#there's 7 birthdays to go until what I think is masquerade time including my own in early October so that's 70 summons
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kay-kay-is-kray-kray · 2 years ago
Finally reached 300 summons stored up for Masquerade. I'm estimating that I'll be around 400 by the time it rolls around or maybe closer to 500 if I cave to The Mouse if my recently acquired degree nets me a job.
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alexseanchai · 4 years ago
Fanfic 2020 in Review
I got tagged by @kasienda @noirshitsuji and @marvelousmsmol and I am tagging whoever wants to play!
1) List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
*filters own works to complete and updated in 2020*
1 - 20 of 57 Works by AlexSeanchai
nope. *adds filter to include only works of at least 1000 words*
unless otherwise indicated, these are all Miraculous Ladybug:
“don’t bake it lying down”, post-reveal Marichat vs Felix Graham de Vanily
“veracity”, canon divergence from “Ladybug” featuring Mister Bug and Verity Queen (so also Marichat, I guess)
“(no request is too extreme, if) your heart is in your dream”, in which Hawkmoth wins, for the thirty seconds or so before Emilie saves Ladybug and Chat Noir’s lives
“tell me you love me and make me believe it”, in which trans girl Chatonne Noire ropes Ladybug into helping plan her civilian self’s escape slash social transition
“kingmaker, oathbreaker”, in which Hawkmoth wins and Emilie watches her son remove himself from the family
“stay and let me watch you break it down” (Twelve Dancing Princesses), a modern setting
“set a course for winds of fortune”, in which trans girl Chatonne Noire has already escaped and Gabriel and Nathalie are trying to bring Gabriel’s son home
“we ground love in a hopeless place”, in which post-reveal Marinette’s attempt to remain resolutely not in love with her partner dissolves like sugar in coffee when they start a pun war
“ring the bells that still can ring”, in which Alya is deeply confused about why Adrien and Marinette are planning a wedding when last night both were single
“burning wishes at both ends (the cold wind and long loud wail remix)”, in which Gabriel made a monkey’s paw wish and Emilie makes another
“words cannot espresso”, in which Marinette’s OC roommate is justifiably worried for Marinette’s safety, and meanwhile Adrien takes care of Marinette
“the compromise of truth” (the chronologically second-earliest part posted to date of nine lives, snake’s eyes), in which Adrien tells his friends how he won some freedom and respect from his father
“At The Present Time”, the Ladrien/Ladynoir marriage proposal follow-up to @art-deco-shrimp‘s  “Your Presents Required”
“j'ai rêvé (so I don't have to dream alone)”, in which the events of canon must just have been a series of dream sequences, Marinette and Adrien both think, until they both arrive at Chloe’s Halloween masquerade dressed as themselves from the dreams
2) Number of words written:
ahahaha no. I am not counting all my scattered fic drafts and trying to figure out what I did and didn’t write in 2020. I refuse.
AO3 says I posted 162K in 2020. it is counting all of keeps you guessing (like any real love), which (a) I started posting in 2019 (b) is co-written by @galahadwilder​; it is counting all of my meta snippets collection, much of which was written in 2019; it is counting the Vimeo passwords for my vids. but I probably cleared 150K by a safe margin.
3) Your most popular fic:
“veracity” has a four-digit kudos count, wow, when’d that happen? this is also the 2020 work with the most hits and the most bookmarks, but “tell me you love me” has four-thirds as many comments as its nearest competitor.
4) Your personal fav:
“cannot break us, not with a thousand swords”, no question about it. this is the one in which Ladybug proposes marriage to Chat Noir via Princess Bride meme on Tumblr. (if you intend to download the work or otherwise to consume it with creator style off, you want the accessible version instead of the primary version.)
5) Your fav scene:
—okay so this is cheating and I know it, since Uncertain Humors (the one where Marinette/Adrien is both Orpheus/Eurydice and Theseus/Ariadne) is nowhere near finished, never mind posted (maybe I'll get “Sanguine” done to post on my birthday?)
but it is still my favorite of the year. as you might guess from that description of the story, this scene has content notes for character death:
Hell is a maze. Marinette walks.
This acrid passage has little to see but damp stone, seeming blood-stained in the dim carmine light. At about the height of her heart, the faintly glowing thread cuts through the not-clammy air; it ought to be pulsing at the same rate as the heart it's bound to. She might be able to see her own reflection if she looked down at the open sewage pipe, or at one of the puddles that now and again she splashes through, dampening the canvas of her shoes. She might see reflected what's behind her.
She remembers Mme. Mendeleiev lecturing on human physiology. In healthy humans old enough to have learned how, urination is a voluntary action: one may not know which muscles one tenses and relaxes in order to do so, and probably isn't paying attention to those details when one is doing, but one has conscious control over whether one does. Usually. Stress and anxiety mean some people are unable to relax the relevant sphincter muscle and others are unable to stop themselves. It's voluntary for cats, too: it's one way they mark their territories. Cat-boys have other ways.
There is a moment in every human life when all one's muscles relax at once. Some Parisians have had several such moments.
The thread is braided with itself around her left fourth finger, rows of tiny red half-hitch knots, and falls loosely over the back of her hand to loop twice around her wrist. She holds it wrapped between the fingers of her right hand to keep it at a constant tension, as though knitting with this insubstantial thread, so fragile for something two (two dozen, two million) lives hang from—too thin to sew with, no thicker than one strand of his hair. As she walks, she winds it around and around and around her wrist.
Between her ring finger and her right hand, it loops twice.
Marinette's shoe lands in a puddle she didn't see. The rainwater splashes soundlessly onto her bare ankle and on the stone.
(With cat-like tread, upon our prey we steal— It's a very loud song.)
She walks on.
6) A fic or scene that challenged you:
where the firelight fades, no contest. this is the second story I’ve ever been able to stick with more than a couple hundred words past the 20K mark, but it’s easily the twentieth novel-length I’ve begun. (though also, you know that kedreeva post? well, 90K later, I’m less than 15K from completing this 10K fic! I think.) and I have been learning so much about long-form fiction.
there has also been a lot of weeping and tearing my hair. case in point: I just trashed the chapter 15 draft because I figured out the reason it wasn’t going anywhere! I can probably keep the first few hundred words of that draft without any editing, and another few hundred with some revision...
7) A line of writing you’re proud of:
from “j'ai rêvé (so I don't have to dream alone)”:
Everything about their partnership is fragments of sentences in the dream diary Adrien writes in ultraviolet pen. Disjointed flickers of thought even when examined under the black light he hides in the snack cabinet under packets of Super Yoyo sandwich cookies and bags of cheesy Monster Munch potato chips and boxes of petit écolier butter cookies (chocolat noir)—none of which explains the gym-socks smell. All fleeting incoherent flashes, invisible between the mundane lines of La Modification shelved at his bedside between Leroux and Dumas. None of it is solid. Adrien has more proof his room's haunted.
okay let me break this down for you!
* Adrien started a dream diary to make sense of the memories
* in invisible ink, in a book that (according to Wikipedia) is thematically appropriate and won’t (if Gabriel sees it) look like anything other than Adrien developing an interest in French literature
* shelved between Phantom of the Opera and The Three Musketeers
* look I didn’t come up with the name “black light”
* or “chocolat noir” for what English speakers call “dark chocolate”, or “petit écolier” (that is, “little schoolboy”) for that sort of butter cookie
* also not my fault that “chocolat noir” sounds remarkably like “Chat Noir”, which, attentive readers may have noticed, is not a name that appears in the story after the header and before Miraculous Cure
* I found the website of a store in Boston, Massachusetts that caters to French expats, and the yo-yo cookies and the monster chips were right there in the photos, y’all
* the snack stash and the black light live in the cabinet where, in canon, the Camembert lives; yes, that cheese smells in the real world like gym socks
* this story’s akuma was not able to affect anything but squishy human memory: nobody affected remembers anything about Ladybug or Chat Noir or Hawkmoth, not in any solid way, not even when they read news articles about the subject, and this includes Marinette and Adrien not being able to see or hear or remember their own kwamis—but you know what Adrien’s Insta post about his poltergeist and Adrien’s Insta post with the floating sock don’t show and don’t explicitly refer to?
* I love this paragraph so much (my housemates may have been lovingly mocking me over it)
8) A comment that touched you:
there are people (y’all know who you are) who said y’all are studying my style. I ded of blush.
9) Something that inspired your writing:
by volume of fic drafts that can be blamed on any particular person, the winner is probably @norakwami​
10) Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
so that longest-story-ever-written record I set in 2007 with the 89.5K story that, till where the firelight fades, was the only story I’d gotten much past 20K?
I broke that fucking record!
and then I deleted the draft of firelight chapter 15 😭
11) Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
I’m starting work on a fantasy novel, a Sleeping Beauty retelling in which I explore (among other things) the economic consequences of the king’s ordering all the spinning wheels burned, and I want to make significant progress on that. and I want to not make my hands any worse; I kind of need those!
(breaking news alert: bodies fucking suck. so does giving yourself repetitive stress injuries in doing one and a half to two people’s worth of work for an organization that was never ever going to pay you more than one person’s worth of pay.)
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preface2adreamplay · 5 years ago
Under Your Spell (Chapter 22) - The Nights Ablaze and So Am I
Tumblr media
Summary: A Jared Padalecki/OFC /Oscar Isaac fiction.
Jared takes Stef to a masquerade party.
Chapter warnings: Flirting, swearing, infidelity. smut, blowjobs, voyuerism.
Chapter WC: 3,656
‘Its a party, you’ve been to one before.’ Jared’s voice came from the bathroom, where he had been making far too much noise the past few minutes.
‘Hmm,’ Stef replied, running her hands along her hips, the gown she chose for tonight hugged her in all the right places. Considering herself for a minute, she decided to stop being so hard on herself, she looked hot. Nodding in agreement with herself, she sat on the edge of the bed to pull on her heels, these were new. She would be towering over Oscar if she wore them on a date with him, but tonight she would be with Jared. A girl didn’t have to worry about what heels she wore with him. Tying the ribbon across her calf, she stole another look at herself. These shoes were so pretty, they were black satin with a killer stiletto heel. 
‘You ok out there?’ Jared called, still banging things against the sink.
‘Yep,’ Stef stood and walked around the bed, testing the shoes. She wouldn’t last all night in them. There was no way. Women who could walk in heels were warriors in Stef’s eyes, they had always been a little too painful for her. 
‘Beauty shouldn’t be painful.’ She said, loud enough for Jared to hear. 
‘You’re so beautiful you hurt my feelings,’ Jared responded.
Stef snorted with laughter, ‘oh shut the fuck up.’
She could hear him chuckling in the bathroom, the sound echoing off the tiled walls. 
‘You ready?’ Jared stepped out of the bathroom and paused, his jaw dropping ever so slightly when he saw her. Recovering with a loud swallow he ran a hand along his mouth, ‘well you look...’ he couldn’t think of the right word. 
‘I look...’ Stef fished for the words.
‘Delectable, stunning, beautiful...like I wanna rip the dress off and take you right here.’ Jared offered, walking toward her, slowly dropping his hand against her ass, pulling the satin material aside, revealing the slit that ran up her thigh.
‘My god.’ He said, his half lidded eyes drinking her in.
‘We don’t have to go to the party,’ he whispered.
Stef smiled, putting her hand over his and pushing it away. ‘You can look but don’t touch. At least til later.’
Jared whimpered as she turned away, watching her hips sway, one hand on the door handle. ‘Come on, you don’t want to be late!’ 
Jared pouted, ‘how can I go outside, other people will look at you and try steal you from me.’
Stef tutted, ‘get your ass into the car Jared, or I’ll tie you to the bed and leave you there for the night.’
‘Oh you would, huh?’ 
‘And I’d send you pictures of me hanging out with your friends.’
‘Hmmm,’ Jared’s pupils were blown wide with lust, there was no mistaking the erection forming in his pants. 
‘Sitting in Jensen’s lap maybe...’
Jared cocked an eyebrow, ‘nuh-uh,’ he grabbed for her, pulling her to his chest. ‘You’re tall in those shoes.’ 
Stef playfully pushed against him, unable to contain her giggles. Wrapping his long fingers around her wrists, he moved them behind her, her body was flush against his now, her breasts rubbing against his chest. He growled, soft and low.
‘We have time, we could have a quickie.’ 
Stef stayed quiet, her consent given while she leaned her head back, offering him the length of her neck. Leaving her tied up in one hand, he moved the other to run a thumb along her throat to her breast bone, her cleavage round and soft and inviting. He wanted to tear at the fabric, rip it away so she would be bear for him. Grinding his teeth, he was breathing hard. ‘No,’ he whispered. Their lips so close, the static crackling between them, dip in and kill the lights or pull back?
Jared chose the latter, he released her hand and moved for the door, ignoring her plea. ‘Like you said, we don’t wanna be late.’
He was still hard as he sat into the passenger side of her car, he had to push the seat back to make room for his legs. Looking across at Stef as he drove out into the street, he knew she was just as horny as he was. 
‘You ok to drive in those shoes?’ 
Stef put her foot down, the car responded easily and roared onto the highway. 
‘We will be there in a little while so behave, or don’t. Just don’t tease me.’
‘Oh and you wouldn’t tease me by sending me pictures of you with my friends, huh?’ 
She looked across at him and the shit eating grin he wore, she couldn’t stay mad at him. Rolling her eyes she concentrated on the road while he fiddled with the bluetooth setting on her radio. Allowing himself a dramatic gasp when one of her own songs started up. Twin Flames had been the easiest song she had ever worked on, it was quite far down on the list of music that hadn’t disturbed her sleep. It was just he icing on the cake now that she had met Jared on the video shoot. And now he was sitting next to her, his hands on his knees, he was looking at the lights they passed, humming the lyrics. 
‘Ever think of writing any music?’
‘I can’t sing.’
‘Yes you can. You should do some back up vocals for me when I’m back in the studio.’
‘You’re recording something soon?’ Jared looked a little excited. ‘Come on!’ He threw his hands in to the air, ‘I’m a fan, sue me.’
Stef broke into a laugh, ‘yep, I met with the band and they have some music for me to write lyrics to. I’ve gotten a few done already.’
‘Can I hear ‘em?’ 
Stef winced, ‘not yet, we’re not even at demo stages yet, honey.’ 
Jared grumbled, ‘when then?’
‘Ok, I’ll get something down this weekend and I’ll let you listen to it. See what you think.’
Jared seemed happy with that, he was nodding and grinning. Holding his thumbs against his chest, telling himself he was ‘the man.’
‘If I roll my eyes at you any more on this journey, I may crash the car.’
Jared clapped his hands, delighted at having wound her up so much.
‘Ready?’ Jared said, looking at her through the eyeholes of the mask on his face. Stef nodded, wondering why she was nervous. Everyone inside had been at the wrap party. From the sounds of it, it was a little more wild than she expected.
A Supernatural masquerade party at Halloween was bound to be a little crazy. ‘You nervous?’ Jared had his hand in hers, squeezing it a little for reassurance. ‘Yeah, I’m good.’ Her mouth was dry, she wasn’t good, not really. Her feet wouldn’t move. 
Jared leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips, catching a little of the red lipstick she had only just applied. Stef rubbed her thumb against it.
‘We can just go back to yours,’ he suggested, seeing she was uncomfortable.
‘Thanks honey, but no. I want to go to the party, my old shy self comes out when I see it’s in full swing. Especially when I don’t have alcohol in me.’ 
It had been her choice not to drink tonight, she’d wanted to have a clear head for tomorrow. It was her birthday after all, she didn’t want to spend it throwing up.
The door of the house opened, the noise getting louder. Jared waved at whoever it was, recognising them even with the ludicrous mask they wore.
Stef walked with Jared to the entrance, hiking her dress up a little so she didn’t walk on it as she climbed the steps. Jared slowed his pace while she adjusted herself. 
Inside, there were bodies everywhere. Rock music pumped through the speakers. It looked more like a frat party than a sophisticated get together. Stef smiled, enjoying the fact that they were anonymous, well, she was. Jared was getting clapped on the back from every direction. Not one person noticing or maybe even caring that he was hand in hand with a woman that wasn’t his wife. 
The wide hallway in the mansion had the biggest staircase Stef had ever seen. She thought about how many rooms there were, the doors on the upper floor suggested 10 that she could count. Someone was waving furiously from the balcony right above them. Stef couldn’t be sure who it was until they smiled. Jensen. Definitely Jensen. She waved back and he motioned for them to join him.
Stef pulled on Jared’s hand, he was speaking to someone, actually, shouting over the music. They were close to the speakers here. Stef wouldn’t be able to stand it for long. 
Jared nodded and hit the man on the shoulder playfully, whoever he was. ‘Coming,’ he mouthed, following Stef up the stairs. 
‘I was wondering when you two would get here!’ Jensen was in a three piece suit and a feathered mask, the two didn’t match but neither did the feather boa that was wrapped around his shoulders. 
‘You’re not meant to know who we are!’ Jared grinned, chewing his gum loudly.
‘Yeah coz you’re not noticeable, you 7 foot freak.’
Between nudges and inside jokes, the guys did their best to include Stef in the conversation, Jared had his hand on her lower back, stroking his knuckles against her spine each time he leaned into listen to whatever Jensen was saying. 
Throwing a thumb over his shoulder, Jensen shook his head. It was a silent conversation between the two men. Both took off down the hall. Jared held tight to Stef’s hand until they got to a stairwell that lead downward. They were going into the basement. 
When Jensen opened the door to reveal the room within, Stef had to take a breath. It wasn’t techically a basement, it was an all out man cave. Huge sofas, every manner of game console known to man and a bar tucked into the corner.
‘Who the hell owns this place?’ She blurted out. Jared had taken the mask off his face and was rubbing his eyes. ‘Makin’ me itchy,’ he grumbled. 
‘We rented it for the party, dunno know how owns it.’ Jensen offered a glass of scotch to them. Jared gulped it back in one go as Stef refused hers. 
‘Nice to be away from the madness upstairs.’ Jensen poured Jared another two fingers. 
‘Even down here you can hear them, are they always this...insane?’ Stef undid the ribbon at the back of her mask. Jensen may have forgotten he had his on, he kept talking while he drank. There was a long row of records on the far wall that Stef decided to inspect. 
Jared would steal glances at her over Jensen’s shoulder. God, she looked so damn beautiful, he thought. The familiar warmth in his belly crept up toward his chest. Usually it went the other way, his loins were forever on fire for that woman. But this was a new sensation, he was crazy about her, sure. He couldn’t deny it. Everybody knew it. 
‘Yo man, you listening?’
‘Hmm?’ Jared raised his eyebrows at the question but had to force his eyes away from Stef and her hands running across the spines of the records she was engrossed in, reading each and every one of them. 
‘I forgot you can’t concentrate on anything else when that girl is around.’ 
Jensen was topping up Jared’s drink that he had in his had, but hadn’t drank. ‘Take it easy, buddy.’ Jared put a hand over the rim. 
‘Problem?’ Jensen asked.
‘Nah, it’s Stef’s birthday, I don’t wanna be a drunken idiot.’ 
Jensen smiled, ‘you’ll just be an idiot, as usual.’ He turned to Stef, ‘happy birthday, girl!’ He raised a glass.
Stef turned to see both men looking down at her, she had bent over to see the second row of dusty records, blushing, she stood up. ‘Thanks.’ 
She rubbed her arms, it was chilly down here. 
‘Thanks for coming to the party, if I had known I would have done something special.’ Jensen turned to his friend, gritting his teeth ‘why didn’t you tell me before, man.’
‘It’s cool, I have something special for her.’
‘I don’t wanna know if it’s anything to do with what you got in your pants.’ 
Jared snorted a laugh, ‘well, some of that and something else.’
Jensen clinked glasses with Jared, ‘to the birthday girl!’ He declared. 
‘To the birthday girl,’ Jared joined in the toast, drinking down the scotch, letting it burn his throat, he preferred beer but he’d take what was offered.
It was half hour til midnight and the party had moved outside the mansion to watch fireworks. ‘So, birthday girl, have you had a nice day?’ 
Jared and Stef were definitely the only two sober people on the premises. Sitting together on a loveseat on the balcony overlooking the gardens. His jacket was resting across her shoulders, his fingers winding through a piece of hair that had come undone from her carefully constructed hairstyle.
‘Yes, I have. Thank you for spending it with me.’ 
‘I got you a little something.’ Jared reached into his pocket. 
‘Oh no.’ Stef began blushing furiously. ‘You promised you wouldn’t get anything.’
Jared scoffed, ‘C’mon, I had to get you a gift.’
He produced a silver bracelet. So simple and elegant. It was actually exactly Stef’s style. 
‘I had to check my pocket so many times tonight, thinking it had slipped out.’
Jared was busy wrapping it around her wrist he didn’t notice Stef blink away a tear that had almost broken out. No one had gotten her a gift like that in years. Years. The easy way he gave it to her, talking all the while. Stef grabbed his chin, his beard having grown out in the last few months. ‘Thank you.’ Her hazel eyes meeting his. Her stomach did a somersault. Those puppy dog eyes, how could she not fall for him?
They were kissing, sickening sounds that people complained about when a couple just can’t keep themselves apart in a public place. 
Stef moved across into his lap, grabbing the back of his head and running her hands through his hair. 
‘Any chance of you giving me some beard rash in some sensitive places when I get you back to mine?’ Stef was nibbilng on his earlobe. 
She could feel the rumble of his laughter. ‘Most definitely, baby. It’s your birthday, I’ll do anything you want.’
‘That’s what I like to hear.’ Stef was grinding down against his crotch, the ache inside for him overwhelming. 
Her hand reached down, palming his cock through his pants. ‘I want you,’ she whispered. ‘Right here on this balcony. Where anyone could look up and see us.’
Jared bit his lip, swallowing the moan her words had brought out of him.
‘I wanna check something with you first though,’ Jared grabbed her chin and turned it toward the corner of the balcony. A cctv camera was pointed down onto the grounds. ‘Would you really care if someone were watching us?’
‘Mmhmm,’ Stef slid down onto her knees, unzipping his pants in that slow, teasing way she did. She didn’t hesitate to pull him from his boxers and lick around the tip. He was so hard. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes. She was teasing him, alright. No one could do this like she could. ‘Would you still be doing this if someone were watching you?’
She looked up at him, her lips puckered as if she were about to kiss his mouth, instead she placed a kiss to the underside of the head of his cock. Nodding slowly, she began licking where she knew he was most sensitive. 
‘Ok then.’
Jared took his phone from his pocket, typing something quick as a flash and drew her up by her elbows. His cock springing free from her mouth. ‘Get in out of the cold.’
Jared tucked himself back into his pants before rushing down the hallway to an open door. The lights inside were low, the fireworks throwing shadows and bursts of light across the walls. A huge four poster bed was the centre piece of the room. Not big enough to be a master bedroom, not in a house this size, but impressive none the less.
Stef expected Jared to throw her onto the bed and ravage her, but to her surprise, he sat on the chaise lounge by the window. Just to the left was a set of three long mirrors, giving him a perfect view of her as she kneeled to take her place between his legs again. 
‘OK, please continue.’ Jared’s eyes were soft, half closed as he watched her open his pants again. 
She pumped his thick shaft a few times, licking the tip before taking him into her hot mouth. He whimpered and swallowed hard. 
Putting one hand on the back of her head, he watched her wiggle her butt in the reflection.
The three different viewpoints from the mirrors was a fucking great idea.
She sucked softly, making noises so sweet to his ears. She was loving this.
Jared watched her, taking his member down deeper and back out again, like it was made to be in her mouth. He could come apart right here, spill down her throat but he wanted to fuck her. She looked too damn hot tonight to pass up this opportunity. 
Stef felt his balls twitch, this was the moment when he would tell her he was ready to blow. So she pulled back, looking up at him through her long eyelashes. He was breathing hard, but he was steady, controlling himself better than he had been able to before.
The fireworks were so loud outside the window, she didn’t hear him ask her to stand up. 
Jared stood and turned her around, slipping his hand around to the front of her dress and down into her cleavage. His long fingers grasped at her nipples easily. His breath was on her neck, his cock grinding against her ass. Looking at him in the mirror as he found the slit in her dress and moved his hand along her thigh to land on her mound, she was soaking through her panties. They were new, black satin and perfectly ruined as he moved them aside to run a finger along her slit.
‘So fucking wet. You’re perfect,’ He said, eagerly kissing the skin of her neck. 
Movement in the corner of the room caught her eye. Stef started, her heart hammering. ‘Someone is watching us,’ her voice barely audible over the fireworks exploding. Jared’s lips were at her ear, his voice drawing out the name, ‘it’s Misha.’
Stef squinted into the dark corner, he was still, his silhouette burned into her eyes as she squeezed them shut. 
‘I can ask him to leave, if you want?’ Jared was pushing her over, one hand on her shoulder, the other sliding the dress up and over her ass. Stef couldn’t speak, this was really happening. Shaking her head, she leaned forward at his behest, feeling his hand running along the soft skin on the inside of her thigh. His long fingers sliding her panties down, exposing her glistening pussy to the room. The flood of arousal allowed her to groan aloud, Jared lined up and pushed in without warning. Stef cried out with pleasure while he kept a steady pace. Looking up at the mirror, she saw Jared was looking her face in the reflection, the corners of his mouth pulling into a grin as he saw her looking back at him. His pace never faltered, the room was closing in around her. Never had she felt another pair of eyes on her and fuck if it didn’t make her feel dirty.
Jared bent over and grabbed her hips, spearing her with his cock, he was panting ‘you do like it, don’t you? Dirty girl. it’s making you so wet.’ His voice was too low for anyone else to hear. 
‘Yes, I like you fucking me while someone watches,’ Stef grinned into his kiss. It was sloppy and hot, he nipped at her jaw before standing back up to his full height, continuing his thrusts. 
Grabbing the edge of the chaise lounge to keep from toppling over as Jared started grunting, watching his cock disappearing inside of her. ‘So fucking wet, baby,’ he kept saying. 
The fire in her belly was crawling slowly between her thighs, it wouldn’t be long until she felt the rush come over her. 
Jared stopped thrusting and bit back his groan, teeth sinking into his lower lip. With a slap against her ass with one hand, he finally let out a breath. Stef was almost there but he wasn’t moving. ‘Don’t stop,’ she cried. 
Jared grabbed the flesh of her ass and thrust hard into her. Gasping, she convulsed, laying her head down onto the chair between her outstretched arms. 
Jared pulled out of her with an obscene squelch. Stef felt her dress move to cover her ass as he fixed her up. 
‘Y’ok?’ Jared sat down heavily next to her. Turning her head to look at him, sweat lining his forehead, she smiled. 
His eyes moved across the room as he watched his friend leave. 
‘I’m ok,’ Stef whispered, closing her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy the post orgasmic high.
When a few minutes passed, Jared grabbed her waist and dragged her across his lap. 
She lay with her back against his chest, feeling his heartbeat steadying, his arms wrapped tightly across her chest, their fingers entwined. 
‘It’s 12:00, Happy Birthday, baby.’ His lips grazing her temple. 
‘Happy birthday to me,’ Stef shimmied herself against him, being exactly where she needed to be. 
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hp-nextgen-fest · 6 years ago
2018 HP Next Gen Fest Anonymous Masterlist
Here is the complete Anonymous Masterlist for the 2018 @hp-nextgen-fest​!
Reveals will be going up this Friday on November 30, so there are still a few days left to make your way through any entries you might have missed. Don't forget to leave some comments on these amazing creations to let the authors and artists know how much you've enjoyed their hard work! :D
Sick Day [James Sirius/Teddy & Albus | General] Albus insists he’s not sick, James and Teddy say otherwise.
Every Christmas From Now On [Albus Severus/Scorpius | General] While decorating their flat for the holidays, the new couple discusses where they should spend Christmas day.
Deep Roots, New Growth [Draco & Teddy Gen | General] With Draco’s help, Teddy learns about his Black Family ancestry and helps to restore the damaged tapestry.
Ebb Tide [Rose/Padma | Explicit] Rose, normally very shy, finds the courage to get what she wants at a masquerade ball.
SHE ROCKS!!! [Dominique & Roxanne | General] Summer 2016. Roxanne and Dominique never get tired of playing Quidditch together. The rest of the family does get a little tired of hearing Dominique yell "SHE ROCKS!!!" everytime Roxanne scores a goal, but they don't say a thing.
On Holiday [James Sirius/Teddy | General] It's their first holiday together without the family, but they haven't done much sightseeing. Correction: they haven't done any sightseeing.
Pining [Lily Luna/Rose | General] It's a wonder no one besides Hugo has noticed that Lily Luna is pining for Rose.
Swim To Me [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] Nestled within the Lake District, among rolling green hills, spindly birch trees and tall pine trees, lay Teddy’s cottage, just a stone's throw from a serene lake; the perfect place to swim in the warm late-summer sun. There was just one problem: James’s fear of swimming. "I’ll teach you", Teddy said. "I’ll make it fun." James was sold on the idea pretty quick. Being in close contact with the half-naked object of his crush? It was a no brainer.
Drink Me [James Sirius/Teddy; Albus Severus/James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] Before going to bed on his 18th birthday, Albus drinks one of Weasley Wizard Wheezes' newest wish-fulfillment potions, his gift from Lily.
Lavender's Iris [Lily Luna/Lavender | Teen] Lily does some hard thinking before her upcoming wedding. What she discovers is a bit of a surprise to her.
Close To Me [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] “I can’t believe you want to suck your own cock.” “No, the other way around. I wanna see me suck my cock. It’s a world of difference, Tedward. Keep up!”
Activate [Draco/James Sirius | Explicit] Draco always figured he was a common Beta, and though he may have had childhood dreams of presenting as an Alpha, after forty years of living he's made his peace with his lot in life. He had a loving relationship with his late Beta wife, has an amazing son, and his work at his Apothecary and Potions shop keeps him occupied. Draco has a very pleasant life indeed, until one day his son drags James Sirius Potter into his life and everything gets turned on its head.
Waiting for You [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] When James was sixteen, Teddy agreed to take his virginity if he made it to eighteen without losing it. He never thought James would make it the two years without shagging anyone, but now James is eighteen and asking Teddy to fulfill his promise.
My Potter Boyfriend [James Sirius/Scorpius | R] Scorpius has a Potter boyfriend, it’s just not the one everyone thinks.
On the Same Side [Charlie/Teddy | R] Teddy is heading to Romania to protest a proposed anti-dragon law. He finds an interesting ally there.
It's Just A Little Bond. Bond. [James Sirius/Teddy | R] When James and Teddy are pushed to the limits of their relationship, which include a bonding charm and several secrets, will they feel as strongly when everything is out in the open?
Where The Apples Grow In Winter [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Teen] Albus was determined not to join in with the Owl Exchange at first, but he didn't count on the awkward charms of a sweet, lonely boy who, by history's reckoning, he was definitely supposed to hate.
Mile Markers and Wizarding Wonders [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] James plans a road trip to see the Seven Wizarding Wonders and Teddy ends up coming along. Cue weeks and weeks of bed sharing, accidental cuddling, Teddy's musical selections, a bit of stargazing and lots and lots of figuring each other out during long drives across Europe.
Neapolitan [James Sirius/Scorpius/Teddy | Explicit] Scorpius never felt bad about fancying both James and Teddy, because he never thought he had a chance with either of them. So when it turns out that they both like him back, what’s a bloke to do? (Take advantage of the situation. Obviously.)
Alt Er Love (Everything Is Love) [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] There are sparks flying between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Albus and Scorpius are sure of it. So they do the most logical thing everyone would do in their situation: They ask James and Teddy for their help playing matchmaker. Thinking about love 24/7 comes easy for Albus and Scorpius, but for James and Teddy, it makes it harder and harder to pretend the feelings they hold for each other are strictly platonic... This is the one where the boys try to set Draco and Harry up five times and one time they don't.
Love Our Way [Albus Severus/Blaise | Explicit] Blaise loves Albus. He also loves Albus' pale skin and how it contrasts so well with his own rich colour. Fortunate for him, it is just the same for Albus.
These Hearts They Race... [Albus Severus/Scorpius | R] Albus thought that three weeks without his secret boyfriend had been hard enough, but now that Scorpius has arrived the lack of privacy in the Potter house may actually kill him.
Show Me Where Your Love Lies [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] At 23 James is one of the top Seekers in the world, Witch Weekly's most eligible bachelor 4 years running and never far from the front pages of the paper. Oh, and he just so happens to be a virgin desperately in love with Teddy, both facts he plans to take to his grave. But when the Daily Prophet runs a story on "England's Most Eligible Virgin" all the secrets James has worked so hard to conceal begin to come out.
Can You See Me? [Albus Severus/Teddy | Teen] Albus has been watching Teddy since he was fifteen.
Dreams Do Come True [James Sirius/Teddy | R] Teddy has it bad for James, but he knows that James is completely off limits and not interested. When a date with James is being auctioned off for charity, Teddy realizes he may not be able to keep his feelings quiet.
The Clock That Changed Life [Draco/James Sirius | General] James is reluctant to come out, but when Draco gets cursed, he realises what's truly important to him.
my youth is yours [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] At twenty-eight years old James is a respected Auror with a comfortable life. And alright, perhaps his love life is a bit lackluster and something has always seemed like it was missing. But he’s got a job he loves and Teddy as his Auror partner and best mate. That's more than enough for James. At least until an Auror raid gone wrong leaves James in his eighteen-year-old body grappling with feelings he thought he’d left in the past.
Chess and Gobstones [Albus Severus/Scorpius | R] James sighed and shook his head. “You want to run with me because you have something you want to ask me. You’re not asking Scorpius, which means it’s about Scorpius. I’m right, aren’t I?” Albus scowled at his brother’s smug expression and muttered the most unenthusiastic confirmation he could. James’ grin grew wider as he started gesticulating with both hands. “So it’s about your boyfriend, and you’re not asking Mum, like you did when you needed help with his Christmas present, which means it’s about sex.”
Let it Bloom [Lily Luna/Pansy | Explicit] After their one-night stand, Lily had thought she wouldn’t be seeing more of Pansy. She’d never been so happy to be wrong. 
They would have told me, right? [James Sirius/Scorpius | Teen] Albus had heard the rumours. It was hard not to when his best mates were the subject. He loved them. Scorp and James. He really did. But he wouldn't complain if they decided to take it down a notch, though. Snaps with the people they presumably actually dated. Maybe a statement to the press. But Scorpius would just laugh in that disarming way he had from years of PR witches' work to smooth out the awkward. We're just mates. And then turn around and he would have Jamie on his lap, handsy as only two boys living out of suitcases and Quidditch locker rooms could be. They were up in each other's pockets so long now, it was impossible to think of one without the other. The press had a name for that: Scames.
The Boyfriend Look™ [James Sirius/Teddy | General] General reviews for Teddy’s taste in clothes include: a sartorial travesty (Albus Potter), absolutely painful (Lily Potter), very 80s (Hugo Granger-Weasley). James just sees Teddy.
Love and Letters [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Teen] A series of letters between Unspeakable Scorpius Malfoy and Professor Albus Potter.
Rarely Pure and Never Simple [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] James really enjoys his life. He likes sharing a flat with his best mate, Teddy. He likes being work-partners with said best mate. He likes going out at the weekends and shagging random girls. At least, that’s what he tells people. The truth isn’t that simple, and when James accidentally manages to get hit by a curse that makes him unable to lie he learns that hiding the fact that he’s completely and utterly arse over tit in love with Teddy is more complicated than expected. 
I Have To Tell You Something [Lily Luna Gen | General] Lily used to love family dinners until divorce, Quidditch contracts and one too many arguments ruined the atmosphere. Now that things were finally getting better, she's forced to bring her own problems to the table. Because even her tough-woman act isn't strong enough to hide the demons in her mind anymore.
Everything He Ever Wanted [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] James has had a lot of favorite things in his life...or has he?
Out of Hand [Albus Severus/Harry | Explicit] Al gets into constant trouble at school and Harry is at his wit's end. Maybe a firm hand will set him right.
Hallo Spaceboy [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] “If this mirror could talk,” James remembers declaring, already one drink down and trying to tidy up his ridiculous costume eyeliner, “it would say we look bloody amazing.” Teddy’s arm was warm when he wrapped it around James’s shoulder, pulling him closer. “We always do, love.” Teddy tugged on a long curl of James’s hair before tucking it behind his ear, then smoothing the whole lot of it back. “We’re the fittest blokes at the party, us.” James’d had to give up on the eyeliner after that; he was grinning too hard, flushed and happy and basking in Teddy’s attention (fit blokes, we’re fit blokes, that’s us), and he couldn't bloody stop.
the salacious ideas of peculiar boys [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Explicit] Albus and Scorpius have never been lacking on the idea front, but this time, rather than trying to change time and consequentially resurrecting a great darkness and eternal gloom, they've decided to try out something a little more... sexually experimental. alternatively titled: fellas, is it gay to jerk off your best friend?
The Frame [James Sirius/Sirius| Explicit] What are the ethical complications of falling for a person you're named after? How about the logistical complications of falling for someone who shouldn’t be alive? James would rather, he finds, not look too closely at either, not when Sirius makes him forget anyone else exists.
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recentanimenews · 6 years ago
Bookshelf Briefs 8/21/19
Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter, Vol. 4 | By Reai and Suki Umemiya | Seven Seas – Aside from praising Iris’s innovations, this volume focuses more on the political end of things than the commerce end. Iris ends up attending the ball, and it goes better than she expected, mostly as the Queen Dowager is in her corner. In fact, honestly, things may go a little TOO well—the entire ball seems engineered to show off how the guy who dumped and exiled Iris is a hothead idiot, and Yuri seems to be doing an excellent job of manipulating the country into… running itself into the ground. But how invested should Iris be in all this, especially as she has to look out for her own nation, because there’s war on the horizon. Still an excellent political drama. – Sean Gaffney
Behind the Scenes!!, Vol. 7 | By Bisco Hatori | Viz Media – I enjoy Bisco Hatori’s humor, but her plotting is not a thing to behold. That said, as predicted, things resolved with the Ruka plotline, followed by a quick epilogue showing the film Goda made (honestly, the plot of the film sounds like a manga I’d love to see Hatori write), and then another epilogue several years later showing the two pairings (mostly) resolved and the two stars at ease with themselves and successful. There’s fun to be had here, but I can’t deny that I think this started a lot stronger than it ended, and I’m glad it did not end up as long as Ouran. I’d still recommend it to Hatori fans, though. Oh yes, and the amnesia arc proves to be as inconsequential as I suspected it would be. – Sean Gaffney
Cocoon Entwined, Vol. 1 | By Yuriko Hara | Yen Press – Hoshimiya Girls’ Academy has a unique tradition. The students have exceedingly long hair, and as the middle school third-year students are being measured for their high school uniforms, the high school third-years are finally having their hair cut, which will be used to make said uniforms. Cocoon Entwined so far is light on plot, heavy on atmosphere. We meet Yokozawa, a girl who seems to be able to sense breathing and/or heartbeats from the uniforms, and Saeki, the princely girl whom Yokozawa has feelings for. We don’t meet, except in flashback, the elusive Hoshimiya, granddaughter of the headmistress, who has locked herself in her room and for whom Saeki seemingly pines, much to Yokozawa’s dismay. I really liked this volume, even though there’s not a lot happening so far. I look forward to more, whenever it comes. – Michelle Smith
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, Vol. 6 | By Inio Asano | Viz Media – Thankfully, and despite Kadode assuring her friends that something happened, it’s suggested nothing did, and the teacher is leaving the city due to the ongoing chaos. Honestly, the world may not have all that long to go—even if the aliens don’t bring things to an end, can Japan really hold off America and everyone else? This still has a bit of a post-apocalyptic feel to it. Still, Futaba does end up getting lucky, so to speak, though the implication is that her politics and his desire for a non-serious relationship will make that a very short relationship. The best part of the story was Oran’s surprise birthday party, which was sweet as pie. I hope there’s more sweet moments ahead. – Sean Gaffney
Emanon, Vol. 1: Memories of Emanon | By Shinji Kaijo and Kenji Tsuruta | Dark Horse – I initially picked up Emanon due to Tsuruta’s involvement since I’ve been enjoying Wandering Island; I only later realized that Kaijo is an award-winning author. The Emanon manga is an adaptation of a series of stories written by Kaijo (also illustrated by Tsuruta) featuring a young woman who calls herself Emanon. Kaijo’s somewhat melancholic but engaging narratives lend themselves well to Tsuruta’s atmospheric artwork. There’s very little action in the first volume of the manga. For the most part, Tsuruta is capturing a reminiscence of a conversation between two people, a young man who enjoys speculative fiction and Emanon. She intrigues him, not only because of the air of mystery surrounding her but because she tells him that she holds memories reaching back to the beginning of life on Earth. Memories of Emanon, adapting Kaijo’s original story, is self-contained, but I’m greatly looking forward to the continuation of the series. – Ash Brown
Idol Dreams, Vol. 6 | By Arina Tanemura | VIZ Media – It’s been almost two years since I read a volume of Idol Dreams. I’d stop short of saying it has gotten good in the intervening time—there’s a lot of melodrama here, from the death of Hibiki’s little sister and him carrying on despite his grief (leading to the spectacularly cheesy line, “Sayaka, can you hear Hibiki singing?”) to the plotline revolving around Hanami’s pregnancy and the fact that it isn’t Tokita’s—but it’s certainly somewhat better, and I think that’s because this volume puts much more emphasis on Deguchi as an adult interacting with adults rather than her masquerading as a teen interacting with teens. It was even a little gratifying to see this mousey character haul off and smack Hanami for leaving Tokita at the altar. Do I care enough to keep reading? Maybe, especially if the next volume is the final one. – Michelle Smith
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Vol. 37 | By Shinobu Ohtaka | VIZ Media – And so, Magi comes to an end. There were some things I really liked about it, like how Ohtaka-sensei showed how Alibaba’s unfailing determination to fight the spell reminded various brainwashed people of other heroes they had known who had sacrificed everything for goals and countries that would no longer exist if everyone and everything returned to rukh. I liked how Kogyoku was desperately trying to get him to surrender to her before the arrival of the massive army in an attempt to save his life. The rest, though, is not completely clear. I get most of what Sinbad did, but I don’t really get how Aladdin emerged victorious. There was a big flash of light and then… happy epilogue? Which I guess is fine. The happy epilogue was what I really wanted, anyway. Overall, I enjoyed this series and its themes of self-determination. – Michelle Smith
My Hero Academia, Vol. 20 | By Kohei Horikoshi | Viz Media – This is an excellent volume, but it’s definitely a “wrap up one plot and start another” sort of book. Midoriya stops the “villains” and we see the small series of tragedies behind their backstory. He makes it back for the festival—just—and it’s a blast, with Jiro at her best (the redrawn art helps) and Eri dazzled. Then we see the new hero rankings post-All Might, and Endeavor is finally top of the charts, but being #1 also means that people are after you as well, and there’s a pretty nasty fight towards the end. Will Endeavor win the day? And will Todoroki care? Great volume, but I think it’s all about Jiro and Eri’s big grins in the end. Those are wonderful smiles. – Sean Gaffney
Shortcake Cake, Vol. 5 | By suu Morishita | VIZ Media – Ten has realized she likes Riku after all and returns early after summer vacation because he’s alone in the boardinghouse. Meanwhile, Chiaki is getting bolder about expressing his feelings. The great part is that not only does he get this pertain to Ten—including a smooch at the end and a “What can I do so that you consider me?”—but to Riku, as well. Chiaki’s oddball personality is starting to come through, and the best chapter here is a cute interlude where he lies about the origins of a cup Riku broke so that they can go out shopping for a replacement together. It involves Riku winning an enormous bag of potato chips for Chiaki from a crane game. I’m not super invested in the romance angle of this story, but I do like the main trio of characters! – Michelle Smith
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, Vol. 4 | By Tomo Hirokawa, based on the story by Reki Kawahara | Yen Press – There’s an attempt to ramp up the danger here, given that we’re dealing with the death of NPCs, who technically aren’t real people (though honestly, most of SAO has been built around proving that false lately) and the fact that this time you really can log out and go back to your life. But the threat of the game being hacked, as well as users using drugs to “enhance” their experience, means that this time the Japanese government may finally shut down all these VR games for good—something that Kirito and Asuna in particular are determined to stop. Can they help save Premiere from her fate? And what about Anti-Premiere? – Sean Gaffney
Takane & Hana, Vol. 10 | By Yuki Shiwasu | Viz Media – As expected, Okamon is shot down (very nicely) by Hana. Of course, Takane misunderstands. Indeed, the entire volume is about misunderstandings and poor communication, which is always a good fallback in romantic comedies like this one. We also get the backstory on how Takane met Nicola, and how, like Hana, he was at first completely annoyed by him till he saw his hidden nice side. There are not quite as many amusing faces as previous volumes (though the omake helps make up a lot of the difference). But in return we do get a bit more on the romance front, as a drunken Takane (they had a birthday party for him) ends up kissing Hana… on the nose. That said, the effect is devastating. Fun times. – Sean Gaffney
Yuri Life | By Kurukuruhime | Yen Press – We’ve seen quite a few yuri anthologies about adults lately and this one is a 4-koma one-shot, with each chapter focusing on a different couple, until we come around to the first one at the end. There are couples I found interesting. (One involves the Grim Reaper waiting for a woman to die, falling in love with her, and then having her romance be what enables the woman to keep living… so they have to part.) I will say they are “mostly” adult romances… one is teacher-student, with the student being sixteen, and it didn’t work for me. Nor did the one about the “yandere.” Still, there were more hits than misses, and if you’re looking for cute, sweet yuri that won’t stick in the head, this is decent enough. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
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babblingbat · 7 years ago
Various Characters I meant to post Months ago
Various Characters of mine
I have so many I want to write (some) of them down! This is a suuuuuper long post so more under the cut! Includes a spy, a crime lord/activist, and a bargaining warlock (I have to reblog this later bc tumblr threw a hissy fit about the length)
- Kinda in a Bond-esque spy agency, but more of a contractor
- When everything goes to shit, you can count on them to fix it
- Nonbinary protege of whoever is in charge of the tech division (Mezza? Sloane? Dixon? idk, but they have a hell of a shady past and there’s like… noooothing that can keep Sloane out of computer systems)
- X isn’t formally recognized by APO (authorized personnel only, the spy agency) but they do have access to all information because of a backdoor Sloane made
- So I guess the name is Sloane
- Anyways, X goes on the black ops of black ops, typically with either mercenaries or no back-up at all
- Thus trust issues and like the opposite of dependency - they have so much trouble asking for things but are willing to help anyone or offer material assistance - if they have it
- X is nonbinary and really doesn’t have any preferences on pronouns, as long as they aren’t he/him or she/her
- They’re also autistic and shut down if there’s too much loud noise or if they’re just too tired for some reason - sometimes this means going nonverbal or just Not Functioning and their favorite way to feel better is to sit on the ground, wrap themselves in a blanket and listen to music - so in conclusion they don’t really use guns unless there’s a silencer, and they aren’t v good with them
- A huge part of their espionage function is language!
- They speak German, Spanish, Japanese, FSL, and ASL all idiomatically
- They also speak Russian, French, and Afrikaans, but not fluently
- They can swear and count to ten in Korean and Czech
- They’re pursuing a PhD in computational linguistics, though APO gets in the way
- They’re 24, and have a bizarre set of skills because both of their job, previous jobs and jobs they hold as a cover to pretend they pay their taxes, and special interests
- Sloane is only 7 years older than them, and recruited X out of high school
- At first it was small things, like ‘pick up this book from Elm Street and drop it at Main’ but it got bigger after they graduated
- When X turned 18, they went through formal training - protocol, combat, and analysis
- They’d done some martial arts before hand, but not much punching, mostly kicking, throws, and staffs (5 and 6 feet)
- X’s main job is to clean up messy situations, usually by stealing things or extractions, and their own ops are less combat oriented than the clean ones
- X is not the best at math, not by a long shot, but they can see patterns from a mile away
- “I am the fact guardian, guardian of the facts!” “Puzzles quiver before them!” “FUCK OFF”
- They do simple division when bored and solve a lot of math things by finding patterns and using them
- X is both their designation in the agency (as in ‘x factor’) and their actual name- they use an alias for college
- They live with a few people, most of whom complain at their erratic sleep schedule and ask that please, for the love of god, X gets sleep meds and just a solid 8 hours, for once
- Sloane eventually sends X on an op to extract Mel, Sloane’s girlfriend and top operative
- X doesn’t know what to tell Mel, so mostly they just tell them that things will be answered later
- Mel asks Sloane, who reluctantly explains X’s role, and this sets some things into motion of X eventually being brought into the spotlight
- They have several hearings about their activities
- Eventually, Seville (who runs things? I guess) tells them to carry on as they do, reporting directly to Sloane, but they are recognized now by the APO
- There are three other things I want to fit in:
- Goes missing for [period of time], leaving a very close friend behind, comes back after being presumed dead and no memories, apparently solved a conspiracy and now has many illegal friends who all enjoy thievery
- Magic is a thing (because it wouldn’t be my words if it wasn’t lmao) and common enough that people know it exists but rare enough that it’s kinda intimidating and sometimes people will freak out about it, despite plenty of people having it.
X has/develops magic at some point but is terrified to tell anyone and tries to hide it from their team (which is now their family, love that trope) because they don’t want to be barred from the APO, but it comes out accidentally during a mission
- X’s infodumping saves the day somehow
The Celestian
- K so this is more about an organization, but the Celestian lives in a like a 1920s fantasy setting and likes dancing
- They run a social activism group masquerading as a crime network that uses queer bars and stuff as fronts
- To get money, they dance competitively with their bodyguard and d8m8, the BFF (butch femme fatale) who identifies as a nb lesbian
- To get into any of the places where actual political dismantling and activism happens, who have to have very specific patterns on your nails - nail painting is a method of communication and is also a huge teambuilding exercise
- There are different codes for everything
- When cops try and get in (they can only find the places if they have a member of the Queer Folk), the code is “blue denim” and then the person caught tells the police they need nail polish and then laugh as they get caught, as if they were bullshitting the whole thing
- Other things are called “10:50 am” which looks like a sleepy eye
- Or “songbird rhapsody” which is also a popular song that the Celestian sings at clubs
- Or “money” which is just a green splotch on all the nails
- If you’re a member of the Queer Folk, you get a crate monthly of money and nail polish, and special things on birthdays and holidays
- The Queer Folk do everything from organize protests to take kids in and try to pay for their education through crime - as in robbery from different places
- Their crimes always have a certain flair to them - they value creativity and snazziness
- The Celestian is like 5’ 3” (which, to be fair, is 3 inches taller than I am) and the BFF picks them up a lot
- They don’t like alcohol or caffeine but drink herbal tea 24/7
- If they don’t, something is very, very wrong
- They have a prosthetic leg
- Literally in high school
- A warlock! They traded their gender and all “gender identifying features” to a trans demon for magic powers
- The demon mostly asks them to get coffee and stuff because the demon isn’t very good at bargaining and just wanted Red’s gender, but it’s expected of a patron to keep using the warlock for things
- (on the demon phone) “hey so this is super duper important and if you could get it in the next half hour that’s the best thing”
“what is it”
“alright so go to the corner of Lincoln and Greenleaf, turn three times to your right, once to your left, and a door should open behind you. Don’t try to turn towards it, just fall backwards”
“if I fall onto poison ivy or concrete I’m breaking my fucking contract”
“No, no no no, you’ll appear in that good good heaven spot”
“… the coffee shop?”
- Red focuses on science in their school
- Every interaction is a deal. E V E R Y I N T E R A C T I O N
- Breakfast? “I’ll give you the salt if you hand over the pancakes”
- Entering a building? “Hold the door open and I’ll give you praise”
- School? “You want me to tell you what I do in my spare time? Give me an A on my midterm and I’ll tell you”
- The last one has left a lot of teachers confused and more than a little scared of the silly little nerd in their class
- Honestly, they have straight A’s because they make deal after deal about grades. They never cheat on tests, but they make deals, hold people to them, and know what they’re doing
- Red’s demon is getting a little worried with all the deals
- Red is most accustomed to deals rather than anything else because they think that unequal exchange (i.e., gifts) is really suspect
- That said, Red has no problems altering “equal” exchange to benefit them
- If they ever became a business owner, they would be terrifying
- They want everything to turn out the best it can for every one but… are not fans of laws
- They have many Opinions on law, its enforcement, and the government
- That cousin that will tell you constantly about how the government is corrupt and should be rebooted with the youngest people as the primary interest
- Anarchy? Not quite, but revolution? Most definitely
- No angst, just high school silliness and chaos
- Has no idea what’s going on 90% of the time - a kid on a sportsball team did something amazing, people started treating him like shit for adults liking him, and Red had no idea until like 3 months later
- Red just kinda lives in their head
- Did they hear what you just said? Nah, but they sure did hear that wristwatch every time it clicked on the second.
- Likes the sound of adventure, but mostly gets lost in Ikea and makes deals with the eldritch monsters in the mattress section
- Charismatic, but mostly in the sense of lying their ass off and persuading people
- Once tried to go a day without making a deal (on a dare), ended by making a deal to not have to ever do that again
- Businesses both hate and love them - they pay for nothing but will bargain away odd things of equivalent value every time and catch shoplifters, dislikes shoplifters because it’s not a fair trade
- Bizarrely good luck with finding things in pockets, particularly to “pay” for things
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eddiekasp · 7 years ago
Must Be a Better Word- Ch11
Love. There must be A better word. -Adam Gillon My loves @stanleyuriis and @eddiesbadbreak helped me come up with some HCs about Richie and his home life so... its about to get angsty :^) Also on ao3! 
Eddie sat in his bed, his two blankets covering his legs up to his belly button and his back leaning on the headboard. The adjustable lamp that sat on the nightstand on the right side of his bed illuminated a small circle of his white sheets, set to the lowest brightness as he told his mother he would be going to sleep nearly 40 minutes ago already. He felt warm; the room was shadowy and dark save for the small golden ring coming from the side. He was wearing to sleep a shirt that was far too long to be his own-- a shirt Richie had left at his house accidentally four days prior.
On his lap on top of the blanket sat the notebook Eddie had found in Richie’s closet, abandoned and nearly lost forever. Eddie felt like it had to have been more than a coincidence that he asked to clean Richie’s room that day. If he hadn’t, he wouldn’t have the notebook. Richie even let him keep it, happy to see how happy it made Eddie. Eddie just felt lucky.
He had read it so many times through now that he was convinced he could recite it. Eddie had gotten pretty good at memorizing lines of text. Richie starred in many roles in school productions (just last month he played Lumiere in Beauty and the Beast; Beverly did costumes and makeup and Eddie came every night of the show. Richie had pressed the flowers Eddie brought him into a book) and it was always Eddie’s job to help him practice his lines. They’d sit on Richie’s floor, Eddie reading the lines monotonously, making Richie laugh, while Richie reenacted the scene in front of him, gesturing extravagantly and pretending to hit himself on the head with a frying pan like in a cartoon (sounds effects included) when he forgot a line.
Now, the lines in front of him would not be able to bring forth any feeling of monotony. A lot of the pages, some about him and others which were Richie’s writing or doodles, made Eddie wanna spin around in his room or jump up and down or something silly like that, but instead he held the back of his hand up to his mouth, concealing the smile that bloomed on his face from himself.
Others, though, really… worried Eddie. He thought about asking Richie about them-- jokes about his mother and her problem with drinking, or how his father knows anything about him or WANTS to, how he feels like his family totally doesn't give a shit about him-- 8 or so pages like these written as rants or masquerading as funny jokes. But he didn’t know if it was his place. Although Richie had given him the book, Eddie wondered if he remembered those entries were written amongst the many pages of lighter fare. Plus, this was years ago… did Richie still feel this way?
He figured he must have, since Richie had Eddie over at all hours of the night and his parents said nothing. Not to mention the fact that Richie almost never brought up his parents, and if he did it was only to Eddie in a very quick and biting comment. And he knew Richie didn’t drink.
But then he began wondering, and this wondering didn’t stop until he did something about it. If Richie feels ignored and not cared about, Eddie had to do something about it. The thought of him ever feeling that way made warm tears prick in the corner of his eyes if he thought about it for too long.
So Eddie pulled the covers off of his bed, duelly reminded of how much he wanted to talk to his boyfriend after getting a small remembrance of his cologne that stuck like old stickers onto the shirt he was wearing. His heart felt warm, how it felt when he hugged Richie, and he tiptoed quietly into the hallway where the phone was.
The floor under him felt cold on his adjusting toes. He cursed (as he had at least 5 times a week) that his mother did not trust him enough to put a phone in his room. He had mastered the art of closing his door lightly as not to alarm his mother of him running away, and thanked fuck that their old curly-wired home phone in the upstairs hallway had retired from use two years ago, forcing her to get a cordless home phone. He’d sneak into the hallway quickly, the pads of his small feet barely hitting the floor beneath him, snatch the phone up and run back to his room.
He would talk to Richie with his window open, leaning out in that direction because that was the most likely way his mother wouldn’t hear him. Now, though, it was past midnight on the first week of March. Eddie already had Richie’s gift wrapped and hidden in his clothing drawer. Eddie loved March, loved how happy Richie got when they’d surprise him with cake and gifts on his birthday, loved how cold it was besides the 4 layers of shirts his mother made him wear, but now he worried he’d catch a cold leaning out the window in nothing but a thin t-shirt and his underwear.
Eddie bounced slightly up and down, convincing himself he was creating some body heat, and hoped that he wouldn’t be waking Richie up from sleeping. It was a school night, and he supposed the conversation could wait until third period when Richie had class and he didn’t and they could sit in the empty auditorium and do whatever. But Eddie felt like he had to talk to him now.
On school nights, Richie was usually doing one of two things: sleeping, as he had been the second he walked into the house and taken his red converse off, or saving sleep for that beautiful three-hour period between 4 and 7 am so he could finish up procrastinated homework and could be found at 12:43 at his window as Eddie was now, maybe smoking a cigarette or maybe just feeling the cool air on his warm cheeks.
Although Eddie hated when Richie didn’t get enough sleep, he’d feel even worse if he would be interrupting him if he’d already passed out. Richie and Eddie talked on the phone late at night at least every other night, but it was almost always planned and usually not this late. It was rare for Eddie to stay up past 11.
He typed the memorized number onto the plastic-y buttons of the handset, the familiar song of the buttons in that exact order echoing in his ears as he put the receiver to them. After two rings, not Richie’s voice but his father's.
“Who’s calling this late?” a deeper voice said, not angry but definitely stern.
“O-oh, hi Mr. Tozier. It’s Eddie… Richie’s friend. I’m sorry for calling so late it’s just-- is Richie asleep?”
“Not sure.” Went pulled the phone away from his face and Eddie heard a vague calling of “Richard! Pick up the phone,” and then a click as he exited the only conversation he had ever had or probably would have with Eddie Kaspbrak.
Eddie heard a breath flow into the speaker of his phone before hearing the familiar, “Hey, Eds!” Eddie could tell he was wide awake, he just noted that his father hadn’t bothered to say it was too late to be talking on the phone. “Why ya calling so late? Did you miss meeeeee?” Richie said gleefully, making kissy noises into the phone.
Eddie felt any stiffness in his back that kept him sitting up straight start to melt as it always did when Richie talked to him. He could just relax.
“Of course not, you nerd. I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“Isn’t that kinda like the same thing?” Eddie could hear Richie’s upturned smile weaving its way into his words through the phone. Eddie could always hear Richie’s smile just as much as he could see it. It made him smile, too.
Eddie laughed at his question. “It might be.”
Richie laughed too. “Well, you know I always mish you when we’re apart, shweetheart.” His Humphrey Bogart impression had gotten a bit better since he was 12; his voice getting deeper helped a bit. “I really did though! In fact, you should come over. I don’t feel like doing homework anyways.”
“Rich, we have school tomorrow,” Eddie sighed into the phone. Honestly, he wish he could have gone over.
“Yeah, but so what? We can sleep in through first period, and you know I can forge a pretty good late pass.”
“If my mom sees that I’m gone on a school night she’ll really think I ran away this time. She’s already flipping out on me that I’m never home anymore.” Eddie contemplated how he felt on what was happening between him and his mother. “I mean, of course it’s probably better for me this way. I feel bad for hurting her though, yknow?”
“I get it, but you know she’s the worst Eddie. Like, honestly you shouldn’t have to feel bad. The only thing you should be worried about in regards to her is making sure she takes her Plan B after I leave in the morning.” Richie whooped into the phone and Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Very funny, dumb ass.”
“But I’m being serious. She treats you like shit and she’s a huge bitch to you. I know I shouldn’t say that about my future mother-in-law, but you of all people should know she’s… kinda the worst, dude. Honestly, I don’t think you’re obligated to treat her well at all. She makes you feel bad, which means she’s a bad person. So don’t feel guilty.”
Eddie felt that same hot redness flush across his skin. “Mother-in-law?” he chimed, passing in a sly comment to cover up his heart beating in his throat. He smiled. “What makes you think I’d marry you, huh?”
“If you said no to a proposal from the Richie Tozier, you’d be the biggest idiot alive.”
“I guess it takes one to know one.”
They laughed at the same time, Richie unabashedly booming through his room while Eddie had to remind himself what time it was and cover his giggles into the palm of his hand. There was a silence, comfortable and warm, broken by a cough coming from Richie.
“Are you smoking out your window right now?” Eddie said, picturing the boy leaning his elbow on the window sill, phone trapped between his ear and shoulder as he flicked ashes onto the grass below his window. A position his brain had memorized.
“You know me so well! Yeah, I… I’m actually on my second pack in the last two days,” Richie said guiltily. He knew Eddie didn’t mind him smoking, (as long as it wasn’t near him; it sometimes made his asthma bad) he just worried it'd hurt Richie's lungs. Eddie knew how much it sucked to have problems breathing. Eddie had actually been doing a decent job on persuading him to try and smoke only 1 cigarette a day and Richie even found himself skipping days altogether when he had been feeling really happy. Eddie wondered what had happened.
“Is… something wrong, Richie?” Eddie furrowed his brows, starting to worry.
“Well, uh.” Richie paused, taking in another breath and clearing his throat. Unknown to Eddie, Richie had put his cigarette out and took the back of that hand to wipe his eyes quickly. He didn’t continue speaking.
“Richie, is it… your parents?” Eddie’s heart sped up, but for the wrong reasons.
Richie nodded his head before remembering Eddie couldn’t see him. “Uh, sorta. Yeah.”
Eddie checked the clock again. Almost 1. Richie had been right, though. Why should Eddie give a shit what his mom thinks?
“Do you think I’d get murdered if I took my bike to your place?” Sonia’s window was overlooking where Eddie’s car was normally parked. She’d see the lights for sure, and wake up in a panic.
“I can come with my car. I'll stay at the stop sign down the street.”
“Okay, I’ll see you soon then. Get here safe.”
“I will... Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
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hp-nextgen-fest · 6 years ago
2018 HP Next Gen Fest Reveals!
The time has finally come for the 2018 @hp-nextgen-fest​ reveals!
Thank you so very much to everyone who has made this fest such an amazing success! We were incredibly impressed with the overwhelming enthusiasm you all have for our favorite Next Gen characters. Everyone who submitted stories and art, and those who read, reviewed and recced: You guys are amazing!!
It's been really great seeing everybody's fantastic creations, and we hope you all enjoyed the fest as much as we did!
Without further ado, here's a list of all the amazing participants who worked so hard to create fabulous things for this year's fest! 
@mzuul​ drew Sick Day [James Sirius/Teddy & Albus | General] Albus insists he’s not sick, James and Teddy say otherwise.
@fidgetyweirdo​ drew Every Christmas From Now On [Albus Severus/Scorpius | General] While decorating their flat for the holidays, the new couple discusses where they should spend Christmas day.
@julcheninred​ drew Deep Roots, New Growth [Draco & Teddy Gen | General] With Draco’s help, Teddy learns about his Black Family ancestry and helps to restore the damaged tapestry.
@gee-nx​ drew Ebb Tide [Rose/Padma | Explicit] Rose, normally very shy, finds the courage to get what she wants at a masquerade ball.
@nearly-conscious​ drew SHE ROCKS!!! [Dominique & Roxanne | General] Summer 2016. Roxanne and Dominique never get tired of playing Quidditch together. The rest of the family does get a little tired of hearing Dominique yell "SHE ROCKS!!!" everytime Roxanne scores a goal, but they don't say a thing.
@fidgetyweirdo​ drew On Holiday [James Sirius/Teddy | General] It's their first holiday together without the family, but they haven't done much sightseeing. Correction: they haven't done any sightseeing.
@nearly-conscious​ drew Pining [Lily Luna/Rose | General] It's a wonder no one besides Hugo has noticed that Lily Luna is pining for Rose.
@maesterchill​ drew & wrote Swim To Me [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] Nestled within the Lake District, among rolling green hills, spindly birch trees and tall pine trees, lay Teddy’s cottage, just a stone's throw from a serene lake; the perfect place to swim in the warm late-summer sun. There was just one problem: James’s fear of swimming. "I’ll teach you", Teddy said. "I’ll make it fun." James was sold on the idea pretty quick. Being in close contact with the half-naked object of his crush? It was a no brainer.
@nerdherderette​ wrote Drink Me [James Sirius/Teddy; Albus Severus/James Sirius/Teddy | NC-17] Before going to bed on his 18th birthday, Albus drinks one of Weasley Wizard Wheezes' newest wish-fulfillment potions, his gift from Lily.
lash_larue wrote Lavender's Iris [Lily Luna/Lavender | Teen] Lily does some hard thinking before her upcoming wedding. What she discovers is a bit of a surprise to her.
@letsdothepanic​ wrote Close To Me [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] “I can’t believe you want to suck your own cock.” “No, the other way around. I wanna see me suck my cock. It’s a world of difference, Tedward. Keep up!”
@gracerene09 wrote Activate [Draco/James Sirius | Explicit] Draco always figured he was a common Beta, and though he may have had childhood dreams of presenting as an Alpha, after forty years of living he's made his peace with his lot in life. He had a loving relationship with his late Beta wife, has an amazing son, and his work at his Apothecary and Potions shop keeps him occupied. Draco has a very pleasant life indeed, until one day his son drags James Sirius Potter into his life and everything gets turned on its head.
@maraudersaffair​ wrote Waiting for You [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] When James was sixteen, Teddy agreed to take his virginity if he made it to eighteen without losing it. He never thought James would make it the two years without shagging anyone, but now James is eighteen and asking Teddy to fulfill his promise.
@alis-anne​ wrote My Potter Boyfriend [James Sirius/Scorpius | Mature] Scorpius has a Potter boyfriend, it’s just not the one everyone thinks.
rillalicious wrote On the Same Side [Charlie/Teddy | Mature] Teddy is heading to Romania to protest a proposed anti-dragon law. He finds an interesting ally there.
@josiemoone​ wrote It's Just A Little Bond. Bond. [James Sirius/Teddy | Mature] When James and Teddy are pushed to the limits of their relationship, which include a bonding charm and several secrets, will they feel as strongly when everything is out in the open?
@thealmostrhetoricalquestion​ wrote Where The Apples Grow In Winter [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Teen] Albus was determined not to join in with the Owl Exchange at first, but he didn't count on the awkward charms of a sweet, lonely boy who, by history's reckoning, he was definitely supposed to hate.
@all-drarry-to-me wrote Mile Markers and Wizarding Wonders [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] James plans a road trip to see the Seven Wizarding Wonders and Teddy ends up coming along. Cue weeks and weeks of bed sharing, accidental cuddling, Teddy's musical selections, a bit of stargazing and lots and lots of figuring each other out during long drives across Europe.
@violetclarity​ wrote Neapolitan [James Sirius/Scorpius/Teddy | Explicit] Scorpius never felt bad about fancying both James and Teddy, because he never thought he had a chance with either of them. So when it turns out that they both like him back, what’s a bloke to do? (Take advantage of the situation. Obviously.)
@call-me-hopelesss​ wrote Alt Er Love (Everything Is Love) [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] There are sparks flying between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Albus and Scorpius are sure of it. So they do the most logical thing everyone would do in their situation: They ask James and Teddy for their help playing matchmaker. Thinking about love 24/7 comes easy for Albus and Scorpius, but for James and Teddy, it makes it harder and harder to pretend the feelings they hold for each other are strictly platonic... This is the one where the boys try to set Draco and Harry up five times and one time they don't.
@niakantorka​ wrote Love Our Way [Albus Severus/Blaise | Explicit] Blaise loves Albus. He also loves Albus' pale skin and how it contrasts so well with his own rich colour. Fortunate for him, it is just the same for Albus.
@fidgetyweirdo​ wrote These Hearts They Race... [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Mature] Albus thought that three weeks without his secret boyfriend had been hard enough, but now that Scorpius has arrived the lack of privacy in the Potter house may actually kill him.
@restlessandordinary​ wrote Show Me Where Your Love Lies [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] At 23 James is one of the top Seekers in the world, Witch Weekly's most eligible bachelor 4 years running and never far from the front pages of the paper. Oh, and he just so happens to be a virgin desperately in love with Teddy, both facts he plans to take to his grave. But when the Daily Prophet runs a story on "England's Most Eligible Virgin" all the secrets James has worked so hard to conceal begin to come out.
@sylviawitch​​ wrote Can You See Me? [Albus Severus/Teddy | Teen] Albus has been watching Teddy since he was fifteen.
randowskie wrote Dreams Do Come True [James Sirius/Teddy | Mature] Teddy has it bad for James, but he knows that James is completely off limits and not interested. When a date with James is being auctioned off for charity, Teddy realizes he may not be able to keep his feelings quiet.
titti wrote The Clock That Changed Life [Draco/James Sirius | General] James is reluctant to come out, but when Draco gets cursed, he realises what's truly important to him.
@goldentruth813​ wrote my youth is yours [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] At twenty-eight years old James is a respected Auror with a comfortable life. And alright, perhaps his love life is a bit lackluster and something has always seemed like it was missing. But he’s got a job he loves and Teddy as his Auror partner and best mate. That's more than enough for James. At least until an Auror raid gone wrong leaves James in his eighteen-year-old body grappling with feelings he thought he’d left in the past.
@littlerose13writes​ wrote Chess and Gobstones [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Mature] James sighed and shook his head. “You want to run with me because you have something you want to ask me. You’re not asking Scorpius, which means it’s about Scorpius. I’m right, aren’t I?” Albus scowled at his brother’s smug expression and muttered the most unenthusiastic confirmation he could. James’ grin grew wider as he started gesticulating with both hands. “So it’s about your boyfriend, and you’re not asking Mum, like you did when you needed help with his Christmas present, which means it’s about sex.”
@regblvck​ wrote Let it Bloom [Lily Luna/Pansy | Explicit] After their one-night stand, Lily had thought she wouldn’t be seeing more of Pansy. She’d never been so happy to be wrong. 
barry_manilows_wardrobe wrote They would have told me, right? [James Sirius/Scorpius | Teen] Albus had heard the rumours. It was hard not to when his best mates were the subject. He loved them. Scorp and James. He really did. But he wouldn't complain if they decided to take it down a notch, though. Snaps with the people they presumably actually dated. Maybe a statement to the press. But Scorpius would just laugh in that disarming way he had from years of PR witches' work to smooth out the awkward. We're just mates. And then turn around and he would have Jamie on his lap, handsy as only two boys living out of suitcases and Quidditch locker rooms could be. They were up in each other's pockets so long now, it was impossible to think of one without the other. The press had a name for that: Scames.
@faeheyjesper wrote The Boyfriend Look™ [James Sirius/Teddy | General] General reviews for Teddy’s taste in clothes include: a sartorial travesty (Albus Potter), absolutely painful (Lily Potter), very 80s (Hugo Granger-Weasley). James just sees Teddy.
@mykesprit wrote Love and Letters [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Teen] A series of letters between Unspeakable Scorpius Malfoy and Professor Albus Potter.
@cassiaratheslytherpuff wrote Rarely Pure and Never Simple [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit] James really enjoys his life. He likes sharing a flat with his best mate, Teddy. He likes being work-partners with said best mate. He likes going out at the weekends and shagging random girls. At least, that’s what he tells people. The truth isn’t that simple, and when James accidentally manages to get hit by a curse that makes him unable to lie he learns that hiding the fact that he’s completely and utterly arse over tit in love with Teddy is more complicated than expected. 
@rose-grangerweasleyisbae wrote I Have To Tell You Something [Lily Luna Gen | General] Lily used to love family dinners until divorce, Quidditch contracts and one too many arguments ruined the atmosphere. Now that things were finally getting better, she's forced to bring her own problems to the table. Because even her tough-woman act isn't strong enough to hide the demons in her mind anymore. 
@nifflers-n-nargles wrote Everything He Ever Wanted [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] James has had a lot of favorite things in his life...or has he?
torino10154 wrote Out of Hand [Albus Severus/Harry | Explicit] Al gets into constant trouble at school and Harry is at his wit's end. Maybe a firm hand will set him right.
@shiftylinguini wrote Hallo Spaceboy [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] “If this mirror could talk,” James remembers declaring, already one drink down and trying to tidy up his ridiculous costume eyeliner, “it would say we look bloody amazing.” Teddy’s arm was warm when he wrapped it around James’s shoulder, pulling him closer. “We always do, love.” Teddy tugged on a long curl of James’s hair before tucking it behind his ear, then smoothing the whole lot of it back. “We’re the fittest blokes at the party, us.” James’d had to give up on the eyeliner after that; he was grinning too hard, flushed and happy and basking in Teddy’s attention (fit blokes, we’re fit blokes, that’s us), and he couldn't bloody stop.
@huggingscorbus wrote the salacious ideas of peculiar boys [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Explicit] Albus and Scorpius have never been lacking on the idea front, but this time, rather than trying to change time and consequentially resurrecting a great darkness and eternal gloom, they've decided to try out something a little more... sexually experimental. alternatively titled: fellas, is it gay to jerk off your best friend?
@mindabbles wrote The Frame [James Sirius/Sirius| Explicit] What are the ethical complications of falling for a person you're named after? How about the logistical complications of falling for someone who shouldn’t be alive? James would rather, he finds, not look too closely at either, not when Sirius makes him forget anyone else exists.
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