#there’s no mcd
otrtbs · 2 years
do you ever feel any need to not kill any of the characters and let them be happy or nah
nah im killing those hoes
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lovertm · 4 months
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photographer: Sugar McD // model: Jordan Underwood (they/he)
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'Brother in arms' oh they were in each other's arms alright
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amikoroyaiart · 15 days
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Just let me go or take me with you
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 1 month
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2015 minecraft roleplay save me…
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al4thea · 6 months
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"What thoughts crossed your mind at that moment? Did your life suddenly replay? What images did you see? Was I there? Because I saw my life flash before me knowing you won't be in it." - probably Simon Riley
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rmeow · 3 months
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first fictional crush vs. last fictional crush
what can i say i like them gay and goofy
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estchiyu · 3 months
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so i’ve heard the fandom is alive after all of these years 😁👋
recently got back into mcd (and other series) and i had to make some doodle pages!! haven’t used tumblr in a while so hello again tumblr followers @_@ i’m more active on twitter and i post my art there first before all other platforms soooo go follow if you want (@estchiyu) <3
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number-one-zara-fan · 3 months
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finally got around to drawing something proper - here's my high priest Zane!! the pomegranate is supposed to be symbolic
also the red things on his shoulders were originally going to be fancier but I just gave up 😔
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sugar4tears · 5 months
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What I had left here, I just held it tight, So someone with your eyes, Might come in time.
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lilliancdoodles · 2 months
you wouldn’t survive an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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shadow0-1 · 6 months
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xyxofspades · 4 months
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You guys remember Garroth's ableist horse?
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yabakuboi · 2 months
"Are you going to break my heart?"
Eddie almost drives them off the road.
It's late, nearly 2 am, and the country road is narrow and winding, and this thing between them, fingers twinned above the gear shift, radio turned down low, Stevie Nicks singing to them softly, is new. Eddie wants to live in this moment forever, wants the smell of lake water and dying August heat to live in their clothes, wants the warmth of first kisses and whispered confessions to last in tingling sparks in their skin, the memory of touch to be permanent. It won't be, it'll all fade, but Eddie can visit it again, rewrite them into the cotton and the softness of Steve's mouth.
It's late, and this is new.
"It's okay if you do," Steve says, so quiet. He's holding on to Eddie's hand like he's dangling off a cliff. "I can handle it. I'd just like a heads up, so I can prepare."
Eddie almost feels guilty, basking in his joy when Steve was sinking into something else. He thinks, if he were a kid still, if he hadn't died, hadn't lost everything and managed to get it all back, he'd be angry. But he's not. He's not, and he did, and it's late and this is new—but it's not unfamiliar. The same, but more, an extra free scoop with whipped cream and sprinkles, a cherry on top.
"You trust me?" Eddie asks. He rubs his thumb along Steve's knuckles, feels the scars under his skin, little tears in someone so perfect.
"Of course," Steve croaks. Eddie can't look at him, because the road is dark and narrow and winding, and he has to get his boy home safe.
"And I trust you," Eddie says, brings Steve's hand up, presses a kiss like a seal to his skin. "And I love you, and you love me. I got you."
Steve's quiet for a long, long moment. Eddie can tell he's watching him, so he presses another kiss to Steve's hand, lets his lips linger on hard tendons and dark veins. Kisses in his promises to the place they're linked together.
When he speaks again, it's soft, and Eddie can hear the love, living and leaving in the air between Steve's teeth.
"Okay," he says, giving Eddie everything. "You got me."
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bloodycupidd · 9 days
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meowki fought for trans kids worldwide until his last breathe (rip meowki you will be missed)
(original image)
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sleakrl · 4 days
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Wip. The rest will be posted soon on Webtoon and Tapas.
Side note: anything regarding the progress of this webcomic will go under the name Fault of the Phoenix. Purely an au, so somethings will be different from MCD.
Asks is open.
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