#there was supposed to be orange but it dissappeared
nikst3rr · 1 year
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kyokao doodles from the last week,, im so normal about them
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destinyroundabout · 6 months
"Her fall"
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Allison: ...?
Allison had just woken up. She found herself on a pile of orange and yellow leaves. They were weak and did a pretty bad job at breaking her fall.
Allison: ...Wait...I fell, didn't I? Jeez, how am I alive? (Sigh), Why did I think exploring a cave on a tall mountain would be a good idea?
She got up, still in slight pain from the fall. She brushed off the leaved off her clothes and started looking around.
Allison: HELLO? ANYONE THERE?...Ugh, of course not. Who would be in down here anywa-
Suddenly, she heard garbage noises bear her.
Allison: ...That's not foreboding at all. Well, not like I have anywhere else to go
She went into the next room, there in the centred was a strange man dressed in black.
Allison: Uhhh...Hey.
The man turned his face to Allison...or lack thereof. His face was completely blank, with only a single horn on one side of his face and a strange beard to distinguish him. Allison felt like she was dreaming...or more accurately, having a nightmare.
Allison: OH GOD. Are...you ok? Who are you?
Allison: Hey wings...so, this is the infamous mount ebott huh?
Allison: Wait- MONSTERS?!
Allison: ...nope.
???: WOW! You must be more STUPID than I thought!
Suddenly, a new voice spoke. A high-pitched raspy voice.
Allison: W-WHO WAS THAT?!
A grey flower suddenly appeared on Wings' hand.
???: I'm sorry, but if she doesn't know basics monster history 101, then she ain't gonna survive a day here Wings.
Allison: ...cute flower!
Dings: ...Ahem, anyways, call me Dings. I'm Wings' best friend. You're new here, so we gotta teach you the ropes. What do ya say Wings?
Allison: The name's Allison by the way.
Dings: Yeah yeah, Now.
Allison: Woah, this is...cool!
Dings: Now, see that shiny read heart over there?
Allison: ...lovely.
Dings: Don't worry, all you gotta do is not get hit by the bullets.
Allison: What bu-
A wave of pellets rapidly target Allison's soul.
Allison: OH SH-
Allison barely dodges.
Dings: Hahaha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Good reflexes though kid!
Allison: YA DON'T SAY....hey what's "LV"
Dings: You'll figure it out later.
Wings: ...
Dings: What? Nobody wants to hear you nerd out Wings.
Allison: So...is there anything else I should know?
Dings: Uhhhh...
Small footsteps can be heard approaching the room.
Dings: Oop- That's our cue.
The duo dissappear into the shadows.
Allison: WAIT-...Welp.
???: huh. I thought I heard 3 humans. must be hearin things.
A short skeleton wearing a purple bathrobe entered the room.
sans: sup
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
Maestro Hiccups 3: Chaos Incarnate Ch 41
You give a heaving sigh "FINE. We'll take Jackle...but the minute that he tries ANYTHING. I'm throwing him back into Nightmare." You say, getting a happy "YES!" From the two of them.
A little while later, you and the others return to the Dream Gate. "So...How are we supposed to get back to Wonderworld?" You ask. NiGHTS gazes up to see the moon in the Night Dimension slowly rising above the Dream Gate, They seemed to be waiting until the moon reached its absolute peak in the sky, it's rays beaming down on the ground below.
Suddenly, the rays of moonlight hit the fountain, and a beam of light shot out, creating a beautiful bridge decorated moons, stars, planets. As flowers you've never seen before bloomed from the shimmering Bridge. At the end of the bridge, held an absolute beautiful and ornate, illuminated theater door. "Well, That's the way back! It's been nice meeting you Y/N!" NiGHTS says.
"Hoo! You better hurry before the bridge dissappears again!" Owl hoots, his plumage fluffing up. You nod as the others begin to cross the crystalline bridge. Leo and Emma treaded across first, followed by Aria, Debbie and Jackle, with you in the rear. You gazed in awe at the shimmering bridge, and the Flora that lined it. Maybe once Balan's Hiccups were cured, you could come and dream here in peace.
The sound of withering caught your attention as you turned to see the beautiful flowers withering into nothing, as the bridge began to vanish into nothing but stardust. "Y/N! HURRY!!" You hear Aria shout. Your slow walk turns into a frantic rush, hoping to outrun the disappearing bridge. The door that awaited at the end seemed to get farther and farther with every step you take.
In a last ditch effort, you quickly Jump and latch onto the door's handles, getting the door open before the bridge was no more. Leo and Emma grab your hands and pull you inside the door, as you now find yourself back on the Isle of Tims...that looks even worse than before.
You see that the Isle is now completely misshapen and distorted, looking more like the landscapes from a Dr. Seuss book. The Tims look worse for where as well, looking more like experimented on creatures gone wrong. You noticed Balan and Lance also on the Isle, both looking absolutely dismal and dismayed at the current situation out of their control.
"Hey Balan! We're back! And we found Aria and Debbie!" You yell, catching both of their attention. "Thank goodness you're safe and sound! And Aria and Debbie you found!" Balan says, floating over to you. "And we've got Dream Berries for Lance's cure." Leo says. The darker maestro gives a smile as he sees the bag of the colorful berries..
"Yeah...and unfortunately, we also have a new...erm..." You say, not being able to finish, but you nudge your head towards Jackle's prison. The maestros gazed at the jar "Do my eyes decive me? Is that Jackle I see?" Lance says, almost chuckling at Jackle's predicament. The orange maren rolls his eyes "Oh yeah. Ha. Ha. Ha. Laugh it up." He snarks sarcastically.
You smirked at Jackle's situation before Lance let out a "HIC!" causing a large spider infestation to crawl over the Isle. In a panic, both maestros lift you to the isle above the Isle "Perhaps at a later time we can jest, you still need to find the rest." Balan says. Nodding, you pull out Balan's map, showing the Multiverse once more
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Debbie belongs to @mayordebbie
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
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pan-fried-autism · 1 year
Lab Accident - Chapter 2
Characters: Swap!Leonid (@bowlerhatwearer), Mothgo (@sallychaosaura), The Swap Harris Family
Summary: Leonid starts properly investigating Ms. Mewtons dissappearance.
TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER: smoking, implied child death
14 was the number displayed on the house.
Leonid, in his running Prius, stared out at the house before nodding sagely to himself.
14 [STREET NAME], he thought. This is the place.
He put the car into park and exited through the driver side door. He walked up to the house, taking in the scenery.
The house was a one story, and kind of small. The siding was painted a dark olive green, and the lawn seemed to be freshly mowed. Not completely mowed, though— there were still patches of over grown grass strewn throughout.
In the driveway was a grey VW Beetle. There was a dent by the front bumper, two strange dents on the top of the car above the driver side door, a small crack on the left rear view window, and— a little worryingly— a row of claw marks on the hood.
He walked up the small pathway connecting the front door to the driveway, passing by a large window. He took a look in, seeing counters, a sink, some dirty dishes, and a small view of a stove top— definitely the kitchen. Further into the house, he could see a table with four chairs.
Approaching the front door, Leonid noticed the small window it had. He couldn’t see through, though. Too dusty.
Finally, he knocked.
A voice rang from inside the house. “One moment!”
The voice was… a little odd sounding. He couldn’t put his finger on why.
Somewhat loud footsteps echoed up to the door, where it swung open…
… and a sight to behold stood staring down at him.
A very tall robot, at LEAST 7 feet, was cramped down in the doorway. The head was like a TV, only orange, and there were two things on the sides of her head with heart designs on them. She has antenna, too. Moths eyes were heterochromatic, one being orange and the other blue.
Mang was wearing a purple sweater, a dark purple skirt, and darker purple pants. She also had… wings? on her back? They were strange— they didn’t look metallic at all. They looked real.
One thing Leonid knew was real, though, was the tired expression on the robots face.
Leonid knew he was staring, gawking even, but... what else was he supposed to do? He'd never seen someone such as her before.
He managed to collect himself, though, and stood firmly before speaking.
"Good morning."
The robot stared at him, suspicion breaking through her tired haze.
"Good morning. Who are you?" moth replied.
Nikolai reached into his pocket and brought out his badge. "Leonid Aksakov, private investigator. I'd like to ask you some questions."
The tired expression turned into a sad one.
"... This is about Gremmy, isn't it?"
"Yes, if you're referring to Grementine Mewton."
"I am. I thought the police investigation already ended?"
"Well, an anonymous client claiming to be her friend has hired me."
Mothgo got a thoughtful expression on her face. She shook it off after a second and stepped to the side. "Come in."
And so he did.
The walls of the living room and dining room were a light blue in colour. Facing Leonid was a hallway, and on the left side of its entryway was a bookcase. To the left of that bookcase, against a different wall, was a faded yellow armchair with its own end table and lamp. Looking further to the other wall, he saw what he guessed was the heart of the living room-- a TV on a long stand, a coffee table, and an off white couch. All on a diagonal angle, for whatever reason. There was a small wooden cabinet on the ground, too.
Looking to his right, he saw the dining room table again. It was a bit small, only able to have four chairs.
One chair seemed pretty dusty.
The house, though nice, had a strange feeling about it. Like something was deeply wrong, and it couldn't comprehend what it was.
Mothgo sat down on the couch, and Leonid followed suit. He produced a small notepad and pencil from one of the pockets of his jacket.
"Before we begin, Miss, I understand there's another robot that lives here, too." he spoke.
"Yeah, M0u5e. She's over with the lady who rescued her all those months ago." she replied.
Leonid wrote that down.
"Okay, Ms... Mothgo. I have a few questions for you regarding Ms. Mewtons disappearance. I imagine you may have heard some of them before."
Mothgo shifted a bit in spot.
"... Maybe. But I'll answer your questions."
Leo nodded, and flipped a few pages back. He cleared his throat before he began.
"What was Ms. Mewton like?"
Mothgo looked down at her hands, a pained smile forming on mangs face.
"Gremmy is... She can be cold at first, but she can be really nice once she warms up! She's very kind and sweet! She took me in when I needed help."
Leonid wrote as she spoke. He began again.
"What is your relationship to, or with her?"
"She's my best friend! I care for her very much! I..." her hands shook a little. "I've been trying to fly around to look for her, but I also have to care for M0u5e and the house, and the job I took up when she di-disappeared... It-It's so much to do at once, and I'm just one person..."
"What job did you take up?" he asked, giving her a sympathetic look.
"It's at the- the pet store she worked at. I'm the mascot and security guard."
"Mm hmm."
He wrote this down as well.
"When did you see her last?"
"I last saw Grem on November 16, 2027 at noon. That's when she and M0u5e left."
Scribble scribble scribble.
"Did you know of her weekend plans?"
"Yes! She and M0u5e were going to the northern region to see her friend Nikolai.--" (A sudden cold feeling went through Leonids veins.) "I wanted to come, but couldn't because my wings don't do well with the cold. I... I wish I had just toughed it out. Maybe if I did (sniff)... she would still be here..."
Despite the horrible feeling Leonid had, he still reached over and gently patted Mothgo on the shoulder.
"None of this is your fault, Ms. Mothgo. Nobody would have expected her to go missing."
A tear fell from moths eye... screen eye thing, which she wiped away.
"Thank- thank you." she wavered out.
Leonid returned to writing.
"Now, finally; Do you know anybody who may wish ill on her?"
Mothgos demeanor changed in an instant. The sad expression upon mangs face/screen changed to one of contempt and anger.
"Yeah. A few people. One in particular." she spat out.
"His name is Jackson Harris, he's Grem's ex-boyfriend. He's fucking disgusting. He bothers Grem like every fucking week! She broke up with him in high school!... HIGH SCHOOL!! Talk about stalker behaviour! She made it clear she's not interested, but he still bothers her! If anyone did something with my Gremmy, it's him."
Leonid took many notes, making sure to put simple dashes for every time Mothgo swore. The amount of vitriol she held for Harris was almost... scary.
It gave him a bit of a lead, at least. That's twice somebody mentioned a Jack or Jackson in negative relation to Ms. Mewton.
He closed his notepad and put it back in his jacket as he stood up.
"Thank you for your time, Ms. Mothgo. Would you happen to know where he lives?" he inquired.
"Yeah, at least Grem did. She has it written down in case she ever needed to call the police."
Leonid couldn't help but grimace slightly as Mothgo speedwalked to the kitchen, returning after a second with a small slip of paper.
Looking over it thoroughly, he nodded once more and headed to the front door.
"Thank you again, Ms. Mothgo."
"Of course, Mr. Aksakov."
Leonid stepped through the doorway... before stopping a moment.
"Oh, there's just one more thing."
Leo hurried to his car, went through a few things, and returned to the house after a minute, an envelope in hand.
"Here." he handed it to the hybrid robot.
Mothgo carefully opened the envelope flap...
and found enclosed some money.
"You sound like you're in need of help. I hope this makes this easier, if only a little, and if only for a while."
Mothgo looked up and gave him a soft smile.
"Thanks!" she chirped at him.
Leonid nodded and turned around, but stopped just short of the doorway when he heard something from behind him.
"... Detective?"
He turned around, promptly being met with a pained expression. Mothgo spoke one more time to him.
"Please, find my friend. Please."
Leonid gave her a quick nod before leaving.
He went to his car and hopped in, starting it up before driving away. Thoughts swirled in his head.
That's two people who deeply cared for Grementine... three, perhaps, if I could talk to her assistant. Her friend seemed horribly stressed with her gone.
... I hope she's okay. I hope they'll both be okay.
Detective Aksakov parked his car. He got out, facing the house before him.
It was a two-story row house in a neighbourhood downtown. The white coat of paint on the siding seemed fresh, as did the blue paint on the gable of the roof. In the driveway was an orange Toyota brand minivan. There was a kiddy pool in the small front lawn as well, for whatever reason.
Leonid walked up to the front door, having to tread on the freshly mowed lawn, seeing as there was no pathway.
He approached the door, knocking swiftly. From inside, he could hear the very faint sound of a baby fussing, quickly drowned out by footsteps.
Alright, Mr. Harris, he thought. Let's see what you're li--
A woman answered the door.
She had the facial shape and ears of a hare, but not only did her nose more closely resemble that of some kind of ungulate, she had antlers sticking out of her head. Her fingers ended in small hooves, too. In her arms was a very small boy, looking to have just reached toddler age. He had tiny little horn buds on his head, longish ears, digitigrade legs, hooves, and big eyes. Big eyes that never looked away from Leo.
He could hear the baby fussing, too.
This took Leo off his guard for but a brief moment, though he very quickly tried to collect himself.
"Does Jake- (damnit) does Jack Harris live here?" he asked awkwardly.
The woman cocked her head at him.
"Who are ya?" she inquired back at him in a thick Midwest accident.
Leonid took out his badge once more.
"Leonid Aksakov, private investigator."
"Ah. Yer looking for my cousin."
"Right. Does he live here?"
"Nope. He moved out a few months ago, and my uncle John-- his dad-- let me and my crew move in. Good thing, too, we needed the space. He had a lot of weird..." she trailed off as she looked at the toddler in her arms. "... stuff in his house, for whatever reason."
Leo sighed a bit.
"Ah... do you know where he moved?"
"Nope. Dunno."
"Well... can you maybe give me the address of his father?"
"Oh, sure! He and Aunt Tu live up in Hometon, in the Upper Hills section. 3 [STREET NAME] to be exact."
"Alright, thank you, Ms..."
"Paula Lopez."
"Ms. Lopez. One more thing, what do you mean by 'weird stuff?'"
"Lotta weird pictures of some chick. Threw em all out, they creeped the.... the uh, devil out of me. Now if you excuse me, one of my little ankle-biters needs some TLC. Bye, now!"
The little one in her arms waved at him as she closed the door.
Leo walked back to his car, thinking about Ms. Lopez's comments.
He had a lot of weird stuff... lotta weird pictures of some chick.
It gave him a sour feeling in his gut.
Maybe a little trip out of town may help him. A quick google search too-- hes seen the name Harris in clothing stores before. Who knows?
Geez, I can see why the area is called Upper Hills, Leonid thought as he drove up a road surrounded by large, fancy houses.
He was almost amazed at some of the things he saw-- fountains in the front yard, gated blocking the driveway, a small tennis court in front of one particularly grand house. It would be truly amazing if Leonid didn't feel looked down just by driving through.
Eventually, though, he pulled up to the Harris house.
Well... a little too big to be just a house. Thought only two stories, the house AND property were quite large. He could even see a second floor balcony! Didn't feel big enough to be a mansion though... he'd just stick with manor for now.
Water sprinkled lined the expansive front lawn, going off back and forth while Leo walked up the cobblestone path to the front door. A few small yet intricate marble fountains sat in front of the railing of the front porch, with its swinging bench and everything.
As he did, he took out a cigarette.
The driveway was something to write home about too-- there were four whole cars there. A very nice looking minivan, a Honda Civic, a blue Tesla Model Y, and to top it all of, a 2009 Honda S2000 CR. Leo had heard about those cars-- they cost nearly a quarter of a million dollars nowadays,
He didn't like it. He lit the cigarette in his hands as fast as he could.
He walked up the brick steps to the porch, taking note of the silver knocker on the door and the large window it was in the middle of. He couldn't exactly see through it, though-- the windows were stained glass.
Taking a puff from his cigarette, he took the knocker and gave it a good wringing, listening to the strangely clean sounding knock it produced.
He heard the footsteps approaching unusually fast. Perhaps Mr. Harris was nearby when he knocked. Ah, well, at least he didn't have to wait so long for hi--
The door opened. This time, he was not met by an adult.
Rather, a child. A young girl to be exact. She seemed to be a hare of some kind. She wore a long sleeved striped shirt and a denim skirt, and she looked up at Leo with her inquisitive eyes.
Leonid looked at the child with what he guess was a "deer in the headlights" look, not saying anything for a moment. He tried to compose himself once more, exhaling the cigarette smoke away from her direction before clearing his throat.
"Hello... are you John Harris?"
He had not composed himself properly.
The girl blinked at him. "Which John Harris? We have two." she replied.
Leo pinched the bridge of his nose, damning his stupid question before he took a breath and spoke again.
"... Whichever of the two is the father of John Harris." he explained, promptly taking another drag off his smoke.
This would prove to be a mistake when the girl was silent for a moment before turning around and calling out,
"DAD! There's a fancy man at the door and he wants you!"
Leonid nearly choked on the cigarette and went into a coughing fit while the girl scampered away. Luckily, it ended before another person appeared at the door.
He looked to be somewhere in his early 50s, and wore a fleece vest over a long sleeve button up shirt. He wore black slacks and loafers, and had a very expensive looking watch on his wrist. Unusual for a warm day in May.
The man cleared his throat.
"Good afternoon, sir. I'm John Harris Sr, the one you seek." he introduced himself, a haughty tone coating every inch of his voice. "What is your business?"
Leonid, already regretting coming here, took out his badge yet again.
"Leonid Aksakov, Private Investigator. I'm looking for your son... Jack Harris." he announced.
John put his thumb and finger up to his chin, stroking a little.
"A detective, are we?" the hare responded.
"... Well, I might as well let you in, sir. I'll have to ask that you cigarette, though."
"Of course, Mr. Harris."
The detective looked around, but found no ashtray. He looked up at John awkwardly, murmuring a little before coughing into his fist.
"Any place where I can extinguish it?" he muttered sheepishly.
John waved his hand dismissively.
"Just stamp it out on the doorstep. Our groundskeeper can take care of it later." With that, he walked back into the manor.
This guy had too much money, Leonid thought, though out loud he simply said "Alright, sir." He threw the cigarette on the ground and snuffed it out on the ground, before wiping his feet on their welcome mat and walking inside.
The walls were a creamy yellow colour with a dark oak trim, and a fancy hallway table with pictures and ceramic figurines. Throughout the entryway and hallway, paintings and photographs were hung upon the wall. There was an entryway to some sort of red room with the same trim.
Something told him they were rich.
As Leonid hung up his coat on the standing rack, John turned to him with a somewhat smug look on his face.
"Now, as you are a guest in our manor, we need to make you feel welcome. Tell me, do you like biscuits?"
Snob. Of course he offers me biscuits. He'll probably give me a cup of tea, too.
"Of course, that is a very generous and kind offer, Mr. Harris." Leonid replied out loud.
John clapped his hands happily.
"Perfect! I'll get my wife to put on some biscuits and tea for us, you go to the sitting room and I'll gather the family."
John darted down a hallway and into a doorway, giving Leonid some space to sigh and rant quietly to himself.
"Of course he asks his wife, why am I not surprised that Mr. Can't-Even-Tie-His-Shoes-By-Himself Harris orders his wife to do that for him?"
He started toward the sitting room, still ranting.
"... And NOW I get to meet his family. What is this, The Sound Of Music??? Well... at least maybe I get to find out more about Jack through this. Just act polite and friendly, and ask the right questions... then you're out of here. Hopefully that is soon."
Suddenly, Leo heard John talking to someone down the hall. The voice sounded like that of a young woman.
"Julie, get up from your chair! We have an important guest over."
"Dad, I'm working on an essay!"
"It can wait, Juliana. We must be polite."
"Ugh, FINE."
He couldn't help but sigh again.
"This is why I prefer when people come to my office, instead of doing field work... especially when it's guys like him..." he muttered.
His hand unconsciously reached for a cigarette. It stopped once he realized.
He already wanted to leave.
A few minutes later, Leonid was sat in the sitting room.
The wood trim of the walls was now white in color, and the paint was a bright inviting yellow. He was sat on a white couch with a floral print. In front of him was a white coffee table covered in a silken tablecloth, and across from him in a chair was Mr. Harris.
There were other things too, of course-- on the wall to his left was a big white mantle-place holding many photographs and trinkets, along with a childs drawing taped to it. Next to that was a grandfather clock. On the wall to his left was a loveseat similar to the couch, and above that was a large amount of portraits.
He found his interest drawn to these. At the very top was a wedding photo and a large family photo. Below these was a series of photos forming a rectangular shape. The frames were interesting-- they contained two pictures instead of one. On the left side of each frame was a photo of a leveret, and on the right of each was what he guessed was a recent picture of each leveret. One only had a photo of the leveret for some reason. All in all, there were 12 people depicted. Next to the frame in the top right corner was a 13th picture of a leveret, though this one was lop-eared and french gray in fur colour.
Leonid's best guess was that these were his children. Definitely shocking to see, at first, but he figured he must have wanted a large, influential family. Still didn't make it any less surprising.
Other people were in the room, too.
To the left in front of the mantle-place was a miserable young woman slumped in a chair. He guessed she was the one John had been talking down to— he knew the look of someone who had been talked down to by their father. She kept shooting dirty looks at John, who either didn't notice or didn't care.
In an armchair next to John was a young man in a Supreme shirt typing on his phone.
Leaning against the right wall was a teenage boy in what he guessed was a basketball shirt and sports shorts. From the looks of it, he'd been practicing, as evidence by the Gatorade he was nursing.
On the loveseat was the young girl from before, though this time she was joined by a younger boy. He had a Bluey shirt on, and shorts held up by suspenders.
Both children were staring at him. He couldn't help but feel uneased.
He waved to them politely, unsure of what to do about them. Maybe John Sr. was gonna introduce them? Again, he wasn't sure. He didn't even know if he should say anything.
Luckily the problem solved itself when the little girl asked, "Are you a detective? Like on the TV?"
Leo breathed a sigh of relief and formulated a response.
"Well... yes, in a way... but my job is not as exciting as the television makes it appear to be. It involves a lot more paperwork."
The two children gave him a look of surprise and happiness, clearly in awe regardless of what he said.
"That's so cool..." the little boy marveled.
Leonid returned with a polite smile.
John piped up all of a sudden.
"I imagine you're wondering who the young people here are. They're my children, of course!"
"Oh, I see." Leo calmly replied, though he thought to himself 'As if I would have never guessed that. You literally told me i was going to meet them.' "You must be very proud of them."
John pointed at the people around Leonid as he replied, starting with the young woman. "This is Juliana, Johnathan (named for myself), Jacob, Jillian, and little Joey.
"They aren't all of my children, of course. You can see the others though, right above Jill and Joey."
Saying this, he gestured to the many photos Leo had seen earlier.
So I was right.
"Ah, thirteen wonderful children, I see!"
"Oh, just 12. The grey one is my grandson."
Leonid nodded in understanding.
"I see you have quite the large family... and that the branches of your tree have grown wide; but I should not expect anything else. I have, after all, heard about the famous Harris family. How an ancestor of yours founded a shoe factory that continues to this very day... together with the manufacturing and distribution of socks, a branch that was added later."
John sat up might and proud, snootier than anything.
"Yes, my great-grandfather Peter. I'm the current owner of the show factory, and will pass it down to my oldest and his family. I have many children with their own pursuits in success. Most of which have succeeded."
Jill, the little girl, butted in all of a sudden.
"Can I do the name thing, Dad?"
John Sr. smiled at her. "Only if our guest wants to see."
Both looked at him expectantly.
Leonid hadn't the faintest idea what she was talking about, but decided to reply with an "Oh, yes." It probably wouldn't be good to be rude to the young daughter of a man who makes enough money to look down at you simply by giving you food.
Cheerfully, Jill stood up on the love seat and started pointing at the photos, reciting what must have been an oft said phrase.
"Jack, Janet, James, Julie, Jenny Jared and Johnny, Jake and Jorge, Jill-- that's me, Judie-- she was my twin, and Joey!"
Leonid felt himself flinching internally at the was, and couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. He didn't want the family to see this, though, so he smiled politely and nodded.
"Wonderful! All of them are great names."
He turned to John Sr. "I assume, Mr. Harris, that it was you who has chosen the names of your children... and/or had a say in it?"
"Well, yes, most of them. I did wish for them all to start with J, but of course my wife had a say in the matter."
Leonid nodded again, looking back at the pictures, whispering "What a fascinating family..."
His volume returned to normal as he spoke to John again.
"Mr. Harris," he began, "As you have already guessed, I have come for this visit for a specific reason: It is about your oldest son, who is Jack I presume? I will leave it up to you if you prefer your children remain here. Or if we should talk in private."
"I agree. I think it would be best if—“
John was interrupted by a woman entering the room.
She seemed to be the same age as John Sr, and wore a white turtleneck sweater with a knee-length chocolate brown skirt-- 'perhaps they aren't aware of the concept of heat?' Leo thought briefly-- and was a carrying a tray with biscuits, teacups, and a teapot.
She gave Leonid a friendly smile, greeting him with “Hello, sir.”
Leonid gave a smile back.
“Greetings! You are Mrs. Harris, I presume? I would like to thank you for your hospitality, and your biscuits and tea.”
She nodded, setting the tray down on the coffee table. The biscuits seemed to be half dipped in chocolate, and were in funny little oblong shapes. Jill and Joey immediately went for them.
“Yes, that’s me.” She confirmed. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
She grabbed a chair from the corner and pulled it next to John Sr, sitting down as he spoke to her.
“Not at all, my flame. Detective Aksakov has some questions for us regarding Jackson.” he crooned, putting his arm around her.
Petunia smiled and gave him a kiss, before pouring up some tea. She gave teacups to herself, Julie, John Sr, John Jr, and Leonid.
Leonid gave her a polite nod as he took a sip of the tea. It tasted something like white tea, but with a strange yet nice floral finish.
“The tea tastes wonderful… thank you. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Harris; due to a current investigation, I thought that Jack… Jackson could perhaps help me with some questions.
“I understand that you might be curious as to what this investigation is about, but I am afraid that I am not allowed to talk about it. My apologies; but—“ He looked at John Sr.— “You probably understand how it is with business and NDAs. In my field, it is like this as well. I wanted to talk to your son, but I was unfortunately unable to reach him. Given that you, as his parents, are his closest relatives, I thought you might perhaps know how I could reach him.”
John Sr nodded, replying “I understand perfectly. He’s QUITE far away, sir.”
Leonid raised an eyebrow curiously.
He sat up a bit, clapping his hands and looking around at his children in the room.
“Alright, children— leave. This is a private matter.” He announced firmly.
The Harris children got up saying various things— Leonid swore he heard Julie say “finally”— and soon, the three adults were alone in the room together.
"Is he currently on a business trip?" Leo asked once alone with them.
John chuckled a bit. "Oh, Gary hardly hosts any business trips these days. It's different; Jack moved."
"Moved... I do have to say, this does surprise me a bit... after all, from what I've heard, Jack worked in the... if I may say family business; so again, I do have to say it surprises me to hear this, Mr. Harris."
Leonid didn't EXACTLY hear. Jack was mentioned on the company website and the Wikipedia page. Best to act he knows and suspects nothing.
John curtly nodded. "Yes, it was strange for us, too. He said he 'needed a fresh start'. Perhaps he's looking to start his own branch of the business."
"We're looking to book a flight for next month to visit him. He said he'd have something nice to show us when he got there." Mrs. Harris added, before asking, "Would you care for a chocolate ladyfinger, Detective?"
"Of course. Thank you Mrs. Harris, that is very kind of you." he replied politely. He was having some thoughts regarding her addition, however.
'Hmm... this might have just gotten more interesting than I thought.'
Speaking out loud again, he said, "I see... you both must be very excited to see your son, right?"
"Yes, very excited. He never said what it WAS that he was going to show us, he wants it to remain a surprise." John replied quite matter of factly.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Harris picked up one of the ladyfingers and put it on a napkin before handing it to Leonid.
He looked at her. "Thank you." he said.
He took a bite of the biscuit-- it tasted almost exactly like sponge cake, save for the milk chocolate coating.
"Wonderful... absolutely wonderful, this biscuit... I am certain that Jackson has his reasons to keep this surprise a surprise... and wanting to wait before showing it to you." he remarked, nodding a bit.
Petunia gave him a proud smile, obviously taking pride in her lovely ladyfingers.
"You're welcome, detective! Though I still can't help but wonder what it is..." she queried.
"If he is keeping it this much of a secret, then I assume it is going to be very exciting." he suggested, taking another biscuit.
"Did you have any other questions?" John asked before sipping his tea.
Leonid hummed a bit and gave his answer. "Well, I wanted to talk with your son, but I guess that given how he has moved away, this is not possible. But thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, for answering my questions and introducing me to your family; and thank you, Mrs. Harris, for the tea and biscuits."
John said nothing, before giving Leonid a little smirk.
"If you want, I can tell you where he is."
This made the detective sit up expectantly.
"You would? That... that is very kind of you, Mr. Harris. Thank you very much."
The middle aged man took a page of card stock out of his vest pocket, along with a fountain pen, and wrote something on it. Once done, he passed it to Leonid.
The detective took a look.
New AndaAnderville, British Columbia, Canada
Leonid couldn't help wrinkling his brow in confusion.
Canada... why did he move so far away?
Shaking his head, he simply put it in his pocket, before giving a slight yet genuine smile and talking again.
"Thank you, Mr. Harris, I can assure you that this helps me a lot. I am confident that when I meet your son, he'll be able to answer the question that I have. Thank you very much for your help."
"You're welcome, Detective Aksakov. Feel free to stay as long as you need to."
Leo finished his tea and second biscuit and got up, still smiling.
"Thank you for the kind offer, Mr. Harris, but I think I've taken enough of you and your family's valuable time. I don't want to take any more away from it." He admitted to them.
"You're welcome again, Detective Aksakov." Petunia said warmly.
"... and thank you for coming over!" her husband added.
Leonid got up and bowed. "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. and Mrs. Harris."
As the detective left the house, he was already thinking of his next move, and what it was gonna be.
First, though, he'd have to find the next flight to British Columbia.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Analyzing the 5 plays in this drama club poster .From the bts pics of stranger things 4.
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So... some of ya’ll know I'm going through the st s4 films given to us by the official st twitter + the films reffed in the show itself or mentioned by the Duffers in interviews .
So I decided to look at the plays mentioned here. Because even if we don't see the monologues in the show directly - the Duffers wouldn't name drop anything unless it inspired them in some way. Similar to films name dropped in the show. Tw : for some dark themes .
This is just a quick little analysis I decided to do since we probably won't get any new st content today (3/22). Nothing too deep. Just mentioning things that caught my interest especially cause these plays have a lot of narrative connections to the st s4 movies I've been watching.
Invitation to a march (Authur laurents)
Reminds me of the stancy/jancy love triangle. "A young woman is having second thoughts about doing the right thing and marrying a respectable , rich, kind, young man with good prospects.By way of a prewedding diversion, this woman becomes interested in the passionate but poor and entirely unsuitable son of a local landlord.Basically, the plot concerns the efforts of Norma Brown to choose between a conventional fiance who "puts her to sleep" but is wealthy (like what her own mother did) or go for this new-poor guy. The play is principally interested in how this youthful love triangle affects the three mothers involved (whether the kids like it or not)
12th night (Shakespeare)
 - viola (el) wrongly assumes a family member (hopper) is dead. She dresses up as a man named 'cesario'. A girl named Olivia falls for 'cesario' (violet dressed as a man). "Finally, when 'Cesario' and Sebastian (violet's twin brother: assumed to have drowned - Will) appear in the presence of Olivia there is more wonder and confusion at their physical similarity. Taking Sebastian for 'Cesario', Olivia asks him to marry her, and they are secretly married in a church. Cough if Olivia is 'straight' cause she fell for Viola (as a doppleganger dressed like her twin brother).Mike being into el who multiple characters in s1 said looked like a boy and specifically like Will is...suspish and a hint he's not straight lol. just like Olivia they're both into guys . plus, this play just has a butt load of love triangles (ugh i hated that aspect). There was also romantically coded letters (which was in the s4 films) . One character is also thrown into an insane asylum and framed as 'insane'.'Pretending that Malvolio is insane, they lock him up in a dark chamber. Feste visits him to mock his insanity'. We all know the psych hospital will be narratively important- talked about it more here.
The seagull (Anton Chekhov-russian)
similar to how I believed s4 will show m*#even already broken up since the months between s3-4 : act 3 (s3) ends with Nina begging for one last chance to be with Trigorin before he leaves/moves away. They kiss and make plans to meet again in Moscow.And in act 4 there's a timeskip where it shows they've been broken up for a long time between acts- and its established they never actually loved eachother. Do i even have to spell out why this parallels the m*#even ending in s3? There is also a play within the play (this is common in a lot of the st films- they have plays- or a story within a story- which illustrate certain themes or emotions of the characters within said film : blackswan, children of paradise, highschool musical, Rushmore, book of Henry, welcome to marwen, never ending story, romancing the stone, wet hot American summer, etc).The play is Konstantin's latest attempt at creating a dense symbolist work. There is also alot of love triangles in the seagull. TW!: for se#ual ab*se/su*cidal thoughts/ inc*st (here and in other play segments). The seagull motif reminds me a lot of Jonathan's rabbit story.Konstantin romantically into Nina shows up to give her a gull that he has shot. Nina is confused and horrified . Trigorin sees the gull that Konstantin has shot and muses to Nina on how he could use it as a subject for a short story: "The plot for the short story: a young girl lives all her life on the shore of a lake. She loves the lake, like a gull, and she's happy and free, like a gull. But a man arrives by chance, and when he sees her, he destroys her, out of sheer boredom. Like this gull."  This immediately reminded me of jon's rabbit story and some of the movies on the s4 list . Like in forrest gump- Jenny (who is poor) was se*ually ab*sed as a very young girl by her father. As a child she runs away into a field-away from her alcoholic father yelling at her -there she prays that she can "be a bird so I can fly far far away" .
Jenny as an adult struggles with this unresolved trauma- being with ab*sive partners, doing dr*gs, and having su*cidal thoughts . She as an adult when contemplating su*icide, jokes 'you think i can fly like a bird ?' while looking down at a bridge.God-i'm worried about jonathan (Jenny was also a musician sort of like jon). In another s4 movie example ' mystic river ' :(in the 80s) a preteen baseball playing boy is r*ped by men in the woods. He later says he wishes he could become an undead monster to not feel the pain of that experience - cause quote " if I'm not human anymore maybe the pain will stop" (Will) . slightly off topic but he also has another personality, imagines a alternate word that dissappears when he turns his head. And as a less direct animal parallel to the play - the boy from the film also imagined his perpetrators as monsters and wolves to cope.In 'getout' the photographer character sees a dead deer in the woods and it represents a parent/his own childhood tra*ma relating to his past. similarly in 'prince of tides' the 2 siblings as kids were ra*ed by men. The older brother remembered it and the younger sibling developed DID (so didn't remember but she would draw wolves- as the perpetrators/villains in her picture stories she created . In the film they also had an ab*sive dad and were very poor. She also tried k*ling herself multiple times-but started to get better after remembering the source of her pain and trauma.  There is also the theme of multiple attempted su*cides in the play- and the play ends with yet another attempt- and the audience is left unaware of the artist's fate at the end of the play.
The tempest (Shakespeare)
Prospereo - (the perceived antagonist) is a wizard with monstrous looks, storm powers , and ability to create monster-dogs
He wants revenge on a man who tried ra*ing his family member & revenge on his other family member who wronged him years ago. I mean... pretty much my did theory.But in the end.Prospero decides to show his enemies the mercy that they did not show him twelve years earlier. He tells Ariel to bring the men to him, he will restore their sanity and then renounce magic forever.Prospero breaks the spell that the men are under .
Diary of a scoundrel (Alexander Ostrovsky-Russian)
-  I suppose this could loosely relate to Jonathan? Glumov, is a young man from an impoverished family lacking status seeking entrance into society's pampered class. A 19th-century Russian scoundrel must scheme his way out of his meager life in a small apartment -whatever it takes.He has a quick mind and some talent for seeing through the hypocrisies of people around him ( Jonathan does make a lot of social critiques about society). That gives him some advantages. A tale of one man's mission to finagle his way into upper-class society and find a cushy job. Set in 1874, this social comedy follows Glumov, a Russian youth who begins his ambitious ascent to social esteem. He progresses by wit, guile and rhetoric. Pitting one stupid person against another, he soon gains his ends. To reach these goals, Glumov will lie, flatter, and cater to the vanities of the wealthy. Unable to contain his disgust with his victims, Glumov decides to relieve his unvoiced satirical comments by recording his schemes in a diary. But he is tripped up by his uncle's wife, to whom he has made passionate love on his way to success. At the end of the play, his diary is stolen and his duplicity exposed, but he can nevertheless suceeds. The author is much more critical about the high society itself than about the main character, so the play keeps attracting generations of directors by opening possibilities for political criticism while also avoiding naming names of the current rulers.The play's aim was to overthrow bourgeois tradition and establish a class-conscious art called eccentricism giving a deliberately comic portrayal of reality.
I suppose I notice some possible commonalities-  besides s3 critiquing the wealthy/capitalism in comedic ways . jonathan since s1 has worried about his family's finances / had some resentment toward the rich . In some of the s4 movies ‘orphan’ & ‘ girl interrupted’ someone reads their diary out loud to get at them (in girl interrupted the winona character’s diary even had critiques of her new friends).  Alot of movies also have someone (usually a teen/young adult) making a documentary about their life -which could narratively replace said diary? A few movies have a poor guy adjusting to snobby rich social circles (or being poor and then getting money)- titanic, kingsmen, karate kid, the craft , godfather,  wardogs,into the spiderverse,flashdance, and many others . And movies like wardogs has a poor-young-character do shady things to finacially support his family . There’s also that whole uncle’s wife thing- which makes me uncomfortable for obvious reasons (but I’m just thinking of Lonnie’s creepy gf who was into him). A few movies had the guy’s step mom innappropriately hit on him- orange county & you got mail. And him trying to avoid her advances. Or...not to mention ... it may be a problematic coincidence /trope. But in enter the void -the guy who needs to finacially support his sibling/ does dr*gs -hooks up with his dr*g dealing friend’s married mom (who would give him money).  Or in gilbert grape- the poor teen-who has to finacially support his siblings/single mom-has his endgame relationship be a girl his own age. But before that he h*oked up with a married woman -who would give him money. Don’s plum -young film guy-propositioned by older female film director (for dream job). Not even mentioning the other films that have the guy hooking up with toxic older women (like ‘the graduate’). Or analyze this-where the therapist accuses him of having an Oedipus complex (not touching that one... but the guy in ‘enter the void’ a 100% had one). It’s possible those movies were just- inspo for s3?  A coincidence? Or s3 was foreshadowing for this in s4- but unlike s3 it will accurately be played as wrong  and a sign of Jonathan recreating past tra*ma caused by Lonnie (cough like the photos) /being desperate for money. And not played ‘comedically’ like how it mostly was in s3. But shown as self destructive  (for Jon) and immoral on the Woman’s end. Like... Billy and Jon are character foils. Both are older siblings into rock music, with ab*sive dads who shoved them into walls. Both lose it (and beat steve to a pulp when Steve accidentally triggers their daddy issues). In s3 it’s established womanizer Billy has mommy issues, than he tries ho*king up with someone his mom’s age, and the characters ref ‘back to the future ‘ and Steve incorrectly says it’s about “alex p keaton trying to bang his mom.” This could illustrate his subconscious issues with parental figures/adults cause of Lonnie’s  possible past se*ual ab*se . One film the friend even says to the guy “you don’t have friends!” guy b: i have friends! him:  no you have acquaintances! ADMIT IT! YOU’RE AFRAID OF MEN!I mean-Jonathan liked Nancy- but he initially hooked up with her cause he wanted to prove he didn’t have ‘trust issues’ from his dad. Also it’s prob a bit of a reach (and maybe a coincidence)- but the fact Murray in the same breath compares Steve (Nancy’s then bf) and Lonnie  ... uh... if you think too long about it ... it’s very sinister .  Especially because in s3: muray tells Joyce  that despite her wanting to be with a nice guy, she’s curious about “the brute” Hopper despite him reminding her of a past “bad relationship”(aka Lonnie). Like- yeah connect some dots.  Quite a few films (other than forrest gump) also have the character who (as a kid) was  r*ped by their dad/parent-  begin to do dr*gs/be pr*miscuous as adults since they never learned to properly cope with their trauma (’girl with the dragon tattoo’,  ‘black swan’, and ‘magnolia’). Unfortunately the whole relative doing such things to kid-relatives is in at least 30+ movies. 
Personally, i would be MUCH happier if Jon had a age appropriate romance- and had not a single creepy adult near him. A few movies actually imply Lonnie gets yet another ‘new model’  replacing his gf in her 20s with a new gf- who is ‘barely l*gal” and just turned 18. so there’s that possibility as well- that she’s jonathan’s age.I just want Jonathan-happy &safe. GOD. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
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raspberryseashanty · 3 years
I present to you, a how-it-should-have-ended take on S01E06.
Loki: I just ... I just want you to be okay. Sylvie, please – we’ve come so far together. Don’t let him get into your head now.
Sylvie [stares at him with rage-filled eyes, but a beat later she steps back with a gasp and her dagger falls to the ground. She covers her mouth with her hand as tears fill her eyes.]
Loki: [pulls in her for a hug] It’s okay. You’re okay.
He Who Remains: No ... no no no. This isn’t supposed to happen. This isn’t how its supposed to go!
Sylvie: What are you talking about? You said you don’t know what happens next.
HWR: I lied! I lied because that’s what was written! And Sylvie was supposed to kiss you and then betray you-
Loki: Kiss me?
Sylvie: Ew.
HWR: I don’t understand. This isn’t supposed to happen ... I really have no idea what happens next.
[HWR gasps and he starts to dissappear, the orange glow of a pruning consuming him. Mobius comes into view behind him, pruning stick in hand.]
Mobius: What was that about a kiss?
Sylvie: Is he dead?
Mobius: Nah, I don’t think so. I’m sure he’s just been sent outside like all the other pruned souls.
[Outside there’s a deafening roar. HWR screams.]
Mobius: [taps a finger against his lips.] You know, I forgot about the giant demon cloud.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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firespirited · 3 years
Shang Chi and the legend of the ten rings review
It felt like a disney movie meets comic book action hero one if that makes any sense. It’s comic-like in that it’s a sexless bloodless world where consequences don’t really matter and it’s jarring because i’ve only experienced Tony Leung and Simu Liu in worlds where little things mattered greatly. The magical elements are what make it feel disney-esque, the hidden forest was truly wondrous, it made my heart ache in childlike awe.
First negative: I felt like the sister’s arc was superflous even if it’s the set up for a future villain. You can’t throw us the potential of that character and never give us enough time or weight to delve into her grief, her issues with her dad, her moral choices. It felt cheap to give her so much fighting time but just a character sketch. Same for Michelle Yeoh, as a bit character!!! How dare you?!
Quick Note before this next section: I’m not coming at this from a “killing is bad for the soul” perspective or a marvel galaxybrain “you’ll become as bad as the villain blabla” ... nah, i’m coming at this as a Hong Kong low budget fight movie aficionado where the philosophy is part of the kicking-ass package and the person who wins was either tapping into their emotions or transcending them (or tapping into ancient heritage magic - that genre is fun too) and that mental breakthrough gave them a asskicking advantage. That was what I was expecting given the two main leads and the importance given to the two fighting styles.
So Shang has a really interesting character point and it’s never used: the man can kill and has killed and deliberately doesn’t when he could probably kill any obnoxious rando he met with the right chokehold and make it look like a heart attack. We don’t get to see any of his journey out of child soldier mode and back into sociability. We get a brief view of him doing pushups but not meditation or mantras to keep violence, risk and self harm away. Then when confronted with doing violence again it’s back into video-game-mode straight up, not Am I going to end up wrecking myself? How do I feel about being a weapon? He starts out using the Jackie Chan-Sammo Hung comedy action fighting technique but without the deliberate and very obvious avoidance of violence. So, from this first fight, I expect the violence to ramp up once we’re not among civilians. It doesn’t. Shang is clearly talented but inflicting bloodless painless moves where bones don’t break and enemies collapse quietly or dissappear from view.
Then we’re told he needs to bridge the divide between his mother and his father’s characters and fighting styles to become his true self. Okay. This is going to be the core of his origin story, usually this is about balance and abstraction of the self or learning from nature. The father is heartless & disconnected. The mother and her people are visually depicted as spiritual... but there’s not a single word referencing that, nor that different martial arts have different intentions and mindsets. Shang has an inner turmoil, he learns his mother’s style again then reflects and says he needs to kill his father: this is shown as worrying even though the ethics are sound. We’re not told *anything* of the thought process. There’s no emotional change to show his focus, this trained warrior is entirely re-active instead of pro-active. The change happens to him and the rings go orange and it’s supposed to mean something.
So basically there this big story hole where Shang’s supposed to reconcile his heartless training with (crypto?) buddhism and in the absence of anything else, it’s american christian shaped... and it feels very wierd.
Basically we go from
A- Killing dad is bad even though he’s a warlord terrorist who’s going to burn a sacred place to the ground if he doesn’t get what he wants
then B- Killing dad would be ok as it’s rooted in compassion for your second family (and saving the whole world) but it’d leave you “soiled”
to C- Avatar the last Airbender cop out, no killing required because demon ex machina
to D- Dad’s worth grieving because he did a tiny self sacrifice
and bonus really wierd E- Girlboss take his place, diversity win: the terrorists are now 50% female yaass!
It’s gorgeous, the actors are top notch but can only work with what they’re given. The ten rings are not earned, the ten rings are not a corrupting force to counter-balance: they are merely a tool. Shang has minimal agency, he chooses to face his past for his sister but beyond that he is moved from situation to situation by others or magic. His choice to fight his father is taken from him twice. He does not have to earn the protector dragon’s trust, he doesn’t have to discard emotion to focus on the fight, he doesn’t have to choose to take on the burden of the rings to save people. Tony Leung’s Wenwu shines like he’s the main protagonist because he is, his choices define the whole story, his will moves the plot along, everyone else is along for the ride.
Now how does Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings stack against other superhero films: It’s good, it’s very enjoyable watching. The wire fu and Liu’s skills are very impressive. If you go in with the understanding that this is a marvel film: it’s more magical and charming than most, you really root for Shang he’s got the survivor with a heart of gold quality to him, he’s been hurt but he’s chosen warmth, they gave him friends and family who push him towards growth and the villain is multifaceted. He’s instantly likeable and relatable unlike Tony Stark or even Thor who needed time to embrace the responsibility part of power. But this is a Marvel film so we won’t get much character depth until we’re at Shang Chi III.
So go in expecting standard superhero fare and be pleasantly surprised. The spiritual has been scrubbed at least on a textual level from what can often be a buddhist or taoist genre (or shinto if you’re into japanese films) so you need to sort of mentally reset back into superhero mode or it feels like something’s not adding up. But that might be a localized problem: in continental europe we consume a lot more asian films and european gen Y & Z are more likely to be watching anime and doramas than say, CW/Riverdale stuff: the thought is that it’s foreign either way.
BTW french netflix is full of kdrama, jdrama and anime, if you use a VPN you can access it from your american netflix and avoid Viki
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dawnwriterimagines · 4 years
Recollection: Michael Myers X Reader
Request: where the reader was a friend of Michael's when they were kids, he had a crush on her since they've met. He doesn't get the chance to tell her since he's sent to smith's grove, but she gets an intern position during college, years later, and he recognizes her instantly. They reunite secretly for weeks, Michael can finally admit his love. Smut, please, thx!
Warning(s): Blood, Violence, Fluff, Smut, Language, etc.
Buy me a coffee? All support is appreciated.
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"That's so cool," you cooed in awe, peering over Michael's shoulder as he connected the finishing touches of his new mask. An orange outline that fades to black as the color dragged downwards towards where the mouth opening would be, but Michael only ever cut out holes for the eyes in his masks.
Michael felt a swell of pride at your compliment, "Aren't you gonna finish yours?" He glanced over at your messy array of colored paper, you had taken it upon yourself to cut out pieces of your mask to make it alittle more decorative, but this being your first time actually crafting one it hadn't turned out so well.
You held it up to look it over, both you and Michael tilting your heads to the side as the face mask somehow seemed lopsided. "I think I'll make another one instead," you chuckled awkwardly, alittle embarrassed of your lack of mask making skill. You balled the glued paper up in your hands and tossed it over your shoulder, Michaels eyes followed the rolled paper as it fell before looking back at you. "How do you do it so well?"
"Practice," he answered as he watched you pick up your pair of scissors to cut out your mask outline. Instead of an entire face mask, you liked keeping your nose and mouth exposed and making the mask just around your eye's. He liked it that way for you, you had a cute nose and he liked looking at your lips when you talked to him.
He watched as you cut the paper dangerously close to your fingers, blinking he found himself prepared to tear the sharp utensils out of your grasp convinced you'd hurt yourself. But, you never did and he never needed to.
He finally slipped on his mask when you finished yours, coloring yours a pale blue with a red outline, black lines drawn around the eye holes and swirls across the corners of your cheeks. You smiled upon finishing and held it up, you were pretty proud of your work, "What'd ya think?"
Michael looked it over before looking at you, nodding. "Good. Now, you have another face." He spoke through his mask, his eyes were dark beneath the covering of his Halloween mask, you beamed at him.
"Now, I have another identity!" You gushed before slipping the mask on, tying it behind your head with the string you had poked through the edges. "Like a superhero!"
"Sure," Michael shook his head at your antics.
"That means you're a superhero too, ya know!" You leaped to your feet with all your paper scraps, smiling widely at him before turning and throwing away the scraps.
Michael blinked. "I am?"
You nodded as you turned back to him, a skip in your step. "Yep! You could be hero of Haddonville!"
Michael shook his head, "No, I hate this town."
You pursed your lips, "Oh...uh well, what about hero of--hero of Haddonville park? You like that cave swing we found the other day!"
Still, Michael shook his head, frowning. "I don't care about that park. And some fuckards broke the swing last week."
You sighed, finally giving up. "Oh well, what about your mama's hero?" Michael huffed, frowning deeply, you then remembered how upset he was with her dating that bad boy friend of hers. But, as you came up beside him, you gently nudged him with your shoulder, fidgeting nervously. "I guess you can settle on being my hero?" You gave a shy smile as he turned to you, surprised.
He was silent, his eyes were wide behind his mask and you bit down on your bottom lip, wondering why you had said anything at all. He hummed lightly beneath his mask, you glanced at him, "I guess that's ok." He said, walking forwards and out the front door of the house, kids already roaming the town outside for Halloween.
You froze for a moment before a wide smile spread it's way across your face, you giggled before running out the door after him, "Wait up!"
"Where the fuck have you been?" Your father grabbed you by the arm and hauled you off the front porch, the small bucket you had beside you now fallen over and spilling out candy wrappings. Michael and you just having finished your trick or treating for the night and headed back to his house to enjoy the sugary goodness.
You had spotted your father storming over from the corner of the street just as Michael offered a caramel slice to you, your eye's went wide and you stood to your feet. Michael frowning instantly before he glared harshly at your father who snatched you off the wooden porch. "I was just--!" You stumbled onto your knees as your father dragged you onto the pavement, scrapping your knees. "Daddy, I was just with my friend!"
You father scoffed. "That boy ain't nothin' but trouble. You're supposed to be helping me in the shop anyway, little girl."
"But, you said I could spend Halloween with Michael!" You pulled your arm from his grip but he held tight, before whirling on you, he stuck his finger in your face, twisting your wrist in his grip.
"Shut up! I don't need you talking back to me, I don't need you fucking up this night for me, I've got a nice deal tonight and you ain't ruinin' this for me!"
"But, I--" you didn't finish as he slapped you hard, you yelped and Michael stood angrily, running over as he saw you hold your cheek with a small cry.
"Hey!" Michael barked out as he stomped over, his pair of scissors in hand.
Michael's mother leaving the house upon hearing the commotion, she ran over as she found Michael stalking towards the man as you cried softly. Your father yanking you by your arm to his side as he rolled his eye's seeing the two coming over, luckily, Michaels mother pushed her son behind her before he could stab the unsuspecting man, his eyes glinting with horrible intentions as he glared at the man.
"What's happening here?" She asked, worriedly. "Michael, put that down," she sighed heavily as she tried to take the scissors from him, he held tight and she let him be. "Look, this is a misunderstanding. (Y/n) was just playing around with Michael for the day, she hasn't been bad, so what's the problem here?" She looked down at you as you sniffled. "Are you ok, sweetie?"
"I--," your father pulled your arm, shaking you in annoyance.
"She's fine!" He answered for you.
Her eyes narrowed and she straightened, crossing her arms. "Mr. (L/n), I know today must be a difficult day for you, but at least handle her alittle more gentle."
Your father tensed before taking taking a threatening step towards the woman, "You tellin' me how to raise my kid?"
Her eyes widened, Michaels grip on the scissors only tightened, glancing down at the man's calves and gut, his two striking points, he was ready to bring him down. "No, no, not at all!" She assured.
Your father straightened, the woman now remorsefully silent as your father yanked you back and turned to walk home, your father glanced down at Michael. The boy's eyes were...horrifying, your father visibly stiffening at the violent look directed towards him.
As you followed your father, reluctantly, Michael's gaze dropped from the older man's skull before looking at you, walking from behind his mother, he began to follow you absently. However, his mother took his wrist and held him, "No, Michael. Don't," she warned him. You turned at her voice, you were turning the corner and your eye's linked with Michael's, you gave him a wave before you dissappeared around the street corner. Michael pushed his mother away, she sighed heavily, "Hey, I know she's your friend, but we can't do anything right now, just come inside, Michael, come on."
She pulled him into the house, but the rest of the night, Michael stood at the window, waiting to see you at the corner once again. When he realized you wouldn't be coming back, he snapped.
His mother's boyfriend was first. Having many times talked bad about you when you had left, calling you a 'freak' for hanging out with him. Tying him to the chair as he slept drunkenly, no one in the house could hear his muffled screams as the young boy slit his throat and let him bleed out as he went after his sister next.
His sister, having just stepped out of the shower, was delivered a brutal assault of stabs from the kitchen knife that Michael had collected before coming up to find her. He hated her the most, always ignoring you when you were around and pushing you away from him. He pushed his knife into her spine to end her frantic screams, she was just inches from the stairs, to safety when her body went limp.
His mother could do the dirty work herself.
He walked out of the house, a knife still in hand, as he walked down the neighborhood, the steel knife glinting in his grip, he had almost forgotten that it was still Halloween, people still running around dressed in costumes. His knife still dripping blood and leaving a subtle trail from his home into the street. He was headed to your home.
You awoke to a hand on your forehead, that dragged over your head and stiffly through your hair. It repeated, this time alittle gentler, you made a tired noise in your throat before draping a hand over the waist of the person beside you. The hand stopped, almost frozen before shakily continuing, his thumb this time brushing along your cheek, leaving a sticky residue behind.
You hummed as you adjusted your head from the pillow into the person's side, still half asleep as you released a pleased breath. The gentle touches faded and then they adjusted themselves against you, now laying down fully to face you and resting a hand on your side.
Michael watched, silently through his mask as you slept unaware of his presence, but welcoming him anyway, he breathed lightly against his mask.
He glanced towards the window as a red light flickered against your covers, then it faded to blue, after that he could finally hear the sound of police sirens closing in on your house. You shifted and Michael directed his gaze back to you, seeing that you had woken up.
But, you didn't flinch. Instead smiling sleepily, your raised a hand, running a finger down the side of his mask, "Michael..." you whispered, happily. He didn't say anything, but he released a heavy breath that you smiled through as he then pulls you close and let your head settle against his.
The police bang on the door downstairs, you sit up in confusion, pulling away, Michael glances back before pulling you back down, "Michael, what's going on?" You question, your hands feel sticky, you pull them back and you smell something metallic from them. The blue and red lights outside illuminate the room and you can see the blood staining your fingers. "Michael?"
He doesn't say anything still, he only strokes your hair to the side before turning you over onto your back, he sits up and is directly over you, his knife held at his side, "I love you," he whispers with ease, almost inaudibly.
Your eye's widen, before you smile, almost forgetting the police that were currently rushing through the house, finding the body of your father on the steps. You held his hand in yours, he squeezed it and in the flickering light, you could see his eyes close. "I love you too." They open wide, he releases a cry, just as he brings his knife down on your side.
Your eye's go wide with betrayal and hurt, just as you begin to scream.
Michael takes the side of your face in his bloody hand as he leaves the knife imbedded in your side, he climbs off the bed just as the police burst through the bedroom door.
Michael is taken out of the house, you are carried into an ambulance, Your eye's go wide at the sight of your father's corpse being covered with a white sheet on the living room floor. You fall unconscious as the police begin to close the ambulance doors, Michael is given one last glance of you through the window of the police car.
He's sentenced to a mental health institution, deeming him criminally insane, he's condemned to Smith's Grove Sanitarium.
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BEASTARS MINI-STORY #4: “A Different kind of Charity pt. 2” by JCL
--- Several male admirers of varying, herbivore-species are crowding around Juno. Juno smiles politely, but it looks she is starting to get a little uncomfortable with all the attention she is getting. DUCK: "Who is this fetching young lady?" SEYMOUR: "Louis friend, from the drama club." TOM: "She's a dancer!" DUCK: "In that case, you gotta save me a dance for tonight." KOALA: "With your flat duck-feet? Get real!" One of them, a LLAMA (llama, 27 years old, dressed in a black suit with a green shirt and black bowtie) who appears to quite drunk, is taking a keen interest in Juno's posterior. He is reaching for it with an open hand. LLAMA: (My, my, what cute little ass she's got...!) Suddenly, Louis grabs the llama's arm by the wrist and pulls it away from its intended target. Louis fixes him with a pair of murderous eyes atop a stiff smile.   LOUIS: "I LIKE YOUR WATCH. IS IT SWISS?" He refers to the expensive-looking watch on the llamas arm. The llama looks terrified. LLAMA: "N-n-n-no?" LOUIS: "I see." Louis lets go of his hand. The llama and a few of the admirers takes steps back. Louis moves closer to Juno and extends his arm. LOUIS: "Juno, shall we find our seats?" Juno blinks a little in surprise. After a second she grabs it, like she did when they first walked in. The two walk away toward the restaurant-section. Seymour, Tom and the rest of the admirers gives each other nervous looks as they leave. --- We skip ahead and see that Juno and Louis are now sitting opposite each other at a round table in the restuarant-section, looking through a menu each. Suddenly, Juno puts her menu down to look at Louis. JUNO: "So what happened to not being 'touchy-feely?'" Louis's focus remains on his menu. LOUIS: "I changed my mind." JUNO: "Why?" Louis raises the menu a little higher, like he is shielding himself from her look. LOUIS: "Those guys didn't folllow the same rules. It may have bothered me a bit." Juno looks confused. JUNO: "Not follow the same rules? What do you-" However, her thoughts suddenly illustrate the whole previous scene with cute chibi-versions of everyone involved. She imagines Chibi-Louis moving the chibi-llama's hand away from Chibi-Juno. As he does, she visualises a circular arrow appearing between the llama's hand and Chibi-Juno's behind, and from there on calculate what Louis meant. As the chibi-sequence dissappears, Juno attains a look of realization. JUNO: "Oh! Oh...!" Juno then stares at Louis. Behind the menu we can see that he looks embarrassed. LOUIS: (This is ridiculous!) --- We go over to a flashback, where a 7-year-old Louis is sitting at a long dinnertable. He is looking over a series of cutlery lined out next to his plate and seems to struggle with differentiating between five different kinds of forks. His tutor, a proper-looking penguin, seems to lecture him as he picks up a table fork instead of a salad fork. LOUIS: (After Oguma took me home, I got everything. Wealth, education, manners, purpose...) --- LOUIS: (Despite this, there's been plenty of times where I've been envious...) We see a flashback of Louis and Legosi fighting over Haru's kidnapping. LOUIS: (I was envious of Legosi for his strenght, and I was envious of Juno for winning over all the members of the club at such a short length of time) This transitions over to another flashback where Louis shoots Juno an annoyed look as she happily greets the other members of the club. --- We flash forward to just recently at the UniFeed charity. We see Louis observing Juno as the crowd of male admirers gather around her, greeting and complimenting her. LOUIS: (This is something different though. I didn't care that she won those people over so fast. No, it's when they were getting too close... And the way they looked at her...) He observes that several of these admirers are starting to get a little too friendly for a group of strangers; Gestures like a hand on her shoulder, kissing her hand and looking a little too keenly at her exposed back. LOUIS: (IT MADE MY BLOOD BOIL!) Louis hand tightens into a fist, and he glares at the group. LOUIS: (Jealousy... That was jealousy!) --- Louis looks panicked and regretful behind his menu. LOUIS: (How could I have acted so stupid?! She probably could've managed just fine without me coming to her rescue. She's a big girl, not some damsel in distress!) Juno reaches out and grabs his menu, lowering it so that she can see his face. JUNO: "Louis-senpai, did you get jealous back there?" At first, Louis looks completely stone-faced. LOUIS: "No." However, as Juno continues to stare, this facade begins to crack and he looks away. LOUIS: "... Maybe." Finally, he sighs and meets her gaze. LOUIS: "A bit...!" Juno crosses her arms and gives Louis a bothered look. JUNO: "You know, I can't help but to notice the irony: You worried that I would be the one to act less than platonic, but so far, you're the one being awfully non-platonic. So how do you want it? It's a bit annoying when you jump back and forth, so... Hands on, or hands off?" Louis seems to ponder about this, before giving an answer. LOUIS: "Hands on. At least to ward off other hands from inappropriate places." Juno rolls her eyes and begins to speak in an ironic fashion. JUNO: "Okay master, but I still need to shake hands and give an occasional hug, otherwise it'll just be rude. Is that alright with you or should I go and fetch my leash first?" She mimes having a leash around her neck which is getting pulled. Louis looks really annoyed at this. LOUIS: "I am not a fricking taliban! Of course it's alright!" Juno laughs at this. JUNO: "Good. And you don't have to worry about my innapropriate places..." She leans forward and gives him a seductive look. JUNO: "... Since you've clearly called shotgun." Louis eyes widen and he looks away with a blush on his face. LOUIS: "I have not! I mean, I did not-" They are then approached by a DOG WAITRESS (Cocker Spaniel, 25 years old, black and white waitress clothes). DOG WAITRESS: "Are you ready to order?" Louis coughs and takes up his menu. LOUIS: "Ehum, yes. I'll be having a greek salad, some garlic-bread and a glass of ginger ale." The waitress begins to write the order down on the notebook. Meanwhile, Juno grimaces as she hears the word 'garlic-bread.' JUNO: (Ew, garlic!) The waitress then turns her attention to Juno. DOG WAITRESS: "And the lady?" Juno looks a bit weirded out at being referred to as a 'lady' despite being younger than the waitress. JUNO: (Lady?) "I'll have a spinach and mushroom omelette. And some orange juice." DOG WAITRESS: "Got it." The waitress writes this down as well and then takes the two menus. She walks away. Juno suddenly looks self-conscious about something. JUNO: "I didn't think to ask, am I supposed to tip the servers?" LOUIS: "Don't worry, I'll take care of that." Juno looks surprised and gives off a wide grin. JUNO: "Louis, always so generous!" Louis smiles and shakes his head in feigned annoyance. LOUIS: "Juno, always the leech." A litte vein appears on Juno's head and she looks a bit offended. JUNO: "Hey, I wouldn't mind paying!" She then swiftly shifts into a theatrical, feminine pose, hand over her heart and everything. JUNO: "But if we are to go by traditional gender roles anyway..." Louis sweatdrops at this. LOUIS: "It's hard to imagine you being a traditional ANYTHING." (And what's with that pose?) Juno then leans forward and leans her chin on her hand. JUNO: "Anyway, how does the program look? Are we supposed to sit here all night?" LOUIS: "Of course not. It's a charity, so there's a number of events to go by, including dance, a couple of performances from the band, speeches held by the hosts and speakers from UniFeed. Then there's always the gambling table, the bar and mingling." JUNO: "I look forward to the dancing. It's been a while." Louis looks a little reluctant as she mentions this, thinking back to when he danced with Juno the last time. LOUIS: "Yes... Though maybe it won't go as smooth as last time, on account of my leg." JUNO: "You still have problems with it?" Louis looks up, but then, he notices something across the room: A lion that appears to be a member of the Shishigumi, the criminal group he formerly led. He immediately gets up and walks toward him, leaving a confused-looking Juno behind. LOUIS: "I am sorry, I just saw someone I need to talk to. I'll be back shortly." JUNO: "Ah- What...?" Louis quickly disappears out of sight. Juno blinks and then puffs her cheeks in annoyance as she is left alone. JUNO: (Jeez, he sure blows hot and cold!) Then she begins to look kind of sly though. JUNO: (But all in all, I think things are going pretty well. I didn't expect him to get all green-eyed, but considering the circumstances, that could work more to my benefit rather than against me. All in all, Juno's seduction plan, aka operation 'Good Moon Rising,' phase 2, is progressing according to plan. So far, there hasn't been anything I can't handle) OGUMA: "Young lady, if I may bother you." Juno looks up to see that she has been approached by Louis's father, Oguma. Accompanying him is SHIGURE (Capybara, female, ca 35 years old, glasses and grey blazer over a white shirt and a long skirt). OGUMA: "I saw you with my son as you entered. You wouldn't happen to accompany him for the night?" Juno's eyes widen. JUNO: "...!" (Louis father?) TO BE CONTINUED...!
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bufffywritesfanfic · 6 years
Day 3 (10/2): Mystery / Curiosity / Black
Summary : https://bufffywritesfanfic.tumblr.com/post/178600874539/prucan-week-2018
Part 1: https://bufffywritesfanfic.tumblr.com/post/178600981934/day-1-930-beginnings-renewal-green
Part 2: https://bufffywritesfanfic.tumblr.com/post/178653405134/day-2-101-change-inviting-orange
"Get back they'll see you!"
"Please," Gilbert said. His tail had reappeared and he gave a low whistle that didn't fit anything human-made then gave him with a wide grin. "They can't see us now. Let's get closer."
"Wait…!" Matthew hissed and then huffed before he too crept around the hedge and into the castle's expansive gardens. Dissappearing around a bend in manicured topiary he was able to briefly glimpse Vash as he pushed Lily along the path in her wheeled chair. The joker was already half way there, the gravel hardly making noise despite traveling at a jog. Matthew wasn't nearly as stealthy and cursed nearly every step.
And when he did succeed in catching up what he saw made him slap a hand over his own mouth to stop the sound he began to make. This particular path opened up into a circular space containing a single fountain of large stag. Around the basin of water were stone benches one of which Vash was helping Lily to settle onto. She smoothed her skirts and gave him a nod and he turned and began pulling a small picnic from a pouch on the back of her chair.
And Gilbert? Oh, he was hovering over their shoulders. Matthew's eyes were wide and he waved his arm's to get the other's attention shaking his head.
Gilbert grinned and beckoned him over.
His eyes narrowed, and Matthew pointed his finger at him and then at his own feet.
The joker sat on the fountain wall, the smile never leaving his face, and rubbed the stone work beside him.
"It's a nice day," Lily sighed, her face upturned into the sunlight. Matthew crossed his arms and stayed where he was.
"Yes, but enjoy it," Vash grumbled, "It's supposed to rain the rest of the week."
"I'm okay with that." She unwrapped food from its paper packages and spread them out between them on their bench. "The plants have been looking very dry lately."
Their chatter continued, sticking entirely to mundane subjects such as thoughts on the latest castle gossip ("I don't care what they're doing," Vash had said numerous times) or of any of the news from the capital, a place Lily hadn't been to in over a year despite it being a relatively short trek. And if she didn't go, Vash tended to stay behind as well so between the both of them they were left speculating about what the newest museum exhibit was like or what film was playing and if they could request a private screening of it.
Gilbert listened intently at first, but then his posture began to slouch and before long he was stretched out on his back with his fingers draped in the water. Once their snack was finished, they picked it up and Vash helped Lily back into her chair and they returned the way they had come.
The danger past, Matthew approached, a smug look clear across his face. "Get what you needed out of that?"
"Rule nothing out," Gilbert said, but he looked ready for a nap rather than to continue their investigation. His tail was gone once more and he had returned to looking like the security personnel that stalked the halls.
Matthew made a face, but joined the joker on the fountain's edge, wiggling until he found a comfortable place where his head was cushioned by Gilbert's body. "I think we should go over what we know."
"Which isn't much," Gilbert muttered, his eyes closed and one hand drifting down to play with Matthew's hair.
"Well, we do know that she has had this disease her entire life, but I don't ever see doctors or healers visiting her." This is dangerous, a voice echoed from a crevice in his mind, you may be caught! His body relaxed to the gentle caresses allowing him to easily ignore it.
"Are we sure Vash doesn't know any magic?"
"He's never displayed anything."
"That doesn't prove he doesn't."
Gulls cried overhead, darting past the open garden on their travels. Beside them the constant trickle of water over the stone work lulled them. Matthew could feel himself beginning to drift off as he listened to the distant gravel crunching to a steady beat.
His eyes shot open. "Gil, are we visible?"
"Yeah," the joker mumbled, his hand movements having already stilled to rest on top of Matthew's head, "wouldn't look like this if we weren't…"
"Get up," Matthew hissed, pulling himself free and scrambling away. His head turned and looked back down the path which thankfully still remained empty for now, but the footsteps were drawing nearer. "Someone's coming."
Gilbert forced himself alert, following Matthew's gaze down the path and only exit and springing to his feet. His left hand found Matthew's wrist and he pulled him back towards the opposite hedge wall. "Shit," he muttered as he twisted around, knowing escape would involve needing to push through the dense foliage. "Hold still."
Holding Matthew close he muffled another whistle with his hand and two things happened simultaneously. The first was that the footsteps paused. The second was that the hedge shuddered as Gilbert's tail brushed against it.
Matthew couldn't breath, his grip tightening on Gilbert's arm as whoever it was began moving again, but this time the steps were not at a walk. Within moments their owner swung around the corner at a jog and stepped into the bright sunlight.
The pair, now only able to watch helplessly as Francis stepped within the tiny clearing and looked around, his eyes passing over them in his search. It was rare to see him in the gardens alone, normally someone would be accompanying him on walks. Matthew knew as he had taken the same thing numerous time, arm in arm, to admire the flowers and fountains. Or the times they brought a picnic lunch and lay close together much the same as he had just done with Gilbert.
"Matthew?" Francis called, and he bit his lip to keep from responding. He couldn't move, his body was frozen for fear of being discovered. What would he even tell Francis about why he was sneaking off with Gilbert that wouldn't involve revealing what he was? Why would someone entrust a position so important to him of all people?
Francis turned and walked back the way he came and then turned heading further into the garden. Still neither moved, not until they judged the king far enough away to not hear their whispers.
"What do we do?" Matthew asked, his grip remaining tight on Gilbert's arm.
"Back to the castle. I'll keep us hidden."
They ran, sprinting out of the gardens and up the glossy marble steps hands clenched tightly to not lose the other. The servants sprang up to close the door that the wind must have pushed open and others looked out into halls wondering who could be running through them unseen in the daylight.
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xiandreamlog · 2 years
The Supposed Soulmate (14/08/2022)
In today's nap, i dreamed of meeting my soulmate. He is a black guy and somehow, I have never seen him before but I knew that he was supposed to give me those two books. One is a white book with sky blue 'B' letter on the cover, the other one is some kind of a poetry book, a smaller one, with a cover like fantasy books (marmalade border and an illustration of a girl sitting under a tree reading). The place on where he gave me that book was at a big (supposed) palace. On the back of it is where we stayed. It was haunted -- i guess. On the front, there is a path with swimming pools (indoor) on the left and right side. The building color was gray and the architecture theme was a kingdom in Europe like. the path was full of flowers and the people there was kinda diverse. I went there with my family. On the pool, I somehow was attracted with a white guy who had orange hair as long as his neck. He was my ideal type. His body was quite big with broad shoulders and he was ... cute. I don't know why but I immediately hugged him (he was in a position of laying down on a beach seat). He was shocked but he hugged me back and laughed. After that, the black guy came and when he wanted to hand me the book, someone threw that book to the swimming pool. Thank God, the black guy immediately picked that book up and handed it to me. It was full of handwritten notes clipped on some pages and the most on the last page. I smiled very bigly, I looked at him with such awe, I felt like I knew him for a long time. I told him thanks and not much words. After that, I went out of the pool with my fam and it was a library. I searched the books for a while while waiting for my mom in the toilet. Because I wanted to go to the toilet too, I went inside and I was curious about a button so I pressed it and peed. Suddenly, a woman janitor cleaned the floor of my toilet chamber with a water spraying gun (bidet) and cleaned the floor. I shouted so loudly and said, later please, later. She just looked at me and continued her business. I immediately zipped up my pants and went outside. She explained me that the button I pressed was a 'clean the chamber' button. Oh, how peculiar. The toilet was dark blue themed, kinda like Baywalk Mall's toilet. I went out from that place and searched for more books. I somehow realized that this is a dream and I have to read that book before I wake up. But, I could not read the book, I could not open it, I can't do anything. So I just bring the book and saw some notes (but did not read it). Somehow in my mind, I was delaying it, somehow, waiting for a good time to read it. I think this reflects with my real life where I always wait for a special moment with special ambience for me to start working on something. The library's theme was white with wooden book shelves. The ceiling was very high, I like how airy the place was. The book shelves were coordinated like NTU's Social Science library, but more spacious. Then, Somehow, the white book with 'B' typography on the cover dissappeared from my hand and was replaced with a green 'Why' comic book. I somehow proceeded to cover it with plastic cover, cut the extra pieces and 'borrowed' the book. I was overhearing a conversation between the person in front of the line and the cashier. She asked, "How long can I borrow this book?" "I live overseas so I might not be able to return this book again." The cashier had some kind of policy but I could not hear it. The cashier was a white girl. So came my turn and I asked the same question. I just borrowed the book and thought, well, if I cannot return this book to the library, there is no other choices. But I can give it to the tourguide given that he will go here on the next trip. My dream ended there.
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phoenixryzing · 8 years
Freshuary Day Nine: Who do you ship Fresh with?
Well that one’s easy- @alainaprana​! 
“Daaaaddy! Daadddyy Fresh!” a little voice called. A cute human in a rainbow shirt, hat, and blue jeans looked up when she heard it. The girl- Alaina- got up from her sewing to see what was wrong. She soon saw a little skeleton in a blue-and-red striped shirt and blue jeans running around the house, calling for his papa. Alaina was concerned at what was troubling her son- Zigzag- but before she could walk over to him, Fresh popped in.
He was dressed in his usual neon outfit- pink shirt, crayola-styled blue-and-purple jacket, and neon sports shorts. Like the rest of them, he had a pair of glasess, but unlike the others they were actually over his eyes.
Fresh quickly walked over to Zig, kneeling down to be at eye-level with him. “Hey broseph, what’s got you in a widdly-wobbly mess, huh?” His voice was soft, despite the cheery words, and Zig just started sniffling when he heard it.
“S-some of the kids at the park... they were.... “ Zig started, but trailed off. 
“Hey little bro, you can tell me. What did they say?”
“They said... that.... I couldn’t be Mom’s kid... cause I was a skeleton... and...” Zig trailed off again, not looking at Fresh anymore, but studying the orange-and-purple carpet. Alaina just watched the scene, wanting to comfort zig but deciding to let Fresh continue to handle it.
Fresh sighed, and placed his hands of Ziggy’s shoulders. “Brah. Listen to me. Folks... they can get some wacked ideas, cause they just don’t know better, you know? They just a bit ignorant. You can’t let those sick ideas bug you. You know they’re not true, right?” He said, his tone changing to be more serious. “You’re my radtastic little son, and sweetheart’s fluffy little boy.” Zig and Alaina blushed a little at that, but Zig then drooped his head some more.
“But... I’m not like you... either of you....” he said quietly.
“Brah, I’m not like anyone. Nor are you. Or Alaina, or Jojo. We’re all different- all got our own special little things, you dig? ‘Sides, that isn’t what makes a family connected.”
“It’s not?” Zig asked, honestly curious. “...Families are supposed to be alike, aren’t they?”
“Dude if all families were alike it’d be pretty boringly monochrome, and that’s totes unfresh. Listen,” he said, gently guiding Zig’s gaze back to him. “What makes us a family ain’t our similarities or differences. It’s our connection, little brah. We’re all here for eahc other, you dig? If you need help, I’m here for ya. If Sweetheart needs help, we’d be there for her, you know? And if jojo gets hurt, you’re always right there, defending her like the rad big bro you are.” Zig nodded slowly, but he didn’t look fully convinced. Fresh continued.
“That’s what makes us a family brah. Not our looks or what creature we are. We’re always there for each other, defending and helping the other, you know? That bond... that love for the other.... that’s what makes us a family. And no matter what no sick unrad kid says, that won’t change. We’ll stay together, and be the raddest family eva. Okay?”
Zigzag slowly nodded, and wiped his eyes. “Ya... ya. We’re always together. One big rad family.” Zig smiled, and started to turn back to his normal hyper self. “Okay then. Thanks daddy Fresh! You’re the coolest dad ‘round,” and with that, he collapsed on Fresh in a huge hug. Fresh just smiled and hugged back.
  “Anytime broseph,” he said, rubbing Zig’s head a little. Zig halfheartedly whined, then pushed himself up.
“Imma go play with sis, okay?” Zig said, starting to run off.
“Kay brah, have fun!” Fresh called after the rapidly-dissappearing Zig. Then he looked over at Alaina. “Hey there sweetheart. Been listenin’?”
Alaina walked out of the hallway and over to Fresh. “I heard Zig yelling and went to check on him. Seems you had it all under control,” she said, smiling. 
Fresh smiled back, then pulled her into a hug. He loved hugs, and Alaina never objected. “Little man just needed some reassurance, ya know? No biggie.”
Alaina looked up a bit and nodded. “Zig’s a strong kid, and we’ll always be here. No sense dwelling on it.”
“Nah, none at all.” Fresh replied. After a minute of hugging, he reluctantly pulled back. “Okay sweetheart, whatcha working on today?”
“Plushies- stocking up for the con next month. You?”
“Nothin’ really. ‘s playing with jojo earlier, but ziggies doin’ that now. Want some help?”
“Hmm...” Alaina said, thinking. “Could you cut out some of the fabric? Then I could focus on sewing.”
“Sure thing sweetheart,” Fresh said, before heading towards the craft room. 
Alaina and Fresh worked on the plushies for an hour or so, before shouts could be heard from the bedroom. Alaina got up to see what was up.
She peeked in the room, and saw Zig and Jojo immersed in a Mario Kart match. They kept the Wii in there for safety’s sake, but the kid’s were pretty careful with it. Right now they laughing and cheering as they finished a race, loud but happy. Alaina told them to quiet down a bit, but seeing them happy made her smile.
The rest of the afternoon, she worked on her various crafts, and Fresh went to working on his comics. Every now and again one of them would get up to check on the kids, or to see what the other was doing. Whenever Fresh went over, he rested his skull on Alaina’s head, making sure not to distract her but still letting her know he was there. They’d occasionally tease each other, in a playful way, but for the most part they concentrated on their work, content to simply be in the room together.
Eventually Fresh left to take care of the kids and do some work on his own. He and the kids made a game of tidying up the house a bit, and Alaina could hear the quiet shouts as they all tried to be “the best sickest raddest cleaners eva”. She had to smile, but mostly she just concentrated on her art, lost in her own little world.
As it got dark, Fresh waltzed back into the craft room, and hugged a very-zoned-out Alaina from behind. He planted a kiss on her startled head, and whispered, “Hey sweetie, it’s getting a bit late. How ‘bout we make somethin’ together? Or would ya rather I grab some food?”
Alaina leaned her head back into him, and looked up and replied, “Making something sounds fun. How about stir-fry? And something sweet for dessert?”
“You’re all the sweetness I need,” Fresh said, kissing her again. Alaina giggled, then Fresh said, “Anything’s good for me sweetie, whichever you like.” 
“Stir-fry then,” Alaina said. They stayed hugging for a minute, before Alaina wiggled out of it and stood up. They walked to the kitchen and started prepping.
Fresh couldn’t taste, but he could prep food really well. He sliced and diced the veggies while Alaina prepped ingredients for cookies, then they swapped and Alaina fried the vegetables while Fresh finished the cookies and set them in the oven. He set the timer for the cookies, and Alaina called to the kids, “Dinner’s almost done!”
Jojo and Zig had been playing some imaginary game, but they broke up and bounded over. They quickly got the table set for dinner, and sat down, waiting eagerly. Fresh and Alaina dished out the food, and sat down themselves. After a moment, they all plowed in.
“Yummy! This is really good!” Zig said.
“Tasty food!” Jojo chimed in.
The parents just smiled and Alaina said, “We make a good team cooking is all.”
“Teach us?” Jojo asked. “Ya, it looks like fun!” Zig added.
Fresh chuckled and said, “Maybe sometime homeslices. ‘Long as everyones careful, kay? Cookin’s fun but ya gotta watch yourself.”
“We know,” the kids said simultaniously, then started chuckling. 
The conversation drifted after that- what everyone did, a funny story someone remembered, a new hobby they had discovered. Everyone smiled and laughed, so much they took forever finishing their food. Fresh got up halfway through and pulled the cookies out of the oven, setting them on a rack to cool.
After dinner, everyone pitched in with cleaning up- the parents packing up the food and starting the dishes, while the kids put everything away. Then came the fun part.
They had made icing earlier, and now pulled out the icing and sprinkles. With a firm reminder to not make too big a mess, everyone got started on decorating the cookies.
Everyone had a particular style. Fresh drowned his cookies in sprinkles- “sprinkles are little rainbow pieces, and the more the radder”-, Zigzag made little patterns on his- “Stripes are so cool!”-, JoJo made hers as colorful as possible- “Look at all the pretty colors!”-, and Alaina did little abstract designs in hers- “It’s a sunflower with a pink scarf, see?”
Everyone laughed and oohed and aahed over the other’s designs, occasionally saying how they looked too good to eat. They got some icing on themselves, but nothing a quick clean-up couldn’t fix. 
After the finished, they just sat back and admired all the colorful cookies. Zig eventually said, “This is what families about, huh? Just hanging out, having fun, and being together.”
“You got it broseph,” Fresh said, smiling. “This is the best yo.”
Eventually they had to get up and clean everything up again, and by then the kids were yawning (and trying to hide it). The parents ushered them to their rooms, the kids halfheartedly protesting. They tucked the kids in, then quietly crept away.
“They’re good kids,” Alaina said quietly, watching them through a crack in the door.
“Well ‘f course they are, they’re ours,” Fresh replied. “’Sides. The amazing one’s you,” he said, pulling Alaina back into another hug.
Alaina hummed a little, and said, “You’re amazing too, hubby. We’e pretty lucky,” she said.
Fresh nodded, and said, “Totally. Now come on- it’s time to go to sleep.” He took Alaina’s hand, and they walked back to their room. One rad day had ended, and there would be many more to come.
Fresh by @loverofpiggies 
Freshuary by @feth
(Kid!)Zigzag, Jojo, and herself by @alainaprana
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