. you raised a brow in question, watching Techno bite back a playful smile. Tommy nodded again. “You think she’s cool enough?” Techno asked Tommy, having him confirm his nod. “Yeah I think she’s cool enough too” He said, ruffling your hair before he walked off. queuing you to fallow him. You smiled and fixed your hair before fallowing him. Instead of leading you towards Tommy’s room, he lead you two to the Library. “Go sit on the couch over there” Techno said, pointing to the sofa closest to the fire. You nodded and wondered over, curious of what Techno had planned. 
   when you sat, you adjusted tommy so he sat in your lap. he pulled his bear close to his chest, hugging it tightly well the two of you waited for Techno. Luckily he didn't take long. When he returned, he had a Violin in hand. He was casually tuning it well he walked. You tiled your head curiously at him. “I didn't know you played” you said to him. He sent a bemused smile to you. taking a relaxed stance.
   “Trust me Princess... There's a lot you don't know about me” He waisted no time on starting a soft tune. Well Tommy eased into you, slowly becoming entranced with the peaceful notes, you became more interested in how he swayed to the light swing of his arms. His hands ever so delate as he held the bow, dancing it along the strings. working the instrument to cry out a melody ever so sweet. His face was that of concentration, focused on finding the proper notes to lull his younger sibling to sleep. This was just another reason why you found Technoblade so interesting. He could talk politics and war strategies so easily, sounding like a primed veteran well past his years. But then he could retire to the library and look like a young boy falling in love with the craft he just found.
   Well Techno played away, his eyes fell to you. Tommy had fallen asleep in your arms, finding security within them. His teddy bear tightly locked within his own arms. When he glanced up to you he almost had the breath knocked from his lungs. You sat so beautifully. Your eyes were ever so soft well watching him. You looked at him like he was the most important thing you had ever seen. Your face held a little bit of dirt, and ash from the hard work you did for the day, but he didn't mind. He actually preferred it. Too many times had the Court tried to set him up with a prim, and proper woman. One that was elegant, clean, pure, dainty. But He didn't want that. He wanted strong, hands calloused, smudged makeup, sweat dripping, imperfect, but yet somehow at the same time, perfect. He wanted flaw. He wasn't perfect, he had scars, he wasn't the most handsome boy, he was often classified as too bulky, and too tall. He also couldn't be held back with someone who wanted him, to pamper and please. He wanted someone who would treat him as a equal, who praised his knowledge on war instead of shunning it. Someone who embraced the flaws of the world, and turned them into works of art. His eyes wondered back over you, you had moved your head down to check on tommy. Your fingers delicately tracing over Tommy's cheek. Brushing the curls from his face.
   You looked back up to techno as he came to a stop. “That was beautiful... Why didn't you tell me you played?” you asked softly. Being mindful of the toddler asleep in your arms. Techno slowly lowered the Violin to the couch.
   “I didn't think it was that important to bring up” He said, returning the soft tone. Well he sat the instrument down his eyes met yours. You couldn't help but feel drawn to his eyes, they looked like beautiful glass, the fire’s reflection dancing within, making his eyes dance lively. “If you would like to talk more we should take him to bed first” he said, his eyes flickering to Tommy. You nodded slowly.
   “Right, of course.”
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   After Techno and you had put Tommy to bed it was well into the night. Most of the servants and palace guards had retired to their beds, making way for the changing of the guards. Techno and you weren't really feeling the effects of sleep yet. Rather the two of you wanted to stay within each others company longer. Techno had walked you you to the garden, having snatched two blankets from the library before wondering out into the cold. Techno, having no where to be ended up taking his hair out from his braid. replacing it with a lower pony tail, giving his hair a moment of freedom from it’s confinement.
   The garden was beautiful. They couldn't grow flowers of course, but there were elegant sculptures that replaced them. in the middle of the whole garden was a artesian well fountain. although long frozen when the two of you passed by you could hear the water running within the ice. It was peaceful to walk with Techno. It was rare when the two of you would make late night walks. Usually you would take them during the day, or after dinner. But nothing past 10 o’clock mostly. 
   “So what’s something else I should know about you?” You inquired to him. He smiled to himself before turning to you. 
   “Are you really going to start school yard type questions with me?” He teased. You smiled and lightly laughed. He was smiling at you, admiring how you looked when you laughed.
   “Yeah, yeah I guess I am. You going to answer them?” You couldn't help but tease back. He chuckled and hummed.
   “Mmn. Maybe” he said bemused.
   “What’s your favorite color?” You asked, now aiming for the most basic questions just to make him laugh in turn. He leaned onto the railing that over looked the kingdom, pondering a moment.
   “Red’s a nice color, Or Plum Purple” He said looking at you. Taking a moment to ask you a question in turn. “Besides the forge what do you like to do?” You sat and thought a moment. 
   “I like to read, Action and Romance are a lot of fun” you mused, earning a laugh from him.
   “Romance eh? Waiting for someone to sweep you off your feet? Lamee” he said jokingly. You laughed and took a swat at his chest. 
    “Oh hush up, I bet you’d like someone to sweep you off your feet Techno” You said, your eyes scanning the horizon. He sat and thought on your words a moment.
   “Eh not particularly. Only lame nerds think of that” He said, turning, heading back for the garden door’s. you scoffed and laughed a bit. 
   “Jerk” you said between laughs. You were going to fallow, but then you had a wicked idea. You scooped up some snow in your hand and bit your lip trying to muffle your laugh. once you had a decent snowball you threw it at him. Bullseye. You had nailed him in the back of the head. He went still, You were a giggling mess now.
   “Oh, your in for it now Princess” He said, smirking has he turned. Running after you, his blanket long discarded as he ran to grab you. You squealed out laughing, running from him, discarding your blanket too. You didn't get far before he hooked his arm around your torso, pulling you into his chest well you flapped about like a fish. “Your gonna’ be pullin’ snow out of your shirt for a week when I'm done with ya’!” he said Laughing. Picking snow up before putting it on your head. Some of it even went down your shirt. You flopped about, laughing the whole time until he dropped you into the snow bank. He laughed at you and how you were practically buried within the snow. This only fueled your fire. you threw two more snowball’s the first one missed, but the second one he grabbed out of mid air. You tried to free yourself from the snow bank before he came over to you, but it was no use. he climbed into the bank and shoved the snow down the back of your shirt. But this time you caught him off guard. You grabbed his arm and pulled. setting him off balance so he fell into the snow. Now it was your turn to laugh. tossing more snow onto him. It didn't take him long to recover of course, he simply rolled and grabbed your arms. Pinning them down to the snow. His body hovered over yours. You could feel the warmth radiating from his body. His face was that of pure joy, the long stoic look gone. he was at his happiest with you right now. He looked down at you, smiles adorning both of your faces. You two were happy. Happy with the moment, you just wanted it to last as long as it could. Well you two looked into each other’s eyes everything else lost meaning.
   Without you two realizing, Phil watched above from one of the windows. He was smiling fondly at the little snowball war you just had. whether Techno had realized it yet or not, Phil did. Techno cared for you. Phil saw how he looked at you. During dinners, Lunches, casual talks, or even when the two of you hung out together. Techno looked at you with pure love and adoration. Phil knew if anyone was capable of wining Techno’s love it was going to be you. You were a hard worker, You cared for Techno’s brothers, got along well with all the servants, were mindful and respective of Techno's space, you also had enough spunk to rise up and toss back the teasing he threw. Phil knew this was the beginning of a love story.
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   After your snowball fight with techno the two of you did end up going back inside rather quickly. Well Techno may have not been cold, you were definitely cold after all that. You could feel the snow melting on your back, the drops of water running down your skin. But that didn't stop Techno from walking beside you. The two of you walked side by side, your arms around each other to share the warmth. The lingering giggles were etched onto your faces in wide smiles.
   “I didn't hurt you at all, right?” Techno asked, double checking incase he was too rough. You shook your head smiling. Drawing your side of the blanket- that was wrapped around you both- closer to preserve the upcoming heat.
   “Nah, I coulda’ have taken ya’ if you had stayed above me more” Techno laughed fondly. Amused with your spurt of spunk.
   “Oh really now? You think you could take me?” This was now your turn to giggle. purposefully running into his side, shoving him lightly.
   “Mmn.. I think I could have found a way” You said looking up towards your room. You had offered to walk techno to his room, but he declined. He said he would feel better if ‘The lady was at her room safely’. You didn't mind, you figured next time you would walk him to his room in turn to make it even, maybe fire back with ‘I must make sure the young prince is safe’.
   He chuckled bemused. “If you really have that much spunk maybe I should teach you sword play, or maybe something more military related. you tilted your head up to him curiously. 
   “You would teach me something?” You asked, semi surprised, but also heart warmed that he would take time aside for you.
   “Of course, Princess. I’ll teach you anything you want” He looked down to you as he spoke. He was smiling gently. His tone was fond as he addressed you. “Now don't think I’ll go easy on you though” 
   “Oh, I didn't think you would” You said, resting your hand on the door handle, opening it. “Would you wanna come in and warm up a bit?” You inquired, looking up to him. He went a faint pink before biting back a shit eating grin.
   “Princess... Young men shouldn't be within young ladies chambers during such late hours... Unless, your trying to bed me?” He leaned on your door way. Biting back the largest grin. “Are you trying to bed me, Princess? I knew you had gotten some spunk but I never thought-” You laughed as he teased, going a bit red. trying to wave it off.
   “No- No, you know what I mean-” He laughed and cut you off.
   “Oh no, I know exactly what you mean” You smiled leaning on your door, looking up at him.
   “Are you done?” You asked giggling. He hummed, his face towards yours as he shifted a little closer.
   “Maybe” He said amused. “Go get some sleep, and warm up. I'm going to teach you sword play tomorrow” Your eyes lit up. Taking in a small gasp of excitement.
   “Are you really?” You asked almost unsure that he was still teasing.
   “I mean, Only if that interests you...” He said, his eyes lingering yours. You nodded fast and hugged him without much thought. Techno couldn't help the blood that ran to his face. He lightly cleared his throat as he rested his arms on you. A bit hesitant at first, but he slowly relaxed into your hold. Now understanding why Tommy liked to hug you a lot.
   “Thank you...” You mumbled into his chest.
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   You swore if techno knocked you off your feet one more time you were going to find a way to shove his pretty head in the snow.
   Techno was a monster- in the sense of strength. You thought when fighting him, it would be a mutual teaching before he actually started going ham on you. But no, he literary just started striking with no hesitation. Only when he had your swords in a lock did you voice your lag.
   "Tech, please can we ease up?" You pleadded. He only watched you briefly. His inner General having come out a while ago.
   "Your strong. You can take it" he said sharply. Earning a whine from you. You weren't strong. You didn't do this on a daily. You only made the swords. But he was pushing you. Pushing your strength, and your nerves for one.
   "Techno I'm not strong, I- I've never done this-" he grabbed your sword and threw it away from you. Putting his own away. He grabbed your arm and pulled it to him. Pushing your sleeves up.
   "Flex your arm." He commanded. You hesitated, looking up at him. "Don't look at me like that. I said flex your arm" you slowly did as he said. Drawing your fist, and flexing your arm. He grabbed your bicep and squeezed a bit. "Notice how hard it is?" You nodded slowly. A slight sting from where he squeezed. "That's pure muscle. You are stronger than you realize. If you convince yourself that you are weak or that you cannot do this, then that's what will become of you" he paused his eyes flashing to yours. "I understand that you are no warrior, but you have strength. As soon as you stop telling yourself that you are weak, you will make progress." He pulled your sleeve down, fixing it for you. "Rome wasn't built over night, Princess. It took time, planning, care, and had to show promise. When I look at you, I see great promise."
   When he released your arm you walked over to pick your sword up. Techno readying his stance again. However, before you could break into another spar Phil had wondered out.
   "Ay' Techno you have a letter on your desk. You may want to read it" Phil said with a bit of concern. Techno dropped his stance his brow furrowing. He gave a 'Heh?' In confusion. He glanced to you and to Phil.
   “Can it wait a bit? I'm in the middle of teaching” Phil shook his head slowly. Techno paused as he thought a bit. "If I go, could you teach (y/n) a bit more? She feel's I'm too strong for her." He mused. His military side slowly fading away for his more domestic side.
   "I suppose so." Phil said with a gentle smile. Techno gathered his things and ruffled your hair before leaving. Phil turned his attention towards you. "What has he showed you?" Phil inquired, walking over to you.
   "Nothing besides showing me the ground.. seriously my back hurts.." you whined. Phil chuckled lightly at you.
   "I should have known. Here I'll teach you some basic's" Before long Phil had you doing simple moves and stances. Things he felt would be easy for you to ace. After a while you got a bit curious.
   "Why does techno think I can pick this up so easy? He fights so hard" You questioned. Looking over to Phil. He hummed a moment well he pondered.
   "I uh, think that he just wants you to be able to defend yourself. He knows your strong, and besides. He thinks pretty highly of you, y'know'" you went a bit wide eyed. Techno thinks highly of you?
   You looked to Phil with a bit of shock on your face. "He does?" He nodded, Smiling gently. Phil gently took the sword from your hands and hung it on the wall with the others.
   Since you within the training hall, there was a plethora of weapons and armor of all kinds. The room was large, made for incasing many people. But the detail never faltered. The floor was of stone, pillars lining the outside to support a second floor. The ceiling was framed with gold, dark oak and a smooth white to open the room up more. It was a good place to spar and just ramble off thoughts.
   "Oh, of course. He's said it multiple times to me. That's why he was fine with you coming with us to the mansion. Don't think that he hasn't been paying attention to you on the daily." Phil said looking up to you.
   "He watches me?" You furrowed your brow slightly. Phil saw and continued.
   "Not in the creepy way. He just takes notes of things you do, say you like, ect. He knows your kind with tommy, that you are very organized with your work. Your very detail oriented. He's become quite smitten with you" Phil chuckled. Finding it all amusing.
   You were taken aback by this. You thought you two had a good friendship, but it looks like he's paid a lot of attention to you after all. It started to dawn on you. 'I don't really know much about him' you thought to yourself. Sure you knew his mom passed, his favorite color. But you never really dove into his personal life much beyond that. Maybe it was time you got to know him more. "If I wanted to know more about him... could I ask him?" You asked, looking up at Phil. He patted your head and started walking with you towards the hall.
   "Of course. Something tells me he wouldn't turn you away." Phil said, biting a smile back. He remembered you two last night playing within the snow. He knew Techno would never turn you away, he was in love with you, even if techno wasn't aware of it.
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   After dinner you wondered towards Techno's office. You wanted to talk to him, get to know him better. You know he was powerful and kind, but you wanted to know more. What was his ambitions? His hopes, fears. You just wanted more.
   When you walked up to the doors you carefully knocked, hearing talking within. When you herd the 'come in' you pushed the doors open. Techno was sat in his chair per usual, he had his reading glasses on with papers on his desk. When you entered he complied them together neatly. Setting them aside for later. However there was also a rather tall woman. she was beautiful, dripping with total control. Her hand was rested on her sword. When she turned to face you. You saw Her face, It was hard but something told you their was more too her. Her skin looked like it was kissed by the sun himself. She looked like she wasn't from here, but the way she dressed herself in armor told you elsewise.
   "Hello (y/n)" techno said. The woman glanced to Techno and back to you. She offered a kind smile. "This is General Hawthorne, she's my leading General of the Empires army. I don't believe you two have met before" He said formally. Not having the tone he normally used with you.
   She offered her hand. "Its nice to finally meet you (y/n). His Imperial Majesty said we would have a new Blacksmith. But I never expected someone as young as you" Her smile was warm. When you took her hand to shake it you were shocked with the grip she had. Under her glove you could feel some rings digging into your hand. "Don't worry about addressing me as Hawthorne. Seraphina is fine, or Sarah" you nodded smiling to return hers. Wanting her to drop your hand, her grip a tad to much.
   "Its a pleasure to meet you, too" you said looking up to her. She turned back to Techno, taking a scroll from his desk.
   "I'll see you there then sire" Sarah said, smiling before she walked out. You watched her go, your eyes lingering on the door as you thought. Turning back to Techno.
Techno took his reading glasses off and set them aside on his desk. Leaning back in his chair. When he looked up at you his eyes softened, his tone also becoming casual. "What do you think about weddings?".
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Panic at the Haunted Maze
Part of meet cute Mondays
My masterlist
Marinette couldn't see her group anymore. She didn't think anyone would miss her. She had just signed up to join a random group but she had turned and when she looked back she couldn't see them. All she found was another dead end. She didn't have her own flashlight and her phone died. Her shoes were definitely covered in mud.
Of course it started raining again.
She had done a corn maze in France before but it was nothing like this haunted maze. The path had been hardened and easy to follow when she went with a group from lycée. She remembered it being brighter and full of laughter. Maybe she was looking back with her heart shaped glasses. It was the unplanned moment that Marinette had finally been able to tell Adrien how she felt. Everything else about the night felt happy and fuzzy with the memory of her first kiss. It had been a couple years later that she found out her two previous kisses had been with him.
She definitely didn't remember soft, sticky mud underfoot with cold rain pouring down. Her pants might be as bad off her shoes. It was worse than walking through snow. Which would be happening soon as she could see the icy rain being joined by large, wet snowflakes as the temperature was dropping. That might be scarier than anything she had seen in the maze so far. Mostly it was jump scares but apparently the dead end she was currently in was so obviously the wrong path that no one had bothered to put anything scary there. She really needed to find a way out before she froze.
She pushed herself on and she was fairly certain she had found the main path. There were definitely louder, creepy sounds and some moving light up ahead. She knew that meant there would be a jump scare around the next corner so she took a breath and squared her shoulders to prepare herself. She could see the person moving quickly towards her in the dark. It was a black light moving back and forth, shining on all the floating ghosts. She could see where they were tethered and being blown to look spooky. But then the light illuminated the person. It could have been anything but it was a person in a catsuit, all bright white against the black around him. The large predatory eyes turned to her and the mouth formed an evil grin.
She didn’t even realize that she was screaming but she could hear the piercing sound. She rushed forward and slammed into Chat Blanc in a panic. He fell over and somehow didn’t reach out to grab her. She raced on in a frenzy to get away. She needed to find a place to transform. She could barely form words when she ran into civilians just ahead. They were trying to calm her down but she couldn’t process the English in her panic. One of them didn’t wait for her to process. He wrapped something warm around her and scooped her up. In only seconds he had reached the end of the haunted maze.
Jason was surprised when he turned at the sound of crashing in the maze. He hadn’t remembered any of the last scares being particularly scary but something had clearly been knocked over and then a woman ran right into him. She was clearly in distress about something. Taking in her appearance with a too thin jacket, that had probably been fine an hour ago before the rain and now the snow and then the mud halfway to her knees, Jason didn’t wait to find out what had spooked her. He just wanted to help her. He wrapped her in his jacket and carried her to the exit. There were a few tents set up for those who needed a calm place to recover and there was a variety of warm drinks.
Possibly it wasn’t the best thing for him to do with a stranger, but she didn’t seem to be with anyone so he sat back on the cot in the tent and pulled her against his chest after helping her out of the wet jacket. He kept his arms around her, speaking softly or singing in French. The only French songs he knew were Jagged Stone ones but he just sang them much softer like a lullaby and hoped she would forgive him after. It took a bit but when he was trying to remember the words to Jagged’s song about a cartoon superhero Ladybug she seemed to become aware. She filled in his missing words anyway.
She still didn’t seem to fully realize where she was but he passed her a cup of hot cocoa and she started to sip it slowly. She was no longer shaking and her breathing had started to even out. Jason pulled back as soon as she started shifting. He was only trying to get her calm and warm so he didn’t want to overstep any more than he already had. He left his jacket on her as well as the blankets covering her arms and legs before trying to find out more.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asked.
“I’m feeling very embarrassed and a bit confused,” she said.
“I don’t know what you saw but it was clearly enough to take you to something your brain couldn’t escape from,” he explained. “Did you come with anyone?”
“Yeah. But it wasn’t people I knew. I doubt they even noticed I was missing.”
"I'm Jason. Can you tell me who you are?"
"Uh, Marinette."
“Okay Marinette, we were not able to find anyone missing a person. There were 3 larger groups that had gotten out around that time.”
“I got lost a while back. I couldn't see and I got stuck in the mud. It started raining and everything was worse.”
“Do you have a way home or anyone who will be near you when you are home?”
“I rode in a van that brought a group of people. I could probably find another one leaving if there are other groups around.”
“I think they are all gone for the night. They are closing up here.”
“Oh no. I guess I could call a cab. My phone died though.”
“I have an idea. I live really close to here. It is not just me. I have brothers and sisters staying over. They wanted to make it an all night thing and keep on with scary movies.”
“I couldn’t do that. You don’t even know me and I definitely am not in the mood for scary movies.”
“I know you are having a rough night. You are cold and alone. I can’t just leave you. So if you want to go home, I will take you. But if you want to stay by the fire with lots of snacks and a pile of blankets, I’m offering,” he smiled. “Actually I’m begging. There are plenty of warm clothes and I’ll put on Pride and the Prejudice. It's the solution to all bad days.”
“You want to watch Pride and the Prejudice?”
“Of course I do. It’s a classic,” he said with a smile.
Jason kept pushing because he could see that she seemed interested. He really didn’t want her to be alone after tonight. He put her in the back of the car with Steph after introducing her to everyone, and he and Dick sat up front. They talked and joked for the few minutes it took until they reached the manor. He sent a message ahead to Alfred so he could have a fire going and heat up drinks for them. When they arrived Marinette was dragged off with Steph to get her clean dry clothes and an offer for a bath. Marinette chose to just clean up as much as possible and get directly into the clothes so she could warm up faster.
Jason had not been kidding about the set up. She could see that he had Pride and the Prejudice queued up and a variety of foods set out. He pulled her over and dumped her into a pile of blankets wrapping one around her. Marinette tried to argue with the change in movie line up but Jason assured her that nothing had changed. The scary movies were still going in another room but he was going to watch Pride and the Prejudice anyway and it would be better with her. He sat near her on the couch and pushed play. Steph, Dick and Babs were in there with them but as it got later they left one by one.
Marinette felt so warm and cozy. It reminded her of movie nights with her parents. She didn’t know when she had slipped down into the covers but the credits were rolling now. She must have noticed the music change. She had fallen asleep and she was now leaning on Jason. He seemed to be okay with it. He had leaned back into the couch and had pulled some of the blanket over himself. His breathing was steady while he slept and Marinette found it comforting.
She knew it was odd to be basically cuddling with a stranger but she felt safe. Jason had helped her when she was panicking and he had offered choices with every suggestion. Each choice had always included the option of having one of his sisters there. He was protective but he also realized that he was a large man who could seem intimidating and he countered that with giving her agency to make her own choices
It was probably the drowsiness that had her move back down against him. He moved in his sleep and his arm pulled her close. She was smiling as she slipped back to sleep.
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo
@adrestar | @zynna
@technicallyburninggarden | @iloontjeboontje | @certainmuffinbagelcalzone
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believeitseeitdoit · 4 years
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Back To School Night
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: cursing, fluffy as hell, overload of cuteness? Don’t read if you don’t like happy endings
Summary: you’re setting up your school classroom when your boyfriend Bucky comes to support you and save the day
This is an un-beta’d Drabble, solely to be read for a smile and maybe some happiness, be kind or go away
You’re sweating like a whore in church as you set up the last of the chairs for your classroom. Every desk had a team logo and every chair had 4 tennis balls on the bottoms to prevent that horrid scraping noise. Your class theme this year was secret agents, and you used the old SHIELD symbol as your continuing logo. Each group was given a team mascot, a different avenger, and your desk was set up as the director’s office. You were insanely proud of how much work you had accomplished and put into this new adventure, finally getting your own classroom and students to teach, you hadn't stopped smiling for a week after you and Bucky had found out you got the job.
Climbing off the floor and dusting your knees off, you shoot a text to Bucky showing him your handiwork and get a thumbs up in response alongside an update on the meeting he’s in with Fury and Sam.
Bucky: I swear if Nick compliments the bird man again on his plans, ima slap a hoe.
You burst out a giggle at your boyfriend’s text lingo, and fire back a simple memo.
Y/N: Darling, murder is illegal, even for dead not dead ex assassin current hero super soldiers 😘.
Setting the phone back on your desk, you take stock of what else you need to be ready for the open house tonight. The interactive board is queued and your presentation bio for the families is ready, you have deodorant and your freshen up bag in your purse so you don’t actually look like a pig, and your work clothes are…. SHIT! You internally screech, you had left the other bag full of your nice clothes in the garage when you left this morning. Fuck fuck fuck, you continue to scold yourself while formulating a plan of how to get the rest of your room ready and get yourself taken care of in the next… hour?! Shit fuck shit damn it aghrrrrr FUCKKKKK ME!
You slap a palm to your forehead and decide to just roll with it. Quite honestly, leggings and a t-shirt in late July is not unheard of, and the parents might even appreciate your casual demeanor…. your boss is kosher, but you still worry about the impression you could make shine you have only been a substitute for her before now.
Instead of dwelling, you decide to speed through the finishing touches on your room; door decorations first, then the string lights in the reading corner, little airplanes and origami hanging from the ceiling tiles last. A few taps to the smart board bring up your classroom friendly Spotify and you get to work as The Lion King original soundtrack chimes through surprisingly decent speakers. The SHIELD logo and your handmade heli-carrier ramp lookalike instantly reinvigorate your spirit of setting up, and you sing along to the Disney tunes while you tack up the lights for a soft fairy glow.
Due to your rather pitchy and obnoxious rendition of “gonna make a man out of you”, you didn’t hear the knock at the door. So when Bucky slid up behind you and wrapped you in his arms for a hug, you screamed bloody murder and elbowed him in the gut.
“Ahh! Fuck what the- Bucky god damnit what are you doing?! You scared the hell out of me!” You run to pause the music and chastise your soldier for his sneaking.
“Doll, I did knock, but you were a little preoccupied getting ready for your Idol audition” he chuckled as he looked around the room.
“This looks great Y/N, your kids are gonna love this. I am so proud of you for finally getting your dream.” He wraps an arm around your waist and his vibranium hand in your hair to angle you up to meet his gaze.
Those eyes are more electrifying than a lightning strike, and a thousand times prettier, you can’t help but be sucked in by them. You smile and push up onto your toes, going in for a chaste kiss.
“I couldn’t have gotten this far without you baby, you have been there for me every step of the way. Now I have one question, can you reach up and fix that banner?” You look above him and notice a team symbol is out of sorts, conveniently the Falcon team.
Bucky chuckles and shifts the cardboard back into its frame, “Sam’s doesn’t deserve to be level, he needs the shift. Oh I came here for a reason, here you are my lady.” He picks up the bag you hadn’t noticed during your curse-scapade.
“Thank fucking god, omygod Bucky I fricking love you so much baby, I can’t believe I forgot it this morning I just had so much junk in the truck already and it slipped my mind.” You profusely thank your boyfriend and go to kiss him again when the intercom buzzes.
“15 minutes until open class night begins faculty, please be ready at your doors in 15 minutes!” The secretary calls out in her cheery voice, reminding you of your current debacle.
“Shit, ok, um I’m gonna change, can you just shut the door please? Stand guard or something so my principal doesn’t get an eye full of my sports bra or my boyfriend?” You run with the bag of clothing to behind your desk and quickly strip down the sweaty items and spritz a bit of smell good on between changes.
Bucky can help but smile at you and laugh as you fall sideways onto your ass trying to shimmy your work jeans on. The tight merlot dyed denim hugs you in all the right places, but in July your sweat does not help anything. Sparing you some bruised pride, he scoops you up and sets you onto the desk so he can help finish getting you ready.
“Doll, arms in the sleeves. I’ll button while you fluff your hair out of that ponytail and I grabbed your dry shampoo so use it. No greased pigs in the heli-carrier please.”
Bucky jokes with you while buttoning your sleeveless blouse.
A handful of minutes later, you are toeing on your ‘Jesus sandals,’ a knock off pair of Birkenstock’s that you love to wear for school. Bucky smiles from your desk chair and gives you a wolf whistle.
“Ya know what’s missing in this room?” He asks as he stands to hug you and walk to the front of the room by the doorway.
“What did I forget?!” You reply frantically, looking around for something else missing.
“Nothing love, I just think you need a sign that says Mrs. Barnes instead of Miss Y/L/N.” Bucky states casually as he pulls two items from his pockets.
You look into his hands and find a custom SHIELD office tag labeled “Mrs. Barnes” and a velvet box.
“Are you fucking serious, James Barnes? I just put on mascara!” You start to whimper and try to hold back the tears of joy.
“Soooo, is that a yes? You gonna be my wife? Make me the happiest man on the planet?” He asks impatiently.
“You bet your super soldier fine ass I am Bucky. But I’ll warn you, you’re gonna be coming to every school event from now on.” You wink at him before reaching up for a passionate kiss to seal the deal.
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sunnydaisy1 · 4 years
A/N: wassup im backk! okay not really school is once again kicking my arse and im back to posting once every century *finger guns* but yeah I’m now obsessed with dylan obrien again and wrote this. - Also, sad note, my computer is not letting me update my masterlist so my Tom Holland x reader and this post won’t be on there but everything can still be accessed via my profile. Thankss :))
SUMMARY: You and dylan are camp counsellors and are leading a kayaking activity together (i suck at summaries)  
Maybe gets a lil spicy spicy hehe
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You walk into the canteen, a bubbling group of 8 year old's behind you bouncing with adrenaline from just completing the trampolining activity. You walk them over to the tables laid out in a long row, ensuring every kid was seated before taking your own place. You chatted with a few of the campers as they patiently waited for lunch. Before long the canteen was becoming packed with campers and counsellors alike, and you turned when you heard a particularly rowdy group of kids enter, lead by none other than Dylan, a red bandana tied around his head and a wide grin plastered on his face. He immediately caught your eye and sauntered over to your table, followed by his kids as they merged with yours. Dylan plonked himself in the empty seat next to you since Alyssa had moved up to make room for him. You had whisper shouted at her not to but Dylan come over before she could move back. "Hellooo ladies." Dylan beamed at you, crossing his arms in front of him. You rolled your eyes but a small smile slipped onto your lips. "How was trampolining?" He asked the group of campers sitting near to him, catching you by surprise as he must have looked at what you had on your rota. "It was awesome!" Arthur responded, eagerly exclaiming from a few seats down. "Yeah Y/N showed us her backflip!" Kiera cheered from beside you, making Dylan raise his eyebrows in surprise at you. "Oh really?" His mouth twitched with a slight lopsided smirk. Last night, you, Dylan and some other counsellors had the night off and were allowed to hang out in the indoor sports area. You had ended up dragging Dylan over to the trampolines, wanting to bounce and do your very impressive forward rolls. Dylan had almost ended up pissing himself when he saw you roll haphazardly across the trampolines, hair becoming staticy. You had pouted and shoved him playfully, jokingly teasing that he couldnt do any better. Of course Dylan had then proceeded to back flip in front of you, making you feel overwhelmingly embarassed. He had laughed at your shocked face that quickly turned appalled when he asked if you wanted him to teach you how to do it. You had very reluctantly (okay so maybe not that reluctantly when dylan pulled your hand into his) agreed to let him teach you how to do it. He got a mat for going underneath you incase you fell and you were surprised with how careful he was being, Dylan normally being so utterly careless and clumsy. He had started with getting you to just bounce, laughing at your frustrated face. You soon progressed onto the actual flipping, starting off with Dylan holding your back and upper legs to help you master the movement before you managed to do it yourself. By the end of the evening you had mastered a pretty impressive backflip, feeling proud of yourself and way more confident in your new trampolining skills. Dylan of course had loved every second of it, playfully teasing and coaching you whilst maybe also enjoying having an excuse to touch you. You looked sheepishly to Dylan as Kiera continued to babble on about trampolining and he nudged your shoulder with his, "proud of you." You grinned but also felt your entire body heat up with the soft gaze of affection Dylan was looking at you with. You muttered a thanks, being interrupted by the shrill echoes of the lunchtime bell. Amy, the head counsellor, stepped to the front of the canteen as always, making sure everyone knew what was going on before she announced which table would get food first. Soon, it came to your table and you queued up behind the campers, waiting with Dylan at the back. Grabbing you both a tray you handed him his, to which he grinned and thanked you. You headed over to the hot food station, one of the workers serving you a sausage roll before you walked to the salad bar. You were scooping some sweetcorn onto your plate when you felt a hand on your lower back. You instantly jumped and turned to see Dylan smirking at you. "Piss of will you O'Brien you almost gave me a heart attack." He just grinned and popped one of the tomatoes from your plate in his mouth, chuckling as you thwacked him before he scooted off to your table. You sighed as you collected your plate and returned to your seat,  narrowing your eyes at Dylan as he watched you with a widespread grin. "You're such a pain Dyl." You stated, taking a bite of your sausage roll. "Thanks y/n, love you too." He responded, munching on his meal. Soon, lunch was over and you and Dylan had both sent off your campers to get changed into their wet gear, as you had a joint kayaking activity together this afternoon. You retied your laces before hopping back up, Dylan walking over to you after collecting the keys to the canoe shed. He wiggled his eyebrows at you, jangling the keys in his hand. You let out a huff of amusement, before you both walked down to the lake together. Dylan quickly unlocked the shed, walking inside the slightly damp and musky structure. He hauled out the large bags containing the life jackets while you untied the straps holding the kayaks together. Once you noticed Dylan slipping into the toilet at the back to change into his trunks, you scooted out the shed, wanting to find the red life jackets for your campers. Your fingers were fumbling with undoing the bag's ties and you had just managed to pull out the adult sized life jacket when Dylan sauntered out, grabbing the jacket from your hand and slipping it onto his body. "Hey!" You said, turning to see Dylan cheekily grinning at you, hands on his bright pink clad hips. Your eyes ran over his body, brow raising when you studied his choice of bold pink trunks. His honey eyes met yours as you looked up and you couldn't help a small smile peaking out your mouth at how adorably dorky he looked. "That's my life jacket." You stated, dropping the bag you had been holding. Dylan pretended to look around the red jacket he was wearing, "Can't see your name on it." He replied cheekily, slight dimples on his cheeks. You huffed and prodded him, "Come on Dyl, you know red is my favourite colour." Dylan just stuck his tongue out at you, "Tough luck y/n." You frowned and flipped him off, reluctantly putting on the unappealing blue life jacket, leaving it to hang open, similiarly like Dylan's. Soon, the campers all arrived down to the lake and you and Dylan had finished setting up the equipment, kayaks and paddles layed out neatly beside jackets. You had to do the mandatory safety talk, ensuring every kid knew what to do and Dylan was rather unhelpfully distracting you by running his fingers along the edge of your life jacket's back, you shoving him multiple times to get him to stop. He continued anyway, a smug smile plastered on his face when you shivered as his fingers 'accidentally' brushed under your counsellor polo top. When you eventually finished the safety talk, Dylan removed his hand from your back, clasping his hands together like he often did in counsellor mode. "Okay everybody, partner up and pop on a life jacket, I'm gonna show you how to adjust it so you're all ready to get out on the lake." You grab your water bottle while he waits for everybody to grab their jackets. You are just screwing the lid back on when you feel a tug, yanking you over to Dylan's front. You look up to see the kids giggling and Dylan wiggles his dark eyebrows at you before reaching down and zipping your life jacket up. "Everybody zip their partner's jacket up." You look to see all the surrounding kids echoe Dylan's movements, having fun helping their friends. "Okay next part, you're gonna need to give this strap here a nice tug." He places a hand on your side, pulling quickly at the strap, winking at you as the jacket becomes more secure. You feel your body heat up and try to ignore Dylan's nimble, slender fingers resting on your side. "Ready for the final bit everyone?" He asks the kids and they all nod enthusiastically. "Okay then, you're gonna give these shoulder straps the same tug you did for the other and then I need you to lift your bud's jacket up, making sure it's nice and tight." As Dylan says this, he pulls each of your shoulder straps tight, smirking as his fingertips brush along your collar. He then reaches underneath the jacket's shoulders and lifts upwards, beaming as your torso just gets tugged upwards. You feel your heart pounding as Dylan releases you, his smug face turning to help the younger kids. You cough lightly, trying to rid the fogginess in your brain before you go and help. Soon, the kids are all ready, paddles in hands and you have lifted yourself into your kayak, off the jetty so that you can help from the water. You swiftly maneouver yourself into postion, watching as Dylan checks the first kid's life jacket before lifting the kayak into the water easily. You can practically feel yourself gulp, watching his tan, lean arms bulge against the yellow polo shirt all counsellors had to wear. Your gaze flickers to the pink trunks, clad around his thighs and you sigh, not understanding how he can pull off such stupid coloured items. "You gonna help y/n or just stare?" Dylan asks you, watching as you stutter and quickly grab the kayak, steadying it so the child can get into it. An hour later, all kids were on the water, having mastered the basics you and Dylan had taught them and a fair few of them soaking wet from splashing or falling in during the races you had got them to do. "Alright campers," You yell, gaining their attention while you paddle to the middle of them, "We are gonna have one last competition. We're gonna raft all the kayaks together, Dylan's campers on one side, mine on the other." Suprisingly quickly, the campers rafted together, all holding onto each other's kayaks so that they didn't float off. You sandwiched yourself in the middle, watching amused as the teenage girls from Dylan's campers raced to sidle up next to his kayak, two of them smug as they reached the spots next to him. Katie and Laura grinned as Dylan grabbed onto their kayaks, their arms 'coincidentally' touching his as they held onto his kayak. It was common knowledge that Dylan was a popular counsellor amongst the older girls, often being subject to much of the gossip around camp and you could understand why. His chiselled face and body were unfairly god-like, his brown hair was soft and most often messy and those damn moles on his face often got compared as the luckiest things on earth. He also had an immensely lovely personality; he was hilarious, kind, caring and sensitive. To be honest, a large majority of camp you found yourself almost having to wipe drool away from your face after staring at him across the room for too long. You eventually tied all the kayaks together, creating a temporary raft that was secure enough for your planned competition. "Okay so here's what's gonna happen. You will see that you all have a number on the front of your kayak. If I call that number, you have to get out of your kayak, run across the raft and into the other person's seat." You were basically playing a more elaborate game of ladders. (A/N: I have no clue if ladders is a worldwide game or just here in the UK but if you don't know what it is just google it :) ) The kids all squealed enthusiastically and you were glad to see even the older ones who were usually more reluctant with activities were looking excited. "Okay we will have a few practise rounds so you get the hang of it. Ready? Okay.....Number 7!" You shouted and instantly, two small kids scrambled up from their kayaks, climbing across the raft before plonking themselves in the other's seat. "Woah, you guys were quick! Okay one more practise before we start counting points for teams." Soon, the competition was well underway and kids had been scrambling their way across, a few falling into the water. Then, when two of the campers were settling back into their kayaks, Ethan shouted out, "Y/N and Dylan should have a go!" At once, all the campers shrieked in agreement, making you look at Dylan. He shrugged, a smirk working its way onto his face. You grinned, "Okay but you'll have to hold onto each other reallyyy tight!" They didn't really considering a rope held you all together but it made it more exciting. "Right count us down then." Dylan said. "3,2,1 GO!" The campers all screamed and immediately, you hauled yourself up, clambering over to reach Dylan's kayak. You are almost at his, grinning with the knowledge you were gonna win as Dylan made the kayaks rock more, slowing him down. All of a sudden, you felt a hard push on your side and a second later you were surrounded by cold water. "DYLAN!" You screeched as you came to the surface of the lake, said man watching you with glee as you bobbed, clothes now soaking wet. He cheekily reaches out for you and you grip his hand, pretending to get ready to get out before giving his arm a hard tug, causing him to topple into the water. You laugh as he surfaces, treading water as he flicks his hair out his face like a wet dog. "I can't believe you fell for that!" You chuckled, grinning triumphantly at his now soaked state too before making eye contact with him. The pair of you instantly raced towards the kayaks again, you managing to scoot back on and into Dylan's seat before he reaches yours. "HA! MY TEAM WINS!" You shouted, beaming and high fiving some of the campers around you. "Yeah, yeah yeah." Dylan shakes his head defeatedly, a smile on his face anyway. Once the kayaks are unrafted, the campers make their way back to the jetty, Dylan getting out to help the kids. You steady the kayak as he reaches under the straps of the less strong kids, easily lifting them up and onto the wooden jetty. Once all the kids are safely out the water and kayaks laid out by the shed for the next group, you paddle and steer so you're beside the jetty. Placing your paddle on the side, you go to get out when you feel Dylan's warm arms wrap around your waist and lift you up, you barely having to push to get out the kayak. "Uh thanks..." You say, body tingling from the freckled man's touch. He just winks at you and lifts your kayak out the water, placing it next to the others. You dismiss the kids, all of them running off to the cabins to shower and change before the next activity. You walk into the canoe shed, placing the rope back where it came from, and tidying away a few bits before you too went off to change. You lean down to pick up a few plastic balls and place them on the side when a hand tugs your now open jacket, causing you to stumble into a hard chest. You look up to see Dylan smiling down at you, brown hair sticking up in all directions. Your hands are pressed against his chest, his own life jacket open as well. "Uh hi." You say, and Dylan brushes a strand of your hair out your face. "Hi." His eyes are looking right into yours and his hands are on your waist and you can feel your heart pounding against your ribcage. "Wasn't very nice of you to pull me in like that was it y/n." He says softly, gaze darting down to your lips. "You pushed me in first!" You say, poking his chest and Dylan grins, his head tilting and a lopsided smirk gracing his mouth. "Guess so, I think I can make it up to you though." You frown in confusion but feel your stomach flip when Dylan leans forward, pressing a kiss to your mouth. Your eyes are shot wide open, watching as Dylan's own brown eyes open and look at you through dark lashes. Then, your hand tugs on the fabric of his shirt, causing his lips to press against yours again and you close your eyes, a hand running behind his neck to tug on the hairs at the base of his head. It escalates pretty quickly and you find yourself being lifted onto the side of the cabinet in the shed, Dylan pressed between your legs as his lips work against yours. Your hands push his polo up slightly, running along his abs and torso, admiring as his muscles contract at your touch. He runs his fingers softly up your side, his mouth caressing yours. "Once you guys have finished making out, the kids are meeting you in the hall." A loud voice echoes out and you both instantly break apart, flushing and extracting your hands from up each other's shirts. You see Amy walking out the shed, her red hair swooping as she shouts out a final, "Oh and please don't fuck in the shed!" You look up at Dylan who's expression mirrors the same as his mum finding a girl in his room and burst out laughing. Dylan's warm gaze flicks back to you and he grins lazily, lips puffy and swollen. His hands have fallen to your thighs and you giggle as he leans in again, going to kiss you but you place a hand on his chest, pushing him back softly and sliding off the cabinet. "Dyl come on we still need to get changed"  You slip your hand into his and tug him out the shed, much to his protests of 'y/n please, the kids can wait a bit longer' but you just roll your eyes and drag him to the counsellor cabins, the promise of a possible shared shower causing Dylan to walk a bit faster.
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highgaarden · 3 years
Meet You At Leion's
The solution to everything, Hermione realises with a little huff, turns out not to be found in a book, but in alcohol.
Copious amounts of it.
or, the one where Hermione goes on a string of blind dates set up by her Muggle childhood friend, and somehow manages to give Theodore Nott a black eye along the way.
chapter one: the curious case of the chocolate frog cards
Sent to Hermione Granger so remember when i went to the states and i got massively obsessed with those what was it we were really hungover ham and cheddar filling and we ate so much you spewed all over me
Sent from Hermione Granger Hot Pockets
Sent to Hermione Granger thank balls for ur memory
Sent from Hermione Granger I only remember because I’d asked you to get my K. A. Ali book signed and you came back with a hand-carry full of Hot Pockets instead And without my book
Sent to Hermione Granger ok glad were on the same page now imagine a hot pocket hermione i hope your silence means ur imagining a hot pocket
Sent from Hermione Granger Fine, I’ll bite
Sent to Hermione Granger HAHAHA HAHAHA punny ok so a hot pocket right so yummy so comforting especially on those mornings u wake up with a banging hangover
Sent from Hermione Granger Okay…
Sent to Hermione Granger so i know a human equivalent of that
Hermione wouldn’t have been in this situation if she’d just left her phone at home that day.
If she hadn’t been caught in a downpour in London – tiring at best, but with her guard down and covered in sheets of rain absolutely overwhelming – with the sky looking like ditch water, and the ground mucky beneath her boots. With gutter-smell thick and heavy in the air, likely infusing her curls into a big mess. Elbows and shoulders everywhere she turns, the honks of grime-streaked taxis blaring in her ear.
And Ron’s eyes staring at her everywhere she goes.
She spies him tucked beneath Errol’s elbow as she’s casting a drying charm on her rain-sodden robes. Clipped between sharp beaks as she passes by the front desk. Flapping around the off-duty barista’s face as she’s queuing for tea in the Ministry’s Dining Hall. Pressed flat in between the files floated onto her desk.
Malfoy’s crisp, expensive cologne assaults her nostrils way too early for her liking and she sighs and she rolls her eyes and counts to ten. A year ago she would’ve attempted to quicken her pace, but a year ago she was a lot more naïve.
As if anyone could escape a Malfoy raring to insult.
When she finally reaches the lifts, Malfoy jabs the button, beating her to it. He’s practically vibrating. His eyes gleam. “Seen the headlines today, Granger?”
Hermione sighs. “Good morning to you too, Malfoy.”
“We’re past cordialities,” Malfoy sniffs with well-bred confidence.
The lift dings, the doors part, and he crowds her into the already-crowded space. Just what she needs at nine o’clock in the morning: Malfoy’s ridiculously silky, damningly dry robes rubbing up against her damp, lavender softener-scented ones. He’ll probably bill her his dry-cleaning fee later.
“So,” Malfoy attempts again as she swats his face away.
“Too close for comfort, Malfoy,” she snaps.
“Weasel looks awfully chipper in today’s Prophet, doesn’t he?” His breath wafts around her ear. It’s not unpleasant, cinnamon and mint and the faint smell of ripe berries, but he’s still a git, so she pulls away as far as she can.
“I don’t know what you mean,” she replies pleasantly through gritted teeth.
“Skeeter’s being uncharacteristically generous, but I wonder how long it’ll take until she reports on their—” Malfoy feigns recollection, “Oh, what was it? Golden Start, Rocky Finish?”
“Sod off,” Hermione grumbles, as the lift heads further down, and more people leave then they come in. Until finally it’s just her and Malfoy, looking so smug it adds three inches to his already-quite-imposing height.
“Too soon?”
Hermione bristles just as the lift announces their arrival to their floor. “Malfoy, some of us actually care about work—”
“Yes, yes, you and your time dilation chamber and extensive research of golden stretches of wobbly things.” Malfoy waves it off like a bad smell. “I do important shit too. I just don’t brag about it.”
“Yes you do, Malfoy.” Hermione tries not to rub her temples at Malfoy’s description of the Time Room. “I distinctly remember you trying to goad Harry into asking questions about your last assignment.”
Malfoy ignores that.
“But if you really haven’t seen…” He blocks her from exiting the lift and she is forced to look up at him. “Then I’d suggest you skip the first four pages.”
Hermione’s face contorts into something like indignance, something like rage. “Four pages?”
[read the rest on ao3]
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butterflydm · 3 years
wheel of time (pre-rewatch)
I’m planning on rewatching the first three episodes of Wheel of Time this weekend, and I might do reviews for each of them, but I wanted to share some overall thoughts first.
So, I actually watched this with my mom, because she’s the one who introduced me to all of these sorts of books (I also went to Dune with her, which is another thing I want to rewatch in order to really dig into it, but going to the theater again is harder than just queuing up episodes on prime, so!), and she and I were both pretty thrilled with the adaptation (my mom actually liked this better than she liked Dune 2021, which I am not personally willing to go as far as yet, lol, but I liked it a whole lot).
They changed a lot of things from the books, but all the changes so far do make a reasonable amount of sense to me. Now, I did deliberately refrain from re-reading the books once we knew for sure the series was happening, because I wanted to be able to experience the show with a somewhat fresh eye, and I think that approach really worked for me. I wasn’t caught up on specific scenes but more thinking about if the flow of the show suited the series as a whole, which it definitely did for me.
(and now we go into Book Spoilers territory)
To start with the most controversial thing... Perrin’s short-lived wife. I get why she existed and why she died. Was she the best way to convey that information (Perrin being scared of his own strength and terrified of losing control and hurting the people he loves)? I’m gonna give that a firm... I don’t know. But there are more than enough female characters with rich and interesting stories that I’m personally not too emotionally hung up over her death. I mean, given that the prologue isn’t in the show (...yet? we might get flashbacks in the future idk), I kinda feel like we just traded one fridged wife for a different one, you know? And Perrin is even more in his own head than the other boys are, so it helps to have something external to illustrate his issues.
I straight-up just approve of the change in Mat’s background. It fits very thematically with where his character goes in the future and gives him some emotionally grounded moments before his personality gets affected by Shadar Logoth.
Egwene and Rand’s romance upgrade before the break-up -- I liked it! I liked all their scenes together, honestly. I’ve always had a soft spot for them, though Rand’s upcoming set of relationships is my everything. If I get canon polycule on-screen, I may well expire on the spot. Like, Rand’s polycule was my Sense8-type emotional awakening before Sense8 existed, if you understand my feelings on the matter. There is a line directly from my love of the polycule to my love for Sense8.
Lan and Nynaeve were perfect. That is all. Oh, wait, Lan and Moiraine’s incredibly-close but non-sexual relationship... also perfect. Moiraine saying Siuan’s name while she was delirious and sick? Perfect. tbh, if they use introducing Thom later as a way to subtly begin to un-canon M/T so that we can get M/S endgame instead, every change they made is absolutely justified and I will defend them to the death.
Oh, other amazing characterization things -- loved the change they made to the Taren’s Ferry scene. Moiraine was so cold there but so justified in it. The show did a fantastic job of illustrating the Three Oaths in action, imo, in that scene and then in the Whitecloaks scene.
(the Whitecloaks? Terrifying!)
I felt like the episodes did get stronger as they went along -- three felt the strongest of all, for me -- oh! yes, loved Dana the Darkfriend. Getting that nihilistic philosophy out there near the start of the show was a good thing and that actress was amazing.
For me, the show is a five out of five banger and I am going to be on the edge of my seat every week waiting for the new episode to come out.
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jisungsmochi · 4 years
valentine’s day with the dreamies ❤️
hella belated valentine’s day scenarios / dates with ot7 dream hehe <3 
mark lee:
took a while for him to decide on a plan for the day
didn’t want to disappoint you )):
settled with a nice trip to the beach, waiting to watch the sunset as you both had a nice dinner together
he wanted to take you away from the chaos of both your busy lives and just have time to relax with each other
he knows how tired you’ve been lately and just wants to give you some healing time
and he also wanted to profess his love for you on the beach
listening to the waves crash on the sand, the calling of seagulls, the laughter of other couples and families around you
as the sun started setting, you were leaning into mark’s side, his arm draped around your shoulders
he wrapped the both of you in a blanket as you reminisced about your relationship
“remember how you were scared shitless to ask me out? i thought you were going to faint”
“i was not scared! i just ate a bad sandwich that day” mark grumbled, hiding his face in your shoulder
you gently stroked his hair as you continued the trip down memory lane
the sky was now a mix of purple and pink hues
you immediately jumped up, pulling out your phone, to snap a picture of the gorgeous scenery
mark slowly met you, pulling your phone down, holding his hands in yours
he leant down to place a soft kiss on your lips, causing you to smile in between the pecks
“i love you” he mumbled, barely loud enough for you to hear
“i love you too”
he ended up pulling out his own fancy camera, taking quick snaps of you being silly infront of the sunset
he eventually asked a nice lady to take some photos for the both of you in which she couldn’t help but coo
“you two make a beautiful couple”
heat rose to both your cheeks, too flustered by the compliment of a stranger
you spent to the rest of night chatting, too caught up endless conversations
huang renjun:
“hey, if your cute ass isn’t here in 10 minutes i’m packing up all the paints and sulking in my room for the rest of the day”
renjun texted you the morning of valentine’s day
you were already on your way to surprise him with your own small gift, having him rush you was adding to your nerves
this would be be first official valentine’s day you’d be spending together so you wanted everything to be perfect
you enthusiastically knock on his door, in which he opened instantly
he pulled you inside, dragging you to the backyard where he set up a nice picnic blanket with paints and canvases on a small table
you couldn’t help but admire all the effort he put in
you gave him a quick hug, your hold lingering on him for longer than he thought
you handed him your gift bag, filled with snacks he loved and a panda plushie with a heart attached to it
he pouted at how adorable your gift was, pulling you down to sit with him
“thank you for the gifts, babe! i hope you also like out little painting date!”
he queued up a tutorial video as you both started recreating the beautiful landscape shown
although you weren’t the best artist he had ever met
renjun couldn’t stop giggling at how concentrated you were with every stroke
“something funny?”
“nah you’re just the cutest”
subtle compliments like that was his specialty
you continued to paint as you snacked on various fruits and biscuits as well as caught up on current events in your lives
it was now time for the big reveal of your artworks...
renjun obviously outshone you but he still insisted you hang both paintings in his room for the memories 
he’d take lots of polaroids to put into his photo album of your memories 
huang renjun didn’t see the big deal in grand gestures for valentine’s day, as he saw every day, as a day to treat you well
lee jeno:
this boy would wake you up at the crack of dawn, practically jumping on you to go biking with him
you had flashbacks to the previous night where you agreed to go with him but immediately regretted staying up to watch new episodes of your favourite drama
jeno dragged you around your shared apartment like a rag doll, helping you change and stay awake
you knew how excited he was to take you biking for the first time, you didn’t want to crush his spirit
so you started slapping your cheeks and jumping up and down to remain awake, which jeno found amusing
you followed closely behind him as he led you through the trail
his initial idea was to get to the top before sunrise so you both could watch it together
but once he reached half way, jeno had an inkling that you were way behind
he was right
he stopped completely to wait for you, more concerned about how you were holding up rather than getting to the top
you were huffing and puffing
“why’d you stop? we have to get to the top!”
“have a sip first, babe” he pats your back as he hands you his water bottle
you felt bad for holding him back, but his concerned expression eased your mind
“we don’t have to get to the top, the sun will rise either way! who says we can’t just watch it from here?” he smiles widely at you
what did you do to deserve him?
you both stood with each other, his arm draped around your waist
the sun slowly started rising, your tired eyes glimmering in admiration
jeno’s eyes were fixed on you tho,, so proud that you attempted to bike with him
he was usually the one who always wanted to do things you liked
but when you agreed to go on this date with him, it just about made him pass out
he felt on top of the world with you by his side
this was a date he will never forget
lee donghyuck:
“really? a couple’s cooking class?” your boyfriend whined (he really loved doing that)
“yes! renjun suggested it to me, it will be fun, i promise!” you plead
as much as he loved to bicker with you, he saw how excited you were to participate in this class for valentine’s day
“do you know what we’re cooking at least?”
“i think we’re baking a cake, actually”
shouldn’t be too bad...he thought to himself
but boy was he WRONG
you both came to realise that you were not the best cooking duo in your friend group
but it didn’t mean you were gonna give up, after all, having donghyuck as your boyfriend made you as competitive as him (if that’s even possible)
he read the instructions as you grabbed the ingredients and threw them in a bowl
he would hype you up from the side like
“that’s my baby, you beat those eggs!” “our cake is gonna look so freaking good”
you would get flustered, earning a smile from the chef teaching the class
once the decoration stage came along, donghyuck insisted he do it on his own
he refused to let you watch him as he did the finishing touches
the chef revealed each cake one by one, when he got to yours, he gave you both a soft smile
“you two make such a sweet couple”
you looked down at the cake, the words
“i love you always and forever” were written on the surface
you were about to burst into tears at how sweet your boyfriend was
when you got home, after taking hundreds of photos with the beautifully decorated cake
you both devoured it like animals while watching tv together 
a simple, yet memorable valentine’s day date — you couldn’t wait to tell your friends all about it
na jaemin:
as some of y’all know, jaemin used to be a short speed track racer
so naturally he was down for your idea of going ice skating for valentine’s day
you weren’t aware of how skilled he was at skating — as you yourself were merely a beginner
so when you saw how knowledgeable jaemin was when you entered the ice skating rink, you started feeling nervous 
jaemin helped strap your skates on, carefully guiding you to the rink
you were still under the impression he was just as bad as you, but once you both stepped on the ice, he was immediately stable
god, he could even skate backwards 
this must be so embarrassing for him to see 
you started pouting,
“what’s wrong, baby?”
“i didn’t know you could skate so well! i’m so embarrassed, i can barely skate two metres!”
“i can teach you, don’t worry so much” he smiled softly at you, hands gripping yourself tightly
you couldn’t stay mad at him, immediately following his instructions
thirty minutes later, one really bruised butt cheek and some elbow bruises from falling down so much, you started getting the hang of it
jaemin let go of your hands and let you skate towards him, once you reached him, he wrapped you in his arms tightly, still gliding on the ice
your faces were so close, you could feel his breath fan your cheeks
you gave him a quick peck, mumbling a quiet ‘i love you’
jaemin couldn’t contain how adorable you were, giving you another quick kiss before telling you he loved you more than life itself
you both skated for a while, listening to throwback love songs playing over the speakers
he rarely let go of your hand, even when you insisted you were getting the hang of skating alone 
he treated you to some french fries and ice cream after you finished skating 
you laughed and chatted the day away, without a care in the world 
being inlove with jaemin was something you would never trade for anything else in the world
zhong chenle:
a homemade dinner was always something you raved about to chenle
so once valentine’s day approached,, he made sure to give you the best dinner you could have ever imagined
he was on a call with his mum, following her instructions for the most perfect creamy pasta
you on the other hand, decided to make chocolate covered strawberries to have after dinner
you asked jaemin for help but then he just screamed he hates strawberries and left
you were placing the finishing touches on the desserts when your phone dings that chenle was ready for you to come over
you dropped everything, rushing to find the outfit you had picked earlier that day
you carefully wrapped the box of strawberries before making your way to his place
he practically swung the door open for you, pulling you to the dining table
he was hella dramatic and had those fancy covers for the food,, so he could surprise you
you just chuckled at his antics, placing a soft kiss to his cheek which made him heat up
he slowly revealed the meal he worked hard on the entire afternoon
your eyes glimmered at the sight, your mouth beginning to water
“how’d you know i love creamy pasta?”
“i listen to you when you talk, ya know”
you both enjoyed a pleasant dinner, chatting all about recent events in your life
the meal was delicious,, but it was now time for dessert
chenle practically ripped open the box, devouring one strawberry before you could even show off your creations
“you animal” you softly shove him, taking one for yourself
the rest of the night was filled with commentating cheesy romance movies and snacking on the desserts
once you finished eating, chenle handed you a small box
you opened it slowly, your jaw dropping at the gorgeous ring he had bought for you
he bought you both promise rings oop 
you squealed before tackling him in a warm embrace
nothing felt better than being wrapped in his arms
park jisung:
sungie: meet me on the rooftop at 8:30
you: uhhh you’re not gonna fight me, are you?
sungie: shut up and get ready
you giggled at his response, giddy about seeing your boyfriend on valentine’s day
you weren’t sure what he had planned, but you were sure he put a lot of thought into it
even tho jisung doesn’t voice his thoughts, something is always going on with that boy
you made your way to the said rooftop he referred to, cautiously walking over to him
he set up two beach chairs with a small table filled with both of your favourite snacks
you also noticed two telescopes placed in front of the chairs, smiling widely to yourself
“is this what i think it is?”
“yes! we’re stargazing tonight! i know how much you’ve been wanting to do so”
you sat down next to him, taking your own telescope in your hands
you couldn’t believe he organised this date, from the fairy lights around the railing of the rooftop to the soft r&b playlist playing in the background
it was perfect
jisung couldn’t take his eyes off you, too eager to determine if you truly liked the idea
when your eyes met, you couldn’t help but lean closer to him
jisung didn’t pull away, smirking to himself before suddenly pecking your lips
jisung also wasn’t usually the one to initiate affection, so this was just another surprise you could never get over
you both giggled, pointing out the different constellations you could make out
you chatted about random things, from video games to school, to when jaemin yelled at chenle’s s/o for making chocolate covered strawberries
everything felt at ease when you were with jisung
he knew you didn’t want such a big fuss for valentine’s day, but you could have never suspected he’d do this all for you
“thankyou for all of this”
“anything for my baby”
and in that moment, you knew, you were falling inlove with park jisung.
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thetomorrowshow · 3 years
unless you take your army back
Hello and welcome to the sequel to my work i will make the sky collapse! You honestly do not have to read the first one to understand this one--the first was a Crutchie-centric whump-focused refuge story, and this one is about his recovery and Jack coming to terms with what happened (and maybe some,,, sprace).
So yeah! This is chapter one! Content warnings will be posted at the beginning of each chapter :) This is a queued post, so as soon as I have time to post it on AO3 I’ll update this with the link.
cw: blood, brief description of injury
On the same day they won the strike, there were a good dozen kids clamoring to be a newsie, appearing out of nowhere with the sole purpose of bothering Jack. He didn’t really want to care--they could be a newsie all they wanted--but the problem was they all needed a start-up fund. They all wanted Jack to foot the cost of their first papes and first week of room and board, and though he had just gotten a job offer and an improved living overall, he just didn’t have the time or money to train so many penniless kids. So he sent them to Spot Conlon, of course.
It was pretty clear that these kids all came from the Refuge, which had just been shut down by the governor. Jack had never been happier than he was when he saw the cop drag Snyder away in chains. The nagging question that was slowly coming to the front of his mind, though, was where was Crutchie?
Katherine had been here for the short celebration, but had seemed distracted and had left almost immediately, without giving Jack a chance to ask after his brother. He wanted to go look for the kid, comb through the Refuge and the streets surrounding it, but Davey had regretfully told him he couldn’t leave. He was the union leader, and a nice official union it was at that. He actually couldn’t even sell right now, he had to return to Pulitzer’s office and continue working on a bunch of paperwork registering the union or something. Pulitzer had told him that they would be working together occasionally due to his new position as leader of the Newsboys Union, which apparently meant that whenever there was a problem on either of their ends they had to include the other in their solving of the problem. It made sense to Jack, what he didn’t get was why he had to read a billion papers telling him it made sense.
Katherine did not ride with him and Mr. Pulitzer in the carriage back to his office, and she didn’t come and see him when he left late in the afternoon, but maybe she was just at work. There was a lot to report, after all. Jack wished it didn’t hurt. There was no way it was intentional, they all had a lot going on right now. It wasn't like he'd gone looking for her, after all. He'd see her tomorrow, cross paths on the way to work.
What with all the stressful arrangements and intense discussions, Jack was more tired than he usually was by the time he entered the lodging house. In later days, he wished that he had spoken to Mush, waiting anxiously outside. He wished that he had not gone with Pulitzer to his office, and instead sought out Katherine straightaway. Most of all, he wished that he had gone personally to the Refuge, made sure to set those kids free himself.
He didn’t do any of those things, though. Instead, he walked home from Pulitzer’s office, nodded to Mush, and went straight inside.
Katherine was there, which was odd, but certainly not unwelcome. According to Race, she had spent time with them without him, just celebrating with them and getting to know them all. That was fine, but most girls didn’t seek out a bunch of street rat teenage boys as preferred company.
Not only was Katherine there, but half of the newsies were seemingly just waiting by the door, dropping what they’d been doing and standing to stare at him. Sure, Jack was something of a celebrity now--and he had betrayed them more than once, which could be the reason also--but they looked almost guilty.
“Jack,” Katherine started, and Jack saw that sorry look on her face and his heart dropped. What could this be about? He’d been with Pulitzer all day, so it wasn’t like the old man had turned on them. Where was Crutchie? Was he--he couldn’t be. Right? No.
“Jack,” she said again, and now she was crying. Jack wanted to kiss the tears off her face, tell her she never needed to cry again, but he couldn’t. He had to know--his stomach was roiling, threatening to toss up whatever bite he’d eaten earlier. Something had happened, and it--it couldn’t be--
“It’s Crutchie,” Katherine said, and Jack had a brief moment of huh, so that’s how swoonin’ feels before he was on his knees. He can’t have died. Crutchie was--well, Crutchie. He was just as capable as any newsie, could sell papes twice as well as half of them, and was stronger than anyone Jack knew--certainly far stronger than himself. But if Snyder--if the Refuge--if--
“He’s alive,” Katherine hurried to say, kneeling on the floor beside him, and Jack let out a choked laugh, only just realizing he was crying.
“Ya couldn’ta said that sooner?” he asked weakly, and Katherine sniffled, trying to regain composure.
“He’s alive,” she repeated, “but he isn’t doing well at all. He wanted to see you, but I think he’s still asleep.”
In seconds, Jack was back on his feet, pulling her up with him. “Let’s go,” he said, pulling her towards the bunkroom. “I gotta see ‘im.”
He ignored her cries of “Jack, wait, you have to know--” and took the stairs two at a time, yanking open the door as soon as it was in front of him. The room was dead silent for once, and only one bed was occupied (despite the fact that he’d told Romeo to rest up today after the strike). Over by the open window on the far wall, a figure was laying in the only bed without a top bunk (the one that belonged to Jack, seeing as he was in charge).
Jack could barely hold back a retch as he came closer, seeing the matted hair crusted in blood, but sticking straight up, same as always. Crutchie was sleeping almost peacefully on the bed, the blankets tucked around him messily, as if one of the boys had tried his very best to arrange it like a mother would. His face was swollen and cut up, almost unrecognizable as his brother, though his neck was what caught Jack’s attention. A brownish-purple bruise in the vague shape of a gripped hand was found there, where the fingers had dug in marked by little round black bruises, a sick imitation of a constellation crossing his brother’s throat.
Jack’s fists curled into tight balls as he stared down at Crutchie, seeing red. The rest of his body was hidden by the covers, excepting a stiff arm that was tightly wrapped in gauze. The collar of his undershirt was the only part of his clothes visible, and it was stained brown and torn. 
There were two sides of Jack warring for dominance. One screamed at him to storm down to the county jail right this moment and give Snyder everything he deserved. The other side tried to pull him to the floor, weeping at Crutchie’s bedside. Jack fought both, not wanting to seem weak in front of Katherine, who was watching him with that soft-concerned look on her face that he had already come to know too well. He needed to get alone, needed space, needed a moment to cope with what he’d just been confronted with so that he could best help Crutchie later.
Jack calmly left the room, replying something along the lines of fine, just need a minute when Katherine asked tentatively if he was okay. Then he walked slowly down the steps and through the main room, where all of the newsies watched him silently. He nodded vaguely in their direction. Luckily, none of them asked any questions. If they had, Jack wasn’t sure that he would’ve been able to hold back the sobs.
Finally he was outside, and here he could run. Run he did, all the way around the side of the building and up the fire escape, running and running until all that existed was the clang! of his feet against the metal and the wind rushing past his ears. Then he was climbing the ladder to the very top, where only a week ago he and Crutchie had woken, excited to start striking for real.
Jack had woken early that morning, and had taken the time to sketch out the New York skyline against the starry night sky. It was a frequent subject of his, but that morning he had filled in himself and Crutchie, sitting on the roof closest to the perspective, curled up and reaching toward the stars.
When Crutchie had gotten up, they had made mundane small talk, both trying to hide nervousness that showed too plainly. They eventually stopped talking around it, laughing and joking about it directly, before deciding--no, vowing--to not let the other come to serious harm or danger. Then they had gone downstairs, ready to wake the other boys and get on with the revolution.
The last promise--maybe the last one ever--that Jack had made to Crutchie, and he’d broken it not even hours later. On the rooftop now, Jack kicked the low wall angrily, then again and again. What was wrong with him? How could he focus so intently on these--these mundanities, paperwork and politeness and whatall, while Crutchie was suffering so? How had he not been here for him, when he arguably needed Jack more than anyone else at the moment?
He kicked the wall one more time, then threw himself to the floor. What kind of leader was he? He’d betrayed everyone, almost left Crutchie; then when he’d gotten his head on the right way, he hadn’t done anything to make sure the kid was all right!
Katherine. She would come up here, tell him it was okay, that it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t want that. It was his fault, and he couldn’t have anyone denying it or he might just explode.
“Leave me alone,” he called back, barely keeping his voice from breaking. Silence, then a sigh and the sound of soft footsteps going down the fire escape. Good.
Jack drew his hands across his face, taking in a shuddering breath. He had to pull himself together. He couldn’t dream about leaving anymore, that would just make things worse. He had to be here for Crutchie, and the other boys. Prove that he wasn’t a scab.
He hadn’t eaten any supper, but he didn’t really care. It was dark enough that he shouldn’t have a problem resting. Add it to the tired ache in his bones and he’d be out in no time. He’d get up when everyone else went to bed, then he’d stay up the rest of the night with Crutchie, be there in case he had nightmares or woke up. He had to be there for him. He had to.
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Stark Spangled Forever
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A Very Rogers Christmas.
Part 1- The Best Things In Life Are Tree.
Summary: It’s that time of year again and the Rogers family prepare to go and pick their Christmas tree. But when Emmy calls with a bit of bad news, it puts a little downer on the whole thing for Katie and Steve decides to call in reinforcements to pull off the best Christmas Heist he can…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So here we go, Part 1 of my Stark Spangled 2020 Christmas special- A Very Rogers Christmas.  This one was written for for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ and @sagechanoafterdark​ ‘s Winter/Holiday Challenge. My prompt- Finding the PERFECT Tree.
It feels like AGES since I wrote for my babies so I hope you enjoy this little three parter. Part 2 posting next Friday, and part 3 on Christmas Eve.
SSF Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist 
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"Daddy, I found something else I want to ask Santa for, for Christmas." Rori bounced into the study and Steve closed his eyes on the papers he was trying to grade and sighed.
"I bet you have." He mumbled before he glanced up at his daughter and couldn't help but smile at her as she skipped over to him, her long pony tail swinging behind her "What is it, Princess?" "A capybara." she said, scrambling up onto his lap. "A what?" Steve frowned. "A capybara. Look!" she turned the tablet she was holding towards him to show him a picture of the brown animal "They're like huge guinea pigs. I saw one at the zoo with Uncle Buck yesterday and when I said I wanted one he told me to tell you that I was gonna ask Santa." "Course he did." Steve sighed, mentally cursing his asshole best friend. "You know, Rori, don't think Santa can get you one of those." "Why not?" "It’s too big." He attempted “There’s nowhere for us to keep it.” "Our garden is huge!" Rori blinked at him. "And when Emmy and Petey move into the Tower he can live in the cabin." Trust her to be as damned smart as her mother. "They're wild animals honey." Steve shook his head as he tried attempt number two. "But they live in a zoo." Rori looked up at him, her face full of eager excitement “That’s not the wild.” "Yeah but that’s different." Steve reasoned patiently. "They're not like dogs or cats or regular guinea pigs. They need very special care.” "Oh." Rori looked down a little, her shoulders slumping and Steve sighed.
Fuck you, Bucky.
"Okay. Never mind." She clicked off the screen of her tablet and turned towards Steve, looking up at him with those damned green eyes. "Do you think he could get me a kitty instead?"
No, just say no… "Maybe."
Way to go, Rogers. Rori's eyes lit up and Steve inwardly groaned. It was a well-known fact in their house that whenever Dad said maybe, it meant yes. Fuck.
“I love you Daddy!” she beamed, reaching up to press a kiss to his bearded cheek before she hopped off his lap and skipped towards the door “Oh, me and momma are going to make gingerbread men for tomorrow so we can have them when we decorate the tree.”
“Can’t wait baby.” He smiled
“Are you gonna be working tomorrow afternoon?” she asked a little shyly and he shook his head.
“No, I promise.”  He assured her. “All day tomorrow is family day.”
She gave him another huge smile, one that truly warmed his entire being as it made her look even more like his wife, and then headed out of the room, her feet pattering on the tiles of the hallway as she skipped back into the other part of the house. Steve exhaled and looked back down at the paper, groaning as he realised he’d lost his place. He’d been home early that afternoon hoping for more peace and quiet than he got in his office at the University to concentrate on getting through all these and for the most it had worked, until Jamie and Rori had arrived home from school full of it as usual. Katie had kept them out of his way for the most but the realisation that Christmas was well on the way had hit the eldest two and whipped them up into a fever.
Not that Steve particularly cared. He adored this time of year. It was Katie’s holiday and from the day after Thanksgiving the Christmas period started in full throttle in the Rogers household, and they’d picked tomorrow, 2 weeks before the schools broke up, to go and pick the trees for their lounge and hallway. He was a little disappointed that it hadn’t snowed yet, there had been a good covering the previous year but, still it was set to be a cold and dry day so they could still get bundled up and have their hot chocolate and snacks as usual.
He rubbed at his eyes and focussed, reading through the paper in front of him on the ‘Strategy, Diplomacy and politics of Axis and Allied forces in WW2’, wishing to God he was marking something on the course he was actually employed to teach now- Fine Arts- but all those had been done and graded last week. This was the module of History that he taught, because as the Uni said- he was a living, breathing expert.
An hour or so later he finished red-penning the final six paged essay, with a proud smile as that one had been particularly good and he quickly checked it over once more, making sure he’d captured all the notes on the electronic copy and queued it up to send on Monday, just like Katie had shown him how to, so that each student had the hard copy and soft copy back. He stood up, stretched, turned off his laptop and headed through to the main area of the house, the smell of baking and cooking hitting his nostrils as he went.
He walked into the kitchen to find Rori kneeling on one of the tall stools over the island-slash-breakfast bar, her hands and face smeared in pink icing as she decorated a gingerbread man, her little tongue poking out of the side of her mouth in concentration. Katie was stood supervising Harry who was also covered in frosting, this one bright green. Flossie sat in the highchair opposite, banging a spoon on the tray occasionally letting out a yell or babble of something incoherent. As soon as she saw Steve she gave a huge grin and her shouts became louder and he smiled.
“Hi Floss-Floss!” he beamed, crossing to drop a kiss to her head before he looked across at Katie “Where’s Jamie?”
“Upstairs in his room.” Katie gave a little sigh “He said, and I quote, ‘I’m ten now, far too old to decorate gingerbread, mom.’ I could have cried there and then Steve.” She finished with a pout.
Steve gave her a sympathetic smile, the fact her eldest baby boy was growing up was something he knew she hated “Yeah, I bet he won’t be too old to eat them, though.” He appeased and she smiled.
“That’s what I said.” Rori gave a dramatic roll of her eyes and Steve chuckled.
“You finished Grading?” Katie asked as she gently guided Harry’s hand over the cookie shaped like a Christmas tree.
“Yeah, all done. Sorry it took so long.”
“It’s okay.” She looked up at him, smiling “Your dinner is in the oven. I already ate with the kids. Sorry, I was starving.”
“I didn’t expect you to wait.”  Steve walked over the room and dropped a kiss to her cheek. “Thanks, Sweetheart.”
He made his way over to the Aga stove and opened the door, giving a little groan when he saw she’d done his favourite, a Mac and Cheese bake laced with chicken, chorizo and broccoli. He turned to look at her and didn’t miss the flicker of a smile on her face as she knew what he was thinking, before he pulled out the plate giving a yell as it burnt his fingers, dropping it onto the side with a clatter.
“Careful daddy, hot!” Harry turned to face him, and Katie burst out laughing.
“Yeah, thanks Son.” Steve tried not to roll his eyes as he sucked his thumb. Grabbing a tea-towel he gripped the plate, found some cutlery and sat down at the table to the side of the kitchen, tucking in.
“I finished all mine, Momma.” Rori grinned, placing the tube of squeezy frosting down on the side. Steve watched as Katie moved to look over Rori’s shoulder.
“Good job sweetie.” She smiled, “Creative, I’ve never seen a pink cat before.”
Steve paused and looked at Rori as she grinned “I know they’re not really pink, and my kitty won’t be, but it can have a pink collar.”
At that he winced and hastily shoved another forkful of food into his mouth, praying that the conversation stopped there.
Katie sighed “Rori we’ve been over this, you can’t have a cat.”
“Daddy said I could.”
Katie’s eyes shot to Steve and he gave her his best innocent look, but from the way her features grew stern he knew he was utterly busted and he swallowed the food in his mouth which turned to cement in his throat.
“No, that’s not what I said.” Steve shook his head.
“You said maybe.” Rori shrugged “Same thing.”
“We getting a kitty?” Harry asked, looking at Katie.
“No.” she shook her head.
“But I asked Daddy if Santa would bring me one and he said maybe.” Rori looked at Katie.
“Well Daddy is wrong.” She glared at Steve and he visibly shrank in his seat. Katie’s green eyes narrowed before they turned back to Rori. “Santa can’t bring live animals. It’s in the rules.”
“What rules?”
“The Christmas Rules” Katie said quickly “No live animals. It’s not fair on them. They don’t like the sleigh.”
“No buts Rori.” Katie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose “I’m sorry honey, but it’s not gonna happen.”
Rori pouted a little but she knew when she was beat and glanced down at the cookies on the tray before she looked up, grinning smugly. “I’ll just ask Uncle Bucky to get me one. He got me Dory.”
“Oh for the love of…” Katie spluttered “Uncle Bucky won’t get you one either.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’ll tell him not to.” Katie looked at her “We have Stark. No more animals.”
Rori folded her arms and at that point Steve stepped in, sensing an impending tantrum.
“Aurora.” He said sternly and she turned her head to face him as he pointed his fork at her. “Enough.”
She glared at him before she sighed and looked at Katie “Can I get down now please?”
Katie obliged and pulled her stool out a little allowing Rori to hop down. “Stay right there little miss.”
“Why?” Rori frowned as Katie headed to the sink, coming back with a cloth. With a groan, Rori held out her hands so Katie could wipe them clean, along with the little smear of icing on her face “20 minutes and then its bath time. We’re up early in the morning.”
“Ooh, yeah!” Rori bounced excitedly “To pick our trees. Hey, can I get one for my room?”
Katie hesitated before she shrugged “You know, I saw some in the shop that already have the lights on and they change colour. We’ll get a big one for the lounge and hallway like normal and I’ll get you a special one. And you get to keep it for next year and the year after.”
Rori pondered this for a moment before she shook her head “I want a real one from the farm.”
Katie groaned, and threw her hands out to the side “Fine, just, go and watch TV or something in the Play Room.”
“I watch TV too please, Momma?” Harry asked and Katie nodded, cleaning him up too before she lifted him down off the stool. He toddled after Rori, yelling for her to wait and as soon as they were gone Katie rounded on Steve.
“Honey, I…” he began and winced as she exploded on him.
“Seriously? A damned cat?”
“She caught me unawares.”
“She always catches you unawares!” Katie scoffed “After six, almost seven years I’d have thought you’d be used it by now.”
“I only said-“
“And as usual I’m left to be the bad guy.” Katie ranted, shaking her head as she moved to turn Flossie’s chair so she was facing the table. “You’re an asshole.”
“This is technically Bucky’s fault.”
“Oh, no, Steven Grant Rogers! Don’t you are try and blame this one on Buck.” She hissed.
“But he took her to the zoo and told her to ask for a capybara!” Steve practically whined “When I said no she asked for a cat, the maybe just slipped out.” Katie paused, her arms folded, face furious and Steve peered up at her giving her a little smile “Don’t be mad, come on baby. I didn’t mean it.”
“You’re still an asshole.” She grumbled, before she crossed to the fridge and pulled out the wine. “And for that you can deal with bedtime. I’m going for a bath.”
“Sure, not a problem.” Steve nodded, swallowing more of his food. Katie poured herself a large glass before she moved to put the bottle back and then changed her mind. With the bottle in one hand, full glass in the other she made for the door. “I love you.” Steve shot as she passed him, and despite her annoyed demeanour, the slight smile that played on her face told him he wasn’t in too much trouble.  
All kids were bathed and in bed little over an hour later. The youngest three settled down to sleep, Jamie instructed he had an hour of TV or reading time before lights off.
“Ok Dad.” He nodded, running his hand through his hair as he tidied up his games console a little, Stark curled up on the bed.
“I’ll be in to check.” Steve looked at him, and Jamie rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I got it. You can trust me.”
“I know.” Steve gave a chuckle “Night son.” He crossed the room to drop a kiss to his head and Jamie pushed him away.
“Gerroff, I’m ten.”
“Yeah, well, you’re still my kid so…” Steve grumbled, and Jamie burst into laughter as the pair of them began to play fight, Jamie digging Steve in the ribs with a well-aimed jab. “Ouch! “ Steve stood up, rubbing at his side, that had hurt a little too much for his liking. “Nice shot.”
“Bucky said I had a good right hook.”
Steve rolled his eyes “I don’t wanna know how he even found that out.”
“He has a punch bag in the garage.” Jamie shrugged as he flopped down onto his bed. “Like yours. He was teaching me to swing.”
“I could teach you that.” Steve replied, a little petulantly.
“Will you?”
“No. You’re ten.” He shot back and Jamie let out a groan of frustration, before Steve chuckled “Ok, I’ll teach you a little IF you promise not to use it anywhere but on the punch bag.”
“But what if I need to use it?”
“Well, that’s different.” Steve pondered, before he shook his head. “But you’re far too young to be getting into situations like that.”
“Uncle Buck said you were fighting people form the age of six. And getting your ass kicked.”
“Well, you do as I say…”
“Not as I do, yeah I got it.” Jamie grinned and Steve arched an eyebrow before he made his way to the door. He paused and turned back to look at his son, not for the first time taking in how damned tall and broad he was for his age. He pointed to Stark “Don’t let your mother catch him on the bed.”
“You know she says the same thing about you.” Jamie looked at him and Steve chuckled.
“I do, but let’s just pretend I don’t okay?”
“Okay, night dad. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Steve smiled, closing the door behind him.
He made his way back downstairs and into the lounge, and paused as he saw Katie talking into the laptop, her eyes brimming with tears.
“Don’t worry about it.” She said softly, and he could tell she was fighting to keep her face straight as Emmy’s voice came from the other side.
“I’m just gutted we can’t get home to come with you guys for the tree.”
“What’s going on?” Steve frowned as he sat next to Katie on the sofa, looking at Emmy and Peter as they both waved to him on the screen “Hey Kids.”
“The UK has been caught up in a huge snow storm.” Katie turned to him. “Their flight has been cancelled.”
“Bummer.” Steve’s frown deepened “Is there nothing from another airport?”
“Not in London.” Emmy shook her head “And the roads are that bad, even if we managed somewhere else…”
“Don’t wanna risk driving Mr R.” Pete shrugged and Steve had to give it to him, that was a sensible move.
“Wise decision.” Steve bit his lip, before he turned to Katie “Can we not get The Stark jet over? You guys should have used that anyway, not gone commercial.”
The irony of his statement didn’t pass him by, as there’d been a time when he had hated using a private jet as he felt it was ostentatious, but he’d fast learned to live with it as it was less hassle and a damned sight comfier and quicker too.
“I told you we didn’t want to.” Emmy shot back and Peter hastily cut in to prevent an argument.
“Already tried Happy before we called. He can’t get in any airfield be it private or other. I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” Katie shook her head “If you need anything just call. Have you got a place to stay?”
“Yeah, The Savoy found us another room.” Emmy shrugged before she grimaced “I’m gonna have to put it on my credit card though.”
“Don’t worry about that.” Katie shook her head “Just do what you gotta do, we’ll sort the bill out. Do you need us to wire you some cash or-“
“No, we’ve got enough between us for that.” Pete smiled “Just the hotel. We could get somewhere cheaper if that’s-“
“If it’s that bad out there you can stay where you are.” Steve shook his head. “Don’t worry about the money kids, it’s not important.”
“Just call us if you need anything.” Katie added.
“Thanks Mom. Look, we’re gonna go try and get something to eat and then sleep” Emmy sighed “It’s past 1 am now.”
“Sure, call us tomorrow okay, keep us updated.” Steve instructed and Emmy nodded.
“Will do. Love you both.”
“And you.” Katie smiled “Stay safe, and look after each other.”
“Got it.” Emmy grinned and with that she blew them both a kiss as Peter waved and the screen went blank.
Katie bit her lip before she tapped at the keyboard of her laptop “I’m going to send her some money, just in case. I know she has plenty in her savings, but…”
Steve nodded “Good idea. Those are for a rainy day, not a snowy one.”
Katie gave a small smile as she logged into the banking, and hesitated before she transferred a few thousand over to Emmy and closed the laptop, running her hands over her face. Steve saw her shouldes shake and he gave a sigh, pulling her to him.
“Hey, come on. They’re safe. In the poshest hotel known to man.” He pressed a kiss to her head “No doubt thinking this is some kind of huge romantic adventure. Snowed in, in London, with a mini-bar, room service.”
At that thought he grimaced, as his mind took him to a very dark place about just exactly what the spider kid would be doing to his daughter in said hotel room but he shook himself out of it as Katie spoke, sniffling a little.
“I know it’s just, well we started this tradition with Emmy that first Christmas she lived with us.” Her voice cracked “We went with Tony, Pep and Nat remember?”
“I could I forget.” Steve chuckled, his hands rubbing Katie’s back “You were almost five months pregnant and had that jumper on with a huge Christmas pudding on the front.”
“I’ve still got that.” Her voice was muffled as her face pressed into his Henley.
“And Pepper was going mad when Tony bought that nine foot tree for their lounge.”
“Ours wasn’t much smaller.” Katie laughed, leaning back to wipe her eyes. “You had to trim the top off.”
Steve chuckled, his hands cupping her face “A few days after that we found out bump was blue. Hello Jamie.”
“God it seems so long ago.”
“It was.” Steve smiled pressing a kiss to her lips. “11 years.”
“Yeah.” Katie looked at him “We’ve been through a lot since then.”
Steve nodded, as he wiped her face with his thumbs “And a lot worse than this. I know it’s disappointing, kitten, and I’m gutted as well, but it can’t be helped. We’ll still have a good time and we can go out with Emmy and Peter when they get back, nice meal and a few drinks somewhere instead, just the four of us. Start a new tradition now she’s all grown up.”
“Yeah suppose.” Katie sighed “I mean when they moved out in the New Year, they might not wanna come with us to get a tree anymore.”
“Like that’s gonna happen.” Steve snorted “She’ll simply be getting one for her own place. You know she loves Christmas as much as you. All the kids do. Because you make it so special.”
“It isn’t all down to me.” She smiled “You help.”
“It’s definitely your speciality.” Steve shook his head “You do the baking, the carols, the cooking…suss the decorations out.”
“Yeah, but you hang them. And you’re the one that started leaving Santa footprints by the hearth.”
“Okay so it’s a team effort.” Steve shrugged, dropping another kiss to her lips. “It always is when the kids are concerned.” He pulled back a little and nodded to her glass “You want another?”
“I wasn’t going to but yeah, now I do.”
Steve chuckled “I’ll go get us a drink, you find us something suitably Christmassy to watch.”
He stood, pressing his lips to the crown of Katie’s head before he wandered into the kitchen. As he closed the door behind him he pulled out his phone. He’d had an idea, but hadn’t wanted to mention it to Katie just in case it didn’t work…but if it did, well, he was going to reunite his family for their tradition and earn himself major husband points.
Win win situation.
“Hey punk.” Bucky drawled as he picked up.“What’s crackalackin?”
“God you talk some shit.” Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky laughed
“Sorry, we were watching Madagascar.”
“Yeah, I know where it’s from. I got five kids, remember. Six if I count you.”
“Well you could argue Diva Doll counts for two so you really have seven.”
“Yeah, speaking of which, I got a bone to pick with you about her and a damned capybara.” Steve narrowed his eyes as he spoke and there was a pause before Bucky burst out laughing. “Yeah, laugh it up, jerk. That got me in some major shit before.”
“You didn’t say yes?”
“No of course I didn’t.” Steve sighed “But she sideswiped me asking for a damned cat and I said maybe, so…”
“You fucking moron.”
“Whatever, listen, that’s not why I’m calling anyway.” Steve sighed, his voice growing serious. “I need a favour, Buck.”
“I’m listening.” Bucky replied, before Steve explained the predicament and possible solution. When he finished there was a pause and Bucky let out a long whistle. “Man, that’s…”
“I know, I know.” Steve sighed “But I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate. Katie’s heartbroken Emmy can’t get home.”
“Well, we can’t have the second most important woman in my life upset now can we?” Bucky replied “Leave it with me.”
“Cheers buddy.”
“You’ll owe me a life time of favours if I can pull this off.”
“We’ll call it quits for you almost getting me couched.”
“Not my fault you can’t say no to your likkle Princessa.” Bucky responded and Steve snorted.
“You’ve met her, right?”
There as another pause and Bucky laughed “Point taken.”
“Not a word to Katie.” Steve instructed “Just in case you can’t do it.”
“You seriously doubt me after all this time?” Bucky sighed “That hurts Stevie.”
“You know what else will hurt?” Steve shot back “My foot up your ass.”
“You want me to do this or not?” Bucky scoffed “Because threatening me aint gonna make me wanna do you any favours.”
“No but not wanting to see my wife upset is.”
“You fight dirty, Steven.” Bucky’s voice was low and Steve could imagine the narrowed eyes he was pulling as he spoke. “Okay, I’ll call Sam now. Leave it with me.”
“Thanks Buck.”
Steve cut the call and stuffed his phone back in his pocket, running a hand over his beard. Buck was right, it was a big ask and ridiculously over the top but, well, nothing was too much for him where his family was concerned. And after everything they’d been through this year what with Flossie’s horrific birth and Katie’s post-partum depression, his amazingly brave and gorgeous wife deserved the damned world. With a sigh he yanked open the fridge as he pulled out Katie’s wine and a beer for him, simply hoping that it worked.
**** “You good?” Steve asked as Jamie hopped into the back of the Q7, taking his place on the rear row of seats.
“Yup.” Jamie grinned “I prefer it back here, Rori can’t bug me.”
“Wanna bet?” Rori turned her head and peered at him from her place in the middle of the second row and Steve shot her a look.
“Enough. I hear one sound outta you that’s annoying him, we’re coming straight home.” He said sternly. Rori eyed him shrewdly, as if weighing up whether he was serious or not and he raised his eyebrows, challenging her.
“Ok Daddy.” She shrugged, turning back round. Steve shot Jamie a wink as turned and collapsed Flossie’s little stroller. He slotted it down the side of Jamie’s seat before he shut the trunk and then quickly inspected the roof rack. Satisfied he looked up just as Katie came out of the house, Flossie on her hip, Harry jumping down the steps in front of her. He headed over to his dad and peeked up, Steve giving a laugh as his little woollen hat slipped down over his eyes.
“Come here, buddy.” He said, swinging him into his arms. The little boy gave a giggle as Steve pulled his hat straight so he could see.
“Thanks Daddy!” he smiled and Steve pressed a kiss to his rosy cheek.
“No problem. You ready to get a tree?”
He nodded “Big one!” he threw his arms out wide and Steve nodded seriously.
“The biggest.”
Ten minutes or so later they were sailing out of Brooklyn in the winter morning sun, heading for the tree farm some forty or so minutes away. True to her word, Rori was behaving and chatting to Harry, Jamie was quiet in the back doing something on his tablet and Katie was gently humming to something on the radio. Steve’s hand reached over for hers and he entwined their fingers, gently bringing her arm across his body, pressing a kiss to her wrist.
The journey pass uneventfully and as Steve announced they had arrived the kids all gave a cheer. He parked the car up and then the disembarking began along with issued orders for Jamie and Rori to stay where they were as they sorted the youngest two.
“I think I’ll just carry Floss.” Katie glanced around. “Pushing her stroller is gonna be a pain. I’ll put her in the carrier.”
“You sure?” Steve asked “I would say I’d do it but…”
“You’re gonna be carrying trees, yeah I know.” Katie waved him away. “Its fine, she’s not heavy. Besides, she’ll be too big to do this with next year.”
Steve smiled at her wistful tone, and between them they had Flossie strapped to Katie’s back in no time, having become experts at it over the years. Katie glanced over her shoulder as Flossie gave her a hug grin, before she peeked around and started to gabble animatedly.
“Ready?” Steve looked around and held the hand that wasn’t containing the saw out, Rori taking it as Katie took Harry’s, Jamie falling into step at her other side next to Steve who strategically placed himself between his eldest son and Rori to avoid any potential arguments between the two siblings.
“Want me to take that Dad?” Jamie asked, nodding to the saw. Steve hesitated then shrugged, it had the safety cover on so he handed it over, Jamie slinging it over his shoulder proudly, stepping in front of them a little and Harry wriggled his hand free of Katie’s and ran forward to take Jamie’s. Jamie smiled down at him and Steve shared a glance with Katie as she smiled at him, slipping her hand into his. The family made their way to the entrance and as they approached the various little trade stands, one of which was selling various hot drinks and baked snacks. Katie took a deep breath and smiled, the warming scents of spices, cinnamon and pine hitting her nostrils.
“Smells exactly the same.” She beamed and then frowned as Steve was looking around, blatantly not listening to her as he was busy studying something to their right.
“Hey!” she tugged on his hand and he glanced down at her.
“Sorry, honey.” He diverted his attention “Just saw someone I know.”
“Oh, from work?” she asked.
“Not exactly.” He nodded in the direction he had been looking and Katie spun at the same time Rori let out a shriek.
“Emmy!” she yelled, wrenching her hand free of Steve’s and bolting towards her sister as she strode towards them alongside Peter, Bucky and Sam.
“I don’t-how?” Katie was struggling for words at the sheer emotion of seeing her eldest daughter, who should still be stranded in England, sweeping Rori into hug. “Steve? What?”
“You got Bucky and Sam to thank.” He said gently, as she spun between them all, before she strode forward meeting Emmy halfway and throwing her arms around her.
“Hey mom!” Emmy smiled, before she pulled back and gently waggled Flossie’s hand. “Hi Floss!”
“How did you get here?” Katie sniffed, wiping her eyes, chuckling before she gave Pete a hug.
“Quinjet.” Emmy grinned “It was awesome. Hey Dad!”
“Hey, sweetheart.” Steve swept her up into a huge hug, picking her up slightly off the ground kissing her head. “Nice to have you home.”
“Hold up, a Quinjet?” Katie looked at Emmy, then to Bucky who shrugged.
“Yeah well Steve rang me last night begging for my help…” he began, putting on a whiney voice “Please Buck, I can’t do this without you Buck, you know the usual.” Steve rolled his eyes as Bucky sniggered. “So, me and Birdbrain set off on a daring rescue mission.”
“Yeah, we totally used and abused Fury’s equipment.” Sam chuckled, as he pressed a kiss to Katie’s cheek as he gave her a hug. “He’s gonna be pissed when he finds out.”
“Oh, screw him!” Katie gave a laugh as she turned to Bucky, wrapping her arms round him. “Thank you so much!”
“Anything for you darlin’” he beamed before she stepped back and spun to face Steve, reaching up and grabbing his face. With a smile she pulled him down to meet her in a long, deep kiss.
“Thank you.” She whispered against his lips, and he beamed at her, his nose brushing hers. “I love you, so much.”
“Love you too.” He smiled, before he drew himself up, a little embarrassed at their PDA in front of his two friends and the kids. “Right, who’s ready to go tree picking?”
“We’ll leave you to it.” Bucky smirked as various excited shouts rang out around them. “I’ve got stuff to do with Jen and Sam’s…ahhhh, crap.” The smile on his face turned into a grimace and Steve spun round to see a familiar figure in a trench coat and eyepatch stood by a black SUV watching from a distance.
“Son of a-” Steve snorted, shaking his head as Fury started walking towards of them. “He still knows everything.”
“You have no idea. “Sam muttered.
“Oh, trust me, we do.” Katie grinned as Fury stopped in front of them.
“Someone wanna tell me why one of my jets was in London this morning?” Fury looked at Bucky, then to Sam, then to Peter, all three of them giving him an innocent look.
“Well, there was a thing.” Bucky shrugged “Emergency.”
“Emergency.” Fury dead panned “So nothing to do with a certain Miss Rogers and Mr Parker being stuck in London in snow storm?”
“How do you know this stuff?” Bucky looked at him.
“I told you Barnes, you wanna get one up on me you gotta keep both eyes open.” He levelled him with a look. “Happy called me in a flap to see if I could action a pick up and I told him I wasn’t running a damned Uber service. And then one of them went missing so I put two and two together and looks like I came up with four” He paused and shrugged, smirking a little “Plus, you forgot to wipe the mission log.”
“Damned it Tin Man!” Sam shoved Bucky “You dick, I told you!”
As the two men began to squabble Fury raised his eyebrows and turned to Steve and then Katie, a small smile flickered across his face “Nova, Cap. Long-time no see.”
“Hi Nick.” Steve smiled, reaching out and shaking his hand.
Fury jerked his head as Katie shook his hand, his eyes roving over each of their kids in turn. “I’ll say. You’ve been busy I see.”
Katie gave a huff “One way of putting it.”
Nick arched an eyebrow before he sighed and turned to Bucky and Sam who were still bickering. “Imma let this one slide.” He spoke loudly, the two men instantly turning to face him. “But only because it’s the holidays and I’m in a good mood.”
“You know technically Stark Industries owns half those jets. Tony paid for and designed a lot of the tech on them after all.” Katie quipped and Nick looked at her, before he let out a laugh.
“You’re more like your brother than you’ll ever care to admit” he shook his head as she snorted, pointing at her.
“Worse people to be like.” She smiled fondly, and Fury gave one last scoff before he turned to Sam and Bucky.
“I’ll see you two later. Now, imma go get me some churros then split.” He looked back at them all “Merry Christmas.”
As they all waved him off, watching the curious glances he attracted as he strode towards the hot food stand and then Harry tugged on Steve’s sleeve, causing him to turn his attention from Fury to the little boy.
“Daddy, who’s the pirate?” Harry asked.
There was a pause before Katie burst out laughing, Steve following suite as they both shared a knowing glance, remembering Tony’s fond little nickname for their one time director.
The Goth Pirate.
“He’s an old friend of mine and your momma’s “Steve explained before he glanced up, not surprised to find that once more Fury had disappeared from sight. “We haven’t seen him in a while. And I doubt we will again for a long time.”
There were more hugs shared and after another final thank you to Sam and Bucky, Katie demanding they come over later for drinks, the four remaining adults and four kids all headed into the farm and the chaos began as they began to scout for their perfect trees.
“So we need two large ones.” Katie spoke, “And one for Emmy and Pete in the Cabin and a smaller one for Rori’s room.” she paused “Jamie, did you want one for your room too?”
“Nah, it’s okay.” He shook his head “Thanks though.”
“So four over all.” Steve nodded. “Okay gang, let’s find us some trees.”
They decided to get Rori’s first as it would be smaller and easier to carry once they’d picked it. They set about walking down the various aisles, and before long the jokes started flowing and they were getting worse and worse with time.
“What would you get if you ate the Christmas decorations?” Pete asked and Jamie looked at him, arching a brow. “Tinselitis.”
“Oh God.” Emmy snorted “That’s as bad as one of dad’s”
“Which reminds me.” Steve said, a smirk on his face, “Did you guys hear the forecast for Christmas eve? They’re predicting rain, deer…”
Katie and Emmy both let out a groan as Jamie and Peter howled with laughter.
“What do you call an elf that runs away from Santa’s workshop?” Jamie asked and Steve paused before he shrugged.
“No idea.”
“A rebel without a Clause…”
Katie, Steve, Emmy and Pete burst out laughing as Pete held out his hand to hi-five him. Jamie grinned.
“That’s a good one buddy.” Steve chuckled. “Where did you hear that?”
“Moo text me before.” He smiled “She said her and Auntie Pep had been googling them to put in their cards this year.”
“Like Father like daughter.” Katie smiled to herself, a little nostalgically as a memory of her brother crashed over her and Steve pulled her a little closer, his hand tightening on hers as he dropped a kiss to her head.
After half an hour or so of scouting and plenty of excited shouts and laughter, Rori paused in front of a tree that was the same height as her and she gave a gasp.
“Daddy, that one.” She pointed.
“You sure?” he cocked his head to one side. The tree was leaning to one side, the branches completely uneven, sticking out at all angles and the top was bent. “It’s a bit-”
“It’s perfect.” Rori insisted.
“Okay Princess, whatever you say.”  He looked at Katie as she smiled, her hand dropping to the back of Rori’s head. “Jamie, you got the saw?”
“Yup.” Jamie nodded, passing it over and they all watched as Steve gripped the trunk of the small tree with one hand a little higher up and began to cut it towards the bottom. He could have easily snapped the trunk with his bare hands but he played the part and in four strong swipes it pulled free with a little crack and Rori gave a shriek and clapped her hands.
“I love it!”
Once the safety cover was back on the saw they continued their search, walking towards the slightly bigger trees they spotted and Katie paused in front of a large, Norwegian spruce and reached out, gently crushing one of the needles between her fingers. She took a sniff and stepped back, nodding.
“That one.”
“I still can’t believe you pick them with the smell.” Steve shook his head.
“It’s not all the smell.” She protested “There’s a lot to consider. The height, width and spacing of the branches…this one’s just right for the corner in the lounge. And that one two down will do for the hallway.”
Steve chuckled, knowing better than to argue. “Positive?”
Katie nodded and once more Jamie passed him the saw. This time they all stepped back as Steve crouched down on the ground, expertly cutting the trunk and just the right place. As he took the final swipe, the tree pitched over to a loud shout of “Timberrrrr” from Jamie and Peter and it landed with a thud.
Harry gave a loud cackle and clapped, Flossie shrieking too as Steve then moved two down and repeated the action with a slightly smaller one that would sit in the entrance lounge directly in front of the photo of the pair of them at their wedding, so it would be the first thing anyone saw as they walked into the house.
Emmy strode past the tree to one that was behind it and then nodded to Pete “I think this one will do. I kinda like the way it fans out at the bottom.”
“Sure, Em.” He smiled “Mr R?”
“Oh, here.” Steve handed him the saw and watched as Pete cut his and Emmy’s first Christmas tree down, his arm round Katie’s waist, lips softly kissing Flossie’s cheek as the baby grinned. He arched an eyebrow as Emmy pressed a kiss to Pete’s lips, giving a soft huff as Katie dug him in the ribs, shooting him a warning glance which he returned with an innocent one of his own.
“Well, that was easy.” Emmy commented “It took us 2 hours last year.”
“They need to be right.” Katie shrugged simply, Steve and Emmy exchanging a look before Steve watched as Pete hoisted his tree easily onto his shoulder. It still surprised Steve how strong Peter was, even though it shouldn’t, he knew he was enhanced after all.
“I’ll take Rori’s, Dad.” Jamie stepped forwards, puffing his chest out a little, picking the smaller tree up easily and placing it on his shoulder, in an identical manner to Pete. Steve actively fought the urge to laugh as Jamie began to walk besides Peter and Emmy, clearly proud as punch at being able to help before he turned to Katie.
“Don’t say it.”
Katie laughed “Oh I’m gonna.” she smirked “If he was any more like you I’d be convinced he was a clone.”
Steve snorted as he bent down and easily lifted their two trees onto his shoulders, before they followed a little slower due to Harry being with them. Steve maneuvered around the other tree pickers as they went, his boot clad feet traipsing on the damp of the ground as they made their way back towards the main entrance and joined Pete, Emmy and Jamie at the place ready to pay. As the various helpers, all dressed in little Elf outfits bustled around to wrap their trees and strap them to the roof of the Audi, Katie was suddenly struck with a little problem.
“Hang on.” she turned to Emmy as she thanked the man who’d been dealing with and handed over the cash. “How are you two gonna get home if Bucky and Sam left?”
At that Pete gave a little grin and pulled a set of keys out of his pocket, “Mr Wilson let me borrow his Chevvy.”
“Yeah they went home on Buck’s bike.” Emmy shrugged and at that Steve let out a huge laugh.
“What?” Katie asked.
“Sorry, I’m just picturing those two riding pillion.” He snorted “I give it five minutes before Sam ended up tells Buck to let him off on account of him driving his Ducatti like a maniac.”
“You’ve no room to talk.” Katie scoffed and Steve looked at her with mock outrage.
“Mom?” Jamie asked and Katie turned to him “Can we get a drink now please?”
“Sure, come on.” She smiled and they headed over to the stall. She purchased a hot cider each for her, Steve, Emmy and Pete before hot chocolate for each of the kids along with a selection of donuts, churros and Stollen as Steve took Flossie back to the car so they could pop her in the stroller. They made their way over to one of the benches by the side and sat down and Steve returned, parking Flossie besides them before he handed her a piece of a donut and slipped his arm round Katie, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“You have a good time?” he asked.
“Yeah.” She beamed, before she glanced over at the other side of the bench. Jamie was settled to Emmy’s left, talking to her about school, as she nodded along whilst Rori was perched on Peter’s knee as she animatedly told him about how she was going to decorate her tree in unicorn colours. Harry meanwhile sat in between both Pete and Emmy, his little frame chewing on a donut as he grinned at his parents who smiled back. Katie turned to look a Steve again, leaning up to kiss him softly “It’s been perfect, thank you for making sure we were all together.”
“Well it wouldn’t be a Rogers Christmas otherwise would it?” he smiled, kissing her again.
“Get a room.” Emmy grumbled and Steve turned to her as she smirked, shoving a piece of donut in her mouth.
“Watch it young lady.” Steve pointed at her.                      
“Daddy.” Rori asked “Can I go with Pete in their car to Target? I need decorations for my Princess Tree.”
Steve hesitated for a while and Pete hastily cut in “It’s no bother Mr Rogers.”
“Yeah we need some for ours.” Emmy nodded.”So we’re going anyway.”
“I come too?” Harry asked hopefully and Emmy shrugged
“If Momma and Daddy say it’s ok, course you can, squirt.”
Steve looked at Katie who shrugged “Fine by me. Sure you can manage them?”
Emmy rolled her eyes “They’re no bother.” She then turned to Jamie “You wanna come too?”
“Hell no.” he said hastily, peering round at Rori before he shook his head “I’m going home for some peace and quiet.”
Both Steve and Katie let out a loud laugh, as Katie shook her head “Oh Jamie.”
“What?” he frowned.
“Nothing pal.” Steve smiled, reaching for his cider. “Nothing at all.”
#ssholidaychallenge #sageandsweater
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
anyone can cook
rafe cameron x reader
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words: 3729
warnings: usual cursing, mentions of drugs 
synopsis: college au, four times you cook for rafe and one time he cooks for you
Growing up, your mom taught you the importance of food. For most of your childhood, you loved cooking with her. Learning family recipes, and spending time in the kitchen with her instead of doing homework was thrilling to you. As you aged, you started to resent it, feeling like your mother was perpetuating the harmful stereotype that women are meant to be in the kitchen.
And then you left school early and came home to see the shit your dad was putting your mom through and was forced to immediately take that hard pill to swallow. Perspective was a bitch. Your mom didn’t cook to please your dad, she cooked to keep him happy enough for you to be fooled. It was heartbreaking.
You decided then that you’d not take any time cooking with your mom for granted. She loved you and she wanted you to be happier than her. For her, you could certainly fucking try. It was all going great until the storm that knocked out power, rendered the kitchen useless, and drove your dad’s patience level to its breaking point.
He’d never been that angry before, at least not in front of you. You weren’t sure what to do as he lashed out at your mom and then you, without warning and in the end, without apology. Normally if you were upset, your mom would make cookies with you, letting you use cookie cutters and dirty unnecessary dishes. That time though, you had to figure it out alone.
When you got to college, your parents helped pay rent for your first apartment. It had a good kitchen with lots of room, and your mom bought you a ton of kitchen tools, pots and pans, and other cooking necessities as a graduation gift. Her and your dad helped you move in, and that night, with shaky hands, she held your face in her hands. Tears in her eyes she whispered, “Promise me you won’t stop cooking.”
You couldn’t stop your own tears as you gulped and nodded a little frantically, “Of course not, Mama.”
Rafe lived a very different life. His real mother wasn’t in the picture and his step mother didn’t really want kids, so his experience with cooking was very limited compared to yours. Coincidentally that’s how the two of you met, outside your apartment building at 11:48 p.m. while the fire department sorted out the disaster that was his dinner attempt.
You knew it was his fault because he was very carefully trying to make himself look small. The only reason you knew what had gone wrong was you overheard the fireman talking to the landlord saying it was just a small kitchen fire in 227 and wouldn’t be too much to fix.
It was really out of character, but you walked over to where he was sitting on the curb and sat down next to him, “227?”
His head turned toward you sharply, “Figured me out, huh?”
“You were trying a little too hard to look inconspicuous.”
He shrugged, “Didn’t want a bunch of angry neighbors.”
Which you understood, so you nudged his shoulder with yours, “Well, I’m not angry and I know, but I’m not so sure I’d risk it with her,” you pointed at a lady who seemed to be ranting into the phone.
The boy followed your point and winced, “Yeah maybe not. Cooking clearly isn’t for me.”
“What were you making?”
“Kraft mac and cheese.”
You let out a loud laugh, assuming it was a joke. But then he didn’t meet your eyes or laugh along and you quickly stopped laughing, “Wait actually?”
With a shrug, he answered, “No one really taught me how to cook.”
And here you had a choice. Years and years of stored up cooking knowledge, endless recipes memorized, and a fantastic kitchen begging to be used by more than one person made the choice obvious.
“Well then take this as my standing dinner invitation whenever you want. I’ll give you my number and you can let me know when you’re hungry.”
“So, you’re gonna what, teach me how to cook.”
“Well, we can start small. I’ll cook for you first.”
The first time Rafe texted you was on a night you actually had a fridge full of leftovers, but the boy who lived alone with sad eyes deserved better than leftovers. Rafe knocked on the door a few minutes later and he was dressed similarly to the first time you’d seen him, in sweats and a hoodie, and his hands were folded nervously in front of him.
You let him in, and he followed you to the kitchen, “So what’s on the menu for tonight?” he asked.
“Chicken pot pie,” you told him over your shoulder. You’d turned the oven on to preheat and had the potatoes and carrots chopped already. He stood behind you, peering over your shoulder.
Before you could continue, he cut in, “Is there something I can do?”
You thought for a minute, “You can control the music. My phone is synced up to the bluetooth speaker and I have Spotify pulled up, so have at it.”
Rafe nodded and sat down as you put the veggies into a pot and added water to start boiling them. You quickly went into your cooking zone as Rafe sat quietly queuing up songs. They were from your chill playlist and you appreciated that he was sticking to your playlists, humming along every so often.
By the time you pulled the chicken and veggie mixture from the heat, Rafe was leaning forward in his seat, and he looked excited to see what you’d do next. Reaching down, you pulled out a glass pie tin and looked over at him, “After I press the crust down, will you help me pour the mixture in?”
Rafe nodded eagerly and you made quick work of the pie crust, motioning him to come around the counter. He looked hesitant for the first time since you’d started cooking, and you tried to smile reassuringly. Returning the smile, he moved closer, “What do you want me to do.”
You held out the potholders, “If you pour, I’ll scoop.”
He picked the pot up and slowly poured the mixture into the tin and you quickly scooped the stuff that didn’t pour. Rafe set the pot down and you held the second crust out to him to press on top. He mimicked your actions from earlier carefully, and you couldn’t help but smile. You showed him how to press the edges down with a fork and he did so, slowly. Covering the edges, you let Rafe put it in the oven and then led him to the living room to start a movie while the two of you waited for it to finish.
The pot pie was a family recipe, and when Rafe tried it, the look on his face made it worth him seeing the secret ingredients your mom added to jazz it up. It felt good seeing someone enjoying your cooking again.
You weren’t entirely sure the relationship Rafe had with his family, but on fried catfish night, Rafe showed up at your doorstep unexpectedly. Fortunately, you had a few extra, so you invited him in for dinner. It wasn’t exactly what he was gunning for when he showed up, but he’d never say no to your cooking.
While you battered and seasoned the fish, he vented about his dad.
“I just don’t understand how a 4.0 isn’t fucking good enough. He’ll never give me any credit as long as Sarah does well in school and plays volleyball, I just want to be good enough.”
His words pulled at your heartstrings, and you found yourself tearing up on his behalf. You paused the music that had been softly playing in the background, “Fuck your dad, you deserve better.”
Rafe laughed drily, “I’ve done some dumb shit, this is my karma. I just don’t like it.”
“I fail to see any mistakes bad enough to warrant a parent totally disregarding their child like that. Did you kill someone or something?”
He shook his head, chuckling, “No, I didn’t kill anyone. But I had a drug problem in high school. I’m clean now, but it was me attempting to get my dad’s attention and it all spiraled out of control. Clearly it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to because my dad just kicked me out.”
You were horrified, “He kicked you out?!”
“Yeah, I went from couch to couch for a while until checking myself into rehab so I could get clean. I was tired of being dependent on something and really I wanted to prove my dad wrong.”
“God, Rafe, I’m so sorry.”
He shrugged and you started heating the oil up to start frying. There was an extended pause before he softly continued, “He didn’t let me move back in, even when I showed up clean. News of everything had gotten around town and he didn’t want me to further disgrace the family name.”
Brushing a tear off your cheek, you caught his eye, “Karma will come for your dad someday. You deserve only good things, Rafe.”
With a faint smile, he tapped his fingers on the cabinet, almost nervously, “Maybe one day I’ll be able to see it that way, but for now, I just don’t.”
“I’ll keep telling you until you believe it,” you promised fiercely. And you really meant it.
You finished frying the fish, silence between the two of you. It was no longer heavy and it wasn’t as awkward as the first time, you were proud of the progress. Rafe grabbed plates from the cabinet and at your instruction, the coleslaw you had already made and stored in the fridge.
Courtesy kicked in, and you let Rafe make his plate first. You figured he deserved to feel first choice for once. He almost looked like he wanted to argue, but you weren’t about to back down, so he filled his plate and sat back at the bar, patiently waiting for you to sit down before eating.
You fixed your plate and sat down next to him before squeezing his shoulder, “Thanks for keeping me company tonight.”
Rafe laughed, “Thanks for letting me rant.”
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath and your laptop confirmed what you feared, your last bio exam had gone very poorly. It was just one test, but you weren’t used to seeing such a low grade, and you had to try really hard not to cry. Everything in you wanted to go lay down for days and forget about the rest of your classes, but the logical part of your brain texted Rafe to invite him for dinner.
He showed up not even five minutes later, and you decided breakfast sounded like the most comforting thing. You didn’t want to come across as too needy, so you didn’t mention the bad grade and tried to cover how you were actually feeling.
Unfortunately, the music you had playing gave it away. Rafe took one look at your face and the slight slump in your shoulders, and immediately wrapped you into a hug. You squeezed your eyes shut, fighting the tears, and he held you tighter.
“What happened, bud?”
“It’s nothing,” you tried to deflect, “fucked up on a bio test. We still have a few more, but it’s not a great start.”
“Which bio?”
Rafe thought for a few seconds, “I know a guy who has taken that, want me to see if I can get his notes?”
“That would be great actually.”
He smiled, “Good, now why don’t we get some happier music and get to cooking.”
And you could do that. Rafe changed to a playlist he’d made and sent to you a few weeks ago called Good Vibes for Cooking Nights and you couldn’t argue, they were good songs. A Wallows song started playing and you fell into a rhythm of pouring batter and flipping pancakes, feeling immensely better than when Rafe had first showed up.
You were thankful for him, this boy who had totally changed your life in the four months he’d known you. Four months of baring your hearts to each other in your own little ways. Rafe showing up to your apartment looking casual, not at all how he looked normally during the day. You letting him control the music and watch you cook, something so personal and special to you. It was new for the both of you.
Rafe heated up syrup while you quickly buttered the pancakes and washed some fruit for toppings. For the first time, you made your plate and sat down first. Rafe sat down next to you a few minutes later, plate heaped high with pancakes and raspberries.
After a few minutes of eating, the music being the only noise in the kitchen, Rafe turned to you, “You’re so intelligent and I don’t want you to let this one test discourage you. I know you’ll bounce back.”
“I studied so hard,” you told him, almost whispering, “I knew this was going to be hard, but I have no prior experience to fall back on, and it’s killing me.”
“But you’ll learn. Now you know how exams are structured, and you can adjust your studying habits. Next test will go great, I promise.”
You couldn’t stop it, it had been building between the two of you for months, and in your extra emotional state, you acted more rashly than normal. Setting your fork down, you turned to him and grabbed the front of his shirt. Rafe was startled, but turned to face you, not prepared for you to kiss him.
He froze and you almost regretted it, loosening your grip on his shirt, about to pull away embarrassed when he started kissing you back. Rafe tasted like syrup and raspberries, an addicting combination. Unfortunately, you eventually had to pull away to breathe, and Rafe pressed a soft kiss to your forehead while you caught your breath.
He picked his fork back up and smiled widely at you, “So that was nice.”
You blushed, “Yeah, um, sorry.”
“I’m not,” he stole a strawberry off your plate, “I didn’t want to make a move and make you uncomfortable if I was reading this whole thing wrong.”
“You, um, you weren’t reading it wrong.”
“I see that.”
Your blush deepened as he smiled wider at you. You shrugged, “So, what now?”
“Well, hopefully, now you’ll let me take you out and see where we go from there.”
“I’d like that.”
You weren’t sure if it was an out of sight, out of mind situation, but your parents planned a couple’s trip for Christmas, and you weren’t invited. Which would make this the first time in your entire life you wouldn’t spend Christmas with your family. You had mixed feelings. On one hand, you were hurt at the blatant disregard of you and your feelings, but on the other hand it gave you the chance to spend your first holiday alone with Rafe.
The two of you were eating hummus and doing homework when you decided to bring it up. He was on the floor, and you were on the couch, so you nudged his shoulder with your foot to get his attention, “How do you feel about spending Christmas together?”
He looked back at you with a wide smile, “I feel like it would be the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”
You grabbed a blank sheet of paper and handed it down to him, “Write down specific foods you want.”
“What do you normally eat on Christmas?” he asked, not taking the paper.
With a shrug, you pulled the paper back, “I don’t know, we normally do gumbo and cornbread and German chocolate cake.”
Rafe grabbed your ankle, shaking your leg a few times, “Let’s do that.”
“You don’t want to add anything?” you asked, hesitant.
He bit the inside of his cheek, clearly thinking, “Maybe we could do a baked mac and cheese. We had those a lot growing up before Mom left.”
“Find me the recipe and I’ll make it for you, bub.”
With a wide smile, Rafe grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, “You’re the best.”
When Christmas finally rolled around, you woke up early to start cooking. Your mom suggested a Dutch oven, something you didn’t already own, and to buy file powder instead of trying the cornstarch method. She also told you to make the cake a day earlier so you wouldn’t have to worry about it with the rest of the food.
You worked with Christmas music playing softly in the background, focusing on making sure the flour and oil combination didn’t burn before adding the veggies. The recipe wasn’t hard, but it did require a lot of stirring and paying attention and exact timing.
By the time it was ready to start simmering for about 30 minutes, you had started boiling the pasta for the mac and cheese. That recipe was simple, and you’d been playing with the cheese topping in your own time to make the flavor blend better with the gumbo, and you were pretty sure you’d figured it out.
With practiced ease, you finished it and poured it over the pasta before setting it to bake. By then, it was time to finish the gumbo, make the cornbread, and get dressed.
Rafe showed up just as you finished getting dressed and the cornbread timer was going off. He had a key and let himself in, and you knew he could handle taking the cornbread out.
“Babe, I’m here,” he called out as he shut the timer off.
“Coming,” you yelled back, smoothing your sweater down.
By the time you finally made it to the kitchen Rafe had set all of the food on the counter and he was leaned next to it in his own sweater and jeans. He held his arms out for a hug, and you walked into them happily.
“Merry Christmas, babe,” he told you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You hummed and reached up to kiss him.
“Merry Christmas,” you told him, pulling away.
“Food looks good,” he complimented, reaching for the bowls and plates he’d gotten out.
You looked over the spread and smiled proudly, “It does, doesn’t it?”
“You want to eat on the couch and watch the Jim Carrey Grinch?”
Nodding enthusiastically, you grabbed a plate, “Fuck yes.”
The two of you settled on the couch, a gingerbread scented candle burning in the background. Rafe started the movie and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, plate in his lap. You leaned into him and let out a long breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding in. This Christmas, while out of the ordinary, was your favorite one yet.
+ One:
You got home after work, exhausted. Your apartment was dark and cold and it made you want to curl up into a ball and cry. Work had been so time consuming over the past month you’d barely seen Rafe and you missed him. But if you got the promotion your boss had been hinting at, you’d get more manageable hours and higher pay, so you were grinding it out until then.
Dropping your bag by the door, you kicked off your shoes before slowly walking to the couch. Before you could sit down, there was a knock at the door. You considered ignoring it, but it persisted, so you walked slowly back to answer.
Rafe was standing there, giant grin on his face, with a steaming pot of something which explained why he didn’t use his key. It was very surreal and you blinked a few times in confusion before letting him in. He walked past you to the kitchen and set the dish down before digging through your drawer for the matches to light your favorite candle on the counter.
“Go get changed,” he urged, “I’ll get plates set up.”
Your phone rang as you were changing into shorts and you grabbed it out of the discarded pants pocket. When you saw your boss’s name, your heart rate doubled and you answered shakily. The phone call was brief, and the gist was that you’d gotten the promotion and the next day off.
Energy immediately filled your body and you ran to the kitchen where Rafe was scooping out what looked like mac and cheese onto plates.
He looked up, startled, “What’s up?”
“I got it!”
“The promotion?” he asked, eagerly.
You nodded, beaming, and jumped into his arms when he opened them. Rafe spun you around a few times and kissed you hard. Slowly setting you back down to your feet, he deepened the kiss, your hands winding into his hair.
Rafe pulled away first, pressing soft kisses to both of your cheeks and your forehead before standing up fully. You let go of his hair and took the hand he offered to you. Leading you to the couch, he sat down and motioned for you to do the same.
“Is this mac and cheese?” you asked, poking at the food with the fork he’d brought you.
“It is. I went on snapchat earlier and realized that it’s an anniversary of sorts. I wanted to make you dinner for once since I know you’ve had a long week.”
A faint blush rose on his cheeks and he cleared his throat, “Um, yeah, a year since we met.”
You laughed loudly, “When you set your fucking kitchen on fire making mac and cheese?”
“A year ago, today. And with your cooking help, I can now make mac and cheese without setting the kitchen on fire.”
Poking at it again, you looked up at him, almost fearing the answer, “This isn’t Kraft right?”
“Of course not,” he scoffed, “I called your mom to get her recipe.”
Biting your lip to hold back the onslaught of emotions, you took in a shaky breath, “Right. Okay. Um, I love you, Bub. And this is genuinely the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Rafe kissed your temple before lifting your chin to make you look him in the eye, “I love you too, and as crazy as it sounds, I’m glad I set my kitchen on fire.”
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1000roughdrafts · 4 years
A Christmas Surprise
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Fem!Reader 
Explicit 18+/Warnings: fluff, blowjob in the Impala, dirty talk, swearing unprotected vaginal penetration, Sam being adorable
Summary: Sam and Dean ‘force’ you to go to a Christmas party at Bobby’s, despite your pleas for a night in with just some beer and pizza. It turns out, it wasn’t so terrible of a night after all.  
Word Count: about 2-2.5k
A/N: using a Poker Card: J💗(Dirty Talk, Holiday Fic, “I love hearing you moan.”)
This was queued for Christmas day but I'm very angry about the finale and since part two of Hope is a Dangerous Thing is in the editing stage, I thought I'd share this little creation whilst I finish that one. Hope you like it :)
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Sitting in the backseat of the Impala, you stare out of the window in annoyance as the snow, illuminated only by the passing street lamps, trickles down. You place a hand on Dean’s shoulder to grab his attention. 
“Do we have to go?” you softly whine, hoping that Dean’s music would hide your voice from Sam. He was more excited for this party than you and Dean combined, although with the fight the two of you put up, that wasn’t that great of a feat. 
As Dean opens his mouth to reply, Sam flips off the music and spins around to face you. He says something about how everyone is expecting at least an appearance from the three of you, and when was the last time you’d all been in the same place when it didn’t involve work? 
“We don’t get to take these kinds of breaks often, Y/N. The least we could do is show up, hm, babe?” Sam says, eyebrows pressed together and lips taut like a mother at her wits end. If he didn’t look so cute in the Christmas sweater he found at a discount market, you might have fought back a little. 
“Fine,” you say like a peeved teenager, crossing your arms and scooting back in the seat. 
Dean slaps a hand onto Sam’s knee, much to Sam’s irritation. “Besides, we got a surprise for you,” he says with a smug grin, waggling his eyebrows at Sam who whispers for him to shut up before glaring at his brother and clearing his throat. 
“Is it a case?” you say in monotone without removing your eyes from the falling snow. 
They awkwardly chuckle, saying nothing more until Sam adjusts in his seat and points out of the windshield. Dean takes a sharp right turn down a skinny road, sending your body flying against the seat. 
“What the Hell, Dean?” you shout. 
“Sorry, cupcake,” Dean chuckles, “just some last minute... loose ends to tie up,” he says, glancing over at Sam. He shuts off the engine in front of a closed up pawn shop. Turning around to face you, he holds a hand up, “stay here,” he says. 
He and Sam step out without giving you a chance to respond. Minutes later, the two come back and get into the Impala without so much as a word. 
“Did you just break into a pawn shop?” you ask, leaning forward as Dean starts up the engine. 
“Uh, yeah,” Sam replies, looking back at you through the side of his eye. 
“Why?” you ask. 
Sam opens and closes his mouth, holding an open palm in the air and glances at Dean. Dean rolls his eyes before meeting yours in the rear view mirror. 
“Bobby asked us to check up on something on our way over. Something about a haunted object, or whatever,” he says, twirling his hand before spinning the wheel. “I don’t really know, but it was a bust, nothing haunted there,” he says. 
“You probably didn’t inspect it thoroughly,” you groan, “should have let me come in to do it right,” you say under your breath. 
As Dean gets back on the main roads, he holds up a finger, “ooh! Let’s play a game,” he says, looking at you through the mirror. “I made it up and it’s called ‘shut up and quit whining or I’ll make you wear Sam’s ugly sweater’,” he says with a smirk and raised eyebrows. 
“Dean!” Sam scolds, looking at you apologetically. 
“No, it’s fine,” you say, giving Dean a snide smile before settling in for the rest of the drive. 
Having been hunting with the Winchesters for years, you know how Dean gets. Though the two of you occasionally butt heads, you have been great friends. Sam has always been the apple of your eye, however. You knew you loved him the second you laid eyes on him, and somehow, despite it taking him a few years to come around to the idea of being together, you knew it was the same for him. 
If it weren’t for Dean’s sharp corners and reckless driving, you might have fallen asleep. Pulling into Bobby’s salvage yard, you perk up, eager to step out of the car and say hi to everyone. 
The exhaustion of greetings aside, and when you had a few drinks in you and Bobby by your side, you started having more fun than you imagined you would. Talking with Bobby always seemed to ease your stress about any situation. He was the father to you that yours couldn’t be. 
Hunting ran in the family, and unlike Bobby, your dad didn’t really include you in his operations. It was something that really connected you to Sam and Dean when you met, as they knew what that kind of relationship felt like. At least Dean understood. He knew what it felt to always want acceptance from the man who taught you everything, and getting close to nothing instead was soul grinding. 
Bobby was able to give you that, as he did for Sam and Dean, and it was times like tonight that made you even more grateful for the Winchesters. When hands slid onto your sides and you feel the scruffy cheeks of your boyfriend on the side of your face, you smile, and turn around to embrace him. The whiskey you’d been sipping on has you feeling the perfect amount of buzzed; a bit dizzy, very happy, and not overly talkative. 
“Hey, handsome,” you whisper, kissing his collarbone 
“Hi, gorgeous,” he coos, kissing the top of your head. 
You hear Bobby groan from behind you, mumbling something about getting a room, and chuckle as Sam removes a hand from your back just long enough to wave at Bobby before he walks off. 
Sam pulls you from him, a smile radiating from him as his eyes oscillate between yours. He reaches behind you for his drink from the table, taking a sip and winking at you before bringing it into the air while keeping his eyes on yours. 
“Excuse me,” he says, stopping to clear his throat. “Uh, can I have everyone’s attention, please?” 
With all eyes on him, he brings the drink back down and wraps a hand around your back, letting his hand rest on your hip as you turn to face your friends and family. 
“As you all know, we had a rough year, and the fact that we were all able to get together to celebrate means the world to me, to us,” he says, using his drink to gesture at you. “I learned a valuable lesson this year, and the many before, that time is not on our side, especially as hunters,” he says, everyone nodding and humming in agreement. “So, it’s important, I think, to let the ones you care about know that you care about them, that you love them,” he says, voice shaking slightly. 
He slowly sets his drink onto the table, pulling his arm from behind you. Standing in front of you, your eyes widen as he reaches into his back pocket for a little red box. Gasps fill the room as he drops to one knee, smiling up at you. 
“Y/N, ever since I met you, I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with,” he chuckles, “whether that be another two years or twenty. So I’m asking you,” he lets out a breath, “in this ugly Christmas sweater, in front of all of our family and friends,” his eyes scan the room before meeting back with yours. With one hand, he grips onto yours, and uses the otehr to hold the box steady in front of you, “will you make me the happiest man on the planet by taking my hand in marriage?” 
Shocked, surprise, and happy doesn’t even begin to explain what you’re feeling. You cover your mouth with your hand, tears swelling in your eyes as you look down at him. You know you should answer him soon, but you want to soak in the sight of him in front of you like this, you want to be able to close your eyes and picture him like this whenever things get bloody. 
His eyebrows raise just a bit as he expects your answer. 
Nodding first, you squeak out a yes. He pulls the ring from the old, battered box and places it on your finger before standing. Cupping his hands around your face he kisses you, and the room fills with cheers and clapping. 
When you pull away, you examine the ring, “wow, I actually love this.” 
“Oh, good,” he says, letting out a breath, “stole it from the pawn shop,” he says, winking at you. 
“That’s what we were doing there?” you ask, laughing. “What if my ring belonged to a dead person?” you joke, wrapping an arm around his waist. 
“Good thing we know how to deal with that,” he laughs, kissing the top of your head. 
“You know,” you say, “there’s a few other ways I could make you the happiest man on the planet.” 
Eyebrows raise, “is that so?” 
“Yep,” you say, biting your lower lips. Grabbing his hand you lead him out of the front door, smiling at friends as they cheer with "congratulations".
You make it to the Impala, nodding for Sam to get into the backseat. “Lay back, like that, yeah?” you say. 
He tilts his head as he looks down at you. With a chuckle, he asks, "here, really? Dean'll kill me," he laughs.
"He won't even know, just get in," you smile, pushing his arms.
He slides into the backseat of the Impala, hands nervously placed in his lap rubbing his thighs.
You sit next to him, shutting the door behind you, in a rush to unbutton his pants. Tugging on the elastic of them, he lifts up enough for you to pull them down.
You can't help but to smile seeing him hard and ready for you, kissing him on the lips before peppering the kisses down his neck. Wrapping your hand around his dick you squeeze gently, almost forcing an airy moan from him.
You slide your hand up and down, Sam's eyes closing as his head falls back against the seat. He scoots forward a bit, giving you more room.
Lowering your head, you open your mouth and let your tongue slip between your teeth, using it to guide you. The back of your tongue falls onto his tip, and he moans as you bring it to the base of his dick and back.
Placing your lips around him, you force the entirety of his erection into your mouth, humming while you suck until your lips hit his stomach. You wrap a hand around the base of him, adding pressure with your lips as you make your way back to the tip in a twist motion.
He moans louder, sending an electric rush through you, "fuck, I love hearing you moan," you mumble with your lips still wrapped around his dick. His hand falls onto your head, careful not to apply very much pressure, but enough to let you know he enjoys it.
You twirl your tongue around his length, licking and sucking at the tip while holding onto his legs. His moan turns into a growl as he gets a grip of your hair, pulling your head up.
His lips slam into yours, forcing you into the wall of the Impala. You let out a whine as his teeth pierce into your neck, just enough to leave a mark without drawing blood. His hands grip onto your sides, and through nibbling kisses he barks a command, "take your pants off."
You oblige, as nothing gets you hotter than when Sam takes charge. Fumbling to get your pants off, he helps pull them down your legs, and as soon as they are, yanks you into his lap.
His fingers dig into your back as he pulls you close to him, lips pressed deep into your neck. He waits until he can feel you getting wet before pushing himself inside of you.
You lay your hands on his chest, arching your back as you awkwardly bounce up and down. His hands scratch their way down your back and to your hips, pulling them into him before up and back down. He bites down on his lip, squeezing you tightly as he spreads out his legs.
When you lean back, his thrusts go deeper, the tip of his dick hitting your cervix in a way you never thought you'd enjoy. A pain that carries an excitement with it. Your eyes clench shut as you let you head fall against your back, and he takes it as a sign to go stronger.
Keeping one hand on the small of your back, he uses the other to stimulate your clit, moaning when he sees how much it thrills you.
"Fuck," you utter in a shaky breath, now recognizing that you've been clenching your jaw. You slip your tongue between your teeth, focusing on breathing through your nose. But when his pace quickens, he bounces his legs with a gasp of his own, and your mouth opens to let out a choppy moan.
You can feel yourself puddle in his thigh, and soon after, the pulsing of his dick as he finishes inside of you.
"Fuck," you say again, breathless and sweaty. "I cant believe I get to do this for the rest of my life."
He chuckles, sliding his hand up your back to cradle your head. He pulls your head to his, kissing you softly.
"I can't believe it either," he smiles.
PermaTags<3 @waywardblueshun @81mysteriouslyme @drakelover78 @soab1967 @shutupandfeedmethings @pollywantacracker666 @sonnierae26 @obsessed5sosfreak @tlovescoffee @hobby27 @cluz1babe @emptycanvasposts @suckmyapplejacks
Sam's Sweeties<3 @fangirlxwritesx67 @immafangirlmess
These usernames seemed to have changed, if you recognize yours and want to update it, let me know:)
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