#there's a hitman level about it for one thing
aturinfortheworse · 5 months
i was sad for a bit bc my family doesn't have a familect, like not even one word or phrase that is particular to our family
although, if movie references count, "So-and-so hasn't seen Joe's Apartment" is almost certainly a phrase that only my family uses to mean "They are insufficiently sympathetic to cockroaches"
which I think is probably also a meaning that no one outside my family has use for
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owlrageousjones · 6 months
Mr Bonzo, on his own, is basically an okay creepypasta. Children's TV show mascot is a murderous monster? Boring.
TMAGP elevates it a little by framing it the way it does; it's no longer just about Mr Bonzo being creepy but in how the creation controls the creator's life - I'm sure lots of famous creators can relate (although less to the murder). Even on minor levels, it's easy to become the guy who did that one thing once.
But it becomes TRULY inspired when we find out that Mr Bonzo is effectively some sort of government hitman. It's so fucking absurd but so brilliant.
Imagine if Slenderman got dead drops from the CIA. Fucking Jeff the Killer receiving orders from his Jeff the Handlers to Jeff the Kill a union boss.
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
okay, okay, superhero au concept of the day: soup group identity shenanigans au. the soup group all rent a house together, they became friends... i don't know when, still figuring this out, but they're all buddies. however, they're all involved in the hero scene in their own way, and everyone's levels of knowing how involved in the hero scene they are is varied.
impulse is a relatively new hero (name pending), after an accident at his desk job somehow left him with electricity-based powers. he's kind of awkward and new at the whole gig, but he is determined to do his best! he is keeping his identity secret to keep what he thinks are his two civilian housemates safe, as well as to keep his other friends safe. he's a bit over his head but he mostly fights low-level villains at the moment anyway. he knows the least information of everybody but he's ALSO the most likely to have a crisis if he learns anything about his housemates.
pearl is a vigilante known as the cleaning lady. she's not so much an active combatant most of the time as someone who takes advantage of existing fights and crime scenes for her own ends, helping to make sure she puts down criminals and collects information from the aftermath. she'll help either side in order to meet her goal of cleaning up the city from the chaos it's currently in, and she dislikes most serious crime, she just... goes about it in a way most heroes do not agree with. she's figured out impulse's identity and avoids him in her night work because she's certain he'd clock her immediately. as for the red deer... she's worked with her once or twice and is kind of terrified, but doesn't know her identity at all.
gem is the soup group's mysteriously rich friend who is the one helping them rent the house together. really it would be suspicious she was renting with the kind of money her job makes and how much she can afford with what she supposedly actually makes if both pearl and impulse weren't so busy hiding their identities. and gem's glad! she's excited to have friends she can play civilian with--that doesn't normally last this long! because gem is the terrifying mercenary and hitman for hire, the red deer. compared to both impulse and pearl (who are normally considered small-time), gem is considered a "if you are not specifically pseudo-hawk, do not engage" level threat. she's particularly known for, if her job is to take down someone interesting, handing them a weapon and letting them have a "fair fight" back. only pseudo-hawk (real name false symmetry) has held her off before. the rest of her targets go home in body bags, and she gets her money. she rarely actually kills someone who ISN'T a target, but she still hurts them enough to keep them out of the way if they try to interfere.
and gem... gem knows EXACTLY who her housemates are. she's keeping an eye on the chatter about them, too. right now, no one who wants their head is offering the kind of money the red deer is worth, of course, so she doesn't have to worry. her status as one of the most dangerous villains in the city remains safe, and she can have her civilian friends, especially since she's pretty sure they don't know who she is! but if any of that falls apart. if they find her identity. if impulse manages to piss off an actually powerful villain, or pearl finally steps on the toes of a gang that can do something about her... well. well. gem... doesn't miss a target. and it would be fun! it would be... something, at least. she's starting to not be sure what she'd do, and that's... dangerous, in her line of work.
but the thing is, it's nice sharing a house, the three of them. surely, the weight of everyone's respective secrets and allegiances won't collapse around them!
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thezombieprostitute · 5 months
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Summary: Steve has just about everything he could ever want in life. He's got you, a baby on the way, and a successful Family. No one would dare interfere with that. Right?
A/N: Reader is female, pregnant. No other descriptors used.
Warnings: Death threats, Implied violence, Pregnancy. Please let me know if I missed any!
Part 2
Series Masterlist
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Steve was feeling on top of the world. He had you, the most beautiful, amazing wife in the world and soon enough you’d both have a son. He was definitely in higher spirits than usual for hosting a political fundraiser. 
He spotted you coming back from the bathroom. One of the sacrifices he had to make was that he couldn’t actually be at your side as often because of the frequent bathroom breaks you needed to make. One of the things neither of you thought about when planning for the pregnancy. But it was a worthy sacrifice. He quickly took his leave of his current discussion and went straight for you. 
Every day of your relationship Steve had made sure to tell you how beautiful you are to him. As you see him walking towards you, his face projecting nothing but love, you’re grateful. Pregnancy was already taking its toll on your body and you were regularly feeling less than attractive. But the fact that Steve’s loving expression never changed towards you really helped.
His protectiveness had also amped up considerably but that was understandable given his actual work. Ever since you started showing he also became a lot more possessive. Someone shakes your hand and Steve has to fight the urge to punch them for touching you. It’s taken some time but he’s learned to save it all for when the two of you get home and he can fuck your brains out. Possessive sex with Steve was so much fun you almost went out of your way to make sure to greet the men who insisted on kissing your hand. Steve had caught on, though, and would run interference as much as he could, giving you a look that promised some kind of funishment.
As soon as you were within reach he wrapped his arm around your waist and brought you in for a kiss.
“Missed you,” he sighed.
“I was gone for two minutes,” you laugh quietly.
“And I love you too,” you grin before kissing him. 
Now that your back at his side Steve can focus. There’s more planned idle chatter about upcoming bills and tax reforms. Boring as usual, but necessary for your community. You take pride in knowing how much Steve and his Family put into helping people. 
Steve notices some of his security team moving quickly and he instinctively brings you in closer. He trusts Bucky to handle whatever it is, but he’s ready to move you out of harm’s way at a moment’s notice. 
The talking continues for a few more minutes when Bucky approaches, giving Steve the silent signal that it was urgent. Excusing the two of you from the discussion, Steve walks with you to Bucky. 
“We’re getting you out of here,” Bucky says before turning and walking towards the exit in the back. Steve gently pushes you to follow and you do so. You focus on keeping pace with Bucky and don’t notice how alert Steve is. Even after your usual security guards take their places around you, he keeps looking around for danger.
It isn’t until you’re in the car and see Bucky take the driver’s seat that you realize how serious the situation is. 
As the car gets to moving Bucky starts talking, “we found a hitman in the upper levels of the place. Had a small smoke bomb and a sniper.”
“How’d he get that past security?” Steve’s voice is tight with anger.
“He camped out,” Bucky explained. “Some time between our initial sweep yesterday and the party starting he set himself up. He got found by a couple of our guys doing a patrol. He wasn’t able to clock how much time between patrols,” Bucky’s voice tinged with pride on that last part. He’d been a proponent of patrolling at irregular intervals to throw off would-be threats. 
“So why are we heading out,” you ask. “You secured the threat, right?”
Bucky sighs, looking at Steve in the rear-view mirror. “Yeah, but then we found the contract. It’s an open contract, with an incredibly high price tag.”
Steve sighed, “any idea who wants me dead this time?”
“It wasn’t for you,” Bucky tells him. “It was for her.” Steve’s blood runs cold as you gasp at the news. “That’s why we’re getting her out of sight. Knew you’d want to come along so I brought both of you.” Bucky looks at you in the rear-view mirror. “We’re going to find whoever put out the contract but it’s gonna take time. During that time you’re in significant danger. I’m gonna advise you stay inside, away from windows. Open windows, at least.”
You’re barely registering what he’s saying. The hit was for you. The thought makes you weak and nauseated. Staying inside definitely sounds like a good idea. You feel Steve’s arm pull you even closer to him. He’s silent, a signal as to how furious he is. 
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Once you're inside the safety of Steve’s home you relax a little. This is familiar. This is secure. You rub your belly, trying to calm yourself. Normally Steve would go to his office with Bucky to discuss business but since it involves you, they sit you down in Steve’s comfiest office chair before talking.
“What intel do we have,” Steve asks, pacing the room.
“Garbage Men are getting with GBH to see if he can get them more info,” Bucky replies. “Until then, all we know is the hit is out for Mrs. Steve Rogers and the reward is almost 7 figures.”
“We’re most likely dealing with someone who wants to hit me where it hurts,” Steve reasons. “Who’ve I pissed off that’s got this kind of money?”
“Too many to really help us,” Bucky retorts. “I’ve got some of my men asking their contacts with the other families, confirming who would and who wouldn’t kill a pregnant woman just to hurt you.”
His comments have you crying. If the stress of knowing you were in danger wasn’t enough, the pregnancy hormones made everything worse. Steve is immediately at your side, holding you while Bucky brings over a box of tissues. They hold off their conversation until you’ve calmed down and caught your breath. 
“I’m so sorry, Hummingbird,” Steve gently tells you. 
“It’s not your fault,” you assure. “It’s whoever put out that contract.”
Bucky’s phone beeps with a notification and he checks it. “Well, GBH was able to provide the name that issued the contract but I don’t think it’ll help us.”
“Fake name,” Steve growls.
“Yup,” Bucky confirms. “Dragonfly.”
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Part 2
Series Masterlist
Tags are based on the Hummingbird Series. Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!
@alicedopey; @aryhyuuga; @cynic-spirit; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jamneuromain; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @ktficworld; @leryg0; @rayofdawnworld; @rebekahdawkins; @texmexdarling
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hello, hope you'er having a good time. Whatever time it is right now. I wondered if I can request 141 team x male reader who is a mercenary like in the game hitman for example. So they meet up or there are searching for him. Maybe just escapes everytime or outsmarts them. Working together with reader and they are scared of him. Because he can throw Ghost around and is very stealthy. Has perfected his craft and kill them with anything he can get his hands on. I hope good and have a nice day.
Okay, so never played hitman, but I have seen it so I know what you are talking about. I think I might have to play it. Who knows.
Summary: (Y/N) is the nightmare of 141 task force
Warning: author didn't play hitman but watched it, guns, violence, everything that goes with Modern Warfare, (C/N) = code name
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Price sighed as he walked towards the meeting room. Laswell had some information on their enemy. He was a mercenary, one of the best in the world.
" Hello everyone. Lets get started. " Laswell said as Price sat down. She pulled up (Y/N)'s photo.
" We might have known whereabouts about (C/D). I have to warn you, the chances of finding him are slim. Somehow he always gets out. I don't think I need to tell you to watch out. " Laswell said, taking a cigarette out.
" Just how much we know about him? " Ghost asked, looking at the only confirmed photo of (C/D) on the screen. Those eyes seem empty and calculating.
Ghost had no doubts that (C/D) wouldn't hesitate to kill them all.
" We don't know anything about him, but one thing is certain. " Price said, looking at his team. " He won't hesitate to kill us. He has perfected his craft. " Price said, a solemn silence falling around the room.
" Where do we think he is? " Soap asked, tapping his fingers against the table. The energy has fallen very low, almost to gloomy levels.
" Mexico. Nowhere near Las Almas, thankfully. Alejandro and Rudy are busy so they won't be able to help you. " Laswell said, taking a long drag and coincidently the last drag of her cigarette.
" We are going in a couple of hours. " Price said, rubbing his beard with his hand.
" Any special advice to prepare for this mercenary? " Gaz asked, worry evident his voice. Soap nodded, agreeing with Gaz's question.
" You have to be there mentally. " Price said. Everyone nodded, knowing that there was no way to prepare themselves. It was going to be very dangerous and there was no way to tell how this mission was going to end.
The silence was heavy in the plane. Nobody dared to say anything, everyone was nervous. Soap was bouncing his leg, Gaz was sweating like never before. Ghost was, maybe for the first time ever, was scared in the field. And Price?
There was a bad feeling brewing from within him. Everyone witnessed in some way how brutal and efficient he could be. How ruthless... Merciless...
John shook his head. It wasn't good to think about. Despite the fact that he could use everything as a weapon... That was kind of concerning.
But they could persevere. They could win. All they need is some faith and a miracle to do so. The chopper dropped them off near a house. Well, it was more houses, but they were apart, around 10 meters from each other.
They would have to split.
" Gaz, you are with me. We will have to take the first house. You two take the other. " Price said, getting out of the chopper.
There was a chorus of yes sir and they split up. Everyone was on high alert. They watched their backs, knowing how (Y/N) could be a stealthy bastard. It was quiet over the comms, everyone knowing that they needed to be quiet.
A single mistake could cost them their life.
Gaz and Price moved quietly through the house, stopping at the basement door where they saw blood. Gaz and Price looked at one another. They gripped their rifles tighter and Price slowly opened the doors. The stairs were covered in blood and the smell was just horrid.
They both wanted to gag. Gaz called it in and they moved down. One of their targets from another mission was here. Their target was supposed to be dead. What was he doing here?
" Be careful Gaz. " Price whispered, moving deeper into the basement.
" Rog sir. " Gaz confirmed quietly.
Eventually Price managed to reach the light switch. He turned it on and it was a ghastly sight. Bodies just laying down dead. The worst of all, there were no signs of struggle.
Gaz felt a shudder go through his body and both of them freeze when they hear somebody walk above them. Ghost and Soap would have called it in. Gaz and Price shared a look before moving upstairs, back on the ground floor.
(C/D), standing there, nursing a cup of something.
" Captain. Sergeant. " (C/D) said, raising his cup.
" All right, drop down on your knees and show us your hands! " Price said, making (Y/N) look at him blankly.
" You two realize that I can kill you with this cup, right? " (C/D) said, clearly not impressed.
" What do you want? " Gaz asked, making (Y/N) put the cup down.
" I have a proposition. But I need the other two here too. " (Y/N) said, leaning back on the kitchen counter. Price could see a knife strapped to his thigh, not to mention a gun, tucked in the lower back of (Y/N).
Gaz called Soap and Ghost and those two came in record time. Ghost and (Y/N) stared at one another. Ghost wanted to jump him, but he knew better. (Y/N) was better than him, better than the four of them combined.
" What is happening? " Soap asked, confused to see (Y/N) so relaxed. It was eerie.
" I wanted to give you guys a proposition. " (Y/N) said calmly, looking at the task force.
(Y/N) waited for a moment before continuing, " I will work together with you guys. I will live on the base under your supervision, but there is one condition. " (Y/N) said, watching various reactions. Shock, suspicion, wonder...
" And what would that be? " Price asked.
" I get to have my privacy. I will be on base, but I want my privacy. "
" And what do we get in return? " Price asked.
" You won't be afraid of me anymore. You don't think I didn't see the fear in your eyes when you saw me? Not to mention that you will have a great asset on your team. " (Y/N) said.
Everyone looked at one another, clearly thinking. (Y/N) wasn't wrong in any way shape or form. They feared him and the fact that they might have him on the team...
" Okay, you are coming with us, now. " Price said, nodding his head towards the chopper outside.
" Just don't cuff me and we will be fine. "
Everyone entered the chopper and started flying. It was definitely tense and Gaz broke the silence.
" Is true that you could kill us with the mug? " Gaz asked, gathering attention from everybody.
" Yes. Everything is weapon. I could kill you with a bobby pin. " (Y/N) said, shrugging his shoulders.
The chopper fell into silence once more. This was going to be interesting... Partnership.
" Price, remind me again, why do we have to spar with (Y/N)? " Soap asked, watching as (Y/N) got ready to spar with Ghost. It was going to be the showdown of the decade. And the biggest showdown in the history of this base.
" Because you need to know what you need to work on. Believe it or not, he knows a lot. " Price explained.
" Oh my God. " Gaz said. (Y/N) turned his head to look at Ghost, looking at the weak spots that the big man might have.
" Wait, why did you kill our previous target? " Gaz asked, remembering the bodies.
" I went rouge. He was... A problem to me. So I got rid of him. He died slowly, just like he deserved. " (Y/N) explained, looking at Gaz.
Gaz nodded, moving away from the ropes. Ghost and (Y/N) walked into the ring. Ghost would rather die than admit this, but he was very nervous.
Price whistled and the two started sparring. Well, (Y/N) sparred. Ghost was thrown across the ring with absolute ease. Soap's jaw fell down onto the floor.
Oh my God.
Price didn't know what to say. He tried to, but no words came out. Gaz had to sit down on the floor. And poor Ghost? He just laid there... In pain... Not physical, no. His pride was hurting. And so was his reputation.
(Y/N) just wiped his hands.
" Okay, I think that this cooperation is going to go well. " Price said, clapping his hands together.
Ghost just grunted from the mat. Soap sighed and Gaz stayed silent. (Y/N) snickered quietly. Yeah, it's going to go well.
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brrypiiix · 25 days
The Cellmates
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They have a ton more info already ready( 2 arcs, 3 big events and fully written lore) but simple introduction (they are criminals with more darker themes to them so please be aware)
Extra Info
Funkenstein - funk troll
Phaser - funk troll
Cinder - pop troll
Current - techno troll
Maverick - rock troll
Funkenstein will 100% kill you
Cinder will 100% kill you
Maverick is 70% likely to kill you
Phaser and Current the only ones who dont aim to kill unless special occasion
• Maverick was arrested like a week or two after the second movie, and was one of the leading causes for the royals to get together and come up with a solution about the major major criminals in each of their tribe
• Current was arrested three weeks after the second movie. Hertz group got to cocky and thought that Vibe City was perfect to make a bunch of money selling drugs there and thought it’d be easy so they were fast to try it
• Phaser at 18 was arrested a month after the second movie
• Funkenstein maybe was arrested by the end of the first month
• Cinder was arrested a couple months after the third movie
Funkenstein - High class surgeon and professor thats always secretly been fucked up and good at hiding what he’s been doing until authorities finally found out
Maverick - Brutal, highly well known hitman, one of the earliest caught and caused the royals to make a big decision of where to throw the really fucked up criminals
Current - Drug addict who was in a little drug dealing gang lead by his boyfriend Hertz, until their first major attempt to sneak drugs into Funk City and Current was left behind during their escape through the sewers/under parts of the city
Phaser - Extremely high level hacker and inventor. So much so that after he was arrested the Funk military took his inventions to use for themselves. He was caught due to a very certain altercation between him and his ex who so happened to be Darnell, prince of Funk. It caused an accident and Phaser to be arrested and thats how they found out all of his majorly fucked up crimes
Cinder - Boyband crazed fan gone wrong.
Also the cellmates lore has 2 arcs and 3 major events:
The Meeting Arc
The Great Escape
The Mansion Arc
The Sirens Tear
Last one is a surprise
Bonus Info on some of the Cellmates. I’ll cover more later
Extra info on Funkenstein - He has a little brother named Willie who died at the age of like 5-6 due to sickness When Funkenstein was just 12-13. He was the only one Funkenstein felt a sense of love and care for. Funkenstein’s dad also was majorly horrible and enforced Funkenstein’s behavior to be more formal bc he came from a rich family. He’s also a monster compared to other trolls. Trolls are normally 6 inches, Phaser is 6 1/2 and Funkenstein is 7 inches. He’s also able to break shit like nothing. Also him being a high class surgeon makes it to where he knows how to kill someone instantly and does it with no expression no remorse. When he was arrested he hasnt experimented on anyone since except for a few exceptions. But beforehand whenever he’d experiment on someone he’d just turn the radio onto some old asf tunes, sometimes whistle along maybe, and just go about it at his own pace unbothered by the victims antics.
Extra Phaser info - Bro jams out to songs even on heists and his ass always gets in trouble. Maverick and him have the type of relationship where Phaser says or does some stupid shit and Maverick either beats his ass, punches him down or tries to. Phaser can also moonwalk. I need that to be known. Phaser also is a fucking king at cooking, but thats only because his parents heavily neglected him as a child so much so that he had to learn how to cook on his own. And yet Phaser’s favorite food is pizza and he’ll drag the others to the nearest pizza arcade to get some
Extra info on Current - Extremely co-dependent, weakness is gemstones or anything shiny, you get secondhand embarrassment from him because sometimes he’s just out of it and runs into things like a trashcan or a wall and sometimes knocks himself out with that. He’s also venomous
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babyjakes · 9 months
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devils roll the dice.
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompts | sex tape + medfet
pairing | hitman!robert pronge x innocent!reader
warnings | extremely dark, the darkest thing i've ever written (we've entered dead dove do not eat territory; please heed ALL warnings.) canon-level mature themes: kidnapping, torture films, murder. implications that reader will be killed. robert is cold and ruthless. innocent!virgin!reader. filming of illicit sex tape. reader is blindfolded and gagged. restraints. medfet elements: robert's little setup is giving vintage white tile exam room, exam table, stirrups, those gd black gloves, speculum use. clit focus (puff puff content incoming.) vibrator. multiple forced orgasms. squirting. overstimulation. mocking and degradation. robert puts a cig out on reader's leg. written in 3rd person idk.
word count | 1,485
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an | i'm kind of sitting here like wtf, ,, what is this and how did it come out of me lol. a little nervous to post, but i trust you guys to make responsible decisions about the media you consume!!! i'll probably never write something this fucked up again but for whatever reason it was just flowing out of me tonight folks, please again i'm begging you go read the warnings, like a second time through wouldn't hurt lol, and i hope you enjoy!!
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Bringing its bitter end to his lips, Robert used one hand to draw in a deep breath of his dwindling cigarette, the other lazily holding a black magic wand in its designated place. He was nearly an hour into the day's filming session, and his subject was reaching a level of exhaustion and misery that made her more annoying to play with than anything else. But knowing he needed to milk at least a little more footage out of her before putting her back under and calling it a day, the man kept at the task. He tried to remind himself that he should be enjoying himself; considering the kinds of commissions he generally had to choose from, this particular case was a treat. A pretty little virgin, as soft and pure as the early spring rain, with the most stunning body the criminal had ever had the privilege of defiling. He could spend another thirty minutes at his station, watching as all the life and dignity were drained out of his poor little victim like blood dripping to the cold tile floor.
Through the musty cloth rammed between her battered lips, the poor girl's cries were escalating as her tormentor swirled the curve of the wand's slick bulb over her burning clit. Robert knew what her worsening wails meant; with a callous grin, he pulled his cig from his mouth just in time to press its smoking end to the girl's inner thigh as she came. With the howl she let out, he was thankful for the buffer the gag provided. "Noisy little bitch," he laughed as her juices sprayed out against his gloved hands. "That's it, slut. Fucking take it."
Glancing at the camcorder sitting off to his side, Robert considered his options. As much satisfaction as he derived from seeing how many orgasms could be wrung out of the poor thing before her body knocked her out as an act of mercy, his sadistic tendencies were getting bored of the monotony. Tossing the used cigarette to the floor, the man slowed the wand to a stop. He rolled away slightly on his stool, tossing the condom that was wrapped over the toy's head into the large black trash bag sitting in the center of the large room's floor. This far into his career, Robert had his methods down to a science. There was a way to keep everything clean, everything untraceable.
It was the whole purpose of his "worksite"; it provided a secure, controlled environment for the entire job to take place in, from start to flatline finish. The "set" was by far his favorite portion of the space, and understandably so, as it's where his sick imagination got to run wild for hours, days on end. And his clients were just as enthusiastic about the vivid stage he had put together for their subjects to shine on. It was somewhat inspired by a vintage gynecology office. He had the classic off-white exam table, equipped with a daunting pair of metal stirrups that were always positioned just a little wider than what would be comfortable. A sturdy set of restraints were of course a must, and to make sure the camera picked up on every agonizing detail, he had installed an adjustable surgical light overhead that could be aimed and drawn in to illuminate any area or action he chose. He hadn't struggled to gather all the tools and instruments he could ever want, either. A few of his buyers were licensed professionals themselves, opening the door to acquiring inventory from the big-name brands in bulk.
The other corners of the room had their designated uses as well: one with a filthy mattress for the unconscious victims to waste away on as heavy drugs pumped through their systems, another with large plastic sheets covering the floor, walls, and ceiling where the poor souls were hosed down (inside and out) before a bullet to the temple inevitably ended their long days of suffering. But most of their waking hours were spent on that dreaded padded table, the very spot where Robert's most recent capture was using the few moments he spent away from his station desperately trying to regain control of her breathing.
He returned to his position swiftly after switching out his soiled pair of black gloves for fresh ones, not wanting to waste any of his or his client's time. The sight of the girl's abused sex was enough to make the man drool; it had been quite some time since he had seen such a marvelous-looking cunt, so glorious in its messy destruction. Knowing he should share the beautiful sight, he took the time to adjust the camera, zooming in from a full-body shot to focus solely on the spot between the victim's legs. With the humiliating inspection he was preparing to perform, he wanted to be sure his buyer got to see each drop of come the poor girl let out, every twitch and spasm he would pull from her helpless body.
"Now let's see here," the man breathed as he brought his gloved fingers up to gently spread out the ruined-looking pussy before him. Noticing the way his subject winced as her puffy folds were pried open, he couldn't help but laugh in dark delight. He drew his attention to her throbbing clit, noting how much it had grown in size from all those unwanted orgasms he had forced out of her. Its hood was completely retracted, leaving the poor bud exposed to the open air. In a moment of perverted curiosity, Robert pinched the hardened nub harshly between his fingers, earning the prettiest sob he had heard from the girl all day. He chuckled once more, rolling and pulling at the knot of flesh for a few more seconds of additional torture before finally moving his hands away.
"What do you think? Should we try for one more?" he mused mockingly as he grabbed a plastic speculum from one of the drawers built in beneath the table, unwrapping it and tossing its trash to the side before pausing to grin deviously over his victim. Glancing up at her head, he realized it was still covered with a black hood he had put on her at the beginning of the shoot. The buyer had requested for her to be blindfolded like this for a decent portion of the film, offering the explanation that she was "afraid of the dark," and that he wanted to see her in as much pain and fear as humanly possible. The hood had served its purpose for the day, but now, Robert wanted the poor girl to see each and every way he was going to be violating her body in real time. In one swift motion, he reached up and pulled the pocket of fabric away, exposing her stunning tear-stained face. "Hi sweetheart," he greeted viciously. Just as he was hoping, her cries worsened as she saw the dreaded tool in his hands. He had a certain liking for holding up the devices he was preparing to use to see his victim's reactions; after all, he got off on fear and dread just as much as his clients did.
"Time to open up this pretty little cunt and see what kind of damage we did," the man enthused as he forced the tip of the instrument into the girl's drenched opening. By now, she had been well stretched out and ruined by her captor's horrific methods. Grappling with his usual lack of restraint and self-control, Robert had barely made the drive back with the girl tied up in his trunk without pulling over and popping that perfect little cherry on his own time, without a single camera properly rolling.
Turning the speculum as it was fully inserted, the man took great pleasure in squeezing the handle to force the tool open, each tiny click that sounded only stretching the poor thing's aching walls out to a further, more painful degree. "There," he sighed in satisfaction as the last notch was reached. Pulling his hands away, he gave himself and the camera a few seconds to enjoy the view of the girl's milky insides, so worn and sore from the days of torture she'd endured.
"Alright. One more," he finally hummed, using his gloved fingers to collect some of the plentiful slick dripping from the speculum before dragging them up to find that adorable little button he loved bullying so much. Her fading sobs were revived in an instant, her throat growing hoarse from all the screaming she'd done. But as much as she cried, Robert was determined to get one final orgasm from her before putting her back under for the day. After spending so much time making that pretty pussy as puffy and sensitive as possible, he deserved to see it coming all stretched out painfully over his instrument of choice.
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darkpetal16 · 21 days
So we've got mafiafell wingding and papyrus headcanons, but what about mafiafell sans? Even a crumb would be very appreciated
Oh man. I put these HC undercut for 1.) T/W for toxic relationship and 2.) Spoilers for one of his bad endings in the game.
Mafiafell!Sans is a hot mess and puts the yan in yandere.
Ooooo boy. He’s a walking, talking red flag.
He’s a Judge: a monster born with the Judgment ability. His magic is toxic to anyone with EXP or LVL (including himself, although he has built up resistance) and he can see the truth of anyone’s SOUL.
His ability awakened at a young age in an unexpected outburst that resulted in the death of one of Asgore’s Royal Guards. By consequence, in order to avoid execution, he had to become the newest Judge.
He, essentially, became a glorified hitman for the Dreemur family at a young age, with the added bonus of each of his kills causing magic whiplash and damaging himself in the process.
He’s seen a lot of awful things, and done a lot worse things.
It. . . Doesn’t sit well with him.
He never wanted to take a life. He never wanted to hurt anyone.
But he had that choice taken away from him, and now he’s in too deep. The EXP, in conjunction with his Judgment ability, has warped him in a deeply disturbing way.
He’s volatile, violent, and viscous. And bitter. So, very, very bitter.
He’s got a short temper, but how he acts on it depends on the severity of his rage. For “smaller” issues, it’s an instantaneous reaction of violence. For the big issues, it’s something he’ll stew over and take his time to seek retribution. Basically: If he gets loud fast, the person will probably make it out alive. If he gets quiet though? They’re dead. And they’re not dying easily.
His volatility is a big reason why he always has Papyrus or Wingding nearby for important events.
This does mean that early in the relationship, when none of them know how well he can control himself around you, all of your dates will be secretly chaperoned by either Wings or Pap. You’ll likely never see them, but they’re there for your (physical) wellbeing and Sans’ (mental) wellbeing.
After a lifetime of absolute garbage thrown his way, you are a desperately needed breath of fresh air. He was drowning in misery and you’re the lifeline thrown to him. He will latch on with a zealous fervor.
Any bit of happiness and affection you give him, he’ll greedily devour. The more you give, the more he’ll come to need you until he literally will not tolerate you out of his life.
So do not commit, do not engage, do not give this man any type of hope for a relationship unless you’re ready for that level of emotional dependency. Breaking it off once it’s too late won’t end well for either of you. Because he’s type who can love a doll as much as the real deal.
But if that’s your thing too? If this is what you need too. . . ?
He’s your guy. Loyal. Ferociously loyal. Would fight an army for you. Would go to war for you. Would break any law for you. He supports your wrongs and your rights equally, as long as he gets to be by your side in the process.
He didn’t have money growing up (all money earned had to go into paying back his “debt” to the Dreemur family), so now that he has it he likes to spend it. Especially on loved ones (you & his brothers). Shopping trips are a bi weekly thing, and they always end in a fancy dinner date.
He wants to travel the world, and he’ll gleefully take you with him. He wants to visit a place that’s always dark, and someplace where the sun never sets. He wants to see the auroras, and an endless sea of sand.
He’s always wanted to go to school to learn. Always wanted to learn physics, mechanical engineering, and astronomy. Never could, and he thinks it’s too late now. He’ll always brush it off if you try to encourage him.
But if you take him to college lectures on the stuff, he’s like a kid in a candy shop. You’ll see a glimpse of what he was like before he became a Judge; a childlike level of sincere happiness, and a small smile on his face.
Dates are extravagant. He knows he’s fucked in the head so he’s hoping to keep your attention by impressing you. Maybe if you’re wowed enough you’ll forgive his cracks.
Speaking of cracks, he’s got the most broken bones in the family. Most of the time, Wings or Toriel can heal such injuries but ones caused by his Judge ability don’t heal.
If you ask about them he’ll give you increasingly crazier stories. Anything is better than the truth.
Speaking of stories, he loves to tell them and loves to listen. If you’d like to read, he would genuinely love it if you read him. It doesn’t matter the genre, he just enjoys them with a pure sincerity.
And if you want him to read to you? That’s fine by him. Although you’ll probably have to pick out the books… And forgive him when he stumbles on words. He didn’t have a proper education growing up. What he knows is what Wings has been able to teach him in their very limited free time. 
He can sing! Specifically lullabies, because that was the only thing that could sue Papyrus when he was a toddler. It’s not something he likes others to know, however, he’ll make the exception for you.
He can also cook. Very well. He learned along side Papyrus as something for the two of them to do together. He didn’t have a lot of free time and he didn’t want Papyrus to feel lonely, so he would learn how to cook with him. 
Very good at reading people. Even without his judge ability, he’s an expert at reading, micro expressions, understanding someone’s tone, and interpreting body language. His intuition is above reproach, even Asgore trusts it. 
He learned sign language when Wings lost his voice for a few months. Sans thought it would be come permanently so he stayed up late to learn it and be ready to teach it to Wings. Thankfully, Wings recovered so it’s been a rarely used skill.
Quality time is important to him. If you have something important in your life that you want him to attend, absolutely nothing will stop him from being there. 
Don’t try to get him jealous. Not only will your suitor be killed, but if he thinks you’re doing it on purpose, he won’t let it go. He won’t lay a hand on you. . . he doesn’t have to to discourage you from ever thinking about doing that again.
He’s a hot mess. There’s no getting around this. There is no therapy in his time, and the toxic masculinity expected of him will prevent him from ever admitting his emotional vulnerabilities in any way that matters.
He’ll be tender for you. He’ll be soft for you. He’ll be kinder around you. He won’t raise his voice. He won’t lay a hand on you. He’ll support your dreams, financially and emotionally. He’ll start with you if you want.
But that’s the extent of what he can do for now, and for a long times
And that’s the best he can do.
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luna-blood · 5 months
I was debating on YouTube about Sasuke but YouTube deletes comments, especially those that have a link. It was also difficult for me to search for the publications. So I gave myself the task of collecting posts from all Sasuke fans and neutral critics of the work 'Naruto' that talk about Sasuke and his relationship with the other Naruto characters. I have also included my contributions, such as questions to other users and post responses. I hope this post helps you when you need support when you are debating in favor of Sasuke. Without anything else to say, I leave you the links:
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Positive qualities of Sasuke.
Sasuke's chakra is extremely powerful, voluminous, and denser than Senjutsu chakra!
It is false that Bee could have killed Sasuke any time he wanted.
¡Sasuke has been shown to nullify mortal wounds with Raiton!
Sasuke is literally the first person to survive the Raikage's Liger Bomb.
All Sasuke received from Raikage was a small lip bleed, while Raikage lost an arm and another Kage, Gaara, had to intervene to save his leg and his life.
Orochimaru's "physical condition" has nothing to do with his ritual and Sasuke's victory.
Analysis Sasuke vs Deidara.
Sasuke killed Danzo; he did not commit suicide.
Are Itachi and Kakashi really prodigies at the level their fans believe them to be? No.
The only reason Naruto managed to hurt Kaguya was because Sasuke forced her to change dimensions more than once and she herself had changed dimensions about four times in total.
Because Sasuke haters say that Haku is simply more tragic and a better person than Sasuke; and Batman too!
What is it about Sasuke that provokes people so much, compared to all the other fictional characters (in and out of Naruto) who have done bad things? Gaara was killing people for fun in part 1, but no one ever complains about him not being punished. Zuko from ATLA burned down a village of civilians, sent a hitman after Team Avatar, and was just lucky that no civilian was injured/killed, but everyone adores him. But Sasuke is unredeemable for threatening to destroy the village?
A back and forth on why Sasuke is a much better realized character, with thematic and narrative depth, compared to Kurapika and Zuko.
Sasuke is the imperfect victim unlike the perfect victims of ATLA and Full Metal Alchemist.
Sasuke's character is too good for the Naruto universe.
Are people upset that Sasuke was going to let the Shinobi Alliance perish?
Sasuke as a feminist icon.
Sakura is a female incel.
Sakura is a narcissistic.
Sakura inserted herself because she wanted validations from people who were out of her league, that's why. She is perfect for self-insert.
The mere idea of turning over an entire manga in your head in which Sasuke hides a raging boner (at age 12) for Sakura is... repulsive. Don't you have anything better to do?
Sasuke never kissed Sakura.
The blow on the forehead is not the maximum expression of love.
Naruto Gaiden is a fucking masterpiece! It proves that Sasuke doesn't love Sakura.
Sasuke retsuden is not canon.
Sasuke retsuden is not canon, Jun Esaka herself said it and if you are a fan of Sasuke it is normal that you hate Sakura because Sasuke is unhappy with her.
Sasuke still considers Sakura inferior.
Sasuke didn't push Sakura away because of the curse of hate.
Sasuke rejected Sakura, Ino and Karin, he didn't push them away because he was afraid.
Sasuke is not in love with Karin and did not have sex in part 2 with Karin.
Why Karin's fans say she had sex with Sasuke in part 2.
What does Kakashi know about the genocide and the physical and mental torture that would lead the child victim to a fatal coma, at the hands of a family member?
Naruto is a narcissistic.
Why Naruto is the worst character.
How can anyone read the two chapter panels showing two very different worlds the characters occupy and be surprised by the way it ended? They were not going to reconcile since the world where Sasuke exists is the antithesis of the world where his former team resides.
Lee was never "good” at Taijutsu, let alone being a genius at it. The series' main theme, revolves around bonds. When the manga began, Naruto let loose Kurama (unintentionally) against Haku, breaking all Ice Mirrors that ... no Jutsu could break; and that, happened way back in the Waves Arc. How does that associate "hard-work" with Naruto's character, upon whom many poor souls project their misfortunes to feel vindicated, when two geniuses (Sasuke and Kakashi) in the near-vicinity failed? Naruto powered through this via nothing but brute force; and that isn't a precursor to hard-work. That's the exact opposite. With the beginning of the next Arc, the "if we work hard, we could beat all odds, too" trope lovers got their kicks from Sasuke's humiliation at Lee's hands (or gates?); but then they conveniently forget that Lee himself stated that what Sasuke accomplished was literally impossible for someone like him (he even emphasized on this argument). Gai even went so far as to state that even with the Sharingan's power, Sasuke should never have been able to do what he did (he literally invented his own Taijutsu maneuver from Lee's in a single day; if that's not prodigious, I don't know what is); and Gai, last I checked, is an authority on the subject of Taijutsu, not you—yes, you! Sasuke mastered Kimimaro's CS in under two hours whilst Lee survived simply because Kimimaro was dying and he literally died whilst delivering a death-blow to Gaara and Lee; so thematically, narratively, and metaphorically, Sasuke matched an adversary against whom both Gaara and Lee lost? That and Lee was outshined by Sasuke twice in a row, going so far as to undermine Lee in his own life endeavors that involved years of sweat and tears?
Shikamaru's revenge is meaningless unlike Sasuke's.
People who support Nagato but vilify Sasuke sound a lot more idiotic than they think.
In defense of Fugaku.
How does Sasuke's revolution develop?
Why didn't the narrative validate Sasuke's radical change from Konoha's Will of Fire to the Revolution?
Itachi massacred the clan out of conscience.
The difference between Kushina and Itachi is not that big.
The policies of Tobirama Senju and the Uchiha genocide.
At what point will people stop demanding Sasuke?
Tsunade was at the forefront of the Second Shinobi World War that massacred the people of Nagato, plundered their land's resources, and continued to use the land as a battlefield resulting in mass deaths, poverty, and suffering. A war that Konoha started.
Why do so many people still blame Sasuke for Sasuke's past?
Uchihas do not have mental illnesses.
Sasuke vs Readers without empathy.
Kishimoto canon vs Studio Pierrot fanservice.
The brilliant change of perspective and theme between Hebi and Taka Sasuke; and that there is no writing defect in the moment in which Sasuke stabs Karin to reach Danzō.
Tobirama never accepted the Uchiha as true allies like Hashirama did, never trusting them, something he admitted so openly that his brother had to warn him "not to continue pursuing the Uchiha." And the Uchiha weren't planning to kill innocent people, they were planning to take over the government itself.
Kishimoto is anti sasusaku and anti naruhina.
Kishimoto never wanted to write Boruto.
The real Sasuke fans.
Sasuke winking at Sakura was never happened in the manga, it was a translation error.
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bloodyshadow1 · 3 months
A-Train is such an interesting character, because is season 1 he is clearly the bad guy. He is basically Hughie's arch enemy because he killed Robin and barely cared, it's not just enemy stuff because they're on different sides, it's personal for them. That caused Hughie to join the boys and created their feud, where the Boys blackmail Popclaw, A-Train kills her and blames Hughie for using her, A-Train goes to his house and threatens his dad, Hughiehas Kimiko break one of his legs, when A-train is healed up he goes after Hughie personally and has a heart attack after beating Starlight. Hughie however saves his life but they aren't even in A-Trains eyes, but they're both alive by the end. That's kind of the last time A-Train specifically is 'the bad guy' in the show because once season 2 rolls around, he has other problems than Hughie to deal with and so does Hughie. They don't like each other, but they're forced to ally up for their own advancement.
The things is, as the show goes on, we see how dark the world is and unfortunately, while Hughie hates him personally, A-Train is one of the better Supes, and even people in the main cast. It doesn't make him a good person by any means, but just by showing how terrible the rest of the world is, it changes the curve and puts him on the better side, despite his actions being very personal. As far as we know, his 3 big sins are killing Robin, killing Popclaw, and betraying Supersonic to Homelander so he killed him. There might be more but that's why I can remember. I'm not counting standing aside to let Deep and Newoir kill the homelander stans, or taking Bluehawk to the community meeting because while that was dumb and ended tragically he was trying to do some good with it. And don't get me wrong, he's done plenty of terrible things and threatened to do more, but wasn't able to follow up on it so it's hard to judge. I'm not downplaying what he's done, it's just that 3 people are a lot less compared to what other people have done. And yes, the implication is that Robin wasn't the first or last person A-Train killed like that, but it's hard when it's just the implication of something that happened off screen.
Everyone in the Boys has blood on their hands on both sides and it's hard to judge A-Train given how horrible the other characters are. Because the thing is, there's a difference between personal and actual when it comes to judging a person. You hate the person who bullied you in school more than someone who committed a mass shooting hundreds of miles away. It's not that you like the shooter more, it's just that while you condemn them, it's not personal, you don't hate them, you think they're horrible and but you stop thinking about it because it doesn't impact your life. Whereas even if you adulthood you might hate your childhood bully for what they did to you, you might never actually recover or get closure for it. That's what it's like Hughie/the viewer and A-train. Because Hughie is the audience surrogate and we see the shit that happens between him and A-Train, we're trained to hate him. However he's still only the middle of the pact in the Seven that we meet. Homelander is homelander, The deep is a serial rapist, Black Noir has killed a lot of people on missions and cleaning up after Homelander, but is also Edgars hitman until he's ousted. Then there's Translucent who I'd put on the same horrible level as A-Train, he's a pervert who sexually harrasses at least his teammates and went to silence Hughie, but we don't really see him (for lack of a better word) do anything else as horrible as the other 3, partially because he dies so quickly. Below A-Train's level are Maeve who is apathetic, but does still do hero stuff and is more broken than evil. And finally Starlight who genuinely wanted to do good in the Seven, but then realized what they actually were.
The thing is, even Starlight has blood on her hands. She murdered someone in season 2. It was to save Hughie's life and he drew a gun on her, but she still killed him. You can't even call it self defense because the only reason why he drew the gun on her was because he didn't want to get his car stolen, and even then a handgun wouldn't have hurt her anyway. He died so she could save Hughie. I don't think it makes her a monster, but it does mean she has blood on her hands that she kind of ignores for the rest of the series so far. The point isn't that she is a monster or just as bad, but she has done bad stuff to protect herself and the people she loves, or in the name of the greater good.
The rest of the boys are even worse because MM is probably the cleanest besides Hughie, he is still an accomplice to a lot of horrible stuff that they do for the sake of taking down Supes. Butcher, like Homelander is Butcher, he's willing to do horrible things to get what he wants, he has more restraint than his arch nemesis but he's still done a lot of horrible things to kill Homelander, murder included. Frenchie has done tons of horrible stuff when he was working for Nina, he is trying to make up for it or at least do good and be kind now, but it doesn't change he murdered innocent people because his boss told him to. Kimiko murdered a lot of people, most were bad, but she didn't do it because ti was the right thing to do, she did it for money and because they were bad so it made it okay. And let's not even get started on the stuff she did as a brainwashed child soldier of the Shining Light.
But it's okay that the Boys are doing bad things, because for the most part supes are worse. Every Supe that is mentioned is horrible unless they're a joke of fodder. Racists who kill black people because they're 'criminals,' or target migrant workers because they know they can get away with. Rapists who know vought will pay to cover up their crimes and keep their victims silent one way or another. the list goes on.
The point isn't that A-Train is innocent or not a bad guy, he's done both and has been sympathetic since season 1. then kind of became the butt monkey of the show that no one really respects by season 3, before getting his powers back. He is a complex character in a gray world. The more time goes on, the more messed up the curve is. He isn't a saint, but I think he's sympathetic and it does mean that it seems like currently he seems to be on the path to redemption, and I hope he is redeemed and survives switching sides.
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mori233 · 1 year
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𝑻𝑾: 𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒔, 𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒆𝒕, 𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑.
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•Alastor Arawn, known as the most feared and respected hitman in the criminal underworld, was an imposing figure. With his impressive appearance, he was a handsome man, tall and with a strong and toned physique. Always dressed in an impeccable black suit, his deep blue eyes like the ocean stood out on his face, highlighting his prominent dark circles. His black hair was always perfectly groomed.
• However, behind this intimidating appearance, Alastor carried a difficult and abusive life story. He had never known true love, except for the crumbs his broken mother had given him. Her voice echoed in his dark thoughts, reminding him that when he found someone to love, it should be different from his father. Never hurt, only love unconditionally, giving everything he had.
• Despite his solitary life, Alastor dreamed of having a normal life with someone to love. However, he knew that this was an unattainable wish given the world he lived in. Despite this, he continued to yearn for love, his heart aching at times, an eternal struggle against his thoughts.
• Despite his dedication to work, Alastor accumulated a considerable fortune. However, he never spent his money on anything, preferring to save it. This choice resulted in his rise to billionaire status, and he ended up buying a mansion in one of the city's wealthiest neighborhoods. The house was discreet, just like the people who inhabited it.
•Highly trained in the art of killing, Alastor always came out victorious in his missions. His life was constantly at stake in the dangerous underworld game, but he effortlessly eliminated his opponents. He was a constant threat to those who tried to take him down, always one step ahead.
•Alastor possessed a sharp intelligence for reading people, especially those who sought him out for their own gains. His keen instinct allowed him to identify the motivations and true intentions of anyone who crossed his path. He knew he couldn't easily trust the people around him, being cautious and always acting with extreme suspicion.
•Despite his painful and dark life in the criminal underworld, Alastor Arawn harbored a burning desire for love and a different life. He was a feared and respected figure, but also someone who longed to find someone who would love him unconditionally, accepting him in his entirety, including his inner demons. For now, he would continue his lonely journey, always staying alert and readily willing to protect the only thing that truly mattered: his own life.
•At least until you arrived, my beautiful wife, Alastor's story took on a new chapter. He remembered so well the first time he saw you, that memory was one of the most cherished among all he had by his side.
•On that day, Alastor was on one of his missions, tasked with eliminating a low-level criminal. However, there was a small problem: the target was about to perform in an orchestra concert. Alastor knew he had to act with caution.
•He entered the grand concert venue, a place lavishly decorated with the luxuries of society. Powerful individuals were present, but he knew they weren't from the underworld, as the government hid that reality from the population to avoid chaos. But Alastor was not there to dwell on that, he had a clear objective.
•Sitting discreetly behind the target, Alastor was able to appreciate the music that filled the room. Each instrument blended into a beautiful and enchanting melody. Curiously, as the music softly diminished, revealing even more incredible sounds, a new melody captured Alastor's keen ears. Definitely, someone stood out among all, maybe it was a piano, although the area where the person played was somewhat dark.
•The sweet and seductive melody touched the seemingly dead heart of Alastor. He was enchanted with every beat of his heart, just like the people around him who looked admirably at the new sound. Nevertheless, Alastor never forgot the real reason for being there, for having his target seated in front of him.
•Then, a light illuminated the skilled person playing the piano, revealing a beautiful woman elegantly dressed in a dress and high heels. Her fingers danced professionally across the keys of the black piano. Alastor opened his eyes, his heart racing as if it would burst. He was so enchanted to see you for the first time that, for a few minutes, he completely forgot his true purpose there.
•As soon as the performance ended, everyone stood up, including Alastor, to applaud standing up. His piercing blue eyes stared at every fiber of your being, he needed to find out more about you. As your target left, Alastor followed calmly, effortlessly, but his mind was completely focused on you, on the beautiful figure that seemed like an angel playing that piano.
•When the target passed through an alley, Alastor pulled out a gun with a built-in silencer from inside his suit and, with little effort, eliminated him. As soon as Alastor left the alley, the underworld "cleaners" quickly took care of cleaning the area and removing the target's body.
•Alastor became increasingly intrigued by you, perhaps that's the right word to describe his feeling towards you. He started investigating everything about you, attending all your piano performances. It was quite easy, considering you were a professional and extremely famous pianist.
•He always watched you from afar, but suddenly he couldn't stay away anymore. You became the only thing he would never allow to leave his life. Alastor collected information about you, discovering your likes, passions, your family, your favorite food, and even the address where you lived. He knew everything about you, while you had no idea who he was.
•The first time he approached you was strange. After one of your performances, you saw him, a tall man dressed in an elegant suit, approaching. Alastor was calm, though cautious. He found you so adorable, but the silence between you was awkward. Quickly, like a trained professional in various situations, he complimented you and gently kissed your hand.
•After that encounter, things started to go right for Alastor. The killer felt more and more enchanted by you. You were calm, reserved, and kind, rarely speaking. This made Alastor need to communicate more to get closer to you.
•However, one day, a man approached you and flirted shamelessly. This enraged the assassin. He smiled falsely kindly at the man and pushed him away from you. His mother's words echoed in his mind, no one would take you away from him. You were the only person he felt such strong and intense emotions for.
•Alastor had always lived a dangerous life filled with dark secrets. As a hitman, he learned to trust only himself and to hide his true intentions behind a charming mask.
•Alastor's feelings for you grew overwhelmingly, becoming stronger and uncontrollable. He was willing to do anything to keep you by his side, protected and safe from all the evil that could haunt you.
•As the days went by, you found yourself deeply enchanted by the mysterious man named Alastor Arawn. He was always present at all your performances, always watching you with a caring look. This gesture amazed you, and you couldn't deny that he was extremely handsome.
•The assassin, in turn, began to get more and more involved in your life. An idea began to take shape in his mind: to retire from the world of shadows and leave behind his life as a hitman. This decision was not easy, as it involved completing a mission considered impossible by many. However, Alastor managed to overcome it, showing his unmatched determination and skill.
•Alastor's retirement caused a great turmoil in the underworld of crime, after all, Joker had abandoned his career without leaving any traces or explanations. No one knew the true reason behind this decision, which further increased curiosity and speculations.
•After leaving everything behind, he finally entered into a relationship with you. Alastor was extremely affectionate, always spoiling, taking care of, and showing his love for you. You got married, becoming husband and wife, but even after the marriage, you never discovered your husband's true dark past.
•Alastor was skilled at hiding his sinful and dark emotions. You were his world, the beating heart that made him feel complete. He would do anything to ensure your safety, your love, and to have you by his side. To him, that was love. It was the kind of love he had always yearned for in his life, the love he thought he didn't deserve.
•Despite his gentle, patient, and understanding personality, Alastor also showed a certain level of paranoia. This was not surprising, given everything he had witnessed and faced in his life. He had tendencies of overprotection and traces of obsession, even after getting married. However, all of this could be overlooked with plenty of love and understanding. The issues that arose in your relationship were distinct.
•Alastor can also be an extremely dedicated husband. He is skilled in various areas. Alastor is also an excellent cook, cleans the house impeccably, and even knows how to sew. He always seeks to improve his skills to be useful to you.
•Furthermore, Alastor is extremely affectionate towards you. He loves to pamper you and showers you with care and attention. He takes pride in having you as his wife and sees you as the center of his world. Whenever possible, he whispers sweet words in your ear, reaffirming how special you are to him.
•However, beneath all this love and attention, hides Alastor's yandere side. He is capable of becoming obsessive and possessive to the point of becoming dangerous. He can't stand the idea of losing you or seeing you get involved with other people. These emotions can lead him to act violently or extremely to ensure that you are always by his side.
•"Mine, mine [Name], my goddess, my wife, I love how your fingers touch that piano. Can you teach me to play?."
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msmpictures · 2 months
[☬ Ramshackle O.C ☬]
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•{☬Basic Data☬}•
[ Name ]
Astrid Voldemort
Storm > Work's Pseudonym
[ Age | Birthday ]
23 - 27 | October 1st
[ Family ]
Robert Voldemort - Father
??? - Step Mother
[ Job ]
Hired murderer.
[ S.O ]
[ More detail of the wound ]
Second degree burn | Cuts = Enucleation (Eye removal).
•{☬ Likes - Dis. ☬}•
[ Likes ]
• To sleep [her only one 'escape']
• To draw [In her days of rest, she draws her father to remember him, even if she is not a very good artist] Although she doesn't show anyone her drawings.
• To smoke
• 💐 [She can describe them as the rainbow of her grey, so that relaxes her a bit]
• ☕ [She is addict at the coffe]
• To stare at the stars [ that makes her forget her shit of job for a while ]
• Children [Doesn't show it, but she really likes children.]
• Rural spaces [That relaxes her]
• 'Acid Candies' [I hope you understand what I mean] Although, she doesn't eat them often.
• Boxing [Is not really something that she likes, but she practices boxing often]
• Agriculture (frustrated dream)
[ Dislikes - Hates ]
• [H] HeR bOsS
• [D] To socialize [She can't actually do it, Astrid just talks with the people when it's about the business and when it's her next victim, so it's kinda awkward for her to get a conversation for more than 30 minutes]
• [H] Her own job [ She is forced to do it, she has no other choice. ]
• [D] Alcoholic drinks [ She says that tastes horrible ]
• [D] Her work partners
• [H] Did I say her Boss?
• [H] Her step mother [She is the reason why Astrid is here]
•{☬ Origins ☬}•
Warning: so long xd
( I don't wanna write a shit but this is how u could sorta understand x,d )
- Astrid Lived with her father in the Ramshackle Streets. Robert was a miner, so they were low class, despite that, they always had enough to survive without ever starving.
- She didn't care about her economic status, since she was working by selling lemonade (as a lil child) and saving her cash to buy a little house In the countryside. Besides, her father always loved her, there was nothing that someone could consider a problem between them.
- Although, Robert couldn't help but feel lonely, so he decided to look for a new lover. A woman who appeared in their life, when Astrid was about to 14.
- The woman was an alcoholic one, always spending the cash into whims and useless things, she was kinda aggressive alone and because of that never had a good relationship with Astrid, but Robert never knew about the circumstances, so he didn't do anything.
- Since the woman appeared, The small family began to have debts, so both Robert and Astrid had to work twice as hard, which did not prevent the debts from increasing drastically, in just two years. For this reason Robert decided to go with a 'friend' (who was a member of a criminal association), to request loans with the condition of paying later, but it never happened.
- This 'friend' He decided to collect everything Robert owed, and as a result of having empty pockets, he kidnapped Astrid (she was 16).
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- At first they planned to use her as bait to get the money and then kill her, But after pleas from the minor, they decided to recruit her at a low level, as a kind of servant for anything basic, even burying corpses that they eliminated.
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- All this in order to be the one to pay Robert's debts. But it would take a long period of time until now.
- As she grew older, the members began to promote Astrid's position, from making her infiltrate meetings to extract information to turning her into a hitman, having to sell this service to others, In order to recover the lost money.
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- The rest, is History..
[⛈️] = Sometimes, she pretends to be mute, so she doesn't need to talk with anyone [That's until she finally she likes u]
•{☬Additional Data☬}•
[🌪️] = The grey hairs are sign of her stress x,d
[🌪️] = She could know everything about weapons and how to play them, but she doesn't know how to cook.
[⛈️] = I don't know what to add about her biological mother.. I'll say she divorced Robert and he won the custody of Astrid 👌.
[🌪️] = Astrid just knows Vinnie, and that because she tried to steal her and found a gun in her purse. (In that moment, Astrid was infiltrated, Vinnie too)
[⛈️] = They're not so close friends, but they help each other sometimes. Either to get information or to get beans.
[🌪️] = Once she finished paying the debts, she will go away from Ramshackle, and live her dreamed life in a house in a rural space.
[⛈️] = Astrid doesn't tell her affection with words. She does it with flowers. If she gives you a daisy, she considers you as her family. If she gives you a rose, she loves you <3.
[🌪️] = She is the kind of person who doesn't understand the jokes. She doesn't have a sense of humour. (She tries man, she tries 😞)
[⛈️] = In an attempt to kill A drunk scammer, this one stroke her with a vodka bottle in her face, and as she failed on the floor, he tried to let her blind, burning her face with a lighter.
[🌪️] = Robert doesn't know if Astrid is still alive, but he is still trying to report her missing, no matter what.
[⛈️] = I could tell she is depressed, and because of that she eats the acid candies. I thought, as Stone with Pebble, she could have an 'interior Demon', with a similar appearance to her 14-year-old self. Despite that, I can't find a name for her..
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The whole pic
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creedslove · 5 months
Mari!!! I love your writing!!!
Do you think you could write a little jealous Dave York, maybe he has gotten with reader who is a little younger and he's a bit insecure, so he follows her or sees a guy flirting with her and he gets super jealous or protective. But in the end she's like I only want you and she let's him cum in her. 🫣
Sorry I just love Dave York I can't help it ❤️
Dave York x f!reader
A/N: bestie, who doesn't love Dave? He's literally precious, I love him with all my heart, and so do all of us!!! 💞❤️
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• okay, let's just establish something here: Dave is a jealous type, okay? No arguments about it, he can be a prince and sexy and treat you like a queen, but he is NOT gonna like to see any guy anywhere around you, he's gonna be pissed off and territorial
• you are definitely the best thing he has in life, he will never risk you having an interest in anyone else but him, he just gets angry and scared to even consider that, because it would break his heart and he would feel so betrayed
• luckily, just as he's obsessed with you, you're also obsessed with him, and you both are mature enough not to play stupid games or mess around with each other's feelings: you both love and respect each other and you don't flirt with other people for fun or whatever reason
• still, other people might try their chance, since you two are a very attractive couple: women all have their eyes on Dave and guys can't help but keep their eyes on you at times, and that's when our hitman gets bothered
• Dave isn't clueless, he knows he's a successful, charming and handsome man with a very attractive position at work but he's also aware you are younger than him, being his second marriage and already burnt by his ex wife, it's made him suspicious, because sometimes it's hard for him to see that good things can happen to him and you are one of them
• overall, underneath all of his hitman threatening persona, lies a rather insecure man who thinks you are way out of his league and that at any minute you're gonna snap from it and finally find someone you should really be with instead of him
• so when he has a break over the week, he decides it would be a great idea to call you up and meet you for lunch, just something quick: going to your favorite bakery for some sandwiches and a slice of cake; it was the kind of date you two didn't plan in advance but you loved it nonetheless, as it was so simple and romantic
• you felt so excited to meet your handsome Dave, you decided to look really nice for him, arriving a little before he did as he was still leaving the office, you picked a nice table and took a look at the menu, checking up your options when you felt glares at you
• you didn't know that man, he looked alright you guessed, he wasn't ugly, but he wasn't Dave's level of handsome either. He was wearing formal clothes which showed it was also his lunch break and once he captured your attention, he smirked and greeted you
• you politely greeted him back, wanting the interaction to end once for all, you weren't interested in him, simple as that, but the guy figured that if he insisted, things would be successful somehow, so he approached your table at the same time Dave got off the car and saw it from outside that unknown man making small talk
• Dave's body heated up at the same time he felt himself going cold and a bitter taste of jealousy flooded his mouth: he hated seeing you talking to him. He didn't know who that guy was but he definitely didn't want him around you, when you two were supposed to be having your lunch date, he didn't want to see you talking to a man who was visibly younger and fitter than Dave, whereas your hitman was going a little a gray and his belly was rounding up a little
• he feels his heart sinking at the same time he approaches the table, he wants to get there immediately and break apart whatever contact is going on, but hearing your voice brings Dave back to reality:
"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested, I'm waiting for my boyfriend, he's just arrived"
• you told the guy and got up, smiling and walking towards Dave, kissing his lips and hugging him. Your hitman simply wrapped his arm around your body and kissed your lips, giving the guy a rough stare
"is there anything wrong in here?"
• the man just shook his head and excused himself, apologizing and trying to hide how nervous he got once he "accidentally" spotted Dave's gun in his suit jacket. You didn't see when he flashed it at your admirer but you couldn't care less, you were just glad to see your handsome hitman there ❤️
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rubyroboticalt · 5 months
Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUATERLY!
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What's up guys, update just dropped! It sure is something to try and decipher, huh. We've got pages of new stuff to go over, so let me learn you a thing about all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week!
Lava on the dance floor! There's a party held in a lava pool with Button-Stitches and their carers! Other creatures and carers do some egg-sploring and interior decorating. Newer players build their starter houses, but don't let that fool you: even friend invites are being rate-limited because there's just that many players.
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Some players take advantage of the sheer amount of ping lag to add in a sheer amount of FPS lag! Bel, Steel, and their friends have a shader player taking some lovely photographs.
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Of course, lore and story are significant on this server, and some eggs have unpleasant pasts. Other eggs make their own unpleasant pasts, by obtaining things like the Evil Knife and Amongus Shoes. In the face of such difficult things, the French quarter shows everyone how to properly cope by slutting it up on the warpstones.
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And even though things are tough, love still blooms on the server with the first divorce proposal. Big feelings need big words to express them, but sometimes actions speak better than a word ever could.
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And now, The Gubby.
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Special Event! A Banquet was held for the members of the server with food and drinks from the community farm! Over 70 people RSVP'd and just as many attended, so much that extra chairs had to be brought in for the table. And a special guest crashed the party, everybody meet White Baby.
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The white baby continues to appear around the server. Each time, the sky goes black. It is not friendly. There are two attacks at spawn, an attack at the Bog, and an attack at Pirate Cove. It's targeting the creatures. The Fair Folk begin to build circular gardens, something that has never gone wrong before. And the perimeter of the world is fully explored by resident hope sunsail!
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A conspiracy theory against the dark magician begins, and an entire room is built dedicated to it. More creatures populate the server, with one splat receiving a second egg named hima after the japanese word for sunflower. The server's first court case happens -- the Quarterly will release a special episode covering it soon.
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Spires of sculk begin to push up from the ground around the server. And oh my goodness me, viewers, does it come with one hell of a biome. A new business opens on the server, residents can now hire a hitman baby!
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The admins also open a new business: for the low low price of sacrificing someone with over 40 levels, you can obtain one vial of transmuting elixir! This elixir has many uses, including fighting a boss mob.
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And, of course, some more autistic minecraft behaviors vis a vis mining for so long Doll started dying of starvation. Further sculk and void pillars arose and suspicion of the Void Followers begins to brew. Rosa's sharestone disappears. Puzzles and riddles are discovered and solved.
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That's just about it for this episode, so we leave the server with a firm You can't be acting like that White Baby
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webslinger-holland · 6 months
The Sergeant's Senator | Chapter 5
Summary: It is finally time for the senator to give her speech to the senator. And Echo tells Hunter about what he had seen. Now Hunter needs to confront the senator and figure out why they haven't been transferred yet.
Warning: assassination attempt, various weapons used, sniper/shooter mentioned, characters getting shot at, mutual pining, mild argument, kissing (finally), +18 very suggestive content at the end
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Senator
Type: Short Series
Word Count: 6.0k
Series Masterlist
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Now, two days later, the hired hitman had received his orders from his employer. The blaster wound in his shoulder was healed, but there was a nasty scar that remained in its place. He packed his weapon away in a case, taking it with him as he left the abandoned building he'd been stationed in.
Checking the coordinates, he began to make his way there without drawing too much attention. He took back alleys, hidden passages, and stayed out of the eyes of others. The Count's words rang in his mind from earlier: "The speech takes place in the Senate Building at 2:00pm. Do not let her get there."
Just like the Count had ordered, the skilled shooter made sure to keep a low profile and learn more about them. He remained hidden in the crowds, watching their every move without them knowing. After a week, he figured out the exact route they'd take to get from her apartment to the senate building. And relaying this information to his employer meant that they worked together to find the perfect place to take the shot.
Arriving at the building, the assassin began climbing the long staircase until he reached one of the top floors. He walked towards one of the windows, peeking through the glass to watch the busy airspeeders driving below and diagonally from him. Satisfied with his position, he chose to assemble his rifle and wait for the moment to strike.
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Back at the apartment, Hunter stood impatiently outside the senator's bedroom door. His arms were crossed over his chest and his foot tapped the floor in a steady beat. He glanced back at his brothers who had never looked more bored in their lives.
"Tech," Hunter's sultry and low voice sounded. "Give me the time."
He didn't look up from his data pad. "It is approximately 1:46pm. And it has only been two minutes since the last time you asked me."
"Ugh," Wrecker groaned. He proceeded to throw his hands up in exaggeration. "What's taking her so long?"
"She trying to look nice for her sergeant," Crosshair sneered. He threw a glare to his older brother, already knowing that his comment would strike a cord with him.
Hunter, always being the more level headed of the two, ignored his comment. He redirected his attention to the solid wood door in front of him. But he clenched his fists at his sides.
"She's gonna miss her time slot if she waits any longer," Echo noted while peering over Tech's shoulder to look at the time.
Finally, Hunter raised his fist to the door and knocked harshly against it. He called her name through the door in hopes of urging her to finish getting ready quicker. This was probably the thirtieth time he'd knocked.
"I'm not ready yet!" Her voice was muffled through the door, which meant she was probably on the other side of the room. She fixed her hair in the mirror and smoothed her hands over her dress.
"Well, you need to be ready now. We should have left ten minutes ago," Hunter called back. He stared down at the door handle.
"Fifteen," Tech corrected with a raised finger. "If you calculate the traffic."
"These things take time," Y/n answered. She moved a few strands of hair to her liking. She looked herself over one last time. "I don't like to be rushed."
"If you need help to...speed up the process, I am offering my assistance," Hunter was trying everything to get her out of the room. He only received a long pause of silence. He went to knock again, but the door swung open before contact.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" She teased him.
The others were at a complete loss of words for what stood before them. They shamelessly took in her appearance by allowing their eyes to travel down her body. She really was something else.
The senator was wearing a floor-length dark blue dress that matched the color of the midnight sky. Her hair was styled into curls, flowing over her shoulders. There were small silver stars and crescent moons pinning her baby hairs back.
The sergeant was the first to realize how long he'd been staring. He tried to form words, but they fell short in the process. Standing right in front of him was by far the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. No, he thought to himself. She was beyond beautiful; she was simply magnificent.
"You...look...," Hunter began. The lavender perfume flooded his senses, which made his brain fuzzy. His gaze continued to linger, drinking it all in greedily. "Heavenly," Hunter breathed softly.
That word was not what she was expecting in the slightest. It didn't make her any less flattered though. The corners of her lips lifting into a soft smile with a pink tint coloring her cheeks. She tried to avert her gaze because she just couldn't bare looking at him any longer without blushing profusely.
"Thank you," Y/n replied sheepishly.
When he first saw her, Hunter felt all of his thoughts fly out of his head. He didn't know why they were so persistent to leave; finding it all irrelevant now. He chose to live in the moment which consisted of her and her alone.
Slowly, Hunter used his hand to gesture to the door behind them as if inviting her to go ahead of him. As she brushed past him, Hunter shifted his hand to hover by her lower back. They began to walk towards the door; the others moved to lead them out. With his brothers walking ahead of them, Hunter found himself placing his hand on the small of her back in a gentle manner.
The Bad Batch clambered into the small airspeeder on the edge of the landing platform. There was a driver at the wheel who had been waiting for their arrival. He was instructed to bring them to the Senate Building. And there was a small emphasis on their need to get their quickly.
Starting the airspeeder, the driver began to navigate through the busy lanes in the city. A few other airspeeders passed by them, flying through the air at such a rapid pace. Their airspeeder turned down another path, steadily making their way to their final destination.
In the nearby building, the hitman had kept his scope locked on the passing speeders. He knew that they'd be coming at any second; he only had one shot at this. With one eye closed, he peered through the narrow scope and moved his sniper steadily to search the speeders moving by.
Finally, the skilled shooter's eyes landed on a familiar-looking grey airspeeder heading in the opposite direction of him. He recognized the dark grey clone armor in a second. He quickly adjusted his weapon to take the shot.
"He's gonna try something tomorrow," Hunter told his brothers the day before. They had gathered in the senator's office to discuss tactics for the day of the speech. "He's been waiting for the right moment."
"But how are we going to stop him? He could be anywhere," Echo claimed. He tried thinking of all the places it could go down.
"He wouldn't do anything in the Senate," Tech explained. He ruled that much out. "Too many witnesses and too much security already.
"He could take his shot as we leave the building," Crosshair observed. If he was in the shooter's shoes, that's where he would strike.
"Or he could take his shot as we were moving," Hunter suggested this option. His arms were crossed, but he still shrugged his shoulders.
"That's a pretty tricky shot," Wrecker noted. "Moving objects ain't easy."
"Might not be easy, but it's not impossible." Crosshair corrected. They seemed to think about their options for a brief moment, attempting to reach some kind of game plan.
"So what are we going to do?" Echo questioned. He looked towards his sergeant for the answer.
"I think I have an idea."
While riding in the airspeeder, the other squad members attempted to glance at the sergeant through the corner of their eyes. The mission was put into his hands. They relieved heavily on his senses, because with a few tweaks, Tech had managed to adjust Hunter's helmet filter.
It was originally designed to numb his senses so he wouldn't be so overwhelmed. However, it was now changed to only pick up the smallest sounds. He wasn't able to hear the others talking or even the other airspeeders zooming past them. He focused heavily in order to hear the sound of subtle movement.
Then Hunter heard it: The sound of a rifle being cocked.
"Now!" Hunter signaled them.
The shooter's finger rested against the curve of the trigger, lining up his shot so he wouldn't miss. He squeezed the trigger to fire his shot, watching the red blast come shooting out of the rifle.
Just in time, Hunter had managed to push the senator into a crouching position on the floor of the speeder. He moved his head slightly to the right, barely missing the blaster shot that was aimed at her. Yanking his blaster out of his holster, he didn't hesitate to raise it and fire a few shots in the general direction.
The Bad Batch had been fully prepared for the attack. They quickly turned around in their place as well and fired their own shots rapidly. The shooter ducked down behind the window ledge just as a few shots whizzed past the window. He covered his head and cursed under his breath.
Meanwhile, Crosshair was using his long rifle to fire another round. His shots had gotten the closest. While Wrecker was most certainly firing the fastest, Tech was trying to take more calculated shots. Then Hunter and Echo were firing almost simultaneously, naturally in sync with one another. But none of their shots hit a target.
Having seen the shooter disappear from the perch, Hunter raised his fist to signal the others to seize fire. The shooting stopped instantly. He waited patiently with the expectation that the shooter would try again, but he never reappeared in the window. The airspeeder continued on the designated route, heading in the direction of the senate.
"Are you alright, senator?" Echo asked. He couched down beside her, offering his hand for her to take. He eased her back into the seat.
"I'm fine," Y/n reassured him. She glanced up at the sergeant before giving him a firm nod of the head. "Thanks again."
Though Hunter's filtration was still activated, he knew exactly what she said regardless of the fact he couldn't hear her. He sent her a nod back. He redirected his attention back towards the empty window, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at it.
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"Was your mission successful?" Count Dooku questioned over the communication link that the assassin held in his hands. There was a long beat of stillness.
"She...she was highly protected. I-I couldn't get a clean shot," the man explained. His continuous failed attempts only caused the Sith Lord more frustration. And this was evident in his silence alone. "Give me one more chance," he begged.
"I grow tired of your excuses," Count Dooku interrupted. His voice grew deeper and darker. "I am coming to Coruscant. Do not let her make it to the vote. If you fail to finish the job, then I will end you."
"I understand, Count."
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The small escort tried to navigate through the senate building as fast as they could with what little time remained until their window. They had rounded the corner of another corridor, spotting the entrance to the repulsorpod in the senate room. The senator's assistant was standing by the door.
"You're late," the droid announced.
The senator approached the entrance, ignoring the comment with a roll of the eyes. She stepped into the repulsorpod and activated it so it began hovering over to it's designated place amongst other senate members.
The Bad Batch watched the repulsorpod from a distance. The announcement of the senator's arrival sounded from the chancellor who was situated in the middle of the room. With that, Senator Rayna gathered herself and started her speech that she worked so hard on.
Despite being a little out-of-touch with politics, Hunter wanted nothing more than to listen to the senator's speech. He saw that politics was her drive; the thing that got her excited when brought into a conversation. Her speaking came with such passion which indicated how deeply her heart felt for it.
His eyes shimmered behind the visor of his helmet, scanning the way her hands moved as she spoke with emphasis. He admired the softness of her voice, feeling himself falling into a transfixed trance. He didn't necessarily understand what she was saying, but he truly didn't care.
"Uh Hunter?" Echo cleared his throat to get the sergeant's attention.
"What is it, Echo?" Hunter let out a loud sigh since he was taken out of his trance.
"I need to talk to you about something," Echo claimed. Naturally, Hunter turned to face him only to present him with a skeptical look. "It's about the senator," Echo reassured him.
Quickly glancing back at the senator, Hunter contemplated walking away to address his trooper's concern or option the stay in order to listen to the rest of her speech. Although, granted, whatever he did have to say about the senator could be a threat. So Hunter hesitantly walked away from the entrance with Echo trailing behind him.
"What's wrong?" Hunter asked. He crossed his arms over his chest.
"I wanted to make you aware of something. Something that I saw the other night when I was on patrol," Echo began. He thought about his next words carefully. "Something I shouldn't have seen," Echo said truthfully.
The sergeant's hands dropped back down to his sides upon sensing the uncertainty radiating from his brother. He saw the conflict behind his eyes and how he couldn't even look him in the eyes. He could only imagine what he was about to say, but he thought of every possible situation.
"Go on," Hunter encouraged.
"Some paperwork was delivered late at night," Echo started the story.
It was in that moment that Hunter realized the situation might not be as severely troubling as he had initially thought. His shoulders slumped down and he released the breath he didn't know he had been holding back.
"I just got a brief glance at the paper on the top of the stack, but it was from the guard."
"What did it say?" Hunter inquired.
"It was a request form--an application," Echo corrected. "It seems The Coruscant Guard sent the form to let her know that there are now available troopers. Should she apply and request them."
"Which means..." Hunter now made the connection.
"We might be receiving new orders any day now," Echo finished for him.
"Our transfer out of Coruscant," Hunter sighed reluctantly. The sadness that came through his voice did not go unnoticed. His gaze lowered to the ground.
For some reason, Hunter's mind drifted away to the words of warning that his youngest brother gave him many weeks ago. Don't get too attached. He clenched his fists at his sides, knowing in the back of his mind that he should have heeded that warning. But at the time, Hunter didn't want to listen to him.
"What should we do?" Echo wondered, which pulled Hunter out of his own thoughts.
"Nothing we can do," Hunter shrugged though it pained him to admit. "Except wait for our transfer papers to come in."
"Should we tell her?"
"Let's keep it between us for now," Hunter ordered calmly. Echo nodded his head understandingly. He glanced back at the senator who was still deep in her speech. "She'll tell us in her own time."
The only problem was that the senator never brought it up. This made Hunter and Echo extremely confused since they figured she would have probably broken the news to them all at some point. She least she could do was give them a heads up that they'd be transferred out sooner than later. Even if Hunter and Echo already knew about the application form that she was given.
It wasn't until six days following her big speech when Hunter decided to come out and confront her. The whole crew had just made their way into the senate building and where heading upstairs.
The day of the vote was scheduled to happen tomorrow. The Senator of Courscant was already feeling quite anxious given the amount of time and effort she put into her speech. Besides making her speech, Senator Rayna had also met with many other senators in hopes of convincing them to support her cause. She only had to wait one more day.
Just as the senator was about to head into the senate room, Hunter managed to get her attention by grabbing her forearm. He stopped her from going in. She whipped her head around to face him with a slight hint of shock in her expression.
"We need to talk," Hunter spoke through the ventilator of his helmet. He kept his voice low so the others couldn't hear him.
"Can't this wait?" Y/n wondered.
"When were you planning to tell us about the transfer?" Hunter ignored her comment, having grown impatient with her inability to bring the subject up to them.
The senator furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What transfer?"
"Y-You..." Hunter's voice seemed to fade. He studied her features only to find confusion written all over them. His grip on her arm faltered slightly. "You mean you didn't fill out the form?"
The senator felt her heart drop in her chest. She now put the pieces together, coming to the conclusion that he must have found out about the form that was given to her from the capital's guard. The pang of guilt forming deeper and more painful.
"Listen Hunter," the senator tried to come up with some kind of excuse. She avoided his gaze. "Can we talk about this later?"
Now, the senator knew that the needed to be in the right mindset to explain herself to him. Not only that, but she'd also need the time to talk with him, which was something she wasn't able to spare him. Finally, Y/n was able to lift her gaze to meet his.
"Please," Y/n whispered softly with pleading eyes.
And Hunter couldn't say no. His fingers relaxed against her forearm, slipping down the length of her arm. This action only brought a shiver to run down her spine. Her eyelashes fluttered up at him. His hand took hold of her gently, giving it a gentle squeeze as if to communicate understanding.
With great hesitation, Senator Rayna began walking towards the entrance of the senate room. The other senators were waiting for her and preparing for the start of the session. She glanced over her shoulder to steal a glance at her sergeant one last time.
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Upon returning to the senator's place of living, Hunter opened the door for her to enter. She walked into the room without sparing him a glance. Just as the other members went to walk in, Hunter stopped them by raising his hand. Each of them looked at their sergeant with a hint of confusions behind their features.
"I need to speak with the senator privately," Hunter told them. He quickly glanced at Echo who was the only one that knew about the conversation that was about to take place. "Give us a couple minutes," Hunter asked.
"Fine," Wrecker threw his hands up in defeat. "Just don't take too long."
"I'll...try to keep it short," Hunter promised.
With some hesitation, the Bad Batch began to make their way further down the hallway. They figured that they'd be able to find something to occupy themselves for a couple minutes. They sent a glance towards the sergeant as they passed by before he closed the door in front of them.
Finally, Hunter stood still for the first time that day. His hand lingered on the handle of the door, wondering if it would be best just to leave with the rest of them. He could feel her gaze bearing into the back of his head. He gathered the needed courage to turn and address her.
"Care to explain yourself?" Hunter started. He folded his arms across his chest to keep a strict demeanor.
"Before that," Y/n interjected. "I want to know how you found out. Did you go through my things?"
"What? No," Hunter denied. "Echo told me."
Closing her eyes, Senator Rayna only cursed under her breath. She hadn't thought about that beforehand. The form was the first piece of paper on the stack. Echo didn't do anything wrong. He was simply the deliverer. She refused to be mad at him for looking at something innocently.
"Right," Y/n said understandingly. "That adds up."
"Let me get some things straight: The Coruscant Guard sends you an application form to your apartment last week," Hunter listed off.
"That's right," Y/n spoke truthfully.
"This application form is the first step in granting you a new escort," Hunter added.
"Mhmm," Y/n gave a nod.
"Which ultimately means that my squad would be transferred out of your command," Hunter came to this conclusion clearly.
"...yes," Y/n breathed quietly.
There was a beat of silence between them. Despite the fact that the senator had cleared things up for the sergeant, he was still left in a state of utter confusion. He looked at her with a blank stare on his face.
"So why the hell haven't you taken the time to even fill it out?" Hunter fought back with a hint of venom in his tone. This sudden outburst only caused the senator to furrow her eyebrows at him.
"You don't think I've been a bit preoccupied with other things?" Y/n threw back at him.
"Oh please. Don't lie to me," Hunter scoffed at this excuse. His arms fell back down to his sides. "You've had all week to fill it out."
"Fine," Y/n waved her hands in dismissal. "You're right. That's not the reason why I didn't fill it out."
"What's the reason then?" Hunter demanded.
The senator tried to gather her thoughts and feelings. She avoided his gaze, but still felt the pressure to answer his question. Struggling to find an excuse, Y/n wasn't able to find the right words.
"I...I-I didn't want to," Y/n confessed quietly. Her eyes drifted up to meet his gaze, filled to the brim with tears that threatened to escape. "Not if it meant you'd be transferred."
"I don't understand," Hunter took a step forward. "What do you want?"
This decision didn't benefit anyone. It kept a batch of good soldiers away from the front lines, which was the best place for them to be. It also kept the senator from receiving the needed help from guards who were purposefully stationed on her planet and who were assigned to protect her.
And Hunter saw this. He still didn't understand her reasoning behind her actions, why she hadn't filled out the form to request a new escort and begin the process of getting them transferred back to the war front.
"What do you want?" Hunter repeated a little more louder this time. He took another step towards her.
"I-I want you," Y/n's voice quivered. She felt a tear roll down the side of her cheek as she spoke with the utmost sense of honesty.
In that exact moment, Hunter's strong nature seemed to dissolve upon hearing those words. His shoulders deflated slightly at his sides and his face fell into a blank stare. It felt like his brain had malfunctioned because he wasn't able to form a complete thought with that information.
"I want you," Y/n spoke once again. "Just you."
Her name came tumbling off his lips. He lowered his gaze to stare down at the floor, feeling the strong sense of conflict in the depths of his heart. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, trying desperately to fight the urge to cave in.
Seeing her current state only broke his heart even further. The tears were now cascading down the sides of her face evenly. Her bottom lip was quivering unsteadily. The tip of her nose had grown red from her crying. Her hands shook since her nerves had taken over.
"You...you can't have me," Hunter told her steadily. "You know that."
"I-I know," Y/n nodded her head understandingly. She tore her gaze away from him. "You were the person who told me that it's good to have dreams."
He was her dream just as much as she was his own dream.
"I'm a soldier, Y/n. Meant to serve in the army," Hunter corrected her. He couldn't be her dream. "I wasn't made for...whatever you want this to be between us."
"I don't want much," Y/n tried to reassure him with a small shake of her head. She took the last step forward until they were standing with their chests pressed together. "I know that a relationship is almost impossible for a sergeant and a senator."
"Then...what do you want?" Hunter breathed out for the last time. His eyes mindlessly drifted down to her lips, lingering there for a brief moment. "If we can't have a relationship, what can I offer you?"
Slowly, the senator raised her hand to rest against the plate of his armor. Her hand began drifting upwards until it reached his shoulder. She moved it to the side of his cheek, cupping it softly in her grasp.
"Just you. For this one moment," Y/n pleaded with him.
It all seemed to make sense now. The reason why she didn't fill out the form immediately was because she wanted them to stay a little longer. Though it was selfish of her (and she admitted that) and it would keep them from the war, the senator confessed that she never felt more safe than when she was in the presence of his squad.
Their lips seemed to chase one another's movements. Even though their lips never fully connected, they grazed against one another a few times. The temptation to fall into each other was growing with each second.
The sergeant's hands found a place to perch on the sides of her hips. He held her steadily in her grasp, swaying every so slightly with her. Her hands slid away from his face, falling flat on his chest plate. She gazed up at him with anticipating eyes. He leaned his head forward until their foreheads rested against one another's.
They both felt the internal conflict. They already failed miserably in regards to not falling in love with one another. The risk of exposure would also be detrimental to both of their occupations. Should they chose to act on their emotions, who could tell what would happen?
Finally, Hunter's hand drifted up to cup the place between her neck and jaw. He held her face steadily in his grasp. Once again, Hunter felt his heart screaming 'yes' and his mind was pleading 'no.'
Eventually, Hunter caved into his own selfish desires. He tipped his head to the side and leaned forward in his place, permitting his lips to press against her own. He felt the way she leaned into his touch and he heard how fast her heart was beating.
Their lips moved against one another's in a gentle melody. His arms wrapped around her backside, bringing her as close to his body as humanly possible. His hand snaked up her back to cradle the back of her head. He had never imagined how soft her lips were.
With a shuddering breath, Y/n's lips parted slightly which allowed him to swipe his tongue against her bottom lip. Their mouths chased one another's so desperately, exploring every possible inch like it would be their last time.
Finally, Hunter and Y/n were able to pull away from one another to regain their lost breath. They gazed at one another with half-lidded eyes. The two of them basked in the comfortable silence, feeling the sudden sense of relief for finally getting past that hurdle of hiding emotions.
Before they knew what was happening, they had been able to find one another's lips once again. They kept sealed in a tight kiss since they wanted to savor this time together as much as possible.
His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors down her spine, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling. He swallowed her soft moans, thinking they tasted so sweet on his tongue.
It was the kind of kiss that stole one's breath away and caused your heart to skip a couple beats. This was one of those kisses that were so filled with built up emotion that they didn't seem to care about anything else. And it was a kiss that could easily become desperate and escalate quickly if they weren't careful.
And that's exactly what happened. It became desperate.
@justhavingsomefun1 @totally-not-your-babe @jedipoodoo @gyllord @roam-rs @totallyunidentified @redheadgirl @mrcaptainrex @whore-of-many-hot-men @graciexmarvel @qweenrogerina @arcsimper5 @queenofspades6 @cadihyo @jediknightjana @elthoughtzos @lokigirlszendaya @sleepycreativewriter @moonwrecked @ravenclawbitch426 @waytoooldforthis78 @left-in-the-motel-bar @fic-force-99 @ayyyy-le-simp
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sucky-username · 7 months
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I spent literally all day on these. Height comparison and backstory dump for Ed under the cut :-)
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Ed got into college early and there met the first love of his life, Edith “Edie” Morgan. She was the only other freshman that was his age and they were both outcasts, she because she was an openly bisexual punk in the 1970s (?) and he because of his abnormally large intellect and lack of social skills. Edie was very kind to Ed, something he was unused to growing up in Gotham’s foster homes and orphanages. They became best friends quickly and started dating soon after. They were madly in love and vowed to get married right out of college.
While in college, Ed and Edie began working on a mystery-thriller novel together. Edie helped with plotting while Ed wrote the novel under their joint pen name E. Nygma. As they worked on the novel, about a bank heist, they began to realize the thieves’ plan was actually extremely viable. Once they’d both graduated (Ed some years early and Edie close behind), they both had a mountain of student debt and couldn’t start their life together until they paid it off. Because of this, they were desperate, and together decided to pull off the bank heist from their unpublished novel.
The heist went extremely well except for one small thing: a single security guard caught them while they were fleeing the scene. In the spur of the moment, Ed attacked the guard with a crowbar and brutally beat him to death. Once all was said and done, Edie was furious and horrified by his actions. Ed wouldn’t admit it, but the violence had felt good. He stood his ground, claiming the guard’s death had been necessary to ensure their safe getaway. Edie wasn’t swayed by this argument and kicked him out of their apartment with his share of the heist money, telling him to never contact her again.
At first, Ed remained stubbornly angry, but once he cooled off he knew he would hate to lose the love of his life. So though he didn’t feel truly remorseful in the least, he resolved to apologize and beg Edie to take him back. When he returned to what was once their apartment, however, he found something that absolutely destroyed him: Edie was dead. And not just that—murdered. He vowed to find out who had done this and get revenge.
As it turned out, the money they’d stolen belonged to the mob. One of the Gotham mob bosses had hired a hitman to track down the thief and kill them. The hitman had found Ed and Edie’s apartment but only Edie had been there. Ed found and killed the hitman first, then tracked down the mob boss and killed them too.
After this, Ed was left heartbroken and alone for many years. He stopped with the illegal activities for a few of those years and got a job as a software programmer, but soon turned to a life of crime again (though he maintained his employment (?)).
And that’s about all I’ve got so far, none of which is set in stone. I also know I want Ed to write more novels with Cain’s Jawbone-level plot complexity that act as clues to his crimes. At some point he meets Ozzie and falls madly in love with him at first sight. After Edie, he never thought he’d love again. Ozzie, meanwhile, has been burned by love in the past and continuously rejects Ed, even though he secretly finds him charming and his advances flattering. Ed tells him it’s alright if he doesn’t love him back, but begs him to let him stay by his side because he’s so grateful to feel love again. Of course, Ozzie eventually falls for Ed too and they live happily ever after.
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