#there would be a lot of 'why me?' and 'why did it happen to us?" on the Ice
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writingwithciara · 13 days ago
across the hall; part 8 - quinn hughes-
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summary: y/n moves in across the hall from quinn and in an emergency, she leaves her five-year old daughter in his care
word count: 4k
pairing: quinn hughes x reader, toxic ex-boyfriend x reader
notes: i think tumblr deleted the beginning of this part and i don't remember what it said 😭😭 so i tried to write a new one. hopefully it works.
for the next few days, things between y/n and quinn were strained. she couldn't go to him when she needed to talk, in fear of being shut out. shew knew he needed time to process but things continued to get awkward between them.
and it wasn't just those two who were affected by the awkwardness. everyone else around them was. mostly abby, who missed him a lot, and bella, who missed having the girls around. and in turn, brock hated it because it made bella upset. so he took it upon himself to talk to quinn.
"you need to tell me what the hell is going on between you and y/n."
"you need to tell me what the hell is going on between you and y/n."
"nothing's going on between us. and there will never be anything."
"what happened? did you finally tell her how you felt and she rejected you?"
"no. i didn't even get a chance to tell her. i had it planned out too. but then she dropped the biggest bomb ever."
"and what would that be?"
"she got back together with abby's father." quinn let out a defeated sigh. "i don't understand why she would do that, especially after everything she told me about him."
"you know things would be different if you just told her, right? there's no way she wouldn't come running to you if she knew the truth."
"i want to believe you, i truly do. but you're wrong, brock. there's no universe where y/n and i end up together." quinn went back to focusing on the practice, leaving brock no choice but to follow.
later that day, as the team was on the ice for warm-ups before the game, y/n and abby made their way to the spot the usually sat with bella. when she saw them, she squealed with excitement and abby ran to hug her.
"oh i missed you guys." bella smiled as she picked up the little girl. "it hasn't felt right without you here."
"it still doesn't feel right being here. but abby asked and i couldn't say no." y/n smiled and looked at the team. "besides, andy is out with his friends so i figured i could actually get in a conversation with quinn without getting interrupted."
"brock told me you went back to your ex." bella looked at her friend. "what i don't quite understand is why."
"i swear he's a changed man and like i told quinn, i like to give people the benefit of the doubt."
"sometimes, i think you're too nice."
"yeah, possibly." she smiled. "so how have you been?"
"bored, honestly. some of the other wives and girlfriends of the team have started to get on my nerves. none of them compare to you and it sucked without you here. i missed you."
"we missed you too, bella. it truly didn't feel right being away."
"no more awkwardness after tonight, okay? i can't keep pretending like you and quinn aren't being idiots."
"well it's true. you two either need to sleep together or you need to be locked in a room together to talk. whichever ends with you two getting together."
"bells, as much as i appreciate this talk, i feel the need to remind you that i have a boyfriend and that quinn and i will never get together."
"you say that now, but i feel like i can see the future. despite your fighting it, i know it'll happen. just watch." bella smirked and watched the game.
y/n playfully rolled her eyes at her friend. she always thought that there was nothing going on between her and quinn. but when he noticed her in the stands, that thought melted away. maybe there was something that needed to be addressed.
after the game, bella and y/n took abby down to wait for the team. it took a few minutes before the boys came out of the locker room but when quinn came out, he locked eyes with y/n for what felt like an eternity, but was only 2 minutes. he approached them slowly, looking around in case andy was close by.
"if you're looking for andy, he's not here." y/n spoke first. "he went out with some friends for the night so it's just us."
"oh okay. cool." quinn reached up to scratch the back of his neck. "some of the guys are going out to celebrate the win tonight. my brothers are also going to be there and i was wondering if you and abby would like to join us."
"yes!" abby giggled and hugged his leg. he bent down to pick her up.
"i think that would be fine. you and i should talk anyway."
"okay." he smiled. "do you guys want to catch a ride with me or did you drive your own car?"
"we actually took an uber here so i suppose we could ride with you for the night."
"perfect. right this way." quinn bowed to the side and let y/n walk in front of him.
at the restaurant, quinn got them a table away from the team so he could talk to y/n. bella took abby with her so they could have a little privacy.
"look, i owe you an apology." quinn started.
"for what?"
"the way i handled things when you told me about andy. it wasn't right. i shouldn't have acted like a jerk."
"you shouldn't have. no. but i haven't exactly made things easier for us, quinn. i've been avoiding you when i should've just acted like an adult and talked to you."
"it's my fault." he shook his head. "you're my best friend and i feel like i messed that up."
"you didn't mess it up. i just needed a little time to process things." y/n smiled. "but i'm here now and i honestly don't plan on leaving anytime soon."
"what about andy?"
"he has friends so why can't i have mine?"
"fair point. but he's not gonna get mad about it, is he?"
"he and i talked and he understands how important you are to me. and to abby. i'm telling you, quinn. he's truly a changed man."
"i believe you. people can change for sure."
"apparently, you've changed too."
"what do you mean?" quinn raised an eyebrow and sipped his drink.
"when i met bella, she told me that you used to this moody guy who didn't get out a whole lot. she said you weren't that guy anymore and that it was because of me."
"oh. well i don't know about that." he chuckled. "but maybe i have changed. who knows."
"sometimes change is a good thing."
"i suppose." he smiled and lifted his drink to his lips to sip it slowly. y/n stared at him for longer than a 'friend' would but luckily he didn't notice. or rather, if he did, he didn't let her know he caught on.
"hey guys." jack smiled as he approached his brother. "where's abby?"
"bella has her over there." y/n smiled and pointed towards the other table. jack was gone 2 seconds later. he loved being around abby. "i love how much you guys adore abby. makes it seem like i did something right in the way she was raised."
"you did everything right when it comes to raising a child. i don't have any of my own but since i met you, i've been reading a lot about the topic."
"wait, really?"
"yeah. i read." he sipped his drink again. "a lot."
"interesting. never would've taken you for a reader."
“do i not look like one?” quinn raised an eyebrow.
“no offence, but absolutely fucking not.”
quinn chuckled. “none taken. i totally get it.”
“good. because it’s not a bad thing. like, at all. more like a very pleasant surprise.” y/n closed her eyes. “like a cute puppy or something else that’s cute.”
“you know, you’re kind of cute when you babble on like that.”
“oh.” y/n felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. she picked up her drink and glanced over to where jack had abby hanging upside down, giggling her head off.
“i’m sorry. that was weird of me to say.”
“no. it’s fine, quinn. i just have a hard time accepting compliments on account of never getting them from andy.”
“well then he’s messing up real bad.” quinn finished his drink and looked at her. “sorry again. i know you don’t want to hear my opinion on him so i’ll shut up now.”
"much appreciated." the change in her tone of voice didn't go unnoticed by quinn. he decided against bringing it up though, being careful not to upset her.
jack brought abby over to luke & he showed her just as much attention as jack had, even making her laugh almost as hard.
"i'm starting to think i may not be her favorite person anymore." y/n giggled.
"you're her mother. i think it's obvious that you're her favorite person in the world. nobody could replace you."
"okay. then i think it's safe to say that she may love your brothers more than she loves you." y/n knew what she was doing so she added a playful smirk.
"what? impossible! you take that back." quinn tipped his glass toward her but as he glanced over towards his brothers, even he couldn't deny the love coming from the 5 year old girl. her heart was as big as her mothers, with plenty of love to go around.
it was something that quinn adored about both of them. and the longer he avoided how he was starting to feel, the harder it was going to be when andy inevitably convinced her to move back home with him.
"can i talk to you about something important tomorrow?"
"yeah, of course." y/n smiled and opened her arms for abby as she came running towards her mother.
"mommy, jack said he and luke could take me to the beach tomorrow but that i had to ask for your permission." she looked over her shoulder at jack and luke, smiles painted on their faces as they waved. "can i go?"
"how about the 5 of us go and make a day of it? how's that sound?"
"oh, perfect!" abby grinned and turned to quinn. "you in?"
"i could never say no to you, princess." quinn kissed the top of her head and she giggled before running back to jack's arms. "it's official. she definitely loves jack more than me."
"i doubt that, quinn." y/n smiled and rested her hand on top of his. "i know for a fact that she adores you. she might have a little crush on jack but you'll always be her number one guy."
the way y/n said number one guy made quinn think of andy and what little of a relationship he had with his daughter. it was evident that abby didn't care much for her father but apparently, andy didn't mind.
it seemed, to quinn at least, that andy didn't really track the girls down to see his daughter. he more than likely only came so he could somehow manipulate y/n again.
and even though nothing was confirmed, just the thought alone made quinn's blood boil. something didn't feel right & quinn wanted to get as much info as he could.
"you okay, quinn? you kinda zoned out for a minute there."
"yeah. just thinking."
"you're always thinking, aren't you?" y/n grinned. "want to share what's in that head of yours?"
"you and andy, that's still strong?"
"yeah. i suppose. well, as far as things go, i'd say they're pretty strong." y/n looked at him. "why do you ask?"
"there's been something that's been bugging me lately. i know you don't want to hear my thoughts on him, so i'll keep it to myself."
"actually, i think i want to hear this." y/n turned so her full attention was on him. she even rested her hand on top of his. "what's bothering you?"
"i know andy says he came for both you and abby, but it just feels like maybe he doesn't really care all that much about his daughter and that he only wants you back in his life so he can manipulate you." quinn took a deep breath and continued. "i just...i don't want to see him hurt you."
"i appreciate your concern, quinn. but if i see any signs of his past behavior, i'll leave him. i promise." she smiled. "don't worry your pretty little head, my friend. i can handle it."
"i know you can. it's just," quinn swallowed. i care about you was on the tip of his tongue but he kept it to himself. "it's in my nature to protect the people in my life as much as i can."
"and i love that about you. it's one of the reasons i trust you with my daughter, quinn."
"and i'm glad you trust me." he smiled widely and stood from his seat. "i'm heading out. you and abby coming or do you want to stay?"
"i think i should get her home and to bed." y/n smiled and headed over to jack's table. she said goodbye to everyone while taking abby's hand and heading out with quinn.
quinn didn't miss the way jack raised his eyebrow in suspicion of the way y/n was attached to him. but he shook off that look and focused on getting the girls home.
back at their apartments, quinn helped y/n put abby to bed before she walked him out to his own apartment.
"i'll see you in the morning." quinn opened his door and looked at y/n. "jack said he and luke would meet us for breakfast before we went to the beach."
"okay. that sounds absolutely perfect." y/n smiled. "good night, quinn."
y/n headed to her living room to wait for andy. he said he'd be over in 5 minutes.
but 5 minutes turned into 30. and then an hour.
shortly after midnight, andy was finally walking through the door. he was loud and the smell of alcohol was strong. y/n hated it as he leaned in to kiss her. she walked into the kitchen to get him some water but he refused it.
"veronica is never like this." he slurred.
"veronica? who's that?"
"she's my girlfriend back home." he said with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
"what? your girlfriend?"
"well, i suppose she's my ex now. just called her earlier and another guy picked up the phone. she's been cheating on me. she admitted to it and everything. been doing it for a few months. can you fucking believe that?" andy began raising his voice.
"can you lower your voice? your daughter is sleeping."
"my daughter? how can i be so sure she's mine? all my girlfriends have cheated on me in the past so it wouldn't surprise me if you did as well." he laughed and shook his head. "she doesn't even look like me. that's proof enough that she probably ain't even mine."
"are you fucking stupid? of course she's yours!"
"don't raise your voice with me!" andy got up in her face. "there's no way that child in their is mine! everyone cheats!"
"andrew, calm the fuck down! get some rest and we'll talk about this in the morning."
"don't tell me what to do!" he raised his arm up high, causing y/n to flinch. she didn't want to show any fear but with andy, it was hard. she backed up against the wall as he moved closer.
"a-andy, please stop. you're scaring me."
"as if you really cared." he scoffed and looked at y/n. there was no remorse for his actions in his eyes.
"i think you should go to your place and sleep this off."
"again, don't tell me what to do!"
quinn, who heard the commotion, came through the door seconds later. he took one look at y/n and threw himself between her and andy.
"she asked you to leave, andy."
"of course you'd be here. you're always around." andy turned his anger on quinn. "she does things like this and then tries to tell me that abby is my daughter."
by now, brock, jack and luke had appeared at y/n's open door. they took one look at y/n behind quinn and he nodded towards her, quietly telling them to get her and abby over to his apartment.
quinn watched as luke & brock helped abby out of the apartment while jack carried a surprisingly still sleeping abby across the hall. he turned back towards andy and poked at his chest while getting in his face.
"you are the worst kind of person. you hurt the people who love you and you have absolutely no regrets about it." quinn sighed, but continued. "for the record, not that you care either way, abby is 100% your daughter. but you are most definitely not her father. i want you to leave and never come back into their lives."
before andy could say a word, quinn was already leaving. he needed to get back to his apartment to make sure the girls were okay. when he walked in, abby was awake. she ran right to him and he didn't hesitate to pick her up. she rested her head against him as he carried her to the living room. jack, luke and brock stood from the couch, allowing quinn to take the spot next to y/n.
"we're gonna take off now. but we'll see you in the morning." jack pulled y/n in for a hug and made sure to give abby a kiss on the top of her head.
"yup. and thanks for the help, guys." quinn nodded as the 3 boys walked out of the apartment. when they were gone, quinn turned to y/n. she was focused on a spot on the wall beside the tv. "y/n, you okay?"
"huh? no. wait, i don't know." she sighed and after what felt like an hour, she finally spoke again. "i really thought he had changed, you know."
"i'm sorry he didn't." quinn looked down at abby. she had fallen back asleep as quinn held her. "look, you don't deserve that treatment and i wish i could go and erase it from your memory."
"i don't think i can go back over there tonight." she shook her head and looked next to quinn at abby who was fast asleep at his side.
"you can stay here tonight." quinn looked at her face. "in fact, why don't you just stay here permanently? you know, like, move in?"
"quinn, i couldn't."
"yes, you could. i technically already have a room for abby all set up and everything. and setting up a room for you should be really easy. plus, i'm hardly home so it'll feel like you're still in your own apartment." he rubbed her arm gently. "i understand the hesitation and i'm not going to pressure you into doing this. but my offer is always going to be out there for you if you do decide to take me up on it."
"we won't be crowding you?" y/n fiddled with the drawstring on her hoodie. "i have this thing about-"
"you will most certainly not be crowding me." quinn chuckled. "but if you choose to move in, let me tell you about the benefits you would be receiving."
"okay." y/n smiled and looked at quinn.
"first off, your rent will be extremely low. i'm talking half, or less, of what you were paying across the hall. second, live-in babysitter. awesome, right?" he looked at her to make sure she still had his attention. "also, i can cook. been told by some important people that i'm really good at it." he nodded his head down in abby's direction, causing y/n to giggle.
"she does love a good meal."
"and for the final benefit? everything you could ever need will be provided for you, upon request. nothing is ever too silly of an ask. just say the word and you'll have everything brought to you when needed. and i'm not just talking about breakfast in bed and stuff like that. if you want something from a store, it'll be delivered immediately."
"quinn, that sounds like a little much."
"then i will tone down whatever it is that would make you uncomfortable, or have you feel like you're taking advantage of me. which, i hope you never feel that way. because you would never be taking advantage of me. i want to do this." the corners of his lips jerked up into a smile as he watched y/n weigh the pros and cons of moving in.
"are you sure i wouldn't be taking advantage of you?"
"yes, absolutely."
"then i think we'll move in. but you and i will remain friends. nothing more, okay?"
"okay. i can handle that. we've been doing so well so far. shouldn't be a problem."
"alright. then it's settled." y/n smiled and looked over at abby. "i'll get my stuff moved in over the weekend."
"i can get the guys to do it all. you won't have to lift a finger. you, bella and abby could even go out for the day and have fun while we work here."
"natalie too?" abby opened her eyes and looked up at quinn, causing him to chuckle and move her to his lap.
"yes. and natalie too. if she's up for it."
"yay." the little girl cheered and within seconds, she was fast asleep.
"i'm gonna put her to bed." y/n reached for her daughter but quinn stood up, gently holding abby.
"it's okay. i got it." he started walking down the hall towards the room but stopped and looked at y/n. "you can take my bed for the night. i'll have brock help me move your bed over here after the beach tomorrow."
"quinn, no. i'm more than happy taking the couch for the night."
"you are not sleeping on that messed up thing. you need to sleep in my bed tonight. i'll be fine out here. i promise."
"quinn, i-"
"i'm serious, y/n. go get some rest."
"you're not going to let me win, are you?"
"hey, look at you. catching on pretty early." quinn smiled and placed abby in the bed gently. y/n appeared behind him and smiled.
"thanks again, quinn. i really appreciate everything you've been doing for us and i don't think there's anything i can ever do to repay you for it all."
"just stay safe, happy and relaxed & everything will be even."
"that's not what i meant." y/n smiled and turned towards quinn's room. "but thank you."
"stop thanking me for being a good friend." quinn chuckled and followed her into his room. "you can sleep in whatever you want. but i also have some clothes for you if you want."
"it's fine. i'll sleep in this tonight." she gestured to the vancouver hoodie and sweatpants combo she had changed into when she got home. "but..." she drifted out of her thought.
"you were just about to thank me again, weren't you?" quinn asked with a smirk.
"yeah. i couldn't help it." y/n smiled back. "it's a habit that i need to break." she shook her head. "it's bad."
"no. it's fine. but you thank me for doing stuff a good friend should do. i know you appreciate it. just like i appreciate that you trust me."
"and that i do." y/n reached out and gently tapped on quinn's chest. "so i'll see you in the morning?"
"yes. bright and early."
"perfect." y/n sat on the bed. "good night, quinn."
"good night, y/n." quinn shut the door slowly and headed to the living room. he settled onto the couch and looked at the ceiling. it was nearly unbelievable how easy it was to get y/n to agree to move in with him.
the only problem? he was in love with her and it would surely be a problem to keep that to himself with her in the next room all the time.
tags: @alwaysclassyeagle @justagingerliving @marroonwitch @hwalllllllelujah
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nattblacklupin · 11 months ago
Ice and shadows
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Pairing: hockey player! Azriel x fem! Reader
Warnings: cursing, lots of fluff
Summary: headcanons about hockey player! Azriel
Hockey player! Cassian/Eris ● masterlist
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Azriel is defence, He's the quiet and fast one that is nearly invisible on the ice if you don't pay attention to him.
His sneaky ability to not be seen isn't put to use just on the ice to suprise his opponents. He especially likes to use it when scaring his beloved wife, you.
You waited for Azriel to come back home from yet another training. The playoffs are close, and they are working harder than ever. He stays there even longer than his teammates, scared of failing once again - no one on the Velaris team wants to lose in the semifinals like last year. They made stupid mistakes that couldn't happen again. All of them will make sure of it.
With lids feeling heavier every second, you try to still pay attention to your favourite show. It will surely keep you awake until Azriel arrives home.
Long yawn left you as something touched your shoulder. With scream, you jumped up. Now awake and aware with a feeling of adrenaline. You quickly grabbed the vase that was on the coffee table, on which you nearly fell. Ready to fight any intruder that could come in your home. "Woah, who knew I married such a dangerous woman." Focusing your eyes and slowly calming down, you realise that the scary intruder is just your husband finally home. With that, you put down the vase and jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Never scare me like that again," you whisper into his lips. "I wouldn't dream of it." He finally kissed you with plans that will keep you awake for the whole night.
Azriel isn't exactly the type to force you to wear his jersey to games. It's up to you, you can wear whatever you want. He can fight. But oh, mother, when you wear his jersey, it awakes something in him. You having his name on your ass and in your passport is dream come true for him. He is thanking the stars every night for blessing him with your presence.
It was an important match today, the whole Velaris team stressing about it for weeks. This match will decide which team will go to playoffs. Azriel left long ago, which left you home alone with a lot of work. You didn't mind, though. At least you could take your mind off the potential loss that can happen today.
Being finally done with all chores, you decided it's the time to start getting ready. It's better to be there sooner rather than later. Knowing that Azriel doesn't play well without his good luck kiss. Your heart nearly stopped when you checked the time. The game starts in twenty minutes. It's nowhere the time you wished you would have. Your hair is still messy, dressed in Azriels shirt without make up you started running around the house, trying to get ready as fast as possible. Glad for the fact that the stadium was 5 minutes from your home if you ran. Swiftly putting on stray pants that were on the floor, where you threw them yesterday, grabbing Azriels jersey you run out of the house. Your feet took you to the stadium in a record time of three minutes, quickly finding your way to the cabins where the players are probably now doing the last steps of their pregame routine. You open the door while taking deep breaths. "Azriel". Azriels shoulders visibly releax, "you came." He whispered like he thought you forgot, like you wouldn't come to support your husband in the second thing that mattered the most to him. "Of course I did"
As said before, Azriel has to have his good luck kiss, or he just can't play well. Everybody teases him for it, but behind his back, they are begging you to never skip his game. The one time it happened was enough.
Fortunately for everyone, it was just practice match before the season, where it didn't exactly matter if the team won. But every match mattered to them, no matter with whom or when. They are here to show they are the best.
That's probably why everybody was taken by suprised when Azriel was clumsy on the ice and couldn't keep balance. His usually incredibly fast skating turned into woblly slow skating. It got that bad he himself decided not to play that day, saying that he just can't.
Azriel never exactly told anyone it was cause you didn't came to the game and weren't his lucky charm. But it was more than clear to anyone who isn't blind.
Since that day, you had to come to every game. And if you couldn't, well you suddenly could. Because Cassian has no problem with stealing you away and bringing you to the game
"No, Cass, I really can't come. I have to do this work. I can probably make it in time for third period, but I'm not sure." Explaning your reasons to Cassian was harder than anyone could ever imagine. He didn't understand that you had work that had to be done today or that your boss would literally kick you out. Sometimes, you feel like your boss is secret hater of your boyfriend, and that's why he tries to keep you in work longer, just on days when he plays. "You will come, we don't care about your opinion." Cassian responded stubborn as ever, "well I don't care about yours too. " With that, you left the call, finally doing papers given to you by the boss.
Ten minutes in someone barged into your office, putting you over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Cassian! What the hell are you doing?!" You yelled at him, keeping your anger at bay, or you would have to punch him. "Saving the match" confidence and pride dripping from his voice. You lifted up your head, looking at him with an annoyed look. "Fine." Crossing your arms letting out a sigh still swinging over his shoulder, "but I swear to gods, if I get fired, you will send me money every month"
Don't think that your relationship with Azriel is any secret or not medially famous. It's quite the opposite.
You two are the most famous and loved couple in hockey word. Sometimes, Rhysand is jokingly complaining about how you're stealing his spotlight and becoming more famous than the whole team.
People love to edit you two with cute songs and use every cute clip that is on the internet.
The most famous being moment where he is on the ice sending you kiss after scoring a goal. Or where someone recorded you two while skating on public ring, Azriel having to hold your hands so you don't fall. It resulted in both of you falling because some kid bumped into you.
Not to mention that Azriel loved taking you to all of his interviews. Like all of them.
Reporter wanting to have an interview with him without you? Nope, it's not happening. You two are double version, it's not possible to get one without the other.
"So Azriel, tell us, what was the biggest motivation for winning this match? Was there something - perhaps someone you won this for?" Azriel nodded his head and looked at you, love sparkling in his eyes. " Of course I did. Like every match. " The camera captures the way his hand snakes around your waist, with feathery like touches caressing it.
"I won it for my wife"
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peachhcs · 3 months ago
will definitely keeps mack’s secret and only tells samy and mack has will meet blarie first and that’s when will finds out they use to date
will is great at keeping secrets, except when it comes to samy. they tell each other everything so everyone always knows that telling a secret to one of them means the other one will know too LOL
au masterlist
“babe, guess what,” will said as soon as he got back to his place and him and samy had their nightly facetime call.
“what’s up?” samy laughed at his eagerness.
“mack has a girlfriend. a girlfriend,” will repeated it for emphasis thinking it would be more impressive if he said it twice. samy raised her eyebrow.
“no way, really? who is she?” the girl grew surprised much like will did when he found out.
“blaire stevenson? i don’t know a lot but that’s what mack told me,” will said.
“blaire stevenson? wait i know her,” will’s eyes widened for the second time tonight.
“you know her? whatttt?” the younger hughes laughed at his disbelief.
“we met like..way back at some tournament when we were there at the same time for hockey and figure skating. i’ve heard she’s really good,” samy explained trying to think back to that moment so many years ago. will couldn’t believe it.
“that’s honestly so crazy. well, mack’s dating her. he’s keeping it on the down low i guess because they just got together and he doesn’t wanna like freak her out or anything,” the blonde hummed, leaning back in his desk chair.
“makes sense. if she’s not used to hockey guys they can be scary.”
“is that why you aren’t scared? because you’re used to them?” will teased a bit.
“yeah, sure. not like i don’t have three older brothers all in the nhl.”
later that week, will agreed to meet blaire one day after practice. she was back in the rink waiting for them to come out and mack was going on about how will shouldn’t say anything that would weird her out or anything—all things will’s told his own teammates before when they were meeting samy.
when they came out of the locker room mack spotted the girl leaning against the wall like usual. he nodded towards her for will and they broke off the the others to go say hi. blaire quickly looked up at them, stuffing her phone away and smiling.
“hey,” mack greeted her first, kissing her cheek. it was so foreign to will seeing his friend be all lovey to someone when all mack’s done was chirp at him for doing the same thing.
“hi,” blaire grinned and her eyes slid to will’s a bit nervously. the blonde waved.
“this is will. he’s my good friend as you know,” mack introduced the two. blaire shyly waved back.
“good to meet you. i’ve heard a bit,” will smiled warmly.
“i’ve heard a bit about you too. sometimes you’re all mack can talk about,” the girl giggled. the brunette flushed while will smirked to himself.
“you’re a figure skater?” will change the subject and blaire nodded. “yeah, i’ve been skating since i was little. it’s my favorite thing to do.”
“that’s super cool. i could never flip around on the ice like that.” the blonde laughed.
“trust me, she’s really good,” mack nodded and the girl blushed.
“he’s just saying that because he’s seen me skate since we were fourteen,” the figure skater rolled her eyes, pinching mack’s somewhat red cheeks.
“that’s so cool you guys went to school together and reunited here. did you plan that?” the blonde wondered.
“no, it just kind of happened. i decided to take a chance on him again,” blaire smiled and will grew confused for a second before realizing that mack and blaire dated before this.
his mouth formed an o shape.
“oh, you dated before this? that’s even crazier,” will mumbled and mack’s face flushed as he eyed blaire.
“yeah, we dated for like a year and a half before,” blaire explained, squeezing mack’s arm. he just smiled, his face blushing beat red.
“no wayyy, even more to tease you about celly,” will roughed up his friend’s shoulder and the boy just rolled his eyes.
“i guess that’s our cue to leave,” mack mumbled.
“good to meet you, will,” blaire giggled.
“you too, blaire. oh, my girlfriend also says hi, samy hughes. she said she knows you,” will said before they walked away.
“samy hughes? oh, yeah i do know her. we met a long time ago,” the dirty blonde grinned hearing that name.
“i’ll tell her you said hi. i’ll catch you guys later,” will beamed and left. mack glanced at blaire, wondering what she thought of him.
“i like him. he’s super funny. i didn’t even know he was dating samy,” she giggled, pulling the boy out of the rink to her car.
“they’re also childhood best friends,” mack explained.
“aw, so fun. you guys are like the same in some ways then,” blaire teased and the boy flushed. he would never escape the allegations him and will faced on the daily from fans.
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satelitis · 1 year ago
꒰ CAN'T GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY ꒱ . . . f reed !
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pairing(s) : fulton reed x fem!portman!reader (romantic) , dean portman x sister! reader (platonic)
in which before the game against varsity, the portman siblings have a surprise up their sleeves.
requested : yes or no.
!! content warnings : fluff, yelling, swearing
robin chirps : erm so im out of my writing slump and ziggy and i nonstop talk about tmd and our boyfriends, so i decided to surprise her since she kinda got me out of my writing slumps and introduced me to my bf charlie and one of the most amazing movies of all time <3 ily zigma!! [@spaceagebachelormann]
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"your'e playing hard, i'm proud of you guys." coach orion reassured as he patted russ on the shoulder.
"they're cheap shotting us to death!" luis groaned.
"i know they are, i know they are." orion sympathized.
"It's gonna take a miracle for us to hold on." averman replied. little did the ducks know that "miracle" would be a little more unexpected then they thought.
suddenly, the door burst open revealing a tall brunette with a bandana around his head. dean portman.
"dean portman is awarded a full athletic and academic scholarship to the eden hall academy," dean read off his maroon folder. "i found this lying around at home in chicago, my attorny thought i should sign it, and i agreed." he continued. "it's offical boys, im back!" he exclaimed as all the ducks cheered, especially fulton. his heart broke the day that his best friend dean, and the love of his life, y/n had to go back to chicago. he was ecstatic at the sudden appearance of his fellow bash brother. but if dean was here...then where was y/n?
"hey you ass, where'd you go?" a voice spoke in the doorway. fulton could recognize that voice from anywhere. y/n. the voice was further identified when she herself wandered into the room. fulton was beyond shocked, jovial and he felt that he might have a heart attack because of how much was happening. in no time at all, y/n was in fultons arms their lips interlocked.
"did you miss me?" y/n teased, as fulton rolled his eyes, kissing her once again. dean looked partially disgusted.
"what the hell. why didn't i get one?" dean joked, activly trying to piss y/n off. the girl gave her brother the bird as the ducks laughed and watched the cute reunion. russ and averman made jokes in the background and snickered.
"oh, fulton! i missed you so much mwah mwah mwah." averman said in a feminine high pitched voice, as he faked kissing noises. russ continued with the bit presumably as fulton.
"i missed you too, babe." he said also mimicking kissing sounds. the ducks snickered. fulton proceeded to threaten the two.
"will you shut the hell up before i give you pucks for teeth?" he said. averman and russ laughed, as they stopped the bit. fulton turned his attention back to y/n now answering her question. '
"of course i missed you, you were gone for like ever." he exaggerated. but that's what it felt like for the couple.
"the phone calls weren't the same." he frowned softly.
"yeah, 'specially WHEN DEANS BREATHING ON THE OTHER LINE." y/n raises her voice as she turns back to dean.
"why didn't you call me and tell me you were coming?" he asked her,
"cause this was way more fun." she replied, a goofy grin on their faces. "you can't get rid of me that easily." she said.
'i'd hate to intrude on your little love fest but we got a bunch of temperamental man children's asses to kick." russ chimed in.
the ducks all cheered as they made their way on the ice.
"is that dean portman?" the teenage announcer asked. the crowd was in unbelief, "oh and his sister, y/n! they're both back!" he exclaimed.
"who are those kids? they cant play!" tom exclaimed. "they're on scholarship tom, my hands are tied." dean buckley replied.
"so you're the big enforcer, huh? well its nice to meet you, see, we have a lot more in common then you think-" dean rambled.
"shut up." the warrior spat, "lets play hockey," he said.
"whatever you say sunshine," dean shrugged, the game continued as dean ended up making cole go through the glass, shattering it.
dean and fulton cheered as they banged their heads together. "the bash brothers are back and they're here to stay and so is "y/n "the firecracker" portman, as she scores goal one for the ducks!" the announcer called out and boy was fulton beyond happy with it.
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wolfiesmoon · 1 year ago
Ice skate date?
TWST x gn!reader
characters featured: riddle, azul, ruggie
since i am obsessed with the concept of teaching (almost) grown men how to skate, i return with brainrot (twst edition)
but then again i have a feeling that a lot of the characters have no idea how to ice skate (due to various reasons I'll get into here) . if there happen to be any events or lore where the characters actually know how to ice skate consider this to be a fun little au where they dont
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。°✩ ⋆⁺。 Riddle Rosehearts
There's no time for useless things when you want to achieve perfection.
That's what Riddle's mom told him when he expressed interest in anything but studying. She had every minute detail planned out and a "useless hobby" would not fit in.
Therefore, Riddle never learned how to ice skate. You can imagine he has his reservations about going to the rink with you.
After a bit of convincing and lots of reassuring him that you won't laugh under any circumstance, he begrudgingly agreed to go.
As soon as he stepped on the ice, he felt unsafe, like he might fall over at any moment but you quickly held out your arm for him to hang onto.
"Thanks." He looked a little startled which almost made you laugh but you shouldn't break a promise.
His grip on your arm tightened as he attempted to glide across the ice beside you. Seems he's really afraid of falling.
"Relax, you'll pull my arm off if you squeeze it that hard." You reminded him gently. You have a feeling you understand why he's so determined to not fall even once and avoiding the stares of curious children.
His grip on your arm loosened but that made him stumble on the ice and almost fall over and he immediately gripped you again. At this point you're worried you'll lose circulation.
"Riddle, it's fine if you fall. You shouldn't worry too much." You smiled, remembering how you used to fall a lot back when you were first learning to ice skate.
"Even I still fall on the ice a lot. This is nothing like a magic history exam, you don't need to be perfect. There's no way to be completely perfect here, anyways."
"I know that. Do not patronize me." Riddle huffed, leaning onto you more and attempting to slide on the ice properly.
"I was not." You wondered if you were too vague with your advice. Did he even get what you meant to say?
Actually, now that you take another look at him, he looks more relaxed and at ease. "Riddle, you idiot. You don't have to act so modest when you're glad I understand you." You thought to yourself, looking lovingly at his determined face.
。°✩ ⋆⁺。 Azul Ashengrotto
Honestly, where would he learn to ice skate under the sea? He never even used legs until his teenage years, so ice skating was completely out of the question until now.
That being said, he felt less than confident stepping on the ice.
It was still water, but he didn't like it in this solid form. It was much too slippery and unpredictable for his liking.
"Come here! You can do it! Come on!" You were standing around 5 metres to his right, beckoning him to come over as if he's a toddler who's just learning how to properly walk.
"Drop the babytalking, please." he was definitely not amused which only made you giggle harder.
"Oh, but I was so benevolent as to help you learn how to ice skate. What a shame that my help is so unnapreciated." you did your best Azul impression.
"Wow. I would compliment your acting skills if this wasn't completely innacurate and used to make fun of me." despite that, he managed to somehow make his way to your side, stumbling a few times.
You smiled cheekily, pointing at the edge. "Hold onto that. And onto me too, if you want." He did as you insctructed, looking a little nervous and unsure.
A little kid passed by the two of you, staring curiously at Azul. It must be a little weird to see someone so old just learning how to ice skate for the first time. You anticipated the little children staring.
You could feel him squeeze your arm slightly tighter at that and he seemed to be looking outside the ice rink, avoiding your eyes.
You gently took his hand.
"It's fine. Don't think about it too hard."
You felt him stiffen for a moment.
"You're honestly pretty scary sometimes, you know that?" you had no idea in what sense he meant that since he still didn't look your way. But you have a feeling his cheeks are pink right now.
Doesn't matter either way since he squeezed your hand lovingly.
。°✩ ⋆⁺。 Ruggie Bucchi
"Aw man, I just can't get this right." You helped Ruggie up for what felt like the hundreth time. He had free time this weekend so you suggested ice skating, to which he immediately told to he doesn't know how to.
Thinking back on it, it makes complete sense that he wouldn't know how to ice skate. The Sunset Savanna is a very warm nation so snow doesn't fall there and Ruggie didn't exactly grow up in the best living conditions either so he wouldn't have been able to afford a trip to a colder nation anyways.
"You'll get it soon enough." He didn't seem dejected at all even after all the failed attempts to keep up with you, which was nice to see.
"I hope I do, or Leona will get mad at me for being late to tuck him in."
"I still can't get over how ridiculous that is. Tuck him in? What is he, a toddler?" You sighed, catching him when he stumbled over and he thanked you cheekily.
"King's orders, what can ya do." He shrugged. He thinks he's almost got the hang of it now. That's a good thing. Very very good.
"Why are you so determined to learn by today? You know we can always come back some other time." you held his hand, helping him keep balance.
"Isn't it obvious? It's cuz I wanna go on an ice skating date with you. A proper one!" he grinned widely at you, feeling proud of himself.
"Okay, you romantic." you rolled your eyes playfully. The closest you'll get to an "ice skating date" is a beginner skating class for teenagers. Atleast in this short time frame.
But you have to admit, the way he said it with so much determination was downright adorable and almost made you want to cover the rental ice skate fee. Almost.
He'll probably conjure up some insane scheme to avoid paying for them anyways. Which makes you worry about getting in trouble with not just the school, but also the law.
You should probably hold him back this time, huh.
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hockeyboysimagines · 4 months ago
Love so sweet
Chapter 2
Warnings: Language, Angst, implied sex.
Chapter 2! Hopefully you guys like this as much as Chapter 1🤍
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“Excuse me could you like get out of my way?”
Tabitha whipped around ready to tweak out on someone when she came face to face with Cole, and broke out in a smile instead. She let out a breath of relief, both because she was bursting with happier see him, and because it meant she wouldn’t have to cause a scene in public. Breakups put her in a foul mood and that usually meant some poor soul suffered because of it.
“Hi stranger.” She said accepting his hug. He gave her a squeeze and pulled back to look at her, hands still braced on her arms.
“How are you? I heard you guys broke up…again.” He said with a chuckle
She nodded, hands coming up to hold him by the elbows “What else is new right?”
“True.” He sighed and let go of her, and walking along side her as she continued to shop “You doing okay? We haven’t seen you in a bit.”
It was true. The last week or so had been especially tumultuous between she and Arber, and seeing them unfortunately hadn’t been in the cards. That was one of the worst parts of the constant fighting if she was being honest. She loved his teammates and his friends and most of all his family, but they were exactly that. His teammates, his friends, his family. Not hers. And if they really did ever break up for good she would have to expect to lose them as a part of her life.
But for now, she was fairly certain this was another temporary one.
At least she hoped. This breakup had been rough on both of them and she’d said a lot of things she didn’t mean, and thrown some accusations she couldn’t take back. She hoped Arber knew that she didn’t actually mean them, and it was something she said while in a heightened state, but it wasn’t an excuse. Her emotions felt out of control sometimes and she often said or did things she didn’t mean. At some point she had to pull herself together and start looking at things more level headed.
Maybe she needed therapy.
She nodded and tossed something in her cart “I’m okay I guess. Just been a rough week.”
“Tell me about it. He’s been a mess.”
She frowned “What’s that mean?”
“He just hasn’t been himself. Like more than normal. I hate when you guys fight.” He said frowning at her.
She sighed and nodded “That makes two of us.”
He picked something off a shelf and chucked it in her cart with a shrug “We may as well shop together. Let me tell you about your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend anymore. Fuck this” she said air quoting, as Cole rolled his eyes and made a face “His words not mine.” She finished with a shrug.
“I know they are but you know that’s not for real right? I don’t get what you guys even fight about.”
“Everything basically anymore.” She said offhandedly “Something new to fight about everyday. This one was my fault though.”
“What happened anyways?”
“I-“ she said with a pause “Someone told me that Arber got some girls number when you guys went out the other night when I was working. I just kinda freaked out and here we are.”
“I see. He didn’t, just by the way. I’d tell you if he did.”
“I know that now. Unfortunately I didn’t ask before I yelled at him. Something I’ll have to remember for next time. Oops.” She felt a little embarrassed and glanced at Cole but he wasn’t judging her.
“I get it. But I can promise you he wouldn’t do that. You know that right? Arbers not like that.”
She nodded as they turned the aisle “I do but for some reason I keep doubting it. Maybe I’m crazy. Or maybe I’m just a bitch.” She said with a shrug.
“Nooooo your not.” Cole said with a small smile “I can see your hurting, and it’s any consolation he’s not doing any better. Seems sad.”
“It should make me feel better, but I don’t want him to be sad over me. I just want things to get better.”
Cole smiled a little and bumped her shoulder “And that’s why your so great. You gotta fix things though. Because he’s on the verge of committing a crime out on the ice.”
She laughed and rolled her eyes “He’s always on the verge of committing a crime on the ice. It’s adorable.” She said with a dreamy smile and then coughed to cover it up.
“See?” He said turning to her with a grin “That’s why you guys are perfect for eachother. Kirby asked him where you’ve been the other day and I thought he was going to punch him.”
“He would never punch Kirby.”
“Maybe not but he wanted to. You miss him?”
“Of course I miss him Cole. But if he wants to break up then it is what it is. I can’t make him change his mind. It’s not that simple.”
Cole was shaking his head “You could. All you have to do is call him.”
He was right. It didn’t take a lot to get Arber back and vice versa. Usually just a text or a phone call or even just showing up at his apartment did the job but she was always afraid to reach out just in case it was really over. She couldn’t take it if he told her it was the end, so she usually let him reach out unless she was feeling particularly brave.
As they made their way to checkout Cole updated her on the rest of the guys and how they were doing “They miss you. We went out the other day and they were hoping you’d come out with him. We didn’t know you guys were fighting though.”
“I heard. He was at my house.”
“I knew it!” He said pointing at her “ I knew he was there. He only cancels plans when he’s with you, and he hates going out. He said going out with you gives him anxiety.”
Tabitha chuckled “Yeah talk about him committing a crime.”
They chatted while they checked out and made their way out to the car.
He helped her load her stuff and turned to her, shutting her trunk.
“It was so good to see you.” Cole said as he hugged her, eyes closing and gave her an extra squeeze “Don’t be a stranger okay? Were your friends too.”
She felt her eyes start to water and blinked them away with a nod “I know. I will. Promise.”
He nodded and turned away but paused and glanced over his shoulder “I’ll tell him you said hello. Okay?”
She nodded, unable to speak and gave him a wave and slipped into her car just as tears rolled down her cheeks.
She hated this. She sniffled in the front seat and watched Cole back out and leave the lot as she collected herself. Her route back home took her directly past Arber’s apartment building, and she purposely looked straight ahead. She was always afraid during a breakup that she would drive by and see him with another girl, which was silly because she knew he was most likely with the guys or sulking in the living room.
She let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in as she made it through the light and the building disappeared from her view.
“I saw Tabitha at the grocery store.” Cole said off handedly in the dressing room.
Arber paused and half turned “Yeah? And how was that.”
“She said she was so relieved you guys broke up because she’s always wanted to date me.”
“Haaaaaa.” He said making a face “Very funny.”
“I thought so. She misses you.” He said quietly.
Arber nodded “I know. She okay?”
He nodded “She says she is. She told me to tell you hello.”
He sighed and ran a hand over his face and shook his head “Did she say anything else?”
“Like what? Like she wants you to go to her apartment after practice and get her back?”
He rolled his eyes as Cole continued “If I say yes will you do it?”
“It’s not that simple.”
Cole cracked a smile and let out a huff “Funny she said the same thing. You two are wild man. If you can sit there and tell me that you don’t miss her then I’ll shutup.”
Arber shrugged “Of course I miss her. I don’t like fighting with her.”
“Then get it together and go fix it you idiot.”
“Don’t call me an idiot-“
“Then don’t act like one.” Cole said with a shrug “You miss her, go get her back. You know how easy it is.”
“What’s easy?” Slaf said sitting down next to him.
“Arber and Tabitha broke up.” Cole said eyeing him with a small smirk “But he’s going to go get her back right?”
“Again?” Kirby asked pulling off his helmet off “Why now?”
“Maybe you guys should just break up for good.” Nick said.
Kirby, who was closest, slapped his helmet out of his hand “Take that back. He can’t break up with Tabitha. We like her too much.”
“I agree, but this fighting can’t be healthy.”
Arber didn’t say anything while he listened to the the guys talk about him like he wasn’t there.
He hadn’t expected his teammates to take to Tabitha the way they did, and almost instantly. In a very short time they were always bugging him about bringing her along when he went places with them. She was so good with them, and so easy to talk to. They were a good group, and always respectful, but they could be silly and joke with Tabitha and she gave it right back. She could be one of the guys, and in the next minute be the picture of femininity. They loved her, and she loved them and the constant fighting put a wedge between that each time. It made him feel bad.
He kept most of the fighting and breakups to himself when it came to his parents. They had thankfully always been on good terms when they came to visit or when she came to visit and they had fallen in love with her maybe faster than he had. They raved about her night and day to anyone who would stand still long enough, always requesting she be available when they FaceTimed him. She had fit so seamlessly into his life it felt strange when she wasn’t there.
He hated it.
He didn’t say much for the rest of practice and as he left. He heard the guys calling him but he just wanted to go home and pity himself so he waved them off and made his way home.
He thought back to the first time he ever saw her.
The bar was loud and packed and all he wanted to do was go home.
He was tired, his knuckles hurt from the fight he’d been in, and the headache was unlike any other he’d experienced, but he’d been roped into coming out with them to celebrate the win. He was thinking about the best way to plan his exit when he glanced up to find a girl staring at him from across the bar.
He was fairly sure someone was talking to him but heard nothing.
She was beautiful, the prettiest girl he’d ever seen without question, but there was something else about her. Whatever it was, it had him up and out of his chair and making his way across the bar. The closer he got, the more he wished he hadn’t taken a single step but it was too late to back out now. If there was one thing Arber was not, it was easily intimidated, and yet here he was with sweaty hands and something that could only be described as nerves settling in his stomach.
And then she smiled at him.
“Hi.” She said leaning forward on the bar, as he came to stop next to her.
“I’m Tabitha.” She extended a hand and grasped his, fingers stroking against his in the most pleasurable way.
“I’m Arber.”
“Arber? That’s not a name you hear everyday.”
He chuckled and leaned against the bar top, feeling a little more at ease “Tell me about it. You should hear my last name.”
She smiled “Tell me.”
But he shook his head “No. I’m gonna write it down and I want you to say it.”
He wrote his last name down on a napkin and slid it over to her so she could see it.
“Xhekaj?” She asked glancing at him.
His mouth fell open “You can pronounce that?”
“Yeah? It’s Albanian right?”
“Arbs what-Oh hi?” Cole was standing behind him and smiled at her but then turned back to Arber “Why are you writing your last name?”
“He didn’t think I’d be able to pronounce it.”
Arber turned and looked at him “She said it right on the first try.”
Cole’s mouth fell open “No shit? Are you Albanian?”
“No.” She said with a small laugh and a headshake “I just happen to watch a lot of Habs games at work.”
“Work” ended up being a sports bar and restaurant downtown, and Tabitha tore up his world like wildfire from that point on. Before he knew it she had poured like water into every facet of his life. Her love was overwhelming and smothering sometimes and in the very early months of their relationship he was so infatuated with her he didn’t know his left from his right. He’d felt feelings for girls before but never like this. Tabitha had become everything to him in a very short amount of time, and when his feelings that normally died down a bit didn’t change for her after 3 months he knew she was the one.
And everyone else knew it too, except maybe Tabitha herself.
Even with the way things were, if he could go back to that night he would still get up and approach her every single time. She had made his life better even with the fighting.
As a last resort he called his mom. She was the best listener he knew. She was privy to some of the fighting but not all of it. She had always tried to help him see things from Tabitha’s perspective as well as his own, and that helped sometimes. He never realized how things were for her until someone else told him and that made him feel stupid. He’d just assumed she was as blissfully happy all the time as he was and never thought for a minute that she could be struggling with outside influences polluting her brain. He felt like an ass and had promptly driven to her apartment with flowers, apologized and never forgot what his mom had said after that. The conversation was much the same this time. His mom agreed, that she hadn’t raised a cheater because of she had he wouldn’t be alive, but that you start to believe things when you hear them enough times. It made sense to him, but she also reinforced that he didn’t do anything wrong this time, which he knew of course and Tabitha probably did too. Things had clearly gotten lost in translation and out of hand. But she said it could be fixed. They talked for a while until she hung up, encouraging him to go talk to her and make things right.
He huffed and checked the time, before heaving himself up and grabbing his keys.
Arber had a strict rule of never listening to any of his teammates and their dumb ideas, but hearing his mom say it was more convincing which is how he found himself a short while later following Cole’s suggestion as he made his way down Tabitha’s street. Her porch light was on and her car was parked out front. He hadn’t expected her to be anywhere else, and even though he felt a little bad but he was also relieved to find that she was home. Though he’d said last night he could go out and pick up some girl, which he could, it would be a lot easier for her to do it. And if that happened, then he’d have to have to hurt someone. It was a lose lose.
He knocked three times and leaned on the doorframe with a small sigh, but also some relief. This was usually when things got better rather than worse, and he was glad that it was heading in that direction, hopeful she was in a good mood on the other side of the door. He could hear her shuffling around, and she looked surprised when she appeared and found him standing there. But she smiled apprehensively “Hi.”
“What are you doing here?”
He shrugged and smiled at her “Just thought maybe I wanted to see you is all.”
Her cheeks turned pink and she took a step back allowing him to walk past her inside. He sat on the sofa and looked at her expectantly as she hovered between the couch and the door.
“Come sit.” He said patting the spot next to him. When she did he reached forward and gripped her hand.
“Tabitha. Can we stop this please.”
She nodded and gave his hand a squeeze “I hate fighting with you Arber. It hurts more every time.”
“Then let’s just stop fighting. We fight over the dumbest stuff. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I am not cheating on you. I have no intentions of cheating, it never even crossed my mind. I love you okay?”
She nodded as he continued “You've got to stop listening to other people and just ask me. Whoever is telling you that stuff is full of shit. Do you think if I was cheating on you my teammates would want me to be bringing you around all the time?”
She shrugged and looked at her lap “No.” she said quietly.
“And do you think that I would even be with you if I was out fucking around. I would just be out doing that while I was single. Come on. You know me better than that.”
She nodded “I know. I just feel so anxious all the time.”
“About?” He said leaning forward.
“That you might find someone better.”
“No.” He said with a smile and a shake of his head “I couldn’t even if I wanted to, which I don’t. I’ve told you this so many times and it hurts my feelings sometimes that you don’t believe me. I’m not trying to gaslight you, but I try so hard and I feel like it’s all pointless. I don’t know what else I can do for you Tabitha but if there’s something, tell me what it is and I’ll do it.”
Her lip trembled and she squeezed his hand “I love you.”
“I love you too. Come here.” He patted his knee and waited till she was situated before he rested a large hand on her knee “I’m not saying we’re never going to fight because we will. But in situations like this can you promise to at least talk to me before you rip my head off? If something bothering you just tell me what it is. Okay?”
She sniffled and nodded “Okay. I promise.” She leaned a head on his shoulder.
“Do you feel better? Not mad at me anymore?”
“I feel better.”
“Cuz if your still mad and you wanna take it out on me a little I’m game.”
She looked up and snorted out a laugh “I don’t wanna hurt you or anything.”
He held up a fist and smiled “You know I can take a punch.”
She rolled her eyes and wiped away the mascara from under them as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek “If I give you-“ he glanced at the clock “A half hour, think you can be ready to go out to dinner?”
She shrugged “Sure. I just have to fix my face a little.”
“Makeup.” He corrected “There’s nothing wrong with your face.”
“Okay I have to fix my makeup and change. Unless it’s acceptable to wear pajamas whenever it is we’re going.”
“It is not. You will also not be wearing those pajamas when we return home.”
Arber felt so much better in the following days, and it was reflected to everyone he knew. He was a little lighter, more talkative and smiled wider which is how the guys knew things were back to normal.
“So things are good again?” Slaf asked as they watched drills during practice.
“Yeah. Much better.”
“Good. Stop fighting. It’s dumb and you’re no fun when your fighting with her.”
“You definitely should fight with her when we play rivalry teams though. Just sayin.” Kirby said from his left.
“No I don’t think that I should. I’m not sure anyone’s ever been arrested for committing crimes on the ice and I don’t want to be the first. Imagine having to explain that to my mom.”
“Tabitha would bail your dumbass out.” Slaf said with a chuckle.
“No she wouldn’t. She’d commit another crime against whoever he committed one against. And then we’d have to alternate weekend visits. Like children of divorce.”
Arber chuckled “Well don’t worry. No divorce here. At least not today.”
“So. Back with…him I see?” Jessica asked cooley, eyeing Tabitha over the table.
She rolled her eyes “Yes. I don’t want to hear it.”
“I wasn’t going to say-“
“You were. You always have something to say about me and Arber and I’ve heard it all before. So save your breath.”
“You know Tabitha. We’re just looking out for you.”
At first she’d really believed it. She really felt like her friends wanted her to be done with a ther because it was in her best interests. But now she felt like they nagged her about him all the time and it was getting real old real fast.
It was constant.
If they were complaining about them together, they were complaining about Arber himself and if they weren’t doing that they were fueling her paranoia about the rumors by adding to them. I heard Arber did this, I heard Arber did that blah blah blah. Tabitha was over it in a big way. She found herself hanging out with them less and less. They had noticed this of course and then claimed that he was “isolating” her because he was this big evil monster that had taken over her life and her happiness. But really it was just because they were awful. She could understand them not liking Arber at first. That first breakup followed a huge blowup of epic proportions that made Tabitha ugly cry for days. Understandable how they would be weary of him after that, and he agreed they had every right to feel that way. But it had been over a year now and they hadn’t even thought about giving him another chance. If they had, they would see that Tabitha was at fault for half of not more of their breakups and arguments. She’d tried her best to rehab his image, and he had at first too but finally he said he wasn’t going to try and make peace with people who didn’t want to make peace.
It just wouldn’t be worth it.
She’d even arranged “accidental” encounters put at the bar and still no such luck. They avoided Arber like the plague and he did the same to them. So Tabitha was left somewhere in the middle. It was funny though, that her friends couldn’t stop saying terrible things about Arber and he never brought them up unless she talked about them. Sometimes made her wonder who was really the terrible one in her life.
They didn’t say much else, and neither did Tabitha but she excused herself earlier than she needed to, so she could pick up Arber while her car was in The shop getting new tires.
She sat in the parking spot drinking her nails on the steering wheel, and ran her fingers over the cool leather with a small sigh.
She felt so much better now that things with Arber had settled and her stupid friends had ruined it. She always felt, no matter how things were with him, that the disappointment of her friends ruined every good patch. They made her feel so shitty about her relationship with him, even when things were fine. Their tone was always dripping in disappointment when they talked about him which was often.
It was mentally exhausting having to play middle man between them.
She did know however she felt much more mentally exhausted having to shield herself from their disappointment than it was to be with Arber.
She shook her head and looked at the clock. Arber would be home in 30 minutes.
That would make everything better.
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puckpocketed · 4 months ago
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23/6/2018 - The Washington Capitals draft Martin Fehérváry 46th overall //#ALLCAPS All-Access
... this kid was a pit bull, this kid was a Slovakian pit bull. [...] this kid is willing to die on the ice for your team, and that's one of the big bread and butter components to this player. It's his heart, soul — [he’s a] heart and soul; blood, guts, and glory style of defenseman, and every team absolutely needs that.
31/10/2024 - Players We Got Right, 2018 NHL Draft
[10:45 - 13:36] transcribed by hand, edited for clarity.
Jérôme Bérubé: Moving on, Brad, your next player is Martin Fehérváry from the Washington Capitals who the Capitals drafted in the second round in the 2018 draft. What was your take back then on him? He was playing in Sweden in his draft year, he's a Slovakian defenseman, and back then Slovakia was not really producing much talent so it was... I've seen a lot of kids out of Slovakia during those years that [were], you know, there was some hype and then when you actually scout him you were like, "Yeah, this kid is not going to play." So Fehérváry in those years was one of the few good Slovakian prospects that we saw, so what was your take on Fehérváry back then in 2018?
Brad Allen: Well, to get an idea of how puzzling it was for some people, I had one individual who [worked for] the Washington Capitals ask me like, [why] teams weren't more in on Fehérváry this draft year. Like, they really thought that he fell to them, and I totally agree with that. And I think that one of the main reasons why, Jérôme, is that he was in Allsvenskan in his draft year.
So he had an accelerated curve but it also meant more limited time for him to show the potential two-way game that he actually [ended] up with. So yes, he does scream more of a shutdown defenseman, he did back then, too, but I think what happened was that a lot of teams miss-assessed just how dangerous he could be with his activation plays; to be able to join the rush and be able to at least generate secondary offense. I think it depends on the game, the tournament, but if you got the right games you could see that there was some potential.
I remember at the U-20s specifically, one thing that really stood out to me is when his team was totally overwhelmed in a game against Canada, he ended up with 12 hits in like the first 30 minutes of the game, like the first half of the game he had 12 hits, and he was absorbing everything, he wouldn't back down. There were times even in Allsvenskan when he would go up against men when he was just a kid and he would take any and all contact in order to make a play and get a retrieval started.
I remember actually that one of his faults was that he would hang on to the puck just to get hit, just to like, challenge opposing players instead of getting it off his stick in time and using his time and space effectively. So my point in saying that was like this kid was a pit bull, this kid was a Slovakian pit bull. I remember the quote in the Black Book - Mark wouldn't allow me to put it in so I'll say it now, which is that this kid is willing to die on the ice for your team, and that's one of the big bread and butter components to this player. It's his heart, soul — [he’s a] heart and soul; blood, guts, and glory style of defenseman, and every team absolutely needs that.
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bagopucks · 2 years ago
A. Matthews - Open Doors
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Auston Matthews x Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warning(s): mention of temporarily losing a child -as in the kid ran off-, little bit of flirting, a lot of domestic fluff.
I literally just found out the other day too, that Auston’s mother is Hispanic, and that he grew up speaking primarily Spanish to his mother. <3
Proofread loosely
Requests for the reader, Hudson, and Auston can be made! It’s not a full AU, but these three can have specific/special requests!
The doors of life open and close at odd times. One can be devastated by the loss of an opportunity, only for the next to be more promising or beneficial. I didn’t assume losing my child would have been an opportunity. Until I found him playing fetch with a man and his fluffy dog. Tossing a little tennis ball across the park and chasing after the dog as if it was a game, while the dog went to get the ball.
“Oh my god! Hudson!” I sprinted in his direction, confusing the poor kid as to why I was so concerned. He was only five, still oblivious to the cruelty of the world. I fell to my knees and hugged my son tight, his quiet giggles and attempts to push me back falling short.
“So that’s his name?” I looked up at the man, smooth skin and a faint stubble. A mustache that looked plucked from the 80’s. And a smile full of pearly white teeth. He had a hat pulled over his head, with a sports logo on it that I hadn’t been all too familiar with.
“Hudson? Yeah. Thank you so much for keeping an eye on him. I just- I took my eye off him for one second and-“ Hudson wiggled from my grasp to go tug the ball from the dog’s mouth.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. Kids are a lot to handle sometimes. I get it.” His words led my gaze back to Hudson, watching him wrestle with a dog the same size as him.
“You have some of your own?”
“Definitely not,” the man laughed out. “But I babysit for friends sometimes.” When I looked back to him, his hand was held out in a silent offer. I took it and allowed him to help me up off the ground.
“Thank you, again. It means the most.”
“Of course.” Hudson’s laughter drew both our eyes.
“Your dog’s name?” I asked.
“Felix. Your name?” When he asked, I provided, a newfound nervous smile on my lips.
“And yours?” I added.
“Auston with an ‘O’.”
“I don’t work at Starbucks.” I teased softly.
“Yeah, but you’ll need to know how to spell it when you take my number.”
It caught me off guard. And had Auston not found and taken care of my child, I would have turned him down immediately. But considering the circumstances, and his looks, I allowed him to put his number in my phone.
A door had opened, and though I had been hesitant to walk through it, I inevitably did. I walked right into another life. Another world.
“Auston‘s on the tv!”
I was lucky enough that Hudson wanted to walk through it with me.
“Where’s he at, hun?”
“He’s on the ice! Oh! Oh!” the excitement in Hudson’s tone, supporting a guy he had such an attachment to, never ceased to warm my heart. But it also worried me. It would break Hudson if something went wrong between Auston and I. I only asked him a thousand times if he truly wanted a package deal before we got together. And even then I didn’t push any responsibilities on Auston.
We were in a relationship, and I just happened to have a child. But Hudson wasn’t his, and at some point I knew Auston would have to start advocating for the boy’s care if he truly wanted a glimpse of a future for us. But we were a mere two months into our relationship, and I wasn’t in a rush. He already did enough.
“Oh goal! Number thirty four, Auston Matthews!” When I peeked into the living room, I saw my son, standing with his arms wide open and a foot up off the floor. Mirroring the stance of Auston, who performed his signature celly on the tv.
“You better congratulate him on that goal when he gets here tonight.” I slipped back into the kitchen. Hudson smiled and nodded, and he certainly did congratulate Auston when the time came. When he came barreling through my front door with a bag in hand and dressed down in a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. His unruly yet flawlessly curly hair was damp, I assumed from a shower. It was dark outside, but my front drive was illuminated by the automatic motion triggered light.
“What did ya think of that, Buddy?” Auston’s voice rang out, and I looked up from the couch in time to see Hudson abandon his toys on the floor to barrel headfirst into Auston’s legs.
“That first one was for you.” Auston ruffled Hudson’s hair, trying to take a step forward only for my son to cling to his leg, hitching a ride.
“Who was the second one for?”
“Your mom, goof.” Auston’s cheery tone made me roll my eyes. Hudson pulled away from the man when he made it to the couch, dropping down, and the bag in his hand making enough noise to finally gain my child’s attention. And my curiosity.
“What’s in the bag?” I asked, turning my body sideways to face his own.
“An early birthday gift for Hudsy.” I raised a brow. I hadn’t expected Auston to get anything. Or even to remember the detail I mentioned in passing. Hudson however, lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Lemme see!”
“Oh just wait. You’re gonna love ‘em.” I folded my arms across my chest, as if to challenge his statement. My kid was picky. He didn’t like a lot of things. He was always grateful, yes, but still opinionated.
“Up on the couch.” Auston smiled from ear to ear as Hudson climbed up onto the cushion between us. “Alright. This is just the first part of your gift okay? We have to build on it.” I raised a brow as Auston reached into the bag.
“Come on!”
“Hudson.” I scolded gently. He glanced back at me with a sorry expression. “Patience.” He nodded and looked back at Auston, who in turn looked at me for approval to continue. I nodded.
“Ready?” He teased.
“Yes!” Hudson could barely hold still. And when Auston pulled out a black box labeled on the top with ‘CCM’, my boy’s brow furrowed in confusion. Then he opened the box, and twisted it around in his lap to show Hudson the fresh pair of rollerblades.
“Oh my god!”
“Auston,” my tone took on an immediate sound of surprise and tension. Auston’s initial expression of excitement upon Hudson’s reaction, turned into concern upon hearing my own. “Those were expensive- those had to be expensive.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.. it’s just skates, and he can use these for years.”
“His feet aren’t going to stay that small for years.” I argued in a soft tone, careful not to upset Hudson.
“They’ll stay small long enough.” Auston was always so nonchalant about everything. So ‘it is what it is.’ Sometimes it calmed me. Other times it stressed me out. I wasn’t sure what to make of his attitude at that point, so instead I let out a sigh and nodded.
“Okay,” I gave in.
“We have to try them out!”
“Not in the house.” I was swift to tell Hudson.
“Right now? In the dark?” I glanced at Auston. “He could fall and hurt himself in the dark.”
“I’ve got him.”
I’d never trusted another man more with my child. Not once. Not his father, not my father, not my grandfather. But Auston?
“I’ll get his bike helmet.” I slowly stood up, straightening out the satin shorts of my pjs.
“Auston doesn’t wear a helmet!”
“He does on the ice.”
“Not when he’s rollerblading.” Hudson’s persistence made me groan.
“Tonight, he wears a helmet.”
And he did. My pink and black bike helmet. That I had to loosen a bit to fit his head properly. I followed the boys outside, and watched Auston get his own rollerblades from the trunk of his car before he came back to the porch steps.
“You sit down right there, and I’ll tie ‘em for you. Okay?” Hudson immediately plopped down on the edge of the deck, and I set his skates down beside him.
I opened the front door and reached inside to turn the porch light on.
“You boys gonna want snacks or water?”
“Hmm.. no thanks.” Hudson shook his head, far too excited as Auston got down on his knees slipped the kid’s first skate on.
“You got Goldfish still?” I stifled a laugh when Auston looked up at me.
“Always. Goldfish and two waters?”
“That’s a good idea.” I slipped back inside to grab the box of Goldfish, only to open the fridge and pause when it dawned on me.
I had a man in my front drive, putting a pair of skates on my kid. Teaching him how to do something. Something athletic. Something sporty. Promising to protect him. Trying to be a father. I felt the tightness in my throat before the burning of tears in my eyes accompanied it. I never imagined a world where Hudson had a dad. I wanted to, but I had pushed it aside long ago. I sniffed and wiped my eyes, the faint sound of laughter creeping through the open front door.
I asked myself why I left it open, when anybody could have walked inside? Because there was a man in my yard. Watching my kid. There was a man who granted love and protection. And ease to a life of constant stress. I smiled so hard it hurt. I slipped the two bottles of water from the fridge and closed the door before leaving the kitchen to go back outside. Greeted by the sight of Auston skating backwards, holding Hudson’s hands and guiding him forward down the slight slope of my driveway. Hudson’s foot slipped, and a moment of terror gripped my chest before Auston hoisted him up by his arms. Relief flooded my system. I was not one to film many things, but I had no shame in quickly setting the water and Goldfish aside, running inside to grab my phone, coming back with the video already playing, focusing my camera on the two in the driveway.
“Don’t point your feet inward. You gotta keep ‘em straight.” Auston would occasionally stop to nudge Hudson’s feet apart with one of his own.
“Look up at me. You look at the ground and you won’t know where you’re going.” He’d guide Hudson’s eyes straight with gentle words.
“When you start to get the hang of it, I have to let you go.” I couldn’t see my kid’s face, but I knew there was fear in his eyes. I had since set my phone down, leaning against the rail. I wanted to call to him, to remind him he’d be okay, but I decided to allow Auston a chance. No better time to learn like the present. And if I was going to completely trust Auston in the future with my kid, I needed to know he could handle every situation.
“It’s gonna happen, bud.” He slowed to a stop. “I know it’s scary, but falling is part of learning.” He leaned forward a bit. “You know what I used to do when I always fell?”
“What?” Hudson’s quiet voice was barely audible to me.
“I’d go running to my mom. And she’d hold me, and clean up my bumps and bruises. And then she’d send me right back outside to do it again.”
“Because sometimes you gotta fail to learn.”
“What did your dad do?”
Auston was caught at a loss for words, but only for a second.
“He’d usually just tell me to walk it off.. which is why I never went to him too much.” He passed off the answer as a joke, laughing quietly. I could tell by Hudson’s silence, that he didn’t understand how that was funny, or why Auston was laughing.
“What would you do?”
“After he told me to walk it off?”
“No.. what would you do- if I fell?”
I stiffened. I noticed the way Auston’s eyes drifted past Hudson to look at me. His brow furrowed in a questioning manner. I gave him a look of approval. So far, so good. Perhaps he knew how much our relationship and his place in mine and Hudson’s life rode on that answer.
“Well, first I’d have to pick you up, and I’d have to go rummaging through your mother’s cabinets to find stuff to clean any cuts. Probably slap a couple Hello Kitty bandaids on ya..” he smiled, let out a breathy laugh.
“I don’t like Hello Kitty!”
“Alright, Transformers.” Auston removed one of his hands from Hudson’s to ruffle his hair. “And after the bandaids it’s right back outside. Unless you really don’t want to. But sometimes tough love is a good thing.”
“Tough love.” Hudson repeated in a quizzical manner.
“Like.. making somebody do what they don’t want to, because you know it’s gonna benefit them in the end. Like helping them get over a fear.. like if there’s a girl they really wanna ask out, but they’re too afraid. Sometimes you gotta push ‘em into it.” Maybe not the best example, but I’d give Auston credit where it was due. He was doing a good job.
“Girls are gross.”
“They are.” The boys shared quiet laughter as I rolled my eyes.
“And what if the girl says no?”
“Then she says no. And you learn from that experience. The same way it is when you fall. You’re always gonna fall on skates. I still do it sometimes. It’s about knowing there’s a chance you’re gonna fall, and being brave enough to still go out and do it.” Silence followed Auston’s words. Then I saw Hudson nod.
“You can let me go.”
“Look at you, big man.” Auston teased, slow to release Hudson’s other hand. “Don’t move yet, okay? Just get a feel for standing.”
“Okay..” I watched Hudson straighten his ankles, and find a good stance.
“Move when you’re ready.”
We were out there for another hour or so. Well past Hudson’s bedtime. He fell a few times, but thanks to the sweater and pants he had on, he avoided any bleeding or cuts. My heart lurched every time Hudson tumbled, but the ache wasn’t near as bad when I watched Auston help him up and dust him off, asking if anything hurt too much or if he wanted to take a break. The only breaks they did take were for the occasional sip of water or a handful of goldfish. I took time to praise Hudson when he accomplished standing better, skating longer lengths, understanding the way to move. Then eventually my encouragement turned to quiet laughter as the boys started playing around.
Auston hoisted Hudson onto his shoulders, keeping a tight grip on the kid as he skated circles in the driveway. A playful yell occasionally falling from the boys’ lips.
When a yawn slipped past my own, I knew it was time to go in. I slowly stood up from my porch chair and reached for the box of Goldfish. Auston and Hudson both looked at me. Like deer in headlights.
“What are you doing with those?” Auston was the first to ask.
“Hudson needs to go to bed.” I informed him with a smirk.
“What?” Hudson whined. “No!”
“You’ve been up well past your bedtime, Buddy.” I placed my free hand on my hip.
“Please! Just another five minutes? Auston’s gonna leave!” I raised a brow.
“He’ll be back another time.”
“Yeah, when I’m at school.” I had been completely transparent with Hudson when Auston and I got together. He knew we were dating. At first he was uncertain, but he’d grown comfortable with the idea. His only issue since then had been the fact that he was never home when Auston was around.
“It’s a Saturday tomorrow.” When Auston spoke up, my gaze flickered toward him. I wasn’t sure whose side he was arguing for.
“I have extra clothes in my trunk.”
“You wanna stay?”
“Can I stay?”
“Please!” Hudson immediately chimed in, his hands landing awful hard on top of Auston’s helmet. He flinched, but recovered quickly.
“You gonna put him to bed too?”
“Please!” Hudson’s excitement went momentarily unnoticed by us, trying to have a semi-serious conversation.
“I can do that.”
I acted as though I was contemplating my options, before I waved a hand and began to walk inside.
“I guess he can stay.” I knew Hudson let out a shout of excitement, but I was almost certain Auston had muttered a quiet, ‘yes’ as well.
The boys followed me into the house, Hudson running for his bedroom after Auston had set him down.
I stopped in the kitchen to set the water and crackers aside before walking into the living are.
“Where’s he off to?” I questioned as I folded up the blanket on the couch.
“Changing into his pjs.”
I chuckled and tossed the blanket into the basket by the wall.
“And you?” I folded my arms across my chest. “What do you think you’re sleeping in?”
“This.” He gestured to what he had on as he slowly crossed the floor. Auston rested his hands on my arms. “Or whatever I can get away with that’s less.”
“Auston.” I scolded softly.
“Cariño.” Darling. Honey. Dear. I leaned into his chest, and Auston slowly wrapped his arms around me. I hadn’t been so vulnerable with a man in a long time. Auston simply made it too easy.
“You have a kid to put to bed.” I spoke reluctantly.
“And a girlfriend to worry about.”
“You do too much, Aus.”
“I’d argue I haven’t done enough.” His confession was heartwarming and gut wrenching at the same time.
“You’ll get there.” I promised. “It’s a learning process. But right now, you’re doing amazing.” I slowly pulled back to look at him. “Hudson loves you. I love you. You make us happy. You’re here at times nobody expects you to be.. like tonight, with that birthday gift.” I paused. “Early birthday gift.” I watched him smile.
“So I’m meeting your standards?”
“Going above and beyond.” I promised, standing on my tippy toes. Auston leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to my lips.
“You should probably go find Hudson before he falls asleep.” I whispered. “He likes it when I tuck the blankets under his feet, and sometimes he likes his fan on. You have to ask.”
“Thanks.” Auston slowly pulled away.
“Don’t forget to sing to him too.” I watched his eyes go wide.
“I have to sing?” He sounded shocked. I laughed.
“I don’t make the rules, Aus.” I shrugged. “But I promise the secret’s safe with me if you sing for him.”
“Its not that it’s just- I mean.. I suck at singing.”
“He’s a kid. The most he’ll do is laugh at you and tell you to quit.”
“Then what?”
“Then you come find me. I’ll sing for him.”
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stars1997 · 11 months ago
Lover boy - part 4
Warnings: Smut!! NSFW!!! (18+), unprotected sex, some spanking, some choking, swearing, semi public sex, car sex
(not edited)
Pairing(s): Jeremy Swayman x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N Ullmark gets a job with the Bruins as their new photographer. They haven't seen each other in a few years, some things have changed. What happens when her brother's best friend develops a crush on her?
Authors note: The smut you guys have been waiting for! There will be more smut in the next chapter!
It didn’t take me long to get ready. I put on a pair of black leggings and a cute sweater that I got the other day. I was slipping on my shoes when there was a knock on the door.
“Coming!” I yell, standing up and making my way over to the door, opening it.
“Good evening, little lady. I’m here to take you out for a surprise.” Jeremy says in a horrible country accent.
He holds out his hand sending me a small smile. I take his hand and he led me to his truck.
“Where are we going?” I ask for the hundredth time already.
“If I told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it,” he says, giving me a side eye look.
I let out a little huff in frustration. But it wasn’t until we pulled onto a street that I realized was the back way to the arena that I said, “Why are we going to the arena?” I look over at him. his mouth now turned up into a smile.
“Now that were here you can’t turn back. Buuut, I brought you here so I can teach you how to skate. If you look in the back seat, I even got you your own skates.” His smile now stretching all the way to his ears and making his eyes look like little slits.
“Oh, your such and ass for tricking me into this.” I turn around and look in the back seat to find a box with the word Bauer written on it.
I grab the box and open it to find the cutest pair of ice skates. “Jer. You didn’t have to do this. But thank you. I appreciate it a lot, thank you.” I look back over at him and send him a soft smile.
“Okay enough with that sappy talking, let go get on the ice.” He claps his hand before he shuts off his car and grabs his skates from the back as well.
Jeremy brought us both out to the player benches. He got his skates on in less than a minute, but I was struggling to tie my laces. “Need some help their peeps?” he asks, getting down on his knees to help me tie my skates before I could even respond.
He stands up and makes his way onto the ice. “What if I fall. I don’t like falling.” He just sends me a small giggle.
“Don’t worry about falling. I’ll be right here to help you. I promise.” I gave him a little look that basically told him that if he was lying, I would be kicking his ass later.
It took me a minute, but I finally got out on the ice. Jer kept up with his promise to be here to help me.
“So, you really never been skating before?” he asks me. He’s holding on to my hands, sort of skating backwards so he can pull me.
“If I have been skating before I wouldn’t be so scared now, would it? No, I haven’t been before. And I know what you’re going to say next, but your brother plays. I just never found the appeal for it. It was always my brother’s thing. He had hockey and I had my camera…let’s not talk about my brother, how have you been? We have only had one chance to catch up and I kind of got shit face and don’t remember most of that night.” I lift my eyes from the ground to look up at him.
“I’ve been good. last season was amazing, and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. you really don’t remember that night? Because I remember you hitting on me.” He smirks and my mouth drops open.
“No, I did not!” I say in a shocked tone.
“Yup you did. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that you have a crush on me.” My cheeks got really red. I move my eyes back down to the ice.
“So little miss y/n has a crush on me. That cute.” I let go of one of his hands to slap his chest, but I lost my footing and ended up falling forward making him fall backwards.
He lets out a grunt as I land on top of him. My eyes find his and it was like he was thinking of something. Like he wanted to do something but was stopping himself.
I move off his chest so now I’m basically straddling him now. He sits up so we are face to face.  I go to speak but get cut off by him kissing me.
A little gasp left my mouth when his lips slammed onto mine. It took me a second to kiss back. My hands finding his hair and his hands move to cup the bottom of my ass. Pulling me closer to him so now are chest are touching.
“Fuck, y/n. I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time. Do you remember the day after easter. I was visiting you and your brother, and you came walking into the house with literally fifty boxes of peeps because they were on sale. That was the day that I knew I liked you.” he squeezes my ass before running his hands up and down my back.
I kiss him again and he’s quick to kiss me back. He gives my ass another squeeze making me gasp into the kiss. He slips his tongue in my mouth. But not long after he pulls away from me.
“We need to get off the ice, my ass is starting to get cold and wet.” He laughs.
He was quick to climb into the passenger seat of his car. Tapping his lap as a way to tell me to get in. I’m now straddling him, I can feel his hard on pressing into me.
“You don’t know what you do to me y/n. That night you were drunk, I was really wishing you weren’t. I was wishing that it was sober you that was hitting on me.” I was quick to kiss him again.
“You have me now, now use me.” I say wail kissing his lips. He brings his hands to my back, sliding them down so he can grab my ass.
“I’m starting to think you’re an ass guy now. I’ve always thought you were into boobs.” I pull my sweater over my head, his eyes lock on my boobs.
“I can like both can’t I. You just got such a nice ass…and tits.” He unclasps my bra, sliding the straps down my arms.
Once it off he tosses it in the driver’s seat. He kisses my neck and slowly makes his way down to my boobs. His lips wrap around my nipple as his thumb finds the other one.
“Fuck. Yes, that feels so good.” My hands pull at his hair making him moan around my nipple.
“This needs to come off.” He says pulling at the waist band of my leggings.
I climb into the back seat pulling my leggings down and tossing them to the side. Jeremy does the same with his sweatpants. I climb back on top of him. His underwear and mine are the only barrier between us. He reaches between my thighs to move my underwear to the side.
“Your so wet baby.” He says between giving me kisses on my neck as his fingers run through my folds. He pulls out his cock, lining himself up. I let out a breathy moan as he slides his cock all the way in, bottoming out.
“Fuck you feel so good.” He thrusts up, letting out a grunt with every thrust.
“Oh yes Jer, right there.” I moan out, reaching my hand down to play with my clit but he moves my hand away replacing it with his own.
If someone walked by, they would know what’s happening. Jeremys hands move to my waist helping me bounce on his cock. Loud moans leave my mouth every time his cock slams into me.
“Come one pretty girl. Cum on my cock so I can take you to my place and fuck you on any surface I can bend you over.” One of his hands makes its way around my neck the other one staying on my hip. His thrusts become faster, his hand now squeezing around my neck.
“I’m going t-” I was cut off by my orgasm. My body shakes as my back arches into Jeremy. Jeremy was quick to pull out, his cum landing on my stomach.
He rips my underwear at my hips and uses it to wipe of the cum off. He then takes of his shirt and pulls it over my head.
“Go sit in the front so I can take you home.” He says, kisses me. I climb off his lap and turn around to climb back into the passenger seat. As I’m climbing onto the center console, Jeremy now has a full view of my pussy.
His hands are back on your hips. He leans down and gives me a kiss on my ass. The thought of his mouth being so close to my pussy. This makes me shutter a bit.
“I’m going to eating you out when we get to my place. Make you sit you pretty puss on my face.” he says giving my ass a hard slap.
Jer was quick to get out of the car. coming to my side and opening the door for me. I was barely out of the car before he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder and landing another slap on my as he brings us to the front door.
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diagonal-queen · 2 years ago
Pardon me if this dumb. Could I request hunting dogs x s/o who has the habit of eating ice when she drinks well... drinks with ice indeed xd
(I think jouno would hate it and tecchou would find a way to make a weird combo. How I love hunting dogs🤧)
Hunting Dogs with an S/O who eats ice
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura, Tachihara Michizou x fem!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do the Hunting Dogs react to their S/O eating ice?
♡ cw: Swearing, use of fem titles like 'girlfriend'.
note: I want it to be known for the record that when I first saw this req I was wandering around my kitchen looking for food, and after I read it I said 'hehe that's cute' so no, your req is not dumb and I like it!! I tried to do some longer ones this time to make up for my lack of posting reqs...apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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You're right anon- he does hate it
He doesn't like the sound of your chewing, if you sucked on the ice he'd hate that as well, he's very much not an ASMR lover
He constantly asks why you don't just eat shaved ice or snow cones or something like that, and even offers to purchase them for you all the time
Jouno understands and accepts having idle habits like needing to chew or bouncing your leg, but your one is just...loud, and probably not the best for your teeth
"Don't tell Tecchou about this. I don't need him getting any ideas."
If you tell Tecchou he WILL get ideas and you'll probably never hear the end of it from Jouno
Like one day he'll just approach you from behind and bury his head in your neck while wrapping his arms around you and go "Why did you have to run your mouth like that?" (whiny Jouno >>>>>>>)
He does actually learn to deal with it, but he will not go out of his way to help you acquire ice or anything like that
Honestly at some point he might try asking you to stop doing it, at least as frequently. Whether or not you do it is your choice, he's still gonna love you, but y'know...
He just prefers not to be in the room or whatever when you do it because it just bothers him (from a sensory perspective), not because he dislikes you or anything! The sound just does not feel nice in his ears
But Jouno is willing to put in the effort to coexist with you in spite of the both of you having habits that annoys the other
And THAT'S the meaning of true love folks!
Once again anon you're right, he uses this to further his weird food combination possibilities
Pray for the rest of the Hunting Dogs (minus Fukuchi) (sorry Fukuchi fuckers) because they're suffering
Tecchou honestly doesn't care about you eating ice as a habit, he just assumes you do it because you like the taste/texture of ice and doesn't question it further
He'll see you eating chunks of ice out of your lemonade or whatever and something like this will happen: "Ice...have you tried pairing it with gelatin?" "What, like jelly? Like, raspberry or lime or something?" "No, just plain gelatin." "...Tecchou babe I love you but-"
(It's because they're both transparent)
Because you do it, he might start doing it too, and seeing how it pairs with different foods
Catch him one morning at 3am in your guys' kitchen just eating a bowl full of ice and pineapple gummy bears with a spoon like it's fucking cereal
And this mf would have the audacity to be like 'you should try this it tastes great' while you're standing there, mouth agape
Please don't tell Jouno about that we really don't need him throwing another tantrum about Tecchou's eating habits
You and him would drink lots of icy lemonade together though because that actually is a transparent drink that goes well with ice! (thank god)
All in all he accepts you, so accept him back rn 😤
With the stress Tachihara experiences on a daily- nay, hourly- nay, minutely basis, he probably chews ice as well
Or at least he's understanding of the concept, so when he learns that you do it he might make a comment on it, but ultimately he doesn't mind or anything like that
If you guys ever go out to eat or anything like that he always makes sure whatever drink you've ordered has ice in it (as in he will say 'Please can you add ice to this' and will continue until the poor waiter relents and does it)
Also, if he ever brings you fast food or anything similar he will have bought you a drink with ice in it
He even makes sure to add filling the ice tray in the freezer to his to-do list and everything 🤧 bro is a 10 through and through
You develop this little tradition thing where you bring each other cups of ice when you're sad to distract from the sadness and help you feel better :')
You and Tachihara also chew other things like gum and stuff as well, it's a never ending thing with you two (not that that's bad! Stimming is perfectly fine and healthy) so it's a little like a couple's thing and that's cute
You know those things that people do where they get flavoured water or juice or whatever and then freeze them into ice cubes basically?? You guys would totally do that! And you'd make each other different flavours and everything
The only maybe bad thing about it is that other people can sometimes be weird about it, but that doesn't matter when you guys have each others' backs
Teruko (platonic):
Teruko has absolutely no issue with it
...after she finishes making fun of you for a couple minutes
She would think it's a bit of a weird habit and tell you you're like a bear (they don't even chew ice probably?????)
But she accepts it very quickly because she understands that it comforts you/makes you feel happy
She would start chewing ice after learning that you do it, just so you two can match (and annoy Jouno, that's like half the reason she began chewing ice- tbh you were probably just an afterthought T-T)
As we know Teruko would be the ultimate bestie and thus would defend your interests and habits with her life, so Jouno wouldn't really end up being much of an issue for you
She goes as far as to make it a point to hang out with you outside more often so you have more opportunity to purchase drinks with ice in them
Also stocks up on similar items like popsicles for you to chew on whenever you visit her
As long as you also promise to do the same for her though
Teruko would definitely finish a drink and then just pour her ice into your cup (and probably spill your drink everywhere) without any regard because her brain just says 'my friend likes ice so I'll give her ice and make her happy :D'
Like I said, super highschool level bestie
I mean you already have to endure her...interesting personality, so this is really the least she can do. You guys <333
Let's not pretend that he wouldn't learn about your ice habit and then like. Import fresh Antarctic ice right from the source for you to chew
Fukuchi DEFINITELY has enough power and influence to do something like that. When asked why he's probably so casual about it too like "My girlfriends likes ice" and NO further explanation
I'm just imagining you sitting in like a meeting next to him or something (cus he invited you, cute date ideas heheh), probably with government officials or whatever, and the room is entirely silent except for the sound of you chewing ice
And nobody *dares* to say a word about it
He probably gives you ice to shut you up sometimes (either because you're arguing or because he needs to get work done, something like that) and you can't even be mad about it
He'd buy another fridge for ice trays so you can drink like anything you want with ice and never run out of it
I don't like Fukuchi myself but even I can't deny the amount of sugar daddy boyfriend potential this man has, and thus I feel obliged to share it with the world
Imagine he has like an esky full of ice chunks that you put alcohol and drinks in or whatever, and he takes out the drink that he wants and just hands you the whole ass esky full of ice 💀
The other Hunting Dogs don't even question it either because this fucking guy...sometimes there are questions that are best left unanswered and you and Fukuchi are a great example of that
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Taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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kentjohnson91 · 7 months ago
Today we are going to discuss trades/ free agency signings that have happened this offseason and how and why they made me upset:
Nikita Zadorov: Vancouver➡️Boston (free agency)
As a Bruins fan SO EXCITED
As a fan of chaos i’m sad
Him and Myers reeking havoc on the ice together was so iconic for the short time we were blessed by it😔
Nick Blankenburg: Columbus➡️Nashville (free agency)
This was like one of very few moves i have not approved of by Mr Don Waddell
He was cooking from the start and then this happened
Like Ik he was probs gonna be in the AHL a lot but like for an undrafted defenseman he is good
He’s like 5’9” (more like 5’8 stop lying Nick) and runs around throwing hits on 6’3 or bigger guys
He’s my favorite little man and i want him back. He rounded out the Michigan group on Columbus too well.
Kevin Bahl: New Jersey➡️Calgary (trade)
Ik i say “im not a devils fan i just love him” about like half their team but like i swear its true
I need everyone to acknowledge the childhood friends to NHL teammates arc of him and the Hughes brothers and that is heartbreaking that it is no more
Also i understand it was an underpay for Markstrom but that will always happen for goalies (see Ullmark trade) so all the Devils fans acting like it was a good thing he was gone and not appreciating the time he put in there or the calgary fans mad they got him and hating him already made me wanna cry
also he just had a baby right before the trade and that means none of his NJD teammates get to see the baby and that will make me bawl (hehe bawl - bahl) like a baby no joke
John Marino: New Jersey➡️Utah (trade)
This poor man who tends to look like a kicked puppy for no reason seemed so happy there
with Jack, Luke, Nico, Kevin, Curtis, Nate like cmon why would you do this to me
Will never cope with whatever the fuck was goin on with him and Luke honestly
Ryan McLeod: Edmonton➡️Buffalo (trade)
this was another one like the Kevin one where the fans pissed me off instantly
“the other guy was such a good prospect he was gonna develop more and play for buffalo”
i’m gonna hold your hand when i tell you that McLeod is 24 (almost 25) and 25 year olds can STILL DEVELOP TOO THIS SHIT SHOULD NOT BE NEWS HELLO???
also people who started using what his brother did as an excuse to not want him
while no one knows for sure, randomly assuming with no real reason that he had any knowledge of his brothers part in the 2018 Team Canada Scandal is so unfair honestly
and ALSO they separated him from his pookie (Bouchard) and his gay dads (Leon and Connor)
Not coping
Linus Ullmark: Boston➡️Ottawa (trade)
where do i even begin
no more hugs
no more feeding each other during post game interviews
no more eating cinnamon buns that Ullys wife made them together
no being Matt Poitras dads together
I ofc understand from the business side but it doesn’t make it hurt less
Jake Debrusk: Boston➡️Vancouver (free agency)
This one stung
we all knew it was coming but like
he’s been here his whole career
him and McAvoy were the ultimate duo
scored their first goals on the same night
if anyone saw Charlie McAvoys post about him and Grizz just know i cried for hours over that shit
Matt Grzelcyk: Boston➡️Pittsburgh (free agency)
another one that hurt a lot
once again see charlie mcavoys post
also no more amazing interviews with Mr Grzelcyk (Matt’s dad)
He worked in the Garden forever so Matt LITERALLY LEARNED TO SKATE THERE
Anyways if i think of more im forgetting or something else happens before camp ill make another post but anyways
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boydepartment · 2 years ago
friends to lovers - hoon invites y/n on an arcade date (or in this case hangout) that also has an ice rink. he uses her clumsiness on the ice as an advantage to hold her when she falls and it’s all cutesy and shit. finally at the end of the day they take photos in one of the photobooths where it also takes a video. mid photo he confesses he loves her anD SINCE THERE’S A VIDEO YOU CAN SEE HER CUTE REACTION AND WHEN THEY HUG AND KISS AFTER THE CONFESSION OMG 😍😍😍
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ANON I GOT YOU this request is so cute :( thank you for requesting this 🫶
Knee Pads- Park Sunghoon x Reader
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wc- 1.2k
warnings- none :)
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Whenever Sunghoon decided to ask you to hang out with him you always made sure to wear knee pads under your pants. You knew at some point or another he would want to take you skating. You never understood why, you couldn’t skate well, and you always held him behind. He couldn’t skate freely with you, not that it made you sad or anything, just confused. You never wanted to become a skating master. You put on a nice sweater and made sure your pants were baggy enough to hide the knee pads. For sure, Sunghoon would tease you if he knew you wore them.
“We are at an arcade?” You questioned looking at him. Sunghoon giggled as he opened the door for you. You walked in and you wanted to be surprised that the arcade was connected to an ice rink.
“Wow…” You said sarcastically, then smiled at his goofiness.
“It’s something different this time…! Kinda!” He put his hand on your shoulder and led you to get you the rental skates, he sat you down on a bench while he walked up to the desk. Sunghoon had always offered to buy you your own pair, but you don’t skate by yourself, you only skate because of him. Hell, you barely went out and when you did it was because of him.
“Ta-da!” Sunghoon walked toward the bench you were sitting at. He kneeled in front of you and went to take off your shoes.
“Wh-What are you doing?” You asked, confused, he never tied your skates.
“I’m helping you; you take too long.” He said bluntly, then laughing to himself. This whole situation was confusing you. Even the small touch on your shoulder was a little out of the ordinary, yeah you two were friends but this was definitely something else! You watched as he focused on your skates, it was hard trying to stop your heart from fluttering. The way Sunghoon would move hair out of his eyes every so often, how his tongue would peek out of his lips, he was so-
“Alright all done!” He went to stand up and use your knee as support but then his brows furrowed. He knocked on your knee now, he was confused, “are you wearing knee pads?”
Oh boy.
“NO!” You said quickly and stood up. Losing your balance, you fell into him. His arms immediately wrapped around you.
“It’s okay if you are, safety is key, and you definitely fall a lot.” He chuckled; you looked up at him. Your hair was in your eyes now and he softly moved the strands out of your vision. Your jaw went slack as he sat you back down and put on his own skates next to you.
You could not calm your heartbeat down, where did this flirty Sunghoon come from? What happened to the guy that would relentlessly tease you? Why is Sunghoon hitting on you? Is he even hitting on you?
Your heartbeat and questions refused to calm down even when you were gripping Sunghoon’s hand on the ice.
“You’re doing well today!” Sunghoon said to you and laughed loudly.
“Don’t jinx me!” You yelled at him. This only made him laugh harder. You let yourself giggle.
“Calm down angel-baby!”
ANGEL-BABY?! What is going-
You were so taken aback that your lost balance almost immediately, he softly but strongly gripped onto you and saved you from falling.
“You okay?” Sunghoon asked, smirking down at you.
“Yeah-Yeah I-I am all good!” You laughed a little trying to calm down your nerves. Like he didn’t just call you a pet name.
As you two skated, he would catch you, tease you minimally, and compliment you. Sunghoon’s laugh was like music to your ears. He was so pretty BUT ACTING LIKE A MENACE. This was not safe for your heart!
“Do you want to go to the arcade?” Sunghoon asked before guiding you to the rail. You looked up at him, his cheeks were rosy, and he was smiling softly at you. If you were in motion, you would’ve surely fallen because of him.
“Yes please…” You said softly, Sunghoon nodded, and you got off the rink. He made sure to help you adjust to the regular ground. He sat you both on the bench while he got your stuff from the table. You were still sat in shock about today. What has gotten into him? He couldn’t possibly like you right? I mean you’ve known him for a good amount of time, has he always acted like this? Or was your brain playing it up because you recently started seeing him in a different light?
Next thing you knew, he was helping you put on your regular shoes.
“Before you say anything let me help you.” He looked up at you and smiled before quickly looking back down. Oh, you were DOOMED if he didn’t harbor the same feelings for you.
It felt fantastic to be walking back on two feet without the blades.
“Do you miss skating?” You asked him suddenly. He looked down at you.
“I skate with you, so no.” Sunghoon spoke simply.
Your brows furrowed, “that’s not what I meant Sunghoon! I meant freely!”
Sunghoon turned his head to the side, “I do skate with you freely.”
“That’s not true! I hold you down like an anchor!” You said and looked up at him. Sunghoon huffed and rolled his eyes.
“That is not true! I skate more freely with you than I did when I was a kid.”
Now it was your time to laugh, “we go like 2 miles an hour!”
“That doesn’t matter to me.” He said and put his hand on your shoulder again, grinning down at you, “now take a photo with me!” Sunghoon dragged you to a photo booth.
“This is the only reason why I wanted to go to an arcade.” Sunghoon confessed when you both sat down.
You looked at him after fixing your hair and makeup in the camera in front of you, “for photos?”
Sunghoon was setting up the photo booth as he spoke, “yeah why?”
“Well, you have a phone for photos! And those photo booth cafes.” You teased him. Sunghoon looked at you with a deadpanned expression.
“Just pose!”
You giggled and got ready for the photo to go off.
“Oh, by the way I’m in love with you.” Sunghoon spoke before posing.
Your jaw dropped and the photo snapped, Sunghoon started losing it next to you.
“Are you joking with me?! It’s not funny!” You shoved him. Sunghoon looked at you, he stopped laughing.
“No, I’m not kidding.” He was fully serious.
You felt your entire world finally connect, all of the ‘hang outs’, teasing, actual flirting, it was true. You looked down at his lips then his eyes again.
Another photo snapped.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, Sunghoon smiled.
“Yes, you can, knee pads.”
“Oh, come on is this my new nick- mmph!”
Sunghoon giggled as he kissed you holding you close to him as the last photo was taken, little did you know, he also paid for the video. He was surely going to tease you for awhile about it.
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dollsonmain · 2 months ago
So, yesterday (long rambly)
it was about 14F when it was time to go to work and school was on another snow day so I didn't need to make sure Son got up (if That Guy would get him a phone I could just text him to be sure he's awake and then I could get to the store earlier in the morning), and I had the key since I was opening on my own this past week up to Friday, so That Guy drove me to work on his way in.
That meant I got there at 4:30 which is an hour early. I putzed around for about a half-hour doing various work, making what few sandwiches I could, open the store at 5, go back to sandwiches and about 15 minutes later hear the door open. Whomever opened the door just kind of stopped right inside.
I didn't think much of it because that happens, especially when it's really cold. People get in and just stop when the warm air hits.
After a little bit Manager wanders around the side of the sandwich case, looks at me, and sleepily goes "Why are you heeereeeeee????" while rubbing her eyes. I just kind of laughed and explained why I was there so early. It must have been alarming to arrive to the store being open when she expected to be the first one in. I didn't really think about that.
Then she started trying to get caught up on stuff she'd missed during the week.
It was very mild and low-problem all week. Both the two afternoon/evening employees (why do they get to work together and I have to work alone which means I have to rush to the bathroom when I get a gap in customers then get reprimanded if they end up standing at the counter for a bit until I get back?) and I were very, very bored all week.
Deliveries and sales reps were delayed by the road conditions, very few customers came in Mon - Wed until the roads started clearing up a bit Wed afternoon, deliveries came in all at once when things did clear up a bit but were lighter than usual because it's been slow so less was ordered, we had checks to pay people with which reduces issues by a lot, etc.
It was SO slow Mon - Wed and I was getting there before opening because That Guy was driving me and wanted to leave early so he could go very, very slow on the ice that I was able to do some rearranging of storage areas. I didn't get to the freezer and that sucks, but it's not like I could have gotten rid of stuff out of there, and it's so frosted over that there's a lot of space lost. I did rearrange the deli stuff in the cooler so I could actually see what we have and what we need in there, though I doubt it'll stay arranged.
It's a logical but unlabeled arrangement where I put all the expired stuff on the top shelf (it's overflowing...), bread is stacked neatly by type and purged for expired items, cheese is kind of jumbled but all in the same place, stuff that's not supposed to be in there because it's supposed to be frozen but there's no room in the freezer because it's full of random shit and ice walls was in the same place but turned out some of it had gone moldy so I had to move it to the top shelf, meats that need sliced in-house all together [but also some expired so I got rid of it but I bet you I'll come in Monday and the expired turkey will have been sliced and put in the deli fridge because that keeps happening to expired stuff I get rid of...].
There's a lot of random other stuff in there, too, like some chocolate chip something or another that says "keep frozen" and strawberry pastry of some sort that's been in there for MONTHS so probably way expired and...
Still want her to let me loose to set up a good inventory.
Either way, if I sit and think about that I'll get in a thought-spiral of trying to figure it out with heavy frustration that I can't actually fix the problem.
I already mentioned she tried to blame me for us not having bread, lunch meat, or sandwich goop and her forgetting about changing gas prices in the early morning to a "sale" price from 5 to 8 am, but I'm not fussed about it because that's not my job, it's hers. My job is "cashier".
At the same time some of our inventory and storage issues could be helped by teaching me the paperwork process for purging expired goods. Like, there's a whole box in the cooler on that top shelf filled with sandwiches that expired over the past week PLUS the ones from the week before because she didn't deal with them. That's usually the case. They stay in the top of a mini-fridge (not exactly this one and there are no pans installed but very similar, I think this is a newer model)
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and I'm also supposed to keep things in there like expired lunchables and little packets of cheese when they go bad so it gets very full and that's frustrating.
There shouldn't BE a shelf of expired stuff in the cooler, but in addition to that shelf there are milk crates of random expired and damaged stuff that can't be sold that have been in there since I started working there in August, and more expired boxes of random things on the shelves where the deli stuff goes, and bins and bins of expired candy and food that I pulled from the other shelves just sitting around, taking up floor space.
Eughghg I was trying to NOT let myself get started but I did it anyway...
Anyway, post over, last week was hectic and physically exhausting. My shoulder is popping in and out after all of the shoveling, mopping, and carrying of very heavy bins all week and I'm just
I'm so tired, I wish I was still asleep. Woke up at 2am for some reason.
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eternally-hypothermic · 2 years ago
For @badthingshappenbingo : Falling through the Ice.
Running over a freezing lake, Fedyor falls through the Ice. Ivan picks up the pieces. Chapter 1/2 On Ao3 here!
Fedyor is very aware of the lake under his feet. He knows it’s there, he figures he basically knows at which point of it he is, and he knows that in theory, he’d need to get closer to the edge again, but running usually doesn’t leave a lot of options. In addition to that, he is acutely aware of several other things - one of which is the fact that he is a distraction. And that he is lighter than the heavy-booted men following him, which means he just has to be clever about where he steps to get them to break through, and run like the Fold is chasing him once they do. 
And that’s the thing - he is running one moment and then he is submerged the next, it happens so fast his stomach doesn’t flip, he doesn’t gasp, he is running and then he is gone.
Darkness envelops him. 
Has the General arrived? No, no, it’s water, he fell, he needs to- needs to fight, yes! Needs to get out, above the water he is sinking into! Think, Fedyor, think! He needs to shrug his kefta off, it’s pulling him down, he needs to get to the surface, he needs to move, he needs oxygen - he can’t breathe in water! He kicks his legs, already heavy and slowly losing all sensation, he needs to… his kefta, and he presses his psalm flat to the ice above him, trying to hold on, find purchase, anything. 
He flails, tries to fight his way to the top but there is no up, no down, only darkness. Little bubbles escape his mouth like stars, and he can’t stop thinking but he also can’t focus on what is important - he hits his head on the ice above him, once, twice, and he should use his hands but he can’t use his hands, they hurt. 
Everything hurts. 
The pain is heavy. He can’t place it because it’s everywhere, but he also can’t name it. Not stabbing, not piercing, not numbing, it’s deep, it’s everywhere, it’s so heavy. Is his whole body ice now? He can’t move so it might as well be. He can’t move his hands, or, maybe he can but it’s all too heavy. Why would he lose his kefta? He’d just be colder without it. Better to keep it on. Better to… To… His thoughts are too heavy.
Everything is. 
Why is it heavy? 
He is cold. 
His chest hurts, it’s different, and he breathes in water. For a split second, so short he can barely remember, the water offers relief. 
Maybe he is not a heartrender after all. One with the water. There is really no use to fight it - no use and no sense. A distant part of him tries to fight its way to the top of his sluggy brain, but his kefta is heavy and dragging him down, just a red splotch in a field of darkness. 
All is dark. 
Are his eyes open? Does it matter? 
He sinks.
Deeper into Darkness. Cold. 
Why do they say dying hurts? Did it? He doesn’t remember. 
Doesn’t feel anything. 
Not so bad after all then. 
The world is a piercing brightness when he wakes, and before he can think of the saints or powers or darkness, he is choking, water forces its way up his throat, out, all out, and that’s just what happens. It’s all that happens. There is more, but he tries to hide back in the darkness, this heavy feeling so deep down, without pain, without anything like this, but it doesn’t come. The pain is there, the darkness isn’t, and he keeps coughing and spitting, throat already raw and hurting, head pounding, his body is useless and it just does not stop. 
Distinctly he hears someone talking, but when the water stops and he presses his eyes closed and tries too hard to go back, to hide away, a burning hot hand thaws the ice on his face. 
“Fedya?” No. No one is home, leave me be, let me go back, it hurts, all of his body hurts, it’s paralyzing pain in every inch, burning in his chest and throat and mouth and- “Won’t you look at me?” Ivan is running a hand over his wet hair and he hisses in pain, which also makes him open his eyes. 
The sky is white and he has to look away when more water and bile forces itself up his throat. It starts again. 
But this time, he disappears into the darkness and embraces it like a lover.
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allandoflimbo · 2 years ago
I  C  E    P R I N C E S S  8
Pairings: Popular Girl!Reader x Outkast!Bucky
Explicit Content - Smut - NO MINORS
Bucky Barnes is the quiet boy who gets picked on.
The Reader and her friends run with the popular crowd at Stark High.
As the Winter Ball approaches, she is partnered with Bucky Barnes for a class project. They grow close in an inadvertently secret friendship, which later turns into love.
Only catch is…she’s Steve Roger’s ex girlfriend, and before she was partnered up with Bucky, her friends had planned to use and turn Bucky into Stark High’s new it boy to try and get back at Steve; a disgusting bet.
Another catch: She’s a figure skater at the town’s arena every Tuesday and Thursday nights. Bucky works part time at the rink resurfacing the ice. The other doesn’t know.
Modern AU High School fic - later goes into adulthood.
Warnings: This story will have a lot of angst, a lot of fluff, a lot of cursing, and a lot of sex. Oral, praise kink, body worship, overstimulation, etc. you know me. There will also be loss of virginity in this.
Please support your content creators and writers and leave a review.
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"Like I said, I have to be out of there by seven again today."
"Can't you just quit your job?"
Bucky smiles at you so hard his eyes squint.
You have to bite your lip and look away.
"You're silly." He says quietly.
You shrug with a smile.
"Come on, today's lesson is actually really fun."
He's already packing up.
"I know, but I can't I'm sorry." When he sees your puppy dog eyes staring up at him, he considers telling you the truth.
You catch the look on his face immediately. He's holding something back that he doesn't want to hold onto.
"What is it?" You ask quietly, this time more concerned.
He sighs.
"My mom. You saw her. She has cystic fibrosis. She also has a lot of bills that my dad can't handle on his own, no matter how much he tries to tell me he can." He says.
It clicks in your head.
"You work to help pay for her medical bills."
Bucky nods.
"Yeah. So you can see why I can't stay, no matter how much I'd really like to."
His words make your tummy flutter and you both clear your throat.
"I understand." You gesture to the desk, "Don't forget the quiches I made for your parents. I'll see you at school tomorrow, Bucky."
He looks at the quiches and back to you and something happens.
His heart flutters.
"Bye, Y/N/." He grabs his little container, the one from the same set that you have ready for him almost every week.
When he's outside your door, he takes in a deep breath.
Shit. Shit.
The mystical music was playing again. It wasn't the same song, but it had to be the same girl.
At first, he had been okay with it and he admired it, but now he was kind of getting annoyed.
He could've spent an extra hour with you if he had known this girl would be back here again tonight.
His heart skips at realizing the thought that just ran through his mind.
He feels his nerves pick up and he finds himself walking to the direction of the music, preparing to ask this girl if this would now be an every day occurrence for her, and also how did she have the permission to have it all to herself in the first place.
He walks into the arena.
This time, all the lights are off except for the one directly on the ice itself.
Crap. He forgot how good this girl was.
How captivating her movements were.
She's dancing gracefully, skating her heart and soul out. The music's just about to hit its peak when she turns around in his direction, and his heart just about beats out of his chest.
Even more so when your eyes meet his.
It was you.
Something happens to him in that insistence. Something changes.
He can hear his blood in his ears and the heaviness in his chest and it consumes him.
Little did he know that the same exact things were happening to you as you stared back at him.
You're both just standing there looking at each other when, finally, you're the first to speak up.
"Did you follow me?" But he can't hear you over the music. He can't hear you over his racing heart. You skate over to your wireless speaker next to your phone that's on the ledge and pause it. It's dead silent as you watch him come down the steps closer to you. You look up again once your Spotify app is closed, "Did you follow me?" You ask again.
He eyes you up and down in a way that sends shivers down your spine.
That look on his face did something to you.
"No, I work here." He says. His voice is a rumble as he says it.
You look at him properly now that he's close to you.
How have you never noticed how hot he was?
Or did you always notice but it just felt different this time?
Was it the way he was looking at you?
Was it because this is the first person outside your family who ever saw you skate before?
Which one was it?
You feel your cheeks heat up instantly and you clear your throat and look away.
"Oh." You say.
Bucky looks down and bites his bottom lip.
"Yeah." He whispers back, trying to still force that feeling away. Whatever that feeling even was.
He looks up at you through his lashes.
"What exactly do you do?" You ask him with a squint.
He quickly catches onto your playful tone. You were teasing him to see if he really did work here and wasn't lying.
He gives you a light chuckle.
"I clean the ice."
"With the zamboni?"
"No, manually. Just two days a week." You hum a response. He tilts his head at you when you get a certain look on your face, like you were up to something, "What?" He asks.
"Grab a pair of skates." You say.
He raises both his brows at you.
"Excuse me?"
You motion with your head to the cabinet of skates, trying to hide your growing smile as much as you could.
"You're skating with me. I need to practice and since you're here, we'll make the most of it." You answer. Bucky's gone pale now. He looks physically and literally terrified. Especially when you start skating backwards, eyes still glue on him like a prey. "Come on, hurry up." You add.
"No, I don't..." his voice trails off as he watches you move and he gulps, "I don't skate. I don't know how." His voice is timid is he says it.
He really was afraid.
"I'll teach you. I promise, you'll be safe with me."
Bucky thinks about this.
He really does.
He knows he's screwed the second you gave him those little puppy dog eyes of yours again.
If someone could take a photo right now of this moment, you would thank them for the rest of your life.
There was nothing funnier than seeing Bucky holding onto the edge of the wall of the rink for his dear life, his eyes squinting together, and his legs going in opposite directions and out of control.
Eventually he was able to get them straight but he still held onto the wall.
"Bucky. You work in an ice rink and you don't know how to skate?"
"I wear ice shoes! Not two pieces of sharp metal!" He shouts, "I'm not crazy." He mumbles the last part.
You smile and skate over to him.
He relaxes just slightly when he feels you come up behind him. Your hands go to his arms and he feels the goosebumps on his skin. He feels them even more when you drag your hands to his waist, your front flush up against him.
His heart speeds up.
What were you doing?
He feels you tug him back.
"No!" He shouts, hands tightening on the wall.
"Bucky! You're not going to fall, I promise. We'll go slow, okay? You can hold my hand and the other can stay on the wall."
He closes his eyes again and takes a few deep breaths.
You chuckle.
"I promise."
"It's not funny. Don't laugh." Your face goes serious in a millisecond and you make it into a serious pout. You shake your head for added effect.
"It's not funny." You repeat his words back to him and tug him once more, "Come on."
Slowly, but surely, he turns until he is next to you.
His left hand stays on the wall, but his right one quickly finds your hand.
He holds you tight.
"Relax. Shhh." You tell him, trying to ignore the way his skin feels soft against yours, "Just don't think about it. We'll move and talk. That's all."
It takes him a few deep breaths for him to finally take his first glide.
You show him the proper way.
He's a few feet from where you both were when you turn to look at him. Your heart flutters as you feel his fingers tightening over the back of your hand.
"I used to be scared, too. Right after the accident," his hand squeezes yours again in response, "Our car slid on black ice and we hit a snow bank." He looks over to look at you as you continue, "I still get scared sometimes, especially when I have those memories," you look at him and your eyes meet, "but there is something that feels so amazing about conquering the thing that has also destroyed something in your life."
You look away and continue to skate slowly.
"Have you always been a figure skater?" He asks.
"Yeah, since I was a little girl. My parents always wanted me to go to the Olympics."
He senses your tone and he looks down at the ice.
"But it's not what you want." It's a statement.
You shake your head.
"No. No it's not."
He gives you another squeeze.
"What is it that you want?" He asks you so quietly you almost don't hear him.
"I've applied to some schools. Then, I want to go to med school. I know it's random but I'd love to maybe see if I can be an Anesthesiologist. Maybe."
He wasn't expecting that. It was oddly specific.
"Is there something specific about it that intrigues you?"
You smile, and he swears he can see your eye twinkle.
"Did you know that in open heart surgery, they use ice to stop your heart?"
Bucky swallows and shakes his head.
"No," you feel him run this thumb over the back of your hand, "What else?"
"The power of the drugs is beyond earthly. People don't realize much power is an anesthesiologist's hand. It's amazing what they do, but it's also amazing how much they contribute to saving someone's life. Especially in trauma cases."
He gets it.
Your brother.
"You should go after it." He tells you.
You feel a hot flush on your neck and you smile.
"How about you?"
"I have never figure skated once in my life." Bucky starts, and it makes you laugh. It makes him laugh too.
"I mean after graduation."
You both skate for a few more seconds in silence before he responds.
"Yale. Law and Journalism."
"Carrerr goal is news anchor and journalist correspondent for the white house."
You just know you have the funniest look on your face right now.
"Damn. That's very oddly specific but also very prestigious? I don't even know. How do you even get into that?"
He squeezes your hand again.
"Get my undergraduate at Yale, transfer to Fordham University back at home. After my attorney license, work on my journalism degree. Meanwhile interning local news places and then trying to make my way up. It'll be hard but I'll try. Even if it's a secret service job, I'll be fine with that."
"That sounds like you have it all planned out." You say.
He shrugs.
"I try to be optimistic in a world that's ready to hand you nothing but shit."
He doesn't realize he made a full round in the rink until now.
You're reaching for his other hand with your other free one and you're pulling him closer into the center of the rink.
He's too distracted to tell.
"Tell me more." You tell him.
"I miss New York." You start to very slowly spin him in a wide circle, "I'm going back for the summer, right before college."
You grin.
"You're gonna tell everyone there how a girl in a small town taught you how to ice skate?"
He squeezes his eyes at you playfully.
You pull his arm a little farther away from yours and his eyes go wide.
"Y/N." His voice is a warning tone.
"I'm not letting go," you keep the tips of your fingers connected. You turn around and start pulling him behind you, "Just concentrate on anything else, don't think too hard,"
"I'll be thinking too hard about how i'll get back at you when you make me fall."
Your eyes are closed and you're still pulling him behind you, a big smile on your face.
"Just relax!"
"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" His tone is fearful but his laughter is heartfelt and loud.
"So are you."
You keep speeding up bit by bit.
"I can't, you're going too fast—"
"—It's fine, we are not—"
Before you can finish, a big wall of muscle hits you from behind and you're toppling forward onto the ground.
It hurt.
You're wondering why he hasn't said anything, when instead you realize your moans of pain aren't just yours. You also feel the heat over your body, consuming you entirely.
Opening your eyes, you look up to see Bucky laying on top of you, his mouth leveled with your forehead.
When his eyes open and he stares down at you, your breath skips and you see how blue his eyes really were.
You're both staring at each other breathing hard when the moment is ruined by your skate hitting his shin.
He moans again and then laughs into the crook of your neck.
"Ouch." His hand goes to your waist and he squeezes you there, "You alright?"
You can only nod, not trusting your voice to speak.
What was happening?
It takes him a deep breath and few moments to finally fully himself off of you.
When you sit up on your elbows you see him already sitting with his back against the wall.
"You okay?" You ask him, trying to contain your emotions as best as you could.
"I'll stick to my ice shoes." He says.
You chuckle and rest your forehead on your knees to catch your breath.
He watches you, instantly very afraid of the foreign feeling he's never felt before but had only seen in movies.
N E X T   C H A P T E R
Tag list: @dinoswierdmom @sebsgirl71479@wintasssoldier@melimelbean @steadygoopangelhairdo@prettywhenicry4@bonkybarnes106 @undeadhoneydew@midnightvitality @ene-rene@ccmarvelxx @hanahkatexo @gr33nleo​ @missaprilt23​ @lfaewrites@charmedbysarge@tilltheendofthelinepal9950 @buckybarnesandmarvel @ducks118@lokisdrottning @kianamka @toadstools119 @adoringsebstan@troubledhemmings@buckybarnesandmarvel@charmedbysarge@buckybarnesandmarvel​ @redbarn1995
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ace-malarky · 1 year ago
hhh ok hi we're trying this?
I'm gonna start sharing the prompt pieces anyway because I keep talking about all these characters but I don't exactly talk talk so. here.
(just going with the ones I've written this year at least lmao bc some of them sure do be Old as Shit)
Judge these dumbasses for yourself
Kari stood amongst the old support pillars (that no one could convince her weren't gravestones in disguise) and peered into the sky in the hopes of one last look. One last flash of blue and white.
Thornton sighed behind her. "I think we'd best be getting home."
Jen started to whine at her, but cut off in a yawn.
The police officer – Ifernia had invited her? And the nurse? - rubbed at her eyes and sighed and shook her head. "I can give you and the bairns a lift back to the car park."
"That would be perfect. Kari, meet us back there, alright?"
"Sure," Kari replied, not really paying attention. She was still scanning the sky.
"I'll move my bike so you can get out," Ash said, following Cooper back towards the track.
"Always wanted to ride in the back of a police car," Mark said.
“So now you have the opportunity, please don’t do anything to end up in one after this.” Thornton glanced back at Kari, before ushering the younger kids down the track.
“Is that just while I’m in your care…?” Mark laughed, fading out of earshot.
“So she’s actually gone,” Katie murmured, standing beside Kari. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner, but...” She trailed off.
“Looks like it.” Seb turned to lean against one of the pillars. “Kari?”
“Yeah.” Kari squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “Yeah, she’s gone.” She thought she would feel something when Ifernia left. Like a jolt, or a wave, or the world setting right. Some bullshit like that.
She didn’t feel anything but cold.
“What did she give you?” Katie asked.
Kari looked down to find herself turning the feather over in her hands. Deep blue like Ifernia’s wings. A memento, she guessed.
“I still can’t believe it’s all real,” Katie murmured. “That she really - really had wings. Really came from another world.”
“Well, there’s your proof.” Kari passed her the feather.
Katie turned it over in her hand. “What happens now?” She handed it back.
“No idea.” Kari snorted. “Don’t look at me.”
“Practice,” Seb said. “There’s always a lot of that.”
“And for those of us who don’t cut a dash on the ice?”
“I never said it was skating practice,” Seb replied, nudging Kari’s shoulder.
“Right, yeah, ‘cause that isn’t everything to you.” Kari shifted away from him. He was trying to repair it, she knew, but-
Seb sighed. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t-” Kari started.
“Let’s not start anything.” Katie interrupted them both. “This was about saying goodbye to Ifernia.”
“Right.” Kari nodded, glancing sideways at Katie. And she’d been late for that, like she’d been thinking of not coming.
“C’mon, kids,” Ash called. “Need to leave about now.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kari glanced back up at the sky, at the clouds. No glimpse of them. The only thing left was the feather in her hand.
“Bye, Ifernia,” she murmured, and turned to follow Seb and Katie down to the path.
“I can still hang out with you. Right?” Katie asked, playing with the fingers of her gloves.
“Course.” Kari nodded. “Yeah, absolutely.”
“Birds of a feather and all that.” Seb grinned.
“Sometimes, Seb, I wonder why we’re friends.” Kari glanced at him, but she was trying not to grin.
“Because you love me,” he replied, then froze. “That is-”
There were two ways this could go, but - Kari was tired. So, so tired. “Yep, that’s gotta be it.” She tapped him in the shoulder with her fist. They could work things over.
Seb smiled at her, nervous. Biting his lip. “So-”
“You’re still a jerk. But I think that bird has flown.” Kari grinned.
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