#there’s a lot more - but that would be a really long answer lmfao
thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
I don't know if you're going to answer this but, Vigilante Tiso, is this an AU of yours? If so, I'm curious about the context of this concept!
Yep! Vigilante Tiso is one of my older and blog popular AU’s for Hollow Knight (based on poll results)
Originally, it started as a joke about Tiso being in Hallownest early just to take the piss out of PK and Lurien, but slowly developed into a more complicated story about Tiso being Xero and Markoth’s son (Xero biologically and Markoth via marrying into the family) as Tiso moved to Hallownest much earlier - eventually putting his distaste for the royalty into become the cities Vigilante that continued through the Infection Outbreak and in-game events. Instead of an arrogant ant that dies in the Colosseum, he’s a hot headed ant that’s been trying to protect survivors of a dying kingdom whilst wanting a solution and is willing to die for it.
A lot of it focuses more on the character relationships as they change and are affected by the story events - particularly with a small family being torn apart as simple mortals in a gods war.
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
Roster Hopper
Pairings: Fem!Reader x College Au Karasuno players (separately, except for Tsuki & Yamaguchi)
Summary: You make a bet with your best friend and co manager that you can sleep through the entire Karasuno roster, without the team finding out. 
Word Count: 8.4k
Warning: reader having sex with entire team lmfao, maybe reader is slightly manipulative at times? I don’t think so but tagging just incase, oral (fem receiving) in multiple different positions, light spanking, p in v sex in different positions, men whimpering lol, oral (male receiving), fingering, thumb in ass, squirting, spit, sorta voyeurism, threesome (Tsuki and Yams) virginity loss (Yams), semi public sex, brief drinking mention MDNI
A/n: Changed my original idea to just y/n trying to go through the roster bc you plus a friend is a lot and trying to write around the team not finding out would be hard SO here we are. Y/f/n = your friends name. I didn’t want to have to think of a random name. If you don’t have someone you can just slot in Kiyoko or something. I also bolded each players name so if you want to skip to a specific dude, hopefully it is easier to find. Enjoy!
“How long have they been at it?” you asked your friend as you were filling up water bottles for the third time this practice. If you weren’t so used to the sound of volleyballs being smacked around, it would probably have driven you crazy by now. It was your second year as Karasuno University’s volleyball team manager and you loved it. Water bottle fill up runs and all.
“Too long,” your friend replied, “I don’t get where they get the energy from. I’m tired just watching them.”
“Same.” You screwed the last bottle shut. “But the first years are really good. I think we have a shot this year.”
“Oh without a doubt,” y/f/n’s nodded. “And if they keep practicing like this they’ll only get better. They’re pretty cute too, not that is going to help them win games.”
You laughed. “I was waiting for your say something.” Your voice dropped a little, so none of the boys could overhear you. Not that they were really paying attention to either of you at the moment. Volleyball is life and all. “We have a really cute team, don’t you think?”
Your friend nodded and whispered back. “For sure. Who do you think is the cutest?” This is why you were glad you convinced your best friend to manage with you. Nothing passed time like gossiping about boys with a friend.
“Hmm,” you considered, “Kageyama is cute. But you know how I like dark haired guys. Nish too. Never thought I would think a short guy was so hot. Don’t tell him I said that.” You didn’t want to offend him, but you had a sneaking suspicion all he would care about was that you called him hot. Him and Tanaka were a bit girl-crazy. They were the only players that shameless flirted with you and your friend. You liked that about them; it was fun.
“No, for real! I think Asahi has to be the cutest though,” you friend replied. 
You nodded. They were all pretty good looking guys, so you couldn’t argue. “But the real question is, who do you think is the best in bed?”
Your friend took a second to think about it before answering. “Daichi.”
Your friend shrugged. “I mean he’s one of the oldest, so he’s probably got experience. Plus he’s the captain.”
You snorted. “What does being captain of a volleyball have to do with being good in bed?”
Your friend huffed in faux annoyance. “Well it makes sense in my head. Who do you think then?”
“Honestly maybe Nishinoya.”
“I think you just have a crush on him.”
“Shut up. But also Sugawara. It’s the quiet ones you gotta look out for, you know?”
Your friend nodded. “Totally. Maybe we gotta hunt down their past hook ups and do a survey.” You both laughed, drawing the attention of Tanaka.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing!” You both answered in unison, before turning your back to the court to laugh more. As ridiculous as the conversation was, it sparked your curiosity. You couldn’t deny that you'd thought about hooking up with some of the players. You watched them run around and get sweaty for hours everyday, what else were you supposed to think about? You’d never actually done it, though, not wanting to ruin any friendships with the guys. They could be a rowdy bunch, but you did love them dearly. 
That, however, didn’t stop you from hatching a crazy idea. “What if we didn’t need other people to find out.”
Your friend’s eye brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“I will do all the research,” you replied. She gave you a look that told you she still didn’t understand what you meant. “I sleep with all of them and then we’ll know who the best.”
Y/f/n looked at you like you were crazy. Which, to be fair, maybe you were. “You can’t be serious. All of them?”
“Well not at the same time,” you replied, like a smart ass. Your friend rolled her eyes. 
“Obviously. But that’s still crazy! There’s so many of them.”
“There’s not that many. Just nine of them. Give me the whole school year and I could do it,” you responded. 
“No way you can,” she replied. 
“Wanna bet?” You challenged.
“Absolutely,” your friend replied, “500 bucks says you can’t sleep through the team by the end of the school year.” Damn 500? But a big challenges calls for big stakes. 
“You're on.” You shook hands. “Now let’s figure out the rules.”
After a little discussion you both agreed that besides the obvious of having to get through the 9 players by the last day of school, they couldn’t find out about what was going on. If you were to tell them about the challenge, some of the players might do it just to help you. You had to get them in bed organically. Additionally, you couldn’t request certain sex acts. You both wanted to know how they tried to please women without any bias. If you started telling them what to do, it would mess with the data. Because this is super scientific, obviously.
Y/f/n allowed you one get out of jail free card if someone found out, but it had to be contained to the one person. If the whole team finds out, game over. You didn't need to provide any proof, but you did have to share your ranking with y/f/n at the end, which you were more than happy to. Any other issues that came up, you both agreed to figure out as needed. Simple enough.
“I’m not even going to bother asking you who you think will be the easiest,” your friend said. Both your eyes floated over to Nishinoya and Tanaka, making you both snicker. “But who do you think will be the hardest?”
“Daichi for sure,” you replied, “Doesn’t seem like he’s a hook up guy, but we’ll see. And Tsuki, just cause he can be a jerk.”
Your friend snickered. “He seems like the type who wants spank girls and make them call him daddy.”
You grinned. “I guess we will find out.”
A week later you were at party hosted at the team house. It was the perfect venue to make your first move. Only the upperclassmen could live in the house, but during parties the whole team plus many others were invited. Tonight’s party was particularly crowded, being that it was still early in the year and most people didn’t have much work to do yet. The crowd would make it easier for you to sneak away unnoticed, even with other teammates around.
You set your sights on Nishinoya first. You figured he’d be easy to get in bed, plus maybe you did have a little crush on him. You were super keen on finding out how he was in bed. Maybe it was because of the drink you had, but you were feeling bold. You decided to take a super straight forward, simple approach with Noya.
“Noya, do you want to have sex with me?” you asked when you managed to pull him to a private corner of the party. You almost laughed at how his eyes bugged out of his head.
“Are you serious? Tanaka didn’t, but you up to this as a joke, did he?” he asked.
“I promise he didn't,” you replied. “Just think you’re cute. Do you wanna?”
Nishinoya thought this was better than his birthday and winning nationals combined. “Fuck yes I do. When?”
You giggled at his enthusiasm. It was so endearing. “Right now?”
God he really was a lucky guy, he thought. “Fuck.” He chugged the rest of his beer for good measure. “Yeah let’s fucking do it.” You looked around to make sure no one was watching, before slipping up the stairs to his room. Luckily, his bedroom was on the second floor, which no one really came to. The parties stay in the basement or on the main floor, so you felt safe now that you made it up unnoticed.
The second he closed the door to his room, you pounced on him. You couldn’t help yourself. To be fair, it was very much a mutual pounce. Nishinoya kissed you eagerly, bordering on desperate, but in the best way. You pulled away, both of you breathing heavy.
“Before we do this, do you mind if this stay between us?” You asked, batting your eyes innocently at him. He was putty in your hands at this point; you knew he would agree to anything to get in your pants. “I don’t want it to be weird if the other guys found out.”
“Of course, I won’t tell anybody,” he nodded. You were back to kissing him, very desperately now. You were still standing by his door, pulling clothing off each other. Instead of wasting two steps to get to the bed, Noya just spun your around and bent you over the dresser right there. He was not a patient man and you were not complaining. 
He slid your underwear odd, cursing. “Fuck you don’t know how much I’ve wanted to do this,” he cursed. You giggled, glad your crush had been reciprocated. Before you could get any words out, Noya was on his knees behind you, burying his face in your pussy. You gasped in surprised as he licked up your arousal, his tongue sliding through your puffy lips. 
“Fuck Noya!” you cried as he sucked on your clit. His hands massaged your thighs and ass, keeping you spread for him. He hummed and groaned into your cunt as he ate you out, clearly enjoying it very much. Much like when he kissed you, it was eager and desperate and so fucking good. It didn’t take long before you were cumming all over his tongue.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he gushed, wiping your release off his face. He dug a condom out of the top dresser drawn, grinning eagerly at you.
“And you’re so fucking good at that,” you replied.
“I’m even better at this,” he replied, sinking his cock into you. Your body arched, surprised by the stretch. Noya’s thrusts were rough and frantic, clearly chasing after his high. He gripped your ass tightly, giving it a few smacks, but nothing too hard. You pressed your body back against him, loving that he wasn’t afraid to go for it. Your fingers scratched along the wood of his dresser as you tried desperately to hold on.
It was no use, though. Within minutes you were moaning his name and cumming on his cock. Noya, who was overjoyed he didn’t bust the second his slid in, let himself go the second he felt your velvety walls clench around him.
“Fuck, y/n, so fucking good.” 
You gave Nishinoya a long thank you kiss before getting dressed. You agreed to go down first and then he’d come down a few minutes later so it wouldn’t be obvious you were together. You left his room grinning. And just like that, one was crossed off the list.
A week later you decided to try your luck again. Tanaka mentioned he was going to check out a frat party and you asked for a ride there, which he happily agreed to. As far as you knew no one else on the team was going to this party, so it would be the perfect opportunity to cross him off the list.
The party sucked; it was way too crowded and the music choices were awful. Not to mention, the house was a mess. It made the volleyball house look spotless in comparison. It worked in your favor, though, as Tanaka was more than happy to take you up on your suggestion to chill in his car.
“Dude I thought frat parties were supposed to be the best,” he said, closing the car door behind him.
“Did you see the bathroom? That shit had to be a biohazard,” you replied. 
Tanaka laughed and nodded. “So gross. Sorry I dragged you here.”
“No worries, I wanted to,” you replied. You gave him a faux shy look. “I just wanted to hangout with you, honestly.”
Tanaka perked up. “Really?”
“Really.” And since being so honest worked the first time, you figure why not just go for it again. “Would it be weird if I said I was trying to get in your pants.”
Tanaka blinked at you, certain he didn’t hear you right. “You wanna get in my pants?”
You laughed and nodded. “Yeah, is that a bad thing?”
He shook his head. “No that’s a good thing! A great thing.” 
“So...” your eyes flicked down to his lap. “Can I?”
“Right now?”
“Why not?” you replied. “We are in a dark spot. Your windows are tinted. No one will see.” You leaned in a little further, letting him peek down your shirt. “It will be fun, don’t you think?”
Tanaka did not need any convincing. Fucking his hot manager in his car? He may have dreamed about this exact scenario. Literally. Tanaka pushed back his seat as far as it would go and helped you climb on top. The way he kissed you was so similar to Noya you had to bite back a laugh.
You wasted no time pulling your top off, which Tanaka was very happy about. His face was in your tits before you could even get your shirt fully off. He sucked at the sensitive skin, flicking your nipples with his tongue. His hands gripped your tits roughly, but not unpleasantly. You rocked your hips against his,  letting out a hum of pleasure. Tanaka was already hard underneath you.
“I could die happy right now,” he mumbled against your tits, making you laugh.
“At least fuck me first,” you replied, half joking. But also half serious because you were on a mission. 
Tanaka took that as instruction. “Shit, I got you.” He pulled his cock out of his pants then cursed. “I don’t have a condom.” 
“Don’t worry, I brought one.” You fished it out of your purse and handed it over.
“Damn you really were trying to get in my pants huh?”
You smiled. “Maybe.” 
Tanaka rolled the condom on, then pushed your skirt up and underwear to the side. He let his tip run through the slick before slowly pressing into you. He hissed a little, feeling your pussy suck him in. Once he was all the way in, you pressed your hands against his chested and rolled your hips. 
“Fuck, just like that,” Tanaka groaned, watching where his cock disappeared inside you. His hands ran along your hips and ass, helping you rock yourself on him. He leaned in, continuing to suck on your tits. The car windows fogged, the small space filled with the sound of your breathless moans and his cock thrusting into your wet pussy.
Tanaka wasn’t one to make the woman do all the work, so he planted his feet on the car floor bucked his hips up to meet yours. The deep spot he hit made your head fall back. “Tana-nngh-” your words were cut off by a cry of pleasure. You creamed around him, setting him over the edge. He spilled into the condom while groaning into your chest.
“Tanaka, can you do something for me?” you asked once you caught your breath. He was still buried inside you.
“I’d do anything you ask me right now, not gonna lie,” He replied. 
You laughed, even though he wasn’t joking. “Don’t tell anyone we hooked up. I just don’t want the other guys judging me, you know?”
“It’s in the vault,” Tanaka replied seriously. “And if you ever want to do that again, please call me.”
Two down, seven to go.
Your next opportunity didn’t come until about a month later. You were alone with Asahi in the library studying for midterms coming up. “I need a break,” Asahi sighed, pushing his books away from him.
There was your opening. “You took the words right out of my mouth,” You replied. “My roommate is away right now. Wanna go back to my dorm and watch a movie?” You gave him a look that hinted that maybe it wasn’t just a movie on your mind.
Asahi blushed. “I-I don’t want to intrude.”
You waved him off. “You won’t be. C’mon it will be fun.” With that, you both packed up your things and headed to your dorm. You told Asahi he could sit on your bed while you set up the movie. He sat on the edge of your bed, looking a little nervous. It made you laugh that such a large, handsome man was easily flustered. “Relax, Asahi, you can lay down if you want.”
You hopped on the bed, laying down in front of him. You were in the spooning position, but not touching. You rectified that by slowing drifting closer to him. When your ass met his front, you wiggled as innocently as you possible could. You could feel Asahi shift nervously, though he unmistakably pressed closer to you. It wasn’t long before you could feel something hard poking at your ass. 
“I can feel that, Asahi,” you teased.
“I’m so sorry y/n, I didn’t mean-”
“Shhh,” you hushed him, “I don’t mind.” You reached back, taking his hand in yours and leading it down into your leggings. “Maybe this will make you feel better.” You guided his hand to your pussy, letting him feel your wetness. He let out a low groan. You took your hand away, letting him touch you how he pleased.
“Do... do you want me to...” Asahi trailed off as he continued to play with your pussy. 
“I think you know what I want, Asahi,” you purred his name. He cursed into your hair, breathing in the sweet scent. He brushed it aside, kissing your neck a little. You titled your head, allowing him better access. Then you got needy, so you craned your head back, allowing you two to kiss. He a gentle kisser, sweet and passionate. His hand slid up your shirt, giving your breasts a few soft squeezes. “Do you have a condom?”
Asahi’s cheeks tinted but he nodded. “In my wallet, yeah.” He fished his wallet out of his back pocket, pulling the little foil out. You wiggled your ass agains him, urging him on. He slipped his cock out of his pants, rolling the condom on. His tip nudged at your aching hole. “You sure?”
“Please.” Asahi slid into you slowly, letting you adjust. His arm wrapped around your waist, holding you to him while he thrusted into you. You arched your back, getting him deeper.
“Y-you feel good,” he mumbled against your neck. You quickly learned that Asahi was not shy about moaning. Hell, he was practically whining as your swirled your hips. He was so close to your ear, the sound giving you goose bumps. It was fucking hot. When he slid his hand down and started rubbing your clit it was your tone to moan.
“Asahi don’t stop,” you said breathlessly. 
“Fuck I think I’m gonna-” His voice broke off in a low groan as you felt his cock twitch inside you. He didn’t stop fucking you even as he came, which pushed you over the edge. A warm rush filled your body as you finished. You finally turned around, giving him a soft peck. “Sorry about that,” he mumbled, embarrassed. 
“Don’t be silly, I really enjoyed it,” you assure him. “But if it’s okay with you, let’s not tell anyone we did this. You know how the guys are. If they found out...”
Asahi nodded in agreement. He definitely didn’t need his teammates knowing he came quick. “I promise I won’t tell.”
A few days later, you were sitting in practice, reflecting on how your strategy to get through the 6 guys left. It was half way through the first semester and you only had 3 done. You weren’t too concerned yet, but you knew you couldn’t keep letting so much time pass between each guy. You were so deep in thought that you didn’t notice Tsukki come up beside you.
“I know what you’re up to.”
You startled, giving him a confused look. “Huh?” 
“You’ve been hooking up with the guys on the team.” It wasn’t a question.
You tried to keep your voice even, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Tsukki rolled his eyes. “Don’t play stupid. I saw you leave the library with Asahi last week. Then earlier in the semester you were sneaking around parties with Noya and Tanaka.”
You raised a brow. “You stalking me or something?”
“We are in the same friend group at a small university, it’s not that hard to put together. If you have half a brain at least,” Tsukki replied. “I just don’t understand why.”
You let out an annoyed sigh. Your back was to the wall, you had to tell him. “It’s for a bet. To see if I can hook up with the entire team by the end of the year.” It felt stupid saying it out loud, especially with Tsukki’s judgmental eyes watching you.
“So why are you hiding it? I’m sure these idiots would be more than happy to sleep with you for whatever reason,” Tsukki replied.
“I can’t it’s part of the rules,” you explained, “So if you tell anybody I’m totally fucked.”
“I’d say you’re already quite fucked,” Tsukki replied with a shit eating grin.
“Haha,” you replied dryly, rolling your eyes. “But seriously, don’t blow this for me.” He went to open his mouth but you cut him off. “And no blow job jokes.” His mouth shut, but you could see the gears turning.
“So you kinda owe me a favor, don’t you?”
“If you’re going to ask me to sleep with you, don’t bother. It’s already a part of the plan unfortunately,” you replied.
“Ouch,” he yawned. “But that’s not what am I asking. At least not exactly. I want a three way with Yamaguchi.”
You were shocked but also not at the request. You knew they were best friends, but they seemed like they would be completely different in bed. “Have you told Yams about me hooking up with the other guys?”
“No, I figured I’d keep my mouth shut until I had more information,” Tsukki replied. “But I’ve been trying to help Yams lose his virginity. This seems like the perfect opportunity.”
“Wow what a selfless friend you are,” you replied sardonically
Tsukki shrugged. “I can admit I want to try a three way for selfish reasons, too. What guy doesn’t.”
“And you think Yams wants to lose his virginity with you there?”
“Yeah, he’ll be less nervous. I promise I won’t tell him or anyone else about your stupid bet if you do this.” You agreed. Although Tsukki was annoying, you couldn’t deny that a 2 for 1 would help a lot. You just had to text your friend to make sure it was within the rules.
Y/f/n: hmm I think as long as neither of them no what it’s for, one three way can be allowed
Y/n: Tsukki knows. that asshole figured it out. I have to use my get out of jail card on him -_-
y/n: but Yams doesn’t know, Tsukki will make up some other story to tell him
y/f/n: As long as Tsukki doesn’t tell Yams and no one else finds out then I think it’s fine. Good luck with that lmao 
A week later you were in Tsukki and Yams’ shared dorm room. They’d pushed their beds together for the occasion, which was honestly quite funny. Tsukki looked almost bored and Yamaguchi looked nervous. Typical. 
One thing led to another and you were on their combined beds kissing Yamaguchi while Tsukki pulled your bottoms off. For his lack of experience, Yams was a good kisser. Definitely a little nervous, but sweet. You went at his pace, twisting your fingers through his hair making his breath catch.
“Watch this, Yamaguchi. You have to get her nice and wet before putting it in,” Tsukki told his friend. His fingers were rough and warm as he dragged them through your lips. He rubbed circles over your clit, making sure his friend knew that spot was very important. His long fingers easily slid inside you, pressing spots that were hard for you to reach. You let out a little gasp, which made him smirk. “Take over for me Yams, you gotta practice.” 
They swapped places, Tsukki slipping his cock out when he reached you. “Suck me off.”
You narrowed your eyes. “A please would be nice.”
Tsukki gave you a fake smile. “Please suck me off.” You didn't bother arguing, taking his cock in your mouth instead. He was annoyingly big. Maybe the biggest you had yet. Asahi may have been thicker, but Tsukki was definitely longer. You used your hand on his base while your lips and tongue focused on his tip. Meanwhile, Yams was getting the hang of fingering you. He copied Tsukki exactly, his whole face and chest flushed at the sight of your wet pussy sucking in his fingers. Your moan vibrated through Tsuki’s dick as he hit a sweet spot. 
“Fuck,” the blond cursed, pulling out of you. He didn’t want to cum just yet. “Move Yams, let me show you how to fuck her.”
Yamaguchi’s face flushed a deeper shade of red. “Okay.” Tsukki spread your legs  open after slipping a condom on. He pressed inside you slowly and you so badly did not what to gratify him with a moan, but you couldn’t help but let one slip.
“Sh-should I put it in her mouth?” Yams asked. 
Tsukki shook his head. “You won’t last. You need to be hard so you can fuck her.” Yams nodded, watching his friend roll his hips into you. “I’ll make her cum so she’ll be nice and sensitive when it’s your turn.” Tsukki rocked his hips against yours, holding your thighs wide open for him. You hated to admit it, but it did feel really good. His cock, like his fingers, hit spots deep inside you. His thrusts were surprisingly heavy for his thinner frame. A damn near devious smily spread across his face as he felt your pussy clenching around him. He rubbed your clit with quick circles, finishing you off.
“Fuck!” you cried, your head falling back on the pillow. Pleasure pulsed through you as Tsukki fucked you through your high. He pulled himself out of you with a hiss, stopping himself from finishing. He wanted to do that in your mouth. 
“Your turn Yams.” Tsukki yanked his friend down between your legs. Yams cock ached as he look at your fucked out expression. He couldn’t believe he was going to lose his virginity to the hot older manager. He said a silent prayer that he didn’t cum the second he put it in. 
You sensed his nerves and comforted him. “Don’t worry, Yams, you’ll do good. Let me.” You took the condom out of his shaking hands and rolled it onto him. He whimpered a little, sensitive to even your touch. “Whenever you’re ready, yeah?”
He nodded, holding your thighs like Tsukki did and slowly pressed inside you. He slid in easily, thanks to Tsukki. He let out a whine feeling your warm, wet walls squeeze him. He tried not to focus to hard on that as he rolled his hips into you. You were extra sensitive, just as Tsukki said, making each movement feel extra good.
“So good, Yamaguchi.” You had no problem encouraging the younger guy. You always thought he was sweet. “Doing so good.” Yams blushed and kept it going. 
“Now, where were we?” Tsukki asked, an obnoxious ring in his voice. You rolled your eyes at him but took his cock back in your mouth without protested. You took him deeper, urged on by how his composure cracked. Your tongue ran along the vein on the underside, making him curse. Yams continued to rut desperately into you, making you moan onto Tsukki. You emphasized the sound both for Yams’ confidences and to break down Tsukki. 
Tsukki used his free hands to play with your tits. He gave your nipples a hard squeeze, sending a jolt of pleasure through you that made you cum again. Yams cried out your name, summing the second your walls pulsed around him. Tsukki’s hips twitched as your lips tightened, spilling into your mouth. Everyone was a panting mess by the end. 
“Thanks, y/n,” Yams said as you finished getting dressed. “And I won’t tell anybody, I swear.” You exchanged a look with Tsukki, who nodded a silent agreement that he would continue to keep his mouth shut. You couldn’t help but smile as you left; you were over halfway done.
You went the rest of that semester without crossing anyone else off the list. You were okay with that, though, since you were still on track. Your next opportunity came during the last week of the winter break. Practice had started again, but not everyone was back to campus yet meaning they were smaller. And meaning  Hinata was more desperate for someone to stay and throw him extra tosses.
“Sure Hinata, I’ll help you out,” you agreed. Everyone else had cleared out of the gym, glad to not be the one Hinata targeted. You tossed him for awhile, admiring the strength of the small first year. He was the biggest wildcard to you. You weren't sure if he was gonna be really good or really bad.
“Ugh, I need to get stronger,” Hinata grumbled after his last spike. It looked plenty strong to you, but it gave you an idea.
“I've heard increasing testosterone can make you stronger,” you replied, tossing up another ball for him.
“Really? How can I do that?” 
“Having is sex is one way.” Hinata dropped out of the air, the ball you tossed bonking him in the head. You laughed at the surprised look on his face.
“Have you not heard of it?” you teased.
Hinata grumbled, “I have! I just didn’t know it could help like that.”
You shrugged. “That’s just what I’ve heard at least.” You took a step closer to Hinata, looking him in the eye. “We should give it a try.”
Hinata’s eyes widened. “Wait are you serious? Like right now?”
“Yeah! Let’s do it and see if your spike gets better.” You knew he couldn’t resist the offer, which he did not. Hinata practically pounced on you. Have sex with he pretty manager AND improve his spike? Sounds good to him. You were all over each other as you got down to the floor. Clothes flying off as you went. You weren’t sure why you felt so particularly excited, maybe it was the risk of getting  caught. All you knew is that you suddenly wanted Hinata badly. 
Hinata was just as eager with you, his hands all over you. His kisses were a little sloppy with need, but you loved it. Your tongues mixed slid your hands over his toned torso. Hinata bunched up his t shirt and put it under his head like pillow. He hooked his arms around your thighs and pulled you up his body. “Sit on my face?”
How could you say no to that. The second your pussy made contact with his mouth he was all over it. His tongue pressing into your soaked entrance, then his lips sucking your aching clit. You forgot yourself, rocking your hips against his face, though Hinata didn’t mind one bit. He loved how your plush thighs squeezed his face as you chased your high. 
It didn’t take long for it strike you, swift and strong as lightning. You bit down on your lip as your moaned his name, trying to not alert anyone who may be walking outside what was going on in the gym. Hinata lapped up every bit of release before you slid off him. In an instant he had you flipped over, with him now on top. 
“You taste good,” he grinned, his lips shining with your release. You pulled him in for a sloppy kiss, tasting yourself on him. “I think I have a condom in my gym bag, give me a sec.” And he really meant ‘a sec.’ Hinata was back at one top of you in a flash, rolling a condom onto his hard length. You didn’t get how he was so damn fast.
You both let out content sighs as Hinata pressed into you. Hinata fucked you hard and fast. He just couldn’t hold himself back when he felt your velvety walls wrapped around him. You were not surprised by his energy in the slightest, but you were surprised by his strength.
“Nngh- Hinata! Right there,” you moaned. You wrapped your legs around him, keeping him close to you. With just a few more heavy thrusts, your orgasm was milking his cock. Hinata’s head fell back while he filled the condom with his release. A mixture of a moan and a whine slipped from his parted lips. 
When you were both redressed, Hinata was already asking for a toss to see if worked. You couldn't help but laugh. Only Hinata would be thinking about volleyball after sex. You indulged him, tossing the ball, which he rocketed over the net.
“Holy shit! You were right y/n, that was so much better!’” Hinata beamed.
“I knew you could do it!” you replied, “But can I ask you not to tell anyone we just did that. If the other players found out, they may pester me to help them like that too.” Hinata agreed, happy to have his only little secret weapon for better spikes. 
6 down, 3 left.
A week or so later, Hinata and Kageyama were bickering in practice, as they do. However, Kageyama seemed more annoyed than usual, so you decided to check in with him after practice to make sure everything was okay.
“Oh, yeah Hinata’s just been... particularly annoying,” he replied, seeming oddly nervous. Or maybe uncomfortable.
“Particularly? What do you mean?”
Kageyama shifted. “Well, he's been bragging about hooking up with this girl...” You stiffened, wondering if Hinata spilled the beans.
“What about it?” you asked, trying to keep your voice even.
“I thought he was bull shitting at first because he wouldn’t tell me who it was. But then he started going into a gross amount of detail and I knew he wasn’t lying.” You let out a sigh of relief, which Kageyama misread. “I’m sorry that was probably weird to share.”
You shook your head. “Not at all. Why does it bother you so much, though?”
Kageyama blushed a little. “Well, it’s kinda of embarrassing, but Hinata and I compete about everything. He’s hooked up with 4 girls this year and I’ve only 3.  I guess it’s kinda fucked up to compete over that.” No more fucked up then your own competition, you thought.
“Not at all,” you assured him, “Friends do shit like that all the time. I’m sure those girls would have hooked up with you both either way.” In your case with Hinata, you knew it was true. They were nice, good looking guys, who wouldn't want to? “Why don’t you tell Hinata you hooked up with someone else.”
“Lying would be so lame. If he realized, I’d never live it down,” Kageyama replied.
“Who said you had to lie?”
Kageyama’s brows furrowed then raised when he realized what you mean. “Are you saying...”
“I’m saying, we hook up and then you can tell Hinata you’re back to being tied without lying,” you finished for him. “We don’t have to tell anyone either. Hinata not telling you is the perfect excuse to not tell him. He won’t have to know it was a favor.”
“Seriously? Are you sure y/n? I didn’t tell you to make you feel like you had to,” Kageyama replied. He was trying to be polite but you could tell the wheels were already spinning in his head.
“I’m sure. I’d do it even if it wasn’t for a favor.” Kageyama blushed. 
“Thank you so much.” No, thank you, you thought.
And so a few days later you found yourself in Kageyama’s dorm, sitting on his lap with your back pressed to his front. An interesting request, but you didn’t deny it. And now you were very glad you didn’t
“Fuck Kageya- oh,” your voice was a strangled moan as he played with your pussy. His calloused fingers moved expertly over your most sensitive spots. You felt almost like his opponent. You could tell he was observing you closely, noting every spot that made you tick. The whines that escaped your lips meant he found the perfect pressure to rub your aching clit. Your hips bucking showed him the sweet spot inside you that drove you crazy.
“You like that?” it was more of a statement than a question, really. He knew you loved it. All you could do was nod. Kageyama had both of his arms wrapped around you from behind. His middle two fingers on one hand plunged into your pussy, pressing your g spot. The other hand rolling your clit, driving you crazy. 
If it didn’t feel so good, you’d almost be embarrassed at how fast you came. Kageyama felt it immediately, letting you fuck yourself on his fingers. You ground against him, his erection pressing into your ass. It made you both desperate for more.
“Need you,” you gasped, reaching back to give him a squeeze through his pants. Kageyama groaned deliciously before pulling his sweats down just enough to free himself. He was riding high from just making you cum and couldn’t wait to feel your walls squeezing him. After he rolled the condom on, he angled your hips back so he could slide in. 
“Fuck,” he hissed. Even better than he imagined. You couldn’t help but immediately start rolling your hips. Kageyama sat back a moment, watching you fuck yourself on his cock. He squeezed your hips and ass, keeping your rhythm steady as you rocked your hips. 
He spread your ass a little, a gasp escaping your lips as you feel him spit on you. You did not expect that from Kageyama. His thumb circled the tight rim of your ass before pressing inside.
You cried out something incoherent as the pleasure you felt heightened. Each roll of your hips felt extra intense, now that he occupied both holes. As if that wasn’t enough, Kageyama reached forward to toy with your clit again. Your body surged with pleasure as you squeezed around his cock and thumb. Even as your orgasm hit, the pleasure didn’t subside. If anything it was build and -
“Oh god,” you whine as a gush of release left you. The composure Kageyama had been holding crumbled at the sight. He groaned, burying his face in your neck as he came. Even lost in his own pleasure, he never faltered, letting you ride out your high completely. You didn’t move from his lap when you finished, not trusting your legs to hold you. “Holy shit Kageyama,” was all you could manage.
“Was that good?” This time the question sounded genuine. You almost laughed, as it sounded like how he asked the spikers if they liked his set.
“Very good.”
Two to go.
You debated saying fuck the whole competition and going back to Kageyama for seconds. It wasn’t against the rules, technically, but your competitive spirit kept you from straying from the goal. Besides you really wanted that $500. Still, you hadn’t pursued either Sugawara or Daichi yet, knowing you’d have to be careful with them. They weren't as easily... won over as the others. Little did you know, Sugawara had his sights set on you, 
“Hey, y/n, need any help?” he asked. You were in the team’s storage room, taking account of all the equipment. It was part of your job to make sure everything was in good shape and put in orders for more as needed. Normally, your friend and co-manager helped you with the task, but she was sick, leaving it to you.
“That would be great, if you don’t mind,” you replied. Sugawara joined in organizing and taking stock of everything. The two of you chatted easily as you worked. Sugawara was one of your favorite players on the team. He was incredible kind and you appreciated his sense of humor.
“Hey, y/n, have you ever had like a bucket list? Or something like that?” Sugawara asked. 
“Sure there’s a list of things I’d like to do,” you replied. “Why do you ask?”
“Well... I’ve always thought it would be fun to hook up with someone in the team room. I guess that makes me a stereotypical jock, huh?” 
You laughed. “Oh? So did you only offer to help in hopes of getting laid?”
“No I swear, I didn’t,” he laughed, “But this does look pretty bad now.” 
“It’s all good,” you replied, “I’d be happy to help.” If only he knew how much he was help you.
Suga smiled. “I promise I’ll make it worth it.” He pressed you agains the wall, gently, and kissed you. You welcomed his soft, warm lips. His kiss was sweet and soft, but there was a hunger behind it that made your stomach flip. The next thing you knew, Suga was on his knees.
“Can I?” his warm, brow eyes looking up at you pleadingly. You nodded and he hooked his fingers into your leggings sliding them off you. Suga put one leg over his shoulder, placing a soft kisses on your inner thigh. Once he’d teased you enough, he went for your pussy. He had a gentler approach, almost like making out with your cunt, but it still drove you wild.
“Suga,” you let out a content sigh. Your hands tangled in his hair, pushing him further into you. Suga hummed approvingly, loving the pretty noises you made. Your leg went weak as Suga sucked on your clit, but his grip kept your firmly upright.
“Cum for me, pretty,” Suga murmured. With the flick of his tongue you did just that. Breathless moans fell from your lips as a warm surge of pleasure filled you.  The second you finished you were pulling Suga up to kiss. You tasted yourself on his lips, kissing him deeply. Your hands went to his shorts, pulling at them. Suga chuckled at you. “Lemme.” 
He pulled a condom out of his pocket before slipping his cock out. You hugged him tightly as he pushed into you. Suga rocked into you slowly at first. You kissed his neck, murmuring how good it felt. Suga hooked his hand under your knee, pressing it up so he can get deeper. The angle urged a moan from you that made his cock ache. “Feel good?”
“Yes,” you gasped into his neck. You dug your nails into him as you reached the limits of your sensitivity. He continued as he felt your pussy tightening around him. He was panting and moaning in your ear, a sound you could only describe as pretty.
“That’s it let go for me,” he urged. You couldn't help but comply, your body going slack as your second orgasm washed over you. Sugawara sounded even prettier when he was cumming. His hips stuttered as he released, holding you close. You held each other as you caught your breath.
“This will stay between us, right?” you asked.
Suga smiled. “It will be our little secret.”
Just one left.
It was spring break and the end of the school year was on the horizon. You had a lot of big assignments due at the end of the year, opting to stay on campus to get them done. You found out Daichi was doing the same, leaving him alone at the team house for a week. You knew this was probably your only shot.
You offered to work with him so he wouldn’t be alone at the house, which he happily accepted. You spent the days being each others moral support getting through your tough assignments and insuring the other person took breaks. It did help a lot, Daichi was good at keeping you on task and you were good at helping him not over stress himself. It was the last night of break and you both finally finished your assignments. The relief was palpable, but so was the tension. You got the sense that Daichi was flirting with you at times, but he was hard to read. You were anxious to finally finish your other assignment. You knew if it didn’t happen now, it probably wouldn’t at all. 
“So how should we celebrate?” you asked. You were sitting on this counter, swinging your legs idly. 
Daichi looked at you, catching something suggestive in your voice. “Sounds like you have an idea.” He held your gaze in a way that felt like an invitation.
“Well, I have been thinking about something...” you trailed off, smirking a little.
Daichi stepped closer to you. “Oh? And what is that?” 
You leaned forward slightly, which drew Daichi closer to you. “Might be easier to show you.”
“I hope you do.” He was standing between your leg then. There was only another beat of tense silence before you pulled him in. He gripped your hips, kissing you deeply. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting Daichi control the kiss. “Wrap your legs around me.” When you did, Daichi lifted you off the counter.
He carried you to the bedroom, placing you gently on the bed. You continued to kiss as clothing came off. Daichi slipped his fingers between your legs, sliding them into your pussy. He pumped them into you, stretching your pussy and making it slick. “You want more?” he asked against your lips. 
You nodded and he pulled a condom out of his bedside table. He put it on positioned himself between your legs. Daichi was really thick, maybe thicker than Asahi. Even with him fingering you, it was a stretch. “Fuck you’re tight,” he groaned as he bottomed out. He kissed and sucked your tits as he snapped his hips against yours. Once you got used to it, the stretch felt good. Your hips bucked up to meet his, pressing him deeper inside you
“S’big,” you whimpered. Daichi pressed on your lower stomach, heightening the sensation of him inside you. His thumb went down to your clit, rubbing circles over it. Your back arched of the bed as a surge of pleasure seized you. Not just pleasure, pleasure and triumph. Your orgasm was heightened with the satisfaction of winning the bet. 
Daichi fucked you through your orgasm until his own took him over. He groaned into your, slowing his thrusts to enjoy every last moment.  He pulled out when you both finished, rolling over on the bed next to you. “Well I am significantly less stressed now.”
You laughed. “Same.” He had not idea how much stress he just took off your plate. “Would it be okay if we didn’t tell anyone, though? The guys on the team are kinda immature. If they found out...” You let him fill in the blanks of his teammates finding out he hooked up with the manager. He absolutely did not want that mess to happen.
“Absolutely. It stays between us.” 
A few days later you sat with your friend in your dorm filling her in and counting your cash. “I still can’t believe you did it.”
“I know, honestly I’m impressed with myself.”
“Okay but I have to know, how did they do?” You friend has asked you for details along the way, but you insisted on saving it for the end. 
“Let me preface this by saying they were all good, and I would hook up with any of them again,” you stated. You explained that Yams was last, mostly just because of his inexperience. You would, however, not mind being with him again one on one and really rocking his world. 
“You’re gonna scare the poor guy,” your friend commented.
You grinned, “I think he’d like it. Anyways...” In a surprising turn of events, Daichi was next.
“No way.”
“Yeah I mean it wasn’t bad, but he needs to do more foreplay,” you explained.
“Fair enough.” 
Next way Asahi, another surprisingly low 3rd year. You explained that he lost points for cumming quick, but the way he whimpered and moaned was hot so you couldn’t be that mad about it. Next came Tsuki, who you wished could be lower, but alas it was good. 
“And his dick was really big. Like the biggest on the team.”
Your friend laughed. “No wonder he’s so cocky.” 
Tanaka was next. A solid fuck, no complaints.
“He is super into boobs.”
Your friend rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I think anyone who’s ever met him coulda told you that.” 
Next was Suga. “He’s just like... so sweet dude. It was almost kinda romantic.”
“You really need to go on more real dates if you think fucking in the team storage closet is romantic.”
You laughed, “I swear it was! He was best of the third years by far.”
Next was Hinata. “You did WHAT in the gym?” your friend questioned.
“Yeah, I know, I know. Kinda crazy.”
“Very crazy. But please go on.”
“Unsurprisingly, he had tons of energy. But I was surprised by how good he was. I should’ve known better than to underestimate him.”
Next was Nishinoya. “He was so good. And so eager. I just know he’d be super fun in bed the more you get with him.”
“You sure it’s not your crush talking?”
“Shut up. This is all totally objective scientific work.”
“Wait... so does that mean... Kageyama?”
“Yes!” You told her about how he took you by surprise. That he was amazing with his hands and knew exactly how to work you up. And that he made you squirt.
“No fucking way.” 
“Believe me, I was shocked too.” 
You spent the rest of the night gossiping over the experiences and who you wanted to have a round 2 with.
A/n: this was kinda a convoluted idea and I didn’t really know how to end its lmao. But hope you enjoyed tysm for reading<3
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kingalooo · 2 months
𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭?
This is more of a drabble from Flores since I wish Miguel would sneak into my room :((( This has been sitting in my drafts for weeks LMFAO
Minors do not interact!!!
 ⊹ ✦ 。°˖ ⊹ ✦ 。°˖ ⊹ ✦ 。°˖ ⊹ ✦ 。°˖ ⊹ ✦ 。°˖ ⊹ ✦ 。°˖
-After that little interaction in the kitchen, it became a constant routine.
-Most of the time it would be Miguel initiating anything and everything
-It was our little secret
-From groping you secretly at functions
-Fingering you in the living room
-Sneaking kisses down the hallway of the house
-Or more recently, sneaking him in through your bedroom window
-It was a constant thing atp
-It wasn’t everyday though, he’d make sure you were well rested for your classes or work the next day
-He didn’t want his girl to be tired or exhausted
-Especially after a long night🤭
-But tonight you didn’t have to be anywhere the next day
-You weren’t expecting him to come in at all tonight since he’d usually send a message
-A soft knock echoed in the room
-Startled from your sleep, you get up from bed and head towards the window
-“Miggy, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” I say, rubbing my eyes tiredly
-“Lo siento princesa I just couldn’t sleep…” Miguel smiled apologetically, noticing how tired you looked. “I figured I’d sleep better with you next to me.”
-sleep better after fucking me 😻
-After letting this ginormous man through the window, we made our way to my bed. I slip into his warm embrace
-It was great and all
-But now you couldn’t sleep
-You begin playing with his fingers
-He was half asleep atp but let you do as you pleased with him
-“Mande mi reina…” He mumbled back in a raspy voice
-Y’all hear something purring?
-“Now I can’t sleep,” I frown at him “Thanks a lot.”
-He chuckled, playing with your hair with his free hand while you played with the other
-“I'm sorry mi reina…” He planted a small kiss on my lips. Was that enough? No.
-You shift yourself to sit on top of his lap, his hands instinctively gripping your hips
-“I like where this is going…” Miguel grinned
-“Guess you’re going to have to stay awake now,” I tease, slowly grinding against his hips
-Miguel had no problem letting you take control every now and then
-But the way you looked on top of him made him go ballistic
-That lace nightgown you were wearing was his favorite
-Easier access to everything he wanted
-This little teasing of yours wasn’t going to cut it
-He quickly flips you over so he’s on top
-Positioning himself instantly, his clothed erection throbbing against your wet panties
-He thrusted against you, earning both a moan from you and a groan from him
-This continued for a bit, whispering encouraging words into your ear
-Then there was a knock
-Both of our heads snapped towards the sound
-“Mija? Estás despierta?” (My daughter? Are you awake?)
-“Get in my closet”
-Imagine a 6’9 man in a tiny closet LMFAO
-He made it work regardless in just a matter of seconds
-You quickly adjust yourself, throwing on a robe before opening the door to see your dad standing on the other side
-“¿Qué fue ese ruido?” (What was that sound?)
-“Perdon apa, I was fixing my bed…” You answer innocently
-“Esta bien, pero ya duérmete es demasiado tarde…” He says back in a serious tone before shutting the door (That’s okay, but go to bed it’s really late.)
-You turn back to face the closet
-Miguel peaks his head out
-“I don’t know how you did it,” I try to hold back a laugh as he tries to slip out of the tight space
-“Adrenaline rush princesa,” He chuckles. “No te regaño?” (Did he scold you?)
-“Not really, he just said go to bed…” I yawn before taking his hand in mine and guiding him back to bed
-We gladly go back into our cuddling position
-But not before his hand grips your ass
-“It’s a habit.”
I literally love this man sooo much ugh 😔
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iovesia · 11 months
John Wick being your married professor, who uses his position of power to take advantage of you. He makes you come to his house for some “extra tutoring” and his wife is there and she’s so kind to you and you feel so guilty as John takes you to his study. He keeps his hand over your mouth because you need to be quiet. Afterwards, his wife invites you to join them for dinner and you just want to get away but she doesn’t take no for an answer just like her husband. She has no idea what John is doing with his hand under the dining table as you all eat.
(I’m sorry Helen but being John’s dirty little secret got me feeling some kinda way)
STOPPP this is so evil (literally kicking my feet) — ofc john would never do this in canon, but for smut's sake . . .
୨ ˙ ∘ cw.⠀ cheating & infidelity. professor / student relationship. p in v. this got, like, really long lmfao OOPS !
you're mr. wick's top student in his class— or so you thought. you're shocked to find out, that after being a straight-A, rory-gilmore level student your entire life, you seem to be failing mr. wick's class.
mr. wick (fully aware of your desperate need for academic validation) uses this to his advantage. it first started off harmless enough: giving you feedback after class, meeting in his office during his hours. but he wanted more, he needed more.
an hour during the day turned into late night "study" sessions in his office. he's bent you over his mahogany desk, forcing you to read aloud from your textbook while he pounds into you.
"t—the halo effect is a c-cognitive bias— fuck—," you bite hard onto your bottom lip, toes curling at the delicious stretch of mr. wick's cock in your wet cunt. you try to continue reading, but the words fall jumbled from your lips. his rough hands are all over you, caressing and clutching at your sides, pulling you back onto his cock like a ragdoll.
"don't make me tell you to start over, ms [l/n]," he scolds, but you can hear the teasing in his voice. his hands cup the fat of your ass, watching as he disappears in and out of you. "i know you can do better than that."
yes, of course you felt guilty. he's your professor— your married professor. but that guilt quickly flew out the window, when he's shoved the frame picture of him and his wife on his desk to the side, and laid you on top, gently spreading your legs.
soon enough, mr. wick started inviting you back to his home. his place of sanctuary. a sanctuary shared with mrs. wick. who you've managed to completely avoid (and pretend didn't exist) up until this moment.
for once, he was giving you genuine advice on one of your essays when his wife walked in. your heart dropped to your ass and sweat began pooling on your forehead. sure. . technically you weren't doing anything, but the guilt ate away at your heart.
"wow, this is really nice, mrs. wick," you mumble, giving the older woman a polite smile. she grins, insisting you call her 'helen'. her shiny smile and bubbly personality only make bile boil in your throat. she was sweet enough to offer you a home cooked meal, and in return, you're letting her husband finger you under the table.
"john talks a lot about you! he's very impressed with your progress," helen takes a bite of her food, offering sweet words and polite conversation. you nod, biting the inside flesh of your cheek and john's hand crawls up your thigh.
"she was really struggling this year.. but i guess all she needed was an extra hand." his innuendo flies over his oblivious wife's head as his warm fingers slide under your underwear and in between your wet folds.
you were definitely going to hell for this, you think to yourself, biting down on your fork to stop a mewl escaping your lips.
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mitsies · 1 year
if you were a WAITING ROOM...
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-;, things the blue lock boys do when they're crushing ! > based off of the song WAITING ROOM by phoebe bridgers
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he's not sure why he's doing this. he understands the subject perfectly, maybe even on an advanced level- but he's letting his grades fall.
it's bad, the way he stops turning in work. it's irresponsible, how he starts bubbling in answers incorrectly on purpose. but it's so worth it, with how you begin leaning over his shoulder to double check his answers.
he can't get enough of you, and how you smile sympathetically when he shows you his poor scores on tests, and how you offer to help him after school in the library. and maybe he's crazy for this- he's risking his extracurriculars, his grade point average, his whole education just so you could tutor him. but strangely enough, he can't really find it in himself to care.
he loves how you explain with your hands, how you get so excited when he finally 'grasps' a concept- he loves it all. he thinks he'll risk the summer schooling if it means he gets to see you more often.
; REO, karasu, yukimiya, isagi
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he knows he's better than this. he knows he shouldn't be here in the first place. but somehow, he finds himself in your office for the 3rd time that week.
"you need to be more careful," you chide, as you dress the bloodied cut on his ankle. "how does this even happen?"
"not sure," is his reply. he's bashful, unusually so, and he can't meet your eye. your fingers graze his skin and a shiver passes through him.
you're the nurse's apprentice, and coincidentally the prettiest person he's ever seen. he's basically obsessed, infatuated, absurdly so. and he's not the brightest so all he can really do is keep on coming back in the only way he knows how.
you click your tongue and he wonders how your hands would feel in his. "i'm not a huge fan of how you're a regular here, now."
"i thought you'd be happy to see me!"
"i'd be happier under different circumstances."
maybe one day, he'll have the courage to ask you out. but for now? he'll settle for the hospital bed.
; nagi, NANASE, bachira (but... more lively ig), shidou (but more h*rny LMFAO)
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the party is loud despite the late hour. distantly, he hears one of his friends chatting to him about some cute girls or the food or something he doesn't really care about.
all he can think of at this moment is you. you look unreal in the colorful lighting, your skin painted green and gold beneath the plug-in strobe lights. your smile is nothing short of radiant, and he catches himself fixed on your shiny, painted lips. he wonders if the color you're wearing tastes as good as it looks.
he's not usually the shy type, especially not when it comes to strangers- but the way you glow in the artificial lights makes him breathless.
you don't even know he's there, focused on whatever your friend is telling you. he watches as you cover your mouth and laugh, bumping into their shoulder playfully.
he sighs and downs his drink, preparing to speak to you. he thinks he'll need all the courage he can get. talking to an angel is no easy feat.
; kaiser, oliver, SAE
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his spotify account is the only app open on his laptop. a quiet hum is emitting from it. the song is another one of those dreary, dismal love songs- a genre he's found himself listening to a lot more often as of late.
he pulls up the lyrics to the song and is hit with a swarm of thoughts of you- the lyrics practically speak your name and breathe your image, and something that must be longing is all he can feel.
it's 2 in the morning, and he's alone in his bedroom, and he wishes he was with you instead, because there's no way around it, he's absolutely, positively in love. every song, every sound, conjures the thoughts of you. he can't escape it, he's stuck, and he can't find it in himself to hate it.
but he could never tell you- no, he couldn't risk that. and so he sits on the floor, propped up against his bed, making you another playlist as if he'll ever send it to you.
maybe one day you'll catch on to his hopeful stares, and maybe one day you'll notice that he makes a new playlist of solely love songs whenever you hang out.
but for now, he'll keep on watching. he hums along to the song playing and adds it to the still-growing playlist.
; ISAGI, otoya, hiori
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what time was it again? why was he here? god, he's stupid for this. he knows he shouldn't be here, right now, behind the wheel of his car at 1 in the morning, but he is.
he's got somewhere to be in the morning. he has things to do the following afternoon. he should be asleep, in bed, at home- but he's not, and he can't- not when you called.
5 minutes ago, he received a text from you asking if he was awake and doing anything. for the record, he was just about to head to bed, and in the middle of changing clothes, so he was very much in the middle of something.
but then you'd asked if he could come over, and he knows he could never say no to you.
so here he was, driving on the empty streets towards your apartment on the other side of town. he's stupid, he's delusional, and he's so head-over-heels in love that none of it really matters.
it might be a long drive but he can already see it- your face buried in his chest, his lips on your temple, the off-white color of your bedsheets- and suddenly, he thinks it'll all be worth it.
; kunigami, RIN, karasu, reo
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he hasn't seen you in what, 5 years? 4? not since you were both teenagers with remnants of fat clinging to your cheeks, hot-faced and immature.
then, you'd called him your yours and he'd called you his. it was a typical teenaged relationship, the 99% that wasn't meant to last. at least, not the first time.
because he sees you now, for the first time in what feels like centuries, and he feels like he can breathe again. the neighborhood party is hot and busy but you look lighter than air, just as beautiful as you did the day you'd kissed him in your car and then wished him good luck and goodbye for the last time.
he'd been stupid, then. but he could see it now.
the way you laughed as you greeted his mother with a hug, the way you grinned and knelt down to talk with the new children of the neighborhood the both of you had grown up in- he could see so clearly the love that lingered in your little actions.
and then you looked at him. your eyes grew wide, before you smiled like you used to, and he could practically feel the unbridled affection seeping into his skin.
you were love, he thinks, and he'd let you go.
truly, what a fool he'd been to let you slip through his fingers all those years ago. but now, you're walking towards him, getting closer and more real with every passing second- and he's determined to not make the same mistakes this time.
; chigiri, bachira (hear me out), SAE, oliver
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"she'd be the best you ever had, if you let her."
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alkalinefrog · 1 year
Hey Alka, I had a quick question for you (whenever you have the time to answer or even if you have the time), I've been taking some storyboard classes and with my illustration background, it's been hard to really find a good shorthand for characters to really get that anatomy/gesture looking right without it being too sketchy and unreadable.
How long did it take you to find your storyboard shorthand, and what exercises would you recommend to try to find it? I'm sure it just takes time and practice, I've been doing a lot more studies and gesture drawings (currently following along all the free Glenn Vilppu videos I can find on youtube) but I wanted to ask you as well because I am in love with how fluid your anatomy is, and how clear your storyboards read. And those hands my god you're a wizard!!!
Thanks a bunch, have a wonderful day!
Heya Secret, great to hear from ya! Well, what you don’t see online is how gross the rough stage of my boards can get LMFAO. Most of the boards I post are actually overly cleaned up because I'm just doing them for fun and can afford the time! I'm not really sure how long it took to develop my shorthand, I've never really enjoyed drawing detail to begin with, so when I decided to go into boarding I kinda just leaned into it!
I’ve covered a bunch of gesture drawing exercises already if you scroll through my advice tag, but ***once you have a good foundation*** here's some stuff you can try!
First you'll want to build up an arsenal of anatomy hacks you can always fallback on, particularly for complex parts of the body. The less time you spend on details, the more time you have to focus on the overall pose and storytelling. Aim to find ways to draw with as FEW lines as possible. If I had to make a list to streamline what to practice:
Head shapes - find the most efficient way to draw the front + 3/4 + side view in as few lines as possible (the challenge is still making them look structured with dimension)
Eyes - are SO important for expressions! Unless your project has characters with dot eyes, you're going to need to find a quick way to do the circle and iris in as few lines as possible. Make sure you can convey where they're looking
Hands - fists (you'll be drawing a lot of people holding poles), open palms at various angles, foreshortened fingers pointing at viewer, fingers making grabby motions----protips: 1) half the time all you need is a vague triangle/rectangle plus thumb sticking up and that's a hand 2) if the hand is relaxed, you probably don't need to draw the knuckles. Save some time!
Feet - just learn how to make sure they look like they're standing on the ground, and do some studies of what they look like when you're running. Otherwise you can usually get away with a vague shoe or boot shape (just add toe lines if they're not wearing any)
----everything else you'll practice as you go!
Jump from SUPER rough straight into clean boards to really force yourself to be economic. I've done each of these methods for work before:
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Before you start boarding with a character, sketch them a few times with the intention of simplifying their design while keeping them recognizable:
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You'd be surprised how little you need to recognize a character:
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Depending on the scene, you can adjust how much detail you want to include:
Stay loose/more generalized with action, especially for the "inbetweens" between key poses. Clean up enough to communicate movement and make the character recognizable.
If the character's small on screen in a wide shot, edit out most details and focus on the silhouette
Save the detail work for character acting, when you really want to be specific with their expressions and gestures.
But outside of all that, be bold and fearless!! Everyone has that stage where their boards look like spaghetti! Boarding is like handwriting; you could have really shitty chicken scratch, but if you're writing beautiful poetry, who cares!
god I love drawing hands you don’t even know thank you so much!! Good luck dude!! You’ve more than got this!!
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ilys00ga · 6 months
Exes to lovers hurt/comfort with Yoongi? Oc is going through a really hard time and one minor inconvenience sets her up to break down and yoongi finds her and they seek solace to each other because no one listens like Yoongi does. Just a moment of oc burrowing her head on his shoulder in silence and boom. Happy ending.
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pairing: yoongi x female reader.
genre: hurt/comfort, exes to lovers, post breakup, some bitter sweetness and fluff as well, yoongi is very sweet, they still love each other hahaha.
warnings: none, I think. oh some mentions of cheating. lots of crying lolol.
A/N: hello, I am SORRY for the late upload of this. I keep losing track of writing and posting 😫 but thank u sm for this <3 I hope you like it, I wasn't sure how and what to write tbh but that's what I could come up with...
I tried using "she/her" pronouns instead of "you" for some change, I hope that's fine with u!
I have one more request to make, and it'll probably be posted after a week or something:') but yeah, thanks to everyone who sent me reqs. this was so fun. remember, u can send more they are currently open! (my exams are in like one week or so lmfao)
PS. English is not my first language, so u know the drill.
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the tip of yoongi's ears began to ache, and his eyes felt so heavy after several hours of sitting in front of his computer screen, wearing the same set of headphones on his head.
he rubbed his tired face with his palms and threw his head back with a loud groan. he was exhausted. this specific project he was working on consumed him the most this month.
just as he was about to resume his work, the door to his studio rang, and he huffed. the grumpy man up with slumped shoulders and a scowl ready to stare daggers at whoever decided it was just the perfect timing to interrupt his misery.
"....yoongi..." a whimper of his name made his head snap up and face the woman standing right in front of him. his eyes widened as he saw her flushed face twisted with tears running down her cheeks. visibly fresh stains of coffee covered her attire, and her hands were shaking.
swallowing, he didn't utter a word, standing there as he felt his heart pumping cold blood through his wide chest and into his entire body. it's been nearly two years since he'd last spoken to her after the messed up break-up they had.
"yoongi.." a sob shook the woman's shoulders this time as she crouched down, crying and shrinking into her own self right in front of him.
if you'd travel back two years and more ago in time, you'd see yoongi wasting no time in wrapping his arms around her body, but that sweet privilege he once had is long since gone. the she and he that once made this very beautiful thing is long since gone. she were no longer "her" and he was no longer "him". it was hard to decide whether to say "thankfully" or "unfortunately" each time yoongi recalled that gut-wrenching fact.
instead, he quickly kneeled in front of her, hesitating and contemplating before finally settling on just gently putting one of his trembling hands on her shoulder as he wasted no time in asking: "___ what's wrong? are you hurt?"
as if it was embarrassed of her commitment to silence, her head moved on its own will in a light shake of "no."
"what happened?" he repeated in a much calmer voice.
"he- he ch-cheated on m-... again- he-" her body rocked, dancing along with each sob as she struggled to speak. and when he realised that he won'tve getting a proper answer, yoongi silently–and very delicately, as though she would break if he tugged any harder on her skin–grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the studio.
after closing the door and making her sit on the couch, he asked one more time, "what happened?"
his voice never lost that soft tone, she noted, and gulped down the lump that was stuck in her throat, and after some time stuttered with a shaky voice, "I'm so sorry to bother you. i just had such a bad day, and I kind of panicked so hard and ran up here."
"what about this," he pointed at her stained clothes and frowned, "and what did you say about cheating again?"
sniffling, she sighed and rested her hair against the back of the sofa, "found out that Jaehun cheated on me multiple times, and I had a coffee accident. I didn't know where to go, so..."
yoongi stared at her silently, part of him was relieved nothing that bad had occurred to her, the other, the slightly selfish one, had the corners of its lips twitching upwards when he heard that the man he's been dreading for the past few months turned put to be a complete asshole. it was embarrassing, yes, that's why he can never admit that he's still stuck on her, that he felt as though he'd lost a chunk of himself when he knew that she was with somebody new. but he also can't complain, not after everything that happened, not after breaking it apart.
"I'm sorry you always end up with assholes." was all he said.
and a simple "by the way, it's fine, you've always been welcome here" from him was all it took to break her shell. all the self restraint she'd been pulling, all the walls she'd been shielding herself with, it all went flat to the ground, and this time her vision blurred up with hot tears, easily spilling and racing down her cheeks in a matter of seconds. finally giving up the strings she'd been clutching on for dear life.
yoongi was caught off guard, but not surprised. he pursed his lips as he extended his arm to wrap it around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him and burying her face right where it belongs, his neck.
that terribly reminded him of all the sleepless nights after heavy, long days at work they spent cuddled up so close to each other. her crying as she spilled her heart's content to him, and him listening as he rubbed on her back and kissed her head.
seeing her again, one hair away from him after long months of distance and silent, guilty glances whenever they ran into each other in the building they both worked at, was the cherry on top that poisoned cake.
he tightly hugged her, whispering sweet nothings into her hair as he buried his nose into it. he used to like doing that, feeling the tickling of her strands on his nose and the scent he sipped on like a mad man.
after a long moment, her sobs thinned into hiccups, then soft sniffles, and she dried her face up with the long sleeves of her cardigan.
"feeling better?" why is his voice always so damn soft?
she nodded with a tiny hum, slowly raising her body to pull out of the hug.
when she glanced at him, oh boy, when she did glance at him, she was met with those pair of cat eyes, all wide with pure concern. so intense that she quickly averted hers as heat spread through her face and neck.
"I'm fine.." she whispered with a voice hoarse from all the crying.
"you reek of coffee." yoongi joked in an attempt to brighten the mood, smiling as he offered her a package of wet wipes.
"thanks." the woman's lips slowly pushed into a small pout, and she muttered, "I'm sorry for bothering you with my crying."
"don't worry about that, i kind of missed this anyway."
"you miss seeing me cry?" she mused.
"no, I just... it's been so long..."
neither of them said anything for a while, falling into some kind of silence. strangely, there was no awkwardness in it, just hundreds of heavily unspoken confessions and things hanging in the air, all mixed with burning yearning for one another.
"I missed you.." she whispered in a hushed tone, "I thought I would never get to talk to you again."
"i hope you're joking." he replied, "because I don't think you being serious would make it hurt any less."
"I'm sorry that we fought." she apologized.
"I'm sorry, I was an asshole too." yoongi licked his lips, a pinch of fear ached his heart all of a sudden, but he added anyway with a small voice, "do you... do you wanna meet up tomorrow? we could grab some dinner and just... talk."
"alright" she smiled.
"good. I'll call you in the morning, then. good?" yoongi felt as though his heart would jump out of his rib cage and run out of the studio from how overwhelming the whole situation was, if it weren't for her reassuring smile that made it all so much easier to handle.
"good." she replied.
"that was so easy...why didn't we do this earlier?" he covered his burning face with his hands and chuckled.
"we were just too dumb to think back then."
"yeah, we were." he nodded.
and for the first time ever since the pair cut all sorts of communication between each other, yoongi looked directly into her eyes with pure gratitude and smiled.
they ended up meeting up more often than they intended to, slowly patching up the abandoned wounds they once scarred into the body of their broken relationship.
one dinner birthed two and three more, surface-level chitchat of updates about each other's lives turned into deeper dives into the ups and downs, the wrongs and rights of everything they have shared between each other before. where everything shattered into pieces before their own eyes.
it all went slow and steady, like the first time they met a few years ago, like the very beginning of what they once had. it was scary, uncertain, and a sensitive area overall for the two, yet they were still willing to take that road again.
like a wicked witch, miscommunication casted a spell of pain, sourness, and yearning on the pair.
and now that their priorities have changed, maybe there's still a chance for them to break that spell and work it out again.
- fin..
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Hello, there’s a lot of questions, so to keep from cluttering the blog I’ll answer here before I go to sleep. If there's more I'll answer in the morning.
Does the friend group go on Tumblr or know people stalk their filmandfrendz account?
Yes they are on here (i'm probably gonna get jumped lol). And yes they know people are watching, they love the attention.
does sammy keep her account private for her sake or does the hughes tell her to and she wants her account to be public?
It's a personal choice, she doesn't want hate or harassment from people.
How do they fight exactly lmfao
idk what you mean by this question, but mainly over the phone unless they're together. Idk they yell at each other a good bit.
Wait so Jack doesn’t give a shit that Sammy did that to his brother?? Wow could you tell us more anon on why he doesn’t and isn’t weirded out if you do know! 
I love Jack to death, I truly do, but bro doesn't use his head unless it involves hockey. I do want to say in Jack's defense, when Luke would tell people about Sammy he never referred to her by name, my ex and I only knew bc we witnessed it. He didn't confirm it was Sammy until like January, but by then Jack was so smitten with Sammy he didn't care. I think it's weird as well and a lot of people in that circle do too, but Jack's mental health was really bad last season so that's why people are being more careful with criticizing their relationship bc despite her faults, she was really there for him during injuries and bad games.
I have to ask, anon. Why does he compare get to an owl lol? 
Because Sammy looks like one, that's about it.
hello knowledgeable anon! ik you can't send proof, however may i ask a question that could prove you do generally know the boys? associates of jack would know, but what was he getting up to in PA in may 2021? yes this is a test lol. not to expose him fully bc I know this isn't really public, so you can put it in vague terms.
Bad bad boy did bad bad thing while being a behind a vroom vroom ( i cannot give specfics or i'll get jumped or sued his team lurks here and they'll know it was me). The only thing I will say specifically is that he didn't do anything that was insanely illegal, like behind bars level. He's just an idiot (i say lovingly).
Secondly, do you know if Luke is seeing anyone right now? One anon said they spotted Luke in Michigan holding hands with a brunette but he’s still following girls on Instagram so idk 
Last I heard he was texting a few girls (i felt like a proud mom) but I don't think he's particularly seeing anyone yet.
What does not serious mean? Like they aren't dating but are exclusive? Or does it mean moving in together, marriage, etc?
Like moving in, possibly getting married in the future etc. They are exclusive.
To the anon with all the tea, is Jack actually 5’9? Cause he always looks really short, but I know he’s listed at just under 6’0
Well brother would look 5'11 if he ever learned how to stand up straight and quit bending his knees when he stands. But I think he's actually like 5'10 1/2 or 1/4 idk somewhere around that.
Were they always toxic or did this start a couple months ago? they seemed so happy at the family skate like he kept looking back and smiling at her.. it could be for show who knows
this is fairly recent, ever since they've been doing long distance.
I am not saying this against anon. So if Jack and Sammy are super volatile, she hasn't visited him after surgery, they blew each other off in NY etc, how did her joining him at the lakehouse/concert come about? Like they had an argument months in the making, hooked up, and suddenly he was like "yo you want hang out in Michigan for a few days?" I have minimal experience with situationships, but just the thought feels exhausting and peculiar.
Their relationship wasn't toxic in the beginning, that's a new development. Jack had a really rough season and his mental health was really low at a lot of points because of that and Quinn and Luke having good seasons. Sammy isn't a good person, but she was there for him when he was injured and when he had rough games. I think Jack is holding onto those good times and really looking through rose colored glasses when it comes to the toxicity of it all. He really thinks their problems stem from long distance so her being there will fix everything.
What did Olivia think of Sammy?
Olivia is a sweetheart, so she probably liked Sammy. Sammy is nice to people she deems important, so she was probably nice to her bf's brother's gf.
Thank you anon
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comradekatara · 3 months
Based on you own ideas of how the atla characters would develop in the future, in a time travel au which character do you think would be funniest to have wake up as their younger selves right at the start of s1? Sokka i personally think would hate it in a particularly hilarious way but i feel like there is also a lot of potential with ozai or king kuei for they ways it could derail the plot and confuse the shit out of everyone around them
LMFAO okay i am imagining kuei waking up one unspecified day and suddenly just knowing everything about the war while long feng continues to lie to him. this would be a really funny premise for a fanfic if kuei was even like. 20% smarter but unfortunately he’d just expose himself and long feng would have no choice but to imprison or straight up kill him and then claim that kuei contracted tuberculosis or something. ozai waking up back in power but with the knowledge of how he will be deposed is kind of terrifying, but i’m also laughing because that’s literally the plot of madame web. and yeah sokka would be incredibly frustrated because even more than before, he literally knows exactly what to do in any given situation, and absolutely no one is listening to him. and every time he proves his powers of prophecy they’re just like “wow!!!” and then continue to disregard everything he says anyway. the funniest thing about sokka Knowing is his relationship to zuko though, because zuko is the only person he actually does 180 on (unless you count aang, but like, eh), and it’s because zuko genuinely did suck and then he grew to suck a little less. but sokka would finally know what iroh meant by “he has good inside of him” and so he’d find ways to like. torture him. by quoting act 2 scene 3 lines 43-57 of love amongst the dragons while they’re fighting or something like that.
which brings me to the most obvious candidate. zuko is just clearly the forerunner here it’s not even a contest. everyone else grows a lot internally too, but zuko’s external growth is by far the most pronounced across the show. book 1 zuko literally has the opposite goals of book 3 zuko. so when zuko wakes up on his boat and has his stupid ponytail and is just like “what the fuck is going on,” he’s relieved to see that he’s in the south pole so maybe sokka and katara will have answers as to what is happening to him. and due to his lethal lack of tact, he still approaches their village in his giant hunk of metal and crashes through their wall and terrifies everyone. sokka is staring him down, preparing to die, clutching his weapons, and zuko just runs up to him and tackles him in a hug before sokka can even respond. and then he runs up to katara and hugs her too while she shrieks her head off and tries to fight him. and sokka is just standing there utterly humiliated because he couldn’t even defend himself against his attack….. and now he’s got his sister………. he’s a complete failure……… but zuko doesn’t even care that sokka is having an existential crisis and katara is screaming bloody murder, he’s just like “boy oh boy my best friends i sure am glad to see you :)” while they just keep trying to attack him and kill him. yeah, now that’s what i call comedy.
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jaegersolstice · 2 months
where you lead, I will follow (i'll be there)
nanami kento x fem!reader. fluff, unedited, lots of lovey dovey poop, you are married congrats, reader is in the hospital idrk why LMFAO
Counting the ceiling tiles makes this more reasonable, you think. A cool fabric beneath your back, and the smell of antiseptic filling your nostrils, there really isn’t anything wrong with you. Except, an aching pit in your stomach, a sinking feeling that something isn’t right. That something that isn’t meant to happen, something you don’t want to happen, is on the brink of explosion.
Not to mention, the only person who could soothe you with a simple look is halfway across the country on some fancy business trip with some fancy people, eating some fancy food that you can’t even pronounce.
You’ve resisted the urge to call Kento these past few days because you know he’s much too good, much too caring to not answer. He loves you, much to your surprise, the once-emo high schooler who was afraid of women, loves you. So, even as you wait for the doctor, you ignore his nagging voice in the back of your head telling you to “Call [me] no matter what, okay?” Besides, your intuition has been wrong before…
Last Friday. Date Night. When you refused to bring a jacket because “There’s no way it would rain!” Kento simply gave you a small smile and guided you out the door with a hand on the small of your back; he knows that you’re much too stubborn to listen to him when he gently urges you to bring a jacket. A breathtaking candlelit dinner by the water — you were stuffed with pasta and bread when, much to your dismay, you noticed the rain coming down hard and fast.
Whining, pouting, groaning – Kento simply chuckled, handing you his blazer wordlessly. He could give you anything wordlessly, and you would understand. His love. His comfort. His encouragement. His passion.
So, in this moment, you try to feel his love and comfort – from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, letting the darkness overtake you.
“How long has she been here? Why did no one call me?” The corners of your mouth lift because, God, you must be dreaming well, that sounds just like Kento. A caress of a hand against your cheek, and he feels just like–
“Kento?” A peak of a tired eye, and in all of his glory, your husband is there, clad in his typical black suit white undershirt combo, hair slightly disheveled. Kento has always been an objectively handsome man: tall, polite, sharp lines and straight edges – he was always approached, started at, smiled at.
But he had chosen you. He was in love with you.
“Sorry Shoko, you can go. I’ll call you tomorrow, kay?” You say drowsily, waving a hand towards your best friend.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she waves you off, marching out the door. “Just call him next time.” You will.
So, you let his comfort, his love, overtake you. You let him stroke your hair as you lay your head in your lap. You let him kiss your forehead as you drift to sleep, entering a new universe.
Because you know whatever path you find, Kento will be there.
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guerrillateezsworld · 11 months
Could I request the reader comforting Tom after a break up, but she finds out that they broke up because he has feelings for her. Childhood friends to lovers type of thing? :) thanks (2007/2008)
warnings: nothing just kissing and breakup, cheesiness, (name) instead of y/n, you snoop in on their conversation a little (don’t do this. this is just for the sake of the imagine), implied tom crying, the good ole ‘i wish he’s like me back’, friends to lovers
a/n: this is really cute and i’m sorry if this doesn’t turn out right lmfao. but enjoy 🫶🏻 it’s gonna be pretty short i’m sorry. btw i mention phones bcuz the first iphone was out around 2007-2008
comforting tom after a breakup. tom x reader
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i hated seeing tom like this. it hurt me so bad because i love him. not like a friend but as a crush. he means so much to me. i just wish he would like me back…
it was early in the morning when tom had stopped by to see me. he greets me while i go back to getting ready for the morning“tom! are you okay? you don’t look so good” i ask him worriedly. he just shrugs before going back to his phone. i shake it off and continue doing what i need to do. “tom, you know you can talk to me right? if somethings wrong im always here to help” i tell him. “it’s fine, just, um, thinking about stuff.” “about what?” “well… i kind of can’t tell you” “oh um okay” i say before going to the kitchen. after a few more minutes of silence, i hear tom talking to someone. i stop what i’m doing and go to see who he’s talking to. i start walking and then notice tom looking at me. my eyes widen and i hurriedly walk back to the kitchen. “i’m breaking up with you” is the one thing that catches my attention. i hear some more words being said before he hangs up and sighs. i walk back to the living room. “tom what is going on?” i ask, a little more stern. “i broke up with her” “why?” “i don’t even know anymore. there’s someone else i like who’s just a lot better than her. they understand me more” i feel my heart drop, know that it’s probably not me. “oh, um, im sorry. but it’s, um, nice you have your eyes for someone else.” i say with a half smile. i sit next to tom and let him lean on my shoulder. i put my arm around him and rub his back while he lets his feelings out. “you know, i’m so thankful to have you as a friend” he says. yea… friend right. “me too tom” i smile. “i’m sorry you had to see me like this” he apologizes. “don’t apologize. it’s okay” “(name) i guess now is the time to tell you” “what?” i ask confused. “(name i like you. and i have for a long time. and these past few weeks i’ve come to realize my feelings for you. you’re the reason i broke up with her. i love you (name), not her” i look at him with wide eyes and red cheeks. “oh tom you have no idea how long i’ve liked you.” “really? you’re being serious right?” “yes tom i promise.” he looks my face up and down before sitting up and taking my hands. “can i kiss you?” i don’t even give him an answer before i’m leaning in and kissing him. our lips touch in a calm and slow kiss. i wrap my arms around his neck while he puts his on my waist. we pull away out of breath. “that was amazing” he nods as a response. “be mine?” “of course tom”
and with that. we’re the best ever🫶🏻
i’m so sorry abt the ending i didn’t know what to put rip💔
t-list: @memog1rl @burntb4bydoll
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lomltrentarnold · 11 months
my number one — trent alexander-arnold ₊˚ෆ
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summary : the boys tried to surprise y/n with her celebrity crush but it didn't go as planned.
warnings : long fic kind of, half written, half smau, fem!reader, yeah just ignore anything that doesn't make sense okay babes <3 awkwardness, um yeah <3
🍓hana’s notes : okay!!!! it’s finally done!!!! im very happy how this turned out <3 let me know what you think and if you want something like this more cause i really enjoyed making it :))))) | MAIN MASTERLIST
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“Turn right.”
You followed the directions of your phone and turned right into a street. A small box of cupcakes were sat at the passenger seat of your car as it filled the car with its vanilla scent.
Sharky texted you and said to come by at 12 but you felt nice all of a sudden and decided to come by early with the homemade cupcakes accompany you.
The boys didn't give you much information as to what they were doing today, they only said they were filming another Guess The Professional Footballer and that was it. You didn't think about it too much though because whatever the boys are planning its always going to come out a banger.
You arrived at the driveway of the building that they said they would be filming, you parked your car and took your bag — not forgetting the cupcakes too of course.
You opened your phone to look back at the text that Sharky has sent you about how to get in and where to go.
to sharky 🦈🤳
Y/N 💌
sharks, i just arrived at the place 🫣
sharky 🦈🤳
Y/N 💌
im at the location u sent 🤨
why you seem surprised???
sharky 🦈🤳
I told you to come at 12
And now its only 9
Y/N 💌
i got bored and wanted to see you lot
and i bought cupcakes <3
sharky 🦈🤳
Yeah okay hold on I'll come and get you
Y/N 💌
nah its fine i can get there just wanted to explore for a bit
• • •
You put your phone in your pocket and walked to through the doors. Following Sharky's direction to their spot, you took your time glancing at the venue. It was an open space that leads to multiple football courts, some more bigger than the others and you were hoping the boys got a big venue for the Guess The Footballer video.
When you came close to the set you see a glimpse of someone you recognised and let out a breath of relief, "George!" you yelled out.
George turned his head at the voice and grinned, but for some reason it completely dropped. Now, you're confused. Why is everyone acting weird?
When you got to him you, you gave him a side hug as your other hand held the cupcakes. "Hey." you smiled. "Where are the others?"
George ever the sweetheart took the tray of cupcakes from your hand when he sees you struggling to hold it and answered, "They're getting mic'd up. I think we should wait before going in."
That made you furrow your eyebrows because you always sneak into their recording sessions without a problem but you understood either way.
You nodded your head, "Oh okay, let me put the cupcakes at the food table. Where is it by the way?"
George pointed the way, "Just around the corner. But before you leave—" before you could take back the tray, he sneakily (not really) took one of the sweets, "Thanks, Y/N. You're the absolute best!" he gave you a smile which make you chuckle.
You exchanged smiles with some of the camera and production crew, some were new and some aren't as you introduced yourself to them.
When you were at the table, your phone dinged as Niko's name flashed on the lock screen.
niko 🕶🦒
Y/N where are you?
Y/N 💌
at the snacks table
i'll be with you guys in a few
niko 🕶🦒
Y/N I need you to go to George right now.
Y/N 💌
lmfao why???
you lot are acting so weird today
weirder than normal
niko 🕶🦒
Please!!! It's important!!
Y/N 💌
i’m going rn 🙄
• • •
You sighed and turned off your phone, not thinking too deep about it but then you suddenly felt someone tap your shoulder.
"Excuse me."
Your head has never turned so fast you think your meck cracked. Cause that voice. That scouse accent. You don't want to be delusional but you know exactly who that sounds like.
There’s no way.
Absolutely no way.
You quickly blinked. Your eyes must me deceiving you because there is no chance that the Trent Alexander-Arnold is right in front of you right now.
"No way." you breathed out.
"Sorry, what?"
You stare at him, mouth agape, "You're Trent Alexander-Arnold."
"That, I am." he nodded, his famous smirk coming into full motion and you can make out his dimples. Yeah, it’s definitely Trent.
Your mouth opened and close like a fish, "Am I dreaming? Is this a dream? Can you pinch me or something?"
Trent looked at you weirdly, and that only fuelled your embarrassment, before a knowing smile made its way to his face, "You must be Y/N, right? The boys told me a lot about you."
"Trent Alexander-Arnold just said my name. What the fuck?"
A deep chuckled rumbled in his chest, “Language.”
Your whole body was on fire. What is going on.
Trent leaned towards you, “May I?” he said, sending you an awkward smile.
“What?” your whole brain was mush. He was too close.
He gestured to the box of sweets, “The cupcakes.”
“Oh! right. Sorry.” you moved aside, eyes flickering all over the room instead of staring at him. But he’s so pretty and he smells nice and— That would be weird! Staring at someone without saying anything? Creep.
Multiple voices screamed your name. You turned your head only to be met with five familiar faces.
When you heard the sounds of footsteps running from behind you, you were more than thankful for the intrusion.
“Oh, hey.” you breathed out, still trying to calm your heart beat down knowing that Trent was hovering beside you.
“Damn it.” Chunkz was the first to say after they regained their breaths.
Niko slapped Sharky’s back, making him wince, “We told you to be in charge of her location!”
Sharky’s mouth gaped open, “I was! She suddenly decided to come early!”
You looked at the boys weirdly, “What’s going on?” taking a few steps towards them, “And why didn’t you tell me your professional footballer was Trent?!” you harshly whispered. There was no need tho, Trent heard everything.
Kenny stepped beside you, “It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“Surprise!” AJ cheerly exclaimed.
Shaking your head, you sent the boys a small smile, “Thank you, guys.”
Trent was silent the whole time this went down, which made you avert your eyes to him. Only to be surprised when his eyes were already on yours.
“Hi.” you softly muttered, hand shyly waving at him.
“Hey.” Trent sent you shy smile as well, your finished cupcake wrapper in his left hand as he extends his right, “Nice to meet you, I’m Trent.”
You introduced yourself, as your hand went to shake his. You could physically melt when his skin touched yours. This doesn’t feel real.
The boys looked back and forth between you both as they send knowing looks to each other when they noticed your lingering eyes and hands and how it was longer than necessary contact. What’s happening? Maybe this wasn’t a fail after all?
“Alright, then.” Niko cleared his throat, “We need to get filming.”
You nodded your head, deciding to walk beside Sharky and AJ.
“So?” AJ asked, looking at you with a questioning look.
“I am freaking out.” you whispered, hands clasping on Sharky’s hoodie.
They both laughed at your ‘trying to keep cool’ reaction.
You build up the courage to glance at Trent. He was talking to Chunkz, his side profile glowing with his dimples showing and you could feel your face became warm, and your sweaty hands where you both touched.
What the fuck is wrong with you. Stop looking. He’s gonna think you’re weird.
Trent turned his head, when he felt someone was looking at him. Your eyes widen when he looked at you, before swiftly looking away. Cute, Trent thought. Very pretty.
• • •
betasquad just posted!
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betasquad Beta Squad FC’s newest signing 😍 plus we made a fan very happy ❤️ Check out our new vid!!!!
view all the comments!
niko You’re welcome @yourusername
⤷ yourusername i dont know who you are
sharky You owe us 😚
⤷ yourusername HELLO?? the surprise was a fail???
⤷ user5 babe you still met him 🤣
chunkz She was fangirling hard guys 😂😂
⤷ yourusername HUSH
kingkennytv I’m just happy I got the cupcakes!!
⤷ yourusername ken you’re an angel i love you
ajshabeel she was a make a wish kid guys!! we were nice enough to give her an opportunity of a lifetime 🫶
⤷ yourusername i actually hate you
user1 OH MY GOD
user2 Trent is soo fineee
user3 HOW DID Y/N REACT?????
user4 Did Y/N freak out?
⤷ user7 you need to watch the vid!! and stay until the end!
⤷ user8 they showed Y/N at the end
user5 the crossbar part was 😳😳😳
user6 Y/N didn’t post anything yet, is she okay????
⤷ user10 im confused can someone tell me what this means?
⤷ user11 they asked Y/N to say play the trailer with Trent!!!!
⤷ user12 she was so shy 😭😭😭😭 it was so cute
⤷ user13 omg Y/N being shy???? this i have to watch
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betasquadfan just posted!
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betasquadfan OKAY before i talk about how good the new vid is can we please acknowledge how the boys tried to surprise Y/N with her celebrity crush but failed 😭😭😭 and how trent kept looking behind ONE SPECIFIC CAMERA THE ENTIRE TIME?!?!! and how her and trent said play the trailer together 🥹🥹 the boys are actually so sweet for that!
view all the comments!
user98 omg i thought i was the only one who noticed!!!!
user76 he was def looking at Y/N which- same Y/N is pretty asf
user09 And the crossbar part 😍😍
⤷ user18 the first thing he looked was AT THAT CAMERA which i am 96% sure Y/N was behind
⤷ user5 bye thats so hotttt
⤷ user16 he was trying to show off 🙄🙄 trying to win our mother over 🙄🙄
user6 Trent is so obvious that you’re in love with Y/N like we are 🤣🤣
user24 Y/N was so shy in the vid PLEASE I HAVE NEVER SEEN HER LIKE THAT
⤷ betasquadfan FR!!!! like babe you’re the baddest bitch around?? but also IT WAS TOO CUTE
⤷ user4 it was weird to see Y/N like that since she’s always so confident but it was also nice to see her smitten 🫶
• • •
yourusername just posted a story!
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trentarnold66 replied to your story.
It was nice meeting you ☺️
Your cupcakes were amazing!
Maybe we could meet again for coffee?
As a date? ☺️
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reblog to support! <3
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fatuismooches · 5 months
HIII ITS ME.. I'VE RISEN FROM MY GRAVE :3 I'm here to spam your inbox some more /j
AHAGSH8DH88HDIHIDHOHD I would love to bathe with dottore or the segments... so cute 😭 I wanna snuggle with him in warm water and wash his crusty hair that he probably only washes once a week 💀
I like my water very warm so im just imagining dottore/segment recoiling when they first touch the water LMFAO like they can handle it probably but they just weren't expecting it to be so hot 💀
onto cleaning dottores hair :33 I like to imagine Dottore just staring at the wall as you scratch his scalp (like the iconic webttore panel) he's just going 👁_👁 (quick off topic but I think about that panel a lot he looks so silly 😭😭 I've even started unconsciously making the face when i space out)
AAUAUUUUFHG78GG8H8DHHHHD7GD7IHEHIS I need to give him so many kisses 😭 why can't he be real... I want my kitten whiskers...
Anyway I hope you've been doing good :D
- 🐓
I LOVE THE IDEA OF BATHING WITH DOTTORE... it just seems so intimate and gentle, which is normally the opposite of any activities you really do with the scientist. Helping each other get clean after a long day (what stains are on his clothing? you already know the answer!) Most of the time you like to lean back into his chest as he holds you, you often use this position to force Dottore to stay in the bath longer, no you will not get off him! Or when you're washing his hair, the positions are reversed. He won't admit it but he likes the feeling of you washing him, hands running all over his body. His eyes would be closed, and if you dare to stop for a few moments, he'll open them and you'll get scared from the blood-red eyes peering at you. If you're going to start something, you better keep it up until the very end. I like to think if you're bathing with more than one segment they start trying to bicker in the bath... you have to shush them up because this is a relaxing peaceful time! Also a very good feeling in general, I mean, you have two Dottores all over you. Don't splash water at them though, it'll be 2v1.
I ALSO LIKE MY WATER VERY WARM... my mom yells at me because it's bad for my skin... he and the segments could definitely handle the heat but they would be more worried for you... like surely this isn't healthy for you...? Are you okay? If you burn yourself, come to them immediately.
I LOVE THAT WEBTTORE PANEL TOO!! All his panels are iconic tbh 🙏 I have a post saved with every panel of him, I look at it when I'm feeling insane. Honestly, he would probably have a blank look on his face in the beginning because he can't really believe this is happening, and he's being so vulnerable, and on top of that he's enjoying it all! Dottore's face would look blank but inside his mind is racing with many thoughts. He's wondering if he could get you to do this again tomorrow without seeming like he's being needy.
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blackbatcass · 30 days
how would you rank bat-children from bruce's least favorite to favorite? also i'd say do the same for ollie's kids but he would kill himself if you made him do that (mia still his fav though)
oh my god you guys do want me dead💀
I'll be honest, i don't think there's much value to be found in 'rank-the-favorites' discussions. like the honest answer is 'it depends' and i just don't think it's productive. I do think that in most cases wrt relationships with bruce, dick is always going to come out on top. as i've said those two are just on a whole other level. they Know Each Other in a way that no one else will even come close to. I don't think it's controversial to posit that actually raising dick from childhood adds a layer to the relationship bruce has with him that really can't be replicated with anyone else. like...jason was with him for 2-3ish years as a tweenager, cass and tim were adopted in their mid teens. meanwhile bruce was effectively dick's parent from age 8 onwards.
I also think the timing is something that would be almost impossible to replicate. dick entered the picture very early into bruce's years as batman. bruce was the one solid thing in dick's life after his parents died. they were literally each other's crutches through all that emotional turmoil and became, for better or for worse, extremely codependent. all that to say, dick and bruce's relationship is just so crazy insane that pretty much nothing compares. he just has the advantage. you can't recreate the mind bogglingly deep connection 25 yo bruce had with 8yo dick grayson it just can't be done.
on the other hand, cass also has something with bruce that can't be replicated by anyone else: she is Exactly Fucking Like Him. she is his carbon copy. they Get each other's rock-solid convictions & moral code sooo deeply. fandom tends to use this as evidence to point towards cass being the favorite child, but like as greta mysterycitrus has eloquently said in the past, she is exactly like him (derogatory). bruce obviously loves cass deeply, that is his daughter, but I don't think having that relationship with her is always easy for him. her existence points out some uncomfortable truths about himself that he doesn't always want to confront. I mean... if you were to meet yourself as a seventeen year old it would probably be weird as FUCK lol. I especially think the fact that cass has killed someone really fucks with his head and forces him to reevaluate his own morals/worldview.
and like...I don't think he always treats cass fairly. we see it over and over again in bg 2000. he thinks he knows what's best for her because he sees himself in her, but the things he thinks are best for himself are Not Healthy to say the least. he intentionally keeps himself at a distance because he initially did not want that close, father-daughter relationship with her: it was strictly batman and batgirl. and he thought that's what she wanted/needed. but being so singlemindedly driven to a cause with no boundaries or normal life is not exactly the best way to go for a teenager. so I think those two had a lot to figure out when the dust settled.
I have much fewer thoughts about jason, tim and damian simply because they are not my blorbos like dick and cass are lmfao. i do think tim deserves a whole lot of credit for stepping in to save bruce and helping when bruce was at his lowest. like. that was obviously NOT easy lol. bruce and tim are interesting because bruce held himself back from being a father to tim for so long, when jack was still in the picture. but when it comes to a head and tim gets adopted, it's just...natural? like there was nothing else that could have happened there? I am honest to god not the biggest tim fan and have not read enough of his comics to talk intelligently on him any more than that lol. but I do know bruce loves him very very much and would be lost without him<3
jason....jason. I mean what is there to say lmfao. if your dead teenager turned up and started mass murdering what would you do. I think it's pretty obvious to say that losing jason was soul-crushing for bruce and permanently changed him as a person; we see those aftereffects in his relationships to people like tim, steph, and cass. jason will never stop being his son, and bruce will never stop loving him. but things will never be the same again. I don't think jason's actions post-resurrection will ever be justifiable or forgivable to bruce. like even if jason woke up one day like 'suddenly i'm cured of being a villain' I don't think he would be welcomed back with open arms or anything. jason is a murderer. he has killed like a fuckton of people in cold blood. that is something that will never be okay with bruce. grappling with loving your son versus your son being a murderer which is antithetical to everything you have spent decades building...that's rough buddy. is that controversial? idk i spend as little time as possible thinking about jason todd
I think it hurts bruce to look at damian sometimes because he just can't stop seeing talia. I think he loves damian deeply but it isn't always easy. that whole timing of final crisis was just so messy that they didn't get off to a super smooth start and had to do a lot of work rebuilding that relationship. I think damian has to reconcile his childhood hero worship of bruce with the actual very flawed man which isn't easy. it has been a LONG ass time since i've read damian's comics so that's about all I got.
IN CONCLUSION! This is very long and I absolutely did not answer your question sorry. but these are kind of my cliffnotes thoughts on each of the wayne kids' relationships with bruce.
and yeah if you tried to get ollie to rank his kids he would knock himself out with a boxing glove arrow
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thatspookyagent · 2 years
Dating Heimdall (Black!GN!Reader) would include...
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Warnings: Typical assholery and bastard behaviour lmao otherwise none
a/n: First time writing for a video game franchise and I hope that y’all enjoy this! Heimdall is easily my favorite GOW character besides Freyr and Angrboda. There’s not much fanfiction out there for GOW: Ragnarok right now, let alone for Heimdall, and like none for a Black!Reader specifically. So this is me PUTTING that content out there in the void for someone to find, read, and share! Side note: I am yet again writing Black!Reader headcanons with a darker skinned!reader and 4 type hair!reader in mind unapologetically. <3
If you want to be tagged in any of my content, don’t be afraid to tell me via my ask box or through messages! Just remember to be clear about what specific kinds of content, characters, and fandoms you want me to tag you in or if you want to be put on my general tag list! I’m always looking to add more people and I’d be more than happy to add you (if you wish)! :3
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If you were to describe Heimdall with just one word it would aggy lmfao
No really, he makes you want to kick both his ass and those grills in his teeth all the way to the Light of Alfheim
But regardless you fell for him because Reasons™
When you reflect upon why and how you did so, you can’t really come up with a definitive singular answer
Maybe it's because he treats you differently especially when it comes to teasing 
It’s more playful than brutal like he is with others and it gives you boy who pulled your hair back in kindergarten cause he secretly likes you vibes
Whenever Heimdall does tease you, his body language is different as well
Less condensing and try me and more goading and trying to vy for your attention kinda thing
That and he smiles relentless while he does it, like a genuine heartwarming smile not I’ll eat your kids and your pets smile
Just imagine him walking backwards slowly on his heels while swinging his arms and bringing them forward occasionally to make a soft clapping sound
He’s poking fun at you tripping earlier and thinking that nobody saw you when he absolutely did
Your comeback is to ask him why he was staring at you in the first place
He replies with “I just liked what I saw.”
You jab back with "If I only liked what I see now back."
That’s another reason why he really likes you, you always have a comeback to his remarks when most don’t
You really don’t take his comments lying down and actively engage in fun spirited banter with him whether you're starting or finishing it
While others shy away from it and avoid that man like the PLAGUE
To be fair his demeanor and vibe with you is MUCH less hostile with others so nobody wanting to be around him is very understandable lmao
Even then when there’s moments were Heimdall steps outta line (and there are), you don’t hesitate to push back and check him
He NEEDS a s/o who can do that cause otherwise Heimdall won’t read, understand, or internalize boundaries and will eventually continue to keep going
Those moments where you check him are usually answered by long periods of silence from Heimdall or curt nods, he knows your limits, and chooses to respect them
Partly because you do the same with him, which for you is mainly out of respect, and cause you like him
On another note, Gulltoppr is y’all’s child I said what I said
You were deathly scared of them at first cause who the hell smuggled a whole ThunderCat into Asgard hELLO???
But after awhile you warmed up to the battle cat since Gulltoppr can see just how much Heimdall cares for you and if you’re good enough for Heimdall, you’re good enough for them
Heimdall often scolds you for feeding Gulltoppr apples and cheese a lot but you also scold Heimdall for not giving enough treats to them cause how else do you remind them that they’re doing a good job protecting Asgard???
When he’s not looking you like to give Gulltoppr head pats and belly rubs cause they do NOT get enough of those in their life
You’ve managed to persuade Heimdall to snuggle with you and Gulltoppr while he reads on his breaks and you bet that there’s even more cheese and apples involved in that
Now onto some stuff that’s more Black!Reader specific-
This man is a bit OBSESSED with your hair don’t @ me !!!
If your hair is longer, especially long enough to be in box braids or have extensions in, he will be in total and complete awe at them
Catch him staring at your hair whenever you’re in the Asgardian mess hall together
At some point the staring gets so frequent that you sorta call him out on it and he’ll just...freeze
Later on when you two are more alone he’ll go “So...how does THAT work?” and motion towards your head
Sure Heimdall braids his own hair from time to time but his braids are different in many ways
Speaking of Heimdall and braids, you bet your ass you braid his hair stop playin !!!
You’re kind of a whizz at it and he doesn’t let ANYONE touch his scalp so you’re fumbling with a gold mine here
Heimdall only trusts you to mess around with his golden locs and will only really allow you to see him with his hair down OR messy
Speaking of hair down, he’s down for you to do or help him in his hair care routine lmao
Washing it, brushing it, putting some kind of good smelling product in it, you name it
Also if you leave your hair care products just lying around he WILL sniff and try them out
SO if you’ve got some expensive stuff that’s really for your hair type usage only, you better hide it better next time
For revenge you can put his hair in cornrows and then watch it fall out the next day sksksk
Now back to your hair, even if you hair is short or you use wigs, he will still be intrigued by it
Imagine Heimdall being dumbfounded at your waves like WHy is the ocean on your head and HOw?
He will return the hair care time favour and learn how to take care of your hair if you wish
Will steal your bonnets, durags, and head scarves BEWARE
He claims that it was just “lying around” and that he needs to protect his hair too <3
You roll your eyes and just make sure to order more protective hair fabric for the both of you
If you ask him if he has any design requests, anything with gold ornate on it will suffice (similar to his outfit that he wears)
That way y’all can tell your stuff from one another’s and he can color coordinate with his own natural hair color
Also he WILL throw at you and or remind you to put on a bonnet, durag, or head scarf if you aren’t wearing one before you go to bed
Something else that he admires about you is definitely how different colors of clothing make your skin tone stand out
Heimdall always stands out honestly due to being albino and having gold teeth like even for an Aesir God
It admittedly is different and a bit unfamiliar for him to see someone with darker skin and textured hair
Though don’t get him wrong, he welcomes it with open arms
Especially whenever the two of you are in bed together, cuddling, and just lying there together
He likes to have the windows open and have you on whatever side of the bed is facing that particular window
Cause it means that when he wakes up before the sun rises, he gets to watch the sun come up, and bounce light off of your melanin <3
He will absodoodley lay with you in bed all day (for as long as he can get away with it) while he brushes his hands against certain parts of your skin that are being lit up by the sun
He’ll only get up to get you some food or shower, basically basic needs until he has no choice but to get up cause he’s The Watcher of Asgard™ n all that
You know that his love for you has to run DEEP if he’s slacking off on watching Asgard cause he’s too busy giving you the attention that he deserves
And his love does indeed run deeper than a Jotunn’s ass crack for you truly if Odin doesn’t really approve of his relationship with you and he still actively decides to continue it anyways knowing this
Regardless of what other people think, he knows where his love lies, with him every morning and night, in front of sunny windows while he caresses and admires them
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astranauticus · 4 months
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orv 🤝 asteroid city
stories about stories that left a surprisingly large impact crater in my brain
anyway some more (frankly far too extensive) thoughts under the cut for an au i dont forsee myself drawing for again (cw: mention of suicidal thoughts and lots of talk about death)
for anyone reading this who hasn't watched asteroid city: it's a movie documenting the making of an in universe fictional play called asteroid city written by conrad earp (kdj) directed by schubert green (hsy) lead actor jones hall (yjh) who plays augie, very emotionally repressed guy whose wife (lsh, kinda) just died and is trying to figure out how to tell his children about it. anyway jones shows up at conrad's house for auditions and the two fall in love, then conrad dies from a car crash 6 months into the shows run and jones is left to play a character mourning the death of his wife while irl mourning the death of his lover and it drives him up a wall trying to figure out if he's doing conrad "right" (hence 'i still don't understand the play')
anyway for this au like everything that happens in the movie also happens i think but the character motivations are a little bit different like in the movie conrad earp writes the play before he ever meets jones hall so we don't really know why it's Like That but i think in the au kdj is either like. having suicidal thoughts or just fully believed he wasn't gonna live for very long in the like cptsd symptom kinda way lmao. so like it's not really that he wrote the play to help yjh process his own death (i think if that were the case the message of the play would be way different lmfao) but it's more like he just had death and grief on the brain and was also writing stuff. and like the answer he arrived at was that he didn't actually arrive at anything in the end. sometimes tragedy just happens and there's no meaning to it you just kinda have to live with that. like i know this is not how the process of play production works but if there's one change to the original movie plot in this au i want to make it's that kdj still dies by car accident but before the script is 100% finished or after he's been talking about rewriting the ending or something because i think he also doesn't figure out an answer he's satisfied with in the end about like death and grief and mourning. like you just know that in kdj's ideal world his loved ones wouldn't mourn him at all if he dies because he doesn't want them to be sad because of him and maybe he still hasn't fully 100% internalised that he has people who would care if he dies. anyway i think yjh kinda understands like subliminally that kdj was trying to Say Something with the play he just isn't sure what because he's looking for An Answer like some kind of meaning to everything that's happened but the point is there isn't one and if there is kdj hasn't found it either lmao. and like i think hsy understood immediately like as soon as she heard the news of his death she's figured out what kdjs thought process behind the play was and like she's absolutely not holding it together as well as she appears but she also sees yjh driving himself insane every night trying to find The Meaning or whatever and like whether or not she even agrees with kdj aside this is the only way she can think of to help him get out of that hole bc she can't exactly tell yjh like 'the point is that there is no point you just have to live with The Everything' so she's just trying her best to make him understand on his own. idk i just need someone who's watched asteroid city to see this and tell me if ive gone completely insane LMAO
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