#there's a more lighthearted follow up to that moment tho
flowerakatsuka · 2 months
kept on thinking about some of the more emotional beats of the kurokara lore while i was trying to fall asleep last night and i just... i need to explode...
#i was mostly thinking about the whole other side to osomatsu-san in hell where kuroba's trying to navigate their grief#there's a moment where kuroba's getting their usual weekly shipment of flowers and they realize they forgot ->#to change the quantity of red roses they always order ( they started ordering extra after kara became a regular )#for the most part they've been able to navigate things seemingly well. sure they've been more melancholic but they SEEM alright#and they try to handle this moment well too. makes a joke about how they're gonna have to have a sale on rose arrangements for a bit#but then they just. kinda break down crying. he's still everywhere despite not being there and it's so crushing.#kuro finally understands how their granddad must've felt when their grandma passed away....#there's a more lighthearted follow up to that moment tho#basically the delivery driver makes sure the quantity of roses is correct ( it's the same was before )#but kuro cheerfully tells them that the person they order them for is a regular again so it's alright#after that the delivery driver tells them that they're glad they made up with their boyfriend#when kuro's like excuse me??? they say '' you get the roses for the guy in the leather jacket right? i see him come in sometimes ->#after i finish deliveries but i hadn't seen around recently. glad things worked out for you yotsubana. :) ''#and then they leave before kuroba can clarify things. rip.#i'm going out for a bit but once i get back i NEED to finish the art for the first kurokara lore post i was working on#ship : kurokara#mj rambles
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sugarcloudsky · 1 year
Hghhh I need some pitaya dragon cookie x reader fics where it's basically beauty and the beast, I'm starving for content,,,
Prickly dragon that softens for sweet but strong reader and falls madly in love with them
「The Hunter’s Beast」
character: pitaya dragon cookie
wc: 1.2k
cws: none
im gonna sound like a broken record but so sorry for taking so long to get to this!!!! ive got a lot of requests that have been sitting in my inbox for months LOL hope u enjoy tho!!<3 just a note, reader is a hunter in this (if it wasnt obvious) and established relationship here
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The summer evening was cool and quiet. The full moon was already peeking out from behind the mountains, glimmering from up above. The rustling leaves of the trees provided some cover for you and your squad of hunters as you waved for them to follow you. You all kept as quiet as you could, the only sound being the fragile leaves crunching under your worn out boots whenever you moved.
You were all on a mission, to find any kind of edible berries or meat to bring back to your camp located just on the clearing at the edge of the forest. The food supply of your squad’s base back home was running low, so you all headed into the woods to replenish and collect whatever was possible. As of now, your squad had quite the collection of edible plants to take back. The artificial pouch wrapped tightly around your waist was filled to the brim with an assortment of berries and veggies to return home later.
“This will be enough to last us for weeks,” you call to your group, turning to them as they all nod at you. You stand up, dusting your legs as you shuffle your boots in the opposite direction. “It’s getting darker. We need to head back as soon as possible before we run into a pack of cake hounds or something worse.”
“Yes, captain!” They all say in unison, making you chuckle under your breath. You don’t really like the name ‘captain’, but your crew refuses to call you anything else. You were the one who did most of the work back at camp, so what else could they call you? They looked up to you a lot! Even though you wanted to, you decided not to argue with your group about the name again, simply opting to quietly start walking back to camp with them following closely behind you.
As you all walk in silence once more, you begin to ponder about your life back at the camp. It’s been so long since you started living in a small camp by the forest, you don’t even remember ever leading a comfortable, peaceful life. All you remember is needing to run, run as far as possible, because it was no longer safe for you to stay in your hometown. Ever since then, you’ve lived in a camp far away with a number of survivors and lived off wild plants and animals to survive. It was a rough life, but you all managed, and you've all grown to see each other as more of a family than just other survivors.
Your lips subconsciously curl upwards at the thought. You’re about to turn around and say something lighthearted to your group, but something stops you. You pause for a brief moment, before sticking your arm out for the cookies behind you to stop as well. Something isn’t right. It’s quiet… too quiet. Birds and crickets were chirping peacefully just a few minutes before you began heading back, but now it was just eerily quiet.
“…We’re being stalked. We need to hurry back right now—”
A sudden loud roar and the earth rumbling below your feet cuts you off and leads you to instinctively pull your makeshift knife out from your pocket. The rest of the cookies with you pull out their own weapons as well, an uneasy tension immediately building within you all.
A roar… all too familiar. Well, to you, at least.
“We need to get out of the area, now!”
Your voice was full of urgency as you urged your squad of hunters to run away as fast as they could before danger could find you, but alas, sometimes it’s nearly impossible to avoid these confrontations.
The trees around you are suddenly ripped out of the earth one by one, its roots nearly hitting one of your group members in the face. You yell for them to get back, having a certain feeling of who was threatening you and your group.
“Foolish cookiesssss…”
And you were right.
The Legendary Red Dragon’s familiar red scales come into view, their fiery breath causing surrounding temperatures to rise suddenly. They rip out the tree providing the last of any cover you had previously, exposing you and your group to the large beast. When it spots you, it grins widely, its large and intimidating fangs peeking out.
“Foolish little cookiessss… you dare trespassss on my land…?” Their loud voice booms across the trees, your ears ringing slightly as they laugh and taunt you. “You will come to regret thissss…”
This isn’t good. You would usually be able to deal with threats like these by yourself, but now you’re more worried for the safety of the others. You don’t care about what happens to you, as long as they can get back safely then you’ll feel alright.
Gritting your teeth, you turn towards your comrades.
The Red Dragon’s grin widens, but you don’t notice as you’re too focused on getting your crew away. Again, you yell at them, “GO!”
They all look at you, a mix of shocked and fearful faces staring back at you. They don’t want to leave without you, they can’t! What will they do without you?!
“Just go! I’ll be okay! I promise! You don’t wanna die, right?! Then go!!”
After a few more moments of you yelling and them trying to argue, your group finally (although very hesitantly) leave you alone with the dragon.
Once they’re completely out of sight, you finally turn your attention back to the large dragon in front of you. Their head tilts as they growl lowly. Their sharp fangs make you falter slightly, but you don’t back down.
“Brave little cookie…”
“Drop the act, Lizard, they’re gone. What do you want?”
They purr, their eyes dilating, “I wanted to ssssee you.”
You huff, “So that’s why you nearly scared my group to death?” as you cross your arms across your chest. Undeterred by your annoyance, Pitaya Dragon Cookie chuckles sinisterly.
“Those cookiessss were weak anywayssss… you are much sssstronger than them…”
You sigh. “So you did all that just so you could see me again?”
This dragon…
“Well, you’ve seen me now,” Normally, you wouldn’t be so annoyed with the dragon in front of you, but you weren’t happy about how they treated the other hunters. “Now isn’t the best time, Pitaya. I need to head back.”
You were starting to get a little irritated now.
They noticed your exasperation, “Little cookie…” they drawled, head lowering to move slightly closer to you, “I haven’t sssseen you in sssso long… sssstay longer…”
You flinch instinctively as they suddenly transform into their much smaller cookie form. They flip their hair, approaching you smugly before gently taking your hand in theirs, in hopes of maybe buttering you up. Their cold armor makes you shiver when you feel it touch your warm skin.
You stare at them for a few seconds of silence, watching as they practically make puppy dog eyes at you, before you let out an exaggerated sigh of defeat.
“Alright… fine. But I've got to get back s— oh!”
Pitaya Dragon Cookie swiftly picks you up bridal style, chuckling to themself as you yelp in surprise. Their ego multiplies tenfold when they notice the undeniable blush on your face.
“Sssstay a while, my favorite little cookie…” They grin, loudly purring at the sight of you noticeably trying to hide the color painted on your face. Their grip on you tightens very slightly as their eyes practically sparkle at your beauty.
“I’ll make our time sssspent together worthwhile, my little hunter.”
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changbinsboobs · 6 days
who do u think is most naive and gullible in skz?
Who's most naive and gullible in Skz?
I would say he's pretty naive and gullible, his people pleasing tendencies get in the way of his using his "logic" when around people that are charming. Even around people that he doesn't necessarily care about. And i think he would unconsciously trick himself into being gullible when trying to like himself to others.
Lee Know
Pretty focused on himself and his own views and beliefs. You can't really trick him into anything he doesn't want to do. He just follows his own convictions and path.
He is kinda in the middle. I believe he was very naive and gullible in the past and has burnt himself through it and has had to learn to be more savvy and discerning with people. I think he still has some naivety because he's so good hearted himself and wants to believe people are like that too, he wants to give people a chance but i believe often times he's left disappointed. At least now i see him recognizing signs early on and dropping people politely the moment he realizes they're not genuine.
Poor guy, he is aware of his naivety and he tries really hard to be discerning of people but he just keeps making the wrong decision each time and ends up being tricked, used and fucked over by people. Or he at least believes that to be true.
He seem really gentle and innocent, like a child. I think its very easy for people to take advantage of him🥺 that made me really sad actually☹️the whole energy of the card and all...i feel like he has noticed that pattern but he doesn't know whats "wrong with him" and why this keeps happening and why he can't seem to be able to protect himself and discern people. Theres a very sad energy there and a feeling of uselessness, nackedness, vulnerability, feeling stupid, feeling incapable and used and abused. A feeling of incapability too. Poor guy, i hope he learns with time and has people around him to help him out with that and have his back while he learns. I hope he finds peace with that whole thing someday.
Also very innocent, childlike energy but more lighthearted and mischiveous. I think he also knows he's very naive but it doesn't bother him much and he just takes it as part of the experience of life and doesn't think much of it. For him it doesn't feel like somethings being taken away from him like with han. He just embraces people the way they are, trusts them blindly and if they end up being little shits, then so be it, he has enough of himself and enough resources to not be bothered by "leeches". The risk of being naive is much smaller to him than the joy of finding great people and great experiences and he believes the chance of having a great experience is much bigger than the chance of being efd over.
Isn't as rejecting as lee know, takes what people say to him or what he reads somewhere but always with a grain of salt, and if its something of importance he does research on it first, maybe consults other people too, thinks about it, sleeps a night or two over it and makes up his mind if he wants to believe it or not. He has a very logical, open but careful approach, i would say he's at the healthy middle.
I think with him it depends. If he likes someone or if he likes what he hears he chooses to be naive because thats just nicer to do. If he doesn't like someone or something he rejects it strongly and sticks to his own believes or preferences. Idk how to label that tho...i think he's selectively naive? But them thats not naivety is it?😂 i think then its called voluntary delusion or something of that sort?😂
So to rank them from MTL
1. Felix
2. Han
3. Hyunjin
4. Chan
5. Changbin
6. I.N
7. Seungmin
8. Lee Know
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justablah56 · 3 months
DNDADS !!!! I'm assuming you're asking me like . what it is n shit . if not . my b . bcs I am about to give you as big of an infodump as I can without spoiling anything lmao .
anyways hello my dear follower , my beloved dungeons and daddies (not a bdsm podcast) is my favorite thing ever <3 it's usually very loosely a dnd podcast , season three tho switches into the call of cthulhu system .
season one is 69 (nice) episodes about four normal world dads and their sons who all get sucked into faerun , a dnd world basically , through a portal while trying to go to their kids soccer game lmao . they end up losing their kids and basically the whole season is them trying to find their kids and then trying to find a way back home with tons of little side quests and detours that they take along the way . most of it is super comedic and lighthearted and it's also just fucking insane sometimes but it also has a lot of super compelling emotional moments and iughencmd it's so good oh my god .
season two is a continuation of the world created in season one , but now the players are playing as the teenaged grandchildren of their original dad characters , and it's heavily influenced by season one so you can't really listen to it on its own . season two is 50 smthin episodes of these teens basically trying to clean up the world after the things that their parents (aka , the kids from season one , aka , the kiddads) and their grandparents did between seasons to try and fix things and kinda ended up making everything worse cbnsndnsnd and it kinda starts off with the kiddads all going missing and suddenly these teenagers are supposed to be in charge of everything the kiddads were originally doing to fix everything . season two is I think a bit less comedic than season 1 , but it does have like . twice as many of those absolutely fucking insane moments lmao , and it does still have a lot of cool emotional moments and ougjfj it's all so good .
a lot of what I post abt usually has to do with this sort of untold season that happened between seasons with the kiddads . a lot of people are very attached to the kiddads , and to me a lot of it is bcs these are the characters we've known for the longest and we've seen them as kids and we see how the events of the first seasons shaped them into the adults they are in season two and man . it's just so cool . season two gives us a lot of small hints to stuff that happened between seasons , and we get a few flashbacks , but there's a lot of stuff that we don't know , and there's so much speculation abt how things happened and it's a very fun sandbox to play in chwndnsnmxx anyways .
season three started just a bit ago , there's 3 episodes so far . they switched who was the dm and so it's a new universe with no relation to the first two seasons , and could pretty easily be listened to on its own . season three is set at some point in the 1950s , and the four characters don't really have like . a solid thing they can all be described as . there's like . a teacher and a weird wife and a car salesman and a teenager . they're great . but it's these four characters who are all in a bowling league together and they're kinda figuring out that hey weird stuff is happening around here and there's monsters and just a ton of stuff and so far it is absolutely hilarious , I love it dearly <3 every character is just . fucking insane . and the dynamic is great , it's just awesome and I personally am having a blast with it so far
ok anyways . thats dndads lmao . if theres anything more specific you want to know literally pleaaaaase ask me and I will be soooooo excited to tell you cndnmxmdmd I'm completely and utterly obsessed with this podcast , I've listened to it . so many times . I will talk about it any chance I get , it's just great . I love it . and that's not even to mention the wonderful community here on Tumblr !!!! it's a relatively small fandom , so for the most part everyone at least recognizes everyone else , and everyone is just so awesome , ive made so many friends through this fandom , its great
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toestalucia · 22 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
im easy...........and like too much.......personally ! i prefer akira with the older wizards, ive talked about being in those ship tags ummmm a lot<3 i cant narrow it down further......the twins are an exception but ive been over that in the past. atm i like emu with mafuyu, rui, nene & akito a lot :D theres def more (like honami i think would be cute! and i do like her with tsukasa too, but emu tsukasa besties....), but im like twice her age so i think about that stuff so rarely LOLLLL i thought hard about the rest of my muses but.......?????????? eight/machina....perhaps...........sofia/forte.......yeong/tara......(cagli teehee)
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i lov drama. with gran it comes natural cuz welcome to ur 'assuming things w/out asking' and 'thinks way too much into the future where they dont want to settle down' captain. i think akiras the most tender of all of them? and most likely to actually bring up issues? sofia is fun because i think about the event where she Doesnt speak in opposites and micah ends up rly confused........being accepted with her weird speech patterns..... natsume too, either staying at the accepting his weird behavior (jumping, scared expression, running) or having the 'i can see youkai' convo....yknow.....its good...i know tanuma alrdy had a convo like that (UNREAL CONVO i miss it) but yknow. Overall ! anything. mostly. theres some 'ohhh angst' topics im not interested in, so i think most stuff stay on the more lighthearted/loving side tho
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
feel like a fraud everytime i say that i personally wont write akira with some of the 20yo's cuz im always close to deciding to make akira closer to 30. and then i say i like akira with figaro & oz......the ancient ppl......
are you selective when shipping?
rather than selective i just dont ask ppl........and i have no interest in making relationship calls nor liking them........i want to see where the writing goes first cuz i knoowwww i sometimes say gran would say x but then i write it and y happens yknow LOLLLLLL i'd be open to jumping into stuff on discord or something tho i think ? i think i could jump into romance stuff no problemo then cuz it'd feel slightly separated from here...?! cuz idk but theres something when i open this blog that i......its a very slowburn......if ure willing to spend some months writing so gran can become more accepting of the idea then its go go go. does this make sense. well either way im not sure tbh. grans a bit added difficulty too considering how i deal with their age LOLLL since cygames is pushing 15yo still. which gives me a headache seeing how the summer events etc are explicitly yearly.....i cannot write act3 gran as a teen, not when theres a political engagement with alliah like cmon....i refuse..........but since ure following this blog uve alrdy read this stuff in my rules/about LOL
either way akiras easier with romance. i just dont approach ppl about it. whenever i make that farmsim blog i wanna be more casual with this stuff tbh...T_^ for funsies............write some yearning...
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
not far at all. LMFAOOOOOOOO i use that tag very liberally. its unlikely im writing that stuff anyway....
does one have to ask to ship with you?
:DDDDDDDDDD if i ask u we've probably written for years & years && its starting to reach crush-territory anyway (hello kaitlyn) but man idk what it is....romance is just difficult to write on tomblr rn for me...gran does not make this easier. the issues r endless. can i offer u akira.
how often do you like to ship?
(person whos always in ship tags) (smiley face) (smiley face) (smiley face) can u get into mhyk for akira....or farmsims....................ill ship everything in there.....
are you multiship?
YAAAAAA the idea of having 1 ship on my blog doesnt excite me. even tho i dont write romance atm. LMFAOABKAJD
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
do u wanna hear about the akifi doujins ive read. or the akifau art where faust puts a flowercrown on akiras head.
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
THIS IS HOW DIANTHA/CLARISSE CAN STILL WIN. i am also a sabrina/leona fan. 'did they interact' no but they should. ppl who lost their husband(s). ppl who both should be AT THE CLUB. me/canaria. me/crystal
finally, how does one ship with you?
u like my posts & listen to my ramblings and i twirl my hair and send u more asks and then it just happens. foolproof.
tagged by: @convxction faty my beloved my everything u should do it for ur multi too.... tagging: @shiningstages kait i think u should do this for ur multi and ramble............
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hexofvex · 2 years
We need you. I need you || Kamisato Ayato x Female!Reader
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Premise: As the wife of the Yashiro Commissioner, it wasn't exactly your job to chase down escaping conspirators. Yet you did it anyways, and got injured in the process.
CW: reader is injured, a tiny bit of angst, more fluff tho, everything's well when it ends well, ayato might be ooc bcs this is my first x reader ever pls have mercy
WC: 1136 words
A/N: so i guess this is my official tumblr debut? Leaving my lurker era and entering my writer era. Also obligatory english is not my native language so I apologize for any accidental oopsies
This wasn't supposed to happen.
You were sure your plan was perfect. You had been following the secret meetings of Lord Sato and Lord Hamada for a few months, and you knew their every move.
At least, you thought you knew their every move.
Until you were notified that they were attempting to flee Inazuma, and in your desperate try to catch them, you rushed. You slipped, and you made mistakes. And in the commotion, you recieved a concerningly deep stab in your abdomen. Not the end you had envisioned for this operation.
And that was the reason why you were laying in your bed, bandaged, with your mind clearing up from the fogginess induced by the mixture of herbs the physician gave you so he could sew the wound without you being conscious, looking up at your sister-in-law, Ayaka. She was standing by your side with a worried look on her face. She had been standing outside of the room while you were getting medical treatement, and now she was waiting for you to become lucid.
You loved Ayaka, and you would like to say that the two of you were very close, despite her timidity. She was shy around you at first, but by the time of the wedding, you already considered each other sisters.
You lightly grazed her arm to attract her attention to the fact that you were finally there, just as much mentally as physically. Ayaka tensed up, obviously taken by surprise, and grabbed your hand.
"[Name]! It's alright now, you're safe. The physician took care of your wound."
You chuckled, feeling a rush of pain in your abdomen. "I messed up a bit didn't I? You know me, always getting in trouble..."
You could see a hint of a smile on Ayaka's face, the young woman recognizing your lighthearted atitude as a sign that you were in a good enough state to engage in your usual antics. But before she could say anything in response, the sliding doors opened and your husband rushed into the room, stopping at the sight of you.
Between the two of you, Ayato had always been the composed one, the one that was hard to shake by any kind of unpredictable situation. You guessed he had no choice, seeing how he had to become the pillar of the Kamisato Clan and brought it back from the point of decline. It had always been this way: you, the overwhelming force of Pyro, and him, the temperance and adaptability of Hydro.
Yet now, a rare thing occured. You saw a glimpse of fear on your husband's face. Not fear caused by your current state, as Ayaka said, you were safe now. But it was as if he realised the terrible things that could happen, things that he thought he had control over. He worked too hard to make sure he had the ability to keep everything in order and now, that order was threatened.
"Ayaka, please, could you give us a moment?"
Ayaka nodded towards her brother, looked at you once more and swiftly left the room. Ayato took her place by the side of your bed.
"Thoma told me everything. That he begged you not to go, and you insisted."
You cursed yourself internally. This was not a conversation you could have while laying down, so you attempted to at least sit upright, which turned out to be quite the challenge with a newly sutured wound. Noticing your struggle, Ayato helped you up and placed a big pillow behind you to create a support for you to lean onto.
"Ayato, I'm...I'm really sorry for what happened. They caught on and attempted to flee and I just couldn't let them get away with it. But what I did was reckless, and I apologize. It won't happen again. Did they...did they manage to get away?"
"No," came the answer, and you let out a sigh of relief. "The Shuumatsuban apprehended them after you lost consciousness. They were tailing you, they had reason to believe your life was endangered. And it seems they were right."
You looked down. He didn't sound angry with you, but that didn't make the situation any less embaressing for you and your bruised ego.
"I know. It was downright shameful. I was meant to catch them, not get stabbed and pass out. It was unbecoming of someone who is supposed to represent the Yashiro Commission. But I supposed I should thank my stars that no one was there to see it, except...a dozen soldiers or so and Thoma." You could feel yourself cringe.
"That is not exactly the problem here, my dear." Ayato grabbed your hands, holding them in his. "Everyone can get injured in a situation like this, and you aren't a soldier. You only just started your training. It's not a shame to not be able to fight."
You stayed silent, keeping your eyes in your lap.
"[Name]. Look at me."
You slowly raised your head, forcing yourself to look into his eyes. Those eyes, who would always be commanding in the company of soldiers and other nobles, were now regarding you with gentleness.
"Do you feel like you have to prove yourself?"
"Yes. Of course I do, Ayato. I'm no longer the lady of a third rate clan. I am a member of the Kamisato Clan, and this family and the Yashiro Commission are my responsability. What kind of person would I be if I didn't react to something that threatens them both? If only I weren’t as weak as I am. I was lucky that the Shuumatsuban acted, but if they weren’t there-"
"[Name], even I do not act without knowing my agents are at the ready. You went there alone with Thoma. You were not weak, just reckless." Ayato cupped your face, bringing his closer. "But what you should do now is learn from this, not shame yourself over it. I was well aware that you would not be accustomed to being Lady Kamisato overnight when I married you. But you're learning everyday and I see the determination and potential in you. That's why I married you. This comission needs you. We need you. And I need you. So please, don't ever risk your life like this and please, don't live in the shadow of expectations and shame. I know what that can do to someone, and I won't let anyone I love go through it."
You looked at him, eyes wide. Injury be damned, you told yourself, and reached out to pull him in an embrace.
"I can't promise that I'll manage to do that. But I can swear to you that I'll try."
Ayato smiled, and hugged you tighter.
"Well if that's the case, I have faith that you will succeed, my love."
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amazeingartist · 2 years
Alternate Venom Ghoap AU
(cause I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it today)
So this version follows the vibe of the Venom movies more closely with Soap as Eddie and Ghost as Venom (difference in symbiotes between the au versions is that this Ghost has more of Simon’s personality rather then a unique character like in the Mask/the main fic)
Soap’s also kinda a loser/mess in this since he was dishonourably discharged from the military (like Eddie he ruined his career)
That said the overall tone of this version is more lighthearted and romcom-y. There’d def be some serious moments but overall it’s more light hearted and cute as it’s just a energetic human and his grumpy alien bf
Def be some Price and Gaz cameos (whether or not they’re still military in this au is tbd)
Still determining how Soap and Ghost even met, if I follow the movie or just make it Soap found Ghost in the trash somewhere idk, but that said it also doesn’t really matter how they met as it’s not the focus of this version
This is just general lore, but I imagine in this version it did take em a while to get together, not too long, but there was def an small awkward stage (well, as much as there could be when thoughts can be read)
I know I have this au written down in the master list and I probably will end up doing written shit for it, but in my brain it’s definitely more of a fun drawing thing (which I can hopefully get around to doing soon).
That said if anyone wants to try their hand at this alternate venom ghoap, you’re more than welcome to! If anyone does PLEASE tag me in it cause I’d love to see (might be a slight issue if it’s smut tho but I’ll still appreciate all the same)
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inmaki · 8 months
Hello Zuma !!!!!
I love your works, and am perpetually sick, so I wanted to send in a silly idea because even a cold can’t stop me from laughing at your smaus and tomfoolery and cheering me up !! So I wanted to share with you my JJK character thoughts (based on when I get super duper sick :((() because they might be interesting to you or smthn too !! Something silly >:]
I feel like if at any point their s/o tells them something like “I don’t want to sleep, what if I don’t wake up” while they’re super sick the jjk cast either start panicking or reassure them and then spend the whole night watching them (depending on who they are)!!! Actually nvm, they’re all paranoid (for good reason) so they’d all probably do both .
Like I can imagine someone like Maki going “You will wake up, don’t be dramatic just go to bed” but getting so scared by the thought that she follows up by asking to stay over to watch them throughout the night (Gojo doesn’t even ask he just pops in and says he’s staying over LOL)
Yuuta would probably . have an aneurysm. He’d start crying. Toge would be all funny and lighthearted abt it to their face but the moment they’re actually asleep, he can’t sleep himself and wakes up throughout the night to check their pulse. Nobara does something that’s like Toge’s response to it but like… more playfully mean, like she’d say “You’re not allowed to die, end of discussion!!”
Nanami would take their concerns so seriously he’s so 😭 He’d promise to be there when they wake up and even if he has work he contemplates calling in sick I’m crying !!!!! Megumi will summon his shikigami and let them cuddle them to sleep if it helps cause he doesn’t want them to be scared :( Yuuji being scared abt it too but then doing his best to try and cheer them up !! Says silly things like “I’ll fight your cold for you back babe, it’s ok!!”
Ok this is going on too long,,, I was gonna ask if you still take anons but this ask got too long sorryyyyy :[
THIS IS A SUPER LATE RPEP,T IM SO SORRY :( and yes im still taking anons if u wanna be one <3
STOP this idea is so cute tho 😭😭 ESPECIALLY MAKI UGH SHE WOULD BE FREAKING TF OUT ON THE INSIDE but would be so stubborn on the outside AND NOBARA. T-T AND MEGS SUMMONING HIS WOLVES AHABEHDJDHB im crying. that made me so soft I LOVE UR IDEAS SM i can tell that u know the characters vv well!!!
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avinwrites · 1 year
Your bed-skirt ruffled as a chilling draft blew mercilessly though your ajar window, rousing you from sleep. Rubbing your eyes, you adjusted to the lack of light and sudden cold, before pushing yourself up to shut the window. You could have sworn that you closed the window before you let yourself rest, but you found it easy to doubt yourself. Nonetheless, you latched the lock and took tired steps back to your bed. Moments before laying back down, a thunk from down stairs caught your attention. Who could be up so late, you wondered to yourself as you followed the source of the noise. Peering down the stairway leads you to no answers, so you walk further down. It didn’t take long for your eyes to meet with the source of the noise, a faint glow on his face, his eyes closed, feet resting on the fireplace, and leaned back in his chair. He wasn’t asleep, as evidenced by his growing grin as you stepped closer. With the intention of dragging him up to his room, you placed a hand on his shoulder. In a swift motion, he rose to his feet, taking your hand with his and holding it against his chest. You could feel the warm beat of his heart. 
“Good evening, darling.” He began, pulling you closer to him, “Care to dance with me?” 
You can’t help the smile gradually pulling your lips up. Wordlessly, your hand moved from his chest to his shoulder, your other hand finding its place on the opposite shoulder. His grin widened at your acceptance, but the aforementioned dancing would wait. He only looked at you. His eyes filled with pride and love at the sight of you with him, feelings he hadn’t been able to experience since the moment his heart belonged to something else. 
“What?” You questioned, lighthearted, the feeling of his gaze on you confused you. He only smiled wider as he took one of your hands in his and brought it out with a flourish. He led you step by step to imaginary music, that, the longer you danced, seemed to get louder and more real. You chose not to think about what led you to this circumstance, dancing in an open room next to a soft fire in the middle of the night. You allowed yourself to enjoy the moment without questioning the intentions, or the right choices. The world only consisted of you and him, no one else. Each step against the wooden floor only solidified your feelings, each time he twirled you, that swirl of love encompassed your body, and each time he squeezed your hand, looking ever so deeply into your eyes, you felt his love for you, just as profound and as powerful as yours for him. Living with him meant never again would there be a night alone, a night of boredom or confusion; it meant that you would never again feel unloved.
As I wrote this, I realized I hadn't mentioned a specific name, I think it'd be sweet for you to think of whom you love the most and apply them to the situation (though the pronouns he/him are used for the s/o)
I'm competing tomorrow for Literary Criticism UIL! Thus, a short post today, I've been studying all day and will continue to study until after my test! Silently wish me luck! (any maybe surprise me with a request?(。・∀・)ノ゙ )) Anyway! Thank you! I love you all!
idk what to tag this with tho :))) (I guess I intended it for Idv, but can genuinely be anything)
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AU of GNR going to a carnival?
Hi, my brain could only come up with headcanons, so I hope you like it. Also I might have blended a bit of how luna parks work here, because honestly I'm not American and carnival to me is like the Venice carnival hahaha.
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- Mr recklessness himself. He will try every ride that looks like it could kill you.
-"Axl, I'm not going on something that looks like it's about to shoot me out of space. "
-"C'mon it's going to be fun!"
- Probably he will drag you into the house of horrors but then you both get scared.
- He will spoil you. Are you hungry? He will buy every treat you want. You see a cute souvenir? Boom, it's paid and in your bag now.
- However he is extremely competitive. Shooting gallery? He will look like those poor targets own him money. He wants to win the plushie and he will win the plushie for you.
- If he succeeds, he makes sure you get the biggest one, if he doesn't, he will pout but still try to have fun for you.
- Beside the shooting gallery, his worst enemy is the punching machine. He wants to impress you, no matter what, even if you are aware of how strong he is.
-"Babe c'mon. No need to impress me, that's not our first date!"
-"I gotta beat my record!"
-Before getting home, you will have your romantic moment on the top of the ferris-wheel.
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-Slash loves rides, especially the one that will spike your adrenaline. So be ready to not have a break.
-You will both scream at the top of your lungs, out of excitement and fear.
-If your stomach is upset, he will take pity on you and wait before hopping on the next ride.
-Even more than rides, he loves the haunted house. If you are a big horror fan like you, then great!
-But if you are not, you either gather your courage or don't follow him.
- He will probably be so happy to be scared by random noises and flashing lights. He has even the courage to tell you that he didn't find it scary enough.
-"To be honest that scream wasn't even that scary."
-" I'm happy you didn't, because I found it very fucking scary."
- He will wear his sunglasses on every ride, it doesn't matter that you get thrown upside down. Somehow they will stay on him.
- If either you manage to win a prize, you already know if there's a snake stuffed animal, he will choose it and you will make him carry it around.
-"We should call it Elton John, it will make him a gentleman"
- Slash will laugh and you will know everything is worth that smile.
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-Duff loves carnivals, he didn't have a lot of money growing up so he didn't manage to go often.
- He will take advantage of his height at any time and make lighthearted jokes about you being shorter than him.
-"Are you sure you can go on this ride? Are you tall enough?"
-Jokes on him tho, because you drag him on the carousel and other rides for people who are not as tall as he is.
-"Is the horse too small for you, Duffy?
- Food doesn't discriminate and you make sure to get different dishes so you can taste them all, from funnel cake to chicken and waffle.
- You convince him (more like he pretends to have to be convinced) to go on the ferris-wheel for a romantic moment.
- The view isn't the best but the kiss at the very top pays off everything. You even joke about how this is the way Duff sees the world, so up there, and he will laugh.
- Lastly you want to take a photo in a tiny photo booth, to remember this day.
-Needless to say you take a few minutes to figure out how to get both in frame, without cutting Duff's head in the picture.
-"Say cheese!"
-" I can't feel my legs anymore."
-" But look how cute you are in this!" And you really mean it.
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-he is not a big fan of carnival, but he will still go with you.
- Will skip most rides with the excuse that he needs to hold your stuff and he likes to look at it better anyway.
- You will manage to drag him to some rides, and he will be the most chill even while he is excited.
- "Did you have fun?"
-"It was okay. I liked when it felt like we were about to fall into the void."
- However you discover he has a secret talent : guessing how much something weighs by holding it.
- How's that helpful at a carnival? A game where you have to guess precisely the weight of an object.
-He will win a giant teddy bear that will make you both take turns to hold.
-"Why are you so good with weights?"
-"My previous "legal" job? "
-You know he had fun, even if might not show it. He can be just as crazy and childish as the rest of the band.
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-He is a child at heart so he will try every ride. Every single one of them.
-He will drag you to the carousel, saying it's not only for kids but for couples too.
-He is not the most precise with tiro al segno, but he will manage to win a small stuffed animal. Great, now it is your child.
-"C'mon, I bet we are short enough to pass for teenagers!"
-"Steven, it's literally a dog shaped train for children."
-His second favorite thing to do is eating. He will want to try every single food and will get upset if you say he can't.
- "I can't choose just one! You know I love both the caramel apple and the deep fried oreos."
-Needless to say he will get both and feel full for approximately an hour before asking for food again.
-He will still want to ride even with a full tummy, which means he will look like he's about to puke most of the time.
-"No way we are going on that roller-coaster after you ate a whole turkey leg."
-"But I feel fine!"
- At the end you will spend a fun day, feeling like a child again, with a new stuffed animal, hopefully with a non-sick Steven and getting over some of your roller-coaster fear.
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devilsfoolcake · 3 months
Hey, it's Aubby again. Would you be comfortable sharing more about Mars'/your relationship with Sun and Moon? Do you have a storyline in mind for how they met?
Hii Aubby!! And I don't mind sharing about it at all, tho I haven't been thinking on it often so this is gonna be a little long as I remember stuff n put them together gdjdhd
I think their first meetings would be pretty similar to most sun/moon x reader fics- ofc a little different from them but starts the same way (putting the rest under the cut)
Basically Mars was searching for a good paying job that doesn't require alot of social interaction and they find a job for working behind the desk in the Pizzaplex's Daycare, along with cleaning the Daycare and the Daycare Attendant themself. they take it since there wouldn't be too much interaction besides kids or the parents coming to pick up those kids, how bad could it be?
Only a little bad since Moon is the first one they meet when they come in for their first shift (not properly warned about by Vanessa 🙄)
But Their first meeting goes... well, even if it was mostly Moon watching them from a distance- they do see him eventually though, softly saying they think he looks cool and that they love the sun/moon look they have going on :) (since they never saw them before) which made him curious about them but they never interacted more than that for a bit (besides the following them around and being creepy thing)
Their first meeting with Sun was the complete opposite, the moment they arrived for their shift the next day he was already excited and ready to show them around the daycare. Basically dragging them around by their hand lmao, which they found cute :3 they spent a good while getting to know eachother- as much as they could since Mars was still pretty shy around him, but he got them out of their shell for a little bit (that charisma of his.... man)
And Mars does the usual Y/N "Oh yeah I met the other daycare attendant! He seems nice" thing and Sun shuts that down immediately- saying "You shouldnt be in the Daycare when the lights are off!! It's dangerous!!" And other things since he and Moon currently do not have a good relationship with eachother yet (Mars helps them through that) which confuses them but they'll find out why he's nervous about that later :3
I'd say they start getting closer when the DLC takes place- during that they find out what the virus is and why Sun said it's so dangerous to be there when the lights are off yaaay fun. (Sun also develops feelings for them around that time yaaaaaaay while Moon gets closer to them slowly.. with some incidents :) "what makes you so special?" and ofc lighthearted bullying yaaay yay)
But that's all I got right now I think :3
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signs-of-the-moon · 1 year
Since some people seemed interested, here are some music vids I'd love to make if I ever get the chance to start animating again (under a read more cause there's a lot of them):
Lithium//Evenescence- edgy Snowfrost PMV about her crimes. The vid would follow her actions from the beginning of Snowfrost's Fate all the way to her death at the end of Moon Rise. I would probably give cats edgy 2008-esque designs to go with it, because I'm crazy about that kinda thing. (This is the one I want to do the most tbh. I've already got a script made. If I could pass it on to someone so they could make this PMV real I would. I'd literally make all the designs for it too, probably even storyboard it)
We Are One//song from The Lion King 2- AMV featuring Wolfheart singing to Moonpaw. It'd probably be very colorful and have a lot of movement and would be a killer to animate. Their relationship is important and I like things that can show it
One Lonely Visitor//Chevelle- PMV about Jaybird and her relationship with her sister Snowfrost, taking place from Snowfrost's Fate up to Jaybird's death near the end of Moon Rise (another one I really really want made. This one also has a script created for it)
Pardon Me// He is We- This one would be a AMV/PMV mix; it would be about Snowfrost and Wolfheart's feelings for each other, which slowly fade over time. The vid would start out lighthearted, maybe colored in pastels, then become metaphorically and literally darker as the song progresses. Eventually it would depict Snowfrost having delusional thoughts about Wolfheart, about getting him back, or possibly making him another of her victims
Look What You Made Me Do// Taylor Swift- ok listen. I am not a fan of Taylor Swift, especially not this song. But after listening to it multiple times a day on the radio at work years back, back when SOTM was being plotted, I started imaging Situations to cope with it. And this song ended up perfectly fitting Nightshade's story in my head. So this would be a PMV about that. (Can't elaborate what that story is cause its major spoilers, you'll just have to wait and see.) This would be a vid I'd make by the time half of, if not all of, Moon Fall becomes published
Ghost// Saint Asonia- probaby a PMV/AMV mix including all the point of view characters in Signs of the Moon, and how they handle being a prophecy kid/having an omen hanging over their heads. It would probably be heavily focused on how these cats look to or turn away from Starclan for it as well. There would be a lot of action/movement/colors during moments when the music swells and especially during the bridge of the song (did I ever mention this is one of my favorite songs ever?)
Poor Unfortunate Souls//song from The Little Mermaid (animated version)- AMV/PMV of Hazepaw being visited by the ghost he's led to believe is Sea Breeze who's trying to help him
Pet//A Perfect Circle- AMV about the future POV Possumpaw and how he deals with his manipulative mother and asshole brother. The whole thing might be in black and white with the only color coming from cats' eyes and blood/tears. I have to think about Possumpaw's story more before I come up with specific details about what goes on in the video. I have a couple of ideas tho
Blue Lips//Regina Spektor- Swiftcloud AMV/PMV mix highlighting all of Moon Rise cause I think it'd be neat. The whole thing would be in grayscale with some details colored in blue
Brutus//The Buttress- Another PMV starring Nightshade. This one specifically is about her relationship with her mentor, Wolfheart. How much she looked up to him at first, then slowly came to hate him and seek his downfall
Lemon Boy//Cave Town- PMV about Urchinpaw and Hazepaw's budding friendship. The story would probably be told through Urchin's POV
Criminal//Britney Spears- PMV featuring Cloudypaw (a major character in Moon Fall) and her fatal attraction towards Nightshade's son, Weaslepaw
Behind Blue Eyes// Limp Bizkit- another PMV about Snowfrost and her story, told from more "sympathetic" pov because we support womens wrongs <3 this vid would show a lot more of the isolation and loneliness Snowfrost feels especially as she goes down her murderous path
How to Save a Life//The Fray- AMV with Tigerpaw/lily and Moonpaw/face regarding Moonpaw's cross clan friendship with Hazepaw/storm. The vid would be in Tiger's POV, showing her concern for her friend. Throughout you can see Tigerpaw's dislike and mistrust of Hazepaw while Moonpaw remains blind to his flaws. The disagreement puts a strain on the friendship which will also be shown thru the vid
Hellfire//song from The Hunchback of Notredom- AMV featuring Darkpelt who sings about his emotions pertaining to Nightshade (can't elaborate much because spoilers, but the tl;dr is he has a massive crush on her and does Night's bidding because of it, but he hates it as it goes against Starclan)
Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)// Chevelle- an AMV/PMV mix focused on Whisperpaw and her relationship with her family + dealing with her secret "ability"
Genius Next Door//Regina Spektor- another PMV about Swiftcloud. This time its her during Moon Fall, watching her kits grow and make choices, while her clan falls into chaos once more due to plot events I can't reveal atm
Warbringer: Jaina (Daughter of the Sea)//song from World of Warcraft- I have 2 different PMV ideas for this one. One is of Snowfrost's time at the beginning of her Super Edition, where she's dealing with her punishment of a Warriorpaw Ceremony and her growing feelings of anger during it. The other idea is a depiction of Sea Breeze's story
Werewolf// Motionless In White- Werewolf! Hazepaw AU. Idk how else to explain this one. I'd have to show the script for others to understand what it's about (its a WIP). This would be a Halloween video
Sally's Song// cover by Amy Lee- a PMV of Moonpaw singing about Hazepaw, with frames showing their relationship
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reinemichele · 8 months
I wrote a bunch of tags on that and then realized the post would show up in the tag unless I censored the ship name (& tbh I would love more mutuals for them <3) so I rewrote them here to not annoy anyone who's not following me:
I haven't had the editing bug in months but I'd love to use that song for an edit, but tbqh I'm undecided bc almost all of my ships have that "I'm hunting you and I'm not gonna give up so you should just give up hiding from me bc it's useless and I'll always find you and your life will be so much better and all of this was predetermined fate destiny we were made for each other and you're hurting my feelings but I'm being the bigger person :/" vibe
(well no the Master is not being the bigger person . Sometimes he deludes himself into acting like he is tho . He picks between acting like he's being a good sport about things and throwing a tantrum, whichever would be the most fun thing to do in the moment . Anyway . )
But if anyone wanted to do an edit to it, I wouldn't mind or claim that it was *~stealing~*
And how hard is it to get a lyric video for my album track from 7 yrs ago that isn't using stolen art or flashing lights or 10 pt font? 🤨 Do I have to do it myself? Slash lighthearted but like I might just fuck around and do it
I wasn't super into this track when the album came out but I was a different person back then . more restrained, living more by the status quo . more easily put-off by dark things . So like, a teenager . It's amazing what things will change about you/your mind when you're not in high school anymore
I do find sam/ifer to be hashtag romantic, I & overall ignore canon & believe it's reciprocated (tho ofc sometimes it's fun and sexy to read the most horrifyingly dark fic you've ever seen that's like 40 chapters of torture <3) but I also love that it's a horror story and there's no happy endings and it's an eldritch being hunting a person it was promised by god, in this patronizing tone: you don't see yet? Our joining was predetermined; you'll see eventually.
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papaziggy-devblog · 2 years
Gabin nsfw alphabet? 👉👈 💦
Y'all nastay, but I love it |D
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Gavin’s form of aftercare is laying there cuddled up to you having goofy conversations, looking at memes, and silly pillow talk. Generally just having a kinda relaxing yet lighthearted time with you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) He's an ass man... Big.. small... doesn't matter to him, your ass is never safe, expect it to be smacked randomly and without warning
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) His cum doesn't really have much of a taste, it's kinda light but volumous. Boy can actually squirt it pretty far too, he got range
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He talks a big game but he's 100% a virgin, never even held hands with anyone let alone kissed them. Boy has never had anything close to a partner, but he still keeps trying
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) His right hand has more experience than him, followed closely by his left. He kinda knows what to do tho, and he's practiced putting a condom on a banana enough that he's at least gonna be good at something :P
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, mating press, That one where you're both laying sideways
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) Oh he can be hella goofy during, but it's all a mask to hide the fact he's absolutely losing his shit inside that he got this far
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Eh, average grooming? Like it's not a total mess but he doesn't keep it immaculate. He'd get more in the habit of grooming better if you asked tho
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) In terms of romance he'd be cheesy as hell, going solely off what he's seen in movies. Showing up in a suit with a bouquet, pulling your chair out for you to sit, using all sorts of corny lines, even if he stumbles over them a bit... Thats what you're supposed to do right?
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) He jacks it at least once a day if he has time, sometimes more.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Handcuffs, breeding, biting, praise kink, dirty talk, money shots, gagging, play fighting are a few
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Any room in the house. You could convince him to try out in public but he'd be nervous
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Flirting with him, revealing clothing, seeing you bend over
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Age play, gross out stuff, noncon, stuff like that
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) He's kinda greedy and prefers receiving, but he'll almost always want to reciprocate, or go down on you if you've had a hard day
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Kinda a mix of both, he'll start out slow and gradually pick up the pace as he gets more into it. You'll get him going more if you're vocal, he loves to hear your little yelps and moans~
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) He's down for quickies no questions asked. He'd love to just drop what he's doing and be fucked by / fuck you then and there, he'd have fun with it though and tease you throughout
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) He's a little iffy on risk, but he's open to it if you really want, as for experimenting he's open for most kinds, and you could probably talk him into trying most anything else
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) He can go about 2 rounds at a time, give him a chance to refuel and hydrate after tho and he's good for another set
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) He owns so many toys... Pocket pussies, plugs, vibrators, a pair of nipple clamps etc..
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) He'd tease you a bit but not too much, he wants to see you finish on his cock way too much to resist for too long~  He also really loves being the one being teased as well
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) He's talkative, and he grunts a lot, asks you how you like that, tells you how good you're doing, vice versa asks if he's doing good.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) He's a switch, 40/60 even split, submissive leaning. But he's mostly just happy to be here
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) 7 inches, decent girth. He also has a tattoo... somewhere
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Pretty high. He's down to pretty much go whenever and he's super easy to work up
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Once you're all done and finished he can stay up for a decent while after... Unless he's comfy and cozy in the blankets... Let that man cocoon and he'll be out in seconds
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
my daisy / chapter 2 | kim mingyu
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➝ CEO!Mingyu x Secretary!Reader
➝ strangers to lovers // single dad!Mingyu // fluff // lighthearted // non idol!au // like pls dont expect any dramas here lol // tiny bit of angst ig
➝ series warning: mentions of sex, no smut but there's implied sexual activities, insecurity (as always jshbdjhsfshbf am sorry), curses, food, let me know if theres more ^^
➝ word count: 4.3k
➝ A/N: hi! i know chapter 1 was a bit slow bc i needed to introduce the ppl around the MCs but hopefully this one is better....tho im not sure if this was too fast of a pace.. but oh well! decided to post this at 10:10am KST instead of PM bc why not. as always, enjoy! ur feedback will always be appreciated <3
when your cousin asks you to be her substitute at SVT Inc. as she takes her maternity leave, you're pretty sure this wasn't what you signed up for.
series masterlist
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In your defense, Mingyu is a very common name.
You probably know at least 5 Mingyu throughout school and university, not counting another from your old work places.
Jennie looks at you pointedly, and you immediately bow to him as you introduce yourself.
It’s okay—it’s okay, you tell yourself. You were drunk, he was drunk, there’s a pretty good chance Mingyu doesn’t even remember you. You’re just going to play stupid unless he addresses it himself. Yeah—yeah, that’s a good plan.
When you stand back straight, you can’t tell if the emotion that passes his eyes is recognition or he’s simply sizing you up.
“As we agreed before, I will train her for a month and then take my maternity leave once that’s done,” Jennie says again, bringing you back into the current situation at hand. “I promise she’ll be able to handle my workloads and I’ll try to be on standby most of the time just in case she needs help.”
Mingyu nods absentmindedly, his eyes finally leaving you and you let out a soft breath of relief at that. “You talk too much sometimes,” he shakes his head at Jennie, holding back a teasing smile in front of a stranger.
“Excuse me?”
“Just get ready for the meeting,” he softly orders before he settles on his seat. It is only then that you realize there’s a big name plate on his desk: CEO Kim Mingyu, it reads. You gulp at the name, suddenly the sound of your voice screaming his name rings through your ears once again.
When you look up from the name plate, you’re surprised to find Mingyu’s already looking at you, one of his eyebrows slightly raised and you honestly have no idea what to make of that.
It is Jennie’s voice that brings you back to reality, calling you to follow her out of the room. You don’t miss the way Mingyu’s gaze never leaves you even when you bow one more time before you leave.
You’re so, so screwed.
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“What was that?” Jennie asks the moment you sit down next to her.
You decide to play dumb, there’s definitely no need to tell Jennie about what happened with Mingyu. Fuck. You’re supposedly going to spend months with this guy and you’re no longer sure if you can do it now.
To be honest, you’ve never really been one for one night stands, and you’ve got to admit you’re lucky the one time you ended up having one, it’s with someone like Mingyu who seems to be a decent person. The few times that you’ve been intimate with other people are always during your relationships, and you’ve made sure you’re serious enough because that’s just how you are.
You don’t care that Soonyoung jumps from bed to bed at least twice a week; that’s not your problem as long as it’s all consensual, he regularly gets checked and stays healthy. You just don’t prefer doing it yourself. There’s just something embarrassing to you about sharing a bed with someone you barely know.
You swear to everything that is in the universe you’d never drink outside your place ever again.
“Just… didn’t expect the CEO to be so young,” you blurt out even though it’s stupid because Jennie has totally told you the CEO is around your age.
“Have I not told you that?” she says in suspicion, narrowing her eyes at you. “I’m pretty sure I have.”
Right at that moment, your phone suddenly rings, saving you from Jennie’s further prodding. She looks at Sooyaaa on your phone, recognizing your close friend and telling you to take it if you want.
So, for the sake of your sanity, you do.
“Yes?” you answer snappily.
“What’s with the tone?” Jisoo asks gleefully from the other side. “Some bird told me you’ve got something to tell.”
“Kwon Soonyoung that bastard,” you mutter under your breath, earning a laugh from Jisoo and from Jennie next to you.
“If it makes you feel any better, he didn’t say anything beyond that. Just said that I might want to ask you if something happened at the club the other night.”
To your annoyance, Jisoo has sounded more happy than she is worried. But just when you’re about to snap at her for reminding you about that night, Jisoo cuts you off and asks if all is good. She’s been apologizing since that day, telling you she’s found Seungcheol in her drunken stupor and had him take her home because she thought you’re taken care of.
You sigh, telling her a hesitant yes and a promise to meet her later for dinner so you can tell her everything. She ends the call with a loud kissing noise, screaming to the receiver a very loud “Hi Jennie!!” that you don’t need to put the phone on speaker for your cousin to hear her.
“She’s such a good friend, isn’t she?” she asks once you put your phone back in your bag after activating the silent mode.
Your mind goes to the endless texts and miscalls from Jisoo that day, you’ve just been childishly ignoring her to get back at your friend because you know she worries like there’s no tomorrow. But you know—you know that there can be no friend that takes care of you as good as Jisoo could ever do.
“Yeah, she is.”
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You don’t really interact with Mingyu even days after the first one, thankfully. You just dutifully follow Jennie around, who’s following him around. Today’s meetings are all in the company, and you’re mostly there to memorize the face and the name of the head of each department as they sit there in Mingyu’s presence.
For a moment there, you’re probably as close as you are to being starstruck. Mingyu carries himself very well, no one seems to be doubting him despite his young age compared to some of the directors who are probably a decade (or two) older than he is. His words are clean and sharp, never going around as he delivers what he’s saying as efficiently as he can.
So far, your impression of Mingyu is that he's a gentleman that only speaks when he needs to. He’s, by no means, cold, but he’s practical and he doesn’t see the need to speak more than necessary. You wonder if that’s how he is or if that’s just his work persona.
Someone clears his throat in front of you, and you immediately straighten your posture at Mingyu who’s basically looking down on you from his towering height.
“See me in my office after this,” he says and then leaves the meeting room before you manage to answer.
Your heart races at his words, but you will yourself to calm down because you figure Mingyu’s not going to bring it up out of nowhere like this. But why did he call you instead of Jennie if he has matters to discuss? Is he testing you?
Nonetheless, you tell Jennie the CEO wishes to speak to you before you leave to his office. Jennie only nods as she busies herself with the screen in front of her, but Seungkwan catches your eyes and puts up his fist in encouragement.
You have no idea what to expect.
“Sir,” you greet him after he says to come in. You’re not sure whether you should sit down or stay standing, but Mingyu points to the chair in front of his desk with his chin.
Mingyu doesn’t say anything for a moment, his eyes are still examining you and you try your best to hold his gaze despite your heartbeat drumming loudly against your chest.
“I have an important meeting in Tokyo next month.” He breaks the silence. “And you’d probably have to come with me.”
You don’t say anything but a ‘Yes, Sir,’ because, truthfully, you don’t think you have any choice here and you’re just glad he’s not bringing up that incident.
“Frankly, I’d rather bring Seungkwan because he’s more used to the business meeting abroad,” he states bluntly though there’s no hint of rudeness in his voice. “But he’s given me a notice since last month that he’s going to take a whole week off then by using up his accumulated day-offs.”
“Okay, Sir,” you repeat.
“Tell Jennie to take care of the arrangements,” he finishes, eyes already back to his screen as his fingers busily type on his keyboard. “You may leave.”
He just has to be so attractive.
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“Kim Mingyu?” Jisoo asks one more time, wondering why the name sounds so familiar to her. But, then again, it is a pretty common name. “Wait, did you say you’re working in SVT Inc.? I never knew Jennie worked in SVT Inc.?”
“Yep,” you say as you munch on your dinner. Jisoo has invited herself to sleep over for ‘making it up’, using the access you’ve given her, and the girl has her conscience guilty enough to already have food prepared on the table the moment you step into your door.
Your friend stays silent for a moment, and you let her be because—Gosh, you’re so mentally tired after being wary of Mingyu the whole time. Even though deep down you feel like he doesn’t seem to be the type to confront you over something like that in the office, it doesn’t stop your heart from jumping every time his gaze goes past you or when he calls your name (even though it literally happens like... five times in total so far).
In short, you’ve spent the day uselessly worrying Mingyu will confront you about it and it isn’t exactly healthy for your head nor your heart.
“Oh!” Jisoo suddenly shouts, making you jump a little in your seat. She takes her phone, fingers busy tapping here and there before she pushes her screen to your face. “This Mingyu?””
The picture of Seungcheol and your new boss together greets you. They both seem close enough, with Seungcheol’s arm around his shoulder and lighthearted smiles gracing their faces. There’s a pretty little girl in Seungcheol’s lap, one that you don’t bother to ask because Seungcheol loves children.
“Yeah, they’re close,” Jisoo answers your silent question after putting her phone back down. “I do meet him from time to time because of Seungcheol even though I’m not close with him or anything. He’s pretty friendly, but definitely a private person.”
Great. You think to yourself, all the more reason not to tell Jisoo about the event from that night. While she’s your best friend and you love her with all your heart, there are times when she’d accidentally blurt out your ‘secrets’ when drunk.
Now you actually trust Seungcheol enough not to further spread your secrets, and you’re actually fairly close with him that you don’t mind him knowing the few stuffs you only mean to share with Jisoo. If there’s anyone that you could trust, it’s him. But this one? A one night stand with one of his close friends?
You’re pretty sure it’d be better for them not to know.
It’s a one time thing anyway, which isn’t important enough for either of them to be aware of. You’ll just pretend like it’s some random guy and pray Mingyu doesn’t say anything about it either.
So, when Jisoo asks again about what Soonyoung has meant when he says you might have something to tell her, you reluctantly tell Jisoo half the truth—that you got too drunk and ended up in a hotel with some guy.
She deserves at least that much.
Before guilt rushes in even more in Jisoo’s system, you immediately tell her that it’s okay and at least you remember the sex was pleasant. And when she asks if you could remember him or maybe his name, you drop your gaze to your food and shake your head because Jisoo knows when you’re lying. Her gaze stays on you for a few seconds before she eventually drops the topic and talks about her plan with Seungcheol for the weekend.
You’ve never been more glad Jisoo also knows when not to push.
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“How are you coping?” Jennie asks with a grin after yet another meeting.
You groan at her question. While you’re used to having multiple meetings back-to-back and typing down whatever the meeting was about, Mingyu is a whole other level of busy from what you were used to.
It’s not always a bad thing, though, because despite the way your back always cries in pain at the end of the day, you actually feel challenged and are oddly motivated to do well and prove yourself even though no one is giving you the side-eye.
You wonder if it’s the way Mingyu would hum in approval everytime he finishes reading your report. Jennie has told you how much of a perfectionist Mingyu is, to the point where he’d check your report himself. Except for the first few mistakes you’ve made due to the unfamiliarity of the format this company uses, Mingyu has never really told you to revise anything after that.
“You do remember this is my last day before I officially take that maternity leave, right?” she reminds you, and your eyes automatically go to where her baby’s at.
It’s pretty weird, to be honest. You grew up with Jennie, you saw her when she was an elementary student, then junior high school, and so on. The image of Jennie in her old uniform pops up in your mind, one where she took your hand in hers when she went to your school to pick you up. And now she’s here, much more mature and pregnant with a baby.
“Yeah, Jaebum must be happy about that,” you snicker teasingly.
Jennie grins at the mention of her husband and you could’ve sworn there would be flowers surrounding her if this was a high school romance manga. “He’s just been worried about my workloads. It eases him a lot when he finds out you’re replacing me, though.”
“Tell him I’m expecting a present or something for that comment,” you say before you go back to typing down the meeting report from earlier. Jennie lets you be for a while before she lets out a confused noise from beside you.
“Huh?” she mumbles to herself as she looks through her organizer. “That was… our last meeting for the day?”
The way you and Seungkwan immediately turn to her is almost comical, eyes wide and mouth open. It’s barely 4 in the evening and there’s…no more meetings? Jennie frowns, flipping through her organizer some more before she decides she needs to confirm with Mingyu. The sound of her heels against the floor as she makes her way to Mingyu’s office wakes you up from your trance.
“Betting you the next report that there’s another meeting after this that Mingyu forgot to tell Jennie,” Seungkwan says out of nowhere.
“So if there’s no meeting after this you’ll do my next report?” you raise your eyebrows at the challenge.
“And you’ll do mine otherwise.”
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For the past few minutes, you haven’t stopped nudging Seungkwan next to you while Jennie and Mingyu are walking ahead of you both, discussing something that you don’t quite hear.
There’s a pout in his face while you smugly grin at him, missing the way Mingyu glances back at you before turning back to Jennie again.
“Who told you to bet against me, huh?” you whisper childishly and Seungkwan just swats your hand in annoyance. It’s a little past 5PM now and currently, the four of you are on your way to get dinner.
When Jennie comes in earlier to confirm his schedule, Mingyu has just told her that he purposefully emptied the schedule after the last meeting because it’s her last day and he’d like to peacefully have dinner with her as a friend. Due to her raging hormones, she almost cries right there and then while you and Seungkwan have gotten the privilege to see Mingyu panic from the clear glass of his office.
After that, she tells him she wants to bring you and Seungkwan because you’re all basically working as a team, anyway. You can tell that Mingyu’s a bit reluctant, which is understandable because he barely even knows you and it’d mean he won’t be as comfortable compared to when it’s only him, Jennie, and Seungkwan.
Not to mention the incident from barely a month ago.
You cringe at the thought. Even though at this point you’re sure Mingyu either: 1. Has forgotten. 2. Does not recognize you. or 3. Simply does not wish to bring it up, you just can’t not be nervous around him.
“Did you say you worked at Pleds before?” Seungkwan asks over dinner. The four of you are in a steakhouse, Jennie’s choice because Mingyu says it’s the least he could do for her. Seungkwan’s sitting next to you while Mingyu and Jennie sit across the both of you.
You nod as you play with your straw, waiting for the food to be served. “It wasn’t… bad. But the workloads and the pay weren’t exactly balanced. Plus, the emotional labor was getting too much so I resigned after working there for almost two years.”
“You must’ve celebrated after,” he grins, knowing how it usually goes when one left a company by choice. You nod absentmindedly, too hungry to realize where the conversation might lead you to. Across you, Mingyu is silently listening to the conversation without any plan to join in and takes a sip of his wine.
“Was it that time you went to Exodus with Jisoo?” Jennie tilts her head, recalling the Instagram update Jisoo posted on her story with the club location pinned in one of the updates.
At her question, you choke on your drink while Mingyu is dignified enough to simply clears his throat as if his drink didn’t just go the wrong pipe. You wouldn’t have thought it was him reacting to the name if not for the way you accidentally meet his eyes for a split second before you quickly look elsewhere.
It was enough. A split second was enough for you to know that Mingyu knows. There was a spark of recognition in his eyes that he couldn’t hide quickly enough, as if something was made clear to him and you fear the illusion of Mingyu’s ignorance regarding that incident would break after this.
After what you hope is enough time to avoid Jennie’s—or anyone, in that matter—suspicions, you excuse yourself to the restroom with an awkward smile. You close the toilet door behind you and immediately slot the lock before you lean back and exhale a deep breath. You close your eyes in contempt, your fingers digging into your palms.
This shouldn’t change anything… right? You haven’t been working in SVT Inc. for long, but you’ve spent most of your time following Mingyu, Jennie, and Seungkwan, so it’s safe to say you’re actually more familiar with him than a lot of people on your floor.
That said, you feel like you know enough that Mingyu wouldn’t come to you and talk about this just for the sake of it. Kim Mingyu is a practical man, he does not do what’s not needed, and you’re 100% sure this is not necessary no matter how you see it.
After you’ve calmed down enough, you take another deep breath before you open the door. You check yourself in the mirror one more time, patting down your hair and making sure you look decent before you step out of the restroom.
Your breath almost stops when your eyes find Mingyu who also has just stepped out of the other restroom. Your eyes meet his and, for a second, you thought he’s going to say something by the way he’s holding your gaze. But Mingyu breaks the eye contact first, looks away and then makes his way back to the table without addressing you.
You’re not sure if you should be glad or disappointed by that.
When you return to your seat beside Seungkwan, the talk has turned into Jennie’s baby and the maternity glow she has beautifully embraced ever since her baby bump has started showing.
“I’m not going to lie. It’s a beautiful process, yeah, and I get why people kinda glorify it, but it’s still not something that everyone can just… go through,” Jennie says as she puts down her fork and knife. “I’m pretty lucky that my pregnancy hasn’t been that hard except for a few times, but you really can’t shame anyone for not wanting to get pregnant.”
Seungkwan nods in agreement, telling the story of how his sister has opted to adopt a child after settling down with her husband because she doesn’t think she can go through the pregnancy process herself.
“They love her so much and they’re considering adopting another child because they want her to have a sibling.” There’s a fond smile on his face, one that you can’t help but mirror as you remember the picture of Seungkwan and Minhee that decorates his desk in the office. “Plus, Minhee has actually been asking if she’s going to ever have a brother or sister like her other friends do.”
“Can I see her already, please?” you join in the flow of conversation. “I’ve known you for, like, a month and I’ve heard more about Minhee than I do my friend’s niece when I literally waited outside the labor room for this kid to be born.”
The table laughs at this, very aware of Seungkwan’s friendliness and tendency to talk about his dear niece to everyone he considers a friend.
“Do you like kids?” Seungkwan asks.
“Well, I wouldn’t say I do, to be honest,” you scrunch your nose and lean into your palm, suddenly conscious of the way everyone, especially Mingyu, is looking at you. You’re not sure why you’re even nervous, isn’t it normal that people pay attention to the person talking? “I find them cute. But I’ve never been one to…coddle them, you know? I don’t know how to act around them, but I enjoy looking at children play, I guess. Minhee sounds very lovely though, and I’ve never seen anyone who loves and talks about their niece as much as you do, so…”
“You know you have to coddle this one, right?” Jennie declares, making a point to place her hand on her rounding stomach as if there could be any other baby she’d be talking about.
“Maybe if you’re finally going to tell me if I’m going to have a niece or a nephew.”
For the first time that evening, Mingyu answers you even though he’s looking at your cousin, nonchalantly saying. “Oh? You’ve told me, though?”
Jennie doesn’t even have the time to glare at Mingyu, already busy trying to calm you down and convincing you that Mingyu totally finds out by accident and she most definitely did not tell him. You see him playfully grin at her and you don’t even realize you’ve been staring until Mingyu turns away from Jennie and catches your eyes. You quickly avert your gaze, pretending to pout at Jennie who’s already looking at you with guilt.
“Okay, tell me if you’d like to have a niece or a nephew?” Jennie tries to ease you up, though the both of you know you’re not really mad at her.
“I don’t mind either, but if I have to choose then… a niece,” you nod to yourself. “Little girls are cuter to me; I feel like they’re… less trouble.”
Mingyu accidentally snorts at this, but no one at the table finds this weird except for you. Seungkwan simply laughs while Jennie shakes her head, and you have enough sense to figure out this is probably some kind of an inside joke between the three of them.
You let them enjoy their little bubble without asking anything.
The night goes on peacefully after that; Seungkwan mainly keeps the table lively and all of you would laugh from time to time. Mingyu still doesn’t really address you, which you only lowkey mind, but you wonder if it’s just his way of warding off the wrong people from befriending him.
You’re pretty aware life as a young CEO must be hard despite his money. He’s rarely not working even when he’s off work, and you’re sure there must be people who have tried to leech off him due to his wealth and social standing.
Your mind suddenly takes you back to that night at the hotel and you frown at the realization, does he not have a partner? Frankly, you find it borderline believable and unbelievable that someone like Mingyu doesn’t have one. He’s probably either: 1. Too busy working that he’s not interested in it. or 2. Has a betrothed or something.
Okay, the second option is rather stereotypical when you don’t even have any idea if people of his class still do arranged marriages. But anyhow, you hope it’s not option 3 which consists of him being a bastard by sleeping with another person when he does have a partner.
Glancing at your phone, you realize it’s already 7 in the evening now. Mingyu seems to notice this too, quickly calling for the bill and says something about needing to go home quickly. For reasons that once again you’re not aware of, Seungkwan and Jennie simply nod in understanding, a teasing grin on their faces.
“Gyuri’s waiting, huh?” Seungkwan jokes, and you quickly register the unfamiliar name as your mind goes through a million scenarios of who this ‘Gyuri’ could be.
Mingyu nods with a suppressed grin, probably the most expression you’ve ever seen of him. Something inside you twists at it, though; did he have a partner, after all? One that waits for him at home?
You don’t dare to voice the curiosity out loud, not even to Seungkwan or Jennie, and you figure if this Gyuri person is important enough, you’ll find out sooner or later because the CEO would probably need you to fix his schedule to be with her.
You wonder why the bitter taste on your tongue refuses to leave even hours later when you’ve gone back to your apartment.
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
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sugurugetosbitch · 2 years
Because We’re the Strongest
summary: after the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, sorcerer!reader discovers her technique can do a lot more than just change the speed of time...
a/n: holy angst y’all this had me in my feels at 4:30 am. it was supposed to be a v short first chapter to a way more lighthearted fic but uh, i got a little carried away lol. (still gonna do that other fic tho so keep an eye out hehe) anyways, first post on the blog, i rly hope u like this, feel free to send in requests and ideas and stuff! (might continue this one, not sure yet but we’ll see! will also probably upload this on AO3 and/or wattpad just to get it out there more because I’m rly proud of it.) AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38351848
word count: 4,061
You graduated Jujutsu High as part of a class of three- No. it was supposed to be three, but it was only two. You and Kento Nanami survived to see graduation, but your classmate Yu Haibara didn’t. You and Nanami grew close after that first year, but never quite as close as you were with the students in the year above you. There was one in particular who just understood you in a way that nobody else did, and that nobody else ever would. His name was Suguru Geto. 
To put it simply, the higher ups were afraid of you both. You came from nothing, from non-sorcerer families, and between his curse manipulation and your time manipulation, you both posed a significant threat to jujutsu society if you were to go off the rails. Nobody was worried about Satoru Gojo. The boy had known nothing other than jujutsu society, considering the whole of it treated him like a god from the moment he was born. He hated authority and he hated the higher ups, but they didn’t see him as a threat the way they did you and Suguru. 
And then Geto left. He did exactly what everyone was most afraid of. He turned his back on jujutsu society, and effectively made himself out to be Public Enemy #1 of the jujutsu world. And what made it worse, was that his best friend had been designated his executioner. 
What nobody knew, was that he had asked you to go with him. 
“Think about it, you’ve listened to me for this long, you understand me, you sympathize with me, so why don’t you come with me, be a part of the better world that I want to create for all of us?” he had asked one night in the doorway of your dormitory. 
“Suguru, you know I can’t” the words stung your lips on their way out. Your whole body, your heart, and your soul all ached to go with him, to follow him to the ends of the earth. He was right, you understood each other in ways that nobody else could, but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave everything behind so suddenly, not again “I’m so sorry.”
“Suit yourself” he turned his back to you, but before you could shut the door he turned around to say “you’ll always have a place in my world should you choose to take it.” and with that, he was gone. 
Nobody saw him until that day, that final day he saw Shoko and Satoru again, after murdering an entire village. You knew he would be there, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go. You were afraid that if you did, you would have turned your back on everyone right alongside him. 
Secretly though, Suguru was glad you didn’t follow him. It took him a number of years to get over missing you enough to realize that he never would have forgiven himself had he been the reason you were slated for execution on sight, or the one responsible for a 50 million yen bounty on your head. He would rather die than that be the case. Besides, Satoru, Shoko, and Kento needed you. Not that he didn’t, but he would just have to manage. It was in your best interest. 
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After the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, Satoru Gojo walked with heavy footsteps to Shoko Ieiri, and Tokyo Jujutsu High’s morgue, arms and soul weighed down by the body of his best friend, or rather former best friend, Suguru Geto. What he didn’t expect to encounter was you, with your back to the door, facing Shoko who was patching up a nearly severed left forearm you had suffered at the hands of a curse in Shinjuku. You only made it out thanks to Nanami and his Black Flash. 
When Shoko froze at the sight of a battered, blindfold-less Satoru standing in the doorway, you turned around to see what had captured her attention. 
And then your entire world shattered for the second time. You didn’t want to believe the sight in front of you. The last 10 years it had been hard enough to pretend that Geto was dead to you emotionally, but seeing his limp corpse in Satoru’s arms sent you off the edge. Your vision went blurry, you felt nothing except for raw emotion coursing through your body, rapidly converting itself into cursed energy. This was enough to worry Shoko and Satoru, who knew you possessed cursed energy levels on par with the Six Eyes himself, or his prodigy, the first year Okkotsu, seeing that you were also up for a promotion to special grade.
From his expressionless face, it was clear Satoru had already made his peace with (or rather completely repressed) what he’d had to do just minutes ago. Stepping slowly into the cold, sterile room, he delicately laid Suguru’s body on one of the cold metal tables by the far wall, and made his way over to you, wrapping you in a hug filled with so many emotions, but not a single one that either of you would have wanted. It was an embrace riddled with grief, confusion, and pain. Satoru stayed long enough for you to shed a few tears, before giving Shoko the same, and disappearing to god knows where, for god knows how long. Maybe he had gone to find what was left of Geto’s “family” who had been in Kyoto and Shinjuku”. 
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As grief settled into your bones once again, your cursed energy ran completely haywire, as you collapsed in a sobbing heap over Suguru’s corpse, your head tucked into the curve of his neck, the same way you used to whenever you had a bad night and snuck to his dorm at 2 am for comfort, and your left hand desperately clutching his right shoulder, where his arm used to be. 
It seemed your loss of control over your technique fueled by pure emotional energy had illuminated the room in a bright emerald green stemming from your left hand, and also from that point on Geto’s shoulder, his right arm seemed to materialize out of thin air. When you looked up and saw that it was, in fact, real, you were… what were you? Stunned? Confused? Overjoyed? You didn’t know. It took Shoko a moment to recognize what had happened, and to piece together that no, it wasn’t some kind of reverse cursed technique, because she couldn’t regrow entire severed limbs with hers, not even Satoru could do that. 
The only cursed energy in the room belonged to you. She stepped up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder and calling out to you a few times before she caught your attention. 
“That was your technique… you just reversed the progression of time on his body, and took it back to a time before he lost his arm. And you did it without affecting a single other person or moment in time. That’s incredible.” She marveled at what had just happened, still not entirely sure that her eyes were telling the truth. 
You had no idea you were capable of such a thing. Surely, that promotion was yours now. 
“Shoko, there’s something I need to try. I think i can br–”
“Do it. Just do it before I come to my senses and stop you” she called from across the room, where she had her back turned to you, and you could clearly see her shoulders heaving as she sobbed, though her voice didn’t betray her in the slightest. “I miss him too” she thought she said quietly enough that you wouldn’t hear, but you did. 
Once again lowering your body to rest on Suguru’s as it grew colder, you placed one hand on the side of his forehead, and the other of the Hollow Purple shaped wound in his chest, right over where his heart should have been. Letting go of what little control you had over your emotions once again, you allowed your cursed energy to surge around you, and around his corpse, illuminating the room in a brilliant shade of green. You felt his body begin to warm under your touch, and what felt like dozens of little worms began to writhe under the hand you had laid so delicately over Suguru’s heart. 
In a desperate attempt, you once again rewound the flow of time to a point before Satoru had done what he did, hopelessly praying that you would be able to restore his heart. Maybe in more ways than one. 
You so desperately wanted to save his heart, his life, him. Suguru Geto, the man you had loved with all of your heart for over ten years no matter how many times you told yourself you shouldn’t. 
This new technique, it had to come with consequences, it had to be a massive drain on you or something, but you didn’t care. You were completely blinded by desperation, by hope, by the love you couldn’t let go of. Shoko’s hand on your shoulder let you know that any consequences wouldn’t matter to you in the slightest. 
The crawling feeling under your hand ceased, and while you didn’t dare move your hand, you gingerly laid your head down on Suguru’s chest, hoping desperately for even just a singular heartbeat. Shoko went ahead and fixed up a blood supply to his right arm, since neither of you knew whether your technique reversed the blood loss (and Shoko sure as hell wasn’t about to call Noritoshi Kamo in to find out). 
Silence. Not one single heartbeat. 
You kept your head pressed to his chest, sobs racking your body more intensely as every minute passed. 
“Suguru, come back to me, please”
“I love you”
← Suguru POV → 
The blackness he had been floating in was suddenly lit by a faint emerald green glow, stemming from where he assumed his right arm would have been, if this consciousness had a body. 
Emerald green… and despite his lack of a physical body, he just knew what it felt like. Sunshine. 
It felt like sunshine and the cool ocean breeze. That had always been one of his favorite feelings. But it was never the same after Riko, after his and Satoru’s failure, after he reached his breaking point with the world. After that, the sunshine sting his skin as though he were already burned, and the ocean breeze felt humid and suffocating. 
That was, until he met her. Until he really met her. They had known each other before, but after Riko’s death, after everything, he found her companionship, her understanding, her sunshine all the more comforting. She felt like what the beach had felt like before, during the good times, a feeling he thought he would never experience again. But now he reveled in it more than ever. Her cursed energy, her laughter, her genuine personality, her understanding, her sympathy that was devoid of all pity. 
He wanted to live every second basking in it, in her. Soon after, he realized he loved her. Not in the way he loved Satoru, or Shoko, or even his own parents, monkeys though they were, or the two little girls he had rescued and raised, no. He loved her in a way that screamed ‘I want to live engulfed in your energy from this moment on. Until the day I die, I need you’. 
He never got the chance to tell her. If he had though, there would have been no stopping her from leaving with him, from once again giving up everything she knew. If she had, maybe he wouldn’t have died, maybe they wouldn’t have lost. 
But maybe she’d have died instead. Just the thought of such a thing made him sick. 
That same emerald green glow now illuminated where he knew his chest would be, and began to form a haze that clouded his ‘vision’. Slowly, this disembodied consciousness he occupied began to feel heavy again. He began to slip into a dream-like state, being pulled upwards out of the infinite void of death, or rather pushed along the surface of the sea that was the afterlife, to be met by that emerald green light and a gentle ocean breeze. 
“Come back to me.”
“I love you”
Suguru’s soul clawed itself out from the depths of deaths clutches at her words. 
“I need you.” His thoughts nearly echoed her words as his consciousness sank back into his body and he took his first shallow breath.
“I have to tell her.”
← Original POV → 
You heard the monitor beep to life at the same moment you felt his chest rise and fall for the first time. Immediately you shot upright, your hand remaining firmly on Suguru’s chest that now rose and fell with a steady rhythm. You shifted your eyes to the jagged lines on the screen, and then to Shoko’s face, which appeared equally as stunned as yours. You had done it, you had brought Suguru Geto back from the dead. 
For more than two days you stayed diligently by his bedside, not wanting to leave should he finally wake up. Dozens of missed calls from Satoru, and even a couple from Yaga and Nanami littered the home screen of your phone, which hadn’t moved from its place on Shoko’s desk in two days. She had no problem telling the others you were still asleep, recovering from that massive outburst of cursed energy they had all felt the other day. 
Fifty-two hours after he took his first breath, Suguru Geto’s eyes fluttered open for the first time since he had died at his best friend’s hand. His eyes that, upon opening, immediately met yours and appeared to flash a striking emerald green, the same color as yours, before returning to their usual deep purple. That same deep purple you had sought comfort in so many times all those years ago. That same deep purple you couldn’t bring yourself to meet after hearing what he had done once he left the school for good. 
Now that your gaze met his again, you knew you would never want to tear it away. 
“Suguru… I” you couldn’t find the words to even begin to convey the million and two feelings that your heart so desperately tried to make sense of. 
No louder than a whisper, he softly called your name, his voice threatening to betray him by being overrun with sobs if he spoke up even the slightest bit.
“You came back.”
“You brought me back.”
Neither of you had a way to explain the thoughts that had been racing through your heads and hearts for the last four days, so you settled for the silence. It was an incredibly loaded, heavy silence, but it was silence nonetheless. After a bit he reached a shaky hand out to grasp one of yours, and you happily took it. In those ten years, you never forgot how one of his string, calloused hands completely dwarfed both of yours. 
“There’s–” he started
“I have–” you choked out
��So much I need to tell you” your voices finished in perfect unison, completely oblivious to Shoko standing in the doorway, face plastered with a smile for the first time in at least a week. 
“Welcome back, Suguru,” She smiled as she walked inside. “How are you fee–” she was cut off by an obnoxious ringtone that could belong to none other than Satoru Gojo. “No, Gojo, she’s still asleep. No Gojo, you can’t come see her” she lied while glancing back at the two of you who still could not be torn from each other's gazes. “No, I– Gojo, why would I keep lollipops in my office?!” She heaved an exasperated sigh before finishing “I’ll come see you soon with an update on her, happy now? Okay bye.” She hung up, much to the disdain of “that white haired idiot.”
“He doesn’t know, does he?” Suguru sighed. 
“No.” You and Shoko answered together. 
Suguru just nodded his head and sighed before cautiously sitting up to rest his face in the curve of your neck, the way you always did to him so many years ago, wrapping you tightly in the first hug he’s given anyone in ten years. 
He mumbled something into your shirt, but you had to ask him to repeat himself. 
“I’m so thankful you didn’t leave with me ten years ago when I asked you to. I never could have forgiven myself if you had, and if something happened to you because of it.” A little bit of the tension in his shoulders began to melt away. 
Only he noticed when Shoko quietly nodded in your direction before slipping out of the room and shutting the door, presumably to go find Satoru. 
“Listen to me.” You never got tired of the way your name fell from his lips when he spoke to you like this, like he was about to share the key to the universe with you. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that I ever put you in the spot where you had to make that decision. I was so scared, leaving everything behind again, but it was you that was the hardest to leave here. And I was so stupid, so selfish to think that you might, or that you should come with me. I wanted to build my new world alongside you, or, well, I thought I did. But as time passed and I lost so many people, I grew thankful that you stayed behind, that you refused my offer. I’m still terrified of what I would have done if I had lost you.” His voice broke into sobs that shook his whole body at this point. 
“Suguru, you’re home now. Please, just stay this time.” You implored, never taking your eyes off of him for a second. 
“You know the higher ups won’t have that” He choked out, followed by your name in the most pitiful voice you’ve ever heard. It was a sound you never wanted to hear again, especially from his lips. The same lips that so long ago used to curl into that toothy, charming smile you loved so much. The same lips that you once felt pressed against your forehead after he thought you had fallen asleep on a particularly bad night. “But I just, I have to tell you. When I died, I realized that the ‘new world’ I so desperately wanted would have been nothing without you. It wasn’t at all what I really wanted. I couldn’t really care less if there are ten monke humans running around or ten billion. That ‘ideal world’ would have been just as meaningless, just as shitty as this one without you. It would have all been for nothing, because I realized that you are my world, and everything else can go to hell.” After finishing, he waited with baited breath for your response. 
“What I’m about to tell you, I should have told you sooner, but I was so afraid of letting you slip away from me even more than you already were.” You sighed, finally breaking his gaze to look down at the floor, feeling something between shame, regret, and anger at yourself. 
“”Told me what, angel?” The nickname rolled off his tongue naturally as ever.
“Told you… that I love you. Suguru Geto, I love you with all my heart.” You managed to choke out. 
You both sat in silence for what felt like a lifetime before he spoke. 
“It was you. Your words, your energy, you brought me back, didn’t you?”
“What do you m–” you were cut off
“Before I came back into my body, I heard those same words, spoken the same way, by the same voice, and I was completely engulfed in green light. A shade of green that perfectly matched your eyes. It was you. You brought me back to this world.” “I didn’t know if you heard me.” You were a bit stunned, but happy, and that’s what mattered most. 
“And now it’s my turn to tell you something, angel” he started, “You brought pure light into my life when I needed it most. After Riko… the sunshine, the ocean breeze, they felt oppressive. They had been completely stripped of the comfort they used to bring me, until you became such an important part of my life. To me, you feel like what sunshine and the ocean breeze are meant to feel like. Pure, refreshing, comforting, all of that. It’s a feeling I never want to lose again, a feeling I refuse to ever live without again. It’s a feeling I love more than anything, perfectly fitted to the person I love more than anything.”
“Suguru, what do you mean?” You took a deep breath through your nose, thinking maybe your mind was deceiving you. 
“I love you, my angel. I should have told you a very long time ago, but I thought that if I did, I would have only dragged you down with me. But now, this time, I’m not going anywhere, so long as you’ll have me.” He smiled
“Suguru, always. These last ten years have been hell without you, I’ve been stuck watching you from afar. I wished so many times that I had gone with you, let you pull me head over heels into your darkness the same way I had fallen head over heels in love with you. Not because of your power, your mission, your ‘values’ or any of that, but because of you. Because it was so fucking hard to be without you, and now that I have you again, I’m never letting you go. And don’t you dare walk away from us again.”
“Cmon, you know Gojo’s going to find out eventually.” You sighed, chuckling to yourself because, if Suguru thought Satoru was a nosy bastard all those years ago, he’s in for a real surprise now. 
“Oh, I guess you’re right. Please, don’t get yourselves into trouble over me though.” You watched his face drop as he spoke. 
“Sug–” you unconsciously revert back to his high school nickname, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “We would burn the entire jujutsu world to the ground for you and you know that. We would have done it back in high school even.” You assert, still holding him tightly in your arms, fingers toying with the ends of his long black hair. It was still disheveled from having fought Yuta days ago and, well, also from dying, but you didn’t care about that. You still thought he looked like a vision straight from the gods. “Hell, Satoru might have already started.”
“I don’t deserve you g–” he starts. 
“Shut up.” you immediately snap at him “Besides, I’m on track to be promoted to special grade here soon, and once they see what I can do now, obviously with an example other than you, there’s not a chance in hell they’ll be able to tell me no! After that, we’ll tell Satoru everything, and with three special grades, maybe 4 if Tsukumo’s got some sense about her, or even all 5 if Satoru can convince Okkotsu, there would be nothing they could do to stop us!” 
“Are you sure? Especially about Okkotsu, I mean I kind of tried to kill him a few times…” Suguru trails off into thought. “I don’t think he’ll be too pleased to see me alive.”
“Sug, if Satoru vouches for you he’ll accept it. It might take him a while, hell it might take everyone a while, but they’ll come around. I’d love for them to know the version of you that I did all those years ago.”
“And if they don’t?” He questions. 
“Then like I said, we’ll burn jujutsu society to the ground for you. We’re not losing you again.”
“Are you completely sure?” He emphasizes. 
“Yes Suguru, yes I am completely sure. I know we can do it, beca–” 
“Because” interrupts a new voice from the doorway, and you both turn to see a stunned, but smiling Satoru Gojo staring back at you (closely followed by a very out of breath Shoko who clearly had been chasing him through the halls).
“Because we’re the strongest” you and Satoru finish in unison, and Suguru smiles once more.
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