#there was an achilles themed drink at a restaurant i went to a while back
adriles · 2 years
omg please what's the cocktail book
trying to pour wine in libations to the gods , but i just spill it on my nuts.
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joaquinbumblebee24 · 5 years
Onslaught 1/11
Paring: House/Wilson Established
Timeline/Summary:  Alternate timeline  June 2019, A conference and a storm would change the trajectory of House’s life forever. Adventure,  Love,  Autistic!House 
Inspired By: J_Baillier: Where The Streets Has No Name, a Sherlock fanfic
Authors notes
House and Wilson would be of the same age, they would be around 38. Like in the original pitch.
Infarction never happened. Autism is his Achilles heel instead. In this story, House had what you call Hypotonia (low muscle tone.)  He would need a cane for long distances.
The team is Foreman, Cameron, Chase and Hadley.
 I am Filipino, and the place where I would be dropping the boys  is in my father’s hometown, of Liliw  four hours drive from the capital of the country, Manila. Liliw is a third- class municipality in the foot of a mountain called Banahaw. 
I am writing this story, because  I want to practice the descriptive part of  writing. 
11 chapters
Chapter 1
Dr. James Evan Wilson, the head of oncology, of Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, was called to the office of Dr. Lisa Cuddy. “You called?” He said when he popped his head on the door frame.
“I need to talk to you?” Cuddy said, standing up and crossing her arms.  
“I heard,” Wilson said sardonically, sitting down.
She took a deep breath and sat down herself opposite him. “I need you to convince House to go to this conference in the Philippines on infectious Diseases.”
“No, why not asked Nolo or Jacobson from Infectious Disease, they are the best at what they do.”  
“I might not admit it out loud,” said Cuddy, exasperated. “Gregory House is the best infectious Disease specialist in this whole wide world.”She said the last words with a childish tone.
“No,” Wilson rolled his eyes. “You called. you know why it’s not a very good idea to bring him to another country, Cuddy.”
Cuddy frowned. “Why? Because of autism? He seems fine to me..”
Wilson wanted to smack her, she is so dense sometimes. “Cuddy— You don’t understand. He won’t go.”
“Wilson, He needs to go. If he doesn’t go, I’ll fire him.”
“You can’t do that, Cuddy.” When he looked at Cuddy’s face, he didn’t see a bluff.
“You mean, you're serious.”
Cuddy sighed and fished out papers from the desk and handed it to Wilson. ‘The New Jersey Medical Board would revoke his license because he doesn’t go to conferences. Wilson. He needs to go.”
Wilson knew that because of the autism and House’s social anxiety, His spouse literally felt sick while talking to big groups. However, if it would prevent him from being fired, then he would convince him to go. “Please talk to them, Lisa. Please bumped his schedule speeches to the first day.”
“Deal,” Cuddy said.
Wilson sighed, “Now the hard part.” Wilson muttered under his breath. He stood up and left.
House was at his office when Wilson passed just before lunchtime. The diagnostician was playing with his ball, tossing it back and forth. Wilson examined his face for a couple of moments, he looked peaceful. The case was going fine, or as fine as an undiagnosed patient was. “Greg?” Wilson said, and the ball stopped.  
“Uh… Sorry, bit distracted.” House sighed. “How can I help you?” He said, though he couldn’t understand sarcasm, he used it well.
“You need to eat,” Wilson said. He knew that House didn’t eat until forced to. His executive function was nonexistent; his self-preservation gone.  
“Yes, It's lunchtime.” He stood up and walked toward the door. “I want to go to lunch elsewhere.”
“McDonald’s?”House nodded. There was a Mcdonald's outside the hospital, which they often frequented,
They walked from the elevator; and thru the main door. As soon as House ventured to the busy restaurant, it became overwhelming for him. He almost put his hand in his ear. He had forgotten to bring his noise-canceling headphones from the hospital.
The urge for him to flee the area kicked in. “This isn’t very beneficial," House said, Meanwhile, his spouse was ordering their food. House hummed the theme from Star Wars while drumming his fingers on his crossed arm. He was stimming.
A five-year-old boy approached House. “Your weird; what is wrong with you?” The mother chastised the young boy when House’s humming became louder as if he was reaffirming his belief that there was nothing wrong with him.
Beside him, Wilson noticed and paid House no mine. Because he needed to do those things sometimes, hence the ‘thinking ball.’ He finished paying for what they ordered.
House led Wilson out away from the noise of the fast-food joint; luckily for him, there was a small courtyard outside. “Is there something you want to talk to me about?”
“Why would you say that?” Wilson asked. He shouldn’t be surprised, but he was.
House sighed. “You only go to lunch when you want to ask me something or to talk other important reason.” He said picking up a chicken nugget and putting it in his mouth.  
Wilson sighed as well, looking at House. “Lisa called up to her office, and we have…. A chat…”
Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, House said; “I did nothing wrong.” He splayed his hands up in surrender.
“Greg, Your license is due for renewal this year, and you hadn’t gone to a single medical conference….”
House’s breathing picked up. He started to hum and rock back and forth. He was remembering a past that stayed hidden in his life except for Wilson. Growing up with a marine fighter pilot father, every time they would leave one country for another, the change of time zone and weather would be hell on him. As an adult, House hated routine. However, he hated to be apart from his piano, guitars, and his motorbike for even a couple of hours.
“Hey? Greg?” Wilson said, circling the table to come to him. He knew that House loved deep-pressured hugs. “Are you alright?”
House scolds his face to an inscrutable mask. “I am fine. where is it?” The tremble of his hand bellied his panic.
“In the Philippines, I have no details yet, Greg.”
“Okay, I can’t let Father win. If I didn't do this the medical board would revoke my license, right?”
Wilson nodded. “You need to eat more, You just ate a chicken nugget.” Then House’s pager went off. “Who is that?”
“Chase,” House said, moving towards the street.“Tell, Cuddy I want to go there.”
Wilson smiled, but the lingering thoughts were still in his head.
*** Wilson followed his partner out to the hospital. But He went to Cuddy’s office. It was good that she didn’t have a visitor. “Lisa,” Wilson said. “When and where is this conference on?”
“You chat with him. Seat down, James.” Wilson sat down opposite Cuddy’s chair.
Wilson nodded. “Yeah, I want to put on the record; that Greg was on the verge of a panic attack earlier,” Wilson said.
“Yes, You can’t protect him from the world,” Cuddy said sardonically.
Wilson glared at her. “You have no idea how much he'd worked to be ‘normal,’ do you? Cuddy didn’t reply, instead, she handed him an envelope. Wilson opened it. He read the information; it would be for four days in July. However, House needed to acclimatized to his surroundings. “We need to be there a week or two before the conference.”
“James?” Cuddy said, with an angry frown. “You’re not coming.”
“But Why?” Wilson stood up; and began pacing. “Lisa, You know him. He doesn't eat on time. How can I just sent him on a plane; and just hoped that he ate? He has autism.”
Cuddy wanted to argue more with Wilson. However, She knew not to. House’s functioning level is that of a 12-year-old boy. He may be a genius in Music, Medicine, and Motorsports, but in many ways, he was still a child. “Okay, you will be on vacation leave.”
“Fine. Get us first-class seats.”
“Already did, for him. I’ll get you one.”
“Thank you, Lisa.”
House was home late, he’d driven his motorbike in to work; It wasn't advisable, because of his issues with inattention associated with the ASD. He could drive for heaven's sake!!. This morning Jimmy informed him that they would be going to the Philippines for a conference, at first he was angry because this was being forced on him; however, He loved the Philippines, being back there with Wilson; it would be a bonus.
His family lived in the country for almost five years, the longest time they had, from when he was nine years old until he was fourteen. They had lived in a base, but because it wasn’t a war zone, he and his mother could go to civilian zones, where he met locals.
House entered their bedroom, he knew that Wilson was already asleep in his side of the bed. He could wake him if he wanted to. He decided not to, they had a tiring day. House sat on the bed, the bed dipped, Jimmy stirred. “Go back to bed.”
Wilson woke up fully. “Greg, What time is it?”
“Eleven. Maybe eleven-thirty.”
“What time did you get home?” Wilson asked, turning on the light.
House rolled his eyes. “I can ride perfectly fine, thank you very much.”
Wilson knew not to dignify that quip. “You eat already?”
“No, nothing since three, I am busy, finishing up the Johnston case.”
“Greg,” Wilson said, swinging his legs up. “You need to eat. I’ll make you something, Burrito?”
House nodded his head. They headed to the kitchen, where Wilson made House dinner. Deciding against drinking coffee, Wilson made a glass of milk instead.
“Still have a beer?”
“We have apple cider.” House nodded, he ate in silence.
Wilson watched him eat. Remembering the conversation with Cuddy earlier, how could she suggest that House can manage the four days; House didn’t eat; if he could help it. He needed to have a reminder constantly to eat or to go drink. One time he had left for a conference, he got home to the apartment a mess. House was spinning on the desk chair. When he approached House, his partner looked annoyed. House hadn’t eaten in two days. Wilson vowed to not leave House alone overnight.
“Jimmy? You okay?” House asked, looking at him thoughtfully.
Wilson nodded. “I have an annoying chat with Cuddy,” He needed tread very carefully here. “I want to accompany you in the Philippines. She said no for some reason.” Wilson didn’t elaborate on what Cuddy told him.
House’s breathing picked up a bit. Wilson hugged him; and kissed him from behind. “Bedroom, now,” House told Wilson, they walked to the bedroom arm over shoulders.
End of chapter 1
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