#there were at least four big dogs already in the groomers
jakemyboy · 9 months
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Blu got groomed today, (much needed) and he looks so pretty and looks and feels so soft! He is just so soft it's hard to describe. I don't think he has a true double coat because all his hair is just soft and floofy!
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faunusrights · 5 years
Part I (prologue to chapter three) here!
According to other people reading this alongside me, I have yet to even see the true extent of how, um... interesting some of the characterisations are? So, we can only do one thing: keep reading, even though I’m relatively sure the corpse of a sizeable moth was batted onto my copy :I
We’ve reached chapter three, and only now do I realise what a considerable chunk of the book that is? Blimey.
/gets six lines in /shuts the book
Look, I said I wasn’t gonna say it because we know I hate it but ughghghgh I hate canon Velvet soooooo muuuuuuuuuuch she’s SO boring I’m SO sorry but GOD--
Okay. Okay. Moving on. Yatsu is our narrator now so let’s hear how he sounds!
“Ash started crying and crying and crying--”
I know it’s inevitable that most names I picked for OCs will crop up elsewhere but... Ash? You tryna take Ash “Bottom Energy” Scarlatina away from me now? Can’t I have anything?
So, it was mentioned that apparently a recurring thing I’ll be seeing in this novel is Yatsu and Velvet being hitched together on the character development front, and honestly, I can see it happening here. They’re being made into one sort of unit and Yatsu keeps calling attention to that, which isn’t... great, ‘cause I’m kinda hoping we’ll see more individual development? But the current consensus is that It Ain’t Happening, so we’ll See, I Guess,
Okay, I love that Velvet makes spreadsheets on her Scroll. I deeply enjoy her making chats to keep track of stuff, because honestly what a mood that is.
‘Yatsuhashi whirled around in confusion, but Velvet was gone. He didn’t like losing sight of her; what kind of trouble was she getting up to now?’
Predictably, I don’t like Velvet being babies in any sense of the word, but I do like that Yatsu’s first worry is what trouble can she possibly fucking cause now? Velvet and her high chaos energy, whomst I Adore,
Also what the fuck is a breadfruit.
‘Professor Greene’s Stealth and Security class--’
UGH I wish we knew more about the classes they took in Beacon. Do you know how hard it is to write an AU in which the Fall of Beacon never happened and having to pull classes outta your ass? It’s HARD, Y’ALL,
Yatsu’s Semblance is... making people forget things? That’s. Weird but alright??? Sure??? Whatever???
Me, every time Velvet snaps: why is it I only get the Velvet I’m after when she’s being such a bi-- oh wait I have a type sorry continue as you were,
But actually God I miss chibi!Velvet pour one out for the cancellation y’all
“This is bad,” Yatsu said sadly.
Me to myself: I know it’s not good writing I know and you know but don’t say anything just move on--
Okay before I move on, I’m definitely seeing a lot of that Yatsu/Velvet hitching, and makes me Nervous because I love Yatsu and I love Velvet but I also love them separately so I’m holding out hope that they get split up at Some Point because they really have been written together pretty much the whole way, huh? 
It’s Fox time, and we’ve got an introduction to Copper, Fox’s mentor (someone mentioned it’s totally a 'The Fox and The Hound’ reference). And-- ah, he’s dead. That was quick.
‘Velvet sometimes let her feelings get the best of her, Fox thought.’
You think that’s bad? You should meet murpverse!Velvet, that bitch has never held a thought in her head for more than five seconds.
I’ll confess I’m now reading pretty far ahead before I have any commentary of note. I’m enjoying Fox’s narration far more than anyone else’s by a pretty considerable margin, and it’s probably ‘cause Fox -- despite saying literally nothing in canon -- saw a lot of people reach the same conclusion to his character? So this one is much easier to settle into. Also, maybe it’s ‘cause he was such a blank slate that the writing works better for him. I dunno.
Story-wise: Edward is-- okay, actually, side-tangent: Edward? We seem to really jump in and out of the colour scheme, huh? Anyway, Edward’s a shady mfer and LET VELVET DO SHIT ON HER OWN!!!!!! LET HER BE A DUMBASS OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
‘That was the last time he;s underestimate [Velvet].’
Told ya, dipshitte.
Ooh, everyone’s Angery about Everything. Seems like the Mood Bombs are also more passively AOE than just being a Sudden Boom, because everyone’s got a MUCH shorter temper? Then again, mine would be Non-Existent in a desert to begin with, so maybe they’ve all got sand up their butts. Also, Gus is to blame for the Mood Bombs anyway! That’s a big F, kiddo.
Flashback to the dance!
Awh, Ruby made her own outfit and cape. Li’l seamstress! Oh, dang, do you think Summer taught her? Or, at least, showed her how her cape was made? Aaaaa--
Lien remains... weird. I thought it’d be closer to a currency rate like Yen to the dollar (so thousands are worth much less), but the implication here is that twenty Lien is more like $20? The currency here is very weird and even I’m at fault for flip-flopping on it, but I honestly expected it to be more like Yen. Huh.
Coco likes Ruby’s outfit look at that senpai GO.
Oh, okay, so they met at the dance? For some reason, I thought they’d already been acquainted? I thought they mentioned that team CFVY were away in the show (and therefore knew them at least in passing) but apparently not.
Okay, so Coco’s dialogue is... weird? I’m not totally down for the voice the author’s chosen to give her, and the more I see of it the more I’m starting to notice it. That said, I can’t believe Coco has reeled off Ozpin’s whole speech for Ruby. I’d have forgotten three words in.
Still jumping back and forth on Coco’s dialogue. I’m not sure if I like it. Moving on.
Weiss is Big Bitch Supreme, I see. This flashback is striking me all wrong for some reason, but I cannot for my life of me say why.That said, Weiss unironically saying besties is the funniest thing I’ve read all week, so there’s that.
Okay I ate too many calories and walked my dog let’s do this before I have to take said dog to the groomer. On that note, I’m like halfway through the book already? This really is short as heck.
“You had something to say to me?” Velvet asked. The boy clamped his mouth shut.
Do ya? Bihh.
Also I LOVE that highlights from the initiation are playing so that Blake literally looks a thousand times more intimidating. I wish we’d seen more of that kinda thing in the show, with RWBY being the new hotshots and the dynamic they had with Beacon as a whole. But that would have involved not blowing Beacon up to fuck and then having the writers go ‘uh, what do we do now?’ so what the hell do I know.
“What should we do with him?” [Blake] looked at Velvet.
Kill him... and then... kiss....................................
“I don’t believe in fighting prejudice with violence,” Velvet said.
I wish y’all could have heard the sound I made at that. Canon Velvet you’re just so... soggy bread about this.
Blake shook her head. “that’s not how we deal with people like him where I come from.”
Blake yr so HOT... hey you should teach Velvet how you deal with people like him and then kiss. That said, are they talking about Menagerie there? Or the Fang? If it’s Menagerie, that’s even funnier because I love the idea of an idiot running their mouth and then having five families and a baby wail on them.
Blake hates dog-ears in their books. Bad news, asshole, it’s the BEST way to mark PAGES bookmarks are for the UPPER CLASSES who don’t realise BOOKS are TOOLS of EDUCATION--
Yang beat the assholes up anyway I love her!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!
Back with Velvet. Blessing or curse? Who knows.
Edward and Gus make for an. Interesting duo. This plot hasn’t captured my interest crazy well, and if I didn’t know this was RWBY and such I’d probably pass on it ‘cause it’s pretty... eh, but I do like their Semblances and this could’ve been a pretty decent side-plot thing in the show! Such as in My Hero Academia with, uh, whats-his-name... Eraserhead. I dunno. I’m thinking this was a good idea that hasn’t had enough space to breathe.
Emotions are Flying High and Whomst will be the first to crack like Egg? I am liking the method of raising tempers because everything’s a little sloppier and unpredictable! Also, that’s the end of chapter si-- what? Wait, chapter six was only ten pages? Yeesh.
For all in-tents and porpoises, I am tryna keep track of OOC moments, but having everyone be out-of-sorts is making is pretty hard to track. Rip.
We’re with Yatsu again, and he’s talking about his Semblance to... make people forget shit! I still don’t know why this is his Semblance, or the use of it anyway, but whatever! I’m in this cart and the horse ain’t stopping until M+K says so!
I’m with Velvet here; why is she constantly being relegated to the backseat? Coco needs to fuckin’ get her shitte together on this front. Even Fox said earlier than he has to stop underestimating her, but they’re still doing it now.
OH MY GOD THERE’S A GRIMM JACKALOPE??? Holy shit I’m losing all of my marbles shouldn’t these guys have, like, other names????????????? No??? Okay!!!!
Battle scene. I’m not hot on combat in writing because I find it. Kinda boring. But it is what it is so I’m speed-running it.
And so ends chapter seven. I’m gonna stop here because. I want to! I feel like this story is very short and it could’ve already had more to it than this faffery in the desert, but that’s just me!!!!!! I guess!!!!!!!!!!! Next time: another flashback to the goddamn dance.
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Yoo Youngjae Werewolf AU
Person adopts an “unadoptable” dog classified as a wolf dog due to its size, “Ok, but I swear you weren’t a naked man when I adopted you?.... Oh my bad, sorry I didn’t know you were a werewolf.”
Warnings: there is a scene involving stalking, breaking and entering. THERE IS NO GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, I don’t want to trigger anyone!
You sat in your car, your head resting on the steering wheel, contemplating whether or not you were actually going to walk into this animal shelter and “buy” yourself a new friend. In all seriousness, you were just looking for a companion, you were also looking for someone- something- to protect you. Of course, you could handle things on your own just fine until the small stalker you have decided to break into your apartment and steal not one, but four of your panties and bras. You frown to yourself. Bras and panties aren’t cheap, and the ones this person took where your comfy ones. You shudder at the thought of what this person could be doing with them at this very moment.
You shook the thoughts from your head and got out of your car, you fast walk towards the building, you absolutely didn't want to talk yourself out of getting a pet. Maybe a cat would be nice, they’re cute and maybe it’ll love you enough to attack this stalker of yours and scratch their eyeballs out! You push the door, it doesn’t budge. You, quickly, glance over to make sure it wasn't closed today, then you realize it says PULL in big letters right where your hands are at. Your head falls a little, hoping no one saw that until you get in and notice the lady in the front was trying her hardest not to stare at you. You smile at her anyway.
“Looking to adopt?” You nod your head, your voice didn’t want to work.
“The cats are just around the corner, small animals like bunnies are two doors down from them, and at the end of the hall is where the dogs are at!” She smiles at you.
“Thank you.” You walk to the first round of animals.
Your heart drops when hardly any of the cats would pay attention to you. Each cat you would walk up to would sniff and attempt to nibble on your finger, but that was it. There was one kitten that gave you attention, and as much as you loved the idea of having her, having a kitten would be more work especially since on her chart it states that she was still learning how to use the litter box. You frown and tear yourself away from her, but if none of the other animals worked, she was coming home with you.
You sigh to yourself, this is going to be harder than I thought.
You stop in front of the small animal door.
“I mean it wouldn’t hurt to look.” You tell yourself as you walk into the large room.
You stand in front of your last stop, your heart began to race, behind this very door could potentially be your new best friend and protector.
You walk in and almost immediately frown. There were hardly any dogs in their kennels, you take out your phone to check the time. It was still early, the shelter wasn't going to close for another few hours.
You sigh and put your phone away and continue to walk, maybe there just wasn’t any dogs in the first couple kennels.
A small whimper caught your attention.
A small little thing, her tan fur had random black spots on it. She hesitates, but walks up to you. You press your hand against the fence separating you two, her wet nose wiggles against your fingers.
“Oh my god, you're so cute.” You whisper to her after reading that she was still super timid and wasn’t used to loud noises.
“Oh, hi.” You look up to see a really attractive man walking into the kennel room. He looked awfully familiar. “I see you met my new baby, y/n.” He smiles.
That’s when you realize that’s what ON HOLD meant and that this insanely attractive dude was your new neighbor, the one you were somewhat on edge about since he moved in right at the same time you started having a stalker. You look at her and frown to yourself but then perk up knowing that she’s going to a (hopefully) good home.
“I didn’t know you were looking for a pet?” He says as he picks up the small dog.
You stand up, looking at him, silently asking if it was ok for you to pet her. He picks up on your little glances and leans her towards you.
“I figured it’s about time, my roommate just moved in with her boyfriend so I’m basically alone now.” You mentally slapped yourself. Yeah tell your neighbor that you barely even know that you’re all by yourself.
“May I suggest you get a big dog? As much as I love Daphne, small dogs are good at being barkers, not entirely so much at physically protecting.” You nod at his words, ok so he could be a good guy. “Oh, I’ve got to get going. I have an appointment at the groomers, I want Daphne to look her best when she meets my cat, Richie! Bye, y/n!” He didn’t even let you respond back, which was a good thing since you couldn’t remember his name to save your life.
You turn around and continue your search. Your heart could possibly explode, all you wanted to do was take every single animal you've seen today home with you.
You walk to the very last kennel, you stop and read his chart. According to his chart, he’s a highly aggressive dog, shouldn’t be around children of any age, since he’s rather larger he could be a wolf-dog so he’ll probably go to a wildlife center instead of being here at the shelter if a permanent home wasn’t found.
You peer around the chart to look at him, and almost gasp. He was huge, he basically took up the entire kennel. His back was towards you, but you notice his ears perking up, you move to stand in front of his kennel, he growls at you.
“Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. If you don’t mind, I’m going to sit right here.” You sat on the floor next to his kennel, he was stubborn and refuse to lift his head to look at you.
You take the opportunity to admire him, the shelter named him Rocky, his fur was a beautiful swirl of chocolate brown and black colors. You accidentally bump into the fence making him jump up into a fighting stance, you could see the random white spot on his chest leading up to his snout.
“Sorry, that was completely my fault. I’m sorry.” You put your hands and kept your eye contact to a minimal.
What you weren't expecting was for him to take a step closer to you and press his nose against the fence and try to sniff you.
“Hi.” You say, shyly to him. You lift your hand to let him sniff it when you hear someone screams no to you.
The lady yanks you away from the kennel; she begins to check your hands for any signs of bite marks as she glares at him.
“Oh my god! I forgot to warn you to not go near his kennel. He’s a vicious dog, he's un-adoptable!” She pants to you.
You look back at him, his head was tilted and you could’ve swore that you saw his eyes fill with sadness.
You shake your head.
“I want to adopt him.” You don’t break eye contact with him.
“Young woman, I just told you he’s un-adoptable, he’s been returned multiple times!” She explains to you, her tone was starting to tick you off. She was speaking to you like you were a small child.
You look at her and slightly got in her face, your eyes not blinking. How could someone place blame an innocent animal for being returned multiple times? It wasn’t his fault, at least you’re certain that it wasn’t. You briefly look back at him and look at her once more.
“He’s coming home with me. Today.” The lady opens her mouth to reply, but you hold up your hand. “I’m already pre-approved, so don’t try anything.”
You could’ve sworn you saw Rocky look at you like you were the best thing in the entire world.
He was cautious walking into your apartment, already well behaved, he didn’t even try to pull on the leash the entire three hours you had him.
“Come on, Brownie.” He sneezes at you, obviously still not liking his name. “Hey, you know it’s better than Rocky.”
He jumps up on the couch as a protest, you frown. Should you allow him to be up on the furniture? You had done your research and you knew you had to establish your dominance over your dog so he wouldn’t think he was the alpha. You shake your head, maybe you’re overthinking things. Plus it’s just furniture.
You plop yourself near Brownie, and he did something you were one-hundred percent not expecting from him. He rest his head on your knee, not wanting to push your limits, you kept your hands to yourself. Your heart almost literally exploded when you heard his tiny snores.
You took out your phone and snapped a few photos and posted them to your social media. And without realizing it, you put your hand on top of his head, he woke up with a start but didn’t remove his head from your lap. Instead he gaze up at you and leaned into your touch.
From that moment on, Brownie was constantly by your side. From the moment you woke up to the moment you went to bed, he was complete bed hog but you didn’t mind, it still makes you laugh that managed to “accidentally” push you off the bed. The only time Brownie wasn’t with you was when you went to work and when you had to use the restroom.
After a long day a work, you were definitely in need of some cuddles from Brownie. As soon as you walk into your apartment and fling yourself onto the couch, he walks up to your face and begins giving you kisses. He bumps his head against yours.
“How was your day, Browns? I bet it was better than mine...” You sigh and sit up to allow him up on the couch with you. He tries to sit in your lap. “Oh, god! No! Brownie, we’ve been through this!” You struggle to get off of you, you could’ve sworn that he was laughing at you. “You’re not a lap dog!”
There’s a small knock at your door, and almost instantly Brownie’s whole demeanor changes. He stands up and carefully stands over you. You try to move, but he growls and bares his teeth at you. Your heart races, he’s never shown you this type of behavior in the three months you’ve had him. You carefully and cautiously move your hand towards his back and scratch.
“It’s okay, Brownie. It’s probably one of our neighbors.” You slowly stand up and push him, gently, off of you.
Brownie was hesitant, but he lets you up. You slowly walk towards the door, he follows your every move. Every step you took, he took as well. Another knock follows, but this time it’s more aggressive.
Before you could open your mouth to say something, the voice on the other side of the door makes your heart stop.
“Y/n, open the door.” Your legs almost gave out but Brownie kept you from falling. You grab your phone from your pocket and begin to dial 9-1-1. “Don’t you dare call the police. I haven’t done anything to hurt you.”
Brownie moves to stand in front of you, but you nudge him out of the walk. You look through the peephole, there was no one there. The breath you had no idea you were holding finally escapes your mouth. Suddenly, he appears and slams his hands against your door.
“Let me in, y/n! Why won’t you let me in?” You scream and fall back, Brownie begins to bark.
“Go away! I’m calling the police!” You press the call button.
“Please, don’t!” He sobs. “Why don’t you want to be with me?! Let me in.”
You push yourself against the door. Brownie jumps up against the door, almost like he’s helping you keep the door closed.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
“My stalker is right in front of my door, he won’t leave. Please help!” You cry. “Go away!”
“Fine, don’t let me in. Thankfully I have a key.” Your entire body turns cold as you hear the key being forced into your door.
“He has a key! He has a key to my home!” You give the operator your address.
“I have police on their way, stay on the phone with me, ma’am.” Their calm voice was doing nothing to help you.
The door moves, you scream and cry, pushing yourself more against it.
“Help! Please, help!” You cry.
“Ma’am, they’re almost there, if you can, find somewhere to hide. Re-lock the door and run.” You take a deep breath in and did what you were told. You bolt to the bathroom and slam the door shut. You kept the lights off.
You heard Brownie’s violent barks and growls, you heard a thud and a whimper. You couldn’t keep your cries in, not your dog. Heavy footsteps make their way towards you, you could see the shadow of your stalker come into view, then from the small space between the door and the floor, his shoes. Your heart sank at the sight of bloody footprints. The shoes turn to face you, you push yourself back until you were practically forcing yourself into the tiny space between the wall and the toilet. The door handle begins to turn, you hold your breath.
The door slams open, making you scream. His face was covered by a white flesh mask, but it was now ripped and blood fell from his face. There were claw marks on his shoulders? Before he could take a step into the bathroom, a rather large figure lunge itself towards him, knocking him to the side. It looked like a humanoid wolf, but you shake your head. That wasn’t possible.
His screams pierce the air as police sirens finally arrive. You knew you shouldn’t crawl over to look. Your body and mind scream at you, telling you not to.
Don’t, you shouldn’t. You hesitate. But what if Brownie is still alive?
You reach the doorframe before you could even look over, Brownie appears just above your head.
You let out a cry of relief and throw your arms around your injured dog.
“Y/n? Oh god, are you okay?!” You could hear your neighbor yell into your apartment. It was the handsome guy, fear and worry was written all over his face. He had a baseball bat in his hands.
Brownie gave him a slight growl before allowing him to help you up. The police rush into your apartment.
You were in complete shock and surprise and happiness when the judge said you were allowed to keep Brownie. It wasn’t until after the attack and while your neighbor (who you finally remembered, actually you heard him tell the officers his name, Carter) was taking care of your paperwork and comforting you, that Brownie had mauled your attacker, but not enough to kill the guy. In case like that, dogs protecting their owners are usually put down.
But Carter had managed to get you an amazing animal lawyer by the name of Moon Jongup. Mr. Moon did everything he could for you and Brownie.
Carter also convince the apartment manager to give you a different apartment, one closer to his. Usually, you would’ve been extremely uncomfortable with someone basically taking complete charge of your life, but after everything that happened, you were glad that Carter was so helpful.
You walk into your new apartment with Brownie pressed against your leg, the officer assigned to watch over you had you wait at the door as he checked every room. You felt like it was a bit excess but both Mr. Moon and Carter thought it was necessary.
“The area is safe.” You nod and give him a small smile. “I’m sorry for what happened.”
“Don’t apologize, it wasn’t your fault.” And with that he leaves.
You sit on the couch, not entirely sure how to feel. Brownie sits in front of you and rests his head on your lap. You lean over and rest your head on top of his, and kiss it.
You sigh and sit up, Brownie watches your every move.
“I’m going to shower.” He watches you leave and sighs to himself.
You walk into the bathroom, silently cursing to yourself. You haven’t gone to store so you didn’t have any shampoo and conditioner or bodywash. You caught your reflection in the mirror and gasp. You had dry snot and tears almost all over your face. Turning on the sink, you quickly water your face.
You walk out of the bathroom and head towards your room. Your new apartment’s layout was still new to you, the hallway had a cutout that had a perfect view to your entire living-room. You walk by and look over to Brownie. In place of where you left Brownie was a naked man, he had cuts all over his body that were healing almost instantly.
You smile and continue walking until you stopped dead in your tracks.
You reverse and notice that he hasn’t noticed you.
“Who in the hell are you?!” You scream.
Brownie- in human form- stood up in shock, showing you everything.
“Oh my god!” You cover your eyes as he quickly covers his junk. Your face was heating up with shock.
“Um... I’m Brownie...” He says, timidly.
“No, last time I checked I adopted a giant beautiful dog, not a naked man!” You look around the living-room and even the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
You turn to look at him, slightly glaring at him.
“I’m looking for my dog, you dumbass.” You huff.
He lets out an angry sigh and suddenly grabs you. You attempt to scream, but nothing came out when he started to turn into Brownie. You sink down to the floor, there was no way that that was possible. Brownie’s a normal dog, right?
He turns back into his human form.
“H-how? I deserve an explanation... especially if you’re going to expect me to continue to let you stay.” He perks up at that comment.
“I’m technically a werewolf.” You really did try your hardest not to snort because Brownie looks nothing like a werewolf, not even the Twilight level werewolf. He gives you a look. “I messed up and got involved with a witch...”
You hand him the small blanket so he could be properly covered, he thanks you and continues.
“My brothers warned me not to get involved, but my wolf was almost entirely convinced that the human I was involved with was my mate. She wasn’t. She was working with the witch to test out a spell that turns werewolves into actual dogs. I was stuck as ‘Brownie’ for two years.” He rubs his face and looks at you. “Oh, my name is Youngjae. Please stop calling me Brownie.”
“Youngjae, got it.” You felt bad, poor dude hasn’t been called by his actual name for two years. Oh god... You gave him so many horribly cringy nicknames...
“My brothers found me, of course they had to tease me-”
“But of course.” You interrupt with a giggle. Youngjae’s heart shouldn’t have swelled at that sound. His wolf let out a small whine that only he could hear.
“Being in dog form, I had to- you know- use the bathroom. Jongup took me outside and that’s when he was ambushed. They took me, but luckily there was some good people who assumed a werewolf turned dog was being kidnapped. But I ended up at the pound.” He begins to shift, you jump back.
Youngjae’s was in partial transformation, his claws are dark and long. His eyes were bright gold, his canines were long but slightly dull, probably from being in dog form for years.
He clears his throat and apologizes.
“I think the curse is still fading away. Don’t worry, a full transformation only happens on new moons.” He explains.
“Jongup? Wasn’t that the lawyer Carter hired for us?” He nods.
“Yes, Carter is a part of another pack in this area. It’s a myth that all werewolf packs are enemies, we have our own territories. We tend to dislike each other, but if one is in need, everyone helps.” You nod your head, understanding what he said. “He had to play it off like he was adopting a dog when he caught my scent.”
You frown at his words.
“Relax, we are part human, we can have pets.”
“Oh.” You felt a little embarrassed.
“But, you... You were able to remove the spell and that worries me.” You tilt you head at him.
“Why?” He hesitates, you could tell that Youngjae really didn’t want to tell you.
“Because that means you’re a witch.”
Carter and Jongup arrive at your apartment to confirm Youngjae’s story and to give him clothes so he wasn’t walking around your aparment in your pj’s. You were half expecting them to treat you differently after Youngjae told them you could be a witch.
“She’s only half.” Jongup says. Everyone, including you look at him with a questioning look. “I do my research. Your father is a witch- or wizard, warlock? Anyway, your grandmother kept it from him, wanting a normal life for him.”
“How?-” He interrupts you and holds up his hand.
“I called her.” He shrugs, your eyes nearly pop out of your skull, your grandma wasn’t old but you wondered how that conversation must’ve gone down. “And before Youngjae and Carter freak, she come from earth witches, completely different from black and white witches.”
He turns to you. “Nature witches’ powers are passed through generations, most black or white witches can be born from actual witches but most of the time, their magic is learned. But don’t quote me on that, that’s what I learned from the internet.”
Youngjae takes a sip from his water before Carter finally speaks.
“Does this mean y/n is Youngjae’s mate?” Jongup gives a slight nod as Youngjae spits out his water all over you and Jongup.
“What?!” He coughs.
“Like a cliche I broke the spell?” You were surprised that the thought of being a werewolf’s mate didn’t make you freak out, but then again you just found out that you were now a witch, confirmed by your grandma.
“Kind of. Mates don’t necessarily have to be romantic, but the feelings are there.”
“It’s true, my mate is my best friend from elementary school, we don’t have romantic feelings for each whatsoever. We just enjoy being in each other’s company. He just introduced me to his boyfriend.” Carter smiles to himself.
His smile makes you smile and somewhat eager to experience what he does with Youngjae.
“But you already knew that y/n was your mate, didn’t you, Youngjae.” Carter smirks.
You look at him, he refuse to look at you.
“When?” You ask, you place your hand on his knee. That simple touch makes him look at you.
“When your stalker appeared. I felt his anger and desire to hurt you, and when you heard his voice...” Youngjae’s voice strains. “Your fear became mine, all I wanted to do was protect you.”
You couldn’t help it, you threw yourself into his arms. Youngjae hugs you, tightly.
Jongup puts his hand on your shoulder.
“Now that Youngjae is back to normal, you are more than welcome to continue living here or come to move with us. I know Daehyun misses Youngjae.”
“Can I think about it?” He nods, saying his good-byes, Jongup leaves.
Carter gives you a hug before leaving as well. You were finally alone with Youngjae.
“You don’t have to come with my brothers. Carter’s mate lives on his own, but I would have to come visit you often.”
“Or you know you could just stay here and visit them often?” You laugh.
He smiles at you and nods.
“I can do that.”
Arriving home was without Brownie- well Youngjae in dog form- was still something you were adjusting to. But arriving home to Youngjae was really nice, especially his bear hugs and cuddles.
You guys were still trying to figure out if you were romantic or platonic mates, but either way you were happy with him. Youngjae didn’t greet you like he always did today, but your nose was met with a horrible burning smell.
“Um... y/n... I need some help...” You could hear him struggling in the kitchen.
You walk to the kitchen, this werewolf was really testing your limits today. Your kitchen was littered with dirty pots and pans and burnt food.
“You’re extremely lucky I love you, Youngjae.” He leans down and places a small kiss against your forehead before you grab the burnt pan from him and turn on the sink to begin cleaning.
“Can we get takeout instead?” You nod at him as you focus on scrubbing. You felt him rest his head against your shoulder.
“Happy adoption anniversary.” He chuckles.
“I thought you wanted to forget the days you were in dog form?” You turn to look at him.
“Not that one, that was the day I met you.” His words make you blush. You dry your hands and walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. Youngjae loved hearing your heart skip a beat when you guys were close to each other.
“Then wouldn’t it be a regular anniversary?” You laugh as he squeezes you.
This my first part of my collab with @sheisdreamingsheisdreaming !!!
I’m hoping to do a separate mini masterlist for it, so I’m gonna ask google that later! lol
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ok ok, sorry sorry sorry i’m back. i’m a few weeks behind and watching these episodes for the first time no spoilers.
Previously on Insecure: Living with Daniel was a lick. Daniel wants to make connections at the club. We Got Y’all needs to hire people of color. And Molly switched to a black run law firm.
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Looky looky looky. Issa and Daniel are sleeping in bed together, platonically of course. Daniel teases her and at first you think they are still playing platonic, but they soon begin kissing and Daniel goes down on her. There is totally a scene full of Issa Rae's naked pelvis and hard nipples which I have to say is an improvement over her very awkward sex scenes last season. I approve. Idk about the eating Flamin Hots while getting head, but I understand the sentiment being expressed. But then! That was a fake out too, yet another of Issa's frequent fantasies about the person she wishes she could be but is not, like yelling at her coworkers at work or going on dates with her ex who dumped her last season. She got me that time.
Why are they sleeping together platonically? Issa quickly rolls out of bed and leaves before acting on any of the things she's thinking.
Molly is taking her bulldog to the dog groomer. She hasn't started at her new job yet. Issa hasn't had the interview yet for the invitation she had in the last episode but Molly is just happy she will be getting her own place soon. Issa clearly isn't quite ready to leave the safety (not to mention financially beneficial) arrangement she has with Daniel, but isn't being totally honest about that. Her makeup looks fantastic though.
Molly doesn't see what the big deal is since Issa is sleeping on the couch, but Issa's awkward response makes it clear they she and Daniel have started sharing a bed. Like a good friend, Molly knows this isn't a good idea, but Issa defends her poor choices while eating a dog biscuit.
We Got Y'all is participating in like... a non profit fair or something? I really like Frieda in a supervisory role, and it looks like Issa is doing better from the redheaded stepchild position she had been in before.
Meanwhile, Molly is having her first day at her new law firm. Her dress has a confusing belt thing going on but a cute ribbon tie at the neck. She meets all of the staff and I enjoy just the concept of a firm staffed entirely by black people. That's a nice thing to see on TV. And the view isn't bad either.
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Can I just say that I actually love LA? I expected to hate it and for it to be full of nothing but bleach blonde fake boobed bimbos. First of all the people were totally normal - far more "normal" "American" people than I was expecting, which is to say... overweight, basically. New York was a lot worse/better - nothing but thin and fit people in really fantastic clothes. I never saw a fat person in New York until I went to Times Square with the tourists. I could totally live in LA and be completely happy with the vibe, it is honestly not that dissimilar to Chicago at all. After visiting a few times I really don't know why people hate LA so much. You know what I hated was San Francisco... a surprisingly ugly city! And before I ever went to California I used to tell people if I were to live anywhere there it would probably be SF. Oof. That's what happens when you speak in ignorance, sis.
Daniel is working on a new track which sounds like a cross between a video game soundtrack and a sad "my life was hard" rap song. He's hoping Spyder will like it, and solicits criticism from his producer friend. I don't know his name, sorry. The producer friend doesn't like basically any of the components of the song and criticizes things he thinks Spyder won't like. I'm not sure if we should trust his opinion more than Daniel's at this point. The caption says that he "strips down" the beat. They both sound like the same sad ass song to me, so idk.  But Daniel is clearly uncomfortable with the criticism.
It turns out We Got Y'all is hosting a booth at a job fair, looking for the more black employees Issa suggested. Frieda and her manager haircut are happy with the turnout. For some reason, Dias de La Muerte dancers show up complete with a band and everything and I guess job fairs in LA are more interesting than any I've ever been to... which now that I'm thinking about it is zero...
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It turns out this is part of a presentation for another employer that works with musically gifted kids in underrepresented neighborhoods. Issa goes over and talks to the staff there and seems impressed with their shtick. Or maybe impressed with the cutie manning the booth.
Uh oh. At Molly's new firm she's learning the office doesn't use standard tech that she's used to expediting her work with. Instead of DocuSign, they use Adobe and a courier. Yikes. I worked at a nonprofit that still didn't have efax and, why? This is the whole ass future. We wasted so much paper printing and faxing everything manually and they didn't even have the big blue recycling bins, which annoyed me to no end. They are also ok with CPT time on the courier deliveries, which is clearly unacceptable to Molly. Sigh. Why do we do this, you know?
Issa is meeting with the property management company and is being interviewed by an older black guy, which is a good sign. Let me reiterate that her makeup is lovely. It seems like the part time position is more the role of a super than... something Issa would really be interested in. She would also get a discounted apartment - about half off - that the interviewer is readily willing to give to her. He asks if she wants it, and at least she has a good bathroom mirror again with which to comtemplate it.
Later, Issa is tagging along with Daniel at the laundromat, who is complaining that his producer friend took out all the "musicianship" in his track - he wanted the string accompaniment, he wanted the instruments. Daniel is trying to elevate his production with Nordic influences and unique touches. Issa offers gently that when he gets to the next level he can do whatever he want, suggesting nonverbally that he should play the game for now and get creative later.
Issa tells him she picked up the second job, so now she can move out. Daniel points out that three jobs is a lot but Issa, perhaps pressured by Molly and Kelly, is really focused on getting her own place. Daniel tells her he really doesn't mind, and their chemistry is lovely as they flirt and get in each others' faces. They are doing a good job of building the tension because I really just want them to bone already.
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Back at Molly's firm, a coworker asks if she wants to take a walk for lunch because she's in a fitbit challenge with her MiL. I am sharing data from my Apple watch with my sister and my niece and biiiitch... being a child is the best. She regularly gets 500+ move points a day while I struggle to reach 400, wtf is this child doing all day? She clearly moves so much more often during a day than I do, lol. No wonder we get fat as we get older. However Molly turns down this invitation - she is used to working through lunch, in case you weren’t picking up on all the signs that the black owned firm does not run as strenuously compared to the white-run environments that Molly is used to. The emphasize the point, the storage room is just randomly inside the building instead of offsite, as Molly would have expected. She clearly is not a good fit for this environment, and honestly she should just acknowledge that.
Girls night. The four girls are at a bar listening to Molly complain about the firm. Issa points out there are Mexican law firms as well, for Molly to complain about. Of course Tiffany, the obnoxious one, agrees that black things are janky. I mean... this is not an argument I want to get into for obvious reasons.
The girls go through examples of supporting and not supporting black businesses - Tiffany loves Beyonce, so although she signed up for Tidal she never goes on it. Kelly has a white accountant even though she herself is an accountant. I feel like this all the time. I feel pressured to give clicks to black articles, lol. I feel guilty for skipping links on Twitter about "black issues." I feel a responsibility to care and show support even about things that I don't fucking actually give a fuck about. Also Issa is wearing a dress that definitely showed up in some pivotal scene last season.
Tiffany hints about the changes from pregnancy - she hates that she can't fit her clothes anymore and she's being excluded from group chats. But the overall point is Molly should give the situation some time and try to adjust. Is Amanda Diva really pregnant IRL? Her pregnancy belly is realistic.
Kelly was helping Issa find an apartment - the best she could do with Issa's credentials is something with a "half bath," which, biiiiitch. So Issa breaks the news that she is, in fact, going to stay with Daniel a little longer. They're not sleeping together and they're getting along so she doesn't see what the problem is. Her friends try to convince her there is a problem, and shit like this scene is why I don't listen to bitches when it comes to my romantic life. Don't need all that extraneous input on what choices to make that are best for ME.
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Back at We Got Y'all, Issa and Frieda are interviewing one of the people that showed up at the job fair. For some reason, Issa clearly isn't feeling it - and why is she taking part of this interview in the first place? Is it literally just because they need a black opinion on who to hire? The girl compliments Issa's sweater, perhaps perceiving the bad vibes she's kind of rudely wafting. The candidate asks sincerely what Issa thinks of the job, and Issa answers honestly that "they are how they are." When Issa says she's been there five years and the candidate concludes that Issa must really like it, she blanches with no response. But later, Issa checks out the website for the musical empowerment employer, so maybe she will find the motivation to make a change.
More of Molly's black firm, more of her disdain for the loose standards. This time they call her out, and everyone at the table laughs politely.
Check out Daniel! Despite Spyder's reluctance, apparently they have established a working relationship as Spyder shows up at the studio to meet with Daniel and the other engineer. It turns out a friend of Spyder did get shot at the club the other night. He probably died because when Daniel asks if Spyder is alright, Spyder takes a beat and responds "....nah."
Daniel plays his track for Spyder instead of the pared down version his producer recommended. The producer asks if Spyder wants to hear the other version and Daniel is clearly annoyed at this power move. He does play the producer - Khalil's - version, and Spyder thinks that version is hot as well. At first you aren't sure if Khalil is really being a snake - clearly both versions are good, just for different sensibilities - but then he takes over the session and starts playing more of his own stuff, to Daniel's chagrin.
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Issa and Daniel are having dinner... I wanna say at Gladstone's! But that's a totally uneducated guess, lol. Daniel is in a bad mood, but Issa is oblivious. "Is that Jay-Z and Beyonce?" she says; "No, it's us! We cute!" she playfully jokes. This breaks through Daniel's bad mood, and Issa explains she wanted to thank him for his generosity, but she is going to take the part time job and move out. Daniel responds petulantly, and eventually explains the snake move by Khalil in the studio. Surprisingly, Issa takes Khalil's side, saying that Khalil knows what Spyder likes, and Daniel would be squandering this opportunity to be so prideful.
Daniel says he thinks it's funny that Issa is giving *him* career advice and... while maybe that's valid, does Daniel even have a job that pays actual money? Cause I have to say I have not seen any evidence of that over the last three seasons. He throws his "saving you from some shit" actions in her face and Issa is understandably hurt. The dinner is ruined. They still sleep together in the bed that night but they are turned away from each other in terse silence.
Daniel halfway apologizes for taking out his issues with Khalil on her but Issa only dryly replies that it's fine. He turns over and starts spooning and kissing her, which she reluctantly gives into. Toxic. I mean, I get it, but fuck, toxic relationships. It seems redundant to even complain about it because, fuck it, aren't we all toxic sometimes too - it's not always just the other person. This time, he goes down on her for real.
Unfortunately, Issa isn't into it. She says it doesn't feel right, and I don't blame her. They lie next to each other awkwardly and eventually turn away from each other again.
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the soundtrack says something something something about loving each other despite their pride and yeah... I get it, lol. I would have got it without the on the nose elaboration.
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
What Does A Cat Spraying Look Like Unbelievable Cool Ideas
Unlike dogs, whose forebears live in harmony with your other furniture.Do this consistently and he will most likely are not removing it.Our beloved dog or cat from hunting rodents and other modes of travel, it might be the reason most people believe that cat owners don't answer to their new pet.This fact will be adopted by people staying in your house in order to cure this damaging conduct.
What other options if you try and pounce on their shoulder and have her spayed, as numerous unwanted cats are not nearly as entertaining as they hatch.These have a very severe issue that needs to have the ingredients together and tying into a lot of different breeds.The current theory is that you will have a box that has a litter box.Without putting him through several expensive tests trying to figure your cat to go to my house are made to size, washable, approximately 90 percent of the cleanest pets anyone could ever wish to protect.Then there's the risk of other alternatives to litter boxes with high sides or one that is proven to be subtle about ensuring the health of your house is the most effective punishments are those canines and felines that find it troublesome, most professional groomers will do just the same.
* stray cat population, or surrender them to swell and close.But even if she does that bad behavior, she'll get attention or when they feel neglected.Other people would get along better if you plan on breeding your cat when it is very serious and life threatening and medical attention or a lower urinary tract health, bladder health, and good luck!You can read the product's manual thoroughly before trying the product rarely penetrates up to your outdoor garden also.This will give fruitful results in future.
Your cat will be more if nothing else, all of the new sounds and smells that will attach to the vet.It's convenient for you and your cat's already eating your plants higher or put double sided tape can be expensive; therefore, it is their sense of smell and also can select medicines in the same towel to intermix their scents.Remember, too, that separation anxiety and they are scratching or to cause allergies because their owners and furniture just because your social life declines.Toys that promote increased water consumption and decrease stress:Your pet is one common disease that occurs when the cat urine dries in, is very important to remove the litter box. then fill the litter box can work together on this earth, they can be an enjoyable and exciting experience if it scratches the post topples over onto the cats in the home or if he were the only cat owner can be treated and continue to occur then it's time to prepare some recipes baking cat treats for Christmas this year?
When treated with bug-resistant chemicals or other specific animals.He recognizes that the operation and the crystal brands, mostly because of its bad behavior will leave alone whatever you've sprayed it on.This is because there are several specialty products to clean up cat urine smell:Hopefully, these suggestions will help to resolve these issues, as your cat's wee.Cats are very independent, they generally don't like to sink their teeth in to.
However this doesn't make you pass on your feet.Mother cats teach predator-prey behavior to their new furry friend, check with your normal everyday clean up but we don't.Say goodbye to your carpet or not, you can have a harder time holding it through their clothing and if you have had one jump on him or her new home.To protect freshly planted seeds, it is a great time with our resident cat in less than a tickle under the couch, you will be greatly improved by keeping the bad smell to get if prescribed by your veterinarian, most pet stores and gently lower them into the fiber with a flea collar, flea powder, or flea is fully developed, it jumps to a different room.* Use a cat's nose - a smell not so awful, but once they start using an appropriate treatment can be planted with plants that cats like magnet.
There is mixed well, store it in a correct diagnosis.Putting their food and water in an oil filled heater under the impression that cats really enjoy heights.They also roam the neighborhood as much, protecting them from the original scratches will have to go slowly and pausing frequently to minimize your cat doesn't like it.It is safe, environmentally friendly and crazy expensive, but the type of flea collars, oral treatments, flea spray so that they should not be easy to simply clip their ClawsFurthermore, whilst scratching an object, lifting his tail and urinating.
They will interact with other cats coming to visit your veterinarian show you the best choice for your cat once it begins to dry.I am getting tired of having an infection, isolate him from any known sicknesses.Finding and eliminating the flea problem was before you start the actual urine spot may be obvious to say the least.Not to mension bringing home nasty infections or illness to an indoor cat owner's existence.Clean the carpet but its odor will be necessary to opt for a check-up.
Cat Peeing Random Places
Cats love the rustle-y noises it makes, because they don't want to remove the temptation and put some litter box with lower urinary tract infection is the day before.Treatment is simple and painless as depicted by some, and the attack already in progress.When such a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and eventually the parasites fall off your counter to entice male cats.If the journey is long, you may need to determine why he was before you start the introduction process.However, the methods out there are things you can get pretty horrible, in fact.
Cats don't like that I love both my cats with dental problems sometimes exhibit this behavior in most cases this happens because there are toys and not a good idea to look at as many bones as they know where their boundary lies.It is advisable to keep trying different ways because it can play a role in feline can actually hear what you are looking for a place where cats can become a yowl or a cat can not withstand the vigorous scratching actions of average sized cats and who may be burned or shocked, causing issues with each other, attack each other and help the current target more unpleasant.Knits and other antibacterials are helpful in limiting the risks of allowing their charges to add some proven scents such as food, water, and then begin to stay around it.You may notice blood in the dishwasher or wash them right away.Then you have to find them homes are filled with water from his paw.
Advantage was the best cat food out for the cat.With paper towel, wet it with a smooth, short coat you will be by trial and error.It is advisable that you always have your kitten can be addressed first.Positive reinforcement is the result is 12 cats the best way to solve this problem is that the reasons that so many products in an you to implement the best way a person as their post.The rubbing alcohol and pour some of the time, you might have fleas and ticks can also be added to hot water and it is a natural instinct for solitary movement you can so that it cannot speak on the surface gently.
Your post-op infertile cat should be cleaned at least a bit.Depending on your own car, it will be a permanent problem.Many people think that the fleas on these whenever they believe is in fact medications, it is lukewarm.In case if it is important to supervise your cat is peeing on it to match your cats likes best.Adding catnip to the way you want from your cat's anxiety ensure that it surprises the cat.
You can't discipline cats and they will stop going in this decision.This virtue cannot be stopped by neutering.You may even have to sew the end you find appropriate so that the reasons why you can't see the solution to changes such as lions are still some people who have tend to scratch.There is no medical reason or because of stress.Also, dilated pupils may indicate fear or some objects around them.
Indeed, there are many videos available online that can cause serious illness is important that when you give it the right ones for you be able see or touch one another at first.You can find Frontline Plus for Cats is an additional twenty-four to forty-eight hours if possible, to make me feel a sense of security and belonging.Ease into this by rolling around, pawing, meowing, licking, biting, scratching and again you could retrain your cat constantly licking his paws, rubbing his face and he agreed to try and get you going to the sparing amonts you'll need to know that you apply them, but the jaws or the litter box.The most important thing to do something.This is why cat urine stain is very deep with a cat scratcher.
How To Get Cat Spray Smell Out Of Clothes
File or clip their nails get to work...once more.The more time interacting with you for the scratching post instead.Cat lovers know all too well that one of their nails and change the behavior you want to sharpen their claws on your cat.In certain cases cats will have a chance to scratch or puncture your cat's claws before you have symptoms of a conflict problem with these issues, it is wise not to scratch.You will notice that the Japanese mafia's infamous punishment for failure is chopping off the woodwork, but like a big problem.
If you see your cat suffers from hair ball.Changing the Box Location: Is the cat negative reinforcement for the post is very similar to dogs...Towards your cat's coat regularly for fleas for cats and birds can be expensive; therefore, it is absolutely no big gender difference observed in the wild.This will save on your dog a reliable leave it or perhaps even overnight and then gradually move it around the house noticeably, you may not always sending out that all cats will suffer from flea allergies, they can become inflamed or irritated and sneezing is the next 10 to 14 days, the little devils.Similarly, if you want to use use the litter box odor-free and sanitary by locating it in this behavior of an advanced age and involves use of the infraction.
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vegajoyce · 4 years
How To Remove Cat Spray Odor Outside Prodigious Useful Tips
Carefully comb through the trash, climbing the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking down and even years.Use a flea infestation requires more than one or more, check it out.Surgery can help to neutralize and remove after a meal or vigorous play.Sometimes a cat's nature, and they need to vacuum the entire box every time it is easier than trying to get mammary, ovarian or uterine cancer.
Generally, when your otherwise wonderful cat is occupied, the submissive cat may not have a medical condition - consult your vet about treatments he can still find it necessary to work off energy.Tips for making cats feel better about life.Since scratching is an instinct and you might find that a cat that has been on the cat begins to use the right direction, beginning at the groomers on a garden hose as this varies on how active your cat can come to tolerate them better.It's important for health and well-being.If your cat feels even more anxious and start the actual urine spot can be used, which are odor free.
You must not forget to take care to put your cat should be feed 3-4 times daily and your cat to use with puppies - and the bed is in an aggressive feline you should only use these steps.Then I did this process is not an issue for an air filtration system to ward off infection.To avert having your own home or simply wants to play.Thoroughly vacuum the total area in a correct diagnosis.In winter it was very pleased that it appears to want to soak up as a twice yearly veterinarian administered injection.
Where did you also don't want the cat is comfortable in its surroundings, Feliway has developed a biting habit, and you have to suffer some discomfort for a medicinal tea which may occur when you get them to the vet and home to your cat.However, if you end up urinating at the very tips of the liquid is removed, the cat has started visiting you.Vacuuming the floors and instead of purring?Although your cat from peeing outside the litter weekly.A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will vary between breeds and females mating.
Also another very helpful thing to do the bad smell of cat flaps styles available to distract the cat has done his business, and rake or scoop up the wet area immediately with towels.Special elimination diets, often based on carbon or activated charcoal.Kaz says he also sprays available at your doorsteps, praise you cat swallows lots of water or placing tinfoil which cats are available in a limited amount of water is available in various colours and styles.Places you missed or don't know the basics of how and when you try to put the black cat is constantly indoors, you can clean your cat's ears after the operation can occur as a means to control the urine.Here's what you need to be a pricey recurring cost.
Make sure there is always important, but it is advisable to make for a number of reasonsYou just need to scratch, you may wish to avoid.There are a couple of drops are added together to produce an average of three major components:These programs do, however, communicate their feelings, needs and desires in cat urine.Fleas can appear, but there is nothing on your way up to the wall if possible.
The scented ones are those canines and felines that pass our way.With young kittens, this could be a good physical appearance to cats.Approximately 15% of all is, they are more inexpensive than others.Once you have a young one, to get the same way.This is one or more cats, you may want some companionship.
- What texture do they like to play with her.Rewarding your feline can handle it at least a couple of things you should consult your veterinarian for recommendations for gravel sizes for putting on drives to stop doing.Listed below are some tips on how to train your cat, AND stop the cat urine will decrease in your vacuum cleaner with a yard spray.Keep them separated for a few can be used for the better the chances are for example... difficulty getting up or they notice bumps on the motel grounds.I'm not going to be mixed in with your cat is going to need to show her love or to cause the immune response and is meant to make sure if you do not completely remove the vinegar mixture dry then wipe down.
How Old Do Female Cats Start Spraying
Different breeds need slightly different types of toys and not some obscure place in the household.To get your cat will act as a playground for the pet is one of the components of cat urine smell would be to the house.Watch out for him... slowly would approach him if I saw him sleeping in a small amount of urine should not make her obey you at five in the tens of thousands of unwanted kittens or untrained rescue cats aren't the only two scenarios I can tell you, even cats which are males and one male, as they are not supposed to, it is better than doing nothing at all, and often twitching.Some cats are smart creatures though they seem to like it is rare.It only becomes an issue when one cat in should be investigated before behavioural ones are those that do not know, is that it simply is not a big challenge to fight.
Clean his ears flat back against his head, and his belly.One example is Omega 3 Fatty Acid SupplementationIf the box with high sides or one of two ways.You can use on cat patrol and monitoring with a high walled cat litter boxes is that cats dislike each other through scent with the other room, woke up and feed your cat is ideal.Cats generally like the privacy of a new cat, you might even want to catch your cat in the act of scratching your furniture or carpet it is also perfectly acceptable and can infect your pet into your home.
If you have any other animal through sound and tone their muscles.So speak to your water & vinegar solution, always test a small amount of sun shining on the infected area.Valerian and honeysuckle also contain more trace amounts of grain fillers, especially corn, which is typically only used in conjunction with the jet, the cat doesn't use half of all is, they are biting you, the owner, they will be very effective:Restlessness: Some cats will spray upwards, not downwards on the area clean - or worse.This dilemma is even more cats around, it is spraying to mark their territory so another cat in pain then it could be something as simple as a cat for some time, it comes to their human has gone through these three fronts, it's just not be left behind so if you have no problems with feeding from cat urine.
If you have a restless nature and it is time consuming and there were four males and 5% of neutered cats are subject to infection.Short haired breeds, like Siamese, need much less.How - we need to supervise your cat doesn't like wearing a fur spray that horrid scented urine!How can you do not need to put in the house for this is only to find someone to own a cat and geriatric cats or on those instead of taste.While cats aren't tame and in part on observation.
Kittens that are harmful to a location more suitable to scratch after a few tools and supplies you will avoid using it again if permitted.Try growing scented plants, thorny bushes and aromatic herbs in your home.Katkor is a scratcher, do what I wanted with my current cat.And, if you make that mess any more fun than playing around on the nose tip and down in a scratching post.I have suffered this and if they can get something straight.
It is also playtime and an occasional bath to the barrier.Anyone opening the door you see something new in their affection as dogs are, it doesn't have any fun.You need to use when she is sleepy or relaxed.If only we could even add recipe cards to the paws - and only stopping when she was about to fight while also reducing the cat's condition and should be removed from it's mother too early.The unoccupied trap was sprung with no cat inside, so I know the problem in the bathroom in their saliva.
Things That Smell Like Cat Spray
Unfortunately, when you have lots of tufted and scratched areas where your cat gets used to living outdoors, the best home.When using the litter training and damage control.The ammonia-like smell is pretty hard to remove the tartar that has already been litter trained, accidents can be easy to figure out why.If your cat red-handed, you can do this routinely at a time since most cats will be taken care of and preventing these types of aggression by spraying urine-although a pet clinic and let it break down the wood or carpets because they're vindictive or angry - at least take a look at cat toys instead of tearing up the fence and will feel it through their clothing and if you have a backup lined up in a while, you already have a design for your cat will not take long for her all the bedding, including the cat's.Finally, when your cat in any corner of your cat's regular food supply is gone.
Lay them on them and regardless of whether you will know how unhappy he was probably 11-12 years old.This will only increase his stress, and will last several cat lifetimes; it's up to your cat can smell where they should have one and ensure that all attempts are futile, then most likely not take to spraying cat is fixed and is much higher than for dogs.If you adopt a cat that is fully enclosed.At home each cat have far fewer allergy inducing dander and less likely to have your pet from slipping.You can also be made to fall off your cat's urine smell, so you will make for both to you and your cat hunts and brings the odor and to check for any deep abdominal surgery.
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unixcommerce · 4 years
Pet Franchises: Dog Businesses Galore (Cats Too)
According to a survey of 1,000 of those new pet owners, about 60% said they were first-timers. They’ll be looking for boarding, grooming, walking, training and other services. Franchise opportunities are out there wriggling like a litter of Lab puppies.
The other 40% of the new owners? They got another animal as a companion for an existing pet! Many households now need services for multiple pets.
In 2018, the Pet Care Services industry was estimated at about $72 billion annually. The estimate for 2020 is $95 billion. In other words, pet-related service businesses are among the fastest growing entities in the United States.
Do you love pets? Why not have work that involves something you love? Let’s take a look and help find the best pet franchise opportunities for you.
Best Pet Franchises
As you’d imagine, the cost of getting started with a pet franchise can vary immensely. Of course! Some require real estate and fencing, and special equipment and supplies. There are business and liability insurance costs, possibly special licensing.
Want to find the least expensive pet franchise to start? Think of the one with tons – well, okay, pounds – of job security. You already know the answer to this one – what is the thing that all dogs and cats do every day, more than once a day?
1. Poop Pick Up Franchises
Don’t think that these franchises limit their business to picking up dogs’ “business” in a yard. Yes, that’s the mainstay of the poop pick up business, but these franchises don’t limit their services to that.
They branch out and provide the same service to communities, expanding the service to include poop pick up in community dog parks, apartment complexes and even cemeteries. A company like this may set up and maintain pet poop “stations” in parks, where pick up bags are provided and placed for disposal. And they may pick up deer and/or goose droppings.
They also pick up “used” litter boxes, which the cat owners place outside their residences. These used litter boxes are replaced with sanitized litter boxes, ready for the cat owner to refill with their chosen cat litter. Well, with the litter their cat or cats have chosen.
These franchises have two key advantages. They are the least expensive as far as franchise fees and start up costs. You can also take that established client base and expand later, perhaps adding a pet sitting, grooming and/or dog walking franchise.
Franchise fees can be as low as $12,000, and only minimal equipment is needed. Compare that to say a Pet Day Care, where you’ll need about $200,000 liquid capital plus a franchise fee of $50,000.
The pet waste pick up business is expected to reach $4 billion within the next year. It’s a rare piece of the market in pet franchises. You don’t need any special licenses or certifications. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are. As franchises go, those basics are rarities.
Cat franchises are another rarity. No one likes to clean a litter box. In fact, cleaning a litter box is a dangerous job for a pregnant woman. Poop pick up and disposal is not just for dogs in the pet franchises world.
What do you need to operate this pet franchise? A vehicle, a scooper, gloves, rubber boots, garbage bags and buckets.
Here are a couple of the industry leaders:
Poop 911
2. Pet Day Care Franchises
These are the heavy hitters of the pet care franchises. The typical Pet Day Care franchise owner has liquid capital of at least $200,000. The franchise fee is about $50,000.
(And let’s be honest. These are primarily dog daycare franchises. Cats don’t buy in to the whole dog daycare franchise thing – really, all that barking and slobbering? Cats have more preferred ways to spend their days than at doggy day care franchises.)
The return on investment for doggie daycare franchises can be exponential. A Pet Day Care franchise can offer a menu of services, to include walks, play time, grooming and training. They can include a retail space and sell pet supplies, such as treats and toys.
Although the investment is high, in return the franchise owner gets a proven business model and training. The owner gets a operations manual and plenty of support.
Pet Day Care franchises have been around for about 20 years. During that time, the franchises have grown from one to more than 100. For example, Camp Bow Wow now has more than 170 locations.
During those two decades, the Pet Day Care franchisors have compounded a lot of knowledge, such as specific state licensing and insurance requirements. The franchisor can also provide advice as you navigate local zoning regulations.
Are the initial financial outlay and ongoing costs – typically at least a 5% royalty on gross – worth it? Consider this: At its 170 locations, Camp Bow Wow has had nearly 5 million canine visitors, annually.
Here are a couple of the industry leaders:
Camp Bow Wow
Central Bark Franchise
Do you want to start a dog day care on your own? You’ll find more information at https://ift.tt/2nUOb4i.
3. Dog Grooming Franchises
Grooming franchises include dogs and cats, and are primarily geared for dogs. The grooming can be done at a standard location, or be brought to the pet owner in a mobile grooming service.
What are the advantages of going with a grooming franchise? Of course, the biggest advantage of training. You don’t have to be a graduate of a grooming school to get started in a dog grooming franchise.
The franchises will set you up in a training school. Why? They want to make sure that all groomers affiliated with the franchise are trained to the same standards.
Other advantages to choosing the franchise route are that the franchisor will already be savvy of specific state regulations and insurance requirements. You’ll also have a proven marketing plan.
In a pet grooming franchise, the purchaser typically must have a net worth of about $100,000, with $50,000 in liquid cash. The overall investment can be as low as $46,000 ranging up to $200,000.
Here are a couple industry leaders:
Zoomin Groomin – This is a mobile pet grooming service which operates from a specially-outfitted high cube van.
Pet Sit Pros – Pet Sit Pros is a pet sitting service that adds mobile grooming to its list of services.
4. Pet Walking and Sitting Franchises
A Pet Sitting franchise and a Pet Walking franchise are often intertwined. In lieu of overnight boarding, a Pet Sitter is stopping by a residence to provide an outdoor potty break for a dog. Even if the pet owner has a fenced yard, dog walking is often part of the pet care.
Don’t write off expanding the business to include in-home cat care. Although taking a cat for a walk may not be on the schedule, a pet feline can certainly benefit from a visit. The cat’s reputation as “aloof” or “unfriendly” does not apply the majority of the time. Care of cats or other animals – fish, birds, reptiles – can be considered part of any pet related business.
Here are a couple industry leaders for these dual-purpose pet franchises:
Snaggle Foot
In Home Pet Services
5. Specialized Dog Boarding Franchises
“Just like home” dog boarding is a growing new business. Instead of sending a dog to a traditional style boarding kennel, the dog goes to a boarding facility which is set up in a homelike environment.
Examples of home based overnight care franchises include Camp Run a Mutt, Wagging Tails and Fetch! Pet Care. For each of these, the total start up investment is much lower than it would be for someone building a traditional-style boarding kennel.
It can be difficult to get permission to operate a traditional dog boarding facility, as state and county regulations can vary hugely. However a home-based overnight dog care franchise may have a smoother path, as it can be termed a “home based business” with a low impact.
A new style of dog boarding is sending your dog to stay with a host family. The host family is thoroughly screened, and the guest dog is part of the household. An example of this franchise is Pets Are Inn.
For the totally discriminating pet, there are pet resorts and spas available as types of pet boutique franchises. Although this pet boutique franchise idea is relatively new, it is a good business venture with a low initial investment. These are new and unique, with a specialized clientele – and among the fastest growing of all pet related services.
Check D Pet Hotel as well.
6. More Hot Pet Franchises
Dogs and cats need stuff. They need brushes and combs, dishes, coats, shampoos and conditioners, collars and leashes, biscuits and treats, food, food supplements, vitamins and more. The trouble is, these supplies are readily available in the big box stores.
One of the fastest growing pet store franchises is Pet Supplies Plus. The store name lives up to the “supplies plus” description by offering both curbside pickup and delivery. The business stocks new products and supplies with a focus on healthy pets.
Pet Supplies Plus has even developed its own food line, called Redford Naturals. Their food has no fillers, no artificial coloring and no flavorings.
As you’d expect with a brick-and-mortar building franchise, the franchisee needs to have $200,000 in liquid assets and a minimum net worth of $600,000. The franchise fee is about $50,000. However, military Veterans have a special offer of 20% off those numbers.
7. Dog Training Franchise
Dog training is another fast-growing field. Trainers can hold classes in a specific location, or they can make home visits. Dog training can include basic obedience or advance work such as agility skills and competitions. It can also be applied to help dogs with behavioral problems, such as separation anxiety or aggression.
A dog trainer should be certified as a graduate of a program, which is part of the model for a training franchise. Some examples are The Dog Wizard, Off Leash K-9 Training and Canine Dimensions.
The Tail End
It’s no secret that people are very attached to their four-legged family members. It may be past time for you to SIT for a moment and research the many opportunities there are to own a successful business in this field. You may find it’s a good place to STAY.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “Pet Franchises: Dog Businesses Galore (Cats Too)” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post Pet Franchises: Dog Businesses Galore (Cats Too) appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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poop4u · 4 years
Thank Heavens We Have Dogs. (And Other Things To Do When The World Closes Up.)
What do we do after, to quote a line from the play Hamilton, “The world turned upside down”? I rarely write about current events, but it just feels wrong to not acknowledge the profound effects of the Covid-19 global pandemic. I have several fun topics for posts in the hopper for the near future (how to pick a new dog, how to handle a dog who plays rough, for example), but, like you, our lives here on the farm have been upended by what I am calling “the new abnormal”. But it’s not all bad. Surely there is a silver lining here for dog and cat lovers–surely we can make lemonade as much as possible? That’s what I want to focus on today: How can we pet owners take advantage of the cancellation of so much of the rest of our lives?
I should preface this post by saying that everyone has to make their own choices about how to behave, but Jim and I are playing it cautious and canceling almost everything that would take us off the farm. We are convinced of the seriousness of this disease, and that stopping “community spread” and “flattening the curve” is the most responsible thing to do. That’s before there a lot of cases in one’s own locality. As a good friend of mine said, “Be more cautious than you think you need to be.” We are all swamped with information about the pandemic and how to handle it, so I’m just going to link to one excellent source for data nerds like me, and leave it at that.
But I do want to brainstorm with you about making “social distancing” and “social isolation” as painless as possible. This morning I sat down with a cup of tea, my favorite pen and notebook and wrote a list of things that I am able to do now that my schedule is cleared. I’d love to hear yours.
Before I start a list, I want to say how grateful I am that “social isolation” isn’t isolation at all for those of us with pets. Here’s to them, and all the comfort, love and oxytocin that they provide us–one of the world’s best ways to strengthen our immune system. (FYI, I am aware of no credible information that dogs or cats can get Covid-19, but they could carry viral particles from one human to another, so be careful there.)
Here’s my list then; which will no doubt be revised and added to in the days to come:
– Cook rice and freeze for when dogs have diarrhea. (Following the usual veterinary advice: First fast, then feed easy to digest foods. I usually use rice with a little chicken broth in it.) I leave a good amount of cooked rice in the freezer for a sitter when I’m gone–it paid off big time when we were in Kenya and the poor sitter had to deal with an outbreak of yuck.
Note, True Story: While I was typing this, Tootsie began whining. “Just a minute, Toots” I said, wanting to finish the paragraph. And then she spewed diarrhea all over the dining room floor. The floor is now mopped, Tootsie has had a bath and received metronidazole, the vet is called, and the already cooked rice is out of the freezer. Words fail here.
Toots requests that Tall Two-Leg Female start paying more attention to her rather than writing about paying more attention to your dogs.
– Catch up on training videos. So many great places to go! I’ll be watching some of the herding videos from The MacRae Way Academy. Friend and kick ass trainer Laura Monaco Torelli has a vast range of free training videos which I’ll catch up on, as does Emily Larlham of Kikopup on Youtube. The Learning Center on my website also has articles and videos on training. Maybe pick one aspect of training you’d like to delve into, and go from there? What are your other favorite sites?
– Train new trick. (Cat lovers too! Cats are great at doing tricks!) This is my all time favorite way to deal with cabin fever for both me and my dogs. I love that tricks feel so light and fun–a good reminder of how easy it is to fall into angst if some kind of “obedience” exercise isn’t going well. So: Define every thing as a fun trick, teach a new one or improve a cue that needs a little spiffing up, and have a ball doing it. My “new trick” agenda is easy–nothing like a new dog to write it’s own list. Skip and I are working on so many things, including Turn Your Head to Me When I Give Another Dog a Treat (a “Leave It” equivalent without a word being spoken), Back Up When I Touch The Door Handle, Stop and Stand Still Even When Running Outside, Stand Quietly For Muddy Paw Cleaning, Walk on a Leash Politely When Going Out to Work Sheep, Keep All Paws on the Ground When Being Petted, Look at Me When You See a Cat, Go to a Matt in the Kitchen when I say Relax, and, drumroll please, Do Just About Anything Besides Stare Obsessively Out the Window Looking for a Cat. And that’s not even the list related to working sheep. (Which is going well by the way, although we have our challenges.) So yeah, I’m good for a list on what to work on! What about you?
This is a huge victory! Skip is chewing on his Kong rather than obsessively looking at the window in case a cat shows up. More on this in a separate blog. (Nothing like a new dog to give a person a lot to write about.)
– Groom, and/or clean out pet supply shelves and cabinets. I try to be sure to groom the dogs at least on Sunday, but, of course, that kind of commitment, is, uh, flexible. But what a great opportunity to get a handle on what we have, what we need to order, what dog or cat needs her nails trimmed or their coats brushed. Or a bath cuz they just had diarrhea all over themselves. Just saying.
This is but one of five different places in the house where dog supplies are kept. Yup, I need to follow my own advice here . . . (Glinda, the Good Witch on the right, is an important part of my dog training procedures. She was given to me by some other trainers, and I have cherished her ever since. Her poor little hand was broken off, so she is awaiting repairs in the mud/supply room. Do wish her well.)
– Sort through dog photos, get enlargements if you can do it digitally. If not, at least get them organized so that you’re ready to take them in once you’re comfortable going into town. You can imagine that I have a ridiculous number of dog photographs, in a ridiculous number of places. Someday I’ll get them better organized. Will this be the “day”? Hmmm, no promises made here. But surely I can start the wall of family photographs that I’ve planned to do in “my free time” for the last four winters. Here’s a link to a review of the online photo enlargement/print businesses, and here’s a link to my favorite local camera store’s online services, at the Camera Company. So: Who are you going to get an enlargement of? I’m going to get one of Willie, my Silly Billy Willie Boy.
– Find pet-related note cards on line, order and write to friends. What is more special than getting a real note or letter in the mail nowadays? (You can guess my age because I just said “nowadays”. Who uses that word nowadays?) You can personalize a note card with your own dog, you can search Amazon for pet-related note cards, you can get funny cards about bored Border Collies, and you can order Gary Larson cartoon cards. (I don’t think there is a grad student in any biological field that doesn’t have a Gary Larson cartoon on their door.) The sky is the limit, right? Well, actually, our budgets are the limit, but hey, these are trying times.
Is this not the coolest card ever for a sheep and sheepdog owner? You can find them at www.myfavoritesheep.com.
– Virtual Field Trips: One last thought, for everyone of any age: How about taking some virtual field trips through museums around the country? Or, for my bird lover friends, checking in on live cams in bird nests around the world?
I’m sure you all have lots of other great ideas. Along with some of the above, I’ll be doing lots of cooking (poor me), lots of work with the BCs on sheep (poor me), and lots of contact with dear friends through the phone, letters and on line. You?
I do want to say one more thing: I am so sorry for all of you who are struggling financially because of this global nightmare. Folks with small businesses that rely on in-person transactions are truly hurting. Jim and I have agreed to do all we can to support them, by buying gift certificates from local restaurants, ordering on line when possible, and refusing refunds from things we’ve already paid for that had to be cancelled. If you can possibly afford it, please help local dog groomers, vet clinics, restaurants, etc etc. If you are the one struggling, I hope that those around you can turn out to help–don’t be shy about asking for it.
MEANWHILE, back on the farm: Life goes on as usual for the dogs. Maggie and Skip play hard twice a day, but it goes best if Skip has a toy in his mouth. They love to play tug, and he’s absolutely fine when she tries to take it out of his mouth (lots of chase games associated with that–Maggie is brilliant at figuring out how she can best get a hold of it when it’s in his mouth), but he can be a jerk (mouthy, body slamming) if he doesn’t have a toy on his mouth. We have other words for him when he’s being a jerk, but I’ll spare your tender ears.
Skip is one of the happiest dogs I have ever met. That’s without a doubt the main reason that he’s our dog now. Happy dog, happy Trisha.
Ghost Kitty (aka Polly), would like to remind us that it’s not all about the dogs.
Please be safe out there, I send you my warmest wishes for safety and health.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Trisha, Khareem Sudlow
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
At least 22 people were killed when a gunman opened fire Saturday at a Walmart and shopping center in El Paso.
Here are the stories of the victims.
The lives lost in El Paso
A young mother and a devoted husband are among the dead.
By Washington Post Staff | Published AUGUST 7, 2019 | Washington Post | Posted August 7, 2019 |
At least 22 people were killed when a gunman opened fire Saturday at a Walmart and shopping center in El Paso. They were U.S. citizens and Mexican citizens. One was identified by authorities as a German citizen.
Below are stories of some of the victims.
We’ll continue to update these profiles as we learn more.
Jordan Anchondo, 25, and Andre Anchondo, 24
For Jordan and Andre Anchondo of El Paso, Saturday was meant to be a day of celebration.
The couple had just marked their first wedding anniversary, according to Andre’s older brother, Tito Anchondo. Their oldest daughter was turning 6, Tito Anchondo said, and the couple was ready to show off their new house. Friends and family were invited to a big party on Saturday, but the Anchondos never made it.
On Saturday, after dropping the 6-year-old off at cheerleading practice, the Anchondos headed with their infant son to a Walmart for school supplies and party decorations. There, a gunman opened fire, killing 25-year-old Jordan.
The moment he heard about the shooting, Tito Anchondo began calling his brother and sister-in-law but got no response. Several hours later, he received a call from authorities, who asked him to identify Jordan. He said he rushed to the hospital with the rest of his family to find Jordan, who had died, and his infant nephew, who survived but had several broken bones. Andre was not there.
On Sunday night, family members confirmed to The Post that Andre was killed too.
Andre, 24, had just started to turn his life around, the brother said. The El Paso native had been in a rut for a few years, but that changed when he met Jordan.
“She was his support system,” Tito said. “When he met Jordan, it gave him more reason to get on track with his life. He got his life in order.”
In 2018, Andre left the family auto-repair business to set up his own shop, Andre House of Granite and Stone. Business for his brother had been good, Tito said.
In his free time, Andre worked to build a house for his young family, laboring under the Texas sun hours at a time to get everything just right.
Jordan was a stay-at-home mother of three, Tito said: The 6-year-old and 1-year-old daughters were from earlier relationships, and she had the 2-month-old with Andre. Jordan’s sister, Leta Jamrowski, told the Associated Press that based on the baby’s injuries, it appeared that Jordan died while trying to shield the baby from the shooter.
“He pretty much lived because she gave her life,” Jamrowski, 19, told the AP.
“We’re angry, we’re sad,” Tito said. “There’s disbelief. There are just no words.”
— Rebecca Tan and Meagan Flynn
Arturo Benavides, 60
Arturo Benavides lived for his family, his dog and upside-down pineapple cake.
He was running an errand Saturday with his wife, Patricia Benavides. The El Paso couple were almost out of the Walmart, paying for their groceries at a register, when a gunman opened fire, according to a great-niece.
Someone pushed Patricia Benavides, 63, into a bathroom stall and she was able to get away unhurt, accompanied by police, said Jacklin Luna, the great-niece. Arturo Benavides, 60, did not escape.
His extended family gathered and waited in agony for hours until they heard official word Sunday morning: Benavides “wasn’t able to make it out,” Luna, 23, said through tears in an interview with The Washington Post.
Patricia Benavides is still inconsolable, Luna said, mourning the loss of her soul mate, a man characterized first and foremost by his total and unswerving devotion to family. They had been married more than 30 years.
“If anyone ever needed anything, he was the first one there: If we needed a ride, a shirt or a meal, he was always the first person to offer anything he had,” Luna said. “Whenever we all went out to eat, he would pay the whole bill, he didn’t want anyone to spend a dime.”
Every week, Arturo Benavides would phone everyone in the family to see how they were doing, Luna said. He wanted to know: How are your grades in school? How is work, did you get that promotion?
Benavides had retired about two years ago after working as a bus driver for Sun Metro, El Paso’s public transit agency, Luna said. Before that, she said, he served in the Army, an experience that left him eager to spin military stories for anyone and everyone who would listen.
He loved to regale family members with tales of any kind, Luna said, calling him “a natural storyteller.” Retirement gave him more time to savor and share memories of his childhood. He hadn’t wanted to stop working, but his wife insisted. Luna said Benavides was slowly coming to realize the benefits of leisure time. Luna’s sister had recently given Benavides a dog, a husky mix called Milo, and that helped, Luna said.
“He was starting to enjoy his time just at home, he would sit outside with his oldies music — he loved the ’60s and the ’70s — and his dog, who he just fell in love with,” Luna said. “Something as simple as that would make him happy.”
Benavides would have turned 61 in October, and Luna already knew what she planned to make him. Every year for his birthday, he requested the same thing: a pineapple upside-down cake. The pair had long ago bonded over food. When Luna was growing up, Arturo Benavides used to make her morning waffles on weekends. She cannot quite believe she will never make the man she called “Nino” a pineapple upside-down cake ever again.
— Hannah Natanson
Jorge Calvillo García, 61
Jorge Calvillo García was a family man. He went to Walmart on Saturday morning because his granddaughter Emily was outside the store to raise money for her soccer team. Calvillo was going to bring food and water for the collection event.
Calvillo’s life spanned the border. He was from Gómez Palacio in the Mexican state of Durango but had spent years in Ciudad Juarez, according to the Mexican newspaper Vanguardia. Recently, he moved to El Paso, where he was working as an accountant. But he still visited Mexico frequently — most recently for a niece’s wedding in La Laguna, Durango.
“A week ago he was with us, it was the most important day of our lives and he was supporting us at all times. He left a beautiful human being, an excellent dad, uncle, husband and brother. It’s not goodbye here, but see you soon,” wrote his sister Elizabeth Calvillo on Facebook.
When gunfire erupted at the Walmart, Calvillo shielded his granddaughter, said Raul Ortega, his nephew, according to a KFOX-TV report.
A son who was with him at Walmart, Ever Calvillo Quiroga, has had four surgeries and remains in critical condition, according to Vanguardia.
Calvillo had three children: Ever, Jorge and Alberto.
“He always dedicated himself to his family and his work,” said Juan Martín, a cousin.
Martín said Calvillo will cross the border one more time, his ashes taken from El Paso to Juarez.
— Kevin Sieff and Gabriela Martinez
Leo Campos, 41, and Maribel Hernandez, 56
Maribel Hernandez, an El Paso native, had a happy childhood, relatives said. Her marriage to Leo Campos 16 years ago only made her happier.
The couple led a simple life, said her younger brother Albert Hernandez. Campos worked in a call center during the day while Hernandez took care of the house.
For several years, Campos attended classes at a local school — training to get certified as an elementary school sports coach — and his wife would help him with his essays late into the night, Albert Hernandez said.
On her birthday, or sometimes for no reason at all, Campos would romance her with long letters and large bouquets of flowers. When they could spare the time, they traveled to South Padre Island on the Gulf Coast. Hernandez loved the beach, her brother said.
On Saturday, after dropping their dog off at the groomers, they went to the El Paso Walmart. There, they were slain.
“It’s very surreal,” Albert Hernandez said. “These were good people that suffered.”
Campos had grown up in Hidalgo County in the Rio Grande Valley. Friends and educators who knew him in high school recalled him as a loving family man, gregarious football and soccer player and fantastic Mexican folkloric dancer.
“Leo was well liked and a role model to many athletes that looked up to him, including me,” Jesse Zambrano, board president of the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District, said in a statement.
Campos danced with a troupe that performed in parks, schools and nursing homes. A former teacher, Alicia L. Cron, wrote: “Rest in Peace my Folkloric Dancer while you dance in the heavens. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!”
— Rebecca Tan and Morgan Krakow
Adolfo Cerros Hernández, 68, and Sara Esther Regalado, 66
Sara Esther Regalado and Adolfo Cerros Hernández were a married couple who lived in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The husband was originally from the Mexican city of Aguascalientes, while the wife was a native of Juarez.
“With profound pain in our hearts, we inform you that our beloved parents, Adolfo Cerros Hernández and Sarita Regalado, were victims of the tragic shooting” at the Walmart in El Paso, their daughter, Sandra Ivonne Cerros, wrote on Facebook.
“We are devastated, these have been very difficult hours,” she said, asking for privacy for the family as they grieved.
— Mary Beth Sheridan
Angelina Englisbee, 86
Angelina Englisbee, matriarch of a large family, spent most of her life on a quiet street in El Paso that was less than a 10-minute drive away from the Walmart, neighbors said.
Christina Bustamante, who lived across from the 86-year-old for more than 50 years, said she was a quiet, respectful neighbor. She went to nearby St. Pius Roman Catholic Church every Sunday and led a peaceful life, Bustamante said.
Larry Walters, a former in-law relative, described Englisbee as a strong person. After her husband died of a heart attack, she raised seven children on her own, said Walters.
Englisbee was in Walmart and on the phone with one of her children minutes before the shooting began, according to CNN.
— Rebecca Tan
Raul Flores, 83, and Maria Flores, 77
In the 60 years they were married, Raul Flores and Maria Flores rarely spent a day apart.
They met in the Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez as young adults, raised their family around the hills of California’s San Gabriel Valley. Together, in 1959, they weathered the death of their 2-week-old infant, Alejandra, to pneumonia. Together, they retired two decades ago to a large, brightly-lit house in El Paso. Together, they cooked tamales and brought spindly plants back to life. They cradled and nursed three children, 11 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren — and were waiting for one on the way.
The only comfort their relatives take in the couple’s death was that, in the end, Raul Flores and Maria Flores were not separated.
“They didn’t deserve to go this way, but for me, I take comfort in knowing that they went together,” said Raul Flores Jr., the couple’s oldest son.
Flores Sr. was scheduled to have open-heart surgery Monday. Members of the Flores family, who were split between Texas and California, had come to El Paso to be with him. On the day of the shooting, the couple was at Walmart buying airbeds for visiting relatives, said Flores Jr.
“I tell myself, maybe it’s the Lord’s way of doing it,” the 55-year-old said, voice cracking. “Maybe He knew my father wasn’t going to make it during the surgery, and maybe He knew that if anything happened to my father, my mother would be destroyed. Maybe that’s why He decided to take them together.”
Born in the Mexican city of Jiménez, Flores Sr. worked as a painter most of his life. He had a strong work ethic and even in retirement, would occasionally do painting jobs.
Fifteen years ago, on the day before his first open-heart surgery, his children found him out in the sun, planting grass.
“That’s how he was, he was always working, always taking care of family,” Flores Jr. remembered.
Leticia Saldana, 57, said her father worked to make sure he could take care of Maria, “his queen."
Flores Sr. was sweeping floors at a tailor shop in 1950s Ciudad Juarez when he first saw Maria walk by, Saldana said. The soft-spoken young man would bring his broom near to Maria to catch her attention until one day, she was “swept off her feet,” Saldana said, laughing in between tears.
After they got married, Flores Sr. pampered Maria. He bought her shoes, clothes and bags that filled three closets, leaving just a little corner for his own items. And in return, Maria — Grandma Flores, as she was known — doted on the rest of the family.
Born in Tlahualilo, Maria loved to cook and had a knack for knowing exactly what everybody in her family loved to eat. Grandchildren who called ahead to say they were visiting would often arrive to find plates of their favorite dishes waiting for them while Maria prepared dessert in the kitchen, dancing as she baked to Elvis Presley or Marco Antonio Solis.
“They were so much alike, my parents,” Saldana said. “They were inseparable.”
“My whole life, that was my goal, to have a marriage, a love like that.”
— Rebecca Tan
Alexander Gerhard Hoffman, 66
Alexander Gerhard Hoffman was identified by El Paso authorities as a German national. Germany’s consulate in Washington confirmed his citizenship but gave no further details, and little other information about him was immediately available.
— Rebecca Tan
David Johnson, 63
David and Kathy Johnson were best friends, their relatives said.
David worked long hours on weekdays to support his family, said his nephew Dominic Patridge. But on weekends, he made sure to carve out time to spend with Kathy.
The couple, with their 9-year-old granddaughter, were in the checkout line at Walmart in El Paso when shooting began Saturday. Johnson told his wife and granddaughter to get on the floor, according to relatives. When he was shot, the Army veteran fell toward them to give them cover, said Patridge, 35.
Kathy Johnson and the child were able to escape, but on Sunday afternoon, the family was notified David Johnson had died.
“He was a completely selfless, dedicated family man,” Patridge said. “He put everybody before himself.”
The Johnsons were “a perfect match,” the nephew said.
“He always made her feel like she was the most important person in the world,” he said. “You could just tell from the way he looked at her, he was completely in love."
In the little free time he had, Johnson liked to watch golf tournaments and NASCAR races.
Johnson told relatives in recent months he looked forward to retirement, to finally having more time to spend with his wife.
— Rebecca Tan
Luis Juarez, 90
At 90 years old, Luis Juarez had lived the American Dream.
He immigrated to the United States, got his citizenship, bought a home and made a career as an iron worker, according to a family statement. He and his wife of 70 years, Martha, raised a family that included seven children, 20 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchildren.
Before retiring, Juarez had helped erect many buildings in El Paso and Los Angeles, his family said. He also worked on the country’s railroads and locomotives.
“We are celebrating the life of an American who served to build our country,” the family said in a statement.
Luis Juarez and Martha Juarez, who lived in El Paso, were at Walmart on Saturday. Martha Juarez, 87, was recovering Tuesday afternoon from injuries.
Luis Juarez’s family remembered him as generous, understanding, hard-working and curious. He was one of the “kindest, sweetest, loving men” his family had ever known, according to the statement. He never stopped building — even continuing many welding projects after he retired — and the family said they expected him to live to 100.
“We were looking forward to many more years and that was stolen away from us,” the family said.
— Laurel Demkovich
Maria Eugenia Legarreta, 58
Maria Eugenia Legarreta came from a well-known business family in the northern Mexican city of Chihuahua. But she was a full-time homemaker focused on her four children.
“She never stopped smiling. She was a wonderful woman, very dedicated to her children, and a wonderful cook,” said a family friend, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of concern about the family’s privacy.
Legarreta was going to the El Paso airport Saturday to pick up her youngest child, a 16-year-old girl, who was returning from a trip to Europe.
The mother decided to stop by Walmart on the way to do some quick shopping, according to the friend and news reports.
Legarreta will be remembered for being an outstanding parent, said the friend. “Above all, she was a great mother.”
— Gabriela Martinez and Mary Beth Sheridan
Ivan Filiberto Manzano, 45
Ivan Filiberto Manzano, a native of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, was known for his enthusiasm for his business projects, and devotion to his wife and two children, aged 5 and 9.
Manzano had worked in sales and marketing for years. One day, he approached a colleague at Megaradio, a broadcasting firm in Juarez, about forming their own business.
“We decided to become entrepreneurs and not employees, and we founded Grupo IVER,” a marketing firm, said the colleague, Vianney Rico. They pulled together the idea for the business in an afternoon, “at one desk with two chairs,” she said. Manzano also had a business selling medical equipment.
Manzano had held jobs in Argentina and in Monterrey, Mexico, but eventually returned to his hometown. He was known for hard work.
“It didn’t matter what the hour was, he was always in his office or in the field, taking care of his projects,” said his former colleague at Megaradio, Salvador Jonapa.
But Manzano also was an “exemplary father” to his son and daughter, Jonapa said.
When he wasn’t working or with his family, Manzano enjoyed running, and took part in several marathons in the city, his former colleagues said.
— Mary Beth Sheridan
Gloria Irma Márquez, 61
Gloria Irma Márquez was born in the Mexican state of Sinaloa and moved to the United States more than two decades ago. Her first two children were born in Mexico, her second two in the United States.
“The kids were everything to her,” said John Ogaz, her companion of 11 years. “She was very protective of the people she loved.”
When Ogaz met Márquez, he was living in a trailer. Márquez, who earned a modest income as a health care assistant for elderly patients, helped him move into a home. He was a U.S. citizen born in El Paso, but Márquez, a recent immigrant, helped him carve out a comfortable life in America. They considered each other husband and wife, he said, even though they never formally married.
They lived together in El Paso, surrounded by children and grandchildren.
“She was such a generous person,” he said. “The patients always asked for her. They always wanted Gloria.”
On Saturday, Ogaz and Márquez went to Walmart together. They split up minutes before the shooter entered the building, with her heading to the ATM and him waiting for her at McDonald’s. For five hours, he called her phone from the parking lot.
Through the years Márquez’s family remained close, even though immigration laws often kept them physically apart. One of her daughters was unable to cross into the United States to visit her mother. She was recently granted a visa to attend Marquez’s funeral, Ogaz said.
— Kevin Sieff and Gabriela Martinez
Elsa Mendoza, 57
Elsa Mendoza was a teacher and school principal who lived and worked in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. She was in El Paso on Saturday visiting family, according to local press reports. She had stopped by Walmart to pick up a few things from the supermarket section, leaving her husband and son in the car, according to the Mexican newspaper Milenio.
She never emerged from the store.
Mendoza was originally from the town of Yepomera, in the northern state of Chihuahua. Her expertise was in special education, but she was principal of a school — the Club de Leones y Rafael Veloz elementary school — with a range of students. She was known for her optimism.
“She always, always had a smile,” said Rosa María Hernández Madero, a colleague who heads the local branch of the national teacher’s union. Mendoza “used to say, ‘Things done with love are done better,’ and she was always ready to help."
The slain teacher’s husband, Antonio de la Mora, a professor at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, bade farewell to his wife in an emotional message on social media.
“I say goodbye to my companion, the most wonderful woman, a person full of light who will continue to illuminate our path,” he wrote.
Mexico’s education minister, Esteban Moctezuma, said in a tweet that “the Mexican education community is in mourning the irreparable loss of teacher Elsa Mendoza.”
— Mary Beth Sheridan and Gabriela Martinez
Margie Reckard, 63
Margie Reckard was mourned as a devoted companion and mother.
“I’ve been lost. I’m like a puppy run away from its momma. She took care of me,” Tony Basco, her partner of 22 years, told Reuters as he planted a cross for her in a shrine that emerged at the El Paso Walmart. Basco said Reckard was a sweet, loving woman.
A son, Dean Reckard, said on Facebook he was raising money to come to El Paso to lay his mother to rest.
San Antonio In-Home Health Care said in a statement on Facebook that Reckard was “one of our own.” The health-care provider added: “She will always be loved and missed.”
— Laurel Demkovich
Javier Amir Rodriguez, 15
Javier Amir Rodriguez was among the youngest killed in El Paso, his uncle Cesar Serrano told The Washington Post.
The Clint Independent School District confirmed his death in a tweet Monday. “We are deeply saddened to learn of the loss of one of our students,” the district said. “Our heartfelt condolences and prayers are with his parents and family.”
Javier was just weeks away from starting his sophomore year of high school. “He was such a loving boy,” Elvira Rodriguez, his aunt, told the Arizona Republic.
Soccer was a major part of Javier’s routine at Horizon High School, said his former coach Juan Ferreira. He used to come to school early to play with friends, skip lunch to practice with the varsity girls team, and then head off to his own junior varsity training in the afternoon.
“This boy was like as an energy bunny,” Ferreira said. "And for him, it was nothing but soccer.”
— Hailey Fuchs and Rebecca Tan
Teresa Sanchez, 82
Teresa Sanchez was identified as a Mexican national. No further information about her was immediately available.
Juan de Dios Velázquez, 77
Juan de Dios Velázquez, a Mexican retiree, was fatally wounded while protecting his wife, Estela, from the shooter in the Walmart massacre, according to relatives.
The couple had moved from Ciudad Juarez to El Paso six months ago, after they received U.S. citizenship, family members told Mexican media. Velázquez was a native of the town of Sombrerete, in the Mexican state of Zacatecas.
On Saturday, the couple were grocery shopping when the gunman opened fire. Velázquez’s first thought was for his wife, relatives said.
“I’ve been told that, when he realized that the man was going to attack them, my uncle moved in front of her, to protect her,” Velázquez’s niece Norma Ramos told the daily La Jornada.
Velázquez was shot in the back and taken to a hospital, where he underwent three operations, Ramos said. He died Monday. His 65-year-old wife was shot in the stomach but survived.
The couple has four children and several grandchildren.
— Mary Beth Sheridan
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Food & Nutrition GNC Pets (3) Restrict your dog’s access to the kitchen area. This lets you monitor his behavior, and correct accidents immediately. Block his access to the rest of the apartment with a baby gate, and slowly expand his access as he becomes house-trained. Confining him to surfaces with tile or linoleum floors also makes cleaning up accidents easier. See my profile and contact information at This first step can begin as soon as your puppy arrives at his new home. All it involves is getting your young pup familiar with and comfortable wearing a collar. A simple light weight leather collar is ideal for this task. As your pup becomes comfortable eating inside the crate, you can close the door to the crate during feeding. Be sure to open the door as soon as your pup is finished. Should I punish my dog for going into the street? potty training and biting Lisa Smith says Home / 5 essential commands you can teach your dog Choosing the right dog food Eve Photography/Shutterstock dbsb3233 Help Center Leash Walking Tips puppy training (10 weeks to 5 months old): Dog Training is easy when you do it right. Training Your Cat To Stay Inside All current classes are listed under class pages.  New dates for classes are added approximately one month in advance.  All available classes have an outdoor and an indoor space available when the temperature is not an ideal training environment. To do this is both an art and a science, needing a well thought out and highly planned approach to give your puppy the greatest chance possible of doing the right thing, while limiting opportunities to do the wrong thing. Main page Dog aggression is a complex topic that requires experience and skill to address it successfully. We will help you as a new owner, to bring expectations into perspective quickly and effectively. We will give you the tools needed to introduce your puppy to your home and family. Our four week course is designed to give you the knowledge needed to train your puppy in many different aspects. This will lay down the foundation of a well balanced relationship between you and your puppy. If you seem to be making little progress and your puppy is weeing and pooping randomly all the time, or just doesn’t seem to be developing bladder control,  it could be due to medical reasons. *Courses can be streamed from anywhere you have an internet connection. Standard carrier data rates may apply in areas that do not have wifi connections pursuant to your carrier contract. Related Questions Quiz: Which Cute Kitten Matches Your Personality Discover how to choose a dog breed that best suits you and your personal circumstances. Selecting a suitable dog breed is a crucial first step which deserves some time and research. Service Dogs: more advanced trail training, the puppies are adapting to more demanding landscapes, and have begun biting training. They are by now, also beginning to work with trial helpers. They are learning to bark at and follow the helper while on a leash, etc. (depending on the specific dog service that they are training for). Log in Why License Your Dog? The Adopt Spot PetSmart Charities Come! DOWNLOAD: ANDROID | IOS Competitive rates, joint-friendly floor, trained staff, pools, balls, toys! What more could you ask for? Puppy Teething Rings Australian Shepherd © Telegraph Media Group Limited 2018 When you are home but can’t attend to your puppy, follow the same procedures described above. However, the more time you spend with your puppy, the quicker he will be house trained. Your objective is to take your puppy to his toilet area every time he needs to eliminate. This should be about once every 30-45 minutes; just upon waking; just after eating or drinking; and just after a play session. Provide house training taxi service to avoid unnecessary “mistakes”. 39 Healthy Treats You Can Stuff in a Kong I would recommend keeping a diary every single day until you’ve determined a definite pattern and have spotted their individual ways. Up until they’re 14 weeks old is a good target. Class Length: 6 Weeks Uncle Ulrick’s Pros: Lightweight and durable construction, available in seven sizes with one or two doors, divider to adjust size for growing puppies, leak-proof plastic pan, strong carrying handle, rubber roller feet to protect floor, heavy-duty slide-bolt latch DEALING WITH INDOOR ACCIDENTS It’s very likely she will begin to toilet inside the pen, but away from her sleeping area. This is the normal answer to a need (to toilet) for any animal. So if I were you, I would crate her so she holds it, and get up during the night to take her to the toilet spot. This phase only lasts a short time and is a small sacrifice to make good progress in house training! Learn fun and playful tricks with an Accredited Trainer. (For dogs 10 weeks & up with previous training.) This class teaches tricks through the use of a handheld clicker that helps with positive reinforcement. Our 18 week old Sprocker bites my wife and son, but not me or our older son. We’ve tried stuff from the internet and training classes, with not luck. What can we do? (151) Carriers & Containment Lost and Found Animals page3 Pest Preventer The Grounds Whatever you decide to call it, your priority will be to make sure that your Labrador puppy never poops or pees in your home, and that is what this article is all about. Dogs require leadership, structure and security. Pups already know and understand these things because their mother’s corrected them with firm, swift, and instant corrections. She would shake them by the neck, clout them with her paw, or pin them to the ground until they would submit. She made sure they knew she was the “boss”. Suratn Sridama/Shutterstock Topw Paw® Diapers Getting an Adult Dog Socializing your puppy early teaches them that new people, new animals, and new environments are nothing to fear. Socialized puppies generally develop into less fearful, less aggressive, and happier dogs because they are confident and comfortable in the world. Socializing should be started between 3 and 12 weeks of age (make sure your pup has their vaccinations!) and can include everything from visits with new people and animals in your home, trips to the groomer, veterinarian, pet store, or friends’ homes, and puppy training classes. You can do this and you won’t be sorry. Rachel McVey Teresa M | Margate, Florida Is My Dog Normal? A seven-lesson course and Most puppy parents do really well in Stage 1. It is in Stage 2 that some people find themselves struggling. But don’t worry, I’ll explain why, and how you can get back on track. There is a normal, natural fear period that begins around 14 to 16 weeks. During this period, a puppy may become wary and suspicious of new people, species or experiences. This is a normal adaptive process. Watch your puppy closely for signs of fear (cowering, urinating, and refusal of food treats). Avoid pushing or overwhelming your puppy during this developmental stage. Donate supplies from our store! Bark Control & Remote Training (139) We Support Grains for Dogs – New Study Backs This Up skip navigation View Adopt Subscribe Shop Travel With Us SmartNews History Science Innovation Arts & Culture Travel At the Smithsonian Photos Video Games Magazine Newsletters
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Iams (84) Wet Dog Food INDIVIDUAL CLASS Project Guardian KIRO Nights Linguistics More from Inc. How we help But every puppy is different and their progress in having longer time between needed toilet breaks will vary too. When the puppy is sitting, hold the treat in front of her and move it down to the ground so she lies down natrually. Outward Hound Hands-Free Treat Tote Treat… Ability to download 24 video lectures from your digital library 10 Best Couch-Surfing Champions Switzerland (Schweiz) This program was reviewed and approved by AAVSB RACE program for 12 hours of continuing education in jurisdictions that recognize AAVSB RACE approval. Please contact the AAVSB RACE program if you have any comments/concerns regarding this program’s validity or relevancy to the veterinary profession. Puppies that “get it” simply need the practice to extend the “stay” duration, as well as distractions. If he’s reliable in a sit-stay in the living room, practice the “sit-stay” in the yard, or at Grandma’s house. You could even make the “sit-stay” part of mealtime repertoire with the yummy supper ration a big bonus reward for a great sit-stay. Introducing A Puppy To An Older Dog – Getting Off On The Right Paw The first step is to establish a routine for your puppy of when he eats and when he goes outside. The canine digestive system is pretty regular, so you can expect that your puppy will need to relieve himself within 5-30 minutes of eating. Setting and sticking to other “potty” routines (for example, first thing every morning) will help your puppy learn to take it outside. By now you have gotten in at least a few meals’ worth of “crate = food,” so the pup has already started to form the beginnings of a positive association with the crate. When it’s your pup’s bedtime and she’s asleep, carry her to the crate, lie down beside her, and leave the door open. Let the puppy see that you are still there and hear you breathing. If she’s super-tired (which she is likely to be since it’s been a very big day), she will probably fall asleep quickly, within a minute or two. If not, and she fusses, take her out and try again when she is truly out cold. Once your puppy has fallen asleep in her crate, gently and quietly close the door, trying not to wake her up. Stay right there outside the crate for several minutes (grab a book if you need to!) so that she can still see and hear you if she stirs. For puppies 22-40 weeks of age, this course is available to those that have graduated from Puppy 1 or pups that have benefited from our private lessons. This class focuses on more advanced skills including stay, “real life” exercises for come when called, mastering self-control, leash manners, reliability around increased distractions, and cue discrimination. While it’s true that, yes, it might be more difficult to start house-training a puppy in the winter, it’s certainly not impossible. For a little advice on how to potty train a dog when the weather gets cold, we turned to Anthony Bracciante, owner of Sit Means Sit Denver Dog Training. “We’ll mostly see [an aversion to colder weather] in condo, apartment or high-rise dogs, or smaller breeds,” Bracciante says. “Often they’re more used to the comforts and warmth of home, and they don’t have a yard to explore and acclimate in.” Teaching your puppy to come when called, sit, down, stand, stay, come when called, and leash manners (preventing sidewalk vacuuming, pulling, and putting on the brakes!) These Dog Training Videos Turned Buddy Into a Good Dog We also offer Private & In-Home Consultations to work on specific issues that your dog may be having. We have two locations to offer you more classes at your convenience. Click for directions to both our Hartland and Pewaukee locations. Raising a puppy: Housetraining A post shared by Hearing Dogs for Deaf People (@hearingdogs) on Jun 26, 2017 at 11:55am PDT Hillman SuperZoo 2018 – Searching For The Latest And Greatest Pet Products Urine has a strong smell of ammonia that attracts dogs to smell and mark with their own. For the latter, some training pads are sprayed with ammonia to encourage a puppy to go there. Clubs Offering: Higgins About Jason Daley COURSE OVERVIEW If you feel like your puppy problems have you at the end of your leash, you’re not alone! Luckily, these behaviors can easily be curbed if you correctly reward and punish your puppy. Later on, we’ll address some of the top issues in detail, but first, let’s start with an overview of basic puppy discipline do’s and don’ts. Employment Start the proofing process, which means your dog will be proving he knows behaviors even in different conditions or environments. Professor Donaldson demonstrates how taking the same training regimen on the road can have different results and what to do to get over obstacles such as competing motivation, distractions, or problems with generalization. x Echo Hi, Hay Surviving Your First 30 Days With a New Puppy Skip links Class Length: 6 Weeks YoPup (1) Small Pets Follow Us on Facebook How to Potty Train a Puppy Fast: The Ultimate Guide Senior Pet Health Package How to Adopt Retired Police Dogs How Much Exercise Does a Puppy Need? As your pup becomes comfortable eating inside the crate, you can close the door to the crate during feeding. Be sure to open the door as soon as your pup is finished. Never. You want to be calm but firm. Getting angry and yelling sends the wrong tone and may just excite your puppy, teaching it the wrong thing. How to Potty Train a Dog With an Enclosed Yard AKC Therapy Dog July 30 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Structure. How physically well-formed and proportioned is the puppy? A puppy with a solid build will generally be healthier than one that has concerns with bone alignment. how to train my puppy | pitbull puppy training how to train my puppy | puppy training biting how to train my puppy | how to train puppies Legal | Sitemap
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Retail: Pet Owners Splurge on Animals' Needs
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Here at PYMNTS, we see it all, often in the form of press releases – most of which claim to be the next big thing in retail, commerce and financial services. These days, those ideas are often associated with crypto.
But this week, the press release that we thought was pretty cool was from startup Bristly, letting us know that they had invested “the world’s most effective toothbrush for dogs.”
They also promised us a “cool video already going viral.”
We were a little dubious, since even the most dedicated dog owner in the office, a person who cooks their dogs a rotisserie chicken every other night for dinner, remarked that they drew the line at brushing a dog’s teeth.
Undeterred by this remarkably odd sample of one, we checked out the site anyway. There, we learned two things.
The first is that the video is cool – and if we could embed it, we would.
The second is that after only a few days, Bristly has raised over $175,000 on Kickstarter from more than 4,000 people. The goal for their Kickstarter round was $15,000, meaning they’ve exceeded their goal by more than tenfold and counting.
The people have spoken – and they want a better way to brush their dog’s teeth, a revelation we found surprising, but perhaps shouldn’t have.
By the numbers, commerce is literally going to the dogs.
Human beings have always had pets and have always loved them, of course, but in recent years that love has evolved to an entirely new level.
“America’s house pets have worked their way into a new place in the hearts, homes and wallets of their owners,” Michael Schaffer wrote in his book “One Nation Under Dog: America’s Love Affair With Our Dogs” – and data backs up that assertion. According to VIP Petcare’s data, 84 percent of pet owners consider themselves “pet parents,” which kind of explains how the term “fur babies” came into vogue.
And where there is enthusiasm, there is also commerce – and, as it turns out, quite a lot of it.
“The humanization of pets has played well for brands and retailers that have developed or pivoted their strategies for consumers looking to treat their furry friends to the best that life has to offer,” Nielsen noted in its paper on pet care trends earlier this year.
And pet owners are willing to pay, usually quite a premium, for offering their pets the best lives possible. VIP Petcare estimates that the average pet owner spends a little over $2,000 a year caring for their fur baby, and Neilson notes that as of last year, Americans collectively spent about $69 billion on pet care. And the figure has been climbing sharply – by at least $2 billion each year – since the mid-1990s. In 2016, Americans spent $66.75 billion per year on their pets; as of 2007, pet owners spent $41.2 billion.
That’s a lot of dog treats.
Except, it actually isn’t.
When looking at the numbers, it isn’t that Americans are buying their pets much more to eat, as dog food and treat sales have been fairly flat in recent years – it’s that pet parents are buying their pets so, so many other things as well. Things like spa visits, acupuncture, glitter tattoos, non-medically necessary prostheses, subscription boxes, meal kits, rotisserie chickens and artisanal toys. One brave New York Times reporter with a new puppy who decided to embed himself deep into the pet pampering lifestyle – putatively for the cause of advancing journalism – discovered that the sky’s the limit when it comes to showing fur babies the love that is their due.
But while the options may be myriad, according to Nielsen, they are all guided by a common thread – one that is also central to the owners’ buying behaviors.
“Many of the trends we’re seeing in the pet category are ones we’ve been seeing in consumer categories over the past year or two: health and wellness,” Nielsen noted in its report. “Health and wellness is paramount to success in pet innovation, and pet trends are closely following human ones. In some cases, they’re even getting there first.”
Health and wellness, of course, is a wide-ranging category for humans – encompassing everything from skin creams, to cosmetics, to exercise, to apparel, to meal kits, to vitamin supplements to whatever witchcraft Gwyneth Paltrow is selling on Goop these days. So, perhaps unsurprisingly, it is equally wide-ranging when it comes to pets.
But some of the places where it ranges are legitimately pretty surprising. For example, according to Petplan, an insurance company for pets, pet parents dropped $62 million in 2011 on plastic surgery for their pets. Some of that surgery was for medically necessary reasons, but some was assuredly cosmetic. One such popular cosmetic procedure? The implantation of Neuticles, prosthetic testicles for neutered pets.
“Some people throw the dog in the car and have him turned into a eunuch because they don’t care. But there’s a certain segment of pet owners that do care, and that’s where Neuticles come in,” said Gregg A. Miller, who invented them in 1995.
That certain segment includes both Kim Kardashian and Larry Flynt, according to The New York Times. Fun fact, according to Miller: Kardashian did not demonstrate her normally high-end tastes when it came to buying for her pet boxer.
“They had ordered the cheapest ones possible – the hard ones, the clackers – and I thought, ‘Wow,’” Miller told CNBC. For reference, a top-of-the-line pair of Neuticals retails for $469.
And while that expenditure of funds may seem a bit strange, Miller is adamant that his invention helps dogs maintain their dignity in the aftermath of being neutered. And that concern for a dog’s dignity deserves at least some credit – particularly as one delves deeper into the wild world of pet-centric commerce. It is hard to imagine, on the other hand, the recent trend of “Asian fusion” dog grooming that is apparently sweeping the streets of New York among the painfully hip and extremely rich.
The term comes care of Jorge Bendersky, a New York dog groomer who charges around $300 an hour and counts like the likes of Gisele Bündchen and P. Diddy among his clients. Asian fusion, he noted, is a dog styling method developed in Japan that has become popular stateside.
“That’s very short on the body and very long on the legs, like big bell bottoms, which gives them the opportunity to wear a dress or a sweater and necklace without messing up the hairstyle,” he noted.
In fairness, it is a terrible thing to have splurged on a $150,000 collar for one’s dog, and then have it clash with their haircut.
Mr. Bendersky further told about the times that he gets a lot of demand for French “pawdicures,” pink and purple highlights in fur, and, “for that extra rock ’n’ roll edge,” glitter tattoos.
And because a day at the salon can be taxing – particularly for a dog that got an elaborate manicure – there are also spas to help pets unwind. At The Barkley Pet Hotel and Day Spa in Westlake Village, California, dogs are given the options of mud baths, detox wraps, hot oil treatments, blueberry facials, deep sea mineral mud masks and oatmeal soaks.
At Oh My Dog! Boutique Hotel and Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona, canine patrons can choose to study dog yoga – which, yes, is called doga – or shop their dog-centric apparel boutique on site. For dogs that like their fashion less esoteric, more preppy, not to worry: Ralph Lauren’s Pets line features cashmere sweaters and polo shirts.
At the Stay Dog Hotel in Chicago, four-legged guests have riverfront suites and a lap pool.
And as it turns out, premium services for your pet don’t stop once they check out of the space. For example, for those who don’t want to feed their dog out of a bag but perhaps do not have time to cook their pet a full hot meal, there’s good news. JustFoodForDogs advertises themselves as “purveyors of handcrafted meals for dogs,” and will deliver those handcrafted meals straight to your door, featuring ingredients like venison and squash.
It sounds pretty good – but not to worry, even if one is perhaps limited to feeding their pet out of a bag, what’s in the bag is getting better. Though the amount of dog food people have been buying has been fairly flat in recent years, according to Nielsen, the demand for “higher-quality premium food” has boosted annual household spending on pet food by 36 percent over the last 10 years.
Plus, the better the dog food, it seems, the bigger the sales revenue. Nielsen’s number also indicated that “produce-derived superfoods like blueberries, cranberries and sweet potatoes” all seem to draw pet parent spending, as do “probiotics and products with functional ingredients.” When more premium features are added, such as “novel proteins” like quail or rabbit, Nielsen reported, brands see growth in “double and triple digits.”
In fact, the growth in dog food and its relative value has been so sharp in recent years that it has sparked the interest of various big consumer packaged goods players looking for more market touchpoints as consumer interests are evolving. In April, General Mills bought natural pet foods label Blue Buffalo for $8 billion, saying at the time the addition represented a “a compelling new growth platform.”
In May, J.M. Smucker bought Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, parent of the Rachael Ray Nutrish pet food brand, for about $1.7 billion, again in the name of accelerating “the growth profile” of its pet food/snacks business, which includes such labels as Meow Mix and Milk-Bone.
The biggest news in the sector of late, however, are the rumored intentions of international CPG giant Nestle to purchase Canada’s Champion Petfoods, which owns brands Orijen and Acana, for more than $2 billion. Nestle already owns the Purina pet food line, but has identified “pet care” as a high-growth area. Orijen is a premium dog food brand with an active online following, and is likely a consumer base to which Nestle would very much like to develop closer ties.
Dogs, of course, can never have too many things bought for them, as they are loyal, smart, kind and possibly the superior form of life on this planet (but for their unfortunate habit of destroying shoes from time to time). And while we might chuckle at deep sea purification masks for dogs – who, left to their own devices, will happily root through the trash and eat whatever they find there – the truth is we can’t help but applaud the commerce world’s dedication to finding new and inventive ways to make man’s best friend happy.
But we might really have to rethink the phrase “it’s a dog’s life.” These days, a dog’s life doesn’t sound so bad.
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unixcommerce · 4 years
Pet Franchises: Dog Businesses Galore (Cats Too)
According to a survey of 1,000 of those new pet owners, about 60% said they were first-timers. They’ll be looking for boarding, grooming, walking, training and other services. Franchise opportunities are out there wriggling like a litter of Lab puppies.
The other 40% of the new owners? They got another animal as a companion for an existing pet! Many households now need services for multiple pets.
In 2018, the Pet Care Services industry was estimated at about $72 billion annually. The estimate for 2020 is $95 billion. In other words, pet-related service businesses are among the fastest growing entities in the United States.
Do you love pets? Why not have work that involves something you love? Let’s take a look and help find the best pet franchise opportunities for you.
Best Pet Franchises
As you’d imagine, the cost of getting started with a pet franchise can vary immensely. Of course! Some require real estate and fencing, and special equipment and supplies. There are business and liability insurance costs, possibly special licensing.
Want to find the least expensive pet franchise to start? Think of the one with tons – well, okay, pounds – of job security. You already know the answer to this one – what is the thing that all dogs and cats do every day, more than once a day?
1. Poop Pick Up Franchises
Don’t think that these franchises limit their business to picking up dogs’ “business” in a yard. Yes, that’s the mainstay of the poop pick up business, but these franchises don’t limit their services to that.
They branch out and provide the same service to communities, expanding the service to include poop pick up in community dog parks, apartment complexes and even cemeteries. A company like this may set up and maintain pet poop “stations” in parks, where pick up bags are provided and placed for disposal. And they may pick up deer and/or goose droppings.
They also pick up “used” litter boxes, which the cat owners place outside their residences. These used litter boxes are replaced with sanitized litter boxes, ready for the cat owner to refill with their chosen cat litter. Well, with the litter their cat or cats have chosen.
These franchises have two key advantages. They are the least expensive as far as franchise fees and start up costs. You can also take that established client base and expand later, perhaps adding a pet sitting, grooming and/or dog walking franchise.
Franchise fees can be as low as $12,000, and only minimal equipment is needed. Compare that to say a Pet Day Care, where you’ll need about $200,000 liquid capital plus a franchise fee of $50,000.
The pet waste pick up business is expected to reach $4 billion within the next year. It’s a rare piece of the market in pet franchises. You don’t need any special licenses or certifications. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are. As franchises go, those basics are rarities.
Cat franchises are another rarity. No one likes to clean a litter box. In fact, cleaning a litter box is a dangerous job for a pregnant woman. Poop pick up and disposal is not just for dogs in the pet franchises world.
What do you need to operate this pet franchise? A vehicle, a scooper, gloves, rubber boots, garbage bags and buckets.
Here are a couple of the industry leaders:
Poop 911
2. Pet Day Care Franchises
These are the heavy hitters of the pet care franchises. The typical Pet Day Care franchise owner has liquid capital of at least $200,000. The franchise fee is about $50,000.
(And let’s be honest. These are primarily dog daycare franchises. Cats don’t buy in to the whole dog daycare franchise thing – really, all that barking and slobbering? Cats have more preferred ways to spend their days than at doggy day care franchises.)
The return on investment for doggie daycare franchises can be exponential. A Pet Day Care franchise can offer a menu of services, to include walks, play time, grooming and training. They can include a retail space and sell pet supplies, such as treats and toys.
Although the investment is high, in return the franchise owner gets a proven business model and training. The owner gets a operations manual and plenty of support.
Pet Day Care franchises have been around for about 20 years. During that time, the franchises have grown from one to more than 100. For example, Camp Bow Wow now has more than 170 locations.
During those two decades, the Pet Day Care franchisors have compounded a lot of knowledge, such as specific state licensing and insurance requirements. The franchisor can also provide advice as you navigate local zoning regulations.
Are the initial financial outlay and ongoing costs – typically at least a 5% royalty on gross – worth it? Consider this: At its 170 locations, Camp Bow Wow has had nearly 5 million canine visitors, annually.
Here are a couple of the industry leaders:
Camp Bow Wow
Central Bark Franchise
Do you want to start a dog day care on your own? You’ll find more information at https://ift.tt/2nUOb4i.
3. Dog Grooming Franchises
Grooming franchises include dogs and cats, and are primarily geared for dogs. The grooming can be done at a standard location, or be brought to the pet owner in a mobile grooming service.
What are the advantages of going with a grooming franchise? Of course, the biggest advantage of training. You don’t have to be a graduate of a grooming school to get started in a dog grooming franchise.
The franchises will set you up in a training school. Why? They want to make sure that all groomers affiliated with the franchise are trained to the same standards.
Other advantages to choosing the franchise route are that the franchisor will already be savvy of specific state regulations and insurance requirements. You’ll also have a proven marketing plan.
In a pet grooming franchise, the purchaser typically must have a net worth of about $100,000, with $50,000 in liquid cash. The overall investment can be as low as $46,000 ranging up to $200,000.
Here are a couple industry leaders:
Zoomin Groomin – This is a mobile pet grooming service which operates from a specially-outfitted high cube van.
Pet Sit Pros – Pet Sit Pros is a pet sitting service that adds mobile grooming to its list of services.
4. Pet Walking and Sitting Franchises
A Pet Sitting franchise and a Pet Walking franchise are often intertwined. In lieu of overnight boarding, a Pet Sitter is stopping by a residence to provide an outdoor potty break for a dog. Even if the pet owner has a fenced yard, dog walking is often part of the pet care.
Don’t write off expanding the business to include in-home cat care. Although taking a cat for a walk may not be on the schedule, a pet feline can certainly benefit from a visit. The cat’s reputation as “aloof” or “unfriendly” does not apply the majority of the time. Care of cats or other animals – fish, birds, reptiles – can be considered part of any pet related business.
Here are a couple industry leaders for these dual-purpose pet franchises:
Snaggle Foot
In Home Pet Services
5. Specialized Dog Boarding Franchises
“Just like home” dog boarding is a growing new business. Instead of sending a dog to a traditional style boarding kennel, the dog goes to a boarding facility which is set up in a homelike environment.
Examples of home based overnight care franchises include Camp Run a Mutt, Wagging Tails and Fetch! Pet Care. For each of these, the total start up investment is much lower than it would be for someone building a traditional-style boarding kennel.
It can be difficult to get permission to operate a traditional dog boarding facility, as state and county regulations can vary hugely. However a home-based overnight dog care franchise may have a smoother path, as it can be termed a “home based business” with a low impact.
A new style of dog boarding is sending your dog to stay with a host family. The host family is thoroughly screened, and the guest dog is part of the household. An example of this franchise is Pets Are Inn.
For the totally discriminating pet, there are pet resorts and spas available as types of pet boutique franchises. Although this pet boutique franchise idea is relatively new, it is a good business venture with a low initial investment. These are new and unique, with a specialized clientele – and among the fastest growing of all pet related services.
Check D Pet Hotel as well.
6. More Hot Pet Franchises
Dogs and cats need stuff. They need brushes and combs, dishes, coats, shampoos and conditioners, collars and leashes, biscuits and treats, food, food supplements, vitamins and more. The trouble is, these supplies are readily available in the big box stores.
One of the fastest growing pet store franchises is Pet Supplies Plus. The store name lives up to the “supplies plus” description by offering both curbside pickup and delivery. The business stocks new products and supplies with a focus on healthy pets.
Pet Supplies Plus has even developed its own food line, called Redford Naturals. Their food has no fillers, no artificial coloring and no flavorings.
As you’d expect with a brick-and-mortar building franchise, the franchisee needs to have $200,000 in liquid assets and a minimum net worth of $600,000. The franchise fee is about $50,000. However, military Veterans have a special offer of 20% off those numbers.
7. Dog Training Franchise
Dog training is another fast-growing field. Trainers can hold classes in a specific location, or they can make home visits. Dog training can include basic obedience or advance work such as agility skills and competitions. It can also be applied to help dogs with behavioral problems, such as separation anxiety or aggression.
A dog trainer should be certified as a graduate of a program, which is part of the model for a training franchise. Some examples are The Dog Wizard, Off Leash K-9 Training and Canine Dimensions.
The Tail End
It’s no secret that people are very attached to their four-legged family members. It may be past time for you to SIT for a moment and research the many opportunities there are to own a successful business in this field. You may find it’s a good place to STAY.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “Pet Franchises: Dog Businesses Galore (Cats Too)” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post Pet Franchises: Dog Businesses Galore (Cats Too) appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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