#we have poc on this server believe it or not
rubyroboticalt · 5 months
Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUATERLY!
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What's up guys, update just dropped! It sure is something to try and decipher, huh. We've got pages of new stuff to go over, so let me learn you a thing about all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week!
Lava on the dance floor! There's a party held in a lava pool with Button-Stitches and their carers! Other creatures and carers do some egg-sploring and interior decorating. Newer players build their starter houses, but don't let that fool you: even friend invites are being rate-limited because there's just that many players.
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Some players take advantage of the sheer amount of ping lag to add in a sheer amount of FPS lag! Bel, Steel, and their friends have a shader player taking some lovely photographs.
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Of course, lore and story are significant on this server, and some eggs have unpleasant pasts. Other eggs make their own unpleasant pasts, by obtaining things like the Evil Knife and Amongus Shoes. In the face of such difficult things, the French quarter shows everyone how to properly cope by slutting it up on the warpstones.
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And even though things are tough, love still blooms on the server with the first divorce proposal. Big feelings need big words to express them, but sometimes actions speak better than a word ever could.
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And now, The Gubby.
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Special Event! A Banquet was held for the members of the server with food and drinks from the community farm! Over 70 people RSVP'd and just as many attended, so much that extra chairs had to be brought in for the table. And a special guest crashed the party, everybody meet White Baby.
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The white baby continues to appear around the server. Each time, the sky goes black. It is not friendly. There are two attacks at spawn, an attack at the Bog, and an attack at Pirate Cove. It's targeting the creatures. The Fair Folk begin to build circular gardens, something that has never gone wrong before. And the perimeter of the world is fully explored by resident hope sunsail!
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A conspiracy theory against the dark magician begins, and an entire room is built dedicated to it. More creatures populate the server, with one splat receiving a second egg named hima after the japanese word for sunflower. The server's first court case happens -- the Quarterly will release a special episode covering it soon.
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Spires of sculk begin to push up from the ground around the server. And oh my goodness me, viewers, does it come with one hell of a biome. A new business opens on the server, residents can now hire a hitman baby!
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The admins also open a new business: for the low low price of sacrificing someone with over 40 levels, you can obtain one vial of transmuting elixir! This elixir has many uses, including fighting a boss mob.
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And, of course, some more autistic minecraft behaviors vis a vis mining for so long Doll started dying of starvation. Further sculk and void pillars arose and suspicion of the Void Followers begins to brew. Rosa's sharestone disappears. Puzzles and riddles are discovered and solved.
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That's just about it for this episode, so we leave the server with a firm You can't be acting like that White Baby
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tales-from-syscord · 5 months
I believed this happened a couple of years ago? But I'd thought it was a very peculiar experience for me to share.
So, I used to be in this traumagenic server with what seems like a lot of blacklists and claims to be POC friendly. It was one of our few DID/OSDD focused discord servers that we joined when we first suspected we have DID. (We got diagnosed a year later.)
I remembered being in a ticket with one of the mods because they looked at the names of our alters through pk. They then LITERALLY did some google research on the name origins and made it something like this.
" Hi! We noticed your names may be considered cultural appropriating blablabla
Casey = Irish
Ari = Jewish
Please consider changing your names!"
And then had the nerve to even ask me what my race is, but I felt so uncomfortable?? I said Asian. They want me to specify further. I said Southeast Asian. And if my memory serves me right, they wanted me to specify more than that.
When I looked at that message where I had to change my own and my alter's names, I felt like they were JOKING?? HOW IS CASEY A CLOSED NAME??? It's.. a generic name used by pretty much everyone in the world.
They mentioned how Irish is a closed culture, and I think they mentioned Irish discrimination during the US immigration and all. I understand, but at the same time, Irish itself isn't a closed culture at all?? Not to mention, I've been using Casey as my name for quite some time now.
Ari being linked to Jewish makes no sense to me either. People sometimes use it to shorten the name 'Ariana' for short, but I also see many non-Jewish people also using that name too.
Ari is an alternative spelling of our body's name, so we don't feel weird using our irl body's name (which is Arabic) to the people online. It's not a sense of shame of the body's name but more privacy concerns, easier pronounciation, and having our own individuality.
It's worth mentioning that a lot of Muslim and Christian names are derived from Judaism, too. The Muslim and Christian names just have a different spelling to it, so I don't know what the hell they were thinking.
I felt so mad and felt this was all too ridiculous. I had to keep my cool and leave because what kinda server is this??? That claims to be POC safe?? I'm sorry if I don't sound the most open-minded, but it's just a weird experience to me, really. When I think of cultural appropriating, I would think of taking a name from, let's say, a Romani name or a Tamil name, and then use it without realizing the significance of that culture just because it looks pretty for some aesthetic. Not whatever tf this server was pulling.
As an Irish system, what the fuck?? Casey is definitely not a "closed culture Irish name," LMAO?? You're not overreacting DW anon, that's just wild.
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goodbyeapathy8 · 8 months
Leaving Kindergarten Mafia
There have already been a few posts floating around about the Discord server implosion of Kindergarten Mafia. They do a great job of outlining the events that happened, with documentation, directly from the folks who were harmed by the server owner (Hann) and mods that helped enable their racism. (Snake and Mouse, Jinx1, Jinx2, mousydentist, Faye, among others.) So I'm not going to do that.
These are my own thoughts on the specific racism and tenets of white supremacy that I observed in the server as well as a general commentary on joining fandom spaces.
Rarely do I emphasize my age but it's relevant so here we are : I am 35 years old this year and Kindergarten Mafia was part of my first baby steps into any fandom. Ironically, my hesitation to join fandom ended up being proven because I had heard, for a very long time, that fandom spaces were dominated by racism and a failure to acknowledge POC fans. For a long time, I was complacent and felt "safe" in that server of 300+ folks.
Until one Native member spoke up about the usage of "spirit animal" as appropriative and the cracks in the foundations began to show themselves to everyone and not just the people with marginalized identities.
I had already started to feel uncomfortable in how the server dealt with ableism. There was also a member who I've previously called out on Tumblr, for usage of the m*dget slur in their story, and who became extremely vocal recently. (Spoiler alert - they wrote an entire essay excusing their usage of it, multiple times in the fic, because they couldn't be creative or bothered enough to come up with an alternative for a "short person".)
Without further ado, let's get into it. These are all from the link above, "tenets of white supremacy in organizations" (and yes, a Discord server of 300+ people absolutely DOES count as an organization).
1. Sense of Urgency, such as prioritizing quick or highly visible results that can exclude potential allies. -> In the server, both server owner and problematic mods continued to emphasize that their "missteps" (i.e. racism) was due to needing to seek a solution ASAP for the good of the server.
2. Worshipping the Written Word, such as valuing strong documentation and writing skills. -> Rebuttals to POC/marginalized folks were constantly full of dictionary definitions, copied over.
3. Believing in Only One Right Way, such as concluding something is wrong with people who refuse to adapt or change. -> POC members and allies were banned when anger was expressed because OUR anger suddenly made it an "unsafe" space for the server owner and problematic mods.
4. Paternalism, such as decision-making processes that are only understood by those with power and unclear to those without it.  -> Despite multiple server users disagreeing with the server owner's tactics (including the co-owner, who stepped down), Hann continued to defend + make decisions.
5. Defensiveness, such as spending energy trying to protect power or defend against charges of racism. -> There's too many examples to cite here. But in the end, it was claimed that the initial problem was solved. And then the problem mod was invited back. With additional defense of why.
6. Power Hoarding, such as feeling threatened when anyone suggests organizational changes. -> Instead of wanting to listen to marginalized identities, the server was threatened with a shut-down. Multiple people stepped up to take over as server owner. But power hoarding was more important so not only was the server shut down... it was resurrected from the dead to include their favorite (white) people. This leads us to...
7. Believing I’m the Only One, such as thinking that if something is going to get done right, then ‘I’ have to do it.
8. Fear of Open Conflict, such as equating the raising of difficult issues with being rude or impolite. -> The initial issue around the problematic phrase was ridiculously hush hush. POC members were banned for their (rightfully so) angry remarks.
9. Believing in Objectivity, such as considering emotions to be irrational and destructive to decision-making.  -> Not just the server owner but the people who rushed to defend them and the problematic mods, claimed to be impartial and objective, based on their queer identities or other things. As humans, none of us can actually be objective and all of us are a little racist because racism is a systemic problem that we were raised under.
10. Claiming a Right to Comfort, such as scapegoating those who cause emotional or psychological discomfort. -> In the end, it was clear that only whiteness was valued when POC folks + allies were banned or made to feel uncomfortable enough to leave (such as myself).
I know I've only posted my thoughts/feelings vs documentation (which, you shouldn't always demand because see above for "worshipping the written word") but if this screenshot of the new rules for the new server doesn't convince you that something (racism/cult-ism) is wrong with these folks... I don't know what will.
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TL;DR - Ownership and modding of a large Discord server doesn't make you a god. You are, unfortunately, still a puny mortal with the biases that come along with being as such. I'm sure it was a fun power trip for those involved but I am happy to expose the rotting underbelly in a way that I see fit.
In conclusion, I leave you with further reading that will help decolonize your mindset and has done a much better job at showing that the problems with the Kindergarten Mafia are not unique (as they claimed). It is one that those of us with marginalized identities face constantly and we are fucking tired of running into this and being treated in a way that emphasizes the problem with our existence in real life. Intersectionality and decolonization is what will actually liberate us, and without both, online spaces are simply the same reflections of real life.
At the very least, I hope it gives some of you food for thought.
(I will also post my Scathing Letter™ that was my last message in the server as a separate post because I am wordy AF and this is already too long.) [1/26/2024 update] Now with part 2 because apparently I had more things to say.
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I just can't
So leftist want all Jews dead because they label them as white (most of them) and quite a few people on the right actually think Jews are controlling the world and want them dead.
I don't fucking understand this. I really don't I do not get the "Jews are actually destroying the world and are puppeteering in the shadows" mentality. the same as I don't understand the History illiterate people who think Jewish people are not native to the Israel.
No really prove it. You can't. OH WOW some people in positions of power around the world HAPPEN to be Jewish. Ok......so what? What's your point. That's the same mentality of, "Some black people commit crime, therefore they must ALL commit crime." And yes it is exactly the same. And yes I see you leftists. You think Jewish people are all just these white landlords who are trying to take away poor "poc" peoples homes. Sorry shithead. No. Palestinians are not defendant of Philistines. WE KNOW they aren't. AND even if they were. Jews lived in that region even before they did.
I do not get this Leftists and Far Right hate of Jews. I really don't. It makes zero sense. I'm in servers in discord that talk about things like DEI, and current day issues and when I get in VC, or listen to certain people talk or hint, they are all trying to say that "The issue is Jews". HOW EXACTLY!?!? WEF is not headed by some "Jewish Cabal". There's no "conspiracy" where all Jews just have this INSTALLED SOFTWARE where they are like, "Ya know, I want to destroy every country, I want to rule from the shadows, and I just love flooding nations with those not of their ethnic groups".
WTF. No really WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK! I can't get away from this shit. It's insane to me that leftists and far right all seem to believe the most insane conspiracies about Jewish people and I legit DO NOT understand. Dear Far Right, the idea that "A few Jewish people are in positions of power and doing stupid things. Therefore all Jews are the problem" is quite literally no different AT ALL than the Leftist view of, "White people have owned slaves period, they will never be able to repent. Henceforth are all evil." IT'S THE SAME FUCKING MINDSET!
And Leftists. LEARN ACTUAL FUCKING HISTORY. And maybe stop viewing all groups you hate as "White" or "White adjacent". Stop viewing Jewish people through the lense of "Landowners" and "Rich people". You are literally participating in the same Nazi rhetoric Hitler did. You are no better than the far right.
What the fuck is wrong with the world. What? The Bible called Jews god's chosen and now the whole world just wants to just delete them? I'm not even religious but fucking hell. What the FUCK.
Mutuals. Follows. Please if you know anything I ask you weigh in on this. If I tag you don't feel obligated to respond. I'd just like your opinion on this. Because I respect your opinions.
@nerdylilpeebee @gsirvitor @siryouarebeingmocked @generallemarc
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Do you have some unhinged HC to share?
also I hope you're doing well
Yeah, sure! I'm adding more of the other operators because actually playing the game has caused deep emotional attachment to them
Shepherd is actually Graves' father, through some fuckery. (Sidenote, this was my headcanon first, I just don't do Graves-centered content to have used it first)
Rodolfo is MEAN when overstimulated. He will have whoever he's talking to in tears for just the simple mistake of breathing in his direction when he's overstimulated. (Alejandro and Gaz are the exceptions, but the "breathe wrong in their direction" applies to them. Soap got snapped at for looking at Gaz in a "mean way")
Rodolfo gets upset when Alejandro isn't jealous and possessive over him because it makes him feel wanted, but it's cool because Alejandro is fairly jealous and possessive naturally
This does mean that if Alejandro has any slightly less dramatic reaction to anyone flirting with Rudy, Rudy gets pretty upset
Soap locked another authority figure in a trunk and everyone lost their minds when Price just goes "AGAIN, MACTAVISH?!"
Soap is "Mactavish" when Price is irritated at him
I know everyone jokes that Gaz is the one trying to be Price's son, but they're wrong. Price regularly tries to pass adoption papers off as other things and Gaz has had to start reading fine print before just blindly signing anything
"Can I call you my son?" "You can for ONE event, though I uh... have some concerns that no one will believe I'm your son." "What ever could you mean by that??? We have the same jawline!"
Speaking of, Gaz is BRITISH! I see headcanons a lot that he and Farah bully Alex by making him eat spicy food, but most headcanon Alex from Texas, and I'm not going to pretend Texas's food is to the same level of spice as a lot of real POC food, but it's more spicy than fucking British food. (I lived in Texas and there is not a damn thing you could call fucking "mild")
So, anyway, Gaz is the one who can't eat spicy food. Alex has no spice meter, he just knows what's really spicy, so Gaz has to warily eat anything Alex considers "mild"
Farah tries to joke around about Alejandro and Rudy in Arabic, but Rudy and Ale had to learn because of the cartel's involvement with AQ and their expansion to Al Mazrah, so she was very shocked when they just started responding back
Alex and Gaz get EVEN MORE shit for their Arabic sucking
She and Roze stayed in touch long after Roze left, and they regularly meet up with Oz and Velikan and gossip about the bullshit Graves is doing now. Arthur occasionally shows up but they can't tell Graves about it
Graves is not invited, he's very deeply upset about it
My Canadian friend joked that Alberta is just the Texas of Canada, so Reyes and Alex are friends now, I have decided
They compare workout routines and talk about neither actually having any sort of facial hair routine, Price hates them both
"Oh joy, there's another fuckin one of you-" Price to Alex
Reyes flirted with Gaz before knowing he and Alex were together and Gaz went dark red, but only because he realised he has a type.
Kortac has their own discord, which now includes the Shadow Company members
Alex and Ghost have dog playdates for Riley and Syd, Gaz and Soap (the cat people) stay inside.
Price pretends not to like Riley and Syd, but many times has everyone came back to both dogs asleep on him
Graves was allowed to stay in the other discord, purely because they make fun of him, but as soon as Kortac was discovered to have their own, he was kicked
Both servers regularly raid the other
Valeria was taunting Ghost and Alejandro with "you wouldn't hit a girl, would you?" and Alejandro said "no. But she will" and gestured to Farah who proceeded to rock her shit
Chuy hates Valeria, but he also hates Alejandro for letting her escape to Al Mazrah and making her his problem again
Not doing taglists for this one since it's more silly
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pinkyjulien · 6 months
Just a heads up: you, a white creator, putting Native American/First Nations/indigenous inspired clothing on your white OC, and then calling it the "wilding" appearance, could be considered cultural appropriation and could also be considered offensive to people from those cultures.
And yeah, I am doing this from a throwaway account to protect myself because I know how Tumblr and the cyberpunk 2077 fandom works. Even if I do have a valid point or critique, I could still be attacked by "fans" on my main who refuse to use any critical thinking for themselves.
Safe travels 👋 I hold no animosity towards you personally.
(From a "cowardly" anon in an extremely hostile fandom which likely will pretend that this outfit and the name for it isn't tinged with implicit and internalized racism.)
(And, no, I'm not one of the so-called "housewives")
Hey Anon,
Not sure what to say, you claim to not hold any animosity towards me, yet this could've easily been a DM. I'm only assuming you're blocked and had to create a side blog to by-pass the said block.
If this was truly a well-spirited heads up, it would've been a DM.
But anyway, if you're here to accuse me in a sugarcoated way, I already know you're having the time of your life about it in some obscure discord server, so might as well.
The Aldecaldos (and Nomads in general of every clan and family) are multi cultured, there's people of every races, every ethnicities- we see it in game and it's mentioned time and time in the sourcebooks. They're communities, formed of many minorities; queers and pocs alike.
Valentin joins the Aldecaldos during the Star ending, just like the canon game event; he makes friends left and right, and friends makes gifts to one another. We also know that resources, clothes, cars, guns, are shared in nomad communities.
The name "wilding" is a direct reference to the Neo Tribe sourcebook, page 21. I used that same name for Mitch's appearance. They use those outfits to ride off near cities, just like the definition on the page below. They're both proudly showcasing their Aldecaldos colors in whichever place / cities they're visiting.
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In my own canon, Dakota is kind of a mother figure for Valentin; she helped him after fleeing the Wraiths, she gave him his first gig with Jackie, she made sure the 'caldos ripper kept the bullet he revoved from Valentin's skull, etc etc
That Jacket could've well been a gift from her before leaving to Arizona, but I haven't decided yet. I was just happy to share my modding project of those past two days.
I've always liked Nomads and what they stand for, their diversity, their lives, their outfits and aesthetics too.
None of the above information is presented as an excuse, they shouldn't be seen as excuses either; I'm simply sharing what inspired me (actively or subconsciously) for this outfit.
If Valentin's appearance, both models and name, did actual upset anyone, I apologize, as this obviously WASN'T the intention. If it does bother you, I invite you to block me.
With all of the "explaination" out of the way; why are you really here?
Because we both know you already knew that about the Aldecaldos. You played the game, you know Panam is half native, you know there's a bunch of native characters in the Aldecaldos and in the game in general.
This ask isn't fueled by kindness or by an attempt at educating someone who could've made a simple mistake.
Nope, you're simply part of this "hostile fandom" problem. Everything you said in brackets reeks of past drama.
Again, you claim to not hold any animosity, but I believe otherwise; that's totally fine, but refrain from contacting me with this fake benevolence, everyone can see it's bullshit.
Repeating myself, this could've been a DM, yet you choose to assume I have some "internalized racism" that You Need to point out, doing so via a side-blog supposedly out of fear (since I don't know who you are, I'll choose to believe you simply by-passed a block) while also dragging in the "Housewives" for no reasons.
You're part of this fandom problem. You're part of the reason why nobody feels safe about sharing anything; you and your friends are out there spying, monitoring what everyone does, assuming the worst at any given occasions and ready to write callouts, to throw witch hunts.
Please, do some critical thinking yourself, remove all the bias and all the "Pinky Bad so this is obviously Racist" bullshit fogging your brain, and ask yourself why you really sent that ask.
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About Us.
"Words are…our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it."
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The Writing Heirs of Slytherin is a Slytherin-focused, Harry Potter community of writers. Our mission is to support fan-fiction writers of all skill levels, all genres, and all shipping proclivities in developing their craft as storytellers. We believe that fiction is the perfect place to safely explore ideas and that every story deserves to be told. To us, there is no such thing as a story that is too dark, too weird, or too taboo.
Our Discord Server.
Our discord server is 21+, no exceptions. The co-owners, admins, and moderators of the server are a mix of POC, queer, trans, and neurodivergent individuals. Thus, we strive to ensure our server is an inclusive place and that our members always have the space to be themselves.
Within our server you'll find the following:
Dozens of channels where you can freely discuss the ins and outs of your writing process
100+ shipping channels with almost every combination of Slytherin characters you can think of, even rare pairs!
An abundance of channels where you can discuss and ask questions about every feature of the Harry Potter universe, so that you can enhance the world-building in your fics.
Fun writing activities and games such as drabble challenges and server exclusive events. and much more!
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Use these tags in your Slytherin fanwork posts (fanart, fics, edits, and gifs) and your analysis posts (headcanons, character analysis, ship analysis, and fandom discourse) and we'll reblog them.
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luxraysyscourse · 8 months
My experience on both sides of syscourse.
Pre syscourse/context
When I realized I was a system, I did hide it for years. I realized about 11 when I saw systems online and realized I personally related to a lot of their experiences. Especially the way they acted, the way they would interact with themselves. For years, I believed everyone had other 'people' or thought processes not of their own. That they could disappear when they were stressed. I know now that's not true, and only in 2020 did I really start getting into syscourse.
Pro Endo
I was pro endo for a few years, and I was a pretty vocal person about it. I was Pro Everything that wasn't illegal, and I was under the impression that as a concept it was harmless. But, being in the community I saw alot of flaws, I saw toxicity within the community. I was fakeclaimed and as a system we labeled ourselves as simply quoigenic and willogenic, as a way to repress our truama, with many people at the time insisting we were more than that, many saying we were "pokegenic" and "autigenic", and even some saying we were "Hospigenic" due to our childhood in the hospital. This made us sot ourselves down and look at ourselves and genuinely question "What are we". We witnessed our friends attempt con convince our singlet friends they were systems, our traumagenic friends that they weren't truamagenic. We personally saw people in our servers try and dox the truamagenic systems who didn't adopt labels, purely because of that. It was something that concerned us. After year we switched our veiw. We decided we didn't want to be associated with such a community, one that attempted for force labels onto people, so we switched our veiw.
Endo neutral
In mid 2021 I moved to a center, We didn't want to associate with the endogenic community, but didn't hate them, overall this was a nice place, it wasn't horrid. But again, similar issues arose, people within it constantly escalated arguments on the front of being an unbiased party. I noticed many many of them tended to circulate harmful rhetoric, especially against POC who spoke against them as a person if they happened to be a system , they went after them as people, their race, and things they held dear. This community was the shortest in terms of associating with it. Something That was unique to it was exactly how they dealt wit syscourse, they had contradictory opinions, many times, one example being endo neutral but anti nondisordered. I left after 6 months, it was full of people hopping between " I don't touch syscourse" and doing it untagged in 3 minutes, honestly it was the most stressful.
Anti Endo
We personally did a bit more research, realizing alot of things, but also again, wanted to no associate with either while staying in the syscourse circles, of course they had their issues, but we noticed that they would, rather than encourage it as the previous had, many shut it down when they could. I found friends here, who actually protected me, though many we're relentless. It made it harder to find spaces in the community where we could talk peacefully about our day-day life without being met with comments about our stance or hatred in our inbox, but out of that on discords, again, they were nice, unlike pro and neu who'd force syscourse onto you, antis encourage taking breaks. Now we acknowledge it does have its issues; being very adamant and unable to back down, I'll admit we're guilty of this as well. Being in this community has made us feel safer. Again, though, an issue is here, anti self diagnosis runs rampant, along with the idea you know exactly who you are. When we realized we were mixed, we had a few anons yell at us for "race faking".
As an entity, the syscourse community is foul. Racism, ablism, doxxing, toxicity, and misrepresentation of arguments all run rampant on many sides of it. The pros and neu encourage ignoring your own health in order to argue your own existence. The anti has an issue of not backing down. The pros has a long history of doxxing and targeting of PoC. The neutrals use personal attacks as arguments. Overall, it's a raging battlefield of counter and cross attacks, horrible in-fighting and general ignoring and discarding of peoples boundaries to go after them. All sides have issues you must work on in order to collectively build cooperation on your points before as a whole we can actually get somewhere with this on-going discussion.
Thank you for reading and taking the time, please check me out, im trying my best, i have a few awareness posts, and i think im.worth mentioning, we mostly wrote this at 4am as we couldn't sleep due to our room being 36°f (alot lower outside) so punctuation, spelling, and grammar wont be 100%
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thottybrucewayne · 10 months
And if I said that watching the way yall will extend endless amounts of grace and space to the worst white people on the planet but the second a Black person is actually dog piled for something they didn't even fuckin do its crickets is what made me actively divest from predominantly nonblack leftists online spaces?
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Watching what yall did and are still doing to people like Prof Flowers, Jai of Twitter fame, and more recently Soulbunni makes me feel like Black MaGes have no place in these spaces and are endlessly harassed with nobody defending them other than other Black leftists. You wanna know why, even after the rise of Cornbreadtube, breadtube still struggles when it comes to not being racist as hell? It's because yall actively push out Black people the second they come under scrutiny for anything (it doesn't even have to be true.) You view Black people (but esp Black MaGes) as expendable. You would never throw the kind of support behind a Black person facing harassment for "problematic past posts" the way you would for someone like Lindsy Ellis or even Keffels. And that's because you really don't view Black MaGes as being in community with you in the first place. We're literally tokens until you can't cash us in anymore. A while back, I was a mod in a PNB (predominately nonblack) leftist discord server. A server that I had to ask for a POC channel in. Now, I want to preface this story by saying that the events that followed me being modded were not the creator of the server's fault in any way. I still have a great deal of respect and admiration for the server's creator. There are even some mods that I still respect and am very grateful for the way they supported and defended me in those events. That being said, the things that I experienced in that server have really shaped how I feel about nb leftists and the online left as a whole and have put a bad taste in my mouth. Which has only gotten worse as I watch other Black MaGes go through what I did and worse. Even after the creation of the POC channel, I watched as every single Black person in that server slowly left or stopped interacting with the server, some of whom are close friends of mine, citing instances of frustrating interactions with nb server members when discussing antiblackness that made them feel unwelcome. There was this sense that, if Black server members weren't there to educate (there were many instances of nb people popping into the POC channel to pick our brains about an issue or topic to the point where we had to put in the channel description that the channel wasn't for that) then we weren't of use. Black server members, including myself, felt like we had to walk on eggshells at all times, it eventually became too much. Many of the nb server members (and even some of the mods) quite literally couldn't stand hearing a Black perspective on Black issues that challenged the way they thought about things in any way. I found myself trying my hardest to speak in the plainest language possible only to be met with either a complete misunderstanding of what I said or a flat-out dismissal of it in favor of what certain nb server members felt to be true about Blackness.
I was the only Black mod and I tried (when I could) to be there to really talk about issues surrounding antiblackness and the use and misuse of aave by nonblack people in an educational way because I believed (still believe) in educating first and foremost.
I was met with "Well, Black people on Twitter have a differing opinion on the matter." and eventually, I was villainized and demonized. I just decided to leave after being accused of " muddying the discourse" and causing derision. I was a token that dropped in value. Multiple non-black people who attacked me called me out my name and treated me like I was some angry, mean, Black bully trying to take over the server and call everyone antiblack. Once again, they could not handle hearing a Black perspective that challenged their worldview in any way. I'm telling this story, not to gain sympathy (because I know that will never be afforded to me) but to make a point that, if you look around at your online spaces and wonder why they look like the front row of a Taylor Swift concert, it's most likely that you've pushed out anyone who would make you think about the ways you interact with Blackness and Black culture longer than five seconds. But what do I know? I'm just some angry Black bitch on the internet.
Edit: rb the edited version, pls
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hiiragi7 · 1 year
I'd like to talk more about introjects and names from other cultures and how it relates to anti-racist efforts in the plural community, because I think that it's a very complex and nuanced topic with a lot of different aspects to explore.
For example, I understand where people come from when they wish to lessen the amount of people who take names from other cultures without respecting that culture or how names work in that culture, but the way people go about this can easily feed into racism despite an active attempt to be anti-racist.
I see this a lot when discord servers make rules policing introject names, you see a lot of different instances of mods questioning systems on what a system's cultural background is to "make sure" they can use a certain name, and there's a lot of white default assumptions made. This is incredibly invasive.
I also see a lot of names from other cultures which never get interrogated because they can pass as "white names", and I find that people who seek to police the names of others often have a lot of assumptions about what "non-white names" look like, which easily feeds into racial stereotyping.
In general, I feel it is not the place of a discord server or similar spaces to make rules relating to cultural names. I also take a lot of issue with how shallow and performative anti-racism tends to be in plural spaces; we see this with the tulpa discourse as well, with arguments pushing to "just change the word, it's not that hard" instead of really grasping that it is not just about the word "tulpa". Similarly, forcing an introject to change a culturally sensitive name will not work to educate them on anti-racism.
I actually find a lot about the ways a lot of plural spaces approach attempts to be anti-racist to be actively damaging to anti-racist efforts; we have a community full of people who have learned different sets of "rules on how to not be racist", but they could not explain the reasoning behind these if pressed. It shows to me a lack of understanding of what we're actually pushing for.
When we have a heavily white-dominated space with well-intentioned people wanting to be anti-racist, the most important goal should be creating more than a surface-level understanding of racism and racist issues. Instead, we have a community of people who have come to believe that just following different rules on how to not be racist is enough, and it isn't. All of the nuance and complexity is lost, and many of the things pushed by the community as "rules on how to not be racist" actively feed into microaggressions against POC due to this.
Simply making rules on what to do and what not to do is to perform a massive disservice to anti-racist efforts; it is a nuanced and complex topic by default, and simplifying it only serves to leave people less prepared for how to tackle racism while having them believe they know more about racism than they really do.
Anti-racist efforts aim to try to get people actually learning and talking more about racism instead of just saying "do this/don't do this". We can say "this is insensitive, please don't do this" all day, but unless people understand why it's insensitive, nobody will get anywhere.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump!
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here with us today is the fabulous @angstafterdark !
Hello! Good to have you here! How about we start off with a fact or three about yourself?
Oh man, hello. If we're not talking about whump, I'm really bad at talking about myself. It's not that I'm boring, I'm just shy and awkward. I'll do my best though! 
My name is Vee or V or ✌🏿. My favorite color is red. I love emojis even though I'm still trying to figure out what half of them mean. I'm very passionate about getting more POC and well written women into the media I read and write in. I firmly believe everyone wins when there's more diversity! 
What does whump mean to you? 
Catharsis, a healthy way to get the pain in your brain out so you're not harming yourself or others. For me, whump isn't the only thing I look for, I like a little plot with my pain. Whump and all its tropes and genres are seasoning to great storytelling! 
And how did you find the whump community? 
I stumbled into the community completely by accident and during a pretty rough period in my life. I started out in writeblr and somehow found @sweetwhumphellacomf's Prince and Paladin series with Eos and Valerie and it just hit everything I loved about storytelling! Dex is a fantastic writer and that series will always have a special place in my heart. So after I read it, I started reading more, got hooked into a discord server, started to actually interact with Dex and other whump writers, started writing my own stuff and went from there!   
Do you feel like your view on whump has changed since you joined?
It's definitely changed! I've gone in a different direction with my writing and become a lot more open to certain tropes and people I once thought were weird or taboo. I think, personally, that's helped me grow as an author. I've had to do research to write some topics with sensitivity and care and that, in turn, has led me to other blogs and people I have the pleasure of calling friends! 
And now my favorite question to ask! Do you have a favourite whump trope?
Whipping, Bedside Vigils, Creepy Comfort, Captivity, Whump Emotional/Psychological Whump, Sickfics/Fevers. I've really been into the BBU (box boy universe) lately. As someone who loves engaging with others about OCs and writing stuff, my favorite thing about it is its collaborative nature. It's so fun and contrary to popular belief, people are very aware and sensitive about the triggering tropes and topics that are often explored in that sandbox. There's also the ability to explore the real world struggles of POC communities, minorities, and other vulnerable populations and thats something I’m really passionate about. 
The BBU universe is amazing with its sandbox structure and I think a lot of the whump community has really connected through BBU’s shared universe. Do you have a favourite piece you've written? 
I have two blogs so I'll link two if that's alright! I love this one! Taron and Zizi were my first whumpees. They hold such a special place in my heart. And this one! (slight nsfw)! Wick's fear here was so fun to write and so palpable. 
I love Taron’s distress and internal conflict in the first one. So good! Do you have a regular writing routine or just whenever the inspo strikes?
Oh gosh. I have a kid, a fulltime job, and a pretty busy life so getting writing done is kind of hard. I try to take Mondays off from parenting and working and I usually find myself at Panera Bread for a few hours. I really like sitting in one corner of the place. I’ll usually put on my wireless headphones and put one song on repeat. The song depends on which story or character I’m writing for.
I do like having a snack when I'm writing but sometimes I get into the zone and completely forget about what I'm eating. It's a problem!  
And do you find it easier to write some things than others?
Comfort is really easy for me to write. I don't write it a lot but when I do, it flows really easily. I love a good comfort fic but I usually slip in a bit of angst. I gotta have my angst. 
Take us behind the curtain, is there anything new you’re working on at the moment?
I have several stories in the works but I'm currently working on the escape portion of LIKE A BULLET LOVES A GUN. Someone dies and that's all I'm gonna say about that. 
I've also taken up drawing again. It's not great and I hate not being immediately good at something but I'm trying to stick with it! 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
I usually save my witty lines for my writing. I’m not great at being funny when I’m under pressure. Sorry. 
Advice time! What would you like to share?
Yeah! I have two pieces of advice!
The first: Have a writing buddy! Write with someone you trust who is going to be supportive of you and excited about what you're doing. The second: no matter how discouraged you get, NEVER DELETE YOUR WRITING OR YOUR BLOG! Be your own fan first. Reread your own writing (you write it for a reason. It made you happy). There's absolutely NO shame in reblogging your own work and screaming in the tags. It's not annoying and it's not egotistical.
Finally let’s shout out your favorite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you. We're hyping everyone up here!
Oh God. There are so many! Whether it's screaming in the tags of my writing, giving me space on discord to be my sometimes messy self, collaborating with me, or just being a sweet, positive force in the community, I'm genuinely grateful for each and every one of these blogs. 
@mottinthemainpot (who nominated me) @wildfaewhump @flowersarefreetherapy @siren-of-agony @ashintheairlikesnow @justplainwhump  @noirineverysense @just-horrible-things @gritpyre @winedark-whump  @studyofwhump @clockworknightmares @redwingedwhump @amethystpath-writes @gottawhump @girlsjustwannadrawwhump and @oddsconvert 
I also gotta shout out a few of the discord servers I’m a part of so shout out to the whumpawoman server, especially to @whumpstash and @mirasmirages who are the most amazing and supportive co-mods! 
Shout out to The Whump Oasis and every one in there as well! 
Anything you'd like to add?
Yes, thank you. albino-whumpee would’ve been on that list of whump blogs that I’m grateful for. I'm still so grateful for the conversations we had and their beautiful commissioned artwork. I hope wherever they've ended up, they're happy and pain-free. Please consider visiting the memorial @whumptr0pes put up for Moya and donating to The Trevor Project in their memory. 
Oftentimes when we're writing whump, we’re dealing with our own traumas and insecurities. It's cliche to say but you never know what someone is going through so kindness and understanding always has to be a priority even if - especially if - someone is writing about a topic you don't personally enjoy or can't engage with for whatever reason. 
We all write and enjoy topics that can trigger someone else and it's important for us as a community to support each other. Please, please, please don't hesitate to reach out. There is always someone in your corner. 
(Note: This topic may still be extremely fresh for some folks and it can be extremely triggering, but we here at Let's Talk Whump want to make it known that we are all a big family (the whump community). No matter what differences we may have, no one should ever feel alone. That being said, if any of you are struggling at home, feel lost, hurting, and don't know where to reach out, attached is a website that has international suicide hotline numbers and resources available from countries A-Z.
https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/ )
Thank you so much for sharing, @angstafterdark. It was so good to have you here today! 
And to all you folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
* @angstafterdark is an 18+ blog only. Minors please do not interact with their works or with their blog. 
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Oh no, anon is right. Ginger was hella about to be banned from my server at some point. I was far more lenient than I should have been and genuinely tried to resolve shit peacefully and then the stuff with "Turning Red" and "Encanto" happened in my server and they left.
Nathan made a bunch of jokes about how "Turning Red" should have focused or talked about 9/11, while we were trying to explain why that wouldn't happen. Mind you, both Ginger and Nathan knew this was a criticism started by MME and people started meming on him because of it, but regardless.
However, direct quote from Ginger: "Kinda a shame because Turning Red does have some problems with its pace, cohesion, and shallow characterization (as well as some very real stereotyping) that is even harder to talk about now that opinions like his muddied the waters"
When I pointed out/asked: "Wasn't the story written by a Canadian-Chinese woman though?" Ginger said that just because a film stars or is written by POC doesn't mean it's above criticism. And this is where I started to get admittedly annoyed. That may be true, but I also wanted to hear other Chinese-Canadians echo the same sentiment that Ginger held about the movie.
We had a bit of back and forth until I finally asked her: "Can you point me in the direction of someone who is chinese and someone who is Columbian who have made these criticisms? Like, I can see what you are saying but I would also appreciate hearing about criticisms from someone who isn't white. /gen" (mind you the tone indicator was very much included)
And Ginger shot herself in the foot when she said "I haven't read any for this film because they haven't been held up. Why do I have to find these sources to have these problems?" and Nathan literally just said "What the Fuck?" in response to me.
Ginger then proceeded to go on about how POC have rich and varied lives so "Why is their first big story about their cultural issues then?"
Which is... the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard in my goddamn life, I cannot even begin to describe why this is so stupid, okay wow-
After I, politely, explained that perhaps as people of these ethnic and racial backgrounds that perhaps they wanted to discuss these issues because of their own experiences and that I'd still like to read or listen to a Chinese person discuss Ginger's talking points, I said that I didn't want us speaking over Chinese folks. And Ginger doubled down, claiming that she had her own thoughts and quote "I'm not speaking over anyone. I have my own thoughts, feelings, and concerns about a movies themes and problems."
If that isn't the literal definition of speaking over someone, I do not know what is.
And then after that, Nathan up and yells "This server has a real problem with autonomous thinking and respecting the views of anyone that doesn't 100% agree with them. I'm out."
Which literally isn't at all what happened. Then Nathan left right before I tried to explain why I believed he was wrong, to which Ginger said and these were her last words in my server:
"Yes. You are. And frankly I'm tired of feeling like this in here. This server has been an uncomfortable place to be in and I don't want to be part of it anymore. You all have a good night. Turning Red has problems. Later."
I sat there genuinely stunned for a few moments. While Ginger and Nathan were never obviously racist, they got so fucking whiny when I asked them to cite me a source of a Chinese person criticising "Turning Red" and a Colombian person criticising "Encanto" that it just goes back to this weird white knight shit.
They wanna sit there and be all progressive but when the Native American person is asking two white people to cite their sources and inadvertedly telling them to stop being white saviours, they double down. Not a cute look.
And mind you, this was just my personal experience. Some of my friends and I genuinely believe that one of our friends received anon harassment from one of them. The reason why we believe that is because the way the anon typed was eeriely similar to the way Nathan typed certain phrases. The guy is just generally unpleasant to be around.
Also everything about how Ginger and Nathan were being weird about autistic traits within characters and only seeing validity in them when they couldn't see their own autistic traits within them and Nathan shitting on OCs while then whining when one of my friends told him a read of "Jekyll and Hyde" that he ascribed to was "shallow" is also 100% true.
Quite frankly, Ginger has her head up her own ass and I believe a lot of it is thanks to Lily.
Wait he's the one who started the Turning Red 9/11 discourse?!! 💀💀
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thdramas2 · 1 month
https://www.tumblr.com/thdramas2/759417734509592576/i-know-this-isnt-explicitly-toyhouse-related-but I think we are ommiting something here.
I double checked the rules and literally HH/HB wasn't JUST banned for "bad LGBT/POC rep" as it would, indeed, be hella hypocritical. Another reason given on their discord is the following: "The characters are overly sexualized and we feel it is not appropriate for minors, as many members in this server are minors" (this was in a section that also applies to the site, just clarifying)
Preventing NSFW material from being in SFW spaces is NOT "policing fandoms". While I think it's not a good look to have a Hoyoverse category, I can think of one reason it was separated from the other games: it's big games that tend to share a fandom and be EXTREMELY common among CBCs. I assume they did not want to flood the Games category. Doesn't mean I necesarily agree with promoting this media however.
About the comment/reblog (aka not directed at OG anon here), I don't know what you're on, but there's literally NO Hisoka CBC on site at all. No mention of the character on the server either. Where have you seen that the owner allowed such characters so long as it fits their interests? Like genuinely where have you seen ANYTHING about Hisoka being involved in this? /genq
I do believe that the HH/HB ban should be clarified to be mostly for NSFW material, because this is the reason that makes the most sense, as it was, in the discord rules, that are stated to also apply onsite, shoved with South Park for similar reasons. Hoyoverse games might not be considered as offensive due to this, especially since all of the... offenses? I think that's the word. Are not as explicit at all. (Does NOT mean I agree with it, just clarifying, again)
Please do not post if this, for some reason, sends as non-anon.
I did think there was something not being told but it's whatever to me. Also don't worry I never post non-anon stuff if it doesn't seem like it's not from a burner account
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Some of my thoughts in no particular order. Taylor and Harry are both mediocre. I once saw a picture of Taylor without eyebrows and I don’t understand why. Harry started looking older than Olivia towards the end. He hangs out with older people because he likes being the youngest person in the room and he loves being babied. Taylor checks off a lot of his boxes for his public and private life. It bothers Harry that he looks old. He skewed younger with Taylor so he can be seen as youthful and sensitive again. And also that he’s not scared to be close to poc. He looks 45 next to Taylor even though they’re the same age. I think he’s done hair growing treatments since 1D- like every time he wore a hat. Whenever he gets his wig refreshed, his hair color becomes magically darker. I think he watches a lot of bad porn and that’s why his sexie moves are fucking bizarre and awkward when he tries to reenact them on real people. I believe the weak stroke game rumors coz of the way he was with Emrata. There was definitely some manipulation there at the end to keep Olivia hanging on to hope they might get together again someday. Fellow asshats recognize each other and that’s why him and James Corden are bffs. When James acts like a dick, like that time he yelled at a server, Harry just lets it happen and doesn’t do anything because his inner creep gets to live vicariously through James Corden. Sometimes when Harry’s face is puffy he looks like he could be James Corden’s older druggy brother if James had any brothers. Olivia wishes she was Margot Robbie right now. To be his gf you have to make the conscious decision to make yourself small and diminish yourself so you never outshine him. Olivia and Taylor love the quotes- In my experience these people are the kind of people who create dreamboards because they have a deep seated need to make themselves happen or to make something happen that will lead to making themselves happen iykwim. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, it’s just an observation. Harry’s close circle of friends are all rich, privileged white men. I would think someone purported to be a friend to women and their gallant champion would have more female friends in his circle and as an afterthought, also poc. When we hear about him with women, it’s not buddy stories. It’s cheating and him being his usual manwhore self. When he joke kissed that guy from his movie at the viff my thought is that is what straight guys do. Gay people would get their asses beat. There’s this painting called Scream. I think of Harry when I look at it coz it looks like the guys face is getting hoovered.
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ofseafroth · 8 months
i don't use tumblr AT ALL but i think this is the one place i can show screenshots where everyone will see them.
i am tired of holly, ria, the original tumblr poster, and whoever this SadisticCupid is pretending theyre not at any fault for the recent idiotic drama.
holly is a person who is have had a falling out with some years ago. 2020, i believe, when the server was first made. the situation entailed her getting upset over a friend and i making jokes about white people. both my friend and i are half white. she claims i called her a cracker, i don't remember, so i wont deny or confirm that. she sent her friend ria to harass me on my message board after i made an all poc server. it immediately sprung into an argument of course and i blocked ria after ria compared me to my abusive mother. i have not spoken to her nor kept up with her until 2023.
however, holly joins my server AGAIN pretending to be someone else. she ends up leaving again after sharing art of UC ocs and i went "those are some white ass names" immediately following a compliment of her artwork. ss below. she leaves, she rejoins and claims she was bullied in the server. this was after she wouldnt let people promo the server on the UC insta and said the server was filled with bullies. i immediately took that accusation seriously and asked her to point out who bullied her because when we went back in the conversation, there was only that one thing i did. as soon as we pulled out screenshots, she began claiming she was bullied in dms and couldn't remember the conversation. she leaves AGAIN. she rejoins and a mod immediately recognizes her. when called out, she denies that shes the same person until i finally tell her i know its her. we have a conversation in the dms, every thing is resolved.
amidst a conversation about lucifer's flaws, specifically the rape of hades, holly jumps in and begins calling hades a whore. we all know how much holly likes lucifer. we tell her to stop calling him a whore, it was weird with the conversation we were having, and another member even explained it further.
she slut shames cain. i tell her to stop with the slut shaming. i have a rule in my server to be respectful on how you speak on fictional characters bc while they are fictional, there are things in the series that reflect real life situations. i.e : rape. i told her i dress similarly to cain. the constant slut shaming was just not a good feeling.
now the stupid business with the one shot. i have said repeatedly how i do not care how people feel about the one shot whether you like it or not. there was some valid criticisms esp with the first publication that i cannot have an opinion on because i did not read the pre edited version. we had screenshotted some comments that we felt were dramatic and found funny. not once did we come after anyone who genuinely had criticism about the one shot. she comes in out of no where and tells a mod to shut up and move on. of course we are not going to respond well to that. NOT ONCE did anyone treat her similarly when we disagreed with her. ill add screenshots as well.
i will also add screenshots of the conversation i had with the person who wrote that one tumblr post and anything i think is also relevant. claiming i manipulated them into taking my side is crazy.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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wolfsbanegrove · 1 year
Wolfsbane Grove is a left hand path-focused coven that believes in providing a safe and educational environment. We are very close and put a lot of emphasis on being tight-knit and involved. The coven is LGBTQ+ and POC owned. And of course, despite being lhp based, we welcome any who practice the right hand path by itself or along with the left hand path. If this sounds like it could be the place for you, please read the requirements below and join our application server:
1. You must be aged 16-26.
2. You must have a minimum 6 months of experience.
3. You must have or make a Discord account.
If you meet these requirements, join the server linked and fill out an application! In the application server you will also find a more in depth list of rules. We look forward to meeting you :)
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